The Trump presidency has been full of bombastic rhetoric. That was expected. But there has also been a lot of bluster and threats coming out of the White House recently. Thus far, we have no way of accurately gauging which of it is real and which of it is bluff. Ostensibly, however, the United States seems to be on a path to confrontation. On the surface, China, Iran and North Korea seem to be the primary targets.
What the Obama administration did its best to avoid, the Trump administration appears more than happy to give it a try. We may soon begin to see the American empire moving away from the Obama administration's heavy reliance on economic/financial warfare, covert military operations, drone strikes and the utilization of proxies to pursue the American empire's geostrategic interests around the world. We may also begin to see the Trump administration moving the American empire away from its globalist agenda (the promotion of so-called civil society, multiculturalism and open borders around the world in recent decades) and bring it back to its original calling; a traditional superpower pursuing primarily "Anglo-American", "Anglo-Saxon", "WASP" and of course Jewish interests. This may be the reason why President Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May publicly announced recently that they are no longer interested in pursuing nation building and regime changes around the world. Translation: They no longer want to promote globalist agendas, at least overtly, because it hasn't worked in the West's favor. It also means President Trump and company may be trying to reconfigure/restructure political circuitry of the American empire to make it a political entity that is rooted primarily in national (Anglo-American) and cultural (Judaeo-Christian) identity. They may be preparing to solve some of the empire's most pressing geopolitical problems in an "Anglo-American-Jewish" framework. And they may be preparing to do so by a more hands-on approach - even if it means getting the United States involved into another war. This, therefore, begs the question: Why are there forces within the Western world trying restructure the American empire?
The answer: There is a sense of urgency, at least in some circles, that the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance and the political/financial order it had been overseeing during the past century is beginning to face a number of very serious challenges around the world. In other words: Unipolarity in global affairs is giving way to multipolarity.
They are faced with a situation where Russia, China and Iran are growing closer politically, militarily and economically. Russia's presence in eastern Europe, the south Caucasus and Central Asia is growing. Russia has established a powerful military presence in the Mediterranean Sea and the Levant. The Russian military has helped the Assad government defeat the Anglo-American-Jewish-Turkish-Saudi backed Islamic uprising in Syria. Western sanctions against Russia have not worked and the country is on a fast track to becoming a global power once more. China is on route to overtake the US economically in a couple of decades. China's military debut in Africa is a major signal that Beijing is becoming a dominant power of its own. Iranian power and influence continues to grow as well. Tehran continues to press forward with its nuclear development. Israel is feeling threatened with the sudden appearance of Russians and Iranians in its very backyard. NATO's second largest military, Turkey, is becoming increasingly unpredictable and it's facing a number of serious internal problems. Uncle Sam's most important Islamic ally in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia, is also in big trouble. Riyadh seems bogged down in a futile war in Yemen and it faces a growing Iranian threat in the Persian Gulf. Two important allies of Uncle Sam, Egypt and Philippines, are signalling they are ready to jump ship if need be. South Koreans are not fully on board with the US agenda towards North Korea. Georgia and Ukraine are feeling abandoned by their Western benefactors. Moldova, Afghanistan and Libya are slipping from Western control. Serbians are stirring again and Kosovo is naturally on their minds. All of the Balkans is in fact slowly heating up. North Korea continues to develop its nuclear missile capability. Armenia's historic Artsakh province may be on the verge of another war. Although still in its infancy, we are seeing a gradual yet steady process of de-dollarization in global trade. Finally, suppressed for decades, nationalism is gripping Europe once again. Simply put: A series of major geopolitical miscalculations and blunders by Uncle Sam and company in recent years - coupled perhaps with the inevitable fate all empires eventually face - has brought Western powers to this point -
The United States and The Race for Global Hegemony:
CFR: China and Russia: Gaming the West:
China Military Power: World's Largest Army to Expand from Asia to Africa:
China: Rise, Fall and Re-Emergence as a Global Power:
What’s Behind the New Chinese-Russian-Iranian Alliance?:
Noam Chomsky: America is an empire in decline:
The Liberal, Postwar ‘Order’ Is Dying—and That’s a Good Thing:
Sorry, America, the New World Order Is Dead:
The U.S.-Led International Order Is Dead:
A Russian-Iranian Axis:
How Russia Became the Middle East’s New Power Broker:
Faced with setbacks and failures in recent times, Western powers basically feel the need to formulate a new grand strategy. The ultimate intent is to remain in the game in the twenty-first century. The Trump administration will therefore have the next four-to-eight years to navigate through the turbulent waters of our time, with the hope of finding a new place for the Western alliance in today's rapidly changing world. With the left-wing of the Anglo-American-Jewish political order effectively out of power (at least for a while) the right-wing of the Anglo-American-Jewish political order seems to have calculated that they need a confrontation not with Moscow but with Beijing, Tehran and/or Pyongyang.
I personally think Iran may be the first - and perhaps only - actual victim of the Trump administration.
From Washington to Tel Aviv, talk regarding Iran can be characterized as war rhetoric. In fact, Western powers have already been involved in military operations against Iran through military proxies (i.e. Islamic extremists and Saudi Arabia) in places like Syria and Yemen. This however has not yielded the results they are looking for. Moreover, the Obama administration's lifting of sanctions on Tehran was a measure to at least delay Iran's nuclear project, and even perhaps lure it Westward. As predicted at the time, that approach has not worked well either. Tehran's nuclear program continues to develop. Tehran continues to remain close to Moscow and Beijing. Moreover, Tehran's footprint in the Middle East continues to grow. The Trump administration may therefore try a more aggressive approach to deal with Tehran political resurgence. As it happened with Iraq prior to its invasion by Western powers in the spring of 2003, I suspect the verbal threats against Iran will reach a fever pitch at some point. Tehran will be accused by the Anglo-American-Jewish West of all sorts of bad things, and tensions between the two opponents will gradually escalate. I believe Iran will face a war sometime in the next four years. To be more exact, Tehran will face a war if it does not give into Anglo-American-Jewish demands and if Western powers calculate that a war with Iran is something they can afford to risk.
Therefore, the though talk we see over China and North Korea may for the most part be scaremongering and/or a diversion. Western powers know that when it comes to matters pertaining to regional politics and trade, China is essentially too big to fail, and North Korea is essentially a nuclear-armed hornets nest. Seoul South Korea is well within North Korea's conventional missile and artillery range. What's more, any kind of war against China and/or North Korea runs the high risk of engulfing the entire western Pacific rim (militarily and economically a very strategic region for Washington DC) into flames. Besides, similar to how Western powers need NATO to curb the growth of Russian power and influence in the western-end of the Eurasian landmass, they need the presence of a viable China to limit the expansion of Russian power in the eastern-end of the Eurasian landmass. Simply put: Western powers may fear China's rise, but they also know that alienating Beijing won't help.
Therefore, for Western policymakers, the key to realizing success is not to defeat China in a war but to somehow figure-out a way to drive a wedge between Beijing and Moscow. Doing so will not only help contain Beijing and Moscow but it will also make them both more dependent on Western powers.
Western powers will at some point seek a way to contain Beijing's growth. In other words, they will try to stop Beijing from looking far beyond its borders. They have the leverage and the tools to do so. China's economic dependency on the United States is one of the major leverages. American military might is one of the major tools. It should be added that China's Turkic/Muslim Uighurs (a very violent secessionist minority in the country, who have an operational office based in Washington DC) can also be used (as they have been) to put pressure on Beijing. But going to war against China is not something Western military planners would be crazy enough to actually want. There is however the possibility that, if need be, they may try to get another country in the region like Japan into a conflict with Beijing. The Trump administration's rhetoric about China and his desire to develop American industry by curbing the country's economic ties to countries like China and Japan may be related to the above.
With regards to North Korea: As long as Pyonyang remains contained and isolated, Washington DC will not try to alter the status quo. Pyongyang is not as crazy as we are being told it is. North Korean officials know that the most powerful weapon in their disposal is their ability to frighten South Korea, Japan and the United States by acting aggressive. Pyongyang acts aggressive from time-to-time essentially for three reasons: To keep potential predators away; get attention from the international community; and create an atmosphere it can exploit for political and economic concessions. In a certain sense, North Korea can also be characterized as China's guard dog. Consequently, I don't think Western military planners would risk a direct confrontation with North Korea - especially, as noted above, the South Korean capital is well within the range of literally thousands of North Korean artillery units.
Then again, we are going headlong into uncharted territory in human history and I may therefore be wrong on all accounts. In any case, to better understand the Trump administration's approach to nations like Russia, China and Iran, I believe we need to assess it within the following framework.
The past several years seems to have finally convinced the right-wing of the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance that Russia will not be defeated through a direct assault, be it political, be it economic, be it military. Despite many efforts to isolate and contain it in recent years, Russia has come on top every time. Russia has responded to aggressive Western inroads against its regional interests by mutilating Georgia and Ukraine, militarily establishing itself in the Middle East like never before and deepening its ties with China and Iran. They may have therefore come to the understand that an openly aggressive approach to their Russian headache has not worked well for them. Moreover, China has been rapidly expanding its influence around the world, including in the Middle East and Africa, as a result of the West's hand off approach with Beijing. Due to Western tolerance, China has now begun encroaching on Western interests. They have therefore seen that a lenient approach with Beijing has not worked for them. Finally, Iranian influence has been rapidly expanding throughout the Middle East as a result of Western inaction vis-à-vis Tehran. They were unable to bring Tehran to its knees through sanctions. They were unable to foment an Arab Spring like uprising in Iran. They were unable to lure Tehran into compliance with their more recent so-called "Iran deal". As Uncle Sam reluctantly stood back and watched, and got severely criticized by right wing Jews, Iran kept expanding its influence from western Afghanistan to southern Lebanon. They therefore understand that their lack of forceful action against Tehran has not worked well for them either.
To summarize: Russia has grown stronger and more self-reliant as a result of Western aggression. China and Iran have gotten stronger and more self-reliant as a result of Western inaction and/or acquiescence. The key to solving this geostrategic conundrum for the West therefore requires the recalibration and/or reversal of certain foreign policy implementations vis-à-vis Moscow, Beijing and Tehran. This, in my opinion, translates as less pressure on Moscow; more pressure on Beijing; and putting Iran on a war notice. This more-or-less is the new formula the Trump administration may have been tasked with.
Being that Moscow and Beijing are too big to fight, by lessening pressure on Moscow to lure it Westward and increasing pressure on Beijing to make it retreat inward, they will try to isolate Iran, which is the smaller and the weaker of the three. Ultimately, the agenda is to drive a wedge between all three. If this agenda succeeds, they will have lured Moscow into a renewed dependency on Western powers (which by definition is containment); they will have contained China's expansion far beyond its borders; and they will have rolled back Iran's growing presence throughout the Middle East. A lot of this may sound far-fetched or implausible but this, in my opinion, is the Trump administration's grand plan. And speaking of geostrategic formulations and calculations, the need to have Sunni Arab states in the region in-line and on-board with the Anglo-American-Jewish plan against Iran will ultimately be the reason why the US embassy in Israel will not be moving to Jerusalem anytime soon.
Nevertheless, with every passing day the war drums are getting louder. It's beginning to feel as if the Trump administration will get the US involved in devastating war sometime in the next several years. Perhaps sooner than later. A growing numbers of Americans are beginning to worry about this as well. The US, after all, is a war economy. The US dollar remains the global reserve currency essentially because of Western military interventions around the world. Therefore, every so often Anglo-American-Jews need to go to war to maintain their economic, financial, political and military dominance in the world - the status quo now for over a century now. Every so often, Western powers will have to destroy a nation in some part of the world in order to maintain their standard-of-living at home. Anglo-American-Jews can therefore be characterized as vampires; they need blood to survive. With the aforementioned unholy trinity in remission around the world in recent years, its need for blood to survive is growing ever more urgent with each passing year. President Trump and company may have been placed in charge to oversee and manage the upcoming bloodletting.
The Trump administration recognizes that there are a number of serious geopolitical problems that need to be solved. In the opinion of a growing number of political observers around the world, President Trump's friendly gestures towards Russia is a strategic ploy meant to drive a wedge between Moscow, Beijing and Tehran. In other words, it's a classic case of divide and conquer, which most likely will not work. But they will try nonetheless because, as noted above, other methods have already been tried.
The Trump administration's desire to reformulate US strategy is upsetting many in the Anglo-American-Jewish political order's Neoconservative and Neoliberal Interventionist camps for two fundamental reasons: First: The aforementioned do not think the Trump administration would be able to drive a wedge between Moscow, Beijing and Tehran. Second: They do not want to see better Russian-American relations for any reason whatsoever. These anti-Russian elements within the Western political apparatus are therefore doing their best to cause problems for the Trump administration. Michael Flynn was their first victim. There may be yet others. They will seek to strike down any player in the Trump administration that they believe is trying to better Russian-American relations; Russians must remain "bad guys" at all costs.
This is essentially the motivation behind all the current anti-Russia hysteria, witch hunt and new McCarthyism we are witnessing in the United States. This is also why the deep state forced President Trump to strike at Syria after yet another false flag attack on Syrian civilians. Thankfully, however, the Trump administration's limited cruise missile stike on an auxilliary airbase in Syria was for the most part for domestic consumption. It was a costly fireworks display to basically placate President Trump's domestic enemies. All this however signals two things: President Trump is under seige by powerful elements within his own government and these forces will fight his agendas every step of the way. The Syrian missile strike as well as Steve Bannon's and Michael Flynn's ouster from the Trump administration are ominous signs that President Trump is gradually caving in to internal political pressure. This was predicted in my previous blog commentarey.
With the above, I basically outlined reasons why although I liked Donald Trump the presidential candidate, and I continue seeing him as the lesser evil in Washington DC, I nevertheless could not get myself to support him by voting for him. Readers of this blog should know by now my feeling about democracy. I have mentioned this before: In the big picture, the Trump administration seems to be the remaking of George Bush's infamous Neocons; those behind the disasterous farce known as the "war on terrorism" that got the United States into devastating wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It does not matter that old-school Neocons dislike him. President Trump is still serving the right-wing of the Anglo-American alliance (i.e. traditional Anglo-American imperialists) and the right-wing of organized Jewry (i.e. Zionists). Nothing truly good can therefore come out of his administration as a result. Even if President Trump did try to do the right thing, his powerful enemies will do their best to undermine his effort, as they have been successfully doing so thus far. The only thing I can continue to realistically hope, at least for the short-term, is the thawing of relations between the Uncle Sam and the Russian Bear. Such a thing, if it happens, that is if Russophobes in Washington DC don't sabotage it, will give Moscow just a little more time to further strengthen the country's military defenses and deepen its economic and financial self-reliance.
Driving a wedge between Russia, China and Iran
It is no longer a theory of mine. A recent article from Wall Street Journal all but admitted that the Trump administration's Russia-friendly stance may be a tactic to drive a wedge between Russia and Iran. A recent RT article suggested that the Trump administration is also trying to drive a wedge between Russia and China. And a recent article by Pepe Escobar predicts that the effort to smash the developing alliance between Russia, China, Iran will fail. Personally, I think these are all accurate assessments. That some in the Neoconservative and Neoliberal Interventionists camps are trying hard to sabotage the Trump administration's said efforts are all together another story. Yes, there are some in the Anglo-American-Jewish political establishment that do not want to see improved relations between Russia and the West for any reason. This is why President Trump is being viciously attacked by them over his non-hostile stance over President Putin and Russia. But others who seem equally influential in the American empire's so-called deep state may have assessed the situation and concluded that, at least temporarily, rapprochement with Russia may be the best way forward for the Western alliance. This tactic is now being openly discussed in public -
Trump Administration Looks at Driving Wedge Between Russia and Iran:
Is Trump trying to drive a wedge between Russia and China?:
Trump will try to smash the China-Russia-Iran triangle ... here’s why he will fail:
Sanctions against Russia are already as good as dead, but reverse sanctions from Moscow working just fine:
Poll: Majority of Russians back current foreign policy, shrug off sanctions:
Russia Survived Sanctions, And BlackRock Goes Overweight:
Russia Is Running on More Than Just the Black Stuff:
Lifting of Sanctions Could Be Costly To Russia:
EU Sanctions 'Helped, Rather Than Harmed' Russian Economy:
Sanctions and the ‘Gold Ruble’: Russia’s Gambit For Full Financial Sovereignty:
Russia's banking system has SWIFT alternative ready:
Not only has the West's multi-pronged campaign to curb Russia's growing power has not worked, Russia has actually gotten stronger politically and militarily, and is growing more self-reliant financially and economically as a result. Moscow stands out as the most powerful and influential member of the developing alliance between Russia, China and Iran. While Russia's economy is no where near that of China's, Russia's military capabilities are incomparably better than of China's. Moreover, Russia, a massive landmass essentially stretching across Euraisa, from Europe to the the United States, contains virtually unlimited amounts of all kinds of natural resources. Scientific research and technology in Russia is much more advanced than in China. Moscow's political reach goes much further than that of Beijing's. What's more, Russian statecraft, drawing on centuries of experience in diplomacy and geopolitics, remains unrivaled today. Compared to Russia and China, Iran is obviously the junior player with the least amount of assets.Russia's economy grows at $40 per barrel oil:
From a geopolitical perspective, Russia today is by-far the most powerful country in the Moscow-Beijing-Tehran alliance. Why am I pointing this out? Because I want to help the reader understand that the key to weakening or dismantling the alliance between Russia, China and Iran is to somehow take out the Russian factor from it. Taking out China or Iran as a factor in the said alliance will not have their desired effect.
Western policymakers on both sides of the political divide understand all this. Their greatest fear in recent centuries - as well as their envy - has been the nation of Russia and the awesome potential it possesses under its soil. With Russian (as well as Chinese and Iranian) power and influence resurging once again, Western strategists are justifiably beginning to fear that they are falling behind the times. After nearly a century of near total global hegemony, this is a very serious fear for them. Hotheads in the bunch want to maintain or even increase pressure on Russia to keep Moscow contained and on the defensive, whereas sober heads among them seem to have assessed the situation at hand and decided it's time they put aside their overt aggression against Russia, at least temporarily, and try to work with Moscow to tackle other problems.
Enter Donald Trump and company.
There are those in the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance that understand that due to the West's 25-plus years of flawed strategic planning and execution, a potentially dangerous alliance is developing between Russia, China and Iran. They understand that such an alliance, if ever allowed to mature, has the potential to deal a death-blow to Western global hegemony. It therefore has to be suppressed. It has to be prevented from maturing. They will seek ways to stop it. Since their previous policies have not worked and since they can't wage war against all three, they have to figure out some other plan. The Trump administration seems to have therefore decided on a different political approach to deal with the situation.
The key to solving this geostrategic conundrum currently facing the Anglo-American-Jewish political order may require the recalibration or reversal of some of the West's foreign policy calculations vis-à-vis Moscow, Beijing and Tehran. This is why in my opinion President Trump has been signaling his desire for warm relations with Moscow, cold relations with China and hostile relations with Iran.
In their effort to convince Moscow to take a step back from Beijing and Tehran, I suspect they will promise Moscow the lifting of sanctions, reordering of the world order and perhaps even recognition of Russian Crimea. The Trump administration may very well be prepared to try the above, if Russophobic elements in the Anglo-American-Jewish political order do not sabotaging it. This does not mean those behind President Trump have had a fundamental change-of-heart about Russia. I have no doubt that both sides of the political divide in the American empire continue seeing Russia as a competitor and as an enemy. Ultimately, what they are trying to do is make their geostrategic agenda against all three - Russia, China and Iran - somewhat easier. Since they know they cannot attempt a frontal attack, they seem to be employing a classical divide and conquer technique. This is why the Trump camp may be employing a tactic to take Russia, the said alliance's most problematic and powerful factor, out of the equation.
Knowing Tehran's ideologically driven government and patriotic population, chances are Iran wont give into the Trump administration's demands. Iran may therefore, at one point in the next few years, face a military coalition comprised of Western powers, Israel, Saudi Arabia and a number of other regional Sunni Arab states. I believe this is the overall calculus being formulated by those who have taken power in the White House today. The only question here is, how will Moscow and Beijing react to a Western-led war against Iran? I have no doubt high level Western officials are using back-channels to determine what the Russian and Chinese response will be in case of a Western attack on Iran. How they proceed forward with their agenda against Iran will ultimately hinge on what they gather in Moscow and Beijing.
To summarize: The Trump administration's approach to dealing with Western setbacks in recent years entails embracing Russia, scaring China and preparing for war against Iran. By lessening pressure on Moscow they are trying to lure it Westward, or at least not force it further Eastward. By increasing pressure on Beijing, they are trying to force it to retreat inward or at least get out of the way. Iran, the smaller and weaker of the three, faces a war if it does not heed to Anglo-American-Jewish dictates. The Trump administration's approach to China is a play coming right out of the Anglo-American playbook and its approach to Iran is a play coming right out of the Jewish-Zionist playbook.
The Zionist factor
Western powers know they have to stop the budding alliance between Moscow, Beijing and Tehran from deepening. It should also be emphasized that the Jewish or Zionist factor in this equation is quite pronounced. With official Tehran now playing a big role in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, their fear therefore is that if left unchecked Iran will disturb what is termed as the "balance of power" in the region. This so-called balance of power is where Western powers, the Zionist state and several US-backed Arab monarchies enjoy total supremacy and complete impunity. As a result, many in positions of power in the Western world, Israel and Saudi Arabia have been quite vociferous in calling for a preemptive war against Iran. They fear that they will no longer have the impunity to do as they will once Iran becomes a nuclear power and begins projecting its interests throughout the region. A Wall Street Journal commentary in 2013 had this to say about the topic -
"The risks of a jihadist victory in Damascus are real, at least in the short-term, but they are containable by Turkey and Israel. The far greater risk to Middle East stability and U.S. interests is a victorious arc of Iranian terror from the Gulf to the Mediterranean backed by nuclear weapons." - Wall Street Journal (May 6, 2013)The following quote, also from 2013, made by a high ranking Israeli minister -
“Israel’s main strategic threat is Iran. Not Syria, not Hamas. Therefore, strategically, Israel should examine things from the perspective of what harms Iran and what serves Israel’s agenda in confronting it. If Bashar remains in power, that would be a huge achievement for Iran. A weakened Assad [remaining in power] would be completely dependent on Iran. In my opinion that’s the worst thing that can happen to Israel... “Bashar Assad must not remain in power. Period. What will happen later? God only knows. The alternative, whereby [Assad falls and] Jihadists flock to Syria, is not good. We have no good options in Syria. But Assad remaining along with the Iranians is worse. His ouster would exert immense pressure on Iran.” - Sima Shine (June 23, 2013)The following quote was made Director of the Center of Middle East Studies, Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma’s College of international Studies -
"The map of 1919 which the British and French drew was wrong. [The new map of a partitioned Syria and Iraq] is the map that reflects the realities of sectarianism and is possibly more stable... [The state that ISIS has created stretching] from the edges of Baghdad all the way to Aleppo today is a Sunni state and it's already emerged. And what America is doing by bombing it is trying to destroy this state that is there and it is going to be a very hard thing to do... Accept reality, accept that state but try to get better rulers for it, not ISIS" - Joshua Landis (November, 2014)And this very recent commentary by one of the New York Times' best known columnist -
"This is a time for Trump to be Trump — utterly cynical and unpredictable. ISIS right now is the biggest threat to Iran, Hezbollah, Russia and pro-Shiite Iranian militias — because ISIS is a Sunni terrorist group that plays as dirty as Iran and Russia. Trump should want to defeat ISIS in Iraq. But in Syria? Not for free, not now. In Syria, Trump should let ISIS be Assad’s, Iran’s, Hezbollah’s and Russia’s headache — the same way we encouraged the mujahedeen fighters to bleed Russia in Afghanistan." - Thomas Friedman (April, 2017)The above quotes explains things quite well: Syria's Assad's government has to be defeated no matter what. What's painfully obvious here is that jihadists in Syria are really not much of a concern for Western or Israeli officials. As I have been telling my readers for a very long time now, jihadists have never been a serious problem for them. A few dead Westerners and some damaged property in Western nations from time-to-time is a very small price to pay for exploiting a tool as effective and as powerful as Islamic extremism. The reader should therefore see how Moscow's deepening relationship with a nuclear weapons capable Iran as well as Russia's expanding military presence in Syria is of great concern for Jews; because it restricts Israel's military capability in the region. Simply put: A nuclear armed Iran is looked upon as an existential threat by many Zionist Jews and their supporters in the Western world. The last thing Zionists want to see taking shape in Israel's neighborhood is an Iranian-backed "Shiite Arc" stretching from western Afghanistan to southern Lebanon. Because Tehran has not yet produced nuclear weapons, they may be feeling that they have a window of opportunity. They also fear the window is shrinking with each passing day. This is the urgency they are facing. I want the reader to understand that Israel's main concern in the Middle East today is not Turkey, not Egypt, not Saudi Arabia, not Jordan, not Lebanon, not Syria, not Hamas, not Hezbollah, not ISIS, not Al-Qaeda, not Al-Nusra... but Iran. They don't even try hiding it anymore -
Why Is Trump Fighting ISIS in Syria?:
Why the Islamic State Isn’t in Any Rush to Attack Israel:
ISIS and Israel coexist on the Golan Heights:
Netanyahu: Israel Fear Iranian Foothold in Syria:
If only to deal a blow to the ayatollahs, Assad must go, says Israeli head of the Iran desk:
Israel fears 'Iranian crescent' in Middle East:
Iran Is Existential Threat to Israel: U.S. General:
Obama’s Iran deal only delayed a showdown. America and its allies should be using the time to prepare:
Syria's 'Army of Islam' Says It Wants No War With Israel:
Israel’s Main Concern in Syria: Iran, not ISIS:
Israel worried about becoming neighbors with Iran amid ongoing Syrian war:
A New Strategy Against ISIS and al Qaeda:
ISIS, like the matador’s red cape, distracts from the truly mortal danger—a nuclear Iran chanting ‘Death to America’:
US backed Arab alliance would share intelligence with Israel, with the goal of countering Iran’s influence:
The Zionist Plan for the Middle East:
Netanyahu to meet Putin, says Iran seeks permanent foothold in Syria:
President Putin tells Netanyahu to stop living in the ancient world:'
Russia Says War In Syria Is Over (and Russia Won):
Iran’s Surprisingly Strong Geopolitical Hand:
Hezbollah gaining strength from their involvement in Syria:
Iran Looks Dominant in Middle East’s Proxy War:
It should also be mentioned that the prospect of Iranian dominance in the Middle East also threatens some of the region's Sunni powers. Although Iran's and Turkey's relations are warm today, Ankara, an increasingly Sunni power that also has designs for the region in question, would ultimately prefer a contained Iran. But the main problem Tehran faces in the Sunni-Muslim world is not Turkey but Saudi Arabia, the self-proclaimed leader of the Islamic world. Riyadh has been and will continue being an integral part of the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance's effort to contain Iran. Which is why Saudi-backed terror organizations like ISIS and Al Nusra have never attacked Israel. When the Saudi Arabian "prince" recently announced that President Trump is a "true friend of Muslims" he was essentially saying the following: We've come to an agreement with the White House on how to solve the Iranian problem. Make no mistake about it: Saudi Arabia is actively preparing to "roll back Iran". It's already engaged in military operation against Iran through its regional proxies (i.e. Islamic extremists). Their fear of Iran is also why Saudi Arabia is embroiled in the war in Yemen. And this is the reason why why Tel Aviv is establishing ties with "gulf monarchies". And this is why the Western presstitues continue praising the filthy dictatorship responsible for spreading Islamic radicalism around the world -
Obama administration arms sales offers to Saudi top $115 billion: report:
Israel Is Strengthening Its Ties With The Gulf Monarchies:
Yemen Proxy War Adds to Tensions Among US, Iran, Saudi Arabia:
For Arab Gulf States, Israel Is Emerging as an Ally:
Iran's foes therefore are not only the Angl0-American-Jewish world but also the Saudi Arabia-backed, Sunni/Wahhabi world. For the aforementioned, Iran's rise in the region must be stopped. But such a thing will be easier said than done. The strategically vital Strait of Hormuz, the narrow waterway that controls 20% of the world's oil, is a hostage to Iranian arms. Even taken alone, Iran is a very difficult nation to defeat militarily. Iran plus Russia, plus China would therefore be virtually impossible to defeat. Which brings us back to this: They know that the only chance they have to defeat Iran is if they are able to somehow eliminate the Russian and Chinese factors in the region. Their goal is to therefore figure out a way to somehow make Moscow, and to a lesser extent Beijing, put a little distance between them and Tehran. The questions is, will they succeed.Saudi Arabia Is Changing:
The Anglo-American factor
If Russia's relations with Iran is cause of serious concern for Zionists (and Sunni Arabs), Russia's growing relations with China is cause of serious concern for Anglo-Americans. As noted above, Russia, an expanding global power, has a growing alliance with China, an economic behemoth. What's more, Beijing is rapidly expanding its military capabilities and is now becoming a presence in the world's most important economic trade routes. Moreover, the Beijing's presence is beginning to reach far from China's borders. Not only has Beijing built an artificial island in the middle of the South China Sea to showcase its growing naval power, it is also building a significant military presence in the Horn of Africa.
Simply put: A Russo-Sino alliance stretching from northwestern Europe to southeastern Asia is therefore as unacceptable to Anglo-Americans as the Iranian Arc is to Jews. From a Western perspective, the Russian Bear therefore cannot be allowed to get too close to the Chinese Dragon.
Western powers fear the growing alliance between Moscow and Beijing for very obvious reasons: Such an alliance can potentially be unstoppable and such an alliance can potentially deal a death blow to Anglo-American economic interests around the world. In geopolitics, one cannot leave anything to chance. Therefore, from an Anglo-American-Jewish perspective, if a threat is seen growing anywhere on earth, everything must be done to prevent it from growing to maturity. Previously, the Obama administration used an aggressive stance towards Russia and a softer stance towards China with the hopes of keeping the two apart. It was a tactic that did not work, essentially because both Russia and China did not waiver from their agendas and their power and influence - as well as their bilateral ties - continued to grow. This needless to say infuriated the Anglo-American right (i.e. those behind President Trump).
Similarly, in order to encourage Iran to put a halt on its nuclear program and its expansionist ambitions, the Obama administration decreased pressure on Tehran. The hope was to at least delay Tehran's agendas. I talked about this matter in a previous blog commentary. Again, it was a tactic that did not work. It did not work because both Russia and Iran did not waiver from their respective agendas and their power and influence as well as their bilateral ties continues to grow. And this needless to say has infuriated the Anglo-American-Jewish right (i.e. those behind President Trump).
To President Trump's credit, we must recognize that the Western alliance's open hostility towards Russia has not done it any good. Therefore, why continue failed policies? As I have been pointing out, Russia continues to grow in power and influence despite Western aggression. Therefore, why not try a new approach?
I must reiterate that the Trump administration's desire to find common ground with Moscow emerged as a direct consequence of Moscow's military and economic successes in recent years. President Putin has placed Russia in a powerful position in the Middle East and elsewhere and because Western sanctions have not worked to reign in Moscow, many in the West are beginning to understand that they have no choice but to accept Russia as a major geopolitical factor throughout Eurasia and neighboring regions. They are as a result using a different approach, with hopes of luring Moscow away from Beijing and Tehran. Similarly, previous Western policies vis-à-vis Beijing has not been productive. Beijing is growing increasingly independent and China is on route to by-pass the United States in global trade. From an Anglo-American perspective, Sino-Western relations also needed recalibrating.
But, as I previously mentioned, predictions of war with China may be for the most part scaremongering. I do not believe they truly desire a war with China. Western powers know that when it comes to matters pertaining to regional politics, trade and economy, China is essentially too big to fail. What's more, any kind of war against China runs the high risk of engulfing the entire western Pacific rim (militarily and economically a region of critical importance for Washington DC) into flames. Western powers will at some point seek to contain Beijing's expansion. Ultimately, however, Western powers need a powerful China to limit the growth of Russian power and influence in the eastern end of the Eurasian landmass. The key for Western policymakers therefore is not to defeat or weaken China but to keep it dependent on Western powers and to also somehow figure-out a way to drive a wedge between Moscow and Beijing. Which brings me to Iran: The Anglo-American-Jewish political order's most urgent problem today is Iran (mostly due to the evil trinity's powerful Jewish factor). Which is why I believe the Trump administration will try to go to war against Iran sometime in the next four-to-eight years, if the conditions are right.
To summarize: As a result of Western political blunders and miscalculations around the world in recent years there is now a growing Russian presence throughout the world; a growing Iranian presence from western Afghanistan to the eastern Mediterranean; and a growing Chinese presence from the South China Sea to Africa. The situation at hand threatens the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance. Enter President Trump: The Trump administration will try to do what the Bush and Obama administrations failed to do: Roll back and/or smash these advances against Western interests. Nevertheless, there remains one fundamental question: How successful will the Trump administration be in its aforementioned agenda? In other words, would Moscow be willing to curb its ties with Beijing and Tehran for better ties with the West?
Will Moscow take the bait?
So, the question: Will Moscow take the bait? In other words, will Moscow willingly take a step back from Beijing and Tehran for better relations with Western powers?
Due to the fluid nature of geopolitics, past history and the very nature of the nations themselves, I cannot in all honesty give a definitive answer to the posed question. Such a question can only be answered by time. In the next four-to-eight years, to be exact.
Why the ambiguity? Why can't I unequivocally say Moscow will not take the Western bait?
It is not a secret that Moscow, ideally, would like better relations with the Western world. After all, psychologically, Russians do identify themselves as Europeans; they do prefer business opportunities in the Western world; and they do enjoy Western products and Western vacation spots as much as any other people (although I admit Russians are less prone to destroy their country in its pursuit). We also know that Moscow would like nothing more than lifting of the sanctions it has been subjected to and having NATO stop its eastward expansion. We also know that Moscow would go to great lengths to have Western powers recognize Crimea's new status as part of the Russian Federation. So, what if the Trump administration put some of these tasty lures - or all of them - on the negotiations table with Moscow? How will the Kremlin react? I'd love to say, I have no doubt Moscow will react to such an offer by Western powers by instead reinforcing its ties with Tehran and Beijing. But I can't.
Although Moscow and Beijing have very good relations today, they both see each other as regional competitors and, therefore, long-term threats. The same can be said of Moscow and Tehran. Western strategists may therefore be trying to exploit flaws and weaknesses that naturally exists in the relationship between Moscow, Beijing and Tehran. Therefore, in my opinion, there is at least a theoretical possibility that Moscow may at least entertain the idea of downgrading its ties with Beijing and Tehran in lieu of bettering relations with Western powers. There are other cultural, historic and geostratgic factors that also come into play in this discussion and should therefore be assessed as well.
As good as it may look on the outside, Russia's relationship with China and Iran is not on the same level as, for example, its relationship with Kazakhstan and Armenia. Geopolitical circumstances in Eurasia - namely Western machinations throughout the region - is basically the reason why Moscow, Beijing and Tehran have come closer in recent history. In essence, European Christians, Middle Eastern Muslims and Asian Buddhists have come together to fend-off Anglo-American-Jews. In other words, the budding alliance between Moscow, Beijing and Tehran is an alliance between three culturally very different nations and an alliance that has developed only out of political necessity. This is why although the relationship between the three Eurasian powers is good and has room for growth, it still remains somewhat at an arms-length.
Historically, Russia and Iran, much like Russia and Turkey, have been competitors and, at times, enemies. In fact, all of the south Caucasus, including all of present day Armenia, was liberated from under Persian rule by the Russian Empire some two hundred years ago. Soviet and British forces invaded Iran for a short period during the Second World War to secure strategic oil fields. Russian and Iranian interests in the Caucasus, Caspian Sea and Central Asia, where Moscow and Tehran have vital stakes, have not always converged. Iran also tried to export its version of Islam into former Soviet space during the 1990s. This needless to say was a cause of concern in Moscow. Simply put: Throughout history Russia and Iran have often been on opposing sides.
Similar comments can be made about Moscow and Beijing. Russia and China are neighboring superpowers and they each have national aspirations and interests that often do not converge. As a result, they have clashed at times. In the big picture, Russia and China are not natural allies but natural competitors. For example: Lack of arable land and energy resources have been and will continue being China's Achilles' heel. China needs continuous and unhindered access to immense amounts of natural gas and oil keep its gargantuan economy alive and growing and vast tracts of arable land to feed its billion-plus population, which has become increasingly affluent in recent years. Beijing has been looking at Russia as a source for energy and food -
China Goes Food Shopping - to Russia:
How China trimmed its Opec dependence:
Similar conflicts of interest have led to clashes between Russia and China in the not too distant past. It was these types of problems between the two Eurasian giants that convinced Western powers in the early 1970s that it was time to jump in and exploit the situation. Uncle Sam's intent was geostrategic: To exploit the problems that existed between Russia and China at the time by playing one side against the other. It worked. By economically tethering China and incorporating it into the Western financial system, Western powers were creating a powerful counter-balance to Soviet influence in the region and securing China's economic/financial allegiance to the Western world. Moreover, by exporting production to China, Western corporations would also enjoy unlimited access to cheep labor for their products and, more importantly, no regulatory restrictions hindering their profitable operations. Establishing intimate economic and financial ties with China was a win-win scenario for Western powers: Western capitalists made a lot of money by moving their production to China; they made Beijing economically/financially dependent on Washington DC; they turned China into a powerful counter-balance to the Soviet Union. It is important to note that no one at the time was expecting the Soviet Union to collapse so early. In any case, ideally, Russia would not like to see a very powerful and/or an expanding China on its eastern frontier, especially since Russia's eastern regions as noted above are sparsely populated and Chinese businesses as well as migrant workers have moved there in large numbers in recent years.
The aforementioned is essentially why Western powers think the budding alliance between Moscow and Beijing is fragile and can be interfered with. We often see this in their assessments. For example: "China has had much more to gain from the U.S.-led international order"; "The big problems in the Russia-China relationship cannot be solved by a gas deal". Similarly, Moscow would rather not see the rise of any major power, let a lone an Islamic one, on its vulnerable southern periphery. The acknowledgement of this aspect of Russian geostrategy regarding Iran is essentially why the following two articles by the Wall Street Journal and Newsweek point out, "there's daylight between Russia and Iran" and "why the Iran-Russia relationship is so uneasy". An article appearing in the Carnegie Endowment's Moscow branch also talks about the "historic mistrust" between Moscow and Tehran.
Consequently, the Trump administration, breaking with the George Bush and Barack Obama administration's failed policies, is trying new ways to manipulate and exploit what it sees as weak-points or flaws in the budding relationship between Russia, China and Iran. As I noted above, there is at least a theoretical possibility that Moscow may take a step back from Beijing and Tehran if, as they say in American parlance, the price if right. If Moscow does so, it would be a serious strategic mistake. If Western powers succeed in luring Moscow Westward once again, they will succeed in weakening not only China and Iran but also Russia itself. If Moscow allows Western powers to drive a wedge between it and Beijing and Tehran, Russia will also be isolating itself. After all, what guarantee will Moscow have that the Trump administration, or one that follows after it, would not turn against it in the future?
Simply put: Russia is more powerful and therefore politically more valuable in an alliance with China and Iran.
Moscow can make Beijing and Tehran look away from its spheres of influence in three ways: By becoming economically self-reliant, strengthening its military capabilities and keeping its relationship with Beijing and Tehran close and constructive.
By doing so Moscow will encourage both China and Iran to look away from Russia's backyard and concentrate their efforts in places like the Middle East, Africa and southeastern Asia, where they will inevitably run into conflict with the Anglo-American-Jewish world. The more Beijing and Tehran are made to expand into areas of Western interests, the better it will ultimately be for Moscow, because such a situation will make Moscow politically more valuable not only for Beijing and Tehran but also for Western powers. Maintaining a close relationship with China and Iran is therefore key to making Russia untouchable, as well as an extremely important geostrategic factor around the world. Moscow's formula to realizing the above is to therefore maintain a powerful military and economic presence throughout Eurasia, maintain a healthy friendship with Beijing and Tehran and always let Western powers know that Russia is ready for dialogue and friendly relations.
But, being that geopolitics is a game of chess, there is a possibility, albeit remote, that the Kremlin may yet make an ill-advised move. In my opinion, the risk of Russians making a wrong move hinges upon what Western powers are genuinely willing to give up in return for Moscow's cooperation. Although Moscow will not degrade its ties with Tehran, there is a good possibility however that Moscow may be willing to limit the level of Iran's military presence in Syria.
Moscow can do this in two ways: 1) By supporting Sunni and Kurdish self-determination in Syria when the time comes to finally settle the Syrian crisis. 2) By covertly giving Western powers and Israel some room to operate inside Syrian territory. Moscow may already be doing this. Limiting Iran's presence in Syria will weaken (but not totally compromise) the Iranian Arc. How would this be in Moscow's interest? Not allowing a powerful Iranian presence in Syria can work in Russia's favor because Moscow can use it as a lever to demand major concessions from Anglo-American-Jews in return. In other words, Moscow would be sacrificing Iranian interests, not its own, to gain concessions from the West. By not allowing Iran a bigger footprint in Syria, Moscow would also lessen the possibility of a major war igniting between Iran and its regional antagonists seeking to curb its growth. Moreover, limiting Iran's footprint in Syria would make all parties involved - Western powers, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia as well as Syria and Iran - variably dependent on Moscow. I believe what I described above are areas where Moscow might be willing to cooperate with Western powers and Israel. Whether or not such an approach would succeed is altogether another matter.
Ideally, Moscow would rather not see a very powerful Iranian presence (or Western or Turkish or Saudi Arabian or Israeli) on its southern periphery. Moscow will therefore try to manipulate the situation in Syria to become the country's main power-broker. If it can do so by limiting Iran's footprint in Syria, it will do so. By working with all parties involved Moscow will seek to become an indispensable player in Syria. This has already begun. What we are seeing in Syria currently is conflict management Russian style.
Nevertheless, I would like to state once more that Moscow will not sacrifice its hard earned gains in Beijing and Tehran, nor will Beijing and Tehran be interested in down-grading their ties with Moscow. Despite their obvious relationship problems, all three need each other on the global stage. In the big, geostrategic picture we have in the world today, Moscow does not really need the Western world's recognition of Crimea's unification with Mother Russia. It would be nice, but not in any way an absolute necessity. Moreover, Moscow is learning how to live with Western sanctions quite well - as it should. In fact, being that Russia today is developing an internal market, the technological and industrial base - and all the natural resources it could possibly need - it's in Russia's long-term interests to develop economic and financial self-sufficiency. It's in Russia's long-term interests to eliminate any degree of dependence on Western powers. The Western sanctions it has been subjected to in the past few years has been a wonderful opportunity to do all this. The process has in fact started as we are seeing an increasing number of high quality products "made in Russia".
Russians are masters of the grand chessboard, they have a keen understanding of history and they recognize the critical importance of multipolarity in global politics. I am therefore quite confident that every possible scenario is being meticulously assessed in the Kremlin, even as I write this. I do not believe Moscow will be successfully baited by Western powers. The signs we see coming from the Kremlin clearly suggest Russians will eagerly cooperate with the West on a limit number of matters but they will not under any circumstances distance themselves from Beijing or Tehran. This is why there are a growing number of voices throughout the world claiming the Trump administration's tactic to drive a wedge between Russia, China and Iran will not work -
Welcome to the multipolar world: Lavrov declares end of US regime change dominoes:
Why Trump Can't Break Russia Away From China:
Trump’s Attempt to Ally with Russia Against China is Equal Parts Racism and Stupidity:
Trump will try to smash the China-Russia-Iran triangle ... here’s why he will fail:
Russia, Iran Need Each Other, Despite Disagreements:
A ‘good relationship’ with Russia shouldn’t be Trump’s priority:
The Strategic Convergence of Russia and Iran:
The Deal Trump Shouldn’t Make With Russia:
Trump Can’t Make Russia Our Friend:
Why Russia Won't Help Trump On Iran:
Pitting Russia against Iran in Syria? Get over it:
The 20th century political order is dying
When an older political system falls apart in time or is destroyed in a major war, an international struggle begins for the right of establishing a new political order. We are are the precipice of a historic restructuring of the global political order. Western powers will ultimately fail to drive a wedge between Moscow, Beijing and Tehran. Russia, China and Iran will continue to expand their global presence. The political landscape around the world is changing at a faster pace than anyone had predicted. We are in the midst of a historic paradigm shift, which essentially means that the "postwar order is dying". The postwar political order - the geopolitical status quo of the past 70-plus years - is indeed in tatters. Western powers will continue suffering setbacks. New powers will emerge to fill voids. A major war will therefore be inevitable. Everywhere I look I see dire predictions of a world war. Everywhere I look I see a sense an urgency. Even men like Mikhail Gorbachev and Henry Kissinger have recently made comments about the dangers facing the world today.
There was a historic change-of-power in Washington DC. Right-wing sentiments are gripping Britain and continental Europe. Western powers have begun losing their grip over certain strategic areas of the world. There are realignment of alliances. Novorossiya is on the verge of exploding into a new cycle of violence. The war in Yemen has not abated and can very easily burst out of its borders. We may be one incident away from witnessing a full scale war between the US and Iran. The Syria cauldron continues to boil, drawing Turkey into its flames. Tensions along the Armenia-Azerbaijan border remain very high and there are predictions that the dictatorship in Baku may try a renewed military offensive there sometime in the near future. Tension along Israel's border with southern Lebanon has remained high since the war of 2006 and there are renewed fears that Israel will use the next opportunity to outright destroy Hezbollah's fighting capabilities and its ammunition stockpiles. Tensions between Western powers and Russia are as bad as it has ever been. Tensions between the US and China is at an all-time high. There is a NATO buildup in Central Europe. Emerging powers around the world are stretching and diluting Western power and influence. In my opinion, this emerging world order began ten years ago with President Putin's now historic Munich Speech in 2007 -
Less than a year after this speech Russian forces liberated Abkhazia and South Ossetia from the clutches of Anglo-American-Jews. Soon thereafter, Moscow counterattacked Western inroads in Ukraine and Syria by annexing Crimea, Karabakhizing Novorossiya and establishing a powerful military presence in Syria. Moreover, Russia's relations with China and Iran have gotten deeper and more efficient during the past ten years. What's more, Russia's presence in places like Cuba, Libya, Egypt and Afghanistan are on the increase once again. Russia and the West have been clashing ever since President Putin's speech in Germany ten years ago. I have outlined much of this struggle which I termed Cold War II in the following blog commentaries -Putin's prophecy comes true - Munich Speech 2007:
The world on edge as Moscow and the West face off (February, 2015):
Trouble brewing for the self-appointed World's Policeman (December, 2014):
Worried for its loss of hegemony the West is bent on bringing down Russia (August, 2014):
Russia, the menace of Globalism, Democracy and the Political West (July, 2013):
Cold War II (May, 2012):
In my opinion, a major war has been inevitable since 2006 and 2008. It was 2006 when the Iranian-backed Hezbollah fought the mightiest military in the Middle East to a stalemate. It can be argued that the Hezbollah actually defeated the Israeli military. Israel's military high command has ever since been seeking an opportunity to destroy Hezbollah. Their burning desire to destroy Hezbollah and thus Iranian influence in the region was one of the fundamental reasons why Syria was targeted with destruction. The Western-backed, Saudi-led war in Yemen is also tied to their desire to roll back Iranian influence in the region. And 2008 was the year when Western powers formally mutilated Serbia by giving the predominantly Muslim Albanians in Kosovo national independence. This set a precedence. Merely months after what Western powers had done in Kosovo, Moscow took the opportunity presented by Saakashvili's militeristic aggression to liberate South Ossetia and Abkhazia. A few year thereafter, Crimea was reunited with Russia. In hindsight, 2008 the year when the Russian Bear, after about a twenty year hibernation, went on the attack. Russia's resurgence became the umbrella under which Iran expanded its influence in the Middle East. This reached its climax in Syria, where Russian and Iranian armed forces have been battling Western-backed Islamic terrorists side-by-side.
In an effort to salvage its global hegemony in the face of these changing times, the Anglo-American-Jewish political order is leading humanity into yet another major global conflagration; which is why are facing a third world war.
Some say we are in the preliminary stages of the war. Some say the war has already begun and that we are in its initial stages. Whatever the case may be, the world is indeed in turmoil and many areas of the world stand on the verge of war. A single unfortunate incident or a malicious provocation can unleash a torrent of unintended consequences. The spark that may send the current degree of intensity to a higher level can happen at any time and in a number of places. Wars in Syria and Iraq are not the only concerns. The situations we have in Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Yemen, Armenia, Moldova, Serbia, Ukraine, Venezuela, the south China Sea and North Korea are also volatile and can explode at any time. Conflict in such places can also rather easily spill over into neighboring regions. Turkey and Saudi Arabia are experiencing this already.
If Western-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past twenty-five years were imperial wars of expansion, the current wars and the wars that await us in the near-future will be characterized as attempts by Western powers to reverse their setbacks and preserve their power and influence around the world. This is essentially why the Trump administration is trying to get the US on a war footing. The next four-to-eight years will be characterized by an effort to restructure the Western alliance and preserve Western power and wealth. Needless to say, Russia, China and Iran see the writing on the wall -
Steve Bannon Believes The Apocalypse Is Coming And War Is Inevitable:
Russia, China, US: Are WW3 and Cold War 2 on the cards?:
Russia holds massive nuclear war exercise involving 40MILLION people as military tensions rise with US:
Russia expands Pacific bomber patrols near US bases:
Vladimir Putin orders Russian air force to prepare for 'time of war':
The ‘Inevitable’ War Against Iran and The Decline Of US Hegemony:
Has China Been Practicing Preemptive Missile Strikes Against U.S. Bases?:
Russia sends Syria its largest missile delivery to date:
Iran tests first ballistic missile since Trump took office:
Russia is making inroads everywhere — the U.S., Europe and Eurasia:
Israeli Ambassador: ‘Russia, Iran and Syria Defeated America’:
Plans for a “Great Serbia” and the Kremlin’s hybrid war in the Balkans:
Serbian pro-Russian president slams outgoing US government:
Moscow Clout Rises as Bulgaria, Moldova Elect Pro-Russia Leaders:
U.S. commanders concerned over recent outreach between Russia, Egypt:
Why Moscow and Manila are ideal allies:
'It's a pretty disturbing time for Ukraine': Trump's Russia ties unnerve Kiev:
While Trump Fiddles, Putin Steps Up the War in Ukraine:
With EU membership a distant prospect, Moscow fires up its propaganda machine in Tbilisi:
Russia Signs Cooperation Agreement With Anti-Immigrant Party in Austria:
After a mere 25 years, the triumph of the West is over:
Armenia Is Literally Joining Forces With Russia:
The flames ignited by Western powers are slowly getting closer to Armenia's borders. There are troubling signs that the flames will be getting more intense in the coming years. Ukraine, Syria and Iraq will remain very volatile. Turkey, Lebanon, Georgia and Azerbaijan will remain unpredictable, The situation may unexpectedly worsen in any one of these countries. Iran, thus far stable, may find itself in a major war sometime in the next few years. The Azerbaijani leadership will most likely continue its war of attrition, hoping to foment a political uprising inside Armenia. Western-funded activists operating throughout Armenia will continue stirring trouble in the country. Simply put: The situation around Armenia is highly volatile and it may get much worst before it subsides. Armenia's neighborhood is living up to its terrible reputation.
Dangerous neighborhoods, like the one in the south Caucasus, as well as dangerous periods in human history, like the times we are living in, should underscore the strategic importance of maintaining close ties with Russia. Times like this is ultimately why Armenia needs the Russian Bear. Times like this is also why Russia needs Armenia. For Armenians, however, nature of Armenia's ties with Russia is a matter of life and death. It is therefore a matter that is existential in nature; so much so that Armenia's ties to Russia is in my opinion more important than its ties to the Armenian Diaspora. I am saying this as a Diasporan Armenian. And I am saying this for a very simple and logical reason: Only the Russian Bear can help Armenia defend itself from regional predators. If Armenia's existence was ever threatened, which is a mathematical inevitability for a place like the south Caucasus, the best that the Armenian Diaspora would be able to do is send some money, a few hundred military volunteers, and of course organize a lot of rallies in Western capitals. In other words, the Armenian Diaspora would be utterly useless for Armenia in times of a major war. Note: What happened in Artsakh in the 1990s was not a major war, Azerbaijan did not even have a standing army until very late in the war, and the Armenian Diaspora was not instrumental in wining the war for Armenia. Artsakh was liberated because of the fighting spirit of Armenians in the region and because of direct military support from Russia which began arriving starting in 1992, after a post-Soviet Moscow had regained its geopolitical composure. I therefore am a Russophile just as much as I'm an Armenian nationalist. I therefore take heart in knowing that Russia and Armenia today are as close as they have ever been -
Defense Minister Vigen Sargsyan: Russian military base in Armenia is responsible for country’s security matters:
President Sargsyan calls Russia Yerevan's top economic partner:
Presidential advisor Vazgen Manukyan says development of military industry is moving force of EEU progress:
Russia-based ethnic Armenian entrepreneurs promise to invest $300 million in homeland this year:
Armenia, Russia to launch joint investment fund:
Russia and Armenia may switch to settlements in national currencies:
Armenia is joining forces with Russia:
On the eve of Armenia's parliamentary elections, I'd like to point out that the popularity enjoyed by unsavory characters like Gagik Tsarukyan, Raffi Hovanissian, Levon Ter Petrosian and Nikol Pashinyan is ample proof that Armenia's electorate remains emotionally unstable and politically illiterate. Armenia's citizenry cannot be trusted with the thing called democracy. Gagik Tsarukyan's Բարգավաճ Հայաստան կուսակցություն is arguable the most popular political party in Armenia today. Why? Simply because Gagik Tsarukyan gives out handouts. In other words, he is popular because Armenia's electorate is full of beggars with no dignity or self-respect. Don't believe the nonsense about Armenians hating their oligarchs. In the depths of their hearts Armenians actually admire their oligarchs. This is why Armenia's oligarchs are warmly received every where they go in the country. This is why not one of them have in any way been harmed by any Armenian (including nationalist crazies) during the past 25-plus years. At worst, it can be said that Armenians are merely envious, jealous of their oligarchs. In any case, democracy and capitalism for a politically immature and materialistic people like Armenians is a painful road to national suicide. Most Armenians do not yet understand this. A growing number however are beginning to. One of these is none other than Markar Melkonian (Monte Melkonian's brother). Markar Melkonian has been warning Armenians about democracy, capitalism and Russophobia for some years now.
Simply put: For reasons I outlined in several previous blog commentaries, generally speaking, the so-called Armenian street cannot be trusted to do what is in the best interest of Armenia. Let's not fool ourselves, we Armenians today are a mere shadow of what we used to be. The overall quality of the Armenian electorate today is frighteningly low. Armenians continues being Armenia's wort enemy. The situation in the graveyard known as the Armenian Diaspora is no better. We have already seen the dangers of allowing the ignorant masses partake in the political process in 2008 and 2013. Armenia does not need a replay in 2018. I am in no way insinuating that the current leadership is ideal. It is however the lesser evil. It is the devil we know. What I hope to see in Armenia someday is an authoritarian government led by well educated, pragmatic and nationalistic leaders with very close ties to Moscow. Anything else will be a painful road to eventual ruin. This is why I continue to believe that the current leadership remains Armenia's safest choice, and men like Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan remain the country's only hope.
Armenia has survived the past twenty-five years in the south Caucasus (as well as the past two hundred years to be exact) not because of capitalism, democracy or the "almighty" Armenian Diaspora, but because of its close ties to the Russian nation. Russians laid the foundations of today's Armenia. Russians continue keeping the nation alive. Armenians therefore need to be happy that the Russian Bear needs Armenia, and will continue needing Armenia for as long as the Caucasus region and its surrounding areas remain Turkic and Islamic. This is why Russian forces cover Armenia's western border. This is why despite Armenia's flirtations with Western powers; despite the fact that Armenian politicians today cannot be trusted (in fact most Armenian politicians would not think twice about aligning with Western powers if the price is right);despite the fact that a majority of Armenians today are ready to flee their country - Moscow gives Yerevan the economic help - trade, investments, cheep energy, etc. - to keep Armenia afloat and military resources - affordable or free state-of-the-art weaponry, military intelligence and training - to defend itself against regional predators like Turkey and Azerbaijan. Simply put: Armenia exists today not because of the "nation building talents" of Armenians in Armenia or big talking, under-performing Armenians of the "Diaspora" but because of Armenia's close ties to Russia. Armenia's leadership must understand this fact profoundly.
Because Armenian society today is saturated by Western operatives, Armenians, generally speaking, seem incapable of fully appreciating Russia as a historic opportunity. Because of Armenian materialism, in addition to its Western agents, Armenian attention is naturally being drawn towards Western countries (US, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, etc.), Western goods (cars, electronic gadgets, clothing, music, etc.) and Western concepts (democracy, globalism, feminism, gay rights, etc.). For these people, Western products and Western lifestyles are worth risking life and limb, as well as Armenia's well-being. I found that one of the main concerns about worsening Russian-West relations several years ago among Armenians in Armenia was the fear that Western products, such as American and German cars, would be difficult to import as a result. I would tell such people, why don't you instead drive Russian cars that cost a lot less but are much more reliable? I would get either blank stares or laughs in reply. And they say Armenians are smart?Agent Richard Giragosian: Ունենք գաղտնի «զենք», որը կփրկի Հայաստանը աշխարհաքաղաքական իմաստով. Ռիչարդ Կիրակոսյան:
Related to this discussion is language: It is very worrying for me that the younger generation in Armenia speak better English than Russian (at least from what I see in Yerevan). This serious problem is now being noticed by others as well-
Political power travels on the coattails of cultural influence. Movies, television programming, music, cuisine, clothing, literature and language are some of the more potent tools of cultural influence found in the Western arsenal. It is through these tools that Western powers are capable of penetrating through even the hardest of national borders. These tools are used to subjugate people around the world. What makes these tools of cultural influences so dangerous is that those who fall victim to them do not know it. Think of it in this way: If we want to sing their songs, watch their films, eat their foods, drive their cars, trade in their money, wear their clothing and speak their language, how can we ever think of them as the enemy? How can be keep our attention to deepening our ties with our natural allies? How can we stop them from embedding their agents in our society? By importing their culture in any given land, they have already won half the battle. Who today understands this? Sadly, not many.Foreign Language Yerevan: Capitalism Speaks English:
Again, I want to remind the reader that I do not speak Russian. I am an Anglophone because I have lived in the West for most of my life. In fact, I have a better command of the English language than a vast majority of its native speakers. However, my intellectual honesty and objectivity as well as my ability to think out of my skin helps me see the English language for what it really is. English today is the the catalyst upon which the agendas of globalization (where everybody speaks English and trades in Western money and where there are no genders, religions, borders or nationalities) and westernization (the spread of materialism and the worship of Anglo-American-Jewish-African pop culture) travels upon around the world. It would also be wise to recognize that language imparts outlook and mentality on its speaker. Every language has a value system of its own. Every language is a world of its own. English today may be the language of international trade, but it is also the language of idiots, perverts and Western financed activists. For a nation like Armenia, learning English is also the first steppingstone for either leaving the country permanently or working for some Western-financed NGO that is trying to undermine Armenia's statehood.
The most powerful weapon Western powers have in their arsenal is by-far the cultural influence they have over all humanity. And it is we the sheeple, and the choices we make, that give them their power over us. By far, the most important language in Armenia today (after Armenian of course) has to be Russian. Again, I say this as an Anglophone. I look at this matter logically: Russian is the language of Armenia's largest and most affluent diaspora, largest investor, largest trade partner, largest energy provider, largest arms supplier and ONLY military ally. Armenia today lives because of its close ties to Russia, yet young people in Armenia are striving to learn English instead?!?!?! And they say Armenians are smart?!?!?!
I reiterate: Russia is Armenia's most important partner and Russia is home to the world's largest and most affluent Armenian Diaspora. In fact, Armenians of Russia are disproportionately represented in the highest layers of Russian society. Yet, there is no discernible agenda to promote Armenian interests in Moscow today. Turks and Azeris on the other hand do their best to lobby Russian officials. Armenians in contrast are no where to be seen in the Kremlin. Yet, Armenians can be in Moscow what Jews are in Washington DC - but Armenians are too busy begging for handouts and genocide recognition in the West. And they say Armenians are smart?!?!?!
After Russian, I believe German, French, Iranian, Chinese and Turkish should also be taught in Armenian schools. English should be part of this tertiary group of languages. Although English is the language of international trade, it is always more effective to speak with people in their native language. In other words, an Armenian businessman will gain a lot more attention and sympathy in places like China, Iran, India, Germany, France, etc., if he converses with his counterparts in their language. When I share these thoughts with fellow Armenians, I mostly get blank stares or laughs in reply. And they say Armenians are smart...
I have learned that Armenians can be very capable in many professions, but when it comes to truly understanding the political world they live in or planning for Armenia's future, Armenians can be very idiotic and self-destructive. Study of Armenian history suggests this may be a result of genetic traits and Armenian folk culture. This is essentially why Russians feel they have to break with diplomatic protocol to talk sense into Armenians -
Head of Russia’s Institute of Oriental Studies: Russia won’t allow anyone to attack Armenia:
Russian Lawmaker Advises Caution in Armenia-EU Ties:
Fyodor Lukyanov deems Russia-Tukey-Azerbaijan alliance as ‘impossible’:
Lavrov: Armenia doesn’t need to fear Russian-Turkish rapprochement:
Russian news agency chief: Moscow’s arming Azeris beneficial to Armenia:
Ռուսաստանը երբեք թույլ չի տա, որ Արցախի խնդիրը ուժով լուծվի. Վլադիմիր Սոլովյով:
I think Syria should have shown the entire world, but us Armenians in particular, the importance of having the Russian Bear on the global arena today. Recent developments in the Middle East should have again reminded us Armenians of the cruel and unforgiving nature of the region in which Armenia is unfortunately located in. A reminder to our westernized Russophobes and nationalist chobans: Armenia's neighbors are not Italians, Greeks, Spaniards, Danes, Germans, Poles or Swedes. Armenia's neighbors Turks, Azeris, Kurds, Iranians, Islamists and backstabbing Georgians. Any degree of "independence" from Russia will automatically, by-default, increase Armenia's dependence on its Turkic/Islamic neighbors. Armenia therefore does not need "independence" from Russia. Speaking of "independence from Russia", I ask: What has independence from Russia gotten Ukrainians and Georgians? After its Western-financed Maidan, Ukraine is economically much worst off, Kiev has no chance of joining NATO or the EU, Crimea has been reunited with Russia, south-eastern Ukraine is a war zone and thousands of Ukrainians have died as a result. After the Western-backed dictator came to power in Tbilisi in 2003, Georgia lost 20% of its territory, poverty and emigration is still a major problem and Turks are everywhere -
Georgia: Anti-Turkish Sentiments Grow as Election Date Nears:
Kiev and Tbilisi are in terrible situations today. Despite enjoying very good relations with Turks and Azeris; despite enjoying very good relations with Western powers; despite enjoying full access to the Black Sea, Ukraine and Georgia today are hurting economically, politically and demographically - essentially because they ruined their relationship with the Russian Bear essentially to blindly appease Western powers. Now, I ask my Armenian readers to imagine how much worst it would have been for Armenia had it also fallen victim to its pro-Western activists and politicians. I ask: How well would have "independence" from Russia work out for our tiny, impoverished, remote, landlocked and blockaded nation surrounded by Turks and Muslims? Can't even think of it.Georgians Wary of Turkey’s Rising Influence in Batumi:
Simply put: No Russia in Armenia means no Armenia in the south Caucasus. Armenians need Russian boots on the ground in Armenia as much as Armenians need statehood. At the end of the day, Russia is the only choice and only hope Armenia has in the south Caucasus. I say only hope because, if God forbid Armenia is ever threatened by a much larger power in the region, the only nation that is ready and willing to come to its aid is the Russian nation. After Armenians, Russians are the only nation on earth that would willingly spill blood for Armenia. It is not me saying these things, Russians themselves have been saying this for many years.
In an article appearing in Russia Today, Mikhail Aleksandrov, a political analyst working for the Institute of CIS made the following comment about Moscow's military presence inside Armenia -
“Armenian-Russian ties support a balance of forces. With its presence in the South Caucasus, Russia is creating a counterbalance to Turkey, Iran and preventing the West from getting access to the region, including military. If it wasn’t for Russia, the South Caucasus would be in a similar situation as we are observing in Syria or Libya today.”In another article produced by Russia's Pravda, Vice President of the Academy of Geopolitical Issues Konstantin Sivkov is quoted as saying -
“If Turkey attacks Armenia, it will be treated as an attack on Russia. Russia would fight on Armenia's side with all its might. If necessary, Russia could use nuclear weapons against Turkey, both tactical, and if need be, strategic. This is defined in the military doctrine of the Russian Federation. Armenia is fully protected with the Russian umbrella of both conventional forces as well as strategic nuclear forces.”Alexsei Arbatov, the former deputy chairman of the Russia State Duma's Defense Committee defined Russian-Armenian relations with the following words -
“Armenia is our only classic military-political ally...Armenia will not survive without Russia, while, without Armenia, Russia will lose all its important positions in the Caucasus...Even though Armenia is a small country, it is our forepost in the South Caucasus. I would say that Armenia is more important to us than Israel is to the Americans.”In describing what Russia's reaction would be to a possible invasion of Armenia by Turkey or Azerbaijan, Alexander Khramchikhin, Director of the Institute for Political and Military Analysis said -
“In my view, the true settling of the Karabakh conflict suggests complete rejection by Azerbaijan of the primal Armenian lands. It is possible to resolve the problem of the refugees by providing them with opportunities in places where they live now. How come in almost every discussion on Karabakh the only refugees that are being consistently mentioned are the Azeri refugees? Why can’t the Armenians return to Baku, Gyandja, Sumgait, Artsvashen, Getashen, etc.?”
"When Azerbaijani officials, including the president, predict that Armenia will collapse as a state, they are mistaken. Nobody will let Armenia collapse. Even if only 100,000 people lived in Armenia, Russia would protect it as it regards Armenia as its outpost."This comment by head of Russia's Institute of Oriental Studies, Vitaly Naumkin -
"Russia will never allow Armenia to be harmed or attacked. If anyone attacks Armenia, Russia will take part in defending Armenia, this is absolutely obvious.”This comment by a senior researcher of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Viktor Nadein-Rayevsky -
“Russia will never cede Armenia for improving its relations with Turkey. This is a matter of principle. There are things one can sacrifice, but there are things one cannot. The point is not so much that two million Armenians live in Russia and many of them are Russian citizens. For Armenia Russia’s steps must never be bad. The point is that even the Yeltsin Russia perfectly realized that it must not waive Armenia’s interests, not mentioning Putin, who clearly sees the national interests, at least, the clear ones. He is trying to extrapolate them for the future. I simply can’t imagine that Russia may yield Armenia – if Russia does this it will lose all of its positions in the Caucasus. Russia should understand one most important thing – there are partners and allied countries with whom one should keep up the sense of alliance and duty.”
“The purely military interest which Russia has had in the Caucasus appears to have receded in importance in comparison with the Imperial or Soviet periods. It is now essentially defensive in nature and precludes any large-scale strategic penetration, including the supply of military assistance, arms supplies, etc., to any third party. To prevent any potential Turkish opportunism at the time of the Soviet Union's disintegration, Marshal Shaposhnikov, then Commander-in-Chief of the Joint Armed Forces of the CIS, warned of a "Third World War" if Turkey were to interfere militarily in the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. In March 1993, General Grachev, Russia's Defence Minister, made Russia's own military co-operation with Turkey conditional on Ankara's discontinuing its military assistance to Baku.”The men I quoted above couldn't be more candid or more accurate in their assessments of the current geopolitical situation in the south Caucasus, nor could they have been more pro-Armenian in their sentiments. These men basically outlined the 0geostrategic importance of Russia's presence in the south Caucasus, as well as Armenia's strategic importance in the eyes of Kremlin officials. More importantly, the rhetoric expressed by these men is similar to the kind of rhetoric we often hear expressed by American officials about the Zionist state. Regardless of what weapons Russians sell to whom, the quotes I outlined above is more-or-less the prevailing pro-Armenian political culture in Moscow today. Russia today is a very fertile ground in which Armenians can but are not promoting their country's interests. I suggest we stop admiring Jews for their political acumen and start acting like them.
We Armenians need to be farsighted enough and intelligent enough to begin exploiting the opportunity the Russian Federation is providing us. We need to be lobbying Armenian matters in the Kremlin as obsessively and as persistently as we pursue Armenian Genocide recognition in the United States. We need to be cultivating deeper Russian-Armenian relations. We need to be laying the foundations of a permanent Armenian presence within the highest offices of the Kremlin. While Armenia's military may be its tactical advantage on the battlefield, Armenia's presence within the walls of the Kremlin must be made its strategic advantage on the global chessboard. We therefore should not be giving any of Uncle Sam's whores in Armenia a political platform to spew their dangerous agendas. We should not allow modern slave-masters such as the IMF, World Bank or the USAID or troublemakers such a George Soros funded organizations any foothold inside Armenia.
I reiterate: Russian officials see Armenia in the same way Western powers see Israel. Similar to Jews in the United States, the Armenian Diaspora in Russia is by-far the largest and most affluent in the world. Armenians are disproportionately represented in the highest layers of Russian society -
Sergei Lavrov (Foreign Minister of Russia)
Artur Chilingarov (Duma spokesman, Scientist, Hero of Russia)
Sergey Avakyants (commander of Russia's Pacific Fleet)
Margarita Simonyan (director of Russia Today, married to film director Tigran Keosayan)
Tigran Keosayan (film director, actor, writer, married to Russia Today director Margaret Simonyan)
Michael Pogosian (director of Russia's United Aircraft Industry)
Andranik Migranyan (PhD, political scientist, author, professor, director of Institute of Democracy and Cooperation)
Armen Oganesyan (CEO of Voice of Russia radio broadcasts)
Ashot Eghiazaryan (Russian State Duma member)
Karen Shakhnazarov (CEO of Mosfilm, Russia's largest studio)
Karen Karapetyan (vice President at Gazprom)
Albert Avdolyan (telecommunications tycoon)
Sergey Galitsky (billionaire owner of Magnit)
Karen Brutents (author, historian, Communist Party Central Committee member, senior KGB operative)
Ruben Vardanyan (billionaore former CEO of Troika Dialog Group)
Ruben Aganbegyan (millionaire owner Renaissance Capital Micex)
Danil Khachaturov (billionaire chairman of RosGosStrakh)
Sergey Khachaturov (billionaire, brother of Danil Khachaturov)
Oleg Mkrtchyan (billionaire industrialist, football kingpin)
Gennady Melikiyan (deputy chairman of Bank of Russia)
Samvel Karapetyan (billionaire owner of Tashir group)
Sergey Sarkisov (billionaire owner of RESO-Garantia insurance company)
Nikolay Sarkisov (billionaire commodities trader, brother of Sergey Sarkisov)
Gagik Gevorkyan (president of Estet Jewelry House and new head of the prestigious Russian Jewelers Guild)
Artur Janibekyan (television producer and head of Russia's most successful Comedy Club)
Ara Abrahamyan (billionaire businessman, president of the Union of Armenians in Russia)
The Armenia's diplomatic void in Moscow has been so apparent that even Russians are now complaining about it.
The desire to maintain a close relationship with Western powers - essentially for financial handouts - has made official Yerevan neglect its ties with Moscow. Azerbaijan and Turkey on the other hand have been doing their utmost best to lobby Russian officials. The indifference Armenian officials show in regards to Armenia's relations with Russia is very alarming. In the following two television interviews we see Chairman of Union of Armenians in Russia Ara Abrahamyan and former Armenian National Security Council Secretary Arthur Baghdasaryan raising the alarm about the lack of Armenian lobbying efforts inside Moscow and the inability of official Yerevan today to efficiently exploit its strategic relationship with Moscow -
Ara Abrahamyan (watch from 18:25): v=rpf0iLdCJmU&feature= youtube_gdata_player
Արթուր Բաղդասարյան (watch from 48:30): v=GARDQ9WCcko
Azerbaijan is ahead of Armenia in Iran:
Alexander Gusyev: “Iran is building a road through Azerbaijan because of Armenian leadership’s indifference”:
Vardan Toghanyan is new Armenian Ambassador to Russia :
Vardan Toghanyan intends to strengthen Armenian lobbying in Russia:
Armenian Ambassador to Russia says one of hid msjor tasks is to make Armenia attractive for investors:
Armenian Ambassador to Russia: No anti-Russian political parties or blocs in Armenia:
But, being that Armenians will remain politically illiterate and out-of-touch with reality, I am under no illusions. Chances are that a majority of Armenians will simply continue concentrating on doing their best to kiss the asses of Western officials either for easy money (bribes disguised as financial aid) or for genocide recognition - with the help of homosexuals nonetheless. Chances are, Armenians by-in-large will continue neglecting the promotion of Armenian interests in Russia, as well as in Iran and China. In other words, Western officials will continue having an easy time of manipulating and exploiting Armenians by keeping our self-destructive peasantry preoccupied with nonsense like gay rights, feminism, civil society, free speech and free elections. But allow me to remind the reader once more: While they keep out idiots preoccupied with their bullshit, their ultimate plan is to keep Armenia politically isolated and economically backward. It would therefore be wise to look past the lofty rhetoric of professional mercenaries and street whores serving Western powers throughout Armenian society and instead assess their words and actions within the following geostrategic context -
George Friedman: “Russian presence in Armenia is bad for Turkey”, "Keep Armenia isolated":
Kenneth Yalowitz: Expanding NATO-Armenia cooperation to boost Armenia's security:’s-security---kenneth-yalowitz.html
Hurriyet Dauily News: Armenian diaspora, focus on Russia rather than Turkey!: http://www.hurriyetdailynews. com/armenian-diaspora-focus- on-russia-rather-than-turkey
Any Armenian today that wants "independence" from Russia or wants to shutdown Russia's military bases in Armenia is a filthy traitor to Armenia regardless of his or her intention. Regarding Russia's military presence in Armenia, I can say it is the single most important factor contributing to Armenia's existence as a nation state in the south Caucasus; it is the only deterence Armenia's has against regional predators like Turkey. Intelligent people understand this -
Ռազամաբազան պետք է լրացնի անվտանգության համակարգը. Վահան Շիրխանյան (տեսանյութ):
Allow me to put all this in an another way to help the reader better understand: Imagine the south Caucasus as a political/economic table where Russians, Armenians, Persians, Georgians, Turks, Azeris, Islamists and Anglo-American-Jewish energy interests sit and discuss various regional matters. Now imagine this table without its Russian occupant. In another words, imagine the Caucasus without a powerful Russia. Now imagine the challenges our tiny, impoverished, remote, landlocked, inexperienced, embattled and blockaded homeland would have at that table. To be honest, I find it very difficult imagining an Armenian state in the South Caucasus without having a strong Russian presence in the south Caucasus. It is very troubling for me that there are many Armenian today, especially in the Diaspora, that do not understand this. So, once more: No Russia in the Caucasus means no Armenia in the Caucasus. Without Russian lordship in the south Caucasus, the region would no doubt be overrun by Turkic and/or Islamic hordes.
In closing, I call on all Armenians to take a good look at what is happening around the world today and finally recognize that the postwar political order has run its course and that we are living though the birth pangs of a new political world.
The West is in decline. There are new powers on the rise. The Bush and Obama administrations proved incapable of advancing Western interests after the turn of the twenty-first century. It was during their time in power that Russia, China and Iran rose to prominence in global affairs. As a result, we have a new group of people at the control board in Washington DC. Regardless of where President Trump and company takes the country and regardless of what happens between United States and Russia, the collapse of postwar American global hegemony is now inevitable. Which is why they will do their best to prevent it or, at the very least, preserve as much of it as possible. This is essentially why we are seeing so much political and economic upheaval around the world in recent years. This is why we are seeing a growing number of conflicts. This is why we are seeing historic displacements of peoples. This is why we are seeing historic realignment of alliances. This is why we are seeing red lines being drawn by various powers. This is why I believe the Trump administration will be tasked with leading the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance and its friends into a war. This war could be sparked in a number of places. Syria, Lebanon, Iran and/or Yemen are the most likely places in my opinion.
The mess we are in today may go on for many more years to come. During this time, armed conflicts will intermittently ignite in various hot-spots around the world. Their intensity will ebb and flow. As we have seen in places like the Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq in recent years, major powers will have limited exposure on the battlefield, as most of the bloodletting will be done by theirs proxies. In the end, perhaps a decade or more from today, the 20th century world order will be dead. Some nations will have died in the process, some nations will have been born. In the end, however, we will have a new world order. What this new political order will look like is anyone's guess at this time. But it is very likely that Anglo-American-Jews will no longer enjoy global hegemony thereafter. In other words, after this mess is over Western powers will no longer be sitting alone at top of the global food chain.
The coming years may therefore bring with it terrible tribulation to the region where Armenia is located. The fires that are currently burning and the fires that may yet be set in the coming years are dangerously close to Armenia. It would be wise to also understand that the risks Yerevan faces from virtually every side of the geopolitical compass today lessens with a powerful Russian presence inside Armenia. The only way Armenia can survive in an unforgiving place like the south Caucasus and in dangerous times such as this is by remaining as close to the Russian Bear as possible.
With the region where Armenia is located growing more violate with every passing day Armenians can never lose sight of the fact that Russia is critically important to Armenia's survival as a nation-state in the south Caucasus. We should never forget that Russia has been and will continue being the alpha and the omega of Caucasus. We should also never forget that Armenia has been in the "Russian world" for the past two hundred years, and we need to find comfort in knowing that Armenia will continue being in the Russian world for well into the foreseeable future. For better or for worst, Armenia is wed to Russia. For the foreseeable future, or for as long as the Caucasus region retains its Turkic and Islamic demographic and continues to be coveted by Western powers, Armenia will remain within Russia's political orbit and under Russia's protective military umbrella. Russia and Armenia will continue being natural allies. The prudent thing for Armenians to do at this juncture in history is to learn to navigate the turbulent waters of the south Caucasus recognizing the aforementioned geopolitical truths. Recognizing these truths, embracing these realities and exploiting it all as a historic opportunity will not only help Armenia survive the times but also thrive. We must therefore put an end to our biases, political ignorance and emotional handicaps and for once recognize that Russia presents a historic opportunity we as a people need to collectively work to derive benefits from.
Spring, 2017
Why Trump may already be playing the evil game of the US deep state, without even knowing it

It is certain that the establishment mechanisms have studied deeply Trump's persona (they knew him already actually), so that the media can 'play' with him as they please. Therefore, at the time when media focus on Trump, giving him space to perform another 'anti-establishment' show, Obama, in his last days in presidency, proceeds in the most aggressive moves against Russia (troops in Poland and Norway). Putin is not risking to retaliate seriously because he knows that Obama is leaving and, obviously, hopes that Trump will cancel these hostile moves. Our guess is that it won't happen.
At the same time, Trump is extremely hostile to China, provoking the angry reactions of the Chinese officials. He uses the known narrative that 'China is stealing the US jobs' το justify his anti-Chinese behavior, but in reality, he worries mostly about the aggressive Chinese economic expansion which threatens the US big capital interests. The establishment is pushing so much Trump to declare obedience to the anti-Russian agenda that even Putin starts to defend him openly. And while he does that, he must be making the Chinese more angry and worried. So, here is a good start for the break up of the Sino-Russian alliance. Still, our guess is that neither Putin nor the Chinese leadership will bite the bait that easily.
But why the US deep state wants to start with China? Obviously because it's the major economic threat without having yet the military power of Russia. It seems that Taiwan and South China Sea are being used only as a pretext by the US to provoke China continuously. The US ultimate geopolitical interest resides in the Chinese mainland, close to the Russian borders. According to a scenario, the US starts a war that ends quickly, changes the regime in China, puts its puppet, and probably, break China (as they want to do with Russia), using disputed provinces as a pretext (e.g. Tibet, Xinjiang - No surprise that, recently, China responded instantly to Trump, saying that the 'one-China' policy is not negotiable).
The US-friendly regimes will repay the US dollars that they will receive for their 'color revolutions' by allowing US military bases in their territories. With China dissolved and on its knees, Russia will be fully encircled and left with no major allies. It will be the next target. The ultimate goal of the Western neoliberal establishment would be probably to dissolve the vast Russian territory and bring in power Western-friendly puppet regimes, in order not only to conquer the valuable resources, but also to impose permanently the neoliberal doctrine in "unexplored" regions and populations.
Yet, we've seen endless US failures lately. Obama completely failed to fulfill targets in Syria. Situation is still out of control in Syria/Iraq and Libya, not to mention the terrorist attacks and suicide bombings. It is probable that the evil plans of the US deep state for China and Russia will also fail, but this time things are much more serious because we are talking about two major nuclear powers.
From his first moments as US president, Trump should immediately proceed in two key moves, if he wants to prove that he is not the most easily manipulated puppet of the establishment. First, withdraw troops from Eastern Europe and Norway. Second, stop provoking China and start seeking ways of cooperation for the mutual benefit of the two countries. Otherwise, the lunatics who pull his strings, may burn the whole planet through a nuclear war.

Officials say strategy marries president’s vows to improve relations with Putin and to aggressively challenge Iran’s military presence in Middle East
The Trump administration is exploring ways to break Russia’s military and diplomatic alliance with Iran in a bid to both end the Syrian conflict and bolster the fight against Islamic State, said senior administration, European and Arab officials involved in the policy discussions. The emerging strategy seeks to reconcile President Donald Trump’s seemingly contradictory vows to improve relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin and to aggressively challenge the military presence of Iran—one of Moscow’s most critical allies—in the Middle East, these officials say. A senior administration official said the White House doesn’t have any illusions about Russia or see Mr. Putin as a “choir boy,” despite further conciliatory statements from Mr. Trump about the Russian leader over the weekend. But the official said that the administration doesn’t view Russia as the same existential threat that the Soviet Union posed to the U.S. during the Cold War and that Mr. Trump was committed to constraining Iran.

Russia and Iran are currently engaged in unprecedented cooperation. Never in 500 years has the leadership of the two countries been so close. Despite deeply rooted mistrust and a long history as rivals, a number of common interests have brought Russia and Iran together. First among them is the mutual geostrategic goal of zero-sum opposition to the West, especially the United States. Russian-Iranian cooperation may be short-lived. But in the meantime it can inflict lasting damage to U.S. interests. It is going to be difficult to drive a wedge between Russia and Iran in the short-term, but there are certain things the new Trump administration could do to that end. To understand the close ties between Russia and Iran, it's important to understand the complicated history between the two countries.
The Grand Duchy of Muscovy, the precursor of the modern Russian state, and Iran, then called Persia, opened official relations in 1521. Trade was the main reason for the relationship; both countries looked down on each other as inferior, and thus gave little thought to expanding ties. Tsarist Russia, which succeeded the Muscovy in 1547, and then the Russian Empire that Peter the Great proclaimed in 1721, soon began to expand south and southeast into Central Asia and the Caucasus. This is when Russian and Persian interests first clashed. In 1796, Catherine the Great sent troops into the Iranian North Caucasus, and only her death that year may have prevented a full-scale Russian invasion.
In the 19th century, Russia and Iran fought two wars, in 1804-1813 and 1826-1828. Iran lost both and ceded to Russia parts of what are now Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, and Turkmenistan. The wars took a serious financial toll on Iran and anti-Russian sentiment rose on both religious grounds and resentment of the high cost of the war effort. In February 1829, a mob murdered Russian ambassador Alexander Griboyedov with his staff in Tehran. Griboyedov had helped negotiate the Treaty of Turkmenchay, which ended the war in 1828 on what the Iranians saw as humiliating terms. A Russian envoy would not be murdered by foreign nationals in a foreign country again until 2016.
Despite these tensions, commercial and political interests brought Russia and Iran together in the early 1900s. The Kremlin wanted to pull Iran into its sphere of influence and the Iranian shah needed money, which he began borrowing from Russia either at exorbitant rates or with political strings attached. The Iranian public, of course, bore the cost. This opened a rift between the Iranian government's attitude toward Russia and that of its people -- one that remains to this day.
After the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, Soviet forces sponsored separatist movements in Iranian territory, first in the northern Iranian province of Gilan on the Caspian Sea and later in both Iranian Azerbaijan and Kurdistan. In 1946, Soviet leader Josef Stalin sparked the first real crisis of the Cold War when he briefly refused to withdraw the Red Army from Iran in 1946. To this day, Iranians speak resentfully of the Soviet occupation. Iranian revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini disdained both the U.S. and the Soviet Union. His defining slogan was "Neither East nor West but Islamic Republic."
While the Iranian public remained distrustful of Russia, with the end of the Iran-Iraq War in 1988, as well as Khomeini's death and the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989, some Iranian officials sought to improve ties with Moscow on pragmatic grounds. Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani even traveled to Moscow. But the Kremlin worried that Iran might export its radical ideology to Russia's large Muslim population or foment unrest in the Caucasus and Central Asia in order to influence Moscow -- after all, this is the traditional Kremlin approach. Yet Tehran sided with Moscow during Chechnya's separatist struggles in the early 1990s. Iran also helped Moscow end Tajikistan's 1992-1997 civil war. By the end of the '90s, despite remaining differences, Russia had emerged as Iran's main conventional arms supplier and began assisting in its nuclear program.
When Vladimir Putin rose to power in Russia in 2000, he began the process of returning to the Middle East. To do so, he worked with everyone in the region, friend and foe alike. Russia's relationship with Iran was part of this effort.
The strategy grew out of Putin's antagonism toward the West and its democratic values. He viewed Russia's foreign policy as a zero-sum game against the West and acted accordingly. He had several reasons to pursue improved ties with Iran, but his desire to reduce Western influence and pull Iran closer to Russia overrode all others. As Prof. Mark Katz of George Mason University wrote, Putin worried that then-Iranian President Mohammad Khatami's "dialogue of civilizations" would bring Iran closer to the U.S. -- and thus out of Russia's sphere of influence.
In October 2000, soon after taking office, Putin publicly repealed the 1995 Gore-Chernomyrdin pact, which limited Russia's sale of conventional arms to Iran. Press reports indicated that in practice the agreement gave Russia "a free pass to sell conventional weapons to Iran" until 1999, but the public cancellation of the deal sent a message that Putin wanted closer cooperation with the Islamic Republic.
Putin also sought to improve ties with Iran for economic reasons. Iran was a lucrative market for Russia's military and the arms trade and nuclear cooperation continued to expand. In addition, the two countries shared a strong opposition to Sunni Islamism. A tough stance against terrorism helped propel Putin into power in March 2000 after a series of apartment bombings shook Moscow and several other cities in September 1999. Putin immediately blamed the Chechens and declared a second war on Chechnya, though much evidence suggests Putin and his main intelligence service, the FSB, may have orchestrated the attacks. In any case, Moscow's human rights abuses in the first Chechen war had already transformed the secular Chechen separatist cause into a radical Islamist one.
The majority of Russia's Muslims are Sunni and countering Sunni extremism was among Putin's official policies from the very beginning. Shia Iran shared this concern. Indeed, Russian experts and officials claim that Iran is a potentially "secular" force that can help counter Sunni Islamism. This has led to a double standard on Sunni versus Shia terrorism. In February 2003, for example, Russia's Supreme Court declared the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, while Shia Hezbollah received no such designation. Though in practice Putin was just as willing to work with Sunni Islamists as anyone else, he took a different stance domestically.
Of course, difficulties remained in the Russia-Iran relationship. Since 2006, Moscow has sought to dilute sanctions against Iran. For its part, Iran would have preferred Russia did not support sanctions at all. Tehran also felt snubbed when, under pressure from the U.S. and Israel, Moscow froze the sale of S-300 air defense missiles to Iran in 2010.
In 2013, however, Russian-Iranian cooperation rose to an entirely new level as the two countries' political interests converged more than ever before.
In 2012, Putin began a third presidential term amidst massive protests against him and his United Russia party. Putin launched a domestic crackdown and blamed the U.S. State Department for "giving a signal" to protestors to take to the streets. He could not even fathom the possibility that people could protest independently. Fear that domestic protest can break out anywhere, anytime now guides much of his domestic policy, which goes hand-in-hand with his foreign policy. In Russia the line between the two is blurred to a degree that is hard to imagine in the West.
Putin believes that the West is behind all protests in the post-Soviet sphere and the Middle East, and that he is next. This is one of the main reasons why he has supported the Assad regime in Syria at all costs. This in turn brought Moscow especially close to Tehran. Putin believes he is in a stronger position to confront the West in the Middle East if he is allied with Iran.
Russia also emerged as a strong voice in the P5+1 group that negotiated the nuclear deal with Iran, especially in the context of Western retreat from the Middle East. Putin pursued his own self-interest in regard to the talks: A deal with Iran would open more possibilities for cooperation. On the one hand, Russia would prefer a non-nuclear Iran; it hardly needed convincing to participate in talks to curb Tehran's nuclear program. On the other hand, Moscow felt less threatened by the program than the West, and ultimately puts its desire to counter the West above all. It may make little sense from a Western perspective, but Moscow often ignores real threats and elevates imaginary ones -- hence its obsession with a perceived threat from NATO.
Russia and Iran also shared a concern about the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan following President Obama's plans to draw down U.S. troops by 2014. Ironically, Putin wanted the U.S. to remain in Afghanistan more than the U.S. wanted to -- albeit on Putin's terms. Russia and Iran were impacted by narcotrafficking coming out of Afghanistan and viewed the Taliban, which is traditionally both anti-Shia and anti-Russian, as a potential enemy.
In spring 2013, according to Russian sources, Russian and Iranian officials discussed the idea of Tehran joining the Moscow-led Eurasian Customs Union at a seminar in Tehran titled "Iran and Regional Cooperation in Eurasia." Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi attended the event and reportedly spoke of Iran's usefulness to the development and expansion of Eurasianism -- Putin's alternative vision to Western liberalism. The Customs Union in particular, and the Eurasian Economic Union that followed it in 2014, are part of Putin's effort to counterbalance the European Union. This may have been just talk, but that the conversation took place at all is significant. Putin never offered to allow any Arab country to join the Customs Union, and Iran was never part of the Soviet Union, as were the other member countries.
In March 2014, Moscow annexed Crimea and began destabilizing activities in Eastern Ukraine. The U.S. and Europe imposed sanctions on Russia in response. U.S.-Russian relations plunged to the lowest levels since the Cold War, intensifying Putin's need for anti-Western allies. Iran fit that role perfectly. That America's allies are traditionally Sunni only adds to Iran's appeal.
Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu visited Iran in January 2015 and Putin visited in November -- the first such visits in at least a decade. After they met, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei praised Putin for "neutralizing Washington's plots." Putin again brought up the issue of Iranian cooperation with the Customs Union, offered a $5 billion line of credit, and discussed expansion of bilateral trade. He also highlighted Iran's positive role as a "trustworthy and reliable ally," demonstrating once again his true priority of pulling Iran into his sphere of influence. Indeed, Russian Middle East expert Georgiy Mirsky wrote in his blog on the liberal website Echo Moskvy, "Several years ago, I heard from the lips of one MIA [Ministry of Internal Affairs] employee such reasoning: 'For us, a pro-American Iran is worse than a nuclear Iran.'" Putin and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani have met several times since 2015, as have their ministers and aides. Subsequent high-level meetings followed and are now almost routine.
As negotiations on the nuclear deal gained traction, the Kremlin highlighted Russia's indispensable role in them. When the agreement was signed in July 2015, Putin praised the deal and emphasized Russia's participation in the process, while the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs tweeted that the accord was "based on the approach articulated by President Vladimir Putin." The ink had barely dried on the accord when Putin lifted the freeze on the S-300 sale and deliveries began in April 2015, despite Israel's concerns. In June 2016, Putin called for Iran's admission to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, something -- just as with the Customs Union -- he had never done for any Arab state.
In August 2016, Moscow took the world -- and many in Iran -- by surprise when it reportedly used Iran's Hamadan airbase to bomb targets in Syria. The last time a foreign power had based itself in Iran was during World War II. Russian media was awash with praise for Russia-Iran anti-terrorism cooperation. In the context of public outrage in Iran, Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan accused Moscow of "ungentlemanly" behavior for publicizing its use of the base. Nonetheless, Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said only days afterwards that "The flights [of Russian warplanes] haven't been suspended. Iran and Russia are allies in the fight against terrorism," though the Hamedan air base, he claimed, was only "used for refueling."
The following month, Putin said that it would be "just" if Iran reached pre-sanctions level of oil production. In November, he began discussing a $10 billion arms deal. In late December, discussions on Iranian admission to the Customs Union continued. A number of Russian sources reported that Iran hopes to move closer to the Union and benefit from free trade with its members. In the same month, Rouhani travelled to Armenia -- a Customs Union member -- ostensibly to improve ties, and signed a number of agreements. It was Rouhani's first visit to Armenia as president. The traditionally more liberal-oriented press outlet Nezavisimaya Gazeta suggested that Armenia might tie Iran to the Customs Union. While it remains unclear whether this will happen, it is significant that the issue remains on the table.
When it comes to the Iranian view of Russia, sources report that the two countries agree on terrorism-related issues and Iran sees Russia's policies in Syria as "wise." Recently, Russian press outlet Izvestiya wrote that, reflecting on the past year, it was Russia that always spoke out for lifting sanctions and maintained dialogue with Tehran. Iranian cinema made its way into Europe, the article claims, because it was widely shown at Russian film festivals. The article concludes, "Dialogue between the two countries has not been interrupted even for a minute. And it is this fact that gives reason for optimism -- whatever the complexities may be, Russia and Iran will find a reason for friendship."
At the moment, it is going to be difficult to drive a wedge between Russia and Iran. Too many interests hold them together and they are likely to continue to put historical mistrust aside even as Tehran's persistent and historically-justified fears that Moscow will throw Iran under the bus continue to undermine the relationship.
From Moscow's perspective, the U.S. has been and will continue to be an enemy, no matter how hard any U.S. president tries to improve relations. Putin needs the U.S. as an enemy to justify domestic problems at home and he sees the current geopolitical order, anchored by the U.S., as disadvantaging him. Nothing short of a rearrangement of that order will satisfy Putin. Nobel Prize-winning author and journalist Svetlana Alexievich observed in October 2015 that Russians "are people of war. We don't have any other history. Either we were preparing for war or we were fighting one. And so all of this militarism has pushed all of our psychological buttons at once." Putin needs allies who share this worldview.
President Trump expressed two contradictory policies during his campaign: being tough on Iran and improving relations with Russia. These two goals are incompatible because Putin wants a partnership with Trump in Syria, but Syria is where Putin is most closely allied with Iran. In order to push Iran and Russia apart, Trump needs to resolve this contradiction. The recent Syria peace talks in Kazakhstan only brought Russia and Iran closer together, if anything, given their pledge to fight "jointly" against ISIS and al-Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat Fateh al-Sham. This development will also make it even more difficult for Trump to ally with Russia on Syria.
So far, Putin has succeeded in balancing Israeli and Sunni interests with its growing relationship with Iran. But it is unclear how long Putin can sustain this policy. Certainly, Putin did not hesitate to discount Israel's interests when it came to selling S-300 weapons to Iran. Indeed, it is not in Israel's interest for Putin to continue supporting Bashar al-Assad and thereby expand Iran's influence in the Middle East. The Trump administration could encourage and support U.S. allies like Israel in order to make it more difficult for Putin to maintain his balance of good relations with all sides. It should also step up security cooperation with its allies to demonstrate that it is still committed to the region.
In the long term, Russia and Iran diverge somewhat on Syria. Iran perceives Syria as within its sphere of influence, which is not very different from how Putin views the former Soviet Union countries that he does not consider real states. Iran is interested in exacerbating sectarian divisions in Syria so that the Assad regime becomes an Iranian client-state with no independent decision-making. Iran is also closer to Assad himself than Putin, who simply wants Assad or someone else like him to ensure his interests in Syria. He cares more about how he can leverage Syria in his relations with the West than Syria itself. At the same time, Putin also increasingly perceives the Middle East as falling within the Russian sphere of influence, albeit differently than Iran. Historically, Moscow always looked for buffer zones out of its sense of insecurity, and this is precisely how it feels now.
The Trump administration could emphasize to Putin that Russian and Iranian interests in Syria are bound to clash in the future, and therefore an alliance with Iran can only go so far. But most of all, the U.S. needs to be present in the region and regain its leadership position. Putin preys on weakness and has perceived the U.S. as weak for years. He stepped into a vacuum in the Middle East, especially in Syria, that was created by America's absence. By taking an active role in the region, the U.S. would limit Putin's influence, including his alliance with Iran.

“The United States continues to condemn and calls for an immediate end to the Russian occupation of Crimea,” Haley said. “Crimea is a part of Ukraine. Our Crimea-related sanctions will remain in place until Russia returns control over the peninsula to Ukraine.”

China’s military buildup is a response to US provocations against China and US claims to the South China Sea as an area of US national interests. China does not intend to attack the US and certainly not Russia. Kissinger, who was my colleague at the Center for Strategic and International studies for a dozen years, is aware of the pro-American elites inside Russia, and he is at work creating for them a “China threat” that they can use in their effort to lead Russia into the arms of the West. If this effort is successful, Russia’s sovereignty will be eroded exactly as has the sovereignty of every other country allied with the US.
At President Putin’s last press conference, journalist Marat Sagadatov asked if Russia wasn’t already subject to forms of foreign semi-domination: “Our economy, industry, ministries and agencies often follow the rules laid down by international organizations and are managed by consulting companies. Even our defense enterprises have foreign consulting firms auditing them.” The journalist asked, “if it is not time to do some import substitution in this area too?”
Every Russian needs to understand that being part of the West means living by Washington’s rules. The only country in the Western Alliance that has an independent foreign and economic policy is the US. All of us need to understand that although Trump has been elected president, the neoconservatives remain dominant in US foreign policy, and their commitment to the hegemony of the US as the uni-power remains as strong as ever. The neoconservative ideology has been institutionalized in parts of the CIA, State Department and Pentagon. The neoconservatives retain their influence in media, think tanks, university faculties, foundations, and in the Council on Foreign Relations.
We also need to understand that Trump revels in the role of tough guy and will say things that can be misinterpreted as my friend, Finian Cunningham, whose columns I read, usually with appreciation, might have done.
I do not know that Trump will prevail over the vast neoconservative conspiracy. However, it seems clear enough that he is serious about reducing the tensions with Russia that have been building since President Clinton violated the George H. W. Bush administration’s promise that NATO would not expand one inch to the East. Unless Trump were serious, there is no reason for him to announce Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson as his choice for Secretary of State. In 2013 Mr. Tillerson was awarded Russia’s Order of Friendship.
As Professor Michel Chossudovsky has pointed out, a global corporation such as Exxon has interests different from those of the US military/security complex. The military/security complex needs a powerful threat, such as the former “Soviet threat” which has been transformed into the “Russian threat,” in order to justify its hold on an annual budget of approximately one trillion dollars. In contrast, Exxon wants to be part of the Russian energy business. Therefore, as Secretary of State, Tillerson is motivated to achieve good relations between the US and Russia, whereas for the military/security complex good relations undermine the orchestrated fear on which the military/security budget rests.
Clearly, the military/security complex and the neoconservatives see Trump and Tillerson as threats, which is why the neoconservatives and the armaments tycoons so strongly opposed Trump and why CIA Director John Brennan made wild and unsupported accusations of Russian interference in the US presidential election.
The lines are drawn. The next test will be whether Trump can obtain Senate confirmation of his choice of Tillerson as Secretary of State. The myth is widespread that President Reagan won the cold war by breaking the Soviet Union financially with an arms race. As one who was involved in Reagan’s effort to end the cold war, I find myself yet again correcting the record. Reagan never spoke of winning the cold war. He spoke of ending it. Other officials in his government have said the same thing, and Pat Buchanan can verify it.
Reagan wanted to end the Cold War, not win it. He spoke of those “godawful” nuclear weapons. He thought the Soviet economy was in too much difficulty to compete in an arms race. He thought that if he could first cure the stagflation that afflicted the US economy, he could force the Soviets to the negotiating table by going through the motion of launching an arms race. “Star wars” was mainly hype. (Whether or nor the Soviets believed the arms race threat, the American leftwing clearly did and has never got over it.)
Reagan had no intention of dominating the Soviet Union or collapsing it. Unlike Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama, he was not controlled by neoconservatives. Reagan fired and prosecuted the neoconservatives in his administration when they operated behind his back and broke the law.
The Soviet Union did not collapse because of Reagan’s determination to end the Cold War. The Soviet collapse was the work of hardline communists, who believed that Gorbachev was loosening the Communist Party’s hold so quickly that Gorbachev was a threat to the existence of the Soviet Union and placed him under house arrest. It was the hardline communist coup against Gorbachev that led to the rise of Yeltsin. No one expected the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The US military/security complex did not want Reagan to end the Cold War, as the Cold War was the foundation of profit and power for the complex. The CIA told Reagan that if he renewed the arms race, the Soviets would win, because the Soviets controlled investment and could allocate a larger share of the economy to the military than Reagan could.
Reagan did not believe the CIA’s claim that the Soviet Union could prevail in an arms race. He formed a secret committee and gave the committee the power to investigate the CIA’s claim that the US would lose an arms race with the Soviet Union. The committee concluded that the CIA was protecting its prerogatives. I know this because I was a member of the committee.
American capitalism and the social safety net would function much better without the drain on the budget of the military/security complex. It is more correct to say that the military/security complex wants a major threat, not an actual arms race. Stateless Muslim terrorists are not a sufficient threat for such a massive US military, and the trouble with an actual arms race as opposed to a threat is that the US armaments corporations would have to produce weapons that work instead of cost overruns that boost profits.
The latest US missile ship has twice broken down and had to be towed into port. The F-35 has cost endless money, has a variety of problems and is already outclassed. The Russian missiles are hypersonic. The Russian tanks are superior. The explosive power of the Russian Satan II ICBM is terrifying. The morale of the Russian forces is high. They have not been exhausted from 15 years of fighting without much success pointless wars against women and children. Washington, given the corrupt nature of the US military/security complex, can arms race all it wants without being a danger to Russia or China, much less to the strategic alliance between the two powers.
The neoconservatives are discredited, but they are still a powerful influence on US foreign policy. Until Trump relegates them to the ideological backwaters, Russia and China had best hold on to their strategic alliance. Anyone attempting to break this alliance is a threat to both Russia and China, and to America and to life on earth.

China, Russia and Iran are the three key players in what promises to be the Eurasian Century. Donald Trump may be The Joker; The Fool; The Ace of Spades; the ultimate trickster. What nobody can tell for sure is how this shifty chameleon will seduce, cajole, divide and threaten these three countries in his bid to “Make America Great Again”. Considering the composition of his cabinet, as well as his motormouth twittering, the world according to Trump sees radical Islam as the No 1 threat, followed by Iran, China and Russia. The strategy of Henry Kissinger, Trump’s unofficial foreign policy guru, is a mix of “balance of power” and “divide and rule”. It will consist of seducing Russia away from its strategic partner China; keeping China constantly on a sort of red alert; and targeting Islamic State while continuing to harass Iran.
All this has the potential to backfire splendidly. Even a real “reset” with Russia, of the non-Hillary Clinton kind, is not exactly assured. Trump’s pick for secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, may in fact be a cipher, a privileged ExxonMobil dealmaker, or a Trojan Horse for Kissinger’s views. Tillerson is a trustee of the hardline Centre for Strategic and International Studies think tank, along with Kissinger. So let’s see how Kissinger’s shadowplay might develop on the new geopolitical chessboard. Trump starts out already pitted against America’s vast and powerful intelligence apparatus. The American “deep state” – the military-industrial complex that survives regardless of what political party is in power – requires an existential threat to operate. And that threat, according to the Pentagon, is Russia.
The ever-shifting “war on terror” is dead. The new normal, as demonstrated by the Obama administration, is the second cold war. It all hinges on how – and if – Trump will be able to inflict pain on the US deep state, and how this might affect its “humanitarian” imperialist leanings. Kissinger’s strategy implies having closer relations with Russia, whilst cajoling Moscow to betray its Eurasian ally Iran. Moscow is unlikely to betray Iran, and pursuing that strategy will only exacerbate Trump’s conflict with the deep state.
A Trumpian trade-off though is already on the cards; no more US sanctions on Russia if Moscow and Washington manage a common mechanism to smash Islamic State, as well as a new framework on nuclear disarmament. There’s guarded optimism in Moscow that Trump’s business acumen will eventually lead him to discard counterproductive containment of Russia, freeing it to profit from the real deal across Eurasia: economic integration, via the Beijing-backed One Belt, One Road trade initiative to link economies into a China-centred trading network, and the Eurasian Economic Union. Sensing a credible opening, Moscow has invited the Trump administration – represented by national security adviser Michael Flynn – to join the Syrian peace talks in Astana, Kazakhstan, alongside Iran, Turkey and the regime of Bashar al-Assad, due to start on Monday, only three days after Trump’s inauguration.
Russia and Iran are working as one in Syria. Russia has actively campaigned to bring Iran into the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the regional security group. Bilateral trade – from energy to railways, mining and agriculture – is booming. Russia and Iran are set to ditch the US dollar and use rials and rubles for trade. This means bypassing the usual US weapon of choice: sanctions. Thus, betraying Tehran is out of the question for Moscow.
Trump, for all his rhetoric, cannot renegotiate the Iran nuclear deal signed by the members of the UN Security Council plus Germany in 2015. Tehran has met all its obligations. Trump also cannot fulfil his campaign promise to smash Islamic State, without Iran. Instead of his army of Iranophobic generals, he would do better to listen to the National Iranian American Council in Washington, which really understands Tehran’s stakes in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and the volatile Iran-Saudi cold war. And Trump “getting tough” on China will hit a BRICS wall. The next summit between those five leading emerging market economies (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) is in Xiamen (廈門), southeast China, next autumn, and the hosts will press for further integration.
Trump’s generals will also have to inform him that America cannot afford a war in the South China Sea or the western Pacific, wars it would have no guarantee of winning. Trump’s advisers – even the Sinophobes – must have told him that Taiwan and the South China Sea are Beijing’s top priorities. As Beijing’s foreign ministry put it: “The one-China principle… is non-negotiable.” Then there’s the 45 per cent tariff that might be slapped on Chinese products, and possible import quotas. Chinese scholars have concluded it is the United States that has most to lose in a trade war. After Xi Jinping’s (習近平) masterclass at Davos, is that all there is? Kissinger, 93, had better get back to the drawing board.

Donald Trump is still six days away from his inauguration and already he and the GOP are ramping up aggressive rhetoric against China. During the same Wall Street Journal interview in which he suggested he would be open to lifting sanctions on Russia, Trump also stated that he might revisit the “One-China” policy regarding Taiwan. This, of course, comes on the heels of Trump speaking directly with the President of Taiwan, which is unprecedented in U.S. foreign policy.
Meanwhile, Exxon CEO and Trump’s pick for Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said during his confirmation hearing that China should be barred from the islands it has created in the South China Sea. Needless to say, China is reacting angrily, warning Trump that the One-China policy is non-negotiable and that attempts to keep China away from its new South China Sea islands would cause a “devastating confrontation” and would lead to a “military clash.”
All of this is sheer madness. The American relationship with China is complex and problematic for many reasons: China’s human rights record is abysmal and its willingness to steal intellectual property is a significant problem for economies banking on an information economy future. But China is also a crucial trading partner, and the American and Chinese economies depend on one another’s good health.
The Trump team is taking a dogmatic oppositional approach based on very simplistic notions of trade and jobs. The number of jobs being “lost to China” is quite low compared to those being lost to automation, the best way to counter offshoring is to punish companies domestically rather than to threaten China, and the most effective avenue to protect intellectual property from Chinese theft is the very sort of trade deals Trump has consistently opposed. Adopting a hostile military and trade war footing with China threatens to plunge the world into an economic depression or even a brutal military and cyberwar conflict.
Moreover, the Trump team and attempting to create an alliance with the mafia state of Russia to box in China, which is woefully stupid. Russia and China have established a close relationship over the last decade, one that Trump is not going to be able to break apart. Taking sides with Russia against China is a fool’s bargain given that Russia is a declining and unpredictable power, while China is a rising and increasingly well-established one. But Trump sees in Putin a leader in the white supremacist isolationist movement, while China represents the Great Other of the globalized economy.
The choice to pick a fight with China while sidling up to Putin’s Russia is equal parts racism and sophomoric economics, and its consequences are likely to be disastrous. But it’s also a continuation of similarly Republican policy going back at least two decades.
Is Kissinger’s Triangular Diplomacy the Answer to Sino-Russian Rapprochement?

To prevent a Sino-Russia security alliance, the U.S. should remember the advice of Henry Kissinger
As has been reported extensively in The Diplomat, China and Russia are increasing their military-to-military ties while simultaneously conducting a diplomatic offensive against U.S. security policies in East Asia and elsewhere. Most recently, Diplomat editor Shannon Tiezzi confirmed that China and Russia will conduct joint land and sea exercises in and around the South China Sea in September. While these developments are not indicative of a Sino-Russian security alliance reminiscent of the Sino-Soviet bloc of the 1950s, they nevertheless should cause U.S. policymakers to reflect on diplomatic and policy options for ensuring the preservation of U.S. security interests and a favorable balance of power in the region.
Geographically, Russia and China occupy respectively what classical geopoliticians called the “heartland” and a significant portion of the East Asian “rimland” of the Eurasian landmass. When Mao’s communists took control of the Chinese mainland in October 1949, and subsequently entered into a security alliance with the Soviet Union and its East European empire, geostrategists warned that such a conglomeration of territory and power could upset the global equilibrium. In the early 1950s, the great French writer Raymond Aron in his book The Century of Total War noted ominously that “Russia has in fact nearly achieved the ‘world island’ which [Halford] Mackinder considered the necessary and almost sufficient condition for universal empire.” Similarly, James Burnham in Containment or Liberation? warned that the political consolidation of the Sino-Soviet bloc would result in the communists “complete world victory.” The classified U.S. national security document that served as the doctrinal foundation for the Cold War containment policy—NSC-68—established Eurasian political pluralism as the overarching goal of American foreign policy.
The geopolitical threat posed by the Sino-Soviet bloc gradually receded when the Sino-Soviet split emerged and was successfully exploited by the Nixon administration with its famous “opening” to China. The current Sino-Russian rapprochement should concentrate the minds of U.S. policymakers on diplomacy designed to prevent a full-fledged Sino-Russian security alliance. A good start would be to reflect on the triangular diplomacy pursued by Nixon as explained by his national security advisor and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.Enjoying this article? Click here to subscribe for full access. Just $5 a month.
“Triangular diplomacy, to be effective,” Kissinger explained in White House Years, the first volume of his memoirs, “must rely on the natural incentives and propensities of the players.” Kissinger explained that the opening to China and détente with the Soviet Union were pursued as parallel policies designed to enable the United States to “maintain closer relations with each side than they did with each other.” It was always better for the United States, he wrote in Years of Upheaval, “to be closer to either Moscow or Peking than either was to the other.” “America’s bargaining position,” he reiterated in his book Diplomacy, “would be strongest when America was closer to both communist giants than either was to the other.” In his most recent book World Order, he again noted that the design of triangular diplomacy was to balance “China against the Soviet Union from a position in which America was closer to each Communist giant than they were to each other.”
Triangular diplomacy avoided undue moralism. Kissinger, quoting Bismarck, wrote that “a sentimental policy knows no reciprocity.” “[P]redictability,” Kissinger continued, “is more crucial than … idiosyncratic moralistic rhetoric.” Moreover, preserving a global balance of power does not lend itself to simple or permanent solutions. Instead, as Kissinger explained in White House Years:
[T]he management of a balance of power is a permanent undertaking, not an exertion that has a foreseeable end. To a great extent it is a psychological phenomenon; if an equality of power is perceived it will not be tested. Calculations must include potential as well as actual power, not only the possession of power but the will to bring it to bear. Management of the balance of power requires perseverance, subtlety, not a little courage, and above all understanding of its requirements.This does not mean that the United States should accommodate Russian aggression in Ukraine or China’s aggressive moves in the South China and East China Seas. As Kissinger recalled in his memoirs, détente with the Soviets did not prevent Nixon from bombing Haiphong Harbor in North Vietnam, opposing Soviet designs in the Indo-Pakistan War, and ordering a nuclear alert to deter Soviet intervention in the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Nor did the opening to China forestall continued defense cooperation with Taiwan. Triangular diplomacy as practiced by Nixon and Kissinger did not mean abandoning U.S. security interests or shrinking from confrontation when those interests were challenged.
Eurasia is still the world’s dominant landmass, home to most of the world’s people and resources. The global balance of power still requires that no major power or alliance of powers controls the key power centers of Eurasia. For the United States, having better relations with China and Russia than either has with each other still makes sense in the post-Cold War world.

The conditions just aren’t right for Kissinger-style triangular diplomacy
The 2014 Russian military intervention in Ukraine resulted in Western sanctions and strategic pressure that drove Moscow toward greater cooperation with China. Since then, the mercurial Sino-Russian “marriage of convenience” has evolved into a genuine strategic partnership based on overlapping interests, and mutual antipathy toward the United States. Although Russia and China are unlikely to declare a formal alliance, it is not in America’s strategic interests to confront a de facto Sino-Russian entente.
Donald Trump’s election generated hope in some conservative foreign policy circles that U.S. rapprochement with Russia could create distance between Moscow and Beijing. Proponents of rapprochement hearken back to Nixon and Kissinger’s “triangular diplomacy,” which exploited the Sino-Soviet split to achieve an opening to China, and positioned Washington for better relations with both Communist giants than they had with each other. Cato Institute fellow Doug Bandow espouses this viewpoint in a piece entitled “A Nixon Strategy to Break the Russia-China Axis.” He argues that improving relations with Russia “would have the salutary side effect of discouraging creation of a common Russo-Chinese front against the United States.” America’s leading offensive realist, John Mearsheimer, likewise claims that if “Washington had a more positive attitude toward Moscow,” this would engender better relations that would eventually lead Russia to join “the balancing coalition against China.”
Bandow and Mearsheimer’s arguments are based on a realist explanatory model, wherein relations between America, Russia, and China are conceived as a “strategic triangle.” According to this framework, it is logical for Trump to pursue Kissinger-style triangular diplomacy to seek an opening to the weaker power, Russia, in order to balance and attain leverage over the stronger power, China.Enjoying this article? Click here to subscribe for full access. Just $5 a month.
In the current international context, this approach is problematic for several reasons. First, the deep ideological fissures that drove the Soviet Union and China apart during the late 1950s and 1960s are nonexistent today. Furthermore, Sino-Russian geopolitical competition has lessened because Russia, unlike its Soviet predecessor, is a secondary power in Asia. As a result, there is little indication that Trump, despite his rapport with Vladimir Putin, can drive a wedge between Russia and China. Certainly there is room to improve U.S.-Russia relations from their current nadir, which could yield selective cooperation on mutual challenges such as the Islamic State (ISIS). However, there is little indication that achieving the modest improvements in U.S.-Russia relations that are politically and practically feasible would drive Moscow and Beijing apart.
The situation that Nixon confronted in Asia is not analogous to the one Trump deals with today. Unlike China and Russia at present, the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) were locked in an intense ideological battle for leadership of the Communist world. As Lorenz M. Lüthi details in his cogent book, The Sino-Soviet Split: Cold War in the Communist World, the Soviet and Chinese Communist parties developed intractable ideological differences in the 1950s over which socialist development model to pursue. Mao Zedong rejected the Khrushchev era model of Bureaucratic Stalinism in favor of a Revolutionary Stalinist model with Chinese characteristics that produced the catastrophic “Great Leap Forward.” Ideological rivalry contributed to an acute security dilemma, particularly after China conducted a successful nuclear test in 1964. The convulsions unleashed by radical Maoism during China’s Cultural Revolution further exacerbated Sino-Soviet enmity and deeply unnerved the Kremlin, which through 1970 deployed approximately 39 divisions along the Sino-Soviet border. The existential threat of war with the Soviet Union drove Mao to seek rapprochement with America.
Realists give short shrift to the role ideological factors play in fostering comity between Russia and China. In contrast to the days of the Sino-Soviet split, ideology is now a unifying factor in relations. Both countries harbor intense authoritarian nationalist opposition to Western and globalist ideologies, but no longer share the common Marxist-Leninist political orientation that produced the divisive ideological schisms of the Cold War. Despite their distinctive brands of authoritarianism (personalist dictatorship versus one-party Leninist state), Putin and China’s ruling Communist Party have similar views of the threat posed by Western “universal values” such as democracy and human rights. They see “foreign influences,” which they believe have penetrated their societies through globalization, the internet/social media, and NGOs, as the primary threat to their domestic grip on power. For China and Russian governing elites, these influences are a Trojan horse designed to spark destabilizing “color revolutions” that produce regime change in “non-Western” (i.e. authoritarian) political systems.
Since the 2011 Arab Spring, Moscow and Beijing’s perception of this threat has only grown, as movements demanding democracy and reform have swept the globe and reached Russia and China’s doorsteps through Ukraine’s 2013-2014 Maidan protests and Hong Kong’s 2014 “Umbrella Revolution.” Western observers often discount Russian and Chinese state media’s obsession with color revolution as authoritarian propaganda. Nonetheless, as long as Russian and Chinese elites operate under the assumption that the West is subverting their political systems and domestic legitimacy, they will be reticent to put much distance between one another.
Russia-China relations today are geopolitically dissimilar to the relationship in the 1960s and ’70s. During that time, Moscow and Beijing saw each other as major security threats. By contrast, Russia and China’s current strategic objectives are much more impeded by the U.S. and its European and Asian allies than they are by one another. China’s core strategic objectives are focused on East Asia, restoring control over Taiwan and favorably settling maritime territorial disputes in the East and South China Seas. Beijing’s primary obstacle is American naval power, and the web of U.S. bilateral alliances (the “hub and spokes” system) with regional powers such as Japan and Australia. The main obstacle to Russia’s efforts to secure spheres of interest on its Eastern European, and South Caucasian peripheries is the U.S.-led NATO alliance. The European Union Institute for Security Studies recently published a study of China-Russia relations containing an interview with a Chinese security expert that epitomizes this shared threat perception: “China feels pressure in the South China Sea, and Russia feels pressure from NATO in the Baltic Sea. Russia faces anti-ballistic missiles systems in Romania and Poland, and China faces the same in South Korea and Japan. While NATO expands to the East, the U.S. is strengthening its military presence in Asia.”
Driven by ideological and geopolitical fear of the West, Russia-China alignment has engendered close collaboration in mutually beneficial areas. Cooperation intensified following Western imposition of sanctions on Russia in 2014. The most high-profile example came in May 2014, when after nearly a decade of negotiations, Moscow finally cut a deal with Beijing to export Siberian gas to China. This followed the 2013 announcement of a joint venture between Russian oil conglomerate Rosneft and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) to develop Eastern Siberian oil and gas fields. In the short to medium term, it will take time to overcome economic and logistical challenges to develop stronger energy linkages. However, over the longer term, the deals should prove mutually beneficial. Russia secures Chinese investment and locks in comparatively high prices; China diversifies its energy mix and gains access to new overland energy supplies, which Beijing considers less vulnerable to geopolitical turmoil and blockade than energy imported from the Middle East via maritime routes.
The arms trade provides another example of symbiosis in Russia-China relations. The trade helps Russia ameliorate its biggest weakness — a feeble and energy export-dependent economy — while helping China sustain its ongoing military modernization efforts. Historically, a major impediment to this trade was Chinese reverse-engineering of Russian/Soviet armaments, most notoriously Chinese development of the J-11B fighter, which is “a direct copy of the Su-27, a one-seat fighter that was developed by the Soviets through the 1970s and 1980s as a match for the U.S. F-15 and F-16.” The problem of Chinese reverse-engineering was so severe that Moscow placed an informal ban on exports of high technology military equipment to China in 2004. However, Putin’s recent approval of advanced weaponry sales to China such as the Su-35 fighter and the S-400 Surface-to-Air Missile system indicates the moratorium has been lifted. Notably, both parties agreed not to include technology transfer licenses in these deals, which should reduce the feasibility (and resultant friction) of Chinese reverse engineering. The trade will remain mutually beneficial so long as Russia’s economy leans on arms exports (defense manufacturing employs 2.5-3 million workers, around 20 percent of Russian manufacturing jobs), and China’s military industrial complex remain suboptimal at indigenously producing key technologies such as high performance jet engines and advanced conventional attack submarines. Russia will also increasingly rely on China as a key customer, as India, long the biggest buyer of Soviet/Russian arms, diversifies its suppliers and develops its domestic defense industry. China’s dependence on Russia for advanced military technology is further reinforced by lack of access to European and American technology due to a Western arms embargo on China in place since 1989.
Western observers often highlight the tensions lurking below the surface of Sino-Russian relations, particularly Chinese economic expansion into Central Asia, and Russian arms sales to China’s regional rivals, primarily India and Vietnam. Nonetheless, these sources of friction are manageable, and, furthermore, the United States has limited ability to exploit them. For example, it would not be in U.S. interests for Sino-Russian competition to intensify in Central Asia, as this would contribute to regional instability and hamstring regional cooperation against Islamist extremism. If the U.S. and Europe succeed in breaking Russian dominance of the arms trade with India and Vietnam, this would actually have the effect of reducing a source of tension between Moscow and Beijing.
Since Washington will have difficulty exploiting divisions between China and Russia, it makes little sense to “freeze out” one party and pursue rapprochement with the other in the hopes of achieving the sort of realignment that Nixon pulled off in the early 1970s. This is evidenced by previous President Barack Obama’s experience with Russia and China. Although relations with both Moscow and Beijing became strained under Obama, the U.S.-China relationship, despite a growing rivalry in the Asia-Pacific region, remained more functional. It could even be said that Washington and Beijing have developed a peculiar sort of “special relationship.” This is best exemplified by continuing high-level engagement through the annual Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED), an intensive, routinized series of bilateral summits, where American and Chinese leaders engage on an array of international issues. Despite many disagreements, Beijing has a working relationship with Washington, and Moscow does not. As a result, China now occupies the position that Nixon’s America enjoyed during the 1970s: Beijing enjoys closer relations with the two other powers in the strategic triangle than they have with one another.
An effective strategy for Trump to forestall consolidation of a Sino-Russian bloc would be to opt for selective engagement with both Beijing and Moscow. Obviously, engagement would have to be coupled with continued hedging against intensifying security competition with Russia in Europe, and China in Asia. Nevertheless, the Trump administration should also recognize that the shared perception in Beijing and Moscow that Washington aims to subvert and internally weaken its non-democratic rivals is detrimental to relations with both Russia and China, and strengthens Sino-Russian cooperation. Consequently, special efforts should be made to assure Moscow and Beijing that Washington has no interest in interfering in their internal politics. This, rather than tilting toward Moscow, would go a long way toward assuaging the anxiety that Russian and Chinese elites feel about the United States. If Beijing and Moscow begin to see the United States as a normal state with its own interests and goals, rather than a fading hegemon bent on ideological dominance, it would help make triangular diplomacy possible once again.
Israel’s influence and the overall probability of a US war with Iran

During a phone call between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Trump late last month, Iran was said to have been the major topic as Netanyahu had previously announced that “stopping the Iranian threat” was the state of Israel’s “supreme goal.” The Gulf monarchies also expressed optimism that Trump would take a hard stance against Iran, with some even praising him as the “second coming” of Ronald Reagan in terms of ties between Washington and Tehran.
However, Israel has made it clear that they plan to do more than just contain Iran. Leaked emails revealed that while Israel has more than 200 nuclear warheads pointed at Tehran, Iran has none. This has drawn little international criticism despite the fact Israel has never signed a nuclear non-proliferation treaty and refuses to admit the existence of its nuclear program.
Further, the pro-Israel lobby has been busy exerting its influence in Congress. In early January, Rep. Alcee Hastings, a Florida Democrat, introduced the Authorization of Use of Force Against Iran Resolution. The bill that would authorize the president to launch a “preemptive” war with Iran without congressional approval and without the precondition that Iran would have committed any action that would otherwise warrant a full-scale invasion.
Specifically, the text of the bill states, “The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as the President determines necessary and appropriate in order to achieve the goal of preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.” Hastings, it should be noted, has received $332,000 from the pro-Israel lobby over the course of his career, including more than $72,000 in the 2016 election cycle. If passed, the bill would offer the Trump administration a carte blanche for starting a war with Iran.
Despite the aggressive posturing of the Trump administration and U.S. allies in the Middle East, experts and analysts are divided as to whether Trump and his advisors will actually follow through. Sharmine Narwani, commentator and analyst focused on Middle East geopolitics, told MintPress News that Trump and his advisors’ aggressive stance toward Iran is likely to conflict with his stated goal of eradicating Daesh (an Arabic acronym for the terrorist group commonly known as ISIS or ISIL in the West).
She explained: “Trump has no national security expertise whatsoever. He currently entrusts that vision with his advisors who probably share his views on a few critical subjects. I don’t see Iran as being one of his personal areas of interest. Let him take the advice of his ‘generals.’ He will hit a brick wall and realize that his vision of a defeated ISIS, al-Qaida, and terrorism can never be a reality by crippling the key ground player that can rout them all.
In the end, Trump is a businessman and he will go where there is more ‘bang for his buck.’ He will not find any particular efficiency in a protracted confrontation with Iran. On the contrary, Iran can be the key to delivering him a domestically-popular ‘ISIS defeat.’ He has to choose one and can’t have both.”
However, anti-war activist and author David Swanson told MintPress that Trump’s support base and decades of anti-Iran propaganda have primed much of the America public to readily accept war with Iran. Even the “average anti-Trump U.S. liberal believes all sorts of false horrors about Iran,” Swanson said, noting that this is in addition to the “40 percent of the country that supports him.” These “longstanding bipartisan lies about nukes and aggression, and heightened anti-Islam bigotry, […] all make the U.S. public more ready to accept any case for a war on Iran.” Swanson further noted that Trump is likely to call for a “limited war” if a military approach is ultimately decided upon. However, in practice, a “limited war” is unlikely to remain within its ideal limits for long.

On a spring morning in 2016, a retired four-star general, who was forced out of his job by then-President Barack Obama, spoke before defence and foreign policy experts gathered just blocks from the White House. The 65-year old speaker, with silver hair and puffy eyes, was blunt. For all the dangers al-Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, known as ISIS) pose in the Middle East, he warned that the Iranian regime "is the single most enduring threat to stability and peace". He recalled that as commander of US troops in the Middle East, the first three questions he would ask his subordinates every morning "had to do with Iran and Iran and Iran".
"We only pray, the rest of us outside this town, that someone good is listening here," he told the Washington crowd, as he issued an ominous prediction: "The future is going to be ghastly", and that "the next president is going to inherit a mess".
Nine months later, James Norman Mattis returned to the US capital as defence secretary of President Donald Trump. As the man who oversees the 1.3 million US troops, manages Pentagon's $582.7bn budget, and directs military policy, Mattis has Trump's ear. The US president fondly calls him "Mad Dog Mattis", although the former general refers to himself as "Chaos", his Marine call sign. Supporters said he is best suited for the defence job because of his combat experience in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as his "strategic mind". Former US defence chief Robert Gates called him a "warrior-scholar".
But critics said Mattis' fixation with Iran, combined with the president's hostility towards the oil-rich Gulf state, could lead the United States into a replay of Iraq - only this time with a much more "disastrous" consequence to the region. Media reports had suggested it's the same eagerness for confrontation with Iran that prompted Obama to fire Mattis as Central Command chief in 2013, at a time when the US and other world powers were trying to engage Tehran and secure a nuclear deal.
Now Obama is out and Mattis is back. Already, the war of words between the US and Iran has intensified in the first three weeks of Trump's presidency, with Mattis calling Iran "the single biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world", after Tehran confirmed it tested mid-range ballistic missiles. Trump himself weighed in on the controversy, posting on social media that Iran "is playing with fire", as he ordered new sanctions on 13 Iranian individuals and 12 companies. When asked if a military action is possible, he replied, "Nothing is off the table". In response, Tehran fired more test missiles, with one commander of the Revolutionary Guard warning that "if the enemy falls out of line, our missiles will pour down on them". Iran also warned of "dark days to come" in the case of a military attack.
Saeid Golkar, an Iran expert at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, told Al Jazeera: "Unfortunately, the relationship between America and Iran is getting very dangerous. "I think people in the Trump administration will try to make Iran do something stupid," he said, warning of further US actions, such as more sanctions and support for regime change in Tehran. What is also alarming is the bluster coming from the Trump White House, Trita Parsi, founder and president of the National Iranian American Council, told Al Jazeera's Nick Clark.
"If you only have the ability to dial it up, but not dial it down, that is what is most worrisome right now because it could, unfortunately, lead to a military confrontation," he said, as he called on US officials to establish direct contact with Iranian officials to ease the tension. So far, none of the senior Trump officials have made any public effort to talk with Tehran. Like Trump and Mattis, National Security Adviser Michael Flynn - a former military spy chief - is known as an anti-Iran hardliner. Following the recent missile tests, Flynn came out swinging, with the headline-grabbing statement that the White House is "putting Iran on notice".
As Trump's campaign advisor in 2016, Flynn had not been shy in expressing his views on Iran, decrying its "consistent bad behaviour", while calling Obama's nuclear deal as "wishful thinking". Flynn also insisted in his Head to Head interview with Al Jazeera's Mehdi Hasan, that Iran is "intent on having a nuclear weapon", despite proof to the contrary from Iran experts. Trump's chief strategist, Stephen K Bannon, is no different from Flynn. Before joining Trump's campaign, he ran the right-wing website Breitbart, which regularly publishes articles critical of Iran.
As member of Congress, now-CIA chief Mike Pompeo had also advocated bombing Iran's military facilities, calling Iranian officials "serial nuclear cheaters". Amid this backdrop of hostilities, Mohammad Ali Shabani, Iran Pulse editor of Al-Monitor website, said the possibility of a military standoff "seems far-fetched at this point". "One should understand that statements and tweets do not constitute foreign policy," he told Al Jazeera. Shabani said Tehran's "regional strategic depth" and the "complete lack of an international consensus on such a potentially disastrous adventure" should dissuade Trump and his men from going after Iran militarily.
"This is not to mention the domestic US side, where you have a public that is unlikely to stomach another quagmire that would make Iraq and Afghanistan look like a walk in the park," said Shabani.
As for Iran, it is "trying to be a rational actor in foreign policy", and its officials are "very careful not to give excuse" for the US to launch an attack, said Hamid Reza Gholamzadeh, English editor of Tehran-based Mehr News Agency. "The two sides are just testing each other," he told Al Jazeera. "President Trump is trying to bully Iran to take action. Iran is not going to act radically to cause war between the two countries."
But even without military confrontation, Gholamzadeh said Trump's rhetoric and the recent ban on Iranians entering the US have already alienated many Iranians and united them against the new US president. On Friday, hundreds of thousands of Iranians marched nationwide to mark the 38th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution and denounce Trump. Meanwhile, Hillary Mann Leverett, Middle East advisor to Presidents George W Bush and Bill Clinton, told Al Jazeera's News Hour that there is a "misimpression" among many American strategic planners that because of US military dominance, it can impose its will "wherever it chooses to", including in Iran.
"But what they don't understand, and what has happened over and over again, whether it's Iraq, Afghanistan, even Vietnam, is that we are not there. We are not in Iran. "We don't have much at stake as those who actually live there. So, even a weaker party like Iran, compared to the United States, it has so much more at stake in the Middle East that it can really repel what the US may try to do it."
The ‘Inevitable’ War Against Iran And The Decline Of US Hegemony

In a story that’s repeated itself in numerous other countries, Iran’s democracy was replaced with a brutal dictatorial regime that was pro-United States and pro-United Kingdom. Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi’s brutality, largely made possible by the CIA and Israeli Mossad-trained SAVAK military police, targeted the nation’s Muslim population, leading to the rise of religiopolitical movements. Not surprisingly, it was the growth of this movement that led to the 1979 Islamic Revolution, which established an Islamic Republic, and the modern age of antagonistic U.S.-Iran relations.
Since 1979, the United States has followed a policy of “containment” regarding Iran. From arming Iraq to enabling the devastating Iran-Iraq war to attempting to sabotage Iran’s nuclear power program, the United States has sought to covertly subvert, weaken, and isolate the nation – frequently through the use of economic sanctions- as opposed to directly engaging it militarily. Yet, as the latest election cycle got started in earnest, it became clear that the winner would be taking a much more direct approach regarding Iran.
While Hillary Clinton was widely considered to be the most hawkish of the two contenders, Donald Trump shared a similarly aggressive, albeit more muted, stance. As far back as 2013, Trump made plain his discontent with the Obama administration’s negotiations with Iran and the controversial nuclear accord, the fate of which remains uncertain with Trump as president. Expressing his disdain for the Obama administration’s handling of the situation, Trump forecast, “We will end up going to war with Iran because we have people who don’t know what the hell they are doing.”
Since Trump’s inauguration on Jan. 20, his tone has changed rapidly. He’s become as hawkish as his rival in last year’s election, and the groundwork for a full-scale military conflict with Iran is being set. A mere three weeks under the leadership of President Trump, and the United States is closer than ever to a full-scale war with Iran. The timing, of course, is no coincidence.
Trump’s stance on Iran quickly became apparent following his “surprise” victory. Among the first signs that Trump was to take a decidedly aggressive position regarding Iran was his nomination of Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis as secretary of Defense. Though Mattis has been praised as a gifted combat commander and clever military strategist, his animosity for Iran is well-documented. In fact, Mattis’ antagonism with the Middle Eastern power alienated him from former President Barack Obama, who ultimately replaced him as Centcom commander as a result.
Another indicator of Trump’s aggressive stance on Iran came in the nomination of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as national security advisor. Flynn, like Trump and Mattis, was fiercely critical of the Iran nuclear accord. Despite reports from the CIA and Mossad that Iran has no nuclear weapons program nor has it ever been interested in one, Flynn insisted that “Iran has every intention to build a nuclear weapon.”
Yet it was not until Trump’s inauguration that the possibility of a full-scale military conflict with Iran moved closer to becoming reality. Just hours after the inauguration, the White House website announced a “state of the art” missile defense system aimed at “protecting” the United States against an attack from Iran — a country that has not threatened to attack the United States.
The situation escalated further on Jan. 30, when Iran conducted a ballistic missile test, a military program entirely separate from its controversial nuclear program. Though the missile test did not violate the 2015 nuclear accord, Flynn vowed a forceful response to Iran’s “destabilizing behavior across the Middle East” and said the test proved that Iran “continues to threaten U.S. friends and allies and in the region.”
Trump echoed Flynn, announcing via Twitter that, “Iran has been formally PUT ON NOTICE for firing a ballistic missile.” Neither Flynn nor Trump clarified the practical implications of putting Iran “on notice.” Following these remarks, Iran struck a defiant tone, refusing to yield to the Trump administration’s “useless” threats and vowing to conduct more ballistic missile tests.
From there, the situation has continued to devolve. During Thursday’s press briefing, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer argued that Iran had previously attacked a U.S. naval vessel — a contention he used to justify the administration’s bellicose “on notice” remarks. However, this attack was carried out by Iranian-supported Yemeni Houthi rebels against a Saudi vessel, a fact Spicer later admitted.
However, Spicer never addressed his false claim that Iran was responsible for the attack even though the alliance between Iran and the Houthis is tenuous at best. The Intercept and other media outlets quickly noted the similarities between Spicer’s statement and incidents that precipitated past military conflicts such as the Gulf of Tonkin and Iraq’s alleged possession of “weapons of mass destruction.”
The eventful week in U.S.-Iran relations would not be complete, of course, without the announcement of fresh sanctions against Iran. On Friday, new sanctions were officially imposed on 13 individuals and 12 entities for reasons ranging from contributing to the ballistic missile program to having alleged ties to terrorism-related activities. Bloomberg reported that Trump said the sanctions were directly related to the recent missile test and that the Islamic Republic is “playing with fire.” While Reuters claimed that these latest sanctions would avoid violating the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, it will likely serve to further “provoke” Iran as the deal’s partial lifting of long-standing sanctions was a major factor in Iran’s approval of the accord. The re-establishment of sanctions could be viewed as provocation, as Iran’s defense minister warned in December, with the potential to trigger an armed conflict.

Iran warned the US on Monday that any attempt to encroach on the Islamic Republic's ballistic missile program would constitute the crossing of a "red line." "The US calculations about the Islamic Republic and the Iranian nation are fully incorrect," Iranian Deputy Chief of Staff Brig-Gen Maassoud Jazzayeri was quoted by the Fars News Agency as saying.
"The White House should know that defense capacities and missile power, specially at the present juncture where plots and threats are galore, is among the Iranian nation's red lines and a backup for the country's national security and we don’t allow anyone to violate it," Jazzayeri said.
Jazzayeri accused US President Barack Obama of making vows and breaking them by saying removal of sanctions on Iran would be conditioned on the Islamic Republic halting its ballistic missile program. Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) test-fired two ballistic missiles last month that it said were designed to be able to hit Israel, defying a threat of new sanctions from the United States.
The launches followed the test-firing of several missiles as part of a major military exercise that the IRGC says is intended to "show Iran's deterrent power and... ability to confront any threat". The IRGC fired two Qadr missiles from northern Iran which hit targets in the southeast of the country 1,400 kms (870 miles) away, Iranian agencies said. The nearest point in Iran is around 1,000 km from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
"The reason we designed our missiles with a range of 2000 km is to be able to hit our enemy the Zionist regime from a safe distance," Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh was quoted as saying by the ISNA agency.
Three months ago, Washington imposed sanctions against businesses and individuals linked to Iran's missile program over a test of the medium-range Emad missile carried out in October 2015. The IRGC, a powerful force that reports directly to the supreme leader, is deeply suspicious of the United States and its allies. It maintains dozens of short and medium-range ballistic missiles, the largest stock in the Middle East.
Washington fears those missiles could be used to carry a nuclear warhead at some point in the future, even after Iran implemented a nuclear deal with world powers in January that imposes strict limits and checks on its disputed nuclear program. Iran's missile program is subject to UN Security Council resolution 2231 that calls on the Islamic Republic not to develop missiles designed to be capable of carrying nuclear warheads. Iran says its missiles are solely a conventional deterrent.

Firstly, the relationship between the U.S. and Russia is currently probably even worse than they were before the end of the cold war. Experts in both countries believe that Moscow and Washington have entered a new phase of confrontation and are unlikely to be able to cooperate effectively on issues of world order. Secondly, he pointed out that Russia and the U.S. should cooperate. According to him, the country needs to develop a concept of partnership, which will set out the roles each country will play in shaping the new world order and the concept of a coordinated approach to it.

But that is not going to happen—it’ll be worse.
Why? First, Russia is effectively in a state of war with the U.S. Its military doctrine, adopted in December 2014, identifies NATO as Russia’s enemy No. 1. Russian propaganda makes clear that by NATO, they mean the U.S. Turn on Russian TV day or night and you will hear that America is waging war against Russia. Ukraine and Syria are mere proxies, where Russians are fighting imagined U.S. aggression. This anti-American act will not be dropped if a friendly politician comes to power in the U.S. Putin’s authority rests on an ongoing mobilization of Russian society, and the vision of America as an all-powerful enemy is the basis of this mobilization. There is no substitute.
Second, Trump is similar to Putin in a key way: he dreams of the sort of popularity that can be secured only by conjuring enemies and waging wars. If elected, he will rattle sabers all the way, and he will quickly realize that he has the ultimate saber at his disposal: a nuclear one. Here Putin, who regularly reminds his audiences that he has the nuclear option, will be his role model—and his opponent. We will quickly come to the brink of nuclear war. The Russian military doctrine reserves the right of nuclear strike in case of aggression—including non-nuclear aggression—against Russia or its allies. The term allies is not defined by any treaty. In other words, Russia simply reserves the right of first strike.
U.S. policy toward Putin under President Obama is best described as strategic nonengagement. First the U.S. tried to empower nominal Russian President Dmitri Medvedev. Later, with the invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. imposed sanctions on Russia and has since tried to limit engagement over Syria. It would be a stretch to call these policies successful, but they might be the best strategy against an unhinged bully. Confrontation will certainly be more dangerous for the U.S., Russia and the world.

Aggressive talk from politicians and military leaders worldwide — amped up by media and the "bellicose chorus" of TV commentary — has former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev saying: "It all looks as if the world is preparing for war."
"The nuclear threat once again seems real," Gorbachev wrote Thursday in a Time magazine op-ed. "Relations between the great powers have been going from bad to worse for several years now. The advocates for arms build-up and the military-industrial complex are rubbing their hands. "We must break out of this situation. We need to resume political dialogue aiming at joint decisions and joint action." Gorbachev harkened back to the 1980s and his work with the United States to decommission and destroy 80 percent of nuclear weapons amassed during the Cold War.
"In November 1985, at the first summit in Geneva, the leaders of the Soviet Union and the United States declared: Nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought," Gorbachev wrote. "Our two nations will not seek military superiority. This statement was met with a sigh of relief worldwide." President Donald Trump had tweeted some of the tough talk Gorbachev was referring to. "The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes," his December tweet read.
Trump, after his inauguration in mid-January, then said he might offer to end sanctions against Russia in lieu of a nuclear arms reduction. Gorbachev, who has been a critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin at times, continued a call for peace and arms reduction between the U.S. and Russia, Trump and Putin: "The presidents of two nations that hold over 90 percent of the world's nuclear arsenals and therefore bear a special responsibility."
"There is a view that the dialogue should focus on fighting terrorism," Gorbachev wrote. "This is indeed an important, urgent task. But, as a core of a normal relationship and eventually partnership, it is not enough.
"The focus should once again be on preventing war, phasing out the arms race, and reducing weapons arsenals. The goal should be to agree, not just on nuclear weapons levels and ceilings, but also on missile defense and strategic stability. "In modern world, wars must be outlawed, because none of the global problems we are facing can be resolved by war — not poverty, nor the environment, migration, population growth, or shortages of resources."
The Global De-dollarization and the US Policies

Until the mid-twentieth century, the gold standard was the dominant monetary system, based on a fixed quantity of gold reserves stocked in national banks, which limited lending. At that time, the United States managed to become the owner of 70% of world’s gold reserves (excluding the USSR), therefore it pushed its weakened competitor, the UK, aside resulting to the creation of the Bretton Woods financial system in 1944. That’s how the US dollar became the predominant currency for international payments.
But a quarter century later this system had proven ineffective due to its inability to contain the economic growth of Germany and Japan, along with the reluctance of the US to adjust its economic policies to maintain the dollar-gold balance. At that time, the dollar experienced a dramatic decline but it was saved by the support of rich oil exporters, especially once Saudi Arabia began to exchange its black gold for US weapons and support in talks with Richard Nixon. As a result, President Richard Nixon in 1971 unilaterally ordered the cancellation of the direct convertibility of the United States dollar to gold, and instead he established the Jamaican currency system in which oil has become the foundation of the US dollar system. Therefore, it’s no coincidence that from that moment on the control over oil trade has become the number one priority of Washington’s foreign policy. In the aftermath of the so-called Nixon Shock the number of US military engagements in the Middle East and other oil producing regions saw a sharp increase. Once this system was supported by OPEC members, the global demand for US petrodollars hit an all time high. Petrodollars became the basis for America domination over the global financial system which resulted in countries being forced to buy dollars in order to get oil on the international market.
Analysts believe that the share of the United States in today’s world gross domestic product shouldn’t exceed 22%. However, 80% of international payments are made with US dollars. As a result, the value of the US dollar is exceedingly high in comparison with other currencies, that’s why consumers in the United States receive imported goods at extremely low prices. It provides the United States with significant financial profit, while high demand for dollars in the world allows the US government to refinance its debt at very low interest rates.
Under these circumstances, those heding against the dollar are considered a direct threat to US economic hegemony and the high living standards of its citizens, and therefore political and business circles in Washington attempt by all means to resist this process.This resistance manifested itself in the overthrow and the brutal murder of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, who decided to switch to Euros for oil payments, before introducing a gold dinar to replace the European currency.
However, in recent years, despite Washington’s desire to use whatever means to sustain its position within the international arena, US policies are increasingly faced with opposition. As a result, a growing number of countries are trying to move from the US dollar along with its dependence on the United States, by pursuing a policy of de-dollarization. Three states that are particularly active in this domain are China, Russia and Iran. These countries are trying to achieve de-dollarization at a record pace, along with some European banks and energy companies that are operating within their borders.
The Russian government held a meeting on de-dollarization in spring of 2014, where the Ministry of Finance announced the plan to increase the share of ruble-denominated contracts and the consequent abandonment of dollar exchange. Last May at the Shanghai summit, the Russian delegation manged to sign the so-called “deal of the century” which implies that over the next 30 years China will buy $ 400 billion worth of Russia’s natural gas, while paying in rubles and yuans. In addition, in August 2014 a subsidiary company of Gazprom announced its readiness to accept payment for 80,000 tons of oil from Arctic deposits in rubles that were to be shipped to Europe, while the payment for the supply of oil through the “Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean” pipeline can be transferred in yuans. Last August while visiting the Crimea, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin announced that “the petrodollar system should become history” while “Russia is discussing the use of national currencies in mutual settlements with a number of countries.” These steps recently taken by Russia are the real reasons behind the West’s sanction policy.
In recent months, China has also become an active member of this “anti-dollar” campaign, since it has signed agreements with Canada and Qatar on national currencies exchange, which resulted in Canada becoming the first offshore hub for the yuan in North America. This fact alone can potentially double or even triple the volume of trade between the two countries since the volume of the swap agreement signed between China and Canada is estimated to be a total of 200 billion yuans.
China’s agreement with Qatar on direct currency swaps between the two countries are the equivalent of $ 5.7 billion and has cast a heavy blow to the petrodollar becoming the basis for the usage of the yuan in Middle East markets. It is no secret that the oil-producing countries of the Middle Eastern region have little trust in the US dollar due to the export of inflation, so one should expect other OPEC countries to sign agreements with China.
As for the Southeast Asia region, the establishment of a clearing center in Kuala Lumpur, which will promote greater use of the yuan locally, has become yet another major step that was made by China in the region. This event occurred in less than a month after the leading financial center of Asia – Singapore – became a center of the yuan exchange in Southeast Asia after establishing direct dialogue regarding the Singapore dollar and the yuan.
The Islamic Republic of Iran has recently announced its reluctance to use US dollars in its foreign trade. Additionally, the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev has recently tasked the National Bank with the de-dollarization of the national economy.
All across the world, the calls for the creation of a new international monetary system are getting louder with each passing day. In this context it should be noted that the UK government plans to release debts denominated in yuans while the European Central Bank is discussing the possibility of including the yuan in its official reserves.
Those trends are to be seen everywhere, but in the midst of anti-Russian propaganda, Western newsmakers prefer to keep quiet about these facts, in particular, when inflation is skyrocketing in the United States. In recent months, the proportion of US Treasury bonds in the Russian foreign exchange reserves has been shrinking rapidly, being sold at a record pace, while this same tactic has been used by a number of different states.
To make matters worse for the US, many countries seek to export their gold reserves from the United States, which are deposited in vaults at the Federal Reserve Bank. After a scandal of 2013, when the US Federal Reserve refused to return German gold reserves to its respective owner, the Netherlands have joined the list of countries that are trying to retrieve their gold from the US. Should it be successful the list of countries seeking the return of gold reserves will double which may result in a major crisis for Washington.
The above stated facts indicate that the world does not want to rely on US dollars anymore. In these circumstances, Washington relies on the policy of deepening regional destabilization, which, according to the White House strategy, must lead to a considerable weakening of any potential US rivals. But there’s little to no hope for the United States to survive its own wave of chaos it has unleashed across the world.

He then noted that “we face no limitations” when it comes to the use of other currencies. The change, set to go into effect on March 21, is set to impact all official financial and foreign exchange reports. Forbes noted that the move is likely to “add a degree of currency risk and volatility and is likely to complicate matters for the authorities.” Though it is true that Iran’s currency may suffer in the short term as a result of the measure, the consequences for the U.S. dollar — and thus, U.S. economic hegemony — are far greater.
In the 1970s, after the United States was no longer able to guarantee the value of the dollar with gold, then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger negotiated a deal that would change both the dollar and U.S. foreign policy forever. In order to keep the U.S. dollar valuable, Kissinger convinced the Saudi monarchy to use U.S. dollars exclusively in the country’s oil transactions, thereby generating artificial demand for dollars and, thus, artificial value for a weakening currency. This deal marked the official birth of what is known as the petrodollar system. The other countries that comprise OPEC, which includes Iran, soon followed suit, ensuring the dollar’s dominance for years to come – a crucial piece of U.S. economic hegemony.
However, some countries have since attempted to distance themselves from the dollar and have suffered the consequences. The most notable example is Saddam Hussein’s decision to dump the dollar for the euro in 2000. Following the decision, Hussein managed to generate a handsome profit for Iraq, sending a clear signal to other oil-producing nations that the petrodollar system was not necessarily in their best interest. However, the subsequent invasion of Iraq sent a clear signal that the United States would not passively allow oil-producing countries to exit the petrodollar system.
The next country that attempted to leave the petrodollar system was Libya. Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, also dissatisfied with the petrodollar system, had established the dinar, a gold-backed currency that was set to become Libya’s currency of choice for oil transactions. Gadhafi had also announced plans to make the dinar a pan-African currency to economically empower other African nations. In 2011, the U.S. destroyed the Libyan state and killed Gadhafi, preventing this deal from coming to fruition.
Iran’s decision to dump the dollar could very well force the United States’ hand in the matter. Iran, which holds 13 percent of OPEC’s oil reserves, could drastically affect global demand for dollars once it switches currencies for its oil transactions. The dollar, already on tenuous footing thanks to years of reckless “quantitative easing,” could become significantly devalued rather quickly. Combined with the overall weak health of the U.S. economy, the consequences could be potentially catastrophic.

Moscow’s ambassador to Afghanistan, Alexander Mantytskiy, and other Russian officials said the cooperation with the Taliban didn’t include supplying it with money or materiel. Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid described the relationship as “just political.” But the revelation coincides with other Russian moves in Afghanistan that appear aimed, as in the Middle East and Europe, at undermining U.S. influence and seeking regional parity with Washington. The Kremlin held a conference in Moscow last month with China and Pakistan to discuss terrorist threats from Afghanistan and how to combat Islamic State. Since then, Russia has invited the Afghan government to participate in the continuing diplomatic initiative, but not the U.S.
Moscow also has blocked the Afghan government’s efforts to remove Gulbuddin Hekmatyar from a United Nations sanctions list, a crucial condition of an Afghan government peace deal with the warlord’s al Qaeda-linked insurgent group. The deal, strongly supported by the U.S. and its allies, was viewed by the U.S. and other allies of the government as a template for future talks with the Taliban. While the Afghan government of President Ashraf Ghani has publicly criticized any support for the Taliban, one of the biggest boosters of Russian moves in Afghanistan is his predecessor, Hamid Karzai. Mr. Karzai, who served as head of the U.S.-backed government in Kabul for more than 12 years, views Russia as a healthy counterweight to America’s dominant presence in his Central Asian nation of 33 million people.
“The fact is that the U.S. presence in Afghanistan has not brought security to us. It has caused more extremism,” Mr. Karzai said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. “There has to be a balance of power here now.”
The frequency of the contacts between Russia and the Taliban—and the rank and influence of the officials involved in them—aren’t known. But they are sufficiently worrying to the U.S. that Gen. John Nicholson, the top American military commander in Afghanistan, publicly criticized Russia, Iran and Pakistan last month for their “malign influence” in the country. He singled out Moscow for “overtly” lending legitimacy to the Taliban.
Russia’s claim that it is reaching out to the Taliban because of the failure of the U.S. to curb the rise of Islamic State and other new terrorist groups in Afghanistan is designed to rationalize its policies, Gen. Nicholson said. “Their [Russia’s] narrative goes something like this: that the Taliban are the ones fighting Islamic State, not the Afghan government,” he told reporters last month at the Pentagon briefing.
“This public legitimacy that Russia lends to the Taliban is not based on fact, but it is used as a way to essentially undermine the Afghan government and the NATO effort and bolster the belligerents,” the general said, referring to the 13,000-strong force of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which is led by about 8,400 U.S. troops.
Foreign government contact with the Taliban isn’t new. Pakistan is widely seen as a major patron of the movement, and in recent years Chinese and Afghan government officials have held separate talks with Taliban envoys to discuss peace prospects in Afghanistan. But in forging open ties with the Taliban, Moscow is befriending the heirs of the insurgency that dealt the Soviet Union its most humiliating military defeat and helped lead to its collapse. In 1989, rebels—many of them Islamic fundamentalists backed by the U.S., Saudi Arabia and Pakistan—drove the Red Army from Afghanistan following a nine-year Soviet occupation. There are few indications of what President Donald Trump’s administration will do in Afghanistan.
In December, Mr. Trump, at the time president-elect, told Mr. Ghani in a telephone call that he would consider sending more American troops, Afghan officials said, in a step to halt the deterioration of the country’s security. Before most foreign troops were withdrawn from Afghanistan at the end of 2014, former President Barack Obama had more than 100,000 U.S. troops in the country. Also, the White House said this week that President Trump would be open to military cooperation with Russia to fight Islamic State. Mr. Karzai said Mr. Trump’s pledge for improved ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin is encouraging.
“I am glad he and Putin are on good terms,” he said. “I hope the two of them will remain friends and work issues out, especially on Afghanistan."
US-Led International Order is Dead

As ISIS forces sweep through Sunni Iraq, whether or not the United States will help Baghdad to bring back its provinces has overtaken "bring back our girls" in Nigeria as the central public concern of U.S. foreign policy. The contrast matters because it marks not the end, but potentially the start, of an era of American exceptionalism. The masterful performance through which Michelle Obama galvanized global opinion on the Nigerian schoolgirls might have been seen at the time, only a month ago, as an affirmation of a U.S. belief in its global destiny: That the schoolgirls really were, for the first lady, and for that intangible sense of U.S. mission and responsibility to the rest of the world, "ours."
From the end of World War II, the world’s destiny has been America’s destiny. Although the U.S. market-based economic model has been imitated globally more than its democratic political institutions, the basic structures of international order have been underpinned by America’s economic, military, and cultural influence. From 1945, to subscribe to the idea of the West, or at least to the economic and cultural aspects of that contested concept, has been to subscribe to a U.S.-led international order. That has been the case for better and for worse, as we are respectively reminded, on the one hand, by the U.S. victory in the Cold War, and on the other by the near collapse of the U.S.-centered international financial system in 2008.
The Western world order is no longer a post-1945 platitude, but a distinctly fragile proposition, the reality of which people across the world need actively to be persuaded of to believe in, as President Barack Obama attempted to do in his recent foreign-policy speech at West Point. Superficially, the president appeared to amplify the first lady’s message of America’s global responsibilities: America was the "indispensable nation," so when "schoolgirls are kidnapped in Nigeria… it is America that the world looks to for help."
But the underlying effect of the president’s speech was to bookmark the end of an era of American intervention; it closed the chapter starting from 2001, and perhaps even the volume from 1945.
"Bring back our girls" may have inoculated the United States against claims that it was not upholding the global rights of young women to an education, and implicitly shifted the burden of proving whose world order gave the better deal to young women across to Boko Haram — which threatened to sell the girls into slavery — and Islamic jihadists worldwide. The Twitter campaign isolated a clear-cut case of right and wrong, and was heard across the world, loud and clear.
But sometimes silence speaks louder than words. The world is virtually silent about the genocide going on this very day in the Central African Republic (CAR). There is no global Twitter campaign about schoolgirls there. They aren’t ours. As if to amplify the silent point in the West Point speech that an era of U.S. intervention is effectively over, CAR even dropped out of the rhetorical consciousness of the speech itself from one paragraph to the next:
"Today, according to self-described realists, conflicts in Syria or Ukraine or the Central African Republic are not ours to solve. And not surprisingly, after costly wars and continuing challenges here at home, that view is shared by many Americans. A different view from interventionists from the left and right says that we ignore these conflicts at our own peril; that America’s willingness to apply force around the world is the ultimate safeguard against chaos, and America’s failure to act in the face of Syrian brutality or Russian provocations not only violates our conscience, but invites escalating aggression in the future."
If the responsibility to protect 276 abducted schoolgirls is alive and well, what’s clear from Syria to the CAR is that the "responsibility to protect" whole populations as a doctrine of international policy is dead in the water; it’s the language of the last era, and to suggest otherwise in the face of one of the biggest humanitarian catastrophes in history in Syria is surely untenable.
ISIS in Iraq is in a completely different league of complexity and geopolitical significance than the Nigerian schoolgirls. Given that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is most to blame for the chaos, having systematically marginalized the Sunni population since 2010, should Washington back Baghdad at all? Given the risk of making an enemy of all of Iraq’s Sunnis, whose reconciliation with U.S. forces and Baghdad was the prime achievement of the 2008 surge, should the United States strike ISIS? Given that Maliki has shown no competence to be able to retake the Sunni provinces, militarily or politically, if the United States does engage in limited strikes, given the risk of being drawn into an open-ended commitment to back up Baghdad, where does that effort end? Should the United States try to keep Iraq together at all, or is this the moment to cut losses and avoid being drawn into a quagmire of sectarian violence, and see Iraq split up?
And how should Washington understand ISIS: Should it accept Maliki’s self-interested argument that they are the same al Qaeda "terrorists" of 9/11, that this is the same fight against common enemies? Or should the United States refrain from grouping together all jihadists as "the terrorists," thus exploiting the various groups’ principal vulnerability — that they fight endlessly with each other, as ISIS’s break with al Qaeda testifies? If it’s the latter, then ISIS is not part of the war the Obama administration refuses to call the war on terror — despite still relying on the 2001 post-9/11 Congressional Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF). And if the 2001 AUMF is not going to be used to fight ISIS, is the administration going to rely on the 2003 Iraq War AUMF, and thus re-open the war? Or will the White House stand back while ISIS takes control of the Sunni provinces?
It is worth remembering in all this that, barely a month ago, resolving the kidnap of the Nigerian schoolgirls was "one of the highest priorities of the U.S. Government," according to the U.S. State Department.
In the context of far more serious and more morally complicated contemporary security problems today, it still bears looking at the fixation on the Nigerian schoolgirls last month. This was hardly an affirmation of international ambition so much as an example of a relatively small and morally clear-cut case that marked the limits of U.S. interventionism in a new era. The reticence to be drawn beyond those limits is clear from the Obama administration’s agony over whether or not to intervene in Iraq.
The transition from one era to the next marked by the West Point speech could not be better captured than by the now-anachronistic competition among commentators to be the most outraged about why the United States had taken so long to declare Boko Haram a terrorist group, or the delay to put pressure on the Nigerian government to bring back our girls. If there is one lesson from the post-2001 wars, it’s that perhaps we should not rush in to complex conflicts that very quickly move away from being clear-cut cases of right and wrong, to entanglement in intractable age-old tribal fights, with no clear boundary between enemy and civilian.
The anachronism of the commentators’ outrage at the delay in intervention in Nigeria — the knee-jerk desire to intervene everywhere and fight every jihadist under the sun — was nonetheless echoed in parts of the president’s speech. The speech worked where it looked forward, and set out the new and critical distinction between the potentially unilateral use of force "when our core interests demand it," but offered a higher bar for using force in relation to broader issues of "global concern that do not pose a direct threat to the United States." The speech failed where it blurred this new and important distinction by rehearsing the language and motifs of the last era, motifs that now sounded tired, and out of tune with U.S. public opinion.
We heard that "America’s support for democracy and human rights goes beyond idealism — it is a matter of national security," because "democracies are our closest friends and are far less likely to go to war," and that "respect for human rights is an antidote to instability and the grievances that fuel violence and terror." That doesn’t fit with the small print: "In countries like Egypt, we acknowledge that our relationship is anchored in security interests."
We heard that the test of any U.S. drone strike was whether "[we] create more enemies than we take off the battlefield." But the idea of a global battlefield against terrorist enemies is seriously out of date, at least since we worked out that the original Taliban and Saddam Hussein actually had very little to do with al Qaeda. Indeed, the irrational durability of the idea of the world as a battlefield is as anachronistic as Guantanamo Bay.
Paradoxically, the speech itself acknowledged that al Qaeda was decentralized, with many affiliates and extremists having "agendas focused in countries where they operate." But if that is true, why then are they the enemy of the United States? Was the Nairobi Westgate Mall attack, mentioned as an example of a "less defensible target," really an attack against the United States? Five U.S. citizens were wounded, among hundreds of other nationalities. But if that is the threshold for identifying a terrorist group as an enemy of the United States, then Obama’s new distinction is so porous as to be of little practical utility.
The vague and permissive concept of the terrorist enemy that punctuated certain parts of the speech was contradicted by the main direction of the speech, which was about limiting U.S. exposure to open-ended conflicts, not being drawn into other people’s fights and tribal-sectarian wars. Eras of U.S. intervention come and go. Vietnam closed the last one, and Afghanistan will close this one. There will be new eras of U.S. intervention in future, and the closing of the 2001 chapter is not remarkable in the long view, as permanent war is plainly unsustainable. The United States remains the global military superpower, and claims of the end of its military dominance are exaggerated.
If that were the case, why would the speech potentially be closing not just a chapter from 2001 but a volume from 1945?
Consider for a moment President Harry Truman’s inaugural address on Jan. 20, 1949. As cultural historian Nick Cullather has written, by re-framing what would previously have been perceived as colonial intrusion as "development," Truman, as Fortune magazine put it at the time, "hit the jackpot of the world’s political emotions." Cullather notes how leaders of then newly independent states, such as Zahir Shah of Afghanistan and Jawaharlal Nehru of India, accepted these terms, merging their own governmental mandates into the stream of nations moving toward modernity. Development was not only the best, but the only course. As Nehru stated, "There is only one-way traffic in time."
President Obama mentioned the importance of development in the speech, and how American assistance aimed, for example, "to double access to electricity in sub-Saharan Africa so people are connected to the promise of the global economy." A noble thought perhaps, but this is a world away from Truman. The developing states of 1949 are now powerful economies, and they hardly see themselves as little Americas. Westernization in 1949 meant Americanization; now it doesn’t.Westernization in 1949 meant Americanization; now it doesn’t.
The very success of the United States in the Cold War and in the brief period of post-1991 global hegemony was to mold the world in its own image, with the effect that Westernization — at least its economic and cultural dimension — is now so universally accepted in varying forms that it changes the meaning of what being Westernized is: Even ISIS probably uses iPhones. In this new context, despite sympathy with the humanitarian ambition of bringing electricity to sub-Saharan Africa, the very discourse of international development as something Western states engage in seems at best dated: a vexed idea drifting away from its post-colonial moorings towards the post-post-colonial waters in which it has no clear anchor points.
President Obama said that America remains the "indispensable nation." He’s right; it is. But he was wrong to use the examples of "when a typhoon hits the Philippines, or schoolgirls are kidnapped in Nigeria, or masked men occupy a building in Ukraine, it is America that the world looks to for help." That is to attach the meaning of America’s role in this new era to being a first responder for a fragmented set of events that don’t fit into a clear narrative. Moreover, most of the world does not want America as a bull in a china shop, rushing to create new terrorist enemies or to chase Joseph Kony around jungles, changing foreign policy in accordance with the latest YouTube or Twitter sensations.
America does not need to seek sensation, precisely because it remains the world’s great democratic nation.
The rest of the liberal world’s relationship with America is not one of love but one of faith. America is the indispensable nation not just to its allies, but to individuals and families around the world who rely on it to uphold some kind of liberal world order: the educated Afghanis whose families will be killed if the Taliban take control again; the Saudi woman who might hope to drive a car one day; the students in Tehran arrested just for singing "Happy;" or any number of others, from Kiev, through Cairo, to Baghdad.
This faith is not the demonstrative faith of the zealot, but the quiet contemplation that, despite America’s moral failures — be it torture or mass surveillance — recognizes that the United States remains the great liberal power. There are still a huge number of people anxious not to see on their horizon a U.S. carrier group replaced with a Chinese one.
Unlike the sensational reaction desired from rescuing schoolgirls, or capturing Kony, the United States can’t expect any thanks or applause for its routine foreign policy from its faithful across the globe. To be effective, Washington needs to be tough and sometimes make ugly compromises, like backing a corrupt regime in Kabul to stop a worse fate for the Afghan people, or the equivalent in Iraq now. No one is going to cheer that, even if they agree with it.
What is remarkable is not the enduring faith of those around the world in the United States, but the enduring faith of the U.S. public in a U.S.-led international order that is massively expensive and for which they receive little thanks.
The idea of a special global destiny is a fragile idea. Britain used to be the indispensable nation; that ended a long time ago. When Britain announced its famous decision to withdraw "East of Suez" in 1967, Dean Rusk, then U.S. secretary of state, said to a colleague how he could not believe that the British viewed that "free aspirin and false teeth were more important than Britain’s role in the world." That shock would be banal today; the welfare state has permanently replaced the warfare state. The idea of Britain’s global destiny, within a generation, has become ancient history.
But the United States still believes in its unique global destiny: "I believe in American exceptionalism with every fiber of my being," the president said. The truth, however, is that America has not been the exceptional nation since 1945 because of the extent to which the rest of the world has copied it.
America has lost control of what is means to be Western, as a result of its very success in spreading the idea across the globe since 1945. Perhaps the new era that we are entering will see America attempting to re-claim the legacy of the West as its own, for example by working with, not against, the international institutions it set up after World War II. On the other hand, we might see America assume a more genuinely exceptional path, allowing itself to see a different destiny to that of the West, or perhaps more accurately, Western-ism.
The president’s speech undoubtedly marked the end of one era and the first steps into another. Whether and how Baghdad gets its provinces back will be a more accurate signpost of the direction of American exceptionalism in the twenty-first century than the sorry fate of the Nigerian schoolgirls.

According to Lavrov, the supporters of "messianically imposing their own ultra-liberal values, changing sovereign countries' political systems, among them through ideologically motivated operations to topple undesirable regimes," gained the upper hand in the West some time ago. "The failure of such attempts is obvious, but they will be dealing with the aftermath for a very long time," he emphasized.The aftermath Lavrov is referring to has several layers to it. The most obvious consequence of Washington's actions in Syria is a massive humanitarian crisis that will take decades to fully rectify. Hundreds of thousands dead. Millions of refugees. A huge swath of the country's critical infrastructure destroyed completely. As Lavrov puts it:
Outside interference turned the region into a space of chaos and anarchy, with numerous radicals immediately taking advantage of this," the minister explained. "Hence, the weakening or collapse of statehood in a number of countries, an unprecedented surge in international terrorism and extremism, and the large-scale migrant crisis that has engulfed Europe.
In this world of interconnections, it has become a cliché to talk about the “global village.“ But right now, the village is burning, and the neighbors are fighting in the light of the flames. Just as we need a policeman to restore order; we need a firefighter to put out the flames of conflict, and a kind of mayor, smart and sensible, to lead the rebuilding. Only America can play all these roles, because of all world powers, America alone has the credibility to shape sustainable solutions to these challenges.Rasmussen’s op-ed makes many familiar mistakes here. For one thing, the entire “village” isn’t burning, and the vast majority of the world is at peace. The need for both “policeman” and “firefighter” is exaggerated to make it seem as if the world will fall into chaos unless the U.S. acts as the author wants, but that isn’t the case. For another, it can’t possibly be the responsibility of any one government to do all of the things mentioned here. No government has the right or authority to do these things, and there is no single government with either the resources or the competence to police the world. Besides, there simply isn’t enough political support for such a role here in the U.S. Even if the U.S. could competently fill the role Rasmussen describes, it would be a mistake to do it.
The costs of such a role are not only exorbitant, but there is an inherent danger in justifying U.S. actions in these terms. Setting the U.S. up as the enforcer of order around the world effectively puts the U.S. above the rules that all states are supposed to follow, and it gives it an excuse to trample on the sovereignty of other states when the enforcer deems it appropriate. Even if our leaders had consistently good judgment, that would create many opportunities for abuse. Since we know our leaders often make poor choices about how and where to intervene, it opens the door to one disaster after another. We also know our government’s “enforcement” is arbitrary and selective, and when its allies and clients break the rules the U.S. is usually helping them or covering for them. Most of the world doesn’t need and presumably doesn’t want a “policeman” that can do what it likes, shield its clients from punishment, and never has to answer to them, and most Americans don’t want their government to act as one.
Of course, it is misleading from the start to think of a major military power as either a police force or a fire brigade. Both of these are typically services under the control of a local government in one’s own community. The U.S. role Rasmussen describes is necessarily very different from that. It isn’t local or accountable to the people being “policed,” and its “policing” is inevitably an intrusion from outside into their affairs. As for being a “mayor,” mayors are normally elected, but most nations around the world haven’t elected and wouldn’t elect the U.S. as “mayor” of the world. Most of the world doesn’t accept the U.S. as its “policeman,” and in quite a few places that role is vehemently denied.

With the election of Donald Trump to the presidency, the United States seems about to swerve in a similar direction, to go from leading the world as a stabilizer to leading the world as a destabilizer. What’s propelling this about-face is nostalgia for an earlier age of supremacy. In truth, that supremacy has long since passed. America’s continued claim on global leadership is mostly an inheritance from the aftermath of World War II, when American leaders laid the multilateral foundations of what we now call globalization. Diplomats, economists, and philosophers charted a grand bargain for the world, a kind of global new deal. It rested on two pillars.
The first concerned cooperation in the world economy. To prevent a backslide into the protectionist, inward-looking policies that crushed the global economy in the 1930s and led to war in Europe and Asia, global rebuilders hitched national economies to norms, rules, and principles of free trade. The result was a boom. From 1950 to 1973, world per capita incomes grew by 3 percent per year — powered by a trade explosion of 8 percent per year. Cooperation triumphed; interdependence brought prosperity.
The second pillar concerned national policies. To cope with the dislocations of free trade and interdependence, governments created safety nets and programs at home to manage the risks and to shelter the castaways. From welfare to workplace protections, from capital controls to expanded education, national policies buffered market perils and helped families adapt to commercial and technological changes. What’s more, many of these programs extended to the dislocated who left home altogether, like those who departed Puerto Rico for the United States, Italy for Canada, Algeria for France, Cambodia for Australia. Education, workplace protections, and pathways to citizenship were part of a bundle of rights conferred on immigrants.
This was the global new deal that buoyed the postwar liberal order: a coherent, complementary set of policies that opened borders while protecting societies from the hazards of integration across those borders.
It was unsustainable. Both pillars eventually collapsed like Greek columns. Over seven decades, their foundations shifted beneath them. We are now witnessing, in Trumpism, its death throes. And there is no way to re-create the conditions that led to the original global new deal, and the years of relative stability and tolerance that came with it; we may never see its like again.
At the dawn of the Washington-led rebuild in 1945, the U.S. economy was larger than all of Europe, Japan, and the USSR combined — the result of a global war that leveled the productive capacity of almost every other major power. The effects of the war yielded a global Leviathan unlike any we’d seen before — but one that did not impose itself, like Rome, on its neighbors. It did not have to. Indeed, what was remarkable about the long reconstruction process was how much elites and workers across Europe and Asia agreed on the fundaments of postwar integration. For them, after all, the global new deal offered them resources — Marshall Plan aid, U.S. foreign direct investment — and markets upon which to reassemble flattened economies and societies. For the United States, markets for manufactured goods and investment, shut down by the inward turn of the Great Depression, got thrown back open. According to recent estimates by one team of economic historians, the postwar export surge generated between 1.3 million and 1.97 million American jobs.
This new deal didn’t depend on a hegemon to force others to get on board. It did, however, depend on one to coordinate the elaborate set of systems involved in managing currencies, to facilitate the negotiations involved in dismantling trade barriers and agreeing on standards — in other words, it required a leader to ensure all the pieces were in place for the new system to function as a whole. That liberal Leviathan, it was always clear, would be the United States. It is easy to lead when you are that dominant.That liberal Leviathan, it was always clear, would be the United States. It is easy to lead when you are that dominant.
In short order, however, the success of this model began to eat away at that dominance — and thus, U.S. ability to coordinate and lead. Postwar global integration was so successful that soon Japan, Germany, and eventually China, South Korea, and Brazil were scrambling for market share. By the 1960s, Ford had to compete on its home turf with Toyota. Global trade would continue to boom in the decades to come; from 1980 to 2011, world trade grew by an astonishing 8.2 percent per year — twice as fast as world output. China leaped from a meager 0.89 percent of world export shares in 1980 to 10 percent in 2011, muscling past the United States. As a share of world exports, the United States slipped from approximately 12 percent to 8 percent over the past quarter century. In that period, the United States held its own as the world’s safety net for imports — consuming 12.3 percent of the world’s imports (China trails with 9.5 percent) and creating a trade imbalance of unprecedented proportions. China currently commands the same share of world exports that the United States enjoyed in 1968 — almost 14 percent.
The slipping dominance of the United States nearly caused this system to fall apart much earlier. In the 1970s and 1980s, the first great malaise set in in the West, and the signs of a spreading precariat were everywhere. Factories closed; New York went bankrupt; in the winter of 1978-79, the lights went out in Britain and people shivered in the dark; Ford’s global market share began to nosedive. The global Club of Rome think tank in 1972 predicted the end of growth and the beginnings of a dark age of scarcity. Even Hollywood got into the gloom business, with Sally Field playing Norma Rae in a dying mill town in North Carolina and Jennifer Beals playing a hard-luck steelworker whose way out of the Rust Belt was exotic dancing.
Then, the global system got two, improbable lifelines.
One came in the form of credit. Moneylending took off as banks got deregulated. After 1973, the global financial industry soared; within a decade, financial markets had grown 400 percent. The value of daily trading on the New York Stock Exchange grew from $10 million in 1970 to over $1 billion by 2005. Now, it was not just commodities that sutured the world into one market, but capital. An alarming amount of financial interdependence, however, took the form of debt — both household and governmental. Total credit market debt (public and private) in the United States doubled from 1970 to 1998. Then it soared and never looked back. According to McKinsey, the global stock of debt to gross domestic product rose even more after the crisis of 2008. Last year, it ballooned to $152 trillion — over 225 percent of world output. Half the debt load rests on government shoulders. Private and public debt kept spending afloat even though tax bases and personal incomes for the bottom half sagged.
The second was cheap fossil fuels. The discovery of new crude oil reserves and rising use of natural gas licked the second oil crisis of the late 1970s, and, except for a brief spike during the presidency of George W. Bush, energy prices continued their long-term decline. Despite warnings that we would bake the planet, ever more coal, gas, and oil was combusted to move the world’s vehicles, spread its factories, and cool its homes — except liberalized trade, and Asia’s growing middle classes, meant the world included more of each. Liberalizing world trade and industrializing Asia released 4 billion metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere in 1970; the figure is now 10 billion. Fully half the fossil fuel-induced CO2 emissions worldwide since 1750 have taken place since 1985.
I said these were improbable lifelines because those of us who watched the figures in the 1970s and 1980s tended to see the “energy crisis” and the “debt crisis” as chokeholds on global prosperity. It turns out that they were the opposite.
At the same time, rising global competition ravaged national welfare states. Governments facing cheap imports still abided by treaties that barred them from turning to protectionist measures; instead, with the victories of Margaret Thatcher in Britain and Ronald Reagan in the United States, a drive to free up markets, dismantle labor protections, and slash taxes aimed to help industries best their rivals by slashing their costs. Despite economic growth, America’s working class braced for a 35-year stagnation in real hourly wages.
What had once been a comprehensive, integrated system of policies that allowed free trade and social safety nets to work in tandem became, in the absence of strong global leadership, a race to the bottom, sustained by carbon and credit. Domestic safety nets got torn up in a fever to make economies more nimble. Deregulators, privatizers, and a free market orthodoxy took hold, shredding the pacts that once eased the effects of globalization. Trade unions, once key to manufacturing the consent behind the global new deal, got crushed. As supply chains outsourced automobile parts production to Indonesia and T-shirt-making to Bangladesh, dependence across societies produced greater inequality within them. And yet the system bumped along: Public services and protections softened market risks before 1973; in the decades afterward they were replaced by the private comforts of combustion and monthly credit card bills.
If access to carbon and credit appeared to solve the problem for a time, there was an additional, sustaining shock. In 1989, American leadership got a new lease on life — at least for a while. The fall of the Berlin Wall, the breakup of the USSR, and some gloating about the end of history created some sense of renewed American grandeur and the triumph of free markets. This euphoria, however, masked underlying structural shifts that eroded U.S. dominance still further; while the Soviet bloc collapsed, behind the scenes, there was a dramatic retooling of the Asian economies. Germany also upgraded its automobile, aircraft, and pharmaceutical prowess.
The reckoning could not be put off forever. The dual addictions to carbon and credit are now under assault. The bill for relying on fossil fuels is turning up in the form of climate change, while swaths of the unprotected precariat work part-time jobs in Walmart and Home Depot to cover the monthly interest on their Visa cards.
And now: Not since 1930 has the global trading order been more threatened. No one is coming to the rescue.Not since 1930 has the global trading order been more threatened. No one is coming to the rescue. David Cameron botched the Brexit campaign. Hillary Clinton stumbled through questions about the misunderstood Trans-Pacific Partnership and cringed whenever NAFTA came up. In the vacuum, wall-builders promise to revive a zombie version of American grandeur with more carbon, more credit, and a mercantilist crusade.
Global integration relied on the United States playing a vital stabilizing role in an otherwise turbulent world. After a long life, the seven decade-long American-led order is now exhausted. It was running out of steam anyway. But what comes next is not a simple process of slow sputtering out. In order to make America great again, a coalition of wall-builders and treaty-shredders will aim to upend the grand strategy that informed generations of thinking and policymaking since 1945. What the new regime in Washington promises to do now is to become the single-most important source of global instability.
Meanwhile, the emergent world order will be one deprived of a dominant actor. The world has yet to master the idea of leadership without dominance. And the unique moment in global history that produced the liberal Leviathan and allowed it to cobble together wholesale a system that gave the world relative peace and prosperity for decades is giving way to a more uncertain, fragile successor. The long cycle of integration and relative tolerance forged by U.S. leadership since World War II is now headed in reverse.
The Liberal, Postwar ‘Order’ Is Dying - and That’s a Good Thing

Let’s be clear: There is plenty to brace for and defend as Donald Trump assumes the presidency. All those who marched in cities and towns across the planet last weekend did so with justification. But simplifications of the kind that our orthodox-liberal media foist upon us will not do. The obsessions with taste and style they encourage amount to schoolyard crudities when put against all that Americans ought to be concerned with. Contempt as a unifying principle, a thought that people who ought to know better now suggest, is unbecoming all around and holds no promise. The world and our moment, a moment of historical significance, whiz by. If you want to talk about resistance, the first thing to resist is blindness to events vastly more consequential than crowd counts and braggadocio.
“With the election of Donald Trump, the old world of the 20th century is finally over,” Frank-Walter Steinmeier wrote in Bild am Sonntag, the German tabloid, last Sunday. This is a very large assertion, not to be ignored. The German foreign minister, a Social Democrat in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s across-the-aisle coalition, is a curious figure. Since taking office in late 2013, he has consistently, if occasionally, voiced objections to American hegemony in global affairs. Read the sentence again: Steinmeier makes his observation with subtly plain relief. Should we Americans share Steinmeier’s apparent sense of anticipation for the end of something and the beginning of something else? This is our question.
President Trump has faced unceasing resistance from the Pentagon, NATO, and the national security apparatus ever since he proposed a renewed détente with Russia. He has made clear his disapproval of Washington’s “regime change” policies on many occasions. Trump has been preoccupied with the sacrifice of American jobs to corporate-written, corporate-indulgent trade accords for more than two decades, according to people who have followed him over the years. He may or may not succeed in doing much to remedy this abuse of the American working class, but that is a separate conversation. On Monday he formally killed the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Obama’s breathtakingly anti-democratic framework for radical deregulation. (Let us dispense with the fiction that the TPP was a trade deal; it was nothing of the kind).
Another way to pose the same question as above: What do we think of Trump’s positions on these issues? It is past time we all ask ourselves.
I wrote of the disgrace of our reigning Russophobia in a previous column. Nobody in Washington seems to have much to say just yet about “regime change,” but they will in due course. You are not encouraged to applaud the demise of the TPP for the devastating impact it would have had on employment, product safety, drug prices, the environment, Internet freedom, the democratic process, and much else. It reflected “a more complex corporate calculus,” as The New York Times preciously put it in Tuesday’s edition. One is absolutely certain it did.
These are all fronts in a conflict. It is between those defending the “liberal order,” as it is called, and those who propose either to alter it in significant aspects or to replace it. There is no precedent for this in my lifetime. One question at a time, it will be our responsibility to stand on one side or the other. No, Mama didn’t say there’d be days like this.
Liberalism has grown illiberal, and its order lies before us as a perilous disorder.
“How the world will look tomorrow is not settled,” Steinmeier wrote in his opinion-page piece. It is perfectly true, of course. And an excellent prospect, in my view. Any promise of change that purports to guarantee certainty cannot come to much. Sixty-odd years of more or less unchallenged pre-eminence have left most Americans fearful of change but also greatly in need of it. It has left our leadership incapable of it. Liberalism has grown illiberal—we know this now—and its order lies before us as a perilous disorder.
* * *
A defining feature of the new era is the dramatic emergence of numerous non-Western poles of power.
The customary phrase is “the post-1945 order,” referring to the American-dominated Western alliance and the institutions—the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade—set up to provide a multilateral frame for it. Scores of nations came into being, for this was the “independence era” too. When President Truman and Dean Acheson, his secretary of state, declared the Cold War official in 1947, the world divided into two: There was liberal democracy, and there was the Communist bloc. Note, however: this account must be bracketed with “supposedly.”
The post-1945 order was never so orderly, in truth. Many nations elected to remain neutral in the East-West conflict, making a third category. The four “Ns,” as I call them—Nehru, Nasser, Nkrumah, Nyerere—all led nonaligned nations, or did until Washington alienated them. So did Mossadegh, Sukarno, Arbenz, Lumumba, Ho, and many others. Since nonalignment was unacceptable to the United States, to say nothing of the socialist bloc as an alternative, coups—more than 30 US-cultivated, by accepted counts—became a common feature of the post-1945 order. The multilaterals turned out to be instruments for the imposition, usually by coercion, of neoliberal economic structures. As to the UN, I count the corruption of the ideal it represented one of the century’s great tragedies.
The post-1945 order is what is now at issue. But we are again stuck with “supposedly,” for the post-1945 order, such as it was, gave way to the post–Cold War order after the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991. American triumphalism triumphed in the early 1990s, our “end of history” moment. Washington renamed coups as “regime changes” and observed no constraints whatsoever in conducting them. No pretense of abiding by international law remained, as the 2003 invasion of Iraq made plain. Deregulation, privatization, the wholesale dismantling of public-sector enterprises, the elimination of basic subsidies: The multilaterals made these and other such conditions mandatory in their country programs. “Savage capitalism,” the Argentines took to calling it in the 1990s. At Treasury and State, sanctions against uncooperative nations became à la mode.
Unfortunately for Francis Fukuyama et al., American triumphalism coincided with the dramatic emergence of numerous non-Western poles of power, notably China, Russia, India, and Iran. The history that had (again, supposedly) just ended turned out to be turning its wheel, as anyone with an understanding of how the world works could have foreseen. As a defining feature of the 21st century, this was inevitable, in my view. Not to be missed is the extent to which Washington’s persistent hubris and intolerance has come to turn natural affinities into economic and, vaguely for the time being, even strategic alliances: Russia-China, Russia-Iran, China-Iran, and so on. China’s Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership is frontally intended as a reply to the TPP, just as the Beijing-sponsored Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is a response to the conditionality embedded in the multilaterals’ country programs. Those who think the Obama presidency did anything other than worsen the global disorder just described may benefit from some blunt language. Barack Obama backed neo-Nazis in Ukraine to precipitate a coup intended to be to America’s advantage. In Syria he supported radical Islamists to induce yet another “regime change”—a precise repeat of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s foolhardy gambit in Afghanistan. Obama allowed his secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, to oversee the dispatch of Libya into chaos. His drone attacks, determined on the basis of an assassination list reviewed weekly, require no comment as to their legality or, indeed, decency. In my estimation, his most consequential legacies on the foreign side will be the wholly unnecessary animus toward Russia and China he has induced. This list is partial, but I add one more entry: Obama passed up a hundred opportunities to bring order to the 21st century by forging new relationships through which the United States could begin leaving the “post-1945 order” and its later offspring behind.
Thomas didn't mention any specific issues with the government. But his remarks came less than a month into the Trump administration and less than a day after Michael Flynn abruptly resigned as national security adviser over the fallout of his having discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador to the US before Trump took office. A New York Times report published Tuesday evening also said Trump campaign officials spoke with Russian intelligence officials often before the election, and a Times investigation into Trump's National Security Council revealed a chaotic decision-making process. From The Times:
"Three weeks into the Trump administration, council staff members get up in the morning, read President Trump's Twitter posts and struggle to make policy to fit them. Most are kept in the dark about what Mr. Trump tells foreign leaders in his phone calls. Some staff members have turned to encrypted communications to talk with their colleagues, after hearing that Mr. Trump's top advisers are considering an 'insider threat' program that could result in monitoring cellphones and emails for leaks."When asked later about his comments, Thomas told The Times: "As a commander, I'm concerned our government be as stable as possible." It's rather uncharacteristic for a top active-duty military officer to offer such public critiques, but it's not the first time. A military judge said earlier this week that Trump's campaign rhetoric about Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl on the campaign trail was "disturbing." Still, Thomas concluded that the Special Operations forces under his command — including Navy SEALs, Army Special Forces, and Marine Raiders — were "staying focused" despite the dysfunction in Washington.

That is kind of what Professor Peter Turchin says in a recent article posted to But the article isn’t a hindsight account of current affairs based on what has come to pass in recent months. Instead, it is a review of the work Turchin has published in recent years that predicted many of the types of social change we are currently experiencing. For instance, Turchin opened a brief 2010 article published in the journal Nature with the line, “The next decade is likely to be a period of growing instability in the United States and western Europe.”
Granted, that is a rather vague prediction, but England’s “Brexit” vote and the election of Donald Trump and the rise of the alt-right/neo-Nazi movement in the United States have unquestionably caused a higher-than-usual degree of social instability and unrest. And while the conflict in the Ukraine could be described as an Eastern European affair, it and the subsequent NATO realignment in the region have definitely caused some social anxiety in Western Europe. That’s not to mention the political challenges caused by tensions over immigration and the ongoing threat of terrorism (not to link the two causally) in the United States and Western Europe. Turchin did offer some specific indicators that lead him to believe we were headed for a period of social instability in his Nature article.
“In the United States, we have stagnating or declining real wages, a growing gap between rich and poor, overproduction of young graduates with advanced degrees, and exploding public debt,” Turchin wrote.
“These seemingly disparate social indicators are actually related to each other dynamically. They all experienced turning points during the 1970s. Historically, such developments have served as leading indicators of looming political instability.”If we didn’t know better, we’d say the parts about declining real wages, the gap between rich and poor and the growing number of college graduates (with the implication that they cannot find adequate jobs) all sound like they were torn straight from Bernie Sanders’ primary campaign stump speeches, except Turchin published them years prior. Turchin employees the study of Cliodynamics, which he describes as “a new ‘transdisciplinary discipline’ that treats history as just another science,” to predict social shifts in the United States. He began applying this approach to his research on social and political trends in the United States ten years ago. What I discovered alarmed me,” he admits in the article.
Turchin predicted that social instability would reach a peak in the 2020s in the United States, and he now says that the election of Donald Trump does nothing to change this trajectory and may even exacerbate it. What concerns him most is the threat of what is known as “elite overproduction.”
“[T]here is another important development that has been missed by most commentators: the key role of ‘elite overproduction’ in driving waves of political violence, both in historical societies and in our own,” Turchin says, referring to a previous article he wrote for Bloomberg titled “Blame Rich, Overeducated Elites as Our Society Frays.”
Turchin notes that between 1983 and 2010, the number of American households worth $10 million or more grew from 66,000 to 350,000. Because wealthy people tend to be more politically connected, this growing number of wealthy elites creates intensified competition among them for political and social dominance. “Elite overproduction generally leads to more intra-elite competition that gradually undermines the spirit of cooperation, which is followed by ideological polarization and fragmentation of the political class,” Turchin says.
“This happens because the more contenders there are, the more of them end up on the losing side. A large class of disgruntled elite-wannabes, often well-educated and highly capable, has been denied access to elite positions.”In other words, it won’t just be the economically underprivileged, the working class and the middle class who will increasingly feel frustrated in the coming years. There will also be a growing number of the 1 and 2 percent competing with each other and pulling the social and political levers that they have greater access to. This, in turn, could lead to increased levels of social unrest. Here’s to hoping Turchin is wrong, but it definitely feels like we are entering a phase of social instability.

Soros doesn’t make small bets on anything. Beyond the markets, he has plowed billions of dollars of his own money into promoting political freedom in Eastern Europe and other causes. He bet against the Bush White House, becoming a hate magnet for the right that persists to this day. So, as Soros and the world’s movers once again converge on Davos, Switzerland, for the World Economic Forum this week, what is one of the world’s highest-stakes economic gamblers betting on now?
He’s not. For the first time in his 60-year career, Soros, now 81, admits he is not sure what to do. “It’s very hard to know how you can be right, given the damage that was done during the boom years,” Soros says. He won’t discuss his portfolio, lest anyone think he’s talking things down to make a buck. But people who know him well say he advocates making long-term stock picks with solid companies, avoiding gold—“the ultimate bubble”—and, mainly, holding cash.
He’s not even doing the one thing that you would expect from a man who knows a crippled currency when he sees one: shorting the euro, and perhaps even the U.S. dollar, to hell. Quite the reverse. He backs the beleaguered euro, publicly urging European leaders to do whatever it takes to ensure its survival. “The euro must survive because the alternative—a breakup—would cause a meltdown that Europe, the world, can’t afford.” He has bought about $2 billion in European bonds, mainly Italian, from MF Global Holdings Ltd., the securities firm run by former Goldman Sachs head Jon Corzine that filed for bankruptcy protection last October.
Has the great short seller gone soft? Well, yes. Sitting in his 33rd-floor corner office high above Seventh Avenue in New York, preparing for his trip to Davos, he is more concerned with surviving than staying rich. “At times like these, survival is the most important thing,” he says, peering through his owlish glasses and brushing wisps of gray hair off his forehead. He doesn’t just mean it’s time to protect your assets. He means it’s time to stave off disaster. As he sees it, the world faces one of the most dangerous periods of modern history—a period of “evil.” Europe is confronting a descent into chaos and conflict. In America he predicts riots on the streets that will lead to a brutal clampdown that will dramatically curtail civil liberties. The global economic system could even collapse altogether.
“I am not here to cheer you up. The situation is about as serious and difficult as I’ve experienced in my career,” Soros tells Newsweek. “We are facing an extremely difficult time, comparable in many ways to the 1930s, the Great Depression. We are facing now a general retrenchment in the developed world, which threatens to put us in a decade of more stagnation, or worse. The best-case scenario is a deflationary environment. The worst-case scenario is a collapse of the financial system.”
Soros’s warning is based as much on his own extraordinary personal history as on his gut instinct for market booms and busts. “I did survive a personally much more threatening situation, so it is emotional, as well as rational,” he acknowledges. Soros was just 13 when Nazi soldiers invaded and occupied his native Hungary in March 1944. In only eight weeks, almost half a million Hungarian Jews were deported, many to Auschwitz. He saw bodies of Jews, and the Christians who helped them, swinging from lampposts, their skulls crushed. He survived, thanks to his father, Tivadar, who managed to secure false identities for his family. Later, he watched as Russian forces ousted the Nazis and a new totalitarian ideology, communism, replaced fascism. As life got tougher during the postwar Soviet occupation, Soros managed to emigrate, first to London, then to New York.
Soros draws on his past to argue that the global economic crisis is as significant, and unpredictable, as the end of communism. “The collapse of the Soviet system was a pretty extraordinary event, and we are currently experiencing something similar in the developed world, without fully realizing what’s happening.” To Soros, the spectacular debunking of the credo of efficient markets—the notion that markets are rational and can regulate themselves to avert disaster—“is comparable to the collapse of Marxism as a political system. The prevailing interpretation has turned out to be very misleading. It assumes perfect knowledge, which is very far removed from reality. We need to move from the Age of Reason to the Age of Fallibility in order to have a proper understanding of the problems.”
Understanding, he says, is key. “Unrestrained competition can drive people into actions that they would otherwise regret. The tragedy of our current situation is the unintended consequence of imperfect understanding. A lot of the evil in the world is actually not intentional. A lot of people in the financial system did a lot of damage without intending to.” Still, Soros believes the West is struggling to cope with the consequences of evil in the financial world just as former Eastern bloc countries struggled with it politically. Is he really saying that the financial whizzes behind our economic meltdown were not just wrong, but evil? “That’s correct.” Take that, Lloyd Blankfein, the Goldman Sachs boss who told The Sunday Times of London at the height of the financial crisis that bankers “do God’s work.”
To many, the idea of Soros lecturing the world on “evil” is, well, rich. Here, after all, is an investor who proved—and profited hugely from—the now much-derided notion that the market, or in his case a single investor, is more powerful than sovereign governments. He broke the Bank of England, destroyed the Conservative Party’s reputation for economic competence, and reduced the value of the pound in British consumers’ pockets by one fifth in a single day. Soros the currency speculator has been condemned as “unnecessary, unproductive, immoral.” Mahathir Mohamad, former prime minister of Malaysia, once called him “criminal” and “a moron.”
In the U.S., where the right still has not forgiven him for agitating against President George W. Bush and the “war on terror” after 9/11, which he described as “pernicious,” his prediction of riots on the streets—“it’s already started,” he says—will likely spark fresh criticism that Soros is a “far-left, radical bomb thrower,” as Bill O’Reilly once put it. Critics already allege he is stoking the fires by funding the Occupy movement through Adbusters, the Canadian provocateurs who sparked the movement. Not so, says Soros.
Soros’s fragrant personal life will also prompt many to pooh-pooh his moralizing. Last year, Adriana Ferreyr, his 28-year-old companion for many years, sued him in New York Supreme Court in Manhattan, alleging he reneged on two separate promises to buy her an apartment, causing her extreme emotional distress. Ferreyr, a former soap-opera star in Brazil, said Soros had given the apartment he had promised her to another girlfriend. She also claimed he assaulted her. Soros has dismissed Ferreyr’s claims as “frivolous and entirely without merit” and “riddled with false charges and obviously an attempt to extract money.”
Despite his baggage, the man who now views himself as a statesman-philanthropist is undeterred. Having profited from unregulated markets, he now wants to deliver us from them. Take Europe. He’s now convinced that “if you have a disorderly collapse of the euro, you have the danger of a revival of the political conflicts that have torn Europe apart over the centuries—an extreme form of nationalism, which manifests itself in xenophobia, the exclusion of foreigners and ethnic groups. In Hitler’s time, that was focused on the Jews. Today, you have that with the Gypsies, the Roma, which is a small minority, and also, of course, Muslim immigrants.”
It is “now more likely than not” that Greece will formally default in 2012, Soros will tell leaders in Davos this week. He will castigate European leaders who seem to know only how to “do enough to calm the situation, not to solve the problem.” If Germany’s Angela Merkel or France’s Nicolas Sarkozy nurses any lingering hopes of finding their salvation outside the continent, they are mistaken. “I took a recent trip to China, and China won’t come to Europe’s rescue,” Soros says. Despite all its woes, he nevertheless thinks the euro will—just barely—survive.
While Soros, whose new book, Financial Turmoil in Europe and the United States, will be published in early February, is currently focused on Europe, he’s quick to claim that economic and social divisions in the U.S. will deepen, too. He sympathizes with the Occupy movement, which articulates a widespread disillusionment with capitalism that he shares. People “have reason to be frustrated and angry” at the cost of rescuing the banking system, a cost largely borne by taxpayers rather than shareholders or bondholders.
Occupy Wall Street “is an inchoate, leaderless manifestation of protest,” but it will grow. It has “put on the agenda issues that the institutional left has failed to put on the agenda for a quarter of a century.” He reaches for analysis, produced by the political blog, that shows how the Occupy movement has pushed issues of unemployment up the agenda of major news organizations, including MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News. It reveals that in one week in July of last year the word “debt” was mentioned more than 7,000 times on major U.S. TV news networks. By October, mentions of the word “debt” had dropped to 398 over the course of a week, while “occupy” was mentioned 1,278 times, “Wall Street” 2,378 times, and “jobs” 2,738 times. You can’t keep a financier away from his metrics.
As anger rises, riots on the streets of American cities are inevitable. “Yes, yes, yes,” he says, almost gleefully. The response to the unrest could be more damaging than the violence itself. “It will be an excuse for cracking down and using strong-arm tactics to maintain law and order, which, carried to an extreme, could bring about a repressive political system, a society where individual liberty is much more constrained, which would be a break with the tradition of the United States.”
In spite of his warnings of political turmoil in the U.S., he has no plans to engage in politics directly. “I would prefer not to be involved in party politics. It’s only because I felt that the Bush administration was misleading the country that I became involved. I was very hopeful of a new beginning with Obama, and I’ve been somewhat disappointed. I remain a supporter of the Democratic Party, but I’m fully aware of their shortcomings.” Soros believes Obama still has a chance of winning this year’s election. “Obama might surprise the public. The main issue facing the electorate is whether the rich should be taxed more. It shouldn’t be a difficult argument for Obama to make.”
If there is a glimmer of hope for the world in 2012, Soros believes it lies in emerging markets. The democratic-reform movement that has spread across the Middle East, the rise of democracy and economic growth in Africa, even reform in Russia may yet drag the world out of the mire. “While the developed world is in a deep crisis, the future for the developing world is very positive. The aspiration of people for an open society is very inspiring. You have people in Africa lining up for many hours when they are given an opportunity to vote. Dictators have been overthrown. It is very encouraging for freedom and growth.”
Soros insists the key to avoiding cataclysm in 2012 is not to let the crises of 2011 go to waste. “In the crisis period, the impossible becomes possible. The European Union could regain its luster. I’m hopeful that the United States, as a political entity, will pass a very severe test and actually strengthen the institution.” Nor has he quite given up hope that the central bankers and prime ministers gathering in Davos this week have got what it takes to rally round and prove him wrong. This time, being wrong would make him happy indeed.

Are we really stuck with this guy? It’s the question being asked around the globe, because Donald Trump’s first week as president has made it all too clear: Yes, he is as crazy as everyone feared. Remember those optimistic pre-inauguration fantasies? I cherished them, too. You know: “Once he’s president, I’m sure he’ll realize it doesn’t really make sense to withdraw from all those treaties.” “Once he’s president, surely he’ll understand that he needs to stop tweeting out those random insults.” “Once he’s president, he’ll have to put aside that ridiculous campaign braggadocio about building a wall along the Mexican border.” And so on.
Nope. In his first week in office, Trump has made it eminently clear that he meant every loopy, appalling word — and then some.
The result so far: The president of China is warning against trade wars and declaring that Beijing will take up the task of defending globalization and free trade against American protectionism. The president of Mexico has canceled a state visit to Washington, and prominent Mexican leaders say Trump’s proposed border wall “could take us to a war — not a trade war.” Senior leaders in Trump’s own party are denouncing the new president’s claims of widespread voter fraud and his reported plans to reopen CIA “black sites.” Oh, and the entire senior management team at the U.S. Department of State has resigned.
Meanwhile, Trump’s approval ratings are lower than those of any new U.S. president in the history of polling: Just 36 percent of Americans are pleased with his performance so far. Some 80 percent of British citizens think Trump will make a “bad president,” along with 77 percent of those polled in France and 78 percent in Germany.
And that’s just week one. Thus the question: Are we truly stuck with Donald Trump? It depends. There are essentially four ways to get rid of a crummy president.There are essentially four ways to get rid of a crummy president. First, of course, the world can just wait patiently for November 2020 to roll around, at which point, American voters will presumably have come to their senses and be prepared to throw the bum out.
But after such a catastrophic first week, four years seems like a long time to wait. This brings us to option two: impeachment. Under the U.S. Constitution, a simple majority in the House of Representatives could vote to impeach Trump for “treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors.” If convicted by the Senate on a two-thirds vote, Trump could be removed from office — and a new poll suggests that after week one, more than a third of Americans are already eager to see Trump impeached.
If impeachment seems like a fine solution to you, the good news is that Congress doesn’t need evidence of actual treason or murder to move forward with an impeachment: Practically anything can be considered a “high crime or misdemeanor.” (Remember, former President Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about his affair with Monica Lewinsky). The bad news is that Republicans control both the House and the Senate, making impeachment politically unlikely, unless and until Democrats retake Congress. And that can’t happen until the elections of 2018.
Anyway, impeachments take time: months, if not longer — even with an enthusiastic Congress. And when you have a lunatic controlling the nuclear codes, even a few months seems like a perilously long time to wait. How long will it take before Trump decides that “you’re fired” is a phrase that should also apply to nuclear missiles? (Aimed, perhaps, at Mexico?)
In these dark days, some around the globe are finding solace in the 25th Amendment to the Constitution. This previously obscure amendment states that “the Vice President and a majority of … the principal officers of the executive departments” can declare the president “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,” in which case “the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.”
This is option three for getting rid of Trump: an appeal to Vice President Mike Pence’s ambitions. Surely Pence wants to be president himself one day, right? Pence isn’t exactly a political moderate — he’s been unremittingly hostile to gay rights, he’s a climate change skeptic, etc. — but, unappealing as his politics may be to many Americans, he does not appear to actually be insane. (This is the new threshold for plausibility in American politics: “not actually insane.”)
Presumably, Pence is sane enough to oppose rash acts involving, say, the evisceration of all U.S. military alliances or America using nuclear weapons first — and presumably, if things got bad enough, other Trump cabinet members might also be inclined to oust their boss and replace him with his vice president. Congress would have to acquiesce in a permanent 25th Amendment removal, but if Pence and half the cabinet declared Trump unfit, even a Republican-controlled Congress would likely fall in line.
The fourth possibility is one that until recently I would have said was unthinkable in the United States of America: a military coup, or at least a refusal by military leaders to obey certain orders.
The principle of civilian control of the military has been deeply internalized by the U.S. military, which prides itself on its nonpartisan professionalism. What’s more, we know that a high-ranking lawbreaker with even a little subtlety can run rings around the uniformed military. During the first years of the George W. Bush administration, for instance, formal protests from the nation’s senior-most military lawyers didn’t stop the use of torture. When military leaders objected to tactics such as waterboarding, the Bush administration simply bypassed the military, getting the CIA and private contractors to do their dirty work.
But Trump isn’t subtle or sophisticated: He sets policy through rants and late-night tweets, not through quiet hints to aides and lawyers. He’s thin-skinned, erratic, and unconstrained — and his unexpected, self-indulgent pronouncements are reportedly sending shivers through even his closest aides.
What would top U.S. military leaders do if given an order that struck them as not merely ill-advised, but dangerously unhinged? An order that wasn’t along the lines of “Prepare a plan to invade Iraq if Congress authorizes it based on questionable intelligence,” but “Prepare to invade Mexico tomorrow!” or “Start rounding up Muslim Americans and sending them to Guantánamo!” or “I’m going to teach China a lesson — with nukes!”
It’s impossible to say, of course. The prospect of American military leaders responding to a presidential order with open defiance is frightening — but so, too, is the prospect of military obedience to an insane order. After all, military officers swear to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, not the president. For the first time in my life, I can imagine plausible scenarios in which senior military officials might simply tell the president: “No, sir. We’re not doing that,” to thunderous applause from the New York Times editorial board. Brace yourselves. One way or another, it’s going to be a wild few years.

The videotaped sucker punch that staggered the white nationalist Richard Spencer on Inauguration Day quickly inspired mockery on social media. But it echoed loudly in an escalating confrontation between extreme ends of the political spectrum. With far-right groups edging into the mainstream with the rise of President Trump, self-described anti-fascists and anarchists are vowing to confront them at every turn, and by any means necessary — including violence.
In Berkeley, Calif., on Wednesday night, masked protesters set fires, smashed windows and stormed buildings on the campus of the University of California to shut down a speech by Milo Yiannopoulos, an inflammatory Breitbart News editor and a right-wing provocateur already barred from Twitter. Five people were injured, administrators canceled the event, and the university police locked down the campus for hours. That followed a bloody melee in Seattle on Inauguration Day, Jan. 20, when black-clad demonstrators — their faces concealed to minimize the risk of arrest — tried to prevent a speech by Mr. Yiannopoulos at the University of Washington, and a 34-year-old anti-fascist was shot and seriously wounded by a supporter of Mr. Yiannopoulos.
The outbreaks of destruction and violence since Mr. Trump’s inauguration have earned contempt from Republicans — including Trump supporters who say it is exactly why they voted for his promises of law and order — and condemnation from Democrats like Berkeley’s mayor, Jesse Arreguín. He called Wednesday’s display “contrary to progressive values” and said it “provided the ultranationalist far right exactly the images they want” to try to discredit peaceful protesters of Mr. Trump’s policies. But anarchists and anti-fascists, who often make up a small but disproportionately attention-getting portion of protesters, defend the mayhem they create as a necessary response to an emergency.
“Yes, what the black bloc did last night was destructive to property,” Eric Laursen, a writer in Massachusetts who has helped publicize anarchist protests, said, using another name for the black-clad demonstrators. “But do you just let someone like Milo go wherever he wants and spread his hate? That kind of argument can devolve into ‘just sit on your hands and wait for it to pass.’ And it doesn’t.”
Anarchists also say their recent efforts have been wildly successful, both by focusing attention on their most urgent argument — that Mr. Trump poses a fascist threat — and by enticing others to join their movement. “The number of people who have been showing up to meetings, the number of meetings, and the number of already-evolving plans for future actions is through the roof,” Legba Carrefour, who helped organize the so-called Disrupt J20 protests on Inauguration Day in Washington, said in an interview.
“Gained 1,000 followers in the last week,” trumpeted @NYCAntifa, an anti-fascist Twitter account in New York, on Jan. 24. “Pretty crazy for us as we’ve been active for many years with minimal attention. SMASH FASCISM!” The movement even claims to be finding adherents far afield of major population centers. A participant in CrimethInc, a decades-old anarchist network, pointed to rising attendance at its meetings and activity cropping up in new places like Omaha. “The Left ignores us. The Right demonizes us,” the anarchist website It’s Going Down boasted on Twitter. “Everyday we grow stronger.”
Little known to practitioners of mainstream American politics, militant anti-fascists make up a secretive culture closely associated with anarchists. Both reject social hierarchies as undemocratic and eschew the political parties as hopelessly corrupt, according to interviews with a dozen anarchists around the country. While some anarchists espouse nonviolence, others view property damage and even physical attacks on the far right as important tactics. While extreme right-wing groups have been enthusiastic supporters of Mr. Trump, anti-fascists express deep disdain for the Democratic Party. And it is mutual, by and large: They amount to the left’s unwanted revolutionary stepchild, disowned for their tactics and ideology by all but the most radical politicians.
Anarchists came to the fore in 1999, when they mounted a huge demonstration in Seattle against the World Trade Organization, which they denounce — along with Nafta and other free-trade pacts — as a plutocratic back-room group that exploits the poor. Enthusiasm for the movement dipped after the election of President Barack Obama. But it revived as they played a role in some of the most consequential protests during his two terms, starting Occupy Wall Street and serving as foot soldiers in demonstrations against the Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock in North Dakota and in Black Lives Matter protests in Ferguson, Mo., and elsewhere.
“We’ve had an enormous cultural and political impact,” said David Graeber, a professor at the London School of Economics who helped organize the Occupy protests and has been credited with coining its “we are the 99 percent” slogan. He said the movement had elevated income inequality to the top of the Democratic political agenda, despite not electing anyone or enacting any legislation. But he said Mr. Trump’s victory had proved that anarchists’ diagnosis of society’s ills was correct. “We tried to warn you, with Occupy,” Dr. Graeber said. “We understood that people were sick of the political system, which is fundamentally corrupt. People want something radically different.”
Mr. Trump’s tirades against trade deals, globalization and a Washington elite he views as corrupt mirror arguments that anarchists have been making for decades. But his claim that he alone can fix America’s problems flies in the face of anarchists’ conviction that only direct action by ordinary people can produce a fair system. “Fascism fetishizes having a strong leader who is decisive and tells everyone what to do,” Mr. Laursen, the writer, said. “That’s what we are seeing with Trump.”
Fueled in part by Mr. Trump’s political success, violent clashes between the far right and far left erupted several times during the presidential campaign. In Anaheim, Calif., last February, three people were stabbed in a brawl after anti-fascists disrupted a Ku Klux Klan rally. And in Sacramento in June, at least five people were stabbed and eight wounded when hundreds of counterprotesters, including anti-fascists, clashed with skinheads at a rally.
But the confrontations seemed to shift into a new gear on the eve of Mr. Trump’s inauguration. On Jan. 19, anti-fascists tried to block the entrance to the “DeploraBall,” a party for Trump supporters. The next day, 230 people were arrested after anarchists dressed in black broke the windows of a bank with baseball bats and set a limousine on fire. (Mr. Spencer, the white nationalist, whose assailant was not arrested, was not the only person struck: A videographer was struck in the chest with a flagpole — he was unharmed — as he tried to interview marching anarchists about what the word “community” meant to them.)
One of those arrested, a self-described anarchist who insisted on anonymity to avoid aiding in his own prosecution, said the goal of the protests — to get television stations to cut away from the inauguration, even for a moment — had been met. “Certainly, it has brought more attention to people who were against Trump and what he stands for,” the man said by telephone. The question now is whether anarchists’ efforts against Mr. Trump — whether merely colorful and spirited, or lawless and potentially lethal — will earn their fringe movement a bigger presence in the battle of ideas in years to come.
“It’s true that a lot of people who consider themselves liberals or progressives still cling to the idea that you can effect social and economic change in the context of the state, through electoral politics,” Mr. Laursen said. “But more and more, it is going to become necessary for people on the left to think like anarchists if they are going to get anywhere.”
If the Berkeley disturbances have invited widespread denunciations, the on-camera punch of Mr. Spencer inflamed emotions on both the left and the right wing. Mr. Spencer has offered a reward for anyone who can identify his attacker, who wore the telltale clothing and face-covering of the anarchist “black bloc.” But anarchists in Philadelphia have already begun raising funds for the man’s legal defense should he ever be caught.
Under the hashtag #PunchRichardSpencerAgain, anti-fascists and anarchists across the country are vowing to continue the fight. “May all your punches hit Nazis,” read a headline on It’s Going Down on Sunday. A few days earlier, the website gleefully announced on Twitter that Mr. Spencer was planning a tour of college campuses, adding, “Everyone will get their chance!”

If the last week has shown us anything, it’s that Donald Trump has power, but he doesn’t have much of a mandate yet. We need to keep it that way – and be wary of the bad political leadership and strategy that can help him build one. November’s election is a powerful reminder that the Clinton establishment’s mix of socially inclusive rhetoric and neoliberal economics is a weak response to xenophobic populism.
An anti-Trump resistance movement must be broad, but it must direct its anger and energy not just at the enemy in the White House, but the failed leadership that let him get there. The Tea Party movement couldn’t have emerged with Bob Dole and George W Bush among their leaders. We can’t build our anti-Trump resistance, settled with generations of unpopular Democratic party leaders either.
The alternative must come from below – and certainly protests like the Women’s March are inspiring starts. Millions marched, many of whom had never attended a political protest before. It was hopefully a sign of things to come. Yet it is crucial that we know what this broad movement is for, as well as what it is against.
For years, myself and others posed a divide in the Democratic party that seemingly existed only notionally: a gap between social democratic demands at the base of the party and technocratic neoliberalism at the top of it. The Sanders campaign made that divide more real and tangible – it stirred a rabid opposition to Clintonism within millions of people, many of them politicized for the first time, and more importantly presented an alternative politics.
Now a whole generation of Sanders Democrats are engaged in a process that at its best creatively produces divisions and polarizations within the party that complements the organizing that is going on outside of it.
The broad sketches of an alternative-left politics in the Trump era are emerging. Socialists and others are doing their part building social movements organized around real, uncompromising demands for things such as free public higher education and a dignified healthcare system to expand the base for progressive politics, while using local elections (both within Democratic primaries and as independents) to spread their message far and wide. But though he’s seemingly in disarray now, we must be wary of the ways in which Trump’s support can easily be bolstered.
We should be very afraid when the president of the Building Trades Unions umbrella group, Sean McGarvey, calls the meeting he had with Trump last week the best of his life. Our response in the labor movement must be to support rank-and-file struggles against leaders prone to conciliation for even the most meager of concessions. We must demand the same accountability from liberal organizations and the Democratic party as well.
There is no doubt that this stance will put like-minded leftists and liberals in direct confrontation with establishment Democrats and their assorted lackies. There is every reason to believe that if confronted, this caste can be overtaken. We’re in a shocking new political era. Just in the past few months, thousands of people have joined leftwing organizations such as the Democratic Socialists of America, and millions more are trying to get active politically at the local level.
But we’ve seen time and time again – the antiwar movement of the 2000s being just the most recent example – of what happens when people subordinate all other political priorities to fighting Enemy No 1.
Trump is bad and needs to resisted, we all know that. But the Sanders left and its allies are the only force in the US that have the ideas that can win an immediate majority in this country: a class-based movement for jobs and justice. That vision must triumph over not just Trump, but the Democratic leadership. Because, frankly, it might be the last hope for democratic politics in this country. Now more than ever we need something to fight for, not just something to fight against.

“The Federal Reserve’s policies of printing trillions of dollars back in ’08-09 have locked into place a serious financial crisis at some point in our future,” Paul stated. Going so far as to intimate the financial collapse will occur at least some time in the next two years Paul wrote, “It’s unavoidable, and even Donald Trump can’t stop it.”
Paul said Trump will be the patsy for the supposed impending financial ruin. Just like everyone blamed Obama for the financial collapse in 2009, this time, “Trump will unfairly get the blame,” the former Texas representative wrote. Paul bases his comments on reports he says he’s read which concludes that within the next 18-24 months, the collapse will happen.
The former congressman further explained he’s still holding out hope for Trump to make changes which can help to protect America’s future, but pointed out some of Trump’s staff has direct connections to Wall Street. He’s also concerned Trump’s war against radical Islam is a war Trump cannot win because it’s a war against an ideology, much like America’s failed attempt at defeating communism.
Paul believes Trump’s moving in the right direction to protect America’s interests by canceling America’s involvement in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement with Asia. Paul also hopes Trump will pull American troops out of the at least 7 countries in which it is currently deployed and engaged in military conflict. “I say just come home,” Paul said when addressing having our military presence overseas. “Just get out of there and let the local people sort (the conflict) this out,” Paul said in response to how America should deal with hot spots like the Ukraine and Syria.
Paul believes the former administration’s posturing and threatening of China was misguided and stated we’d be better of trading goods with China, and all of Asia, rather than trading threats. However, as te Free Thought Project pointed out, Trump is already carrying on this dangerous posture — and China is responding.
Paul warns there’s going to be an acceleration of black ops operations by the CIA and Special Forces missions such as the joint special operations command (JSOC) which, as The Free Thought Project has reported, answers directly to the President of the United States.
Paul, who has never supported Trump is concerned about Trump’s ego, wondering if he’s going to act on his impulses to go after the ideology of radical Islam. Paul reminded his viewers that the way to create more jihadists is to keep on provoking the moderate Muslims into becoming radicalized by reacting to U.S. military actions overseas — the exact same thing Trump is doing right now.
Paul praised President Obama’s actions to normalize relations with Cuba and he hopes that with all of the policy decisions the Trump administration is making, that Trump will maintain the policy Obama implemented with Cuba and continue to keep the negotiations open with our closest Southern Caribbean neighbor.
Paul noted that he thinks U.S. policy has created a “failed system” in the country. “All empires end and we’re the empire. It’s going to end and it’s going to be for economic reasons…we’re going to fail because we’re working within a failed system…this is a monetary problem…a spending problem…it’s going to be financial,” Paul emphatically claimed, once again stating the collapse of America is imminent. “We have something arriving worse than 2008, 2009, much worse…It was the fault of the Federal Reserve,” Paul said, adding, the Keynesian economic model contributed greatly to the first bubble burst. Paul said the left will blame Trump for it like the right did to Obama, but he says it’s bigger than the office of the president, and blames the federal reserve and the previous 17 years of governmental spending.
If you think Ron Paul’s comments hold no water, think again. As the Free Thought Project reported last year, even the former chairmen of the Federal Reserve is predicting this crisis.
We are in very early days of a crisis which has got a way to go,” asserted Alan Greenspan to Bloomberg last year. “This is the worst period, I recall since I’ve been in public service. There’s nothing like it, including the crisis — remember October 19th, 1987, when the Dow went down by a record amount 23 percent? That I thought was the bottom of all potential problems. This has a corrosive effect that will not go away. I’d love to find something positive to say…..I don’t know how it’s going to resolve, but there’s going to be a crisis.”
When the man who used to run the very central bank Ron Paul says is responsible for the collapse, also says there’s going to be a collapse — it’s time to pay attention.

The Next Bubble?
I believe a bubble is forming in U.S. stocks. Why? In an ideal world, stocks perform best when certain factors are present. For example, an expanding economy which boosts corporate profits, low interest rates, and especially, the lack of attractive investment alternatives. In the following paragraphs we’ll discuss the various options available to investors today and examine the relative appeal of each.
Cash Has Been Dethroned
There is an old saying, “Cash is king.” However, with interest rates near zero, I’d say cash’s reign is over, at least temporarily. Because of its paltry return, we can eliminate this as an attractive investment. Although safe from market fluctuations, cash is basically a temporary parking place for money waiting to be invested. Outside of the U.S., cash is paying next to nothing in most of the developed world, including the U.S., Europe, Japan, and others. In smaller, emerging countries, short-term savings rates are higher but have been falling. As short-term rates continue to decline in these countries, cash investments will become less appealing. This leaves bonds and stocks. We’ll examine bonds next.
Bonds Are For Getting Out of Jail
Bond returns are derived from two things: periodic coupon payments and the change in a bonds price. Bonds are also subject to interest rate fluctuations. In short, when interest rates rise, bond prices fall and vice versa. Because interest rates are already very low in the larger, developed countries, buying bonds in these nations has a poor risk profile. In other words, there is too much risk and too little potential reward. Why? Because when interest rates rise, bond prices will decline and investors will lose. The best time to buy bonds is when interest rates are high. If a bond is purchased when interest rates are high, because the investor’s periodic interest is tied to the bond’s annual coupon, the investor will receive a higher income stream. Today, with rates as low as they are, assuming the investor bought bonds after rates declined, bond holders are not receiving as much income as they did prior to 2008.
Interest rates are generally higher in smaller, emerging countries. This fact alone makes bonds from these locations more appealing. However, in these smaller countries, you have to be concerned about two things. The first issue is the credit rating of the country or issuer. This can be affected by the political climate in that country or region of the world. The second issue is the value of the U.S. dollar relative to the currency of the country where the issuer is domiciled. However, as previously mentioned, interest rates in these smaller, emerging economies are also trending lower. Once they reach a certain level, new bonds from these locations will have very little appeal. Thus far, we have ruled out cash. Bonds are a bit more attractive but that appeal may be fading fast. Now we’ll take a brief look at currencies.
The value of one currency is relative to the value of another. For example, if the U.S. dollar gains strength versus the Euro, it can be said that the dollar became stronger or the Euro weakened. Currency fluctuations can have a significant effect on investors. If a U.S. investor invests in a basket of European stocks and the stocks increase by 10% over the course of a year, if the Euro weakened by the same percentage, the U.S. investor would essentially break even. Not only do currency values impact investors, they are also an option for direct investing. Because this is slightly off the target of this article, we’ll dispense with a more detailed discussion. With that, let’s turn our attention to hard assets.
Hard Assets and Alternative Investments
Hard assets are tangible assets. This includes items such as real estate, commodities, and anything which can be touched. Let’s begin with real estate. U.S. home prices have been rising since hitting bottom in mid to late 2011. However, U.S. housing starts are lower, down to levels not seen since 1991. U.S. existing home sales are stronger than they were in mid 2010 (which was a bottom), but are still much lower than they were prior to the housing crisis. To be fair, the levels seen during the housing bubble were unsustainable. In Europe, the second largest economic block in the world, home prices have been trending sideways after peaking in early 2008. Next, we’ll look at commodities.
In general, commodity prices have been falling. After peaking in mid 2008, commodity prices fell sharply. They peaked again (albeit to a much lower level) in mid 2011. Since then, commodity prices have been trending lower which is a reflection of weak demand due to weak economic growth. There have been a few commodities that have had good performance for brief periods since then but, as a group, commodities have not been all that appealing. Now, let’s return to intangible investments, specifically, U.S. stocks and discuss why a bubble may be in the works.
Stocks: Best Investment by Default?
As mentioned, stocks tend to do well when two things are present. The first is a reasonably strong economy which boosts demand and increases corporate profits. The second is the absence of good alternatives. If there are very few good alternatives in which to invest, because money needs to be invested, more of it would flow into stocks which would tend to push their prices higher. Both of these conditions are present today. With fewer good options, stocks would be the recipient of excess capital and could become the preferred investment merely by default.
Quick Recap
With cash paying near zero and global interest rates trending lower (not so much in the U.S.) causing bonds to lose their appeal, the attractiveness of stocks has increased. Most of the larger, developed nations are in the throes of weak economic growth. Moreover, the smaller, emerging countries are not large enough to foster strong economic growth for an extended period on their own. That leaves the U.S., which is one of the few economic bright spots in the world today. To summarize, if the rest of the world’s economies continue to weaken and if global interest rates continue to fall and finally, if the U.S. economy continues to expand, U.S. stocks could continue to be the favored investment. This would result in excess inflows which would tend to push stock prices higher. These factors have the potential to create one of the greatest bubbles in modern times. To further support this view, let’s look at the following chart.
There are actually two charts in the illustration. The chart on top is the S&P 500 Index which includes 500 large U.S. companies. The chart beneath it is Warren Buffett’s preferred stock market valuation ratio which is “total market cap to GDP.” As you can see, in the bottom chart a reading above 100 (i.e. the red line) is considered overvalued. When the tech bubble burst, the valuation ratio peaked at a level of 148.5, almost 50% above the fair value line. During the housing bubble, the ratio hit a high of only 109.4 on June 4, 2007. Today, the ratio is at 125.7 (up slightly from the day I prepared the chart). Therefore, the ratio today is higher than in 2007 but less than it was during the tech bubble. During the housing bubble though, there were other factors that contributed to the collapse in stocks. Are we witnessing another asset bubble today?
As U.S. stocks continue to gain favor, due in part to a lack of good alternatives, money will flow into stocks, pushing prices higher and valuations will continue to rise. It’s important to remember that as soon as a valuation ratio hits some predetermined level, stock prices will not necessarily fall. To the contrary, even if this ratio measures the valuation of stocks with great accuracy, the key to the next downturn will be determined by investor sentiment. In other words, stock prices will tumble when investors begin to sell en masse. Unfortunately, there is no specified level in this ratio by which we can determine that a stock correction is imminent. However, with today’s ratio as high as it is, it’s a good idea to keep a watchful eye on your stock exposure. To protect this part of your portfolio, consider using stop orders, trailing stop orders (my favorite), buy options, etc. to shield you from large losses. Until the next correction materializes, we won’t know the extent of this particular bubble. However, the longer things persists and the more money that flows into U.S. stocks, the greater the likelihood is that we are in the midst of an asset bubble of significant magnitude. Therefore, we won’t know for sure until the next market correction is upon us.

Russian oil and gas companies, along with its biggest banks, were sanctioned in the summer of 2014 following the March annexation of Crimea, a Black Sea peninsula in southeastern Ukraine. Tension between the West and Russia increased that year as a new, U.S. backed government led by Arsesniy Yatsenyuk took hold in Kiev, sending Moscow into panic mode. Russia quickly moved to back anti-government rebels in eastern cities of Ukraine. Although Russia denied official support of separatists, Putin later admitted that Russia was helping them fight the Ukrainian government.

The Munich speech presented criticism of a world in which the US gets to unilaterally take decisions on most important global issues with little regards to the interests of other nations, especially those not allied with Washington. Putin called such a system inherently unfair and posing various risks to the world, compared to an alternative in which the US has to live by the same laws as the rest of the world and negotiate on conflict issues rather than use military force to resolve them.
“Just like any war, the Cold War left us with live ammunition, figuratively speaking. I mean ideological stereotypes, double standards and other typical aspects of Cold War bloc thinking.”
Over the past year, the US media has upped its rhetoric against Russia, going so far as to accuse it of war crimes and of putting its pawn in the Oval Office.
“Unilateral and frequently illegitimate actions have not resolved any problems. Moreover, they have caused new human tragedies and created new centers of tension. Judge for yourselves: wars as well as local and regional conflicts have not diminished... And no fewer people perish in these conflicts – even more are dying than before. Significantly more, significantly more!”
Since 2007, the US has continued its military action in Afghanistan and Iraq, played a key role in the devastation in Libya, is currently contributing to the Saudi Arabian intervention in Yemen and has attacked Syrian troops – presumably by mistake.
Some leaders tried to play nice and hope for the better. Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi paid compensation and invested oil money in Western banks. This didn’t save him from being summarily executed by US-supported insurgents. Or Ukraine’s Viktor Yanukovich, who caved in to a US-backed armed coup and signed a EU-brokered power-sharing deal with his opponents. The deal was thrown away a day later, and the president reportedly barely dodged an assassination attempt while fleeing to Russia.
“The use of force can only be considered legitimate if the decision is sanctioned by the UN,” Putin said. “And we do not need to substitute NATO or the EU for the UN. When the UN truly unites the forces of the international community and can really react to events in various countries, when we leave behind this disdain for international law, then the situation will be able to change. Otherwise the situation will simply result in a dead end, and the number of serious mistakes will be multiplied.”
NATO’s mandate in Libya was to protect civilians from airstrikes. The alliance did this with a bombing campaign that targeted anything remotely resembling a military asset. Apparently that included Gaddafi’s youngest son and three grandchildren killed by a missile intended for the man himself. The UK and France played key roles in the campaign.
“I think it is obvious that NATO expansion does not have anything to do with the modernization of the alliance itself or with ensuring security in Europe,” Putin said back in 2007. “On the contrary, it represents a serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual trust. And we have the right to ask: against whom is this expansion intended? And what happened to the assurances our western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact? Where are those declarations today? No one even remembers them.“
Over the past decade, NATO has absorbed two more nations, Albania and Croatia, and drawn closer with Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Georgia. The Ukrainian government has declared NATO membership a priority. NATO has deployed additional troops at Russia’s border and moved to build an anti-missile system, which Russia sees as a threat to its national security.
“Let's say things as they are,” Putin said in his Munich speech. “One hand distributes charitable help and the other hand not only preserves economic backwardness but also reaps the profits from it. The increasing social tension in depressed regions inevitably results in the growth of radicalism and extremism, feeding terrorism and local conflicts. And if all this happens in, shall we say, a region such as the Middle East where there is increasingly the sense that the world at large is unfair, then there is the risk of global destabilization.“
In Iraq and Syria, the terrorist group Islamic State for a while managed to create a more or less functioning state. Their success was to a great degree fueled by propaganda that blamed alienation and disfranchisement of Muslims to the malice of the West. This message attracts not only desperate locals, but also Muslims in wealthy Western countries.
Thank you for your patience. My latest blog commentary is finally here. I will be editing it the next few days. I may even amend it with additional materials. Nevertheless, please note: This blog is a one man effort. I spend a lot of time writing these commentaries. I also spend a lot of time collecting the articles I feature throughout these commentaries. I therefore ask you to please be kind enough read my work in full before you post any questions or comments about what I have to say.
ReplyDeleteNot really related, but David Rockefeller died last Monday, age 101. We've still got a long way to go before we transition into a post-Zionist era where Jewish global interests are sent into the garbage bin.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, I'd also keep an eye on the internal affairs occurring within the US itself since it has become far more polarized than it is already. Britain might also face a possibility of a second Scottish referendum and the EU has already succeeded in squashing populist hopes for Austria and the Netherlands, with the FPO losing the last election and Geert Wilders actually taking a beating.
However, I kinda felt like Erdogan went full retard with his campaign to make Turkey a presidential state with the Turkish government officials' trip to the Netherlands, which led to the whole spat between the Dutch and the Turks. Then again, there might be something about Geert Wilders that no one else knows, or whether or not he might be a good fit for Russian-Dutch relations.
I've brought this up in the last post, but I might have to say this again. The Polish project of Intermarium was resurrected because the Polish state felt a bit uneasy with the refugee crisis in the rest of the EU and the bureaucrats in Brussels are a bit annoyed that Central and Eastern Europe refused to take in a single Muslim refugee. In fact, if you looked up the video on the Intermarium project, the said project is being discussed as a potential replacement for the EU, with Poland and Croatia actually taking a leading role in this.
The Russia-China-Iran alliance of today strongly parallels the "League of the Three Emperors" between the German Reich, Czarist Russia, and Austria-Hungary from 1873 to 1887. That time period was also one of intense transformations in the European power structure. Basically between the mid 1700s to the early 1800s, the Industrial Revolution began in England and propelled it to new heights. The colonial empire was strong, they survived the American Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, the Bank of England was as powerful as ever, and they were at the top of the European totem pole.
ReplyDeleteBut by the mid 1800s, the Iron Chancellor Otto von Bismarck (indisputably the greatest and most competent leader Germany has ever had) united the formerly loosely confederated German states into a powerful unified nation poised to dominate Europe. By the time the League of Three Emperors was formed, the Second Industrial Revolution was well underway and the relatively new countries of Germany and the United States were greatly outpacing old England in industrial and scientific achievements. There was no way England could fairly compete with German production and efficiency. Germany's would inevitably rise at England's expense.
Bismarck was a brilliant, brilliant leader who understood foreign policy well - a rarity for German leaders, it seems.. Among his famous quotes was something along the lines of "the secret to a successful foreign policy is good relations with Russia." Bismarck knew that Germany was vulnerable to the machinations of the British Empire. Bismarck saw how the British wormed their way into an alliance with Russia during the Napoleonic Wars, and how Napoleon's short-sighted campaign against Russia cost France everything. Bismarck also knew that Germanic Austria and Orthodox Russia were Germany's neighbors, which presented an opportunity for the British to manipulate them into destroying each other.
The alliance of League of the Three Emperors made a direct attack from the British Empire impossible. The only threat came from subversion. The Jewish PM Benjamin Disraeli, through his trickery, eventually managed to break apart the League of the Three Emperors, which ultimately led to the destruction of Germany, Russia, and Austria-Hungary shortly after in a series of great wars, while British hegemony was extended for a few decades more.
Read more here:
Anyway, history is somewhat repeating itself. in the mid 1800s, central European powers were rising, and the declining Anglo Empire could only survive if it managed to drive a wedge between Germany and Russia. Today of course Germany/Europe produces mainly interracial gang-bangs (some voluntary, some forced) so its strategic potential is dim. China and Iran, however, are actually productive nations and they are fast rising. In many ways, these nations are outpacing the Anglo-American empire. If this new League of Three Emperors manages to block the tricks of modern-day Disraelis, there will be no artificial extension of Anglo-American hegemony, and for once these people will have to accept that their days at the top of the totem pole are long gone.
Sarkis, you have a very good understanding of history. Interesting observation regarding the "League of the Three Emperors" and today's Russia, China, Iran axis. It sure feels like we are reliving some aspect of history. It's as if 19th century spirits are haunting us. This time however we need to work towards bringing about a different ending. As it was back then, the only way Western powers can maintaining their position at the top of the global food-chain is to sow conflict between major powers of the time. This is why they are tying to sow conflict between Russia and continental Europe; between Europe and Islam; between Russia and China; between China and Japan; between the Sunni world and Iran...
DeleteAs long as major powers around the world are in conflict, Westerners can continue living carelessly in their gated communities. As long as major powers around the world are in conflict, Westerners can sit by their fireplace and read the Financial Times. I have said this on many previous occasions, the only way to defeat the Anglo-American-Jewish political order is to make their machinations around the world very painful for them. In other words, bring the fight to their home turf.
I am a great admirer of Bismarck. If I am not mistaken, the term realpolitik (a realistic, pragmatism approach to politics) was coined by Germans in the 19th century and Bismarck was its absolute personification. He truly one of history's greatest rulers. One of his well known quotes about Russia: "The secret of politics? Make a good treaty with Russia."
The following is a Russia Insider article about him -
Bismarck Knew: Don't Mess with Russia :
It is interestingly that he understood back then that the only way to destroy Russia was from within. Which is why many of the Jewish Bolsheviks that eventually destroyed the Russian Empire from within originally hailed from Germany, France, Britain and the United States.
Arevordi, that is actually the quote I was looking for. I've always liked history, but it is only in the past few years that I have really come to take a closer look at figures like Bismarck or Stalin. It's too bad they don't teach these things in high school, or at any point in a $300,000 tour of "higher education." These men created or saved great nations under the most desperate of circumstances. History will look at Vladimir Putin in the same manner.
DeleteSome other great Bismarck quotes:
-Otto von Bismarck remarked at the end of the 19th century that the most significant event of the 20th century would be 'The fact that the North Americans speak English."
-One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans (1888).
Germany sending Lenin to a weakened Russia in an armored rail car to fulfill the "destroy Russia from within" prophecy was the first link in a chain of events that led to the famous photo of the Red Army soldiers raising the Sickle and Hammer flag over the bombed out ruins of the Reichstag. History is not without a sense of irony.
On the Armenia front, what's going on with the Parliamentary elections. Raffi Hovannisian, Vardan Oskanyan, and Seyran Ohanyan (??) are in an alliance apparently? Seyran may or may not be a plant given that he is a member of the "Karabakh Clan."
ReplyDeleteSamvel Babayan has been arrested for apparently plotting another coup attempt:
"Armenia's National Security Service confirmed the arrests hours after announcing that it confiscated a shoulder-fired surface-to-air rocket launcher that it said was smuggled from neighboring Georgia."
On the topic of worthless diasporans, there was that half Potato-Nigger Raffi Elliot complaining about Hayastantsis "when they need us they call us Akhper, when we demand a voice they call use Akhpar."
Also I posted this before, but the Armenian diaspora is hard at work Kardashianizing Armenia:
Also, the Armenian Lobby in the west has turned the Armenian cause into another "whining minorities demand society feel bad for them." Armenians are now lumped together with Jews, Blacks, Mexicans, faggots, and other Undesirables. I did not even bother to read the article below. If Dro and Njteh could see the GayRF today, they would have volunteered for the Red Army:
Last point: yes English is totally a tainted language. But the French, German, and other European languages that held any sort of connections to traditional morals died out a generation or two ago. All of the ultraliberal poison that was originally authored in English have since been fully translated and nativized into every major language, especially the European languages, and Europeans have fully embraced this as seen by the way they have accepted their own demise. Basically Russian and Armenian are the only worthwhile languages.
Interesting observation that most Armenians are failing to make today. Ohanyan wanted nothing to do with politics. He was more-or-less forced into the position he is in today. Simply put: He is part of the controlled opposition. He is there to off-set CIA assets like Hovanissian and Oskanian. So, calling him a "plant" is actually accurate. Gagik Tsarukyan is also playing the role of controlled opposition. In any case, the only two real political powers in Armenia today are the Hanrapetakans and Bargavaj Hayastan. In other words, Moscow will be happy regardless of who comes on top tomorrow.
DeleteI'm not very sure what's going on with Samvel Babayan. Lot's of grey areas. Lot's of things happening behind closed doors. Could be an internal struggle. Could be Moscow putting pressure on President Sargsyan. Could be some kind of ploy. Time will tell.
The Diaspora is a graveyard. Other than a handful of decent individuals and genuine patriots, a vast minority are worthless as Armenians. Actually, Diasporan Armenians (especially those from the United States) are more of a liability to Armenia than an asset.
My point about learning French and German was so that Armenians can converse with them in their native languages instead of communicating with them in English...
Great commentary Arevordi, i always look for your opinion in this changing times. Over the years your analysis of geopolitics proved to be true and probably the only source to get answers to wide ranging issues our country faces.
ReplyDeleteTalking about what Russia would do if Trump offers a sweet deal, we got a glimpse of it on Lavrov's recent interviews where he basically communicates that Russia's goals are to change the postwar world order and establish a multipronged world order with new power centers. We also know that back few months ago essentially Kremlin placed preconditions to restoring relations with the west. Some of those are harsh conditions like pay for the damage Russia sustained due to sanctions and admit that their policy was wrong. Basically saying apologize, pay damages and change course. I doubt Trump's team will go that far.
There is also an issue with how Russians think and negotiate with anyone. When meeting and negotiating they always judge if the other party is able to deliver on promise. At this point looking at past deeds and internal conflicts in USA they would assume that Trump's government is weak and far from being able to deliver. Russians will probably give Trump a year or two to see if he is able consolidate power and be a party they can seriously negotiate with. So whatever Trump offers at this time I doubt Russia will agree, Putin will probably tell them to come back with better offer with a smile.
Thank you, TK. I agree with what you said about Russian officials and the masterful way they execute statecraft. But, I still believe Moscow may be willing to cooperate with Western powers over limiting Iran's military footprint in Syria - especially if Western powers are willing to give Russia more sway over Ukraine. Of course this is all speculation on my part. In any case, Moscow has a lot on its plate. From Scandinavia to the Balkans, from the Caucasus to the Levant, the Kremlin will have its hands full. It will be a very delicate and dangerous balancing act. And we all will be on the edge of a world war.
ReplyDeleteArevordi jan
Excellent like all the others but I think this might be your best article ever. See this russian video and tell me if its right because it givea the exactly geopolitical view of the moment and your statements about the dangers for Iran in the coming years
I m really hopeful in the future of mankind and of Armenia with a new multipolar world order. I can see a great future for our nation in line with this new Russia supepower. Like in the bes ages of the Achamaenid Persian Empire we can have a new millennia of peace and development.
Regards. Martin from Buenos Aires
Thank you, Boch@. Every time I watch political discussions from Russia I come away very impressed. I always see Russians expressing a healthy understanding of politics and history. In stark contrast to what I see coming out of Russia, I only see utter stupidity in Western mass media. American political discussions in particular tend to be on a "high school" level. In any case, everything you see going on in the Middle East today is primarily about Iran. Anglo-American-Jews and their Sunni allies have decided its high time to roll-back Iranian gains in places like Iraq, Syria and Yemen. As soon as they find an opportunity they will go to war. The key therefore is to not give them that opportunity. Russia will therefore play a big role in this regard. However, I'm afraid Moscow may think about cooperating with Western powers over limiting Iran's military presence in Syria.
DeleteArevordi, the high school level comment was spot on. It's amazing that 18-year-olds and 58-year-olds have the same depth and political understanding in America. Even if Trump was a benevolent deity of some sort I don't think it would be enough to save America from the stupidity of the Americans. This is a democracy where the voting base is almost no different than the audience of a wrestling event.
DeleteAn Iranian setback in the Middle East would be disasterous. There is speculation that Hezballah can deal a heavy blow to Israel via missiles if Iran is attacked. I wonder what will happen. I really enjoyed reading the analysis of the 2006 war in Lebanon buried in the links:
Americans are childlike. More specifically, they are like spoiled children, constantly in search for self-gratification. No depth. No intellect. No spirit. Everything you see on the surface is what you have in reality. While Americans may be low on the human ladder, they are nonetheless very easy to govern. This perhaps explains why they are the way they are, for those ruling the nation behind the scenes are evil geniuses. I have been revisiting some of Bismarck's famous quotes ever since you brought him up. Some of this thoughts about the United States -
Delete"The division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War by the high financial powers of Europe. These bankers were afraid that the United States, if they remained in one block and as one nation, would attain economic and financial independence, which would upset their financial domination over the world. The voice of the Rothschilds prevailed... Therefore they sent their emissaries into the field to exploit the question of slavery and to open an abyss between the two sections of the Union"
"The death of Lincoln was a disaster for Christendom. There was no man in the United States great enough to wear his boots and the bankers went anew to grab the riches. I fear that foreign bankers with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt civilization"
"The Americans are a very lucky people. They're bordered to the north and south by weak neighbors, and to the east and west by fish"
"God has a special providence for fools, drunks, and the United States of America"
Arevordi, I welcome your new blog post as much I welcome the spring. Trump may try whatever he wants but he has no way forward. He is hated by a majority of the establishment and the American people. Russians will be happy to discover they have a lame duck president in the white house for the next four years. On a side note have you seen Levon Ter Petrosyan's interview? My eastern Armenian isn't very good but it's good enough to figure out he really wants to make a peace acccord with Baku. I'd love to hear your take on it so please watch this:
ReplyDeleteLevon Petrosian should be defenestrated from the Armenian political system. This dog of a traitor has been wanting to make a " deal " with the Azeries since the 90's. The cornerstone of the dog´s deal is ceding land for an illusory and (t and ephimerou "peace) and ephimerous "settlement". One has not to put his guessing skills to the test as who will be winning in the settlement. This rotten dog is a westernized cog in the wheel. I woud not be surprised if he is a crypto chosenite in an armenian garb, After all his wife is a chosenite, he has a home in TelAvic and his son´s whereabouts are not quite clear, other than he completed his studies in the holy land.
DeleteTrump's unpopularity and the opposition he has in Washington will fade once he gets the US into a war, especially with a much hated country like Iran. Reminder: America's cattle has been made to believe that "Iran is the number one state sponsor of terrorism in the world" today. Most Americans today can't differentiate between Sunni and Shiite. Therefore, for most Americans today - Hezbollah, ISIS, Iran, Al-Shabab, Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra, Hamas, Taliban, etc. - is all the same shit.
Regarding Levon: Levon has wanted to settle the conflict from the earliest days of the war. The formula he has always peddled is similar to the US sponsored Camp David accord between Egypt and Israel: Land for peace.
But every Armenian administration that came after him has also said Armenia is willing to trade land for peace. The problem has always been Baku. Azeri officials have always categorically rejected every single Armenian proposal. So, what is Levon still bitching about? He always tells us to pay attention to the wishes of the "international community". Being that we have always been ready to negotiate, why doesn't he instead talk to his contacts in the "international community" and tell them that the real problem is Baku?
I always suspected his intentions. I always knew he would be willing to give too much for too little. I continue to believe he is serving foreign interests. He's most probably funded and protected by globalist types. The man is very intelligent. He knows history well. But he is a traitor at heart.
Anyway, although a lot of what he says are politically motivated half-truths and fearmongering, the basic fundamentals of some of the things he says I agree with.
His comments about Armenia's flawed politics between the years of 1918 and 1921 very accurate. I also agree with him when he says officials need to stop worrying about the whims of the people and start getting things done, even if the things in questions are unpopular. I also agree with him when he says the conflict over Artsakh has to end for Armenia's sake. Armenia's most urgent problem today is the unresolved war and the double blockade the country been subjected to for over 25 years now. I also agree that land for peace may be a way out of the mess.
Armenia is too small, too poor, too landlocked and too remote. Armenia cannot perpetually be at war with its neighbors. Therefore, if Baku is willing to recognize Artsakh's unification with Armenia (including all territories between Armenia and Artsakh), I would be willing to pull back from territories we have been controlling east of Artsakh's officially recognized boundaries. I would also want to see Russian peacekeepers stationed between us and the Azeris.
A comprehensive peace, where both sides will feel they have gotten something, may finally pacify the south Caucasus and reign in Pax Russicana. Until then, Armenia will continue remaining impoverished and always on the verge of a catastrophe.
On a theoretical level, my thoughts regarding the conflict is not too far from what Levon is promoting with one fundamental difference:
I believe we can only talk about land for peace if Baku officially states it is ready to recognize Artsakh's unification with Armenia. Thus far, it has not. Levon is ready to give up all of the territories around Artsakh with the exception of the "Lachin corridor" and only then beg the international community to force Baku to reciprocate in kind. That is foolish. That is treasonous. That is why he was ousted in 1998. When you let everyone know that you are eagerly waiting to compromise and make the first move, in the end you will end up giving up a lot more than you were initially planning to. When you enter a negotiations process with such a position, you will most likely come our the loser. Levon's bar is set too low.
I dislike Levon for one fundamental reason: Everything we dislike about Armenia today has their genesis in the 1990s, when Levon was king.
Since Armenians love comparing Armenia to Israel, let me also say this: Even God's "chosen", the almighty state of Israel, has given up territory (Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip) for peace with neighbors who still hate it. Even almighty Israel cannot outright annex the West Bank or move the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem. Of all the territories that the Israeli military occupied in the 1967 war, the only territory it would not give up under any circumstances is the Golan Heights. So, even if Armenia gave up the territories east of Artsakh and gained international recognition for Artsakh in return, Armenia would still be doing much better than Israel.
DeleteThat being said, at the end of the day, all this talk about giving land for peace is nonsense because we are not dealing with rational people on the other side of the negotiations table. knowing how Azeris/Turks are, I'm afraid the only way to settle the dispute for once and for all will be through another war. A real war, not like the one we had exactly a year ago.
Since Sarkis reminded me of Bismarck, the following are some Bismarck quotes pertaining to our situation:
“The great questions of the day are not decided by speeches and majority votes but by blood and iron”
"Man cannot control the current of events. he can only float with them and steer"
"Politics are not a science based on logic; they are the capacity of always choosing at each instant, in constantly changing situations, the least harmful, the most useful"
"A bad plan that is well executed will yield much better results than a good plan that is poorly executed"
"Fools learn from experience. I prefer to learn from the experience of others"
“Political judgment is the ability to hear the distant hoofbeats of the horse of history”
"Preventive war is like committing suicide out of fear of death."
"The secret of politics? Make a good treaty with Russia"
Trump's foreign policy is very obvious now around 100 days in his presidency. He is in the process of defeating ISIS in Iraq and Syria. The difference between him and Obama is that Obama''s Rules of Engagement didn't involve special forces in combat . This aims to accelerate ISIS's defeat and it's working for the Kurds . Trump doesn't care if civilians are killed called it inhumane but it's paying dividends.
ReplyDeleteAfter ISIS's defeat Trump aims to create an anti-Iranian alliance which explains why yesterday Trump and Sec.Mattis called for escalation of the war in Yemen . This would make Obama's policy of supporting KSA's war even worse because Trump will not care how many Yemenis are killed . My theory is that this will embolden Saudi Arabia because victories change moods . Sec.Mattis in the past has been hawkish on Iran and the Trump administration is the more pro-Israel than Bush was . So I can see either a new era of American hegemony in the region because Russia might probably not be able to reconcile with Trump because of diverging interests .Given the nature of Trump's cabinet having the most generals since WW2 and a 54$billion increase in the defence budget it's obvious where all this is going
ReplyDelete^ US Middle East Policy Is Still Like Under George Bush - Prof Alexander Azadgan ( Another Geo Political conversation with an American Iranian professor who is well connected to Russia. The professor ends on some positive notes and hopes and solutions. )
^ Plasco Building Tehran Was It Iran's 911 - Prof. Alexander Azadgan
these interviews solid
Armenia's Parliamentary election is less than a day away. The number of seats have been cut from 141 to 101, and Armenia will be transitioning from a presidential to a parliamentary republic. Most likely the HHK will get the most votes, and maybe form some kind of coalition with the controlled Dashnaks. Tsarukyan will get a good chunk and continue to be mostly compliant when it counts. I think Ter-Petrosyan and Arthur Baghdasaryan are spent forces from a decade or two ago, and their parties may or may not cross the 5% minimum threshold. Although truth be told, I appreciate everything LTP has done since his failed color revolution attempt in March 2008: LTP basically showed that he only cares about himself, refused to give any support to Raffi's failed color revolution attempt in 2012 or any of Raffi's failed publicity stunts thereafter, like the "hunger strike." The opposition has only weakened since March 2008 because of Serj's excellent political maneuvering, and because the biggest star in the beginning had absolutely no intention of passing the torch to a younger successor who may have had a chance... That torch has long since burned out, and instead the opposition is represented by clowns like Zaruhi Postanjian - a figure that a patriarchal country like Armenia would never accept.
ReplyDeleteThe more radical "opposition" is fractured and will eat each others votes. The "Way Out," "Ohanian-Raffi-Oskanyan," and "Free Democrats" are basically "Made in USA" and they will get nowhere, maybe 10-15% of the vote as opposed to the HHK and Tsarukyan getting 70-80%. Of course these parties have the support of naive-stupid twenty-somethings, who will inevitably take to the streets because it is the trendy thing to do, and creates create opportunities for selfies, social media posts, possibly some celebrity status if they throw a good enough tantrum and get interviewed by one of Armenia's dozens of western-funded propaganda outlets; and last but no least a chance at getting big money grants from the US, EU, and the NGOs. I always felt bad before when I looked at the age distribution in Armenia and saw that the average population age is mid-30s, but there is one benefit in having less twenty-somethings around in 2017: less chance of the "student revolution" type of crap that the west exports attracting critical mass.
I was hoping Trump would at least cut funding to foreign NGOs and regime change operations, which would starve/kill the Armenian opposition. That's not going to happen. So of course the State Department will call the Armenian elections "flawed and undemocratic." The EU will do the same, ironically dozens if not hundreds of rapes and gang-rapes will take place by "refugees" and covered up by authorities in Europe during the time the Armenian elections are held, but for some reason Armenians will be holding their breath and anxiously awaiting approval by the likes of Junker and Shulz.
Lastly, worthless faggots from the diaspora are going to observe in Armenia. Man-on-man anal "sex" defender Serj Tankian will be there. I miss the good old days of the Cold War, where Armenian society would have told these akhpars to fuck off, and the KGB would have corrected these clowns.
To reiterate: Moscow has begun paying more attention to Armenia. The Kremlin is actively pulling the political strings in the country right now. Ohanyan and Tsarukyan and several others are playing the role of controlled opposition. Raffi Hovanissian and Vartan Oskanian exist for show. Regarding Vartan: They put him up on charges in 2012 for not disclosing the millions of dollars he was receiving from John Huntsman in the US. He has not recovered from that ordeal since. Regarding Raffi: Remember when he was boycotting President Sargsyans win in 2012? Remember when he stopped his nonsense? One minute he was on a hunger strike, next minute he was all of a sudden flying to Moscow to have behind closed door meetings with undisclosed individuals. A similar thing had happened to Gagik in 2007. In any case, Raffi and Vartan are political stage props at this point. In my opinion, it can even be said that Levon Petrosyan is playing the role of controlled opposition at this point in time. The only real political opposition in the country today is the remnants of Sasna crazies and Paruyr Hayrikian's zombies. In other words, there is no real political opposition in the country. In other words, Armenia is now a country with two main political parties, Hanrapetakans and Bargavaj Hayastan and they both serve one master. In other words, Armenia is now just like Western countries.
DeletePS: Don't expect President Trump to get much done. He is literally under siege. Russophobes in government will hound him every step of the way. Btw, I also miss the Cold War days. I lived through the 1980s dreaming, praying that Armenia would be liberated from Soviet Rule. The saying, be careful for what you wish for fully applies. How stupid I was. My eyes only began opening in the late 1990s. I guess in a way this blog could be seen as my penance...
You're right as usual Arevordi, I remember Raffi made a trip to Moscow and his rhetoric died down. I remember the Oskanian scandal, serves him right for founding Civilitas and giving that horselike whore Salpi Ghazarian a platform. And I remember you telling me about Tsarukyan running his mouth about Russia, then suffering an unfortunate explosion or two at some of his offices - although I never read about that in any articles and I followed news from Armenia even closer back then than I do today. To be honest I don't think Tsarukyan is even political or ideological, he seems like an oaf who like power and fame, and is just doing the things expected of a modern-day Armenian nobleman. He's probably not even the worst person; had he been around a thousand years ago, he could have been a Tigran Honents type.
DeleteInteresting to see that the Heritage Party, once the pride of American clandestine operation in Armenia, is in shambles. Raffi stopped being active not too long after his Moscow meetings. Zaruhi Postanjian quit back in February this year, allegedly because she opposed joining forces with Ohanian and Oskanian. Not to be too morbid here, but I think it is an open question which will kick the bucket first: Raffi's political party or Raffi's father Richard? To hell with all of them.
Some time ago LTP's associate Alexander Arzumanian also quit LTP's ANC party. It is good that these people's egos are so massive it prevents them from organizing enough to get past the five percent threshold.
The observation that Armenia is now just like a western country in its political structure is very prescient. I don't know of any other Diasporan analyst to have picked up on this. I've been loosely attacking around on a few forums, mostly the, and it seems that the children who argue on these threads are stuck in the 1990s and think Armenia is destined to join the EU... And lets not even mention the insanity on those other forums.
And don't be too hard on yourself, how old were you in the 1980s? Your brain doesn't reach full maturity until around age 25, and even then you lack experience. Those cliches are good advice to live by though, and apply to politics and nation-building:
-be careful what you wish for
-if it ain't broke, don't fix it
-if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right
-if you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself
-if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck
-there's no such thing as a free lunch
-and of course:
Welcome back Arevordi. Still reading your latest commentary but have to say Trump's got no chance with his plan because russophobes in government will destroy him. Also want to bring your attention to this stratfor article. Sounds accurate:
ReplyDeleteMoscow Weighs in on Armenian Politics:
Thank you for bringing this article to my attention, Arto. It was an interesting read. Basically, they are admitting to the obvious. The obvious begin that Moscow has more political control over Yerevan today than at any time during the past 25-plus years. And thank God for that...
DeleteIf you follow at Trump's strategy in Syria that will likely put him at odds with Russia and Assad. This is particularly dangerous as Russian and US forces are in close proximity in Manbij. Trump wants to expand Kurdish zones of control he can do this be helping the Kurds capture Raqqa and deploying more special forces and marines. BTW the US is censoring information about new troop deployments. Trump then wants to make "safe zones" for Syrians displaced by fighting which Russia and Assad oppose understandably so. I think the strategy is to no topple Assad but to create leverage by telling Assad that he cant take control militarily over his country without risking war with the US. This would attempt to force Assad into a compromise. The US also wants to crush Al-Nusra . I think the strategy is smart , knocking ISIS out would take the war from a 4-sided war to a 3-sided one making the situation more simple. But we will see
DeleteIf you ask me, I would say US military operations in Syria are being coordinated with the Russians. In other words, the Russian and American militaries are collaborating inside Syria. I believe it's part of the final chapter in the Syrian tragedy. The major powers are laying the foundations of the country's eventual partitioning. Geopolitically and geostrategially, Russians got exactly what they wanted: A strong military outpost in the Mediterranean Sea; a strong military presence in the Middle East; a fully dependent Alawite state in western Syria; a pro-Russian Kurdish region in northern Syria; and a Turkey that is acquiescing to every Russian wish. Now, Russia will play mediator between Western powers and Iran. I have a feeling they will use limiting Iran's military presence in Syria as a bargaining chip. In any case, Russians have become the region's new power-brokers. They will use their position in Syria, to get some concession elsewhere, like in Ukraine.
Realize that what you hear politicians say in public and what they do behind closed doors are two very different things. This however does not mean there aren't serious differences between Moscow and Washington. Therefore, there is still the possibility that a clash between Russians and Americans may yet occur if both sides are not very careful with what they do in Syria.
PS: The US does not want to "crush" any of the Islamic terror groups. They will need them for their fight against Iran and Russia. When you hear about US forces bombing or killing "Islamic terrorists", it simply means they are attacking splinter groups that are not under control.
DeleteTrump isn't a mainstream politician and has so far kept big promises like the travel ban or clamping down on illegal immigration . So I think Trump is not a man of empty words or hollow promises . Plus the Kurds and US special forces are operating in Raqqa . I talked about an anti Iranian alliance in my other comment on this blog post where I talked about how Trump is very pro Israel . He would use the Gulf and Israel against Iran .
As for Syria yes the US and Russia have to cut bargains and there are areas where they cooperate and some where they need to compromise .
Correct. Donald Trump is not a mainstream politician. In fact, Donald Trump is not a politician. That is why some in the Anglo-American-Jewish "deep state" as well as some mainstream public figures wanted him to be the Republican candidate. They knew significant numbers of Americans were totally fed up with politicians. That said, everything the Trump administration has thus far done - including the travel ban, including the wall - is for show; to show the American cattle that he is getting things done. The reality of the matter is that the travel ban was a political stunt and has nothing to do with "stopping the flow of terrorists" into the US. Had it really been designed to prevent terrorist from coming to the US, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Turkey would have been on top of the list. The travel ban was designed as a swipe at Iran. The reality of the matter is that the wall will not stop illegal drugs from coming into the US. As long as there is demand, there will be a supply. A wall will not stop the flow of illegal immigration into the country either. As long as the US is a service based economy that employs tens of millions of low wage laborers, there will be illegal immigration from Central America. In other words, as long as America's aging population wants the cost of going to restaurants to be affordable; their market produce to be affordable, their landscaping services to be affordable, there will be illegals coming into the country. The only way to stop illegals from coming to the US is to make obtaining residency papers, education and medical care very difficult and to force employers to employ only legal residents. Building a multi-billion dollar wall is a waste of time and money. In any case, Washington will not take any serious steps to curb illegal immigration anytime soon essentially because doing so will ruin the US economy, as it will skyrocket prices for practically everything in the US. Moreover, with each passing year, the US is becoming less-and-less conservative, Christian and White and more-and-more liberal, atheist, Hispanic, Black, Asian, Jew and of course Gay... Trump's agenda will therefore ultimately fail.
DeleteWell most probably the reason why the travel ban didn't target Turkey or Saudi Arabia is that Trump still has business interests there . Plus from the countries you mentioned I would have included Jordan and Tunisia and countless other countries . Radical Islam has unfortunately grown since at least the 70s . Through wars , poverty , Saudi/Gulf funding especially in the non-Arab countries . It's a complex issue
DeleteAs for the "wall" it already exists to a certain degree . The number of illegal migrants has been reduced since Trumps inauguration and if you analyze the numbers from the 90s when the border started getting militarized you see a drop in illegal immigration. Since 1996 the border security force has at least tripled in size and deportations have increased. In theory walls do work in detering migratin just look at what Hungary and Bulgaria did the flow of Syrian refugees decreased and Greece who opened their borders is now stuck with them . However if Mexico''s situation deters because remember Mexico isn't so stable then refugees will cross through the border . The same goes for the rest of Central America.
As for service economy I live in Canada and economics studies show that 40-48% of jobs will be automated in the next 15-20 years .These are mainly service sector jobs like cashiers at McDonald's . If that's the case then the West won't need to import labour from the Second and Third Worlds but there would need to be an expansion in the welfare state .
DeleteOne more time: The "wall" wont work. You already know that immigration in the US has subsided somewhat because of the political climate and the economic situation in the country - not because a "wall" will be built at some point in the future. You can go around, under and over a wall - if there is a prize on the other side. If a government (like Hungary) cracks down on businesses hiring illegals, if a government makes obtaining residency papers and medical aid very difficult - there won't be a problem with illegal immigration. If Trump's wall will be built it will be built only for show. Not putting nations like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Pakistan and Jordan on the ban list has nothing to do with Trump's business interests. The ban list was also a PR stunt, as well as a swipe at Iran. Yes, radical Islam has been growing. Specifically, it has been growing since the early 1980s, when the CIA got into the business of sponsoring radical Islamic terrorism through friends like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to fight the Soviet occupation in Afghanistan. The automation of jobs is yet another reason why developed nations around the world will gradually begin shutting down their borders to low wage workers, and also why more and more people in developed nations will become more depend on government assistance. We are already seeing this process take place in the US...
Sabotaging President Trump's plan to thaw relations with Moscow is basically what all the recent anti-Russia hysteria in the US has been about. In a nutshell: Some in the Anglo-American-Jewish West want rapprochement with Russia in order to more effectively tackle the urgent problem they feel is being posed by Iran (i.e. the growing Shiite Arc). Others in the Anglo-American-Jewish West (the establishment, the majority, globalist types) don't think rapprochement with Russia is necessary and should in fact be avoided at all times. What's going on is therefore a struggle between two geopolitical approaches. This is essentially why the Trump administration is under siege in Washington. My current blog commentary is essentially about this struggle within the American empire.
ReplyDeleteThe following Wall Street Journal article appeared only a couple of days ago. The author of the opinion piece is a very well respected political analyst and, of course, a Jew. In it, the author discusses a lot of what I have written about. He talks about foreign policy blunders that got the US into the bad situation it currently is in the Middle East. He however, as expected, blames the Obama administration, even though the Bush administration's screw-ups were much worst. More importantly, the author advises the Trump administration against abandoning Ukraine in order to win Moscow's cooperation over Iran. He makes an interesting claim that Moscow has been signalling its readiness to abandon Iran, if it gets its way over Ukraine. The author thinks Western powers do not have to give up Ukraine nor do they have to make nice with Moscow to push forward their plans for Syria and Iran. In other words, he is promoting an aggressive posture and a military solution to the problem. More specifically, he wants the US to use its military to stop Iranian troops and arms from entering Syria. In other words, he wants to subject Iran to a blockade enforced by the US military and he believes Russians in Syria are powerless to stop it -
The Deal Trump Shouldn’t Make With Russia:
I cannot believe that the Russians believed that the 'West' would ever abandon Ukraine and the Jews Iran. Ukraine is a Jewish project which the Jews will never abandon. Ukraine must be turned into a bitter enemy of Russia and become the springboard for an invasion of Russia proper, after a planned humiliating 'defeat' of Russia (and Iran) in Syria, which in the calculations of the planners would provoke a revolution in Russia (after the 1905 and 1917 models). The 'thawing' of relations with Russia is a ploy like the Hitler-Stalin non-Aggression Pact to induce a sense of false security. The question is why America showed her cards so early (see the declaration of Tillerson at the NATO meeting - "We do not, and will not, accept Russian efforts to change the borders of territory of Ukraine...We will continue to hold Russia accountable to its Minsk commitments. The United States sanctions will remain until Moscow reverses the actions that triggered our sanctions."). His urge to NATO members to increase their spending is actually a demand to be ready to spring into action 'to deter aggression in Ukraine and elsewhere'. But I can't believe that the Russians are 'baffled' by his declarations. I do not believe that they don't perfectly know what their real intentions were all along (the more when they can't refrain to cockily crow them loudly from every roof).
DeleteSorry, I forgot to include the link in my comment above:
DeleteNothing new, but still a good video and article.
In my humble opinion: With the current state of relations between the USA and Russia, both Iran and Ukraine are just too big and too important for team Trump and team Putin to bargain away. Smaller concessions are more realistic, and that is already happening. Examples: Russia is letting the US to get more actively involved in Syria to curb Iranian influence. In return the Russians get this:
DeleteEU gives up blocking Russia’s Nord Stream-2 pipeline - report:
And this:
Russia wins early legal skirmish over eurobond dispute with Ukraine:
In order for Putin to allow the USA to launch an attack on Iran and for Trump to let Russia take the Ukraine back into its orbit, relations between the two countries must improve exponentially. With all the barriers and hurdles that the anti-trump clan is putting, I don't see that happening soon.
Iran will keep aligned to Russia. The Ukraine will float in the air for now, but it will never become part of "Europe". The entire scenario in the Ukraine is underlined by the de facto American military occupation of the continent.That occupation, a legacy of Hitler's defeat, must come to an end one day if Europe is to survive and undergo a resurrection of their national sovereign rights. Ukraine will revert to Russia the day the last Zog soldier departs from the continent. The Iranian gambit, part of the grand judea strategy remains to be seen how it pans out. Neither the USA not the Israelis have the capability to smash Iran directly and escape unscathed. If they want to go ahead a stiff price of incalculable proportions has to be paid. The zionist are clever mathematicians.They will try and keep Syria in a state of chaos and havoc with the ongoing conflict. After all when all Israel's neighbors are burning in flames it is the supreme guarantees to ensure the survival and continuity of that state. Terrorism has now struck Saint Petersburg. But no bombs from any source strucks Tel Aviv of Haifa. Russia should face serious internal challenges with the muslim communities in their midst. As for Trump; he was always a jew operative. Can someone imagine of someone who is not racially a jew, outjewing the jews in business deals and in wealth within the heart of western Judaism , New York. To hope about Trump doing what the plebeians in the USA imagined , it is self deception. He'll do nothing outside the prescribed script and tablets of his masters voice, the chosen who rule supreme in the USA and the rest of the so called West.
DeleteGreat job Arevordi. You can add this to your list of articles
DeleteIsrael fears 'Iranian crescent' in Middle East:
DeleteYou do agree that Russia is cooperating with Anglo-American-Jews in an effort to limit Iran's military footprint in Syria? If so, do you think what happened last August has anything to do with it?
Iran Revokes Russia’s Use of Air Base, Saying Moscow ‘Betrayed Trust’:
DeleteIndeed, I agree with you that there is some degree of cooperation/collaboration between the Russians and Americans in Syria.
The Kremlin is skillfully playing the Iranian card when dealing with the US and Israel.
I strongly believe that (for the moment at least) a direct US-Israel sponsored attack on Iran is a red line for Moscow. Limiting Iran's influence and not letting it fully control the Shiite axis is the tactic used by the Slavic chess-masters to gain concessions from the West in Ukraine and elsewhere. It is all a bargaining/negotiating game.
With their main objectives achieved in Syria, the Russians have little to loose by agreeing to limit Iranian influence and everything to gain including:
- Western concessions in Ukraine and elsewhere
- Limiting Iran's growth as regional power (The Russians don't want a powerful Iran on their southern border)
Of course, Teheran is not too happy about this but they have no other choice.
The Iranian base issue in August can be interpreted in many ways. As you always say, usually things are not what they seem. In any case, I don't know if you have come across this more recent statement about the use of Iranian bases:
I have to say, Armenia's Hanrapetakan party pulled off a very impressive win. The voting process was very well organized, relatively orderly and suprisingly modern. Approximately 60% of voters participated, which is also impressive for a country like Armenia where political apathy rules. Hanrapetakans got about 50% of the votes. The runner up was Tsarukyan's party, and they got 30% of the votes. More significantly, the losing parties are not objecting to the final results. This is no small miracle. Is Armenia is growing up? Perhaps. I give PM Karen Karapetyan the credit for all this. A lot changed in Armenia's political landscape since his return last autumn. I also have to add this: Armenia's Western activists finally got their wish, but with a little twist. Armenia's political system now fully resembles the Western model: Armenia today has a top heavy political system, where the country's citizenry is allowed to participate in limited forms of democracy and where a handful of mainstream political parties are tightly controlled from above by an unseen elite. What Armenia's Western activists were not expecting is that Moscow is that unseen elite controlling the political process from above. Thank God.
ReplyDeleteKaren Karapetyan seems like a true professional, and it looks like he was just what Armenia needed. I think settling the future orientation of Armenia by finalizing Eurasian Union membership and by seeing Russia reassert its dominance on the global state helped create the necessary confidence and stability for a successful, riot-free major election. I remain cautiously optimistic for Armenia – just compare Armenia’s future to that of any European country.
DeleteI was expecting the opposition to get around 10% of the votes, I'm just a bit surprised that it was Yelk. I don't know too much about them though. I think it is for the best to have some opposition in the Parliament serving as props, as long as the Republicans are far and away the most powerful group. Maybe Armenia can enter a period of stability and progress.
I think it is significant the former heavyweights Raffi Hovannisian and LTP were completely blown out of the water. This was effectively a presidential election, with a very good turnout, and Armenian society as a whole rejected them. Combined they did not even get 4% of the vote, despite the countless western-funded propaganda outlets and social media bots puffing them up! And Raffi had big names like Oskanian and Ohanian with him. Basically these people are going the route of Stepan Demirchyan and other formerly popular, post-Independence, opposition politicians who are virtual unknown today. Same with Arthur Baghdasaryan and his Armenian Renaissance (former Country of Law Party.) It is good to see these potentially problematic people marginalized, although Baghdasaryan was usually compliant, minus a pro-Orange Revolution regime change comments from a decade ago. You can tell they are low energy, if any of these selfish politicians thought they could actually rally people, I’m sure they would not hesitate to call rioters to take to the streets – as things stand, they probably know that they’d only rally a small number of malcontents and only accomplish making most of Armenian society hate them for causing instability.
BTW LTP campaigned on making peace with our neighbors. On the one-year anniversary of the April War / skirmishes. The nation rallied around the flag when we were attacked; not since the nation ousted LTP in 1998 for trying to make too many concessions has anything like that happened. Although ultranationalism can be deadly, I am generally glad to see Armenians taking a hard line and not caving in to the considerable threats Azerbaijan has been making over the past decade.
And now the fun begins. Everyone who knows me knows that I hate democracy as a system. I’m a traditionalist-authoritarianist… But right now we can go on whatever English-language Armenian forum we want and tell the whining, western-based akhpars who are unhappy with the election results “the Armenian people expressed their will in free and fair elections, how dare you deny them their democratic choice, how dare you pretend that you know better than 1.57 million Armenian citizens-taxpayers-voters!!” You can rub it in, call them fascists and remind them that Armenia fought Turks in 1918, Nazis in 1941, Azeris in 1988, and we will crush their “anti-democratic” radical asses today... Of course arguing with retards online is not productive, but if you are posting on English-language Armenian forums it will be inevitable.
The weird thing about this year is that Armenia is switching from a Presidential system to a parliamentary system while its Turkish neighbor and going the other way around. Now the Turks want a presidential system instead of a parliamentary system. Now 2018 might become pivotal if Sargsyan is no longer able to run for the third time due to the term limits placed on the Armenian president.
DeleteWith that being said, I am quite amazed and pissed off at the same time that there are also anti-Trump rallies outside the frickin' United States! As if the citizens of foreign countries are now being obsessed with the US president, he's not even ruling nations like Canada, Britain, Australia and the rest of Europe.
The Azeris kept themselves quite restrained in all this, another interesting observation.
DeleteAnonymous, I would not be surprised if Baku was warned by Moscow. This was in many regards a historic election. Russia was playing a big role in the entire process, albeit from behind the scenes. I therefore do not think Moscow would have wanted Baku to cause problems on such an important day. Russia's growing role in Armenia's political process has become so obvious that even Stratfor has picked up on it. The following is an excerpt:
Delete"But no matter which party comes out on top, Russia can't lose. Karapetyan, Ohanyan and Tsarukyan alike all have close ties with Moscow, whether through business contacts or personal relationships with high-ranking Russian politicians. The prime minister, for example, has ties with several influential figures in Moscow and, as a former executive of the company's Armenian branch, a deep rapport with Gazprom. These relationships are an asset for Russia: The country has a vested interest in the upcoming election, since the party that emerges victorious will have the most say over Armenia's foreign policy. And because the RPA is leading the polls, Moscow isn't worried about keeping anti-Russian parties from taking over. Instead, it is focused on promoting alternative pro-Russian politicians who could eventually challenge Sarkisian or his successor (probably Karapetyan) if necessary. The Kremlin hopes that a future administration of its engineering could quell persistent concerns in Armenia about Russia's stance on the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute and its arms deals with Azerbaijan"
Moscow Weighs in on Armenian Politics:
Been a while guys good to be here again. The election results didnt surprise me not even one bit. I was in Armenia over the new years. Let me tell you I didnt meet one person who didnt love Karen Karapetyan. Everyone says only Karen can fix Armenia. Everyone says his good friends with Putin. Putin told our president to turnover power to Karen when his terms up. So let me tell you alot is riding on Karen right now. Btw Trump disappoints me every passing say, the guy is nothing but a shill working for ZOG.
DeleteWelcome back, Serge. Just realize that Moscow pulled-off a quiet coup in Yerevan last summer, when the country was still licking its war wounds and being held hostage by gunmen at the same time. Moscow felt it was time to step in and stop our people's self-destructive behavior. There is no doubt that PM Karapetyan is closely collaborating/cooperating with the highest offices of the Russian government. Also realize that for the past two hundred years Armenia has managed to exist in a nasty place like the south Caucasus essentially because of men like him. In any case, I hope what you said about the PM's popularity is an accurate assessment.
DeletePS: Good job over at Hyeclub LOL
There are around 90 special forces I counted. The official Azeri MoD claims they lost 31 in last Aprils war
DeleteYes according to social media pages like Meydan TV reported 93 Azeri soldiers dead . Meaning the 31 dead was a downplayed number .
I think and correct me if I'm wrong the deadliest clash this year was back in February where we didn't even have a casualty (not even wounded personel) and Azeris lost 8 troops .
Arevordi Jan,
ReplyDeleteOutstanding work! Just finished reading the body. Keep it up! Is it: meet the the new boss, same as the old boss, or is it that he can't do much, Steve Bannon just being fired from NSA board and Kuchner is in bigger, after being assigned the role of peace-maker between the people of Araby and the chosen tribe. I think we are living in a extremely dangerous time. Another WMD off Syria. Just hope Hayrenik will be good. If "IS" and Putin were not in Syria "IS" would be there.
Thank you for reading.
DeleteBannon's (as well as Flynn's) ouster from the administration is a bad omen. It was Bannon that gave the Trump administration its unique character; the one that helped Donald Trump get elected. With such men gradually leaving or cornered into inaction, the Trump administration will eventually become like all previous administrations - a tool serving globalist interests. Jared Kuchner is most probably a Mossad mole in the White House. Israeli intelligence has had human assets inside the White House since Monica Lewinski's blowjob days. In my opinion, the gas attack in Syria may have been inevitable. They (most probably elements within Western intelligence, Israel and/or Saudi Arabia) are trying to force the Trump administration's hand. They want large to deploy large numbers of US troops in Syria. They don't want the Trump administration to work with the Syrian government. And most importantly - they want to stop the expansion of Iranian power and influence in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.
Last Friday, the Trump administration more-or-less announced, the US is no longer interested in ousting Bashar Assad from power... Merely several days later, a gas attack on civilians takes place and President Trump suddenly begins singing a very different tune, and all of Satan's little helpers are out encouraging him on -
For Syria, Words Won’t Be Enough:
The Deal Trump Shouldn’t Make With Russia:
The culprits behind the gas attack could not have been the Syrian government or the Russian military for obvious reasons. What military or political objective would they be trying to again by carrying-out a gas attack? Why would they anger the international community at a time when they are wining the war and when public opinion is on their side? Militarily, what could a gas attack do that their vast array of conventional weapons cannot? It would makes no sense, politically or militarily, for Syrians or Russians to do something like that. The gas attack was an evil PR stunt designed to grab international attention and steer the Trump administration in a certain direction. It's a ploy. It's a deception. It's part of the nasty chess game being played in Syria. The tragic part in all this, millions of lives are being destroyed and an entire country is being systematically demolished as a result.
Needless to say, I fully agree with your last point. I remember when many Armenians, specifically axpars in the US, were cheering the Chechens during the 1990s. The idiots didn't have the brains to realize that if Russia got defeated, all those Caucasus based militant groups being aided by Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Western intelligence would have immediately turned their attention to Armenia. Russia is the only factor helping an impoverished, landlocked Armenia militarily defend itself against Turks to the east. Russia is the only factor that is keeping Turks to the west on their side of the border. Let me put this another way: If Armenian Diaspora suddenly disappeared, Armenia's truism industry would suffer greatly, some buildings would not be renovated, some roads would not be built, some businesses would not be started - but Armenia would nevertheless continue existing as a state. On the other hand, if Russia suddenly disappeared one day, Armenia would cease to exist the very next day. People who don't realize this are either simple minded fools or vile traitors.
The massive superpower we call Russia is the only thing on earth that has been making Armenia's existence possible in a very terrible region like the south Caucasus, and it has been doing so for the past two hundred years. Let's recognize this. Let's accept this. Let's embrace this. Let's work together to extract benefits for Armenia from this. In other words, for once let's stop admiring Jews and let's start acting like them...
DeleteIt looks like a setup. Trump says no regime change in Syria two days later a chemical attack against civilians and tonight US strikes Syrian airbase. I think Bannon's firing may have something to do with this attack. The Anglo-American and Zionist factors as you describe them were clashing and Zionists look like the winners.
War breaks out between the Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner factions in the White House
It is hard to fathom the manical streak of the USA-England administration in regard to the grand lie of the chemical attack. Of course everything is revolving around the Talmudic script. The talmudists in Israel will bask in the sunshine and watch their Tv's in relative tranquility while other nation's youth kill each other. According to news media the USA is preparing a strong "response" against Assad's Syria. Trump himself , appearing drugged and slouching his words , hollered and blustered about taking independent action against Assad. The Indian whore of Niky Haley, a worse bitch than Stephanie Powers, warned the UN security council and the Assembly the USA will act unilaterally, showing touched up photo sets of burnt children as "undeniable proof" of Assads barbarity. They are all either lapidary monuments to sheer stupidity, or they are consummate actors knowing full well to parrot the written script of the talmudists objectives which is war; perenial war, endless war. Has it entered into their feverish brains that attacking Assad, and moving into Syria they might have to deal with the Russians, Syrian army and Iran. They would not care if the objective is to have a war against Syria , rather than fight Daesh. This looming scenario poses difficult challenges to Russia. Let's suppose the USA and its partners in crime- England ( I don't think the British will fire the first shot; but they will tag along with the vanguard) launch an aerial assault over Syria; the Syrian skies belong to Russia, Syrian aerial defences will have to react in a defensive manner; what will Russia do seeing her skies violated by intruding forces. How will she react, will she react, or let it pass like they have let pass previous Israely bombings and violations of Syrian air space. It is doubtful if the Americans will increase the number of troops on the ground. They will never do that unless they have control of the skies, and to have control of the Syrian skies they will have to wrest it away from Russia. Should they embark on the folly of increasing boots on the ground disregarding insurance from the skies, their men will be thrown into a charnel house where grappling with Iranian foot soldiers . At the moment there is a surfeit of bombast, blare and bluster emanating from jewified America. From an Armenian perspective, it is a matter of utter concenr at Iran's role in this forthcoming tragedy. If Syria is bombed or invaded, Iran will also be attacked, ( Nethanuy will see to that)and that is too close to the homeland for comfort. The entire air smells of gunpowder and fire. We hope that the S200, S300 or S400 deployed in Syria can provide a protective shield to her skies, making any marauding adventure by the Americans prove unbearably costly.
DeleteThe word is out that it was Kushner who organized Trumps win. The 'Kosher Nostra', with the help of its subsidiaries Mossad, CIA,FBI, MI5-6 (think of Brexit).
Delete"Moscow is currently grooming Karen Karapetyan as Armenia's next leader." -Arevordi, a year or three before anyone gave Karapetyan any thought.
Delete"Moscow wants to settle the Artsakh conflict and may allow a limited war in which both sides can claim victory in order to Armenians and Azeris for a final, negotiated, compromise resolution." - Arevordi like August 2008, well before April 2016
Prepare to be disappointed with Trump... Trump wants to change Washington but most likely Washington will change Trump... Trump is too little, too late to save America" -Arevordi, at the very beginning of the 2016 election circus.
"Trump's duty is to start a war to contain Iran, all of the anti-Trump rhetoric will die down when war starts." -Arevordi, Spring 2017
Well done, Arevordi. This place remains the best blog on the Internet.
Care to give me any predictions on lottery numbers or horse races?
No one knows what is going on. The only factual certainty is the USA unprovoked attack against a sovereign nation. That is the concrete fact. We hear a lot about the network array of anti missile defenses in Syria. It does not seem that the net of S's shield was of effective protection against the attack on the air base. Could not the air base, an important one, have been better shielded. We don't know yet of the human and material damage to Syria.So many active and sleeping players in the area; shifting alliances and loyalties, a whirlpool of contradictory settings making impossible to even guess to what is going on. The Russian refer amiably to their competitors as our "partners". The USA has never corresponded with the same designation when speaking about Russia. On whose side are the vile Turks; they are part of Nato, one day they lean toward Russia, first downing one of their fighter planes and murdering the pilot, then they wrangle with the USA on the issue of Raqqa and the Kurds, then they swing back into supporting the USA aggression against Assad. One moment we have a coalition of "partners" fighting Isis; the next moment we see fresh support, by one of the "partners" ,for Isis with arms and intelligence services. It is a discombobulated partnership with war crazed partners. Russian reaction will dictate the shape of things to come. The question is how can they react. This attack against Syria is the opening salvo, other fresh wave of war actions are likely to occur; unless superior arms and technology are provided to Assad, not only to defend itself but to move onto the offensive with greater force. The USA policy of deleting Syria from the map is unchanged; whether it is by partitioning the land or fracturing it into pieces. If this is a game , I find it hard to reconcile Russians, Iranians,China being willing participants with dubiously dysfunctional "partners". We can only wait with bated breath.
DeleteI guess the events in Syria show the importance of a multi polar world. For far too long since the 90s the US ran the World unopposed largely. I say this as someone who respect the American people and sympathize with the Midwest. If Trump takes Assad out that is a long term occupation as American ground troops will be the only thing stabilizing a post Assad Syria. However this could be done for PR ( I know I disagreed with you on this). Apparently the Russians knew about this so it's not good to get ahead of ourselves.
DeleteSyria needs to green light from Moscow to use the S-300. And the S-400 is under Russian control still. I suspect S-300's are manned by Russians or soldiers within the SAA who are under direct Russian command, not Syrian. I agree with you, we have to wait for more details to emerge but trump has gone down a potentially disastrous route.
I seem to have forgotten what I wrote a couple of hours ago, but maybe I should say something new to shed some light on this situation:
DeleteI honestly believe that this is the phase of "desperate measures" where dirty tricks are employed in order to regain the initiative. Even as we speak, there is a Russian destroyer that is steaming towards the US Navy fleet waiting in the Eastern Med. Hopefully Trump won't do anymore stupid shit but chances are that he's already cucked by the neo-cons. Even the alt-right might be ready to ditch him, which ironically would unite them with the Trump protesters but for contradictory reasons. Say what you like about Trump's domestic policies, but he's relatively new in the field of geopolitics. Moreover, the Game of Thrones style power struggle between Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner is already over before it began, and I'm surprised that Bannon wasn't offed.
If I was Defense Secretary Mattis, I would assess the situation first before deciding whether or not I should escalate or de-escalate the chaos. Then again, even the Defense Secretary is ossified politically, so Israel would be quite happy to let the US military do the fighting.
Thanks Sarkis, but I'm afraid my "clairvoyance" only works with politics, and then only sometimes.
DeleteAll week long reptiles-in-suits were out in force throughout mainstream news organizations in the US peddling war in Syria. Today, I see these warmongers blissfully salivating over last night's fireworks display. The following is from today's Wall Street Journal -
Trump’s Syria Opportunity:
Speaking of last night's cruise missile strike: It was a show, an expression of aggression and a way to impress the cattle and placate the warmongers. In other words, it was carried-out mainly for domestic consumption. I had no doubt last night that Russians (and thus Syrians) were given prior notice. This was confirmed this morning. That suggests two things: 1) At the highest levels of government the sides are communicating. 2) Moscow did not think the strikes would have any impact on the overall situation in Syria, which is why it did not attempt to stop it.
Nevertheless, the site that was hit was a secondary airbase with very little infrastructure and a few older model aircraft. From what I gathered from listening to eyewitness accounts and watching videos posted by Russians, most of the cruise missiles seem to have detonated in the air over the airfield. The airfield's runway remains operational. Most of the hardened aircraft bunkers look intact. Few of the missiles seem to have actually impacted the ground -
6 MiG-23 aircraft destroyed in US strike on Syrian airfield, runway undamaged – Russian MoD:
1st footage of destruction at US-hit Shayrat airbase in Syria (VIDEO) :
DRONE VIDEO of Syria missile strike aftermath released by Russian MoD :
In other words, what happened last night was more like a very expensive fireworks display. They spent hundreds of millions of dollars to impress the American cattle and placate its Shabbos Goyim. From a military perspective, when you attack an airfield, the first thing you destroy are the runways. As already noted, the runways at the airfield are undamaged. The several aircraft that were reportedly destroyed on the ground were most probably not even operational. This was a show.
Reminds me of what happened back 1983. Several weeks after the Marine barracks bombing in which nearly 250 US Marines died, President Reagan ordered an aerial attack against Syrian military units based in Lebanon. Over two dozen US Navy warplanes were involved. Syrian air defense units quickly shotdown two of them. One pilot was killed and one, a blackman, was caught by the Syrian military and became a POW. Jesse Jackson later flew to Damascus to negotiate his release. The following is a New York Times article about the failed attack -
'83 Strike on Lebanon: Hard Lessons for U.S.:
President Reagan never again sent US warplanes into Syrian controlled air space. But he did order the refurbished World War Two era battleship USS New Jersey stationed off of Lebanon's coast to bombard Syrian military positions in Lebanon's mountains. I remember the mainstream news media back then making a very big deal of the battleship's participation, showing footage-after-footage of the big guns firing over-and-over again, and claiming the IS was taking out Syrian military positions in the mountains. Well, I had relatives in Lebanon back then. I found out from one of them that the shells from the battleship were falling randomly in the general target area and that Syrian military units were no where in sight. In other words, it was for show. The bombing was basically ordered to make Americans feel good about themselves.
The situation we have today is much more complex and much more explosive. What happens next now will be more interesting...
Interview with Kevork Almassian of Syriana Analysis on RT international on Trump's surprise move in Syria: Why Trump bombed Syria?:
DeleteSyria, What to Do Now - Ryan Dawson:
Please take a look at Brendon's perspective after spending 2 months in Tehran: Here he dives into the collapse of the CCCP, Russian Church & Putin and their relationship with Iran: TRUMP ALLOWING JEWISH NEO-CONS INTO POWER:
He later left this comment on a video where Morris interviews Alexander Azadgan:
MORRIS - ask Iran why they fought me for three weeks solid not to mention Israel and Operation Talpiot - - - the 40 year plan for Israel to dominate the worlds high technology sector and spy on everyone. Also, ask iran why they were so terrified to talk about Jewish racial and religious supremacism as the foundation of the israeli state? Ask Iran why they are petrified to upset their local Jews....while Palestinians die because Orthodox Judaism is the foundation of the Israeli state. MORRIS - why not educate yourself on what Operation Talpiot is.
Tehran Conference - Support BDS, Israeli High Technology Exports, Israeli Spying:
Its how Israel runs the planet. You might want to know about it. No one - except me - seems to want to talk about it online. This was the video:
Why Washington is Targeting Iran's IRGC With Sanctions - The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is a very powerful force in many areas of Iranian society, Professor Azadgan explains:
And if anyone is still interested, here is part 2 of that interview:
Iran Rev Guard For Perpetual Revolution - Prof Alexander Azadgan:
"President Trump under withering fire of Zio Media and Zio Deep State Makes NeoCon Attack on Syria that Only Helps ISIS and al Qaeda — America’s Worst Enemy. Israel Still Controls the USA, and Leads Us to Disaster! – Dr. David Duke"
DeleteZionists Get Trump to Attack SyrianFreedom Fighters Against ISIS!:
I'm going to guess that Arto was referring to this:
ReplyDeleteIf Iran had not assisted Azerbaijan, Armenians would have captured Baku as well – former Iranian military
Sorry Arto, but we all know that no amount of facts or logic is going to stop the stereotypical parskahay "activist" from getting on his knees for Persians and oddly also for Jews. It would be like trying to use philosophical arguments to convince a loyal and cowardly poodle that its master is actually an evil man.
I have not met any Armenians from Iran who are pro israel. Are you sure this is a wide enough phenomenon to paint Parskahays as pro israel? Iran also allowed food and weapons shipments into Armenia. They played both sides as any regional power would have done.
DeleteLG, I agree. But that is not the point. The point is Sarkis and Arto are making is essentially this: Parskahays, in general, are very convinced that Iran and Armenia are or can be natural allies. Some of them even think Armenia would do better if it was closer to Iran than to Russia. In reality, Iran and Armenia can be good neighbors but they are not natural allies. In reality, Iran and Azerbaijan are natural allies. They are part of the same history, same civilization, same culture. They are merely having some internal problems as of late. The other point is this: Despite the flaws in the relationship between Russia and Armenia, Russia and Armenia have been natural allies for the past two hundreds years and will remain so for perhaps another two hundred years.
DeleteIt was basically an Azeri tribe that formed the Safavid dynasty of modern Persia. It is not an accident that there are a few Turkic-speaking minorities living in Iran today. Also, while I agree that Iran and Azerbaijan are natural allies, Turkey and Azerbaijan are also good allies despite having different, if not adversarial religions due to pan-Turanism.
DeleteFor as long as the azerbaijani's identify with their linguistic/turkic identity over their shia/Iranic identity, they will not be allied with Iran. I think Iran and Armenia could be natural allies if Iran ever reverted to its pre-Islamic ideology. Even then though our relations with Russia supersede all others. For now cordial ties with Iran are still quite important for Armenia. Which I don't think any sane Armenian is arguing against.
DeleteLG, Iran converting back to Zoroastrianism is as likely as Armenians converting back to Zoroastrianism. Not going to happen my friend. We can dream about such a thing, but it would be a waste of time to bring it into a serious conversation about geopolitics. Also, the Turkish language, as well as Turkic peoples, are an integral part of Iranian civilization. Turkish speakers in Iran are natives and they number in the tens-of-millions. Like Jerriko said, Safavids were Turkic. Before that, Seljuks were very powerful throughout Iran for a very long time. Persian and Turkish speaking peoples in Iran have lived side-by-side for many hundreds of years, they enjoyed the very same rights and they attended the very same mosques. The two groups in questions are part of the very same culture and civilization. The problems Iran has with the inhabitants of its former territory known today as Azerbaijan is political in nature and it's relatively new. If Baku stops its stupid flirtations with Ankara, Baku and Tehran would inevitably become natural allies. But there is of course the Russia factor in all this. The modern state of Azerbaijan was born during the region's Russian/Soviet era. Baku was developed by Russians and Soviets. Moscow therefore also has a lot of levers over Baku. In any case, I agree with your last statement. Iran can potentially be a very good friend and trade partner. Too bad Armenians are not active in Iran either.
DeletePretty much the dynasties of Persia after the Arab invasions were of Turkic and Mongol origin (with the Il-Khanate and Timurids being the prominent of all). Moreover, I do believe that successive Turkic invaders who conquered Persia assimilated into the conquered population, taking up Persian culture (like the Persianized Mongols who adopted Persian culture and became the modern day Hazaras). There could be a reason why Persia is nicknamed the "China of the Middle East": numerous invaders tend to conquer but assimilate into the culture of their conquered subjects.
DeleteThe ball started rolling with General Flynn's ouster on February 13, 2017. It came to a climax however only a week ago. As soon as it was announced that Bannon was leaving the Trump administration, it became all too obvious that Jews, Liberal Interventionalists and Globalists had won the battle in Washington and that President Trump was in a lot of shit.
ReplyDeleteLast Friday, the Trump administration signalled that the US was no longer interested in ousting Bashar Assad from power. Merely three days later, an alleged gas attack on civilians took place in a rebel held area of Syria. Within a day after the attack, President Trump suddenly begins singing a very different tune. And within days after that, President Trump orders an attack on a Syrian airbase. Suddenly, all the reptiles who were vehemently opposed to President Trump are now out encouraging him and praising him. Watching mainstream news organizations in the US talk about President Trump's illegal action in Syria feels like watching an orgy of bloodthirsty demons. The bloodlust that exists in Washington is truely troubling.
With all that said, President Trump's cruise missile strike against the Syrian airbase was not what we the sheeple are being told it was. It seems to have been only a show. An expression of aggression. It was seems to have been orchestrated to impress the American cattle and placate the warmongers in Washington. In other words, the attack was carried-out mainly for domestic consumption.
Russians and Syrians were given prior notice. The site that was hit was an auxiliary airbase with very little infrastructure and a few vintage model aircraft. From what I gathered from listening to eyewitness accounts and watching videos posted by Russians, many if not most of the cruise missiles seem to have detonated in the air above the airfield. The airfield's runway remains operational. Most of the hardened aircraft bunkers look intact. Few of the cruise missiles seem to have actually hit targets on the ground -
6 MiG-23 aircraft destroyed in US strike on Syrian airfield, runway undamaged – Russian MoD:
1st footage of destruction at US-hit Shayrat airbase in Syria (VIDEO) :
DRONE VIDEO of Syria missile strike aftermath released by Russian MoD :
‘Low efficiency’: Only 23 Tomahawk missiles out of 59 reached Syrian airfield, Russian MoD says :
Syrian Forces Resume Military Operations From Airbase Hours After U.S. Strike: Report:
From a military perspective, when you attack an airfield, the first thing you destroy are the runways. As already noted, the runways are not damaged. The six aircraft that were reportedly destroyed on the ground were probably not even operational. I'm not an expert in the field of "battle damage assessments" but from what I can tell by looking at video recordings and satellite pictures of the missile strike's aftermath, I don't think 60 sea-based Tomahawk cruise missiles, or whatever number they are now claiming, hit the airfield. Simply put: There is too little damage. 60 Tomahawks - each carrying a 1000 pound warhead - would have pulverized the entire airbase. What's more, it was reported that the Syrian airforce resumed operational flights from the airbase within hours after the strike. What happened in Syria on the early morning hours of April 7 was a very expensive fireworks display. Hundreds of millions of dollars were spent to impress the American cattle and of course placate its Shabbos Goyim. It was a PR stunt.
Maybe tavarish Zoravar can share his opinion about this subject.
Here are the facts about this strike:
DeleteLimited scope: Only one target (Shariat airbase)
Limited damage: Verified from video
Limited secrecy: Russians were informed about the strike
Limited effectiveness: Only 23 out of 59 cruise missiles reached their intended target
Limited impact: Not gonna change anything
Limited condemnation: A few statements from Putin, Lavrov etc.
I see it as a limited show orchestrated by the Trump administration to calm down their critics and to project a powerful image of the US leadership.
Remember, the USA is all about image.
It would appear that the tomahawk missiles which did not hit their targets or detonated too soon were brought down by Russian electronic countermeasures.
DeleteThat thought went through my head. I may be wrong but I don't think electronic countermeasures were employed by the Russian side this time. Back in September 2013, Russians had months to prepare for an attack and they knew it would be coming from the sea. They had positioned their ships (some of them capable of electronic warfare) to shield Syria. That is when the Obama administration suddenly called off the attack. From what I can tell, this time around, the strike was carried-out unexpectedly and relatively quickly. I am not an expert on military matters, but I don't think Russian military assets stationed in the region would have had enough time to deploy such countermeasures. Also, if any of the cruise missiles crashed in Syria or Lebanon as a result of jamming by Russians, we would have seen photos or videos of their wreckage by now. Also, I don't think Russians had sea-based assets that would bring down the missiles into the sea like in 2013. The discrepancy may simply be that they never actually launched 60 missiles. Maybe the stated number was also part of their PR stunt. In any case I'd like to hear Zoravar's take on this.
DeleteCould it be that the Syrians have these assets? It was clear that Syria would be attacked after the provocations of Israel. It was the first shot.
DeleteBecause we are taking about cutting-edge technology, I don't think Moscow would be willing to give such weapons systems to other countries. Then again, I am only speculating. In any case, just because the Pentagon announced that 60 missiles were fired, it does not mean 60 missiles were fired. It could be part of their wider disinformation/PR campaign. Zoravar may be able to shed some light on this. In the meanwhile, the following is some insight on electronic warfare -
DeleteRussia announces it has developed the next generation of weapons using plasma, lasers and electromagnetic forces and 'physical principles never used before':
How Russia's Edge in Electronic Warfare Could 'Ground' the U.S. Air Force :
What are Russia's radio-electronic warfare resources capable of?:
Russia is widening the gap in EW:
Killer airwaves: Russia starts trial of electromagnetic warfare system :
What spooked the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?:
Al Manar News: Aggression was over the Moment those Two Missiles were Fired:
How Syria is becoming a test bed for high-tech weapons of electronic warfare:
Analysis of Norway Spirals:
Russia’s Surging Electronic Warfare Capabilities:
Russian Jamming System Blocks All NATO Electronics Inside Bubble 600 Km in Diameter over Syria:
Russian Plasma Weapon:
The U.S. Military Fears Russia's Electronic Warfare Capabilities. DARPA Might Have a Solution:
New Pentagon Electronic War Strategy Counters Russia:
America Has No Answer for Russia’s New Super Weapons:
News based on spurious information are circulating like wild fire in regard to Trumps seemingly volta face attitude and approach to the Syrian war zone. There are very disturbing pointers at the manner in which the war mongering Western barbarians ( USA-Jews,EU,Jews and more Jews) operate in their empire. The reason presented by Trump of his attack against Syria it is clownesque and an epitome of sheer stupidity. If Trump were an ordinary citizen and caught with irrational behaviour the first thing a court would decree is a few sessions of mandatory therapy . Obviously such is not the case, with stupid excuses the jewish barbarian is disguising his real motives and camoflaging his demonic plans. We are witnessing an egregious display of the law of the jungle in full flight. Does the USA think they can win in Syria ? Do they want to win ? or they just want to create a situation of open ended warfare as a status quo ?. Someone said the USA economy is a war economy.They must have wars to maintain their current status of top dog in the manger. The tomawahk avalanche against the air base is now past and history. What is coming next is what should be of concern . Trump always clamoured he would make America great again by winning and winning. The art of a deal, he proclaimed. What he never made clear was how he intended to "win", win by crafting "deals", or win by wreaking havoc wherever and whatever tickled his fancy. Trump has surrounded himself with personalities and advisers who are contrarians to his pre election gospel proclamations. By the logistics of power it is difficult to fathom a victory in Syria for the USA, as they dis in Kosovo, Iraq, Lybia and Agfanistan. The factions on the ground, their proxies, with assistance from abroad would still not be a match for the combined Syrian-Hezbolla-Iranian and Russian compact. The picture could change with active intervention/participation of Turkey and Israel. Israel power gravitates around her air force and abstruse software engineered technologies for military purposes, and also commercial ; Turkey on the other hand has a large army. Lavrov is hosting his "partner" Tillerson in Moscow next week. Tillerson is coming to lecture Lavrov and present him with ultimatums of further sanctions if not complied with. The other "partner" the odious bromidrosis of Boris Johnson cancelled his visit. I am very interested to see the moment when Russia will cease refering to her enemies as " our partners".
DeleteI do not know the exact number but the SAA does have Pantsirs and Russia has the same plus a few other systems in place in Syria. The Russian navy, as you mentioned, has ECM systems on many of their ships present off the coast of Syria.
DeleteWe don't know the exact number and/or type of systems deployed in the theater. We don't know exactly where/how the systems in question are deployed. We don't know if the systems are in fact operational on a 24/7 basis. We don't know if these systems cover all of Syria's air space. From what we know, we know that the recent cruise missile strike by the US, as well as several missile strikes carried out by Israel in the past few years, have not triggered the Russian air defense systems in Syria. So, the question is this: Are they (Americans and Jews) sneaking these strikes into Syria through gaps in the coverage, or is there some kind of high level collaboration/cooperation taking place between Russians, Americans and Israelis?
DeleteThe elderly Syrian air defense system has been degraded considerably during the 5 years of civil war. They can provide some protection only on Damascus and around the coast.
DeleteThe Russian air defense system is entirely placed around Latakia and Tartus.
The route that the US strike took avoided those defended areas. Here it is:
Note: The long range S-400 and S-300 system can engage at distance over 200 km only if the target is flying over 2000m above sea level. Because of the curvature of the planet, the effective range against low flying targets (like cruise missiles) is reduced to about 40 km.
DeleteThe comments here are interesting too, it could have been Russian electronic warfare:
I guess everyone heard about the attacks on Coptic Christians in 2 cities in Egypt today. Da'esh (ISIS) claimed responsibility . These attacks highlight a wider trends that Christians face in the region , and what they have been facing for at least 40 years. All across the region Christians are fleeing in droves , in Lebanon they are no longer the majority . In Egypt thousands fled to the West since 2011. In Iraq after the American invasion a significant portion of Christians fled. Its ironic that the most religious Republicans are the ones calling for war in Syria to topple Assad. VP Mike Pence last week said "all options on the table". Romney back in 2012 wanted to invade Syria and have an Iraq-style occupation. Americans despite my respect for them are very ignorant on this topic . They think Christianity was invented in Italy and think all Arabs are Muslim , ignoring the vast Indigenous Christian populations . Even though I am not religious , never have been in all honesty but the fate of the Christians of the region is saddening . Remember what happened in Lebanon a formerly Christian country turned into a Sunni and Shia Islamist hotbed.
DeleteJust realize that today's bloodshed in the Middle East began when Westerners and Jews began meddling in the region's affairs after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. One tyrant was replaced by another. Islamic militancy of today was created by Western intelligence agencies to combat the Soviet Union and Secular Arab nationalism. Western intelligence, as well as the Mossad, still have direct and indirect control over their activities. I also must say this: You must watch a lot of American television and Hollywood movies in Canada. I say this because I don't understand how anyone in their right mind could "respect" Americans today. I agree that some aspects of Mid-Western or Southern American culture is admirable, but middle Americans today are a dying breed. Modern American culture is in essence "pop culture" And a majority of Americans today, especially those living in the large cities on the coasts, are mongrelized garbage. What is it that you respect about them? Their sexual perversions? Their ignorance? Their materialism? Their worship of Jews? Their liberalism? Their conservatism? Their arrogance? Their violence? Their wars around the world? Americans are the world's most overfed, over-entertained, over-medicated, under-educated and easily manipulated people on earth. Their understanding of the world they live in is on the level of a spoiled child's. Americans are the ones essentially responsible for allowing their country to usurped by special interests. The monster that is America today is made possible by the idiot that is the American. At best, Americans should be felt sorry for. At worst, Americans should be hated and feared. Maybe we have different standards when it comes to judging peoples...
In tandem with what Arevordi wrote:
DeleteThe United Airlines Fiasco Caricatures Modern America:
I fully agree with Arevordi here. I wrote the following when I first read the part of Mardig's comment where he stated "Americans despite my respect for them," before I read Arevordi's response.
Delete---Why do you respect Americans though? I am an honest person; when I'm in Burbank or Glendale or North Hollywood and I see Armenians behaving like Armenians (e.g. driving Mercedes G55s, blasting the worst kind of nigger music, racing on the streets during traffic and when pedestrians are out and about, littering everywhere, speaking "English" like wetback gangbangers, meeting up in packs like pussies acting tough to fight other packs of Armenian pussies over some perceived insult (occasionally shooting each other at some lounge or cafe), or just generally gypsying it up) I admit to myself that I honestly hate a good 80% of the Armenians I meet. Sad, but true and I don't think any patriot who saw his people carry themselves this way would disagree. I don't hold blacks or hispanics to any sort of human standards, so I just categorically write them off and think humanity would be better if they were not around; but for some reason I expect better from Armenians and am therefore disappointed with them.
To get back to my point: I am honest enough to take an objective look at my race an conclude: Armenia's situation is as bad as it is because of the low quality of Armenians, can't really blame the Turks, Jews, Russians, or Americans for the embarrassing way Hakop and Gevo carry themselves.... So why should I be brutally honest with my race while cutting slack for "Americans" (aka White people)? Have you ever talked to a religious Evangelical They are all bloodthirsty animals, blind, stupid, and ill-informed to the point where they are unsalvageable. I once asked one point blank "would you want your son to go die in a needless war for Israel like Iraq 2003" and his response was in the affirmative, with an arrogant, self-righteous pride to boot. This is the standard for all of them. They are all absolutely insane, and I'm sure if Jesus was around, he'd treat them like he treated the money tellers in the temple. As a member of the first Christian nation, I fucking hate these bastards for faggotizing Christianity and turning it into a zionist fetish cult.
And it's not just Evangelicals. I work with the so-called highly intelligent segment of America's population, and I can guarantee that these people are absolutely lacking in any redeeming value. So long as their inheritances and incomes allow them to live in the shrinking Whiter parts of town and buy them distractions, they could not possibly care less what happens to the country, as they watch it submerge into a brown sludge. They may have European blood, but these people are as distant from the society that created Mozart and Monet as modern Egyptians are from the society that created the Pyramids. I've said it before: in a generation or two when Whites are totally bastardized, no one will be left to artificially prop up and Turkey and Israel---
So yes, Americans are not worthy of respect. No one with their eyes open familiar with Americans could ever respect them. And I am saying this as a born and raised American, so Americanized in form that occasionally people who meet me are surprised I'm Armenian.
And remember, it is Middle America and the South that gives us Paul Ryan, Lindsay Graham, John McCain, Ted Cruz, and dozens of other corrupt terrorists election after election. Think about that, White Texans decided that a fucking Cuban conman like Ted Cruz is the best man for the Senate. This guy: White America gave us Matthew Bryza, Jon Hughes, and pretty much funds the entire NGO movement. I'm not going to link to any of the disgusting articles from homosexual Armenian websites (do your own research) but this crap would be almost entirely nonexistent without White America funding and supporting it. At this point, only a cuckold faggot Armenian could look at the facts and then start making excuses for White America or try to blame everything on the Jews.
DeleteIf not Trump, these people would have given us Cruz, or McCain, or Romney. I don't think the Armenian Genocide is relevant to American politics, but it might interest you to know that whenever those retarded resolutions come up in Congress, the strongest opposition comes from White, Christian, Republican types. When push comes to shove Muslim Turkey is infinitely more important than any Orthodox Christian nation (Armenia, Russia, Serbia, Cyprus...)
One more time: their is no hope for this decadent hellhole. Even if somehow the Jewish element was immediately removed, Americans are too far gone to redeem. The sooner these people are bastardized into irrelevance or exinction, the better. If there ever were to be a shooting war between the US and Russia, White Americans from the Midwest and South would rush to volunteer and serve on the front lines. But if you replace White Americans with Mestizos and Mulattoes, and you'll finally have an America that has no interest in fighting Jew wars against Russia and dozens of other nations.
DeleteHave you considered moving away from California? The low quality of people in that state is appalling. I can't stand LA, let alone the rest of the state. Nature is nice, people suck.
Recent takes on trump betrayal and what it may portend.
ReplyDeleteWhere Are the Heroes? by Publius Tacitus:
God Emperor No More:
Wilkerson: Trump Attack on Syria Driven by Domestic Politics:
The whole "God Emperor" thing is so embarrassing. I pretty much stopped reading Daily Stormer because of it. It went from being a fun collection of articles highlighting Jew hypocrisy, liberal insanity, European cuckoldry, and crimes by minorities, to the worst kind of Trump fanboyism (or at least in competition with r/The_Donald)
DeleteThe alt-right has no future. It will probably end up as ineffective as stromfront or vnn, or rockwell's movement and william luther pierce's movement from an earlier generation. I don't mind nationalism obviously, but when everyone on a forum chimes in on every article with calls for genocide against all Arabs, Chinese, Koreans, Central Asians, and everybody else, then it deserves to be a fringe movement with little support away from the keyboard.
It would be funnier than all current memes combined if the "God Emperor" unleashed federal security services against the alt-right figures who have been worshiping him for two years now. Like I said in my other comment: there is no use in cutting slack and making excuses for other people's stupidity.
It was fun watching them piss off jews though. Funny to see the most powerful political organizations in the country label a cartoon frog as a hate figure:
The real problem with the alt-right is that it is mainly dominated by Western figures, meaning that there is absolutely no room for an Asiatic version of the alt-right movement. It is kinda disappointing since South Korea, Japan and the Philippines would theoretically qualify to create their own alt-right movements. Unlike the European alt-right movements which focused more on racial issues, the Asian alt-right movement would be primarily focused on anti-Chinese rhetoric. China has even managed to piss off South Korea with their plans to boycott South Korean goods in response to the planned THAAD missiles the US wants to install in South Korean soil:
The European-American alt-right movement might as well end up destroyed if Richard Spencer actually ends up meeting the same fate as Francis Parker Yockey. Speaking of ironies, have you guys noticed the so-called white nationalists having fetish for Asian women?
So basically these white nationalists have actually become race traitors in that they are breeding outside the white race. Would it be surprising that Asian men and white women would somehow end up intermarrying as well in response to white men marrying Asian women? The future is bright for these so-called white Aryans. There is even a white nationalist who married a Filipino woman. WTF? Well, all of a sudden Turks are now welcome to the whole European white race civilizations just because they have partial Asian genes. Sooner or later the Euro-Western white race would be as genetically colorful as the Russians and Turks themselves.
Jerriko, the alt-right exists in the west because young nationalists have discovered that the mainstream right-wing/conservative/traditionalists/nationalist organizations are all merely kosher cuckservatives. It's a western movement. Asians, specifically Orientals, are self-supremacists by default and thus there is no need for an Asian alt-right. If a day ever comes when Japanese or Korean elites proclaim that these countries need to import Mexicans, Africans, and Arabs in order to enrich their boring native cultures, then the conditions for an alt-right will exist in Asia. But don't hold your breath. Unlike Germanic peoples, Asians tend to have common sense.
DeleteAnyway, the alt-right is pointless. They are great at raising awareness on social media and comments sections of the Jewish problem, but that is too little too late to save the west. Incidentally, because nationalism is suppressed in the west, it tends to attract a lot of weirdos and disgruntled, lonely, and bitter men. That partially explains the Asian fetish, nationalist types are likely to be unsuccessful outcasts in their own societies. This also tends to explain why western nationalist websites inevitably degenerate into ridiculous places calling for all sorts of insanity... It's best to stop focusing on these losers, and focus on our own nations, I don't think Arevordi wants this place to focus on analyzing White people (although a post-mortem could be very informative.)
Regarding China, either America's local vassals (Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and the Philippines) can either learn to make peace and work out their issues with the local superpower, or they can get used and discarded like worthless pawns. America's vassals in the far east are acting no better or more valuable than the Baltic retards, Poland, and Ukraine - in fact in an economic sense they are a threat and must eventually be brought down just like Germany was brought down... And I have a very low opinion on South Koreans. They are America's loyal mutts, with Uncle Sam firmly holding the leash. They bitch about their "victimization" by Japan more than Jews or Poles or diaspora Armenians, even though without Japan giving them the head start they would have remained backwards, primitive, and agrarian. Best Korea has self-respect, South Korea has plastic-idiotic K-pop and men who commit suicide because they can't deal with getting a bad grade in school.
And finally, Turks are a race of mutts. Even though they are supposed to be descended from Central Asian mongoloids, they strike me as mostly gypsy and Semitic. Those subhumans, and their western partners, would be fortunate to be as genetically blessed as the Russians. Arevordi is correct, I don't think most non-Americans understand the massive mongrelization that is currently taking place in America. And you don't need to be all that creative to figure out what importing tens of millions of military age men as "refugees" is going to do to Europe's gene pool, especially considering that they will be competing with the feminized and low-testosterone average European male of today.
DeleteThe term alt right is a loose designation. I started researching the so called alt right soon after hillary mentioned them during a campaign speech. Two things stood out right away: there are dozens upon dozens of websites and blogs that are affiliated with the alt right moniker. And there is no clear and concise definition of what the alt right stands for, which is both a weakness and a strength. Before my research into the alt-right I had started reading about and following the development and evolution of the New Right in W. Europe. Now it seems as if the American and European right wing forces have joined together somewhat; both have common enemy and are much maligned by the mainstream. So I don't think the people who identify with the term 'alt right/alt lite' will be going by the wayside. There are now millions of Americans, mostly young Anglo white males, who are aware of the messed up state of their country. Same as in eu but their super-state is more oppressive towards dissidents. Regardless, I don't think the genie will be going back into the bottle. Unlike the purely WN movements and leaders you mentioned which were never mainstream and never had membership/adherence in the hundreds of thousands let alone millions. Fanboyism is part and parcel of social media and anything related to it. Yes, it is annoying but sometimes it's funny as well. Trump turned out to be another tool and zionist shill, now almost all major alt right/lite figures have denounced him. Bottom-line, the social forces that brought about the alt right and associated groupings are not going away, and that is a net positive.
The one definition of the alt right that all seem to agree upon is that it is an identitarian movement. So it makes sense that it would be catered for Europeans and primarily for the folks from or descended from Western and Northern European stock. But what is stopping a Filipino or Korean from setting up a similar movement or organization? And why would you want said movement to be associated with the alt-right? One would think that E. Asian states in general have, other, and more local forces, that they would be opposed to, as you hinted at in your comment above.
Fair points LG. What I was trying to get at is that I don't think the alt-right has any real chance of moving from anonymous trolls on the Internet to an actual street or political movement. You are right though, they number in the millions, maybe five or ten to be generous.
DeleteIf you're researching them, this may give some insight. Take everything with a grain of salt though, a lot of this is LARPing and fan-fiction.
ps I think about leaving here daily. I know 100% this state has no future, I further know that this place is toxic and generally harmful to my well being.
DeleteYou see, the current Chinese government has learned to use anti-Japanese sentiment to whip up their nationalist frenzy (China vs Japan matches in any sports would bound to be ugly as a result), and Japan hasn't exactly apologized to the rest of Asia for its deeds during WWII, although there were certain Japanese regiments that actually behaved well during their occupation of other parts of Asia. Here is an example of a Filipino vendor selling ice cream to Japanese soldiers:
Japan already has issues with its own Korean minority that moved to the Home Islands as a result of the forced conscription of Korean natives to work in Japanese industries. Even they are divided between the Chongryon (pro-DPRK faction) and the Mindan (pro-ROK). In fact, there are a few Zainichi Koreans that have played for the DPRK football team.
Suicides as a result of failure was also common during the 1930s as the Japanese military academy cadets would often not learn of the final results of their examination for fear of failure. It is quite common in Asian cultures to fear failure as something that would be shameful and dishonorable (they take the honor culture there very seriously).
South Korea initially had troubles making a brand for itself before. In fact, if anyone was asked who is the most famous Korean of all before South Korea's mega-image projection campaign, they would often answer "Kim Jong Il". No one in the world has heard of Yi Sun Shin or the K-Pop singers like PSY or T.O.P., and that is mainly because no one has expressed interest in Korean history before, but that will change when Pyeongchang would host the 2018 Winter Olympics.
Basically the Alt-Right is to the Reactionaries as the SJW/Alt-Left is to the "progressives". It's the same kind of identity politics that is shaping Western society today. I wouldn't exactly dismiss the South Korean attempts to create their own 'alt-right' movement. Their anti-Japanese sentiment is far more pronounced than China's anti-Japanese sentiment. What no one here knows is that before Japan's colonization of Korea occurred, Korea, or rather, the Joseon Dynasty, was the most loyal vassal state of the Chinese Empire. They were so loyal that they literally imitated a lot of Chinese culture without having created anything original of their own. Whereas Japan did adopt certain aspects of Chinese culture and was also once a Chinese vassal but chose to break away from the Sinocentric tributary system in favor of independence.
The only kind of pseudo-alt-right movement that you would find in Asia would be among the expatriates who reside in the US today. The Vietnamese government in exile used to have a base in the US before it was disestablished.
To add to my discussion above, North Korea may be a nation led by batshit insane thugs, but they retained the old pre-Japanese colonial traditions of the Joseon dynasty. I am not sure if comparing North Korea to Artsakh would be appropriate in this case, but from what I have read in this blog so far, Artsakhis also have self-respect.
DeleteEven during the Japanese colonial period, there were Korean individuals who collaborated with the Japanese authorities. Their descendants are now apologizing for the deeds of their parents and grandparents. Sounds familiar? It is the same as whites apologizing for slavery and European imperialism.
Dear Arevordi,
ReplyDeleteThis is a great piece and a must read for any Trump supporter. Trump is being usurped by the establishment. The detente between America and Russia is over. I also want to say your comments about Armenia's electorate is profound. You always hit the nail on the head when you say Governments are a reflection of the people. I was in Armenia some years back. One day I was walking through a courtyard (bak) in Gomidas and I noticed a bunch of people cutting down a beautiful poplar tree. In my broken Armenian I asked why are you doing this? You know what the answer was? They said residents were complaining that the tree was dirtying the ground with its seeds and its leaves. I just didn't know what else to say to them so I just walked away. I never forget that day. Sorry to say this but Armenians deserve their oligarchs.
Although Flynn's and Bannon's ouster from the Trump administration is a very worrying sign (a sign that Globalists and Zionists are getting their way in the White House), I would not yet say the White House's desire for detente with Russia is completely over. Let's remember that we the sheeple see only a tiny bit of what actually goes on behind closed doors in places Washington and the Kremlin. Right now, the political landscape in Washington is in turmoil. Where there is turmoil, there is unpredictability. So let's wait and see where it all goes. In any case, President Trump is in a lot of shit right now. That this would happen was more or less predicted. As I have said, the world looks very different once someone gets into power, especially someone that has been tasked with administering an empire as large, as wealthy, as powerful and as replete with special interests as the United States.
DeleteSome aspects of the modern Armenian mindset/culture is truly disgusting. In fact, modern Armenian mindset/culture is very toxic for Armenia's long term health and well being as a nation-state. I'm ashamed of the way Armenians today see/treat women, animals and the handicapped. I'm ashamed of the way Armenians bury their neighborhoods as well as their countryside under heaps of garbage. I'm ashamed of the way Armenians treat their natural environment, which contributes to the desertification of Armenia. I'm ashamed of how ready Armenians are to abort fetuses, especially when they are discovered to be females. I'm ashamed of how Armenians worship their "boys". I'm ashamed of the low quality of men in Armenia, which is a result of the aforementioned worship they are subjected to from a young age. I'm ashamed of how addicted Armenians are to things like cigarettes, "chalaghaj", fancy clothing and German cars. I'm ashamed at how lazy and irresponsible Armenians are. I'm ashamed of how ready Armenians are to abandon their homeland. I'm ashamed of how dishonest and selfish Armenians are. I'm ashamed of how materialistic and gluttonous Armenians are.
DeleteModern Armenian mindset is twisted. Modern Armenian society is seriously (perhaps terminally) sick. Armenia's government has been an accurate reflection of the quality of the modern Armenian.
Armenians, as a body, have two very distinct, even conflicting, personalities. There is the progressive, educated, responsible, professional and enlightened Armenian that feels he/she has a common bond with classical/traditional European/western civilization, and there is the backward, gypsies-like and utterly ignorant Armenian that has a lot in common with Turkic/Islamic peoples of Central Asia.
Sadly, the Soviet Union's collapse 25 years ago decimated Armenia's civilized class of citizenry. The Soviet collapse also decimated Armenia's intelligentsia, those actually responsible for Armenia's cultural revival during the Soviet period. The aftermath of the Soviet collapse created an ideal environment where Armenia's human-refuse began to grow like toxic fungus. Look at all the human-garbage in Armenia today, from the country's ignorant, criminal, gluttonous and unrefined oligarchs at the top to the gossip prone, jealous, pessimistic, dishonest and utterly ignorant taxi drivers at the bottom - and nothing of substance in between - to understand what I'm talking about. The Soviet Union's collapse and the subsequent importation of Western-style capitalism and democracy was a historic tragedy that will only be better understood by future generations.
As I have said: The Soviet period gave us Aram Khachaturyan. Post-Soviet Armenia gave us Aram Asatryan.
Regarding the "worship of boys", it has to do with the war and loss of so many boys, that the boy is treated as a "rarity," of significance. This particular treatment is one way in which narcissists are bred, a trait which is not uncommon amongst Armenia's male population.
DeleteOur people's "worship of boys" has been going long before the war in Artsakh (where only several thousand Armenian men died) and even long before the Armenian Genocide. Armenia's obsession with their boys (as well as their dislike of girls) is directly related to Turco-Islamic and Central Asian cultural influences that has crept into Armenian society during the past 1000-plus years. In any case, I realize there are historic, cultural, political, environmental and even genetic reasons behind why things are the way they are. But I don't want us to get into the habit of explaining our people's flaws. Explaining bad behavior and not vociferously criticizing/attacking bad behavior has the effect of making excuses and thus encouraging bad behavior. Let's just deal with the reality of what we have on our hands at the current time and in doing so begin seeking remedies for them.
DeletePS: Because hundreds-of-thousands of working age men with families have left Armenia in search of work in places like Russia and the United States during the past 25 years, we also have very large numbers of young adults who are growing up without fathers. Let's see what repercussions that will have in the country in ten or twenty years from now.
the negative personality traits you described for modern Armenians can be applied to modern humans in general.
DeleteI don't want to get into a protracted conversation about this subject. But I'll say the following:
DeleteEither you have not yet opened your eyes to your people's true nature/character or you simply do not know Armenians well enough. Yes, it is generally true that flaws exhibited by Armenians are human flaws that one can also see in other people. It is also true that different nations have different types of human flaws and they have them in varying magnitudes.
For example: Northern/Western Europeans tend to be cold, simpleminded, sexually liberal, prone to sexual perversions, prone to violence, prone to drug and alcohol abuse and they don't have strong family bonds. That said, they also produce many geniuses. They tend to be ideological. They are adventurous. They have respect for their neighborhoods and nature. They understand and appropriate civic responsibility. They tend to be reserved, quiet, polite, honest and hard working. They are disciplined, orderly and they like to follow their leaders. They respect law and authority. They are not ostentatious or overly materialistic. Finally, in times of war, they tend to stand and fight (i.e. they don't flee en masse).
In stark contrast with Northern/Western Europeans, we Armenians are sexually conservative, warm, compassionate, emotional, loud, family oriented and we adore children. We are also very talented and intelligent. That said, we have a number of flaws that get in the way of nation-building, and we have them in abundance. Just think: A small, poor, landlocked and blockaded nation is populated by arrogant, proud, pessimistic, cynical, lazy, selfish, gossip-prone, unruly, clannish, individualistic, self-righteous, materialistic, ostentatious, envious, emotional, covetous, competitive, gluttonous, dishonest and cunning people who dislike being told what to do. We Armenians hate our leaders, especially when they are Armenian, and we don't think laws/rules apply to us.
Anyone that disagrees with that way I just characterized Armenians either does not know Armenians well or is simply unwilling to admit it for one reason or another.
Flaws that Northern/Western Europeans have may make them seem like a bunch of degenerate fools that one can take advantage of, but they are also flaws that also make them easily led/governed/exploited by their leaders. This is why Europeans have historically been successful at nation-building. Discipline, aggression, intelligence, love of adventure and the willingness to believe their leaders and follow them to the ends of the earth is the reason why Europeans have been conquerors. The post-war social engineering that Northern/Western Europeans have been subjected to is altogether another topic of discussion.
Flaws that we Armenians have - like arrogance, pride, emotions, envy and materialism - make us very difficult to govern (especially when the governing is done by other Armenians) and it makes nation-building in our country painfully difficult, as we have seen during the past 25 years. I don't want to bring Diasporan Armenians into this conversation because the Diaspora is for the most part a graveyard in my opinion. Middle Eastern Armenians act like typical Middle Easterners. European Armenians act like typical Europeans. Russian Armenians act like typical Russians. American Armenians act like typical Americans.
Let's please not continue this conversation at this time. If you want to read more of what I think about this subject, I recommend you to read the following three blog commentaries. But please do so with an open mind (i.e. without emotions and without preconceived notions) -
Armenia's problem is Armenians:
Why Armenians want out of Armenia:
Collective destructionism of Armenians:
I agree with him, it is not order thru chaos as much as chaos thru arrogance.
ReplyDelete"I think that the so-called “elites” in charge running the USA are infinitely arrogant, stupid, uneducated, incompetent and irresponsible. I don’t buy the “managed chaos” theory nor do I buy the notion that if before the Anglo-Zionists imposed their order on others now they impose their dis-order. Yes, that is the consequence of their actions, but it’s not part of some diabolical plan, it is a sign of terminal degeneracy of an Empire which is clueless, frightened, angry and arrogant."
A Multi-Level Analysis of the US Cruise Missile Attack on Syria and Its Consequences:
I generally agree with the author as well, but what he is doing is word play.
DeleteThe ultimate intention of the Western establishment is the establishment of Western order. They are pursuing this agenda via tools readily found in their arsenal: Cultural influence, financial blackmail and raw military power. When they are unable to subjugate nations through cultural subversion and/or financial subservience, they resort to armed intervention. Moreover, the US is a war economy. The US has literally millions of millionaires and billionaires and the rest of the American cattle have a high standard of living because there are hundreds of US military bases stationed around the world to make sure that lesser nations (the rest of humanity) operates within the Western system (i.e. trading in the US dollar and being members of Western organizations like the IMF, World Bank, etc). It's all about wealth preservation through power projection. And yes, Anglo-American-Jewish arrogance is a great factor in all this. And they have good reasons to be arrogant. They have after all been the alpha and the omega of global affairs for something like two hundred years. The post-Napoleonic world has essentially been an Anglo-American-Jewish world. To preserve their global hegemony - their place at the top of the global food-chain - they have done their best to undermine nations they see as their competition. In the past, it was the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, Germany and Japan. Today, it's the Russian Federation, China and Iran.
They pursue their agenda by destroying certain nations and sowing unrest in other nations (Iraq, Libya, Syria, Serbia, Ukraine, etc). All this is generally being done in the format of "order through chaos". More areas of the world they drag down by their cultural and financial subversion or military intervention, the wealthier and more powerful they have become in return. Their arrogance however has made them overreach at times, as we saw in Iraq. They have made a number of geostrategic mistakes, as we saw in Ukraine. By 2008, Russia was resurging militarily, economically and politically. Chinese and Iranian influence and power was also growing. Due to their arrogance, flawed planing - and perhaps divine providence - Western powers essentially began losing control over their imperial agenda in recent years. Syria is also a serious headache for them now. But, like I said, their main intention is to preserve their hegemony and they are doing this by setting fires around the world. In other words, it's order through chaos... which at times, I admit, seems like, chaos through arrogance. In any case, as long as they can force nations to trade in Western currency and maintain their membership in Western institutions, Anglo-American-Jews will continue enjoying high standards of living and Western officials will continue setting fires around the world to make sure it stays that way. Like Bismarck said: "The Americans are a very lucky people. They're bordered to the north and south by weak neighbors, and to the east and west by fish".
So, as long as highly paid Wall Street executives, Media moguls and weapons producers get to go to their lavish mansions in their exclusive communities and comfortably watch the turmoil taking place around the world on their television sets at nights, they will continue pursuing Western order though chaos. This process will not change until their actions around the world begin hurting them at home.
The speed with which Trump is bending is pretty amazing. Is it just a modern German male thing to be entirely without a backbone?
ReplyDelete-Russia is now the bad guy again directly helping gas people and hacking elections (cf. Putin Hitler, also best meme:
-bombing Syria is now good for the US
-China is not a currency manipulator
-NATO is no longer obsolete
-economic policy is being advised by globalist Jews supporting free trade and unlimited immigration
-Best Korea is being provoked by America and its lapdogs Japan and South Korea.
I kind of want to ask just what the average American thinks watching this openly Jewish coup unfold in front of his eyes, but then I remember that the average American is Idiocracy-level.
There is too much to comment about in depth.
-Bannon is almost certainly on his way out entirely judging by Trump's comments distancing and downplaying Bannon.
-KT McFarland, who I've read described as Russia-friendly was sacked from the national security council.
-Tillerson and Sessions are probably next on the chopping block since they are not total globalists.
-Reports that Kushner has taken over Tillerson's role as America's top diplomat.
-and I think Tillerson will pay for making this Ukraine comment (
Note that none of these targeted officials were super amazing people, it's just that they were slightly less extremely bad than the alternatives.
@The speed with which Trump is bending is pretty amazing
DeleteMaybe that would help to understand why:
"Donald Trump, America’s first Jewish president",by David Peyman (senior advisor and National Director of Jewish Affairs and Outreach for the Trump-Pence Campaign),November 6, 2016:
"On policy, there is no question that Donald Trump is the most pro-Israel, pro-Jewish candidate to ever run for the U.S. presidency. And this year’s Republican Party platform is the most pro-Israel political platform in the history of the United States, on either side of the political aisle....
Mr. Trump’s ties to Jews and Israel go beyond policy. They also go beyond his loving support and encouragement of his religiously observant Jewish daughter and son-in-law and his pride in his Jewish grandchildren. Donald Trump’s love of the Jewish people dates back many decades. Senior observant Jewish executives in the Trump Organization recall being encouraged to stop deals on Friday afternoons so they can go home to their families to observe the Sabbath.
Mr. Trump has disavowed any support from anti-Semites, just as I hope Mrs. Clinton disavows support from anti-Israel groups that support her. I proudly wear my kippa to Trump Tower and receive support and encouragement from the campaign to take off every Sabbath and every Jewish holiday (of which there have been many in October), crucial days lost for any campaign. But supporting Jews is what Mr. Trump has done all his life.
These are some reasons why American Jews chose Donald Trump as Grand Marshall of the annual Israel Day Parade in New York. Mr. Trump’s policies, his staunch pro-Israel advisors and his personal ties to the Jewish people are why they will choose him as the next President of the United States".
Moving forward:
"Trump is headed to the White House. Did we just elect our first Jewish president? By Wayne Allyn Root
"Lawrence Solomon: As America’s first ‘Jewish’ president, Trump looks like he’ll be most pro-Israel POTUS ever":
'The extended First Family will be largely Jewish. Donald Jr.’s wife, with whom he has five children, is half-Jewish. Trump’s younger son, Eric, married a Jewish woman two years ago in a highly publicized wedding under a traditional chuppa. It was officiated by Jared Kushner, Trump’s Jewish son-in-law and husband of Ivanka, who herself converted to Orthodox Judaism seven years ago. Ivanka keeps a kosher household and, to her father’s delight, is religiously observant, even avoiding phone calls on the Sabbath. Donald, who wholeheartedly embraces his family’s Jewish associations, encouraged his daughter’s conversion “from Day One” (in Ivanka’s words) and on the campaign trail gushed that Ivanka “is about to have a beautiful Jewish baby,” her third'.
And the cherry on the cake:
"Looks Like Donald Trump May Well Be Jewish.That Would Explain A Great Deal...By Miles Mathisvia Jim Kirwan
It was in everybody's face.
RomAn, you are not wrong, it was in everybody's face that Trump was very pro-Israel and strongly connected to and surrounded by Jews. But he could have remained pro-Israel without having to do a 180 degree turn on every major point in his campaign platform. Unless of course you want to argue that any sort of anti-globalist or civic nationalist position is automatically "Antisemitism," which of course would be a totally valid argument - all of the problems Trump campaigned against and his supporters rallied behind were problems that, if you looked closely, you'd find a Jew at its root. Just like every major problem the west has seen in the past two-thousand years...
DeleteWe all know that politicians are all liars, and that democracy by design produces the lowest grade of politicians, but it seems like they totally broke him the past week. Did they dig up a video of Trump on Epstein's island? Or an extreme video of him and Yael (Ivanka)?
Actually Eric's wife is not a jewess, but I think the rest is true. Don jr. wife may be a half breed.
DeleteSarkis, I agree with you. Trump could have remained pro-Jewish, anti-Iranian and still tried his best to make peace with Russia. At the same time, as I have pointed out in my previous blog commentary, nothing good could come out of the people Trump surrounded himself with, especially towards later stages of this presidential bid. Right now, Trump is under siege. Flynn's and Bannon's ouster is proof of this. His son-in-law is essentially a Mossad mole in the White House. The political/financial establishment in the US, as well as organized Jewry, is systematically penetrating and taking over the Trump administration. Anyone who understood anything about the Western system should have expected all this. I liked Trump as a presidential candidate because his presence in the political scene brought out the worst in the system. I thank him because it is due to him that America's long hidden dirty laundry was finally aired for all to see. But I could not get myself to vote for him because I knew that he would not be the one calling the shots once he got into the White House. The only thing I was really hoping for was for peace with Russia, even if temporary. But even that is now looking like a remote prospect...
DeleteRussia’s Channel One cancels broadcast of 2017 Eurovision Song Contest
Just a quick note. Western culture now worships all that is backwards, corrupt, and ugly. Civilization is held back for the convenience of the weak. This includes ridiculous measures to help disabled people - I am not mocking physically retarded people but I view the western cult of the disabled as decadence. Anyone familiar with civil rights legislation, the "protected class" status given to all types of minorities, and insane things like attempts to classify deaf people as just another community instead of a handicapped group will understand what I mean.
But this year's Russian Eurovision contestant is wheelchair bound, and all of a sudden the literal degenerate faggots that run Europe don't have the stomach to stand up to Ukrainian jew-nazis discriminating against the disabled. Whatever, all attacks intended to harm Russia end up strengthening Russia - sanctions have led to self-reliance and now I hope Russia completely starts breaking whatever attachment it had with "western culture" starting with Eurovision. Need I remind everyone of Conchita Wurst?
Also worth noting is that after 2008, a Georgian entry to Eurovision had lyrics reading "I don't wanna put in," as an attack on Putin. Russia complained that this violated the no politics rule, and the song was banned.
I cannot overemphasize how repulsive I find Europe. I am thankful knowing that the "refugees" are going to finish the Europeans off.
Add these to recent developments:
ReplyDelete-President Putin openly called the sarin gas attack a false flag, and further stated Russia has evidence that more attacks are being planned, specifically south of Damascus.
-Assad has said the same.
-The Syria thing happened immediately after the St. Petersburg attack in Russia.
-America seems to be pointlessly and impotently dropping very large conventional bombs in Afghanistan right next to Russia's Near Abroad.
- Not that anyone should give a shit but there were a bunch of truck attacks in Europe, hilariously European men have responded by building concrete road barriers that don't actually work.
-Hungary and Poland, two worthless freeloading states that want EU funds plus Americans and Germans to fight Russia for them (Poland at least) but are trying to weasel out of having to take in refugees, have been told by the EU that either they comply with the agreements to resettle refugees or they will face stiff penalties. I fully support the EU on this, these eastern bloc states should pay for their Russophobia and Anglo-worship.
Arevordi, an entire webpage can be devoted to your brainy quotes. These stand out:
ReplyDelete"The Soviet Union's collapse and the subsequent importation of Western-style capitalism and democracy was a historic tragedy that will only be better understood by future generations."
"The Soviet period gave us Aram Khachaturyan. Post-Soviet Armenia gave us Aram Asatryan."
"Israeli intelligence has had human assets inside the White House since Monica Lewinski's blowjob days."
"Explaining bad behavior and not vociferously criticizing/attacking bad behavior has the effect of making excuses and thus encouraging bad behavior."
"What happened in Syria on the early morning hours of April 7 was a very expensive fireworks display. Hundreds of millions of dollars were spent to impress the American cattle and of course placate its Shabbos Goyim."
"the world looks very different once someone gets into power, especially someone that has been tasked with administering an empire as large, as wealthy, as powerful and as replete with special interests as the United States."
"Americans are the world's most overfed, over-entertained, over-medicated, under-educated and easily manipulated people on earth."
"The monster that is America today is made possible by the idiot that is the American."
An Armenian head of the CSTO has been rumored for a while now. The implications are huge; I can tell you if I was a Turk or Azeri I'd be mighty upset right now. Imagine being a Turk diplomat: you can slap Europeans around with impunity but when it comes to Russia you have to deal with Putin, Lavrov, and now Khahcaturov.Bravo Armenia, holding it together after a quarter century of attempted economic strangulation and military threats on the east and the west. Thank you Russia for making this possible.
ReplyDeleteFormer Armenian army chief appointed CSTO secretary general
Also, remember when they told us that Eurasian Union membership would be bad for the Armenian economy:
Sargsyan: Export of Armenian goods to Eurasian market grew by 65 percent
Also, hopefully these failed politicians stay in the USA:
Raffi and Oskanian are pretty much done and leaving for the US
Leave ISIS alone to bleed Russia Iran Syria..... Trump called Assad an animal.
ReplyDelete‘Introduction of terrorism into biosphere’: NYT article urges US to let ISIS ‘bleed’ Syria & Russia :
Why Is Trump Fighting ISIS in Syria?:
With Flynn and Bannon and several others out of his administration Trump is now essentially under siege. His son-in-law and his top aide Gary Cohn are essentially Mossad moles in the White House. The political/financial establishment in the US, as well as ogrganized Jewry, is systematically penetrating and taking over the Trump administration. Trump is now powerless, especially without Bannon by his side. As I have been saying, the world looks very different once someone gets into power, especially someone that has been tasked with administering an empire as large, as wealthy, as powerful and as replete with special interests as the United States. Trump has no choice now but to follow the orders of his handlers. Russia will therefore remain the bad guy, and the destruction of Iran will remain their ultimate prize. This is why there has been an avalanche of articles promoting war against Iran. The following Wall Street Journal article, by a high ranking Jewish-American Israeli official none the less, appeared just today -
DeleteIran Is a Bigger Threat Than Syria and North Korea Combined:
^ Trump Is A %100 Owned Pedo Run By Bi Bi Netanyahu - No WW3 - Relax
There will be no war with Russia, China OR North Korea.
North Korea is "required" to keep South Korea and Japan in line. The thought of North Korea being attacked is a joke. But thats not stopping idiots from spreading the hippopotamus poo.
The DMZ is 20km from Seoul. War means the destruction of Seoul. North Korea, like Iran has miles of tunnels in it's mountain system and ballistic missiles. North Korea is a bad joke. It is "paid" to behave like an idiot.
North Korea is TOTALLY under the control of China and China does as it is told. Chines exchanged $6 Trillion of concrete "goods and services" to the United States in exchange for worthless "US Treasury Bonds" - "bits of paper". So, who is the "dick"? I tell ya what, YOU give me $5000 in laptops and mobile phones. I'll write on a piece of paper...maybe put a pretty gold edge on it - "IOU $5000". You are 5ft2 and 120 pounds. I am 6ft and 200 pounds. I am armed to the teeth. Who is the sucker? I don't bother paying it back. What ya gonna do about it?
China is TOTALLY dependent on the west. Wall Street can collapse the Chinese stock market in 20 seconds. China can barely feed it's people. It can barely provide them with enough water. In fact, China is in a water crisis. It can barely control it's population who are pissed off.China has 10,000 man "police divisions" to keep order in the central provinces. China has been "kill switched" by Israel.
Does anyone SERIOUSLY think all these leaders with their expensive weekend retreats, mistresses, expensive cars, hookers and private jets are going to risk a nuclear war? I mean, seriously. They have to live here.
The soul aim of this bullshit theater is to get YOU into line. To scare YOU to death and keep you distracted. People are waking up - not just to Israel - but to EVERYTHING. YOU must be put in your place and Donald "serial rapist" Trump is a part of that and most likely always was. We were Trumped.
The Middle East conflict will be contained. They are ALL in on it. This is ALL agreed. In two weeks, most likely less, Assad will be asked to leave by PUTIN. In the interests of..."peace". He will be retired to a Chateau in France with a nice Swiss bank account.
Syria will be split into three. Deaths will be limited to Shia and Sunni Muslims killing each other because Netanyahu gets off on that. No precious white people will die. Relax. Just the usual brown people. You should all be used to it by now.
Once Syria is broken up, Hizbollah will be cut off from Iran. Israel will go to work on Hizbollah and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. However, it may be that they get the US to threaten Iran back into it's box first. If that does not work then a "false flag" will have to be carried out. Provoke Iran to attack a carrier OR, a false flag IN Israel. Maybe drop a bomb on a Jewish Day School and kill 200 kids. That will be enough to nuke Iran with tactical s they dress up as "MOAB" cover stories.
Raytheon and Elbit Systems will be throwing giant parties.
The final aim - "cleans" the Gaza Strip completely - under the cloak of war and lots of dead jews...or the "appearance" of dead jews as they are experts now at the old crisis actors. The West Bank is finished anyway - completely broken up. Israel will just throw everyone over the border into Jordan but they must have a giant excuse to do it so there will have to be alot of "dead jews" or at least the appearance of "dead jews". The word "HolocaustTM" will get alot of use.
Everyone go back to sleep. Its business as usual.
The Yinon Plan unfolds.
There is NO double cross coming from Donald trump. He is owned %100 by Bi Bi and always was.
^ Greek friend John Kountouris Exposes Donald Trump, back in Nov
Hey Sarkis, other than Armenia or Russia, where else would you consider moving to when you decide to leave California? Any thoughts on South America? Argentina & Uruguay always seemed safe and tolerable imo.. I am pretty much in the same predicament. I wish all Armenians freaking left Cali. It blows my mind how Armenian parents hangeest allow their children to attend the degenerate and dumbed down public schools in that state. My friend's fiance got hired for Glendale School District as an assistant to one of the elementary school principals there, and she had to attend a couple hour long briefing where they were introducing the ideas of coed locker rooms, and how FIRST grade teachers are demanded to ask the child what gender they prefer to be recognized as for school year, and each year they can change their preference. Also, the insane forced vaccinations law which passed, that Bedros Haijan for months kept warning Armenians about on his weekly program. My friends fiance said that the results came in, and that in the entire school district, only like half a dozen students refused the shots.
Hey you are welcomed in Argentina at anytime. Unfortunately we are being treated like all the western nations with all kinds of new progressive ideas like the homosexual marriages and new free and obligated vaccinations but maybe not so bad like Cali
DeleteAnyway if anyone is coming here let me know. Regards
@ Bocha
DeleteThank you. I have a friend Vartan Gustav who resides in Uruguay, and he shares the same concerns about the 'progressive' attitude of those nations. Speaking of Argentina, I highly recommend looking into Adrian Salbuchi.
I believe that Europeans colonizing the New World was a historic blunder, so if I were to move it would definitely not be to Central or South America. I consider Native Americans (North and South) among the lowest forms of life on the planet, right down there with Africans and Australian aborigines, so there is no way I'd consider moving somewhere where the majority of the population has some degree of New World blood. And I personally find Spanish culture repulsive, no amount of "it's European, bro" arguments are going to disassociate it from Mexican and Salvadorian shitskins. Besides all that, Argentina and the rest of the formerly passable countries of Latin America are gone, whatever pockets of traditional European culture and genetics may have remained will be submerged in a brown/black sludge soon... Anyway I don't really have the money to travel or move right now, so let's leave that alone for right now.
DeleteA more important point here is "I wish all Armenians freaking left Cali." That would be a national disaster. California at least functions like a distant leper camp, where degenerate "Armenians" are mostly isolated from Armenia and cannot harm it other than making impotent blog post calling for regime change and kicking out the Russian military from the comfort of their own apartments on Glenoaks Blvd.. Armenians born and raised in Los Angeles tend to be the worst kinds of trash: the women are degenerate sluts and feminists, the men are worthless faggots. Do we really want the community that gave us the Kardashians, the Hovannisians (three generations of worthless traitors), phenomena like the Armenian Power wetback-style street gang, the Armo bitch from "the young turks," and every imaginable disgusting half-breed to go to Armenia and poison the people there? That would honestly result in a less bloody, self-inflicted genocide in the homeland... The Armenians here are thoroughly de-nationalized and beyond salvation. If they ever have to move out in massive numbers, I'd prefer them being sent to gulags in Siberia or dispersed somewhere in Syria than risk them bringing their toxic ideas to Armenia and Artsakh. Armenians fail to realize this, but just like the Soviets salvaged the integrity of the East Germans by keeping out the Anglo-Americans, the Soviets salvaged the integrity of the Armenian Republic by keeping out the akhpars. Had the Soviet Union remained, Armenia would have had a population of 4-5 million right now, the largest and strongest armed forces in the world on the border with a cowering Turkey, and none of the western-introduced problems that have mushroomed over the past quarter century.
Otherwise, yes I agree vaccines are bad, public school is indoctrination of all sorts of perversions as well as an incubator of interracialism, and California has no future. Bedros Hajian is a Protestant (or as I like to call it: kike-lite) so I really don't care what he has to say.
I wouldn't recommend Canada though. We are more cucked than Germany and our own traitor PM is flooding the country with Muslims. I would say either Japan, the Philippines or Chile as potential good locations to live, or even Serbia or Bulgaria.
DeleteYes I ve been watching Salbuchi YouTube channel recently. I ve found he is in the right way and is the onl decent material in spanish. They seem to work close with RT and Sputnik. They are nationalista from the old school. Here Peron and Peronism has been always the resistance against imperialism but now very infiltrated with western agents I think. For anything you can say Vartan to contact. Mi mail is
Sarkis, do realize that Uruguay is the most Caucasian country in the western hemisphere? 88% are of European descent. Travel to Spain, Argentina, Uruguay or Chile and you will see that there is a major difference between Spaniards and their descendants and the mestizos and Amerindians you encounter. Now what you may find repulsive about Spaniards is their leftism. Hence why I support the break up of the Kingdom of Spain.
DeleteDo you guys realize that there is also an "Armenia" to move to? Armenians are also white (well, maybe a little off-white) and Caucasian (well, actually southern Caucasian).
DeleteKidding aside. Try not to prove my theory that when Armenians flee Armenia they are essentially fleeing other Armenians, and that Armenia has very small non-Armenian population essentially because no non-Armenians can't survive in Armenia (unless they quietly keep out of sight like Yezdis and Molokans).
Take it from someone who has been spending long periods of time in Armenia since the 1990s. Life in Armenia has its good sides and its not so good sides. If you have a little money, life in Armenia can actually be better for you than the life you have in the US. More importantly, Armenia is your mother and your mother (regardless of her current flaws) needs children like you to be with her as much as possible. You guys should at least think about moving to Armenia at some point in your life, even if to just retire there. If you can't make that move, at least spend your vacations there, especially if you have children.
LG, when you support the breakup of this or that leftist/liberal nation, like the Kingdom of Spain, you essentially empower the Anglo-American-Jewish Kingdom. Afterall, Spain is much easier to break up than the Anglo-American-Jewish order. If you want to fight liberalism and leftism and human degeneracy in general keep your focus on the mother ship.
One of my aunts is actually in Yerevan right now, and she went to Lake Sevan for the scenery as well as Mt. Ararat. Heck, I would also like to go to Armenia as a tourist, but unsure of how much money I need to spend before going over there to visit or to live.
The colonization of the New World was initially started as a mission to find a western route to Asia in order for Spain and Portugal to avoid the Ottoman Turks. The Dutch, French, British, Scandinavian and even Russian empires also followed suit. If the European colonization of the New World was a historic blunder, then I guess that the Russian colonization of Alaska would also be a national blunder. Basically Hispanic cultures from Spain, Portugal and Latin America are practically pluro-continental. The irony is that California itself wants to separate from the US, but its campaign manager suspended it because of his ties to Russia. A shame, really.
Chile is a good example of European culture being preserved in the New World, especially their Prussian militarist tradition. They might as well be the only nation in the world that still preserves the Prussian military tradition, as even Germany's Bundeswehr is no longer doing the goose stepping due to obvious historical reasons. It is this kind of militaristic tradition that gave Chile people like Augusto Pinochet.
@Arevordi: Yes, all Armenians that want to improve the homeland need to have a plan to either move there or fund the movement of Armenians who do wish to repatriate. This is a fundamental tenant.
DeleteAs for breaking up nations, Spain is part and parcel of the nwo run by anglo-zionists. It is not either or, the break up of Spain would not sit well with the puppeteers because they only break up countries that are not under their full control. Meaning if Catalonia and/or Basque Country (our younger cousins) get independence it will set a trend for other irredentist movements in Europe, such as Flanders in Belgium. I am for Scottish independence as well!
LG, Spain was ruled by Franco the fascist until 1975, which was a mere 42 years ago. Spain has fallen from being a decent nation to just being another interracial, sterile toilet. I don't blame the Spanish for the horrible ailments of Spanish society, including liberalism. I blame America, the UK, Jews, and also the Northern and Western European nations (aka Germanic nations) that pushed this degeneracy onto Spain. Spaniards, Italians, and Greeks may be corrupt and tend towards Sopranos-style cliques, but they are relatively traditionalist, proud identitarians, and conservative compared to the rootless, suicidal degenerates across the Germanic world. I don't see Southern Europeans on their own deciding its a good idea to import millions of primitive animals for the purpose of knocking up the native women. That actual, Weimar-level liberalism is exclusive to Germanics. Regardless, I personally do not identify with and do not generally care for Mediterranean culture.
DeleteJerriko, western European colonization of the New World was a disaster because, through a series of fortunate events, it resulted in some of the best, hardiest people of Europe moving to what was essentially an open country unencumbered by all of the petty rivalries and interests in Europe. America, with its Anglo foundation, Germanic core, and importation of the best kinds of Europeans (like Tesla) grew into a superpower with unrivaled influence. But since America was essentially an artificial creation with not enough time for form the attributes of a real nation (aka race) it was taken over by the Jews and turned into the monstrosity we see today. That's what I meant when I said it was a disaster: the European races produced Mozart and the highest culture the world has ever seen, the European races built America, and now Jewmerica dominates Europe and exports the absolute lowest type of animalistic trash culture to Europe and is pretty much in the process of killing both Europe and itself. It's not an exaggeration to say that if there are people truly intent on saving the White race, America must be annihilated. Not unlike that saying from Nasser that to liberate Jerusalem, Arabs must destroy the House of Saud.
But, there is a difference between Russian colonization of Alaska versus the various monstrosities that the Anglos and the Spanish created in their former colonies. Russia expanded into Siberia naturally, and after Siberia they moved on to Alaska and California. Along the way Russians pacified and gently assimilated / Russianized the local peoples while still respecting their autonomy and local identity and culture, thus creating a stable country. It is safe to say that if Russia held onto Alaska and California, Juneau and Sacramento would be like the cities of the non-Russian republics within the Russian Federation: the inhabitants would speak Russian, respect Russian culture, and generally be pacified and well assimilated and serving the interests of the Russian Federation.
Arevordi, lol recent events have me in the part of Burbank bordering Glendale, and it's not pretty... I know Armenia is nothing like Glendale, but the experiences here aren't conducive to an Armenia permanent repatriation agenda.
DeleteFinances and lousy logistics prevented the Russians from holding on to Alaska and parts of California. Heck, the Russians could have opted for improving their Alaskan holdings with some minor expansion into the Yukon, BC, Oregon, Washington State, and Idaho for all I know. AS far as I know, there are Hispanophiles who talk about the WASP creation of the "Black Legend" where Spaniards were depicted as brutes who slaughtered Native Americans in their colonization of the Americas and the creation of the "White Legend" where Anglos were 'peaceful' in their interaction with the Natives.
The Balkans also have some Mediterranean cultural influences as well, mainly the Orthodox nations but they're literally being used as a transit point for the recent refugees traveling to Germany and other parts of the EU.
This coming Sunday, I'm crossing my fingers and hope for Le Pen to make it to the second round of the French elections. This year will definitely be a pivotal moment for Europe, although I am a bit disappointed with Serbia's election since they elected another pro-US vassal in Vucic. Germany's election is a foregone SPD victory, thus completing the cuckholdization of the once proud German Reich. The Dutch could have had Wilders as their PM but Erdogan's retarded antics destroyed the Dutch populist's chance of gaining victory.
America was also open to the most destitute and the impoverished. Here is a segment of the poem made by Emma Lazarus wrote regarding the Statue of Liberty and its relation to making American open to immigrants:
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
You could also say that other colonial nations in the Americas like Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina are also artificial creations because they didn't have time to form the attributes of a real nation, and in Latin America's cases, fracturing states often resulted in forming smaller nations.
DeleteHow did your aunt end up in Armenia?
I would highly recommend visiting Armenia. You will have a truly enlightening experience and you will be pleasantly surprised. But I would not suggest going alone. Not because of crime. There is virtually no violent crime in the country. At worst, service providers (taxis, shops, vendors, etc) will try to over charge you for things because you are a foreigner. I say don't go alone because the country is still underdeveloped and those who have lived their lives in the developed world may have a difficult time adjusting. The best thing you can do is join a tour group of Diasporan Armenians from Canada or the United States. There are a number of them every years and they are relatively affordable.
DeleteIt was very disappointing to read your comments. Especially disappointed with your "lol".
I'm sure you know that 90% of any given society - including American, including Armenian, including Russian, - is trash. The job of those of us who are not in the 90% is to find like-minded individuals in the remaining 10%. Do you associate with America's trash? You don't. You pick and choose those who you want to be around. The same should apply to Armenians. Ignore the trash, seek out the intelligent. Speaking of the 10%, I would not trade Armenia's 10% with the rest of the world. To me, one intelligent/decent Armenian (even with an off-white skin and a hooked nose) is more valuable to me than a million pink skinned pigs who call themselves "White Americans". Heck, there are probably more intelligent and decent people in Armenia than in all of the United States.
I guess you ultimately prefer to be around other people's trash than your own. I don't blame you. Life in California can act as an opiate on a person's psychology. You can bitch and complain about the state all day long, as you surely do, but you would not leave it even if they put a gun to your head.
Once more, I was very saddened to read your comments. It's full of hate and emotional distress. You are making assumptions about Armenia without ever having stepped foot in the country. I also suspect your interest in racist websites is hindering your thinking process in this matter. Moreover, I never told anyone to repatriate. I simply said, start thinking about it. I also said, if you cant see yourself repatriating at any point in your life for one reason or another, then at least spend your free times there.
If you can't even get yourself to visit your ancestral homeland, then what good are you as an Armenian? If you have no connections to your ancestral homeland, you are living a lie. If you have no connections to Armenia, then you are by default a typical akhpar. And if you refuse to see yourself as a typical akhpar, then what are you? An American? A Californian? A Whiteman?
One day you'll be sick of the Whiteman as well. Trust me.
Brotherly advice: Cut down on the racist websites, stop hating brown people, get in touch with Jerriko and join a tour group in Armenia.
I have to ask my aunt because I saw pictures of her with some friends in Lake Sevan. However, I would have to save enough money for a trip to Armenia because there are a lot of countries that I wanted to visit, Serbia being my preferred first European country followed by Bulgaria and Russia. Armenia would be on my bucket list for sure. Azerbaijan might be on the to do list later on, as well as Central Asia and Turkey.
DeleteWould people understand that the whole claptrap about the greatness of the 'White Nordic Race', about the 'defense of the White trash identity', the laments over 'The Passing of the Great Race', is the creation of the greedy 'pink skinned pigs' WASP brigands, pirates, hillbillies and the KKK buffoons, who wanted to ape their overlords, the 'chosen race' which was marshaling them (and the Islamic hordes) into the destruction of the Christian European civilization (at home and in its overseas extensions which were, again with all the attendant shortcomings, the creation of Christian Spain), which with all its defects, is basically the Caucasian-Mediterranean civilization? As well as the justification for the plundering of all other civilizations.
DeleteAgreed that all neo-paganist, pseudo-germanic, pseudo-slavic, pseudo-nordic websites militating for the defense of the 'besieged white straight males' are an imposture.
Arevordi, you read too much into the Armenia part of my comment, which obviously was in jest. Where exactly did I say anything indicating that I can't bring myself to visit my ancestral homeland? A few months ago I was defending Armenia as a tourist spot when you and others were complaining that prices vendors charged in central Yerevan were too high. And for the record I've been in Armenia and Artsakh, albeit a decade ago. My comment was critical of Armenians, but the assumptions that followed were a bit much. I'd visit Armenia at least once a year if I could afford it. And by visit I don't mean bar hopping in Yerevan, taking selfies at Tsitsernakaberd, or casinos and hookers.
DeleteAnd to be clear, you're the one who brought up Armenians being White or off-White. I judge Armenians by how they act, not by the shade of white they are. Obviously a good Armenian is worth his weight in gold. That being said, it's fair to criticize the the trashier Armenians for carrying themselves like typical Middle Easterners or gypsys or the local barrio trash. The "are Race X really white" debate only leads to Nordicism. Might as well argue that Slavs, Balkaners, or Southern Europeans aren't White at that point. Had I been concerned with how white Armenians are, I'd have quit long ago. Armenians are obviously mixed, some west euro, east euro, south euro/Mediterranean, Caucasus, Middle East, and small amounts of various Asiatic admixture; it would take willful blindness not to see that. I'm not hung up on noses, eye color, hair color, etc. In fact my nose is my most Armenian feature. This is our race, it's what we have to work with.
As for California, the main thing keeping me here is a lack of money - incidentally the same reason I haven't visited Armenia for a long time. That and pretty much my family and friends live here. Plus as you know my main marketable skill limits me to working in this state. In other words, I don't plan on moving anytime soon for the same reasons that most people aren't planning to move anytime soon. I know lots of people that despise this state, including very wealthy people who live in good neighborhoods - turns out moving isn't a particularly easy task, even with resources. Otherwise I'm not particularly attached to the non-Armenian trash here, whether its White or Brown and I'll thank you not to assume otherwise. I don't take welfare and don't commit fraud or engage in other illegal activities, so really it's out of line to claim I wouldn't leave even with a gun to my head. Anyway CA may be easy to hate, but in reality this place is just a few years ahead of the rest of America. When CA finally sinks, it will drag the rest of the country down with it.
Finally, the 80/20 rule is generally a good way to look at things, including the percentage of a large community that doesn't suck.
Ps I have lived in 75+% Hispanic neighborhoods all my life. My opinion on them (brown people) isn't based emulating Internet racists, it logically follows countless experiences with thousands of these people day in and day out. It's not even remotely related to Armenian issues, just common sense. Try renting an apartment in LA (Pacoima, not Malibu) for a month or two and see for yourself. It might be something like forcing Antifa to visit a European no-go zone.
Fair point though that I have a bit of an identity issue, I don't really fit in anywhere 100%.
To be fair, if I woke up tomorrow to millions of dollars, maybe I'd move to Malibu or Hidden Hills and stop complaining about California rather than choosing to get a mansion next to Tsarukyan in Armenia. I don't think I can conclusively claim otherwise without any way to test it, and we all know money changes people.
DeleteWho knows though, this guy is probably a fun neighbor and prepares a mean khorovats:
Ծառուկյանը տատիկին վերարկուից բռնած բարձրացրեց բեմի վրա
On a separate note, given what I know about Jerriko, he appreciates Aryan culture more than a good majority of White people do. And he respects Orthodox Christianity more than most Armenians do. Jerriko would definitely enjoy Armenia, especially if someone was around to take him to visit Armenia's breathtaking, isolated Churches that sit on tops (Geghard, Noravank, Tatev) of mountains or in tucked away in wooden areas. Geghard was easily my personal favorite. In fact, I can imagine Jerriko visiting the Orthodox nations such as Russia, Serbia, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, and Eastern Europe in general. Armenia is an open air museum and a treasure for Christians; if not for the war, blockades, and somewhat underdeveloped infrastructure and tourism-related services outside Yerevan, the potential for tourism is massive... Although I'd hate to see a rushed and poorly thought out push for tourism ruin pristine Armenian monumental sites and surrounding nature.
DeleteYes, I fully appreciate the true beauties of Orthodox Christianity, and this is coming from a guy who grew up in a Catholic background. I didn't like the way the Catholic Church is going, and while I don't know much about the Traditionalist Catholics and the Society of St. Pius X, I could also say for a certain that the Papacy had a long tradition of wanting to centralize all of Christendom under its command.
I wouldn't also mind visiting Georgia though, but since I barely know much about the Georgian nation-state, that might not be on my list anytime soon. I actually appreciate a lot of European cultures and it pisses me off to see Western European cultures going to shit. Middle Eastern cultures on the other hand, I have some affinity for it, given that I was actually born in a Middle Eastern country while my parents were working there. Asian cultures on the other hand, I also have good appreciation for Japanese and Korean culture but not a real fan of Chinese culture. In the Philippines, we also have our own Chinese diaspora there and they've managed to retain most of the pre-Maoist Chinese culture dating from the time of the Chinese Emperors. And given how Filipino culture is also influenced by Chinese culture, you could see why I don't have the same level of appreciation for them as I would for say, Vietnamese or Japanese culture. African and Latin American cultures would be something that I don't actually appreciate, given that I don't know much about African or Latin American histories at all.
However, I should actually be the only one in this group that is guilty of harboring a bit of Turcophilia (given that part of the histories that I like to read up and watch on Youtube is Ottoman Turkish history and I sometimes watch bits of Turkish soap operas {I guess Erdogan's soft power approach has affected me too}, and yes including the 1915 Armenian Holocaust as well. I wouldn't also mind visiting Belarus and Ukraine too, provided that I would have to stay away from cities like Donetsk and Lugansk.
I found out from my cousin that my aunt who was visiting Armenia was with her sister, and they flew from Dubai. Apparently she also mentioned "visa upon arrival for Filipino citizens" as well. The thing that I'm curious about Armenian architecture with regards to how they've built their churches is that they're completely different from the Catholic and Orthodox cathedrals.
Sarkis, I was not reading too much into anything. What you wrote was deeply rooted in emotional distress and had nothing to do with simply criticizing Armenians or making critical observations about Armenia. This was about you deciding to use your life-long supply of bad experiences in California, as well as your general disapointments with Armenians, to refrain from establishing a connection with your ancestral homeland. This crossed red lines with me. You can curse out Armenians all day long, but once you begin messing with Armenia you lose me. In my opinion, you do have an identity issue. You also have a lot of hate inside. I am not telling you to love Mestizo trash nor am I telling you to love our Rabiz trash. What I'm asking you is not to hate so deeply. That should apply towards Jews and Turks as well. Being aware that particular groups of people are the enemy or that they need to be stayed away from is one thing, living life hating entire groups of people is toxic. I really think you need to cut the racist websites. I also think you need to stop constantly talking trash about California, which you even claim is years ahead of the rest of the country. If your neighborhood is really bothering you that much, move to a mighty whitey area. Anyway, you are an extremely intelligent young man, but the kind of thinking you sometimes express really surprises me. I'm going to end this conversation here. If you want to continue please do so via email.
DeletePS: I would have rather said your most Armenian feature was your intelligence. That said, the fact that you equate big noses with something bad is enough proof that you have been utterly brainwashed and mislead by "white power" propaganda. You know I admire some aspects of German National Socialism. But you also know that Nazis were seriously mislead by their fanaticism. The thing pink-skinned Anglo-American racists call "hooked noses" today is NOT a Jewish thing. The nose type is better described in Armenian as Արծվաքիթ - eagle nose! Throughout history certain facial features were associated with certain attributes. In old Europe, hooked noses and noses with high nasal bridges on individuals were looked upon as a sign of nobility and leadership. Look at depictions of historic figures throughout Europe and the United States (including the "founding fathers") and you will see that a majority of them have dark hair and prominent noses. Until only a few centuries ago, the blue-eyed blonde with a small nose was looked up as filthy peasant only worthy to work the land and send to war. By the 19th century. however. modern Europeans (particularly Germanic peoples) began equating "hooked noses" with Jews and, by extention, monsters and witches. The rest is history as they say. In any case, the "eagle nose" has its origin in the Armenian Highlands (Anatolia/south Caucasus). The Hittites were the first to be depicted with it. Eagle noses also decorated the faces of ancient Aryan tribes in Iran. Later we began to seeing it on Greeks and Romans... Moral of the story: Be proud of your nose : --> )
@ Arevordi
DeleteDont agree with brother Sarkis attitude about Armenia but I totally understand him. I grew up in Burbank but left the state for work reasons and dont really want to go back cuz I really don't like it there. All of LA is like a huge suburb full of people as fake as plastic. Still lots of very decent folks live there but like always bad ones always stick out. Cali is not for me.
Also Arevordi, thanks for the history lesson about my nose now I can live life proudly LOL
I'm not sure if I should be laughing at the way Erdogan steered the Dutch elections against Geert Wilders, or I should be cursing him as the moron who forgot the basic rule of political etiquette: never get involved in the political campaigns of another country. With leaders like him, Turkey's future will surely be a dim one.
DeleteI don't mean to become the bearer of a nasty rant, but I would include Anita Sarkeesian as another case of political leprosy. She is the architect of the identity politics that we have come to despise so much. I would like to see that bitch peddle the same Social Justice crap in the streets of Istanbul, Ankara, Trabzon, Diyarbakir, Van or Baku. She wouldn't last long, and her possible Islamic apologism wouldn't measure up against the likes of Lt. Safarov.
You eventually learn to develop the love for genuine cultures if you grew up in a country with a major national identity crisis. I'm not joking about this. Filipinos like myself don't know whether or not we're Asian, Latino/Hispanic or Pacific Islander. Other Asians don't consider us as fellow Asians because of the Catholic faith (East Timor might also share the same defective characteristic), we're not really Latino or Hispanic because we lost our ability to speak Spanish and we lost our Hispanic identity when the Americans took over, and we're not really sure if we're considered Pacific Islanders because we're not in the Central or South Pacific. It's this kind of identity crisis that kinda gives the Philippines the same defect as the US (not given enough time to develop a genuine attribution of a nation/race, despite being given a century's worth of head start) with a side dish of Spanish style regional identity declarations.
DeleteAppreciating the culture of a far more advanced civilization has been a common trait among nomadic barbarian invaders, from the Germanic invaders who invaded the Roman Empire to the Turkic and later on Mongolian invaders who invaded China, Persia and Central Asia (the Tang Chinese campaign against the Western Turkic Khaganate did occur during the same time period as the early Islamic invasions). They eventually assimilated into the cultures of their conquered subjects.
@ Jerriko Magpantay
^ Marine Le Pen EXPOSED
also, the following 3 short vids are in regards to the hidden hands which originally colonized the American continents:
^ The 115 years of American history from 1492 to 1607 are the most important years of the founding of America....and are also the years they never teach kids in school.
^ Yes. Christopher Columbus was jewish
ps, I believe the guy who ran this channel was either killed or is rotting in Guantanamo
Alright this has really gone too far. The nose comment, like the "lol Glendale" comment, was clearly a joke as it followed a statement about not giving a damn about noses. It was not a dig at Armenians or their physical features, nor did it convey anything hinting at Armenian noses being "something bad." You failed to comprehend that because clearly you got too emotional. Those uncontrollable Armenian emotions are coming into play. I didn't need an explanation on aquiline noses, and you were totally out of line accusing me of being brainwashed and holding the trailer park nazi views you listed - I'm not one of your old Stormfront pals pushing that kind of thinking. And knock off the jew psychology crap, I know what I wrote and what I intended, it was humor not some disguised need to bash Armenia or preference for American trash over Armenian trash or whatever other Freudian reading you invented. If I wanted to bash Armenia, I'd do so openly, directly, and without mincing my words. And let me make it absolutely clear that I don't operate under anyone's "red lines," you're not an authority figure to issue any to me. That was outright insulting. You can couch an insult in between compliments, it doesn't make it any better.
DeleteDoes everything I write need a separate explanatory note now? "CA is ahead of the rest of the country" = whatever messed up insanity is normal is CA today will become the norm in the rest of the country in five, ten, or twenty years.
Sarkis jan, relaaaaax. Ceasefire. Peace. I'm not fighting you. I'm not insulting you. I'm not threatening you. I'm not being emotional. I'm not being authoritarian. I'm not being angry. I thought I was just having a critical/heated discussion with you about something I take seriously - Armenia's role in people lives. I simply thought you would be able to handle it better. A this point, I feel there is too much raw hate/anger in your tone to continue this converation. So, let's please end this. Revisit our discussion at a later date and you'll probably begin seeing it differently...
DeleteHappy Easter:
ReplyDeleteHuman countries with bright futures experiencing their own national resurrections:
A guide to Easter in Russia
Armenia President, PM and Yerevan Mayor attend Easter Vigil service
Subhuman countries on way to extinction:
Pope: Eastern means the west needs to import more military aged male refugees - I personally hope Francis spends the rest of his life bringing the joys of diversity to anti-Russian Catholic shitholes like Poland and the Baltic retards.
I'm sure America's most important cultural institutions, Pornhub and co., will have Easter themed degeneracy. Google, which has doodles celebrating all types of third-world nobodies, can't be bothered to have an Easter doodle or for that matter an Armenian Genocide doodle. And Trump spent most of his weekly youtube address praising the Jews and wishing them a Happy Passover, I think he mentioned Easter like seven minutes into the video.
Enjoy the carnage:
Where is the Russian Human Rights Institute to call for sanctions and an end to brutality against peaceful protestors?
I would have loved to see those LARPers go up against real communists or hardened thugs like you see in the streets of Istanbul. If Trump supporters are scary enough, wait until they go to Eastern Europe. Even drunken football hooligans would have little trouble kicking antifa's miserable asses.
DeleteOvermedicated, you say?
ReplyDeleteRT Documentary - OverPill
The Hidden Enemy: Psychiatry [FULL DOCUMENTARY]
And yes I know before anyone points out like last time I posted this video, Scientology is also against psycho-drugs. I agree with them, they are right on that one issue and wrong on most everything else. Just like ISIS is correct in treating their women in such a way that FEMEN, porn stars, and abortions are non-existent, while they are wrong on pretty much everything else.
China and Russia Creating Alternate Banking System:
ReplyDeleteThe Western world exists today essentially because all of humanity has been forced to operate within the Western financial/economic system during the past 100-plus years. End the reign of the US Dollar and shut down Western institutions like the IMF and the World Bank and you will effectively end Western hegemony in the world. So, arguably, what Russia and China are trying to get done here, is potentially more powerful than any tank, warship, warplane or missile in their military arsenal. Then again, you would need a very powerful military to grant yourself the freedom to do this. Iraq and Libya flirted with this idea just before they were both destroyed. Just know that real power in the world rests in the hands of those who control international money flow and those who regulate international trade. This therefore is a very serious matter. So much so that even a military power house like Russia and an economic power house like China have to tread very carefully here.
DeleteI want to wish everyone a happy Easter.
ReplyDeleteՔրիստոս հարեաւ ի մեռելոց:
Shnorakalutsyun Arevordi, shnorhavorum em dzer Zatika as well
^ Samvel Yervinyan - Persian Song
Օրհնյալ է հարությունը Քրիստոսի
DeleteHappy Easter to all.
PS: Trump's muscle flexing with NK was a bluff. He is beginning to turn his attention to his real target Iran.
Same to you!
DeleteInteresting pictures:
ReplyDeletemosques in Germany today, any self-respecting German ought to be praising the memory of Stalin:
Jerriko will enjoy this one:
It is an interesting German map in that, there are still very few Mosques in territories that were once part of Communist East Germany. Islamic communities and their Mosques have not been able to grow in large numbers in the area during the past 25-plus years as they have done elsewhere in Western and Northern Europe. This is because the population there has not been subjected to Anglo-American-Jewish style social engineering for as long as their compatriots in Western Germany have. But, if Germany does not change course, in another generation or two the entire map will be covered in Mosques.
DeleteAnother good picture:
DeleteI LOLed at the picture of that skinny cuck who's LARPing as a Maoist. The cuck on the left wants to move to China though.
I doubt that Muslims living in Germany would want to move into the territories of the former DDR, with all of its people being harder than their Western German counterparts.
Delete^ Sweden Teaches Migrants How to Have Gay Sex (RedIceRadio)
@Jerriko, I know you're going to enjoy this one. Everyone watching ask yourselves which one of these males is more likely to bang the university cheerleaders?
DeleteANTIFA protestors get heated at Auburn University protests
None whatsoever. Not even the blacks in that video are impressed by these anti-fags.
DeleteNew Russian anti-ship missile, Zircon, flies at Mach 8 speeds. There is nothing in any potential opponents arsenal that can rebuff this missile. In other words, American carrier battle groups would be sitting ducks should they engage Russian Navy once Zircon is installed on Russian ships.
ReplyDeleteRussia’s hypersonic Zircon anti-ship missile reaches eight times speed of sound More:
DeleteFox News: Russia claims it can wipe out US Navy with single 'electronic bomb'
Russia has claimed it can disable the entire US Navy in one fell swoop using powerful electronic signal jamming. A news report from the country – where the media is essentially controlled by the state – said the technology could render planes, ships and missiles useless. The newsreader says: “Today, our Russian Electronic Warfare (REW) troops can detect and neutralise any target from a ship’s system and a radar, to a satellite.”
The news report claims a single Russian war plane flew several times around American destroyer the USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea several years ago, disabling its systems and leaving it helpless. The report also claims they are capable to creating electronic jamming domes over their bases that make them invisible on radar screens. The propaganda piece even quotes top US General Frank Gorenc as saying: “Russian electronic weapons completely paralyse the functioning of American electronic equipment installed on missiles, aircraft and ships.” The reporter adds: “You don’t need to have expensive weapons to win – powerful radio-electronic jamming is enough.”
The news comes after Donald Trump dispatched the USS Carl Vinson, powered by nuclear reactors, carrying almost 100 aircraft and accompanied by destroyers, a cruiser, and a submarine to the Korean Peninsula. And the commander-in-chief is said to be bolstering American deployment in the region by sending the USS Ronald Reagan and the USS Nimitz to the Sea of Japan next week. Russia, along with China, is said to have sent a spy ship to the area to ward off the task force amid rising tensions in the region.
Peek Inside Russia's Crazy New Arctic Military Base:
DeleteAdd this too!
Russia’s Supreme Court bans Jehovah’s Witnesses as extremist organization
Glory to Russia! I sincerely hope Armenia follows suit. I don't give a damn if it makes me sound Fascist, the world has had enough caused by western-style "freedoms" requiring the tolerance of all sorts of destructive and degenerate alternative lifestyles, including feminism, homosexuality, and cults. These cults (officially labeled "soul-hunting organizations" by our national church) are basically designed to control weak-minded people, tear them apart from their families, nation, and native culture, and suck them dry of resources while pushing them to spread the disease to other people. They function as social diseases, like viruses. In Armenia the Armenian Apostolic Church already has privileged status and links to the state. It should be taken one step further and all destructive sects should be banned starting with the lesser cults, including JWs, Mormons, and Scientologists, and one day advancing to a ban on Protestantism and Catholicism. It may sound extreme, but western-based "churches" are fully compromised tools of globalism, not any different from your basic bitch NGOs. Anyone defending the idea that foreign churches have to right to come in and steal Armenians away from the national church because of some stupid appeal to libertarian ideas is, frankly, too liberal, too westernized, and too stupid to be involved in politics. The idea of freedom of religion and unlimited social freedom ultimately leads, as we see in the west, to a broken society deprived of its identity and a rootless people deprived of any higher purpose - such nations stand no chance against being conquered by even the most primitive hostile foreign invaders who manage to retain their religions.
I actually agree with this sentiment. The lesser cults are already responsible for fracturing what's left of the Protestant faith into several thousand denominations. Most Protestant churches and the Roman Catholic Church have already been compromised and transformed into globalist entities. The Zionists tried to do the same thing to the Orthodox Churches of several Orthodox majority nations, but failed. It would certainly explain why the Western nations have a great sense of antipathy towards Orthodox Christendom.
DeleteThere is a good example of a western-based church that has radically transformed the society of a nation: Korea, or rather South Korea. This article here should explain more about Christianity in South Korea:
It's really amazing that after the US, South Korea produces the most Christian missionaries. Most important of all, South Korean Christianity is heavily influenced by American Protestantism. You may be surprised to know that before North Korea's existence, the biggest hub of Protestantism in Korea was actually Pyongyang. I'm hoping that everyone here would understand why South Korea has actually become America's favorite lapdog in East Asia aside from Japan (South Korea is a much more useful ally because they have an actual army unlike Japan, which cannot have a formal military due to Article 9 of the Japanese constitution). It's quite unfortunate that Orthodox Christianity doesn't have a commanding influence as the Protestant faiths in Korea, with only one Orthodox Church in Seoul. If North Korea's communist regime had collapsed one day, then President Putin and Patriarch Kirill should work harder to ensure that the northern half of Korea becomes Orthodox.
DeleteArevordi, Sarkis, & friends, look at this recently added Armenian speaking channel I came across 'Mshecin Msho'
In this video of his titled 'Levon Ter Petrosyan' he concludes how hryas have planned the destruction of Armenian statehood and deliberate reduction of the population -
Armenian officials not wanting to occupy up to the Kur river in 1994 had nothing to do with "Greater Israel".
DeleteThe claim that 30% of Armenians of Artsakh (including Robert Kocharyan and Serj Sargsyan) are Jews is pure insanity.
His claim that the Queen of England "owns the world" reveals how little he understanding about the political world.
I don't know who this "Mshecin Msho" character is but it's people like him that give good ol fashion antisemitism a bad name...
ReplyDeleteWhat are your guys thoughts on this? Is le pen any better?
Le pen is least bad, that is the way to put it.
DeleteWith the recent flip flop of trump, who ran as an outsider intent on changing the system, one can see that the establishment/deep state has too many levers of control to allow some politician to change course. Le pen will not save France, at best she will forestall the coming chaos for a bit longer. Liberal democracy must be replaced and that can only happen via violence on a mass scale, in other words, revolution. Voting will not bring about the transformative change that most normal folk seek.
@ soa
^ Marine Le Pen EXPOSED
she's obviously a female version of what Trump is supposed to mean for disgruntled white Catholics
ReplyDelete^ Donald Trump Denies Armenian Genocide While Mourning Jewish Holocaust, on the 24 lol.
Every year we get trolled hard by these hryas. Whether it's staunch pro Z hrya owned Starbucks posters blatantly depicting Armenian women with Turkish balloons, or Hryawood release of pro Turkish film 'The Water Diviner' starring Russell Crowe ON THE 24th, or Kim Kunt related relatives announcing sex changes on the 24th and going viral with headlines on Hrya owned degenerate-stream media.. there's always something
Jrump delivers tear jerking citation to his in laws and tribe on Remembrance Day 24 April. Air Armenia will have twice weekly flights yo tel aviv. The commercial connection is to, presumably, to boost tourism and economy. Is there a lt of Jewish traffic to Armenia?
DeleteSo Russia didn't even bother to send any message or anything for April 24th . Thoughts?
Delete@ Anonymous
DeleteRussia already guards our borders, put out a documentary on the 100th, recognizes the Genocide, and is defending Christians in Syria.
My concern with Russian media is when will they begin making pieces on The Yinon plan for the ME, M0ss@ds role in 9/II, tie in A Clean Break documents with the wars in Iraq & Syria.. to prevent Americans from willingly 'supporting their troops' in illegal wars for the apartheid state and enlisting to die for the treasonous lobby. If Russia is prepared for confrontation with the West in the Levant/ME before bringing these issues into the spotlight, then I'm sorry Arevordi/readers of this blog, but I will begin to suspect more that Putin/Russia are 'in on it'
DeleteStop the nonesense. I don't know if Moscow put out any press releases regarding the Armenian Genocide on April 24 but I do know that Russian military units participated in commemorations events held in Armenia. Moscow has officially recognized the Armenian Genocide on multiple ocassions.
For many decades April 24 has been the day we Armenians commemorate the Armenian Genocide. Many Armenians were therefore surprised to learn recently that Jews are commemorating their so-called Holocaust on the same day. This isn't the first time. They also did it back in 2006. I wrote the following commentary back then -
ReplyDeleteApril 24 Holocaust Remembrance Day for - Jews
Here in New York City we had yet another counterproductive and insulting Armenian Genocide commemoration. Last Sunday's April 24 event within Saint Vardan's Kavoukjian auditorium was a complete and utter embarrassment for me as an Armenian. The event in question resembled more of a Jewish holocaust festival than anything else. Observing various Zionists spewing their self-serving garbage at our solemn gathering was a severe insult to the memory of our martyred victims as well. It seems as if our yearly commemoration events here in New York City are digressing to a point that it now resembles a holocaust remembrance days for Jews (further reading of this letter will reveal to you that I mean this both metaphorically and literally). What are the organizers of these events thinking? Where to even begin? With the following, I will attempt to outline what made the most impression upon me during last Sunday's event and share with you my personal thoughts regarding these very important community matters.
I would like to begin with Annie Totah, one of the guest speakers: This is the "Armenian" who is married to a Jew, who converted to Judaism, and who is raising her children as Jews. This aloof, condescending, self-hating person in question is allowed to speak on behalf of Armenians within Washington DC as a representative of the Armenian Assembly - the State Department's very own lap dogs within the Armenian community. This person's presence alone was an affront to all self-respecting Armenians.
Political commentator and scholar Israel Charney: Much like James Russell's political rampage several years ago at an April 24 commemorative event at Times Square, Israel Charney more-or-less repeated and embellished the outlandish claim that Islamic Jihad was the fundamental cause of the Armenian Genocide. He also went on to somehow tie the Armenian tragedy with "Al-Qaeda" and the current so-called "war on terror." How obvious. How typical of these people. How convenient of Israel Charney to tie his nation's problems with ours. Instead of him being heckled off stage this man was given a rousing applause by Armenians. Frankly speaking, I was surprised at Israel Charney's actions for I knew him to be a tireless humanitarian advocate and not a manipulating Zionist.
Film producer Andrew Goldberg: This person had the audacity to start his speech with a Hebrew prayer at an Armenian gathering within an Armenian Cathedral complex. He then went on to shamelessly state: "In spirit of Jesus Christ, I, as a Jew, ask you to forgive your enemies, the Turks..."
Who is this foreigner in our midst telling us to forgive the unrepentant Turk? Have Turks been punished for their crimes against humanity? Have Turks paid blood money? Have Turks returned their stolen possessions? Have Turks returned occupied Armenian lands? The nation of Turkey today continues to act as aggressors against the Armenian Republic . Has Andrew's kin forgiven Nazis? Has his kind been willing to sit down with Nazis in order to discuss the historical validity of the so-called Jewish holocaust? Last I checked anyone who even attempts to question the holy holocaust is imprisoned. Wasn't Israel founded upon the bones of native Palestinian Arabs against the wished of the Arab world? Who is this anti-Christ reciting Hebrew prayers and insinuating that Christ was a Jew?
Of all people Jews in particular need to refrain from preaching to us Armenians about God, forgiveness and tolerance.
DeleteAndrew Goldberg needs to know that Christ was none other than God incarnate manifested in Palestine to destroy the House of Israel the "temple of Satan", as Christ himself called it. As a matter of fact, Christianity has much more in common with Buddhism, Islam and Zoroastrianism than with traditional Judaism. But this is a rather complex topic I rather not get into at this time. Nonetheless, is Andrew Goldberg, "in spirit of Jesus Christ, as a Jew," willing to denounce the vulgar and inflammatory anti-Christian and anti-Goy passages containing with Judaism's most sacred literature, the Talmud? Is he willing to denounce the Zionist State of Israel ? Better yet, is Andrew Goldberg willing to forgive avowed Nazis?
I careless about the documentary films this man has produced. In my opinion, within the world of realpolitik, it was a waste of our time and money. The bottom line is: The Armenian Genocide is not being recognized today due to geo-political reasons and formulations in America and not because we Armenians have not been able to convince the American public about the historical facts of our Genocide. Nations know full well what occurred to the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire some ninety years ago. The cold reality is that if it suites the purpose of the US State Department, Jewish lobbying groups and the Jewish run media, the American government would even go as far as to fabricate a genocide to sell to the public, as they recently did with Bosnia and Kosovo.
Nonetheless, I yet have to see a so-called documentary about the so-called Jewish holocaust, the Bosnian genocide, the Rwandan genocide, the Darfur genocide, etc, that also features the "other side" of the story. For once, I would like to see an "objective" and "balanced" reporting of any genocide other than the Armenian Genocide. Is Andrew Goldberg willing to produce a "balanced" documentary regarding the so-called Jewish holocaust? Heck, if he'll agree, I'll personally take charge of the fund raising committee for him. Needless to say, our Genocide recognition campaign within America is going no where and people like Andrew Goldberg are doing us no favors. Yet these anti-Armenian Zionists get their asses kissed by gullible Armenians every time they drop their pants.
How stupid and gullible can we Armenians be? Why do we allow these people to drag us into their universal mess? Wake up Armenians: The Armenian Genocide has absolutely nothing to do with Hitler; it has nothing to do with the Nazis; it has nothing to do with Al-Qaeda; it has nothing to do with Islamic fundamentalism; it has nothing to do with Jihad; it has nothing to do with the so-called Jewish holocaust. As a matter of fact, our April 24 commemoration events should have nothing to do with Jews nor should our community leaders allow Zionists to spew their hate and falsehoods during these events from upon our podiums. And, no, Hitler never made that infamous comment about "Who today remembers the Armenians." That's a lie as well.
Reminder to all: Our national problems have always been Turkic, not Islamic and our political obstacles have always been Judaic not Turkic.
DeleteThe Republic of Armenia today has very cordial and strategic ties with various Islamic nations, including the Islamic Republic of Iran. Therefore, it is unethical, unwise and counterproductive for the Armenian nation to put an Islamic face upon the Armenian Genocide. As a result, it is detrimental to Armenian interests to allow Jews to represent our case in the world. All the self-described and self-appointed diplomats and leaders within our community who think there are playing politics by allowing Jews and their lackeys to represent Armenian interests are precisely the reason why our Hai Tad within America has gotten nowhere. The reality is that the Armenian Genocide was masterminded and executed by genocidal pan-Turkists and "Donme" Jews within the Ottoman Empire . Yes, it is well known that the Muslim population within the Ottoman Empire was enticed to murder Christian Armenians. However, Islam per se had nothing to do with the planning of the Armenian Genocide or the diabolical reasons behind it. As a matter of fact, during the time period in question various Islamic nations such as Egypt, Iran, Syria, Palestine and Lebanon readily accepted Armenian refugees into their nations. We Armenians remain grateful to these nations to this day.
We must only speak of the Jew in a good light, lest we get branded as Nazis and anti-Semites.
Having said that, I would like to state that these Zionists within our midst take every opportunity to remind us that Henry Morgenthau was a Jew, yet they conveniently neglect to inform us that so were majority of the genocidal Young Turks... They take the opportunity to tell us that Armin Wagner was a Jew, without mentioning the fact that so was Kemal Ataturk... They also fail to mention that the very founding fathers of the Zionist state of Israel, Zabotinski and Herzl, openly and enthusiastically supported the genocidal agenda of the Turks against the Armenians... They also fail to mention that without the Jewish lobby and media within the United Sttaes, Turks are powerless against Armenians.
The reality is that these Zionists have stolen our lands in Jerusalem, they attack our God, clergy and church on a regular basis, they make close alliances with our enemies and they actively pursue anti-Armenian policies within governing circles of all major capitols of the western world. The Zionist run administration within Washington DC has even portrayed overt hostility against our fledgling republic in the Caucasus. Moreover, these people have even supported Azerbaijani aggression against Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh. And it is also well known that virtually every single major Jewish organization in existence today is openly pro-Turkish and, as a result, anti-Armenian. Yet, we Armenians continue to give these people our political platforms from which they continue to essentially spit on us.
On a side note: As far as I'm concerned, the only reason why a high ranking Rabbi from Israel was sent to Yerevan several months ago was to do damage control and defuse rising tension within Armenia towards Jews. Perhaps organized Jewry realizes that the Armenian nation has begun to turn against them for very valid reasons. Since they can not afford to loose anymore friends in the world, they periodically attempt to give us Armenians lip service. Nonetheless, Jewish hostility towards Armenians remains unchanged. And these people wonder where our "anti-Semitism" comes from.
I cite the following true adage: Antisemitism is a disease that one catches from Jews.
I must also point out that the Armenian organizers of these commemoration events are either clueless idiots or self-hating traitors, or perhaps a combination of the aforementioned two. What else does the nation of Israel need to do to convince Armenians of their hostile intentions? What is it going to take to make Armenians realize that organized Jewry will never be a true friend of the Armenian nation, the bombing of Yerevan by the Israeli air force? If we hope to have any credibility in the eyes of the world, we Armenians need to keep our political issue as far away from Jews as possible. We Armenians must at all costs refrain from recruiting our enemies to do our bidding. Sadly, however, it seems that we Armenians have the need to first designate who our enemies are. Thus far, we have been unable to do so. And we wonder why our Hai Dat gets nowhere. By its very nature, organized Jewry has not, is not and will never be a friend of the Armenian nation. Which brings me to the following question: Since when has April 24 been holocaust remembrance day for Jews? I am sure that a vast majority of Armenians have not even noticed this but recently it has been a curious trend within Jewish circles to commemorate their so-called holocaust on April 24. Don't believe me? Take a look at the following web-links:
DeleteHolocaust Remembrance Day in Olympia April 24:
Yom Ha Shoah - Monday, April 24, 2006 Temple Israel:
Survivors Speaking in the Community, Monday, April 24, 2006 7:00 p.m. Green Township Branch Library:
Nation marks Holocaust Remembrance Day starting Monday (April 24, 2006) evening:
Holocaust Remembrance Day events to begin tonight (April 24, 2006):
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said at Yad Vashem Monday night (April 24, 2006) that "the lesson of World War II is that appeasement, concessions, and weakness are a recipe for a holocaust.":
Yes folks, these people are now commemorating their so-called holocaust on April 24. And we only have your Armenian community "leaders" to thank because I can't blame Jews for doing what they do best. If these people have their way, there will never be a sad date in world history that would not prominently feature the ever-oppressed Jew. These people are not merely satisfied with their hateful actions against Armenians, now they have even begun to steal and alter our Genocide remembrance date and give it an unmistakable Jewish face. The Jewish nation is indeed comprised of professional victims. As a result, the multi-billion dollar holocaust industry must reign supreme within the western world. Seeing what these people do to their loyal Armenian friends, I would hate to imagine what they are capable of doing to their opposition. In this respect, I truly feel bad for the Palestinians and Germans...
When will Armenians wake up?
If you understand my concerns regarding this topic please feel free to send this email to your friends. Perhaps if our incompetent community leaders are made to take note, future commemorative events will not blaspheme our God, undermine our national interests and insult the memory of our martyred victims by the presence of manipulative Zionists.
April, 2006
DeleteI recall listening to Israel Charny speak about the Armenian Genocide at a San Francisco event organized by the ANC back in the late 90s when I was a spring chicken and nearly fell off my chair. Everyone treated this guy like royalty. He began talking about the injustices committed by the turks and I could feel his sense of reluctance by his speech and body language, but then he exploded suddenly and loudly that Armenians should also remember that they are not entirely blameless angels (I'm paraphrasing). There was a deafening pause, and then someone from the audience clapped very loudly to that statement and all the other sheep then began clapping along as if to fully agree with his statement. As if to say that Armenians somehow share the responsibility of the genocide that was committed against them. It was an inappropriate point to make at that event and I wondered how he would react if an Armenian made the same speech at a holocaust event. I seriously doubt anyone of them would be stupid enough to clap. I've hated that guy ever since and I've hated the despicably ignorant diasporans for their low self worth and political immaturity for giving a voice to these types of dickheads.
And regarding andrew goldberg, besides the documentary about the genocide, he has also made documentaries about the holocaust for which he has plagiarized photos of Armenian villagers and passed them off as salt of the earth jewish villagers in Europe before the war. The photo that I specifically remember was taken out of the Armenian photo journal book called "Out of Stone".
Arto, I can totally picture that happening. Diasporan Armenians in general will grovel at the feet of anyone who mentions the Armenian Genocide. Even people whose overall agenda is extremely dangerous for Armenia such as Russophobe extraordinaires Adam Schiff or Bob Menendez or any of these other elected clowns. Anyone expecting the Diaspora to somehow "wake up" or "get red-pilled" or whatever you want to call it on the Jewish issue doesn't have a clue. Not only are Diasporans generally very low-self worth, but an overwhelming majority of them are plugged into the mainstream American system. The coming generation, already partially mongrelized, will be much worse. The politically active disaporans largely think the solution to Armenia, Turkey, Azerbaijan is just to turn them into democracies, while holohoaxianity has become their only religion and any hint that Jews pursue anti-Armenian interests immediately triggers a programmed reaction to deny and make apologies and excuses for the Jews, why hysterically decrying the antisemitism of the truth-teller... After all, an anti-semite is no better that a turk. And don't expect any balanced views on Russia from people fed a steady diet of Russophobia.
DeleteThe real question here is are the Jews wrong to look down on such people and call them "goyim"?
Also, you folks will be happy to know that the LA Armenian community commemorated the Armenian Genocide with a special sedar dinner at Valley Beth Shalom synagogue a few years back, 2011 I think.
Arevordi, you are correct about the absolute failure of diasporan leaders being the root cause of the sad state of the diaspora. For whatever reason, from general incompetence or being sellouts, to just being Americanized and therefore naturally looking at Jews as wise and uber-moral saviors, to conspiracies of bribery or being crypto-Jews themselves, it seems not a single Armenian organization can exist that calls out the Jews. For many years, the ANCA was extremely proud of section 907 which banned US aid to Azerbaijan (waived every year since 2001.) All of the ANCA people I knew would swear that got passed only because of the masterful negotiating skills Armenians used on the Jews back then.
But the diaspora is a graveyard so there is little use trying to salvage it. I'm glad to hear that even in 2006 Armenians in Armenia were getting sick of Jews. The spitting on out priests and the racist discrimination against our people in the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem is reason enough, but after the Four-Day War and Azerbaijan's Israeli drones hitting our tanks, I assume public opinion of the Jews in Armenia is abysmal.
Jews need to delude themselves and others that Jesus' asked for forgiveness for them! Jesus asked for forgiveness for those who 'did not know what they were doing' the Roman soldiers driving the nails, who were executing orders. The Jews knew what they were doing. "His blood upon us and our children". "And they that passed by reviled him, wagging their heads, And saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself. If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross". But the Roman soldiers repented immediately: "Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God".
DeleteIt's this kind of anti-Gentile (especially anti-Orthodox Christian and to a lesser extent, anti-Miaphysite Christian) attitude that the Jews display is the sole reason why I have no love for them. In contrast for my appreciation for Gentile cultures of Europe and Asia, I have great disrespect for anything remotely Semitic at all. However, I'd be crucified if I were to say this shit at all, whether I'm in the Philippines, Canada or the USA. I kinda get the feeling that the ethnic diasporas that settled in the USA or any other Western country would turn out to be great liabilities than great assets. It's not only the Armenian Diaspora that has this kind of defect. Anti-Castro Cuban exiles who live in the US came from the criminal backgrounds.
In other news, Trump is planning on withdrawing the US from NAFTA. Is this positive or negative?
I have met a high number of Armenians who are either distrustful of jews and don't much care for them or are indifferent. I wouldn't say this opinion is the majority but it is higher than I would have predicted. Just food for thought.
DeleteJerriko, "democracy, freedom, and human rights" means you have the right to say whatever you want, the "only" consequence is that a bunch of worthless SJWs will try to get you fired-expelled-blacklisted, basically ruin your chances at a normal life, all with the quiet consent of the state and all major private institutions... Although I think public anger is building.
DeleteLG, are you talking about diaspora Armenians or Armenia Armenians? I'm sure Armenia Armenians don't have to deal with jews or the jewish system often enough in their daily lives to really care about it. Armenians in the diaspora, however, are not much different than your average American in how they are programmed to view Jews. Especially 2nd generation and beyond, it's largely leftist "racism and antisemitism are wrong!" types or cuckservative "out greatest ally!" types. Those are just my observations though.
DeleteBoth Armenians who are recent arrivals to the US and those born here have shown hostile attitudes to the jews. Yes, I have run into those who are cool with the judens.
No, trump will not pull out of anything. He went full flip flop on his base and his campaign promises.
The Cuban exiles came in a few waves. Those from the late 50s/early 60s, and 70s are ok as far as the criminal elements go. The boatlift folks from early 80s and the newer rafters are where one can find many anti-social types. Plenty of spies too. Cuba has one of the best foreign intelligence services in the world.
'The way of Palestine will be the way of the world'
^ Palestinian Arabic Orthodox Christian Prayer
There are far too many Armenians still, when yevreys get criticized they 'knee jerk' respond "but bro, Christ was a Jew". Mind I add, most these Armenians visit Central Church once a year around Easter, know nothing about the suffering of Orthodox Christian Serbs, Arabs, Assyrians, Arameans, Palestinians in ongoing wars waged by (((bankers))) and the apartheid state.. and finally have no clue about Jesus speaking in parables, the gnostic teachings of Christ, Cosmic Christ, Kingdom Within, and His hate of usury,.. the Federal Reserve notes we worship
Europeans are so stupid and gutless and sold out they cant even work out that Israel caused all this and Jewish Power. Instead they go after Muslims. Invade Muslim lands. You want to whine about Europe? Then get off your fat ass and go break some skulls. Stop whining like a little bitch.
ReplyDeleteIraq has 2 MILLION dead because a bunch of "WHITE" dumb asses came across the sea from far away at the behest of their largely WHITE leadership and blew the Middle East to kingdom come on a self evident lie that a two year old could pull apart.
Africa, Middle East, Asia UNTOLD SUFFERING! All of it largely from "white" people. Who are sooooooo smart, they let a bunch of pedo inbreds from the back alleys of Kracow and St Petersberg take over there countries. Wow! What culture! What intelligence!
I can walk down the street in KL, Malaysia and talk to anyone and they will tell me, "Of course Israel did 9-11". How about in Europe and US?
Very simple...don't want hoards of half mad, desperate, low class people from third world countries - which ironically "your" government destroyed - running into your country? Then DONT BOMB THEM TO BITS!
You whine over your sisters ass being grabbed by a coked up Iraqi? Imagine how he feels about his country? His sister was dismembered by an US bomb.
Fix Jewish Power. Fix the world. Free Palestine, Free the world.
I am concerned about a self evident slaughter that my own government took part in. I am not "Left" or "Right". Thats a paradigm half wits fall into. I am in to Truth. I am in to 2+2=4.
The so called "Right" cannot even get out of their lounge chairs. But they are excellent at whining.
Smart "white people" with all their "culture" killed each other last century to the tune of 100+ million. And they did it because they got infiltrated by 5ft 2 inch half wits from Poland and Russia. HOW embarrassing.
The sooner the white/black shit stops the better.
Africa loses 6 million+ a year from dirty water. What are you WHINING about again?
Go and have some sympathy for others. Focus on the enemy. Join with others.
- Brendon O'Connell
^ The Australian Govt is Corrupt to its Core - A Conversation With Brendon O'Connell & Max Igan
Having been done with my finals, I went out with my non-Armenians friends tonight to watch "The Promise", here is my honest review without giving out any spoilers:
ReplyDeleteOverall we have to keep in mind that this is a Hollywood production, so naturally you have a few American characters in there that are depicted as 'good' guys, helping Armenians and all that.
Then you had some characters portraying the 'good' Turks, i.e. individuals who helped Armenians from persecution.
Besides that, being a movie on the Armenian Genocide, I was expecting scenes of persecution/torture/massacre. Indeed there were, but not to a grand scale.
The second part of the movie deals with a side often not talked about when discussing the Genocide: the concept of self-defense against the enemy. This alone set apart the movie from previous productions.
All in all, the story-line was great for a Western audience. Sure, you have some romance in there to make it more interesting. But the historical events were pretty accurate. The movie is meant to be viewed by Westerners, not solely Armenians. My friends actually cried and were moved where I didn't. Maybe it's because I'm used to genocide-themed scenes or because I was expecting it.
From an Armenian perspective, yes it wasn't as tragically depicted as let's say "Ararat" or "Mayrig", where the directors stress a little too much on making the audience sad and depressed. Remember, it was prepared for a Western audience, with a thrilling story-line, full of drama, tragedy, intrigue etc.
I can say that we couldn't have expected anything better from Hollywood at this point. In my opinion the manner in which they showed the movie was quite okay. It did leave its effect on non-Armenians.
Having said that, I believe the time has come to prepare/produce movies on Armenia/Armenians yet in different subjects. Subjects that talk about some heroic parts of our history. We can expect such movies be produced either in Yerevan or Moscow, but not from Hollywood.
Yerevan has already made one successful TV series regarding the current situation of the Armenian-Azeri conflict:
Another series attempts to portray fictional events that took place in Armenia in 95 BC, more of a "Game of Thrones" type of thing, yet still exciting and uplifting:
There are also talks of a movie being prepared about the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia's greatest king, Leo the Magnificent:
Recently "Life and Struggle/War" (Kyanq u Kriv), a movie about the Artsakh war came out, I have yet to watch it:
A Moscow-based production released a movie on the 1988 earthquake in Gyumri:
Finally a few years back Yerevan released a great movie on one of the most prominent Armenian figures in modern history, Garegin Njdeh:
The time has come to focus on making movies/documentaries on Armenia's more heroic events, here are some examples: Davit Bek and Mkhitar Sparapet (The Soviet Armenian movies are old, we need new ones), the Armenian liberation movement, Armenian resistances in 1915, the Armenian battalions in WW1 and WW2. Ancient and medieval subjects can possibly be included too.
PS: What ever happened to "East of Byzantium"?
I saw it. It was very good. Christian Bale and Oscar Isaac were both great. There was a Titanic-style "love story set during historical disaster" trope, but hey you have to market the film to the masses somehow, otherwise you end up with a documentary on your hands. No one is going to waste their time watching a documentary. To the film's credit, the genocide was covered in a way that completely overshadowed the love story, which became a minor subplot.
DeleteThe film is unambiguous that the Turks were responsible for the crime - and before anyone complains about the film not referencing the hidden Jewish hand, save it because that discussion doesn't happen anywhere except fringe websites, so that's not grounds to criticize the movie. I thought the film did an excellent job of capturing the barbaric nature of the Turks in the way [***SPOILERS***] that Bale's American character was treated by the governor when he was arrested - that will be a memorable scene. Bale also yells in a hotel lobby/office that "Turks are massacring Armenian men, women, and children," which will drive most Turks into a rage. It's no wonder that Turks are organizing a campaign to undermine the film. Also, there are scenes of riots in Istanbul where a Turkish mob is marching angrily and screaming, attacking men, women, and children they cross paths with - something that will be increasing familiar in Europe in the years to come.
These types of movies are not intended as Prolefeed, they are meant to inform more than to entertain. And I am happy to state that frankly this film was at the very least as effective as Schindler's List, and much more effective than the rest of the shitty WWII Jew movies that come out regularly. I'm glad they included a sympathetic Turk, there were some common Turks who were sympathetic and even killed during the Armenian Genocide, Taner Akcam dedicated his book (highly recommended by me) From Empire to Republic to one such Turk. By contrast, Jews are shooting themselves in the foot by portraying every German as a sadistic, maniacal madman in every Holohoax movie, people are starting to reject these cartoonish depictions.
I'm honestly not sure what the gripe against "Hollywood" here is other than being a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian. This was a feature length motion picture, not a documentary. There are dozens of documentaries on the Armenian Genocide; none come close to having a fraction the reach or power to influence people's minds like an actual movie. And I've seen all the Armenia-themed movies and documentaries, this was the best movie, while Aghet is the best documentary. Ararat was an crappy Indie-film with the Genocide and a homosexual relationship thrown in as subplots, along with aging whore Arsenic Khanjian as a representative of all Armenian women - totally expected from the neurotic degenerate behind the movie. Other Armenia-related motion pictures made outside Armenia (Here, Lost and Found in Armenia, The Journey, Army of Crime, Ultimate Heist) all sucked. "After Freedom" is not bad.
Lastly, I like the fact that Armenia is starting to produce some domestic propaganda. But to be honest, the Njteh movie was pretty one-dimensional, sterile, predictable, with some anti-Russian sentiment sprinkled in to boot. There is no way to objectively praise Njteh as artistic or effective in getting the message across to a wider audience than The Promise.
The Garegin Njdeh movie had anti-Soviet elements which translated into anti-Russian sentiment. That's inevitable. He fought against the Soviets. Moreover, that movie is meant for domestic consumption, of course you can't compare it with The Promise. Finally, yes there were historical inaccuracies in the Njdeh movie, it wasn't perfect. But it was still a good first attempt for the modern Armenian film industry.
DeleteFilms, TV series and documentaries are the most efficient way today to educate the masses. Armenia's film industry is finally waking up and producing quality material, a good alternative to the mafioso-like garbage or American-style sitcoms... or even the Brazilian/Turkish soap operas.
Relevant to the topic in question:
DeleteA re-enactment of one of the battles of the "Tamanyan" Soviet Armenian division will take place in Yerevan in the coming weeks. The organizers don't deny the possibility of organizing the re-enactment of a battle from the Artsakh war or from medieval times
ՀՀ-ում կբեմադրվի «Թամանյան» դիվիզիայի մարտերից մեկը՝ Հաղթանակի օրվա առթիվ
Thanks for the review Razmik. I saw the movie also last week with some otar friends of mine and we really liked it. We finally have a real movie about the genocide but the theater was almost empty. I dont think enough Americans were interested in this movie. If we want our message to be heard by otars we have to do more of these kinds of things.
DeleteI guess I should also make a few comments about this film.
DeleteErdogan should have been present at the premiere of the movie with the rest of the cast - because it was essentially because of him (and his belligerence towards Anglo-American-Jews) that Hollywood Jews allowed this movie to be filmed. That however did not stop rest of the Jews in the business to give the movie very bad ratings.
Regarding the quality of the movie, to be honest, I was not very impressed. My dislike was not because the movie contained American and Jewish propaganda, but because it was a mediocre movie, considering its $100,000,000 price tag. Other than the two main male characters, acting was generally speaking subpar throughout the film. Some of the cinematography, especially towards the end of the film, was amateurish. Character development was also quite weak. The genocide aspect of the film should have been emphasized a bit more. And, yes, it should have been a bit more bloody/gory. Finally, for me, the worst part of the movie was its final message: Michael survived the bloody genocide only to fall victim to the white genocide (assimilation). At the end of the film, Michael is seen happily celebrating the marriage of his adopted daughter to an American soldier.
Is that really survival from an Armenian perspective? Or is it just a wonderful American melting pot story?
In short, I think the $100,000,000 could have been better spent. Ultimately, other than satisfying the emotional needs of Diaspora Armenians, this movie will not do Armenia any good nor will it help encourage American officials to recognize the Armenian Genocide. Allow me to remind you that the Armenian Genocide is not being recognized by US officials not because the American cattle has not yet been made aware of the Armenian genocide but because of geostrategic reasons, and also because Jews don't want competition to their lucrative status as professional victims.
So, ask yourselves: Was this $100,000,000 movie really worth it? Was it really worth spending $100,000,000 to try to teach the American cattle about the Armenian Genocide? Could the $100,000,000 been spent on something more important in Armenia?
We are constantly begging Russians and Westerns for aid, yet here we are wasting $100,000,000 on a movie that will make NO DIFFERENCE in anything. It's like your LA Armenian who goes out of his way to purchase a Mercedes-Benz to impress his friends and neighbors - but can't drive it because he cant afford the gasoline for it. Had we Armenians had a normal/prosperous nation and had we Armenians been a wealthy and organized people, I would have said so what, spend the money on a silly movie. But we are not a wealthy and organized people and Armenia is not a normal/prosperous country. The $100,000,000 could have been better spent in Armenia.
PS: Sarkis, Jews are not shooting themselves in the foot because they long ago succeeded in completely brainwashing 99% of all Americans. They have done this through Hollywood, television programming, radio programming, news media, school curriculum and their ownership of American politicians. Their recent Holocaust propaganda efforts are merely designed to maintain the level of brainwashing. Consequently, for 99% of Americans Nazis were the manifestation of evil. For a vast majority of Americans, Jews are also poor victims that have the God given right right to protect themselves from their evil Muslim neighbors. That is why hundreds of billions of American tax dollars have been pouring into Israel. As they say, there is no business like Shoah business.
Well, it looks like NATO has gotten larger by next month with Montenegro's decision to enter the alliance. With Bosnia and Macedonia remaining non-candidates among Serbia's neighbors, it looks like the West is setting up for a complete crushing of Serbia in the worst possible case scenario imaginable. It looks like the choices for the new ritual murders have just gotten larger, with Serbs being added to the list of people that the West wants to kill on a large scale after the Russians.
ReplyDeleteI am deeply saddened with what the West along with their Turkic and Takfiri dogs have done to the Serbian people. Serbs are extremely proud Orthodox Christians and very anti Turk. They are very active too on youtube and social media, standing up for Greeks, Russians, and Armenians. Wish we Armenians would equally return the support. I have never PHYSICALLY met any Armenians who have ever brought up the plight of Serbia in any conversation. They have almost all forgotten how US/NATO sided with Turks and Islamists in the 1990s. It shames me at times of how self centered we can be, to the point where we ignore the suffering of allies at the hidden hands of the same enemies. I pray Russia comes to its senses and perhaps sets up shop in Serbia, a base, some sort of military presence.. Serbians unapologetically support Russia and Putin on all fronts, and are very vocal with their distrust and dislike of anything anti-Orthodoxy and Russian. As if Kosovo were not enough, severing Montenegro was the 'kicking while the opponents down' embarrassing blow from the Z-West. Any shot of Serbia joining the EEU down the line? :(
^ Serbian Forces to Participate in Dismantling Explosives and Landmines in Palmyra
DeleteI'm also pro-Serbian, I also see them as natural allies, but I think you are thinking too highly of them. They are not as pro-Russian as you think. The first Soros-style color revolution took place in Serbia in 2000. Today, a significant portion of Serbs in Serbia (especially the younger generation) are liberal and western-leaning. A majority of Serbs in Serbia may like Russia, but they also want to be part of the EU. Serbs are just another deeply divided nation. Moreover, many Armenians I know are pro-Serbian and they fully acknowledge what Western powers have done to Serbia. Moreover, I have constantly stood up for Serbians in this blog.
I know you are Arevordi. I have read your past entries, so I know where you stand. Hell, I've even used pieces of your commentaries to make pro Serb posts on the FB page I would manage.. What you said above is unfortunate to hear, but the bitter reality. Everyone of our allies suffers from the same poisons rotting their homelands from within. What I meant was that no Armenian have ever brought up Serbia/ns in person when speaking of geopolitics. I was a member in large Armenian groups, too on FB and no one would make posts about them other than me.
DeleteLast summer during the Olympics when an Armenian was officiated unfairly and finished with the silver, it was a Serb who won the Gold. All comments by Armenians in social media were bashing the officiating, but not a single person wrote 'hey guys, look on the bright side, at least one of the Orthodox brothers won the Gold'
Mar, sports and politics never mix. Don't waste your energy getting upset that a bunch of sports fans don't show a proper understanding of history, religion, or alliances... Case in point: the stereotypical American who memorizes sports minute, decades-old trivia but somehow hasn't gotten around to figuring out the Zionist agenda is basically the reason why the Jews have become as powerful as they are and America is on the inevitable path to ruin and collapse. In fact, I have a theory that since White Americans are not allowed to base their identity on their racial-national origins, they instead waste their energy becoming fanatic groupies of sports teams, resulting in the fat, embarrassing losers whose lives center around the escapades of a bunch of overpaid Black athletes who hate them.
DeleteOne of the most common criticisms of White American sports fans is that the Jews have set up sports to consist of overpaid Black athletes, half-naked White cheerleader sluts dancing for them, all being cheered on by spineless White spectators. If a daughter sees her father worshiping Black athletes every Sunday, it shouldn't surprise anyone when she throws her genetic heritage away. A good way to judge the political maturity of any local Armenian for me is to find out if they call themselves Lakers fans. If so, then it is a lost cause.
As for Serbs, all intelligent Armenian patriots know what during the worst periods of the Artsakh War, it was only Orthodox Christians from Serbia and Russia that actually volunteered to fight should to shoulder with us. We all appreciate that. Your problem seems to be that you expect Armenians from various English-language forums to have some sort of understanding of this - you are making a grave mistake here, an absolute majority of such Armenians only understand democracy and gay rights and fetishized Zionism.
Also, just as a general point, I don't think that at any point in history have a majority of citizens actually understood religion beyond a superficial level. A handful of smart men understood and shaped the religious values of the nation, and the masses followed. The masses always exhibit a herdlike behavior, the nature of that behavior depends on the quality of the small number of elites shaping society. In our era, when the elites in the west consist of Jews and their servile Anglo-American and Euro patsies, we see the devastating results.
Last point: the Serbians have a lot of cleaning up to do after allowing Srđa Popović and co. to wreck their nation.
Sarkis, you made some very poignant and accurate points. European Whites are genetically/culturally predisposed to follow leaders and be idealistic (i.e. commit themselves to one cause or another). European Whites are also quite aggressive, sexually liberal, naive and simpleminded. These genetic/cultural traits have helped the European elite in places like Spain, France, Britain, Sweden, Holland, Germany and Russia conquer the world during the past one thousand years. The United States became a global hegemon essentially because of the country's European heritage. By redirecting/diverting the attention, convictions and energy of White Americans through ubiquitous entertainment (one that is also sociopolitically designed), what the Globalist elite is essentially doing is remaking America. While in the past American Whites aggressively, passionately and simplemindedly pursued God, country and family - today they are being made to pursue sex, drugs and rock&roll, so to speak. In other words, Americans are being made to pursue stuff that is leading to the decline of American (and western) cililization - and they are doing so just as passionately as their grandfathers pursued stuff that led to America's rise to global power. So, what we have here is a classic case of social engineering - exploiting a people's genetic/cultural traits for sociopolitical purposes...
DeleteArevordi, I think the corporate and consumer fanboyism we see in modern western society, especially in younger people, is another consequence of not having an identity founded on the traditional Family, Country, and God. If you have nothing else to believe in, might as well worship, for example, Apple as an institution and its products as the end goal of life. It always amazes me how westerners have so much emotion invested in corporations that literally only function to make money and are entirely globalist in nature (i.e. the corporations hate them and would sooner replace them with third world people, while taking every last penny from them); or how much effort westerners will put in defending their preferred smartphone, video game console, or operating system but can't be bothered to lift a finger as their entire civilization crumbles around them.
DeleteAnd yes, due to their nature westerners seem to embrace things including perversions on a fundamental, almost spiritual level. Many people have observed that today's raceless Germans -one of the most brainwashed people on the planet- are among the most arrogant people to talk to. Many people have reported that when they point out simple truths that contradict what the "German" state has taught them, Germans will respond in derisive, ultra-arrogant "let me stop you right there you ignorant foreigner and tell you why globalism is wonderful" and totally ignore facts that contradict the narrative. You see the same attitude trying to present any idea that falls outside allowable discourse to any college-indoctrinated White American.
And yes, they are simple-minded despite their high IQs. It's like the thought never occurs to them that the Zionist authority figures the revere could really be out to deceive and destroy them (see Hitler's "The Big Lie.") It always amuses me that they complain that Armenians can out-jew the Jews, it's because Armenians despite our problems are generally more cunning and cynical - which is helpful in surviving bad times.
If anyone's interested, this is how (((they))) have Western nations by the scrotum:
ReplyDeleteBrendon O'Connell - Israel Has Kill Switches In Key Country Infrastructure
oh, & btw, Ken O'keefe was on RT's Cross Talk the other day, after a 2 and a half year absence
^ CrossTalk: North Korea Saga
this was one of the better episodes, as you can see from the comments, everyone was excited
Interesting links roundup:
ReplyDeleteAnother interesting map, pay attention to the east-west divide in Germany. I don't care how bad the events depicted in "The Lives of Others" were, Europeans were better off under the Iron Curtain. In fact, to give credit where credit is due, even the "neo-Nazi" Daily Stormer regularly points out that Europeans were better off under the Iron Curtain back then and that Europeans (like "anti-EU" Hungary) can only be saved by getting over themselves and looking to ally with Russia once again.
Map: Percentage of People Who Think It’s Important to Have Ancestry in the Country to be a Part of the Country
The same Euro filth that regularly gets on its knees for Erdogan and Aliyev.
PACE President under fire for Syria trip, meeting Assad
"The president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), has appeared before a hearing after some members demanded a vote of no confidence following his unauthorized trip to Syria and meeting with President Bashar Assad.
The hearing took place on Tuesday after Pedro Agramunt apologized for the trip during the first day of PACE's spring session in Strasbourg on Monday."
Speaking of Euro filth, I was waiting for this ever since Russia banned the Jehovah's Witness cult. They can't be bothered to protect their own women and children from grooming gangs and gang-rapes, but they fall over themselves trying to force freak outcast groups onto a country that does not want them.
OSCE concerned over Russia’s declaring Jehovah’s Witnesses extremist organization