Make no mistake about it, trouble is brewing for the self-appointed World's Cop. From eastern Europe to the Caucasus, from the Middle East to the Far East, chess pieces long positioned to benefit the Western world are beginning to move in favor of the Eastern world.
It was not supposed to be this way.
But fate would also have it that their tenure at the top of the world would not last very long. By 2007/2008 things began to go awry. Western powers have since suffered a series of geopolitical setback on the world stage. Now that they have begun losing control over strategic regions of the world where they have had an iron grip over, Washington is exhibiting clear signs of ailments. The Western political order may be coming the Sick Man of the world. With the following I have outlined some of its more apparent symptoms.
The Sick Man of the world
‘Limits to Growth’ vindicated:
Myth of Perpetual Growth is killing America:
Western powers have already been evicted from former Soviet territory in Central Asia and the Caucasus. There are also now a number of nations within the Western political orbit - Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Moldova, Hungry and Turkey in particular - that if given the chance may actually break from the West and seek better ties with the East. In their haste to expand NATO eastward, Western powers incorporated into their structures a number of such nations that will prove very problematic for them in due time. In Ukraine, the Western experiment to weaken Russian influence in Europe is in tatters as Russia takes back Ukrainian territory bit-by-bit, and the West is left with paying for Ukraine's mounting bills which is growing day-by-day. Russia's resurgent military seems to be everywhere: Strategic bombers patrols and naval warships have been appearing throughout Europe and the Far East, and there is talk that Russia will for the first time in its history begin strategic bomber patrols right in Washington's backyard. In the south Caucasus, Georgia seems well on its way to freeing itself of the Western infestation it was afflicted with some ten years ago. In the Middle East, Moscow has managed to keep Assad's government in power and even when the inevitable happens and Syria is broken up, Moscow will continue to maintain it's military presence in Tartus within a newly formed Alewite state. In Iran, Moscow and Tehran are involved in a number of high profile projects. In Asia, despite Washington's efforts to derail Russo-Sino relations, the strategic partnership between Moscow and Beijing forges ahead as never before. Perhaps more importantly, discussions about breaking the US Dollar's hold over humanity is gaining traction around the world. Moscow has in recent years managed to roll back most Western advances in Eurasia. More importantly, it has begum taking the initiative in various theaters of operation.
Things are getting very difficult for the World's Policeman.
Although the American news press did its best to paint the US President's recent visit to China as a victory for American diplomacy and a sign of US leadership in the world, the reality of the matter was a bit different. The agreement on global warming signed between Washington and Beijing was meaningless fluff. In other words, all show, no substance. As Moscow and Beijing are getting closer militarily, politically, economically and financially, Washington and Beijing are drifting further-and-further apart. If you page through the large number of nonsense appearing in the US news press, you may be able to find a handful of articles that are closer to the not-so-comfortable reality that currently exists between the US and China. The following two articles can be characterized as such -
China turns up the rhetoric against the West:
What really happened in Beijing: Putin, Obama, Xi and the back story the media won’t tell you:
Things are getting very difficult for the World's Policeman.
Western aggression in places such as Libya, Syria and Ukraine may ostensibly suggest Western prowess at first glance but it's actually a good indicator that the Western political order is desperate and in a panic. They are essentially out on a killing spree to ensure their survival in this rapidly changing world. With the resurrection of the Russian Bear and with the rise of China - and with the resilience of the Shiite regime in Iran - the Western political order is suddenly faced with its inability to stop the political tides around the world from changing. This is why Washington is growing increasingly desperate. This is why Western powers are - directly and indirectly - engaged in military actions around the world. And their desperate effort to maintain global supremacy at a time of historic changes has been the main motivating factor behind their aggression towards Russia. I talk more about this in a previous commentary -
Worried for its loss of hegemony the West is bent on bringing down Russia (July, 2014):
Putin: Trade in Rubles and Yuan Will Weaken Dollar’s Influence:
Russia And China Try To End The Dominance Of The Dollar:
Eurasian Economic Union Reportedly Set to Abandoning Dollar, Euro:
Once the reader can psychologically break free of the alternative reality Western institutions have created, the reader will begin recognizing the corrosive nature of Western influence and begin seeing that its power and influence is indeed currently in decline.
Russians burning American flag in American built military base in Georgia:
In an effort to regain momentum against Russia's resurgence Washingtonians have embarked on a global PR tour. As I said, President Obama's visit to China did not produce anything tangible. Washington's sudden conciliatory tone with regards to Tehran are signs of desperation and it will not yield tangible results. Vice-President Biden's visit to Kiev did not go well, to say the least. Actually, Americans cant seem to get respect anywhere anymore. Even in "allied" territory there seems to problems today. Here we see Turks assaulting American servicemen in broad daylight -
U.S. sailors attacked in Turkey:
Even in places where Russophobia runs deep, there is no real love for Uncle Sam. In a secret recording a couple of months ago, Poland's Western trained foreign minister (with a well connected Jewish-American wife nonetheless) was heard describing in graphic detail what he thought of the nature of American-Polish relations -
"You know that the Polish-U.S. alliance isn't worth anything. It is downright harmful, because it creates a false sense of security ... Complete bullshit. We'll get in conflict with the Germans, Russians and we'll think that everything is super, because we gave the Americans a blow job. Losers. Complete losers."
Polish Foreign Minister, Radoslaw Sikorski
Anne Applebaum Sikorski Can't Account for $800,000 Income:
Back to the main topic: Washington doesn't even seem to be getting much respect at home. US Congress's approval rating is at a historic low. At a time when President Putin has been enjoying unprecedented popularity at home, President Barack Obama's popularity rating in the US hovers around a dismal 30%. Anti-government voices in American society is on the rise today. I am not talking about African-Americans. I am not talking about libertarians. Interestingly enough, one of the most vociferous anti-government groups are US military veterans.
Trouble is brewing at home. Trouble is brewing in Europe. Trouble is brewing in Asia. US power and influence is in steady retreat. Things are thus getting very difficult for the self-appointed World's Policeman and westerners are beginning to see it -
Ron Paul: ‘US provoking war with Russia, could result in total destruction:
Can China and Russia Squeeze Washington Out of Eurasia?
Making Enemies America Can't Afford:
China's Silk Road challenges U.S. dominance in Asia:
Russia's Eurasian Union: Part of a Master Plan:
Anti-West Alliance Forming in the East:
US control is diminishing, but it still thinks it owns the world:
The US Needs To Recognize Russia’s Monroe Doctrine:
World order principles should be changed to avoid 3rd world war — Italian journalist:
Paul Craig Roberts The War Against Putin:
Russia is the last major check on US imperial status:
The Rise of German Imperialism and the Phony “Russian Threat”:
Time for a new world order?
America is number 1, but in what?
It’s official: America is now No. 2:
Paul Craig Roberts: How America Was Lost:
How the Reserve Dollar Harms America:
Stratfor founder: ‘US fears a resurgent Russia’:
EU Stoking Flame of Conflict Yet Again - UKIP MEP David Coburn:
George Soros: "Wake up Europe":
Mayer Amschel Rothschild - the wealthiest man in history, the founding father of international finance and the patriarch of the infamous Rothschild dynasty - is best known for saying: "permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws." Within a span of a single century, the Rothschild dynasty came to control the finances of the Anglo-American empire, helped in the destruction of the Russian Empire through its funding of Bolshevism and funded the creation of the Zionist state of Israel. But the Rothschild legacy would not end there. The financial paradigm of the modern world - also known as the Western banking system - is the evolutionary by-product of what Mayer Amschel Rothschild started some two hundred years ago. When Western powers invade and annex nations around the world, be it militarily, culturally or economically, one of the first things they take control of are its banks. Consequently, virtually all "Central Banks" on earth today (including Armenia's) serve the Anglo-American-Jewish political order in varying degrees. And Russia is no exception. During the Cold War the Soviet Politburo is said to have cooperated with international bankers, which many people claim was actually the reason for its demise. By the 1990s, Russia had been taken over by international bankers. One of President Putin's greatest domestic challenges during the past fifteen years has been against this internal enemy.
The exclusive ability to "issue and control" the money of nations around the world is the Western political order's number one strength and their most powerful weapon-of-mass-destruction. Until this ability of theirs is not taken away, or at least reduced to a significant degree, the Western political order will retain its global hegemony and will act with reckless impunity. With that in mind, I think the following news items are very important developments coming out of Moscow today: In one of his finest hours, President Putin called for more self-reliance for the Russian state and blamed currency speculators in Russia for the Ruble's recent troubles -
Putin threatens crackdown on currency speculators:
Predictably, the sanctions that the Anglo-American-Jewish global cartel has placed against the Russian Federation is having the exact opposite effect of what they were seeking. The sanctions are accelerating the inevitable by forcing Moscow to crackdown on Western assets inside the country. The sanctions have forced Russians to seek total self-reliance. The sanctions have forced Russians to seek even closer relations with emerging economies around the world. The sanctions have hardened Russia's stance on regional maters. The sanctions have helped in fomenting a drastic rise in Russian nationalism as well as spawning hatred of the political West in ways the Kremlin could not ever dream of doing. The sanctions have forced Russians to seek true independence, even in cyberspace. The sanctions have set Moscow on a course to finally cut its umbilical cord (i.e. dependency) with the West.Russian Leader Accuses Central Bank of Economic Sabotage:
Fully cognizant of the power the Western political order yields today I do understand that the Russian Federation may yet suffer considerable economic pain during its transition away from the Western financial paradigm to a homegrown economic/financial system based on the sound principles of nationalism and socialism. But this pain is something Russia must endure for it will prove greatly beneficial in the long term. To ultimately free itself of financial and thus political bondage and servitude - and realize the great potential that awaits it in the 21th century - Moscow must free itself of Western control.
What Westerners suffering from imperial hubris such as the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal fail to understand is that the sanctions against Russia have started a process that will eventually end up undermining Western power around the world. Despite what Forbes Magazine says, despite what Moody's Corporation says, despite what any Western index shows, the Russian nation is stable and secure. The sanctions will in the long run prove immensely beneficial to Russia's economic, financial and political health. The sanctions will also help in the formation of a multipolar political world. Therefore, take everything you have been hearing from officials, political analysts and economic experts in the Western world with a grain of salt. Despite their sanctions and despite their manipulation of oil prices to punish Moscow, the Russian Bear will not bow to Western pressure. The Russian President is enjoying the kind of popularity at home that is very seldom seen. The Russian military is in the midst of a historic modernization and rearmament program. The Russian state is on a diplomatic offensive from the far east to the far west. I strongly believe that the modern Russian state will prove more resilient than its Soviet predecessor. The Russian nation will weather the current crisis and come out of it stronger than before.
There was a time when the US Dollar was backed by gold and humanity (including Soviet peoples) looked up to the Western world. Today, the US Dollar is backed by armed interventions around the world and the global masses look at the West with fear and disdain. There was a time when the Western world was the world's sole industrial power. Today, the Western world lives by killing (i.e. creating wars around the world) and by imposing itself as the middleman in global trade. Today, the Western world is nothing but a lavish house-of-cards. One well placed strike will bring down the entire system. Even some of the top financial gurus of the Western world, Jim Rogers and George Soros, are beginning to recognize that the end of the road is near. The imperial hubris of the Western global order will eventually make it collapse under its massive weight. A new, multipolar world is slowly but surely emerging. In the opinion of many, including myself, the future - if there is one, after all this mess is over - will belong to Eurasia. If the twentieth century was the American century, the twenty-first century promises to be a Eurasian century. Baring any unforeseen calamities in Moscow, I firmly believe that Russia will be in the driver's seat - politically, militarily and economically - within the twenty-first century. Many nations around the world are beginning to see this as well.
"Corruption" in the Czech Republic
Western officials have been treating the Czech Republic with white gloves and great sums of money has been poured into it during the past twenty-five years. Soon after its political transformation over two decades ago, the Czech Republic was turned into an epicenter for Western operations in central/eastern Europe - as well as into an open-air whorehouse, but that's another matter. Yet, despite all its geographic and political advantages, the Czech Republic is apparently not doing very well and that favorite Western catchphrase "corruption" seems to be a major problem in the country. The BBC unexpectedly reported on this matter recently -
Corruption remains major problem in Czech Republic:
President Zeman calls for lifting of Russia sanctions at event organized by Putin associate:
And speaking of Islamic fanatics, is it not curious that Washington is also in the business of promoting Islam in Czech Republic? -
US Government Promoting Islam in Czech Republic:
Closer to home: In the eyes of Washingtonians, Armenia's real problem is not "corruption" in the country, it's merely the lack of a Western presence in the country. In other words, had Armenia been one of their many open-air whorehouses around the world, Armenians officials would do no wrong. With Russian boots in the house, however, Armenians officials can do no right.
With regards to "corruption" I have always maintained that generally speaking nations like Armenia and Russia are no better or no worst than any developing nation around the world. Moreover, the main, fundamental difference between the developed West and the developing rest is the simple fact that "corruption" in the West has evolved through generations to become primarily institutionalized (i.e. reserved for the political/financial elite). The Western world (primarily the Anglo-American world) has historically had some of the most corrupt regimes in the world. But centuries of relative peace and stability in the West (i.e. the absence of chaotic regime changes that has plagued much of the rest of the world) has helped it accumulate immense wealth that which has trickled down to the masses and has helped it evolve a semblance of law and order.
With that said, what we need to keep in mind is that the ONLY way to limit/curb corruption in ANY society is through good education, good employment opportunities and, more importantly, through long periods of peace and political stability. To this I'll add that Western style "liberal democracy" is a very good way to keep nations politically unstable, economically enslaved and culturally in decline.
The power of Western psy-ops is so that whether we realize it or not we have all been conditioned to think that "corruption" or the lack of liberal democracy in places such as Russia or Armenia is the main problem. The stupid notion that if only corruption is fought against and the lower masses are given a say in politics everything will be well is misleading and ultimately dangerous. Fighting corruption is like concentrating all of one's effort in treating the symptom of an illness without ever attempting to cure its cause. And, needless to say, giving the masses a real say in politics is suicidal, especially for developing/emerging nations. Distracting developing societies with such utter nonsense has in the bigger picture been the Western world's greatest advantage over vulnerable nations it has targeted in recent decades.
Hungary looking East
But, for Western officials, it was not meant to be this way.
In other words, the sudden disappearance of the Soviet Union almost twenty-five years ago did not meet utopian expectations, to say the least. This is the context within which recent developments regarding Hungary and elsewhere should be viewed.
An extension of the Hapsburg Dynasty of Austria, Hungary started the twentieth century as one of the wealthiest and most powerful empires in the world. By the end of the Second World War, Hungry had entered Moscow's orbit as a communist republic and a member of the Warsaw Pact. Like their Polish and Yugoslavian counterparts, Hungarians lived pretty well under communism. But by the mid-1980s, when the Soviet union seemed susceptible for a collapse, the relentless lure of the Western lifestyle proved too much for anyone to resist. Budapest was amongst the first to break from Moscow. With a lot of wide-eyed anticipation and great expectations, Hungarians, like so many other former Soviet peoples, embraced the Western world. This unconditional embrace of the West proved to be a serious vulnerability for these nations for it allowed Western powers a free hand in the region.
That was then, this is now.
A lot has changed in the world since the Soviet collapse, a period in time that gave the victorious political West unprecedented powers over humanity. A lot has changed since the days when Western powers would act around the world with impunity. A lot has changed in the world since the days when a global superpower like Russia had been turned into a failed state under the threat of breaking apart into several states.
Hungarians may have finally come to the realization that living under Western powers came at a terrible cost to their political sovereignty, their economy and their national culture. Hungarians may have finally come to the realization that the Western world was nothing like what they had seen in Hollywood blockbusters all their lives. Hungarians may have finally come to the realization that affordable electronic gadgets, blue jeans and rock-n-roll were not the only things that the Western lifestyle had in store for them. Hungarians may have finally come to the realization that sexual decadence, pedophilia, child pornography, poor education, abject poverty, dysfunctional family life, political empowerment of minorities, police brutality, political empowerment of society's fringe elements, elitist political system, wealth gap, multiculturalism, interracialism, metal illness, high rates of suicide, high rates of rape, high rates of crime, proliferation of hazardous pharmaceuticals, junk foods, drug addiction, political corruption, veneration of Jews, encouragement of third world emigration, militant atheism and state sanctioned promotion of homosexuality were even bigger part of the much coveted Western lifestyle.
With Washington recently growing ever more audacious and aggressive in Europe and pushing front line nations in the region into direct confrontation with Russia, it was only inevitable that there would be some push-back. It is now very apparent that Budapest and Belgrade are the ones pushing back.
Nevertheless, although as an Armenian I despise what Viktor Orban's government did two years ago when they prematurely set free an Azeri scum who had murdered a young Armenian officer in his sleep, in the bigger geopolitical context, I am glad Europe has governments like the one in Budapest that are willing to stand up to Western aggression because in the big picture the "Western lifestyle" and Western powers are threats not only to Russia, China, Iran and Venezuela - but also to Armenia and to the rest of mankind in general.
Serbia looking East
Serbia was eventually bestowed the unfortunate honor of being the first victim of a successful Color Revolution. Serbia has since been utterly saturated by Western funded operatives and subversive agencies. The manner with which Serbia was severed and a West-leaning government placed in power in the country has in fact become a blueprint for Western operations elsewhere in the world. In fact, the so-called "Arab spring" followed the same template. What the West perfected in Serbia are being executed in places such as Venezuela, Syria, Libya, Iran, Egypt, Ukraine, Armenia, Russia and more recently in Hong Kong.
Many of Armenia's political opposition movements such as Pre-Parliament are part of the same mold.
Having had enough of Western style corruption and oppression, two years ago Serbians elected a nationalist president who had publicly promised better relations with Moscow. The great nation of Serbia thus began waking-up from its Eurotic nightmare -
The victory of a “pro-Russian” candidate in Serbia a surprise to the West:
The promise made by President Tomislav Nikolic back in 2012 was finally manifested when the Russian President was the guest of honor at a recent military parade in Belgrade, the first of its kind in thirty years. Serbian officials reaffirmed their commitment to the Russian-sponsored South Stream gas pipeline project which has since been put off. Russian officials reaffirmed their commitment to support Serbia on Kosovo. To cap it off, Serbia conducted military drills with Russia. The signs out of Belgrade are unmistakable. Serbia is on an Eastern path.
Armenians would do well to recognize that the tragic fate that befell Serbia in 1999 - with its NATO bombing and the loss of its historic province of Kosovo - was a fate that would have befallen Armenia as well had the south Caucasus not be so crucially important for Moscow. Had it not been for Moscow and its close allies in the Armenian government during the past 15 years, Artsakh, and most probably portions of Zangezur, would have been part of Azerbaijan and/or Turkey today and the Armenian nation would have been subservient to Ankara, at least economically. The military wing of Western oil and gas interests - NATO and the regions Turkic/Islamic terrorists - would have made sure of it. I thank God that Armenian officials have been mature enough to recognize the paramount importance of having Russian boots on the ground in Armenia. With that said, I'm very glad to see Serbians coming back to their nationalistic senses.
One of the many nations within the "Western" sphere that is tethering on the brink of disaster is Bulgaria. The Christian Orthodox, Slavic nation that has had over two centuries of close ties with Russia is torn between East and West. Just like in much of eastern Europe, the irresistible lure of the Western lifestyle proved to be an illusion. Bulgarians are not happy with their government's Western orientation. Corruption in Bulgaria today is rampant, even western Europeans are participating in it. Crime, unemployment, energy costs are very high. Hundreds-of-thousands of Bulgarian are fleeing their country to the EU's power-centers (i.e. France, Germany and Britain). Similar to Greece, which has been systematically reduced to being a subsidized nation barely making a living on German handouts, EU/NATO member Bulgaria is on the verge of becoming a failed state. The following is a closer look at some of Bulgaria's problems as reported by Western sources -
Buying an election, Bulgarian style:
Power rustlers turn the screw in Bulgaria, EU's poorest country:
Few Vote in Bulgaria as Apathy Prevails:
Moldova not allowed to look East
Much of what I described for Hungary, Bulgaria and Serbia applies to Moldova as well. The small, landlocked nation wedged between Ukraine and Romania has also been adrift in a turbulent post-Soviet sea. While the nation's natural tendencies gravitate it towards Russia, a strong, opposite pull from Western institutions and activists in the country is unmistakable. Also let down by the shattered dreams of Western orientation, Moldovans have been gradually seeking reorientation with the East.
Due to Moldova's very strategic location, the Moldovan people's desire to have closer relations with Moscow proved too much for Western powers to bare. Faced with yet another looming geopolitical disaster in Europe, we very recently saw the ugly face of Western-style corruption reveal itself once more. Moldova's pro-Russian vote was blatantly stolen by essentially those who have been preaching "free and fair elections" around the world. While a tactical victory of sorts, this egregious manipulation of the pro-Russian vote in Moldova will prove counterproductive for Western powers in the long term. Needless to say, don't expect CNN or the BBC to spend the next month or two talking about this election violation.
Simply put: Moldovans are not being allowed to look East by the forces of "freedom and democracy".
As I have been proclaiming for many years now, faced with insurmountable obstacles around the world, the Western political order is slowly revealing an ugly face that has long been hidden behind an appealing mask. The Soviet Union may have been primitive in many ways, but the Western political order is evil and destructive in many ways. It's high time for humanity to wake-up and see the political West for what it truly is.
Being stupid during the Cold War was somehow excusable because there seemed to be something more ominous on the other side of the iron curtain. Being stupid today, in this age of information, especially after what we have seen Western powers do in places such as Venezuela, Argentina, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Syria and Ukraine is totally inexcusable!
Georgia looking North?
For years there has been talk in Moscow about the revitalization of a major Soviet era railway project in the Caucasus. The main purpose of this Moscow-sponsored initiative was to tie south Caucasus nations to Russia via a broad trade network that would also include motorways and perhaps extend to Iran as well. These projects, strategic in scope, have gone beyond talk in recent years. In fact, a lot of money has already been spent on them by interested parties and much more is being promised. In fact, some work on the project had already begun in Abkhazia and Armenia. Looking at the picture, however, one could immediately see a major problem: Georgia is essentially the missing link. Georgia is absent in a rail and road network that is envisioned to stretch from Russia to Iran traversing Abkhazia, Georgia and Armenia. Relations between Moscow and Tbilisi have actually been down right hostile during much of the past ten years. This raises an obvious question: Why would Moscow embark on such a grandiose project if Georgia would not be part of the equation?
Saakashvili Confronts Russians in Disputed Region in Georgia (October, 2007):
Georgia's major miscalculation? (August, 2008):
The Impact of the Russia-Georgia War (March, 2010):
U.S. Abandoning Russia's Neighbors (July, 2010):
Saakashvili Says Whoever Opposes Azerbaijan is Georgia’s Enemy (September, 2011):
Clashes at Anti-Government Protest in Georgia (May, 2011):
What Could the "Georgian Dream" Mean For the South Caucasus? (October, 2012):
Georgia Ready to Provide Armenia Free Route to EEU:
Yakunin: Russian Railways considers launching rail link to Armenia:
Putin suggests building railway linking Moscow to Yerevan through Sukhumi and Tbilisi:
Russia gets greater control over Black Sea region:
Georgia will not enter NATO or the EU. It had no real chance to begin with. Politically speaking, Baku continues to be a hostage to Moscow as Turkey now is increasingly becoming an economic one.
I never thought I would say this, but Armenians have proven to be much smarter that Georgians and Azeris put together. But in rejoicing let's also keep in our minds that we continue to have our share of suicidal idiots. The main difference between our idiots and their idiots is that their idiots are in government whereas our idiots are in the political opposition. Many of Armenia's Washington financed political activists like Paruyr Hayrikian and Raffi Hovanissian wanted Yerevan to pursue a suicidal Georgian route. Moreover, generally speaking, Armenians were in awe of everything about Saakashvili's Georgia. Awash in tens-of-billions of dollars in loans from Western, Turkish, Jewish and Arabian sources, Georgia was dazzling in lights for a while and Armenia's self-destructive peasantry was astonished. Despite the glitter and the perception of progress in Tbilisi, however, those who understood history and the natural tendencies of regional geopolitics predicated that the Georgian fantasy would sooner or later come to an abrupt end. It came much sooner than thought.
Turkey looking North?
Although mainstream news media outlets in the US are trying their best to characterize Moscow's abandonment of the strategic South Stream pipeline project and the recent deal it reached with Ankara as a "diplomatic defeat" for President Putin, the reality of the matter is that Moscow's move was a very serious setback for Western powers. In fact, it was a brilliant move by the Kremlin in my opinion. The South Stream was meant to provide south eastern Europe with Russian natural gas. Regional nations - Serbia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Austria, Italy, Greece - were very enthusiastic about the project... but not Brussels, London or Washington. By pulling back (perhaps ostensibly) from the South Stream project and reaching a deal with Ankara instead, Moscow is punishing the EU. It is also luring Ankara further way from Western powers and creating a real potential of a clash between European nations affected by the matter and Western powers. Bulgaria, perhaps predictably, has been one of the first ones to raise its voice of concern. More nations affected by this development will surely follow.
And there are yet other serious geopolitical ramifications to closer economic ties between Russia and Turkey.
The Russian-Turkish deal is a serious insult to Baku and Kiev for it signals less Turkish support for both nations. More importantly, Western powers are in danger of losing more leverage over Ankara. Some of the readers may recall that back in the autumn of 2008 NATO came close to losing Turkey. Fearing at the time Moscow would send its tanks all the way down to the Georgian-Turkish border, a panic-stricken Ankara placed its bet with Mother Russia and began signalling that it was ready to abandon NATO and seek closer ties with Moscow. It was at this time when Ankara put aside its pan-Turkic pride, sent President Abdullah Gül on an official visit to Yerevan and announced its intention to form a "Caucasus Union", envisioned to include Russia, Turkey Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia -
Turkey in tight spot between Russia and NATO (September, 2008):
Turkey lays out plans for Caucasian alliance as Georgian FM in Istanbul (September, 2008):
Looking at Armenian-Turkish Relations - Without the Paranoia, Obsessions or the Hysteria:
The Geopolitics of Gas and the Syria Crisis:
War against Iran, Iraq AND Syria?
Pipelineistan and the New Silk Road(s):
Are Syria and Pakistan Pieces of the Puzzle for a Mega-Gas Pipeline to China?
We are living in historic times
Merely twenty five years after the collapse of the Soviet Union we are living through historic change once more. This time around, however, the impending change may eventually prove more fundamental in nature. Humanity may finally succeed in breaking from the post-Napoleonic era's Anglo-American-Jewish paradigm and enter into a multipolar one. As the political epicenter of the world shifts eastward, so with prosperity. Only with the Western political order out of the way will projects that hold great potential for humanity will become realized. Needless to say, it will not be a pretty journey. Now that the Western political order has effectively become the Sick Man of the world, we will see increasing bloodshed. As another Sick Man in history has shown, terminally ill political systems based on militarism, exploitation, arrogance and illusion do not quietly fade into history. We have a problem in the world today because Western power and influence is far reaching.
Cecil Rhodes, the ardent British imperialist, mining magnate and one who masterminded the creation of the Anglo-American empire, once looked up to the heavens and said -
While the inheritors of his grandiose imperial vision have not been able to annex the planets, they have managed to annex, in one way or another, much of the world we live in today. For the past two hundred years humanity has been living in an Anglo-American-Jewish era. The aforementioned trinity permeates virtually every single aspect of life on planet earth today. If they had their way they would even "privatize" and tax the air we breath as well. Well, come to think of it, the Western crusade against "climate change" is in fact closely related to their imperial desire to control the air we breath through their laws and their taxes.
Their ability to influence course of events in faraway lands are unprecedented in human history. They have the powerful tools - political, military, psychological, cultural, financial and organizational - to manipulate and exploit societies across the world. They have powerful news media outlets to disseminated Western propaganda. They have a massive array of well-funded NGOs championing all kinds of causes that serve all kinds of Western interests. They have the financial means to bribe officials and enslave nations. They control the commodities trade. They control global trade routes. They control the creation and dissemination of money around the world. They have an all-powerful music and film industry to craft human behavior. They have provocateurs and hitmen ready to incite unrest whenever and wherever needed. They have professional agents working behind-the-scenes under the guise of "journalists", "aid workers", "humanitarian activists" and "environmentalists". They have the highly refined tools to mesmerize, stupefy and create an alternative reality for the global sheeple. Consequently, they have a great multitude of brainwashed activists around the world to organize "opposition" groups and take to the streets every time their spiritual leaders and financiers in the West call on them -
U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings:
George Soros and his open society:
NGO documents plan Ukraine war:
Does the US engineering revolutions?:
US has history of supporting anti-govt upheavals:
Documents Leaked by WikiLeaks Show an Organization Training Opposition Around the World:
How to Start a Revolution:
Revolution Engineering: US know-how and 'colourful' technology:
South of the Border:
NGOs, an extension of US foreign policy:
Washington on the War Path: Civil Society as Battering-Ram:
USAID Exposed in Cuba - What it Tells Us About US Subversion Worldwide:
US NGO uncovered in Ukraine protest:
Speaking of Armenia: With official entry into the Russian-led Eurasian Union just a few weeks away now, Uncle Sam's operatives in Armenia are getting increasingly desperate - as was predicted. Last week, "Preparliament" members got their automobiles set on fire (most probably done by them to attract media coverage and gain public sympathy). Now, the same are claiming that they will attempt a regime change in Armenia - by the use of arms if need be! And when are these Western-financed terrorists planning to carry out their violent revolution? Next April 24, on the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide of all times! Alarmingly, they are also implying that the murder of Armenian security officials and politicians is justified now because the two serve foreign interests (i.e. Russian interests) -
Սթափվե´ք, այլապես կգա այն օրը, երբ ժողովուրդը կստիպի ձեզ սթափվել:
Representatives of Preparliament - along with Paruyr Hayriikyian's National Self-Determination Union, David Grigorian's Policy Forum Armenia, Raffi Hovanissian's Heritgate Party and Vartan Oskanian's Civilitas - represent the single greatest threat to Armenian statehood for they are cancerous cells within the Armenian body.
I'm now actually looking forward to the day when these vermin try to do what they are promising for that will most probably be their final end. With that said, it should also be said that these people are as impotent as they are pathetic. They bring a Shakespearian quote to mind: Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Their time has in fact passed. Their best chance for a Color Revolution was in early 2008. Back then, a few of them were shot down, the rest fled for their lives. Today, these vermin would be lucky to get several thousand prostitutes, homosexuals, senile seniors, pedophiles, clueless peasants, ignorant adolescent, lunatics and professional Western mercenaries out to the streets.
Like I said, their time has long passed. Armenia is moving on.
These types of "democracy" movements we are seeing spring-up around the world today appeal to the lowest, most primitive instincts of mankind. Let it surprise no one therefore that advocates of such movements in developing or underdeveloped nations tend to be those on the fringes of normal society. In their personal quest to bring about change (change within which they would feel better for themselves), often times homosexuals, open or otherwise, become leading activists for such movements. We see this process in Armenia as well. Nevertheless, similar to Bolshevism one hundred years ago and Christianity before that, Western-led democracy movements today appeal to the disgruntled masses of the world with false promises of a better life. Similar to what Bolshevism was one hundred years ago, democracy movements today are weaponized and exported to targeted nation - nations of the world that are not subjugated by Western financial institutions or nations that are not under the Western boot.
On the eve of the one hundredth anniversary of the First World War, Russian lands are once again under attack by corrosive ideological movements formulated in and promoted from Western lands. "Westernization" and "Globalization" are new and more potent forms of Bolshevism that should be fought against by all of humanity. In a larger context, this is not only Russia's fight - this is humanity's fight. This is indeed a fight between good and evil. I pray for peace - but I hope Kremlin officials are getting their big guns ready just in case, because we simply cannot afford a replay of 1917.
Why do I think this is a very real risk? Simply because Western powers are too wealthy, too well-fed and too blinded by their perceived strength and arrogance to allow upstarts like Russia to weaken their global hegemony. They realize that they are in a serious predicament: If they cannot secure a position at the very top of the global food-chain, they may have to sink all the way to the bottom. In their neo-imperial pursuit of total global dominance - Russia is the only political entity on earth standing in their way. If threatened, a gluttonous monster who has been unchallenged in the world can be very dangerous animal indeed.
With that said, I predict that the monster in question will be either tamed or killed.
The only thing today that is saving mankind from total subjugation by the Anglo-American-Zionist global order is nuclear deterrence: Moscow's willingness to use its nuclear arsenal if threatened. I personally believe that the increasing threat of a nuclear catastrophe will force Western officials to calibrate their actions against Russia. Russia will therefore persevere. Washington will continue losing its outposts throughout Eurasia in the coming decades. Western power and influence will diminish. Western-funded usurpers around the world posing as "democracy" movements will gradually lose their luster. A multipolar world will emerge from the current turmoil. Although Western control around the world is gradually diminishing, imperial officials in Washington still think they should own the world. Therefore, the assault against nation-states that do not comply with Western dictates will continue. After all, as all trigger-happy American policemen, Uncle Sam's self-appointed role as the World's Policeman has proven to be a very bloody affair indeed. Its demotion from that role may be an even much bloodier affair still, but it has to be done for the greater good. It will be done.
November/December, 2014
Should America Continue Being the World’s Policeman?
Bush did too much and Obama too little—but a ‘broken-windows’ model of U.S. foreign policy can be just right
What we need instead, as the fairy tale has it, is a foreign policy that is just right—neither too ambitious nor too quiescent, forceful when necessary but mindful that we must not exhaust ourselves in utopian quests to heal crippled societies.
The year 1991 was a year of foreign policy triumphs for the U.S., from victory in the Gulf War to the collapse of the Soviet Union. But it was the annus horribilis for American crime, with nearly 1.1 million aggravated assaults, 106,590 forcible rapes and 24,700 murders. In every category, crime was up from the year—and the decade—before. As late as 1995, some criminologists were predicting that a new wave of “super-predators” would descend on American neighborhoods. “If current trends continue, the number of arrests of juveniles for violent crimes will double by the year 2010,” reported the New York Times, citing a Justice Department report.
“Disorder and crime are usually inextricably linked, in a kind of developmental sequence,” Drs. Kelling and Wilson argued. It had long been known that if one broken window wasn’t replaced, it wouldn’t be long before all the other windows were broken too. Why? Because, they wrote, “one unrepaired broken window is a signal that no one cares, and so breaking more windows costs nothing.”
The most urgent goal of U.S. foreign policy over the next decade should be to arrest the continued slide into a broken-windows world of international disorder. The broken-windows theory emphasizes the need to put cops on the street—creating a sense of presence, enforcing community norms, serving the interests of responsible local stakeholders. It stresses the need to deter crime, not react to it, to keep neighborhoods from becoming places that entice criminal behavior.
Broken-windows foreign policy would sharply punish violations of geopolitical norms, such as the use of chemical weapons, by swiftly and precisely targeting the perpetrators of the attacks (assuming those perpetrators can be found). But the emphasis would be on short, mission-specific, punitive police actions, not on open-ended occupations with the goal of redeeming broken societies.
Since Barack Obama took office in 2009, the political order of the Arab world has nearly unraveled. The economic order of the European world is under strain. The countries of the Pacific Rim are threatened by a China that is by turns assertive, reckless, and insecure. Despite its fundamental weaknesses, Russia seeks to dominate its “near-abroad” through a combination of local proxies, dirty tricks, and outright conquest. Another international order – the nuclear one – is being fundamentally challenged by the acquisition of nuclear capabilities by two uniquely dangerous states, Iran and North Korea, which in turn invites their nearest neighbors to consider their own nuclear options. Al Qaeda may be diminished in some corners of the Middle East, but it is metastasizing in others. The United States is more reluctant than it has been for decades to intervene abroad, judging that there is better security in inaction than action. Traditional allies of the United States, uncertain of its purposes, are beginning to explore their options in what they suspect is becoming a post-Pax Americana world, encouraging freelancing instincts which Washington has a diminishing ability to restrain.
Ultimately requires a return to the very thing small-government conservatives hate most: the expensive, intrusive, security-conscious state. It’s also no accident that democratic countries that do the most to slash their military budgets and global commitments also have comparatively bigger welfare states.
There is a growing sense that if America provides no leadership, authoritarian regimes will quickly fill the breach; that if our red lines are exposed as mere bluffs, more of them will be crossed; that if our commitments to our allies – both the ones we generally like and the ones we have no option but to accept – aren’t serious, those friends might abandon us; that if our threats against our enemies are empty, our enemies will be emboldened, and we will have more of them. If history does not end – and it hasn’t – then the United States does not get a holiday from it.

Putin’s state visit to Erdogan yesterday in Ankara, a summit meeting between the world’s two top pseudo-democratic authoritarian regimes, can determine the direction of history for some decades. If you think I exaggerate, keep reading. Anyone moderately literate in the world’s strategic balances knows exactly what I mean. I will add some less visible but pivotal factors that, in toto, could affect all our lives. At stake is not merely the future of Syria, ISIS and the like, but the price of oil, the fate of sanctions, the democracy vs. autocracy struggle, Nato, EU, Cold War, even Nuclear War. The world is poised so precariously that, as others have noted, we could be at a pre-WW1 moment on the verge of Great Power conflict.
Back in mid-October I discussed the likely drop in oil price, now occupying headlines, to outline how Saudi Arabia meant to use oil power to push back Moscow for supporting Assad Moscow aimed veiled threats at the Saudis for playing a political game in collusion with the US. Riyadh knows that Putin’s bluster evaporates domestically without gas and oil revenues, and externally without pipeline leverage. In the column I point out how, in fact, Saudi Arabia intends to push back against the US equally; a very low oil price endangers the cost-effectiveness of fracking. The Saudis aren’t pleased with Washington’s increasing alignment with the Shiite Crescent in the Mideast. Then, in November, I wrote in this space about a telephone quarrel between Erdogan and Putin. I dwelt on Erdogan’s gas deal with Turkmenistan and Putin’s narrowing timeline for bullying Ukraine with a compliant EU – compliant because of EU dependence on Russian gas supplies
That’s the background to the Ankara summit meeting. Up to now, Putin was able to slow down all manner of alternatives to Russian fuel by lowering prices, intimidating suppliers and users, and condign gestures of violence. It is all on the verge of busting out of his control. Gazprom has just announced they’re abandoning a pipeline plan to circumvent Ukraine. In addition, as the link shows, Erdogan signed a deal to import and pass on Turkmen gas ultimately to Europe. Plus, a pipeline via Turkey from Azerbaijan will reach Europe in four years.
Meanwhile, Bloomberg just published a report on the Ankara visit saying the meeting will result in lots of harmony because Turkey has no alternate to Russian gas. The report also asserts that Russia serves as Turkey’s second largest trade partner. . With all due respect, the truth is much more complicated. Erdogan understands Moscow’s increasing weakness. Indeed, Erdogan himself embodies the weakening threat, being the conduit for multiple ways Europe will get fuel supplies – from Azerbaijan, from Turkmenistan, from Iraq. On the other hand, like others in the region, he has begun to detach from the West. He’s actually planning to have Russia build nuclear power stations in Turkey. The stupidity of this idea has many layers, not least the dependence on Moscow. Clearly Erdogan wants to acquire a nuclear guarantee for himself and his regime, not a happy sign for Turkey’s future democracy.
Meanwhile, Putin has made his moves to pressure Turkey. Not many people know that Georgia’s current government acceded to Russian demands to build a strategic road from Russian Daghestan through Georgia to the Azerbaijan border. This will allow the Kremlin to move assets to seal off the Azeri border at any time. Meaning, isolating Azerbaijan from trade with Turkey via Georgia, and with Georgia itself, in effect sealing off Azerbaijan from the world. You can be sure that Georgia’s regime will act in solidarity with Moscow. The PM in Tbilisi just said, in a November 25 interview with the FT, that he opposes Western arms for Ukraine. This is the same government that has not uttered a word against Putin or for Ukraine against Putin. Essentially, the Kremlin’s message to Turkey goes something like this: don’t bank on your Azerbaijan supplies, neither for yourself nor as a conduit to Europe. Nor should you have faith in the future autonomy of Azerbaijan to make choices, and that goes for Turkmenistan too. Do you think that the US or Nato will come to your side when Russian tanks invade those places and cut you off from their oil and gas? So far Erdogan has no reason to doubt Putin’s threat. The last thing Erdogan can handle, with its southern border aflame, is a military threat reopening on Turkey’s northern flank.
So that’s how the forces are balanced at the summit. Putin will keep raising the threshold of his threats – many think he will actually use nuclear weapons, even if through deniable proxies, even if only tactical weapons. After Assad’s chemical weapons, and pro-Russian rebels downing a civilian airliner – without consequences – can we dismiss the notion? For sure, Erdogan can’t. Having alienated Nato and emasculated his army, he knows nobody will fight a world war to defend him. As for the US and EU, they have a lot to answer for by ignoring Putin’s aggression in Georgia and then in Ukraine. They emboldened him to believe that no single country’s fate will spur them to face him down. They’ve dropped all red lines so at no juncture were his atrocities pivotal. He has built up his threat incrementally, stealthily. He has made his message clear. He doesn’t think he needs to up the ante anymore but he will if necessary – it might even lead to a world war, if necessary. That’s the message. With the drop in oil prices, he may have to and the West will have to respond.

Serbia Greets Putin With Historic Military Parade
The Russian president vowed never to recognise Kosovo’s independence, a priority for Serbia which refuses to accept the loss of the former province after a war in the late 1990s. In return, his Serbian counterpart, Tomislav Nikolić, pledged not to bow to European Union pressure to take part in sanctions against Russia, over Moscow’s role in the Ukraine conflict.



Bulgarian bed-hopping
Life’s not a gas
Bulgaria has remained energy-dependent on Russia due to the unwise political choices of several governments. Not only does Russia provide most of its gas, the Russian energy giant Lukoil owns Bulgaria’s only oil refinery. Lukoil and Gazprom also have a network of petrol and gas stations throughout the country. Bulgaria depends on Russia for all of its nuclear fuel (though it recently signed a deal to have a new reactor built by Japanese-owned Westinghouse). The net result of this energy dominance is that Russia maintains a strong “energy lobby” in Bulgarian political and expert circles.
Inferiority complex
Aside from energy, Russia is heavily interested in the Bulgarian military-industrial complex, most of whose equipment is Soviet-made and depends on Russia for maintenance. The outgoing Bulgarian defence minister was recently quoted saying this puts the country in a vulnerable position, particularly regarding its ageing jet fighters. Any question of upgrading with equipment from elsewhere runs counter to Russian interests, so is unlikely to be welcomed by Moscow.
A Russian Trojan Horse?
Russia tightened its control Monday over Georgia's breakaway province of Abkhazia with a new treaty envisaging closer military and economic ties with the lush sliver of land along the Black Sea. The move drew outrage and cries of "annexation" in Georgia and sent a chill through those in Abkhazia who fear that wealthy Russians will snap up their precious coastline. It also raised further suspicions in the West about Russian President Vladimir Putin's territorial aspirations after his annexation of Ukraine's Black Sea peninsula of Crimea in March.
The U.S. also said it wouldn't recognize Russia's move and expressed continued support for Georgia's sovereignty.

In Russia they start voicing plans for the “opening” of a straight way to Armenia via Georgia. In particular, this is what deputy director of the Center of Strategic Situations Mikhail Chernov wrote in his article on the Russian portal. His article was taken as a provocation and probing of sentiments, still it caused a sharp reaction both in Armenia and Georgia.
The essence of the article by Chernova is that the military-strategic treaties between Russia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which are being prepared for signing, may become prerequisites for Russia’s reaching the border with Armenia. Now the only overland route from Russia to Armenia lies through Georgia, and it is almost an insurmountable obstacle for the integration of Armenia into the “neo-Soviet” space.
The texts of the treaties are already in the Russian State Duma, and, according to Chernov, “the institution of bilateral treaties may become a new tool of Russian foreign policy allowing Russia to meet its objectives in the South Caucasus without unnecessary complications in international relations.”
“Russia has two such basic tasks in the region and they are closely related to each other. The first one is to prevent the creation of NATO military infrastructure in Georgia. The second objective is to ensure a reliable direct transport link with Armenia,” the Russian expert says. Besides, control of the Russian Federation over transport communications will provide full functioning of the Russian military base in Armenia.
The mechanism has also been devised. It turns out that on October 31 Vladikavkaz, the capital of Russia’s republic of North Ossetia hosted a congress of the International Public Movement called “The Supreme Council of the Ossetians”, which was also attended by former president of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity. He raised the question of Trusovsky gorges and Kobin hollow being part of Ossetia. Presence in Kazbegi region will make it possible to control a small section of the strategically important Georgian Military Highway – the shortest route from Russia to Armenia.
“At the same time, Russia is more interested in the development of the Trans-Caucasian Highway. The ‘western’ route to Armenia passes through the Gori district, bypasses Trialet Ossetia, where a considerable number of Ossetians lived before the early 1990s, as well as the Armenian-populated Samtskhe-Javakheti region,” Chernov writes.
He hopes that if by some chance in Georgia on the basis of the current political crisis Maidan-like events start, Russia may introduce troops into Georgia for the “protection” of Ossetians and thus open up its route towards Armenia.
In an interview with Newspost former defense minister of Georgia Dimitri Shashkin said: “Alarm should be sounded over the document relating to the Tskhinvali region, which officially entered the [Russian State] Duma. Russian experts have already started openly speaking about the threat that concerns Russia’s big desire to create a direct link with its base in Gyumri (Armenia).”
According to Shashkin, on the basis of treaties being prepared with Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Russia is openly stating that it will protect them against Georgians.
“[Russian] protection of Georgian regions is another new challenge. It turns out that if about a hundred people are paid for setting up a group of provocateurs, they [Russians] may invade Kakheti in order to protect the local population. A hundred provocateurs can be found easily,” Shashkin said.
No official reaction to these statements have yet been made in Armenia, Georgia and Russia, however, at the level of experts there are opinions that such provocations can sow discord between Georgians and Armenians. Former Georgian Defense Minister Irakli Alasania, who stepped down recently, has repeatedly stated that the Russian base in Armenia is a threat for Georgia. It is these threats that do not allow Georgia and Armenia to establish mutually beneficial relations.
“Five countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) have already made a Eurasian choice, and another 40 countries across the world have officially voiced their wish to set up a free trade zone with our integration association,” Naryshkin said.
The Eurasian Economic Union, which comes into force in January 2015, offers a unique chance for cooperation between Western Europe and the Asia-Pacific Region, the lawmaker said. The EEU members are currently Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia. Kyrgyzstan is expected to join the union soon.
Naryshkin said those who consider the EEU as a threat only confirm that “a new and serious geopolitical player is indeed emerging in the world.” “It will probably build those lacking bridges which will unite Western Europe with the dynamic Asia-Pacific Region,” he stressed. The lawmaker warned against regarding the new bloc as a threat, saying it gives a “unique chance in which the peoples of Europe, Asia and the world in general are strategically interested.”
Naryshkin said the Eurasian Economic Union will enlarge. “We see what interest other states have in the Eurasian Economic Union. I am sure it will enlarge and strengthen,” he said. The Kazakh Senate’s Chairman Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev noted the significance of the EEU formation. “It is an adequate response to what is happening in the world and to world economy shocks,” he said.
The idea of Eurasian integration was voiced first by Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev in 1994. Finally, the Eurasian Economic Union has been formed and will begin working on January 1, 2015.
The first attempt to form an economic international organization was made when the Commonwealth of Independent States concluded an agreement on an economic union, but the project was not implemented. In 1995, Russia and Belarus signed an agreement on a customs union, which was joined by Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The countries concluded an agreement on the Customs Union and the common economic space in 1999 to build a common market.
In 2009, the Russian, Belarusian and Kazakh presidents agreed on a deeper economic integration form - the Common Economic Space. The three agreements on the Eurasian Economic Union, the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space are open for other states to join.
“The campaign of economic sanctions against Russia and political pressure is alienating Russia from the West and pushing it closer to China,” said Sergei Rogov, director of Moscow’s Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies. “China is perceived in Russia as a substitute for Western credits and Western technology.”
On the European Economic Crisis, Financial Bubble:
Need for and Movement Toward a Multipolar World Order
Last September 1, 2014, a report from the US State Department claimed that in 40 years and for the first time following the USSR collapse, Russia achieved strategic nuclear weapons' parity with the United States. More importantly, Washington said that Moscow may have regained a status similar to the mid-70′s Sovient Union. To be exact, the State Department revealed that Russia now has 528 carriers of strategic nuclear weapons capable of carrying 1,643 warheads. The United States, as per the report, manages 794 vehicles including 1,652 nuclear warheads.
The report considers Russia's weapons advanced than US primarily because it guarantees parity on warheads with a fewer strategic nuclear weapons' carrier. The gap may even widen in the future considering the promise of Russian defense officials to add new generation missiles to Russia's SNF.
The reportedly growing military power of Russia injects more tension as its Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov of Russia attacks the West's sanctions on the country. According to the minister (via CNN): "As for the concept behind the use of coercive measures, the West is making it clear it does not want to try to change the policy of the Russian Federation ... they want to change the regime -- practically no one denies this." This reflects the waning ties between the United States and several European nations with Russia. These countries condemned Russia's move on Ukraine such as sending troops to the region to overthrow Ukrainian government forces.
CNN also reported that Moscow has been vocal about its support to the rebels in Ukraine even sending aid convoys. However, the region did deny being militarily involved. Reuters' report, on other hand, demonstrates new lows in country relations for Russia. In order to pressure Russia in its involvement with Ukraine, the European Union and the United States have imposed sanctions on the country. Reuters quoted Putin: "We understand the fatality of an 'Iron Curtain' for us."
"We will not go down this path in any case and no one will build a wall around us. That is impossible!"
Ukraine has been a source of tension for both Russia and the United States since the Cold War. Fatalities in the region have reached 4,300 people since chaos erupted around mid-April. Academic director at the German government's Federal Academy for Security Policy in Berlin also noted the impact of Russia's move in Ukraine to NATO.
"The rapid mobilization of 20,000 to 40,000 Russian troops at the Ukrainian border scared the hell out of NATO," Bloomberg quoted the director.

Russia’s increasingly assertive – and some say militaristic – foreign policy hit a little closer to home recently. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced that the Russian military would soon be conducting bomber patrols worldwide, including in the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico – the United States’ proverbial backyard. “In the current situation we have to maintain military presence in the Western Atlantic and Eastern Pacific as well as the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico,” said Shoigu, apparently in response to accusations from NATO officials that Russian troops are heading into Ukraine.
Shoigu reportedly added that the flights would be “reconnaissance missions to monitor foreign powers’ military activities and maritime communications,” presumably referring to the U.S.
If Shoigu’s announced plans were to materialize, the Russian flights would constitute the most significant Russian international military escalation since the Cold War. By some standards, bomber sorties in the Gulf of Mexico would surpass even Cold War-era tensions, as Russian forces reportedly did not routinely patrol North America’s southern flank. “Such a policy is highly reminiscent of Soviet military activity during the Cold War,” says Laura Linderman, a research fellow with the Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center at the Atlantic Council. “This is a calculated escalation by Moscow to see just how far they can push the U.S.”
Shoigu’s comments come amid a major increase in Russian airborne “probing” missions in the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean and throughout European airspace. However, those flights were largely launched from Russia itself. Even occasional missions skirting U.S. airspace near Alaska or California can be launched from Russian bases. Flying patrols to the Gulf of Mexico, to say nothing of the further-flung Caribbean, would require a constellation of refueling and maintenance facilities throughout the region to support aircraft making the approximately 5,500-mile journey from Russia’s frozen East to the balmy Gulf.
This makes it unlikely that Russia will be able to fly patrols in the Gulf and Caribbean as announced without first establishing those facilities, experts say. It is also possible that while several high-profile missions may indeed go forward, they will be used more as a demonstration of capability rather than establishing a regular surveillance route. But either way, it underlines Russian intentions to boost its presence in the Western Hemisphere and, more broadly, to lay claim to the return of Russia as a global power.
Lincoln Mitchell, an associate research scholar at the Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies at Columbia University, supports the view that the Russian plan cannot be ignored despite the obvious logistical difficulties. “In the last year or so, what seems unlikely one day with Russia has had a way of happening the next,” says Mitchell. The leadership “has been very smart about seeing just how far they can go. You can’t rule it out just because it seems implausible today.”
Though the Russian bomber sorties, should they ever happen, will involve aircraft capable of carrying nuclear weapons, the actual military threat they pose is relatively low. The Russian long-range bomber of choice, the Tupolev TU-95 “Bear,” is of 1950s vintage and an easy mark for U.S. air forces – including the hypersophisticated F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II fighters that make up an ever-larger portion of the U.S. fighter fleets.
The greater danger may be the risk of an incident between Russian and U.S. planes. A collision between a U.S. spy plane and a Chinese fighter in 2001 brought relations to deep lows even without the volatile context that increasingly surrounds U.S.-Russian ties. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine, in which Russian forces appear to be actively engaged in supporting separatist groups in the country’s East, has been a major point of contention between the U.S. and Russia since the conflict began in earnest in March.
Russia has denied its involvement in Ukraine, saying that any of its citizens fighting there are only “volunteers.” However, U.S. leaders reject this claim. According to U.S. Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove, the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, NATO forces have confirmed “columns of Russian equipment, primarily Russian tanks, Russian artillery, Russian air defense systems and Russian combat troops entering into Ukraine.”
In Washington, the response to all this activity and rhetoric has not been particularly well-defined. “Russia is invading Ukraine, but the administration will not call it an invasion. Is this a strategy?” asks Linderman. “As far as I can tell, in the run-up to this situation, the administration has not shown itself to be sufficiently strategic.”
Instead, it has leaned on a tool kit of sticks and carrots in an effort to nudge Moscow toward compromise. On one hand, Washington has used sanctions, aid and military reassurance deployments to pressure Moscow for its alleged excesses, but it has kept the door open rhetorically for a figurative “off-ramp” that would lead to de-escalation. “I think Obama has been one of the cooler heads in Washington,” says Mitchell. He “is a lame duck who is likely going to be replaced by a more hawkish president in 2016. In a way, this frees up Obama to do what he wants on the issue.”
But the threat of Gulf flights appears to show that Moscow is not interested in reversing course anytime soon. Instead, the Russian government has signaled its intent to continue pushing unless its claims to leadership – which its critics consider to be neo-imperial impulses – over states in its so-called near abroad region are acknowledged and respected by Western powers. Yet the U.S. and its allies in Europe say these countries should be free to choose their foreign policy orientation, which makes the two sides essentially irreconcilable.
However, Mitchell sees the administration’s current approach as prudent. “We already have superior military power,” he notes. There’s a difference between Russia doing something the U.S. disapproves of, he says, “and being an actual threat to Americans – and that’s a distinction that is ultimately up to the president to make.”
Still, the specter of Russian bombers flying regular patrols along American shores adds yet another dimension to the increasing rivalry between Russia and NATO. Though the patrols may not be a direct military threat to the U.S. mainland, they highlight a growing gap between U.S. and Russian foreign policies – one that may not be solved for years.

Political map of Ukraine, highlighting the Crimean peninsula in pink. The four provinces along the Russian border are in favor of becoming autonomous zones, separate from Kiev. That might be the best case scenario. The worst case will be those four provinces being annexed one-by-one by the Russian Federation next door.



‘Closer Relationship’
President Ilham Aliyev has visited Putin twice in the past three months and has recently hosted a range of senior officials from Moscow. Along with Turkey and Israel, Russia is among the biggest suppliers of weapons to Azerbaijan, selling it military hardware including T-90 battle tanks. Speaking at a meeting with Putin last year, Aliyev said Azeri arms trade with Russia was worth $4 billion. The government in Baku plans to increase defense spending by 27 percent next year. “We definitely see a closer relationship between Baku and Moscow in the past year,” said Thomas de Waal, senior associate at the Russia and Eurasia program of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. “The Azerbaijani elite is seeking an equal relationship with both Russia and the West, while retaining its own economic and political independence.” Azerbaijan’s shift toward Russia is also straining relations with the U.S. and Europe.
Obama, OSCE
U.S. President Barack Obama in September singled out Azerbaijan as a country where “laws make it incredibly difficult for NGOs even to operate.” The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe this month urged the government to end its “ongoing and increasing number of repressive actions against independent media and advocates of freedom of expression,” according to a statement. After winning independence 23 years ago, Azerbaijan has developed energy and security ties with the U.S. and the European Union. In partnership with oil companies including BP Plc (BP/), Statoil ASA (STL) and Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM), the Caspian Sea nation built the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, which ships Asian oil to Europe bypassing Russia. The country also sent troops to fight alongside U.S. forces in Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan. NATO relies on Azerbaijan for a third of non-lethal shipments to Afghanistan. It also joined GUAM, a U.S.-backed alliance with Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova. All bar Azerbaijan tied their future to the European Union in June by signing free-trade agreements with the 28-nation bloc. Azerbaijan rejected such an offer.
Separatist Challenges
Like the three other members of the group, Azerbaijan has struggled to regain control over a breakaway region. The message is that confrontation with Russia by Georgia and Moldova worsened separatist challenges, as it did in Ukraine said Rasim Musabayov, a member of the international relations committee in Azerbaijan’s parliament. Azerbaijan is locked in a territorial dispute with Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh, a conflict that erupted after the Soviet breakup in 1991. Although major hostilities ended with a Russia-brokered cease-fire in 1994, no peace agreement has been signed. Armenia hosts the only Russian military base in the region and gets Russian weapons at discounted prices. “Azerbaijan has drawn lessons from what has happened to Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine,” Musabayov said. “Azerbaijan realizes that it can’t get Nagorno-Karabakh resolved without Russia’s involvement."

The US and Turkey are headed for a showdown over Syria, as evidence mounts that Ankara is enabling groups that Washington is actively bombing. Discord between the two allies is now more public than ever following a new report by Dr. Jonathan Schanzer and Merve Tahiroglu of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. "Bordering on Terrorism: Turkey’s Syria Policy and the Rise of the Islamic State" details Turkey's apparent willingness to allow extremists — including militants from the Islamic State (aka IS, ISIS, or ISIL) — and their enablers to thrive on the 565-mile border with Syria in an attempt to secure the downfall of Syrian dictator Bashar Assad. "The IS crisis has put Turkey and the US on a collision course," the report says. "Turkey refuses to allow the coalition to launch military strikes from its soil. Its military also merely looked on while IS besieged the Kurdish town of Kobani, just across its border. Turkey negotiated directly with IS in the summer of 2013 to release 49 Turks held by the terrorist group. In return, Ankara reportedly secured the release of 180 IS fighters, many of whom returned to the battlefield.
"Meanwhile, the border continues to serve as a transit point for the illegal sale of oil, the transfer of weapons, and the flow of foreign fighters. Inside Turkey, IS has also established cells for recruiting militants and other logistical operations. All of this has raised questions about Turkey’s value as an American ally, and its place in the NATO alliance."
America's Role
The report notes that policy of the administration of US President Barack Obama regarding Syria may have indirectly instigated Turkey's dangerous policy. After supporting Turkey's cause of ousting Assad, Washington didn't follow up with significant support to the moderate opposition while Assad dropped Scud missiles and barrel bombs on playgrounds and bakeries. Obama then balked at enforcing his "red line" after Assad's forces killed an estimated 1,400 people in four hours by firing rockets filled with nerve gas on rebel-held territory near the capital. "I was in Turkey during the Ghouta attacks, and [Turkish officials] were incredulous," Schanzer said. "They believed that the United States was squarely behind [Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan, not only just in terms of steering Syria into soft landing, but also that it would back up its words with deeds and take action in light of an ongoing slaughter. "So I think in a sense once it became clear that the US was not going to be holding to its word, there was a sense among the Turks that they had to do this themselves."
"Turkey does not have a conflict with ISIS, doesn't want a conflict with ISIS, and ISIS is benefiting from [Turkey's] border policies," Schanzer said. "Beyond that it gets a lot more fuzzy, but the point is that the Turks are not being forthcoming about this relationship." He added that despite no evidence that Turkey was actively working with ISIS, "it cannot be denied that Turkey is helping to facilitate the activities of a terrorist organization that has killed Americans and is destabilizing the region." Furthermore, ISIS is gaining a following in the country. The report cites an email from Turkey-based BuzzFeed reporter Mike Giglio that highlighted his concern about the "level of ISIS support among the 1-million-plus Syrians living in Turkey. I don't see how they can successfully weed out ISIS supporters from among these refugees."
Schanzer said that as the suspected presence of ISIS inside Turkey increased, and with it support inside Turkey for ISIS and other extremist groups, it becomes that much more difficult for Turkey to do anything. "They've inadvertently created a mechanism that can yield blowback for them that could be extremely painful," Schanzer said. "You have a lot of people now that are invested in the business of extremism in Turkey. If you start to challenge that, it raises significant questions of whether" the militants, their benefactors, and other war profiteers would tolerate the crackdown
Impossible To Maintain
Tensions between Ankara and Washington won't dissipate "so long as Turkey tries to remain neutral with regard to ISIS while all of these things are happening on its border," according to Schanzer. Consequently, the report argues, Washington must find a way to work with Turkey. Outgoing Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel described Turkey as "absolutely indispensable" to the ISIS fight. Turkey would need to shut down the border, wrap up known nodes of Nusra and ISIS supporters, remove ISIS recruitment cells, and dismantle ISIS logistical operations inside the country. (Schanzer noted that the US or NATO could assist.)
Shortsighted? Maybe, but Russia has proven before – the 2008 financial crisis for example– that it can ride its resource rents through a prolonged economic slump. Higher oil price volatility and sanctions separate the current downturn from that of 2008, but Russia’s economic fundamentals remain the same – bolstered by low government debt and a large amount of foreign reserves. Moreover, Western involvement in Russian oil and gas plays is more pronounced than ever.

What is going on with RT today ? Who controls its editorial and prsentations. For three solid days I have had to bear the unbearable. To be bombarded with news and headlines and commentaries about ho " poor blacks" get killed by WHITE policemen in the USA. I switched off. This is not news, it is lampoonery, to what audience ? RT is another CNN copy cat, with a slightly different spin. Three days of utter propaganda presentations on behalf of blacks. To cap it all we had Oksana someone intervieweing the head of the international nuclear proliferation organization, the head was nothing more than a fat kaffir. RT today should call itself BRT. Berutsi
ReplyDeleteWhat RT is essentially doing is called "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". The Western news press does the same every time a homosexual is beaten up in Russia. Anyway, if you don't have anything smart to say please stay away from the keyboard.
DeleteGood post Arevagal jan,
ReplyDeleteOne thing though. Placing Bolshevism and Christianity in the same sentence in an attempt to compare them with democracy is misleading. Bolshevism was and remains materialistic, it denied the metaphysical and it was utopian of the terrestrial variety. We can build heaven on earth; absolute nonsense but one which the Enlightenment has spread to all corners of the world. Christianity did promise a better life for those who accepted its tenets but it never said a better life in the material world, it always emphasized the spiritual and everlasting life which we can access via Christ. This is markedly different from communism/bolshevism, and democracy.
I agree with you LG. However, you are missing the point I was trying to make. The point being: At different times in history different sociopolitical tools have been used to either keep the sheeple in order or to get the sheeple to rise. Culture (such as Hellenism or Westernization), religion (such as Christianity and Islam) and political movements (such as Bolshevism and Democracy) have been used and abused towards political goals. I am not judging the theosophical or socioethical values of Christianity. I am an Orthodox Christian and I support the propagation of Christian values in Armenian society. I am merely pointing out the fact that everything in human society can be weaponized and used towards political goals - and Christianity is no exception. For over one thousand years imperial Popes in the Vatican (the West of its time) used Christianity to subjugate and colonize lesser peoples around the world. Then, the same was done with communism. Now, the same is being done with Democracy.
DeleteWith that said, I personally see Democracy (as prescribed for developing nations by the political West) as one of the most destructive sociopolitical forces on earth.
I agree with your understatement, although idiots who completely uneducated would disagree with what you've said instinctively.
DeleteOne question that plagues me: South Africa was once a part of the Anglo-American bloc, so why did it end up as part of BRICS?
I would also like to point out that you're also right with regards to Serbia's shift towards Russia. However, one of my nationalistic minded Serbian friends had a rather negative comment about Tomislav Nikolic since he claimed that Nikolic was a sellout. I think it was indeed true that when Putin showed up in Belgrade, he got a more standing ovation than Nikolic, while the latter was actually booed by his own people.
On the other hand, I'm not sure about Japan and South Korea being a part of the Eurasian Union.
"This is a new era for Armenia's economy. Who will be next in the puzzle? What we know is that Japan and South Korea have no other option, US doesn't want to buy their products, and both would not want to be part of a Chinese economic sphere." - World and Armenia.
The problem with this statement though is that both Japan and South Korea are staunch US allies, and they also have US troops garrisoned on its soils. Yet if there should be a dispute over the island of Dokdo/Takeshima, the US might have to back its Japanese ally over its other South Korean ally.I do believe that if the US is pushed out of Eurasia, the SCO could play a huge role in the reunification of the Korean peninsula. After all, a unified Korea allied with Russia and China could put enormous pressure on Japan to ditch its US ally, though that might be unlikely.
As much as I have negative reception about North Korea though, they are surprisingly far sighted in terms of how Anglo-American-Zionist influence can damage a nation, both physically and spiritually. It is also no wonder why the North Korean regime is rather hostile towards Israel. On the other hand, there is one part of the Eurasian Union where they can take advantage of business opportunities that can connect them with East Asia: in North Korea, there is a place called the Kaesong Industrial Complex, built by the joint efforts of both Korean states. If Washington is pushed out of Eurasia and the two Koreas unite, Kaesong, along with Shanghai, Hong Kong and Singapore, could become the financial centers that Moscow could potentially use.
"Western civilization - the low quality Anglo-American-Afro-Jewish pop culture that has created an ignorant, selfish, materialistic, violent, vulgar and Godless society where apathy rules and perversions are rampant"
Western society is getting more depraved by the day. The extreme glorification of homosexuality as some "normal" and "desirable" thing is just one of many manifestations. And unfortunately, this repulsive absence of morality has penetrated into hte Armenian-American community as well. Long long are the days of quaint, conservative Armenian farmers and merchants. Instead we have a weaponized, politicized community embracing the ultraliberalism that the American-Jewish media promotes. Skim through the above Asbarez article and ask "do we need to see an 'Armenian Liberace' or watch a movie about a Parskahay drag queen drug addict"? Or do we need Serj Tankian, Atom Egoyan, Peter Balakian and others writing open letters to President Sargsyan to protest the fact that Armenia largely rejects homosexuality? Does such a community, or a nation composed of such individuals have a sustainable future?
The answer is NO, and the underlying phenomenon we are witnessing is very clear. Armenians who have been exposed to what now passes for western civilization have allowed it to corrupt them. God forbid that same "civilization" gains a foothold inside Armenia. It would be 1920s Bolshevism on steroids.
And consider that the most demented Armenian-Americans are the loudest voices pushing the west's regime change agenda inside Armenia. Take the case of Kevin Abrahamian, who authors anti-Putin and anti-Sargsyan diatribes on Asbarez and elsewhere. No surprise that he also happens to list that he is interested in men and women:
ps I was not aware that the fugly bitch who authored this crap was the wife of the Polish FM. The Slavs who are under Washington's control have no dignity whatsoever, both Warsaw and Kiev have top officials who are either foreign citizens or married to foreign citizens. The conflict of interest and corruption is on a massive scale.
Kevin Abrahamian supports my theory that people with deep rooted psychological problems (in his case, psychosexual disorders like homosexuality) often times become very enthusiastic activists for any form of "change" that promises to bring about social tolerance for such kinds of problems. It's a instinctual "survival strategy" that is also commonly seen amongst parasitical Jews. There are many cases of homosexual opposition activists throughout Armenian society. Asbarez's editor Ara Khachaturian is one. Arajinlratvakan's Arman Babajanyan is one. Karen Hakobian is one. There several others that I know are homosexuals but I don't want to talk about them. With that said, I suspect many, many more of such opposition types remain in the closet. When they come out of the closet in a place like Armenia, is it primarily to apply for asylum in a Western country.
DeleteDon't let anyone misguide the unwary. South Africa is still very much inside the Anglo American net. They may have become part of BRICS, it is understandable from SA's perspective, but the movers and shakers in SA economics and politics are not the ANC, Zumas or anyone else, but the Anglo American establishment and within that establishment the Juden hold complete sway. Of course they rule by proxies. Before a political candidate is anointed in the hustings, it must rigourously make a trip to the local branch of the Sanhedrin, then with his clean bill of a philo Juden proctor trek to Tel Aviv, don a kipa, bang the head against a wall, visit the Yashem and be fully certified as bonafide Juden operative. All the huge mining houses, owned lock stock and barrel by the Oppenheimers, Schlesinger etc , have co opted in their directorate boards all the former red dyed marxist gerrilla criminals. But now they have savored the caviar and cognac, they have stripped themselves of their marxist zeal and fire and have become obedient toads of the establishment. Instead of sporting kalashnikovs , they sport Cuban cigars, drive mercedez with sartorial chauffeurs, have fat bank accounts in Swiss Banks ( not in any BRICS Bank) and parade their white whore spouses. In South Africa itself, ask anyone what BRICS is and the answer would be building material. This is the reality today.
ReplyDeleteVery well stated, particularly the last part about South Africans not knowing what BRICS is.
DeleteSince we are on the topic of Jews once again... The following link is to an article in Hetq that discusses the Jewish role in the Ukrainian crisis. In it, the author cites a Jewish source to claim that Ukraine's chocolate king is Jewish -
ReplyDeleteՂրիմը եւ հրեական հարցը-1:
Great job Arevordi, I dont know how you do it but great job. I need a few days to finish reading your new work but quickly looking through it this very accurate comment you made caught my attention: "The main difference between our idiots and their idiots is that their idiots are in government whereas our idiots are in the political opposition"
ReplyDeleteView from the other side.
What a timely commentary, great job Arevordi. Cracks are appearing, western media is getting desperate with articles even americans see as propaganda pieces.
ReplyDeleteRussia's rise to an independent country was possible with Putin's strong hand and military reforms. Russia is surpassing Nato in many aspects now, as far as military is concerned. That is the backbone Putin can rely on. With Shoigu, Lavrov, Glaziev, Miller, Sechin, Fradkov, Petrushenko and Narishnikov they have assembled a good team. Medvedeev has learned his lesson as well.
We can expect Russia to pressure Turkey to open the border, and Georgia coming in line I think Armenia's future is looking good too.
Here is an interesting opinion
Here is 2 articles worth reading
ReplyDeleteI don't know how successful will Volen Siderov and the Bulgarian Ataka Party be should they try and launch a referendum on seceding from the EU and NATO. Although I know much about Nigel Farage's desire for Britain to secede from the EU, I don't know if it can be done.
ReplyDeleteDont know what to make of this...
There is a war in progress. Now Israeli jets have launched attacks near damascus. Where were the Syrian air defences.? As long as the Israeli can attack any country with impunity, they hold the initiative. I am expecting a response from Syria; not the diplomatic one of crawling and wailing to the UN. Where are the Syrian defensive networks. This whole thing is bizare. The question remains , how , when and if there is any statelet or state in the ME who is capable of defending itself against the Israelis. I am not refering to militia groups like Hezbollah. Soone or later Russia will have to intervene, by proxy or indirectly, just like the USA is doing now. I hope the isrealis jets launch attacks against turkish assets. Let's see what the turks are made of, besides their traditional braggadoccio and gaseous bluster. The Armenian riposte to Azerbaijan is still in the wings, following the downing of the helicopter. The reasoning is that " next time" Azerbaijan fractures an Armenian asset, then there will be a " disproportionate response". Next time.
ReplyDeleteIt's not the first time such air strikes were conducted against Syria, with the latter not retaliating. Syrian airspace was violated many times even before the crisis. The problem is the fact that if Syria retaliates, a major regional war will break out in the Middle East, for other countries and militias will join. For the time being, Syria and its allies are not risking that. By "for the time being" I mean since the end of the Six Day War (with the exception of Syrian and Israeli forces clashing in Lebanon during the civil war, outside of Syrian territory).
DeleteSo don't expect a retaliation just yet.
In the democratic miasma of the EU and its constituents vassals members referendums. plebiscites and democratic norms and values are non existent. In fact are verbotten. No vassal country in the EU will be permitted to go on a referendum. The state oppression paraphernalia is too strong and ruthless in these vassal states, dissent is crushed rapidly and efficaciously. Bulgaria is no different in form and shape than the rest of the EU puppet member states . In Greece the nationalist opposition has been ruthlessly culled of its leadership. In violation of its constitution, the nationalist party has been marginalized by political chicanery, deceit and corruption. If any nationalist movement poses a threat, the establishment reacts violently. In Athens, the Soros foundation for democratic endowment ( NGO)has its headquarters esconced in the Municipal buildings, under the patronage of the marxists scabious dog of its mayor. In Hungary, this guy Orban is a western puppet. Orban has now entered into an alliance with Azerbaijan, military and in other areas in solidarity with Turanian brotherhood. According to the " fake" nationalists in the Hungarian political canvass Hungary is loyal to its Turanian heritage ,and they consider themselves cousins-brothers of the Turks and Turklc tribes. As for Farage, here we have another loud fart and bombast capitalizing on the grievance vote. The UK will do what its zionist bosses thell them to do. Farage is a staunch zionist, and his UKIP is well funded by the Juden. It is a matter of controlling the government and its opposition.
ReplyDeleteYesterday, Krivopuskov Viktor Vladimirovich gave a lecture at the only Armenian school in Moscow, here are the highlights:
- he gave a summary of Russian-Armenian relations and future prospects
- he warned that Armenians are not active enough, that there is not one single Armenian advisor to President Putin, that in the past there were more than 20 high-ranking Armenian deputies in Russia (Soviet times) when the population was 0.5 million, and now there are less than 2 even though the population exceeds 3 million.
He was even on the wanted list of Azerbaijan because of his pro-Armenian stance. So how did the Armenian audience respond? They all attacked him.
- if Azerbaijan is spending millions for lobbying purposes and convincing Russians to support their cause, Armenians are attacking those who from themselves are pro-Armenian (typical Armenian mentality: Armenians and Azeri's together spread anti-Armenian information, Armenians and Azeri's together spread pro-Azeri information, just read a typical Armenian newspaper).
- the Armenians in the audience responded by saying that it is Russia's fault that there are no Armenians in high-ranking places; he responded that it is not like a "gift-card" and that Armenians need to be more active and work for it
- the Armenians criticised him / Russia for selling weapons to Azerbaijan; he mentioned that Russia has to take its interests into account and that if Azerbaijan did not buy it from Russia, they would buy it from another country. Moreover, he stated that for every weapon Azerbaijan obtains, Armenia gets a weapon to counter it, and that currently Armenia possesses the S400 system (yes, not the S300, but the S400).
- then an Armenian priest took the stage, spoke mostly in Armenian, then in very "rabiz" Russian, criticising him further, which caused the audience to be pleased, and all the teachers to praise the priest for "resisting Russian chauvinism" to show that you can not "mess" with Armenians
- He also mentioned that never in his life he witnessed a country / nation where such a majority openly feels so much (destructive) hate towards their country (Armenia) and authorities, which is very worrisome... and he admitted that it is very difficult for Russia to counter the information war-fare that is conducted by the West in Armenia, and that the US Embassy alone counts more than 250 registered vehicles in Yerevan
Anyway, how is planning an armed revolution on the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide going? Viva l'Armenie!
In sharp contrast to what Armenians do in the US: Which is to enthusiastically kiss the ass of every American official they can get their hands on.
DeleteIt's an upside-down turned world: Biting the hand that feeds, kissing the hand that beats.
Lobbying programs in Russia and abroad require strict coordination, direction and support from the higher echelons of the Arm. Govt. and should not be left to the whims of NGOs, journalists, nationalist, musicians, artists, and certainly not priests. I'd like to see the diaspora ministry and foreign ministry get their asses kicked into shape for failing at this function, and the non-diplomatic functions (ie all social NGO functions) of the US embassy severely curtailed.
DeleteI know one of your calls is to make Armenians realize that we can be in Russia what jews are in the west. Sorry to put it like this my friend but what you are saying is a pipe dream so forget about it. Our people just dont have what it takes. Look at history, Jews expertly live inside large powers like you say parasites and they use that power for jews advantage. Our people live like nomads always on the move around the world. And why Armenian community leaders are not speaking up against what preparliament's doing? No body like the corruption going on in government but armed revolution on April 24? This is crazy. I dont know how are we going to keep a country like this?
Ps: Read most of your analysis. Very good stuff. I had no idea about Turks wanting a "caucasian union" with Armenia in it. I didn't know your work goes back to 2008 and even before. I wish I found this blog earlier.
Hi Arto1,
DeleteWe Arto's seem to be on the same page, however I'd like to add something to your comment. When we speak of the Jews, or any other ethnic group, we should be careful to distinguish between the average person and the leadership. The Jews have an extremely well organized, well coordinated and well funded leadership. Some of it is visible but most of it is invisible. This has been around for centuries and is the ONLY reason behind their success. Lets look at Russia today and Russia 20 years ago. The difference again is due to the well organized patriotic leadership they have today. I've lived in 4 countries and traveled extensively to many other countries and can tell you through my observation that the Armenian people have a surprisingly high level of natural intelligence. Even the uneducated Armenian peasant is more intelligent than most university educated people in other countries I've met. By natural intelligence I'm referring to the their ability to deduct and reason, and their ability to understand complex problems. Their mind works in very complex ways. They also are highly emotional which has both positive and negative points. The point I would respectfully argue against you and Arevordi is that we don't have more stupid and self destructive people than anyone else. If anything the Armenian people have been able to ward off a color revolution better than most. We just don't have the right guidance under strong patriotic leadership which will channel peoples energies. In the absence of such a force, other parasitic forces jump in to fill the vacuum, hence the foreign funded NGOs. The morale of the people is far more important for a nation than adding another percentage point to the GDP based on flawed IMF formulas. It is true that our president and defense ministers have done a great job building defense and strategically aligning the nation in the right direction, and we should commend and support them in their actions, but we should also be ready to point out that the current failure to strengthen the morale of the people needs to be addressed. We have lots of potentially strong and patriotic leaders but their access to important positions of power is restricted because of the current political hierarchy and culture. The Russian gentleman Krivopuskov Viktor Vladimirovich is far more an Armenian patriot than many of the "businessmen" sitting in Armenia's parliament or serving as regional governors in Armenia. I know the argument is that it is from this peasantry that the leadership arises but I would beg to differ in that in every country a firewall is usually set up to allow only selected individuals to enter leadership position, and that this firewall is very much a component of political culture. For us I suppose it is a political culture which has both soviet roots and ultra-liberal roots from the LTP years. This is where the battle needs to be fought. We have no shortage of Sparapet Mkhitars, we just need to alter the political firewall to let them in.
We have to be hopeful. One day we will have strong, educated and intelligent people.
DeleteThat time is far, we now have armenian prostitutes working? In turkey.
that says a lot about Armenian national values and how far we are from being a nation, true nation. A nation that can sit and argue with Russians.
Arto jan,
DeleteTake this from one Arto to another,
You are looking at the world from personal eyes. You have not experienced Armenians enough. Armenians are so smart they will eat you live if they think you will be better than them one day. Armenian intelligence only works to power other nations. We need a few generations of independence, peace and maybe with some patriotic education after that we will have Armenians worthy of being called an Armenian. But like TK said that time is far for now because for now we are more like gypsies like Arevordi reminds us.
DeleteWho said Armenians are stupid? Armenians are sooooo smart that western mercs in Armenia openly threaten to kill Armenian officials on April 24 and we dont here not one voice of outrage from anywhere in our society. Very smart LOL! No seriously Armenian intelligence does not work for Armenians benefit it works for foreign intelligence (dont mind my pun) Like already pointed out deep jealousy, material worship and bad intentions to fellow Armenians is the reason why "smart" Armenians cant build a nation. Do you know that sorcery and putting evil spells on people "tuxtugir" is always booming business in Armenia? I agree with you we need a leader to rise and use Armenian intelligence for Armenian benefit. But how will we get one with all the intelligent Armenians pulling him down from all sides. Sorry for being cynical.
Longtime reader
Longtime reader,
DeleteActually your cynicism is very common in our community, and that is the problem. It is an emotional response that is learned behavior taught by our western funded media and propagated by our citizenry due to the reasons I described above. Please be careful not to fall into the vicious cycle. Typically emotional responses don't solve problems, they create them. All the symptoms you are describing only highlight what I'm saying. It will take time I know but we have to start on the right foot. And don't point out anecdotal things such as "tuxtugir" and present it as a common societal practice because I'm sure even you don't believe it is. Other than that I'm grateful to have this forum to exchange information. I've learned a tremendous amount from Arevordi and everyone else on this blogsite. I think I'll end my point here. Thanks
I thank both Artos for being here (for a while I thought you two were the same person who couldn't makeup his mind about what to call himself)
Please don't take this the wrong way but you have not accurately assessed the characteristics of our people in their natural setting (i.e. together in their homeland). Along with Arto1, I also suspect you have not experienced Armenians enough in your life. You will change your mind after extensive/intimate dealings with our people. Trust me on that.
Have you ever tried to organize anything with a group of Armenians? What you end up with is more problems than you started with. World famous classical music conductor Valery Gergiev (who is an Ossetian) worked in Armenia for a short time period in the early 1980s. In an interview he gave to an Armenian television program in recent years, he was asked for his impressions on Armenia/Armenians. He said after having worked with 200 Armenians (he was referring to the philharmonic musicians) he felt he was ready to run a country.
There is an Armenian saying: One Armenian is too little. Two Armenians is too much.
Having a society full of "intelligent" people is not always a positive thing for a nation-state if those with the intelligence do not posses other positive traits as well. Look at some of the most powerful nations on earth: Russia, France, Germany, Japan, China, US, Britain, etc. On average, the people that live in these nations (with the notable exception of US and Britain) are very intelligent but they are also a simple people that tend to mind their own business and instinctively seek leadership. Do you know of an Armenian that minds his or her business, wants to live simply and instinctively seeks to follow leaders, especially one that is Armenian?
There is another factor here that needs to be addressed. There is "intelligence" and there is "street smart". I think you are confusing the two. While there are many intelligent Armenians indeed, many more Armenians, the average Armenian today I dare say, tends to be more street smart than intelligent. How to fend for yourself is what Armenians excel at. This has its roots in historic circumstances. Being shrewd, clever, money smart, energetic, adaptable, etc, is a survival strategy bred within Armenians during the past one thousand years. You can argue that being street smart is a form of intelligence and I would agree. But being street smart alone - without a sense of nation/community - is not constructive in nation-building.
Look at Preparliament members: They are highly intelligent people [I even know a few of them] I don't even think they are "traitors" (at least in the literal sense of the word). But they are potentially very dangerous for one does the work of ten professional mercenaries. Preparliament members are so smart that they want to start a bloody revolution - on the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide! Worst yet, the Armenian general public is so smart that not a peep is heard. As Longtime Reader asked: Where is the public outcry?
Yes, we are very intelligent. But we are also arrogant, clannish, overly ambitious, overly competitive, overly ostentatious, overly envious, materialistic, cynical, gossip-prone and very emotional. These are the fundamental reason for our people's political illiteracy. In particular, arrogance, tribalism and emotions gets into the way of prudent political reasoning. Therefore, intelligence per se is not enough. Moreover, Armenian intelligence becomes a problems when you have large numbers of intelligent people living in a small and poor nation.
PS: It will be very difficult for "powerful leaders" to emerge in Armenian society. They will be torn apart along the way. This unique trait of ours is why we have historically not had a powerful leader. At the risk of pissing off many, I will dare say that Tigran the Great (who was ethnically a Parthian) was an anomaly during the past two thousand years. Throughout our history (post-Urartu period in particular) our kings feared our nakharars (feudal barons). It's no different today. The Armenian president today is not the most powerful man in Armenia. To maintain his presidential seat and his power, he has to deal with the "oligarchs," some of whom are more powerful than he is.
DeleteFor Armenia to give birth to its Vladimir Putin, Armenians first need to change some core values. Yes, a new breed of Armenian can be created in time through "social engineering". But, who is going to start the process, the chobans-in-Armani-suits currently in power or Western mercenaries vying for control?
I think for the foreseeable future it is up to individual Armenians like us to start that process. And let's realize that the best social engineering starts in the household.
"Firewalls" like the one you described gradually comes about after long periods of independence, prosperity, peace and stability - and if there is a collective consciousness for it (collective/instinctual realization of its need). All nations deserve the governments they have. If you immerse yourself in Armenian society you will see that many, if not most Armenians, are potential "oligarchs". You will also see that the supposedly hated oligarchs have considerable following amongst the people. Ask yourself, what has stopped an Armenian during the past twenty-plus years from taking a gun and shooting down one of the hated oligarchs? If the oligarchs were truly hated they would have been hunted down by vigilante groups a long time ago. Armenians of Armenia see themselves in the oligarchs they hate so much.
Thanks Arevordi,
DeleteJust a quick question however to clarify my thoughts. If we were an ungovernable people then how is it we can have a wonderfully organized, disciplined and structured military? Don't the same genetic and personality traits that make phenomenally brave and skilled soldiers also exist in the rest of society, and if so cant the rest of society also be governed to bring out their "soldierly" characteristics in the same way in day to day living? Sorry, I don't want to turn this into a sociology discussion but I was wondering if you had any thoughts you'd like to share regarding the military and our personality characteristics.
Arto jan,
DeleteMost self-respecting Armenians tend to approach this subject matter with emotional bravado and arrogance. I am, on the other hand, going to approach this subject matter very rationally and objectively - because the worst thing we can do as a people at this point is to overestimate our abilities and underestimate that of our enemies.
Wonderfully organized military? Perhaps. I am also impressed by their training and equipment. But, in reality, we wont know (and I hope we don't get to know) how good our military is until major hostilities begin. Thus far, all we have seen is muscle flexing on both sides. We won't know who is better until a major war begins. I don't want to find out.
Here is something to consider: Most sniper deaths that occur on the line-of-contact are because of indiscipline - soldiers sleeping on watch, exposing their bodies as they move around, smoking, talking loud, etc. Most injuries and deaths that occur between Armenians in the military are because of indiscipline - someone curses out someone else's mother and world war three breaks out.
With that said, I will also say that the Armenian military looks well organized and well trained for three fundamental reasons: 1) It is relatively small (most Armenian men avoid serving) and thus far easier to organize. 2) Russian military aid in the form of free weaponry and training. 3) Russian military culture that which - thank God - permeates the Armenian military.
Regarding Russian martial culture: One of the fundamental reasons why Armenians were successful against Azeris during Artsakh's liberation struggle was because Azeris had no combat experience during Soviet times, whereas many Armenians had fought in Afghanistan and many Armenians were part of combat units in the Soviet military. Many of these veterans became the core of Armenia's military.
Another factor that contributed to our victory was this: After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Moscow began seeing Armenia as a geostrategic asset and thus began sending large numbers of heavy weaponry to Armenian forces fighting in Artsakh. Another psychological factor was the "never again" syndrome - it was a romantic time with the Soviet collapse and a newly independent Armenia would not allow a second genocide.
These are the factors that led to our victory. Any future war will be fought under totally different factors and circumstances. Thus far, we Armenians hold the tactical advantage (mountainous terrain) and the strategic advantage (Russia's alliance). We must therefore do our best to maintain these advantages - which means we cannot give up any of Artsakh's mountainous territory and we must remain firmly allied to the Russian Bear.
PS: Genetically, peoples of the south Caucasus, including Azeris, are closely related. What primarily sets us apart from the rest is not genetics, it's culture. We have good and bad aspects to our folk culture. We need to move away from the slogan "vortegh hats anytegh kats" and move more towards "miayn zenqov ka Hayots perkutyun".
Arto2 jan,
DeleteRegarding "tuxtugir": It is in fact VERY common in Armenia and it reveals the true character of our society today. So common in fact, I just happened to come across this talk show about it last night. Please watch it. Sociologically speaking, it's very enlightening -
Interesting video, I liked what the priest and others had to say. However, why is a homo hosting the show? Why is this allowed on TV? This all goes back to the original point raised, Armenians are not running the country efficiently and correctly otherwise we would not have garbage on tv first and foremost those trashy soap operas.
Hayr Komitas is my favorite cergy. Every single public appearance he has is a spiritual and intellectual gem. I want to see him Katoghikos one day.
DeleteLay off that kid, he does a good job. Do you know if he is gay or are you making an assumption based on his looks/demeanor? I think he is just a "նուրբ մամաի բալա" (a delicate mama's boy). If he is gay, he is a closet one. As long as he stays in the closet, I don't have any problems with him.
Stop acting like a Taliban.
I don't know for sure whether he is a fag or not. But from his mannerisms it is quite likely that he is.
DeleteStop acting like a lefty :P
Every now and then a person emerges who so galvanizes popular opinion that he becomes the most idolized and admired person in the country. Naturally when this happens, the "people" call upon him to be their leader. The mythological Moses was such a person. So was George Washington (the people wanted him to be president for life). So was Hitler. So is Putin. Each -to a vast majority of his countrymen- is/was simply the best person to do the job.
ReplyDeleteThe Russian Czar was the most revered and popular person in Russia. But the war was going badly, no victory was in sight, and economic hardships were increasing. Less than 100,000 men were involved in the overthrow of the czar out of a country of 160 million. Based upon figures amassed by Lenin himself after he took control of Moscow and St.Petersberg, the Communist party numbered about 100,000. 80,000 of these were Jews. 98% of the Politburo were Jews. But, because they had the money to make things happen, the power and will to terrorize the Christians, and the organization to keep everyone in line and in a state of fear, the Communists won the ensuing Civil War.
Forces are at work within Russia intending to disrupt the economy and sew discontent among the population. They have set out to mold public opinion, not serve it. They will never be able to tear the "people" away from Putin; but they are counting on making such a mess of the economy that -like Morsi in Egypt- Putin can be seen as incompetent and stubbornly wrong-headed. Before that happens, I hope that they will be exposed, rooted out and imprisoned for their treasonous activities. The "west" will see this as a "pogrom", regardless of the facts or the situation.
The Zionists are at war with Putin as much as they were at war with Hitler, long before open warfare started in 1939. Whatever the costs entailed and however long it takes, they are confident that they will prevail this time as well.
Very well said, Anachronism,
DeleteProcesses that led to major wars against Russia during the last two hundred years are repeating today. In their zeal to belittle and attack Russia (by spreading anti-Russian disinformation via Western news media and film industry) they are inadvertently creating a mental-state (a political culture) in Western society that may yet prove very harmful for the Western political order. By failing to understand Russian mentality and underestimating Russian power and resilience, the West is making the same mistake Nazi Germany did during its height of power. This was somewhat expected since the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance is the direct successor to Hitler's Europe.
The West today has the same geopolitical aspirations as Hitler did some seventy years ago - minus the racial/cultural component.
With that said, I do not think the West is foolish enough to pursue a direct war with Russia. They may have had such an opportunity in the 1990s. They no longer do. Similar to what Western interests did back during early 20th century, they will instead attempt to manipulate/incite domestic issues in the country. Back then, they succeeded in toppling the Czar because the Russian Empire had run its course (it had fallen considerably behind European powers) and was ripe for collapse.
Today, it's a different story. Russia today is on its rise and in very good shape to resist. Don't mind financial/economic forecasts put out by Western institutions. They are all relative to interpretation. What truly matter are law enforcement, political unity, healthy employment rates and the affordability of food and products. Fluctuations in market prices or employment rates - up or down - is natural for they even occur in the West. As long as there are no sudden and/or drastic changes (no indicators suggesting any) Russia will whether the current crisis just fine. In fact, it will come out of this crisis better shape than ever.
Anyway, let's pray that the Russian nation will persevere in face of this great adversity for Russia is humanity's last hope. Russia is the last hope for preserving the western/European civilization, the traditional nation-state, the traditional-family and Apostolic Christianity. Russia is the last front against Globalism, Western imperialism, Islamic extremism, pan-Turkism and Zionism.
Thank you for reading, thank you for commenting.
Dugin lecture on Eurasia. (English)
Canadian TV on Dugin, I haven't watched it yet.
DeleteIsn't it sad that two Orthodox brothers (Russia was actually the direct successor of Byzantium) have to communicate in English?
DeleteI watched it. It's actually an intelligent presentation by Michael Millerman. But... Isn't it sad that even in Canada it's up to these two Jews to analyze political matters that pertain to Canada?
Yes, I just watched it too, kind of surprised Canadian TV showed program about Dugin. Unexpected, especially Millerman's opinion at the end of the show. Was also surprised reading the comments under the video. Generally I think Canadians are more literate than Americans. Not as much Hollywood culture and frosty winters made them sit home and read. LOL
DeleteInteresting data about real state of Russian economy from Russian source
In the backdrop of Western sanctions and falling oil prices, I strongly recommend everyone to read this eye-opening article based on documented facts and figures:
Armenian Human Rights Defenders Predict Harsher Environment
ReplyDeleteZoravar and TK,
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to geopolitical matters such as Russia we need to learn to ignore 'everything' we are told by Western "experts" or officials. The same applies to many Western assets residing inside Russian society for they are also trying to spread panic. Don't pay much attention to financial/economic forecasts put out by Western institutions because they are all subject to interpretation. Their data is tweaked/manipulated to get the kind of results they want you and I to see. 'Everything' we see, read and hear in mainstream Western news and television media is presented with some form of political spin. They are trying to create the perception in the West that Russian society is weak. They are trying to sow panic inside Russia. After all, much of Western power is based on hype - the fabricated perception that the Western world is the very center of the universe.
Ultimately, what truly matters in any country is law enforcement, military powers, political unity, healthy employment rates and the affordability of common foods and products. Some fluctuations in domestic market prices or employment rates is natural even in the best of times. Such fluctuations even occur in the West. In fact, if you take a close look at the US economy and you will find very severe problems. Anyway, as long as there are no sudden and/or drastic changes in Russian society (no indicators suggesting any) Russia will whether the current crisis just fine. In fact, it will come out of it in better shape than before.
PS: I think Kremlin officials are also trying to create the perception that Russia is seriously hurting as a result of Western sanctions and lower oil prices for two purposes - 1) To not encourage additional sanctions or additional measures to hurt the Russian economy 2) To rally the Russian people around its leadership and sow hostility inside Russian society towards the West.
Pepe Escobar's article:
ReplyDeleteRussia, Turkey pivot across Asia
I usually dont side with russians but last few years is really changing my mind because America is out of control. Putin is a very smart man and he is doing the right thing in India:
ReplyDeleteGet a load of this mans reasoning, what a fucking moron:
ReplyDeleteLongtime reader
He periodically get on a public platform and spews Russophobic nonsense to justify the salary he has been getting from Uncle Sam since his "dissident" years. With that said, it goes beyond money with him. He is mentally ill. He may have been raped while in Soviet prisons, which would explain his mental illness and hatred of Russians. Nevertheless, I agree with your description of him. To think that we have characters like him representing nationalism in Armenia is an embarrassment to our entire race.
DeleteArevordi, i just finished reading the entirety of this latest blog entry. It "delivered" to say the least; a nice summary and analysis tying together recent events. As always I enjoyed reading your psychological analysis of the various actors involved, including your description of how the western agenda attracts the freaks inside targeted societies like Armenia and Russia, the freaks who want (consciously or not) to destroy the existing, tradition-based social norms in order to form a degenerate, western-style society where they will more comfortable. You nailed it with your observation that Kevin Abrahamian is exactly this type of person.
ReplyDeleteI also want to comment on your point that many of Armenia's opposition like Pre-Parliament are not traitors in the true sense of the word, rather they are just dangerously delusional but well-meaning idealists. I have to concede this point as well from my own personal experience. All of the AYF people I knew, including ones openly calling for President Sargsyan's assassination during the Protocols era, were both "smart" (aka did well in school) and they thought they were acting in Armenia's best interests. I'm sure it was the same story with the utter failure that the "barevolution" as well. Not surprisingly, the twenty-something, university-educated "activists" had pretty much ZERO experience or education regarding Armenian geopolitics, and they had very poor critical thinking ability. Add to that that they were raised and successfully brainwashed by the Anglo-American-Jewish establishment, and had therefore internalized the subversive ideas that the system drills into the heads of the youth (democracy is good, homosexuality is desirable, interracialism is good, multiculturalism is good, feminism is good, religion is bad, establishment scientists never hide the dangers behind pharmaceuticals or GMOs, etc.). As much as these people frustrate me, I know they are mostly mislead pawns. It's the true traitors like alik arzumanyan that drive them into a frenzy in order to serve western goals. And sadly, sometimes they have to be put down with violence for the greater good of society.
Whether in diaspora or inside Armenia, the root of our problem is a lack of real leadership. Armenian-American organizations are often infiltrated by western intelligence, so there is no hope there (Armenian National Committee, Armenian Assembly of American, Armenian Youth Federation, Policy Forum Armenia, and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation among others). Not all Armenian-Americans are hopeless, but a good majority are as brainwashed as the average westerner by these groups that have reduced Armenianness to a myopic focus on "genocide recognition" from a government as corrupt and criminal as Washington. It's easy to criticize existing Armenian institutions like the government or Church for failing to provide effective and organized leadership, but it is a difficult task which they face. PreParliament and the likes of Shant Harutunyan would be public enemy number 1 if Armenian state TV and government organized youth groups publicized their crimes, called attention to the danger they pose, and publicly beat a few of them into submission... but instead we see that even the police and security services let these idiots publicly plan insurrections and call for riots, until something like Harutunyan's exploding a bomb in Yerevan occurs and they are forced to act. That alone proves that there is way too much freedom and democracy for such an underdeveloped society as Armenia.
Ps "one Armenian is too few, two Armenians are too many" LOL absolutely brilliant and sadly 100% accurate.
ReplyDeletePs 2 - "tuxtugir" - the most primitive, gypsy-like, backwards, superstitious, irrational, uneducated, and oftentimes selfish and bottom-class segments of Armenian society. People have a need to make sense of a world they don't understand, and so they make up and delude themselves into believing all sorts of ridiculous myths about supernatural powers. Ignorant people will naturally tend to believe this ridiculous stuff. I know a few myself that do it, not surprisingly these people are so stupid (and untrustworthy) that I wouldn't hire them to clean toilets. The best way in my opinion to combat this crap is top-down educational programs that teach Armenians not to act like 12th century peasants. I think the American equivalent of the role tuxtugir plays in Armenian society - although not as "evil" - is the new-age movements where gullible people fall for magic crystals, lay lines, aliens, and other supernatural phenomena; whatever they think will give them an edge over others. That so many Armenians want to use this supposed power to the detriment of other Armenians speaks loudly about one of our most pressing problems as a race.
Ps links of interest:
I don't know who Lasha Darkmoon is, but I enjoy her work. She has several interesting articles on Jewry.
A damning collection of links.
Old article, but it notes that Putin gave the British PM Armenian brandy, just like Stalin gave to Churchill. Imagine if a US president had presented a foreign guest with Armenian brandy, the diaspora would hail him as a hero to no end.
This isnt going to end well they are clearly escalating the crisis
Economic/financial sanctions; manipulating oil prices; saturating the Middle East with Wahhabi fanatics; arming the junta in Ukraine... These are drastic measures, as well as signs of desperation. They see the rise of a power that threatens their global hegemony. Since they are powerless militarily and politically, they are resorting to use their most powerful weapon of mass destruction - the Dollar - to hurt their enemies. And look at the affect the Dollar WMD has had: With a little tweaking of a single lever, they have been able to do significant damage to targeted economies around the world. Their hope is to damage the Russian economy just enough so that their forces of "democracy" would be able to incite sociopolitical unrest or a revolution.
DeleteThis approach reminds me of how a little over one hundred years ago Jewish Bolsheviks murdered a major Czarist reformer to stop the economic/financial situation of the Russian Empire from improving to lay the groundwork for a bloody revolution which was eventually realized several year later -
Assassination of Pyotr Stolypin:
Recent world events should be a wake up call to humanity. Westernization and Globalism is a grave threat to the civilized world. Humanity desperately needs multipolarity in world affairs. This is why the Anglo-American-Jewish political order has to be defeated. The US Dollar is being pushed around the world as a highly addictive narcotic. As long as we are dependent on it, it will control us. THIS IS WHY NATIONS OF THE WORLD NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT LIMITED EXPOSURE TO THE WEST MEANS A BETTER CHANCE AT SURVIVAL IN THE LONG TERM.
Last week they quietly set the stage for arms deliveries to Ukraine when they quietly pass this law -
America on “Hot War Footing” as House Paves Way for War with Russia:
Yes, we seem to be heading towards a major confrontation indeed, unless factors pushing the world towards another world war somehow changes. In the mean while, Russia needs to begin restructuring its economic and financial system, tighten its belt and wait this one out. The last thing Moscow should do now is to lash out militarily in Ukraine, which is what the West wants. In reality, Western arms in Ukraine will not have much of an impact on Novorossiya. If the US goes through with its threat, Moscow will begin arming pro-Russian rebels with sophisticated weaponry.
If US goes through with its threat to arm Kiev, Moscow should also respond by supplying sophisticated weaponry to Syria, Iran and Hezbollah - and have Armenian forces put an end to the BTC pipeline in Azerbaijan.
Once more, I would like to point out the dangers of economic and financial integration with Western powers. Being dependent on Western trade and money is like putting your body on a life support system the controls of which are in the hands of those who do not care whether you lived or died.
With the Pivot to Asia that the US is currently doing, would the Americans be arming anti-Chinese factions in Asia the same way they're arming the Kiev regime?
DeleteOne of the best articles I have seen so far about the subject of falling oil prices:
ReplyDeleteDid you see CNN special report Road to Armenia?
Did I see it? Yes I did. And did you see the honorable CIA representative in Yerevan casually chit-chatting with a couple of young chicks in the background of that trendy cafe where Armenia's Westernized youth congregate? Isn't it interesting that he was there, almost subliminally?
DeleteWhat did I think of the program? Shallow/Western crap presented, as always, with a touch of honey. But I am pretty sure American-Armenians had a one big, collective orgasm over it.
The best part of the show was probably the first few minutes or so when they talked about Tumo and Armenia's love of chess. The rest of the program was your typical Western view of a backward nation, presented with your typical Western spin. The entire thing was basically a celebration of Westernized Armenians and the promotion/encouragement of Armenia's further Westernization. Very worrying in my opinion because they are targeting the new generation. THEY ARE SOWING SEEDS. I have been warning about this for many years.
Remember how they started the show by saying Armenia/Armenia's youth is moving away from the Soviet past? Wait a minute: Why celebrate moving away from Armenia's Soviet past? First, the Soviet past was a very important chapter in our nation's history for Armenia exists today due to its Soviet past and Yerevan is a metropolis today due to its Soviet past. Second, was the Soviet system ALL BAD? There was nothing positive in the Soviet period? As if Westernization is ALL GOOD?
Why couldn't the person/persons who wrote the script for the program say: "Armenians today want to preserve some of the more positive aspects of the Soviet system as they adopt some of the finer aspects of Westernization"... Or something to that effect.
By presenting items with subtle/inconspicuous Western spin, the "news agency" in question is not "reporting" it is CONDITIONING people's minds. And because CNN has a reputation around the world that is larger than life, its programming conditions even the minds of those who are well educated. In short, such Western style reporting is meant to create PERCEPTION. And as we all know, PERCEPTION IS REALITY.
Anyway, as a video expose on our nation, it utterly failed to give the viewer a real glimpse/taste of Armenia and Armenian civilization. There is so much they could have put in the half hour instead of jazz clubs, American-Armenians living in Yerevan and a chubby British-Armenian bimbo with a weird accent.
I'm sorry if I ruined you viewing pleasure. Honestly, I did not like the show. Want to see what a real video report on Armenia should have looked like, watch this by RT:
Armenia: 20 years post-Soviet (1/2):
Armenia: 20 years post-Soviet (2/2):
LOL I figured you would say something along these lines. I looked at the CNN program as better than nothing. It put Armenia on the map for ignorant people around the world. I did not see the RT program before but I agree it was done much better than the CNN one. I liked RT's coverage of the genocide and they even mentioned NKR has been Armenian populated since "time immemorial" and that Stalin gave it to Azerbaijan in 1921.
Info you guys here will appreciate:
ReplyDeleteRussian arms sales soar on domestic spending:
Слава России!
DeleteRussia has surrended selling out east Urkaine. Enjoy Eurasian union and the Russia Holocaust denial laws you will be getting with it. Pathetic
ReplyDeleteYou sound like an idiot.
DeleteBeing that I have a deep distrust towards Armenians in matters relating to politics and nation-building, in all seriousness, I cannot blame Russians for not trusting Armenians either. Therefore, this survey result did not surprise me -
ReplyDeleteSurvey: Armenia, Azerbaijan enjoy almost the same level of trust among Russians:
In my opinion, this survey result is indirectly related to the flawed foreign policy approach by official Yerevan during the past twenty years known as "complimentary politics". Distrust from your closest ally - and your only lifeline - is what we get for saturating Armenia's political landscape with Western operatives. [The way a lot of our compatriots carry themselves in the Russian Federation is another factor, but that is a different discussion] Instead of using our already limited resources in advancing issues relating to Armenia within a nation that so happens to be the hegemon in the Caucasus, our leaders have been busy enthusiastically frolicking with Western reptiles with the hopes of lining their pockets with a few Dollars.
For years I have been warning about the near total absence of organized Armenian lobbying efforts in the Kremlin.
For years I have been warning that Turks/Azeris are actively engaged in organized lobbying efforts the Kremlin.
For years I have been warning that all of the pro-Armenian policies coming out of Moscow have been initiated by Russian officials without much if any official Armenian input or encouragement because Armenian officials have been too busy begging for attention from Washington and Brussels.
For years I have been warning that we are failing to understand and fully appreciate the strategic importance and the great potential of our historic alliance with the Russian Federation, as well as failing to understand the serious dangers of Yerevan's continued flirtations with the political West.
For years I have been warning that the majority of Armenian politicians in Armenia's political arena are either pro-West, West-leaning, bought by the West or can yet be easily bought by the West, and that Armenia is an ally of Russia today merely as a result of a handful of people in Armenia - namely the Karabakh clan.
ReplyDeleteI find it revealing that even the British are privy to the fact that Armenians in Russia are dropping the ball when it comes to collectively lobbying the Kremlin to pursue a pro-Armenia policy. This is troubling.
(Part 1 of 2) I tried to leave the following comment. Let's see what assbarez's censors do.
DeleteSarkis says:
December 16, 2014 at 2:52 am
The dying nation of the Anglo-Saxons never fails to insult the Armenian nation. The filthy English scum who authored this report took every opportunity they could to insult the Armenian nation – using quotations to call into doubt the Armenian Genocide; using other insulting euphemisms; criticizing the Armenians who seek recognition of the Armenian Genocide; and questioning the liberation of Artsakh and its de facto independence from England’s oil-rich buddies in Baku. The shameless English trash pretend that it is only the Diaspora in the west which cares about the Armenian Genocide, which is complete bull because the Armenian state and Armenians everywhere including the diaspora in Russia, the CIS, South American and the Middle East fight for justice for the Armenian Genocide. The charlatan who wrote this garbage pretends that the Russian-Armenians allegedly “do not care” about the Armenian Genocide when in reality the Russian government recognized the Armenian Genocide decades ago and therefore Russian-Armenians do not have to beg or protest for their government to recognize the Armenian Genocide, unlike the British, American and Israeli governments which go to all ridiculous lengths to protect their NATO brothers in Ankara. President Putin visited the Armenian Genocide Memorial in December 2013, and believe me the most powerful man in the world did not visit Tsitsernakaberd because of any lobbying pressure, he did so because he is the upright, moral, Orthodox Christian leader of a country which sees tiny Armenia as its strategic ally in the vital South Caucasus region. Additionally, the author pretends that Russian-Armenians are largely “apolitical” because they are migrant workers, when in reality all migrant worker Armenians – including those in Europe – are as active and concerned about the Armenian Genocide, it’s just that poorer migrants tend to lack the resources and time to put together large lobbying groups. This trash is not even worth commenting on.
Is it not interesting and enlightening that after dozens of insults and denials of the Armenian Genocide, the author then bemoans the fact that the diasopra is supposedly not active enough in “internal governance/democracy-building issues within Armenia”. Firstly, what nation in the world allows non-citizens to meddle in its internal governance? Interested Armenian patriots from the Diaspora is free to move to Armenia, get dual citizenship and then partake in nation-building and internal Armenian politics, but its silly to think nonresident non-citizens should have a voice in internal Armenian affairs. Let’s face the facts here: the British know that “democracy” (ie political empowerment of the lower, uneducated, and often self-destructive classes) in underdeveloped societies like young Armenia would open Armenia up for meddling by wealthy western governments and intelligence agencies. Look at what they did to open democratic Iran under Mossadegh the 1950s to get a picture, or the terror they unleashed in open and democratic South American nations to get a clear picture. The British know that if Armenia were a “democracy”, the clandestine operations they have tried to pull, like the regime change they were caught on tape planning with Arthur Baghdasaryan in 2007 would likely be much more successful.
(Part 2 of 2)
DeleteThe facts are clear: British Petroleum built the pipelines from Azerbaijan through Saakashvili’s Georgia, bypassing Armenia and heading to Turkey, which in turn transformed a bankrupt Azerbaijan in 2004 to a multi-billion dollar petro-state. Britain is the closest ally of Turkey in Europe, a brotherhood of genocidal NATO nations. Britain goes to great lengths to deny the Armenian Genocide, even further than the US and on the same level as Israel and Turkey. The British Museum presents ancient Armenian heritage under the nonexistent category of “ancient Turkey”. And these are just the tip of the iceberg.
Thank God our tiny Armenia is protected from these Anglo and Turkish vultures by the Orthodox Christian superpower that is Putin’s Russia. It’s a shame that the only true segment of this filthy report is that Armenians in Russia are not engaged in truly lobbying the Kremlin to their full potential. In fact almost all of the pro-Armenian activity we see from Russia is from the Russian initiative, rarely from the Armenian. I hope balance returns to the Russian-Armenian community as they finish establishing themselves inside post-Soviet Russia. God Bless our Armenian Fatherland, God Bless Mother Russia and President Putin and his government, and God protect the strategic alliance between our two fraternal, Orthodox Christian nations from all enemies both foreign (like the British) and domestic (British agents inside our societies like giorgi “azeri film festival in Yerevan” vanyan)!
ReplyDeleteSummary: article discusses how the west has artificially propped up the dollar and lowered gas and gold/silver prices, and how Russia still gets paid in dollars around the world for its exports, which has resulted in Putin pulling another judo move and using his in-dollar profits to buy up as much physical (not paper) gold as possible. Russia bought more gold last year than the rest of the world combined. Russia has doubled its gold reserves from 2008 to 2014. And while in the 1980s low energy prices caused the idiot Gorbachev to sell off the USSR's gold, in the 2010s low energy prices have allowed Russia to increase its gold reserves. Also the article points out that while the west can continue to exist in the current system as long as it has gold, it is fucked when its reserves begin running low, which they inevitably will.
Basically, as Arevordi, and the articles posted by Zoravar and others have pointed out, all of hte available economic data is open to interpretation and more importantly to spin/manipulation. The west has been shooting itself in the foot for decades, offshoring its manufacturing jobs, importing millions of unproductive third-world trash which end up on the welfare system, turning its financial markets into unregulated casinos, and indebting itself through endless wars. Sanctions and manipulation of commodity prices is only going to end up hurting the corruption-ridden western economies more than anything else, Europe first and the "Estados Unidos Americanos" right after.
Very interesting article Sarkis. Very eye-opening. Certainly non-mainstream but very valuable information. It is also reassuring. It would be wise if the average person in Russia read and understood all this, since we're hearing people are panicking in Moscow.
DeleteI have a question that may sound simple but I would like to be sure. If I'm not mistaken, Arevordi has mentioned a few times about how Armenia has either sold its gold reserves or has reduced the gold prices, thanks to Tigran Sargsyan. In either case, that means that the Dram is more dependent and vulnerable on the US dollar, correct?
DeleteIn the early and mid 2000's when western-trained "economist" Tigran Sargsyan was head of the Central Bank of Armenia, he engineered a policy of artificially propping up the value of the Dram by secretly selling off Armenia's reserves of gold and foreign currency, while publicly denying any interference in the Dram's exchange rate. Subsequently, when he ran out of reserves or was otherwise instructed to end this policy, overnight he announced that the CBA he was heading had in fact been selling reserves to prop up the currency, and that this would now end. So the Dram, which had since introduction been about 500-550 dram = $1, dropped by 2007 to about 306 dram = $1. Suddenly on March 3, 2009, with absolutely no prior warning, the dram fell from 305 to almost 380 against the dollar. Needless to say, Armenia's poorer citizens were screwed by the western-trained assholes policies.
This might help partially explain why the lower, uneducated, and self-destructive segments of Armenian society appear to hate their country so much: they are not sophisticated enough to understand that western-trained economists have designed the policies that have raped them so badly since independence, so they just assume that the President is a thief who steals everything and gambles it away in foreign casinos, or that "oligarchs" stole everything, "yerkire yerkir chi", the "Karabakh clan", and other shit they are programmed to think by the "independent media" and NGO assholes.
ReplyDelete"Pro-Armenian" clown joe biden to light the 40-foot menorah in front of the White House. Separation of Church and State flies out the window when America's ZOG addresses a jewish issue.
No more backdoors for Russia! Funny how revelations that Uncle Sam spies on an ally like the German Chancellor results in no changes in German policy, while Russia is working to develop some technological independence.
ReplyDeleteThe ruble's going down in value though against the US dollar, so how can Russia tough this one out?
Another article:
Would this actually be a smart move though?
ReplyDeleteMore proof that the west is dying.
Recent actions against Russia is the follow-up to what Kerry promised a year ago when he said - "We won't hesitate to use 21st century tools to hold Russia accountable for 19th century behavior".
ReplyDeleteTheir "21st century tools" is in fact a Weapon of Mass Destruction created in the mid-20th century - the US Dollar as global reserve currency and a currency with which international trade and financial transactions are conducted.
The thing Russians cannot do right now is panic. Overall, they seem to be doing well thus far. News reports about people selling their Rubles and buying Dollars or Euros are mainly about Muscovites. Let's recognize that all the news items and official statements coming out of the West is geared specifically to cause panic within Russia. In response, the Kremlin has been doing a great job by characterizing recent events as Western aggression against the Russian homeland. Russian are a deeply patriotic people. The effort by Kremlin officials has to continue.
Yes, things will get difficult in the short-term as commodities prices rise somewhat. In the meanwhile, however, Moscow will be restructuring its financial and economic sectors to limit its exposure to Western powers in the future. As I have been saying -
Recent world events should be a wake up call to all of humanity. Westernization and Globalism is a grave threat to the civilized world. Humanity desperately needs multipolarity in world affairs. The Dollar is being pushed around the world as a highly addictive narcotic. As long as nations of the world are dependent on Western trade and money, Western powers will control humanity. This is why the Anglo-American-Jewish political order has to be defeated. THIS IS WHY NATIONS OF THE WORLD NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT LIMITED EXPOSURE TO THE WEST MEANS A BETTER CHANCE AT SURVIVAL IN THE LONG TERM.
The most important challenge facing humanity in the 21 century is the killing of the Dollar as a world reserve currency. This has to be spearheaded by the Russian nation for there is no one else within the human society that can do this. Some of the other important things Moscow will be doing in the coming months is making electronic money transactions and money transfers between Russia and nations within its orbit free of Western institutions -
Haypost, Russian Post sign agreement to implement “Forsage” money transfer system:
Russia to launch alternative to SWIFT bank transaction system in spring 2015:
Russia launches China UnionPay credit card:
Russia Gets Ready for Life Without Visa and MasterCard:
The End Of An Era: Is The US Petrodollar Under Threat?
People simply do not comprehend just how much control Western powers have over the world. THIS HAS TO CHANGE. The painful yet sacred process to lessen Western control over humanity has now been started by Mother Russia. There is no going back. This battle to save mankind from Anglo-American-Jews has to continue. Once more -
In this historic battle against the Beast, the great Russian nation has my admiration and my support.
They did the same before approach world wars one and two. They are pushing Russia into a new european war.
DeleteI wish I had the money because this is a good time to buy rubles.
Our government has carried out a faux pas , inexplicable is the invitation to the grandson of the genocidist Djemal to visit Armenia and discourse at the University ,where he claimed his dissertation was received with applause. In the same vein he also criticized Armenians fo being nationalists. The grandson of this brazen murderer ostensible got his invitation because in one of his latest books he " mentions the word genocide" for the crimes and tragedies heaped upon Armenians. The writer also adds that his grandfather was murdered by " Armenian bandits". He insults gratuitously the memory of the heroes who exacted justice by disposing of this unspeakable murderer of a race. Interestingly in his book he also has some vignettes on the Karabagh war, where he lambast the Armenians as having invaded and usurped the Karabakh terriroties. This is scandalous. How did this grandson of a murderer managed to contrive an invitation to come to Armenia and speak to University students ? I am appalled at the passivity of the students and their attitude of genuflecting and paying obeisance to a writer who cajoled his way in by having used the word genocide; This grandson of a genocidist having used the "word" got his visa to stomp into Armenia and roam freely into University and peddle his book, insult our history by describing our justice redeemers as " bandits" and categorizing us as aggressors and usurpers of our own lands. Admitedely he appears to have been taken to Dzidzernapert, but that is not sufficient for a Turk to set foot on Armenian soil. Those persons who invited this grandson are solely to blame for this unfelicitous charade. The work of ingorant buffoons bordering on treachery.
ReplyDeleteThe Juden declared war to Nationalist socialist Germany in 1933, instituting boycots of german goods and escalating into sanctions and currency apostacy. Germany became an autarky and disengage herself form the Juden financial monetary system . This did not go down well with the Hebraic international; their reaction culminated with the total destruction of the Dritten Reich. In the closing days of the war, the Germans tried a negotiated peace with the Allies by offering to rescind their autarchy and became part of the international money-banking system.
ReplyDeleteUSA did the same thing to Japan, boycotts, sanctions and limit the sea lanes in the pacific.
Sanctions and boycotss is the Juden's prelude to overpower and subdue its enemies, failure of this method is followe up with open hostilities leading to war.
Russia is being accorded same prescriptions. They seek Putin;s removal and the reinstatement of their hegemony through political stooges like Gorbachev, Yeltsin, etc. They think they can topple Putin. We shall wait and see, the core of the problem is not the implosion of the Russian economy, that happened in 1998 already. The key to the campaign of vilification, slander and destruction of the economy is the consequential actions taken by the Putin's Russia. Against national socialism the Juden brought the war upon Hitler and then accused the German leader of having started it all. The Japanese were conrnered in such a way that their only way out was to strike and break the stranglehold, the war was also brought upon their island nation. Prior to that the Juden also applied sanctions and boycots to Mussolini's Italy, when the Italian began marching on Ethoipia, There are many more examples, the strategy of the Juden international is to weave a web and trap its opponents in falling into it through their consequential actions. The world is run by the Juden and its acolytes, the nations of the so called " West". Any challenge , real or perceived to their hegemony is not tolerated. The USA dollar, they say is in its death throes . Strangely enough for the Dollar to be gaining in value whilst being tended in its death bed ? Ultimately the series of events will play out to lure Putin's Russia into making serious moves to break the financial monetary stranglehold. Putin's Russia can , and has the capability , of going on the autarchy path and face up the reality of an eventual war. War will come to Putin;s Russia. It is up to Putin how he responds to the mortal threat. It is a choice of an independent national sovereign Russia, or a Russia as a loyal member , firmly immersed in the international money Banking system, in other words a vassal of the Judaic tribesmen.
Very well said.
DeleteThis is, however, a different world. Their effort to subdue a rising giant will backfire this time. After all, Russia has the military capability to turn London, Washington, New York and Tel Aviv into a blazing inferno... even without the use of nuclear bombs.
Putin's 2014 Q&A marathon LIVE UPDATES
The west is experiencing great Schadenfreude over the temporary hardships that the Russian economy is facing as Russia reorients itself away from the western-controlled system. The mainstream media seem intent on deluding the brain-dead simpletons who still get their information and views from them that "Russia is paying the price for its actions in Ukraine". The MSM has been trying to pass off the lie the Russian liberation of Crimea was merely "Putin bullying his neighbors", supposedly ordinary Russians don't support reunification with Crimea or at least are unwilling to bear the economic costs (exact same bs the west claims regarding Armenia and Artsakh) . Who are these Kikemedia scum trying to fool? I'm pretty sure the Russians look at the reunification with Crimea the same way that Armenians look at reunification with Artsakh, or maybe Javakhk, Nakhichevan or Kars. Color revolutions work against weak governments that generally have recently lost territory (Serbia had lost Kosovo, Georgia had lost Abkhazia and South Ossetia). I'm pretty sure most Russians are euphoric that, after the losses of the Gorbachev and Yeltsin periods, Putin came along and liberated Chechnya and Crimea, and for the most part de facto liberated all of Novorossiya while kicking NATO out of the CIS. To cut a long story short, the western elites can shove their hopes for a regime change in Russia up their ass, which most westerns enjoy doing anyway these days.
There are of course a few self-destructive people who view territorial expansion as a bad thing. In the US for example, there exist a shockingly large number of White Americans who have been trained to cheer whenever they hear that Whites are on their way to minority status, and that the process is already complete in parts of the Southwest including parts of California. I guess such Americans have their counterparts among a very small segment of Moscow's population (the NGO crowd that the US marshaled for a protest only a few weeks ago). Same types exist in Yerevan in the form of the anti-"Karabakh clan" degenerates. But these people are easily contained if the country has competent security services and leadership.
All of that being said, I hope and suspect that Russia will unleash a very unpleasant surprise on the west soon enough. Maybe something economic, involving gold, or maybe something else. The US economy is not as strong as is claimed, an external shock would deepen the already existing recession that it is in. In fact, here's the power of the media to frame people's thinking. Holiday sales were pretty disappointing this year, Black Friday and Cyber Monday spending were the lowest in years, and frankly the retail scene is abysmal with stores closing all over the country. This is because retail is obviously consumer-driven, and consumers are broke, which is bad news for a consumption-based economy like the US. Yet the MSM would have you believe the US is out of recession, while Russia is on the verge of collapse.
Yet another historic Q&A session by President Putin -
ReplyDelete"After the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union dissolved... we were totally open to our partners but what we saw was that they directly supported terrorists in the Caucasus, in the northern Caucasus. I am not going to go into details at the moment but do partners act in such a way?"
“Russia in the 1990s completely stopped the long-range bomber flights that the Soviet Union used to carry out. But American strategic bombers with nuclear weapons still flew. Why? Against whom? Who was being threatened?”
"Our economy will overcome the current situation. How much time will be needed for that? Under the most unfavorable circumstances I think it will take about two years"
“And you are telling now that we have an aggressive policy? Do you have common sense? Do we place our troops at US borders? Who is placing NATO troops, military infrastructure closer to us? Does anyone listen to us, talk to us about it? No, nothing. There is always the same response: it’s not your business,”
“We are not attacking anyone in the political sense. We are only defending our interests… The displeasure of our Western partners, particularly the Americans, comes from that.”
"Sometimes I think maybe it would be better for our bear to sit quietly, rather than chasing piglets in the forest. To sit eating berries and honey instead. Maybe they will leave it in peace? They will not. Because they will always try to put him on a chain, and as soon as they succeed in doing so they will tear out his fangs and his claws. Once they've taken out his claws and his fangs then the bear will be no longer necessary. He'll become a stuffed animal. The issue is not about Crimea. The issue is that we are protecting our sovereignty and our right to exist"
Is the West is self-mutilating just to hurt Russia?
ReplyDeleteUK oil industry ‘close to collapse’ as price plunges below $60 per barrel:
Canada’s currency at 54mo low as oil prices collapse below $60:
Wheat Climbs to Highest in Almost Seven Months on Russia Concern:
I juest read in an article in a spanish news pamphlet( with a leftist orientation and quasi marxist). The articlec spoke in glowing terms about this development, short of an effusive flattering to Mr. Putin . The article read " Since Vladimir Putin became president the Muslims in Russia have erected 7500 mosques, or slightly more than 1 per year. A statisitc which the Islamic countries can take great pride but one that may disturb some of Putin's supporters who beleive that he is committed to making Russia more Russian".
DeleteI am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you asking a serious question and that you are genuinely concerned about the topic.
DeleteWhat do we want the Kremlin to do, ban Islam and open a whole new conflict front right inside Russia? Do we want the Kremlin to give Westerns powers the perfect opportunity to foment an Islamic uprising right in the Russian heartland?
A good 10/15 percent of Russia's population today is either Muslim or of Muslim heritage, most of these are of Turkic ethnicity. Not only that, Russia's Muslims are native to Russian territory. Russians have had to live along side Muslims for the past one thousand years. Historically, the Russian Empire did its best to have good relations with its Muslim subjects. Historically, Russia's Muslims minded their own business and lived quietly under Russian rule. There have been at times isolated uprisings by radical Muslims, but these were put down by the state every time. The last thing Russia needs today is to radicalize its entire Muslim population.
Russia has no choice but to allow freedom of worship for its Muslim population. The same can be said of Jews. President Putin has also been allowing Jews to build Synagogues and community centers.
With that said, in the big picture, Islam the religion per se is not the problem. The problem with Islam today is the radicalization of Islam by Anglo-American-Jewish global cartel and their allies in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
With that said, the Kremlin has been supporting Russia's Christian Orthodox Church on a state level. Christianity is Russia's state religion. Christian symbols are state symbols in Russia. Christianity is part of ethnic Russian identity. The power and influence of the Russian church today is increasing at such a fast pace that Western observers have been sounding the alarm about Russia's Christian/conservative transformation. And the number of churches in Russia have increased in the tens-of-thousands.
The main point being: Orthodox Christianity is deeply embedded in the Russian identity. Russia's Muslim population have always been treated like well respected guests. However, with so many Muslims living in Russia, there will be the potential for problems for the foreseeable future, especially now that radical Islam has been weaponized by Western powers. That's a problem and something that the Russian authorities cannot take their eyes off of.
All nations, great and small, have their internal problems. Russia is no different. Efficiently managing its Muslim (and Jewish) population is a fate that Russians have to deal with. The Kremlin seems to have a good working formula in this regard. Let's hope it stays that way.
I don't know if this article should be taken with a grain of salt:
Recently, the US and Cuba have made a breakthrough in their foreign relations, thanks to the mediation of the pope. Although would it actually lead to a color revolution in Cuba once the US lifts sanctions?
Jerriko (not logged in)
If Havana opens their borders to the US unconditionally (i.e. allowing US corporations, US banks, IMF, USAID a free hand in the country) Cuba will be in more danger than it has ever been. While the past fifty years may have been bad for Cuba, the next fifty may be terrible. I am also wondering if increased Russian activity in the area had anything to do with Washington's decision. With that said, I have not been paying much attention to US-Cuban relations. So I will refrain from making any further comments.
DeleteThis is yet another example of the US taking a shit on the wishes of its own citizens. Most Cuban-Americans are against the normalization, particularly since the castro brothers are still in power. Nothing will change in Cuba other than the commie regime staying in power. Look at China and Vietnam. The US normalized ties with them and communism is still alive. The truth is that the Americans only see $ signs. They don't give 2 shits about democracy or human rights.
DeleteTo Cuban Americans I can now only say, 'now you know how Armenian-Americans feel every April and every 4 years during presidential elections. False promises each and every time!
Lo and behold, I just came across this article last night -
DeleteRevealed: Russia’s Tu-95 Nuclear Bombers Scare US, Obama Lifts Sanction On Cuba:
Makes sense, as far as I'm concerned. With Russia's growing presence in south America, it was inevitable that Washington would make a move on Cuba.
DeleteHave you seriously given your comment any thought? I don't understand your newly found hate towards Havana. Is Havana any more corrupt that the wonderful "non-communist" states of Columbia or Mexico?
You comparing Washington's very intimate relationship with its Cuban population for the past fifty years with Washington's perennial refusal to recognize the Armenian Genocide makes absolutely no sense whatsoever! Every year for over fifty years Washington "recognized" the Cuban embargo whereas every year Washington has refused to recognize the Armenian Genocide.
Isn't it clear to you that a certain faction in Washington has wanted to lift the embargo because it has not worked? Russia's growing presence in the region may have finally tipped the scale.
Now, how do you comparing/equate Washington's most recent decision to lift the embargo with its decades long refusal to recognize the Armenian Genocide? And are you sure a majority of Americans support Washington's criminal embargo on Cuba? Do you have any statistics to support this claim?
By the way, anti-Castro Cuban-Americans are a disgusting bunch of animals. You either have not met any or met one or two that made a good impression on you. I suggest you look into the nature of that community a bit further. In character, they are not much unlike the "pro-Shah" freaks of the Persian community in the US or our pro-West freaks...
The Cuban-American filth in question (much like some of our American-Armenian filth) lobby officials in Washington to embargo their homeland. Why? Simply because their fathers - utterly corrupt businessmen and criminals that had turned Cuba into a massive plantation were casino and whorehouse dotted the landscape - got their asses kicked out by the Castro's communists.
Of all central and south American nations, Cuba is probably one of the very few nations that is efficiently run.
LG, don't take this personally bro but I have to agree with Arevordi regarding Cuban-Americans and the bigger picture here. They are an extreme psychologically disturbed population. They are a prime example of a US diaspora that is weaponized as a tool against a home country that refuses to tow Washington's line. In comparison the anti-protocols protesters against President Sargsyan in Los Angeles a few years back were relatively harmless angels compared to the Cuban freaks who would like to see the US militarily" liberate" (ie occupy) Cuba. I don't want to insult anyone, but the majority attitude of Cuban-Americans re Cuba is disgusting, and something akin - just for the sake of argument- if the Armenian diaspora expressed pro-Turkish/Azeri views because they despised whatever government was in Yerevan (Soviet, LTP, Kocharyan, or Serj) that much. Internal politics can never be resolved by bringing in hostile foreign powers; regime change in Cuba would return the nation to an American-Jewish whorehouse and gambling den... Hell, from a US point of view it is a good strategic move to try and head off President Putin's plans to restore a Russian military presence in Havana, while at the same time "stealing" a close ally of America's Venezuelan foe.
DeleteI understand Pat Buchanan and others are jumping at the opportunity to use this to attack Obama (since they are not allowed to attack America's real, internal enemies), but that's because they are desperate for support or attention yet powerless against the true problem which is the globalist anglo-american-jew establishment.
I hate the history of bloshevism, but communism as it evolved over the decades in places like Cuba, Vietnam and North Korea is not the terrible monster that the castrated US media, churches, and especially the right wing would have us believe.
Plus really there is no point from an Armenian view making enemies with Cubans or "commies" in other countries with which the west has problems. We cannot frame any issue in any other way except "is it good for Armenia". Bringing western moral crusades against communism or Cuba is dangerous and counterproductive. Cuba has done nothing to Armenia (arresting diaspora businessmen who had no links to Yerevan doesn't count, sorry). And realize that some communist states have taken pro-Armenian stances. For example Angola (see flag and current composition of parliament) was one of 7 nations to vote against Azerbaijan's 2008 UNGA Resolution 62/243, even though 99% of Armenians couldn't locate Angola on a map.
The Empire and Cuba: an early 1890s display of "humanitarian intervention" propaganda
DeleteDon't comment on Cuba if you have little to no working knowledge about it. Cuba was one of the wealthiest states in all of the Western hemisphere prior to the Revolution there. The bs about them being poor and the communists bringing know-how is typical leftist lies spread by closet commies in cahoots with communist Cuba. Same as when I.F. Stone and others claimed that there were no mass starvations in Soviet Russia during the 30s. Or no gulags. If you are really interested in how things were in Cuba during the 50s I can provide you with academic links.
I never brought in corruption. All states have various levels of corruption including Germany. So this is a none issue. Mexico and Columbia don't persecute Christians. Communist Cuba does and has been for over 50 years.
Geopolitically I can only guess that Obama may be trying to create a wedge between Moscow and Havana, and Caracas and Havana. That's not the point of my comment though.
My comparison with the refusal to openly recognize the AG is in regards to the fact that now Cuban-Americans can see that the US doesn't give a shit about human rights and democracy. Those within the Cuban-American community who (wrongly) thought that the US embargo would cause Castro and Co to fall then America would help them regain their lost properties and all would be well were fooling themselves. The US is now once again attempting to turn Cuba into another zone of economic extraction.
The embargo has not worked if you mean regime change as final goal. However, if the Europeans and Canadians had signed on to the embargo, if US had forced them like it recently did with Russian sanctions, Castro and co would have fallen long ago. So perhaps then the US didn't truly want to see Castro go after-all.
Majority of Americans are too stupid to know anything going on in the world. And again, I never mentioned majority supporting or opposing the embargo. You know damn well that what the people want doesn't count for much in Washington.
What major Armenian American org lobbies to embargo Armenia? I hope you were joking.
If Cuba were efficiently run their economy wouldn't be in the doldrums. Please revisit the facts.
Castro is a mass murderer. You can call the Cuban American community any name you want. Can't call them mass murderers. What does it say about you that you are focusing on the alleged wrongs of Cuban Americans but appear to give the communists in Cuba a free pass?
DeleteWhat ethnic group in the US that has suffered some kind of persecution or other calamity couldn't be classified as psychologically troubled? It doesn't even have to be a minority group in the US, it can be in other states with large refugee populations. Psychologically disturbed? Doesn't mean that they don't have legitimate concerns. Armenians are psychologically damaged too, as are Native Americans, Serbs, Poles, African Americans, etc.
The U.S. didn't lift a finger to save Batista regime. NYT was praising castro and che before, during, and after the revolution. US allowed Castro to win. Only when Castro started to deal with the Soviets did the US suddenly decide that they should 'please' their newly arrived Cuban citizens. Again, the US doesn't give a shit about HR or democracy. This is what is really weaponized. I'm surprised you and Arevagal need this pointed out to you. My comment was pretty straight forward.
Internal problems can never be resolved by bringing in any foreign powers. This includes allies. Since alliances can and do often change. Armenian diaspora would not espouse pro Azeribaijan/Turk views because the latter are genocidal regardless of whether the Armenian is in the Armenian highlands or Glendale. The closest real world example you could bring would be members of the Armenian diaspora in the US getting on CNN to advocate bombing Yerevan, like some Syrians and Libyans did a few years ago.
If we are talking purely geopolitically then one can make a decent argument that Obama made a good decision. But my comment was in relation to perceptions, and the moral dimension of it. Including hypocrisy by the US once again.
"I hate the history of bloshevism, but communism as it evolved over the decades in places like Cuba, Vietnam and North Korea is not the terrible monster that the castrated US media, churches, and especially the right wing would have us believe."
Please travel to any of these states and see how you enjoy the liberties there :)
I am having a hard time taking this comment seriously. Just because a country is against the US doesn't make it a good country. Keep that in mind and don't let your hate for the AAZ establishment blind you to other dark forces in the world. Same goes for Arevagal.
Get this book, read it. Then come back and tell me how communism wasn't so bad.
Well if you think the Armenian community should only think about its problems than be prepared for others to tell you to piss off when you try to convince them that turkey is a vile nation because it committed a genocide against its Christian population and continues to deny it to this day. Any Christian or decent human being should be against an ideology that has killed more than any other ideology in recorded history: Communism. This is not a western moral crusade, it was the west which created and financed communism.
LG, it's true that all groups can in the US can claim some sort of persecution; however there is a world of difference between what the Armenians suffered (genocide, their homeland in Western Armenia and Cilicia literally wiped off the map, and continuous denial from the whole of western elite) versus the Cubans underwent (their country underwent a revolution and change of government in 60+ years ago and is doing just fine today, they however lost their exploitative positions serving foreign interests under the previous regime). To the everlasting credit of the Armenian diaspora, though, a great majority of its members at least try to act in a way they think is in Armenia's and Artsakh's interests. Your average naive diasporan would be put off by the thought of sanctions, blockades, or bombings of Armenia/Artsakh. There are, however, a handful of POS diasporan Armenians which do call for such a terrible course of action agains Yerevan and openly attack Artsakh officials (such as seto boyadjian of the ANCA, Armenian Bar Association chair Garo Ghazarian, or ara manoogian {see}). They have their counterparts in Armenia like the heritage party which call for PACE to deprive Yerevan of voting rights. The majority of Cubans in the US, by contrast, shamelessly endorse Washington's position that Cuba must be starved and attacked into submission. Cubans here are like a very large and loud community of ara manoogians, with a pathological hatred of Cuba. You can almost imagine they would celebrate if a large natural disaster struck Cuba on the basis that "it will cause the population misery which they will blame on the Castro government". Please don't try to paint such a community in a sympathetic light or make excuses for them.
DeleteIt's not the US's duty to "save" any regime, the US government ought to focus on its own people. And the NYT has its own, jew-heavy agenda. And everybody knows that neither the US, nor any other government, is guided by principles like democracy, it's all about national interests. Honestly, I am having a hard time taking your comment seriously as well. You sound like a republican politician. I am looking at this from an objective, non-American move. Just because a government is communist doesn't make it a bad country. Neither does the fact that a former colony of the west's with a weaker economy serve as evidence that that country is "a dark force" which needs a regime change. Reducing tensions with Cuba serves everyone's interests, and it's as surreal to see Obama attacked for taking steps to do so as it was to see Obama attacked for "not launching a missile or two" against Syria.
It's one thing for a born and raised US citizen to travel to Cuba or North Korea. But let's rephrase your suggestion: had I been born in Cuba or North Korea, I could hold my head high that my tiny nation kept the empire out. Vietnam though, sadly, is now on its knees for Uncle Sam.
As for the book, I'll pass, thanks. But I'll repeat my point that communism served to a degree to protect third world nations like Cuba and Vietnam from becoming American colonies. Stop looking at communism in a one-dimensional, zero-sum way. Take Stalin for instance: brutal and unfair, yet he turned Russia into an industrialized superpower which crushed the Wehrmacht and built on his reign to the point that even after the Soviet collapse it remains the only power capable of challenging the US. You can't just say "gulags" and end an analysis of Stalin.
And don't forget the terror unleashed on Latin American nations like Mexico and Columbia where the US dominated. In fact the greatest massacres in history have been carried out by the enemies of communism, namely the Americans and European colonial powers. That, for a significant part, is why communism found support in the third world in the first place.
Your last "they'll tell us piss off" comment makes you sound like an ANCA recruiter :) I strongly believe that Armenians should only act on Armenian interests and those things which directly affect Armenian interests like lobbying the Kremlin. And yes, I strongly advise against meddling in internal Cuban affairs and especially against supporting an external actor (the US government and the Cuban-Americans) against a sovereign nation like Cuba. Let's not become hated meddlers like the Jews, it will come back to bite us. News flash: neither the Cubans, nor the Americans, nor anyone else involved in this matter will have an iota of effect in helping Armenia against Turkey. What is Cuba going to do, pass a Parliament resolution condemning Turkey? What are the Cubans in Miami going to do, ask Congress to reaffirm the Armenian Genocide? Those actions are a waste of Armenian resources, with or without Cuban support. Recognition of the Armenian Genocide can be supported only by educational endeavors, and there is sufficient work done in this field to prove the facts of 1915. Anything further than recognition is beyond the scope of the US and Cuba, it is something that the Armenian state and its only real ally - Russia - will have to work on in the future. The diaspora does not need to "make friends" by helping politicized causes like the Cuban-Americans or the "Save Darfur/Fight China" or even ther "Free Tibet" people; the diaspora needs to invest in Armenia, repatriate to Armenia (except for scum like ara manoogian), and also help Armenia lobby the Kremlin; all other actions are in the end meaningless.
Delete"Any Christian or decent human being should be against an ideology that has killed more than any other ideology in recorded history: Communism. This is not a western moral crusade, it was the west which created and financed communism."
-First, the west has been far more destructive than communism. Second, yes the early Bolshevik-Jews killed Christians. That's why I distinguished that phase of communism. But the Armenian Church did recover after Stalin killed off the old Bolsheviks. Third, the "Communists killed Christians" argument is mostly a tool that American Bible freaks use to galvanize their simpleton flocks to action against America's geostrategic enemies, or their own liberal or anti-Israel enemies. Don't fall for their shallow rhetoric.
DeleteI don't really understand your motivation (I'm suspecting a personal factor in play). I also don't understand your main political point in this discussion. I see you mixing a few things together which is making whatever point you are trying to get across somewhat unclear. It's also as if you have newly discovered a hate (and a passionate one at that) towards the regime in Havana. I really don't get it.
"Communism" has killed more people than any other ideology? Really?
And who is it that's generalizing? Who is not looking at historic events analytically and in a broader, historic context?
Bolsheviks (those who you probably have in mind in this regard) were as "communistic" as ISIS is Islamic. Bolsheviks were as communistic as Western militaries in Iraq were democratic.
The communism that evolved in Russia after the Second World War was the best that could be derived/salvaged out of Bolshevism. Post war communism in the Soviet Union was less aggressive or decadent or violent than political systems put in place around the world by Western powers. Therefore, I don't give a rat's ass what the book you linked to has to say about communism (I am pretty sure you can dig up a thousand more of such nonsense). And I don't give a rat's ass what Cuban-American morons think of the Armenia or the Armenian Genocide.
No one is defending communism but when you make Neoconish statements about communism whatever point you were tying to make becomes irrelevant as far as I'm concerned.
Westernization and/or Capitalism are also ideologies. The effort to Westernize or Democratize nations have also killed millions around the world, and the deaths are continuing as I write this. If you wanted me to take you seriously in this matter, you should have reconfigured your statement to say "historically, those pushing communism AND CAPITALISM were responsible for mass-scale exploitation of natural resources and the murder, directly and indirectly, of tens-of-millions of people around the world for the past one hundred years."
With that said, at least communism gave the miserable peasantry around the world some self-respect wheres capitalism impoverished 90% of people in nations it infected. Sanity in governance was only brought upon by the evolution of "socialism" out of communism. Socialism is what finally gave Europe (and the US) a semblance of civility.
I also have to say I think it was quite arrogant and predatory of you to take my honesty (about not following political events in Cuba closely) as an opportunity to jump all over me. Apparently, your "working knowledge" of this issue is not helping you see the bigger picture. The big issue is that there is a greater fight in this world than your favorite bout between "liberal" and "conservatives". And a million Fidel Castros wouldn't even come close to the evil posed by the Anglo-American-Jewish order today.
All in all, your information about the island nation is just as "accurate" or "scholarly" as anything communists have been claiming all these years. So, please...
I'll address couple of your other comments tomorrow.
One would think both of you would learn something from this but apparently you two already know it all.
Enjoy your group think session. No need to have a discussion if one can't be held.
Are you ok? This is your "scholarly" proof? This is your earthshaking discovery about the horrors of communism? Here is what I think: 25% of the info provided is accurate, 25% of it is bullshit and the remaining 50% of it is subject to interpretation. But, more importantly, 100% of it is taken out of historical context. This is where I call your wisdom and intentions into question.
DeletePS: Are you are insinuating that "you" know it all. Why, because you read some neocon articles and hung out with some cool "conservatives"? Please get your priorities in order.
Key word think! You don't research in archives, conduct interviews, nor create and then test sociological tests. You want people here to think outside of the box, to not fall for the mainstream thought. But if someone presents views, and facts which contradict your preconceived notions then they must be the one in the wrong? Who are you to say what percent is accurate, what is bs, and what is subject to interpretation? How did you arrive at that conclusion?
DeleteMy intentions were stated very clearly. Now I ask you, what are your true intentions?
Neither you nor Sarkis know what neo-conservatism is otherwise you wouldn't be using that term.
Key word think harder!
DeleteYour "research in archives, interviews and tests" made you realize what a wonderful place Cuba was for the average Cuban before the revolution and how evil communism was? Really?
You didn't have to trouble yourself with all that. All you had to do was talk to war criminals like John McCain and you would have derived the same conclusions.
You are accusing Sarkis and I of "group think"?! Is that how you think of this conversation, or this blog perhaps? Group think, because two people don't happen to agree with your -neoconish take on matters? And if I or Sarkis happened to agreed with you what would that have been, vindication of your groundbreaking thesis?
I actually think Sarkis and I ARE thinking out of the box whereas you are rehashing same old Cold War fables.
Cuba prior to 1959 > Cuba after 1959. Just look at UN stats.
DeleteYou and Sarkis are advocating blind hate of anything Western. Where is the nuance? Your pro N Korea comments are what I'd expect to hear in Berkeley coming from 'overprivileged' white kids.
John McCain is a hypocrite. My initial point was all about hypocrisy. Still is.
The only one rehashing fables are you when you state that Cuba is better off under Communism. That is a lie planted by Cuban intelligence with the full backing of communists in American and W. European academia. What is so hard to believe about this? Soviets did the same thing. USSR was superb in denial, deception, and propaganda (white, gray and black). Active measures is the term. Castro imported these stratagems and put them to use.
Nowhere in my first comment did I say Cuba should be a US protectorate. Nowhere did I say Cuba should be invaded. Nowhere did I say Obama made a geopolitically poor choice. Nowhere did I say that the US is the beacon of hope to the rest of the world. Nowhere did I say the Armenian Genocide and Cuban Revolution are the same. Nowhere did I say Cuban elites before the Revolution were angels.
So why did you jump on me for saying that the US will now be viewed as the hypocritical state that it is by the Cuban American community? Is this statement wrong?
LG, why are you getting emotional and telling us we don't want to debate you? You posted a comment to the effect that the Cuban-Americans were doing something good by their anti-Castro radicalism. You were offered a rebuttal. Up to that point it was a debate. You obviously wrote your first comment because you wanted to let your opinion on Castro be known, not because you simply wanted to point out that the US government doesn't care about human rights or democracy. When faced with the fact that not everyone here holds a black and white view of communism, you started making it personal and decided you "can't take us seriously" and accused us of groupthink.
DeleteAs stated above, your argument is just a rehashing of 1950s US propaganda. Furthermore I know EXACTLY what neoconservativism is, and so does Arevordi, and I can see when smart people let neocon rhetoric fog up their thinking. Arevordi is correct when he points out that you're argument sounds exactly like what McCain or the other neocons, tea-partiers, Bible-Belters, and patriotards would say. It is a fact so there's no need to get defensive over it. You have taken the neocon position that some country which overthrew American colonialism is now "evil" because it lacks "freedom and democracy" and oppresses its citizenry, and it poses a danger for America unless America takes an overtly aggressive policy towards that country, and it would be convenient to utilize bitter émigrés as evidence that "the people" hate the targeted regime as well, oh and the emergency is exponentially more dangerous because it offers a strategic advantage to Moscow. That's neocon foreign policy at its core.
And as for research, your book was authored at Harvard University by people heavily involved with the "solidarity movement" for Poland in the 1980s, so pardon me if I question their objectivity. This type of crap research is a dime-a-dozen, the empire uses it to promote whatever lies it wants. You can easily do enough research to "conclude" that Saakashvili's Georgia was a miracle of democracy in the CIS which was destroyed because it threatened autocratic and evil Russia. Or whatever silly position you want to take on whatever issue. There is a ton of skewed research which would have us believe Putin is the worst thing to ever happen to Russia; Hitler was evil incarnate who went around ordering the deaths of innocent people because they had big noses; Israel is always the victim and never commits any wrong; six million jews were gassed during WW2; the Turks merely deported rebellious Armenians in 1915; Karabakh legally belongs to Azerbaijan; etc.
Regarding mass deaths under communists, do I need to remind you which regime carried out the firebombing of Dresden, or the only use ever of weapons of mass destruction against Japan, or used chemical weapons in Vietnam and Palestine, and has invaded and destroyed dozens of nations and several million lives (killed or subjected to hell) over the past century? It certainly wasn't Fidel Castro. Or does the neoconservative/imperialist position that "it's God's will" when America commits atrocities apply here as well?
DeleteLastly, regarding communism in general, it was post WW2 era communism which gave Armenia a population that was on its way to 5 million, a nuclear power plant, a particle accelerator, a world class observatory at Byurakan, a highly educated population with near universal literacy thanks to free education (no student debt reaching the trillions), secure borders, and a good chunk of Armenia's military hardware still in use today and a generally decent existence for a small, resourceless country. No system is without flaw, but your description of communism is as inaccurate as the cartoonish mainstream depictions of National Socialist Germany. And before arguing that early communism was bloody, take a good look at how Christianity was imposed in its early period and the destruction, oppression and stranglehold over the masses which was its hallmark over most of its early and medieval history.
DeleteAt this point I have to say you don't even understand what you are arguing about. I feel a strong sense of condescending attitude, arrogance, resentment and anger in your tone. This is becoming your typical Armenian pissing contest - "Hey, I just learned something new today, see me try it on Arevordi."
You are beginning to sound like a necon fool. Of course not everything western is bad. That's a stupid accusation to make against me. Also, I am not promoting communism nor am I particularly fond of Fidel Castro. I am simply trying to put things in a proper historical context and "think out of the box".
Communism was good for some nations and bad for others. Westernization was bad for some nations and good for others. Can you wrap your mind around that? Both sides are equally guilty of mass murder and destruction around the world. Can you wrap your mind around that? With that said, no matter how one looks at it, Uncle Sam's actions in Central and South America are crimes against humanity. And Castro, as cruel as he may have been as a dictator, pales in comparison to Washington's criminals in the region.
Like I said, it was quite arrogant and predatory of you to take my honesty about not following political events in Cuba closely as an opportunity to jump all over me and make wild accusations. Now that it's finally off your chest, do you feel better?
Anyway, you are now wasting my time. There is a battle far greater than what you are capable of seeing. The world stands on the precipice of a world war because of the political system you are, perhaps subconsciously, in awe of. This is therefore not the time for "scholarly debates" (not that you have expressed any scholarly approach to the topic discussed). There are sides to be taken in this battle for civilization. This blog (or this "soap box" of mine as you would like to call it) takes a side. What side on you on?
If you are accusing me or this blog of "group think" or blindly promoting communism to make your neocon nonsense palatable then please refrain from coming here.
Some interesting news reports from today -
ReplyDeleteMERCOSUR states intend to develop cooperation with Eurasian Economic Union:
UK, French, German Citizens Wish to See EU Policy More Independent From US:
Over 1.2Mln EU Citizens Sign Anti EU-US Free Trade Agreement Petition:
Stratfor: Ukraine Coup Plotted by US Over Russian Stance on Syria:
Stratfor founder: ‘US fears a resurgent Russia’:
World order principles should be changed to avoid 3rd world war — Italian journalist:
I disagree with his assertion that Putin has been sold on neoliberal economics (except when it means lower tariffs on exports of Russian gas) but the article is worth reading.
The US government, perhaps surprised at the ease at which all financial markets can be rigged, is now rigging, or permitting large hedge funds and perhaps George Soros, to drive down the exchange value of the Russian ruble by massive short-selling in the currency market. On December 15 the ruble was driven down 19%.
"Just as there is no economic reason for the price of gold to decline in the futures market when the demand for physical gold is rising, there is no economic reason for the ruble to suddenly loose much of its exchange value. Unlike the US, which has a massive trade deficit, Russia has a trade surplus. Unlike the US economy, the Russian economy has not been offshored. Russia has just completed large energy and trade deals with China, Turkey, and India.
If economic forces were determining outcomes, it would be the dollar that is losing exchange value, not the ruble.
The illegal economic sanctions that Washington has decreed on Russia appear to be doing more harm to Europe and US energy companies than to Russia. The impact on
Russia of the American attack on the ruble is unclear, as the suppression of the ruble’s value is artificial.
There is a difference between economic factors causing foreign investors to withdraw their capital from a country, thereby causing the currency to lose value, and manipulation of a currency’s value by heavy short-selling in the currency market. The latter can cause the former also to occur. But the outcome for Russia can be positive.
No country dependent on foreign capital is sovereign. A country dependent on foreign capital, especially from enemies seeking to subvert the economy, is subject to destabilizing currency and economic swings. Russia should self-finance. If Russia needs foreign capital, Russia should turn to its ally China. China has a stake in Russia’s strength as part of China’s protection from US aggression, whether economic or military.
The American attack on the ruble is also teaching sovereign governments that are not US vassals the extreme cost of allowing their currencies to trade in currency markets dominated by the US. China should think twice before it allows full convertibility of its currency. Of course, the Chinese have a lot of dollar assets with which to defend their currency from attack, and the sale of the assets and use of the dollar proceeds to support the yuan could knock down the dollar’s exchange value and US bond prices and cause US interest rates and inflation to rise. Still, considering the gangster nature of financial markets in which the US is the heavy player, a country that permits free trading of its currency sets itself up for trouble.
The greatest harm that is being done to the Russian economy is not due to sanctions and the US attack on the ruble. The greatest harm is being done by Russia’s neoliberal economists.
Neoliberal economics is not merely incorrect. It is an ideology that fosters US economic imperialism. By following neoliberal prescriptions, Russian economists are helping Washington’s attack on the Russian economy."
I read on interesting comment on another blog speculating that when the western sanctions and attacks on the ruble fail to achieve any significant results against Russia and it becomes clear that the Kremlin can weather this storm, the west could carry out another false flag, this time targeting an oil tanker or other oil infrastructure, and blame it on the Russians who will be accused of having committed terrorism in order to cause oil prices to go back up. It sounds far-fetched, but the west is desperate for any sort of victory, and has a long history of false flags including the recent Malaysian airlines likely downed by Kiev in Novorossiya... Such idiotic steps could easily spiral out of control and engulf the region/world in a real war, it is sad that the west can reasonably be suspected of proceeding down this path.
ReplyDeleteWhen CNN launches a documentary which encourages the "Westernization" of Armenia, everybody loses their mind!!
ReplyDeleteWhen a Russian Documentary series about the First World War, after talking about the successful battle of Sarikamish, devotes an entire section about the Armenian Genocide, and about how Armenian volunteers aided Russian troops to liberate the Caucasus from the turks, none of our nation's representatives are aware. Once again an initiative from the Russian side shows the vast importance Russia gives to its strategic ally, Armenia, yet our compatriots prefer bashing Russia, organizing anti-Russian rallies, protesting against the Eurasian Union, having wet dreams of joining the European Union, encouraging Armenia-NATO cooperation, encouraging euro-integration, spending their vacations in istanbul and antalya, worshipping turkish culture, mocking Armenian culture, spreading the idea of turkish-Armenian "brotherhood" and "to leave the past behind", AND the most important of all, lobby with all their efforts in Washington so that Mr. President say the "G-word" instead of lobbying in Moscow and strengthen Russian-Armenian ties.
For the last 23 years, the Russian bear has been extending its hand at the Armenians, a hand that had seen war, blood and suffering from 200 years ago, a hand that understood the importance of an ally who is Orthodox Christian in the Caucasus, an ally that can be a great buffer against Turkic people, who incidentally are that ally's arch-enemies. But what we are doing is spitting in the palm of that hand and trying to cut it out of the Caucasus. Brilliant!!
The documentary in itself is a series about Russia's front in World War 1. The beginning of Episode 3 discusses the battle of Sarikamish, and after 20 minutes an entire section is devoted to Armenian volunteer units and the Genocide, here is that section, though I encourage everyone to watch the whole documentary.
Thank you for bringing this wonderful documentary to our attention. I am very impressed with the film's professional quality. Please forward links of it - with your comments - to as many people as possible. We need to raise awareness.
DeleteIsn't it amazing that although bilateral trade between Moscow and Ankara runs in the tens of billions of dollars range every year (trade between Russia and Turkey is actually larger that the trade between US and Turkey), Russia continues to recognize the Armenian Genocide? Isn't it even more amazing that when Russian leaders visit the Armenian Genocide memorial not a single voice of protest is heard from Turks?
Russian company to operate Sukhum international airport
Meanwhile in Batumi, western-wannabe Georgia's other government-controlled Muslim region, Turks run the local airport. Sakashavili was serious when he talked about making Georgia more like Europe and NATO.
Speaking of NATO, always remember that Turkey is a key member that NATO leaders in Washington, London and Brussels would sacrifice Armenia and Artsakh to without hesitation:
Italy, Turkey Win Big on F-35 Sustainment
The article below is from 2002 and describes how in the 1980s the US government produced schoolbooks designed for Afghan children filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings to spur radicalize the youth and use them to fight the Soviets. I copied and pasted select quotes from the article below the link.
In the twilight of the Cold War, the United States spent millions of dollars to supply Afghan schoolchildren with textbooks filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings, part of covert attempts to spur resistance to the Soviet occupation.
The primers, which were filled with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines, have served since then as the Afghan school system's core curriculum. Even the Taliban used the American-produced books, though the radical movement scratched out human faces in keeping with its strict fundamentalist code.
Published in the dominant Afghan languages of Dari and Pashtu, the textbooks were developed in the early 1980s under an AID grant to the University of Nebraska-Omaha and its Center for Afghanistan Studies. The agency spent $51 million on the university's education programs in Afghanistan from 1984 to 1994.
During that time of Soviet occupation, regional military leaders in Afghanistan helped the U.S. smuggle books into the country. They demanded that the primers contain anti-Soviet passages. Children were taught to count with illustrations showing tanks, missiles and land mines, agency officials said. They acknowledged that at the time it also suited U.S. interests to stoke hatred of foreign invaders.
"I think we were perfectly happy to see these books trashing the Soviet Union," said Chris Brown, head of book revision for AID's Central Asia Task Force.
AID dropped funding of Afghan programs in 1994. But the textbooks continued to circulate in various versions, even after the Taliban seized power in 1996.
Officials said private humanitarian groups paid for continued reprintings during the Taliban years. Today, the books remain widely available in schools and shops, to the chagrin of international aid workers.
An aid worker in the region reviewed an unrevised 100-page book and counted 43 pages containing violent images or passages.
...Above the soldier is a verse from the Koran. Below is a Pashtu tribute to the mujaheddin, who are described as obedient to Allah. Such men will sacrifice their wealth and life itself to impose Islamic law on the government, the text says.
Desensitization to violence and the radicalization of a targeted society.
DeleteMost people do not realize that after the Crusades in the 13th century, there were no militant Islamic movements until the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Prior to Afghanistan, there only existed secular nationalist/socialist political movements in the Middle East. It was through Western, Saudi Arabian and Pakistani efforts that Islamic societies were radicalized starting in the 1980s. Radical Sunni Islam has primarily been used as a tool against Russian and Iranian expansion.
Thank you for the link.
Since the Crusades ? I have to disagree. The Ottoman Empire itself had the status of a Caliphate and was seen as such by most of its Muslim population before nationalism arose. Hence all its wars were seen as Islam's Sword establishing the will of God, and various militant Islamic movements were used as tools to strengthen the Empire at various times (the Bektashi order for example), to fight Christians, or Safavi Shia. We Armenians have experienced it very well.
DeleteI agree that the West have been and is still somehow using militant Islam, but let's not view the latter as just a mere tool. It has its own agenda and is using the West as much.
As for militant Islam, as long as there is Muslims fighting Muslims of other denomination, or non-Muslims, it's ALWAYS there. Always. Not necessarily the main force, but still there somehow.
Keep up the good work,
Enker Xndzor, yes, since the Crusades.
DeleteOttoman armies, like their European counterparts, served their leader, the Ottoman Sultan. Ottoman armies were superficially "Islamic" for their actions were meant to advance only Ottoman interests. Moreover, Ottoman's general treatment of Muslims in north Africans and Middle Easterners were not that much better than their treatment of Ottoman Christians. Ottoman Turks in fact looked down upon the people that gave them their religion, Arabs. Some may even argue that during their peak, Ottomans held more respect for their Christian subjects than their non-Turkic Muslim subjects in the Middle East and Africa. This inter-Sunni ethnic rivalry became apparent when the region's Muslim Arabs joining the Allied war effort against Ottomans during the First World War.
The modern "pan-Islamic" phenomenon (begun in the early 1980s in an effort against the Soviet Union) has not been seen since the Crusades.
The cooperation we are seeing between radical Sunni Islam (led and financed mainly by Saudis) and Western powers (i.e. Anglo-American-Jews) is a convergence of geopolitical interests. Of course both sides have their own agendas, that goes without saying. Of course radical Sunni Islam is looked upon as a tool by the West, that also goes without saying. But as long as there is the need to fight Russia and Iran in the region, both sides will continue collaborating.
Anyway, we have not seen the radicalization of Islam on this scale for at least eight hundred years.
Part 1
DeleteFair enough for the Ottoman Empire, but I won't view it exactly this way. I don't really believe in ethnic rivalry at this point. The Ottoman Empire was not really a "turkic" Empire at its peak. It was basically a Muslim Rome (Byzantium), ruled by mongrelized people of mostly Greek or Balkanic origin. The dislike it had with remote tribal people like the Arabs or the Berbers had more to do with the classic opposition of civilized metropolitans vs barbarous provincials. It had the same dislike for its own capricious Turkic nomads of Central Anatolia btw. But what bound this whole mongrelized ruling people and distinguished them from their original Christian ethnic brethren was Islam. In that sense Islam and Ottomanism were symbiotic (and that's why the secular Turkey dreamt by Atatürk is an utopia, because it negates the only real piece of identity his people ever had). Now you can say that Islam was only a tool, but I can say the same of Ottoman Empire, that it was a tool to expand Islam. Don't underestimate the independant will of global entities. When Ottoman armies were marching, inside the head of its soldiers they were fighting for Islam (and rape and plunder), more than they were fighting for the Sultan. Same goes with the mobs who rushed into our forefathers' quarters hungry for blood. Sure it was motivated brainwashing, but hell, that's what religions do.
When Arabs rebelled they were firstly seen as traitors to the Caliphate, hence traitors to Islam. As the (european-inspired) back-up ideology of Turkishness and Panturkism grew, it evolved to full scale ethnic clash, but it was late in history.
DeletePart 2
I still disagree that pan-Islamic phenomenon is so new. I see what you mean, and I agree that its scale is unseen, but that's merely the consequence of globalization. The same way Armenian communities which in the Middle-Ages would have disappeared due to isolation (like those of Poland) can now stay in touch with the rest of Armenian world 24/24 and watch Shant TV.
But what you may forget is that Islam was the dominant dog of the World till the 17th century. Sure Europe was already busy sowing its seeds in remote continents, but it still had the fear of the conquering Ottomans, their North African vassals were still enslaving the coastal folks of Western Europe, India was still a playing field for the Moghols, and Crimean Tatars were still harvesting Slav slaves for the pleasure of its Ottoman big brothers.
I admit that 3 centuries from the beginning of its open downfall is a heavy knockout, but I merely see modern militant Islam as the consequence of THIS (loosing the top dog position, just as it did during the crusades, with the same result, and in that regard I agree with you), more than Western manufacturing. The West is not that powerful, nor does it understand Islam that much. Sure it's trying to use it as much as it can, or even accelerate it so as to make a convenient, evil enemy in order to keep its grip on the world. But this movement has deeper, independant roots.
Btw, there had been many steps in that direction before the official birth of "militant Islam". Our own genocide is part of it, as a necessary homogeneization of the territory in favor of the dominant group, now threatened, to secure its threatened borders.
Face it : we didn't lose much of our homeland because of "Turks", we lost it because if fell into the Islamic world and our identity was then too much symbiotic with christianity for us to adapt in a winning way. If they had been only "Turks", we would have assimilated them a long time ago just like we assimilated a lot of their like before (Cimmerians, Scythians, Parthians...). But this is a taboo. As Armenians, we found shelter among Arabs and Persians, and even some kind of allies, like in the ASALA years with Palestinians, or Iran today. Thus we have embedded in ourselves the command of not pointing Islam in itself, and try to focus on ethnic lines like "Turk" so as to keep an alliance possible with Arabs and Persians. And that's a good thing, I think. But that's still a half-lie.
Anyway, our disagreement is merely about the causes, I agree with you for the scale in the last eight hundred years.
Xndzor, I merely tried to point out to you that the Ottoman empire was not pan-Islamic or Islamo-centric like modern day Islamist such as the Mujaheddin, ISIS, Al Qaeda or a number of other groups. You confirmed this point of mine point when you wrote the following:
Delete"Ottoman Empire was not really a "turkic" Empire at its peak. It was basically a Muslim Rome (Byzantium), ruled by mongrelized people of mostly Greek or Balkanic origin. The dislike it had with remote tribal people like the Arabs or the Berbers had more to do with the classic opposition of civilized metropolitans vs barbarous provincials. It had the same dislike for its own capricious Turkic nomads of Central Anatolia"
Exactly. Ottomans were an empire and they were multi-ethnic and multi-faith.
I just want to add that in Ottoman society there was also a hierarchy in which the ethnic Turks were on the top. In other words, converts and non-Turkic Muslims were deemed below Turks.
Please let's not argue over details. Generally speaking, the violent and xenophobic pan-Islamic movements we are seeing today have not been seen since the Crusades.
This is off-topic but Turkish historian Taner Akcam has a book called "From Empire to Republic" that touches on the formation of Turkish identity. According to Akcam it was known that the Ottoman's capable leaders and administrators were not Central Asian Turkic by blood. In fact when the Empire entered it's decline phase it was a popular idea that "True turks must be seeping through into leadership positions" among some Ottoman elites. As the multicultural Ottoman Empire began to die, there was a movement and conflicts to replace it with a Turkish, Islamic, or mixed identity. This history of the formation of modern Turkish identity helps explain in part why the Turkish republic is so repressive and hostile to non-official aspects of history, because the iidentity is faulty and without foundation and any cracks allowed to develop would risk bringing their nation crumbling down. Hence the myths of a heroic "Father of the Turks" and evil enemies always scheming to tear away chunks of territory through fabricated stories of the Turks being non-indigenous and genocidal invaders.
Two recent attacks involving muslims in France screaming "allahu-akbar". Two more recent attacks took place in Australia in Canada by muslims. I'm confused as to the root cause: are these actual cases of random muslims just being muslims or is there a conspiracy to insight these types of attacks in order to convince reluctant US allies to commit more to the US agenda in the Middle East, specifically to "fight ISIS" by bombing Syria?
The so-called Ruble crisis and the cards up Russia's sleeve by Paul Craig Roberts. More and more I feel that the western elites know very well that the battle has already been lost. The only battle they are fighting right now is the propaganda one against their own people to keep the ponzi scheme going as long as possible.
Exactly. The propaganda spewed by mainstream Western news media (99% of Western news media) has become worst that the worst kind of propaganda put out by the Soviet Politburo during the height of Cold War. Not that is was much better before, but after Moscow began pushing back in Ukraine the quality of Western reporting really began to go downhill. Before I would find some satisfaction in reading some articles. Now, I cant even listen/read past the first few words of most news reports without feeling like vomiting...
DeleteMy take on the Russian financial crisis sounds trite but it's true: what doesn't kill you will make you stronger. It's not half as bad as the MSM shills would have one believe. I've NEVER seen such deceitful propaganda on the FINANCIAL MSM. DISCOUNT IT BY 70%.
ReplyDeleteThe Russians collectively have really gotten the wake up call, in my opinion. If they follow through with internal SWIFT, and at the very least harness the CBR if not get rid of it, I'd say they are halfway there.
Putin, as smart as he is, cannot figure out how to battle the snake pit of worldwide money changers. If he can extricate the country from the jaws of the oligarchs surrounding him (a la Khodorkovski) he can pull it off. I have no doubt now that he is real. To paraphrase him, he said: either we will live independently or we will perish.
Forget our diaspora, I wish our Hayastantsis had half the patriotism of the Russians, instead of being such disgusting western otaramols and davajans.
I don't want to keep beating a dead dog on this forum, but I believe that the seeds of patriotism are in place in Hayastan. We are just witnessing 23 years of western brainwashing together with total neglect of our authorities to limit this phenomena. Bring in some galvanizing patriotic leadership, together with a better economy and more controls over western social engineering and things will change.
DeleteStrategic alignment with Russia is the first step - check. Then EEU membership - check. The opening of the railway link to Russia is the next step - in progress, check. Then a railway link to Iran completely freeing Armenia from the blockade - hopefully check soon. So far so good. Next step is strict control of western ops (already very late but Gorik Hakobyan's speech was very timely and interesting). In time we will see a better and more patriotic Armenia but it will take another decade or two. We don't have to be blind to the realities but gross generalizations and constant trashing of our nation and people while worshiping other people bothers me a lot and doesn't help our unique historical and geographical based problem.
Arto jan, while the seeds of patriotism may be in place, the ground it has been planted in may not yet be fertile enough to spurt it growth. Also, don't kid yourself, the seeds of Globalization/Westernization (as well as general indifference) are also firmly planted. And the latter may outgrow the former if we are not careful.
DeleteGenerally speaking, Armenians are NOT nationalistic or patriotic. In my opinion, you are confusing "proud" with "nationalistic".
What Armenians definitely are is "proud". An Armenian can be a "proud Armenian" in China, Sweden or Zimbabwe, but a nationalist Armenian can only feel "proud" in Armenia. Don't forget we also have "proud" Yerevantis, Artsakhtsis, American-Armenians, Lebanese-Armenians, French-Armenians, Turkish-Armenian, etc. Each thinks it is better than the other. In contrast, we don't have many Armenians today that love their Armenian homeland unconditionally nor do we have many Armenians who are devoted to their newly created nation-state.
Unconditional love of homeland and devotion to the state are the true definitions of nationalism/patriotism. Armenians, as a people, are a proud people (perhaps a reflection of their personal arrogance) but they do not yet understand nationalism.
Anonymous is right in saying Russians are much more nationalistic than we Armenians. That is a no brainer. We cant even begin to comparing with them. It's Russian nationalism that will yet save the world from the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance's one world order.
I also don't want to beat a dead dog but this topic is good example of the importance of breeding (genetics/culture). Historic circumstances have bred Armenians and Russians to be the way they are.
I'd also like to remind you that all the "checks" you gave Yerevan credit for was not the result of "Armenian nationalism" but the result of a handful of Armenian officials (looked upon by many Armenians as oligarchs, criminals and traitors) who have casted their lot with Russia. I am speaking primarily of the Kocharyan/Sargsyan clique.
With all that said, I, like you, am very optimistic. With communism gone, with the great game in the region ending, with pax Russicana gradually coming into existence, I finally see some light for Armenia. After one thousand years of living as a submissive, semi-nomadic people we finally have a chance to begin evolving as a people. In the meanwhile, however, we need to better understand our flaws in order to fix them. In other words, this is not the time for patting ourselves on the should because we have a long way to go...
I can only hope this news report is true
ReplyDeleteI have been following the Ruble to Dollar exchange rate over the past week, ever since the media started gloating about the "collapse." It seems to have stabilized since the temporary shock it experienced from December 15 to 17 due to external manipulation.
From February 2009 until August 2014 the Ruble had been worth between 30 and 35 per dollar. From August 2014 the exchange rate steadily increased to about 45 Rubles p[er dollar. December 15 to December 17 it shot up wildly, and has since then fallen back down and stabilized at about 55 to a dollar. Not quite the "collapse" that the mainstream media is euphoric about, although I am sure that even larger portions of the Russian population are now incensed and mobilized, or at least painfully aware, that the forces of "freedom and democracy" want to tear away Russian Crimea as part of a larger plan to subdue and destroy Russia. Another great success for western policy makers!
ReplyDeleteMy first thought when I saw this headline was "if this movement doesn't get hijacked by Big Jew in Brussels, then this will be a positive development". Then I read "PEGIDA’s founder and leader Lutz Bachmann speaking at the event, stating that "Germany is no immigrant’s land" and demanding that those who wish to live in the country do so by adhering to a "culture based on the Christian-Jewish" values and "humanism."" Pathetic. Muslims are the symptom, the Anglo-American-Zionist alliance is the disease. Europe is hopeless at this time, and its traditionalists have been neutered. Those German protestors would be have the same amount of hope if they placed their hopes in left-wing politicians as they do in these types of Zionists.
These "far right" fakes in Europe, including Geert Wilders and Nigel Farageare as kosher as the Swastika-bearing losers in Kiev. I want to thank that one anonymous poster here who pointed out that these clowns were such overt zionists on this blog some time ago, it was the first I learned of their true nature.
US-Saudi Subterfuge Send Stocks and Credit Reeling
ReplyDeleteIt's very heartening to see ARFers in Armenia maintaining political sanity and wisdom -
ReplyDeleteARF Lawmaker Calls on Armenia, Russia to Ditch US Dollar in Trade
Former ARF Lawmaker Says ‘Revolution’ Has Been Quashed
With the rise of the east is this what we have to look forward to in the 21 century?
I normally don't like posting music videos but this was too good to pass up.
DeleteYes, there are some scary aspects to the rise of the East. But, let's also remember that Russia is both an eastern and western power. Culturally, Russia is a European civilization. Western civilization and classical European culture is better preserved in Russia than in the Anglo-American world. So, I remain hopeful that the rise of the East will not be as bad as you are trying to make it seem.
Return Of The Jewish Neocons
nuland, glaser and kagan are sick jewish war criminals that will be the death of what's left of this country. ted cruz, meanwhile, is a Cuban clown, typical of the Cuban-Americans. Listening to cruz's insults against President Putin is a sad joke. We can learn a lot from this video about the state of US politics today. As much as I dislike people who are very liberal socially, I reserve an equal amount of disgust for right-wing neocons like Cruz and his followers. The whole system is rotten to the core.
Same goes for the Christian Zionist scum which represent mainstream American Christianity:
Senator Ted Cruz is a Cuban-American? Figures. Did you know he will not stand with Americans if Americans will not stand with Israel? -
DeleteTed Cruz booed off stage while defending Israel:
America's "Homeland Security" is primarily concerned about protecting Jews from enemies that... Jews create? -
U.S. Jewish NGOs to get 97% of Homeland Security's defense grant in 2012:
Good links Arevordi, there's really not much else needed to draw the conclusion about the values Ted Cruz stands for. Cruz is an appropriate representative of both the majority of politically active Cuban-Americans (who enjoy being tools for the establishment), as well as a good representative of the absolute majority of what passes for the conservative, religious (Christian Zionist) right wing scene of the USA. Cruz, like all conservatives today, is on his knees for bloodthirsty zionist warmonger billionaire Sheldon Adelson, a despicable figure who openly calls for the US to declare war against Syria and Iran. (
DeleteThe link of him getting booed off stage was refreshing, and if I recall correctly his fellow Republican scumbag Hannity was booed a few years back at a Republican event as well. But even if some of the Republican laity aren't buying the party's mainline Zionist-worship, the elite leadership positions of the Republican party were taken over long ago by the neocon-zionist faction. It is a mistake to take them as representatives of Christianity, traditionalism, or any sort of integrity, a mistake I've seen many well-intentioned but naive people make. Not that the Democrats are any better - two sides of the same coin - but it's good to remember that there is no point in putting any trust in conservative politicians either. This includes Ron and Rand Paul, Bat Buchanan, and as well as the regulars like McCain, Palin, or Michele Bachmann.
ps I don't want to dwell on Cuba, but here is USAID using rap music to spread subversion inside a targeted regime. Gee, what a surprise there.
DeleteOur rapper in Havana: USAID hijacked Cuban hip-hop scene trying to undermine govt
I stumbled across the website while reading the following article that Arevordi had emailed:
ReplyDeleteWill Georgia Be the Next Ukraine?
I spent some time reading through it, some of the articles were actually pretty amusing. Enjoy:
2009 Exclusive Interview with Saakashvili
Georgia’s New Defense Minister Just turned 28
Azeri Teenagers Jailed for Masturbation Using Kim Kardashian Photo
White House Unable to Generate New Genocide Synonyms
A Day in Life of Ilham Aliyev (English version)
Anders Breivik Applies for Extradition to Azerbaijan
Serzh Sargsyan Once Again Failed to Pronounce “Genocide” in his Annual April-25 Address to Native Americans
The last episode of the WW1 documentary made by a Russian company:
ReplyDelete- Bolshevik Revolution explained
- The casualties Russia and its people suffered
- The reason why Russian forced pulled out of the Caucasus and other fronts
- The planting of seeds of the Second World War
- The horrors of Bolshevism in general.
- What could have the world been if it weren't for Bolshevism
The question is, will one of our Armenian TV stations decide to project this documentary series instead of the emasculating sitcoms and the mafia-lifestyle encouraging TV series? Will the Armenian public be as eager to watch it just like how they drop everything in order to not miss an episode of a mafiosa Yerevantsi "exerting authority" on his "subjects"?
Even if such thing takes place, will it make Armenians stop spilling bullshit like "Russians betrayed the Armenians in 1918?"
After watching the all of episode three, I jumped to the last one knowing it would have been about the revolution. I had similar thoughts watching it. Armenians desperately need reeducation and reconditioning. Needless to say, television is the best medium for this, but not only is it being neglected it is being used for the wrong purposes. Anyway, the professionalism and the historical content of the documentary is very impressive. It is probably the most thorough and most accurate television documentary I have seen about the First World War. And the fact that the narration is not expressed through Anglo-American eyes makes it that much more welcome. I have noticed that unlike Anglo-Americans who often try to come across as superheros (and refrain from covering certain things they don't like) Russians tend to get very thorough and self-critical in such types of productions (and there are many productions like this). It's obvious why. While Western powers derived the most benefit as a result of both world wars, Russia on the other hand suffered terribly. Russians are soul searching. It's a good sign for it is a sign for maturity.
Delete"The question is, will one of our Armenian TV stations decide to project this documentary series instead of the emasculating sitcoms and the mafia-lifestyle encouraging TV series? Will the Armenian public be as eager to watch it just like how they drop everything in order to not miss an episode of a mafiosa Yerevantsi "exerting authority" on his "subjects"?
DeleteEven if such thing takes place, will it make Armenians stop spilling bullshit like "Russians betrayed the Armenians in 1918?"
Very well said Svediatsi. I agree 100% A lot of Armenian television programming is pure garbage today. If any of what you described above actually became reality, Armenian society would improve itself by several levels. It's well known people emulate the thoughts and behaviors they see portrayed in the media. Well at least in terms of getting this type of programming aired and promoted in Armenia, I'm confidant it CAN happen, it's just maddening sitting around waiting for some powerful Armenian official or businessman to pounce on the opportunity. As for explaining that Russia did not betray Armenia, there are too many foreign interests promoting that lie and way too little Russian/Armenian efforts at explaining that Bolshevism was exported to Russia by foreign powers.
Putin attends Armenia’s reception in ‘Ararat Hayat’ 23:05, 24.12.2014 Region: World News, Armenia, Russia Theme: Economics
ReplyDeleteMOSCOW. - On the eve Armenia’s accession to the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), Armenia organized a reception in “Ararat Hayat” hotel in Moscow, Armenian News - reports.
The reception has been hold in the framework of the CSTO Collective Security Council summit. The source, who participated in the summit, told Armenian News - that the reception given by Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan on the occasion of Armenia’s accession to EEU, has been attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, head of the State Duma Sergei Naryshkin, heads of state participating in the summit.
The participation of Vladimir Putin in the reception illustrates a particularly respectful attitude towards Armenia, as the presence of Russian President at receptions is very rare, the source added. According to the source, the participation of the President Putin in the event organized by the Armenian side is an evidence of allied and fraternal relations between Armenia and Russia.
The title is more sensationalistic than realistic but you've got to watch this end to end. The closed captions are excellent. Fifth column is the media in Russia as expressly stated in the video. This MP IS A HEAVY THINKER and speaks his mind.
ReplyDeleteEvgeny Fedorov, Deputy in the Russian Parliament: US to Attack Russia in 2015!
Video is in Russian with English subtitles.
Published on May 31, 2014
A coup d´état under the guise of an ‘Orange Revolution’ is being prepared in Russia. The big picture and the details are given by Evgeny Fedorov, a deputy in the Russian parliament, and coordinator of the People’s Liberation Movement. The coup facilitator is the fifth column, which dominates the mass-media and public servants all the way up to government ministers, a point barely known within Russia, never mind outside. However, the people’s insurrection in Ukraine could wake up enough people in Russia to restore national sovereignty. In the next few years it will come to a head, with only two possible outcomes : the destruction of Russian civilization or the collapse of the American empire.
Major segments:
0:19:51 Washington’s mechanisms of control via the fifth column in Ukraine (coup launched) and Russia (coup in preparation).
0:47:03 Novorossia could mobilize an army big enough to liberate all Ukraine.
0:55:34 The armed coup was launched even though Yanukovych was capitulating, in order to establish conditions for terror and massacres.
1:03:46 Novorossia has eliminated the fifth column. This will be emulated in neighboring territories.
1:08:57 The foreign ‘mercenaries’ are likely equipment operators (tanks, planes,..).
1:25:31 Fifth column agitators will try to get Putin overthrown for his “inaction” over Ukraine.
1:30:00 Mechanisms for construction of the fifth column.
1:39:19 The global crusade of the Anglo-Saxons — banditry & exploitation, obscured by style, finesse and copious marketing.
1:45:18 Parallels between the German and American invasions of USSR/Russia (then and now).
Thank you, Anonymous. I watched all the segments noted (I will watch the entire interview later when I have time): Very interesting. Very impressive. Yes, a heavy thinker but also somewhat of an alarmist (although that does not in anyway take away from his message. He seems to have other interviews in which he is warning of an impeding Western assault against Russia. He may be doing this on behalf of the authorities to whip up nationalistic fervor, he may sincerely believe what he is saying - perhaps both. Nevertheless, the kind of political awareness exhibited by Federov is what nationalism and political maturity is all about.
DeleteThe only thing I would disagree with him about is his comment about the timing of the Western assault against Russia. He is implying that it's happening now because Russia is at its weakest now. I disagree. It happening now because the West missed their chance in the 1990s and during the first few years after Putin came to power when Russia was truly at its weakest. The West misread the growth of nationalistic sentiments in Russia during the late 1990s. They perhaps thought at the time that between the sociopolitical chaos of the 1990 and the Chechen jihad in the Caucasus would sooner-or-later tear Russia apart without a direct Western assault. After the 2008 Russo-Georgian war, the West come to the startling realization that Russia was not weak, was on the route to a collapse and that the Russian Bear had in fact resurrected. In my opinion, this is why they began a more direct approach to undermine Russia in the aftermath of the 2008 war.
Their recent aggression against Russian allies in Syria and Iran are also related to all this. On the eve of the Western backed "Arab Spring" throughout the Middle East Syria, Iran and Russia had gotten very close militarily and politically. Anyway, my point is Russia is not at its weakest now. The West is, simply put, desperate now because of Russia's growing strength. This is why Western powers are taking great risks.
A bit sensationalized with nuclear rhetoric but this is also interesting
DeleteIs The U.S. Planning A 'First Strike' Nuclear Attack On Russia And China - Episode 380:
DeleteI don't know who you are but did you notice that the "X22 Report" is featured in the YouTube page of Preparilament (the anti-government group in Armenia)? I have a feeling these left wing, anti-state operations are funded by Soros type funds.
@Russia is not at its weakest now. The West is, simply put, desperate now because of Russia's growing strength.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely correct. And also after the collapse of the pipe-dream of "Israel’s Secret Plan for a 'Second Israel' in Ukraine" (Israel’s Secret Plan for a "Second Israel" in Ukraine
by Wayne Madsen@ It is the unraveling of all the efforts made since 1917!
Uncle Sam likes gambling while the Bear is good at playing chess. This, in essence, is the main difference between the two sides.
DeleteWelcome back.
A good one by the Armenian Lavrov:
ReplyDeleteRussian FM Lavrov: USA's 'exceptionalism' is a global threat:
Longtime reader
Holy Femen! Topless activist snatches baby Jesus from Vatican at Christmas
FEMEN - Working hard everyday to protect the honor and dignity women everywhere. In FEMEN's defense though they are about equally as respectable as the Vatican.
In the big picture, Femen airheads are part of the global push by the Western financial elite (i.e. Anglo-American-Jews) to break down common order, reset human civilization and restart from scratch. Although on the surface they may not look similar, they are however related to all the Western-backed (e.g. Soros funded) anti-establishment activists that operate in a wide range of nations around the world today. In Libya, Egypt and Syria, they are Western backed Sunni Islamists. In Armenia, they are Western backed groups like Preparliament, Heritage and a range of NGOs. In Iran, the onslaught against Tehran is by Western backed Sunni Islamist and civil society liberals. The same applies to Russia and China, where Western backed Muslims and democracy advocates are trying bring about fundamental changes. Even the Western world is not sparred their agenda. Europe has been effectively de-Europeanized and de-Christianized by such groups. Similar groups also operate in the US. Christian-zionists, neoconservatives and ultra-liberals have already ruined American society and civilization. In our discussions about current events we sometimes lose sight of the fact that the US is also a nation that has been ruined by such groups. In fact, Europe and the US were their first targets. In a nutshell, the Western elite are in the process of re-creating the world in their image and diverse groups such as Femen, Preparliament and ISIS are their tools of destruction and creation.
DeleteYou won't be surprised that the Australian TV displayed a shameful cowardice in relating the episode. Either skipping it altogether (the SBS chanel - one of the most informed) or hiding the fact that it was the Femen ("A" naked woman...). Ukrainians are the good guys. Femen are admired for their "courage" on a par with the chicken stuffed Pussies.
I forgot to mention (I was overseas at the time) the
Delete"Rookwood Cemetery vandalism: more than 70 gravestones destroyed". Date December 11, 2014 (
Australian MSM displayed the same disgusting cowardice:
"Many of the desecrated graves were in the Russian Orthodox and Serbian Orthodox sections of the cemetery. But the vandals attacked roughly the same number of graves in two other non-denominational sections, moving through the grounds in a line.
Police said there was no evidence to suggest the crime was motivated by racial or religious hatred.
But the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations labelled the attack a hate crime, calling for an investigation "at the highest levels".
The vandalism came a day before Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko arrived on a two-day tour of Australia, in which he was set to attend a memorial service for victims of flight MH17, shot down by Russia-backed separatists in Ukraine".
Well the censors at assbarez decided another of my comments was too dangerous to publish, but I like this comment so I'm going to publish it here.
Nothing to see here folks, just another jew with an anti-Armenian agenda. No different from the others on this partial list:
-abraham foxman (anti-defamation league of b'nai b'rith)
-brenda schaffer (israeli scholar, past president of American Political Science Association, former Research Director of the Caspian Studies Program at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, current faculty at the israeli University of Haifa in the School of Political Science, and a visiting professor at the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy and at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.)
-shimon pere (president and former prime minister of israel)
-guenter lewy (professor emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Amherst)
-bernard lewis (Cleveland E. Dodge Professor Emeritus of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University)
-bruce fein (attorney, worked for the Turkish Coalition of America , the American Enterprise Institute and the Heritage Foundation , the Assembly of Turkish American Associations court case against Mourad Topalian in 2001, the lawyer of fellow jew Guenter Lewy against the Southern Poverty Law Center regarding the Armenian Genocide, lawyer of Represemtative Jean Schmidt against David Krikorian, lawyer for the Turkish Coalition of America against University of Minnesota, of the Ron Paul's presidential campaign leaders and a huge influence on Paul)
-david saltzman (Turkish Coalition of America, works with brunce fein in their anti-Armenian activity)
-george friedman (founder of Stratfor, advocate of "keep Armenia isolated")
-rivka cohen (israeli Ambassador to Armenia and Georgia, openly and officially denied the Armenian Genocide while in Armenia)
-vladimir socor (political analyst of East European affairs for the Jamestown Foundation and its Eurasia Daily Monitor, prominent Armenian Genocide denier, prominent supporter of the lie that Artsakh belongs to Azerbaijan, psychotic Russophobe - interestingly Socor also has some Armenian ancestory in addition to his Jew heritage, a stark example of the dangers of interracialism )
-michael rubin (current resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and a senior lecturer at the Naval Postgraduate School , has lectured in history at Yale University , Hebrew University , and Johns Hopkins University , heavily involved in the war and destruction against Iraq)
-stephen blank (a Senior Fellow and resident Russia expert at the American Foreign Policy Council, previously worked as a professor at the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, PA)
-richard weitzor (currently a Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Political-Military Analysis at Hudson Institute and an Expert at Wikistrat , previously from 2002 to 2004was a consultant for the Center for Strategic and International Studies , the Defense Science Board , and DFI International, Inc, also has held positions with the Center for Strategic Studies , the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University 's Kennedy School of Government , and the U.S. Department of Defense .)
-denis jaffe (anti-Armenian journalist)
-guy billauer (anti-Armenian attorney)
Russia to supply coal to Ukraine without prepayment - Ukrainian ministry
50,000 tons of Russian coal enter Ukraine
While the bandit regime in Kiev openly advocates ethnic cleansing against Russians in Ukraine and continues antagonizing Moscow, the Putin government remains calm, reasonable and merciful and generous towards the civilian population of its smaller Slavic neighbor despite Russia's own ecenomic problems. This is such a well-calculated move: we've all seen the picture of nuland handing out cheap sandwiches during the Maidan riots, now all of the Ukrainians get to see Putin hand out essentially free coal to keep their lights and heaters working during the winter. The bandits in Kiev and their western masters have done everything they can to try to force a harsh reaction from Moscow, but Putin hasn't even broken a sweat yet. They must be fuming. Perhaps Orange Revolution 2014 is doomed to fizzle out just like Orange Revolution 2004 or the Rose Revolution a year earlier in Georgia.
What have puppet-clowns in Kiev accomplished so far besides destruction, death and transferring Ukraine's gold to the west where they will never see it again? How long until another group of protesters gather in Kiev to overthrow their western-installed regime?
Russia; promotor of family values, religion, respect for elders and one's culture, heritage.
ReplyDeleteUnited States of America -> awarding an artist that puts Christ in a bottle of Urine
"The piece was a winner of the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art's "Awards in the Visual Arts" competition,[1] which was sponsored in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, a United States Government agency that offers support and funding for artistic projects"
This says it all.
This is why I keep reminding people that Russia today is mankind's last hope for preserving human civilization. This is what I mean when I remind people that the Western world, as wonderful as it may seem on the surface, is an evil, barbaric monster who's death will not come a moment too soon.
DeletePS: Decadence and filth exists in every country, every society on earth, but it exists on the fringes of society. Decadence and filth in the Western world, on the other hand, is now mainstream and is being actively promoted and exported by high level officials.
The western society is evil today because it's under demonic possession because it has allowed Satan's earthly helpers to run their society
DeleteCanadian arch-abortionist Henry Morgentaler dead at 90:
One of Satan's earthbound demons indeed. Just imagine how beneficial it would have been for western society, and for humanity in general, had this beast died in his concentration camp instead...
Delete"Morgentaler was awarded the Order of Canada in 2008".
So typical of the filthy and self-destructive nature of Anglos. This is the kind of "values" they have been enthusiastically spreading around the world for many decades and our Armenia - our sacred homeland - is one of their major victims.
Until now I have not had the opportunity to address this matter. I therefore thank you for bringing this up.
Abortion (better described as infanticide) is a massive blight on Armenia's soul today. Abortion was one of the very destructive influences of Communism and Westernization on Armenian society. There are probably very few households in Armenia today where abortion has not taken place. I am not talking about abortions for instances of rape or when the life of the mother is in danger. I am talking about abortions being commonly used as a method of contraception or as an outrageous method of selecting the sex of the child.
I primarily blame Armenian men for this evil, in fact - genocidal - epidemic.
How can I respect any society that has willingly and consciously murdered countless number of its unborn children - for purely selfish reasons. How can we Armenians talk about Armenian family values, Armenian morality, Armenian faith, Armenian culture, Armenian Genocide, nationalism, Turks, civil society, population drain, corruption, etc, if we as a people are consciously partaking in the infanticide of our unborn children?
I am far from being a religious zealot but in my honest opinion, stopping a heartbeat in a mother's womb for reasons of convenience is beyond murder, it's bestial and demonic.
I agree with your 100% with your position that abortion is infanticide and unjustifiable in almost all cases, with rare exceptions. It's mind-blowing that in Armenia the issue is given so little thought and attention, despite being epidemic in scale. For all of its brutality, Islamist Turkey has more reasonable abortion laws than our own society - something to really think about. I'd like to repost a related comment I wrote on this topic:
Delete(Part 1 of 2) RT - The Choice: Abandoning Thoughts of Abortion
Russia's state-sponsored RT recently did a documentary on the topic of abortion. I think that this is monumental in terms of social policy, demographic planning, and setting the moral foundations of the Russian state back to the traditional, Orthodox Christian roots which helped Russia become a great power in the first place. Once again Russia proves to be the last front for traditional Christian/European values and against the immoral policies worshiped and officially promoted in the west. While I personally understand that oftentimes pregnancies are unplanned and occur by accident, I cannot pretend that abortion is anything less than murder for the sake of convenience. I doubt anyone but the most brainwashed ultraliberal can claim otherwise if they take the time to actually watch footage of an abortion being performed, or look at sonograms of the live fetus within the womb before the abortion is performed, or most disturbingly look at the corpse of the fetus after its life has been ended. It's one thing to claim that "I need to end this fetus's life because I cannot or do not want to be responsible for a child right now" - that may be immoral but at least it is honest; the western power establishment wants to streamline the process by which women come to the decision to have an abortion, so they simply impose the false idea that the fetus is not alive until it leaves the womb and that way the expecting mother does not have to deliberate the moral and ethical considerations that such a decision entails. The west instead wants aborting a fetus to have as little stigma and consequence attached to it as a scab falling off from a wound.
In the west, the ruling powers preach that abortion is a fundamental part of the concept of women's rights; twisting the concept of infanticide into "reproductive health." While I share the views Arevordi expressed earlier regarding women, that they are not property and deserve respect, I hold that abortions are not just a woman's choice; the decision also affects the father as well as the unborn child. By simple, universal math, the decision by one will be affecting more than three people. Yet, you will be very hard pressed to find any group apart from the religious nutjobs who argue otherwise, and unfortunately the problem with the religious freaks is that they only care about opposing abortion because they think it will buy them a ticket to heaven. The hypocritical pro-life crowd loses interest after the period for abortion expires, they seem neither interested in contributing to help the child and its family through financial aid, nor do they seem interested in working on actual programs to prevent unwanted pregnancies from occurring in the first place such as an actual sexual education program (not "you'll burn in hell if you procreate before marriage" topped off with "masturbation is a sin") and widespread access to condoms (because abstinence programs usually don't work, particularly in a hyper-sexualized society).
(Part 2 of 2): Putting the moral arguments aside, abortions have several negative consequences for nations, including Russia and Armenia. Particularly in more primitive societies, Armenia being no exception, daughters are viewed as less useful than sons for whatever reasons (sons work, sons "carry on the family name", etc.) and therefore when ultraliberals and feminists introduce abortions to these societies, a disproportionate number of girls are killed off and the societal/demographic balance is thrown out of order. The long terms consequences of having too many males and not enough females are a devastating threat to nations, and sadly Armenia's case here is VERY, VERY severe. Additionally, abortions serve to undermine the traditional values of the family, and are thus a part of the war against "Family, Country, God" that states need as a foundation. That's why the west pushes abortions, homosexuality, hyper-sexuality, pedophilia, militant feminism, and all other sorts of socio-cultural poison on targeted nations. And here is where the role of the Church comes into play in combating the west. Russia under President Putin, of course, leads the way and has set the golden standard in this regard. And lastly, abortions contribute to the freefalling birth rates that we see in developed countries, and I do not need to emphasize that Armenia CANNOT AFFORD to give up any more ground in the demographics department. In that respect, I'd like to point out this short article below and the remarkable demographic turnaround President Putin's Russia has had. In this regard the history of abortion, and its development which is intended primarily for eugenics purposes, is very interesting. By applying the concept of abortions instead for a self-imposed population control, countries like Armenia are in fact declaring war on nature in an attempt to stunt their own natural growth, and this can only lead to devastating consequences: Pro Life Russia I'd like to add that a huge requirement for preventing women from getting abortions is for the male partners to act like men and actually take responsibility for their roles in the pregnancy and beyond. It is very easy for the west and its militant feminists to twist this issue and use it as a tool to turn women against men by playing on women's feelings of vulnerability and historical fear/resentment of being oppressed and treated like property. I can't emphasize this enough: women are (slightly more than) half the nation, and for a nationalist program to be successful it needs to have as many men and women on board as possible to maturely confront these topics. And when it comes to abortions, the state and Church need to impose on all levels of society that 1) procreation is patriotic, 2) murder is immoral, 3) expecting couples can expect generous (or at least decent) support from the state (Hitler enacted a very successful domestic policy among these lines a few short years after he ended the chaos of the Weimar Era), 4) condoms should be widely available and high school/college students educated in how they can prevent unwanted pregnancies while still allowing intercourse because prevention is probably the most effective way of bringing down the number of abortions, 5) the long-term physical and psychological effects on women should be explained, 6) women considering abortions should be shown sonograms and photos of their fetuses, videos of abortions being performed so that they understand the consequences of their actions, photos of aborted fetuses, 7) if possible, the male should also be required to be consulted, and 8) the woman should be offered and strongly encouraged to talk to a priest, and the priest should be trained by the Church to be both compassion/understanding as well as firm in their offering of guidance.
Deleteps abortions for tuks, azeris, israelis, pakistanis, and saudis, however, should be strongly encouraged.
@ it's bestial and demonic.
DeleteYes. People fail to realize the horrible magnitude of this sin.
I don't know how accurate this info is but here are some stats on abortions world-wide. As far as nations go, Greenland seems to lead the world with between 50-93% or all pregnancies aborted. Next is China, Russia and some countries in Eastern Europe with 30-50% of pregnancies aborted. Armenia seems to be equal with Australia, France, the US, Norway and Sweden with 20-30% aborted. Turkey is between 15-20% and Azerbaijan between 11-15%.
DeleteIf you look at the sub-regional stats instead of nation stats, then you see that California is as bad as Russia/China/East Europe.
I have no idea why Greenland is so atrocious. According to wikipedia they have a tiny population of around 65,000 people, of which 85-90% of them is made up of native inuit people and the rest are mostly of Danish and N. American origin. There is a very high GDP per capita of over $37,500 and a low unemployment. The fertility rate is 2.08 children per woman. If all this info is correct, then each woman in Greenland gets pregnant a minimum of 4 times in their lives.
The Greenland and European stats show that high abortion rates are not due to poverty, so improving the socio-economic situation in Armenia will not reduce the % of abortions. I agree with Arevordi that it is a social-cultural problem, and communism has left a rather terrible legacy in this regard and the western onslaught makes the tackling of this problem even harder.
Articles of interest:
ReplyDeleteThere must be a special place in hell reserved for these "Serbian" traitors.
"The centre works against "nationalism, xenophobia, intolerance, hatred and fear."
I didn't bother to read this Jewish fantasy, but the title caught my eye:
Russia’s economy could collapse in months, says financial forecaster
In light of three Malaysia-based airplanes being mysteriously downed or disappearing in 2014, let's ask ourself if Malaysia has any spiteful, powerful enemies:
Robert Fulford: Anti-Semitism without Jews in Malaysia
Globalist Jew, Zionist, rabid Russophobe, New York Times foreign correspondent Thomas L. Friedman went on a rant about longtime former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad in his 1999 book "The Lexus and the Olive Tree". I read that book nearly a decade ago in school, the senseless Jew-tirade always stuck out in my mind. Note that Friedman's book equalized and criticized Armenian nationalism with Azeri nationalism,m and then thrashed it as supposedly the outdated cause for the Artsakh War (i.e. the outdated Olive Tree/blood and soil model of identity/values) while endlessly and senselessly inserting Israel-worshipping rhetoric in every unrelated chapter in his book (i.e. the supposedly wise/flawless/modern Jewish/globalist values as embodied in a Lexus vehicle). That book was pure crap:
I notice in this circle jerk of russopholia you didn't bother to mention the downing of the Armenian helicopter by russian weapons. I'm glad to took out the name Armenia from the blog title and full on came out as what you are: a homoerotic fan of Putin that could care less about Russia, let alone Armenia. Stop pretending anything on this blog has anything to do with Armenia. Njdeh would have put you people on a wall and shot you one by one for your utter disgraceful behavior. There is a big gap between putting up with Russian relations because you understand their necessity and what you have here: a homoerotic worshiping of all things Russia.
ReplyDeleteWhat?! You didn't call me a KGB agent, like idiots such as you tend to do? Well, I'm insulted.
DeleteI normally don't post any comments that qualify as diarrhea of the mouth. But seeing that you have an exceptional case of the Russophobic runs, I have made the decision to post your less-than intelligent comments for all the readers to enjoy.
With that said, the only homoerotic behavior I see is your perennial bending-over to Western officials in hopes that they may say the "G" word.
At the end of the day, the kind of Armenian you represent (those who suffer from severe political illiteracy and a "Qaj Nazar" syndrome) is more of a threat to the Armenian state than Turks.
God bless Mother Russia for without her not only would worthless asswipes like you be lamenting the Armenian Genocide and the loss of Western Armenia but also the destruction of the Armenia we have today...
Deleteget to the point, otherwise your rant is more like hopeless try. most countries around us use Russian made weapons.
Stop using helicopter shooting as a pretext to spill over Russophobia.
DeleteDon't look for any degree of rationale in their nonsense. They have an agenda and a mission to carry out regardless of how stupid it makes them sound. Makes you wonder: Do these people really believe the bullshit they spew? Which once again brings up the question: Are these people idiots or traitors?
In my humble opinion they are mostly a mix of naive sheeple, arrogant simpletons and emotionally damaged individuals (e.g. homosexuals) led by a small but tight network of Western agents.
Nevertheless, anonymous rather conveniently forgot to mention that US and British governments train Azeri snipers. Yes, those snipers who have been killing large numbers of Armenian soldiers on the border in recent years. Is anonymous ready to lay blame on Western governments for those deaths or will he instead blame the "Russian made bullets" Azeris use? Also, Israeli and Turkish governments have provided Baku with a wide array of military training as well as billions of dollars worth of sophisticated arms. Here are some news reports -
American military contractors MPRI Inc is training Azeri marksmen:
US Naval Special Ops Demos Training in Azerbaijan:
The Sunday Times: British special forces carried out secret trainings in Azerbaijan:
Azerbaijan Makes Massive Israeli Weapons:
Is a US-Financed Azeri Satellite A Threat to Armenia’s Security?:
Turkish Jets to Deliver American Nuclear Warheads, Report Says:
Anyway, Azerbaijan is a former Soviet republic. Azerbaijan is located within Russia's traditional sphere of influence. Azerbaijan has normal relations with Moscow. Therefore, it’s natural that most of the arms Baku possesses will be of Soviet/Russian origin. And whether we like it or not, Azerbaijan is also a sovereign republic and it has the legal right to maintain a military. How it uses its acquired weapons is altogether another matter. More importantly, unlike our poor, little and blockaded nation in the south Caucasus, Azerbaijan has the petrodollars to purchase whatever it wants from whomever it wants. If Russians don’t sell arms to them, someone else will. Tactically speaking, I rather Azeris get their weapons from Russia –
Russian expert: Armenia should be interested in Russian-Azeri arms deals:
Besides, how can we complain about Russia cooperating with our enemies when we actively cooperate with NATO members (i.e. Russia's enemies)? At the end of the day, and regardless of what Russians sell to Azeris, had Moscow not been providing Armenia with modern yet affordable weaponry (often times at no cost) Armenia would have disappeared from the map of the south Caucasus a very long time ago.
DeleteHomoeroetic circlejerk what? Only a gyot would come up with shit like this. Don't even pretend to speak of Njdeh.
Here is an analysis from the Noravank Institute in Armenia. I find their military/geo-political analysis usually very balanced and sane. Read the section that relates to geopolitical shifts in the coming decades and the possible scenarios for Armenia. The author quotes US think tanks in his analysis as well.
DeletePlease look deeper at the geopolitical problem and try to understand what the undertone of this blog is before you have a knee-jerk emotional reaction.
I'm the OP
Deletefirst off quit quickly jumping to your strawman portrayal of what you think anyone not ready to worship your dear leader is: some western funded activist wishing Armenia was more European. **** America and Europe as far I'm concerned. Nobody suggested that instead of getting on your knees for Putin, you should do the same for the west. Your entire argument for every god damn things is to derail the topic by saying oh so you suggest we go the homo jews of the west then huh? Can you even remotely demonstrate debating skills beyond that of a 5 year old for a few minutes. Is everything in your world about jews and gays? Not to be insulting, but with seeing how you feel the need to bring up the jews and gays every other minutes, and the homoerotic subpage dedicated to putin and his eyes, have you ever considered that maybe you people have a little bet of that homo jewishness in you?
Second of all, can you stop with your mother Russia bull****. Really are you not embarrassed? Can you stop worshiping the slavs for one moment while you pretend to be Armenian? I would love to see what Monte or Njdeh would do when they saw you people praising your mother Russia.
Finally, Russia has a right to sell weapons to whoever it wants, and **** Armenia over if its beneficial for it. However, if you people are at least going to be pretend your Armenian, you should stop worshiping it if it does. Because I have a right to attempt to oppose getting ****ed over when Russia tries. A lot of countries buy Russian weapons, but how many of them buy them to use against strategic partners of Russia? Second, I could care less what the god damn English or Jews sold to Azerbaijan. First of, they aren't a supposed ally of Armenia, and second of all, none of them produce and sell to Azerbaijan anything close to the S300PMU-2, BM-30 Smerch, or Mig29s. Since America doesn't sell Azerbaijan weapons, they couldn't buy anything close to the same capability if Russia wasn't selling them.
You people are pathetic in that you are not Armenian. You worship your god damn slavic overlords like some uncle tom black republican. You don't support Russian-Armenian relations because they are currently a necessity, you support them because you love Russia as much or more than Armenia. You are a god damn embarrassment. You would all be with the same bunch of people who insisted Njdeh abandon Syunik and just surrender to the Soviets when they took over Yerevan because that was our best hope of negotiating.
And please don't go on some racist rant about the jews about how the bolsheviks weren't Russians.. ya i head... this entire blog consists of the same general ideas over and over again:
western funded
gay liberal agenda
cia funded
us-anglo-jewish axis
mother Russia
(if only I wasn't a nigger Armenian, and could be slavic)
God bless Putin the gift from God, the reincarnation of Jesus Christ
**** your Russia, **** America, and **** anyone of you cowards who would gladly sell Armenia back to the Russian Empire so you could feel a little more slavic
Dear Anonymous,
DeleteTen years ago I would have found room in my heart to forgive the kind of stupidity you express. Today, after all we have see in places like Venezuela, Serbia, Greece, Ukraine, Libya, Egypt and Syria, I can only feel sorry for your sick little ass.
On a spiritual level, you are one of the many little, filthy, self-absorbed lemmings of the whore of Babylon. You serve darkness. I will not even waste one moment discussing international relations, history, geopolitics or Russo-Armenian relations with an intellectual midget like you. Doing so would be like talking about the meaning to life to a fungal spore.
Like all your ideological brethren, you sound like an angry idiot - with a serious case of Russophobia. Take that as a compliment because I could have called you a filthy traitor.
And despite how you try to wrap your bullshit - and whether you realize it or not - you people are agents of destruction and your existence in Armenia only serves to benefit Turks and Western imperialists.
A circle jerk of fagots (many of you are gays, open and otherwise), psychopaths, well meaning sheeple, ignorant adolescents and Western agents is exactly what you are. You people actually remind me of a weird religious cult: Freaks getting together and starting a circlejerk of fearmongering and hysteria. Feeding off each others fears, angers and ignorance. There is no sense is trying to explain to you how strange you all are.
All I can say to you is thank God for Mother Russia. And if it ever came to choosing between your Armenia, an "independent" playground for Turks, Jews and Westerners, and an Armenia as a Russian oblast - I would pick Russian oblast EVERY single time.
Now, please get lost. Your kind is not wanted in this blog.
Amazing, I cannot recall the last time I saw an attempt to refute a premise crash and burn as badly as in OP's two comments. Not a shred of consistency or logic in anything he/she/it wrote. He has the audacity to claim Arevordi and the rest of us are "gay for Putin" based on the fact that we promote the Russian-Armenian strategic alliance on the sound principles on which that alliance was founded, and because we highlight Russia's exceptional and indispensable role in the world and President Putin's remarkable reign as leader of a resurrected Russia; and then he complains that our rebuttals were are "strawman augments." Trolling at its ugliest.
DeleteI agree with Arevordi, this poster sounds very angry and emotional. He is most likely a defective individual, either a homosexual or some other freak and suffers from deep psychological issues. Deep down he knows that he is inferior, and he knows that in the traditional society we promote on this blog - healthy, Christian, traditional, NORMAL, Armenian, society - undesirable elements like him would not be tolerated. I wonder if "OP" here is actually Kevin Abrahamian, or some other faggot. It's this type of pathetic "useful idiot" that the west so expertly exploits when it wants to instigate riots or social decay in some part of the world. Luckily for Armenia, these Kevin Abrahamian types are limited in their destructive "activism" to the far away streets of West Hollywood or San Francisco's Castro District, where their effect on Armenia is insignificant.
Apart from learning from this retard's example of how anger and emotional-tirades have no place in any respectable discussion, we can also glean some more details on how these "angry activist" types operate. I'm going to assume from his use of the phrase "OP" (original poster) that he frequents many online forums like Reddit and others. I've observed that on those threads, no matter what the issue, there is always the same psuedo-intelligent, English-speaking, college-indoctrinated crowd of cowards who are desperate to conform to the dominant ultraliberal current of those forums. Anytime they come across the truth, and it challenges the false reality/cocoon in which they live, they respond by first distorting the facts which they don't like until they have a senseless and illogical strawman argument to work with (e.g. "you're gay for Putin," "all you do is talk about Jews and how you think they control everything in the world," etc.) and then they attempt to engage in some snide, cynical diatribe about why the facts/data which scare them are supposedly incorrect, childish, and despicable. This circle-jerk behavior let's them feel better about themselves because it works in online forums, but reality is usually very cruel to these types.
Here's some free advice asshole, stick to commenting on worthless ARF media websites that no one of even remote importance reads or gives a shit about. If you are looking for a receptive audience for your crap, stick to the local AYF or Armenian Students Association groups which are largely receptive to official positions that agents of the political west would like to impose on the Armenian diaspora. If you have any actual data to present here, then do it, otherwise no one fucking cares to listen to you PMS about "you guys are an embarrassment." And stop degrading Njteh's sacred legacy trying to score cheap, sophistic points for your baseless arguments. Njteh, a true patriot, gave his life trying to forge an alliance with the foreign partner which he thought had the most common interest with his vision of what was ideal for Armenia. Sadly for Njteh the Third Reich was defeated. But I am sure that if Njteh were alive today, he would be firmly in the camp of President Putin - the defender of the societal values that Njteh fought to preserve in Armenia.
DeletePs lol at this idiots "I know that the Bolsheviks were Jews not Russians, but I don't like that fact so I will just cast it aside without addressing it." Troll, mixed with self-righteousness, mixed with an odd Zionist bend. Where the fuck do you people keep popping up from?
Excellent rebuttal, Sarkis jan. Remain vigilant. The next few months will be pivotal. Again, let me remind you that Uncle Sam's whores in Armenia have been tasked with hijacking the up coming April 24 commemorations to advance their Turco-Western agenda in the country. Spread awareness.
DeletePart 1 of 2
ReplyDeleteMore bullshit:
ԵՏՄ-ն և Հայաստանի պաշտպանությունը
I didn't know about this NGO up until now, Union of "informed" citizens. More like Union from brainwashing Armenians and turning them against Russia. Here is a breakdown of their arguments followed by rebuttals:
0:28-0:45 "We are forced to buy old and outdated Russian equipment. The S-300 PS is from 1982 (effective range 90 km), the tanks and artillery are also outdated"
If there's one thing I have to insist is that if someone is talk about Armenia's military, they should at least understand what they're talking about and understand how military arming takes place. First of all, the S-300s that we get may be from 1982, but that doesn't mean anything. Russia, as well as the other big countries, always export their older models once they build newer models. But here's the thing. Russia gives us the Russian version of S-300 for free, while azerbaijan and other countries mainly get the export version. Same thing goes with the tanks and the "artillery" (I laughed at 0:45 because what they're showing is not artillery, but S-125 surface to air missiles. That shows how intelligent they are in the military).
Although we have T-72 tanks and azeris have T-90s, ours are upgraded and Russian version, while the azeris' are export version which is the equivalent of a regular T-72. Moving on...
1:08-1:38 "When we enter the Eurasian Union, we will have to pay 18-20% to the EEU when buying weapons from non-EEU countries. That means we're FORCED to buy Russian weapons, regardless of their quality, quantity and date of production. Boo hoo"
Like in every organization, each country has its rights and its obligations. What we're getting instead of this 20% tax story is a better economy in general, more security, more high quality weapons at even cheaper prices, more financial stability, more of everything. Also, NATO member countries are discouraged/not allowed to buy Russian weapons. But that seems to be fair, right?... These guys seriously believe that NATO will give us weapons soo powerful that we will obliterate azerbaijan in an hour? Or is all this part of the manipulation?!
1:40-2:38 "Countries such as the USA, France, Britain, Germany, and other super high-developed "civilized" countries REFUSE selling weapons to azerbaijan, while Russia is giving this many thousand tanks, this many million missiles, anti-air S300 "Favorit" (effective range 200 km) and is the only country which is selling azerbaijan offensive weapons, etc. etc. etc."
This is the "meat and potatoes" part of this bullshit video. Western countries REFUSE selling weapons to azerbaijan?! Yeah, and turkey is going to give our lands back in 2015... Compared to the "modern" Russian offensive weapons (which in reality are also mostly from Soviet times), azeris have the latest British, American, German and of course turkish and weaponry in their arsenal. So now tell me, what is better to have for our enemy? Modern or outdated weapons?!
About the S300 Favorit. I don't care if the effective range is 200, 20 or 2000 kilometers, the fact of the matter is those are useless against Armenia because our Armed Forces do not rely on the air force as much as the azeris rely on theirs. The SU-25s play a secondary role and may not take part in decisive combat zones in case of war.
Part 2 of 2
ReplyDelete2:40-3:36 "It's clear that the Russian base in Gyumri is not there to protect us from azerbaijan, because Russia is selling weapons to azerbaijan, but let us look this in another context. According to the 1994 Budapest agreement, Russia takes the role to protect Ukraine, but that didn't stop Russia from invading Ukraine and using its Ukrainian bases against the people of Ukraine"
And this section gentlemen I guess we can call it the cherry on top. So according the "informed citizens", Russia is going to use its base to kill the Armenian population. So Russia "invaded" the Ukraine... did the Ukraine remain trusty towards Russia? ... Did the Ukrainian people accept Russia's protection or did everything to get rid of it? ... Did the Ukrainian government treat its citizens of Russian origin well? Especially in 2014?!
As for the Gyumri base, let me inform to the uninformed citizens that if it weren't for that base, Armenian Genocide 2.0 would have taken place and completed long ago by turkey and azerbaijan, one nation two-states hand-in-hand.
Anyways, I wish everyone a Happy New Year and a Merry Armenian Christmas. Regardless of what the traitors are trying to do, they will fail. 2015 will prove to be an interesting year for Armenia. A new era begins. A Eurasian era.
In our case, let the few remaining genuine Armenian patriots succeed in their lives and contribute to their Homeland. Let our numbers grow and hopefully in the near future, let us raise a new generation of rational nationalistic Armenians who cherish their culture and their homeland. No worries, let our people cry the coming year on April 24. We know better. We know what we need to do in order to go forward. Only after building our current Armenia will we be able to plan our ultimate goal: The Liberation of Western Armenia.
Thank you for bringing this group to my attention. I will add them to my ever growing list of Western led subversives operating within Armenian society. Thank you for your spot-on commentary. I couldn't have said it better myself. And thank you for your wishes. I fully share you feelings and I, likewise, would like to wish you the best in all your endeavors. Never keep your eyes off of the homeland. Good or bad, that is the only piece of real estate we have. We therefore have an obligation toward it. And never forget that the road to Western Armenia starts in the Armenia we have today.
DeletePS: 2015 will definitely be a pivotal year for Armenia. Western led extremists in the country are preparing for a showdown on April 24. As silly as this may sound, Preparliament extremists will actually attempt a regime change on the 100-th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Please spread awareness.
Good job Svediatsi. I firmly believe these point-by-point rebuttals are the best way to counter NGO agitprop. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your response to this. Honestly these people are trash, uninformed idiots posing as "experts". The attack on the Gyumri base is ridiculous; didn't diplomats from NATO states France and Greece verify that in 1993 that base prevented the Armenian Genocide 2.0? As for 1980s Russian weapons, first off 1980s weapons are sufficient for Armenia's needs, and relatively modern for a state of Armenia's position and limited resources. Hell the bulk of Turkish tanks and artillery are 1950s and 1960s American surplus (e.g. Patton tanks, F4-Phantoms, their howitzers, ect. see In 2008 the mighty Russian Army crushed Saakashvili's invasion forces using older tanks than Armenia currently posses. Not that tanks are in any way dispositive in a mountainous area like Artsakh. And in any case noone is "forcing" Armenia to buy Russian weapons, but I doubt any western countries are interested in selling Armenia any Abrams, Leclercs, or Leopards, or Challengers, much less at a discounted price. Armchair generals have no business stirring up hysterical fears. These useless idiots exemplify why NGO's need to be heavily regulated if not outright banned - fortunately from Russia to Egypt there is an emerging movement to do just that and shut down fifth-column, foreign-funded NGOs.
DeleteImportant interview
Noravank and Voskanapat are the only two think tanks in Armenia that deserve respect. I was glad that the interview's theme was largely in-line with this blog's theme.
DeleteRip roaring laughter when one is confronted with sweeping, outrageous claims of a ready to burst in the streets putsch against the government, around the April frame time to coincide with the centenary remembrances. These gansgsters must be a bevy of lobotomized zombies if they even think they would be able to come out into the streets. If this story is true, it supports the theory that their potential behaviour is reminiscent of the feverish outbursts of a paralytic or the delirious shout of chronic drunkards. Assuming that this conspiratorial fable was credible , it would also presume that the security forces of the government have the CV of each of the leadership, monitoring their movements and tracking their societal and political transactions. The security organs of the government would also have ample dossiers on the " foot soldiers and the shock troops of merry go around putchists". The government should not wait, but move over on the offensive and grab the whole pack of sewer rats and exile them to wherever they wish to do. It would be unfair to the average tax payer to foot the bill to keep these traitors in jail. On th other hand we do not have to be surprised , even though the story might be apocryphal , that such absurdities can be contemplated in Armenia; after all the monster hegemon JudenUSA has the largest embassy compound in the region. Why would the hegemon construct the largest embassy compound in landlocked Armenia? What is the " diplomatic" staff and teams lodged in the compound spend their time on ? Espionage, funding of NGO thugs and other subversive internationalist organizations.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous (December 30, 2014 at 10:53 AM)
DeleteAs surreal as it may sound, it's very true. A group of Western led nutjobs calling themselves Preparliament are planning on highjacking the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide by trying to topple the government - by the use of arms if need be. Although it sounds like a satirical comedy, a violent coup is actually what they are going to attempt on April 24.
Not many Armenians know about this agenda. So, please spread awareness.
The Western led political opposition in Armenia are psychologically/emotionally sick people. You cant reason with them. You can't understand them. Didn't we watch, as their ideological brethren in Serbia, Ukraine, Libya and Syria destroy their homelands? It's our nutjob's turn now. Uncle Sam has called them to his lair and told them they either do this or their funding, that which many of them live off, will be cut off.
They have a sense of superiority and mission because they think they will save Armenia - from monsters that exist in their heads.
Like I told the anonymous American-Armenian opposition activist above, the Western led political opposition in Armenia are agents of destruction and their existence only serves to benefit Turks and Western imperialists. They are a circle jerk of fagots (many of them are gays, open and otherwise), psychopaths, well meaning sheeple, ignorant adolescents and Western agents. They remind me of a weird religious cult: Freaks getting together and starting a circlejerk of fearmongering and hysteria. Feeding off each others fears, angers and ignorance.
The last thing Armenia needs right now is bad PR, especially on April 24. If they do go through with their promise and try something, it will at the very least be a good show. I hope to see police brutality.
American agents have cried wolf for one last time. If they goahead and try to pull some shit on April 24 I also hope to see some police brutality ala American style! LOL
DeleteThey are traitors and cowards for using April 24 as a cover for their actions. They think the government wont do anything on that day because of press coverage. Maybe they also think that by going to the streets and mixing with the mourners that day it will make their numbers look big. Disgusting.
Guys I doubt that bloodshed will occur or even be necessary. Coup d'etats carried out in the CIS and middle east have only succeeded where large crowds have been organized, incited, and mobilized. That ship sailed in Armenia in March 2008. We saw how quickly raffi hovannisian's "barevolution" fizzled out. And at least raffy could claim that he was genuinely popular in some regions - who the hell would follow the Preparliament clowns into another series of protests. It's not even election season. This is a hail mary play by the west, but it's too little too late to salvage their influence inside Armenia. By the time this crap is scheduled, Armenia will have been safely in the Eurasian Union for four months. I'd be shocked if these idiots got as much attention as that shant haroutunyan terrorist who blew up a small bomb in one of Yerevan's squares before he was apprehended by Armenia's security bodies. I suspect, and hope, that April 24 will be as smooth and uneventful as the 2013 Presidential election (the powers that be even resorted to shooting paruyr hayrikyan when it was clear that all was calm in Armenia, and even that did not escalate tensions in any meaningful way.
DeleteImpressive article
ReplyDeleteMaking Enemies America Can't Afford: Congress Votes More Sanctions on Russia:
Hello all, I've been absent for some time. Was in Russia and Armenia this summer. In Russia i was in Rostov during the heat of the war in the Donbass. The city itself enjoyed a peaceful life, people were out everwhere in markets on the streets and it felt very very safe (other than vehicle traffic where Russians seems to be driving worse these days than Armenians).
ReplyDeleteRussia for sure will have a difficult year in 2015, but I agree with everything written by Arevordi in this entry.
I listen to this called Pyakin who talks much of global geopolitics and the struggle of the elites. The differentiates global elites from the national elites. The global elites according to him are working on the removal of the American empire as they no longer need it. The American national elites are obviously fighting tooth and nail.
He also had something interesting to say about the Global elite's attitude towards Russia. On the one hand they want to contain Russia and interfere with its advancement (they don't want a powerful entity outside of their control), on the other hand they need Russia and specifically Putin to solve many of the global problems for them.
Welcome back Skhara. I was wondering where you were.
DeleteIn a nutshell: The "Global elite" (primarily wealthy Jews, multinational mega corporations and old money) are those behind the worldwide push for globalization and liberalism. They are the ones behind secret societies like the Freemasons; they are behind major think tanks like the CFR; they are the ones pushing the Global Warming agenda; they are the ones pushing for the sprea dof GMOs; they are the ones pushing vaccinations; they are the ones pushing homosexuality; they are the ones pushing interracialism and multiculturalism; they are the ones behind elite gatherings like the Bilderbergs; they are the ones that ultimately fund all Soros-type democracy and civil society movements around the world. They are the shadow government, they are the state within the state. They ultimately hope to eradicate all forms of nationalism (primarily European) and religion (primarily Christianity). They therefore have targeted not only developing nations around the world but also Western nations. The West, the Anglo-American world where they mostly live in, has actually been one of their very first victims. The Western political establishment today is a hostage/slave to this Global elite. There may seem to be some push back from nationalist and conservative types from time to time, but the Globalist elite is gradually gaining total control over Western society. It's therefore futile to hope that the West will turn around. Unless we see a miracle of sorts, Western nations will be a total lose. The West has actually become the powerful vehicle upon which the Globalist elite are spreading their agenda worldwide. Simply put: Washington DC and American society is under foreign occupation. Trying to break free of this almost total control they have over American society will surely kill the US. The US is their playground. Russia (and to a lesser extent China) is the only obstacle the Globalist elite have in the world today.
Paykin's assessment is accurate. They don't want Russia totally gone. A total Russian fall will create uncontrollable geopolitical chaos and a vacuum for others to expand into. They simply want Russia weaker, smaller, poorer and but most important of all - under their control.
PS: Please share with us your observations/impressions from your trip.
DeleteThe way you describe the globalist elite actually makes a lot of sense for me. All the dependencies in traditional US vs. globalist Armenian makes sense when looking at it this way. I am glad you made the distinction about traditional America and occupied modern America.
Happy new year to you and your family.
I am not making a judgement but all the liberal/left wing values you see propagating throughout the US (e.g. Global warming, interracialism, multiculturalism, feminism, gun control, ecumenicism, homosexual rights, civil society, anti-establishment movements, abortion rights, minority rights, etc) is a by-product of the Western globalist elite.
DeleteThis is not a "Democrat versus Republican" or "Left versus Right" matter because both sides of the political fence in Washington are fully in the pocket's of the Globalist elite. The only sector of American society that is doing its best to maintain its traditional independence are genuine libertarians in America's white/Christian heartland (areas traditionally inhabited by Germanic peoples). These are the people currently in their sights. The Globalist elite will be using gun control legislation to systematically curb dissent in the American heartland.
Traditional America began gradually disappearing during the 1960s and the 1970s. The modern multiethnic cesspool that American society has been turned into (with the active help from the music, cinema and television industry) is a by-product of the Globalist elite's agenda for the US - and for the entire world: They truly have an agenda that is global in nature: To remake man into one big mongrelized mass of Godless, nation-less, family-less, culture-less, ethic-less and mind-less animals blindly working and fighting for them. They want man to replace God, family and country with consumerism, self-gratification and entertainment.
I am not trying to be an apologist for the "traditional America" but the Globalist elite is a far more dangerous entity because they not only threaten mankind with physical destruction but also with spiritual destruction.
Շնորհավոր Նոր Դարի և Սուրբ Ծնունդ
ReplyDeleteԼավագույն մաղթանքներս ձեզ և ձեր ընտանիքներին: Թող գալիք տարին բերի մեր երկրին խաղաղութիւն եւ աննախադեպ նվաճումներ:
Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year to all.
Let us all pray for peace in the world.
Best wishes to everyone for New Year. Health, happiness and success.
DeleteThanks for everything Arevordi, we had a lot going on in 2014 and your blog certainly keeps us informed and together. Looking forward to better year for Armenia and Russia.
Happy new year and merry Armenian Christmas to all fellow Arevordis (Arm: children of the sun). Thank you Arevordi for the time you put in this blog. I don't comment much but I regularly check in to see what's going on. You are making a difference.
2015 will definitely be a pivotal year, though I suspect that the next three years will define the future of the world. The upcoming 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide (though Armenian Holocaust would be more appropriate since it was technically the first 'Holocaust' of the 20th century). I may be among the non-Armenians who contribute to this blog, but rest assure that I am not a brainwashed zombie with a sad case of Russophobia. That is not what I want to say at all.
ReplyDeleteOn RT, there was something that caught my attention and it was basically a group of Russian quislings who tried to pull off a 'Maidan' in Moscow called "Euromanezhna", and the horrifying part of this thing is that the transgendered person Conchita Wurst even called for such a 'revolution' since the ones behind this protest would assume that Russia doesn't like gays. Thankfully there were counter-protestors who opposed a 'Maidan in Moscow'.
On the other hand, I don't know if this is just a political satire or not, but this article actually highlights the Jewish role in the Ukraine crisis and its unlikely links to the events in the West Bank and Gaza.
The Jewish role in the Ukraine crisis is very discernible. Many of the main players in Kiev are of Jewish extraction. Yes, the next years will be a very important year in global affairs. I pray for peace on earth. Happy and healthy new year to you and your family Jerriko.
DeletePS: We are ideological brothers. You are one of us.
Thank you, Arevordi. I just wish my original homeland would be more wary of the upcoming conflicts ahead. After all, the Philippines is pretty much a front line in the potential conflict against China.
DeleteI also notice on other boards that the liberal losers that I encounter often call those who support 'authoritarian' regimes as 'tankies' simply because we happen to oppose US actions while they accuse us of being apologists for such brutal dictators.
Delete"The Ukraine Solution: Two Jewish Homelands". The caption says it all. The plan was concocted before WWI and was one of the hidden causes of its outbreak. The target was Russia, slated for dismemberment since then.
Washington's revolving door with the Azerbaijan leadership. The US ambassador in Yerevan needs to be called to task on this instead of having his meaningless Christmas/New Year speech publicized.
My wish for 2015 is for it to become the year of victory.
ReplyDeleteSomething interesting I came across:
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas and happy new year to all.
Longtime reader