The apparent discord between the Armenian and Californian branches of the ARF may be yet another example of how president Serj Sargsyan's diplomatic maneuvering has weakened and discredited Armenia's political opposition. President Sargsyan has also recently managed to outmaneuver and defang Levon Petrosian's gang of criminals and mercenaries by a series of measures. Nevertheless, I truly hope that at least some in the leadership of the ARF are indeed coming to their good senses because the party, at least on paper, holds a lot of potential for Armenia. But knowing how irrational Armenians can be when it comes to politics (and knowing the Cold War era mentalities prevailing within the ranks of the ARF), I'm not holding by breath.
As a matter of fact, the ARF's Western branch in America is actually preparing to boycott president Serj Sargsyan's upcoming visit to the United States.
Instead of attempting to engage Armenia's ruling administration with direct negotiations as any normal truly concerned political party would do - as even Levonakans have done recently - a significant portion of the ARF today is willingly disengaging itself from Armenian politics, thereby further marginalizing itself. At a time when the Armenian nation needs to present a cohesive united front against its numerous enemies, the ARF is not fully there. At a time when Armenia's internal matters need to be discussed by all segments of Armenian society, the ARF refuses to talk. Why are they acting so indignant? Last I checked, Artsakh seemed fully intact. The Armenian Genocide recognition pursuit continues. The dreaded "protocols" have been all but forgotten. President Sargsyan has even opened the door (albeit rhetorically) to liberating Western Armenia... So, what's the ARF's problem now?
This party irrationality and destructive behavior can only be explained by simply admitting that outsiders have been ruining our party. But the ARF isn't the only thing that caught my attention this week.
World famous American-Armenian singer of SOAD was in Armenia recently. Serj Tankian was there to perform a benefit concert for the official opening of a promising new center for technology in Yerevan known as Tumo ( Tankian was also given the honor of meeting with the Armenian president. During his brief visitation, Tankian did and said a lot and for what it was worth, his personal take on the overall situation in Armenia was generally speaking positive... yet CIA operatives working at the Armenian desk of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), their lackeys working in the American-Armenian news press and the Washingtonian "think tank" in Yerevan known as Civilitas - primarily saw Tankian calling for an end to "corruption" in Armenia.
End to corruption!!!
It's that term again.
Well, I would now like to share with you some of my extended thoughts regarding this matter because the issue at hand is much larger than the ARF and Serj Tankian put together. As a matter of fact, the issue in Armenia today is much larger than "corruption" in Armenia.
Foremost, calling for an "end to corruption" is almost like calling for the sun to stop rising in the east. As long as humans inhabit the world, there will be corruption on earth. What is corruption? Primarily - bribery, bid fraud, electoral fraud, organized crime, cronyism, nepotism, patronage, collusion, embezzlement, price manipulation and general lawbreaking. And if a nation has laws curbing monopolistic activities, we can also throw capitalism onto the list of corruption.
Now that we know what corruption is... we now simply need to better understand what an Armenian is.
Here is something for the reader to ponder:
As long as Armenians remain overly ambitious, tribal (clan oriented), shrewd, arrogant and self-centered, corruption in Armenia will never be remedied. In fact, much of the national traits we Armenians take pride in today actually serves to cultivate the culture of corruption in Armenia. Yes folks, no matter how you look at it, corruption is cultural as it is natural and governments are an accurate reflection of the society they rule over.
Looking at Greeks and Armenians on the one hand and looking at Germans and Japanese on the other hand will tell us a lot about national traits and the role culture plays in any given society. But I don't think Armenians are yet ready to comprehend or accept any of this. Nevertheless, the point is, corruption cannot be eliminated, especially in a nation populated by fiercely independent and overly ambitious people. At best, corruption can only be somewhat managed.
But I wouldn't want to unduly come down on Armenians.
Corruption in certain parts of the Western world is much more severe than in Armenia. The fundamental difference is that in the Western world much of the corruption manifests itself in the form of governmental legislation and a lot of it occurs away from the public's view. Corruption in the Western world is reserved for high-level officials, governmental agencies, Wall Street firms, financial institutions, industrialists, multi-national corporations, the press, energy industry, the military, arms industry, pharmaceuticals industry, Zionist entities... to name only a few.
In other words, corruption in the West is simply not for the little guy!
The acquired wealth in the United States for instance is so immense that much of the severe financial and governmental corruption that goes on in the country gets for the most part unnoticed by much of the general public. The acquired wealth in the Western world is so immense that the crumbs that fall off the banquet tables of the Western elite - the 10% percent that owns 90% of the wealth - is enough for the masses of the Western world to live comfortable middle-class lives.
In stark contrast, corruption in Armenia is petty and primitive - everybody, including their grandmothers do it - and a lot of it is in the public view. Moreover, when an embattled nation stuck in a terrible geopolitical region is small geographically and demographically, and poor in resources, any form of corruption, regardless of degree, will immediately have an adverse impact on the general public.
Anyway, discussing "corruption" is not where I want to go with this commentary because I want to address the psychological operations (psy-ops) being waged against the Armenian spirit.
As a concerned Armenian, Serj Tankian had the birthright to speak up against the culture of corruption in Armenia as well as the importance of properly protecting Armenia's fragile ecology; and I'm very glad he did.
But Tankian also spoke against genetically modified foods. Unknown to the general public, Washingtonian entities such as one of the world's most corrupt organizations, the USAID, have been pushing GMOs on developing nations for many years. Well, how about RFE/RL and their Armenian minions titling their articles - "Armenian rocker wants US to stop exporting genetically modified foods to Armenia." Serj Tankian also said that Armenia has done “pretty well” since gaining independence two decades ago. How about RFE/RL and their Armenian minions titling their articles - "Armenian rocker says despite its many problems Armenia has in fact fared pretty well." Serj Tankian also made an overly simplistic/naive comment about the negatives of business and politics being in the same seat in Armenia, calling it an orgy. How about RFE/RL and their Armenian minions titling their articles - "Armenian rocker foolishly thinks business and politics can ever be separate - anywhere, especially in the West." Serj Tankian also seemed very impressed by the recently opened Tumo center in Yerevan which he described as "an incredible non-profit high-tech venture that brings technical training on animation, web design, film making, etc.. to the youth in Armenia." How about RFE/RL and their Armenian minions titling their articles - "Armenian rocker rocked by Tumo!"
Since the above alternatives more closely reflect the truth about Tankian's visit to Armenia, it has no propaganda/psychological operations warfare value for RFE/RL officials and their many Armenian whores throughout Armenian society. As a result, none of the alternatives in question would have gotten passed the editor's desk at "Radio Liberty".
I guess I wouldn't be able to land a job with them anytime soon. Nevertheless, what I have in effect done here is to reveal how one can easily spin, manipulate or exploit any given situation towards any self-serving purpose.
In fact, political spin is not difficult.
It's actually very easy to manipulate facts and, by extension, people. The difficult part in any strategic propaganda campaign is to first convince the targeted sheeple that the propagandist actually "cares" about them. Once a government or a political entity manages to do exactly that, then everything else becomes much easier for them. Needless to say, since the middle of the twentieth century, since the rise of Nazi Germany and Communism to be exact, fooling the global population into going along with their self-serving political agendas is exactly what Western officials have managed to do. Criminals of the Western alliance have in effect convinced the global community that they are indeed the beacons of freedom and the pillars of democracy and that their lifestyles, their money, their liberty, their multiculturalism, their secularism, their politics, their "pop culture", as well as their language is something that should be emulated and worshiped throughout the world.
Think of it this way:
If we the people of the world want to dress like them, if we want to dance like them, if we want to sing like them, if we want to eat their foods, if we want to purchase their products, if we want to trade in their currency, if we speak their language... then how will we ever think of them as our enemies!?
In fact, recreating the world to their liking is what Globalism is all about and we the people are helping them do it! Therefore, forget their massive nuclear arsenal, their aircraft carriers, their satellite guided bombs, their impenetrable tanks, their invisible stealth fighters, their cruise missiles... their real power rests in the financial and cultural hold they have over the globe.
Through flashy Hollywood movies, pop music, an entire gamut of Non-Governmental Organizations, gay activists, the International Monetary Fund, militant feminists, McDonald's, Wall Street executives, Coca-Cola, CNN, BBC, the almighty Dollar, religious cults, blue jeans, USAID and the catalyst upon which all of the aforementioned travel upon, the English language, they have managed to invade and/or subvert virtually every nation on earth. In virtually all cases the targeted population is totally unaware of this invasion. And when these unconventional weapons-of-mass-destruction fails to enslave a targeted nation, they simply resort to using their vast arsenal of modern conventional weaponry.
Disclaimer: I don't want the reader to confuse western/European culture with the political West or the Western alliance. From the time of the renaissance to the age of enlightenment, European civilization, western culture, has been the very heart and soul of modernity and human civilization. What the political West has been promoting around the world in recent decades has nothing to do with traditional/classical western civilization. What's being spread worldwide is a perversion known as Globalism and American "pop" culture. In fact, the political West is destroying western civilization. Whereas ideological movements of the past directly appealed to the human intellect, what the West represents today appeals only to the simplest folk and to those living on the fringes of human society. Activists that promote Western agendas in their nations tend to be derived from the lowest or the strangest strata within their societies. Simply put, the political West appeals to the animalistic nature found in mankind. Thus, their target is always the ignorant, materialistic and often self-destructive masses of the world. This is why they try to impose the nonsensical notion of democracy, the rule of the ignorant masses, onto targeted nations with the intention of undermining them.Because of our materialism, because of our self-hate, because of the absence of God in our lives, because of our political ignorance and because of our general indifference towards the world we live in, we the people of the world have in fact enabled them to become the monsters that they are today. In our pursuit of material gains and self-gratification, we have willingly enslaved ourselves to neo-imperialists.
And we are all paying the price today because the politically imposed belief system of the political West known as Globalism (a modern form of Bolshevism in many respects) has made the traditional family all but disappear in the western world; it has destroyed the economies of countless nations around the world; it has bankrupted the United States; it has bankrupted Europe; it has enslaved hundreds of millions in the developing world; it has killed hundreds of thousands in the Middle East, Central Asia and South America; it has turned nationalism into a bad word and it has turned Christianity, in particular apostolic Christianity, into something that needs to be attacked, feared or mocked.
Without God, country and family, we are all nothing but animals. And as animals is how Globalist criminals of the Western alliance are treating the humanity today.
Now, getting closer to home.
What Western psychological operations such as RFE/RL and their Armenian minions are engaging in is anti-Armenia propaganda and their political agenda is very clear to those that understand the destructive agenda of the Western alliance. It concerns me that their political exploitation/manipulation/spin is not being noticed by many Armenians today. As a matter of fact, not only is their political propaganda not noticed by the general public but as a result of their constant psyops against Armenia the terms "corruption" and "Armenia" are now registered as interconnected deep within the public's subconscious.
It's gotten to such an alarming point that the very word "Armenia" is now synonymous with "corruption" and "oppressive regime" for many if not most American-Armenians. In final analysis, that result, the conditioning of the sheeple's minds and breaking the Armenian spirit is what their campaign has been all about.
There is another troubling aspect to all this.
The RFE/RL produced article about Tankian's visit to Armenia was proudly reproduced in Asbarez (an ARF publication based in California) and in the Armenian Mirror Spectator (yet another Washingtonian mouthpiece in the American-Armenian community). This isn't anything new because the American-Armenian press has been using RFE/RL produced disinformation and anti-Armenian psyops for many years. My criticism here, however, is aimed primarily towards ARF's Asbarez for the simple reason that they are self-proclaimed Armenian patriots. If they are Armenian patriots, why cant staffers at Asbarez use genuine Armenian sources for its news about Armenia? Why is Asbarez using a media source founded by the CIA? Why is Asbarez in the business of regularly featuring negative stories about Armenia and ignoring the positive developments there? The answer to these questions are obvious for those of us who know who and what runs the ARF hierarchy.
The intellectual poverty, psychological imbalance and political irrationality of many American-Armenians today was fully expressed recently by the well known Cold War relic - Edmond Azadian of the Armenian Mirror Spectator. In one recent article he authored, Azadian used objectivity and rational reasoning to defend the Armenian church against organized attacks it has been subjected to lately. But in another recent article, he resorted to viciously attacking the Armenian state, going as far as calling for the need to "kill" those officials suspected of being Armenia's "enemies within".
Really?! Kill?! Had this Azadian character used such threatening public rhetoric against American officials in the land of the free and home of the brave, Homeland Security Agents agents would have escorted him directly to an undisclosed interrogation room... and water-boarded his old ass! Please see Edmond Azadian's articles at the bottom of this page. For additional perspective on the typical American-Armenian psyche these days, I have posted a piece by Azadian on Russian-Armenian relations as well.
Another vicious anti-Armenia campaigner making noise recently in the United States is Ara Manoogian. Ara Manoogian is the representative of the so-called Shahan Natalie Family Foundation. He is also an ANCA member and a "Senior Fellow" at Policy Forum Armenia, yet another Washington-based group that engages in anti-Armenia disinformation and psy-ops. Ara Manoogian has written an impressive biography about himself; as all of these creeps do to impressed the unsuspecting sheeple. Read it, but don’t allow his lofty rhetoric or perceived benevolence fool any of you. He spends a significant portion of his public time essentially calling for the overthrow of the Armenian government. He has also recently prepared a lengthy essay in which he passionately argues against donating money to the United Armenia Fund.
Ara Manoogian character is clearly one of the sworn enemies of the Armenian state. The following are his websites and the essay in question:
The Truth Must be Told:
Martuni or Bust:
Shahan Natalie Family Foundation:
White Paper on “Hayastan” All-Armenian Fund:
Where do these types of vermin crawl out of?
Well, most of the traitors and mercenaries posing as professors, historians, journalists, political experts or humanitarian activists on television these days get their primary training within various prestigious US universities. Many of them are imported into the United States on scholarships. After graduating, they enter various prestigious Washingtonian institutions where they are trained further by experienced "experts" in their respective fields.
This is how these low-lives become the well-dressed and well-spoken mercenaries we see on CNN. It's basically a large network of well paid whores from around the world. But that's not all. There are also many Washingtonian funds that encourage the establishment of politically driven or inspired Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO). Even the name NGO is disinformation. Generally speaking, American NGOs are as non-governmental as the Federal Reserve is federal. Many NGOs, if not most, are in fact connected to or exploited by the Western world's vast political establishment centered in Washington. There are well-funded NGOs today for virtually anything and everything under the sun. There also are so-called political "think tanks" that play the role of adviser and/or analyst in targeted nations. Simply put, what we have is a very well organized, highly interconnected and well funded system/network that is meant to project the political agendas of the Western alliance into targeted nations.
These organizations often look very innocent or even quite benevolent on the outside but the reality is that many of them play subversive roles around the world. We have seen enough of them in places like Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa, South America, Central Asia and the Far East to know how they operate. We are currently seeing them at their bloody worst in places like Libya, Syria and Iran. Again, if the day ever comes, it will be these creepy Ara Manoogian types in our communities that will be excusing, explaining and/or encouraging Western aggression against Armenia.
But this begs the question:
Are these "rights advocates", "political activists" and "community leaders" just plain stupid or are they simply carrying out orders from Washington?
I’d hate to think that Armenians knowingly work against their homeland. That is why I'd much rather believe that those amongst us that work for Western political interests in Armenia simply do so because they foolishly think they are doing good for the young republic by promoting a Western political agenda for it. Suffering from hypnosis and ignorance, many of these Democracy Now(!) idiots do not realize that they are actually promoting a destructive political agenda.
Sometimes it's a distinct psychological/emotional disorder that brings these types of people into Washington's service and sometimes it's the money and the fringe benefits (such as traveling opportunities and Ivy League schools for their children). Sometimes what draws these types of people to Washington's lap is the overall prestige, the feeling of power, that comes along with serving a global empire. Regardless of the reason, however, these men (and women) convince themselves that by serving the devil they are doing something good for themselves and their homeland. In final analysis, however, it does not matter to me whether they do what they do wittingly or unwittingly because the end result of what they do serves to undermine and threaten the fledgling Armenian state. Seeing that many of the Western alliance's Armenian agents are derived from the Armenian diaspora, the American-Armenian community in particular, I must say that the Armenian diaspora is fast becoming a serious liability and a strategic risk for Armenia.
Their information war against Armenia has been relentless.
Armenians are being gradually worn down psychologically through negative media coverage. It's a multi-pronged attack. The Armenian state is being attacked; the Armenian military is being attacked; Armenia's alliance with Russia is being attacked; even the Armenian church is now not spared. Make no mistake about it, this is a form of warfare. Since they are unable to bomb Armenian cities like they do elsewhere (only due to the strong Russian presence in Armenia), they are bombarding Armenian sensibilities instead.
The hopelessness and despair found within Armenia today is not a result of the nation's gluttonous businessmen or its corrupt officials since all nations on God's earth have them and most of them have it much worst than Armenia. The sociopolitical panic is instead being created by the ubiquitous and relentless media attacks against Armenia by the controlled news press in the West and Washington's numerous lackeys within Armenian society. This situation has seriously infected the general population in Armenia so much so that most Armenians today look at developments in Armenia through a negative prism provided by the nation's so-called opposition and Washington's powerful psychological warfare operations. See the following blog entry for additional information -
Washington's media blitz against Armenia:
Anyway, getting back to Serj Tankian. Although it's amusing that people are actually eager to hear what a mere rocker thinks about politics and the world, I, nevertheless, do agree with Tankian's comments - with some reservations of course.
Foremost, all Armenians, including our world-famous Tankian, need to fully comprehend that there is a Washington-based information campaign against Armenia. In military circles, such a campaign would immediately be recognized as psychological warfare operations or psyops. Alarmingly, various different elements within Armenian society are participating in it either for their self-serving interests or simply because they are in fact funded by Washington. As a result of all this, a significant portion of the Armenian people today are psychologically sick. They are deeply infected by the campaign. Armenians today are only able to see Armenia in negative terms. Since all they hear and read about is negative news, they can no longer register positive news in their troubled heads.
For a lot of these people - if Armenia is hell, then any place outside Armenia simply must be paradise.
But please don't misunderstand me. I am not whitewashing or making excuses for the truly bad things that occur in the homeland. Yes, things are bad in the country! Yes, there is corruption there! Yes, there is unemployment! Yes, there is inequality! Yes, there is a stagnant economy! Yes, there is general dissatisfaction! Yes, let's discuss Armenia's problems. Let's protest against Armenia's monopolists. Let's fight for a better society there... But let's also not constantly feed on the poison being provided to us by our enemies and in doing so blow the real situation in Armenia out of proportion.
As bad as it seems, the problems we have today are quite natural for the poor, landlocked and blockaded fledgling nation in the Caucasus. And, relatively speaking, things aren't that bad. As a matter of fact, things in Armenia should have been-could have been much worst. But they are not thanks to Armenian resilience.
Let's just stop comparing our fledgling nation in the Caucasus with the best in the develop world and realize that most nations of the world today (whether Armenians believe it or not, even Georgia!) are in worst shape than Armenia. But whereas other people jealously protect the honor of their nation, way too many Armenians today revel in spreading poison about Armenia. Again, it's the infection, the psychological ailment I referred to above. And all this negativity, the destructive criticism, the poisonous attitudes, the cynicism, the tribalism, the vicious gossip and the political ignorance are only working towards making things worst in the country. It's a vicious circle Armenians are blindly participating in.
Although there are a lot of problems in the homeland, there is a lot more good. Despite the very bad geopolitical neighborhood, despite the double blockade, despite its problems with Georgia, despite the specter of war threatening Iran, despite the constant state-of-war in Artsakh, despite the nation's tiny consumer market, despite its undereducated and inexperienced citizenry, despite the utter destruction of Levon Petrosian years, despite its destructive opposition, despite its negligent diaspora, despite its abundance of gluttonous businessmen and corrupt politicians, despite its severe lack of natural resources.
Despite all its problems - Armenia today is actually doing quite well.
In fact, despite all the nasty stuff I outlined above, Armenia is one of the world’s most stable and most crime free nations.
Against all odds and obstacles, both foreign and domestic, Armenia is gradually moving forward under the very capable leadership of president Serj Sargsyan. With Moscow protecting its back militarily, Armenia is gradually becoming a major political player in the region. And with a new mayor in city hall, Yerevan has simply not been this clean, this orderly and their pretty since the nation's independence some twenty years ago. Looking at the progress in Yerevan, some of our hopeless pessimists say - "That progress is only in Yerevan. What about the rest of the country?" Well, development has to start somewhere and such things normally start in nations' capitols. Besides, for all intents and purposes, Yerevan is about 1/3 the country and it has only been in recent years that has Armenia begun to develop.
All-in-all, I'd say what we have in Armenia today is a pretty good start for an embattled nation stuck in a deeply troubled region of the world.
While I do see progress and hope in Armenia, I do not have unrealistic expectations or illusions. The economic situation of the small, poor, blockaded and landlocked republic stuck in perhaps the worst geopolitical environment in the world will be a tough one to properly remedy. Our neighbors are not the French or the Germans. Heck, we don't even have Russians as neighbors. Our neighbors are Turks, Kurds, Iranians, Azeris and, the worst of the bunch, Georgians. Let's face it, in final analysis, it's Hayk Nahapet's fault as well as the fault of every single Armenian monarch that did not have the foresight to expand Armenia's borders to the sea. Armenia's economy will not reach its full potential even if Armenia's "oligarchs" miraculously transformed into pretty angels overnight simply because Armenia is a victim of its geographic location.
As with all normal nations, Armenia will have growing pains. Due to Armenia's many predicaments, this growing pain may be severe at times. But there are measures being implemented that will help the nation's economy benefit from the large Russian market. Closer integration to the Russian market can fix a lot of Armenia's economic woes especially after Georgia gets fixed and Artsakh gets settled. Having said that, as long as Armenia remains landlocked, as long as Armenia does not share a common border with Russia, Armenia will struggle to survive.
Echoing president Sargsyan's wise words, I'd like to say that the current generation gained Armenia's independence and went on to liberated a significant portion of historic Armenia. The remaining occupied portions of our historic and geostrategically vital homelands in Georgia and Turkey needs to be liberated by future generations. But the planning for this can start today.
Regarding our president, even some political oppositionists are now admitting that president Serj Sargsyan's administration has been a marked improvement over previous two administrations in Armenia. That folks is what I call - progress!
But our history teaches us that good Armenian leaders were never truly appreciated by the Armenian people. Seeing first-hand the utter irrationality, selfishness and political illiteracy of many Armenians these days, I have no reason to believe that the situation would be any different today or in the near future. As a result, I really don’t expect Armenians to wake-up from their blinding political ignorance and free themselves from their overpowering egos any time soon to partake in true nation-building. Sadly, as it has been in the past, the task of nation building in Armenia will be left to a very small number of clear-thinking and selfless individuals, its Golden-Core as I call it, and for obvious geopolitical reasons nation building in Armenia will also be entrusted to Moscow.
Constant attacks against the fledgling state... constant attacks against the embattled nation's military... constant attacks against the newly revived national church... This all may be masterminded by Washington but as noted above the operation in question is for the most part being carried out by Armenians. As in times past, Armenians are yet again trying to dismantle the Armenian state one brick at a time.
It would have been nice to see our big-talking-under-performing diaspora take Armenia under its wing, but the last twenty years has taught me not to place any hope in the diaspora. I'm an not talking about a superhuman effort such as raising a million man diasporan army. Nor am I talking about large numbers of diasporans repatriating to the homeland. Nor am I talking about diasporans donating large amounts of money to the homeland. I'm simply talking about diasporans establishing or maintaining a physical connection to the Armenian homeland. Even if only ten percent of the Armenian diasapora spent their vacations exclusively in Armenia, Armenia would revert back into being the paradise it was during biblical times. But our "proud" diasporans would much rather spend their vacations in places like Hawaii, Cancun, Bahamas, Paris, Beirut or - Istanbul!!!
It would also have been nice see some constructive criticism and positive or objective outlooks from our people for a change, but most of our self-destructive peasantry today would much rather engage in vicious gossip, fear-mongering and predicting doom and gloom. Instead of trying to be productive and proactive in their nation, many of our nation's citizens would much rather recite the Armenian republic's new slogan - Õ¥Ö€Õ¯Õ«Ö€Õ¨ Õ¥Ö€Õ¯Õ«Ö€ Õ¹Õ« - and they seek greener pastures to graze upon. With all this negativity, with all this vicious gossip, with all this poison... no wonder Armenians are no longer able to see hope in the country. But if Russians, Palestinians, Lebanese, Israelis, Serbians, Turks, Kurds or Iranians can see hope in their country and fight to stay in their countries - so can Armenians.
The bottom line is this: Armenia needs political evolution - not a Western funded or inspired revolution! We know what the political West really wants in the Caucasus (hint: it ain't freedom, democracy or gay rights). Today, we have the luxury of experiencing first-hand the true character of the political West. We have seen Washington and friends operate in places like Nicaragua, El Salvador, Cuba, Vietnam, Venezuela, Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine, Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Libya, Syria... We simply don't need their bloodletting to happen in Armenia. Being politically stupid during the Cold War was in a way excusable simply because there seemed to be a greater threat on the other side of the Iron Curtain. Being politically stupid today, however, in this age of egregious Western crimes against humanity, is totally inexcusable.
When Armenians decide to open their eyes they will see that the social and political evolution I speak of has already begun in the homeland, albeit slowly. But we all know that Rome wasn't built in a single day, so wasn't the United States for that matter. When it comes to matters concerning Armenia, Armenians need to be socially and politically proactive, Armenians need to be objective, Armenians need to learn selflessness, Armenians need to be farsighted, Armenians need to engage in constructive criticism, Armenians need to seek ways to work with the current government and not against it, Armenians need to be positive and, more importantly, Armenians need to be patient.
August, 2011
Dashnaktsutyun’s organization in the western U.S. announced late on Thursday that its representatives will not take part in the celebration, in protest against Sarkisian’s track record in office. It said his presence there will “cast a shadow on the idea of independence and denigrate the struggle of our people for the restoration of justice.” In an unusually strongly worded statement issued late on Thursday, the pan-Armenian party’s chapter described the Armenian president as a “discredited” individual who “tramples democracy and democratic values underfoot” in order to ensure “the reproduction of the criminal regime.”
The statement went on to accuse the Sarkisian government, of which Dashnaktsutyun was a part until April 2009, of committing “blatant human rights violations,” controlling the judiciary and sponsoring “oligarchs that continue to relentlessly plunder our people” in Armenia. It also condemned the government’s conciliatory policies towards Azerbaijan and Turkey. Dashnaktsutyun’s supreme decision-making body based in Yerevan, the Bureau, made clear the next day that it disapproves of the boycott.
“Obviously, there are numerous unsolved problems accumulated in the Republic of Armenia,” Giro Manoyan, the Bureau’s foreign and pan-Armenian affairs spokesman, said in written comments to media. “But the 20-year [independence] anniversary testifies to our common victory and achievements.”
“We have no right to be guided by personalized relationships and emotional steps in this kind of events,” Manoyan said. “Instead, we must use this occasion to express our unity and consolidation with such events, while remaining faithful to our principles.”
Manoyan did not clarify whether the Bureau agrees with the harsh assessment of Sarkisian made by one of the party’s most important Diaspora branches. Dashnaktsutyun leaders in Armenia have been more cautious in criticizing the current authorities in Yerevan.
The verbal attacks from the Armenian-American political structure are more in tune with characterizations of Sarkisian regularly made by the Armenian National Congress (HAK), a more radical opposition force at odds with Dashnaktsutyun. They are the clearest indication yet that some Dashnaktsutyun structures and individual members disagree with the party leadership’s cautious stance.
Opening a Dashnaktsutyun congress in Yerevan in late June, Hrant Markarian, the de facto head of the Bureau, called for a “systemic regime change” in Armenia but avoided personal attacks on Sarkisian. He made clear that Dashnaktsutyun will not seek to topple the president with sustained street demonstrations and other radical actions. A declaration adopted by the congress likewise stopped short of demanding Sarkisian’s resignation. Dashnaktsutyun quit Armenia’s governing coalition in 2009 in protest against Sarkisian’s controversial policy of rapprochement with Turkey, rather than his human rights or socioeconomic records.
The nationalist party had joined the coalition after recognizing Sarkisian’s hotly disputed victory in the February 2008 presidential election and essentially endorsing the deadly suppression of post-election demonstrations organized by HAK leader Levon Ter-Petrosian. The crackdown was ordered by Sarkisian’s predecessor Robert Kocharian, whom Dashnaktsutyun supported throughout is decade-long rule.
Ter-Petrosian and his associates accuse Dashnaktsutyun of continuing to maintain close ties with Sarkisian. The Dashnaktsutyun leadership dismisses these claims, saying that the HAK itself exposed its readiness to cut secret deals with the Armenian authorities when it embarked on a dialogue with them last month.
The Independence Day cannot be a reason to honor a disreputable president `thanks to' whose policy independent Armenia is getting bogged deeper and deeper for the sake of the reproduction of the regime. Gross violations of human rights, lack of justice and independence of the judicial system and an unhealthy climate have annihilated the belief of the Armenian people in justice and independence. The oligarchs who have taken in their hands the economic system based on monopolies and the leverages of the parliament and government continue to oppress people. The level of social injustice and poverty cause the citizens of Armenia to emigrate, seeking their future elsewhere,' the statement runs.
We cannot honor a president who surrendered in the issue of Artsakh and announced ready to hand over the territories set down in the NKR Constitution. We cannot honor a president who has led Armenia along the humiliating and defeatist path for normalization of relations with Turkey, the ARF-D CC of West America announced. Hence, the CC declared to boycott the reception `in honor of Serzh Sargsyan'.
Clearly you are misinformed about who I am. We should talk.
ReplyDeleteI don't talk to smut peddlers.
ReplyDeleteThis posting was once again brought to my attention by someone we read past the first few paragraphs, thus I found your response to my offer to meet.
ReplyDeleteFrom your comment, you seem to fear to meet and reveille who you are. And by hiding your true identity, you bring into question your own credibility and motives to spread misinformation.
I don't talk to garbage collectors.
ReplyDeleteThank you for clarifying your position and level of maturity. I would hope it will help the reader to better understand that what you have written for the most part should not be taken seriously.
ReplyDeleteI don't entertain lowlifes. Please get lost.
ReplyDeleteJust a small succes story in Armenia, which shows the potential that exists in our nation... just a few years ago, Armenia lacked behind all South-Caucasus states regarding the telecommunications sector and the internet. After the liberalization, numerous telephone companies and internet providers were established in Armenia, and together with local (educated) Armenians, they have even won international awards on many occasions. The telecommunication sector is even more modern and developed than that of most European countries today.
ReplyDeleteEven though the cable that links Armenia to the worldwide web goes through Georgia, for which we have to pay(!), internet acces has exploded in Armenia and prices are even more affordable than that of our neighbors (and yes, even more affordable than that of the "democratic" country which is called Georgia where no "monopolies" exist, although almost all major companies and industries are owned by friends of Saakashvili, including the telecommunications sector), which is quite amazing.
Nevertheless, these kind of succes stories will never be shared amongst Armenians, as generally we only tend to spread negative stories and "facts" that show in which ways we lack behind our neighbors.
Internet expensive in Georgia
By Messenger Staff
Thursday, June 28
IT analysts suggest that Georgia pays more for the internet than the other neighboring S. Caucasus countries and even Russia. In comparison, Georgia pays more than 10 USD for 1 megabyte of Internet package, whereas for the same amount Armenia pays around 2.5 USD, Azerbaijan around 5.7 USD and Russia 3 USD. There is a monopoly of major internet providers: Caucasus Online and Silknet. However, the service is not always satisfactory and there are some customer complaints. Other small providers hold around 20% of total market.
Extremely classy the way You handled ara manoogian Arevordi, it reminds me of Harut Sassounian's advice he regularly repeats to his readers: Never engage turkish media (or agents), as they will always twist your words.
ReplyDeleteConcerned Armenian: I agree, the telecommunications industry did develop relatively quickly in Armenia, especially in the mobile phone department with the introduction of VivaCell to compete with ArmenTel. I recall being in Armenia in 2004, the then Greek-owned ArmenTel's rates for service were outrageous, I'm glad the Russian (and even formerly Lebanese K-Telecom) telecom giants stepped and started Armenia down the path to development.
Another example of positive development is the Armenian Aluminum plant known as ArmenAl. It became a subsidiary of RussAl, which in turn partnered with a German firm based in Aachen (I think the firm was called Aachenbach, but I'm not sure and I don't recall the nature of the partnership), but in a few short years the formerly idling ArmenAl plant was so productive that the EU slapped "dumping" fines on Armenian Aluminum.
Keep up the excellent work on this blog Arevordi, the articles you cite make your commentary very credible and your analysis makes sense. Your thoughts about the Great Geopolitical Game between the west and Russia, and how the former targets Armenia and employs turkey as its minion are very important and address a critical situation very few other sources are willing to discuss. It is important to counter the subversive and demoralizing bullshit from foreign-funded propaganda outlets and agents such as ara manoogian and company, armenianow, azatutyun, asbarez and even the mongols at hurriyet and who sometimes engage in the business of make-believe commentaries regarding Armenia. I still want to believe that not all of our co-diasporans are braindead lemmings or soulless sellouts, and that many of them independently realize at some point that the west isn't exactly promoting democracy as much as it is trying to subjugate Armenia. Once they are disconnected (much like in the movie The Matrix when Neo first takes the red pill), then this blog becomes very helpful in clarifying the situation as it exists for them.
ReplyDeleteOf course if you want to attract more readers you can always embed a music player blasting Tupac (or is it Lil Wayne now?); add photos of gaudy looking luxury cars defaced with tacky add-ons and of course some links to porn never hurt. We'll call that Plan B..