For whatever reason, Moscow has not reacted forcefully to Western provocations in the Ukraine. Perhaps the Olympic games was a factor or the fear of accidentally igniting a full fledged civil war in Ukraine. Perhaps Moscow has been secretly seeking a pretext to lay claims on eastern Ukraine and Crimea. It should be said that there is also the possibility, albeit remote, that some form of an understanding may have been reached between Moscow and the West with regards to an eventual Ukrainian partition. Nevertheless, for reasons yet unclear, Moscow seems to be taking the greatest crisis on its borders since the collapse of the Soviet Union over twenty years ago very calmly.
Moreover, leading up to the latest events, President Yanukovych continued to look very weak and indecisive: Perhaps because he also feared a civil war, perhaps he was told by Moscow to stand down or perhaps because he simply did not know what to do. For whatever the reason may be, President Yanukovych's government has been too weak, too timid, too tolerant and too indecisive. The Ukrainian president would have been fully justified had he taken serious measures to put down the violent uprising right from the beginning. Western security forces incidentally would have responded with overwhelming force against such an uprising within Western countries. President Yanukovych would have been justified had he called on the Ukrainian military to intervene to help stop the violence. Having said that, however, it must also be pointed out that the Yanukovych government may have been fearing the possibility of inter-ethnic violence spreading into military ranks. Such a thing would have proven disastrous for the entire country. Therefore, it is somewhat understandable that he chose to keep the Ukrainian army out of the mess. But there clearly were other things he could have done early on when the Western-backed movement was in its initial stages.
All that is now in the past. We now have a new reality on the ground.
The prevailing situation in Kiev during the past few weeks and President Yanukovych's perceived weakness seemed to have only emboldened Washington and its lemmings in Ukraine. I would even go as far as saying Western-backed forces used Moscow's preoccupation with the Olympics to make a calculated move on Kiev. Just when Moscow was basking in the Olympic limelight in Sochi, just when an uneasy stalemate seemed to be in place and a possible settlement seemed to be in the works in Kiev, protesters went on the offensive and chaos descended onto Kiev.
Similar to other uprisings in recent years, social media was used to direct violence, incite hatred and disseminate propaganda. Similar to other uprising in recent years, Western NGOs were pouring money and activists into Kiev. Similar to what unknown snipers have done in places like Venezuela, Iran, Egypt, Libya and Syria in recent years, masked hit squads have been making their rounds in Ukraine as well. Western Ukrainian cities have broken free of central control. Scores of firearms and large amounts of ammunition were stolen from official buildings. Riots police were met with extreme violence. Dozens of people, including many police officers, have been killed, many by unknown assailants. The situation in Ukraine has reached the point of no return.
In the spirit of Rohm Emanuel's well known adage "never let a crisis go to waste", Washingtonian reptiles have been all over Ukraine like rabid vultures over a stinking carcass. Not a single opportunity has been left unexploited by them. Every single domestic matter in the country was thoroughly exploited and used against the state. Their intent was clear right from the start: Drive a bloody wedge in Ukrainian society and sever Kiev from Russia.
Washington has admittedly spent five billion dollars on a deeply divided nation to essentially foment a revolution. The money proved well spent. President Yanukovych seems to have paid the price for his incompetence, weakness, indecision, as well as corruption. The latest news reports out of Ukraine are claiming that President Yanukovych has fled Kiev to the safety of pro-Russian eastern regions of the country, a new Western-backed government is taking shape in the Ukrainian capitol, tensions are rising in Russian-speaking regions of Ukraine and Moscow has recalled its ambassador to Ukraine. Thus far, this has been a victory for anti-Russian forces in the heart of central Europe. Western-backed political forces in Kiev have now succeeded in driving perhaps a permanent wedge between Ukraine and Russia.
What makes this crisis that much more troubling is that it's happening right next to Russia. Looking at Western machinations in the region, I have a feeling Washington and friends may be looking for yet another proxy war, this time on Russia's borders. If the situation continues to spiral out of control, sooner-or-later Russia will be forced to respond because keeping certain parts of Ukraine within a Russian orbit is an urgent geostrategic matter for the Kremlin.
At this point, a Ukrainian split seems very probable. A harsh Russian reaction seems very probable. A civil war is possible. The annexation of Crimea by Russian forces is possible. A possible clash between Russian-speaking Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars is possible. The risk that the situation in Kiev may spill into neighboring regions also seems possible. Which leaves one wondering, is this what US officials are actually seeking? And if that is so, what is their end game? A world war? Even if the situation on the ground in Ukraine is placed back under control, although that seems increasingly improbable now, recent events in Ukraine will nonetheless severely strain Russian-Western relations for many-many years to come. Recent developments have proven beyond any doubt that Western officials and Western funded organizations in Ukraine have been fully complicit in what has been happening in Kiev. Please see the articles I have posted below this commentary for a more in-depth reference.
Washington, once again, has blood on its hands. It's Syria all over again, minus Al-Qaeda. Nevertheless, it should now be clear to us all, even to the idiots among us, that the US and the so-called Euro-Maidan rebels are not really concerned about "democracy" in Ukraine nor do they really care about the EU. What's been happening in the Ukraine can only be described as a violent insurrection carried-out by Western-backed separatists and the main driving force behind the movement in question is ethnic hatred.
I briefly touched upon this topic in my previous commentary about Ukraine: Due to various 2oth century factors, not the least of which was Bolshevik crimes and the annexation and incorporation into Ukraine of Polish held territories by communists during the aftermath of the Second World War, Ukraine today has a considerable segment of population that is vehemently anti-Russian.
It was this particular segment of Ukraine's population as well as regional Turks (Tatars) that greeted invading Wehrmacht troops in 1941 with flowers. It was individuals from this segment of Ukrainian society that become some of Nazi Germany's most brutal killers on the Eastern Front. It can be argued whether their Russophobia at the time was justified or not, but the reality of the matter is that their hatred of Russians is still around and it is this ethnic hatred that is being meticulously exploited by Anglo-American-Jewish interests for the past twenty years. We are therefore seeing a convenient convergence of interests between a portion of Ukrainian society that wants separation from Russia and Western officials seeking to weaken Russia's strategic hold over the Ukraine - purely for geostrategic reasons.
This is a historic opportunity to annex Crimea and eastern Ukraine
Russian officials may have held back for not wanting to be seen as if they have a direct hand in what has been happening... or perhaps because they were seeking a pretext to liberate Russian-speaking regions of the country. Nevertheless, Western powers have now gone too far. The Kremlin must understand that Western officials are in this to win and should therefore respond in a drastic yet well calculated countermeasure. Now that Western-backed insurgents in Kiev have used subversive means and violence to capture political power in a strategically situated nation that has historically been within Russia's political and cultural orbit, they have left Russian authorities with no choice but to react. Once the Olympic games end, I hope so will Moscow's patience. I expect to see more resolve by Russian officials in the coming weeks.
If Moscow does not strongly react to recent developments in Ukraine, we can all expect similar troubles eventually infecting other targeted nations in the region. The Western agenda against Russia in Europe (i.e. encircle it with military installations and allied buffer states) will not be complete until Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia are also secured by Western powers. The ground work has already been laid in these nations by armies of opposition activists, propaganda outlets, agents, mercenaries, NGOs and Western firms. If Western officials deem their actions in the Ukraine a success, Yerevan and Minsk, in particular, will eventually go up in flames as well.
Russian officials need to understand that Western powers are in this for the long term. They will resort to all kinds of dirty tactics to achieve their geostrategic goal of weakening Russian power west of the Urals. The Western agenda against Russia's resurgence is ultimately a measure to ensure their political and financial supremacy over the world. Western powers will only stand down when their losses far outweigh their gains. Kremlin officials seriously need to think about this. With that said, this is a historic opportunity to return the Crimea to Mother Russia. Recent developments in Kiev therefore holds great and historic significance. The West has made its move on the Eurasian chessboard. Now, it's Moscow's turn.
I hope to see Moscow's first reaction take place in the Crimea and in the Russian populated industrial regions of eastern Ukraine. Moscow should make it clear that if the newly created illegitimate regime in Kiev chooses to break way from Moscow and enter the EU or if it makes move on Crimea or eastern Ukraine, Moscow will have no choice but to militarily intervene to protect the Russian-speaking populations there. Tensions in the Crimea have in fact risen significantly in recent days. Russian activists need to have a presence on the ground. Russia simply cannot afford to risk losing the immensely strategic Russian speaking region on the Black Sea. In an encouraging sign, Crimea has been getting a lot of exposure in Russian media in recent days. There is no doubt that Moscow will go to war to secure Crimea. But, for now, the first thing it should do is reinforce its military installations in the region and start providing Crimean Russians with Russian citizenship.
But securing the Crimea should not be Moscow's only response to the latest Western provocations. Moscow should also place trade sanctions and cut off gas shipments to the newly created illegitimate puppet regime in Kiev. Such measures should also be used against any nation thought to be involved in the unrest in Kiev. Moreover, Moscow should seriously begin thinking about reestablishing its military presence in Cuba and also perhaps in Venezuela and begin funding anti-American civic movements throughout the Americas. More importantly, Moscow should also make it clear that if NATO attempts any further moves inside Georgia, the Russian military will use Georgian territory to establish a land-link with Armenia. A similar warning was made public by Russian military officials last year when military aggression against Syria by the West seemed imminent. It's time for Moscow to repeat this warning once again and do so in unambiguous terms.
In the big picture, it should also be mentioned that Moscow may ultimately be better off with western Ukraine going under Western control. Let Western powers now waste immense amounts of funds trying to boost the bankrupt and backward region in question. Let western Ukrainians suffer the same fate as Greeks, Bosnians and Bulgarians. Fuck them and fuck the EU. Let the West provide them with all their needs. After all, they broke the country, let them now fix it. Western policies have brought the entire region to the brink of yet another major war. In their imperial hubris, what US officials are doing in Kiev is essentially pushing a nuclear superpower into a corner. Not a very smart move. Russia must therefore do all it can now to make the Ukraine a very toxic pill for the West to swallow.
The cuss heard around the world
If one hundred years ago it was the "shot heard round the world" that announced the start of the First World War, today it may very well have been the words "Fuck the EU". Before the latest developments in Ukraine. intelligence services had intercepted a telephone conversation in which US State Department official Victoria Nuland was telling the US ambassador in Kiev what she thought of the EU. Even more sensational than her less-than ladylike choice of words, however, was the fact that she and the US ambassador to Ukraine could be clearly heard plotting to "midwife" the insurrection taking place in Kiev. The interception of the conversation and its timely release to the public was a brilliant move, most probably carried out by Russian security services. With the now infamous cuss heard around the world, Nuland has become the personification of Washington's evil political agenda around the world. Her arrogance and vulgarity - so typical of US officials these days - has no doubt caused many rude awakenings throughout the world.
As the likes of war criminals like McCain and Nuland have shown us, imperial hubris will prove to be the American empire's most serious weakness one day. Blinded by their arrogance, megalomania, gluttony and blood lust, the political West is headed into uncharted territory.
More-and-more people are now beginning to see the real agenda behind recent unrests we have been seeing around the world. More-and-more people are coming to the realization that when it comes to nations targeted by Western activists, the last thing on the minds of Western officials are democracy, freedom or human rights. More-and-more people are now beginning to come to the realization that the only thing on the minds of Western officials is imperial hegemony. And more-and-more people are coming to the somber recognition that Western policies are bringing the world closer to a major war.
Why is Ukraine so important for the West?
Ukraine is a deeply divided society and a strategically located country that physically shares a border with the European Union on its west and Russian Federation on its north and east. For anyone that has seen a map of the region where the country is located, it should be quite obvious as to why Ukraine is so important to Western powers. But, in any case, I''ll allow one of the Western world's most influential foreign policymakers to tell us why in his own words:
"Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be an empire, but with Ukraine suborned and then subordinated, Russia automatically becomes an empire. But if Russia becomes an empire, it cannot be a democracy at the same time. We might add that an imperial Russia will be forced to abandon economic reform in favor of central planning" - Zbigniew Brzezinski, in a 1993 Foreign Affairs articleYou see, as usual, it's all about Russia. It's not about Ukraine's "democratic" future, it's about weakening Russia and getting back at President Putin. As America's most infamous Polak candidly points out, geostrategically, Russia is enormously more powerful with the territory of Ukraine within its fold and considerably weakened without it. The Polak also goes on to suggest that the West is concerned about Moscow not following through at the time with its promised "economic reforms". For Western officials, "economic reforms" is simply a code term for putting one's economic and financial system under Anglo-American-Jewish control. For much of the 1990s, the West had actually succeeded in subverting Russia's post-Soviet economy and financial institutions through forced reforms and Western backed Jewish oligarchs. Needless to say, this all changed in 2000 when Russia's security services succeeded in helping Vladimir Putin assume leadership in Moscow.
The collapse of the Soviet Union 1991 provided Western powers a historic opportunity to penetrate into Russian held territories. Ukraine has thus been diligently worked on by a very wide array of Western led and funded operatives, NGOs, political activists, politicians, clergymen, think tanks, rights advocates, journalists, feminist movements, gay movements, firms, moneymen, etc, for two full decades. Western powers have been exploiting Kiev in their geostrategic drive to expand NATO and their multinational theme-park known as the European Union deep into historically recognized Russian territories. For a further perspective on recent events, the following are two excellent interviews, one with a well known former Ronald Reagan official, the other, with an accomplished NYU professor -
The Road to World War 3: Ukraine, Russia and American Imperialism:
A New Cold War? Ukraine Violence Escalates, Leaked Tape Suggests U.S. Was Plotting Coup:
Western powers have historically recognized the Russian state as their number one geopolitical competitor on the global stage. With a resurgent Russia making a global comeback in recent years, there has therefore been an air of urgency in various power centers in the Western world. In a strong sense, this is a race against time for the Western political/financial establishment and this Western push into eastern Europe can be likened to a new Operation Barbarossa. I can only hope at this point that Moscow is getting ready a new Operation Bagration of its own. Nevertheless, let's make no mistake about it, the situation in the Ukraine is very serious indeed. Here we see Henry Kissinger, another one of the Anglo-American-Zionist global order's veteran policymakers subtly sounding the alarm about the way the political West has been handling the crisis in the Ukraine -
It's important to point out here that the likes of Kissinger (and Brzezinski) represent the Western world's old school approach in empire building: Cautious, systematic, strategic, covert, indirect and nuanced. Such men are fundamentally opposed to the Western world's post-Soviet "neocon" approach to international relations: Overt, arrogant, vulgar, in your face, blatant, aggressive, loud, warmongering, etc. Therefore, the old war criminal is sounding the alarm about the manner in which Washington is currently pursuing the Western world's age-old dream of weakening and containing Russia. In other words, the empire's old guard, its political elite, is worried about a Russian backlash. As mentioned above, one of the Russian backlashes may be seen in the Crimea.Henry Kissinger on Fareed Zakaria interview!
As to the argument regarding why can't Washington intervene in Ukraine, since Russia is thought to be doing the same? Ukraine has historically been been recognized as a part of Russia. Washington encouraging secession in the Ukraine would be somewhat similar to Moscow doing the same within Mexican populated regions of south-eastern US, which were historically a part of Mexico. So, ask yourselves: How would Washington react to any kind of a secessionist movement within the US, especially one that is being funded by a foreign power? How would Washington react to any kind of a foreign funded movement within the US? How would Washington react even if such movements irrupted inside Canada or Mexico? Can anyone even in their wildest dreams imagine movements in the US - say to abolish the Federal Reserve or to curb Wall Street excesses or to stop Pentagon waste or to investigate the attacks on 9/11 or to champion wealth distribution or promote conservatism - financed by China or Russia? The answers to these question should be clear to us all.
Engineering revolutions around the world
Why does Washington engineer revolutions around the world? Because it can. Why can it? Because we the sheeple allow them. Western powers have the financial, political and cultural levers that enable them to invade every single nation on earth and the natives in those nations would not even be aware of it, perhaps the only exception being North Korea. After all, if we want to live in their lands, speak their language, sing their songs, dance to their music, watch their movies, dress like them, eat like them, trade in their currency, get our information from their sources... how can we ever think of them as the enemy?
We must be fully cognizant of the fact that "opposition" activists in societies around the world that are targeted by the political West are serving the imperial agendas of the political West. Natural growing pains, economic problems and domestic issues that many nations are experiencing in recent years are being meticulously exploited by Western interests. As long as we continue looking up to the Western world as a global leader and adoringly adopt their cultural elements, we will continue remaining at their mercy. It is precisely our political ignorance and our personal preferences that has turned the political West into the monster that it is today.
Humanity will only cure itself of Westernization/Globalism when vermin from Washington and London are barred from entering civilized nations around the world. Humanity will only cure itself when the global commodities exchange is taken away from Anglo-American-Jewish control. Humanity will only begin curing itself when global financial levers are taken away from Western control. Humanity will only begin curing itself when the sheeple of this world strive to learn languages other than English. Humanity will only cure itself when Anglo-American "pop culture" finally gets recognized for what it actually is: primitive, animalistic, subversive and dangerous to the health and well being of human society.
It does not matter whether they realize it or not, Western-led political opposition groups around the world are doing the devil's work today, and that of course includes such groups in Armenia. As long as Western powers are not in control in Yerevan to turn Armenia into a cheep brothel servicing Turks, Azeris, Wahhabi Islamists and Western energy interests, Armenia's so-called political opposition will continue using every excuse in the book to complain about Armenia's leadership and attack Armenia's alliance with Russia. Therefore, do not be fooled by their lofty rhetoric and humanitarian concerns. Armenia's Western led independent journalists, rights advocates, think tanks, politicians, political activists and NGOs pose the single greatest threat to the existence of the Armenian republic today. It was only natural therefore that Raffi Hovanissian's Heritage Party would have been inspired by what has been happening in Ukraine.
Many Armenians naively rejoiced recently when news that Armenia is leading its region in press freedoms was made public. Knowing how Western powers operate, I am actually concerned about this bit of news. In fact, much of the reason behind why Armenians have been demoralized in recent years and why there is a powerful sense of hopelessness in Armenia in recent years is precisely due to the hysteria fomented by the Western and opposition presses in Armenia. Armenia having press freedoms is a liability in this day in age when journalism and information are used as weapons of mass destruction by Western powers. In his book "The Brothers" author Stephen Kinzer reveals that the more free or open a society, the more vulnerable it is to Western manipulation and exploitation:
"[The Dulles brothers] were able to succeed [at regime change] in Iran and Guatemala because those were democratic societies, they were open societies. They had free press; there were all kinds of independent organizations; there were professional groups; there were labor unions; there were student groups; there were religious organizations. When you have an open society, it's very easy for covert operatives to penetrate that society and corrupt it."It is therefore not a surprise that Venezuelan and Egyptian governments have cracked down on Western journalists in their countries. If it was up to me, I would classify all Western journalists as foreign combatants and deal with them accordingly. We should all know by now that "open society", "economic reform", "freedom of press" and "democracy" are more-or-less code words for making nations vulnerable to a destructive invasion by Western interests.
Stephen Kinzer in NPR Radio Interview:
Therefore, let there be no doubts as to why Western powers (and government connected influential individuals and organizations in the Western world) have been spending tens-of-billions of dollars in trying to create "open societies" around the world. As we have seen in recent years, former Soviet nations have been targeted by these architects of social engineering. Under lofty banners designed to play on people's emotions, Western operatives throughout former Soviet society have been seeding nations with seeds of destruction for the past twenty years. Ukraine has become the most recent glaring example of this. At the end of the day, we need to sober up and look at Armenia's political opposition from within the following context -
Does the US engineering revolutions?:
Documents Leaked by WikiLeaks Show an Organization Training Opposition Around the World:
How to Start a Revolution:
Revolution Engineering: US know-how and 'colourful' technology:
South of the Border:
NGOs, an extension of US foreign policy:
Washington on the War Path: Civil Society as Battering-Ram:
US NGO uncovered in Ukraine protest:
U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings:
George Soros and his open society:
Unrest in foreign lands is a lucrative business for Western powers
Western powers are bloated with centuries of plundered wealth. They have come to control global trade routs and the commodities exchange. They set the world's political, financial and cultural trends. Their power and influence is immense but it has been recession in recent years. With dwindling natural resources under their direct possession and the emergence of competitive powers around the world, their near total control of the political and financial life of the world is slowly being challenged. The worrying part here is that they will go to great lengths - including bringing the world to the very brink of catastrophe - to ensure their global supremacy. In other worlds, the tens-of-millions of Westerners that live in mansions, gated communities and estates want to maintain their standard of living.
The Western world's world view has been cultivated by centuries of easy money and a safe geography. Western nations such as the US and Britain have historically provoked wars around the world knowing well that due to their safe distances from the killing fields, their respective nations could weather such crisis and then simply come in at the end to exploit the spoils in the aftermath. Thus, from a distance they destroy, they destabilize... they then come in to gather the spoils of war, rebuild and lead. Of course there is also the added benefit of selling weapons to warring factions and purchasing assets and/or commodities in troubled nations at rock bottom prices.
Another benefit to sowing unrest around the world is enjoying the acquisition of hard currency. The more nations they destabilize, the more money pours into their coffers by wealthy individuals and firms taking their money out of those troubled nations and placing it into the perceived security of Western banks. Immense amounts of wealth have in fact been poured into London and New York in recent years from all over the world in this very manner. Where did many of Russia's Jewish oligarchs flee to with their plundered wealth after Putin chased them out? London!
When much of the world is a volatile powder keg, nation's begin seeking a secure place to park their money. Even the governments of Russia and China are forced to recognize the contrived security of Western banks. It's a wonderful, almost self-sustaining system they have created in recent decades at the expense of turning the world into a bloody battlefield. Such is the power of the Western world. This is what humanity needs to be mindful of: As long as the Anglo-American-Jewish world is not made to suffer serious consequences for actions overseas, they will continue their volatile sociopolitical experiments and militaristic aggression around the world regardless of the amount of misery and carnage they cause.
Western NGOs are cancerous tumors
Although the situation in Armenia is no way near as bad as the one that exists in Ukraine, Western funded NGOs in Armenia nonetheless continue to pose a very serious threat to the normal evolution of our fledgling yet embattled republic in the south Caucasus. Hundreds of NGOs throughout Armenia have become staging centers for those trying to push a Western agenda in the country. Please note that they are placing much of their emphasis on Yerevan and Vanadzor. Many of these organizations are like cancerous tumors that may prove fatal if left unchecked. If Armenia is to develop normally as a nation-state some of these Western NGOs have to be surgically removed regardless of how bloody the operation may be.
We must understand that behind the lofty rhetoric and seemingly humanitarian concerns of these NGOs lurks an imperial agenda to subvert and destabilize targeted societies that are not in Western pockets or under Western boots.
With the help of an army of eager activists in Armenia and in the Armenian Diaspora, subversive organizations have been busy trying to setup opposition groups in Armenia that are similar in nature and character to the ones we have been seeing spring-up in places like Venezuela, Libya, Syria, Tunisia, Egypt, Serbia, Georgia and Ukraine in recent years. Western activists, Western grants and Western infrastructure is being utilized to foment social unrest around the world. Armenia has been one of the West's oldest and most persistent targets.
An American political scientist named Gene Sharp has been a key figure in Washington's global agenda to sow unrest in targeted societies. Sharp is best known for his book From Dictatorship to Democracy: A Conceptual Framework for Liberation. This work has been translated into several dozen languages. Sharp has been for many years traveling the world and holding seminars essentially about how to topple governments. Although he claims his intent is to teach peaceful resistance, violence is often times associated with his work. In fact, Russian bloggers and journalists have been claiming that Sharp has been in Kiev in recent times. Several articles featured below this commentary has references to him. It should be pointed out that his tentacles may have also reached into Armenia for the very concept of Նախախորհրդարան (the formation of a shadow government) may be one of his creations.
How they recruit and reward their operatives
After she attempted a figurative beheading of her nation's leader in a public square in front of Western leaders (I'm sure that in an earlier time or under different circumstances the attempt on the Armenian President to appease foreigners would not have been such a figurative one) it was only a matter of time before puppet-masters in the West rewarded Zaruhi Boztanjyan for her treachery. It is now being reported that she will be sent to the US for a six-month training program at the CIA affiliated Tufts University.
I'd like to remind the reader that Tufts is where American agents Raffi Hovannisian and Vartan Oskanian were also indoctrinated and trained and where the tie eating former dictator from Tbilisi holds an honorary title.
In recent years we have seen many examples of how western educated men and women from places such as Venezuela, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Serbia, Ukraine, Russia and Armenia are recruited by the West against their homelands. Having a large pool of energetic, ideologically pliant and western educated activists at their disposal is one of their most powerful weapons. The following blog entry provides an additional perspective on how Western operatives get recruited in the western world -
Washington is clearly preparing the field for a Ukrainian type uprising in Armenia. In the coming months or years, we can all expect Raffi Hovanissian's Heritage Party (in which Zaruhi is a high level official) as well as the emerging subversive group known as Civilitas, Nakhakhorhrdaran and Sardarapat to provoke sociopolitical unrest, similar to what has been happening in Ukraine.How the West Prepares Operatives:
Yes, Fuck the EU!
In the big picture, foul mouth Victoria Nuland was right about the EU, albeit for fundamentally different reasons. Former Soviet nations would do well to stay clear of an Anglo-American-Judeo-Franco-German political/financial system that is corrupt to the core, on the verge of a collapse and only concerned about undermining the Russian Federation. Western pundits have heralded the unrest in Ukraine as desperately needed PR boost for EU membership. The notion that the unrest in Kiev is a boost for the EU, however, conveniently ignores the fact that the utterly desperate sociopolitical and socioeconomic situations in Bulgaria, Greece, Bosnia, Romania, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland have been glaring advertizements against EU membership. The only difference I see between a depressed and desperate place like EU member Greece and a depressed and desperate place like Ukraine is that in nations under Western domination, as in the case of Greece, Western financed "opposition" forces do not exists to foment political unrest.
Speaking of opposition forces, I would like to point out that had an uprising of the kind Ukraine recently experienced was ever attempted in a place like the US it would have been crushed immediately, thoroughly and mercilessly before it got any kind of traction. Therefore, Washington's complaints and concerns about the situation in Kiev wreaks of double standards. For a nation that is well known to have amongst the most brutal law enforcement bodies and the highest incarceration rate in the world to complain about police brutality in other nations is the height of hypocrisy. Thanks to Snowden, we also know what the NSA has been up to. We also vividly saw what American law enforcement bodies were capable of when they ruthlessly crushed the mostly peaceful Occupy movements in the US some two years ago.
Once again: Had Americans in the US attempted what Ukrainians did in Kiev, trigger-happy law enforcement bodies in the US - as well as the FBI, Homeland Security, ATF and National Guard - would have labeled them "domestic terrorists" and would have utterly crushed them - and there would not be a single foreign funded NGO around to champion the plight of American protesters and the global community would not be bombarded with heart-wrenching news reports about American protesters on a 24/7 basis. This is the power of the Western world.
The final outcome in the Ukraine remains up in the air. The country is hanging on the verge of a civil war. A civil war runs the risk of dividing the country between pro-West western Ukraine and pro-Russia eastern Ukraine. A civil war also runs the risk of drawing in Russian troops. With each passing day a Ukrainian split is becoming more inevitable. As long as the Crimea and eastern regions of Ukraine are placed under Russian rule, I personally would favor a split. Fuck the EU and fuck the West. Let them have their freaks, wannabe-Nazis, whores, idiots, racists, Turks, Tatars, Muslims, homosexuals, pedophiles and drug addicts. In the long run, I think we can all agree that Russia would be better off without them.
Nevertheless, this is all leading up to a very dangerous situation once more. Pressure is steadily building. On the eve of the First World War's one hundredth anniversary, the geopolitical climate of the world today is eerily similar to the one that existed on the eve of First World War one hundred years ago. In their relentless imperial pursuits, Western powers have yet again brought the world to the verge of yet another man made disaster, yet again with the tacit support of the sheeple. The omens don't bode well.
Ukraine will be a good lesson for Armenians
As good a lesson as Syria was for Armenians, I think Ukraine is becoming an even better lesson. The lesson mainly being: Armenia needs sociopolitical evolution not a Western sponsored revolution; Western powers do not care about democracy, human rights or prosperity in lands not directly under Western rule; Armenia's political opposition, whether they realize it or not, serve Western imperial interests; Western funded news organizations, NGOs, think tanks and activists pose a serious threat to Armenia; Western interests and Turkic/Sunni Islamic interests throughout Eurasia compliment each other; Russia calls all the shots in the region; and that Armenia's rightful place is within Russian's political and financial orbit.
If Moscow does not respond forcefully to provocations in Kiev and as a result Western officials assess the developments in Ukraine positively, we can all expect a similar uprising to eventually hit Yerevan. A Ukraine-type uprising in Armenia, if ever successful, will at the very least ultimately result in Armenia falling under Turkish influence and the lose of Artsakh. We simply will not allow this to happen, even if we have to see the blood of our opposition activists flowing in the streets of Yerevan.
I must also add, however, that a successful uprising in Armenia is virtually impossible - in my opinion. Any foreseeable unrest in Armenia, in which Western assets in the country provoke the sheeple to rise against their state, will be no way near as large or as organized or as determined or as violent as those seen in the Ukraine. Armenians are not as violent or as political or as organized as Europeans, and Armenia is not a multicultural society with any discernible ethnic divisions. Moreover, Armenians that can truly be considered hostile towards Russia are very small in number and thus easily managed. Also, unlike Ukraine, Armenia has secure borders and Armenia's interior ministry has detailed knowledge of every single one of Armenia's Western activists. Finally, Moscow will not hesitate to crush any movement within Armenia that attempts to drive a wedge between Yerevan and Moscow. Geostrategically, Armenia is as important to Moscow as the Crimea.
As we all know, they have been diligently sowing the seeds of unrest in Yerevan in recent years. Let's also recall that one of the world's largest CIA front offices, popularly known as US embassies, is still located in Armenia. The situation in Ukraine has thus far only served to embolden Armenia's Western led opposition freaks. This may quickly change, however, depending on the yet to be seen short-to-mid term outcome of the regime change in Ukraine. The coming months will therefore be decisive. As noted above, I have a strong feeling that Ukraine will be a very good lesson for our self-destructive peasantry, both in Armenia and in the Diaspora. But when the time comes and Armenia's Western-led opposition freaks are ordered to take to the streets, I hope Armenian and Russian security officials will be ready and willing to do whatever is necessary to crush the movement quickly and efficiently.
In the meanwhile, the rest of us Armenians would do well to put aside our idiotic concerns about population drain (Armenia wont depopulate), corruption (it's the least of Armenia's problems), oligarchs (they are better than what would replace them in the event of a regime change in Yerevan) or the rule of law (Armenia needs time to evolve) and begin paying close attention to what Western activists in Armenia are up to.
When it comes to Armenia's so-called political opposition we must be mindful that as long as Anglo-American-Jews are not in control in Yerevan to turn Armenia into a cheep brothel servicing Turks, Azeris, Wahhabi Islamists and Western energy interests, they will continue using every excuse in the book to bitch and complain about Armenia's leadership and attack Armenia's alliance with Russia. I would also add that had it not been for the Russian presence in Armenia and, as much as I hate to admit it, had it not been for Armenia's so-called oligarchs, Armenia would have been sold to the highest international bidder a very long time ago. When it comes to Armenia's so-called political opposition, do not be fooled by their lofty rhetoric about corruption, the rule of law or civil society. Whether they know it or not, they are all serving Western imperial interests and are thus the single most lethal threat facing the Armenian state today.
Let's just hope for now that Moscow will do all it can to make the Ukraine a very toxic pill for the West to swallow. Let's also hope that Moscow will be taking advantage of this very historic opportunity and reverse the mistakes of history by annexing the Crimea. The West made its move on the Eurasian chessboard, it's now Moscow's turn. The coming months will be decisive. We are living in historic times of change. We all need to do our part in helping the forces of good to overcome evil. For an added perspective on recent developments, I have gathered a number of interesting articles and news reports that caught my eye in recent days. I'd like to caution the reader, however, that some of them are from Western sources therefore they should be read between the lines.
February, 2014

“A lot depends on the resolve of President Yanukovich. Until now he hasn’t shown the necessary qualities to take control of the situation,” said Veronika Krasheninnikova, head of the Institute of Foreign Policy Research and Initiatives, a political think tank. “So most probably it will continue to deteriorate. Chaos will continue spreading in Ukraine.”
On several occasions Yanukovich could have acted decisively in one of two ways. He could have stepped down and called an early election, de facto putting the future of Ukraine to a referendum.
This would most likely ruin Yanukovich’s personal aspiration for reelection. In a post-protest election, an apparently weak leader accused of corruption by his rivals and with an ailing economy on his hands would barely stand a chance. But at least Euro-skeptics and Euro-proponents would have their opportunity to convince all Ukrainians - not just a few thousand anti-government activists - to choose their course of action.
Yanukovich could also have dispersed the protesters and maintained public order in the country, whatever criticism it might have brought. This is how the then Georgian president, Mikhail Saakashvili, acted in 2007. He brutally suppressed a peaceful protest and called an early presidential election, which he won, instead of an early parliamentary election, which the opposition demanded and which his party could well have lost. Unlike the Georgian leader, Yanukovich hesitated even when the Ukrainian protest turned Kiev into a battlefield.
The Ukrainian president chose neither option. He made a series of moves that the moderate opposition demanded of him, which can only be described as too little too late. He sent riot police to guard governmental buildings and made them stand unresponsive under a rain of firebombs and stones. Now he has reportedly fled Kiev just hours after agreeing to an early election and gone to the east of the country.
As Yanukovich went missing, delegates from local governments decided in Kharkov that they should resist a new opposition-enforced government and form local militias to defend themselves from a potential armed attack from western Ukraine.
“Yanukovich was desperate to hold on to power. He was willing to do whatever it took to maintain that power. Even to make concessions that he understood would tear his own country apart. This is pure politics on his part grasping to hold on to his power,” commented the geopolitical analyst Eric Draitser to RT.
The ramifications of this non-choice by Yanukovich are on his head, but they may have dire consequences for the whole of Ukraine. The moderate opposition may pretend that they have taken power, but in reality it was the radical fighters of the Right Front who made Yanukovich flee. The same fighters, who booed opposition leaders each time they returned from talks with the president to announce new concessions and demanded more.
“What we’ve learned in Ukraine now is that if you really disagree with what the elected government is doing, you should go to the streets and just raise holy hell until those policies are reversed or until there is some change made in the procedure. That’s not going to lead to peace in Ukraine in the future,” warns Congressman Dana Rohrabacher from California.
Part of the blame for the bloody crisis, which cost about 80 lives and put the country on the brink of civil war, is on the moderate opposition. They failed to produce a figure strong and resolute enough to join all forces under his control and strike a lasting deal with the government. Part of the blame lies with foreign governments, which were all too eager to cheer the Yanukovich-bashing crowds and turn a blind eye to the radical part of the protest and the violence. But it was the duty of Yanukovich to prevent the situation from spiraling out of control. A duty he utterly failed.

“We’re a friendly people. We want to preserve the peace. But if the war comes to us we will, of course, respond,” said Nadezhda Nimchinova, a 52-year-old Ukrainian language and literature teacher, as she took charge of a group of women gathered at Simferopol’s Lenin Square. She ordered them to return with blankets for locals who were planning to spend the evening on the square and brooms to clean up the piles of cigarette butts that had gathered.
When one of the women suggested they leave the square to go home and decorate posters, Ms Nimchinova scoffed at her. “Posters? For what? I’ll paint the Ukrainian flag in blood on my face if I have to.”
While the pro-EU protesters on Kiev’s main square, the Maidan, may have declared victory following Viktor Yanukovich’s flight from the capital, in Crimea the battle for Ukraine’s political future still rages. A large swath of the local population is prepared to fight back against the Kiev coup.
A peninsula that was transferred from the Russian Soviet Republic to the Ukrainian Soviet Republic in 1954, Crimea has long maintained strong cultural and political ties to Moscow. Most of Crimea’s population is Russian speaking while Russia’s Black Sea fleet still maintains a naval base at the Crimean port city of Sevastopol.
Similar to its scepticism towards Kiev’s reliability in implementing economic agreements, Moscow is wary that a new administration with a more anti-Kremlin bent could come under pressure to review the contracts allowing the Russian navy to use the bases until 2042.
A law passed by Ukraine’s parliament on Sunday removing Russian as an official languages risks further stoking tensions between the Russian-speaking eastern Ukraine and Crimea, and the largely Ukrainian-speaking east.
“We’re not going to let someone come in and say you’re going to speak in Ukrainian and send your children to these kinds of schools,” said Samvel Martyan as he collected signatures of Simferopol locals ready to defend the peninsula’s autonomy. “We are defending our Crimea from our comrades [the western Ukrainians] who in 1941 let the fascists in,” he added.
On the highway from Simferopol’s main airport into the city centre, more than half-a-dozen billboards warn locals to “Stop Maidan!” and “Keep Stability!” They are the work of a mysterious grassroots group with seemingly ample funding.
Across the city, the group’s “Stop Maidan” project has set up booths to distribute literature. “We do not accept the open interference of the US and certain EU governments in Ukraine’s affairs,” one pamphlet reads. “We remember the sad history of Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria, Tunisia and Egypt, and will do everything so that this does not happen in Ukraine.”
Sergei Tsekov, head of Crimea’s Russian Community, an influential non-governmental organisation in Crimea, warned that “thanks to the wise American leadership” there were now people with swastikas on the square. “The western leaders brought Hitler – now there is Oleh Tyahnybok,” Mr Tsekov said, referring to the leader of Ukraine’s nationalist Svoboda party, which has played a pivotal role on Maidan.
Simferopol locals, meanwhile, assuredly repeat claims that the Maidan protesters receive daily cheques from western governments, or that they are addicts who were given drugs in exchange for staying on Maidan through a bone-chilling winter. Not everyone in Crimea is against the change in government. In Simferopol on Sunday hundreds of Crimean Tatars, one of the region’s biggest ethnic minorities, gathered in the main square to celebrate the opposition’s victory.
Kiev is facing its most serious crisis since independence in 1991 in a dispute over trade links with the EU and Russia. Alexander Shusterman, a prominent Simferopol businessman, said he hoped the regime change would improve the corruption that had permeated every level of Ukrainian business, with the country’s entrepreneurs regularly being shaken down for bribes.
“I have never supported Yanukovich,” he said. “Of course it’s easy to say that now. But what normal person would support a bandit?”
Still, many Crimean locals are preparing for a longer fight, with some ready to welcome Russia’s military or political support if the Kremlin is prepared to give it. Nadezhda Korneva, a student who was manning a “Stop Maidan” booth at Simferopol’s biggest shopping centre over the weekend, said she had seen increased support over the past week. “People come up to us and say thank you.”
Most are not ready to call on Moscow’s help, she said, but if Russia intervened “my reaction would be completely positive”.

Viktor F. Yanukovych of Ukraine and the Ukrainian opposition leaders signed an agreement on Friday that ended the deadly protests in Kiev by promising a new constitution and early elections. But the Russian president’s envoy to Kiev refused to co-sign it. While Moscow welcomed an end to the violence, it basically viewed the agreement as a diktat by the Western-backed Ukrainian opposition. The opposition has seized power in Kiev, and Moscow is wary that the crisis will not end anytime soon. Some radical groups remain well-armed; there are deep political, cultural and regional cleavages in Ukrainian society; the country’s elites are in disarray; and its economic situation is rapidly deteriorating. The mess is very much Ukraine’s own, and Russia has far less influence on it than is commonly appreciated.

The ship is reported to be carrying as many as 200 soldiers and has joined four additional ship carrying an unknown amount of Special Forces troops. also reported over the weekend that personnel from the 45th Airborne Special Forces unit and additional divisions had been airlifted into Anapa, a city on Russia’s Black Sea coastline. In addition, it is believed that Russia's Sevastopol base contains as many as 26,000 troops already, according to the German Institute for International And Security Affairs.
It remains to be seen if a weakened Ukraine in the midst of revolution can respond to the Russian military developments or if NATO will take the United States' line by telling Russia to stay clear of a region it has long considered it own. However, a Russian invasion of the Crimea seems to be popular with the largely Russian population of the Crimea after a flurry of pro-Russian protests have called for Russian intervention. Aside from the Crimea, there are concerns from the United States and European governments that Russia could attempt a much larger intervention in Kiev and restore a Russian-friendly government.

Scuffles broke out Wednesday in the southern Ukrainian city of Simferopol as large crowds of opponents of the newly installed national authorities faced off against representatives of the Crimean Tatar community outside the local parliament.
The rise to power of a group of politicians whose bulk of support is drawn from the more nationalist-leaning Western Ukraine has ignited alarm among ethnic Russians in the south and east of the country. Complicating matters, Tatar representatives have come out in support of the incoming regime, setting the stage for tensions inside the Crimean Peninsula.
Police forces appeared to be having trouble controlling the crowd, and a RIA Novosti reporter saw people who seemed to have been involved in a brawl with bloodied faces. An online live feed from the spot showed dozens of people waving Ukraine’s national blue-and-yellow flag as well as the tricolor of the autonomous Crimea republic and the standard of the Crimean Tatar people, which is electric blue with a yellow seal in the top left corner.
Developments on the ground will be monitored closely by neighboring Russia, which has spoken forcefully about the need to protect the interests of ethnic Russians in Ukraine. Moscow has reacted with concern to proposals under consideration in Ukraine’s parliament that would severely downgrade the status of the Russian language.
In Simferopol on Wednesday, different parts of the crowd at the Crimean Supreme Council, the regional parliament, competed to drown out one another with cries of “Ukraine” and “Russia.” A sit-in outside the building began Tuesday amid calls for local authorities to reject the rule of the erstwhile opposition, which has taken hold in Kiev since the ouster of President Viktor Yanukovych over the weekend.
People at the sit-in have demanded the restoration of Crimea’s 1992 constitution, which envisioned the republic as having its own president and autonomously determining its foreign policy. Protesters have also called for a referendum on whether to persist with Crimea’s current status as an autonomous republic or seek integration with neighboring Russia. Crimea has long-standing ties with Russia.
Until Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in 1954 transferred the territory to what was then the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Crimea was officially a part of Russia. During the tenure of President Viktor Yanukovych, which began in early 2010 and ended with his ouster on Saturday, Ukraine renewed Russia’s lease on the naval base in the port city of Sevastopol until 2042, cementing what was already a strong economic link between Moscow and the region.
Separatist sentiments surfaced following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and rumors have persisted ever since that the impulse is covertly encouraged by the Kremlin.

But analysts have pointed to the possibility of a repetition of the 2008 Georgia conflict when Russian troops and tanks invaded after the Georgian government launched an attack on the separatist region of South Ossetia. One hundred and fifty people died in the Russian action. Russia is one of the few countries in the world to officially recognise the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and would be likely do so with the Crimea region should Ukraine divide. The speaker of the Crimea parliament, Volodymyr Konstantinov, suggested that the Russian-majority region might secede from Ukraine if it splits in the event of a civil war.
"It is possible, if the country breaks apart. And everything is moving towards that," he told Russian news agency Interfax. Ukraine's western region of Lviv has already reportedly declared independence from the central government. Ukraine is a nation torn between Russia and the European Union, situated at the heart of the "shared neighbourhood" between the two blocs.
Approximately 21% of Ukraine's population is Russian and it holds deep cultural and historical links with modern Russia because of its Soviet history. The region of Crimea lies on the northern coast of the Black Sea. Russia's massive Black Sea Fleet is stationed at Sevastopol and 60% of the region's population are ethnic Russians. The Russian elite views Ukraine as part of the Soviet "sphere of influence" and sees the country as a potential bulwark against the growth of EU liberalisation.
"We will not allow Europe and the US to take Ukraine from us. The states [are] of the former Soviet Union, we are one family," a foreign policy official told the FT. "They think Russia is still as weak as in the early 1990s but we are not."
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has claimed a deal to resolve Ukraine's political crisis has been reached with pro-European opposition leaders after the bloodiest day in the country's history since the Soviet era and footage emerging of government snipers firing on unarmed protesters.

All the discussions about the country’s division are senseless without tearing the Crimea away from Ukraine. “In case the script of the split of Ukraine is implemented, Turkey will put a claim for the Crimea,” the correspondent of “Hürriyete” (one of the most respectable periodical of the country) writes. According to the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca dated April 19, 1783, Turkey may put a claim for the peninsula in case of an attempt of the third party to occupy the peninsula or in case of the intention of the Crimea to declare independence,” Nerdun Khadzhyoglu writes.
Such a possibility appeared in 1991, but then the President of Turkey Turgut Ozal actually exchanged the Crimea “headache” for the restoration of the rights of the Crimean and Tatar minority. Thus, this is a hint for Moscow, but not for Kiev.
The fact is that the technology of Moscow to renew the empire is not in the physical seizures, but in the recognition of the independence of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and in the non-formal recognition of Pridnestrovie. If the authorities of the Crimea will do so, and if any bold decisions of the Council of the Federation will appear, with the hints on the Pskov landing force division, one should not forget: we are not living in 1944, when the poverty-ridden Turkey, fearing Stalin occupation, was silently observing the deportations of Turkic peoples of the Caucasus and the Crimea…
Least of all I hope that other countries will help … but they will not interfere. If the army that barely succeeded in the Georgian operation in 2008 is ready to challenge one of the most powerful armies of NATO, well… Moreover, one should realize that, unlike Europe, where everybody is hysterical about the universal peace and pacifism, in Turkey people are not conscience-stricken while usage of military force.

In July, a massive military drill took place in the Eastern Command. Up to 160,000 troops, 1,000 tanks and armored vehicles, 130 aircraft and 70 vessels took part in the drill. Following the 2013 exercises, President Putin, in his capacity as Russia’s Supreme Commander-in-Chief, announced that the practice of surprise drills will continue. A comprehensive inspection of Interior Ministry troops was also ordered.

Barack Obama’s national security adviser said it would be a “grave mistake” for Vladimir Putin to send soldiers into Ukraine to restore a friendly government after the upheaval. Susan Rice said nobody would benefit if Ukraine were to split apart.
“It’s in nobody’s interest to see violence return and the situation escalate,” Mrs Rice said.
Her warning to the Kremlin followed concerns over renewed tumult in Ukraine if eastern regions of the vast country side with Russia against the overthrow of Viktor Yanukovych. Ukraine is deeply divided between its eastern regions, which are largely pro-Russian, and western areas that widely detest Mr Yanukovych. The Crimean port of Sevastopol may be part of Ukraine, but it is the Russian tricolor that flutters proudly above the port’s barrack blocks and warships.
The city’s cobbled streets are full of Russian sailors, often raucously drunk, while the harbour shelters ranks of sleek, grey, Russian vessels that dwarf their Ukrainian neighbours. Under a deeply politically divisive leasing deal, the deep-water port is home to a huge naval base and the Russian Black Sea Fleet, providing Russia’s military with easy access to the Mediterranean.
However, many Russians believe that it is only a twist of fate that means the peninsula is not part of their country anyway — and turmoil in Ukraine could prove a perfect opportunity to reassert their claim. Sevastopol has been a proud part of Russian imperial might since the 18th century, but in 1954 was transferred to Ukrainian control under Nikita Khrushchev, an ethnic Ukrainian.
When Ukraine broke away from the Soviet Union in 1991, it took Crimea with it. Moscow has since had to lease the strategically critical naval base. Lilit Gevorgyan, a senior Russia analyst at IHS Global Insight, said: “There are many Russians who believe it was Khrushchev, who was an ethnic Ukranian, who decided to give it to Ukraine, and still believe it is unfair.
“If it had been part of Russia, it would have provided a deep-water port for its fleet on the Black Sea, whereas Russia now has to pay a lease until 2042. “Strategically, symbolically and historically, it is important for the Russians. If there’s turmoil and real talk of the break-up of Ukraine, the Russians will be interested in securing this part.”
In a recent opinion poll, 56 per cent of Russians said they viewed Crimea as a Russian territory, a far higher proportion than felt a claim on Chechnya. But Miss Gevorgyan said the Crimean population was diverse, and it may prove difficult to manipulate by Russian nationalists. In particular, the region’s significant population of Muslim Tartars, who saw persecution and mass deportation under Stalin, have little desire to join Russia.
“It’s a patchwork of different identities and I am not sure it will be easy to manipulate,” she said. “It has never been either truly Russian or truly Ukrainian.” Mrs Rice said it would be a mistake for Mr Putin to view the tumult as a Cold War battle between the East and West. “That’s a pretty dated perspective that doesn’t reflect where the people of Ukraine are coming from. This is not about the US and Russia,” she said. The country need not be torn apart on a cultural fault line between pro-Russian and pro-Europe Ukrainians, Mrs Rice said.
Russian nationalists promote granting citizenship to ethnic Russians from Ukraine

MP Ilya Drozdov of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia on Monday initiated a bill that allows Russian citizenship within six month if the applicant successfully proves his or hers Russian ethnicity. This can be done by presenting documents proving that any of one’s direct ancestors had Russian citizenship by birth. The politician also mentioned grandparents and great-grandparents, apparently meaning that citizenship of the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire can count as well.
Drozdov emphasized that his suggestion came about because of the current political situation in Ukraine. “The adoption of this amendment would allow to lawfully use the migration potential of Ukrainian citizens of Russian ethnicity who desire to get Russian citizenship,” the lawmaker explained. He added that the potential influx of ethnic Russians would help to stabilize their number in the country and prevent their replacement by people from Central Asian states.
On Sunday the Ukrainian parliament canceled the 2012 law “On State Language Policy” that allowed the country’s regions to add more official languages to the existing Ukrainian, if these languages were used by over 10 percent of population. The law was originally passed in the interests of the Russian-speaking industrial eastern part of the country where regional legislatures quickly officially recognized the Russian language, but also benefited two Western regions that have introduced Romanian and Hungarian as official languages, and the Crimea Region where lot of people speak Tatar. Currently, the Eastern regions face mass demonstrations against the “Maidan” policies and newly-appointed officials and most of all against the infringement of the rights of the Russian speaking population.

In an office festooned with banners showing a map of Crimea overlaid with a World War II medal featuring the communist hammer and sickle and the slogan "In union with Russia," the voluble Shuvainikov spills out a litany of alleged assaults on the Russian language and Russian culture in Ukraine.
"This is the result of a political position to deny Russians, for whom the language is the main identifier of their Russian ethnicity, of their Russian nation, Russian people," he says. "To deny them the right to remind children and young people that they are Russians. It is in fact the destruction of Russian nationality, of the concept of the Russian people of Ukraine."
The piles of megaphones and rolled up banners in the corner of Shuvainikov's self-proclaimed "bunker" attest to the stepped-up activity of the organizations he heads, the Congress of Russian Communities and the Russian Front. Since the political crisis erupted in Kyiv in November, his organizations have repeatedly held demonstrations in Simferopol and elsewhere, burning EU flags and blaming U.S. and NATO interference for Ukraine's time of troubles.
The people of Crimea are watching with nervous expectation as the political and economic crisis in Ukraine drags on.
Crimea is Ukraine's only region where ethnic Russians are a majority, comprising approximately 60 percent of its population of 2 million. From the 18th century until just 60 years ago on February 19, the peninsula was part of Russia. And as Ukraine's turmoil shakes the region's ethnic and religious fault lines, there is increasing talk that perhaps it should be again.
Staying In Moscow's Orbit
Although it is illegal to openly advocate separatism in Ukraine, many pro-Russian organizations are calling for "bolstering Crimea's autonomy" in the event the government of President Viktor Yanukovych strikes some compromise agreement with what they call the "fascist" opposition.
The goal of the pro-Russian groups is to keep Ukraine in Moscow's orbit and prevent its integration with Europe. But to drum up support for their efforts, they are openly manipulating tensions and fears between Orthodox Russians and Muslim Crimean Tatars, who make up about 12 percent of the population. Hundreds of thousands of Tatars have returned to their Crimean homeland after being deported by Soviet authorities during World War II.
About 40 kilometers northeast of Shuvainikov's Simferopol bunker is the dusty, crumbling town of Belogorsk. It's hard to guess it was once a lively trading center of the Silk Road with the Tatar name Karasubazar. Today its population of some 18,000 is nearly evenly divided between Russians, Ukrainians, and Tatars.
The town's mayor, Albert Kangiyev, an ethnic Tatar and a member of President Yanukovych's Party of Regions, says his town is peaceful and relations among different groups are good. But he worries about the potential for outside forces to disrupt this fragile harmony.
"This is a multiethnic city," Kangiyev says. "Today the percentage of formerly deported citizens in our city is more than 30 percent -- that is, a quite significant number. And lighting a match -- in a manner of speaking -- in our city would be very easy."
In November, Shuvainikov's Congress of Russian Communities held a march through downtown Belogorsk to mark the Russian holiday of National Unity Day. A few dozen participants listened to speeches glorifying the Tsarist-era conquering of Crimea and adopted a resolution claiming "today Russians are again in a state of feudal fragmentation, spiritual decline, and despondency. Our rights to our history, our culture, our Orthodox faith, and the Russian language are being brazenly restricted. More and more often we see and hear insulting attacks aimed at Russia and the Russian people."
Mayor Kangiyev's fears about the potential for instability seem well-founded. About 100 kilometers to the south, in the coastal resort of Yalta, a middle-aged Russian who asked to be identified only as Irina expressed frustration about the Crimean Tatars, who were deported from the peninsula by Stalin in 1944 and have been returning in large numbers since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
"The Tatars.... Supposed Tatars who were repressed and deported," she says. "Some sort of Uzbeks came back who had nothing at all to do with any of that, you understand. 'I'm a Tatar [they say]. I was repressed! Give me some land!' They buy some land and then resell it at a huge profit. They end up with a lot of money from nothing. Some sort of pathetic Uzbek -- 'I'm a Tatar.' He comes and says, 'Gimme.' You see how it is."
The Congress of Russian Communities and Russian Front are far from the only or the most radical pro-Russian organizations that have been activated in Crimea. On February 12, in a stuffy press center funded by the U.S. Embassy in the Simferopol labor-union building, representatives of nearly two dozen pro-Russian organizations gathered to discuss the plight of Crimea's ethnic Russians.
The meeting was hosted via Skype by Yury Meshkov, a pro-Russian separatist who served as Crimea's president in 1994-95. Meshkov was deported from Ukraine for his separatist activities in 2011 and now lives in Moscow.
Participants in the roundtable spoke with an impassioned mixture of fear and anger, seasoned richly with nostalgia for the Soviet Union. Viktor Golovin, representing the Committee to Support Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka, captured the mood by saying: "We are not urging a war. We are calling for what is ours. The only thing we are urging is that no one tries to stop us from returning to the big Russian world. Don't stop us from returning home."
A featured speaker of the roundtable and a rising star of the pro-Russian movement in Crimea is Valery Podyachy, head of a group called the Popular Front. The Popular Front's logo shows the flags of Russia and the Russian Navy crossed against the silhouette of the Simferopol monument to the Russian conquest of Crimea in 1783.
Skirting open calls for separatism, the affable and energetic Podyachy is pushing for Kyiv to lease the entire peninsula to Russia in exchange for the cancelation of Ukraine's debts to Moscow. With a wry smile, he compares this scenario to the U.S. lease of the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba. Asked what would become of Crimea after the proposed lease expires, Podyachy has a quick answer.
"After 99 years, I don't think Ukraine will last that long as an independent country," he says. "Russia will exist because Russia is after all a leading global player on a par with the United States, China, and the European Union. So it is obvious that Russia will exist. But will Ukraine exist...? That's why, in principle, this solution would satisfy everyone."
But such a solution -- or any solution that would see Crimea move more tightly into Moscow's orbit -- is unlikely to satisfy the Crimean Tatar community.
Stop Maidan
Last year, Refat Chubarov was elected head of the Mejlis, the Crimean Tatar self-government body. He says that since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Moscow has exploited regional tensions as a way of maintaining its influence in the post-Soviet space.
As the Soviet Union fell apart "Moscow was frantically looking for various tools to hold on to the [Soviet] territories," he says. "Nagorno-Karabakh -- Armenia and Azerbaijan; Transdniester -- Moldova; provocations in Tbilisi -- Georgia; attempts involving Interfront, the Popular Front, in the Baltic states.... The center, Moscow, viewed Crimea as one of these sort of hooks by means of which it could hold on to all of Ukraine."
The pro-Russian organizations deny they have ties to Moscow. However, Russia's presence in the region is felt everywhere. The Russian Consulate in Simferopol has been aggressively issuing Russian passports to ethnic Russian Crimeans, a policy that has provoked protests from Kyiv. The Russian state agency for cooperation with countries from the Commonwealth of Independent States countries operates out of a huge villa in the center of the capital.
Last week, Russian presidential adviser and leading Kremlin ideologue Vladislav Surkov made an under-the-radar trip to Crimea, meeting behind closed doors with Crimean Prime Minister Anatoly Mogilev, Crimean parliament speaker Vladimir Konstantinov, and Sevastopol Governor Vladimir Yatsuboi. It was also announced that Konstantinov will travel to Moscow on February 20 for talks with Russian Duma speaker Sergei Naryshkin.
The roads of Crimea are blanketed by thousands of billboards installed by a mysterious, lavishly funded nongovernmental organization called Stop Maidan. The billboards assert that Crimea is "for stability" and says no to "extremism" and "foreign interference." Stop Maidan has also sent hundreds of pro-government demonstrators to Kyiv, urging Yanukovych to uncompromisingly quash the protests.
Chubarov says that, although the Ukrainian government's policies have produced frustrations among Tatars and raised tensions among the region's ethnic groups, the local situation would be stable if not for provocations from outside of Crimea.
"There are no internal reasons for the sharp activation [of pro-Russian groups]," he says. "But there is the necessary background that can be aggravated if from the outside, -- from outside [Crimea], -- there are very strong, targeted manipulations. And we always see this when relations between Moscow and Kyiv become complicated."

contract work is done for the Russian military;
and the establishment of training centers for terrorists who would be set upon the
Caucasus, the Volga Basin, and perhaps Siberia.
the Russian Federation.
I am outlining the least dangerous outcomes of the crisis that Washington and its stupid European puppet states have created, not making recommendations to Russia. The worst outcome is a dangerous war. If the Russians sit on their hands, the situation will become unbearable for them. As Ukraine moves toward NATO membership and suppression of the Russian population, the Russian government will have to attack Ukraine and overthrown the foreign regime or surrender to the Americans. The likely outcome of the audacious strategic threat with which Washington is confronting Russia would be nuclear war.
The neoconservative Victoria Nuland sits in her State Department office happily choosing the members of the next Ukrainian government. Is this US official oblivious to the risk that Washington’s meddling in the internal affairs of Ukraine and Russia could be triggering nuclear war? Are President Obama and Congress aware that there is an Assistant Secretary of State who is provoking Armageddon?
Insouciant Americans are paying no attention and have no idea that a handful of neoconservative ideologues are pushing the world toward destruction.
Paul Craig Roberts is an American economist, author, columnist, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and former editor and columnist for corporate media publications. He is the author of The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism. Read other articles by Paul, or visit Paul's website.

Washington wants all former Soviet Republics being part of NATO, again a long-term scheme to isolate Russia, to weaken Russia, do the same thing to China because America above all else wants unchallenged global dominance and the only two countries that really matter are China and Russia standing in its way of getting that. So, this is what this is all about, “ – said Stephen Lendman in an interview to the Voice of Russia.
“Who could argue that the moves and maneuvers taking place on the Ukraine geo-political chessboard are as surreal as they get?” – writes Michael Thomas on website (“Kiev Protests: Another CIA Coordinated Color Revolution In Progress”, December 13, 2013), - “Can the reader imagine high level representatives from other countries, showing up in the midst of the most tense political standoffs in Washington DC, offering every kind of support to those Americans protesting against the US Federal Government? That’s exactly what US Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland is doing in the Ukraine at this very moment.”
“Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me,” – an old proverb says. “What is particularly surprising about the current color revolution unfolding in the Ukraine is that this nation was the site of the very same CIA implementation plan back in 2004/2005,” – Michael Thomas points out.
Yes, the scenario of “Euromaidan” is strikingly similar to the “Orange Revolution v.1” in 2004/2005, “Rose Revolution” in Georgia and “Tulip Revolution” in Kyrgyzstan. The method of “Color revolution” was created by Gene Sharp, an American social scientist, and then successfully tested. On this basis, Sharp set up training programs for young activists with the objective of organizing coups.
“We saw them at work the world over,” writes the French expert Thierry Meyssan, “especially in Lebanon (Cedar Revolution), Iran (Green Revolution), Tunisia (Jasmine Revolution) and Egypt (Lotus Revolution). It was in 1998 that Gene Sharp perfected the method of “color revolutions” with the overthrow of Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic… The principle is simple: exacerbate all underlying frustrations, blame the political apparatus for all the problems, manipulate the youth according to the Freudian “patricidal” scenario, organize a coup, and then propagandize that the government was brought down by the “street.”
“The slogan of the “color revolutions” harks back to an infantile perspective; What matters is to overthrow the head of state without consideration of the consequences–“Don’t worry about your future, Washington will take care of everything for you,” – Thierry Meyssan concludes. The French political expert Thierry Meyssan is right: Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, US Senators John McCain and Chris Murthy have already visited Euromaidan and met the opposition leaders.
“If there are US-backed groups anywhere seeking the overthrow of their government, you will find John McCain in their midst. He is the Energizer Bunny of interventionism,” – according to Daniel McAdams is Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. “As McCain joined an anti-government demonstration, stating that "we are here to support your just cause," he threatened the government of Ukraine with US sanctions if it did not come to heel. Then, with his typical absence of irony, McCain demanded that Russia stop interfering in Ukraine's internal affairs,” – writes Daniel McAdams.
Speaking to CNN on Sunday, McCain said: “What we're trying to do is try to bring about a peaceful transition here, that would stop the violence and give the Ukrainian people what they unfortunately have not had, with different revolutions that have taken place – a real society.”
It goes without saying that John McCain and other US officials are violating the sovereignty of Ukraine. It is the strong US and EU intervention in Ukraine affairs.

International law is clear and unequivocal. Meddling in the internal affairs of other countries is illegal. Doing so is longstanding US policy. It’s to eliminate independent sovereign states. It’s about replacing them with pro-Western vassal ones. It’s about weakening major rivals. It aims to eliminate them altogether if possible. It’s for unchallenged global dominance. It’s to make the world safe for corporate American profiteers. John Perkins was an “economic hit man.” He explained, saying:
“(H)ighly paid professionals cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars.”
“They funnel money from the World Bank, (IMF, and other international lending agencies, as well as) other foreign aid organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet’s natural resources.”
“Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder.”
“They play a game as old as empire, but one that has taken on new and terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization.”
Their mandate is plundering nations for profit. It’s controlling their resources. It’s impoverishing and bankrupting them. It’s trapping them debt bondage. Nations refusing terms face major reprisals. Washington stops at nothing to achieve goals. Tactics include bullying, intimidation, punishing sanctions, assassinations, coups and lawless aggression. Media propaganda accompanies them. The battle for Ukraine features Russia bashing. More on that below. It involves beating up on Ukraine’s democratically elected government.
New York Times editors want Ukraine tilting West. They lied saying President Viktor Yanukovych “undermined his legitimacy.” They said he did so “when his security forces used truncheons and tear gas against thousands of protesters…”
One day only they confronted them violently. Yanukovych took them to task for doing so. They lied claiming an EU alliance “open(s) the way to a brighter economic future.” It assures plundering Ukraine for profit, impoverishment, unemployment, debt entrapment, and extreme human misery. Former NYT executive editor Bill Keller writes alternate Monday Times op-eds. He does so irresponsibly. He supports wealth, power and privilege. He spurns objectivity. He turns truth on its head. On December 15, he headlined “Russia vs. Europe.” He accused Vladimir Putin of “bullying neighboring Ukraine into a new customs union (resembling the) Soviet Union Lite.”
Fact check
Putin offers carrots, not sticks. He engaged Yanukovych responsibly. Mutually beneficial trade terms are being negotiated. On December 17, Putin and Yanukovych will co-chair a Russian/Ukrainian interstate commission session. They’ll do so in Moscow. Bilateral agreement terms will be finalized. On Sunday, European officials in Brussels suspended talks on an EU/Ukrainian alliance. They wrongfully accused Yanukovych of refusing to accept terms demanding rejection. They’re one-way. They’re take it or leave it with no concessions. They assure opening Ukraine to plunder if accepted. Stefan Fule is European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy. He duplicitously said Ukraine’s position has “no grounds in reality.”
He calls anything short of unconditionally agreeing to harsh EU terms unacceptable. So do other EU officials. Washington demands nothing less. John McCain represents the worst of legitimate governance. He’s an embarrassment writ large. He’s militantly hardline. He an unindicted war criminal. He’s ideologically over-the-top. He showed up in Ukraine. On Sunday, he addressed protesters. He lied saying:
“People of Ukraine, this is your moment. This is about you, no one else. This is about the future you want for your country.” “This is about the future you deserve. A future in Europe, a future of peace, with all of your neighbors.” “The free world is with you. America is with you. I am with you. Ukraine will make Europe better, and Europe will make Ukraine better.”
Turning East, not West, serves ordinary Ukrainian best. McCain lied claiming otherwise. So did Senator Chris Murphy. He accompanied McCain. He disingenuously told Kiev protesters “Ukraine’s future stands with Europe, and the United States stands with Ukraine."
Keller espouses the same one-way dogma. He maliciously attacked Putin. He accused him of “draw(ing) the line against Europe."
He’s “deepen(ing) division. It seems clearer than ever that Putin is not just tweaking the West to rouse his base or nipping domestic opposition in the bud.”
He’s “attempting to turn back 25 years of history. (He) put on a KGB uniform and never took it off. (He’s) the cynical, calculating master of realpolitik.”
“He sees the world in conspiracies and responds in kind. (He’s) a tortured Russian soul out of Dostoevsky, distressed by godlessness, permissiveness and moral decline.”
“He is Soviet Man, still fighting the Cold War. (He’s) a classic narcissist…His beef with the West is no longer just about political influence and economic advantage. (It’s) profoundly spiritual.”
Keller-style Putin bashing features malicious misinformation. Putin and Obama are polar opposites. Putin supports global peace, stability and security. He urges cooperative relations with all countries. He rejects meddling in the internal affairs of other states. He believes sovereign independence is inviolable.
Obama prioritizes advancing America’s imperium. It aims for unchallenged global dominance. It features ruthless economic exploitation. It involves violence, instability and imperial wars. Obama breaches rule of law principles. He abhors democratic values. He wants the world made safe for US corporate crooks.
He’s ravaging one country after another to achieve it. Putin is polar opposite. Don’t expect Keller to explain. His op-eds read like administration handouts. Propaganda substitutes for truth and full disclosure. He recalled Mikhail Gorbachev’s July 1989 speech. At the time, he endorsed Russia sharing a “common European home.” Keller quoted former Washington Post chief foreign correspondent, Jim Hoagland, saying:
“The long winter of world conflict based on the division of Europe seems to be approaching an end.”
According to Keller: “Nearly 25 years after Gorbachev’s ‘common European home,’ Putin sounds like a common European home wrecker.”
Fact check
In 1989, GHW Bush promised Gorbachev NATO wouldn’t expand East. It wouldn’t do it to Russia’s borders provided Moscow let its former republics become independent. Another promise made. Another broken. Former Russian republics Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are NATO members.
Other Eastern European ones include Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovenia. Washington wants all remaining Eastern European nations co-opted. It wants them part of NATO. US bases encircle Russian and Chinese borders menacingly. So-called missile defense systems intended for offense target them.
Neither country threatens America. Positioning strategic weapons near their borders shows Washington’s real intentions. Keller conveniently omitted explaining what readers need to know. He told half the story. He suppressed its most important part. He duplicitously claimed Ukrainians “hope to be part of the West.” National sentiment is divided.
Longstanding historical and cultural ties point East, not West. So does hope for Ukraine’s troubled economy. Allying with EU’s sinking ship assures disaster. It guarantees predatory Western exploitation. It risks turning Ukraine into a zombie country. No responsible leader should chance it. Whether Yanukovych is up to the challenge remains to be seen.

The recent protests in Ukraine have the stench of a foreign-orchestrated attempt to destabilize the government of Viktor Yanukovych after he walked away from signing an EU Association Agreement that would have driven a deep wedge between Russia and Ukraine. Glamor-star boxer-turned political guru, Vitaly Klitschko, has been meeting with the US State Department and is close to Angela Merkel’s CDU political machine in Germany. The EU association agreement with Ukraine is widely resisted by many EU member states with deep economic problems of their own. The two EU figures most pushing it—Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt and Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski—are both well known in the EU as close to Washington. The US is strongly pushing the Ukraine EU integration just as it had been behind the 2004 failed “Orange Revolution” to split Ukraine from Russia in a bid to isolate and weaken Russia. Now Ukrainians have found evidence of direct involvement of the Belgrade US-financed training group, CANVAS behind the carefully-orchestrated Kiev protests.
A copy of the pamphlet that was given out to opposition protestors in Kiev has been obtained. It is a word-for-word and picture-for-picture translation of the pamphlet used by US-financed Canvas organizers in the 2011 Cairo Tahrir Square protests that toppled Hosni Mubarak and opened the door to the US-backed Muslim Brotherhood.[1] The photo below is a side-by-side comparison:
The photo left is from Tahrir Square; the right from Kiev and here below is the English original used by the Belgrade CANVAS NGO:
Canvas, formerly Otpor, received significant money from the US State Department in 2000 to stage the first successful Color Revolution against Slobodan Milosovic in then-Yugoslavia. Since then they have been transformed into a full-time “revolution consultancy” for the US, posing as a Serbian grass-root group backing “democracy.” [2] Who would ever think a Serbian-based NGO would be a front for US-backed regime change?
The Strange Ukraine “Opposition”
Direct sources in Kiev that I have contacted report that the anti-government protestors have been recruited with money from among university students and unemplyed to come by bus into the heart of Kiev. The revealing aspect is the spectacular emergence of champion boxed Vitaly Klitschko as presumably the wise politician guiding Ukraine’s future. No doubt spending your career beating other boxers unconscious is a superb preparation for becoming a statesman, though I for one doubt it. It reminds of the choice of a low-grade Hollywood movie actor, Ronald Reagan as President. But more interesting about “opposition” spokesman Klitschko is who his friends are.
Klitschko is being backed by US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. Nuland, former US Ambassador to NATO, is a neo-conservative married to leading neo-conservative hawk, Robert Kagan, and was herself a former adviser to Dick Cheney. [3] Klitschko is also very friendly with German Chancellor Merkel. According to a recent Der Spiegel report, Merkel wants to support Klitschko in his bid to become Ukraine’s president in 2015. [4]
More evidence that a darker agenda lies behind the “democracy” opposition is the fact that the demands of the protestors went from demanding accession to the EU to demanding the immediate resignation of the Yanukovich government. Klitschko and the opposition used an unfortunate police crackdown on protesters to massively expand the protest from a few hundred to tens of thousands. On December 18, the government took the wind partly out of the Klitschko sails by signing a major economic agreement with Moscow in which Russia agreed to cut the price of Russian gas exported to Ukraine by a third, down to $268.5 per 1,000 cubic meters from the current level of more than $400, and to buy $15 billion of Ukraine’s debt in eurobonds. That gives Ukraine breathing room to avoid a sovereign debt default and calmly negotiate over its future.

The US State Department did not deny the authenticity of the video and stressed that Nuland had apologized for the "reported comments."
The conversation is mainly focused on Ukraine’s government and President Viktor Yanukovich's offer last month to make opposition leader Arseniy Yatsenyuk the new prime minister and Vitaly Klitschko deputy prime minister.
“I don’t think that Klitschko should go into the government. I don’t think it is necessary. I don’t think it is a good idea,” a female voice - allegedly Nuland - said.
“In terms of him not going into the government, just let him stay out and do his political homework,” a male voice - believed to be Pyatt - replied. “In terms of the process moving ahead, we want to keep the moderate democrats together,” he said.
As Nuland sees it, Ukrainian opposition leader Arseniy Yatsenyuk should be in charge of the new government and Klitschko would not get along with him. “It’s just not going to work,” she said.
Nuland added that she has also been told that UN chief Ban Ki-moon is about to appoint the former Dutch ambassador to Kiev, Robert Serry, as his representative to Ukraine.
"That would be great I think to help glue this thing and have the UN glue it and you know, f**k the EU," she said in apparent reference to their differences over policies.
"We've got to do something to make it stick together, because you can be pretty sure that if it does start to gain altitude the Russians will be working behind the scenes to try to torpedo it," Pyatt replied.
US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki declined to comment on the tape’s contents, but did not deny its authenticity.
"I did not say it was not authentic," she said, adding that Nuland had apologized to her EU counterparts for the reported comments.
Meanwhile, White House spokesman Jay Carney alleged that the fact that it had been "tweeted out by the Russian government, it says something about Russia's role.”
In the conversation, it sounds like the two officials are playing a game of chess; strategizing on how to put together the government of another country, RT’s Marina Portnaya said while commenting on the report.
Foreign policy expert Nebojsa Malic told RT that even though Nuland apologized for the reported comments, she did not admit her fault in trying to overthrow the government in Ukraine.
“What she hasn’t apologized for is the plans to midwife a new government in Ukraine. In other words, she is apologizing for cussing up the EU, but she is not apologizing for trying to overthrow the government in Kiev, calling it popular democracy,” Malic said. “I don’t think anybody in the US establishment is sorry for what they are trying to do. I think they are very proud of it and they are going to pursue it.”
The leaked chat fuels earlier allegations that Washington is heavily meddling in the Ukrainian political crisis by manipulating the pro-EU opposition and helping it in its efforts to oust President Viktor Yanukovich.
Back in December, Victoria Nuland was spotted in the cradle of the anti-government protests - Kiev’s landmark Independence Square - distributing cookies to demonstrators. Later in the month, Senator John McCain arrived in Kiev to show his support for the opposition. Addressing protesters on Independence Square, he stated that Ukraine's future was with Europe, adding that the country would “make Europe better.”
“The apparently smooth progress towards a final deal came to a shuddering halt in early September, when President Serzh Sargsyan met his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and announced plans to join another economic bloc, the Moscow-led Customs Union. Membership of the grouping, which currently includes Russia, Belarus and Kazakstan, would require Armenia to adopt a different set of trade tariffs and agreements which EU officials say are not compatible with the Association Agreement. “Despite this, President Sargsyan says Customs Union membership would not conflict with the EU accord, which he argues could be uncoupled from the DCFTA. “‘Armenia is ready even now to sign an Association Agreement with the EU,’ Sargsyan said in a question-and-answer session after addressing the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on October 2. ‘Sadly, our partners in the European Commission have said there is a clear contradiction between the Customs Union and the agreement on a free trade zone.… We have suggested that we could sign just the Association Agreement, which mainly covers political reforms.’…. “‘There has recently been a lot of talk about the civilisational choice facing members of the Eastern Partnership initiative. We have always stated that we don’t believe it’s right to view the issue in those terms.’”
“Of course Russia is interested to keep Ukraine close to Russia politically, economically but it does not use its pressure to be interpreted as an intervention in internal affairs of Ukraine. It is in the contrary. “We watched today what is going on from the Eastern Europe. Europe parliamentarians are coming to Kiev demonstrating and even camping. Polish parliamentarians are camping in Kiev in Maidan, main square of Kiev city. “And so yesterday Russian TV showed John McCain arrival to Kiev and he brought with him some luggage, diplomatic luggage, eight big bags: one of them only was set for … [his] diplomatic car and the seven other big bags were placed in Ukrainian cars and they said that it is money. Huge amount of money brought to spread, to support opposition. “I asked where is international law? How is it possible to intervene in such ugly way in the internal disturbed situation in Ukraine? “Money, money and all this was spread [among opposition] and made based on huge amounts… “So I think that not Russian intervention but European, American intervention, direct appearance in demonstrations, appearance among oppositions, take and flow, making some speeches, encouraging for revolution. “That I can say, I as a former diplomatic, my job, I cannot even imagine such kind of behaviors are suitable for current international law…”
While no proof whatsoever has emerged linking Nigoyan to terrorism, it seems the rumor found a receptive audience even in Ukraine’s highest echelons of power. Sources close to the negotiations between the opposition and the government told [ru] journalist Tatiana Nikolaenko that President Yanukovich originally rebuffed accusations that the police were killing protesters. “Listen, guys, this was an Armenian terrorist,” the President allegedly said during talks, in the government’s defense.

A leading Russian Foreign Ministry official has condemned the US State Department attempts to influence the political situation in volatile Ukraine and warned that such behavior could lead to tragic results.
The United States is trying to impose a “Western vector of development” on Ukraine while camouflaging their intent with calls not to obstruct the free choice of the Ukrainian people, Russian news agencies quoted the ministry’s Aleksandr Lukashevich as saying.
The Russian diplomat called such an attitude “puppeteering”, adding that the recent statement by US State Department spokesperson Marie Harf was a typical example. In the statement, the US gave instructions regarding future actions of the Ukrainian government, Lukashevich said. Such instructions included a demand to stop all cases against the participants in the street riots, and to immediately start to form a multi-party technical government, the Russian official stated.
Such US behavior is very well known and it leads to tragic results, the Foreign Ministry representative emphasized.
Lukashevich also said that the US had apparently started "casting" for future places in the technical Ukrainian government, or at least such a conclusion could be made from a telephone conversation by a top US diplomats that had been made public on YouTube. In the clip that appeared on the internet in early February, Washington's new top diplomat for Europe, Victoria Nuland, is heard saying “f**k the EU" while speaking with the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyat, on how to end the ongoing political crisis in Ukraine. The conversation continues with Nuland suggesting that one of Ukrainian opposition leaders, Vitaly Klichko is not fit for government work and should make way for another candidate, Arseniy Yatsenyuk.
As fresh violence erupted on Kiev's streets on Tuesday the Russian Foreign Ministry issued another statement. It considers the crisis “a direct result of the permissiveness policy exercised by those western politicians and European structures who were from the very beginning turning a blind eye at the aggressive actions of the radical forces in Ukraine.” The ministry added that such an attitude was encouraging the radicals to escalate the violence and further provoke their opponents.
Russian diplomats again called upon the Ukrainian opposition to abandon threats and ultimatums and start a meaningful dialogue with the authorities in order to take the country out of the deep crisis.
Russian politicians have repeatedly called on their foreign colleagues to abstain from interfering in the Ukrainian political crisis. In January the upper and lower houses of the Russian parliament passed separate declarations that called the civil unrest in Kiev an organized campaign aimed at displacing lawfully elected officials. The Russian MPs also warned that the Ukrainian crisis could have grave consequences for the country’s people, statehood and territorial integrity.
President Vladimir Putin also expressed concern about the political situation in Ukraine in late January but assured that Russia would not cancel its help to the Ukrainian economy and people if Ukraine also honors the agreements.
In mid-December the Russian and Ukrainian presidents agreed on a plan under which Russia is buying $15bn of Ukrainian debt in 2-year bonds and also giving Ukraine a $3.5 billion discount on natural gas purchases on behalf of state-owned Gazprom. Ukrainians will pay $268.5 per thousand cubic meters of natural gas instead of $400, a nearly 33 percent discount.
At a recent government conference Putin spoke of the aid plan and told officials that all contracts with Ukraine must be completely fulfilled. However, the President added that Russia would wait for Ukraine to form a new government before starting to execute its obligations.
Translated and Re-Published from APublica In the upper corner of the document, a fist print the brand of the organization. In the body of the text reads: “There is a strong trend in presidential Venezuela. How can we change this? How can we work this? “. Below, the reader may find the following phrases: “Economics: oil is from Venezuela and not from government. It’s your money, it is your right … The message needs to be adapted for young people, not only for college students … and mothers, what they want? Control of the law, the police acting under local authorities. We will provide the resources needed for that. ”
The text is in Spanish or was written by a member of the Venezuelan opposition, written in English, was produced by a group of young people based across the world – in Serbia. The document “Analysis of the situation in Venezuela, January 2010″, produced by Canvas organization, which is head-quartered in Belgrade, is among the documents of the intelligence firm Stratfor leaked by WikiLeaks.
The latest leak from WikiLeaks – which the public had access – shows that the founder of this organization will always correspond with analysts of Stratfor, a company that mixes journalism, political analysis and methods of espionage for selling “intelligence analysis” to customers that include corporations like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Coca-Cola and Dow Chemical – for those who monitored the activities of environmentalists who opposed them – besides the U.S. Navy.
The Canvas (abbreviation for “center for conflict and non-violent strategies”) was founded by two student leaders of Serbia, who participated in the successful revolt that overthrew dictator Slobodan Milosevic in 2000. For two years, students organized creative protests, marches and acts that ended up destabilizing the regime. Then joined the body of knowledge in hand and began to teach the opposition groups from different countries about how to organize to defeat the government. It was so arrived in Venezuela, where they began to train leaders of the opposition in 2005. On his TV show , Hugo Chavez accused the group of coup and be of service to the United States. “It’s called soft coup,” he said. The new documents examined by the Public show that Chavez was not entirely sure – but he was not entirely wrong.
Beginning in Serbia
“For ten years of student organization during the 90s,” says Ivan Marovic, one of the students who participated in the protests against Milosevic, but has no connection with the Canvas group. “In the end, the outside support finally came. I would be silly to deny it. They played an important role in the final step. Yes, the United States gave money, but everyone gave money: German, French, Spanish, Italian. All were collaborating because no one else supported Milosevic, “he said in an interview with Public.
“Depending on the country, they donated a certain way. Americans have an ‘arm’ formed by very active NGOs in supporting certain groups, other countries like Spain and have supported us through the foreign ministry. ” Among the NGOs cited by Marovic are the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), an organization funded by Congress organization, Freedom House and the International Republican Institute, linked to the Republican Party – both have hefty funding from USAID, the U.S. development agency who captained scammers movements in Latin America in the 60s, including Brazil.
All these NGOs are old friends of Latin American governments, including the latest.
IRI was, for example , who gave “political training courses’ to 600 Haitian opposition leaders in the Dominican Republic during the years 2002 and 2003. The coup against Jean-Baptiste Aristide, the democratically elected president, happened in 2004. Investigated by the U.S. Congress, the IRI was accused of being behind two organizations who conspired to overthrow Aristide. In Venezuela, the NED sent $ 877 billion to opposition groups in the previous failed coup in 2002 months, as revealed to the New York Times . In Bolivia, according to documents obtained by the American government journalist Jeremy Bigwood, Public partner, USAID maintained an “Office for Transition Initiatives”, which invested $ 97 million in projects of “decentralization” and “regional autonomy” since 2002, strengthening state governments that oppose Evo Morales.
Wanted by the Public, the leader of the Canvas, Srdja Popovic, said the organization receives no government funding of any country and its largest funder is Serbian businessman Slobodan Djinovic, who was also a student leader. However, a PowerPoint presentation of the organization, leaked by WikiLeaks, shows how the Canvas partners IRI and Freedom House, which receive large sums of USAID.
For the researcher Mark Weisbrot, Center for Economic institute and Policy Research in Washington, organizations like IRI and Freedom House “are not promoting democracy.” “Most of the time, are promoting the exact opposite. Generally promote U.S. policies in other countries, and this means opposition to leftist governments, for example, or the governments of which the United States does not like. ”
Phase Two: Bolivia to Egypt
Looking through the same PowerPoint presentation, the performance of Canvas impresses. Between 2002 and 2009, held 106 workshops, reaching 1800 participants from 59 countries. Not all Americans are disaffected – Canvas trained activists for example in Spain, Morocco and Azerbaijan – but the list includes many of them: Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Zimbabwe, Belarus, North Korea, Syria and Iran.
According to the Canvas itself, its performance was important in all so-called “color revolutions” that have spread from former countries of the Soviet Union in the 2000s.
The document points out how “successful cases” knowledge transfer to Kmara movement in Georgia in 2003, the group that launched the Revolution overthrew President and Roses, a little help to the Orange Revolution in 2004, Ukraine; training groups made the Cedar Revolution in 2005 in Lebanon, several projects with NGOs in Zimbabwe and the opposition coalition to Robert Mugabe, training activists in Vietnam, Tibet and Burma, as well as projects in Syria and Iraq with “pro-democracy” . And in Bolivia, “preparation of the 2009 elections in groups of Santa Cruz” – known as the most outspoken group of opponents of Evo Morales.
By 2009, the group’s main manual “Nonviolent Struggle – 50 Crucial Points” had been translated into 5 languages, including Arabic and Farsi.
One of the actions of Canvas that became visible was the training of the leadership of the April 6 movement, considered the embryo of the Egyptian spring. The movement began to be organized by Facebook to protest in solidarity with textile workers in Mahalla al Kubra city in the Nile Delta. It was the first time the social network has been used for this purpose in Egypt. In mid-2009, Mohammed Adel, a leader of the April 6 traveled to Belgrade to be coached by Popovic.
In emails to analysts Stratfor, Popovic brags to maintain relations with the leaders of that movement, especially with Adel Mohammed – who became one of the main sources of information about the uprising in Egypt in 2011. In the internal memo of Stratfor, it is mentioned under the codename RS501.
“We just talked to some of our friends in Egypt and found some things,” he informs on January 27, 2011. “Tomorrow the Muslim irmadade will take your strength to the streets, then it may be even more dramatic … We got better information about these groups and how they have organized in recent days, but we are still trying to map them.”
Stratfor documents
The documents leaked by WikiLeaks show that the Canvas acts so unless you want to appear independent. On at least two occasions, Srdja Popovic told by email to have participated in meetings in Securiy National Council, the Security Council of the American government.
The first meeting referred to took place on December 18, 2009 and the topic on the agenda was Russia and Georgia. At the time, was part of the NSC’s “great friend” of Popovic – in his own words – the senior Obama adviser to Russia, Michael McFaul, who is now U.S. ambassador to that country.
At the same meeting, according to Popovic reported later treated the funding of opposition in Iran by pro-democracy groups, a topic of special interest to him. “Politics is made to Iran in NSC by Dennis Ross. There is a crescent function on Iran at the State Department under the Assistant Secretary John Limbert. Funding for pro-democracy programs in Iran increased from $ 1.5 million in 2004 to $ 60 million in 2008 (…) After June 12, 2009, the NSC decided to neutralize the effects of existing programs, which began with Bush. Apparently the logic was that the U.S. did not want to be seen trying to interfere in Iran’s internal politics The U.S. does not want to give the Iranian regime an excuse to reject the negotiations on the nuclear program, “complains the Serbian, for whom the Obama administration would be acting as “a bull in a crockery shop” with the new policy. “As a result, the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center, Freedom House, IRI and IFES had rejected their requests for resources,” describes in an email in early January 2010.
A further meeting of the NSC Popovic had occurred at 17 pm on July 27, 2011, as reported Popovic analyst Reva Bhalla on.
“These guys are awesome,” he said, in an email enthusiastic, analyst at Stratfor to Eastern Europe, Marko Papic. “They use open shop in a country and try to overthrow the government. When properly used is a more powerful weapon than a battalion of combat air force. ”
Marko explains to his colleagues that the Stratfor Canvas – in his words, a type group “export-one-revolution” – “still depends on U.S. funding and basically runs the world trying to topple dictators and autocratic governments (those of whom the United States do not like). ” The first contact with the group leader, who would become his contumacious source, occurred in 2007. “Since then they have passed intelligence on Venezuela, Georgia, Serbia, etc”.
In all emails, Popovic has a great interest in exchanging information with Strtafor, whom he calls “CIA Austin.” For this, it is worth-your contacts between activists in different countries. In addition to maintaining a business relationship with the same idológico vein, establishes a fruitful exchange of information. For example, in May 2008 Marko tells him that knew that Chinese intelligence was considering attacking the organization for his work with Tibetan activists. “This was expected,” answered Srdja. On May 23, 2011, he requests information on regional autonomy for Kurds in Iraq.
One of the most frequent themes in conversation with analysts Stratfor is Venezuela; Srdja helps analysts understand what the opposition is thinking. All communication, writes Marko Papic, is taken by a secure and encrypted email. Moreover, in 2010, was the leader of the Canvas to the headquarters of Stratfor in Austin to give a briefing on the Venezuelan situation.
“This year we will definitely increase our activities in Venezuela,” said the Serbian in the email submission of your “analysis of the situation in Venezuela,” on January 12, 2010. For the elections of September of that year, reports that “we are in close contact with activists and people who are trying to help them,” contends that the analyst does not spread or publish this information. The document, sent by email, would be the “foundation of our analysis we plan to do in Venezuela.” The next day, he reiterates in another email : “To explain the plan of action that ship, is a guide on how to make a revolution, of course.”
The document to which the public had access, was written in early 2010 by “analytical department” of the organization and reports, in addition to the support pillars Chavez, listing the major institutions and organizations that serve as support to the government (among them, the military, police, judiciary, nationalized industries, teachers and the electoral council), key leaders with the potential to form an effective coalition and its “potential allies” (among them students, international and independent media, trade unions, the federation Venezuelan teachers, the Rotary Club and the Catholic Church).
The indication of the Canvas seems, in the end, and right. Among the main opposition leaders who have the capacity to unify it are Henrique Capriles Radonski, governor of Miranda and opposition candidate in the presidential elections in October by the Bureau of Democratic Unity coalition, plus the mayor of Metropolitan District of Caracas, Antonio Ledezma , and former mayor of Chacao, Leopoldo Lopez Mendoza. Two student leaders, Alexandra Belandria, Cambio Group and Yon Goicochea, the Movimiento Estudiantil Venezolano, are also listed.
The objective of the strategy, the document says, is “to provide the basis for more detailed planning potentially done by stakeholders and the Canvas”. This “more detailed” plan would be developed later with “stakeholders”.
In another email Popovic explains: “When someone asks for our help, as is the case in Venezuela, we normally ask ‘how do you do?’ (…) In this case we have three campaigns: unification of the opposition campaign for the September election (…). In normal circumstances, the activists come to us and work exactly this kind of format in a workshop. We just guided them, and so the plan ends up being as efficient as they are activists who create them, is totally theirs, ie is authentic. We just provide the tools. ”
But, with Venezuela, the thing was different, Popovic explains: “In the case of Venezuela, because of the complete disaster that place is because of suspicion among opposition groups and clutter, we had to make this initial analysis. If they will perform the next steps depend on them, or if they will understand that because of the lack of UNITY they may lose the race even before it begins. ”
Those who received the analysis (such as personnel Strartfor, for example) learned that the second logic Canvas key themes to be explored in a campaign of opposition in Venezuela are:
- Crime and insecurity: “The situation has deteriorated dramatically and tremendously since 2006. Reason for Change ”
- Education: “The government is taking over the educational system: teachers need to be fanned. They will have to lose their jobs or submit! They need to be encouraged and there will be a risk. We have to convince them that we have the ball as high society, they hold a responsibility that we value greatly. Teachers will motivate students. Who will influence them? As we will touch them? ”
- Young: “The message needs to be directed to young people in general, not just for college students.”
Economy: “The oil is from Venezuela, not the government, it’s your money, it is your right! Programs of social welfare “.
- Women: “What do mothers want? Control of the law, the police acting under local authorities. We will provide the resources needed for this. We do not want more brutes. ”
- Transportation: “Workers must be able to get to their jobs. It’s your money. We must demand that the government accountable, and the way it is unable to do so. ”
- Government: “Redistribution of wealth, everyone should have a chance.”
- “There is a strong trend in presidential Venezuela. How can we change this? How can we work it out? ”
At the end of the email, Popovic ends with a rude criticism of Venezuelans who seeks to articulate: “Incidentally, the safety culture does not exist in Venezuela. They are retarded and speak more than the butt itself. It is a complete joke."
Wanted by the Public, the leader of Canvas denied that the organization produces analyzes and action plans revolutionary custom. And it was much less enthusiastic about his “guide” prepared to Venezuela.
“We teach people to analyze and understand non-violent conflict – and during the learning process to students and ask participants to use the tools presented in the course. And we also learn from them! Then we use the work they performed and combined with public information to create case studies, “he said. “And it’s turned into more extensive analysis by two interns. We use these analyzes in our research and share with students, activists, researchers, teachers, journalists and organizations with which we cooperate -. They are interested in understanding the phenomenon of popular power ” Asked, Popovic also responded to criticism made by Hugo Chávez in his TV show: “It is a well known formula …
For decades, authoritarian regimes around the world make accusations like ‘revolutions exported’ as the main cause of the uprisings in their countries. The pro-democracy movement in Serbia was, of course, accused of being a tool of the U.S. ‘on state television and Milosevic, before students topple his regime. This also happened in Zimbabwe, Belarus, Iran … ”
Former fellow student movement, Ivan Marovic – which still gives lectures on how it happened the revolt against Milosevic, but not part of the organization Canvas – agrees with him: “It is impossible to export a revolution. I always say in my lectures that the most important for a successful social change thing is to have the majority of the population on your side. If the President has the majority of the population next to it, nothing will happen.”
Marovic contends, however, that there was a change in perception of the “NGO arm” of Western governments, particularly the United States, after the revolution in Serbia in 2000 and the “color revolutions” that followed in Eastern Europe. “A month after the overthrow Milosevic, the New York Times published an article saying that anyone who actually overthrew Milosevic was the American financial assistance. They are increasing their role. And now believe that the money the U.S. can overthrow a government. They tried the same thing in Belarus, gave a lot of money to NGOs, and did not work.”
The researcher Mark Weisbrot agree on terms. It is clear that no foreign group, even a small group can cause a revolution in a country. For him, money is not the U.S. government – either through NGOs paid by the National Security Council, USAID or the State Department – that makes the difference. “The Venezuelan elite, for example, do not need this money. What these US-funded groups, anciently and today, add are two things: one is skill and knowledge necessary to subvert regimes. And the second thing is that this support has a unifying role. The opposition may be divided and they help to unify the opposition. ” For him, the American sponsorship often has a “pernicious influence” on legitimate movements. “We always have people fighting for democracy groups in these countries, with a variety of demands, land reform, social protections, jobs … And what happens is they capitaneiam whole movement with a lot of money, inspired by policies affecting the U.S.. Often, democratic groups receiving the money end up falling into disrepute.”

As fierce clashes in Ukraine’s capital Kiev continued for a second day Russia’s Foreign Minister accused the West of fomenting unrest that was “spinning out of control.”
“We are aware on the strength of available information that this [violence in Kiev] is being largely incited from outside the country,” Sergei Lavrov said at a press conference in Moscow on Tuesday.
Violent confrontation between protesters and police, which began on Sunday, resumed on Monday night and continued till early Tuesday. The Demonstrators hurled stones and Molotov cocktails at police, who responded with tear gas, stun grenades and rubber bullets. The scene of the clashes on Hrushevskyy Street in central Kiev looked like a warzone, with burning carcasses of police vans, makeshift barricades and stones dug up from the pavement.
The violence marked dramatic radicalisation of two-month-long peaceful protests against the Ukrainian government’s decision not to sign a key association pact with the European Union and to strengthen instead alliance with Russia. Ukraine’s mainstream opposition denounced violence but appeared to have little control over right-wing extremists from the “Right Sector” group who reportedly led the attacks on police.
The opposition leaders’ calls for prudence “show that the situation is spinning out of control,” Mr Lavrov said. He warned the West to stop interfering in Ukraine’s crisis.
“We would prefer that some of our European colleagues refrained from acting unceremoniously over the Ukrainian crisis, when, without any kind of invitation, members of several European governments rushed to Maidan [Independence Square in Kiev], took part in anti-government demonstrations in a country, with which they have diplomatic relations. It is just distasteful,” the Russian Foreign Minister said.
In December, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, E. U. foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, Germany’s foreign minister Guido Westerwelle, and U.S. senators Christopher Murphy and John McCain, visited the protest camp in Kiev to register their support. In an address to the nation on Monday night Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovich warned that the violence in Kiev was a “threat to all of Ukraine” and vowed to “use all legal means” to restore law and order.

The so-called moderate opposition has desired a rise of nationalism during the riots, Almond believes. The Orange Revolution went wrong in 2004-05 precisely because the mass protests were peaceful, they led to a re-run of elections, but although Yanukovich lost, “he lost very narrowly and remained a viable political player with a very large body of support, and won of course the election in 2010.” Thus, the opponents of Yanukovich now recognize that “if you simply force fresh elections you don't fundamentally change the political system.”
“They want to marginalize Yanukovich and his Party of the Regions, his supporters. So you need a non-constitutional revolution. Remember one of the opposition television stations is now headlined the Revolution station,” Almond told RT.
As an example he mentioned Klitchko’s rethoric.
“Vitaly Klitchko spoke in forked tongue: when he talks in English or German for the media he talks about the need for peaceful protests, the need for fresh elections; but he then says to his supporters that Yanukovich is like Ceaușescu and Gaddafi. If you say that the president of Ukraine is like Gaddafi, what you are saying is that he is a dictator that should be lynched as Gaddafi was at the end of 2011,” Almond said.
“So there is a danger that the extreme right that does exist, the extreme nationalists and indeed near Nazi elements, are actually serving the political purpose of the apparently moderate leaders. That is to say they want to overthrow the existing state, they don't trust elections, because they fear that even if they win the elections there's a sufficiently bigger body of support for Yanukovich that his political movement would survive and come back again as it did after the failures of the Orange revolution,” he added.
Thus, “the so-called liberals and moderates are playing with fire,” Almond concludes, saying that the extremist mob now clashing with police in the streets might turn against them, too. “It's a very unstable situation, and I think that Vitaly Klitchko, Yatsenyuk, Parshenko - these leaders whom the West courts - are playing with fire, and so is the West,” Almond believes.
“They want a collapse of Yanukovich's government, a revolution of a sort. They, of course, then want to glide safely into the presidential office and into the seats of power, but they will have depended upon the heavy mob, these extreme nationalists of Ukraine who chant anti-Russian slogans, anti-Jewish slogans, and who of course have got a taste of violence, and, who will see themselves if they are able to overthrow Yanukovich, as the people who brought about the revolution,” he told RT. “And of course we've seen in the past once you move from having elections as the basis of political power to the crowd in the street, to the storming of the government buildings, that can slide out of control: the people who think they are the leaders today could find themselves marginalized, the people who today are willing to use incitements to violence by denouncing the current government as being tyrants could find themselves being targeted by the same people who are throwing Molotov cocktails tomorrow.”
Mark Almond also points out that the situation is “a sinister, cynical political power game about the Ukraine, which has implications for the functioning of the constitutions of the Western Europe, for the functioning of our own democracy.”
“I think it is a rather sinister sign not only for Ukraine that the democratic countries of the EU and the US, their governments and democratic institutions in Brussels, are siding with a rioting mob in the streets,” he said.
“Yanukovich's government refused to sign the association agreement with the EU - that sparked the protest. In other words, Yanukovich has a negative rating for the EU and for America; he didn't do what we wanted. What if a government inside the EU was to begin to say that we don't entirely agree with this or that, would they also see a sponsored crowd on the streets, would they also see inside a country inside the EU a threat to the constitutional order if you don't follow the line that the bureaucrats in Brussels have laid down,” Almond told RT.
Ukrainian authorities should take fascism more seriously
Both governments in Western Europe and the US, as well as Ukrainian authorities, must be more aware of the dangers of fascism, Nicolai N. Petro, professor of political science at the University of Rhode Island, believes.
"Whatever noble intentions these protesters might have had, they've been hijacked by very sinister and dark forces, and it is sad to see the governments across the border, in Western Europe and the US, not understand the dangers of fascism to a government that is divided and unwilling to take decisive action," Petro told RT.
"They don't take those ideas very seriously. Fascism seems like a historical footnote to them, they don't realize that these sort of events could be repeated, particularly in governments like Ukraine that don't have a long tradition of stable democratic politics," he added.
Petro says that the Ukrainian government should have been more decisive in its actions against extremist protestors.
"There's a threshold when authorities decide that the rights of protest have moved into a sphere in which it endangers the livelihood of the community, and when that determination is made the government restrains the most aggressive forcers and tries to shunt political activity back into constitutional framework. That is something that the current Ukrainian government has so far failed to do, and I think this is one of the greatest weaknesses and the most destabilizing aspect of the current protest - the government's ineffectiveness. The legitimate government's ineffectiveness, I should add," Petro concluded.

“F*** Europe!” Such were the words used in Kiev, Ukraine by Victoria Nuland, the US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe. Nuland was referring to the European Union’s reluctance to get too deeply involved in Ukraine’s current strife or to impose sanctions on the former Soviet republic. But Nuland perfectly captured Washington’s sneering view of Europe as a collection of feeble and irrelevant banana republics.
Nuland is a prominent American neoconservative. Like her fellow neocons, she disdains Europe for being unwarlike, mildly critical of Israel, and often insufficiently responsive to Washington’s demands – or even insubordinate, like the awful French.
How delicious was it that Nuland’s pithy reference to Europe and her plans for a new western-confected government in Ukrainian – where the US insists it is not at all interfering – were picked by Russian electronic intelligence and played to the world. How dim for Madame Nuland to speak so thoughtlessly on her cell phone.
Of late, Nuland and other senior US officials have been blasting Moscow for “meddling” in Ukraine. The leaked phone recording has Nuland telling the US ambassador to Kiev which of the three opposition candidates Washington wants to run Ukraine.
Nuland’s plans for regime change in Kiev have been a godsend to Moscow, which claims the US and EU are behind the uprising in Ukraine. She has just undermined the democratic Ukrainian opposition by making them look like American puppets.
Score one for Russia’s spooks. All Nuland could do was splutter about how Russian intelligence had intercepted her cell phone. This after the US National Security Agency was revealed to be bugging the phones and email of most of Europe’s leaders. What goes around comes around.
The loud-mouthed Nuland should resign.
All this was most amusing – except that it highlighted the growing US-Russian confrontation over Ukraine that risks turning very dangerous.
A senior Russian official close to President Vladimir Putin just warned Washington to butt out of Ukraine – or else. Europe is rightfully fearful that the Ukraine crisis could cause a head-on clash by Washington and Moscow – just as the little Russia-Georgia War over Ossetia almost did in 2008.
Interestingly, during that crisis, the US rushed warships to the Black Sea. This time, US Navy warships are back again in the Black Sea under the laughable excuse they are on station to evacuate US tourists to the Sochi Olympics if violence occurs.
Day by day, we see growing rancor between the US and Russia. Most of it is unfair criticism and childish spats, but the overall effect is creating the basis for war fever. The same bickering, cheap criticism and manufactured anger created the psychological basis in Britain for the utterly catastrophic World War I. Three years later, it was repeated in the United States to whip up anti-German fever.
The US media is barraging Russia and Putin with a drumfire of negative stories. The Sochi Olympics have come in for relentless, petty attacks and low-minded carping.
Anyone who knows Russia should be in awe that the normally bumbling, disorganized Ruskis managed to get their Olympic sites finished more or less on time – and that they still remain standing. Russians usually lose a lot of early battles, but they usually end up winning wars.
So what if Russia spent billions on the Sochi Olympics. Who is Washington to criticize Moscow after pouring over $2 trillion into the stupid wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and now Syria, with nothing to show but huge debts, armies of refugees, and graveyards?
America’s national security establishment – what used to be known in Britain as imperialists – is now turning its guns on Russia, aided by the US corporate media. Vlad Putin’s Russia has re-emerged as America’s number one enemy. Muslims are out. At times, the Cold War seems to be inching back. The US narrowly escaped a dangerous military clash over President Barack Obama’s intemperate rush to war over Syria.
Nuclear powers must not indulge in such school-yard squabbles. World War I, whose 100th anniversary comes this fall, began just this way. Putin’s Russia is no Utopia, but do we really want angry, expansionist Russians again on our eastern borders? Better they focus on Olympic games and shopping sprees. Unlike us, they have not started any wars lately.

"And everyone knows that some of (the Russian troops) are already here, but nobody wants to speak openly about it because nobody wants to fight our brothers," she said, referring to a widespread belief that members of the Russian military make up the police force and hired provocateurs trying to sabotage and subdue the protests.
Protesters expressed their fears as a senior U.S. diplomat arrived in Kiev to try to help find a resolution to the country's political crisis, and an adviser to Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened Ukraine with attack.
Sergei Glazyev accused the United States on Thursday of funding the Ukrainian "rebels" by as much as $20 million a day for weapons and other supplies. He urged the Ukrainian government to put down the "attempted coup," or Russia may have to intervene under the terms of a 1994 agreement between the United States and Russia, according to the Ukraine edition of the Russian daily Kommersant.
Glazyev was alluding to the Budapest Memorandum, a treaty in which Ukraine agreed to turn over a nuclear arsenal on its soil left over after the fall of the Soviet Union, of which Ukraine was a part until it dissolved in 1991.
In return, the United States, United Kingdom and Russia, nuclear powers all, guaranteed to respect the independence and the borders of Ukraine and reaffirmed their commitment to seek immediate United Nations Security Council action should Ukraine become a victim of an act of aggression.
The memorandum, which is not binding, refers only to "nuclear aggression" and it requires the signatories to consult each other if other unspecified aggression arises.
Glazyev said the agreement binds Russia and the United States "to intervene when conflicts of this kind arise. And what the Americans are doing now, unilaterally and crudely interfering in the internal affairs of Ukraine, is a clear breach of that treaty."
Thursday, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland met separately in Kiev with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and with opposition leaders to find a solution to the conflict. Yanukovych is scheduled to meet with Putin on Friday at the opening of the Winter Olympics in Sochi.
Protesters want Yanukovych to resign and for his successor to sign an economic treaty with the European Union that Yanukovych rejected in favor of a $15 billion loan and gas deliveries from Putin.
In Kiev on Thursday, about 2,000 demonstrators marched toward parliament carrying a banner reading, "We are tired of waiting."
The United States and the European Union have called for Yanukovych and the opposition to reach a compromise and warned Yanukovych against using force against the protesters.
The European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, adopted a non-binding resolution Thursday urging the bloc's 28 nations to prepare targeted sanctions such as freezing assets of "Ukrainian officials, legislators and oligarchs personally responsible for the attacks on and deaths of protesters."
Glazyev said the Ukrainian government needs to spurn outsiders and put down the insurrection with force.
"The Ukrainian government is making a mistake by resisting the use of force to solve the crisis, and if the protesters will not disperse, the violent suppression of protests will be inevitable," he said. "In a situation where the authorities face an attempted coup, they simply have no other course of action – otherwise, the country could be plunged into chaos."
The protests, which have seen hundreds of thousands take to the streets, had remained largely peaceful but turned violent last month as demonstrators clashed with police, leading to at least four deaths.
The United States and the EU want the opposition to share in government. Yanukovych offered leading opposition figures high-level posts in the government, but they rejected the offer, calling for new elections.
Analysts say that although Russia has a special interest in Ukraine, Glazyev does not speak for Putin and is exaggerating the threat of military force.
"Mr. Glazyev has a record of making inflammatory statements about Ukraine – to my knowledge, he does not speak for the Russian government on Ukraine," said John Lough, an analyst specializing on the Russia and Eurasia at the Chatham House think-tank in London. "I think that any potential intervention by Russia would be political and economic, and certainly not military."
Some protesters say the Ukrainian government is playing for time and would welcome Russian military intervention if protesters refuse to back down.
"The only question is if they will act now or after the Winter Olympics end," Chorna said. "Me, my family and my friends, we are all very worried about this because it will have impact on business, on salaries, benefits."

Indeed, Russia’s relationship with Yanukovych and its perceived meddling in the Ukraine have been at the very heart of the protests from the outset—for it was the president’s decision to snub the EU in favor of closer ties and a $15 billion loan from Moscow that set off angry demonstrations last November.
Now, Russian politicians and analysts have started using loaded language when talking about what to do with Ukraine and its intractable protesters. Recently, a former advisor to Russian president Vladimir Putin, political scientist Andrey Illarionov, opined that Russia is extremely eager to seize Ukrainian territory. According to Illarionov, Moscow’s propaganda machine is running at top speed in order to prepare for such an outcome. He quoted Kremlin sources as saying, “we should wait ‘til the Sochi 2014 Olympics start and then set about finding the solution to the Ukrainian Question.”
Such wording is not accidental—Illarionov is definitely hinting at the notorious Nazi “Final Solution to the Jewish Question” (Endlösung der Judenfrage) in his speech. World War II-era allusions are widespread among Ukrainian political experts, as well—when local analysts talk about the Russian line of action against Ukraine, they use the word “Anschluss.”
The historical meaning behind the latter German term is being actively promoted as a viable option for dealing with Ukraine by Russian politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Since the Euromaidan started, he’s made lots of ridiculous statements, but his recent ones really take the cake. “We will give Ukraine cartridges but not soldiers,” Zhirinovsky said. “We will send all the Ukrainian refugees to Siberia, that frosty minus-60 degree resort …If [the protesters] hinder you in the East and South of Ukraine, let a local administration appeal to us officially and we will ask the Russian government to rise in defense of Russians in these Ukrainian regions.”
A colleague of Zhirinovksy, Roman Khudyakov, also advised that Ukraine should hold a referendum to join the Russian empire and then “we can help.”
Of course, Zhirinovsky has a reputation as something of a windbag, but as Illarionov noted, “nobody hides the fact of preparations for Russian intervention in Ukrainian affairs, which it is carrying on right now.” Political analysts say that the Kremlin is ready to swap out the current president, Yanukovych, for a more convenient and loyal person (such as Andrey Klyuyev or Victor Medvedtchuk)—and Moscow strategists don’t want to wait for the 2015 elections as a tool for such a change. They’d like their plans to come to fruition in the next couple of weeks.
Illarionov says that there are four likely scenarios for Russia’s plans for Ukraine going forward:
1. The establishment of full control of Ukraine with the help of a loyal president. But after the Euromaidan and the large support of its ideas amongst people in the Western and Central regions of the country, this first scenario doesn’t seem probably.
2. The federalization or confederalization of Ukraine and establishment of control over the Eastern and Southern regions, where people are loyal to the current government and the percentage of ethnic Russians is relatively high (up to 30 percent).
3. If federalization is impossible, the Russian government will likely try to control individual cities in the Eastern and Southern regions such as Odessa, Donetsk, Lugansk and of course the Crimea peninsula.
4. If control of the Eastern Ukraine is impossible, Moscow will consider just control of the Crimea and especially Sevastopol city, where the proportion of ethnic Russians is more than 50 percent.
Illarionov quotes the ideas that are being actively discussed during prime-time on the Russian state TV channels: “Ukraine is a failed state, and the historic chance for reunification of all the Russian lands can be lost in the next couple of weeks, so we mustn’t put off the solution to the Ukrainian Question.”
The strategists from Kremlin are apparently sure that the same scenario was very successful in Georgia, when Abkhazia and South Ossetia were separated and put under Russian protection as “breakaway republics.” The Georgia conflict took place during the 2008 Beijing Olympics, which was very convenient timing, as the authors of the new Moscow strategy say.
The information about the aggressiveness of Russia’s designs is not so surprising to Ukrainians, who are already used to politically incorrect statements coming out of Moscow. In 2008, at the Bucharest NATO Summit, Putin said that “Ukraine is a historical misunderstanding which was created on the Russian territory.” So, in his mind, Russia needs to restore its territory at the expense of Ukraine. “They even don’t say “Ukraine” as a term, using instead the ‘Reunification of Russia’,” Illarionov says.
The described strategy is very similar to a populist Russian movement called the “Essence of Time,” which was founded in 2011 by Russian politician and scientist Sergey Kurginyan. The goal of the movement is the revival of the USSR on new principles and without the old mistakes. Kurginyan call it “USSR 2.0” and it seems that Ukraine may be the next step on the way to that Brave New World.
Meanwhile some rumors about a looming Russian invasion are spreading in Ukraine. We’ve heard about mythical squads of armed Don Cossacks that traversed the Ukrainian border to defend the Eastern Ukraine from anti-government protesters. And some say that recently they were joined by “Night Wolves,” a biker gang from Volgograd. Many local administrations in the East are preparing for occupation by protesters from the Western Ukraine. They ring their buildings with barbed wire and apply solid oil to their fences. Every week, posts about Russian military aircrafts landing in Kyiv appear in Facebook. The Ministry of Internal Affairs purchased Russian flame-throwers for policemen. Everything looks like a Hollywood blockbuster, but Ukrainians are the actors who cannot escape the movie.
Can we really wait for the revival of the new Evil Empire (as Ronald Reagan called the USSR in 1983)? As we know, the USSR was possible because of the Cold War, which by turn was a consequence of total state propaganda. Today the situation is unlikely as the Internet is widespread in the post-Soviet space. When rumors are really just propaganda, then the Cold War turns into a squabble and USSR 2.0 is nothing but a hallucination of the Kremlin’s analysts.

A huge crowd of demonstrators has surrounded the US embassy in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, protesting against Washington’s meddling in the country’s internal affairs. That’s according to local media reports. The event was organized by Kievans for Clean City, a new pro-government activist group which opposes violence in downtown Kiev. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned that the situation in Ukraine was getting out of control, calling for dialogue between all the parties. Marcus Papadopoulos, Publisher/Editor of Politics First and Russia First magazinesб talked with the Voice of Russia about the evolving crisis in Ukraine.
Marcus, you claim that the Ukrainian protests are nothing more than a provocation on the part of the European Union and the United States. Why? Do you have any sufficient evidence proving your allegations?
I certainly do. I believe that what we are seeing in Ukraine is not what Western media and Western politicians are portraying it is – a matter of freedom versus tyranny. That’s absolute nonsense. If Ukraine was a tyranny, there wouldn’t be protesters out in the streets in the first place. It is quite simple. What we are seeing in Ukraine is an attempt by the opposition forces, which are in fact taking their orders, being encouraged by certain Western countries (most notably the US), to bring down a democratically elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych and install a pro-Western government, which would in their ambitions allow Ukraine to join NATO and then the EU.
And that is what the reality of the situation is. It is a geostrategic game that the West is playing. And the game is this – in the last 20 years, ever since the Soviet Union collapsed Washington has been attempting to place what I call a sanitary cordon around Russia on its western borders. Now, all your listeners need to do is take a map of Europe and they will see that on Russia’s western borders it is pretty much surrounded by countries which are in NATO and which are in the EU. For example, the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Romania.
And this goal of America, it goes back to a doctrine known as the Pentagon’s Defense Planning Guidance of 1992 or more commonly known as the Wolfowitz Doctrine, known after Paul Wolfowitz – its architect. And it basically stated that Russia is the only country in the world that is capable of challenging American global dominance and, therefore, steps must be taken to limit Russia’s influence in the world. And the steps which need to be taken focus on bringing those countries that used to be part of the Eastern Bloc and that used to be part of the Soviet Union, on bringing them into fold of the West.
And also, a very prominent American writer Zbigniew Brzezinski, who used to be the National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter…

AMY GOODMAN: The Ukrainian parliament, Rada, and Cabinet buildings have reportedly been evacuated because of fears they could be stormed by protesters. The street clashes are occurring while the Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych, is meeting with the foreign ministers from Germany, Poland and France. The Obama administration stepped up pressure on the Ukrainian government Wednesday by announcing a visa ban on 20 members of the Ukrainian government. The U.S. is also threatening to place sanctions on the Ukrainian government. The protests began in late November after President Yanukovych reversed his decision to sign a long-awaited trade deal with the European Union, or EU, to forge stronger ties with Russia instead. To talk more about the latest in Ukraine, we’re joined by Stephen Cohen, professor emeritus of Russian studies and politics at New York University and Princeton University. His most recent book, Soviet Fates and Lost Alternatives: From Stalinism to the New Cold War, is now out in paperback. His latest piece in The Nation is called "Distorting Russia: How the American Media Misrepresent Putin, Sochi and Ukraine." So, talk about the latest, Professor Cohen.
STEPHEN COHEN: Where do you want me to begin? I mean, we are watching history being made, but history of the worst kind. That’s what I’m telling my grandchildren: Watch this. What’s happening there, let’s take the big picture, then we can go to the small picture. The big picture is, people are dying in the streets every day. The number 50 is certainly too few. They’re still finding bodies. Ukraine is splitting apart down the middle, because Ukraine is not one country, contrary to what the American media, which speaks about the Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. Historically, ethnically, religiously, culturally, politically, economically, it’s two countries. One half wants to stay close to Russia; the other wants to go West. We now have reliable reports that the anti-government forces in the streets—and there are some very nasty people among them—are seizing weapons in western Ukrainian military bases. So we have clearly the possibility of a civil war. And the longer-term outcome may be—and I want to emphasize this, because nobody in the United States seems to want to pay attention to it—the outcome may be the construction, the emergence of a new Cold War divide between West and East, not this time, as it was for our generation, in faraway Berlin, but right on the borders of Russia, right through the heart of Slavic civilization. And if that happens, if that’s the new Cold War divide, it’s permanent instability and permanent potential for real war for decades to come. That’s what’s at stake. One last point, also something that nobody in this country wants to talk about: The Western authorities, who bear some responsibility for what’s happened, and who therefore also have blood on their hands, are taking no responsibility. They’re uttering utterly banal statements, which, because of their vacuous nature, are encouraging and rationalizing the people in Ukraine who are throwing Molotov cocktails, now have weapons, are shooting at police. We wouldn’t permit that in any Western capital, no matter how righteous the cause, but it’s being condoned by the European Union and Washington as events unfold.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And when you say the Western countries who bear some responsibility, in what sense do they bear responsibility? I mean, clearly, there’s been an effort by the United States and Europe ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union to pull the former Soviet states into their economic sphere, but is that what you’re talking about?
STEPHEN COHEN: I mean that. I mean that Moscow—look at it through Moscow’s eyes. Since the Clinton administration in the 1990s, the U.S.-led West has been on a steady march toward post-Soviet Russia, began with the expansion of NATO in the 1990s under Clinton. Bush then further expanded NATO all the way to Russia’s borders. Then came the funding of what are euphemistically called NGOs, but they are political action groups, funded by the West, operating inside Russia. Then came the decision to build missile defense installations along Russia’s borders, allegedly against Iran, a country which has neither nuclear weapons nor any missiles to deliver them with. Then comes American military outpost in the former Soviet republic of Georgia, which led to the war of 2008, and now the West is at the gates of Ukraine. So, that’s the picture as Moscow sees it. And it’s rational. It’s reasonable. It’s hard to deny. But as for the immediate crisis, let’s ask ourselves this: Who precipitated this crisis? The American media says it was Putin and the very bad, though democratically elected, president of Ukraine, Yanukovych. But it was the European Union, backed by Washington, that said in November to the democratically elected president of a profoundly divided country, Ukraine, "You must choose between Europe and Russia." That was an ultimatum to Yanukovych. Remember—wasn’t reported here—at that moment, what did the much-despised Putin say? He said, "Why? Why does Ukraine have to choose? We are prepared to help Ukraine avoid economic collapse, along with you, the West. Let’s make it a tripartite package to Ukraine." And it was rejected in Washington and in Brussels. That precipitated the protests in the streets. And since then, the dynamic that any of us who have ever witnessed these kinds of struggles in the streets unfolded, as extremists have taken control of the movement from the so-called moderate Ukrainian leaders. I mean, the moderate Ukrainian leaders, with whom the Western foreign ministers are traveling to Kiev to talk, they’ve lost control of the situation. By the way, people ask—excuse me—is it a revolution? Is it a revolution? A much abused word, but one sign of a revolution is the first victims of revolution are the moderates. And then it becomes a struggle between the extreme forces on either side. And that’s what we’re witnessing.
AMY GOODMAN: Let’s go to President Obama. He’s in Mexico for the big Mexico-Canada-U.S. summit talking about Ukraine.
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: With regard to Ukraine, along with our European partners, we will continue to engage all sides. And we continue to stress to President Yanukovych and the Ukrainian government that they have the primary responsibility to prevent the kind of terrible violence that we’ve seen, to withdraw riot police, to work with the opposition to restore security and human dignity, and move the country forward. And this includes progress towards a multi-party, technical government that can work with the international community on a support package and adopt reforms necessary for free and fair elections next year. Ukrainians are a proud and resilient people who have overcome extraordinary challenges in their history, and that’s a pride and strength that I hope they draw on now.
STEPHEN COHEN: What are you asking me to comment on?
AMY GOODMAN: Your response to his response.
STEPHEN COHEN: To what he just said? Shame. Shame. He is saying that the responsibility for restoring peace is on the Ukrainian government, and it should withdraw its security forces from the streets. But let me ask you, if in Washington people throwing Molotov cocktails are marching on Congress—and these people are headed for the Ukrainian Congress—if these people have barricaded entrance to the White House and are throwing rocks at the White House security guard, would President Obama withdraw his security forces? This is—this is—and do you know what this does? And let’s escape partisanship here. I mean, lives are at stake. This incites, these kinds of statement that Obama made. It rationalizes what the killers in the streets are doing. It gives them Western license, because he’s not saying to the people in the streets, "Stop this, stop shooting policemen, stop attacking government buildings, sit down and talk." And the guy you had on just before, a so-called moderate leader, what did he just tell you? "We have lost control of the situation." That’s what I just told you. He just confirmed that. So what Obama needs to say is, "We deplore what the people in the streets are doing when they attack the police, the law enforcement official. And we also don’t like the people who are writing on buildings 'Jews live here,'" because these forces, these quasi-fascist forces—let’s address this issue, because the last time I was on your broadcast, you found some guy somewhere who said there was none of this there. All right. What percent are the quasi-fascists of the opposition? Let’s say they’re 5 percent. I think they’re more, but let’s give them the break, 5 percent. But we know from history that when the moderates lose control of the situation, they don’t know what to do. The country descends in chaos. Five percent of a population that’s tough, resolute, ruthless, armed, well funded, and knows what it wants, can make history. We’ve seen it through Europe. We’ve seen it through Asia. This is reality. And where Washington and Brussels are on this issue, they won’t step up and take the responsibility.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: Well, even in most recent history, whether you look at Libya or whether you look at the situation in Syria, where those presidents warned that there were extremist elements inside a broader popular movement that were eventually going to gain control, this seems like a replay in terms of what’s going on here in the Ukraine of a popular movement, but yet a very, very, as you say, right-wing movement—not only a right-wing movement, but a fascist movement with a history. Ukraine has had a history of a fascist movement going back to the days of Nazi Germany.
STEPHEN COHEN: Let’s go to real heresy. Let’s ask a question: Who has been right about interpreting recent events? Let’s go to the Arab Spring. Obama and Washington said this was about democracy now, this is great. Russia said, "Wait a minute. If you destabilize, even if they’re authoritarian leaders in the Middle East, you’re not going to get Thomas Jefferson in power. You’re going to get jihadists. You’re going to get very radical people in power all through the Middle East." Looking back, who was right or wrong about that narrative? Have a look at Egypt. Have a look at Libya. Who was right? Can Russians ever be right about anything? Now what are the Russians saying about Ukraine? They’re saying what you just said, that the peaceful protesters, as we keep calling them—I think a lot of them have gone home. There were many. By the way, at the beginning, there were hundreds of thousands, tens of thousands, of very decent, liberal, progressive, honorable people in the streets. But they’ve lost control of the situation. That’s the point now. And so, the Russians are saying, "Look, you’re trying to depose Yanukovych, who’s the elected government." Think. If you overthrow—and, by the way, there’s a presidential election in a year. The Russians are saying wait 'til the next election. If you overthrow him—and that's what Washington and Brussels are saying, that he must go—what are you doing to the possibility of democracy not only in Ukraine, but throughout this part of the world? And secondly, who do you think is going to come to power? Please tell us. And we’re silent.
AMY GOODMAN: I want to go to the famous leaked tape right now. The top State Department official has apologized to her European counterparts after she was caught cursing the European Union, the EU, in a leaked audio recording that was posted to YouTube. The recording captured an intercepted phone conversation between the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, and Victoria Nuland, the top U.S. diplomat for Europe. Nuland expresses frustration over Europe’s response to the political crisis in Ukraine, using frank terms.
AMY GOODMAN: I want to go to the famous leaked tape right now. The top State Department official has apologized to her European counterparts after she was caught cursing the European Union, the EU, in a leaked audio recording that was posted to YouTube. The recording captured an intercepted phone conversation between the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, and Victoria Nuland, the top U.S. diplomat for Europe. Nuland expresses frustration over Europe’s response to the political crisis in Ukraine, using frank terms.
VICTORIA NULAND: So that would be great, I think, to help glue this thing and have the U.N. help glue it. And, you know, [bleep] the EU.
GEOFFREY PYATT: Let me work on Klitschko, and if you can just keep—I think we want to try to get somebody with an international personality to come out here and help to midwife this thing. Then the other issue is some kind of outreach to Yanukovych, but we can probably regroup on that tomorrow as we see how things start to fall into place.
VICTORIA NULAND: So, on that piece, Geoff, when I wrote the note, Sullivan’s come back to me VFR saying, "You need Biden?" And I said, "Probably tomorrow for an attaboy and to get the deets to stick." So Biden’s willing.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: Well, this is more from—
STEPHEN COHEN: And we—excuse me—and we should—we, American citizens, should be allowed to choose which policy we want. But they conceal it from us. And I’m extremely angry that the people in this country who say they deplore this sort of thing have fallen silent.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: Let’s listen to little bit more of the leaked conversation between the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, and Victoria Nuland, the top U.S. diplomat for Europe.
VICTORIA NULAND: Good. So, I don’t think Klitsch should go into the government. I don’t think it’s necessary. I don’t think it’s a good idea.
GEOFFREY PYATT: Yeah. I mean, I guess, you think—in terms of him not going into the government, just let him sort of stay out and do his political homework and stuff. I’m just thinking, in terms of sort of the process moving ahead, we want to keep the moderate democrats together. The problem is going to be Tyahnybok and his guys. And, you know, I’m sure that’s part of what Yanukovych is calculating on all of this. I kind of—
VICTORIA NULAND: I think—I think Yats is the guy who’s got the economic experience, the governing experience. He’s the guy—you know, what he needs is Klitsch and Tyahnybok on the outside. He needs to be talking to them four times a week. You know, I just think Klitsch going in, he’s going to be at that level working for Yatsenyuk. It’s just not going to work.
STEPHEN COHEN: You don’t need me here. What do you need me for?
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: —this chess game that they’re conducting here?
STEPHEN COHEN: There it is. There it is.
AMY GOODMAN: But explain the names. Who is Klitsch, Yats?
STEPHEN COHEN: All right. And notice the intimacy with which the Americans deal with the two leading so-called "moderate"—and these are big shots, they both want to be president—Ukrainian opposition. Klitschko is Vitali Klitschko, a six-foot-eight former—he resigned his title two months ago to enter politics—heavyweight champion of the world. His residence has been Ukraine—I mean, Germany. He plays—he pays taxes in Germany. He’s a project of Merkel. He represents German interests. I’m sure he’s also faithful to Ukraine, but he’s got a problem. Yatsenyuk, however—not Yatsenyuk, but the other guy she calls "Yats" is a representative of the Fatherland Party. It’s a big party in Parliament. But Washington likes him a lot. They think he’ll be our man. So you could see what they’re saying. We don’t quite trust Klitschko. Now, if you want to get esoteric, that’s the tug between Washington and Berlin. They’re not happy with Merkel, the chancellor of Germany. They don’t like the role Merkel is playing, generally. They think Germany has gotten too big for its britches. They want to cut Merkel down. So you noticed Klitschko, the boxer, is Merkel’s proxy, or at least she’s backing him. You notice that they say, "He’s not ready for prime time. Let him do his homework." Now, this guy—I’m bad on Ukrainian names. Tyagnybok, that they say has got to play a role, he’s the leader of the Freedom Party, the Svoboda Party, but a large element of that party, to put it candidly, is quasi-fascist. And they’re prepared to embrace this guy. This is the guy, by the way, that Senator John McCain in November or December went to Kiev and embraced. Either McCain didn’t know who he was, or he didn’t care. The United States is prepared to embrace that guy, too—anything to get rid of Yanukovych, because they think this is about Putin. That’s all they really got on their mind.
AMY GOODMAN: And yet, here you have President Obama, again, speaking yesterday in Mexico.
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Our approach as the United States is not to see these as some Cold War chessboard in which we’re in competition with Russia. Our goal is to make sure that the people of Ukraine are able to make decisions for themselves about their future, that the people of Syria are able to make decisions without having bombs going off and killing women and children, or chemical weapons, or towns being starved, because a despot wants to cling to power.
STEPHEN COHEN: Of course he’s concerned. It’s right on his borders, and it’s all tainting him. I mean, The Washington Post wrote an editorial yesterday. Putin is happy that the violence has broken out in the streets. Everybody understands, even The Washington Post understands, which understands almost nothing about Russia, but they got this, that during the Sochi Olympics, the last thing Putin wants is violence in Ukraine. So why is he happy about it? He deplores it. He’s unhappy. He’s furious at the president of Ukraine. He read him the Riot Act on the phone last night, that why doesn’t he get control of the situation? What is he doing? So Putin is not responsible for this. Can we speak about Obama?
AMY GOODMAN: Very quickly.
STEPHEN COHEN: Very quickly. I grew up in the segregated South. I voted for him twice, as historical justice. That’s not leadership. That’s a falsification of what’s happening in Ukraine, and it’s making the situation worse, what he says, is that we deplore the violence and call upon Ukrainian government to withdraw its forces and stop the violence. He needs to talk about what’s happening in the streets.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And is it conceivable, if Ukraine descends into a further civil war, that Russia might intervene?
STEPHEN COHEN: It’s conceivable. It’s conceivable. Here—I mean, Yanukovych—you might say, as an adviser to Yanukovych, the president of Ukraine, "Impose martial law now, because you’ve got bad PR in the West anyway, and you’re not in control of the situation." The problem is, Yanukovych isn’t sure he controls the army.
AMY GOODMAN: He just fired the head of the army yesterday.
STEPHEN COHEN: Yeah, we don’t know what it means, but it indicates he’s not too sure about the army. But, by the way, you asked, would Russia intervene? Would NATO intervene? NATO is all over the place. NATO was in the former Soviet republic of Georgia. Ask yourself that: Would NATO send troops in? Is that, yes, you think they would?
STEPHEN COHEN: We don’t know.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: We don’t know, yeah.
STEPHEN COHEN: And we’re not going to be told, just like we’re not being told what’s going on in these private conversations about deposing the president of Ukraine. If they depose—
AMY GOODMAN: Unless they’re leaked again.
STEPHEN COHEN: Yeah, and if the Russians leak them, it doesn’t count. Is that right?
AMY GOODMAN: The U.S. can hardly protest, given the whole scandal with the NSA recording conversations.
STEPHEN COHEN: Yeah, well, you know what they said. They said—they said, when this got leaked, that this is a low point in statecraft. After Snowden? After Snowden? I mean, what did Tennessee Williams used to say? Mendacity? Mendacity? The mendacity of it all? Don’t they trust us, our government, to tell us a little bit of the truth at last?

Ukraine’s revolution is fueled by international energy politics. The revolution that has engulfed the country resulted mainly from opposition to President Viktor Yanukovich’s decision to develop closer economic relations with Russia. The two countries have a unique relationship as their respective populations share a similar language, ethnicity, history and of course, a national border. However, the two countries share something much more meaningful in today’s global world: complex energy relations.
Russia is currently the world’s second largest exporter of natural gas. A large portion of its hydrocarbons are imported by Western Europe, which is heavily dependent on the pipelines that traverse Ukraine. Governments of Western Europe for years have tried unsuccessfully to lessen their dependence on Russia’s state owned Gazprom. The pipeline infrastructure established in the region is largely a result of Soviet era industrial planning, meaning that the oil and natural gas of countries such as Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan gets shipped directly through Russia when being sent to European customers. Gazprom for its part charges fluctuating transport fees.
When Yanukovich was deciding whether or not to sign a free trade agreement with the European Union, Russia threatened to raise the prices of its energy exports to Ukraine. Ukraine, already reliant on Russian energy, was even more so inclined to accept a Russian deal because of the approaching winter. What resulted in December was Gazprom agreeing to sell natural gas to Ukraine’s Naftogaz for $268.50 per 1,000 cubic meters instead of at the original price of roughly $400 per 1,000 cubic meters. Russia also handed Ukraine a $15 billion bail out package, with Yanukovich agreeing to use some of the funds to buy Russian hydrocarbons.
This is why Ukraine’s revolution is fueled by international energy politics. The European Union has thrown its support behind the opposition, largely in hopes that a change in leadership will allow Ukraine to remove itself from Russia’s sphere of influence. A pro-Western Ukraine will allow the European Union more power when bargaining with Gazprom over prices. Remember, the European Union currently does not buy oil or gas from Iran due to international sanctions. That being the case, Western Europe’s economy has become further subject to Gazprom’s dominance.
Russia, for its part, wants to maintain the status-quo. Following the economic disaster that plagued the country following the collapse of the Soviet Union, hydrocarbon exports have become essential to Russia’s economy. Russian politicians have made known their support for Yanukovich’s government fearing that unrest in Ukraine would be bad for business. Gazprom suffered a 10.5 percent decrease in profits in 2013’s financial third quarter. Although the company did not publically disclose reasons behind the loss, it can be inferred that it was due at least in part to Ukraine’s cutback in purchases and its debt of $2.7 billion to Gazprom.
That is a possible reason Russia offered Ukraine a deal it could simply not refuse. Cheaper energy costs would benefit Ukraine’s already struggling economy and Ukraine’s compliance would allow Gazprom to maintain its control on European markets. However, the people of Ukraine were not pleased with what was perceived as Russian bullying. Yanukovich’s agreement with Russia sparked protests that have since turned into the Ukrainian revolution. It is therefore ironic that protesters using Molotov cocktails against police most likely rely on Russian gas.

Ever since the democracy manipulation efforts of international hedge fund brigand George Soros were joined with the artificial street revolution tactics of CIA tactician Gene Sharp to form the core strategy of the U.S. neo-conservative goal of imposing a «New American Century» on the entire world, Ukraine has served as the prize of America’s interventionist foreign policy. And the neocons are still alive and active as ever inside Secretary of State John Kerry's State Department.
In the wake of what has been called the «Orange Revolution II» in Ukraine, Kerry's Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland, who previously served as Hillary Clinton's State Department mouthpiece, threatened sanctions against Ukraine’s government led by President Viktor Yanukovych. Gazing over protesters in central Kyiv from his hotel window, Arizona’s fanatical Republican Senator John McCain was licking his chops over the prospect of an anti-Russian Ukraine coming into being. McCain is a Cold War throwback and someone who remains mentally-unbalanced between flashbacks from a prisoner of war cell in Hanoi and to present-day reality.
Ukraine, which resisted efforts by the European Union to integrate it into Europe's banker-led federation of austerity and poverty, came into the EU's cross hairs after it abandoned an «Association Agreement» pact with the EU. Instead, Kyiv opted for a more lucrative economic union with Russia. That move triggered off a mass street uprising in Kyiv's Maidan (Independence) Square that demanded the resignation of Ukraine's democratically-elected President and government.
The connections between the Kyiv uprising and the EU outside manipulators are so apparent, the Kyiv square that has become the «Tahrir Square» of Ukraine is called «Euromaidan.» The initial Tahrir Square uprising in Cairo, which overthrew Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, was partly manipulated by Soros-financed and Sharp-influenced street demonstrators who took their cues from professional political agitators hastily flown into Egypt from the United States and Europe.
The latest professionally-agitated spectacle in Kyiv’s was spearheaded by the same Soros/Sharp/National Endowment for Democracy/CIA hydra that saw the overthrow of Ukraine's government in 2004 in the so-called Orange Revolution. This time, not only is Ukrainian President Yanukovych, but ultimately Russian President Vladimir Putin, are the targets…
Nuland, who is married to the bloody-handed neocon archangel Robert Kagan, handed out snacks to protesters on Maidan Square. Imagine the reaction of the United States had a second-tier official of either the Russian or Chinese foreign ministry handed out food to Occupy Wall Street protesters in Washington and urged them to overthrow, by force if necessary, President Obama. Yet, that is exactly the scenario Nuland engaged in by supporting protesters in Maidan. Furthermore, she reprimanded Yanokovych for the heavy security presence in Maidan. Nuland and Kerry, who also upbraided Yanukovych, forgot the acts of police brutality committed by U.S. cops against occupy protesters, as well as a plan by the FBI to use snipers to assassinate the leaders of the group.
And Nuland and Kerry were very quiet when the Turkish government set loose riot police on peaceful protesters in Taksim Square in Istanbul earlier this year. After all, Turkey is a member of NATO and Ukraine, for the time being, is not.
For Gene Sharp and his two NGO «babies,» OTPOR and the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS), vanguard organizations for organizing «rent-a-riot» anti-government protests around the globe, only nations resistant to the «New World Order» designs of Wall Street and the Pentagon are fair game for receiving cash, pamphlets, i-Pads and i-Phones, snacks, «themed revolution» placards and banners, restored national flags from times past, and other propaganda support. Recently, it was discovered, through leaked emails, that CANVAS founder Srdja Popovic was collaborating with the CIA- and Pentagon-linked intelligence firm STRATFOR, founded by George Friedman, whose ties to the U.S. and Israeli military-intelligence establishments are well known.
The «Orange Revolution II» in Kyiv has also received favorable press in central and eastern Europe and other parts of the world thanks to the auspices of various Soros press entities, including the Center for Advanced Media in Prague, a contrivance of the Media Development Loan Fund, a project of Soros' Open Society Institute.
And as with all fake «themed» revolutions, an «embattled martyr» is needed to rally the «rent-a-mob» to action. For the Ukrainian demonstrator, the «Maiden of Maidan» is Yulia Tymoshenko, the former Prime Minister who was imprisoned for corruption. Tymoshenko, who is now held at a clinic in Kharkiv, has become the «Aung San Suu Kyi» of Ukraine. But for many Ukrainians, the former Prime Minister is a shameless attention seeker whose trademark braided hair coif is derided by many Ukrainians as a «bagel» on top of her head.
For Orange Revolution II, the new «heroes» are ex-boxer and UDAR opposition leader Vitali Klitschko and far-right nationalist Oleh Tyahnybok. Their playbooks are written in Soros boiler shops in Prague, London, Washington, and New York and not in Kyiv.
Too many eastern and central European political activists have been «taken in» by the phony «democracy movements» funded by Soros. Needless to say, Soros is not someone who should be a spokesperson, let alone a funder, of what is supposed to be pro-democracy and pro-labor causes. Soros began his sordid career in hedge funds (a combination of a betting parlor and a Ponzi scheme contrivance) in the late 1960s under Georges Coulon Karlweis, the vice chairman of Banque Privée Edmond Rothschild in Geneva, Switzerland.
In the late 1960s, Karlweis provided Rothschild funds to Soros's Quota and Quantum hedge funds. Karlweis was the grand master of global financial chicanery and shysterism, having been linked to schemes of Bernard Cornfeld's International Overseas Services (IOS), the firm that Robert Vesco looted before he went into fugitive status. Karlweis also had his fingerprints on the antics of Michael Milken, Drexel Burnham Lambert's junk bond racketeer.
Soros has set himself up as a deep-pocketed prophet for liberal causes, yet he has diminished true progressives by spreading his ill-gotten profits through various front organizations. Soros’s Open Society Institute has supported various pro-democracy front organizations but these groups serve the interests of shadowy global financial corporations, like the Blackstone Group.
Blackstone's former director was Lord Jacob Rothschild, Soros' old pal and financial colleague. Soros, through his bought-and-paid-for «progressive» media entities has managed to stifle any news that casts light on his own anti-democratic and anti-progressive activities in Europe and around the world.
In the first round of themed revolutions sponsored by Soros and his U.S. government collaborators and adhering to the Gene Sharp playbook, New World Order template governments were installed in Ukraine and Georgia. Headed by Viktor Yushchenko and Prime Minister Tymoshenko in Ukraine and Mikheil Saakashvili in Georgia, the pro-NATO and EU governments, installed amid a flurry of «pro-democracy» fanfare, soon descended into corrupt and nepotistic regimes. Tymoshenko and Saakashvili soon were associated with the mafia and corrupt business moguls. Tymoshenko's one-time business partner, former Ukrainian Prime Minister Pavlo Lazarenko, began serving a prison term in California for money laundering, corruption, and fraud. Meanwhile, Saakashvili became entangled with the mysterious «Golden Fleece» charity in Cyprus.
The neo-cons never recovered from the end of the Yushchenko-Tymoshenko regime because Soros and the themed revolution agitators had invested so much in the inserted government in anticipation of its NATO and EU membership. Yushchenko’s wife, Kateryna Chumachenko Yushchenko, served in the Ronald Reagan White House. Chumachenko also worked in the White House Public Liaison Office where she conducted outreach to various right-wing and anti-communist exile groups in the United States, including the other bastion of the neo-cons, the Heritage Foundation.
Now, «Responsibility to Protect» interventionists in the Obama administration are trying to turn back the calendar to 2004 and bring about another non-democratic ouster of an elected government in Ukraine.
Across Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, Belarus, Romania, and other countries of eastern and central Europe, the new generation of Soros agitators and provocateurs are trying to launch another series of «themed revolutions.» This time the goal is, once again, prying Ukraine away from Russia and into the EU and NATO.

To many Ukrainians, the calculations of President Viktor Yanukovych might seem baffling. Having triggered a mass protest movement by turning his back on an association agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, the president looked like he might outlast the protesters after accepting a massive bailout from Russian President Vladimir Putin. Yet now Mr. Yanukovych has managed to revive and intensify the rebellion against him by ramming a series of measures through parliament aimed at outlawing opposition demonstrations. Tens of thousands gathered in the center of Kiev on Sunday, and clashes with police left hundreds injured.
Perhaps Mr. Yanukovych has no sense for Ukrainian politics, despite more than a decade of leading one of its major parties. Or perhaps he is following not his own playbook but that of Mr. Putin. The repressive new restrictions, which criminalize such activity as wearing helmets and setting up tents in public spaces, look a lot like the strategy the Russian ruler used to crush mass demonstrations against his regime in 2011 and 2012. Mr. Yanukovych even adopted the regulation Russia imposed on nongovernment groups that receive foreign funding — a product of Mr. Putin’s paranoid conviction that pro-democracy movements in his country and elsewhere are the result of Western government plots.
This isn’t the first time Mr. Yanukovych has allowed Mr. Putin to be his puppeteer. In 2004 he was a candidate for president in an election that Russia’s secret services tried to rig in the way they fix votes at home. The result was the Orange Revolution, a massive uprising that overturned the fraud and left Mr. Yanukovych in the political wilderness until he agreed to play by democratic rules. It’s not clear that the current protests can have the same result — in part because some opposition militants, bolstered by government-sponsored provocateurs, have attacked police and burned vehicles, tarnishing the previously peaceful character of the protest movement.
Western governments cannot control events in Ukraine, whatever Mr. Putin may think. But they could be doing much more than they are to prevent a nation that was headed toward integration with the democratic West from becoming an autocratic Kremlin colony, like neighboring Belarus. Demoralized European Union leaders seem to have abandoned Ukraine at just the moment they should be acting to stop Mr. Yanukovych’s repression. They could do so by preparing sanctions against the president and his circle to be applied if violence is used against the protesters and by dispatching a special envoy to press both sides to take seriously what so far are desultory negotiations.
The Obama administration has been a little more active, calling on Mr. Yanukovych to repeal the anti-protest legislation and hinting that sanctions may be forthcoming. But Washington also ought to recognize Mr. Putin’s role in attempting to impose his autocratic model on a country that has been struggling to become a genuine democracy — and hold him accountable for it.

Two images from Wednesday compete for space in people's minds. The image of the immaculate snow of Sochi crisscrossed by the world's top skiers to the cheers of the international crowd. And that of the bloodied snow around the barricades of Maidan, Kiev's Independence Square, after special units of the Ukrainian government, with Vladimir Putin's seal of approval, attacked the protesters there. At least 26 people were killed, and hundreds were injured—yet the international response has been indifference.
Telling ourselves that we're used to this sort of thing doesn't do any good.
It's no use reminding ourselves of the abandonment of the 130,000 Syrians put to death through the murderous madness of Bashar Assad, backed by the very same Mr. Putin; of the innumerable Chechens "kicked into the crapper," in the elegant phrase used by the same master of Russia and its borderlands. It's no use knowing, as we have for some time now—since republican Spain was abandoned in the 1930s, since Central Europe was sacrificed in the 1940s, and since the Polish revolt in the early 1980s was kept at arm's length—that democracy never defends its values.
There is in this overlay of images, in the nearly perfect concordance of the two ceremonies—that of the Olympic celebration in full swing and that of the funeral of the European dream for one of the peoples who still believed in it—something that insults the intelligence and breaks the heart. A question for the leaders of the European Union— Catherine Ashton, José Manuel Barroso, Martin Schulz and others—whose emblems and flags fly in Sochi and are, at this very moment, being trampled underfoot in Ukraine: Is your place not there in Kiev, in the flaming Maidan, a place that the protesters, for a long while now, have been calling Europe Square?
A suggestion for François Hollande and Barack Obama, the presidents of two permanent members of the United Nations Security Council: An urgent convocation of the Security Council should be prompted by these deaths in Europe, these hundreds of wounded people hounded by special troops who, as we know from observers on the ground, will stop at nothing. Does not this provocation, this cold crime so confidently committed, justify at least a formal notice to the Ukrainian regime and its Kremlin patron?
And finally, a plea to the Olympic committees of the nations present in Sochi, who plod on as if nothing were amiss, deaf and blind to the tragedy unfolding a few hundred kilometers away: At these Games, where the flame symbolizing the Olympic ideal has been purloined by a thug, when the winning athletes playfully bite their medals, this time will not the gold, silver and bronze have the metallic taste of blood? Do you have a thought for that other snow, the bloody snow, the snow that, make no mistake, is front and center in the thoughts of your host?
Do you not see the absurdity—not to say the obscenity—of pretending to believe, up to the last minute of the last day of this ruined Olympiad, that there might be two Putins: Putin the Terrible, who earlier this week issued $2 billion to prop up the regime of his valet Viktor Yanukovych, the Ukrainian president who then unleashed his forces on the Maidan protesters; and the other Putin, strutting across the stage and through the stands, greeting you with the munificence due those who used to be called the gods of the stadium?
These Olympic Games will be over in a few days. Precious little time remains to stop collaborating in what now more than ever seems a grim masquerade. Precious few hours remain to preserve at least your honor before returning home crowned with a glory that will carry a whiff of abasement. For those who care about democracy, can we, by pulling out of Sochi—or at least by boycotting the closing ceremony on Sunday—ensure that the XXII Winter Olympics will not go down in history as the Games that were the shame and defeat of Europe?

The world has become a turbulent place. Over 100,000 people have been killed in Syria. Iran inches toward a nuclear bomb and North Korea already has one. In Africa, atrocities in Mali seem almost inhuman. There is no shortage of trouble in the world and it’s easy to feel helpless. In truth, there is very little we can do about most of it. Yet in Ukraine, the West can and should act. Doing so will put us on the right side of justice and of history.
For those who are unfamiliar with the recent events in Ukraine, they began in November, when President Victor Yanukovich backed out of a trade deal with the EU. After years of intolerable corruption, this was the last straw, representing a final turn away from civilized society. In the background lurks Putin’s Russia.

Young designers, their eyes glued to a TV set showing live scenes of protests from the Ukrainian capital, stayed up late one night to work on a pet project — not a chic gallery opening, but making battle armor for protesters.
Marianna Kvyatkovska and her friends used hunks of plastic drainage pipes to craft shin and elbow pads to protect the demonstrators from police truncheons in Kiev, where anti-government protests have gone on for two months. While largely peaceful, violent clashes with police broke out last week in which at least three protesters died.
Although Kiev is the epicenter of the demonstrations calling for President Viktor Yanukovych to step down, Lviv is a buzzing entrepreneurial engine of support.
This western city 300 miles (480 kilometers) from Kiev, near the border with Poland, is the heartland of Ukrainian nationalism, where an overwhelming majority of the people resent Russia's former occupation and current strong influence. Support for the pro-Russian Yanukovych is almost non-existent and residents in this city of 730,000 want their future clearly tied to Europe.
"This is a country that is killing the middle class, of which I consider myself a part," said Andrey Kit, owner of an agricultural business.
Employers in Lviv, known for its thriving small-business community, have tacitly encouraged their employees to take part in the protests. Kvyatkovska, who makes a living as a tapestry restorer in a local museum, said despite working in a government institution, her boss was in favor of her going.
"At work there's an unspoken agreement — they sign a paper and say 'Go, go!'" she said.
Lviv's tilt toward Europe has long roots. Its quiet cobblestone streets and snow-capped Belle Epoque buildings make it hard to conceive that it was Soviet territory until recently. For centuries, Lviv traded hands between Poland and the Austrian Empire until the Soviet occupation.
Although the economy of western Ukraine is poorer than the Russian-speaking east, home to Ukraine's major industries, Lviv's people regard themselves as more cultured than easterners. The city is especially proud of its burgeoning small-business sector, from chic cafes to respected tech companies.
"Western Ukraine is avant-garde," Kvyatkovska said.
Residents of Lviv have been holding demonstrations throughout the crisis that began in November when Yanukovych shelved an agreement to deepen ties with the European Union and signed a bailout deal with Russia instead. This month, hundreds stormed the governor's office and forced him to sign a resignation letter. Over the weekend, the regional parliament declared a parallel government, a move that has little practical value but considerable emotional resonance. Yet many believe that Lviv, which has long been a bastion of pro-European sentiment, is less significant than the fight raging in Kiev, where opinions are still divided.
"It's more important to be there than here, because there's nothing to fight for here," said Kit, as he headed to the capital over the weekend. "Kiev is the front line."
With that view, residents and businesses are making extensive efforts to support the Kiev demonstrations. Employees swap shifts so they can attend the protests, while others sew warm clothes or prepare food for the demonstrators. One of the city's most popular cafes sent a van to Kiev to provide coffee for protesters braving the fierce winter cold. People traveling to the capital gather at a cafe downtown that serves as a distribution site for donations and a bus depot for demonstrators.
"Every day the demand for things people can use for defense — helmets, shin pads, elbow pads — is growing," said organizer Mikhail Senko. "People fear more and more for their safety."
He said the site sent 537 protesters in buses to Kiev on Saturday and collected hundreds of donations. Kvyatkovska and her friends handed their homemade shin-and-elbow pads to someone boarding the bus. They had spent the day bending the pipes into the right shape before sewing on recycled felt and adjustable straps to make the gear more comfortable. As a final flourish, Kvyatkovska penned the slogan of the protest movement — "Glory to Ukraine!" — on the bright orange plastic.
She had had taken part in protests before. But as events in the capital turned violent and deadly, she decided she could no longer leave her 9-year-old son in order to take part and figured the defensive armor was a good way to stay involved. Marta Grybalska, who works at a local IT company, said about 100 employees started a Facebook group to coordinate contributions to the protests. She said the group also functioned as a safety mechanism, so people would know who was in Kiev if anything went wrong. But it also helped people swap shifts and juggle work assignments so they could go to the capital.
"In our kind of work, there's no need to sit around the office," she said. "So work must be done on time and it must be done well, but people are needed to fight (in Kiev)." Senko said he had coordinated with dozens of business owners who have been a backbone of support for the protesters. "It's not some kind of PR campaign," he said. "They just know that they're the first ones to have something taken from them, whether that's land or property or their homes."

The violence on the streets of Ukraine is far more than an expression of popular anger against a government. Instead, it is merely the latest example of the rise of the most insidious form of fascism that Europe has seen since the fall of the Third Reich.
Recent months have seen regular protests by the Ukrainian political opposition and its supporters – protests ostensibly in response to Ukrainian President Yanukovich’s refusal to sign a trade agreement with the European Union that was seen by many political observers as the first step towards European integration. The protests remained largely peaceful until January 17th when protesters armed with clubs, helmets, and improvised bombs unleashed brutal violence on the police, storming government buildings, beating anyone suspected of pro-government sympathies, and generally wreaking havoc on the streets of Kiev. But who are these violent extremists and what is their ideology?
The political formation is known as “Pravy Sektor” (Right Sector), which is essentially an umbrella organization for a number of ultra-nationalist (read fascist) right wing groups including supporters of the “Svoboda” (Freedom) Party, “Patriots of Ukraine”, “Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian National Self Defense” (UNA-UNSO), and “Trizub”. All of these organizations share a common ideology that is vehemently anti-Russian, anti-immigrant, and anti-Jewish among other things. In addition they share a common reverence for the so called “Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists” led by Stepan Bandera, the infamous Nazi collaborators who actively fought against the Soviet Union and engaged in some of the worst atrocities committed by any side in World War II.
While Ukrainian political forces, opposition and government, continue to negotiate, a very different battle is being waged in the streets. Using intimidation and brute force more typical of Hitler’s “Brownshirts” or Mussolini’s “Blackshirts” than a contemporary political movement, these groups have managed to turn a conflict over economic policy and the political allegiances of the country into an existential struggle for the very survival of the nation that these so called “nationalists” claim to love so dearly. The images of Kiev burning, Lviv streets filled with thugs, and other chilling examples of the chaos in the country, illustrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that the political negotiation with the Maidan (Kiev’s central square and center of the protests) opposition is now no longer the central issue. Rather, it is the question of Ukrainian fascism and whether it is to be supported or rejected.
For its part, the United States has strongly come down on the side of the opposition, regardless of its political character. In early December, members of the US ruling establishment such as John McCain and Victoria Nuland were seen at Maidan lending their support to the protesters. However, as the character of the opposition has become apparent in recent days, the US and Western ruling class and its media machine have done little to condemn the fascist upsurge. Instead, their representatives have met with representatives of Right Sector and deemed them to be “no threat.” In other words, the US and its allies have given their tacit approval for the continuation and proliferation of the violence in the name of their ultimate goal: regime change.
In an attempt to pry Ukraine out of the Russian sphere of influence, the US-EU-NATO alliance has, not for the first time, allied itself with fascists. Of course, for decades, millions in Latin America were disappeared or murdered by fascist paramilitary forces armed and supported by the United States. The mujahideen of Afghanistan, which later transmogrified into Al Qaeda, also extreme ideological reactionaries, were created and financed by the United States for the purposes of destabilizing Russia. And of course, there is the painful reality of Libya and, most recently Syria, where the United States and its allies finance and support extremist jihadis against a government that has refused to align with the US and Israel. There is a disturbing pattern here that has never been lost on keen political observers: the United States always makes common cause with right wing extremists and fascists for geopolitical gain.
The situation in Ukraine is deeply troubling because it represents a political conflagration that could very easily tear the country apart less than 25 years after it gained independence from the Soviet Union. However, there is another equally disturbing aspect to the rise of fascism in that country – it is not alone.
The Fascist Menace Across the Continet
Ukraine and the rise of right wing extremism there cannot be seen, let alone understood, in isolation. Rather, it must be examined as part of a growing trend throughout Europe (and indeed the world) – a trend which threatens the very foundations of democracy.
In Greece, savage austerity imposed by the troika (IMF, ECB, and European Commission) has crippled the country’s economy, leading to a depression as bad, if not worse, than the Great Depression in the United States. It is against this backdrop of economic collapse that the Golden Dawn party has grown to become the third most popular political party in the country. Espousing an ideology of hate, the Golden Dawn – in effect a Nazi party that promotes anti-Jewish, anti-immigrant, anti-women chauvinism – is a political force that the government in Athens has understood to be a serious threat to the very fabric of society. It is this threat which led the government to arrest the party’s leadership after a Golden Dawn Nazi fatally stabbed an anti-fascist rapper. Athens has launched an investigation into the party, though the results of this investigation and trial remain somewhat unclear.
What makes Golden Dawn such an insidious threat is the fact that, despite their central ideology of Nazism, their anti-EU, anti-austerity rhetoric appeals to many in the economically devastated Greece. As with many fascist movements in the 20th Century, Golden Dawn scapegoats immigrants, Muslim and African primarily, for many of the problems facing Greeks. In dire economic circumstances, such irrational hate becomes appealing; an answer to the question of how to solve society’s problems. Indeed, despite Golden Dawn’s leaders being jailed, other party members are still in parliament, still running for major offices including mayor of Athens. Though an electoral victory is unlikely, another strong showing at the polls will make the eradication of fascism in Greece that much harder.
Were this phenomenon confined to Greece and Ukraine, it would not constitute a continental trend. Sadly however, we see the rise of similar, albeit slightly less overtly fascist, political parties all over Europe. In Spain, the ruling pro-austerity People’s Party has moved to establish draconian laws restricting protest and free speech, and empowering and sanctioning repressive police tactics. In France, the National Front Party of Marine Le Pen, which vehemently scapegoats Muslim and African immigrants, won nearly twenty percent of the vote in the first round of presidential elections. Similarly, the Party for Freedom in the Netherlands – which promotes anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant policies – has grown to be the third largest in parliament. Throughout Scandinavia, ultra nationalist parties which once toiled in complete irrelevance and obscurity are now significant players in elections. These trends are worrying to say the least.
It should be noted too that, beyond Europe, there are a number of quasi-fascist political formations which are, in one way or another, supported by the United States. The right wing coups that overthrew the governments of Paraguay and Honduras were tacitly and/or overtly supported by Washington in their seemingly endless quest to suppress the Left in Latin America. Of course, one should also remember that the protest movement in Russia was spearheaded by Alexei Navalny and his nationalist followers who espouse a virulently anti-Muslim, racist ideology that views immigrants from the Russian Caucasus and former Soviet republics as beneath “European Russians”. These and other examples begin to paint a very ugly portrait of a US foreign policy that attempts to use economic hardship and political upheaval to extend US hegemony around the world.
In Ukraine, the “Right Sector” has taken the fight from the negotiating table to the streets in an attempt to fulfill the dream of Stepan Bandera – a Ukraine free of Russia, Jews, and all other “undesirables” as they see it. Buoyed by the continued support from the US and Europe, these fanatics represent a more serious threat to democracy than Yanukovich and the pro-Russian government ever could. If Europe and the United States don’t recognize this threat in its infancy, by the time they finally do, it might just be too late.

Recent months have seen regular protests by the Ukrainian political opposition and its supporters – protests ostensibly in response to Ukrainian President Yanukovich’s refusal to sign a trade agreement with the European Union that was seen by many political observers as the first step towards European integration. The protests remained largely peaceful until January 17th when protesters armed with clubs, helmets, and improvised bombs unleashed brutal violence on the police, storming government buildings, beating anyone suspected of pro-government sympathies, and generally wreaking havoc on the streets of Kiev. But who are these violent extremists and what is their ideology?
The political formation is known as “Pravy Sektor” (Right Sector), which is essentially an umbrella organization for a number of ultra-nationalist (read fascist) right wing groups including supporters of the “Svoboda” (Freedom) Party, “Patriots of Ukraine”, “Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian National Self Defense” (UNA-UNSO), and “Trizub”. All of these organizations share a common ideology that is vehemently anti-Russian, anti-immigrant, and anti-Jewish among other things. In addition they share a common reverence for the so called “Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists” led by Stepan Bandera, the infamous Nazi collaborators who actively fought against the Soviet Union and engaged in some of the worst atrocities committed by any side in World War II.
While Ukrainian political forces, opposition and government, continue to negotiate, a very different battle is being waged in the streets. Using intimidation and brute force more typical of Hitler’s “Brownshirts” or Mussolini’s “Blackshirts” than a contemporary political movement, these groups have managed to turn a conflict over economic policy and the political allegiances of the country into an existential struggle for the very survival of the nation that these so called “nationalists” claim to love so dearly. The images of Kiev burning, Lviv streets filled with thugs, and other chilling examples of the chaos in the country, illustrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that the political negotiation with the Maidan (Kiev’s central square and center of the protests) opposition is now no longer the central issue. Rather, it is the question of Ukrainian fascism and whether it is to be supported or rejected.
For its part, the United States has strongly come down on the side of the opposition, regardless of its political character. In early December, members of the US ruling establishment such as John McCain and Victoria Nuland were seen at Maidan lending their support to the protesters. However, as the character of the opposition has become apparent in recent days, the US and Western ruling class and its media machine have done little to condemn the fascist upsurge. Instead, their representatives have met with representatives of Right Sector and deemed them to be “no threat.” In other words, the US and its allies have given their tacit approval for the continuation and proliferation of the violence in the name of their ultimate goal: regime change.
In an attempt to pry Ukraine out of the Russian sphere of influence, the US-EU-NATO alliance has, not for the first time, allied itself with fascists. Of course, for decades, millions in Latin America were disappeared or murdered by fascist paramilitary forces armed and supported by the United States. The mujahideen of Afghanistan, which later transmogrified into Al Qaeda, also extreme ideological reactionaries, were created and financed by the United States for the purposes of destabilizing Russia. And of course, there is the painful reality of Libya and, most recently Syria, where the United States and its allies finance and support extremist jihadis against a government that has refused to align with the US and Israel. There is a disturbing pattern here that has never been lost on keen political observers: the United States always makes common cause with right wing extremists and fascists for geopolitical gain.
The situation in Ukraine is deeply troubling because it represents a political conflagration that could very easily tear the country apart less than 25 years after it gained independence from the Soviet Union. However, there is another equally disturbing aspect to the rise of fascism in that country – it is not alone.
The Fascist Menace Across the Continent
Ukraine and the rise of right wing extremism there cannot be seen, let alone understood, in isolation. Rather, it must be examined as part of a growing trend throughout Europe (and indeed the world) – a trend which threatens the very foundations of democracy.
In Greece, savage austerity imposed by the troika (IMF, ECB, and European Commission) has crippled the country’s economy, leading to a depression as bad, if not worse, than the Great Depression in the United States. It is against this backdrop of economic collapse that the Golden Dawn party has grown to become the third most popular political party in the country. Espousing an ideology of hate, the Golden Dawn – in effect a Nazi party that promotes anti-Jewish, anti-immigrant, anti-women chauvinism – is a political force that the government in Athens has understood to be a serious threat to the very fabric of society. It is this threat which led the government to arrest the party’s leadership after a Golden Dawn Nazi fatally stabbed an anti-fascist rapper. Athens has launched an investigation into the party, though the results of this investigation and trial remain somewhat unclear.
What makes Golden Dawn such an insidious threat is the fact that, despite their central ideology of Nazism, their anti-EU, anti-austerity rhetoric appeals to many in the economically devastated Greece. As with many fascist movements in the 20th Century, Golden Dawn scapegoats immigrants, Muslim and African primarily, for many of the problems facing Greeks. In dire economic circumstances, such irrational hate becomes appealing; an answer to the question of how to solve society’s problems. Indeed, despite Golden Dawn’s leaders being jailed, other party members are still in parliament, still running for major offices including mayor of Athens. Though an electoral victory is unlikely, another strong showing at the polls will make the eradication of fascism in Greece that much harder.
Were this phenomenon confined to Greece and Ukraine, it would not constitute a continental trend. Sadly however, we see the rise of similar, albeit slightly less overtly fascist, political parties all over Europe. In Spain, the ruling pro-austerity People’s Party has moved to establish draconian laws restricting protest and free speech, and empowering and sanctioning repressive police tactics. In France, the National Front Party of Marine Le Pen, which vehemently scapegoats Muslim and African immigrants, won nearly twenty percent of the vote in the first round of presidential elections. Similarly, the Party for Freedom in the Netherlands – which promotes anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant policies – has grown to be the third largest in parliament. Throughout Scandinavia, ultra nationalist parties which once toiled in complete irrelevance and obscurity are now significant players in elections. These trends are worrying to say the least.
It should be noted too that, beyond Europe, there are a number of quasi-fascist political formations which are, in one way or another, supported by the United States. The right wing coups that overthrew the governments of Paraguay and Honduras were tacitly and/or overtly supported by Washington in their seemingly endless quest to suppress the Left in Latin America. Of course, one should also remember that the protest movement in Russia was spearheaded by Alexei Navalny and his nationalist followers who espouse a virulently anti-Muslim, racist ideology that views immigrants from the Russian Caucasus and former Soviet republics as beneath “European Russians”. These and other examples begin to paint a very ugly portrait of a US foreign policy that attempts to use economic hardship and political upheaval to extend US hegemony around the world.
In Ukraine, the “Right Sector” has taken the fight from the negotiating table to the streets in an attempt to fulfill the dream of Stepan Bandera – a Ukraine free of Russia, Jews, and all other “undesirables” as they see it. Buoyed by the continued support from the US and Europe, these fanatics represent a more serious threat to democracy than Yanukovich and the pro-Russian government ever could. If Europe and the United States don’t recognize this threat in its infancy, by the time they finally do, it might just be too late.
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After two months of rallies in the capital city of Kiev against President Viktor Yanukovych's decision to reject a deal for closer integration with the European Union, Ukraine's protests are spreading to other major cities throughout the country's west. Protesters have even seized government administrative buildings in several regional capitals, heightening concerns about where Ukraine's crisis will go.
What's happening in Ukraine is about much more than the anger over Yanukovych rejecting the European Union deal and drawing the country closer to Russia. To help explain what's going on, I've put this map together up top. The red stripes show regions where mass protests are surrounding the regional capital buildings. The black stripes show regions where protesters have actually seized the government administrative buildings. The blue regions are where Yanukovych won a majority in the last presidential election, in 2010; dark blue means he won at least 70 percent. Orange regions show where Yulia Tymoshenko, then prime minister and candidate for a pro-European party, won the majority; she won at least 70 percent in dark orange regions.
Here's why this map is important: There is a big dividing line in Ukrainian politics -- an actual, physical line that separates the north and west from the south and east. You can see it in this map and in just about every electoral map since the country's independence. That divide goes beyond the question of whether Ukraine faces toward Europe or toward Russia, but that question is a major factor. And it's polarizing.
This map drives two things home: First is that the protests are practically endemic in the half of the country that voted against Yanukovych, which includes Kiev. Second, the protests are not really a factor in the half who voted for Yanukovych. That doesn't mean that people in the blue areas adore Yanukovych, but they're certainly not pouring out into the streets to oppose him. It also doesn't mean that the protesters lack legitimate gripes or that it's just about their candidate losing. The economy is in terrible shape, and the government recently imposed severe restrictions against free speech, media and assembly rights, which is part of why the protests kicked back up again.
In other words, in the European-facing half of Ukraine, the orange half, the protests are even more widespread and severe than you might have gathered from watching the media coverage. But it's important to keep in mind that the other half of the country, the blue half, is much quieter.
You may be wondering, then, why there is such a consistent and deep divide between these two halves of Ukraine. Here's the really crucial thing to understand about Ukraine: A whole lot of the country speaks Russian, rather than Ukrainian. This map shows the country's linguistic divide, which you may notice lines up just about perfectly with its political divide.
Heavily Russian-speaking regions can tend to be more sympathetic (or at least less hostile) to policies that bring their country closer to Russia, as Yanukovych has been doing. But the Ukrainian-speaking regions have historically sought a Ukrainian national identity that is less Russia-facing and more European. So this is about politics, yes, but it's also about identity, about the question of what it means to be Ukrainian.
Ukraine's ethno-lingistic political division is sort of like the United States' "red America" and "blue America" divide, but in many ways much deeper -- imagine if red and blue America literally spoke different languages. The current political conflict, which at its most basic level is over whether the country will lean toward Europe or toward Russia, is part of a long-running and unresolved national identity crisis. Yes, it's also about Yanukovych's failures to fix the economy and his draconian restrictions against basic freedoms. But there's so much more to it than that, which helps make the crisis so intractable.

Pope Francis on Sunday prayed for the start of a “constructive dialogue” in Ukraine, releasing two white doves to symbolize the hope for peace. However, the doves were immediately attacked by a crow and a seagull. Addressing tens of thousands of people gathered in Vatican City’s St. Peter’s Square for the Pope’s weekly Angelus prayer, the pontiff said that his thoughts and prayers were with the victims of the Ukrainian unrest.
“I am close to Ukraine in prayer, in particular to those who have lost their lives in recent days and to their families,” Pope Francis said.
He then raised hopes for a “constructive dialogue between the institutions and civil society,” urging both sides to avoid violence and reminding that “the spirit of peace and a search for the common good” should be “in the hearts of all.”
In a symbolic peace gesture, two white doves were then released by children standing alongside Pope Francis. But as soon as the birds took off, they were immediately attacked by a crow and a seagull.
The crowd gasped as one dove broke free from its seagull attacker, losing some feathers in the process. The other was less fortunate and was repeatedly pecked at by the crow before flying away. It is not clear what happened to the doves after onlookers lost sight of them.
Social networks immediately exploded with comments and interpretations of the incident; some perceived it as an “ill omen” while others simply described the situation as ironic. Hundreds of protesters and police officers have been injured in violent riots in Ukraine. Investigators have been searching for shooters who, in separate incidents this week, killed several rioters and one policeman with rounds suitable for a sporting gun.

Хакеры из известной группы «Anonimus» выложили в сети переписку заместителя главы украинской националистической организации «Тризуб имени Степана Бандеры» Андрея Тарасенко с заместителем председателя Меджлиса крымскотатарского народа Асланом Омером Кырымлы.
«Пришлось изрядно попыхтеть, но все же удалось взломать почту активистов майдана. Неожиданно оказалось, что националисты наладили связи с крымскими татарами», - пишет хакер. Далее – выдержка из одного из писем:
«Все идет по плану. Мы уже готовы приступать ко второй части пьесы. Как договаривались на прошлой неделе, мои ребята вместе с братьями из «Карпатской Сечи» и УНА-УНСО по первой команде подъедут за инструментами куда нужно. От тебя требуется только обозначить координаты складов в Симферополе, Севастополе, Керчи, Феодосии и Евпатории, а также время встречи. Да, есть еще одна просьба. Дичи много, нужно больше охотничьего снаряжения, шлемов и палок. Не забудь про газировку в стеклянных бутылках, а также топливо для них. Также не помешают противогазы и средства первой медицинской помощи. Я понимаю, что наши турецкие друзья и так уже много сделали, но ты меня знаешь - я никогда не прошу лишнего. Дичь оказалась не пугливая, коктейли на них не действуют. Нужно что-то посерьезней. Надеюсь ты меня понял. За деньги не беспокойся — все будет в лучшем виде, но попозже. В конце концов, ты же знаешь что в случае нашего успеха, ты получишь гораздо больше».

Судя по тексту письма, неонацистские организации «Тризуб имени Степана Бандеры», «Карпатская Сечь» и УНА-УНСО готовы взять на себя всю черновую работу: убивать, жечь и изгонять противников майдана из Крыма. От крымских татар требуется «только» обеспечить их «инструментами», то есть оружием и складировать их в важнейших городах Крыма. Кроме того, нужно большое количество боеприпасов, ибо «дичи много», а также горючая смесь для коктейлей Молотова – «газировка в стеклянных бутылках и топливо для них».
Интересна характеристика, данная заговорщиками обязательному противнику: «Дичь оказалась не пугливая, коктейли на них не действуют. Нужно что-то посерьезней». Посерьезней, это, судя по всему, автоматическое оружие. Они понимают, что «Беркут», практически безоружным защищавший режим нелюбимого им Януковича и при этом не отступивший перед коктейлями Молотова, на востоке и в Крыму окажет намного более серьезное сопротивление.
Еще один важный нюанс чудовищной программы: «турецкие друзья», которые «и так уже много сделали». Логика письма подсказывает, речь идет об оружии, накачанном Турцией в Крым. Но это оружие предназначено для крымских татар, уйгуров, самих турок, а также, в чем сомневаться не приходится, отрядов Хизб ут-Тахрир. Сегодня у турецкого поставщика появилась группа объединенных общей идеей клиентов – осознающие свою уязвимость УНА-УНСО, «Тризуб имени Степана Бандеры», да никогда в истории не существовавшая «Карпатская сечь».
Фактически одно это письмо подтверждает все то, о чем писал неоднократно: Крым давно уже является важнейшей мишенью пантюркизма, а в пропагандистско-идеологических документах этого далеко не фантомного движения полуостров именуется «Западным Туркестаном», по аналогии с «Восточным Туркестаном» - Уйгурией.
Крымские татары давно уже наладили международные контакты, и делалось это с помощью Турции и менее «засвечивающегося» Азербайджана. Баку и Анкара стали своеобразным мостом между Меджлисом крымских татар и различного рода еврокомиссарами. Так, в августе 2013 г. верховный комиссар ОБСЕ по делам национальных меньшинств Кнут Воллебек опубликовал доклад, озаглавленный «Интеграция ранее депортированных лиц в Крыму, Украина». «Несмотря на похвальные попытки центральных властей Украины и местных властей Крыма содействовать возвращению и решению ряда вопросов, с которыми сталкиваются ранее депортированные лица, многие структурные проблемы все еще остаются нерешенными. Дальнейшие усилия и поддержка, включая поддержку со стороны международного сообщества, необходимы для достижения устойчивых результатов», – отмечается в докладе. А уже спустя месяц Крым посетил специалист по цветным революциям, еврокомиссар по вопросам расширения и политики добрососедства Штефана Фюле. Визит Фюле и его встречи с руководством Меджлиса крымских татар были посвящены «проблеме крымских татар в Украине». Сегодня мы можем констатировать: Турция и Азербайджан способствовали, а Евросоюз с удовольствием поддержал интернационализацию «проблемы крымских татар».
Кроме того, в Крыму давно уже налажено тюркско-исламистское подполье, ведущая роль в котором принадлежит, кроме самих крымских татар, уйгурам из Синьдзян-Уйгурского автономного округа Китая. Есть несколько десятков «инспекторов» и из Турции с Азербайджаном. Словом, крымско-татарские активисты давно уже готовят различные варианты (националистический, тюркский, исламистский) вывода Крыма из-под юрисдикции Украины и провозглашения самостоятельного государства. В связи с этим возникает вопрос: каким образом, и на какой почве мог возникнуть союз украинских националистов и крымских татар?
В самом деле, националисты Украины и крымские татары преследуют взаимоисключающие цели, и их союз на первый взгляд выглядит противоестественным. Нужно, однако, понимать, что и тем и другим для достижения своих целей в Крыму необходимо вначале нейтрализовать главное препятствие: русскоязычное население полуострова. То есть нынешний «союз» воспринимается обоими «союзниками» как тактическая необходимость на пути к решению стратегической задачи.
«Союзники» прекрасно понимают, что после нейтрализации русского населения Крыма их пути пересекутся, но… это будет завтра, к которому, кстати, обе стороны готовятся. В процессе подготовки к будущей борьбе крымские татары укрепляют связи с Турцией и Азербайджаном и, с меньшим успехом (за исключением уйгур), остальным тюркским миром. Одновременно лидеры крымских татар делегируют все больше своих соплеменников в воюющую в Сирии террористическую организацию Хизб ут-Тахрир. Украинские националисты больше уповают на количественное превосходство и, как бы странно это не выглядело, Евросоюз, ныне являющийся их главным союзником. О том, что Евросоюз в Украине, как и украинские националисты – в Крыму, «Тризуб имени Степана Бандеры», «Карпатская Сечь» и УНА-УНСО, видимо, не способны догадаться. Пока их интересует складированное в крымском подполье турецкое оружие.
P.S. А вот найденная в интернете информация об Аслане, адресате Андрея Тарасенко.
Аслан Омер Кырымлы (он же Аслан Умеров, он же Руслан Умеров), является учредителем нескольких компаний и президентом правления Крымской Международной Бизнес Ассоциации (CIBA). Он контролирует серьёзные финансовые потоки, связанные с различными бизнес проектами, как на Украине, так и за рубежом. Считается, что именно Аслан Омер Кырымлы является истинным руководителем Меджлиса крымских татар, что особенно выпукло обозначилось после того, как Мустафа Джемилев, бывший глава Меджлиса, отказался от своей должности.
P.P.S. Данный документ, только что обнаруженный редакцией, комментариев не требует.

Նախ ցանկանում եմ շնորհակալություն հայտնել այս միջոցառմանն ինձ հրավիրելու համար: Կարևորում եմ «Նորավանք» գիտակրթական հիմնադրամի կողմից նման քննարկումների կազմակերպումը՝ այս և այլ «ուղեղային կենտրոնների» իրականացրած ռազմավարական հետազոտությունների արդյունքների և պետական կառավարման մարմինների եզրակացությունների համադրմամբ մեր երկրի անվտանգության և պաշտպանության ապահովման համար վերլուծական հենք ձևավորելու տեսանկյունից:
Այսօր ես կանդրադառնամ միջազգային և տարածաշրջանային ռազմաքաղաքական իրավիճակին և առավել կարևոր զարգացումներին: Նշեմ, որ վերլուծությունս կառուցված է միջազգային հարաբերությունների նկատմամբ կառուցողականության մոտեցման հիման վրա:
Ինչպես հայտնի է, քաղաքական փիլիսոփայության մեջ միջազգային հարաբերությունների վերաբերյալ իրատեսական մոտեցման համաձայն՝ բոլոր երկրներն առաջնորդվում են անձնապաշտական մրցակցությամբ, որի հանգուցալուծման ամենահավանական տարբերակը պատերազմն է: Լիբերալիստական մոտեցման դիրքերից՝ փոխադարձ շահերը և միջազգային առևտուրը կարող են պարարտ հող ստեղծել պատերազմներից ձերբազատվելու և, Էմանուել Կանտի խոսքերով՝ «հավերժ խաղաղություն» հաստատելու համար: Այս ամենին հակառակ, կառուցողական մոտեցումը, որի ջատագովներից ենք նաև մենք, ենթադրում է առկա միջազգային իրականության բազմակողմանի ըմբռնում: Համաձայն այդ մոտեցման՝ առկա միջազգային իրականությունը հարկավոր է ընդունել այնպես, ինչպես այն կա, որ շրջակա աշխարհը չի կարելի նկարագրել միայն սև ու սպիտակ գույներով, և որ ձևավորված ռազմաքաղաքական միջավայրը լեցուն է ոչ միայն սպառնալիքներով, այլև բարենպաստ հնարավորություններով:
ԽՍՀՄ տրոհմամբ աշխարհում հաստատվեց միաբևեռ համակարգ: Լիբերալիստական դպրոցի ներկայացուցիչ որոշ գիտնականներ, օրինակ` Ֆրենսիս Ֆուկույաման, ձևավորված աշխարհակարգը որակեցին որպես «պատմության վերջ»՝ եզրակացնելով, թե, իբր, մարդկությունն այլևս ապահովված է խոշորածավալ բախումներից: Մինչդեռ, այլ վերլուծաբաններ, ինչպես, օրինակ, նեոռեալիզմի ջատագով Քենեթ Ուոլցը, միաբևեռականությունը որակեցին որպես նոր պատերազմների ծագման բարենպաստ ասպարեզ, քանզի հակակշռի բացակայությունը մեկ գերտերությանը թույլ է տալիս պատերազմներ վարել իր հայեցողությամբ: Ժամանակն ապացուցեց այս տեսակետի իրատեսական լինելը. ապացույցը Բալկաններում, Աֆղանստանում, Մերձավոր Արևելքում և այլուր ծնունդ առած հակամարտություններն են:
Սակայն պատմությունը ցույց է տալիս, որ աշխարհաքաղաքական բևեռներից մեկի տեղատվությանը վաղ թե ուշ փոխարինելու է գալիս մակընթացությունը: Այսպես. ԽՍՀՄ փլուզմանը հաջորդած աշխարհաքաղաքական դիրքերի կորստից հետո Ռուսաստանը, սկսած 2000 թվականից, ամրապնդում է դիրքերը: Վերջին տարիներին Ռուսաստանի արտաքին քաղաքականությունը դարձել է ավելի նպատակաուղղված` սատարված լինելով բնական պաշարների արտահանումներից գոյացող քաղաքական ազդեցությամբ և ֆինանսական ռեզերվներով ու ազդեցության տարածման այնպիսի մեխանիզմներով, ինչպիսիք են ԱՊՀ-ն, ՀԱՊԿ-ը, Շանհայի համագործակցության կազմակերպությունը, Մաքսային միությունը և այլն: Թեև Ռուսաստանը չկարողացավ առաջ մղել իր դիրքորոշումները 2003թ.՝ Իրաքի և 2011թ․՝ Լիբիայի հարցերում, սակայն ակնհայտ է, որ Իրանի և Սիրիայի հարցերում Ռուսաստանը հասել է իր այն «կարմիր գծին», որից անդին վճռականորեն չի գնա զիջումների: Պատահական չէ, որ ԱՄՆ ռազմավարական վերլուծաբանները նույնպես Ռուսաստանը Չինաստանի հետ դասում են «հզորացող տերությունների» կամ «աճող ուժերի» շարքին:
Այսպիսով, կարող ենք փաստել, որ միաբևեռ աշխարհակարգն աստիճանաբար տեղը զիջում է բազմաբևեռին: Ընդ որում, ԱՄՆ-ին և Ռուսաստանին, որպես «առաջին դասի» երկու գերտերություններ, միացել է նաև Չինաստանը: «Առաջին դասի» գերտերությունների այս դասակարգման համար առաջին հերթին հաշվի ենք առնում պետության ռազմական հզորությունը, տնտեսական ներուժը, տեխնոլոգիական առաջադիմությունը, տարածքի մեծությունը, աշխարհագրական դիրքը, բնակչության քանակությունը, բնական պաշարները և մշակութային ազդեցությունը:
Ինչ վերաբերում է Եվրամիությանը, ապա, կարծում եմ` այն առաջիկայում ո՛չ տնտեսական և ո՛չ էլ ռազմական տեսանկյունից չի ամրապնդվի այնքան, որպեսզի կարողանա հանդես գալ որպես 4-րդ ուժային կենտրոն: Համաշխարհային ֆինանսատնտեսական ճգնաժամը երևան հանեց Եվրամիության հյուսիսի և հարավի միջև տնտեսական կարողությունների և կառավարչական մեխանիզմների միջև անհամապատասխանությունը: Միևնույն ժամանակ, Եվրամիության ռազմական ամրապնդումն ինքնին հակասում է ՆԱՏՕ գոյության գաղափարին և հետևապես՝ արժանանում ԱՄՆ թաքնված դիմադրությանը: Այս համատեքստում Եվրամիությունը որպես միասնական ուժային կենտրոն դիտարկելու փոխարեն մենք նրա անդամ երկրներին՝ Գերմանիա, Ֆրանսիա, Մեծ Բրիտանիա և Իտալիա, դիտարկում ենք որպես 2-րդ դասի գերտերություններ:
Նշեմ նաև, որ վերջին տարիներին ԱՄՆ-ն իր ռազմավարական ջանքերը Եվրոպայից և Մերձավոր Արևելքից վերաուղղում է դեպի խաղաղօվկիանոսյան ավազան, որտեղ սկսվել և ապագայում է՛լ ավելի է թեժանալու ԱՄՆ-ի և Չինաստանի միջև մրցակցությունը: Այս մասին առավել դիպուկ արտահայտվել է ԱՄՆ նախկին պետքարտուղար Հիլարի Քլինթոնը՝ նշելով. «Քաղաքականության ապագան որոշվելու է Հեռավոր Ասիայում, այլ ո՛չ թե Աֆղանստանում և Իրաքում»: Հարկ է նշել, որ ԱՄՆ ռազմավարական ջանքերի տեղաշարժը դեպի խաղաղօվկիանոսյան տարածաշրջան պայմանավորված է նաև նավթագազային ռեսուրսների արտահանման աղբյուրների նկատմամբ ԱՄՆ նվազող շահագրգռվածությամբ, ինչը պայմանավորված է ԱՄՆ-ում նավթի նոր մեծ պաշարների հայտնաբերմամբ, ինչպես նաև դրանց արտահանման առաջադեմ տեխնոլոգիաների զարգացմամբ: Վերլուծաբանների պնդմամբ՝ մինչև 2020թ․ ածխաջրածնային ռեսուրսների ապահովման առումով ԱՄՆ-ը կդառնա ինքնաբավ: Որպես հետևանք` ԱՄՆ-ում արդեն իսկ նվազել է Ադրբեջանից Հարավային Եվրոպա ծրագրվող «Հարավային գազային միջանցքը» և «Տրանսադրիատիկ գազամուղը» ֆինանսավորելու՝ նախկինում առկա խանդավառությունը:
Հետզհետե աճելու է նաև տարածաշրջանային գերտերությունների կարգավիճակի ձգտող երկրների՝ Թուրքիայի և Իրանի դերակատարությունը: Դինամիկ զարգացող տնտեսության, ռազմական հզորության, ինչպես նաև աշխարհիկ և չափավոր իսլամի պատճառով, Արևմուտքի համար ընդունելի գործընկեր լինելու տեսանկյուններից բացի, Թուրքիայի՝ 2-րդ դասի գերտերություն դառնալու հնարավորություններն ավելի են ամրապնդվում Արևմուտք-Արևելք տրանսպորտային միջանցք դառնալու փաստով: Ասվածի վկայություններից է վերջերս բացված «Մարմարա» թունելը:
Իրանի դերը նույնպես Մերձավոր Արևելքում կշարունակի աճել: Այդ միտումը պայմանավորված է ոչ միայն նավթագազային հարուստ պաշարներով, դինամիկ աճող բնակչությամբ, շիա մահմեդականների շրջանում վայելած հեղինակությամբ, Ռուսաստանի և Չինաստանի աջակցությամբ, այլև, որքան էլ զարմանալի թվա առաջին հայացքից, միջուկային ծրագրի առկայությամբ: Չնայած Արևմուտքի կողմից շարունակվող պատժամիջոցներին, Իրանը հաստատակամ է օգտվելու «խաղաղ միջուկային էներգիա» ունենալու իր իրավունքից: Այս պարագայում Արևմուտքը կանգնած է 3 տարբերակի առջև՝ 1․ թույլ տալ Իրանին՝ դառնալ միջուկային տերություն (ոչինչ չանել), 2․ հասցնել կանխարգելիչ հարվածներ և 3․ համատեղել պատժամիջոցները դիվանագիտության հետ «մտրակի և փքաբլիթի» քաղաքականություն բանեցնելու միջոցով: Որքան էլ զարմանալի է, 1-ին տարբերակը՝ թողնել, որ Իրանը ձեռք բերի միջուկային զենք, ամբողջովին չի անտեսվում ԱՄՆ վերլուծաբանական հանրության կողմից: Այս տեսակետի ջատագովները պնդում են, որ Իրանի կողմից միջուկային զենքի ձեռքբերումը կնպաստի Մերձավոր Արևելքում կայունության հաստատմանը, քանի որ կվերանա Իսրայելի մենաշնորհը: Երկրորդ տարբերակը ենթադրում է կանխարգելիչ ավիացիոն-հրթիռային հարվածներ միջուկային օբյեկտներին: Սակայն ԱՄՆ զինվորական փորձագետները պնդում են, որ միջուկային օբյեկտները լավ պաշտպանված են, դրանց խոցման հավանականությունը բարձր չէ, իսկ ցամաքային ներխուժման, Իրաքի և Աֆղանստանի հակամարտություններից հետո, ԱՄՆ ռազմական մեքենան ո՛չ պատրաստ է, ո՛չ էլ հակված: Ըստ ամենայնի, Արևմուտքը կշարունակի ապավինել 3-րդ՝ պատժամիջոցների և բանակցությունների տարբերակին: Նշենք, որ ներկայումս Իրան – Արևմուտք արդյունավետ երկխոսության համար առկա են որոշակի նախադրյալներ, քանզի նախագահ Ռոհանին հետին պլան է մղել իր նախորդի ցուցաբերած կոշտությունը, և ամենակարևորը՝ միջուկային հետազոտությունների համար պատասխանատու ստորաբաժանումը հանել է Իսլամական հեղափոխության պահապանների կորպուսի ենթակայությունից և դրել արտգործնախարարության վերահսկողության ներքո:
Ինչ վերաբերում է Սիրիայում ընթացող զինված հակամարտության հնարավոր զարգացումներին, ապա, ամենայն հավանականությամբ, Արևմուտքի և Թուրքիայի հնարավոր բացահայտ ռազմական միջամտությունից հնարավոր կլինի խուսափել: Ընդ որում, ռազմական ներխուժմանը դեմ են արտահայտվում հենց ամերիկյան զինվորականները՝ Շտաբերի պետերի միավորված կոմիտեի նախագահի գլխավորությամբ: Իրանի, Չինաստանի և հատկապես Ռուսաստանի ջանքերի շնորհիվ Սիրիայի քիմիական զենքի հարցն արդեն կարգավորվում է ՄԱԿ հովանու ներքո, որի փորձագետները հաստատել են, որ քիմիական զենք արտադրող ենթակառույցները ոչնչացվել են, իսկ կուտակված պաշարները կոչնչացվեն 2014թ․ ընթացքում:
Ինչ վերաբերում է Հարավային Կովկասին, ապա այն շարունակելու է գտնվել համաշխարհային ուժային կենտրոնների շահերի բեկման տիրույթում և մնալ կոնֆլիկտոգեն՝ այստեղ առկա չկարգավորված հակամարտություններով պայմանավորված:
Հարավային Կովկասին բնորոշ իրողություններից է նաև այն, որ այստեղի պետությունները որդեգրել են տրամագծորեն տարբեր անվտանգային քաղաքականություն և դաշինքներին ու ուժային կենտրոններին հարելու դիրքորոշումներ:
Մաքսային միության և Եվրամիության հետ ասոցացման միջև երկընտրանքի վերաբերյալ բազմիցս արտահայտվել ենք: Միջազգային հարաբերությունների նկատմամբ ժամանակակից կառուցողական մոտեցման տեսանկյունից, տնտեսական զարգացումը բխում է անվտանգությունից և ոչ թե հակառակը: Այս համատեքստում մեր երկրի անվտանգության ապահովումը երկարաժամկետ հեռանկարում խարսխված է Ռուսաստանի հետ ռազմավարական դաշնակցային հարաբերությունների վրա: Այդ դաշնակցային հարաբերությունները համանման նշանակություն ունեն նաև Ռուսաստանի համար: Հետևաբար՝ հարաբերություննների նման բարձր մակարդակը կողմերի համար փոխշահավետ է բառի բուն իմաստով: Այնուհանդերձ, Մաքսային միության ընտրությունը մեզ չի խանգարելու շարունակել տնտեսության, գիտության և կրթության, քաղաքացիական հասարակության կառուցման և այլ ոլորտներում Եվրամիության հետ համագործակցության զարգացմանը:
Վրաստանի պարագայում տիրում է հակառակ պատկերը. այդ երկիրը հետամուտ է առավել սերտ դարձնել Եվրամիության հետ իր հարաբերությունները: Իսկ ահա Ադրբեջանը փորձում է ցուցաբերել առավել անկախ խաղացողի կեցվածք և նախապատվությունը տալիս է Թուրքիայի հետ ռազմավարական դաշինքին: Միևնույն ժամանակ, Ադրբեջանը ձևական մոտեցում է ցուցաբերում ՆԱՏՕ անհատական գործընկերության գործողությունների ծրագրի և Եվրոպական հարևանության քաղաքականության շրջանակներում ստանձնած հանձնառությունների կատարման հանդեպ` ավելի շատ արժևորելով ԱՄՆ-ի հետ իր երկկողմ հարաբերությունները:
Այժմ ընդհանուր առմամբ անդրադառնանք Հարավային Կովկասում համաշխարհային և տարածաշրջանային ուժային կենտրոնների վարած քաղաքականությանը:
ԱՄՆ. Կասպից ծովում ածխաջրածնային պաշարներն ու ենթակառույցները պաշտպանելու համար ԱՄՆ-ը շահագրգռված է Ադրբեջանին զինելու ռազմածովային և ափամերձ պաշտպանության համակարգերով: Չնայած դրան, ԱՄՆ-ը ձեռնպահ է մնում ցամաքային զինատեսակներով Ադրբեջանին զինելուց՝ չցանկանալով խախտել արցախյան հակամարտության շուրջ ուժերի հարաբերակցությունը և հարուցել Հայաստանի դժգոհությունը: Միևնույն ժամանակ, ԱՄՆ-ը բացահայտորեն մեղադրում է Ալիևի վարչակարգին՝ հակահայկական ռազմատենչ հռետորաբանության համար:
Հայաստանի նկատմամբ ԱՄՆ-ը «համակրանք» ունի: Երկու պետություններին միավորում է Կովկասում կայունություն հաստատելու ցանկությունը: Միևնույն ժամանակ, ԱՄՆ-ի համար հատկապես մտահոգիչ է այն հանգամանքը, որ տարածաշրջանում ռազմական իրավիճակի սրման դեպքում և՛ Ադրբեջանը, և՛ Հայաստանը աջակցություն կակնկալեն ՌԴ-ից, ինչն էլ կնվազեցնի Վաշինգտոնի դերը տարածաշրջանում: Վաշինգտոնի համար պակաս մտահոգիչ չէ նաև այն, որ անկայունությունը սպառնում է տարածաշրջանով անցնող միջազգային նշանակության էներգետիկ և առևտրային նախագծերին:
Ռուսաստան. Հարավային Կովկասում Ռուսաստանի ազդեցությունն ունի ամրապնդման միտում: Դրա վկայություններն են Իրանի հետ արդյունավետ գործընկերությունը, Հայաստանի հետ ռազմավարական դաշինքը, ՀԱՊԿ-ի՝ տարածաշրջանային կազմակերպություն լինելու հանգամանքը, Ադրբեջանի սպառազինման գործընթացում վճռական դերակատարություն ունենալու ձգտումը և Վրաստանի հետ հարաբերությունների կարգավորման միտումը: Ի հակադրություն Միջին Ասիա-Ադրբեջան-Վրաստան-Թուրքիա-Եվրոպա ուղղությամբ «Արևելք-Արևմուտք» հաղորդակցության նախագծերի, Ռուսաստանը սատարում է Պարսից ծոց-Իրան-Հայաստան-Սև ծով-Եվրոպա ուղղությամբ «Հյուսիս-Հարավ» տրանսպորտային միջանցքի նախագծին:
Թուրքիա. Կշարունակվեն տարածաշրջանում ինքնուրույն քաղաքականություն վարելու Թուրքիայի ջանքերը: Անկարան չի թուլացնի աջակցությունն Ադրբեջանին, և այդ համատեքստում կշարունակի փակված սահմանների միջոցով ճնշումներ բանեցնել Հայաստանի վրա: Զուգահեռաբար Թուրքիան կշարունակի տարաբնույթ տնտեսական նախագծերի միջոցով գայթակղել Վրաստանին: Սակայն ակնհայտ է, որ տարածաշրջանում առավել ինքնուրույն գործելու Թուրքիայի նկրտումները չեն կարող չմտահոգել ԱՄՆ վարչակազմին:
Իրան. Հարավային Կովկասում Իրանի ազդեցությունը կշարունակի ուղիղ համեմատական լինել Ռուսաստանի և հակադարձ համեմատական՝ ԱՄՆ ազդեցության տատանումներին: Պահպանելով արցախյան հակամարտության նկատմամբ անկողմնապահ մոտեցում՝ Իրանը կպահպանի Հայաստանի հետ բարիդրացիական հարաբերությունները՝ առաջին հերթին հյուսիս-հարավ հաղորդակցության ծրագրերի կյանքի կոչման նպատակով: Այս ամենի հետ մեկտեղ, Թեհրանը որպես սպառնալիք կդիտարկի ԱՄՆ-ի և հատկապես Իսրայելի հետ Ադրբեջանի մերձենալու քաղաքականությունը՝ առաջին հերթին Իրանական Ատրպատականի թրքալեզու բնակչության շրջանում անջատողականության հրահրման տեսանկյունից:
Ամփոփելով՝ հանգում ենք հետևյալ եզրակացությունների:
Տարածաշրջանի ռազմաքաղաքական միջավայրը բնորոշվում է Հայաստանի հանդեպ կայուն սպառնալիքների առկայությամբ՝ պայմանավորված հավանական հակառակորդների՝ Ադրբեջանի և Թուրքիայի ագրեսիվ-ապակառուցողական քաղաքական ուղեգծով: Այդուհանդերձ, հարկ է հատուկ ընդգծել, որ, ինչպես վերը նշվեց, Արևմուտքի կողմից Իրանի դեմ ուժի կիրառումը մենք գնահատում ենք քիչ հավանական, ինչը հուսադրող է՝ Հայաստանի հարավային սահմանների մոտ կայունության պահպանման տեսանկյունից:
Վրաստանում տեղի ունեցած նախագահական ընտրությունները թույլ են տալիս հուսալ, որ Արևմուտքի և Ռուսաստանի հետ հարաբերություններում հավասարակշռություն պահպանելուն ուղղված նախկին վարչապետ Բ.Իվանիշվիլու քաղաքական գիծը կլինի շարունակական, ինչը միմիայն բխում է Հայաստանի շահերից: Չնայած Վրաստանի իշխանությունները հաստատակամ են պահպանել եվրատլանտյան կառույցներին ինտեգրվելու իրենց քաղաքական ուղեգիծը, սակայն հստակորեն արտահայտում են նաև Ռուսաստանի հետ հարաբերությունները կարգավորելու, առկա լարվածությունը վերացնելու ցանկություն: Ինչ վերաբերում է հայ-վրացական հարաբերություններին, ապա Վրաստանի կողմից ավելի հավասարակշռված արտաքին քաղաքականություն վարելը միմիայն կնպաստի դրանց զարգացմանը: Հարկ է նշել, որ աստիճանաբար ամրապնդվում են համագործակցությունը և փոխվստահությունը պաշտպանության ոլորտում, որի վկայություններից են երկու երկրների պաշտպանության նախարարների այս տարվա փոխայցելությունները:
Հայաստանի ազգային անվտանգության ապահովման տեսանկյունից գլխավոր մարտահրավեր է շարունակում մնալ Արցախի տարածքի հանդեպ Ադրբեջանի անհիմն հավակնությամբ պայմանավորված հակամարտությունը: Բանակցային գործընթացում Ադրբեջանը վարում է ակնհայտ ապակառուցողական քաղաքականության, նպատակաուղղված ագրեսիվ-նախահարձակ գործողություններով տապալում շփման գծում լարվածության թուլացման և կողմերի միջև վստահության ամրապնդմանն ուղղված պայմանավորվածությունները:
Իսկ կա՞ն արդյոք բարենպաստ հնարավորություններ, որոնք ունակ են չեզոքացնել վերը նշված սպառնալիքները: Կարծում եմ, որ այդպիսի բարենպաստ հնարավորություններից են․
1. Ռուսաստանի Դաշնության հետ Հայաստանի շարունակական մերձեցումը ինչպես երկկողմ ռազմական համագործակցության, ՀԱՊԿ ռազմական բաղադրիչի հետագա զարգացման, այնպես էլ Մաքսային միության շրջանակներում:
2. ԱՄՆ-ի համար Ադրբեջանի կարևորության նվազման միտումը` պայմանավորված տեղական էներգակիրների պաշարների հայտնաբերմամբ, Իրանի դեմ ռազմական գործողություններ սկսելու հավանականության նվազմամբ, ինչպես նաև 2014թ․ հետո Աֆղանստանում ներգրավման ծավալների կտրուկ կրճատմամբ:
3. Ադրբեջանի աստիճանական վերածումը «պարսիցծոցյան մենիշխանության»։ Դրանք, ինչպես ցույց է տալիս փորձը, ավելի քիչ են հակված պատերազմների սանձազերծման՝ սեփական իշխանությունը չվտանգելու մտավախությամբ պայմանավորված:
Հիշատակված երեք բարենպաստ հնարավորությունների առկայությունը, սակայն, ամենևին չի նշանակում, թե Հայաստանի Հանրապետության և Արցախի հանդեպ Ադրբեջանից բխող ռազմական սպառնալիքը նվազել է: Հակառակը, ծավալապաշտական նկրտումներից դրդված՝ Բաքվի իշխանությունները շարունակում են փափագել Արցախն օկուպացնելու նպատակը: Պետք է հաշվի առնել նաև այն, որ ածխաջրածնային ռեսուրսների առկայության փաստն ադրբեջանական ղեկավարությունում ստեղծել է անպատժելի մնալու և ամենաթողության համոզվածություն, իսկ սպառազինությունների կուտակումը կարող է նաև ձևավորել հաղթանակ տանելու պատրանք: Հետևաբար, միանգամայն հավանական պետք է համարել, որ այս երկու գործոնները հարուցեն ադրբեջանական իշխանությունների՝ մեր դեմ «կայծակնային պատերազմ» սանձազերծելու գայթակղություն:
Այսպիսով՝ ակնհայտ է, որ տեսանելի հեռանկարում Հայաստանի շուրջ ձևավորված ռազմաքաղաքական միջավայրն ավելի անվտանգ չի դառնալու: Հետևաբար, Հայաստանը շարունակելու է հետևողականորեն բազմապատկել խաղաղություն պարտադրելու իր ներուժը:
Thank you Arevordi, very timely analysis.
ReplyDeleteRussia recalled it's ambassador from kiev, it may not recognize this leadership as illegitimate and wait for new elections. meanwhile if russians are killed it will have every right to protect them.
I think Nato may want Russia to get involved militarily as that may become a pretext for giving Ukraine and Georgia a membership. it seems to me nato wants to use this to establish a permanent navy base in black sea, probably in georgia.
Russia has to be very careful here, and open another front besides being active in ukraine.
all this may lead to Armenia's wishes coming to reality, connecting to Russia.
Judging by the scenes unfolding before our eyes it is tangibly clear that the Ukraine is ripe for a split. How this split will come about it is like forecasting a weather pattern building up to a storm. If we are to assume that the Ukraine is divided along ethnic lines,, then this opposition movement must be aware of it and must also realize that capturing the Russian sphere of ethnic is pretty much a physical impossibility. However do we know who are these so called opposition ? . The hidden hand of Soros murder Inc is not interested in peace and order. Soros murder Inc thrives in fomenting revolts and revolutions and anything else that smacks of nation wrecking. NATO ,USA, Israel are all in this jointly . The western Ukraine is more like a basket case without its eastern fragment. However by forcefully thrusting toward the east the war Kabbala would have achieved its objective. To sow mayhem, havoc, and turmoil , the main ingredients of its insatiable appetite if the eastern part is threatened Russia will pounce without any doubt and give the Ukranian the Georgia treatment. The vocal jewified EU will not lift a finger but scurry back into its Brussles foxhole. The NATO,Israel,USA troika's intentions might be severely tested in such a scenario. Regardless how the tortilla pans and turns the Ukraine is ripe for carving up. This president ynaukevitch dilly dallied and hesitated to take action from day one. He allowed the Maidan protesters to become a vocal force with militancy and armed muscle. The new government, saturated with kabbalists, internationalists,neo Marxists, anarchists, are not going to stop now. The nationalist faction is being used, conveniently, to drive a further wedge within the Ukraine.
ReplyDeleteRussia will reserve the right for full military intervention in case the Ukrainian government takes a decision regarding NATO membership.
ReplyDeleteHowever, cash will be the primary battle field. EU and IMF are saying they will inject over 20 Billion USD.
If this money indeed is spent on Ukrainian people, then Russia would benefit from the development-modernization along its border. But if they give the money to oligarchs and politicians to buy political loyalty, the people will then become more pro-Russian seeing the further degradation in living conditions having taken an EU path.
Russia would also inject its part to buy political loyalty in Ukraine.
Putin would use the developments in Ukraine to further bloster his own image, showing to the Russian people the true intentions of the Anglo-Americans, and how harmful they are to Russia's interests.
Russia would use the Ukrainian tragedy to show the world that the real aggressors are EU and US as usual, and how Russia respects the sovereignty of other nations.
Russia did not interfere in Libya, but it interfered in Syria, having not interfered in Ukraine, means it will interfere once again in Georgia.
The red line for Ukraine not to be crossed is the naval base in Crimea, and any thoughts of deploying the nato missile shield. Russia is not Ukraine, and what happened there will not happen in Russia.
How pathetic these reptiles in Washington have become, listen to this.
Rice: Russian military interference in Ukraine would be 'grave mistake'
This sounds like a threat or a warning message right? in fact, Washington knows that Russia will not intervene, so they are trying to score some points by posing that the Russians did not intervene because we told them not to.
Moscow's PRIMARY threat comes from the South, from the Caucasus and from beyond the Caucasus where the Islamic thoughts are bred. Georgia, is Russia's weak link in the Caucasus, and that must be fixed at earliest. Once that is over, then Ukraine sooner or later will fall prey to natural gas demand. And no, corruption will not disappear in Kiev in the next 5 years.
The way things were in Ukraine was a not sustainable for Putin, so he needed to change the situation, and for Ukrainians to get a bloody nose after chasing their EUrotic fantasies is exactly what Putin needs, in this way, later integration into the Eurasian Union would be a beneficial one full of enthusiasm, not just a burden with infinite need for cash injection, like steroids. Let EU build Ukraine, wonderful, then you take a modern country, why to take a wreck and have to fox it yourself?
Now the main battle is in Syria. There is anticipation for a new offensive from the South (Jordan-Israel). This may be the last and determinant push.
If such an event take place, Iranians, Hezbollah, possibly Russia and not to exclude China will make certain to deliver the heaviest blow.
The outcome of this battle will determine the fate of:
- the Iran nuclear deal
- the Syrian Geneva 3 agreement
- the identity of the world powers (because the current P5 does not reflect reality, the world has changed, and there are different players, and the weights of old players have changed.
Putin's spokesman was straight to the point when he said: “Britain is a small island nobody pays any attention to, apart from the Russian oligarchs who bought up Chelsea.”
Unfortunately despite the nuclear and Geneva talks, the trajectory seems to be one of confrontation, not compromises.
PS: don't be overwhelmed by the EU and IMF financial power to bend things in Ukraine in their favor, on the other side, Russia is not alone, China is in this too.
DeleteIn my opinion Syria has become forgotten by the international community for now. The west has realized that Syria is a battle it cannot win, but can keep the country in a bloody mess for a long time. Syria's war has been Lebanonized, with the only difference that slow progress is being made by the Syrian Army. But then again, Syria's civil war could continue on for years at this rate.
I believe that the West has decided to focus on Ukraine instead because it is a much more important country for Russia, and a bigger prize for the West if they succeed.
Arevordi says that Russia has been acting surprising calm regarding Ukraine and pointed several reasons for that (The Olympics, fear of civil war, potential agreement with the West). But I believe that there is another reason as well. If Russia is not panicking as much, it could mean that everything has been taken into consideration. Russia's leadership and its Intelligent services are not stupid, as they had time to form a strategy before being preoccupied by the Olympics.
Now, the West is most probably expecting (and wanting) a direct Russian military involvment in the Ukraine. But as we saw, pro-Russian-Eastern Ukraine has already signalled its desire to be under Russian rule. Thus, if Russians are smart enough, they can play the west's game against them. For example, the Crimea, or the entire Russian-dominated Ukraine would form a new government, create a new state and declare its desire to unite with Russia (people's right for self-determination, sound familiar?). If faced with hostility, Russia will have the legitimacy to be directly involved militarily in order to protect ethnic Russians.
I would really like to hear your, Arevordi's, and other people's opinion on this subject.
I agree with your assessments. Russia's foreign service is very capable and I would even go as far as saying they much more professional than their arrogant and vulgar American counterparts. Therefore, I agree that their surprising silence may have actually been well calculated. There is the real possibility that Moscow has come to the conclusion that Russia would be better off without western Ukraine and thus allowed Yanukovych to screw up - so that is can eventually lay claims to eastern Ukraine and Crimea. With that being said, I now want to see Moscow cut off all relations, including gas shipments and economic trade, with the newly formed government in Kiev. I also want Moscow to grant Russian-speaking Ukrainians Russian citizenship. If a single one of them gets killed, Russia will be fully justified for sending in the tanks. Trust me, as we saw in Georgia in 2008, if that happens, you will not find a single Westerner in sight, they will all scatter like rats and simply go back to their information war against Putin...
DeleteIt all boils down to geopolitically fence in and surround russia. The zionized west has been temporarily thwarted in Syria in its thrust toward the Caucasus and Iran. The opening of the Ukranian sector is another theater of operations against Russia. Every conceviable effort at destabilizing the ukraine is to serve as a launching pad in the zionist drive toward the Russian border to encircle her. This is zionist hegemony by its proxy prostitutes the EU, Nato, USA.Russia finds herself where National socialist Germany found herself in the 30's; at war with zionism. The difference here is that this is a subtle , undeclared, undetected, under the radar war.
ReplyDeleteThe difference here is also that Russia, unlike National socialist Germany, is powerful enough and has inexhaustible natural resources to wage such a war successfully . I can not believe Russia will allow Sebastopol or the crimea to slip through her grasp. I don't know how this crisis could benefit Armenia; but the more hazardous and dangerous the geopolitical chequer board appears to be the more pressing the urgency to establish a common border between Armenia and Russia. The western Ukraine may sink into an ungovernable province. There are too many groups and factions of sorts and sources, lacking unity and purpose. You have the Timoshenko faction promissing to deliver the Ukraine into the embrace of the EU brothel; you have the Klitchko group who think the revolution is a a boxing match ; you have various nationalists groups, some don't want anyhting to do with neither the EU, nor Russia, others are there for opportunisitc reasons. This amorphous group of revolt makers are going to be very pliable in the hands of the zionized EU. From this revolution, or revolt, the western Ukraine is heading straight into the democratic nooze of the nation raiders of the IMF ; coraled into the EU the western ukranians wil sell their country to the globalist who quickly will embark on transforming white ukraine into a multicutural hotch podge and racial stew of the universe, bankrupting her and enslaving her for generations. Like they have done with Greece, and others to follow . samsun
I agree with your assessments. The situation, thus far, has only served to embolden Armenia's Western led opposition freaks. This may change, however, depending on the yet to be seen short-to-mid term outcome of the regime change in Ukraine. The coming months will therefore be decisive. The only immediate positives I see for Armenia in the current situation are the following: Russian assets inside Armenia may become more attentive to the country's domestic affairs. Armenian officials may begin taking their jobs more seriously. Armenians around the world may finally begin seeing that Western led democracy movements are grave threats to developing nations.
DeletePS: A Ukraine type uprising in Armenia, if ever successful, will at the very least result in Armenia losing Artsakh and placing Armenia under Turkish influence. In this regard, I have more faith in Russians than in Armenians. I have no doubt Russia will crush any movement in Armenia that attempts to drive a wedge between Yerevan and Moscow. Geostrategically, for Moscow, Armenia is as important as eastern Ukraine or the Crimea. Moreover, Armenians that can truly be considered hostile to Russians are very-very small in number and thus easily managed or if need be eliminated.
We can only guess the red lines that Moscow has in Ukraine. If crossed by the Maidanist and their US and EU manipulators, all gloves will come down and Russia will intervene to ensure the "security" of the Eastern and Southern regions which are the most worthwhile parts of the country. In this kind of scenario, Kiev will be unfortunately lost.
ReplyDeleteHaving said that, I don't think the rag-tag bunch of wannabe Maidanist politicians will cross the Russian red lines. And I believe Russia doesn't really want them too.
Let me explain, the present situation is similar to the orange revolution which was also orchestrated by the West. Where did that get them?
At the end Russia holds Ukraine by the balls. Any unfriendly political, economic or social move that is against Russian interests will be met by gas price increases, cuts, trade barriers and sanctions that will make the Western Ukrainians deeply regret they went to Maidan.
And I havn't yet mentioned about the guaranteed infighting between the anti-Russian key figures to secure key government positions...
That's the thing that perplexes me: Western Ukrainians must have realized the immense economic leverage Russia has over Kiev and they must have realized that the EU is a crumbling entity. Was their political ignorance and their hatred of Russians so blinding that they went this route? I really think Moscow should be merciless. As I said, I now want to see Moscow cut off all relations, including money loans, gas shipments and economic trade, with the newly formed illegal regime in Kiev. I want to see Moscow grant Russian-speaking Ukrainians Russian citizenship. I want to see Russia annexing the Crimea. Like I said, Moscow needs to make the new political reality in Kiev a very toxic pill for the West to swallow. Let the EU and Washington pick up the tab (after all they did break it, so they now own it) and if they refuse to do so, then let western Ukrainians cannibalize each other for survival.
Delete"Russia must therefore do all it can now to make the Ukraine a very toxic pill for the West to swallow."
ReplyDeleteexcellent comment
ReplyDeleteI look forward to reading this and also commenting
but for now someone left this at my blog
brianFebruary 24, 2014 at 2:48 PM
It seems the new faux Kiev regime ( this is a time that word really fits!) has a fellow of Armenian descent at min of defence . And he is promising Armenians in Crimea Ukraine new regime will recognise the Armenian genocide! Meanwhile over at UNHCR twitter accent speeches at UNHCR include one by ,,, c the Armenians who happen to be allies with russia !
Does this info mean much of anything to you?
If correct, I wonder if a divide to conquer is in the cards for Armenia?
I will be back and thank you :)
Knowing how sensitive the topic is to us Armenians, the Armenian Genocide has always exploited by Western officials as a means of manipulation. As with all other nations, we Armenians also have our share of traitors and Western mercenaries. With that being said, if you want to know what patriotic and intelligent Armenians think about a topic, ask the individuals participating in this blog.
DeleteYou find "successful" and high-ranking Armenians everywhere that there exist large numbers of Armenians, including figures like MP Sarkis Assadourian from the relatively large Canadian-Armenian community. There are also many notable Armenian names among Russian, French, Lebanese and other nations. Ukraine has an estimated 100,000 Armenians minimum, so it's not a surprise that there are Armenian politicians in Ukraine.
DeleteThe problem is that we Armenians, while highly capable as individuals, lack a clearly defined and adhered to ideology or institutions like the Jewish Diaspora that focuses our collective energies to our own benefit. We don't have a religion where we are the chosen people and we are favored by God and morally obligated to serve our own interests at the expense of the host population. So we end up with Armenians like Avakov wasting whatever talent they may have on ultimately destructive ends. Think of Avakov as no different than when you meet a fellow Canadian who shares your ethnic background who is otherwise intelligent and "successful" but follows the pro-war, pro-globalization, pro-interventionist policies that we are against. It's just an unfortunate fact that with any large number of people, you will end up with a handful of either traitors or delusional ideological fanatics who end up serving the enemy.
As for the Armenian Genocide, as Arevordi already pointed out, the "human rights champions" in the west have made it into their favorite tool of pressure against Turkey and against Armenians. It's very sad how some Armenians tear up when a candidate for some office promises "recognition" for the Armenian Genocide, yet these same Armenians are unmoved by the vicious black PR operation or pro-globalization agendas which the western governments have launched within Armenia. The US and France mastered this "art", and Israel has been utilizing this tactic in recent years as its relationship with its genocidal brothers in Ankara has been rocky.
There's a saying by a man in the Philippines: "It's better to be poor and free rather than be oppressed with money in one's own pockets." This quote that I found can be applied to Ukraine since it's a choice between sticking with Russia (even though in the minds of the pro-Western stooges, Russia is a bad neighbor who influences Ukraine too much and gives financial aid to keep its economy afloat) and going with the EU and NATO (once again in the minds of the same stooges, the EU may offer something that can be a liability in the short and long term goals, resulting in a poorer Ukrainian economy but in the process, they're free from Russian influence).
ReplyDeleteThat being said, The West does not intend to stop with the weakening of Russia through severing Ukraine from them. They'll sever the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East in order to make it a more "balanced" power structure that benefits only the Western elite. Whenever I try to bring this geopolitical issue with other people, they just look at me as if I've been brainwashed by the Kremlin instead of the White House.
In the end, it's all about the West's imperial hegemony being achieved with a simple way of saying, "Russia, we cannot tolerate your imperial ambitions because it will get in the way of our own way of trying to achieve imperial hegemon".
Its not just those who call themselves ethnic Russians, half the population of Ukraine weather they call themselves Russians or Ukrainians are in the Russian sphere. In Kharkov over the weekend there was a meeting of deputies of South East regions, there were a lot of people at the public hearing, they passed a resolution that they ensure constitutional order in their own territories calling those who seized the Rada in Kiev "illegitimate".
ReplyDeleteThere is a war-like atmosphere in the rhetoric.
Here is a piece of a possible Yugoslavia scenario for Ukraine.
I don't see Russia sending troops to secure eastern Ukraine, specifically the Donbas nor the Crimea unless the putschists in Kiev decide to send the Ukrainian army to secure those regions. The new regime is unlikely to take this step because the Ukrainian military is now just as divided as the population, meaning, there are no guarantees that orders will be followed.
ReplyDeleteSeeing the farsightedness and astuteness of the Russian foreign policy elite for the last several years, I'm almost certain that they have a calculated reason for not overtly interfering during the past few months, and letting Yanukovich shoot himself in the foot. Currently, Ukraine is not only in danger of splitting up, but also of defaulting on several billion dollars. The US and EU have offered to facilitate a loan via the IMF but they want Kiev to make a number of structural changes and cut off subsidies for natural gas. All the changes they are asking Ukraine to make will be painful in the short to medium term, and again, there are no guarantees that they will improve the lot of Ukrainians. As some analysts pointed out last fall, it is going to be an expensive project for any entity that wishes to incorporate Ukraine, whether that is the EU or EAU; hundreds of billions of dollars will be required. The entrenched corruption is another issue for loan providers, they know some amount will be stolen. So then the question becomes is it worth having some of the money disappear in order to buy Kiev's loyalty? Russia was willing to dish out $19 billion, the US and EU could not match this, so they used other tools to destabilize Ukraine. Now they have to figure out how to keep the country together, functioning, and subservient to their interests.
On top of this, as Zoravar pointed out, the opposition which took control of the Rada is not a united front. They will begin to bite one another as soon as they think they have a hold of the situation.
Russia's most obvious red line is the Crimea, and more specifically the naval base there. If that is threatened then Moscow will release the proverbial hounds. It is unclear what the US & nato would do, I could see them actually sending in troops to counter the Russians, but more likely we'd see a diplomatic and political war against Russia and her allies (assuming they support Russia's endeavor).
Ukraine could be the Bosnia-Herzogovina of 2014.
I agree with your economical and financial assessment. In the long run Russia is better off without western Ukraine, which may explain why they allowed Yanukovych to shoot himself in the foot. Let Washington, Brussels and London pick up the tab now.
DeleteBut Russians 'are' preparing to send troops into Crimea and eastern Ukraine: It's been a contingency plan of theirs for a long time. There are even unconfirmed reports of military hardware moving into Crimea. Moreover, as Skhara's video links revealed, Moscow is preparing eastern Ukrainians with political speeches laced with war rhetoric. This is not a game or a show. Some of Ukraine's eastern industrial regions, where many of the country's military industrial complexes are located, may very well also be a red line for Moscow. However, I agree that Moscow is reserving the military option as a last resort, that is if the illegal regime in Kiev tries to impose its authority over those regions. And if the Western backed government in Kiev does not try to bring those regions under control, then the country's eastern regions and Crimea will be defacto under Russian rule. So, no matter how you look at it, the situation is to Moscow's advantage.
As I said, Western war frenzy, arrogance and panic is taking them down a rocky path that is uncharted. Responsible empires/superpowers do not take risks such as this unless they are desperate and/or blinded. Although tactically Russia may be perceived as the looser in Kiev, strategically, in the long term, what happened to Kiev will work against Western interests. This explains why veteran war criminals like Henry Kissinger and Zbigy the Polak are worried about Washington's actions overseas.
Finally, only in people's wildest imagination will any Western nation send troops against Russia - even without the nuclear factor. Western militaries are paper tigers that are barely capable of defeating ragheads in places like Afghanistan and Iraq. US warships and aircraft, the very backbone of Western military power, are vulnerable to a wide array of Russian weaponry. US military officials know this. This was one of the fundamental reasons why they did not risk going to war against Syria. And you cant even begin to compare the raw fighting abilities or aggression of Russian troops to that of the Western world's well fed, well pampered and technology dependent troops. Anyway, the West and Russia will only fight each other via proxies.
In the meanwhile, Ukraine is will be the latest nation fragmented and turned into a failed state by the West.
in Sevastopol:
ReplyDeleterfe/rl's take on what Russia may do. I'm not impressed with the article.
In the unlikely event of Russia having to interfere militarily in Ukraine, the US/EU/NATO will not lift a finger. They will just whine, complain, protest and keep on demonizing Putin/Russia.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, an interesting article appeared in Stratfor, written by no other than George Friedman:
What makes you so sure that NATO will not intervene on behalf of the putschists in Kiev?
For the same reasons they did not intervene in Georgia in 2008: They don't have enough military assets to do job. They are pretty much sure they will fail in achieving their objectives. They will be dragged into a civil conflict. They will have to fight the Russian Army and the pro-Russia Ukrainians.They face the possibility of starting World War III. etc. etc. In short, they have everything to loose and nothing to gain. They prefer to have the maidanist thugs do the job for them.
DeleteSorry LG, but this is a silly question.
DeleteFrom purely a tactical military perspective, for their military engagement to be effective in the Ukraine, Western forces will need to bring naval forces into the Black Sea. This isn't 1853, hitting Western warships in the Black Sea would be like shooting fish in a barrel. A few US warships at the bottom of the sea during the first day of combat will make Western forces either withdraw or respond with nuclear weaponry. Since they are not ready to do either, they will not risk direct combat with Russia.
Moreover, in such a hypothetical scenario, any air force base in Europe that Western aircraft use to fly sorties over the Ukraine will go up in flames by Russian ballistic missiles such as the Iskander. Moreover, like Zoravar said, if fighting spreads to eastern Ukraine or the Crimea, Western troops will be faced with a population that is pro-Russian and Russian troops that are more-or-less protecting their land. In such a scenario, the West will also most probably be faced with having to deal with a large Russian invasion of the Baltic states and the south Caucasus. Faced with such a scenario, Western forces will either withdraw or respond with nuclear weaponry. Since they are not ready to do either, they will not risk direct combat with Russia.
Washington is not crazy enough, does not have the military capabilities necessary and does not have the political courage or the financial resources or the public support to directly engage Russia in any form of military combat, especially to protect their lemmings in Kiev.
Back in 1999, NATO did everything it could to avoid sending combat troops into Serbia because it knew Serbian ground forces would have made them pay a terrible price. Back in 2006, armed simply with man portable weapons paramilitary troops of the Hezbollah party in Lebanon defeated Israeli ground forces, known to be one of the most powerful Western backed militaries in the world. Back in 2008, the entire Western world, including the tough talking US, simply stood by and watched as its strategic foothold in the south Caucasus, Georgia, get a humiliating beating. Let's also recall that the Georgian military was trained and armed by US, Europe, Ukraine, Turkey and Israel and was for several years preparing for an eventual war to reclaim Abkhazia and Ossetia. Back in 2011, Iran was able to capture perhaps the most sophisticated piece of military hardware in Western arsenal when it electronically hijacked a CIA operated spy drone and landed it safely inside Iran. Back in 2013, Western military planners were forced to call off their military plans against Syria primarily due to fears of serious military loses. For the past ten years, the West has been holding back from attacking Iran due to fears of a Iranian military response.
As long as Washington is not faced with fighting a war to protect its home turf, it will not engage in any military combat if its military planners are not 100% of its outcome. Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003 were safe bets from a military perspective and they even did not turn out good. If civilian officials in Washington are crazy enough to try to take on Russia directly, they will most probably be faced with a military mutiny.
Western militaries are best at using stand-off weapons systems to bomb targets in third world nations. Due to their successes (albeit limited) against African, Middle Eastern and Central Asian tribesmen - as well as ubiquitous movies, novels and television programming celebrating US military prowess, most people today are under hypnosis.
My only fear is that things on the ground might escalate beyond control and ignite an international war that can potentially pull a reluctant West and a reluctant Russia into a direct confrontation against each other. In other words, there is the risk of accidentally starting a world war that the superpowers of the day will not be able to contain and will feel forced to respond to. This is precisely the kind of danger that Western policies have made the global community face in recent years. Thus far, however, it has been controlled mayhem. I am pretty sure high level Western and Russian military officials are in constant contact with each other. The demons of war have not yet descended upon the world. Although the situation in Ukraine is ugly and can potentially get even uglier, I don't think we going to see Western and Russian troops fighting each other.
DeleteActually it is not a silly question. We already have neo cons calling for a more direct US role in Ukraine. Also, throughout various blog posts you have commented at the rising hubris of American policy makers and their partners in EU & Israel. History is chalk full of states making strategic miscalculations. So I am not convinced that NATO won't have one or two people high up in its ranks who are confident that they can take on Russia. You give them too much credit by not assuming the same. Suspend the disbelief.
in current state of nato vs china/russia geopolitics it is like when you walk a dog and it pees to mark an area. they all want to mark their areas by placing some form of troops knowingly that once those troops are there the other will not attack. in this context i think Nato wants some base in or around black sea. it is an area they want to have their mark. that is why Russia is planning the same in Cuba, Venezuela etc.
DeleteI do not disagree with your concept. But you are aware that NATO already has the Black Sea nearly surrounded by its members: Bulgaria, Romania, and Turkey? Would they go to all this trouble to add Ukraine as well? I can certainly see them trying to contain Russia in the Black Sea, but they have less potentially catastrophic ways of doing that. NATO is not happy that Russia has stepped up its presence in the Atlantic and Mediterranean seas over the past few years. But checking Russian fleets in the Black Sea won't remove the above mentioned geopolitical developments.
Deletethere is no Nato base in black sea, turkey, romania and bulgeria have nothing to withstand russian black sea fleet. it will take few subs to kill all of them. what i am talking about is a USA naval base in Georgia with serious ships, carrier group, Aegis equipped battleships.
LG, the way you posed the question was silly. We were not talking about whether or not there are any insane "neocons" in Washington or elsewhere that want a war with Russia or if imperial miscalculation and hubris will one day lead the West down a terrible path. I agree with all that.
DeleteWe were speaking, in general terms, of what Western powers will do if faced with a military invasion of Crimea by Russian forces. While some, especially within the civilian government, may call for military intervention against Russia (most probably for domestic consumption), most of the public and government officials, especially the military staff, will be strongly against it. This does not even address the wishes of the pacifistic European powers. To go up against a military power like Russia, one needs to have all their assets in order and willing to engage. In my opinion, it simply wont happen - especially since we are not talking about protecting Western lands, but about a geostrategic factor far from Western lands. With that in mind, NATO will NOT willingly (by conscious design) take on Russian troops and vice-versa.
Historical tidbit: When Serbia had capitulated in 1999 as a result of the one month long NATO bombing campaign, Yeltsin ordered Russian troops to occupy the country's airport ahead of NATO forces to ensure that Russia will be given some kind of a role to play inside Serbia in the conflict's aftermath. Presidental candidate General Wesley Clark, who was the NATO commander at the time, was reported to have ordered British troops under his NATO command to militarily confront the Russians at the air port, the British officer in charge of the British troops refused to carry out the order, saying he will not risk a third world war.
That was fifteen years ago. The 1990s, when Russia was on its knees, is long gone and US military officials know this. I know enough about the US military to tell you that most high level military officials would not comply with White House orders to attack Russian troops if the US or American lives are not in danger. There has been serious discord between US military officials and the civilian government even over Washington's Iran policies. I think 2008 in Georgia and 2013 in Syria is further evidence that when push comes to shove, Western powers will back down.
Under current circumstances, the only way for Western and Russian troops to start shooting at each other will be as a result of a very serious escalation when both sides have no choice but to react. I don't see it happening. Moreover, within military circles, the Black Sea is recognized as a Russian military zone. And TK is right, there are no NATO naval bases in the region.
Regardless whether there is or is not an officially designated NATO base in the Black Sea. If NATO wants one they can designate a naval port in Romania, Bulgaria or Turkey. Why would they go to all this trouble to get a base in Ukraine? What is more likely is that US/EU/NATO wanted to show the Kremlin that they can cause unrest very close to Russia. Also, a tit for tat for Putin putting the West in its place last fall regarding the Syria crisis.
DeleteI think the number one reason NATO wouldn't go to war is the lack of public support, and war fatigue among the armed forces of the alliance. They lack the will to win, let along fight.
The reason why Western powers have not permanently stationed warships in Romanian or Bulgarian naval facilities is essentially because of their fear of a Russian reprisal. While I do not know the details, there is actually an official understanding between the two sides and Turkey with regards to the Black Sea. However, getting rid of Russia's naval/military presence from within Crimea has been a desire for western powers and Turks for centuries. If they ever succeed in securing the region, it will have grave repercussions for Russia militarily, politically and economically. Anyway, this is all besides the point.
Delete"War fatigue"? After fighting terribly one-sided wars against two terribly backward nations? After fighting wars in which they have used the latest technology in warfare against sandal wearing, allah-akbar shouting Arabs and Afghans? "War fatigue" will surly come after only one day of fighting an equally large and militarily advanced major power on a European battlefield. I don't know where you are getting your ideas from but the MAIN reason why Western powers will not take on Russia militarily is the simple fact that they cannot win against the Russian military. In fact, they may even lose such an engagement. As you well know, public opinion can easily be altered and money can easily be printed.
Fear of a Russian reprisal? Perhaps, though I think its due to the fact that Romania and Bulgaria don't wish to fracture their ties with Russia. Both rely on Russian natural gas. Are you referring to the Montreux Convention? It does put a cap on the tonnage of a vessel that belongs to a non Black Sea country (US for example) which may enter the Black Sea. Hence no modern US aircraft carrier would be allowed to enter. But there are no limits for Black Sea states.
DeleteIf NATO were to attack Russia they wouldn't send ships to the Black Sea, they would rely on air power, which is what the US has placed its bets on since the early 90s. Complete air superiority. Whether they would achieve that against a peer competitor has never been tested outside of super computer simulations. Same with advanced Russian air defenses (S-500), they have never been used during war much less against a peer competitor like US.
Having interacted with a number of US military officers and NCOs I can tell you that the vast majority have no desire to engage in foreign wars, insurgencies or other kinetic adventures. While the public mood can indeed be manipulated, the costs associated with convincing Westerners to go to full scale war with Russia or China would be immense unless these states actually invaded a Western country (NATO country). You are aware that a sizable amount of US armaments are in dire need of repair or replacement? The insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan were such that no country could have won them. Russia knows this well, it lost to Chechens in the 90s, and to the same towel heads in Afghanistan during the 80s. Lets give credit and criticism where it they are due. Finally, even if I were to agree with you that Russia's military is more powerful than America's, we still would have to factor the financial levers Washington has at its disposal. Until the dollar is replaced by another currency as the world's reserve currency, the US will be able to cause havoc for states through financial war.
Though I agree that what we are discussing is essentially WWIII which I don't see as a near term possibility. Though you do need to stop underestimating the West; they have been the dominant civilization for over 250 years now. The West may be in decline but the other great powers and civilizations aren't close to overtaking the West.
The Soviet Union was in decline in 1980s and Russia was literally on its knees in the 1990s. With regards to the Afghan Mujahedin: They had three major political entities actively funding, training and supplying them: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the US. Strange that you left this bit of important information out. Nonetheless, even with that, what the Soviets in their decline managed in Afghanistan militarily, economically and politically was far more successful - and constructive - than what the West has accomplished against rebels that have had no support other than in Pakistan's tribal areas - and at a time when the West has been at its height in terms of power and influence. I was in my early twenties in the late 1980s and hated Russians and Soviets just as much as any redneck in the US. But I grew up. Please don't take this the wrong way, but do yourself a favor and get your hands on an objective source for what Afghanistan looked like in the 1980s under Soviet rule and compare it to what Afghanistan looks like now under Western rule.
DeleteI have interacted with my share of military personal as well. While back in the late 1980s early 1990s many in the officer corps are very intelligent and sober minded, most of the NCO and enlisted men were self-engrossed, mindless robots with rambo mentalities. I suspect the situation has gotten worst due to the 24/7 military worship the public is exposed to and to the constant flag waving in recent years.
Having said that, I only 'overestimate' Western power in terms of civilization, finance and politics. If you closely read any of what I have written, you would agree. Moreover, I ask people to recognize that there is a fundamental difference between the term "western" (traditional European and north American civilizations) and the term "Western" (Anglo-American-Jewish powers risen to prominence in the 20th century). But I know enough about military matters to tell you that there is a well organized effort to make the global sheeple (especially Americans) overestimate Western military capabilities (specifically that of the US). In my opinion, without the nuclear factor, Western militaries, including that of the US, are paper tigers.
The US and Britain have traditionally been naval and air force powers. Such powers are never truly successful on land - where it matters the most. In my opinion, for a truly successful military, one has to have a very powerful land force, supplemented by powerful air and naval forces. While the West surpasses (thus far) the capabilities of Russia on the open oceans and in the air, Russia will by the end of this decade will have by far the most powerful land force, perhaps on earth. Moreover, Russia could hold its own against Western air and naval forces through the usage of highly sophisticated anti-ship and anti-aircraft missiles.
Finally, I have 'never' insinuated that Russian forces can defeat the Western military within Western territory. All I have insinuated is that IF there was a major battle between Western and Russian forces in or around the Crimean region, Russia has the military advantage to defeat Western forces.
Anyway, go ahead and have your last say. Let's then please end this conversation because we are going in circles.
An alternative look at US military history:
DeleteOther than in the Pacific campaign against Japan in which US forces resorted to using atomic bombs to avoid major combat operations inside mainland Japan, the US military has not been truly impressive in any other major conflict. That includes:
- WWI, when they joined in the war effort with France and Britain against Germany only in 1917
- European front in WWII, when again late in the war they joined Britain and Soviet Union against Germans
- Korea was a mostly a failure
- Vietnam was a total failure
- Lebanon in 1983 was a failure
- Afghanistan (2001) is a failure
- Iraq (2003) is a failure
Partial/unimpressive/incomplete military successes were against:
- Iraq (1991), when a international coalition of over half a million men attacked Hussein's antiquated forces conveniently dug into the open dessert
- Serbia (1999), when NATO went on a ruthless aerial bombing campaign until Milosevic surrendered
The only 'major war' against almost an equally powerful foe that the US waged successfully on its own (without any help from allies) was against southern separatists during mid-19th century.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot: I admit, Granada and Panama were 'total' successes LOL
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteRussia is in full scale action. after the MFA has declared that Russia will not intervene militarily the current developments i am hearing prove that a well planned strategy is in action.
ReplyDeleteDmytri Yarosh is the one who has control of Ukraine. he will soon be eliminated, even though mr. avakov so called armenian interior minister has promised him a high post in interior ministry. the guy is not someone to be taken lightly and has no desire to be part of interior ministry, he is not that type. the opposition, klitchko, timoshenko, yatsenyuk etc have no valid power. they need to eliminate Yarosh and others to get into power. the streets are controlled by Yarosh.
ReplyDeletewestern and sometimes even russian media are pushing propaganda, the real events in ukraine are far away from what we read.
within last 24 hours we can see many calculated moves. things develop very fast. the last NS meeting with Putin probably laid grounds and limits about Russia's goals and participation. it seems like now there is a clear policy from Russia and it is a gradual involvement with covert operations and engagement priorities.
Russia should return crimea after what happened in ukraine. These are troubling times for sure. I came across this article that will interest all of you
ReplyDeleteRussian Ships Arrive On Ukraine's Crimean Coast As Fears Mount Over Russian Invasion In the Region:
More significant developments coming out of Crimea -
ReplyDeleteRussia extends offer of citizenship to Crimea:
Ukraine: Sevastopol installs pro-Russian mayor as separatism fears grow:
Good news, finally Russia is pushing them back
More developments -
ReplyDeleteTensions Rise in Ukraine's Crimea as Russians, Tatars Clash:
Putin orders ‘combat readiness’ tests for western, central Russian troops:
Tatars were chanting allah akhbar. russia should take over Crimea and deport them to USA. they will love them there.
Yet proof that Armenia and Russia are and will remain united forever against a common enemy: the turkic-islamic barbarians scurrying about both our lands, and their American-euro-kike masters. Our region is clearly divided into two rival camps: one side has Russia and Armenia; the other side has turkey, Azerbaijan, north Caucasian and Crimean Muslims, Georgians, Jews, NATO, Europe, America, and assorted Sunni mystery meat from around the world. Once again we see the West has entered a region close to Armenia's borders, and incited regime change that consequently reinvigorated the murderous Muslims in the region which since the days of the Armenian Genocide had been pacified by Moscow - in the North Caucasus it was the Chechens and Dagetstanis which volunteered for Azerbaijan in the Artsakh War, in Georgia it was the plan to resettle Meshketian Turks in Javakhk on the one border Armenia has which is not surrounded by Turks, in Crimea it is the allahakbar-chanting Crimean Tatars... And if the Russians had been a weaker people, Sevastopol, Simferopol and many cities in the worthless Baltic nations would easily become Sumgaits of today. Any Armenians promoting a pro-west agenda under any justification, whether in Armenia, in Ukraine, or in the western Diaspora, is a criminal traitor to the Armenian nation and should be disregarded and dismissed permanently.
DeleteHere is a good documentary about maidan and who they are financed
Here is what's going on in Odessa:
In all these cities in the south east where Ukrainians and Russians share the same cultural values there are meetings and demonstrations popping up. I sure hope the Kremlin is deploying their people to help organize all these regions who are sympathetic to one another and Russia into an a powerful political force. They have the numbers, but lack organization at this time.
This party of regions was supposed to be specifically representative of them, but they turned out to be totally corrupt and cowardly -- the people in the south east region have no faith in this party any more, so a new needs to be formed.
ReplyDeleteFinally, this is the end of Crimea being under Ukraine control. referendum, independence and Russian base legalized same like in abkhazia and osetia.
Good job Putin.
P.S. Eastern ukraine next, hopefully. it is not as easy there since they have no autonomy and their own parliament.
this Putin is something else.
ReplyDeleteall Russian troops in western army are dislocated due to training and took positions all along the border, from baltic all the way down to causasus. kaliningrad too. fuck nato, lets see if they will blink.
More developments -
ReplyDeleteUkraine leader warns Russia after armed men seize government HQ in Crimea:
Russian spy ship docked in Havana:
DeleteCrimea question is almost solved, it is just a matter of time until it will become independent under Russian protectorate.
I just heard on ch 1 Russia a statement from Yanuk, he is in Russia. he declared the current ukrainian gov illegitimate and this is a move for eastern ukraine. we can expect russia installing him as president on eastern ukraine for the time being. this will be the legal way to split ukraine.
При этом танковые соединения и подразделения ЗВО уже завершили погрузку на железнодорожные платформы и в настоящее время совершают марши к обозначенным местам. В частности, оперативно выдвинулись в районы погрузки подразделения Псковского соединения Воздушно-десантных войск.
ReplyDeleteА части, дислоцированные в Заполярье, Калининградской, Самарской, Ленинградской, Псковской, Курской, Воронежской, Липецкой и других регионах, выведены из пунктов постоянной дислокации и находятся в готовности к убытию в любой район, который будет определен Генеральным штабом.
Ряд соединений ЗВО и ЦВО получили задачу пройти своим ходом расстояние свыше 1 тыс. километров.
i wanna see that fucking Mccain's face now
Not sure if lukash in belarus will get into this, sure there is some tension in the north border of ukraine.
ReplyDeleteRussia is making moves in baltic region to make nato get busy there.
i am enjoying this, LOL.
T.K. I remember reading some articles about tensions between Minsk and Moscow. Any ideas about that?
DeleteIn any case, Belarus is extremely vulnerable to western manipulations and needs to be very wary of a color revolution of its own, even though I am certain Moscow would never allow that red line to be crossed (Russia-Belarus common state, CSTO, Customs Union).
It seems to me the Slavic nations, or at lease Russia, East Ukraine, Belarus, and Crimea would be stronger as a federation because Europe and America are determined to undermine those states any way they can
Lukash has been in power for a long time and proved to be a leader. he has consolidated his power on anti-eu/american agenda, rightfully so, back years ago and proved to be true with all world watching how USA and eu is intervening everywhere. He has a good base and much stable now then he was before. in fact Belarus economy is doing better lately. He also managed to build strong military thanks to Russia and i think he can take over ukraine if he wants to. not counting that belarus-russia relations are like federated states. Lukash's economic policies have been criticized by Medvedev and Putin many times. but i think they get alone better now.
DeleteIf Lukash were to place offensive forces right on top of Kiev, i dont mean going into Ukraine that would be enough for maidan to think hard. it will take them an hour to get there. just as a precaution or to make them nervous.
On February 25th, Putin had separate phone conversations with Presidents Lukashenko (Belarus) and Nazarbayev (Kazakhstan). You can only guess what they discussed...
DeleteMilitary cargo planes of Russia are flying to Armenia. sure we are getting something.
Looks like we got Armenian-azeri proxy war in Syria.
ReplyDeleteturkey is paying for every Armenian killed. and i think armed Armenians are responsible for most of those azeri deaths in Syria we are hearing. no wonder turkey is checking armenian cargo.
Armenians serve in the regular Syrian army, there is no special targeting for Azeris, but in general, foreign mercenaries on Syrian soil call for non-negotiable death sentence, wether they are Azeri, Chechen, Libyan etc...
DeleteThis video of ambush from yesterday made by day.
ReplyDeleteyour previous assessment about EU and Russia having a deal about Ukraine's division is a right one to me. watching today's coverage of taking over Crimea in western media tells me it is planned and expected.
There have also been reports that Yanuk has left the negotiating table with 3 EU ministers to speak with Putin and seems like Putin played a role in his leaving the post. he is in Russia now. all this indicate that EU and Russia may have had a deal to divide Ukraine and that makes sense given the situation. no one benefits from having a failed state in between.
ReplyDeleteinteresting interview, the russian version is more accurate.
I liked his last remark about Armenia making use of its Diaspora in the new info centric world economy. He is right on the money. But we have short sighted dummies for the most part in Yerevan, government and opposition alike.
There have been reports of russian btr and troop movement in Crimea as Arevordi was expecting. Russian flags are flying, a referendum date is set on may 25th, and the new prime minister of Crimea has recognized Yanukovitch as their president. i think the last move is to counter this new government in Kiev as illegitimate and later use this for eastern Ukraine.
The West can't even pull heavy equipment out of the Afgans and yet a game is being played in Ukraine. The West did it's best to play in Sooria yet this just made a mess. Now there is another game in the Ukraine.
ReplyDeleteNone of this makes any sense from a Military Military tactical or strategic point of view this is just something the West does not need in this sense. But, if the economic condition is such that a collapse is coming, to divert blame and pass the buck sort of speak is the only rational explanation that I can think of to warrant such stupidity.
BTW if you think China will stand still wait till the West is finished playing this game with Moscow then you are sadly mistaken. This game is not going to go according to plan by the makers of the game.
Events are unfolding:
ReplyDelete- Russian troops have taken over Crimean airports (maybe Yanukovich will land there???)
- Yanukovich is supposed to give a press conference in Rostov (Russia ) in a couple of hours.
- Russian Duma is discussing a law about simplifying the joining of new territories to Russia.
- Russian Duma is asking Venice Commission to check legitimacy of Kiev authorities.
- Russian Military units are on full operational tempo.
- Kiev has started bitching about Russian intervention.
- Arevordi is writing a third Ukraine related article :-)
DeleteAs of now, I'm only in the process of collecting information as they develop. I was actually going to be asking you to give us an assessment of opposing forces in the region: Mainly Russia vs. NATO.
Russian navy is blocking the port where ukrainian navy is.
Russia moved helies to Sevastopol, attack ones.
Arevordi, short answer to your question: Russian forces are in advantageous position because:
Delete- They are already stationed there in Crimea
- The Russians are closer to the conflict zone(Ukraine)
- NATO forces are overstretched with commitments elsewhere in the world
I will write a Russia-NATO military balance article in the future.
Please read this from Noravank, Seyran Ohanyan gave a speech about geopolitics in our region
Margvelashvili was in Armenia, funny it came out he served in soviet army in Etchmiatdzin. here a video of him meeting an armenian family who took care of him.
another video about armenia-georgia relations
Thank you for the updates, TK.
DeleteHere is an interesting interview from Noravank director
Here is something the western media won't tell you.
Consider Belarus GDP vs. Ukraine GDP and pay attention to population and per capita data.
Davutogli will go to ukraine and talks about protection of tatars.
ReplyDeleteTatars have said they will arm and not recognize new Crimea ministers, taking a hard line in support of Kiev's illegitimate government. as always Turkey intervening under CIA directions.
Tatar's mufti in Russia's Tatarstan has spoke about tatars to stay away in meddling Ukraine affairs. basically tatars in Crimea under turkey's support are becoming a fifth column.
we have strong Armenian community there too, going back to 15th century, the first cossacks were Armenians immigrated from Byzantine. time to take up arms.
This is once again a huge sanhedrin operation having the goyim bashing at each others skull. There was an interview with a big ugly Juden USA ambassador to Ukraine, Herbst, these reptiles are everywhere, he mumbled insanities and stupidities, the interviewer was an inexperienced young lass who mumbled the same stereotyped cliche questions which one always knows the answer from the interlocutor. The opposition movement in the Kuiev is an embroidery of juden chess pieces. The question to be asked is " who is not a Juden" . The juden business is to create chaos ,sow havoc, mayhem, destabilize nations and rip them apart. Their objective is being accomplished. Let's hope Putin outsmarts this international Judaics . From Narvik to Rhodes, the Juden rule with their mighty power. Timoshenk, another juden, is released from jail and ready to assume power. The boxer Klitchko another juden acolyte waits on the wings and ready to step into the ring. Suddenly we find the ineffable crypto juden, passing as an armenian ,Arsen the crook; he has a pending case on having hoarded millions out of a land deal. The carousel does its merry go around disgorging one juden after another onto the world stage. They come and go, but are always the same reptiles.What is most ironic, hence there is no doubt the opposition in Ukraine is a Juden stew, is that the big Juden Harris form the american juden kabala is meeting with the alleged " nazi nationalists" in Kiev. This same salamander Harris is the one that gave orders to the freemason Greek stooge Samaras to defenestrate the nationalist-ethnicist movement in Greece the GD. Why is it that these reptiles are everywhere with stolen and assumed names of the countries in which they live in ? As long as they keep out and away from Armenia. Maybe Armenia is a blessing, being poor has its advantages too, for one you don't get to draw the Juden's attention and don't get contaminated with their reptilian philosophies.
ReplyDeleteso who is the enemy? can you get specific? you maybe right in your observations and i am not the one to judge but we want to know names, because who knows but time may come and we don't want to kill the wrong people.
ReplyDeleteOh nooos, pray tell what type of costs Obama?
Here is a video about real life in ukrainian west, the neo nazi Muzitchko is a known anti-russian, he even went to Chechnia and fought alongside Dudayev. he is having a nice conversation with the district attorney (prokuror).
wow, this is something i didn't expect. Putin just up the ante after Obama's warning. lets see, nice Mr. Putin
The Russian senate has just approved the use of Russia's armed forces on the territory of Ukraine until the normalization of the political situation there.
ReplyDeletePutin got the approval, and there are pro-russian demonstrations in Odessa. we can expect russia will gradually take over eastern and southern regions, who knows maybe more. i say once he is committed why not push those into western most regions.
ReplyDeleteSome good news :)
Reuters cracks me up:
ReplyDelete"Putin rested control of the Crimea from Ukraine"
"Putin ready to invade Ukraine" LOL
Yesterday they were reporting that the Crimea is the "last bastion of resistance to Kiev's new rulers". Today, outside of Crimea, there are Russian flags flying over administrative buildings in Kharkov, Donetsk, Mariopol, Melitopol, and Odessa :)
The putschists in Kiev have put the Ukrainian military on combat alert, while the flagship of the Ukrainian navy has defected to the Russian side and is on its way to the Black Sea from the Mediterranean.
We are privileged in the sense that we are watching history in the making. The arrogant West has once again made a reckless/haphazard move by foolishly pushing EuroMaidan morons into the fire, now it's Russia's turn to make a move on the Eurasian chessboard. The Bear has roared, the West, as predicted, has cowered. We are watching Russia execute a brilliant display of military power and realpolitik. At the very least, recent events will see the liberation - defacto or otherwise - of Crimea and certain regions in eastern Ukraine. For this, we can all thank freaks in Kiev. Moscow couldn't have done it without them. Let's hope that western Ukrainians will now enjoy the fruits of bending-over to the West just as much have Greeks have enjoyed it. The show is not over yet, but I can unequivocally say THANK GOD FOR MOTHER RUSSIA. At the end of the day, this will be a good lesson for Armenia's opposition freaks.
ReplyDeleteThe vatican omen you mentioned is very weird, this is not known to happen in nature. I really hope this does not blow into a world war and ends with Russia taking control over Russian areas in the county. I think you are in your element in times like this. I hope your work is having impact on people visiting this blog.
Give this some more time, at the current rate if the West is not willing to go all in then Moscow will win. The police force has been threatened in their own homes, their families! This is Democracy Western Style.
ReplyDeleteif you look at the Police in Ukraine and how they were assaulted and compare it to regular police violence in the UK there is a shocking difference. Some of the footage of the video below is the English police that are not even fighting because of an overthrow of the government but simple people protesting! A fine example below.
In contract look at what they did to the police in Ukraine, in addition to threatening their families and homes.
Contrast all this with singing in a park in England...LOL
Did you guys see the news that local government in Donetsk has also declared their intention for a referendum?
ReplyDeleteAn example of the Western financial levers I mentioned in a previous post. I would welcome the West freezing assets of Russian oligarchs and state officials, perhaps this would be the kick they need to realize that they must keep their money inside Russia.
Putin's political party has been warning wealthy Russians about the risks of putting their money in financial institutions of the Western world. This all nevertheless underscores the need to somehow end the now seventy-year old monopoly Western powers have enjoyed over the world's finance, trade, economy and commodities exchange.
DeleteVery important point Arevordi, those leaches who got rich in russia and moving their money away from russia is a major problem. they may now lose a lot of money. so much for those greedy aholes. instead they could have invested in Russia and helped themselves and their compatriots.
Deletesome are armenians too, i know many who are moving money Russia and Armenia to USA. coming and buying some stupid deals in LA. and most are losing big time too because they have no knowledge about business conduct in USA.
Remember a while back Russia was afraid of the definition of Caspian sea and how it was demarked with its neighbors. All that time they were afraid of US presence. The only one who could give access is Azeris. Well now their fears are worse than ever they can be cut-off in the black sea. So the time has come. The time is Now for Armenians to recognize the independence of Greater Karabakh and use the Karabakh airspace for its own economic development, without fear. Well some may argue what is the relationship with the ongoing situation…
ReplyDeleteRussia can easily get concessions from Ukraine without a wider war using another lever which is Karabakh’s independence. In the present news there is a consensus as to why peace in Karabakh is so vital. It must be understood by everyone, especially afraid are the azeris concerning the ukrainian devleopment. In the present form if whole countries can be marauded and their sovereignty compromised, take the middle east and norther Africa as an example.
When Armenia gains a lever then it can reciprocate the blockading of a pipeline regardless who owns them. The entry points are many; at an arms-length between georgia and azeris. Should anyone try to embargo the Armenians they should channel their efforts to create a land and sea bridge with Russia. This will solve all of Armenias woes , emigration, social , geopolitical, economic problems. Furthermore, this could thwart and stop cold the west's /israeli/Turkey’s ambitions to maraud the countries they are currently challenging, not because of the pipeline dreams ( see analysis of link below) but more important the precedence it creates and how this can be used to solve grievance settlement after 100 years with Turkey.
I watched the demonstration in Donbass today, the size of that crowd was pretty surreal. It started off as a tribute to the Berkut officers who died, but expanded further into a massive pro-Russian demonstration. It sure looks like Donetsk is next after Crimea. They will be kicking their Kiev appointed governor right out if he even dares to show up.
ReplyDeleteIf you are watching Russian media please keep us updated on developments in eastern Ukraine. I am asking you to do this because most of the Western media's attention seems to be on Crimea.
Seems a lot of military is either not obeying orders or just switching sides.
The Admiral switched sides, they named the rear admiral the new one, after 24 hours he switched sides...LOL
Flagship ship has switched sides and is no longer obeying orders from Kiev.
Like I said before all Russia has to do is sit back, the radicals in Kiev don't have time. They are a minority put in place by the West and the thought was they were going to come in afterwords and tell them who their new government was. So much for such childish plans..LOL
This is Odessa
This is Harkov?
This is Kharkiv,
This is in Simferopol
This are a few cities Donetsk, Simferopol, Kharkov,
This is Donetsk
This is Donetsk
Not sure where this is
This is who the West supported, this is crazy! No one in their right mind in Ukraine is going to live under these people for long.
This is from Kharkov this is far North of the country closer to Kiev. Note all the Maiden forces get stormed by the pro Russian mob. These are remains of the tugs from Kiev but they don't have the numbers to do this in all of Ukraine. The West better dig deeper into it's pockets to hire more tugs...LOL
more from Kharkov
This is how the West planed but failed to do what they wanted. By having tugs on the streets, storm government buildings and put a poppet in place, call it victory and 5 Billion was spent on a good deal. Now? Now the plan has fallen apart the West is not going to get what it bargained for. This has now gone very bad for the West!
Thank you for the updates Vahram.
DeleteNo problem brother. You were right about red beard ( still think it was a plot, great timing may I add ).
DeleteTake this as a public apology.
Getze Hayastan
ReplyDeleteAll this western pressure and hysteria we see about current events in ukraine was expected and sure calculated by Russia. the wheel has been rolling and there is no stopping it. Russia is on offensive diplomatically, militarily and strategically. It is not playing poker it is playing Russian roulette (which is never understood in the west). Russia roles out it's weapons when it knows that it can win or die. off course the west is going to counterattack and doing everything it can to maximize their gains but it will not see their plans coming fruitful. the whole eastern ukraine is on the move and arming, there is nothing that can stop this takeover of southern and eastern ukraine. this is getting more powerful daily. i am sure the so called leaders in kiev and even in western ukraine are now thinking about if they can see their grandchildrens. with every passing day they are power and soon will start to blame each other. i just prey and hope that Russia is not gonna stop with eastern and southern Ukriane. once you are in better take some risks. i have not heard anything but it is time belarus starts to join. we need to drive those Yarosh'es to their last bastion in lvov.
azeris are moving troops all along the contact line, they know whats coming after Ukraine. once Russia has sacrificed its relations with the west it has no incentive to stop.
lets hope for the best, we are on the brink of WWIII and we should be ready to make gains.
For Russia to be successful, Moscow has to take control of Crimea and regions east of the Dnipere. The Western-backed regime in Kiev come to power through force, Moscow has to respond and make it costly for them. This is a VERY serious situation not only for Russia but also for Armenia. If Russia is not able to stop Western inroads into south-west Russia, the Western campaign will soon spread to the south Caucasus. If that happens, Armenia will eventually be faced with a bloody uprising, after which we can expect to have Turks and Azeris at our door. Russia's fight is OUR fight. Times like this need to be a reminder of how important Russia is for Armenia's survival in the south Caucasus. This is the reason why our "nationalists" who think Armenia is too dependent on Russia are more dangerous to Armenia than Turks and Azeris combined.
DeleteCrimea is done, no one is gonna give that region back, eastern parts and Odessa (we often overlook Odessa and western side of Crimea close to transdnestria where russians got a base).
DeleteI think Nato thru Poland may soon move troops to lvov. a poxy war may be expected for kiev. this is why i think after poland gets active belarus has to get into this.
belarus has to control poland, by conducting life exercise on it's border.
Armenia has to get active with all out exercises and i am sure we are getting more weapons and russian base is getting equipped to teeth. when will we learn to use such conflicts. and no need to get Georgia involved, we have to aim for the north part of azerbaijan. we can collaborate with chechens and dagestanis, they are tired of rich azeries. we need to use all opportunities we can.
It would be unwise to take control over all Ukraine because Russia would then almost certainly face an insurgency in the central and western parts of Ukraine. The financial costs associated with occupying such a large chunk of territory outweigh any benefits.
DeleteIt is better for Moscow to encourage the eastern parts of Ukraine to push for wider autonomy or outright succession. I do think Crimea will end up in Russia or independent. We will find out by the end of the month I suppose.
As for Belarus, they have not made many public comments in regards to Russia's moves in the Crimea. I think if they are providing support it is covert at this point. Plus, Minsk didn't back Russia in 2008 in regards to S. Ossetia and Abkhazia, not sure if they will back Russia, publicly, this time either. Never met the man, but I don't much care for Lukashenka. He appears like a typical political opportunist.
And please keep us updated on what is happening on the Armenian-Azerbaijan contact line.
The issue of Azeris and Turks should not be thought of as one, that would be an exaggeration and a mistaken belief and is not constructive for argument’s sake . Even if they have a mutually defense pact I disagree they would align the same way. Furthermore, Turkey has to tread carefully, since all it takes is a skirmish before old claims get renewed with a fervor never seen before; that is because the West’s attention could turn against them. The West's involvement in the current situation is not dogmatic but opportunistic and by miscalculation. In the end it is inevitable that both have to lose on the side of history: Turkey's empire has been crumbling for the last 300 years. As for the newly republic of the Azeri’s I am sure a tri-partite agreement ( I let reader's guessing) could accommodate the Azeri/Lezgin/Talysh population without their current leader who is keeping the wrong company and that would bode for a fleeting existence.
DeleteI'd agree with you if you are referring to 'particulars' of a given political or economic matter between Ankara and Baku under the current geopolitical landscape in the region. Overall and in the big picture, however, Azerbaijan and Turkey are pretty much part of the same geostrategic culture: politically and culturally. These factors between our eastern and western neighbors would be much more pronounced as soon as Russia is weakened in the south Caucasus. Baku and Ankara have sometimes not seen eye-to-eye primarily due to the Russian (and to a lesser extent Iranian) factor in the region. Remove the Russian factor and you'll remove most of the problems that currently exist between Ankara and Baku. Yerevan cannot afford to have the kind of illusions you seem to have about Baku and Ankara.
DeleteRussia going into this political oblivion with the west has to make gains. it will be a lose-lose situation if only Crimea is at stake. All the recent news form eastern parts is reassuring. Russia can not stop and eastern parts are coming our way.
As to the rest, Kiev is at stake and it's a major prize, If Russia can manipulate and use the nationalistic card (a lot of kievlians are tired of lvov gangs dictating their terms) maybe kiev is not a lost cause.
i am sure there will be a limit where Nato will start to make moves, and it could be Kiev. i have no doubt Russia will take over the eastern part along with Crimea. it can not back up now.
As to Azeri line, they are quiet on the front, but have moved 3 layers onto the all frontline. they are getting ready. don't take it wrong, not necessarily to attack. they are getting ready for any scenario.
It is all hanging now. still stable as long as Russia is dictating the whole situation.
currently the way things are going azeries have more reason to worry than us.
the resources of CSTO have not been called into action yet. it may if eu will try to take action via poland.
If Moscow stops in Crimea, the West will have won because eastern Ukraine pushes deep into European Russia. This will put Belarus and Armenia at risk in the future. Moscow needs to 'escalate' albeit systematically, gradually and in a well calculated manner. Moscow needs to do everything it can to put Russian speaking regions east of the river Dniepre under Russian control, directly or otherwise. Moscow needs to do everything it can economically and financially to put pressure on the illegitimate regime in Kiev to make them realize that the EU will not cure all their problems. More importantly, Moscow should not be too concerned about Western/EU sanctions because any truly meaningful sanction against Russia will hurt the EU and the West more. Gas/oil is Russia's number one export to the EU. Is the EU willing to put sanctions on Russian gas/oil? Let's say Moscow loses some money as a result of some economic sanctions, Russia's central bank can, as an emergency measure, print more rubles and boost its economy. Hasn't the West been making a living in such manner? Moscow can also seek to make deals with nations such as China to increase their purchase of Russian energy. The West also needs Russia's cooperation on Syria, Iran, North Korea and Afghanistan. I am sure Russian officials realize that the West needs Russia more than Russia needs them. If not, I hope they are reading this blog :)
DeleteCurrently Russia is employing political, information, and psychological warfare to bring eastern Ukraine under its control. If it can maintain this course of action great! What I think would be a big mistake is to occupy parts of Ukraine outside of the Donbas region and Crimea. They will face an insurgency, it will be costly, bloody, and result in horrible PR for the Kremlin. So far Russia has let its proxies in Ukraine do the tactical work, which is good. Russia has also kept in touch with the new regime in Kiev, which is also good. What Russia should encourage is the partition of Ukraine, but it must look like a decision made by citizens of Ukraine, not dictated by Moscow. Who gets Kiev will be the big question.
DeleteAs for the regime in Kiev, they are facing an uphill battle politically and economically. Any IMF bailout will require them to make deep structural changes that are unpopular during the best of times, but will be even more deeply resented by Ukrainians due to the dismal state the economy is in already. Yet again we see that Russia doesn't have to do much to see things go its way, just remain patient and don't make any overt moves. Gazprom said it's going to annul the agreement they had reached with Yanukovich in December concerning the lower gas prices. The $15 billion loan is off the table too. And if Moscow really wanted to break Ukraine, they could place an economic embargo.
EU membership is not on the table for Ukraine, no one is seriously discussing this.
Printing more rubles will cause inflation. Russian CB would not print more rubles, they would sell their hard currency reserves to prop up the ruble, which is what they did today. They'd also look to China for economic deals, and if it came to it borrow money from them. I agree that Russia has and will continue to pivot to Asia Pacific region. This crisis in relations with the West may only accelerate that process. And in related news, Lavrov said that after speaking with his Chinese counterpart that China is more or less in agreement with Russia in regards to Ukraine. This is probably because at some point in the future China will make a move on various islands in the South China Sea, and they will need Moscow's backing.
TK you brought up the CSTO. It will be fascinating to see what, if any, the reactions will be from CSTO members. Many analysts have written off this organization as essentially Russia with a few additional corps (referring to the other members' armies). So far there have not been any comments for or against the new regime in Kiev by any CSTO members save Belarus.
Do you guys think that if things get ugly in Ukraine that Baku will use the opportunity of having the world's attention on Ukraine to re start the war against Artsakh?
DeleteAre you saying that the azeris fear that Armenia can launch an offensive on azerbaijan if war starts in Ukraine?
In a worst case scenario, I would much rather deal with inflation rather than lack of money flow. Printing money will be a contingency plan for such instances. I knew China would more-or-less side with Moscow, precisely for reasons mentioned by LG. This crisis will definitely push Russia's political and economic emphasis further inward and eastward - to EU detriment.
DeleteNo need to involve CSTO in any of this. The only way Russia will militarily move into eastern Ukraine is if violence breaks out in the region. This violence can contrived or otherwise. In my opinion, for reasons I am not going to get into at this time, if Russian troops enter eastern Ukraine there will not be an armed insurgency in eastern Ukraine. At least, nothing serious. Moreover, what the poorly equipped and poorly trained armed forces of Ukraine will do in such an scenario is also not clear. The Ukrainian military is deeply divided not only through ethnic lines but also because many within their military have Russian "connections". We saw an example of this in Crimea. We will see similar defections in eastern Ukraine.
Nevertheless, some form of real control over eastern Ukraine is absolutely essential for Russia. I think Russia is better off without western Ukraine.
DeleteUnder the quietness in the border there is a sense of tension and readiness in our border. Russia is in a deep conflict with the west. It may seems Putin is having an ease time but he is under tremendous pressure. Turks and Azeries are waiting for an opportunity, So do we. we all have to wait and see. I am sure here and in karabagh everyone is ready. the rest will be seen, it doesn't depend from us.
I agree that printing rubles is an option, though unlikely to be the first one the Russians would employ.
DeleteAnd I agree that Russia is better off without the western provinces of Ukraine. In an ideal situation Russia keeps as much of Ukraine as possible. But as you are well aware, the Poles fear having a nationalist Ukraine on their border, which is likely to occur if Crimean and eastern Ukraine are partitioned off. That is an angle I have not seen addressed much by pundits.
Lavrov at it's best as always
And received China's support. We are seeing yet another fruit of the Russia-China alignment.
DeleteRussia, China ‘in broad agreement’ on Ukraine
Important news. Kherson, Odessa and Nikolaev may join the Crimea. those were the regions i was most worried about.
USA is upgrading its missiles based in turkey. we are talking about nuclear missiles next to our door. want to hear what our western loving aholes have to say about this
here is the english version of that same news
pretty honest analysis for an american source
Another more or less important news, Churkov has called a UN security council meeting and presented a letter from Yanukovich asking Russia to help stabilize the situation in Ukraine.
ReplyDeleteit is a legal procedure that needed to be done i assume.
But what made an impression on me is the speech of Samantha Powers, and i have been following her. She is very intelligent, nothing like her predecessors. So Lavrov has it handful now, maybe he needs someone to match Samantha at UN.
Ms. powers has bigger issues. The pro Israel right wing faction in the US doesn't like her at all. This includes many prominent American Jews.
I am sure you may want to see the Russian perspective from an interview of Russian senator, member of foreign relations committee.
From an Armenian perspective, If the absolute worst case scenario happens (i.e. NATO gets involved and Russia is defeated in Ukraine) there will most probably be a full scale Azeri attack against Armenia and Artsakh. Even without the worst the case scenario, any scenario that sees Russia backing off for any reason and allowing Ukraine to fall into Western hands will have a very adverse geostrategic impact on Russia, Belarus and Armenia. Any weakening of Russia will see an immediate strengthening of Western, Turkic and Islamic interests throughout the region. Any form of Russian victory on the other hand will bring the entire region that much closer to Pax Russicana.
ReplyDeleteAgain, we are seeing just how immensely important Russian politics is for Armenia. In a geographic region where Turks, Azeris and an assortment of Muslim nations are the main force, Armenia's existence as a nation-state is only made possible by a strong Russian presence.
On the eve of the one hundredth anniversary of the First World War and the Caucasus Campaign, I cant believe we are discussing this topic. It all feels very surreal. I pay to God for peace - but I hope Kremlin officials are getting their big guns ready just in case.
Ղրիմից մինչև Ղարաբաղ. Հնարավոր նախադեպ կամ նոր պատճառ երկակի չափանիշների համար
In the interest of avoiding any possible group think, but also providing a look into the frenzy that the Western corporate media is spewing about Ukraine, I have collected a number of articles that I came across today. As always read between the lines.
I think in the end Moscow has already won, Western intervention is known internationally as “Fuck the EU”
ReplyDeleteCrimea is Russian even some western sources are saying okay if that’s all you want. The videos below have some great points. For one, the fact that the best part of the Ukraine the South and East are not only pro Russian they have taken over all government buildings. If you thought the Kiev riots were big, what is happening in the Russian half is bigger. The puppet government is in panic! They are issuing all sorts of wild claims, yet they lost the flagship of the navy, they lost two acting admirals. They have lost air force units and god knows what they are loosing right now in the Eastern sections of the country.
Here is a nice bit about sanctions as Arevordi pointed out, Russia has been moving East, not just towards China but East in general i.e. India, Vietnam ext.
This is Donetsk
The game did not go according to plan. As far as Azeri baboons playing games, like I said before China is not going to nor is she standing still. They just lost a bunch of people to a mass knife attack by a bunch of turks. China hates turks, Iran hates the baboons as well. Let them mass on the boarder and play games. China already gave some long Rang MLRS to Armenia, this is not the first time Chinese MLRS systems have shown up in Armenia. Armenia is a tinny country, yet there are all these MLRS systems from China, from Russia, expect other surprises as well. This is not just Russia that has our backs, there are a lot of others. Everyone mentions what the Azeri baboons get from Pakistan, don’t forget India is on our side. I would much rather have an India on my side then stupid Paki’s So let the idiots show their wear, enjoy the show. Watch them carefully as they are stupid, but don’t assume we are just standing still. Don’t assume if someone gets an itchy finger there are a lot of things in the mix, and this is not what the West was hoping for with the game in Ukraine. The end game was supposed to come later after consolidating Ukraine maybe, but this has been checkmated and may even go more in favor of Moscow as time is not on the side of the West. They may be ratcheting up the rhetoric but “FUCK The EU” Remains. This is clearly in violation of international law let alone helping democracy nothing is going to happen at the UN it is too embarrassing. This is another act that shames the West and makes the East look good plain and simple.
Once again Arevordi's blog provides livelier discussions and more intelligent debate and insight than any of the west's presstitutes and controlled forums. Arevordi, LG, TK and others are doing an excellent job providing links. Just like the "coverage" of the Syria events here, the blog has once again proven to be a vital resource for information.
ReplyDeleteI think it is surreal how Armenia's very existence is threatened by the reckless war criminals in Washington and Brussels and their pan-turkic, islamist and non-Orthodox Slavic minions on the ground on the eve of World War One's centennial, let most Armenians here in LA are obsessing over the Oscars, extremely unimportant local events like a city council member or Representative mentioning the Genocide, and several subversive "NGO causes in Armenia".
I stand by my assertion: Russia can cause extreme instability in Europe by merely hinting at price hikes for oil and gas. The EU is militarily weak and divided, and socio-economically it is teetering close to the edge. The Europeans deserve to be punished for their transgressions. The shockwaves would be felt in "the land of the free" as well.
Interview of V. Putin about Ukraine affairs.
Ukraine has de facto split apart. The Russian should consolidate the eastern regions, and the western ukraine can decide what they want to do. The western press blathers about a revolution in kiev, democratic freedom, end to corruption and other liberal-zionist dogmatic shibboleths. There never was a revolution in Ukraine. What we had was a classical putsch by a gang of sick marauders tainted in zionist ideology and prompted to action by the zionist orchestra. There is a claim that nationalist are part of the putchists, this is obvious a brazen lie and a case of obfuscating reality. The so called nationalists are refered by some streams in the media as Nazis; this is misinformation. The so called right sector is nothing but an agglomaration of malcontents who are acting as shock troops for their zionist bosses. The zionists are in full control of these so called " nationalists and extreme groups". There was a meeting between the zionist committee of USA, headed by the monster Harris and the leader of the " nazis" right sector. A communique was issued by the right sector condemning antisemitism as a negative phenomenom and commiting to fighting it. The res of the communique was a blurb about human rights, democracy, tolerance, pluralism and other zionized cliches. Here we have it a praxis alliance between the Nazis of the right sector ( crypto zionists) and the Zionists to consolidate the putsch. Theater of the absurd ? No. This same Nazi putschits have promoted as governors to some eastern region a pair of Jewish moguls-oligarchs; one of them Komsolomsky and the other Turot . Hebraics through and through. Yet these same jewish committees hyenas, specially the odoriferous Harris, issued a decree to the greek PM Samaras to kill the GD because it was a nationalist party with antiglobalist philosophies, and by extension antisemitic. Putin once more he has jewish oligarchs and international zionism gunning for his Russia . Fortunately Russia has sufficient military capabilities to arrest these challenges.
ReplyDeleteAs long as Armenia remains militarily prepared and has the strategic alliance with Russia we have no fear of the two turkish states. Armenia's lifeline is her army. The army must be the main priority of the nation; not human rights, democratic skatocracy, multiparty charlatans in parliament. Armenia must become a militarized society; it is the only way to ensure our existence. geography is destiny, and in our geographic situation the military is our destiny. Let pseudo armenians get intoxicated with democracy-pornocracy, self inflicted masochism, human rights, pluralism,multiculturalism, immigration-invasion and globalist wet dreams. If they imagine the globalized jewified west will spare a thought for their existence, they are indulging in intelectual masturbation ; wake up and face reality.
ReplyDeleteIf you have watched Putin's interview, he said that the ukrainian army that defected and is loyal to crimea now had essential military hardware, he mentioned battalions of S300s and Buk 2M. he said 10s of units. that is a major news. it means they control the ukrainian airspace if need be.
ReplyDeletePutin made an important point in his interview, we all hear a lot about russia and usa having an accord signed in 1994 about protecting ukraine and its territorial integrity. Putin said that when we say that there was a coup western leaders do not agree and say it was a revolution. if it was a revolution than we have a new country with new political system (he brought the example of 1917's bolsheviks coming to power) and Russia has no agreement with that new entity.
ReplyDeleteTraitors we should all be aware of.
Turkey wants to get involved? LOL, please do we are all waiting for that.
Another important development is Jewish leaders coming on russian shows almost daily and praising Russia for taking a stand about ultranationalist in ukraine. they also expressed worries that they think there is raise of such groups in EU in general and Russia is the only country that has stood with them on this issue. they mantioned baltic states, poland, hungary.
ReplyDeleteSome of those leaders have said they are in touch with AIPAC and making sure USA congress doesn't side with them.
not sure if it's a double game, but there is some events taking place in EU politics that tells me Israel is losing political clout they had in Europe. Could this all result in Israel changing sides, and becoming Russia friendly in the future. share your opinion on this.
Jews are sneaky could it be that they are feeling the west is falling and they better switch sides?
the most fun i am having this days is watching CNN, especially bllitzer in situation room and amanpour with almost crying tymoshenko. today they are making naval war between russia and ukraine, sometimes hinting on turkey. american public now is ready to watch a naval war.
ReplyDeletethey also have many graphs comparing russian and ukrainian military powers. what they miss to inform that at least half of the ukrainian army already defected. but the whole show is like we will see a war happening in an hour or two.
Western media now is trying to paint Putin as crazy. This is what happens when 1) a person is dealing with people below his league and caliber of intellect, and 2) when one has nothing of note to say or write make ad hominem attacks disguised as analysis.
an airbase switched to crimea side has 45 MIG29s. seems like crimea is becoming the most militarized zone in the area. S300s, BUKs, MIGs, BTRs Tanks. some arsenal. i think years back Russia gave all this to Ukraine to have a decent cover for the Black sea fleet. so it is most likely Russian anyway. all they needed to claim back what's theirs. No wonder turkey is worried. 45 MIGS??? thats big airpower.
ReplyDeleteget a load of this, nationalists in ukraine have been on record to support Azeries in an event of artsakh war. so much for armenian/ukrainian friendship. when would armenian diasporas take position along to the line of Armenia's strategic interests instead of fearing to make enemies in conflict situations.
Armenian diaspora in any country doesn't matter in conflict or not has to have a clear policy to align with Armenia's government policy. this is BS. we are too soft trying to stay neutral here and there.
If you notice the Armenian government has been neutral too. So it's not only the Diaspora communities who remain neutral in these conflicts.
Google translation of the article T.K. posted. Read this and spread it on forums and comment sections of the controlled press here. Once again the sick mix of turks, azeris, jews, americans, and europeans gloating about their hatred of Armenia and Artsakh:
DeleteUkrainian nationalist organization UNA-UNSO ready to assist Azerbaijan in the aggression against the Republic of Artsakh
Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Ukrainian National Assembly - Ukrainian People's Self-Defense ( UNA-UNSO ) Mikola Karpyuk in September 2010 answered questions Azerbaijani site Vesti.Az.
In an interview with journalist M.Karpyuk assured that " UNA-UNSO in favor of maintaining the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan" , and also spoke about the participation of Ukrainians in direct military aggression against Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh Republic - Artsakh Republic in 1991 - 1994 years. invites readers to get acquainted with the interview with the leader of UNA-UNSO Azerbaijani website .
- UNA-UNSO from the very first days of its inception in 1990, advocated the resolution of the Nagorno -Karabakh conflict within the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Today UNA-UNSO refers to this conflict ?
- I am very sorry that there was this conflict . I would also note that the Karabakh conflict opens the door to Moscow's hegemony in the South Caucasus . In spite of everything , and then , in the early 90s of the 20th century , and now , the UNA-UNSO always been in this conflict for the preservation of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Nagorno-Karabakh - a territory of Azerbaijan. I'd like to see justice finally prevailed, and were returned to the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.
- It is gratifying that this is not just words. It is known that during the war, Azerbaijan actively assisted by volunteers from Ukraine, in particular , members of the UNA-UNSO ...
- I have to say , I personally was not Nagorno-Karabakh . But Azerbaijan's territorial integrity protected then many Ukrainians . One of them was very close to me - Leonid Tkachuk , who was captain of the instructor in Karabakh. Unfortunately , later Tkachuk died in Georgia in 1993. He died in Sukhumi , where he was buried . When entered the city Abkhazians , they razed it to the ground tomb .
- Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is still far from being resolved . Unlike the early 1990s, today Azerbaijan has enough resources to liberate their land . However , in the case of intervention in the conflict of third countries , which will help to provide the UNA-UNSO Azerbaijan?
- First of all , information assistance . In general, the UNA-UNSO Azerbaijan will possible help to restore its territorial integrity.
------------------------------------------- does not intend to comment on the interview. We only recall that " to protect the integrity of Azerbaijan many Ukrainians " have suffered as a severe defeat on the Artsakh Republic Defense Army , however , and by Azerbaijan .
Deletewhat i meant is that armenians in diaspora have to side with Armenian government's chosen line in foreign policy. for example if we have a conflict in Ukraine, Armenian diaspora there should take sides with forces that support our line. to get involved with a side that is hostile to our cause means they are becoming enemies to us. so either they take our side or let them represent ukraine and not call themselves Armenian.
Russia Deploys Modernized Warplanes in Armenia
Good thing we have a professional military-based think thank in Armenia: Razminfo-Zorakn. They provide the best analyses. They study military developments per week in Armenia, Georgia, turkey and azerbaijan. This is what we need for our country, and also in other spheres(but that's another topic)
Ղրիմում ռուսների դիրքերի թուլացումից կշահի Թուրքիան. Կարեն Վրթանեսյան
The EUs reactions so far:
Info on Russian troops in Crimea:
Look out below, Russia test fires ICBM from the Caspian.
ReplyDeleteSome nice vids on the Topol
Don’t all freak out this was a known test, the fact that Moscow continued with the test is a signal in itself but that is a point of another discussion, as Moscow is showing no mood in backing down. As I stated they have one, they just sit and wait this is going to crumble for the West. This is a monumental form of stupidity that I have yet seen coming from the West. Their assess hanging, what can I say “ Fuck the EU”
So who agreed to the massing of troops on Armenian’s borders?...Please don’t make me laugh Azerbaijan....LOL
Yet another stupid move by Azerbaijan. Remember the Russian base in Armenia is not there to protect Armenia from Azerbaijan, it is there to make sure Turkey stays put. So Azerbaijan stop making me laugh! You can’t even manage to overtake by the cloak of night with 50 commando’s. In complete surprise in two groups from two directions against 7 teen age Armenian boys...leaving 7 dead Azeri baboons....LOL
Belarus had been brought up earlier. I mentioned how they couldn't be counted upon, at least not too much. Below are links to two articles explaining some reasons why. The outlet in question is pro western so they have obvious biases.
I know very little about internal politics in Belarus. I would like to know how entrenched Western assets are in Minsk, and their relationship with President Lukashenko. If you dig up anything in English I would like to see it.
DeleteI can briefly address your question. The opposition is Belarus is an assortment of liberals, nationalists, and some fringe Marxists. Within each group are more sub groups, splinter groups, and cross over between the three. So for example a liberal may be pro US/EU anti Russia and Poland, and a nationalist. Or a Marxist who is against Poland, EU/US, and Russia but wants Belarusians to consolidate their national identity, so in a way he's a nationalist too. For the most part Belarusians are content with Lukashenka, they know he's a bastard but he has kept his word about jobs and social programs creation or at least stabilization. As is the case in Ukraine the western parts of Belarus tend to favor closer ties with the West, particularly Poland. However, even these types speak Russian on a daily basis, which is not the case in western Ukraine. Just as Ukrainian is a recent ethno-national group (didn't exist prior to 19th century), same is true with Belarusians. They are a mix of Poles, Lithuanians, and Russians. Of the so called Eastern Slavs the Belarusians are the least ethno-nationally minded.
DeleteAs for Lukashenka, he doesn't have true ties with the West, and now more than ever he is beholden to Moscow. He is a Russophile and even had dreams of running for president of Russia in the late 90s. When he flirts with the west it is to score as much as he can from them but more importantly he is trying to get something from Moscow. So it is a light form of blackmail. 'We will remain loyal to you but provide us with what we asked for.' Sometimes it works, usually it does not.
Poland, and Lithuania to a lesser extent, have been the main Western advocates of Belarus but Lukashenka is such a wily character that they're not sure if its worth pursuing ties with Minsk if he's the leader. Since all three states were part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for a few centuries there are a number of historical legacies that bind them together and pull them from one another. So sometimes Warsaw and Vilnius are at loggerheads over how to deal with Minsk.
In short, I wouldn't worry much about Western assets in Belarus for the time being. It is a nut they have tried and failed to crack for 20 years.
Belarus is an agrarian country, 60-70% are village people who love their Baatka Lukash. they are common russian people with strong feelings about mother Russia. this is why the west was not able to do much there. Lukash is tough with NGOs and the opposition. there are Radio Free Europe (Azatutyun) sponsored opposition and they have been active more before than now. Communists are active too and pro-russian off course.
Deletethe biggest difference i see in Belarus and Ukraine is that jews in Ukraine have always controlled Ukraine and that is not the case in Belarus.
So it is as stable as Russia, politically. Certainly nothing like Ukraine. I think big polish population has moved out of Belarus too.
Naturally, amidst all of this turmoil, the kikes managed to slip in one of their own as Prime Minister. This piece of shit was being groomed for the past 5 years from what I've been reading, comes from the classic "Jewish family". Being a kike, of course once his position is solidified, the World Jewish Congress will put him in direct links with U.S. based Jewry to coordinate US efforts through Jewish lines of communication. In the meanwhile, the Jews in Russia are coming out in droves nervous as to what's going to happen in terms of their existence in Russia contemplating whether they should "get our while the gettins good", so they play both sides of the fence, in the US they coordinate with Ukrainian Jews to push forward EU/US agendas of a coup while in Russia they exercise "soft passive" approaches of praise for Russian actions against "nationalists".
ReplyDeleteIn this whirlwind, the Jews coordinated themselves well, while naïve jackass Armenians 1) died at the Maiden fence with a fist clenched in the air for a foreign nation's interests 2) Got sucked into the whole "if you helps us overthrow ethnic Ukrainians we will recognize the Armenian Genocide" 3) The Jackoffs at Asbarez are on high "passive aggressive" alert with articles about Armenian "history in the Crimea" completely oblivious of the Geopolitical implications these next few weeks will have for Armenia proper. Fuck me God, WHEN oh WHEN will we get our heads out of our asses???
I enjoy reading your comments because they always give me a good laugh while addressing many dark and depressing truths about Armenia and Armenians. The things with us is that we don't have a religion like the kikes do where we claim we are God's "chosen people" and that Armenia is "God's bride" and that we are morally and religiously required to look at all races as cattle beneath us to be exploited. So our individual talents get wasted pursuing self-destructive ends. Add on top of all this the fact that our national institutions are weak and underdeveloped at present and you can see why its frustrating.
DeleteAs for asbarez and the diasporan nationalist nutjubs (there is in all honestly no better way to describe them other than nationalist nutjobs -- Arevordi's descriptions are amazingly accurate, like "self-destructive peasantry"), well they are simply paid agents doing what their employers tell them to do. I don't know which are more despicable, the human garbage that put out such toxic black lies against Armenia, or the human garbage which consume those lies so unquestioningly and then go about repeating it ad nauseum within the larger community.
BTW, do you ever comment on asbarez? I see many brilliant comments by names I don't recognize there.
In reality it is grim but I have to say the diaspora is of no real use to Hyastan! After reading your comment in just downed on me that after 20 plus years aside from the brave few who went to hep there is not much that we have done as a community. All we seem to do in the West is bitch and moan. We are more of a liability to Hayatan then of help! Sure a million here and a million there helps build a school here and there but outside of that has done NOTHING!
DeleteLets face it, as a general rule we are anti Moscow, anti Armenian gov, and they are living in a dreamworld. A world of dreams that is nothing but a danger to what is left.
Yulia Tymoshenko, this whore should NEVER have been released. The bruises on her arms and her pissing herself from crying in jail are barely over and she is back on the horse with her pro-NATO/West bullshit. This is the same cunt that spent the last 10 years prior to her arrest profiteering from back door gas deals with Russia and was a big player in the Ukrainian Gas market, at one time being hailed as the richest woman in Ukraine. After her release her handlers did not waste time propping her up so she can make pro-west "calls for solidarity". She should have been beaten to a pulp in jail and raped/ravaged on a daily basis to the point of traumatizing her so badly psychologically that the mere mention of the word "politics" would cause her to self-defecate.
The Russians should not be scared of the "sanctions" and being "kicked out of the G8". Considering 30% of the EU's gas comes from the RF, I doubt the French, Brittish, and Germans have the gall to put their pampered "democratic" societies through such strains. The Russians have dealt with much worse in terms of raw starvation, gulags, and other horrific times in their history. Losses in stock value of RF companies while damaging on paper in the intangible world of finance, on the ground means very little. Russia has real fuel to keep their homes warm, a vast wilderness with limitless natural resources. Iran weathered a full global Anglo-America-Zionist financial onslaught for nearly 5 years before showing some signs of buckling and it does not have 1/10 the resources, tech, and know how of the RF. All of these "threats" of sanctions mean little more than a fart in the wind when real hard valued resources and tech are considered. The US/EU want to psychologically pull Russia into playing their game of financial smoke and mirrors, but when you strip away the paperwork; raw materials, natural resources, and the tech to refine and make use of it all are still king on the geopolitical stage and the RF has the most in the world.
ReplyDeleteThe best analogy that comes to mind with all this sanction bullshit coming from NATO is our own miserable lives here in the capitalist US. If you have $1000 in the bank in the form of liquid with another $100,000 in credit cards and a home equity loan, then if the banks decide to "cut you off" and roll back your credit limits/values and your credit score plummets, then yeah, your nuts are in a vise. But if you have $1,000,000 liquid sitting in the bank with another $500,000 tucked under the mattress and the bank says they are rolling back your $100,000 credit to $5000 if you stop working with them, you tell them to go fuck themselves, you WILL whether the storm.
What the world needs to realize is this is not Iran you are dealing with, with foreign refineries running and outputting the natural resources with mid to low tech know how. This is not Iran with Phantom F4 and under maintained F14s sitting on air fields. This is Russia, they put men in space, have 4.5 gen fighter squadrons, and refine their own resources as primary producer. Again, Putin needs to have them play his game and not get sucked into their game, things need to get done on Russian terms using real levers of leverage of which Russia has plenty of. As so famously said, it's time to "nut up or shut up" for EU/US.
ReplyDeleteYulia Tymoshenko is not just a whore, she is also a Jew...LOL
ReplyDeleteWhat turkey's (lack of) options are :)
This is worth checking out to.
Just like South Ossetia and Abkhazia before it, I think that the succession of Crimea and the other Russian-speaking regions of Ukraine would provide a lot of diplomatic maneuvering room for Armenia on the international stage regarding the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh.
ReplyDeleteA lot of raucuous sounds and bell banging is taking place about the putschists being a " nazi gang". The leftist west in cahoots with Russians are branding the putchists as Nazis, fascists , Hitlerites and other shambolic labels. There must be a clear distinction between the "Right, and the extrem Right. We see photos of this pseudo nationalist Ynusiek, a bespectacled man looking more like a public librarian than a nationalist chief, surrounded by the jewess Nuland and her gang of jews all smiling and oozing an air of supreme authority. We see Yanusiek next to the other big jew Hague in an interview where Hague does all the talking and Yanusiek the listening in silence; like a schoolmaster lecturing a pupil. It is obviously clear the government is jew run, it is not a Nazi style government or a fascist government, like leftist low key propaganda makes it out to be. The small clique of anti jewish politicos which are in the ukranian government are referred to as "Extremists and radicals " that is the nuance utilized to differentiate the jew ridden Nulands boys.. There lies the crux. The Jewess Nuland's puppets ( Yanisiek and his cohorts ) are not antisemitic-anti zionists; therefore they are perfectly acceptable to the jewified EU and American and Israeli establishments. We have the rabid crypto jew of Venizelos ( Greece's party and government leader) who pledges an oath that he never speaks, nor greets, nor discusses anyhting with " Nazis, and Fascists"; yet this bromidrosis character jets to the Ukraine and has no qualms to shake hands with the rough looking speaker of the Ukranian parliament, behind him a photo montage of the leader making what appears to be a hitlerite salute. How much influence these " nazis " have in the jewkranian government is irrelevant in the major scheme of things. We hope and pray that the Eastern regions secede and declare their autonomy, kick out the jew governors , and start on an independent path. Atsakh can then establish relations with these regions, in the same manner they have done with Abkhazi and Ossetia and grant each other mutual recognition.
ReplyDeletehere is the conversation between Ashton and estonian MF, it was stated there that the snipers in kiev where not from Yanuk, proving that maidan killed their own people to provoke,
Take a note of this, the west is all over talking about invasion, in fact russia has right to have 25k troops in crimea.
Info on PR firms that work on behalf of Russian government.
ReplyDeletewe talk a lot about geopolitics and USA and EU agenda. that is there. but i also think this whole situation is not only about geopolitics in russia's western front.
there might be another agenda. USA has a major political problem, the 2 party system and rich getting richer has to blow one day onto their face. I think they want a big enemy scare here. they need Russia to be this new USSR for many reasons, here are few
- create fear and gather americans together against a common enemy
- keep military spending up
- to find a reason to blame economic hardship of americans on 3rd party
- off course gains in geopolitics
- to have a good reason to strengthen NSA, CIA, FBI and Police to crack down on common americans
- to create events they can rally patriotic emotions
- to make current leaders in usa political scene tough leaders, PR work for them
- to make the premise of selective 'democracy' the main agenda in the brains of common MJ clouded minds in USA.
ReplyDeleteplease read the lower part of the article about legal clarifications in bosporus
Seems like Putin made a special offer to Armenia, with CU acceptance automatic membership in EAU
one thing is sure in current geopolitical events Arevordi's dreams and hard work are getting fast tracked for the benefit of our nation.
maybe once for last 1000 years we are getting lucky, LOL
Looking at this situation today I am going to stick to what I said before. This is not over and the ground under this revolution is crumbling. Every propaganda outfit in the US is talking crap. No one is even bringing up Nuland, or the snipers. At this pace knowing what we know I bet there is more and more that Moscow is quite on. Give it a few more days I wonder what else we are going to learn. Internationally the America has lost so much credibility that this is a new low! They can't hide this from the rest of the world, nor do the PR stunts work as good any more.
ReplyDeleteLook at Putin, look how he talks to reporters look at the information he shares. Then take a look at the west and how they speak and how stupid they sound, and how fake they are. Then look for the press to spin spin spin, because America does not have any news any more. All America has now is spin spin spin and only at home, America has lost the power to spin this globally. A few years down the road the idiots at the top will look back at these days and long for the day that America spoke to the world, and the world listened.
Moscow should do exactly what I said, just hold the current position and do nothing but wait. The longer they wait the more they win!
This is a joke of a revolution the world has ever seen, and all see the dirt clearly it is out in the open. No amount of JEW spin is going to make this go away. Moscow should not give an inch, just sit exactly as they are. They should sit and let this fester more and more, every day, every minute every second makes Moscow stronger. The West shot it's load, this is a mess and the mess belongs to the West, spin spin spin...and who is in the middle of all this?...the JEW
ReplyDeleteRFE article that claims Russia is engaged in info and propaganda war. While I don't disagree with them, we all know that RFE is but one of several well known Western outlets which are doing the same thing!
What Russia is doing can only be described as a brilliant display of statecraft. It's been a wonderful show to behold, it even had an ICBM launch LOL
DeleteBy sending into Crimea thousands of highly trained troops and telling the world community that the troops in question are not under Russian command - they are essentially giving the entire western world the middle finger.
As a lie, it's no bigger lie than American officials crying about respecting borders of nations. Again: Cuba, Granada, Venezuela, Lebanon, Palestine, Panama, Iraq, Serbia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Egypt and Iran have been violated repeatedly by Western powers.
Had Moscow openly sent troops into Crimea, it would have been a major legal matter vis-a-vis international law. Since Russians want to uphold international law - at the same time not pass up a historic opportunity to liberate Crimea and rub Western noses in shit in the process - they are having their troops take off their insignias.
It's brilliant.
I agree.
DeleteWhich is why the worst the West can say and do are outlined by this latest statement from Samantha Power.
She conveniently left out the fact that within the EU and NATO there are divisions on how to react toward Russia. As well as the ramifications of Russian counter-moves to any serious Western sanctions and attempts at political isolation would entail for Western power/interests in other parts of the globe.
As unlikely as it is I'd really like to see China or some other powerful none Western state step up and offer words of support to Russia. But they are all beholden to Western interests in some form or another.
I am 'extremely' impressed by Moscow's geostrategic foresight, military professionalism, political cunning and diplomatic acumen. Moscow has been operating like a finely tuned machine. They are escalating as they are deescalating, they are not talking as they are talking, they are speaking the truth and misleading at the same time. They have every angle covered. They are going toe-to-toe against the West's most powerful weapon, its propaganda outlets such as CNN, BBC, Aljazeera. They are meticulously creating a whole new reality as the world watches and they are shattering the myth of Western invincibility - without having fired a single shot in anger. They are playing a brilliant round of chess.
DeleteIt's like the Kremlin is constantly several steps ahead of the West on the chessboard. Crimea was their lightening fast check - and they have several other moves ready for the checkmate, just in case. It's all very fluid yet very-very well planned and managed. This outstanding performance goes way-way beyond President Putin's persona. In my opinion, this is all a reflection of Russian society and just how well oiled the state apparatus in Russia has become in recent years, naturally thanks to Putin's leadership.
As good as Moscow's reaction was in the summer of 2008, it was still rough around the edges, especially with regards to the military factor. This one is much more sophisticated and impressive to behold, especially considering the fact that this one is much more geopolitically sensitive as it's taking place in Europe and at the very doorstep of NATO.
I have been longing to see "statecraft" such as this for many years. Pay close attention to these developments as they are historic and will shape the future world.
"Had Moscow openly sent troops into Crimea, it would have been a major legal matter vis-a-vis international law."
ReplyDeleteLOL!! so Why is it that the the Jew sends Nazi troops into the Ukraine, and now is the time that everyone should pay attention to International Law? What law?...LOL
Getze Haystan!
How the armed forces of Russia and Ukraine compare.
US naval ship heading to west Black Sea for exercises with Romanians and Bulgarians.
Russian nuke forces at the ready, supposedly the below is a sat or drone picture. Not sure how accurate the Western sources are any more as they are pumping war. As they pump the war thing nothing real is showing up on the Ukrainian front from the West.
Crimean front, they are going to hold a referendum in 10 days. I'm assuming this is cripto communications telling idiots in Ukraine right they have that long before Crimea is lost for good.
As an added bonus an old Russian ship was sunk to bottle up what remains of the Ukrainian navy
Rossya24 is doing an excellent job. I am watching it and they are leaving nothing unturned. As Arevordi said, they are going up against the best of them.
ReplyDeleteThe other day I heard a western official bemoan angrily that the Russian media is engaged in "slander" against "the Ukraine government". That was music to my ears that he is being kept up at night due to what the Russian media was saying.
By the way, they arrested a "people's governor" of Donbas, that is going viral all across Russian media and most of the population of Donbas are watching Russian channels -- the putchits in Kiev are only making things worse for themselves.
The other thing, some Ukranian generals insisted on disarming and removing "Right Sector" thugs from the streets -- Yatsenyuk proceeded to fire them. What Ukraine needs is a good ol' military coup --
ReplyDeleteA few developments to note for today.
ReplyDeleteThere were a few things posted by the New York Times. For one the position of England and how it would not join the sanctions because the city of London has a lot of money from Russia, and a lot of the wealthy Russians have houses in London.
The second story is more interesting it reveals the lack of experts dealing with Russia both in government and academic circles. Now I provide the link to this below as its a very interesting story to read. Normally I don't give much credit to Western sources as it's full of propaganda but once in a while they still produce some semblance of news that is worthy to read. Now mind you had England toed the line and was a good doggy you would not even hear such info.
What is funny about all this is that the West had no plan B. There are many reasons for this, the biggest one I think is because of the success the West has had in doing this so many times. Each time the West has done this the target state has failed, and puppets put in place. So the boys in the West had a great idea, who's left?....ummm how about Ukraine...LOL
What is shocking is the lack of wisdom, critical thinking and let alone the experts to advise anyone. The emperor truly has no cloths. Too boot what the hell are they going to do with the failed state that can't even pay it's gas bill to Moscow? What are they going to do now? Give aide so they can pay Moscow? That really hurts Moscow...LOL
What is also becoming a perverted thing, every day Russia is going to attack. Every day there are Russian tanks on the boarder ready. Every day Russia is taking over another base by force. You can argue everything is perverted in the West it is but I fail the find sexual gratification in failed geopolitical games. Every hour they are taking over another Ukrainian base, yet none of these have materialized. I have a feeling the only plan b that the West has come up with last minute with the lack of Russian experts to have a brawl with the Ukrainians and Russians. As the Ukrainian side is all lip and does not make a move or dares too should I say, or should we say they can't or know the reaction of the armed forces. Moscow is playing a very smart game knowing time is only making them win more. So the West in a last ditch effort is doing all the spin it can muster to try and make some more hell on the ground. Maybe they figure this will cover their tracks and perhaps create another situation as to get this off the airwaves and bring forth something else as to deflect some heat from them....but no Go!
Unless Moscow sees some action from someplace requiring action they are going to do what I said. Sit and watch! The more they sit the more they watch the more they win. How long do you give the Ukrainian army before they are totally demoralized? This is assuming they have a fighting spirit to begin with, looking on the ground this is not the case. Whatever spirit they had has already been sapped. And every day, every minute they are more drained. They don’t like the hard right either, they stayed off the streets, now they have people they don’t support. Never mind the Russians in the Ukrainian army.
The plan was to get the stooge they wanted in place, and all the money in JEW hands. This is bad for EU, this is bad for America, this is bad for Ukraine. None of this matters, the JEW would get money, place who they want in charge, and everyone else would suffer.
But wait, these guys patrol the street, they hate the JEW. The plan all went to shit, what is not being spoken of so openly is that these Nazi troops that don't like Russia, don't like the EU, or anyone else, but they most certainly hate the JEW. And who was handing out cookies to these guys? Nuland, a JEW...LOL you can't make the shit up.
Guess where this is?
This is Roma Italy. The JEW is doing a wonderful job, for bits of money their god.
And below is France where they are chanting Jews out of France.
The JEW French government banned a comic for his views, this is what the French people did in protest.
This is Hungry
This is Holland
So Moscow sits back, and Moscow wins. With all the problems the JEWS have perhaps it's not the West that has no cloths, but the JEW is truly naked. Now the wisdom of sitting back while securing the navel base makes all the sense in the world. Welcome welcome to the new world order.
ReplyDeleteNice updates Vahram. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was 19 years old, I witnessed something that got me paying attention to world events.
The year was 1999, and that of course was the bombing campaign on Yugoslavia. It got me doing a lot of reading and researching about the violent break-up of Yugoslavia.
During the Cold war, Yugoslavia was quite a unique entity. For a smaller country, it had a very powerful military (I am not sure any other European military could have taken them on 1 on 1 if you will). It was a leading state in the non-aligned movement. It had prepped its military doctrine to withstand a military onslaught from either of the 2 superpowers (methods that were actually demonstrated during the bombing campaign).
If one is a student of Yugoslavia break-up, you could see that it had everything really. It demonstrated all the methods that the west attacks a country. Sowing and encouraging ethnic, religious, and political conflict; economic pressures and sanctions; war by proxy and mercenaries; overt military aggression/bombing; protests and subversion. This bringing down not only the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, but also Serbia afterwards. I watched how a once proud, warlike, defiant, and principled nation was brought to her knees and how her people were demoralized to the point of complete indifference. Yugoslavia and Serbia was finally done -- it is the very epitome of humiliation when the leaders of this country hand over their own compatriots to kangaroo courts and beg the very entities who destroyed their country to join them.
Now during that time, I browsed about the project for a new american century website. It is really curious that the website does not exist any more. However, what I read there is in fact the very policy being followed by the "west". On that site, they had a map of the globe with "hotspots" being outlined. Hotspots as in the areas of the world where the Americas "leadership" is needed to bring "democracy". Those areas were: The Balkans, the Caucusus, Central Asia and Afganistan, Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon, and guess who else? Yep Ukraine. Ukraine was always set up to be a battle ground and a failed state. A young woman from Simferopol once told me (when I asked her a question about Ukraine's dynamic of mentalities) that there is "just Ukraine" and there is "west Ukraine". She said "we are not the same thing" -- "west Ukraine was always west Ukraine". So in her mind, she didn't see herself and the people she is used to as being part of the same nation as those "weirdos" from the west -- and this is obviously being exploited.
By the way, Arevordi, current events explain to me exactly why Russia did not supply Iran with advanced weapons system (or maybe they did under the condition that it not be revealed) -- that would have been playing an ACE a little too quickly. I have really learned the importance of progressive escalation as a tactic. Russia don't want to play all those moves that create major headaches for the west at once. I am also reminded of Hezbollah's rocket fire during the 2006 war. They didn't fire their whole arsenal in anger -- they rationed and were able to suck the zionist forces deeper into Lebanon where they could do the real damage.
DeleteInternational relations and geopolitics is a high stakes game of chess played by highly skilled career diplomats, politicians, economists and military leaders. Yet, most of us, including myself, treat politics as if its a street fight or a family dispute. We project our ignorance, emotions, frustrations, fears and our biases into politics.
There is a good Armenian saying for this: "koshkakarneri qaghaqakanutyun"(politics as seen by shoemakers). "koshkakarneri qaghaqakanutyun" is what the masses practice as experts in places such as the Kremlin draw up plans of the kind we are seeing in Crimea.
When you ask a person who is not a doctor a medical question, they will most probably say: I am not a doctor, you need to speak to a doctor. When you ask a person who is not a musician a musical question: they will most probably say: I am not a musician, you need to talk to a musician. When you ask a person who is not a farmer a question about animal husbandry, they will most probably say: I am not a farmer, you need to speak to a farmer...
But, for some strange reason, when you ask a person who is not a political analysts or a political expert or a career politician about a political question: More often than not you will immediately get strong ideas, suggestions, opinions, proposals...
Why is that?
I have studied political relations and political history all my life and I am still learning. I have very good analytical skills and clear vision when it comes to political affairs but I still make mistakes and I still get blinded by emotions sometimes.
What makes the average person have strong ideas about political affairs?
Politics, geopolitics, international relations and warfare are sciences and an art form. That is why there are world famous universities that teach such courses. Diplomats, political experts and military officers are not prepared on the streets, they are prepared in the finest institutions by veteran diplomats, politicians and military officers. Once you take the science and the art form that is international relations and put in into the laps of the masses or at the whims of "democracy" you get situations like we have in Ukraine and Syria.
Had any of the EuroMaidan freaks understood even a tiny bit about international relations, economics and geopolitics they would not have committed self-mutilation. Those freaks in Kiev, as well as similar freaks in Armenia, are zombies brainwashed by lofty yet shallow notions such as civil society, democracy, human rights, freedom, etc. These zombies are obviously encouraged to do what they do by Western imperial interests. Now, Ukraine will either become a bloody battlefield or be locked down in severe poverty and economic despair for decades.
Western powers have figured out that when it comes to dealing with an uncooperative government, it's better to by-pass officials and go straight to the gullible masses. And, as you know, they have the powerful tools to do so: mainstream news media, NGOs, financial aid, financial loans, activists, provocateurs, agents, Hollywood, MTV...
Big character in russian media Aram Gabrielyanov. someone with balls and common sense. He owes, etc. Get ready he is hardcore, curses in any interviews, real Armenian. See what he says about media wars
Update for Saturday March 8.
ReplyDeleteStill quite on all fronts the status is maintained as predicted. Top story of the day in Western press Malaysia plan crashes into the see not Ukraine.
Expect more of the same, Western leaders are tired, they need the weekend to rest. Expect nothing till Monday morning. Weather forecast for Monday, weather seems to be normal temps, slight chance of rain...ROTFLMAO
skhara, good points you raised, but I caution one thing about Iran and S300. S400 seems to be online, so S300's are available on mass. Syria has them as far as I can tell, judging by the lack of Jew strikes on Syria, very careful to hit Hizb troops on the Lebanon side of the boarder. Also I think we have to start to understand the possible reasons why Moscow might not have given Iran S300. Lets face it Iran can copy it! Iran was able to put into service, and maintain F14 Tomcats! Iran has produced complex parts and put into service F14's to this day.
Last time there was a breach of some kind in Iranian airspace, and Moscow made sure to give them radars that can detect stealth. Moscow only gave one or two units but enough for Iran to copy and mass produce. The example shows BUK as well as other radars.
More to the point, even without an assist Iran has copied captured drone.
In my view with the S300, Moscow may have blamed the West and whatever else, but the real reason is the ability of Iran to copy.
Copy of the of the Kormet.
Copy of the Cobra
ReplyDeleteThis is the "Fuck the EU" conversation. The point is though the way they are talking on the phone coordinating their little puppets. Klitch is out, "Yats" is our guy. This was well before the government was toppled, so clearly they didn't want any deals just toppling the government.
Also, I don't believe Russia will be using military in eastern regions. Crimea is understandable, but the main thing should be major destabilization effort and helping the south-easterners to coordinate their actions.
The Ukrainian army speaks, I bet this is how most feel.
Jew MP with an gun, this is the gun that was used to kill police and protesters alike.
There will be more icing on the cake in the coming days.
Balckwater agents in Ukraine, getting chased as the Russian protesters call them by their names...
Sunset in the Crimea:
Map showing the Eastern and Southern regions that may break away. Includes Transdniestria:
The yid fraternity has the jewkraine by their shorts. Yats the yid, klitchko the yid pawn, nudelman and Kagan, the governors in the east all yids. Can not someone put 2 and 2 together and understand that it is too much of a coincidence for not to bea yidish complot. It is sheer bizarre in all this mixed up stew how the so called " nationalist", extremist, nazi-fascist" are faring with their brothers in crime the yids. Surely Adolf must be turning over in his grave . Putin plays his cards accordingly; he blames the " antisemitic" gangs of, nazis and fascists for the revolt. However the yids in the EU and across the atlantic, Kerry, Hague, Fabius, Hollande, Cameron and the mulatto Obama ( a jewish pawn) don't seem to be heeding the message. The terrorist Yarosh has asked the islamists to attack Russia, and has pledged undying servility and protection to the yids in Jewkraine. I wonder when will the yids kick him out, The Ukraine operatta is over. Whether the yids have won or lost this round is anyone's guess. Russia will absorb the eastern districts and the Crimea, and the yids from the EU will grab and sit with kiev. It is very difficult to discern how a war may break out between these twoo seemingly opposite sides. Culturally and biologically may be at opposite ends, but economical they both belong in the system monetary and fiscal apparatus. Germany has billions invested in the Russian economy, billions. England relies in trade with Russia to the amounts of billions; the same with the rest of the EU.. Unfortunately economics is the dominan factor in these power equations, and the economy and financial rings are throughly in yiddish hands. War can only break out if one side ( it will not be the EU nor USA) decide to divorce itself from the monetary entrapment and declare --a la Nationalist socialist germany-- a politics of autarky, self sufficiency and barter politics, thus kicking out the yiddish hydra. Then we shall have a war , the way war was brought upon Germany when they refused to integrate themselves into the fiscal,financial banking entrapment wholly in yiddish hands. In the meanwhile we can have matinee side shows, irak, servia, egypt ,lybia, iraq, afganistan syria, jekwrania.
ReplyDeleteWell Ukrainian military is moving forces along Crimea borderline. the report also indicates USA has mobilized a full command centre there, with USA officers in Ukrainian uniforms.
And here is the answer from Russia. moving a lot of heavy power in several directions toward Crimea and Eastern border.
I am sure USA would be happy to get russians to kill ukrainians and make them enemies forever.
Getting two brotherly nations to start killing each other is actually a part of the overall agenda. This way Western powers have sown fear in Europe and rallied pacifistic European powers behind the American flag. This way they have a better excuse to move Western military installation further east onto the doorstep of Russia and increase military spending. That Anglo-American-Jews are risking a third world war is altogether another topic and reveals yet again the kind of people we are dealing with.
DeleteLike I have been saying, Russians are chess players, Americans are gamblers.
Russians also moved anti-ship costal missile systems Bastion to Crimea
Ukraine is moving Uragan from Sumi
here is a map of entry to Crimea
here is about american mercenaries in Kherson area
USA, Romania and Bulgaria are starting some exercises in Black sea
T.K., good finds. I read a few of the articles on using Google Translate. It was the Russians making fun of the Europeans for being pro-gay, pro-islamic cowards who denounced Russia from far away but are shaking at the thought of Russia beginnng a westward march.
This pro Russian movement is only growing. Below is a video of Serbs who went to Crimea to help keep peace. There are other people who share blood it's not just Russians and Ukrainians who share blood. Somebody wanted to play a geopolitical game, but they might not only have miscalculated in Ukraine, they could as a side affect also awakened the Orthodox Brotherhood.
Yugoslavia is not finished, I'm sure there are still a lot of people rooting for Moscow outside of areas they never dreamed of. Come on now everyone sing along :-)
The Ukrainian Navy is blocked but you can hear the officer say we are not going to fight.
Here is some nice commentary from RT.
Be careful of the vids posted, some are old and have been posted for days. There is a lot of crap coming from Maiden PR sites. The status remains and the longer this remains the more pain this inflects on all parties that are anti Moscow, more on this point below.
This is funny that kidnapping is now the new norm for the Western supported tugs. Every day there is yet another embarrassment, wither it’s kidnapping or who was the sniper, and now kidnapping of pro Russian members of the elected government. The more this happens the more credibility is lost, not that there was any credibility to begin with but I never thought that they would drive this below ZERO!
Just a reminder move Karabakh.
ReplyDeleteTatars in Crimea asking for help from cousins in Azerbaijan.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting debate about Media wars. There is an American guy there defending his Maidan terrorists. Obviously a very intelligent person, but he got taken to task by the Russian journalist sitting across. When I have time, I'll try to summarize some of the more interesting points there. It was actually pretty funny how he tried to explain away Kosovo, Iraq -- and comparing to Ossetia and Crimea.
ReplyDeleteBob Gates thinks Crimea is lost cause.
Israel Shamir's article on Ukraine crisis.
Delightful article showing the turks instinctive fear of Russia.
The Western media and politicians are spilling their venom.
ReplyDeleteThat is all good. If the West is bitching and moaning, that means Russia has the upper hand in this game.
Mr Warlick the minsk groups USA rep is someone i really dont trust. the guy has made many recent visits to our enemies, namely many times in Baku, turkey and that Bildt guy in Sweden. I think he is cooking something. Today he announced that conflict may escalate between armenia and azerbaijan. today army chief of turkey visited baku too. my take is that they want to be prepared in case Russia gets busy with Ukraine and drawn into conflict to use the opportunity to jump on Armenia. it is imperative to our interest that Russia doesn't get drawn into a major proxy war in Ukraine. To avoid that i think Russia has to move into Eastern Ukraine sooner than later. delay will cause ukrainian forces to get ready with Nato. Russia may need to get ahead by moving into central parts of ukraine from Crimea to Kherson region and also from Kharkov region in northeastern part.
ReplyDeleteToday there were reports about major special forces exercises in Russia. 3.5k paratroopers made landing exercises. this is unheard of, hoping this is a prelude.
Although there most probably are some very high-level negotiations going on, I believe threat of a war between Ukraine and "pro-Russia forces" is very real. Although the war in question will be contained to Ukraine, the threat of it somehow spreading to other areas is also very real. In short, we may be facing a new European war if Western powers don't swallow their imperial pride and accept their geostrategic setback - i.e. the lose of Crimea and the derailment of Ukraine's entrance into EU and NATO. I think Moscow has to make Western powers clearly understand that they have much more to lose if they keep pushing Kiev into a shooting war against Russia.
ReplyDeleteIt is all rolling now, the west is doing it's best and Russia has to take maximum advantage from the situation.
DeleteKherson to Odessa line is important, if it's in Russian hands, the oil pipeline strategy will change drastically. From Rostov to Odessa and to EU will be a new way of delivery.
Now Khodorkovsky is barking as well, I guess jail time was not enough of a lesson for this kike, just like that whore Tymoshenko. As stated earlier, these parasites once in jail, should not have been allowed to be released, EVER. Khodorkovsky's pardon by Putin was a mistake that he will live to regret. Just like Tymoshenko, he is on the offensive and his handlers are propping him up to speak against Putin. Why Putin felt compelled to let him go is beyond me, the positive PR prior to the Sochi Olympics was not worth having this piece of shit loose during such a critical juncture. These enemies of the state should not only be mentally handicapped but physically as well so that they can be made an example of and they can never spew their venom ever again.
Recon jets have been scrambled to "monitor" borders, but the NATO jack offs know better than to push too far, they stated jets were scrambled but also added "strictly on alliance territory". Russia has played the first hand well, but I think dragging this out will be a detriment to Russia in the long haul because Putin is getting sucked too much into their "diplomacy" and "democracy" bullshit. With Crimea well under control, there is needs to be a slow mobilization of a sprawled steady push into Eastern Ukraine. Yes, this may trigger a civil war and shots may begin to fire, but at this point I feel Western Ukraine is lost, the game at hand is who will get to keep Eastern Ukraine and maintain influence in the region? Russia needs to take another bold and brazen step, playing the diplomacy charades for too long will see the Western Ukraine jack offs win because that is playing "their game".
In the end if Ukraine is lost as a whole and only Crimea is kept under Russian influence, I would see this as a loss for the RF. The "win" situation would be either A) Ukraine's Western backed clowns in Kiev are reigned in and Ukraine falls in line again with the RF knowing they made a mistake and set back their country for decades or B) The burden of the Western Ukraine is dropped on its Western sponsors and the Eastern Ukraine/Crimea come under Russian orbit. Scenario "B" I feel would be better, though the West gets to push NATO influence closer to RF borders, what the RF gains is a more consolidated Ukrainian populace that it can more confidently rely on for the future. Ukraine as a whole with its Kiev based parasites is more of a mixed bag that can become a headache again the in the future if West's attempts fail this round.
-Sassounci Davit
PS: Sarkis, to respond to your Asbarez question, I comment on there quite often under a different name. If you like my commentary here then you will definitely like it over there as well and already know who I am ;).
There seems to be a lot more Russian troops going in. The one thing that is striking is the difference between the two armies. The Russians don't just look better, have better weapons and all but they have numbers not seen since the collapse of the USSR. This is a huge new modern army, Moscow has not been sitting still and it has mass and depth. Still have not seen heavy armor but you can see the MLRS are moving in. No matter how this goes down Crimea is now part of Russia.
Take a loot at the Ukrainian army, most of the equipment not only looks antiquated but most of the trucks sound like they have mechanical problems. Some sound like they have not be started in a long time.
This quote below is translated this is what the German public things. This is posted from one of the videos on youtube in German showing the Ukrainian thugs. The Germans don't like these thugs either!
"People remember, Uncle Sam needs time again a world war in Europe, otherwise his power collapse like a house of cards. Listen to this: think about: Crimea Crime and the true background
and yes on Youtube regimekritishe many videos to be removed from the Ukraine"
More it's in German but the people on the streets know the game. I wish someone here can speak German.
My feeling is that this is going to go on till the boiling point Sunday. The move then is on the Western side.