Trained and equipped to fight a conventional conflict
against Israel, the Syrian Armed Forces were not adequately prepared for this
kind of warfare. The government’s futile attempts to keep the entire country
under their control forced them to disperse their troops too thinly thus making
it easy for the rebels to pick on the army’s isolated checkpoints, barracks and
bases. In response, the army’s heavy-handed methods (like heavy artillery
strikes) were largely ineffective against the lightly equipped, mostly
decentralized and heavily motivated/indoctrinated rebels.
Too many mistakes
were done both at the tactical and strategic levels. Response times were
inadequate. Too many tanks and other vehicles were lost because they were sent
into urban areas without adequate infantry cover against armed groups well
supplied with anti-tank weapons. To minimize destruction to the country, the
Air Force was reluctant in using heavy bombs and was relying on less effective
smaller caliber unguided rockets, etc. etc.
On the other hand, with their
tangible successes in inflicting heavy casualties on the government’s forces
the rebels were getting bolder by the day. Their numbers were getting boosted
by a steady trickle of defectors from the army and police…That was the low
point of the Assad regime which made the world believe in its demise.
President Bashar El-Assad and his followers had their backs
to the wall. They had to adapt to this foreign funded and supported war that
was imposed on them. It took them a while to come up with a working strategy
and their armed forces had to improvise tactics that could stop the onslaught.
With the threat of Western air strikes stalled by the timely and effective
diplomatic actions of Russia (and to a lesser extent China), Assad’s planner correctly
measured both their and their opponent’s strengths and weaknesses and started
addressing them.
The main objectives were determined: The Alawi inhabited coastal
areas should be secure and Damascus should not be allowed to fall. All other
places were expendable and could be sacrificed. Thus, Kurdish areas were
relinquished to their local inhabitants and many isolated military bases around
the country were simply abandoned. By late 2012, most of the remaining loyal troops
were relocated to the above mentioned two areas.
The main threat to the capital was from the south. Large
numbers of rebels (who were being resupplied from Jordan) were inching forward
toward Damascus. The army successfully created a buffer zone by turning the
town of Darayya into a shooting alley where the best trained tank battalions
were making lightning raids and retreats in coordination with infantry and
artillery assaults. At the same time, the Syrian Air Force became more
aggressive and launched punitive raids against various towns and villages that
were under rebel control. This and other tactics not only halted the rebel
advances, but also naturally redirected the latter’s assaults towards easier
targets in the eastern parts of the country which are not so important for the
government (such as the city of Raqqa).
Assad’s armed forces finally got the respite they needed to reorganize and take
back the initiative…
At first glance, the rebels seem to have ample manpower. As
if every unemployed, disenchanted, disillusioned, religiously blinded,
hatred-filled Sunni person able to carry a rifle has joined the ranks of the
various organizations and gangs that are fighting what they refer to as “the regime”.
Their numbers are swelled further by unknown numbers of army deserters, common
criminals, thieves, murderers, gangsters, hooligans, anarchists and prison
In addition, rebel forces received both a quantitative and qualitative
boost with significant numbers of religious fanatics from various terrorist
associated organizations flooding into Syria. These Al-Qaida and Bin-Laden
inspired jihadi, wahabi, salafi monsters have ample combat experience gained
from various conflicts ranging from Afghanistan to Chechnya and from Iraq to
Libya. The highly motivated and blood-thirsty forces that the Syrian Army is
facing are indeed frightening….or are they?
In the first place, large portions
of the rebel human assets are only local in nature. Lacking a central command
and largely devoid of discipline, many of the young boys may be ready to fight
in their village and vicinity but will not volunteer to fight in another
region. Some of them will venture on a distant adventure for a few days, but
will return back to home’s comfort and brag about their “heroic” adventures.
Secondly, there is little coordination between the various rebel factions who
are in fact rivals. They have diverging objectives and different agendas –
infighting is frequent.
Because of massive desertion, the Syrian Armed Forces shrunk
substantially in numbers. The high command rectified that situation by creating
“popular armies” (Lajnah Shaabia) consisting
of groups of able bodied local people with ex-military service. These “popular
armies” were tasked in protecting their neighborhoods from rebel infiltration,
thus freeing the army to carry out offensive missions.
It is wrong to think
that Assad’s army consists only of Alawis, Shiites, Christians and Druzes.
Large numbers of Sunni soldiers (and citizens) remain loyal to the government
and are ready to defend their nation. There are even reports that some of the
deserters have re-joined the ranks. Furthermore, Assad turned towards its allies
for additional manpower. Unknown numbers of Iraqi Shiites came in to Syria to
help defend their “holy places”. Well trained Lebanese Hezbollah fighter joined
the fight as well.
It is no secret that the rebels are funded, trained and supplied
by countries like Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. The “regimes” of these
countries are buying arms and ammunition from various places like Libya,
Croatia, Ukraine and shipping them to Syria. The smuggling of weapons and
foreign fighters are through the porous borders of Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and
Iraq. It is also no secret that the Syrian troops are being
resupplied by Iran via an air bridge through Iraqi airspace as well as by
Russia via ships docking in Lataquia and Tartus. Venezuela has (at least in one
instance) provided fuel free of charge to Syria.
Since almost from the beginning of the conflict, the Russian
Navy has committed itself to maintain a naval presence in the Mediterranean
Sea. These ships are not to just show the flag or display military might. Their
political significance is secondary. Their main tasks are to ensure that arms
shipment to the Syrian government are not “intercepted” or “inspected” by
Turkish, NATO or Israeli navies. And secondly, with discrete approval by the
Lebanese government, they are preventing the arrival of any arms shipments
(intended for the Syrian rebels) from Libya to Lebanon.
The Syrian conflict is currently in that stage. After
stalling the rebel advances, the regrouped and reinvigorated Syrian Army has
recently launched a major offensive to dislodge the enemy from key locations.
The offensive went along two main axes. The first was towards Daraa (the
birthplace of the “Syrian revolution”). The Army’s offensive was well planned
and executed. The determined attack culminated with the major defeat of the rebels
at the village of Khirbet-Ghazaleh and the pacification of the Daraa area. This
also led to the re-establishment of government control over the Jordan border
which was recently reopened for legal traffic. The second offensive was tasked
to retake the strategic town of Qusayr and control the border with Lebanon. It
was brightly executed with a series of flanking and bypassing maneuvers that
were coordinated together with Hezbollah elements coming from the Hermel region
in Lebanon.
The rebels are struggling to cope with that offensive and (as I
write these lines) are on the verge of capitulating in Qusayr.
From the beginning, the
Washington-Ankara-Tel-Aviv-Doha-Riyadh axis’ ultimate aim in this Syrian
conflict is to replace the Assad “regime” by a puppet government who will dance
to their tune and jump when told to do so. Without the imposition of a “Libya
style” no-fly zone, the “Free Syrian Army” rebels were unable to achieve the
West’s goal. Unfortunately, for at least the short to medium term, the West has
realized their lesser goal: With all the damage and destruction…emerging is a
weaker Syria, both economically and militarily.
Over the long term: With the
way the battles are proceeding on the ground, some of the above capitals are
now seriously contemplating the not too long ago unthinkable: “What if Assad
wins this conflict?”…
President Assad’s comments on his latest interview were
misinterpreted. Components of the S-300 air defense missile systems have not
been delivered yet. Having said that, the geopolitical aspects of Russia’s
decision to supply Syria with these formidable weapons are just as great as the
military aspects. Putin wants Washington and Tel-Aviv to understand that they
don’t call all the shots in the volatile Middle East. He also wants to show the
world that Russia stands by its allies and that a bullied nation can seek
Moscow’s protection.
Formidable as they are, the S-300 does not make an
impenetrable protective shield. No weapon in this world is invincible. In fact,
the S-300 is just one component of a proper air defense network – an important
one. Over the last couple of years, Syria has received other elements of such a
network: the short range PANTSIR-S and the medium range BUK-M2E anti-aircraft
missiles. Just recently, reports have emerged that the pre-civil war contract
for 24 modern MiG-35 fighters will be executed. Once everything is in place,
Israeli and NATO planners will find it very difficult to carry out air
adventures against Syria.
Few people are privy to President Assad’s plans. I believe
that his short-term intention is to consolidate his grip on the arc stretching
from the seacoast via Homs to Damascus and to the border with Jordan. As a
first step, he wants to have the highway from Lataquia to Homs, and from there
to Damascus open and get those parts of the country to get back to a degree of
normalcy. To accomplish that, the armed forces must still eliminate the pockets
of resistance in Homs and elsewhere in the various areas.
Now that the Army largely controls the borders with Lebanon
and Jordan, arms shipments to the rebels via these countries are practically
ceased. The Shiite dominated government in Iraq is doing its part in stopping
the resupply of rebels through its territory. The only place where rebels can
still get fighters and weapons from is the Turkish border…I suspect we will soon
see an army offensive to clear out the rebels from those regions (as well as
Aleppo). In my opinion, if Assad succeeds in the above tasks, the rebels will
be confined to large but militarily insignificant parts of the Syrian Desert
where - with little possibility of supply and support – the rebellion will be
left to die a natural death over a period of time.
As for the rebels, the tide has turned on them and they are
now on the defensive. Apart from trying to decapitate the regime with suicide
bombs aimed at the very top leadership, their only chance to regain the
initiative is to somehow regroup and launch major offensives to rupture the
links between the seacoast, Homs and Damascus. Failure to do this will
accelerate their demise and result in the first defeat of an “Arab Spring Revolution” … Another fiasco
similar to the 2006 Israel’s Lebanon adventure (on a much bigger scale).
Wall Street Journal: Assad on the March
Has Obama decided that he wants Syria's dictator to win?
Bashar Assad has a new swagger, and why not? His Syrian
troops are on the march, retaking territory from rebels thanks to arms
from Russia and troops and weapons from Iran and Hezbollah. The West is
slowly losing in Syria to this axis of Mideast extremism, and Americans
need to understand the potential consequences. This week the European Union finally lifted its embargo against
arming Syria's rebels, two years too late and many tons of firepower
short. The EU delayed any arms supply until August 1, and whatever
little it eventually provides won't match the aircraft and artillery
deployed by Syrian forces.
Iran has sent
its Revolutionary Guards to guide Syrian attacks, and its Hezbollah
militia in Lebanon has joined the fight in force. "It is our battle, and
we are up to it," declared Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah last
Meanwhile, the Russians responded to Secretary of State John Kerry's
recent visit to Moscow with plans to send advanced S-300 air defense
missile batteries to Assad. This is in addition to the military advisers
it has sent to Damascus, as well as its diplomatic cover at the United
Nations and in persuading Mr. Kerry to agree to a Syrian peace
conference in the coming weeks.
You almost have to admire the
brazenness of Russian diplomacy. Responding to the EU arms decision,
Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov called it "a reflection of double
standards," while defending Moscow's arms deliveries as a "stabilizing
factor" in the Middle East. Andrei Gromyko would have laughed at that
All of this helps to explain Assad's new military bluster. The young
dictator has come out of his bunker in recent days to boast of his new
support, especially his Russian air defenses, and to threaten Israel
directly. On Thursday, he promised to shoot down Israeli aircraft that
entered Syrian airspace, and he mused about letting Islamist fighters
loose along the border with the Israeli-held Golan Heights. "There is
clear popular pressure to open the Golan front to resistance," Mr. Assad
said, adding that "we have received many Arab delegations wanting to
know how young people might be enrolled to come and fight Israel."
empty ammunition casing and a fire are seen in a field after heavy
fighting at the al Barak area near Qusair town on Friday. The new
missile defenses will make it
harder for Israel to destroy such threats as the Syrian nuclear-weapons
facility its jets bombed in 2007, or the truck convoys carrying missiles
to Hezbollah that it hit this year. Syria's stockpiles of chemical
weapons will also be that much harder for Israel or the West to destroy
or round up. Mark this as another triumph for President Obama's
diplomatic "reset" with Russia.
Speaking of the President, he is still sticking publicly to his line
that "Assad must go," but we're beginning to wonder if he means it. The
Administration offered only lukewarm support for the EU decision to lift
its arms embargo and has muted talk of American arms for the moderate
Free Syrian Army.
The U.S. has instead put all its chips on the peace conference led by
the Russians, who define peace as Assad's triumph. The American
position used to be that Assad's departure was a precondition for talks,
but now Mr. Kerry says Assad and Iran can both attend. Assad's version
of compromise this week was to assert that any peace conference outcome
must be ratified in a Syrian referendum, which means voting in parts of
the country he controls.
On the evidence of his actions, Mr. Obama may have decided that an
Assad victory is preferable to continued civil war. The President can't
say this in public without major embarrassment. But he's refused to arm
the rebels, refused to organize an anti-Assad coalition outside the
U.N., and refused to honor even his own promise that chemical-weapons
use in Syria would be a "game-changer." Mr. Obama has actively helped
Assad by doing nothing to counter Russia and Iran.
The likeliest outcomes now are either an Assad victory or continuing
war that kills tens of thousands more. An Assad triumph would mean a
Shiite crescent of power from Iran through Syria to Lebanon that would
foment instability and violence. Russia would be the region's main
political arbiter.
The Sunni Arabs who run Bahrain—the base for the U.S. Navy's Fifth
Fleet—would be under increasing political pressure. Turkey, Iraq and the
Gulf states would have to decide how much to accommodate this new
dominant axis. Israel would be increasingly isolated and its strategic
military depth eroded.
The outcome of continuing war is less predictable but the regional
disruption isn't. Jordan's moderate monarchy could fall as refugees
flood in from Syria. Iraq's sectarian strife would grow, fed by both
Syria and Iran, and the Kurds (backed by the Turks) might try to carve
out their own homeland. In the worst case, Sunnis and Shiites would
start a full-scale regional war.
This may sound like an exaggerated parade of horribles, but none of
our "realist" sages predicted the current mess when the Syrian rebellion
began two years ago. Mr. Obama has taken their advice to abandon Middle
East leadership, and the vacuum has been filled by Russians and
Iranians bent on pushing the U.S. out and dominating the region. Welcome
to the post-American century.
Balance of Power in Syria Shifting Assad's Way
As hopes for a Syrian peace conference fade and the opposition falls into growing disarray, President Bashar
Assad has every reason to project confidence. Government forces have moved
steadily against rebels in key areas of the country over the past two
months, making strategic advances and considerably lowering the threat
to the capital, Damascus. With army soldiers no longer defecting and elite Hezbollah
fighters actively helping, the regime now clearly has the upper hand in
a two-year civil war that has killed more than 70,000 people.
In back-to-back interviews with Lebanese TV stations this week, Assad
and his foreign minister both projected an image of self-assuredness,
boasting of achievements and suggesting that the military's offensive
would continue regardless of whether a peace track is in place.
"What is happening now is not a shift in tactic from
defense to
attack, but rather a shift in the balance of power in favor of the armed
forces," Assad said of his troops' recent battleground successes.
"There is no doubt that as events have unfolded, Syrians have been
able to better understand the situation and what is really at stake," he
told Al-Manar TV, owned by the Lebanese militant Hezbollah group. "This
has helped the armed forces to better carry out their duties and
achieve results."
Military analysts and activists on the ground in Syria
say that Assad's forces have shown renewed determination since roughly
the beginning of April, moving to recapture areas that had long fallen
to rebels. Significantly, Syrian troops
appear to have gained the edge in the country's central Homs region.
The regime considers Homs strategically important partly because it
links Damascus with the coastal heartland of Assad's minority Alawite
sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam. The rebels are mostly from the
country's Sunni Muslim majority. The coast also is home to the country's
two main seaports, Latakia and Tartus.
Syrian troops and Hezbollah forces have successfully been clearing the town of Qusair
in Homs province, where rebels have been entrenched for a year.
State-run Syrian TV said troops on Friday captured the village of
Jawadiyeh outside Qusair, closing all entrances leading to the town and
tightening the government's siege. For the rebels, holding the town means protecting their supply line to Lebanon, just 10 kilometers (six miles) away.
Rebels have fought back against the government push into Qusair, and
days ago called on opposition forces around the country to join them.
Activists said that organized groups of rebels from the northern
province of Aleppo managed on Friday to enter areas of the town still in
opposition hands to help defend it. In an interview with Al-Mayadeen TV Wednesday, Syrian Foreign
Minister Walid al-Moallem said he expected the fall of Qusair to the
regime "within days."
The commander of the main Western-backed umbrella group of Syrian
rebel brigades, Gen. Salim Idris, told The Associated Press in an
interview this week that unless rebels receive weapons quickly, they
might not be able to hold Qusair. The army has also successfully pushed back rebels in some areas
around the capital. According to residents, that's led to a decline in
mortar shells on the city center that only few weeks ago were a daily
"The army has broken the atmosphere of fear and terror inside
Damascus that the rebels created by firing mortars," said Hisham Jaber, a
retired Lebanese army general who heads the Middle East Center for
Studies and Political Research in Beirut.
said troops have cleared up to 80 percent of the areas around Damascus
in the past two months. Equally important, he said, is the successful
offensive the army is
conducting in the area south of Damascus that links the capital with the
Jordanian border.
Despite a surge in rebel advances near Jordan earlier this
year, the
government now appears to control much of Daraa province, an opposition
stronghold south of Damascus and the birthplace of the uprising. Experts
say the defection rate from Assad's military has sharply
dwindled by now, and he has more than made up for it with the help of
paramilitary forces and Shiite fighters from Iraq and Lebanon's
Hezbollah. Politically, Assad can still count on the support of his
Russian and
Iranian allies — and the growing disarray of the Western-backed Syrian
On Friday, Russia's MiG aircraft maker announced plans to sign a new agreement to ship at least 10 fighter jets to Syria,
a move that comes amid international criticism of earlier Russian
weapons deals with Assad's regime. MiG's director general, Sergei
Korotkov, said a Syrian delegation was
in Moscow to discuss a new contract for MiG-29 M/M2 fighters. Russian
news agencies cited him as saying Syria wants to buy "more than 10" such
fighters, but wouldn't give the exact number.
Hours after the Russian announcement, the U.S. and Germany lashed out at Moscow's intentions to provide the Assad regime with an advanced air defense system, which they believe could prolong Syria's civil war.
Secretary of State John Kerry
said Russia's transfer of the S-300 missiles would not be "helpful" as
the U.S. and Russia jointly try to get the Syrian government and
opposition into peace negotiations. The peace talks
were initially planned for Geneva next month but have been delayed
until July at the earliest. After meeting Kerry, German Foreign Minister
Guido Westerwelle said
Russia must not "endanger" the peace talks, describing weapon deliveries
to Assad as "totally wrong."
air defense system could also make it harder for the international
community to enforce a possible no-fly zone to assist the Syrian rebels
fighting Assad — something it did in the 2011 civil war in Libya.
Meanwhile, Syria's main political opposition group, the Syrian
National Coalition faced stiff criticism from Syrian activists for
spending weeklong meetings in Turkey bogged down in personal issues and
quarrels about expanding its membership.
Thursday, the Coalition announced that in light of "massacres" in
Qusair, it would not attend peace talks. Assad, in the interview,
projected forcefulness and repeatedly mocked
the opposition, calling members of the Coalition "tools" and "slaves"
of the West and U.S.-allied Gulf Arab countries.
"We have absolute confidence in our victory," he said. While saying
his government is ready "in principle" to attend peace talks in Geneva,
he said any agreement reached there would have to be put to a
referendum. He also said he would "not hesitate" to run for re-election
in 2014 if the Syrian people so wished.
The Coalition's decision not to attend peace talks with
representatives of the Assad regime torpedoes the only plan for trying
to end Syria's civil war that the international community had been able
to agree on. With prospects for a diplomatic solution dim, the West may have to
come up with a new approach. President Barack Obama will likely face
renewed pressure to help the rebels militarily.
On Friday, Republican Senator John McCain said rebels need ammunition
and heavy weapons to reverse a battlefield situation that currently
favors Assad's forces. He spoke a day after he returned from an
unannounced trip to Syria. Britain and France, meanwhile, might have to reassess their timetable
for possible arms shipments to the rebels. Earlier this week, the
European Union's two main military powers had said they will not send
weapons while peace talks remain a viable option.
Amr Al Azm, a U.S.-based Syrian activist and professor at
State University in Ohio, said the regime's definition of victory has
changed. He said it did not matter anymore to Assad that large swathes
northern and northeastern Syria were out of government control. "Assad
now considers that if he survives until 2014 while holding on
to the coast and the capital, his seat of power, that's victory," he
Meanwhile, relatives of a 33-year-old Michigan woman said Friday that
she was killed in Syria, the only American known to have died fighting
in the civil war. Nicole Lynn Mansfield's relatives said she became
interested in the Middle East after converting to Islam and marrying an
Arab immigrant several years ago, but said they didn't know she was in
A pro-Syrian TV said Mansfield, a British man and another fighter
working with the opposition were killed in a confrontation with troops
in the northern city of Idlib. The report on the circumstances of the
deaths could not immediately be confirmed. Britain's Foreign Office
confirmed that a U.K. national was killed in Syria but gave no other
Washington Post: Six ways Assad has turned the tide in Syria
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his forces “are beginning to turn the tide of the country’s war,”
The Washington Post’s Liz Sly reported on
Saturday from Beirut,
explaining that Assad is “bolstered by a new strategy, the support of
Iran and Russia and the assistance of fighters with Lebanon’s Hezbollah
movement.” Sly finds that “the pendulum is now swinging in favor of
Assad.” How are Assad’s forces doing it? Here are a few of the trends Sly found, plus one from another source:
(1) Sectarian reshuffling within the armed forces.
Most Syrians are Sunni, and so are most Syrian rebels. But the Syrian
regime is dominated by minority groups such as Alawites. Hezbollah, a
Lebanese militant group that is Syria’s ally, is Shia. Putting more
emphasis on minority fighters helps the regime get around its internal
Sunni problem – fewer defections, more committed soldiers – although it
also risks exacerbating sectarian tensions.
(2) Folding in militias. The regime has brought in
60,000 “irregular” militia fighters to supplement the armed forces,
giving them both more firepower and a qualitatively different kind of
firepower, better suited to challenge the rebels on their own turf.
(3) Training from Hezbollah in urban warfare. The rebels have had an advantage in city street-fighting. Now, with help from the experts, regime forces are closing that gap.
(4) Cutting off rebels from supply routes. Sly
reports: “Assad loyalists are steadily squeezing [the rebels], isolating
them from one another and cutting their supply routes, the rebels say.
Units are running out of ammunition, and some sound increasingly
(5) Focus all energy on key “nodes.” The regime
appears to be bringing its overwhelming military might to bear on a
handful of strategic locations: Damascus suburbs, the transit “linchpin”
of Homs and coastal ports, among others. That means neglecting
less-strategic areas for now, but presumably not for good.
(6) Impenetrable strongholds. The New York Times’ C.J. Chivers, in a
recent interview on NPR’s “Fresh Air“,
explained that the regime has used its technological advantage to
retreat into a number of strongholds around the country, from which it
launches artillery, mortar and air attacks against rebels and civilians.
Because the rebels don’t have the firepower to breach these structures,
they can’t stop – or escape – the bombardment.
Assad's Forces Score Victory in Syria Fight
As the United Nations human rights body voted to condemn Syria's use
of foreign fighters in its deadly attacks on the border town of Quasyr,
it appeared the regime's forces, backed by up to 2000 Hezbollah militia,
had seized a key air base in the area. Elite Syrian Republican Guards and Hezbollah fighters rushed
to Qusayr to bolster the regime's campaign while government fighter jets
pounded rebel-held areas in some of the fiercest fighting since the
two-year long civil war began, the London-based Syrian Observatory for
Human Rights said.
confirmed, the seizure of the Dabaa air base would be a
major blow for opposition forces, with Syrian state media claiming that
Assad's troops already controlled Quasyr from three sides. After five
hours of fierce fighting, Syrian state television announced: “Our troops
are now in full control of Dabaa air base”.
"There are bodies littering the ground, rebels have been
captured and others surrendered. The army is now advancing on the town
of Dabaa," a military source told Agence-France Presse. The McClatchy news agency is reporting that both sides of the
conflict have confirmed that Syrian government forces have seized most
of Qusayr.
‘‘We have suffered heavy losses,’’ said Yazed al Hasan, a
spokesman for the rebel Farouq Battalions, which have occupied Qusayr
since last year. A Hezbollah fighter, who asked to be referred to only as
Ayoub, a pseudonym, because Hezbollah’s leadership hadn’t authorised him
to speak to reporters, said his group’s strategists had divided Qusayr
‘‘on a grid into 16 squares.’’
‘‘We have cleared 13 of them,’’ he said.
border town of Quasyr is a vital corridor to both the
Assad regime (as a key part of the road from Damascus to the
Mediterranean Coast) and the rebels (as a strategic supply-line for
fighters, weapons, medications and other essentials from Lebanon into
the Syrian province of Homs). Up to 20,000 civilians remain trapped
inside the town, terrorised by more than 10 days of intense fighting,
local sources say.
In this increasingly sectarian battle, there are also reports
that Sunni militia from Lebanon have joined the rebel forces in their
battle against Assad's fighters, their Shiite Hezbollah backers and
Iran's Revolutionary Guards. France's Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said on Wednesday
there were 3000 to 4000 Hezbollah fighters in active combat inside
Syria. It is this open presence of a large number of Hezbollah
soldiers inside Syria that has prompted a deadly spill over of violence
inside Lebanon in the past week, where at least 30 people have been
killed and 250 injured in sectarian clashes in the northern town of
“It is a very delicate, very dangerous situation,” warned
Rami Khouri, the director of the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy
and International Affairs at the American University of Beirut. “Tripoli is about the only place in the country where you do not have either the Government or Hezbollah fully in control.”
It will be difficult to turn back the clock now that
Hezbollah had moved to active warfare inside Syria, Khouri said,
pointing to the rocket attack on the Hezbollah neighbourhood of Chiah in
Beirut's southern suburb as the most serious consequence so far.
“There will be repercussions,” he said, “but I don't think it
will become fully-fledged civil war – they will go to the brink … and
then they will step away again.”
Indeed, General Salim Idris, the head of the Syria's
Revolutionary Military Council, on Wednesday warned Hezbollah that it
had "24 hours to withdraw from Syria" saying they would "take all
measures to hunt Hezbollah, even in hell". "I can no longer restrain the fighters" of the FSA, he told the Al-Arabiya news channel.
Tensions remained high in the Tripoli suburbs of Jabal Mohsen
and Bab al-Tabbaneh, where snipers continued to terrorise residents and
grenades were thrown between the two warring neighbourhoods. The fighting in Tripoli is inextricably linked to the
conflict in Syria – the Alawite residents of Jabal Mohsen back the Assad
regime, while the Sunni residents of Bab al-Tabbaneh support the
Meanwhile in an emergency session of the UN Human Rights
Council, UN High Commissioner Navi Pillay laid bare the catastrophe that
was unfolding inside Syria, where more than 80,000 people have already
died in the conflict.
“The situation in Syria reflects a colossal failure to
protect civilians,” she said, warning the situation was “spinning out of
control”. “Day after day, children, women and men suffer the brutality
of unbridled violence and gross human rights violations by all parties. “The increasing number of foreign fighters crossing Syria's
borders to support one side or the other, is further fuelling the
sectarian violence, and the situation is beginning to show worrying
signs of destabilising the region as a whole.”
The UN overwhelmingly passed a resolution calling for an end
to the fighting in Quasyr and condemning the involvement of foreign
fighters in the conflict, specifically mentioning the presence of
Hezbollah forces on the ground and the potential for deepening regional
Speaking two days after the European Union voted to end its
embargo on the provision of weapons to the Syrian opposition forces and
Russia announced it would deliver a sophisticated anti-aircraft system
to Syria, Ms Pillay warned that supplying weapons and ammunition to
either side in the conflict “emboldens the belligerents”.
could ensure that “increased inter-communal massacres are a certainty,
rather than a risk”, she warned. Russia's ambassador to the United
Nations in Geneva, Alexei
Borodavkin, described the resolution as “dangerous and hypocritical” and
said it would only “complicate the launch of the peace process in
As the UN
sat in Geneva, the 63-member opposition Syrian National Council met in
Istanbul for its seventh day of talks. The fractious group appeared no
closer to resolving the
differences that have prevented it from presenting a credible
alternative to the Assad regime. And although the Assad regime has
committed to sending
representatives, the Opposition has not yet decided whether to attend a
US and Russia-backed peace conference scheduled to be held in Geneva
next month.It announced overnight it would only participate in the
Geneva conference if a deadline was set for Assad's removal.
Syrian Forces Claim Victory in Battle for Strategic Town
Syrian government forces and their allies in Hezbollah, the Lebanese
militant group, seized most of the strategic crossroads town of Qusayr
early on Wednesday, a painful defeat for outgunned Syria rebels and an
advance for President Bashar al-Assad. If it sticks, the military gain
could infuse his forces with momentum and embolden him to push for
military victory just as Russia and the United States are pressing the
combatants to negotiate.
The government’s triumphal advance into Qusayr also suggested that the
intervention on Mr. Assad’s side by Hezbollah had proved decisive as its
fighters besieged, then stormed, a rebel stronghold that the Syrian
military had bombarded in vain for months.
But the intervention also carries big political risks for Hezbollah,
which has historically been revered in Syria for its opposition to
Israel but is now seen as a sectarian-driven occupying force by Mr.
Assad’s insurgent enemies, who are mostly Sunni. Hezbollah has said it
intervened in Syria to protect neighboring Lebanon from Islamist
The government claimed victory in Qusayr, broadcasting pictures of
soldiers raising flags over wrecked buildings as the rebels said they
had withdrawn from much of the town. At the same time, senior American,
Russian and United Nations officials convened in Geneva to try to find
enough common ground among themselves and the Syrian combatants to hold
talks to halt the carnage and work toward a political transition.
By late afternoon, the sides had failed to agree even on who would
attend the conference, and officials said they would adjourn and try
again on June 25. Lakhdar Brahimi, the special United Nations
representative on Syria, told reporters that “evidently, there is still a
lot of work to do.”
With the Syrian opposition’s political leaders disunited and the
government defiant, expectations remained low for any talks aimed at
halting the conflict, which is more than two years old and has left an
estimated 80,000 people dead.
The Geneva meeting was also overshadowed by statements from France and
Britain over the past day that sarin nerve gas had been used in Syria.
The statements confronted American officials with the possibility that
Mr. Assad’s government had crossed what President Obama has called a
“red line” that could prompt American intervention — an option for which
the administration has shown waning enthusiasm. However,
a cabinet shuffle
on Wednesday appeared to give new prominence to advocates of a more
active American role, if not of direct military intervention.
A day after France announced that French laboratory tests had
that sarin gas had been used “multiple times” in Syria “in a localized
way,” Britain on Wednesday repeated an earlier assessment that “a
growing body of limited but persuasive information” pointed to the use
of the same toxin.
French and British officials did not make public the details of the
evidence on which their assessments were based. The French statements
said there was “no doubt” the government or its accomplices were behind
the alleged use of the gas in at least one case, based on samples of
bodily fluids from victims, including urine samples brought out of Syria
by French journalists. British statements were more cautious, saying
“the room for doubt” about the use of sarin “continues to diminish” and
that the use was “very likely” by the government.
In Qusayr, further underscoring the volatility of the conflict, rebels
and anti-government activists said their fighters would battle on in
surrounding villages and in the northern part of the town, where they
are most deeply entrenched. Syria state media acknowledged that the
fight was not completely over, saying the military was still sweeping
northern Qusayr for militants.
Rebels have prepared for more than a year to defend the area, using
tunnels and storing food and supplies in underground command rooms that
were seen by a reporter who recently visited villages close to the town,
including the village of Daba’a. Reuters, quoting a Syrian security
official, reported that the military and Hezbollah had left open
corridors allowing rebels to withdraw toward Daba’a.
The rebels, who had held Qusayr for more than a year, fought for more
than two weeks — longer than expected — against intense assaults by a
far larger force and inflicted unaccustomed casualties on Hezbollah’s
seasoned fighters, many of whom were honored as martyrs in funeral
ceremonies around Lebanon.
But the situation inside Qusayr had grown desperate. Ammunition was
running out. Rebel reinforcements were fewer than expected and many were
unable to penetrate the government cordon around the city. With medical
supplies dwindling, hundreds of wounded people could not be evacuated
as Hezbollah fighters assaulted the city backed by heavy government
airstrikes and artillery bombardment.
Rebels said they had managed to evacuate some of the wounded, although
there were fears of reprisals against those who remained. “Yes my brothers, it is one round that we lost,” the Qusayr Coordinating
Committee, an antigovernment group inside the town, said in a posting
on its Facebook page. “But war is a drawn out competition.”
Syrian media and military officers portrayed the development as a possible turning point in the conflict. “He who controls Qusayr controls the center of the country, and he who
controls the center of the country controls the whole of Syria,” said
Brig. Gen. Yahya Suleiman, speaking to Beirut-based Mayadeen television. The battle fit a pattern in which rebels hang on until the last minute
and then announce a tactical withdrawal. Syrian forces have sometimes
been unable to hold reclaimed territory, such as in rebel strongholds in
the city of Homs and the Damascus suburbs.
And if Hezbollah’s fighters try to hold Qusayr — which has taken on a
heavy symbolic significance for rebels — they will be in an incongruous
role, effectively occupying territory in Syria, a country where they
were long revered for driving out Israel’s 15-year occupation of
southern Lebanon. A Syrian opposition figure said the rebel retreat followed an
intervention by the United Nations, which had expressed concern about a
humanitarian crisis in Qusayr, especially after the government and
Hezbollah fighters had refused to allow Red Crescent humanitarian
workers to enter and treat wounded civilians.
A member of the Syrian National Coalition, the main exile opposition
group, said on condition of anonymity that after mediation by the
Lebanese politician Walid Jumblatt, United Nations officials relayed a
message that Mr. Assad had agreed to allow the wounded to leave on the
condition that “armed gangs” leave Qusayr. The battle — the largest and most public intervention yet in Syria by
Hezbollah — increased tensions throughout the region, pitting Hezbollah
against mostly Sunni rebels from Qusayr as well as Sunni jihadists from
Lebanon and other countries who had joined the battle.
Fighters and civilians around Qusayr used increasingly sectarian
language during the battle, vowing revenge on Shiites in general and
Hezbollah in particular. Hezbollah-controlled residential areas inside
Lebanon were rocketed in attacks attributed to Syrian rebels or their
Lebanese Sunni supporters, who also increased their attacks on Alawite
supporters of Mr. Assad in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli.
Sunni clerics issued decrees calling on their followers to rush to
Qusayr to help, but the call proved more rhetoric than reality. Fighters
and activists in Qusayr issued anguished statements of confusion and
despair on Wednesday. “What happened to all the fighters who were on their way to Qusayr to
support us?” said Ammar, an antigovernment activist who used only his
first name for safety.
Another activist, Jad al-Yamani, who lost his brother in the battle,
said from the outskirts of the city, “Now I lost everything. I cannot
return to my town anymore.” One man in a video posted by opposition activists said, “We are being
exterminated by the Shiites,” and shouted sarcastically, “Let all Arabs
be happy and let all Muslims be happy! Qusayr is gone today. So be happy
and sing and celebrate!”
Another video showed a well-known opposition activist in Qusayr, Hadi
Abdullah, amid a chaotic scene of patients being loaded onto trucks. One
man with a gray beard began to cry as he said, “We are dying slowly.
Everyone was martyred here and all that’s left is us.”
In the Hezbollah-controlled southern suburbs of Beirut, signs
saying “Qusayr falls” as people distributed candy and celebrated. Some
rebels said they were bracing to fight Hezbollah if it pushed on to
the northern city of Aleppo — a city even farther outside Hezbollah’s
traditional sphere of strategic interest than Qusayr. Abu al-Haytham, an opposition activist affiliated with a rebel group in
Aleppo, said that government forces had flown in Hezbollah and
government soldiers by helicopter in recent days to Shiite villages near
the city that rebels have been attacking.
Though the claims could not be confirmed, the fact that Syrian rebels
considered such an attack a possibility from Hezbollah, a group
traditionally revered by Syrians of all sects for its fight against
Israel, underscored the surprising turns the conflict has taken in
recent weeks, as Hezbollah’s involvement heightened the sectarian tone
of the combatants and threatened to spread fighting to Lebanon.
“I’m going to be honest with you, the battle will be transferred to
Lebanon very soon,” Abu Haytham said. " It’s sectarian now.”
Russia’s Success, the West’s Failure
More than two years after the revolt broke out
against the regime of Bashar al-Assad, it is fair to say that Russia’s
policies are succeeding, whereas the West’s analysis and actions are
failing. Thanks in large part to Russia’s military, political and diplomatic
support, the Syrian dictator’s regime has not fallen and his repression
continues relentlessly, unimpeded by a paralyzed U.N. Security Council.
The West has been unable to shape events on the ground, with its “red
lines” apparently fading into insignificance.
But Russia’s success to date, while significant, will be short-lived.
President Vladimir Putin has made his point, and it is now in Russia’s
own interest to cooperate with the West and help foster an end to the
bloodshed in Syria.
Not only is the opposition militarily and politically disunited, but its
most ferocious jihadist elements are in the ascendant, benefiting from
the weaponry liberally provided by their rival patrons in Qatar and
Saudi Arabia. After Afghanistan and Iraq, an easy-to-get-to Syria has
also become the primary magnet for large numbers of foreign jihadist
wannabes, who may return armed and trained to commit acts of terror in
the West. That development makes it increasingly unappealing for the
West to send arms to the rebellion, and it is doubtful whether the
recent lifting of the European Union’s arms embargo will be (or should
be) followed through.
Russia’s success is typical of the country’s history as a great power
during the last two centuries: It is used to taking calculated risks,
even against apparently long odds, and its approach tends to operate in a
zero sum perspective — my gain is your loss. But this approach also
forces Russia to cope with the immensely difficult consequences.
Russia has been present in Syria as a major provider of defense and
political support for half a century, building up habits of cooperation
and ties at all levels of society, perhaps best symbolized by the
intermarriage of thousands of Russian-Syrian couples.
To preserve its long-standing investment, the Kremlin’s interest would
appear to be to remain on the right side of whoever happens to be in
power in Syria. When the revolutions of the Arab Spring blossomed in
2011, it was widely assumed both in the West and in the Arab world that
Assad’s fall would echo that of Tunisia’s leader, Zine el-Abidine Ben
Ali, Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak, Libya’s Muammar el-Qaddafi and Yemen’s Ali
Abdullah Saleh, since the same causes tend to produce the same effects
in similar societies. It appeared that Russia had backed a loser, at the
risk of losing all of its positions in Syria, including access to the
naval facilities in Tartus. But, for the time being, the gamble has gone
Moscow’s way.
However, only part of this policy was linked to Russia’s genuine
self-interest, such as Moscow’s fear of contagion from a
jihadi-dominated Syria to fundamentalist groups in the Caucasus. Russia
has been largely — maybe mainly — driven by the wish to punish the
Western powers for having abused, in its eyes, the Security Council’s
authority to overthrow Qaddafi.
Putin wasn’t going to let this happen a second time. Hence the
negative-sum outcome: The West has clearly been blocked at the United
Nations and generally deterred from acting decisively to shape events in
At the same time, Moscow gains little in positive terms. The Syrian
civil war means that Russia’s interests in that country have decreasing
value, while the rise of jihadist groups increases the risk of spillover
in the Islamic regions of Russia.
Furthermore, Russia will find it no less easy than the West to deal with
the local and regional consequences of the Syrian civil war. Assad is
no longer holding on as the chief of a functioning state but as a
warlord who is more powerful than others in a splintering Syria.
Neighboring Jordan is facing an existential threat, and a dysfunctional
Iraq appears to be descending anew into civil war. The ultimate Russian
interest is presumably not to become the collateral victim of spiraling
jihadist violence.
Therefore, after having successfully made his point against the West,
Putin may now find it expedient to seriously attempt a political
solution at the conference planned this summer in Geneva, for example by
holding back on weapons shipments. The same restraint should apply to Western arms deliveries. The West
could also agree to allow Syria’s ruling Baathist party to be a full
part of any political solution, including in the organization of
elections, along the lines that allowed for a reasonably successful
transition in Yemen.
The West has good reason to resent the success of Russia’s support of
Assad, with its atrocious human consequences. But today the situation is
what it is, not what the West would have liked it to be. It has become
in the West’s interest to refrain from arming the jihadis and to support
a political resolution, preferably without Assad, but probably not
without the ruling Baath party and bureaucracy.
François Heisbourg is special adviser at the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique, a Paris-based think tank.
The Syrian Chessboard: Behind the Game Played by Russia, Israel, the U.S. and Other Powers
The umbrella group representing
rebellion on the world stage announced on Thursday that they would not
attend peace talks proposed to take place in Geneva during June, a flat
rejection that might appear to sideline the role of diplomacy in the
civil war. But diplomacy is running full bore in the Syrian conflict,
and even as
horrors multiply
on the battlefield, a good portion of the war is also being carried out
in words. The best evidence might be the statements that overshadowed
the rebels’ declaration in the same news cycle: President
Bashar Assad hinted in a television interview that Russia has already delivered some components of an antiaircraft battery known as S-300.
Assad’s remarks amounted to what was originally dubbed CNN diplomacy,
the use of satellite television to deliver a message. The term is no
longer in use, in part because it has become the norm and in part
because there are so many alternatives to CNN. In this case, the medium
was a significant part of the message: the embattled Syrian President
spoke with al-Manar, the satellite channel run by Hizballah, the
Lebanon-based militia Syria supports alongside the Islamic Republic of
Iran, whose Press TV propaganda arm
elucidated some of the finer points
of the sit-down. Military commanders like to quote Carl von
Clausewitz’s dictum that war is the extension of politics by other
means. But you never hear diplomats reference
Mary Poppins on the relevant criteria for the
perfect nanny: “Play games. All sorts.” Consider some of the diplomatic games engendered by the Syrian conflict:
Sabre Rattling
The S-300 is
an impressive threat
to enemy warplanes. When Russia made a deal to sell the system to Iran,
the Pentagon was so unsettled by its implications for U.S. airpower
that Washington pressured Moscow for years to renege on the deal, which
finally did in 2010,
under cover of international sanctions aimed at Tehran’s nuclear
program. Russia’s promise to deliver the same system to Syria means
almost nothing in terms of the conduct of the civil war itself: the
rebels have no planes.
But Israel does, and if the S-300s are delivered, “We will know what
to do,” Israeli Defense Minister Moshe “Bogie” Ya’alon said this week.
The implication was clear, given Israel’s recent track record:
three times in the past four months, Israeli F-16s
have struck inside Syria,
taking out precisely the kind of advanced weapons systems that the
S-300 is counted among. These attacks were meant to be discreet and
aimed only at preventing the transfer of those weapons to Hizballah, a
formidable proxy military force Iran helped form to battle Israel.
Publicly and reportedly through back channels as well, the Israelis
emphasize that their quarrel is not with Assad, whose demise many inside
Israel see as a positive development (because it would also greatly
degrade Hizballah, and by extension Iran, both of which sent fighters to
help Assad). A second school of thought in Israel values Assad as “the
devil we know,” a largely predictable and risk-averse enemy who now
could be supplanted by a coterie of jihadist rebels, some of whom are
formally allied with al-Qaeda.
“Israel did not intend to interfere, and these alleged strikes had
very little to do with the rebellion that’s taking place in Syria,” says
Yiftah Shapir, director of the Military Balance Project at the
Institute for National Security Studies, a Tel Aviv think tank heavily
staffed by retirees from Israel’s security services. “Israel is not
intervening in favor of one side or the other.”
That’s the strong official line. After Ya’alon’s veiled threat, Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu
ordered government officials to keep mum about Syria. By then, his
air-force commander, Major General Amir Eshel, had already warned in an
open forum that, should Assad fall,
Israel is poised to mount massive operations
aimed at immediately destroying the chemical, biological and advanced
weapons systems held by Syria’s military. The alternative — the weapons
disappearing into the stateless world of al-Qaeda and other terrorist
configurations — more than justifies the risk Israel would undertake in
involving itself in the fighting, Eshel said. “We may find ourselves
having to take action, on a very broad scale, within a very short period
of time.”
Facebook Diplomacy
Netanyahu made the same point on the premier social-media site in March,
by way of justifying his government’s decision to patch up relations
with Turkey: “It’s important that Turkey and Israel, which both share a
border with Syria, are able to communicate with each other and this is
also relevant to other regional challenges … Syria is crumbling, and its
massive stockpiles of advanced weapons are starting to fall into the
hands of various elements. What we fear most is that terrorist groups
will get their hands on chemical weapons.”
Preventive Diplomacy
The most concrete evidence that Israel wants to stay out of Syria’s
civil war is its repeated glossing of incidents on that shared border,
which still exists as a military front from wars decades past. One day
late last month, an Israeli foot patrol from the Golani Brigade’s
reconnaissance battalion entered no-man’s land between the two fronts,
was spotted by Syrian regulars and found themselves pinned down as the
Syrians walked mortar fire toward them. Then, before other Israeli
forces could rescue them, Syrian soldiers were spotted heading their way
on foot, a sight that prompted Israeli commanders to launch fire that
destroyed the Syrian position. Like an earlier episode when an Israeli
Defense Force jeep took fire from the Syrian side, Israeli officials
blandly suggested the problem might have been
“stray fire.”
Gunboat Diplomacy
A dozen Russian warships
moved into Syrian waters
near the base at Tartous, where Syria and Russia operate a joint naval
base, Russia’s only warm-water facility. In a throwback to the Cold War,
the deployment signaled solidarity with Assad and an implicit warning
to those powers — the U.S., the E.U., Turkey and other Sunni states
aligned with the rebels, chiefly Saudi Arabia and Qatar — that Moscow
will defend its stake it has maintained over generations in Syria, its
one Middle East interest.
The vessels would not be expected to figure in the fighting — though
they presumably carry intelligence-gathering capabilities. Their
presence is chiefly symbolic. And actually, so is the flap over the
S-300, according to Shapir, the Israeli defense analyst. The system,
while formidable, is so complex that it could not be assembled inside of
six months. Then there’s the challenge of training Syrians to use it.
As an alternative, Russia could send its own operators, an option
that Israel would find far less threatening. “By the way,” Shapir says,
“it would be seen by the Russians as a counterbalance to six [NATO]
Patriot batteries now in Turkey, on the Syrian border. Operated by the
Americans, Germans and Dutch. And of course if Russia sends in Russian
units with Russian soldiers, Israel would not attack.”
In any event, the
latest word out of Russia
is that the S-300s will not be delivered to Syria for another year, at
least. So what was all the fuss about? “The announcement about the
transfer, I think, is a Russian game, “ Shapir says. “It’s a Russian
game meant to make clear to the whole world that they have a strong
interest in Syria, and they should not be ignored.”
Russia Draws a “Red Line”: S-300, MiG 29s and MiG 31s for Syria
The recent commitment by Russia to honor a contract with Syria for
the delivery of S-300 Surface to Air defense systems, considered to be
one of the best, if not the best in the world, is followed up by a
Syrian request for the delivery of MiG 29 M/M2 fighter jets. In 2012 NATO stationed Patriot Missile Defense Systems along the
900 km long Syrian – Turkish border; Saudi-Arabia and the USA signed a
deal for a significant upgrade of Saudi-Arabia´s air force. Russia is
drawing a red line in the Syrian sand. With the words of Russian
President Vladimir Putin, a direct military intervention against Syria
would be futile. The Middle East is being prepared for a stand-off.
At a press conference on the opening day of the Russia – E.U. Summit
in Yekaterinburg on Tuesday 4 June, Russia´s President Vladimir Putin
confirmed again, that Russia will honor its contract with Syria and
deliver S-300 SAM Systems. Putin stressed Russia´s disappointment over
the E.U.´s failure to prolong the arms embargo against Syria which
effectively permits each E.U. member state to decide whether it will arm
the terrorist and mercenary corps which have destabilized Syria since
The S-300 SAMs will, according to Putin bring stability to the region. Putin
made a point of stating, that the S-300 SAMs are among the best, if
they are not the best Air Defense System, which, so Putin, every
military expert can confirm. At the same occasion, the Russian President
issued a thinly-veiled warning to NATO, Israel and the GCC member
states when he stated, that any attempted direct military intervention
against Syria would be futile.
Syrian Military forces are becoming increasingly successful at
combating the insurgency. After the military strategy has been adapted
to asymmetric warfare and counter insurgency tactics, which include
popular militia which defend villages and towns against renewed attacks
by insurgents after the Syrian Arab Army has cleared and secured an
area, the insurgents continue loosing ground and begin using ever more
desperate psychological warfare tactics, chemical weapons and the eating
of organs of slain Syrian soldiers, on camera, included. The insurgents
show signs of desperation.
The involvement of Hezbollah at securing the Lebanese – Syrian border,
making it less porous for infiltration of weapons and fighters, and the
commitment of the Iraqi government to do the same at the Syrian – Iraqi
border is limiting the supply routes for the insurgents. The remaining
open fronts are limited to Turkey, Jordan, Israel and the Kurdish
administrated region of Northern Iraq.
The popular uprising in Turkey is likely to, at the very least,
result in a severely weakened Erdogan administration which could be
forced to adjust its policy toward Syria. Turkey could cease being the
primary logistic front for the insurgents.
Russia has also drawn a red line in the Syrian sand, or waters, when
it decided to create a Mediterranean Fleet. The first deployments have
arrived and Tartous is slowly transformed from an auxiliary to an
operative naval base. The move stabilizes the region to some degree and
could become the foundation for countering the establishment of a NATO
base on Cyprus.
In 2012 Saudi-Arabia and the USA agreed on a deal for a major update
of Saudi-Arabia´s air force. Besides delivery of the latest, most
advanced version of the F-16 fighter jet, which normally is reserved for
a select club of only six nations, the older Saudi stock of F-16s
received considerable upgrades. After completion of the deliveries,
upgrades and training, Saudi-Arabia will have approximately 300 F-16
fighter jets in its fleet, making Saudi-Arabia´s airpower comparable to
that of Israel.
After Russia initially halted a Russian – Syrian contract for an
upgrade of Syria´s air force, it looks as if Russia is reconsidering, in
response to the western unwillingness to settle the dispute about Syria
peacefully. In principle, the Syria war is caused by a lack of
convergence in the energy and energy-security requirements of
respectively Qatar, Saudi -Arabia, Israel – of the USA and the two
competing EU blocks led by respectively France and the UK and Germany,
Czeck Republic; as well as Iran and Russia. Even a successful Geneva 2
conference would address the core issues. The statements of Vladimir
Putin that the S-300 SAMs introduction creates stability may be followed
up by also creating a strategic balance with regard to regional air
forces. It is also a clear signal that NATO and E.U. cannot count on
being able to solve energy, energy-security and geo-political problems
by illegal wars without having to consider the possibility of having to
pay a price that may be to high.
The Syrian governments authorities have reactivated contacts
regarding the activation of Russian – Syrian contracts for the Syrian
purchase of MiG-29M/M2 fighter jets after the expiration of the E.U.
arms embargo on Syria. The information has been confirmed by the Russian
aircraft producer.
A Syrian delegation has recently arrived in Moscow to discuss details
and a time frame, stated the head of the Mikkoryan Design Bureau Sergei
Korotkov. The contract was initially signed in 2007 but the outbreak of
civil unrest in Syria in 2011 initially caused Russia to halt the deal
to deliver 24 MiG-29MM fighter jets and 5 MiG-31 interceptors.
Finding a peaceful resolution to the Syria crisis becomes
increasingly unlikely. While the foreign backed opposition a.k.a.
al-Qaeda creates one Public Relations disaster after the other and fails
at creating a coherent political front, the national dialog among
parties, mass organizations, ethnic and religious communities, special
interest organizations and the government in Syria continue making
A decisive victory of the insurgency against the Syrian military also
becomes increasingly unlikely, and the E.U., US, Saudi and Qatari
continuation to finance and arm terrorist and mercenary corps of the
likes of Jabhat al-Nusrah will, even though they can destabilize Syria,
not lead to a decisive victory without direct military intervention or
direct military support of the subversion.
The introduction of the Russian MiG 29s and MiG 31s, along with the
introduction of the S-300 SAM´s and other Russian missile technology, as
well as an increased Russian naval presence, will readjust the
strategic balance between the western axis and the Iranian, Syrian,
Russian axis. They cannot compensate for the massive firepower amassed
by NATO and NATO allies in the region, but will guaranty that
any military aggression against Syria will be more costly than western
or Arab political leaders are willing or able to survive politically.
Time: The Russian Missiles Keeping Assad in Power
Boasting about one’s weaponry is nothing unusual in war, where
there’s little way of confirming the veracity of the claim. In that,
Syrian President
Bashar Assad
was following a long tradition of wartime leaders, when he told the
Hizballah-backed Lebanese channel al-Manar last Thursday that he had
sufficient stockpiles of Russian weapons to pose a threat to
Israel, thanks to arms deals with
Moscow that date to before the war erupted in February 2011. “The contracts have nothing to do with the crisis,” Assad
says in the interview. “We have negotiated with them on different kinds of weapons for years, and Russia is committed to honoring these contracts.”
In fact, Assad’s boast might be more than bluster. While there’s no
sign that Moscow has delivered the long-range S-300 missiles which
Israel has vowed to take out in bombing strikes (Russian officials
estimate their earliest delivery date for the S-300s is late this year),
Assad already has several air defense systems from Moscow in his
quiver, according to analysts who monitor arms shipments. In interviews
they say they watched a steep military ramp-up by Syria in the period
running up to the start of the war more than two years ago. While they
agree that the S-300s are more accurate and have greater range than
Assad’s current weapons systems, they say the Syrian leader is far from
powerless without them. “We have seen over the past few years Russia
supplying several different air defense systems,” says Pieter Wezeman,
senior researcher in the arms transfer program of the Stockholm
International Peace Research Institute (Sipri), which tracks weapons
flows worldwide. “They [Syrian government] have really increased their
capability. The missiles are both short and long range. If the S-300s do
arrive, that would top it all off.”
Among the missiles already in place are two regiments of S-200
surface-to-air missiles, which have a range of about 150 miles, “with no
less than 240 missiles ready to be fired in a matter of minutes,” says
Igor Sutyagin, a Russian military scientist and senior researcher at the
London think tank, Royal United Services Institute. Sutyagin, who was
jailed in Russia on charges of spying for the U.S., and freed as part of
a spy-prisoner swap in 2010, says Assad “has a lot” of air-defense
systems acquired from Russia, including between 12 and 20 short-range
missile systems called Pantsyr-S, which have a range of about 7.5 miles,
and that can be mounted on vehicles. Those were delivered to Syria
about a year ago, in what he believes is the latest confirmed arms
shipment from Moscow. In addition, Assad has 1,200 air-defense guns and
between 4,000 and 8,000 Strela portable shoulder-fired missiles. “That
IS the GREAT stockpile of Russian air defense weaponry!” Sutyagin said
in an email to TIME.
Since Syrian rebels have no airplanes for Syrian forces to shoot
down, Assad’s impressive air-defense arsenal has little bearing on the
grueling war that has ravaged large parts of the country and killed an
estimated 90,000 Syrians. But the anti-aircraft weapons would be crucial
if the U.N. voted to impose a no-fly zone over Syria or if Israel
its sporadic strikes
on Syria into a sustained bombing campaign. At that point, the S-300
missiles, which have a longer range and greater accuracy than Assad’s
current weaponry, could inflict bigger losses and strike deep into
Israel in retaliation—hence, Israel’s fury over the arms deal. With the
S-300s in place, says Wezeman, “If Israel starts an air campaign they
would maybe lose a few more planes than they have until now. It is not a
system which cannot be destroyed, but it would be a bigger campaign,”
he says.
MORE: Syria’s rebels receive Libyan weapons and know-how.)
For Western leaders weighing their military options against Assad,
the crucial lessons are from Libya, where NATO launched a massive
bombing campaign in March 2011, after the U.N. Security Council voted to
stop Gaddafi’s forces from advancing on civilians in Benghazi. Within
days of the first U.S. Tomahawk missiles hitting Libya, Gaddafi’s
air-defense systems had been crippled, and his military planes had been
smashed or grounded. That allowed the Libyan rebels to advance quickly
across the huge terrain Eastern Libya, although it took five months
longer for them to capture Tripoli and drive out Gaddafi.
Syria’s military arsenal presents the West with a far different
calculus, in part explaining why no Western country has intervened
militarily so far. While Gaddafi had huge stocks of weaponry, including
Russian and Chinese anti-aircraft missiles, much of it was discovered
after Gaddafi was killed in October 2011, lying unused in warehouses.
That suggested that the Libyan military did not know how to install the
new weapon systems or had not had time to do so, according to military
analysts. And Assad could also have learned some lessons from Gaddafi’s
spectacular defeat. Gaddafi lacked long-range missiles capable of
combating the high-altitude bombing strikes which NATO fighter jets
conducted over Libya. “It’s against these types of operations that for
example the S-300s or other SAMs (surface-to-air missiles) could be used
with some efficiency,” Wezeman says. “In Libya the systems were old and
out of date and the Libyans did not really know how to operate them. It
would be much more difficult for outsiders to intervene in Syria, in
the way that took place in Libya.”
Al-Monitor: Israel Rethinks Assumptions About Syria
For the past two years, there have been a number of generally accepted
assumptions about what will finally happen in Syria. By late last week,
these assumptions came crashing down with the raucous force of an
earthquake. We are talking about the very opinions that were considered
to be conventional wisdom among the Israeli public, and which had
considerable impact on political decision-makers and military
strategists alike for the past two years. These are the core
International intervention in Syria is inevitable. Sooner or later
the free world will be forced to take action to save the country’s
civilian population from the clutches of Syrian President Bashar
al-Assad and his army.
The aid that Qatar and
Turkey provide to the rebels should ultimately change the balance of power.
The apple (Bashar) has fallen far from the tree (former Syrian
President Hafez al-Assad). According to this assumption, Bashar is
afraid of his own shadow, and even the faintest breeze can
discombobulate him and throw him off balance (this is, by the way, how
he is portrayed in the popular Israeli television satire "Eretz
Nehederet," but more on that later).
Israeli intelligence assessments provide an accurate account of the
situation and should be the basis of any future decisions about how to
respond to the situation in Syria.
Then, within a week, everyone woke up to the fact that the most
important parameter of all was overlooked in the most recent analyses of
the situation in the Middle East in general and Syria in particular.
The assumption is that the geopolitical game here has remained very much
the same since the signing of the Sykes-Picot Agreement. All that has
changed is the players.
It was May 16, 1916, and World War I was still raging, when France and
England signed a secret agreement splitting the Middle East into two
exclusive spheres of influence once the war was over. All earlier
promises and agreements were shoved aside so that these two colonial
powers could focus on one important question: How will each of these two
powers divvy up the Ottoman territories of Syria, Jordan, Lebanon,
Western Turkey, Iraq, and the Persian Gulf. That was the whole story.
Both the British and the French empires, which were also the two world
powers at the time, wanted to protect their strategic interests in the
Almost a century has passed since then. The two world powers have been replaced, so now it is Russia and the
United States,
which will ultimately decide how the fighting in Syria will end, and
what the country will look like in the aftermath. And they will be the
only ones to decide: there will be no input from Assad or the rebels,
Saudi Arabia or Qatar, and certainly not Israel.
By late last week [on May 17], 12 Russian battleships were sent to
patrol the waters off the Russian naval base in Syria and to demonstrate
a presence in the region. This was hardly some subtle hint. It had the
volume of a Russian aircraft carrier. What the Russians were effectively
saying was that no one should even consider making any decision
whatsoever about the future of Syria, and by extension, of Assad,
without first considering Moscow’s strategic interests. Both the United
States and Israel got the hint.
The Soviet Union had strategic interests in Syria ever since the
mid-1960s. So does modern Russia. It is the largest advance base that
Russia still has in the Middle East, and someone like Russian President
Vladimir Putin would never give it up, certainly not for “humanitarian
reasons,” and even more certainly when the Russians see a certain
symmetry there, and believe that Israel is the most important US advance
base in the region.
Yes, Russia had strategic interests of its own in Syria, which makes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s
slog to Moscow last week seem all the more ridiculous. The prime minister tried to dissuade Putin
from selling S-300 [anti-craft] missiles to Assad,
since that would have far-reaching repercussions on the Israeli air
force. Did Netanyahu really believe that sitting Putin down for a heart
to heart talk would really convince the Russian leader to forego his
support for Assad?
By the end of last week, reality seemed to prove that Israeli
intelligence assessments claiming Assad would soon fall were premature
at best. Furthermore, an Israeli source was now quoted by the London
Times as saying (May 18, 2013) that in the current circumstances,
Assad is actually good for Israel:
“Better the devil we know than the demons we can only imagine if Syria
falls into chaos and the extremists from across the Arab world gain a
foothold there.” The real question is: “Where were they before this?” By
“they” I mean those people described as “Israeli decision-makers” and
“senior officials,” who are quoted in the press.
When a political, diplomatic or military correspondent errs in some
assessment or other, the greatest damage is to his reputation, or at
most to the reputation of the media he represents. Commentators and
journalists base what they write on public information, and frequently
on intentional leaks from various interested parties. The U-turn that Israel has made this past week in its attitude toward
Assad raises serious questions about the people behind our defense
strategy. Did none of them know before last week what Assad has been
saying for a long time now, that his country has become home to a
hodgepodge of terrorist organizations?
Instead of responding to this, analyzing it, and preparing for the
worst-case scenario, Israel preferred to mock Assad instead. The
parodies of Assad (such as the aforementioned "Eretz Nehederet") depict
him as a reluctant coward, a “wimp” to use a more colloquial term, who
will not be able to withstand all the pressure being placed on him. In
this, he is juxtaposed with other Arab leaders, who were once perceived
as being strong: former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and former
Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi both come to mind. But perhaps that is the
root of the problem. People are too quick to compare him to the leaders
of Egypt and Libya, who were both deposed fairly quickly. I do not want
to think that Israel’s leaders are also influenced by TV satire.
As we already noted, the high point of Israel’s failure to understand
what is going on in Syria came in Ehud Barak’s statement of 2011. At the
time, he gave Assad just a few weeks before he would be toppled. That
was a year and a half ago. Since then, Barak has been “toppled,” while
Assad remains in power.
What was the basis of Barak’s assessment? The Research Division of
Military Intelligence? International security experts? It is more likely
that his estimation was based on the same “wimpy” image of Assad as
being spineless and lacking leadership experience, as someone who
inherited his position of power, and who everyone else has wrapped
around their little fingers.
But Assad and his entourage realized that if he was to survive, he
would first have to identify the real powers, who determine the balance
of threats in the Middle East. And he proved that he knew exactly who
they were. Twelve Russian warships sailing off the Syrian coast are just
one proof of that. His decision to aim missiles at Tel Aviv to counter a
potential Israeli attack is yet further evidence.
This leaves us with one possible conclusion: The assumption that Assad
would fall if he dared to attack Israel (in response to an Israeli
strike against him) was not as accurate as previously thought. But that
hardly prevents Israel from carrying on with its war games.
“Security sources” and “decision-makers” alike continue to ponder
whether Assad or the rebels are better for Israel and what steps the
country should take, as if they had any say whatsoever in the current
The one person to best express this was the former Israeli Military
Intelligence head Uri Sagi, who rose up like a thundering prophet,
ignored by the people of his city, to ask, “Who are we to decide? What
tools do we have to determine who will rule in neighboring Syria and
how?” Wouldn’t it be easier to look up the “Sykes-Picot Agreement” in the encyclopedia?
Shlomi Eldar is a contributing writer for Al-Monitor’s
Pulse. For the past two decades, he has covered the Palestinian
Authority and especially the Gaza Strip for Israel’s Channels 1 and 10,
and has reported on the emergence of Hamas. In 2007, he was awarded the
Sokolov Prize, Israel’s most important media award, for this work.
Revenge of the Bear: Russia Strikes Back in Syria
Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation has drawn a line in the sand
over Syria, the government of which he is determined to protect from
overthrow. Not since the end of the Cold War in 1991 has the Russian
Bear asserted itself so forcefully beyond its borders in support of
claims on great power status. In essence, Russia is attempting to play
the role in Syria that France did in Algeria in the 1990s, of supporting
the military government against rebels, many of them linked to
political Islam. France and its allies prevailed, at the cost of some
150,000 dead. Can Putin and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad pull off
the same sort of victory?
Even as Damascus pushes back against the rebels militarily, Putin has
swung into action on the international and regional stages. The Russian
government persuaded U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to support an
international conference aimed at a negotiated settlement. Putin
upbraided Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over his country’s
air attacks on Damascus. Moscow is sending sophisticated anti-aircraft
batteries, anti-submarine missiles and other munitions to beleaguered
Assad, and has just announced that 12 Russian warships will patrol the
Mediterranean. The Russian actions have raised alarums in Tel Aviv and
Washington, even as they have been praised in Damascus and Tehran.
The Syrian regime has been on a military roll in the past few weeks.
It has made a bloody push into the hinterlands of Damascus, fortifying
the capital. With Hezbollah support, it has assaulted the rebel-held
Qusair region near northern Lebanon, an important smuggling route for
the rebels and the key to the central city of Homs. The Baath government
needs to keep Homs in order for Russia to resupply the capital via the
Syrian port of Latakia on the Mediterranean. The Syrian government’s
victories would not have been possible without Russian and Iranian help.
Regionally, a Moscow-Tehran axis has formed around Syria that is
resisting Qatari and Saudi backing for the rebels. The increasing
dominance of rebel fighting forces in the north by radical groups such
as the al-Nusra Front, which has openly affiliated itself with al-Qaida,
has resulted in a falloff of support for the revolution even in Saudi
Arabia. Most Syrians who oppose the government are not radicals or even
fundamentalists, but the latter have had the best record of military
victories. Russian characterizations of the rebels as radical terrorists
are a form of war propaganda; however, they have been effective. The
Saudi and Jordanian plan to create a less radical southern opposition
front at Deraa has met with a setback, since the regime recaptured that city last week. Doha and Riyadh are reeling from the Russia-backed counteroffensive.
At the same time, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov pulled off a coup
two weeks ago by persuading Kerry to support the international
conference on Syria, to which both the Baath government and the rebels
would be invited, as a way station toward a negotiated settlement of the
conflict (Russia’s holy grail). The agreement represented a climb-down
for the Obama administration, which had earlier insisted that Assad
leave office as a prerequisite to a resolution, language that the joint
Russian-American communique issuing from the Kerry-Lavrov meeting in
Moscow conspicuously avoided. Lavrov, a South Asia expert and
guitar-playing poet, speaks as though what happened in Yemen, with a
negotiated solution and a government of national unity, is a plausible
scenario for Syria. But so much blood has been spilled in the latter
that a military victory by one side or the other now seems far more
When sources in the Pentagon leaked the information that explosions
in Damascus on May 5 were an Israeli airstrike, Putin appears to have
been livid.
He tracked down Netanyahu on the prime minister’s visit to Shanghai and
harangued him on the phone. The two met last week in Moscow, where
Putin is alleged to have read Netanyahu the riot act. Subsequently, the
Likud government leaked to The New York Times that its aim in the airstrike
had been only to prevent Syrian munitions from being transferred to
Hezbollah in Lebanon, not to help in overthrowing the Baath government.
The Israelis were clearly attempting to avoid further provoking Moscow’s
ire, and wanted to send a signal to Damascus that they would remain
neutral on Syria but not on further arming of Hezbollah.
Putin, not visibly mollified by Netanyahu’s clarification, responded
by announcing forcefully that he had sent to Syria Yakhont anti-ship
cruise missiles and was planning to dispatch sophisticated S-300
anti-aircraft batteries. Both U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Gen. Martin Dempsey and Israeli military analysts protested
the Russian shipments. Although Netanyahu went on insisting that Israel
would bomb Syria at will when it suspected supplies were being sent to
Hezbollah, Putin had clearly just raised the risks of such intervention.
Russia’s motives have sometimes been attributed to the profits it
realizes from its arms trade with Syria, going back to the Soviet era,
but that business is actually quite small. Others have suggested that
Syria’s leasing to Russia of a naval base at Tartous, Russia’s only
toehold on the Mediterranean, is a consideration. Rather, Russia’s
support of Assad is part of its reassertion on the world stage as a
great power with areas under its control. Putin wants to raise Russia
from the world’s ninth- to fifth-largest capitalist economy. Smarting
from the aggressive American expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe and
the planting of U.S. bases in Central Asia, Moscow is determined to
recover its former spheres of influence. In addition, some senior
Russian military analysts see “color revolutions” as a ploy
by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency to overthrow unfriendly
governments and then to plunder the resulting weak states of their
resources, a tactic they fear menaces Russia itself. Drawing a line at
Syria, in this view, is a way of underscoring that Putin’s own
neo-authoritarian regime will not go quietly.
Russia is only a 24-hour drive from Aleppo, Syria’s northernmost
metropolis. Having crushed a Muslim fundamentalist uprising in Chechnya
and Dagestan at the turn of the century, and having stood up a friendly
Chechen state government in the aftermath, Moscow is wary of the spread
of radical Muslim movements in the nearby Levant.
Moreover, some 10 to 14 percent of Syrians are Christians, many of them
belonging to the Eastern Orthodox branch that predominates in Russia
itself. The Russian Orthodox Church,
a key constituency for Putin, has opposed the overthrow of the secular
Baath government, seeing it as a protector of those coreligionists.
The thinking of the Russian foreign ministry is clear from its
Saturday press release on the revival of the radical Sunni insurgency in
Iraq in recent weeks. Complaining about what it termed terrorist
attacks in Mosul and Baghdad, the ministry’s website said, according to a
translation done for the U.S. government’s Open Source Center, that “We
are particularly concerned about growing sectarian tensions in Iraq,
which are turning into a direct armed confrontation between radical
elements in the Shi’a and Sunni communities. This is largely due to the
crisis situation in neighboring Syria and the spread of terrorist
activities of militants operating there.” In other words, Russia sees
the Syrian revolution as dominated by al-Qaida-linked groups such as the
al-Nusra Front. Moscow views the civil war as a destabilizing event
with the potential for radicalizing the Middle East, which it views as
its soft underbelly.
The momentum of the Syrian rebels has palpably slowed in the last
month, as Putin’s riposte has stiffened the resolve in Damascus and
given its military the wherewithal to regain territory. The Russian
president is weaving a protective web around his client, fending off the
Wahhabi winds of Muslim fundamentalism blowing from the Arabian
Peninsula. He has also pushed back against opportunistic Israeli
intervention, worried that it might further destabilize Damascus. At the
same time, he has impressed on Washington the need for a negotiated
settlement, an idea that President Obama, long skittish about sending
troops into further possible Middle East quagmires, has begun to
tolerate. Putin’s supply of powerful new weapons systems to Assad’s
military, and his dispatch of warships from the Russian Pacific fleet
through the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean, make clear that
the full force of Russian military might is, if need be, at the service
of its Baath client. Putin’s gambit may or may not prove successful, but
he is indisputably demonstrating that the age of the sole superpower
and of American unilateralism is passing in favor of a multipolar world.
Russia Always Delivers
Russia recently
delivered more of its Yakhont (officially 3M55E, NATO ID is SSN-26)
anti-ship missiles to Syria. This is a new version with a much improved
guidance system. Israel fears that some of these missiles will be sent
to Hezbollah who might use them against Israeli ships or offshore
natural gas field platform facilities. Israel is trying to persuade
Russia to stop delivering the missiles but Russia is reluctant to halt
these shipments. Iran appears to be paying for this, so the loss of
income would be felt in Russia.
This sort of thing has been going on for a while. Two years
ago Russia delivered 72 Yakhonts and 18 of the mobile ground launchers
(each carrying two missiles) to Syria. Also included were five battery
command vehicles. Typically a Yakhont battery consists of one of these
vehicles, four launchers and several more trucks carrying security and
maintenance personnel and equipment. The 2011 shipment cost $300 million
dollars. The missiles can be stored in their launch containers for
seven years before they require major components replacements and
refurbishment to stay operational. Yakhonts have a range of 300
kilometers and are very hard to stop. Syria accounted for seven percent
of Russian arms exports in 2011, and Russia wanted to show that they
always deliver. Russia was also building a naval base at the Syrian port
of Tartus. At this point Russia says it is simply delivering weapons
ordered before the civil war began two years ago.
The shipment of Yakhont missiles to Syria two years ago came
after four years of haggling and efforts by Israel and the United States
to block the sale. Apparently the missiles were already paid for before
delivery. Russia was happy for any sale and seemed particularly anxious
for Yakhont to get some combat experience.
Yakhont was under development throughout the 1990s, but was
delayed by lack of funds. By 2011 it was in production, and the Russia
was energetically seeking export sales. The Yakhont uses a liquid-fuel
ramjet and travels at speeds of over 2,000 kilometers an hour (using a
high altitude cruise and a low-altitude approach; if it travels entirely
at low altitude the range is cut to 120km). When the missile arrives in
the area where the target is supposed to be, it turns on its radar and
goes for the kill. Israel is the only one in the region the Yakhonts
would be used against. However, because Iran is supplying (unofficially)
the cash for the missiles, there is also the risk that some of the
Yakhonts would end up in Iran for use against numerous targets in the
Persian Gulf.
Syria is getting the ground based Yakhont which can use truck
mounted or fixed launchers, with up to 36 missiles supported by a land
based search radar and helicopter mounted radars (to locate targets over
the horizon). Once a target has been identified and located, one or two
missiles are programmed with that location and launched. The Yakhont is
a 8.9 meter (27.6 foot) long, three ton missile with a 300 kg (660
pound) warhead.
An improved version of the Yakhont, the PJ-10 BrahMos missile,
was developed for India. This is a 9.4 meter (29 foot) long and 670mm
diameter missile. Lacking money to finish Yakhont development and begin
production, the Russian manufacturer eventually made a deal with India
to get it done. India put up most of the $240 million needed to finally
complete two decades of development, an effort which produced the long
delayed Yakhont, and more capable BrahMos.
The PJ-10 is being built in Russia and India, with the
Russians assisting India in setting up manufacturing facilities for
cruise missile components. Efforts are being made to export up to 2,000,
but no one has placed an order yet. Russia and India are encouraged
enough to invest in BrahMos 2, which will use a scramjet, instead of a
ramjet, in the second stage. This would double speed, and make the
missile much more difficult to defend against.
The 3.2 ton BrahMos has a range of 300 kilometers and a 300 kg
warhead. Perhaps the most striking characteristic is its high speed,
literally faster (at up to a kilometer per second) than a rifle bullet.
The high price of each missile, about $2.3 million, restricts the number
of countries that can afford it. The weapon entered service with the
Indian navy in 2005. The maximum speed of 3,000 kilometers an hour makes
it harder to intercept, and means it takes five minutes or less to
reach its target. The air launched version weighs 2.5 tons, the others,
three tons or more.
Washington Post: Russian, Iranian technology is boosting Assad’s assault on Syrian rebels

Sophisticated technology from Russia and Iran has given Syrian
government troops new advantages in tracking and destroying their foes,
helping them solidify battlefield gains against rebels, according to
Middle Eastern intelligence officials and analysts.
The technology includes increased numbers of Iranian-made
surveillance drones and, in some areas, anti-mortar systems similar to
those used by U.S. forces to trace the source of mortar fire, the
officials and experts said. Syrian military units also are making
greater use of monitoring equipment to gather intelligence about rebel
positions and jamming devices to block rebel communications, they said. At
the same time, Syrian military leaders are adopting new tactics that
some experts also attribute to foreign advisers and training.
seeing a turning point in the past couple of months, and it has a lot
to do with the quality and type of weapons and other systems coming from
Iran and Russia,” said a Middle Eastern intelligence official whose
government closely monitors the fighting. The official, who spoke on the
condition that his name and nationality be withheld in discussing
sensitive intelligence, said the new gear is cementing an advantage
gained by Syrian forces with the arrival of
hundreds of Hezbollah fighters from Lebanon in recent weeks.
government troops clearly have a much better view of the battlefield,
and they’re better able to respond to incoming fire — sometimes even
before the other side can land a blow,” the official said.
commanders confirmed a sharp increase in the number of surveillance
drones they have seen. Opposition leaders claimed to have brought down
two Iranian-made drones in the past four months, including one three
weeks ago in al-Ghouta, on the outskirts of Damascus. Rebel
spokesmen have described the drones as Iranian-made, citing Farsi script
on one that was downed near the Lebanese border. Iran is known to be a
significant manufacturer of unmanned aircraft and has previously
provided drones to the Shiite militia Hezbollah, its ally.
“We are
seeing unmanned aircraft much more frequently,” Louay al-Mokdad, the
political and media coordinator for the Free Syria Army, said in a phone
say the presence of other technically advanced weapons, including
mortar-tracking systems, has been inferred from reports by rebel
fighters and intelligence operatives inside Syria, as well as military
observers in neighboring countries. From their scattered observation
posts along the border, Jordanian military officials described seeing
direct and indirect evidence of new weapons and equipment tipping the
balance in favor of Syrian troops and allies supporting President Bashar
al-Assad’s government.
“We’re seeing many things we haven’t seen
before,” said Brig. Gen. Hussein al-Zyoud, commander of Jordanian border
security forces. “We’ve seen new kinds of armored vehicles, and other
vehicles used for jamming communications. We’re seeing night-vision and
thermal devices that we haven’t seen in the past.”
The new hardware has added to a sense of momentum that pro-government forces have been enjoying since mid-spring.
and Iran, longtime Syrian allies, have acknowledged providing Syria
with a wide range of military equipment, from tanks and helicopters to
small arms and ammunition. Moscow’s apparent decision to supply S-300
antiaircraft missiles to Syria drew stern warnings this past week from
the Obama administration and Israeli officials, who say the missiles
pose a threat to Israel’s security.
Despite the ability of Syrian
troops to beat back rebel advances in some parts of the country, U.S.
and Middle Eastern analysts said government forces are unlikely to
recapture broad swaths of territory that is firmly under rebel control.
assistance to the Syrian regime has allowed Assad’s forces to make some
recent tactical gains, but overall, they’ve lost a lot of ground since
the conflict began,” said a U.S. official with access to classified
intelligence reports from the region.
Improved communication and
surveillance are a key part of an evolving Syrian military doctrine that
has been strikingly successful in recent weeks. White described the new
tactics as “
Qusair rules,” an allusion to the ongoing Syrian military offensive to retake the key city of Qusair near Lebanon’s northern border.
approach involves the use of regular and irregular troops to isolate
rebel units and cut off their access to supplies and reinforcements.
Government forces squeeze the rebels into a small area and then unleash a
heavy bombardment to inflict as many casualties as possible, White
“Eventually they wear down the rebels, killing enough of
them so they either leave or get wiped out,” said White, a defense
fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a think tank.
“It’s operational-level warfare, using maneuver-in-battle to achieve a
strategic goal.”
The improved gear appears to be conferring an
advantage on Syrian forces in the near-daily battle for control of
government outposts along the border. On a recent afternoon, Zyoud, the
border guard commander, and other Jordanian troops watched by live video
feed as a battle raged around a Syrian checkpoint less than two miles
away, across from the Jordanian border village of al-Torrah.
frequently happens, the rebels quickly overran the checkpoint, setting
fire to a tank and forcing the handful of Syrian guards to fall back to
another post a few miles away. But within hours, as night fell, the
Syrian army easily reclaimed the outpost, scattering the dozen or so
rebel fighters who had briefly held it. The rebels could be seen
strapping one of their wounded comrades onto a motorcycle heading toward
the border with Jordan, apparently in hopes that Jordanians would
provide medical care.
“They attack the checkpoints in a primitive
way,” Zyoud said. “Sometimes you see them holding their weapons
awkwardly and wasting their ammunition. They almost never take advantage
of the vehicles and equipment the Syrians leave behind.”
“It is clear from watching them that they are not well-trained,” he said.
Russia Today: Russia slams end of EU arms embargo, calls S-300s ‘stabilizing factor’ in Syria
The failure of the European Union to agree on a new arms embargo for
Syria is undermining the peace process, Moscow says. But the delivery of
S-300 surface-to-air missiles may help restrain warmongers. The comments come from Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Sergey
Ryabkov, referring to the results of Monday’s meeting in
Brussels. After a lengthy negotiating session, EU governments
failed to resolve their differences and allowed a ban on arming
the Syrian opposition to expire, with France and Britain scoring
an apparent victory at the expense of EU unity.
The EU's move, which the Russian diplomat branded as an "example
of double standards", opens the door for Britain and France to
supply weapons to Syrian rebels fighting the regime of President
Bashar Assad. Criticizing Europe’s decision to
open the way for potential arms shipments to Syrian
rebels, Russia insists that its own sale of arms to the Syrian
government helps the international effort to end the
two-year-long conflict, the diplomat added. He was referring to
the delivery of the advanced S-300 long-range air defense
systems, which Russia is carrying out under a contract signed
with Syria several years ago.
“Those systems by definition cannot be used by militant groups
on the battlefield,” Ryabkov said. “We consider this
delivery a factor of stabilization. We believe that moves like
this one to a great degree restrain some hotheads from escalating
the conflict to the international scale, from involving external
However, Russia has neither confirmed, nor denied “the status of
those shipments.”
“The only thing I can tell is that we are not refusing from
them,” Sergey Ryabkov said. “We see that this question
worries our partners, but we have no reason to reconsider our
position in this sphere,” he said.
Despite the uncertainty around S-300 shipments, Israel said it
will know how to act if Russia does supply surface-to-air
"I can say that the shipments are not on their way yet,"
Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon told reporters. "I hope they
will not leave, and if, God forbid, they reach Syria, we will
know what to do," he said, without disclosing his sources.
Israel is concerned by possible Russian supplies to Syria, saying
that advanced weapon systems could end up in the hands of Iran or
the Lebanese Hezbollah group. Once the Russian SAM missiles are deployed by Syria, it will have
a better control of its airspace. The country endured three
airstrikes this year, which are widely thought to have been
conducted by Israel, but were never officially confirmed as such.
Britain and France have made a
commitment not to deliver arms to the Syrian opposition
"at this stage," an EU declaration said. EU officials,
however, said the commitment effectively expires on August
1. UK Foreign Secretary William Hague has defended the lifting of
the EU’s embargo, saying that Britain would only send arms to
Syrian rebels with other countries. At the same time he assured
that this would not violate international law.
London and Paris have argued support for rebels fighting Assad by
allowing EU arms deliveries, despite the fact that extremist
elements are known to work alongside the rebels. Other EU governments, led by Austria and Sweden, argued that
sending more weapons to the region would increase violence and
spread instability. Russia's envoy to NATO Aleksandr Grushko said that the abolition
of the EU arms embargo on the Syrian opposition will only
exacerbate armed conflict in that country.
"We need to refrain from taking steps that would be contrary
to this logic. Such steps include armed or non-lethal support to
the opposition. This just adds fuel to the fire," Grushko
said on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, Moscow and Washington remain undecided as to the
content of a proposed international conference on Syria,
according to Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov. "There remains a gap between the positions of Russia and the
US regarding some issues and aspects of this major international
crisis," he emphasized.
"And we, for our part, cannot agree to hold such events [the
international conference on Syria] amid a situation where
partners and possible participants in such a conference seek to
impose solutions on the Syrian people from the outside, as well
as predetermine the course of a transitional process, the
parameters of which have not been determined yet," Ryabkov
Russia Sends More Advanced Missiles to Aid
Assad in Syria

Russia has sent advanced antiship cruise missiles to
Syria, a move that illustrates the depth of its support for the Syrian government led
by President
Bashar al-Assad, American officials said Thursday.
Russia has previously provided a version of the missiles, called
Yakhonts, to Syria. But those delivered recently are outfitted with an
advanced radar that makes them more effective, according to American
officials who are familiar with classified intelligence reports and
would only discuss the shipment on the basis of anonymity.
Unlike Scud and other longer-range surface-to-surface missiles that the
Assad government has used against opposition forces, the Yakhont
antiship missile system provides the Syrian military a formidable weapon
to counter any effort by international forces to reinforce Syrian
opposition fighters by imposing a naval embargo, establishing a no-fly
zone or carrying out limited airstrikes.
“It enables the regime to deter foreign forces looking to supply the
opposition from the sea, or from undertaking a more active role if a
no-fly zone or shipping embargo were to be declared at some point,” said
Nick Brown, editor in chief of IHS Jane’s International Defense Review.
“It’s a real ship killer.”
Jeffrey White, a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy
and a former senior American intelligence official, said Syria’s
strengthened arsenal would “tend to push Western or allied naval
activity further off the coast” and was also “a signal of the Russian
commitment to the Syrian government.”
The disclosure of the delivery comes as Russia and the United States are
planning to convene an international conference that is aimed at ending
the brutal conflict in Syria, which has killed more than 70,000. That
conference is expected to be held in early June and to include
representatives of the Assad government and the Syrian opposition.
Secretary of State John Kerry has repeatedly said that it is the United
States’ hope to change Mr. Assad’s “calculations” about his ability to
hold on to power so that he will allow negotiations for a political
solution to the conflict. Mr. Kerry indicated that he had raised the
issue of Russian arms deliveries to Syria during his recent visit to
Moscow, but declined to provide details.
“I think we’ve made it crystal clear we would prefer that Russia was not
supplying assistance,” he said. “That hasn’t changed.”
American officials have been concerned that the flow of Russian and
Iranian arms to Syria will buttress Mr. Assad’s apparent belief that he
can prevail militarily.
“This weapons transfer is obviously disappointing and will set back
efforts to promote the political transition that is in the best
interests of the Syrian people and the region,” Senator Bob Corker of
Tennessee, the senior Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee,
said in a statement on Thursday night. “There is now greater urgency for
the U.S. to step up assistance to the moderate opposition forces who
can lead Syria after Assad.”
Senator Robert Menendez, Democrat of New Jersey and the committee
chairman, added in a statement, “Russia is offering cover to a despotic
ruler and defending a bankrupt regime.” Syria ordered the coastal defense version of the Yakhont system from
Russia in 2007 and received the first batteries in early 2011, according
to Jane’s. The initial order covered 72 missiles, 36 launcher vehicles,
and support equipment, and the systems have been displayed in the
The batteries are mobile, which makes them more difficult to attack.
Each consists of missiles, a three-missile launcher and a
command-and-control vehicle. The missiles are about 22 feet long, carry either a high-explosive or
armor-piercing warhead, and have a range of about 180 miles, according
to Jane’s. They can be steered to a target’s general location by longer-range
radars, but each missile has its own radar to help evade a ship’s
defenses and home in as it approaches its target.
Two senior American officials said that the most recent shipment
contained missiles with a more advanced guidance system than earlier
shipments. Russia has longstanding interests in Syria, including a naval base at the Mediterranean port of Tartus.
As the Syria crisis has escalated, Russia has gradually augmented its
naval presence in the region. In January, more than two dozen Russian
warships sailed to the Black and Mediterranean Seas to take part in what
the Defense Ministry said was to be the country’s largest naval
exercise in decades, testing the ships’ ability to deploy outside
Russian waters.
A month later, after the Black Sea exercises ended, the Russian Defense
Ministry news agency said that four large landing vessels were on their
way to operations off the coast of Syria. “Based on the results of the navy exercises in the Black and
Mediterranean seas,” the ministry said at the time, “the ministry
leadership has taken a decision to continue combat duty by Russian
warships in the Mediterranean.”
diplomatic support of Syria has also bolstered the Assad government. At
the United Nations, the Russians recently blocked proposals that the
Security Council mount a fact-finding trip to Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon
to investigate the burgeoning flood of refugees, according to Western
diplomats. Jordan had sought the United Nations visit to make the point
that the
refugee situation was a threat to stability in the region, but Russia
said that the trip was beyond the mandate of the Security Council,
diplomats said.
When allegations that the Assad government had used chemical weapons
surfaced, Russia also backed the Syrian government’s refusal to allow
the United Nations to carry out a wide-ranging investigation inside
Syria — which Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, said was an
attempt to “politicize the issue” and impose the “Iraqi scenario” on
Russian officials have repeatedly said that in selling arms to Syria,
they are merely fulfilling old contracts. But some American officials
worry that the deliveries are intended to limit the United States’
options should it choose to intervene to help the rebels.
Russia, for example, previously shipped SA-17 surface-to-air missiles to
Syria. Israel carried out an airstrike against trucks that were
transporting the weapons near Damascus in January. Israel has not
officially acknowledged the raid but has said it is prepared to
intervene militarily to prevent any “game changing” weapons from being
shipped to Hezbollah, the Lebanese militant group.
More recently, Israeli and American officials have urged Russia not to
proceed with the sale of advanced S-300 air defense weapons. The Kremlin
has yielded to American entreaties not to provide S-300s to Iran. But
the denial of that sale, analysts say, has increased the pressure within
Russia’s military establishment to proceed with the delivery to Syria.
Russia Challenges the U.S. by Equipping Syria With S-300, Yakhont Missiles
The delivery of Russian SS-N-26 coastal defense and SA-21 (S-300
PMU2) air defense missile systems to Syria is significant, since Moscow
is providing the Syrian regime the capability to defend from Foreign
intervention. Defense-Update reports.
In fact, the Russian weapons
are providing Syria a level of defense so that the Russians will not
have to send in their military power to defend their strategic assets in
Syria. Although Israel may consider this move a potential challenge to
its ‘qualitative superiority’, the Russian move is not aimed against
Israel, but against the USA and Europe.
supplying Syria with such weapons Russia is ‘drawing a line in the
sand’, to prevent a possible intervention in Syria, as the west have
practiced in Iraq in 2003 and in Libya in 2011. Unlike the two countries
that gave in to the West, Russia feels Syria is committed to Syria
under a defense pact, and is now making this statement clear. Another
manifestation of this statement and strategy is growing presence of
Russian naval vessels in the Eastern Mediterranean and at Port of
sources claim that the current systems are delivered with an upgraded
radar, “that makes them more effective, according to American officials
who are familiar with classified intelligence reports”. Moreover, the
missiles could also only put Israeli assets at risk, but also limit
international activities off the Syrian coast, would a U.N. embargo
enforced on the Syrian regime. Moscow has repeatedly blocked several
initiatives to bring an end to the bloodshed of Civil War in Syria. More
recently, investigations about alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria
were also derailed by Russian opposition.
Russia is determined not to
allow NATO and the Western Alliance to “politicize the issue” (off
alleged use of Weapons of Mass Destruction – WMD) as was the case of the
“Iraqi scenario”. Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, said.
regards Syria as one of its longstanding allies in the region. while
Moscow is reluctant to intervene in Syria and act forcibly against the
rebels, it is apparently providing Basher al Assad all the help they can
to remain in power, maintain his military forces and protect, at least
parts of the Syrian territory that is important to the Russians and to
the Syrian regime – the concentration of Ala’awite minority, along the
coastal area and in Northern Syria, and areas along the Lebanese border,
including Damascus. Able to keep U.S. and NATO warships at risk would
potentially deter possible foreign action, such as maintaining a ‘no fly
zone’ or a naval blockade, as part of an embargo like the one
implemented by the UN over Libya and Iraq.
At the United Nations,
the Russians recently blocked proposals that the Security Council mount a
fact-finding trip to Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon to investigate the
burgeoning flood of refugees, according to Western diplomats.
How Dangerous is the S-300 Syria is About to Receive?
What are the implications of Moscow delivering S-300
air-defense systems to Syria, could one weapon system decide the outcome
of the Syrian power struggle, is the Russian missile system as
invincible as it is described? Alexey Eremenko from the Russian news agency Novosti provides some answers. Defense-Update reports.
missile batteries would give Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime a
powerful weapon against foreign air strikes” Eremenko comments, “one of
the options being bounced around as a form of international
intervention – and could fracture the fragile accord on Syria reached
last week between Moscow and Washington, which hope to get the warring
sides to negotiate.”
According to Eremenko, “Verifiable
information about the S-300 deal is desperately scant: Was there a deal
at all? What did it cover? Has any part of it been implemented? For now,
what we know about the S-300 saga, from its origins to its
implications, has been based on disappearing documents, anonymous
sources, rumors, approximations and misunderstandings.”
Is there really a deal to sell Russian S-300 systems to Syria?
it’s all hearsay, according to Eremenko. The single evidence was a 2011
annual report by S-300’s manufacturer, the Nizhny Novgorod Machine
Building Plant, which mentioned a contract for such missiles for Syria.
However, the report has since vanished from the plant’s website. The
Vedomosti business daily that commented about that story said the
contract was worth $105 million and that an unspecified number of S-300
systems were slated for delivery between 2012 and early 2013. Based on
the quoted price, the alleged contract would cover the infrastructure
required for one battery only. (One S-300 missile system is estimated to
cost some $115 million, the cost of each missile is over one million
Other reports commonly attributed to ‘western intelligence
sources’ mention that Syria has ordered four S-300 batteries and 144
missiles, thus committing $900 million for such order. Deliveries of the
hardware would commence by late summer. Other media sources reported
initial shipments were made in December 2012. Russian official sources
have stated that a contract covering the delivery of advanced
air-defense systems to Syria has been signed two years ago.
Can the international community or any third parties affect the sale?
deal is strictly between Moscow and Damascus – which is to say, it’s
all in the hands of Russian President Vladimir Putin,” Eremenko wrote,
“all attempts to ban arms sales to Syria via the UN Security Council
have been blocked by Russia. Of course, there is behind-the-scenes
haggling and arm-twisting, but that’s unofficial.”
Why are the S-300s dangerous? They’ve been on the production line since 1978 – aren’t they outdated by now?
S-300 systems have been modernized repeatedly to remain
state-of-the-art airplane- and rocket-destruction machines. The
S-300PMU2 Favorit can launch six missiles at once and engage 12 targets
simultaneously, both at high and low altitude. The missile interceptors
(effectors) used by the S-300 PMU2 outmaneuver any modern fighter,
including F-16, F-15, F-18 and F-22, these missiles can also effectively
hit cruise missiles at ranges of 40-70km. The same unit can also employ
the latest 48N6E2 missiles to intercept short and medium range
ballistic missiles that would be targeting the site. This missile having
a maximum range of 195km is what makes the system ‘strategic’ When
covered by by point defense missile systems, such as the SA-15 Tor or
SA-22 Pantsir S1, an S-300 PMU2 would be virtually immune to standoff
attack by precision guided weapons. The system is also designed to
operate effectively even when subjected to severe countermeasures and
electronic attack, which makes it especially difficult to suppress.
Who are the targets?
addition to engaging fighter aircraft, cruise and ballistic missiles,
the S-300 system will also pose acute danger to strategic assets flying
well beyond the Syrian border, including Israeli or coalition support
aircraft, airborne early warning, electronic warfare and monitoring or
aerial refueling aircraft which are part of strike packages or aircraft
supporting intelligence gathering and surveillance. “Any attempts by
foreign powers to enforce a no-fly zone over Syria, as was done in Libya
in 2011.” Eremenko wrote.
What’s the possible time frame? How long until Assad can shoot foreign fighter jets out of the sky?
S-300 system deploys in five minutes – once it’s paid for, produced,
tested, shipped, and manned by trained personnel. Novosti wrote, still,
it would likely take a while before Damascus actually gets any missiles.
However, there are few issues that would delay delivery. The
manufacturer is unlikely to have ready-to-ship S-300 systems lying on
the shelves: Whatever leftovers there were from a deal with Iran,
scrapped in 2010, were long ago snatched up by other customers such as
Algeria, according to Ruslan Pukhov of the Center for Analysis of
Strategy and Technologies, a for-profit research group in Moscow. This
means the systems would need to be produced and test launches conducted,
a job that would take about a year, Pukhov said. “Furthermore, dozens
or even hundreds of staff would have to be trained to operate the
complicated machinery, which should take about six months. This would
push Assad’s most optimistic deadline of owning fully operable S-300
complexes to November at best, with spring of 2014 being a more
realistic estimate.”
According to Israel’s 1st TV news channel,
Syrian soldiers have recently completed a two-month training on the S300
air-defense system in Russia. These crews are expected to become the
lead cadre receiving the systems expected within two months in Syria.
Israel is concerned about the possibility that the S300 systems will be
manned by Russian troops in Syria. In the early 1970s Russian crews have
maintained a full air-defense division in Egypt, assisting in defending
the country from Israeli attacks during the War of Attrition that
followed the Egyptian defeat in the Six Day War of 1967.
Radio Liberty: Five Things You Should Know About Syria And Russia’s S-300 Missile System

Russia's S-300 missile system could dramatically change the stakes in the
Syrian conflict if it is sent to Damascus, which Russia has signed a
contract to do. RFE/RL lays out five things to know about the
air-defense system.
What are the capabilities of the S-300 system?
The S-300 missile system is designed to shoot down aircraft and missiles
at a range of 5-to-150 kilometers. That gives it the ability to destroy
not only attackers in Syrian airspace but also any attackers inside
Israel. It can track and strike multiple targets simultaneously at altitudes ranging from 10 meters to 27,000 meters.
"The S-300 is Russia's top-of-the-range air-defense system," says Robert
Hewson, the London-based editor of "IHS Jane's Air-Launched Weapons."
"It is a surface-to-air missile system that's capable of shooting down
any modern combat aircraft or missiles, including cruise missiles. In a
way, it is the Russian equivalent to the U.S. Patriot system. And what
it does for Syria is it adds a whole new level of capability on top of
the existing Syrian air defenses. Syria already has a lot of Russian
[surface-to-air] missiles, but the S-300 would be the most advanced."
How much would a deployed S-300 system complicate a decision by the international community to create no-fly zones in Syria?
The deployment of the S-300 system would greatly complicate any such
measures in Syria. It would similarly complicate Israel’s policy of
striking targets in
Syria to prevent transfers of sophisticated weapons from Damascus to the
Lebanese Hizballah, Israel’s sworn enemy. NATO used no-fly zones in
2011 to end the conflict in Libya. The zones
protected civilians and allowed allied planes to destroy Libyan
government units who were using force against populated areas.
When might Russia deliver the S-300 system to Syria?
That is the big unknown. Moscow and Damascus signed the deal roughly a
year before civil unrest against the Syrian regime erupted in March
2011. A firm delivery date has yet to be set. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said on May 30 that the systems were on
the way but that report was contradicted by Russian defense analysts
speaking anonymously to Russian media. One defense source told Russia's "Kommersant" daily that the weapons
contract requires Moscow to deliver the S-300 system by spring 2014.
Russian officials have refused to speak publicly about a time frame.
Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told reporters this week, "I can
only say that we won't cancel the contracts."
Are there reasons to suspect Russia is bluffing when it says it will send the missiles?
In truth, delivering the missiles could bring huge risks for Moscow.
That is because the batteries likely would have to be operated by
Russian crews before Syrian teams could be completely trained in their
"It is standard Russian practice to send your own military advisers to
go in with a new customer and help train them up," Hewson says. "And one
risk in attacking [the new] S-300 -- were that to happen and if the
missiles had just arrived in Syria -- is that you would hit Russian
personnel that are with them."
Israel, a U.S. ally, has threatened to destroy the missiles if they are
deployed. If it did and caused Russian casualties, there would be a
grave risk the conflict could escalate into a superpower confrontation.
Michael Elleman, a missile expert at the International Institute for
Strategic Studies' Middle East office in Bahrain, says promising to send
the new missiles likely serves Moscow's purposes better than actually
delivering them.
"Ultimately for Russia, I think the threat of transferring the S-300,
the ambiguity as to whether it has been sent or not, probably is their
best-case scenario," Elleman says. "Whereas if they do transfer it, bad
things might happen and escalation is something that I don't think
anyone would really like to see."
Could foreign powers find ways to circumvent the S-300 system if it were deployed?
One way to circumvent air-defense systems is to try to disrupt their
operations through electronic techniques rather than attack them
directly. But Elleman says it is an open question whether the S-300
could be blocked this way. "Electronic warfare and spoofing of systems in quite common," he says,
"but one must keep in mind that the S-300 is a very sophisticated piece
of weaponry. And I am not convinced that the West, Israel, or Turkey
could reliably neutralize the system without taking some kind of kinetic
action -- in other words, going after some of the radar or some of the
interceptors [with force]. So, in terms of circumventing, I think it
would be very difficult and very risky."
CBN News: Russia Providing Drones to Syria
Russian President Vladimir Putin is not only
providing "concrete military assistance" to Syrian President Bashar
al-Assad's forces, he's also providing political backing. "The Russians support the Syrian army by supplying
weapons and also provide political backing," Israel's Channel 2
television military affairs correspondent Roni Daniel said on Monday
evening. "It is now revealed they also provided concrete military
assistance that affects the Syrian campaign." Daniel said Russian UAVs are giving Assad "a significant advantage" over rebel forces. "The Russians are operating a complete system of
unmanned aircraft running in Syrian airspace, gathering intelligence on
rebel forces and providing it to Assad's forces, giving them a
significant advantage," Daniel said.
Haaretz: Between Hezbollah fighters and Russian missiles, Israel’s stakes in Syria war grow ever higher
As far as Israel is concerned, the news from Syria in the past few
days can be divided into the good, the bad and the potentially very
ugly. Taken together, the developments mark a convergence of potential
game-changers that may set the stage for long, hot and possibly very
dangerous summer.
good news, if it can be called that, is Hezbollah’s increasingly direct
intervention in the Syrian civil war on behalf of beleaguered president
Bashar Assad. A New York Times headline on Monday described the
Lebanese terror group’s involvement as a “dramatic gamble”, which
Israelis, of course, are hoping it will lose. The
Times article describes Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah’s decision to
send his forces to fight alongside the
Syrian army in the ongoing
battle over the city of Qusayr as a move that could prove critical for
the future of the organization: a victory would enhance the
organization’s reputation and status as a coveted member of the
tripartite axis with Syria and Iran, while a defeat would weaken the
group militarily, dilute its deterrent power and undermine its position
of influence in Lebanese society and politics.
These theoretically high stakes of Hezbollah’s uncharacteristic foray cannot but influence
Israel’s views on the conflict in Syria.
Jerusalem has hitherto wavered between two conflicting interests:
stability of the Syrian state and its regime as a guarantor of chemical
weapons and of Israel’s northern border vs. the value of disrupting
Tehran’s regional hegemony and its supply lines to Beirut.
equation changes, however, if Hezbollah gets sucked into the Syrian
imbroglio to the degree that Assad’s defeat could also spell the death
knell for Nasrallah. Israel will be sorely tempted to do whatever it can
to contribute to such a potentially fatal blow to an organization that,
it many ways, has been Israel’s fiercest and most implacable enemy for
over 30 years.
of opposing the arming of Syrian rebels, or at least cautioning Western
powers against hasty moves, Israel may now view an immediate
strengthening of anti-Assad forces as a strategic imperative aimed at
averting a decisive Assad-Hezbollah victory. Rather than having to
choose between the plague and cholera, as the saying goes, Israel could
come to appreciate the advantages of having the two scourges fight it
out, one against the other.
that point of view, the European Union’s decision to refrain from
extending its arms embargo against the Syrian rebels could not have come
at a better time. With the active and physical help of Iran and Syria,
Assad has recently appeared to be not only holding on but actually
gaining ground; the arming of Syrian rebels, even if they include
Jihadist extremists, would serve as a potent game-changer and
morale-booster for the beleaguered anti-Assad forces.
the growing evidence of the Syrian army’s tactical use of chemical
weapons, as supplied by eyewitness accounts of Le Monde reporters, may
add to the pressure on the U.S. Administration to increase support for
the rebels, if not to intervene directly. Senator John McCain’s jaunt
into rebel territory over the weekend has refocused attention on an
issue that the Administration was probably happy to keep on the
Good or bad, all of these developments are overshadowed, of course, by the Russian announcement that it plans to go ahead and
arm Assad with advanced S-300 surface to air missiles,
described by the International Assessment and Strategy Center as “one
of the most lethal, if not the most lethal, all altitude area defense
SAM (Surface to Air Missile) systems in service.”
decision, if final, is a diplomatic setback for Israel, which has tried
to dissuade Russia from going ahead with the deal, most recently in
Prime Minister Netanyahu’s meeting with Vladimir Putin two weeks ago.
More importantly, however, the deployment of the S-300s could change the
military balance of air power on Israel’s northern front, with the new
missiles threatening Israel’s freedom of action not only over Syria but
over Lebanon and Israel’s northern areas as well.
this new convergence of regional and international forces on the Syrian
battlefield, there may be renewed impetus to reach a negotiated
settlement at the upcoming Geneva II conference, scheduled for mid-June.
But it is no less far fetched to sketch plausible scenarios by which
the internal civil war develops into a regional confrontation and
escalates from there into an all-out international crisis that pits
Syria, Iran, Russia and possibly China on one side and Europe, the U.S.,
Israel and Sunni countries on the other.
this happens during the next few months, be sure that the “Guns of
August” precedent will be mentioned often. If the situation deteriorates
even further, you may rest assured that scaremongers will rejoice,
doomsayers will exult and Google will be awash in searches for the
Apocalypse, the Book of Revelation, the Devil and the Beast, Gog and
Magog and a little known place in the northern Israel, right next to
Lebanon and Syria, called Megiddo - or Armageddon.
Guardian: Israel warns Russia against arming Syrian government
Israel's defence minister signals that its military is prepared to strike shipments of advanced Russian weapons to Syria
has said it will supply one of its most advanced anti-aircraft missile
systems to the Syrian government hours after the EU ended its arms
embargo on the rebels, raising the prospect of a rapidly escalating
proxy war in the region if peace talks in Geneva fail next month.
Israel quickly issued a thinly veiled warning that it would bomb the Russian S-300 missiles if they were sent to
as such a move would bring the advanced guided missiles within range of
civilian and military planes over Israel. Israel has conducted three
sets of air strikes on Syria this year, aimed at preventing missiles
being brought close to its border by the Lebanese Shia group Hezbollah.
shipments haven't set out yet and I hope they won't," Moshe Ya'alon,
the Israeli defence minister, said. "If they do arrive in Syria, God
forbid, we'll know what to do."
Russia's deputy foreign minister, Sergey Ryabkov, argued that the
delivery of the S-300 system had been previously agreed with Damascus
and would be a stabilising factor that could dissuade "some hotheads"
from entering the conflict. That appeared to be a reference to the UK
and France, who pushed through the lifting of the EU embargo on Monday
night and are the only European countries considering arming the rebel
Free Syrian Army (FSA).
However, London and Paris said they had
not yet taken the decision to send arms, and would not do so until after
the Geneva peace talks, tentatively scheduled for mid-June. "We
have said we have made our own commitments, that at this stage as we
work for the Geneva conference we are not taking any decision to send
any arms to anyone," William Hague, the UK foreign secretary said.
officials said the lifting of the embargo had a political purpose,
increasing the pressure on President Bashar al-Assad and his supporters,
Russia and Iran, to make concessions at Geneva, most importantly to
agree not to play a role in a transitional Syrian government. If that
fails, the officials said western arms supplies would strengthen
moderate elements in the armed opposition currently outgunned and
outfinanced by jihadist groups.
"Whoever controls logistics will
command loyalty," a senior British official said. "It's about dragging
some of these fighters back from the extremists." The senior official
stressed that any future British arms supplies would not include
portable anti-aircraft missiles. "There is not going to be an airliner
brought down by some weapon we provide," he said.
In Ankara, a
senior Turkish official portrayed the talks as a make-or-break moment,
which would have to lead to practical steps towards the creation of
transitional government without Assad and his closest entourage, unlike
the first round of Geneva talks last year.
"If Geneva II fails,
the opposition, the Free Syrian Army will get all they need, including
sophisticated arms," the official said. "This will be the last
diplomatic channel. There won't be another chance for the regime to
negotiate its role in a transitional government."
He said the key factor would be the US position on backing the rebels
if Geneva failed to bring progress. At the moment, Washington is
providing only non-lethal assistance to the FSA, but the Turkish
official said that in Barack Obama's meeting this month with the Turkish
prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the US president showed readiness
to change policy after more than 80,000 people had been killed. "The US
is stepping up its efforts, and its close contact it keeps with [FSA
commander] Saleem Idriss, tells you something about American
intentions," he said.
However, while the White House on Tuesday
appeared to welcome European moves to arm rebel groups in Syria, a
spokesman said the US remained sceptical about the merits of further
intervention. A spokesman, Jay Carney, said it would not "bring us
closer to the political transition that Syria deserves," according to
reporters travelling with the president on Air Force One.
administration was also playing down the significance of a surprise
visit to Syria by the hawkish Republican senator John McCain on Monday. The
Syrian opposition is hopeful the visit by McCain to rebel-held areas in
the north over the weekend will increase the political pressure on the
Obama administration to send arms. Carney said the White House was
aware McCain was planning the trip to see rebel leaders and looked
forward to "speaking to him upon his return".
The opposition
Syrian National Coalition is holding fractious internal debates in
Istanbul over its leadership and whether to go to Geneva, but Turkish
officials say they are confident there will be opposition representation
at the talks.
It is unclear, however, whether Iran will attend
amid determined Saudi opposition to their participation. Riyadh has
threatened to boycott the talks if Iran attends, officials in Ankara
have said. Russia and some Syrian opposition groups argue Tehran must be
included, in view of its heavy involvement on the conflict. The Iranian
Revolutionary Guards are training pro-government militias to fight
alongside the Syrian army.
"If Iran doesn't come to Geneva, then
that will be confirmation that it is a purely cosmetic exercise," a
senior Syrian opposition official said.
Expectations of
significant progress in Geneva are slight. Western officials say that
with unyielding backing from Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, there is little
incentive for Assad to make any concessions. For its part, the
opposition has agreed to drop its demand for Assad to step down as a
precondition for talks to begin but is highly unlikely to accept a
transitional government in which the Syrian leader or his family is
Jack Keane and Danielle Pletka: How to Stop Assad's Slaughter
Hitting Syria's airfields and war planes would be a game-changer—with U.S. forces not put in harm's way
Syria is not Libya. Bashar Assad's troops are well armed, and his
ground forces are waging successful campaigns against rebel forces
across the country. But eliminating Assad's ability to take to the air
and tilting the balance of power in favor of anti-Assad rebels—as the
United States and its allies did with the fighters who eventually
overthrew Moammar Gadhafi—is both achievable and advisable.
The Syrian air force is capable of aerial bombardment, close air
support to ground troops, aerial resupply and delivery of chemical
weapons. Assad has used all those
over the past two years to fight the rebels and to kill tens of
thousands of civilians. But in the past year, the rebels—armed with
heavy weapons and possibly with shoulder-fired Stinger missiles—have
become more proficient at shooting down helicopters, reportedly as many
as 20 so far.
What is keeping Assad in power is his use of fighter planes. If the
U.S. wants to break the military stalemate, force Assad into political
concessions or aid in his ouster, eliminating his air power should be
the first order of business.
The Assad regime's fighter aircraft are
also being used to take out civilians in what might be labeled a
reverse-counterinsurgency strategy. If counterinsurgency is predicated
on the security of the civilian population, then the reverse strategy
penalizes civilians and ensures that they are forced to choose between
their hope for freedom or the risk of death. Indiscriminately killing
civilians is working well for Assad, and the linchpin of his strategy is
his regime's air power.
To successfully target Assad's air power, one option is to outfit
moderate rebel units vetted by the CIA with man-portable antiaircraft
missiles, otherwise known as Manpads. Providing more moderate rebels
with Manpads is a reasonable choice, though unlikely to be decisive
because time is on Assad's side. There is also a risk that the weapons
could be diverted to al Qaeda-related groups. Despite that risk,
however, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former CIA
Director David Petraeus recommended this strategy last summer.
A cleaner and more decisive option is to strike Syrian aircraft and
the regime's key airfields through which Iranian and Russian weapons are
flowing to government forces. If American forces use standoff cruise
missiles and B-2 stealth bombers for these strikes, they will be out of
the enemy's reach.
The airfields are Assad's lifeline of support from Iran and Russia,
and without them he's in real trouble. Syria's air force will be
severely degraded if the U.S. pursues this option, but Syrian planes
won't be entirely grounded because airfields can be repaired. As a
result, these operations would need to be sustained for a period of time
to preclude repairs.
Then there's the oft-recommended option of establishing a no-fly zone
over Syria. It's here where we hear the loudest objections from Syria's
allies and others opposed to Western involvement in the conflict.
Because the Syrian military is equipped with an array of relatively
sophisticated air-defense systems, critics of the no-fly zone strategy
suggest that U.S. forces would be in harm's way.
The truth is that these air-defense systems look more impressive on
paper than they do in real life. After all, the Israelis have been able
to repeatedly penetrate Syrian air space without consequence. The Soviet
systems that the regime has are complicated and require intensive
maintenance and training. They would be little match for the U.S.
The Russian S300 surface-to-air defense system that news reports
indicate is being delivered to Syria would represent a substantial
upgrade to Syrian air defense system. Still, the U.S. has the capacity
to destroy this system with relative ease using Tomahawk missiles; even
small-arms fire would render it almost useless.
Ultimately, the achievability question is straightforward: Taking on
Assad's air assets is not an impossibly heavy lift for the U.S.,
particularly if we are able to enlist support from NATO and the Arab
League. Limited operations would render the antiaircraft-system matter
It is the advisability question that is thornier, lending itself to
more subjective analysis about the unknowns of a rebel victory and
Assad's (as well as Iran's and Hezbollah's) reaction to an escalation.
Here are the facts we do know: Right now, countless Syrian innocents are
being murdered weekly. Chemical weapons are being used by the regime.
Yes, certain factions among the rebels are affiliated with al Qaeda, but
it is also true that their allegiance has cost them support among the
Syrian civilian population in the months since it was announced.
Play this out: Assad wins and Iran's
most important Arab alliance is preserved, with terrorist groups like
Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad back on the gravy train of
international terrorism. American credibility is shot. Or, the conflict
continues, and the spillover into Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Iran and
Turkey escalates. Is conflict between Israel and Iran over Syria a
ridiculous notion? How about the fall of the Jordanian king? More
fighting between al Qaeda allies and Hezbollah in Lebanon? The collapse
of Iraq? None of our business? Never going to draw us in? Remember, a
return to the status quo ante is out of the question.
Arming the right rebels with
antiaircraft weapons and severely degrading Assad's air power with
limited airstrikes is achievable without boots on the ground and minimal
risk to aircrews. If the U.S. pursues this strategy, moderates among
the rebels will be strengthened, Syrian civilian casualties are likely
to be reduced (though not eliminated) and finally, after two long years,
Assad will be on notice. This option leaves room for escalation to the
no-fly zone, and for a further escalation to attacks on Assad's ground
forces if he uses chemical weapons again or tries to transfer them to
America's enemies.
The Syrian people are not asking us to fight for them. They're asking
us to help them fight for themselves. The question for President
Barack Obama is not our capacity to join that fight. It is the will.
Gen. Keane, a former vice chief of staff of the U.S.
Army, is the chairman of the Institute for the Study of War. Ms. Pletka
is the vice president for foreign and defense policy studies at the
American Enterprise Institute.
DEBKAfile: Moscow‘s Smoke Screen Obscures Assad’s Next Syrian War Moves

On minute, Russian spokesmen declare that Moscow is only filling
standing contracts with Syria for the sale of weapons, i.e. – S-300
anti-air missiles; the next, that delivery will take place only in the
second quarter of 2014 (ahead of Syria’s presidential election). Then,
after those spokesmen previously declared that Russia would only fill
outstanding arms contracts, Serge Korotkov, head of the MiG company came
out with the news Friday, May 31, that a Syrian delegation was in
Moscow to discuss “a new contract” for the sale of “more than 10” MiG-29
M/M2 fighters.
According to DEBKAfile’s military sources, this Russian fighter-bomber
is designed to operate in complex electronic jamming environments. It is
therefore just what the Syrian army lacks for overcoming the Israeli
Air Force’s ability to disable Syria’s Russian-made electronic warfare
systems. Moscow is therefore offering to provide Bashar Assad and his air force
with a key resource for delivering on the statement he made in a TV
interview Thursday, May 30: “We have informed all foreign parties that
we will retaliate against any future Israeli attack.”
Our military and Russian sources say that the conflicting Russian statements on weapons sales to Damascus have two motives:
1. To lay down a smoke screen for concealing the true nature and volume
of the military equipment Moscow is shipping to Assad and his army by
airlift. Its transports land and unload their freight at various Syrian
airfields, including Aleppo and Latakia. Without the Russian and Iranian
air corridors, the Syrian army would soon run out of the ammunition,
spare parts and fuel, needed day to day for keeping up its war on the
2. To spread a fog fraught with Russian menace for scaring Israel, the
United States, Britain, France and Turkey off any thought of military
intervention in the Syrian conflict.
This too is the frame of mind Moscow is seeking to generate for June 5
when representatives of Russia, the US and the United Nations meet to
prepare the ground for the Geneva conference which had been called to
hammer out a political settlement of the Syrian war. Moscow is
determined to browbeat Washington into accepting Iran’s participation.
Only the UN has so far named its representatives to the preliminary
meeting. They are special envoy for Syria, the Algerian diplomat Lakhdar
Brahimi, and the Deputy Secretary General, US Undersecretary for
Political Affairs, Jeffrey Feltman. Some weeks ago, Brahimi was on the point of resigning his mission. He
changed his mind when he saw Assad was gaining the upper hand in the way
and the Obama administration unwilling to stop him except by
cooperating with Moscow in calling an international conference for
setting limits on Assad’s triumph.
The Algerian diplomat became
convinced that without Moscow and Iran’s attendance, the conference is
condemned to fail. Most probably, therefore, the preparatory meeting
will be preoccupied
with settling the argument over Iran’s participation. Already, behind
closed doors, Moscow, Washington and Tehran have closed the gap between
them and bargaining over the format of Tehran’s attendance, whether as a
separate delegation or part of the Syrian team? And will Hizballah be
asked or not?
The Russians are confident they come to the event
with the strongest
hand. Their delegates will lead a front composed of Iran, Syria and
Hizballah, which is not only united but way ahead on the war front. In
contrast, their American co-sponsors, have not been able to persuade
the fractious Syrian opposition or its Gulf patrons, led by Saudi
Arabia, to put in an appearance at the conference. Unless this obstacle can be overcome, the US delegation comes to the
conference without Syrian or Arab parties on its side of the table. Israel can only watch from the sidelines.
President Vladimir Putin and his advisers feel they can safely turn up
the heat in the belief that President Barack Obama will have no choice
in the final reckoning but to accept the Russian-Iranian proposals for
ending the Syrian war, starting with leaving Assad in power. Otherwise,
Moscow is indicating that the war will escalate, fueled by the swelling
input of Russian arms, and the United States will sink further in Middle
East estimation.
Implicit in the Russian stance is that the Syrian war which has already
spread to Lebanon thanks to Hizballah’s participation in the fighting
will next spill over into Israel. Moscow is playing the S-300 missiles
and MiG-29 M/M2 warplanes as pieces in its game against Israel too on
the Syrian chessboard.
Source: DEBKAfile Special Report May 31, 2013
Russian Warships Enter Mediterranean to Form Permanent Task Force
Warships from Russia’s Pacific Fleet have entered the Mediterranean
for the first time in decades. Russia’s Navy Chief says the task force
may be reinforced with nuclear submarines, as the country starts
building up a permanent fleet in the region.
“The task force has successfully passed through the Suez
Channel and entered the Mediterranean. It is the first time in
decades that Pacific Fleet warships enter this region,” the
Pacific Fleet spokesman, Capt. First Rank Roman Martov told
The vessels are now heading to Cyprus and will make a port call
in the city of Limassol, he added. The group includes destroyer “Admiral Panteleyev,” two
amphibious warfare ships “Peresvet” and “Admiral Nevelskoi,” as
well as a tanker and a tugboat. The ships left the Far-Eastern port city of Vladivostok on March
19 to join Russia’s Mediterranean task force, which currently
consists of vessels from Northern, Baltic, and the Black Sea
Fleets, including a large anti-submarine ship, a frigate and a
Ropucha-II Class landing ship. Russian Navy Commander Adm. Viktor Chirkov on Sunday announced
plans for the Mediterranean task force and said that it may
“possibly” be enlarged to include nuclear submarines.
“Overall, already from this year, we plan to have 5-6
warships and support vessels [in the Mediterranean Sea], which will
be replaced on a rotating basis from each of the fleets – the Black
Sea, Baltic, Northern and, in some cases, even the Pacific Fleet.
Depending on the scope of assignments and their complexity, the
number of warships in the task force may be increased,” Chirkov
said, as quoted by RIA.
Russian submarines may be deployed in the region “in
perspective,” the Navy Commander said, reminding that both
nuclear and diesel submarines were present in the Soviet Union’s
5th Mediterranean Squadron.
“Everything will depend on the situation,” Chirkov said,
also leaving the door open for missions in the Atlantic and Indian
Oceans. The task force will be “comprehensively trained” to
meet situations that may arise in these regions too, he said.
The Russian Defense Ministry announced setting up a naval task
force in the Mediterranean in April, while the country’s Defense
Minister Sergey Shoigu has said a permanent naval task force was
needed to defend Russia’s interests in the region. The permanent fleet’s headquarters will be set up in the summer
of 2013, although their actual location is yet to be announced.
The Mediterranean has recently become a hotspot of military
muscle flexing as global powers seemingly vie for influence. NATO has been staging major naval war games involving several
countries, last October holding an exercise code-named Noble
Mariner 12. Russia held its largest naval exercises in the region
this January, with drills spanning both the Black and Mediterranean
Seas. The media quickly linked both the NATO and Russian war games
to the situation in Syria.
Another recent naval display, seen as provocative by Israel, was
the deployment of the Iranian Navy’s 24th fleet to patrol the
Mediterranean and convey a “message of peace.” Since then, Israel
has acquired its fifth Dolphin-class submarine allegedly capable of
launching cruise missiles with nuclear warheads.
China has also been increasing its involvement in the area, with
the country’s warships sailing through the Suez Canal, and several
key ports of the region becoming partially China-owned. Major naval groups serving in the Mediterranean Sea include
NATO’s Standing Maritime Group 2, French Naval Action Force, and
the US Navy 6th Fleet. The only Russian naval installation in the
region has for decades been the maintenance facility in the Syrian
city of Tartus.
Assad Ally Bolsters Warships in Region; U.S. Sees Warning

Russia has sent a dozen or more warships to patrol waters near its
naval base in Syria, a buildup that U.S. and European officials see as a
newly aggressive stance meant partly to warn the West and Israel not to
intervene in Syria's bloody civil war.
Russia's expanded presence in the
eastern Mediterranean, which began attracting U.S. officials' notice
three months ago, represents one of its largest sustained naval
deployments since the Cold War. While Western officials say they don't
fear an impending conflict with Russia's aged fleet, the presence adds a
new source of potential danger for miscalculation in an increasingly
combustible region.
"It is a show of force. It's muscle
flexing," a senior U.S. defense official said of the Russian
deployments. "It is about demonstrating their commitment to their
The buildup is seen as Moscow's way of
trying to strengthen its hand in any talks over Syria's future and
buttress its influence in the Middle East. It also provides options for
evacuating tens of thousands of Russians still in Syria.
The deployments come at a time of
heightened tensions. U.S. officials said Thursday that another round of
Israeli airstrikes could target a new transfer of advanced missiles,
anti-ship weapons known as Yakhont missiles, in the near future. Israeli
and Western intelligence services believe the missiles, which have been
sold by Russia to Syria in recent years, could be transferred to the
militant Hezbollah group within days. Russia has strongly protested
previous Israeli strikes in Syria.
Yakhont missiles are an offensive
system. Moscow has told Western diplomats it will supply only defensive
weaponry to the Syrian regime. But U.S. and Israeli officials have long
been worried about Syria's existing stocks of the weapon. If transferred
to Hezbollah or other militant groups, they could provide a serious
threat to both Israeli and U.S. warships in the region.
Navy and foreign ministry officials didn't respond to requests for
comment about the deployments of the warships. Russia supports Syrian
President Bashar al-Assad, while the U.S. has called for his removal.
Russian President
Vladimir Putin
signaled this week that he is pushing ahead with the sale of an
advanced air-defense system to Syria, according to U.S. intelligence
reports, over Israeli and U.S. objections.
Hezbollah and its chief sponsor, Iran,
also have rallied around Mr. Assad, sharing Russia's interest in
keeping the regime in place. Recent Israeli airstrikes inside Syria have
targeted missiles believed to be bound from Tehran to Hezbollah,
Western intelligence officials have alleged.
Moscow and Washington have worked
publicly in recent days to assemble an international conference
involving Damascus. But expectations are low that the meeting could lead
to a political transition, as tensions have heightened around the
region, and with the U.S. and Russia backing opposing camps. Amid the strategic turmoil, U.S. and
European defense officials say Russia appears to be trying to project
power to deter outside intervention in Syria, which it sees as its
foothold in the Middle East.
U.S. and European officials believe Mr.
Putin wants to prevent the West from contemplating a Libya-style
military operation inside Syria. President
Barack Obama
doesn't want to intervene militarily, but he has said the calculation
could be changed by suspected use of chemical weapons by Mr. Assad's
forces. Likewise, the Pentagon has stepped up military contingency
planning in the event of spillover of fighting into neighboring Turkey
and Jordan, both close U.S. allies.
deployments appeared designed to show that Russia intends to keep
Tartus, its only remaining military outpost outside the former Soviet
Union, senior U.S. officials said. Though spare by Western military
standards—it consists of a pair of piers staffed by about 50 people,
according to Russian data—the base provides a toehold in the region that
has grown in strategic and symbolic importance for Moscow.
"It's not really a base," said Andrei
Frolov, an analyst at CAST, a Moscow military think tank. "It's more
like a service station" that can do limited resupply and very modest
officials say, however, that Russia has drawn up plans to expand the
base, which it negotiated with Mr. Assad. Washington's interest in the
base has
likewise grown—not because the U.S. sees it as a threat, but because
U.S. officials believe that by assuring Russia that the base will remain
under Moscow's control in a post-Assad Syria, the U.S. has a better
chance of convincing Mr. Putin to break with Mr. Assad. Mr. Obama held
out some hope Thursday
that the coming conference with Russia would help the major powers reach
a consensus on how to end the bloodshed in Syria.
"There's no magic formula for dealing
with an extraordinarily violent and difficult situation like Syria's,"
Mr. Obama said at a news conference in Washington with Turkish Prime
Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. "I do think that the prospect of talks in
Geneva involving the Russians…may yield results."
Moscow's diplomacy notwithstanding,
U.S. officials believe that in addition to the naval deployments, Russia
is moving more quickly than previously thought to deliver S-300
surface-to-air defense systems to Syria. U.S. officials say the S-300 system,
which is capable of shooting down guided missiles and could make it more
risky for any warplanes to enter Syrian airspace, could leave Russia
for the port of Tartus by the end of May.
Russia's delivery of such missiles
could create a new dilemma for Israel, which has carried out what
Western intelligence officials say are at least three airstrikes inside
Syria in recent months against suspected weapons shipments to Hezbollah.
Israel has yet to target Syrian forces directly, seeking to avoid
direct conflict with Mr. Assad, say U.S. and Israeli officials.
Russian officials first announced the
navy was deploying ships to the eastern Mediterranean near Syria
starting in late 2012, but few details about the deployments have been
made public.
In January, the Russian navy used
these and other ships to conduct what it billed as some of the largest
exercises in recent years in the eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea for
a force that has had relatively low international presence since the
Cold War. State media reported that as many as 21 ships and three
submarines were involved, as well as planes and other forces.
Before the start of the Syrian civil
war, Russian ships stopped at the port only irregularly. But in the last
three months, 10 to 15 Russian ships have been near the Syrian port at
any one time, U.S. and European officials say. They say Russia currently
has 11 ships in the eastern Mediterranean, organized into three task
forces, that include destroyers, frigates, support vessels and
intelligence-collecting ships. Another three-ship group of amphibious
vessels is headed to the region. But U.S. officials said they expect
that group to replace one of the groups currently in the region.
"You have more and more warships"
concentrated between Cyprus, Lebanon and Turkey, a senior European
defense official said, adding that Russia is protecting its sphere of
influence in the Middle East and "staking its claim" to Tartus.
Many of the Russian ships in the
eastern Mediterranean have stopped in Syria, conducted exercises, port
visits or training in the area, and then moved on to the Gulf of Aden to
conduct counterpiracy missions, U.S. and European officials said.
Others in the aging fleet have returned to Black Sea ports for repairs
and resupply in recent weeks, Russian state media reported.
The stops in Syria, according to a
U.S. official, signal that Russia wants to show it remains a naval
power, even though its strength is diminished from the Soviet era and no
longer matches Western capabilities. "They are stretching their legs," the
official said. "They are very much interested in letting people know
they are a blue-water navy."
The Soviets had ships in the
Mediterranean during the Cold War whose mission was to counter the U.S.
Navy's 6th Fleet. The Russians ended that mission in 1992. But in the
last few months, the Russian navy has talked about reviving a similar
mission to signal Russia's influence in the region.
now, senior U.S. officials said the
Russian buildup "is not seen as threatening" to the U.S. Navy, which
has two destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean and an aircraft carrier
battle group in the Persian Gulf. "Nobody is forecasting the battle of
Midway in the eastern Med," the senior defense official said.
Russian Navy Plans to Reestablish Mediterranean Presence
The Russian Navy is planning to
reinstate in the Mediterranean the squadron it dissolved 20 years ago. Its
presence should become a stabilizing factor for the region. “We are planning to assign five or six vessels
and support ships to the formation from this year. They will rotate from each
of our fleets in the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Northern Sea, and in some
cases even the Pacific. Depending on the scope and complexity of our missions,
the number of vessels in the formation could increase," said
Commander-in-chief, Admiral Viktor Chirkov to RIA Novosti. Chirkov also told the news
source that the squadron could look forward to submarines.
“It’s possible – in
the future. They used to be deployed there at the time of the Fifth Squadron. There
were nuclear- and diesel-powered submarines there. Everything will depend on
how the situation develops."
According to the Admiral, the
Navy Command is also considering including Mistral-class helicopter carriers as
staff vessels for the squadron.
A symbol of the rebirth of
Russia’s might
A Russian squadron in the
Mediterranean is a symbol of the rebirth of Russia’s military
might, according to Andrei Frolov, Editor-in-Chief of Eksport Vooruzheny (Arms Export) magazine. “Creating such a formation
makes sense because its vessels could be used in case of a crisis in the region
and also as a launch pad for sending ships further afield – to Somalia and
other parts of Africa. Our sailors are familiar with Tartus, which has the
necessary infrastructure for vessels to fuel up and restock on water while the crew
rests," Frolov told Kommersant.
Vladimir Batyuk, a military
expert with the Institute for U.S. and Canadian Studies, believes that the idea
of establishing the squadron could only be viable if the situation in Syria,
its intended home base, becomes stable. Batyk shared that he believes
"a permanent strengthening of the Russian Navy in the Mediterranean will
be perceived with understanding. An overwhelming majority will treat the
Russian Navy’s presence with understanding, because it will stabilize the
military and political situation there. Russia maintains constructive and even
friendly relations with some of those countries."
On the other hand, Irina
Melkumyan, a professor at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of
Oriental Studies, believes that the appearance of a Russian squadron in the
Mediterranean could cause anxiety in some of the region’s countries.
“I think this is probably
ill-conceived. I believe Russia should not become the object of criticism from
the region’s countries once again, because Russia’s position is known to
diverge from those of the Arab League, Turkey and, of course, Israel. Most
Middle Eastern countries have a different position, and right now such a step
by Russia will only worsen the situation and weaken Russia’s position in the
region,” she said.
Russian Navy Starts Forming Mediterranean Task Force
The Russian Navy has begun setting up a permanent task force to
defend Russia’s interests in the Mediterranean, Navy Commander Adm.
Viktor Chirkov said Monday. “The defense minister has ordered us to form a task force that will
operate in the Mediterranean Sea on a permanent basis,” Chirkov told
reporters after a defense ministry meeting. “We have already started
work on this task.”
move comes at a time of increased international tension in the
eastern Mediterranean due to the worsening civil war in Syria. According
to Chirkov, the issue has been discussed at the Navy's Main
Headquarters, with the focus on logistics and training of commanding
personnel. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said earlier on Monday
that a
decision to deploy a permanent naval task force in the Mediterranean had
been made.
“I believe that we have the capability to form and maintain such a
task force,” Shoigu said, citing the success of recent large-scale naval
drills carried out by the Russian navy in the Mediterranean and Black
exercises involved warships from the Northern, Baltic, Black Sea and
Pacific fleets, strategic bombers and naval infantry. Neither Shoigu nor
Chirkov mentioned a timeline for the deployment of
the new task force, which would likely require significant effort to
ensure efficient logistics and the proper maintenance of warships in the
Mediterranean group. Shoigu admitted Monday that the general state of
affairs in the navy
"could not be called satisfactory," particularly in terms of poor
servicing and maintenance of vessels.
“A significant part of the fleet has to be operated with extended
periods [of time] between repairs, while many ships and vessels have
armaments and military equipment that can be used only with
restrictions," Shoigu said. A high-ranking defense ministry source told RIA Novosti in the
beginning of March that a proposed Russian permanent naval task force in
the Mediterranean Sea could consist of up to 10 combat and auxiliary
ships from three of the existing fleets.
The task force may operate on a rotating basis and use ports in
Cyprus, Montenegro, Greece and Syria as resupply points, the official
added. The Soviet Union maintained its 5th Mediterranean Squadron in that
sea from 1967 until 1992. It was formed to counter the US Navy 6th Fleet
during the Cold War, and consisted of 30-50 warships and auxiliary
vessels at different times.
Russia Warships Dock in Beirut Port awaiting Departure to Syria
Russia warships docked on Thursday in Beirut
Port, and al-Mayadeen television reported that they will stay in
Lebanese waters for three days before departing to Syria. "The warships
carry 700 soldiers and are planning to
stay in Mediterranean waters for three days,” al-Mayadeen said, adding
that they will then sail to the Syrian port of Tartus. Russia's
emergencies ministry on Tuesday had airlifted
103 Russians and citizens of former Soviet republics from Syria amid
continuing violence in the strife-torn country and on February 19,
Syrian authorities announced that it will send four ships to the
Mediterranean, in anticipation of a possible evacuation of Russia expats
in the country. Moscow has airlifted small groups of its citizens from
Syria on at least two prior occasions. Russia has vetoed three rounds
of U.N. Security Council
sanctions against President Bashar Assad and has said that the Syrian
strongman must be taken at his word when he says he has no intention to
quit. It is one of the only bakers of the government in Syria,
where the U.N. says more than 70,000 people have been killed in an
uprising launched two years ago.
Militants from Russia's North Caucasus join 'jihad' in Syria
* First time large number of Chechens documented fighting abroad
* Caucasus militants security threat for Russia's Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics
Flanked by almost 20 men with rifles, Omar Abu
al-Chechen kneels on a carpet and delivers a rousing speech urging
fellow Muslims to support the 'jihad' against Syrian President Bashar
al-Assad. Dressed almost entirely in black, the militant
from Russia's Chechnya region declares an Islamist state is within
reach. Fellow fighters from the brigade of foreign militants he leads
translate his Russian words into Arabic.
His recently
distributed video highlights the role militants from the volatile North
Caucasus region now play in Syria's civil war, fighting a government
that has been backed by Russia and staunchly protected by President
Vladimir Putin. It also puts in focus the security risks
they may pose for Russia if they return to the Russian region, which
borders the area where Moscow plans to host the Sochi 2014 Winter
needs very many things. Firstly it
needs money. Much is dependent on money today for jihad," said
al-Chechen, his nom de guerre, the leader of what rebels and websites
call the Brigade of Migrants, an opposition group of foreign fighters.
"(We) have missed many chances, but truly today there is a chance to
establish (an Islamic state) on Earth," he said.
Syrian rebels confirmed separately that he is in Syria and the leader of the brigade. His real name was not clear. While
Moscow has been one of Assad's main protectors, members of an Islamist
insurgency involved in daily clashes in Russia's predominantly Muslim
North Caucasus and their compatriots have trickled into Syria to fight
for the rebels.
"This is the first time that a mass
number of Chechens have taken part in military actions abroad," said
analyst Mairbek Vatchagayev, based in Paris, adding that claims were
made that Chechens had fought with the Taliban in Afghanistan or in
Iraq, but no definitive proof had been given. Syrian
soldiers and analysts say there are dozens, and possibly 100, fighters
in Syria from the North Caucasus, a region where militants wage daily
violence to establish an Islamic state.
The bloodshed
there is rooted in two wars that Moscow fought with Chechen separatists
after the Soviet Union's fall and these fighters could pose a security
risk for Russia if they return to the North Caucasus. The
region is close to Sochi, the Black Sea and Caucasus Mountain resort
city where Moscow will host the 2014 Winter Olympics, a sworn target of
Russia's Islamist insurgents, led by Russia's most wanted man, Doku
Although analysts say many of the militants who
are battling Assad's troops are students who studied in religious
schools outside Russia, others have gained skill and experience,
something the Syrian rebels praise them for, in fighting the separatist
wars in Chechnya in 1994-96 and 1999-2000.
"They are
very significant, in some areas they are leading the fighting and some
of them are leaders of Brigades. They are experienced fighters and also
they are fighting based on ideological belief, so they do not want
anything in return," said a Syrian opposition source in touch with
rebels in Syria.
Syrian opposition source said the
Chechens are the second biggest force of foreigners after Libyans who
joined the Syrian uprising after overthrowing and killing Muammar
Gaddafi. A rebel source said 17 fighters from the North Caucasus were
killed in fighting outside Aleppo last month. Foreign fighters were also
present in Chechnya's first war in the mid-1990s.
leader Ramzan Kadyrov has said there are no Chechens fighting in Syria,
a statement analysts attribute to his loyalty to Moscow. Russia
has used its U.N. Security Council veto to protect Assad from three
resolutions meant to pressure him to end violence that has killed 70,000
in the nearly two year-long conflict. Having fighters from Russia
fighting against him is sure to be an embarrassment for Putin. Facing
its own home-grown insurgency, and with the Winter Olympics planned for
next year, Russia is likely to ensure that anyone from the North
Caucasus fighting with the rebels is prevented from entering Russia when
the violence in Syria ends.
"Russia will look carefully
at where they go to make sure they don't come back into Russia ... they
won't be successful trying to get back into the North Caucasus," said
Putin has told security forces to be on
high alert to protect against attacks before and during the Games, for
which Russia has estimated a price tag of some ${esc.dollar}50 billion. Calling
itself the Caucasus Emirate, Umarov's Islamist militant group has
promised to attack the Games. It claimed responsibility for a suicide
bombing at Moscow's Domodedovo airport in January 2011 that killed 37
people and also said it was behind near-simultaneous suicide bombings in
the Moscow subway that killed 40 people in 2010.
It is
unclear whether any of the North Caucasus fighters in Syria have the
blessing of Umarov to fight in Syria. Last year Umarov appeared in a
video telling Syrian militants that they were in the prayers of the
Caucasus Emirate. The presence of foreign fighters in
Syria, many of them espousing a more firebrand form of Islam, has
troubled many Syrians who see the fight as a secular war to oust Assad.
call all brothers from all the countries, please, my brothers we do not
need men. Stay in your own countries and do something good inside your
own countries. If you want to help us just send us weapons or funding or
even pray for us but you do not have to come to Syria," said Brigadier
Selim Idris, head of a rebel military command.
who are entering the country have a negative impact on the revolution,
because we need the help from (Western and regional) countries. Please
understand this issue," he said. (Writing by Thomas Grove; Editing by
Jon Hemming)
The Geopolitics of Gas and the Syrian Crisis: Syrian “Opposition” Armed to Thwart Construction of Iran-Iraq-Syria Gas Pipeline

What has one of the most democratic countries of the Middle East,
Syria, done to tick off some of its neighbors in the West, the fierce
fighters for democracy? The irrationality and unscrupulousness of the
approaches Western countries have taken to the Syrian crisis, when the
same people who in Europe are considered terrorists are declared
«freedom fighters» when it comes to Syria, becomes clearer in light of
the economic dimension of the Syrian tragedy. There is every reason to
think that by helping destroy its own cultural and historical roots in
Syria, Europe is first and foremost fighting for energy resources. And a
special role is played by natural gas, which is emerging as the main
fuel of the 21st century. The geopolitical problems connected with its
production, transportation and use are perhaps more than any other topic
on the radar of Western strategists.
In the apt expression of F. William Engdahl, «Natural gas is the
flammable ingredient that is fueling this insane scramble for energy in
the region.» A battle is raging over whether pipelines will go toward
Europe from east to west, from Iran and Iraq to the Mediterranean coast
of Syria, or take a more northbound route from Qatar and Saudi Arabia
via Syria and Turkey. Having realized that the stalled Nabucco pipeline,
and indeed the entire Southern Corridor, are backed up only by
Azerbaijan’s reserves and can never equal Russian supplies to Europe or
thwart the construction of the South Stream, the West is in a hurry to
replace them with resources from the Persian Gulf. Syria ends up being a
key link in this chain, and it leans in favor of Iran and Russia; thus
it was decided in the Western capitals that its regime needs to change.
The fight for «democracy» is a false flag thrown out to cover up totally
different aims.
It is not difficult to notice that the rebellion in Syria began to
grow two years ago, almost at the same time as the signing of a
memorandum in Bushehr on June 25, 2011 regarding the construction of a
new Iran-Iraq-Syria gas pipeline… It is to stretch 1500 km from Asaluyeh
on the largest gas field in the world, North Dome/South Pars (shared
between Qatar and Iran) to Damascus. The length of pipeline on the
territory of Iran will be 225 km, in Iraq 500 km, and in Syria 500-700
km. Later it may be extended along the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea
to Greece. The possibility of supplying liquefied gas to Europe via
Syria’s Mediterranean ports is also under consideration. Investments in
this project equal 10 billion dollars. (1)
This pipeline, dubbed the «Islamic pipeline», was supposed to start
operation in the period from 2014 to 2016. Its projected capacity is 110
million cubic meters of gas per day (40 billion cubic meters a year).
Iraq, Syria and Lebanon have already declared their need for Iranian gas
(25-30 million cubic meters per day for Iraq, 20-25 million cubic
meters for Syria, and 5-7 million cubic meters until 2020 for Lebanon).
Some of the gas will be supplied via the Arab gas transportation system
to Jordan. Experts believe that this project could be an alternative to
the Nabucco gas pipeline being promoted by the European Union (with a
planned capacity of 30 billion cubic meters of gas per year), which
doesn’t have sufficient reserves. It was planned to run the Nabucco
pipeline from Iraq, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan through the territory of
Turkey. At first Iran was also considered as a resource base, but later
it was excluded from the project. After the signing of the memorandum
on the Islamic Pipeline, the head of the National Iranian Gas Company
(NIGC), Javad Oji, stated that South Pars, with recoverable reserves of
16 trillion cubic meters of gas, is a «reliable source of gas, which is a
prerequisite for the building of a pipeline which Nabucco does not
have».It is easy to observe that about 20 billion cubic meters per year
will remain from this pipeline for Europe, which would be able to
compete with Nabucco’s 30 billion, but not the 63 billion from the South
A gas pipeline from Iran would be highly profitable for Syria. Europe
would gain from it as well, but clearly someone in the West didn’t like
it. The West’s gas-supplying allies in the Persian Gulf weren’t happy
with it either, nor was would-be no. 1 gas transporter Turkey, as it
would then be out of the game. The new «unholy alliance» which formed
between them shamelessly declared its goal to be «protecting democratic
values» in the Middle East, although logically speaking the U.S. and its
allies ought to begin this with their own partners in the coalition
against Syria from among the monarchies of the Persian Gulf, which are
questionable in this regard.
The Sunnite countries also see the Islamic Pipeline from the
viewpoint of interconfessional contradictions, considering it a «Shiite
pipeline from Shiite Iran through the territory of Iraq with its Shiite
majority and into the territory of Shiite-friendly Alawite Asad». As
renowned researcher on energy issues F. William Engdahl writes, this
geopolitical drama is intensified by the fact that the South Pars field
lies in the Persian Gulf directly on the border between Shiite Iran and
Sunnite Qatar. But tiny Qatar, which is no match for Iran in power,
makes active use of its connections with the military presence of the
U.S. and NATO in the Persian Gulf. On the territory of Qatar are a
command node of the Pentagon’s Central Command of the U.S. Armed Forces,
the headquarters of the Head Command of the U.S. Air Force, the No. 83
Expeditionary Air Group of the British Air Force and the 379th Air
Expeditionary Wing of the U.S. Air Force. Qatar, in Engdahl’s opinion,
has other plans for its share in the South Pars gas field and is not
eager to join efforts with Iran, Syria and Iraq. It is not at all
interested in the success of an Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline, which would be
completely independent of the transit routes of Qatar or Turkey leading
to Europe. In fact, Qatar is doing all it can to thwart the
construction of the pipeline, including arming the «opposition» fighters
in Syria, many of whom come from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Libya. (2)
Qatar’s resolve is fed by the discovery by Syrian geological
exploration companies in 2011 of Syria’s own large gas-producing area
near the Lebanese border, not far from the Mediterranean port of Tartus
which Russia leases, and the detection of a significant gas field near
Homs. According to preliminary estimates, these discoveries should
substantially increase the country’s gas reserves, which previously
amounted to 284 billion cubic meters. The fact that the export of Syrian
or Iranian gas to the European Union could take place through the port
of Tartus, which has ties to Russia, is unsatisfactory to Qatar and its
Western patrons as well. (3)
The Arabic newspaper Al-Akhbar cites information according to which
there is a plan approved by the U.S. government to create a new pipeline
for transporting gas from Qatar to Europe involving Turkey and Israel.
The capacity of such a pipeline is not mentioned, but considering the
resources of the Persian Gulf and Eastern Mediterranean region, it could
exceed that of both the Islamic Pipeline and Nabucco, directly
challenging Russia’s South Stream. The main developer of this project is
Frederick Hoff, who is «in charge of gas issues in the Levant» and a
member of the U.S. «Syrian Crisis Committee». This new pipeline is to
begin in Qatar, cross Saudi territory and then the territory of Jordan,
thus bypassing Shiite Iraq, and reach Syria. Near Homs the pipeline is
to branch in three directions: to Latakia, Tripoli in northern Lebanon,
and Turkey. Homs, where there are also hydrocarbon reserves, is the
«project’s main crossroads», and it is not surprising that it is in the
vicinity of this city and its «key», Al-Qusayr, that the fiercest
fighting is taking place. Here the fate of Syria is being decided. The
parts of Syrian territory where detachments of rebels are operating with
the support of the U.S., Qatar and Turkey, that is, the north, Homs and
the environs of Damascus, coincide with the route that the pipeline is
to follow to Turkey and Tripoli, Lebanon. A comparison of a map of armed
hostilities and a map of the Qatar pipeline route indicates a link
between armed activities and the desire to control these Syrian
territories. Qatar’s allies are trying to accomplish three goals: «to
break Russia’s gas monopoly in Europe; to free Turkey from its
dependence on Iranian gas; and to give Israel the chance to export its
gas to Europe by land at less cost». (4) As Asia Times analyst Pepe
Escobar indicated, the Emir of Qatar apparently made a deal with the
«Muslim Brotherhood» according to which it will support their
international expansion in exchange for a pact of peace within Qatar. A
«Muslim Brotherhood» regime in Jordan and in Syria, supported by Qatar,
would abruptly change the entire geopolitical world gas market –
decidedly in favor of Qatar and to the detriment of Russia, Syria, Iran
and Iraq. It would also be a crushing blow to China. (5)
The war against Syria is aimed at pushing this project through, as
well as at the breakdown of the agreement between Tehran, Baghdad and
Damascus. Its implementation has been halted several times due to
military action, but in February 2013 Iraq declared its readiness to
sign a framework agreement which would enable the construction of the
pipeline. (6) It is worth noting that after this, more and more new
groups of Iraqi Shiites have risen up in support of Asad; as The
Washington Post admits, they have «no little battle experience» in
confronting Americans in their country. Along with fighters from
Lebanon’s Hezbollah, they make an ever more formidable force. (7) The
stakes in the «elimination game» started in Syria by the West over the
gas pipeline continue to grow. The end of the European Union’s embargo
on supplying weapons to the Syrian opposition, which according to the
BBC the majority of EU member countries were against (8) (democracy,
where are you?), might not be able to help the rebels.
As for civilization and justice, when profit is at stake, sentiment
doesn’t matter. The main thing is not to play the wrong card in this
unfair game that smells of blood and gas.
Turkey’s False-flag Operation against Syria Backfires: The Reyhanli bombing attacks in a larger context
“Syria is worrying that it will be attacked
by Turkey from above and by Israel from below. It is worrying that it
will be squeezed between us like a sandwich.” [Israeli President Ezer Weizman (1993-2000), interview with Guneri Civaoglu,Caesarea, Israel, 11 June 1996] [1] “Although Turkey has never taken part in a
war alongside us, it is a positive factor for Israel that Syria has an
enemy on its northern frontiers. Syria will never attack Turkey, but it
cannot exclude the reverse.” [Former Israeli Defence Minister Uri Or (1995-1996), interview with Alain Gresh, Tel Aviv, October 1997] [2]
When the U.S. and its allies launched the
covert war on Syria in 2011, they were expecting that either Syria’s
political establishment would collapse within a short duration or they
would find a way to ignite an open war. As Syria’s leaders and people
proved to be exceptionally resilient, increasingly more brutal means
have been deployed to tear the country apart. Being at the forefront of
this covert war in every respect, Turkey has been thoroughly complicit
in monumental war crimes committed against the neighbouring people of
Syria. Turkey’s phony peace
with its neighbours Syria (since December 2004) and Iran (since
November 2008) came to an abrupt end in May 2011, when its central role
in NATO’s covert war against Syria became evident. [3]
As for Turkey’s phony conflict with Israel,
which began with the May 2010 Gaza Freedom Flotilla massacre, has also
been fully exposed when Turkey overtly supported Israel’s blatant acts
of military aggression against Syria in 2013. The repercussions of the
May 2013 Reyhanli false-flag bombing attacks near Turkey’s border with
Syria is the latest evidence of a deep crisis of legitimacy for the
United States, Britain, Israel and Turkey; the four countries whose
alliance has been dominating the political scene in the Middle East and
beyond since 1990.
As NATO’s international mercenary forces from 29
different countries started suffering heavy defeats against the Syrian
Army, Israeli Air Forces came to their rescue by launching two separate
air strikes in Syria, both of which were blatant acts of war. [4] [5] After the first Israeli air attack on Damascus on
January 30th, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu made the
following remarks [6]:
“Why did the Syrian Army, which has
been launching attacks on its own innocent civilian population for the
past 22 months with jets from the air and with tanks and artillery fire
from the ground, not retaliate against this Israeli operation? Why doesAssadnoteven throw a pebble whenthe
Israeli jets fly over his palace and violate the dignity of his
country? Why is Assad, who gives an order to fire Scud [missiles]
at Aleppo, not doing anything against Israel? Is there a secret pact
between Assad and Israel? [...] The Assad administration knows only to
abuse. Why doesn’t he use against Israel, [a country] which they have
regarded as an enemy since its foundation, the same force that he uses
against defenceless women ? ” [7]
On May 5th, UN human rights investigator Carla del
Ponte announced the findings of the United Nations independent
commission of inquiry on Syria:
“According to the testimonies we have gathered, the rebels have used chemical weapons [in Syria], making use of sarin gas.” [8]
The same day, Israel launched another air attack
on Damascus. [9] In response to this second act of war by Israel
against Syria, Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, lashed out
at Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad for war crimes that were actually
perpetrated by NATO’s international mercenary forces in Syria [10] :
“The scenes in [the Syrian town of]
Baniyas are as tragic as those in Karbala [in AD 680] and the murderers
are at least as despicable as Yazid [...] [who killed] our beloved
Prophet’s beautiful grandchildren Hassan and Hussein [...] Those organisations which are lending support to
the illegal regime of Syria, those countries which are backing the
illegal regime of Syria, the United Nations and the [U.N.] Security
Council in particular, will not be able to exonerate themselves of this
sin. Those who ignore this massacre, this inhumane scene in the name of
sectarian solidarity, in the name of [political] conjuncture or in the
name of international [political] interests will not be able to
exonerate themselves of this major sin. [...] I need to point this out as well: Israel’s air
attack on Damascus is certainly not acceptable either. No reason, no
excuse can justify this operation. Such attacks serve as trump cards,
golden opportunities offered to the Syrian regime. In fact, by using
Israel’s attack as an excuse, Assad engages in an effort to cover up the
genocide in Baniyas. [However] , even this Israeli operation will not
be able to save Assad who does not shed a drop of sweat, let alone a
drop of blood for the Golan [Heights] .” [11]
Four days after the second Israeli air attack on
Damascus and United Nations’ statement on the mercenaries’ use of
chemical weapons in Syria, Mr Erdogan gave an interview to the U.S.
television channel NBC, where he said that if the U.S. were to launch a
ground military invasion of Syria, then Turkey would support it. [12]
However, as this statement amounted to a de facto declaration of war on
Syria, it has been instantly censored by the NBC and the Prime
Minister’s office issued a press release which denied it. [13] Here are
excerpts from the edited version of this interview:
“ERDOGAN: It is clear
that the regime has used chemical weapons and missiles. They used about
200 missiles, according to our intelligence. There are different sizes
missiles. And then there are deaths caused by these missiles. And there
are burns, you know, serious burns and chemical reactions. And there are
patients who are brought to our hospitals who were wounded by these
chemical weapons. You can see who is affected by chemical missiles by
their burns. [14] NBC: So has President Assad crossed President Obama’s red line? ERDOGAN:
A long time ago. My question is, the United Nations, U.N. Security
Council, are you doing what you are supposed to do? Why do you exist in
the first place? What is your job? I mean, is there a deadline, like
they are not going to move until 1 million people are killed? NBC: Will you encourage President Obama to get involved directly in the situation in Syria? ERDOGAN: We want the United States to assume more responsibilities and take further steps. NBC: What is the just punishment for Mr. Assad, in your view? What is your message to him today, at this moment in history? ERDOGAN:
Well, I am saying that he should leave Syria immediately. Sooner or
later, the opposition are going to get him. And I hope that his end does
not be like Qadhafi’s.” [15]
During the interview, Mr Erdogan also said that he
plans to share the evidence of chemical weapons use in Syria with the
U.S. President Barack Obama. [16] However, no evidence at all was
presented by either Mr Erdogan or Mr Obama after their meeting in the
following week on May 16th. [17] The same day, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Davutoglu
reiterated the last Anglo-American propaganda argument before the launch
of the invasion of Iraq in 2003, by making a reference to the Iraqi
Army’s mass murder of Iraqi Kurds in Halabja in 1988 [18] :
“From now on, we will be carrying out
these tests [for chemical weapon wounds] on every injured person coming
[from Syria] so that no one could dare to commit a crime against
humanity, like the one in Halabja, by using [chemical weapons] in
Syria.” [19]
The same day, the Associated Press reported the ongoing preparations at Turkey’s border with Syria:
“Turkey had stationed a team of eight
experts to screen injured Syrians at the frontier. They were manning a
chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense vehicle deployed
at the main Cilvegozu border gate with Syria.” [20]
Again on the same day, a news report entitled
“Forensic medicine establishment proves that al-Assad has used chemical
weapons” was published by Turkish newspaper Star:
“It has been definitely determined
that [Syrian President Bashar] Al-Asad has used chemical weapons against
his own people. The Public Health Institute and the Ankara Forensic
Medicine Establishment have found the substance “Ricin”, which in the
world is found only in Iran, China, and Russia, in 13 wounded
individuals coming from Syria. [...] It is stated that Prime Minister [Recep Tayyip] Erdogan will place the dossier before [US President Barack] Obama on his US visit [on May 16] .The affair emerged when 13 wounded Syrian oppositionists were brought on 29 April from Syria to the Reyhanli State Hospital. ” [21]
All this evokes the war propaganda back in
February 1998, when the Bill Clinton administration made an unsuccessful
attempt to instigate a war with Iraq. According to an AFP report;
“Turkish authorities have sent 60,000
gas masks to its southeast regions bordering Iraq to protect civilians
from possible chemical and biological attacks by Iraqi forces, [Turkish]
dailies Sabah and Yeni Yuzyil said Friday. The masks, sent by civil
defence chiefs, are destined for civil servants working in the region
bordering Iraq [...] . Southeast Turkey borders Iraq and the region is
thought to be in a potentially dangerous position in case Iraq decides
to use the chemical and biological weapons it is suspected of having.”
It is worth also mentioning two allegations made against Turkish Armed Forces’ use of chemical weapons in the past. In August 2011, five members of parliament from
Germany’s Die Linke party held a press conference to condemn the
appointment of the current head of Turkish Armed Forces Necdet Ozel:
[Necdet] Ozel was the General Commander of the Gendarmerie, he was not
only responsible for the death, torture and violence in the Kurdish
region [of Turkey] . In 1999, he ordered the use of chemical weapons
against Kurdish guerrillas [near the Ballikaya Village in Silopi] .”
In October 2011, two months after Necdet Ozel’s
appointment, 37 Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) guerrillas were killed in
the Kazan Valley of the Hakkari province during an operation by the
Turkish Armed Forces. The following month, a European delegation visited
the Kazan Valley to investigate the allegations of chemical weapons use
during this operation. [24] As the earlier quote from Turkish newspaper Star
shows, the Reyhanli State Hospital near Turkey’s border with Syria was
at the forefront of the chemical weapons propaganda over the April 29
incident. Two days after this press report, the same hospital was
inundated with the victims of a far more devastating false-flag
On May 11, international media agencies reported
that twin car bombs have killed at least 43 people and injured at least
100 in the Turkish town of Reyhanli, near the Syrian border. [25]
Shortly after the bombing attacks, Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister
Bulent Arinc pointed the finger at Syria: “Our thoughts are that their Mukhabarat [Syria’s
intelligence agency] and armed organisations are the usual suspects in
planning and the carrying out of such devilish plans.” [25] Hours after the Reyhanli bombing attacks, the head
of global military alliance NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen issued a press
“I express full solidarity with the people and the authorities of our Ally Turkey.” [26]
The following day, Turkey’s Interior Minister Muammer Guler held a press conference:
“For the time being there is no evidence suggesting that al-Qaida was involved.” [27]
This is a rather interesting comment considering
that until 2012, when al-Qaeda’s role in NATO’s covert war on Syria
became fully exposed, Turkey’s political authorities were quite at ease
in holding Al Qaeda responsible for any atrocity committed in Turkey or
abroad. [E] That same day, Prime Minister Erdogan also accused Syria:
“These attacks betray the intention of
a country on fire which is trying to drag Turkey into the same fire.
These attacks, to put it bluntly, are the bloody Baath regime’s attempt
to provide an opportunity to its collaborators. [...]
These attacks aim to provoke those who live together in peace, in
serenity, in fraternity, particularly in Hatay. Most importantly, these
attacks target Turkey which has resolved its terror issue, reinforced
fraternity, put an end to mothers’ tears. [...]
Even if Turkey were to remain silent, stand idly
by in the face of the tragedy in Syria, these traps would still have
been set up, Turkey would still have been targeted. Those who criticise
Turkey’s policy on Syria in the wake of these attacks with utter
brazenness, a sheer lack of common sense and pure opportunism exhibit
ignorance and an absence of policy. These attacks do not target our
policy on Syria, they target our fraternity, our stability, our growth.”
[28] The next day, Mr Erdogan spoke even more categorically:
“This incident is definitely connected
to the [Syrian] regime. The [Syrian] regime is behind this incident.
That is evident.” [29]
Syria’s Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi responded to Mr Erdogan’s accusations in full force:
“The real terrorist is the government
of Turkey under the leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It opened
Turkey’s border with Syria to the terrorists. [Turkey] became a hub of
international jihadi terrorism. It unleashed these terrorists on Turkish
people’s houses and fields. It hosted terrorists coming from all over
the world. Without any consideration, it provided them with all types of
arms, bombs and explosive devices so that they could massacre people of
Syria. Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his interior
and foreign ministers bear a political and moral responsibility towards
all the people of the world in general and the people of Syria and their
own people in particular. [...]
The sole responsibility for the bombing attacks in
Reyhanli lies with Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP)
and its Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. These [attacks] couldn’t
have been perpetrated by Syria. Despite all the things they did to the
people and army of Syria for such a long time, neither our decency, nor
our ethics, nor our policy would allow us to do something like this.
No one has got the right to accuse others. Shortly
after [the attacks] , Turkey’s Interior Minister [Muammer Guler] has
said that they suspect that [the attacks] were connected to Syria. To
put it plainly, the reason why he came up with such quick accusations
without any evidence at hand, is to fabricate the evidence they had in
mind. These [attacks] were directly perpetrated by Erdogan and the AKP.
They are the ones who, through their intelligence and security forces,
supplied Al Qaida with chemical and got them to penetrate all the way to
Aleppo. They are the ones who transported terrorists, arms and deaths
through their planes. Erdogan himself and his party want to destroy
Syria. What occurred in Reyhanli was the ambition of destroying Syria
itself. Whoever wants death and massacre is the one who carried out this
massacre in Turkey.
When bombs explode in Turkey, we know why these
bombs have been made to explode. The whole world knows why the bombs are
exploding in Syria. But why in Turkey and why now? And why particularly
before Erdogan’s meeting with Obama? Erdogan wants to get the United
States into action. And then he will say ‘I am a member of NATO, Syria
is attacking me’. In fact, in his latest statement, he said ‘we are
capable of making war with Syria’. [...] Turkey’s Foreign Minister
[Davutoglu] said yesterday that Turkey is strong enough to defend
itself. Against whom is it going to defend itself ? Who actually poses a
threat to Turkey ? ” [30]
Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah’s statement was equally straightforward:
“These terrorist bombings came as part
of a series of similar crimes that affect innocent people in several
Arab and Islamic countries, which can only be made [by] criminal hands.
It also bore the hallmarks of international intelligence agencies, aimed
at destabilizing and creating discord and unrest in these countries.”
Two weeks later, Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister
Bekir Bozdag targeted Hezbollah for its political and military support
to Syria [32] :
“ [Hezbollah] says that it stands by
Assad. [...] From where does it draw its strength? Having sided with
those who unleash death upon their fellow Muslim brothers [...] , [Hezbollah] has
no right to draw strength from Islam and the Quran. The source of their
strength would actually be the Satan who wants to pit Muslims against
each other, who wants to have them slaughter each other. [...]
Hezbollah should change its name to ‘Hezbol-satan’ [i.e. Party of
Satan] . ” [33]
On the day of the incident, which was a Saturday,
the Government managed to get the local court of Reyhanli to issue a
blanket censorship ban regarding the broadcasting of news about the
bombing attacks in Reyhanli. According to this ban, only statements made
by senior authorities and police reports would be allowed to be
reported on the media and the internet:
“Within the framework of the
investigation concerning the blasts in Reyhanli district on 11.05.2013
[...] , broadcasting and displaying information concerning the site of
the incident, concerning the dead and injured casualties of the incident
and concerning the content of the incident on all types of
audio-visual, written and visual media and the internet is banned
according to Article 153 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.” [34]
Actually, this blanket ban was mainly targeting
the information flow through the Internet considering that Turkey’s
mainstream media have been fully complicit in the Government’s constant
war propaganda against Syria from April 2011. Nevertheless, the ban on
the Internet proved to be somewhat ineffective in the face of an
overwhelming sense of indignation towards to Government across the
country. Medical staff in the Hatay province, where
Reyhanli is located, was ordered to “limit the death toll to 50”. Local
authorities said they ‘were instructed not to give any statement to the
press’. [35] Journalist Ferdi Ozmen revealed the actual figure by
posting the number of deaths in seven local hospitals with a total of
177. He has been arrested for defying the blanket ban. [36] Republican People’s Party (CHP) member of
parliament Mevlut Dudu explains how the evidence was instantly destroyed
after the incident:
“The police officers refused us entry
to the site of the attacks on the grounds that they are collecting
evidence. Nevertheless, we did [manage] to enter and saw that no
evidence was being collected. Quite on the contrary, they were
destroying the evidence using heavy construction equipment.” [37]
It transpired that none of the 73 closed-circuit
television (CCTV) cameras in the town recorded the bombing attacks. Due
to a “system error”, they had been out of order four days before the
incident. Most of these 73 CCTV cameras were directly viewing the points
where the bombing attacks occurred. [38] CHP member of parliament Aytug Atici revealed that
electricity was cut off just five minutes before the bombing attacks.
[39] In fact, according to activist Hamide Yigit, cutting off the
electricity was a strategy used by Turkey’s authorities in smuggling
international mercenaries into Syria:
“Electricity is cut off along the
[Harbiye-Yayladagi] itinerary; everywhere, including streets and roads,
becomes totally dark. Meanwhile, vehicles carrying military ammunition
and armed groups to the border pass by. Once their passage is over, the
electricity resumes. The local residents, who are prevented from
witnessing this transport, are feeling deeply restless about it.” [40]
On the day of the bombing attacks, the militants
who wanted to cross from Syria into Turkey were guided towards the
Cilvegozu border gate instead of their habitual point of entry in
Reyhanli. [41] A currently censored video which was posted on
Youtube shortly after the bombing attacks was recorded from an angle
which oversaw the site of the attacks. Arabic speaking “Free Syrian
Army” militants are seen to be recording the blasts in jubilation,
shouting “Allah-u Akbar” (God is great) and mentioning the location of
the blasts and the date. [42] Only two days before the bombing attacks in
Reyhanli, ABC reported “a secret visit” by the former U.S. Ambassador to
Syria (January-October 2011) Robert Ford, who is the mastermind of
NATO’s covert war on Syria [43] :
“A U.S. official confirmed [Robert]
Ford’s secret visit, which occurred along the Turkey-Syria border. He
briefly crossed into Syria to meet with opposition leaders before
returning to Turkey.” [44]
In fact, there is a long history of false-flag
incidents occurring in Turkey ahead of almost every top level meeting
between Turkey’s politicians and their U.S. or Israeli counterparts. Of all the false-flag operations in Turkey, by far
the most devastating was the bombing attacks on 15th and 20th November
2003, which targeted two synagogues, HSBC bank headquarters and the
British Embassy in Istanbul, killing 57 people and wounding another 700.
The attacks coincided with U.S. President George Bush’s meting with the
British Prime Minister Tony Blair in London. [45] Baki Yigit was on of the five people who were
sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment in 2007 for their roles in
these attacks. He was released from prison in 2010 and died in 2012
whilst fighting in Aleppo among the ranks of the Free Syrian Army. [46]
Furthermore, foreign intelligence agencies CIA
(U.S.), Mossad (Israel), MI6 (Britain) and BND (Germany) have a very
prominent presence across Turkey’s border region with Syria. Located
some 100 km from Turkey’s border with Syria, NATO’s Incirlik Airbase is
being used as the command centre for the covert war on Syria. [47]
Immediately after the bombing attacks, spontaneous
protests broke out in Reyhanli and in various parts of the Hatay
province. Incensed protesters were chanting “Erdogan resign” Turkey’s
military deployed a huge number of air and ground military
reinforcements to Hatay and Reyhanli in order to prevent spontaneous
protests in Reyhanli and other parts of the Hatay province turning into a
full-scale uprising. [48] [49] Even the Reyhanli State Hospital was under siege,
where riot police, plain-clothes police officers and an armoured police
vehicle were deployed. [50] Nine months before the bombing attacks in
Reyhanli, activist Hamide Yigit describes the state of mind of the
people in the Hatay province where Reyhanli is located:
“The mendacity of the media in
‘marketing’ war to the people is seen more clearly from Hatay. From the
very first day the incidents started in Syria, they have been aware and
observe that the media is reporting lies. The people of Hatay have
relatives in every city in Syria, they speak its language [i.e. Arabic] ,
watch its broadcasts, read its press, and even if none of that is the
case, can inform themselves about any incident at the convenience of a
phone call, they are furious towards the media for its distortion of the
facts to such an extent. [...]
For the past seventeenth months, the people [of
Hatay] have been living in fear of [the possibility that] a war, for
which they can find no reason, might explode on their doorstep. Hatay’s
economy is stagnating, its revenues have stopped, its bread has shrunk.
Hatay has enjoyed harmonious fraternity among its diverse population up
until the present day. However, [the Government] is trying to disrupt
this by pitting groups against each other, by emphasising differences of
identity [Turkish, Arabic, Kurdish, etc.] , sectarian differences
[Sunni, Alevi, etc.] . The people of Hatay are constantly hearing news
of deaths and injuries from relatives [in Syria] and live in constant
fear of hearing such news.
The worst of this is that Hatay is being used as
the command centre for attacks launched on their brotherly,
blood-related people of Syria and hosting those who are firing bullets
at them… With the anger and sorrow this, what is being spoken on every
street and household [in Hatay] is the following: ‘We refuse to endure
this disgrace any longer. We don’t want to keep waiting for this
catastrophe which is advancing rapidly and looms closer every day. The
refugee camps should be immediately removed from Hatay and re-arranged
in a way to prioritise a humanitarian function. The flow of weapons and
‘terrorists’ across the border [with Syria] must stop! ” [40]
In 2013, tensions between the local population of
the Hatay province and the international mercenary forces have reached a
peak. Numerous riots broke out between the Syrian refugees and Turkey’s
security forces in the refugee camps in Hatay and other southern
provinces of Turkey. [51] [52] According to the Government’s own
figures, a total of 114,000 Syrian refugees in Turkey have returned to
Syria. [53] In fact, since last year, Hatay took the lead in
protesting Turkey’s pro-imperialist policies against Syria. The
particularly massive and vibrant demonstrations held last September were
retaliated by draconian restrictions against the freedom to protest in
Hatay. [54]
Furthermore, regardless if it was a false-flag
attack or an accident by NATO’s mercenary forces fighting in Syria,
after every incident that occurred along the border with Syria which
resulted in deaths in Turkey, the local people have protested against
the Government. Massive protests occurred spontaneously across
Hatay on the day of the bombing attacks and demonstrations are being
held across the country on a daily basis to denounce the Government’s
responsibility for the attacks and its warmongering policies against
Large protests held by students from a number of
universities in Ankara and Istanbul were suppressed in a particularly
brutally manner by the riot police forces. In Istanbul, beyond its
standard lavish use of pepper gas and pressurised cannon water, the riot
police went so far as firing plastic bullets at a university campus.
[55] [56]
On the weekend the bombing attacks occurred,
during the singing of the national anthem to mourn the victims ahead of
two separate football games in Istanbul, the fans of Besiktas and
Fenerbahce teams started shouting “Government resign”. The company
broadcasting the games censored this unexpected mass protest by muting
the voice of the transmission. [57]
All these instances of spontaneous popular dissent
highlight the conspicuous absence of a genuinely anti-imperialist
stance among a wide range of the largely co-opted, misguided and divided
opposition groups in Turkey. A protest held in Reyhanli seven days after the
bombing attacks became yet another scene of police brutality where a
large amount of pepper gas was fired. [58]
Two weeks after the attacks, Reyhanli was under a
state of military occupation during Prime Minister Erdogan’s visit which
was announced with 2 days’ notice. 5000 special forces troops, 5000
police officers, marksmen on the rooftops, 5 Skorsky helicopters, 20
thousand barriers and 50 tons of pepper gas have been deployed to
Reyhanli. [59]
600 bus loads of Justice and Development Party
(AKP) supporters from neighbouring districts and provinces as far away
as Nigde (400 km), Syrian refugees who did not speak Turkish and workers
who were threatened with dismissal for non-attendance by their
employers were transported by the authorities to Reyhanli. They were
lined up in front of Mr Erdogan in a military order in a manner
reminiscent of the periods under military rule. Meanwhile, the local
people were not allowed to go out of their homes. [60] [61]
Ten days before Mr Erdogan’s visit, government
officials began distributing a significant amount of money to the local
population of Reyhanli in an effort to buy off their silence. [62]
Likewise, during his fifteen-minute speech in Reyhanli, Mr Erdogan
announced various financial incentives for the people of Reyhanli as
well as promotion of Hatay to metropolitan municipality status in the
next year. [63]
The day after the bombing attacks in Reyhanli, the
co-chair of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP), which is the only
pro-Kurdish party in Turkey’s parliament, Mr Selahattin Demirtas rushed
to Mr Erdogan’s rescue:
“The fact that the attacks took place
at Reyhanli on the Syrian border brings instantly to one’s mind a Syrian
connection of this matter. [...] [These attacks] could be interpreted
as the extension of Syria’s civil war and internal chaos to Turkey.
[...] Were [these attacks] connected to the ongoing resolution process
[between the Government and the Kurdish opposition] in Turkey? It is
hard to figure that out. What is clear is that the political atmosphere
in which Turkey currently finds itself was the target.
Since the day the civil war began in Syria, we
have been pointing out that the Government’s stance, its foreign policy
is wrong. [...] However, particularly in the face of attacks
perpetrated in this period against Turkey, attacks which target
civilians, our citizens; our priority should be to act in unity instead
of holding the Government responsible. [...] We will stand by the
Government [in its efforts] to take precautions against these attacks,
to adopt an attentive, sensitive stance towards these attacks.” [64]
Mr Demirtas’ stance is all the more surprising
considering the sheer number of false-flag operations of the past three
decades which have targeted Kurdish politicians, activists and civilians
in Turkey. At the end of April, four days after the PKK’s military
leader Murat Karayilan announced the withdrawal of the PKK guerrillas
from Turkey in line with a ceasefire agreement, The Times reported the
transfer of over 1,500 guerrillas from Turkey into northern Syria to
secure the Kurdish areas there. [65] In an interview held eleven days
after the bombing attacks, Mr Demirtas spoke even more
“Three Kurdish states may come into
being: A Kurdish state in Iran, a Kurdish state in Iraq, a Kurdish state
in Syria. Now it is certain that there will be an autonomous region in
Syria just like the one in Iraq. Of course, if the Kurdish entity in
Syria incorporates Lattakia as well, a big problem for the Kurds would
have been resolved. [Then] they would have access to the sea and a total
dependence on Turkey would come to an end. [...] The Kurds are
Turkey’s luck. There is a Kurdish buffer [separating Turkey from both
Syria and Iraq] . If the central administration in Iraq persists in its
current mentality, then the Kurdish state in Iraq may come into being as
a fully independent [entity] .” [66]
Nine days after the bombing attacks, the co-chair
of the Democratic Society Congress (DTK), which is another pro-Kurdish
party in Turkey, Mr Ahmet Turk visited the United States. Following
three consecutive meetings held at the U.S. State Department, Mr Turk
spoke to the press:
“A Turkey that embraces its own Kurds,
that wins the hearts and minds of its own Kurds will play a more
effective role in the Middle East, will be an actor capable of bringing
democracy to the Middle East. [67]
We need to bring into life the project of a Syria
where all sorts of different [identities] could freely exist, could
freely express themselves. [The U.S. officials] have very clearly stated
that they see eye-to-eye with us on this matter.” [68] The ‘peace process’ with the Kurdish armed and
political opposition in Turkey is actually a classic divide and rule
strategy which aims to pacify the Kurdish opposition in Turkey ahead of a
planned invasion of Syria and Iran whilst implementing the U.S. plan to
divide both the occupied Iraq and Syria into three separate entities.
The day after Israeli Air Forces’ May 5th attack
on Syria, Turkey and Israel have launched separate military exercises
near their respective borders with Syria. Israeli drills took place in
the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, while Turkey’s ‘Yildirim-2013
Mobilization Exercise’ was held at NATO’s Incirlik Airbase. [69] According to a statement by Turkey’s General
Staff, the aim of Yildirim-2013 exercise was to test Turkish Armed
Forces’ readiness for battle and coordination with Government
ministries. The ten-day exercise finished on May 15th, the day before Mr
Erdogan met Mr Obama in Washington D.C. [70]
The same day, a unit consisting of hundreds of
armed personnel carrier vehicles carrying ‘Free Syrian Army’ militants,
accompanied by tanks defending them, crossed from Turkey’s Ceylanpinar
border gate into Syria. This military deployment, considered to be the
largest ever from the region, occurred at a time when the militants
squeezed in Ras al-Ayn [in Northern Syria] needed help. [71] Again, on the same day, U.S.-led IMCMEX 2013 naval
exercise in the Persian Gulf against Iran was launched. Although the
list of participant countries has been kept secret, in all likelihood
Turkey is among the 41 countries taking part in these exercises which
runs from May 6 until May 30. [72]
Turkey will also be
among the 18 countries taking part in the U.S.-led ‘Eager Lion 2013’
exercise due to be held in Jordan in June. [73] Recently, particularly in the run up to Prime
Minister Erdogan’s visit to the United States, there has been an
increase in flights along Turkey’s border with Syria to detect Syria’s
air defence systems, collect military intelligence and transmit
intelligence to armed groups supported by Turkey’s government. [74] Furthermore, according to the Government’s own
figures, in 2012 Turkey has spent over 694 million Turkish Liras (over
386 million U.S. dollars) from its discretionary operations fund. [75]
This fund is financing Turkey’s covert war on Syria.
It is worth bearing in mind that NATO’s Incirlik
Airbase is notorious for the role it played during the wars against Iraq
(1991), Yugoslavia (1999), Afghanistan (2001), Iraq (2003) and Libya
(2011) and for hosting the largest nuclear weapons of mass destruction
arsenal outside the U.S. territory. [76]
When the U.S. and its allies launched the covert
war on Syria in 2011, they were expecting that either Syria’s political
establishment would collapse within a short duration or they would find a
way to ignite an open war. As Syria’s leaders and people proved to be
exceptionally resilient, increasingly more brutal means have been
deployed to tear the country apart. Being at the forefront of this
covert war in every respect, Turkey has been thoroughly complicit in
monumental war crimes committed against the neighbouring people of
Having very skilfully manipulated the world public
opinion with the help, among other measures, of a gigantic public
relations apparatus, for more than ten years; Mr Erdogan’s government,
like its main allies, is currently experiencing a deep crisis of
legitimacy both at home and abroad. Instead of boosting Mr Erdogan’s
standing, the false-flag bombing attacks in Reyhanli have actually unleashed a nationwide popular reaction against his total subservience to Western imperialism.
Turkey’s Hatay Province, Mossad, CIA spy hub: Turkish MP

A member of Turkey’s
parliament says the country’s Hatay Province on the border with Syria
has become a hub for swarms of CIA and Mossad spies infilterating into
Syria freely. The legislator of the Republican People’s Party, Refik Er-Yilmaz,
said that thousands of CIA and Mossad agents are currently in the
province and are moving freely in the area, Turkish media reported.
He noted that local people in the province are getting agitated over the presence of the strangers.
Turkish police remain mute spectators as the spies carry various types of identification, Er-Yimaz went on to say.
He also accused the authorities of allowing American and Israeli
troopers on Turkish soil without any approval from the parliament.
Er-Yilmaz’s comments came after the deputy of the
Republican People’s Party, Osman Faruk Logoglu, on Monday blamed
Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party for fomenting the unrest
in Syria.
Logoglu criticized the Turkish government for aggravating the
situation by sending military forces and vehicles towards the Syrian
The former Turkish ambassador to the United States also criticized
Turkey’s foreign policy towards its neighbor, saying it has been
irrational and unsuccessful.
Syria has been the scene of unrest since March 2011. The violence
has claimed the lives of many people, including large numbers of
security forces.
Damascus blames “outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorist groups” for
the unrest, asserting that it is being orchestrated from abroad.
Joint Qatari-Turkish Plot to Explode Syrian President’s Plane Foiled
A joint plot by Qatar and Turkey to explode the plane carrying
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was thwarted by the timely information
given by the Jordanian intelligence agency to the Syrian
security officials. Jordan’s intelligence agency disclosed the assassination plot on
Assad’s life, informing their Syrian counterparts that terrorists
intended to cause a blast in Assad’s private plane at Latakia airport,
the Lebanese al-Diyar newspaper reported on Sunday, quoting the
ambassador of one of the Arab countries who asked to remain anonymous.
Based on the plot, the terrorist al-Nusra Front fighting against
Syria were ordered to ambush the plane carrying the Syrian president
with missile attacks. The terrorists wanted to target the plane with Sam-7 missiles, which
were supplied to the terrorists by Qatar via Turkey, near Latakia
airport, the newspaper reported. In a relevant report, the British newspaper Financial Times published
an investigation in May which revealed that Qatar spent billions of
dollars in the past two years to fund the Syrian terrorist and rebel
“Qatar has spent about three billion dollars in the past two years to
support the opposition in Syria, which far exceeds what provided by any
other government. However, the Saudi Arabia competes now in leading the
bodies providing Syrian opposition with weapons,” the paper said. “The cost of the Qatari
intervention in Syria only represents a very small part of the
international investment of Qatar,” it added.
claimed that Qatari support for the Syrian opposition overwhelms the
western support. The UK daily also noted that during scores of
interviews it made with
militant opposition leaders at home and abroad, along with senior
western and regional officials, everyone stressed the growing role of
Qatar in the Syrian crisis, and this has become a controversial issue.
The paper pointed out that “the small state with huge appetite” is
the largest donor of aid to the Syrian opposition, offering generous
grants for dissidents, amounting fifty thousand dollars per year for the dissident and his family, according to some estimates.
Sources close to the Qatari government said that the total spending
on the Syrian crisis reached $3bln, while the armed opposition and
diplomatic sources said the amount of Qatari
assistance reached one billion dollars at most.
“According to the Institute for Peace Research in Stockholm which
tracks the arms supply to the Syrian opposition,” the paper added,
“Qatar is the largest arms exporter to Syria, where it funded more than
70 cargo
flights of weapons to neighboring Turkey between April 2012 and March 2013.”
Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011 with organized attacks by well-armed gangs against Syrian
forces and border guards being reported across the country. Hundreds of
people, including members of the security forces, have
been killed, when some protest rallies turned into armed clashes. The
government blames outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorist groups
for the deaths, stressing that the unrest is being orchestrated from
In October 2011, calm was almost restored in the Arab state after
President Assad started a reform initiative in the country, but Israel,
the US, its Arab allies and Turkey sought hard to bring the country into
chaos through any possible means. Tel Aviv, Washington and some Arab
capitals have been staging various plots to topple President Bashar
al-Assad, who is well known in the world for his anti-Israeli stances.
Iran Extends 4 Billion Dollars in Credit to Syria

Iran has opened two lines of credit totaling $4 billion to help Syria
counter the economic impact of a civil war and international sanctions,
Syria's government daily Tishreen reported, citing the country’s
Central Bank. Iran’s support is one of the key elements safeguarding the survival of Syria’s embattled regime of President Bashar Assad.
“Iran continues to support Syria, by opening one line of credit worth
$1 billion to finance the import of consumer goods and another line of
credit worth $3 billion to finance the purchase of oil and oil
products,” Tishreen quoted Syria’s Central Bank Governor Adib Mayale as
Mayale said Syria’s economic losses since the beginning of the
conflict in March 2011 were estimated at 25 million euros ($32.2 bln).
The Syrian banking chief said the Syrian pound fell from 50 pounds to
the dollar to 150 pounds to the dollar in the past two years,
threatening to leave the country without sufficient reserves to satisfy
the needs of the struggling economy.
Meanwhile, the European Union decided on Monday to extend economic
and financial sanctions against Assad’s regime until at least August,
while lifting an arms embargo on Syrian opposition in a breach of
previous commitments not to supply weapons to either side of the bloody
conflict that killed by UN estimates 80,000 people so far. EU Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton said after a day-long
meeting of 27 EU foreign ministers in Brussels that from now on every EU
member country has the right to make its own decision on arms exports
to Syria.
Iran begins 'massive' deployment of long-range missile launchers
As the Islamic Republic of Iran prepares for presidential elections
next month it is fielding a "massive" number of new long-range missile
launchers, Iranian media reported on Sunday. Defense Minister Gen. Ahmad Vahidi was quoted as saying the new
weapon systems give Iranian forces the ability to "crush the
enemy" with the simultaneous launching of long-range
surface-to-surface missiles, according to Fars, the semi-official
Iranian news agency.
The report did not specify the type of missile that would be
fired, or provide details on the number of launchers allegedly
deployed. Iran’s military does possess surface-to-surface missiles that
are capable of traveling over 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles), able
to reach of targets inside Israel and US bases in the
region. Vahidi did not specify who was the "enemy," and emphasized that
Iran would never start a war.
Although Tehran occasionally announces military achievements
that cannot be independently verified – like the claim it developed
a state-of-the-art stealth drone capable of evading enemy radar –
they come in the face of relentless external pressure. Only last year, as the United Nations slapped Tehran with
another round of harsh sanctions, Iran threatened to shut down the
Strait of Hormuz, through which 18 million barrels of oil flows
every day – roughly 35 percent of the world’s total. Any disruption
of this supply route would have a huge impact on oil prices, and by
extension the global economy.
The stand-off resulted in a tense military parade as the US sent
three full US carrier groups, each accompanied by dozens of support
vessels and carrying more aircraft than the entire Iranian air
force, to participate in the Hormuz exercises. Tehran watched with
apprehension as the fleet came and went.
Earlier this month, another
US-led naval drill began in the Persian Gulf in a
second such display of maritime strength in less than a year. The
exercises involved 35 ships, 18 unmanned submarines and unmanned
aircraft. At the same time, Washington has been engaged in constructing a
missile defense system that it says will protect
Europe from a “rogue state” missile attack.
In September, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu exhorted
the UN General Assembly to draw "a clear red line" to prevent Iran
from developing nuclear weapons. The hawkish government of Likud leader Netanyahu has said in the
past that “all of the options are on the table” – a thinly
disguised remark suggesting military action – in order to halt
Iran’s nuclear research. These fears are shared by the US and EU who have imposed severe
sanctions targeting Iran’s oil sectors against the Persian country,
and by many other nations across the globe.
Tehran has rejected the allegations, arguing that it is
developing its nuclear capabilities for purely civilian purposes,
and demanding that the world acknowledge its right to peaceful
nuclear research.
In Syria, Hezbollah forces appear ready to attack rebels in city of Aleppo
Thousands of Lebanese Hezbollah militants were massed around the
northern Syrian city of Aleppo on Sunday, according to rebels and a
senior commander in the Lebanese Shiite movement, broadening Hezbollah’s
backing of President Bashar al-Assad’s forces and stoking fears of an
imminent assault on the city.
The commander, who declined to be named because he is not
authorized to speak to the media, said there were about 2,000 Hezbollah
fighters in Aleppo province, largely stationed in Shiite towns north of
the city. The Free Syrian Army said Hezbollah forces had gathered in a
suburb of the city Sunday and appeared to be preparing for an attack.
have secured swaths of Aleppo — Syria’s commercial capital and most
populous city — since fighting engulfed it last summer, but the two
sides have been locked in a grinding stalemate for months. An assault on
the city could stretch rebel forces, which have sent reinforcements
from Aleppo to fight against Hezbollah and Syrian army troops in the
battle for the town of Qusair, near the
Lebanese border.
The claims of a Hezbollah presence in Syria’s north follow a pledge by its leader,
Hasan Nasrallah, to
back Assad
to victory and indicate that the movement could be used as a guerrilla
force wherever required. A long-standing ally of Syria and Iran, its
decision to knuckle into the fight raises the specter of a regional
conflagration spilling over Syria’s borders, pitting Sunni against
Shiite. Underscoring that point, Syrian rebels and Hezbollah fighters
engaged in their first serious clashes on Lebanese soil on Sunday.
Aleppo battle has started on a very small scale, we’ve only just
entered the game,” said the Hezbollah commander in an interview in
Beirut on Saturday while on leave from fighting in Qusair, where he
oversees five units. “We are going to go after strongholds where they
think they are safe. They are going to fall like dominoes.”
said that the militants were largely concentrated around the Shiite
towns of Zahra and Nubol, which have been under siege from largely Sunni
rebel forces. A spokesman for Hezbollah said he could not confirm or
deny their presence. Louay al-Mokdad, political and media
coordinator for the Free Syrian Army, said Hezbollah militants had
gathered at a military academy in Aleppo’s western district of Hamdaniya
on Sunday. He put the number of the Shiite movement’s soldiers in the
area at 4,000, quoting rebel intelligence.
“We think they are going to engage inside Aleppo and the province,” he said.
what appeared to preparation for that, pro-government forces began a
push to secure supply lines to the city on Sunday, activists said.
Aleppo-based activist Kareem Abeed said that pro-government forces had
advanced from the military academy in Hamdaniya, with rebels repelling
an attack in the neighborhood of Rashideen. The infiltration of
Hezbollah fighters into Syria — along with the supply of weapons from
Russia and Iran — has helped turn the tide in favor of Assad’s
government, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said Sunday.
“We are
seeing, unfortunately, a battlefield situation where Bashar al-Assad now
has the upper hand, and it’s tragic,” McCain, who slipped into Syria
last week to meet with rebel fighters, said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”
who has repeatedly called for military action in Syria and who has been
among the harshest critics of the Obama administration on the issue,
recalled claims from U.S. officials dating back more than year ago that
Assad’s fall was inevitable.
“I think we can’t make that statement
today,” he said. “Hezbollah [has] now invaded. The Iranians are there.
Russia is pouring weapons in. And anybody that believes that Bashar
Assad is going to go to a conference in Geneva when he is prevailing on
the battlefield — it’s just ludicrous to assume that.”
McCain was
referring to an international conference planned for this month or
possibly July to bring the warring sides together. The Syrian opposition
has said it will not attend while Hezbollah’s siege of Qusair
continues. The siege showed no sign of abating Sunday, as Syrian
Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem rejected a request from the United
Nations to allow the International Committee of the Red Cross to enter
the town immediately and tend to an estimated 1,500 wounded trapped
The Hezbollah commander boasted about gains in Qusair,
saying that when he left the battlefield for leave a week ago, the
movement controlled 70 percent of the city at the cost of 72 of its men.
He said there are 3,000 Hezbollah fighters in the town, among “no more
than 10,000” in the whole of Syria. However, Sami al-Rifaie, an
activist based in Qusair, said rebels have made gains since
reinforcements arrived, with Hezbollah and army control reduced to 20
percent of the city.
Liwa al-Tawhid Brigade, one of the largest
opposition groups in the area, has sent men from Aleppo to back
embattled rebels in Qusair. In a sign that Hezbollah may be under
more strain than expected, the commander said that seven-days-on,
seven-days-off military rotations have been changed to 20 days on before
a week-long leave.
Justifying Hezbollah’s involvement in the
Syrian conflict, its leader Nasrallah has painted the largely Sunni
opposition to Assad as extremist Muslims backed by the United States and
Israel, Hezbollah’s long-standing enemy. He has warned that they will
eventually invade Lebanon if they are not put down across the border. But
even after announcing all-out backing for Assad, Hezbollah fighters had
been largely confined to Qusair, which is just a few miles from
Lebanon, and in Damascus suburbs around the Shiite shrine of Sayyida
Zaynab, which it has pledged to protect.
In a video posted online
Saturday, a battalion of the Liwa al-Tawhid Brigade declared it was
leaving for Zahra and Nubol to fight the “party of the devil,” a term
often used by rebels to refer to Hezbollah, a tern which translates as
Party of God. If Hezbollah is present in Aleppo, it is plausible
it could be utilized anywhere in the country, said Emile Hokayem, a
Middle East-based analyst at the International Institute for Strategic
“A deployment so deep into Syria and in such a crucial
place would be a clear indication that Hezbollah’s role in Syria was
never limited to defensive aims but is geared toward helping Assad score
major victories,” he said.
Hezbollah’s entanglement in Syria has
already sparked a backlash within fragile Lebanon, with Syrian rebels
firing rockets onto Shiite areas of the country with increasing
frequency in recent weeks.
On Sunday, according to Lebanese
security individuals quoted by Reuters, one member of Hezbollah and at
least 12 rebels were killed in clashes in Ain el-Jaouze, a finger of
Lebanese territory which juts into Syria, near Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley
town of Baalbek. The men may have been ambushed by Hezbollah as they
tried to fire rockets at Shiite areas of the Bekaa Valley, they said.
presence of Hezbollah units around Aleppo will only deepen the divide
in Lebanon and confirm, in the eyes of its rivals, Hezbollah’s complete
alignment with Assad,” said Hokayem.
Ahmed Ramadan and Suzan Haidamous contributed to this report.
PressTV: US Marines deployed along Jordan border with Syria
US Marines have
reportedly been deployed along Jordan border with Syria as the Syrian
Army continues to inflict heavy losses on foreign-backed militants. Over 1,000 US troops, who had arrived in the Jordanian port of Aqaba
via Israel earlier in the week, have headed toward the kingdom's border
area with Syria under heavy Jordanian military escort, Israeli sources
reported on Friday.
The troops are reported to be members of the 26th Marine Expeditionary Force.
Washington and Amman have imposed a news blackout on the deployment of US troops on Jordanian soil.
US sources have confirmed that the presence of the Marines in Jordan
has nothing to do with military drills set to be held between American
and Jordanian troops later this month.
In April, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Washington is
sending 200 troops to Jordan to help contain the violence in Syria,
increasing speculation that US is setting the stage for intervention in
the Arab country. At the time, Russia criticized the deployment of US troops to Jordan
over the Syrian crisis, describing the move as an unconstructive step
that threatens to expand the conflict.
Jordan’s opposition party, the Islamic Action Front, also denounced
the presence of American troops in the kingdom and asked the government
to review its decision to authorize the deployment of foreign troops on
Jordan’s soil.
CNN: U.S. to send Patriot
missile battery, fighter jets to Jordan as part of exercise
The decision to deploy a
Patriot missile battery
and F-16 aircraft to Jordan was made late Friday at a meeting with top
military and civilian Defense Department officials to bolster U.S.
military support for Jordan - a crucial ally in the Middle East - as the
violence from the Syrian civil war spreads, according to a senior U.S.
official, CNN has learned.
The official declined to be named because of the sensitivity of the
situation and also declined to say who was in the meeting. Defense
Secretary Chuck Hagel has been traveling outside the United States, and
it could not be learned if he attended via teleconference, although
several officials tell CNN he was aware of the discussions and approved
the deployment.
The overall goal is to demonstrate U.S.
military support for an increasingly fragile Jordan, which is bearing
the burden of hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees and a growing
potential threat from extremist elements including an al Qaeda affiliate
organization operating inside Syria. The weapons systems will be sent initially as part of a military
exercise called Eager Lion, planned for later this month, with an
understanding they may stay in the country. There is clearly a broader
message being sent, according to U.S. military officials.
"In order to enhance the defensive posture and capacity of Jordan,
some of these assets may remain beyond the exercise at the request of
the government of Jordan," Lt .Col. T.G. Taylor, a spokesman at the U.S.
Central Command, told CNN.
The Patriot missiles were originally expected to be sent from their
base at Ft. Bliss, Texas, but the senior official said they may simply
be redeployed from Patriots already in the Middle East. Jordan does not
face a Scud missile threat from Syria, but the deployment comes amid
growing concern that some Syrian missiles are being shipped to Hezbollah
and could be used to attack targets across the region.
In recent days, violence has spread to Lebanon, and Israeli forces
have increased security along their northern border. The F-16s and air
crews will train with Jordanian combat air forces amid growing pressure
from some in Congress for the White House to support a no-fly zone over
Separately from the exercise, the United States is sending 200
military planners from the headquarters of the 1st Armored Division at
Fort Bliss to Jordan to assist in long-term planning with Jordanian
forces in case a chemical weapons crisis erupts, or if a wide scale
humanitarian relief mission is ordered.
Iran to ‘deploy 4,000-strong force’ to Syria as US military set to stay in Jordan

Iran will deploy 4,000 Revolutionary Guards to Syria to bolster
Damascus against a mostly Sunni-led insurgency, media reported.
Meanwhile, US F-16s and Patriots will stay in Jordan – speculatively, to
help establish a no-fly zone to aid Syrian rebels. The deployment of the first several-thousand strong military
contingent was reported by The Independent on Sunday who quoted
Iranian sources tied to the state’s security apparatus. The
sources said the move signals Iran’s intention to drastically
step up its efforts to preserve the government of President
Bashar Assad.
The Islamic Republic’s heightened military commitment could
reportedly extend to the opening up of a new “Syrian” front on
the Golan Heights against Israel.
Golan Heights have recently become a source of new instability
with increasing
cross-border fire and Austria withdrawing its
peacekeepers from the buffer area after
a checking point became the spot of military dispute
between and Assad's and opposition's forces.
This stirred concern in the UN with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
warning the fragile state of no-war between Tel-Aviv and Damascus
is at risk.
“The ongoing military activities in the [Golan] area of
separation continue to have the potential to escalate tensions
between Israel and the Syrian Arab Republic and to jeopardize the
cease-fire between the two countries,” Ban Ki-moon said in a
June 13 statement.
Journalists have frequently
asked Assad whether he plans to open a resistance
front at Golans. The option discussion was brought back to the
table after every
air strike on the Syrian territory pinned on
Israel. Tel-Aviv always stopped short of confirming the strikes
but hinted that it would do “whatever it takes” to stop arms
supplies to Lebanon’s Hezbollah even if convoys are found going
through Syria.
The strikes resonated across the world – and back in February
Saeed Jalili, head of Iran’s National Security Council,
warned Israel would “regret” them.
…vs. US troops in Jordan?
Reports of Iran’s decision to get directly involved in the Syrian
conflict come just days after Israel’s ally, the US, chose to
reverse its policy of not providing lethal aid to rebel fighters.
The argument the Obama Administration used was that Damascus had
crossed a red line by deploying chemical weapons against
opposition forces on four separate occasions. Washington’s policy shift has quickly materialized on multiple
fronts, some of them also in the press.
On Saturday, the Pentagon announced a detachment of F-16s and US
Patriot anti-aircraft missile systems dispatched to Jordan for
the ongoing joint Eager Lion military exercise will remain in the
country once the training drills conclude. The same day, The Washington Post reported that clandestine bases
Jordan and Turkey would serve as conduits for arms
being delivered to the rebel fighters.
US military support will thus far be limited to light arms and
other munitions, although Washington’s shifting calculus has
potentially given a green light to regional Sunni allies to
provide anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons to the Assad
Just one day before the Pentagon announced its intention to leave
Patriot missiles and F-16s in Jordan, senior Western diplomats in
Turkey announced Washington was mulling the establishment of a
no-fly zone, “
possibly near the Jordanian border."
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned that any attempt to
impose such a zone would be in clear
violation of international law.
Syria vortex: Saudi Arabia, Al-Nusra, Hezbollah
The US, Israel and Iran are not the only actors to have
“activated” recently.
On Sunday, the German daily Der Spiegel, citing the German
foreign intelligence service, said Saudi Arabia is looking to
provide European-made Mistral-class MANPADS – man-portable
air-defense systems – to the Syrian opposition. Notably, on Tuesday, Saudi Arabia condemned the role of another
party to the conflict – Hezbollah – announcing that measures
would be taken against those loyal to the group who lived in Gulf
Cooperation Council (GCC) states.
Hezbollah, the Shia Islamist militant group based out of Lebanon,
played an integral part in the recapture of the strategic city of
Qusayr last week. Damascus announced its intentions to use the
Qusayr victory as a stepping stone to retaking large swaths of
the northern city of Aleppo and surrounding provinces. Some 2,000 of Hezbollah’s 65,000 strong force has reportedly been
operating in the city since early June. Shortly after these
reports emerged, the New York Times rolled out an article saying
Israel accelerated planning for a “shock and awe”
campaign to wipe out Hezbollah forces out of Syria.
Despite Saudi Arabia’s condemnation of Hezbollah’s “blatant
interference” in the Syrian conflict, a report issued by
Intelligence Online in January said that Saudi Arabia was
directly responsible for the radical al-Nusra Front’s very
existence and operational superiority within the country.
"The Saudi General Intelligence, controlled by Prince Bandar
bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz, exploited its broad calls with Takfiri
[atoning] movements in Iraq to help establish al-Nusra Front, a
low-profile Takfiri movement," the report stated. "Thanks to funding from the General Intelligence Department
and support from the Saudi Intelligence in Lebanon, al-Nusra was
able to swiftly arm its forces, and make the Syrian regime suffer
painful blows through its expertise in Iraqi bombings," it
The Al-Nusra Front, with its alleged Saudi connections, is
incidentally the Syrian branch of the Islamic State of Iraq,
which aims to establish a caliphate in the Sunni dominated
regions of Iraq. This brings a strong sectarian smell to the
two-year conflict and lifts far above local “anti-government”
The increased effectiveness of pro-Assad forces has been met with
frustration by prominent Sunni clerics. Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, a
prominent Egyptian theologian, called on Sunnis in the region to
join the battle against Damascus, asking: “How could 100m Shia
[worldwide] defeat 1.7bn [Sunni]?”
With the United States, its Sunni allies in the region and Israel
all preparing to step up involvement in the Syrian conflict,
Iran’s commitment to defend the Assad government is likely just
as motivated by self-preservation as Shiite solidarity.
AP: US War Games Send Signal to Assad
Under the watchful eye of stern-faced American
advisers, hundreds of U.S.-trained Jordanian commandos fanned across
this dusty desert plain, holding war games that could eventually form
the basis of an assault in Syria. With the recent deployment of Patriot missiles near the Syrian border,
and the mock Syrian accents of those playing the enemy, the message was
clear: There is fear of spillover from the Syrian war in this
U.S.-allied kingdom, and the potential for a Jordanian role in securing Syria's chemical weapons stockpiles should Bashar Assad's regime lose control.
Dubbed Eager Lion, the 12-day exercise involves combined land, air
and sea maneuvers across the country. It brings together 8,000 personnel
from 19 Arab and European nations to train on border security,
irregular warfare, terrorism and counterinsurgency. Marine Corps Lt. Col. Duke Shienle said Syria "is a concern that all our regional partners share." The Syrian crisis is "causing all military in the region to increase
intensity," he said as he supervised masked commandos in black uniforms
from Jordan and
two other Syria neighbors — Iraq and Lebanon — in a mock exercise to
free a hijacked aircraft on an airstrip in the eastern Jordanian desert.
Nearby, U.S. military strategists taught Jordanian riot police to
quickly contain a mock protest by angry mobs in a crowded refugee camp.
The trainers refused to name the camp, but the trainees said it was
"Zaatari," a reference to a refugee settlement straddling the border
with Syria that shelters around 185,000 displaced Syrians. "We want freedom! We want a free Syria!" the trainees shouted,
speaking the Syrian dialect as they depicted Syrian refugees. Others
looked on from under dusty tents pitched on a strip of desert outside a Jordanian army compound. The location of this exercise and others could not be disclosed in line with Jordanian army regulations.
Elsewhere, in the south, hundreds of masked Jordanian commandos in
black uniforms used machine-guns, rocket propellers and tanks to
overwhelm an enemy target as Jordanian helicopters and fighter jets —
all part of previous American donations — buzzed the skies overhead. "We want to tell anyone with malicious intentions toward Jordan that
we can hit back where it hurts most painfully," said one Jordanian
commando, speaking under scorching sun in the arid mountain region. He
could not be named under army regulations and declined to say if the
enemy he was fighting was Assad's army.
Other training focused on humanitarian relief and crisis management
and involves 7,000 civilians from non-governmental organizations engaged
in providing assistance to Syrian refugees, said Tawfiq Hennawi of the
International Committee of the Red Cross, one of the participating NGOs. Jordan hosts more than half a million Syrians who fled Assad's
military onslaught and that number is expected to rise to 1.2 million by
the end of the year. "These exercises bolster our defense capabilities," said Jordanian
army Maj. Gen. Awni Edwan, adding that the Eager Lion exercises, which
end Thursday, are routine, having being held twice before at the same
"We don't intend to attack anybody," he said.
Jordan has been leery that Assad may eventually use his chemical
weapons against his neighbors, or if his regime starts to collapse, his
stockpile may fall into the hands of al-Qaida or other militants who are
trying to rise to power in Syria. There has been mounting speculation that should Assad's regime begin
to lose control, Jordan will dispatch its highly-skilled, U.S.-trained
and equipped commandos to secure Assad's chemical weapons and create a
safe haven for Syrian refugees along the 230-mile (375-kilometer) border
with Jordan, according to a Western diplomat who monitors Syria from
his base in Jordan.
The purpose is to prevent a further influx of Syrian refugees into
Jordan out of fear that Shiite militants from the Lebanese Hezbollah
group or other Iranian agents may slip across the border to destabilize
this key U.S. ally, said the diplomat, who spoke on condition of
anonymity because identifying him might jeopardize his
intelligence-gathering on Syria. Jordan's predominantly Sunni Muslim population is traditionally a
fiery critic of the growing influence of Iran and its rival Shiite sect.
Regional media reports this week suggesting that Hezbollah activists
are deploying near the Jordanian border to help Assad regain control of
southern Daraa province— which has been a lifeline for arms shipments to
rebels seeking to topple him — sent jitters across Jordan. Officials
said that security was immediately beefed up, with more Jordanian
soldiers deployed along the border with Syria.
In recent weeks, Assad's forces have appeared to be regaining control
over areas seized by rebels, particularly the strategic town of Qusair. Jordan also fears that Assad's sleeper cells, including Hezbollah,
may already be in the country and would act if instructed by Iran or
Syria, where an uprising that started in 2011 has descended into all-out
civil war. Eager Lion coincides with Washington deploying one or two Patriot
batteries along the border with Syria and agreeing to keep a squadron of
12 to 24 F-16 fighter jets after the exercises — a move Syria's regime
and its Russian patron have expressed concern over.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was quoted by Russia's
Interfax news agency as saying that the deployment of the air-defense
systems in Jordan in order to set up a no-fly zone over Syria would be a violation of international law. The United States has said it has no plans for military intervention
in Syria, although President Barack Obama has left the door open for any
"With this exercise being the biggest fire power show ever in Jordan,
coupled with the deployment of Patriot air defense systems and U.S.
fighter jets, it is clear that the ground is being set for military
intervention in Syria," said Col. Khalil Rawahneh, a Jordanian military
strategist who participated in at least 16 U.S. and British-sponsored
maneuvers until he retired four years ago.
DebkaFile: Putin offers Russian troops in lieu of Austrian Golan peacekeepers. UN: Thank you but no
Just 24 hours after Austria decided to withdraw its 380-strong
contingent from the UN force policing the Golan separation zone,
President Vladimir Putin stepped forward Friday, June 7, with an offer
of a Russian force to take its place on the highly sensitive
Syrian-Israeli border. Thursday, two peacekeepers were injured by
falling ordnance from a battle between Syrian and rebel troops around
debkafile: The
Russian president saw his opportunity to pluck the fruits of Moscow’s
success in backing the Syrian-Hizballah forces’ advances in major
battles against rebels, notably at al Qusayr, and position Russian
troops face to face with the Israeli army. They would constitute a
barrier against any military intervention being mounted against the
Assad regime from Israel. UN Deputy Spokesman Farhan Hak said: "The UN would welcome Russia’s contribution to peacekeeping efforts in the region."
Our military and intelligence sources doubt whether the Israeli
government will be enthusiastic about Russian troops policing the Golan
sector separating Israeli and Syrian forces. Jerusalem may be expected
to seek advice from Washington in order to get the Russian contribution
disqualified on the grounds that Moscow can hardly claim to be a neutral
party when it is so heavily committed militarily to one side of the
Syrian conflict.
The Obama administration’s reaction to Putin’s move is hard to
predict because a rejection could torpedo the fading prospects of the
US-Russian-sponsored Geneva conference for a political solution of the
Syrian war - for which no date has yet been set. The Russian president
appears to be aiming at having Russian troops posted on Syrian soil
under the US flag when – and if - the conference ever gets off the
What Putin said was this: “In view of the complicated situation which is
currently unfolding on the Golan Heights, we could replace the Austrian
peacekeeping contingent, which is withdrawing from this region, on the
disengagement line between Israeli troops and the Syrian army.” The Russian president made no mention of the presence of Syrian rebels on the Golan. Israel has four major concerns in this matter:
1. The presence of Russian troops on the Syrian side of the Golan
would inhibit Israeli cross-border military action should it become
necessary for its security.
2. It would upset the relations the IDF has developed with certain
Syrian rebel units, manifested by their war wounded receiving treatment
at the military field hospital set up especially at the Tel Hazaka post
on the Golan and transferred in severe case to hospitals in Haifa and
Last week, US military released data with pictures showing the movements of Israeli special forces in and out of Syria.
3. The possibility of Russian officers in blue helmets interfering with
Israeli military movements on the Israeli side of the Golan as well
cannot be ruled out.
4. Some of the Russian contingent may be assigned to gather
intelligence on Israeli military movements in the north of the country.
There is no way to stop them handing those secrets over to the Syrian
and Hizballah. In the event, the UN thanked Moscow but explained that the
Syrian-Israeli 1974 disengagement accord did not allow permament UN
Security Council members with veto power to serve in UNDOF.
Obama Asks Pentagon for Syria No-Fly Zone Plan
The White
House has
asked the Pentagon to draw up plans for a no-fly
zone inside Syria that would be enforced by the U.S. and other countries
such as France and Great Britain, two administration officials told The
Daily Beast.
The request was made shortly before
Secretary of State John Kerry toured the Middle East last week to try
and finalize plans for an early June conference between the Syrian
regime and rebel leaders in Geneva. The opposition, however, has yet to
confirm its attendance and
is demanding
that the end of Syrian President Bashar al Assad’s rule be a
precondition for negotiations, a condition Assad is unlikely to accept.
Obama’s dual-track strategy of continuing to pursue a political
solution to the two-year-old uprising in Syria while also preparing for
more direct U.S. military involvement includes authorizing the Joint
Chiefs of Staff for the first time to plan for multilateral military
actions inside Syria, the two officials said. They added that no
decisions on actually using force have yet been made.
White House is still in contemplation mode but the planning is moving
forward and it’s more advanced than it’s ever been,” one administration
official told The Daily Beast. “All this effort to pressure the regime
is part of the overall effort to find a political solution, but what
happens if Geneva fails? It’s only prudent to plan for other options.”
a May 8 meeting of the National Security Council Principals Committee,
the White House tasked several agencies with reporting on the pros and
cons of two additional potential courses of action: arming vetted and
moderate elements of the Syrian opposition, such as the Free Syrian
Army, and formally recognizing the Syrian opposition council as the
government of Syria, which would mean removing formal U.S. recognition
of the Assad regime.
Sen. John McCain—who’s advocated for more aggressive U.S. support of the Syrian rebels and who
traveled secretly
into the country Monday to meet with the leaders of the Free Syrian
Army—told The Daily Beast last week that despite the request for plans
he doubts the White House will decide to implement a no-fly zone in
Syria. The Pentagon and the Joint Chiefs are opposed to the idea, he
thing about the Pentagon, if they don’t want to do something, they will
tell you all sorts of reasons why they can’t do it. It’s going to take
significant pressure for them to come up with realistic plans,” McCain
said. “They will invent ways for us not to do it until the president of
the United States says we’ve got to do it.”
said a realistic plan for a no-fly zone would include hundreds of
planes, and would be most effective if it included destroying Syrian
airplanes on runways, bombing those runways, and moving U.S. Patriot
missile batteries in Turkey close to the border so they could protect
airspace inside northern Syria.
April, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey told the
House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense that the military was
planning for a range of options in Syria but that he did not necessarily
support using those options.
"It’s only prudent to plan for other options.”
prepared with options, should military force be called upon and
assuming it can be effectively used to secure our interests without
making matters worse,” he said. “We must also be ready for options for
an uncertain and dangerous future. That is a future we have not yet
identified." The
administration probably won’t make any decisions about greater
intervention in Syria until after the Geneva conference, McCain said. “I
think they’re moving towards the planning because the pressure is so
great, but we’re in a full-court stall until this conference in Geneva,”
he said.
Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford and White House Coordinator for the
Middle East, North Africa, and the Gulf Region Phil Gordon traveled to
Turkey from May 9 to 11 and met there with leaders of the Syrian
opposition to encourage them to attend the Geneva conference. A White
House official told The Daily Beast that the administration agrees that
Assad should step down but does not agree that this should be a
precondition to moving forward with the Geneva plan.
“In meetings with Syrian opposition leaders to discuss the implementation of
the Geneva Communiqué
we underscored our support for the Syrian Council (SC) as the
legitimate representative of the Syrian people, reaffirmed our support
for a political transition based on the framework of the Geneva
Communiqué, and reiterated that Assad must go,” the official said.
of the administration, including McCain, doubt that the new Geneva
conference—coming a year after the earlier summit produced the
Communiqué that called for an end to violence and democratic transition
–will produce any progress toward a political solution. They also doubt
that the Russians are committed to such a solution, considering that
continue to provide arms to the Assad regime. But Kerry
has continued to endorse and push for the conference as a way to begin real negotiations between the regime and the opposition.
is a Kerry initiative,” an administration official said. “It’s also a
test of the veracity of the Russian claims that they are committed to a
peaceful outcome that reflects the will of the Syrian people.”
Geneva conference will happen at about the same time as a huge set of
military exercises conducted in Jordan called “Eager Lion,”
which will include
15,000 troops from 18 countries, including the United States. The U.S.
could leave military assets in Jordan following the exercise that might
be useful for a no-fly zone, such as F-16 fighter aircraft.
Hayden, the spokesperson for the White House’s National Security Staff,
told The Daily Beast that the White House is considering a range of
possible actions in Syria.
the president reiterated last week, all options are on the table with
regard to Syria, though a scenario involving American boots on the
ground is not likely,” she said. “We are prepared for all
contingencies,” she said. “We will continue to urgently work to support
the opposition. We are consulting with the Syrian Opposition Coalition
and the Supreme Military Council about how we can continue to elevate
our assistance; we are leading the world in providing humanitarian
assistance for those affected by the violence; and we will continue to
coordinate international efforts to end the bloodshed and hasten a
political transition to a Syria where Bashar al-Assad has no role.”
Syria experts praised the White House’s decision to plan more options
in Syria, but doubted that Obama would actually make the decision to
intervene in the near term.
doubt, the United States and its like-minded allies and partners are
fully capable, without the use of ground troops, of obviating the Assad
regime’s degraded, fixed, and mobile air defenses and suppressing the
regime’s use of airpower,” said Robert Zarate, policy director at the
Foreign Policy Initiative, a Washington-based group that advocates for
aggressive U.S. military action in support of human rights and
democratic allies. “But the question is whether that’s something
President Obama actually has the will and resolve to do.”
‘US and Israel aim for Hezbollah in Syria’
The US’s decision to arm Syrian rebels may be due to Hezbollah’s
involvement in the conflict, with Washington and Jerusalem seeing it as a
chance to counter anti-Israeli actions, author and historian Gerald
Horne has told RT. US President Barack Obama has given the green light to military
support for the Syrian opposition after his administration
concluded that Assad’s regime had used chemical weapons against
rebels numerous times over the last year. However, Horne, from the University of Houston, does not believe
that the US will be able to produce evidence of the use of
chemical agent sarin by regime troops, saying that
he doubts such evidence exists.
RT: These claims of the use of poison gas by Assad's
forces seem to mean that Obama's “red line” has been crossed and
that [Obama] has just pledged to arm the rebels. How far is the
White House likely to go?
Gerald Horne: I am afraid that they are re willing to go
quite far. They are under enormous pressure. Former US President
Bill Clinton has released a statement criticizing the Obama
administration for not intervening more deeply into the Syrian
morass. Obama’s former election rival, Senator John McCain of
Arizona, just took to the floor of the US Senate saying that
arming the rebels is not enough. Presumably, he has called for
airstrikes to create a so-called no-fly zone. It seems to me that
this is a very dangerous and ominous moment. Particularly since
the Sunni clerics have just met in Cairo, Egypt and called for a
Holy War against the Assad regime and Damascus. Instead of trying
to calm things down, it seems to me that the Obama administration
is about to throw fuel on the fire.
RT: What will this do to the US-Russia-sponsored peace
conference in Geneva?
GH: You may have heard that the UN has suggested that
everyone is on board for this Geneva conference, except the
Syrians. It seems to me that the opposition, the rebels have made
clear that they have no interest in negotiating with Assad. As
they see it, they will win this conflict on the battlefield, and
the Europeans – particularly the British and French – will be
sending them more weapons sooner rather than later. And, as they
see it, they can win. Though I think that they are mistaken.
RT: Two months ago, Carla del Ponte, the chief UN
investigator in Syria, said that she was “stupefied” by the
testimony of victims of the Syrian conflict claiming that rebels
used the nerve agent sarin. She also said that there was no
evidence that the government resorted to this measure. How does
this sit with Washington's allegations?
GH: It is in contradiction with Washington's allegations,
bearing in mind also that, just a few weeks ago, Turkish
authorities found that some rebels residing in Turkey had sarin
weapons. It is difficult to say whether these weapons were used,
and if so, who used them? For example, what was the chain
of custody that allowed the Obama administration to conclude that
it was Damascus and not the rebels? How did those samples get
from the battlefield to Washington? How do we know that a
renegade soldier in the Syrian military used these weapons
precisely to invite an intervention to Washington? There are so
many questions. I look forward to seeing the evidence, though I
doubt that the administration will be able to provide any.
RT: Why would Assad resort to chemical weapons when
recent reports suggest that he's gaining the upper hand in the
GH: I think that one reason the Obama administration is
edging towards more direct intervention in Syria is that Assad’s
forces are triumphing on the battlefield, not least because of
the assistance they are receiving from Hezbollah forces in
neighboring Lebanon. This assistance has outraged the Israelis
and the Israeli lobby in Washington. As they see it, they would
like to see Hezbollah degraded on the battlefield of Syria and,
therefore, you see this new call from Washington for military
intervention in Syria.
RT: John McCain recently visited Syria, and, while the
administration has shown reluctance to intervene, it has been
under domestic pressure to do so. What is pushing the White House
to intervene?
GH: You mentioned McCain, who is a de facto leader of the
opposition conservative Republican Party. I have already
mentioned that Clinton has called for intervention. Last year,
his wife, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and then CIA
Director David Petraeus, called for stalwart intervention.
Interestingly enough, polls show that the US public is against
intervention. They see no advantage in arming Al-Qaeda forces,
who are the tip of the spear of the rebels. It thus seems that US
politicians do not have the best of this argument.
US to give military support to Syrian rebels as ‘red line' crossed
After concluding that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons
against the country's insurgency, thus crossing a ‘red line,’ the Obama
administration has decided to start sending arms to anti-Assad rebels
for the first time, officials say. The Obama administration has
assessed that chemical weapons, most likely the nerve gas sarin,
were used in battle against the Syrian rebels, Deputy National
Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes said in
a statement.
The “intelligence community assesses that the Assad regime has
used chemical weapons on a small scale against the opposition
multiple times in the last year,” he said.
The Syrian Foreign Ministry branded the US statements on the use
of chemical weapons a “caravan of lies”. "The United States, in resorting to a shameful use of pretexts
in order allow President Obama's decision to arm the Syrian
opposition, shows that it has flagrant double standards in the
way it deals with terrorism," it said.
Syria had insisted in the past that it did not use its chemical
arsenal in the ongoing conflict and would not do so unless
invaded by a foreign nation. President Obama has authorized to release of at least some US
arms for Syria’s rebels as part of new military and political aid
measures, according to a source who spoke with Reuters.
White House officials speculated over evidence that nerve gas had
been used as of April, but that evidence is now being called
“definitive” – with Congressional sources describing the
conclusion as crossing the “red line” for US military
intervention or backing as previously defined by the
"The president has made a decision about providing more
support to the opposition, that will involve providing direct
support to the (Supreme Military Council), that includes military
support," Rhodes told reporters on a conference call on
Thursday. "This is going to be different in both scope and scale in
terms of what we are providing to the SMC than what we have
provided before," he adds.
The change of US policy was praised by NATO Secretary General
Anders Fogh Rasmussen on Friday.
"I welcome clear US statement. Urgent that Syria regime should
let UN investigate all reports of chemical weapons
use," he tweeted. Rasmussen’s praise was echoed by UK Prime Minister David Cameron,
who tweeted:
"There is a dictatorial and brutal leader
who is using chemical weapons under our noses against his own
people." Russia scrutinized the evidence that made the US accuse Damascus
of using chemical weapons against the rebels, but
find it conclusive.
“The Americans tried to present us with information on the use
of chemical weapons by the regime, but frankly we thought that it
was not convincing,” said presidential aide Yury Ushakov
on Friday. Beijing called for restraint when commenting on the US
allegations.“China hopes that the UN will conduct an objective and fair
investigation of the problem of chemical weapons in Syrian
in accordance with the international law and the decisions
of the UN Security Council,” Chinese Foreign Ministry
spokesperson Hua Chunying told journalists on Friday.
The US is studying setting up a no-fly zone in Syria along its
border with Jordan, according to US officials. "Washington is considering a no-fly zone to help Assad's
opponents," one diplomat told Reuters. He said it would be
limited "time-wise and area-wise", without giving details.
The potential no-fly zone may stretch for up to 25 miles (40km)
into Syrian territory, and would be set up in a bid to train and
equip rebel forces and protect refugees, according to US
media. The Wall Street Journal says even a limited no-fly
zone may cost the US at much as $50 million per day while a
full-scale operation would be much more expensive. The Pentagon
hopes US foreign partners will help in footing the bill, if it
comes to this.
France believes that the no-fly zone scenario is unlikely because
it would require approval of the UN Security Council it said on
Friday. Veto-holding members of the UNSC Russia and China are
opposing foreign intervention into the Syrian crisis. A no-fly
zone solution is viewed with suspicion in Moscow and Beijing
after the Libyan debacle, where it resulted in a full-scale NATO
bombing campaign, which tipped the balance in favor of rebels and
allowed them to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.
Jordan currently has massive presence of US troops, which took
part in a major exercise, dubbed Eager Lion. On Thursday Pentagon
decided that it will keep its F-16 fighter jets and Patriot
anti-aircraft missiles, which took part in the drill, according
to a US defense official, who spoke to AFP on condition of
The US deployed its 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit to take part
in the exercise. The 2,400 troops and equipment were delivered by
a group of three amphibious ships. Congress was being notified of
the conclusions over chemical weapons use in the country on
Thursday in classified documents. Findings were corroborated by
evidence sent to the US by France, which along with the UK
claimed that Assad’s forces had used chemical
"There is a growing body persuasive evidence showing that the
regime used - and continues to use - chemical weapons, including
sarin," a spokesman for Britain's Foreign Office said
Thursday. "The room for doubt continues to diminish. Assad must grant
the UN investigation unrestricted access to investigate on the
ground in Syria and establish the full facts," he added.
In a conference call to reporters on Thursday, the White House
said that the intelligence community estimates that between 100
and 150 people have been killed by chemical weapons used by
pro-Assad forces. That would be about 0.16 per cent (0.0016) of
the 93,000 deaths in the Syrian conflict, which is the latest UN
estimate of the death toll. The UN says more than 6,500 of the
victims were minors, including more than 1,700 children under 10.
The White House said during the same call that the US “will
make decisions on our own timeline" regarding the next steps
on Syria. President Obama will consult with G8 partners,
including Russia, about Syria next week. Republican senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham called on the
US to provide "lethal assistance, especially ammunition &
heavy weapons" to Syria’s rebels on Thursday.
“The President must rally an international coalition to take
military actions to degrade Assad’s ability to use airpower and
ballistic missiles and to move and resupply his forces around the
battlefield by air,” said a joint statement by the
As a UN probe was underway into allegations of chemical weapons
use in May, lead investigator Carla Del Ponte said the findings
showed that rebels were behind at least one chemical weapons
attack. "
This was used on the part of the opposition, the
rebels, not by the government authorities," Del Ponte told
Swiss TV. But the
final report released in early June said the UN
investigators failed
“to determine the precise chemical agents
used, their delivery systems or the perpetrator” in the
investigated attacks.
On several occasions media reported seizure of small amounts of
sarin from militants of the Al-Qaeda-linked Al-Nusra Front. This
happened both inside Syria and in neighboring Turkey, where many
Syrian refugees live in camps along the border. The US move comes at a crucial point when an effort is being made
to start political settlement of the Syrian conflict at a
conference in Geneva. The conference was organized by Russia and
the US and is aimed at finding a way for the adversaries to agree
on how a ceasefire can be established and a transitional
government formed to end the two-year-long civil war.
The Obama administration did not reveal its timetable for
providing military assistance to rebels, so it’s not clear
whether it will start before the conference or afterwards in case
of the talks’ failure. Abayomi Azikiwe, international affairs expert and journalist,
says that US claims will be used to justify intervention at a
time when the rebels are threatened with defeat on the
“Based upon the developments
that have been taking place in Syria over the last two weeks, in
regard to the removal of rebels from various parts of the
country, and also the overall international situation -- which is
very disadvantageous to US or NATO direct intervention in Syria
--I believe that this being utilized to provide a rationale and
justification for the escalation of military, political as well
as diplomatic pressure against the Syrian government,” he
Author and historian Gerald Horne said that Washington's
allegations are in “
flagrant contradiction” with an
assessment from the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry, and may
only serve to escalate the conflict.
They’re under enormous pressure from former US President Bill
Clinton, who just came out with a statement criticizing the Obama
administration for not intervening more deeply in the Syrian
morass,” Horne said. “
Mr. Obama’s former competitor,
Senator John McCain of Arizona, just took to the floor of the
United States Senate saying that arming the rebels is not enough,
presumably calling for air strikes to create a no-fly zone. It
seems to me this is a very dangerous and ominous moment,
particularly as Sunni clerics have just met in Cairo, Egypt and
called for a holy war against the Assad regime. Instead of trying
to calm things down, it seems to me the Obama administration is
about to throw gas on the flames.”
US-NATO Are Training “Opposition” Rebels in the Use of Chemical Weapons
The chemical weapons accusations are fabricated. In a bitter irony,
the evidence amply confirms that the chemical weapons are being used not by Syrian government forces but by the US supported Al Qaeda rebels. In a twisted logic whereby realities are turned upside down, the
Syrian government is being accused of the atrocities committed by the US
sponsored Al Qaeda affiliated rebels. The Western media is feeding disinformation into the news chain,
casually refuting its own news reports. Confirmed by various sources
including CNN, the Western military alliance has not only made chemical
weapons available to the Al Nusrah Front, it has also sent in military
contractors and special forces to train the rebels:
The training [in chemical weapons], which is taking place in Jordan and Turkey, involves how to monitor and secure stockpiles and handle weapons sites and materials, according to the sources. Some of the contractors are on the ground in Syria working with the rebels to monitor some of the sites, according to one of the officials. The nationality of the trainers was not disclosed, though the officials cautioned against assuming all are American. (CNN, December 09, 2012, emphasis added
While the news report does not confirm the identity of the defense
contractors, the official statements suggest a close contractual
relationship to the Pentagon:
The US decision to hire unaccountable defense contractors
to train Syrian rebels to handle stockpiles of chemical weapons seems
dangerously irresponsible in the extreme, especially considering how
inept Washington has so far been at making sure only trustworthy,
secular rebels – to the extent they exist – receive their aid and the
weapons that allies in the Gulf Arab states have been providing. It also feeds accusations that the Syrian Foreign Ministry
recently made that the US is working to frame the Syrian regime as
having used or prepared for chemical warfare. “What raises concerns about this news circulated by the media is our serious
fear that some of the countries backing terrorism and terrorists might
provide the armed terrorist groups with chemical weapons and claim that
it was the Syrian government that used the weapons,” the letters said.”( John Glaser, Us Defense Contractors Training Syrian Rebels,, December 10, 2012, emphasis addded)
Lets be under no illusion. This is not a
rebel training exercise in non-proliferation of chemical weapons. While
president Obama accuses Bashar Al Assad, the US-NATO military
alliance is channeling chemical weapons to Al Nusrah, a terrorist
organization on the State Department blacklist. In all likelihood, the training of Al Nusrah rebels in the use of
chemical weapons was undertaken by private military contractors.
The United Nations Independent Mission confirms that Rebel Forces Are in Possession of Sarin Nerve Gas
While Washington points its finger at president Bashar al Assad, a
United Nations independent commission of inquiry confirmed in May 2013
that the rebels rather than the government have chemical weapons in
their possession and are using sarin nerve against the civilian
U.N. human rights investigators have gathered testimony from casualties of Syria’s civil war and medical staff indicating that rebel forces have used the nerve agent sarin, one of the lead investigators said on Sunday. The United Nations independent commission
of inquiry on Syria has not yet seen evidence of government forces
having used chemical weapons, which are banned under international law,
said commission member Carla Del Ponte. [see image right] “Our investigators have been in
neighboring countries interviewing victims, doctors and field hospitals
and, according to their report of last week which I have seen,
are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of
the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated,”
Del Ponte said in an interview with Swiss-Italian television. “This was
use on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government
authorities,” she added, speaking in Italian. (“
U.N. has testimony that Syrian rebels used sarin gas: investigator,” Chicago Tribune, May, 5 2013, emphasis added)
Turkish Police Report: US Supported Al Nusrah Terrorists Possess Chemical Weapons
According to Turkey’s state media agency Zaman, the Turkish General Directorate of Security (Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü):
[Police have] ceased 2 kg
of sarin gas in the city of Adana in the early hours of yesterday
morning. The chemical weapons were in the possession of Al Nusra
terrorists believed to have been heading for Syria. Sarin gas is a colourless, odorless substance which is extremely
difficult to detect. The gas is banned under the 1993 Chemical Weapons
Convention. The EGM [Turkish Police] identified 12 members of the AL
Nusra terrorist cell and also ceased fire arms and digital equipment.
This is the second major official confirmation of the use of chemical
weapons by Al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria after UN inspector
Carla Del Ponte’s recent statement confirming the use of chemical
weapons by the Western-backed terrorists in Syria. The Turkish police are currently conducting further investigations
into the operations of Al-Qaeda linked groups in Turkey. (For further
details see Gearóid Ó Colmáin, Turkish Police find Chemical Weapons in
the Possession of Al Nusra Terrorists heading for Syria, Global, May 30, 2013)
Who has Crossed the “Red Line”? Barack Obama and John Kerry are Supporting a Terrorist Organization on the State Department List
is unfolding is a diabolical scenario –which is an integral part
of US military planning– namely a situation where opposition terrorists
of the al Nusrah Front advised by Western defense contractors are
actually in possession of chemical weapons. The West claims that it is
coming to the rescue of the Syrian people, whose lives are allegedly
threatened by Bashar Al Assad. Obama has not only “Crossed the Red
Line”, he is supporting Al Qaeda. He is a Liar and a Terrorist.
The forbidden truth, which the Western media has failed to reveal, is
that the US-NATO- Israel military alliance is not only supporting the
Al Nusrah Front, it is also making chemical weapons available to its proxy “opposition” rebel forces.
The broader issue is: Who is a threat to the Syrian people? Syria’s
President Bashar al Assad or America’s President Barack Obama, who has
ordered the recruitment and training of terrorist forces which are on
the US State Department blacklist. In a bitter irony, according to the US State Department Bureau of
Counter-terrorism, President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry,
not to mention Senator John McCain could be held responsible for
“knowingly providing, or attempting or conspiring to provide, material
support or resources to, or engaging in transactions with, al-Nusrah
The Department of State has amended the Foreign Terrorist
Organization (FTO) and Executive Order (E.O.) 13224 designations of
al-Qa’ida in Iraq (AQI) to include the following new aliases: al-Nusrah Front, Jabhat al-Nusrah, Jabhet al-Nusra, The Victory Front, and Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant. The consequences of adding al-Nusrah Front as a new alias for AQI include a
prohibition against knowingly providing, or attempting or conspiring to
provide, material support or resources to, or engaging in transactions
with, al-Nusrah Front, and the freezing of all property and
interests in property of the organization that are in the United States,
or come within the United States or the control of U.S. persons.
(emphasis added)
The State Department advisory acknowledges that from November 2011 to December 2012:
“Al-Nusrah Front has claimed nearly 600 attacks – ranging
from more than 40 suicide attacks to small arms and improvised
explosive device operations – in major city centers including Damascus,
Aleppo, Hamah, Dara, Homs, Idlib, and Dayr al-Zawr. During these attacks
numerous innocent Syrians have been killed. ….
The advisory also confirms that “the United States takes this action
[of blacklisting the Al Nusrah Front] in the context of our overall
support for the Syrian people. … ” What it fails to mention is that the Obama administration continues
to channel money and weapons to Al Nusrah in blatant defiance of US
counter-terrorism legislation.
Foreign Policy: Here's a map of the 23 places the U.S. will bomb if there's a Syria no-fly-zone
Forget the
small arms. If the White House really wants to alter the course of the Syrian
civil war, it may well need to impose a no-fly zone. The good news is it probably
won't be too hard to pull off, given the battered state of Assad's air
defenses. The bad news is it could drag the U.S.
into a wider war. Bashar al-Assad's air force that has conducted between
and 141 air strikes a month from January through April of this year,
largely with old Czechoslovakian-made L-39 Delfin trainer jets and helicopters
such as the Soviet-designed Mi-8, Mi-17 and Mi-24.
The weapons may be old, but many analysts believe that
they've made a crucial difference as pro-regime troops have seized the momentum
in Syria's civil war.
in the U.S. government are pushing for a total no-fly-zone similar to the
one imposed on Libya in 2011 in order to take out that air force. (The map above shows the location of Assad's main air bases
- the prime targets of any American campaign to limit Assad's power to strike
from the sky.Let us know if we're missing any.)
On Friday, Anthony Cordesman of the influential Center for Strategic and International Studies said that anything
less than (
pretty darn expensive) no-fly zone that totally grounds Assad's air force
would be a "
solution similar to "supplying too few arms of too few lethality," as the U.S.
and other nations have been said to be
secretly for months without giving the rebels enough of an advantage to
overthrow Assad.
A full-on no-fly-zone would involve the U.S. and any other
nations launching a high end assault with everything from B-2 stealth bombers
to submarine and ship-launched Tomahawk cruise missiles aimed at destroying
Assad's radars, missile sites and air defense control networks. It'd be similar
to what was done at the start of Operation Odyssey Dawn, only bigger due to the
fact that Syria has a much better air defense network than Libya did. Once
these door-kickers have taken out the most dangerous elements of Syria's air
defenses, other strike fighters such as U.S. Air Force F-15E Strike Eagles,
F-16 Vipers -- some of which are
in neighboring Jordan --, and U.S. Navy and Marine Corps F/A-18E/F Super
Hornets and F/A-18 Hornets would then be relatively free to hunt down and
destroy Assad's aircraft on the ground or in the air.
As Cordesman points out, all of these jets would need to be
flown off at least one aircraft carrier. The attack would also involve aircraft
based in nearby Turkey, perhaps in Jordan, as well as in other Middle East nations
host American warplanes. The strike jets would have to be supported by aerial
refueling tankers, AWACS and possibly JSTARS radar planes, EA-18G Growler and
EA-6B Prowler radar jamming jets, reconnaissance drones and other
intelligence-gathering jets. A huge undertaking that would cost a ton and take
a long time to achieve full effect. Remember, the U.S. and NATO patrolled the
Libyan skies from March 2011 through October 2011, when Muammar
However, as Christopher Harmer of the Institute for the
Study of war points out, Assad's high-end air defenses are stationary - making
them easy targets for rebel ground attack and have likely been seriously
degraded by months of fighting.
"The fixed
site portion of the Syrian [air defenses] - the heavy radar, heavy [surface to
air missiles], etc., belong to the Syrian Air Force, and in my opinion, have
suffered significantly in the fighting," said Harmer. "They can't get out
of the way of the rebels; more problematic, these old Soviet legacy systems are
maintenance and training intensive. My guess is the Syrian Air Force
has lost significant capability on its heavy, fixed site IADS due to a lack of
maintenance, repair, and training."
He also points out that even Syria's most modern air defense
weapons - mobile, Russian-made SA-17s and
-- don't have the reach to shoot down U.S. planes, which fire off long-range missiles
like the Joint Stand-off Weapon. Nor can the defenses hope to stop American
ships launching Tomahawk cruise missiles.
Furthermore, America's radar jamming
EA-18Gs and EA-6Bs "can overwhelm the relatively low power radar of the SA-17
and SA-22; any fixed site (heavy power output) radar that starts to illuminate,
we'll just put an (
AGM-88 HARM anti-radar missile) into it. Game
over for them," said Harmer. SA-17 and SA-22 are capable weapon systems, but
our ability to defeat those weapons systems is far greater than the Syrians
ability to interdict our air power."
There is one air defense system that could make life much more
difficult for U.S. pilots, the Russian-made S-300 surface to air missiles. But
the S-300
is not yet
in country, despite the fact that Assad has ordered them from Russia. Those
orders just got a lot more urgent, now that the U.S. is getting more directly
involved in the Syrian civil war.
TIME World: Israel and U.S. Coordinating How to Target Assad’s Arsena
52 days after an Israeli general publicly declared that Syria has
used chemical weapons against rebels, the Obama administration reached
the same conclusion, and used the finding to justify announcing it would
send small arms to the side of the victims. “I will not say ‘We told
you so,’ only, okay, the proof is there, so there’s no more question
about it,” says Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor, taking
with a smile the easy part of the equation now laid before Israel. As
for the hard part: “Now, what should be done? It’s not for Israel to
say, because the international involvement in this should not include
Israel. Israel follows very closely developments there. It’s very
concerned about activity on its borders. But we’re not aspiring to be
involved in any action about what’s happening in Syria.”
In fact, of course, Israel is closely involved already, and in more
ways than they are acknowledged publicly. Israeli military officials
tell TIME that American intelligence had the same information that Brig.
Gen. Itai Brun cited in
his April 23 presentation to
a public conference – video footage showing victims foaming at the
mouth, and other indicators that made it clear that sarin had been used
on the battlefield more than once. “We are sharing,” one Israeli
intelligence official said at the time. “We have our cards on the table
with the Americans for a long time. They’ve had all this information.”
Though the speech embarrassed President Obama, who had repeatedly
called use of chemical weapons “a game changer” in his Syria policy, it
was officially inadvertent. No one in Israel’s political echelon knew of
Brun’s remarks in advance, and officials from both countries spent
several days publicly repairing the impression that Israel was trying to
force Obama to intervene. At an operational level, cooperation between
the two countries has been exceptionally close — and growing closer as
Washington publicly ramps up its military involvement in the Syrian
are happening behind the scenes,” says one Israeli official. “Things
are really happening.” Earlier this month, the Pentagon announced it was
sending F-16s and Patriot missile batteries to Jordan,
ostensibly for an exercise (“Eager Lion”), but which would remain in
the Hashemite Kingdom afterward. “It’s a clear, purposeful, presence of a
strike force near the border
of Syria,” the Israeli official noted. “I think it’s a message, a clear
message.” The message is also meant to be legible to Iran, which is
arming Syria and the Lebanese militia Hizballah by air, as well as
testing the resolve of Western powers who threaten to strike its nuclear
program. “It’s only a short leap to the Gulf,” the official said.
Patriot batteries went into Turkey last year, under the banner of
NATO. And the chief of Mossad, Israel’s overseas intelligence agency,
traveled to Ankara this week
to meet with Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization, known by its
Turkish initials MIT. As opponents of Syrian President Bashar Assad
organize themselves to assist the rebels opposing him, Israel feels
obliged to lay low. Though closely aligned with Washington, and
maintaining diplomatic relations with Jerusalem, countries like Jordan
and Turkey have majority Muslim populations who would not welcome overt
military cooperation with Israel. “If this is to hold water, this cannot
involve Israel,” the Israeli official said.
Behind the scenes, however, Israeli and U.S. military officials are
coordinating how to target and destroy Assad’s arsenal of unconventional
weapons under assorted scenarios, Israeli military and intelligence
officials tell TIME. One scenario would be the sudden removal of Assad
from the scene, be it by flight, death or if he simply disappears. That
would prompt the allies to launch operations on the estimated 18 depots
and other sites where WMDs are stored, the officials said. Search and
destroy operations would also be launched if the weapons appeared to be
about to fall into the hands of the rebels, which include Islamist
extremists aligned with al-Qaeda.
The Israeli officials emphasized that it had not been decided whether
both Israeli and U.S. forces would act, or who would do what. But the
U.S. plans called for deploying forces on the ground as well as waves of
airstrikes, to assure that the chemical and biological components are
neutralized, according to the Israeli officials.
Israel already has struck by air inside Syria
three times this year,
targeting advanced weapons systems such as anti-aircraft batteries and
highly accurate Russian-made missiles that officials said were being
transferred to Hizballah, something Israeli officials repeatedly had
warned would prompt discreet, surgical action intended only to safeguard
its military advantage over the Lebanese militia, which is sponsored by
Iran and supported by Syria (where Hizballah recently sent troops to
help Assad).
“The main arms of concern to us are the arms that are already in
Syria — these are anti-aircraft weapons, these are chemical weapons and
other very, very dangerous weapons that could be game changers,” Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the BBC in April, in remarks the
Israeli foreign ministry said remained operative in the wake of Obama’s
decision to arm the rebels. “They will change the conditions, the
balance of power in the Middle East. They could present a terrorist
threat on a worldwide scale. It is definitely our interest to defend
ourselves, but we also think it is in the interest of other countries.”
Rebel group won’t fight Israel if it enters Syria
Arebel group that operates on the Syrian side
of the Golan Heights stated Thursday that it would not fight Israel if
Israel sends forces into Syria. A spokesman for the rebel group, which
is based in Quneitra, made the comments to Al-Jazeera.
“We’ll leave the fighting to Hezbollah and to [Syrian President] Bashar Assad’s men,” said Abu Jafar. “We won’t fight Israel.” Israel has said repeatedly that it has no desire to intervene in the Syrian civil war.
Amid the rhetoric, a mortar shell fired from
Syria landed on the Israeli side of the Golan Heights early Thursday
morning. There were no reports of injuries or damage from the rocket,
which landed just over the border, according to Army Radio.
Mortar shells have struck Israel several times
over the past year as fighting in the Syrian civil war has spilled over
into Israel, though they largely tailed off during June. The rockets
and small arms fire are usually assumed to be errant strikes, but
Damascus recently boasted that it had retaliated against Israel for
reported air strikes against Damascus weapons sites.
Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon has vowed to
respond to spillover of the Syrian civil war into Israel, and the IDF
has shot at Syrian army positions in the past after incidents of
cross-border fire.
Why Obama is Declaring War on Syria
The short answer is Iran and Hezbollah according to
Congressional sources. “The Syrian army’s victory at al-Qusayr was more
than the administration could accept given that town’s strategic
position in the region. Its capture by the Assad forces has essentially
added Syria to Iran’s list of victories starting with Afghanistan,
Lebanon, Iraq, as well as its growing influence in the Gulf."
Other sources are asserting that Obama actually did not want to
invoke direct military aid the rebels fighting to topple the Assad
government or even to make use of American military power in Syria for
several reasons. Among these are the lack of American public support for
yet another American war in the Middle East, the fact that there
appears to be no acceptable alternative to the Assad government on the
horizon, the position of the US intelligence community and the State
Department and Pentagon that intervention in Syria would potentially
turn out very badly for the US and gut what’s left of its influence in
the region. It short, that the US getting involved in Syria could turn
out even worse than Iraq, by intensifying a regional sectarian war
without any positive outcome in sight.
Obama was apparently serious earlier about a negotiated diplomatic
settlement pre-Qusayr and there were even some positives signs coming
from Damascus, Moscow, and even Tehran John Kerry claimed. But that has
changed partly because Russia and the US have both hardened their
demands. Consequently, the Obama administration has now essentially
thrown in the towel on the diplomatic track. This observer was advised
by more than one Congressional staffer that Obama’s team has concluded
that the Assad government was not getting their message or taking them
seriously and that Assad’s recent military gains and rising popular
support meant that a serious Geneva II initiative was not going to
In addition, Obama has been weakened recently by domestic politics
and a number of distractions and potential scandals not least of which
is the disclosures regarding the massive NSA privacy invasion. In
addition, the war lobby led by Senators McClain and Lindsay Graham is
still pounding their drums and claim that Obama would be in violation of
his oath of office and by jeopardizing the national security interest
of the United States by allowing Iran to essentially own Syria once
Assad quells the uprising.” Both Senators welcomed the chemical weapons
assessment. For months they have been saying that Obama has not been
doing enough to help the rebels. “U.S. credibility is on the line,” they
said in a joint statement this week. “Now is not the time to merely
take the next incremental step. Now is the time for more decisive
actions,” they said, such as using long-range missiles to degrade
Assad’s air power and missile capabilities. Another neo-con, Sen. Robert
P. Casey Jr. (D-Pa.) said the opposition forces risk defeat without
heavier weapons, but he also warned that may not be enough. “The U.S.
should move swiftly to shift the balance on the ground in Syria by
considering grounding the Syrian air force with stand-off weapons and
protecting a safe zone in northern Syria with Patriot missiles in
Turkey,” Casey said.
According to some analysts, Obama could alternatively authorize the
arming and training of the Syrian opposition in Jordan without a no-fly
zone. That appears unlikely according to this observers Washington
interlocutors because the Pentagon wants to end the Syrian crisis by
summers end, the observer was advised “rather than working long term
with a motley bunch of jihadists who we could never trust or rely on.
The administration has come to the conclusion apparently that if they
are in for a penny they are in for a pound, meaning would not allow Iran
to control Syria and Hezbollah to pocket Lebanon.”
Secretary of State Kerry had meetings with more than two dozen
military specialists on 5/13/13. The Washington Post is reporting that
Kerry believes supplying the rebels with weapons might be too little and
too late to actually flip the balance on the Syrian ground and this
calls “for a military strike to paralyze Al-Assad’s military
capacities.” A Pentagon source reported that the USA, France, and
Britain are considering a decisive decision to reverse the current Assad
momentum and quickly construct one in favor of the rebels” within a
time period not exceeding the end of this summer.
Shortly after the meetings began, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
quickly returned to Saudi Arabia from his palace at Casa Blanca, Morocco
after receiving a call from his intelligence chief, Prince Bandar Bin
Sultan. Bander reportedly had a representative at the White House during
the meetings with President Obama’s team. King Abdullah was reportedly
advised by Kerry to be prepared for a rapid expansion of the growing
regional conflict.
What happens between now and the end of summer is likely to be
catastrophic for the Syrian public and perhaps Lebanon. The “chemical
weapons-red line” is not taken seriously on Capitol Hill for the reason
that the same “inclusive evidence” of months ago is the same that is
suddenly being cited to justify what may become essentially an all-out
war against the Syrian government and anyone who gets in the way. Hand
wringing over the loss of 125 lives due to chemical weapons, whoever did
use them, pales in comparison to the more 50,000 additional lives that
will be lost in the coming months, a figure that Pentagon planners and
the White House have “budgeted” as the price of toppling the Assad
“We are going to see a rapid escalation of the conflict”, a staffer
on the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee emailed this observer: “The
president has made a decision to give whatever humanitarian aid, as
well as political and diplomatic support to the opposition that in
necessary. Additionally direct support to the (Supreme Military
Council), will be provided and that includes military support.” The
staffer quoted the words of Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes
to the media on 5/13/13 to the same effect.
A part of this “humanitarian assistance” the US is going to
established in the coming weeks a “limited, humanitarian no-fly zone,
that will begin along several miles of the Jordanian and Turkish
borders in certain military areas into Syrian territory, and would be
set up and presented as a limited bid to train and equip rebel forces
and protect refugees. But in reality, as we saw in Libya a Syrian no fly
zone would very likely include all of Syria.
Libya’s no-fly zones made plain that there is no such thing as a
“limited zone”. Put briefly, a “no-fly zone” means essentially a
declaration of all-out war. Once the US and its allies start a no fly
zone they will expand it and intensify it as they take countless other
military actions to protect its zones until the Syrian government falls.
“It’s breathtaking to contemplate how this in going to end and how Iran
and Russia will respond,” one source concluded.
The White House is trying to assuage the few in Congress as well as a
majority of the American public that it can be a limited American
involved and that the no-fly zone would not require the destruction of
Syrian antiaircraft batteries. This is more nonsense. During the
no-fly zone I witnessed from Libya in the summer of 2011 the US backed
it up with all manner of refueling, electronic jamming, special-ops on
the ground and by mid-July a kid peddling his bike was not safe. Over
the 192 days of patrolling the Libyan no-fly zones, NATO countries flew
24,682 sorties including 9,204 bomb strike sorties. NATO claimed it
never missed its target but that was also not true. Hundreds of
civilians were killed in Libya by no-fly zone attack aircraft that
either missed their targets and emptied their bomb bays before returning
to base while conducting approximately 48 bombing strikes per day
using a variety of bombs and missiles, including more than 350 cruise
At a Congressional hearing in 2011, then US Secretary of Defense
Robert Gates got it right when he explained which discussing Libya “a
no-fly zone begins with an attack to destroy all the air defenses … and
then you can fly planes around the country and not worry about our guys
being shot down. But that’s the way it starts.”
According to the accounts published in American media, Obama could
alternatively authorize the arming and training of the Syrian opposition
in Jordan without a no-fly zone. That appears unlikely because the
Pentagon wants to end the Syrian crisis by summers end, the observer was
advised “rather than working long term with a motley bunch of jihadists
who we could never trust or rely on. The administration has come to the
conclusion apparently that if they are in for a penny they are in for a
In response to a question from this observer about how he thought
event might unfold in this region over the coming months, a very
insightful long-term congressional aid replied: “Well Franklin, maybe
someone will pull a rabbit out of the hat to stop the push for war. But
frankly I doubt it. From where I sit I’d wager that Syria as we have
known it may soon be no more. And perhaps some other countries in the
region also.”
Are America and Russia Set for a Showdown in Syria?
A showdown between Russian and American forces has been talked about
during every confrontation between Russian and American interests. And
the closest we came to it was in Yugoslavia at Pristina Airport where a
demented Wesley Clark did his best to start WW3, before being relived of
duty prematurely by Clinton. But despite all the blustering from both
sides, Russia was unable to save Yugoslavia. Similarly the United States
was unable to save Georgia, which is back in the grip of the Russian
Russia has relied less on force, aside from Georgia, than on
subversion through its network of agents and on being the alternative to
the United States. That was why Russia could afford to lose Saddam
knowing that whoever replaced him would eventually come calling. And
that is what happened as Iraq’s Maliki has turned to Russia for weapons
and support as a member of the Shiite axis.
Syria is important to Russia, especially since Putin has bet big on
the Shiite axis of Iran, Syria and Iraq, because it’s the last remaining
Arab Socialist power which has old ties with Moscow dating back to the
Soviet era. It also has a large Russian emigre population, particularly
of women who married Syrian men. But Russia can afford to lose Syria.
The Cold War is over and China is on the way up, but the global map
is still divided in somewhat similar ways. You’re either dealing with
the United States or looking for alternatives. And Russia is the big
alternative. If the Muslim Brotherhood takes over Syria, they will want
American weapons, but sooner or later they’ll also want Russian weapons
because they come with fewer restrictions which comes in handy when
using them against the United States or American allies. All that is important to keep in mind when
reading stories like these about the gathering storm clouds of war.
Russia has concentrated five landing ships in the eastern
Mediterranean in a show of force meant to deter Western nations from
intervening militarily in Syria, The Sunday Times quoted a Russian
diplomat as saying. According to the report, the ships are carrying military vehicles and
hundreds of Russian marines, and are being accompanied by combat
vessels. While officially Russia has claimed the ships have been deployed to
partake in an exercise to “improve the management, maintenance and
testing of the interaction of naval forces,” the Times quoted the
diplomat as saying the marines were meant to deter the West from
deploying ground forces in the uprising against Syrian President Bashar
No doubt Russia does not mind doing a little extra intimidation. But
it’s even more likely that any such noises are an empty bluff.
However, a Russian intelligence source was quoted on
Sunday as saying that the presence of over 300 marines on the ships was
meant as a deterrent to keep countries hostile to the Bashar Assad
regime — a key ally of the Kremlin — from landing special forces in the
300 Russian Marines aren’t likely to do much to stop even the Turkish
and Qatari special forces operating with Sunni terrorists in Syria.
It’s even less likely that Russia would try to use them against the
British and French special forces, or some of the CIA sneakers on the
ground, who are probably already in Syria. Even the USSR would have
hesitated at that.
Still in 1967,
the Soviet Union apparently contemplated an invasion of the Israeli
city of Haifa during the Six Day War using its shipboard marines.
The British newspaper on Sunday quoted an Israeli source
who said that it was conceivable that a Russian ground force would step
in “to defend the Alawite corridor stretched between the Lebanese border
in the south and the Turkish border in the north.”
Again that would take a sizable force for a messy fight and a
significant long term investment, which it is doubtful that Russia is
interested in making. If the Alawites lose Syria, then Russia may be willing to send them
some military supplies and use them for propaganda purposes, but any
kind of Russian military intervention is unrealistic. The USSR was at least somewhat motivated to protect politically
sympathetic states. Russia is no longer interested in a world
revolution. It knows that 10 years down the road, it will have a deal
with the new Syria.
Are We On the Brink of World War
Several commentators
have pointed to the
similarities between the pre-World War I era and
our own. While every historical analogy is, by definition, inexact,
they are right to raise the alarm.
In 1914, Europe was
divided into two camps: the
Entente, consisting of Britain, France,
and Russia, and the
Central Powers, predominantly Germany and the
Austro-Hungarian Empire (Italy was formally a member, but went
neutral when the war started, eventually joining the Entente). While
this division had its roots in the long history of inter-imperialist
rivalry over the acquisition of colonies in Africa and the Far East
– with the “haves” being Britain and France, and
the “have nots” being Germany and Austria – by the
turn of the century the conflict began to re-focus on the European
theater, where the breakup of the Ottoman Empire in Southeastern
Europe – the Balkans – put the rival camps on a
collision course.
Intent on penetrating
the region and promoting its pan-Slavic agenda, Russia was fanning
the flames of Serbian nationalism in the region, and the Kingdom of
Serbia was the logical launching pad for this campaign. Serbia was
a cauldron of ultra-nationalist sentiment, where – at the
instigation of Russian agents – secret societies sprang up
militantly agitating for a “Greater Serbia.” A
pseudo-mystical ultra-nationalist narrative was elaborated for
popular consumption, based on the idea of restoring the old “Greater
Serbia” of the pre-Ottoman era, a supposedly glorious chapter
in the history of the race that ended with the
defeat of Prince
Lazar on the famous Field of Blackbirds: Lazar died heroically,
fighting off Turkish Janissaries. The great problem of the Serbian
nationalists, however, was – and is – their expansive
concept of what “Greater Serbia” consists of: every spot
on which a Serbian Orthodox church or monastery ever existed is,
today, considered Serbian territory by these radicals, and back in
1914 they were far more numerous – and powerful – than they
are at the present moment. Indeed, as Ralph Raico
immediate origins of the 1914 war lie in the twisted politics of the
Kingdom of Serbia.[1]
In June, 1903, Serbian army officers murdered their king and queen
in the palace and threw their bodies out a window, at the same time
massacring various royal relations, cabinet ministers, and members
of the palace guards. It was an act that horrified and disgusted
many in the civilized world. The military clique replaced the
pro-Austrian Obrenovic dynasty with the anti-Austrian
Karageorgevics. The new government pursued a pro-Russian,
Pan-Slavist policy, and a network of secret societies sprang up,
closely linked to the government, whose goal was the ‘liberation’
of the Serb subjects of Austria (and Turkey), and perhaps the other
South Slavs as well.”
The foreign policy of
the Serbian government, with ultra-nationalist Prime Minister
Nicolas Pasic at its head, “aimed at the creation of a Greater
Serbia,” writes Raico, “necessarily at the expense of
Austria-Hungary.” The Russians, the British, and the French
all backed the Serbs’ expansionist claims, and, with Russian
help, a series of Balkan wars saw the doubling in size of the
Serbian kingdom as the decibel level of Serbian revanchist agitation
picked up. It was in this volatile context that a Bosnian Serb
fanatic, one
Gavrilo Princip, shot and killed Archduke Francis
Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, in Sarajevo. Princip and his collaborators were members of the “Black
Hand,” an extreme nationalist group headed up by the chief of
Serbian intelligence.
The Austrian
annexation of Bosnia had added fuel to the fire, and set off a
series of assassination attempts on Austrian officials by the “Black
Hand.” When the Archduke visited Sarajevo, Austrian troops
were massing on the Bosnian-Serbian border, backing up an Austrian
demand that the Serbs renounce all claims to the territory. The
Serbs complied, but the actions of Princip and his co-conspirators
set off an explosion that ended with the destruction of European
What turned a regional
conflict over narrowly defined issues of chiefly local interest into
a global conflagration was the system of
alliances and resulting
intrigues that plagued world politics. I won’t go into the
longstanding controversy over who bears the chief burden of “war
guilt”: suffice to say here that the structural logic of the
two rival alliances had an escalating effect, one that dragged the
rest of Europe – and us – into the vortex of
destruction. From the trenches of the Great War
sprang the worst
monsters of the twentieth century: fascism, national socialism, and
Bolshevism. The death toll was in the millions.
In its broad outlines,
we face a similar situation today. The Balkans of the new millennium
is undoubtedly the Middle East, and here it is that, once again, a
country imbued with a religiously-inspired vision of a “
version of itself is pushing an expansionist policy, having roughly
doubled its size since its inception as an independent nation.
Inspired by an ideological vision that seeks to recreate a glorious
past kingdom, and driven by the religious fanaticism of a militant
ultra-nationalist movement, the state of Israel is the Serbia of our
time – the epicenter and catalyst of the coming conflict.
Of course, the
specifics are quite different: yet the broad outlines of the Balkan
scenario fit the Middle East to a tee. We have the modern day
Entente – the “haves,” i.e. the Western powers of
US, Britain, and France, versus the “have nots,”
those being
Russia, Iran, and Syria. Standing warily on the
sidelines is China, a formerly “have not” nation on its
way to becoming a superpower, which is increasingly tilting toward
the latter. And of course the Western allies have their Middle
Eastern protectorates, or
what’s left of them, in Jordan,
Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf states.
normal conditions, the narrowly defined issues of whether the
Ba’athists should continue to rule Syria, or the status of the
occupied territories of Palestine, would be of chiefly local
interest. Under the conditions of inter-imperialist rivalry,
however, every local ethnic-religious-territorial dispute has the
potential to become an issue of global import. That’s what
gave Gavrilo Princip the opportunity to fire the first shot of the Great War and achieve a malign immortality. It’s not hard to
imagine a similarly explosive incident somewhere in the Middle East
signaling the first volleys of World War III. The region is so
crowded with tripwires that it’s only a matter of time before
Uncle Sam stumbles over one and is driven by the structural logic of
its alliances into a war with Iran: indeed, the first shots of that
war have already been fired, in Syria, where the World War I analogy
seamlessly segues into a
with World War II.
The end of the cold
war did not lead to a “
unipolar world,” as Charles
Krauthammer and his fellow neocons celebrated it in the early 1990s.
Instead of the “
benevolent global hegemony” envisioned
by Bill Kristol and Robert Kagan in their nineties foreign policy
manifesto, we are back to the pre-WWI era of old-fashioned
inter-imperialist rivalry. Instead of the “
end of history,”
we stand at the beginning of a new era of nationalism, religious
fanaticism, and ideologically-driven violence. Combined with the
structural incentives for conflict inherent in our system of alliances
and the built-in
dangers of a policy of “collective security,” this is a
recipe for another world war.
In reading various
accounts of the origins of World War I, I am struck by the leitmotif
of unintended consequences that runs throughout that tragic story:
it is a narrative of events that took on a life of their own, and
created such a momentum for war that all the combatants were dragged
along the road to destruction in spite of themselves.
As the Russians
missiles to Syria, and
the US (and its
Gulf allies) support and arm
the Islamist rebels, the involvement of Iran is bound to drag in the
United States sooner or later. Meanwhile, our modern day Serbians,
the Israelis, are busy swallowing up
ever-greater portions of the
occupied territories of Palestine, and conducting
bombing raids on
Syrian territory. In short, the Middle
East is a tinderbox, even more explosive than the Balkans of 1914 –
and 2014 may mark the beginning of yet another hundred-year cycle of
global conflict.
In related news:
Putin: Russia's Influence in the World to Grow
President Vladimir Putin, introducing a new concept of Russia’s
foreign policy that relies more heavily on ‘soft power,’ expressed
confidence that the country’s influence in the world "will continue to
Introducing the changes to Russia’s foreign policy strategy during a
session with Security Council members, Putin said the document takes
into account global developments, including “the global financial
crisis that still plagues us, redistribution of the balance of forces in
world affairs, as well as sharply growing turbulence in the Middle East
and North Africa.”
In dealing with these global hot spots, Russia will make an active use of economic diplomacy and the so-called “soft power practices” in its foreign policy, the Russian leader said. Soft
power, a concept developed by the US scholar Joseph Nye, promotes the
ability to attract and co-opt people rather than resort to force in
order to obtain the results that are acceptable for both sides. It
is through these techniques that Russia will continue pursuing an
active and constructive policy in international affairs, the President
Presently, Russia finds itself at variance with the
United States on a number of pressing global issues, like how to handle
the crisis in Syria, where a militant opposition has been engaged in a
22-month violent standoff against government forces loyal to President
Assad, to Russia’s response to US plans to build a missile defense
system in Eastern Europe, a plan that Moscow says threatens to destroy
regional strategic balance and spark another arms race.
At the
same time, Moscow and Washington have been exchanging a series of
legislative blows at each other – from the U.S. Magnitsky Act to
Russia’s Dima Yakovlev Law, as well as a number of other lesser known
moves – that have dampened the initial enthusiasm over the Russia-US
reset. Yet, both Russia and the United States, looking for ways to
overcome the global financial crisis, understand that they must
maintain some level of good relations.
Putin’s revamped foreign
policy will therefore seek favorable conditions for the implementation
of tasks of domestic development, as well as for the settlement of
social and economic tasks, Putin noted. All of these initiatives, however, must respect “the defining role of the United Nations and the supremacy of international law.”
"We are expanding comprehensive cooperation with all partners on the basis of equality and mutual respect," the President said. He also stressed that the document "pays necessary attention to the protection of rights and interests of our citizens and fellow countrymen abroad".
The President instructed ministries and departments to cooperate in implementing the concept "with the coordinating role of the Russian Foreign Ministry".
Putin’s Power Plays
Russia this week signed a contract to export $4.2 billion of weapons to
Iraq — which is of special interest for two reasons. First,
it is the largest arms-export deal since Putin became the effective
ruler of Russia in 1999. Second, it marks Russia’s return as a top
supplier of weapons to Iraq — a position lost in 2003 with the overthrow
of Saddam Hussein, after Putin had opposed the liberation of Iraq and
tried to help Saddam cling to power. Nor is Russia’s dramatic
return to Iraq confined to the arms bazaar. Russian energy companies are
also making a comeback, seeking a share of Iraq’s massive oil reserves
while US companies play reluctant debutante.
His take on Obama’s ‘reset’ button? Putin, here clowning at a Moscow
meeting, is helping fill the power vacuum left by US global withdrawal.
Oil and gas play a key role in Putin’s strategy for restoring
Russia’s position as a major power, if not a superpower as in the days
of the Soviet Union. The European Union, China and Japan heavily depend
on energy imports from the Caspian Basin and the Persian Gulf, not to
mention Russia itself. By establishing itself as the principal player in
that vital region, Russia would have a crucial card to play in any
future big-power contest. To that end, Russia is strengthening ties with
the Islamic Republic in Iran and helping the beleaguered Assad regime
in Syria.
Russia has regained much of its lost influence in Ukraine, a vital link
in gas transit to European markets. Over the past four years,
pro-Russian parties in Ukraine have won control of most levers of power.
The pro-West opposition leader, former Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko,
has ended up in prison. Putin has worked hard these past four
years to recapture positions that Russia lost when the Soviet empire
disintegrated. Despite occasional hitches, the despotic regime of
President Alexander Loukachenko in Belorussia is now effectively in the
Russian orbit. (Putin has even proposed a pan-Slavic Union of Russia,
Belorussia and Ukraine.)
Southward, Putin invaded Georgia,
annexing 20 percent of its territory in the two enclaves of Abkhazia and
South Ossetia. And this month a pro-Moscow coalition led by Bidzina
Ivanishvili, a billionaire linked to the euphemistically labeled
“Russian business elite,” won the presidency, replacing the pro-American
Mikheil Saakashvili. South of Georgia, Putin (with Iranian help)
has managed to bully tiny Armenia back into the fold. He is now raising
pressure on Azerbaijan, which (thanks to links with Turkey) still
pursues a pro-West policy. Moscow is also making a comeback in
Central Asia. Last month, the Russian army orchestrated a series of
military exercises with units from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and
Tajikistan. Russia has held similar exercises with China and Kazakhstan,
ostensibly as part of a counterinsurgency strategy.
Russian advances have been facilitated by what is perceived in the
region as a strategic retreat by the United States under President
Obama. Ukraine and Georgia have all but abandoned their efforts
to join the European Union and/or NATO. The Central Asian republics have
frozen joint projects with NATO that date to the 1990s. And
Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan have terminated accords that let the US use
facilities there to supply NATO forces in Afghanistan — increasing
American dependence on problematic routes through Russia and Pakistan. The
perceived “American retreat” started with the Obama administration’s
rather comical “reset” offer in 2009. Criticizing President George W.
Bush’s “cowboy diplomacy,” the Obama administration abandoned the
missile-defense project slated to be sited in Poland and the Czech
Republic. Putin said he appreciated the move — but offered no
concessions in return.
Instead, he saw it as a signal to
intensify Russian efforts to force the United States out of positions
gained in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia since the end
of the Cold War. In the years since, signs of an American retreat
have multiplied. In Iraq, Obama gave the impression that his sole wish
was to walk away and shut the door behind him. Much of the influence
that the US had gained by liberating Iraq and fighting to help it create
a new political system has evaporated. Intent on depicting Iraq
as a nightmare that is best forgotten, Obama has even excluded Iraq from
Arab-American efforts to reshape the region in the wake of the Arab
Spring upheavals. Putin is no doubt watching the US presidential
campaign with keen interest. A second Obama term would offer the Russian
strongman four more years to complete his grand imperial design to
force Russia’s near and far neighbors into line by bribing, bullying
and, when necessary, invading them.
Putin’s Crackdown Foretells “Fortress Russia”
As the Russian punk-rock band members “Pussy Riot” appeal their
two-year sentence for a political protest in the Russian Orthodox
Cathedral, a pale of repression is settling over their country. This
crackdown is wrapped in legislative garb, but the iron grip of
authoritarianism is unmistakable. The United States must specifically recognize that its “reset”
policy of “see no evil, hear no evil,” has contributed to the trampling
of human rights in Russia. Putin’s tightening of the screws is a part of
a broader pattern, which includes a return to a confrontation with the
United States and NATO.
Moscow is cozying up to China, supporting the Assad
regime in
Syria, and ignoring the Iranian nuclear race. The Kremlin is hard at
work to create a sphere of influence along its periphery and a “pole” in
the perceived multi-polar world, which would stand up to Washington.
Recent developments have an unmistakably Soviet flavor from the
1920s and 1930s, when people were sent to the GULAG for who they were,
not for what they did. For example, the Cheka -- the grandfather of the
FSB -- preventively arrested those of noble descent or with relatives
Vladimir Lenin, the founder of the Soviet state, and a lawyer by
training, wrote: “The courts should not do away with terror -- to
promise otherwise would be to deceive ourselves and others -- but should
give it foundation and legality, clearly, honestly, and without
embellishments.” In the past, Putin called Joseph Stalin “an effective
manager.” One wonders if the sorcerer has become a role model for the
In this spirit, three weeks ago, the Duma
unanimously passed new amendments proposed by the FSB that will expand
the definition of "high treason." The newly created crime can be applied
to almost any Russian citizen who works with foreign organizations or
has ever had contact with a foreigner. The "treason" no longer refers only to a concrete crime, such as
knowingly passing state secrets to a foreign power. It could apply to
any behavior that the state secret services, prosecutors and judges deem
undermining "constitutional order, sovereignty, and territorial and
state integrity" in the eyes of the authorities.
Moreover, the courts, which will sit in judgment on treason
cases, are not truly independent. The Kremlin expanded “telephone
justice,” a Soviet practice, by which judges receive verbal instructions
from the top on how to decide cases. Prominent opponents, such as
Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the former CEO of the YUKOS oil company, are
sentenced to lengthy prison terms, which many Russian and foreign
experts view as politically motivated. These changes are an addition to a package of draconian laws and
practices that curtain the citizens’ rights and that were introduced
this year, with nary a protest from the Obama administration:
• In June 2012, the Duma passed a law that criminalized
unauthorized protests, giving the government the ability to fine
organizers exorbitant sums.
• In July 2012, the Duma approved a bill that allows the government to block websites it deems harmful to the public.
• The
law on NGO registration now requires that every "politically active"
non-governmental organization, which receives funding from abroad, must
register as a "foreign agent."
• The Duma is considering a bill "On
the protection of religious feelings of the citizens of Russia," which
criminalizes blasphemy, including the possibility of a prison term. The
courts would use the “experts” who are close to the Orthodox Church, to
decide what is blasphemous. The regime would then decide which offensive
materials to censor, just as authorities in Rostov recently banned the
rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar.”
The blasphemy law is a sop to the Patriarch Kirill, who is
expanding the Church’s function as an ideological crutch for the state.
The law is an important step to distance Russia from European, Western
values, which the liberal intelligentsia desperately tried to inculcate
for the last quarter of a century. They seem to be losing out –
Slavophiles and “Eurasianists” are on the ascendancy.
Since Putin’s return to the Kremlin, a crackdown is on its way in
Russia, conveniently ignored by the Obama administration. Free from
concern about a serious U.S. response, corruption and abuse of power in
Russia continue to rise as well. The recent legislative developments have severe geopolitical
implications. There are clear signs of an authoritarian reversal: Putin
is implementing a "Fortress Russia" policy, which is based on repression
at home and confrontation abroad. It is used to justify an
already-decided-upon $700 billion, massive military buildup.
The “reset” needs a serious reassessment, and so does the overall
relationship with Russia. The U.S. should pursue its national interests
in relations with Moscow, instead of chasing a feel-good mirage. Specifically, the administration should work to advance
individual rights, dignity, democracy and free media through public
diplomacy and pinpointed support of worthy causes. Washington should
cooperate with those along Russian periphery and in Europe, who are
concerned about the growth of Russia’s sphere of influence.
Finally, the U.S. and its allies should engage
organizations; expert communities; mass media and social media to draw
attention to and counter the ongoing crackdown in Russia. It is
preferable to engage now, before the specter of an anti-status quo
Russia once again haunts Europe – and the world.
Radio Liberty Going Off The Air In Russia
Radio Liberty was founded in the 1950s to
broadcast American views into the former Soviet Union when the Cold War
was at its peak. Radio Liberty transmitted on short wave, and the Soviet
government did all it could to jam the broadcasts. But
after the fall of the Soviet Union, Russian President Boris Yeltsin
granted the service permission to open a Moscow bureau and broadcast
within the country on AM radio. Now, after
two decades of broadcasting, this signal is about to be turned off, and
Radio Liberty will become an Internet operation. Radio
Liberty executives say they were stymied by a recent Russian law that
forbids foreign entities from owning a majority stake in any Russian
broadcast license. Steve Korn, the president
and CEO of Radio Liberty and its sister service, Radio Free Europe,
acknowledges that the law in the United States is similar. Korn
says Radio Liberty has tried to find a way to keep broadcasting,
including looking for Russian partners who might be willing to take over
the license. He says nothing worked. "Rather
than treat that as a calamity, we chose to treat it as an opportunity,"
Korn says, "because we felt that we could be reaching a much better and
more effective, more targeted audience in Russia than we had [been]
Russia must close NED, other US fronts for money laundering
Russia’s decision to shut down the US Agency for International
Development (USAID) in Moscow, starting October 1st, was immediately
followed by Washington’s “pledge to maneuver around the Kremlin,”
according to a New York Times report.
Indeed, State Department Press Secretary Victoria Nuland assured: “We
will continue to be vigilant in supporting democracy, human rights,
civil society in Russia. We’ll just do it another way.” Other US
officials named possible avenues for such maneuvering: The National
Endowment for Democracy, the National Democratic Institute, the
International Republican Institute and others.
Let’s take a
closer look at the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), an umbrella
organization that includes the two aforementioned institutes. It came
to existence in quite a peculiar a way: US Code Title 22, ‘Foreign Relations and Intercourse,’ section 4411, ‘Findings,’ states, “The
Congress finds that there has been established in the District of
Columbia a private, nonprofit corporation known as the National
Endowment for Democracy which is not an agency or establishment of the
United States Government.”
How exactly did this happen, that Congress found this agency suddenly established?
Reagan administration, after coming to power in 1981, was looking for a
civilian cover for conducting subversive operations in the USSR after a
vast plot involving the CIA funding of public organizations was
uncovered by investigative journalists. As President of NED Carl
Gershman stated in 1986, “We should not have to do this kind of work
covertly. It would be terrible for democratic groups around the world
to be seen as subsidized by the CIA. We saw that in the ‘60s, and
that’s why it has been discontinued. We have not had the capability of
doing this, and that’s why the endowment was created.” (The New York Times, June 1, 1986.)
One of NED’s architects was Walter Raymond, Jr. According to the Washington Post, “From 1970 to 1982, he worked for the CIA, becoming an authority on overseas media operations.” In
1982, Raymond transferred to the National Security Council as Senior
Director of International Communications and Information. In Gershman’s
doublespeak, that reads as: “He was the democracy person at the White
House, and his job, among other things, was to help the NED family take
its first steps.” (Carl Gershman's tribute to Walt Raymond, April 24,
This new ‘private’ corporation was concocted in other ‘private’
circles as well. The establishment of NED was recommended by the
Democracy Program, a project of the American Political Foundation that
consisted of a “broad cross-section of participants in American politics and foreign policy making.” The seed funding for the Democracy Program came from, naturally, USAID.
has been funded by the US Congress ever since, initially through the
US Information Agency. After 1999, NED got its funds through the
Department of State’s Foreign Operations and Related Programs
Appropriations Act. In 2011, the NED budget totaled $118 million, and
$104 million this year. Just like any other government agency, NED
directs its annual reports to the president and Congress. And one of
NED’s founding fathers, Allen Weinstein, even confessed to the
Washington Post in 1991 that, “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.”
is running NED? Carl Gershman has held this position for almost thirty
years, since 1984. What better shows to show Washington’s continuity,
where “people is policy.”
NED is supervised at the
State Department by an Assistant Secretary in charge of the Bureau of
Democracy, Human Rights and Labor. Barry F. Lowenkron held this
position and oversaw NED from 2005 to 2007. According to his official
biography, prior to this appointment Mr. Lowenkron served in the
intelligence community, including two tours as Director of European
Security Affairs on the National Security Council (1988-89, 1991-93 –
both critical times in Russia); Special Assistant to the Director of
Central Intelligence; Director of the National Intelligence Council's
Analytic Staff; Civilian Special Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff; and other similar positions,
Michael Posner
currently supervises NED at the State Department. Previously, Mr.
Posner was president of Human Rights First, whose stated mission is to “advance universal rights and freedoms.” Every
year, Human Rights First presents their ‘Next Generation of Human
Rights Defenders’ award. In 2008, Posner gave this award to a
coordinator of Oborona, a leading Russian movement in the effort to
foment a color revolution and oust Vladimir Putin.
NED is so
clearly part of the US government that legislators had to pass a
specific law stating that it was not. ‘Private’ organizations like NED
are nothing but funding channels for activities that used to be run by
the CIA under the title of ‘subversion.’ The fact that Washington is
planning to redirect USAID funding through ‘private’ organizations
reflects an outrageous level of disrespect for the decision of the
Russian government.
Russia needs to enforce its decision and shut
operations of NED and its all four mandated grantees, namely the
International Republican Institute (IRI), the National Democratic
Institute (NDI), the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
and the American Center for International Labor Solidarity (ACILS). The
process of concealing an institution’s income or funding is called
money laundering, and is forbidden by international law.
Russia Searches Hundreds of Rights Groups, NGOs
Russian prosecutors
have launched wide-ranging checks of hundreds of
nongovernmental organizations, as part of what activists say is
President Vladimir Putin's efforts to stifle dissent and shield the
nation from perceived Western influence.
The inspections and searches have targeted up to 2,000 organizations
since last month, said Pavel Chikov, a member of the presidential human
rights council. The action followed Putin's speech in February before
senior officers of the FSB, the main KGB successor agency, in which he
urged them to focus attention on structures that receive foreign funding
to "put pressure on Russia."
A team of prosecutors, justice ministry and tax police officials spent
most of the day Thursday searching the offices of Memorial, one of the
country's oldest and most respected human rights groups. They were
accompanied by journalists from state-controlled NTV station that has
been used by the Kremlin for hatchet jobs against its political foes.
"This is the result of a directive from the very top, from Mr. Putin
personally, to go and deal with all the NGOs that are too independent,"
Memorial director Oleg Orlov said Thursday.
Officials wouldn't comment on the purpose of the visit, but Arseniy
Roginsky of Memorial said it could be linked to a recently passed law
requiring all nongovernmental organizations with foreign funding that
engage in political activities to register as "foreign agents," a loaded
term conjuring past Soviet spy mania.
Memorial and other leading Russian NGOs have said they would ignore the
law, which they denounced as an instrument for stifling critics with a
mixture of repression, fines and inspections.
Chikov said the scale of the government campaign is unprecedented.
"It goes full circle across the whole spectrum," Chikov told The
Associated Press. "They're trying to find as many violations as
Putin has long been suspicious of NGOs, especially those with foreign
funding, which he has accused of being fronts for Western governments to
meddle in Russia's political affairs. After his return to the
presidency last May, lawmakers passed the NGO bill along with other
repressive laws, including one that broadened the definition of treason
to potentially encompass any interaction with foreigners.
Putin's rhetoric has been part of a broader attempt to draw on
nationalist sentiment, which he sees as key to his electoral support, by
painting Russia as surrounded by hostile forces intent on crippling it,
particularly the United States.
The Kremlin seems particularly rattled by political NGOs, which it saw
as an engine behind a series of massive street protests against Putin's
rule during the run-up to his re-election. Golos, the nation's top
independent vote monitor that played a leading role in exposing alleged
ballot-stuffing and other violations in parliamentary and presidential
elections, has had to strip its operations to a minimum for lack of
funding. Its regional branch in Samara, a city on the Volga River, has
been searched by three separate agencies in the past three months.
Chikov said the prosecutor general's office ordered every region in
Russia last month to check all religious, political and social NGOs for
violations of Russia's vaguely worded "extremism" law. The law is
ostensibly intended to target violent neo-Nazi groups, but has been used
against things as wide-ranging as Scientologists and the TV show "South
Park," as well as to stamp out dissent.
Memorial is one of about 60 Russian organizations that had depended on
funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development. This funding
dried up after Russia kicked USAID out of the country last year, but
the U.S. made clear that it was not abandoning its support for these
organizations. News website cited a prosecutor in St.
Petersburg as saying all 5,000 NGOs in the city would be searched.
Members of the rights council sent a letter Thursday to Russia's
prosecutor general, saying it has been flooded in recent days with
complaints from NGOs and asking for an explanation. The human rights council said the searches have been carried out by
prosecutors, police and the FSB, but also by tax officials, fire
inspectors and officials from the labor and health departments, who have
nothing to do with enforcing the extremism law.
"Really fighting extremism and trying to scare law-abiding NGOs staff is not the same thing," the council letter said.
Russian officials raid Amnesty's Moscow headquarters
Russian prosecutors and tax police have searched the Moscow headquarters of
Amnesty International
and several other rights groups, continuing a wave of pressure that
activists say is part of President Vladimir Putin's attempt to stifle
dissent. Sergei Nikitin, Amnesty's
chief, said officials from the general prosecutor's office and tax
police conducted an unannounced audit of his offices and requested
documents that the government already had on file.
They were
accompanied by journalists from the state-controlled NTV television
station, which has been used by the Kremlin for hatchet jobs against its
political foes. Other rights groups were also subject to searches. The veteran activist Lev Ponomarev's For
Human Rights
movement was visited by officials and an NTV crew on Monday. He wrote a
letter to the Moscow prosecutor's office calling the search illegal,
since prosecutors had provided no evidence that his organisation had
broken the law.
Public Verdict, a human rights law group, was also searched on Monday. Putin
has long been suspicious of non-governmental organisations, especially
those with American funding, which he has accused of being fronts for US
meddling in Russian politics.
After Putin returned to the
presidency in May, parliament rubber-stamped a Kremlin-backed law
requiring all NGOs that receive foreign funding to register as "foreign
agents", a term that many Russians find pejorative. Russian
officials have searched up to 2,000 NGOs in the past month, according to
Pavel Chikov, a member of the presidential human rights council. The
searches began after Putin gave a speech urging the Federal Security
Service to focus attention on groups receiving foreign funding, which he
said were "putting pressure on Russia". The justice ministry said
earlier this year that the policy was unenforceable, but on Monda it
told the Interfax news agency that the searches were being carried out
in line with the foreign agents law.
Chikov said many
organisations had been checked under another, vaguely worded law on
"extremism", including by agencies that have nothing to do with
enforcing it, such as the fire service and the health department. The US
embassy, Amnesty, the presidential human rights council and Public
Verdict have all expressed concern over the searches.
Russia won the long battle of pipeline politics, but now what does it do?

Russia has won a big round in an
almost two-decade battle with the West over the flow of natural gas from
the Caspian Sea. But the June 28 victory is a mixed one for Moscow, for
it helps undermine the rationale for another Russian project—one that
has been a key weapon in the country’s fight for energy dominance. The
story is tangled, and before we move to the details, let’s just
identify one surprising winner—long-suffering Greece. It will fall along
the transit route for the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), which
beat Western-backed Nabucco, the line over which the West has fought Russia since the mid-1990s. With
TAP’s victory, crows Greek prime minister Antonis Samaras, the world
should understand that economically struggling Greece is on its way to
recovery. After all, “who would invest money in a country facing
economic, social and political threats?” Samaras said in a statement.
The US schemed to keep Russia out of its backyard
story goes back to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Having defeated
its Cold War rival, the US drew a figurative line around the southern
half of the USSR—the eight new states of the Caucasus and Central
Asia—and announced a strategy to keep them from ever falling again into
Moscow’s grip. The US plan was to back the construction of oil and
natural gas pipelines to carry the region’s energy to Western markets,
avoiding Russian soil, and thus bolster their economic independence. In
2006, the first line materialized—the 1,100-mile
oil pipeline from Azerbaijan to the Mediterranean. A companion natural
gas pipeline soon followed. That took care of the Caucasus side of the
Caspian. But the Central Asian states, the so-called “stans,”
turned out differently. There, the US and Europe envisioned a roughly
3,500-mile (5,600-kilometer) natural gas line starting in Turkmenistan,
crossing west over the Caspian, and going on through to Europe. Such a
line would provide Central Asia with the same independent economic
channel as the Caucasus now enjoyed.
Routes of the proposed trans-Caspian, Baku-Ceyhan and other pipelines.Thomas Blomberg/Wikimedia Commons
Turkmenistan balked. Year after year, it could not seem to commit to
the proposed line, or any onshore drilling deal with a Western company
to produce the needed gas exports. Some said Turkmenistan was afraid of
Russia; others blamed its deep suspicions of all foreigners. Whatever
the case, hopes for a decisive Turkmen embrace of a trans-Caspian
pipeline seemed lost.
Then the US decided to abandon Central Asia
2002, the West pivoted. It proposed a new, shorter pipeline called
Nabucco (named after a Verdi opera), which would skip Turkmenistan and
instead start in Azerbaijan. This proposal seemed to have a better
chance of success, but completely ignored the line’s original
rationale—Central Asia would no longer be rescued from Russia’s grip.
But the US and the European Union argued that, while they were no longer
saving Central Asia, they could rescue
they asserted, relied far too much on Russian natural gas. The effort
gained particular momentum after 2006, when Russia, in a
series of disputes
with Ukraine, shut off the natural gas supply temporarily to Europe. In
2007, Russia’s Vladimir Putin responded with his own weapon—he would
build “South Stream,” a $39 billion,
1,500-mile pipeline that, in a direct challenge to Nabucco, would carry Russian gas to the heart of Europe.
South Stream Courtesy: South Stream
it seemed to many experts that the two lines—Nabucco and South
Stream—were incompatible. For reasons of both supply and demand, only
one would be financed and built. Meanwhile, smaller players
emerged that muddied Nabucco’s prospects for success in Azerbaijan.
Among them was TAP, a relatively small line that would carry just one
third of the volume promised by Nabucco, but would also cost a lot less.
TAP, Nabucco and other Caspian rivalsTAP
climax came June 28. A BP-led consortium in Azerbaijan announced that
it would build TAP. The decision appears, at least at this stage, to
have rested on the economics. TAP came in cheaper even when Nabucco
shortened itself even further into a compact version that it called
“Nabucco West”. By keeping the pressure on Nabucco, Putin provided
time and breathing room for TAP to make its case. And that resulted in a
much diminished threat to Russia’s dominance of the European gas
market. TAP will supply just 10 billion cubic meters (about 330 billion
cubic feet) a year of gas compared to the 30 billion cubic meters (1
trillion cubic feet) a year of gas that Nabucco originally proposed to
ship into the continent.
With no Nabucco, what is South Stream’s rationale?
Russia’s South Stream pipeline might now seem to have a clear road
ahead. Putin has not yet commented, but in the past he has said that he
will build South Stream regardless of Nabucco’s fate. And a series of
bilateral agreements along its route suggest a project etched into stone. Yet the math is challenging. In order to finance
big oil deals
signed June 21 with China, Russia’s heavily indebted Rosneft had to get
pre-payments from Beijing totaling $60 billion-$70 billion. In a
speech on June 28, Alexei
Miller, the CEO of Russian gas giant Gazprom, boasted of plans for
enormous liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants in Vladivostok and on the
Baltic Sea, toward an aspiration to supply 15% of the world’s LNG. Such
plants cost billions of dollars. In short, Russia has a lot of competing
needs for its cash. Meanwhile, the European market
is uninviting:
Gas competition is stiff from Norway, Qatar and potential supplies by
the end of the decade from the US, Israel and Mozambique. Europe is also
turning to cheaper coal. And its energy appetite as a whole is stagnant
at best. So there is reason to at least call South Stream’s
economic calculus into question. And now that Nabucco is dead, there is
no glory to be won in it either.
Russia's Putin Tells Army to Shape up For Foreign Threat

Vladimir Putin
ordered military leaders on Wednesday to make urgent improvements to the
armed forces during his new presidential term, saying Russia must thwart attempts by the West to tip the strategic balance of power. Putin's remarks, to rows of
uniformed officers and defense officials, reflected increasing
hawkishness since he returned to the Kremlin for a six-year term last
May, and a growing readiness to cite foreign threats and use
anti-Western rhetoric to rally support.
are being made to tip the strategic balance," said Putin, who as
president is commander-in-chief of the armed forces, told his audience
at the General Staff academy on Moscow's outskirts. The head of the
Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, sat in the front row. "Geopolitical
dynamics call for a quick and considered response ... Russia's armed
forces must move on to a new level of capabilities in the next three to
five years," said Putin, who has not ruled out seeking another term in
The former KGB spy said moves
that threatened Russia's geopolitical position included the eastward
expansion of Russia's former Cold War foe NATO and U.S. deployment of an
anti-missile shield in Europe. He said drills must be sharpened up and held with less advance warning, to keep soldiers on their toes. "Combat
training must not be laid-back, so that soldiers know about emergency
exercises six months in advance, but must be as similar as possible to
the real conditions of modern combat and warfare," he said.
a decade of military spending cuts after the collapse of the Soviet
Union in 1991, Putin has been the driving force behind plans to spend 23
trillion roubles ($750 billion) through 2020 to upgrade Russia's ageing
military, with roughly 1 million servicemen, is still largely reliant
on Soviet-era infrastructure and weaponry. It continues to rely on
conscription, despite Kremlin pledges to turn it fully professional. Rights
activists say brutal bullying has been rampant since the collapse of
the Soviet Union, and the military has long been plagued by corruption.
The top military prosecutor said in 2011 that a fifth of the budget was
stolen or embezzled.
defense minister Anatoly Serdyukov set out ambitious military reforms in
2008, after Russia fought a brief war with Georgia that highlighted the
failings of the armed forces. But
Serdyukov was sacked in November, and is now a witness in a criminal
case in which a former subordinate is accused of fraud and embezzlement
in deals involving Defence Ministry property. Defence
Minister Sergei Shoigu, the ally Putin named to replace Serdyukov, said
on Wednesday he would make an inventory of army property to try to
reduce corruption, widely seen as the main obstacle to modernization.
Shoigu also said Russia needs warships in the Mediterranean at all times "to protect its national interests".
has a modest naval maintenance facility in the Syrian port of Tartous
that is its only military base outside the ex-Soviet Union, but it does
not have a constant presence in the Mediterranean. Putin
has repeatedly evoked foreign threats since returning to the presidency
as he tries to lift his ratings following the biggest protests since he
first rose to power in 2000. He
has accused the United States of backing the protests against him, and
Russia has introduced a law since his return to the Kremlin that forces
campaign and lobby groups that are funded from abroad to register as
"foreign agents".
Putin has also
increasingly underlined traditional Russian values and taken a tough
line against the protesters in an attempt to rally support among the
conservatives who have long been his power base. Relations
with the United States have deteriorated over Washington's missile
defense plans and American concerns about political freedom in Russia,
as well as trade disputes.
Russia Plans Biggest War Games Since Soviet Era
Russian Navy has announced that it will hold its biggest war games
since Soviet times in the Mediterranean and Black seas later this month.
The ambitious exercises, which will involve ships from all four major
Russian fleets, are a sign of growing confidence on the part of
Russia's military as it begins to enjoy the benefits of
President Vladimir Putin's huge budget allocations for
renewing and reequipping all branches of the armed forces.
purpose of the war games will be to strengthen integration between
different types of forces and gain practice with major military
deployments outside Russia's immediate neighborhood, the Defense
said in a statement Tuesday. As part of the maneuvers, naval ships will arrive at an "unprepared" coast in the Russian northern
Caucasus region to take amphibious troops onto transport vessels.
primary goal of the exercise is to train issues regarding formation of a
battle group consisting of troops of different branches outside of the
Russian Federation, planning its deployment and managing a coordinated
action of a joint Navy group in accordance with a common plan," the
ministry's statement said.
The participating ships, it said, will
be drawn from all of Russia's four major naval formations: the Northern,
Baltic, Pacific, and
Black Sea fleets. Some experts suggest the war games may be cover for an increasingly nervous
Moscow's preparations to evacuate Russian citizens and their dependents from war-torn
About 9,000 Russians are registered with the Russian Embassy in
but some experts say the full number may be 30,000 or more. Over the
nearly half a century that Moscow has enjoyed good relations with Syria,
thousands of Russian women have married Syrian men and moved to the
country. Many of them may urgently demand to return with their children
to Russia if the situation turns critical.
This week the Russian
Navy refreshed a fleet, including several huge amphibious assault ships
capable of carrying thousands of people, which it had
deployed to the eastern Mediterranean last summer. Experts
say the replacement fleet dispatched this week is of similar makeup,
with at least five huge troop-transport ships at its core.
Putin Flexes Muscle in Big Test of Russia's Nuclear Arsenal
Vladimir Putin took a leading role in the latest tests of Russia's
strategic nuclear arsenal, the most comprehensive since the 1991 Soviet
collapse, the Kremlin said on Saturday. The exercises, held mostly on
Friday, featured prominently in news reports on state television which
seemed aimed to show Russians and the world that Putin is the hands-on
chief of a resurgent power. Tests
involving command systems and all three components of the nuclear
"triad" - land and sea-launched long-range nuclear missiles and
strategic bombers - were conducted "under the personal leadership of
Vladimir Putin", the Kremlin said.
An RS-12M Topol Intercontinental Ballistic Missile was launched from the Plesetsk site in northern
Russia, and a submarine test-launched another ICBM from the Sea of Okhotsk, the Defence Ministry said. Long-range
Tu-95 and Tu-160 bombers fired four guided missiles that hit their
targets on a testing range in the northwestern Komi region, it said.
of the strategic nuclear forces were conducted on such a scale for the
first time in the modern history of Russia," the Kremlin statement said. "Vladimir
Putin gave a high evaluation to the combat units and crews and the work
of the Armed Forces General Staff, which fulfilled the tasks before
them and affirmed the reliability and effectiveness of Russia's nuclear
The exercises included tests of communications systems and "new algorithms" for command and control, it said.
says it is modernizing a nuclear arsenal that was largely created
during the Cold War and will continue to use nuclear weapons as a key
deterrent. In the 2010 New START treaty, Russia and the United States
set lower numerical ceilings on the weapons tested in the exercise.
Putin has made clear further cuts depend, among other things, on
Washington assuaging his concerns about anti-missile defenses it is
deploying, including a European shield Russia says will make it more
vulnerable. Russian and American leaders say nuclear war between the Cold War rivals is now unthinkable. But
critics say Putin - in power since 2000 and back as military
commander-in-chief since his return to the Kremlin in May after four
years as prime minister - is exaggerating potential threats from the
West to bolster support at home.
Russian strategic bombers ‘spotted’ near Guam amid US defense cuts threats

Two Russian Tu-95 strategic bombers were intercepted near the key US
Pacific military base in Guam, the Washington Free Beacon website
claimed. The news comes ahead of the possible sequestration of the US
military budget. According to the Washington Free Beacon, several 'Russian Bears' –
the NATO classification of the Tu-95 – provocatively approached the US
stronghold on February 12, the same day that President Barack Obama was
preparing to deliver his State of the Union address.
US Air Force
F-15 jets based at Andersen Air Force Base in Guam were scrambled to
repel the intruders, Pacific Air Force in Hawaii spokesperson Captain
Kim Bender confirmed. Captain Bender said that the bombers were intercepted north of Guam, and did not provide further details “for operational security reasons.” Because the Russian bombers stayed above international waters and made no attempts to approach the base, “No further actions occurred,” she said.
Washington Free Beacon article claimed that the visit was
unprecedented, though in August 2007 two Russian Tu-95 bombers made a
flight to Guam as part of military drills, a fact later confirmed by the
Russian Air Force. The report cited former State Department security official Mark Groombridge, who said that “The
Russians are clearly sending a signal that they consider the Pacific an
area of vital national strategic interest and that they still have at
least some power projection capabilities to counterbalance against any
possible increase in US military assets in the region.”
are armed with various types of X-55 cruise missiles with enough range
(2,500 kilometers) to fire their 200-kiloton thermonuclear warheads from
a safe distance beyond the reach of theGuam base’s radar. But
as the 'doomsday' of automatic military budget cuts looms in the US –
less than two weeks away, on March 1 – the US military-industrial
complex likely welcomes such reports.
If the US Congress reamins
unable to reach a compromise over the federal budget and the sequester
is put into action, the US Department of Defense will be forced to slash
military training programs and Air Force flying hours, and fire
hundreds of civilian personnel or force them to take unpaid leave. The
cuts are still unlikely to shift the US from its pedestal as the
biggest security spender in the world – which could soon reach a yearly
total of $1 trillion.
But US Deputy Secretary of Defense Ashton
Carter has warned that if Republicans and Democrats fail to reach a
budget compromise, the “collateral damage of political gridlock” will have a devastating effect on the US Military. Commenting
on the report, Washington hawk John Bolton, the former US ambassador to
the UN and international security undersecretary of the US State
Department, declared that “Obama’s ideological obsession” with
dismantling America’s nuclear deterrent made the provocative flights by
Russian strategic bombers possible.
“Our national security is in danger of slipping off the national agenda even as the threats grow,” Bolton said.
Half a year ago in August 2012, the Washington Free Beacon alarmed US authorities with its report that a
Russian nuclear sub patrolling the Gulf of Mexico
went undetected for more than a month. The report was never confirmed,
and the Russian Air Force has likewise not confirmed that Tu-95s
approached Guam lately.
Russia to Send Nuclear Submarines to Southern Seas
plans to resume nuclear submarine patrols in the southern seas after a
hiatus of more than 20 years following the break-up of the Soviet Union,
Itar-Tass news agency reported on Saturday, in another example of
efforts to revive Moscow's military. The plan to send Borei-class
submarines, designed to carry 16 long-range nuclear missiles, to the
southern hemisphere follows President Vladimir Putin's decision in March
to deploy a naval unit in the Mediterranean Sea on a permanent basis
starting this year.
"The revival of
nuclear submarine patrols will allow us to fulfill the tasks of
strategic deterrence not only across the North Pole but also the South
Pole," state-run Itar-Tass cited an unnamed official in the military
General Staff as saying. The
official said the patrols would be phased in over several years. The
Yuri Dolgoruky, the first of eight Borei-class submarines that Russia
hopes to launch by 2020, entered service this year.
has stressed the importance of a strong and agile military since
returning to the presidency last May. In 13 years in power, he has often
cited external threats when talking of the need for a reliable armed
forces and Russian political unity. Fears
of a nuclear confrontation between Russia and the United States has
eased in recent years, and the Cold War-era foes signed a landmark
treaty in 2010 setting lower limits on the size of their long-range
nuclear arsenals.
But the limited
numbers of warheads and delivery vehicles such as submarines that they
committed to under the New START treaty are still enough to devastate
the world. Putin has made clear Russia will continue to upgrade its
arsenal. Russia's land-launched
Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) would fly over the northern
part of the globe, as would those fired from submarines in the northern
Both the Borei-class
submarines and the Bulava ballistic missiles they carry were designed in
the 1990s, when the science and defense industries were severely
underfunded. Russia sees the Bulava
as the backbone of its future nuclear deterrence, but the program has
been set back by several botched launches over the past few years.
The new weapons systems to Armenia are quite interesting.
ReplyDeleteNice collection of recent article Arevordi. You may be forced to make updates as the situation is rapidly advancing. :)
Concerning anna-news:
I have been following them last year. Really incredible stuff. I don't believe they are tied to the Russian intelligence, simply because it is so low-budget. They don't have a lot of footage with English subtitles, which is something I thing would help in the information war. There was an article about them that called them "crazy Abkhazians". They are mostly ethnic Russians. They have come under sniper fire multiple times. One of their correspondents, Sergej Berezhnoj, was shot through the mouth -- luckily it did not hit any bone and Syrian surgeons patched him up.
It looks to me like the SAA are going after the biggest tactical opportunities. Today "Operation Storm of North" has begun in the Aleopo area. If Qusair was the Stalingrad of the Syrian proxy war, let Alepo be the Kursk.
Also, enjoy this video with what looks like some Holywood rambo style action. Except its not Hollywood, but Hezbollah displaying their martial prowess. The ambushers get completely wiped out:
Great article. Thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteHere´s the link to ANNA´s website:
updated almost daily...
@ Skhara
ReplyDeleteI do not think those who established Anna's presence in Syria are journalists nor do I think they are foolhardy adventurers out looking for a good fight. Like I said, their reporters look like military types. I think Anna has Kremlin connections. I think they are part of some special forces team or the GRU.
I guess you have gotten accustomed to CNN's bells and whistles when it comes to news reporting. Low budget is a relative term when you are operating on an active battlefield. Anna's GoPro recordings of T-72 tank raids into urban environments have been some of the most surreal video images I have seen.
I think Anna's primary intent is to keep a close eye on battlefield developments and in the process give us some of the most unprecedented war coverage we have yet seen. And the raw manner in which they do so is proof that they are not professional journalists.
@ Mikhas
Thank you for the link. I wish their website was translated into multiple languages.
ReplyDeleteI a not dismissing your suspicion outright. They do have military types. That Sergej Berezhnoj who was shot in the mouth used to serve. They also have a former tanker who spent some time interviewing Syrian tankmen. Marat Musin, the "chief", is not a military type. He does spend a lot of time doing geopolitical analysis. There was recently aired a debate on their site concerning S-300 and other wider issues. These guys have been vocally critical of the government who they have accused of playing a double game at least earlier last year. Marat Musin currently seems to be satisfied that Moscow is indeed providing Damascus with S-300; saying that he personally sat in a helicopter with an air-defense specialist and instructor for the Syrian forces.
These guys have been noticed in the western public due to the footage on youtube.
Thank you Arevordi
ReplyDeleteThank you and Zoravar for excellent analysis. This is better than anything I saw on CNN or BBC! Your take on the S-300 matter is really helpful. What you say about its psychological use over its practical use makes perfect sense to me. Its very exciting that Armenia now has the Iskander missiles.
Dear Zoravar,
All the variants and upgrades of these weapons are very confusing. My question is this: How do the different S-300 compare to each other and how do they all compare to the S-400 Triumf?
First time commenter, long time reader.
Arevordi and Zoravar, thank you for the excellent analysis and very interesting articles. Where do you find all these articles?
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteThe various variants are indeed confusing.
S-300 is not a missile, it is an air-defense complex that launches missiles. It comprises various radars, command centers, electronic warfare units as well as missile launchers.
The PS and PT models are the earlier variants. They were followed by the PM model. The ultimate model is called S-400.
All the systems are continuously upgraded and so are the missiles they use. The S-400 also uses additional types of missiles that have never been shown in public.
Furthermore, all of the above systems are used by air defense forces. At the same time, the ground troops (land army) use a completely different system called S-300V which has nothing in common with the other types above.
With the exception of the S-400, Russia offers downgraded export versions of all the above (such as the S-300 PMU-2 to Azerbaijan). Armenia has received used PS,PT and PM systems directly from Russian inventories.
The S-300 orders from Syria and Iran are also PMU-2 versions.
Comrade Zoravar,
ReplyDeleteUsing Electronic Counter-Measures and Airborne Warning and Control Systems the Israeli air force was able to decimated Syria's air defense missile systems and shoot down many dozens of Syrian air force airplanes during the Zionist state's invasion of Lebanon in 1982. I was a young man then, and Syria's total defeat at the time left a lasting impression on me. Thus, my request: Please address existing electronic countermeasures and how they may be used against the S-300 complex, and what can crews operating the S-300 do to counter their countermeasures.
Russian journalism in general over Syria has been stellar. For those who have not seen this powerful documentary before, "The Syria Diaries".
ReplyDeleteExcellent article Arevagal and a great analysis by Zoravar, thank you!
Receiving "inside information," by a very close source in the Syrian government, something we already know; Hezbollah is destroying all these foreign-funded jihadi terrorists. They (Syrians) have never seen fighters as strong, trained, tactical (especially in urban warfare), disciplined and organized as the Hezbollah (quote). The Syrian leadership is praying for more Hezbollah soldiers to be sent.
The day Hezbollah got involved with only a few thousand soldiers, was the day the terrorists started crying and pleading for help.
ReplyDeleteSyria lost hundreds of tanks and other vehicles in this conflict against "Alla Akbar" shouting fanatics.
It was very disheartening to watch Syrian tanks enter cities without troop cover. Russians did the same thing in Chechnya. How many times is this well known mistake going to be made? I agree with your observation that Syrian army did finally begin using troops to cover their tanks during firefights but many of the Syrian troops still look very sloppy. I don't think they will be very successful against Israelis, Turks or Americans if Syria gets invaded.
Excellent work Arevordi and Zoravar. I'm in agreement with much of your geopolitical stances. You guys need to start your own political think tank. People much less intelligent than you are representing major think tanks today.
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Germany
Danke schön!
ReplyDeleteIt's good to know we have political supporters in Germany.
As you well know, in political matters, the thing called "intelligence" takes second place to the thing called "connections".
All major think tanks serve one political agenda or another. It's all about political prostitution. Most major think tanks in this world serve the Anglo-American-Zionist political agenda.
Anyway, thank you again for your support and encouragement. Don't forget to read previous blog entries as well.
@ Arevordi
ReplyDeleteI was equally disheartened by the defeat of the Syrian Air Defenses and Air Force in 1982. The main reasons for the defeat are as follows:
1. Syrian sloppiness: Some of their top commanders should be court martialed for allowing to position their air defenses in a valley. And that is just one of many examples of sheer incompetence, carelessness or stupidity.
2. Equipment: The Syrian side was mostly using the same 2nd generation equipment they used in the 1973 war (SA-2, 3 and 6. MiG-21 and early 23. etc.). Their electronic, radar, communication, surveillance equipment was hopelessly obsolete. On the other hand, the Israelis used the latest generation weapons (F-15 and 16, Merkava tanks etc.)and electronic warfare equipment. For the Syrians it was like fighting WWII with WWI armament.
Regarding your question about S-300 v/s Israeli countermeasures: There is no such thing as an invincible weapons. Anything can be beaten, the S-300 is no exception. Having said that, the S-300 is a formidable system. If it gets delivered and deployed in Syria, it will make any Israeli air raid enormously more difficult with skyrocketing chances of mission failure with aircraft losses.
Jamming the massively powerful radars of the S-300 require equally powerful jamming systems. To make things worst, the S-300 has a "home on jam" mode.
Compared to the legendary SA-6 of 1973 fame, the S-300 can engage six times as many targets simultaneously, has five times the range, the missiles fly three times faster and are many times more accurate and infinitely more resistant against electronic countermeasures.
Animation of Algeria's S-300 system.
@ Arto
ReplyDeleteAgreed. In my opinion, the main problem with Arab Armies (and many other armed forces in the world) is poor leadership. I am speechless when I see officers ordering their troops to attack with their "yalla, yalla" commands while themselves staying behind cover. The few Syrian officers (including at least one high ranking one)who share the same risks as their soldiers are the most respected and followed ones. I am optimistically thinking that this difficult war is creating real leader-commanders.
Great blog entry and analysis, Arevagal and Zoravar.
ReplyDelete"On the other hand, the Israelis used the latest generation weapons (F-15 and 16..."
Thirty years later the zionist (non)entity is still using those same platforms, partially modernized and upgraded along with some drones. Same for their genetic-cultural brothers in Ankara who have a fleet of F-16s. Neither are due to get the questionable F-35 for a while.
It's good to see these anglo-american-zionist ("AAZ") scum squirm in desperation. They accuse the Russian and Armenian governments of conducting crude and transparent propaganda in order to control their populations, yet anyone with half a brain would have to be disgusted by the filth in the controlled media like the Wall Street Journal. It's sad that so many Armenians waste their efforts trying to "win over" these controlled media outlets to the Armenian Cause.
It would be funny to watch if these AAZ madmen weren't so determined to bring about a global war and if they weren't in a position to influence policy towards that end. You told me once that the videos contained in your blog needed to be watched, reviewed and studied several times, and you are very correct. I rewatched "The Century of the Self" and "The Power of Nightmares" over the past few days, and I'm uncertain how far the AAZ will push in Syria.
I am glad to know Iskander missiles are in Armenia. Apart from the deterrent value against azerbajian, it's good to see Russia getting even more serious about utilizing their military bases in Armenia for their greater purpose, which has always been to confront turkey. Over the past thousand years, the only time Armenia has seen serious advances against turkey has been when we marched alongside a determined Russia. As a wise man once said "The Road to Western Armenia runs through Moscow". I hope to see some more weapons, like Su-34s, based in Armenia.
On the domestic Armenian front, President Sargsyan is doing great! He has pacified the west's current tool in Armenia, raffi hovannisian, just as well as he neutralized LTP. And he managed to do so without conceding any important posts to either of those dangerous criminals. And we haven't heard a peep out of troublemakers like vartan oskanian for a long time. Non-combat deaths are going down, and from the looks of the videos and articles from Zoravar's thread on hyeclub, it appears that our Armed Forces morale is higher than ever.
I'm sure none of us are surprised, but another whistle-blower has confirmed that the NSA now records every digital communication by everyone. So much for "the land of the free". The news made me stop and reflect for a moment on how brutally the forces of "freedom and democracy" deal with brave whistle-blowers like Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning, Mordechai Vanunu and many others.
Dear Sarkis
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comments. It's always a pleasure to read your take on political matters. It's very encouraging for me to know that there are intelligent, selfless, farsighted, clear thinking and 'nationalistic' Armenian-Americans such as yourself.
I remain hopeful that someday more of our compatriots will come to the realization that 'the road to Western Armenia lies through Moscow'. I also hope to see the day when we stop wasting our limited resources in an anti-Armenian viper's nest like Washington DC and begin - pan-nationally - concentrating our lobbying efforts within the walls of the Kremlin.
In the meanwhile, I ask you to please continue educating those around you: Open their eyes to the current state of things.
With their pop culture, consumerism, multiculturalism, interracialism and atheism, the Anglo-American-Zionist century has done great harm to western civilization, apostolic Christianity, indigenous cultures, nation-states, nationalism and the traditional family unit. In their desire to preserve their global hegemony (that which they have enjoyed since 1812) they are again pulling humanity towards yet another world war.
Through education and political activism will we be able to resist this global menace. Through the rise of powers such as Russia and China humanity will be able to defeat this global menace.
Comrade Zoravar
ReplyDeleteYour insight is greatly appreciated. Thank you again. Please feel free to give us regular updates concerning military developments in the region.
When I am watching videos of the combat that is taking place in Syria I cringe every time I see Syrian offices and soldiers yelling at each other as if no one knows what to do. Are they trained? It's as if they are leaning on the job. I agree with you that they are learning under fire, but how many more thousands of them will have to die before they get their act together?
It's also been very disheartening to watch all those T-72 tank raids in urban centers without being accompanied by mechanized infantry. I do see them now using infantry with their tanks more often, but their infantry still looks very sloppy. In a battlefield where the enemy has saturated with snipers, you would think they would at least put their damn helmets on...
Anyway, all I can say is thank God for Russia; thank God for Iran; thank God for the Hezbollah. Had it not been for aforementioned, Turkish, American and Al-Qaeda troops would have been parading in downtown Damascus a very long time ago.
PS: Hezbollah has again been very impressive. Their discipline, their courage, their martial skills and their professionalism is unprecedented in the Arab/Semite world.
Concerning SAA tactics, it looks like a decision was taken to significantly improve the quality of SAAs combat potential. IRGC has taken the decision to do just that and Hezbollah is playing the significant role. Really Hezbollah with SAA, is like Lionel Messi with Barcelona :). They make the larger force around them much more effective.
ReplyDeleteI read in an article, during the Qusair operation, 18 Hezbollah fighters were killed in a friendly fire incident by sloppy SAA artillery. Hezbollah officers got irritated and took over the initiative themselves.
Nonetheless, the SAA soldiers have come a long way from the scared teenagers they were 2 years ago. One thing to note though, they do have a lot of darn good snipers :)
What's your take on the apparent double speak coming from Moscow? The western countries have led an all out media blitz and their officials say the most absurd things and are very aggressive. Russia has enough media power, and similarly aggressive rhetoric would get noted by westerners. Why does Russia acknowledge some sort of "armed opposition" rather than just calling them terrorists? There are encouraging signs, but there are also things that worry me personally. I am sure they know what they are doing, but I am worried that their interests might not be what we think and would like them to be.
ReplyDeleteThink of it this way: The West plays poker; the East plays chess. Poker players take chances and risks; chess players are constantly calculating their each and every move.
In the big picture, however, it all boils down to who controls economic, financial, cultural and political levers around the world. Needless to say, we are living during the height of the Anglo-American-Zionist era. Needless to say, Western institutions (e.g. BBC, CNN, NED, USAID, IMF, CFR, WTO, World Bank, Amnesty International, Soros foundations and Hollywood to name only a few) set the tone for the global sheeple. In the big picture, the West is very much in the driver's seat and major competitors like Russia and China will be on the defensive for the foreseeable future.
As powerful as we perceive it to be, Moscow is still vulnerable to Western machinations.
Example: Can you imagine Americans going to the streets and protesting against their government as a result of calls made by Russian officials from Moscow? Of course not. What American in their right minds would rise against his/her government for Russia? Well, that is exactly what Americans officials do around the world. There are tens of millions of sheeple around the world that look up to Western officials and would take to the streets for them. Washington is fully capable of drawing out large number so of anti-government protesters in various targeted countries. Therefore, do not underestimate Western supremacy.
Moscow has no choice but to play the game and play it safe.
News and government sources in Russia are using different terms in describing the armed opposition to Assad: terrorists, bandits and armed rebels are some of the terminology they have used. While Russians are actively supporting Assad's regime, they also don't want to be perceived as if they are encouraging the slaughter of Sunnis in the region. Don't forget that it's not only the Western media that has Russia on its sights, the region's wealthy Sunni monarchies are also actively propagating anti-Russian propaganda. The last thing Moscow needs is for the world's one billion Sunnis (many of whom are allied to it) to begin seeing it as an enemy.
Since the situation in the Middle East has not yet devolved down to an all out war between East and West, Moscow will opt to use balanced/diplomatic rhetoric.
Like I said, Moscow is play it is safe, just in case their project in Syria collapses as a result of Assad's assassination for example. They are also playing it safe with regards to Syria's homegrown opposition, many of whom cannot be described as terrorists. Syria's majority Sunni population is not going to disappear. Once they fighting stops you will have to deal with them as full-fledged Syrian citizens.
What I am trying to explain to you is that Moscow is in a very-very difficult spot. They are being very careful and are preparing for many scenarios. I understand your frustration. But you need to try to understand the nature of the political world.
a desperate anglo call to arms:
ReplyDeleteThanks Arevordi,
ReplyDeleteI understand the rational of what you write, but the actions continue to bother me. The Persians are also cool calculators, yet there is no doubt by anyway what their stances are: on Syria, on Hezbollah, on Israel. The suffer the consequences of those stances and accept. The personal impact on me is that it makes me root for Iran more than anyone else. Of the "big countries", I don't know any other that has more fortitude and principle than the Islamic Republic.
Incidentally, when it comes to the crew of anna-news, there is no mistaking their ideological stances. They are firmly and fully on the side of Syria. They have built direct friendships with the soldiers. In their articles, I see rhetoric that is very similar to the type that is generated by officialdom in Damascus.
Take a look at this article:
ReplyDeleteLots of interesting nuggets here:
@ Skhara
ReplyDeleteI don't understand: Which one of Moscow's actions seem to be bothering you? The situation regarding the S-300?
Regarding Iran: Of course they will take the situation in Syria much-much more seriously. Tehran has no choice but to be firm in its stance simply because it is the main target of the Anglo-American-Zionist alliance! To be or not to be, that is the question for Tehran.
Yes, Iranians are excellent diplomats and shrewd politicians... but sometimes they publicly say things that seem very irresponsible. For example: Why can't they loosen some of their ultra-conservative Islamic laws? More importantly, why can't they tone down their rhetoric about the "Zionist entity" - at least until the day when Israel would not be able to do much harm to them? In other words, they don't need to be constantly seeking a nasty reaction from Tel Aviv when they are still vulnerable. Why pour gasoline on fire? What kind of diplomacy is that? Why can't they pursue what they are pursuing quietly?
Like Putin said in his recent RT interview: Iranian officials should not be saying things that can be misrepresented or misinterpreted by their enemies.
Things like "fortitude" and "principles" in international relations can get nations killed.
I cannot expect Moscow to take the situation in Syria has seriously as Iran. While the war in Syria may present an existential threat to Hezbollah and Iran, it's merely a geopolitical chess game for Moscow (albeit a very serious one). Diplomatically, I predict Moscow will continue walking a tightrope in Syria - as long as Syria is not invaded by NATO or Israel.
We Armenians need to stop looking at these matters emotionally.
ReplyDeleteZoravar, can you comment on this article please?
It happened to be on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land on Easter. I was in Tiberias when the Israeli jets passed overhead and bombed the "transport of missiles to Hezbollah". I had an inkling that in fact it was something bigger but I had no ways to find out more. We heard that Netanyahu rushed to Russia to threaten Putin not to send the S-300, or else.
ReplyDeleteOnly after few days, in France, I understood that it was Putin who summoned N. to Sochi to warn him about the possible consequences of further Israeli attacks. Soon we heard about the liberation of Qusayr by the "Assad loyalists" and the Hezbollah. It became clear that the Israeli were intervening to prevent the defeat of the "rebels" and that the warning of Putin was effective.
I could watch on the French TV the announcement by the Zionist Govt of France that they were in possession of the proof that the "red line" was crossed and hysterically demanding the invasion of Syria.
All the agitation suggested that the Oded plan was again in jeopardy. And certainly this is a dangerous moment. The intervention of the Americans against their own interests indicates the desperation of Zion, moments when they do silly things.
BTW, I stumbled recently on a passage of the Armenian Chronicle of Ghewond describing the first alliance between Arabs and Jews for the fight against Byzance ( It shows how deep the rot is.
Romanian Anonymus
Arevordi, I agree with you. Russia is doing its best to avoid a larger war while the west is really pushing their luck. Because they realize they cant win outright against Assad I think they are now doing their best to start a Sunni vs Shiite sectarian war in the entire Middle East. I am seeing a lot of language in western media now about sectarianism. I think recent decisions made in America will now really put Russia on the spot.
ReplyDeleteZoravar, thanks for the explanation. You put the complexities of warfare into terms I can understand.
ReplyDeleteAlthough their Air Defenses are more capable than Libya's, the Syrians can not beat back a determined US led air attack. They are simply not equipped and trained to fight a superpower.
In a hypothetical US/West air campaign, the best strategy the Syrian Air defenses can adopt is the one the Serbs used in 1999: Sniper style "hide and shoot". In that war, the Serb Air Defenses survived till the end of the conflict and constituted a serious threat to NATO planes, hence denying them the ability to decimate the Serb Army who kept on fighting the Kosovo rebels. Cruise missiles and other stand off precision weapons are good for stationary targets (like radars, airfields, buildings, factories, bridges etc.). They are not very effective against moving targets like tanks and troops. The mobile SA-17 (BUK-M2) and SA-22 (Pantsir-S)are great for the above described kind of strategy. But then again, Syrians are not Serbs...
Properly used, these defensive systems can (more or less) protect the Syrian troops who will still have to fight the rebels. By degrading the effectiveness of the air campaign and prolonging it, Assad - who enjoys strong support from powerful nations (Russia, China, Iran) - can find ways to survive. Remember the wise saying: Anything that does not kill you will strengthen you.
Slobodan Milosevic and Moammar Kadhafi would have loved to be in his shoes.
Arevordi, I hear you. I agree with the point about Iran, and yet Iran scores one geopolitical victory after another (about to score another major one) and doesn't even get close to the military, economic, and social potential of the Russian Federation. Russia's actions currently are encouraging, but my worry is that the lac of deliberate statements casts doubt in her allies and makes them wonder just how reliable Russia is. So that's the worry.
Why does Syria need to try to beat back a western onslaught? If that happens, just call it a doomsday scenario and launch all your missiles and chemical weapons against Israeli military, civilian, and economic targets. If Iran gets involved, the whole region blows up, and while the west may "survive" it -- the west can say goodbye to its wet dreams of global hegemony.
Syrians aren't Serbs true, but they do have Persians who made Hezbollah.
@ Skhara
ReplyDeleteYour worries/complaints about Russia are unjustified. Stop worrying about words spoken in public and start paying closer attention to actions on the ground. Thus far Moscow has been 100% behind Tehran; there is very close cooperation between the two states. In certain respects the current Iranian government's preservation is more important to Moscow than Assad's survival: Not the least of which because without an Iran there wont be a Syria or Hezbollah; without an Iran there will be a much powerful Turkey, Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Iran survives as a result of its alliance with Russia and to a lesser extent China.
But in the absence of a full scale war against Iran, Russia, as a responsible superpower, will do its best to lessen tensions by giving lip service to involved parties. In my opinion, the only sane player in the entire region has been Moscow. You are again making the mistake of expecting Moscow to carry itself as if its in an all-out war against the West.
Primarily for geostrategic reasons, I support the growth of Iranian hegemony in the region. I am pro-Iranian for the sake of preserving a balance of power in the region. And I am glad Tehran is doing remarkably well against the West, Israel and Saudi Arabia. However, I would never dare say Iran is scoring one "victory" after another. It would be more accurate to describe Iran's situation as one of "survival". And their survival as a besieged nation is made possible in large part by its alliance to Russia and China.
ReplyDeleteRight now Tehran and Moscow are engaged in a legal suit over the S-300 case. I don't want Moscow to act like it is in war. My personal opinion doesn't really matter in this anyway, but to me a contract is a contract -- and the case is pretty clear that Moscow is in breach of said contract with Tehran. Moscow acts "sane", but clearly also gives in to pressure.
So I am not exactly reacting emotionally here, I am reacting cautiously. Incidentally, the folks at anna had a debate about various "lobbies" at work in halls of the Kremlin and the impact they have -- they have some impact. So I will monitor this cautiously, but at least on Syria -- Russia's actions have been positive and encouraging. I am hoping for the west and zionists to back off and by default admit their defeat and this be the end of the madness on the global scale. But we shall see.
Arevordi, from what I heard about the NATO attack on the Serbian forces in 1999, the Serbs managed to fool NATO into attacking the "troops" that are moving the "vehicles" which in reality were derelict vehicles that have been damaged or they used simple machinery and disguised it as military vehicles. They even managed to shoot down one of the bombers as well.
ReplyDeleteI also seem to have remembered that Armenian banks are doing business with their Iranian counterparts. How could Armenia play a bigger role in the Syrian war though?
Skhara, I think you are being emotional: Which is why you are misinterpreting things somewhat in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteMoscow did not "give into pressure" regarding its breech of contract over S-300 deliveries to Iran. Moscow got "concessions" from the West for Washington's European missile-shield (if you noticed, the agenda is on hold). Moreover, Moscow got military related concessions from Tel Aviv concerning Georgia. If anything, it's the Anglo-American-Zionist alliance that gave in to Russian pressure - or "blackmail" as some Russophobes in the West are calling it.
If I were a Russian official, I would have also temporarily put-off missile deliveries to Iran due to these concessions - especially since Iran is not under an imminent threat of invasion.
Where you see a defeat, I see a victory. This was a win-win for Russia - Moscow got important concessions from the Anglo-American-Zionist alliance; Iran continues to grow in power.
Let's please stop obsessing about the S-300: As I mentioned in the main body of my commentary - the air defense system in question is better used as tool of psychological warfare. Moscow will eventually deliver the missiles, and will try to milk the West as much as it can before it does so...
ReplyDeleteThe Serbian military used inflatable decoys to great effect in 1999. The month long NATO bombing campaign barely put a dent in the Serbian military: One or two dozen Serbian tanks were actually destroyed during the intense bombings. Serbia essentially surrendered because the Western bombing campaign was taking a heavy toll on the nation's infrastructure and also because there was nobody standing behind Serbia politically or financially. Russia at the time was only beginning to recover from its post-Soviet shock and Yeltsin the drunk was still in power.
PS: There is not much Armenia can do to assist Syria in any significant way. Landlocked, poor and blockaded, Armenia can barely keep-up protecting itself from its immediate neighbors.
Arevordi, believe me, I hope you are entirely right.
Good article here:
Surge by Iran-hezbollah-Syria stuns Tel-Aviv:
ReplyDeleteYesterday and today Russian officials made statements of precisely the type I've been waiting for.
Putin said to Cameron: "You want to send weapons to Canibals?"
and today the Russian Foreign ministry stated that Russia will not allow no-fly zone over Syria.
Dear Arevodi
ReplyDeleteThank you for your work here. I really enjoy reading your blog from time to time. Recent pages are the best work on the topic of Syria I have yet seen. I also think you need to have your think tank. Seek funding from Russian sources.
I watched Putin's body language and demeanor when he sat while Obama talked, he looked very very tense. That body language is quite familiar to me, I've felt that way before when you hold up a certain demeanor and speak somewhat softly, but at the same time boiling on the inside. This seems like it is personal for Putin.
ReplyDeleteRemember the press-conference over when we was in Denmark during NATOs assault on Lybia?
ReplyDeleteAt that level, EVERYTHING that is said or done - official statements, body language, small talk and the way they pose for photographs with each other - is premeditated and choreographed. I don't think Putin is taking anything personally. Those who take politics personally don't get very far in politics, they usually end up writing political commentaries on blogs :)
Anonymous (June 17, 2013)
Thank you for reading. Thank you for the compliments. Please visit this blog periodically, I post political commentaries once or two a month. And please share this blog with like-minded individuals.
ReplyDeleteA little off topic but Russia is delivering one billions dollars of modern arms to Azerbaijan. I dont have anything against Russia but I don't like it when our "friends" act like this.
If the information on Russian UAV system is true, then it will boost the Syrian Armed Forces quite significantly (detecting terrorists in urban areas = planning efficient attacks = minimize casualties of SAA)
ReplyDeleteThis will also yield the new batch of weapons supplied to the terrorists from the West and Saudis (Manpads and Mortar) ineffective.
Advanced reconnaissance systems constitutes over 50% chance of successful military operations.
The only weapon terrorists will have in hand is suicide bombings, and that will eventually turn the host population against them.
If the report of Russian UAV "system" is true, then I foresee a swift advancement of Assad troops (plus a decisive victory). I emphasize on the importance of "UAV systems" (in contrast to isolated flying drones without integrated data processing systems which probably SAA already has in its arsenal), because one would need a whole system to fly, monitor, detect, integrate geo-effective reconnaissance data and plan counteroffensive in real time since the terrorists are highly mobilized, any delay in reaction time invalidates the gathered data as outdated.
"The Russians are operating a complete system of unmanned aircraft running in Syrian airspace, gathering intelligence on rebel forces and providing it to Assad's forces, giving them a significant advantage,"
@ Anonymous (June 18, 2013)
ReplyDeleteIt's all my fault. I'm sorry.
Well, actually, I'm not sorry at all.
You see, while you and your buddies were busy obsessing about genocide recognition in Washington, I recently took a one day trip to the Kremlin. While I was there I requested and was granted a behind-closed-doors meeting with high ranking Russian officials. Right after we greeted each and exchanged some formalities, I told them the following:
"Dear komrads, had it not been for a handful of men like Robert Kocharyan, Serj Sargsyan and Seyran Ohanyan, I realize that Armenia would have been turned into a cheep brothel servicing Western powers and their Turkish allies in the region a very long time ago. Seeing the scary political landscape in Armenia today I am surprised at how well you Russians have been treating my politically immature and untrustworthy people for the past twenty years. Komrads, I beseech you to do wherever is necessary to keep our self-destructive peasantry (in and out of Armenia) dependent on Russia; do whatever is necessary to force Armenia into your Eurasian Union."
They were very surprised with my unexpected visit. They said that while many Azeris/Turks pay them regular visits, not many Armenians visit them and fewer still actually lobbies for Armenian causes. They said when it comes to Russian-Armenian relations, they are almost always the ones initiating agendas. They also said they don't understand how enthusiastically Armenians in the US lobby for silly things such as genocide recognition from officials who are actually responsible for many genocides around the world. They went on to say:
"Tovarish, we are glad that an Armenian activist from the diaspora has finally visited us. Please realize that the Azeri military will not be given anything that Armenian troops can't defeat on the battlefield. Please tell your compatriots around the world that we are not doing anything that will upset the existing balance of power in the region. Also tell them that Armenia's military will be given similar weapons either free or for very low prices in the near future. Please understand that we are trying to keep Azerbaijan as a client state. If we refuse to sell them modern arms, they will purchase them from US, Turkey, EU or Israel. Therefore, please don't expect us to allow a billion dollar arms deal to fall into the laps of our competitors. Besides, doesn't the West do the same with Turkey and Greece, or with Israel and Egypt?"
To be continued:
Kremlin officials went on to say:
ReplyDelete"Politically, Russians don't trust Armenians and we realize that Armenians don't trust Russians. This is quite normal in politics. However, as you pointed out earlier, can anyone blame us for not trusting you? Take a close look at your political landscape. If it wasn't for a handful of Armenians like Serj Sargsyan, Robert Kocharyan and Seyran Ohanyan Armenia would have been sold to the West a very long time ago. Therefore, Moscow will do whatever it is necessary to have strong leverage over Armenia because Armenia's alliance is 'extremely' important to us. We realize that the threat of Turks in the south Caucasus will keep Armenia close to Russia. Energy dependence is also one of the ways with which we will keep Armenia tied to Russia, and perhaps even encourage your EUrotic politicians to join our Eurasian Union instead of foolishly trying to board a sinking ship like the EU"
After our short but eventful meeting, we shook hands and hugged. I promised them that I will return. They promised to make sure Armenia remains Turk-free. They also told me a few things that I cannot disclose. Nevertheless, I left the Kremlin assured that all will be well. Therefore, you and your friends in the US can continue obsessing about your wasteful genocide recognition efforts in Washington and sleep comfortably knowing that no Turkish or Azeri army will be invading Armenia because Armenia plays a very-very-very important geostratrgic role for the Russian Federation. Therefore, as long as Armenia's leaders keep Armenia closely allied to Moscow, it wouldn't matter even if the Azeris were given the most powerful weapon systems in the world.
PS: God bless Mother Russia, because unbeknownst to our fake “nationalists” she is actually ensuring Armenia’s survival in a very hostile and unforgiving environment.
Arevordi, I didn't know you actually visited the Kremlin and talked to its officials there. You would have attracted an even bigger attention if you visited Beijing and told the Chinese officials about the need for Armenia and China to remain close allies against possible Pan-Turkic daydreams (with Azerbaijan and East Turkestan as their main worries)
ReplyDeleteJerriko my friend, do not worry. I have also been in contact with Chinese officials. I will be traveling to Beijing on an official visit in the very near future. Once there I shall address several important matters concerning Sino-Armenian relations - not the least of which is the dangers of Pan-Turkism.
ReplyDeleteI cant stop laughing! That was excellent! You are right my friend, we are a very emotional people. Like you said emotions and politics dont mix. That is why American politicians know how to push our people's emotional buttons. I cannot agree with you more that we need better lobbying efforts in Russia. Our efforts in the US throughout the years has only gotten us spat upon every April 24 if you know what I mean.
I actually wanted to ask Zoravar a question that has been on my mind for a while. I hope he's still around.
Enger Zoravar,
A few years back Russia sold Greece some S-300s. Being that Greece is a NATO country dont you think that NATO experts have thoroughly investigated the S-300 and have found ways of easily defeating it in combat?
Lol- that whole sarcastic essay takes me back :)
ReplyDeleteWhat do we think of this article? We know there was a "closed door" session that took place between Putin and Cameron, where do they get their info about what was said?
I don't see how Syria can afford these toys. I do remember an article that was posted on this blog before the Syrian crisis where Putin was talking of Syria as the point where Russia is getting back in to the warm water ports and eastern Mediterranean, so perhaps Russia would see the protection of Syria and the modernization of its military as an investment?
There are some serious complexities taking place. Assad has promised to let the "resistance" operate against Israeli military in the Golan Heights -- does Assad have to follow through on this? Does this complicate things for Russia in terms of stability?
@ Anonymous
ReplyDeleteRussians have actively been marketing the S-300 EXPORT VERSIONS for years. Of course NATO have been studying them. Good luck to them finding ways to beat it. The S-300 is a "tough nut to crack", even if you know how to do it.
As previously mentioned, there are no invincible weapons. But also, for every measure there is a counter-measures against which there are counter-counter-measures and on, and on...
I find this video interesting to say the least. It shows a number of Syrians protesting in front of the Nusra headquarters in the self proclaimed Al Qaeda province of ar-Raqqa.
Among the protestors' demands, a young kid asking for his father's release having not seen him for over a month, others condemning the practices of Jubha members as un-islamic, and calls for a "peaceful" Syrian revolution, calls against Tyranny etc.
Needless to say I find it utterly amusing to see those civilian segments who initially cheered and hosted those raising islamic anti-regime slogans getting their asses whipped by the same Wahabi instruments of the Anglo-Turco-Zionist alliance.
could this be one of the early signs of reversal in public sentiments among Sunni populations? gaining the acceptance of Syria's Sunni population would be a priority if Assad wished to maintain his authority over the whole country. This also explains why Russia tries to express a balanced opinion towards Syrian affairs, and sometimes criticize the regime, some people then confuse this as an act of treachery.
Arevordi, did you really visit the Kremlin? the narrative sounds very very convincing!
Dear Aroutin,
ReplyDeleteRegarding my visit to the Kremlin: I can neither confirm or deny.
PS: I hope what the Israeli press reported about the UAV are true. Such a tool (especially one operated by Russians) would really be a game changer in urban warfare. As you mentioned, it would make urban fighting less costly for government troops (thereby increasing their moral) and very lethal against the foreign backed Islamists.
PS: Public sentiment in Sunni controlled areas of Syria must have begun changing some time ago, when they realized that their liberators were a bunch of foreign backed, bloodthirsty, fanatical monsters. I have no doubt that a majority of Sunnis in "rebel" controlled territories are quietly looking forward to their liberation by government troops. Having said that, the region's Sunnis deserve every bit of their anguish.
@ Zoravar
ReplyDeleteOur very funny friend Arevordi says we have nothing to worry about because if our "strategic ally" Russia didnt sell Azerbaijan arms someone else would have. That makes sense to me but I see Armenia becoming too dependent on one power. I see you are very knowledgeable about this kind of topics. I want to see your reaction to this topic. My name if Raffi. Im the one that posted the first question about Russians weapons to Azerbaijan.
Regarding my visit to the Kremlin: I can neither confirm or deny.
ReplyDelete>> Raffi Hovannessian can make use of such an argument regarding his alleged visit to Moscow after his famous post election speech :)
Such a tool (especially one operated by Russians) would really be a game changer in urban warfare.
>>the UAV system cannot be operated by non-Russians, perhaps Iranians can manage it, but definitely not Syrians. Russian officers will have to do the enormous amount of work to translate reconnaissance data into primitive language that Syrian troops can understand, basically (A-address where rebels are located B-number of rebels) the SAA will then deal with the situation (the Syrian way)
Public sentiment in Sunni controlled areas of Syria must have begun changing some time ago... I have no doubt that a majority of Sunnis in "rebel" controlled territories are quietly looking forward to their liberation by government troops.
>>I would agree with your assessment. It is very difficult to know the Sunni mood "inside" Syria. Sentiments vary a lot depending on
A- regions
B- city or rural inhabitant
C- education
D- economic status? refugee? loss of relatives (on whose hands etc.)? loss of property ..
one Sunni source told me that around 70% of Sunni Syrians support Assad (hard to believe, but if not the case, how could he manage to rule for over two years? I think a more appropriate statement would be 70% of Sunnis care only about their daily sustenance, energy, food, housing, schooling...and are indifferent to the ongoing conflict)
Having said that, the region's Sunnis deserve every bit of their anguish.
>>True, but I must say Sunnis of Syria are pretty good hearted folks in general. and I think they genuinely saw an opportunity for a revolution that might affect positive changes on their country. They do recognize now and regret that their movement got hijacked by Wahabists and Zionist agents. Hopefully they come to their senses soon and heal the inflicted wounds. a very difficult process to amalgamate syrian society.
Dear Raffi,
ReplyDeleteJust like we say Armenia is acting in its interests when it deals with Europe or USA, Russians will say they are acting in their interest. This is Russia's own version of "complimentary" foreign policy. But there's no reason for Russophobia or fearmongering. Like Arevordi said, if Russia did not sell them weapons US, EU Israel or Turkey would have loved to. Unlike our financially broke homeland, Baku's got the oil money to spend. Just be happy that Russia gives us free weapons that we otherwise could not even dream of affording. Also be happy that Armenia's importance for Russia is higher now than it ever was. Like Arevordi said, let's stop acting like emotional children and let's figure out a way to have more say in the Kremlin. As important as Russia is for Armenia I see no serious lobbying efforts there.
ReplyDeleteRead this article, it might help you better understand this topic -
Another great article regarding the topic of azerbaijan's and Armenia's arms race:
ReplyDeleteՀայաստանը սպառազինության մրցավազքում
@ Raffi
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing in the recent weapons deliveries to Azerbaijan that tilts the "military balance" in Karabagh.
Iranian made (and possibly Iranian operated) UAVs have been in use Syria since almost day 1 in the Syrian conflict.
ReplyDeleteHere is one video:
As a side story, the replacement of the S-300 has been revealed: it is called "Vityaz".
ReplyDeleteIt complements the S-400 that has entered service a few years ago.
ReplyDeleteI'm aware that Iranians supply to the SAA and operated the Iranian made drones (Mohajer variants). However, Russian UAV system if deployed in Syria is way in another league in terms of effectiveness, endurance and capabilities.
Among some of the limitations of Iranian drones
- lacking satellite communication links which limits the range from which the drone can be operated via terrestrial control. For Mohajer-2 range (50 km, endurance 1.5 hours) if you want to use it in Aleppo (current open front), SAF would need an air base at least as close to Idlib, a luxury they cannot afford momentarily without risk of assaults.
- besides the effectiveness aspect, such drones are not immune to electronic jammming devices, therefore, hampering their use at large scale
- the quantities of advanced UAVs needed for 24/7 operations in Syria cannot be provided by Iran, because Iran (so far) is not in mass production phase for such models, and even if they had, they would keep them in Iranian skies rather than risk loosing them on foreign ground. Hence, they send to Syria simple versions (which might be enough to serve some short range assaults, but cannot fulfill requirements of UAV systems covering wider range of territory, operated securely and remotely, around the clock)
- there are limitations of on-board navigation systems GPS/INS that are very much need to convert the pretty frame pictures (or videos) taken by the drone into usable and inter-operable reconnaissance data format.
So I still would hope that mother Russia would provide SAA with this much needed UAV system. Just as the Zionist alliance is not holding back any satellite based reconnaissance regarding SAA movements to the terrorists.
on the other hand, I see a great potential for much smaller scale quadrocopter drones optimized for urban skirmishes, just like the ones turkish police used in Taksim protests. cheap and effective
excellent quality
@Raffi and those who worry about shifts in military balance between Armenia and azergayjan.
Relax, azerbaijan army is not able to start a war, and if they do, their defeat will be swift. Many factors are in Armenia's favor, this requires a complete military, economic and political analysis w.r.t the current status-quo, briefly, it is impossible now and after for azeri army to invade and hold on to any territory in Artsakh.
We should be happy now that Russia is trying its utmost to draw Azerbaijan under Moscow's orbit, ofcourse they will sell them weapons, and buy their gas.
but will NATO accept loosing their grip on Azerbaijan? or Georgia? when NATO looses territory to its enemies, it makes sure to hand over only burned ash...
Two interesting looks at anglo-american-zionist international intrigues regarding Syria and President Putin:
Good responses everyone about the sale of Russian arms to azerbaijan. Not to be too silly but every time azerbaijan writes a check to Russia, they are essentially subsidizing the same weapons for Armenia to purchase at massive discounts or for free.
ReplyDeleteI really liked Svediatsi's article, it shows how irrationally Armenians respond to normal developments and military matters.
What really bothers me is how these same Russophobe Armenians get hysterical over Russian arms to azerbaijan, but remain conspicuously silent about israeli weapons sales to azerbiajan. Russia at the very least follows a policy of maintaining the military balance, or more accurately maintaining it in Armenia's favor in Artsakh by giving us free, advanced weapons that we could never otherwise acquire. In contrast, the israel arms azerbaijan and turkey and then turns around launches cowardly black PR against Armenia internationally while at the same time it stirs up Armenia's self-destructive peasantry.
Plus the news reports indicate that the Russians trust the azeris just enough to sell them the export versions (aka Monkey Models) of their weapons, while Armenia gets the original Russian stock.
ReplyDeleteMany Russophobe Armenians that I've encountered suffer both from an inferiority and superiority complex. Inferiority in the sense they have a victim mentality(Armenians were always killed, enslaved, driven out BUT they "survived" and had "moral victories"). Superiority in the sense that they think that Armenia has the potential of becoming a world superpower and must not become a "puppet state" of Russia. Even worse, many believe that we should try and became another Hreastan in the region by befriending with Hreas and promote their propaganda with "successful" lobbying.
Another kind of Russophobe Armenians are the so called "liberal Armenians". These types are usually Levonakans/Raffiakans, or followers of Azatutyun/A1plus/Civilnet. Once I heard a liberal Armenian say the following: «Բառեր որոնք Հայերին դարձնում են ոչխար. Ցեղասպանութիւն, Արցախ, Ազգային Անվտանքութիւն, Ռազմավարական դաշնակից, Ազգային շահ, Բանակի հզօրացում...»: Basically anything that is pro-strengthening-Armenia is for him of no value and a waste of time, instead Armenia should focus on becoming as "Europeanized as possible", we don't want to be part of the "totalitarian bloc" pursuing "absurd" and "imperialistic" agendas... It's like saying to a man that being a man is not right, he should act/behave like a woman...
Powerful observations, Svediatsi. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI had to laugh at the "liberal Armenian" behavior. That's actually the typical "liberal" behavior the world over and your mockery is spot-on :). I actually find the rats in Syria slightly less repulsive than liberals the world over! :)
Incidentally, anyone paying attention to the rhetoric of many Russian officials in the last few days? Putin, Lavrov, Russia's Lebanese ambassadors, parliamentarians -- there is no backing off whatsoever.
Zorovar, any thoughts on the "new weapons" deliveries? My opinion is that there is nothing that can stem the tide of the SAA at the moment -- a foreign invasion is a totally different dynamic that could entail a "doomsday scenario" against israel -- other than that, the weapons may present challenges, but should not do anything "game-changing".
@ Skhara
ReplyDeleteThe rebels recently received a batch of Russian made KONKURS anti-tank guided missiles (probably from ex-Libyan arsenals). They fired most of them and scored a number of kills on Syrian Army tanks. It is rumored that they are waiting for another batch of missiles.
More recently, the rebels received a fresh shipment of Chinese made weapons including HJ-8 anti-tank missiles and H-99 sniper rifles. Most likely a Gulf country purchased these weapons from China and sent them there.
A couple of Russian landing ships crossed the Dardanelle straights on the 20th and are heading towards Syria. No information on what they have on board.
Russia deploys advanced intelligence vessel near Syria
ReplyDelete"The CCB-201 is no ordinary
intelligence vessel, but rather a naval intelligence gathering unit which is
similar in its characteristics to Israel’s Unit 8200 – a SIGINT collection
and decryption unit capable of intercepting and listening to military
transmissions between naval vessels and aircraft in the Mediterranean Sea."
Very significant:
ReplyDelete"Russia Requests Use of Cyprus Airbase"
Cyprus has agreed in principle to grant a Russian request for use of a military airbase in Paphos, it emerged on Saturday.
Moscow has filed an official request to be allowed use of the Andreas Papandreou base, reports said.
Speaking on state radio, Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides said the request will be treated in the same way as with other friendly countries.
Facilities at the base will be granted to Russian military aircraft in cases of emergency and under conditions that will be agreed, Kasoulides said.
The facilities will not be granted on a permanent basis, reports said.
The agreement will not grant Russia more facilities than those afforded to other countries, the minister said.
Russia has already secured facilities for its warships in Cypriot ports.
With the recent announcement of “friends of Syria” to continue arming the rebels with qualitative weapons, the tide turns towards a military solution, I assume the Russian command would maintain their activity on the following lines:
ReplyDelete1- assisting SAA with intelligence information to fight the freshly armed rebels on-ground in the northern front
2- track the arms shipment supply chain and intercept incoming batches prior to handing over to the rebels (on Syrian/Turkish soil)
3- protect Syrian airspace from any potential NATO plans for no-fly-zone or any other kind of intrusion
4- continue delivering weapons to the SAA to secure military solution (victory) in response to the NATO driven decision to arm the rebels
From this viewpoint, I find the info on Russian intelligence vessel deployment in the Mediterranean very interesting, which intends to intercept enemy communications lines, detect incoming arms shipment, and also support the activity of other Russian vessels in the East Mediterranean basin heading to the Syrian coast (to deploy goodies).
In this light, one curious case of a Turkish ship that sank yesterday near the coasts of Antalya.
One can only speculate if the ship was carrying arms intended to reach Syria, but its naval trajectory and destination (from black sea to Adana, 200km land connection from Kilis gate) is one potential indicator of arms transfer from some East Euro origin of Russian made hardware?
The cause of the accident is a bit peculiar.
“The cargo vessel that was carrying a cargo of steel roll, probably sank due to damage, which was caused by inadequately fixed cargo at the bottom of the vessel, told the 2nd captain of the ship.
“Probably the unfixed steel roll cargo hit the vessel’s body”
'Tayyar Şenkaya 1' began to take in water from hatch on 4:15 AM today, in a position 13,5 miles off Finike region at the Gulf of Antalya
The ship completely sunk at 06:25" the Captain said
Captain Şakar said that 13.5 miles off shore, the ship sank at about 2 thousand 800 meters depth and, shortly after the tanker 'Gabustan' came to their rescue. Pointing out that they could survive with the help of calm seas and proximity to shore, Ersoy Şakar
the radio operator of the ship said that when they realized that the ship's taking in water, they informed ship's chief officer, Ersoy Şakar. Describing the water level is about 1.5 meters tall hatch Canduran, "called for emergency help.
Consider at this time the Mediterranean waters are in their calmest condition with swell waves at most 1 meter high, one needs lot of imagination to believe that some “inadequately fixed” steel roll jumped out of its seat and pierced into few inches thick wall of steel (perhaps more than one layer) and was able to make a hole big enough to sink an 80x13 meter cargo vessel completely under water in less than 2 hours.
Meanwhile the crew supposedly contacted the coast guard (the base located 13 miles away from the vessel), but eventually the crew preferred to head towards an Azerbaijani oil tanker (Gobustan) that was only 10 miles away.
Interestingly, there was no attempt to rescue the vessel. Considering the time of mayday call, it would take only half an hour to get a number of tugboats with effective pumps capable of emptying the hull from the water filling.
ReplyDeleteAnother look at the Russian arms sales to Azerbaijan.
Thank you, this is probably the best written article on the topic Russian arms sales to Baku.
ReplyDeleteIncidentally what are your opinions on this Snowden case?(and Assange)? If they really were a threat, wouldn't have they been exterminated a long time ago?
ReplyDeleteI personally think there is something/someone big standing behind Wikileaks. Some time I ago I thought the organization in question may have been a covert Western operation. I no longer think that. I don't know who is behind Wikileaks.
I think Snowden is a genuine American patriot. I consider him to be a POLITICAL DISSIDENT. But he is not the first dissident to speak up against the system. There are many American patriots serving within various sectors of the American empire that see what is going on and are sickened by it. This disillusionment is the source of many leaks that have come out recently. They see the corruption, the lawlessness, the assault on the US constitution and the crimes against humanity around the world. They see their homeland being turned into a massive police state and a global empire. They see that their beloved nation has been hijacked by special interests both foreign and domestic.
NSA's eavesdropping case plainly reveals the authoritarian culture developing in the US today. If not for dissidents like Snowden, it will get worst, much faster.
For NSA officials, the eavesdropping case has little to do with "fighting terrorism" and more to do with keeping America's increasingly disgruntled cattle in check. They are more afraid of their population than they are afraid of "terrorists". America is overgrown and over complacent; soon enough it will be underfed and unstable. The empire is clearly in decline and when its once complacent citizenry begin taking to the streets in large numbers, like others around the world, officials will need tools of prevention and control. Surveillance is one of the important tools of prevention. No wonder that surveillance was big in Bolshevik Russia and Nazi Germany. The US is gradually heading in that direction and many Americans are afraid...
Watch this by Glenn Beck:
ReplyDeleteArticle on US withdrawal from Afghanistan relation to the Syrian war.
ReplyDeleteWell this is an odd turn of events. I hope they know what they're doing.
ReplyDeleteVery troubling and odd development indeed. This is either a deliberate case of disinformation or the shit is about to hit the fan in Syria. Of course this is all speculation but if US-led conventional militaries from Turkey and Jordan are about to invade Syria and Moscow has been notified, they are probably pulling their personal out of harms way, because if Russian military personal get caught in the cross-fire and suffer casualties, Moscow will feel obligated to hit back - with very unpredictable consequences. This news should also be looked at in light of recent information coming out about the positioning of Russian forces in and around Cyprus. I don't know what Russian high command is thinking. There are rumors that they are actually preparing for war. I really hope I'm wrong but I personally think Moscow will do everything in its power to assist the Assad government - short of going to war against the West for it. Anyway, let's see what other information comes out about this troubling development.
My 2 cents, this is either a tactical short term move or strategic long timer or possibly both.
ReplyDeleteIf tactical, then by creating a vacuum on Syrian ground, the Zionist alliance will have to reconsider their decision for arms shipment to the terrorists, because in case of a planned invasion to stabilize a post Assad Syria, those same weapons might be either turned against the invading forces, or might strengthen the position of terrorist groups who will take government control unlike to the wishes of Zionists who are grooming their own Syrian leadership.
For long term strategic view, by creating such a vacuum, Russia will bait either Turkey or Israel to fill-in the vacuum and send in supporting units, by doing so, either of these two entities will find themselves in direct confrontation with Iranian troops who are already are in Syria, and never intend to leave it. so, with Russia handing over Syria to Iran, the same applies to the arsenal of chemical weapons (I guess Russia did not take them along?) so they fall directly into hands of Hezbollah and sponsors, all this happening at Israel's and Turkey's back door.
Are they ready to act? or were they taken by surprise? my guess is the latter. Russians are master chess players.
Israel is in high alerz.
Possibly the Russians also were further encouraged to make this move after reviewing some of the US information in possession of Snowden?
ReplyDeleteIran has dispatched a naval fleet to the Russian port city of Astrakhan in a move to consolidate friendly relations between Tehran and Moscow, a deputy commander of the Iranian Navy says.
Russia has also been pushing for inclusion of Iran into the Geneva conference, another signal of power transfer.
I think this move also enhances Russia's position in the non Shiite Arab world as a balanced superpower, giving the Kremlin more room for diplomatic maneuvers as well as positioning itself as a peacekeeping force.
LG, Arevordi,
ReplyDeleteFrankly speaking I don't trust RT like before. I feel that they have been infilitrated by their western journalists working in the States. Recently Larry King is said to have joined RT, I can't find a logical explanation to how such a person will be able to run a pro-Russian show. Also the way they represent their news is changed a bit... I don't know...
I could be wrong though. Suppose the Russians pulled out of Tartus, what do they get back instead? It's not logical to abandon such a strategic area... Again I can't seem to find something logical... Maybe, and I'm saying MAYBE if Tartus is handed over by the Russians, they should gain another region from the West, and that could most probably be the South Caucasus (I can't seem to find another geographic area which at the moment Russia can position itself there). Otherwise, merely pulling out of the conflict is absurd.
The Russian move also might have accompanied information that Tehran will go on offensive and fulfill Assad's threat of opening a resistance front on the Golan and South Lebanon, in response to the Israeli attack on Syria.
ReplyDeleteThis would be the only way out for the Iranian-Syrian axis, to escalate and expand the war theater closer to the enemy's frontyard. In this way a diplomatic solution would be accelerated. Just like 2006 30 days war that ended up quickly in a UN resolution. Lebanon could also be activated, anyway things have reached their limits there and has potential to erupt.
Netanyahu to soldiers in Golan: Instill fear of death in enemy
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu toured the Golan Heights region and observed an exercise conducted by the Golani Brigade. "What's changed here is that today we are holding a drill in the Golan Heights that is not theoretical. The reality around us is changing and it is explosive, and we must prepare accordingly," the PM told the combat soldiers.
"We must have the will to break the enemy and instill within it - at the moment of truth - the fear of death," he said.,7340,L-4397253,00.html
of relevance:
ReplyDeletetwo weeks ago
"Israel reacts angrily to Austria's withdrawal from Golan Heights
"Austria to remove all 380 of its troops from the 1,000-strong UN force on the Israel-Syrian border due to clashes in Syria"
Also today
"UN, US ask Filipinos not to leave Golan Heights"
(coming after several abduction of Filipino UN observers in the past months)
PS: Today the Last of Austria's UN peacekeepers leave Israeli-Syrian border. So there is only 300 Indians left and some incoming tourists from Fiji to sacrifice for Jihadists.
We all remember Russia already expressed its willingness to fill the Austrian withdrawal.
So Assad shakes up the Golan front, then Russia sets its foot not only in Tartus but also on Golan heigths. It would be a strategic victory for Assad to claim advancement on Golan reclamation.
Finally on the same day a denial statement.
“The escalating conflict in Syria and speculation around our ships’ visits to Tartus force us to look for safer refueling ports,” the source said.
"That doesn’t mean that Russia is giving up its naval base in Tartus, he added."
Voice of Russia, TASS
Sorry Arevordi for spamming your blog, feel free to limit my posts :) The developments are rapid.
ReplyDeleteThis is sickening and gruesome, beyond comprehensible.. It is one thing killing your enemies....
This kind of stuff has been rampant in Syria.
This is very worrying. Maybe Zoravar can shed some light on this matter.
ReplyDeleteYour posts have been very informative. If you have relevant information please do not hesitate to post them here.
Everything you mentioned is plausible. Moscow may be pulling its troops out of a potential crossfire and simply allow Syrian/Iranian forces battle Western/Turkish/Arab forces. Like I have been saying, I really don't see Moscow going to war for Syria. Moscow will help Syria politically and with arms and military intelligence, but its up to Syrians and Iranians to fight for Syria.
Let's see what happens in the next few days or weeks.
ReplyDeleteRT reporting is controlled from Moscow. I watch their reports regularly, I haven't noticed anything worrying. Larry King, retired and one foot in the grave, is merely a prop for RT, nothing more.
Pulling troops out of Tartus or Syria does not mean "abandoning" it. The personnel may have been repositioned aboard ship in the Mediterranean. Take into consideration that Tartus is NOT an active Russian military base. It's essentially a naval port were Russian naval support units are stationed. In case of war, the facility in question is not well protected. If Moscow pulled out their personal from the country, it may mean that war is imminent.
I have been saying that an invasion of Syria by US-led forces is a real possibility, if not inevitable. Western powers and Israel have lost hope in a terrorist victory, they may be preparing to invade Syria from Turkey and Jordan.
I would like to know more information about Russian military activity in and around Cyprus.
I hope Zoravar will have some information for us.
I don't really see anything to worry about at the moment. There were a handful of officers at the facility, its not like a full-fledged base. The munitions are still rolling in. They pulled them out of concern for guided missiles going into hands of the rats who could possibly target the facility. Syria-war I don't see as much of an option really. I know the terrorist axis is desperate, I know they no longer have global hegemony; but why would they risk losing their global top spot over Syria? When US goes to war, the build-up is seen from miles away, a battalion of marines isn't going to be doing anything useful, and even though Jordan is a puppet state -- King Abdullah has been warned by Syria in quite diplomatic terms, that he is putting his own head on the line. Erdogan, has problems of his own that are sure to be exacerbated if war comes from that side. Now a full-fledged invasion, means Iran-Syria defence pact is activated and the Petro-Arabs who manufacture nothing are finished once the Iranians bomb their oil fields. What will they do? Iran makes its own war material -- what are the petro-Ayrabs going to do when they lose their oil revenue?
Along with the Council on Foreign Relations publication, Foreign Affairs, the Economist is the other unofficial mouthpiece of the Anglo-American-Zionist foreign policy elite.
Arevordi, I have difficulty agreeing that Moscow would not go to war over Syria. I think there might be distinct levels of escalation from what we already witnessed as a local internal conflict, to a regional conflict (what seems to be developing as we speak), and then possibly if an agreement is not reached it can develop into an international conflict (only then direct Russian intervention might be contemplated or ruled out).
ReplyDeleteRussia has everything at stake in Syria and cannot afford loosing this piece of real estate. Loosing Syria means it looses its status as world Gas monopole. Without the Gas factor (controlling both resources and transport), the Kremlin cannot project political power on Europe neither on ex-Soviet states (take Armenia and Ukraine as example).
When they loose control over the gas market, Russia's economy will face difficulties, social problems will rise, Zionist alliance ready to fuel internal agents (like Pussy riot and Chechen Jihadists alike, different faces serving the same master), loosing Syria will signal the disintegration of Russia's integrity (both Social and Territorial disintegration, starting from the North Caucasus).
I cannot re-iterate and overemphasize enough on this point (Gas factor). To put things into perspective.
1- The South Pars / North Dome field is the world's largest gas field, shared between Iran and Qatar. The field holds an estimated 51 TRILLION cubic meters
2- Compare that with Azerbaijans largest natural gas field "Shah Deniz" with reserves of only 50 BILLION cubic meters
3- therefore, the single field shared by Qatar and Iran contains 1,000 times more gas then the famous Caspian Shah Deniz
4- Russia supplied Europe with 140 Billion cubic meters of gas in 2012. So in perspective, the North Dome/Pars field (if connected to Nabucco), can supply Europe the equivalent of what Russia supplies yearly to all Europe, for the next 350 years!
5- If that's not enough incentive for Russia to think twice on letting Syria slip off its hands, think about the newly dicovered hydrocarbons on the coasts of Israel, Lebanon and Syria
6- The Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon axis (if maintained, and this is conditioned by a victory in Syria, the critical link) cuts the Sunni dominated region at its most vital point, Turkey. This axis blocks the formation of a continuous Sunni dominated mainland stretching from its Middle East heartland, into North and West Africa, Central and Eastern Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia), in other words, a large part of the world's resource rich countries.
7- Europe has boosted Turkey to serve as a dominant force in the mentioned region (as well as a progressive Sunni role model), hence, by using the Sunni and Turkic based connections, Europe would project its own power through Turkey and gain preferential access to those resource rich countries. Syria is a key barrier to limit Turkey's power projection southward as much as Armenia is a similar barrier for its Eastern projections.
Conclusion: In case Russia gives up Syria, it looses its unique position as global natural gas leader, moreover, it opens the doors for the Anglo-American-Zionists to plunder world resources without any obstaces, hence we can see where Russian and Chinese interests overlap, Russia is after gas issues, China after the resources and commodities. Even if it takes deportation of all anti government Sunnis from their hometowns, it will be done, and it is being done (refugee crisis), Syria will not be lost.
A Syrian victory would spell disaster on the Zionist entities, there will be many sad and worried faces. I hope to see that day in my lifetime
Nabucco officially Aborted! Any role for Iskander-M in this surprising decision? should we evaluate the basis on which Russia supplied Armenia these missiles (non-export version, 400 KM range) why now? what was their aim? Turkey? or the Caspian Sea? In case it is aimed towards Turkey fearing an Israeli attack on Iran through the Turkish air corridor, it would be more logical if Russia deployed SAM S-400 in Armenia. But those missiles were able to target not only key energy facilities in Azerbaijan such as pumping stations and pipelines, but can reach as deep as Shah Deniz field itself if they are deployed somewhere on the Syunik range, but not from Gyumri base.
ReplyDeleteEuropean Pipeline Loses Bid to Ship Gas
Setback for EU Quest to Diversify Energy Supply Away from Russia
So now Germany/Austria either has to get closer to Russia due to complete energy dependency in the near future, or support FUKUS plans (France, UK, US) for arming and escalating Syrian conflict, hoping to secure southern energy resources to resurrect the Nabucco from its stillbirth.
Merkel: Risks of Arming Syrian Rebels Too High
BERLIN — German Chancellor Angela Merkel is warning against shipping weapons to Syrian rebels fighting to overthrow President Bashar Assad.
The German leader told Parliament on Thursday that she understands why Britain, France and the United States are considering arms deliveries to some rebel groups in Syria, who are facing strong resistance from Syrian government forces and its Hezbollah allies.
But Merkel said that in her view, "the risks would be incalculable."
She did not explain why but critics fear Western arms would only prolong the conflict without tipping the scales decisively. And Western weapons including anti-aircraft missiles could fall into the hands of Islamic extremists who might use them against Western interests someday.
Putin, Erdogan to coordinate steps toward political settlement of Syria crisis – Kremlin
Telephone conversation with Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan
June 27, 2013, 14:15
Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The conversation was initiated by the Turkish side.
The two leaders discussed current bilateral cooperation issues, including the implementation of the agreements reached at the third meeting of the High-Level Russian-Turkish Cooperation Council in Istanbul in December 2012 and the preparations for the next Council meeting to be held in Russia later this year. Both sides expressed their satisfaction with the development of the multifaceted Russian-Turkish cooperation, including in the energy sector.
Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan also exchanged views on the regional situation, especially in Syria and around it. Both sides expressed their willingness to coordinate their actions in the interests of finding a political solution to the crisis.
The parties agreed to maintain regular contact.
News on Tartus base
ReplyDeleteRussia replaces military with civilians at Syrian base
More on the Golan front
Russia, US agree text of UNSC resolution on Golan peacekeepers
UNDOF suspends night patrols in Golan Heights
Life in occupied the Golan Heights
From The Golan Heights, Where Syria's War Is Creeping Up On Israel
Assad's 10 most persuasive reasons to re-orient rebels towards Golan heignts instead of Aleppo.
1- fighters can chant their favorite slogan "death to Zionists"
2- they shall become honored Arab Syrian patriots rather than wanted terrorist (as perceived now)
3- the mild mountainous climate is favorable to the scorching desert of inland Syria
4- abundant drinking water and uninterrupted mobile coverage
5- plenty of free apartments built according to European standards
6- excellent air quality while you enjoy the beautiful view of the Sea of Galilee
7- non resistant enemy that flee like chicken only by spotting a Jihadist. Thus the only weapon needed is a beard and some video footage of cannibals feasting on settlers adorable pets. The weapons delivered by US and Qatar can be sold to the SAA at premium prices.
8- the lawn quality is excellent for recreational activity, such as football and golf
9- Rumours say that Israeli hospitals are taking in (and treating) wounded rebels (contrary to the Syrian opposition single room clinics renowned for organ harvesting and prevalence of gangrene)
10-Highly mechanized agriculture implies lots of yield without having to work. But at first they can simply live on the available storage the settlers have been stockpiling for the last decades. Or maybe even sell the goods in Jordanian market.
This video shows one regular Syrian citizen complaining about the opposition stealing the grains and smuggling them to Turkey. He claims Syria as part of their strategic food security plan had stockpiled 5 years of grain storage, and now people are fighting over loaves of bread.
Here's a good read on the ongoing Oil looting business in Syria
I'll be away for a while, but will be reading new comments, awaiting your and Zoravar's comments on current developments.
ReplyDeleteYou bring up good points about the gas deposits in the Middle East. However, don't you think shale gas has already started to affect the gas market and Russia in particular?
According to an IEA report that came out earlier this year, the US will be the top energy producer in a decade or so if it continues with the fracking trend.
Moreover, Moscow must diversify its economy, it is too reliant on oil and gas to fuel its development. Russia, unlike other petro-states, has a well educated citizenry and good colleges; they have some of the best IT professionals in the world for example, yet still lag behind India.
I'm bringing all this up because you mentioned that the loss of gas money would allow the West to weaken Russia. I agree but I think a better hedge against this problem is for Russia to diversify its economy, which has been declared to be a national priority under Medvedev, and now Putin.
As for Nabucco losing, it has more to do with the fact that it was purely a political project that had no support from the energy majors, only a push from Washington and some EU states. Also, since Iran would not be a supplier, and Turkmenistan has issues with Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani gas just would not be enough to justify the cost of constructing Nabucco. The final nail in the coffin was SOCORs purchase of the Greek national gas and pipeline company 2 weeks ago. With this purchase it made more sense to build TANAP and then TAP in Greece. SOCOR is taking a chapter from Gazprom's playbook, own the gas as well as the transportation infrastructure, something they could not do with Nabucco.
ReplyDeleteValid points. Let's look deeper.
Shale Gas extraction aka. Fracking is considered to be an environmental disaster. Will injecting the Earth's hydrologic reservoirs with Hydrochloric acid to access gas pockets be considered a valid way to generate energy? Natural Gas is promoted to be one of the cleanest sources of energy, so fracking goes all the way opposite to this value.
If the US is doing it because their vast territory still tolerates the environmental pressure it exerts, European countries (at least the public) are against it.
Moreoever, fracking companies would still want to sell the gas for higher prices to make their operations profitable. In fact it is one big sham for some companies to make a quick buck, just as they did in the US with Corn based biofuel (ethanol). After years of government subsidies to the ethanol factories, they suddenly stopped it realizing how insane it was to grown food for fuel. They were sobered with last year's drought across the US corn belt.
Russia and Iran can at any instance kill the entire fracking business just by releasing more gas into the market to bring down prices. This strategy called "dumping" is well known, it happens with oil, it happens with metals as well as products, goal is to kill competitor. Economic entities go to far levels to protect their market from such dumping attacks.
Russia cannot have the upper hand in setting gas prices if the West gains control over the Middle East gas resources. In this case, FUKUS will be the one regulating prices. Oh, by the way there is even seismic risks associated with fracking. Wait till the next big earthquake...
Diversifying Russia's economy is a not a very easy thing. On one hand, you have to compete with China . Chinese industry has reached such levels that they will build a space station in 2020. They are engaged in heavy industries such as high speed trains, and even building infrastructure worldwide. The biggest market is emerging countries, who are linin up to buy from China (including Armenia).
Many of those emerging countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, India also want to attract production centers to their countries rather than only being resource extraction states. So what I mean, competition is high for Russia.
Russia will maintain an edge in the Military industry.
IT is hard to compete with India, but even if possible, main market for these IT systems are Western, US, European companies who have their own links and commitments to their own IT corporation.
Nanotechnology is one promising area (which Russia did invest more than anything else), but again the thought of releasing nano-particles into the biosphere is a scary thought. Once nanoparticles are relased, they can settle anywhere in your brain or blood bypassing your entire organic barriers. So chemical pollution is dwarfed compared to the potential of nano-pollution which have called some visionaries to pronounce it as doomsday.
Finally, renewable energies is a good sector, but doing much in this direction eventually runs counter to Russia's aspirations to be the dominant energy leader. What is clear Russia has to do something to keep up with breakthroughs in Germany in solar, wind and geothermal energy cultivation.
For the next 20 years, I think natural gas is the single most determinant factor for Russia's geoplitical weight in the global arena.
Russia has been achieving some breakthroughs in plasma physics. very interesting video worth watching
I agree with Aroutin about Russia going to war over Syria. If Russia loses Syria, she might as well hunker down with her nuclear weapons for the foreseeable future and disappear from the map of global geo-politics. Syria has promised rebuilding contracts, and drilling for oil and gas in the Med to Russia -- the stakes are waaay too large. Russia may prefer to let Iran and Iraq do the heavy lifting and that's fine, these entities need Russian help in order to be empowered however.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I read today that Russia denied any evacuation from Tartus. May have been rumor.
ReplyDeleteI agree that in the long term shale gas will be a no go. The prospects of its exploitation has been hyped-up by Western interests via their propaganda outlets in recent years. I also agree that Russia will find it very difficult to thoroughly diversifying its economy during the foreseeable future. In the short to mid-term, I don't see how Russia will be able to compete against an industrial giant like China - or Germany, or Japan for that matter. I don't see how Russia would be able to complete against financial centers like London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Frankfurt, Tokyo, New York or Zurich, and I don't see how Russia would be able to wrestle away the global commodities trade from Western control - without first waging war against it and winning. I think Russian officials realize all this, which is why they have been placing their emphasis - at least for the time being - on natural resource exploitation, arms procurement and the sciences. More importantly, Russians know that despite their relative backwardness in comparison to the developed world, they have something that the developed world desperately needs but has very little of - gas, oil, arable land, precious metals, rare earths, uranium, etc. Nevertheless, Russian officials do realize the fundamental need to lessen their reliance on their natural wealth. This realization is key to implementing steps that will prove beneficial for them - and indirectly for us - in the future.
Anyway, I really appreciate the angle/perspective you bring to discussions here.
ReplyDeleteRight on. The West would like to see Russia as a light skinned version of Africa. Their plan was almost fulfilled during Boris Yeltsin era but abruptly interrupted with President Putin as you always emphasize.
More news on the economic aspect of the Syrian war. Confirmation of the link you posted regarding Iranian credit to Syria (logical).
Iran, Russia and China prop up Assad economy
Zionist propaganda, but hopefully true.
Exposed: Syria's backroom deal with Russia
Thanks again for the space.
I hope nobody gets bored of my comments, but things are developing rapidly and unpredictably, so why not keep analyzing? The least that can be said of the ongoing developments, is that it's hot and interesting.
ReplyDeleteAfter the rejection of the Russian peacekeeping offer through the UNDOF on the Golan heights, it was decided to call a few hundreds of Fiji troops to replace the withdrawn Austrians.
Today Russia and Fiji have signed a military-technical and a visa-free travel agreements. Bear in mind that Fiji's army is only 3,500 active personnel, so 500 troops constitute more that 10% of the total personnel. So it is not so hard to access classified information in such a small organisation, certainly not for those who also have a military-technical agreement with that organisation.
So why is Russia so keen on thrusting towards the UNDOF stationed in Golan?
Well there is a place administered by UNDOF in the Golan heights, it is the converging point of Lebanon, Israel and Syria. The place is called Mount Hermon. Altitude is 2800 meters above sea level. UNDOF has a base stationed at that point. It gathers (and relays) information of military activity, theoretically in all directions (including Syria). So Russia, being in full combat readiness with 16 vessels stationed along the Syrian coast, needs to access information on incoming military activity from the Jordanian angle.
It seems that US troops are building up, training and arming terrorists, deploying patriot missiles and dispatching fighter jets in Jordan. The infromation relayed by UNDOF base can provide an early warning for Syrian air defenses to activate, point and intercept incoming aerial assaults. Many of its radar bases in south Syria has been destroyed or paralayzed.
As proof, the Syrian radars could not detect the Israeli air raid on Damascus suburbs months ago.
Bear in mind, that the UNDOF base oversees the entire stretch of land from Daraa (Jordan border) to Damascus. This will be the main assault theater to capture Damascu. This can be either a full blown rebel assault or accompanied by some other international-pan arab troops (riding flame throwing camels).
In case Syria is attacked from the South, it will have to strike the communication, radar and surveillance bases stationed by Israel on advanced positions in the Golan. This area is relatively small, merely stretching six kilometers, at average altitude of 1900 meters.
The strike on this high tech expensive equipments either can come through Scud missiles from inland Syria also with some other newly provided (from Russia) land to land missiles. some get intercepted, some miss but others will hit and wreck havoc.
Optionally let Hezbollah target these bases from a disputed territory with Lebanon called the Shebaa farms.
Or, even a more entertaining idea, why not create a fake Jihadi rebel group (a Hezbollah undercover sub-unit operating in Syria) and let them shower some Katyusha rockets from the Golan front.
Destruction of this hi tech real estate means Israel looses its sight on a very large area and will suffer a strategic blow. So will the US-Saudi cockroaches who are relying on information provided by the Zionists. Their dreams shall vaporize God willing.
On the Turkish side it seems Mongoloid Erdogan is feeling the heat under his bottom and trying to cool it down on the northern border. My gut feeling is that the Turkish ship was torpedoed by a Russian vessel to show Turkey how serious Putin is with respect to Syria.
Rumours also say that Hezbollah is very keen on purchasing the Manpads Saudi Arabia has promised the FSA, their brokers are cruising around in Daraa with stashes of cash in search for weapon dealers, and it seems they already receieved a batch of Konkurs and recognize their effectiveness.
uremen Hayer jan, polornis tebi Damascos nayenk inch bidi lini ;)
Aghotenk mer Siria Hayerun vor asdvadz nrants okne, bashdbane yev da irents hamperutyun ays tjvar orerun.
ReplyDeleteconcerning the "secret" deal with Russia, it isn't so secret, I have read about it on 2 sources already:
al-manar and
Hezbollah buying up the lose weapons from arms dealers is awesome! Killing two birds with one stone.
Mursi role at Syria rally seen as tipping point for Egypt army
You guys should read this:
ReplyDeleteThis comment thread has progressed very nicely. Really a very impressive collection of articles and analysis. Thanks everyone.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone here watched Zeitgeist the documentary (2007)? There are a few points in that I do not find convincing:
ReplyDelete1) The Nazis were funded by the same financial elite that ruled the US
2) The Soviets were funded by this same elite so that they in their turn would supply the North Vietnamese
If that is the case, doesn't it mean that all of these world geopolitical wars are merely fabrications? Personally I find that hard to believe.
ReplyDeleteEveryone has some kind of an agenda. Therefore, you need to train yourself to read between the lines of everything you come across regardless of how good it looks or sounds. Zeitgeist is a product of the modern world's ultra-liberal/socialist/atheist culture. Some of what they present is good, some are not so good. It's all a matter of interpretation and perspective and intent.
The points they make about the Soviet Union and the Nazis has an element of truth in it. Bolsheviks were financed by Jews bankers and financiers from the Western world right from the start. Nazis did borrow money from Western sources during the early years of their rise in Germany.
However, there is a difference is being financed by the West and borrowing money from the West.
The Bolsheviks were their Jewish-led thugs. However, by the end of the Second World War, Communism had taken on a Russian\Slavic character. The Nazis were proved to be independent from the start, which is why they (the West and the Soviets) ganged up on them.
ReplyDeleteEveryone has some kind of an agenda. Therefore, you need to train yourself to read between the lines of everything you come across regardless of how good it looks or sounds. Zeitgeist is a product of the modern world's ultra-liberal/socialist/atheist culture. Some of what they present is good, some are not so good. It's all a matter of interpretation and perspective and intent.
The points they make about the Soviet Union and the Nazis has an element of truth in it. Bolsheviks were financed by Jews bankers and financiers from the Western world right from the start. Nazis did borrow money from Western sources during the early years of their rise in Germany.
However, there is a difference is being financed by the West and borrowing money from the West.
The Bolsheviks were their Jewish-led thugs. However, by the end of the Second World War, Communism had taken on a Russian\Slavic character. The Nazis were proved to be independent from the start, which is why they (the West and the Soviets) ganged up on them.
ReplyDeleteOff topic but are you religious?
this is a good article highlighting the rivalry between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists
More background info here
It seems Saudis were behind the coup in Egypt that overthrew Morsi.
Food for thought, how awesome would
a Salafi-Muslim Brotherhood conflict be?
Just imagine the Nusrah Front chasing Erdogan's ass.
Check this Zionist outlet whitewashing cannibal crimes, brought tears to my eyes.