Heralding The Rise of Russia
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I would like to dedicate this blog to the reemergence of Russian power in Eurasia and the evolution of Russian-Armenian alliance
We are currently seeing political alignments and realignments of various front-line nations in preparation for a major global conflict. I believe that the political and economic stresses we are currently experiencing around the world will eventually come to a bloody climax sometime within the not too distant future, and it will simply take a single unfortunate incident to set it all off. Many of the world's major geopolitical issues today has to do with the Western world's attempt to gain total global domination before the Russian Federation and to a lesser extent China become limiting political factors for it. Once one carefully places all of the major global hot-spots like the Persian Gulf, Caucasus, Central Asia, Middle East, Balkans and South America under a geopolitical microscope, one will ultimately find that the Western desire to limit the Russian factor figures prominently within them all.
Why are they after Russia? The long-term concern for them is fundamentally this: At a time when energy reserves under Western control are dwindling, the Russian Federation, stretching essentially from the Pacific to the Atlantic, is the largest nation on earth and controls vast amounts of untapped natural wealth. The wealth in question includes but are not limited to precious metals, rare earths, oil/gas, fresh water and arable land. Due to its prime geographic positioning, Russia also controls intercontinental trade routes and the energy distribution of Central Asia. If it plays its cards correctly, Russia can be in an enviable position to call economic and political shots across Eurasia and beyond in the twenty-first century. In short, the Western elite realize that the Russian Federation is perhaps the only self-sufficient and energy-rich political entity on earth today, and one that also happens to be a nuclear superpower. This is essentially the source of the nightmares currently being seen in places like Washington, London, Brussels, Tel Aviv and Ankara.
As problematic as China may seem to the observer, in reality, China is very dependent on the Western world for survival. China also has a severe Achilles-heel, its energy dependency. Those in control of energy resources will control China. Thus, in the eyes of the West, unlike Russia, China is somewhat manageable.
Therefore, as the Clintonian saying goes, albeit with a geopolitical twist: It's all about Russia, stupid.
One of my primary intentions for starting this blog about Russia's reemergence as a superpower was to inform the reader that Armenia's best chance for survival and national prosperity lies with closer relations with Moscow and not with Washington or Brussels. The other primary reason for this blog is to provide the reader with a different take on geopolitical assessments, historical information and news developments concerning politics in general and the Russian Federation in particular. Unfortunately, when it comes to accurate, objective and/or unbiased information regarding the Russian state there is a virtual blackout in the controlled mainstream news press in the United States and western Europe.
Nonetheless, we should all thank God that Russia has risen from its ashes and is today seeking to reestablish itself as a global superpower once again. And this has come just in the nick of time, just when the evils of the Western world was beginning to fully manifest itself within various global theaters. Russia's recent resurgence as a global power has in effect stunted the growth of the Anglo-American-Zionist global disorder. Although the situation is still dangerous today and it will continue being so for the foreseeable future, just imagine the geopolitical situation of the world had Russia continued on the course that was artificially setup for it during the early post-Soviet years. What would have become of the Caucasus, the Middle East, Central Asia, Persian Gulf and the Balkans?
Interestingly, nations such as China, Iran, Venezuela, India, Syria, Belarus and Armenia have also begun to play vital roles within the strategic formulations of Moscow. Are we observing the development or evolution of a new unique geopolitical alliance between these political entities? Perhaps, only time will tell. Nonetheless, although there remains some issues to be resolved, Russo-Armenian relations in particular seem to be developing quite well.
Although Moscow has been politically very assertive as of late, in all honesty, I don't think Moscow is quite ready to directly take on Western powers as of yet. Russia's military hardware, although in an accelerated phase of modernization, is still by-in-large obsolete and it's military command infrastructure is not yet prepared for modern military conflicts. Russia's financial and economic situation, although awash in petrodollars, is still dangerously dependent on the exploitation of its natural resources. Taking into account its aforementioned economic vulnerabilities and weaknesses, I believe that the West is attempting to use Russia's transitional phase as an opportunity to move ahead with its global designs. In other words, the West is attempting to undermine Moscow's rise before Russia can truly becomes a limiting factor for it. Nevertheless, Russia has been pushed into a corner for a long time (about twenty years now), and now there is a very good chance that it will fight back sooner than later.
I am not kidding nor am I exaggerating when I say that the existence of a powerful Russian Federation imposing its political will within various global theaters and acting as a buffer against Globalism (the Western world's newest form of Bolshevism) will eventually save western civilization, the traditional nation-state and apostolic Christianity from ultimate destruction.
I believe we need to better assess the geopolitical picture emerging as a result of Russia's resurgence in recent years. The rise of Russian power is absolutely essential in that it is the only geopolitical force on earth today that can potentially play a fundamental role in curbing the destructive spread of pan-Turkism, Zionism, Islamic fanaticism, NATO expansionism, American imperialism and Western Globalism. A powerful and independent Russia imposing its will on the world stage is also essential for the long-term survival of smaller, more vulnerable nations such as Serbia, Armenia, Abkhazia, Ossetia, Cyprus, Syria, Venezuela and Iran. Simply put: We need a powerful Russia acting as a counterbalance to the combined geopolitical weight of the United States and its allies.
What Russian President Vladimir Putin and his backers in the Kremlin managed to accomplish during the past several years is nothing short of a miracle, and in my opinion one of history's most crucial turning points. I believe that President Putin will someday in the future be ranked amongst the world's greatest rulers.
As I like to say: They loved Gorbachev because he allowed them to kill the Russian Bear; they adored Yeltsin because he allowed them to feed off the remains of the Russian Bear; now they fear and hate Vladimir Putin because he has resurrected the Russian Bear.
Anti-Russian propaganda in the West has been so thorough and so successful, that ethnic Russians today are actually blamed for all the evils and excesses of Bolshevism. The reality of the matter is that Bolshevism was a movement that first gained momentum in western Europe and was later transferred to a vulnerable Russian Empire by Western political/financial interests with the primary intention of destroying Christian Czarist rule in Russia. Vast majority of the Bolshevik leadership were ethnically non-Russian. The fact is, Bolshevik leadership were mostly of Jewish ancestry, many of whom were not even born in Russia. Under Bolshevism, the Russian nation suffered by-far the worst fate of any ethnic group. Russians lost their empire. Russia's political aristocracy lost their power and in most cases their lives as well. The great wealth of the empire was thoroughly looted. The Russian Orthodox Church was utterly decimated, its holdings confiscated, its treasures stolen, its clergy massacred en-masse. Russia's Czarist intelligencia and military leadership was utterly decimated. Russian institutions were fully eradicated. Many millions are said to have died in Russia and in the Ukraine during the 1930s directly as a result of Bolshevik rule. Thus, blaming ethnic Russians for the evils brought of Bolshevism is similar to blaming the murder victim for the actions of the murderer.
Some of my readers may ask: But wasn't Bolshevism worst for Armenia?
In stark contrast to Bolshevism's destructive effect on Russia and despite all its evils, the manifestation of Bolshevism in the south Caucasus actually saved the Armenian nation from extinction at the hands of Turks. Therefore, from an Armenian perspective, Bolshevism was the lesser of the two evils at the time. Armenians were able to built the foundations of a modern republic under Communism. The fact remains, after the fall of the Russian Empire, had it not been for the Bolsheviks, the Armenian nation could not have lasted very long in the blood-soaked Caucasus region.
Historical note: At the start of the First World War in 1914, Yerevan was a little dusty town who's population was predominantly Muslim (primarily Azeris, Turks and Persians). By the end of the First World War in 1918, most of the Muslims were gone, but all of Armenia was by then a desolate wasteland with a population perhaps under one million, half of whom were starved and disease-stricken genocide survivors from Western Armenia. Therefore, it was natural and quite inevitable that the authorities in Armenia at the time, realizing their hopeless situation, would relinquished their rule to the lesser of the two evils knocking at the door in 1920. Nevertheless, under Communism, Armenians were able to eventually transform Yerevan from a little backward town into a modern metropolis. Of course Bolsheviks were also responsible for giving away historic Armenian lands to Turkey and Azerbaijan, but that's another story.
Nevertheless, for a small nation like Armenia, numbering perhaps less than a million inhabitants at the time, Armenians may have had more representation within the Bolshevik leadership than ethnic Russians. I reiterate: Bolshevism was created in the Western world and then exported to Russia for the sole purpose of destroying the much coveted Russian Empire. The Soviet Union and communism became "Russified" only as consequence of Stalin's political purges which primarily impacted Bolshevism's Jewish rank and file, and as a result of the patriotic fervor brought upon ethnic Slavs by the onset of the Second World War.
I hope this will put an end to debates regarding Bolshevism and what it meant for Russians and for Armenians.
Getting back to the main topic: I have been closely observing Russia's resurgence as a global power since Vladimir Putin rose to power in the year 2000. During Russia's rapid rise out of Boris Yeltsin's Western inspired hellhole, the controlled Western press all but ignored Russia, seldom would one find an article on Russia unless there was a major occurrence that warranted some coverage. This situation abruptly changed once Moscow decided it would have to teach Washington's little street whore in Tbilisi a lessen during the summer of 2008. Ever since the August, 2008 Russian-Georgian war, and especially after the onset of the economic crisis in the Western world, not a week passes now without one of the major controlled news media outlets in the US featuring a negative news report on the Russian Federation. Needless to say, they are doing this to form, shape, condition and manipulate public opinion. However, despite how hard they try to portray Russia in a negative light, Russia today has the potential for becoming the global leader in the 21st century. In my opinion, Moscow will manage to do just that within the next several decades. The secret to their success in the 21st century relies on five fundamental geostrategic factors noted below:
I am glad to report that the Russian Orthodox Church is making a comeback throughout the Russian Federation because Orthodox Christianity can be a cure to many of Russia's current sociological problems, including its demographic problem. Moreover, the Russian Church can provide Russians ideological direction as well as cultural connections with many regional neighbors. Consequently, we can also expect the demonization of the Russian Church by Western powers in the coming years.
I want to reiterate that the sudden reemergence of Russia as a superpower asserting itself in global affairs will ultimately preserve western civilization, the traditional family, apostolic Christianity and geopolitical sanity on earth. Russia is the only cure against the corrosive and destructive effects of the Anglo-American-Zionist global order. I also hope that the presence of a powerful Russia will also serve to help the people of the United States to begin its self-reflection and begin searching for their lost credibility. Nevertheless, I dare the well informed reader to imagine the geopolitical state of Eurasia today without Moscow acting as an independent geopolitical factor.
The Russian state is the last front against Western imperialism, Globalism, Islamic extremism, Zionism and pan-Turkism. In my opinion, the Russian resurgence has been God sent and Vladimir Putin is a modern day messiah. But let's pray to God that the Kremlin remains in Slavic-Orthodox hands.
All of the geopolitical entanglements we are currently experiencing around the world should be quite familiar to us Armenians - because what we are witnessing today has already happened in the past. I would even go as far as saying that the mechanisms driving the current global crisis cannot be stopped for it is meant to happen.
For us Armenians, the clash between East and West is nothing new. And I'm not saying this metaphorically. I don't even want to mention the striking similarities of the current geopolitical climate to that of the Czarist empire's numerous conflicts with Western and Islamic powers throughout the 19th century. The current struggle between Russia and the West is quite similar, strikingly similar in my opinion, to the ancient world's centuries old rivalry between Persia and Rome. Russia today is the Persian empire of old and the West, of course, is Rome. After all, ancient Iranic blood does flow in significant abundance in Russian veins and needless to say Roman/Latin blood is abundant in the Western world.
When we begin to look past superficial differences that exist between current political players and those of the ancient world, what I'm alluding to here will make more sense.
There is an observable cycle-of-life in nature, and there is an invisible, or spiritual, cycle-of-life in humanity. In a sense, we have all been here before in some form or capacity because history, as with nature, does not progress in a linear fashion but recycles itself. In other words, the movement of time is not linear, it's circular. Thus, in a certain sense, we have all been through this before. With the notable exception of the modern world's nuclear weapons factor, the very essence of the political problems that humanity keeps creating for itself are the same in every period of time. Consequently, we can draw some conclusions and lessons from previous experiences. Basing therefore my opinion on our past life, or lives, we Armenians, as a nation, have always been close to the mighty Persian empire and its modern day manifestation, the Russian nation. Some call this our fortune, some call this our curse - I call this our God given destiny.
In conclusion, this blog is primarily intended to be a depository for relevant news reports, political analysis pertaining to Russia, Armenia and Eurasian geopolitics - as I see it. This blog can also serve as an alternative source for Eurasian news. The reader will find the chronologically organized materials here to be very useful in understanding and reconstructing political events that have occurred within the region in question during the past several years, as well as better understanding the greater context within which they have occurred. I will periodically update this blog with important news articles, video presentations and geopolitical essays, and when appropriate, I will make relevant commentaries.
What I have set up here is not a blog in the traditional sense, it's more like a depository of materials (articles, political commentaries and assessments, reports, interviews, documentaries, etc) that I have collected during the past several years - in many cases embellished with my political assessments and commentaries. The reader can use the "older posts" button towards the bottom of each page to go back in time. The materials go back chronologically to about 2005. All pertinent materials that have caught my attention during the past decade or so, as well as my commentaries for what they are worth, are included in this blog.
I should also add that this blog is unabashedly pro-Russian in character. Therefore yes, it's primarily pro-Russian propaganda, and I'm proud of it. After all, isn't propaganda exactly what Western political think tanks and news agencies do as well? With that said, in my opinion, what I have setup here is truly unique and it holds great value as site where one can do research on various geopolitical matters from an alternative political/ideological perspective. If your political inclinations are anti-globalist and/or pro-Russian in nature, or if you simply want to see an alternative or revisionist take on geopolitical matters, you will greatly enjoy reading this blog. Putting aside my commentaries, I think this blog has great research value due to the vast amount and diversity of materials I have collected. The reader may also notice that my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog has links to my other blogs: Rediscovering Christianity, Armenian Highlands, September 11 2001 and America's financial crisis. Therefore, please visit this blog every few weeks for new commentaries and in doing so feel free to post a comment on any of the topics in discussion.
Unlike what some people think, I am not a KGB agent, nor do I have a Russian lover, nor do I get any kind of assistance from anyone. Recent years (the Putin era to be exact) has made me a Russophile. Ultimately, however, I'm pro-Russian because I'm pro-Armenian. Fundamentally, I'm an Armenian nationalist. But, my nationalism is rooted in political pragmatism, a deep understanding of the world we live in, a deep understanding of Armenians and strategic farsightedness. It's more than obvious to me that Armenia cannot survive in the south Caucasus without Russia. This is why I have always said Armenia's independence from Russia will only mean its dependence on Turkey. This is why I have always said Armenia's existence as a nation-state in a Turkic/Islamic region like the south Caucasus is only made possible by a strong Russian presence inside Armenia. Moreover, I have always promoted deeper, more effective Armenian lobbying efforts in Moscow. I remain convinced that Armenians can be in Russia what Jews are in the US. We have been unable to work towards this goal because we lack national unity, foresight and political sophistication - and our collective attention is always placed on the Western world.
It is also very obvious to me that powerful interests embedded deep within our society are actively trying to drive a wedge between Armenia and Russia. This agenda, essentially a desire to strip Armenia of its Russian protection, has been in operation since the early Soviet period. Many Armenians continue serving this agenda today; some do so professionally, some do so idiotically. I see the agenda to drive a wedge between Yerevan and Moscow as an existential threat to Armenian statehood, and I see Armenians behind this agenda as traitors to Armenia. I'm therefore not your typical "nationalist" in this regard. In fact, I now see our so-called nationalists as a bigger threat to the health and well being of Armenia than our Western-funded agents of sociopolitical change.
The last fifteen years or so has also helped me recognize Russia as the last front against Westernization, Globalism, American expansionism, Zionism, Islamic extremism and pan-Turkism. I believe Russia is the last hope we have for preserving European/western civilization, apostolic Christianity, the traditional family and the traditional nation-state.
All of the above essentially compelled me to create this blog. This blog became the only voice in the vastness of cyberia that dared to preach about the strategic importance of Armenia remaining within Russia's orbit, as well as the importance of rejecting Western inroads inside Armenia. From about 2010 to 2015 I did monthly, at times weekly, commentaries about Russian-Armenian relations and Eurasian geopolitics. It was very difficult for me because I am self-employed and I have a family. I don't know how I did it but I was somehow able to do it. The time I put into this blog came at the expense of work, family and personal life. But a powerful voice/feeling inside urged me to keep going, and I did. When Armenia joined the EEU a couple of years ago and Armenia's armed forces began integrating with that of Russia's, I finally felt a deep sense of relaxation, as if a very heavy burden was lifted off my back. I felt as if my personal mission was accomplished. I also felt vindicated. I therefore felt I could take a step back. I needed the rest. Going forward, I plan on posting only seasonal commentaries but I will keep moderating the comments section on a daily basis.
Thank you for reading.
Why are they after Russia? The long-term concern for them is fundamentally this: At a time when energy reserves under Western control are dwindling, the Russian Federation, stretching essentially from the Pacific to the Atlantic, is the largest nation on earth and controls vast amounts of untapped natural wealth. The wealth in question includes but are not limited to precious metals, rare earths, oil/gas, fresh water and arable land. Due to its prime geographic positioning, Russia also controls intercontinental trade routes and the energy distribution of Central Asia. If it plays its cards correctly, Russia can be in an enviable position to call economic and political shots across Eurasia and beyond in the twenty-first century. In short, the Western elite realize that the Russian Federation is perhaps the only self-sufficient and energy-rich political entity on earth today, and one that also happens to be a nuclear superpower. This is essentially the source of the nightmares currently being seen in places like Washington, London, Brussels, Tel Aviv and Ankara.
As problematic as China may seem to the observer, in reality, China is very dependent on the Western world for survival. China also has a severe Achilles-heel, its energy dependency. Those in control of energy resources will control China. Thus, in the eyes of the West, unlike Russia, China is somewhat manageable.
Therefore, as the Clintonian saying goes, albeit with a geopolitical twist: It's all about Russia, stupid.
One of my primary intentions for starting this blog about Russia's reemergence as a superpower was to inform the reader that Armenia's best chance for survival and national prosperity lies with closer relations with Moscow and not with Washington or Brussels. The other primary reason for this blog is to provide the reader with a different take on geopolitical assessments, historical information and news developments concerning politics in general and the Russian Federation in particular. Unfortunately, when it comes to accurate, objective and/or unbiased information regarding the Russian state there is a virtual blackout in the controlled mainstream news press in the United States and western Europe.
Nonetheless, we should all thank God that Russia has risen from its ashes and is today seeking to reestablish itself as a global superpower once again. And this has come just in the nick of time, just when the evils of the Western world was beginning to fully manifest itself within various global theaters. Russia's recent resurgence as a global power has in effect stunted the growth of the Anglo-American-Zionist global disorder. Although the situation is still dangerous today and it will continue being so for the foreseeable future, just imagine the geopolitical situation of the world had Russia continued on the course that was artificially setup for it during the early post-Soviet years. What would have become of the Caucasus, the Middle East, Central Asia, Persian Gulf and the Balkans?
Interestingly, nations such as China, Iran, Venezuela, India, Syria, Belarus and Armenia have also begun to play vital roles within the strategic formulations of Moscow. Are we observing the development or evolution of a new unique geopolitical alliance between these political entities? Perhaps, only time will tell. Nonetheless, although there remains some issues to be resolved, Russo-Armenian relations in particular seem to be developing quite well.
Although Moscow has been politically very assertive as of late, in all honesty, I don't think Moscow is quite ready to directly take on Western powers as of yet. Russia's military hardware, although in an accelerated phase of modernization, is still by-in-large obsolete and it's military command infrastructure is not yet prepared for modern military conflicts. Russia's financial and economic situation, although awash in petrodollars, is still dangerously dependent on the exploitation of its natural resources. Taking into account its aforementioned economic vulnerabilities and weaknesses, I believe that the West is attempting to use Russia's transitional phase as an opportunity to move ahead with its global designs. In other words, the West is attempting to undermine Moscow's rise before Russia can truly becomes a limiting factor for it. Nevertheless, Russia has been pushed into a corner for a long time (about twenty years now), and now there is a very good chance that it will fight back sooner than later.
I am not kidding nor am I exaggerating when I say that the existence of a powerful Russian Federation imposing its political will within various global theaters and acting as a buffer against Globalism (the Western world's newest form of Bolshevism) will eventually save western civilization, the traditional nation-state and apostolic Christianity from ultimate destruction.
I believe we need to better assess the geopolitical picture emerging as a result of Russia's resurgence in recent years. The rise of Russian power is absolutely essential in that it is the only geopolitical force on earth today that can potentially play a fundamental role in curbing the destructive spread of pan-Turkism, Zionism, Islamic fanaticism, NATO expansionism, American imperialism and Western Globalism. A powerful and independent Russia imposing its will on the world stage is also essential for the long-term survival of smaller, more vulnerable nations such as Serbia, Armenia, Abkhazia, Ossetia, Cyprus, Syria, Venezuela and Iran. Simply put: We need a powerful Russia acting as a counterbalance to the combined geopolitical weight of the United States and its allies.
What Russian President Vladimir Putin and his backers in the Kremlin managed to accomplish during the past several years is nothing short of a miracle, and in my opinion one of history's most crucial turning points. I believe that President Putin will someday in the future be ranked amongst the world's greatest rulers.
As I like to say: They loved Gorbachev because he allowed them to kill the Russian Bear; they adored Yeltsin because he allowed them to feed off the remains of the Russian Bear; now they fear and hate Vladimir Putin because he has resurrected the Russian Bear.
Anti-Russian propaganda in the West has been so thorough and so successful, that ethnic Russians today are actually blamed for all the evils and excesses of Bolshevism. The reality of the matter is that Bolshevism was a movement that first gained momentum in western Europe and was later transferred to a vulnerable Russian Empire by Western political/financial interests with the primary intention of destroying Christian Czarist rule in Russia. Vast majority of the Bolshevik leadership were ethnically non-Russian. The fact is, Bolshevik leadership were mostly of Jewish ancestry, many of whom were not even born in Russia. Under Bolshevism, the Russian nation suffered by-far the worst fate of any ethnic group. Russians lost their empire. Russia's political aristocracy lost their power and in most cases their lives as well. The great wealth of the empire was thoroughly looted. The Russian Orthodox Church was utterly decimated, its holdings confiscated, its treasures stolen, its clergy massacred en-masse. Russia's Czarist intelligencia and military leadership was utterly decimated. Russian institutions were fully eradicated. Many millions are said to have died in Russia and in the Ukraine during the 1930s directly as a result of Bolshevik rule. Thus, blaming ethnic Russians for the evils brought of Bolshevism is similar to blaming the murder victim for the actions of the murderer.
Some of my readers may ask: But wasn't Bolshevism worst for Armenia?
In stark contrast to Bolshevism's destructive effect on Russia and despite all its evils, the manifestation of Bolshevism in the south Caucasus actually saved the Armenian nation from extinction at the hands of Turks. Therefore, from an Armenian perspective, Bolshevism was the lesser of the two evils at the time. Armenians were able to built the foundations of a modern republic under Communism. The fact remains, after the fall of the Russian Empire, had it not been for the Bolsheviks, the Armenian nation could not have lasted very long in the blood-soaked Caucasus region.
Historical note: At the start of the First World War in 1914, Yerevan was a little dusty town who's population was predominantly Muslim (primarily Azeris, Turks and Persians). By the end of the First World War in 1918, most of the Muslims were gone, but all of Armenia was by then a desolate wasteland with a population perhaps under one million, half of whom were starved and disease-stricken genocide survivors from Western Armenia. Therefore, it was natural and quite inevitable that the authorities in Armenia at the time, realizing their hopeless situation, would relinquished their rule to the lesser of the two evils knocking at the door in 1920. Nevertheless, under Communism, Armenians were able to eventually transform Yerevan from a little backward town into a modern metropolis. Of course Bolsheviks were also responsible for giving away historic Armenian lands to Turkey and Azerbaijan, but that's another story.
Nevertheless, for a small nation like Armenia, numbering perhaps less than a million inhabitants at the time, Armenians may have had more representation within the Bolshevik leadership than ethnic Russians. I reiterate: Bolshevism was created in the Western world and then exported to Russia for the sole purpose of destroying the much coveted Russian Empire. The Soviet Union and communism became "Russified" only as consequence of Stalin's political purges which primarily impacted Bolshevism's Jewish rank and file, and as a result of the patriotic fervor brought upon ethnic Slavs by the onset of the Second World War.
I hope this will put an end to debates regarding Bolshevism and what it meant for Russians and for Armenians.
Getting back to the main topic: I have been closely observing Russia's resurgence as a global power since Vladimir Putin rose to power in the year 2000. During Russia's rapid rise out of Boris Yeltsin's Western inspired hellhole, the controlled Western press all but ignored Russia, seldom would one find an article on Russia unless there was a major occurrence that warranted some coverage. This situation abruptly changed once Moscow decided it would have to teach Washington's little street whore in Tbilisi a lessen during the summer of 2008. Ever since the August, 2008 Russian-Georgian war, and especially after the onset of the economic crisis in the Western world, not a week passes now without one of the major controlled news media outlets in the US featuring a negative news report on the Russian Federation. Needless to say, they are doing this to form, shape, condition and manipulate public opinion. However, despite how hard they try to portray Russia in a negative light, Russia today has the potential for becoming the global leader in the 21st century. In my opinion, Moscow will manage to do just that within the next several decades. The secret to their success in the 21st century relies on five fundamental geostrategic factors noted below:
- Military deterrence
- Development of good relations with China, India and the EU
- Protection and efficient utilization of its vast natural resources
- Establishment of friendly buffer states
- Promotion of Slavic nationalism and Christian Orthodoxy
I am glad to report that the Russian Orthodox Church is making a comeback throughout the Russian Federation because Orthodox Christianity can be a cure to many of Russia's current sociological problems, including its demographic problem. Moreover, the Russian Church can provide Russians ideological direction as well as cultural connections with many regional neighbors. Consequently, we can also expect the demonization of the Russian Church by Western powers in the coming years.
I want to reiterate that the sudden reemergence of Russia as a superpower asserting itself in global affairs will ultimately preserve western civilization, the traditional family, apostolic Christianity and geopolitical sanity on earth. Russia is the only cure against the corrosive and destructive effects of the Anglo-American-Zionist global order. I also hope that the presence of a powerful Russia will also serve to help the people of the United States to begin its self-reflection and begin searching for their lost credibility. Nevertheless, I dare the well informed reader to imagine the geopolitical state of Eurasia today without Moscow acting as an independent geopolitical factor.
The Russian state is the last front against Western imperialism, Globalism, Islamic extremism, Zionism and pan-Turkism. In my opinion, the Russian resurgence has been God sent and Vladimir Putin is a modern day messiah. But let's pray to God that the Kremlin remains in Slavic-Orthodox hands.
All of the geopolitical entanglements we are currently experiencing around the world should be quite familiar to us Armenians - because what we are witnessing today has already happened in the past. I would even go as far as saying that the mechanisms driving the current global crisis cannot be stopped for it is meant to happen.
For us Armenians, the clash between East and West is nothing new. And I'm not saying this metaphorically. I don't even want to mention the striking similarities of the current geopolitical climate to that of the Czarist empire's numerous conflicts with Western and Islamic powers throughout the 19th century. The current struggle between Russia and the West is quite similar, strikingly similar in my opinion, to the ancient world's centuries old rivalry between Persia and Rome. Russia today is the Persian empire of old and the West, of course, is Rome. After all, ancient Iranic blood does flow in significant abundance in Russian veins and needless to say Roman/Latin blood is abundant in the Western world.
When we begin to look past superficial differences that exist between current political players and those of the ancient world, what I'm alluding to here will make more sense.
There is an observable cycle-of-life in nature, and there is an invisible, or spiritual, cycle-of-life in humanity. In a sense, we have all been here before in some form or capacity because history, as with nature, does not progress in a linear fashion but recycles itself. In other words, the movement of time is not linear, it's circular. Thus, in a certain sense, we have all been through this before. With the notable exception of the modern world's nuclear weapons factor, the very essence of the political problems that humanity keeps creating for itself are the same in every period of time. Consequently, we can draw some conclusions and lessons from previous experiences. Basing therefore my opinion on our past life, or lives, we Armenians, as a nation, have always been close to the mighty Persian empire and its modern day manifestation, the Russian nation. Some call this our fortune, some call this our curse - I call this our God given destiny.
In conclusion, this blog is primarily intended to be a depository for relevant news reports, political analysis pertaining to Russia, Armenia and Eurasian geopolitics - as I see it. This blog can also serve as an alternative source for Eurasian news. The reader will find the chronologically organized materials here to be very useful in understanding and reconstructing political events that have occurred within the region in question during the past several years, as well as better understanding the greater context within which they have occurred. I will periodically update this blog with important news articles, video presentations and geopolitical essays, and when appropriate, I will make relevant commentaries.
What I have set up here is not a blog in the traditional sense, it's more like a depository of materials (articles, political commentaries and assessments, reports, interviews, documentaries, etc) that I have collected during the past several years - in many cases embellished with my political assessments and commentaries. The reader can use the "older posts" button towards the bottom of each page to go back in time. The materials go back chronologically to about 2005. All pertinent materials that have caught my attention during the past decade or so, as well as my commentaries for what they are worth, are included in this blog.
I should also add that this blog is unabashedly pro-Russian in character. Therefore yes, it's primarily pro-Russian propaganda, and I'm proud of it. After all, isn't propaganda exactly what Western political think tanks and news agencies do as well? With that said, in my opinion, what I have setup here is truly unique and it holds great value as site where one can do research on various geopolitical matters from an alternative political/ideological perspective. If your political inclinations are anti-globalist and/or pro-Russian in nature, or if you simply want to see an alternative or revisionist take on geopolitical matters, you will greatly enjoy reading this blog. Putting aside my commentaries, I think this blog has great research value due to the vast amount and diversity of materials I have collected. The reader may also notice that my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog has links to my other blogs: Rediscovering Christianity, Armenian Highlands, September 11 2001 and America's financial crisis. Therefore, please visit this blog every few weeks for new commentaries and in doing so feel free to post a comment on any of the topics in discussion.
Unlike what some people think, I am not a KGB agent, nor do I have a Russian lover, nor do I get any kind of assistance from anyone. Recent years (the Putin era to be exact) has made me a Russophile. Ultimately, however, I'm pro-Russian because I'm pro-Armenian. Fundamentally, I'm an Armenian nationalist. But, my nationalism is rooted in political pragmatism, a deep understanding of the world we live in, a deep understanding of Armenians and strategic farsightedness. It's more than obvious to me that Armenia cannot survive in the south Caucasus without Russia. This is why I have always said Armenia's independence from Russia will only mean its dependence on Turkey. This is why I have always said Armenia's existence as a nation-state in a Turkic/Islamic region like the south Caucasus is only made possible by a strong Russian presence inside Armenia. Moreover, I have always promoted deeper, more effective Armenian lobbying efforts in Moscow. I remain convinced that Armenians can be in Russia what Jews are in the US. We have been unable to work towards this goal because we lack national unity, foresight and political sophistication - and our collective attention is always placed on the Western world.
It is also very obvious to me that powerful interests embedded deep within our society are actively trying to drive a wedge between Armenia and Russia. This agenda, essentially a desire to strip Armenia of its Russian protection, has been in operation since the early Soviet period. Many Armenians continue serving this agenda today; some do so professionally, some do so idiotically. I see the agenda to drive a wedge between Yerevan and Moscow as an existential threat to Armenian statehood, and I see Armenians behind this agenda as traitors to Armenia. I'm therefore not your typical "nationalist" in this regard. In fact, I now see our so-called nationalists as a bigger threat to the health and well being of Armenia than our Western-funded agents of sociopolitical change.
The last fifteen years or so has also helped me recognize Russia as the last front against Westernization, Globalism, American expansionism, Zionism, Islamic extremism and pan-Turkism. I believe Russia is the last hope we have for preserving European/western civilization, apostolic Christianity, the traditional family and the traditional nation-state.
All of the above essentially compelled me to create this blog. This blog became the only voice in the vastness of cyberia that dared to preach about the strategic importance of Armenia remaining within Russia's orbit, as well as the importance of rejecting Western inroads inside Armenia. From about 2010 to 2015 I did monthly, at times weekly, commentaries about Russian-Armenian relations and Eurasian geopolitics. It was very difficult for me because I am self-employed and I have a family. I don't know how I did it but I was somehow able to do it. The time I put into this blog came at the expense of work, family and personal life. But a powerful voice/feeling inside urged me to keep going, and I did. When Armenia joined the EEU a couple of years ago and Armenia's armed forces began integrating with that of Russia's, I finally felt a deep sense of relaxation, as if a very heavy burden was lifted off my back. I felt as if my personal mission was accomplished. I also felt vindicated. I therefore felt I could take a step back. I needed the rest. Going forward, I plan on posting only seasonal commentaries but I will keep moderating the comments section on a daily basis.
Thank you for reading.