Before I continue with the rest of my commentary, I would like to point out that in my opinion there are essentially two main components in assessing Donald Trump's rise to power: The first one is the hard fought presidential campaign which revealed a lot about the entrenched elitist political system in the United States and the second one is the question as to whether or not Donald Trump will do (or rather be allowed to do) the things he promised his supporters during the presidential campaign. These are the two fundamental aspects of the recent presidential race in the United States I want to reflect on in this blog commentary.
The greatest circus/show on earth
As with all presidential contests in the United States, this one was also setup to be a well choreographed show. As it had been for generations before, this presidential race was to be a closed-circuit political contest between professional politicians from the two main political parties representing the American empire. This presidential race was essentially setup to give Hillary Clinton the presidency. Then came Trump. Then came chaos. The show soon turned into a global spectacle. No one in the political establishment in the United States could predict the groundswell of support the bombastic billionaire from New York City would garner in a very short period of time, and no one in Washington DC expected a relative outsider like Donald Trump to burst into their town and ruin their two-ring circus.
Speaking of circuses and shows, more-and-more people are coming to recognize the political system in the United States as just that, a circus and a show. The following television documentary by Showtime is a pretty good depiction of this year's highly choreographed affair -
All the odds were stacked against the Trump campaign right from the very beginning. Right from the start not only was Donald Trump facing strong opposition from liberals and Democrats but also from conservatives and Republicans; not only was he facing strong opposition from bankers on Wall Street but also from the nation's powerful propaganda organs; not only was he facing strong opposition from non-white, minority groups but also from liberal Jews (a vast majority of American Jewry). At times the Trump campaign faced what seemed to be insurmountable obstacles. This was the first presidential contest in the United States, perhaps in the entire world, where the duly nominated presidential candidate of a major political party was not only not fully endorsed by members of his party but viciously attacked by it as well. Frankly, I really didn't think Donald Trump would win the contest. But he did. But it wasn't easy or pretty or even democratic.The Circus: Inside the Greatest Political Show on Earth:
The Trump campaign, Wikileaks, Project Veritas, some influential right-wing Jews and elements within the Anglo-American establishment itself (as suggested by the involvement of "Brexit" officials and the FBI's strange behavior just days before the elections) put up a gargantuan fight and Middle America responded en masse. Speaking of Donald Trump's influential backers and Middle America -
“We don’t believe there is a functional conservative party in this country, and we certainly don’t think the Republican Party is that... It’s going to be an insurgent, center-right populist movement that is virulently anti-establishment, and it’s going to continue to hammer this city, both the progressive left and the institutional Republican Party” - Steve Bannon in a 2010 interviewAs we can see from Donald Trump's controversial political strategist's quote, merely two years into Barack Obama's presidency the United States was already looking ripe for a major political shakeup. Reading the quote the reader can clearly see that those behind Donald Trump's rapid rise to power in Washington DC already knew some years ago what needed to be done and the kind of person that could do it. It is now apparent that Donald Trump was precisely that person influential elements within the United States were desperately looking for.
With the United States ready for a political makeover, Trump's presidential campaign hit a raw nerve soon after its commencement. Sidelined for many decades, Americans of the of the country's "Heartland" had suddenly found a reassuring voice in Donald Trump. After years of being shunned and maligned, here was someone speaking their language and he was doing so in a manner they readily understood and, needless to say, fully appreciated. Presidential candidate Donald Trump was publicly and angrily talking about things most American politicians would not dare talk about in public. What he was essentially doing was expressing in public what was on the minds of tens-of-millions of disgruntled, White Americans across the United States. Trump was giving a very prominent voice to a very major yet literally dying constituency in the country. It worked. Middle America responded in large numbers to presidential candidate Trump's call to "make America great again". It now feels very surreal saying the words, President Trump.
In the end, although about three million more votes were actually cast for Hillary Clinton - which was somewhat to be expected because American society has become increasingly liberal, increasingly feminist, increasingly homosexual, increasingly immigrant, increasingly non-White and increasingly non-Christian - the Electoral College, albeit not very "democratic" in nature, worked exactly as it was meant to by the nation's founding fathers. Simply put: The Electoral College was designed to give the nation's sparsely populated, rural states some degree of political voice because the bulk of the voting constituency in the United States has historically been concentrated in the nation's more populated coastal states. Because the nation's rapidly growing liberal, immigrant and minority demographics today are also concentrated along the nation's coastal states, I predict there will be a fight in coming years to do away with the Electoral College system. So, in a sense, Donald Trump's victory, if it does achieve some of its stated goals, may indeed be the last chance "White America" has to maintain its so-called Whiteness (i.e. European heritage).
In my opinion, what happened on the night of November 08 was indeed a rebellion, an uprising and, in my opinion, also an internal mutiny. What we saw on November 08 was no doubt a revolution and at its core, this revolution was represented by America's White, Christian, native born, conservative, rural and working-class demographics - an erstwhile dominant constituency in the United States and one that has been maligned and ignored in recent decades by the political establishment in Washington DC. This demographic group, concentrated mainly in the American Heartland, has now risen to the occasion and observers are taking note. After eight years of Barack Obama and liberalism gone wild, the deplorables have risen and Whites have lashed out.
From the very start this year's presidential elections in the United States had very high expectations especially in the category of entertainment and suspense. Saying it surpassed all expectations would be a gross understatement. This year's presidential elections more than lived up to its reputation as the greatest show on earth. I may be wrong but I have also felt a very strong sense of destiny in the air, as if Donald Trump's political saga was preordained by higher powers. Mainstream political observers also seem to be feeling similarly. Are there higher powers attempting to put the United States on the straight-and-narrow path? Does Donald Trump's political victory have esoteric underpinnings? I have no way of knowing any of this for sure but his victory did remind me of the following passage I had read in a book some years ago -
"Of course, any good theory which seeks to explain why the world is as it is must also help predict what will happen next, and the last chapter reveals what that will be - always presuming, of course, that the great cosmic plan of the secret societies proves to be successful. This plan will encompass a belief that the great new impulse for evolution will rise in Russia, that European civilization will collapse and that, finally, the flame of true spirituality will be kept burning in America"Are Secret Societies, or at least some of them, behind some of the political phenomenons we have witnessed in recent years? Is there a new global impetus behind Moscow's recent successes? Was London's Brexit somehow related to any of this? Are the mini-revolutions going on throughout continental Europe somehow connected to any of this? Are influential elements in the Western world trying to ally with a rising Russia? Are influential elements in the Anglo-American world trying to remake global order by retreating into a self-imposed isolation? Will Donald Trump's victory usher in a new period of non-interventionism and political enlightenment in the United States? Is the United States finally in the midst of a major reformation, readjustment or perhaps a downsizing of sorts?
Only time will have the answers to these questions. For now, we the people can only hope.
For many years I have been hoping for the downsizing of the American empire not only because I wanted Washington DC to stop its crimes against humanity but also because I wanted to see the survival of the United States itself. The American empire has become too decadent. The American empire has become too violent. The American empire has become too unsustainable. The American empire needs a downsizing. Donald Trump's victory has been the first glimmer of hope I have felt in this regard in my lifetime. I hope to see this new phase in American politics finally usher in a period of wisdom, humility and reflection. Such a thing may or may not yet happen, as the signs from the Trump camp have been mixed, but there is now at least an atmosphere of hope. One thing, however, that has stood-out most about President-elect Donald Trump has been his steadfast refusal to go along with the establishment's attacks against President Putin and the Russian government. I must also add that Rex Tillerson's nomination for Secretary of State, at least ostensibly, is a positive development in this regard, but there is still some ways to go before he is officially appointed. Nevertheless, I, like President Putin, want to see the development of better relations between Russia and the United States -
If a Trump administration does nothing else but improve Russian-American relations, that would be good enough for me because better Russian-American relations is crucially important for global peace. Needless to say, better Russian-American relations can also be very beneficial for Armenia.
Throughout much of the 20th century the many flaws of American democracy lay hidden behind the perception that something much worst existed overseas. For Americans, the existence of totalitarian powers such as Nazi Germany, Communist China and the Soviet Union confirmed this belief. As long as dictatorial regimes and communist governments existed around the world, the American political system enjoyed a feeling of supremacy. As long as there were backward peoples and bountiful lands to exploit, their capitalism would continue to work. As long as parts of the world burned, the Anglo-American world felt secure in their blissful isolation. As long as the United States was the biggest bully on the block, Americans felt like global hegemons. As long as Joe on Main Street had a steady job, weekend sports to watch on his television set and a cold six-pack of beer at his disposal, the political charade in the United States would continue indefinitely.
With the rise of Russia and China in recent years, the Uncle Sam understands that it is no longer the only biggest or the baddest bully on the world stage. As recent events in Georgia, Ukraine and Syria have revealed, the United States is no longer a global hegemon. With falling wages and rising unemployment, Americans are now looking around and taking note. What they are seeing is a nation that is rapidly changing for the worst. What they are seeing is a nation where they no longer feel they are a part of, a nation they feel is being sold to the highest bidder by their officials. While Middle America lived well, the corruption in Washington DC did not concern them, essentially because it did not directly affect them. Unfortunately for Uncle Sam, this is changing. Americans on both sides of the political divide are slowly awakening. Proliferation of social media and alternative news sources is facilitating this political renaissance, not only in the United States but around the world. Their raising the alarm bells over "fake news" now is essentially about keeping control over the kind of information the country's citizenry is exposed to.
The fundamental worry for the political/financial elite is not that Donald Trump got elected to the presidency but that this election cycle has finally exposed the lies of American democracy and that Americans are finally waking up politically. So, the jig is up as they say in American parlance. Consequently, what we have been seeing lately is a rash of highly critical observations by Americans themselves about the utter corruption taking place in Washington DC -
"When Louis XVI gave Ben Franklin a diamond-encrusted snuffbox, the gift troubled Americans: it threatened to corrupt him by clouding his judgment. By contrast, in 2010 the Supreme Court gave corporations the right to spend unlimited money to influence elections"The United States has come a long way from when a group of enlightened men, albeit Freemasons supported by the king of France, led a nation of farmers to defeat the British monarchy and commence the American experiment. In recent times, the United States has come to resemble the powers it had defeated on its rise to global hegemony: Imperial Britain, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. In a sense, the United States had become the monsters is had fought and defeated. What we have in Washington DC today is a government that has been usurped by big money (which includes international donors) and power-hungry individuals willing to blindly serve it. Corruption in American politics has reached profound depths. For many years Americans have been decrying the rise of political corruption in the United States, as I have -
What Ike Got Right (February, 2011):
Death Tax, Neglected Nation, Shrinking Middle Class (March, 2011):
All the flaws of the system was until very recently kept away from the public's eye. Not only that, they had actually created the perception that the United States was the world's gold standard when it came to "free and fair" elections and "democratic" governance. This myth has now been shattered. Perhaps forever. The mask has finally come off. In my opinion, the unmasking began eight years ago when the nation's financial/political elite got their House Negro into the White House and then began an earnest push to thoroughly liberalize/globalize American society. This left tens-of-millions of the White/Christian demographic in the country's heartland angry and disillusioned. From the perspective of Middle America, the nation's political elite had killed the American Dream and were now gradually transforming the United States into a Third World nation. As far as they were concerned something had to give. Then came Donald Trump.The Economic Elite Vs. The People of the United States of America (April, 2010):
Donald Trump's presidential candidacy cleverly managed to coalesce and give direction to the anger that had been building up on Main Street, USA.
When he first appeared in the presidential two-ring circus last year Donald Trump was expected to be a political prop and an eye-catching stage decoration. Quite unexpectedly for all, he instead emerged as the leader of the anti-corruption, anti-establishment, anti-globalist and anti-immigration movements that were already brewing in the country. In response, Republican officials intentionally tried to throw the contest as they had done back in 2012 when they intentionally failed to make the case against Barack Obama. It again seemed as if the Republican party would rather see Hillary Clinton, someone the party has supposedly hated since the 1990s, win the presidency. Therefore, derive your conclusions. The Republican elite in Washington DC had plans other than what their constituents wanted or what the country needed. As it had been for the past few decades, the political/financial elite in Washington DC had plans other than what was actually good for the United States. Donald Trump's presidential run made all this painfully clear.
In hindsight, it is now obvious that Americans were ready and eagerly waiting for a person like Donald Trump. That said, had it not been for Wikileaks, Julian Assange, influential Jews, Project Veritas, those behind Brexit and an internal rebellion by officials in the FBI and perhaps the NSA, there is no way he could have won the presidency. So, in the end, what got him into the presidency was anything but democracy.
Nevertheless, no playwright, no novelist, no movie producer - from Hollywood to Bollywood - could have scripted a work this exciting, this entertaining, this captivating and this thrilling. The corruption, the bribery, the insider deals, the scandals, the ties to Islamic terrorism, the ties to the occult, the ties to pedophiles, the violence, the abuse of power, the vote rigging, the voter fraud, the illegals voting, the hacked electronic voting machines, the conspiracies, the societal tension, the hate, the tribal politics, the mysterious deaths, the calls for authoritarianism, the calls to curb democracy, the polarization, the divisions and the insults witnessed in the "greatest democracy on earth" have sent shock-waves around the world. Many around the world are wasting no time now in exploiting the sociopolitical plight the United States suddenly finds itself in. And many others still must be left wondering, what the hell happened to that "shinning city on the hill", that wonderful "leader of the free world", that ever bright "beacon of democracy", that most "exceptional" of nations ever known to humanity?
Speaking of political observers, I hope Armenians have been watching all this political excitement very carefully. More specifically, I hope that the assholes of Armenia's "democracy" and "civic society" movements have been closely observing the utter corruption and criminality of precisely those who have been directly funding them and encouraging them to foment a revolution in their homeland -
Open Society Foundations Armenia grant list for 2016:
Armenia's Westernizers and Democratizers must now be feeling somewhat uneasy. Their masters in the Western world have finally been revealed to be a bunch of well-dressed criminals. Armenian officials are taking note. Many millions of people around the world must now be finding themselves surprised at the depth and seriousness of societal, economic and political problems that exists in the United States. But they shouldn't have been surprised at any of it. There is in fact nothing new to what has been happening in the United States. If people are surprised, amazed or shocked at the current state of affairs in the US, it's simply because they just didn't know American society and the American political system well enough. The only difference between now and the past is that in the past America's political problems - its internal dirty laundry so to speak - was well hidden below the country's expertly polished political facade. The nation's serious flaws was hidden underneath a cover of a hype and myth that was expertly crafted by the nation's political/financial elite via powerful propaganda tools like Hollywood, television programming, educational curriculum and the mainstream news media. In the past, everything in the United States was tightly controlled. In the past, there was no such thing as internet, hacking, twitter or social media.US spent $585 million on ‘promoting democracy’ worldwide in past year:
Now, suddenly, the dirty-stinky laundry of American society and politics is being showcased for all to see. For this we can only thank Donald Trump, Julian Assange, Wikileaks, Project Veritas and to some extent America's favorite socialist, Bernie Sanders. The aforementioned essentially shattered the age-long myth of American democracy and in doing so they also helped liberated tens-of-millions of minds around the world, including that of Americans, from the psychological bondage of blindly believing in the perceived superiority of the American political system. Americans have finally begun questioning their government -
What the 1% Don't Want You to Know:
Americans are losing faith in democracy - and in each other:
Americans Don’t Trust Their Institutions Anymore:
How hackers eroded Americans' trust in democratic process:
From Trump to Brexit: Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World:
Trump Taps Hollywood’s Mnuchin for Treasury and Dines With Romney:
Netanyahu calls Trump 'a true friend' of Israel:
I have always said this and I'll say it again: Presidential elections in the United States are basically about two interrelated groups of well funded and well connected people competing for the American empire's control-panels. There has not been "free and fair" elections in the United States for generations, if ever. The political system entrenched in the United States is rigged to be a two-party show and Democrats and Republicans are consequently two sides of the same coin. In a sense, every four years the political/financial elite in the country decide what shirt the sheeple will wear and the sheeple are given the "democratic" choice of picking between two colors. Sometimes they are not even given that choice. The political system in the United States is also like a two-ring circus managed by a ringmaster that the audience does not get to see. In other words, American presidents are appointed by powerful people to be elected by the sheeple. American presidents are therefore tasked with being the spokesmen - or salesmen - for the powerful special interests running the show behind the scenes. More recently, the United States has come to resemble a multi-national corporation in which the American citizenry is its work force.Trump and the Neoconservatives: John Bolton for secretary of state?:
The political system in the United States is most certainly rigged. The elite that had come to control the nation's political and economic life had crafted a system that allowed a select few people into their closed-circuit club only if they played by the rules that were set by them. This is why the Democrat party establishment rigged the elections process against Bernie Sanders and the Republican party establishment did its best to rig the elections process against Donald Trump. It's not like Sanders and Trump were total outsiders, but the problem for the ruling establishment was that they were not totally submissive insiders. But then again, it was yet another group of insiders that rose unexpectedly and pushed Donald Trump past the finish line. I would also like to add that when Donald Trump talks about nationalism, making peace with Russia, shutting down the US border with Mexico and bring back American businesses from places like China, he may be cleverly appealing to the average American, but he is unnerving the country's international elite -
The world's current economic/financial paradigm, with the United States and Britain at its epicenter, was created by secretive and elitist organizations like the three noted in the link above. They made the US Dollar into the world's reserve currency, a move that has proven resilient. They based the Anglo-American economic model on the so-called "growth principal", which is proving unsustainable. They created credit ratings and standards for the world economy, which in reality are politically motivated. In other words, when it comes to global trade, economy or finance, they created a vast system where everything is begins in the Anglo-American world and is based on profit and the almighty US Dollar.Trump catches attention of Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg, Trilateral:
It's this international elite that has wanted to contain/isolate potential competitors like Russia. It's this international elite that created the Federal Reserve. It's this international elite that created the World Trade Organization and the World Bank. It's this international elite that created the United Nations. It's this international elite that created the European Union. It's this international elite that convinced American officials to outsource US industry to China in the early 1970s, basically to groom it against the Soviet Union. It's this international elite that designed the trade agreement North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to create an interdependent North American superstate. It's this international elite that designed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to make Asia-Pacific nations economically dependent on the United States. It's this international elite that has transformed the US from an industrial superpower to a consumer-based service sector economy. It's this international elite that has convinced American officials to wide-open US borders to third world migration in order to continue feeding their economic system with low wage workers. It's this international elite that wants to see the eradication of nationalities and religions from the face of the earth. It's this international elite that wants One World Government -
President Obama and Pope Francis puts U.S. on 'fast track' to world government:
Americans are losing religion, racial identity and family values not because Americans are decadent but because this ruling elite wants it that way. American industry and businesses have been moving to other countries not because American businessmen are stupid or simply greedy as we are told by the elite's propaganda organs (i.e. mainstream news media) but because this international elite that controls global commerce and the economic/financial strings of the American empire wants it that way.Ruling Elite Seeks One World Government, Hillary a Puppet:
This agenda of theirs was started in the early 1970s and it was done for the purpose of economically and financially tethering economies of strategic nations around the world to the north American imperial behemoth they had created. Once we educate ourselves about this topic and listen closely to what high ranking policymakers in the US (not "elected politicians" but appointed senior officials like Ben Bernanke, Henry Kissinger, and Zbigniew Brzezinski) have to say about the reasons why American officials have been outsourcing American businesses and crafting trade agreements like NAFTA and TPP, we will begin to understand that the economic/financial system in place in the United States today has actually very little to do with what's good for the country. The following are some pertinent articles I recently came across that I want to share with my readers -
TPP Is a National Security Imperative:
A Retreat From TPP Would Empower China:
Reading between-the-lines of the articles I linked to above one can come to the conclusion/realization that trade deals such as NAFTA and TPP are essentially the sacrificing of American interests in the name of raw capitalism and hegemonic imperialism. By outsourcing American businesses to countries with low wages and lax business regulations, internationally run corporations based within the United States continue accumulating immense wealth and make strategically important nations such as China and Mexico dependent on the American economy for survival. This is essentially why industrial production in the US has been outsourced and the once industrial behemoth that was the US economy has been turned into a consumer-based service economy. This is why tens-of-millions of people in the world's wealthiest and most powerful country are unemployed or underemployed. This is why poverty in the United States is on the rise and the middle class continues to shrink. This is why the so-called American Dream is dead.Can Globalization Be Salvaged?:
All in all, it's a capitalistic and an imperialistic calculus formulated by those who are behind influential organizations like Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group, and it's something that is negatively impacting not only the United States but also the rest of the world.
It was the above mentioned international elite that had come to control the US during the Cold War period and it was this international elite that had transformed the US into the epicenter of various globalist projects. The US has thus been a catalyst for globalist agendas - be it economic, be it political, be it financial, be it cultural - since the end of the Second World War. This has drastically altered the character of the US and has all but decimated its middle class. Actually, the country's infrastructure is failing also as a result of the ruling elite's aforementioned policies. Allow me to explain in simple terms: While American officials claim they do not have the funds to repair the country's failing infrastructure - and boost the country's economy and the middle class in the process by creating millions of well paying jobs throughout the country - they somehow have the funds - $5 TRILLION and counting to be exact - to fight hegemonic wars in the Middle East and elsewhere. While they cry about not having the money to spend on the country, they somehow have the tens-of-billions of dollars to waste. An immense wealth is being stolen, wasted and embezzled in imperial pursuits of grandiose agendas while the country itself slowly transforms into a third world status; the country's once famed civil liberties slowly disappear; and the US, once seen as the world's policeman, begins to be seen as "the biggest threat to world peace".
The US economy today, as well as its politics, has less to do with the interests of the American people per se and more to do with the international elite's desire to maintain their wealth and global hegemony. The faster Americans (who have been convinced by the ruling elite that a lot of what I have just outlined here is a "conspiracy theory") realizes all this, the faster will they begin to make better sense of what has happened to their country. The good news is that a reawakening of some sort may be taking place. An internal push-back to all this was, at least in part, what the Trump and Brexit phenomenons may have been all about. The following is an American economist's take on this topic -
A reaction against all this - the internal mutiny I referred to above - is essentially what put Donald Trump into the White House. At the end of the day, we don't exactly know who is behind Donald Trump. Some of the "Secret Societies" I referred to above, at least elements within them, may also be among those supporting him from behind-the-scenes. His support may also be coming from an internal palace coup somewhat similar to the FSB-led coup that put Vladimir Putin into power in Russian in the late 1990s. We won't know for sure.Economist Who Predicted Brexit and Trump Explains Capitalism's Collapse:
They are in damage control mode
With the proverbial cat out of the bag, i.e with the corruption of the system now fully exposed, the political establishment in Washington DC is panicking and are currently in damage control mode as a result. Having come to terms with a Trump victory, they are beginning to put a spin on it. Therefore, disregard the lofty talk about the "vibrancy of American democracy" and that "the system worked even if we don't like its outcome". In reality, the "American political system" imploded in front of our very eyes. There was nothing "democratic" about the presidential elections we all witnessed recently.
Yes, Donald Trump did have the support of tens-of-millions of Americans (although around two million more votes is said to have gone to Hillary Clinton) but his victory on November 08 was no doubt made possible by mysterious groups of people and an internal mutiny. With the lies of American democracy therefore exposed for all to see, the entrenched elite is now seriously panicking.
The country's founding fathers and its political/financial elite thereafter knew very well that democracy - the notion that ignorant masses of a given nation-state can be periodically entrusted with making political and/or economic decisions - would not work, especially for a nation as big, as diverse, as wealthy, as powerful and as influential as the United States. Their plan was to therefore have their subjects simply believe that they were participants in the political system. It worked quite well for a very long time. Generations of Americans truly believed they were part of a vibrant democratic system. The system in question was essentially based on faith; blind faith to be exact. Then came Donald Trump. Then came laud accusations that the political process in the United States is rigged and therefore undemocratic. And the world was watching. This is why they are panicking -
A Reckless Trump Undermines Democracy:
The Lasting Damage From Trump's False 'Voter Fraud' Allegations:
Poll: 90 Percent Of Voters Lack Confidence In America’s Political System:
Analysis: Trump 'rigged' vote claim may leave lasting damage:
“I refuse to be their laboratory rabbit... The days are over when Europe or America announced something and it was just accepted”The panic they are feeling as a result of how this presidential election went down actually brings up an important matter I want to touch upon. As we all have seen, the political establishment in the United States acknowledges the paramount importance of having the electorate believe that they are part of a healthy political system. American officials acknowledge the strategic importance of positive attitudes and good morale in a country, which means they fully understand the serious dangers of cynicism and political apathy -
In 1969, British historian and aesthetician Sir Kenneth Clark stated the following: “It is lack of confidence, more than anything else, that kills a civilization. We can destroy ourselves by cynicism and disillusion, just as effectively as by bombs”
A Dutch paper in 2004 called “The Effects of Strategic News on Political Cynicism, Issue Evaluations, and Policy Support” stated the following: “A Two-Wave Experiment found that the way the news media presents the news can cause political cynicism.”Interestingly, those panicking about the "importance of public confidence" in the United States toady are those who constantly try to destroy public confidence in countries around the world. For many decades Western powers have utilized NGOs, activists and propaganda outlets posing as news agencies to carry-out an information war against targeted societies and indirectly meddle in their internal political affairs. They have done this to sow societal despair and destroy morale in nations that would not submit to Western rule. Through their information war and meddling they would first seek to destroy the targeted society's spirit/morale, after which they would try to subjugate or destroy the body either through economic sanctions, financial blackmail or, if need be, warfare. Therefore, yes, in any society, confidence in one's government is crucially important for political stability and self-defense. As we can now clearly see, what Western officials have feared most in their societies is EXACTLY what they have tried their best to export to societies like Armenia, Russia, China and Iran.
Another aspect of their damage control efforts was their accusations that Russian intelligence was behind the email leaks by Julian Assange and Wikileaks. The emails in question was most probably leaked by elements right within the Anglo-American intelligence apparatus. In other words, the emails in question were leaked by insiders, not "hacked" by outsiders. Former US intelligence operatives seem to agree with this assertion. An increasing number of civilian officials think it was an inside job as well. I would guess the Clintonians knew this as well. However, because Russia and President Putin have been vilified for decades by Washingtonians and the country's mainstream news media, it was expedient for the Clinton camp and its backers to instead accuse Moscow of meddling. By accusing the Kremlin, they automatically created ambiguity and plausible deniability for the Clinton camp. For a short while it seemed like a brilliant move.
A day before Julian Assange had announced Wikileaks was going to release thousands of hacked emails which was expected to contain damaging information about Hillary Clinton and her political aides, American officials announced that Russians were behind the email hacking. Needless to say, expecting for a massive information storm to hit them, blaming Moscow was a strategic countermeasure meant to delegitimize and cast doubt on whatever it was that was to be released by Wikileaks. And because the American sheeple has been made to believe that Russians are evil, they were for the most part believing the spin put out by the Clinton camp and its supporters in Washington DC. Throughout the ordeal they were even suggesting that the hacked emails may have even been doctored by Russian intelligence in order to undermine democracy and disrupt American politics -
“These are hacked, stolen documents by the Russian government, which has weaponized WikiLeaks to help elect Donald Trump,” Glen Caplin, a senior Clinton campaign spokesman, told Yahoo News. “We’re not going to confirm the authenticity of any specific alleged communication”
"A Trump presidency would strengthen Russia’s implicit argument that democracies are too vulnerable to the mob’s baser instincts. It would lend credence to his belief that democracies are too internally divided to commit to long term strategic goals. Most of all, it would leave the NATO alliance leaderless in the face of further Russian expansionism. The Kremlin so strongly favors a Trump presidency that it is actively attempting to sabotage the Clinton campaign, employing the same information-warfare tactics against an American presidential candidate that the Russians have used against Eurasian political adversaries for years. If they are successful, Russian hackers and propagandists will have achieved one of the Kremlin’s greatest strategic victories in a hundred years without ever firing a shot"
Nevertheless, the Kremlin must be greatly enjoying the free publicity the accusations over the emails it has been receiving, for as the American saying goes: There's no such thing as bad publicity. President Putin is clearly having fun with all this, and using the opportunity to highlight US meddling in Russia's internal affairs -
I would also like to put the American news media into a proper context to the reader by pointing out the following fact: It's only a handful of agencies - six that control 90% of the nation's news media - decide what 300 million-plus Americans see, read and hear, and these six operate under the supervision of the CIA. There is no such thing as a "free press" in the United States. Hasn't been at least since the 1970s. Consequently, certain news items in the United States news press will be hyped-up, certain news items with be falsified, certain news items will be whitewashed, certain news items will be totally ignored, and all news items will laced with political spin, as deemed appropriate by the CIA. Mainstream news media in the US is actually in the business of creating an alternative reality. More and more people, including Americans, are beginning to see all this. This is why Russia's RT is among the most popular news organizations in the world today.Putin BOMBSHELL to West: 'I saw your instructions to NGOs to destabilize Russia:
Donald Trump versus America's ruling elite
So, regardless of what political side an American may choose to be on, he or she is actually choosing a side that is managed at the very top by American Jewry.
When Donald Trump first announced his candidacy none of the political pundits or the entrenched establishment men in the country expected him to do so well. He was supposed to be a stage decoration or an interesting sideshow. Needless to say, he suddenly and quite spectacularly stole the show. It was as if he had been waiting and preparing all his life for this moment. He knew early on in his life that he would one day seek presidential office. I believe that Donald Trump's presidential bid and his subsequent win was his manifest destiny, and it has proven to be a watershed moment in American history. The United States will never be the same as a result.
Trump was mentally preparing for this day for a very long time, and he thought he had laid the proper groundwork for himself. After all, he had built a multi-billion dollar business dynasty. He had turned his name into a national brand. He had established ties with both sides of the political isle in Washington DC. He had married his beloved daughter Ivanka into Judaism. He had surrounded himself with Jewish political advisers and campaign managers. Yet, Jewish owned news organizations in the US were crying: “if you are a Jew, you should be very afraid of Donald Trump” and neoconservative Jewish warmongers were asking - is this the end of the West as we know it?"
The anti-Trump frenzy had gotten so bad, that Max Boot (who Senator Marco Rubio's "foreign policy adviser" and a well known American imperialist, neoconservative, Council on Foreign Relations member and Russian-born son of Jewish dissidents) went on record to publicly claim that he "would sooner vote for Josef Stalin than vote for Donald Trump".
The Jewish establishment in the US and by extension everyone else within news media and government in the US remained largely against Donald Trump throughout his presidential campaign. Consequently, the country's neoliberal establishment (the Jewish-led left wing) was against him and the country's neoconservative establishment (the Jewish-led right wing) was against him. Consequently, most political pundits and news media outlets in the US (mostly Jewish and/or Jewish owned) have been attacking him incessantly and viciously, which has continued even after Trump's victory.
Why do we see this unbridled hysteria about a Trump presidency within the Jewish community? In my opinion, because unlike other presidential candidates who are willingly and enthusiastically surrendering themselves to the Jewish establishment in the United States, Trump and his backers are seen as independent players merely seeking to cooperate with them. This was very apparent in a talk Trump gave to a room full of influential Republican Jews early in his presidential bid. Listen carefully to his words -
Donald Trump Speaks at Republican Jewish Coalition Presidential Forum (12-3-15):
Trump's populist persona, his German pedigree, his immense popularity among the nation's Whites and some of his rhetoric has reminded his Jewish detractors of historic figures like Hitler and Mussolini. From the Jewish perspective: Once a immensely popular public figure like Donald Trump, who has a following of tens-of-millions of White Christians in the country, rises to power in American politics on a nationalistic platform based on anti-establishment, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim sentiments... it's a very small leap thereafter to that thing called "antisemitism".
In my humble opinion, the fear Jews seem to have towards Donald Trump is primarily a primordial fear. Consequently, although Trump has gone out of his way to pander to the country's Jewish ruling elite to gain their approval, the Jewish ruling elite instinctually fears that he and his backers are not something they can't directly own or easily control. Trump will therefore not be trusted by them.
Ultimately, the US is too wealthy, too large, too powerful, too influential in the world, and the ruling elite in the country is too invested in the American empire to simply share power with a populist outsider who is not totally owned or controlled by them. The US is therefore too important because it is a powerful catalyst through which they have been pushing their agendas, including their Zionism, around the world for decades. When it comes to Washington DC and American politicians, the Jewish establishment will therefore seek total domination.
We therefore had a situation in the US recently where there was a presidential candidate who was doing his utmost best to work with and from within the political system at hand; a presidential candidate who was immensely popular throughout the country; a Republican presidential candidate who was drawing large numbers of Democrat and independent voters into the Republican party... but also a Republican presidential candidate that the Republican establishment (and virtually everyone else in Washington DC) was vehemently opposed to. Instead of being happy that in the Trump campaign the Republican Party had finally gotten someone that record numbers of American voters are excited about, they were viciously attacking him. It was an extraordinary day in American history when the Republican establishment represented by former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney officially set out to subvert the will of the American people -
Mitt Romney: Donald Trump is a 'phony, a fraud':
Open Letter on Donald Trump from GOP National Security Leaders:
At Secretive Meeting, Tech CEOs And Top Republicans Commiserate, Plot To Stop Trump:
The US has thus become a showcase for Jews on the left and Jews on the right - and those in the middle getting screwed is the average American.
Jewish influence in the US today is so pervasive that when the "right" fights the "left", what we essentially see is Jewish infighting. We can clearly see this unique dynamic in modern American politics play out when they sometimes air their dirty laundry. When disagreements are sometimes observed between the US and Israel, you can bet it's Jewish infighting as well. We see this Jewish divide even with Donald Trump. So, regardless of what political side you may think you are on, you are actually on their side. Jews are America's new ruling elite, as the following proves -
Ivanka Trump is happy to be Jewish:
Ted Cruz says: "If You Won't Stand With Israel, I Will Not Stand With You":
Senator Marco Rubio – Israel First, America Last:
Bernie Sanders Is Jewish, but he doesn’t like to talk about it:
Hillary Has Jewish Roots:
Why most 2016 candidates are speaking at AIPAC:
Donald Trump Full Speech at AIPAC Policy Conference (3-21-16):
Donald Trump’s AIPAC Speech: “I Love Israel”:
AIPAC’s apology for Trump speech is unprecedented:
I remain convinced that this is primarily a result of "social engineering" and mental conditioning that comes from either growing up in a Western nation or in a nation under Western influence. Through engineering tools like school curriculum, cinema, music, television programming, print media and news media, Jews have succeeded in thoroughly brainwashing the masses. That is actually how they have traditionally operated. They use cultural levers to brainwash and/or distract the masses, they use financial levers to buy officials and subvert governments. That is how they ruined Russia; that is how they ruined Germany; that is how they ruined the Middle East; that is how they are currently ruining the US. Organized Jewry plays a parasitical role in the human ecology. I say parasitical literally in the biological and ecological senses of the word and not as an ethnic slur.
Simply put: Jews stole America while Americans were too drunk, too high and too preoccupied with sex, television, shopping or baseball to notice it.
Consequently, Jews today represent all that is modern America - in all its glory and gore. Consequently, much of what the world hates and/or fears about America today - be it its warmongering, multiculturalism, ultraliberalism, neoliberalism or its neoconservatism - can be traced to American Judaism. It's this Jewish nature and character - with its inherent hatred of Christians, Muslims, Europeans, Russians, Arabs and Persians - that will eventually destroy the US. The US is already in decline because subservient officials in Washington DC have been pursuing policies both at home and abroad that are beneficial to Jews and Israel but detrimental to the US.
Looking at the American political landscape, I now feel that it's final: To be considered for high office in America today, you have to be either fully Jewish, partially Jewish or simply more Jewish than Jewish. And Donald Trump has been taught a dear lesson in Jewology.
All aspects of politics in the Western world is tightly controlled by its deeply entrenched elite. The so-called democratic processes in places like the United States and the United Kingdom will never therefore be allowed to get outside their clearly defined parameters. Yet, Uncle Sam's greatest strength continues to be is its devilish ability to deceive even the healthiest of minds. Which reminds me of a powerful quote by the great German philosopher Goethe -
"None are more hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free"Due to the power of propaganda and social engineering, most Americans today continue to think they are a free people. Until very recently, most Americans were still under the impression that there was a functioning democracy in the US. If you are one of these sad simpletons, I ask you to please wake up, open your eyes and realize that despite what political party you “decide” to support in the US, the imperial elite in the US has already decided what kind of country you will live in. Everything else is just an elaborate show meant to distract fools. So, if the US is not really a democracy, then what is it?
Many scholars actually see the US as a mix of corporatocracy, plutocracy and oligarchy. And one glance at the political process in the country is enough to see that the US is a two party, closed circuit political system under constant supervision by a handful of powerful groups. The political system in the US is like a two ring circus carefully managed by ringmasters the audience does not get to see. And the ringmasters in question are: The country's Jewish establishment; Council on Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission; Pentagon; CIA; the military industrial complex; international bankers; Wall Street; Federal Reserve; energy lobby; pharmaceuticals lobby; the insurance lobby.
It should also be added that always present within the highest levels of the above mentioned special interests in Washington DC are the international elite and their secret orders, the exclusive clubs where members of European and American ruling dynasties (old money) get together and essentially plot ways to preserve their wealth and their power. Some of societies I am referring to are Freemasonry, Illuminati, Rosicrucians and of course the more modern Bilderberg group. Then there are organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations that are connected to them in various ways. These groups prove that real power and real wealth in this world continues to be inherited.
There are in fact many exclusive clubs for high society folks in the US and Europe. One such group known as Saint Hubertus briefly revealed itself recently when Justice Scalia died. By pointing this out the only thing I am suggesting is that elitist clubs are real and they are present in the highest echelons of Western governments. While we have no accurate way of measuring just how influential they are in politics, they do nevertheless seem omnipresent in centers of power in the Western world. We can see their handiwork when we look at organizations like the United Nations, World Trade Organization and the World Bank; movements such as globalism and socialism; the promotion around the world of climate change awareness, atheism, democracy, planned parenthood, human rights, homosexuality, feminism, GMOs, ecumenism and interracialism.
It is safe to conclude that the international elite in question does yield great power in places like Washington DC, London and Brussels.
Getting back to American democracy, if the political facade in the US looks a bit more professional or even somewhat more "democratic" when compared to other nations, it's simply because the US has been slowly developing and fine-tuning its closed circuit, two party political system for well over two hundred years. Yet at its very core the US is essentially the same as all other top-heavy, authoritarian governments around the world.
Ultimately, the US is too wealthy, too powerful, too large and too influential globally to allow a silly thing called democracy to get in the way. Those who are therefore hoping that Uncle Sam will one day tighten it's belt, willingly abandon the business of empire (the business it's been in since the Second World War) and begin transforming the US back to being a republic will be disappointed. Once a hegemonic predator gets to live on top of the global food-chain, it becomes virtually impossible for it to live or survive anywhere else. American officials willingly abandoning their imperial ambitions is like a person willingly quitting a high paying profession on Wall Street to work at McDonald's. It just won't happen. Those who run the American empire will therefore never willingly allow the "people" to have a real say in American politics.
Uncle Sam has therefore evolved quite sophisticated methods to manage and/or manipulate the people's will during elections without making it look too obvious. These undemocratic practices even have impressive sounding names: "Electoral College", "Super-delegates" and "Gerrymandering". And this is how crazy some of this stuff actually is -
It's crazy, it's legal, and it's undemocratic. Adam Ruins Everything explains gerrymandering:
Because Democracy! How Bernie beat Hillary but lost New Hampshire:
We therefore had a situation in the recent presidential race where Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were more-or-less even in actual votes during the Democrat party primary, but in the "super-delegate" count (which is the number that counts) Clinton was leading Sanders by several hundred points. Therefore, the two presidential candidates of the Democrat party were more-or-less even in number of votes they had gotten from the voters, but the one that had "insider" support was way ahead in the delegate count. And that's not all, people from influential "insider groups" such as the Council on Foreign Relations regularly vet and "consult" presidential candidates -
Donald Trump and other candidates held briefings with Council on Foreign Relations:
Iran has a democracy in which the country's religious establishment tightly controls the parameters of the country's political system. The clerics in Tehran vet the political players, define boundaries of the political process and go on to administer it all from above. Cuba also has a democracy but one that is tightly controlled by the nation's communist party. Similarly, Russia's FSB closely monitors the country's democratic process throughout the Russian Federation. This is all done to keep their respective societies in order and politics in-line with the interests of the respective nations. It's also done to keep out foreign (i.e. Western) meddling. So, how is any of this different from what happens in the US?!
Would Russian or Iranian officials get away with the kind of corruption Washingtonians get away with on a regular basis? Never! In fact, in 2012, Russia had one of the most orderly and democratic elections in the world, yet the West was crying foul. In fact, Iran has had a very well organized election process, but the West has been crying foul. Very well, I accept the notion that Russia, Iran or even Armenia are far from being perfect... but where are Western-funded NGOs decrying the undemocratic processes we are seeing take place throughout the US? At its core the political system in the US is essentially the same as the ones we see in other, more authoritarian parts of the world. At the end of the day, the US is too wealthy, too powerful, too large and too influential. Those who run the American empire will therefore never allow the "people" to make important political decisions and they will never allow outsiders like Donald Trump to change the parameters of the game.
I reiterate: If the political facade in the US looks shinier, more refined, more sophisticated, more developed or more palatable, it's simply because the US has had an uninterpreted two hundred year head-start in the game of politics and economics. In my opinion, the US differs from nations like Russia, Iran and Armenia only with the sophistication with which it fools its electorate and keeps the country's political life stable and orderly.
Manipulation of the political process via dirty tricks is nothing new in American politics. But this year's presidential campaigns have brought the flaws and the rampant corruption in the system to the forefront like never before. What we are seeing take place in this year's election process in the US is blatant examples of the deeply rooted institutionalized corruption (i.e the kind of corruption that is reserved only for upper echelons of society) in the Western world. The following are some additional materials to ponder -
US elections, rigged and computer codes:
Could computers fail on election day?
This Hoax Affects Everyone:
Two-Party Dictatorship: US choosing lesser evil?
Ron Paul 100% proof of Maine Election fraud!
Stealing a U.S. election? Nothing's easier!
So, I am not criticizing the US for not being a democracy. Democracy, in its purest form, is a very destructive political process. In fact, the ruling elite in the US knows this very well. They know that entrusting a nation’s politics to the whims of its ignorant masses is the surest and fastest way to political and economic ruin, which is why there is no democracy in the US. Democracy's destructive nature is the reason why Western powers have been using military might and economic sanctions to impose it on nations targeted with either destruction or subjugation. Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya and Ukraine readily come to mind. The American ruling establishment is very experienced and very intelligent. I therefore don't blame them for not wanting real democracy to ruin what they have meticulously created during the past two centuries. My intention here is to therefore break the myth of American democracy and finally allow the sheeple around the world to see that they have been fooled by savvy wolves in sheep's clothing. When it comes to governance and women, with rare exceptions, I believe top heavy is always better.
Top heavy is better
I personally believe in top heavy, nationalistic governments where limited forms of democracy and regulated forms of capitalism are practiced. I see National Socialism and Constitutional Monarchy as the best forms of government in existence today.
Nationalistic and top heavy governments are particularly important for peoples without much experience in statehood (i.e. Armenians) and for peoples with certain nonconforming cultural/genetic traits (i.e. Armenians). Close observation of Armenians and Armenian history reveals that Armenians tend to be by nature fiercely independent, individualistic, egotistical, restless, materialistic, competitive, aggressive, possessive, suspicious, jealous, clannish, arrogant, intelligent, crafty and overly ambitious. These unique traits (which lies at the root of Armenian success outside of Armenia) does not allow Armenians to be easily governed, especially when the governing is being done by other Armenians. More importantly, such traits do not encourage sociopolitical stability. Democracy and Armenians will therefore not mix well. Armenians therefore have the need to be ruled by top heavy, authoritarian and nationalistic governments.
Due to its peculiarities as a nation, Russians also have a natural need for authoritarian governments. But, unlike Armenians, Russians seem to understand this well. More importantly, Russians seem to actually embrace it. The following survey reveals, in my opinion, why Russia remains a powerful nation despite the immense odds stacked against it -
Poll: Just 7 Percent Of Russians Care About Democracy:
Russian Lawmakers Aim at Foreign Cars, Films and Schooling in Patriotic Purge:
Putin Wants U.S. Dollar Banned From Russian Trade:
Russia to bar Soros, other foreign NGOs:
Nevertheless, barring some rare exceptions, mankind is by nature incapable of properly governing itself. This human condition is more pronounced in certain types of peoples (e.g. Armenians, Greeks and Arabs) who have genetic and cultural traits that do not mix well with democratic values. Because of human nature democracy will not work for most for most of the time. Those who control levers of government in the Western world fully recognize the inherent flaws found in a democratic system. This explains why Western governments are by design elite-based systems with relatively very few political players. All this is why I am an advocate of political systems where political parties and corporate entities are tightly regulated and are made to operate under the close supervision of a nation's homegrown political, financial and military elite. Two such successful forms of governments today are Russia and China.
Free societies shoot to great heights, but they burnout almost as fast. When it comes to governing, top heavy will always be more efficient and therefore longer lasting.
I want my Armenian compatriots to stop their stupidity when it comes to politics in Armenia. Armenians need to wake up and see that corruption is in fact much worst in the US. Armenians need to wake up and see that there is no democracy in the US. Armenians need to wake up and realize that the existence of characters like Paruyr Hayrikyan, Jirayr Sefilian, Raffi Hovanissian, Vartan Oskanian and Levon Petrosyan within the political scene in Armenia is ample proof that Armenia is, unfortunately, more democratic than the US. Armenians also need to wake up and realize that the US did not become as wealthy, as developed and as powerful as it has been because of "democracy", "humanitarian values" or "liberalism".
It is troubling for me that a lot of people are still under the impression that the Western world, the US in particular, become wealthy and powerful as a result of democracy and/or liberalism. We must dispel this false notion because it is misleading millions of people around the world. We must also dispel this flawed mindset because by feeding the minds of the masses of people yearning for a better life with false notions and poisonous misconceptions, it is causing serious sociopolitical unrest around the world.
Protected by oceans, the political and financial elite in the United States (Freemasons being prominent among them) took over two hundreds years to grow the country to what it is today. During that time period, the United States became a wealthy world power essentially as a result of the industrial revolution; mass scale enslavement of Africans; the systematic extermination of native American Indians and the confiscation their lands which were abundant with natural resources; global wars for plunder; and the total control over global trade and commodities as a result of such wars.
Actually, voting rights for women in the United States did not come about until the 1920s and racial minorities did not get their right to vote until the 1960s. In my opinion, had the United States been an actual democracy it would not have made it this far or made it this big. Democracy had nothing to do with the rise of the United States. In fact, it can be argued that "democratic values" such as liberalism, multiculturalism and the resulting loss of traditional/conservative values in the US are the core reasons why American civilization and by extension European civilization are in decline today.
As the Western world slowly commits suicide via - genetically modified foods, sex tourism, low quality pop culture, psychiatric drugs, celebrity worship, proliferation junk foods, government sanctioned multiculturalism, over-taxation, underage drinking and drug abuse, proliferation of pharmaceuticals, institutionalized atheism, over-regulation, dwindling natural resources, epidemic of suicides, over-entertainment, modern art, Holocaust worship, under-education, radical feminism, Satan worship, abortion, low birth rates, culture of violence, glorification of war, consumerism, commercialism, selfishness and individualism, mass homicides, child prostitution, child pornography, interracialism, illegal immigration, third world immigration, sexual debauchery, breakdown of traditional family, governmental corruption and the promotion of homosexuality - others in the world are slowly plotting course for a new period in human history.
Besides, how democratic was the United States for the first two hundred years of its existence? In fact, just how democratic is the United States today?
Recent world events have shown as that the imposition of democracy on any given society can prove very destructive if not suicidal. Even for developed societies, unsupervised democracy can cause stagnation, instability and decline. In a democratic system, a shrewd minority, or a select few special interests, will always manage to co-opt government. Governments that for one reason or another risk playing with democracy will either tightly control it or risk being killed by it.
The practice of democracy in the Western world is a tightly controlled process by its ruling elite. As Donald Trump found out, the democratic processes in places like the United States or Great Britain for instance will never be allowed to get outside of their clearly defined parameters. Actually, Switzerland and Iceland may be one of the very few nation-states on earth today that practice the closest/purest forms of democracy.
Before the leadership of any developing country allows their citizenry to participate in nation's political processes, the political system in the country first needs to develop well established national institutions and political parties that are fully subservient to them. Before a government can allow its people a limited say in political matters, it also needs a well conditioned citizenry. Armenia's so-called "political opposition" today as well as the events of March 1, 2008 have clearly demonstrated that Armenia is at least several decades away from being able to practice some forms of democracy without the danger of committing national suicide. In their transitional phases, developing nations need powerful leaders with courage and vision. Having said that, however, I hope to see Russians and Armenians eventually begin moving away from personality-based political parties and begin supporting ideology-based political movements that operate under the umbrella of deeply rooted national institutions. Until that day arrives, however, people like Russians and Armenians need strongmen in power. Speaking of strong men, Britain's Winston Churchill is said to have once said -
"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter"
The Century Of The Self:
The Power of Nightmares:
"Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education" - Franklin D. Roosevelt
"Democracy is a form of government that substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few" - George Bernard Shaw
In fact, there cant be a better argument against the imposition of democracy and capitalism on inexperienced nations than what happened in Armenia and Russia during the 1990s. There can't be a better argument against the imposition of democracy and capitalism on inexperienced nations than what has recently been happening in nations like Ukraine, Iraq, Libya and Syria. Democracy and capitalism has brought utter chaos and destruction to parts of the former Soviet Union, the Middle East and Central Asia.
The kind of democracy being promoted by Western powers around the world in recent decades – with its system of beliefs known as Free Trade, Open Society, Westernization or globalization – are for Western powers today what Christianity was for European powers during the past one thousand years and what Roman civilization and Hellenism was for them centuries before that: A means of manipulation, subjugation, exploitation and when needed, destruction. Now, let's see what else Winston Churchill thought about democracy -
"Democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried."
Democracy, specifically the kind that has been practiced by the Anglo-American world, is indeed the best way a ruling elite can fool its subjects into thinking that they are partaking in the political process. This more-or-less is why Winston Churchill preferred democracy. Basically: Western democracy allows the existence of a very wealthy elite. And as long as a political system has a well entrenched oligarchy and deeply rooted national institutions, the sheeple of that political system can be allowed to participate in the semblance of democracy. This is how Western elite pacify their street. Nevertheless, despite what Churchill believed or wanted his sheeple to believe, democracy has always been a system where a small handful of clever men manage to attain levers to control a vast majority of lesser men -
"Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage. Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses" - Henry L. Mencken
“[The Dulles brothers] were able to succeed [at regime change] in Iran and Guatemala because those were democratic societies, they were open societies. They had free press; there were all kinds of independent organizations; there were professional groups; there were labor unions; there were student groups; there were religious organizations. When you have an open society, it’s very easy for covert operatives to penetrate that society and corrupt it” - Stephen Kinzer
In my opinion, similar to how people of a society need training or a license to operate machinery or have a practice, the very complex and potentially volatile machinery that is the nation-state today likewise needs to be operated by qualified individuals who truly appreciate and understands its mechanisms and by those who have a serious stake in the systems overall well-being. Generally speaking, those qualified to do this are the highly educated, high level military officials and, unfortunately, the wealthy. That said, let's also be mindful that democracy, prosperity and political stability are not at all interrelated: They never have been, they never will be. Westerners know this -
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote" - Benjamin Franklin
"Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide" - John Adams
It was only after the rise of communism and socialism in the 20th century that the Western elite felt compelled to begin giving a little back to their people.
Despite their touting, “democracy” or “freedom” has never had much to do with the Western world’s rise to global power and prosperity. We cannot make the mistake of attributing Western power or wealth to democracy. Western powers rose to prominence as a direct consequence of industrialization, war and human exploitation.
The US was founded by a very intelligent group of people who saw themselves as part of an elitist system. The US today continues to be an elite-based system. The US has historically been a nation where the top one percent has thoroughly dominated the rest of the ninety-nine percent. However, the American citizenry, the ninety-nine percent, has been better managed in recent decades through the provision of bare-essentials (i.e. low paying jobs and government assistance), entertainment (i.e. proliferation of television programing, celebrity worship, cinema and sports) and mind control methods in the form of information control through the mainstream news media and school curriculum. Powerful national institutions overseeing and sometimes directly guiding the so-called “democratic process” is exactly how the Western world manages itself.
Democracy is not a panacea. Democracy is actually a dangerous drug. Developing nations of the post-Soviet space are in no shape to risk playing with such a toxic drug. A nation cannot afford playing with risky political experiments when the nation is culturally unprepared and politically immature. A nation cannot afford playing with risky political experiments when it does not have a democratic tradition or lacks powerful national institutions. A nation cannot afford playing with risky political experiments while it is still in a developmental phase. In their transitional phases, developing nations need patriotic leaders, authoritarian governments and conforming populations. In the meanwhile, may God help protect nations from democracy and all it’s peddlers.
Trump may be too little, too late
After all is said and done, one things remains for sure: President-elect Trump will soon find out that the world he lives in looks very different when viewed from inside the White House. In the closing paragraph of my blog commentary titled "Donald Trump and the current state of American politics", I wrote the following passage -
"The American empire is too large, too powerful, too corrupt and too set in its ways, and Trump is too little, too late. Trump will not change the system, the system will more likely change Trump. If Trump gets the Republican nomination and goes on to beat the witch or the socialist for the nation's presidency, he will only do so by coming to terms with the powers that be. There is no other way forward for him - unless he wants to risk his well being. In my opinion, Trump will not live to see the White House if he does not fully submit himself to the ruling elite or at the very least "cut a deal" with them. The last time the US had a populist leader that really wanted to change things for the better, he was murdered by his own. I am not suggesting that they may kill Trump. They won't go that route because it would be too obvious. Besides, assassinations of high officials by the deep state are reserved as a drastic measure of last resort, a trump card, pardon the pun. But they do have other ways to ruin people's lives. In any case, Trump won't risk anything. He is simply not that type. As we have already seen, he has already been signalling his strong willingness to work with the country's Jewish establishment and the military industrial complex. That in itself is bad enough and nothing good can come out of it. Trump wants to be part of the ruling establishment, even if the ruling establishment does not trust him. But if it comes down to it, the ruling establishment will make a deal with him."
At best, Donald Trump will be an embattled and a beleaguered president, and his policies will run into one block-after-another. He will not be able to change the system as the system will most probably change him. I'd like to remind the reader that many months before he defeated Hillary Clinton he was already coming to terms with powers that be. There was no other way forward to the White House for him. Even with all the mysterious support the Trump camp had, Donald Trump and his backers would not have lived to see the White House had they not "cut a deal" with those who run the American empire. I personally think that Donald Trump and his backers have come to some kind of an understanding with the ruling elite, even if they continue to publicly oppose each-other. Consider the following chronology:The “Elite” Coup Of 2016 against US President-Elect Trump?:
They didn't trust presidential candidate Donald Trump at first -
The Neocons vs. Donald Trump:
The Real Reason Neocons Are So Upset About Donald Trump:
Here’s why Trump’s foreign policy terrifies neocons:
Trump Already Surrounding Himself With Establishment Men:
Donald Trump Held Briefing With Richard Haass, Head of Council on Foreign Relations:
Trump Taking Résumés From Neocons:
With Trump, a Major US Shift in Mideast:
Zionists 4 Trump:
Is Trump a Populist or a Pro-Zionist Spoiler?:
Ron Paul: Trump Needs To Resist Neocons And Shadow Government Elites:
Ron Paul to Trump: Don’t Listen to Neocons:
Perhaps this is why now that he has been elected he has been reaching out to various servants of the political/financial establishment in Washington DC and New York. Perhaps this is why throughout his presidential campaign he was signalling his desire to work closely with the country's powerful Jewish/Zionist establishment. Perhaps this is why throughout his presidential campaign he was also signalling his desire to work closely with the country's powerful military industrial complex. Nevertheless, what's been particularly worrying about Donald Trump has been his rhetoric about Iran and China. At the end of the day, realpolitik may make a Trump administration come to terms with Russia and the likes of Bashar Assad of Syria - but the Trump camp's approach to matters pertaining to Iran and China in particular are something that should worry everyone.
I have a feeling that Donald Trump's rhetoric is part of a long-term, strategic plan formulated by those behind him. I fear that those who helped put him into power clearly have an agenda that goes beyond domestic matters. They may be trying to reach some sort of a deal with Russia in order to deal more forcefully with Iran and China.
Concerning China: For the past few years we have been seeing a re-vectoring of US relations vis-à-vis Beijing. This has been called “pivot to Asia.” There seems to be some degree or form of departure from what the ruling elite in the Western world had initiated in the 1970s when President Richard Nixon traveled to China. Which begs the question: Has China also grown too powerful in their eyes? Is a Sino-American confrontation therefore a matter of time? Concerning Iran: It is well known that Israel's main strategic concern in the Middle East today is not Turkey, not Egypt, not Saudi Arabia, not Jordan, not Lebanon, not Syria, not ISIS, not Al-Qaeda, not Al-Nusra - but the country of Iran. I'd like to once more point out to the reader that the Anglo-American-Zionist alliance's primal fear is the development of an "Iranian arc" in the region. This fear of theirs is reaching critical levels as a result of Bashar Assad's impending victory in Syria -
Israel’s Main Concern in Syria: Iran, not ISIS:
It is also well known that keeping regional nations embroiled in never-ending wars and political/economic unrest is also a Zionist strategy of survival in the inhospitable region, if not a matter of expansion -ISIS, like the matador’s red cape, distracts from the truly mortal danger—a nuclear Iran chanting ‘Death to America’:
The Zionist Plan for the Middle East:
There is now an Iranian zone of influence stretching from western Afghanistan to the eastern Mediterranean. This Iranian arc of influence will not be tolerated by the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance.
Let's therefore wait and see how the Trump administration (which includes many influential Zionists) will approach matters pertaining to Iran. I think the first real test for him in this regard will be in Syria; and it will come very soon. The bloody conflict there is in its final phase. The strategic city of Aleppo has been liberated by Syrian, Iranian and Russian forces. Western-backed Islamic militants have been deprived of a major city stronghold and will now be forced to operate in the country's rural interior, where they will be easier to eliminate. I want to add here that the liberation of Aleppo was at least in part made possible by Moscow's rapprochement with Ankara. The Kremlin managed to disarm Ankara's agenda against Bashar Assad's government. Going forward, let's see how the Trump administration will handle Syria. In my opinion, the Trump administration's test after Syria may come by the way of China. So, let's wait and see how a President Trump will also deal with Beijing. Recent developments between Washington DC and Beijing are giving rise to dire predictions -
With President-elect Trump now merely weeks away from the White House, let's continue watching the kind of people he will surround himself with. As I said, some of the signs I'm seeing are worrisome and some are encouraging. Of the worrisome signs, I'm seeing a number of dangerous neoconservative types that were around during the disastrous Bush II presidency, as well as some typical Wall Street types. Moreover, I'm not very comfortable with the likes of Benjamin Netanyahu and others in Israel's hard right (including many Zionists inside the US) being so happy about a Trump presidency. Moreover, the news agency known as "Breitbar" is in reality a Zionist publication and its Stephen Bannon may prove to be just another "Christian-Zionist". Nothing good can come out of these kinds of people. I guess what I'm essentially trying to convey to the reader here is that our hate towards one group of dangerous people (e.g. the Clinton camp) should not blind us to another group of potentially dangerous people. That said, I still remain cautiously optimistic about a Trump presidency.‘The Coming War on China’ John Pilger on his newest film:
Israeli Ambassador: ‘Russia, Iran and Syria Defeated America’:
Russia is making inroads everywhere — the U.S., Europe and Eurasia:
Russia Signs Cooperation Agreement With Anti-Immigrant Party in Austria:
After a mere 25 years, the triumph of the West is over:
Armenia Is Literally Joining Forces With Russia:
This election cycle in the United States, as well as political developments around the world in recent years, may have forever exposed the fairytales that Western officials had comfortably wrapped themselves in for generations. This election cycle has brought many of the fallacies and flaws of the United States to the forefront of public discourse. The man-made hype about American democracy is finally fading. The global community has finally begun to see that the much touted political system in place in the United States was after all more hype than substance. They are now seeing that the "leader of the free world' is not all that different from authoritarian nations around the world. Donald Trump's political saga showed that one can be a billionaire, a nationally recognized celebrity, maintain years of close personal relationships with high level officials, enjoy the support of tens-of-millions of American voters, pander to the powerful Jewish establishment, embrace the military industrial complex and still be viciously attacked and still not have a chance at the presidency had it not been for the support he received from inside the US government and from unnamed groups around the world.
We can now therefore safely conclude that there is in fact no democracy in the United States. And now millions of people around the world have finally seen what individuals like myself have been saying for many years.
So, will President-elect Donald Trump, as he promised, attempt to actually "drain the swamp" and "make America great again"? Chances are he wont. Not because he does not want to but because he can't. The United States is too deeply involved in empire to retreat from its imperial ambitions and be downsized without the risk of collapse... unless that is, higher powers want it that way, and Donald Trump may in that case be unwittingly playing a part in it.
Speaking of collapse, this presidential race revealed a great rift that has developed in the United States in recent times. It can be said that their social engineering efforts have not fully succeeded and the country has essentially split into two very different nations. There is an America that is liberal, secular, cosmopolitan, socialist, globalist, Black, Hispanic, Jewish, homosexual, immigrant, interracial, multicultural, feminist, atheist, pro-abortion and anti-gun, and there is an America that is White, Christian, rural, blue collar, patriotic, conservative, pro-gun, anti-abortion, xenophobic and libertarian. These two America's are diametrically opposed to each another, and the two will never be reconciled. Consequently, American society today is fragile and if put under serious strain the country may crack. Seriously tampering with the political and/or economic system in place in the country, despite good intentions, may therefore have serious repercussions. I don't think any presidential administration in Washington DC will be allowed to take such a risk... unless, as I noted above, higher powers want it that way.
The question therefore remains: Will the United States abandon it's imperial pursuits and humbly revert back to being a republic? In my opinion, the answer is, most probably not. Will the American empire re-calibrate or readjust its policies and agendas around the world and make room for multipolarity in global governance? Probably yes. Hopefully yes. Donald Trump came at a time when Russian-American relations were at their lowest point since the Cuban missile crisis. If those who put Donald Trump in power truly place their emphasis on fixing America's many domestic problems and in the process at least downsize the country's political and military footprint in the rest of the world, that would be good enough for me. If a Trump administration does nothing else but develop better relations with Moscow, that would be good enough for me as well. Ultimately, time will reveal the real agenda of those behind Donald Trump. At this point, all the rest of us can do is wait and hope. To say that we are living in historic times is to put it very-very mildly.
Winter, 2016/2017
Trump’s Revolution - Now beware the counter-revolution

That this is a revolution is a bit of an understatement: revolutions are usually national in scope. This is an earthquake that will shake the whole world.
The United States is a global empire, and from the Korean peninsula to the Baltic states, our protectorates are quavering in panic that the system they’ve depended on for over half a century is about to come down. During the election, America’s client states all but formally endorsed Hillary Clinton, and expressed their unmitigated horror at the prospect of a Trump presidency. After all, the GOP candidate pledged to make our allies start paying their own way, a possibility that naturally fills them with dread. And Trump committed the biggest heresy of all by not only openly questioning the continued existence of NATO, but also by asking “Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get along with Russia?”
The Clinton campaign’s response was to do what no presidential candidate has done since the earliest days of the Republic: they accused Trump of being a Russian “puppet.” Former CIA director Mike Morrell, in endorsing Clinton, wrote that Trump is “an unconscious agent” of the Kremlin. In the hothouse atmosphere of Washington, D.C., this was not only acceptable: it was the conventional wisdom. Indeed, it no doubt still is. However, out in the real world, it fell flat: no normal American believed that for a minute. Endless articles appeared in the media, linking Trump to the Kremlin: a major piece of “evidence” for the “puppet” theory is that the Trump people pushed to keep a plank calling for arming Ukraine out of the Republican party platform. What the new McCarthyites didn’t understand, however, is that nobody cares about Ukraine, as polls consistently show.
The political class is reeling: how could this have happened?
We’ll doubtless be subjected to endless essays on the subject of who or what is to “blame” for Trump: FBI Director James Comey? The “alt right”? WikiLeaks? Putin?
Their problem is that these people live in a bubble: the conservative writer Mollie Hemingway tweeted the night of the election that “ I was at a small DC dinner several weeks ago where several people said they knew not a single Trump supporter. I was like, ‘I know 100s.’” This evokes the famous Pauline Kael quote, who is reputed to have responded to Richard Nixon’s 1972 landslide victory by saying: “I don’t know how Nixon won. I don’t know anybody who voted for him.” Actually, the acerbic film critic didn’t say that, exactly. What she really said was far more telling:
“I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don’t know. They’re outside my ken. But sometimes when I’m in a theater I can feel them.”
This puts it succinctly: the inhabitants of the “special world” of the political class — self-satisfied pundits, self-serving politicians, avaricious hedge fund managers, arrogant academics, less-than-thoughtful thinktankers, politically correct scolds, neoconservative warmongers – couldn’t imagine a world in which Donald Trump could win the White House. They laughed at him when he announced, they sneered at him even as he was winning the primaries, and they unleashed more venom than an army of rattlesnakes when he won the Republican nomination, even as they claimed he was headed for a Goldwater-like defeat. The American ruling class lives in a world entirely separate from that of their subjects: even as the peasants with pitchforks gathered in the shadow of the castle, they never saw the Trumpian revolution coming.
In short, they have no idea why he won because they live on a different planet than the rest of us. And yet the reason for his victory is very simple, and it’s no secret. He stated it clearly and succinctly in a remarkable television ad in the final days of the campaign.
Trump understands that, as I put it in my last column, “The main issue in the world today is globalism versus national sovereignty, and it is playing out in the politics of countries on every continent.” A transnational ruling elite, the types who flock to Davos every year, has arisen that believes it has the right to manipulate the peoples of the world like pawns on a chessboard. These lords of creation engage in “regime change” when a government they don’t like challenges their imperial prerogatives: they move entire populations around as if they were human dust – they manipulate currencies, “manage” the world economy — and woe to those who challenge their rule!
And the epicenter of this global ruling elite is located in Washington, D.C., with the White House as the inner sanctum of the whole rotten system. And now that Fortress of Power has been breached. Thus, the panic of the elites.
Trump rode into office promising that “we’ll get along with everybody” who wants peace with the United States, as he said in his victory speech. He campaigned on a platform of “America First” that his enemies derided as “isolationist” and which was, in reality, simply the foreign policy of the Founders of this country. While his stance on immigration provoked a lot of hostility, I would argue that the real reason for the sheer hatred directed at him by both parties is his foreign policy views – especially his radical condemnation of the Iraq war, in which he not only rightly denounced it as a disaster but also said that we were lied into that war. And he sent a message to the neoconservative authors of that war in his April foreign policy speech sponsored by The National Interest magazine. In outlining a new foreign policy vision for this country, he said:
“I will also look for talented experts with new approaches, and practical ideas, rather than surrounding myself with those who have perfect résumés but very little to brag about except responsibility for a long history of failed policies and continued losses at war.’”
As I put it in my column on the subject: “Here he is openly telling the neocons, who have inveigled themselves into every administration since the days of Ronald Reagan, that they will be kicked to the curb if and when he takes the White House.”
Which brings me to an important point: we must hold Trump’s feet to the fire on this pledge. This is the task of those anti-interventionists who supported him – and there are many – as well as those who stood aside. Let our battle cry be heard: no more neocons!
Trump has said that NATO is “obsolete” – and let’s hold him to that evaluation, and its clear implications. The Soviet Union has been dead since 1989. It’s time to put NATO in mothballs. Trump has said Japan and Korea must start providing for their own defense: let’s hold him to that one, too. It’s high time to pull US troops out of South Korea, where they are sitting ducks, and out of Japan as well. The Korean war is over: so is World War II. These countries are wealthy, as Trump has repeatedly pointed out: let them defend themselves.
The Saudis depend on us for their defense: we send them weapons, we train their troops, while they fund terrorism and run one of the nastiest regimes on earth. They’re filthy rich, as Trump has remarked many times: it’s time to cut them loose, too. In short, it’s time to pressure the new President to keep his promises. Because you can be sure, as the sun rises in the West, that the War Party will try to co-opt the new administration, and do everything in their power to make sure that they retain their hegemony over US foreign policy.
We can’t let that happen.
Trump is sincere, but he’s only one man – yes, he’s the President, but even the chief executive of the United States runs up against limitations; I’m talking about not only political limitations but also the power of the “deep State” – the permanent national security bureaucracy that guards it power and agenda jealously. President Trump cannot stand alone against these powerful forces: he needs a mass movement to stand behind him and, if necessary, push him in the right direction.
This is a great victory for our cause, and I can’t help but feel elated. Yet our job won’t get any easier: indeed, in many ways it will get harder. We are up against an enemy that will fight tooth and nail to retain its dominance, and who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. We must be as determined to stop them as they are to resist the revolutionary wave that is lapping at their feet. Yes, the revolution has arrived. But this is no time for complacency. Quite the contrary: we must be prepared for the counter-revolutionary reaction that is already setting in. We must ready ourselves to fight – and win.

Two days before the second presidential debate, the government of the United States officially accused Russia of a hacking campaign aimed at interfering in the U.S. election. In a joint statement, absent any specifics or technical details, the Department of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence stated “the recent [hacked email] disclosures… are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts… based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.”
The statement goes on to detail how only Democratic servers were attacked, meaning the American government is claiming that Russia is trying to throw the election to Donald Trump, plain and simple. It is left unsaid why the Russians would risk cyberwar with the United States to do this, as many have suggested Trump is a neocon in spirit whose loose finger will be on the nuclear button from day one. Clinton is much more of a political realist, comfortable with the business-as-usual of the past eight years that has gone in Russia’s favor in the Ukraine and Syria. She in fact seems like the stable known known, always a preference.
As the torrent of Podesta emails from WikiLeaks continues to expose the crimes of the Clinton dynasty, the FBI on Monday, began releasing their own documents. Buried inside 100 pages of heavily redacted interview summaries from the FBI’s investigation into Clinton are a series of allegations that are nothing short of a bombshell — documenting an ultra-secret, high-level group within the government, who were actually referred to as ‘The Shadow Government.”
This Shadow Government has long been kept in the dark realms of conspiracy theory. However, thanks to these newly released FBI documents, the truth has now become stranger and even more corrupt than fiction. The document sheds light on the reason Hillary Clinton has been able to escape any and all accountability — she was protected by this ‘Shadow Government.’ According to the document, any Freedom of Information Act requests, in relation to Clinton, were sent to a secret group for review.
Within the FBI documents, an unidentified person describes how FOIA requests having to do with Clinton were routed through these special channels. “There was a powerful group of very high-ranking STATE officials that some referred to as ‘The 7th Floor Group’ or ‘The Shadow Government.’ This group met every Wednesday afternoon to discuss the FOIA process, Congressional records, and everything CLINTON-related to FOIA/Congressional inquiries,” the FBI’s interview summary said.
According to a report in CNBC, that group, according to the summary, argued for a Clinton document release to be conducted all at once “for coordination purposes” instead of on a rolling basis as would normally be the case. But the “Shadow Government” did not get its way, and the agency in charge decided for a rolling release, the FBI summary said.
However, the summary does not go on to note how many other instances in which this Shadow Government was called in to protect her highness. Also, as the Free Thought Project reported last week, Clinton had help from the FBI, according to a high-level agent who blew the whistle on what they say was a politically motivated, top-down decision to not recommend Hillary Clinton face criminal charges for her mishandling of classified intelligence.
As Heavy notes, a State Department official, Patrick Kennedy, offered a “quid pro quo” if the FBI would flip at least one email from “classified” to “unclassified,” so that it could be released to the public in response to a Freedom of Information Act request. The FBI denies that it acted on any such“quid pro quo,” which according to the documents would have involved allowing the FBI to place agents in countries where they previously were prohibited from doing so — namely Iraq. The FBI also quickly released a statement denying any such arrangement.
On a separate yet similarly corrupt note, according to CNBC, one claim from the FBI documents that was receiving attention online was that one interviewee said there was a “stark difference” between Clinton’s “obedience to security and diplomatic protocols” and that of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Clinton, the interviewee said, “blatantly” disregarded such protocols, including her frequent refusal to attend foreign diplomatic functions with the local ambassador.
“This frequently resulted in complaints by ambassadors who were insulted and embarrassed by this breach of protocol,” the interview summary said, adding that the subject claimed that “Clinton’s protocol breaches were well known throughout Diplomatic Security and were ‘abundant.'”
When the FBI is releasing documents that refer to a ‘Shadow Government’ that protects who will likely be the next president of the United States, the paradigm is shifting. This willingness to expose their own corruption likely means one of two things. Either the government is being more transparent because society is demanding it — or, they know the people can’t do anything to stop them, so secrecy no longer matters. Either way, 2016 is quickly becoming the year conspiracy theorists were proven right.
Defeated Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton is not about to «go quietly into that good night». On the morning after her surprising and unanticipated defeat at the hands of Republican Party upstart Donald Trump, Mrs. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, entered the ball room of the art-deco New Yorker hotel in midtown Manhattan and were both adorned in purple attire. The press immediately noticed the color and asked what it represented. Clinton spokespeople claimed it was to represent the coming together of Democratic «Blue America» and Republican «Red America» into a united purple blend. This statement was a complete ruse as is known by citizens of countries targeted in the past by the vile political operations of international hedge fund tycoon George Soros.
The Clintons, who both have received millions of dollars in campaign contributions and Clinton Foundation donations from Soros, were, in fact, helping to launch Soros’s «Purple Revolution» in America. The Purple Revolution will resist all efforts by the Trump administration to push back against the globalist policies of the Clintons and soon-to-be ex-President Barack Obama. The Purple Revolution will also seek to make the Trump administration a short one through Soros-style street protests and political disruption.
It is doubtful that President Trump’s aides will advise the new president to carry out a diversionary criminal investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s private email servers and other issues related to the activities of the Clinton Foundation, especially when the nation faces so many other pressing issues, including jobs, immigration, and health care. However, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz said he will continue hearings in the Republican-controlled Congress on Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and Mrs. Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin. President Trump should not allow himself to be distracted by these efforts. Chaffetz was not one of Trump’s most loyal supporters.
America’s globalists and interventionists are already pushing the meme that because so many establishment and entrenched national security and military «experts» opposed Trump’s candidacy, Trump is «required» to call on them to join his administration because there are not enough such «experts» among Trump’s inner circle of advisers. Discredited neo-conservatives from George W. Bush’s White House, such as Iraq war co-conspirator Stephen Hadley, are being mentioned as someone Trump should have join his National Security Council and other senior positions. George H. W. Bush’s Secretary of State James Baker, a die-hard Bush loyalist, is also being proffered as a member of Trump’s White House team. There is absolutely no reason for Trump to seek the advice from old Republican fossils like Baker, Hadley, former Secretaries of State Rice and Powell, the lunatic former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, and others. There are plenty of Trump supporters who have a wealth of experience in foreign and national security matters, including those of African, Haitian, Hispanic, and Arab descent and who are not neocons, who can fill Trump’s senior- and middle-level positions.
Trump must distance himself from sudden well-wishing neocons, adventurists, militarists, and interventionists and not permit them to infest his administration. If Mrs. Clinton had won the presidency, an article on the incoming administration would have read as follows:
«Based on the militarism and foreign adventurism of her term as Secretary of State and her husband Bill Clinton’s two terms as president, the world is in store for major American military aggression on multiple fronts around the world. President-elect Hillary Clinton has made no secret of her desire to confront Russia militarily, diplomatically, and economically in the Middle East, on Russia’s very doorstep in eastern Europe, and even within the borders of the Russian Federation. Mrs. Clinton has dusted off the long-discredited ‘containment’ policy ushered into effect by Professor George F. Kennan in the aftermath of World War. Mrs. Clinton’s administration will likely promote the most strident neo-Cold Warriors of the Barack Obama administration, including Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, a personal favorite of Clinton».
President-elect Trump cannot afford to permit those who are in the same web as Nuland, Hadley, Bolton, and others to join his administration where they would metastasize like an aggressive form of cancer. These individuals would not carry out Trump’s policies but seek to continue to damage America’s relations with Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, and other nations.
Not only must Trump have to deal with Republican neocons trying to worm their way into his administration, but he must deal with the attempt by Soros to disrupt his presidency and the United States with a Purple Revolution
No sooner had Trump been declared the 45th president of the United States, Soros-funded political operations launched their activities to disrupt Trump during Obama’s lame-duck period and thereafter. The swiftness of the Purple Revolution is reminiscent of the speed at which protesters hit the streets of Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, in two Orange Revolutions sponsored by Soros, one in 2004 and the other, ten years later, in 2014.
As the Clintons were embracing purple in New York, street demonstrations, some violent, all coordinated by the Soros-funded and «Black Lives Matter», broke out in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Oakland, Nashville, Cleveland, Washington, Austin, Seattle, Philadelphia, Richmond, St. Paul, Kansas City, Omaha, San Francisco, and some 200 other cities across the United States.
The Soros-financed Russian singing group «Pussy Riot» released on YouTube an anti-Trump music video titled «Make America Great Again». The video went «viral» on the Internet. The video, which is profane and filled with violent acts, portrays a dystopian Trump presidency. Following the George Soros/Gene Sharp script to a tee, Pussy Riot member Nadya Tolokonnikova called for anti-Trump Americans to turn their anger into art, particularly music and visual art. The use of political graffiti is a popular Sharp tactic. The street protests and anti-Trump music and art were the first phase of Soros’s Purple Revolution in America.
President-elect Trump is facing a two-pronged attack by his opponents. One, led by entrenched neo-con bureaucrats, including former Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency director Michael Hayden, former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, and Bush family loyalists are seeking to call the shots on who Trump appoints to senior national security, intelligence, foreign policy, and defense positions in his administration. These neo-Cold Warriors are trying to convince Trump that he must maintain the Obama aggressiveness and militancy toward Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and other countries. The second front arrayed against Trump is from Soros-funded political groups and media. This second line of attack is a propaganda war, utilizing hundreds of anti-Trump newspapers, web sites, and broadcasters, that will seek to undermine public confidence in the Trump administration from its outset.
One of Trump’s political advertisements, released just prior to Election Day, stated that George Soros, Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen, and Goldman Sachs chief executive officer Lloyd Blankfein, are all part of «a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities». Soros and his minions immediately and ridiculously attacked the ad as «anti-Semitic». President Trump should be on guard against those who his campaign called out in the ad and their colleagues. Soros’s son, Alexander Soros, called on Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, and her husband Jared Kushner, to publicly disavow Trump. Soros’s tactics not only seek to split apart nations but also families. Trump must be on guard against the current and future machinations of George Soros, including his Purple Revolution.
Is The Deep State At War... With Itself?
This is a blatantly politicized "report" that is not supported by any evidence, nor is it supported by the other 16 intelligence agencies. The recent pronouncement by the C.I.A. that Russian hackers intervened in the U.S. presidential election doesn't pass the sniff test--on multiple levels. Let's consider the story on the most basic levels.
1. If the report is so "secret," why is it dominating the news flow?
2. Why was the "secret report" released now?
3. What actual forensic evidence is there of intervention? Were voting machines tampered with? Or is this "secret report" just another dose of fact-free "fake news" like The Washington Post's list of 200 "Russian propaganda" websites?
4. The report claims the entire U.S. intelligence community is in agreement on the "proof of Russian intervention on behalf of Trump" story, but then there's this:
"The C.I.A. presentation to senators about Russia’s intentions fell short of a formal U.S. assessment produced by all 17 intelligence agencies. A senior U.S. official said there were minor disagreements among intelligence officials about the agency’s assessment, in part because some questions remain unanswered."Given that the N.S.A. (National Security Agency) was so secret that its existence was denied for decades, do you really think the NSA is going to go public if it disagrees with the C.I.A.? Given the structure of the Deep State and the intelligence community, "minor disagreements" could well mean complete, total disavowal of the C.I.A.'s report. That this is the reality is suggested by the F.B.I.'s denunciation of the report's evidence-free, sweeping conclusion:
FBI Disputes CIA's "Fuzzy And Ambiguous" Claims That Russia Sought To Influence Presidential Election
5. The supposed interventions clearly fall under the purview of the NSA. So why is the C.I.A. going public in what is clearly a politicized report intended to influence the public via massive, sustained coverage in the mainstream media?
6. Notice the double standard: so when the U.S. attempts to influence public opinion in other nations, it's OK, but when other nations pursue the same goal, it's not OK?
7. What are we to make of the sustained campaign to elevate "Russian hackers and propaganda" from signal noise to the deciding factor in the U.S. election?
8. Russian hacking and attempts to influence American public opinion are not new. The intelligence agencies tasked with protecting American cyberspace have long identified state-sponsored hacking from Russia and China as major threats. So why, all of a sudden, are we being told the Russians successfully influenced a U.S. election? What changed? What new capabilities did they develop?
9. And most importantly, what evidence is there that Russian efforts affected the election? Were digital fingerprints found on voting machine records? Were payments to American media employees uncovered? Shouldn't statements purported to be "fact" or the "truth" be substantiated beyond "trust us, an agency with a long history of failed intelligence, misinformation and illegal over-reach"?
10. Doesn't it raise alarms that such a momentous accusation is totally devoid of evidence? If you're going public with the conclusion, you have to go public with at least some of the evidence. Here's the media blitz and some skeptical response:
CIA: Russia intervened to help Trump win
Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House
Former UK Ambassador Blasts "CIA's Blatant Lies", Shows "A Little Simple Logic Destroys Their Claims"
Longtime readers know I have proposed a major divide in the Deep State--the elements of the federal government which don't change regardless of who is in elected office. This includes the intelligence community, the Pentagon, the diplomatic and trade infrastructure, Research and Revelopment, and America's own organs of media "framing" and "placement."
Is the Deep State Fracturing into Disunity? (March 14, 2014)
More recently, I wondered if the more progressive elements of the Deep State recognized the dangers to U.S. security posed by the neocons and their candidate, Hillary Clinton, and had decided to undermine her candidacy:
Could the Deep State Be Sabotaging Hillary? (August 8, 2016)
In other words, it's not the Russians who sabotaged Hillary--it's America's own Deep State that undermined her coronation. It wasn't a matter of personalities; it was much more profound than that. It was about the risks posed by the neocon strategies and policies, and just as importantly, the politicization of the intelligence network. And this is precisely what we discern in the C.I.A.'s unprecedented and quite frankly, absurd "secret report:" a blatantly politicized "report" that is not supported by any evidence, nor is it supported by the other 16 intelligence agencies. (Silence doesn't mean approval in this sphere.)

The American news media is wildly overplaying Russia’s role in a major email leak. The Democratic National Convention was troubled by chaos and dissent. Donald J. Trump’s request for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia to hack Democratic emails was a joke that American pundits simply did not get. Such is the worldview presented by RT, the state-run, Moscow-based international news organization that, this week, found itself in a strange position: covering an American presidential election where Russia is suddenly playing a major role.
The network, formerly known as Russia Today, has long been scrutinized for being a propaganda outlet of sorts for the Putin government, which oversees its finances. But its American arm, which attracts about eight million weekly viewers, has aspired to more mainstream success, hiring a team of on-the-ground journalists and familiar, if past-their-prime, television stars like Larry King and the former MSNBC anchor Ed Schultz.
“The same talking heads never mention the rampant crackdowns by the absolute monarchies, theocracies and ruthless strongmen allied with the U.S.,” Ms. Simonyan added.
RT was founded in 2005 as an arm of a state-owned news conglomerate, RIA Novosti, intended to serve as a counterbalance to coverage by Western media companies. (Current slogan: “Question More.”) RT America, based in Washington, began in 2010, and its site pledges to deliver “stories overlooked by the mainstream media to create news with an edge.”

Donald Trump on Monday took one of his first truly important calls as America’s next commander in chief, and Vladimir Putin was on the other end. Mr. Trump told the Russian supreme leader that he seeks a “strong and enduring relationship” with Moscow, per the Kremlin readout. His promised re-reset with Moscow is on track.
Rapprochement starts in Syria, where the president-elect has welcomed U.S.-Russian cooperation against Islamic State. That’s not a departure from current policy, contrary to hysteria on the left. Mr. Trump didn’t forge the de facto alliance with Moscow in Syria; his predecessor did. But to avoid the missteps of the last reset, Mr. Trump would do well to understand the ideological vision that shapes Kremlin strategy.
There is perhaps no better guide to Russian thinking today than the philosopher Alexander Dugin. One of the main “ideologists” behind Moscow’s aggressive foreign policy, Mr. Dugin is an influential intellectual with ties to the Kremlin. He has argued vociferously in favor of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, and the U.S. Treasury sanctioned him last year over his alleged role in “violations of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”
Mr. Trump’s election elated Mr. Dugin. “For us it is joy, it is happiness,” he says in a telephone interview this week. “You must understand that we consider Trump the American Putin.”
Correctly or not, Mr. Dugin views the president-elect as a kindred spirit—a “conservative nationalist” and “realist” who speaks Mr. Putin’s language. “Two realists can better understand each other,” Mr. Dugin says of the two men. By realism Mr. Dugin means a worldview that emphasizes “the sovereignty of nations.” A realist Washington, he says, “will focus on domestic affairs and leave in peace Europe and the Middle East.”
Take Ukraine and Syria. These two trouble spots “don’t enter into the immediate interests of the United States,” he says. The implicit message is that they do implicate Russian interests. A White House willing to concede these areas would find a Russia where “there is no reason for anti-American feeling.”
Perhaps that sounds like music to the ears of some in Mr. Trump’s coterie. But the incoming administration should weigh the price associated with such a deal. Mr. Dugin isn’t asking for an exchange of mutual strategic respect between Washington and Moscow. At stake is America’s political and military supremacy over a liberal international order centuries in the making.
“Liberalism”—by which Mr. Dugin means individual rights and free markets—“is globalist by its very nature.” Since they were first proclaimed by the philosophes of the Enlightenment and their followers in the American colonies, liberal ideas have conquered the globe, and a succession of liberal powers, most recently the U.S., has overseen world order.
Mr. Dugin equates liberalism with moral license and spiritual poverty. “Liberalism is totalitarianism,” he says, an invasive weed that Orthodox Russia, forever poised between East and West, must resist. A U.S. that no longer seeks to uphold liberal order, then, would be a long-brewing triumph for ideas that Mr. Dugin and like-minded thinkers on the nationalist far right in Russia and Europe have championed for decades.
Such a development would represent a passage from “unipolarity to multipolarity,” he says. “All those who reject universalism and globalization have an opening. . . . That is a theological and metaphysical shift, and we underestimate what is going on.” It would be “a real shift in the balance of power.” In his book “The Fourth Political Theory,” Mr. Dugin puts it less delicately: “The American Empire should be destroyed. And at one point, it will be.”
Developing structures to replace the old liberal international order is the other half of Mr. Dugin’s philosophical project. In a post-liberal world, he says, the great powers would pursue “regional globalization” instead of “global globalization.” The aim wouldn’t be to resurrect the pure nation-state “as it existed before globalization.”
Instead, there would be “balanced spaces of integration,” with an Anglo-American sphere, a European sphere as well as a Eurasian sphere that encompasses Russia, Shiite Iran and parts of Eastern Europe. If that latter sounds a bit like a sophisticated philosophical alibi for Mr. Putin’s imperial ambitions in the territory between the Baltic and Black Seas, well, it is. But Mr. Dugin says the Eurasian regional integration he envisions needn’t be coercive.
“Eurasianism is a defensive step against a globalization applied by all the power of the U.S.,” he says. But if Washington were to step back, “we can accomplish this more democratically.” And what about the bad memories, in places like Poland and the Baltic States, of the last time Russia “integrated” its neighbors? Mr. Dugin says he’s sympathetic but that these nations must “adapt to multipolarity.” He adds: “There were also good memories.”

“It’s a classic attack on security devices,” Roger Johnston tells Popular Science. “You implant a microprocessor or some other electronic device into the voting machine, and that lets you control the voting and turn cheating on and off. We’re basically interfering with transmitting the voter’s intent.”
“And a lot of our election judges are little old ladies who are retired, and God bless them, they’re what makes the elections work, but they’re not necessarily a fabulous workforce for detecting subtle security attacks,”
“I was surprised at how simple it was for me to access the ROM memory chips containing the firmware that controls the vote-counting,” Appel writes on his personal website. Despite claims from Sequoia that the machine wasn’t easily hackable, Appel says, “The AVC Advantage can be easily manipulated to throw an election because the chips which control the vote-counting are not soldered on to the circuit board of the DRE. This means the vote-counting firmware can be removed and replace with fraudulent firmware.”
“It appeared that the security keys for the encryption used by the I-mark software were hard-coded into the voting application,” he found when examining a Diebold Accuvote TS. “As things stood, their system relied on security through obscurity, so they must take measures to assure that their code remains obscure and that no copy of their code ever leaks out into public. I told them that the moment one of their machines goes to the landfill or is otherwise disposed of, someone might extract their encryption key and all of their security claims would become meaningless.”
“We've all used ATMs, and most everyone (except my quasi-Luddite self) has something such as an iPod. Now, have you ever, anytime, anywhere, had one of these electronic devices switch data input on you?” asks Selwyn Duke of American Thinking in a recent article. “So how is it that in our high-tech universe of flawlessly functioning electronic gadgets, voting machines are the only ones prone to human-like ‘error’? If there's an explanation other than human meddling, again, I'd truly like to hear it.”

People living in the Western nations have become Marxist-Leninists in their belief that democracy is the answer to everything, the cure for all problems, and that the spread of democracy is inevitable in all places, in all peoples, in all times.
ReplyDeleteThese people forget that none of the greatest civilizations were built on democracy. Look at the European countries, for example. They were all built when they were monarchies. They were much stronger and more prosperous back then; each individual European country was a superpower. Now they’re all “democracies” and look at their pathetic state. They think they have to be in a union in order to stay competitive with the world.
Also, the European nations had rich, vibrant cultures when they were monarchies, unlike now. Democracy promotes mediocrity.
As for the US and all those Captain Americas who want to impose democracy on Armenia, the US is not, was not, and was never meant to be, a democracy. You will never find the word “democracy” anywhere in the constitution. The Founding Fathers knew very well that democracy is the WORST FORM OF GOVERNMENT. The Greek city-states, which were the most democratic, were also the most unstable. So the Founding Fathers wanted the US to be a constitutional republic, not a democracy. Nowadays, the oligarchs that control the US (and Europe) are promoting democracy through the controlled media. They do this in order to give the ignorant masses an illusion of choice, while at the same time, the media tells the masses what to do, how to behave, what to believe in, and who to vote for. In this modern form of democracy, the media has all the power, not the people. It is a brilliant scam.
Because Democracy! How Bernie beat Hillary but lost New Hampshire:
ReplyDeleteSo much GARBAGE about America when Russia and Armenia have some many much more STAGGERING problems than America. I got bored with the crap not even half way through. You people have NO IDEA of how America is run as the Soviets before did not either. No wonder so many MILLIONS of you were killed by the Germans, and America had to help save your as<ses through the American policy of the Lend Lease Act which was what saved the Soviets as"ses Volgograd and Moscow and St Petersburg would be ashes today made by German forces. You people are STUPID!
DeleteLike so many of your compatriots today, you are living in total and utter darkness. I therefore advise you to pull your head out of your ass and try to learn a few things about America, Russia, Armenia and the rest of the world you live in before you make a fool of yourself again.
Russians have fought mighty empires to carve a nation (the largest in the world) and they have been maintaining their sovereignty against all odds for centuries. Armenians have a history that is many thousands of years old. Naturally, Armenia has had its ups and downs. That said, I know your kind well enough to know that your kind would not last a single day in Armenia's or Russia's shoes. Your criminal ancestors enriched themselves by exterminating millions of backward Indians and enslaving millions of backward Africans in a pristine and bountiful land that was insulated by massive oceans. Had it not been for the French, your ancestors would not have beaten the British back in the 18th century. Far removed from the wars raging throughout Eurasia and protected by oceans, your criminal ancestors were then able to slowly develop the country.
So typical of your kind, you are shamelessly gloating over the fact that Armenians and Russians have been living in difficult times in recent history. What a pathetic soul you are. Just know that long after your kind is tossed into the trash bin of history, Russians and Armenians will still be around making history. Also, stop watching Hollywood war flicks and realize that had it not been for the Soviet Union you would be communicating in German today.
You are most probably a teenager or flag waving simpleton. The American flag you are so proudly waving was most probably made in China. Do a little research on how wonderful your America was before the Second World War. Idiots like you need to wake up and realize that you have been living during the American empire's height of power. Idiots like you need to wake up and realize that your Godless government has caused much of the death and destruction around the world. Idiots like you need to understand that you have been enjoying your good years. But idiots like you will eventually realize that it will be downhill for your kind from now on. In other words: The party is over and the "American Dream" will gradually turn into a nightmare.
I am actually enjoying watching your America, the country your Freemason founding fathers established, get slowly gang raped by Jews, Africans and Hispanics. Keep watching your television, keep taking your drugs, keep eating your junk food. In a few more years you will be needing our assistance and that is when we show you our middle finger - because karma is a bitch and what goes around comes around.
Anyway, come back when you have developed intellectually and emotionally and we'll have a better conversation.
PS: I used to be very pro-American once. That was before I grew up, opened my eyes and realized that Washington is where bloodthirsty demons reside and that America is a destructive force around the world. I have nothing against the American people, but shallow/ignorant Americans like you disgust me.
I want to add that I find it truly strange that people are still under the impression that there is a functioning democracy in America. Despite what political party Americans decide to support in the US, the imperial elite in the US (the special interests that run the show behind the scenes) has already decided what kind of country Americans will live in. Everything else is just a show. Washington's greatest strength continues to be is its devilish ability to deceive minds. Americans need to realize that the American empire is a house of cards built by Freemasons and founded on genocide, slavery and wars for plunder. There is no such thing as “Democracy” in America. The America we all knew and loved was a post Second World War phenomenon. America reached it pinnacle with the defeat of Nazi Germany and the fall of the Soviet Union. It has since been living as a global parasite. Today’s America is a destructive force around the world.
DeleteThis year's two ring circus has been particularly entertaining, thanks to Donald Trump. This year's presidential election campaigns have also served to remind us of just how much control American-Jews have over the political process in the US - more so now than ever before. Notice that Israel is the ONLY topic ALL presidential candidate, including ones who claim they are not under the influence of special interests, unanimously agree on. Notice that all major candidates have some form of connection to the Jewish establishment. Paying homage to Jews and Israel has come to be the litmus test all US officials need to pass before they are considered for the top job in the country.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Trump, even though he has gone out of his way to appease the country's Jewish establishment, even marrying his beloved daughter into Judaism, the Jewish establishment remains largely against him. Virtually all Jewish owned media outlets in the US have been attacking the businessman who's daughter converted to Orthodox Judaism. Why? In my opinion, it's because unlike the other candidates who are willingly and enthusiastically subordinating themselves to Jews, Trump is seen as one seeking to merely cooperate/work with Jews. That is not to their liking. They want total domination and subordination. Therefore, from a Jewish perspective: Trump cannot be trusted, and his German pedigree is not helping him one bit.
Nevertheless, we are witnessing a political evolution in the US. Once upon a time Anglos (WASPs) exclusively ran the country. No longer. America's WASP class has relinquished all power to Jews. Jews have achieved total dominate in the US. Jews represent the American left (George Soros' liberal interventionist types) and Jews represent the American right (Leon Strauss' neocon types). Therefore, regardless of what political side you think you are on, you are in fact on their side. Don't forget that and always remember that they control the empire's control panel and they literally own the empire's political playing field. Jews are America's new ruling elite.
Most zombified Americans are not aware of any of this and those few that are won't dare speak ill of it. Jews are the people the rest of the sheeple can only speak about in whispers. Jews today represent all that is America, in all its gore and glory. Consequently, everything we like or dislike America is merely a reflection of America's newly acquired Jewish character. And it's the Jewish character - with its inherent hate of Christians and Goys - that will eventually destroy the US. The US is already on its decline as a result.
Consider the following news items -
Tough talking Donald Trump's daughter is a happy Jew -
Ivanka Trump happy to be Jewish:
The two Hispanics in the bunch, Cruz and Rubio, are more Zionists than most Jews -
Ted Cruz Under Fire: "If You Won't Stand With Israel, I Will Not Stand With You":
Senator Marco Rubio – Israel First, America Last:
Sanders is a Jew, but he doesn't want to talk about it -
Bernie Sanders Is Jewish, but He Doesn’t Like to Talk About It:
And Hillary is claiming to be part Jewish -
Hillary Has Jewish Roots:
It's final: To be considered for high office in today's America, you have to be either fully Jewish, partially Jewish or simply more Jewish than Jewish.