Commentaries and analysis produced by well known pundits and mainstream information outlets in Yerevan are presenting Oskanian's case as a simple matter of political infighting between the incumbent president of Armenia on one side and a former president (supposedly with renewed presidential aspirations), a restless oligarch and a repatriated Diasporan official (i.e. Oskanian) on the other side.
This is, in my opinion, somewhat of a misrepresentation or a half-truth of what is actually taking place. Domestic politics does naturally play a role in the political soap-opera currently playing-out in Yerevan, but so does geopolitics.
In my opinion, Oskanian's plight in Yerevan is one of the many manifestations of the tug-of-war taking place in the south Caucasus between Russian Federation and the United States. It should also be added that had Moscow not been encouraging Armenia behind the political scenes, Yerevan would not dare touch one of Washington's most important men in Armenia.
The fact of the matter is that Oskanian has been one of Washington's men in Armenia from the very beginning. Like Raffi Hovanissian and Paruyr Hayrikian, Vartan Oskanian was more-or-less sent to Armenia to represent Western interests in the fledgling state. Due to Moscow's relative weakness throughout the 1990s, Armenian officials had no choice in the matter but to allow these men to obtain various positions within the country. In a sense, these men were the human assets with which Washington seeded the Armenian political landscape hoping to reap benefits at a future time.
This type of political seeding of course worked very well for a certain time period following the Soviet Union's collapse.
Similar to what their counterparts did in eastern Europe, the main task of Washington's men in Yerevan had been to facilitate the expulsion of Russia from Armenia. Their grand geostrategic plan - known in some circles as the Great Game - was to curb the political/economic growth of Russia (as well as that of Iran) essentially by turning the south Caucasus into one big Turkic-Islamic cesspool funded by a consortium of Western energy interests. This agenda is currently being pushed under the unassuming banners of "fighting corruption", "women's rights", "minority rights", "gay rights", "free speech", "free elections", "democracy"...
All of Washington's men in Armenia - some consciously, some unwittingly - continue to feverishly work on the Western agenda to remake the south Caucasus, similar to how their Arab counterparts have been working on remaking the Middle East. Needless to say, if allowed to take root, their agenda may prove deadly for the Armenian state.
But we have been fortunate that in recent years we have witnessed a series of fundamental changes in the political climate of the globe. Most important of these changes has been the unexpectedly fast rise of the Russian Federation as a global power. Georgia's defeat in the summer of 2008 heralded Russia's splendid comeback. After reaping great benefits throughout Eurasia throughout much of the 1990s as a direct result of the sociopolitical and socioeconomic chaos brought upon by the Soviet Union's unexpected demise, Washington began suffering a series of setbacks in recent years. Moscow's resurgence during the last decade as an independent superpower pursuing its national interests on the grand chessboard of Eurasia has been one of the main factors behind Washington's setbacks.
The following is a brief look at some of Washington's most notable failures with regards to Eurasian geopolitics:
Its inability to stop the rise of Russia as a Eurasian superpower; its inability to stop the reversal of the political direction in Ukraine, Serbia, Kyrgyzstan and Georgia; its inability to stop Russia from liberating South Ossetia and Abkhazia in 2008; its inability to freely exploit Central Asian energy via Azerbaijan; its inability to setup anti-missile sites in Europe against Russia; its inability to stop the Russian-assisted nuclear development program in Iran; and its inability to, thus far, oust the Russian-backed Assad regime from power in Damascus...There have been of course other major geostrategic failures such as Venezuela, Iraq and Afghanistan, but these are outside the scope of this commentary. Nevertheless, Oskanian's fall from grace is hitting cold-blooded reptiles in Washington very hard because it symbolizes empire's loss of influence as well as the loss of its fear factor.
Washington is finding itself increasingly difficult to persuade, bribe, brainwash, blackmail or threaten violence to get its way around the world these days.
Since Armenia isn't one of those countries that can be bombed into submission (due to Russia's military presence there) and since NATO's two decades long economic blockade of the nation has proved ineffective (due to Armenian resilience), Washington is calling on their propagandists, many of whom are deeply embedded in Armenian society to bombard us with their bullshit instead. Utilizing its servants to spread disinformation inside Armenian society when political developments in Armenia don't go their way has been one of their favorite methods of putting pressure on Yerevan and turning Armenia's Hollywood-struck peasantry, both in and out of the homeland, against their state.
Speaking of our Hollywood-struck self-destructive peasantry, I took the freedom of posting below this commentary several of the hastily produced Western articles in defense of Oskanian. Please read them to acquaint yourselves with their psy-ops and media blitz.
Pay particular attention to the angry rantings of John Hughes, the horse-faced American agent in Yerevan who is also the director of the "independent" news organization known as ArmeniaNow, and David Ignatius, the thoroughly-assimilated-self-hating Armenian that has been on the empire's payroll for most of his life. It was particularly amusing to read Ignatius' comments in the anti-Armenian propaganda outlet known as the Washington Post. His handlers in Washington must have really rushed him because Mr. Ignoramus' diatribe against Yerevan is full of errors, not the least of which is his misspelling of the main object of his concern.
But times have begun to change. Their powerful methods of inciting the global sheeple with their psy-ops may no longer be working as well as it had been for the past several decades. Seeing Washington-sanctioned crimes against humanity in places such as Serbia, Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria and Iran, political awareness, long dormant, is slowly awakening in Armenians. Syria's bloody plight in particular may have finally brought home to us Armenians the very uncomfortable truths of Washingtonian style politics around the world, and may be helping us to finally understand that Washington does not in fact care much about minorities... or gays... or women... or the ecology... or free and fair elections anywhere.
People are slowly beginning to understand that Washington's main purpose around the world has been to keep its declining empire intact at any cost. And with regards to Armenia, Washington's main concern is not the lack of "democracy" in Armenia but the lack of "America" in Armenia. The main purpose of Armenia's Captain America's has been to replace the Russian presence in the country with that of America's.
Guess what folks, it's not going to happen. That train left the station a very long time ago (it actually departed on October 27, 1999) and will not be returning anytime soon. Fortunately, the Caucasus is slowly yet surely headed towards Pax Russica.
The good news is that Armenians are not the only ones awakening. Information technology is in fact helping the civilized world to reawaken from a deep slumber that back began in 1945.
Yes, the political climate of the world is gradually changing, a multi-polar global community is coming into existence and Washington and friends are looking awfully impotent as of late. But we cannot rejoice as of yet because the Anglo-American-Zionist alliance continues have a massive following of destructive zombies around the world; it continues to appeal to mankind's animalistic nature; it continues to control most global levers; and it continues to pack a lot of deadly poison.
Nevertheless, perhaps with some prodding from Moscow, the leadership in Yerevan seems to have negatively assessed Oskanian's political ambitions. Therefore, the process that has started against him should be seen as a preventative measure.
Let us once again recognize the fact that the Caucasus is Russia's strategic and vulnerable underbelly and that Armenia is the last Russian stronghold in the south Caucasus and one of the few reliable partners Moscow has in the world. Knowing the crucial importance of the Caucasus to a resurgent Kremlin, it should not come as a surprise that Moscow would be willing to lay waste to the entire region before it allows it to slip from its grip. Similarly, Moscow will turn Armenia up-side-down before it allows a Western-backed leader to take the strategic Caucasus republic out of Russia's political orbit.
Therefore, those trying to lure Armenia Westward are in fact playing with her life. Those who represent Western/Washingtonian interests in Armenia, despite their humanitarian facades, are dangerous and should be looked upon as traitors to the nation. In my opinion, bringing Oskanian down before he got higher on the political ladder in Armenia was a very important preventative measure carried out by Yerevan and Moscow.
The following blog posts will help the reader place all this in better context -
Hillary Clinton Reassures Armenian Rights Groups (2010):
Serj Tankian, Dashnaktsutyun and the Continuing Media Blitz Against Armenia (2011):
Washington's Media Blitz Against Armenia (2011):
President Sargsyan and Armenia (2011):
The Whore of Babylon in Yerevan (2012): Oskanian Placed Under Investigation by Armenia's NSS (2012):
Panel Discussions Calling for Chaos in Armenia (2012):
Needless to say, many in our politically ignorant American-Armenian community today are foaming at the mouth over Oskanian's ordeal, and many are again enthusiastically readying themselves to cut Armenia out of their lives as a result of the supposed "persecution" of a repatriated official. However, those who are foolishly cheerleading for agent Oskanian and his Washington-funded-homo-centric Civilitas would do well to ponder the following instead:Collective destructionism of Armenians (2012):
Institutionalized corruption is rampant in the United States. The American empire is in fact one of the most corrupt political entities on earth and American society is slowly turning into a police state. Democratic elections, the kind of which Washington promotes around the world, has not existed in the United states for generations. And Washington continues to be the most warmongering and gluttonous political entity in existence today.
Knowing this, let's now ask ourselves the following questions.
Would Washington accept advise from others on how to run the American empire? Would Washington allow foreign entities to meddle in America's domestic affairs? Would Washington allow Chinese or Russian NGOs for instance to open shop in the US to encourage better governance in America's poor urban centers or on Indian reservations? Would Washington allow Cuba or Venezuela for instance to fund institutions in the US that advises American officials about social welfare? Does the US have politicians serving foreign state interests? Does the US have politicians on foreign payrolls?
The American empire is strictly a closed-circuit operation for all except British and Jewish officials and connected moneymen.
Knowing that the US became highly developed and wealthy essentially because of centuries of human exploitation, ethnic cleansing and global wars, why should humanity now be expected to unquestioningly accept Washington's self-serving meddling in developing nations going through natural growing pains? Why do so many Armenians mindlessly expect Yerevan to follow the dictates of American officials? Why are there so many Armenians willing to allow Washington to pursue its imperial ambitions in the south Caucasus via Neo-imperialist institutions such as the IMF, USAID and the NED; meddlesome NGOs such as Civilitas and Open Society Foundations, CIA front-offices such as Radio Liberty and ArmeniaNow; and human assets such as Vartan Oskanian, Raffi Hovanissian and others?
More important questions.
Does Huntsman Sr. really care so much about Armenia that he decided to donate over one million dollars to Oskanian's Civilitas, or is the money in question intended to be used towards a Washingtonian political agenda instead? Why is there a Zionist-Jew by the name of Peter Rosenblatt on the board in Civilitas? Is he there for the promotion of "democracy" in Armenia, or is it for the promotion of other agendas? Moreover, why was Oskanian so silent about "corruption" in Armenia when he was a high-ranking official there? Finally, why did Oskanian closely ally himself to one of Armenia's most notorious oligarchs? Was it for the promotion of "democracy" in Armenia, or was he simply being a political opportunist in Washington's service?Folks, let's face it. Oskanian is clearly serving foreign interests in Armenia. Worst, he is Washington's agent in Armenia. In my opinion, Oskanian patiently played the game as foreign minister during Robert Kocharyan's presidency. Armenia at the time had not yet solidified its alliance with Moscow. Kocharyan was doing his best to play Complimentary Politics. The political opposition in the country was still in its infancy. Oskanian therefore remain quiet. He parted ways with Official Yerevan in mid 2007 when it became apparent that Serj Sargsyan would be president and Armenia would inevitably seek closer relations with the Bear. Under Serj Sargsyan's leadership Armenia has enjoyed very warm relations with Moscow, and Yerevan has managed to institutionalize its very important military alliance with the Russian Federation. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise to anyone that since stepping down from his position in Yerevan back in 2007, Oskanian has been openly towing a Washingtonian political agenda.
Therefore, recognizing Washington's main agenda in the Caucasus (i.e. pushing Russia and Iran out of the region and exploiting Central Asian energy) and recognizing who are Washington's traditional allies in the region (i.e. Turks and Islamists), it can be rationally argued that Oskanian and the rest of those who are currently towing a Western agenda in Armenia are in fact traitors to Armenia.
There is yet another troubling factor that needs to be addressed in this matter:
By their actions men such as Oskanian are driving a deep wedge between Armenians of Armenia and Armenians of the diaspora. By their actions these types of Diasporans are essentially continuing what Bolsheviks started - creating a deep schism in Armenian society. By treating Armenia as a political test-tube or an exotic playground for their wild fantasies, Diasporans such as Oskanian are fast becoming a serious liability for the Armenian state. Several of the articles featured on this page are some examples of what I mean. Please visit their sources and read some of the Diasporan nonsense posted in their comments section.
At the end of the day, Yerevan cannot allow Western imperialists to meddle in its domestic affairs. In the big picture, Armenia's main problems are geopolitical and geographic in nature. Armenia is going through very natural growing pains in a very bad political environment. Armenia must be allowed a course to develop naturally and free of Western meddling. In other words, what Armenia needs is a sociopolitical evolution and not a Western funded revolution.
Nevertheless, I have to admit that I'm encouraged by what I see in Yerevan.
By starting their case against Oskanian merely a week after the Whore of Babylon's visit to Armenia last summer, Yerevan may have been signaling to Washington that there will be limits placed on overly ambitious or aggressive American operatives in Armenia. By taking such an action, Yerevan may also be signaling independence and confidence. Yerevan's message to Washington is - "your Arab Spring crap won't work here and if your operatives get out of hand we will without hesitation round them up."
Despite its cleaver humanitarian packaging and hype, the political West today is a serious menace to world peace and stability, and Western Globalism is a serious threat to apostolic Christianity, western/European culture, indigenous cultures around the world, the nation-state, nationalism and the family unit.
We must recognize the fact that financial, economic, political and cultural levers of control are being manipulated and exploited by the Anglo-American-Zionist global order. The troubling realization that a very tiny fraction of human society (virtually all based in the West) controls vast amounts of the world wealth should be enough to scare any rational person. But as troubling as this all is, the situation at hand is a bit more precarious for the Armenian state. Two of the geostrategic levers traditionally utilized by the political West, namely Turks and radical Sunni Islamists, poses an existential threat to the entire Caucasus. The manipulation of these levers by Western officials during the past two decades has led to the region's stunted economic growth and political volatility.
Thanks to Western meddling, the Caucasus is always one political disaster away from turning into a Turkic/Islamic cesspool.
Recognition of these characteristics of the region in which Armenia is unfortunately located in must serve to compel Yerevan not to take any chances with those representing Western interests in Armenia.
Curtailing an NGO - and political debate - in Armenia
By David Ignatius
Today’s National Assembly vote that potentially paves the way for sending former Minister of Foreign Affairs Vartan Oskanian to jail is so wrong, ill-conceived and ill-timed, it is hard to know which of the legion of absurdities to address
At the top of the list should be one that seems to be of disturbingly little concern to Oskanian’s colleagues who voted to strip him of the immunity from criminal prosecution that comes as one of the perks included in a parliament mandate. The vote was 64-6 with one invalid ballot, and 58 members either absent from the vote or refusing to participate, on grounds that the vote was a travesty.
Today’s vote again proves to the world that Armenia runs on thug-rule at the expense of democratic progress.
But just a month ago and ever since, Armenia was embraced with tragically-won sympathy when the “Safarov Affair” alerted the world to the stark moral difference between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The latter’s deification of a convicted murderer was ample evidence of why Western democratic countries should stop treating the two neighbors with parity – or with preference bought by Azerbaijan’s oil – and accept the politically incorrect truth that Christian Armenia has a foundation for democratic principle that is not in evidence in Muslim Azerbaijan. Now, the “Oskanian Affair” shifts attention, and none of it is good.
Armenia’s KGB (calling the agency “National Security Service” may sound less spooky, but doesn’t change who they are) says Oskanian hid money that United States businessman Jon Huntsman, Sr. intended earmarked for the Civilitas Foundation, founded by Oskanian.
ArmeniaNow has been told by sources familiar with the investigation that, indeed, staff at Civilitas were asked to deposit portions of the Huntsman money into personal accounts. It remains unclear, however, whether Oskanian was involved in the alleged solicitations or whether such transactions would constitute the fraud with which he is being charged. In any case, investigators have not interviewed the Huntsman family to clarify their agreement with Oskanian which, as one lawyer pointed out today, would not require the NA voting on anyone’s immunity.
This is clear: If this former foreign minister goes to jail ahead of the next presidential election, it will not be for money laundering -- just as when his foreign minister predecessor, Alexander Arzumanyan, went to jail ahead of the last presidential election on the same charges. In each case – now laden with irony – the former cabinet members surfaced from political upheaval on the wrong side of power, a matter more politically perilous than whether or not they conveniently landed on the wrong side of the law.
General Prosecutor Aghvan Hovsepyan said today that Oskanian will not be arrested, nor will he be required to remain in Armenia during the course of the investigation.
Last week Hovsepyan took extraordinary measures to tighten the screws on Parliament Member Oskanian. But today, he says that citizen Oskanian, whom the Prosecutor General’s office believes to have defrauded the government in a $2 million scam is free to escape? If we believed Hovsepyan last week, Vartan Oskanian is such a threat to society that a rare act of Parliament should be invoked to assist in his prosecution. Now, the nation’s top law enforcement officer is practically tossing his suspect a “Get out of Jail Free” card? What sense does that make?
Yesterday Oskanian gave an interesting evaluation of the impact arresting him would have on Diaspora relations, which may or may not have prompted Hovsepyan’s odd announcement today. In effect Oskanian asked this: “Are Diaspora now going to think that I was laundering money for the 10 years (1998-2008 as Minister of Foreign Affairs) that they trusted me?”
He also raised a valid point that the government needs his services now as the Syria crisis rages, affecting tens of thousands of Syrian-Armenians. Oskanian, himself, is from Syria.Those, however, are not the questions that a voting public would be asking, were Oskanian to fulfill predictions and try to unseat President Serzh Sargsyan next February, or would use his influence in Diaspora to earn support for a candidate capable of doing so.
Vartan Oskanian is a statesman – duly experienced – who says he is ready to come to his country’s aid, five years after he – through his failure to do the right thing – almost helped destroy the republic he again solicits to serve. “Where were you when we needed you?” is a valid question in evaluating the veracity of the former foreign minister’s willingness to put public good above political gain.
Oskanian, Minister of Foreign Affairs on March 1, 2008, should have resigned his office that day, and in doing so proved himself above the very sort of reckless, political-power-as-personal-weapon decision-making that now has turned against him. But had he done so, he would have found himself crosswise with then-president Robert Kocharyan, with whom Oskanian now remains in favor as a member of the political party created by Kocharyan.
Those of us who believed Oskanian represented a rare voice of reason – or at least embraceable viewpoints -- in Kocharyan’s Moscow-controlled administration, were disappointed to watch him collude in brutality – “legitimizing” as one of his fellow party members now says of the current prosecution/persecution of Oskanian, “an illegitimate act”.
On that Bloody Saturday, Oskanian’s special assistant, with whom he would later found Civilitas Foundation, appeared on CNN to downplay reports that the capital was coming unhinged. And when members of the foreign ministry complained about the ministry being dragged into Kocharyan’s crackdown that would lead to 10 deaths and hundreds of injuries and arrests, Oskanian fired those staff.
To be fair: people would have died, property would have burned, the thinning fabric of Armenian democracy would have suffered another rip, no matter who headed the foreign ministry in the awful spring of 2008. But on that day, more than on this one that brings shame to Armenia and political martyrdom to Vartan Oskanian, we needed leadership that would say “this is not right”, just as people today are saying so on his behalf. We needed men like him to stand up by stepping down.
Oskanian didn’t. And his lack of guts on that day may have been forgotten by the “concerned” Diaspora, “spyurkahye” celebrities and foreign journalists who rally for him today, but it has not been forgotten by locals. Foreign Minister Oskanian's failure to enforce democratic principle may now be a blind spot in the U.S. State Department's mirror, but it is a glaring spotlight for Armenians who needed then, and now, courageous conviction.
It is near Shakespearean that Oskanian now finds himself on the same wrong side that his predecessor in the foreign ministry, Arzumanyan, found himself. Arzumanyan was jailed on charges which, like the Oskanian case, were trumped up because he sided with those who sought to unseat the existing regime -- at a time when Oskanian was part of that regime.
Some might call it karma. In any case, today's predictable outcome is a pity. Everybody loses. Except those who will do this again when necessary, because they know that they can.
US Ambassador in Armenia John Heffern made a statement on Wednesday related to the fact that the National Assembly stripped Prosperous Armenia Party MP, former foreign minister Vartan Oskanian of his diplomatic immunity and then was formally charged with money laundering, saying that “it is bad for justice and democracy in Armenia”.
Ruling Republican Party spokesperson, parliament vice-speaker Eduard Sharmazanov said in his interview to RFL/RL on Wednesday that “it is impermissible and unrealistic to connect every legal process to elections”.
“Naturally, I do not share the honorable US Ambassador’s opinion expressed in his statement according to which ‘the case appears to represent the selective application of Armenian law’, because this is a purely legal matter. Our opinion is the same as before – it’s a legal matter and politicizing or making it a party-related issue is impermissible,” said Sharmazanov, pointing out that there are criminal cases on a number of Republicans, who are either in custody or in prison.
Heffern discussed the Oskanian affair with PAP leader Gagik Tsarukyan in a private conversation on Wednesday. Tsarukyan’s spokesperson Iveta Tonoyan reports that during the meeting Heffern expressed a hope that the Armenian authorities will fulfill their function and will ensure rule of law in dealing with this case. Tsarukyan said that he will see to it that the case has unbiased investigation and a just verdict is carried out.
“I have instructed the best lawyers to study the case which they have done and have confirmed that all the charges brought against Oskanian are groundless. During the party political board meeting I personally instructed all the faction members to make strict, principle-based statements and speeches,” said Tsarukyan.

Holding himself true to his principle “as a diplomat to think twice before saying nothing,” Amb. Djerejian talked for over 50 minutes without making important revelations on the current situation in the Middle East and Syria in particular. He went on to narrate the situation in the Middle East by delivering certain details with eloquence, mesmerizing his audience. He also shared anecdotal stories during his tenure as US Ambassador in Syria.
However on the 56th minute as he shifted his focus to the Caucasus region, he dropped the nuclear bomb on his Armenian American audience when he claimed that 2014 is a potentially deadly deadline for Armenia and Armenians worldwide imposed by Azerbaijan. He sternly cautioned Diaspora Armenians about the so-called “Azerbaijan deadline” for political settlement of the Artsakh (Karabagh) conflict by 2014 “or else” face the dismal possibility of a new war. He tersely warned that a formidable military buildup by Azerbaijan spelled trouble for Armenia, and that the war this time “may not be as favorable” to Armenians as the first war. Many members of Southern California Armenian American community were concerned with his promotion of fear among Diaspora Armenians on the ‘dire’ consequences of a new war with Azerbaijan.
His lecture also agitated several members of the audience who were disturbed by his pro-Azeri claims that Armenians are ‘occupying’ lands that “belong” to Azerbaijan.
Before making such anti-Armenia and anti-Artsakh declarations, that the lands around Artsakh (Karabagh) are ‘occupied’, Amb. Djerejian should investigate for himself the true identity of the territories in lower Artsakh (Karabagh). His research will reveal the undeniable fact that the borders of Armenian Territory of Artsakh encompassing both mountainous and lowland Artsakh run from western border of contemporary Armenia to Kura River to the east of mountainous Artsakh; and from Gantsak (“Gendje” under Azeri rule) just north of Shahumian in the north all the way to the current Iranian border in the south.
Under infamous Soviet dictator Josef Stalin, the Territories of Artsakh and Nakhitchevan were carved out of then newly Sovietized Republic of Armenia and were ‘gifted’ to then newly sovietized Azerbaijan in early 1920’s thus completing ‘stalinization’ of Armenian territories. Artsakh Liberation War of 1988-1994 facilitated the reversal of that process which can be appropriately labeled ‘de-stalinization.’
He also underlined how Turkey is fast-becoming a regional super power. Then he expressed support for Armenian-Turkish reconciliation and normalization of relations between Armenia and Turkey with “honorable terms” for Armenians on critical issues. But he did not elaborate on the issues. For a moment the former U.S. Ambassador sounded more like an Ambassador of Azerbaijan or Turkey rather than a veteran diplomat representing United States as an honest broker in Caucasus.
During the question-and-answer period, they caught him off-guard by presenting pointed questions such as whether Armenians in Artsakh should pursue or give up self-determination as opposed to capitulating to Azeri demands to settle for autonomy within Azerbaijan. The parade of inquisitive and intelligent questions reflected deep Armenian-American concerns for Armenia and Artsakh as Amb. Djerejian backtracked and modified his position to come across as a more ‘balanced’ diplomat.
Amb. Djerejian pointed out the proliferation of “ism”s such as “extremism” and “terrorism” in today’s world. Interestingly, his position on vital Armenian American issues has illustrated that he is influenced by petroleum interests, and is an adherent of “petrolism.”
A well-respected writer and political observer David Boyajian of Belmont, MA recently wrote: “Djerejian, whose parents were Genocide survivors, is a former U.S. Ambassador to Israel and Syria. He is now the Founding Director of the James A. Baker III Institute in Houston. The Institutes namesake is James Baker. He is a former Secretary of State and an Armenian genocide denier, as is Madeline Albright, an ex-officio member of the Institute. Its Board of Advisors is filled with current and former executives of Chevron, Marathon Oil, Shell Oil, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase and similar corporations, several of which also fund the Institute.
Not surprisingly, human rights are nearly invisible on the Institutes agenda. In a depressing political presentation to Armenian Americans in Texas in 2011, Djerejian uttered not one word of criticism of Turkey or Azerbaijan. Nor did he mention Artsakh/Karabagh’s rights, human or otherwise. Instead, he took a neutral position on the issue, and approvingly quoted Azeri President Ilham Aliyev that ‘Azerbaijan has the upper hand.’ Regarding the Genocide, Djerejian noted only that ‘the Armenian Genocide can best be resolved within the context of improved state to state relations between Armenia and Turkey.’”
As noted above, ironically, many of Amb. Djerejian’s comments were echoes of his own remarks of 2011 in Texas.
Iran’s policies will have important implications for Armenia, a neighboring border country. Armenia’s relations with the United States are very important and involve interaction on issues such as non-proliferation and border security, international narcotics, money laundering and the trafficking in persons, and the development of democratic institutions and sustainable economic growth. Washington also appreciated Armenia’s support in Iraq. Thus, the promise for Armenia’s security and prosperity rests with following the major trends toward regional and international integration. Armenia can no longer risk being “the odd man out.” Indeed, Armenia should rediscover and reaffirm its historic role as a bridge between the North and South, and the East and West.”
While sounding genuinely concerned with Armenia’s and Armenians’ future, Mr. Djerejian trashed Armenia’s performance as a viable state. Under succeeding US administrations of the last few decades, U.S. State Department has been siding with oil-producing dictators such as Pres. Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan at the cost of trampling upon the human rights of people like Armenians of Artsakh (Karabagh). By doing so, US administrations risk exposing themselves to the ire of international public opinion in Middle East, the Caucasus and elsewhere.
Abundance of social and diversified mass media has helped the masses unmask this American double standard. It is obvious that he is not a champion of human rights for Armenians of Artsakh. But he could have at least steered clear of making anti-Artsakh (Karabagh) Armenian pronouncements by respecting his diplomatic rule of ‘thinking twice before saying nothing;’ and by declining to unfairly agree with Azeri false claims that Armenians “are occupying” lands in Azerbaijan.
Ambassador Djerejian noit only did not alleviate Armenian American concerns on U.S. State Department being a dishonest broker in Asia Minor and Caucasus in regards to Armenian-Turkish and Armenian-Azeri issues, but he also ended up tarnishing his own reputation as an illustrious US Diplomat.
It seems as if it is impossible for there to be a high ranking American official "of Armenian decent" who has even an iota of allegiance to the Armenian nation.
ReplyDeleteDavid Ignoramus joins the long line of Armenian-Americans who are an extreme liability to the Armenian nation. His father took the first step in eliminating their Armenian last name, this failure of a human being should sever any remaining connection to Armenia, and focus his destructive energies elsewhere.
I wonder, if the ancestors of these American assholes, who struggled to be in the minority of deportees who survived the Armenian Genocide, could see what damage their grandchildren are doing to Armenia today, would those ancestors have just given up, and allowed the turks to kill them in order to cut their losses.
These assimilated vermin are the off-springs of Ottomanized merchants that only discovered their Armenianess when Turks came after them with yataghans...
ReplyDeleteThat would explain the reason why they seem to have zero connections to the Armenian Reality today.
ReplyDeleteFor Ingatius, a quick look at his father's life is quite revealing. He was Secretary of the Navy in the late 1960s. One can only imagine how much support and advanced technology the turkish navy received during this jackass's tenure under the justification of turkey being a nato member. People like him are the ones who paved the way for turkey to build itself up as a major regional power today.
Ignatius the younger has apparently, among other things, co-published a book called America and the World: Conversations on the Future of American Foreign Policy, his co-publishers being Zbigniew Brzezinski and Brent Scowcroft. Both men are neoconservative globalists out to destroy the world. Even among the otherwise handicapped Armenian-American organizations, the mormon Brent Scowcroft is despised as a member of Honorary Council of Advisors for U.S.-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce, and Board Chairmen of the American-Turkish Council. What a disgusting trio of faggots.
As for oskanian, I wonder how long it will take the ayf and the anca here in California to organize an oskanian pride parade. In fact, I wonder how long before those arf organizations move their headquarters from Glendale to West Hollywood (Los Angeles' gay District) where they would feel more comfortable and at home.
Actually, Brezinski's goal was to destroy Russia so Poland can feel safe. Typical Polish nationalist, and he is related to ex-Cezchoslovak president Benes through marriage, I think. I did read his book, "the Eurasian Chessboard" and talked about how Russia was going to be carved: the EU takes the European core, Siberia would go to Central Asia and China takes the Russian Far East.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, would the Armenian Diasporas established in countries other than the USA be considered a liability?
Curious Observer
Զարմանում եմ թէ ինչպիսի «հայեր» գոյութիւն ունեն ԱՄՆում: Ոնց որ ով որ այնտեղ է գնացել, մի հատ իր գլխին զարկել են ու նա կորցրել է Ազգասիրութեան իմաստը, գումարած դրա վրայ հայերի մէջ արդէն գտնուող «ստրկամտութիւնը»: Շատ հետաքրքրական «ֆենոմենոն» հայեր կան ԱՄՆում... Անցած օր համացանցից հայկական կայաններ էի նայում, մէկ էլ հանդիպեցի AMGA կայանից մի յայտագրի որտեղ թեման ոնց որ վերադարձն է դէպի Հայաստան, բայց միայն հակա-Հայաստան քարող էր տեղի ունենում: Սա հոգեբանականօրէն սխալ ազդեցութիւն կը թողի նայողների վրայ:
ReplyDeleteI did not realize what a piece of shit djerejian was until reading the last article. Not surprising though seeing who he is associated with that he'd be making subtle pro azeri announcements.
ReplyDeleteԱմերիկա-Հայերի ՄԵՑ մասը անգրագետ են (իհարկե հատկապես քաղաքականության մեջ), օտարամօլ են, մակերեսային/ծանծար են, կարճատես են և լուրջ հոգեբանական խանգարումներ ունեն: Ըստ իս, Ամերիկա-Հայերի վերոհիշյալ հիվանդութիւնները իրենց ապրած երկրի հիվանդացնող մշակույթից է գալիս: Ի դեպ, ձեր նշած յայտագրի հաղորտավարը, Հարութ Բրոնոզյանը, այս հիվանդության փայլուն օրինակներից մեկն է: