Before I continue with the rest of my commentary, I would like to point out that in my opinion there are essentially two main components in assessing Donald Trump's rise to power: The first one is the hard fought presidential campaign which revealed a lot about the entrenched elitist political system in the United States and the second one is the question as to whether or not Donald Trump will do (or rather be allowed to do) the things he promised his supporters during the presidential campaign. These are the two fundamental aspects of the recent presidential race in the United States I want to reflect on in this blog commentary.
The greatest circus/show on earth
As with all presidential contests in the United States, this one was also setup to be a well choreographed show. As it had been for generations before, this presidential race was to be a closed-circuit political contest between professional politicians from the two main political parties representing the American empire. This presidential race was essentially setup to give Hillary Clinton the presidency. Then came Trump. Then came chaos. The show soon turned into a global spectacle. No one in the political establishment in the United States could predict the groundswell of support the bombastic billionaire from New York City would garner in a very short period of time, and no one in Washington DC expected a relative outsider like Donald Trump to burst into their town and ruin their two-ring circus.
Speaking of circuses and shows, more-and-more people are coming to recognize the political system in the United States as just that, a circus and a show. The following television documentary by Showtime is a pretty good depiction of this year's highly choreographed affair -
All the odds were stacked against the Trump campaign right from the very beginning. Right from the start not only was Donald Trump facing strong opposition from liberals and Democrats but also from conservatives and Republicans; not only was he facing strong opposition from bankers on Wall Street but also from the nation's powerful propaganda organs; not only was he facing strong opposition from non-white, minority groups but also from liberal Jews (a vast majority of American Jewry). At times the Trump campaign faced what seemed to be insurmountable obstacles. This was the first presidential contest in the United States, perhaps in the entire world, where the duly nominated presidential candidate of a major political party was not only not fully endorsed by members of his party but viciously attacked by it as well. Frankly, I really didn't think Donald Trump would win the contest. But he did. But it wasn't easy or pretty or even democratic.The Circus: Inside the Greatest Political Show on Earth:
The Trump campaign, Wikileaks, Project Veritas, some influential right-wing Jews and elements within the Anglo-American establishment itself (as suggested by the involvement of "Brexit" officials and the FBI's strange behavior just days before the elections) put up a gargantuan fight and Middle America responded en masse. Speaking of Donald Trump's influential backers and Middle America -
“We don’t believe there is a functional conservative party in this country, and we certainly don’t think the Republican Party is that... It’s going to be an insurgent, center-right populist movement that is virulently anti-establishment, and it’s going to continue to hammer this city, both the progressive left and the institutional Republican Party” - Steve Bannon in a 2010 interviewAs we can see from Donald Trump's controversial political strategist's quote, merely two years into Barack Obama's presidency the United States was already looking ripe for a major political shakeup. Reading the quote the reader can clearly see that those behind Donald Trump's rapid rise to power in Washington DC already knew some years ago what needed to be done and the kind of person that could do it. It is now apparent that Donald Trump was precisely that person influential elements within the United States were desperately looking for.
With the United States ready for a political makeover, Trump's presidential campaign hit a raw nerve soon after its commencement. Sidelined for many decades, Americans of the of the country's "Heartland" had suddenly found a reassuring voice in Donald Trump. After years of being shunned and maligned, here was someone speaking their language and he was doing so in a manner they readily understood and, needless to say, fully appreciated. Presidential candidate Donald Trump was publicly and angrily talking about things most American politicians would not dare talk about in public. What he was essentially doing was expressing in public what was on the minds of tens-of-millions of disgruntled, White Americans across the United States. Trump was giving a very prominent voice to a very major yet literally dying constituency in the country. It worked. Middle America responded in large numbers to presidential candidate Trump's call to "make America great again". It now feels very surreal saying the words, President Trump.
In the end, although about three million more votes were actually cast for Hillary Clinton - which was somewhat to be expected because American society has become increasingly liberal, increasingly feminist, increasingly homosexual, increasingly immigrant, increasingly non-White and increasingly non-Christian - the Electoral College, albeit not very "democratic" in nature, worked exactly as it was meant to by the nation's founding fathers. Simply put: The Electoral College was designed to give the nation's sparsely populated, rural states some degree of political voice because the bulk of the voting constituency in the United States has historically been concentrated in the nation's more populated coastal states. Because the nation's rapidly growing liberal, immigrant and minority demographics today are also concentrated along the nation's coastal states, I predict there will be a fight in coming years to do away with the Electoral College system. So, in a sense, Donald Trump's victory, if it does achieve some of its stated goals, may indeed be the last chance "White America" has to maintain its so-called Whiteness (i.e. European heritage).
In my opinion, what happened on the night of November 08 was indeed a rebellion, an uprising and, in my opinion, also an internal mutiny. What we saw on November 08 was no doubt a revolution and at its core, this revolution was represented by America's White, Christian, native born, conservative, rural and working-class demographics - an erstwhile dominant constituency in the United States and one that has been maligned and ignored in recent decades by the political establishment in Washington DC. This demographic group, concentrated mainly in the American Heartland, has now risen to the occasion and observers are taking note. After eight years of Barack Obama and liberalism gone wild, the deplorables have risen and Whites have lashed out.
From the very start this year's presidential elections in the United States had very high expectations especially in the category of entertainment and suspense. Saying it surpassed all expectations would be a gross understatement. This year's presidential elections more than lived up to its reputation as the greatest show on earth. I may be wrong but I have also felt a very strong sense of destiny in the air, as if Donald Trump's political saga was preordained by higher powers. Mainstream political observers also seem to be feeling similarly. Are there higher powers attempting to put the United States on the straight-and-narrow path? Does Donald Trump's political victory have esoteric underpinnings? I have no way of knowing any of this for sure but his victory did remind me of the following passage I had read in a book some years ago -
"Of course, any good theory which seeks to explain why the world is as it is must also help predict what will happen next, and the last chapter reveals what that will be - always presuming, of course, that the great cosmic plan of the secret societies proves to be successful. This plan will encompass a belief that the great new impulse for evolution will rise in Russia, that European civilization will collapse and that, finally, the flame of true spirituality will be kept burning in America"Are Secret Societies, or at least some of them, behind some of the political phenomenons we have witnessed in recent years? Is there a new global impetus behind Moscow's recent successes? Was London's Brexit somehow related to any of this? Are the mini-revolutions going on throughout continental Europe somehow connected to any of this? Are influential elements in the Western world trying to ally with a rising Russia? Are influential elements in the Anglo-American world trying to remake global order by retreating into a self-imposed isolation? Will Donald Trump's victory usher in a new period of non-interventionism and political enlightenment in the United States? Is the United States finally in the midst of a major reformation, readjustment or perhaps a downsizing of sorts?
Only time will have the answers to these questions. For now, we the people can only hope.
For many years I have been hoping for the downsizing of the American empire not only because I wanted Washington DC to stop its crimes against humanity but also because I wanted to see the survival of the United States itself. The American empire has become too decadent. The American empire has become too violent. The American empire has become too unsustainable. The American empire needs a downsizing. Donald Trump's victory has been the first glimmer of hope I have felt in this regard in my lifetime. I hope to see this new phase in American politics finally usher in a period of wisdom, humility and reflection. Such a thing may or may not yet happen, as the signs from the Trump camp have been mixed, but there is now at least an atmosphere of hope. One thing, however, that has stood-out most about President-elect Donald Trump has been his steadfast refusal to go along with the establishment's attacks against President Putin and the Russian government. I must also add that Rex Tillerson's nomination for Secretary of State, at least ostensibly, is a positive development in this regard, but there is still some ways to go before he is officially appointed. Nevertheless, I, like President Putin, want to see the development of better relations between Russia and the United States -
If a Trump administration does nothing else but improve Russian-American relations, that would be good enough for me because better Russian-American relations is crucially important for global peace. Needless to say, better Russian-American relations can also be very beneficial for Armenia.
Throughout much of the 20th century the many flaws of American democracy lay hidden behind the perception that something much worst existed overseas. For Americans, the existence of totalitarian powers such as Nazi Germany, Communist China and the Soviet Union confirmed this belief. As long as dictatorial regimes and communist governments existed around the world, the American political system enjoyed a feeling of supremacy. As long as there were backward peoples and bountiful lands to exploit, their capitalism would continue to work. As long as parts of the world burned, the Anglo-American world felt secure in their blissful isolation. As long as the United States was the biggest bully on the block, Americans felt like global hegemons. As long as Joe on Main Street had a steady job, weekend sports to watch on his television set and a cold six-pack of beer at his disposal, the political charade in the United States would continue indefinitely.
With the rise of Russia and China in recent years, the Uncle Sam understands that it is no longer the only biggest or the baddest bully on the world stage. As recent events in Georgia, Ukraine and Syria have revealed, the United States is no longer a global hegemon. With falling wages and rising unemployment, Americans are now looking around and taking note. What they are seeing is a nation that is rapidly changing for the worst. What they are seeing is a nation where they no longer feel they are a part of, a nation they feel is being sold to the highest bidder by their officials. While Middle America lived well, the corruption in Washington DC did not concern them, essentially because it did not directly affect them. Unfortunately for Uncle Sam, this is changing. Americans on both sides of the political divide are slowly awakening. Proliferation of social media and alternative news sources is facilitating this political renaissance, not only in the United States but around the world. Their raising the alarm bells over "fake news" now is essentially about keeping control over the kind of information the country's citizenry is exposed to.
The fundamental worry for the political/financial elite is not that Donald Trump got elected to the presidency but that this election cycle has finally exposed the lies of American democracy and that Americans are finally waking up politically. So, the jig is up as they say in American parlance. Consequently, what we have been seeing lately is a rash of highly critical observations by Americans themselves about the utter corruption taking place in Washington DC -
"When Louis XVI gave Ben Franklin a diamond-encrusted snuffbox, the gift troubled Americans: it threatened to corrupt him by clouding his judgment. By contrast, in 2010 the Supreme Court gave corporations the right to spend unlimited money to influence elections"The United States has come a long way from when a group of enlightened men, albeit Freemasons supported by the king of France, led a nation of farmers to defeat the British monarchy and commence the American experiment. In recent times, the United States has come to resemble the powers it had defeated on its rise to global hegemony: Imperial Britain, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. In a sense, the United States had become the monsters is had fought and defeated. What we have in Washington DC today is a government that has been usurped by big money (which includes international donors) and power-hungry individuals willing to blindly serve it. Corruption in American politics has reached profound depths. For many years Americans have been decrying the rise of political corruption in the United States, as I have -
What Ike Got Right (February, 2011):
Death Tax, Neglected Nation, Shrinking Middle Class (March, 2011):
All the flaws of the system was until very recently kept away from the public's eye. Not only that, they had actually created the perception that the United States was the world's gold standard when it came to "free and fair" elections and "democratic" governance. This myth has now been shattered. Perhaps forever. The mask has finally come off. In my opinion, the unmasking began eight years ago when the nation's financial/political elite got their House Negro into the White House and then began an earnest push to thoroughly liberalize/globalize American society. This left tens-of-millions of the White/Christian demographic in the country's heartland angry and disillusioned. From the perspective of Middle America, the nation's political elite had killed the American Dream and were now gradually transforming the United States into a Third World nation. As far as they were concerned something had to give. Then came Donald Trump.The Economic Elite Vs. The People of the United States of America (April, 2010):
Donald Trump's presidential candidacy cleverly managed to coalesce and give direction to the anger that had been building up on Main Street, USA.
When he first appeared in the presidential two-ring circus last year Donald Trump was expected to be a political prop and an eye-catching stage decoration. Quite unexpectedly for all, he instead emerged as the leader of the anti-corruption, anti-establishment, anti-globalist and anti-immigration movements that were already brewing in the country. In response, Republican officials intentionally tried to throw the contest as they had done back in 2012 when they intentionally failed to make the case against Barack Obama. It again seemed as if the Republican party would rather see Hillary Clinton, someone the party has supposedly hated since the 1990s, win the presidency. Therefore, derive your conclusions. The Republican elite in Washington DC had plans other than what their constituents wanted or what the country needed. As it had been for the past few decades, the political/financial elite in Washington DC had plans other than what was actually good for the United States. Donald Trump's presidential run made all this painfully clear.
In hindsight, it is now obvious that Americans were ready and eagerly waiting for a person like Donald Trump. That said, had it not been for Wikileaks, Julian Assange, influential Jews, Project Veritas, those behind Brexit and an internal rebellion by officials in the FBI and perhaps the NSA, there is no way he could have won the presidency. So, in the end, what got him into the presidency was anything but democracy.
Nevertheless, no playwright, no novelist, no movie producer - from Hollywood to Bollywood - could have scripted a work this exciting, this entertaining, this captivating and this thrilling. The corruption, the bribery, the insider deals, the scandals, the ties to Islamic terrorism, the ties to the occult, the ties to pedophiles, the violence, the abuse of power, the vote rigging, the voter fraud, the illegals voting, the hacked electronic voting machines, the conspiracies, the societal tension, the hate, the tribal politics, the mysterious deaths, the calls for authoritarianism, the calls to curb democracy, the polarization, the divisions and the insults witnessed in the "greatest democracy on earth" have sent shock-waves around the world. Many around the world are wasting no time now in exploiting the sociopolitical plight the United States suddenly finds itself in. And many others still must be left wondering, what the hell happened to that "shinning city on the hill", that wonderful "leader of the free world", that ever bright "beacon of democracy", that most "exceptional" of nations ever known to humanity?
Speaking of political observers, I hope Armenians have been watching all this political excitement very carefully. More specifically, I hope that the assholes of Armenia's "democracy" and "civic society" movements have been closely observing the utter corruption and criminality of precisely those who have been directly funding them and encouraging them to foment a revolution in their homeland -
Open Society Foundations Armenia grant list for 2016:
Armenia's Westernizers and Democratizers must now be feeling somewhat uneasy. Their masters in the Western world have finally been revealed to be a bunch of well-dressed criminals. Armenian officials are taking note. Many millions of people around the world must now be finding themselves surprised at the depth and seriousness of societal, economic and political problems that exists in the United States. But they shouldn't have been surprised at any of it. There is in fact nothing new to what has been happening in the United States. If people are surprised, amazed or shocked at the current state of affairs in the US, it's simply because they just didn't know American society and the American political system well enough. The only difference between now and the past is that in the past America's political problems - its internal dirty laundry so to speak - was well hidden below the country's expertly polished political facade. The nation's serious flaws was hidden underneath a cover of a hype and myth that was expertly crafted by the nation's political/financial elite via powerful propaganda tools like Hollywood, television programming, educational curriculum and the mainstream news media. In the past, everything in the United States was tightly controlled. In the past, there was no such thing as internet, hacking, twitter or social media.US spent $585 million on ‘promoting democracy’ worldwide in past year:
Now, suddenly, the dirty-stinky laundry of American society and politics is being showcased for all to see. For this we can only thank Donald Trump, Julian Assange, Wikileaks, Project Veritas and to some extent America's favorite socialist, Bernie Sanders. The aforementioned essentially shattered the age-long myth of American democracy and in doing so they also helped liberated tens-of-millions of minds around the world, including that of Americans, from the psychological bondage of blindly believing in the perceived superiority of the American political system. Americans have finally begun questioning their government -
What the 1% Don't Want You to Know:
Americans are losing faith in democracy - and in each other:
Americans Don’t Trust Their Institutions Anymore:
How hackers eroded Americans' trust in democratic process:
From Trump to Brexit: Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World:
Trump Taps Hollywood’s Mnuchin for Treasury and Dines With Romney:
Netanyahu calls Trump 'a true friend' of Israel:
I have always said this and I'll say it again: Presidential elections in the United States are basically about two interrelated groups of well funded and well connected people competing for the American empire's control-panels. There has not been "free and fair" elections in the United States for generations, if ever. The political system entrenched in the United States is rigged to be a two-party show and Democrats and Republicans are consequently two sides of the same coin. In a sense, every four years the political/financial elite in the country decide what shirt the sheeple will wear and the sheeple are given the "democratic" choice of picking between two colors. Sometimes they are not even given that choice. The political system in the United States is also like a two-ring circus managed by a ringmaster that the audience does not get to see. In other words, American presidents are appointed by powerful people to be elected by the sheeple. American presidents are therefore tasked with being the spokesmen - or salesmen - for the powerful special interests running the show behind the scenes. More recently, the United States has come to resemble a multi-national corporation in which the American citizenry is its work force.Trump and the Neoconservatives: John Bolton for secretary of state?:
The political system in the United States is most certainly rigged. The elite that had come to control the nation's political and economic life had crafted a system that allowed a select few people into their closed-circuit club only if they played by the rules that were set by them. This is why the Democrat party establishment rigged the elections process against Bernie Sanders and the Republican party establishment did its best to rig the elections process against Donald Trump. It's not like Sanders and Trump were total outsiders, but the problem for the ruling establishment was that they were not totally submissive insiders. But then again, it was yet another group of insiders that rose unexpectedly and pushed Donald Trump past the finish line. I would also like to add that when Donald Trump talks about nationalism, making peace with Russia, shutting down the US border with Mexico and bring back American businesses from places like China, he may be cleverly appealing to the average American, but he is unnerving the country's international elite -
The world's current economic/financial paradigm, with the United States and Britain at its epicenter, was created by secretive and elitist organizations like the three noted in the link above. They made the US Dollar into the world's reserve currency, a move that has proven resilient. They based the Anglo-American economic model on the so-called "growth principal", which is proving unsustainable. They created credit ratings and standards for the world economy, which in reality are politically motivated. In other words, when it comes to global trade, economy or finance, they created a vast system where everything is begins in the Anglo-American world and is based on profit and the almighty US Dollar.Trump catches attention of Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg, Trilateral:
It's this international elite that has wanted to contain/isolate potential competitors like Russia. It's this international elite that created the Federal Reserve. It's this international elite that created the World Trade Organization and the World Bank. It's this international elite that created the United Nations. It's this international elite that created the European Union. It's this international elite that convinced American officials to outsource US industry to China in the early 1970s, basically to groom it against the Soviet Union. It's this international elite that designed the trade agreement North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to create an interdependent North American superstate. It's this international elite that designed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to make Asia-Pacific nations economically dependent on the United States. It's this international elite that has transformed the US from an industrial superpower to a consumer-based service sector economy. It's this international elite that has convinced American officials to wide-open US borders to third world migration in order to continue feeding their economic system with low wage workers. It's this international elite that wants to see the eradication of nationalities and religions from the face of the earth. It's this international elite that wants One World Government -
President Obama and Pope Francis puts U.S. on 'fast track' to world government:
Americans are losing religion, racial identity and family values not because Americans are decadent but because this ruling elite wants it that way. American industry and businesses have been moving to other countries not because American businessmen are stupid or simply greedy as we are told by the elite's propaganda organs (i.e. mainstream news media) but because this international elite that controls global commerce and the economic/financial strings of the American empire wants it that way.Ruling Elite Seeks One World Government, Hillary a Puppet:
This agenda of theirs was started in the early 1970s and it was done for the purpose of economically and financially tethering economies of strategic nations around the world to the north American imperial behemoth they had created. Once we educate ourselves about this topic and listen closely to what high ranking policymakers in the US (not "elected politicians" but appointed senior officials like Ben Bernanke, Henry Kissinger, and Zbigniew Brzezinski) have to say about the reasons why American officials have been outsourcing American businesses and crafting trade agreements like NAFTA and TPP, we will begin to understand that the economic/financial system in place in the United States today has actually very little to do with what's good for the country. The following are some pertinent articles I recently came across that I want to share with my readers -
TPP Is a National Security Imperative:
A Retreat From TPP Would Empower China:
Reading between-the-lines of the articles I linked to above one can come to the conclusion/realization that trade deals such as NAFTA and TPP are essentially the sacrificing of American interests in the name of raw capitalism and hegemonic imperialism. By outsourcing American businesses to countries with low wages and lax business regulations, internationally run corporations based within the United States continue accumulating immense wealth and make strategically important nations such as China and Mexico dependent on the American economy for survival. This is essentially why industrial production in the US has been outsourced and the once industrial behemoth that was the US economy has been turned into a consumer-based service economy. This is why tens-of-millions of people in the world's wealthiest and most powerful country are unemployed or underemployed. This is why poverty in the United States is on the rise and the middle class continues to shrink. This is why the so-called American Dream is dead.Can Globalization Be Salvaged?:
All in all, it's a capitalistic and an imperialistic calculus formulated by those who are behind influential organizations like Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group, and it's something that is negatively impacting not only the United States but also the rest of the world.
It was the above mentioned international elite that had come to control the US during the Cold War period and it was this international elite that had transformed the US into the epicenter of various globalist projects. The US has thus been a catalyst for globalist agendas - be it economic, be it political, be it financial, be it cultural - since the end of the Second World War. This has drastically altered the character of the US and has all but decimated its middle class. Actually, the country's infrastructure is failing also as a result of the ruling elite's aforementioned policies. Allow me to explain in simple terms: While American officials claim they do not have the funds to repair the country's failing infrastructure - and boost the country's economy and the middle class in the process by creating millions of well paying jobs throughout the country - they somehow have the funds - $5 TRILLION and counting to be exact - to fight hegemonic wars in the Middle East and elsewhere. While they cry about not having the money to spend on the country, they somehow have the tens-of-billions of dollars to waste. An immense wealth is being stolen, wasted and embezzled in imperial pursuits of grandiose agendas while the country itself slowly transforms into a third world status; the country's once famed civil liberties slowly disappear; and the US, once seen as the world's policeman, begins to be seen as "the biggest threat to world peace".
The US economy today, as well as its politics, has less to do with the interests of the American people per se and more to do with the international elite's desire to maintain their wealth and global hegemony. The faster Americans (who have been convinced by the ruling elite that a lot of what I have just outlined here is a "conspiracy theory") realizes all this, the faster will they begin to make better sense of what has happened to their country. The good news is that a reawakening of some sort may be taking place. An internal push-back to all this was, at least in part, what the Trump and Brexit phenomenons may have been all about. The following is an American economist's take on this topic -
A reaction against all this - the internal mutiny I referred to above - is essentially what put Donald Trump into the White House. At the end of the day, we don't exactly know who is behind Donald Trump. Some of the "Secret Societies" I referred to above, at least elements within them, may also be among those supporting him from behind-the-scenes. His support may also be coming from an internal palace coup somewhat similar to the FSB-led coup that put Vladimir Putin into power in Russian in the late 1990s. We won't know for sure.Economist Who Predicted Brexit and Trump Explains Capitalism's Collapse:
They are in damage control mode
With the proverbial cat out of the bag, i.e with the corruption of the system now fully exposed, the political establishment in Washington DC is panicking and are currently in damage control mode as a result. Having come to terms with a Trump victory, they are beginning to put a spin on it. Therefore, disregard the lofty talk about the "vibrancy of American democracy" and that "the system worked even if we don't like its outcome". In reality, the "American political system" imploded in front of our very eyes. There was nothing "democratic" about the presidential elections we all witnessed recently.
Yes, Donald Trump did have the support of tens-of-millions of Americans (although around two million more votes is said to have gone to Hillary Clinton) but his victory on November 08 was no doubt made possible by mysterious groups of people and an internal mutiny. With the lies of American democracy therefore exposed for all to see, the entrenched elite is now seriously panicking.
The country's founding fathers and its political/financial elite thereafter knew very well that democracy - the notion that ignorant masses of a given nation-state can be periodically entrusted with making political and/or economic decisions - would not work, especially for a nation as big, as diverse, as wealthy, as powerful and as influential as the United States. Their plan was to therefore have their subjects simply believe that they were participants in the political system. It worked quite well for a very long time. Generations of Americans truly believed they were part of a vibrant democratic system. The system in question was essentially based on faith; blind faith to be exact. Then came Donald Trump. Then came laud accusations that the political process in the United States is rigged and therefore undemocratic. And the world was watching. This is why they are panicking -
A Reckless Trump Undermines Democracy:
The Lasting Damage From Trump's False 'Voter Fraud' Allegations:
Poll: 90 Percent Of Voters Lack Confidence In America’s Political System:
Analysis: Trump 'rigged' vote claim may leave lasting damage:
“I refuse to be their laboratory rabbit... The days are over when Europe or America announced something and it was just accepted”The panic they are feeling as a result of how this presidential election went down actually brings up an important matter I want to touch upon. As we all have seen, the political establishment in the United States acknowledges the paramount importance of having the electorate believe that they are part of a healthy political system. American officials acknowledge the strategic importance of positive attitudes and good morale in a country, which means they fully understand the serious dangers of cynicism and political apathy -
In 1969, British historian and aesthetician Sir Kenneth Clark stated the following: “It is lack of confidence, more than anything else, that kills a civilization. We can destroy ourselves by cynicism and disillusion, just as effectively as by bombs”
A Dutch paper in 2004 called “The Effects of Strategic News on Political Cynicism, Issue Evaluations, and Policy Support” stated the following: “A Two-Wave Experiment found that the way the news media presents the news can cause political cynicism.”Interestingly, those panicking about the "importance of public confidence" in the United States toady are those who constantly try to destroy public confidence in countries around the world. For many decades Western powers have utilized NGOs, activists and propaganda outlets posing as news agencies to carry-out an information war against targeted societies and indirectly meddle in their internal political affairs. They have done this to sow societal despair and destroy morale in nations that would not submit to Western rule. Through their information war and meddling they would first seek to destroy the targeted society's spirit/morale, after which they would try to subjugate or destroy the body either through economic sanctions, financial blackmail or, if need be, warfare. Therefore, yes, in any society, confidence in one's government is crucially important for political stability and self-defense. As we can now clearly see, what Western officials have feared most in their societies is EXACTLY what they have tried their best to export to societies like Armenia, Russia, China and Iran.
Another aspect of their damage control efforts was their accusations that Russian intelligence was behind the email leaks by Julian Assange and Wikileaks. The emails in question was most probably leaked by elements right within the Anglo-American intelligence apparatus. In other words, the emails in question were leaked by insiders, not "hacked" by outsiders. Former US intelligence operatives seem to agree with this assertion. An increasing number of civilian officials think it was an inside job as well. I would guess the Clintonians knew this as well. However, because Russia and President Putin have been vilified for decades by Washingtonians and the country's mainstream news media, it was expedient for the Clinton camp and its backers to instead accuse Moscow of meddling. By accusing the Kremlin, they automatically created ambiguity and plausible deniability for the Clinton camp. For a short while it seemed like a brilliant move.
A day before Julian Assange had announced Wikileaks was going to release thousands of hacked emails which was expected to contain damaging information about Hillary Clinton and her political aides, American officials announced that Russians were behind the email hacking. Needless to say, expecting for a massive information storm to hit them, blaming Moscow was a strategic countermeasure meant to delegitimize and cast doubt on whatever it was that was to be released by Wikileaks. And because the American sheeple has been made to believe that Russians are evil, they were for the most part believing the spin put out by the Clinton camp and its supporters in Washington DC. Throughout the ordeal they were even suggesting that the hacked emails may have even been doctored by Russian intelligence in order to undermine democracy and disrupt American politics -
“These are hacked, stolen documents by the Russian government, which has weaponized WikiLeaks to help elect Donald Trump,” Glen Caplin, a senior Clinton campaign spokesman, told Yahoo News. “We’re not going to confirm the authenticity of any specific alleged communication”
"A Trump presidency would strengthen Russia’s implicit argument that democracies are too vulnerable to the mob’s baser instincts. It would lend credence to his belief that democracies are too internally divided to commit to long term strategic goals. Most of all, it would leave the NATO alliance leaderless in the face of further Russian expansionism. The Kremlin so strongly favors a Trump presidency that it is actively attempting to sabotage the Clinton campaign, employing the same information-warfare tactics against an American presidential candidate that the Russians have used against Eurasian political adversaries for years. If they are successful, Russian hackers and propagandists will have achieved one of the Kremlin’s greatest strategic victories in a hundred years without ever firing a shot"
Nevertheless, the Kremlin must be greatly enjoying the free publicity the accusations over the emails it has been receiving, for as the American saying goes: There's no such thing as bad publicity. President Putin is clearly having fun with all this, and using the opportunity to highlight US meddling in Russia's internal affairs -
I would also like to put the American news media into a proper context to the reader by pointing out the following fact: It's only a handful of agencies - six that control 90% of the nation's news media - decide what 300 million-plus Americans see, read and hear, and these six operate under the supervision of the CIA. There is no such thing as a "free press" in the United States. Hasn't been at least since the 1970s. Consequently, certain news items in the United States news press will be hyped-up, certain news items with be falsified, certain news items will be whitewashed, certain news items will be totally ignored, and all news items will laced with political spin, as deemed appropriate by the CIA. Mainstream news media in the US is actually in the business of creating an alternative reality. More and more people, including Americans, are beginning to see all this. This is why Russia's RT is among the most popular news organizations in the world today.Putin BOMBSHELL to West: 'I saw your instructions to NGOs to destabilize Russia:
Donald Trump versus America's ruling elite
So, regardless of what political side an American may choose to be on, he or she is actually choosing a side that is managed at the very top by American Jewry.
When Donald Trump first announced his candidacy none of the political pundits or the entrenched establishment men in the country expected him to do so well. He was supposed to be a stage decoration or an interesting sideshow. Needless to say, he suddenly and quite spectacularly stole the show. It was as if he had been waiting and preparing all his life for this moment. He knew early on in his life that he would one day seek presidential office. I believe that Donald Trump's presidential bid and his subsequent win was his manifest destiny, and it has proven to be a watershed moment in American history. The United States will never be the same as a result.
Trump was mentally preparing for this day for a very long time, and he thought he had laid the proper groundwork for himself. After all, he had built a multi-billion dollar business dynasty. He had turned his name into a national brand. He had established ties with both sides of the political isle in Washington DC. He had married his beloved daughter Ivanka into Judaism. He had surrounded himself with Jewish political advisers and campaign managers. Yet, Jewish owned news organizations in the US were crying: “if you are a Jew, you should be very afraid of Donald Trump” and neoconservative Jewish warmongers were asking - is this the end of the West as we know it?"
The anti-Trump frenzy had gotten so bad, that Max Boot (who Senator Marco Rubio's "foreign policy adviser" and a well known American imperialist, neoconservative, Council on Foreign Relations member and Russian-born son of Jewish dissidents) went on record to publicly claim that he "would sooner vote for Josef Stalin than vote for Donald Trump".
The Jewish establishment in the US and by extension everyone else within news media and government in the US remained largely against Donald Trump throughout his presidential campaign. Consequently, the country's neoliberal establishment (the Jewish-led left wing) was against him and the country's neoconservative establishment (the Jewish-led right wing) was against him. Consequently, most political pundits and news media outlets in the US (mostly Jewish and/or Jewish owned) have been attacking him incessantly and viciously, which has continued even after Trump's victory.
Why do we see this unbridled hysteria about a Trump presidency within the Jewish community? In my opinion, because unlike other presidential candidates who are willingly and enthusiastically surrendering themselves to the Jewish establishment in the United States, Trump and his backers are seen as independent players merely seeking to cooperate with them. This was very apparent in a talk Trump gave to a room full of influential Republican Jews early in his presidential bid. Listen carefully to his words -
Donald Trump Speaks at Republican Jewish Coalition Presidential Forum (12-3-15):
Trump's populist persona, his German pedigree, his immense popularity among the nation's Whites and some of his rhetoric has reminded his Jewish detractors of historic figures like Hitler and Mussolini. From the Jewish perspective: Once a immensely popular public figure like Donald Trump, who has a following of tens-of-millions of White Christians in the country, rises to power in American politics on a nationalistic platform based on anti-establishment, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim sentiments... it's a very small leap thereafter to that thing called "antisemitism".
In my humble opinion, the fear Jews seem to have towards Donald Trump is primarily a primordial fear. Consequently, although Trump has gone out of his way to pander to the country's Jewish ruling elite to gain their approval, the Jewish ruling elite instinctually fears that he and his backers are not something they can't directly own or easily control. Trump will therefore not be trusted by them.
Ultimately, the US is too wealthy, too large, too powerful, too influential in the world, and the ruling elite in the country is too invested in the American empire to simply share power with a populist outsider who is not totally owned or controlled by them. The US is therefore too important because it is a powerful catalyst through which they have been pushing their agendas, including their Zionism, around the world for decades. When it comes to Washington DC and American politicians, the Jewish establishment will therefore seek total domination.
We therefore had a situation in the US recently where there was a presidential candidate who was doing his utmost best to work with and from within the political system at hand; a presidential candidate who was immensely popular throughout the country; a Republican presidential candidate who was drawing large numbers of Democrat and independent voters into the Republican party... but also a Republican presidential candidate that the Republican establishment (and virtually everyone else in Washington DC) was vehemently opposed to. Instead of being happy that in the Trump campaign the Republican Party had finally gotten someone that record numbers of American voters are excited about, they were viciously attacking him. It was an extraordinary day in American history when the Republican establishment represented by former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney officially set out to subvert the will of the American people -
Mitt Romney: Donald Trump is a 'phony, a fraud':
Open Letter on Donald Trump from GOP National Security Leaders:
At Secretive Meeting, Tech CEOs And Top Republicans Commiserate, Plot To Stop Trump:
The US has thus become a showcase for Jews on the left and Jews on the right - and those in the middle getting screwed is the average American.
Jewish influence in the US today is so pervasive that when the "right" fights the "left", what we essentially see is Jewish infighting. We can clearly see this unique dynamic in modern American politics play out when they sometimes air their dirty laundry. When disagreements are sometimes observed between the US and Israel, you can bet it's Jewish infighting as well. We see this Jewish divide even with Donald Trump. So, regardless of what political side you may think you are on, you are actually on their side. Jews are America's new ruling elite, as the following proves -
Ivanka Trump is happy to be Jewish:
Ted Cruz says: "If You Won't Stand With Israel, I Will Not Stand With You":
Senator Marco Rubio – Israel First, America Last:
Bernie Sanders Is Jewish, but he doesn’t like to talk about it:
Hillary Has Jewish Roots:
Why most 2016 candidates are speaking at AIPAC:
Donald Trump Full Speech at AIPAC Policy Conference (3-21-16):
Donald Trump’s AIPAC Speech: “I Love Israel”:
AIPAC’s apology for Trump speech is unprecedented:
I remain convinced that this is primarily a result of "social engineering" and mental conditioning that comes from either growing up in a Western nation or in a nation under Western influence. Through engineering tools like school curriculum, cinema, music, television programming, print media and news media, Jews have succeeded in thoroughly brainwashing the masses. That is actually how they have traditionally operated. They use cultural levers to brainwash and/or distract the masses, they use financial levers to buy officials and subvert governments. That is how they ruined Russia; that is how they ruined Germany; that is how they ruined the Middle East; that is how they are currently ruining the US. Organized Jewry plays a parasitical role in the human ecology. I say parasitical literally in the biological and ecological senses of the word and not as an ethnic slur.
Simply put: Jews stole America while Americans were too drunk, too high and too preoccupied with sex, television, shopping or baseball to notice it.
Consequently, Jews today represent all that is modern America - in all its glory and gore. Consequently, much of what the world hates and/or fears about America today - be it its warmongering, multiculturalism, ultraliberalism, neoliberalism or its neoconservatism - can be traced to American Judaism. It's this Jewish nature and character - with its inherent hatred of Christians, Muslims, Europeans, Russians, Arabs and Persians - that will eventually destroy the US. The US is already in decline because subservient officials in Washington DC have been pursuing policies both at home and abroad that are beneficial to Jews and Israel but detrimental to the US.
Looking at the American political landscape, I now feel that it's final: To be considered for high office in America today, you have to be either fully Jewish, partially Jewish or simply more Jewish than Jewish. And Donald Trump has been taught a dear lesson in Jewology.
All aspects of politics in the Western world is tightly controlled by its deeply entrenched elite. The so-called democratic processes in places like the United States and the United Kingdom will never therefore be allowed to get outside their clearly defined parameters. Yet, Uncle Sam's greatest strength continues to be is its devilish ability to deceive even the healthiest of minds. Which reminds me of a powerful quote by the great German philosopher Goethe -
"None are more hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free"Due to the power of propaganda and social engineering, most Americans today continue to think they are a free people. Until very recently, most Americans were still under the impression that there was a functioning democracy in the US. If you are one of these sad simpletons, I ask you to please wake up, open your eyes and realize that despite what political party you “decide” to support in the US, the imperial elite in the US has already decided what kind of country you will live in. Everything else is just an elaborate show meant to distract fools. So, if the US is not really a democracy, then what is it?
Many scholars actually see the US as a mix of corporatocracy, plutocracy and oligarchy. And one glance at the political process in the country is enough to see that the US is a two party, closed circuit political system under constant supervision by a handful of powerful groups. The political system in the US is like a two ring circus carefully managed by ringmasters the audience does not get to see. And the ringmasters in question are: The country's Jewish establishment; Council on Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission; Pentagon; CIA; the military industrial complex; international bankers; Wall Street; Federal Reserve; energy lobby; pharmaceuticals lobby; the insurance lobby.
It should also be added that always present within the highest levels of the above mentioned special interests in Washington DC are the international elite and their secret orders, the exclusive clubs where members of European and American ruling dynasties (old money) get together and essentially plot ways to preserve their wealth and their power. Some of societies I am referring to are Freemasonry, Illuminati, Rosicrucians and of course the more modern Bilderberg group. Then there are organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations that are connected to them in various ways. These groups prove that real power and real wealth in this world continues to be inherited.
There are in fact many exclusive clubs for high society folks in the US and Europe. One such group known as Saint Hubertus briefly revealed itself recently when Justice Scalia died. By pointing this out the only thing I am suggesting is that elitist clubs are real and they are present in the highest echelons of Western governments. While we have no accurate way of measuring just how influential they are in politics, they do nevertheless seem omnipresent in centers of power in the Western world. We can see their handiwork when we look at organizations like the United Nations, World Trade Organization and the World Bank; movements such as globalism and socialism; the promotion around the world of climate change awareness, atheism, democracy, planned parenthood, human rights, homosexuality, feminism, GMOs, ecumenism and interracialism.
It is safe to conclude that the international elite in question does yield great power in places like Washington DC, London and Brussels.
Getting back to American democracy, if the political facade in the US looks a bit more professional or even somewhat more "democratic" when compared to other nations, it's simply because the US has been slowly developing and fine-tuning its closed circuit, two party political system for well over two hundred years. Yet at its very core the US is essentially the same as all other top-heavy, authoritarian governments around the world.
Ultimately, the US is too wealthy, too powerful, too large and too influential globally to allow a silly thing called democracy to get in the way. Those who are therefore hoping that Uncle Sam will one day tighten it's belt, willingly abandon the business of empire (the business it's been in since the Second World War) and begin transforming the US back to being a republic will be disappointed. Once a hegemonic predator gets to live on top of the global food-chain, it becomes virtually impossible for it to live or survive anywhere else. American officials willingly abandoning their imperial ambitions is like a person willingly quitting a high paying profession on Wall Street to work at McDonald's. It just won't happen. Those who run the American empire will therefore never willingly allow the "people" to have a real say in American politics.
Uncle Sam has therefore evolved quite sophisticated methods to manage and/or manipulate the people's will during elections without making it look too obvious. These undemocratic practices even have impressive sounding names: "Electoral College", "Super-delegates" and "Gerrymandering". And this is how crazy some of this stuff actually is -
It's crazy, it's legal, and it's undemocratic. Adam Ruins Everything explains gerrymandering:
Because Democracy! How Bernie beat Hillary but lost New Hampshire:
We therefore had a situation in the recent presidential race where Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were more-or-less even in actual votes during the Democrat party primary, but in the "super-delegate" count (which is the number that counts) Clinton was leading Sanders by several hundred points. Therefore, the two presidential candidates of the Democrat party were more-or-less even in number of votes they had gotten from the voters, but the one that had "insider" support was way ahead in the delegate count. And that's not all, people from influential "insider groups" such as the Council on Foreign Relations regularly vet and "consult" presidential candidates -
Donald Trump and other candidates held briefings with Council on Foreign Relations:
Iran has a democracy in which the country's religious establishment tightly controls the parameters of the country's political system. The clerics in Tehran vet the political players, define boundaries of the political process and go on to administer it all from above. Cuba also has a democracy but one that is tightly controlled by the nation's communist party. Similarly, Russia's FSB closely monitors the country's democratic process throughout the Russian Federation. This is all done to keep their respective societies in order and politics in-line with the interests of the respective nations. It's also done to keep out foreign (i.e. Western) meddling. So, how is any of this different from what happens in the US?!
Would Russian or Iranian officials get away with the kind of corruption Washingtonians get away with on a regular basis? Never! In fact, in 2012, Russia had one of the most orderly and democratic elections in the world, yet the West was crying foul. In fact, Iran has had a very well organized election process, but the West has been crying foul. Very well, I accept the notion that Russia, Iran or even Armenia are far from being perfect... but where are Western-funded NGOs decrying the undemocratic processes we are seeing take place throughout the US? At its core the political system in the US is essentially the same as the ones we see in other, more authoritarian parts of the world. At the end of the day, the US is too wealthy, too powerful, too large and too influential. Those who run the American empire will therefore never allow the "people" to make important political decisions and they will never allow outsiders like Donald Trump to change the parameters of the game.
I reiterate: If the political facade in the US looks shinier, more refined, more sophisticated, more developed or more palatable, it's simply because the US has had an uninterpreted two hundred year head-start in the game of politics and economics. In my opinion, the US differs from nations like Russia, Iran and Armenia only with the sophistication with which it fools its electorate and keeps the country's political life stable and orderly.
Manipulation of the political process via dirty tricks is nothing new in American politics. But this year's presidential campaigns have brought the flaws and the rampant corruption in the system to the forefront like never before. What we are seeing take place in this year's election process in the US is blatant examples of the deeply rooted institutionalized corruption (i.e the kind of corruption that is reserved only for upper echelons of society) in the Western world. The following are some additional materials to ponder -
US elections, rigged and computer codes:
Could computers fail on election day?
This Hoax Affects Everyone:
Two-Party Dictatorship: US choosing lesser evil?
Ron Paul 100% proof of Maine Election fraud!
Stealing a U.S. election? Nothing's easier!
So, I am not criticizing the US for not being a democracy. Democracy, in its purest form, is a very destructive political process. In fact, the ruling elite in the US knows this very well. They know that entrusting a nation’s politics to the whims of its ignorant masses is the surest and fastest way to political and economic ruin, which is why there is no democracy in the US. Democracy's destructive nature is the reason why Western powers have been using military might and economic sanctions to impose it on nations targeted with either destruction or subjugation. Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya and Ukraine readily come to mind. The American ruling establishment is very experienced and very intelligent. I therefore don't blame them for not wanting real democracy to ruin what they have meticulously created during the past two centuries. My intention here is to therefore break the myth of American democracy and finally allow the sheeple around the world to see that they have been fooled by savvy wolves in sheep's clothing. When it comes to governance and women, with rare exceptions, I believe top heavy is always better.
Top heavy is better
I personally believe in top heavy, nationalistic governments where limited forms of democracy and regulated forms of capitalism are practiced. I see National Socialism and Constitutional Monarchy as the best forms of government in existence today.
Nationalistic and top heavy governments are particularly important for peoples without much experience in statehood (i.e. Armenians) and for peoples with certain nonconforming cultural/genetic traits (i.e. Armenians). Close observation of Armenians and Armenian history reveals that Armenians tend to be by nature fiercely independent, individualistic, egotistical, restless, materialistic, competitive, aggressive, possessive, suspicious, jealous, clannish, arrogant, intelligent, crafty and overly ambitious. These unique traits (which lies at the root of Armenian success outside of Armenia) does not allow Armenians to be easily governed, especially when the governing is being done by other Armenians. More importantly, such traits do not encourage sociopolitical stability. Democracy and Armenians will therefore not mix well. Armenians therefore have the need to be ruled by top heavy, authoritarian and nationalistic governments.
Due to its peculiarities as a nation, Russians also have a natural need for authoritarian governments. But, unlike Armenians, Russians seem to understand this well. More importantly, Russians seem to actually embrace it. The following survey reveals, in my opinion, why Russia remains a powerful nation despite the immense odds stacked against it -
Poll: Just 7 Percent Of Russians Care About Democracy:
Russian Lawmakers Aim at Foreign Cars, Films and Schooling in Patriotic Purge:
Putin Wants U.S. Dollar Banned From Russian Trade:
Russia to bar Soros, other foreign NGOs:
Nevertheless, barring some rare exceptions, mankind is by nature incapable of properly governing itself. This human condition is more pronounced in certain types of peoples (e.g. Armenians, Greeks and Arabs) who have genetic and cultural traits that do not mix well with democratic values. Because of human nature democracy will not work for most for most of the time. Those who control levers of government in the Western world fully recognize the inherent flaws found in a democratic system. This explains why Western governments are by design elite-based systems with relatively very few political players. All this is why I am an advocate of political systems where political parties and corporate entities are tightly regulated and are made to operate under the close supervision of a nation's homegrown political, financial and military elite. Two such successful forms of governments today are Russia and China.
Free societies shoot to great heights, but they burnout almost as fast. When it comes to governing, top heavy will always be more efficient and therefore longer lasting.
I want my Armenian compatriots to stop their stupidity when it comes to politics in Armenia. Armenians need to wake up and see that corruption is in fact much worst in the US. Armenians need to wake up and see that there is no democracy in the US. Armenians need to wake up and realize that the existence of characters like Paruyr Hayrikyan, Jirayr Sefilian, Raffi Hovanissian, Vartan Oskanian and Levon Petrosyan within the political scene in Armenia is ample proof that Armenia is, unfortunately, more democratic than the US. Armenians also need to wake up and realize that the US did not become as wealthy, as developed and as powerful as it has been because of "democracy", "humanitarian values" or "liberalism".
It is troubling for me that a lot of people are still under the impression that the Western world, the US in particular, become wealthy and powerful as a result of democracy and/or liberalism. We must dispel this false notion because it is misleading millions of people around the world. We must also dispel this flawed mindset because by feeding the minds of the masses of people yearning for a better life with false notions and poisonous misconceptions, it is causing serious sociopolitical unrest around the world.
Protected by oceans, the political and financial elite in the United States (Freemasons being prominent among them) took over two hundreds years to grow the country to what it is today. During that time period, the United States became a wealthy world power essentially as a result of the industrial revolution; mass scale enslavement of Africans; the systematic extermination of native American Indians and the confiscation their lands which were abundant with natural resources; global wars for plunder; and the total control over global trade and commodities as a result of such wars.
Actually, voting rights for women in the United States did not come about until the 1920s and racial minorities did not get their right to vote until the 1960s. In my opinion, had the United States been an actual democracy it would not have made it this far or made it this big. Democracy had nothing to do with the rise of the United States. In fact, it can be argued that "democratic values" such as liberalism, multiculturalism and the resulting loss of traditional/conservative values in the US are the core reasons why American civilization and by extension European civilization are in decline today.
As the Western world slowly commits suicide via - genetically modified foods, sex tourism, low quality pop culture, psychiatric drugs, celebrity worship, proliferation junk foods, government sanctioned multiculturalism, over-taxation, underage drinking and drug abuse, proliferation of pharmaceuticals, institutionalized atheism, over-regulation, dwindling natural resources, epidemic of suicides, over-entertainment, modern art, Holocaust worship, under-education, radical feminism, Satan worship, abortion, low birth rates, culture of violence, glorification of war, consumerism, commercialism, selfishness and individualism, mass homicides, child prostitution, child pornography, interracialism, illegal immigration, third world immigration, sexual debauchery, breakdown of traditional family, governmental corruption and the promotion of homosexuality - others in the world are slowly plotting course for a new period in human history.
Besides, how democratic was the United States for the first two hundred years of its existence? In fact, just how democratic is the United States today?
Recent world events have shown as that the imposition of democracy on any given society can prove very destructive if not suicidal. Even for developed societies, unsupervised democracy can cause stagnation, instability and decline. In a democratic system, a shrewd minority, or a select few special interests, will always manage to co-opt government. Governments that for one reason or another risk playing with democracy will either tightly control it or risk being killed by it.
The practice of democracy in the Western world is a tightly controlled process by its ruling elite. As Donald Trump found out, the democratic processes in places like the United States or Great Britain for instance will never be allowed to get outside of their clearly defined parameters. Actually, Switzerland and Iceland may be one of the very few nation-states on earth today that practice the closest/purest forms of democracy.
Before the leadership of any developing country allows their citizenry to participate in nation's political processes, the political system in the country first needs to develop well established national institutions and political parties that are fully subservient to them. Before a government can allow its people a limited say in political matters, it also needs a well conditioned citizenry. Armenia's so-called "political opposition" today as well as the events of March 1, 2008 have clearly demonstrated that Armenia is at least several decades away from being able to practice some forms of democracy without the danger of committing national suicide. In their transitional phases, developing nations need powerful leaders with courage and vision. Having said that, however, I hope to see Russians and Armenians eventually begin moving away from personality-based political parties and begin supporting ideology-based political movements that operate under the umbrella of deeply rooted national institutions. Until that day arrives, however, people like Russians and Armenians need strongmen in power. Speaking of strong men, Britain's Winston Churchill is said to have once said -
"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter"
The Century Of The Self:
The Power of Nightmares:
"Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education" - Franklin D. Roosevelt
"Democracy is a form of government that substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few" - George Bernard Shaw
In fact, there cant be a better argument against the imposition of democracy and capitalism on inexperienced nations than what happened in Armenia and Russia during the 1990s. There can't be a better argument against the imposition of democracy and capitalism on inexperienced nations than what has recently been happening in nations like Ukraine, Iraq, Libya and Syria. Democracy and capitalism has brought utter chaos and destruction to parts of the former Soviet Union, the Middle East and Central Asia.
The kind of democracy being promoted by Western powers around the world in recent decades – with its system of beliefs known as Free Trade, Open Society, Westernization or globalization – are for Western powers today what Christianity was for European powers during the past one thousand years and what Roman civilization and Hellenism was for them centuries before that: A means of manipulation, subjugation, exploitation and when needed, destruction. Now, let's see what else Winston Churchill thought about democracy -
"Democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried."
Democracy, specifically the kind that has been practiced by the Anglo-American world, is indeed the best way a ruling elite can fool its subjects into thinking that they are partaking in the political process. This more-or-less is why Winston Churchill preferred democracy. Basically: Western democracy allows the existence of a very wealthy elite. And as long as a political system has a well entrenched oligarchy and deeply rooted national institutions, the sheeple of that political system can be allowed to participate in the semblance of democracy. This is how Western elite pacify their street. Nevertheless, despite what Churchill believed or wanted his sheeple to believe, democracy has always been a system where a small handful of clever men manage to attain levers to control a vast majority of lesser men -
"Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage. Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses" - Henry L. Mencken
“[The Dulles brothers] were able to succeed [at regime change] in Iran and Guatemala because those were democratic societies, they were open societies. They had free press; there were all kinds of independent organizations; there were professional groups; there were labor unions; there were student groups; there were religious organizations. When you have an open society, it’s very easy for covert operatives to penetrate that society and corrupt it” - Stephen Kinzer
In my opinion, similar to how people of a society need training or a license to operate machinery or have a practice, the very complex and potentially volatile machinery that is the nation-state today likewise needs to be operated by qualified individuals who truly appreciate and understands its mechanisms and by those who have a serious stake in the systems overall well-being. Generally speaking, those qualified to do this are the highly educated, high level military officials and, unfortunately, the wealthy. That said, let's also be mindful that democracy, prosperity and political stability are not at all interrelated: They never have been, they never will be. Westerners know this -
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote" - Benjamin Franklin
"Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide" - John Adams
It was only after the rise of communism and socialism in the 20th century that the Western elite felt compelled to begin giving a little back to their people.
Despite their touting, “democracy” or “freedom” has never had much to do with the Western world’s rise to global power and prosperity. We cannot make the mistake of attributing Western power or wealth to democracy. Western powers rose to prominence as a direct consequence of industrialization, war and human exploitation.
The US was founded by a very intelligent group of people who saw themselves as part of an elitist system. The US today continues to be an elite-based system. The US has historically been a nation where the top one percent has thoroughly dominated the rest of the ninety-nine percent. However, the American citizenry, the ninety-nine percent, has been better managed in recent decades through the provision of bare-essentials (i.e. low paying jobs and government assistance), entertainment (i.e. proliferation of television programing, celebrity worship, cinema and sports) and mind control methods in the form of information control through the mainstream news media and school curriculum. Powerful national institutions overseeing and sometimes directly guiding the so-called “democratic process” is exactly how the Western world manages itself.
Democracy is not a panacea. Democracy is actually a dangerous drug. Developing nations of the post-Soviet space are in no shape to risk playing with such a toxic drug. A nation cannot afford playing with risky political experiments when the nation is culturally unprepared and politically immature. A nation cannot afford playing with risky political experiments when it does not have a democratic tradition or lacks powerful national institutions. A nation cannot afford playing with risky political experiments while it is still in a developmental phase. In their transitional phases, developing nations need patriotic leaders, authoritarian governments and conforming populations. In the meanwhile, may God help protect nations from democracy and all it’s peddlers.
Trump may be too little, too late
After all is said and done, one things remains for sure: President-elect Trump will soon find out that the world he lives in looks very different when viewed from inside the White House. In the closing paragraph of my blog commentary titled "Donald Trump and the current state of American politics", I wrote the following passage -
"The American empire is too large, too powerful, too corrupt and too set in its ways, and Trump is too little, too late. Trump will not change the system, the system will more likely change Trump. If Trump gets the Republican nomination and goes on to beat the witch or the socialist for the nation's presidency, he will only do so by coming to terms with the powers that be. There is no other way forward for him - unless he wants to risk his well being. In my opinion, Trump will not live to see the White House if he does not fully submit himself to the ruling elite or at the very least "cut a deal" with them. The last time the US had a populist leader that really wanted to change things for the better, he was murdered by his own. I am not suggesting that they may kill Trump. They won't go that route because it would be too obvious. Besides, assassinations of high officials by the deep state are reserved as a drastic measure of last resort, a trump card, pardon the pun. But they do have other ways to ruin people's lives. In any case, Trump won't risk anything. He is simply not that type. As we have already seen, he has already been signalling his strong willingness to work with the country's Jewish establishment and the military industrial complex. That in itself is bad enough and nothing good can come out of it. Trump wants to be part of the ruling establishment, even if the ruling establishment does not trust him. But if it comes down to it, the ruling establishment will make a deal with him."
At best, Donald Trump will be an embattled and a beleaguered president, and his policies will run into one block-after-another. He will not be able to change the system as the system will most probably change him. I'd like to remind the reader that many months before he defeated Hillary Clinton he was already coming to terms with powers that be. There was no other way forward to the White House for him. Even with all the mysterious support the Trump camp had, Donald Trump and his backers would not have lived to see the White House had they not "cut a deal" with those who run the American empire. I personally think that Donald Trump and his backers have come to some kind of an understanding with the ruling elite, even if they continue to publicly oppose each-other. Consider the following chronology:The “Elite” Coup Of 2016 against US President-Elect Trump?:
They didn't trust presidential candidate Donald Trump at first -
The Neocons vs. Donald Trump:
The Real Reason Neocons Are So Upset About Donald Trump:
Here’s why Trump’s foreign policy terrifies neocons:
Trump Already Surrounding Himself With Establishment Men:
Donald Trump Held Briefing With Richard Haass, Head of Council on Foreign Relations:
Trump Taking Résumés From Neocons:
With Trump, a Major US Shift in Mideast:
Zionists 4 Trump:
Is Trump a Populist or a Pro-Zionist Spoiler?:
Ron Paul: Trump Needs To Resist Neocons And Shadow Government Elites:
Ron Paul to Trump: Don’t Listen to Neocons:
Perhaps this is why now that he has been elected he has been reaching out to various servants of the political/financial establishment in Washington DC and New York. Perhaps this is why throughout his presidential campaign he was signalling his desire to work closely with the country's powerful Jewish/Zionist establishment. Perhaps this is why throughout his presidential campaign he was also signalling his desire to work closely with the country's powerful military industrial complex. Nevertheless, what's been particularly worrying about Donald Trump has been his rhetoric about Iran and China. At the end of the day, realpolitik may make a Trump administration come to terms with Russia and the likes of Bashar Assad of Syria - but the Trump camp's approach to matters pertaining to Iran and China in particular are something that should worry everyone.
I have a feeling that Donald Trump's rhetoric is part of a long-term, strategic plan formulated by those behind him. I fear that those who helped put him into power clearly have an agenda that goes beyond domestic matters. They may be trying to reach some sort of a deal with Russia in order to deal more forcefully with Iran and China.
Concerning China: For the past few years we have been seeing a re-vectoring of US relations vis-à-vis Beijing. This has been called “pivot to Asia.” There seems to be some degree or form of departure from what the ruling elite in the Western world had initiated in the 1970s when President Richard Nixon traveled to China. Which begs the question: Has China also grown too powerful in their eyes? Is a Sino-American confrontation therefore a matter of time? Concerning Iran: It is well known that Israel's main strategic concern in the Middle East today is not Turkey, not Egypt, not Saudi Arabia, not Jordan, not Lebanon, not Syria, not ISIS, not Al-Qaeda, not Al-Nusra - but the country of Iran. I'd like to once more point out to the reader that the Anglo-American-Zionist alliance's primal fear is the development of an "Iranian arc" in the region. This fear of theirs is reaching critical levels as a result of Bashar Assad's impending victory in Syria -
Israel’s Main Concern in Syria: Iran, not ISIS:
It is also well known that keeping regional nations embroiled in never-ending wars and political/economic unrest is also a Zionist strategy of survival in the inhospitable region, if not a matter of expansion -ISIS, like the matador’s red cape, distracts from the truly mortal danger—a nuclear Iran chanting ‘Death to America’:
The Zionist Plan for the Middle East:
There is now an Iranian zone of influence stretching from western Afghanistan to the eastern Mediterranean. This Iranian arc of influence will not be tolerated by the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance.
Let's therefore wait and see how the Trump administration (which includes many influential Zionists) will approach matters pertaining to Iran. I think the first real test for him in this regard will be in Syria; and it will come very soon. The bloody conflict there is in its final phase. The strategic city of Aleppo has been liberated by Syrian, Iranian and Russian forces. Western-backed Islamic militants have been deprived of a major city stronghold and will now be forced to operate in the country's rural interior, where they will be easier to eliminate. I want to add here that the liberation of Aleppo was at least in part made possible by Moscow's rapprochement with Ankara. The Kremlin managed to disarm Ankara's agenda against Bashar Assad's government. Going forward, let's see how the Trump administration will handle Syria. In my opinion, the Trump administration's test after Syria may come by the way of China. So, let's wait and see how a President Trump will also deal with Beijing. Recent developments between Washington DC and Beijing are giving rise to dire predictions -
With President-elect Trump now merely weeks away from the White House, let's continue watching the kind of people he will surround himself with. As I said, some of the signs I'm seeing are worrisome and some are encouraging. Of the worrisome signs, I'm seeing a number of dangerous neoconservative types that were around during the disastrous Bush II presidency, as well as some typical Wall Street types. Moreover, I'm not very comfortable with the likes of Benjamin Netanyahu and others in Israel's hard right (including many Zionists inside the US) being so happy about a Trump presidency. Moreover, the news agency known as "Breitbar" is in reality a Zionist publication and its Stephen Bannon may prove to be just another "Christian-Zionist". Nothing good can come out of these kinds of people. I guess what I'm essentially trying to convey to the reader here is that our hate towards one group of dangerous people (e.g. the Clinton camp) should not blind us to another group of potentially dangerous people. That said, I still remain cautiously optimistic about a Trump presidency.‘The Coming War on China’ John Pilger on his newest film:
Israeli Ambassador: ‘Russia, Iran and Syria Defeated America’:
Russia is making inroads everywhere — the U.S., Europe and Eurasia:
Russia Signs Cooperation Agreement With Anti-Immigrant Party in Austria:
After a mere 25 years, the triumph of the West is over:
Armenia Is Literally Joining Forces With Russia:
This election cycle in the United States, as well as political developments around the world in recent years, may have forever exposed the fairytales that Western officials had comfortably wrapped themselves in for generations. This election cycle has brought many of the fallacies and flaws of the United States to the forefront of public discourse. The man-made hype about American democracy is finally fading. The global community has finally begun to see that the much touted political system in place in the United States was after all more hype than substance. They are now seeing that the "leader of the free world' is not all that different from authoritarian nations around the world. Donald Trump's political saga showed that one can be a billionaire, a nationally recognized celebrity, maintain years of close personal relationships with high level officials, enjoy the support of tens-of-millions of American voters, pander to the powerful Jewish establishment, embrace the military industrial complex and still be viciously attacked and still not have a chance at the presidency had it not been for the support he received from inside the US government and from unnamed groups around the world.
We can now therefore safely conclude that there is in fact no democracy in the United States. And now millions of people around the world have finally seen what individuals like myself have been saying for many years.
So, will President-elect Donald Trump, as he promised, attempt to actually "drain the swamp" and "make America great again"? Chances are he wont. Not because he does not want to but because he can't. The United States is too deeply involved in empire to retreat from its imperial ambitions and be downsized without the risk of collapse... unless that is, higher powers want it that way, and Donald Trump may in that case be unwittingly playing a part in it.
Speaking of collapse, this presidential race revealed a great rift that has developed in the United States in recent times. It can be said that their social engineering efforts have not fully succeeded and the country has essentially split into two very different nations. There is an America that is liberal, secular, cosmopolitan, socialist, globalist, Black, Hispanic, Jewish, homosexual, immigrant, interracial, multicultural, feminist, atheist, pro-abortion and anti-gun, and there is an America that is White, Christian, rural, blue collar, patriotic, conservative, pro-gun, anti-abortion, xenophobic and libertarian. These two America's are diametrically opposed to each another, and the two will never be reconciled. Consequently, American society today is fragile and if put under serious strain the country may crack. Seriously tampering with the political and/or economic system in place in the country, despite good intentions, may therefore have serious repercussions. I don't think any presidential administration in Washington DC will be allowed to take such a risk... unless, as I noted above, higher powers want it that way.
The question therefore remains: Will the United States abandon it's imperial pursuits and humbly revert back to being a republic? In my opinion, the answer is, most probably not. Will the American empire re-calibrate or readjust its policies and agendas around the world and make room for multipolarity in global governance? Probably yes. Hopefully yes. Donald Trump came at a time when Russian-American relations were at their lowest point since the Cuban missile crisis. If those who put Donald Trump in power truly place their emphasis on fixing America's many domestic problems and in the process at least downsize the country's political and military footprint in the rest of the world, that would be good enough for me. If a Trump administration does nothing else but develop better relations with Moscow, that would be good enough for me as well. Ultimately, time will reveal the real agenda of those behind Donald Trump. At this point, all the rest of us can do is wait and hope. To say that we are living in historic times is to put it very-very mildly.
Winter, 2016/2017
Trump’s Revolution - Now beware the counter-revolution

That this is a revolution is a bit of an understatement: revolutions are usually national in scope. This is an earthquake that will shake the whole world.
The United States is a global empire, and from the Korean peninsula to the Baltic states, our protectorates are quavering in panic that the system they’ve depended on for over half a century is about to come down. During the election, America’s client states all but formally endorsed Hillary Clinton, and expressed their unmitigated horror at the prospect of a Trump presidency. After all, the GOP candidate pledged to make our allies start paying their own way, a possibility that naturally fills them with dread. And Trump committed the biggest heresy of all by not only openly questioning the continued existence of NATO, but also by asking “Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get along with Russia?”
The Clinton campaign’s response was to do what no presidential candidate has done since the earliest days of the Republic: they accused Trump of being a Russian “puppet.” Former CIA director Mike Morrell, in endorsing Clinton, wrote that Trump is “an unconscious agent” of the Kremlin. In the hothouse atmosphere of Washington, D.C., this was not only acceptable: it was the conventional wisdom. Indeed, it no doubt still is. However, out in the real world, it fell flat: no normal American believed that for a minute. Endless articles appeared in the media, linking Trump to the Kremlin: a major piece of “evidence” for the “puppet” theory is that the Trump people pushed to keep a plank calling for arming Ukraine out of the Republican party platform. What the new McCarthyites didn’t understand, however, is that nobody cares about Ukraine, as polls consistently show.
The political class is reeling: how could this have happened?
We’ll doubtless be subjected to endless essays on the subject of who or what is to “blame” for Trump: FBI Director James Comey? The “alt right”? WikiLeaks? Putin?
Their problem is that these people live in a bubble: the conservative writer Mollie Hemingway tweeted the night of the election that “ I was at a small DC dinner several weeks ago where several people said they knew not a single Trump supporter. I was like, ‘I know 100s.’” This evokes the famous Pauline Kael quote, who is reputed to have responded to Richard Nixon’s 1972 landslide victory by saying: “I don’t know how Nixon won. I don’t know anybody who voted for him.” Actually, the acerbic film critic didn’t say that, exactly. What she really said was far more telling:
“I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don’t know. They’re outside my ken. But sometimes when I’m in a theater I can feel them.”
This puts it succinctly: the inhabitants of the “special world” of the political class — self-satisfied pundits, self-serving politicians, avaricious hedge fund managers, arrogant academics, less-than-thoughtful thinktankers, politically correct scolds, neoconservative warmongers – couldn’t imagine a world in which Donald Trump could win the White House. They laughed at him when he announced, they sneered at him even as he was winning the primaries, and they unleashed more venom than an army of rattlesnakes when he won the Republican nomination, even as they claimed he was headed for a Goldwater-like defeat. The American ruling class lives in a world entirely separate from that of their subjects: even as the peasants with pitchforks gathered in the shadow of the castle, they never saw the Trumpian revolution coming.
In short, they have no idea why he won because they live on a different planet than the rest of us. And yet the reason for his victory is very simple, and it’s no secret. He stated it clearly and succinctly in a remarkable television ad in the final days of the campaign.
Trump understands that, as I put it in my last column, “The main issue in the world today is globalism versus national sovereignty, and it is playing out in the politics of countries on every continent.” A transnational ruling elite, the types who flock to Davos every year, has arisen that believes it has the right to manipulate the peoples of the world like pawns on a chessboard. These lords of creation engage in “regime change” when a government they don’t like challenges their imperial prerogatives: they move entire populations around as if they were human dust – they manipulate currencies, “manage” the world economy — and woe to those who challenge their rule!
And the epicenter of this global ruling elite is located in Washington, D.C., with the White House as the inner sanctum of the whole rotten system. And now that Fortress of Power has been breached. Thus, the panic of the elites.
Trump rode into office promising that “we’ll get along with everybody” who wants peace with the United States, as he said in his victory speech. He campaigned on a platform of “America First” that his enemies derided as “isolationist” and which was, in reality, simply the foreign policy of the Founders of this country. While his stance on immigration provoked a lot of hostility, I would argue that the real reason for the sheer hatred directed at him by both parties is his foreign policy views – especially his radical condemnation of the Iraq war, in which he not only rightly denounced it as a disaster but also said that we were lied into that war. And he sent a message to the neoconservative authors of that war in his April foreign policy speech sponsored by The National Interest magazine. In outlining a new foreign policy vision for this country, he said:
“I will also look for talented experts with new approaches, and practical ideas, rather than surrounding myself with those who have perfect résumés but very little to brag about except responsibility for a long history of failed policies and continued losses at war.’”
As I put it in my column on the subject: “Here he is openly telling the neocons, who have inveigled themselves into every administration since the days of Ronald Reagan, that they will be kicked to the curb if and when he takes the White House.”
Which brings me to an important point: we must hold Trump’s feet to the fire on this pledge. This is the task of those anti-interventionists who supported him – and there are many – as well as those who stood aside. Let our battle cry be heard: no more neocons!
Trump has said that NATO is “obsolete” – and let’s hold him to that evaluation, and its clear implications. The Soviet Union has been dead since 1989. It’s time to put NATO in mothballs. Trump has said Japan and Korea must start providing for their own defense: let’s hold him to that one, too. It’s high time to pull US troops out of South Korea, where they are sitting ducks, and out of Japan as well. The Korean war is over: so is World War II. These countries are wealthy, as Trump has repeatedly pointed out: let them defend themselves.
The Saudis depend on us for their defense: we send them weapons, we train their troops, while they fund terrorism and run one of the nastiest regimes on earth. They’re filthy rich, as Trump has remarked many times: it’s time to cut them loose, too. In short, it’s time to pressure the new President to keep his promises. Because you can be sure, as the sun rises in the West, that the War Party will try to co-opt the new administration, and do everything in their power to make sure that they retain their hegemony over US foreign policy.
We can’t let that happen.
Trump is sincere, but he’s only one man – yes, he’s the President, but even the chief executive of the United States runs up against limitations; I’m talking about not only political limitations but also the power of the “deep State” – the permanent national security bureaucracy that guards it power and agenda jealously. President Trump cannot stand alone against these powerful forces: he needs a mass movement to stand behind him and, if necessary, push him in the right direction.
This is a great victory for our cause, and I can’t help but feel elated. Yet our job won’t get any easier: indeed, in many ways it will get harder. We are up against an enemy that will fight tooth and nail to retain its dominance, and who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. We must be as determined to stop them as they are to resist the revolutionary wave that is lapping at their feet. Yes, the revolution has arrived. But this is no time for complacency. Quite the contrary: we must be prepared for the counter-revolutionary reaction that is already setting in. We must ready ourselves to fight – and win.

Two days before the second presidential debate, the government of the United States officially accused Russia of a hacking campaign aimed at interfering in the U.S. election. In a joint statement, absent any specifics or technical details, the Department of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence stated “the recent [hacked email] disclosures… are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts… based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.”
The statement goes on to detail how only Democratic servers were attacked, meaning the American government is claiming that Russia is trying to throw the election to Donald Trump, plain and simple. It is left unsaid why the Russians would risk cyberwar with the United States to do this, as many have suggested Trump is a neocon in spirit whose loose finger will be on the nuclear button from day one. Clinton is much more of a political realist, comfortable with the business-as-usual of the past eight years that has gone in Russia’s favor in the Ukraine and Syria. She in fact seems like the stable known known, always a preference.
As the torrent of Podesta emails from WikiLeaks continues to expose the crimes of the Clinton dynasty, the FBI on Monday, began releasing their own documents. Buried inside 100 pages of heavily redacted interview summaries from the FBI’s investigation into Clinton are a series of allegations that are nothing short of a bombshell — documenting an ultra-secret, high-level group within the government, who were actually referred to as ‘The Shadow Government.”
This Shadow Government has long been kept in the dark realms of conspiracy theory. However, thanks to these newly released FBI documents, the truth has now become stranger and even more corrupt than fiction. The document sheds light on the reason Hillary Clinton has been able to escape any and all accountability — she was protected by this ‘Shadow Government.’ According to the document, any Freedom of Information Act requests, in relation to Clinton, were sent to a secret group for review.
Within the FBI documents, an unidentified person describes how FOIA requests having to do with Clinton were routed through these special channels. “There was a powerful group of very high-ranking STATE officials that some referred to as ‘The 7th Floor Group’ or ‘The Shadow Government.’ This group met every Wednesday afternoon to discuss the FOIA process, Congressional records, and everything CLINTON-related to FOIA/Congressional inquiries,” the FBI’s interview summary said.
According to a report in CNBC, that group, according to the summary, argued for a Clinton document release to be conducted all at once “for coordination purposes” instead of on a rolling basis as would normally be the case. But the “Shadow Government” did not get its way, and the agency in charge decided for a rolling release, the FBI summary said.
However, the summary does not go on to note how many other instances in which this Shadow Government was called in to protect her highness. Also, as the Free Thought Project reported last week, Clinton had help from the FBI, according to a high-level agent who blew the whistle on what they say was a politically motivated, top-down decision to not recommend Hillary Clinton face criminal charges for her mishandling of classified intelligence.
As Heavy notes, a State Department official, Patrick Kennedy, offered a “quid pro quo” if the FBI would flip at least one email from “classified” to “unclassified,” so that it could be released to the public in response to a Freedom of Information Act request. The FBI denies that it acted on any such“quid pro quo,” which according to the documents would have involved allowing the FBI to place agents in countries where they previously were prohibited from doing so — namely Iraq. The FBI also quickly released a statement denying any such arrangement.
On a separate yet similarly corrupt note, according to CNBC, one claim from the FBI documents that was receiving attention online was that one interviewee said there was a “stark difference” between Clinton’s “obedience to security and diplomatic protocols” and that of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Clinton, the interviewee said, “blatantly” disregarded such protocols, including her frequent refusal to attend foreign diplomatic functions with the local ambassador.
“This frequently resulted in complaints by ambassadors who were insulted and embarrassed by this breach of protocol,” the interview summary said, adding that the subject claimed that “Clinton’s protocol breaches were well known throughout Diplomatic Security and were ‘abundant.'”
When the FBI is releasing documents that refer to a ‘Shadow Government’ that protects who will likely be the next president of the United States, the paradigm is shifting. This willingness to expose their own corruption likely means one of two things. Either the government is being more transparent because society is demanding it — or, they know the people can’t do anything to stop them, so secrecy no longer matters. Either way, 2016 is quickly becoming the year conspiracy theorists were proven right.
Defeated Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton is not about to «go quietly into that good night». On the morning after her surprising and unanticipated defeat at the hands of Republican Party upstart Donald Trump, Mrs. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, entered the ball room of the art-deco New Yorker hotel in midtown Manhattan and were both adorned in purple attire. The press immediately noticed the color and asked what it represented. Clinton spokespeople claimed it was to represent the coming together of Democratic «Blue America» and Republican «Red America» into a united purple blend. This statement was a complete ruse as is known by citizens of countries targeted in the past by the vile political operations of international hedge fund tycoon George Soros.
The Clintons, who both have received millions of dollars in campaign contributions and Clinton Foundation donations from Soros, were, in fact, helping to launch Soros’s «Purple Revolution» in America. The Purple Revolution will resist all efforts by the Trump administration to push back against the globalist policies of the Clintons and soon-to-be ex-President Barack Obama. The Purple Revolution will also seek to make the Trump administration a short one through Soros-style street protests and political disruption.
It is doubtful that President Trump’s aides will advise the new president to carry out a diversionary criminal investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s private email servers and other issues related to the activities of the Clinton Foundation, especially when the nation faces so many other pressing issues, including jobs, immigration, and health care. However, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz said he will continue hearings in the Republican-controlled Congress on Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and Mrs. Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin. President Trump should not allow himself to be distracted by these efforts. Chaffetz was not one of Trump’s most loyal supporters.
America’s globalists and interventionists are already pushing the meme that because so many establishment and entrenched national security and military «experts» opposed Trump’s candidacy, Trump is «required» to call on them to join his administration because there are not enough such «experts» among Trump’s inner circle of advisers. Discredited neo-conservatives from George W. Bush’s White House, such as Iraq war co-conspirator Stephen Hadley, are being mentioned as someone Trump should have join his National Security Council and other senior positions. George H. W. Bush’s Secretary of State James Baker, a die-hard Bush loyalist, is also being proffered as a member of Trump’s White House team. There is absolutely no reason for Trump to seek the advice from old Republican fossils like Baker, Hadley, former Secretaries of State Rice and Powell, the lunatic former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, and others. There are plenty of Trump supporters who have a wealth of experience in foreign and national security matters, including those of African, Haitian, Hispanic, and Arab descent and who are not neocons, who can fill Trump’s senior- and middle-level positions.
Trump must distance himself from sudden well-wishing neocons, adventurists, militarists, and interventionists and not permit them to infest his administration. If Mrs. Clinton had won the presidency, an article on the incoming administration would have read as follows:
«Based on the militarism and foreign adventurism of her term as Secretary of State and her husband Bill Clinton’s two terms as president, the world is in store for major American military aggression on multiple fronts around the world. President-elect Hillary Clinton has made no secret of her desire to confront Russia militarily, diplomatically, and economically in the Middle East, on Russia’s very doorstep in eastern Europe, and even within the borders of the Russian Federation. Mrs. Clinton has dusted off the long-discredited ‘containment’ policy ushered into effect by Professor George F. Kennan in the aftermath of World War. Mrs. Clinton’s administration will likely promote the most strident neo-Cold Warriors of the Barack Obama administration, including Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, a personal favorite of Clinton».
President-elect Trump cannot afford to permit those who are in the same web as Nuland, Hadley, Bolton, and others to join his administration where they would metastasize like an aggressive form of cancer. These individuals would not carry out Trump’s policies but seek to continue to damage America’s relations with Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, and other nations.
Not only must Trump have to deal with Republican neocons trying to worm their way into his administration, but he must deal with the attempt by Soros to disrupt his presidency and the United States with a Purple Revolution
No sooner had Trump been declared the 45th president of the United States, Soros-funded political operations launched their activities to disrupt Trump during Obama’s lame-duck period and thereafter. The swiftness of the Purple Revolution is reminiscent of the speed at which protesters hit the streets of Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, in two Orange Revolutions sponsored by Soros, one in 2004 and the other, ten years later, in 2014.
As the Clintons were embracing purple in New York, street demonstrations, some violent, all coordinated by the Soros-funded and «Black Lives Matter», broke out in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Oakland, Nashville, Cleveland, Washington, Austin, Seattle, Philadelphia, Richmond, St. Paul, Kansas City, Omaha, San Francisco, and some 200 other cities across the United States.
The Soros-financed Russian singing group «Pussy Riot» released on YouTube an anti-Trump music video titled «Make America Great Again». The video went «viral» on the Internet. The video, which is profane and filled with violent acts, portrays a dystopian Trump presidency. Following the George Soros/Gene Sharp script to a tee, Pussy Riot member Nadya Tolokonnikova called for anti-Trump Americans to turn their anger into art, particularly music and visual art. The use of political graffiti is a popular Sharp tactic. The street protests and anti-Trump music and art were the first phase of Soros’s Purple Revolution in America.
President-elect Trump is facing a two-pronged attack by his opponents. One, led by entrenched neo-con bureaucrats, including former Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency director Michael Hayden, former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, and Bush family loyalists are seeking to call the shots on who Trump appoints to senior national security, intelligence, foreign policy, and defense positions in his administration. These neo-Cold Warriors are trying to convince Trump that he must maintain the Obama aggressiveness and militancy toward Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and other countries. The second front arrayed against Trump is from Soros-funded political groups and media. This second line of attack is a propaganda war, utilizing hundreds of anti-Trump newspapers, web sites, and broadcasters, that will seek to undermine public confidence in the Trump administration from its outset.
One of Trump’s political advertisements, released just prior to Election Day, stated that George Soros, Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen, and Goldman Sachs chief executive officer Lloyd Blankfein, are all part of «a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities». Soros and his minions immediately and ridiculously attacked the ad as «anti-Semitic». President Trump should be on guard against those who his campaign called out in the ad and their colleagues. Soros’s son, Alexander Soros, called on Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, and her husband Jared Kushner, to publicly disavow Trump. Soros’s tactics not only seek to split apart nations but also families. Trump must be on guard against the current and future machinations of George Soros, including his Purple Revolution.
Is The Deep State At War... With Itself?
This is a blatantly politicized "report" that is not supported by any evidence, nor is it supported by the other 16 intelligence agencies. The recent pronouncement by the C.I.A. that Russian hackers intervened in the U.S. presidential election doesn't pass the sniff test--on multiple levels. Let's consider the story on the most basic levels.
1. If the report is so "secret," why is it dominating the news flow?
2. Why was the "secret report" released now?
3. What actual forensic evidence is there of intervention? Were voting machines tampered with? Or is this "secret report" just another dose of fact-free "fake news" like The Washington Post's list of 200 "Russian propaganda" websites?
4. The report claims the entire U.S. intelligence community is in agreement on the "proof of Russian intervention on behalf of Trump" story, but then there's this:
"The C.I.A. presentation to senators about Russia’s intentions fell short of a formal U.S. assessment produced by all 17 intelligence agencies. A senior U.S. official said there were minor disagreements among intelligence officials about the agency’s assessment, in part because some questions remain unanswered."Given that the N.S.A. (National Security Agency) was so secret that its existence was denied for decades, do you really think the NSA is going to go public if it disagrees with the C.I.A.? Given the structure of the Deep State and the intelligence community, "minor disagreements" could well mean complete, total disavowal of the C.I.A.'s report. That this is the reality is suggested by the F.B.I.'s denunciation of the report's evidence-free, sweeping conclusion:
FBI Disputes CIA's "Fuzzy And Ambiguous" Claims That Russia Sought To Influence Presidential Election
5. The supposed interventions clearly fall under the purview of the NSA. So why is the C.I.A. going public in what is clearly a politicized report intended to influence the public via massive, sustained coverage in the mainstream media?
6. Notice the double standard: so when the U.S. attempts to influence public opinion in other nations, it's OK, but when other nations pursue the same goal, it's not OK?
7. What are we to make of the sustained campaign to elevate "Russian hackers and propaganda" from signal noise to the deciding factor in the U.S. election?
8. Russian hacking and attempts to influence American public opinion are not new. The intelligence agencies tasked with protecting American cyberspace have long identified state-sponsored hacking from Russia and China as major threats. So why, all of a sudden, are we being told the Russians successfully influenced a U.S. election? What changed? What new capabilities did they develop?
9. And most importantly, what evidence is there that Russian efforts affected the election? Were digital fingerprints found on voting machine records? Were payments to American media employees uncovered? Shouldn't statements purported to be "fact" or the "truth" be substantiated beyond "trust us, an agency with a long history of failed intelligence, misinformation and illegal over-reach"?
10. Doesn't it raise alarms that such a momentous accusation is totally devoid of evidence? If you're going public with the conclusion, you have to go public with at least some of the evidence. Here's the media blitz and some skeptical response:
Longtime readers know I have proposed a major divide in the Deep State--the elements of the federal government which don't change regardless of who is in elected office. This includes the intelligence community, the Pentagon, the diplomatic and trade infrastructure, Research and Revelopment, and America's own organs of media "framing" and "placement."
Is the Deep State Fracturing into Disunity? (March 14, 2014)
More recently, I wondered if the more progressive elements of the Deep State recognized the dangers to U.S. security posed by the neocons and their candidate, Hillary Clinton, and had decided to undermine her candidacy:
Could the Deep State Be Sabotaging Hillary? (August 8, 2016)
In other words, it's not the Russians who sabotaged Hillary--it's America's own Deep State that undermined her coronation. It wasn't a matter of personalities; it was much more profound than that. It was about the risks posed by the neocon strategies and policies, and just as importantly, the politicization of the intelligence network. And this is precisely what we discern in the C.I.A.'s unprecedented and quite frankly, absurd "secret report:" a blatantly politicized "report" that is not supported by any evidence, nor is it supported by the other 16 intelligence agencies. (Silence doesn't mean approval in this sphere.)

The American news media is wildly overplaying Russia’s role in a major email leak. The Democratic National Convention was troubled by chaos and dissent. Donald J. Trump’s request for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia to hack Democratic emails was a joke that American pundits simply did not get. Such is the worldview presented by RT, the state-run, Moscow-based international news organization that, this week, found itself in a strange position: covering an American presidential election where Russia is suddenly playing a major role.
The network, formerly known as Russia Today, has long been scrutinized for being a propaganda outlet of sorts for the Putin government, which oversees its finances. But its American arm, which attracts about eight million weekly viewers, has aspired to more mainstream success, hiring a team of on-the-ground journalists and familiar, if past-their-prime, television stars like Larry King and the former MSNBC anchor Ed Schultz.
“The same talking heads never mention the rampant crackdowns by the absolute monarchies, theocracies and ruthless strongmen allied with the U.S.,” Ms. Simonyan added.
RT was founded in 2005 as an arm of a state-owned news conglomerate, RIA Novosti, intended to serve as a counterbalance to coverage by Western media companies. (Current slogan: “Question More.”) RT America, based in Washington, began in 2010, and its site pledges to deliver “stories overlooked by the mainstream media to create news with an edge.”

Donald Trump on Monday took one of his first truly important calls as America’s next commander in chief, and Vladimir Putin was on the other end. Mr. Trump told the Russian supreme leader that he seeks a “strong and enduring relationship” with Moscow, per the Kremlin readout. His promised re-reset with Moscow is on track.
Rapprochement starts in Syria, where the president-elect has welcomed U.S.-Russian cooperation against Islamic State. That’s not a departure from current policy, contrary to hysteria on the left. Mr. Trump didn’t forge the de facto alliance with Moscow in Syria; his predecessor did. But to avoid the missteps of the last reset, Mr. Trump would do well to understand the ideological vision that shapes Kremlin strategy.
There is perhaps no better guide to Russian thinking today than the philosopher Alexander Dugin. One of the main “ideologists” behind Moscow’s aggressive foreign policy, Mr. Dugin is an influential intellectual with ties to the Kremlin. He has argued vociferously in favor of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, and the U.S. Treasury sanctioned him last year over his alleged role in “violations of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”
Mr. Trump’s election elated Mr. Dugin. “For us it is joy, it is happiness,” he says in a telephone interview this week. “You must understand that we consider Trump the American Putin.”
Correctly or not, Mr. Dugin views the president-elect as a kindred spirit—a “conservative nationalist” and “realist” who speaks Mr. Putin’s language. “Two realists can better understand each other,” Mr. Dugin says of the two men. By realism Mr. Dugin means a worldview that emphasizes “the sovereignty of nations.” A realist Washington, he says, “will focus on domestic affairs and leave in peace Europe and the Middle East.”
Take Ukraine and Syria. These two trouble spots “don’t enter into the immediate interests of the United States,” he says. The implicit message is that they do implicate Russian interests. A White House willing to concede these areas would find a Russia where “there is no reason for anti-American feeling.”
Perhaps that sounds like music to the ears of some in Mr. Trump’s coterie. But the incoming administration should weigh the price associated with such a deal. Mr. Dugin isn’t asking for an exchange of mutual strategic respect between Washington and Moscow. At stake is America’s political and military supremacy over a liberal international order centuries in the making.
“Liberalism”—by which Mr. Dugin means individual rights and free markets—“is globalist by its very nature.” Since they were first proclaimed by the philosophes of the Enlightenment and their followers in the American colonies, liberal ideas have conquered the globe, and a succession of liberal powers, most recently the U.S., has overseen world order.
Mr. Dugin equates liberalism with moral license and spiritual poverty. “Liberalism is totalitarianism,” he says, an invasive weed that Orthodox Russia, forever poised between East and West, must resist. A U.S. that no longer seeks to uphold liberal order, then, would be a long-brewing triumph for ideas that Mr. Dugin and like-minded thinkers on the nationalist far right in Russia and Europe have championed for decades.
Such a development would represent a passage from “unipolarity to multipolarity,” he says. “All those who reject universalism and globalization have an opening. . . . That is a theological and metaphysical shift, and we underestimate what is going on.” It would be “a real shift in the balance of power.” In his book “The Fourth Political Theory,” Mr. Dugin puts it less delicately: “The American Empire should be destroyed. And at one point, it will be.”
Developing structures to replace the old liberal international order is the other half of Mr. Dugin’s philosophical project. In a post-liberal world, he says, the great powers would pursue “regional globalization” instead of “global globalization.” The aim wouldn’t be to resurrect the pure nation-state “as it existed before globalization.”
Instead, there would be “balanced spaces of integration,” with an Anglo-American sphere, a European sphere as well as a Eurasian sphere that encompasses Russia, Shiite Iran and parts of Eastern Europe. If that latter sounds a bit like a sophisticated philosophical alibi for Mr. Putin’s imperial ambitions in the territory between the Baltic and Black Seas, well, it is. But Mr. Dugin says the Eurasian regional integration he envisions needn’t be coercive.
“Eurasianism is a defensive step against a globalization applied by all the power of the U.S.,” he says. But if Washington were to step back, “we can accomplish this more democratically.” And what about the bad memories, in places like Poland and the Baltic States, of the last time Russia “integrated” its neighbors? Mr. Dugin says he’s sympathetic but that these nations must “adapt to multipolarity.” He adds: “There were also good memories.”

“It’s a classic attack on security devices,” Roger Johnston tells Popular Science. “You implant a microprocessor or some other electronic device into the voting machine, and that lets you control the voting and turn cheating on and off. We’re basically interfering with transmitting the voter’s intent.”
“And a lot of our election judges are little old ladies who are retired, and God bless them, they’re what makes the elections work, but they’re not necessarily a fabulous workforce for detecting subtle security attacks,”
“I was surprised at how simple it was for me to access the ROM memory chips containing the firmware that controls the vote-counting,” Appel writes on his personal website. Despite claims from Sequoia that the machine wasn’t easily hackable, Appel says, “The AVC Advantage can be easily manipulated to throw an election because the chips which control the vote-counting are not soldered on to the circuit board of the DRE. This means the vote-counting firmware can be removed and replace with fraudulent firmware.”
“It appeared that the security keys for the encryption used by the I-mark software were hard-coded into the voting application,” he found when examining a Diebold Accuvote TS. “As things stood, their system relied on security through obscurity, so they must take measures to assure that their code remains obscure and that no copy of their code ever leaks out into public. I told them that the moment one of their machines goes to the landfill or is otherwise disposed of, someone might extract their encryption key and all of their security claims would become meaningless.”
“We've all used ATMs, and most everyone (except my quasi-Luddite self) has something such as an iPod. Now, have you ever, anytime, anywhere, had one of these electronic devices switch data input on you?” asks Selwyn Duke of American Thinking in a recent article. “So how is it that in our high-tech universe of flawlessly functioning electronic gadgets, voting machines are the only ones prone to human-like ‘error’? If there's an explanation other than human meddling, again, I'd truly like to hear it.”

Check the appointment Trump will make to the key positions in his entourage. Are they establishment men ?. Trump is also jewified by blood lines. His daughter/s married a jew/s. His grand children will most certainly be captured by a rabid rabbi and circumsized as is the norm with the Sanhedrin. He has also been making noises about recognizing and moving the USA embassy to Jerusalem, capital of the state. He keeps making anti iranian pronouncements. Trump is encased and wrapped in a Jewish box, International jewry, in cahoots with its most obedient subjects called the International elites-- all a conglomerate of philosemite, half semites, freemasons, freethinkers,Rosicrucians, etc. -- . We shall see how the show will unfold once the curtain is lifted. Hi relations with Russia ( being surrounded by establishment critters like ex neocons) remain to be tested. He has made the right sounds on the biological level, the white-european demographics in USA and Europe are wobbling dangerously at a critical disadvantage against the masses of colored,black, yellow and brown peoples; not only on a global scale, but also in their own natural habitats which are being invaded and overrun by the tidal wave of of manufactured imigration.Making the right noises and taking drastic remedial action are two different things.Immigration and the movement of masses of humanity from around the world toward the white homelands it's a growth industry, rivaling that of the drug cartels, but with infinetely more lethal projections which lead to the de facto replacement and biological obliteration of of native populations.
ReplyDeleteEvery single presidential candidate promises to recognize "a united Jerusalem" as israel's capital, and no president follows through on it. It is just a ritual or formality, not different from promising to "recognize" the Armenian Genocide (wtf is "recognize" even supposed to mean, the US government recognized it already several times, see Harut Sassounian's book.) Even though these parasites leach insane amounts of power and wealth off of their western hosts, the jews don't always get what they want. Even a weakling like Obama blocked them from getting things like AH-64Ds Apache helicopters, forcing israel to update its older models. Even spineless losers like Bush and Clinton managed to condemn israeli settlements in the West bank and the Gaza Strip. So I wouldn't give too much thought to campaign promises on the Jerusalem issue - of course anything is possible but generally this is business as usual.
Delete@Does Donald Trump's political victory have esoteric underpinnings?
ReplyDeleteI would think so. But it is above just 'secret societies' (which I think played their role).
It is about "The reversal which takes place from time to time of the motion of the universe...the greatest and most complete of all changes of the heavenly motions", of which Plato's myth of the "Statesman" spoke so eloquently.
"The world is guided at one time by an external power which is divine and receives fresh life and immortality from the renewing hand of the Creator, and again, when let go, moves spontaneously, being set free at such a time as to have, during infinite cycles of years, a reverse movement: this is due to its perfect balance, to its vast size, and to the fact that it turns on the smallest pivot...
God, the orderer of all, in his tender care, seeing that the world was in great straits, and fearing that all might be dissolved in the storm and disappear in infinite chaos, again seated himself at the helm; and bringing back the elements which had fallen into dissolution and disorder to the motion which had prevailed under his dispensation, he set them in order and restored them, and made the world imperishable and immortal."
OK, let's hope that's not wishful thinking! Repentance ('metanoia', change of mind) is necessary. Otherwise restoration may come in the form of Sodom and Gomorrah.
ReplyDeleteSo, is there any chance of a movement to "Make Armenia Great Again"? Perhaps with results-oriented populism and a rich marketer as a public face?
PS Have you any thoughts on Syria now that Aleppo is almost cleaned? How much can be achieved before Trump is inaugurated?
DeleteIn the final/closing section of my previous blog commentary I talk about a silver lining. Read that section if you haven't yet done so. There have been good developments coming out of Armenia since fall. It can be looked upon as a movement or at the very least an attempt to make Armenia "normal" again, as Armenia's "greatness" is still far away. Before greatness one needs to have sociopolitical stability, economic progress and peace on the borders. That said, Gazprom executive Karen Karapetyan's reappearance on the political scene in Armenia is a movement in itself in my opinion. Although the citizenry looks at him very positively, he is not representing a "popular movement" like the ones we are seeing in the US, Britain and Europe. What he represents is an internal movement, one that is ordered by higher powers. In this case, by saying higher powers I am talking about the Kremlin.
I think Russian officials stepped in just at the right time - when Armenians were in self-destructing mode - to implement some measures meant to stabilize the country and seal its fate to Russia. The increase in economic and scientific collaboration between Moscow and Yerevan, the appearance of the Iskander ballistic missile system in Armenia and the more recent merger of Russian and Armenian military units into one unified command are also part of this movement to stabilize Armenia. The next presidential elections in the country will be a very interesting thing to watch.
PS: Aleppo is a done deal. By the time Trump is sworn in the city will be all but liberated. But the work will be far from over in the rest of country. This is when Uncle Sam and the Russian Bear will sit and discuss the country's future. As I have been saying, we are in the conflict's final phase. As I have been saying, the conflict will finally end when the country is partitioned in some way. A best case scenario would be a federalization of some sort.
Making America Great Again equates to making the middle class great again. Ain't gonna happen. With application of robotics and AI, the wage disparity between developed and poor countries will not be as much of an issue. There's a chance that THIS will cause a re-industrialization of the US in the coming decades if they can manage to keep taxes, regulations and energy costs down. However this has nothing to do with strengthening the middle class. Quite the opposite.
ReplyDeleteAt the rate they were going, the neocons were on the fastest route to national disaster through bankruptcy and over-exhaustion of military. Russian intervention in Syria and Chinese naval advances in south China sea demonstrated that the US is up against some serious competition which it doesn't have the resources to deal with right now. Some wiser heads have prevailed and pushed through Trump, and will attempt to pull back a little, re-focus the internal resources and try to rebuild the military while they try to weaken their traditional enemies through covert means until they are strong enough once more to confront them militarily.
In other words nothing changes, it only buys time for remobilizing, similar to the "humanitarian ceasefires" in Syria but on a national scale.
I wouldn't read the election of Trump as a revolutionary moment in the hearts and minds of middle America. As usual, the American people have been used as a tool to achieve larger geopolitical goals which the people are completely ignorant of. Boy are they in for a surprise in the coming decades.
I am very much afraid that you are right. The move was planned and carefully prepared long before. It just had to bamboozle the American people making them believe that it was 'people's decision'.
DeleteGood summary as usual by Arevordi.
ReplyDeleteTrump's appointments have been mixed as Arevordi pointed out. Trump is radically accepting of faggots and trannies by conservative standards, yet his VP Mike Pence clearly abhors faggotry. Trump publicly is extremely pro-zionist, but he has Steve Bannon and Jeff Sessions. To his credit, Trump seems to have gotten rid of Christie from the transition team despite Christie's early loyalty to Trump, because obviously fatass Christie is corrupt beyond redemption.
I am disappointed in Trump's choice of Mad Dog Mattis as Secretary of Defense. I remember a while back Arevordi made a good point about how it was best that Patton was killed by his own government before he started a war against the Soviet Union. Mattis reminds me a lot of Patton: an Anglo career military man who is clearly a bloodthirsty animal who enjoys killing too much. Look up some of Mattis's quotes, and you will have to agree with me that Mattis is psychotic. These statements do not indicate a professional, they indicate a man with severe mental issues. They are closer in mentality to a warlord like Erdogan (a poorly educated street urchin who made it to a high position on his aggressiveness and ruthlessness) rather than a competant manager like Vladimir Putin or our own Serj Sargsyan. Mattis' anti-Iran and anti-Russia (re Ukraine) rhetoric is typical for a baby boomer dumbass who grew up on a steady Cold War and Iran Revolution diet, and is now to old and ossified to adapt to a modern reality. It is no different really than Tool Patton's attitude towards Germans and later Russians ("our (((American))) establishment says they are bad, so they must be bad".) And just like Patton, Mattis would (judging by his rhetoric) clearly enjoy a war against the enemies of International Jewry without any thought given as to how such a war benefits America or its people - perhaps "Lapdog Mattis" would be a better nickname. Also, I don;t trust men that old who never had a wife or kids, it is my personal opinion that chances are extremely high a psychopath bachelor who spent most of his life around young, fit military men probably engaged in acts of faggotry. Hopefully the secretary is not involved in any policy-making, and sticks to administering decisions made by the executive branch.
Trump also picked a jew from big finance to head the treasury, which is not exactly draining the swamp. But in all fairness, he can't just radically purge the system overnight.
Mike Pence may belong to the establishment, but the liberal losers are deathly afraid of him because they said that he's going to "electrocute the gay out of children". However, with regards to US generals like Patton who were killed to prevent the war against the Soviets from happening, even the Jew-owned media at that time had a smear campaign against him over his anti-Semitic views. I'd also give links to Patton if anyone is interested.
There are rumors that mattis is a homo. But the old school kind that does not flaunt his faggotry.
DeleteLG, that wouldn't surprise me - that kind of stuff has always been rife in western militaries. Nathaneal Kanper's latest video covered the Iran-hating, israel-serving war hawks in Trump's cabinet.
DeleteTrump's 'Mad Dog' Military Policy
All in all, Trump was easily the better choice between the viable candidates who ran. Improving relations with Russia is the key issue. Deporting millions of Hispanics would be very entertaining for me personally. Additionally Trump has singlehandedly destroyed "political correctness" (modern jewish censorship imposed on the west.) Trump has completely destroyed the credibility of the jewish media, and the major cable news networks and print news will never, ever recover. Seriously, I don't know a single Millennial who subscribes to a newspaper or new magazine, or who regularly watches any of the cable news networks. The only exceptions I can name are a very, very small number of psuedo-intellectuals I met in graduate school who are absolutely desperate to pretend that they fit the mold of past intellectuals and so they have a subscription to a bunch of "reputable" jewpapers, and even then no one actually reads the shit inside, they just display it as a status symbol or fashion statement. Cable news is even less popular. Funnily enough, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson have now reinvented themselves by mocking SJW's on their shows (there is a series on youtube called "You Can't Cuck The TUCK!" worth checking out.) This type of humor was on the Internet for the past decade, it's becoming mainstream now. As the baby boomers die off, the future for the current giants in the news media looks very bleak.
ReplyDeleteps Arevordi made a top-heavy big-tits joke?? You're starting to sound like me, bro. No more of that "if that makes me a feminist, then I'm a feminist" nonsense. Arevordi's back:
Sarkis jan,
DeleteWhy are we still having this conversation? I am not a sexist and I am not a misogynist. Liking "bit tits" is a very natural/healthy thing for a man. It's the same as women liking tall or muscular men. You are still looking at sexual matters from a very westernized mindset. It's not healthy, just as an easternized mindset is not.
Once more, I am not a "feminist" in the western sense of the word. I am feminist only in that I believe women were not created to be possessions of men.
Women were created/evolved for two main things: Be companions of men and be mothers. And men were created/evolved to do two main things: Work and fight, in order to keep their family fed and safe. No where in this formula (be it religious, be it natural) can the abuse of women (sexual, physical or mental) be rationalized or justified. Women are not objects to be owned and abused as they are in the Muslim/Semitic world nor are they sexual objects to lust after and mistreat as they are in the Western world. While some Armenians fall into the former catagory, you are unwittingly falling into the latter catagory.
Women and men have fundamentally different roles in human society but they should be equal in the eyes of the nation's laws as well as in the eyes of the in-laws - as they are equal in the eyes of God.
Traditionally, women have had their ideal man. Normally, this is an intelligent, strong and hardworking male who signals his readiness to provide for his family. Traditionally, men have had their ideal women. Normally, this is a women who is pretty (a nice "rack" is part of a women's natural God-given beauty), she is good around the house and she looks forward to having children. For thousands of years it's been this way, and it worked. The onset of the Anglo-American-Jewish period in human history has turned all this upside down, and has even tainted the world view of intelligent individuals such as yourself.
Anyway, let's please not continue talking about sexual matters in this blog.
Arevordi, that part of my comment was meant as a lighthearted joke playing on your "top-heavy" comment and our past discussion on women. Usually when I use multiple punctuation marks ("??") or words like "bro" I'm not being too serious. No one actually thinks you are a feminist.
DeleteAt this point in time "feminist" has come to be synonymous with "retarded faggot;" if you had actually come off as a feminist then younger, non-liberal (to say the least) regulars like myself, Jerriko, and LG would probably not bother visiting your blog. You'll be happy to know that all of the cool kids are openly and viciously mocking feminism, and the hysterical, neon-haired, childless cat-ladies that feminism produces. In fact the cool kids are attacking every aspect of the establishment and its dogma as cool kids tend to do every generation. Except this time it is hilarious to watch because uptight and out of touch jews and ultraliberals are now the establishment, and what the establishment describes as "fascism" (anything from light-weight traditionalism to civic nationalism to hardcore national socialism) is the edgy, humorous, and rebellious counter-culture. The 1960s have come full circle.
You took my comment too seriously, you really didn't need to write out a long response. You could have just said something like "gee, for a 'feminist' I've grabbed more pussy than you bro, go find a safe space and think about that" and laughed it off and been done with it. But I don't disagree with anything you wrote. You and I probably treat our women more or less the same anyway, maybe I'm younger and more aggressive but that's a minor point. Obviously women like men with a backbone, and men like pretty women, and the two sexes exist to complement each other in a sort of "harmonious tension" that has worked all across the animal kingdom since the beginning of time. You are correct that it is only in modern times this has been turned upside-down, with disastrous results. And of course, for the viability of any nation, women and their limited childbearing capabilities are infinitely more valuable then men who have pretty much limitless childbearing capabilities. That is a huge part of why women have been targeted to undermine societies, from the smut in western media to the hundreds of "women's rights NGOs" across the world.
The western trend of pretending there is no difference between sexes is wrong, and the islamic system of making women wear trash bags and cutting off their clitorises is wrong - and thankfully I think that Armenian society (despite all of the glaring flaws of Armenians) largely ignores both extremes. We're not in serious disagreement here: if anyone considers themselves a self-respecting man, they will respect their women while doing everything in their power to protect them from harm, whether from physical attacks or from jewish subversions like feminism. I'd just note that women, like children, sometimes need to be saved from themselves because women generally seek to avoid conflict and just follow the status quo, and unfortunately the jews still remain at the control panel and are able to set the perceived status quo through the media, i.e. selling women the idea that a whorish "Sex and the City" lifestyle is good, or that behaving like a Kardashian will lead to success in life. And I'm not arguing that men are not subject to falling for jew subversion because a significant number (maybe a majority) are, but a nation needs its men to lead and men tend to be more analytic and political - take a look at the make-up of your audience here as evidence.
The Armenian Lobby’s Tenuous Relations With President-Elect Trump
Well would you look at this: another filthy kike authored an anti-Armenian hit piece.
"Dr. Alexander Murinson is a senior fellow at the Begin-Sadat Center and Bar Ilan University. He holds a Ph.D. from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London and is the author of Turkey’s Entente with Israel and Azerbaijan: State Identity and Security in the Middle East and Caucasus."
I only read the first sentence, and it was some hilarious projection of his own rat-faced tribe's "narrow ethnic interests being put on a pedestal." But actually, if he is attacking the worthless Armenian-American activists and organizations, then I really am not inclined to defend the likes of Seto Boyadjian et al.
As is always the case, while Armenia continues to be targeted for destruction by a coalition of Turks, Azeris, Jews, and Islamists, it is a group of Armenians themselves who have decided to open a new front against Armenia.
ReplyDeleteArmenia’s Diaspora Minister Makes Puzzling Assertions
Here is a Turkish citizen crying about the fact that Armenians in Armenia rightfully look at people from outside Armenia as foreigners. The comments are filled with self-righteous emotional fags comforting each other about how "ignorant" it is to point out that being Armenian actually requires meeting a standard or two. Armenians in Turkey intermarry with Turks at a rate of around 75%; are culturally and spiritually totally Turkified; and frankly have had any semblance of masculinity bred and beaten out of them for generations (i.e. they are a bunch of effeminate cucks). Turks are clearly more comfortable in Turkey, and for that matter Persians are clearly more comfortable in Iran - isn't it the case that these people take every opportunity to insult Armenia and state "they never treated us this badly in Turkey/Iran?" So yeah I don't blame Armenians in Armenia for asking whether the person in front of them is actually Armenian... As I've stated before, most diasporans for whatever reason expect to be worshiped as some sort of god-emperor whenever they visit or interact with the lowly Republic of Armenia or its primitive people. After all, the prevailing mentality is that Hayastantsis are a bunch of low-brow, Russian-brainwashed peasants; how dare such unworthy people not bow in reverence at an almighty diasporan?
But there is also some good news. It seems after decades of watching the Armenian diaspora from the west attack Armenia, Armenia's governing party has finally hit back:
Ruling Party Warns Diaspora Critics
From the article: “If they are so eager to prevent [election fraud] they could also do that in countries in which they live and of which they are citizens,” the HHK spokesman, Eduard Sharmazanov, said, commenting on the initiative. He pointed to “numerous flaws” that marred the recent U.S. presidential race."
I actually can't believe Sharmazanov said that, but I am glad he did! Remember in past elections in Armenia, US observers on the ground determined on election night that the vote was mostly free and democratic, only to have the State Department (under Condoleeza Rice I think) release an official report a short time later reserving those findings for political reasons. I would personally like to see this taken a few steps further to a policy of "AMERIKA RAUS - DIASPORA RAUS" regarding internal Armenian affairs, but I am satisfied at this development. If Trump actually scales back American meddling in the South Caucasus, Yerevan (and Moscow) have a great opportunity to purge Armenia of the western-diasporan fifth column.
Here are some thoughts from the Trump election. There is no doubt that the jews are still very much in control of the top positions of power in the western world. However, the the quality of the jews is visibly declining. Arevordi likes to say regarding Armenia that while Russia controls the head (governing and security bodies), the west has been steadily gaining control of the body (society at large) of the Armenian nation through its social engineering programs. Due to various factors which I will mention below, I will now state that the jews control the head of the western world, but are steadily losing control of the body.
ReplyDelete-The undeniable main factor for the weakening of the jewish power is the Internet - arguably humanity's greatest achievement - which has made access to forbidden information possible to the masses. Despite the unlimited amount of garbage and noise and extreme conspiracy theories (e.g. lizard people or alien overlords or retarded websites like HuffPo,) the Internet has managed to destroy the falsehoods which had been meticulously constructed to limit the peoples ability to think and understand the world because these Great Jewish lies were so flimsy that they cannot stand up to basic scrutiny. This is the main reason that the Holocaust lie is protected via anti-heresy legislation and threats of long-term imprisonment in Europe, because the numbers and claims are mathematically impossible, are not supported by any evidence, and have already been revised in their entirety numerous times to deal with suppressed facts which have come to light.
-The individual jews themselves are of lower quality. They once produced leaders like Theodore Herzl or even Henry Kissinger. Now they have incompetent third rate actors like Victoria Nuland, who are riding on the success of previous generations of jews rather than "honestly" cheating their way to the top of their host society through hard work. It's like watching the lazy grandchildren of a billionaire who have never known hardship inherit the family empire and run it into the ground. Below are a few clips of the worst types of jew manipulators getting wrecked by goy journalists who had spent decades bowing to the jews:
Bill O’Reilly Battles Jennifer Rubin Over Trump , Says He Helps Him Too Much - 10/24/16 - Fox News
Tucker Carlson vs. Liberal over Trump being Time's 'Person Of The Year'
Tucker Carlson destroys Dem. Congressman over supposed Russian involvement in the election --- This is the man Armenian-Americans worship because "he is Armenia's best friend, bro. He'd take a bullet for Armenia, bro."
-The western world is in deep trouble economically. As long as Joe Sixpack had a tolerable standard of living, he had no reason to take note that things were bad and getting worse. Now that he can't go outside without getting blown up by Muslims or attacked by Blacks and Hispanics; now that he can barely afford to pay for food and rent with anything left over for entertainment/distractions, all of a sudden a statement like "America is already great" rings hollow. Again the millennials and the generation after them are going to inherit a west that is on fire, they are going to have to find somebody to blame.
-Finally, Trump destroyed political correctness. It did not take much effort. The moment he tweeted "Mexicans are rapists and murderers" and the moment where the media first demanded he apologize and he said "No," the entire house of cards known as political correctness died. The only exception so far has been direct criticism of jewry. It is not hard to imagine that a basket of deplorables here and there will undermine this remaining jewish privilege.
Seriously, these people are not helping themselves. Any sensible jew from an earlier generation would be mortified at the openness with which the current crop of jews are out in public preaching (screeching) their radical agenda to destroy the natives. A century ago jews wormed their way into power by pretending that they were on the side of the oppressed working majority via the socialist and democratic movements, and in the 1960s the jews sold the idea to the then young and naive boomers that it was a rebellion against an uptight and outdated establishment. Now they are pushing some Wiemar level subversion, and seriously risking a Wiemar level backlash. No one under 30 is watching this and not thinking to themselves "wow, no wonder everyone hates these people, we have a serious problem on our hands" - take a look at the comments section if you don't believe me.
DeleteTucker Carlson vs. Washington Post over "angry white racist" Trump voters
ps here is another fine representative of the Armenian-American community. Kristoff is one of the least masculine man I have seen. That guy has never lifted a weight in his life, yet I bet he's seen a Turkish bath or two. No wonder he had to find a Chinese woman to marry, such a pathetic weakling. Where's Dan Bilzerian to slap some sense into this guy. I'll stop posting Tucker Carlson videos after this:
You Can't Cuck The TUCK! vol. 2 --- Starts at 3:03
I agree with your assessment of Jewish power/influence in the US. They are indeed showing cracks. A lot of what happens in American politics today is actually Jewish infighting. Clinton's backers, like Soros, were left-wing Jews. Trump's backers, like Adelson, were right-wing Jews. I talk about this modern dynamic in US politics in the current blog commentary. Anyway, I think their height of power in the US was during the time between the Clinton and Obama administrations; a good twenty-five years. I think they are now somewhat vulnerable. I agree that information technology (social media, internet, etc) has played a very great role in awakening the sleeping masses. Their main fear now is not Donald Trump per se but the social media driven populist movement that was created behind him. From the Jewish perspective -
DeleteTrump's populist persona, his German pedigree, his immense popularity among White Christians and some of his rhetoric has reminded his detractors of historic figures like Hitler and Mussolini. From the Jewish perspective: Once a immensely popular public figure like Donald Trump, who has a following of tens-of-millions of White Christians in the country, rises to power in American politics on a nationalistic ideological platform based on anti-establishment, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim sentiments... it's a very small leap thereafter to that thing called "antisemitism".
Liberal Zionism in the Age of Trump:
DeleteReading between the lines it would appear that the jew is worried that more and more gentiles will question their schemes.
"Nationalistic and top heavy governments are particularly important for peoples without much experience in statehood (i.e. Armenians) and for peoples with certain nonconforming cultural/genetic traits (i.e. Armenians)."
ReplyDeleteI would also like to point out that this quote would also have to apply to nation-states that are once colonies of other nations, such as the Balkan states under the Ottomans, or the nations that made up of the former Spanish Empire. I don't see Duterte applying National Socialist policies to the Philippine government at all since he has included several prominent Maoists in his government. Plus his VP has started a rumor that her Vice Presidency is about to be lost. Frankly speaking, I was pissed off that the son of former strongman Ferdinand Marcos was essentially robbed of his chance to become VP of the Philippines. In addition, the Jewish sedition against my country, I thought that was just a rumor until I came across this:
I'm stunned that we Filipinos don't harbor any hatred for the neo-conservative Jews, despite their antics. Guess the social conditioning was way harder.
Jerriko, with all due respects, you Filipinons don't harbor hatred for Neocons because you are too busy harboring hatred for the Chinese. I know you will disagree with me but I think Duterte is a fine leader, and the future of your country would be better served if your people find common language with the Chinese and to an extent Russians. I have noticed that as intelligent as you are, you have some deeply-rooted psychological problems regarding China and communism. It's this kind of emotional baggage in people that Western powers excell in exploiting.
DeletePS: Communist China is also heading towards National Socialism.
It is not only me that has this problem: the entire population has this problem too, and we seem to have a penchant for spring the self-destructive tendencies of Western societies. I would have loved to see a Mussolini-like leader to whip my own people into shape, but we blew that chance with the late President Marcos. It isn't just the ideology that makes Filipinos hate China: it's the history of the Sinocentric tributary system that has caused Han Chinese to look down on SE Asians and other Asian states. Parts of the Philippines were once small kingdoms that paid tribute to the Ming, and overseas Chinese merchants only settled in SE Asia because they were discouraged from practicing their trade in mainland China. Japan was the only Asian nation that seceded from the Sinocentric tributary system, and the Chinese have resented Japan for it. Even now, certain Chinese extremists have shown racial hatred towards my own people.
DeleteBTW, I have learned a great deal about Hitler and contemporary politics from two good documentaries that is produced by a man named Dennis Wise. I would highly recommend Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told and New World Order: Communism by the Backdoor.
Like I said, Western powers excel at exploiting people's biases, emotions and political ignorance. Independence has always been reserved for a very few nations on earth. A vast majority of nations on earth are dependent nations and will remain so. This includes nations like Armenia and the Philippines. Different regions of the world have their heavy weights. Our region's heavy weight is Russia. Your region's heavy weight is China. Deal with it, find common language with it. Also, every region of the world has its regional problems. Recognize the problem and try to fix it, instead of falling victim to Western powers who do their best to exploit your problems with your neighbors. Naturally, the same applies to us Armenians. Yes, it is my belief that sooner-or-later our problems with our neighbors need to be solved as well. Unfortunately, this will be a very difficult task for us because some of our neighbors, you know who they are, simply have a problem with our very existence. I don't think you have that problem with China.
DeletePS: I posted that Hitler video in this blog several years ago. I also like it. About the New World Order: I would not call it Communism by the Backdoor. I would categorize the NWO as Neo-Bolshevism. Bolshevism and Communism are different animals.
Arevordi Jan,
ReplyDeleteRe your latest, keep up the great work. So much info, I got to go through it all. It will take some time.
Putin BOMBSHELL to West: 'I saw your instructions to NGOs to destabilize Russia:
Arevordi, excellent topic to cover but I didnt read it yet. For now I just wanted to post this video because I know you and Zoravar will love it:
ReplyDeleteRussian special forces in Syria:
Thank God in heaven and Russia on earth, Aleppo has been liberated. It's another historic moment for mankind, but you wouldn't know it by observing the Western news media lamenting Aleppo's fall. Although the war in Syria is far from over, at the very least, Western-backed Islamic terrorists have been deprived of a major city stronghold. They will now be forced to take their Western-financed jihad to Syria's rural/desert interior - where they will be easier to eliminate by Russian air power. Looking forward, the more complaints we see/read/hear from Western sources about Russian "atrocities", the more assured we should be that Russians are indeed doing a very good job. I also want to add here that Aleppo's liberation was made possible, at least in part, by Moscow's strategic rapprochment with Ankara. Russian officials have successfully disarmed and defanged Ankara's hostility towards Bashar Assad's government. All in all, Kremlin officials have plotted, maneuvered and executed brilliantly. They truly are grossmeisters of geopolitics. We Armenians are blessed to have allies like Russians.
ReplyDeleteBashar Al-Assad will go down in history. In 2008, Armenia made history in being the first pro-Russian state where an attempted western color revolution was halted in its tracks. In the last three years, Assad's Syria has become the first Arab state where an attempted Arab Spring revolution was halted in its tracks.
DeleteAll of this reminds me of this great article:
That Was No Small War in Georgia -- It Was the Beginning of the End of the American Empire
It is interesting to watch Turks, Kurds, FSA and ISIS fight and kill each other.
ReplyDeleteHere are a couple of military updates:
-In the last few days, the Turks have lost 3 German made Leopard-2 tanks to ISIS. The anti-tank rockets used were the old Soviet Konkurs.
So, the Leopard-2 is the latest Western tank that is destroyed by Russian/Soviet rockets: Israeli Merkava (Lebanon), American M-1 Abrams (Iraq and Yemen), British Challenger (Iraq) and now leopard-2 in Syria.
-It is now being revealed that the Russian Aircraft carrier group is accompanied by no less than 5 Russian nuclear submarines (3 Akulas and 2 Oscars.
Yesterday, the Turks lost an M-60 tank and a Cobra armored vehicle to ISIS anti-tank missiles.
DeleteVideo: Double ATGM hit on Turkish M60T tank and Cobra armored vehicle in Syria:
Zoravar, I don't think the M-60 tank or the Cobra armored personnel carrier were destroyed in the attack, at least from what could be discerned from the video. What's surprising is that the APC should have been blown to bits by the anti-tank missile, yet it remained intact and you could even see the infantry getting out of the vehicle on their own feet. Re. the Leapords, basing my opinion on the pictures, I think only one could be considered a kill.
DeleteIt is hard to define a "kill" on a tank. Even a burnt tank can be rebuilt.
DeleteOut of the 3 Leopard tanks that were hit, a crewmember has died in the first one, so it was penetrated. The third tank suffered secondary internal explosions (so it was penetrated too). The second Leopard may be salvageable if it was not penetrated.
The M-60 is believed to be a loss. As for the Cobra, you may right but it is difficult to pass judgment because some infantryman are seen walking out (some injured and/or shocked).
Regarding military equipment, I came across this article. It seems the F-35 and the $4 billion Boeing isn't the only major money pit:
DeleteHow the Navy’s Zumwalt-Class Destroyers Ran Aground
A weekly news roundup:
ReplyDeleteArmenia’s Russia problem
Armenia has a Russia problem, bro. Nevermind the #FakeNews that known Russian KGB agent and superhacker "Arevordi" has been telling you. Arevordi would have you believe that Armenia's problems are things like having two genocidal, hyperaggressive Islamo-Turkic neighbors; a landlocked and blockaded country at the center of a geopolitical struggle between superpowers; or an overly ambitious population that wants to have Singapore-level living standards while barely putting in Guatemala levels of work.
Seriously though, the author Christina Gathman is an idiot. Take a look at this hideous whore's profile:
But this is an article that just keeps on giving: the half-breed piece of trash Raffi Elliot (calling itself Raffi Elliotyan) is active in the comments attacking all of the commentors who pointed out that without Russia, Armenia would die. What is wrong with these Armenian-American mutts? Where are a group of those "hateful and ignorant Hayastantsis" to gently let these people know what real Armenians think of their efforts at turning Armenia into a western satrapy?
The scumbag leaders of several tech companies cited the Armenian Genocide in their argument opposing Trump's plan to create a registry to monitor Muslims. Note that these same companies have no problems creating the tools which now monitor and store every aspect of Americans lives, including things like private electronic communications like emails, phone calls, texts messages, browsing history, blog posts, etc.
The Armenian Genocide - the massacre of native Christians by an alliance of Turkish ultranationalists and Islamist foot soldiers - has been reduced to a liberal talking point used to justify the large-scale importation of Turks and Islamists to the west. Absolutely disgusting.
In the past week, Russia and Vladimir Putin personally have been accused and held guilty of:
-hacking the US elections and putting Dictator Trump in power (
-hacking Hillary's illegal and unsecured bathroom email server
-hacking John Podesta's email - via a simple phishing hack that any teenager with a smartphone could do. Seriously phishing is the online equivalent of calling an old woman and saying "I'm from the credit card company, we suspect some fraud on your account, please tell me your credit card number so I can verify everything is alright."
-being behind Brexit (
-being the cause of why so many Syrian refugees from Africa and Afghanistan have flooded into Europe
-ordering the refugees to rape German women in order to prevent Merkel from getting reelected (
-Planning to invade Sweden - the rape capital of Europe which kicks out elderly native pensioners to house invasions (
-Also apparently Russia is behind the Daily Stormer, because Russia loves neo-Nazis. Russia is behind Infowars, I guess Alex Jones is splitting the Super Male Vitality profits with Putin, thus negating the sanctions. Russia is also behind Breitbart and Zero Hedge. Amazingly Arevordi avoided the list (
A few years ago I used to joke that the legacy media (this is a better term than MSM I think) would resort to headlines like "Putin Kills Puppies." Reality is becoming more satire-like than any of us could have imagined.
Shit, and there's one guy who said on youtube that "if Russians wanted to invade Sweden, they can simply go through the migration board like everyone else."
DeleteIn all honesty? The US would definitely be better off if they can slice off the areas that are politically toxic like the West Coast and the New England area. Those areas are what will make the US implode. California recently has opened an unofficial embassy in Russia. I'm just wondering if they would have a similar status to that of Abkhazia and South Ossetia?
Despite challenges, Armenia working to free itself from the vestiges of the past
To his credit, Bryan Ardouny wrote a good rebuttal to that "Armenia's Russia Problem" hit piece which was authored by Russophobic whore Christina Gathman. Ardouny is Executive Director of the Armenian Assembly... I had actually totally forgotten about the existence of that group and couldn't recall where I'd heard the name Bryan Ardouny until I read the end of his rebuttal.
NFL Murderer Aaron Hernandez’s Attorney: Russian Hackers Might Have Tapped His Phone
NFL Murderer Aaron Hernandez’s Attorney: Russian Hackers Might Have Tapped His Phone
Everything about the west is now a total joke, including its politics, its justifications for illegal wars, its legal industry, its bread and circuses like the NFL, and of course its sensationalist #FakeNews industry.
Arevordi, excellent work my friend. Still need to go through all the interesting links, you put up amazing amount of info to digest. I agree 100% we can thank Trump because the world can see the real face of American politics now. I think Trump is a good soul he wants to do good things for his country but some of the people with him worry me. I am praying for better US-Russia relations.
ReplyDeleteArevordi, amazing work here comrade. Im thinking trump is a anglo-zionist stouge. But sure tis good for us if he makes peace with Russia. Putin may be happy but palestine and iranians going to get short end of the stick when america makes peace with russia. and think about this: making America and china fight maybe globalist plan to make both weak?
ReplyDeleteThe Russian ambassador to Turkey was assassinated in Ankara today by an "allahu akbar" shouting Turkish assailant. With Russia's victory over Western-backed Sunni Islamic extremists in Aleppo - and the anger/panic is has caused in power centers throughout the Anglo-American-Jewish world and in Sunni Muslim states in the Middle East - it was only a matter of time before something terrible like this would happen. And it happened just a day before Russian, Iranian and Turkish officials were to meet in Moscow to discuss the end to the war in Syria. Notably missing from the meeting that was to take place in Moscow were American officials. It is very likely that those who were behind the downing of the Russian bomber over Syria in late 2015 were behind this act of terror as well.
ReplyDeleteRussian ambassador to Turkey dies after gun attack in Ankara:
Gunman kills Russian ambassador to Turkey at photo exhibit:
Putin: Russian ambassador's murder provocation aimed at undermining Syria peace process:
Erdogan: Russian diplomat’s assassination in Ankara ‘obvious provocation’:
PS: Where was the ambassador's security detail?
Yes, this was most probably a provocation aimed at souring relations between Russia and turkey. It is unlikely to work. Perhaps more than Syria, this could be connected to the west trying to hit back at Russia since Putin has really made the west look weak and impotent. In unrelated but also important news, fighting has again flared up in eastern Ukraine.
DeleteUkraine army 'repulsed rebel attack' near Debaltseve in east:
The cold-blooded pragmatism the Kremlin reacted with after the downing of the Russian warplane in late 2015 was very impressive. Instead of being distracted/derailed from its strategic agenda in Syria, it simply implemented a punishing economic assault against Ankara and quietly began better arming Kurds, who went on to kill dozens of Turkish military personnel inside Turkey in early 2016. What I'm saying is that Russian officials are too professional and too pragmatic to be distracted by a terror act such as this. The Kremlin will therefore continue unwaveringly pursue its regional goals. I'm sure Russia's enemies from Riyadh to London to Washington also know this. This leads me to believe that this act was carried-out to simply scare Moscow and make it pay a price for its successes. So, in a sense, this can be look at as punishment. Needless to say, Russians can also punish, and do so in very nasty ways. So, it will be interesting to watch developments going forward. Anyway, as expected, the meeting between Russia, Iran and Turkey took place in Moscow today. Watching their press conference I could not help realizing that the Turk is the most vulnerable/weak one among the three. As I have said on previous commentaries, the more Erdoghan tries to be independent, the more Moscow will try to pull it eastward and the more Anglo-American-Jewish powers will try to pull it westward. In the process, Turkey runs the real risk of breaking apart -
DeleteRussian, Turkish, Iranian FMs speak after Moscow meeting on Syria:
Following the Turk gunman assassination, a truck driven by a Muslim, most likely, ploughed through a crowd in a Xmas market in Germany. What are Germans doing about starting the through cleansing of Germany by deporting wholesale the invading colonies of Afro-Asian-Mohammedans invaders. It took 50 years to demographically degenerate war torn Germany by flooding her with hordes of invading colonists. They have a mammoth task ahead of them to sanitize and detoxify their nation. If the Germans in the midst of war were capable of orchestrating the gassing of 6 m without leaving any trace marks, paper trail or vaporized ashes, it should be a cinch for them to deport 20 m of unwanted foreign colonies from their homeland.
DeleteJust like the ones in Paris, San Bernardino and New York, the recent Christmas market attack in Berlin appears to bare all the hallmarks of yet another a false flag operation. Again, there are a lot of conflicting reports coming out. Again, there is a lack of video/photo evidence. Again, the terrorist who carried out the act left his ID papers at the scene of the crime... Stop being led by your emotions and start questing everything you see, hear and read; especially if it's in English and it appears on mainstream news...
DeleteI'm not by any means a fearful or timid man, but the last situation I would want to find myself in would be on the receiving end of Russian rage and retribution regarding the assassination of Ambassador Karlov. And I mean Russians as a whole -not just a few individuals or the usual emotional nationalist types- but everyday people who at some point will put aside niceties and defend the honor of Russia, as their ancestors did against France and later against Germany.
DeleteEric Striker: Loathsome Jew Pens Editorial Celebrating Murder of Russian Ambassador
How Low Can You Go? Ukrainian MP Calls Russian Ambassador's Murderer a 'Hero'
Again we see Ukrainian jew-nazis, and jews themselves, united in their hatred of all that is Good. Again we see that these two particular races lack even a basic sense of dignity and honor. And again we see that these two races can comfortably be classified with the genocidal Turk, and that they admire each others treachery, barbarism, and lack of ethics as "heroic."
ps I'm not familiar with how responsibility for the protection of ambassadors is set up, but I assume that the host country bears most of the responsibility. This was a massive failure for Turkey. It was already clearly that the Turkish security apparatus is compromised by NATO-controlled Kemalists and NATO-controlled Gulenists, as well as other factions. This is a reflection of the fact that Turkey is an artificial state, and "Turks" are an artificial racial identity patched together from the mess that the Seljuks and Ottomans made centuries earlier and held together by outside (western) forces, for the purpose of being used as a local outpost and minion against Russia, Iran, and the Arab world.
What would be the purpose of staging a false flag attack? To make westerners dislike muslims (more)? To raise the popularity of right wing parties? To discourage immigration?
DeleteDid you you know about the two "Egyptian pilots" that coincidentally found and accidentally disarmed the homemade bomb left by the "Chelsea bomber" in New York City? If you didn't happen to hear about it in the mainstream American news press, here it is -
Two men seen removing undetonated bomb from wheeled duffel bag left on Manhattan street 'by chicken shop terrorist' identified by FBI as 'Egyptian pilots who have left the U.S.':
It's easy to look at an act of terror and figure out that it was not what you are being told it was. But it's much more difficult to look at such acts and figure out their exact intent, reason or motive. Such acts could be carried out by a number of intel groups (even a numer of them working together) and they may be doing it for a number of reasons. So, your guess is as good as mine. My guesses for these types of acts are as follows:
These kinds of acts are being carried out: to systematically lay the foundations to a clash of civilizations which has been predicted as far back as the 1990s; to delegitimize America's and Europe's globalists/leftists and reverse their liberal immigration laws; to condition mindsets in western nations for the purpose of drawing western troops into Syria for the country's final partition; to keep people perpetually scared in order to implement tougher survailance/policing laws... Or, a mix of all or some of the aforementioned.
Western Europe has for the most part had its spirit broken. One of the many consequences of this is that Nationalism (real Nationalism in the racial sense, rather than civic nationalism or economic nationalism) has been discredited and has very little support among the general western European population - BTW it is always the female vote in these countries which tips the elections away towards left-wing parties, most recently in Austria where a watered-down nationalist almost became president. There is some truth to the stereotypical view Americans have of these people being degenerate, spineless cowards with a nihilistic, cult-like belief in neo-Bolshevisk ideas.
DeleteThere is only one type of "right-wing" party allowed to function in western Europe, and that is the hardcore Zionist variety like Geert Wilders, Nigel Farage, and other clowns. These people traffic in anti-Islamic sentiment, on the basis that real Islam is by its very nature anti-jewish. Real Islam here means pan-Arab nationalist Islam like under Nasser or under the Baathe Party, not the western-created faggots like al-queda and isis that spend their time massacring other muslims while carefully avoiding the zionist entity in their neighborhood. For the Zionist-Nationalists in Europe, Islam is a threat to their "judeo-Christian" values. Jews know this, that is why jews have been the primary force driving the importation of millions of barbaric Muslims to Europe even though Muslims are anti-jewish, because jews know that exposing western Europeans to more Muslims will only increase anti-Muslim sentiment, and the jews can easily channel that sentiment into more support for Israel. Remember in the days after September 11, 2001 how many cars had bumper stickers featuring US and Israeli flags with captures like "United Against Terror."
Think about it, Europeans are pussies and their men now cry on camera thinking about the ethnic cleansing that israel is committing against the defenseless Palestinian civilians ( Countries like Sweden have led the push to recognize Palestine in the UN. Every time the Muslims pull a "Charlie," Wilders and Farage and almost certainly Trump can start bashing anyone who criticizes israel. Fox News can continue to tell its largely baby boomer audience that muslims are the biggest threat to America and israel. Even neo-nazis have their hands so full with muslims and mexicans that they will fully throw their support behind outspoken Zionists like Trump and Farage.
To sum up all of the above, I'll quote israeli officials: "9/11 was good for israel." Every terrorist attack in the west is good for israel.
The kikes may very well be behind the importation of muslims and other non whites to the EU. And they may be happy that some so called right wing parties are hostile or becoming hostile to muslims in general. But the sentiments of the natives when turned on and directed against non Europeans can very well backfire against the jews too. I think the jews are playing with fire if what you suggest is in fact their strategy.
DeleteThere appears to have been a complete let down of security measures in the insanely craven murder of the ambassador. The ambassadors own security henchmen were not on duty in that tragic moment, so it seems. In a short newsreel showing tha ambassador delivering his opening address in the gallery, there appears to be an individual close by the ambassador ( member of the photographic exhibition , or body guard ?) then on sees the cameramen in front of both, but most striking one's attention is what goes on at the back of the ambassador. The area behind the ambssador and his microphone appears to be totally empty with the sole exception of the presence of the assassin, who is shown pacing himself around, prowling like a beast ,in a demurely fashion. Where were the ambassador personal security men ? Why were not one or two personal security men standing guard behind him .? . These questions would never be revealed with an answer. In most likelihood his own security personnel might have had their day off. As for the Turkish security guards, one would expect a total lax of discipline and carelessness. The assassin , reportedly fired 9 round of bullets into the body of Karlov, and then proceeded to spew forth his 2 minute rant, unmolested and in total comfort. The murderer had had ample time and space to carry out his heinous deed without the slightest interruption.or interference. We don't know yet the circumstance in how he was shot dead. He appears to have had the time and space to attempt an escape but he was gunned down in the process. A lonely murderer should have and could have been apprehended alive by the police units.
DeleteThe troika of Russia-Iran-turkey guaranteeing the stabilization of whatever agreements they may reacch on Syria is fraught with many imponderables. Turkey is the odd man out amongst the troupe. Turkeys geopolitical interests are not aligned and are contrary to those of Iran,Russia and Syria. The presence of Turkish forces in Iraqi and Syria strikes a discordant note. It is salutary to observe the demise of the lies and fabricated myth that the Syrian scenario "has no military solution", when in reality the only solution is a military one. The scabious Jew-Israel are lurking in the background orchestrating and instructing the moves by the internationalist Anglo americans. At the moment they appear to face the reality on the ground, withdrawing their assets nd proxy forces to different fronts, that does not mean discarding their long term regional projects, which is the continuance of war, chaos, mayhem and the systemic destruction of the concepts of nation,identity and sovereignty of states.
From the Daily Mail article about the New York bomber:
Delete"FBI officials have said that the two men were not considered suspects, but said that agents were keen to speak to them. Experts believe that the men may have inadvertently disabled the pressure cooker bomb when they took it out of the rolling suitcase. As such they may have unknowingly saved dozens of lives in Manhattan by keeping the second explosive from going off on September 17."
THis was in the news? LOL People are so damn stupid what a load of bullshit! LOL
Delete"But the sentiments of the natives when turned on and directed against non Europeans can very well backfire against the jews too. I think the jews are playing with fire if what you suggest is in fact their strategy."
I disagree 100% with you here. You are giving western Europeans too much credit. These people would literally rather watch their women get raped than risk being called racist. These people, both on an individual and on a collective matter are too far gone. Decades of social engineering, decades of living in comfort in a welfare state, nonstop hollow-hoax propaganda, the total destruction of actual Christianity (via Vatican II or via dispensationalism,) ubiquitous pornography, pop culture, etc. have ruined these people.
We figured out here that nationalists tend to be the most primitive, irrational, easily-manipulated people. And we already knew the masses were hopelessly bewildered. jews are the best manipulators, and they will control and direct western European anger just like they did to Ukrainian against Russia. It is child's play for the jews.
Europe is so pathetic it appears that an army of twelve-year-olds (!!) will conquer them ( The 12yo's are probably higher testosterone than the average European male, whose only response will be to wave israeli and rainbow queer flags to show the Muslims "you'll never take our freedoms."
Artsakh has a fighting spirit. Russia has a fighting spirit. Third-wold invaders have a fighting spirit. Western Europe has a gay and interracial porn addiction.
@ Murat
Media Rushes to Justify Murder of Russian Ambassador to Turkey
DeleteI try to stay away from black and white predictions. While I agree that many europeans (male and female) are atomized zombies with little to no sense of civic or national pride, I do believe in the power of the vanguard and history is witness to what a dedicated minority can do should they have a solid ideology, good leadership and some geopolitical luck. There are real right and traditionalist parties operating throughout western europe. Maybe one will rise to the occasion or perhaps none will. I'd rather keep an open mind than dismiss all Europeans as fags, as much as I'd like to call them that :)
With that said, I am not waiting for some European re-awakening. I think they may be too far gone demographically but that is another topic altogether. Perhaps we will see an increase in the immigration of western Europeans into east Europe, including Russia. As for nationalists, we should avoid painting with a broad brush. Many nationalists can be morons sure but there are all different types of nationalists.
Muslim, Turkish Sevil Shhaideh set to be Romania’s first female prime minister
Congratulations Romania! No longer are you a Russian/Soviet vassal, you are now a proud EU province on its way back to the glory days of the Ottoman Empire. Not even in the supercuck countries of NordTurkei (formerly Germany) and Sweden have had a female Turk Muslim PM yet. I wonder how long before Bucharest tears down the churches at Dealul Mitropoliei and builds mosques and refugee accommodation centers, and maybe a clinic for sex-change operations?
I wonder what the pro-EU faggots in Yerevan are thinking as they watch Europe commit suicide? You would seriously have to be blind or retarded not to take notice at this point.
What an ugly turk. Romania is kind of a disappointment. They have had close ties with azerbaijan for years, and are among the most Russophobic states in Europe.
DeleteRomania and Bulgaria are both massive disappointments. Not because of their poor economies or high levels of corruption, but because I want to expect a little better from Orthodox Christian states and especially their people. I don't see a movement among Romanian or Bulgarian people to break free from the EU or the west; at best they just complain about homosexuality and migrants for a minute or two, but cannot be bothered to take any serious steps because they are willing to pay these prices if it means they can keep getting funding. NATO and the EU will easily retain total control of these countries, and set policies to benefit the Anglo-American-Jewish agenda, namely extreme Russophobia and extreme ultraliberalism at home. Romanian and Bulgarian and Greek people like to see themselves as "westerners" and largely dread the thought of leaving the (((German)))-dominated EU for a Russia-led bloc. For all of the big talking that nationalists from the Balkans do about "Remove Kebab," the fact is they are selling their children's future for a chance at importing a used BMW and they are not the least bit concerned. Arevordi once made a relevant, sad point when he stated that the the average Armenian male is of such low quality today that he'd laugh in your face if you suggested that he buy a Russian car instead of a used Mercedes in order to integrate into the Eurasian Union and give Armenia a chance to develop free from EU pressure - Romanians and Bulgarians are a good lesson in how Armenia would fair if Russia wasn't around to keep the west out.
DeleteOur anonymous Romanian friend here once mentioned how western-controlled Romanian television historical programs portray the Russian-led period of Romanian history as a hellish nightmare, while at the same time portraying the rape- and massacre-filled Ottoman era as some kind of enlightened, global high point. That kind of social engineering is in no way surprising. If kept unchecked for another generation or two, these Balkan nations will be dead. In the meantime they are among the most anti-Russian (and therefore most pro Anglo-American-Zionist) places in Europe, they idiotically paint a gigantic target on their countries by agreeing to host anti-Russian anti-missile systems in order to please their western masters. and they regularly shoot themselves in the foot in order to spite Russia, like when Bulgaria canceled a proposed Russian energy pipeline recently that would have provided their broke asses with much needed transit fees - Turkey smartly stepped in and offered to host the Russian pipeline.
On a side note, I've had a low opinion of the Romania and Bulgaria for a long time based on their refusal to recognize the Armenian Genocide. It only proved to me that these "independent" countries have no backbone, even though their own populations were also massacred by the Turks, and even though those two states took in many thousands of survivors during the genocide. Bulgaria has a massive and growing Turkish population, apparently so does Romania to the point that they look there for PMs. Romania's president in 2006 infamously refused to recognize the Armenian Genocide while receiving an honorary degree in Yerevan in 2006 because Turkish feelings are so important to Romania (
ps Turks, like Hispanics, put their most White-lookng women on TV and in advertisements. The reality is that Turks are a hideous people, and a good chunk of their women look like animals.
Romania is basically acting in a similar manner to Georgia though, but Transnistria and Moldova would be like Abkhazia in terms of how pro-Russian they could be (but Transnistria has a Russian population there). It is sad that out of all Balkan states, only Serbia is the smart one. In regards of the overt positive portrayal of the Ottoman era in Turkey and the Balkans, that is merely Turkey's soft power approach to trying to regain influence in the Balkans (Turkish soap operas are popular in places like the former Yugoslavia, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, etc).
DeleteYou might also want to add Montenegro as a potential massive disappointment as well, Sarkis. Milo Djukanovic's intention to bring Montenegro into NATO is only a step closer to reality.
Sadly even good old Serbia has been forced to adopt a somewhat pro-EU and pro-NATO line since the fall of Slobodan. To Serbia's credit, it took an actual military attack by the cowardly west targeting Serbia's civilian infrastructure to get this done and the Serbs did not have much of an option. But Serbia is today has been screwed up pretty badly, for the past few years it has been a migration route and open toilet for the hoards of Muslims being invited to the rest of Europe. In addition, the west has done all it can to groom pro-western traitors within Serbia, and to generally corrupt the soul of this proud, strong Orthodox Christian, Slavic country in the heart of the Balkans. I have hope though that Serbia will lead the way in breaking from the west, and a Russian-backed Serbian army will -within our lifetimes- cleanse the western-backed turco-islamic filth currently squatting in Kosovo.
DeleteYou know more about Montenegro than me, sad to hear though. I'm sure that when the time comes, and the Kremlin cuts the funding to the NGOs and one or two high-ranking traitors "accidentally" falls out the window of a tall building, Montenegro and the rest will come to their senses. From the former Yugoslav countries, I think the Catholic peoples of Croatia and parts of Slovenia would be inherently anti-Russian and pro-western.
Regarding Georgia and Romania I am the last person to be called a Georgian sympathizer (I think that race would fare the best if it was relocated en masse to Central Asia) but Georgians can at least make the argument that "if Russia wasn't around, we would not have lost Abkhazia, South Ossetia, maybe even Armenia's Lori province." Nevermind that without Russia the whole region would be Turkish, you cannot expect the Georgian mind to think that far ahead. But I don't think that Romania can make the same claims. Romania gained Northern Transylvania from Hungary after WW2 and lost territory to Bulgaria and Ukraine. As far as I can understand, the current Russophobia in Romania seems to be more of a desire to be "western" and to blame someone else for the country's current shitty conditions than anything else. It's like the Armo idiots desperately trying to be seen as western by harping on about the Crusader states or La Francophonie, and blaming all of the problems Armenians have caused in Armenia on the Russians.
Those are just my amateur attempts at understanding these countries, I am probably wrong and missing a lot of facts. RomAn should chime in with his thoughts.
Promoting NATO membership in Serbia would be a sure way to kill your own career quick, and it has some of its shares in gangsterism, as much as Armenia did. Back in 2003 Zoran Djindjic was assassinated by elements of the Serbian mafia, of which the widowed wife of slain Serb Volunteer Guard Zeljko "Arkan" Raznatovic was also implicated.
DeleteHowever, the general Serbian public would be evenly split between a pro-EU course and a pro-Russian course. With the Serbian Radical Party (led by Vojislav Seselj) actually throwing their support behind Trump, I may predict a mend in relations between Serbia and the US, although I will have to be skeptical about this too since Trump is also surrounded by political veterans that might have some unsavory views about the Balkans as a whole.
Macedonia had a failed "Maidan" attempt when the protesters there (mainly Albanian) tried to force Nikola Gruevski to resign, but to no avail. Unsurprisingly, Frau Nudelman was also at the scene of the crime.
You might be right on Romanian Russophobia, but I also think that there might also be some underlying Slavophobia in Romania as well (despite good relations between Romania and Serbia). Romania and Bulgaria fought each other in the Second Balkan War which saw all of Dobruzha seized by Romanian forces. Heck, even all of Romania at one point was a part of the Bulgarian Empire (the Second Bulgarian Empire was basically a Bulgaro-Vlach alliance).
I'm not sure if anyone has heard, but Romania has actually rejected the Muslim candidate:
Putin says Russia is stronger than any aggressor 'but no time to relax'
Putin: Russia's military is stronger than 'any potential aggressor'
Congratulations Russia, after the post-Soviet stall and decline, and a few false starts at reforms, the Russian military has now successfully completed several modernization and reform programs.
Also glad to see some developments for our Serbian brothers in the form of Mikoyans:
Serbia to receive tanks, MiG-29 planes and armored vehicles from Russia as gifts — media
Arevordi, looks like William Engdahl agrees with your theory about Trump trying to make friends with Russia to work against China and Iran: Will Trump 'Try to Drive a Wedge Between China and Russia'? Read more:
ReplyDeleteThank you for bringing this to my attention, Arto. I have always found William Engdahl's work very interesting. A little google search revealed the following as well -
DeleteThe Dangerous Deception Called “The Trump Presidency”:
Apparently, Engdahl has been sounding the alarm bells about Donald Trump for some time now. I must say I find his assessment compelling. Although I have been hopeful about Trump (mostly because I simply hated the Clintons and company), I know that he will most likely disappoint. Which is why we all need to keep a close eye on Trump's rhetoric about China and Iran. It is obvious that the Trump team is clearly trying to set the stage for some kind of a confrontation with China and Iran. I briefly addressed this matter towards the end of my blog commentary. This is a very important matter to discuss as it will most probably shape the Trump presidency.
And this begs the question: Is Trump's rapprochement with Moscow merely a geostrategic measure that is intended to disarm/pacify Moscow in order to deal more effectively with China and Iran?
In other words, seeing that their sanctions have not worked; seeing that Russia is now a powerbroker in the Middle East, seeing that Russia, China and Iran have gotten closer in recent years as a result of shortsighted American policies; seeing that Russia is making headway all around the world; have they simply decided to accept/embrace Russia's rise as a global power? Are they therefore trying to befriend Moscow - to pry it away from China and Iran, making China and Iran more vulnerable?
As Engdahl seems to suggest, there is in my opinion the real possibility that a Trump presidency may end up looking like the Neoconservative infested Bush presidency, with some adjustments. As we all know, the past sixteen years have been a disaster for the American empire. This is why I believe Trump to be a readjustment/recalibration of Washington's empire's policies.
In a sense, Trump and company may be representing conventional imperial ambitions - whereas the Clinton camp represented globalist imperial ambitions. Similar to how the Barack Obama deception eight years ago was meant to pacify the country's growing left-wing/anti-war movement in the US, today's Donald Trump deception may be an attempt to pacify the country's growing right-wing conservative movement.
We may like Donald Trump for one reason or another. But we must also realize that those behind him clearly have an agenda, and clearly China and Iran seem to be their targets.
I tend to agree, if only for the reasons I gave in my comment on the previous post (who are the people behind, rather next to Trump?).
DeleteRussia proved to be a too harder nut to crack. The sanctions are an abject failure. Exxon, which had a foot in the future exploitation of the Arctic, has been forced out of the competition by the politics of sanctions. For sure it wants its slice of the pie and for that it must make nice with the Russians. The risk was to be completely eliminated from the emerging Eurasian supermarket.
The Syrian adventure has failed and it is probably time to relocate their assets to Central Asia from where to disrupt the SCO.
It is patently clear that Trump is surrounding himself and filling his team's post with Zionists and philosemites . There is a cleavage developing within international jewry. Two sides of the same coin. Clintonians and Trumpetians are cogs in the international jewry's wheel. Albeit there is a difference in approaches to their geostrategic and globalist agenda. Fundamentally and in their core concepts there is no difference. It is the same manure wrapped in different packages. ? Trump ,despite of his rethoric and initial bluster , knows very well the playing field, its movers and shakers. Trump is a product out of the belly of the beast , Jew York. There is nothing awry in his proclamation of America first; after all International jewry is the body and soul of America. As for their going forward if the Iran and China targets are " real and genuine" then they will stage the game in phases. They'll have to decide who to focus on first. They can not grapple with the two at the same time. It is also highly problematical, although not impossible, to pry Russia away from China and Iranian partnership. At this moment in history the interest of the two block are divergent and separate and on a collision course. In any case it does not augur too well for Armenia if IJ chooses Iran as a first target.
DeleteArevordi, agree that Trump presents new problems but better relations with russia is badly needed. Youd be happy to know that general kotanjyan agrees american-russian rapprochement is good for Armenia:
DeleteRussia-U.S. Rapprochement Will Help Armenian National Security Interests:
I just found William Engdahl's radio interview on Guns and Butter. I advise everyone to listen to it. He talks about Western and Israeli intel being behind terror organizations like ISIS and Al Qaeda and warns against the Trump deception -
DeleteGuns and Butter – December 7, 2016:
Guns and Butter Presents The Lost Hegemon: Whom the gods would destroy (2016):
I listened to the podcast, not impressed. I have also read Engdahl's latest book. It is ok. Trump is not even in office and people are shitting on him. Fact is that he is not a savior and the west's decline will continue, perhaps at a slower pace. But he also is not going to be the terrible failure that some on the right and left claim. Below are my predictions on what will take place in the first 2 years of the Trump presidency.
Delete1) Lifting the Russia sanctions
2) Promotion of economic nationalism via tariffs and related tools, and major infrastructure projects
3) Limiting the scope of nato missions
4) Investing in military build-up
5) Creating a anti-Chinese network (think Japan and Vietnam for example) if Beijing pushes back against economic nationalism program
6) Cutting off or more likely limiting the meddling in Ukraine and Caucasus region
7) Bypassing an increasingly impotent eu and working bilaterally with European governments
I am still unsure on what his Iran policy will be. On the one hand he has made negative comments and he is surrounded by people who are hostile to Iran, but on the other hand he is a pragmatist and realizes that the loose alliance between Russia-Iran-China will require a substantial offer on the part of the USA if the goal is to pry Russia away. And frankly, I think the Kremlin is done taking American promises seriously. No longer is the number 1 statesmen in the world the American president, Putin is in that position and he has a relatively strong hand to play. The globalists are aware and hence why they are attacking from all angles and having temper tantrums. Anyway, nothing against Bill Engdahl but he has better stuff than this current thesis of his, and he was more accurate in his assessment of the obama deception. Time will tell though. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
LG, I mostly agree with you. I say mostly because you are still making the mistake of believing that American presidents make political policy. Trump may be a pragmatist, an intellectual, a wise guru, a wondeful guy, a great American patriot.. but he is still beholden to those who put him into power. He will therefore follow their dictates. After all, there is always a "lone wolf" mexican or a muslim to take care of matters. In my humble opinin, if you want to accurately predict what a Trump adiministration may look like, instead of looking at the kind of person Donald Trump is look at those around him. I have already said that if his administration does nothing else but make peace with Russia, that would be good enough for me. I have also said that although the signs from the Trump camp are mixed, I nevertheless remain hopeful.
DeletePS: Do you recommend Engdahl's latest book?
ReplyDeleteI want to thank you for all the excellent discussions that takes place here. You have a controversial blog but its delightfully unique. Not saying I agree with all that's said but I appreciate the intelligent clique of people you have sharing their thoughts. I'd participate more but my writing skills are not up to par. I know this is off topic but I want to bring to your attention Vladimir Stupishin's passing. He was Armenia's first Russian ambassador and he was a great Armenophile.
“Good friend of Armenian people” first Russian Ambassador to Armenia passes away aged 84:
Very sad news. Ambassador Stupishin was indeed a great friend to our people. I have on several occasions featured his articles relating to Armenia in this blog. In 2001 he wrote a piece called "Resolution of the Karabakh Conflict Without Karabakh People?", in which he warned Armenians about the Paul Goble Plan, a plan official Yerevan was seriously considering in the late 1990s - that is before the parliamentary assassinations of October 27, 1999 put an abrupt end to the suicidal behavior of our officials. To show those who are unfamiliar with Ambassador Stupishin's grasp of regional geopolitics, the following is an excerpt from the aforementioned 15 year old article -
Delete"I absolutely disapprove the notion of Meghri transfer to Azerbaijan. Such a transfer not only would lead to surrounding and “choking” of Armenia by the Turks, but would also be a starting point for eventual realization of the ideas of Pan-Turkism on the way to the “Great Turan.” How could one ever forget, that these plans, which contradict Russian interests, have been initiated and supported for more than ten years by the US State Department?"
As you can see, Armenia has indeed lost a great friend and an genuine ally. May he rest in peace. May Kremlin officials be inspired by this great man's work.
PS: Thank you for reading. Thank you for the kind words. I think you should participate in discussions here regardless of your writing skills, which seem to be just fine in my opinion.
The historic defeat the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance and their Turkish and Wahhabist allies in the Middle East have suffered in Syria is of immense proportions. A lot was riding on their agenda in Syria. Russia ruined their plans. I therefore had an uneasy feeling that they would not stop with the Russian ambassador's assassination. With a very heavy heart I want to report to you, on western Christmas day of all days, the downing of a Russian military transport airplane reportedly carrying 92 passengers, 65 of them members of the world famous Alexandrov Ensemble (the official choir of the Russian Armed Forces). The ensemble was on its way to Syria for scheduled performances commemorating Aleppo's liberation. Their aircraft was downed over the Black Sea. What horrible news to wake up to. Satan is alive and well on earth. The great Russian nation continues to be punished for its victory over evil. Make no mistake about it, there is a battle being waged on earth and its a battle between good and evil. This is essentially a battle over humanity's soul. We are living in terrible times. My prayers are with all the families who lost loved ones. My prayers are with the Russian nation.
ReplyDeleteAlexandrov Ensemble: Russian National Anthem:
Священная война (The Sacred War) - Alexandrov Ensemble:
Alexandrov Red Army Choir - Katyusha:
Alexandrov Red Army Choir - Kalinka:
A calamity of profound pain and despair. We'll have to wait for the full investigation and report to filter out , bit by bit. It is a powerful shock and blow following the assassination of the ambassador.They are, in the press, hinting at mechanical failure.The plane went off the radar in Russian air space. An attack on the plane in Russian skies would have been impossible. Sabotage and tampering with the plane before take off, it can not be dismissed. Malfunctioning of planes's internal electronics system , doubtful. The jews have a knack and talent for timely assasinations of their rival and opponents. The list is endless, Joe Kenedy,( an ardent anti jew) in 1943, in the skies of britain, General Sikorksy, Dag Hamarskold, Ted Kennedy with his crippled bak in 1964, whilst his pilot died, John Kennedy, etc. Could this be vengeance for Syrian-Russian victory in Syria, Aleppo, and what is more to come. The paradigm here is that everytime Russia has received a blow, there has been no direct reaction, provocative actions toward Russia go unanswered; eg, the downing of russian plane by turks, the downing of the holiday plane in Egypt, the murder of the Ambassador, now this tragic episode of the army choir. It is obvious that one can not retaliate directly until the culprit has been identified. There is a war going on among the intelligence services too. CIA-Mossad and their lackeys against the intelligence services of their rivals. The Russians know what they are doing, and probably, know who the responsible parties for all these accidents and killings are. What makes this catastrophe more striking is that it was a military plane in Russian air space.
DeleteThe Tu-154 aircraft is a very rugged workhorse and they are mechanically very reliable. Crashes involving this aircraft since coming into service in the 1970s have for the most part been human error related. I don't care what they insinuate, they always downplay such incidents at first. The timing and the target itself is self-apparent. Let's realize that Russia is rife with fucked up people. The country has millions of Chechens, Afghans, Azeris, Tatars, Uzbeks, Turks, Jews, etc. Let's also realize that Russia's national infrastructure such as airports are not as protected as they are in the West. If this aircraft was brought down by a bomb, which I believe it was, it was most probably sabotaged while refueling at the airport in Adler.
DeleteThis was the fourth major blow directed against the Russian nation by its enemies. The first and second blows came late last year when a Russian airliner was blown up over Egypt and a Russian warplane was ambushed and shot down over Syria. The third major blow happened just last week, with the assassination of the Russian Ambassador.
The Russian nation is being punished and is paying a high price for pursuing its geostrategic interests in the Middle East and in the process protecting Syria's Christian and Alawite populations from a genocide.
My deepest sympathies go to the Russian nation. I have developed great respect for this great people. All their societal flaws aside, collectively, the Russian people today are in my opinion the manifestation of the body of Christ. And just as Christ was tormented by the devil and his minions, so is Russia.
This will interest you
DeleteBREAKING: Syrian Ambassador names foreign agents captured in Aleppo -American, Saudis, Israeli etc:
Sorry Serge, but I placed your post in this thread because I think what Syria's UN representative announced a few days ago was at least indirectly connected to the two recent attacks against Russia. I saw his press conference when it first came out but I wanted to wait and see if more information was going to be released. But thanks for posting it. If true, and I do believe the Syrian Ambassador was being truthful, every single one of the "special forces" operatives caught in Aleppo should to be executed in public. At the very least, Syrian authorities should allow Russian GRU agents to put a bullet into their heads and bury them in an unmarked grave. Their bodies will never be claimed by their filthy governments.
DeleteThe recent attacks and "misfortunes" happening against Russian civilians is disgusting. I hope and trust that any and all perpetrators will be brought to justice, Berlin 1945 style.
DeleteCan't believe it this is horrible. Totally shocked and heartbroken. I loved this choir. What a big loss for the world so it's really disturbing how not one news agency in America is covering this tragedy. You know its on purpose. Have Americans lost every bit of their humanity? Makes me so angry just to think this happened because Russia saved the Syrian government from Islamic terrorism. If Russia did not go to the rescue Americans officials would be crying crocodile tears over the genocide of all Christians and Alawites in Syria. I think after this tragedy the world owes a great debt to the Russian people. RIP to all those wonderful people.
DeleteDon't forget what times we live:
Delete"9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. 10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. 12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. 13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child. 14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. 15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. 16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. 17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ". (Revelation of Saint John, 12, 9-17)
I wouldn't be surprised if killing Russians would be like a whole new form of "ritual murder" perpetrated by the Zionist elites. The whole episode with the Jewish columnist who actually justified the murder of the late Andrei Karlov as a "human response to Aleppo" speaks volumes about how Jews are the biggest Russophobes in the world, and that monster compared the death of Karlov to guess what? The murder of Ernst vom Rath by Herschel Grynszpan. Yep. Typical Jewish demonization of Russia by painting Putin as the new Hitler (Godwin's Law goes out of the window too when Trump is also painted as a new Hitler). The kind of justice I want to see delivered to all of the Russophobic perpetrators should be like Katyn on steroids.
DeleteOn the other hand, the assassin who killed Karlov is unsurprisingly connected to a CIA base in Iraq and a sympathizer of Fetullah Gulen:
I am Syrian Armenian and I consider all Russians as my orthodox brothers and sisters. I cried today because your loss is our loss my dear Russians. My condolences to you. Please I beg you no more diplomacy find out who did this and punish them in the most harshest way.
DeleteDon't be surprised! It was foretold for a long time by no one else than our Lord:
"These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. 2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. 3 And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me. 4 But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you" (John, 16, 1-4).
Maybe this tragedy wasnt terrorism? Sorry if this sounds stupid but if it was why are russians saying the crash is not terrorism related?
DeleteThe muslim scourge is spreading in the decadent and irreparably degenerate West, or whatever is left of what was considered West. The question remains whether or not it will at one time or another spread its insidious poison inside Mother Russia. The importer of muslims into western nations are the tribe of rodents. The importation of thirld worlders into the western homelands it's solely of the tribe's manufacture and execution. With so many millions of muslims in its midst can Mother Russia escape the cancer ? . It is all very well to declare war on terrorism . The sources and breeding ground of terrorism must be eradicated root and branch. There are millions of muslims in Europe and in the USA, and these million are multiplying in exponential scale, by invasion and births; this is the ground and fertile soil where the cancer grows and metastizes. It is here where the pus needs to be drained. The West is genetically doomed; but it's rodent head is not. Unless there is a biological , racial revolution, a paradigm shift in mind set and thinking, a revaluation of values, the races that made up western culture will be replaced by the thirld world invaders.
DeleteLongtime reader,
DeleteThere is a very-very small possibility that what happened over the Black Sea on Christmas day was a tragic accident. Until I see irrefutable evidence to the contrary I will continue to believe that what happened on December 25 was terrorism. What brings a aircraft down does not necessarily have to be bomb. There are different methods of sabotaging an aircraft: Mechanical tampering is one. All you need is one competent individual in the airport's maintenance personnel to do it. Now, let me explain why official Moscow may not want to call it terrorism. When a government is not orchestrating the act of terror itself (for instance a false flag operation like the one on September 11, 2001) they will tend to downplay it. And this is essentially why: When a horrendous act like this happens the entire nation, including its military leaders, will seek revenge. In such times the nation can easily be put on a war footing. It's therefore a very volatile time. If you are not ready to go to war or if you are not sure who did it, it's best you first calm down public sentiments and then quietly begin the investigation. If you recall, when the Russian airliner was blown up over Egypt little over one year ago officials in both Moscow and Cairo downplayed the incident at first saying it could be mechanical. The thing is, the last thing a government wants to do is to be drawn into a war by its enemies. Therefore, cooler heads have to defuse the situation and competent bodies have to conduct an investigation. If you are able to find out who was behind the act, then you go into plan B: How to avenge the deaths. But, like I said, you never allow yourself to be drawn into a fight you are not ready for, nor can you allow public sentiment to boil over. I hope I explained myself.
PS: I don't know exactly how old you are but when 9/11 happened American officials were instantaneously ready for a "generational war" and they already had a list of targets ready to attack. That was the first indicator that what happened on September 11, 2001 was a false flag.
DeleteWhich Europe are you referring to? The Europe that stood by and watched, and even assisted in the mass extermination of the ancient Christian Armenian populations Anatolia, and then joined forces to strengthen the artificial state that was erected on top of those lands? The Germany that was closely allied to the Turks throughout the Genocide and which took them 101 years to finally acknowledge it, for political gains albeit? Or the British which are joined at the hip to the Turks for centuries and who's foreign policy has clearly been anti-Armenian and anti-Russian for equally long. Yes it is a shame to watch architecturally beautiful Europe become destroyed, with all their nice cuisine, classical music, wine, chateaus, vineyards..etc, but remember that this is the same Europe that has built it's wealth on the plunder of the rest of the world and has for the last century made a pact with the devil and assisted the Moslem nations to the detriment of Christian populations (including today in Syria). Next time you look at a grand and magnificent palace in Europe, remember the rape and artificial partitioning of Africa and middle east, the incredible amount of wealth stolen from India, the genocide committed against the native populations on the American continent and the loot that was stolen from there.... The list goes on.
As far as I'm concerned, classical European civilization is dead in Europe. It is just a stuffed corpse, and who cares what they stuff it with.
Bravo Arto. I'm a great admirer of European/western civilization. I love European architecture, literature, philosophy, clothing, cars, cuisine, music and art. I admire northern Europeans in particular for their work ethics, ingenuity and the way they care for their neighborhoods. Europe has been the epicenter of human civilization for the past one thousand years. With all that said, however, it must also be said that Europeans are responsible for much of the blood not only us Armenians but all of humanity has shed. It must also be said that classical European civilization/culture is dead and will most probably never come back. Modern Europeans are for the most part debaucherous degenerates. Yes, Jews are parasites but I can't blame them one bit for what they are doing to Americans and Europeans because it was Americans and Europeans themselves that gave Jews the power over them. If European/western civilization and the European/white phenotype is to survive on earth - it will most probably do so in Russia.
DeleteThe Alexandrov Ensemble that perished two days ago was one of the finest representatives of European musical tradition in the world, which in my opinion makes their demise so much more painful and tragic.
One of the well-known victims of the recent Tu-154, Dr. Liza Glinka, was well-known for her humanitarian projects around the world. Dr. Liza's organization was humanitarian in nature, unlike western associations like the Zionist-led Medicine Sans Frontiers which pushes political agendas under the guise of humanitarianism. Needless to say, Dr. Liza was active in eastern Ukraine, as well as in our Artsakh. Below are the texts of two relevant articles, one in Armenian and one in English (auto-translated from Russian via Google Translate)
«Դոկտոր Լիզայի» հիմնադրամը պատրաստ է Ղարաբաղին հումանիտար օգնություն հատկացնել
Բարեգործ Ելիզավետա Գլինկայի «Արդար օգնություն» հիմնադրամը, ով հայտնի է «Դոկտոր Լիզա» անունով, պատրաստ է Ղարաբաղի բժշկական հաստատություններին հումանիտար օգնություն հատկացնել` բժշկական գործիքների և վիրակապման նյութերի տեսքով, հայտնում է RIA Novosti-ն:
«Կապվել են ռազմական վիրաբույժների հետ. առաժմ 2 վիրավոր երեխաներ են, օգնություն ցուցաբերված է, երեխաները արտակարգ օգնության կարիք չունեն… Այժմ հարցում ենք կատարում ծննդատներին և վիրահատարաններին հումանիտար օգնության քանակի վերաբերյալ: Ես հույս ունեմ, որ քիչ բան կպահանջվի այն առումով, որ դա փորձ ունեցող երկիր է, ով արդեն անցել է պատերազմի միջով: Համենայնդեպս, մենք պատրաստ ենք օգնելու: Մենք կիսելու բան ունենք»,- հայտնում է Գլինկան:
«Արդար օգնություն» հիմնադրամը ստեղծվել է անտուններին, անհույս հիվանդներին, միայնակ թոշակառուներին և հաշմանդամներին օգնելու համար:
Dr. Lisa Foundation is ready to provide humanitarian aid to Nagorno-Karabakh
In 2009, the Foundation has already visited the region, where they participated in the mission to heart surgery in children from Nagorno-Karabakh, the philanthropist Dr. Lisa recalled.
MOSCOW, April 4 - RIA Novosti. Fund "Fair Aid" philanthropist Elizabeth Glinka known as Dr. Lisa is ready to provide humanitarian assistance in the form of medical instruments and bandages for medical institutions of Nagorno-Karabakh, told RIA Novosti itself Glinka.
Armenia and Azerbaijan have declared April 2 about the aggravation of the situation in the zone of Karabakh conflict: Azerbaijani Defense Ministry declares, in particular, about the shelling by the armed forces of Armenia, with the Armenian Defense Ministry reported "offensive actions" from the Azerbaijani side. On Monday, both sides said that the line of contact are active hostilities.
"Associated with the military surgeons: while two wounded child care provided, children do not need emergency care ... asking now the number of humanitarian aid for the hospital, for operating I very much hope that will be less in demand due to the fact that this is still a pilot country. which has survived the war, however, we are willing to help we have something to share, "-.. Glinka said.
The sad experience gained by the fund while working in situations of conflict in the Donbass, said that "of all the wars, unfortunately, it takes one and the same - the tools, dressings, antibiotics," clarified benefactor. In the near future on the application will be formed, it is necessary to hospitals. Dr. Lisa noted that in 2009, the Foundation has already visited the region, where they participated in the mission to heart surgery in children from Nagorno-Karabakh.
Fund "Fair Aid" was created to help the homeless, terminally ill patients, single pensioners and disabled people who lost their homes and livelihoods. Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, the head of the fund Elizabeth Glinka regularly visits Donbass humanitarian missions - for the transfer of medicines and food to hospitals, as well as for evacuation of sick children from the fighting zone. Many children with parents she accompanied to the treatment in the Russian medical institutions.
Russia, (the slavic part at least), and the core of Russian leadership and elite is part of and rooted in , the European peoples ; so are Armenians. The Armenian genocide was perpetrated by the hand of the Turk. Armenians became , tragically,the victims of power play of geopolitics of the past century . The European civilization is now gone; only its remnants remain. Two internecine wars in the previous century decimated the flower of European culture , creativity , civilization , religion and tradition; these internal destruction's were followed by military ocuupation , deracination,cultural subversion, mass invasion , and population replacement. We are now witnessing the hideous consequences of the outcome from those catastrophes. We now have a "new Europe", a Europe ( Judeo America included) on its way to be sub-islamized under the Tribe's sway. These are today's realities; it is not whether it's right or wrong,or deserved or undeserved; it is a the immutable living current realities. The races of Europe are vanishing and disappearing , diluting by external invasion. The question is that this historical development is tragic for the Europids ; but very , very good indeed, for the non white hordes busy invading in sheer numbers , conquering ,and replacing the native Europids. If Russia is going to be the last rampart,bastion and bulwark of the Europid against the nonwhite world ( there is a school of thought that supports this concept) , so bless be Russia, pray and hope that the conquest and morphing of present day " West" ( which ceased to exist long ago) does not spread and infect mother Russia, and Armenia in its wake. If Russia stagnates or goes under,loses its power, God forbid, what does one think will happen to Armenia.
DeleteEven more proof that Russian absolutely 100% wants "Armenia without Armenians, bro." We have quite an archive building up here.
ReplyDeleteFormer Russian official: Russia will not sell Iskander missiles to Azerbaijan
Karabakh will Never be Part of Azerbaijan, Says CIS Institute Head
Also, here are photos of the knocked out turk Leopard tanks:
Photos: knocked-out Turkish armor near Syria’s Al-Bab
I'm afraid our Russopboes have it wrong. It's actually the other way around: Without Russia, Armenia would have been without Armenians because Armenians would have abandoned the region en masse during the past two hundred years. This persistent nonsense about Russians wanting "Armenia without Armenians" is yet another example of how Western propaganda has not only been able to smash truth out of recognition but also create an alternative reality for the sheeple. We are living in an Anglo-American-Jewish world where black is white, up is down, right is wrong and there is no such thing as God, race, nationality, family or even gender. The power of Western propaganda coupled with a particular defect in Armenian heads is the reason why Armenians, diasporans in particular, look at a natural ally and friend like Russia and see an enemy and look at an enemy like Western powers and see a friend. Also, I find it profoundly troubling that we continue to have significant numbers of idiots that actually think Armenia can survive and even flourish in the south Caucasus totally on its own (that is independent from Russia) if only Armenians united. The proverbial cat looking in the mirror and seeing a lion. Recognizing this suicidal behavior in our people is the reason why Anglo-American-Jews and their Turkish friends have not wasted any effort in trying to drive a wedge between Armenians and Russians.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your recent masterpiece. In my opinion you hit the nail on the head. I encourage you to continue drafting your pieces which I greatly enjoy reading.
Shnorhavor Sourp Tznount yev Nor Dari.
John Kohen Kerry gave an unprecedented speech about Israel at the State Department. Bibi Netanyahu wasted no time in responding equally in an unprecedented manner. I have to say, Kerry's speech was impressive. He called the West Bank "occupied territories". He came very close to accusing Israel of being an apartheid state. He even mentioned that the idea of "greater Israel" is behind settler developments in the West Bank. This was the harshest public criticism of the Zionist state by an American official that I remember in my lifetime. Interestingly, at the end of this speech Kerry even got a standing ovation by the attendees. In his reply, Netanyahu was noticeably upset and his words were unusually stern.
ReplyDeleteKerry's speech and Obama's newly announced sanctions against Russia are in my opinion, at least in part, attempts to create complications inside Trump's presidency. Trump will face Republicans that are adament about keeping tensions with Moscow high and Democrats that want Tel Aviv to pursue a peace settlement with Israel's neighbors.
What we essentially have here is an internal brawl that is spilling out into public view. What we are seeing is in essence a dispute in Washington between left wing Jews and right wings Jews. It's a modern American political phenomenon. The issue of contention is the future of the Zionist state and the West's relationship with Sunni Arab powers in the Middle East.
The Jewish left is approaching the matter from a long-term, pragmatic and strategic angle: They want Israel to negotiate a settlement with regional/neighboring Sunni Arab nations so that Israel may live in peace and when needed be able to concentrate its efforts against non-Sunni Muslims threats like Hezbollah and/or Iran. But the Jewish right does not see it that way. As with all right wingers everywhere on earth, right wing Jews are extremists, maximalistic, arrogant, aggressive and are blinded by power and obsessed with territorial expansion. The Jewish right feels that with global public sentiments turned against Muslims and with the Arab/Muslim world in utter disarray, this is their historic chance to finally realize their fantasy of Eretz Israel (greater Israel).
The Zionist state today is like the highly militarized crusader fortresses established in the heart of the Arab/Muslim world almost exactly one thousand years ago. Just as it was back then, when crusader kingdoms/principalities would at times disobey orders from their kin in Europe, the modern crusader state of Israel is at times refusing to take dictates from the modern world's Vatican, Washington.
As mentioned above, the Zionist state feels it can act aggressive because the Arab/Muslim world is in disarray. There was a similar situation one thousand years ago when crusaders first established themselves in the Middle East. It took the region's Arab/Muslim population nearly two hundred years before they were able to get their act straight and produce a Saladin, someone who would unite the Arab/Muslim world and manage to expel European settlers from the land.
I guess Zionists feel they have such overwhelming military superiority and Arabs/Muslims in the region seem so hopelessly fragmented and disorganized that they will never be able to field a capable enough army to defeat Israel. Moreover, the Zionist state and the Jewish right in the US is counting on a Trump administration. Donald Trump is expected to step in and appease their Zionist agenda. It should be added that from a Russian and Iranian perspective, the Zionist agenda is good as it keeps the Sunni Arab world at odds with Israel and the West and this in turn gives Russia and Iran more opportunities in the region.
Transcript of Secretary John Kerry's speech attacking Israeli policies:,11813
DeleteKerry’s Rage Against Israel:
Netanyahu, again opposing Kerry, says Palestinian issue ‘relatively marginal’ in Mideast:
American Jews Divided Over Strain in U.S.-Israel Relations:®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
Obama’s anti-Israel politics show the need for the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act:
Donald Trump alights on the Compleat Conspiracy. Anti-Semites are thrilled:
Kerry’s bombshell Israel speech is one of the most puzzling things I have seen in politics:
Obama Strikes Back at Russia for Election Hacking:
Putin Mocks Democrats As "Shameless Losers", Says Russia Alone Believed In Trump's Victory: Putin Mocks Democrats As "Shameless Losers", Says Russia Alone Believed In Trump's Victory
Putin mocks Obama over sanctions as he invites U.S. diplomats' kids to the Kremlin instead of expelling their parents:
Zakharova: ‘Helpless Obama humiliated Americans with anti-Russia sanctions, Kerry deserves sympathy':
'We will watch you': Bilderberg website hacked :
Today's New York Times featured an article showcasing the infighting going on inside Jewry.
DeleteIs Donald Trump the Friend Israel Needs?:
Just breaking:
ReplyDeleteAt least 35 killed, 40 injured as shooters dressed as Santas attack nightclub in Istanbul – governor:
Regarding the Turkey attack, I actually made a comment that a terrorist attack in Istanbul or or maybe in the Kurdish regions within a few days was inevitable when I first read on RT that Erdogan stated that America was backing ISIS. Of course ISIS claimed the attack two days later. Much like Al-Qaeda conveniently only attacked when it suited US interests (in Afghanistan against the Soviets in the 70s, in Kosovo against the Serbs in the 90s, against Saddam Hussein in Iraq in the 2000s) ISIS conveniently only attacks when it suits American interests (against Colonel Qaddafi in Libya, against Assad in Syria, and now increasingly against Erdogan in Turkey). None of these hardline Islamist groups, which are so hyped up by the MSM as a reason for increased spying and police state powers, can actually be bothered to attack the zionist entity in their own neighborhood because they are too busy beheading other muslims on camera. The headlines:
DeleteTurkey's Erdogan: 'Confirmed evidence' US-led coalition supports ISIS & other terrorists in Syria
ISIS claims responsibility for Istanbul nightclub attack, manhunt for gunman ongoing
I can't stand these pussy Armenians in L.A. crying about how "sad" the Istanbul attack was. When pressed, they come back with "well, lots of non-Turks also died, bro." The fact that Istanbul is actually occupied Constantinople -once the heart of Orthodox Christianity- has been transformed into a cheap islamic brothel is meaningless for them. The irony that if they traveled to Mecca to whore it up, and got blown to bits, no one would care is also lost on them. I'm not on facebook, but I wonder how many LA Armos followed protocol and added a translucent turk flag to their profile picture along with a #PrayForIstanbul tag. pathetic.
Շնորհավոր Ամանոր և Սուրբ Ծնունդ: Թող նոր տարին բերի մեր երկրին խաղաղութիւն եւ նորանոր նվաճումներ:
ReplyDelete2016 was a difficult year for nations like Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Russia and Armenia. I hope 2017 will be less cruel. At the very least, I hope to see detente between Russia and the United States, peace in Syria and Yemen, economic progress in Armenia and recognition or unification for Artsakh.
Happy new year to all decent men and women who share my thoughts and concerns... the rest of you can go to hell.
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to everyone here. Thank you Arevordi and all of the regulars for another great year of entries and commentaries on this blog! 2016 did indeed present some great difficulties for Armenia, Russia, Syria, Iran, the Philippines, and many other areas of the world. Thankfully, all things considered, Russia had a remarkable, essentially flawless performance once again - this period will surely be remembered as the beginning of a golden era in its own right in the future for Russia. Armenia survived a war and came out relatively unscratched and stronger than ever. Syria beat back the forces of evil and gave the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance a defeat which will mark the end of their dominance in the Middle East. And pretty much out of nowhere, the Philippines produced a 71-year-old leader who is higher testosterone that people in their twenties and thirties.
DeleteUnsurprisingly, while the above mentioned "undemocratic hellholes where the population is dying to flee to the glorious west" weathered the difficulties of 2016 rather well, much of the democratic world -namely Europe- is in its death throes. And with or without Trump, the American Empire continues to crumble.
Happy new year
ReplyDeleteInteresting broadcast. Would love to hear Arevordi's and Zoravar's opinions.
Թուրքական բանակ. հայացք ներսից` թուրքական զինուժի պահեստազորի շարքային Տիրան Լոքմագյոզյանի հետ:
I know the Turkish military well enough to say I agree with everything Diran says. He is actually one of the few Turkish-Armenians I have great respect for. Anyway, yes, Turks are NATO's second largest military after the US. But, a vast majority of their military hardware dates from the 1960s to the 1980s. The Turkish military structure is as Diran suggests feudal in character: Turkish officers are looked upon as infallible and Turkish soldiers are looked upon by their superiors as cannon fodder or slaughter sheep. The relationship between Turkish officers and soldiers looks like that of masters and slaves. Actually, besides severe beatings, suicides and murders, officer-on-soldier rapes are also quite common in the Turkish military. From a professional military perspective the Turkish military is a paper tiger. I can say similar things about Western militaries but Western powers at least have technology to rely on. Turks merely rely on numbers and of course barbarity.
DeleteThat said, it should also be said that there is a lot of organic nationalism and discipline in the Turkish military. I would even say that Turkish soldiers, even those who get mistreated during military service, are more patriotic and more obedient to their state than the typical Armenian. This kind of discipline and nationalism comes from Turkish parenting and Turkish culture. The military in Turkey is looked upon by Turks as a sacred institution. The same can be said about the Turkish state. Turkish military officers are therefore revered throughout Turkish society. In stark contrast to our idiots who constantly obsess over the way our "boys" are being treated in the Armenian military, you will be hard pressed to find a single Turkish parent protesting about the severe maltreatment of soldiers that go on regularly in the Turkish military.
In other words, unlike Turks who raise their children to be servants for the Turkish state, Armenians raise their children to suspect, question and oppose their leadership (both military and civilian). In other words, you will not find this kind of gypsy garbage in Turkish society -
Family in Armenia Asks Turkey for Asylum:
Coming to geopolitics: Without Russia there is no Armenia. Diran understands this well. Actually, he understands this better than most of the hosts and guests that appear in that radio station. I don't care if this hurts Armenian "pride". This blog is not about caressing Armenian egos. Take out the Russian factor in the Caucasus, despite its obsolete military hardware and its flaws, Turkish military could, if it really wanted to, occupy all of Armenia in a matter of weeks.
Before anyone brings up Sardarapat, allow me to say this. It was ONE battle and by any standards it was a SMALL battle. About 25,000 total combatants on both sides took part and it lasted only several days. Facing annihilation Armenia had only mustered 10,000 troops. These were placed in defensive lines. Luckily, attacking Turks numbered only around 15,000. Turks clearly did not have an overwhelming numerical superiority, which attacking forces need for victory. After their defeat Turks could have come back with a larger force but they didn't. There was no serious effort to occupy Armenia - either because they were still very weak from the severe losses they suffered during the world war or because Bolsheviks somehow got involved behind the scenes. I suspect both factors played a role.
Russians are the ONLY reason why Turks (or Iranians for that matter) do not currently occupy the Caucasus. When it comes to the military, Turkish barbarism, discipline and nationalism is why regardless of all else Turks remain superior to Armenians and Greeks. The only hope is that with Moscow pulling Turkey eastward and the west pulling Turkey westward, Turkey may be torn in half. The bloodshed we are seeing in Turkey recently is in my opinion a result of this dynamic.
Some recent articles:
ReplyDeleteSt. Petersburg Summit Accelerates Unraveling of CSTO
I apologize for linking to Istanbul-based superfaggot josua kucera (where is Istnabul Santa when you need him?), but I it was the only article I found on this topic. Basically he claims that there is dissent within the CSTO regarding Nikolay Bordyuzha's successor, and tries to extrapolate this into a ridiculous claim that the organization will therefore collapse - like the same thing doesn't happen inside NATO only to be resolved forcefully by the US. The interesting part for us here is that a few months back it was suggested that Armenia's Artsakhtsi former Defense Secretary Seyran Ohanian was in line to get this post. This was followed by a denial by Ohanian to reporters, which makes sense now if he did not want to jump the gun and cause greater protests from Azerbaijan and their Belarus and Kazakh friends. Then Ohanian was rather suddenly dismissed as DM, and replaced by a civilian. I have not come across any new developments since then... For me this indicates that Russia is serious about putting an Armenian from Artsakh, a veteran of the Soviet military and of the Nagorno-Karabakh war, as head of the CSTO. {insert "Russia wants Armenia without Armenians, bro"}
BTW here is a picture of kucera. What a perfect location to capture the spirit of these anti-Russian, anti-Armenian, anti-Artsakh, pro-turk, western-backed faggots. Someone tell this bitch to lift some weights, he might grow a backbone. Currently he has the physique of a starving African refugee and the facial hair of a numale who spends his time on SWJ Tumbler blogs:
Rob Sobhani: Trump can actually earn Nobel Peace Prize by bringing an end to Karabakh conflict
For all of the Iran-worshippers out there, as far as I know Rob Sobhani is an ethnic Iranian, not Azeri. And he's not all that religious, being involved with American politics. Yet he is dying to see Artsakh, and eventually all of Armenia, submit to Azeri rule and has been pushing this garbage for decades.
Armenia cannot have any Muslim allies (allies in the Russia-Armenia sense), especially Iranians who have no qualms about bullshitting until they get whatever they want and who view the Caucasus as their natural domain and the Armenians as their natural subjects and inferiors. Temporarily corresponding interests do not equal an alliance. Overly emotional "brothers for thousands of years" (here "brotherhood apparently referring to one aggressive regional power repeatedly invading, occupying, attempting to convert, and occasionally deporting en masse) does not equal alliance, neither does "we wuz Zoroastrians/Aryans/etc." And "my mom used to whore it up with Persian men back when we lived in Tehran" most certainly certainly does not equal an alliance, despite what the Parskahays may plead.
'Anti-Propaganda' Ban Repealed, Freeing State Dept. To Direct Its Broadcasting Arm At American Citizens
LOL you mean up until now the MSM was something other than American propaganda? Surely these reporters blush a little bit as they type this stuff.
Putin signs Armenia-Russia unified air defense deal law
"Russia wants Armenia without Armenians, bro."
Duterte Says Calls Out Jew Goldberg Ambassador as Plotting to Take Him Down
Daily Stormer cited a Reuters article and highlighted all of the good parts. If I was Filipino, I would be beaming with pride right now at my country. As an Armenian, I can only stand in awe at Duterte's love for his homeland and his people, and his determination and tenacity. A lesser man would have been bribed into silence, which describes almost all third world strongmen. Duterte is like a superhero from a comic book, except in real life. More power to him, I wish him health and safety.
It would be interesting to see an Armenian PM take a Duterte-like stand against Armenia's domestic problems, namely foreign-funded subversives and totally undisciplined oligarchs not using their "talents" in the service of the state. But to be fair, Armenia's opposition is so weak and discredited and has been so expertly dismantled by grandmaster Serj Sargsyan that throwing them out of helicopters probably isn't worth the effort; we could probably spare an oligarch or two for the greater good though, just to get the rest in line.
As for Amb. Goldberg (lol!!!) and the US-Zionist "Gene Sharp" plan for regime change, I think their games have run their course and these folks are out of steam. Regime change from this point forward will require direct military intervention, covert or overt, and I don't think they are competent enough to accomplish any of there goals.
Two Armenian Officials Arrested Over ‘Bribery Scam’
On the note of battling corruption in Armenia, this caught my eye. It may just be routine, or maybe it is the beginning of the long hoped for clean-up effort that we expect from Russia-backed PM Karen Karapetyan.
Europe is finished. Nothing can save it now.
Lastly, here is an interesting video. It is actually an enraging video, even if you have no attachment to Europe. I have been saying that Europe's problem is that its spirit has been totally broken, they are essentially a soulless group of people with no identity and no purpose to their lives. So it is no surprise that they are being conquered by a bunch of scrawny refugees armed with nothing more than their own dicks. How passive can a society be that they tolerate this sort of assault on their own children asking them "when did you choose to be a heterosexual, is it just a necrotic phase?" It seems either Euro kids are taken as child brides or "bacha bazi" by the newly conquering Muslims, or they are raised as confused tranny freaks destined to commit suicide. Just like their treatment of women, we see two extremes highlighted here, and several lessons to be learned.
I had to laugh that Latvia and Lithuania were cited as examples in the video, "How's that Freedom from Russia workin' out for you guys in the Baltics?"
Decline in the populations of the Baltic States would eventually work to Russia`s advantage in the long run. If there aren`t any Estonians, Latvians or Lithuanians left, Russia would definitely have no trouble overruning the depopulated region without having to fire a shot. If the wartime Nazi collaborators saw what their homeland has become, they`d roll in their graves for sure.
DeleteAs for the Philippines, Duterte`s VP is probably the kind of puppet that the neo-cons want to help install in the event that he gets the boot. There is a conspiracy theory that the son of the former strongman Ferdinand Marcos (Bongbong Marcos) was the real winner of the election and that Leni Robredo and the Lieberal Party of the Philippines had rigged it in their favor, although that seems to have been debunked. However, I`m not sure if Robredo would be allowed to remain as the VP since she herself spoke about a plot to unseat her as the VP.
Europe, died in May 1945. Militarily occupied, her people deprived of the last vestige of dignity, deracinated, invaded. Today Europe continues to be occupied. Her racial backbone shattered to smithereens. Invaded by racially incompatible races, incapable of self defense, prey to population replacement strategies and plans. This is what occupation and conquest of one's lebensraum does to a nation/s. Is there any hope of a resurrection. Not in our lifetimes and possibly never. Past former glorious civilizations bit the dust of history, never to be hard of again. When the biological blood stream becomes polluted to a degreee of irrecoverability the last station is to become an amorphous mass of atoms, a la Egyptian. One must not feel sorry since in the struggle of nature only the strong will prevail, the weak will go under. Racial awareness is dormant, anesthethized, unaware of a self inflicted genocide at the feet and altar of the Mamon of humanism and the Moloch of borderless racial pollution .A renaissance , in such a world environment is out of the question. The baltic states, like their Europid brethren, are a lost cause, and it could not be otherwise. They cry for freedom from Russia only to fall under the evil sway of international judaism and multiracial bastardized American Negroid occupation. Good luck to them, but don't feel sorry for the etiolated faggots.
ReplyDeleteEurope did finally die in 1945, but it had fallen mortally wounded in the late 1700s with the French revolution - which eventually led to Napoleon's rise and his defeat at Waterloo in 1815. The French revolution infused Europe and North America with cultural toxins like egalitarianism, liberalism and atheism. And Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo turned the British Empire into a vast global hegemon. This hegemon eventually morphed into the Anglo-American-Jewish global order humanity lives under today. This global order was behind both world wars. This global order was behind the rise of Bolshevism in Rusia and the collapse of the Soviet Union. This global order created the Zionist state. This global order has been behind the rise of political Islam. This global order is behind the globalism, interracialism, multiculturalism, atheism and sexual perversions of today. In other words, this global order is behind much of the political turmoil around the world today and the destruction of the traditional family and the nation-state.
DeleteMake a list of all the things you love and hate about the world you live in and you will find that most of it is a direct consequence of living in an era that has been under Anglo-American-Jewish occupation/influence for two hundred years.
Hitler and company were the first and thus far the last serious effort to defeat this global order. But they were too fanatical and too narrow-minded in their pursuit.
Nazis thought that by merely eradicating European Jewry they could save western civilization. In other words, at best, Nazis had taken on only one of the three components that makes up the evil trinity in question. Nazis were even stupid enough to think very highly of Anglo-Americans who they viewed as potential/natural allies. Even as late as early 1945 some Nazis were still using back channels to convince Anglo-Americans into joining them in their disasterous crusade in the east. Had the Nazi party in Germany concentrated on totally defeating Britain in 1940, which they could easily do if they really wanted to, the war could have taken a very different turn. Instead, idiots in Berlin left Britain wounded but very much alive (London may have been couple of weeks away from military defeat when the Luftwaff abruptly ended its bombing campaign over Britain and began making preparations to attack the Soviet Union) and they foolishly embarked on a massive campaign to subdue the vast Soviet Union. This fundamental flaw in their strategy (leaving the British alive and blindly going after the Soviet Union) led to their eventual defeat in 1945.
The lesson of the story? To defeat the current global order you must defeat every single component of the evil trinity that I call the Anglo-American-Jewish global order. There is no other way. The good news is that the evil trinity is beginning to show cracks. Let's hope Russian and Chinese officials are courageous enough and wise enough to exploit it effectively...
The anglo-americans are run by jews, so if there is a trinity the jews are the first among equals. Hence I don't think it was wrong for Hitler and co to focus on the jewish issue. Where they went wrong is placing an unfounded emphasis on Nordic whites as the end all be all. This led them to turn away natural allies in Eastern Europe (Slavs). I agree that the french revolution was a truly watershed moment in western and world history but it would not have been possible had the reformation never taken place. The reformation allowed usury and unfettered capitalism to take hold, which eventually replaced the Middle Ages mindset of king, God, family with materialism, internationalism, and atheism. Yes, there are many things in between the rise of our modern world and the Middle Ages but I believe that the decline of the west began with the civil war within Western Christianity, otherwise known as the Reformation.
DeleteEven within the Anglo-American establishment, there were a few oddballs out there who actually preached an alliance with Germany and the need to eject the Jews from all positions of authority, like Oswald Mosley and the British Union of Fascists. America too, had its own homegrown fascist movement in the German-American Bund and the Silvershirts (although they remained a fringe movement and couldn't attract any supporters), as well as George Lincoln Rockwell's attempts to form a serious 'Neo-Nazi' party. Even if the Germans had wiped out the RAF, Britain's navy would have been too strong for the Kriegsmarine to take out.
DeleteI honestly think that Europe's real agonizing path to its spiritual death actually began in the American Revolution, because the French Revolution was a byproduct of the American revolutionaries' attempt to form what is now the United States. Because a lot of volunteers from Europe fought on the Continental/American side against the British, they brought back the ideals of egalitarianism and liberalism. It isn't surprising that America's founding fathers were connected to freemasonry.
I would also say that Japan made serious mistakes in dealing with the Anglo-Americans too. Had the Japanese actually tried to deal with other Asians as equals instead of acting like they're the center of the world and the other nations are lesser and should pay tribute (kinda like what the Chinese in the past and right now have done), Japan would certainly have won the war. The Japanese behaved very much like the whites they viewed with contempt towards their subjects (ie: Koreans, Vietnamese, Filipinos, etc). Unfortunately, the one area where Asian solidarity would have been achieved without bloodshed was a Sino-Japanese rapprochement. However, China was determined to regain its lost territories that Japan took since 1895 when Taiwan fell under their rule.
In any sense Germany and Japan both came close to defeating the Anglo-American-Zionist trinity but their shortsightedness cost them the war. Moreso for Japan, which was battling a technological deficiency compared to the Americans and the British.
I also think that the road to Britain's global hegemonic aspirations actually started with Cromwell's decision to re-invite the Jews to come back to England when he got rid of the absolutist King Charles II. Before that, England itself had no Jewish presence since 1291!
These are all interesting points, mostly it just shows that we are the sum of our past. We just reconstructed the chain of events that got us here. You could take this line of argument all the way back to the Roman Empire and argue that if they halted their imperial ambitions at Asia Minor, Europe would not have gotten tangled up with the Middle East and its troublesome Semetic tribes, there would have been to dispersion of jewry to all corners of Europe, and perhaps Christianity would have remained outside the borders of Europe and paganism would have remained. The way I look at it is that all of these events, Christianity, the Reformation, the various reforms and revolutions against monarchy, the development of technology, the enlightenment, the age of exploration, the colonial era, etc. had their good and bad, and arose logically out of the need to address some deficiency or inequality in society at the time. It is just that there was always a group of parasites lurking in the shadows in Europe, ready to corrupt the idealism behind whatever movement and use it to further their own Talmudic goals. The French Revolution, for example, turned out ridiculously bad, but at its core the excesses of some of the monarchs, and the relatively powerless state of large segments of French citizenry at the time, were going to have to be addressed at some point. Even the Russian Revolution might have taken a less brutal course, but instead the most extreme faction took over. This all raises an interesting question: is it possible to attempt any major reforms without everything getting out of hand and turning into a bloodbath?
DeleteGoing back to the chain of events, western civilization seemed to be powering along up through the 1950s, despite the total jewish domination of the money system and the slow injection of cultural marxist poison through the jew-controlled media and academia. There are a couple of significant points marking the recent period of steep decline in the west. The first is around the 1960s with the revolutionary changes in society that were largely accepted by the young people of the time, hence why Baby Boomers are now universally hated by people who are wise to what is happening, even though you can argue that the boomers people were born into a hopeless and already totaled system. Another significant point is the collapse of the USSR and the withdrawal of the last Russian soldier from Germany, which marked the beginning of the end for Europe as the cultural marxist agenda and the Anglo-American-Jews no longer had any real competition and had a brief monopoly on setting policy in the west.
There are endless lessons to be learned here for anyone who is interested in how societies work on a macro level. Doubtless the key lesson is that having jews present in your country will always lead to problems and the risk of extermination for your country. You can try a Byzantine approach and ban them from important positions, but they will corrupt the system over time. There is only one solution there to be honest... Another lesson -which Armenians need to keep in mind at all times- is that reforms need to be carried out with extreme caution, slowly and over a long period of time, like medicine in a drip tube. Like rushing to overthrow the Sultan in 1908 and replace it with the CUP (thanks, dashnaks!) or supporting the overthrow of the Czar and replacing it with the Bolsheviks (thanks, Armo revolutionaries) are two prime recent examples.
DeleteRegarding the Russian Revolution, as bad as it was, it was what happened at the most brutal point which saved Russia. The Bolsheviks created Stalin, Stalin turned around and destroyed the Bolsheviks (meaning the jews.) So who am I to say that the most brutal course and the most extreme faction were a bad thing, since after the Czar was overthrown there was no other force capable of holding Russia together. A few (million) deaths are not good, but if that was the price needed to save the country, then it had to be paid.... I honestly get disgusted by those who criticize communism at this point, because invariably they end up being psychotic extremists who fantasize about living in a Middle Ages-Inquisition style that somewhat mirrors shariah law, or they end up being libertarian idiots who think living in unregulated anarchy is the height of civilization, or they end up being Polish, Ukrainian, or exile Cuban extremists who are unwitting tools of the Anglo-American-Zionist agenda.
Regarding the American Revolution, maybe I'm just biased 'cuz I'm an American, born and raised, but the American Revolution seemed like a good thing to me. American broke with England because they did not like English taxes and the English central bank, "The Secret of Oz" and "The Money Masters" argue that most of America's history was America resisting the Euro-Jew attempts to reinstate a central bank in the land of the free - this was also the period where America was on very good terms with Russia, fought a war or two against England, and was being population by the legendary Germanic pioneers and settlers. The biggest failure of America was not to have enshrined in its founding documents "WHITES ONLY - NO JEWS - NO BLACKS - NO MESTIZOS." The main complaint today's SJWs have against America back when it was still great was slavery, a few colonies in the New World and the Pacific, and the conquest of lebensraum from Indians and Mexicans. I personally think this is a gay argument as the strong will always dominate the weak, and everyone practices slavery (especially Muslims) and Whites were the only race to voluntarily fight wars to end it. IMO America stopped being great again when finally reallied with Britain, got the income tax and Federal Reserve, and engaged in wars against Europe.
In one sense I disagree with "defeat the current global order you must defeat every single component of the evil trinity that I call the Anglo-American-Jewish global order." Remove the jews (permanently) and America may become much less of a problem. England is pretty much gone anyway, just wait it out another 50 years max. In another sense though, the jewish grip on America seems so tight that it may not be possible to dissolve it or remove one without removing the other. It's like Master and Blaster from Mad Max 3.
I think Hitler's domestic policy was among the best that the world has ever seen, but his foreign policy might have been the worst the world has ever seen. He cucked Germany in favor of England, even when England was bombing German cities. From Dunkirk to not utilizing the Luftwaffe to its full potential, Hitler put English interests above German interests. He even disgraced Germany's honor by offering to defend the interests of the British Empire over that of his Italian and Japanese allies if only Britain would ally with Germany. Furthermore, he held the English up as examples of Germanic superman, while denigrating the Slavs as Mongol half-breeds, even though the Slavs had successfully resisted the jews while the English merged with the jews. Bismarck defended German interests against the English, Hitler essentially got on his knees for the British and rightfully got kicked in the face. Goes to show you just can't have amateurs or irrational ideologists setting foreign policy.
Interesting points, LG.
DeleteThat said, let's realize that Jews of the Anglo-American world (and you can place the three in whatever order you want) were not the Jews being rounded up and sent to work camps by the Gestapo in continental Europe nor were they the Jews being rounded up and shot en masse by members of the einsatzgruppen throughout occupied Soviet territory. Jews Hitler needed to erradicate were in London, Washington and New York. By going after Bolshevism/communism and Jews in Eurasia, Hitler was going after the symptom and not the root cause of the disease. Had Berlin been serious about defeating London in 1940 (trust me, Germans could if they really wanted to) they would have dealt a severe blow to every component of the evil trinity. Many serious scholars of the war agree that Britian came very close to defeat in 1940. According to Otto Sozeny's autobiography, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, who was the head of Germany's military intelligence, was a spy for the allies. Otto claims Canaris played a fundamental role in leading Germany to military defeat. One of the things Canaris was accused of doing was discouraging Hitler from invading Britian by exaggerating the numbers and strength of military units London had deployed to thwart a German invasion of the island.
Moreover, in my opinion, you can better trace/track the rise of Anglo-American-jewish global order and the decline of western/European civilization with napoleon's defeat. It's a clear and direct line from Waterloo to today.
You can bring up the Reformation in more broader terms to outline Europe's internal problem that perhaps politically weakend it. You can also bring up the Renaissance as a time when Europe became secular, materialistic and to some extent decadent. But these periods also had immensely positive impact on governance, education, medicine, science, music, art and thought. The time period between the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, which included the Reformation, elevated western civilization to great heights and gave the world a great number of geniuses.
Yes, you can make the argument that cultural changes the Reformation brought forth eventually led to the cultural mindset that inspired the French revolution. But then you can also argue that the Renaissance led to the Reformation. You can also argue that the Crusades led to the Renaissance. You can take it as far back as you want. But in doing so the argument becomes murky and its main point, tracing the evolution of the Anglo-American-Jewish order, less effective.
Had it not been for the renaissance, the reformation, the enlightement and the industrial revolution, Europe would still be in the dark ages. Let's recall that at the time of the Reformation the Catholic Church was as corrupt and bloodthirty - and most probably as Jew infected - as Washington is today, and it needed a downsizing as well. The Reformation did downsize the Vatican's hegemony. What Martin Luthern (a staunch anti-Jew) started in Germany provided the much needed balance and multipolarism in Europe and forced the Vatican to act a little more humble.
So, I am not about to criticize Germany's early Protestans. This however does not mean I support modern Protestants. In fact, Protestants disgust me. Everthing vile about Protestants today - including televangelism and sacrileges known as "Christian Zionisim" and "Judeo Christian values" - is found in its Anglo-American, particularly American varient. Everything vile about Europe today is a direct by-product of its occupation by Anglo-American-Jews and American pop culture.
The French revolution and Napoleon's defeat basically handed global hegemony to the British, who would later merge with Americans and organized Jewry. Thus, began western civilization's cultual/civilizational decline. Blaming it on Luther's Reformation movement is in my humble opinion stretching it a bit...
DeletePlease allow me to disagree with some of your statements. Even American scholars and historians agree that it was French enlightenment philosophy and revolutionary rhetoric that inspired the American revolution. The revolution in France did not just materialize out of nowhere in 1789. A revolutionary movement was building momentum in the country for decades prior. It was that historic movement in France that inspired American revolutionaries and not vice versa. Many of America's founding fathers were well versed in French. Thus, the works of great French political philosophers like - Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu - were well known to them. In a move based purely on geostrategy, France's monarchy, already under immense financial burden and a target of revolutionaries in the country, militarily and financially supported American revolutionaries in an effort to strike a counter-blow to its arch-nemesis, the British Empire. The French agenda succeeded when Americans finally gained their independence from the British in 1776. But French monarchy did not live long enough to truly savor its historic successs.
Also, the founding father's of the US were a group of truly enlightend men. The American experiment was truely a unique concotion. Did you know that the US was actually a close ally of the Russian Empire during the 19th century? The US began its decline when it developed a taste for empire and eventually began merging with the British Empire and organized Jewry during the early 20th century. This merger, which created the evil trinity in question, gave birth to the Federal Reserve in 1913, Bolshevism in 1918, the Second World War in 1939, the World Bank/International Monatary fund in 1945 and the Zionist state in 1948.
Finally, the Second World War is a war I have studied quite a bit, it is therefore a topic I know well. So, trust me when I tell you that Germany's Kriegsmarine had essentially neutralized the royal navy during the early stages of the war and were on the verge of cutting Britian completely off from American supplies which they desperately needed for survival. Also, around the same time the Germany's Luftwaff was on the verge of annihilating Britian's air defences both in the air and on the ground. Both times Britain was saved by luck as well as by strategic blunders by Germany's military high command. Militarily the British stood absolutely no chance against Germany. If Germany really wanted to they could have occupied England with relative ease. Instead, like LG said, Nazis were hopelessly blinded by their racial theories, which made them see the British and Americans as potential allies. As you said, there were also elements within the Anglo-Amercian world that were flirting with the Nazis. All this essentially blunted Berlin's efforts against Anglo-Americans and made them place all their emphasis on defeating the Soviet Union...
The main problem with Hitler's foreign policy was that he was surrounded by Germans with chronic Slavophobic tendencies. Alfred Rosenberg, one of the Germans who influenced Hitler's foreign policy, was actually born and raised in the Russian Empire, and he was the real brains behind Hitler's worst foreign policies. You could say that the Munich coup of 1923 killed the figures who could have kept the Russo-German alliance longer lasting.
DeleteFor those of you who don't know, the organization "Aufbau Vereinigung" was the organization that bounded White Russian emigres and early German National Socialists together and would have certainly succeeded in defeating the Anglo-American-Jewish trinity. However, it was the death of Max Scheubner-Richter that really gave way to the whole "Slavic inferiority" shebang that screwed up German war plans. Heck, the idiotic notion of "Slavic inferiority" had a huge effect on the German invasion of Yugoslavia since Hitler couldn't decide if Croats were Germanic or Slavic. Even within Hitler's 'order', Slovaks, Croats and Bulgarians were treated lightly, compared to say, Poles, Serbs, Ukrainians and Russians.
All in all, the main vital difference between Hitler and Bismarck was that the latter was operating on a Prussian policy that he quoted: "The secret of politics? Make a good treaty with Russia". Where as Hitler was more impulsive and reckless. Moreover, one of Prussia's cities, Koenigsberg (now Kaliningrad) is extremely close to the Russian border. In all honesty, I think that Putin has demonstrated the best of Bismarckian behavior, so I think comparing Putin to Bismarck might be a better fit, while the other idiots who constantly bring up "Putler! Putler!" have no clue as to who Frederick the Great and Otto von Bismarck are. Prussians, it seems, are the smarter Germans than the Austrians.
Very interesting, Jerriko. I think of Putin more in terms of Peter the Great but now that you mention it, yes, he is also Bismarckian. White/Czarist Russians and the Nazis were or rather could have been natural allies. I agree that the alliance was never allowed to come to fruition. Imagine what could have been if Germany in the 1920s and 1930s could have become a safe haven for Czarist Russians. The maltreatment Soviet peoples suffered at the hands of Nazis was the fundamental reason why the leadership Moscow was able to rally the Soviet masses against the German invasion.
DeleteThe question therefore remains: Was Berlin's historic blunders in Soviet Russia by design or by chance? It is now well known that in the early stages of the Nazis' rise in Germany Hitler was actually receiving significant support from the West -
"German Chancellor Brüning wrote in his memoirs that beginning in 1923, Hitler received large sums of money from abroad - from where exactly is unknown, but it passed through Swiss and Swedish banks. It is also known that in 1922, Hitler met with U.S. Military Attaché Capt. Truman Smith in Munich - a meeting Smith recounted in a detailed report to his Washington superiors (in the Office of Military Intelligence), saying he thought highly of Hitler. It was through Smith's circle of acquaintances that Hitler came into contact with "Putzi" (Ernst Franz Sedgwick Hanfstaengl), a Harvard University graduate who played an important role shaping Hitler into a successful politician, giving him substantial financial support and connections among senior British figures"
Now, there is a theory that claims Western businessmen, bankers and perhaps secret societies were behind efforts in the 1930s to convince Hitler and the Nazis to wage war against the Soviet Union. This foreign support base the Nazis initially had seems to have later turned against them when the war started and political disagreements between Berlin, Paris and London turned bloody.
Rudolph Hess's illfated flight to Britian in 1941 may have been somehow related to this. Berlin deciding to leave Switzerland unmolested during the war may have been related to this. Using back channels even as late as 1945 to ask for help against the Soviet Union may have been also related to this. In a nutshell: Hitler and company may have thought they had behind-the-scenes support in the West when they first sent their armies eastward but that support eventually turned against him as the war progressed and took unpredictable turns.
@Was Berlin's historic blunders in Soviet Russia by design or by chance?
DeleteIt was a complicated and intricate design with many erasures and re-drawings due to chance! Britain's paramount political goal was to impede a German-Russian alliance (either as a political alliance, or a conquest of either Germany by Russia, or Russia by Germany). The Judeo-Bolsheviks wanted a war between Germany and Russia in the hope that this would be a repetition of the scenario which brought them to power in Russia (evicting the Stalinist National-Bolshevism). The Germans wanted plainly to get the wheat and petrol of Ukraine (and of Romania).
At the end of 1940 the threat that the Soviet-German Non-aggression Pact of 1939 would become a formal alliance by the proposal that USSR joined the Axis, sent undoubtedly Britain into a spin.
The German view was that "England is beaten and it is only a question of time when she will admit her defeat.... The beginning of the end has now arrived for the British empire...the entry of the United States into the war is of no consequence at all for Germany. Germany and Italy will never again allow an Anglo-Saxon to land on the European Continent.... This is no military problem at all.... The Axis Powers are, therefore, not considering how they can win the war, but rather how rapidly they can end the war which is already won and that the time had come for the four powers (Germany, the Soviet Union, Italy and Japan) to define their "spheres of interest".
Britain worked overtime to convince both Germany and Russia that each were preparing secretly to attack the other and much likely promising support to each against the other.
DeleteYou say,
"I honestly get disgusted by those who criticize communism at this point, because invariably they end up being psychotic extremists who fantasize about living in a Middle Ages-Inquisition style that somewhat mirrors shariah law, or they end up being libertarian idiots who think living in unregulated anarchy is the height of civilization, or they end up being Polish, Ukrainian, or exile Cuban extremists who are unwitting tools of the Anglo-American-Zionist agenda."
Not sure I follow. On the one hand you realize that jews are the root of most of the socio-political, cultural, economic ills that are behind the west's demise, on the other hand you seem to be making excuses for communism. Communism is the most lethal ideology which has ever existed in recorded history. It is and remains a utopian ideology and one that has not and will not deliver the paradise on earth which it's fat jewish creator and adherents have been promising for over 150 years. I will stop here for now because perhaps I misunderstood your point.
DeleteI agree with your first paragraph. Germany went after the cause rather than the root, at least on the global front. Domestically they did both as much as possible. The so called anglo-american-zionist triad has the jews/zionists at the head. They operate in London and NYC for example.
The philosophy of nominalism is what I believe to be the root cause of the ills that would eventually bring the West to its knees spiritually. If no absolutes exist then God does not exist. Nominalism took hold in the 1300s and has more or less been infused or gave birth (indirectly) to other isms.
As for the so called dark ages, they lasted for a few centuries following the collapse of W. Roman Empire and only in western and northern Europe. The Orthodox East was not living in a dark age. The notion that Europeans were all backwards brutes until the Enlightenment is false. It was pushed by the very same anti-religion, anti-clerical men who would come to be so closely associated with the enlightenment and scientific revolution. The Voltaires of the world if you will.
Yes, the Catholic church may have been very corrupt, but that is the nature of any man made institution. Moreover, the Catholics were virulently anti-jewish, hence why they were a target of jews and remain one to this day though with Vatican 2 they sold out quite a bit.
Just to be clear I am not arguing that the Enlightenment was all bad, or even the Reformation. Neither was the Middle Ages the best era nor the worst, though it certainly was the pinnacle of Christian Europe (East and West). I agree with the point Sarkis made, one thing leads to another and things evolve and take a life of their own. One which even he initiators of the said movement would never anticipate. We also have the fortune of hindsight to see what worked well and what did not, and why that may have been so.
DeleteThe Orthodox East was never truly a part of Europe. Historically, Europe has had a Germanic, Latin, Catholic and Protestant component. The term "dark ages" is a relative term. I am not even sure that it existed in the way western academia claims it did. What I meant by mentioning it is this: Before the Crusades (late 11th to late 13th centuries) western and northern Europe was a relatively backward continent where Germanic and Scandinavian tribes were in constant movement and warfare. Even former Roman territories of southern and south-eastern Europe had fallen into decay. When Europeans began getting drawn into the Near-East in the late 11th century they began getting exposed to high culture.
Basically, the big, blonde "barbarians" of northern Europe (who were rapidly expanding at the time) soon began finding high culture in the semiarid landscape of Asia Minor and the Levant. What essentially came out of Europe's two centuries long expedition into the Near East was the Renaissance - Europe's rebirth after Rome's death. All the major movements that took place on continental Europe took place after Europeans began returning home after their failed campaigns in the Near East. Europe's defeat in the Near East was in my opinion the catalyst, the spark that propelled Europe to the very heights of human civilization.
What also come out of Europe's military expeditions into the Middle East was the destruction of Middle Eastern civilization, with the final nail in the coffin being the Mongol and Turkic invasions. The Arab world and Islam never really recovered after that. After thousands of years of being one of the centers of human civilization (the other being China) the Middle East slowly began relinquishing its title to Europe. For one thousand years now human civilization has been evolving under and represented by former barbarians of western and northern Europe.
DeleteRegarding historic movement: Sometimes categorizing historical time periods with man made terms may serve to limited our understand of history and mankind. Human consciousness is always in a flux, constantly changing, going through cycles. We see this on the personal level. We see this on a collective level. On the personal level, these cycles make up our good and bad periods in life. On the collective level, these cycles give rise to major movements within human society, some arguably good, some arguably bad.
In a nutshell: Humanity seems to be in a physical/materialistic cycle in recent times. The time period I am are talking about - renaissance, reformation, enlightenment, industrial revolution, modernity - for some reason ushered in this new period in human history, a period where matter comes before mind. It wasn't so in the past. For our distant ancestors it was mind before matter. We see this in the great, sacred monuments of the ancient world as well as the sacred texts that were produced then.
There may be a supernatural explanation as to why mankind has become spiritually dead in recent times.
The soul of humanity has been fought over by deities/powers of the material world (some call it Satan, Lucifer) and deities/powers of the spiritual world (some call it Christ, God) since when man first walked the earth. Mankind has always been caught in the middle of this very fluid and very historic battle for control. But mankind is not totally helpless or hopeless in this situation. Ultimately, it is our thoughts and actions, collectively, that help determine what side will come on top.
The lords of the material world (call them what you will) have been more successful in recent time periods. I don't say this merely because we live in violent times (the ancient world was just as violent although the scope of carnage has been unprecedented in recent times), I say this because humanity has moved significantly away from spirituality. We live in a time where "scientists" take the smallest possible material evidence and concoct elaborate, materialistic theories. One would need more faith to believe in the origin of mankind and the cosmos according to "modern science" than believing in Santa Claus or the tooth fairy. Yet mankind today believes the utter nonsense they are fed by today's scientific world with an arrogant zeal similar to the one that religious fanatics had when they crucified Christ two thousand years ago.
Humanity has moved out of the "inner world" and into the outer, physical world. This may ultimately be humanity's fault and it is this that has led to the western world's decline. After all, mankind has been endowed with consciousness (ability to think, assess, contemplate and self-reflect) and free will (the ability to choose between right and wrong). So, in the big picture, I blame mankind for all the ills of mankind. If I had to be more specific, I place all the blame on three individuals: Marx, Darwin and Freud.
Anyway, you may have probably noticed that this conversation can easily turn into a discussion in esotericism. But bringing esotericism into this discussion will take away from the more precise if narrow political scope of the initial conversation as well as that of this blog's.
There are many movements going back many centuries that led to the modern age. The pros and cons of the modern age can therefore be discussed forever. But, it was 1815 that started a political chain-of-events that led to the Anglo-American-Jewish world we live in today. Our problems today have less to do with the free thinking Europeans of the 15th century and more to do with a 20th century Anglo-American-Jewish experiment to extinguish Christianity, nationalism and family.
DeleteRegarding Marxism: On paper, theoretically, Marxism is a wonderful idea and concept. On paper, theoretically, Marxism is the closest we get to heaven on earth. But, being that humans will be humans, and humans are by-in-large led by their animal/carnal instincts, Marxism will never-ever be able to achieve its stated goal. It will therefore only remain a theory and a wonderful idea. But that does not mean we can't take elements from it and apply it to more practical solutions to better our lives. This has in fact happened. Today's Socialism as well as Capitalism have been directly influenced by Marxism. That said, if I had to choose between Anglo-American style Capitalism and the Marxism of the "fat Jew" (who incidentally was baptized into Christianity), I'd pick the latter with absolutely no hesitation. The ideals of Marxism is close to human ideals, but it's a shame that God was taken out it. For this I don't blame Marx per se. I blame the "enlightened" time period Marx lived in. In my mind, you need not be an atheist to be a Marxist or Communist, just like you need not be a Christian to be a Capitalist. Besides, what kind of a Christian would espouse a destructive thing like Capitalism?
Without a doubt, Christian ethics/values/mores are much closer to Marxism and Communism than it is to Capitalism. In my opinion Christ was in many ways the world's first Socialist.
Besides, assuming that you prefer Capitalism over Marxism, who says something that is created by Anglo-Americans is better than something that is supposedly created by a Jew? Besides, Marx did not materialize out of nowhere nor was Marxism solely created by him. There is also Friedrich Engels in the equation. There is also the great German philosopher Hegel in the equation. There is also all other European intelligentsia of the time in the equation. What I'm trying to say is that Marxism was essentially a by-product of its time, a time of enlightenment and sociopolitical evolution.
Moreover, if you want to badmouth Marxism because of the "fat Jew" than you also have to badmouth Christianity because of Paul. However, a word of advice: Let's stop attacking things/ideas just because they were created or shaped by Jews - or other people we don't happen to like. That is the text book definition of ignorant racism. Jews, as a people, helped create many things throughout history. Not everything they have done should be looked upon as evil. Don't therefore allow your subconscious predisposition to cloud your reasoning.
I say take the good elements that are found in things like Monarchy, Capitalism, Marxism and Nationalism and create better things like National Socialism and Constitutional Monarchy.
DeleteYou may not consider Orthodoxy to be a part of Europe, but I and many others do. Europe is just as much a physical reality as it is a cultural one. Europe does not begin west of the the Rhine river.
You are conflating Marxism and Communism. They are not 1 and the same. And both are materialism centric ideologies. They are against the very 'mind over matter' world you refer to as being superior to the one we currently inhabit.
Being baptized does not make one a Christian. Sure it is a first step but we both know well that there is much more to being a Christian than holy water and a few prayers. And genetically marx was a jew. He of course was an avowed atheist and enemy of all religions, including his ancestral faith.
I do not support unfettered capitalism so we don't even need to bring that up. I do support taking best practices along with the history of a given state and people into account when creating and implementing meta-politics/economics. Hence why democracy works in a few places but not most. Or why arab states tend to do better under authoritarian governments rather than pluralistic and democratic orders.
Agree with your statements on the historic shift from mind to matter, both metaphysically and physically. I disagree with your comparison of Paul to marx, and Christianity with communism.
DeleteI can see you are having trouble following the argument I was making there, because the conclusions you drew were non-sequitur. I merely stated that I cannot respect people who senselessly attack communism without understanding the nuances of history. I did not make any excuses for flaws which may be inherent in communism as an ideology, nor did I make excuses for any historical acts committed in the name of communism. Of course every system of belief (political, religious, or other) has inherent flaws, for example in Christianity the Old Testament and every bit which references Jews as being or having once been Yahweh's "chosen people" is a massive flaw, and no matter what excuses dedicated Christians may come up with the fact remains that the Old Testament and all of the shit (and I do mean "shit") are part of Christanity. Additionally, every system of belief can adopted by psychotic men and twisted into an excuse for all sorts of brutality - the Vatican was acting in the name of Christianity when the Crusaders burned Constantinople, and the brain-dead Christian Zionists are acting in the name of Christianity while they serve the Satanic entity known as "israel..." Only intellectually shallow people and narrow-minded extremists harp on technicalities and one-sided arguments like this whenever they wish to attack some belief system they disagree with - I'm too smart to have made the claim that communism would lead to utopia, and more importantly you are way too smart to have actually believed that my post even remotely implied that communism would lead to a utopia, or that I was making excuses for communism. Which brings us to the important point here: despite how intellectual you are, you have adopted a reflexive reaction to automatically attack communism whenever it is mentioned, and fall back on citing statistics cited in "The Black Book of Communism" - a book which was coincidentally authored by a "human rights faggot" Frenchmen and other basic bitch "pro-democracy academics" from the dying cesspit known as Europe for the purpose of attacking authoritarian systems of government which threaten their decadent lifestyles.
The fact is that every revolutionary system, which comes along once every few centuries if not once every few millennia, is going to result in widespread chaos and destruction as it takes over (or is forced upon) civilization. Christianity, for example, was not some Hippie-like doctrine that was adopted by peacefully, it was many times pushed on threats of fire and brimstone, and threats of death for anyone who refused. Wars were fought to expand its reign into foreign lands that were perfectly happy with their own, pre-existing religions. Pagans were tortured or killed, and pagan monuments and large parts of pagan knowledge were smashed to bits or stolen, like every pagan temple in Armenia other than Garni was destroyed and built over and holidays like Vardavar were bastardized into Christianity. And all of this occurred at a time when the human population fewer and the world was much larger place - had Christianity come about the same time as communism, its already considerable body count would easily number in the multi-millions... Now, with all of that said, would it be fair to judge Christianity today based on that narrow time frame? Aren't the only people who would do that ultraliberal faggots who have swallowed the anti-Christian hatred from Professor Goldstein back at university, or neopagan faggots upset that Christianity rejects the gay interracial relationship they are currently in?
You say Arevordi is confusing communism with Marxism. You started the confusion by bringing up Marx to attack my statement regarding communism. To be honest, your reaction would have remained the same had I been referring to Marxism, bolshevism, communism, Leninism, Trotskyim, etc. And you seem to be confusing communism with old-guard Jewish Bolshevism, based on your argument against communism being the standard conservative "that ideology has killed so many people, bro." In fact, let me just state that this kind of argument against communism is often used by neo-Nazi extremists on various White Nationalist forums who are stuck in 1941. It is also used by autistic libertarians on Infowars and Breitbart who hate National Socialism and communism but worship Ayn "Rosenbaum" Rand and her "Anarchy Macht Frei" nonsense.
DeleteMarx is the most famous name attached to the growing revolutionary movement of that period, but the spirit of revolution that resulted in communism hardly began or ended with Marx. What happened was the logical reaction to the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution changed things. When I look at the art which developed in that era (Surrealism, Expressionism, Futurism, dada), I see tumult and chaos as society reacted to these developments and the large-scale dehumanization that took place. People crowded into dirty cities, and pollution and unsanitary conditions became exponentially worse. Factories were unsafe and working conditions were inhumane. The big businesses back then had no qualms about using their workers, including young children working in mines, as disposable slave labor. Not at all different from today where the global mega-conglomerates have no qualms cutting corners, "off-shoring" manufacturing, engaging in wide-scale fraud and corruption, and socializing their losses through corporate welfare and subsidies at the expense of the disappearing middle class and struggling poor. So it is no surprise that socialism and communism were developed in response, and that so many people adopted these systems. Whenever I head some libertarian or conservative asshole insult dogmatically insult positive aspects of the revolutionary movement of that era such as worker's unions, I only wish I could transport them back to the 1800s without any money, and watch them get royally fucked in a factory with no worker rights. Here is an English child from that era working in a mine ( The Anglo aristocrats and their Jewish partners had no problem treating English children like that while they gorged on lavish tables and hoarded millions for themselves. Revolution was the only possible reaction to a society headed in that direction. Only the most degenerate college professor in a fuzzy sweater would look at these things and try to argue that organizing against the excesses of such a system was wrong for some abstract ideological reason - National Socialists and Communists were right to put these low-grade useless eaters in Labor Camps, Pol Pot might have been on to something too.
Since we're on this topic, let me just state that I am a National Socialist and I hate conservatives (aka conserviles or cuckservatives) more than I could ever hate leftists. I'd feel infinitely more comfortable around a bunch of Bernie bros than I would around a bunch of faggy conservatives. A bernie bro may try to suck your dick (not good), but a conservative will try to get you to suck a jew's dick and pretend that is what western civilization has always been about (much worse). Germany in the 1920s shows that generally supporters of "Red" politics are way more likely to switch over to a sensible, Nationalist and anti-capitalist position whenever a real alternative is presented, compared to the absolutely worthless reactionaries who support conservative politics. This is because National Socialism and any faction of the Reds will always be Revolutionary parties, energetic and ideological and appealing the the masses. They will overlap in many areas.
DeleteConservatives are really the most self-absorbed, exploitative, traitorous, lard-ass wastes within the national body. Conservatives and capitalists play the same greedy role in advanced western societies that the primitive oligarchs play in countries like Armenia - that of blood-sucking parasites that enable the worse alien interests to stake a path to power and influence in the country. Conservatism in all of its forms is an absolute failure, they have no energy and have thus conserved nothing, to the point that they now claim Martin L. King as a conservative. "Conservative values" today have retreated to fully supporting interracial (black and white) marriage, just as long as gay marriage is still banned. In twenty years, gay marriage will just be another accepted "conservative value" while conservatives of the day oppose (and slowly cede ground to) pedophilia and bestiality. Voting conservative has not done anything to halt the west's decline, and the existence of controlled conservative parties has served to retard the reemergence of nationalism in the west since 1945. As long as the masses were kept content with bread and circuses, they would accept voting for a fraud like Reagan as some sort of solution to the decline of the west.
Sarkis and LG,
DeleteBoth of you are extremely intelligent and I love discussing things with you. But both of you are looking at the world you live in solely through a Western prism. LG, your views about Marxism and Communism is influenced by Anglo-American propaganda whether you want to want to admit it or not. I also suspect your ideas about religion has been influanced by Anglo-American protestantism. Sarkis, likewise, your personal take on religion and conservatism is influanced by Anglo-American-Jewish influences. I ask both of you to please stop using Western ideas and Western terms to categorize things, assess values or form opinions about topics. You cannot fully understand the real world you live in when its filtered, altered or shaped by a Western perspective. Whether you know it or not, you have subconsciously absorbed Western influances. Both good and bad. Do your best to recognize the bad and free yourselves of them. Don't have final opinions on anything when you are basing your opinions solely on Western books or living in the Western world. You have heard the term "think out of the box". Well, I say to you learn to "think out of your skin". When assessing or evaluating something, come out of yourself and look at it from above and take into consideration as many sources as you can. In others words, don't allow your ego, arrogance, environment, personal experiences, hormones, sexual frustrations or biases cloud your reasoning. More importantly, never assume you know best, never assume you know everything. It's wonderful that you are very intelligent and have strong opinions - but don't be rigid or final in your convictions. I have made similar mistakes throughout my life and I continue doing so. I have however learned to always question myself, even my core beliefs. I am therefore always evaluating and re-evaluating my opinions, my beliefes and evolving them accordingly. When you do this you will find that you are fine-tuning your rhetoric and seeing the world from a deeper perspective. Doing this may also help you see that some of your long-held beliefs may actually need some changing. Life is a lifelong school where the individual spirit is expected to develop and grow in order to pass on to bigger and better things. Those who stop their learing at a young age (either because they think they know everything or because learning does not interest them) are those who stop developing/evolving as human beings and as spiritual beings. Learning should be a life-long journey and opinions/ideas should evolve accordingly along the way.
LG, I outright reject Marxism's atheism and I am somewhat uncomfortable with they way Marxism approaches property ownership. As with all political systems in existence today Marxism/Communism had serious flaws. But, overall, it is a better system than what existed in the West, especially for developing nations. That Communism collapsed and the West reached heights of power and wealth in recent decades has little to do with the actual values of the said political systems and more to do with the inner workings of geopolitics and the behind-the-scenes machinations of the global elite. Trust me, had the global elite wanted to collapse the West instead, they could do it, and you today would be talking about hundreds-of-millions of people killed around the world by the Christian West. The global elite didn't cull the West and I don't think they ever will essentially because they live in the West and their wealth and powers is concentrated in the West. Remember that we live off the crumbs that fall off their banquet tables. Anyway, in the big picture, had Communism been a terrible thing, the nation of Cuba (arguably the best country in the southern hemisphere despite its 60-plus year old blockade by Uncle Sam) and China (economically the world's number two superpower) would not be around today. Vietnam is another shining example of how Communism can work wonders for certain kinds of people. Moreover, let's recall that Western Capitalism has actually incorporated many elements from Marxism. Had Westernization and Capitalism been a wonderful system Armenia would not be where it is today. Today's "Democratic and Capitalistic" Armenia is a mere shadow of its former Soviet self. Everything we hate about the system of government in place in Armenia today is due to the Democratic and Capitalistic hysteria our spiritually dead and politically ignorant people adopted 25 years ago. It's wonderful that you talk about regulating Capitalism. Well, how about regulating and improving Marxism instead? How about taking positive elements found in Marxism and merge them with nationalism and Christianity? How about taking the best elements of Marxism and allowing the existence of small-to-mid sized businesses? In other words, what about creating National Socialism? Finally, attacking Karl Marx merely for his Jewish genes is the definition of raw racism. I didn't expect you to go there. Besides, genetically, Jews and Armenians are somewhat smilar. I have pointed out before that Jews originated in Asia Minor. We share similar traits. They just happen to be bred differently.
DeleteSarkis, whether you believe it or not a spiritual world exists. In our past the spiritual side of the cosmos had many portholes bringing beings into contact with mankind in the material world and vice-versa. This traffic of sorts lies at the root of world religions and not man's wishful thinking or imagination or extraterrestrials. Sociopolitical processes in recent centuries, which perhaps contain supernatual elements within them, have moved mankind away from the spiritual side of the cosmos. The spiritually dead materialism of the current era makes it virtually impossible for individuals to see or feel any of this. But consider this: Imagine computers one day becoming so sophisticated and so intelligent that they can think on their own. Computer systems or robots with Artificial Intelligence are fundamentally a primitive form of life. If AI is built by palstics, metals and electric currents, living organisms are build by flesh, blood and a life force yet unexplained by man. The difference between AI and humans is essentially this: One has a soul whereas the other has a programmed mind. Now, think of this: AI did not materialize randomly or by chance, like idiots who call themselves Darwinists claim mankind did. Many decades of intensive labor by thousands of brilliant minds have gone into developing AI. AI will continue developing for centuries to come and it will begin resembling a life form. Now imagine this: Similar to how a group of scientists and technicians are behind processes that takes place inside AI, supernatural forces are the underlying factor behind things that happen in our material world. Therefore, is it far fetched to think we humans are to the spiritual world what an electronic process on a cumputer screen is to the technical world? We see things happening on earth and in the cosmos but we don't see the supernatural processes behind them. Like so many others under Anglo-American-Jewish influence you have simply decided to stick with the physical/material world and look down on and even insult those of us who have been able to maintain our spiritual perspective. Those who have blindly sided with the physical world and have rejected the spirit world have basically sided with the lords of the material world (aka lucifer and satan). It's sad. Finally, there is nothing wrong with conservatism per se. Conservatism is just another word for traditonalism. For your information, Russia is also a conservative country and Kremlin officials have been doing their best in recent years to promote conservative as well as Christian values. The problem you are refering to is political "conservatism" in the Anglo-American-Jewish world. Therefore, the real problem is that conservatism, like everything else in life today, is hijacked by Anglo-American-Jewish political interests.
DeleteThe comment of yours which I quoted essentially called anyone who dislikes communism a psychotic. You never mentioned historical nuances. Perhaps you should be more careful with how you word your points. You bring up Black Book of Communism. Did you read it? If not then you can't discuss it. So lets not waste time unless you read it. Your comments on so called conservatives are mostly correct. You did pull them from this article however in your last reply to me:
I am not a Republican, I am not a conservative in the anglo-american sense, nor am I a libertarian so I really don't have an issue with what you said. Next time you can skip writing about this at least in regards to me. The 2 links below will give you a better idea of the Traditionalism/conservatism I identify with:
"had Christianity come about the same time as communism, its already considerable body count would easily number in the multi-millions."
There is no way to know that. Whereas we do know how many millions communism killed and that it failed as a working ideology.
DeleteBy your definition we are all influenced by various propaganda. So what propaganda has influenced you? My ideas on religion have been influenced by my readings on esoteric Christianity, comparative religious books, and conversations with priests and other folks who know more about religion than I. But yes perhaps subconsciously other sources have been an influence too. I share your desire to seek the truth hence why I post here and ask questions. But when I see bs I call it out.
While I respect your theory that communism collapsed purely because of geopolitics and the role of western based globalists, I have had enough interaction with people who lived in the USSR and other communist states to know that the day to day operation of the countries in questions had serious flaws too. Ones that were not addressed, unlike in the case of China and Vietnam which both decided to evole into national bolshevism and soft fascism. Cuba is still a mess, I can attest to this because I have 2 friends who recently returned from a holiday spent on the island nation and confirmed how utterly poor the situation remains. And I don't think I need to mention the wonders communism has done for the Korean people north of the 38th parallel :)
Also your theory would need more evidence to prove. I am of course open to the idea but I don't believe it to be the only cause of the demise of communism (in most of the world).
Armenians have serious internal issues which predate communism and capitalism/democracy. You know this and I know this. Yes, in many ways Soviet Armenia was superior to modern Armenia, that is what happens when you are part of a large empire and not a small state surrounded by hostile powers and banana republics.
Let us assume that jews are related to us. So what? They are still carrying out their interests which often goes against our interests. Georgians and azerbaijanis are partially related to us as well, but both are asshole peoples as far as I am concerned. You know I am correct so why are you acting as if calling out the jews is a bad thing?
DeleteMy influences? Well, I would say almost fifty years of life on earth and all the experiences both good and bad that comes along with it; a life-long familiarity with the Western world, the Middle East and Armenia; a life-long study of history, politics, religion and military matters; military experience at a younger age; and a lot of painful introspection and contemplation. Yet, I'm still just as flawed and prone to errors as anyone else and I am just as influenced by Western civilization. Also, I'm not very intelligent nor am I very talented. That said, I do however have the natural ability to think and see clearly (i.e. look at things free of my emotions and see things in the big picture) and I have always been a very good judge of character (i.e my senses are very developed). I would say I am wiser than I am intelligent. So, just know that I'm not talking down at anyone nor am I showcasing my Armenian ego. Although my political rhetoric comes across as being somewhat arrogant and self-assured, I, in reality, always doubt myself. I always reevaluate/reassess my core beliefs and change them accordingly. I am merely a concerned soul who has a burning desire and an overwhelming urge to teach, give advice and share ideas. Something inside me pushes me to have an influence on the world around me. I therefore try to be as thoughtful, as balanced, as objective and as rational as I can.
Doing so makes me, a proud Armenian, look at my people and point out all its serious flaws instead of engaging in feel-good rhetoric like all the others... Doing so makes me, a person who has lived in and appreciates western culture and standard of living, look at Russia, a nation I probably could never live in, and claim it to be the savior of the world... Doing so makes me, someone what used to wear "kill a commie for mommy" button on my jacket during high school and someone who would never voluntarily live under communism, look at communism and conclude that for some areas of the world it works much better than other systems of government... Doing so makes me study all religions, including the occult, despite me being an avowed Christian... Doing so makes me, a grandson of genocide survivors, look at Armenia's predatory neighbors and still think we have to in the long-run somehow settle our problems with them.
Moreover, I rarely discuss things I am not keenly familiar with and I am never afraid to admit fault. If there is anything good about me it's my ability to think outside of my skin. People may be more intelligent or more talented than I am, but they tend to be captives to their egos, emotions and personal biases. This psychological baggage of people, very pronounced in Armenians, cancels out their intelligence and talent. So, I may not be as intelligent or as talented others but I, unlike others, have the ability to think deeply and express it clearly. I think this is my fundamental advantage and this is what makes my political observations and this blog unique. In my humble opinion...
DeleteRegarding Communism: I'm simply trying approach the topic from an intellectual angle (i.e. free of cultural influences, predetermined notions, personal biases and emotions). So, with that said, I think you still have not fully thought through your rhetoric. Communism did not collapse. The Soviet Union collapsed. And the Soviet Union collapsed for a number of reasons: Geopolitics, machinations of the global elite and also because it had become a very unimaginative and rigid system of government. The old guard in the Soviet Politburo was easily corrupted, not unlike what you are seeing in the US today. Because many lesser Communist nations were dependent on the Soviet behemoth, when the Soviet Union collapsed, they collapsed as well. Communism took a major step backward on the world stage not because it was a bad political system per se but because it's ideological, economical, financial and military epicenter no longer existed.
This is where you need some objectivity and clear thinking.
Ask yourself: What would happen if the American Empire collapses as unexpectedly as the Soviet Union did? Don't you think it will take many-many nations around the world down with it? Of course it would. Well, this is exactly what happened when the Soviet Union collapsed, it took down a number of nations with it. This happened not simply because Communism was bad but because the old and corruptible leadership in the mother-ship so to speak had essentially surrendered to their enemies.
The smart thing to have done after the Soviet collapse was to keep Communism in place. And it would have been even smarter to systematically/gradually improve it. In other words, tailor make it to our national specifications. Similar to what has happened in places like China and Vietnam.
You seem to have a psychological and even perhaps a personal issue with Cuba. The country you for some strange reason hate so much is arguably the best country in the southern hemisphere. Before your 2 friends, whoever they are, expressed their personal views on the country, they should have instead first traveled to the rest of the countries in the region and see the - utter poverty, despair, crime, civil war, government corruption, unemployment, undereducation, bad medical care, bad food distribution, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, etc - that is the norm in central and southern America and the Caribbean.
Did you really need me to point this out to you? I thought you said you could see through BS?
Incidentally, if Cuba is a "mess", it is the same kind of mess that exists in perhaps 90% of countries around the world today. You can send your two friends to Armenia and they could say the same crap about Armenia. Unfortunately,you are beginning to sound like all those Western-backed Libyans that destroyed Libya several years ago saying the country was a total mess under Qaddafi and needed fixing. It's sad. Again, Cuba is arguably the best country in the southern hemisphere, this despite the 60-plus year old aggression and sanctions is has faced from the region's political, economic and military monster...
DeleteRegarding North Korea: North Korea is as Communist as Nazi Germany was Christian. North Korea is a pure dictatorship and a fully militarized society. North Koreans also know that the most powerful weapon they have in their arsenal is their ability to bark loud and act crazy. In other words, faced with an opponent that they know could easily defeat them, a lot of their rhetoric is designed to be overly aggressive. It's a scare tactic and also a way to get economic concessions. Moreover, I would tell you not to believe much of what you are told about the country, unless you have lived there and you really know what you are talking about. Think of it this way: Those who have been telling you lies about Russia, Iran, Libya, Serbia and Syria are also telling you lies about North Korea. Makes sense? Think of it this way: Pakistan is much more of a mess and much more dangerous than North Korea. Where is the 24/7 hysteria about Pakistan?
I don't think you have given enough thought about this topic either.
Again, I see you blurring your thinking process with preconceived notions and environmental influences. Nations like China, Vietnam, Angola and Cuba are examples of how Communism can be made to work, especially for non-western peoples. Let me give you another history lesson: Consider Afghanistan. I know it's hard to imagine but it was a very normal nation under Communism - until Anglo-American-Jews and their Wahhabist allies in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia brought democracy, capitalism and Islamic extremism to the country:
Afghanistan 1960 to 1980 - Once upon a time AFGHANISTAN:
Afghanistan 1960:
Afghanistan under Soviet Rule, This is what the Yankees overthrew:
As to Marx's genetics: I can also say "so what?". What does a particular person's genetics have to do in an intellectual conversation? I told you that Karl Marx (who could careless about Judaism or Jewish interests) was not alone in formulating the Communist manifesto. European intelligentsia at the time, as a whole, was involved in the burgeoning movement. You know me well enough to know that I am among the first to "call out Jews" when need be. I am also among the first in line to warn about organized Jewry. But I, at this stage in my life, would not attack a person solely because of their Jewish or even Turkish heritage. That's raw racism and that's for idiots. Therefore basing an opinion about someone merely on their genetic heritage is stupid. I don't want to have that conversation.
Speaking of Jews, Stephen Cohen, Seymour Hersh, Mordechai Vanunu, Ralph Schoenman, Norman Finkelstein, Israel Shahak, Noam Chomsky, Brother Nathanael (I'd like to believe he is genuine) are all genetically Jewish and I have great respect for them all. I actually wish my people had such morally courageous and intellectual public figures.
I guess what I am trying to tell you is to be objective, balanced, rational and nuanced in everything in life if you want to develop spiritually and intellectually. Don't box yourself in with environmental/societal influences, genetics, fancy terms, predetermined ideas and your friends' opinions - which by the way should include mine as well.
Arevordi, your a political philosopher and my guru. i picture you with a long beard wearing a long robe sitting thinking in a cabin in the mountains. but seriously you should really think about publishing some of your writings.
DeleteArevordi, that was good advice.
DeleteI don't quite understand how Darwin fits into the discussion here. As I have said before, the theory of evolution is completely inadequate in providing an explanation of how or why life began in the first place, nor does it explain how a complex coding language such as DNA could have come about in any other way than being created. Natural selection / evolution may or may not explain the relationship between obviously related groupings of animals (e.g. primates with other primates, fish with other fish, etc.) but it provides no rationale as to how or why these species could be related to earlier, primitive forms, or even less how any of them could come from an alleged last universal common ancestor. And Darwin's theories are absolutely inadequate to explain how humans and hominids would be produced by these mechanisms without some sort of guided, intentional outside manipulation. So I'm not a Darwinist, and I find it disgusting how Darwinism is now protected from criticism with the same zeal as in the old anti-heresy laws which once protected the Vatican. For what its worth to the current discussion: from Hitler to Putin, great leaders who love their nations have always promoted Christianity. Therefore, I support Christianity. For arguments sake, if I were in charge of the secret police, anyone attacking Orthodox Christianity would be in a shitload of trouble. In fact, even those who state they are devout Christians but who show too much enthusiasm in the pagan heritage of our ancestors would get a friendly warning to correct their ways from my secret police. So let's agree that we are all on the same page here, we just arrived via different paths. If it helps anyone to frame current geopolitical struggles as a battle between Good and Evil, then more power to them. The role of a National Church should be to force the ignorant masses to understand that they will be rewarded with eternal Glory if they resist Evil (i.e. resist jews, turk, America, the EU, NATO, jihadis, and the western lifestyle; and to fanatically attack anyone promoting that trash) and also to threaten them with eternal damnation (and maybe an actual public crucifixion or trip to Khor Virap for the worst offenders) if for weaklings who give into the false promises and shekels from the forces of Evil. If Armenians weren't spiritually dead, then interracial fetishists like Kim Kardashian and Alexis Ohanian would not be celebrities inside Armenia, and our pathetic men would be more concerned with telling their women not to abort our race out of existence instead of masturbation to "my Mercedes, bro."
If anyone thought that I posted those anti-Christian points above to insult anyone, they would be mistaken. I merely posted those because I wanted to demonstrate to Obergruppenführer L.G. that the style of argument he used against communism can just as easily be applied to other systems, and that style is always just as ineffective. The point I wanted to make is that history is nuanced, just like Christianity was responsible both for scientific repression as well as some of Europe's finest cultural achievements, communism was responsible both for gulags as well as raising the living standards of millions of primitive people around the world.
I'm glad to see L.G. taking a harder line against jews based on genetics, I wish more Armenians would do that. Such thinking is sorely lacking in L.A. I just don't want to see it applied only to attack Marx, and then thrown aside when you meet a jew who claims that he is your friend and supports your views. Conservatives make that mistake... For what its worth, I like a handful of jews, including but not limited to Nathaneal Kapner, Bobby Fischer, Mordechai Vananu, and Stanley Kubrick. It's not enough to salvage them as a race though.
DeleteFrom the context of this discussion and the general posts I make here, I thought it should have been clear what my comment was originally referring to. But I agree more precise words are always better.
I'm glad you found that article by Eric Striker that I based my post on. I thought it was appropriate because --not trying to insult you-- you really so sound like a conservative in the anglo-american sense with many of your arguments, even neoconservative with regards to the big, bad communists just looking to murder millions of people for no good reason. Striker had an equally great article on the death of Fidel Castro, I thought of you when I first read it because it was meant to address people with a streotypical conservative mindset re: Cuba, which includes you.
Fidel Castro Passes Away at Age 90
Your point about Cuba being poor is pretty silly. Again, it is a classic conservative talking point that deflects to ideology that which is caused by race. The reason Cuba (or Venezuela) are poor is because Cubans as a people are largely a brown and black mix, with very little White. I have the great fortune of living in an area that is almost 100% enriched by Mestizos and pure-blooded American Indians from Mexico, and I can assure you that after having met thousands of them, they are absolutely a subspecies of human incapable of high civilization - if you bred these people with Africans you'd get a Cuba-like population. There is no such thing as a non-White and non-Oriental country that is rich, apart from those that are sitting on tons of natural resources. That's just a fact. There is not a single black or brown nation in Africa or in Latin America that is a decent place to live. The same is true for brown people in the Middle East and Asia. It is even true for black and brown areas within White nations. And any examples of wealthy or somewhat developed nations are a legacy of when White men ruled these nations, or the relatively small White population that keeps the lights on (South Africa, Cuba, Mexico, Brazil.) Communism, capitalism, dictatorship, democracy, monarchy, whatever system you have in place, the black and brown masses are too stupid, too violent, too primitive, too irrational to produce orderly societies. That being said, communism was the best Cuba could have hoped for. A nation that would otherwise be composed of cannibals and drug lords is so successful that it sends doctors around the world to help poor people.
Basing your opinion on two friends who went to Cuba and all of the baggage they must carry is a pretty bad idea. Imagine if someone was friends with faggot Raffi Elliot and they judged Armenia based on what Elliot and some staffer from an traitorous Dashnak press organ intern said about Armenia. You don't even have to guess, just visit the Armenia page on Reddit and read some of the comments there. I agree with Arevordi here, you really seem to have a personal vendetta against Cuba that cannot possibly be grounded in any logic relevant to this blog. The only place where such anti-Castro sentiments have a following are among impotent, National Review subscribing American conservative circles.
I read enough summary's of the Black Book to know what its about. I've read enough summaries of "Atlas Shrugged" and of famous jew-authored psychology books to know what they are about and what their intentions were behind writing these books to disagree with their content. If I wanted to read an interesting book on the formative years of communism, I'd read "The Revolution Betrayed" by Trotsky in order to get a better understanding of what his intentions were. But I'm not that interested.
Arevordi, you know perfectly well that I was referring to American and European conservatives (neocons, evangelicals, and people like geert wilders.) And you know perfectly well that the overlaps between what you are describing as traditionalism and the type of conservationism I was talking about are incidental and secondary. Russia may see conservatives in the west as a tool, but that is all conservatives could ever be. Can you imagine anyone who watches Bill O'Reily or Sean Hannity being actually pro-Russian? Let's not kid ourselves here.
DeleteTraditionalism is great, the only time traditionalism has been truly defended and promoted was under the revolutionary regime of the National Socialists in Germany. Arguably the revolutionary regime of Stalin promoted it in a sense after World War II. And the revolutionary regime of North Korea largely promotes it today, and Cuba did to a degree under Castro (no gay pride or other filth in Havana.) To be honest, Muslims and Orientals preserve traditionalism infinitely better than westerns, that is why Muslims and Orientals are not dying in front of our eyes. My point still stands, no conservative has defended or promoted anything resembling traditionalism in America or western Europe since World War II, they only promoted Zionism and big business along with lip service to Christianity to keep the braindead religious right voters in line.
Those are good influences :)
DeleteAbout Cuba, well please compare it with Chile, Argentina, Peru and Uruguay for example. If you can still in all honestly claim that it is ahead of these countries, all of which are ahead partially because at some point they had military dictatorships that ensured they didn't become communist, then I think it may be you who has a psychological and personal issue with Cuba. And if that is the case then no need to discuss the issue with me. Moreover I have studied the country for sometime now, so this is not me quoting a Heritage foundation report about Cuba for example. Incidentally, when was the last time you were in Cuba or Latin America for that matter? I would like to hear your personal take if you have one to offer. Anecdotal evidence has its place too.
Afghanistan was a normal country under its king, before the communists took over and in turn opened the door to islamic fundamentalists.
I think communism can only work on a small level. At the meta level it has not worked. In all cases the countries that tried it had to resort to other means to augment the system. That doesn't say much about the said ideology. Think Lenin and the NEP for example. However, I do agree that there is no one size fits all ideology. Some states do better under autocratic regimes versus liberal regimes.
I agree that if USA falls apart its satellites in Europe will go in wildly different directions. Some of them may become full socialist and others turn to fascism or military junta system.
As for genetics, well you yourself have talked about how it determines certain outward behaviors. So why are you dismissing its importance now? And I was not basing my opinion on marx because he was a jew. His ideology is the main problem. But have you noticed that most of these harmful -isms which you like to list from time to time were either created by a jew and/or are financed by jews currently. See a pattern?
DeleteUnder it dictatorial king Afghanistan was a leftist/socialist nation and a client of the Soviet Union. Moreover, Kabul was rife with Marxists. There was a geopolitical tug-of-war over Afghanistan in the 1970s between the Soviet Union and Western powers and their regional allies. Fearing it will lose control over the country, and perhaps wanting to get closer to Pakistan, the Soviets invaded. It was a historic mistake. The Soviets overextended themselves and became seen around the world as an aggressor state - the evil empire. Invading Afghanistan was no doubt a major geostrategic blunder. That said, Afghanistan was, as a nation-state with normally functioning institutions and infrastructure, doing just fine under Socialism, Communism and Soviet rule. Afghanistan's nightmare started when the Socialists, Communist and Soviets were chased out of the country by Western and Wahhabist interests. Speaking of friends, one of my oldest friends is an Afghan (Tadjik) war refugee. Orphaned at a very young age he brought to the states in the mid 1980s. He currently resides near Washington DC. Back then he used to be very anti-Russian. Today, he says the greatest mistake Afghans ever made was taking up arms against the Soviet Union.
My "psychological and personal" issue with Cuba is as deep as my psychological and personal issue with the Congo. In other words, there isn't any. I simply see Cuba as an underdog; the little fiesty guy who has successfully stood up to the big bad bully, and I refuse to believe what we are being told about the country from the same people who have given us destructive lies after destructive lies. Also, I see Castro as one of the most pivotal and successful leaders of the 20th century.
With that said, read what I wrote carefully: I said Cuba is "arguably" the best state in the region. No doubt Chile, Peru and Argentina are more developed than Cuba. But then again, unlike the aforementioned who have substantial trade/finance/military relations with the US, Cuba has been enduring 60-plus years of aggression from the US. That aside, Cuba, overall as a country is no doubt better off than the American colonies of Mexico and Puerto Rico for example. Despite all the obstacles it faces, Cuba has low rates of violent crime, narcotics trafficking, prostitution, etc. Despite all its obstacles, everyone in Cuba at least has a job, a place to live, free quality education and free quality medical care. These are things most central and south Americans inside Washington's orbit can only dream about. Speaking of medical care, one of Cuba's largest exports to the world today are medical personel. Moreover, despite facing the American behemoth and being abandoned by the Soviet Union, Cuba still has a very capable military and intelligence services. Don't compare Cuba to the US. Compare Cuba to the norm in the southern Hemisphere. Anyway, at the end of the day, Cuba is not a country that you or I would want to live in.
Sarkis is right. When observing a nation, before you look at its system of government or economy, look at its genetic makeup. A nation can only be as good as the people it's populated with. Think of it this way: Just like a race car driver is dependent on the type of vehicle he drives to win a race, a political system is dependent on the people it operates within to be successful. How well would the best sports car driver in the world do in an auto race if he was forced to drive a Kia minivan when the others are driving Porsches? In other words, take a capable leader and put him in charge of a problamatic and/or underperforming people, the capabe leader will not be able to to do much. There is another way of looking at this: If you have a very capable vehicle (i.e. a politically responsible and capable population), even a mediocre leader would be able to do great things. Nations like Cuba and Armenia will therefore have limitations regardless of what system of government they adopt. Now, let's please get off the Cuba topic.
DeleteUltimately, I agree with you. For educated, intelligent, ambitous and talented societies, Marxism/Communism is a road to nowhere. However, for peasant-based societies (a majority of the world) degrees of Marxism/Communism can be a good thing. That said, Capitalism is also a road to nowhere and may even be more destructive in the long run. It should therefore be rejected as well. If it was up to me, I rather combine the best elements of Communism (like social welfare ) and Capitalism (like incentive based economy) and create a 'tailor made 'system that could work for a nation like Armenia. Incidentally, Markar Melkonian (Monte's brother) is an unabashed Socialist: He has a lot of very well written articles about Armenia, Socialism and Capitalism -
A Conversation in Havana: Lessons for Armenia?:
Resurrection: Building of Soviet Yerevan:
Armenia: Return of the Russophobes:
Armenia: What Could Democracy Be? (part 1):
What Could Democracy Be? (part 2):
Armenia: Where is Our “Left"?:
“But What Are You For?”:
Defending Armenia’s Workers – Is Class Struggle on the Agenda?:
Barbarism or Socialism? Lessons for Armenia:
Never Having to Say ‘Sorry’: American Imperialism is Like Love:
No to Plunder, No to Maidan:
Look Who’s Going to Teach Armenia About Voting:
In Armenia the Rich Rule: Liberal Democracy Is Plutocracy:
Armenians Need to Lose Their Faith in the Free Market:
Whether you agree with him or not you should read what he has to say. I think Markar is one of our least known intellectuals.
Regarding genetics: Again, read what I have written closely: I have said genetics and folk culture (which is in turn influenced by genetics) impact nations in two ways: On a personal level and on a collective, national level. Now, on a personal level Jewish genes and folk culture make Jews ideological driven, professionally ambitious, intelligent and talented. On a collective level, Jewish genes and Jewish folk culture make Jews parasitical and dangerous. Now, let's please also get off the Jew topic.
Fidel Castro’s Blood in Armenia:
DeleteSoviet Union Deputy Premier Anastas Mikoyan in Havana to attend a ceremony. HD Stock Footage:
Communism in Armenia should have been improved instead of dismantled. Neocons and capitalists can eat shit. Fidel Castro was one of the greatest leaders in our times and he was a friend of Armenians.
We are on the same side so I won't let this issue get blown out of proportion.
DeleteI mostly agree with what you 2 have written and I think you feel the same, the primary exception being about Cuba. I realize that I've read about the issue and had discussions with people who are knowledgeable on said issue. You two have read something else hence why you hold the opinions that you do. At this point it is obvious I am wasting my time and perhaps you are too when discussing this question. Lets agree to disagree.
Armenian asked about my interest in Cuba, it stems from a relative of mine (by marriage) having his family's assets/properties taken away when fidel came to power. This happened to other middle income and well to do Armenian and non Armenian families. In the case of Armenians it was worse because they were only 1 generation removed from the Genocide. If you did not know, Cuba was an important immigration hub and endpoint during the end of the 19th century and first couple of decades of the 20th. Many white Russians found refuge there and so did Armenians, a number of whom continued on to USA, Canada, and other Latin American states. Anyway, long story short that is where my interest initially came from.
Now we can move on, cheers!
Armenian what are your thoughts on this commentary about the recent skirmish that took place in the region of Tavush.
Never been a fan of this guy or this western financed radio station. So forgive me for not being able to watch more than ten minutes of this nonesense. This guy's irrationality is what I'm talking about when I say Armenian emotions, arrogance and political illiteracy always gets in the way of Armenia's long term political progress and military success.
DeleteFrom what I cought, this moron says Russia is not a reliable ally... He then says Armenia gets all its weapons from Russia, the unreliable ally. And somehow comes to the conclusion that since Armenia has Russia it therefore does not need the CSTO. The moron fails to say that CSTO 'is' Russia. The moron fails to mention that Russia 'wants' Armenia in the CSTO. The moron goes on to make the claim that membership in CSTO will turn NATO against Armenia. Really? Armenia has been a target of NATO not because of CSTO but because it has Russian troops stationed in the country and because Yerevan and Moscow have close bilateral relations. Should we do away with Russia's economic assistance and military protection because morons like this guy are afraid of NATO?
This brings up another matter: For Armenia, NATO is Turkey. So, this guy is essentially afraid of Turkey. So, he does not want to be in CSTO to stop being afraid of Turkey? The moron also says other CSTO nations will never come to Armenia's aid. Ok. But the moron fails to mention that if we expect for example Central Asian republics to send troops for Armenia's defense, Armenia would need to send troops to their defense as well. Are we willing to send Armenians to die protecting Tadjikistan's borders with Afghanistan? The moron also fails to mention that similar to how NATO is an American show, the CSTO is a Russian show. So, being in CSTO means you are dealing with Russia. If Armenia was invaded, it would be Russia coming to Armenia's aid, not Belarus, not Kazakhstan, not Tadjikistan. If Tadjikistan got invaded, it would be Russia going to the rescue.
I don't know how well you understand military matters and geopolitics but trust me this moron's rhetoric is nonsense and on many levels it borders on being suicidal.
Think for a moment: Just because Russians are not running to save Armenian troops on the Azeri border this moron wants Armenia to get out of CSTO. Getting out of the CSTO essentially means putting an end to Armenia's alliance with Russia because as I said earlier Moscow wants Armenia in the CSTO. Armenia gets cheep and at times free weaponry, military intelligence and military training because of its alliance with Russia and its memberhsip in Russian led blocs just like CSTO. Also, by keeping Turks at bay in the west Russia gives Armenia the opportunity to concentrate efforts on keeping Azeris at bay in the east.
Can we grown some backbone and for once act like we have a nation that we alone are ultimately responsible for?
I find it very ironic/strange that the minute Azeris fire a shot it is always our Russophobes - those who want 'independence' from Russia - that demand Russian help. What happened to all those "nationalists" who think that by uniting they can beat anyone? What happened to independence from Russia?
Apparently, these Russophobes are not satisfied with the billions-of-dollars in Russian arms provisions and military training and protection from Turkey, they also want Russians to stop Azeris from killing Armenians. Apparently these "nationalists" want Russians to spoon feed us. Why don't we just hand over the country to them in that case? If we are to bitch and complain and throw temper-tantrums everytime an Armenian dies in defense of Armenia then we dont deserve statehood. These morons want Russians to save us from every danger on earth yet they also want “independence” from Russia and they want equal treatment by Russia.
Have these morons really thought through their Russophobia?
All in all, this moron is just another well meaning, arrogant idiot who is getting paid to go on air and spew some anti-Russian bullshit. Western financed activists, news agencies and radio stations are in the business of giving guys like this a platform to spew anti-Russian hyseria for a few dollars. I know for a fact that before these morons write their articles or go on the air, they are told to be critical of Russia. They get paid to do this. And the sad part is that the naive sheeple get infected with their poison. This is how Western powers create alternative realities. This is why I say perception is reality. Anyway, please don't waste my time with this kind of bullshit. If you want to read a thorough/comprehensive response to this kind of Russophobic nonsense read all my previous blog entries concerning Russia and Armenia. The only thing this guy is good for is to put you to sleep with this monotone voice and bloodhound face...
DeleteOn this day we commemorate the birth of the Son of God. On this day let us also recall that as the Jewish king was searching for the infant Christ to kill him, three Zoroastrian priests from Persia or Armenia were traveling to Palestine to worship him: "we saw his star in the east and have come to worship him". Merry Christmas to all my Orthodox brothers and sisters around the world.
ReplyDeleteс Рождеством Христовым
Քրիստոս Ծնաւ եւ Յայտնեցաւ
Christ is born, glorify him!
Delete"Thy nativity, O Christ our God,
has shown to the world the light of wisdom;
for by it, those who worshipped the stars
were taught by a star to adore Thee
the Sun of Righteousness,
and to know Thee, the Orient from on high.
O Lord, glory to Thee." (Troparion of the Feast)
"Today the virgin, gives birth to the incomprehensible One;
and the earth offers a cave to the unapproachable One;
Angels and shepherds glorify Him;
the Wisemen journey with a star;
since for our sakes is born the ETERNAL GOD, as a little Child." (Kontakion of the Feast)
Trump vs the CIA: Jew-Run Spy Agency Makes Hard Push with Russian Hacking Hoax Report!
Eric Striker sums up the Russian hacking hoax report.
Where are those Sasna Dzrer faggots to attack the fucks behind this shit?
«Հայաստանյան օրենսդրական բազան բավարար է նման դեպքերով գործեր հարուցելու համար». Սիրո, ատելության եւ մի նկարի պատմություն
I was pleasently surpised when this weekend OAN (One America News Network), a right wing, pro-Trump news agency, aired a short video clip about the close relationship Russia and the United States have historically had. It felt like it could have been written by the Heralding the Rise of Russia blog. Thankfully, someone has already put it on Youtube -
ReplyDeleteHistory of Russian American relations in 2 minutes (OAN):
Anytime a "terrorist" incident takes place these days I immediately begin looking for anomalies, things that just don't make sense, things such as passports being left behind, lack of photo/video evidence, government drills taking place about the same time of the incident, reports of multiple actors involved in the incident that are later explained away or refuted by government officials. Well, I'm noticing that the latest act of terror at the airport in Fort Lauderdale, Florida is already revealing three glaring anomalies.
ReplyDeleteFirst anomaly: At the time of the incident there were several police reports as well as several live eyewitness testimonies about multiple shooters involved during the incident. Officials later suggested this was an error. However, several people interviewed live by news agencies present at the airport immediately after the incident took place clearly claimed they had heard additional gunshots in the airport garage about an hour after the terror suspect was supposedly neutralized by law enforcement.
Second anomaly: A day after the incident at the airport, it was reported that the terror suspect had previously complained to authorities about hearing voices in his mind telling him to kill. It was also reported that the terror suspect had previously gone to the FBI office in Alaska to tell them that the CIA was trying to get him to join ISIS. There have been similar cases in the past with individuals complaining that they were being brainwashed or being experimented on with psychedelic drugs. Some time ago we had a discussion here where I speculated that brainwashing through such types of drugs could be behind some of the terror acts we have been witnessing in recent years. We even discussed how ISIS terrorists were being drugged on battlefields of Syria to make them aggressive, fearless and suicidal. We even discussed the "Beast of Kandahar" and "Manchurian Candidates".
Third anomaly: News reports are also claiming that before the terror incident took place, the state government in Florida was getting ready to begin major discussions about "open carry" gun laws in Florida airports.
Now, I ask: Is the terror suspect simply a homicidal lunatic who just happened to "snap" while he was at the airport in Florida, or is he a by-product of some covert mind-control experiments being conducted by secretive agencies like the CIA? The coinciding of the terror attack at the Florida airport and the gun legislation currently being debated in Florida merely a result of coincidence, or is it a result of a setup by higher powers? What were the gunshots many people at the airport claimed to have heard after the terror suspect was said to be under arrest? If the terror suspect was feeling homicidal/suicidal in Alaska, why did he purchase a one way ticket to Florida to carry out the killings there?
Airport Shooter Said He Was "Mind Controlled" By A U.S. Intelligence Agency:
FBI not ruling out terrorism as motive in Florida airport shooting :
Airport Shooter Said He Was “Mind Controlled” By A U.S. Intelligence Agency:
Esteban Santiago's brother blames FBI for killings as Fort Lauderdale shooting suspect may face death penalty:
Fort Lauderdale airport shooting comes amid Florida debate about allowing open carry in airports:
@ISIS terrorists were being drugged on battlefields of Syria to make them aggressive, fearless and suicidal.
DeleteHistory repeats itself, but in this case as a greater tragedy.
"The Assassins(Hashashin) is a name used to refer to the medieval Nizari Ismailis. Often described as a secret order led by a mysterious “Old Man of the Mountain” the Nizari Ismailis were an Islamic sect that formed in the late 11th century from a split within Ismailism – itself a branch of Shia Islam. The Nizaris posed a military threat to Sunni Seljuq authority within their territories by capturing and inhabiting many unconnected mountain fortresses throughout Persia, and later Syria, under the leadership of Hassan-i Sabbah. Sabbah is typically regarded as the founder of the Assassins, founding the so-called “Nizari Ismaili state” with Alamut Castle as its headquarters. Asymmetric warfare, psychological warfare, and surgical strikes were often an employed tactic of the hashashin, who would draw their opponents into submission rather than risk killing them." (Wiki)
Although strenuously denied by Islamophil historians, the name was derived from the use of hashish in the training of the 'fida'is'.
Don't ignore the possibility that it was simply another in a long line of drills that they pretend are real. This happens all the time nowadays, but usually with non-national events. It is easy to get people to participate in drills, and there are no mothers of the victims (vicsims) to try to get justice till their dying day. Unfortunately, the Western public has been so deadened that they can't tell the difference between total BS and reality.
DeleteEurasian, I mentioned the possibility of drills. Which may explain why a known mental patient with a pistol was allowed to board a flight to Florida. Drill is one aspect of the equation. I believe mind altering drugs is another. Take a close look at modern medicine and computers to realize just how far science has advanced in recent decades. What we see in society/public is merely a fraction of what really exists in secretive government research centers around the world. Is it therefore really far-fetched to think mind control/altering techniques have also come a very long way? When I talk about "Menchurian Candidates" I am essentially refering to an old CIA experiment/progam called Mkultra where mind altering drugs like LSD were said to have been used. LSD is also said to open portholes to the supernatural world. In any case, American officials claim the Mkultra program was ended and all records associated with it destroyed. I very stongly doubt it. I think the program or similar programs have been developing/advancing in secret. It's frightening to think how advanced they may have become. Anyway, I think understanding government sponsored mind control/altering programs like Mkultra and others that we are not yet aware of is key to understanding some false flag operations and mass shootings that have taken place -
DeleteProject MKUltra:
'Stranger Things': The Secret CIA Programs That Inspired Hit Series:
Project Mkultra: One of the Most Shocking CIA Programs of All Time:
LSD: Microdosing and the Supernatural:
'Manchurian Candidate' Was No Mere Fiction:
The Real Story of JACOB’S LADDER: Government Drug Tests and “the Ladder”:
DeleteI agree with you, but just think that a lot of those looking into SSRIs and MK-Ultra are missing the fact that a large percentage of events these days are simply hoaxes. It is, after all, their Talmudic duty. Hoodwinking the masses is a lot more satisfying than simply killing a few people.
By the way, with today's databases and genealogy systems, one can find a lot of connections and info that largely proves that many events of modern times involved too many connections and expected but nonexistent records to be as presented. If one of the victims of some past serial killer was named Peter Pan, and there are no marriage, birth, school, or death records of a Pan family, it raises a lot of questions.
I seem to recall reading that there has been something like a 1000% increase in mass shooting since Obama came in. Sure, many of them were real, but a hell of a lot of don't pass the smell test of having been real.
First off, I want to wish everyone who participates on this blog a late Happy New Year 2017 & Christmas blessings. Been a while since I last commented, but have kept so far with the entries and majority of comments.
^ Sheikh Imran Hosein shames Ottoman Empire
^ "Trump's Job is to Prepare America for War" ~ William Engdahl
Since there was an earlier discussion about this man.
^ Yugoslavia NATO Blueprint For More Wars - William
this was an excellent summary about the deliberate destruction of Yugoslavia and specifically, cleansing of Serbians
Welcome back, մար. Thank you for sharing Sheikh Imran's video. The man is one of the finest representative of the Islamic faith. We see Muslims espousing similar political and theological ideas in places like Syria, Iran and Russia. There is a very noble aspect about classical Islam. This unfortunately has been effectively blotted out in recent decades because of the bloody mess that has been created in the Middle East by Anglo-American-Jews. The Islamic world has been cast into darkness. First by Turks, then by Westerners. I am glad to see men like him shining through the darkness.
DeleteMerci Arevordi, and no problem. Yes, I've been watching his lectures since 2013, now. He's been welcomed positively in Russia & Serbia, too. I believe he is of the Sufi sect. On a side not, would you happen to know any well made documentaries similar to Dennis Wise's Adolph Hitler TGSNT one, about Napoleon though?
Deleteps: I would also add/insert link to your side panel 'media list'
On a different note, is anyone following the possible pedophile ring linked to a pizza place that was revealed in the Podesta emails? It's a conspiracy theory so hot that even Alex Jones decided to stop talking about it! Daily Stormer, to their credit, is the only outlet I know making an effort to keep it alive. Below are two good summary article on the evidence for a pedophile ring, followed by a very disturbing article on a recently busted pedophile ring involving high ranking officials in Norway. I also included a link to Alex Jones announcing that he won't cover Pizzagate, it might be the most dislikes on any official Alex Jones video.
ReplyDelete#Pizzagate: A Few Simple Questions
Massive Cover-Up of Pizzagate Child Sex Ring Allegations
Norwegian #Pizzagate: Police Bust Horrific Pedophile Ring Made Up of Politicians, Cops and Elites
Pizza Gate Is A Diversion From the Greater Crimes in Podesta Wikileaks
Now, if I told you that there were pedophiles who are into weird Satanic rituals and child sacrifice at the the highest levels of the US government, would it really surprise anyone? The evidence in the articles above is compelling enough to warrant some sort of investigation. The atmosphere of that pizza joint from the videos and photos they themselves posted on Instagram alone warrants suspicion, if for nothing else than the fact that the owner is a total freak who happens to be connected to so many DC insiders. Instead there is pretty much a media blackout, and any independent reports are viciously shot down as prima facie "fake news." II guess it could be that the whole thing is totally off base, and the DNC is just run by old men who really get off on pizza, but I'm more inclined to go with "where there is smoke there is usually a fire, or at least reason to look around and make sure everything is alright."
Ryan Dawson has recently been tearing Alex apart:
^ Alex Zionist Jones woodshed IV prayer for Netanyahu
^ Alex when full cuck mode for Israel. He said the Middle East other than the Jews, have no culture and can't build anything. That they only know destruction. Funny because Europe colonized over half the planet and started both world wars.
^ spiritual aspect of why hryas are obsessed with spreading support for sodomy
* *
I read about pizzagate on the unzreview. Indeed the said pizza shop is creepy and there is too many coincidental symbols and words used for my liking. If the justice department were not a political organ of the obama white house perhaps some brave soul from that place would push for a clandestine investigation. But then again I suspect if there is a pedo ring that it includes figures from both sides of the aisle.
DeleteWhat a faggot! Of course everyone knows that Jones was always a clown, but that was some hardcore cucking. The first video you posted began by mentioning Stephan Molyneux (jew.) As I posted in a comment above, these conservative and libertarian types are the lowest form of life. They take real life conspiracies that Jews are responsible for, and babble on and on in an attempt to deflect blame to unprovable "illuminati" and other secret societies, and they threaten violence against anyone who suggests that jews may be responsible for some of the evils they keep crying about. There are other such clowns including Gavin McCinnes (probably bisexual based on his disgusting public anticss, on jew-owned rebel media), Milo Yiannopolous (jew,) Lauren Southern (jew, on jew-owned rebel media) BlackPigeonSpeaks (youtube channel,) Sargon of Akkad, Mike Cernovich, etc. I don't follow any of these people, but I have read about them on various forums (mostly daily stormer.) Basically these people may throw out a few facts about how black people are generally stupider and commit more crimes, in order to attract angry but unthinking/unsophisticated nationalist types. Then they immediately start shilling for jews.
Ryan Dawson seems too liberal for my taste (unlike him I am a racial realist) but he did a good job deconstructing Alex "Super Male Vitality" Jones.
ps One good thing about Jones is that he provides hours of entertainment. There are countless mashups and parody videos of that clown on youtube.
Jones was a tolerable stepping stone in the previous decade, but now he's not fooling anyone other than TBN type hardliners.
DeleteYes, Ry used to be pretty damn liberal, although he classifies himself more of a libertarian-Ron Paul class. That's what happens when you're an atheist, unfortunately. But he's come around almost 180 the past few years, eventually realized that there's just no defending/justifying the left anymore, and he does hint that hryas are behind extreme feminism and decadent Hollywood culture, and he's never defended gandons who want to choose what gender they wish to identify themselves as.. With that said, he is the maker of the finest 9/11 & Iraq war film: War By Deception. It's what attributed to Missing Links.
I don't follow any of those people, either. Ry's woodshedded Molyneux, and Milo is for the 'cuckservative' Young Turks crowd. Right wing homo who supports wars for Israel under the guise of 'fighting Islamic invasion'.
I liked Ken O'keefe, but he's disappeared lately, there's concern that he may have booked it with people's money to Latin America =[
You should check out Max Igan, from Brisbane
CBS News Ben Swann does a "Reality Check" on Pizzagate
Ben Swan did a very good summary on Pizzagate. I am glad to see another big name getting this information out there. Swan was on RT for a bit. As far as I can tell, he is one of the last remaining investigative journalists out there. I sincerely hope he doesn't end up getting "accidented" Michael Hastings style.
According to latest news release Syria has reported that a military compound near Damascus was bombed by the Israeli bandits. Syria has S300 deployed to deter and arrest any air attacks from the Israeli rogues. Again, the bandits drop bombs, cause damage and scurry back into their airspace unscathed and unpunished. The history repeats itself ad infinitum. Alex Jones is a Zog operative. It is to be expected for Alex to spew venom, hurl invective and twist reality for fiction at Zog's behest. It is an inescapable fact and a lamentable scenario that the bandit state is the hegemon in the ME. Whether or not the Arabs are capable of unity, state building, or culture it is irrelevant and it does not detract from the current reality in the region where the Israelis hold sway and supremacy over the hapless people in the region. Since 1948 the poor Arabs have known nothing else than Talmudist engendered wars, endemic wars, bombing, destruction of their nations, enslavement and darkness.
Delete^ Al Qaeda's Air Force strikes again
One of the closest people to President Putin and one of most influential individuals in the world is our very own Margarita Simonyan.
ReplyDeleteThe CIA Has Spoken: Fate of US Democracy in the Hands of Just One Russian Woman!
Russian News Group Walks Tightrope in Covering U.S. Election:
RT exposed in leaked video: Watch how evil 'Kremlin propaganda bullhorn' REALLY works:
It's been fascinating watching what has been transpiring in Washington DC recently. If you didn't know any better you would think it was Vladimir Putin that had won the American elections and was on the verge of moving into the White House. What is happening is unprecedented. I have never in my life seen this much paranoid/hysterical coverage about Russia and its leadership. Is this how it was during the McCarthy era? I would say it's worst today because of the ubiquitous/relentless coverage of modern mass media. All the nonsense about Russia being behind the release of Wikileaks emails as well as John Kerry's recent speech about Israel are early attempts by Western imperial interests to set the tone of Donald Trump's presidency and derail any possible detente between Russia and the US. Simply put, the "deep state" (demons at CRF being one of them) needs to turn Russia into an enemy to keep control over Europe and the Middle East and stunt Russia's economic growth. The deep state is therefore trying its best to frighten Trump and company and make them fall into compliance -
ReplyDelete'Deep State' wins… Trump is being tamed to toe the line:
Trump’s Enemies Pushing Him Toward Conflict With Russia:
Trump’s Pivotal Russian Test:
Intel panel to examine possible campaign links with Russia:
The Foreign Plot to Oust Trump It stretches from London to Langley to Kiev – and several points in between:
Donald Trump: Kremlin Employee of the Month?:
US officials said to warn: Trump’s ties to Russia could pose security risk to Israel:
Trump and ‘The Manchurian Candidate’ Are Too Similar for Comfort:
In reality, however, the "deep state" seems divided. Those who helped Donald Trump win the presidency also represent the deep state. Let's see how well Trump's deep state will fare. Time will tell. But I am not holding my breath. The American empire is too large, too wealthy, too powerful, too corrupt and too set in its ways, and even if Trump and company mean well, they may still be too little and too late. At the end of the day, Uncle Sam is too deeply involved in imperial pursuits around the world to simply tighten his belt and rediscover wisdom and humility. Chances are Trump will not change the system, the system will more likely change Trump. While I hope he does not, I do nevertheless fear that President Trump will eventually give into their demands. He may be allowed to give diplomatic lip-service to Moscow, but he will have no choice but to maintain the American empire's more strategic agendas against Russia. Agendas like missile shield and NATO expansion. If he chooses not to comply, Trump runs the risk of getting killed by a "lone wolf" type crazed gunman. I'd like to remind my readers that a disgusting character ;like Pence is merely one bad event away from the presidency.
DeleteAlso, there is the possibility that the Trump camp may be a part of or simply pandering to the Anglo-American-Jewish right. Playing nice with Russia may therefore be a strategy to isolate Iran and China. This strategy does not seem to be shared by the Anglo-American-Jewish left. Hence, the internal conflict in Washington DC. Simply put: The growing alliance between Russia, Chin and Iran has great potential and is the source for serious concern. So, preventative measures are needed. The Anglo-American-Jewish right may be tying to exploit weaknesses in the relationship between Moscow, Tehran and China before it develops or deepens further -
Iran at Putin’s Mercy:
Israel’s Main Concern in Syria: Iran, not ISIS:
Trump Open to Lifting Russia Sanctions, Not Committed to ‘One China’ Policy: Report:
I agree Trump's team and alt white cuck media will first put most their efforts on driving a wedge between Moscow & Tehran. In the end, cultural Marxist left or Christian Zionist 'conservative' right common denominator always = Israeli expansion
^ Donald Trump's Jewish Cabal
What truly irritates me is how Russia Today has almost abandoned any ideas of doing specific segments regarding the Yinon Plan and PNAC/Clean Break concerning Iraq & Syria's faiths. Even snake in the grass James Corbett eventually came around this past fall & released a piece on the infamous dancing Israelis, which was received extremely well by his viewers
^ 9/11 Suspects: The Dancing Israelis
RT also has not had Ryan Dawson on for many years now, who imo will shred any of the usual guests on Cross Talk, regarding to subjects on US foreign policies and the middle east. Ken O'keefe has also not been invited for several years since this appearance on Peter Lavelle's program. Again, one can see clearly from the comments that the majority of the audience is overwhelmingly siding with Ken's perspective and wishes to hear more
^ CrossTalk: Stupid Wars
this was from TruthSeeker (RT America) again, years ago (2013). He was cancelled in 2014.. How do they return back to beating the bush of 'America not trying hard enough to fight terrorism in Syria' etc after a hit piece like this (link below)
^ WW3, Greater Israel Project & The Real Axis of Evil (including Pepe Escobar)
Russia Today can do some real damage while even reaching to 'on the fence' Western souls by producing a well made documentary about Mossad-CIA-Saudi actions on 9/11, the documented pre text lies from 'the lobby' which led to illegal invasion of Iraq, and so on. But seems like RT refuses to touch the issue with a 50 foot pole. We eventually settle with guests who scratch the surface once a season
^ Ray McGovern, a former CIA analyst, calls out the "Greater Israel Plan," and is shamelessly ignored by all the guests on RT's Cross Talk. In fact, they avoid it completely.
Finally, everyone is optimistic about Trump actually fighting the terrorists in Syria rather then continuing to arm them, but I find it MINDBLOWING how not once anyone brings up the suggestion "how about just get the hell out of Syira, in general.. You were never invited and your terrible track record speaks volume for any future stay"
The Juden kabal, the Sanedhrin run Amerika's internal and foreign[policies. There are two factions within this core of controllers, team A and team B. The Trump faction represent one face of the same coin. Trump has already pledged to move the embassy to Jerusalem, Nethanuy claims Trump is his chum.Trump is making belligerent noises toward Iran. What fool can expect Trump to embark on policies contrary to the powers in charge? These same powers governing Amerika put him into the Presidency . The enigma is to penetrate into the essentials which is causing the divide within the powers to to be. Team A, Team B, their ultimate goal is the same, their approach and application toward the same goal is different. Serious gaps in policies will arise , sooner or later, with Russia . If Trump moves against Iran, it will affect Russia. If Trump keeps his avowed hostility toward China, it will also affect Russia. The EU is disintegrating, the Ukraine is in a limbo condition, Nato builds up military capacity and troops assets on Russia's borders. The build up is unprecedented during so called peace time; unless the USA found a new way in providing holiday packages to its military personnel. The Syria imbroglio is not over yet. Trump is not going to be what most people thought he would be.
Deleteմար good points. i think rt keeps things in reserve to use when they need to like when turks shotdown the plane last year russian media did 24/7 coverage of turkish and islamic state ties. they stopped covering it now because turks are playing nice. on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 rt put out alot of damaging coverage. if you watch closely you see rt coverage about israel is usually negative but yeah they dont go deep into geopolitics like the yinon plan. I think right now russia and israel are paying nice and russia needs israel to not cause trouble with plans in syria. if israel gets aggressive against russia thats when our girl margarita simonyan will unleash hell on them. russians got a powerful intel agencies and rt is a powrful information tool so they will be very careful about how to use it.
DeleteRT is easily the best of the mainstream (more or less; at least well-funded) news media. But there are some issues there. One problem is that their staff adapts a lot of Anglo-American phrasing, such as calling the terrorists in Syria "rebels" instead of "terrorists" or "foreign Jihadi mercenaries." This might seem like a minor thing, but why give the west the power to shape your audience's perception of reality. The west never lets its talking heads phrase any important issue with non-sanctioned phrasing; ie rioters are always "peaceful protesters," abortion is "women's health issues" rather than "infanticide," moderate judeo-christian right wingers calling for a limit to the invasion of Europe are labeled "far-right extremists," and occasionally terrorists become "moderate rebels" or "freedom fighters." Another example is that one of RT's hosts on a recent segment was discussing Trump blasting the media at his recent press conference, and the RT host referred to CNN as the "most respected" or "one of the most respected" (I don't remember the exact phrase) media channels - luckily the NY lawyer who goes by the name Lionel called the host out on it. Why pull punches like this? Not even Joe Sixpack respects CNN anymore, only stupid college idiots pretending to be intelletuals act like CNN is respectable. Basically for the most part it seems RT does not question the framework of discussion that the west establishes on various political issues, even though the west sees RT as threat #1 to their dominance of the media. RT will always remain a "propaganda bullhorn" to the legacy media in the west, and at the very least we can state honestly that the west is in an information war against the world.
Furthermore, the non-news programs on RT are hosted by basically a bunch of liberal cucks who have become disgruntled with the west. Abby Martin (no longer works at RT,) Tyrel Ventura and Tabetha Wallace (Watching the Hawks,) Lee Camp (Redacted Tonight,) Anissa Naouai, Thom Hartmann (The Big Picture,) and others seem like they were Jon Stewart watching True Believers who were mortified by Bush (a fake conservative) and who voted for Obama in 2008, and have since been slapped hard by reality; I cannot see any of them condemning faggotry, opposing multiracialism, speaking up for nationalism, or particularly defending Christianity. Maybe it would be too much to hope that RT give David Duke or Eric Striker a show (although their viewership numbers could possibly increase six million percent if they did) but generally I agree with your criticisms. Instead of wasting airtime on the liberals above, bring back Truthseeker which was amazing for the short time it was on.
Margarita Simonyan is also in charge of Sputnik International (formerly The articles on Sputnik are almost 100% disgruntled western liberals. But like I said, RT is the best of the bunch, miles above CNN, BBC (lol what a perfect double entendre for interracial heaven Britain,) Fox News, and MSNBC. Better an Armenian head this network than some jew. Peter Lavelle is great. I enjoy watching Gayane Chichakyan fight with retarded US officials in press briefings. Hell, RT even found an Azeri, Murad Gazdiyev, that I approve of, and I just might be the world's foremost advocate of inflicting genocide on all azeris and turks when the opportunity presents itself.
Apart from RT, Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News is the only show I can tolerate, because its funny watching Tucker tear SJWs apar. But SJWs are the symptoms, and the jew establishment is the disease. Tucker would never call out the jews or israel directly -even though he thoroughly thrashed several live on air- and thus his show serves as a pressure release valve for angry young men without addressing the jews, and is therefore just a way for the system to regulate internal pressure buildups.
Rt also had not featured Gerald Celente in a long time. The Keiser Report had him on at the end of last month.
DeleteArto is right, RT is used a part of a wider information warfare campaign. When Moscow has bad relations with a country or entity RT hounds them. It is normal practice. Moreover one can tell an editorial difference between rt uk/us on one side and rt international on the other. The former is quite liberal even very left at times, while the latter has more right wing or at least libertarian figures on from time to time. They play both sides of the marginalized right and left, though at this point in history, at least in the west, it is the real right that's marginalized.
Lets wait until Donald is sitting in the oval office before we throw mud on him. Yes, have low expectations but don't despair either. Think of how much worse you all would feel had that dried up witch been elected in November instead of Trump.
For me the most ironic part of this election cycle was how the left lost the narrative in regards to identity. They pushed so hard the fringe identity groups like lgbt and especially trans degenerates but now are surprised that white america has woken up. I don't think Trump won solely because of white ethnic sentiment but it certainly is an important
Delete^ Trump's First Hundred Days (Nathanael Kapner)
thank you Arto.. Obviously, we are grateful for RT and their professionalism. I just wish they had these certain guests on more often. Similar to how PressTv constantly invites Max Igan & Ryan Dawson. I personally like PressTv's documentaries and programming better, and how they never give the time of day to ridiculous degenerate headlines from the West. Why does RT Doc have an entire series on cross dressers & trannies -__- Perhaps backlash for becoming to mainstream/popular? Pay homage to drag queen bosses in the world of media lol.
It would be nice to see RT do something similar to 'Iran Program PressTv' where they make these fabulous shorts on tourism, culture, religion, history, minorities, traditions and nativities, etc. They've made handful of good ones regarding the Armenian population and their lifestyle in Iran.
@ Jerriko Magpantay
^ Ex Philippine Cop Of 28 Years (Sound only. He tells us about Duterte, The Philippines and the police.)
^ European in Philippines Does Not Want To Go Back
DeleteIt is quite rare or common to have European expatriates actually moving to the rural parts of the Philippines. The most common expats that you'll ever see are the ones who work in cities like Manila and Cebu, although vacation hotspots like Boracay are also teeming with them. The current constitutional provision regarding foreign investment is ridiculous though because the Philippine economy still operates on a protectionist model, even though we had decades to develop our own economy.
Heck, I could predict that even Armenian businessmen could have a much easier time investing in the Philippines if we can ditch our protectionist provision in our own constitution.
Arto is right. RT is a very intelligently run operation. Who they bring into their studios and who they don't is simply part of their operating strategy. PressTV can get down and dirty with Anglo-American-Jews because Anglo-American-Jews are openly hostile towards Iran. On the other hand, Israel is playing nice with Russia. In fact, Moscow needs Israel to stay out of its business in Syria. RT will therefore hold in reserve whatever it has on Israel. If Israel gets out of hand, we'll no doubt see all kinds of dirty secrets being revealed. RT is operating in a 'symmetrical response' mode and is playing a significant part in Moscow's 'asymmetric warfare' against the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance. I therefore would not want to see any of the characters some of you mentioned on RT. You guys need to see past your personal desires. Yes, RT is indeed trying to reach America's disgrunteld left and right. That's a great thing. This was part of the reason why RT hired Larry King some years ago. America's fast growing disgruntled population now makes up a significant portion of RT's audiance. By featuring nobodies, highly controversial and/or fringe figures RT would itself a great disservice as it would turn off many of its mainstream fans. RT should continue operating in the mainstream mode as long as it can to get as deep into the American psyche as possible. In my opinion, the only professional and trustworthy mianstream news source in the world today is RT.
DeleteSpeaking of RT's coverage of Israel -
DeleteIsrael prefers Al-Qaeda in Syria over Hezbollah & Assad – journalist:
On another topic, the legacy media which had been able to set the narrative for so many decades is losing its ability to shape the perception of reality. They lied about everything from the safety of mild-altering pharmaceuticals to geopolitics to social issues. For example, for years Black criminals have committed the worst atrocities against White victims because Blacks are basically primitive animals. The media has always managed to cover it up, and convince the idiots who followed the media (college morons) that there was systematic discrimination against Black people. Those days are dead and gone thanks to the Internet. Mark Dice is not particularly brave or honest, and has never mentioned the jewish question as far as I know, but his videos get like a quarter of a million views regularly. That is serious influence. Here he is destroying the attempt by CBS news to present a black on white violent crime as the other way around. This narrative that CBS and others have pushed for seventy years or so is over. I hope this will finally kill off the credibility of the legacy media and give outlets like RT a greater market share, especially for the important geopolitical issues.
ReplyDeleteCBS News Implies Facebook Live Torturers are WHITE - Victim is BLACK !!! 🚨 FAKE NEWS 🚨
Well, these so-called "college communists" as I call them (I even had one class with an open Marxist) with their red flags and their Communist Manifestos are plain rookies, compared to the likes of Gennady Zyuganov. Cultural Marxism has become so blatant that these Cultural Marxists are even pushing for the normalization of behaviors that we would normally see as disgusting, like gay rights and pedophilia.
DeleteBlacks also give the excuse that "you cannot be racist against whites, you can only be prejudiced against them" and "power plus privilege" BS. To me, so-called "power plus privilege" should equal "Cultural Marxist rhetoric". Yuri Bezmenov was right about the ideological subversion of the Western educational system. Here is his lecture that he gave to a group of college students:
‘If Serbs are killed, we’ll send troops in,’ says Serbian president after Kosovo-bound train blocked:
ReplyDeletePay attention to this development and how it plays out in regards to Trump's comments on nato (it's obsolete). It is evident that should nato ever shutter its doors or shed some of its members we would witness the elimination of the criminal regime in kosovo and its return to Serbia. In a direct conflict the albanians could not defeat Serbia. We are only halfway through the 1st month of 2017 and already many new developments taking shape. A new zeitgeist is upon us.
Not only that, Republika Srpska (one of the ethnic entities inside Bosnia-Hercegovina) is planning a referendum on its secession next year, so it might be two nations that will eventually die within the first few years of Trump's administration. Yes, Kosovo will return to Serbia but the main problem is that 90% of its land are inhabited by Albanians, so unless the Serbs actually pull off a similar operation to Operation: Storm, they might have to settle for partition.
DeleteAt the very least Croatia should be able to annex the remaining portions of Bosnia (including the areas inhabited by Bosnian Muslims). I could see the Brcko District being handed over to Republika Srpska in exchange for those two strips of land north of Brcko being handed over to the Croats.
If Republika Srpska does end up becoming independent and reunifying with Serbia, then it might have a huge effect on this year's upcoming Serbian elections. I honestly think that Nikolic might take it again this year unless Vojislav Seselj pulls off a stunning upset. You also have to realize that the Serbian Radical Party has recently taken a liking to Donald Trump, so if I was Trump, I'd support the aspirations of the Serbs as compensation for what previous American presidents have done to Serbia.
In any case I could see elements of the Russian government helping the Serbs covertly with military supplies and equipment (unofficial aid, while Putin could still maintain a plausible deniability). My only hope is that while Russia and Serbia are busy going on a Reconquista of Kosovo, they'd also try to topple the pro-NATO Milo Dukanovic regime in Montenegro.
Now how Trump's comments about NATO affect the rest of the Balkans, particularly Macedonia, Bulgaria and Greece? Greece won't have to worry about the naming issue for Macedonia (remember, its official name is the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, or FYROM) and Bulgaria might try to reunify with Macedonia. With regards to the recent refugee crisis, only a Russo-Serbian liberation of Kosovo and many other geopolitical chances in Serbia's favor could actually stem the flow of refugees and even reverse it (if Russia's operations in Syria also go well for them).
Let's recall that it all started with Kosovo, when Uncle Sam made a mockery of international law and order. Russia was for the most part out of the picture in the 1990s. So, Uncle Sam took advantage of the situation. He began disseminating lies about ethnic cleansing of Albanians in Kosovo. US officials and American MSN were even talking about saving Albanians from a "genocide". When the western sheeple was finally convinced something had to be done, that's when he gathered his friends and began his merciless aerial bombing campaign of Serbia. US led NATO forces however would not dare send in ground forces because they knew Serbs would have torn them to pieces. So they just bombed from above for a whole month until Serbian officials decided to give into Uncle Sam's demands. One of the Western demands was to get Serbian troops out of Kosovo. The other demand was to station large numbers of NATO troops in the region. To make it somewhat acceptable for Serbians Western power promised Belgrade that Kosovo would remain officially part of Serbian. Serbs were told they were only taking control over Kosovo for safe keeping. Serbs, having no choice in the matter, agreed. The Western promise to keep Kosovo part of Serbia proved to be a lie. Eight years later, in early 2008, Western powers gave independence to the Albanian majority province of Serbia. It was another one of the Bush administration's historic Neocon fuckups. Moscow was enraged. At the time, I more-or-less wrote that the gloves are now off. Granting independence to Kosovo would set in motion a domino effect. Within months after Kosovo's independence, taking advantage of the actions of an American stooge in Tbilisi, Russian troops were inside Georgia with their tanks. By the end of 2008, Abkhazia and South Ossetia were fully liberated and officially recognized by Moscow as independent political entities. The domino pieces would continue to fall. Then came Crimea and Donbass. Then came Syria. Judging from the mood in Serbia, it all may very well end back in Kosovo. Hopefully this time the US will be out of the picture. In any case, if precise dates are to be placed on the start of the global mess we currently are in, it would have to be March, 2003, when Western powers invaded Iraq and February, 2008, when Western powers mutilated Serbia -
DeleteIndependence for Kosovo (February, 2008):
Zbigniew Brzezinski: Kosovo not Precedent for Abkhazia, South Ossetia or Karabakh (March, 2008):
Putin Says `War Has Started' (August, 2008):
Russia Recognizes Georgian Regions (August, 2008):
Delete^ Hands off Yugoslavia! - Dr. William Pierce 1999
Mar, I used to listen to William Pierce a lot back when there was not as much quality content available on the Internet. I'd say before 2006, when many technologies matured and publishing quality videos, podcasts, and blogs became accessible to large numbers of people. William Pierce is basically a hick whose strong point is that he saw and understood what the jews were doing to American society, and who also understood the basic historical fact that jews were always at the root of all of the major problems plaguing the west, from pornography to promoting interracialism and homosexuality, to rackets in money trading and pushing for war.
DeleteBut he was also extremely narrow-minded and simplistic. For example, he condemned Vietnam War protesters on grounds that they were pro-communist (here we see a a great example of what I was talking about earlier, that conservatives are reactionaries which the jews easily manipulate,) whereas in reality a large part of the anti-war protestors did not want to get maimed or killed in a faraway country that they knew they had no business getting involved with - they basically did not want to come back miserable and broken like their parents from World War 2.
Pierce was also an anti-Christian who promoted some nonsensical cosmotheism which appealed to none but the worst types of people.
Additionally, while quick to blame the jews, he always covered up for the imperialist agenda that western Europeans, particularly the English, Americans, and Germans, which led to nonstop aggression against Russia and the Orthodox Christian world and ultimately allowed the jew to displace the White man in Europe and America. Look at his rant about Serbia - since when the hell did Nazis consider Serbs "our people," Serbia has been targeted by the west, namely Protestant Germanic powers along with their Islamo-turic allies, for centuries now. He's the type who would harp on nonstop with generalizations about the starvation of Ukrainians or the arrest or killings of Polish junta leaders by the Soviets, without any grasp of the nuances that led to these events - this is the kind of petty nationalism that drives suicidal Russophobic militants across eastern Europe today. Interesting to note that he was married and divorced several times to eastern European women. I won't go so far as to call him a government plant, but look at it this way: the government allowed his operation known as The National Alliance to operate and even have its own compound, with very little trouble for Pierce. His two books were published by a Jewish publisher. If he was not a government agent, at least the government knew that his extremist organization was toothless and useful in attracting the kind of extremists who needed to be watched or who could be duped into doing some dirty work. Timothy McVeigh, for example, had a copy of Pierce's book Hunterin his truck at the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 - I'll let you do the Alex Jonesy research there. As soon as Pierce died, the NA fell apart, proving how infiltrated and weak it was.
To some it all up: Most of Pierce's writings, including his two books, are just fantasy play by a failed old man LARPing as a Hollywood-style genocidal Nazi warlord where Einsatzgruppen-like organizations go around killing jews and nonwhites. He was certainly no friend of Armenians - his fantasy The Turner Diaries ends with his Neo-Nazi group stealing some American nukes and launching them at The Soviet Union. That type of person is analogous to the Sasna Tsrer or Shant Haroutunyan lunatics in Armenia. You are much better off looking elsewhere for facts on jews.
LG and Areovrdi, I was going to post that link as well. There are presidential elections coming up in Serbia, so part of the response may or may not have been an attempt to gain nationalist support for Tomislav Nikolić. Of course I have a positive opinion of Nikolic, especially since he visited Yerevan in April 2015, and his party is connected to United Russia, and to the "far right" (read: nationalistic) FPO in Austria.
DeleteNevertheless, things are changing fast. In 1999 Turkey saw itself as a rising power destined to reconquer the Balkans and the Middle East, and probably take over Germany and Central Asia as well. In 2017, Turkish ambitions have been defeated on every single front, pan-Turanism is dead, the Kurdish threat looms large, NATO and Europe's military capabilities are severely weakened, the economy is bad, Turkey is swarming with all sort of jihadi animals imported from hellholes around the islamic world, terrorist attacks are as frequent in turkish cities as they are in western Europe, and all of a sudden a resurgent Russia has military bases surrounding Turkey in Crimea, Armenia, and Syria. Turkey is left with no choice but to bow its head and join the Russian campaign against terrorists in Syria. What I'm getting at is that there is no way this time around for Turkey to send its shitty F-16s to join a western assault against Serbia this time around, and even if it were possible the Russian hammer would smash down on Turkey like never before, not to mention the problems Turkey would face given its dependence on Russian tourists, Russian consumers of cheap Turkish goods, Russian customers hiring Turkish firms, and Russia's strong grip on Turkish energy imports (Azeri Caspian oil and gas turned out to be a dud for the most part.)
It may well be the case that if Trump breaks NATO, the liberation of Kosovo may happen sooner than we thought. Kosovo rejoining Serbia is an inevitability anyway - I'm sure Turkey can accommodate a few million Albanians who will surely enrich that shithole further! A sore point will be Camp Bondsteel, the multi-million dollar military headquarters that the American squatters had hoped they would use to control the region.
Turks, Albanians, Azeris, Neocohens, and jihadis in hellholes around the world must be shitting their pants right now. Byzantium Rises.
Well an additional million Albanian migrants to Turkey wouldn't actually hurt the Turks in the long run since a good chunk of Turkey's population can claim Albanian ancestry. A good chunk of Ottoman officials came from Albania, and Albanians are also good loyal Ottoman subjects, which makes them more dangerous to the rest of the Balkans. However, the majority of the Albanians that will move to Turkey are probably Gheg-speaking Muslims, as opposed to the predominantly Catholic and Orthodox Tosk-speaking Albanians. If Bondsteel does end up being evacuated by the Americans, I think that the most logical thing to do would be to hand the massive base to the Russian military.
DeleteRussia is already supplying Serbia with vital military hardware. This article here explains what kind of military equipment that the Serbs are getting:
DeleteWe will have to wait and see what the results are in Republika Srpska, and how Moscow and Beograd respond. Unilaterally, Serbia will not move into Kosovo. I would love to see the shiptars get kicked out of Serbian lands and for Serbia to be made whole again, including a union with Republika Srpska, but the time is not quite ripe. The socio-political and economic crisis in the eu will get worse and that will weaken the reaction and limit the options left to the eurofags. The future of nato is an open question, but unless that organization dissolves or the USA does not mind Serbian efforts to retake Kosovo, we will not see Russia or Serbia make a move in the Balkans that would invite nato retribution. Moscow wants Trump to remove the idiotic sanctions and to work on curbing its covert support for isis. Moreover, if Trump pulls back the American army units from the baltic states I don't picture Russia allowing Serbia to rock the boat. Again, drastic developments in the region may call for quick reactions but I don't see 2017 being the year for Kosovo and Serbia reunification. But reunion is closer than we think.
Collapse of Armenian Army Will Be Key Factor of Big War :
ReplyDeleteWhat does one think of the fantastic ruminations of Igor Muradyan. If this guy is not a paid mercenary of the jews,it will take a jew to best him. His latest anti armenian feverish tirade in one of those toilet papers, Lragir, is iconoclastic and leaves no room to ambivalence. He reckons the Armenian army is collapsing, Armenia will be dissolved, Russia is going down the tubes and it will be a basket case soon, they soon will be swept out of the black sea and the caucasus. America-Judea and Nato will capture the region. This crude pseudo political analyst is smoking his mattress or is saturated by Russophopia dopamines or is high on crack.
There is no doubt that Igor is an agent of the political West. He is also closely connected to the foreign funded subversive group of nutjobs called "Founding Parliament". If you recall, these so-called "nationalists" were behind last summer's "choban coup" in Armenia. Igor was there supporting them every step of the way. Igor's russophobic rhetoric - Russia is a filthy, dangerous, dictatorial but weak and backward nation on the verge of collape - is exactly what you hear from American Neocons, Anglo-American neoimperialsits, CIA sponsored Soviet dissidents, organized Jewry, Trilateral Commision/CFR representatives, European Globalists and George Soros types. Igor's russophobic rhetoric is also a mirror reflection of CIA asset Paruyr Hayrikian's and chessmaster-turned-CRF-clown Gary Kasparov thoughts. People like Igor, Paruyr and Gary are assets and agents of the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance. Needless to say, these individuals are dangerous and treasonous. Yet, it says a lot that these kinds of people are also respected by many Armenians today.
DeletePS: Agent Igor is also anti-Trump: What's Donald Trump Going to Do? :
Related topic:
DeleteAnti-Trump Inauguration Day protests break out across US, around the globe (VIDEOS, PHOTOS):
Protesters set limo on fire during Inauguration Day in Washington, DC:
Protesters throw bricks at Police/ Protesters hit with Flash Bangs:
Anti-Trump Protesters Tear Gassed (VIDEO) Clashes Break Out On NYC Streets:
The crowds we saw in Washington DC and New York City protesting President Trump during the inauguration yesterday are basically the spawns of the above mentioned group of globalist imperialists. These people are also the spiritual cousins of trouble-making crowds we see in Yerevan during anti-government protests there. The only difference between these activists in the US and their associates in Armenia, is that in Armenia these groups have a much wider/deeper support base, essentially due to the country's bad sociopolitical situation. Unlike in the US, where such groups remain on the country's extreme fringe, such groups in Armenia play a prominent role as they are promoted and encouraged by a whole slew of Western funded "political opposition" activists, news agencies and organizations. Moreover, Western funded NGOs in Armenia, who actively cooperate with these types of protest movements, employ many thousands of individuals (a relatively large number if we factor in their families) in a tiny and poor country plagued by high unemployment rates and political instability. Consequently, these groups and their leaders (e.g. Jirayr Sefilian, Paruyr Hayrikian, Raffi Hovanissian, Igor Muradyan, Nikol Pashinyan, Zaruhi Postanjyan, Levon Barseghyan, Avetik Ishkhanyan, Artur Sakunts, Georgi Vanyan, Anush Sedrakyan, Davit Sanasaryan, etc) enjoy a significant amount of public support in Armenia and are therefore a constant factor in Armenian politics - and one of the reasons why Russians keep Armenia on a very short and stout leash. Moreover, these activists, who's rhetoric about Armenia and Russian-Armenian relations mirror that of Azerbijan's, also play right into the hands of Baku -
Well the majority of the protesters who vandalized everything across American cities when Trump was inaugurated are basically anarchists and communist pretenders. Zyuganov's communists would look at these pretenders as merely clowns. It's also a great shame that lethal force wasn't employed against these degenerates. Basically what we are seeing in the US is a repeat of Ukraine's Maidan revolt but the irony here is that the USA itself is now subjected to the same medicine it has prescribed towards adversary nations. It's basically the chickens coming home to roost.
DeleteBasically no country is a democracy . Every country has limits to how much power the electorate actually have . For example look at the way the Democratic Party "elect" their nominee it is done by super delegates a blatantly undemocratic way . I live in Canada and the system is a mix of a Constitutional Monarchy Elizabeth II for as long as she is alive is Canada''s head of state. Plus Canada has a "first past the post" electoral system . Personally I like democracy on the grassroots initiatIves like community projects can work however on the Federal level it is just a mess . It's just disorganized look at the American election some states vote by paper some on a machine . California this time had no Republican senator to vote for as they have a different process all together. So it's not "one person one vote" so every vote doesn't "make a difference".
DeleteAs for Trump let's be clear he is unfit for office . However I see where the appeal is for him . He as you said wants to preserve White America . And the US despite liberal propaganda is a European country . Look at the Founding Fathers , or their legal principles were all European derived up until 1965 Immigration laws were designed to keep America white . What white Americans fear is kind of strating to come true especially with illegal immigration. LooK there is one thing to abuse someone for their race, country, religion it's wrong that's RACISM however allowing MILLIONS to cross a national border is just irresponsible . That border is obviously too important to close but enforce your laws and no its not racist.
"As for Trump let's be clear he is unfit for office"
DeleteWhy? The only argument I have heard to support the above claim is either TRUMP IS LITERALLY Hitler, meaning that Trump hasn't bent over and apologized every time some protected minority group like filthy disgusting wetbacks, genocidal hajis, or retards/women got offended at his behavior, which is the behavior of a masculine, alpha male [except for kissing jew ass]. Saying "I'm not a racist, I just want to enforce the laws" at this point in American history is basically just attempting to prolong the inevitable for another decade, before the country becomes a brown cesspit, as opposed to it becoming a brown cesspit sooner.
What does "unfit for office" even mean at this point? It's just a buzzword used by SJWs, and by the now-entirely-disconnected media, celebrities, globalists, and elite. Elections are always about making the least bad choice; democracy is a system designed to prevent the emergence of any sort of great revolutionary heroic leader. Trump was far and away the most fit for office out of any of the candidates in last years election.
@Jerriko, those "communists" are largely well-off white college faggots and sluts who are too comfortable in their lives, bored, and who thus need to LARP around as revolutionaries to feel some sort of thrill. Seriously, the lowliest negro can smash up the windows of a McDonald's, except unlike these anfia faggots, negroes don't have their parents to bail them out if they get arrested, hired expensive lawyers to clean up their records, and get them well-paying jobs despite their criminal records - not that these brats need jobs considering their family wealth. To quote from DS: "These people are such absolute faggots. How is it possible for a movement of young people to be out protesting against the outsider fighting the system, in support of the global political and financial establishment." Nothing is sadder than screaming "fuck the system" while you attack anyone dissenting from the prevailing pro-minority, pro-homo, anti-traditional system on the orders of Soros and co... A real communist would have liquidated all of these useless idiots.
DeleteLethal force won't be employed because that is what protest organizers are hoping for and also because the protests have not yet gone out of hand (i.e. they don't yet pose a threat). Nevertheless, the current situation, in which hundreds-of-thousands of angry Americans have taken to the streets to protest a newly elected American president, is unprecedented in American history. If the "deep state" on both sides of the divide are incapable of remedying this, the situation can easily grow volatile. Things can therefore easily get out of hand and we may yet see riots and bloodshed in the coming weeks or months. This is all very surreal. Who could have predicted this? All of a sudden the US, the oldest, the most powerful and wealthiest "Democracy" on earth, is actually beginning to look like a Banana Republic. Amazingly, the chickens, as they say, are coming home to roost. Uncle Sam is getting a little taste of his own medicine and Russians are just sitting back, watching and loving every bit of it.
I really don't know what you mean by saying Donald Trump is "unfit for office". Was Barack Obama, George Bush or Bill Clinton, to only name a few, fit for office? Was Hillary Clinton fit for office? I think they are ALL unfit for office, including Trump, but Trump was the lesser evil in the bunch. However, I do agree that on a community level democracy can work wonders but on the national level it simply is a dead end. Fundamentally, what a nation needs to thrive is essentially three things: A bountiful land (abundant natural resources), peace (normal/good relations with neighbors) and political stability (an entrenched political/economic elite). Nations like Canada fit all three requirements.
In my opinion, the "most fit" presidential candidate this election cycle was Rand Paul. Donald Trump was simply more electable than Rand Paul. And compared to the rest of the scary clowns on political stage, Trump was simply the lesser evil. That said, the American political system does not require "fit" individuals, it requires "conforming" individuals. President Trump is just as much a puppet as any other American president in modern history. The only difference being is that those who are pulling Trump's strings - thus far - seem better than those who would have been pulling Hillary Clinton's strings. Thus far...
Sarkis, I do believe they've been trained by Soros et al on "Color Revolution 101", the same pseudo-course that trained all sorts of "color revolutionaries". If there is the name of a color revolution that would have its sights on toppling Trump, it would be an American Purple Revolution because it combines the Democrat Blue with Republican Red.
Delete'(Insert name) is Hitler' is pretty much the screeching slogans these days. Putin, Trump, who else next?
BTW, here's an interesting insight on the founder of the Alt-Right movement and his Russian connection:
For some odd reason, I feel like I'm seeing the similarities between Richard Spencer and Francis Parker Yockey. Both men seem to constantly preach about the survival of the white race, and both of them seem to have tried to woo Russia for support.
@Who could have predicted this?
DeleteDmitry Orlov: "Reinventing Collapse: The Soviet Experience and American Prospects", 2011.
The jews will always propel "not fit for office" presidential candidates. They pull the strings. If a Kenyan bastard was made "fit for office" to the presidency anybody is fit for office. Did America ever had a president fit for office? Was JFK fit for office?; the corrupt Lyndon Johnson was he fit for office?, the movie-cowboy actor was he fit for office? Was anyone of the pixilated-mannequins Bushes fit for office? Maybe the sex psychopath of Clinton was fit for office?
DeleteTrump ,and his admin., are heading for a sudden jolt and heave in their foreign policy actions. Talks have begun to move the embassy to the Jerusalem; and the agreement of July 2015 with Iran will come under the optical lens. What worries me is Trumps ( jewish ignite) truculence with Iran. Trumps bellicose problems with Iran is worrisome for Armenia. Armenia ,neigboring Iran, fall in the eye of the storm as far as political consequences are concerned. Trumps ( jewish) grand strategy would be around to cleave the consortium Russia-Iran-China. The jews will not pick on Iran, unless Iran is isolated and split from Russia. Syria is the crucible to this crucigram. If they achieve the split, the Sanhedrin , spearheaded by the Trump war machine can then deal, in stages, individually with the powers in the consortium. Turkey is the joker in the pack. Turkey will be played by both factions, depending of demanding circumstances. Turkey can not leave Nato ( Jewish alliance) without war and bloodshed. Nato's control of the Dardanelles is paramount to bottle up and nullify Russia's fleet inside the black sea. It is very early in the day to fathom developments with the Trump admin.
DeleteI wish they had this headlines to print out regarding the protests in Washington:
Delete"Today in Washington, Anarcho-Terrorists have launched an uprising against the newly formed Trump administration today. Several vehicles have been damaged and fires were lit in various areas of the US capital today."
This should be labeled as an Anarcho-Terrorist Uprising.
This video right here:
Riot police used tear gas and flash bangs. Those protesters simply ran away from the explosion. Geez, the clean up after this riot will definitely be huge, and the compensation for the damages will actually skyrocket through the roof.
@Romanian Anonymous:
I wouldn't be surprised if these anarcho-terrorists decide to re-enact the revolution that saw Ceausescu and his wife literally gunned down to death by rebel Romanian soldiers. Hopefully Trump has more balls than Ceausescu, or the US decline will accelerate much faster.
Meanwhile, on another front...
ReplyDeleteThe Turkish army is getting a bloody nose in Syria.
New pictures of Leopard 2A4 tanks destroyed in Syria. Last week Turkey admitted loosing 10 of these tanks. Now the number stands at 12.
To put things in perspective, here is an ISIS propaganda video...uploaded on an Israeli youtube channel!
DeleteIt shows the carnage that the Turkish army is suffering:
Two unrelated articles but both worth reading. First one was written almost 1 year ago.
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump Is Shocking, Vulgar and Right:
It is pretty accurate.
The 2nd article is more amusing than anything else. But it dovetails with the suggested civil war among so call globalists that Arevordi and others have hinted at in previous comments.
Doomsday Prep for the Super-Rich: