What humanity is facing today is a global offensive by Western powers to preserve their global hegemony. Their ultimate goal is to contain Russia, Iran and China, because the aforementioned three, Russia in particular, pose long-term threats to their power. Their effort to undermine the growing influence of Moscow, Tehran and Beijing is essentially what has brought the world today to the precipice of a new world war. Even Westerners are beginning to understand this -
Stratfor: Ukraine Coup Plotted by US Over Russian Stance on Syria: http://sputniknews.com/politics/20141219/1016024377.html
Stratfor: ‘US fears a resurgent Russia’: http://rt.com/news/216043-stratfor-relations-russia-usa/
World order principles should be changed to avoid 3rd world war — Italian journalist: http://itar-tass.com/en/world/768197
Thankfully, awareness of and resistance to Western imperialism is growing around the world. The Russian Federation, in particular, has become the front-line as well as the spearhead of the current global resistance effort against the West.Viewpoint: Why the shadow of WW1 and 1989 hangs over world events: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-30483873
Ten years ago I began proclaiming throughout Cyberia that Russia was the long awaited messiah, the miraculously resurrected superpower that would save mankind by creating the modern foundations of a multi-polar world. For ten years I have been heralding the rise of Russia as humanity's last front against American imperialism, Globalism, Westernization, Wahhabi Islamic extremism, Zionism and pan-Turkism. Seven years ago I was ecstatic about the sudden reawakening of the Russian Bear as it angrily rampaged throughout Georgia in an attempt to salvage important remnants of its severely compromised ecosystem. But even after Georgia, even after the onset of what looked to be a new Cold War between the East and the West, I could not even begin to imagine where we are today -
Call to Arms (November, 2011): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2011/11/call-to-arms-november-2011.html
Obituary: Libya 1951-2011 (November, 2011): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2011/11/destruction-of-libya-november-2011.html
Target Iran (December, 2011): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2011/12/target-iran-december-2011.html
Political unrest nearing Russia's southern border (February, 2012): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2012/02/as-political-unrests-near-russias.html
Cold War II (May, 2012): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2012/05/cold-war-ii-heralding-rise-of-bipolar.html
Russia Hints at Intervention in Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict (July, 2012): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2012/07/russia-hints-at-intervention-in-armenia.html
Proxy war in Syria (May, 2013): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2013/05/geopolitics-and-proxy-war-in-syria-may.html
Russia Steps Into World Leadership Role (September, 2013): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2013/09/russia-steps-into-world-leadership-role.html
In a historic dispute with the West, Russia reclaims Crimea (March, 2014): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2014/03/in-historic-dispute-with-west-russia.html
Karabakhization of eastern Ukraine (May, 2014): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2014/06/karabakhization-of-eastern-ukraine-as.html
Driving a Sunni wedge in the Shiite Arc (June, 2014): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2014/07/driving-sunni-wedge-in-shiite-arc-june_18.html
Worried for its loss of hegemony the West is bent on bringing down Russia (July, 2014): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2014/08/worried-for-its-lose-of-hegemony-west.html
Trouble Brewing For the World's Policeman (December, 2014): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2014/12/trouble-brewing-for-worlds-policeman.html
What we are seeing take place in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq and Yemen currently - and the war like situation that has developed between Armenia and Azerbaijan - may one day be looked upon as the preliminary stages of a third world war. Tension is steadily building throughout the region. If deescalation does not take place and the prevailing situation persists, the boiling cauldron is bound to explode and when it does Armenia will be in the epicenter of it. We are again at this juncture in world history because we the sheeple continue to be easily manipulated and led astray by those who control global levers of manipulation. We are again at this juncture in world history essentially because of Western powers' desire to maintain supremacy in global affairs. We are at this juncture in world history essentially because Western powers want to maintain a certain standard-of-living at home.
The Western world is therefore doing what it has done best throughout history: Bringing order through chaos.
The order in question is of course a Western global order, also known as the One World Order. This is the political paradigm in which Western powers and their satellites dominate every aspect of global affairs. This is a world order in which the world's wealth is controlled primarily by Anglo-American-Jews; a world where the sheeple is racially mixed and speaks English; a world in which notions about God, family and country are looked down upon; a world where apostolic Christianity and European culture is demonized; a world in which homosexuality, birth control and women's liberation are promoted as a way of artificially curbing population growth; a world where everyone adopts and worships Anglo-American-Jewish values.
While some in the West (i.e. Neocons) believe this world order can best be achieved through economic warfare, armed intervention and fomenting revolutions in targeted countries, others, like veteran politicians such as Henry Kissinger, believe such a political global order should be achieved via diplomatic means and economic/financial baiting. Regardless of the method, however, their ultimate goal is comprehensive global hegemony. Consequently, the geostrategic desire to maintain Western supremacy over the world is thus the common thread we see within most of the bloodletting around the world today.
One of the great talents of the Anglo-American-Jewish political order is their uncanny ability to meddle in the internal affairs of nations around the world. Using their massive technological, cultural, financial, economic and political influences, they are able to go to virtually any spot on earth today and exploit societal grievances, political mismanagement, old biases and ethnic hatreds.
To better understand what they do, imagine a great power coming to North America one day and exploiting domestic problems that exists inside American society. Imagine what would happen if the central government in the United States was so weak one day that a great foreign power was able to establish itself in Mexico. Imagine what would happen if a foreign power was able to recruit, organize, finance and arm separatist such as Mexicans, Muslims, Hispanics, American Indians and/or African Americans in the US against the country's WASP/Jewish establishment. Imagine what would happen if a power came to North American shores, established thousands of NGOs and propaganda outlets and began systematically making a play on the anger and emotions of the tens-of-millions of poor and disenfranchised in the US.
In such a scenario, the US would fall apart rather spectacularly. But isn't what I just described above exactly what Western powers are doing around the world?
But let's not hold our breaths waiting for any world power to come to North America's shores. Since 1812 we have been living in an Anglo-American-Jewish period in world history. This era is not about to go through any drastic changes, at least not in the near future. The aforementioned trinity therefore currently has the high ground, the initiative, the tools and the global levers to meddle, manipulate and exploit anywhere it wants. Nations resisting the political West will therefore be on the defensive for the foreseeable future.
How did we get to this juncture? The blame ultimately goes to we the sheeple because it is our materialism, our hatreds, our biases, our political illiteracy, our shortsightedness and our ignorance of the world we live in that gives them their powers. But there is hope. While it is not nearly as powerful as the Western political order, the Russian nation today - thanks to its political acumen, natural wealth, warrior culture, deep rooted nationalism and massive nuclear arsenal - is the only political entity on earth today capable of standing in the way of the West's desire for total world domination. This is why I and many others like myself consider Russian President Vladimir Putin to be quite literally God sent. Just like when mother nature takes corrective measures to bring about order and balance in ecology, the Russian president was destined by higher, supernatural powers for his earthly task. Although they may not realize it, the Russian nation is doing God's work on earth. And this work began in earnest in 2008.
Kosovo set today's precedence
Remember Kosovo? Remember how in the spring of 1999 they used a ruthless aerial bombing campaign in Serbia to sever this historically Serbian region from Belgrade and place it essentially under Albano-Turco-Islamic rule? Now that Moscow is resorting to similar measures to correct the wrongs of history, why are Western powers shocked?
I cannot help but laugh now when I see visibly frightened Western officials talk about the dangers of "military interventionism" and the "inviolability of national borders" in reference to Russian actions in eastern Ukraine. These cowardly reptiles need to be reminded of their crimes against Vietnam, Laos, Cuba, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. These hypocritical reptiles need to be reminded about Granada, Diego Garcia, Panama, Guantanamo Bay, Northern Ireland, Malvinas and the illegally annexed Mexican territories of south-western United States. After all, haven't these Turcophile reptiles been tolerating the Turkish occupation of northern Cyprus for the past forty years? Haven't these Anglo-American-Jewish reptiles been tolerating the Israeli occupation of the West Banks and Gaza for the past fifty years? Didn't these bloodthirsty reptiles create a Kurdistan out of Iraqi territory? Didn't these despicable reptiles sow the seeds of civil war in Ukraine by funding an armed uprising against the democratically elected government in Kiev a little over a years ago? But if a precise date is to be placed on the start of the global mess we are in today, it would be February, 2008 -
Independence for Kosovo (February, 2008): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2009/02/its-finally-happening.html
Zbigniew Brzezinski: Kosovo not Precedent for Abkhazia, South Ossetia or Karabakh (March, 2008): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2009/02/with-historic-land-disputes-with-its.html
Putin Says `War Has Started' (August, 2008): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2009/03/this-is-it.html
Russia Recognizes Georgian Regions (August, 2008): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2009/05/specter-of-western-crimes-against.html
A final brief note on Kosovo: Albanians, like their European counterparts Bulgarians, Rumanians, Bosnians, Hungarians, Cypriots and Greeks have proven once more that being in the Western political/economic orbit is in no way a panacea to socioeconomic problems and may in fact be detrimental to national development -
Kosovars Who Fought for Land Are Now Eager to Leave: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/08/world/europe/kosovars-who-fought-for-land-are-now-eager-to-leave-it.html
Unless their destructive political policies around the world begin hurting them at home, they will continue with their destructive political policies around the world. As long as the threat of war is on their enemy's border and not theirs, they will continue their aggression around the world. Unbeknownst to many, several weeks ago American officials set the stage for arms deliveries to Ukraine -
If Washington goes ahead and begins providing lethal weaponry to the junta in Kiev, it will be seen as a declaration of war against Russia. If this happens we will be in uncharted territory. Unless sober minds come forward to change the current political calculus prevailing in Washington, we will be steadily heading towards a major international configuration. In the meanwhile, however, some of the wrongs of history are currently being systematically corrected by Russian-backed militants.America on “Hot War Footing” as House Paves Way for War with Russia: http://www.veteransnewsnow.com/2014/12/06/512430-america-is-on-a-hot-war-footing-house-legislation-paves-the-way-for-war-with-russia/
Russian-backed fighters of Novorossia were recently on a brilliantly executed winter offensive. The Western-backed junta's military has suffered yet another major defeat. A strategically located airport in Donetsk and a strategic rail hub at Debaltsevo have been liberated as a result, the strategic port city if Mariupol may be next. All indicators suggest that 2015 may prove disastrous for the chocolate king. European powers are incapable of helping Kiev. Western powers are incapable of helping Kiev. The sociopolitical climate in Kiev is slowly reaching dangerous levels. We may even seen another Maidan uprising before this year is over.
Moscow's war effort in Novorossia was slow and sloppy in the beginning. But what a brilliant display of warcraft it has been since. I can't properly express how impressed I am at how well Moscow has been orchestrating its proxy war in eastern Ukraine. The way they have maneuvered between diplomacy and covert war fighting has been masterful to say the least. They have also been very effective, surprisingly effective, in the information war. Their leader, Alexander Zakharchenko, has been nothing less than amazing. The man, who was recently wounded in combat, is one of those natural born leaders that appear almost out of nowhere in times of great travail.
Russians have once again risen to the occasion. Slavs, men and women alike, Russians in particular, are indeed a warrior breed within the human ecology. Whereas other nations need either cutting edge war fighting technology (westerners), fanaticism (Muslims), racist indoctrination (Jews) or the threat of annihilation (Armenians) to get their people to fight, Slavs are naturally, organically ready for war; all they seem to require is a steady supply of cigarets and vodka. As long as Russia keeps producing such men and women, the Russian nation will never be defeated. As long as Moscow can keep "Western values" out of Russian society, Russia will continue giving birth to such warriors. If I had to go to war I can't think of a better people to go to war with. It would be wise for Armenians to form a confederation with these people. Knowing the south Caucasus, we will sooner-or-later need their assistance -
UAF POWs abused by Givi and taken to parade through the city destroyed by UAF artillery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FD15bxM3mTcAssault on the New Terminal combat footage 16-18 January "Donbas under fire" documentary: http://vineyardsaker.blogspot.com/2015/01/assault-on-new-terminal-combat-footage.htmlZakharchenko hands over the bodies of UAF KIAs, POWs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FSbvbzwOb8
First footage of a mass surrender of Ukrainian troops: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRiEKCaH2iA
Зачистка Дебальцево: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqliEMkzVQQ
Фронтовые дневники. Дебальцевский крест: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qi8ixn6-Vo
So, will the West risk such a thing by providing lethal weaponry to Kiev, especially knowing that such aid will most probably not change the course of events on the ground in eastern Ukraine? And as noted above, not providing arms to Kiev runs the risk of making Western powers look backstabbing, impotent and unreliable. This is the dilemma the West faces. Sucks to be Uncle Sam. The unenviable position Washington has gotten itself into in Ukraine was best expressed recently by the warmongering war criminal, John McCain.
Nonetheless, I have no doubt that additional territories will be systematically liberated, especially now that the infamous tie-eating dictator, Saakashvili is advising Porochenko. But, unlike what Moscow did in Crimea, this time around, I do not think it will outright annex any of the liberated territories. In other words, Karabakhization of Novorossia is what's being foreseen by Russian officials. Similar to how the political status quo in Nagorno Karabakh is used by Moscow to keep leverage over both Yerevan and Baku, Moscow will be using it's influence in Novorossia as a leverage over Kiev, NATO and eastern Ukraine. Moreover, and perhaps more importantly, the pro-Russian insurgency in Novorossia effectively takes Crimea out of any discussions. Notice that there has been very little talk in the West about Crimea's historic reunification with Mother Russia. As pro-Russian separatists grow in strength in Novorossia, Crimea will become a very distant memory for Kiev as well. It should be pointed out that Russia's successful annexation of the strategically important peninsula alone, so historic in its scope and brilliant in its execution, is ultimately why the Western-instigated crisis in the Ukraine will be a Russian victory - regardless of what happens in Kiev going forward.
With that said, it is obvious that Moscow would like to - one way or the other - turn Ukraine into a dependency and eventually bring Kiev into a pact with Russia. But I strongly feel that regardless of what happens in Kiev, Novorossia, like Nagorno Karabakh, will henceforth be defacto part of Russia. Novorossia's ties with Moscow will be very close even if the region eventually becomes a semi-autonomous, federal province within Ukraine. From a Russian perspective, it would be very foolish if Moscow surrenders Novorossia to Ukraine - even if a pro-Russian government comes into power in Kiev. I do not think Moscow will give up its hard won ties in the region for any reason. I do not think Moscow will repeat the mistake of the Soviets. Nevertheless, in the short to midterm, Novorossia will be de facto part of Russia and the rest of Ukraine will be sort of a no man's land, a buffer zone between Russia and NATO.
If the West's strategic objective was to sever Ukraine away from Moscow and place it in the EU or NATO, it has been a miserable failure. If, however, the West's objective was to sow divisions between Europeans and Russians, then it's been somewhat of a victory. But such a victory will prove to be a short-lived one because Europeans are increasingly realizing that the current crisis in the Ukraine was instigated by Anglo-American-Jews and is thus against European interests. Europeans understand that the political West is seeking more control over Europe through this crisis. As a countermeasure to Western designs, Russian officials have been doing their best to keep relations with European powers cordial and healthy. This soft approach by Moscow will pay dividend in the future as more-and-more Europeans, Germans and French in particular, turn against Western powers. The key for Moscow here therefore is to continue presenting the negative impact that the crisis in Ukraine is having on the rest of Europe as a consequence of Western aggression and duplicity. Moscow's Russia Today news agency is doing an excellent job in this regard. Moscow needs to place more emphasis on the information war currently taking place. Moscow will have the clear advantage in this regard because to has the truth behind it. After all, the artificially created crisis in Ukraine was a Western operation to curb growing Russian influence in Europe. The current mess in the region was therefore not in Russia's or Europe's interest. For historical reference, the following are materials foretelling the crisis in Ukraine many years ago -
Russian politician Zhirinovsky vs Zbigniew Brzezinski (1/2) (English subs): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYe2ZamKQ78
Обама начнет третью мировую с Крыма?: http://newsland.com/news/detail/id/390375/
Armenia in the epicenter
New strategy or provocation?: Russian analyst’s article on “straight way” to Armenia via Georgia stirs controversy: http://armenianow.com/commentary/analysis/58344
Russia and Region: Moscow floats ideas on ensuring railroad link with Armenia via Georgia: http://armenianow.com/commentary/analysis/61051/armenia_russia_caucasus_troops_georgia
Russia Preparing Final Assault to Take Back Georgia: http://www.wnd.com/2015/03/russia-preparing-final-assault-to-take-back-georgia/
Western powers, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Israel are the main obstacles to lasting peace and stability in the greater Caucasus region. One of the ways to pacify the Caucasus region and allow Moscow to gain direct control over all three south Caucasus states is for Russia to have a common border with Armenia through Georgia and/or Azerbaijan. With a land connection between Russia and Armenia, the Western factor in Yerevan will virtually disappear overnight. By establishing a physical link with its most important and most reliable regional ally, Moscow would have the strategic benefit of cutting off Georgia from Azerbaijan, thereby weakening and isolating both Georgia and Azerbaijan and turning both Tbilisi and Baku into Russian dependencies. An Armenia that is fully within Moscow's orbit and sharing a common border with the Russian Federation is perhaps the only way to solve many of the persistent problems in the Caucasus region - including but not limited to Wahhabi Islamic extremism, pan-Turkism and Western expansionism.The best time to create a land link between Russia and Armenia is when a war breaks-out in the region. The protection of Armenia (under CSTO charter) and the problem of resupplying Russia's 102nd base on the outskirts of Gyumri are some of the pretenses for the implementation of such a plan. Nevertheless, before any of this can happen, Armenian officials need to stop their dangerous flirtations with Western powers and put an end to Armenia's exposure to the political West. Armenian officials need to develop some political foresight and ideological backbone. Yerevan needs to place its emphasis on developing its north-south axis as a way of breathing life into Armenia's stagnant economy and establish links with developing nations beyond Russia and Iran. The development of economic cooperation between nations like Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Iran, India and China is what we are missing out on due to Western meddling in the Caucasus -
Armenia to become part of energy chain with Georgia and Iran: http://armenpress.am/eng/news/795997/armenia-to-become-part-of-energy-chain-with-georgia-and-iran.html
Russia supports India's full membership of SCO: http://www.timesca.com/news/15034-russia-supports-india-s-full-membership-of-sco
India to negotiate free trade zone with Russia-led Customs Union: http://rt.com/business/235731-india-russia-customs-union/
Iran to launch trade development center in Armenia: http://en.mehrnews.com/detail/News/106162
The West's desire to undermine Russian and Iranian economic and infrastructure projects in the region reveals just how toxic the Western world has become in global affairs and just how dangerous Armenia's Western-led Russophobic activists are for the country.
I ask the Armenian reader to once more think of the "Caucasian table" where Turks, Georgians, Azeris, Persians, Wahhabi Islamists, Russians, Western oil interests and Armenians sit around and discuss regional matters. Think of this table without its Russian participant. In other words, think of how Armenia would have fared in the geopolitical climate of the region today had a handful of men, primarily the Karabakh clan, not been wise enough to keep Armenia firmly within the Russian orbit and allow the stationing of Russian troops on Armenian soil. Armenia has not suffered the fate of Cyprus, Serbia, Georgia, Syria or Ukraine only because of Russian boots on the ground in Armenia. Speaking of Syria, we may be nearing the end of the four year old nightmare.
The final chapter in Syria
The following is the link to an interview I saw a couple of months ago on Farid Zakaria's GPS show on CNN. The whole thing looked/felt/sounded like a rehearsed infomercial, not much unlike much of the news reporting we see all across the US these days. The topic discussed, however, was very serious. It is my opinion that they are in the process of finalizing the final chapter on the nation formerly known as Syria. With that in mind, watch Farid's interview with Professor Joshua Landis (who according to Farid is the "top Syria scholar in the US") very carefully and try to read between the lines of what's being said -

The following are revealing excerpts from the above interview that tells it all -
The West was never serious about fully supporting Syria's homegrown/independently raised anti-Assad rebel factions simply because they were deemed unreliable (i.e. they are not controlled by the West or its close allies). The whole agenda in Syria from day one has been about partitioning the nation and forming a new Western-backed Sunni state in its territory as a counterbalance to growing Shiite, Iranian and Russian power in the region. This task was trusted to Al Qaeda and ISIS, not the Syrian rebels. As I have been saying from day one: ISIS is the rabid dog they set loose in Iraq and Syria. Now that ISIS has managed to carve out a Sunni state between Damascus and Baghdad, it's time to slowly put the dog back into its cage and take control over the territory. Although I am not surprised, it is nevertheless very interesting that Professor Landis - who, allow me remind the reader, is "the top Syria scholar in the US" - suggests that Washington wants Turkey to act as the guarantor of the new Sunni state being formed in Syria by having Ankara put in place there a "good government" so that the US can thereafter "pour money into [its] development".
I have pointed all this out in previous blog commentaries, but I thought it would be better if the reader heard it right from the source. And regarding the source: It is noteworthy that the Pakistani native, Farid Zakaria is one of the Council for Foreign Relation's many high paid lapdogs working throughout the Anglo-America-Jewish world's news/propaganda outlets. Individuals like Joshua Landis, Farid Zakaria, Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Christiane Amanpour, etc., are not journalists in the traditional sense, they cogs in the imperial war machine. Their task is to spread misinformation and deceit. I would go as far as saying, they are highly dangerous combatants.
The king of Jordan sent out this badass photo in response to ISIS: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/photo-king-jordan-looking-badass-132100812.html
With Erdogan's increasingly belligerent behavior not to mention his self-serving neo-Ottoman fantasies pissing-off policymakers in Washington and Tel Aviv, it now seems as if the Anglo-Arab king of Jordan has been chosen the lead the Sunni war effort in Syria. If it all pans out, I think we will eventually see an invasion of regions in Syria that are currently occupied by ISIS by Western-backed Arab forces. It should also be mentioned that all this may be coordinated with Assad's government. I suspect that a final deal has been reached or is in the process of being reached with Bashar Assad. I think Syria's final partition has been decided by all powers involved in the civil war, including Russia and Iran. I think that in time a new Western-backed Sunni state will be created within the former territories of Syria and Iraq.
Ultimately, the four year old Syrian tragedy will prove to be a stalemate. There will not be any clear winners. Western/Israeli/Saudi/Turkish interests were not able to defeat Shiite-backed Alewites and the Hezbollah; Shiite-Alewite interests were not able to create a continuous link from Lebanon to Iran. With that said, going forward, Turkey and Israel will be the wild cards in the geopolitical formulation process. Ankara still wants a final say in how Syria will look after the war ends. Ankara still wants leverage over Iraqi Kurds. Israel, for its part, still wants to see Hezbollah defeated or disarmed and it still wants to stop Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons capability. Therefore, Turkish and Israeli actions will remain unpredictable. Israeli belligerence and nonconformity is already being felt in Washington.
Is a Maidan being planned for Armenia this year? I personally think so, and I am not the only one. Former Ronald Reagan official also thinks so. Please see the following interview with Paul Craig Roberts translated into Armenian and Russian -
Փոլ Քրեյգ Ռոբերթս. Նրանք փորձելու են ոչնչացնել ավանդական բարոյականությունը: http://hanun.am/?p=678
Пол Крейг Робертс. Армении грозит опасность: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMysv6HCOyg&list=PLjsU_nUEJwGbfmxdH-tVDnl23BI1ln4BT#t=28
I personally do not think so. That proverbial train left the station many years ago. Although we Armenians have more than our share of easily manipulated idiots who are more than willing to destroy their homeland in their blind pursuit of Western fairytales, Western-sponsored color revolutions have not been able to find fertile ground in Armenia. The Armenian on the street instinctually understands the paramount importance of Armenia's alliance with Russia. Despite Yerevan's flirtations with the West, the country's powerful "Karabakh clan" remains staunchly pro-Russian. Moreover, Armenia's Russian-backed security services are very capable and perform their tasks very efficiently. Armenia is bound to have sociopolitical unrest and periodic strife, but a major revolution is all but ruled out.
The first such attempt by Levon Petrosian and his gang in 2008 failed miserably. The second such attempt by Raffi Hovanissian in 2013 was also a total failure. They are now placing hope on a new breed of activists - very small in number but very vocal and extremist in demeanor - to push forward their agenda in the country. Founding Parliament (formerly known as Pre-Parliament) extremists seem to have been tasked with spearheading the internal assault against Armenia's statehood. As outrageous as it may sound, Founding Parliament extremists are promising to raise a civilian militia and topple the ruling "regime" by the centennial of the Armenian Genocide. This irrationality and destructive behavior is essentially the by-product of Western funding. We see Founding Parliament extremists trying to do in Armenia what was and is currently being done in places such as Venezuela, Serbia, Libya, Egypt, Syria and Ukraine. They are exploiting the country's growing pains and Yerevan's incompetence (i.e. appeasement towards Western powers) in an attempt to sow sociopolitical unrest in the country. After a few failed attempts to capture the public's attention, Founding Parliament extremists finally managed to make headlines on January, 31 when they took their traveling circus to Artsakh -
«Ռեյդային ստուգումներ» Արցախում: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbF33yx8jpo
These people are truly a strange gaggle of weirdos and Western mercenaries. Although they love to be called Armenian patriots, their extremist political agenda is glaringly and dangerously anti-Armenian in nature. How patriotic is it to topple the Armenian government by the use of arms, especially at a time like this? How intelligent is it to attempt to severe Armenia's ties with Russia, especially at a time like this? How patriotic or intelligent is it to try to do all this on the centennial of the Armenian Genocide?! The only agenda Founding Parliament freaks are pushing forward in Armenia are the ones formulated in Washington and Ankara. These fatalistic freaks may be patriots, but they are not Armenian patriots. These extremist freaks seem hellbent on having Armenians repeat the fatal mistakes of Georgians and Ukrainians for their financial masters in the West.
In fact, their previous name - Pre-Parliament - and political methodology actually reminds me of the Bolshevik movement's early beginnings.
Over one hundred years ago, Western/Jewish funded Marxist activists operating out of Germany, Britain, France and the US began traveling to the Russian Empire to spread their ideological "enlightenment". These activists who would later become known as Bolsheviks would travel from village to village, from town to town to spread what essentially was the time period's Western values (fairytales about equality, land reform, workers rights, atheism, international brotherhood, etc). The geopolitical goal of their agenda, however, was to strike a fatal blow to the already weakened Russian Empire. The poor living conditions of the peasantry throughout the region was the opportunity they exploited. The bait used was promises of justice, land rights and better working and living conditions. A bright future was promised to all - if only the Russian Czar could be toppled. It was these Western funded extremists with utopian slogans that managed to rise to prominence in the chaotic backdrop of the First World War. It was these champions of the downtrodden and the working class that become some of history's most bloodthirsty murderers. It was these advocates of the common man that were ultimately responsible for the deaths of many millions of people. It was these champions of atheism and "international brotherhood" that created conditions that allowed the genocide of Ottoman Armenians to take place. Today, Bolsheviks are back, but this time under the guise of Globalism, Westernization, Liberalism and Democracy. And just like yesterday, today's Bolsheviks are once again funded by Western Jews and they are once more collaborating with Western imperialists. We see their ilk throughout Armenia's ideologically empty and morally bankrupt political opposition. The following link is to an Azeri news article about one of Armenia's typical opposition characters -
They probably do not realize it, but in spirit and demeanor, Founding Parliament is the reincarnation of Bolshevik extremists. They probably do not realize it, but Founding Parliament is pushing forward a Turco-Western agenda in Armenia. They probably do not realize it, but Founding Parliament extremists are the West's cannon-fodder. Eventually, one of the group's activists may even get assassinated by their Western handlers as a provocation against Yerevan. Taking into consideration the assassination attempt on Paruyr Hayrikian a couple of years ago and the recent successful assassination of Boris Nemtsov, trust me, this is not a farfetched theory. People like Hayrikian and Nemtsov are more valuable to their Western masters dead than alive. Nevertheless, Founding Parliament's latest political stunt is particularly alarming because this is the first time any political opposition group has made a direct play on Artsakh. Although Levon Petrosian's gang was responsible for first sowing anti-Karabakhtsi sentiments in Armenian society, Founding Parliament has become the first to physically pull Artsakh in the muck-and-mire of their political agenda.Famous Armenian journalist apologizes for Khojaly: http://www.news.az/articles/karabakh/96015
Regarding what happened on January 31: Founding Parliament extremists should not have tried to draw Artsakh into their Neo-Bolshevik nonsense, especially at a time like this when the region is in a virtual state of war. Founding Parliament extremists should not have taken their women and children with them, especially after they were told that their activities were not wanted in Artsakh. With that said, however, I also think that Artsakh police may have somewhat overreacted. I know it's the south Caucasus. I understand we are talking about Armenians. But the region's law enforcement bodies could have acted more professional by setting up a roadblock to stop Founding Parliament's traveling circus. They could have then ordered Founding Parliament's traveling circus to return back to Armenia. Founding Parliament clowns that did not obey orders could have been arrested. Founding Parliament clowns that attempted to resist arrest could have then - and only then - been roughed up. In situations like this, when there are no laws being flagrantly broken, I do not condone police violence. This did not have to happen this way. The only winners in this incident were the Turks and Azeris watching from the sidelines. With that said, I primarily blame incompetent politicians in Yerevan - and their "complimentary politics" which has allowed Western activists in Armenia a free hand - for allowing things to get out of control like this. With that said, I will not place any blame on Artsakh authorities for anything simply because the territory is in a state of war and this is not time for Founding Parliament's nonsense. It was Yerevan's job to stop the motorcade from reaching Artsakh.
One last thing: Jirayr Sefilian's time in Armenia has long expired. What gives the people the stupid idea that just because someone is good on the battlefield will be good as a politician? If Sefilian truly wanted to contribute to Armenia's security and development, he should have remained within the ranks of the military instead of surrounding himself with dubious characters such as Igor Muradyan and Gegham Julfajyan. Jirayr Sefilian is no longer serving Armenian interests. In fact, he hasn't done so in twenty years. As a Middle Eastern Armenian of Cilician decent, I call on Armenian officials to hang a shiny medal around Sefilian's neck, thank him for his service to the motherland twenty years ago, then politely place him, his wife and his child on the very next flight to Beirut and say bye-bye.
The arm wrestler that wanted to be king
What Armenia's needs is a sociopolitical evolution, not a Western-sponsored revolution. With the region reaching a boiling point, this is the time to rally around the Armenian state. This is not the time and the south Caucasus is not the place for Western inspired sociopolitical experiments in Armenia. This is not the time for bicker over petty domestic matters. This is not the time for power plays on the Armenian throne. But if that's what Western interests want, Armenia's self-destructive peasantry will make sure that is what they will get. Enter the arm wrestler that wanted to be king.
In a quintessential Armenian version of the Game of Thrones, Gagik Tsarukyan (aka Dodi Gago), the arm wrestler/sex offender turned billionaire businessman recently made a serious attempt on the Armenian presidential seat. Prior to this, Tsarukyan's political party, Prosperous Armenia (Arm: Բարգավաճ Հայաստան կուսակցություն) had what could only be described as an interesting relationship with the country's ruling party, the Republicans (Arm: Հայաստանի Հանրապետական Կուսակցություն). At times Tsarukyan's political party looked as if it's playing the role of a controlled opposition (i.e. collaborating with the ruling administration), at other times it looked as if it was making a serious play on power. I do not know how sincere Tsarukyan's most recent attempt was but this was not the first time he made an attempt on the Armenian throne.
Back in 2007, Tsarukyan was also a contender in the presidential race in Armenia. As with all political competitions, he soon began badmouthing his main presidential rival, Serj Sargsyan. However, Tsarukyan didn't stop merely there, he went a step further in his rhetoric. He began talking negatively about Armenia's relationship with Russia. On April 12, 2007 it was reported that two small bombs exploded in two of Tsarukyan's political offices. Not much else was said about the extraordinary incident by the news press in Armenia. The following inconspicuous commentary about the incidents in question was written by the British agent/rights activist, Onnik Krikorian -
Merely days after the incident, it was said that Tsarukyan had taken a previously unplanned trip to Moscow. Nothing was said about why he went or with whom he met while he was there. However, after Tsarukyan returned to Armenia from his short stay in Moscow, he seemed to be a new man. He quietly dropped out of the presidential race and began complimenting Armenia's relationship with Russia. In an interview with a Russian news agency on April 18, 2007, Tsarukyan commented that - "we will develop 90 percent of our relations with Russia and 10 percent with Europe and others" -
Gagik Tsarukyan’s interview to Russian O2TV:http://ditord.com/2007/04/18/gagik-tsarukyans-interview-to-russian-o2tv/
Fast forward to today: For reasons that can as of now only be explained by speculation, Tsarukyan just made his third and by-far the most blatant attempt on the presidential seat in Armenia. Was Tsarukyan recruited into the Western agenda to topple the Armenian government? Time will tell. But Tsarukyan's second largest political party in Armenia brought the country to the brink of a major political crisis. A disaster, however, was averted at the last minute. Similar to what had happened in the past, Tsarukyan seems to have been summoned to Moscow and set straight. After bringing the country to the brink of yet another political disaster, Tsarukyan proved smart enough or was frightened enough to once more take a step back -
Armenian Opposition Force Backs Down: https://iwpr.net/global-voices/armenian-opposition-force-backs-down
How I wish or Armenians to put aside their arrogance, jealousy, selfishness and political illiteracy and begin understanding and appreciating what it means to have a state. Our people's shortsightedness, self-righteousness and political ignorance is becoming a serious problem for our homeland. The aforementioned problem that we suffer from is a pan-national one. In other words, the Armenian Diaspora, particularly the Western Diaspora, is not immune to shortsightedness and political illiteracy.
Dubious voices warning about Russian betrayals
Russian-Armenian relations has historically been based on very firm geostrategic foundations. This is why those who try to cast a dark shadow on Yerevan's alliance with Moscow only manage to make themselves look stupid. But try, they do. With political tensions in Armenia rising to new heights, there are dubious voices once more warning Armenians about Russian "betrayals" -
Sleeping with Our Enemy: Russia Sells Weapons to Azerbaijan: http://hetq.am/eng/news/58661/sleeping-with-our-enemy-russia-sells-weapons-to-azerbaijan.html
Those who seek to drive a wedge between Russia and Armenia have developed what can be described as three silly slogans: "Czarist Russia wanted Armenia without Armenians", "Russians gave Armenian lands to Turks" and "Russia betrays Armenia by selling weapons to Azerbaijan". It does not matter whether those who disseminate such dark fairytales do so consciously or subconsciously. What matters is that what they do is psy-ops who's purpose is to make a play on the sentiments and emotions of the easily manipulated sheeple. In other words, the intent is to subtly and systematically sow anti-Russian sentiments within Armenian society.
The first slogan about Czarist Russia (essentially a Dashnaktsakan fairytale from a time period when Armenian revolutionaries were foolishly rebelling against a government that was actually supporting their struggle in the Ottoman Empire) is too ridiculous to respond to other than by simply stating: It's precisely because of Czarist Russia that an Armenia came into existence, it's precisely because of a Czarist Russia that Armenian nationalism came into existence. None of our deaf, dumb and blind Russophobes are capable of naming one actual thing that Russians, as a nation, have deliberately done against Armenians. Historically, not a single square millimeter of Armenian territory has ever been gifted to Turks by Russians. The party guilty of relinquishing Armenian territories to Turks and Azeris was the Western/Jewish led and financed Bolshevik government that had come to power in 1917 by destroying the Russian Empire from within. Bolsheviks represented Russia at the time as much as ISIS represents Syria today. Bolshevism was in fact much more destructive to Russia than to Armenia. Bolshevism through the 1920s was almost exclusively a none-Russian political system. Therefore, blaming Russians for the evils of Bolshevism is like blaming the murder victim for the actions of the murderer. Those to hang Bolshevik crimes on Russian necks are either imbeciles or agents of the Anglo-American-Jewish political order.
Armenia lives today as a nation-state in the south Caucasus largely thanks to the geopolitical factor created by Russia's presence in the region during the past two hundred years. Had Russia not come down to the south Caucasus in the early 19th century - and stayed - all of us, including our Russophobes and proud nationalists, would still be herding goats or making donkey saddles somewhere in eastern Turkey or northern Iran.
Regarding Russian arms to Baku: There is something Armenians generally speaking have a very-very hard time understanding and it's called realpolitik. It does not matter how wealthy or how educated an Armenian is, when it comes to political matters, Armenians act like troubled children. I personally think this is a serious matter that has its roots in genetics (i.e. breeding). An Armenian can be brilliant in science, medicine, literature, art, business, sports, etc. But when it comes to politics, the Armenian is a self-destructive peasant regardless of his or her social status. That's why it's common in Armenian circles now to hear nonsense like - "If they are our friends who do they sell weapons to our enemies?!" Shouldn't children be asking stupid questions like this? Political ignorance and the lack of rational/objective thought in politics is so pervasive in Armenian society that there is actually a word for describing politically ignorant Armenians engaging in political analysis: It's called կոշկակարների քաղաքականութիւն. Roughly translated into English it means the political reasoning of tradesmen. In other words: Idiots trying to make sense of stuff that is well above their heads. And its not only Armenians. Sensing opportunity, like the smut-peddlers that they are, Western financed propaganda agencies are also enthusiastically exploiting the matter of Russian arms sales to Azerbaijan by making a play on Armenian sentiments -
So, once more, allow me to explain Russian weapons sales to Azerbaijan:Armenia: With Friends Like Russia, Who Needs Enemie: http://www.eurasianet.org/node/72616
While we all know that Russia and Armenia are locked in a genuine strategic alliance, we must also realize that Russia is doing its best to also lure Baku into its political orbit. This is somewhat similar to how Washington tries to keep its influence over Turks and Greeks and Israelis and Arabs by selling the conflicted parties US made weaponry. With that said, Russian officials realize that they do not allow the sale of Russian weaponry to Baku there are nations like US, Britain, Ukraine, Belarus, China, Pakistan, Turkey and Israel that would. So, from a Russian perspective, why not make money at the same time create leverage over Baku? At the end of the day, does it really matter where the weaponry Azerbaijan uses are made? Does it really matter where the bullet that killed a young Armenian soldier was made? No, it does not. The bullet or bomb are not the problem. The problem is how such weapons are used by governments. Azeris have the luxury - the petrodollars - to purchase whatever they want from whomever they want. We Armenians on the other hand don't have the money for modern arms, we are therefore being given by Russia whatever arms we need to counter Azeri aggression. Can our Russophobic idiots at least say thank you? We also know that Armenia has a tiny military (so tiny that yearly recruitment quotas aren't even being met). By covering the entire length of Armenia's vulnerable border with Turkey, Russia is giving Armenia the ability to concentrate its meager resources on its more manageable border with Azerbaijan. Can our Russophobic idiots at least say thank you?
The reality that is somehow escaping most Armenians today is this: Even in ideal circumstances, Armenia would NOT be able to defend its borders against Turks and Azeris without massive assistance from Russia. Moreover, there is another political angle to Russian arms to Baku: By supplying arms to Baku and Yerevan, Moscow is making sure to keep Azerbaijan and Armenia dependent on Russia. This is expected. This is logical. As we have seen recently, Russia's diplomatic abilities and statecraft are second-to-none. Of course they will exploit the situation. Russians also know that starving Armenians are easily bought. Russians know well that Armenia's political scene is saturated by Western mercenaries. Russians also know that Armenia is allied to Russia today primarily because of the "Karabakh clan" in Yerevan. Russians are also upset that Yerevan is stubbornly continuing its counterproductive flirtations with EU, NATO and Washington. So, ask yourselves: Why should Russia trust Armenians? Well, is there trust in politics to begin with? Therefore, Russian arms to Baku is also a way for Moscow to put pressure on a Yerevan that has been oscillating between East and West for the past twenty-five years.
It should also be pointed out that Moscow is very serious about maintaining direct control over the situating in Artsakh because of the great geostrategic value Artsakh (similar to Abkhazia and South Ossetia) brings to the political table. As we saw back in 1999, the current status quo in Artsakh is something Moscow will maintain at all costs - even if that means spilling blood. And I am glad it has, because I have little doubt that had it been up to us Armenians, official Yerevan would most probably have adopted the infamous Goble Plan sometime back around 1999 and Armenia today would have been either laid waste by Russians or have become subordinate to Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Western oil interests.
At the end of the day, there is no trust or unconditional friendships in politics. At the end of the day, arms supply to Baku or not, Armenia lives as a result of the Russian factor in the south Caucasus. No Russia in Armenia = no Armenia in the south Caucasus. So, instead of wasting time spreading Russophobia in Armenian cyberspace, concerned Armenians in positions of influence would do better to lobby Armenian interests with Russian officials.
For the record, US and British governments train Azeri snipers (yes, those that kill dozens of Armenian soldiers annually) and Israel and Turkey provide Baku with a lot of military training, technical assistance and billions of dollars in sophisticated weaponry. Here are some facts to consider:
American military contractors MPRI Inc is training Azeri marksmen: http://www.militaryindustrialcomplex.com/contract_detail.asp?contract_id=81
There is yet another twist to this matter. This is not 1991. If there is a war with Azerbaijan, the Armenian military will face on the battlefield a well prepared and bigger enemy force with large amounts of modern weaponry. If Armenia is to face modern weaponry on the battlefield, I rather it be weapons systems that the Armenian military is keenly familiar with and thus capable of defeating in combat. Here we see a Russian expert voicing similar sentiments for an Armenian audience -US Naval Special Ops Demos Training in Azerbaijan: http://www.defense.gov/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=26294The Sunday Times: British special forces carried out secret trainings in Azerbaijan: http://www.panorama.am/en/society/2013/10/21/sunday-times/Azerbaijan Makes Massive Israeli Weapons: http://www.eurasianet.org/node/65053Is a US-Financed Azeri Satellite A Threat to Armenia’s Security?: http://asbarez.com/94756/is-a-us-financed-azeri-satellite-a-threat-to-armenia%E2%80%99s-security/Turkish Jets to Deliver American Nuclear Warheads: http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkey-given-possession-of-nuclear-warheads-
Russians are helping a tiny, remote, landlocked, blockaded and impoverished nation protect itself from predators like Turkey and Azerbaijan. Despite what our people's massive ego and deep-seated political illiteracy makes them want to believe, we Armenians CANNOT sustain a state in the south Caucasus without Russian support.Russian expert: Armenia should be interested in Russian-Azeri arms deals: http://www.arminfo.am
So, once more: By securing Armenia's border with Turkey, Russia is allowing Armenia to concentrate its meager resources on a more manageable enemy, Azerbaijan. Baku has the petrodollars to purchase whatever it wants, from whoever it wants. To create military parity between Armenians and Azeris, Russia is providing Armenia modern weaponry essentially for free. Moreover, Russia's 102nd military base is the single most important military factor in the south Caucasus for it is a deterrence against Turks and NATO. The 102nd base was created with a duel role: Project Russian power in the region and protect Armenia from invasion. When was the last time our "patriotic" Armenians said "thank you Mother Russia for helping us keep up with Azeri arms purchases"?
Anyone that tries to blame Russians for the crimes of Bolsheviks is an intellectual midget. Anyone that tries to spread Russophobia in Armenian society is a traitor to Armenia. I don't care if they do it knowingly or unknowingly, what they are doing is extremely dangerous to Armenia. One must be deaf, dumb and/or blind not to see this. We saw where this kind of Russophobic nonsense got Georgia and Ukraine. How stupid. how treasonous must one be to do the same? I think American-Armenians like David Boyajian should mind their own business and leave politics to Armenian officials in Yerevan and Stepanakert. At the end of the day, if one day Russians decided to betray Armenia, none of our big talking patriots are capable of stopping them. So, instead of talking nonsense I suggest our nationalist nutjobs pray that it does not happen. Actually, along with praying I also suggest working on bettering Russian-Armenian relations so that it does not happen.
I am willing to admit that Russian arms sales to Azerbaijan (specifically, the delivery of weapons systems such as the Smerch) is one of the flaws found in Russo-Armenian relations today. In my opinion, flaws that exist in the relationship is a direct consequence of Yerevan's flirtations with the West as well as the absence of Armenian lobbying activities in Moscow. With that said, I say it's a flaw merely because of the way it's perceived (i.e. the negative psychological effect it has on Armenian society). Nevertheless, it is not a grave threat to Armenia because Russian arms sales to Baku is not directed against Armenia. In fact, upon close examination of recent purchases Baku has made one sees that the bulk of it's Russian purchases are for Azerbaijan's air and naval defenses, one also finds quite a bit of Western and Israeli weaponry in Azerbaijan's arsenal. More importantly, for every weapons system Russia sells to Baku it gives Armenia a weapons system that can counter it on the battlefield. As such, Moscow is maintaining the balance of power between Yerevan and Baku, as it makes sure to keep control over both Yerevan and Baku. At the end of the day, the big bad Russian Bear is Armenia’s one and only ally, and thank God for that because without Russia, all of the south Caucasus has the potential to be overrun by Turks and Muslims.
The two centuries old friendship between Russians and Armenians have passed the test of time. Yes, there are flaws, as there are flaws in any relationship. But instead of fear-mongering about Russia (which is becoming a pass time in Armenian society), Armenians should embark on a pan-national effort to fix the existing flaws between Moscow and Yerevan.
Anyone that tries to blame Russians for the crimes of Bolsheviks is an intellectual midget. Anyone that tries to spread Russophobia in Armenian society is a traitor to Armenia. I don't care if they do it knowingly or unknowingly, what they are doing is extremely dangerous to Armenia. One must be deaf, dumb and/or blind not to see this because we saw where this kind of Russophobic nonsense got Georgia and Ukraine. How stupid, how treasonous must one be to do the same? I think American-Armenians like David Boyajian should mind their own business and leave politics to Armenian officials in Yerevan and Stepanakert. At the end of the day, if one day Russians decided to betray Armenia, none of our big talking patriots are capable of stopping them. So, instead of talking nonsense I suggest our nationalist nutjobs pray that it does not happen. Actually, along with praying I also suggest working on bettering Russian-Armenian relations so that it does not happen.
My message to our "nationalists" and Russophobes
The problem with your intellectually bankrupt kind (and I know your kind very well) is that you simply don't know how to be critical in a constructive sense. You are Armenian after all. So, I understand, but that does not mean I will tolerate your nonsense. You foolishly think that simply by "uniting" Armenia and defeat its enemies. You foolishly think that by not being dependent on Russia, Armenia will gain independence. You discuss various political matters without ever putting the subject matter into a proper historical and geopolitical context. More often than not your facts are half-truths. Sometimes your facts are lies that were passed down to you by your grandparents. Your perception, your understanding of the world and yourself is twisted. Your reality is warped beyond recognition. Your kind was until very recently very pro-Western. It had to take the bloody tragedies in Libya, Syria, Iraq and Ukraine to wake you up from your American dream. Despite what you now know about the political West, your kind continues to spread within Armenian society a dangerous toxin know as Russophobia. Therefore, forgive me if I don't trust any of you when it comes to Armenia. In fact, I don't care if you see yourselves as an Armenian patriot. For me you are worst than a Turk because you are a dangerous cancer within the Armenian body that is easily manipulated by Armenia's enemies.
If God forbid the Russopbobia that comes to you so naturally ever goes mainstream in Armenia, our country will disappear from the map once more. Before you talk your nonsense, just take a moment to look at the bigger picture. Perhaps you'll begin realizing that if Russians somehow turned against Armenia someday, not even a million of our "fedayees" would be able to save the country from its inevitable fate. So, I suggest you pray it doesn't happen. Actually, along with praying, I also suggest you work towards making sure it doesn't happen. In other words, put a rest to your Cold War ghosts, curb your ego, put aside you petty nonsense and try to lobby Armenian causes amongst Russians. And if there is something that you don't like about Russian-Armenian relations, voice it in a constructive manner. In other words, do not sow panic in Armenian society with nonsense about Russians betraying Armenians, or Russia wanting Armenia without Armenians, or Russia giving away Armenian lands to Turks...
At the end of the day, Armenia lives today because of Russia. Armenia's independence from Russia will only result in Armenian dependence on Turkey. In other words, no Russia in Armenia means no Armenia in the south Caucasus. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to realize any of this, but you do have to have a clear mind. Sadly, most Armenians today are too engulfed in their petty world and too distracted by their massive arrogance to see things clearly. The more I observe Armenians the more I become convinced that Armenians are simply incapable of seeing what's truly in the long-term interests of Armenia.
Our nationalist nutjobs today remind me of the cat that looked in the mirror and saw a lion. God forbid this delusional Cat (i.e. the Armenia that exists in the minds of our nationalists) ever goes out to play in the real world where hungry Wolves roam. God forbid this Cat goes out into an ecosystem where the Bear has not driven away the Wolves. Our nationalist nutjobs seriously need to stop their foolish "fedayee" nonsense before it kills our country. That "fedayee" stuff works only against backward peasants (like the Azeris in the early 1990s). That "fedayee" stuff works only when there is a major power in the background supporting it. The geopolitical circumstances of the region within which Armenia unfortunately finds itself in dictates that we Armenians will be subordinate to Russia for the foreseeable future. There are no real alternatives to this.
With Armenia fully within the Russian orbit, we can all expect Western powers to make a direct play on Armenian nationalism once more. The West successfully used Armenian nationalism in Diasporan circles to sow disunity amongst Armenians during Soviet period. The West's agenda to support Armenian nationalists, however, dissipated when the Soviet Union collapsed and nationalism became a problem for the West. The West therefore concentrated on supporting liberal, globalist ideals in the post-Soviet years. Now, however, that the Russian Bear is back and Western powers have in response turned various regions into a volatile powder keg, we can all expect them to once more begin exploiting Armenian nationalism to once again sow discord between Diasporan Armenians and their Armenian homeland. Sadly, Western powers will find a fertile ground to sow their seeds amongst nationalists because nationalism, especially Armenian nationalism, has a tendency to be extremely shortsighted, emotional, irrational and uncompromising.
Armenians desperately need politically awareness and a type of nationalism that rational, farsighted, pragmatic and pro-Russian. Similar to Armenian-Persian relations in the ancient world, Armenians need to begin seeing Armenia and Russia as two segments of one civilization. Accordingly, Armenians need to apply their positive traits (ingenuity, creativity, resilience, perseverance, hard work, etc) towards fully extracting the potentials of Russia's alliance with Armenia. At the very least, we need to be happy that a neighboring superpower looks at our Armenia as a great geostrategic asset and not a nuisance. After all, Russia is the only nation on earth that will be adversely impacted if Armenia disappears. This has a great geostrategic significance to Armenia. So, instead of complaining like old women (which is what our nationalist nutjobs and Russophobes do), we need to figure out a way to better lobby Armenian matters within the walls of the Kremlin.
Why is it that Armenians admire Jews for their political agility but when the opportunity comes for Armenians to act like Jews, Armenians instead act like Arabs? This Arabesque behavior of Armenians may be why Washingtonian reptiles are keeping hope alive in Yerevan.
Bad omen for Armenia
After seeing what we have been seeing in places such as Venezuela, Serbia, Greece, Ukraine, Libya, Egypt, Syria and Iraq in recent years, I still find it rather amazing that there are significant numbers of Armenians today that have somehow convinced themselves that Armenia needs a revolution and that Armenia can do without Russian protection because the "civilized world" (i.e. the political West) will provide for and protect Armenia in times of need. Haven't these idiots learned anything from our history? Haven't these idiots learned anything from recent world events? Haven't these idiots seen the "civilized world" destroy nations and kill millions around the world? Haven't these idiots realized that for centuries Western powers have been in bed with Turks? I suggest we don't repeat the mistakes of our forefathers. We have already lost so much because of our political illiteracy. I think one genocide is enough. There is a time and place for everything. Armenia is surrounded by predators in the south Caucasus. The Caucasus region is one bad event away from exploding. This is therefore not the time and the south Caucasus is not the place for a revolution or for Russophobia. This is the time to strengthen Armenia's ties with the Russian Federation. This is the time to begin strengthening Armenia economically by looking north, south and east. This is the time to rally around the Armenian state regardless of who is currently at the helm in Yerevan.
Nevertheless, the troubling realization that there are voices in Armenian society demanding a "regime change" (on the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide of all times) and the expulsion of the Russian military from Armenia (at a time when that region of the world is on the verge of a major calamity) reveals just how suicidal, how treasonous, how self-destructive and how politically illiterate many Armenians can be. And just when things couldn't get worst...
Victoria "Fuck the EU" Nuland (the wife of neocon zealot Robert Kagan) was in Armenia recently to essentially give out cookies to gullible Armenians, similar to what she did in Kiev a little over a year ago just before that country fell into utter ruin. The cookie in Armenia's case, however, was her visit to the memorial complex of a genocide that she and her government refuses to officially recognize. There were other cookies as well. Similar to what Clinton did during her visits to Armenia on 2010 and 2012, it was also quite expected that Nuland would also meet with some of Uncle Sam's servants in the country. Nuland's imperial delegation also seems to have conveyed the message to Yerevan that the empire is pleased with it. According to various reports put out recently, Washington seems particularly pleased with the progress of "democracy", "freedom of press", "civil society" and "economic reform" in Armenia -
US Hails Progress in Armenian Democracy: http://asbarez.com/131696/u-s-hails-%E2%80%98progress%E2%80%99-in-armenian-democracy/Armenia ranked 78th in 2015 World Press Freedom Index: http://www.armradio.am/en/2015/02/12/armenia-ranked-78th-in-2015-world-press-freedom-index/Armenia Must Seek Further Press Freedom: http://asbarez.com/127481/armenia-%E2%80%98must-seek-further-press-freedom%E2%80%99/
NATO Official: Armenia’s Membership in EEU, CSTO ‘No Obstacle’ for NATO Relations: http://asbarez.com/130788/armenia%E2%80%99s-membership-in-eeu-csto-%E2%80%98no-obstacle%E2%80%99-for-nato-relations/EU Official: Armenia ‘An Integral Part of Europe’: http://asbarez.com/130144/armenia-%E2%80%98an-integral-part-of-europe%E2%80%99-eu-parliament-
Czechs open center for civil society activists from ex-Soviet countries: https://ca.news.yahoo.com/czechs-open-center-civil-society-activists-ex-soviet-145849840.html
From Dictatorship to Democracy: Ideal Illusions
Regardless of how beneficial or even necessary they may seem at first glance, any movement that has any form of Western-backing or is spearheaded by Western-led or inspired activists need to be categorically rejected. I say this because imperial interests in Washington have co-opted and weaponized sociopolitical issues and are currently exploiting them towards self-serving political gains. Accepting help, in any form, from the political West comes with dangerous strings attached, conditions that developing nations such as Armenia or the Ukraine cannot meet. I ask you to refer to a book by James Peck regarding this very important topic for our era -

"Devastating and deeply disturbing, this book lays bare any lingering illusions that human rights concerns seriously influence U.S. policy."—Andrew J. Bacevich, author of Washington Rules
The United States has long been hailed as a powerful force for global human rights. Now, drawing on thousands of documents from the CIA, the National Security Council, the Pentagon, and development agencies, James Peck shows in blunt detail how Washington has shaped human rights into a potent ideological weapon for purposes having little to do with rights—and everything to do with furthering America's global reach. Using the words of Washington's leaders when they are speaking among themselves, Peck tracks the rise of human rights from its dismissal in the cold war years as "fuzzy minded" to its calculated adoption, after the Vietnam War, as a rationale for American foreign engagement. He considers such milestones as the fight for Soviet dissidents, Tiananmen Square, and today's war on terror, exposing in the process how the human rights movement has too often failed to challenge Washington's strategies. A gripping and elegant work of analysis, Ideal Illusions argues that the movement must break free from Washington if it is to develop a truly uncompromising critique of power in all its forms.

From Dictatorship to Democracy was a pamphlet, printed and distributed by Dr Gene Sharp and based on his study, over a period of forty years, on non-violent methods of demonstration. Now in its fourth edition, it was originally handed out by the Albert Einstein Institution, and although never actively promoted, to date it has been translated into thirty-one languages. This astonishing book travelled as a photocopied pamphlet from Burma to Indonesia, Serbia and most recently Egypt, Tunisia and Syria, with dissent in China also reported. Surreptitiously handed out amongst youth uprisings the world over - how the 'how-to' guide came about and its role in the recent Arab uprisings is an extraordinary tale. Once read you'll find yourself urging others to read it and indeed want to gift it.
Does the US engineering revolutions?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpXbA6yZY-8
Documents Leaked by WikiLeaks Show an Organization Training Opposition Around the World: http://revolution-news.com/documents-leaked-wikileaks-show-organization-trains-opposition-around-world/
How to Start a Revolution: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XO1t4Fif2c0
Revolution Engineering: US know-how and 'colourful' technology: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0xlOeZ8Dr8&feature=plcp
South of the Border: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vBlV5TUI64
The Weight of Chains | Težina lanaca (2010): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waEYQ46gH08
NGOs, an extension of US foreign policy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-raqX4KKY1Q
Money Talks Through NGOs: http://www.globes.co.il/en/article-money-talks-through-ngos-1001010886
Washington on the War Path: Civil Society as Battering-Ram: http://rt.com/politics/washington-war-russia-putin-023/
US NGO uncovered in Ukraine protest: http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2014/01/07/us-ngo-uncovered-in-ukraine-protests/#sthash.mJPpqq63.dpufU.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/15/world/15aid.html?pagewanted=1&_r=3&emc=eta1&George Soros and his open society: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncdisau7rBsCzechs open center for civil society activists from ex-Soviet countries: https://ca.news.yahoo.com/czechs-open-center-civil-society-activists-ex-soviet-145849840.html
They have the tools to set the political mood of a society. They have the tools to sow political unrest. They first destroy the spirit through an information war, after which they can easily destroy the body either through economic/financial blackmail or war. Softening your opposition and making it susceptible collapse is what propaganda and psy-ops is all about. Therefore, keep this in mind next time you read news articles produced by Armenian news outlets based in the US or come across news reports put out by Armenia's Western-led political opposition. Most of the news reports and political commentaries put out by sources are designed to convey outrage and hopelessness amongst Armenians. They are meant to break down the spirit and sow the seeds of political unrest.
Therefore, be mindful: "Press freedom", "human rights", "civil society" and "democratic progress" are essentially code words for allowing Western assets in Armenia a free hand to meddle in the internal affairs of the country and sow social and political discontent. This is not a recent phenomenon. Washington has been perfecting its ability to sow unrest in targeted nations since the 1950s. The author of a recently published book on the infamous Dulles brothers had the following to say in a recent interview -
"[The Dulles brothers] were able to succeed [at regime change] in Iran and Guatemala because those were democratic societies, they were open societies. They had free press; there were all kinds of independent organizations; there were professional groups; there were labor unions; there were student groups; there were religious organizations. When you have an open society, it's very easy for covert operatives to penetrate that society and corrupt it."
Stephen Kinzer in NPR Radio Interview: http://pd.npr.org/anon.npr-mp3/npr/fa/2013/10/20131016_fa_01.mp3?dl=1

Mr. Putin’s aggression, it was suggested, was a masterful display of strategy and strength. That’s what I heard from some folks. Well, today, it is America that stands strong and united with our allies, while Russia is isolated, with its economy in tatters.

Source: http://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2015/02/25/putin-reaction-ukraine-about-russian-security/uM3Ipc7lWPgWbpiIWBJSxI/story.html

Opinion Journal Video
Mr. Putin may be an autocrat, but he finds weak democracies convenient to his purpose. Their frail institutional and rule-of-law regimes make his favored forms of subversion easier. Thus, Moldova, Bulgaria and Serbia are particularly at risk while Romania, a member of the European Union since 2007 and far more stable than Bulgaria, is less so.
Mr. Putin has a North European Plain strategy in the Baltic states and Poland, which emphasizes dependence on natural gas and the manipulation of Russian minorities in the Baltic states. He also has a Black Sea strategy, as seen in his annexation of Crimea last year, his desire for a land bridge between Crimea and separatist eastern Ukraine, his military pressure on Georgia, and his friendship with Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan—it all advances Russian influence in the adjacent Balkans, thus inside Europe. Western sanctions against Russia and the weakening of the Russian currency (because of the fall in oil prices) may constrain Mr. Putin a bit, but Russian history reveals a strong tendency for hardship at home and adventurism abroad. Dialing up nationalism amid economic turmoil is the default option for autocrats.

“stockpiling a base in Poland with enough weapons, ammunition and other supplies to support a rapid deployment of thousands of troops against Russia”.(RT, July 24, 2014).
“He plans to recommend placing supplies — weapons, ammunition and ration packs — at the headquarters to enable a sudden influx of thousands of Nato troops” (Times, August 22, 2014, emphasis added)
”US tanks rolled in to Lithuania earlier this month is a show of force to Russia that it’s not welcome in the region.”
Strongly condemning the actions of the Russian Federation, under President Vladimir Putin, which has carried out a policy of aggression against neighboring countries aimed at political and economic domination.(The full text of H. RES. 758 is contained in annex to this article)
An attack on one member of the Atlantic alliance is an attack on all members of the Alliance.
“conduct a review of the force posture, readiness, and responsibilities of the United States Armed Forces and the forces of other members of NATO to determine if the contributions and actions of each is sufficient to meet the obligations of collective self defence under article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty and to specify the measures needed to remedy any deficiencies” .
Media BlackoutThe resolution demands Russia to be isolated … In other words, ‘let’s get ready for war with Russia.’ This is exactly the type of sabre rattling which led to the initiation and escalation of the Cold War. It is time we demanded that the US employ diplomacy, not more military expenditures, in the quest for international order.

At the end of last year, the US Congress passed the Ukraine Freedom Support Act, which mandates the supply of $350 million in lethal and non-lethal aid to the Kiev regime. The Obama administration maintains the fiction that it has not yet acted on the «non-lethal» provisions in the Act, but that is stretching credulity to breaking point. The notion that Washington and its NATO allies, including Britain, the Baltic states and Poland, are now – only now – mulling the possibility of furnishing lethal material to the Kiev regime is simply laughable.
We can go further back to the CIA-inspired «colour revolution» of 2004, or even as far back as 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed and the US began infiltrating Ukraine with $5 billion to foment «civil society groups». That is a euphemism for the USAID, CIA, George Soros umbrella of destabilising agents. We have knowledge of the $5 billion fund courtesy of the clumsy admission from neocon State Department siren Victoria Nuland, who actually bragged about the fact during the Maidan Square protests at the end of 2013. This week, Nuland’s minion at the State Department Jan Psaki again disclosed to reporters that the US has long been involved in «working with the Ukrainian opposition» to ensure the country was «on track» for «transition».


But if such aid were sent, "Russia would reasonably consider the U.S. to be a direct participant in the conflict," said Evgeny Buzhinsky, a former lieutenant general on Russia's General Staff now at Moscow-based think tank the PIR Center. Speaking to The Moscow Times on a condition of anonymity, a member of the Russian Defense Ministry's public advisory board warned that Moscow would not only up the ante in eastern Ukraine, "but also respond asymmetrically against Washington or its allies on other fronts."
The proposal is set to be discussed with all parties in the Belarussian capital of Minsk on Wednesday, but some consider peace talks hopeless, and advocate military measures. The U.S.-led NATO military alliance says Moscow has sent troops and arms to aid pro-Russian rebels fighting in eastern Ukraine — which Russia denies. Calls to arm Ukraine are seen as a way to even the odds for the Ukrainian army, enabling Kiev to halt rebel advances and force them — and the Kremlin — to negotiate.
U.S. think tank the Atlantic Council called last month for Washington to give $3 billion in lethal and non-lethal military aid to Ukraine over the next three years. But Russian defense analysts polled by The Moscow Times said unanimously that U.S. arms transfers to Ukraine would be interpreted in Moscow as a declaration of open proxy war with Russia and inevitably lead to escalation of the conflict.
"It would become tit-for-tat," said Maxim Shepovalenko, an analyst at the Moscow-based Center for the Analysis of Strategy and Technology (CAST). "Moscow will not just sit by calmly and see what happens, it will counteract," he said.
Who Are We Giving This to?
Only one of the units was reportedly destroyed by rebel fire. The other was reportedly dropped by Ukrainian soldiers — underscoring the difficulty of providing aid and ensuring it gets put to good use. "You might give aid to the regular armed forces, not the volunteer battalions, but you still need trained operators. Training takes time, additional money, and more than anything else — it takes practical experience," said Shepovalenko.
U.S. deployment of trainers to Ukraine would mean sending U.S. military personnel into Ukraine — which could easily be construed by Moscow as U.S. involvement in the war. Beyond training, there is no guarantee that weapons and hardware will not fall into enemy hands or wet the beaks of corrupt Ukrainian army personnel. Corruption in the ranks cannot be discounted, according to the PIR Center's Buzhinsky: "It is absolutely certain that at least fifty percent of what is delivered will be stolen and then sold on the side," he said.


Ukraine has been losing ground in its eastern regions to the pro-Russian separatists, who are apparently armed with advanced armor from Russia. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko over the weekend made an emotional appeal to western leaders for defensive weapons to help counter the separatists’ assaults.
“We are an independent nation and we have a right to defend our people,” Poroshenko said Saturday at a high-level security conference in Munich. “Over the course of the offensive we have proved to be responsible and we will not use the defensive equipment for attack.”

Ukraine has been losing ground in its eastern regions to the pro-Russian separatists, who are apparently armed with advanced armor from Russia. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko over the weekend made an emotional appeal to western leaders for defensive weapons to help counter the separatists’ assaults. “We are an independent nation and we have a right to defend our people,” Poroshenko said Saturday at a high-level security conference in Munich. “Over the course of the offensive we have proved to be responsible and we will not use the defensive equipment for attack.”

President Barack Obama is under pressure from some in Congress to provide Kiev with lethal weapons. German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen voiced Europe's misgivings about this strategy: "Are we sure we would be improving the situation for the people in Ukraine by delivering weapons? Are we really sure that Ukraine can win against the Russian military machine?"
"And would this not be an excuse for Russia to intervene openly in the conflict?" asked the German minister. Britain also fears that sending weapons could "escalate the conflict", her British counterpart Michael Fallon told the conference.
As they spoke, Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande held talks in Moscow with Putin to try to end the conflict in Ukraine that has killed more than 5,000 people and driven Russia's relations with the West to new lows. Their initiative was partly prompted by the debate about arming Kiev.
NATO's top military commander, Gen. Philip Breedlove, gave the strongest indication so far that he is - as the New York Times reported this week - among the U.S. officials who favor providing defensive arms and equipment to Ukraine's military. The West has tried using diplomatic and economic measures to put pressure on Putin, he said. "But if what is being done is not producing what you want to gain from the conversation, then maybe all tools in the tool bag should be used and conventional means should not be outwardly discounted," Breedlove added.
Germany's von der Leyen questioned the strategic sense of providing weapons to Kiev when the separatists were so well-supplied by the Russians. "The support with arms from Russia to the separatists is potentially unlimited," she said. "And do we really count on being able to provide as many arms to the Ukrainian army that they could potential conquer the other side?"
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/06/us-ukraine-crisis-germany-minister-idUSKBN0LA1S420150206
European leaders can wring their hands. They can threaten to ratchet up the sanctions they have imposed against Russia. But the damage has been done ever since March 2014, when Putin annexed Crimea. Through its weak response to Russian aggression, the E.U. has discarded the rules of the post–Cold War era. Even the 1975 Helsinki Final Act, in which Western and Communist bloc leaders pledged to respect the inviolability of borders, has been torn up. Europe is entering a new and dangerous era for which it is completely unprepared.
Other European leaders, who seem to forget that a war is being waged on the E.U.’s borders, have no qualms either in dealing with Putin. Nicos Anastasiades, the president of Cyprus, is scheduled to visit Moscow on February 25. For many years, Cyprus has been providing Russian oligarchs with a safe haven for their riches.
Source: http://www.newsweek.com/europe-throws-ukraine-under-bus-308853

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/russian-diplomat-slams-destructive-us-stance-164159631.html


In August of 2014, the Georgian Prosecutor-General’s Office requested an Interpol warrant for Saakashvilii’s arrest. The former president is facing several charges in his home country over his alleged abuse of power, the use of excessive force against protesters, embezzlement, and ordering politically motivated killings. Now that Saakashvili is in Ukraine, Tbilisi has asked for his extradition. Kiev has refused to comply.
If this is yet another State Department recommendation, it is poorly timed and ill-conceived. This seems to be the norm when it comes to Washington’s suggestions for Kiev. Indeed, Victoria Nuland was in Tbilisi on February 17th as part of her South Caucasus tour. When asked about Georgia’s request of Ukraine to extradite Saakashvili, she replied that Ukraine and Georgia “need each other and should support one another in this ‘very important moment’ in their history”. It is true that both countries are at a crossroads and can use all the help they can garner. But appointing Saakashvili as an advisor was a very poor decision. For starters, what sage advice can a man who permanently lost two provinces of his country, yet refuses to admit his mistakes, provide? If Ukrainian officials wish to make smart choices when dealing with their Russian counterparts then the selection of the former Georgian leader – blindly anti-Russia and anti-Putin – is a poor one. More importantly, officials in Tbilisi feel slighted by the Ukrainians, a state they see as a kindred spirit of sorts. Meanwhile the Kremlin has a new example for an old argument it uses in its ongoing negotiations with Georgian diplomats: that the West does not take Georgia’s concerns seriously. Russia’s ultimate goal is to lure Tbilisi away from the West and into the Russian camp, primarily through Georgia’s inclusion into the nascent Eurasian Economic Union. This will be a medium to long term goal and may take years but that is the endgame.


Agreeing to a compromise might be as hard for Washington as Kiev. The latter has more to lose, but U.S. policymakers have come to believe that they have been anointed to govern the entire Earth. However, while the U.S. and Europe can weaken Russia's economy and target Moscow's elite, they are not willing to risk military conflict with a nuclear-armed power, nor should they.
Ukraine's most fervent advocates assume anyone not ready to commit self-immolation on Kiev's behalf must be a Russian asset left over from Soviet times. However, Washington policymakers should put America's interests before those of other nations, in which case there's no justification for jumping into the Ukraine-Russia imbroglio.
There are at least a baker's dozen good reasons for the U.S. to avoid the fight. I recently covered the first six elsewhere: Ukraine isn't important geographically; Russia matters to America more than Ukraine does; blame is widely shared for Ukraine's travails; Washington never guaranteed Ukraine's security; Vladimir Putin is not Hitler, and Russia is not Nazi Germany (or Stalin's Soviet Union); and there's no genocide. But these are just the start. Seven more complete the baker's dozen.
1) Russia isn't Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, or Libya.
Americans have come to expect quick, easy, almost costless victories. The Pentagon hasn't had a tough time defeating another government since Vietnam. It is the aftermath that has been difficult, an important reason that Washington didn't try to occupy Libya. While the Obama administration has resisted proposals for military confrontation with Moscow, a gaggle of ivory tower warriors has pushed to arm Ukraine, bring Kiev into NATO, and station U.S. men and planes in Ukraine. These steps could lead to war.
However, Russia would be no pushover. The U.S., especially in alliance with Europe, should be able to defeat any nation in full-scale combat. However, Moscow has improved its conventional forces since their mixed performance in the 2008 war with Georgia. Russia has an air defense system that would preclude America's usual costless control of the skies. Worse, Moscow has a full range of nuclear weapons. It could respond to allied conventional superiority with use of tactical nukes. It's one thing to play military chicken with an impoverished third-world nation. It's quite another to challenge a nuclear-armed state.
2) Moscow has more at stake in Ukraine than the West has and will act accordingly.
America's war-happy chattering classes often assume that but one harsh word from Washington will cause other nations to beat a swift retreat. If only President Barack Obama would "exercise leadership" and "demonstrate resolve," Vladimir Putin would admit he was wrong, abandon Ukrainian separatists, disgorge Crimea, and go into exile in Siberia.
In fact, the status of Ukraine matters far more to Moscow than to Washington. America has no interests of comparable strength regarding Ukraine. Imagine if the Soviet Union had proposed bringing Mexico into the Warsaw Pact after having helped oust a democratically elected government allied with America. Washington's reaction would have been swift, strong, and exceedingly hostile.
Since Russia has far more at stake in Ukraine's orientation, the former will devote far greater resources and take far greater risks than will the allies. Ukraine is a minor economic and security issue for Europe and of marginal concern for America. That's why no allied government is prepared to take military action in Ukraine. In fact, Kiev can expect only limited financial transfers along with financial sanctions against Russia. In contrast, the Putin government has accepted financial losses, economic isolation, human casualties, and political hostility.
3) Alliances should enhance U.S. security, not provide foreign charity.
In 2008 NATO first agreed in principle to bring Ukraine into the alliance. Several European nations remain opposed, but Ukraine's most fervent advocates continue pushing to include Kiev. Last month Ukraine's Rada repealed the law barring membership, and President Petro Poroshenko advocated joining.
It's impossible to blame Kiev for wanting the West to protect it. But it makes no sense for the allies to do so. Indeed, Washington has played the sucker throughout NATO's expansion. Adding new nations did not make America more secure. Rather, the U.S. treated its premier military alliance like international charity, bringing in nations that amount to security black holes. Washington paid to upgrade small militaries with minimal capabilities while promising to protect new members from threats irrelevant to America.
Adding Ukraine (and Georgia) would be even more dangerous. Both have been at war with Russia. Both have had irresponsible political leadership. Both have an incentive to entangle the globe's superpower in their territorial disputes. Bringing them into NATO would dramatically degrade U.S. security by transforming minor conflicts irrelevant to Washington into potential military disputes between America and Russia.
4) Security guarantees and alliance commitments often spread, rather than deter, conflict.
NATO advocates presume that membership would dissuade Russia from taking military action. Alas, deterrence often fails. History is replete with examples of alliances that did not stop conflict. And when deterrence fails, alliances become transmission belts of war. The worst war in human history, World War II, began despite defense promises made to Poland by France and Great Britain in an attempt to forestall a German invasion. World War I provided an even more dramatic example of alliances expanding rather than restricting conflict. An assassination in Sarajevo, Bosnia, spread war to most of Europe as well as to parts of Asia and North America. In many cases contending parties either discount the likelihood of countries acting on their promises or believe the stakes warrant risking war. Both likely apply to Russia in Ukraine.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/doug-bandow/seven-reasons-why-us-shou_b_6763732.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592

Demonstrators vowed that last year's protests in Kiev — centered in the Maidan square which ultimately forced Ukaine's pro-Russian president to flee on Feb. 21 — would never be repeated in Russia. "Maidan" is the Ukrainian word for "square" and in common usage refers to Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square). The protesters in Moscow were an assortment of ultranationalist bikers, pensioners, war veterans, members of student organizations and activists from other pro-Kremlin groups. Many of them waved Russian flags, others bore banners that said "Die, America!" or "U$A, Stop the War!" Police said that 35,000 people attended, though those numbers were impossible to verify independently.
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/thousands-gather-moscow-protest-fascist-coup-kiev-125253591.html

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/john-mccain-m-ashamed-country-m-ashamed-president-175342180.html

What is Russian President Vladimir Putin’s grand strategy? It may get lost in the headlines about the murder of an opposition leader just outside the Kremlin walls and the grinding horrors of the Ukraine war, but from the shores of the Black Sea here in Georgia the outlines are painfully obvious. While the world’s attention has focused on eastern Ukraine over the last year, the Kremlin has been maneuvering to take something far more valuable than the war-torn sliver of outdated industrial territory known as Donbass around Luhansk and Donetsk.
Source: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/03/01/putin-s-power-projection-it-s-all-about-energy-and-the-black-sea.html?

According to the report from the State Department, Russia has 528 carriers of strategic nuclear weapons that carry 1,643 warheads. The United States has 794 vehicles and 1,652 nuclear warheads.
It just so happens that today, Russia's strategic nuclear forces (SNF) are even more advanced in comparison with those of the US, as they ensure parity on warheads with a significantly smaller number of carriers of strategic nuclear weapons. This gap between Russia and the United States may only grow in the future, given the fact that Russian defense officials promised to rearm Russia's SNF with new generation missiles.
The progress was made possible thanks to the treaty on the limitation of nuclear weapons, also known as START-3. The treaty was signed by Dmitry Medvedev and Barack Obama on 8 April 2010 in Prague (came into force on 5 February 2011). In accordance with the document, nuclear warheads of the parties are to be reduced to 1,550 by 2021. The number of carriers (intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles and heavy bombers) is supposed to be cut to 700 units.
It was the first strategic agreement, after the treacherous policy of democrats, in which Russia managed to win significant advantages. In the treaty, the Americans, for the first time in history, undertook to reduce their strategic nuclear potential, while Russia won an opportunity to increase it. Furthermore, the new treaty removed important limitations that existed in the previous START 1 and START 2 treaties. It goes about the size of areas for the deployment of mobile ICBMs, the number of multi charge ICBMs, and the possibility to build railway-based ICBMs. Russia did not make any concessions.
Having written off Moscow as a serious geopolitical rival, flying on the wings of inaccessible military and technological superiority, Washington drove itself into a trap, from which it does not see a way out even in a medium-term perspective.
Recently, a lot has been said about so-called "sixth-generation wars" and high-precision long-range weapons that should ensure victory over enemy without coming into direct contact with its armed forces. This concept is highly questionable (The US failed to achieve victory in such a way both in Iraq and Afghanistan). Yet, this is the point, where Russia enters the parity line as well. The proof is long-range cruise missiles of a new generation that will soon be deployed on submarines of the Black Sea Fleet and missile ships of the Caspian Flotilla.
In today's Russia, many find this hard to believe. This is a common belief for many of those, who still enthusiastically remain in captivity of the myths about the absolute "weakness" of Russia and the absolute "superiority" of the West. The myth was made up in the 90's under the influence of Boris Yeltsin and his betrayal of Russian national interests. One has to admit that during that time, the myth was real, if one may say so.
Times have changed. One can easily understand the new state of affairs. For example, let's consider the potential of conventional weapons of Russia and the West in the European Theater of Operations (ETO). In this area, it is generally believed that NATO is a lot stronger than Russia. Yet, a first encounter with reality smashes this misbelief into pieces. As is known, the main striking force, the core of combat power of the ground forces is tanks. By the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian Armed Forces had about 20,000 tanks in the ETO.
The Americans, in turn, deployed 6,000 heavy Abrams tanks on the territory of the allied group. Despite this, the combined potential of NATO forces in Europe was still significantly inferior to the Soviet potential. To compensate this imbalance, NATO strategists were forced to resort to tactical nuclear weapons (TNW).
In the first half of the 1950s, NATO conducted a research about what kind of forces the bloc should have to show reliable resistance to large-scale ground offensive of superior forces of the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact countries. The calculations showed then that one required at least 96 full-fledged divisions for the purpose. Yet, the cost of armament for one of such divisions exceeded $1 billion. Plus, one required two or three more billion to maintain such a large group of troops and build appropriate infrastructure. This burden was clearly beyond the power of the economy of the West.
The solution was found in a move to deploy a group of US tactical nuclear weapons on the continent, and that was done soon. By early 1970s, the US arsenal of tactical nuclear weapons counted about 7,000 units of ammunition. The highest achievement in the area was the creation of weapons of selective action - neutron warheads (for guns of 203-mm and 155-mm caliber, and for Lance missiles) with a capacity from 1 to 10 kilotons. The warheads were seen as the key in combating land forces personnel, particularly Soviet tank crews.
Given the nuclear factor, to reflect "Soviet aggression," NATO required to deploy only 30, rather than 96 divisions, and so they were deployed.
How do things work in this area now? In early 2013, the Americans withdrew the last group of heavy Abrams tanks from Europe. In NATO countries, over the last 20 years, one new tank would replace 10-15 old, yet still capable, tanks. At the same time, Russia was not decommissioning its tanks. As a result, today Russia is the absolute leader in this regard. In mid-2014, the balance of the Defense Ministry had as many as 18,177 tanks (T-90 - 400 pcs., T-72B - 7,144 pcs., T-80 - 4,744 pcs, T-64 - 4,000 pcs, T-62 - 689 pcs, and T-55 - 1200 pcs.).
Of course, only a few thousand tanks are deployed in permanent readiness units, and most of them remain at storage bases. Yet, NATO has the same picture. Therefore, the decisive superiority of Russian tanks has not gone anywhere since the times of the USSR. Here is another surprise. As for tactical nuclear weapons, the superiority of modern-day Russia over NATO is even stronger. The Americans are well aware of this. They were convinced before that Russia would never rise again. Now it's too late.
To date, NATO countries have only 260 tactical nuclear weapons in the ETO. The United States has 200 bombs with a total capacity of 18 megatons. They are located on six air bases in Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Turkey. France has 60 more atomic bombs. That is pretty much it. Russia, according to conservative estimates, has 5,000 pieces of different classes of TNW - from Iskander warheads to torpedo, aerial and artillery warheads! The US has 300 tactical B-61 bombs on its own territory, but this does not change the situation against the backdrop of such imbalance. The US is unable to improve it either, as it has destroyed the "Cold War legacy" - tactical nuclear missiles, land-based missiles and nuclear warheads of sea-based Tomahawk cruise missiles.

Source: http://rt.com/news/236573-russia-repel-nuclear-strike/

The field-type exercises of the air defense forces will be taking place until April 10 in twelve military firing ranges, located in Russia's South, the North Caucasus and Crimean Federal Districts, as well as at Russian military bases in Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Armenia. “Over 2,000 troops have been involved into the battle drills, and over 500 items of weaponry and military hardware are being used,” Interfax quoted a statement of the Southern Military District.

One of the reasons Russian President Vladimir Putin is looking critically at Georgia is that it has sought to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, and continues to seek membership despite Kremlin warnings. Putin’s moves into Ukraine and now the threats toward Georgia are to maintain a buffer between the NATO countries and the Russian Federation. Putin has been critical of NATO’s “eastward expansion,” such as in the Baltic countries of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, where a significant number of ethnic Russians reside.
There also are mounting concerns that Moscow has targeted Estonia, because of its weak economy and political uncertainty, to force the country, along with the entire Baltic to leave NATO and rejoin its Eurasian Union. For now, however, the immediate concern after Ukraine is Georgia, with Russian troops occupying the two Georgian breakaway provinces of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
“Russia’s recent activities in Georgia strongly suggest where the Kremlin may wish to move forward next, should Russia prevail in the Ukrainian war and succeed in dismembering this country or ensuring Kiev’s forced subjugation back into the Russian ‘sphere of privileged interest,” he said. The Russians are all but prepared to annex Abkhazia, now that Russian President Vladimir Putin has ratified the so-called “Alliance and Strategic Partnership Treaty” with that region.
Russian troops occupied Abkhazia and South Ossetia after the 2008 Russian invasion of Georgia, which lasted five days. Russian troops have never left. At the same time, Moscow is working, in effect, to annex South Ossetia, much as it did Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula last year, with an Abkhazia-type Alliance and Strategic Partnership Treaty. Some regional observers say Russia’s 2008 advance into Georgia and takeover of its two breakaway provinces was just a warm-up to annex the Crimean Peninsula.
Now, the rest of Ukraine, especially in the East, is looking at the specter of Russia being called in to protect ethnic Russians there, much as it did in Crimea. Russia’s treaty with Abkhazia and South Ossetia, both of which the international community still regard as part of Georgia, underscores the priority it holds in regaining its hold on Georgia and the overarching importance the Caucasus holds for Moscow. “Needless to say, Russia does not intend to give up anything in Georgia and the Caucasus,” Rukhadze said. “Quite to the contrary, the Kremlin is actually consolidating, and rather successfully so, its position in the region.”
He said that after Ukraine, Georgia is perhaps the former Soviet republic that has been “vigorously” resisting membership in the Russian Eurasian Economic Union, which is supposed to be the economic counterpart to the West’s European Union. In Rukhadze’s view, the Eurasian Economic Union is nothing more than a cover for Putin to resurrect the Soviet Union. “So, by subduing Georgia, Putin will be able (to) obtain the last highly important piece to complete his Eurasian integrationist project,” Rukhadze said.
But Putin has other strategic designs for the region, which would give him access to one of the major oil and natural gas pipelines outside Ukraine to provide energy to Europe. It also would give Russia a long-sought direct land link to Armenia, which Rukhadze describes as a “key satellite” in the South Caucasus region. The landline would permit Moscow to resupply its only military base outside the Russian Federation, a request it has made to the Georgian government that consistently has been rejected. With such a land-link directly from the Russian Federation into Armenia, Moscow would geographically isolate Azerbaijan from the West, which then would prompt that country’s “inevitable return to the Russian orbit,” Rukhadze said. Neither Georgia nor the West seem to be prepared to respond to the prospect of a Russian takeover in Georgia, establishing a landline into Armenia and moving Azerbaijan back under Moscow’s influence.
“As a result, once Russia strikes, [the West is] likely to be caught by surprise, as was the case when Russia annexed Crimea and launched the war in eastern Ukraine,” Rukhadze said. “Hence, Russia’s every step in Georgia and in the entire Caucasus region will need to be carefully analyzed and counterbalanced,” he said. “Failure to do so, as recent history has already shown, may yield far-reaching, devastating results.”


Pavlenko, 35, was one of four volunteers to be buried in the past two weeks from the northwestern city, where organisations helping Russians of all ages with everything from military training to making the journey to the battleground, have sprung up in recent months. "Yevgeny could not have acted otherwise when Russians are being killed in Donbass," the eastern region of Ukraine, Markin told AFP, his eyes glistening with tears as he spoke of the former professor of literature and member of the banned National Bolshevik Party - which combines radical nationalism with communist ideals.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/russia-accuses-us-bringing-chaos-middle-east-185006081.html

Forty-six percent of European Union citizens argue that the 28-member bloc should act more independently from the United States, while only 28 percent think that Brussels is independent enough in its actions, a poll conducted by ICM Research exclusively for the Sputnik news agency revealed. The ICM Research questioned over 3,000 people in Germany, the United Kingdom, and France. Telephone interviews with adults in the three countries were conducted in December 2014.
According to the poll, the vast majority of German citizens, 62 percent, think that Brussels should become more independent from Washington, while only 15 percent of Germans believe that the European Union has already been acting independently enough from the United States. Opinions shared on the same topic in France and the United Kingdom were similar, where 38 and 39 percent of respondents respectively thought that the countries should be more independent of the United States. Thirteen present of residents in both countries said the EU should act less independently from the US.
The European Union coordinates most of its foreign activities with the United States, including the recently imposed sanctions against Russia over Moscow’s alleged interference in Ukraine’s internal affairs – a claim the Kremlin has repeatedly denied. The sanctions particularly targeted Russia's energy, defense and banking sectors. Economic sanctions imposed in July were preceded by several rounds of restrictions imposed by the EU, the US and their allies against Russian and Crimean officials and individuals that Brussels believed to have played a role in "destabilizing" Ukraine. A lot of EU citizens, particularly Germans, whose businesses and work depend on cooperation with Russia, expressed their dissatisfaction over their governments’ actions, saying that they have blindly followed US policies.
Have Anti-Russian Sanctions Been Implemented by EU Under US Influence, Jointly, or Independently?
In France, 33 percent of those polled argued that the United States had influenced the bloc’s decision to join the sanctions against Russia, while only 24 percent said that the European Union had maken the decision independently. In the United Kingdom, 17 percent expressed no opinion, while a quarter of the respondents said the European Union’s decision was affected by Washington.
Have Sanctions Against Russia Affected the Ukrainian Conflict Settlement in Positive or in Negative Way?
The ICM Research poll for Sputnik revealed that over half of the German citizens polled, 54 percent, believed that sanctions imposed by the West negatively affected the Ukrainian conflict settlement. Only 16 percent of German citizens thought the sanctions had affected the situation positively, while 24 percent said the measures had no effect at all. British residents polled had a completely different opinion. Forty percent of British respondents said that sanctions had positively affected the situation in Ukraine, while only 21 percent argued that the impact had been negative.
Thirty-seven percent of French citizens claimed that anti-Russian sanctions had played no role in the Ukrainian crisis settlement, and 30 percent said the measures had played a negative role. Overall, 35 percent of Europeans said sanctions had had a negative impact on the Ukrainian crisis settlement, while 26 percent had expressed opposite opinion.
Should Sanctions Against Russia Stay in Place?
Forty-five percent of people in the United Kingdom, and thirty-six percent in France argued that the anti-Russian sanctions should remain, twenty-one and twenty percent respectively in the two countries said extra sanctions must be implemented.
Should EU Provide Further Financial Assistance to Ukraine?
Only 35 percent of the respondents said that the bloc should allocate extra funds to Ukraine, and 10 percent had no opinion on the issue. Two countries that strongly opposed the idea of sending extra money to crisis-hit Ukraine were France and the United Kingdom. Sixty-six and fifty-nine percent respectively of the countries’ residents accordingly are against this move.
Germans, in contrary, said that the country should allocate more financial aid to Ukraine. Fifty-five percent of respondents in that country shared this opinion, while 39 percent argued that the country should not provide more financial aid. As a result of the internal conflict in Ukraine, which erupted after Kiev launched a military operation against eastern Ukrainian independence supporters who refused to recognize the new government they believe to had seized power after a February coup, the country’s economy is now struggling. In an attempt to achieve the economic recovery, Kiev authorities have asked for international loans.
Earlier this year, the European Union adopted two Macro-Financial Assistance (MFA) programs of approximately 1.61 billion Euros ($2 billion) for Ukraine. The loans were intended to support Ukraine economically and financially, while encouraging structural reforms in the country.

At the symposium, held in a divinely frescoed former 15th century Dominican refectory now part of the Italian parliament’s library, Sergey Glazyev, on the phone from Moscow, gave a stark reading of Cold War 2.0. There’s no real “government” in Kiev; the US ambassador is in charge. An anti-Russia doctrine has been hatched in Washington to foment war in Europe – and European politicians are its collaborators. Washington wants a war in Europe because it is losing the competition with China. Glazyev addressed the sanctions dementia: Russia is trying simultaneously to reorganize the politics of the International Monetary Fund, fight capital flight and minimize the effect of banks closing credit lines for many businessmen. Yet the end result of sanctions, he says, is that Europe will be the ultimate losers economically; bureaucracy in Europe has lost economic focus as American geopoliticians have taken over.
Only three days before the run on the rouble, I asked Rosneft’s Mikhail Leontyev (Press-Secretary – Director of the Information and Advertisement Department) about the growing rumors of the Russian government getting ready to apply currency controls. At the time, no one knew an attack on rouble would be so swift, and conceived as a checkmate to destroy the Russian economy. After sublime espressos at the Tazza d’Oro, right by the Pantheon, Leontyev told me that currency controls were indeed a possibility. But not yet. What he did emphasize was this was outright financial war, helped by a fifth column in the Russian establishment. The only equal component in this asymmetrical war was nuclear forces. And yet Russia would not surrender. Leontyev characterized Europe not as a historical subject but as an object: “The European project is an American project.” And “democracy” had become fiction.
Show me your imperturbable missile
Still, that remains a serious possibility, with the Empire of Chaos accusing Russia of violating the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) even as it prepares to force Europe in 2015 to accept the deployment of US nuclear cruise missiles. Russia could outmaneuver Western financial markets by cutting them off from its wealth of oil and natural gas. The markets would inevitably collapse – uncontrolled chaos for the Empire of Chaos (or “controlled chaos”, in Putin’s own words). Imagine the crumbling of the quadrillion-plus of derivatives. It would take years for the “West” to replace Russian oil and natural gas, but the EU’s economy would be instantly devastated.
Darkness dawns at the break of chaos
To top it off, in 2014 President Xi Jinping has deployed unprecedented diplomatic/geostrategic frenzy – ultimately tied to the long-term project of slowly but surely keeping on erasing US supremacy in Asia and rearranging the global chessboard. What Xi said in Shanghai in May encapsulates the project; “It’s time for Asians to manage the affairs of Asia.” At the APEC meeting in November, he doubled down, promoting an “Asia-Pacific dream”. Meanwhile, frenzy is the norm. Apart from the two monster, US$725 billion gas deals – Power of Siberia and Altai pipeline – and a recent New Silk Road-related offensive in Eastern Europe, [4] virtually no one in the West remembers that in September Chinese Prime Minister Li Keiqiang signed no fewer than 38 trade deals with the Russians, including a swap deal and a fiscal deal, which imply total economic interplay.

In Moscow on Wednesday, Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias said Greece could mediate between Russia and the EU, criticizing sanctions as ineffective. His Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov praised the new Athens government’s “constructive line” and noted the countries’ “spiritual closeness.” European diplomats have said Greece may seek to link its potential veto of new or extended sanctions to greater leeway in its complex debt talks with Europe. Mr. Kotzias said last month Greece could block EU decisions on sanctions, which require agreement among all the bloc’s 28 nations, if they weren’t in Greece’s interest. Dismissing concerns about links to Russia, Mr. Kotzias said in Brussels on Jan. 29 that Greece is standing up for its own interests, not Moscow’s. “We are not the bad boy,” he said. But in Moscow, the victory of allies in Athens is being hailed as the crumbling of the EU’s united stance against Russia, with Greece’s new leaders as vectors of Russian influence.


Russian navy ships will keep having access to stop off at Cyprus' ports in Mediterranean as the two countries have agreed to prolong the pre-existing deal on military cooperation. The agreement, which applies to Russian vessels involved in counter-terrorism and anti-piracy efforts, was signed by President Vladimir Putin and his Cypriot counterpart, Nicos Anastasiades, in Moscow. The signing came aimed heightened tensions and sanctions between Russia and the EU over the military conflict in Ukraine. President Putin, however, stressed that the agreement, as well as Russia-Cypriot ''friendly ties aren't aimed against anyone." "I don't think it should cause worries anywhere," he said.
Source: http://rt.com/news/235851-russia-cyprus-military-eu/

He says he and Sissi discussed in detail the regional and international situation and agreed to increase mutual efforts in fighting terrorism. He stressed the need to resolve both the Syrian and regional Middle East conflicts was imperative. Putin said Russia had shared details of recent Syria peace talks in Moscow and he and Sissi would like to see a peaceful resolution to the four-year-old conflict. Mark Katz, Professor of Government and International Affairs at George Mason University, said Putin wanted to show that Russia continued to be involved in the Middle East. "So the visit is meant to make a positive statement about Russian-Egyptian relations,” he said .

“The first message behind the visit is that both countries are dissatisfied with the U.S. hegemony over the world both politically and economically,” said Nourhan al-Sheikh, political science professor at Cairo University and expert in Russian affairs. The professor told Xinhua that Egyptian-Russian rejection of U.S. dominance is also indicated in Sisi’s remarks on the necessity for “the establishment of a fairer international economic system.”
Although Sisi did not mention the U.S. by name, the Egyptian president said on Tuesday in a joint press conference with Putin that the world needs to develop “an international system that is more democratic, fairer and safer for all countries.”
Egypt has been facing U.S.-led Western criticism since then-military-chief Sisi led the overthrow of former Islamist President Mohamed Morsi in July 2013, whereas Russia has been suffering U.S. pressures and sanctions over the Ukrainian crisis.
Sheikh described Putin’s visit to Cairo as “very supportive and earnest” as it shows Russia’s confidence in Egypt’s stability ahead of the country’s long-awaited economic summit to be held in Sharm El-Sheikh in March to offer foreign investment opportunities in Egypt.
“This visit is like a Russian testimony that Egypt is stable, secure and trustworthy enough for strategic partnership and huge foreign investments,” the professor added, noting that Cairo is Putin’s first foreign visit in 2015.





Azerbaijan Should Be Very Afraid of Victoria Nuland

“During the Cold War, both Europeans and Americans had to compromise with dictators around the world in order to weaken the Soviet Union and communism. What would be, in your view Mr Kagan, the new sort of compromises that the US government is willing to make to defeat terrorism? Corneliu, Bucharest
Robert Kagan: Clearly we are making such kinds of compromises all over the place in the war on terrorism, although I must say I doubt they are proving very useful. We are turning a mostly blind eye to the Mubarak dictatorship in Egypt, despite much rhetoric to the contrary, as well in Saudi Arabia. We have been forgiving of the dictatorships in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. Nor have we been very critical of the Putin dictatorship in Russia, no matter how many people he assassinates. This is all largely in the service of the war on terror. During the Cold War I actually believed that we wrong to support so many dictators, for it often did not help but hurt in the struggle against communism, in addition to being a violation of the principles we were struggling to defend. I am equally unpersuaded today that our support for these dictatorships will help us fight terrorism, and once again we pay the price of moral and ideological inconsistency.”
“There is a move to re-Sovietise the region, It’s not going to be called that. It’s going to be called a customs union, it will be called Eurasian Union and all of that, but let’s make no mistake about it. We know what the goal is and we are trying to figure out effective ways to slow down or prevent it.”
Source: http://www.globalresearch.ca/azerbaijan-should-be-very-afraid-of-victoria-nuland/5434354

It is often believed that these NGOs are either naïve, or driven by ideology, or both, and they have oftenbeen accused of being one-sided in their studies and publications, carefully choosing data that supports their positions and ignoring contrarydata. Nevertheless, they continue to exert substantial influence over many areas of public debate, often because they provide ammunition to government officials and bureaucrats, as well as to candidates and political parties supposedly comingfrom "objective" sources.
Recently, however, a more serious charge is being leveled at some of these NGOs--namely, that their activities on behalf of certain causes are bought and paid for by interested parties. Martin Indyk, former US negotiator for the still-born Israeli-Palestinian "peace process" inthe Obama Administration, was forced to resign when it was revealed that his organization, the highly-respected and influential Brooking Institution, had received very significant funding from the government of Qatar, whichseemed to explain the infamous meeting that Secretary of State Kerry had in Paris with the foreign ministers of Qatar and Turkey, whom heproposed act as"objective"intermediaries between the two sides.
In the past few weeks it has transpired that several respected environmental NGOs, such as the Sierra Club, one of the largest and most respected, had been receiving millions of dollars from various Bermuda-based companies and funds, the ultimate source of which was non-other than the government of Russia. The purpose of this support was to increase public and government opposition to fracking technologies, which have resulted in substantial competition to those countries dependent on oil and gas revenues, such as Russia. The curious failure for yearsof the Obama Administration to approve the oil pipeline from Western Canada to heavy-oil refineries in Texas, despite two favorable environmental impact reports from the State Department, may be traced to the influence of environmental NGOs, the activities of which are, in turn, financed by Russia.
The financier George Soros has been funding Jewish organizations opposed to the current government of Israel, such as J Street and others, in an attempt to assure the defeat of Prime Minister Netanyahu in the impending election. The lessons to be learned from these and other examples are, first: take all studies, reports and allegations with a large grain of salt until confirmed by alternative and non-related sources, especially when it comes to "scientific" evidence that it may turn out is not so much scientific as purchased. Secondly, all NGOs should be forced not only to reveal funding sources, but to identify who or what is behind some benign-sounding funders, such as "Earth-Friendly Fund of the Cayman Islands" (or whatever).
A final note on other, related,Russian activities outside the motherland. In addition to the flexing of military muscle in Ukraine and Georgia, as well as overflights, naval exercises and other actions, as well as the cyber attack some years ago on Estonia, Russia under Putin has been developing a huge, sophisticated externalpropaganda campaign. Examples of such uses of "soft" power in the Western Hemisphere have recently been detailed in think-tank reports, but by far the most significant target of these activities is Europe, and especially with reference to the parties of the extreme left and right, which are increasing exponentially in coverage and significance. One such party just came to power in Greece, and several otherelections are scheduled elsewhere in Europe this year and next, including in such major countries as Great Britain, Spain and France. In the last, the extreme-right Front National partywas the recipient of funding from a bank associated with the Russian government.

Vestnik Kavkaza further wrote: “The term ‘democracy’ in Armenia has long been exploited for information wars. For quite a while, Washington has been hesitating whether to support President Serzh Sargsyan or put bets on the opposition. After the victory of Sargsyan in early presidential polls, it seemed that the power was in the hands of a politician loyal to Moscow. However, it is hard to say that Armenia has a pure pro-Russian position. Sargsyan himself is trying to gain the support of both Russia and the U.S.”
According to the Center for World Journalism and Research, the work of non-governmental organizations in Armenia has reached “a grand scale in recent years.” The Justice Ministry has registered thousands of NGOs. The magazine also noted: “After the collapse of the USSR, the Armenian Assembly of America, a structure related to the State Department … has been in the avant-garde of American influence in Armenia.”
The article pointed out the fact that millions of dollars have been dumped in Armenia to fund the activities of NGOs that are loyal to western donors’ agenda. “Open Society Institute, a Soros Fund founded in Armenia in 1997, has already spent over $24 million in Armenia. … The Investigative Journalists got $187,400, the Asparez Journalist Club got $58,650, and the Independent Network of Journalists got $83,200 for creating a negative image of Russian-Armenian cooperation.”
Back in 2012, I wrote: “Not all NGOs in Armenia are completely devoted to their stated missions. Some of them have raised several ‘red flags’ because of their activities. They may have been set-up to pursue hidden agendas that are detrimental to Armenia’s national security. … Given the fact that sizable segments of the Armenian society continue to be politically illiterate they can be easily influenced and misguided by individuals or non-governmental organizations that may present themselves as ‘well-meaning’ but in reality they can pursue hidden goals. They may sound very empathetic towards the general populace, yet they care less about Armenia and its future. They publicly discuss burning issues and gain political mileage, yet their main intention is not democracy as they claim to be.”
I further underlined: “Can Armenia mitigate the negative impact of certain NGOs that play the role of Trojan horses from within? It can and it should. Armenia Should Emulate Russia in Qualifying Foreign-Funded NGOs as ‘foreign agents.’ … It would be strongly effective if all NGOs whether engaged in political activities or humanitarian endeavors be required to publicly present every year the sources of their income and itemize their expenditures. Transparency at NGO level can be utilized as a great example to follow.”
A few years ago, in an interview with the REGNUM News Agency titled, “LOOK OUT! ETHNIC ESPIONAGE,” Igor Muradyan, a widely recognized expert on the politics of the Caucasus region, stressed: “First of all, you should take into account the continuing political struggle in Armenia and view the stance of the Armenian Assembly of America also in this light. I don’t think that ethnic NGOs enjoy full independence in the US, but the point is that the Armenian Assembly of America is more than dependent. Even more, the Assembly is functionally dependent. The Assembly directors and employees don’t just look down on Armenia’s political class and leaders; they look down on them with disdain.”
He elaborated: “In 2001 the Assembly’s board decreed ‘to fight Armenian nationalism.’ This implies suppression of any instance of patriotism, especially over the Karabakh problem and Armenian-Turkish relations. … Gathering information on the state of the armed forces of Armenia, including armaments, information on senior officers, on the import of military hardware (invoice numbers, payment terms, transportation routes), receiving analytical notes on the fighting capacity of the Armenian army, information and assessment of typical conflicts inside the military command, the concerns and plans of different groups in the military circles; gathering information on the leaders and activists of political parties, the mass media and political leaders of Armenia, including economic interests, ties with foreign countries.”
He concluded: “Of certain interest is the impression I got personally from such contacts. Strange but true: Assembly representatives get openly malicious and bilious over the fact that the Armenian armed forces are highly capable of discharging many combat operations on their own. Would they be more comfortable if the army of their ‘historical homeland’ had other characteristics and was like the armies of some other states? Altogether incompetent, the Assembly representatives were as much annoyed to know that Armenia is not a perishing country and is successfully developing economically.”
Many Armenia-based NGOs are well-organized and genuinely transparent, and continue making transformational contributions to Armenia’s present and future. Armenian society can achieve optimum results through social, political, spiritual and economic activism. There is no question that civil society in Armenia is in need of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). However, some NGOs can prove to be a curse if they are not regulated properly and their activities watched closely.


The Armenian media – Azatutyun – is financed directly, but unofficially, by the American embassy in Armenia. And the consequences are clear. The edition works solidly, steps are highly coordinated, and information is well-thought through. Almost all the correspondents of “Freedom” go to various conferences on one and the same day and ask one and the same question. Usually the question touches on Russia’s activities or reaction to a certain problem which often has nothing in common with Armenia. It means the edition fulfills a clear plan which hasn’t been developed by it. “Freedom” floods the Armenian media space with false information to promote an atmosphere of mistrust of Russia and all its projects in the region.
After Serge Sargsyan’s statement on intention to join the Eurasian projects of Moscow, the activity of the aforementioned media had improved. Most of the anti-Russian articles and reports are absurd. For example, the authors state that a possible Armenian-Azerbaijani military conflict will be beneficial for Russia. Information on Moscow’s plans to “give away Karabakh” can be seen in publications of the mass media in the last 20 years. In January 2014 there was information that a group came from Russia and jabbed residents of Yerevan with HIV-contaminated syringes. “We don’t comment on rubbish,” the police of Armenia told Vestnik Kavkaza.
Now the radio is very concerned about the situation surrounding the status of the Armenian language and violations of the country's Language Law. Among such violations, according to Freedom radio, is the fact that a number of Russian-language international conferences are being held in Armenia. According to the law, all public events should be held with simultaneous translation into Armenian. The radio station's official website is now full of anti-Russian comments concerning this topic provided by various experts. The same is happening on air.
The radio has also paid special attention to the Rossiya Segodnya's chief executive Dmitry Kiselyov's remarks made in the Armenian parliament. Kiselyov and Armenian lawmakers who were taking part in the event, are still being stigmatized and accused of all possible and impossible transgressions. This also promotes an atmosphere of distrust and fear.
The last event, which caused an immediate reaction in the pro-Western media, was the Armenian president's visit to Georgia. It's quite clear that the massive Russian Railways' project launched in the region is unfavorable to the United States. That is why such media could not hide their delight when the president failed to reach an agreement with the Georgian authorities. According to such authors, there is now no chance that the railway connection between Georgia and Abkhazia can be resumed since Georgia agreed to join the European customs space. It seems like no comment is necessary.

During the Soviet era in Armenia, there were virtually no non-governmental organizations (NGOs). After the devastating earthquake of December 1988 and during the years of the war in Artsakh (Karabagh), NGOs began to form and were heavily involved with relief and humanitarian efforts. The government of Armenia was unable to cope with the dire situation resulting from the earthquake and the war, and therefore had to accept the active participation of civil society organizations (CSOs).
Alongside humanitarian aid, major international organizations and NGOs started contributing to the development of the local non-government sector. Major Armenian organizations from the diaspora also provided humanitarian aid and contributed greatly to the reconstruction process. The focus of these new NGOs was on refugees, women, children, the elderly, and the disabled, but their activities were somewhat limited. Their inability to meet the growing demand for emergency services and operations, for example, was due to a lack of local NGO skills, knowledge, and capabilities, and the absence of an appropriate legal framework. This period can be considered the first stage in the formation of local NGOs.
Even though most of the NGOs were located in Yerevan, local NGOs began emerging in the marzes (provinces), too, and implementing projects in education, health, culture, community development, and income generation. In 1997, the number of local NGOs passed 500. By 2001, data from the state register showed that 2,585 NGOs were officially registered. In 2010, the state register reported 45 international NGOs and 5,700 local NGOs. However, out of the total number of local NGOs registered, only 15 percent can be considered operational; most in that percentage are small outfits that are not active, and some have vague and obscure missions. The following are the mission statements of a few such NGOs:
–The main goal of the organization is to participate actively in the social and legal life of the country in order to promote a free and safe life for the youth.

International NGOs can be classified under the same categories as local NGOs, but have two additional categories—(1) infrastructure development and construction, and (2) capacity building and technical assistance for local CSOs, self-governing bodies, and community councils. A survey conducted by World Learning revealed that in the 1990’s, 70 percent of NGO leaders were women. However, by 2001, 58 percent of NGO leaders were men, and by 2009, the percentage of male NGO leaders had increased to 63. The shift might have occurred as men came to view NGOs as a job opportunity and a means to further their careers. Yet, while in 2004, approximately 75 international NGOs were operating in Armenia, that number has since decreased. The reason for this decline may be the stable economic growth seen in Armenia in 2006 and 2007.
Government involvement
The gradual increase in the number of international NGOs in Armenia and the corresponding need to regulate the activities of all types of CSOs led to the Armenian government adopting its first Law on Civil Society Organizations in 1996. The law encouraged international NGOs to shift their activities from emergency response to development, the protection of human rights, and enhancing the capacity of local NGOs. The law states that Armenia recognizes the crucial role of NGOs in the development of civil society and aims to promote the establishment of NGOs as legal entities. The government has also passed decrees, regulations, memorandums, and agreements related to cooperation with NGOs, and formed institutional bodies and units on community and national levels.
When interacting with society, NGOs in Armenia, in comparison to NGOs in the Armenian Diaspora, use an informal and less structured process for volunteering. NGOs in Armenia also have greater issues with volunteer mismanagement; sporadic volunteer recruitment; lack of skills assessment, orientation, and training for volunteers; and recognizing volunteer contributions. Engaging volunteers in long-term regular commitments, instead of ad hoc projects, could better utilize this important resource.
Because voluntarism for society was not a common practice during the Soviet era, there is a need to widely publicize the value of volunteerism to get more people interested. Presently this important human resource is underutilized by NGOs in Armenia. NGOs should realize the expectations of the volunteer in order to retain their involvement and commitment over time. A non-profit organization with a strong and committed volunteer base is also more likely to attract new funds.
Democratic governance
The internal democratic governance of NGOs in Armenia is another issue that needs to be addressed. NGOs have developed written policies for democratic governance, but often do not follow these policies. They hold elections to select their internal leadership, yet the rotation rate of such leadership is low. Typically, the founders of NGOs hold their positions for a long time, which affects the formation of an independent Board of Directors.
While most Armenian NGOs have bylaws and constitutions that outline their governance mechanisms, it sometimes seems as though these mechanisms are developed only to get the required permits and to attract new funds, rather than from a genuine interest in democratic management. Members are also often excluded from decision-making processes. Unless NGOs embrace democratic procedures into their regular operations, they will not be able to establish a credible reputation in the community.
Funding sources
Financial sustainability is one of the main challenges that local NGOs in Armenia face. It is this challenge that limits their capacity for impact and distorts the image of civil society as a financially dependent sector. It is necessary to diversify funding sources by fostering partnerships with a full variety of potential funders, whether they are individuals, corporations, or governments. NGOs in Armenia undertake fundraising activities through various events, exhibitions, concerts, and other activities. However, the majority of NGOs have difficulty with fundraising because they lack experience in fundraising methods, basic marketing, and financial management skills.
The activities of Armenian NGOs are heavily reliant on external funding. Some donor organizations work directly with NGOs, while others operate on a bilateral or multilateral basis. The Armenian Diaspora also assists the local NGO sector by allocating funds or providing in-kind assistance. Many NGOs believe that if donor organizations leave Armenia, the scope of their activities will be curtailed and they will become non-operational due to a lack of funding. The Civil Society Fund is one of several programs supported by the World Bank, which has provided grants since 1999 to NGOs and other CSOs in Armenia. The grants support activities related to civic engagement, and focuses on empowering people who have been excluded from society’s decision-making processes. The individual grants are between $8,000 and $10,000.
Today’s unfavorable legislative framework related to donations to non-profit organizations does not provide the NGO sector with an opportunity to acquire alternative financing. Therefore, limited and unsustainable funding from donors and the government make the NGO sector more dependent, which in turns affects their independence and sustainability. Furthermore, the Armenian business sector does not invest in NGO development. (If it does, the investment is limited to a one-time project or event-based charitable contributions.) Often NGOs are forced to accept funding for projects that are not in line with their mission, values, or principles; the project requirements are often determined by the donor’s agenda, and this greatly affects credibility of the organization. Armenia’s state budget allocates some funds for NGOs on a competitive basis.
Lack of transparency and accountability is another issue facing NGOs, which generally do not produce and disseminate annual reports and financial statements. The majority of NGOs claim that their financial information is publicly available; yet, on closer inspection, it becomes clear that they rarely report to their beneficiaries when it comes to the finances and the quality of their work. The majority of Armenian NGOs think that the preparation of reports requires additional financial expenditure. Reporting of finances and activities would improve the public’s perception of NGOs.
One of the underlying causes of civil society’s weak effect on policy and social issues is that NGOs have failed to extend their outreach and rally greater support and higher levels of citizen participation in their activities. Long-term financial insecurity stands as another hindrance to the number of CSO’s in Armenia. NGOs have relied solely or predominantly on international donor funding, without diversifying their income sources or developing a long-term strategy to change this situation. As a result, the instability of work in the NGO sector has not attracted young specialists.
Increasing the professional skills of CSOs through trainings and staff development could help strengthen the level of organizational development and achievement. What is critical is focusing on staff retention, as well as establishing a culture of information sharing and knowledge transfer. Fragmentation and competition among NGOs occur frequently, resulting in an ineffective system for Armenian CSOs. Because of limited coordination among NGOs, the sector lacks updated information and a database of NGOs. This creates an inadequate picture of these organizations and, consequently, gives people a poor perception of NGOs. This also affects the ability of NGOs to influence the decision-making process in the public sphere.
Some issues facing civil society include a short-term approach, lack of strategic thinking, clustering around pro-government or opposition groups, and poor organizational capacity. In order to increase citizen participation and sponsorship, NGOs must realize that they should be deriving their legitimacy from society, as they depend on popular support. Increased transparency and accountability are vital to support this action. This includes reporting to beneficiaries just as they do to funders, and presenting an inclusive account of all aspects of their activities. Improvements in these fields will contribute to increased levels of trust with the civil society sector and the broader society, and will foster increased citizen participation.


In 2014, the Washington, DC-based watchdog group Freedom House lauded Armenia’s civil society as “active, diverse and independent.” The proposed amendments threaten to throw Armenia’s civil society sector into reverse gear.
Under amendments to Armenia’s law on non-governmental organizations, drafted last November, NGOs would need to provide officials with detailed, annual financial reports, as well as be subjected to a yearly audit. The government would be able to petition a court to annul the registration of any NGO that fails twice to comply with these requirements. Justice Ministry officials also would be able to attend NGO board meetings.
A vote on the amendments has not yet been scheduled in the Armenian parliament.
Under current regulations, Armenian NGOs need only to file an annual tax return. Many activists view the proposed added requirements as onerous, and designed to stifle NGO activity, especially that which seeks to hold the government accountable for its actions.
The introduction of the amendments, some believe, is an outgrowth of Armenia’s move in January to join the Kremlin-led Eurasian Economic Union. The EEU is seen in some circles in Yerevan as a vehicle for the expansion of Moscow’s already broad influence over the tiny, economically underdeveloped South Caucasus nation.
Last May, in an interview with the Moscow-based Noyan Tapan news agency, Russia’s ambassador to Armenia, Ivan Volinkin, called for “neutralization” of those NGOs that “create obstacles” for Armenian-Russian relations. Supporters of the Armenian government subsequently warned that no NGO can drive a wedge into its relations with Russia.
In recent weeks, Russia has renewed its pressure on Armenia to roll back NGO liberties. On February 26, a prominent Russian legislator, Konstantin Kosachev, claimed that the activity of “around 350” NGOs is undermining Armenia’s ties with Russia by encouraging Armenians to embrace European values.
“We do not see their [NGOs’] work as correct because we do not see it as correct to put the question in the form of an either-or – you are either with us or with them,” said Kosachev, according to the state-run RIA Novosti news agency. “This position has already or almost destroyed Ukraine and might destroy any other country if the question is asked persistently and head-on,”
Armenian officials insist they are motivated only by a desire to introduce greater transparency and public accountability into the work of NGOs. The issue is not about control, stressed Norayr Balaian, head of the Ministry of Justice’s Legal Department, the agency that drafted the proposed amendments.
After receiving input from NGO representatives, “certain changes” now are being made to the draft amendments, Balaian told EurasiaNet.org. He declined to elaborate on any modifications, pending the release of the “final version” of the amendments. Despite Balaian’s assurances, NGO representatives worry that the new regulations, if adopted, could be used against them – particularly if Russia increases pressure on Armenian officials to do so.
“To the government, transparency and accountability are completely different things” than they are to non-governmental organizations, argued Boris Navasardian, president of the Yerevan Press Club. “If the matter is about accountability to state officials, it will lead to nothing good. … Hints coming from Russia saying that the field must become more controlled do not stem from our country’s interests.”
Ashot Melikian, chair of the non-governmental Committee to Protect Freedom of Expression, agreed, adding that the amendments, if enacted as presently worded, “will lead to nothing good.”
The need to comply with additional regulations will eat into non-governmental organizations’ time and money, and potentially create a significant burden, especially among those NGOs with a small staff. “In order to present reports in such volume, NGOs [would have to] employ separate staff,” said Stepan Grigoryan, director of the non-governmental Analytical Center on Globalization and Regional Cooperation.
Human rights activist Artur Sakunts shared critics’ concerns about the proposed new regulations, but noted that discussions continue about the amendments. “Our suggestions are also considered,” said Sakunts, who runs the Vanadzor office of the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly. “But there are still questions that are under discussion and it is not yet clear what the solutions will be.”
[Editor’s Note: Both the Analytical Center on Globalization and Regional Cooperation and the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly receive funding from the Open Society Foundations–Armenia, part of the Soros foundations network. EurasiaNet.org operates under the auspices of the Open Society Foundations, a separate entity in the Soros network].
Boris Navasardian, the press club head, lamented that the amendments could undo years of hard work in an instant. “If Russia’s experience is applied, naturally enough, all our accumulated experience and achievements will disappear. Both the society and the state will lose as a result,” he said.

In recent days, dramatic changes have taken place in Armenia’s domestic political landscape. But to view and analyze the developments within the context of internal political life may be too simplistic and inconclusive. Currently, Russia is under siege because of the turmoil in Ukraine; Moscow blames the US and the West for NATO creeping closer and closer to Russian borders and the West’s countercharge is that Moscow is fomenting turmoil in former Soviet Republics. No matter where the truth stands, ensuing problems will impact Armenia as well, since the country is so integrated with Russia socially, economically, politically and militarily. On February 12, 2015, the US House Foreign Affairs Committee held hearings on US-Azerbaijan relations. Testimony was given by Dr. Svante E. Cornell, director of Central Asia-Caucasus Institute at Johns Hopkins University.
The implication is that since Russia has its hands full in a border war in next-door Ukraine, it would be helpful for West’s containment policy to trigger another flashpoint on Russia’s periphery, and Armenia is one of those peripheral states. It is no surprise, therefore, that as soon as the Serge Sargisian-Gagik Tsaroukian controversy broke out, news outlets financed and directed by Western countries unanimously took a very critical position vis-à-vis the president’s statements. It was indeed a political bombshell which President Sargisian lobbed at the oligarch, who is the head of the Prosperous Armenia Party. He portrayed Tsaroukian as “evil” and incompetent in Armenia’s political life. This development was in the making for a long time. Mr. Tsaroukian is the titular head of the Prosperous Armenia Party, but actually, the party was founded by the former president, Robert Kocharian, and has been manipulated constantly by him in the background.
Sargisian’s Republican Party and the Prosperous Armenia Party formed the ruling coalition initially, with the understanding that the Putin-style transition would be implemented in Armenia, with Sargisian serving out his term and paving the way for a Kocharian’s return. Relations began souring when the plan did not work the way it was supposed to; Sargisian did not relinquish the reins of power and the coalition began to splinter. For a long time, Levon Ter-Petrosian courted Tsaroukian to no avail. Now that Tsaroukian has become a target of the president’s criticism threw the gauntlet and rallied the opposition parties around him and called for a nationwide rally on February 20, calling for he president’s resignation. Prosperous Armenia joined the Armenian National Congress and Raffi Hovannisian’s Heritage Party to use all means, including “civil disobedience” to bring down Mr. Sargisian. The rally will prove to be a litmus test of the opposition’s power.
Politics in Armenia are the mirror-image of those in Russia. Putin jailed oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovski, who had opposed him politically, usurped his assets worth over $10 billion and let him leave the country almost penniless after 20 years of incarceration. The same tactics are replayed in Armenia now. Tsaroukian was removed from the National Security Council, he was stripped of his presidency of the National Sports Agency and now the president has sent a formal letter to the speaker of parliament, Galust Sahakian, to take away Mr. Tsaroukian’s protection as a member of parliament. Meanwhile, all of his businesses have been investigated for potential tax evasion. Thus far, Mr. Tsaroukian has conducted his businesses in Armenia, employing some 20,000 people, now all of a sudden, he has become a suspect upon a fallout with the president. The current administration has been able to destroy more sophisticated oligarchs, like Khacahdour Soukiasyan, who left the country with his huge capital, instead doing business in Europe and the Gulf states, to the detriment of Armenia’s economy.
But despite his macho image, Mr. Tsaroukian thus far is behaving smartly. It is apparent that he is being coached by much more experienced political minds in the opposition. For example, in his response to the president’s criticism, he said that he is not a politician in the classic sense, but that he wishes to help his people. Tsaroukian has crossed the Rubicon and with his help, the opposition will fight the administration with renewed vigor. Observers and the general public are stunned at this conflict taking place at this time, which may lead to a new Maidan which, Mr. Tsaroukian, has said he has avoided thus far. Why is the president so emboldened when the country’s problem persist? Emigration is continuing on a dangerous scale, the economy is staggering and above all, the border with Azerbaijan is again becoming a war zone.
The president’s domestic challenges are coupled with a foreign relations challenge, when he suddenly decided to withdraw the Protocols from the Parliament’s agenda. He took the last initiative the moment Mr. Davutolgu had adopted a more conciliatory tone toward Armenia. The Turkish prime minister reiterated his previous offer of relinquishing one region in Karabagh to open the border with Armenia. It is a different matter that the offer would not be a starter because the give and take are not equivalent. Swapping territory for lifting the blockade could prove to be an illusion, because the borders can be closed at will any time, but land could be taken “only by blood,” as noted Turkish dictator Kenan Evren.
This crisis is ill-timed, when the entire diaspora will be converging to Armenia, too for the centennial commemoration of the Genocide. Not only the diaspora, but also many dignitaries like President Francois Hollande and others will arrive at a crisis-ridden country. We do not want to see another Maidan reenacted. But who needed this crisis at this time?


Цель финансируемых Америкой НКО в Армении — иметь группы, которые могут быть выведены на улицу для протестов, и политиков, которые будут служить Вашингтону, заявил в интервью Ереванскому геополитическому клубу американский экономист, политический и экономический обозреватель Пол Крейг Робертс.
Source: http://www.regnum.ru/news/polit/1899839.html
@Is a Maidan being planned for Armenia this year?
ReplyDeleteI would be inclined to think so also. The reasons are too obvious. The West would continue to push its multi-pronged agenda for total hegemony. And that because the real order is not "Anglo-American-Jewish political order", but Jewish-Anglo-American. The "promise" of world domination was made to "them" and it's "they" who pursue it with fanatical determination. Besides, it is "them" who are on top of Europe also (that's why Europe is taking decisions against its own interests against all political common sense).
We see that the application of the Oded Yinon plan continues unabated.
"Islamic State: Turkey says it's reached deal with US on training Syrian rebels, but not on who enemy is", February 19, 2015
The visit of the real Kaganess of Nuland to Armenia is an ill omen. The recreation of the Khazar "Empire" and the annihilation of Russia is a strategic imperative for them if they want to create a solid base for their domination. The aim of the Bolsheviks was to enable the creation of the second power center of Zion in East Central Europe (Mitteleuropa of yore) and the shores of the Black Sea. The resistance of the locals first, the circumstances of the WWII left the business unfinished. Now they think that it must be implemented for good.
They have been trying since 2008. It just wont happen. In general, Armenians are by nature (i.e. instinctually) very pro-Russian. The pro-West crowd in the country is very small, comprising mostly of Western mercenaries, homosexuals, idiots, psychologically troubled characters and some well-meaning but ignorant young adults. Uncle Sam simply does not have the number's advantage in the country. Moreover, Armenia is a monoethnic society. In other words, no minorities to manipulate or exploit. A part of me actually wants them to try a Ukraine-type uprising. Armenia's security forces are ready and very capable - when they want to be. So, let them try. Armenia has long been constipated. The country needs a high colonic.
DeleteThe recreation of the Khazar Khaganate would be an extremely bloody affair as the Jews who might or might not have gone along with this plan will definitely want to at least make Russia pay for not only instigating the pogroms against them, but for destroying the medieval Khazar state. It is also worth noting that in the centuries that the Khazar Khaganate has existed, several other tribes were alienated from them, mainly the Magyars (whose departure weakened them in the long run) and the Bulgars (Old Great Bulgaria was conquered by the Khazars, and two successor Bulgar states were established on the Volga and Danube Rivers.)
DeleteIf defending traditional family values constitutes an act of fascism or Nazism these days, then humanity as we know it has become terminally ill with the cancer we call Cultural Marxism. I'm afraid that in order for humanity to truly recover from the illness of Cultural Marxism, it must experience first hand of what its extinction will be like.
Arevordi, you addressed this above, and it's in todays "news." Please comment further.
Russia and Region: Moscow floats ideas on ensuring railroad link with Armenia via Georgia
This is also very important development
DeleteArmenia to become part of energy chain with Georgia and Iran
Armenian officials need to stop Armenia's exposure to Western powers. Armenian officials need to develop foresight. Armenians need to develop pragmatic nationalism and a deeper awareness of the world they live in. Official Yerevan needs to place its emphasis on developing its north-south axis as a way of breathing life into Armenia's stagnant economy and establish links with developing nations beyond Russia and Iran. These two news items are therefore very significant. These types of strategic regional projects - as well as regional superhighways - have been discussed by Moscow, Yerevan and Tehran for quite a few years. The only obstacle to their implementation has been the West's machinations in the region. In particular, Georgia's West-leaning government is solely responsible for keeping the south Caucasus economically desperate and politically volatile. Tbilisi has to be brought to its senses. Westerners, Turks and Jews have to be chased out of Tbilisi one way or the other. If that will require Russian troops invading Georgia once more, then so be it. Use Javakhq or Abkhazia or South Ossetia to create a pretense and send in the beautiful tanks. The sooner Georgia is fixed, the sooner Pax Russicana descends on to the region, the sooner will such regional projects become a reality. And the sooner such projects become a reality, the sooner will Armenia finally breath. The West's hindrance of Russian and Iranian economic and infrastructure projects in the region reveals just how toxic/destructive the Western world has become in global affairs and how dangerous and mentally retarded pro-Western Armenians are...
DeleteWestern assets like Hayrikian and Nemtsov are more valuable to the West dead than alive.
ReplyDeletePolitical observer Iskandaryan had some interesting comments. He is also one of Armenia's foreign financed political analysts (not sure by whom). I have a feeling, however, he knows that the assassination of Boris Nemtsov has Western and/or Ukrainian fingerprints all over it, but cannot come out an say it. However, Iskandaryan, who is usually much more intellectually honest than most of his colleagues, also cannot get himself to suspect or blame Russian authorities either. Sometimes things are so obvious that you simply cannot spin it without looking ludicrous.
Iskandaryan: Nemtsov had posed absolutely no threat to Russian authorities: http://arka.am/en/news/politics/iskandaryan_nemtsov_had_posed_absolutely_no_threat_to_russian_authorities_/
Arevordi, great commentary as always. Read it briefly, will go over in detail.
ReplyDeleteThis was posted by a commentator, I had to share it with everyone.
Thanks. I placed it in my 2010 blog entry about Bolshevism -
DeleteMurderous Jews & the Bolshevik Revolution (July, 2010): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2010/11/im-glad-that-gruesome-story-of-katyn.html
Arevordi, Thank you for the new commentary. I looked through it, really liked your rebuttal to Boyajian's hetq article. I will read the rest this week. Im glad Russia is not taking its eyes of the ball. Some very important stuff are happening
ReplyDeleteRussia supports India's full membership of SCO
India to negotiate free trade zone with Russia-led Customs Union
Iran to launch trade development center in Armenia
Chinese diplomat lectures West on Russia’s ‘real security concerns’ over Ukraine
The government should and must discriminate against the NGO's. Those NGO which are blatantly and brazenly bent on social mischief, political destabilization, and fueling the engines of disunity and anti national must be given short shrift and be deleted from the country. It is of no practical use to issue warnings about 350 NGO's being active for western interest if no action is taken against them. I can not believe that Armenians will ever entertain to distance themselves from Russia, in spite of all the western jockeying and malingering. Instinctually the self preservation of the race will awaken and spur the collective subconscious of the nation. Only an imbecile can foresee existence in a hostile musulmanic sea without the Russian support. Armenia is also, albeit poor and short of resources, vital and crucial for Russian interests and presence in the Caucasus. Should Russia see Armenia's tabloid shifting in the region!s shifting sands, she will not hesitate to physically intervene . Russia wil always have sufficient muscle inside Armenia for an alignment of policies between the two countries. Russophobes are losers and brittle western pawns inside and outside Armenia. Any perceived threat by these jackals can and will be adequately neutralized if the situation demands it. Armenia does not have the luxury of choices, she has only one route for her survival.
ReplyDeleteOctober 27, 1999 was a very graphic warning to Armenia's leadership at the time that if Moscow's position in Armenia was endangered, it would react. Needless to say, the stakes are much higher now in 2015. If things get out of hand in Armenia, Russia will most certainly intervene, and very forcibly so. But is that what we want? Can we show the world that we can handle our domestic affairs? Perhaps disappointed by the lack of response by official Yerevan at their voiced concerns, Russian officials have more recently been signaling their displeasure directly to the Armenian public in hopes of making a play on Armenians' survival instinct that has historically made the nation pro-Russian. At the end of the day, it's not up to Russians spoon feed us. We as a nation need to grow some backbone and foresight. One of the most serious dangers we face today is the sowing of Russophobia and Westernization within the new generation of Armenians by Western assets in the country. The breeding which has made Armenians instinctually pro-Russian (i.e. the region's history) is being gradually eroded. In time, we may lose this survival instinct if we oursevles do not put a stop to the process now. If Russophobia goes mainstream in Armenia, we do we will lose Armenia.
DeleteI disagree with your view that no Russia = no Armenia. Armenians have been around far longer than Russians, have gone up against empires such as the Roman, Persian, the Turks at Sardarabat, and even successfully drove out the Soviet Red Army and established a short-lived Republic even when we had wolves at the western and eastern gates. I think you're selling us short; we are a rather though people, and have stood the test of time.
DeleteYes, there are many advantages to be reaped through our relations with Russia. However, your belief is flawed at its core. Essentially, you are saying without these Russian odars, we won't exist. That is faulty because it assumes that Russian and Armenian interests will always coincide, when in reality Russia can and will sell Armenia down the river if it meant to further its interests. Look at all the Christian nations that are surrounded by Russia that are so anti-Russian: Poland, the Baltics, Georgia, etc... The only thing keeping us in the suffocating arms of Russia is our dear neighbors, the Turks. So the fact of the matter is, we really don't have much options.
Our only hope is for a weakened Turkey, if the west devises a scheme to break up Turkey like they did Syria and Iraq, then Armenia will have more room to breath.
After the Treaty of Sevres, the only reason it wasn't implemented was because the West viewed keeping Turkey in tact will prevent further Soviet expansion.
Anonymous (March 3, 2015 at 12:59 PM), you are either very young or an adult with very low intelligence. And most probably, you live on the West coast.
DeleteNevertheless, you do not have ANY understanding of our history nor do you have even a basic understanding of international relations and politics. I normally don't waste my time with the likes of you. But let me just say this: For much of the past two thousand years Armenia has NOT existed. People like you are gypsies at heart. Just because Armenians exist, that does not mean Armenia exists. While many may appreciate your patriotism, I don't. In fact, I careless about your kind of patriotism because delusional Armenians like you have always been a serious danger to the health and well being of the Armenian state. The only place your kind of nationalism belongs is on the battlefield. Anywhere else, it's a problem. If the kind of nationalism you express was ever at the government level in Yerevan, Armenia would cease to exist. In real historic/political terms, how ignorant must you be to think that Armenians can be self reliant simply because they "successfully drove out the Soviet Red Army and established a short-lived Republic even when we had wolves at the western and eastern gates"? LOL
Are you still playing with toy soldiers?
Please, do yourself a favor and put aside your toys and read a few serious books on the time period in question. Besides, even you admit that Armenia today needs protection from Russia because of Turks. Well, hasn't that been the case for most of the past one thousand years? Rest assured that Turkey will continue being the problem for the foreseeable future as well. Keep dreaming about the West "devising a scheme" to breakup Turkey. Your idiotic forefathers had that same fantasy exactly one hundred years ago before they got blindsided by West betrayal. Like father, like son. LOL
Guess what, the West needs Turkey now as much as it ever has, if not more. For the West, Turkey will always be a buffer against Russians, Iranians and Arabs. Whatever problems you see between the US, Turkey and Israel are superficial matters that have to do with a particular ruling administration. Therefore, the problems are internal, technical issues that have little to do with the deep rooted strategic alliance that exists between them. So, stop your idiotic fantasies about the West or Jews breaking up Turkey.
"Suffocating arms of Russians"? What suffocation?
Free modern weaponry? Free military training? Military protection of Armenia's border with Turkey? Billions in investments? Billions in trade? Allowing hundreds of thousands of Armenians to freely work in Russia? The maintenance of the status quo in Artsakh? Affordable nuclear fuel? Affordable gas and oil? UN vetos against anti-Armenian legislation? Recognition of the Armenian Genocide?
Like I said, what suffocation?! You talking about not being allowed to join the EU?
Well, thank God someone exists on earth to help stop us from our suicidal tendencies! In fact, thank God someone even has the foresight to speak up against the cancer cells posing as NGOs in Armenia.
Anyway, your low intellect and your total lack of insight in anything actually reinforces the notion that no Russia in Armenia = no Armenia in the south Caucasus. Now, take a close look in the mirror and say to yourself: "I am responsible for Armenia's destruction throughout history."
-Essentially, you are saying without these Russian odars, we won't exist."
DeleteArevordi is merely pointing out what the facts on the ground say: 3 million Armenians versus 80 million, very aggressive turks plus millions of other enemies and their allies surrounding us. Do the math.
-That is faulty because it assumes that Russian and Armenian interests will always coincide when in reality Russia can and will sell Armenia down the river if it meant to further its interests
No one ever claimed our interests will "always" coincide. In fact if you had bothered to read any of the blog entries or comments, we discuss instances where our interests diverge (like weapons sales to Azerbaijan). And we examine these relatively minor divergences within the overwhelmingly larger context of what role the existence of Armenia serves Russian interests in the South Caucasus historically, in the present, and most likely in the future.
-Look at all the Christian nations that are surrounded by Russia that are so anti-Russian: Poland, the Baltics, Georgia, etc...
First off, only an idiot thinks any major power bases its foreign policy on religion. We have only mentioned that shared Orthodox Christian heritage is a factor making Russian and Armenian culture more compatible.
As for the other nations you mentioned, Poland is Catholic, so is Lithuania. Latvia is half-Catholic and half-Protestant, while Estonia is Protestant. Catholics and Protestants are generally anti-Orthodox, although other factors play into why these nations hate Russia so much. Generally, Russia represents a traditional European Orthodox powerhouse, and the nations you listed are largely composed of faggots, so they are butthurt that their antics are not tolerated by Russia.
-The only thing keeping us in the suffocating arms of Russia is our dear neighbors, the Turks. So the fact of the matter is, we really don't have much options.
I guess even you can understand this most basic of facts. Maybe you are not a complete retard....
-Our only hope is for a weakened Turkey, if the west devises a scheme to break up Turkey like they did Syria and Iraq, then Armenia will have more room to breath.
....I take back what I just said, you must be the biggest retard on the planet.
-After the Treaty of Sevres, the only reason it wasn't implemented was because the West viewed keeping Turkey in tact will prevent further Soviet expansion.
The Treaty of Sevres was stillborn. Bury it and move on. One of the repeating themes in this blog is that Turkey has always and will always serve western imperialistic interests in the region, no matter the details of any particular moment in time. Turkey has been the west's best pawn for centuries, that will never change. The Soviets were only a temporal pretext for the west supporting Turkey, once the Soviets were gone Central Asia, Iraq and now Syria are the pretexts. I guess that is too nuanced for a dumb shit like you to grasp, maybe you should try reading the sentence out-loud 30 times in a row and something might sink in.
Անհատապաշտության Դերը Հայկական Իրականությունում. «Մեր թերությունները Ա.»
Մեր ազգի գլխավոր թերություններից են - նախանձ, անհատապաշտություն, գոռոզություն, մեծամտություն, փառասիրություն, եսասիրություն, նյութապաշտություն, ցուցամոլություն և օտարամոլություն:
DeleteՎերոհիշյալն է պատճառը ինչու մենք այսօր այս վիճակում ենք:
Ճիշտն ասաց ես շատ եմ հավանում քո աշխատանքը. դրա համար էլ քեզ ավելի լայն լսարան եմ գանկանում: Ապրես. շարունակիր կյանքում լուսավորել մարդկանց: Բայց ընթացքում չհուսալքվես եվ չհիասթափվես...
Խոստովանեմ որ դժվար է հայ լինելը: Շատ են եղել պահեր, հիմա էլ են լինում, որ հուսահատության աստիճան եմ հասել: Բայց այլենտրանք չունենք: Չենք կարող մեր արյունից ազատվել: Անգամ եթե չհաջողենք մեծ փոփոխություններ կատարել, պետք է ձգտենք դրան:
DeleteՇնորհակալ եմ ձեր քաջալերանքին: Ձեզ ել հաջողություն
I would recommend reading Thierry Meyssan's latest on Syria and the Middle East:
One can make the case that the large number of options for Washington and the great factional infighting over the last couple of years is a very good sign.
Do you think that a palace coup is possible in Armenia? That is what really happened in Kiev, with the demonstrators largely being for show, and partially to demonstrate how useless Yanukovich was.
ReplyDeleteA lot of this talk of Maidan and color revolutions is misguided; it is the coup in high places that does the trick. Now, damaging the economy or image of a country is certainly a reasonable goal of protests, but that doesn't really cause a change in leadership. And Kiev and the Party of Regions were so infiltrated and corrupted that Russia didn't really have too many good options. Of course, they should have done something that might work in Armenia, which is to create a counter-force of patriotic forces to resist the degenerate and self-destructive Soros/Sharp groups.
From top to bottom, Ukraine was truly a divided society. What happened in Kiev was almost inevitable. In my opinion, chances of a similar palace coup in Yerevan is virtually nonexistent. The Hanrapetakan party is pretty much invincible on the political scene in Armenia. They have all the major political parties eating out of their hands. They have near total control over the country's military and security services. Moreover, Russian intelligence and GRU agents are also quite active at those levels. The problem, if there will be one, will be from the lower strata of society. That is where Uncle Sam is placing its hopes on.
DeleteJust make sure to learn the lesson that the divided society was largely a creation, particularly of the Dnepropetrovsk clans as a weapon in their fights for theft with the Donetsk clans. And the Party of Regions basically benefited from all of the trouble, and they were the biggest piece of crud the world has seen in a long time.
DeleteThe fact that Yanukovich could have many key people happy to have him dead in high places is one thing that I hope is different in Armenia.
One could make a reasonable case that the divided society was far less important than the issue of oligarchs and their terrible business models for the country requiring more and more theft. This practically guaranteed a civil war as there was no more money to steal.
I agree with you on all points. There are also no shortages of people in Armenia and in the Diaspora that want to see Sargsyan dead. But unlike in places like Ukraine and Syria, Armenia is very small and monoethnic and thus easily manageable. This is also to the current administration's advantage.
DeleteWhen they get too wealthy and/or too ambitious oligarchs can become a serious danger in political matters - essentially because their god is money. Tsarukyan in Armenia, Hayrapetyan in Russia are good examples of how the pursuit of profit and/or the preservation of accrued wealth (often with the help of Western entities) can place such men in a direct line of confrontation with the state.
There are also examples of oligarchs that collaborate with the state and are thus allowed to do what they do. Anyway, this stuff in essence is no different that what happens in the Western world. Who do you think controls the political West? Its establishment elite (i.e. Anglo-American-Jewish oligarchs that have actually become the state).
Perhaps you can do a post on Armenian oligarchs one day. When the state can't veto or say no to oligarchs, you get a Ukraine. When the oligarchs are somewhat under control, you can get a Russia if a few good leaders get near the top (and you have good luck). Even in the US's currently debased state, the military can resist a lot of oligarchical demands, and the court system is paradise compared to what Ukrainians have had to suffer through. Again, due to its oligarchs. A judge has to be for sale as he has to give a certain amount of money to different clans.
DeleteSo I am hoping that ex-Soviet countries are in better shape than the Ukraine, and that Armenia doesn't have quite the corruption, as that is what allowed the US to really take over. Really, one could make the case that corruption is the Anglo-American Empire's best weapon, even more so than propaganda.
In the 1920s Andranik Ozanyan was asked in Paris, that he said the Russians would help us. “I am sorry, I was mistaken,” he said.
ReplyDeleteStupid, Russia had ceased to exist by the 1920s. Remember the Bolshevik revolution? But by 1921 Bolsheviks had helped us preserve a territory called Armenia. Remember Soviet Armenia? By that time Andranik was in sunny California with his teenage bride. Did any of the assholes in Paris ask him anything about promises made to Armenians by the Americans, British and the French?
DeleteAs I said, put aside your toy soldiers and read a few books.
“Bolsheviks had helped us preserve a territory called Armenia.” I call upon the readers to come to their own conclusions. But as you said, “Just because Armenians exist, that does not mean Armenia exists.” In fact, the last remnants of historical Armenia were handed over the Turkey by Russia, and a small piece, what you call “preservation,” was turned into a province of the Russian state, and what remained of it, Artsakh and Nakhijevan were made part of Azerbaijan.
DeleteAs regards Andranik got married in 1922 in Paris, and then they took off to sunny Southern California.
I’ll try to make time for you once I’m off work. In the meantime, try to familiarize yourself with some history. In particular, try to research the treaties of Moscow and Kars; and the republic of mountainous Armenia.
In fact, you’re a very convincing Bolshevik yourself!
Arevordi, disregard the troll. These are easily manipulated by western powers. My God he don't even realize communism saved Armenia. How can he blame Russians for giving Turks Armenian lands when Armenia didnt even exist on the map?
DeleteAnonymous, sorry but you sound like a stupid teenager. No YOU read about the Russo Turkish wars. There was a lot of back and forth during the wars just like whats happening in Ukraine today but Russian Tsars goal was to beat Islamic Ottomans with supporting Christian Greeks and Armenians. Russians never gave Turks any Armenian lands. Real Arevordi's Sarikamish. in 1917 Russian and Armenian soldiers were in Bitlis. Also try to familiarize yourself how ARF gave Armenians lands to Turks. What a moron you are READ DETAILS of history before you open your mouth. You're a very convincing idiot yourself.
Why is it that the Armenians who will never, under any circumstance, serve in Armenia's Armed Forces always the most gung-ho "Armenians don't need anyone's help to maintain a state in the South Caucasus" types? What thought processes go on in your head that lead you to conclude that about 3.5 million Armenians can possibly survive against about 80 million Turks and Azeris without Russian support? What makes you able to claim that in such a situation some vague hope that maybe the west, after centuries of propping up the Turkish state at the direct expense of Armenians dating back to the Crimean War, will for no compelling reasons decide to give up on the Turks? Can it be possible diasporan Armenians are this retarded, that they can imagine such nightmare scenarios befalling Armenia and then use those nightmares to base a claim that "golly, Armenia existed before Russia so I guess we can probably exist fine even without Russia today"?
DeleteArevordi is correct, you are a fucking idiot. Your understanding of history and politics is at an eighth-grade level, and even that is being generous. We tell you that Armenia would not have survived without the Soviet Union, and you bring up irrelevant claims about "Russia gave western Armenia to Turkey" and "Russia gave Artsakh, Nakhichevan, and Javakhk away". First off your points do not negate the fact that Armenia would not have survived without the Soviet Union. Second, for the trillionth time, the Bolshevik government was composed exclusively of kikes and other non-Russian (including a few Armenians) and they victimized Russia much more than they did any other nation. And let's not overlook the fact that everything bad that happened to Armenia during those years, from the Genocide to the disastrous loss of territory ultimately was caused by Armenian weakness and incompetence. Morons like you thought that the British, French and Americans would actually lift a finger to save Armenia, and based on that false belied they suicidally positioned a half-dead state like Armenia into an unwinnable war against two mighty empires. The Dashnak government ended up getting on its knees to Ataturk, and then to the Soviets, blindly giving blowjobs while holding on to the hope that "our best bet is the west decides to intervene".
Ps I'd rather be a Bolshevik than a gypsy or a "useful idiot" like you who works to lay the psychological groundwork for an eventual Bolshevik takeover. You subservient scum rank as the lowest form of life, your sole purpose in existing is to be used and discarded by people that despise you and your race - and you deserve to be used such a matter because nature cannot tolerate the survival and propagation of idiots like you. Do us all a favor, get lost, go attend a Gay Pride Parade in Glendale or go to the inevitable Joint Holohoax/Armenian Genocide Commemoration that your neighborhood synagogue will undoubtedly be hosting. You are wasting everyone's time by regurgitating your crap here.
There is no shortage of these armchair idiots. Here's Vahagn, another simpleton who doesn't let his obvious mental retardation stop him from making wide-ranging demands for regime change inside Armenia (demands made from the comfort of Los Angeles of course):
DeleteNon-Governmental Organizations in Armenia
A recent email by Arevordi had this link buried in its blog commentary. I wondered whether the author was just ignorant about the threat NGOs pose, or if he was an actual western agent. So I clicked through his other articles and found this comment cyber-warrior Vahagn.
"At least the global warming has somewhat benefited Armenia (more sun, faster rivers from melting snow). By the time the oceans reach the Armenian mountains, I am sure we will have figured a way to stop global warming.
If any grown adult thinks even for a second that oceanic levels will rise enough to make it as far inland as the Armenian Highlands is honestly suffering from a mental disorder. Anyone with half a brain should be able to understand by now that global climate is only partly understood even by honest scientists who do not have a political agenda to promote, that predictions about climate have been shown to be wildly wrong in the past and are no better at predicting patterns over decades/centuries than at predicting the whether over weeks/months. Also, climate fluctuates and it is illogical to pick today's date and declare this to be the only acceptable "normal" whether and then incite hysteria because tomorrow could be hotter or colder.
Is Vahagn worried about rising carbon levels? Plant more trees so that they absorb "excess" carbon and produce more oxygen because as any junior high school student can tell you all organic life is carbon-based. Worried about overpopulation? Encourage third world nations to have less children instead of dumping their excess children en masse in western countries. Worried about pollution? Organize protests and fight for regime change in corrupt corporatocracies, such as those in Washington, London, and Brussels which are currently empowering international conglomerates to destroy the world with destructive manufacturing and agricultural practices. And if you are still worried that the Oceans will rise and engulf the Armenian Highlands then I suggest you kill yourself and your immediate family, which will both reduce your "carbon footprint" to zero while simultaneously improving Armenia's political scene and the Armenian bloodline in general.
The "climate change" crap is used to generally make gullible western dullards feel guilty about their own existence, and works towards a further general demoralization and a sense of hatred for traditional civilization which is supposedly to blame for this new impending end of the world. The type of environmental extremism that is promoted is really just a new age death cult. I think the cartoon below sums it up best:
Odd how Vahagn and his ilk worry about climate change, but are oddly silent about the threat posed by western GMOs and never seem to praise the fact that Putin's Russia and our tiny Armenia led the way by banning those poisons from our countries a few years ago.
DeleteYou are indeed a perfect example of how gullible and easily manupilated some Armenians can be. Notice how I never said anything anti-Armenian, never uttered a single word that can be construed as "pro-Western," and I'm getting attacked for what? Worse of all, weasals like yourself drop in on the side to utter blindly in defense of some self-called know it all. All I ever said was that we are more than just a pathetic nation whose very existance depeneds on the whims of a foreign state, as the author insists on. All I'm saying, is that we're more than that. I'm sorry if that somehow offends you, as it suggests Russia doesn't absolutely, 100% own Armenia.
You can read, and re-read Arevordi's "sarikamish" all you want yourself, Arevordi (AKA author Mr. X) isn't a exactly a primary source.
"Armenia didnt even exist on the map?" Are you serious?
The portion of Armenia lying within the former Russian Empire declared independence on May 28, 1918, but in 1920 it was invaded by forces from Turkey and Soviet Russia.
In August 1920 the Turks and Russians negotiated the Treaty of Moscow, which gave Kars and Ardahan to Turkey.
In fact, as a result of the treaty of Moscow, the Soviets supplied the Turks with weapons and ammunition, which the Turks used successfully in a war against Greece in 1921–22.
"What thought processes go on in your head that lead you to conclude that about 3.5 million Armenians can possibly survive against about 80 million Turks and Azeris without Russian support?"
DeleteIf, god forbid, war breaks out, you can rest assured that it will be the Armenians of Armenia that will be doing the fighting. What thought processes go on in your head that lead you to conclude that Russia will be doing the fighting and the defending for us? That's right, friend. When the push comes to shove, Armenians aren't going to sit around with their arms crossed, thinking that Russia has got them covered, as some in this forum would have you believe.
Second, no one here is advocating throwing the Russians out of Armenia or severing ties with Russia. But, as has happened in the past, Russia can undertake anti-Armenian steps. What happens if, god forbid, Azerbaijan and Russia come to terms that Karabakh must be placed back under Baku's rule. Do we bend over to Russian whims? In fact, we went against Russian whims when we rose up and fought for Artsakh in 1988.
I would advise all the readers here to stop worshipping Russian or Western asses, it doesn't serve any of our interests. When was the last time you heard Jews go around and worship US butts, saying without them we won't exist? Instead, there are many instances where the Israel goes against the US in defense of its interests.
DeleteI have told you what I think of you in my initial response. But, allow me to extrapolate.
Whether you admit it or not, you are Westernized (it's deeply embedded in your subconscious). Whether you admit it or not, you have a deeply embedded phobia towards Moscow (due to your Westernization). In this day in age, just like back in the 19th century, just like back in the 20th century, phobia towards Moscow is very dangerous. Despite the fact that you consider yourself a "great Armenian patriot" you are actually a dangerous traitor to the Armenian state. Idiots like you, like Dashnak idiots during the Cold War, will be exploited by Western imperial powers and used against Armenia because "Armenia is a slave to Russia". You are intellectually and spiritually empty, you are therefore easy cannon fodder to Western imperialists - whether you realize it or not. Ultimately, I rather Armenia be a "slave" to Russia than fend on its own in the south Caucasus like you woudl like it to. Unlike you and your ilk, I have a very realistic/sober understanding of the region's serious problems. In fact, I don't think Armenia is even close to being considered a Russian slave. In my opinion, Armenia has been given too much freedom by Russia during the past twenty-five years. So much freedom that Armenia today is saturated with Western mercenaries from top to bottom. I want to see these dangerous mercenaries purged. I want to see Armenia free itself from the dangers of a "color revolution". I want to see Armenia evolve and develop naturally and organically within a Russian orbit. You and I therefore have NOTHING in common. I see you are Armenia's enemy. Needless to say, you see me as the enemy of an Armenia that only exists in your head. You are incapable of understanding geopolitics and history because you are incapable of putting aside your biases and emotions and looking at the topic objectively and rationally. You are incapable of abstract thought and analytical thinking. In fact, basing my opinion on what you have written thus far, you don't even know what you are really arguing.
How else would someone not realize that communism saved Armenia from total destruction? How else would someone not realize that the Russian nation never gifted lands to Turks? How else would someone not realize that before 1918 there hadn't been an Armenian state for almost a thousand years? How else would someone not realize that Russia created the basis of the modern Armenian nation. How else would someone think that Armenia can be self-sufficient in the south Caucasus?
DeleteYour approach about this topic - namely that Armenians shouldn't be Russian slaves - is purely emotion based bravado, devoid of rational thought and critical thinking. You are blind to the big picture. You provide no solutions. You think you know. You only "feel" what you think.
Your comments about Jews/Armenians is quite revealing of how little you understand of the world you live in. Stupid, realize that Jews run the show in the Western world. Comparing Armenians to Jews is like comparing sting beans to oranges.
Your comments about Armenians being able to fight in the region without Russian support is quite revealing of how little you understand about Armenia and Armenians. Stupid, realize that the size of the ENTIRE Armenian military is about 10% of that of the Turks. Stupid, how is Armenia expected to fight regional enemies without Russian training, spare parts, modern weapons, military intelligence, gas, oil, ammunition? Stupid, that "Monte/feedayee" stuff works against small, disorganized and weak militaries. Stupid, even fedayees need outside help. Stupid, Armenia only started winning the war in Artsakh when Russias began supplying Armenia with weapons, training and military intelligence.
You are NOT an Armenian patriot, you are a dangerous, suicidal fool. You are the perfect example of the loud talking dork with an attitude that gets his ass whipped in every fight he gets himself into. It's not your stinking ass I'm worried about, it's Armenia. I know your kind all too well. You are like an impressive looking book that once opened reveals blank pages. In other words, you have no substance. So, refrain from discussing politics.
Now, run away with your toys soldiers and your world of warcraft mindset.I suggest you also stop reading this blog (I know you do regularly) and instead start gossiping about me with your circle-jerk of like-minded friends. Tell your friends what a Russian ass-kisser I am. Tell your friends what an asshole I am. Tell your friends what a self-hater I am. And know that insults from self-destructive idiots like you is my badge of honor.
PS: Either used a moniker to identify yourself or your future posts will not be posted.
DeleteAll the stuff you write against me and Arevordi are things from your imagination. btw if you want to break Armenia from Russia you are AUTOMATICALLY doing work for western and Turkish agenda. You see you don't openly have to be pro Western to do their work. I know this is too complicated for you. I also wanted to say no Armenia existed before 1918. So no one can blame the Tsar for giving Armenian lands to Turks. The Tsar was converting Muslim regions into Christianity slowly for centuries then the revolution happened. Before the revolution Russians badly wanted Constantinople. Imagine how different the region would be if the Tsar succeeded. You are russophobic, your anti-russian ideas is implied. You are also anti-Armenian in a indirect way because your Armenia is unsustainable in the real world. Everything you write so far has hidden ideas that is anti Russian and suicidal for Armenia. Sorry if I talk down at you because you are aggressive. I hate aggressive stupid people.
DeleteSorry to butt in bro but why do I have the feeling you are an America-Hay or Parska-Hay and you live in LA? But I dont care who or where you are just think of it like this:
This is what Russia told Armenia: Sweetheart I like you alot but there is no friends in politics. Do you see all the Muslims and Turks around you? You think you can survive in this neighborhood without me? They will cut your neck before you know what happened. If you want from me free weapons and protection from Turks, cheep gas a lot of trade and investments and open work opportunities in RF for your unemployed workers you have to be totally part of my orbit and you have to take some orders from me. That means to have to stop getting all horny and stuff with every western guy that talks to you? It that ok with you? Armenia answered: OK!
What if Moscow refuses to play the role of big brother if Armenia refuses to play the role of little brother? You understand now? Anyway this is what we are telling you: Stop your stupid shit and think how to make best of the situation Armenia is in if you love Armenia.
Longtime reader
Edited for clarity :
Delete"You can read, and re-read Arevordi's "sarikamish" all you want yourself, Arevordi (AKA author Mr. X) isn't a exactly a primary source."
Anonymous reminds me of Mher Almasian, the degenerate Glendale Parskahay from the hyeclub website. A few years back I posted a few socio-political policies which I believe the Republic of Armenia would benefit from, including a suggestion that we dismantle the monument to the jew hollowhoax currently standing in Yerevan. That self-righteous weakling went ape-shit, focusing only on my hollowhoax monument suggestion and ignoring the more pressing points I made regarding limiting opposition protests which now inevitably follow every election in Armenia, and instead Mher blindly and arrogantly accused me of "being a Turk" supposedly because I stated that there is no evidence to support the ever-changing kike hollowhoax claim. I guess such idiotic and emotion-based "logic" means that pointing out the truth that some deceitful nations present false claims automatically makes one a Turk, which is unfortunate because it turns Armenians into genocidal Turks for pointing out the various holes in Azergayjan's "Khojali genocide" bullshit. That's some African Bushmen level diplomacy right there; unfortunately a shining example of the logic-free thought processes which diasporan Armenians and Armenia's west-worshipping opposition traitors continuously produce.
Anonymous responded to Arto's calm presentation of evidence - Arevordi's brilliant Sarikamish commentary which is contrary to Anonymous's mistaken views on history - exactly the same way as Mher responded to some video and documentary evidence pointing out holes, contradictions, physical impossibilities, and key facts which have been dropped from the official hollowhoax narrative after being disproven that I had calmly and rationally posted on HyeClub as an invitation to have a civilized debate about the topic. Self-righteous assholes like anonymous/Mher dismiss evidence when it contradicts the policy they have decreed constitutes "the Truth" (you know, kind of like a Turk regarding an actual genocide...)
Is this Mher Almasian we are talking to? Also note that Mher likes the phrase "Russia is 'suffocating Armenia", so Anonymous's use of that phrase is a dead giveaway. For anyone interested, here is Mher Almasian on Facebook discussing Arevordi's blog, and getting a big thumbs up from Babken Der Grigorian (the guy who was at the December 2013 anti-Putin protest in Armenia holding an English-language "Putin go f*ck yourself" banner. You can tell a lot about someone by the sort of scum with which they have pseudo-intellectual discussions on Facebook. I added English language translations in the brackets. I posted this to prove that these people like Anonymous/Mher, no matter how "balanced" they frame themselves, are working to further western interests in Armenia by "reducing" Russian influence in Armenia as Arto summarized above :
DeleteՄհեր Ալմասեան {Mher Almasian}: This blog regurgitates the same 5-10 ideas repeatedly. After reading a few posts, you notice that all posts just repeat the same concepts. I agree that though he mentions a lot of important concepts in the first two thirds of the article, the conclusions he draws are not based on those concepts. Those concepts are just used to appeal to the reader in preparation for the end. The conclusion is the fundamental theme of this blog, and those same conclusions are drawn every time no matter what is being discussed. The absolute desire to be subservient to Russia is my biggest problem with this blog. The blog doesn't advocate for anything resembling a partnership, rather a master-servant dynamic. His conclusions aren't based on the concept that Russia is currently a necessity for Armenia, but rather that Russia is inherently good, and will always represent the best option for Armenia. That somehow Russia's and Armenia's faith will be forever aligned. He sees no problem with Armenia selling much of its infrastructure to Russia because it seems we don't have to worry about Russia going against our interests. He never ventures into seriously discussing how Armenia can become economically viable enough to cast off this servant role. Anyone who dares to even slightly diverge from this extremist point of view is then labeled a CIA funded american-anglo homo jew. Also, I find it a little hypocritical that while criticizing diasporans for not being involved in the current realities of Armenia, he proceeds from America to cast as traitors a lot of people living in Armenia struggling to improve it.
Babken DerGrigorian: Մհեր ջան, 100% համաձայն {Dear Mher, 100% agree}
Please leave our blog, and leave Armenian politics in general because you are an idiot. Go concern yourself with your homeland Iran because that is where you belong.
I don't know how else to address your other flaws. No one here denied that, pound for pound, Armenian soldiers are top class by any measure and have accomplished amazing victories with limited resources. But let's not delude ourselves, the Turks also have a very well trained army, and it is exponentially larger and better equipped than Armenia's. In fact, had Armenia's Russian saviors not stopped a very real threat of a Turkish invasion of Armenia in 1993, Armenians would have lost not only Artsakh but also the whole of Armenia. Had Russia not secretly (and illegally) airlifted a billion dollars worth of weapons in the early 1990s to Armenia our military could never have developed to the respectable state it is in today. And should Russia lose interest in "strangling" Armenia with free weapons, no western power, not Poland, not the USA, not France, not Greece and not Italy or Germany, absolutely no one would grant Armenia any of the advanced weaponry it needs. Therefore, no Russia = no Armenia. It is sad but true. Get over yourself, this is our reality and we must make the best of it.
As for comparisons with kikes, you are a fucking dumbass to the maximum. When Armenians have dynasties like the Rothschilds, Morgenthaus, and lobbies like AIPAC that every elected official gets on its knees for, then it is an appropriate comparison. If an Armenian war criminal ever invites himself to speak to Congress and gets over 50 standing ovations, then you can compare. When it is an open secret that Armenians TOTALLY control the banks, publishing, tv, advertising, movies, education, the law, foreign policy, and most of the business world, then it is an appropriate comparison. Until then, as Arevordi pointed out, you are approaching real work geopolitics as if it was a video game.
Deleteconclude that Russia will be doing the fighting and the defending for us...When the push comes to shove, Armenians aren't going to sit around with their arms crossed, thinking that Russia has got them covered, as some in this forum would have you believe.
Allow me to appeal to you once again to read the Sarikamish entry. Armenia may be able to hold off Azerbaijan or Georgia, but if a war breaks out with Turkey it will have to be a Russian-Armenian contingent fighting together to defeat it (assuming it is a conventional war). No one can predict the future, but our calculations are based on long-term interests in both Yerevan and Moscow that Armenia not be destroyed and its remnants turned into a Turkic stronghold in the region. That said, we on this blog are probably the most militaristic collection of Armenians in Cyberia and naturally we've been calling for Armenia to exploit this historic overlap of Russian-Armenian relations in order to build up Armenia's military as much as possible. Arevordi is correct you really do not know what you are arguing.
What happens if, god forbid, Azerbaijan and Russia come to terms that Karabakh must be placed back under Baku's rule
IF that ever happened, we would not have any choice. We'd be fucked. Hence Arevordi's tireless calls for Armenians to be a premanent presence in the halls of the Kremlin, and Arevordi's calls to eliminate all threats to the Russia-Armenia alliance (such as western-leaning idiots like you) within Armenia... All that said, such a massive change in the geopolitical calculations would never occur unless some cataclysmic event took place in the region. Hence Arevordi's praise for the nationalistic, sober, interest-based reign of Vladimir Putin that has produced stability inside Russia and Armenia.
we went against Russian whims when we rose up and fought for Artsakh in 1988.
1) Russia did not exist in 1988, not in the sense you are twisting it to mean
2) Right... that's why Russia supplied us with a billion dollars worth of weapons and threated Turkey with a nuclear war in order to save Armenia. Honestly do you not see the massive holes in your logic, or do you see them and just discard?
That being said, there is always room to push Armenian interests harder in Moscow so that Russian whims will naturally be pro-Armenian (see: kikes in their vassal state known as the USA)
I would advise all the readers here to stop worshipping Russian or Western asses, it doesn't serve any of our interests
Armenia does not have the choice of being neutral like Switzerland. It's EITHER Russia or Turkey/the west that will dominate the country. Therefore please don't mix geo-strategic planning with "ass-kissing".
Brilliant rebuttals by Longtime Reader, Sarkis and Arto. Extremely impressive investigative work by Sarkis as well... if accurate. Nevertheless, I hope you can now see how nationalism when devoid of intellectual depth and political insight can be a serious problem for a nation. Mark my words: Armenian nationalists will be recruited by Western powers to act as a vanguard against the "re-Sovietization" of Armenia.
DeleteAnother brilliant commentary. Thank you Arevordi, you are fighting the good fight and giving the English-speaking Armenian world a chance to hear an alternate perspective on Armenian history and come to an informed decision about which policies they will support or not support for Armenia. The points you are trying to get across are coming through with much clarity, and there is ample evidence, analysis and documentation for support. I only hope the audience here continues to grow larger. I am glad we have a very vibrant, and surprisingly diverse, comments section.
ReplyDeleteHere are a few things I noticed:
-Who would have thought that Libya and Syria would fall apart like they have? Who would have thought that Russia would almost singlehandedly save Bashar Assad's government? Who would have thought that the West would embark on a major crusade to curb growing Shiite influence in the Middle East. Who would have thought that a new, barbaric extremist group supported by the West and its allies would establish a ruthless theocratic state on Syrian and Iraqi territory? Who would have guessed that Crimea would be part of Russia once more? Who in their wildest imagination would have thought that NATO and Russian forces would be facing off in Ukraine in the twenty-first century?
In the same vein, Who in 1945 would have thought that the Jewish grip on the Soviet Union would have been broken in less than a decade by Stalin? Who in 1979 would have thought that the Soviet Union would have collapsed a decade later? Who would have thought in 1985 that Artsakh would be free and under Armenian control in less then a decade? I truly believe that if Armenians play their geostrategic cards right and build and foster the right type of agenda with Russia, the time can come - within our lifetimes - when we will be able to state "who would have thought in 2015 that Western Armenia would have been liberated and incorporated into the Republic of Armenia such a short time later? I believe major chaos is ultimately unavoidable for our region, and for Turkey. Last time it happened we were unprepared and got wiped out. This time, whatever our issues may be, I hope that infamous Armenian opportunism instinct kicks in and we work to secure a piece of historical justice for ourselves and our nation.
-These cowardly reptiles need to be reminded of their crimes against Vietnam, Laos, Cuba, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. These hypocritical reptiles need to be reminded about Granada, Diego Garcia, Panama, Guantanamo Bay, Northern Ireland, Malvinas and the illegally annexed Mexican territories of south-western United States. After all, haven't these Turcophile reptiles been tolerating the Turkish occupation of northern Cyprus for the past forty years? Haven't these Anglo-American-Jewish reptiles been tolerating the Israeli occupation of the West Banks and Gaza for the past fifty years? Didn't these bloodthirsty reptiles create a Kurdistan out of Iraqi territory?
ReplyDeleteAlso worth noting is the remnants of the Old British and French Empires dragging on in the form of "overseas territories" or "overseas departments", not to mention US military bases around the world. According to the western hypocrits, it's perfectly acceptable for them to continue to occupy strategic foreign regions that your grandfathers were robbing and raping and in many cases which they successfully colonized by displacing the natives, but it is a crime against humanity for Russians in Novorossiya or Transdniestria, or for that matter Armenians in Artsakh, to declare independence from their Soviet-era imprisonment within the borders of hostile foreign nations.
British Overseas Territories
Overseas departments and territories of France
List of United States military bases
-Sucks to be Uncle Sam
Uncle Sam had the opportunity to be a paradise on earth. Instead it will be remember in history, particularly this current era of American history will be remembered as the embodiment of evil and corruption. I guess that's the inevitable result when a republic mutates into an empire and then its government and most powerful classes (here the WASP establishment) get hijacked by war-profiteering, nation-destroying kike interests.
Some interesting developments regarding the jewing of jew-worshiping Ukraine via IMF "reforms". The Ukrs are getting exactly what they deserve. They whored themselves at Maidan to welcome the same western-jewish thugs into power who were responsible for the mass starvations of their grandfathers in the 1930s. Let the idiots starve again, nature does not forgive weakness. I wonder how long Yatsenyuk can survive, I bet the coward hide behind an army of CIA, MI6 and Mossad security personnel and probably a few token Slavs to be used as human shields in case of an emergency.
ReplyDeleteRussian President Vladimir Putin called Ukraine's decision to raise the gas price by six times a humiliation for the country's populace.
5 Reasons Why Ukraine is Becoming Europe's Zimbabwe
Ukraine Greets the 19th Century as it Becomes Europe's Latest Colony
Regarding the death of jew nemtsov, here is the Great Tsar and geopolitical Großmeister explaining to his people how likely it was/is that the west would publicly and dramaticallyt assassinate one of its low-level pawns and exploit the negative atmosphere that the event would create. Putin's background in the KGB is really paying dividends in his ability to analyze and even predict his rival's modus operandi and future moves.
Putin in 2012 - Opposition is looking to turn someone into "involuntary martyr". Re: Nemtsov
Finally, and worryingly as the title of this latest blog entry signifies, the world is inching closer to war. On the bright side, NATO member Turkey, which serves as a remote silo for American nuclear weapons, has made itself a target for Russia.
Russian Jets Penetrate NATO Ships' Air Defenses in Black Sea
"Other than that, the jets are monitoring the movements on the two ships, the USS Vicksburg missile cruiser and the Turkish TCG Turgutreis frigate, which are located in the southwestern part of the Black Sea. "
Սեյրան Օհանյանը մասնակցեց զոհված զինծառայողների հոգեհանգստին
Very powerful speech by Seyran Ohanian at the funeral of two recently murdered Armenian soldiers on the frontlines with the Azeris. Ohanyan and other high-ranking military officials attended the funeral for these two martyred soldiers, and Ohanyan both called the Azeri outright criminals who are incapable of understanding human speech and respond only to power. And Ohanyan stated regarding the two slain "we have not lost Artak and we have not lost Haik; on the contrary we have found those heroes who did not throw the honor of the Armenian people on the ground {when faced with a deadly attack from the enemy}".
I'm glad to see Ohanyan and the military maintain a direct connection with the public and the families of slain soldiers, because unfortunately western-funded vultures are always ready to exploit the tragic deaths of soldiers into an excuse to incite anti-Armenian protests or spread anti-Artsakh hate-rhetoric within Armenia. The border situation is very tense right now. Armenian official state that the Azeris have upwards of 70+ casualties in 2015 so far, but of course reports from Azerbaijan are nearly completely absent. Meanwhile Armenian soldiers are dying at a rate of one or two every couple of days, and their deaths are being reported openly and honestly. I wonder how much longer this will continue before something gives and either the skirmishes and instances of Azeri mortar fire and subversive groups breaking into the Armenian side of the border break out into a larger-scale conflict, or Russia mediates another ceasefire extension.
On a side not, for anyone interested in a historical perspective, Ohanyan correctly points out that Armenia's existence has always been one of immense struggle for its people, with the rare exception of the immediate post-WW2 period being relatively easier (and even under that established system we were faced with very hostile and aggressive neighbors).
Arevordi, I first though you were the author of this article.
ReplyDeleteAzerbaijan Should Be Very Afraid of Victoria Nuland
Longtime reader
Interesting article, but its author is definitely not me. The similarities in style and rhetoric, however, are undeniable. This begs the question: Simultaneous recognitions of certain fundamental truths, or cross fertilization?
DeleteSome time ago Arminfo reported that during a television linkup between Moscow and Yerevan a Russian political expert made the following statements -
"Director of the Public Political Studies Center Vladimir Yevseyev said that if Russia stops selling arms to Azerbaijan, Israel, the US or somebody else will start doing it. "So, Armenia should be interested in Azerbaijan's buying arms from Russia as the Russians know their arms and will be able to help the Armenians with 'antidotes' if need be. There is no evil design in these supplies. Russia is not going to abandon Armenia. All it wants is just peace in the region."
The following is what I had written down over a year ago in my blog -
"Russian officials will sell military hardware to Azerbaijan simply because, as noted above, if they do not someone else will. In fact, Turkey, Ukraine, Israel, certain European countries and the US have been training Azeri troops and selling weaponry to Baku for many years. Moreover, we should also take into consideration some military wisdom: It's always better to face an enemy that is armed with weapons you yourself have because your knowledge of the weapon systems in question will help you defeat them if need be... I'm glad its Russia and not the US or Israel or Turkey providing weapons to Azerbaijan. Why? By providing weapons to Baku, Moscow secures leverage over Baku. Moscow ensures Azeri dependence because training and replacement parts to such weapon systems can only be provided by Russia. More importantly, Moscow can also, at least to a certain degree, dictate the terms of their use and help Armenia defeat the weaponry in question if need be. And we know that Moscow has for years made it very clear to Baku that it will not tolerate any form of military aggression against Armenia or Artsakh."
Notice the similarities? A few months ago I also came across the following article in which the British author not only uses the term "Anglo-Zionist-American" in describing the political West but also makes references to Sun Tzu -
A Sun Tzu Kremlin: http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/03-09-2014/128433-sun_tzu_kremlin-0/#
I'm sure you have noticed that I have been using the term Anglo-American-Zionist for some years now. Also, at the time when the above article came out I had just written a blog commentary in which I had made a reference to Sun Tsu -
Worried for its loss of hegemony the West is bent on bringing down Russia (July, 2014): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2014/08/worried-for-its-lose-of-hegemony-west.html
And this, yet another author describing the West as "AngloZionist" and calling the assistant Secretary of State as "Victoria F@ck the EU Nuland" -
The AngloZionist Empire is at War with Russia: http://www.veteransnewsnow.com/2014/09/29/510233the-anglozionist-empire-is-at-war-with-russia/
So, I ask: Are these similarities in rhetoric and style merely a result of people simultaneously coming to certain universal truths... or are they a result of cross fertilization (i.e. individuals stumbling upon my blog)? I don't know. But if I had to guess, I would say certain individuals are wired/programmed to see/feel certain universal truths and express them.
Speaking of those who see and confess universal truths, former Reagan official Paul Craig Roberts recently gave an interview to the Yerevan Geopolitical Club. What Roberts said was an unexpected but a very-very welcome warning to all Armenians - especially our Russophobic idiots. His warning that Washington wants to weaken traditional families through social engineering methods such as the promotion of homosexuality as a means of societal control was particularly profound. His warning that Washington has become an evil force around the world is a very important message for today. As you can now see, not only are Russians warning Armenians, so are prominent Americans who have had the moral courage and the spiritual strength to free themselves from the devil that has come to control Washington -
ReplyDeleteՀայաստանում պատրաստվում է հեղաշրջում (Փոլ Քրեյգ Ռոբերթս): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r8EhhNyJUA
Пол Крейг Робертс. Армении грозит опасность: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMysv6HCOyg
It's more like the Judeo-Western world wants to promote homosexuality as a means of slowing down population growth. Although there are at least some Westerners who are not complete idiots that are still worth saving from their own nightmarish creations.
DeleteJerriko, population reduction through homosexuality is indeed an integral part of their social engineering, but not the only aspect of it. Break down of the family is also part of the overall agenda. The individual - without God, family and country - is easier to manipulate and control.
DeleteHey guys, if you want to read a very good example of the kind of crap that small-dicked, brain-dead, born-again Evangelical faggots in the US Bible Belt come up with, click to proceed:
These idiots, or at least their followers, play into the hands of the Anglo-American-Zionist elite. They fall for the religious crap, or sometimes the old "communism destroyed 300 million people" crap, or just plain old "manifest destiny" crap to support western hegemony.
Well here you go, if anyone had doubts. please enjoy the good news
That Armenia possessed nuclear weapons made the news back in the late 1990s. I recall General Lebedev (who I believe was assassinated by Yeltsin's government) implied in an interview back then that Armenia had suitcase nuclear devices... I really wish this was true. I want to believe it to be true, but I still have to be convinced that it is true. News articles are just that, news articles. It could be Armenian psy-ops to scare the opponent. It could be Turkish/Azeri psy-ops to smear Armenia's name.
DeleteOn a side note: Florian Geyers, the leader of the great German peasant's revolt in the 16th century has a song written in his honor. Catchy tune, powerful lyrics. Germany is where socialism was first planted -
Wir sind des Geyers schwarzer Haufen (English Subtitle): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hP4XSaZVXLc
With Nukes we can't get confirmation. This will be in the air for years, popping up in the news when needed. But there are many dots to connect and seems like the answer becomes evident. I mean availability of material, technology, previous experience, and genocidal neighbours. there is no missing parts if there is a desire to have one.
DeletePS: enjoyed the video, thanks
More Jew Promoted Faggot Degeneracy As ABC Family Show “The Fosters” Depicts Two 13-Year-Old Boys Kissing
Paul Craig Roberts is 100% correct, look at the sickening filth that passes for acceptable programming on American television. Not to mention the non-stop onslaught of race-mixing promoted in the entertainment and advertizing agencies:
Can any Armenian with even a shred of dignity say that this type of social engineering would benefit Armenia at all?
Is the idea and thought of impelling every 18-22 year old diasporan youths to do a stint in Armenia's military worth pursuing ?. It may make or de toxify diasporas youth of their westernized mould . These almost lost youth or generations of youth can be awaken and given a mission for their empty lives. In the same vein as the western rodents indoctrinate and brain wash their corralled subjects, we need to provide a counter weight. The last thing we need is a horde of youthful diasporans , unwittingly, trying to import their levels of western toxicity ( human rights culture which has been translated into a demographic genocide, tolerance, multiculturalism, interntionalism, globalism, and multifarious contemporary vices) into the homeland. Every ism needs to be combatted by a counter ism.
ReplyDeleteAt face value, a wonderful idea. It is of course worth pursuing. However, it has inherent problems. First, I don't think more than a handful would go. So, is it worth putting so much effort in a project that will not yield tangible dividends? Historical note: During the war in Artsakh - when times were romantic and Armenians were extremely nationalistic - only a few dozen Diasporans from Middle East, Europe and the US volunteered to fight. Today, with all the anti-government rhetoric and the sky is falling fearmongerning, I don't think there are many Armenians in Europe, US or the Middle East itching to fight in Armenia. In other words, the pursuit of a Western-style "democratic" society in Armenia is utterly ruined the Armenian spirit. Second, by opening up your military apparatus to foreigners (let's not kid oursevles, Diasporans are foreigners to Armenia) you are exposing it to infiltration by Western/Turkish intelligence.
DeleteI'm glad this subject came up. Here's what I believe:
DeleteIt is the duty of every Armenian citizen to serve in the Armed Forces of Armenia. Yes, we know the conditions and all that, but we have to accept the fact that that is our reality. We're surrounded by hyenas who want to tear us apart the moment we let our guard down.
Many young Diasporan Armenians that I know of apply for citizenship after reaching the age 27, in order to not be drafted into the army.
The same suggestion has been given to me. I, for one, would gladly serve in the army, but unfortunately the career and education path that I'm on will be hindered.
I'm sure that many other Diasporans would not want to serve due to career/education obligations, but a lot of them don't want to because they're just too scared and unpatriotic to join.
They want to obtain the rights of an Armenian citizen, but not fulfill an important obligations.
How much lower can someone get?!?!
In my honest opinion, if a young diasporan wants Armenian citizenship but does not want to go in the army, it would be best to not obtain Armenian citizenship at all. They are not worthy of it. I myself do not consider myself worthy.
Then what should a Diasporan do?
Have its part in nation-building. There are many ways. One can invest, can buy property, establish a physical connection with the homeland. He can do its best to put Armenia on the map, to spread the name of "Armenia" among foreigners, but spread in a positive way, not the "we're the first christian nation and have had the first 20th century genocide" bullshit. That's a defeatist approach.
If a Diasporan is truly patriotic but does not want to serve the army for different reasons, he should prove his patriotism/nationalism one way or another. This doesn't include protesting in front of the turkish embassy, organizing flashmobs, swearing at turks on youtube... It includes being successful in life and when the time is right, contribute to the betterment of Armenia, regardless of any field.
If you're not going to serve your country by guarding its borders, at least serve it by becoming successful and being your knowledge/capabilities in assistance of building today's Armenia.
Finally, If a Diasporan really wants to live in Armenia, obtain the rights but not the obligations, let him at least not abuse the Armenian citizenship, let him be genuine enough to apply for a Special Residency Status passport (http://www.mfa.am/en/residency/). This is not something new, it's been around since 3 years after the independence and it's a great solution to satisfy both you and Armenia, especially if you plan on opening a small or medium-sized business.
Plus, since most Diasporans are unwilling to go to fight, they're not worth getting citizenship at all. They will become a hindrance to Armenia.
Svediatsi, appreciate your honesty bro. I am also studying in a university. I admit I am at fault for not putting aside my life and serving and Im not afraid to say I am also afraid to join as a regular soldier but I want to at the same time. But government can make it more easy to serve for guys like me by organizing programs to serve part time like in the army reserves in the US. Not all military jobs are combat, we can do a lot of things in the military to be helpful like dentistry, computers, construction, logistics but we need a government program for it. I agree with Arevordi we should not compare Armenians to Jews but in this case we should observe Israel and see what they do in the military with their diaspora.
DeleteLongtime reader
Svediatsi and Longtime Reader, I appreciate both your honesty and candor.
DeleteLongtime reader, I am with you 100% on all points. I say we can't compare Armenians to Jews. I never say we can't learn from Jews. We can learn from the experiences of a lot of nationalities.
I am glad you brought up the topic of military reserve units. I have entertained this idea since the 1990s. In fact, I have even talked about this idea with military personnel that I have periodically met in the country. But for some reason, every time I have raised this idea I have gotten a cold reception to it. Their main objection seems to be that no one would join and that Russians would not allow it. However, they admit they cant be certain that no one will join or that Russians will not allow it. After all, it has not been tried. I personally think such a program will eventually come into existence - simply because it makes sense, just like accepting females into the armed forces. Just think of it: A battalion sized military reserve unit manned by Diasporans that meet for several week every year and perform non-combat duties such as logistics, communications, computer programming, medicine, construction, etc. It's a wonderful idea. But also an idea that requires a lot of work. If the Armenian government took this topic seriously it can happen. And I bet many of those who join such reserve units will also warm to the idea of living in Armenia some day...
" A battalion sized military reserve unit manned by Diasporans that meet for several week every year and perform non-combat duties such as logistics, communications, computer programming, medicine, construction, etc."
DeleteI would also add the choice of combat for those willing to volunteer, but maybe for a specific purpose, such as scouting, sniping, defense, but not necessarily first-line direct assault.
The thought of meeting several weeks every year is what fascinates me. It's the most practical thing for the Diaspora. It kind of resembles the way the Swiss military functions. I find it to be the most ideal form of Armed Forces for a landlocked country.
I would love to hear your and Zoravar's opinions. Hopefully Zoravar is reading this.
About the visits of the Kaganess of Nuland to her future subjects:
ReplyDeletehttp://journal-neo.org/2015/03/04/victoria-nuland-s-secret-coup-d-etat-in-georgia ( Author: Henry Kamens)
"Former Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili has been saying for six months that he will be back in six months! No elections are due to be held and he can’t run for president again. Now, unfortunately, we might know what he meant....
On February 17 Victoria Nuland, a US Assistant Secretary of State, visited Tbilisi. She is best known for being an outspoken supporter of the coup d’etat in Kiev a year ago, which led to the violent overthrow of then-president Viktor Yanukovich and the ongoing fighting over this now nearly failed state. She appeared in Tbilisi at the same time Saakashvili officially became an “advisor” to Ukraine’s new incumbent, Petro Poroshenko....
The U.S. Department of State claimed her visit was dedicated to discussing “cooperation and regional issues” and “Georgia’s path toward European integration and Georgia’s efforts to defend its territorial integrity and sovereignty.” In English, this means ensuring that Georgia cooperates with the US on Ukraine by threatening it with being barred from entering the EU and losing Abkhazia and South Ossetia forever if it doesn’t. Open support for Saakashvili is all part of the same threat...
After visiting Tbilisi Nuland travelled to Baku, to “strengthen bilateral relations in trade and investment, energy diversification, security and counter-terrorism and democracy and civil society, and advancing a just and lasting settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.” Note the similarity of language. The US will help Azerbaijan, and ignore its own misdemeanours, if it supports it over Ukraine. If not, it will sign Karabakh over to Armenia, without consulting Azerbaijan...
It was reported that Nuland held meetings with the NGOs allowed to operate in both countries. The vast majority of these are funded by the Soros Foundation and the National Endowment for Democracy, NED, which have long been CIA fronts for toppling regimes which fail to toe-the American-foreign-policy-line. See where they operate, and where the funds go, and an undeniable picture emerges...
While this was going on Saakashvili was holding meetings with his supporters via a big screen link at his Presidential Library in Tbilisi, the only such institution in Georgia...
Indeed, there have been persistent rumours in Georgia over the last few weeks that some regime change may be in the works. These have been openly reported in the Georgian media, as if trying to prepare the public for what others say is good for them. Another of the usual telltale signs, the sudden increase in the number of overseas military advisors entering the country, has been observed by sources at the Tbilisi airport....
The former Georgian government people now in Ukraine have strong connections with the National Endowment for Democracy and Soros Foundation-funded NGOs. These are the people Nuland met and briefed in Georgia and Azerbaijan. She could have met other people, like the electors or independent media, but she was interested in these individuals and their network. As the State Department unwittingly acknowledged, she wasn’t there to hear but to tell".
See also: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje, by Wayne MADSEN 16.02.2015 00:00
Reading some of the comments above and in general following known western financed agents in Armenian politics I can see a changing trend. They were openly Russophobe and hard core pro American few years ago. Feeling the change of wind (less money from USA and EU) and watching America's blunders around the world it has become harder for them to follow the line. Now the narrative is; Armenia should not count on anyone, it is a proud nation with history and able to take care of itself. The end game is the same to break Russo-Armenian alliance. To weaken our ties with Russians.
ReplyDeleteSome of them now say that they are not against Russia but against Putin, they are not against Russo-Armenian military ties but against being slaves of Russians.
I wouldn't wonder if in the future they will switch sides and become pro-Russian. Those types care about their pockets, two faced scumbags who tomorrow may go around in Yerevan with F U Obama sign.
Speaking of Western operations in Armenia, it is no secret that the Armenian government has eyes and ears embedded within all Western funded/led political organizations such as Founding Parliament. The following comment and link was posted on the facebook page of our friends at World and Armenia -
Delete"This video shows a Founding Parliament member who after spending two months with Jirayr Sifilyan's group was not convinced about the group's principles. When he wanted to come out of the group they have decided not to pay his two months salary amounting to around 400 USD. This shows us how affordable it is for foreign powers to fabricate a revolution in Armenia. The maidan revolution cost the Zionist empire around 5 billion USD. In Armenia the same powers can wreck havoc and mobilize thousands of Armenian intellectual peasants to burn down their own country. Due to Armenia's small population, the costs for mobilization will be much less compared to what was spent in Ukraine. It is time for Armenians to choose, what comes first, money or homeland?"
«Նախախորհրդարան» ի անդամը Խզմալյանից պահանջեց իր աշխատավարձը՝ 200․000 դրամ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gezj0jXU2kI
One of the things I'm upset about is that the Diaspora's name/reputation is once more being severely compromised by the actions of our Western-led mercenaries. Many, if not most, of the top activists who push gay rights, feminism, multiculturalism, Russophobia or other Western inspired nonsense in the country are Armenians from US, Europe and the Middle East. When people such as the person who had a falling-out with Founding Parliament claims that Founding Parliament provocateurs are funded from the Diaspora or that its top leadership are Diasporans, that does not bode well for the Diaspora. I have warned for many years that the Diaspora - the Western Armenian Diaspora to be exact - is becoming a catalyst for Western operations inside Armenia. Now, more and more Armenian natives are beginning to understand this. This is leading to yet another schism between the Diaspora and the homeland. Very unfortunate.
DeleteDiaspora and Armenia relations should be placed in the right track. Diaspora should help Armenia economically (sharing technology, business), politically (lobbying Armenia interests), and culturally (sending kids to Armenia to keep them close to their roots). Diaspora should not meddle in Armenia's internal politics and foreign policy matters. In fact any Armenian especially from USA who goes to Armenia to actively participate or organize protests should be send back and not allowed to enter Armenia for 3 years. If you are a citizen of another country you should not have any political say inside Armenia. Go protest in the country you are a citizen of.
DeleteI agree. But I know of some Diasporans who have gotten their Armenian citizenship and are currently in Armenia pushing forward Western agendas. I am not too concerned about individual activists. They can be easily dealt with if need be. What I am more concerned about the general mood they are creating amongst natives towards Diasporans. It was never good to begin with. I don't want it get worst.
Delete“Nearly all the leaders of the liberal opposition [in Russia] are either fully Jewish or have Jewish background”
I did not bother reading this article by Kevin McDonald, but it is noteworthy that even White Nationalist in the west, who are not exactly known for their high levels of perception and insight into international affairs, are starting to see the picture.
This is not news. This is an old record playing over and over again. The Juden dominate all spheres of human endeavor, from education, to science, to social and political dynamics. They are the movers and shakers. And let us be honest, we can not apportion any blame to the Juden, after all they are simply doing their private businesses of racial survival and dominance over others. The ones to be blamed is us. A city like Yerevan, has a shrine to the Holohoax, it seems this shrine was erected in the days of the scabious dog anti Armenian, with a Juden wife Levon Ptrosian ? Petrosian has a home in tel aviv, and his son is allegedly living there ?. Is there a shrine in Israel for our martyrs ? No, why then have a shrine in Yerevan for the Juden ?
DeleteRecently the mangy foreign minister of Israel, the odious and repugnant skunk of a subhuman paid homage to the genocide of Khojalu ?. Guys, are we dealing with serious people here ? Or are we dealing with zoo specimens in human form ? Another mystery case is this character of Zaroukian, a typical case of debauchery personified. Has anybody seen his pharaonic palace in Yerevan ? If you have not seen it, then you can not understand what this esoteric character is made up of. When I took a drive around this super palace of palaces, I was bolted out of my drivers seat. For a moment I felt transported to the days of Cleopatra, or Caligula. The opulence and ostentatiousness of this monstrosity of pharaonic luxury is obnoxious and insulting to the the elementary basics of aesthetics. How is it possible than in tiny , rock strewn and stone ridden Armenia you can find an eye sore of Midas munificence ? How is this possible.? Who is this figure of the a pharaoh incarnate ? There is no room nor space in Armenia for someone like this Dodig ( what a sweet name, maybe he is a queer). When you find critters like this overzised worm, you need to audit him, ask him where the source of his Midas type wealth is sourced from, when 80 % of the population struggles to make ends meet. This is where the Armenian Government comes in for a sheer scolding. How can you allow this ? How many more like these scumbag are around ? Do you or anyone else thinks this Dodig spares a seconds thought for Armenia's survival and struggle for existence ? No , the whole situations is sickening. Maybe he has his plan B in place, secured in either jewified Switzerland , or perhapsh with his partner in crime petrosian in some sleazy suburb of Tel aviv.
I agree with the overall spirit of your comments. But I think we Armenian need to train ourselves to stop counting other people's money. Every country has its billionaires. Every billionaire has its palaces. I don't care how wealthy they are - as long as they are not pawns for foreign powers. I don't care how they got their wealth in the 1990s - as long as they are now creating work opportunities in the country. I don't care what they build - as long as they build them in Armenia. Long after they are dead and gone their businesses, their buildings, their wealth will remain in Armenia.
DeleteThere should be limits to everything, including socialism. While I don't want Armenia to be like the West, I also don't want her to be like Cuba or North Korea.
Great job Arevordi. A little bit on information in the hands of idiots can be a dangerous thing. I know its distressful to explain yourself over and over again to every visitor that happens to stop by but don't despair. Can't say I agree with you on everything but we are on the same page and I'm totally enjoying the quality of the conversations here.
ReplyDelete"A little bit of information in the hands of idiots can be a dangerous thing" is a profound observation. Thank you for reading, Raffi. I don't expect anyone (especially Armenians) to agree with me on everything. What matters is that we are on the same page. As long as we are on the same page we can learn from each other.
DeleteI choose to be called: Melik
ReplyDeleteif possible, can I ask you to repost my earlier post that wasn't allowed?
I found this piece in a news article earlier today:
Commenting on the Russia-Turkey relations, Shakaryants said he doesn't
expect them to offer any privileges to Armenia in terms of the return
of the appropriated lands. "It is naivety to think that our lands
should be returned with the Russian's arm. Whatever the Russian does
it motivated by their own [national] interests. So we do not expect
Russia to exercise any pressure upon Turkey. And there is one major
reason for that: Turkey is a member of NATO. So if Russia puts forward
any territorial claim to Turkey, the latter may declare that Russia
is a threat which must be eliminated. As we know, a threat by any
NATO member become a threat for all," he noted.
I have nothing positive or negative to say about Shakaryants' observation about Russian-Turkish relations. And I don't even know the point you are trying to get across with it.
DeleteAnyway, a suggestion: You are on my shit list. If you want to be taken seriously by me, pay attention to how you structure your sentences and express your thoughts. In other words, think through what you want to say and express it respectfully. I also suggest you read some of my older commentaries so you don't have me repeating the same things over-and-over again. Finally, if you are going to accuse me of saying something, back it up by referring to a quote of mine. And when you do, make sure to take into consideration the context within which the statement was made.
PS: For all I care, you can call yourself Msra Melik if you want.
PS: I do not have what you posted earlier. You can re post if you want.
What is the point of posting this amateur article? Anyone who thinks Armenia will expand its territory in any scenario other than a major war breaking out is delusional. Also delusional is anyone who thinks Armenia will expand its territory, especially at Turkey's expense, is also an idiot. And it does not take a genius either to point out that Turkey and Armenia are where NATO and Russia face off; this has been the case for centuries between various empires like the Roman and Persian empires, the Byzantine and Arab empires, the Byzantines and Turks/Mongols. Bitching about the fact that Russia will not, out of the goodness of its heart and on its own initiative, destroy a major regional power like Turkey for the sake of a rather ungrateful and unreliable ally like Armenia is just childish.
DeleteThe difference is that now, unlike before, Armenia has no chance of standing on its own without Russian support because: Armenian statehood and statecraft is relatively new and inexperienced as it was dead for nearly a thousand years before the original rise of Russia in the region in the late 1700s; Armenians were demographically crippled in 1915 and will remain so because they are too stupid to reproduce in adequate numbers; and Armenia's rivals are genocidal and barbaric to levels that have never been seen before in history.
But your quote makes two things obvious: 1) NATO as a whole is an enemy of Armenia and Armenian interests, meaning that the sooner the US collapses under its own weight and suicidal policies, the better for Armenia; and 2) Russia is motivated by interests rather than short-term profits, so it will not sell Armenia out but instead Russia will guarantee Armenia will surive (as is has done for more than 200 years now) because a Christian ally in the Turco-Islamic cesspool known as the Transcaucasus region serves Russian interests now, in the past and for the foreseeable future.
DeleteShakaryants is on the same page as us. As far as I have been able to see, his geopolitical assessments are accurate. He does not seem to be one of Uncle Sam's many doom and gloom propagandists in Armenia. Regardign what he is quoted as saying in the article: I think he was merely responding to a question by a reporter. One of them (most probably one of the Western-funded ones) may have asked him something along the line of - "now that Russians and Turks are closely cooperating do you think Russia will ever go to war against Turkey to liberate lands for Armenians for us?" The question, as ridiculous as it may sound to intelligent people like you and I, is meant to draw a response that will then be picked up by idiots and used to make it look like Russia will not fight for Armenia. Shakaryants is merely saying - "better Russian-Turkish relations does not pose a threat to Armenia, but don't expect Russians to go to war with Turkey to liberate Armenian lands for us". He is stating the obvious. But, like I said, the part about Armenian lands has anti-Russian propaganda value because it feeds into the Russophobia of our idiots. Anyway, intellectually, this Msra Melik character (who you think is that dorky Mher from HyClub) seems to be as deep as a spring time puddle.
@ Arevordi, confession time: I did not bother to read the article linked to by Melik, because I assumed it was just another sentence or two quoted from one of Armenia's countless "experts" and I am frankly sick of hearing what most of them have to say. Now that I read what you pointed out, I have to admit I was mistaken or at least ignorant of the context in which Shakaryants said what he said. That's the reason I wrote an angry reply is because the quote, taken by itself and out of context as Melik posted, sounds like the typical gripe that the anti-Russia crowd always highlights as "evidence" of an inevitable Russian betrayal. That's how most people would understand the quote Melik posted if they read it without any background information. The scenario you described of the quote being a response to a reporter asking a question obviously designed to elicit a "Russia won't spoon feed Armenia" answer makes perfect sense; sadly there are people stupid enough to fall for these elementary-level traps.
DeleteBy the same logic, people like Mher are ready to declare the CSTO and the Russia-Armenia Mutual Protection Pact as "worthless" every time an Armenian soldier is killed in Tavush or the Line of Contact from Azeri aggression and Russia does not respond with a declaration of war against Azerbaijan.
@Melik/Mher, if you are worried about Armenia facing a grand blunder leading to defeat in the near future, please focus your attention to the demoralization and doom-and-gloom negativity campaign that western funded media and "NGO"/activist groups are spreading inside Armenia. One prong of this multi-pronged psychological war campaign is aimed at turning the people against the Armed Forced by, inter alia, spreading hysteria regarding non-combat deaths. Another prong is to try and turn Hayatsantsis against Artsakhtsis, most glaringly attempted during kike-wifed LTP's 2008 attempt at regime change. Those are the greatest threats which Armenia faced today, not some imaginary scenario where Russia decides that it would be wise to give up its only ally in the otherwise NATO-Turco-Islamic Caucasus (South and North) region. Look to the defeat of Germany in WW1 after the kike/Marxis internal subversion despite Germany's military success, or look to the Russian empires collapse during WW1 after the kike/Bolshevik internal subversion following Russia's mixed military results (defeated by Germany, but victorious in Western Armenia against Turkey). Armenia's opposition today plays the exact same role of internal subversion today, and is actually guided and funded by the same western/kike sources as was the case back then in Germany and Russia. Once difference, however, is that while Russia and Germany had the depth to eventually recover from their blunders at a cost of millions of deaths, Armenia if it fell into this trap would be permanently wiped off the map.
Try reading this:
Or this, it's written by a guest columnist rather than Arevordi (but is still briliant):
If you are not interested in reading the sources we provide, though, then please stop wasting our time here.
Sarkis, I knew you had not read the article about Shakaryants. This matter, nevertheless, underscores the paramount importance of context. I see our anti-Russian propagandists - wittingly and unwittingly - cherry picking information that fits their preconceived presumptions and phobias and present them out of context as "proof" that Russia will sell Armenia to Turks. As I have said, these people are intellectual midgets at best, traitors to Armenia at worst.
DeleteRegarding "Russian" treachery and betrayals: Even Bolsheviks, who as we all know wanted to draw Turkey into their orbit, did not stamp out Armenia's existence. Bolsheviks could have - easily - ended Armenia's existence at the time, but even they were geostrategically prudent/farsighted enough to allow its existence. In fact, Stalin's Soviet Union was preparing to invade Turkey in late 1945. Not many Armenians know this for obvious reasons (it makes the West look bad) but the Red Army had gathered in Armenia waiting for the order to cross the Arax river. The operation was cancelled - literally - in the last minute. Had the Red Army invaded Turkey at the time, Soviet soldiers would have been washing their feet in the Mediterranean within a week and Soviet Armenia's borders would have grown by God knows how much. You know who stopped Stalin from doing so? The Anglo-Americans! And our Russopbobic assholes want examples of how Anglo-Americans have been destructive to Armenia? What happened in 1945 is merely one example out of many.
Once more: Armenia's friends, Russia and Iran, are their enemies. Their friends, Turks, are our enemies. For the West, Armenia is a nuisance, an obstacle to realize their geopolitical goals. For Russia, Armenia is a crucially important geostrategic asset that protects its vulnerable underbelly. While the West and Russia can have cordial relations with Armenia, ONLY Russia stands to suffer terribly from Armenia's demise. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to realize any of this.
There are two fundamental reasons for whatever flaws that may be found in Russian-Armenian relations:
1) The total absence of organized Armenian lobbing efforts in Moscow (all the positives of Russia's relationship with Armenia are Russian initiatives)
2) Armenia's appeasement towards Western powers, its "complimentary politics" (playing both sides of the political fence, thereby upsetting Moscow and keeping Armenia vulnerable to Western machinations).
From Melik:
DeleteThe point I was trying to make with the post was that, it's quite naïve to think that everything you said that Russia does for Armenia, that it does it out of the goodness of it's heart. The world simply doesn't work that way. Much like the way you try to present yourself as rational by saying it's absurd to expect Russia to liberate lands for Armenia, the same holds true for expecting Russia to always be there for Armenia, and for Russian-Armenian interests to always coincide. This is not an opinion, but a simple fact of life. I'm not sure why you're resorting to personal insults or ripping yourself apart for. You don't have to go too far into history to find events where Russians have directly contradicted our national interests for their own selfish gains. Note, this isn't meant to be a pro-Western remark, for the West has betrayed Armenia plenty a many.
An example of going against Russian whims in furtherance of Armenian interests was the karabakh movement. Do I need to go into all the details? Moscow said NO to unification of Artsakh and Armenia. Armenians didn't wait for moscows approval. If we didn't rise up and continiue to struggle, we would have lost artsakh.
that Armenia after genocide and destruction was able to throw out the Soviet red army and establish independence, though only temporarily, while simultaneous fighting turks and azeris is nothing short of remarkable. If you can’t accept that, that’s your problem. Please, there isn’t a nation that can sustain itself all by itself. I don’t think anyone implied that.
It the ottoman times, there were Armenians who attacked other Armenians who dared criticize Turks. And in the end, they got to find out what the turk is all about. in fact, infighting like this over Russia and West, Persia and Rome, Armenians ripping their as sses for foreigners, is what cost us. You're devoid of national ideology. You're a foreign servant.
"""- "now that Russians and Turks are closely cooperating do you think Russia will ever go to war against Turkey to liberate lands for Armenians for us?" ""
Are you kidding yourself Arevordi? Seriously? you think a journalist posed that question?? You're taking things way out of context. The point that Shakaryants was trying to make is that we should place our hopes on ourselves. Our history should have taught us that already.
Simple fact of the matter. Whatever Russia does, it does in furtherance of its own national interests.
During the war, Moscow armed both sides and played them against each other to maintain its influence in the region. Moscow views the volatile status quo as a way to keep the South Caucasus under its control. For one, the unresolved conflict guarantees that Armenia will not ask Russian forces to leave. And as long as Russia has troops on the ground, it can pressure Armenia to stay away from the West.
Melik jan, Mher jan,
DeleteYou show me where I have EVER said Russia does what it does out of its "goodness of heart" or that "Russia will always be there for Armenia" and I PROMISE you I will delete this blog and never write a thing ever again. However, if you can't back up the nonsense you write, then please get lost because I have no time for idiots who live in a world that only exists in their heads.
PS: Before the collapse of the Soviet Union the Politburo did its best to keep its borders intact. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the newly born Russian Federation did its best to prop up Armenia as a bulwark against the region's Turks and Muslims. This was the difference between victory and defeat for Armenia's war effort in Artsakh. Before 1991 Armenia was losing. After 1991 Armenia began to win. I suggest you look at and assess each time period separately. Nevertheless, as long as the south Caucasus is threatened by Turkish, Muslim and Western interests, Armenia will be looked upon by Moscow as a geostrategic asset. This is therefore the history opportunity we have to strengthen Armenia in case Russia implodes once more. You really needed me to explain all these things to you? You are annoying me with your preconceived notions about me. READ what I have written before you continue making a fool of yourself.
Arevordi, wasn't it General Zhukov who supposedly told Stalin something like "give me the order and I'll call you from Istanbul in 24 hours"? Armenians need to understand that the Truman Doctrine and the demonstrations of power in the war criminal bombings of Dresden, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki essentially saved Turkey and allowed it to keep Western Armenia up until the present, just like the Crimean War two centuries earlier. Remember also that 1945 was a mere thirty years after 1915, a great number of the Armenians from the Middle East and war-ravaged Europe, perhaps even the United States, would have emigrated back to a liberated western Armenia. We would be demographically secure today instead of arguing whether there are 3 million or 2.3 million Armenians in a region with nearly a 100 million muslims. The world would have been unimaginably different, hell even the Western Armenian language would have probably been secured rather than facing extinction as it now does (this is something many "nationalists" in the diaspora get up in arms about, )... This fact alone for me has constituted the bulk of the reasoning on which I have at least since high school advocated that Britain, France, and the USA are no allies of Armenia, despite what our օտարամոլ compatriots deluded themselves into believing (compared to my high school friends who would brag that they were Cilician Armenians and therefore must have had a certain percentage of western European blood from the crusader period superior to the Hayastantsis and Artsakhtsis - fucking idiots).
DeleteFunny how the anti-Russian crowd can't stop wringing their hands about some Russian general a century ago saying they want "Armenia without Armenians" but they will get on their knees for the USA despite the USA doing more than anyone else to ensure that large parts of the Armenian Highlands remain "Armenia without Armenians". The Armenian diaspora deserves every insult that it gets. Brace yourselves for more tears and theatrics from the diasporan "patriots" as Uncle Sam denies the Armenian Genocide again next month.
Arevordi, Mher is being a troll. We explained to him several times that his "Armenians defied Moscow when they liberated Artsakh" is too narrow temporally (Russian support shifted quickly to Armenia post-independence which lead to Armenians actually winning the war), in scope (Russia still kept Turkey out of Armenia with threats of a nuclear war even as it was losing the war in Chechnya), and in identifying parties (Russia ≠ Soviet).
DeleteAlso, we explained to him that there is nothing heroic or praiseworthy about the geopolitical maneuverings of the Dashnak government of 1918-1920, which led Armenia into wars with two mighty empires at the same time, ensuring thousands upon thousands of additional Armenian deaths, ensuring that the Turks and Bolsheviks would be driven into an alliance, and finally ensuring that Armenia would lose not only Kars and Oltu, but also Artsakh, Nakhichevan, and almost Syunik and Lori as well. It was remarkably fucking stupid. No finer example of attempted national suicide can be found in our history. It takes a special kind of retard to think that what Armenia accomplished before Soviets came in and saved the day was anything other than a TOTAL defeat on every single front. Topped off by the Dashnaks begging the Turks to save their worthless asses from the Bolsheviks. If Armenia had had one or two more months of such "remarkable" leadership, it would have ceased to exist.
Mher is a seriously handicapped individual. I don't know what it is about Parskahays, perhaps centuries of living as the pets of the Persians has bred out the ability for rational geopolitical calculations. I suggest we do what the democracy-loving forces over at hyeclub and the dashnak forums do and ban him from posting here. Specially since he hasn't bothered to read a single one of the links we have provided, otherwise he would know better than to claim that anyone here claimed that Russia would liberate territory from Turkey for Armenia out of the goodness of its heart or any other infantile reason like that.
ps the whole point of this blog is to encourage Armenians to TAKE ADVANTAGE AND EXPLOIT the coinciding interests of Russia and Armenia in order to strengthen Armenia as much as possible while it lasts. If I was a Russian nationalist I would hardly construe this blog as being "Russia-worshiping", it's essentially a call for Armenians to jew Russia the way the jews jew the west.
From: Melik
DeleteAllow me to officially state that I am NOT Mher Aslamsian. Though for the record, I think it's obvious that Mher isn't the type of individual that would hide his identity, that he's man enough to show his face when he has convictions to convey, which is more than what can be said about the all-knowing, mysterious Mr. X (AKA Arevordi) who talks a great game, and ends up throwing all credibility down the toilet
"Though for the record, I think it's obvious that Mher isn't the type of individual that would hide his identity, that he's man enough to show his face when he has convictions to convey"
DeleteLOL Mher jan, you are too simple minded. Please, run back to HyeCLub.
Paul Craig Roberts article from two days ago includes a very strong defense of National Socialist Germany and the responsibility of the western front of World War 2. It's surprsing to hear, even from an oppositionist. He seems like he is one step away from throwing off the last of his chains and declaring the truth about Jews. So far he has vaguely pointed out the role of "zionists" and "the israel lobby" in past articles. I am seriously starting to believe that the jews overplayed their hand, as they have throughout history when they reach the top positions of power in whatever host country they are sucking dry. The aftermath of overplaying their hand has historically been very bloody
The only problem with "White Nationalists" is that they seem to display a rather schizophrenic mindset when it comes to deciding whether or not Russians are European or Asian. Although Paul Craig Roberts might qualify as one of those rare gems, at other times WNs are rather clueless about geopolitics in general.
DeleteOn the other hand, this article is somehow related to the issue of the Jewish role in subverting Christianity, especially in this article's case, Catholicism.
Also, these videos shine insight on the topic I've talked to earlier.
Thanks for the links, Jerriko. Also, thanks for informing me about "The Greatest Story NEVER Told" it looks very interesting.
DeleteHello. I am a Russian occupant:
Well done propaganda. I agree for the most part. While it's arguable what positive influences Russians have had on Europe (Russia has been mostly influenced by Europe), it's beyond any doubt that Russia has been a very positive influence on former Russian/Soviet territories in the Caucasus and Central Asia. It is due to Russian and later Soviet occupations that these areas have a semblance of modern civilization today. Even in countries outside of Russian or Soviet territory (nations such as such as Afghanistan, Vietnam and Cuba) Russian influence was largely positive. You vividly see this when you compare Soviet occupied Afghanistan to US occupied Afghanistan, or when you look at Cuba under US influence and Cuba under Soviet influence. Russian/Soviet system was not designed for economic growth, production of material goods and services or for personal pursuits, but it was unparalleled when it came to social welfare, employment opportunities, medical care, scientific research and education. Moreover, when you take the crimes of the Bolshevik out of the equation, you see that whatever large scale atrocities that may have been carried out by Russians or the Soviets, it was always in response to atrocities carried out against it. I know one thing: Vietnam, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria is enough evidence that the Anglo-American-Jewish world is incomparably more aggressive and bloodthirsty. Anyway, when looked at collectively, there is something very esoteric about the Russian nation. It's something I cant properly put it into words. I am just glad this nation exists.
DeleteThat was a spot-on, hard-hitting video. Absolutely brilliant. Well done Russians! You could pause almost every scene in that video and spend thirty minutes or so explaining the significance of the events and images pictures to the uninitiated. We talked about Russia's new identity as a powerhouse of traditional culture, and I really liked that one segment in the video which stated "all of your values are alien to me".
DeleteOn the Baltics: "I was asked to leave them. Now they sell sprats and part of their people to clean toilets in Europe."
DeleteIt's kinda ironic that these very same Baltic States that had once been influential states in Europe (with Lithuania being the most influential of them all because of its shared history with Poland, Ukraine and Byelorussia) now being reduced to a source of cheap labor, mainly cleaning toilets. I thought cleaning toilets was a Polish stereotype, not a Baltic one.
I do agree that Russia's system was not designed for short term instant success, but focused on building a long term success that will certainly last. Even if their economy is under attack, the Russians think a couple of steps far ahead. It's like they're coming up with thirty steps while Americans are still stuck trying to come up with the first step. I only wished that the Russian system was far more applicable to Asia than Europe because while the Russian nation-state was built on a European influence, they have a larger connection with Asia than Westerners could even dream of.
The USSR was a good country for the most part. I remember a childhood that was a pretty happy one.
DeleteAs far as social benefits, when I was 6, my parent had me in swimming and chess-school. Chess-school was entirely state funded. While swimming initially was like 2 roubles a month until a passed a test, after which it was entirely state-funded.
Interesting article on regnum written by Armenian Oleg Airapetov. Italo-Turkish War. The response of the Balkans in Africa and vice versa; Italian friends and interests Russia
Interesting indeed. The article is a very good look into how geopolitically complex and explosive the time period in question was. Regnum is a very impressive news agency. I wish they hadn't stopped their English language publications.
DeleteGuys have you noticed with what's going on in the German political sphere visa-vi Ukraine?
ReplyDeleteGermany's political spectrum which looked almost entirely pro-American at one time has been turning lately. You can see it, and feel it all over German media.
"We are disappointed in Poroshenko".
"We should understand Russia's interests."
And now this article from Der Spiegel:
All German's wanted was to capture Ukraine as a giant colony, through association with EU shut down all of Ukraine's manufacturing in order to open up greater opportunities inside the Russian market for themselves (since all of Ukraine's heavy industry is oriented on Russia on other countries in the CIS). By no means did the Germans want war on the territory of the Ukraine, and by no means did the Germans want to be forced to put sanctions on Russia.
Instead of what they wanted, Ukraine in a state of war is kind of useless as a colony for them. They have lost a lot in the Russian market, and many German businessmen are very concerned that due to Russia's import replacement policy, they might not have a way back. This is not what the German's wanted.
Germany's economic and development interests were sabotaged by their pro-American political and media elites.
Skhara I dont remember Germans ever being entirely pro Armenian. German voices from day one were not going along with the western plan in Ukraine. Germans also backed Russians claims in Crimea. Don't forget that German top leaders are dependent on the west and a lot of Germany's news media is controlled by the west.
DeleteI agree with Arto. Germany have been by far the most sober minded western nation when it comes to Russia - even more so than France. The anti-Putin or anti-Russia propaganda you see in Germany is produced by the country's Anglo-American-Jewish occupiers. Actually, I have been very surprised at how levelheaded and balanced Germans have been with regards to Russia - especially considered the fact that relations between them was genocidal in the not too distant past...
Yes I agree with you guys. But that has been the case in most of German business-cultural sphere. But its media-political elites were playing the American line. Because the media line is starting to change, I wondering if business interests are rearing their influence now.
DeleteLet's not forget that in fact Ukraine was destined to became a «Second Israel».
DeleteSee: Israel’s Secret Plan for a «Second Israel» in Ukraine
Wayne MADSEN 03.12.2014 10:04 @http://m.strategic-culture.org/news/2014/12/03/israel-secret-plan-for-second-israel-in-ukraine.html
Only the Americans are prone to became so totally hysterical when it's about the interest of (Greater) Israel.
That was almost a good article until I got to the section about rat-faced bitch nudelman/nuland. How far German media has fallen from the high point it had reached under Julius Streicher and the Der Stürmer. They made that nation-destroying jewess sound like some humanitarian hero. It is one of the many grave injustices of our world that despite the fact that it was the Red Army alone which crushed the Wehrmacht, the entirety of what is left of Germany today is occupied solely by the Ango-American-Jewish alliance. That really needs to be remedied.
DeleteA more interesting article would have featured famous and infamous jews like victoria nuland who is famous for her war-mongering, benjamin netanyahoo who is a genocidal war criminal whose delusional belligerence has reached a point where even former Mossad leaders are calling him out for his "bullshit", and the entire crop of jews behind the Federal Reserve System (greenspan, shalom-bernanke, yellen) who have in the past seven years destroyed the economic stability of most of the west. These people are big names and very visible, and it is difficult for the media to hide the destruction they have caused. I wonder how much resentment the jews have managed to create against themselves in the west in the past decade, and how long they can continue pushing for a war with Russia and the rest of the world without there being a tangible manifestation of resentment from American and European citizenry.
While we are on the topic of Germany, revealing poll results appearing in Sputnik -
DeleteUK, French, German Citizens Wish to See EU Policy More Independent From US: http://sputniknews.com/europe/20141219/1016035474.html
"According to the poll conducted by ICM Research, 62 percent of Germans think that Brussels should become more independent from Washington, while 38 percent of French citizens and 39 percent of Britons share the same opinion"
I guess this is related
DeleteA staggering number of Russians hold negative views of the US
Arto1, that was some rich hypocrisy:
DeleteThis anti-American sentiment could be partly attributed to relentless propaganda from the Kremlin, much of which comes from Russian TV stations and newspapers.
-I'm no expert here, but I'm going to venture a guess that Russians hate Americans because they eventually realized that the US government wants to destroy them and take their resources away. The support for islamic terrorism in the North Caucasus, the overthrow of tolerable governments on Mosocw's borders and their replacement with small-dicked Nazi-wannabes, the promotion of homo-faggot filth inside Russia, demonization at every opportunity, sanctions, economic warfare.
Russian conspiracy theories that appear on state-backed media assert that the US is to blame for events like the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine.
-Excuse me but wasn't it the case that the United States emphatically blamed the destruction of that aircraft on Russia immediately after the event occurred without a shred of evidence or even an investigation? And doesn't America's state controlled mainstream media still imply "Putin shot that plane down" every time the story comes up?
These attacks on Putin remind me of one of my favorite quote by Adolf Hitler: "Anyone who picks up a Jewish newspaper in the morning and does not see himself slandered in it has not made profitable use of his previous day's efforts".
ReplyDeleteRemember the article you wrote couple of years ago about the possibility of Armenian land connection to Russia? Take a look at this article by Micheal Maloof he says almost the same:
I have been talking about the benefits of Armenia linking up with Russia for over five years now. Plans that Russia seeks to link up with Armenia in an event of a regional war was first made public around three years ago -
DeleteArmenia, Russia must have common border (October, 2010): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2010/11/since-medvedevs-historic-visit-to.html
Russia to become involved in another war on post-Soviet space? (November, 2010)
Can Armenia exploit Russian actions in the Caucasus? (April, 2012): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2012/04/can-armenia-exploit-russias-action-plan.html
Political unrest nearing Russia's southern border (February, 2012):
It's encouraging that this topic is being picked up by Western sites. It means they are worried about it, which also means there is validity behind the allegations. In my opinion, if Moscow is able to establish a common border with Armenia through Georgia and/or Azerbaijan, it will gain direct control over all three states. By doing so, it will also end any dealings Tbilisi and Baku have with Turkey and Western powers. The following are excerpts from previous entries -
"The most important thing to do in this regard is to embark on a long-term, multi-pronged, pan-national campaign to convince high ranking Russian and Iranian officials that a larger and more powerful Armenia on their borders is much more desirable to the existing state of affairs in the south Caucasus."
"Armenians need to convince Kremlin officials, in particular, that having Armenia as a neighbor or as a nation on the Black Sea is in their best national interests."
"Behind closed doors in the Kremlin, the following is more-or-less what Armenian officials and political experts should be communicating to their Russian counterparts: Georgia, Azerbaijan and various Islamic tribes in the Caucasus are the main obstacles to a lasting peace and stability in the greater Caucasus region. The only way to pacify the Caucasus region is to partition parts of Georgia and Azerbaijan between Russia and Armenia. At the very least, Armenia needs to be given the opportunity to establish a common border with the Russian Federation through Georgia and/or Azerbaijan. The best time to get this done is when a major war breaks out in the region.
"Geostrategically speaking, a stronger Armenia in the Caucasus means a stronger Russia in Eurasia. A powerful Armenia is the only effective way to solve the Caucasus region's many pressing problems - including but not limited to Islamic insurgency, pan-Turkism and Western expansionism."
"While establishing a common border with Russia is of immense strategic importance for the Armenian state (I would even say of crucial economic importance), such a situation would greatly benefit the Russian Federation as well."
"Besides finally establishing a direct land connection with its most significant and stable regional ally, Moscow would also have the added geostrategic benefit of cutting off Georgia from Azerbaijan, thereby further weakening/isolating Georgia and further weakening/isolating Azerbaijan."
"Under such a geopolitical climate in the Caucasus, Western and Turkish interests will no longer be able to pursue their regional agendas. While Moscow has currently become the behind-the-scenes power broker in the region (mainly as a result of its thrashing of Georgia in 2008), in the event of establishing a land corridor with Armenia, it will no doubt again become the undisputed master of the Caucasus. With Armenian forces controlling Azerbaijan's former border region with Russia, the flow of Islamic terrorists and Central Asian narcotics into southern Russia would be cut-off as well."
The joys of living in Europe, and within the Western orbit -
ReplyDeleteKosovars Who Fought for Land Are Now Eager to Leave: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/08/world/europe/kosovars-who-fought-for-land-are-now-eager-to-leave-it.html
Estonia becoming a European prostitution-tourism capital: http://www.baltictimes.com/news/articles/9230/
Can you notice the panic in these monkeys in costumes?
ReplyDeleteUkraine, Russland und die EU (1): Was auf dem Spiel steht
Ukraine, Russland und die EU (2): Was auf dem Spiel steht
ReplyDeleteThis is disgusting. Armenians absolutely do NOT need a separate memorial to women who died during the Genocide. It is an insult to all of the victims of the Genocide if we separate them by into arbitrary classes and determine one group needs to be singled out for remembrance. If we have one memorial that honors the women only, why not one that honors the lawyers only, or how about one that honors the very rich victims only? Turks did not particularly target women or men during the Genocide, they targeted Armenians in general, therefore dividing up memorials by sex (not "gender") serves absolutely no purpose by to divide Armenians as a whole. It is essentially breaking up the Nation into smaller components which can then be played off of each other. We see a clear example of this in the west where women, particularly White women, are indoctrinated with the false idea that they too have been "victims" of traditional western culture and oppressed by White men who they should view as an enemy; the result has been that the nationalist movements in the west are largely devoid of active women members, while the ultraliberal idiots who are active in anti-national activism are largely women... Armenia does not need to bring this disease into its own affairs.
As far as I am concerned this is just another manifestation of the radical feminism that is now dividing western society and making it weak and impotent in the face of its enemies. This is nothing less than a culture-destroying subversive movement. If there was a memorial dedicated only to the male victims of the Armenian Genocide, I would have the same protest that it only serves to divide the nation and drive women away from nationalist activism.
I'd prefer to see this particular monument demolished. And while we're at it let's remind our French "friends" that rather than monuments, we want an explanation of why they decided to gift Armenian Cilicia to the Turks in 1923, and why they decided to support the terrorists which carried out the massacre at Kessab a year ago.
According to this there was a Turkish instructor killed in the group of 7 Azeri saboteurs which were destroyed by the Armenian Army after they tried to penetrate into Artsakh. No matter how fluffy the false perception that many Armenians still have towards the west, NATO, and Turkey, the reality remains that Armenia is indirectly at war with them. In the case of Turkey, the distinction between directly and indirectly has always been blurry and is now getting blurrier; in fact had it not been for the 102nd Russian military base in Gyumri it would have turned into a direct (and unwinnable) war with Turkey decades ago.
ReplyDeleteՇփման գծում ոչնչացված ադրբեջանցի զինծառայողների մեջ թուրք հրահանգիչ կա.աղբյուր
ՊԲ առաջապահ ստորաբաժանումների կողմից ոչնչացված ադրբեջանական հատուկ նշանակության ստորաբաժանման զինծառայողների մեջ կա նաեւ թուրք: Այս մասին հայտնեցին NEWS.am-ի աղբյուրները:
Մեր տեղեկություններով՝ սպանվածներից մեկը Թուրքիայի հրահանգիչ է:
Ավելի վաղ հայտնել էինք, որ մարտի 5-ի լույս 6-ի գիշերը ադրբեջանական զինուժը առաջնային գծի տարբեր հատվածներում հրադադարի պահպանման ռեժիմը խախտել է ավելի քան 80 անգամ` հայ դիրքապահների ուղղությամբ 60 եւ 80 մմ ականանետերից, Իստիգլալ, ՀԱՆ-17, ԴՇԿ, ՌՊԿ եւ այլ զինատեսակներից արձակելով շուրջ 4500 կրակոց: Բացի նշված միջոցներից, հակառակորդը հյուսիսային (Շահումյանի) ուղղությամբ կիրառել է նաեւ «ԶԻԿ -23-2» զինատեսակ: Նշված կրակակետը վնասազերծելու նպատակով ՊԲ առաջապահ ուժերը դիմել են համապատասխան գործողության, որի արդյունքում շարքից հանվել է հակառակորդի առնվազն 3 զինվոր եւ «ԶԻԿ -23-2» զինատեսակը:
Նույն ժամանակահատվածում ԼՂՀ զինված ուժերի մարտակերտյան ուղղության ստորաբաժանումները կանխարգելիչ գործողություններ են իրականացրել հակամարտ զորքերի շփման գծի հյուսիսարեւելյան հատվածում: Ըստ հաստատված տվյալների` ծավալված մարտերի ընթացքում ոչնչացվել է գործողության շրջան դուրս եկած ադրբեջանական հատուկ նշանակության ստորաբաժանման չորս զինծառայող:Վերոնշյալ գործողությունների ժամանակ հայկական կողմը կորուստներ չի ունեցել:ՊԲ առաջապահ ստորաբաժանումները շփման գծի ողջ երկարությամբ շարունակում են վստահորեն իրականացնել առաջադրված մարտական խնդիրը եւ հակառակորդին թելադրել իրենց կամքը:
ReplyDeleteIt's too bad centuries of Germanic and Russian domination have failed to improve the Baltic bloodline
Leaked Email Shows VA Mocking Veteran Suicide
I don't feel any sympathy for the now-traumatized former mercenaries that were involved in our imperial campaigns in Vietnam, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq or elsewhere but I have to say the level of contempt within the government towards its own soldiers is pretty messed up. I bet those VA employees were of the common soulless douchebag types that universities are so good at producing.
The US government has been heavily involved in promoting "civilian control over the military" in Armenia. The US would be better advised to get its own house in order. Once again we see that Armenia is better off without US "help".
This article here is pretty interesting, i am attaching the russian version of the article because the english and armenian versions are edited and important facts are missing. There is a section about Armenian claim that previous NK reports were somehow always done by a Rep from UK. All biased against us. Another proof brits have been our worst enemies with turks. they have caused more harm to Armenia than turks. Every Armenian should repeat this 10 times daily and never forget. Brits are the cause of most evil in the world. And just because you like Beetles does not mean Brits are cool.
Today's Crosstalk was a good watch.
Let's remember that on the occasion of the Purim 2014, Putin was declared the Haman:
Delete'TheUglyTruth Broadcast March 5, 2014'
"It is Purim season, 2014 and Putin is this year’s Haman. Israel and Netanyahu are in full court press to see Putin — who is standing in the way of the New World Order — destroyed, even if it means war with the United States.
We are joined by the one and only Michael Collins Piper to discuss this.
And this:
'jtf.org › JTF.ORG Forum › General Category › General Discussion'
"Dress like Putin for Purim:
Purim is coming up in a little over a week (a week from this Sunday)…
Purim is the holiday we celebrate to remember the miraculous survival of the Jewish people in Persia in the face of certain destruction at the hands of Haman and the wicked king.
I just noticed that the word Purim is very similar to the word Putin (’r’ is 2 letters before ‘t’ and ‘m’ is one letter before ‘n’)…
I think I have figured out what I will dress up as for Purim. One of the fun things we do on Purim is dress up with masks and costumes…
Now where does Putin fit in…. Well in my mind he represents the Amalekian ideal, like Haman, and he is a puppet on the stage of Hashem’s creation.
I listen to a Rabbi (Rabbi Shafier) who explains this concept very well (and I posted his video in the Torah section previously).
The dictators of the world (like Pharoah) are just pawns in Hashems game. They have no power of their own (once we start believing they have power, then they gain power by our granting them it)…
On Purim we laugh at the powers in the world which rise up against us. Russia is arming Iran and trying to subvert American interests around the world.
I think that the fact that the words Purim and Putin are similar is because it should remind us that Putin is just another puppet on Hashems stage.
He is under the curse of you know who. They pray that Putin have the sort of Haman, hanged! As they were praying for the killing of Czar Nicholas II before WWI, at a time when Zionists in cahoots with the Germans were creating "The German Committee for the Freeing of Russian Jews (German, 'Deutsches Komitee zur Befreiung der russischen Juden') in August 1914 by Max Bodenheimer with Franz Oppenheimer, Adolf Friedman and Leo Motzkin to lobby for the socio-political liberation of Jewish people living in the Russian Empire and ensure their protection from pogroms. In November 1914 it was renamed the Committee for the East.
The Committee was initially supported by the German Empire but as no Jewish insurrection arose against the Russians the Germans soon lost interest". (Wikipedia).
FOX now has Robert Scales advocating "killing Russians to save Ukraine." We now finally see that the West is just as bad as the enemies they claim to be fighting...or worse.
ReplyDeleteUS imperialism has been drenched in blood since its existence as a nation-state. Besides, Scales was brutally honest about what the West should do. I don't see why the United States deserves to be respected after all of this revelation. It's too similar to a massacre that occurred during the early stages of the 20th century in my country. US soldiers killed Filipino boys over ten years old as a retaliatory measure in Balangiga, so I'd imagine a similar massacre happening against Russians in Eastern Ukraine on a larger scale. Seriously, Scales is a monster and a waste of space. Sorry for ranting.
On the other hand, check this video out. Slobodan Milosevic's prophetic speech to the people of Serbia.
You are not ranting, Jerriko. You are expressing yourself and you are doing so because you see an evil in this world that you know you cant fight. Understandably, you are angered and frustrated. Understandably, you are beginning to see Russia as perhaps the only hope against this evil. What makes this evil truly dangerous is not its military power, but their cultural lure. The lure of Americanization. The lure of Westernization. The lure of Globalization. The lure of Hollywood, Anglo-American-Jewish celebrities, mega malls, 24/7 entertainment, 24/7 sports, rock&roll, rap, Coke Cola, Gap, McDonald's, multiculturalism, materialism, individualism, sexual freedoms, etc. blinds people to the grave dangers of this great and unprecedented evil for this evil first kills the soul, then the body.
DeleteWell Arevordi this kind of sick proposal is extremely touchy for me as a Filipino. I often read stories of when the first US soldiers fought the Filipino resistance movement that their slaughtering of aforementioned troops was like a 'turkey shoot'. If Spaniards often derided us as 'indios', White Anglo-Saxon Americans called us monkeys.
DeleteOn one additional note, there was an incident in South Korea where the US ambassador there suffered a knife wound by a man who spoke in favor of reunification. I'm quite sure that it's a wake up call for those Yanks who now see that they're detested, even in countries that are traditionally considered as pro-American.
Bilateral trade between Russia and Turkey/Azerbaijan runs to the tune of tens-of-billions of dollars annually... Russia has been trying hard to lure Turkey away from NATO... Russia is doing its best to lure Azerbaijan within its political orbit... Russia recognize Turkey's importance as a bridge between Europe and the Middle East... Russia sells large quantities of weaponry to Azerbaijan... Russia just recently signed a multi-billion dollar natural gas project with Turkey... Russia recognizes the importance of Azerbaijan's as an energy provider... Russians know that there are well over one hundred million Turks/Turanians bordering Russia... Russians know well that are millions of pacified Turkic peoples living right within their homeland...
ReplyDeleteRussia has EVERY excuse one can imagine for not to recognizing the Armenian Genocide, but they do. Not only does Russia officially recognize the Armenian Genocide, every high level official from the Russian Federation - including Putin and Medvedev - has visited the Armenian Genocide memorial.
It's official: The great Czar of Eurasia will be in Armenia to commemorate the centennial of the Armenian Genocide -
Putin to attend genocide centenary in Armenia: http://news.yahoo.com/putin-attend-genocide-centenary-armenia-144347329.html
I also heard that North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un will also be in Moscow for the Victory Day parade.
DeleteIf i wanted to see someone important on that day in Armenia, it would have been Putin. His presence there is a more than enough guarantee for me that Armenians will not face another genocide.
DeleteDiaspora Armenians should be the first to thank Mr. Putin.
Thank you President Putin and God bless you.
DeletePS look at these pieces of shit: http://www.theguardian.com/news/2015/mar/07/prince-charles-and-prince-harry-to-attend-gallipoli-service-for-anzac-day
As TK said above, the Brits have been one of the worst nightmares for Armenia and their great museum in London is testament to this - labeling the Armenian highlands as ancient turkey, they are deliberately playing their part to eradicate Armenia. Their "behind the scenes" work has contributed to misery of many countries, together with the looting of half the world, including India which was the richest country in the world at the time. And finally when they're forced to go, they leave behind a fractured country, impoverished and with festering wounds which lasts centuries. Most of briton's wealth has been built up through the plunder and rape of much of the world and they are by no means weakened, they're just using their dumb, big cousin (USA) to do their dirty work for them. Never underestimate the influence of the Brits, their banking houses, their stock market and their MI6 are still most influential. But what can be said about a people who have dominated the globe for centuries, having exposure to many ancient cultures, but still haven't managed to learn any cultural or culinary sophistication from the countries they dominated. Arrogant and racist at their core and quite degenerate, which explains why they get along well with the turks. Their elites would rather go to turkey to celebrate their defeats (including Australians and New Zealanders who are extractions of the same people) rather than mourn with the loss of an ancient nation, one of the worst geopolitical episodes in history. But I suppose when you're up to your elbows in blood from genocides you've caused around the world, why should you care.
DeleteI agree with much of what you say but it's not a good idea to overestimate British power and influence in the world today. Britain is a mere shadow of what it was a hundred years ago. The "Anglo" component of the Anglo-American-Zionist global empire lives today because of the American and Jewish components. Britain has not been the same since the Second World War. That war nearly destroyed them. Although being an island helped them, without the massive, persistent support provided by the United States, Britain would have fallen to Germans faster than Poland and France. The Second World War bankrupted London and place them well below Americans in the political, economic and financial hierarchy of the West. The handover of the British Empire to the Americans, which had actually began in the early 20th century, was essentially complete by 1945. In the current Anglo-American-Zionist global order, the Anglos are at the bottom. By attributing them powers they don't have, you are actually helping them convey a certain aura they don't deserve.
Russian Air Defense Forces have introduced a new missile for the S-300 and S-400 systems. The 40N6 missile can intercept targets 400 km away and at altitudes up to 185 km.
ReplyDeleteIt is a game changer missile.
More information:
Thats a great news for us too. the upgrade is for S300V, called S300V4. I believe we have a lot of those V systems so no need to get S400. We can just get those missiles and have same abilities as S400.
DeleteAs expected main suspect of Nemtsov's killing is from Ukraine. Adam Osmaev, head of chechen Dudaev battalion fighting for Kiev. The connection between Osmaev and killers is established.
Dear readers,
ReplyDeleteI have revised and updated certain components of this blog entry.
Compare the values of the EU....:
....To the values of Putin's Russia:
The Choice: Abandoning Thoughts of Abortion
I could add to that a recent law passed in Canada. Now they start sexual ed from year 1. At year 7 they start teaching about gays/lesbos including oral/anal sex ed. comes out human gender is now 6 different types. female/male types are soon to be absolute in Canada.
DeleteThere have been some demonstrations but nothing could stop the bill.
I read about that. Thank you for pointing it out TK. The west is such a disgusting place at this time in history. You can't even flip on the TV or watch a new movie without there being all kinds of homosexual or interracial relationships being promoted. The EU is falling over itself rushing to legalize homosexual perversions of all kinds: the once normal Yugoslavian country of Slovenia recently joined Finland and the other degenerates in legalizing gay "marriage". And they are pushing pedophilia through "education"/indoctrination and through pop culture:
DeleteYou may not want to watch this video because of how inappropriate it is, but note that it has about 185 million views on YouTube.:
The male is a 28-year-old Jew, the girl is 12. They are half-naked and engaged in very suggestive "dancing". Does any normal parent think this is a good idea or in any way beneficial to society or the well-being of children? Do we want the nations (USA, EU and Anglo countries) that produce, promote, and consume this shit as their national culture to have ANY say in governing Armenia or reforming Armenian society?
Don't get me wrong, Americans and Europeans can do whatever they like in their own nations. If they want pedophilia, bestiality, extreme fetish pornography, necrophilia, homosexuality, interracial marriage, toxic foods, drugs, and debt slavery for themselves - well good for them. I have no illusions about "saving our Christian/European/White/Aryan/traditional/western/whatever 'brothers'". But we need to draw a very strict and impermiable line in Armenia's borders and keep this garbage away from our nation.
The bobus Americans Ambassador who had his face slashed by a Korean In a diplomatic reception is by sheer quirk of coincidence a member of the chosen race. Geopolitical is dominated by the chosen elected. If one prises open the nomenclature of government gnome in every single Eu country, and scratch the surface of these hierarchies you will find they are all members of the chose, philo members, half members or quarter members and like minded operatives. The USA is a misnomer, the proper name of that geographical configuration should be UsA of judenstan. Contemporary power politics is conducted under tha Pax Judaica, disguised as Pax Americana. Pax judaica means and is what we witness in the planet today.
ReplyDeleteAnon Piper
I have just watched the new documentary about Crimea. The one that is quoted in the news as Putin says this or that. It is something, i really liked it. what a piece of work. Many interviews from Putin. I wouldn't point headlines, better everyone watches and enjoys it. Especially we can be proud of our Samvel Martoyan who we haven't heard much but is highlighted in the documentary.
ReplyDeleteI watched it on Rossiya 1, life. haven't found a copy yet but here is a link, you can use it to watch the channel life than go to end of programming at 20:00 (21:50) for start and than click on the programming at 22:00 to watch the rest. They have said soon there will be an english translated copy.
Is Armenia America’s Ally Or Iran’s?
Dan Burton, a former congresswoman who from what I can tell is a paid Anglo-American cuckold and current board-member of the "Azerbaijan America Alliance", published another anti-Armenian article. There are a lot of truths which this article can be used to highlight, but I'll stick to the following: we see here what happens in a "democracy" in which national interests are dictated by short-term profits from the energy industry and other industries as is the case in America, versus Russia where national interests are formulated by nationalistic, educated men like Putin, Lavrov and others.
That being the case, let's not fool ourselves. We know very well that thousands of Armenians around the world attach great importance, in fact you can say they pin their hopes, that the ultra-corrupt cesspool known as the American Congress will give us the "honor" of recognizing the Armenian Genocide. Most diasporan Armenians deserve no respect, and in fact they get no respect, because they get on their knees an beg the war criminals in congress for recognition. Professional Armenian associations like the ANCA encourage Armenian Americans to throw away their limited financial resources in order to "lobby" these assholes. Well as former congressman like burton, biden, gephardt, and current congressmen like pelosi have demonstrated a thousand times, Armenian interests are not even worth considering in the vipers den known as Washington.
Sorry for going wildly off-topic here, but I stumbled on this and it caught my eye. It is a picture of the old Armenian names for various metallic elements, and the numbers which the letters of the Armenian alphabet correspond to (like A = 1, K = 11) added up, which ends up equaling the atomic number (the number of protons in the nucleus of each atom of the element) for the elements. Protons and atomic numbers are a 19th - 20th century discovery (see Dmitri Mendeleev, Periodic Table of Elements). I find this fascinating. I did the math, checked out the atomic numbers and the number for each letter of the Armenian alphabet and everything checks out. The only thing I could not verify independently were the ancient Armenian names provided (apart from gold and silver).
This reminded me of those excellent Hayr Komitas videos on Armenian history that Arevordi occasionally references.
The recent press releases of the azergayjani ministry of defense remind me of that scene in Borat when he tells the audience at the rodeo "May US and A kill every single terrorist! May your George Bush drink the blood of every single man, women, and child of Iraq! May you destroy their country so that for next thousand years not even a single lizard will survive in their desert!" Perhaps that movie was on to something when it featured an image of ilham aliyev at the closing credits
ReplyDeleteԱդրբեջանը հայտնում է առաջնագծում սպանված իր զինծառայողի մասին
Ադրբեջանի ՊՆ մամուլի ծառայությունը տարածել է հաղորդագրություն՝ նշելով, որ այսօր՝ մարտի 13-ին, հայկական կողմից «հրադադարի ռեժիմի խախտման հետևանքով» սպանվել է զինված ուժերի զինծառայող Գուլիև Օրխան Վագիֆ օղլուն։
Ադրբեջանի ՊՆ-ն տարածած հաղորդագրությունում սպառնացել է նաև Հայաստանին՝ նշելով, որ «սպանված զինծառայողի վրեժը չի ուշանալու ու պատասխան հարվածը լինելու է կործանարար»։
Հավելենք, որ 2015-ի մարտ ամսին սա ադրբեջանական բանակի 9-րդ կորուստն է, որի մասին հայտնի դառնում։
Serviceman of Azerbaijani Army killed
[ 13 March 2015 17:26 ]
Baku – APA. Guliyev Orkhan Vagif oglu, a serviceman of the Azerbaijani Army, was killed as Armenian armed forces violated ceasefire on March 13, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry said.
According to the ministry, the operation is under control of the Azerbaijani armed forces. The blood of our serviceman will be avenged and more crushing blow will be inflicted upon the enemy.
The Defense Ministry extended deepest condolences to the parents and relatives of the martyr and wished them patience.
On a similar note, azergayjan went batshit when it emerged that Armenia had bought HINO brand trucks from Japan and put them into military service. Apparently its true that Armenians are superhuman as soldiers, as even light trucks in our hands causes our enemy to panic in hysteria! More importantly though, we are seeing Georgia and Russia take steps to normalize their relationship, which leads us one step closer to Pax Russicana in the Caucasus region (North and South). Armenia's isolation and the NATO blockade has almost been broken. If, in the next few years, the proposed rail links to Iran are completed and Russia-Georgia-Abkhazia-Ossetia borders are opened, Armenia will be set for a long time... In 2008 I believe Armenia was the first place where the advance of the west's regime change campaign was ground to a halt and began its retreat after half a decade of runaway success around the world. I hope that by 2018 Armenia will be notable as the site of the first major defeat of indirect western/NATO sanctions (through the economic blockade) which has stifled Armenia's economy for a quarter of a century now.
ReplyDeleteConcern In Baku Over Russia-Georgia-Armenia Military Transit
March 15, 2015 - 7:01pm, by Joshua Kucera
Recent reports that Russian military vehicles were appearing in Georgia have raised complaints in neighboring Azerbaijan that Tbilisi is “betraying” Baku by allowing the Russian military to ship military supplies into Armenia via its territory or airspace.
The story of the Russian vehicles in Georgia is almost certainly a tempest in a teapot – after footage surfaced of Russian-made ZIL 131 military trucks on Georgian streets, various theories quickly emerged. Georgia's opposition claimed the trucks were evidence that the current government was in cahoots with Moscow, while some suggested they may be on the way to Armenia, where Russia both has its own large military base and provides substantial military aid to the armed forces there. But it didn't take long for another, more banal explanation to come out: the vehicles were decommissioned in Russia and are being sold on the commercial market.
There's no indication that the Russian trucks were in fact destined for Armenia, but the question of how Russia supplies its base in Armenia, as well as delivers military aid there, has long been a secretive and contentious one. Armenia is separated from Russia by Azerbaijan and Turkey, which are hostile to Armenia, and Georgia, which is hostile to Russia. Georgia nevertheless did allow overflights of Russian military shipments to Armenia until 2011, when it publicly annulled the agreement with Russia allowing for that transit. The status of that transit is now unclear, though there have been various unconfirmed reports that it was reinstated even while former president Mikheil Saakashvili was in power.
Azerbaijani analyst Mubariz Ahmedoglu, in a Baku press conference March 5, accused Georgia of “betraying” Azerbaijan by allowing the transit. “Chronic problems in the Azerbaijan-Georgia relationship have shown themselves cumulatively. Georgia never expresses real support for Azerbaijan's territorial integrity. The only support is rhetorical,” Ahmedoglu said. He argued further that Georgia's government is going along with a Russian plan to annex Armenia via the Georgian occupied territories.
“Georgian officials can resort to sophistry to claim that the transit of military hardware via Georgia to Armenia does not pose a threat for Azerbaijan and Georgia. However, the incumbent Georgian leadership created the biggest threat for itself. This is both a military and geopolitical threat,” Ahmedoglu said.
It's not clear to what extent Ahmedoglu's views represent those in the government, but the fact that in Azerbaijan's increasingly repressive environment he held a press conference covered by pro-government media suggests it has official sanction.
Putin resurrects from the dead and orders massive military drills. Hollywood cant even come up with stuff like this LOL
I no longer bother to read our imperial propaganda, the headline caught my eye and told me everything I needed to know about the substance of this article. What are the chances that the author, Joshua Muravchik, isn't some filthy kike?
ReplyDeleteWar with Iran is probably our best option
ps in case anyone is wondering, I keep calling them by the insulting term "kikes" because they deserve to be insulted. They have personally driven the world to the brink of war, they have attacked every aspect of our culture (including family, folk, faith, and morality), they are spearheading the demonization of Russia and the traditionalism and nationalism that Russia represents in their controlled media, and they have taken a direct and personal interest in attacking Armenia on every possible front. I know there are some exceptions and some decent Jews out there, but this race as a whole has exhausted my ability, and the world's ability in general, to parse them into different classes.
ReplyDeleteI have actually read this commentary 3 times now, one briefly, one in dept and another after updating. What can i say, it is brilliant. At times when i read your commentaries i want to make a comment and i find it hard to say anything. it is throughout and detailed to the point that there is nothing to criticize and nothing to add. it is so easy to read yet has so much to grab that i always revisit and read it over. Every time i reread i find something important i missed.
What i find particularly important in this commentary is that you made all the effort to answer everyone in detail. Those who are against RussoArmenian relations, those who are for, and all those who are in between, undecided or confused should read this commentary fully and slowly. It is for all of us and it is for our nation. Learning from each other is one thing we can do to help our nation building.
Thank you
TK, it's deeply touching for me when mature, respectable and intelligent men such as yourself compliment my work. Your words are therefore an inspiration for me to continue doing what I do. I also thank you for being here. Needless to say, your help here is invaluable for me. Similarly, the insults I get from the idiots in our society are like badges of honor for me. Which reminds me. There is a good Armenian saying: Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are. Thank you for being a friend.
DeleteHere is a link to the new documentary of Crimea on youtube, Russian version. english should be available in the future.
English version here
This interview of Russian education and science minister should really tell you about the problems in Russian state. The guy has no clue and he is a minister???
TK, the Russian minister is a good example of how dangerous it can be to allow well-meaning men to have political power when they do not know what they are doing. Livanov seems to me like he has been a student all of his life, spending a large part of his adult life inside the sealed off glass bubble world of universities. He is probably very well read, very book-smart, and probably very highly motivated and optimistic... Yet for all of that intelligence he has absolutely no experience in the real world and not enough common sense. He probably compartmentalizes education and research into one group in his mind, and politics into another group; and he fails to understand the latter. He is probably one of those "over-achievers" who spends too much time in his lab or office, and has a very poorly developed worldview and social skills outside of what he reads in mainstream media. School and work are probably his only life and the central focus of his identity, as you can tell he keeps responding "I am a physicist" to several of the questions, when a real man (like Dugin) would have responded "I am a Russian! And I am now serving Mother Russia to the best of my ability in the fields of science and education in which I have been trained". His type are narrow-minded, impractical, soulless people. I personally despise these types of losers, I consider their lives to be sad, wasted and unfulfilling. Livanov is especially insulting to the memory of Russians who have died recently in Ossetia, Novorossiya, and inside Russia directly as a result of the west, because Livanov wants to bow his head and pretend that it is acceptable and desirable to be "friends" (at least when it comes to his own narrow interest of science/education) with Russia's enemies who are responsible for the turmoil Russia is facing.
DeleteI only finished grad school a few months ago, I know very well how warped the minds of even otherwise intelligent people become when they get "too theoretical" and become detached with reality and human nature. That's why university students and professors come up with so many asinine or insane ideas that only end up causing problems, red tape, and headaches. A good majority of the world's worst ideas, from the Aral Sea disaster to genocide and everything in between, were created by assholes with PhDs. This is why western-funded NGOs and protest movements have so much success recruiting idiot college students who live in a bubble and barely know how to wipe their own asses, let alone know how to dictate policies for their country.
Regarding these fuzzy-idea professors, one of the best quotes I ever heard was "before being allowed to teach any students, all professors should be required by law to spend a few years working 'in the real world' outside of their schools; that way they can gain some common sense and experience before they start filling their students' heads with bullshit that they themselves do not understand". It's a great quote, and it definitely applies to anyone who wants to be an education minister, especially in Russia.
Ps Livinov said "we are trying to keep our students away from politicians, including Russian politicians"... Comrade Stalin knew exactly how to deal with idiots like this, and it worked!
I stumbled on this YouTube channel while checking out some videos Svediatsi had emailed me. It looks pretty interesting, but I have not yet had a chance to check it out. The hour-long Bagratuni documentary looks promising.
ReplyDeleteInstitute for Armenian Studies
Moscow style soft power. Thanks to the EEU important projects like this will increase in number every year:
ReplyDelete45 bordering communities in Tavush to benefit from Russia-funded development project
That is a great development! And you can bet the Russian program will not have degrading political strings attached like the failed US "Millennium Challenge Program" where we saw this arrogant empire make promises to help Armenian villagers develop infrastructure, and then cruelly withheld that much-hyped "aid" when it became apparent that their regime change operation in Armenia was a complete failure. That sad episode was an insult against all of humanity.
Delete“The Capital Older Than Rome” (Documentary)
Here's an English-language documentary about Yerevan and Armenia. It has some interesting photos and drawings from ancient and medieval artifacts relating to Armenian history during the beginning if anyone is interested. I linked starting from the 19:45 mark where the narration shifts from ancient and medieval Yerevan to start covering the period between the collapse of the Bagratuni Kingdom between 1045 and 1064, to the utter destruction from the Mongols, Turks and Persians, leading all the way up to the resurrection of Yerevan and Armenia in general which happened beginning in the late 1700s during the original Rise of Russia.
Some Armenians seem to forget that without the Russian effort to re-Christianize and re-Armenianize the "Yerevan Khanate", the tiny piece of Armenia we have today would be entirely in Turkish or Persian hands. Some Armenians fail completely to understand how close we came to having Yerevan and the region succumb to the same fate as Tabriz and other major cities of in the Armenian Highlands which were under the control of the "Armenia-loving" Persians (hell Yerevan itself had already become an Islamic-dominated or Persian-dominated plurality with a minority of Armenians until the Russians showed up). Instead all we hear from them are the "Russia wants Armenia without Armenians" and "Russia is betraying us and selling weapons to Azerbaijan" talking points over and over. Oh and occasionally we hear about "replacing" Russia's role in Armenia with Iran... These people, under extremely generous considerations, are at best political and historiographic novices; under a more objective analysis they are simple retards.
Syrian air defenses bring down US surveillance drone – reports
I remember a year or two ago Arevordi commented that UAVs and stealth - the two pillars of modern technology on which the US rests its claims of being an unmatchable advanced military - were both more or less overhyped and overpriced gimmicks that were not much use in a conventional military sense against any non-third-world military. So far we have seen Iran, Armenia/Artsakh, and now apparently Syria shoot down some of the most advanced US and Israeli model UAVs. Notably, out of these nations only Armenia has more advanced S-300 anti-aircraft systems (for dirt cheap or free, thanks to Russia), and it did not have to use it to down Azerbaijan's made-in-israel, $2,000,000-a-piece Elbit Hermes 450 back in 2011. Similarly in 2011, Iran was able to hack a Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel and safely land it in Iranian territory, and also decode the stored video and other data onboard. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Isvi2LPJ4fQ). And now the latest loss in Syria.
Also, please note the very high prices per unit of various American and Israeli designs for these glorified remote-control airplanes. Compare this to Armenia's domestically produced կռունկ UAVs which I am sure are exponentially cheaper.
Lastly, there have always been examples of "cutting-edge" American technology which have performed poorly in actual duty. The American SR-71 is hailed by most west-worshippers and trendy Reddit-type assholes as some sort of made-in-USA miracle. A closer look shows us that 32 units were reportedly built, out of which a staggering 12 crashed and burned. The SR-71's top speed was between Mach 3.3-3.4, which it could only maintain for short bursts before failing. Compare to the Russian Mikoyan-25, at top speeds of 2.83-3.2, and with over 1,100 units built and a very good safety record. And while we're at it, didn't the Space Shuttle program end up losing two out of the five shuttles it had built?
Relevant information:
The Continuing Brilliance of Russian Military Ingenuity
Generals March To A Neocon Tune
Unbelievable, as they call for "death to Russia" look at the faces of the rat-faced kikess nudelman/nuland or that pathetic cuckold general scales, whose wife I am sure only knows satisfaction as it is delivered to her from random Black men she picks up to do what that her pathetic bitch of a husband cannot do. The expressions on their faces when they speak are telling. If average Americans have any brains, sensibilities or decency they ought to be experiencing excruciating humiliation right now that these low-grade subhumans constitute the current "ruling elite" of America.
I don't know what else to say: what a shame that she was allowed to desecrate our Fatherland with her presence when she landed in Armenia a few weeks ago.
(Part 1 of 2)
ReplyDeleteOk I bit the bullet and took the time to read dan burton's latest anti-Armenia hit piece. Some low-lights:
Perhaps our “ally” in Yerevan needs to be reminded of the price that small countries must ultimately pay for helping enemies of the US circumvent sanctions.
-There you have it folks, American officials openly issuing thinly-veiled threats to Armenia. These are the scum in front of whom the Armenian-Americans make fools of themselves begging for genocide recognition. Fuck this guy and fuck the system that he represents. The US Congress, in fact the whole US government is an anti-Armenian viper's den. Armenia needs nothing from them, least of all any "recognition" for the genocide, or any advice on how to handle Armenian affairs.
In 2013, one Western UN diplomat identified Armenia’s ACBA as ”a bank that has come up in connection with Iran.” The former Soviet Republic is a real plum for Tehran in any event since Armenia is a listed U.S. ally and, as a former Soviet republic, purportedly wary of the Russian bear. For America, that is very reassuring.
-How many different people ghost-wrote this article that it ended up being this inconsistent? either Armenia is Russia's closest ally in the former USSR, or Armenia is "wary of the Russian bear".
...says Richard Giragosian, director of the Yerevan-based Regional Studies Center.
-Is there any Turkish, Azeri, Israeli, American, or European published anti-Armenian propaganda hit piece that does not mention this faggot giragosian? Isn't it perfectly clear by now that giragosian is carrying out the agenda of the enemies of Armenia, and doing so within Armenian territory on top of that? I understand at this point that the Armenian government is way too passive to silence this criminal traitor giragosian, my question now is why is the mighty Russian bear tolerating this terrorist instead of making an example out of him?
Meanwhile, in May 2014, Iran and Armenia increased weekly flights between the two countries from three to 50.
-I cannot find the data to disprove his claim, but I highly doubt that tiny Armenia, with it's one international airport, has on average seven flights every day to Iran. Before it went bankrupt Armavia had a fleet of seven or eight aircraft. I'd be surprised if there were 50 flights a week between Armenia and Russia.
(Part 2 of 2)
ReplyDeleteThe situation is yet more perilous. Armenia has reassured the West that its banking controls are strong and that Iran cannot launder money through its banks. According to U.S. officials, however, Iran has easy access to Armenian banks operating in the Armenia-occupied Nagorno-Karabakh territory whence Iran can draw on funds to expand its nuclear and missile programs or, for that matter, continue to subsidize terrorist organizations.
What a load of shit!! Classic Azeri propaganda: Artsakh is used as a giant drug farm and or drug lab; Artsakh is used as a nuclear dumping ground; Artsakh is used as a base to train terrorists; and now apparently Artsakh is used as a money-laundering based for Iran. According to the CIA's World Factbook, Iran's GDP (purchasing power parity) in 2013 was $987.1 billion, and Iran's GDP (official exchange rate) in 2013 was $411.9 billion. Compare that to tiny Armenia in 2013 with a GDP (purchasing power parity) of $20.61 billion and a GDP (official exchange rate) of $10.44 billion. Iran's GDP (purchasing power parity) is about forty-eight times larger than Armenia's, while Iran's GDP (official exchange rate) is about forty times larger than Armenia's... And that is the official data for the Republic of Armenia, we can be sure Artsakh's economy is only a tiny fraction of Armenia's. Only the stupidest of the stupid could think that Iran would waste the effort laundering money through a relatively microscopic economy like Armenia's.
More disturbingly, this is not the first time Washington-connected insiders have accused Artsakh of illicit activities. Anyone with a fistful of dollars can publish all of the libel they want about Artsakh in Washington. Here is just one example from 2005 that has stuck out in my mind:
Happily, we need not underestimate current levels of concern in the U.S. Congress. Recently, the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs held a hearing dubbed “State Sponsor of Terror: The Global Threat of Iran.” At that hearing, Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) nailed it when he raised “questions about Russia’s involvement through Armenia in the backdoor circumvention of the sanctions that are in place today,” and that “Russia’s involvement is making it clear [that] all they are really doing is guaranteeing a slow march toward a nuclear Iran … We would be remiss if we did not … recognize that all the way back in the early 80s…President Ronald Reagan referred to an evil empire, at that time the Soviet Union.”
-Issa is from California, a state that many delusional Armenians think is led by "pro-Armenian" politicians like nancy pelosi, jane harmon, and the rotting corpse that was known as tom lantos. BTW the ANCA gives Issa a passing grade of C+ on their "legislative report card". What a joke.
Arevordi, If you have time read this article. View of one of the reptiles, as you call them. He was aced out earlier if I remember correctly, for being a serious candidate for president at one time. What he says between the lines is "we ain't saying daesh or ISIL is an enemy, just not a friend right now because they are not following our plan, or something like that. I guess they are already acting like Iraqi Kurdistan is a separate country with its own "American University".
Just one quote: Iranian power in the Middle East is thus a double problem. It is foremost problematic because it is deeply hostile to us and our friends. But it is also dangerous because, the more it is felt, the more it sets off reactions that are also harmful to our interests — Sunni radicalism and, if we aren't careful, the prospect of nuclear proliferation as well.
Another 4 soldiers have died on Artsakh border. However there is no mention of Azeri losses ( I hope it woul be 20to 30 subhumans having met their nemesis. That is the price Azeri should pay for their tentative adventures with their skirmishes. One soldier death's is one too many for armenia. The Armenian military should exploit these maneuvers by the Azery armed gangs , as not only to neutralize them but to expand the cordon sanitaire around Artsakh borders. Piper
ReplyDeleteYerevan also stayed out of the EEU meeting currently taking place in Kazakhstan. Is there some connection between Sargsyan's absence and this latest assault against Armenian defense lines. Although no one is saying anything something is going down. I have not seen this much tension in Armenia in many years. Is this Moscow's way of putting pressure on Yerevan to force it to cut all its ties with the West? Is this the West's way of putting pressure on Yerevan because it has joined the EEU? I am inclined to think that it's a combination of both. In other words, there are some unresolved problems between Moscow and Yerevan and Western interests are taking advantage of the situation. Is Yerevan is being forced to pick sides? I think this year will make or break Armenia.
DeleteAzeri losses were 14.
DeleteI think Russian-Armenian ties are solid, but Turkey and Azeris are putting pressure via Kazakhstan and Belarus. In order for EEU to be successful and enlarge Karabagh conflict and Armenia-Turkish relations have to be normalized. I think there is behind the door negotiations going on between Russia and Turkey regarding this.
If anyone here is interested, I found a website containing four "cheat Sheets" summarizing Classical (Գրաբար) Armenian Pronouns, Verbs, Prepositions, and Nouns:
Click the first four items titled "Reference Grammar" and you can download a pdf for each. Sorry I can't find the direct links.
The website itself seems to have lots of resources:
Thanks for the link, Sarkis.
DeleteRussia Under Attack — Paul Craig Roberts
Perhaps hearing it directly from a non-Armenian and non-Russian source will convince more of our people that Washington has imperial, not humanitarian, intentions towards are nation. I hope that Roberts will continue to mention, as well as further explain, the grave danger and mortal threat Washington poses to Armenia. I have argued on other forums against non-Armenian Russophobes. Citing to Paul Craig Roberts, with his background as a Reagan official, seemed to finally break it into their heads that they should stop and think about what they have been thought to believe, and to not automatically dismiss every contrary fact I presented to them. The first first paragraph in this article:
"While Washington works assiduously to undermine the Minsk agreement that German chancellor Merkel and French president Hollande achieved in order to halt the military conflict in Ukraine, Washington has sent Victoria Nuland to Armenia to organize a “color revolution” or coup there, has sent Richard Miles as ambassador to Kyrgyzstan to do the same there, and has sent Pamela Spratlen as ambassador to Uzbekistan to purchase that government’s allegiance away from Russia. The result would be to break up the Collective Security Treaty Organization and present Russia and China with destabilization where they can least afford it. For details go here: http://russia-insider.com/en/2015/03/18/4656"
Երկժամյա մարտ Գյուլիստանի մոտակայքում. Ոչնչացվել է հակառակորդի նախահարձակ դիվերսիոն ջոկատը Aysor ATV
There was a skirmish two days ago on the Artsakh-faggotbaijan border. They sent in some of their best commandos, armed with israeli-modified night vision sights and silencers on AK rifles, israeli equipment used by officers, western helmets, and other expensive and modern weapons. Our young conscripts held the line until special forces units were able to reinforce them. The skirmish lasted about two hours, three Armenians (two from Armenia, one from Artsakh) were killed, four more Armenian soldiers injured with two still in serious condition. Armenian sources are reporting a minimum of fourteen dead azeris, and there is no reason to doubt this claim.
Of course I feel terrible for the Armenian casualties, but I am glad that the border is secure and under our control. Armenia's government promised a 10:1 kill ratio to retaliate against the azeris, the current data shows a 3.5:1 kill ratio, so we are getting there.
Personally I believe the only good turk is a dead turk, bar none. But I have to ask "what are the azeris thinking"? During the past four months the azeris have made these attacks a common occurrence every few days, and the results are always widely in Armenia's favor. faggotbaijan has not gained an inch of land, has not gained a single prisoner of war, has not dented Armenian morale or resolve by one bit (quite the opposite actually!); the only thing they have accomplished is losing a lot of their own commandos, and proving that, despite billions being spent, the azeri army underperforms when and where it counts and their soldiers flee the battle leaving behind their equipment. These barbarians are sacrificing what are supposed to be their best troops without any gains, which is fantastic, but sadly it is costing a few Armenian lives as well.
Anyway let me close by restating that our Army deserves much praise for the amazing work they are doing in keeping Armenia and Artsakh free and safe, especially considering that our Army is doing the job on a shoestring budget against a vastly better funded enemy and better armed enemy. I guess you can't buy battlefield competence. Our Army reminds us everyday why we should be proud of being Armenians.
It's Lavrov's 65th birthday, there is an interesting article about him with funny video and a story about signing Armenia-Turkish protocols in 2009.
He is the greatest statesmen in the world today. But I wish he quite smoking. I want to see him live a very long and productive life. If Putin wasn't in the picture, Lavrov would have made a great president. But I'm glad Putin is in the picture.
DeleteHere are some facts we need to consider.
ReplyDelete- Kessab events
- Targeted killings of Armenians in Syria
- Destruction of Der Zor and other Armenian churches and memorials
- Increased attacks and killings at the contact line
- Escalation of conflict with helicopter shooting
- Gyumri events
- Armenian border commander's (FSB) statement that they see more activities from Turkish side lately
- Turkish army special forces officer/instructor killed while participating in Azeri attack on Artsakh.
We can see that Turks have made a decision to attack Armenians anywhere they can. this is an undeclared covert war and is a sign of policy change from Turkey which was probably adopted in April 2014 due to countdown to 100 years of AG. We can see Turks with Azeries successfully pressuring Nazarbaev and Lukashenko. I am sure they are pressuring Russians too without much success. They want to bring Armenia to negotiating table and agree on terms acceptable to them.
Their primary avenue to accomplish this is weakening of RussoArmenian ties. Only than they can force Armenia to compromise.
Basically Sargsyan is in a tight spot. Armenia is fighting major conflicts in many fronts and only united nation can win this fight. This is a very bad time for any internal turmoil.
TK, what you say makes a lot of sense. I would also include "Founding Parliament's" activism in recent months as part of the Turkish/Western agenda you outlined. But wouldn't Moscow make public statements critical of Baku if Baku was indeed militarily collaborating with Turkey against Armenia thereby causing problems for Russia as well? I still sense some problems between Moscow and Yerevan. It could be a number of things: Like Moscow expecting Yerevan to sever ties with Western institutions such as USAID or NATO; or Moscow wanting Yerevan to adopt the Russian Ruble as the EEU's common currency; or even perhaps about matters pertaining to Artsakh. I also feel as if Moscow would like to resolve the dispute over Artsakh - as well as South Ossetia and Abkhazia - because it would be a boost for the EEU. The worrying part for me in this regard is that Yerevan may be asked by Moscow to pull back from certain territories under a final peace deal.
DeletePS: Please talk to some of your contacts in Yerevan to help us get a better handle on what's going on.
Founding Parliament got warned. You have talked about their trip to Artsakh and I think the harsh treatment they got was an indication to how critical is the situation at the contact line. What they did in time when the government is under heavy external pressure (i could call it a full blown covert war) was simply an action for what they could have been publicly hanged few hundred years ago.
DeleteThe meeting between Kazakhstan, Belarus and Russia was not a scheduled EEU meeting. They have met for common currency discussion. It seems like Armenia is not on board yet. The issue will probably be discussed when Putin comes to Yerevan.
We can see a tension triggered by Kazakhstan mainly. Sargsyan is not comfortable in EEU yet and it is mainly because of Nazarbaev. This is a problem, but i think this is also an opportunity to resolve long standing issues. If anyone were to meddle in Armenia/Turk/Azeri conflict Russia is the only country that has an interest to be on Armenia's side. Any loss of Armenian controlled land is a loss for Russia too.
Nato and USAID ties are tackled but not in the form of severing it but mainly by increasing Russian PR in Armenia.
As Arevordi says Bad Omen, Nuland's visit is starting to give dividends in Georgia at least.
The following article about Nuland and Georgia was posted by Romanian Anonymous back in March 5 -
DeleteVictoria Nuland’s “Secret” Coup d’etat in Georgia: http://journal-neo.org/2015/03/04/victoria-nuland-s-secret-coup-d-etat-in-georgia/
A couple of things on the line that I'd like to talk about:
ReplyDeleteThe recent Israeli elections that resulted in Bibi winning the re-election, although US-Israeli ties are becoming a lot more negative. In addition to Netanyahu's uninvited visit to the US Congress that allowed him to give a speech about the same crap with regards to Iran, I am thinking that it might only be a matter of time before their relations turn in a drastic direction.
On another note:
I'm not really sure if this is true, but if it was then at least there are still some people in the US military who refused to go along with the plan to initiate an attack on the Russian Federation.
I think this is wishful thinking on your part, Jerriko. You are underestimating the strength of union between the two. The Anglo-American world's ties with the Jewish world is too deep, too old and too symbiotic to be hurt by silly nonsense such as this. The matters you raised are internal, technical problems that will be resolved in time. Take another look at those supporting Obama's administration, they are also Jews. If there is to be any serious fallout in the political landscape, it will be amongst the "left wing" Jews and the "right wing" Jews of the Anglo-American political system. In other words, it will be a fight between Jews.
DeletePS: The US military still has a lot of sober minded and genuinely patriotic members (especially amongst mid-western whites and junior officers) but these are censored by the establishment. Those you see parroting the establishment's line on television or in newspapers are those on the establishment's payroll -
Who pays the pro-war pundits?: http://www.democracynow.org/2014/9/15/who_pays_the_pro_war_pundits
The Revolving Door from the Pentagon to the Private Sector: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=jv4CQJuANYM
When you are small, weak, poor, starving and you live in a nasty, cutthroat neighborhood full of Turks and Islamists, I think you can begin sleeping better at nights when you find out that a superpower living next to you wants you to become part of its world. Recognizing Russian designs for the region we Armenians need to be rushing to solidify our position with the Bear. But we are not doing it. In fact, I see official Yerevan whining and complaining like a confused bitch who cant make up her mind about which man to stay with. I personally cant wait for Armenia to stop its exposure to the West, stop is dependency on the US Dollar and become part of the "Russian world". So, in my humble opinion, the following is wonderful news -
ReplyDelete'Liberal' Putin could be toppled 'like the tsar', warns Russian ultra-nationalist: http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/liberal-putin-could-be-toppled-like-tsar-warns-russian-ultra-nationalist-1493046
Putin Suggests Single Currency for Eurasian Economic Union: http://asbarez.com/133205/putin-suggests-single-currency-for-eurasian-economic-union/comment-page-1/#comment-9741545
Asbarez article wrongly states the meeting was an EEU summit? earlier i read that Putin had a meeting with Nazerbaev and it was postponed. I have just checked and found this article which states that the meeting was not a EEU summit. Putin also went to support Nazarbaev in his upcoming elections. It would have been very weird if Sargsyan would have not been present on the summit.
I don't agree with the view that Armenia is small, weak, and poor. Armenia is much stronger than it is given credit for, and, in fact, Turkey is much weaker than it is given credit for. Turkey, a nation of almost 80 million, isn't tough for picking on Armenia, a nation of 2 - 3 million people, land locked, and resource poor. Turkey is really pathetic. If you look at it from the outside side, you will see how really pathetic Turkey is. And when you add into the mix their lap dogs the Azeris who have joined in the dual blockade in a futile attempt to economically strangle Armenia, you just how powerful Armenia really is.
DeleteThe Turks are weak and pathetic. A nation, combined with the baboons, of 90 million, trying to suffocate and destroy a tiny nation of 3 million people, just pathetic. Why are they so aggressive towards something that is "so weak?" Good thing, unlike the Kurds, we don't have an Armenian population living within it's borders. How do you explain it?
Ramik I love your patriotism but in the big global context Armenia is very small and weak. Yes Turks are not all that powerful but they are much more powerful than us. If the Russian military was not in the country yes the 90 million would have suffocated the 3 million and Armenia is surviving the blockade because of Russian trade, investments, remittances and cheep energy. We need to be confident Armenians but also we need to look at things rationally and not emotionally and not overestimate ourselves.
DeleteLong time reader
It is true that Turkey is no superpower and that Turkey is rife with internal and external problems. In fact Turkey should have collapsed and broken up at least a century ago, it has only been the fact that the anti-Russian West (variously Britain, France, Germany, and America) which have artificially propped Turkey up and kept it alive to use as their pawn. That being said, there is absolutely no question that Turkey is more than tough enough to wipe Armenia off the map if it had the chance, meaning if RUssia was not around to protect Armenia. No matter if Armenia can punch above its weight, the discrepency between Armenians and the 100 million Turks and Muslims which surround Armenia is too much of a bridge to ever gap. Any serious military man will tell you the same thing, from the most nationalistic Armenian down to the most uninterested neutral observer.
DeleteSimilarly, Armenians are not that strong. Our military is very respectable, but that has as much to do with the excellent legacy of Tsarist and Soviet militarism and military culture as it does with Armenians. I do not intend to insult our soldiers, but go to Wikipedia and closely read the course of events in the Artsakh War and realize on how many factors Armenia was blessed with an advantage that allowed it to win (the Azeri government collapsed in the middle of the war, azeri generals marched on Baku, Russia prevented the Turks from invading Armenia, the Yeltsin government did not collapse and Muslim Ruslan Khasbulatov did not take over control of the Russian government). It's one thing to win a very costly war, but it's quite another to take one relatively tiny victory and pretend that Armenia is a powerful entity.
-Good thingwe don't have an Armenian population living within it's borders.-
What the fuck is this supposed to mean? The reason there are no Armenians inside Turkey is because the mighty Turks crushed their pathetically weak Armenian subjects. Turks were even more primitive and baboon-like a century ago, they managed to have their way with the Armenians even though Armenians in the convoys of deportees outnumbered the Turkish soldiers by a very wide margin. That is not something to boast about, that is a serious indicator of how weak Armenians have been over the past 1,000 years. And actually there are Armenians inside Turkey, the Istanbul-Armenians are as weak and pathetic and cowardly today as their ancestors were in 1915. There are also thousands of illegal immigrants making a living in Istanbul as well. They pose about as much threat to Turkey as a poodle poses to its human owner.
We look at Turks as "pathetic" because they wronged us and we were too weak to defend ourselves. By any reasonable observation, though, Turkey is demographically strong, militarily powerful, economically decent, and most importantly they are very strong ideologically and their people will rally behind their flag and their government if faced with an external threat. I am not praising Turkey, but we have to face reality if we want any shot at developing a successful geostrategic policy. If Turkey is pathetic, I don't know how to describe Armenia and especially Armenians as they exist today. Armenia defines the terms "small", "weak", and "poor". Armenians can also largely be described as nomadic and gypsy-like when it comes to abandoning Armenia for greener pastures, and Armenians, unlike Turks, don't seem to have what it takes to increase our numbers despite our self-image of virile, macho men and gorgeous, wonderful women. It just so happens that due to the fact that it serves Russian interests for Armenia to exist, due to the fact that Azeris remain extremely incompetent, and due to the fact that servicemen of Armenia's tiny military are putting in an outstanding effort that Armenia is eking out an existence in the South Caucasus, which still remains one bad step from becoming a Turco-Islamic cesspool.
I can't tell if this Razmik is trolling or if he is in his early teens.
I admire patriotism, but only to a certain point. When patriotism becomes irrational and delusional it becomes a serious danger. Armenians need to be mindful of the fact that Armenia is a small nation surrounded by larger, more powerful enemies. Armenia therefore needs to forge alliances with powerful nations. Armenia has only two options in this regard: Russia and to a lesser extent Iran. Without Russia in Armenia there won't be an Armenia in the south Caucasus.
DeleteThere was a Round Table discussion on 'Defining a New Security Architecture for Europe that Brings Russia in from the Cold" in Brussels. The participants are the sane voices in USA politics, i haven't watched it yet.
Both of these recent entries from YGC are nice additions but i am not sure why isn't this website more known in Armenia and why they are not translating to Armenian.
ՊԲ. «Պայմանագրային զինծառայող է անցել հակառակորդի կողմը»
ReplyDeleteDefense Army: A military serviceman has passed to the opponent's side
So a few days after a skirmish in which three Armenian soldiers were killed and four injured, after months of intense and sustained attacks from the Azeri side against Armenian troops, after the story earlier this year when retreating Azeri commandoes killed an eighty-year-old Armenian shepard as they were conducting an infiltration attack, a month before the Armenian Genocide commemoration which always sees an upsurge in violence on the border, knowing full well that Armenia has captured and sentences to long prison terms a pair of Azeri saboteurs, barely a few months after the downing of the Armenian Mi-24, and not to mention not even a year after the Azeris murdered Karen Petrosyan after he crossed into Azeri-held territory... this soldier abandons his post and weapons and voluntarily flees to Azerbaijan. Am I missing something here?
If he did in fact voluntarily flee to Azerbaijan, and it was not a case of getting lost or getting captured (if captured the Azeris would be having a propaganda field day), something seems a bit off. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it seems to me that this guy may have been guilty of some crime, or otherwise a complete idiot and mentally unfit to the point that he risked suicide in the hands of a very aggressive and desperate enemy.
Is president Putin arriving on April 24?. Confirmation is being witheld? Wild speculators and scandal hatchers conclude that a hesitancy on Putin's entourage has become evident following a conversation between the filthy Turk Erdogan and Putin. Armenian media claims the Turk broached the subject of the centennial memorial with the Russian, inferring that the Turk applied pressure on Putin not to turn up for the commemoration. It seems very odd the Putin will allow himself to be influenced by the unspeakable Turk, but in politics anything is feasible.
ReplyDeleteIt will be a disappointing anticlimax should Putin not turn up. Historically the Bolsheviks had no right to barter Armenian lands with the mongrel Ataturk and reach an accord with turkey. Bolsheviks and ataturkics were genocidal maniacs , and the unfortunate armenians were the victims of their mephistphelian and macabre political designs. There is a bill Russia needs to
foot on Armenia's behalf in reference to territories ceded to the unspeakable Turks.
-Erdogan is in no position to "pressure" Putin
Delete-Leave the speculations to hetq and lraglir
-Anything is feasible, but it is extremely illogical that a geopolitical grandmaster like Putin would, without any compelling changes on the international scene, make radical and last-minute change in his geostrategic calculations which has always compelled him to show support for Armenia by visiting Tsitsernakaberd every time he is in the country
-Bolsheviks were acting in their perceived best interests, they had no obligation to do a weak entity with confused and indecisive leadership like Armenia any favors... On the other hand, the Dashnak government had absolutely no right to fuck up Armenia's policy-formulations to the point that first the Dashnak government positioned Armenia into a simultaneous multi-front war against two massive empires, and then the Dashnak government itself decided to officially cede by treaty all of the lands that it had managed to lose militarily to the Turks, and then finally the Dashnaks committed the greatest insult to the Armenian nation when they begged Ataturk to "save" Armenia (or more accurately to save their own worthless asses and their dictatorial grip on power) when the Soviets were closing in.
-Armenians were unfortunate that western Armenians were so domesticated and cowardly that they were largely exiled and slaughtered without Resistance by the Turks, and eastern Armenians saw their Tsarist protector toppled and then were saddled by ideological ultranationalist leadership which nearly drove the country into extinction with some of the stupidest foreign policy that history has ever seen.
-At the end of the Russia does not need to foot any bills, Armenia's problems were largely Armenian-caused. Please forward your bills to the ARF Bureau, or you can try forwarding your bill to the descendants of the Jews or Armenians that made up the bulk of the early Soviet leaders.... But don't bother wasting your effort because Armenians are incapable of accepting their own faults or short-comings, and they blame all of Armenia's problems on everyone else, specially Russians or Turks - just like your post right here is blaming Russia for a bunch of unfounded allegations.
Putin's spokesperson Peskov has confirmed his visit to Armenia few times. Whoever told you that he is not coming?
This should answer the question:
DeleteRussia ‘Cannot Ignore’ Centenary of Armenian Genocide
There is nothing to admire here, and the simple fact that a huge nation of 80 million picking on a tiny, landlocked country of 2 - 3 million people is nothing but cowardly has nothing to do with patriotism. It's like the biggest, baddest bully picking on the smallest, weakest nerd who won't stand up for himself. The same psychology lies behind Turkey's aggression. And behind all that aggression, lies a lot of weakness and insecurities. Despite it all, Armenia has stood its ground, has stood strong, and despite all its difficulties, today's Armenia has never been so advanced in all of it's history, as it is today.
DeleteI mentioned there not being Armenians within Turkey's borders in that Turkey doesn't need to fear a small Armenian state being next door and Armenians within aspiring to join, as in the case of kurds and Iraqi Kurdistan. The level of their aggression is bewildering, what are they afraid of?
Furthermore, I hope you guys mature a bit and stop attributing everything positive that happens to Armenia to Russia's benevolence. One example would be when we had our hands full within the Turks and won brilliant victories in Bash abaran, kara kilisia, sartarabat, the Russian Bolshevik invasion of Armenia didn't serve us well. In fact, their common cooperation came at the expense of Armenian lands.
What I'm saying here is, it's as foolish to place your hopes in another country for your own country's future. That other country, no matter Europe or Russia or china, is after it's own interests. We see how Turkey and Russia cooperate today, correct?
And someone mentioned Iran being a potential benefactor of Armenia? Fool!!! Iran has grand designs of its own on the region. Iran is just as ready to swallow up the entire south Caucasus as Turkey should the opportunity arise.
DeleteIf you want to make an intelligent comment here and be taken seriously maybe you should read Arevordi's commentary fully. Judging from your comment it seems like either you haven't read or understood what he wrote or you are just here for other purpose.
Yes we won brilliant battles, with amazing odds, yet we all fucked up.
DeleteWhile our brave battles, recorded in our patriotic songs and in our hearts and minds it is ingrained. We sing, we sing them proudly, yet we sing them with great pain. For we saved the nation, and left a decrepit corps in it's wake.
I am not in any way shape or forum disagree with your spirit, in fact you make my blood boil. I feel as if I have finally found my brother, yet you are the younger and dumber one. I feel your pain, I agree with all that you have said, but this defense of Tashnags is uncalled for. For that matter I have plenty to say about Hayastanti’s as well, in fact I have shit to say about everyone. We would have no need for Sardarabad, had we not betrayed one anther. I am anti everybody who fucked up. We all have skin in this game.
Go read the book by Antranig Chalabian “ General Andrankik and the Armenian Revolutionary movement “ and educate yourself a little more.
If we are doomed again, then we will have to have poems on the fucking walls.
“I should like to see any power of the world distroy this race, this small trive of unimportant people, whose ware have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayrers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia. See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia..............by William Saroyan”
I don’t know how many of these I have around the house, I’m sick of them yet they stay up on the walls. What is left of a nation, what is left of our people, what is left of great humanity in a few choice words from a dude in Frezno CA. If we remain ignorant, we are doomed, let us not come to Sardarabad in the nick of time and proclaim we are Armenians, not again please.
We all have sins, let the greater one be mine.
Getze Hayastan
Media: armed volunteer battalions heading for Kiev
Ukraine has become a lawless warzone. Despite the shameless lies from bitches like victoria nuland, it should be obvious to all that the only thing the regime change has achieved is turning Ukraine into a failed state. Ukraine will never again see the glory days and high living standards it enjoyed in the post-Stalin USSR.
Forced Adoption: UK families flee to Ireland to keep their children
It’s very difficult for parents to get their children back after a final hearing in court, because “the appeal system isn’t set up for people to win,” she stressed.
Aren't the British and the Americans always preaching to Armenia about the need for "judicial independence", "judicial reform", more openness, and less corruption? What a sham! How did the English go from being pioneers in law, government, philosophy, science, industrialization, innovation, and culture to their present state of an all-encompassing and hostile police state?
Joint military drills discussed by CSTO secretary general, Armenian top officials
T.K. I read a few lines in Asbarez about pending confirmation on Putins visit , followed by some vacuous commentary. I did not pay much notice to the lines and surmise this could be an Asbarez spin story. I enquired the source of the news item, ( no response) which speculated as to was said about Erdogan raising the centennial issue with Putin. From my perspective I found the news item unreliable. Piper
ReplyDeleteThe unofficial English translation of the documentary "Crimea. Way Back Home" is now available on LiveLeak. It consists of 14 episodes. Here is Episode 1:
On that same page, you can find links to the other episodes.
...first the Dashnak government positioned Armenia into a simultaneous multi-front war against two massive empires...
ReplyDeleteGenius, the "Dashnak" government didn't position Armenia into a simultaneous multi-front war, they were pushed to a corner and had only two alternatives: die without putting up any resistance, or fight back. War was forced on Armenia, genius. It's like blaming Armenia today for retaliating when Azerbaijan starts provocations. Would you like Armenia to just take the hits, and not fight back for sake of not pissing off the Azeris? That sort of policy will only encourage them more.
When Turks attacked Armenia, we won brilliant battles. When the Bolsheviks attacked, we were able to throw them out. With our limited resources and after a genocide, I'd say that's pretty remarkable, a perfect display of military brilliance and our peoples true streght and what we're capable of as a nation.
Typical Armenian mentality "it's never our fault". Here's a better analogy: what the Dashnaks did in Armenia in 1918-1920 would be like if today Armenia faced a Turkish invasion and it did everything it could to antagonize Moscow. The Dashnaks relied on Britain and America intervening to save them, and they paid the price. An Armenian state in the South Caucasus is unsustainable without support from Moscow. If faced with a hypothetical Turkish invasion, there is no choice but to make peace with Moscow (whoever is in charge) because at the end of it all long-term geostrategic calculations will not change and Russia and Turkey will remain rival states in the region. This means having to realize that Armenia is not Germany or Japan, Armenia is too weak to be independent while faced with genocidal Turks and Muslims as neighbors, and will thus always be subject to some sort of foreign domination.
ReplyDeleteSure, Armenians fought valiantly at Sardarapat, Abaran, and Vanadzor but it was all in vain because whatever victories were won, the Dashnaks guaranteed with their short-sighted policies that Armenia would lose everything, including Nakhichevan, Artsakh, Javakhk, as well as all of western Armenia and some of eastern Armenia as well that the Turks had never had. And I hate to break this to you, but Armenia's victories in 1918 were negated by the crushing defeat in 1920. The only thing the Dashnaks accomplished was maximizing the loss of territory, and adding to the total number of Armenians killed in battle and as collateral victims of war. One more display of "brilliance" like that and Armenia would have been done for, or reduced to a city state.
Patriotism be pragmatic and focused no maximizing long term gains, not lionizing moments in history where our leadership make suicidal gambles with our states existence. Armenia needs to praise its actual victories which produced results like Artsakh 1994, not praise symbolic or moral victories where soldiers fought to the death but it was in vain. 1918-1920 does not represent our "brilliance" as a people, it was a period of inexperienced hardline leadership failing at every opportunity. We lost everything - I cannot stress this enough. We don't have anything to be proud of here, except that when faced with extinction Armenians were able to rally for victories which their leaders then lost. The Turks, on the other hand, would be justified in calling their land gains in the Armenian Highlands even though they lost WW1. What did the Dashnaks expect, Armenia would be in perpetual war? Armenia would become extinct, but hey at least it would have gone our fighting? What kind of Pyrrhic policy is that?
Again, if you think the whole period from 1914-1923 produced even a single positive, lasting achievement for Armenia then I don't know what to tell you. Millions of deaths and all were have to show for it is that some Armenians managed to stay alive long enough for the Soviets to step in and salvage the country. Oh, I forgot, our mighty nationalists in the Dashnak government had just enough strength to issue an official government proclamation recognizing the Turks as the masters of the Caucasus before surrendering to the Soviets. Great success.
Patriotism is always a good and welcome thing. But gung-ho fanaticism is suicidal, as Ukraine is so painfully demonstrating. Seeing past the doom-and-gloom that western-funded media is a good thing - but deluding yourself into believing that Armenia is a powerhouse and that Armenians "can do it all on our own" is actually more dangerous for Armenia.
There is nothing to admire here, and the simple fact that a huge nation of 80 million picking on a tiny, landlocked country of 2 - 3 million people is nothing but cowardly has nothing to do with patriotism. It's like the biggest, baddest bully picking on the smallest, weakest nerd who won't stand up for himself. The same psychology lies behind Turkey's aggression. And behind all that aggression, lies a lot of weakness and insecurities. Despite it all, Armenia has stood its ground, has stood strong, and despite all its difficulties, today's Armenia has never been so advanced in all of it's history, as it is today.
ReplyDelete-That psychobabble and analysis is fine for an academic setting. It doesn't change by one iota the facts on the ground. And it does not change the fact that everything you have stated is wrong
I mentioned there not being Armenians within Turkey's borders in that Turkey doesn't need to fear a small Armenian state being next door and Armenians within aspiring to join, as in the case of kurds and Iraqi Kurdistan. The level of their aggression is bewildering, what are they afraid of?
-Aggression is not necessarily caused by fear. It is caused by a desire for conquest and domination. In Turkey's case racism, religious fanaticism, and a desire to resurrect their 800+ year position of master of the Middle East, the Balkans, the South Caucasus, and North Africa. I don't understand people like you that live in a theoretical world but are ready to declare war on behalf of Armenia.
Furthermore, I hope you guys mature a bit and stop attributing everything positive that happens to Armenia to Russia's benevolence. One example would be when we had our hands full within the Turks and won brilliant victories in Bash abaran, kara kilisia, sartarabat, the Russian Bolshevik invasion of Armenia didn't serve us well. In fact, their common cooperation came at the expense of Armenian lands.
-Read my other comment. Read Arevordi's blog entry. Just read something, please.
What I'm saying here is, it's as foolish to place your hopes in another country for your own country's future. That other country, no matter Europe or Russia or china, is after it's own interests. We see how Turkey and Russia cooperate today, correct?
-True. It's as foolish to place your hopes in another country for your own country's future. It's even more foolish to fail to recognize that another country, a superpower no less, has strongly correlating interests as your own. It's foolish not to exploit that nexus of interests to your full benefit.
-As for Russia-Turkey cooperation... Read the blog entry and the answer is laid out for you. I know that reading such a large and complex blog entry is a challenge for a simpleton like you, but sadly geopolitics is not something that can be explained in the three or four sentences your attention span can handle.
And someone mentioned Iran being a potential benefactor of Armenia? Fool!!! Iran has grand designs of its own on the region. Iran is just as ready to swallow up the entire south Caucasus as Turkey should the opportunity arise.
What a fucking genius you are Razmik! You covered Iran-Armenia relations in one sentence. Yerevan needs to hire you ASAP... You are old enough to fly by yourself without your parents, right?
Might I suggest we try to educate each other instead of abusing each other. This is a forum after all and we are ultimately interested in the same thing. It is more effective and persuasive to make good points to discredit someone but do so with respect, no matter how juvenile people may sound. We were them once upon a time.
Really good news. When was the last time any USA president did a reception for an Armenian president. Armenia under Sargsyan is doing all the right moves as far as foreign policy goes. Seems like no USD will be used in bilateral trade with China.
As I said before, I admire patriotism, but only to a certain point - the point before it gets suicidal or absurd. When patriotism becomes fanatical, irrational and delusional it becomes a serious danger to the nation. Example: Nazis. Example: Saddam Hussein. Example: Saakashvili. Example: Western Ukrainians. Armenia is too small, too weak and too vulnerable to repeat their mistakes and live. Armenians need to be mindful of the fact that Armenia is a small nation surrounded by larger, more powerful enemies. Armenia therefore needs to forge close alliances with powerful nations to survive - even if it means subordination in some forms. Armenia has only two options in the ally category: Russia and to a lesser extent Iran.
ReplyDeleteWith that said, without a Russia in Armenia, there won't be an Armenia in the south Caucasus. Without Russia in the picture not even a million Dashnak yahoos would be able to stop the south Caucasus to reverting back into being a Turkic Islamic cesspool. Those that don't see this are either youngsters, idiots or Western agents. I think our warrior Dashnak friend here is a well meaning young male with overflowing hormones. When a war breaks out I hope he will have the courage and the honor to hop on an airplane and rush over to teach them Turks a lesson they wont forget.
Now, an alternative look at certain events in our history:
DeleteAlthough songs are nice and lofty speeches are uplifting, the reality is that the Armenia of 1918 was a still-born state. Even the Dashnak leadership at the time understood this because Armenia was the LAST one to declare independence in the Transcaucasus. Official Yerevan was actually hoping for a union of sorts between Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan at the time because Armenian officials knew that they had inherited something that barely resembled a nation. Armenian officials knew well Armenia could not survive on its own.
Between 1918 and 1920, Armenia was a skeleton of a nation. Between 1918 and 1920, less than one million people lived in Armenia, and about half of them were sickly, starving, displaced genocide survivors. Between 1918 and 1920, Armenia had practically no economy, no significant food production, no arms manufacturing, no heavy weaponry, no money, no friends, nothing. Armenia of 1918 was a desolate, devastated desert.
In the same time period, Turkey was an utterly defeated nation with serious internal turmoil and it problems on all its borders. Turks lost the Sardarapat battle because their effort was limited, indecisive and disorganized. Armenians won the battle because the entire Armenian nations rallied for it was a desperate struggle for life and death. Thank God we won. But I have do doubt that had another major battle took place again a few years later the result would have been very tragic for us. Dashnak leadership, were smart enough to realize all this. Faced with a resurgent Turkey under Ataturk in 1921, the Dashnak leadership was smart enough abandon the nation to the Bolsheviks.
A similar situation occurred with Garegin Njdeh and the Bolsheviks: The Bolshevik effort to take Zangezur from Garegin was a halfhearted affair, which is why they suffered some minor setbacks against Garegin's well-dug-in mountaineers. When Bolsheviks returned with a larger force, Garegin was smart enough to realize the game was over and thus retreated to Persia.
A similar situation occurred in Artsakh in 1991: Armenians were losing before 1991 because the Soviet Politburo was still trying to salvage the borders of the Soviet Union by helping Azeris. Armenians began winning after 1991 because the Soviet Union dissolved and the newly created Russian Federation slowly began seeing Armenia as a natural ally in the region and as a result began supplying Armenia with heavy weaponry. In a nutshell: Armenians rallied as a nation during the chaos of the Soviet collapse to defend themselves illiterate Azeri peasants and begun wining when the geopolitical calculus drastically changed in Armenia's favor after 1991.
A similar situation occurred with Tigran the Great: Tigran allied himself with a larger power in Pontus to record his victories against Rome and Persia. These victories came at a time when Rome and Persia were suffering from internal turmoil and could not concentrate on what was happening on their periphery. When things settled in Rome and the Roman Senate was able to place its attention back on its eastern territories, Tigran's time in the limelight was over and he was smart enough to voluntarily capitulated.
Although I can't say I'm surprised, but I am always amazed at how little Armenians understand from their history and how politically illiterate Armenians continue being. I have no time for empty bravado (i.e. testosterone laced macho talk) because I myself engaged in it for a long time when I was young and stupid. What we need today are farsighted, pragmatic nationalists who understand history and geopolitics. Moreover, what we desperately need today are farsighted, pragmatic nationalists who also keenly understand their people's strengths and more importantly their people's weaknesses. What we don't need are big-talking nationalist nutjobs getting involved in the nation's political discourse. Nationalist nutjobs belong on the front lines. But, as it happened during the Cold War, it will be precisely the aforementioned type that will begin attacking Armenia's alliance to Russia in the coming years, and it will be this this type that will be exploited by Western/Turkish interests against Armenia once more. I realize that the truth about ourselves sometimes becomes uncomfortable or even unbearable to accept. But I am not interesting in engaging in feel good, fluff rhetoric. There is a lot of that going around, I am not here for that purpose. I rather be a sober realist than a happy meat-head.
DeleteSince Russia and Iran were mentioned a few times by our young Warrior (Razmik), I invite him to watch this video. Razmik, be sure to watch the video till the end before making conclusions half-way. Have an open mind, listen to the words very carefully, and approach with objectivity, and not with emotions:
DeleteRusso-Iranian relations and the formation of Modern Armenia
Let's leave the politics on the ground to our politicians in Yerevan. What you people here are doing as a group is replacing national ideology with blind Russia worship, which is hardly normal. You people are attacking other patriotic Armenians, (I don't mean those like Richard Giragosian that are pushing a western agenda), but truly patriotic Armenians because they don't blindly worship Russia. How is that normal? I can guarantee you one thing: that BOTTOM LINE IS that blind Russia worship as a form of ideology isn't going to inspire Armenians to pick up arms and fight, when there is danger. And in that case, if you think that Russia or Russians are going to fight your battle for you, you are setting yourself up for a big disappointment-and that's a fact!
DeleteAs regards the Dashnakcutyun, please watch this video:
None of you folks here, living comfortably in the "West" , can amount to the fingernail of our youth that Dasknakcutyun has produced.
Wasn't it Iran that traded a piece of territory with Turkey that enabled Turkey to have direct access/border with Nakhijevan?
DeleteIf it weren't for that deal, Nakhijevan would be at the complete mercy of Armenia, a sitting duck. Through that small borderline, all sorts of military aid, equipment, and personal from Turkey cross over.
Iran can never be trusted.
ReplyDeleteEven if you are self-employed, and are your own boss, the fact that you find so much time to devote to this blog is bewildering how you get any work done at all (who knows, maybe Russia is working on your behalf); but assuming that you have all the free time in the world, don't you think that is not normal to be so consumed with this blog? Do you have a life and worries outside of here? I'm seriously doubting your mental state as unbalanced. I think you might need some profession help!!! go out and get some air!! Don't worrie, the boogie man won't get you, Russia has your back!
that's good strategy, Arevordi. Hold off on replying until a few hours later, maybe even a day or two later, to create the impression that you actually have a life and are busy with something else... nice move...u could have fooled me! almost...
ReplyDeleteDejavu all over again. I guess is what the Cold War was like LOL
ReplyDeleteFalkland Islands' fears for Russia-backed invasion: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/falkland-islands-fears-russia-backed-140531097.html
Russia threatens Denmark with nuclear weapons if it tries to join Nato defence shield: