With Armenians, Persians and Greeks unable to cooperate and therefore coexist, the Armenian Highlands were gradually conquered during the past one thousand-plus years by various waves of Turkic and Islamic invaders. With Armenia's noble and warrior classes all but decimated during this period, it was essentially the land's subservient peasantry and shrewd tradesmen - those who had adapted to living under Turkic/Islamic occupation - that would continue producing off-springs. As such, Armenia would begin producing less-and-less alpha males and blue bloods and more-and-more peasants and "businessmen". I should mention here that the mountainous regions of Artsakh in Eastern Armenia and Taron in Western Armenia were exceptions to this for they were somehow able to maintain our people's ancient warrior spirit to some degree. Generally speaking, however, it was essentially the land's pathetic survivors - those fully resigned to living under Turkic/Islamic occupation - that were the ones producing new generations of Armenians and thus forming a new type of Armenian.
As such, for more than one thousand years Armenians were gradually rebranded; I would even say rebred. What happened during this time period should be seen as the remaking of an entire people by natural selection or rather, societal engineering through historic circumstances. During the past one thousand-plus years the Armenian Highlands slowly stopped generating men of nobility and valor and began producing a population that was in character and demeanor more like gypsies. We see the results of this historic process very vividly among male Armenian populations living in urban centers throughout Turkey and Iran. The genocide attempted against Armenians between late 19th century and early 20th century by Ottomans made matters worst by taking out of the Armenian gene pool nearly two million people (many of whom were the territory's hardy peasantry who resisted Turks or those who would not convert to Islam) and subjected hundreds-of-thousands more to living as impoverished refugees in faraway lands.
There are many factors behind why we Armenians today, generally speaking, are a far cry from our ancient ancestors. But, as I briefly mentioned above, the road to Armenia's civilizational decline started very early in the middle ages. Therefore, I want my reader to understand that Armenia's current problems (i.e. its societal and cultural flaws) are not a modern phenomenon and that they actually have their roots in the early middle ages. Please read the following words said to be written in the 5th century very carefully -
The teachers are ignorant and presumptuous, taking honor for themselves. They are elected by money and not by the spirit. They are lovers of gold and envious. They have abandoned gentleness and have become like wolves tearing at their own flocks. The monks are hypocritical, ostentatious, vainglorious, lovers of honor rather than lovers of God. The clergy are proud, slothful, frivolous, lazy, haters of learning, lovers of commerce and buffoonery. The students are lazy to study and eager to teach; they are theologians even before their examinations. The laity are arrogant, insubordinate, blusterers, loafers, drunkards, destructive and they flee their patrimonies. The soldiers are wicked, false boasters, hating their weapons, cowards, lovers of ease, intemperate, thieves, drunkards, marauders, imitators of brigands. The princes are rebellious, companions of thieves, robbers, rapacious, avaricious, grasping, plunderers, despoilers of the land, depraved, likeminded with their slaves. The judges are inhuman, false, deceitful, venal, ignorant of the law, volatile, contentious. The kings are cruel and evil rulers, imposing heavy and onerous burdens and giving intolerable commands. Governors do not correct disorders and are unmerciful. Friends are betrayed and enemies strengthened. Faith is sold for this vain life. Brigands have come in abundance and from all sides. Houses are sacked and possessions ravaged. There is bondage for the foremost and prison for the famous. There is exile abroad for the nobility and innumerable outrages for the common people. Cities are captured and fortresses destroyed; towns are ruined and buildings burned. There are famines without end and every kind of illness and death. Piety has been forgotten and expectations is for hell. And love and shame have been entirely removed from all. What then does all this demonstrate, save that God has abandoned us and that the elements have changed their nature? - Movses Khorenatsi (5th century)In my opinion, these societal ills were the by-product of natural Armenian genetic traits coupled with the civilizational decline Armenia began suffering in the middle ages when the country's west-leaning nobility broke with the Persian Empire (to which it had been tied to for nearly one thousand years). Nevertheless, by the 13th century all of Armenia was under Turkic/Islamic occupation and Armenians had been totally transformed -
...it is proper to mention that we are to distinguish two Armenias, the Lesser and the Greater. The king of Lesser Armenia [who is a subject of Tatars] dwells in a city called Sebastoz and rules his dominions with strict regard to justice. The towns, fortified places and castles are numerous. There is an abundance of all necessities of life, as well as of things which contribute to its comfort. Game, both of beasts and birds, are plenty. It must be said however that the air of the country is not remarkably healthy. In former times its gentry were esteemed expert and brave soldiers; but at the present day they are great drinkers, cowardly and worthless... - Marco Polo (13th century)We today are the direct off-springs of the people mentioned by Movses Khorenatsi and Marco Polo. In fact, I would say we are worst, because Armenia continued suffering decline for many centuries after those words were written.
Bloodline (genetic makeup, racial makeup, genetic heritage, breeding, etc) is one of the least understood and least appreciated topics today. Disregard all the Anglo-American-Jewish world's globalist propaganda - namely that there is not such thing as race or that ones racial background is inconsequential - and recognize that racial bloodline (i.e. genetic makeup) does indeed determine a people's overall character and its capabilities. With that in mind, let's recognize that a vast majority of Armenians alive today - regardless of their wealth, education and/or social class - are off-springs of peasants and merchants. And it shows.
A subservient peasant or a shrewd merchant dwells inside most Armenians alive today. All it would take is a five minute conversation with an Armenian to realize this.
Many Armenians today also suffer from serious emotional/psychological issues that are most probably by-products of the nation's traumatic recent history, but that is another topic of discussion. For now, I want the reader to just think about bloodline. While the modern Armenian blood does retains within it the genetic code to its glorious past and can therefore still be revived through a well-devised social engineering effort, what we nevertheless see in many Armenians today are traits produced by one thousand-plus years of cultural and genetic degeneration. This aspect of modern Armenians is becoming a problem for Armenia. I want to reflect on in this blog commentary because it is becoming a problem for Armenia.
The problem with Armenia is not its government, it's the people
While addressing an Armenian audience some years ago President Vladimir Putin read an interesting quote from a letter said to be written by Czar Peter the Great nearly 300 years ago. The quote in question essentially reveals two things: 1) The resurrection of Armenia in the south Caucasus was an imperial Russian agenda (Armenian historians also recognize this historic fact); 2) Russian officials had already figured out Armenian traits hundreds of years ago. The famous Russian emperor had known some 300 years ago that in order to get Armenians to do something, Armenians have to be pampered (i.e. provided with easy lives). Russians knew from early on that Armenians are a faithful, family-oriented, compassionate, intelligent, principled, resilient, creative, resourceful and an immensely talented people - but also a people that are easily manipulated, somewhat like children.
I happen to agree, and I would even add: If overly ambitious, driven, arrogant, proud, temperamental, emotional, clannish, intelligent, entitled, pretentious, competitive, restless, individualistic, argumentative, possessive, hormonal, excitable, unstable, cynical, suspicious, stubborn, covetous, maximalistic, gluttonous, egotistical, controlling, domineering, opinionated, emotional, self-righteous, shrewd, gossip-prone, vindictive, materialistic, narcissistic, selfish, impatient, ostentatious and jealous Armenians are not constantly pampered - be it by Armenian officials or by foreign officials - Armenians can also be very problematic and even self-destructive - just like spoiled, little children.
This spoiled child trait found in Armenians today, where one feels entitled to do as he or she likes, is the real reason why Armenia has so many political, economic and societal problems. This spoiled child trait found in Armenians is the reason why although President Serj Sargsyan's government has been a marked improvement over previous two Armenian administrations, it remains by-far the most hated by Armenians around the world today. This spoiled child trait is the reason why although Russia continues to make Armenia's existence in a dangerous and unforgiving place like the south Caucasus possible, the moment Russians do something Armenians don't like, instead of trying to figure out a way of strengthening Russian-Armenian ties or trying to fix whatever flaws that may exist in the relationship, Armenians are ready to contemplate abandoning the protection provided by Russia. And in doing so expose their vulnerable country (a country surrounded by Turkic/Islamic predators) to the dangerous elements of the south Caucasus. This spoiled child trait found among Armenians is also the reason why although Armenians in Armenia today live much better than Uzbeks for example, Armenians are far more prone to abandoning their homeland -
Desire to Leave FSU Ranges Widely Across Countries: http://www.gallup.com/poll/161591/desire-leave-fsu-ranges-widely-across-countries
We all know that Armenians look to Western peoples with great envy and admiration, but Armenians never stop for a moment to consider the long and treacherous road prosperous nations of the Western world today have had to travel upon - for many centuries - to get to where they are. No, a self-respecting Armenian will never do that. Why? Because for the typical Armenian today what matters most in life is to live the good life - today, wherever that may be. If because of all the serious political and economic problems of the south Caucasus Armenians are not able to «թագավորի նման ապրել» Armenians will have no reservations about seek greener pastures elsewhere - like a strange group of very ambitious nomadic peoples. And in doing so, they will make up all kinds of explanations and excuses to explain the reason why they are abandoning their homeland. This psychological process essentially lies at the root of most complaints we hear about Armenia and its government today.
As I keep pointing out, Armenians generally speaking tend to be very driven, ambitious, competitive, industrious, individualistic, ostentatious and envious. I liken such Armenians to sharks in a body of water.
We are normally proud of our sharks' prowess when they do their thing in foreign territory. But when circumstances force our sharks to swim in a small, landlocked and under-stocked pond like Armenia, we suddenly realize that we have serious problems with them. Isn't this exactly what we have been experiencing in Armenia for the past 25 years? Well, it should have been expected. It is in the nature of a shark to act like a shark regardless of where it is made to swim. Armenians in Armenia therefore have the need to understand that they live in a nation where the presence of many sharks is a natural and a common thing. Armenians also need to understand that this situation will not change no matter what political system is in place in Armenia. Armenians should therefore stop complaining and instead try to figure out an effective way to deal with their sharks. I understand that a small, poorly stocked pond like Armenia will make such a process very difficult. I would like to therefore propose the idea that our voracious sharks will need a well-stocked ocean to operate in and feel good about themselves - and leave Armenia's lesser fish some breathing space. In the past, vast territories like the Ottoman Empire and the Soviet Union gave our sharks the opportunity to apply their skills far-and-wide. However, as we have seen during the past 25 years, Armenia today is not a place that can easily or safely accommodate all of our sharks. Our modern day sharks therefore need a vast expanse to do their thing. That expanse is in my opinion the Russian Federation and Moscow-led organizations such as the EEU.
Simply put: Armenian traits, as they exist, are ideal for advancement in foreign lands (which is why we have so many successful Armenians around the world) but terrible for nation-building in the Armenian homeland (which is why Armenia today is in the shape that it is). This is why Armenians today are having a difficult time adjusting to living in a small, impoverished, resourceless, landlocked and blockaded nation located in a remote, volatile and politically unstable region of the world. In other words: Engaging in "business" and seeking the high life is a sacred pursuit for many in Armenian society today but Armenia itself, due to its many predicaments, both natural and man made, is simply unable to meet the expectations of its ambitious citizens. So, the Armenian will want out of Armenia. I'd like to add that the existence of a large and well to do Armenian Diaspora (particularity the ones in Russia and the United States) is also playing a negative role by luring Armenians away from their homeland.
What I am essentially saying here is that Armenia, as it exists, is too small for the Armenian.
I want the reader to understand that Germany for instance is the way it is because of Germans; India is the way it is because of Indians; the Congo is the way it is because of the Congolese; and Italy is the way it is because of the Italian. I want the reader to therefore extrapolate and understand that Armenia today is the way it is - with all its good and bad aspects - because of the nature and character of the Armenian that inhabits it.
Just as a collection of cells make up an organ, a collection of people makeup a nation. Just as the type of cells within an organ determines the character of that organ, the type of individuals in a nation determines the character of that nation.
Healthy cells therefore equals healthy organ and healthy citizens (healthy in all senses of the word) equals a healthy nation-state. When an organ contains within it many cells that are not performing their functions properly or are ill, that organ will not function properly, it may even die. The same principal applies to nation-states. When large numbers of individuals in a nation are not performing their functions as citizens properly or are ill (either physically, spiritually, intellectually, psychologically or emotionally), that nation will not function properly, and it may even die. What I'm essentially talking about here is societal health. Unfortunately, we Armenians do not have a healthy society and this most definitely includes the worldwide Diaspora. This is essentially why Armenia today is ill and at times it does not seem to be functioning properly.
This conversation would be terribly incomplete if I don't bring up Armenian parents because Armenian parenting plays a very big and destructive role in Armenia. In my opinion, many, if not most, of Armenia's problems today are due to bad parenting.
Armenian parents, Armenian mothers in particular, are too protective of their children. Armenian children are raised to be lazy, self-absorbed, self-righteous and egotistical. Simply put: Armenian children, Armenian boys in particular, are pampered in the worst possible way. As a result, I would say a significant number of Armenian men today are lazy "mama's boys". Lazy mama's boys don't make good soldiers. Lazy mama's boys don't make good husbands. Lazy mama's boys don't make good fathers. Lazy mama's boys don't make good alpha males. It's actually disgusting for me to see how much emphasis we put on our "տղերք". There is a horrible - I would even say satanic - genocide of female fetuses going on in our backward nation because Armenian parents want "sons" instead of daughters. Consequently, the following is more-or-less the life goal of the typical Armenian male in Armenia today: Do "biznis"; get addicted to cigarettes, alcohol and grilled meats; bring home to mama a docile virgin then run out to chase after whores; drive a shiny black Mercedes Benz or a BMW, even if he cannot afford it; grow a massive belly to show the world he is living well; live life thinking societal norms or governmental laws such as road rules, not littering, paying taxes or serving in the military does not apply to him...
There are truly sickening aspects of modern Armenian folk culture that I want NOTHING to do with. In the big picture, this unhealthy/obsessive love affair with our "տղերք" is the reason why Armenia has a surplus of utterly irresponsible and worthless men, and the elemental reason why Armenia is having a difficult time nation-building. Armenian parents need to let their sons grow to be men.
When it comes to problems pertaining to Armenia, Armenians need to come to the sobering realization that they themselves are a fundamental part of the problems they tend to complain about. And that of course includes myself for I see within myself many of the traits I always complain about. We need to understand that how we are as individuals and how we are as a collective of individuals reflects on the character of the nation we are a part of. Ultimately, for the nation to be healthy we need to be healthy. But, for us to be healthy, we first need to admit to ourselves that we have problems. After all, the first step to curing any aliment is admitting to yourself that you have an aliment. We Armenians have the need to put aside our post-genocide feel good rhetoric about ourselves and finally recognize that we as a people have many serious ailments. Sadly, not enough people yet fully comprehend any of this wisdom.
For those interested in this type of discussion, the following blog commentaries from previous years addresses sociopolitical matters pertaining to Armenia. Please read them if you have not yet done so -
Demonstrations in Armenia are NOT politically motivated, there is NO Maidan in Yerevan (2015): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2015/06/mass-demonstrations-in-yerevan-are-not.html
Why Armenians want out (2013): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.am/2013/04/the-need-for-cyber-activism-and-why.html
Armenia on the eve of its presidential elections (2013): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2013/02/armenia-on-eve-of-its-presidential.html
The Whore of Babylon in Yerevan (2012): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2012/06/whore-of-babylon-in-yerevan-june-2012.html
Collective destructionism of Armenians (2012): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.am/2012/08/collective-destructionism-and-armenias.html
The revolution has begun? Armenians again reveling in self-destructive behavior (2012): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2012/11/the-revolution-has-begun-armenians.html
Panel Discussions Calling for Chaos in Armenia (2012): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.am/2012/01/washington-sponsored-panel-discussions.html
So, while Armenians will continue acting hysterical about Armenia's natural growing pains, Turks and Muslims will continue quietly multiplying.
As we have seen recently, our people's traits will also cause problems between Armenia and its only ally in this world. Russians realize Armenians require special treatment. Russians also know Armenia will not survive without Russia. Russian officials - from the time of the Czars to today - have done all they can to ensure the existence of an Armenia state in the south Caucasus. But Russia, the largest nation-state in the world and a massive nuclear superpower to boot, also has geostrategic challenges that are on a global scale, solutions to some of which may not always be to the liking of us Armenians. For example: Moscow wants to have leverage over a relatively large and wealthy bordering nation like Azerbaijan because not doing so may turn the Turkic and Islamic country into a hotbed of Turkic and Islamic extremism. Moscow will therefore seek to engage in bilateral relations with oil-rich Azerbaijan, while it continues to safeguard impoverished Armenia's territorial integrity. As we have seen recently, Armenians will translate this as high treason and some in our communities - those on a Western payroll to be exact - will use this as an excuse to propogate closer relations with Western powers. Russians therefore have a problem on their hands.
How does as superpower like Russia pursue geostrategic agendas in the south Caucasus without having Armenians constantly throwing temper-tantrums and acting suicidal? In my opinion, this is not only a Russian problem, it also an Armenian problem as well. And this is a problem whose solution is yet to be found.
When it comes to Armenia and Armenians, I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. I have seen it all. While I have great admiration for Armenian compassion, affection, family ethics, passion, intelligence, perseverance and talent, some years ago I also came to the sobering realization that the problem with Armenia was not its government per se but its people, its citizenry.
The putsch that was attempted back in early 2008 in the name of a criminal and a traitor that had once already pillaged Armenia and laid the foundations to many of its current sociopolitical problems was in a sense my rude awakening. I was shocked at what I saw back in 2008. I found asking myself two basic questions: How could a people be so self-destructive? How could a people be so politically illiterate? Seeing tens-of-thousands of my compatriots rising up against their state - in the name of a person who had once before laid waste to Armenia - made me come to the depressing conclusion that Armenia's greatest problem today is not its government but its politically illiterate, overly emotional and hopelessly restless people. It was as if a veil was lifted. It was like an epiphany. Thereafter, our nation's history - with all its black pages - began making much better sense to me. Slowly, I began realizing that we Armenians are a problematic bunch, somewhat like a big, loud, dysfunctional family.
My shock and my disappointment did not end with the defeat of Levon Petrosyan's color revolution. I found myself back in dismay in 2012. Apparently, Armenians had not learned any lessons from 2008 - nor from other people's mistakes around the world since then - and were this time trying to put into power a person directly in service of Uncle Sam. My shock and disappointment did not end with the defeat of "Raffilution" either. It's been very troubling for me to see that Armenian officials have been giving Western-funded subversive groups like "Founding Parliament" a free-hand in the country in recent years. It has been even more troubling to see Armenians once again resorting to treasonous behavior. I'd like to say here that it was essentially Vahan Martirosyan's Armenian ego that led him to do what he did. By betraying his nation, he was more-or-less settling scores with government officials in Armenia. It was essentially an act of revenge because his ego was hurt. He therefore had to hurt Armenia in retaliation. I have yet to see a Turk or an Azeri do what he has done. While his act was exceptionally outrageous - even by Armenian standards - what's more troubling for me is that many Armenians today actually share a whole lot of Vahan Martirosyan's political ideology. In fact, there are no major differences between Vahan Martirosyan's political rhetoric and that of Armenia's so-called "political opposition". What Azeri news media says about Armenia is identical to what Armenian political oppositionists say about Armenia. Think about that for a moment.
Make no mistake about it. There is a sickness in our society, a sickness that does not allow us to fully submit to our leaders or look at our homeland objectively and rationally. There is also a very troubling growing trend of Russophobia in Armenia. Armenia therefore has many potential Vahan Martirosyans.
I see many Armenians today pursuing the path of their ancestors who murdered their heroic military commander simply in order to live a comfortable life under Turkic/Islamic rule... I see many Armenians today pursuing the path of their ancestors who were manipulated by foreigners into murdering their ruler merely because they did not like his politics... Sadly, it sometimes feel as if we are the direct decedents of not only subservient peasants and shrewd merchants but also traitors.
Not only do we have persistent attacks against our statehood from the outside, we also have equally persistent and no less aggressive attacks against our statehood from the inside. Treasonous filth like Zaruhi Postanjyan, Davit Sanasaryan, Vahe Avetian, Paruyr Hayriakian, Ara Manoogian, Levon Petrosian, Richard Giragosian, Shant Vosgerichian, Igor Muradyan, Raffi Hovannisian, Georgi Vanyan to name only a few are living testimony to this.
Armenians are failing to understand that just as Rome (or Western nations for that matter) was not built in a single day, Armenia is a work in progress.
What was destroyed with the fall of the Soviet Union will require many generations to rebuild, if at all. Armenians are failing to understand that Armenia needs sociopolitical evolution, and not a Western sponsored "regime change". Revolutions, let alone Western instigated ones, have never brought anything positive to anywhere on earth. Armenians are failing to learn lessons from other people that have already destroyed their homelands pursuing democracy, justice and the American way. Armenians need to learn lessons from what happened to nations like Venezuela, Argentine, Greece, Cyprus, Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Iraq. Armenians are failing to understand that despite all its problems - both real and perceived - Armenia is in many ways a very typical developing nation. Actually, despite all of Armenia's internal and external problems (e.g. state of war with Azerbaijan, a double blockade, landlocked territory, terrible political neighborhood, politically illiterate population, incompetent leadership. etc) Armenia is in fact doing better than most developing nations on earth today. Armenians are failing to understand that many of Armenia problems are actually natural growing pains that all nations - including Western nations - have gone through during their long periods of development. How egalitarian, how stable, how democratic were Western governments during their long and tumultuous developing phases? Armenians are failing to understand that Armenia's "oligarchs" are actually angels compared oligarchs around the world (including Western ones). Besides, who is to say that had Armenia been truly an "open society" the country would not be bought up by billionaires from the US, Europe, Israel or even Turkey? As detestable as some of them indeed are, Armenia's oligarchs have nevertheless been an effective barrier stopping Armenia's occupation by foreign oligarchs. Finally, Armenians are failing to understand that Russia remains Armenia's greatest ally and its only security guarantee. Russia is the fundamental reason why Armenia has been able to resist both Turkey and Azerbaijan for 25-plus years.
Against all odds, which as noted above includes a double blockade by predatory neighbors in a very nasty political neighborhood, an unruly/emotional population and a flawed leadership, Armenia has been slowly but surely progressing and developing in recent years. All this however seems to escape the typical Armenian today because, as noted above, if the typical Armenian in Armenia is not able to live the high life he or she will seek it elsewhere.
Speaking of the typical Armenian: For 25 years and counting, the typical Armenian in Armenia has been more interested about how his wealthy neighbors are living than with trying to build a life for himself. For 25 years and counting, the typical Armenian in Armenia has been more prone to sitting back and complaining about having no work and no money than actually making an effort to look for work, any kind of work, to make money. Employers in Armenia actually have problems with finding laborers and service sector workers not because such workers don't exist but because many Armenians refuse to do "demeaning" work. Needless to say, those who refrain from doing "menial" work in Armenia don't have any problems with doing any kind of demeaning/degrading work when they are in foreign countries. For 25 years and counting, the typical Armenian in Armenia has been using abortion as a primary method of contraception and as a means of genociding females. For 25 years and counting, the typical Armenian in Armenia has been treating the country's roadways as a racing track for drunk drivers. For 25 years and counting, the typical Armenian in Armenia has been treating his homeland as a garbage dump and an ashtray, because in the mind of the typical Armenian in Armenia today anything and everything that is found outside his immediate home is of absolutely no concern to him. For 25 years and counting, the typical Armenian in Armenia would much rather waste money on brand name clothing, German cars, American cigarettes, meat and alcohol than spend any amount of money on renovating his home, planting flowers or trees around his home or keeping his neighborhood clean. This is why Armenia's public areas - be it historic sites, religious sites, public rest areas or nature preserves - are desolate wastelands buried in garbage and why much of Armenia's cities and towns today look like African shantytown. For 25 years and counting, the typical Armenian in Armenia has been more concerned about protecting his female relative's "honor" (i.e. virginity, Middle Eastern morality) than protecting his nation's borders from enemies.
For 25 years and counting, those who were always the first to break laws, give or take bribes, cheat, swindle people out of money, oppress people weaker than themselves, not pay taxes, avoid military service and spit on their motherland on a daily basis have been among the first to accuse government officials of "corruption".
I have said this on many previous occasions and I'll say it again: The corruption, incompetence and filth we see in the Armenian government today most accurately reflects the corruption, incompetence and filth we see throughout Armenian society worldwide. Also, Armenian individualism, our ego of biblical proportions, reigns absolutely supreme throughout Armenian society. This particular trait of our people has proven exceptionally toxic for Armenia statehood throughout history.
If Armenia is to have a bright future, Armenians have the need to learn to treat their buildings, their neighborhoods, their streets, their towns and their country as extensions of their homes. If Armenia is to have a bright future, Armenians will need to learn to respect the laws of their homeland regardless of whether others are doing so or not. If Armenia is to have a bright future, Armenians will need to learn to treat other Armenians as an extension of their families. If Armenia is to have a bright future, Armenians will need to learn to obsess a little less about how other people are living and begin concentrating on improving their lives within their homeland - within the conditions that circumstances of the past few decades have dealt them.
None of this is happening today because Western agents embedded throughout Armenian society have gotten Armenians to mindlessly chase outlandish fairytales known as "democracy" and "civil society" and act hysterical about Armenia's natural growing pains. The Western media blitz against Armenia has been particularly brutal in recent years. The intent behind this is to systematically breakdown the Armenian spirit. And they are registering some success. Armenian morale today is at an all time low. This assault on the nation's spirit is a serious, long-term threat to the republic. The strategic importance of high morale in a society is summarized quite well by the following quote -
"It is lack of confidence, more than anything else, that kills a civilization. We can destroy ourselves by cynicism and disillusion, just as effectively as by bombs" - Sir Kenneth ClarkWe all should know by now that perception can be more powerful than reality. And the perception put forth by Armenia's Western activists today is that Armenia is hell on earth. By that distorted logic, if Armenia is hell, then anywhere else must be heaven. By exploiting Armenia's natural growing pains and propagating destructive criticism on a relentless basis, Armenia's "westernizers" and "democratizers" have managed to create widespread anger, hate, cynicism and disillusionment. Consequently, significant numbers of Armenians in Armenia today, perhaps a majority, want to abandon their homeland and/or seek "regime change" - regardless of its repercussions. The panic, hysteria, anger, hate, negativism and the hopelessness sown by Armenia's Western-financed activists has been so overwhelming and encompassing in recent years that according to a recent survey nearly 50% of the country's population today is either actively seeking to migrate or would do so if presented with the opportunity -
Almost half of Armenia’s population would leave if could: http://www.tert.am/en/news/2016/09/01/Statistics/2120894
Bringing up "corruption", "injustice" or the "lack of high paying jobs" in this discussion to excuse or explain this kind of self-destructive behavior is not appropriate because corruption, injustice and lack of high paying jobs is a serious problem in most nations on earth today. Yet, it seems that the Armenian is the only one that is always ready to abandon his country.
People who are ready and willing to abandon the land of their birth are people that inevitably become a burden for their nation. Such people inevitably become an obstacle to nation-building. Such people cannot be expected to serve - or protect - their homeland in times of war. Such people cannot be expected to become constructive/positive elements in their society. Half of Armenia's nearly 3 million people can therefore be considered part of the problem Armenia has. This is how we Armenians are fundamentally different from our Turkic/Islamic neighbors. Although many aspects of Armenian folk culture (e.g. our treatment of women) is very Islamic, unlike our Islamic neighbors we Armenians however are not emotionally and psychologically tied to our homeland. This alarming situation is in my opinion ultimately the by-product of Armenian traits and it is being compounded by the manipulative power of Western propaganda.
I know I won't make a lot of friends by saying this but in my humble opinion there is a lot of excess weight in Armenia today.
I am not yet willing to say that 50% of the country's citizens (i.e. those apparently seeking to migrate) should be written off as lost, but a significant portion of Armenia's population today is actually a burden for the fledgling and embattled country. This is no doubt effecting the socioeconomic and sociopolitical life of the republic. Let's recall that during the Soviet period, when Armenia was one of the Soviet Union's technological hubs and virtually everyone in the republic was employed, the ethnic Armenian population of the country was a little over 3 million. So, think: How can Armenia today, having suffered a sudden and total collapse of the Soviet system - not to mention a very serious earthquake, a devastating war that is yet unsettled and a debilitating 25 year old double blockade - be expected to support a similar population? Armenia today has a population that is said to be little less than 3 million - but it no longer has any of the factories, workshops, research centers and institutions that employed hundreds-of-thousands of its citizens during the Soviet period, nor does it have an unhindered access to the outside world. In my opinion, Armenia's real capacity today (the population that the country as it exists can naturally support) is most probably around 1.5 million.
As I said, I know I won't make a lot of friends by saying this, but I personalty think the country would benefit by shedding another a few hundred thousand of its unemployed, uneducated, disgruntled and disengaged citizens. Had Armenians been a people who generally speaking accepted their lot without constant complaints or periodic hysterical outbursts, I would not dare suggest something like this. But, since Armenians are by nature protestants, Armenia may indeed benefit from shedding some of its excess weight. Simply put: If an Armenian citizen is idle and is being unproductive, they should leave, if only temporarily. They may do the country more good from outside. That said, what they should not do is remain in the country and become a tool for Western agitators and propagandists.
Speaking of our Western propagandists, they are trying to convince us that what is happening in Armenia recently is merely a struggle for "justice", "democracy" and the "rule of law". To which I say bullshit!
Incited by Western agents, Armenians have in general put more effort in attacking their "corrupt" leaders (an imperial Western agenda) than actually doing what they can to rebuild their dilapidated nation. Prodded on by Western agents, Armenians have put more effort in seeking "regime change" (an imperial Western agenda) than actually seeking genuine sociopolitical change. This brings up a related matter I want to address.
Notice that while anti-government forces in the country have periodically risen to topple their government - nobody has ever attempted to harm any of the country's supposedly hated "criminal oligarchs". Had large numbers of Armenia's citizens truly been concerned about their socioeconomic situation and had they truly believed that all of the country's ailments were due to the country's "oligarchs", they would have formed vigilante groups and gone after individual oligarchs, criminals, monopolists, mafia bosses, etc. It's been 25 years and yet not a single one of them have ever been harmed in any way by any of Armenia's anti-corruption crusaders or tough talking nationalists. But, as we have seen, Armenians have periodically taken up arms to topple their government and of course demand that Russians pull their troops out of Armenia. Let's therefore judge the tree by its fruit. By taking up arms against their state and demanding the expulsion of Russian troops from Armenia, Armenia's "westernizers", "democratizers" and "nationalists" are showing us that they actually care very little about Armenia's socioeconomic situation and are instead carrying-out a Western imperial agenda. There is yet another aspect to this matter.
The severe hate many Armenians today have towards their leaders and their wealthy countrymen is rooted more in jealousy than anything else. Armenians by nature are not submissive, especially towards other Armenians. Also, Armenians yearn for the good life. Armenians therefore will refuse to submit to their country's elite, but in the depths of their hearts Armenians actually envy and admire the lifestyles of their oligarchs, mafia bosses and gangsters. In fact, criminal culture affectionately referred to as «գողական» reigns supreme throughout Armenian society. The envy and admiration Armenians have towards mafia figures and gangsters can actually be seen in the kind of television programming many if not most Armenians in Armenia enjoy watching today. This infatuation the country's citizens have with criminal culture (as well as cultural backwardness) is the reason why many Armenians in Russia for example get along lot better with Azeris and other Turkic/Muslim peoples from Central Asia and the Caucasus than with ethnic Christian Russians.
Therefore, don't be fooled by their rhetoric. For the typical Armenian in Armenia today the problem with oligarchy in Armenia is that they are not part of it. It's that simple.
I would also like to add that Armenians are by nature a Middle Eastern/western Asian people, but for some strange reason Armenians (perhaps because of their Christian and ancient Aryan pedigree) tend to think of themselves as "Europeans". Ancient Armenians and Europeans may very well had many similarities but there is very little in common between modern Armenians and Europeans. Nevertheless, this identity disorder lies at the root of why Armenians today are constantly seeking European/western living standards yet they approach everything else in life as typical Middle Easterners. As typical Middle Easterners, Armenians have also mastered the art of blaming everything and everyone but themselves for all their problem and flaws. Consequently, all of Armenia's problems today are either blamed on "Serjik", "oligarchs" and of course Russia.
Armenia's worst enemy has always been the enemy within
Many Armenians have heard the name Mkhitar Sparapet. Many Armenians have even seen the Soviet era film about him. But not many Armenians actually know how he died. Well, let me recount the story: Armenia's peasantry thanked the legendary military leader for his services not much unlike how Armenians have often thanked their leadership: They murdered him, they beheaded him and they delivered his head to the Turkish Pasha of Tabriz as a reconciliation gift. Why would Armenians treacherously murder one of their great military leaders, one who was trying to liberate his people from Islamic rule? Essentially because Mkhitar Sparapet's military campaigns against Turks and Persians were having an adverse impact on the lives of the region's Armenian peasantry. So, by getting rid of Mkhitar Sparapet, some Armenians thought they could continue living their peaceful lives as secondary citizens under Islamic rule. Having been presented with Mkhitar Sparapet's head by those who had murdered him, the Turkish Pasha of Tabriz is said to have been so disgusted by their dastardly act that he ordered their beheading.
As the reader can see, we Armenians have always been ready to place our individualism, our comfort, our egos above that of our nation's and we don't easily recognize the authority of other Armenians over us... which is why we are where we are today. Trust me folks, had President Serj Sargsyan's name been either Ivan, Joe, Francois or Mustafa, Armenians would not have had as many problems with him. Armenia's worst enemy has always been the Armenian. As a collective body, as a people, we do not comprehend the sanctity of statehood, we don't recognize the authority of other Armenians over us and we do not comprehend the crucial need to unconditionally rally around our state regardless of who is at the helm.
I always bring up the life and death of Mkhitar Sparapet as a quintessential Armenian story, a story we today have the need to learn from. Needless to say, he is not the only Armenian leader martyred by the hands of his compatriots. Unfortunately, there are many. Sadly, the life and death of Prince Thoros of Edessa also reads like another typical Armenian story.
Like President Serj Sargsyan of today, Prince Thoros was hated by the Armenians he ruled over in the embattled Christian city of Edessa essentially because he was perceived to be a bad leader. Armenians of Edessa hated him also because he was Greek Orthodox and thus politically allied to Byzantium; similar to how many Armenians today hate President Sargsyan because he was once a communist and because he allied to Russia. Unexpectedly, a few dozen crusading Franks led by a very ambitious knight known as Baldwin of Boulogne showed up in the sociopolitical mess Armenians had created for themselves in Edessa in the late 11th century. These handful of "westerners" were able to quickly overthrow Prince Thoros and subdue the entire city - with the help of the city's Armenian inhabitants. How did they manage it? Simple: The Frankish knights first tricked the aging Armenian prince into embracing them by promising his embattled city much needed military protection against Turks and other Muslims in the region. Once the knights were comfortably settled in the walled city they wasted no time in fomented a popular uprising against the prince who they knew was hated by his people. According to chroniclers from the time, the uprising that was instigated saw the Armenian prince get torn to pieces by an angry Armenian mob. After Armenians brutally murdered their prince, they accepted Baldwin of Boulogne as their ruler. All this was happening when Armenians were barely surviving as a people - and when Turks were just outside the gates of Edessa. After Edessa's successful "color revolution" in 1097 AD, Armenians were living happily as subjects of westerners - until westerners decided to abandon the city and Christian Edessa, a jewel of the ancient world, fell into Turkic/Islamic hands. After which, Armenians began living happily as subjects of Turks and Muslim.
Moral of the story: Armenians will always find reasons/excuses to hate their leaders; Armenians behave themselves best when ruled over by foreigners.
The reader may notice many uncomfortable parallels between then and now. Personally, I can't help but wonder what Armenians today are capable of doing to their much hated president if a crafty foreigner once again showed up inside Armenia and helped Armenians overthrow him. What would freaks from Western-led political opposition groups like the Heritage Party and Founding Parliament do to Armenia's leadership today had they been given impunity by their Western handlers? Wasn't Zaruhi Postanjyan's act back in 2013, the beheading (figurative under such circumstances) of her nation's leader in front of Western officials? Wasn't the intentions of the mysterious armed group that wanted to assassinate Armenian leaders, a direct assault against the Armenian statehood - at a time when the world around Armenia is on the verge of exploding and when Turks are waiting just outside the Armenian gate? Weren't the color revolutions attempted by Levon Petrosian in 2008 and the American agent Raffi Hovanissian in 2013, a Western-led assault against the Armenian state? Wasn't American agent Paruyr Hayrikian's attempted hijacking of the grassroots demonstration movement last summer, an assault against Armenia's sociopolitical evolution? Wasn't mentally unstable Jirayr Sefilian's attempt to bring color revolution into Artsakh, at a time when the embattled territory has been in a life-and-death struggle, an assault against Artsakh itself? Wasn't Founding Parliament's desire to start an armed uprising on the centennial of the Armenian Genocide, an assault against the entire Armenian nation? Wasn't the same group's armed uprising during which several Armenian police officers died an assault against the Armenian state itself? Wasn't political opposition activist Vahan Martirosyan's circus act in Baku high treason against Armenia?
Sadly, we have many, many filthy traitors and destructive idiots in our midst. Thankfully, however, none of them have thus far proven capable of overthrowing today's Prince Thoros or beheading today's Mkhitar Sparapet. But, sadly, the potential for such atrocious behavior remains alive and well in the Armenian body. Not much has therefore changed in Armenian society.
Armenians bickering and fighting among themselves as the world around them burns is a theme that reoccurs throughout my blog commentaries. As I write this, Armenians in Armenia are busy trying to figure out ways to overthrow their government - as Armenia's neighbors are busy preparing for a major war. When the proverbial shit-hits-the-fan and the region where Armenia unfortunately finds itself in descends into war, Armenians will suddenly wake up from their stupidity and start praying for Russia to save Armenia. Trust me, even our disgusting Russophobes will be praying for Russia then. It may be in our DNA to be a problematic people. This is why Armenian leaders have always had to battle enemies from the outside as well as enemies from the inside -
Հայ-ռուսական համատեղ մարտավարական զորավարժությունը «Ալագյազ» զորավարժարանում: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1qU3_acLno&list=UU4lSkT4s1RJ8EK4nZ7pPgqA
Ոստիկանության զորավարժությունը Արզնի օդանավակայանի տարածքում (դիտել 4:45-ից): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHgK_kKhAxs
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not traitor, he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared" - Cicero, 42 B.C.
“For the power of the nation-state by no means consists only in its armed forces, but also in its economic and technological resources, in the dexterity, foresight and resolution with which its foreign policy is conducted; the efficiency of its social and political organizations. It consists most of all in the nation itself, the people; their skills, energy, ambition, discipline, initiative; their beliefs, myths and illusions. And it consists, further, in the way all these factors are related to one another. Moreover, national power has to be considered not only in itself, in its absolute extent, but relative to the state’s foreign or imperial obligations; it has to be considered relative to the power of other states” - Correlli Barnett
Instead of complaining about the loss of "independence" (an absurd complaint given that developing nations within the Western orbit are less independent than Armenia), we should work on using our historic alliance with the Russian Federation to derive benefits for our homeland. With the gradual growth of Russian-led economic and military unions, Armenia has the opportunity to protect itself against regional predators and develop economically - similar to how it was during Soviet period. Growth of Russian-led unions promises to bring back some of the more positive aspects of the Soviet system, without the Soviet. Armenia would therefore fare a lot better if Armenians matured as a people, developed a deeper understanding of politics, curbed their empty pride and primitive forms of nationalism and recognized certain geopolitical realities. As it has been the case now for over 200 years, Armenia can benefit greatly from its historic ties to the Russian Bear - but Armenians need the foresight to do so.
Ultimately, the secret to Armenia's prosperity is a more responsible citizenry, a stable political climate in the country, close ties with the Russian Bear and peace in the south Caucasus. If Armenians refuse to understand this Armenia will continue to stagnate and grapple with existential threats indefinitely.
Let's also finally understand that the Russian factor in Armenia is the only reason why Western powers have a problem with the country. In other words, Uncle Sam's main problem with Armenia is not the lack of "Democracy" in the country but the presence of the Russian Bear in the country. Had Armenia's leadership been in bed with Uncle Sam, Armenia's "corrupt" and "dictatorial" leadership would be infallible and we today would not have an army of Western-financed activists throughout Armenian society constantly airing the country's dirty laundry and calling for regime change. From Uncle Sam's perspective, because Armenia's leaders have at least had the strategic foresight to remain within Russia's political orbit, nothing Armenia's leaders do will ever be good enough. Consequently, for 25 years and counting, Armenia's prophets of doom - the country's Western-financed agents, activists, journalists, propaganda outlets and NGOs - have been doing all they can to sow hate, despair, hopelessness and cynicism. For 25 years and counting, Western-funded individuals and organizations throughout Armenian society have been systematically seeding the Armenian landscape with Russophobia, and more recently calling for an armed rebellion against the Armenia's leadership. All this essentially because Armenia is allied to Russia and Armenian governments are seen as being pro-Russian. Through it all, Armenian authorities, President Serj Sargsyan's government in particular, have turned a blind eye to all this. Why? Essentially because official Yerevan wants to keep Uncle Sam happy, and of course not lose access to Western loans and grants.
Consequently, in a small and impoverished country like Armenia, a country that also happens to survive in the south Caucasus because of its ties with Russia, there are literally thousands of propagandists, activists, politicians, organizations and mercenaries that are under a Western payroll and are tasked with fomenting sociopolitical unrest in the traditionally pro-Russian nation.
Therefore, when Yerevan shocked the world three years ago by announcing Armenia's willingness to join the Russian-led EEU, I said it's only a matter of time before Western powers begin calling on their assets in our society - as well as begin appealing to the emotions of our "nationalists" both in the homeland and in the Diaspora - to rally opposition against Russia and drive a wedge between Yerevan and Moscow. When Moscow began serious efforts early this year to settle the Artsakh dispute for once and for all, I said it's only a matter of time before Western powers appeal to more radical nationalists in our midst in an effort to rally opposition to Russia and sabotage Moscow's regional agendas. I wish I could say I was wrong.
Nationalism is without doubt a very important component within the ideological template of any nation-state. Without nationalism a nation runs the risk of falling victim to multiculturalism. Without nationalism a nation runs the risk of losing its identity, its culture and ultimately, its sovereignty. We are seeing this afflict the Western world. Nationalism however has a self-destructive element contained deep within it. History teaches us that while nationalism can help raise a nation on its feet, if left unchecked, nationalism can also lead a nation to its destruction. Nazi Germany is one such example. Nationalism is a potent weapon for self-preservation but if left unchecked it can cause severe harm to the user. Nationalism therefore has to be carefully regulated by rationale and always accompanied by pragmatism. This is a serious predicament for a nation like Armenia. While Armenia needs nationalism to survive the region it is located in, it may also cause serious problems - especially since Armenians are not particularly known to self-regulate their emotions nor allow rationale or pragmatism guide their actions. Flirting with nationalism will therefore be a very risky business for Armenia.
Ever since Armenia first signaled its willingness to join the EEU, Armenian news media and Armenian cyberspace in general has been constantly flooded with comments like, "Russia is taking over Armenia". More recently, the comments have morphed into, "now that Putin has fully occupied Armenia he will give Artsakh back to the Azeris". Moreover, the very dangerous mentality that Armenians can solve all their problems in the south Caucasus and defeat any enemy simply by "uniting" is also gaining traction among Armenians today. Alarmingly, Western propagandists have also begun convincing increasing numbers of Armenians that Russia (the political entity that makes Armenia's existence in the south Caucasus possible) is one of Armenia's enemies. It was essentially this kind of delusional/toxic mentality - and of course covert support given by Western intelligence services - that led a group of armed extremists from an organization known as "Founding Parliament" to carryout a serious criminal act on July 17.
Some of my readers may recall that on July 12, I had written the following in the comments section of my blog -
"Back in the late 1990s, the US had come very close to brokering a peace deal between Yerevan and Baku. The deal in question would have most probably been a variation of the now infamous "Goble Plan". The parliamentary assassinations that took place on October 27, 1999 put a quick and bloody end to it. This time around, if the Russian plan is not fully supported by the West, Western powers will most probably try to sabotage the Russian brokered peace deal by appealing to the emotions and sentiment of our "nationalistic" idiots. We already see our "nationalists" acting hysterical."
Official Yerevan must have therefore known that there were plans - most probably financed by foreign money - to topple the Armenian government. Why Armenian authorities did not take preventative measures against the group - or allowed the extremists to have unhindered access to social media during the two week standoff - remains a mystery for the most part. This however may be explained by suggesting that the incident was exploited by official Yerevan for political expediency, namely for Artsakh's benefit.
Nevertheless, what happened on July 17 was in my opinion the by-product of official Yerevan's mismanagement of the country and its counterproductive "complimentary politics". It was quite interesting that the armed attack on the police compound came merely two days after the US-backed military coup in Turkey. According to unconfirmed reports, one of the individuals involved with the extremists had made an undisclosed call to Turkey from his home in Armenia during the early stages of the assault on the police compound. As I said, this information is yet unconfirmed. Nevertheless, taking into consideration the peculiar timing of the assault and being that Jirair Sefilian and his followers are funded by foreign intelligence agencies (as well as Europe based "ASALA"), it's not a stretch of the imagination to conclude that the criminal act carried-out by the armed extremists was also blessed directly or indirectly by Western intelligence agencies.
Russia had been making historic inroads in Turkey as well as with the settlement process of the dispute over Artsakh. In my opinion, the Turkish coup was an effort by Western intelligence agencies to stop Erdoğan's government from reorienting Turkey towards Russia. The effort there seems to have backfired. And the act in Armenia was fomented by Western intelligence agencies to derail Russia's settlement efforts in Artsakh. It remains to be seen what repercussions if any it will have on the negotiations process.
What happened in Armenia recently was purely geopolitical in nature. Similar to how 17 years ago Russian intelligence services put an abrupt end to the US-led negotiations process, Western intelligence services today are trying to do the same to the Russian effort. Because of Yerevan's complimentary politics nonsense, Armenia has become a breeding ground of discontent and a battlefield between two competing superpowers. This is why Western style geopolitics, Russophobia to be exact, was the common thread seen throughout the recent mini revolution we experienced in Armenia -
Ռուսաստանը կարող է միջամտել, և կարող է կրկնվել ոչ միայն մարտի 1-ը, այլև հոկտեմբերի 27-ը: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHLjcreZypc
Սա ռուսական գաղութացման դեմ պայքար է. Խզմալյան: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEZlQmRoCys
Հախվերդյանի ելույթը Խորենացի փողոցում: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wspev6AHWL8
Armenians challenge age-old links to Russia: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-37025532
Police-station occupiers also shined spotlight on Russian subjugation of Armenia: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/armine-sahakyan/police-station-occupiers_b_11490162.html
None of this has escaped Moscow's attention. Russian commentators at the time wasted no time in expressing their dismay -
Vestniki Kavkaz: Armenia flirting with terrorists: http://vestnikkavkaza.net/analysis/Why-Armenia-flirting-with-terrorists.html
Vestniki Kavkaz: Armenia shows more sympathy for gunmen than their hostages: http://vestnikkavkaza.net/analysis/Armenia-shows-more-sympathy-for-gunmen-than-their-hostages.html
Fort Russ: US wages hybrid war in Armenia: http://www.fort-russ.com/2016/07/the-us-wages-hybrid-war-in-armenia.html
Katehon: Who is behind the US Hybrid war in Armenia?: http://katehon.com/article/who-behind-us-hybrid-war-armenia
I am among the first to criticize President Sargsyan's government's mismanagement of the country. But I am also among those who sees his government as the lesser of all the political evils that currently exists in Armenia today. Despite my strong objections against official Yerevan's complimentary politics, I see President Sargsyan's administration taking Armenia generally in the right direction. I see Armenia progressing and developing, albeit it slowly. But because of the proliferation of Western propaganda (hysteria) and the self-destructive traits of our people, Armenians are failing to see this.
We as a people need to sober up and understand that the actions of our so-called nationalists and political opposition are being directed by various Western intelligence agencies. For their part - due to their greed, incompetence and political shortsightedness - Armenian officials have foolishly allowed Western agents and propagandists a freehand throughout the country. As a result, we are now sowing what was reaped during the past 25 years. Official Yerevan's corruption and incompetence on one side and the Armenian people's emotions, arrogance, hate, jealousy, impatience, love of gossip, political ignorance and Western financed treachery on the other side, Armenia is being once again destroyed from the inside. We now have a situation where Armenian nationalism is once again working against the interests of the Armenian state. The recent ordeal even unsettled Artsakh -
"By weakening Armenia, you jeopardize the future of Nagorno Karabakh": https://armenpress.am/eng/news/855532/%E2%80%9Cby-weakening-armenia-you-jeopardize-the-future-of-nagorno-karabakh
Legendary Artsakh war hero and former military commander Vitaly Balasanyan and Ambassador Arman Navasardyan have confirmed that land concessions are not being discussed. During his televised speech, President Sargsyan emphatically stated that Artsakh will NEVER again become part of Azerbaijan. Moreover, nothing in recent meetings Moscow had with Yerevan and Baku even remotely suggests that Armenia is being pressured to concede lands. I have no doubt different scenarios are being discussed but I do not see Moscow putting pressure on Yerevan nor do I think President Serj Sargsyan's government will agree to any degree of land concessions without first formally securing Artsakh's independence or its unification with Armenia.
Looking forward, we can expect Western operatives embedded deeply throughout our society to continue appealing to the nationalistic sentiments of our people in order to sabotage Russia's growing political and economic clout in the south Caucasus. Similar to how it was during the Cold War, our nationalists will once again act as the Western world's fifth column and in doing so weaken the Armenian state.
Generally speaking, nationalists really don't to tend to be very intelligent in any society. Due to Armenian arrogance, political ignorance, emotions, impatience, etc., Armenians nationalists in particular can be specially stupid. This is why foreign efforts to manipulate our people's nationalistic sentiments have always yielded good results for them. The most patriotic websites, newspapers and organizations in Armenian society today is replete with mind-numbing stupidity and Russophobia. It's getting so bad now that I, a nationalist, am actually embarrassed to even be associated with Armenian nationalism.
Ideologically, I had seen myself as a nationalist for most of my life. But I have to be honest here and say that I no longer feel that way. In recent years I have come to realize that nationalism per se can pose a very serious danger to a developing nation like Armenia. Similar to how Western intelligence services exploited the ARF and used it against Soviet Armenia during the Cold War period, we are now seeing a renewed exploitation of our modern day nationalists by Western powers. Needles to say, the intention is to use Armenian nationalism as a tool to undermine or sabotage Russian agendas in the south Caucasus. We recently saw an example of how Western powers manipulate political issues in the way the "Radio Liberty" covered the unveiling of Garegin Njdeh's statue in Yerevan. Had such a statue (dedicated to the memory of a legendary individual that had collaborated with Nazi Germany) not had an anti-Russian context to it, Radio Liberty, as well as ever other Anglo-American-Jewish propaganda outlets around the world would have viciously attacked it. But since the Nazi context of the statue in question was directed against Russia, it was deemed acceptable by the Anglo-American-Jewish propaganda machine. We recently saw a similar thing happen in Ukraine -
Today, our so-called "nationalists" are at the forefront of an imperial Western assault against Armenia's strategic ties with Russia. Those who are trying to save Armenia are in fact toying with the country's life. And if you accuse them of doing the West's dirty work, they say they are not anti-Russian but pro-Armenian and that they are simply trying to keep Armenia "independent" from Russia. There is no use in explaining to these politically illiterate zombies that a tiny, impoverished, landlocked and blockaded nation surrounded by tens-of-millions of Turks and Muslims CANNOT be independent and Armenia DOES NOT have any rational alternatives to Russia. There is no use in explaining to our militant chobans that no Russia in Armenia equates to no Armenia in the south Caucasus. There is also no use in explaining to these people that Armenia's independence from Russia will automatically - by default - result in Armenia's dependence on Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Iran.Kiev renames Moscow Ave. after Russian hate figure:https://www.yahoo.com/news/kiev-renames-moscow-avenue-russian-hate-figure-175156579.html
Armenia's "nationalists" are gradually becoming the country's fifth column and Western-funded subversive groups in the country are being called upon today to drive a wedge between Moscow and Yerevan.
I am at a point in my life now where I want absolutely NOTHING to do with traditional (i.e. raw/unrefined) forms of nationalism. Such forms of nationalism may have saved the day 25 years ago when the Soviet Union dissolved, Russia was on its knees and Azerbaijan had no real military to speak of. Today, such forms of nationalism has the potential to destroy the Armenia we have painstakingly built. Armenia therefore needs to cleanse itself of its Western financed, mentally ill, Diasporan and choban "nationalists". As I said, I no longer want to be associated with traditional forms of Armenian nationalism. No thank you. I also could care less about the gossip-laden "voice of the people". I see myself as a rational, pragmatic and farsighted person who loves Armenia and who strongly desires to see Armenia enter into a closer alliance with the Russian Federation. I put the long-term interests of the Armenian state well above the short-term whims of the Armenian people. For me Armenia is well above the Armenian. What's good for Armenia may not therefore always be what's good for the Armenian. In a sense, I see myself as a nationalist in the spirit of Vasak Syuni.
Armenia stuck between incompetent officials and Western-funded mercenaries
Grant list for 2016: http://www.osf.am/about-company/grants-lists/2016/
Grant list for 2017: http://www.osf.am/about-company/grants-lists/2017/
There is no doubt in my mind that in the depths of their hearts Western-funded activists like Davit Sanasaryan and the rest of Armenia's Westernizers and democratizers genuinely want to help Armenia by facilitating a "regime change" and by expelling Russian troops out of the country. There is also no doubt in my mind that Western-funded assholes like Davit Sanasaryan and the rest pose an existential threat to the Armenian state. Regardless of their intentions, these people are treasonous and dangerous. Sometimes I wonder: How many more nations will have to be destroyed and how many more millions of people will have to die or be displaced from their homes by Western-funded regime changes around the world before our self-destructive peasantry realizes that a regime change is not what Armenia needs and that Russian boots on the ground in Armenia is the country's only security guarantee?
We are seeing Armenia's self-destructive peasantry - and its nationalists - once again trying to burn down their village in an attempt to save it from imaginary monsters. The following is a partial list of organizations and individuals that, in my opinion, should be either put under constant surveillance, shutdown, exiled, jailed or outright banned from ever entering Armenia -
Richard Giragosian, Paruyr Hayrikian, Raffi Hovanissian and family, Zaruhi Postanjian, Levon Petrosian, Vartan Oskanian, Andranik Dovlatyan, Andreas Gukasyan, Larisa Minasyan, Levon Zurabian, Manvel Sargsian, Shant Voskerichian, Artur Sakunts, Babken DerGrigorian, Shant Arutyunian, Ruben Gevorkyants, Avetik Ishkhanyan, Jirayr Libaridian, Nikol Pashinyan, Yeghia Nersesian, Gayane Abrahamyan, Armen Martirosyan, Hilda Grigoryan, Salpi Ghazarian, Jirayr Sefilian, Edik Baghtasaryan, Arpine Galfayan, Emil Danielyan, Levon Parseghyan, Van Krikorian, Harry Tamrazian, Susanna Muradyan, Hranush Kharatyan, Georgy Vanyan, Igor Muratyan, Jhanna Makhyan, Ara Manoogian, Robert Davidian, Onnik Krikorian, David Grigorian, Arpine Galfayan, Vardges Gaspari, David Sanasaryan, Vahan Martyrosyan, Sassoon Kosian, Hovnanian family, Zaruhi Poghosyan, Lara Aharonian, Nanore Barsumian, Larisa Minasyan, Mamikon Hovsepyan, Naira Hayrumyan, Sona Ayvazyan, Ara Papyan, David Shahnazaryan, Yekaterina Poghosyan, Tigran Khzmalyan, Daniel Ioannisyan, Garo Ghazarian, Garegin Chugaszyan, Liana Aghajanian, Arevik Saribekyan, Anush Sedrakyan, Arman Babajanyan, Tsovinar Nazaryan, Gevorg Safaryan, Karine Aghajanyan, Angel Khachatryan, Alex Yenikomshyan, Alexander Arzumanyan, Eduard Abrahamyan, Boris Navasardyan, Gayane Mkrtchyan, Maro Matossian, Varujan Avetisyan, Marianna Grigoryan, Edgar Khachatryan, Karen Hakobian, Tony Halpin, Anna Nemtsova, John Hughes, Kirk Wallace, Rick Ney, Anton Ivchenko, Blogger Unzipped, Rotary Club of Yerevan, Transparency International Anti-corruption Center, Gala TV, Open Society Foundation Armenia, Armenian Assembly of America, Pink Armenia, Policy Forum Armenia, Armenian Renaissance, ACNIS, Civilitas, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly, Peace Dialogue, Armenian Environmental Network, NGO Center of Armenia, Rights and Support Foundation, UIC Armenia, British Council of Armenia, Women’s Support Center, Rights and Support Foundation, Caucasus Research Resource Center Armenia, Institute for Democracy and Human Rights, Founding Parliament (formerly Pre-Parliament), Heritage Party, Radio Liberty, Asparez Journalists' Club, Caucasus Center for Peacemaking Initiative, Women’s Resource Center, Arajinlratvakan, ArmeniaNow, Armenia Today, Aravot, Hetq and Lragir.
Հայ-ռուսական համատեղ մարտավարական զորավարժությունը «Ալագյազ» զորավարժարանում: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1qU3_acLno&list=UU4lSkT4s1RJ8EK4nZ7pPgqA
Ոստիկանության զորավարժությունը Արզնի օդանավակայանի տարածքում (դիտել 4:45-ից): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHgK_kKhAxs
The four day war in April opened up a can of worms, so to speak. Armenia's less than impressive military performance on the battlefield to say the least shook the nation. Our military's lackluster performance should not have been a surprise. I have always warned that past performances do not guarantee future results. I have always said that Armenians are not a disciplined and warlike people. There may be a sprinkling of extremist nutjobs in Armenia but generally speaking Armenia is not a martial society and Armenians are by nature pacifistic. Nevertheless, Armenia's poor military performance coupled with Armenia's not so little army of Western agents always waiting on the sidelines to pounce on any opportunity to destabilize the embattled south Caucasus nation has led us to the current situation we are in.
Due to official Yerevan's desire to impress Western powers Founding Parliament type subversive groups were allowed not only to exist but to also freely propagate hatred towards the Armenian state. Such groups should not have been tolerated in the country. But because the country is not being properly run and because Armenian officials want to continue kissing Western asses for loans and grants, Western funded mercenaries are allowed to exist in the country. Now, Armenia has begun paying the price for official Yerevan's greed and stupidity. Sadly, I see Armenia hopelessly stuck between incompetent officials and emotionally distraught, easily manipulated and politically illiterate citizens -
Բախում Սարի թաղում: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TSVp9ppB28
Կրակոցներ ՊՊԾ գնդի տարածքից, լարված իրավիճակ Խորենացի փողոցում: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBf1-x4aTnQ
Due to the horrors of the 20th century, modern Armenians have severe emotional problem even during the best of times. 25-plus years of severe socioeconomic and sociopolitical problems associated with the republic's post-Soviet growing pains coupled with the Western-led propaganda campaign to vilify the "pro-Russian regime" in Yerevan has caused serious and deep rooted problems within the people's psyche. Consequently, the Armenian street today hates their leadership and law enforcement bodies more than they hate Azeris or Turks.
Nevertheless, despite the “regime's” wrongdoings - both real and perceived - Armenians will ultimately refuse to repeat the mistake of Ukrainians, Libyans and Syrians and so many other peoples that were led to their demise by Western powers. There will therefore not be a general uprising against the Armenian state. I say this not because Armenians have political foresight or self-respect but because Armenian have a strong sense of survival and Armenians in general are not violent like Slavs or stupid like Arabs. Moreover, we must all sober up put aside our Քաջ Նազար mentalities and recognize that the Artsakh conflict has to end if the south Caucasus is to ever return to peace and placed back on the road to prosperity. The Russian brokered negotiations process therefore must continue. Mutual concessions - the return of some territories for Artsakh's recognition or its unification with Armenia - will eventually have to be made.
I'd like to remind the reader that even almighty Israel was forced by its great American ally to return the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt in return for peace. Even almighty Israel was forced by its great American ally to return the Gaza Strip to Palestinians. Even almighty Israel is unable to outright annex Jewish inhabited regions of the West Bank because its great American ally does not want it to. Allow me to also remind the reader that Israel is also small and a lot of precious Jewish blood was also spilled to take those lands. Does being pressured by Americans to cede territory to its enemies mean the US is not Israel's closest and staunchest ally? Of course not. The same applies to Russian-Armenian relations. Moscow may pressure Yerevan into doing some things, but that does not mean Russia is not Armenia's strategic ally. Armenians therefore need to act less like a bunch of emotionally distraught mountain chobans and try to be more aware of the political world they live in.
Foremost, we Armenians need to be mature enough to move away from the notion that just because someone courageously fought in the war of liberation in Artsakh some twenty years ago needs to be revered for the rest of his life regardless of their actions. In other words: War heroes are not infallible. Moreover, what gives people the stupid idea that just because someone was courageous on the battlefield that someone would be a good political leader? What makes people think that just because someone was a war hero some twenty years ago cannot do things that are deemed treasonous today? In fact, what makes people think that a war hero has to be emotionally stable, psychologically normal or even smart? Simply put: Armenians need to stop bestowing supernatural powers to their war heroes. This applies even to the likes of our Monte Melkonians and Andranik Ozanians.
For all his legendary prowess on the battlefield, General Ozanian was also hopelessly idealistic, fiercely independent, emotional, stubborn, proud and quite ignorant of international relations and geopolitics. General Ozanian was more of a champion of the "oppressed" than an Armenian nationalist. General Ozanian even took up arms against the ARF-led government in Armenia in 1918 because of political quarrels - at a time when Armenia was barely alive and Turks were systematically killing-off Armenians throughout the region. It is well known that General Ozanian hated and distrusted his brethren in the ARF yet for some reason looked up to and trusted the Brits - which is a fundamental part of the reason why we lost our control over Artsakh at the time. Finally, when the politics of the time proved more than he was willing to bear, General Ozanian took off to retire in sunny California with his young bride... whereas others like Garegin Njdeh and Drastamat Kanayan remained to continue their fight for an independent Armenia. General Ozanian's greatness is strictly confined to the battlefield and then only as a rebel leader. Thus, when we honor a man like him we need to honor his military exploits against Turks and nothing else.
Chances are that had Monte Melkonian, the ASALA operative turned legendary freedom fighter in Artsakh, been alive today he would have been a militant opposition leader in Armenia. The man was very courageous and very disciplined but also very idealistic and an ardent Marxist/Socialist. Melkonian's character was perfect for the battlefield! But how would he fare in political life? What was his intellectual depth? How stable was he emotionally? How farsighted was he? How broad was his understanding of the political world? How well did he understand Armenia's geopolitical predicaments? Would he seek to topple the Armenian government because of Western catchwords such as "oligarchy" and "corruption"? Would he seek to push his Marxist ideas onto Armenian society? Would he look at Armenia's perceived subordination to Russia as a problem that needed to be resisted? Due to his idealism and thus political rigidity, would he be manipulated by Armenia's enemies? Chances are Melkonian would not have fared well in Armenian society after the war. Similar to General Ozanian, Monte Melkonian's greatness is also strictly confined to the battlefield as a guerrilla leader. Thus, when we honor a man like him we need to honor his military exploits against Azeris and nothing else.
Legendary military leaders are born on the battlefield during war time. But such are rarely ever successful in peace time and/or in political life. As we have seen in Armenia very recently, revered war veterans can actually become a serious problem for the state. War veterans can actually pose a serious danger to the nation they ostensibly love.
What I have described above is not strictly an Armenian problem. War heroes falling from favor is in fact a norm around the world. For example: Consider how General Zhukov, the greatest Soviet general of the Second World War was treated by Stalin after the great war ended. Similar processes happen even in the Western world. General Douglas MacArthur had serious problems in American society after the Second World War. And General Patton, the "legendary" American war hero who valiantly fought the German Wehrmacht in western Europe, was most probably assassinated by his government because he was politically too vociferous and too extreme -
General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of allied war leaders claims new book: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews
Yes, we need to respect out war heroes but we should not be tolerating destructive behavior by them. Yes, we need to respect our war heroes but we must expect them to play a ceremonial role during times of peace. Yes, we need to respect our war heroes but we need to be weary of them when they attempt to get into politics. Yes, we need to respect our war heroes but when our war heroes attempt to turn their guns against their state, we simply need to put aside all the niceties and just rein them in.
All of this also applies to today's ASALA. Please note that ASALA today, or whatever remains of it, is a foreign-backed operation. One of its leaders who lives in France is a lunatic. I suspect he is also under a French payroll. He, like many ARF activists in the Diaspora today, is one who places the concept of "Western Armenia" above the current Armenian state. Monte Melkonian's ASALA associate Alex Yenikomshian, who is one of the leaders of the foreign-funded radical group known as "Founding Parliament", is also most probably working for some foreign intelligence agency.
Nevertheless, when Jirayr Sefilian and his comrades attempted to take up arms against the Armenian state several years ago to stop official Yerevan from doing things that only existed in their paranoid heads, it was a clear signal that our Artsakh war heroes were on a downward spiral. When Jirayr then became the leader of the foreign sponsored extremist organization known as "Founding Parliament" and began announcing plans to incite a revolution on the centennial of the Armenian Genocide, he essentially forfeited his place in Armenian society and negated all the previous good he had done for his homeland. He was finally put away again after he and his group began planning unrest in Armenia due to rumors that Armenian leader were getting ready to make land concessions in Artsakh. Simply put: Jirayr Sefilian and friends are delusional extremists. I say delusional because I would hate to think of them as traitors. Nevertheless, Jirayr's time in Armenia has long expired. Armenian officials should hang a medal around his neck, thank him for his services in Artsakh twenty years ago and send him back home to Bourjhamoud. Frankly, I think someone like him would be much more useful for Armenian communities of Lebanon and Syria.
There may be a silver-lining
In closing, I want to say that there may indeed be a silver-lining to what recently happened in Armenia. In the words of the great German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche: That which does not kill us makes us stronger. The crisis that afflicted the republic recently has the potential to make the country stronger. Everyone - including Russians, Americans and Azeris - have now gotten a little taste of what can happen if official Yerevan is even perceived as being too giving in terms of land concessions in Artsakh. Founding Parliament crazies cannot be given any credit for this. Had their Western-led, anti-Russian agenda succeeded, Armenia would have descended into chaos. With that said, I'd like to propose the idea that official Yerevan allowed the situation to get to the point that it did in order to show the world that Armenia cannot risk ceding lands to Azerbaijan. The stranger aspects of the police compound's siege - such as the ability of the militants to get their message out to the public unhindered by law enforcement bodies or allowing the standoff to last for two full weeks - may therefore not have been due to incompetence of Armenian officials after all. There is a very good possibility that the extremist group was manipulated or goaded into doing what it did by Armenian (and perhaps Russian) security officials. At the very least, Armenian law-enforcement officials may have stood-down and allowed the militant group to carryout their plan. In hindsight, it is beginning to look as if the militants unwittingly became pawns in a much bigger chess game than they could have possibly imagined. That said, I firmly believe now that the crisis Armenia endured recently will at the very least give Armenian officials an upper hand during negotiations over Artsakh. I also believe that it may force Armenian officials to begin reconsidering their management - or rather mismanagement - of the country.
I am glad to report that the latest signs from Armenia are very encouraging to say the least. The country seems to be on course for some positives changes. The long awaited resignation of one of the country's top chobans in Armani suits and the long awaited reappearance of Karen Karapetyan - a career technocrat who also enjoys high level ties in Moscow - is a very welcome development. It is telling that anti-government interests both foreign and domestic have not wasted any time in expressing their dissatisfaction with Karen Karapetyan's sudden reappearance. Nevertheless, Karen Karapetyan promises to be a great prime minister and he has the backing of senior officials. Moreover, it was also reported recently that Armenia's Defense Minister General Seyran Ohanyan may be replacing Secretary General Nikolay Bordyuzha as head of CSTO. Rumor has it that Ohanyan's next stop may be Armenia's political arena. Karapetyan's and Ohanyan's appearances in the country's political scene are very encouraging signs.
Finally, what many of us had been impatiently waiting for has also come to pass: Armenia and Russia have finally merged some of their military units into one fighting force and Armenia has been supplied with the Iskander ballistic missile complex. This nuclear-capable medium range ballistic missile system is said to be the best of its kind in the world. Amazingly, Armenia has become the only country after Russia to deploy it. With its latest weapons deliveries and its military's merger with that of Armenia's Russia has turned Armenia and Artsakh into impregnable fortresses. Needless to say, Western propaganda outlets have wasted no time in trying to cast a dark shadow on all this as well. Anyway, after the disappointments of April and July these are all long overdue yet very welcome developments for Armenia.
Suddenly, Armenia's forward momentum, stalled in recent months, seems to have unexpectedly jumped into a higher gear. I expect to see more political progress in the country in the coming one to two years. Karapetyan's and Ohanyan's appearance in Armenia's political arena is a significant improvement and very promising. But they alone will not be able to do much. The entire political culture in the country, from top to bottom, is rotten. For this rot to be cleaned up, changes need to take place in the people's mindsets... or changes need to be imposed from above (Moscow). Recent political developments in the country nevertheless beg the question: Could it be that healthy elements within Armenia's political and military hierarchy have exploited the recent crisis in the country to finally bring about some long awaited change? Is Moscow taking a more "hands-on" approach in Armenia? Will Armenia now finally begin expelling its Western mercenaries? Will Armenia now free itself from its chobans in Armani suits? Time will tell. For now, we can only hope. In doing so, let's also hope that at the end of the day, the mini war in April and the mini coup we experienced in July will indeed prove to be major blessings in disguise.
Autumn, 2016
The attackers are obviously counting on the support of the crowd. During the storming of the police station, they killed one police officer and can now hope to get away with it only if they can rekindle a revolutionary conflagration. Perhaps the attack was intended for this. Supporters of the militants have tried to organize a breakthrough crowd to connect with the bandits and initiate a "revolution." The main demand of the militants and their supporters is the removal from power of the incumbent president, Serge Sargsyan, and the release of their leader Jirayr Sefilian, and a number of other prisoners. Otherwise, they promise to start an armed uprising throughout the country. "We have captured a major police base in Yerevan and control the block of Erebuni", they claimed in their statement.
Armenian special services have not yet resolved to storm the occupied station, not just because of the good training of the militants - they are veterans of the Karabakh war. Eliminating veterans, who don the halo of war heroes, and supporters of the hero of the Karabakh war, Jirair Sefilian, can delegitimize the government. In social networks, there is already a campaign glorify gangsters. In the case of elimination, they can become those "martyrs" who inspire others to action. It is necessary to pay close attention to the various characters who support the organizers of an armed attack, and who engage in protest actions in support.
Sefilian created "The Constituent Parliament”, the radical opposition organization. In 2015, he joined the board of the opposition campaign "New Armenia" which attempted a color revolution using as a pretext that the authorities had initiated a referendum on transitioning to a parliamentary form of government. He repeatedly criticized Russia, accusing it of support for Azerbaijan. Sefilian belongs to the extremist wing of the Armenian nationalist party Dashnaktsutiun, and has vast experience in terrorist activity. The group which tried to support militants was led by coordinators of the initiative called Arise Armenia, Andrias Ghukasyan and David Sanasaryan. Previously, they expressed their support of the closure of the Russian base in Gyumri and held protests against Armenia's joining the Customs Union and the EAEC. Andrias Ghukasyan is a liberal activist. In 2015, he became one of the organizers of the movement "Get up Armenia", which supported the "Electric Yerevan" protests in Yerevan last year. He also opposes defense cooperation with Russia.
Andrias Ghukasyan
David Sanasaryan is a graduate of the School of Advanced International Studies, Paul Nitze (SAIS, located in Washington, DC) at Johns Hopkins University, and holds the position of "Heritage" party spokesperson opposing Armenia's membership in the Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Union. Sansaryan led anti-Russian protests many times, and together with other activists of the "Heritage" Party he held rallies in support of the Maidan in Ukraine in 2014. He coordinated one of Soros Fund programs in Armenia.
The leader the "Heritage" party is the first Foreign Minister of independent Armenia, Raffi Hovannisian. He was born in the United States and lived in the US for almost 30 years. He formally abandoned his US citizenship in 2003. In the 1990's he was the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the pro-American government of President Levon Ter-Petrosian. Hovhannisyan, now heads an opposition structure called the "New Armenia", which includes field commander Jirayr Sefilian.
Raffi Hovannisian
All of the above characters actively participated in the protests last summer (Electric Yerevan under the anti-Russian slogans). In addition, they also organized protests in December 2015 against turning Armenia into a parliamentary republic. All these people are united by their hostility to Russia, cooperation with the West, and an active nationalist rhetoric. They boost the process of recognition of Nagorno Karabakh's independence by Armenia, and Hovhannisyan and Sefilyan want to start a new war with Azerbaijan. It is obvious that the escalation of the conflict is exactly what the US is interested in. As we wrote earlier:
These events in Armenia are part of the strategy of hybrid war used by the US against Continentalist forces, and primarily against Russia. The goal is changing the government or policies of the Armenian authorities to ones less pliable for Russia. Currently, the Russian government is trying to find a formula of compromise between Armenia and Azerbaijan in order to ensure long-term peace, which naturally requires concessions from the Armenian side. The United States, in turn, is using its agents of influence in Armenia and Azerbaijan in order to derail the peace process and kindle war, which would naturally draw in Russia and Turkey. The activities of armed radicals are a natural element of this hybrid war strategy. The recent attack has multiple objectives: exerting pressure on the Armenian leadership with an eye on preventing compromise on Karabakh; creating a pole of attraction for radical discontent elements which will then be used in a color revolution; using military operations by paramilitary formations to demonstrate the weakness of the government and its inability to control the situation; and strengthening overall opposition sentiment. The ultimate goal is the incitement of war in Karabakh, a change of government, the withdrawal of the Russian military base from Gumri.
At the same time US influence in the Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia is strong enough. Armenia, despite the membership of the CSTO and the Customs Union, in many areas behaves independently of Russia, including using the resources of the Armenian lobby in the United States. At the same time, the interaction with the US has the reverse effect. These same structures can become agents of American interests. It is significant that the US, unlike Russia, formally allocates financial assistance to Nagorno-Karabakh every year in the amount of several million dollars. The American influence in Nagorno-Karabakh is underestimated by Russia.
In May the same forces: MPs from the pro-Western liberal "Heritage" party and the pro-Western block, "Armenian National Congress" of the former president Levon Ter-Petrosian offered to Armenia that they would recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as an independent state, that probably would have stalled the peace process and opened the way to new war The draft document was then offered by MPs Zaruhi Postanjyan and Hrant Bagratyan. Bagratyan - liberal economist and former prime- minister of Ter-Petrosyan. In 1995 he was voted Man of the Year by the American Biographical Institute, in 1998 he was voted man of the UN Millennium and the Cambridge Biographical Center.
It is possible that in an escalation of tensions in Armenia will engage other elements of the pro-American network, from nationalists to sixth columns in the government of Armenia. Also, agents of US influence in Azerbaijan will undertake certain provocation in the near future to even more complicate the situation in Armenia. Using Russian obligations to its ally - Armenia - the United States through its network on the one hand seeks to disrupt the peace process in the South Caucasus, and to draw Russia into the war, on the other hand, to use the wave of discontent with Russian peace strategy and incitement to nationalist hysteria initiate a new color revolution, in order to take Armenia out of Russia's influence. Thus a situation of a Zugzwang is created for Russia - any move leading to a deterioration of the position of the player.
On Saturday-Sunday night, the police station in the capital of Armenia was captured by militants associated with the group "The Constituent Parliament”. They are demanding the release of their leader Jirair Sefilian, who is under arrest on charges of illegal acquiring and possessing weapons. One policeman was killed during the building’s seizure.
Jirair Seiflian is a native of Lebanon who arrived in Armenia to take part in the Karabakh war in the early 1990’s. He has experience from fighting in Lebanon. In Karabakh, he became one of the most famous military leaders and enjoys the support of the Armenian diaspora and war veterans of Karabakh. He is harshly critical of official Yerevan's position on the Karabakh issue. Seiflian calls for the resumption of hostilities against Azerbaijan after the April 2016 war. On June 20th, 2016, he was arrested on suspicion of smuggling and possessing weapons.
Sefilian created "The Constituent Parliament”, the radical opposition organization. In 2015, he joined the board of the opposition campaign "New Armenia" which attempted a color revolution using as a pretext that the authorities had initiated a referendum on transitioning to a parliamentary form of government. At the head of the opposition force is Raffi Hovannisian who at the presidential elections of 2013 received more than 36% of the vote. He was born and lived his first 31 years in the USA. After the collapse of the USSR Raffi Hovannisian became the first Minister of foreign Affairs in Armenia. "New Armenia" actively uses the Karabakh problem to accuse authorities of surrendering national positions.
The forces connected to seizing the police station (New Armenia) earlier organized protests against Russian military base in Armenia, supported coup d’etat in Ukraine and took active participation in the protest in the Armenian capital last summer. They are closely connected to the US embassy and the Open Society (Soros Foundation) in Armenia.
The purpose of the operation
These events in Armenia are part of the strategy of hybrid war used by the US against Continentalist forces, and primarily against Russia. The goal is changing the government or policies of the Armenian authorities to ones less pliable for Russia. Currently, the Russian government is trying to find a formula of compromise between Armenia and Azerbaijan in order to ensure long-term peace, which naturally requires concessions from the Armenian side. The United States, in turn, is using its agents of influence in Armenia and Azerbaijan in order to derail the peace process and kindle war, which would naturally draw in Russia and Turkey.
The activities of armed radicals are a natural element of this hybrid war strategy. The recent attack has multiple objectives: exerting pressure on the Armenian leadership with an eye on preventing compromise on Karabakh; creating a pole of attraction for radical discontent elements which will then be used in a color revolution; using military operations by paramilitary formations to demonstrate the weakness of the government and its inability to control the situation; and strengthening overall opposition sentiment.
Source: http://katehon.com/article/us-wages-hybrid-war-armenia
EU diplomats are supporting the forces that “shake” the situation in Armenia, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said as it commented on the EU statement on developments in Yerevan, TASS reports.“During the briefing of the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs we gave assessment to the drama in Yerevan. We also called attention to the statement of the EU Delegation to Armenia issued in agreement with the EU Members States’ Heads of Mission in Armenia,” the Ministry said. “Surprisingly, there was no space in the document for a direct and clear condemnation of the criminal actions – an armed attack on the premises of a police regiment, murder of a policeman and hostage-taking,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement. “Instead, there was an emphasis on the requirements from the authorities – to observe the principle of proportionality in handling public manifestations and call for a full investigation of all cases of alleged wrongdoing by the police.” “It’s hard to get rid of the feeling that EU diplomats are openly supporting the forces in Armenia, which seek to “shake” the domestic political situation in the country,” the statement reads.

This week’s armed attack on a police station in the Armenian capital, Yerevan, has raised questions about whether the use of violence is now seen in the South Caucasus country as an acceptable way to push for reform. The gunmen who seized control of the Erebuni police station on July 17, killing one law enforcement officer, wounding a few others and taking several hostage, have long advocated the government’s overthrow – not via the ballot box, but by force. They are members of an organization called Founding Parliament, which comprises primarily veterans of the 1988-1994 conflict with Azerbaijan over the separatist Nagorno-Karabakh territory.
Founding Parliament does not have representatives in any elected body. It vehemently opposes territorial concessions to Azerbaijan in exchange for a Karabakh peace deal, now rumored to be under consideration by officials in Yerevan. The group also has taken issue with various alleged civil rights abuses under President Serzh Sargsyan, whose resignation its members now demand. Generally seen as a radical fringe group, Founding Parliament has not, until now, enjoyed large public support. But over the past six days, many Armenians have started to support these veterans’ notion that force can be a first resort. People in the streets and on social media comment that the armed takeover of the Erebuni police station “is the only way” to force reforms, using the “only” language the government can understand. Some go further, saying even that the authorities “should be gunned down.”
Armenia does not have a post-Soviet history of armed uprisings, but there have been episodes of politically related gun violence. The 1999 gun slaying of the prime minister, parliamentary speaker, a minister and several parliamentarians is the most prominent example of violence influencing politics. Political analysts and human rights activists alike believe that the gunmen’s sudden popularity springs from years of Armenians seeing violence prevail over rule of law. Building frustration over the lack of change has fostered a public mood in which radical means, including violent methods, are gaining acceptance as a way to promote reforms. These days, even among those who are advocates of liberal, democratic reform, support exists for the gunmen. Opposition activist Davit Sanasarian, one of the co-leaders of the non-violent Electric Yerevan protests in 2015, is among those who justify the gunmen’s actions.
“When every day you see in the media how oligarch lawmakers talk, how they behave violently, solve their issues by means of beatings, it cannot but cause a culture of violence in society,” said psychologist Arshak Gasparian, head of the Social Justice organization which trains police to address domestic violence. “Every day, they keep prodding us into thinking that this is the way, that only through force can one solve problems.”
Events cited to explain this phenomenon run the gamut: from the 2008 killings of eight protesters and two police officers in a clash over presidential election results and signs of police brutality toward protest prisoners to murders by those connected with powerful government-linked allies that go unpunished. A contributing factor is repeated incidents of non-combat soldier deaths and widespread domestic violence. The government’s record on such issues is inconsistent. The hostage crisis “happened because injustice has reached its climax,” asserted Avetik Ishkhanian, chair of the Armenian Helsinki Committee, a human rights non-governmental organization. “The roots and causes of this, and those responsible, should be sought within the government.”
Senior government officials have not commented on the violence or the hostage crisis, now in its sixth day. On July 21, Deputy Parliamentary Speaker Eduard Sharamazanov, spokesperson for the ruling Republican Party of Armenia, broke that silence. Calling for calm amid “a very nervous moment,” Sharamazanov told reporters that “We don’t need new bloodshed. We have no enemies in Armenia. All are our brothers and sisters.” The situation, as Sharamazanov noted, remains tense. On July 20-21, protesters threw rocks and bottles at riot police blocking access to the Erebuni police station. Police responded with tear gas, stun grenades and beatings with batons. At least 136 people were detained and about 70 people were hospitalized. Clashes had erupted also on July 19 when young men living near the seized police station pelted police officers with rocks after the neighborhood’s only road was blocked for security reasons.
“The public mentality has changed, as the elites have provided the model of solving problems with the use of arms and beatings,” Gasparian said.
Violence has also been reported in police departments where hundreds of activists and other individuals have been taken, as law enforcement mops up anti-government protests. Human rights activist Ishkhanian alleged that police used force against more than 50 detained demonstrators. The police have claimed that they investigate each report of abuses by law enforcement. Officials appear aware that trying to resolve the hostage crisis by force could easily backfire. “If they disperse this protest today, tomorrow people will go into the streets … because the roots of the problem remain,” asserted Ara Papian, director of the Yerevan-based think-tank Modus Vivendi. Protesters have moved steadily from brandishing “wooden sticks” to, now, Kalashnikovs, he added.
Relative calm has prevailed since the hurly-burly crackdown on the July 20-21 protest. On July 22, President Sargsyan issued his first public comments about the hostage situation, stating after a meeting with police, prosecutors and security officials that "In Armenia, problems will not be solved through violence, attacks, or hostage taking. We will not allow that". Terming the crisis' peaceful denouement "the most serious test for Armenia, for our society and the maturity of our state," he urged the gunmen to give up their weapons and hostages, and for protesters to keep their demonstrations peaceful and within "the framework of the law." The authorities will be patient, Sargsyan said, but added that "I believe this is going on longer than we can allow." Observers consider the gunmen’s chances for success slim to none. “Against force there is always a greater force that has authority,” noted Hovhannisian. Ultimately, she added, whatever the provocation, use of weapons only “leads to a crisis, which we witness today.”
Source: http://www.eurasianet.org/node/79811
The need for security as the dominant motive of national behavior, is the strongest motivation and even the basis for the development of the nation state as such. Security, both at the global and regional levels is the central problem of the entire system of international relations; any issue in international politics, in some way is connected with this problem. On the other hand, the defense of its statehood from internal and external threats is one of the basic functions of the state and the indicator of its viability. In short the main directions of the state and society to ensure national security can be defined as:
1. Forecasting of threats to national security in all spheres through the provision of comprehensive and objective scientific and practical analysis.
2. The definition of criteria and "red lines" of national security and strategic priorities of development of the country.
3. Development of a package of measures and mechanisms for ensuring national security in the fields of economy, foreign and domestic policy, public security, law and defense, information and spiritual spheres.
Civilizational conditions and a framework of existence of its national interest, which is the formation of Armenia's national security, is characterized by dramatic change, the transformation of the global system of inter-state relations and the existing balance of power. Most importantly, the experts in the field of politics and international relations theory agree that globalization has radically changed relations between states, and the status of a nation state as such. Independence in the era of globalization is relative, we live in an era of revision of the foundations of Westphalia peace. Completely new security systems are developing in the world, which stem directly from national interests. The doctrine of national security is a clear strategy based on the priorities of the system of national interests.
The national interests of a state, in turn, are long term in nature and define the main objectives on historical path, shape strategic and operational objectives of internal and external policy of the state, and are implemented through the system of public administration. In the early twenty-first century the Republic of Armenia has made a major leap in the analysis and strategy development of Armenia's national security in the new environment and strictly adheres to it. In accordance the doctrine of the Armenian Foreign Ministry is divided into four areas:
- Positioning itself in the global system of international relations as a democratic, independent state
- Creating the necessary conditions for economic prosperity of the country (in particular, harnessing the potential of the Armenian involvement in regional integration processes and processes with a main partner - Russia)
- Providing the security of the Armenian nation and statehood
- The development of an open civil democratic society and its infrastructure (the peoples living on the territory of Armenia are equal in their rights, their interests protected by Law, all ethno-national rights of peoples and nationalities are protected)
- The Armenian Church - faithful to its people throughout historic Christian memory
- The Armenian alphabet, which gave the opportunity to the representatives of culture to preserve the values of cultural-historical foundation of the nation in the native language
- Armenian family, national traditions and customs
On the basis of the above and a historical analysis, in September 2013, the President of the Republic of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan made a announcement about the choice of Armenia's path of future development and accession to the Customs Union and to the Treaty establishing the Eurasian Economic Union. Development and economic integration of Armenia in the direction of the East and Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan will provide a relatively rapid growth of the domestic economy and solve the accumulated social issues. In the end, the creation of a common labor market of the Union will provide Armenia and the people the free movement, the development of small and medium business, will ensure the improvement of standard of living under the current blockade by Turkey and Azerbaijan, and certain difficulties with Georgia, guaranteeing Armenia's national and state security.
However, the selected path of development of Armenia was not welcomed by American politicians and the leadership of the EU triggering processes aimed at sabotaging the desire of Armenia to join the Eurasian Economic Union. Previously, the American analysts tried to implement in Armenia a new pension system, which outraged the people and caused the resignation of Prime Minister and his appointment as Ambassador to the United States. In early July [2014], U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, John Heffern, gave a rather lengthy interview and made a number of controversial statements which were directly interfering in the internal life of Armenia. In addition to the pressure on the decision for the sale of Vorotan Cascade HPP (Hydropower Plant), which is of strategic importance to Armenia, for the amount of $180 million (expert price - $1.5 billion), he spoke in support of the activities of religious sects [viewed as undermining the fabric of the Armenian society - the Orthodox church - KR] on the territory of the Republic and the acclaimed pension reform. Referring to the cooperation with the "civil society of Armenia," he said in plain text that he did not intend to give up on interfering in the internal affairs of the Republic. "We will continue to support where possible, to criticize where necessary. We try to encourage, to ask and to ensure international standards". And for that purpose he announced the grants allocated to the structures which support their ideology. In this sphere of American influence are not only the social organizations, but also the opposition parties. History repeats itself, and lessons are not learned from when the Anglo-American politicians with help of Germany and Turkey divided Armenia, and the people went through the 1915 genocide. Money tramples intelligence and national security.
It is not surprising that the next step in the destruction of the Armenian unity and spiritual tradition was the destruction of the Armenian Apostolic Church in the face of the Supreme Patriarch. And it started from the territory of the Eastern American Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Earlier there were attempts to revise the alphabet, and the integration of literary language with Western Armenian language. The national way of life and values of the Armenian people are also under attack.
I wonder what will be the next target in Armenia, in an attempt to trample its revival, strengthening and integration into the new environment of a multipolar world, while preserving its national identity, and national security. Where were these politicians of the United States, England and Europe, while for 25 years, Armenia was in a severe economic blockade, and only the Russian side has opened its doors to the people, where every year 200 to 300 thousand Armenians find work to ensure the survival of their families. Why do the politicians forget that the national hero Vazgen Sarkisyan in the difficult years of the early 90's turned his gaze to the East and payed the first visit to China, and established relations with India.
Armenian President, Serzh Sargsyan, and his political team, which stood at the origins of the third Republic of Armenia and its armed forces, will make a wise step to ensure the security of the state of Armenia in its strategic development and the improvement of the socio-economic condition of the people in the current difficult political environment. The experience of Maidan is not our path of development, the long-suffering Armenian people will not understand and will not forgive this, and the analysis of historical experience points the way to the East.
After moving to Italy, a journalist from Buryatia began to unravel political intrigues on a global scale. Together with his wife, an Italian, he has managed to create a channel telling about political manipulation, and has not only forced thousands of people to listen to him, but has also managed to establish cooperation with an MP of the European Parliament. Vestnik Kavkaza invites its readers to get acquainted with one of the materials of the blog La Tana dell'Orso (Bear's Den).
In Armenia we have witnessed attempts to find a solution to the Karabakh conflict being used by the opposition to foment anti-Russian sentiments and to prepare a color revolution. On August 5th the opposition rally against the ‘betrayal of Kremlin’ was held in front of the Opera House in Yerevan. As one of the participants of the rally explained to us, Vladimir Putin is trying to solve the Karabakh conflict by giving Nagorno-Karabakh back to Azerbaijan. These statements seemed strange to us, so we went to our friend in Yerevan for an explanation.
In recent years Putin has repeatedly stated the need to reach a compromise in Nagorno-Karabakh, taking into account the interests of both sides. For example, in an interview to the Azerbaijani AzerTaj news agency, he said: "I would like to emphasize that we are not trying to impose any ready solution either on Armenia or Azerbaijan. The parties should come to an agreement and find mutually acceptable solutions on their own, without any outside pressure. This is our firm position.’’
According to Putin, the compromise involves finding the optimal balance between the principles of territorial integrity and the right of peoples to self-determination: "The ultimate goal of the settlement should be an agreement without winners and losers, and the concessions – with mutual benefits for both parties – should be clear to public opinion in Armenia and in Azerbaijan. "
But the Armenian opposition drew attention only to the concessions from Yerevan’s side, and due to this accuses Russia of treason.
We do not know whether this is the issue of the compromise or not, we are interested in the Armenian opposition's logic itself. The country is not experiencing the best years now, pessimism prevails in Armenian society – there is no work, low wages, and prices are high, young people are leaving the country. According to Armenian society, the corrupt government is to blame. And because it has a pro-Russian policy, then, as the opposition suggests, Moscow is guilty, the union with which prevents Armenia from friendships with ‘normal’ countries, and from becoming a ‘normal country’ itself.
But it is sufficient just to look at a map to understand that Armenia is the last country in the post-Soviet space that would benefit from breaking off relations with Russia. It is bordered by four countries, of which two – Turkey and Azerbaijan, much more rich and powerful – are its open enemies, and for Georgia and Iran the ties with Ankara and Baku are much more important than their relations with Yerevan. Therefore, the alliance with Russia, which helps to protect the borders of the Armenian state, allows the imbalance in the region to be aligned.
Yet the slogan ‘Russia is to blame’ is supported by a small but active part of the local population. The April aggravation of the Karabakh conflict, in which Moscow did not unequivocally support the actions of Armenia, was just in time, though it is overlooked that, by openly supporting Yerevan, Moscow could force Baku to seek allies and protectors in the face of better friends of democracy and human rights. This, of course, is not in the interests of Moscow, which is trying by all means to prevent the transformation of its ‘backyard’ into a NATO base.
Russia has its own interests in the region, which do not always coincide with the interests of its ally Armenia. On the other hand, the interests and actions of Armenia also do not always coincide with the wishes of Russia. Hence the confusion, when any step by the Kremlin not taken in line with Armenian foreign policy is perceived as a betrayal. However, unfortunately for the opposition, the anti-Russian sentiment, spread by organizations that receive financial support from the West still don't find much support among the people. Many people understand that at least the current level of life is maintained by Russia. For example, the farmers with whom we met in Geghard export vegetables to Moscow – incidentally, the anti-Russian sanctions imposed by the EU strongly contributed to this. Many Armenians come home only on vacation, living and working in Russia.
The example of Ukraine, where the association with the EU has turned into a disaster for the economy of the country, demonstrates the consequences of actions dictated by biased interests of a country, and this applies not only to Armenia.
Guess Who's Funding Anti-Russian Protests in Armenia?
April 28, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - "NEO"- Another day, another protest in Armenia. And if we were to simply believe the Western media regarding this ‘other protest,’ we might get the impression that the Armenian people are upset with Russian policy and “Putinism.” In reality, the protests are led by the same verified US-proxies exposed at the height of the “Electric Yerevan” protests mid-2015 which sought to undermine and overthrow the current government of Armenia in favor of a pro-Western political front more to Wall Street, London, and Brussels’ liking. The International Business Times in their article, “Armenia-Russia Ties Under Question Amid Fighting, Anti-Moscow Protests,” would report regarding the recent protests that:
At a recent thousand-strong demonstration in the capital of Armenia, Davit Sanasaryan took out a couple of eggs and threw them at the Russian Embassy. The gesture provoked both ridicule and approval in this small landlocked country that traditionally values very close ties with its large northern neighbor. “Our protests are not against Russia but against Russian policy and Putinism,” activist and politician Sanasaryan said in an interview with International Business Times last week.
Davit Sanasaryan (also spelled “David Sanasaryan”), among other things, is an opposition politician with the Heritage Party who helped lead the previous US-backed “Electric Yerevan protests in mid-2015. He is also an associate of the Armenian-based National Citizens’ Initiative (NCI), revealed in the NCI’s own news bulletin titled, “NCI Focuses on Armenia’s Mining Sector,” which reports (emphasis added):
NCI associate Davit Sanasarian welcomed the audience with opening remarks. “The exploitation of the Teghut mine is an actual matter and it calls for serious discussions and proper suggestions prior to the undertaking of this project,” he said. This bulletin alone seems innocuous enough, however, another NCI bulletin would reveal itself to be coordinating with and receiving aid from the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The bulletin titled, “NCI Partakes in a Civil Society Meeting,” states (emphasis added):
The National Citizens’ Initiative (NCI) representatives attended, between 14 and 15 April 2011, the conference entitled “Assisting Armenia’s Civil Society Organizations.” This event was an initiative of the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) organization and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Yerevan Office, and it was organized with the assistance of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The objective of the conference was to contribute in developing the capacity of Armenia’s civil society organizations by way of cooperation and exchange of know-how with Central and Eastern European civil society associations.
Of course, considering that the US NED is chaired by pro-war corporate-financier representatives, “developing the capacity of civil society organizations” in Armenia was not actually on the agenda. Instead, creating a proxy front with which to control Armenia on behalf of foreign interests was, merely couched behind “civil society.” Sanasarian’s “association” with the NCI in this context, is troubling to say the least. But Sanasarian’s association with the US NED extends far beyond this. He is also on the board of trustees of the Armenian Institute of International and Security Affairs (AIISA), an alleged think-tank that is directly funded by the US NED. His position on the board of trustees is revealed in an AIISA bulletin titled, “AIISA’s Third Evening DemSchool: “Challenges to Democracy,”” which claims:
In partnership with the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the third 11-day evening DemSchool was launched at the Armenian Institute of International and Security Affairs with “Challenges to Democracy” heading. It also stated: Certificate award ceremony was held on the DemSchool 11th day. David Sanasaryan, member of AIISA Board of Trustees, young politician and activist, also participated in it.
Added to this, is Sanasarian’s role in the US-backed 2015 protests. It was revealed in mid-2015 that the so-called “Electric Yerevan” protests were in fact led entirely by US-funded and directed nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Sanasarian’s involvement then, again implicates him in coordinating with and receiving aid from a foreign government in a bid to undermine his own government. At the time, US State Department-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) would report in its article, “Armenians Say They’ll Restart ‘Electric Yerevan’ Protest,” that:
At a Yerevan rally attended by several hundred activists on July 17, Rise Armenia leader and opposition Heritage party city councilor Davit Sanasarian said a new campaign against the electricity price hikes would take place from July 27 to July 31, with demonstrators blocking the central streets of Yerevan and other cities around the country. “We continue our fight. We will be distributing leaflets from door to door,” Sanasarian said. “We will be successful.
RFE/RL would inadvertently admit that the protesters were simply using electricity prices as a pretext to come out into the streets and that their next move would be of a more political nature, targeting Armenia’s sitting government. In other words, it was a US-funded color revolution couched behind legitimate concerns regarding utility prices. Considering these extensive ties to US-backing, Sanasarian’s role leading the current anti-Russian protests portrays him not as a ‘politician’ or an ‘activist,’ but as a foreign-funded proxy, and the protests themselves as foreign-engineered meddling, not legitimate dissent. Claims that he is fighting against Russian influence, while all along he is serving as a conduit for Wall Street, London, and Brusssels’ influence touches upon the sort of hypocrisy seen again and again amid engineered protests targeting the many enemies of Western hegemony worldwide.
Source: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article44541.htm
Consider Lragir.am. The high-traffic site recently (Oct. 18, 2016) ran an article by one Daniel Ioannisyan, which denounces the adoption of a statement by the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), a military alliance of six former Soviet republics, including Armenia. The CSTO statement condemned the further expansion of NATO’s “Missile Defense Systems,” which already encircle Russia and Armenia. Ioannisyan denounced Armenia’s objection to the expansion of the missile systems. The objection was “ridiculous,” he said, since the NATO expansion “is exclusively a defense system.” Some of us recall Ronald Reagan’s “Peace Keeper” missiles, and the notorious “defensive” Star Wars program. We recall the claim, repeated by American leaders in the 1980s, that the cruise missile was an “exclusively defensive” weapon. We now know that this claim, too, was false: for the past three decades at least, cruise missiles have been deployed as a first strike weapon in America’s many recent unilateral attacks and wars of aggression.
The further expansion of NATO missile systems poses a clear and present danger to Armenia. Turkey is the second-most powerful NATO country. It is the West’s designated regional surrogate. The Turkish army is currently fighting wars on the territory of two of its neighbors, and its leader, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has consolidated his power and embarked on an even more muscular domestic and foreign policy. The suggestion that Armenia should not even protest the expansion of the NATO missile systems is a measure of Lragir’s extreme hatred of everything Russian, even at the cost of Armenia’s own vital security interests.
The Republic of Turkey was America’s reliable ally throughout the Cold War, from Korea to Syria, the Aegean, occupied Palestine, and Cyprus. The final destruction of the Soviet Union, however, catapulted Turkey into a new position as a regional superpower. This new status entails a more independent and assertive role within the larger geopolitical framework of imperialism. If strategic planners in Ankara and Washington have some differences of opinion when it comes to the Kurds in Syria, or back-and-forth relations with Russia, this is because their new status not only permits them to pursue the interests of their own ruling class, but requires them to do so.
When it comes to plans for the South Caucasus, though, Washington and Ankara are in broad agreement: Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia should be integrated into the dominant imperialist system within Ankara’s sphere of interest. (Of course they don’t put it this way in public. Instead, they talk about Russian colonialism, national sovereignty, the need for national liberation, and so forth. And on cue, their mascots in places like Yerevan, Baku, and Tiflis repeat the noises that their masters in Washington and Ankara make. Thus, for example, a recent headline in Lragir poses the question: How Will Russia Be Removed from the South Caucasus?
Russophobia is a returning fad in Yerevan. Some of us recall the public displays of hysteria in the early 1990’s--the conspiracy theories, the Ronald Reagan portraits, the swastikas, the racism, and all the rest. Back then Russophobia was inextricable from anti-Sovietism. “Intellectuals” in Yerevan assured us, for example, that a Soviet atomic bomb had triggered the 1988 earthquake, that Russia had sided with the “Turk” enemy, and that “blonde pigs” had imposed the Medzamor nuclear power plant on Armenia, thereby creating “a generation of birth defects,” as the phrase would have it. There was not much in the way of evidence to support any of these assertions, but no matter: lies were permissible as long as they helped to destroy the last vestiges of Soviet power and to enthrone the oligarchs in Armenia.
Looking back, it might seem as though everyone in 1991 had gulped down the Kool Aid. But even in those early days of “independence” there were a few scattered skeptics. Every now and then, far from the trumpets and the bullhorns of Opera Square, a few thoughtful people tilted their foreheads together and spoke in low voices: “Surely these speech makers cannot believe what they’re saying.” “What is the end game here?” Unfortunately, their voices never reached other ears.
Some people back then suspected what is now common knowledge, at least among serious students of that history: the anti-Sovietism had little at all to do with freedom, democracy, independence, or human rights. What it was about, really, was tycoons seizing state power and imperialists seizing Russia’s assets.
The anti-Soviets scored a quick victory, and they did so because aspiring capitalists already occupied high positions in the Party and the state and were waiting to take power. (For a quick rundown, see: “Breaking the Ban on Class Analysis in Armenia,” Hetq Online, 14 March, 2011.) The disastrous consequences of their victory are more than apparent twenty-five years later, and we will not rehearse them here. Let us just remind ourselves that a generation of young people has come of age in a country that the earlier crop of Russophobes ruined.
But this time around the opposition parties, at least until recently, have appeared to be out of touch with the rest of the country. In a July 2007 poll funded by USAID, 98% of respondents agreed that Armenia’s relations with Russia were “good.” (International Republican Institute et. al., “Armenia National Voter Study 2007,” p. 28.) The same study reported that that 88% of respondents described Russia as a “partner” for Armenia (compared to 3% for Turkey), while only 2% said that Russia was a threat (compared to 76% for Turkey).
The study is ten years old, though, and in the meantime the Russophobes have been compensating for their small numbers by rallying resources from the big NGOs (the “civil society” NGO’s, the agencies of foreign states, and so on) and by seeking the support of the Big Embassy. According to a recent Mediamax poll, there has been a significant shift in Armenia when it comes to perceptions of Russia as a friendly country, down from 86% in 2015 to 69% one year later. (Mediamax, “Russia is Losing Public Support in Armenia,” Oct. 26, 2016.
Why the dip? There was the April Karabakh War, of course, and Putin’s overtures to Erdogan. The war provided a pretext for Yerevan’s Russophobe opposition to set up camp in Opera Square. For years before that they pooh-poohed the military threat that Turkey poses to Armenia, but this time around they used the war and Putin’s overtures to Turkey to paint a picture of Erdogan and the Russian leader as a two-headed beast.
Nobody with even a cursory familiarity with the situation would seriously bet that Moscow and Ankara could become genuine strategic partners any time in the foreseeable future. And perhaps nobody knows this better than Putin and Erdogan themselves. But no matter: what will carry the day for the Russophobes is not argument and evidence, but rather the pushing of emotional buttons.
Despite Russia’s slumping reputation in Yerevan, though, a large majority of Armenians still view Russia favorably. This should not be surprising, if for no other reason than that the Armenian diaspora in Russia comes in at over a million, and tens of thousands of families in Armenia rely on remittances from that diaspora.
The philosopher G.W.F. Hegel once wrote that nobody has ever learned anything from history. Adults who were within earshot of Opera Square last summer could testify to the truth of this statement. One would have thought that the last century taught us a lesson that was about as clear as clear could be: do not look to the West for your salvation. But from even the clearest and most costly of lessons, dogmatists can draw the opposite conclusion.
Let us consider for a moment the larger regional context of the rising Russophobia in Armenia. After Iraq, America’s neocons set their sights on Syria, to destroy the army, to shatter the country, and to impose puppet regimes on the pieces. While doing this, they plunged the country into a hurricane of blood and hatred. As one of many collateral effects, their surrogates destroyed ancient Armenian communities in Syria, killed 300 members of those communities, drove one hundred thousand Syrian Armenians out of their country, and destroyed long-established Armenian institutions and billions of dollars’ worth of Armenian-owned property.
Meanwhile, America’s confederates in Riyadh and Qatar have denounced the “barbarism” of Russian pilots in Aleppo--even as the Saudi air force was (and is) killing thousands of civilians in Yemen. American diplomats and the “free press” in the United States rallied behind their foreign-backed radical Islamist surrogates in Syria, denouncing Russian and Syrian “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity.”
Russian pilots flying Russian planes were bombing the eastern part of Aleppo, inhabited, according to the Western press, by some 250 to 270,000 noncombatants. The very next day, as American pilots in American planes were bombing Mosul, a city in Iraq inhabited by one million noncombatants, the press of record in the West blandly reported that ISIS in Mosul was hiding behind “human shields.”
It would seem, then, that when Russian pilots drop bombs on part of a city occupied by America’s radical Islamist allies, the Russians are barbarians who are deliberately targeting civilians. But the next day, when American pilots drop bombs on four times that number of civilians, America is innocent of any wrongdoing whatsoever. Indeed, America’s enemies in Iraq—who happen to be allied with America’s surrogates in Syria—are to blame for the civilian casualties. To add another level of irony, America’s nominal enemy in Iraq, ISIS, exists only thanks to the fact that the American invasion and occupation created a space in Iraq for it to come into existence in the first place. The American invaders fomented the violence that gave rise to it, and then provided recruits to ISIS by dismantling the Iraqi army.
None of this is surprising: America has a long history of atrocities, and many tens of millions of victims. Nor is it even surprising that the imperialists can recruit confederates in countries like Armenia. Intellectual mercenaries are a dime a dozen in every country. What is surprising is that, after the atrocities that our compatriots in Iraq and Syria have endured and continue to endure today, those confederates can bring hundreds of people into the public squares, stoking popular hatred against—Moscow!
Armenia’s Russophobe opposition has adopted the official words and catchphrases of the American playbook: Armenia is a “colony” of Russia; it must wage a “national liberation struggle” to remove Russian “occupation forces” from the South Caucasus; the opposition demands “regime change,” and so forth.
Regime change. Let us consider for a moment where this has taken place in recent years: Serbia, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Where “regime change” has taken place, we have seen the slaughter of tens of thousands of innocents, the creation of millions of refugees, and the installation of tyranny far worse than what had come before. Perhaps the cruelest chauvinists in Baku or Ankara would welcome such regime change in Armenia. If they do, they share a common purpose with Lragir and Yerevan’s Russophobe opposition.
In a small country like Armenia, located at the intersection of competing imperialist forces, political fads can be dangerous. They can have far-reaching consequences. We saw it happen twenty-five years ago, and if a responsible working-class opposition does not get itself together--sooner rather than later--then we might see it happen again.
Source: http://hetq.am/eng/news/72236/armenia-return-of-the-russophobes.html

"Dugin: 'Azerbaijan has the same meaning in Turkish geopolitics as Armenia'
“There is pro-Russian sentiment in Turkey and it is very serious. Turkey depends on Russia from the point of view of tourism, economics, energy, and in many issues from the point of view of geopolitics. Therefore, Turkey will never drastically exacerbate relations with Russia, although occasionally they are not so good.”
Minval.az reports these words as stated in an interview with First Information by the Russian social activist, sociologist, and political scientist Alexander Dugin. According to him, Russia has positions which Turkey partially agrees with and partially doesn’t. Russia supports Assad and is fighting against ISIS while Turkey fights against Assad and against ISIS.
“The Americans support the Kurds. Russia is neutral towards the Kurds, while the Turks are aggressive. It turns out that there are three different positions. They partially converge, and partially do not. Therefore the Turks in fact have many issues and complaints against us in regards to the Syrian policy of Russia. As to whether this could influence Armenia, this simply in no way can because in Erdogan’s policies Armenia simply doesn’t exist, is not a factor, and Armenia is not important for Erdogan in any way. There are certain Turkish nationalist and Kemalist circles which are fighting against too large of concessions in favor of recognizing the genocide of Armenians in global politics, but Turkey has no realistic interest in Armenia insofar as Turkey is resolving a number of other problems among which Armenia is not a primary, nor even a secondary one from the point of view of Turkish geopolitics.
Further, many in Armenia believe that Turkey fully supports Azerbaijan. this is not so because Azerbaijan, in Turkish geopolitics, has the same meaning as Armenia. In fact, it is in a third or fourth rank problem. Turkey is fully focused on its national interests. Azerbaijan and the Karabakh conflict as well as the ancient problems between Armenians and Turks do not interest Turkey at all. At one point, the Armenian factor was used by Turkey in the era of confrontation between the Soviet Union and pro-Russian policies, but Turkey has turned away from an aggressive policy towards the Caucasus and practically does not pursue any policies beyond Turkey itself [in this direction]. For a long time two other forces have been active there - Islamists and other networks. Therefore, from the point of view of the real state of affairs, Armenia practically means nothing for Erdogan and Ankara.
America is pushing for an escalation of the Karabakh and Turkish-Armenian conflict, while Ankara strongly opposes this, understanding that in the situation in which Turkey now finds itself, there is no desire and now goal or meaning in opening a new front and creating new tensions. Therefore, under the current government there is no pursuit of such a course of developing Armenian-Turkish relations - there can be no positive nor negative development,” he noted.
According to Dugin, Russia has no plans in Turkey, but Russia has plans in Syria. Russia is planning to fight to the end in Syria, that is, fully restore Assad to power in Syria and turn Syria into a regional base for Russian geopolitics:
“For this, it is of course necessary to construct some kind of model among ones allies. Armenia is the single most serious ally of Russia. It is part of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Collective Security Treaty Organization, that is, we should have a unitary system of missile and air defenses and integration on all levels, including nuclear defense and the nuclear umbrella which we guarantee Armenia. Accordingly, these actions take place in the framework of deploying a system of strategic security around Russia in relying on its allies. Armenia belongs to this first and foremost. But this is not because we are planning some kind of aggravation of Turkey or, moreover, a war. Absolutely not.
Russia has simply gone beyond its borders in terms of influence. We have declared our goals. Our goal is the liberation of Turkey from American influence and Qatar-Saudi-Arabian ISIS, while we simply manifest ourselves as a pole of global politics. Of course, Armenia is 1oo% on our side from a military-political point of view. But this doest not mean that this is done against Turkey. Turkey is playing its own game and therefore this real defense is in fact built against NATO. To the extent that Turkey is a NATO member, this defense is directed against it, but not against Turkey as a nation-state, but against NATO as a hostile bloc which wants to regain global hegemony.”
In the opinion of the political scientist, Russia does not consider an alliance with Armenia as something directed against Azerbaijan, and does not consider rapprochement with Azerbaijan as a step directed against Armenia.
“In fact, Russia drew up friendly relations with Armenia earlier than with Azerbaijan. Such historically developed after the collapse of the USSR. That is, Armenia, being a sovereign, independent country, nevertheless chose to remain in the orbit of Eurasian geopolitics, geostrategy, and economy. Now we see that this is institutionally anchored in the Eurasian Union and the CSTO.
Azerbaijan went a different path and oriented itself more towards the West, but Azerbaijan gradually understands that orienting towards other countries, in particular the US or Europe, which itself entails a number of problems, does not satisfy the interests of Azerbaijan. Therefore, Azerbaijan is seeking a path to return to the orbit of Eurasian politics. Russia supports this with pleasure. But this does not mean that this is in any sense at least a partial unfriendly move in relation to Armenia. Russia is incomparably greater than Armenia and Azerbaijan by all measures precisely just as the US is incomparably greater than Greece and Turkey and cannot play only on the side of Greece against Turkey and vice versa.
The West has installed its Atlanticist order. Russia is installing its own Eurasian order, where its participants are protected, play by the rules, and sit down at the negotiating table with the support of Russia and other regional states in order to resolve contradictions which, by the way, exist between Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Where Russia is in a partnership with different states, and first and foremost post-Soviet ones, and not only in Syria, it creates the rules of the game within which regional tensions and even internal disputes unfold.
Thus, if we speak of a rapprochement between Russia and Azerbaijan, this should not be considered an anti-Armenian step simply because Armenia is in no position to dictate to Russia its regional policy. That’s it. Thus, this does not mean that Russia will sacrifice the strategic interests of Armenia. If it does so, then it will lose all of its friends and this can’t be,” Dugin summarized.
Source: http://www.fort-russ.com/2015/11/dugin-our-goal-is-liberation-of-turkey.html
There are a number of economic and geopolitical reasons why Russia could be looking for a broader alliance with Iran, the most important of which is the desire to check U.S. influence in the world.
Russia has been bombing Syria for nearly a year now, and the intense proximity of Russian air forces to Iranian ground forces has necessarily raised many questions about the two countries’ relationship. Fighting wars together – even those as convoluted as Syria’s – is typically something that allies do, but many analysts and commentators have been reluctant to acknowledge this. They insist that this invigorated relationship is temporary – a brief intersection of interests – and their arguments fall broadly into two categories: the historical and the realist. Neither, however, fully appreciates Russia’s desperate circumstances nor the paradigmatic shifts both countries are experiencing. The first historical view reads that Russia and Iran were at loggerheads throughout much of the 19th and 20th centuries and this is a pattern they are destined to repeat. Even the 1828 Treaty of Turkmenchay, in which Iran ceded much of Armenia and Azerbaijan to the Russian Empire, is “still not forgotten in Tehran” and will surely put a dampener on modern relations.
An altogether more persuasive argument states that in recent history, whenever Russia or Iran has experienced closer relations with the U.S., their interest in each other depreciates substantially. Prior cooperation has certainly hinged on their respective relations with the U.S., but in both cases, these relations are going nowhere fast. Russia has ruined its relationship with the West in the long-term by annexing Crimea and occupying Eastern Ukraine. Meanwhile the Obama administration has recently toughened its stance on Iran, partially in response to accusations of having been too soft when negotiating the nuclear deal. The two remaining candidates for the U.S. presidency have confirmed they will be tougher still, so one cannot expect a sudden flourishing rapprochement to impede Russian–Iranian relations. Lastly, one hears that Russia and Iran are irreconcilable competitors. They vie for influence in Central Asia – particularly in the resource-rich Caspian Sea – and as owners of the world’s largest and second-largest proven natural gas reserves, they are sure to compete bitterly now that sanctions are lifted and Iran is re-entering the market. These claims, however, invite a closer inspection.
Both Russia and Iran might well aspire to regional hegemony in Central Asia, but this should not diminish the fact that each has far more at stake elsewhere. Russia’s region of choice is Europe while Iran’s is the Middle East, and each is yet to seriously challenge the other in its preferred region. They might both be intervening in Syria, but across the Middle East, Russia seeks only customers whereas Iran seeks clients. Furthermore the potential for Iran to upset Russia’s energy trade with Europe – where it has always made most of its profit – has been drastically overstated. Closer to home, the two powers are guided and united by a greater strategic imperative: guarding Central Asia and the Caspian Sea from U.S. influence. Both might have bolstered their Caspian naval presence in recent years, but joint military exercises such as those held in October are hardly the behavior one expects from rival powers.
Shifting paradigms in Moscow and Tehran
The fundamental mistake of these analyses is to ignore or downplay the momentous and complementary changes taking place in Russia and Iran. The latter is emerging from decades of sanctions and isolation while the former is retreating from the post-Cold War world it joined in 1991. Iran’s transition is important but Russia’s is key, for it defines their burgeoning relationship. Russia has burned its bridges with the West by intervening in Ukraine and has found little comfort in pivoting to China, which has instead taken advantage of Russia’s weakness to secure bargain-price gas while refusing to lend even diplomatic support to Russia’s reckless foreign policy. Hence Russia seeks new strategic partners, and this has been the driving force behind improved relations with Iran. It has pursued Iran by a series of credible, favor-winning, and largely unreciprocated acts. Despite being in the middle of prosecuting a hybrid war in Ukraine, Russia worked tirelessly to secure the Iranian nuclear deal now hailed as one of U.S. President Obama’s crowning achievements.
The deal, of course, released Iran from crippling sanctions but also warded off what was becoming a very real threat of military intervention. Furthermore it ensured that any so-called “snapback” – the re-imposition of sanctions if Iran was found to be cheating – would be difficult and would likely void the entire arrangement. Russia also volunteered its Rosatom nuclear energy corporation to handle the exchange of 8.5 tons of Iran’s low-enriched uranium stockpile (leaving just 300 kg as specified in the deal) for 140 tons of natural uranium.
While the Obama administration has notably cooled on the nuclear deal, Russia has not, for this was only the beginning of its courting of Iran. Not only has it continued to lobby for Iranian interests at the negotiating table, but it also has been working methodically to soothe every contention between itself and Iran. The demarcation of the Caspian Sea, for example, has plagued relations between its littoral states (Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan) since the Soviet Union collapsed. But Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, now expects this issue to be resolved at a summit next year after a “couple of months” of intensive work.
A particularly painful issue was Russia’s reneging on a sale to Iran of its S-300PMU-1 surface-to-air missile system in 2010 as a result of Western pressure. Iran subsequently filed a lawsuit but with the first deliveries of the system’s components arriving in Iran in April this year, the lawsuit has been “settled at the political level,” according to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. Lastly comes Syria. Clearly Russia had its own reasons for intervening in Syria, but the idea that this was partly motivated by the desire to curry favor with Iran has not been explored. That Iran wanted this is beyond doubt, and it has long been alleged that Russia intervened at Iran’s behest – to be the decisive air force that neither Iran nor Syria yet possesses. Russia’s own objectives in Syria were ambiguous at best, and it does not stretch the imagination to question the extent to which Iranian commanders guided its missions. According to defectors, Iran already controls much of the Syrian Army while its own militias, including the National Defence Force and Hezbollah, have led recent military offensives and been the primary beneficiaries of Russia’s strikes. Hezbollah has even boasted about providing intelligence to support Russian sorties.
What Russia wants
There are tangible economic reasons for pursuing Iran in this way. Russia hopes to maintain existing trade links in the face of stiff Western competition but also to expand trade in areas no longer restricted by sanctions, taking advantage of between $30-$100 billion of Iranian assets unfrozen by the nuclear deal. The former objective depends largely on the willingness of Western companies to invest in Iran, and on the ability of Iran’s reformers to implement their pro-Western agenda. The latter is more certain, and in the areas of nuclear power and defense, Russia is reaping the benefits of new Iranian capital. Rosatom has vowed to build two further nuclear power plants in Bushehr, the site of an existing Russian-built plant, and to redesign Iran’s Fordow uranium enrichment plant in accordance with the nuclear deal. The sale of the S-300PMU-1 surface-to-air missile systems will net $800 million alone, and Iran hopes to spend a further $8 billion on Russian military equipment, including Mi-8 and Mi-17 helicopters, coastal defense systems and an advanced multi-role jet, the Su-30SM. While neither of these industries is as important to the Russian economy as energy, such deals will provide some relief amongst otherwise dismal circumstances.
More than anything, however, Russia hopes it is winning the battle for Iran’s political future, and that it will become a forceful member of the anti-Western coalition Russia has been assembling for years. Unlike many of its existing members such as China, India, and other rising powers – the burgeoning malcontents of U.S. unipolarity – Iran truly shares Russia’s anti-Western agenda as well as its rare willingness to enact this by force. This might mean Iranian membership of the Shanghai Co-operation Organization (SCO), which is now being seriously discussed, as well as agreements with the Eurasian Economic Union, Russia’s post-Soviet answer to the European Union. But even if these do not come to pass it will mean presenting an increasingly united front, spanning from Europe to Asia, with the primary aim of checking U.S. influence in the world. This has long been Russia’s goal, and in Iran it has found a powerful and willing ally.
Source: http://www.russia-direct.org/opinion/beginning-russian-iranian-alliance
On August 8, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev met in Baku. Shortly after their meeting, Putin announced Russia’s intention to forge a strategic partnership with Azerbaijan. Putin also expressed interest in expanding Russia-Azerbaijan trade links and strengthening Moscow-Baku military cooperation in the Caspian Sea region.
As Russia has increased its arms exports to Azerbaijan in recent years, many analysts believe that the Putin-Aliyev summit is a starting point for a consolidated Moscow-Baku alliance. This assessment overestimates the strength of the Russia-Azerbaijan partnership. There is compelling evidence that the much-touted “alliance” between Russia and Azerbaijan is merely a temporary marriage of convenience aimed at maximizing both countries’ geopolitical influence.
Even though Azerbaijan has recently upgraded its economic and military partnership with Russia, Azerbaijan’s commitment to foreign policy neutrality and criticisms of Russian military activities in Ukraine underscore the limits of the Moscow-Baku partnership. Russia has responded to Aliyev’s conduct by cautiously regulating the amount of military assistance it provides to Azerbaijan. This ensures that Nagorno-Karabakh remains a frozen conflict zone, and allows Armenia to gain a measure of security from Azerbaijani aggression.
Azerbaijan’s Balancing Strategy has Caused Putin to Distrust Baku’s Intentions
Since Ilham Aliyev took over from his father as Azerbaijan’s President in 2003, Azerbaijan has bolstered its regional influence by maintaining cordial relations with both Russia and the West. Azerbaijan’s neutrality is a rare phenomenon in the post-Soviet region. Aside from Moldova, Ukraine and Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan is the only CIS country that is not a member of NATO, the Russian-led CSTO security bloc, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) or the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU).
Azerbaijan has used its neutral foreign policy and strategic location to carve out a role as a mediator during international crises. On June 28, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildrim thanked Azerbaijan for its role in facilitating the normalization of relations between Turkey and Russia. Aliyev hopes that Baku’s mediation role in the Russia-Turkey standoff could be a precedent for future successful Azerbaijani diplomatic interventions. In particular, Azerbaijani political analysts argue that Baku could be a mediator in the Russia-Georgia conflict and Russia-Turkmenistan standoff over natural gas exports.
Even though Aliyev’s balancing strategy has bolstered Azerbaijan’s international status, Azerbaijan is unlikely to forge a durable alliance with Russia. Baku’s non-committal approach to international affairs has caused Putin to view Azerbaijan as an opportunistic country that seeks to maximize trade volumes and geopolitical influence at any cost.
Putin’s concerns about Azerbaijan’s loyalty to Russia have restricted Baku’s ability to profit from the recent Russia-Turkey thaw. After Turkey’s November shoot-down of a Russian jet flying over its soil, Azerbaijan refused to support either Moscow or Ankara. As the Russia-Turkey standoff escalated, Azerbaijan developed a southern gas corridor to expand Baku’s natural gas exports to the EU. Russian policymakers viewed this gas corridor as an undue exploitation of Russia-Turkey tensions that threatened Moscow’s hegemony over European energy markets.
To retaliate against Azerbaijan’s energy deals with the EU, Russia has used its recent improvement in relations with Turkey to undercut Azerbaijan’s position as an energy supplier to Europe. Russia’s revival of the construction of the Turkstream pipeline linking Russian natural gas to Turkey has diminished the effectiveness of Azerbaijan’s outreach to European energy markets. A decline in Azerbaijani gas exports to Europe could exacerbate Azerbaijan’s worsening currency crisis and increase the vulnerability of Aliyev’s government to popular unrest.
Azerbaijan’s criticisms of Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine have also obstructed progress towards a Russia-Azerbaijan alliance. During a recent bilateral summit in Baku, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko expressed solidarity with Azerbaijan’s territorial claims to Nagorno-Karabakh. Ilham Aliyev reiterated his condemnation of the Russian annexation of Crimea and stated his opposition to Russia’s efforts to undermine Ukraine’s territorial integrity. Baku’s pro-Ukraine position has helped Azerbaijan convince Western countries to turn a blind eye to Aliyev’s human rights abuses but has also done great harm to Azerbaijan’s prospects of cooperation with Russia.
Russia is Reluctant to Provide Decisive Military Assistance to Azerbaijan
Many experts on the post-Soviet region have cited Russia’s handling of the April 2-5 hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh as evidence of a budding Russia-Azerbaijan alliance. During these hostilities, senior Russian officials vowed to uphold Moscow’s strategy of selling arms to both Armenia and Azerbaijan. Russia’s refusal to provide military assistance to Armenia or condemn Azerbaijani aggression also fuelled speculation that Russia had foreknowledge of Azerbaijan’s military activities in Nagorno-Karabakh and had not shared this information with Yerevan.
As Armenian nationalists were angered by Russia’s neutrality during the Nagorno-Karabakh hostilities, anti-Russian unrest in Armenia has surged in recent months. The Azerbaijani government has exploited anti-Russian sentiments in Armenia to strengthen the Baku-Moscow relationship and highlight Armenia as an “untrustworthy” Russian ally.
Despite rising anti-Russian unrest in Armenia, Moscow is unlikely to pivot firmly towards Azerbaijan. Even though Azerbaijan has purchased 85% of its arms imports from Russia from 2010-2015, Russia has not provided Azerbaijan with enough military support to record a decisive victory in Nagorno-Karabakh. Instead, Moscow has provided Azerbaijan with just enough arms supplies for Aliyev to win small, tactical victories that rally Azerbaijani nationalists around his government. As Aliyev benefits politically from his relationship with Russia, Putin has used Russian arms contracts as a foundation for cooperation with Azerbaijan on issues of shared concern, like energy security and combating ISIS.
Putin’s desire to demonstrate the firmness of Russian CSTO security guarantees to the international community will also prevent the formation of a Russia-Azerbaijan alliance. As the CSTO’s two most powerful countries, Russia and Kazakhstan, have close diplomatic ties to Azerbaijan, many Armenians have questioned the credibility of CSTO security guarantees.
To appease Armenia’s concerns about the credibility of Russia’s alliance commitments to Yerevan, Putin has taken steps to upgrade the Moscow-Yerevan security partnership. On August 16, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu and his Armenian counterpart, Seyran Ohanyan, announced that the Russian military would provide more military training for Armenian soldiers. Shoygu also described Russia’s military base in Armenia as a “guarantor of stability” in the Caucasus. This rhetoric demonstrates that Russia does not want the Azerbaijani military to become strong enough to completely overrun Armenian forces defending Nagorno-Karabakh.
Even though Russia and Azerbaijan will continue to cooperate extensively in the economic and military spheres, this partnership is unlikely to escalate to a full-blown alliance. Azerbaijan’s balancing strategy and criticisms of Russian foreign policy have hindered progress towards a durable Moscow-Baku alliance. Russia’s security commitments to Armenia will also prevent Putin from fully embracing Azerbaijan. Barring a drastic change in Azerbaijan’s conduct, Russia’s arms-length cooperation with Baku will likely continue. This will ensure the retention of an uneasy status quo in the South Caucasus for years to come.
Excellent article Arevordi with great points. Your writing style and effectiveness in delivery of argument has gotten stronger and more effective - less emotional and more reason based than before. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI would however like to bring up two questions. While I agree that less beneficial and problematic elements of any organism (country) are better out of a country, there is however a minimum threshold of population, below which a nation becomes non-viable. Military recruitment is the main concern here. Also it seems that many of the people leaving the country are the poor farmers from the strategic outskirts of the country rather than the trouble-makers in Yerevan whose offspring don't or won't serve on the front-lines.
The other point is that while we hear of positive changes in the Prime Minister and Defense Minister posts, there's not much talk anywhere in the media on the National Security/Intelligence structure of the country and their objectives. Who's really in charge of that ship and what are their strategic objectives? It would seem that careful monitoring of national morale and the effects of western-backed trouble-makers would fall into their domain? Perhaps this department needs to be professionally run and empowered with autonomy rather than being micro-managed by the President?
Arto jan, thank you but I have been saying all this for many years now. Also, I have not changed my style of writing. Perhaps you are beginning to better understand me? Whatever the case may be, thank you again.
DeleteThe matter about population thresholds is another topic of discussion. Yes, I understand that a nation needs a certain level of population to stay viable militarily and economically. I personally think 1.5 to 2 million people can work in Armenia's case. But the point I wanted to get across in my commentary is that there is a lot of excess weight in Armenia today. This dead weight is harming the country on many levels - including militarily, economically and sociologically. There is a severe lack of "civic responsibility" in Armenia today. I think this is tied to the troubling fact that a significant portion of Armenia's citizens don't want to live in Armenia.
Regarding your other question: It's quite natural not to know much about any nation's security apparatus and its secret services. Although we can have an educated guess in Armenia's case: For the most part, top level officials in Armenia's intelligence and military structures cooperates/collaborates closely with that of Russia's. I can even say Russians have quite a bit of their "men" in this structures. But even here we see the by-product of "complimentary politics" -
Armenia MOD discusses cooperation with Fletcher School and Tavitian Foundation: http://news.am/eng/news/297256.html
NATO cooperation reaches fruition as new university opens in Armenia: http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_127688.htm
Armenian Military Details 2014 Drills With U.S. Troops: http://www.azatutyun.am/content/article/26820436.html
Second largest one in the world: Goals and tasks of U.S. Embassy in Armenia: http://www.verelq.am/en/node/5628
US Officials Visit Armenia to Discuss Military Cooperation: http://sputniknews.com/military/20160526/1040321268/karabakh-armenia-us-military-cooperation.html
Expanding NATO-Armenia cooperation to boost Armenia's security - Kenneth Yalowitz: https://armenpress.am/eng/news/853610/expanding-nato-armenia-cooperation-to-boost-armenia’s-security---kenneth-yalowitz.html
Armenia has new National Security Service Chief: http://news.am/eng/news/311329.html
Good point about Ohanyan actually making his debut as the next Secretary General of the CSTO alliance, as well as the point about the social engineering of the Armenian population throughout history. It's too similar to how my own Filipino people still have the colonial mentality, but in this case colonial mentality plays a vital role in the social engineering of the Philippine state. However, I must ask this question: do Armenians have a problem with crab mentality as well?
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, the recent death of Islam Karimov in Uzbekistan should pose a real, tough question: who will succeed him as President? There's a chance that the US might actually try to have its own chosen candidate be selected as President of Uzbekistan while the Russians have their own chosen candidate for the office. Keep in mind that Uzbekistan is another vital piece of puzzle in the Central Asian puzzle that would be best left in Russian hands lest we allow American or even Chinese power to project into the region.
On the topic of the US presidential elections, it has been an extremely wild campaign. From what I can tell, Gary Johnson only serves to take away votes that could have gone to either Trump or Clinton. My real guess is that the Judeo-Western dominated establishment prefers to have Shillary Clinton as president because she could deliver her promise of a war against Iran (which is suicidal) and threatening war with Russia (also suicidal, but then again the Rothschild-Rockefeller-Warburg kabbalistic scum are frothing at the idea of an extinct Russian state that will be the crowning achievement of Jewish revenge on Russia). However, the millenials within American society will play a big role in the elections, and because of their social engineering, they will definitely vote for Shillary due to the simple fact that she is a woman, never mind the war crimes that were committed when she was Secretary of State. Keep in mind that the millenials of the world are the same kind who would protest against the Brexit vote.
I'm not sure if the general Armenian population wants to follow the recent Western trends of turning cisgender males into cucks since the majority of Western men have ended up emasculated (though there are a few guys who escaped from such a devastating fate).
Hi Jerriko, a little off topic but it seems like from what I'm reading in the press Duterte is drastically changing foreign policy direction in Philippines, pushing for closer ties with China and Russia, buying more weapons from them while reducing US presence in Philippines. Would this be correct? What is your interpretation of Duterte's moves?
DeleteWhile it seems that Duterte wants to pursue an independent foreign policy, I need to borrow Arevordi's quote for this case but paraphrasing it: "independence from the US means dependence on China". China to us is what Turkey is to Armenians. He is still a puppet, even if he goes independent of the US. Duterte is a Chinese communist vassal ruler, and his disinterest in protecting our interests in the West Philippine Sea/South China Sea is a good sign for Beijing but bad for everyone else.
DeleteAt this point, the main focus right now is the drug wars which might resemble Colombia and Mexico in terms of body counts. I am one of those who actually oppose Duterte simply because of his sympathies for Maoist criminals in the CPP-NPA-NDF. Unfortunately, the alternatives are much worse because they serve the US.
BTW, here's a good info on a little known fact about Jewish involvement in the first Philippine "Maidan" of 1986:
DeleteI was going to ask you for your comments about your president but Arto2 beat me to it. In particular, I wanted to ask you if you thought what Duterte is doing is some sort of bluff or a game, perhaps to win concessions from the US or China? Anyway, I know very little about Filipino politics but my gut reaction/feeling says you guys eventually need to find common language with Beijing. They are your neighbors after all and unlike our neighbors Turkey and Azerbaijan, as far as I know they don't have designs over your country. I am speaking about territorial designs over the Philippines itself and not its territorial waters. At the end of the day, you know better than I that your people needs to break - or at least limit - its exposure to Anglo-American-Jewish world. If China can help you guys do that why not take the chance? Also why not invite Russians into your country? In my opinion, the Armenian thing called "complimentary politics" might work better for you than it has for us. Anyway, if he is serious about this - and he does not get assassinated in the process - what he and his administration have been doing is promising -
Duterte Signals Shift in U.S.-Philippine Military Alliance Seeks Arms from Russia and China: http://www.wsj.com/articles/duterte-signals-shift-in-u-s-philippine-military-alliance-1473774873
The real problem with China offering to help us is that they would demand concessions in return. The usual Spratlys plus total obedience to Beijing, kind of thing. The only problem is that American cultural assimilation within Philippine society is up to the gills, and we have it even worse than Armenians. I wouldn't be surprised if Palawan might be targeted next by the Chinese. Moreover, anti-communist hysteria in the Philippines runs extremely high, and I mean Ukraine-high. Complimentary politics wouldn't work in the Philippines because both the government and the people are thoroughly Americanized culturally.
DeleteRegarding the purchase of arms from Russia and China, he might go for the propeller driven aircraft instead of jet powered aircraft. I mean, really? Going for the even more useless crap than the US surplus hand me downs is really degrading.
Anti-communist rhetoric in the Philippines sometimes go hand in hand with anti-Chinese hatred as well, and it will only take an incident to turn the Philippines into Ukraine-in-Asia (we had three "Maidans" already). Filipino nationalism has been insufficiently developed, so it's not as potent as say, Armenian, Russian or even Ukrainian nationalism.
P.S.: In the event that Duterte is assassinated or deposed, the VP Leni Robredo would succeed him and she'd be an even more pliant puppet to the Anglo-American-Jewish cabal.
Good article Arevordi. Well written.
ReplyDeletePleased to report that the following major weapon systems were paraded in Yerevan during the rehearsal:
- BUK-M1
In an on-going effort to foment political unrest in the country, our Western agents spared no effort in trying to convince us that Russia would not supply Armenia these weapons systems, and many of our politically illiterate, self-destructive peasantry were believing them. I also want to report that a Russian military unit will march on September 21.
DeletePS: Looking forward to reading your assessment of this historic military parade.
With Iskander shown officially now...........can we say Karabakh case is closed for good? I think this is signal that no war can happen. Either status quo stays or Karabakh gets recognised.
DeleteArmenia and Karabakh had been "closed" even before the appearance of the Iskanders. The Iskanders are like icing on a cake. That said, the "territories" outside Karabakh will remain in play...
DeleteYour arguments about Armenians sounds very similar to what General Balasanyan said in his interview on Armenian television back in May . He argued that Armenians must change the way they live in order to protect our borders. That there must be solidarity between the soldiers on the front lines in Nagorno-Karabakh and how we must live more equally and not be so materialistic . That sounds like someone who could survive a war . The interview is on YouTube .
ReplyDeleteArmenia has survived against not only its external enemies but also its people. Armenia survived all these centuries because it had what I call a "golden core": A very small number of individuals that would rise to keep Armenia from disappearing. Yesterday, we had great men like Tumanyan, Abovyan, Tamanyan, Baghramyan, Mikoyan, Shahumyan, Kanayan, Njdeh, Komitas and Khrimyan Hayrik. Today, we have great men like Vitaly Balasanyan, Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan, Seyran Ohanyan, Samvel Karapetyan, Hayr Komitas, Barkev Srpazan, Eduardo Eurnekian and Ruben Vardanyan. These men are part of our golden core, those responsible for Armenia's survival.
DeleteSo, when we today speak of Armenia's survival or its successes, just realize that we not talking about the "Armenian people" per se but a very few individuals that have made it all possible. Armenia is about to celebrate its 25th anniversary in a few days primarily because of its strategic ties with Russia. Armenia's strategic ties with Russia has been made possible by a handful of men in Armenia, namely the "Karabakh clan".
It is too early to get excited about hovik the mook leaving the PM's office. He will work to ensure that the RPA gets most of the votes in the upcoming elections, like he has done in previous elections. Once he finishes with that he may very well be given another government post. At the very least he will continue to run his businesses and pay little to no taxes. There is also a good chance that Karen Karapetyan will not stay in office for long. Perhaps 48 months or so. And Ohanyan lost credibility in my eyes with the poor showing of the Armenian military during the March skirmishes. Let him work to redeem himself before we put him in 'Golden Core' category. I am cautiously optimistic but I do not want to celebrate the appointment of Karen and Seyran just yet.
DeleteI'm also cautiously optimistic. But I recommend holding off final judgement about the mini war in April for now because there are still many things we don't know about it. Nevertheless, Ohanyan's and Kaparteyan's appearances in the political arena in the country is a major step forward. But, we know that they alone will not be able to do much. The entire political culture in the country is rotten to the core. For this to change, changes need to take place in the people's mindsets - or changes need to be imposed from above (Moscow).
DeleteI should add here that Karapetyan wants to be part of the political process in the country whereas Ohanyan is somewhat reluctant. Also, even if Ohanyan went into retirement today he would still have preserved a place for himself in the "Golden Core" category.
PS: People like Hovik Abrahamyan will not disappear overnight simply because they continue to enjoy a large following in Armenian society - which goes back to my proposition that Armenia's problem is not its government but its people.
These western agents are just that; treacherous scabious rodents in the western payroll. Of Nationalism, these rascals have nothing. They are nationalists in name, not in soul. They give a bad name to Nationalists, genuine real nationalists. They posture themselves as nationalists, but are nothing short of cheap fakes; they are in a category of their own. To call them nationalists is to pay them a compliment. What is most amazing is that there seem to be a following and support for these sewer rats. It is an utter waste of time to dwell on these rapacious ravens. If these swinehund dare cross the line, they will all be rounded up and shipped into exile. The ridiculousness of their Rambo like attempt in capturing the police station and killing a policeman was followed by a demented call for the govt. to resign or else an armed uprising would take place. Who in his right frame of mind would have given credence that these bandits were a shot away from starting an armed uprising ? The security forces are not sleeping;but neither will they react the hissing of rats and mice. Levon, Parukyan,Raffi,Sanasarian,Sefilian, craven sewer rats get back to your sewers. The question is begged whether these political catamites can be considered Armenians when they have married jewesses, particularly in Levon' and Parukian's cases.
ReplyDeleteYou ask: Who in his right frame of mind would have given credence that these bandits? Well, these Western-funded groups actually enjoy the support of a significant portion of Armenian society today. Because however Armenians are not as warlike/aggressive as Slavs or as naive/stupid as Arabs, Armenians won't go to the streets for them in large numbers. But, like I said, that does not mean these groups don't enjoy widespread support throughout Armenian society.
DeleteA friend of mine recently brought the following excerpt to my attention. I want to share it with my readers because the work in question should reminds us that Armenia's current problems (i.e. its societal flaws) are not a modern phenomenon. Armenia's modern ills actually have their roots in the middle ages. In my opinion, Armenia's ills are the by-product of the civilizational decline Armenia began suffering in the middle ages when the country's west-leaning nobility broke with the Persian Empire (to which it had been tied to for nearly one thousand years) to forge better relations with the Roman Empire. The following words were written in the the middle ages. Please read it carefully -
ReplyDeleteThe teachers are ignorant and presumptuous, taking honor for themselves. They are elected by money and not by the spirit. They are lovers of gold and envious. They have abandoned gentleness and have become like wolves tearing at their own flocks. The monks are hypocritical, ostentatious, vainglorious, lovers of honor rather than lovers of God. The clergy are proud, slothful, frivolous, lazy, haters of learning, lovers of commerce and buffoonery. The students are lazy to study and eager to teach; they are theologians even before their examinations. The laity are arrogant, insubordinate, blusterers, loafers, drunkards, destructive and they flee their patrimonies. The soldiers are wicked, false boasters, hating their weapons, cowards, lovers of ease, intemperate, thieves, drunkards, marauders, imitators of brigands. The princes are rebellious, companions of thieves, robbers, rapacious, avaricious, grasping, plunderers, despoilers of the land, depraved, likeminded with their slaves. The judges are inhuman, false, deceitful, venal, ignorant of the law, volatile, contentious. The kings are cruel and evil rulers, imposing heavy and onerous burdens and giving intolerable commands. Governors do not correct disorders and are unmerciful. Friends are betrayed and enemies strengthened. Faith is sold for this vain life. Brigands have come in abundance and from all sides. Houses are sacked and possessions ravaged. There is bondage for the foremost and prison for the famous. There is exile abroad for the nobility and innumerable outrages for the common people. Cities are captured and fortresses destroyed; towns are ruined and buildings burned. There are famines without end and every kind of illness and death. Piety has been forgotten and expectations is for hell. And love and shame have been entirely removed from all. What then does all this demonstrate, save that God has abandoned us and that the elements have changed their nature? - Movses Khorenatsi (5th century)
However, didn't you also mention that Armenia's crazy decision to tie their fate to that of the Roman Empire had also allowed them to escape from the Islamization that gripped Persia?
DeleteYes, Jerriko. Like in everything else in life there are two sides to every story. Armenia's "crazy" decision in the 4th century helped preserve the nation's identity (albeit somewhat altered) later on when a new religion called Islam and Turkic invaders would conquer that part of the world starting in the 7th century. Some argue that it was divine intervention. Be that as it may, Armenians in 301 AD had no way of knowing what future awaits the region. Lured by the Roman/western lifestyle, Armenians at the time were simply trying to break with the Persia Empire, an old empire they had peacefully been a part of for nearly one thousand years. Persia however accepted Islam at its state religion in 650 AD. And the rest is history as they say.
DeleteArmenia did not enjoy a single century of peace after its conversion to Christianity, but Armenia did manage to resist conversion to Islam which in-turn helped Armenians maintain a unique identity in the region. In my opinion, had Armenians not converted to Christianity in 301 AD or had converted to Islam at a later date, they would have eventually either been fully absorbed into Persian and Turkish society or been very similar to Kurds or Yezdis of today. So, in a sense, we Armenians inadvertently sacrificed our well being for our identity.
Anyway, this is what I mean when I say history is not a black and white matter of discussion. The past is what it is. We cannot change it. What we can do however is learn from it. Sadly, this is where we have a problem. Most Armenians either do not know our history well or are simply incapable of properly understanding it. They therefore almost always misinterpret historic events, which is why they have not learned any lessons from historic events.
That said, Christianity today is deeply ingrained in Armenia's national culture and its people's identity. It would utterly devastate the country if we tried to change this. Anglo-American-Jews want us to abandon our national church today. They want us to give up Christianity for Globalism. It simply cannot be allowed. Christianity today is for us what Zoroastrianism was two thousand years ago. Also, Russia today is for us what Persia was two thousand years ago. Trying to break with Christianity or Russia, like we broke with Zoroastrianism and Persia back in 301AD, will devastate Armenia perhaps for another one thousand years.
PS: Please revisit the section in my previous blog commentary titled Armenia stuck between Persia and Rome one again.
Nothing is black and white in history. It is probably true that 'Armenians in 301 AD had no way of knowing what future awaits the region'. But what on earth would motivate them to adopt Christianity as state religion at a time when the Roman Empire was in the midst of the most devastating persecution of Christians? Was it not rather in defiance of the Romans that Tiridat converted, rather than in defiance of the Sassanids (Armenia being again under Roman sway since 298)?
DeleteYes, nothing is black and white in history. With that in mind, let's recall that 301AD was merely 12 years before 313AD (when Rome decriminalized Christianity) and merely 24 years before the famous Council of Nicaea (when Rome had become the center of global Christianity). An empire as old, as large, as influential, as powerful and as wealthy as Rome don't change political systems (which is what religion was for thousands of years) overnight. For an empire to willingly adopt a new way, it takes a while. So, I believe that by the dawn of the 4th century, Rome was ready for a historic change.
Although unrecognized by the empire before 313AD, Christianity was nevertheless a very popular movement throughout Roman territory. I suspect many within Rome's hierarchy were Christians or leaning towards Christianity well before 313AD. I also suspect Rome treated Christianity similar to the way Western powers today treat globalism: They used it as a tool of subversion against their enemies. This is also similar to how Western powers treated Marxism one hundred years ago: When they encouraged/funded Marxist movements in targeted nations while making sure Marxism does not infect them. This is also similar to how cults in the Western world, who are not part of mainstream Western society, are being used as a tool of meddling in foreign lands. This is also similar to how Western powers nurture Islamic radicalism and when needed, use it against their enemies....
My ability to read between-the-lines of history and my familiarity with the nature of humanity and politics makes me strongly suspect the following: Romans were either directly involved in sending Christian missionaries (sociopolitical activists of their time) into enemy territory to do their thing or were turning a blind eye (giving the movement some degree of freedom) to their activities.
Also, "Armenia Minor" (western Armenia) was part of the Roman empire. However, the Armenian king ruled from within "Armenia Major" (eastern Armenia) which was historically part of Persia's political/cultural orbit. It was Armenia Major that was beginning to push away from Persia because the non-Parthian Sassanid dynasty had come to power there. Also, Armenian royalty at the time was of Persian/Parthian ancestry and Armenians were Zoroastrians/Mithreic by faith. So, by adopting a new religion that was gaining widespread popularity inside Roman territory, Armenia was indeed trying to break with Saasanid Persia...
By the thirteen century AD the damage to Armenian civilization was done and seemed irreversible -
Delete...it is proper to mention that we are to distinguish two Armenias, the Lesser and the Greater. The king of Lesser Armenia [who is a subject of Tatars] dwells in a city called Sebastoz and rules his dominions with strict regard to justice. The towns, fortified places and castles are numerous. There is an abundance of all necessities of life, as well as of things which contribute to its comfort. Game, both of beasts and birds, are plenty. It must be said however that the air of the country is not remarkably healthy. In former times its gentry were esteemed expert and brave soldiers; but at the present day they are great drinkers, cowardly and worthless... - Marco Polo (13th century)
@For an empire to willingly adopt a new way, it takes a while
DeleteIt did indeed took a while. Christianity became 'state religion' only in 380 (20 years after the apostasy of Julian). The Roman Emperors who persecuted Christianity were the most 'Mithreic' of all. Armenia pendulated between Rome and Persia since the Mithridatic Wars. She never had a century of peace all along her history. It was not the fault of Christianity.
For my part, I consider the tenacity of Armenians in keeping their Christian Faith and their capacity to 'sacrifice their well being for their identity' (and more than that, for a lofty spiritual life) as an admirable trait of character which endear them to me (and which overrides many of their human failings - like their stubborn and irrational adherence to the 'non-Chalcedonian/mono/mya/physite' stance!) and not as the result of an 'inadvertent' (even misguided) choice. But that is because they bore witness (martyria) to the truth of Christ's message (Euanghelion), which superseded all prior messages ('Zoroastrianism' included - if any such thing ever existed independent of the Sassanian recension of the 'Avesta', the so-called 'Sassanian archetype' known only from 1323 AD - which was an anti-Christian text anyway!).
re: The problem with Armenia is not its government, it's the people
DeleteThat describes most of the world. There is a saying in English that "A nation gets the government it deserves." So the question is what can be done to make Armenians better. Unfortunately, it is often in the interests of various elite groups to have a dumbed-down population distracted with stupid and degenerate habits.
DeleteDon't misunderstand me. I am not badmouthing Christianity. I'm only saying that Armenia's troubles began when it began pushing away from the Persian empire. Armenia began doing this long before Christianity. In fact, Armenia's move away from Persia began during the time of Tigran the Great. The embracing of Roman influence and the adoption of Christianity were by-products of Armenia's desire to be independent of Persia, an old empire that it had been a part of for many centuries. It is a fact that Armenia suffered terribly as a result of this because it essentially became a battleground between two opposing, neighboring empires for several centuries. But, in the end, several centuries later to be exact, Armenia's decision to break with Zoroastrianism and Persia by adopting Christianity saved the nation. Had we not become Christians, Armenia would have either turned into an obscure little tribe in the region like Yezdis or simply melt into the Islamic world like the Kurds. Our Christian Armenian identity and our willingness to fight and die for it preserved us during the worst of times in the region.
I should also add here that had Greeks and Armenians found common language, that part of the world would not have had so many dark/bloody periods during the past one thousand years and there would not be a nation called Turkey or Azerbaijan today.
Anyway, Armenia has had a very-very complex history. Nothing has been easy or risk free for us for nearly two thousand years. We see this even today. Armenia is once again stuck between opposing powers and predatory neighbors and anything it does is always fraught with risk and complexities.
Ultimately, what I want Armenians to understand is that it's very dangerous to break with Russia (today's Persia) for better relations with the West (today's Rome). I also want Armenians to understand that it's very dangerous to break with Christianity and our national traditions (today's Zoroastrianism) to adopt a modern popular movement known as Globalism/Westernization (today's Christianity).
"like their stubborn and irrational adherence to the 'non-Chalcedonian/mono/mya/physite' stance!"
DeleteLets not start with this crap again. Fact is men got together and decided dogma for the Church. Christ himself did not provide the dogma for anyone to say it is God's doing and therefore infallible. Eastern Orthodox need to stop trying to stigmatize the Armenian Church. Our Church is Apostolic and in several ways as kept its heritage as well or better than Catholics and Orthodox.
DeleteIt may seem trivial or even silly to you today in 2016 but one thousand years ago the "nature of Christ" was literally a matter of life and death. Nations at the time based their political formulations around theological factors. Religion was back than what political systems (capitalism, dictatorship, communism, etc) are today. Because Greeks and Armenians are both arrogant, stubborn and individualistic, they were unable to find common language. Having gotten Georgians, Balkan peoples and Russians under their fold, Greeks also wanted Armenians, a major Christian nation to their east, to become subordinate to them as well. Needless to say, Armenians thought Greeks were full of shit and Armenians never wasted an opportunity to express it. In the end, however, because Greek speaking peoples of Anatolia had come to represent the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium) and were therefore powerful, Greeks eventually managed to extinguish the last Armenian kingdom in the Armenian Highlands in 1045AD; thus paving the way to Asiatic/Muslim invasions of Asia Minor.
What Byzantine Greek managed in the 11th century was our first genocide. We never recovered from it nor did Asia Minor.
In the big picture, what Greeks and Armenians went through was essentially a matter of sibling rivalry. I say "sibling" rivalry because Greeks and Armenians are both the children of Asia Minor. I bring this topic up from time-to-time because it's very important to understand this aspect of our history. This tragic inability of neighbors who share a common culture/heritage to cooperate is the fundamental reason why we have Turks and Muslims in Anatolia and the south Caucasus today.
I am also willing to admit that we Armenians also share some blame. Had we given in to Byzantine demands (they were more powerful than us after all) and adopted their form of Christianity like Georgians, Serbians, Russians, Bulgarians, etc. had done, the region's history may have been very different.
PS: I see a lot of ancient Greek/Anatolian treachery, arrogance and aggression in Turks. Turkish blood, after all, is predominantly Anatolian. Turks are essentially Turkish speaking Anatolians. I therefore don't attribute Turkish characteristics to Asiatic behavior. Behaviorally, specially when it come to politics, Turks of Asia Minor are very different from real Turks of Central Asia.
Anyway, I don't want to continue talking about this because I don't think we are ready to talking about this, nor do I think talking about this is of any real benefit. So, I'm going to end it here.
DeleteI would think that it is probably not the place to discuss these things. But as they crop up all to often, it shows that it is a gnawing subject for Armenians (the touchy subject of 'myaphisitism').
What I found potentially confusing is the comparison of Russia with Persia and of Christianism with Zoroastrianism.
Russia is, by all accounts, Rome! Not only because is a Christian country and people, but is the political heir of the Roman (Christian) Empire. Russia helped Armenia because of their common Christianity and Armenia accepted Russian help to save it from Islam. Take out Christianity of the equation and Armeno-Russian relations loose any meaning.
If we still want to dig further back, Armenia adopted Christianity in defiance to what was then the 'Globalist West', the Roman Empire of the syncretic cults (which people think wrongly as 'paganism', when they were actually highly elaborated forms of state religious propaganda), very similar to the Masonic cults which replaced Christianity in the West. It did it, I think, in defiance also to the 'Zoroastrianism' which was becoming the anti-Christian 'orthodoxy' of the Sassanids. Certainly history is more complicated. In all our analyses of those times we fail to see the 'elephant in the room', always scheming, plotting, setting peoples against each others, the real, uncompromising enemy of Christ (who had a hidden hand in 'Zoroastrianism' as well as in all christological heresies which helped the Islamic conquest). Zoroastrian Persia has became Islamic all too easily.
'Zarathustra' has become now the symbol of the rabid anti-Christianity of the 'West'. Nietzsche, contrary to what is believed, was a rabid 'anti-antisemite', fancying himself as the Antichrist.
Russia has nothing to do with Rome. The Western world is the reincarnation of Rome. Zoroastrianism has nothing to do with the antichrist. The state of Israel and Jews are the antichrist. Let's please end this conversation.
DeleteOf course. I could not believe that our differences could reach such levels of misunderstanding.
DeleteThe allied coalition has carried out a bombing mission against Assad's armies in Deir Zor. The harlot Samantha Powers was seriously miffed for having been called into a UN emergency meeting. This is sheer insanity. The Jewusa claims it was an error of target; a colossal blunder. As ususal they are lying. It was a deliberately planned and figured bombing mission against Assad's troops. One has to ask where were Assad's air defenses . Why were they not clicked into operation. The SAA got plastered, and one is wondering what this fiction of a cosmetic ceasefire is all about. The Armenians in Syria are also being pummeled by the war. In Aleb they find themselves in dire straits. Just like the Karabagh scenario, the Syrian conflict can only end in a military outcome. Russia needs to up the ante and take cognizance of the fact they have no "partners" in the West. The Russians always speak about "our partners" ad nauseaum. Whereas the Jewusa always speaks about the "Russian danger".
ReplyDeleteArmenia today celebrated the 25th anniversary of its independence from the Soviet Union with a beautiful military parade. The procession was led by our 10th century King Ashot Erkat's battle cross, which is said to contain within it a relic of the real cross. The military parade featured some Armenia's recently acquired gifts from the Russian Federation. I was happy to see Russian troops from 102nd base in Gyumri marched alongside their Armenian counterparts once again. I was even happier to see a flight of Russian piloted Mig-29s from Erebuni air base participate in the military parade for the first time. Hopefully, those beautiful war birds will be flown by Armenian pilots during the next parade.
ReplyDeleteԶորահանդես՝ նվիրված ՀՀ անկախության 25 ամյակին: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH42vhUaN58
Հայաստանը տոնում է անկախության 25-ամյակը: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VC7VhnH7sHQ
Պատվավոր պահակախմբի եւ միացյալ նվագախմբի շարաերթը Անկախության զորահանդեսին: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzJuIPuU_Wo
День независимости Армении: военный парад за 60 секунд:
A herd of nincompoops, called activists, led by the truckler sanasaryan led a protest marching toward the Russian consulate and other government building. They were protesting, according to press, the presence of foreign flags (Russian flags), the presence of Russian troops partaking in the parade, and other senseless grievances.
DeleteVladimir Putin: Relations between Armenia and Russia developing in the spirit of strategic partnership: http://www.armradio.am/en/2016/09/21/vladimir-putin-relations-between-armenia-and-russia-developing-in-the-spirit-of-strategic-partnership/
DeleteGlad to see you back again Arevordi. Good job again.
DeleteThe freak show you referred to found a place in the Azeri press -
Anti-Russian rally held in Armenia: http://news.az/articles/world/113468
Our "friends" in Ankara, Baku, Tblisi, Tel Aviv, Washington, the Caliphate of Brussels, Freedom House et. al. constantly tell us "Armenia sucks because it does not have a free press." Naturally, the spineless Armenian diaspora and the traitorous Armenian opposition agree wholeheartedly with such allegations, without reservation and without giving a second thought to the truth regarding the claims or the intentions of the claimants. Anyway, here are some outright anti-Armenian articles from ultra free press of Jewmerica.
ReplyDeleteThe second article is by Armenia-hating jew Norma Zanger, who is on my list of anti-Armenia jews. The third article is written to an israeli named israel barouk comparing Armenia/Artsakh to ISIS. Seriously, it makes me laugh that after all of the evil this race has done to Armenia, some Armenians get butthurt when I refer to them as filthy kikes:
Can You Be Simultaneously For And Against A War? Ask The DC Armenian Lobby: http://dailycaller.com/2016/09/07/can-you-be-simultaneously-for-and-against-a-war-ask-the-dc-armenian-lobby/
An ‘are you kidding me’ foreign policy :U.S. actions toward allies evoke disbelief: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jun/3/norma-zager-us-actions-toward-allies-evoke-disbeli/
In Cultural Cleansing, ISIS is Not Alone: http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/in-cultural-cleansing-isis-is-not-alone/
The article below quotes an Islamic British member of the European parliament praising Azerbaijan. Please re-read the previous sentence again and reflect on what kind of future Europe has, and the implications for Armenia if Armenia "develops ties with" (read: becomes more dependent on) Europe. Also, compare the militant Islamic supremacy that Muslims in Europe display towards Armenia (Armenian Genocide memorials are regularly vandalized or destroyed) versus the tame behavior towards Armenians of the Muslims under Russian control/influence.
MEP: Azerbaijan – important country for EU: http://en.apa.az/azerbaijan-politics/foreign-news/mep-azerbaijan-important-country-for-eu.html
Here is an article I did not bother to read, but it looks like some panic mongering by an oppositionist:
Threat of Big Losses and War will Remain as Long as Armenia Proceeds with its Foreign Policy: http://en.168.am/2016/09/17/10873.html
Here is a change.org petition that subtly hints at supporting the recent sefilian-inspired terrorism in Armenia, mixed in with the usual pointless buzzwords. Take a look at the gallery of rogues/clowns who signed it:
Justice Within Armenia: https://www.change.org/p/justice-within-armenia
On a more positive note, below are some excellent developments from Armenia:
Made in Armenia night vision scopes: https://twitter.com/Echelon_Defense/status/778202692258820096
Airbus starts purchasing laser optics from Armenia: https://news.am/eng/news/347237.html
Hi Arevordi,
ReplyDeleteI think my last anonymous submission never got through so wanted to repost because I think it's important for the message in this blog to gain more and more exposure. Firstly though, I would like to thank you for taking the time to do these write ups, truly I do. It certainly takes a lot of energy and thought that you could be diverting elsewhere but you have chosen to this for your people, nation, and ethnic group, and I think its important for you to recognize that there are plenty of silent readers both inside the "golden core" and the imbeciles outside of that core that read this stuff. With that said, thank you and never stop!
Secondly, this topic perhaps is more important and critical in this juncture in our people's history than any other piece you've written before. Because really, everything you've ever written on this blog stems from errors in judgement and decision making from Armenians worldwide including our leadership which stems from the make-up of the average Armenian character. And your descriptor of "peasant" could not have been better placed, truly we must have slowly genetically selected ourselves from a stock of peasantry and left behind our noble warrior heritage to have developed in the manner that we ALL have developed worldwide, except perhaps a few enclaves such as Arstakh's populace.
The main three problems I see commonly with all Armenian merchant peasantry is their lack of respect for 3 tenets in others, that is, they lack respect for knowledge, experience, and authority. It's no coincident that most natural leaders encompass these things whether its in the political arena or in daily life at a place of employment. But as soon as an Armenian peasant is made to be subordinate to someone that has these characters, they almost instantly revert to a "know it all" reluctant behavior to not listen and not do what they are told. The behavior of being subordinate to these tenets and to leadership in general is why nation states such as Germany, England, USA, Russia, France, China, Korea, Japan, are as successful as they are. YES, they have colonial pasts and rape and pillaging behind them, however, organizing such imperial campaigns still required that the masses became subordinate to the few that were willing to lead them. Germany recovered from 2 world wars because of the tenacity of its citizens in being subordinate to its leaders and hence, everything else simply followed the hard work, discipline, and subordination on a national level.
I've always used the analogy of "every Hye wants to be a Rooster (Aklor) in a room of Hyes, but no one ever wants to be the Hen (Hav)". You simply cannot have this, everyone cannot be the alpha male in a room of 50 males. If the task at hand is changing a light bulb, then the person in the room that knows about light bulbs the most, has the most experience/talent in changing them should naturally be the authority in performing that task and all the other assholes need to help him get it done, that's how the bulb will be changed properly. With Hyes, they will first argue about who should do it, then form cliques based on where their are from, and finally, almost inevitably either replace the bulb wrong or fumble amidst their bickering and drop it and break their single source of light in a dark room. The Diaspora and Armenians in Armenia are heading towards dropping their single source of light soon if they don't get their shit together and STFU and make smart long term choices, otherwise they will be left in the dark in a part of the world where hungry predators are prowling waiting to smell blood. . .
Thank you Sassounci Davit and welcome back. It's been a while...
DeletePART 1
ReplyDeleteThe Armenian peasant merchant character is directly responsible for much of the action or more accurately, "lack of action" and the type of "lack of action" we see on a regular basis in the Diaspora and the Fatherland. I remember during the early 1990's being an adolescent teen and hearing lots of talk about "when Armenian is independent, I'm going to move there" talk coming from a lot of big talking ARF and nationalistic outlets being spoken and promoted. After the war, I think a lot of romantic Hyes went to Armenia expecting to find Lyon, Paris, Berlin, or NY. Instead they found a war and earthquake ravaged 3rd world nation in need of its children to help rebuild it amidst the post soviet apocalypse and all of these Diasporans turn tailed and ran. In the wake of the last 25 years, all you hear to this day is, "WHY would you want to buy a home there? Hayastancis are corrupt", or "Why start a business there, they will run you out of town", "the regime is corrupt", "the president takes $300k vacations to Korea paid by the people's money", "Oligarchs run the place", etc. etc. Sadly a few of these more reasonable allegation such as some corruption and oligarchy is true, the rest is exaggerated garbage coming from a merchant peasant class that wants to sit in European cafes or the US sipping lattes until his own nation is "good enough" to help out and live in.
I'm always astounded when I mention long term plans to purchase property in Armenia or Arstakh and get the quick knee jerk reaction of "why put your money there, buy a place is Greece/Europe/US". Then the same asshole 10 min later will say "all the parsiks are coming to yerevan and buying up our properties/land/homes".
ReplyDeleteThat's in the Diaspora, in Armenia, there is a different economical pathology going on. Somehow, Armenians in Armenia have become convinced that the Dram is worth the same as the Dollar, so much so, that they don't even bother using their own currency with tourists and visitors nor are they interested maintaining their own standard of living based on their own monetary value. Goods are sold at US prices, a pizza here costs $20, but in Armenia it also costs $20, yet the dram/dollar exchange rate is about 500 to 1, WTF?!
In Greece, an ORIGINAL member of the EU, two people can eat a reasonable breakfast and lunch with wine for $25, that's why French, Italians, Germans, and other wealthy EU nation citizens FLOCK to Greece to vacation and Greece sees as many tourists each year as it has citizens, that is 10 million visitors per year flock through there! In Armenia in the middle of the kavkas, 2 people eating food/drinks all day will cost as much in 3rd world Armenia as it would in LA or NY, that is close to $100 easy. HOW the fuck does this make sense? To the average Armenia jack off in Armenia that heard about prices from his piece of shit cousin in LA it makes perfect sense! Why set prices based on your own currency value and economic stature, when you can simply price match goods at USA Superpower levels and milk tourists more. The kicker and the big problem that is now arriving in Armenia is that this type of first world pricing against tourism has begun trickling into everyday Armenian life for local citizens and its unsustainable no to mention catastrophic for economic growth. The average Armenian that makes maybe $5K per year is now also slowly paying $20 per pizza or when he should be paying $3 for example.
Why is this happening? Because of merchant peasant mentality. I oversimplify it but the individualistic materialistic "get rich quick" character flaw inherent in the merchant peasant mentality in the modern day Armenian has many facets of damage which it causes on Armenia proper and Arstakh. Mexicans working as skilled laborers in the US work for 6-8 months, earn about $20K and go back to Mexico or South America where their currency value and exchange rate has been kept in line with cost of living being very cheap and they are able to live reasonably well for a couple years before returning as migrant workers again the US. Somehow, hispanics have figured this out and are exploiting it and also drawing tourism into Mexicos "all inclusive" resorts but Hyes still want to sell $200 Walnut Backgammon boards in Verntisage so they can then spend $200 on a pair of Gucci glasses in yerevan and wonder if they have enough food to survive. . .
This is a very senseless post, honestly the whole thing reads like a gypsy or Middle Eastern cheapskate (AKA your average Armenian) going to the touristy / upscale part of Yerevan and then complaining about actually having to spend a reasonable amount of money. Not getting gouged or anything, just a reasonable amount instead of being handed everything like a feudal knight roaming his manor. What exactly is the difference between a diasporan Armenian ranting about the usual "Armenia sucks because infrastructure, business climate, and society are primitive, I prefer my western city" versus a diasporan Armenian ranting about "Armenia sucks because the restaurants in downtown Yerevan are too expensive, I prefer my western vacation spot?" We have condemned the Armenian diaspora for abandoning Armenia in the years after independence because the Armenia of reality did not conform to the idealized Armenia that existed their minds; as far as I'm concerned the Armenians who complain that the cost of visiting / living in Armenia being too expensive deserve the same condemnation. Frankly diasporans have a well-earned reputation for looking at Armenia as a place for cheap food and hooker. The phenomenon of charging higher prices to tourists and in upscale locations is a part of human nature and has nothing to do with "peasant mentality," throwing a fit over having to pay the "asshole business owner" who charges market prices on the other hand is the epitome of peasantry. Or are we to believe that the people who charge astronomical prices for restaurants at amusements parks and inside airports are all Armenian peasants as well?
DeleteYerevan is not super different from Glendale or any other city: you can get cheap food if you look for it (or better yet if you buy the ingredients and make it yourself), or you can hit the most popular tourist restaurants and expect to pay a premium. By any measure, Armenia is significantly more affordable than anywhere in the west; it just bruises some Armenians ego when they are expected to treat Armenia as a real country rather than look down at Armenia as some place that owes them something and exists solely to serve their personal needs. I've never heard any Armenian complain about getting royally overcharged on a vacation anywhere other than Armenia - perhaps this is what is meant by "Armenians are primitive and jealous people who can't stand the thought of other Armenians getting ahead (making a profit off) of them." It's annoying but tolerable when some foreigner charges $200 for a meal, but its a personal insult to pay a Hayastantsi in Yerevan anything other than clearance prices. This is not unlike the Armenian refugees from Syria who bitch that they aren't being granted a high-end luxury apartment in Yerevan's Kentron district at the Armenian state's expense - "how dare these greedy and corrupt hayastantsis not give us the agha-lifestyle that we are entitled to, this is not a real country, I'll just take my business to North Hollywood and live a respectable life as a janitor living in a crime-ridden apartment where my grandkids will turn out half-Mexican."
Greece has been stable and independent for decades, has a coastline and islands, has open borders, is easy to access for whatever is left of Europe's middle class, has had billions invested in it by international tourist companies for decades, is not in a state of war with its neighbor, doesn't have snipers / landmines at borders, is fully integrated in a major, long established bloc (the EU), spends billions on ads, and at least on paper has the economy / middle class necessary for tourists. Greece also has a thriving drug/rave/club/whorehouse culture where wealthy western men and women can meet young women and boys and get off in all sorts of disgusting ways. None of this has exactly helped the average Greek peasant, in fact it has led Greece to he brink of extinction.
DeleteI understand where you are coming from, but Sassounci Davit's comments are not too far off the mark. He is not complaining merely for the sake of complaining as many Armenians do. While there are several conventional/political factors pushing prices in Armenia high (small population, no manufacturing, remote, landlocked, blockaded, etc), people's attitudes - backward, materialistic, gluttonous, shortsighted, impatient - are also major factors. Generally speaking, Armenians want to make as much money as they can - today. Not tomorrow, not next year, but today. Most Armenians live for today, essentially because history has taught them - at least subconsciously - that they don't know what tomorrow will bring. Therefore, generally speaking, Armenians think in the short-term. Generally speaking, Armenians are interested in survival. This peasant/merchant mindset is reflected in the country's poor management, poor planning, inefficient production and poor service. When it comes to the country, everything is done half-assed essentially because no one wants to invest time or money into the future. There are many exceptions to this of course, but, generally speaking, this is how it is. If you haven't yet done so, you should spend some time in the country to see what we are talking about.
Tourism is a very important sector in Armenia's economy, and it has a lot of potential for further growth. There therefore needs to be checks against price gouging (artificially inflating prices that prey on consumers). Due to all the factors mentioned above, many Armenians today spend their vacation time in Georgia, Turkey, Cyprus, etc where prices are affordable and service is great.
And how has the tourism industry been doing over the last ten years or so? I seem to recall an article here about a Russian tourist talking about how the Armenian side had done almost nothing to promote Armenia to Russians, and that there were some other issues, such as overly high costs at many restaurants.
DeleteA vast majority of Armenia's tourists remain Armenian. Let's recall that there are about 8 - 10 million Armenians living outside Armenia. These makeup the bulk of visitors to the country. That said, more and more non-Armenians have been discovering Armenia in recent years. Overall, the problem is Armenia is a place where you more or less pay first world prices and in return receive third world services. I'm generalizing as there are many exceptions to this. Anyway, in order for Armenia to attract greater numbers of visitors (be it Armenian or none Armenian), the country needs to work on developing modern public facilities, providing better services, building better roads and investing more money in advertising. Speaking of advertising, most of what's being done is geared towards attracting Americans and Europeans. Russia, which has a much greater tourism potential, is more or less neglected.
Arevordi, I agree with your take that Armenians generally want to make the most money, with the least amount of effort, and with little to no thought of ethics or consequences. In fact I agree with most of what you wrote in the blog, except the idea that depopulating Armenia would help more than hurt Armenia. Greed and short-sightedness seem to dominate this era, I think this is the norm in most of the world now, it is not just some Armenian phenomenon. The response below will stick to Armenia's tourism issues.
DeleteThere's really no hope of turning Armenia into a major tourist destination, even if pizza prices were lowered to $1.00. In a sense Armenia is a city-state, with Yerevan being relatively nice and the rest of the country being poorly developed in terms of infrastructure, specifically tourism infrastructure like hotels, shopping/souvenir centers, and general transportation. Armenia has one major ski resort at Tsaghkadzor, and some stunning mountain and waterfall scenery (even if waste management is lacking.) Armenia also has several ancient / medieval monasteries and archaeological sites, but I think that will only attract a certain type of visitor. As far as I know, there is no major effort to promote water activities and beaches on Lake Sevan, which has been described as the Jewel of the Caucasus.
Besides all of those facts, Armenia technically remains a semi-active warzone (even if the fighting is far away from Yerevan) and is still a poor economy struggling to modernize. A search for "Armenia" on any English language media website will likely further deter potential tourists (another reason to charge foreign-funded "journalists" with high treason.) Armenia's best hope to increase tourists is Russia and the rest of the former-Soviet people, the same people who are most familiar and most likely to purchase Armenian goods in their local stores. Certain Europeans may opt for guided tours of historical spots, but Armenia stands no chance at being an ordinary family vacation destination, or a spot where sluts and assholes come to drink and do drugs (thankfully.) I've read stories of Persians visiting Armenia during Summer and taking advantage of the relative social freedoms there - whether the average Hayastantsi wants or benefits from a bunch of drunk brown Muslims on the streets of Yerevan remains debatable.
On a separate note, if I owned a business in Armenia I would also be happy to accept dollars. Armenian businessmen aren't stupid, generally they remember that when the USSR collapsed in 1991, their Ruble savings lost much of its value. In 1993 Russia reformed the post-Soviet Ruble, and the currency being used in Armenia became worthless. This forced Armenia to create the Armenian Dram (it was not a glorious act of national sovereignty like some Armenians imagine, instead it was a reluctant move by a nation that was not prepared for the responsibility it faced, not unlike the declaration of independence in 1918). For a while the Dram strengthened against foreign currencies until March 2009, when the Central Bank of Armenia abruptly allowed the dram to lose value, again wiping out the meager savings of the poorest (and largest) segment of Armenia's population - they also sold off Armenia's meager gold reserves during this time to prop up the Dram a bit longer. I don't blame Armenians for preferring western currency - today's Armenia is not an international trading hub like medieval Cilicia was and not a strong state like Tigran the Great or Iron Ashot's kingdom, and maintaining a national currency is a questionable policy. I'd put the chances of the Dram lasting another quarter century at 50/50... But I don't want to single out Armenia for bashing, the euro is pretty much certain to collapse, and the dollar's artificial stability cannot last forever.
DeleteArmenia is an unbelievable beautiful land and a treasure trove. Every step, every bric, speaks of a legendary historical wealth,. Whether Armenians appreciate and recognize this blessing on their land, it is another question, personally I am of the opinion they do. The ausslander Armenians, particularly the new generation, have grown in diverse countries, and have been infected with the cultural viruses of their respective countries of abode. An Armenian visiting the country can not but fall in love with it. Those who do not, have lost the their ancestral soul in them. Generations of Armenians living and growing outside their homeland have ingrained in the fact they are foreigners. Many of them visiting the homeland find a disconnect between being foreigners and suddenly finding themselves as belonging to a soil, people, earth and water. A beautiful pristine mountainous country, small in km extension could have a challenge to keep and maintain at optimum conditions a population in excess of 2m. Social scientists, demographers could have a more accurate assessment and answer. Hence not much attention should be paid to inborn, innate detractors, who find everything wrong with their beautiful country.
DeleteI don't know if Arevordi wants his blog's comments getting this far off track, but it might be interesting for some readers. Serj Tankian is a good representative of the Armenian-American: an ultraliberal who for some reason thinks that not only is he a political genius, but actually has a duty to re-Bolshevize Armenia - a country which he frankly doesn't know or understand past a superficial level. Seriously, the guy is a caricature of the self-righteous diasporan. Anyway he recently went to Reddit to promote his calls for regime change in Yerevan. Read through some of his answer and then ask yourself if Armenia wasn't better off during the Cold War when these Diasporan freaks were kept out?
ps Reddit was co-founded by Armenian-American Alexis Ohanian. He is currently dating Serena Williams.... these are the people pushing to "modernize" (read: destroy) Armenia. Ohanian, Kardashian, Tankian are the true face of the Armenian Diaspora. The crowd here probably does not pay too much attention to celebrities or pop culture, but these people are very influential on Armenia's youth and therefore its future. If this crap takes hold in Armenia, then Armenia is finished:
Armenia: A Playground for Diaspora Armenians?
The smut peddlers at hetq.am actually published a decent article for once. Even more fun than the article are the diasporan tears flowing in the comments section. More tears below:
The ten people who keep the Armenia subreddit going make the thirty people that keep hyeclub going look like hardcore Nazi militants by comparison.
JFK said "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." The diasporan Armenian says "ha, I gave $5.00 to Armenia once back in 2005, and what do I have to show for it? Nothing! Screw Armenia. Never Again, no more wasting my money." Or the diasporan college student will go live in Armenia in his twenties, get annoyed that the native Armenians don't worship his brilliant mind that was honed in Professor Goldberg's class, and he will return with an intense hatred and self-loathing for his "primitive" race.
I was actually going to share the same article on this comments page so thanks . One thing I say as a Diasporan, Westernized(I speak Armenian at home obviously) Armenian is that us living in the West should not look at Armenia with Western eyes and expectations. I say this "Armenia is a very nice but difficult country " or " Armenia as a country isn't that bad a typical second world (post-communist) country even though investment is required" . The point is the diaspora should not have unrealistic expectations of Armenia and the local population ("Hayastancis"). Armenia isn't a western country simple because the people don't live a Western lifestyle or for the most part the people don't have a Western mentality . So us in the diaspora would do ourselves good to understand Armenia better I need to visit Armenia more times to full grasp the culture.
DeleteAlso, the diasporan war against Armenia continues. Arsine Khanjian is married to Atom Egoyan. Egoyan is a huge proponent of homosexual propaganda inside Armenia. His convoluted film Ararat features an unnecessary gay "love" subplot. But if you really want to see how much he despises Armenia and Hayastantsis, look at his earlier film "Calendar." It is a weird cuckolding film starring his wife, they go to Armenia to shoot a calendar and she gets close to a Hayastantsi man. Egoyan has a monologue talking about how much he hates himself, his wife, and Armenia as he pictures his wife with the Armenian man - a textbook example of degenerate smut being passed off as art. I don't even want to imagine how sick their private life must be, or who actually fathered their child, or whether the child will turn out to be another chaz bono:
DeleteArsinee Khanjian: Open Letter to the Armenian Diaspora: https://massispost.com/2016/09/arsinee-khanjian-open-letter-to-the-armenian-diaspora/
I personally don't mind about the movie "Calendar" it's was made in 1993. Anyone can try to sell anything to anyone it just matters how the audience in this case Hayastancis receive the message.In Armenia diasporan Armenians might try to import Western ideas to Armenia is just matters how the peopleft receive it some will like them some won't. Armenia is ranked the 3rd worst country for homophobia interpret that statistic in any way you want. Personally I don't mind people should be free to live how they want because let's be real the majority of people in the West are not homosexual. I personally never even heard of this movie before you told me I know Ararat but not this. My point was that us Diasporans living in Western cities cannot expect places like Gyumri or Dilijan to be like Munich or London or whichever western city. Although the Armenian government can do better. Culturally we need to respect Armenia''s way of life even though personally I'm not very conservative.
DeleteYou got the crux of the matter. When it comes to moral/sexual matters I am also not very conservative. Example: I see homosexuals as people suffering from psychosexual disorders and not low lives that should be beaten up or killed. Example: Women are independent human beings and they also have very sexual desires. Example: I believe in God but I do not pretend to know what's his name, where he lives or what he wants from us. That said, I would never demand or expect society to adopt my beliefs, morals or ethics. Overall, Armenia is a conservative, traditional, patriarchal and a backward society just stepping into the modern world. Just like a child is not psychologically and physically ready to watch porn, traditional/conservative societies opening up to the modern world cannot be bombarded with stuff they are not ready or capable of dealing with. Certain things like sexual freedoms and the proper treatment for women are things that have to evolve naturally over time. Forcing change or using tools to manipulate society into change will only cause adverse side affects. Sadly, this is exactly what many Diasporans try to do in Armenia today. They try to import their personal morals/ethics (values they adopted in the Western world) into the country. Example: Arsine Khanjaian and Atom Egoyan. These self-righteous, proud, arrogant and intellectually shallow "celebrities" want to recreate Armenian society in their image. Not only is this wrong, it is very dangerous. Simply put: Diasporans need to stop treating Armenia like a laboratory where to conduct (Western funded) experiments.
Arevordi, you sound like an overprotective father - which is fine but needs to be balanced against the needs of keeping society healthy. I am convinced that the relationship between Armenian men and women is perfectly fine. Of course there are some exceptions, like alcoholic husbands who beat their wives, but that would exist in any system. Empowering women any further will inevitably lead to what the western woman has become: a tatoo-covered, piercing-covered, blue-haired childless whore who has been gang-banged by foreign men on several occasions. Men and women exist in tension with each other, while at the same time complimenting each other. Women are incapable of functioning normally when they are treated as equals to men when it comes to important decisions; nor are women happy being treated as equals because that is not in their nature. Women want men who will dominate them and create a society and secure environment to raise their children. Women want a strong man, not a weakling who thinks they are equal and have the agency to make their own decision. This is why women gravitate to "assholes" who treat them like shit, this is why women constantly test you to see what you will let them get away with. In the west men have given women total equality, the result is that women reject their own men and turn to men who don't take shit from women: foreigners. This is basic human nature and it covers the behavioral patterns of an overwhelming majority of individuals. Left to their own devices, women will tear civilization apart based on feelings - case in point: the international joke known as Sweden has what it calls a "feminist foreign policy;" can anyone really argue that Sweden will last another fifty years, compared to Armenia or other "primitive" nations? The only time where women are useful in any decision-making capacity is after they have had children, preferably after they hit menopause, when they start acting more like men and when their decisions are shaped by "what is best for my children" which extrapolates to "what is best for my nation."
DeleteMardig, tolerance and apathy are virtues of a dying society. The west was "tolerant" of homosexuality and interracialism a few decades ago but did not want it to happen to them or their family. Look where that got them. Tolerance is just setting society in a direction where your generation escapes the consequences, but your children and grandchildren pay the price. The Baby Boomers and Gen X were tolerant, the Millennials are now absolutely screwed by the fruits of this tolerance, and the generation after the Millenials is absolutely fucked... Look at it another way: for centuries Armenians tolerated living under Turkish domination, now we curse those Armenians for not having fought to keep Armenia free. The way I see life is that it is a constant struggle: a struggle to keep fit and healthy against the tendency to remain weak or get fat; a struggle to teach yourself the truths against the lies that the social / political powers that be promote; a struggle to keep your country free and healthy against the invading barbarians and heathens; a struggle to maintain your honor and dignity in a world full of smut and greed; a struggle to take and keep your place at the table; and a struggle to perpetuate your bloodline into the future by forming a large family and protecting them from harm. You either struggle until the end, or you end up a worthless faggot like our diasporan celebrity "heroes" or regime change keyboard warriors from Glendale. Russia was not handed to the Russians from the sky, Russia exists because Russians for centuries struggled and strove to make it a great nation. The same was true for ancient Armenia. Great powers and rising civilizations have no place for "live and let live," they seek out threats to their nation and attack those threats mercilessly, even when the rest of the world calls them mean names ("aggressor, homophobe, occupier, authoritarian, Mongol half-breeds, Asiatic barbarians, butchers, thieves, intolerant, racist, primitive, etc.')
DeleteI get your point and I agree with you to a certain extent. I agree that some places went to the shit because of their tolerance. Lebanon is a prime example of this Lebanon used to be a Christian country however they allowed the Palestinians and both Shias and Sunnis to settle in, study in their universities , buy homes (except for the Palestinians but that's a different story) and eventually the demographics shifted and the civil war started which I argue they haven't recovered from . However the part I disagree is that tolerance is good depending on the group you are dealing with . I am not against immigration provided the culture coming are somewhat compatible with the local people and they add value to the country. Even Europe is taking note and setting up border checkpoints . However Armenia doesn't face the same problems as the West that's why a film promoting LGBT won't be such an issue and we know what Armenian attitudes towards that issue are . Plus intolenerence is a key reason why many countries in the Middle East will always style in perpetual war. Yeah the Arab/Islamic world is intolerant but they are with all due respect not a rising civiliAtion they are in shambles. But as I said a lot depends on the group your are dealing or the ciecumstance youre dealing with because there is nothing wrong with tolerance or intolerance . As for struggling yeah I also get your point but in the West life is pretty easy , we have all the food , the money even if you're considered poor you have at least a TV and a microwave . He'll you don't even need a women to have a child or family . Which is why I argue the theory of natural selection doesn't apply anymore because of the culture and technology. As for Russia yeah they struggled but they rose because they had a series of great rulers like Catherine and Peter the Great who imported knowledge from the West for example engineers from Germany , shipbuilders from the Netherlands . Even though I respect Russian resilience good leadership also played a role . Also poor leadership of Yeltsin was what left them in shambles in the 90s
Delete-Lebanon and the rest of the Middle East is in shambles because its Semitic inhabitants are for the most part low IQ, highly inbred subhumans. Further, Islam dominates the region and Islam is a disgenic religion which promotes the worst kinds of retardations. The fact that the area has been for over a century subject to Anglo-American-Jewish intrigues and scheming only makes the situation worse.
Delete-Immigrant in limited amounts between cultural and genetically compatible people is fine. We all know that's not what is being promoted by the diaspora in Armenia. No one in Armenia is going to complain if a thousand or so Russians, Poles, Germans, or Italians decide to move in; what the west and the EUrophiles want however is to flood Armenia with Turks, Kurds, Persians, Yezidis, Assyrians, Arabs, Gypsies, and Caucasians (Georgians and Chechens). Half-breed or quarter-breed "crypto-Armenians" are an obsession for a segment of the diaspora. If Armenians tolerates this, in a decade or two Solamis and Pakistanis would show up.
-Europe's "checkpoints" are a joke, like putting a single Band-Aid on someone who just took a direct hit from a shotgun. And like I said, these problems did not spring up overnight, they are the results of centuries of tolerating bad decisions, arguably stemming from the French Revolution onwards.
-Words are important: If you want to win this war, don't use the enemy's terminology. They have weaponized language and are using it to twist peoples ability to process ideas in a rational manner. Instead of the neo-Bolshevik "Armenia is the third worst homophobic," just state the fact that "Armenia ranks third highest in rejecting mental disorders like homosexuality and various other sexual perversions." Check out "Newspeak" from "1984" for a good explanation... No one anywhere is a afraid of homosexuality that would warrant the term "phobia." There is a reason why throughout the western media the unanimous term is "Assad regime" and not "Syrian government." There is a reason they use "moderate rebels" instead of "Islamist militant terrorists who happen to be working towards the same ends as us." Or why women are told its an "abortion" and not "killing the unborn." Or "LGBTQwertyuiop" instead of "Aids-infested faggots sodomizing each other and mutilating their bodies in ungodly ways................
-What I wrote about The Struggle could apply as easily to the abundant west as to a warzone like Armenia. When you are walking around in Los Angeles, and you see some morbidly obese person in their twenties or thirties with zero muscular development, you see someone who gave up the struggle to stay healthy and instead stuffed their faces with unhealthy junk. Same when you see a beta male hipster with a Bernie Sanders sticker on his Prius. When you walk around and see some slut holding her multiracial baby and her childless, barren friend, you see the daughters of a men who lost the struggle and as a consequence threw away thousands of years of genetic heritage... Similarly when you see an Armenian in Armenia falling for opposition trickery, promoting the EU / NATO, crying "Russia wants Armenia without Armenians," littering their own country with trash, selling their votes for a few drams, caring for their Mercedes more than their family-country-God, repeating the "Armenia is dying" rhetoric that originates in the Turkish / Azeri media, or any of the other things we criticize Armenians for, you are seeing someone losing the struggle to move their country forward. Same when you see any Armenian man in Turkey, Iran, or the Middle East - they and their ancestors lost the struggle, and as a consequence they lead a pathetic existence as a bottom class.
Delete-Natural selection will always apply because nature abhorrs a void. For example Western European men have lost the traits that make them dominant and now prefer acting like women? Western women will simply spread their legs to foreign men who still act like men--> Natural selection at work. I think we all remember this hilarious photo from Germany of a couple where the woman invited the refugee to live with them (https://vice-images.vice.com/images/content-images-crops/2015/09/03/how-to-flat-share-with-refugees-and-crowdsource-the-rent-225-body-image-1441280951-size_1000.jpg) I'm 100% sure the German "man" in the photo is as tolerant of homosexuality as possible... Good for the Germans, there is no reason for Armenia to tolerate such shit. Turks will conquer Berlin long before they get a chance at Yerevan or Stepanakert.
-The fact that Russians as a people struggled enabled them to produce these great leaders. Great leaders don't just pop out of nowhere, I think it is a metaphysical process, they are the result of a society that has been struggling for glory decade after decade. Engineers from Germany and shipbuilders from the Netherlands would have no reason to go to Russia if not for the labor of the Russian people in making Russia a worthy nation. A rising civilization attracts high-level entrepreneurialists, see America in the 1800s for example.. Also, had Russians as a group given up the struggle to make Russia great again, no Putin would have emerged and Russia would have gone the way of the great empires of ancient times. A new dark ages would have set in on the east like after the Turkic itakeover of Persia and Byzantium, and it would remain that way until (if) a new power arose in the distant future to pick up where Russia would have left off.
DeleteYes, I admit I am an over-protective father. Perhaps it's my Armenian genes. Perhaps it natural instinct to want your off-springs to be treated well and have a good life. You however may want to admit to yourself that you are a hormonal 20 something. Hormones effect the way individuals feel and the way they see the world. This is why older people, who have less hormones raging about their bodies, are, generally speaking, wiser than younger individuals. Trust me, your take on the world will change quite a bit in two or three decades.
Also, you are mixing up a few things.
No one is talking about allowing women to exclusively run governments; no one is saying there are no fundamental differences between men and women; no one is saying we need to "tolerate" homosexuality.
I can't speak for Mardig, but I am complaining bout treating women like possessions, often like disposable possessions. I am talking about a Middle Eastern/Muslim approach to sexuality and gender. Is that a "healthy" thing in your opinion? If you think there are no serious problems with the way men in Armenia treat their women, then you have either never been to Armenia or you yourself are a misogynist.
If it makes you feel better, I think women in Western society are treated terribly as well. Actually, I prefer the condition of women in Armenia over the condition of women in the Western world. Drug addiction, alcohol addiction, sexual abuse, prostitution, broken families, rape, violence against women, etc. are very high in the Western world. In my opinion, this is due to the Anglo-American-Jewish thing called "feminism". The "sexual revolution" of the 60s and 70s did not "liberate" women but instead made them captives to sexual stereotypes, drugs and alcohol. Their "liberation" made them fall prey to the sexual/predatory instincts of men. If western women today act like drug addicted whores, it's because of the cultural environment that was created for them starting in the 60s and 70s.
But none of this means we should turn a blind eye to the way women are treated in Armenia. So, let's put aside the plight of Western women and instead concentrate better the plight of our women, who are after all our mothers, sisters, wives and daughters.
Although the Soviet system helped Armenian women immensely, a significant portion of women in Armenian society today continue to be treated like cattle, this is especially the case outside of Yerevan. This has to stop because women are equally important as men in any society. I would say in some aspects, such as raising children, women are more important than men. Thus, the physical, psychological and spiritual health of women in our society is very important. Generally speaking, women in Armenia are a few evolutionary steps above the men. They deserve better. But by saying they deserve better I am in no way implying that they need to be be "Westernized". I think women can be self-sufficient and independent without becoming drug and alcohol addicts sluts. I think women can bring "hormonal" balance to "testosterone" filled halls of government.
Women in fearsome Viking society had many freedoms. I don't that got in the way of Vikings conquering lands from the British islands to south eastern Europe. And if you want to see what a truly matriarchal society is like, don't look at modern Westerners, look at Jews instead. Jews have been a matriarchal society for hundreds of years and for hundreds of years they have been on the forefront of human civilization. Wrap your mind around that for a moment.
When it comes to homosexuals, the problem is not "tolerance", the problem is Western "societal engineering" and "psy-ops". As with feminism and multiculturalism, the problem the western world has with homosexuality today is a deliberate result of psy-ops and societal engineering by the Western elite. The Western elite, those in high places who have the levers that can force change in societies around the world, are the ones actively promoting things like immorality, race mixing, atheism, feminism, homosexuality, etc. Once more: Homosexuals are people who suffer from psycho-sexual disorders. They don't deserve to be jailed or killed, as long as they keep to themselves and as long as they don't prey on children.
DeletePS: Very astute observation about Germany and Russia. Germany is a defeated and is still an occupied nation. Germany's two thousand year old glory ended in 1945. Today, Russia is the last major place on earth where Christian-European-white men have been able to preserve their characteristics, characteristics that have made western civilization the greatest in human history.
jews riot as Armenian Choir performs in Jerusalem:
Perhaps Armenians will treat the yerevan jews in kind:
http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSMAC449255 There are many more.
Also my list part 1
ReplyDelete-abraham foxman (anti-defamation league of b'nai b'rith)
-brenda schaffer (israeli scholar, past president of american political acience association, former research director of the Caspian studies program at harvard's kennedy school of government, current faculty at the israeli university of haifa in the school of political science, and a visiting professor at the azerbaijan diplomatic academy and at georgetown university in washington, d.c.)
-shimon peres (president and former prime minister of israel)
-guenter lewy (professor emeritus at the university of massachusetts amherst)
-bernard lewis (cleveland e. dodge professor emeritus of near eastern studies at princeton university)
-bruce fein (attorney, worked for the turkish coalition of America, the american enterprise institute and the heritage foundation, the assembly of turkish american associations court case against Mourad Topalian in 2001, the lawyer of fellow jew guenter lewy against the southern poverty law center regarding the Armenian Genocide, lawyer of u.s. house of representatives member jean schmidt against David Krikorian, lawyer for the turkish coalition of america against University of Minnesota, of the Ron Paul's presidential campaign leaders and a huge influence on Ron Paul despite Ron Paul's supposed "anti-interventionist" foreign policy)
-david saltzman (turkish coalition of america, works with bruce fein in their anti-Armenian activity)
-george friedman (founder of stratfor, advocate of "keep Armenia isolated")
-rivka cohen (israeli ambassador to Armenia and georgia, openly and officially denied the Armenian Genocide while in Armenia)
-vladimir socor (political analyst of east european affairs for the jamestown foundation and its eurasia daily monitor propaganda bullhorn, prominent Armenian Genocide denier, prominent supporter of the lie that Artsakh belongs to azerbaijan, psychotic Russophobe - interestingly Socor also has some Armenian ancestry in addition to his jew heritage, a stark example of the dangers of race-mixing with Jews)
list part 2
ReplyDelete-michael rubin (current resident scholar at the american enterprise institute and a senior lecturer at the naval postgraduate school, has lectured in history at yale university, hebrew university, and Johns Hopkins University, heavily involved in the war and destruction against Iraq)
-stephen blank (a senior fellow and resident Russia "expert" at the american foreign policy council, previously worked as a professor at the strategic studies institute of the u.s. army war college at carlisle barracks, pennsylvania)
-richard weitzor (a senior fellow and director of the center for political-military analysis at hudson institute and an expert at wikistrat, previously from 2002 to 2004 was a consultant for the center for strategic and international studies, the defense science board, and d.f.i. international, inc., also has held positions with the center for strategic studies, the belfer center for science and international affairs at harvard university's kennedy school of government, and the u.s. department of defense.)
-denis jaffe (anti-Armenian journalist)
-guy billauer (anti-Armenian attorney)
-stephen schwartz (anti-Armenian, anti-Russian, anti-Serbian, advocate for turco-islamist extremism)
-madeline albright (former u.s. secretary of state, active Armenian Genocide denier, butcher of Orthodox Chrsitian Serbs in Serbia, founder of an illegitimate turkic-islamic state in Serbian Kosovo, on record as say half a million dead Iraqi civilians was "worth it" to put pressure on Saddam Hussein)
-william cohen (former u.s. secretary of defense, active Armenian Genocide denier, war criminal responsible for millions of deaths and casualties all around the world including Serbia and Iraq)
-norma zager (paid propagandist for azerbaijan masquerading as a "journalist", published anti-Armenian and anti-Artsakh crap in papers like the Washington Times)
-annette blum (paid propagandist for azerbaijan masquerading as a "journalist" and "activist", published Azerbaijan-worshipping, anti-Armenian and anti-Artsakh crap in papers like the Huffington Post)
This reads like a Talmudic encyclopedia . All execrable talmudists to boot. It is an enigmatic mystery how these rodents somehow manage to climb to the very top of the totem pole.
DeleteRussians shut down western pedophile "art" show:
ReplyDeleteChild porn row shuts down US photographer's Moscow show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxvaSzp9DN0
I am in awe of the way Russians defend their nation. Russia suffered the greatest destruction of traditional culture ever seen under the Bolsheviks, they have responded by becoming the greatest defender of traditional European and Christian values the world has ever seen - the sole remaining defender of virtue in a world dominated by evil. Germany builds statues of Tupac Shakur at its museums; Russia stages classical music performances with a grand orchestra to celebrate its liberation of Palmyra.
Praying for Palmyra: Russian orchestra performs concert honoring victims of Syria war: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9b0hFIf4Zaw
Arevordi: Greetings and hope you are well
ReplyDeleteI've borrowed a section of this post relating to Turkey/US/NATO/Israel with attribution to you, of course.
Also an encouragement to read entirely that which you have written
I've got to go through the comments still but overall the post itself was very thoughtful and informative.
Which means I really liked it! :)
Thank you as always, Penny. It's been a while. I hope all's well with you as well. Don't forget what I have told you in the past: Individuals like you are a crucially important voice in western society. Therefore, God bless and keep up the good fight...
DeleteAl-Nusra commander says US supports jihadists indirectly, provides tanks & artillery via allies
Remember after 9/11 when we heard nonstop that America was in a life and death struggle with al-quaeda, and that if al-quaeda ever got the chance it would blow up more of our buildings? How times have changed: the reconciliation between the US and al-quaeda/al-nusra has been as dramatic as the post-ww2 reconciliation between France and Germany. If al-quaeda was a state, America would be have formed a common currency and eliminated visa requirements with them by now.
There was never a life and death struggle with Al Qaeda nor will there be one with ISIS. Al-Qaeda and "Islamic State" are the Wahhabist/Salafist arm of the Anglo-American-Jewish imperial war machine. These groups have been formed by Western/Israeli intelligence agencies - through proxies in places like Turkey, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia - to go after targets like Iranians, Shiites, Alawites, Serbians, Armenians, Russians and secular/nationalist Arabs. This is why the "Army of Islam" wants no war with Israel -
DeleteSyria's 'Army of Islam' Says It Wants No War With Israel: https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2016-09-29/syria-s-army-of-islam-says-it-wants-no-war-with-israel?cmpid=yhoo.headline&yptr=yahoo
That was quite a jem, Jaish al Islam says they are cool with Israel, in fact their leader appreciates the humanity that Israel shows his headachoppers. And while Al-Nusra declares: America is on our side. All the while, the moronic sheeple in the US, do that have to start loving Muslims now?
DeletePop corn face Kirby delivers threats and quasi ultimatum to Russia on the "war on terror". Not surprising since all the terror groups are operating under the auspices and umbrella of the core terrorist and bandit entity the USA. Any thinking person , or a betting pundit, knew well in advance that the ceasefire was not going to hold. Russia and USA were deceiving each other, or was it case of Russian miscalculation . lavrov is an enigmatic person. Overly optimistic or a consummate master diplomat, saying one thing whilst the opposite is the case. Just like him to say that - regarding the karabagh talks hosted by him- the Azeri and Armenian positions have never been so close to an understanding , whereas in fact the distance is as wide as the Pacific Ocean. Kirbys utterances were tantamount to a virtual war declaration. The proxy fighting group of Islamists are supported, funded, and organized by the USA. Russia and the SAA are fighting against the invading American forces.
DeleteRussia neither deceives nor miscalculates. Russia knows that us will break agreements and knock over the chess board each and every time. The point is that Russia through its diplomacy is building global rapport, while the US shows their blathering psychos, the likes of Samantha powers to the world. Let's also keep in mind that the the United States is not a monolith. Their is an all-out war going on between the "Cowboys" (as Arevordi says) who want to maintain their global policeman status, and the globalist interests that who are looking to downsize and reformat the United States.
DeleteI agree, Skhara. I would say Russia today has the most capable diplomatic corps by far and Lavrov is the finest diplomat the world has seen in many decades. Russia had a very powerful and capable diplomatic corps during Czarist times and during Soviet times, but they suffered serious setbacks in the 1990s. But under Putin they have made a major comeback. Look at how they are successfully taking on the largest, wealthiest and the most powerful global empire that the world has known. They are doing this alone. Yet, for some strange reason, perhaps due to emotions and general ignorance, Armenians continue second guessing the Kremlin. And before anyone brings it up, I just want to say that what the Kremlin has been doing with Baku and Ankara is simply put - brilliant.
DeleteArevordi, it's not just Armenians that second-guess the Kremlin. I've seen the comments on almost all of the controversial, more alternative websites -where the users are open racists- complaint about Russia allegedly being weak or "getting slapped around" by the US or Erdogan or whatever every time that the west does something that exposes to the world just how criminal they are. Like you have said, nationalists tend to lack an understanding for the subtleties of geopolitics; they glorify and demand cartoonish, Hitler-like aggression without any concern for the Hitler-like defeat and destruction such aggression entails. You can put the information out there for the minority that will understand it, but you cannot fix the "either we kill 'em all or we lost" attitude held by emotional/frustrated/psychotic men. These are historic times as Russia reasserts its status as a superpower, while the west enters a terminal decline. I'm happy to see Armenia's security improve as Russia rises, and I'm very proud that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is part-Armenian.
DeleteRe Skhara's comment:
Samantha Power on Obama and Armenian American Issues: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yNt7XsV-Dg
ReplyDeleteWow this is a direct threat if I ever saw one. It reads exactly like one of Arevordi's blog posts about US led Chechen/Islamic terror cells in Russia!
excellent article by a fellow Armenian:http://russia-insider.com/en/us-propaganda-machine-now-overdrive-fight-russia-syria/ri16700?utm_source
ReplyDeleteThe link below is of an Azeri outlet. I didn't bother reading past the first paragraph and scrolling through the pictures. The article is both funny as it highlights azeri delusions/butthurt, and sad as it shows just how perfectly the agendas of Armenia's disgruntled oppositionists and the Turks / Azeris overlap. Some Borat-tier events here.
ReplyDeleteA note of protest to the United States Ambassador!: https://archive.fo/jMH1Z
Arevordi, a lot of what you are talking about in this blog is seen in this Aljazerra article, fucked up Armenians and Western Muslim propaganda agenda against Armenia.
ReplyDeleteArmenia: Life in a Suitcase: http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/aljazeeraworld/2016/09/armenia-life-suitcase-160927074249701.html
Besides the fact of a joint Russian-Azeri military co-operation, I don't like how the Armenian side (Artsrun Hovhannisyan) is not taking this seriously:
ReplyDeleteՌուսաստանը և Ադրբեջանը համատեղ նոր սերնդի մարտավարական հրթիռներ կարտադրեն
I agree with Artsrun. There is nothing here that needs to be taken seriously. Simply put: Baku has the billions of petrodollars to spend on their military to impress and placate their sheeple and Russia is simply trying to stay in the game in Azerbaijan. In the big picture, that is good for Armenia. Bluntly put: If Moscow wants it, Armenia/Artskah would be run over by Turks/Azeris in a month or two. If Moscow does not want it, it will never happen. Be rest assured: Moscow does not want it, nor will it ever want it. It's that simple. The four day war was not really a war. Azerbaijan did not use their air force nor did they use their newly acquired Russian made weapons like the T-90, Smerch or Tos. Had they not been afraid of Russia's reaction and had they not been afraid of the weapons systems Russia has been providing to Armenia, they would have used everything they have in their arsenal against Artsakh and Armenia. I'm surprised you are bringing this up.
DeletePlease don't misunderstand me. I agree with everything you say.
DeleteWhat I am saying is that the Ministry of Defense should find ways with Russia and make them believe we are more important than the Azeris. Basically, I'm reiterating the kinds of comments you make.
I'm already disappointed by the army's lack of preparedness despite all talks of us being "the most powerful force in the Caucasus". I just don't want our country to repeat the same mistakes.
Good development for Armenia in a technological and strategic sense
DeleteRoscosmos: GLONASS plant may start operating in Armenia starting from fall 2017: https://news.am/eng/news/349359.html
Also I hope Seyran Ohanian's removal from DM signals that he will in fact proceed to head the CSTO.
So lately the MSM has been screaming bloody murder because "Russia is interfering with the democratic process in America." This is because the Russian President called Trump a colorful person and praised Trump's statements on wanting to improve relations with Russia. Meanwhile, the UN, the Mexican government, Leader of the Rabbinate known as the Ukraine Poroshenko, and a whole bunch of EU technocrat clowns have openly attacked Trump and endorsed Clinton:
ReplyDeleteU.N news agency scrubs tweet calling on Americans abroad to 'end Trump'
Clinton Sets Meeting With Ukraine's Poroshenko:
Not that I think Trump will be able to get much done, but the hypocrisy is noteworthy. Of course the biggest name in controlling American politics is Big Jew but Americans have come to accept this and pretend its the way things should be. Also, I've noticed even the gullible masses are no longer buying this "Russia is hacking everything" excuse. Even a simpleton American can probably figure out that Russia does not give a shit about your Yahoo email.
The worst part is that the minor league politicians like Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are not going to win the presidency (I actually hate the idea of a Stein presidency as much as a Hillary Clinton presidency) since the Jew-dominated Establishment has already decided that Babylon Reincarnate (Shillary) would be a much better puppet than the unpredictable Trump. And Hillary would end up winning due to the American public's social engineering in favor of progressive politics and against old fashioned politicians and "cisgendered white men".
DeleteEven tiny Albania has a statue of Hillary Clinton though....
This is it people, the epic battle for Aleppo is going to happen very soon. The city is surrounded by Syrian army and Russia will give air cover, Americans are very worried, Russians are openly threatening Americans now.
ReplyDeleteRussia Warns Against US Attack on Syrian Forces: http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/russia-warns-us-attack-syrian-forces-42492946
PS: Take a look at the comments, a lot of people know exctly whats going on.
Yes Aeto, we may indeed be nearing the bloody war's bloody climax. The following are this blog's posts concerning Syria going back to 2007 -
DeleteWith Russian forces entrenched in Syria, Moscow seeks to extend its defensive depth and political reach (October, 2015): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2015/10/with-russian-forces-fully-entrenched-in.html
As Western powers use ISIS to rearrange the Middle East, Moscow preemptively moves military assets into Syria (September, 2015): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2015/08/temporary-peace-with-tehran-as-western.html
Driving a Sunni wedge in the Shiite Arc (July, 2014): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2014/07/driving-sunni-wedge-in-shiite-arc-june_18.html
Russia Steps Into World Leadership Role (September, 2013): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2013/09/russia-steps-into-world-leadership-role.html
Another Western War Crime In The Making (August, 2013): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2013/08/another-western-war-crime-in-making.html
Russia, the menace of Globalism, Democracy and the Political West (July, 2013): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2013/06/the-menace-of-western-globaism-western.html
Syrian Conflict: A Brief Military Analysis (June, 2013): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2013/06/syrian-conflict-brief-military-analysis.html
Middle Eastern geopolitics and the proxy war in Syria (May, 2013): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2013/05/geopolitics-and-proxy-war-in-syria-may.html
The Middle East, Russia, Armenia and the rampaging menace of Globalism, the political West and the vital importance of Russia on the global stage (August, 2012): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-importance-of-russia-on-global.html
CIA arms Islamic rebels, Syria downs Turkish warplane (June, 2012): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2012/06/cia-arms-islamic-rebels-syria-downs.html
Growing tensions in the Caucasus as the West tries to apply the "Libyan Model" to Syria and Iran (April, 2012): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2012/03/libyan-model-for-syria-and-iran-march.html
Russian military buildup in Caucasus, Russian anti-terror troops arrive in Syria, Armenia moves closer to Russia (March, 2012): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2012/03/russian-anti-terror-troops-arrive-in.html
Political unrest nearing Russia's southern border (February, 2012): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2012/02/as-political-unrests-near-russias.html
West, Arab League and Turkey Supporting Armed Islamic Militants in Syria (December, 2011): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2011/12/nato-arab-league-and-turkey-supporting.html
NATO plans campaigns in Libya and Syria to tighten noose around Iran (September, 2011): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2011/09/nato-plans-campaigns-in-middle-east-to_03.html
Moscow Set to Resume its Influence With Damascus (June, 2010): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2010/11/to-dismay-of-tel-aviv-and-washington.html
Damascus Talks Peace, Bids for Sophisticated Military Hardware (2008): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2009/03/damascus-talks-peace-bids-for.html
Senior Russian general warns Washington to think twice before attacking Iran (2007): http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2009/02/senior-russian-general-warns-washington.html
When the battle of Aleppo (Syrian equivalent of Stalingrad) is over; Assad and his partners can move on to reconquering every single inch of Syrian territory. There is going to be a sore finger sticking out in the configuration, and that will be the Turks. How, who will get the Turks out of Syria . The Turks will not pull out voluntarily. Assad and the kurds will find a common language to keep the integrity of Syria as it was and they may have to deal jointly against Turkish encroachment; but that is a big "if". The Sultan calipha Erdogan has started making aggressives noises against the hapless Greeks (Greece as a nation state is Kaput; they are now a multiconfessional, a multicultural periphery, in which if present trends continue the Greeks will become minorities in the said periphery. They have become lick spittles of the Israelis and Turks and they seem very proud of this achievement. Erdogan has proclaimed the Aegean islands are Turkish. There you have it folks. The Greeks, the syphilitic Tsipra and his gang of homosexuals predators, have kept dead quiet and not responded to the Suyltan Caliph's claims. The turks-Erdogan is decrying the treaty of Lausanne, claiming to be a phony treaty and is demanding the Aegean islands return to Turkey. Very well , someone should respond by re instating the treaty of Sevres and slap it on Erdogan's face. There is a major geopolitical undercurrent in Erdogan's latests claim. Turkey is in Syria,as an occupying power, they are claiming the Aegean islands.;Turkish warship sail up to Cape Sunion, without any interference from the Greek Navy ( the Greek navy has been reduced to the function of rescuing drowning invasion refugees. The Americans and Israelies are concocting a stew.The Greeks arec incapable, lack the capacity to defend the Aegean islands. The change of ownership of the bosphorus straits, from turkish control to Greek control, can not take place because Greece is no longer a player. The control of the Bosphorus is a complicaqted matter the RF, in the case of a conflagration with the West. Without investing the Bosphorus, the RF navy can not be a factor in the mediterranean sea. The Russian navy will be bottled up in the black sea. Aleeppo and the war for Syria may be approaching its climax, but the Jews and American are opening up another another scenario in which Turkey will play an important role. The rapprochement between the RF and turkey is eyewash. It is a matter of prudent expediency where both parties achieve their most inmmediate goals and targets. It is a credit to RF diplomacy; but so it is a credit to Turkish diplomacy and duplicity.
DeleteI agree with you on all accounts. The battle for Aleppo has evolved to become the most pivotal in this very bloody war. The Anglo-American-Jewish alliance and their Wahabist/Salafist proxies wanted to smash Syria into little pieces and taken it out of the region's political/military equation. They also wanted to chase out Iranian influence in the country and isolate and neutralize Hezbollah. They also wanted to make sure Russia does not return to the region. They are on the verge of failing on all accounts as Syria, Hezbollah, Iran and Russia are on the verge of a major historic victory. This is why you hear anguished howling in Western power centers. This is why you see so much anger and hysteria in the Western "news" media.
PS: Throughout history Greeks have always been a worthless bunch of people. Most people don't realize this but Greeks didn't have a sovereign country of their own until the 19th century when the British helped them gain one. Greeks essentially stumbled upon an empire after Roman power collapsed, and they utterly ruined it by opening the gates of Asia Minor to Islamic and Turkic invasions. Putting aside emotions, I have more respect for our enemies, the Turks than I have for our friends, the Greeks. In fact, when it comes to statehood, we Armenians can learn a LOT more from Turks than from Greeks. At the very least, Turks are warlike, disciplined, unconditionally patriotic and their diplomatic corps has historically been one of the finest in the world.
This picture best describes the political and diplomatic situation in Syria:
The following 2 bits of news highlight the seriousness of the rift between Russia and USA on Syria:
1) Russia delivered S-300 air defense system to Syria. According to some reports these are the S-300V4 systems that are completely different then the well known S-300. The timing of this delivery says a lot in itself.
2) Russia is doing a "stress-test" of its abilities to handle an all out war situation.
Thanks Arevordi and Zoravar. I want to add these two articles to show how serious the situation is today:
DeleteRussia Practices Pre-Emptive Missile Strikes on 'Simulated Enemy': http://europe.newsweek.com/russia-practices-pre-emptive-missile-hits-west-505931
Putin's Ultimatum to the Next U.S. President: https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2016-10-04/putin-s-ultimatum-to-the-next-u-s-president
As long as Westerners feel distant/isolated from the bloody carnage they are creating around the world, they will continue taking risks and playing very dangerous games. As long as the fires they are setting does not threaten to burn down their homes, their business, their playgrounds, they will continue setting fires. It was predictable that the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance would be very dangerous when in a decline. We have been seeing this in recent years. Their decline is here. Not only is Western civilization in decline, so is Western military power and political influence. The conflict in Syria and Ukraine were desperate attempts by Western powers to reverse their setbacks. To say the least, it has not worked out the way they were hoping. Crimea has been reunified with Russia and the Donbass has become Kiev's Karabakh. And in the Middle East, the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance and its Sunni-Islamic radical friends are on the verge of a historic defeat. This is why throughout the Western world imperial officials, political commentators and journalists alike are acting and sounding increasingly desperate. This is why there is such a high level of anger and hysteria about Russia and President Putin. The tension between Russia and the West is now very high. Actually, both sides have done away with diplomatic talk and are now directly threatening each other with violence. In my opinion, the world has not been this close to a clash between superpowers since the Cuban missile crisis -
DeleteRussia expands Pacific bomber patrols near US bases: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-37572738
'WE WILL DESTROY YOU' US Army chief Mark Milley fires terrifying threat to Russia over Syria and warns: ‘We’ll beat you anywhere, anytime’: https://www.rt.com/usa/361849-army-chief-threatens-rivals-enemies/
‘S-300, S-400 air defenses in place’: Russian MoD warns US-led coalition not to strike Syrian army: https://www.rt.com/news/361800-russia-syria-usa-aistrikes/
Russia Warns US Not to Intervene in Syria, Threatens to Shoot Down Any Airstrike Attempts : http://abcnews.go.com/International/russia-warns-us-intervene-syria-threatens-shoot-airstrike/story?id=42618586
Two warships with Kalibr cruise missiles to join Russia’s Mediterranean grouping: http://tass.com/defense/904381
Syrian gov't forces seize half of rebel-held quarter in Aleppo: http://news.trust.org/item/20161006092452-86cdy/
Iraqi Militias Complicate Aleppo Battle : http://www.wsj.com/articles/iraqi-militias-complicate-aleppo-battle-1475687051
In Syria Crisis, Russia Expands Alliance With Iran, Increases Missile Presence: http://www.wsj.com/articles/in-syria-crisis-russia-expands-alliance-with-iran-increases-missile-presence-1475784644
John McCain: Ground Assad’s air force, create safe zones, arm the opposition: http://www.wsj.com/articles/stop-assad-nowor-expect-years-of-war-1475621737
Soros slams Putin for 'heinous crimes against humanity' in Syria: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/soros-slams-putin-heinous-crimes-065942658.html
Official Washington’s New ‘Group Think’ for War with Syria-Russia: http://www.globalresearch.ca/official-washingtons-new-group-think-for-war-with-syria-russia/5549665
The American and Israelis and their coterie of sycophants will not risk a direct confrontation in Syria. The AI alliance do not enter a fray unless guaranteed of success. Their operational scenario in Syria is not conducive to achieve a secure victory. Their proxy assets are in full flight, or fighting rear guard actions. The AI have been denied control of the skies by the Syrian and their allies. This is a fundamental shift in the balance of strength. Historically, and from past war like scenarios the Americans have always ensured the supremacy in the air. Their victories in Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Iraq, Libya, - and as far distant as in WW2- have always hinged in total control of the skies. Now in Syria, for the first time they do not possess the air supremacy. They are stymied and unable to impose no fly zones. They will have to think of an alternative strategy, but they will never send their boots on the ground without total air control.
DeleteHey Arevordi,
DeleteI am assuming that you're following the latest developments in Syria. The Syrian army is slowly but surely making inroads into Eastern rebel held Aleppo. My estimation is that the Syrian army will capture Aleppo. I think the end of the war is approaching and a new phase in Syria will start. Even if assad wins and Russia gains or strengthens their foothold in Syria there might still be a low intensity rebellion not like a conventional war like now. Because the Syrian rebels aren't really fighting a guerilla war at least now. What do you make of Russian s-400s in Syria they can set up a no fly zone. What would an American reaction be to this ? I wonder.
Mardig, the recent hurricane and the presidential campaign scandals in the US helped in taking American attention away from Syria last week. This was a good thing for Bashar Assad and his Russian and Iranian allies. Aleppo is on the verge of falling to the Syrian army. Although no one can say how much longer this war is going to last, were are in its final chapter. Syria will eventually be chopped up along sectarian lines. Thanks to Russia and Iran the most valuable real-estate will remain under Damascus' control. Aleppo is strategically a very important city. This is why all the sides involved are putting a lot of effort in capturing it before the war is finally over.
DeleteWhy isn't this news getting airtime all over America?
DeleteNusra commander reveals the true relation with US: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlKSTMt2X4w
DeleteThe recent hurricane and the presidential circus in the US helped in taking some attention away from Syria last week. This was a good thing for Bashar Assad and his Russian and Iranian allies. Aleppo is on the verge of falling to the Syrian army. Western powers will not intervene to save the Islamic radicals because of Russian power in the region and Moscow's willingness to use it. Although no one can say how much longer the war in Syria is going to last, were are no doubt in its final chapter. Syria will eventually be chopped up along sectarian lines. Thanks to Russia and Iran, the most valuable real-estate in the country will remain under Damascus' control. Aleppo is strategically a very important city. This is why all the sides involved in the conflict are putting a lot of effort in capturing it before the war is finally over.
DeleteWhy aren't Clinton's leaked emails all over the news in America? If news media "executives" in the US want it, they could be airing the damning email leaks all around the country on a 24/7 basis. They won't do it because Clinton will surely lose the election if they did. The media executives decide what the American sheeple will see, read and hear. Consequently, certain news items will be hyped-up, certain news items will be whitewashed and certain news items will be totally ignored. Mainstream news agencies in the US are tightly controlled/regulated by Neocons and Neoliberal Interventionists. Neocons and Neoliberal Interventionists are the two main factions in the US today. They are both equally dangerous and they both seem to have serious reservations about Donald Trump's presidential bid. We just saw Donald Trump taking a jab at them again with his non-hostile comments about Russia during last night's presidential debate. I don't know why he did it - I'm sure he knew it would further hurt his standing in the Republican party - but I am glad he did.
Getting back to the news media: The American sheeple today are so dumbed-down that if they don't see something being reported on by CNN or Fox, it didn't happen as far as they are concerned. So, mainstream news media in the US is actually in the business of creating an alternative reality for the American sheeple. This is also where the decade long vilification of President Putin begins to pay dividends for them. When the sheeple are made to believe that Putin and Russia are the "bad guys", then whatever Russians say or do, regardless of how good it may be, it will always be looked at with suspicion and negativity by the American sheeple. You see this happening right now with Clinton's leaked emails. Clinton's backers (most of the political establishment and the news media in the US) are accusing the Russians for the leaks and are suggesting that the information in them may have been doctored by Russian intelligence to make Clinton look bad. By accusing Russia/Putin, they are automatically creating ambiguity and plausible deniability for Clinton. Because the American sheeple has been made to believe that Putin and Russia are evil, they are for the most part buying the spin being put out by Clinton's side. This is why all the talk in the US today is about Trump's trashy comments from over ten years ago and not about Clinton's damning emails.
America is in decline. America is rotting from within.
ReplyDelete1996 Cover of Time Magazine - "YANKS TO THE RESCUE! The Secret Story of how American Advisors Helped Yeltsin Win"
2016 Cover of Time Magazine - "Russia Wants to Undermine the U.S. Election. DON'T FALL FOR IT!"
Everyone is equal in a democracy, just some are more equal than others.
This election cycle must have opened up a lot of eyes around the world, especially those of intelligent people who have clear vision and are still capable of critical thinking. People around the world, including many Americans, have now gotten to see just how much control Jews have over the political process in the US. Jews now have - full spectrum dominance - in American society. As a result, all aspects of American society is now being shaped by them. People around the world, including Americans, have also gotten to see just how rotten and corrupt the political process in fact is in the US. And they are also getting to see this: Regardless of who a presidential candidate is and what he or she wants to accomplish, in the end, if they want to be president, they will have to tow the imperial agenda.
DeletePS: Donald Trump essentially sold his daughter into prostitution hoping that the "chosen" will accept him as one of their own. In the end, Trump ended up being taught a very nasty lesson in Jewology. Honestly, I really don't feel bad for him. He deserved it.
This is amazing! No wonder the neocons can't stand him!
Hillary Campaign Caught Ripping up Trump Ballots
I am 100% convinced Russia and Armenia are literally more democratic than the west, and I hereby demand Russian and Armenian "election observers" for next month's election to protect the integrity of my vote. After all, think of all those men and women who died in Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq to protect my right to vote, bro . .. Imagine for one second that this illegal voter suppression activity was done on behalf of Vladimir Putin and United Russia or on behalf of Serj Sargsyan and the Republican Party of Armenia, instead of on behalf of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party of the USA. Imagine Armenian or Russian oppositionists had captured some damning footage like this. In the Russian case I guarantee you it would play non-stop, 24/7 in the western MSM, and Putin himself would be held personally liable. In the Armenian case, our so-called "journalists" would cover this nonstop in pretty much all of Armenia's print media and most of its online media (because unlike the tightly controlled west, our country was co-opted into embracing actual democracy with peculiarities like media outlets and political establishments that actually oppose the reigning government.) Hell, in the Armenian case we would be lucky if the racist redneck inbred at armenianow.com didn't try to incite a massacre against Karabakh Armenians in Yerevan . . . In either case, western-funded NGOs and local traitors / psychopaths would use the video as an excuse to ferment protest marches, riots, and regime change attempts targeting vulnerable naive or disgruntled segments of the population.
On a side note, in my humble opinion Armenia has practically no real journalists. Apart from the Russian-funded operations like Sputnik, an overwhelming majority of Armenia's "media" is staffed by non-professionals who engage in gossip and high-school level analysis, or psychopaths and sell-outs who are promoting a western agenda designed to ruin Armenia. I'm sure there are a few exceptions, but generally Armenian journalists get their cue from the west, and even journalism departments in Armenian universities have been infiltrated by agents from the Caliphate Formerly Known as Europe.
ps isn't it funny how "progressives" have no qualms about resorting to voter fraud in order to defeat a candidate they don't like. These are the same homosexual White men and childless White catladies in America who are outraged(!) at the idea of voter ID laws.
arevordi, it was confirmed by our defense ministry the azeris used smurch during the 4 day war. Why do you claim it was never used? The defense ministry confirmed that our side did not use it, but the azeris did in fact use it.
ReplyDeleteFirst, I'd like to say that our defense ministry has said a lot of things that have not conformed to reality. Example: Armenian troops were said to have knocked-out several dozen Azeri tanks, including T-90s, during the fighting in April. This simply did not happen.
DeleteSecond, I never said that Smerch MLRS were not used by the Azeris. Go back and carefully read what was said by me and by Zoravar. During the four way war there was one or two cases where Azeris had apparently used the weapon system in question. In both cases the rockets had not exploded upon impact on Armenian territory. No one as of yet knows why the rockets did not explode. They may have been disarmed for some reason or they may have been sabotaged. If so, this bring up questions which I will not get into at this time. Anyway, the important thing to note here is that the rockets in question seemed to have been the older version of the Smerch system that Azeris had purchased from Ukraine many years ago. So, Azerbaijan has newer and older models of the weapon, bought from Russia and Ukraine respectively. What they used during the fighting (those that did not explode) seemed to have been the older version.
Third, what Zoravar and I were claiming was essentially this: Azerbaijan did not use any of their "recently" acquired Russian weapons systems (e.g. Mi-35, T-90, Tos, Smerch, etc.) during their military assault against Artsakh last April. We even speculated why the weapons in question were not used by Baku.
Reading can be a very good thing when you can properly assess/understand what is it that you are reading. So, if this topic truly interests you (i.e. you are not here simply to annoy me) please go back and reread what was written about this matter.
Blatant lies and anti-Armenian propaganda comes natural to the Azeris with their inferiority complex, as does stealing other people's cultural legacies, but the frequency and intensity with which this propaganda is given an international outlet by the Jewish press is astounding.
ReplyDeleteIrreplaceable: How War in Karabakh has Threatened the Existence of a Legendary Breed: http://www.jewishjournal.com/transcending_hearts_and_faiths/item/irreplaceable_how_war_in_karabakh_has_threatened_the_existence_of_a_legenda
Azerbaijan And Israel: Blueprint For Positive Jewish-Muslim Relations: http://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/opinions/azerbaijan-and-israel-blueprint-for-positive-jewish-muslim-relations/2016/10/09/
Another fine example of modern journalism is Peter Tase who has exclusively made his career bending over for azeri-turkish money, and by the looks of it no lubricant has been necessary
DeleteThe United States and the Russia-Armenian defense agreement: http://moderndiplomacy.eu/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=1809:the-united-states-and-the-russia-armenian-defense-agreement&Itemid=723
Here is some more info on this guy. From his profile he is a graduate student of national security/intelligence at the Institute of World Politics in Washington DC and has been in the "Peace" Corp, as well as a full semester of US congressional internship
Say what you will about him but Donald Trump's presidential bid has finally revealed to the general public that authentic journalism no longer exists in the US. All major news agencies and all their affiliates in the US are merely in the business of psy-ops, social engineering, brainwashing and propaganda. They are like infomercials paid for by special interest groups. When you come to the realization that America's left is being represented by Neoliberal Interventionists (liberals Jews) and the right by Neoconservatives (conservative Jews), you begin to better understand the nature of politics and the news media in the US.
DeletePeter is not a real journalist. He is a fat albanian f*ck who could not cut it in dc as another dime a dozen expert (hack) so now he has lowered himself to taking a few hundred dollars from azerbaijani sources to write crap articles; from Wisconsin.
DeleteՀարցազրույց. Արա Աբրահամյան
I am glad that Ara Abrahamyan's political activities in Armenia have been resurging lately. He recently opened up an office in the center of Yerevan. His interview however needs to be looked at in a larger context.
DeleteAra Abrahamyan's rekindled activities in Armenia, the Russian-Armenian arms expo currently taking place in Armenia, the CSTO summit currently taking place in Armenia, the appearance of Iskander ballistic missiles during the recent military parade in Yerevan and all the recent political changes put into effect by former Gazprom official Karen Karapetyan are clear signs that the long awaited (the long over due) effort by Russia and Russian-Armenians to finally take Armenia out of its 25 year old misery has started in earnest.
I believe Moscow has finally begun the process of cleansing Armenia of its chobans in Armani suits and Western funded mercenaries. Believe me, I have been waiting for this day for a long time; over 10 years to be exact.
I knew this day would eventually come as soon as official Yerevan announced its willingness to join the Russian-led EEU three years ago. I said back then, with Armenia now firmly in the Russian orbit, I want to see, I expect to see Moscow help us cleanse our country of its 25 years of accumulated filth. I believe I said, Armenia needs a high colonic. Moscow was the only entity that could administer it. I believe this is what's been happening recently in our homeland. It's as if they were waiting for a crisis like what happend in Armenia on July 17 to commence their agenda. Those behind "Sasna Dzrer" wanted to sever Armenia's strategic ties with Russia. The aftermath of their actions however has pulled the country further into the Russian camp. Notice how quiet the Western funded political opposition has been recently.
I therefore am optimistic like Ara Abrahamyan. That said, I realize we still have a very long and arduous road ahead of us. But, at least, the journey has finally started.
Wanting Russia to play a greater role in Armenia and wanting Armenia enter fully into Russia's orbit was essentially what my personal mission as well as this lowly blog has been all about all these years. I now feel vindicated and somewhat at ease. I feel I can now rest a bit. Although we still have a very long road ahead of us (after all, our Western funded crazies may continue causing internal unrest from time to time and our neighborhood continues to be a target of the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance), I am finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. I can therefore finally begin sleeping a little better at nights.
PS: Notice how in the interview Ara Abrahamyan constantly complained about certain Armenian traits I always complain about in this blog.
The Russian Navy is on the move:
ReplyDelete- The aircraft carrier Kuznetsov, heavy cruiser Peter the Great and their escorts are now in the North Atlantic and on their way to Syria's coast.
- The frigate Yaroslavl Murdy is waiting for them somewhere in the Atlantic.
- Two corvettes from the Baltic Fleet have just left that sea to rendez-vous with them too.
- Two missile ships from the Black Sea Fleet have sailed to the West Mediterranean (off-Spain) to join them.
- The brand new frigate Admiral Essen has just left Kaliningrad to proceed to its future home base in Sevastopol )Crimea). She will surely meet with the above ships on the way.
- The Syria express is in full swing with landing ships from the Black Sea Fleet bringing weapons and ammunition to Syrian ports
- Two destroyers from the Pacific Fleet have left Vladivostok and are proceeding towards the Indian Ocean, they are expected to sail all the way to the Mediterranean as well
Make what you want from all this "show of force", I am suspecting it is not going to be for "show" only.
Zoravar, I highly doubt Russian and Western troops will intentionally clash. Both sides are merely posturing and muscle flexing. In the end, however, both sides will back down. That said, the danger of an accidental clash remains somewhat high. Anyway, Aleppo's fate is all but decided. Russia, Iran and the Syrian government know that with Turkey neutralized via Moscow-Ankara entante and with the US busy with its particularly spectacular two ring circus, this is the best time to take Aleppo by storm. I believe Aleppo will fall before there is a new administration in the White House.
DeleteRegarding Yemen. I am not yet convinced US warships were attacked by the Houthi rebels. The incident smells like Gulf of Tonkin. Because Saudis have been militarily ineffective in Yemen, is the US trying to help them by taking out some Houthi targets? I'd like to hear your comments.
Can anyone explain a few things?
Delete1. Why did Putin let Turks into Syria?
2. More sanctions are going to hit Russia?
3. What is the way out for Putin? Leave Syria? Leave Crimea and get Sanctions lifted off?
4. The bear doesn't like being cornered , surely something will give as the Sanctions and low oil price are hurting Russia.
Arevordi, the Russian Navy's deployment main objective is to make the US/NATO/West think twice before it "accidentally" strikes Assad's forces again. I agree with you. Aleppo's fate is sealed. It is a Russian/Iranian/Syrian victory that the West will have a hard time to swallow. They may try to play foul and do something stupid. Hence the timing of the Russian fleet's arrival (in about 10 - 15 days).
DeleteI also agree with you on the alleged Houthi attack on the US warship. I think it never happened... The US counter-strike may not have happened either. The videos of destroyed Yemeni radar and equipment are from 2015... As I predicted a long time ago, Yemen has become the Saudi Kingdoms Vietnam war. The US may be trying to find a way out for their allies.
Zoravar , I agree with your assessment on the Aleppo situation the Syrian government forces seem to have the momentum , they apparently captured a neighborhood of Bustan al Qasr , the Syrian government forces have already made bridgeheads into Eastern Aleppo capturing Handarat Refugee camp. However if the campaign for Aleppo stalls for too long that would give more room for an intervention by the West. But the West lost its window of opportunity in 2013 when Russia wasn't as entrenched as it is today . Obviously they always had their base but these weapons weren't on Syrian soil. This was after the chemical attacks in Eastern Ghouta in August 2013. Russia with the Syrian operation for a year made on thing clear : THE WEST IS NOT THE ONLY ONE WITH THE RECOURSE TO FORCE. This is where Russia in my opinion was underestimated. Because in a year look at what Russia achieved in Syria. They rearmed and retrained the Syrian army , they stabilized the government , the strengthened their position and now their allies are making strategic gains on many fronts in Syria. Contrast that with KSA in yemen . They haven't recaptured Sanaa , they bribed the UN not to hold them accountable , they are stalemated on the battlefield. The Saudis are trying to bring the US into Yemen , but the appetite for war is decreased in the US , that's what happened in Syria in 2013 . Many Americans didn't want a new Iraq-style war because to stabilize Syria and Yemen in an event of an intervention will require ground forces , American ones for course. Which both Hillary and Trump said they don't support ground troops in Syria. Yes they have Special forces but its not the same thing. Plus Americans can sue Saudi for 9/11 too so a war to help Saudi Arabia wont sit well with the US public.
DeleteRecent articles that caught my attention:
DeleteRussia Is Preparing for War, While The American Public Slumbers On: http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/russia-ready-war-usa-defend-its-national-interests-while-american-public-slumbers/ri17008
America needs a foreign policy that abandons triumphalist clichés, flawed assumptions and predetermined conclusions: http://nationalinterest.org/feature/course-correction-18062
Russian military launches own ‘closed internet’ for classified data exchange: https://www.rt.com/politics/363270-russian-military-launch-own-closed/
Tha judaized USA is trying to save face and ,like a feverish drunkard in a mental asylum, scampering hither tither desperately searching for a way out without appearing to be withdrawing or accepting a dishonorable set back. The Russians are not posturing, they are taking steps to ensure the jewified Americans don't do something silly at the last moment. It is not in the make up of an erstwhile superpower to concede defeat. The USA is facing a dishonorable withdrawal from Syria because they overeached the extent of their influence and power in the region. Besides the judeo American proxies assets were not suitable material for an enduring and protracted struggle. Their proxies were made up in the majority by foreign mercenaries, armed with a fanatical ideology and spurred one by money and arms. An force of such peculiar attributes is fine while the going is good and arms and money flows from their patrons continues. When the going gets sticky, forces built on such flimsy oundations crumble and disintegrate in the long haul. The war in Syria gathered momentum and weight as long as the mercenaries, rebels as the jewified West calls them, had an open road to flood arms, money and men into their ranks. When the open gaps and sieve like entry points were neutralized, their fate was doomed. From a geopolitical perspective, the havoc wreaked on Assads Syria served their geopolitical and philosophical goals which is to keep the region in utter turmoil, chaos, divisive schisms ,in order that the gangster state of Israel is left unmolested and impervious to the raging storms surrounding it. Israel can only exist and survive by keeping their neighbors weak, disorganized and at each other throats. As the region sinks into an ungovernable sore point, Israel's security and expansion is ensured. The drama in Syria will not end with Assads investing Aleppo. The cancer engulfer Iraq wahabis invasion by the judeo American entity too. What will happen to the rebel rats in Mosul. Where are these pawns , after they are touted, going to be moved. Following Alepo's cleansing of the rebel mercenary jewified rats, Turkey and her presence in Syria looms in the horizon. Assad will have another Turkish chapter following the routing of the mercenary agents and their assets.
DeleteI'd like to make a few points:
DeleteI have no way of corroborating this but in my opinion the military campaign against Islamic State in Mosul, which as Trump keeps pointing out was announced by Washington months ago, is meant to drive IS military assets back into Syria for the up-coming final battle there. Although Trump cannot say it, that is the real reason why US military operations against IS and Al-Nusra (aka Al-Qaeda) have always been announced ahead of time (i.e. the two radical Islamic groups are being tipped off by Uncle Sam). Add to this "accidental" US weapons drops that end up in IS and Al-Nusra hands and "mistaken" US attacks against Syrian military units. US troops in the region are clearly aiding and abetting Islamic terrorists.
Also, Moscow is playing a very delicate balancing act with Ankara. With the recent rapprochment between Russia and Turkey, I believe Moscow got Ankara's cooperation vis-a-vis Aleppo - perhaps in exchange of allowing Ankara to bomb US-backed Kurds in Syria. Also, did anyone notice that not a single word of complaint was uttered by Ankara when the nuclear capable Iskander ballistic missile system was showcased in Armenia? All this goes back to what was said in the current blog commentray: Good relations between Russia and Turkey is not necessarily a bad thing for Armenia. So, Armenians need to grow up and stop panicking everytime a Russian state leader visits Turkey.
Finally, everyone should read the following article initially posted by LG -
Russia Is Preparing for War, While The American Public Slumbers On: http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/russia-ready-war-usa-defend-its-national-interests-while-american-public-slumbers/ri17008
Making Sense of the Russian Naval Task Force Off the Coast of Syria: http://www.unz.com/tsaker/making-sense-of-the-russian-naval-task-force-off-the-coast-of-syria/
DeleteThat's what Pyakin was saying. Mosul and Allepo are two key cities. The American elites want at least some "victory" for Clinton, while throwing as much terrorist resources at Allepo as possible. The plan is to drive ISIS out of Mosul and transfer them to Allepo.
DeleteThe terrorists in east alepo have to be cleansed as ruthlessly as possible. The transfwer of the terror gangs from Mosul to Alepo can not succeed. Alepo will be conquered before the fall of mosul. Assad will reconque and re integrate the whole of syria in the next 18 months. it is politically indefensible to allow the fragmentation of syria. Fragmentation will mean a establishment of an advanced base for anglojudaic geostrategic projection.
DeleteA compilation of short videos showing recent Houthi attacks on Saudi forces:
Last few days....heavy bombing / killing by the terrorists in aleppo....Russians seem to not be bombing anymore? I have a feeling disgreement between assad/putin or putin/iran...thoughts? What i'm thinking about is...why is Putin letting Turkey do anything it wants in Syria? Unless of course Russians have cut a deal with the US regarding lifting Russian sanctions for Syria.
DeleteGreat film about donbass:
ReplyDeleteTrue story of Ukraine Civil War (from the people of Donbass): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-Jme77Dfc4
I don't think Russians have anything to do with Wikileaks nor do I don't think Russians are in any way behind the release of thousands of hacked emails. The Clinton camp and its supporters in Washington DC blamed Russia only to lessen the psychological impact the email leaks would have on the American cattle. If I had to guess I would say those who have been trying to undermine the Clinton campaign by these leaks are elements right within America's security services. Elements within the British government who engineered Brexit may be involved as well. That said, FBI's totally unexpected and totally unprecedented announcement last night was nothing less than earthshattering, as it could lead to Clinton's defeat. Which leads me to believe that there is a civil war going on in power-centers in the US. I believe there is a historic struggle going on behind closed doors in Washington DC. The struggle is esentially between two circles, two mindsets, and it transends the usual Democrat-Republican divide. One side is made up of American patriots, constitutionalists, isolationalists, conservatives, traditionalists, capitalists, christians, native born whites. The other side is made up of globalists, international bankers, multinational corporations, socialists, liberals, atheists, homosexuals, jews, blacks, hispanics and imigrants. The former wants to see Donald Trump become president. The latter wants a Clinton presidency. One side wants to bring the US back to its isolationalist, republican, christian, self-sufficient roots while the other side want the US to remain a multicultural, multidenominational, ultra-liberal, globalist empire. I think Trump's amazing rise in American politics is a direct result of an internal struggle that has been taking place in America against the One World Order-Globalists who have been in control in Washignton DC at least since JFK's assassination -
ReplyDeleteThe Beast's Final Gamble: Gold, Capitalism and China's Threat to World Liberalism: http://katehon.com/article/beasts-final-gamble-gold-capitalism-and-chinas-threat-world-liberalism
There is definitely a struggle but actually "globalists" are behind Trump, the "Cowboys" are behind Clinton. Traditionalism/isolationism is just a factor in the globalist plan to remove the "Cowboys" from the role of global policeman. It's the national elites whom the globalists have been using to drive their agenda are trying to maintain their status, because if the us is reformatted/ downsized to a nation-state, all these people who have had so much authority since the end if ww2, are about to be looking for new jobs.
DeleteIt's all speculation but I more or less agree with you, Skhara. That said, I look at it slightly differently. The Globalists (old money, European aristocracy, secret societies) may be abandoning their spawn - America's neoliberal interventionalists - and instead backing America's "Cowboys" - America's old guard - in an effort to downsize an American Empire gone wild and unsustainable. Realize that the "American Cowboy" became a global problem only when he discovered empire in the 20th century. A true American Cowboy however is against internationalism and against interventionalism. A true American Cowboy is an isolationalist, a conservative and a Christian. FYI, when American Cowboys reigned supreme in the 19th century, the US and the Russian Empire were close allies. The 19th century friendship between the US and Russia gave birth to American Alaska... something Russians today dearly regret -
DeleteЛЮБЭ "Не валяй дурака, Америка": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wuq1EE8ymc
Машани - Рубль - доллар: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-DxQi1X76c
Когда Аляска станет нашей? (2015) Документальный спецпроект: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz8g-LhxkFU
Lately each time I go to yahhoo news and check out news articles, every day there is a "fear Putin" article. "New cold war because of Russia's paranoia", and so on in that style. These opinion pundits seem to be working overtime lately, but their time seems to be over.
DeleteHi everyone, missed you all. I was away for a long time. My take is that Russia maybe involved in leaks indirectly. There is 2 important reasons here. First Putin would like to warn the western elite, soros-types that whatever they have been trying to do in Russia will backfire and they will face consequences. Second, all Russian sovbez members agree that Hillary is a danger to Russian national security and a risk to start a WW3. So it is much better to deal with her now. I completely agree that American cowboy is the last hope to stand against globalists (Jews with their proxies) and they are the backbone of the Trump supporters. Too bad they are too kind and naive.
DeleteAnother observation while I was around in middle america, 9 out of 10 support Trump. People in Arkansas, and I mean Hope, AR where Clintons come from have nothing good to say about them. Once asked they will tell you that they have been corrupt all their life and not liked here. You won't find one business in Hope, AR that has their picture even though Fwy big sign says this is the birthplace of WJC. There is a healthy america still in the middle and that may be the last hope.
Welcome back, TK. We missed you. I hope all's well. I hope you are right about Russia and Wikileaks. I know America's heartland well. I am actually an admirer of Middle America as you put it. I am not going to pass moral judgement about what they did to the land's native Indians, but it was this pioneering Germanic type in America that put the US on the world map. It's this hardy type that is now under vicious attack by Washington DC. Actually, Middle America has been under attack by Uncle Sam since the 1970s when the globalist/Jew-infested federal government in Washington DC began waging war on America's farmers and factory workers. Although recent decades have hurt them severely, the hard working, white, christian, gun-toting Americans of the American heartland still remain the country's last hope... and Donald Trump may be their last hope. Overall, it's very sad what has become of the US. The aftermath of the Bundy Ranch standoff vividly showed us that the heartland's genuine Cowboy spirit is all but dead. It's demise was understood and imortalized in this legendary song written many decades ago -
DeleteGhost Riders In The Sky: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mynzbmrtp9I
Im back guys. Great work Arevordi. Self-reflection is very important for all levels. I like what I see happening in Armenia these days. Back to topic, Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura are awesome. Im sure you guys going to love this interview:
DeleteJesse Ventura Meets President PUTIN!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gy4zVrY9S5I
Crazier by the day. I learnt that the morons of the hunchaks movement have officially endorsed the criminal Clinton , thus sending a message and exhorting hairakidzner to vote for the Judaic criminal in next week's elections. What possible interests could the hunchbacks share with the mother of all liars witches brew Hillary democrats or skatocrats. The pro Turkish, butcher of Syria ( Christian minorities Armenians, Greeks, assyriansetc.) proponent of continuing the war by supporting the outlaws and terrorists will, or hopes, thus have the supportive the hairakidzner . Dementia preacox has descended upon the hunchaks.
DeleteSergei Kiriyenko: The Dreamer in the Kremlin: http://carnegie.ru/commentary/?fa=65015
ReplyDeleteTake it for what it's worth.
Very interesting read. But yes, take it for what it's worth. The most sophisticated and the most effective "social engineers" in the world live in the Western world. If Hollywood is not the most powerful tool in this regard I don't know what is. That said, Russia and Armenia definitely need a healthy dose of social engineering, but one that is rooted in Orthodox Christianity and nationalism...
DeleteSpeaking of Hollywood . . .
DeleteSatan in Hollywood - English-US version. Hervé Ryssen: http://lamefrancaise.eklablog.fr/satan-in-hollywood-english-us-version-herve-ryssen-a127348098
I would like to bring this video to the attention of Arevordi and Zoravar,
ReplyDeleteIn the previous blog post, Arevordi talked about "World War One" era border guarding methods. The following video shows border guarding methods conducted on the Armeno-Georgian and Armeno-Turkish borders. I saw in it some of the points Arevordi mentioned. I would like to hear your opinions on it:
Իմ բանակը. Հայրենի եզրեր
Thank you for the link. I enjoyed watching it. Because we Armenians are very family oriented, having boder guards serve with their families is a very clever solution. This is one way of making Armenian service men take their national borders seriously. Be that as it may, there is simply no way Armenians can provide Armenia with the kind of military protection that Russia has been providing Armenia - for the past two hundred years. Practially everything you saw in that video was made possible by Armenia's strategic alliance with Russia. Also, besides the military hardware we get practially for free, we are also getting military expertise - which is priceless. Russia is the single most important strategic factor in Armenia's survival in the south Caucasus. It really troubles me that this simple yet profound reality is not fully appriciated or understood by many Armenians today - especially those who suffer from the debilitating mental illness known as choban nationalism.
DeleteWho is Stepan Martirosyan? He appears to be in several Podesta emails and seems to be on Podesta's leaked emails
Podesta emails on the Armenian genocide - "quote the pope"
https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/6286 (treat differently than the shoah)
https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/26064 (which prominent Armenians are needed to be contacted in order to lessen the blow...)
https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3414 (use protocols as excuse not to recognize)
https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/2337 (mere disagreement between Turkey and Armenia)
On the Protocols
Views Putin as enemy
Doesnt want to spend the night in Armenia or Azerbaijan
Agreement reached between Aliyev and Sarkisian
Azerbaijan/Armenia conflict
https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/15470 (strongly support Turkish efforts on this issue)
https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/27504 (Azerbaijan prefers EU to Russia as mediator, and Azer willing to recognizze Palestinian territories)
Meeting with Armenian Caucus
9th Circuit case on Armenian claims
Human Rights Issue in Armenia?
https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/30248 (call to Pelosi?)
https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/26278 (statements need to be run by Bill Burns, Cheryl Burns)
https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/28366 (Armenian Human Rights abuses?)
My google search suggests he is a Hollywood "producer". He is therefore a tool in service of the devil. I also found the following article about him, he sounds like a typical Washington insider -
DeleteLA confidential: The criminal backstory of Hollywood’s ‘biggest’ independent movie financiers: http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/la-confidential-the-criminal-backstory-of-hollywood-s-biggest-independent-movie-financiers-9062626.html
PS: Thanks for catagorizing the Wikileaks emails.
Stepan Martirosyan also seems to be working with AAF and Harut Sassounian
Has the US incorporated the "millet" system? (i.e. which Armenian leaders to immediately contact https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/26064)
Does Washington conspire with existing Armenian organizations then to keep everything as status quo (i.e. no new Armenian organizations as it might disrupt the existing "millet" system)
The "millet system" has been in place in the US since the formation of the American-Armenian community in early 20th century when ARF types, who were expelled from Bolshevik Armenia, began collaborating with American security agencies. The millet system was fully developed by the 1970s. Today, Armenian Assembly, Knights of Vartan, Armenian Bar Association, Hovnanians, AGBU, ARF, ANC, PFA, etc., serve that purpose. All major Armenian oganizations in the US have informants in service of Uncle Sam. Moreover, American officials who sweet talk the Armenian-American community (e.g. Pallone, Pelosi, Menendez, Dole, Baroness Cox, etc.) are essentially the Anglo-American-Jewish empire's millet handlers. And one of their biggest achievements is making us gullible Armenians believe that the "Armenian lobby" is influential in Washington. Anyway, I'm glad more-and-more people are now beginning to wake up to this reality.
DeleteIt is no news to the readers of this blog, but Julian Assange's recent revelations that American officials have been conspiring with jihadis are indeed astounding. As it has been known all along, those who directly fund and direct Al Qaeda and ISIS type terror groups have direct connections to govermment officials in the highest offices in Washington. This is not new. We have on many ocassions discussed Western-Sunni Muslim alliance and how it has been used against Russians, Armenians, Serbians, Greeks, Shiites and Secular Arabs. We have also discussed how the alliance between Western powers and Islam goes back many centuries. Which is why I found the following book review very interesting -
ReplyDeleteWhen England Admired Islam: http://www.wsj.com/articles/when-england-admired-islam-1478281668
From an Anglo-Saxon Protestant's perspective, Muslims destroy the body wheras the Catholic church (and by extention Christian Orthodoxy) destroys the soul. Christ after all believed losing one's soul was more dangerous than losing one's life. According to Anglo-American Protestant thinking, apostolic christianity is therefore more dangerous than Muslims or Jews or anything else for that matter. This kind of belief system and thinking lies comfortably in the subconscious of the Anglo-American world today. Perhaps it's this kind of thinking that makes Anglo-Americans very open to the idea of conspiring with Turks and Muslims against other Christians who they see as dangerous heritics and competitors. Needless to say, this kind of thinking also makes Anglo-Americans very susceptible to infiltration by Jews.
Anglo-American Protestants are constantly on the lookout for the Antichrist. If there is such a thing, it's the Anglo-American-Jewish-Wahhabi alliance. In two days we may even see the Whore of Babylon on her throne.
Just read this article, want to share
Thank you, TK. Very timely article. I want to point out that the Franks (founders of France) were a Germanic people. Europe's greatest Christian emperor, Charlamagne, was also from Germanic stock. The Holy Roman Empire, which Charlemagne esentially founded, set the foundation of modern Europe and it had a distinct Germanic and Catholic flavor - both of which looked at eastern Slavs and Christian Orthodox with utter disdain. Let's also recall the early 13th century sacking of Costantinople by Catholic - mostly Germanic - Crusaders. Then there was a bitter split in Europe between continental Catholics and Germanic Protestants. Despite their internal problems both Catholics and Protestants continued their mutual hatred and distrust of Orthodoxy and eastern Slavs. So, yes, Russophobia and anti-Orthodox sentiments in Europe does indeed go back many, many centuries and it has very deep roots - particularly in the Anglo-Saxon world. This civilizational clash between east and west - coupled with economic and geopolitical factors - is the reason why we still see Westerners time-and-again siding with Turks and Muslims against Russians and other Orthodox Christians...
DeleteIt is not 'Russophobia'. As per definition : "A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, defined by a persistent fear of an object or situation. The affected person will go to great lengths to avoid the situation or object, typically to a degree greater than the actual danger posed. If the feared object or situation cannot be avoided, the affected person will have significant distress."
DeleteWhat we have here is a positive hatred of Russia and Russians, motivated by what Russia stands for, which is in opposition and contradiction to what the West stands for, with the intention to remove the opposition perceived as a threat and do harm to the opponents. The intensity of this hatred is due to the fact that the Jews, the haters of mankind, are the ones fanning it.
Given that next year is the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik coup in Russia, I should probably raise the attention to this article right here:
DeleteEverything You Know About The Last Russian Tsar Is a Massive Lie. Here’s The Truth: http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/everything-you-know-about-last-russian-tsar-lie-heres-true-story/ri17309
I suggest that all of the readers here should pay attention to this info here:
"...The West considered that once its values of parliamentary democracy, republicanism or constitutional monarchy were introduced into Russia, it would become just another bourgeois Western country. For the same reason, the Russian Church had to be Protestantised, that is spiritually neutralised, or rather neutered, as the West has tried to do with the Patriarchate of Constantinople and other Local Churches fallen under its power since 1917, as soon as Russian patronage was removed." (Russia Insider)
I'm starting to believe that the Protestant Reformation had actually intended to fracture and neutralize the strength of the Catholic Church, though the actions of the Catholic Church, primarily its corruption, was the main contributor to its own spiritual neutralization. If you would hear any critics who criticize the Orthodox Church, chances are that they would also want to destroy its spiritual power through an Orthodox version of the Protestant Reformation. Keep in mind that there are over 22,000 Protestant sects today! Protestantism is also vulnerable to influences from political Zionism, as evident of the Christian Zionists who wield power in the Western world.
Although I don't really wish to engage in religious debates here, there's also something that needs to be brought to attention:
NWO: Communism By The Backdoor Pt 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ol4HRIX_kw
Most of the western Christian churches today are already infiltrated by freemasons and other Zionist factions, as I may have already mentioned it. The anti-Orthodox rhetoric that is coming from the West, it is also because Jews failed miserably in trying to infiltrate the Orthodox Church, and so that explains their anti-Orthodox actions today.
Some Russian elites continue to sit on the fence.
ReplyDeleteWas a Russian Politician's Daughter Sacked for Political Reasons? The BBC Doesn't Think So: https://themoscowtimes.com/articles/the-kremlins-own-patriotic-children-live-abroad-55969
Although clearly on a decline the Western world remains very wealthy and globally very influential. The Western world continues to offer people around the world with "elite" education and "elite" work opportunities. Therefore, stuff like this will continue being an internal struggle in all emerging/developing powers.
DeleteWithout Effort, Russia Restricted the Strongest Air Force in the Middle East
ReplyDeleteread more: http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.748549
This has been one of the least talked about yet one of the most important factors behind why the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance has been panicking about Russia's military footprint in Syria...
Delete‘Deplorables’ Rise Up to Reshape America: http://www.wsj.com/articles/deplorables-rise-up-to-reshape-america-1478678037
ReplyDeleteVan Jones: ‘This was a white-lash against a changing country’: https://www.yahoo.com/news/van-jones-on-trump-this-was-a-white-lash-against-a-changing-country-074323524.html
Putin on Trump victory: Russia is ready to restore relations with US : https://www.rt.com/news/365966-putin-trump-congratulates-victory/
Trump’s Revolution: http://original.antiwar.com/justin/2016/11/08/trumps-revolution/
Congratulations America! Donald Trump, Wikileaks and Project Veritas put up a gargantuan fight against all odds and Middle America responded en masse. What we saw last night was nothing less than a historic rebellion - an internal mutiny - by America's native born, white, christian, conservative, rural, working class citizens; a slowly shrinking demographic that had been maligned and ignored for many decades by the political/financial elite in the US. All in all, this was a victory for true American patriots and a defeat for the neoliberal, neoconservative, multicultural and globalist agenda in the country. I hope that the powers behind-the-scenes that helped Trump win the presidency will continue their mutiny against the nation's two-party elite and help bring the US back to its republican roots. If the mutineers do not pursue what they have started to the very end, Trump's victory will prove to have been in vain. If Trump's administration does not genuinely try to breakaway from Washington's disasterous policies around the world, this victory will eventually prove to have been in vain. If the United States does not abandon its collaboration with Zionists, Globalists and Islamists, nothing will change. For many years I have been calling for the downsizing of the American empire. For many years I have been warning about the political/finanical establishment/elite in the US. Trump's victory has been the first glimmer of hope. I hope to see Trump's victory finally usher in a period of wisdom, humility and reflection in the United States. Such a thing may or may not happen, but I at least have some hope now. And speaking of hope, I also hope to see better relations between Russia and the US. Maybe I'm wrong but I feel a strong sense of destiny in the air, as if this was all preordained by higher powers. Perhaps that is why last night's historic victory by Donald Trump reminded me of the following passage I had read some years ago -
"Of course, any good theory which seeks to explain why the world is as it is must also help predict what will happen next, and the last chapter reveals what that will be - always presuming, of course, that the great cosmic plan of the secret societies proves to be successful. This plan will encompass a belief that the great new impulse for evolution will rise in Russia, that European civilization will collapse and that, finally, the flame of true spirituality will be kept burning in America" - The Secret History of the World by Mark Booth (2008)
So how will a Trump presidency affect Armenia overall? This is a billion dollar question that not even the rest of us can answer because Trump still has to deal with lobbyists from various backgrounds, especially the Turkish and Azeri lobbyists who might exist in the US.
DeleteFor amerika to have a transition from sheer materialism to spiritualism the American civilization needs also to be flung into the pagesof history. The "chosen" label had been joined by "exceptionalism". They are two sides of the same coin. Trumps victory it's a breeze of fresh oxygen to a moribund power base, however this power base with a legacy of millennia will not be replaced quietly. To "drain the swamp" needs o have a start, a follow up and a possible conclusion. The first step seems to have been taken. America resembles a scramble egg . Gargantuan effort for Trump in the endeavor to shape it anew, unscrambling the scrambled.
DeleteButt-Hurt Crying Hillary Voters Compilation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grD_IINiH9c&feature=youtu.be
While we can be hopeful, we also need to be prepared to be disappointed by President Trump. While Trump is not a depraved criminal like the Clintons, he is still somewhat beholden to powerful special interests that run the American empire. This is why Trump has gone out of his way to kiss Jewish/Zionist ass; this is why Trump is pandering to the military industrial complex; this is why Trump never says anything about the Federal Reserve. While a Trump administration is much more desirable than a Clinton administration, the US itself is too deep into global empire and American civilization is too deep in a decline to be saved by any one administration. In my opinion, any attempt now to drastically or fundamentally change the US can cause its fragmentation because the US today is actually two separate nations and they both hate each other. As the recent presidential race revealed: There is a liberal, international, socialist, Black, Hispanic, Jewish, homosexual, immigrant, interracial, multicultural, feminist, atheist, wealthy, anti-gun and urban America and an America that is white, christian, rural, middle class, blue collar, patriotic, conservative, pro-gun, pro-life, xenophobic, freedom loving and family oriented. These two America's are diametrically opposed to each another and the two will never-ever be reconciled. Moreover, the financial/political landscape in the US is too mired in corruption and filth to be salvaged in any meaningful way. Which reminds me: I had the utter displeasure of leaning about two disgusting individuals who enjoy intimate ties with America's elite. In my opinion, Marina Abramovic and Jeffrey Epstein are earthbound demons and their high level ties in America vividly reveal the utter depth of America's civilizational decline -
DeleteMarina Abramović mention in Podesta emails sparks accusations of satanism: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2016/nov/04/marina-abramovic-podesta-clinton-emails-satanism-accusations
“Spirit Cooking”: Clinton Campaign Chairman Practices Bizarre Occult Ritual: http://www.infowars.com/spirit-cooking-clinton-campaign-chairman-invited-to-bizarre-satanic-performance/
Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/05/13/flight-logs-show-bill-clinton-flew-on-sex-offenders-jet-much-more-than-previously-known.html
Jeffrey Epstein: The Sex Offender Who Mixes With Princes and Premiers: http://www.newsweek.com/2015/02/06/sex-offender-who-mixes-princes-and-premiers-302877.html
The Billionaire Pedophile Who Could Bring Down Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/06/30/the-billionaire-pedophile-who-could-bring-down-donald-trump-and-hillary-clinton.html
Hillary Clinton "Spirit Cooking" Satanic Ritual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PFDcsV02LM
Alex Jone: Wikileaks Exposes Clinton’s Satanic Network: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hmbArq1x6E
I honestly believe that if the United States were to collapse as a nation into two irreconcilable entities that consist of cisgender whites and the rainbow coalition, that might actually be much better for the world in the long run because at least the world won't have to witness regime changes, endless "Maidans" and bombings that kill a lot of people and turn survivors into terrorists.
I honestly think that if the US starts to disintegrate due to Trump's victory, the West Coast would be the ones to start seceding. Already there's calls for California to separate from the United States and there's even calls for Oregon and Washington State to separate (Cascadia Independence Party leads the fight). Honestly? I think the West Coast wanting to separate is reminiscent of the Baltic States wanting to separate from the USSR, and California might become America's version of Lithuania. Oregon and Washington could become America's Estonia and Latvia and I won't be surprised of Vermont and New Hampshire screeches out "we want to separate". The real funny thing is, would the US military try to suppress the secessionists in the West Coast the same way the Ukrainian Army tried to bring down the rebellion in Donbass? The West Coast is a major hob of Marxist ideology in the United States. Now the US itself is about to taste its own manufactured medicine in the form of separatist movements and Maidans like what happened in Ukraine. The US in itself has become Ukraine on steroids, and California, Oregon and Washington state are about to become the new Donbass. However, the West Coast is literally a Trotskyite bastard version of the Stalinist influenced Donbass.
I honestly believe that the US lost its chance at a peaceful era when the paleoconservatives eventually lost its political struggle against the neo-cons, because honestly? A paleoconservative America could have retained the respect of the entire world. Now it's the neo-cons who are to blame. So in retrospect:
United States = USSR and Ukraine
California = Lithuania and Donetsk
Oregon and Washington State = Estonia, Latvia and Lugansk/Luhansk
If I was Recep Erdogan and Ilham Aliyev, I'd keep a close eye on Trump because I'm not sure what his political stance on the Caucasus is like. If I was Serzh Sargsyan, I'd also keep a close eye on what the Trump administration will bring to Armenia.
Speaking of which, has anyone followed the events in Uzbekistan? Because the upcoming Uzbek elections are fast approaching and Putin needs to bring the Uzbeks and Tajiks on board with the Eurasian integration project.
My point is that the US is too wealthy, too powerful, too influential and too deep in imperial agendas around the world to be "downsized" without the serious risk of it collapsing or breaking apart. That is why Donald Trump's presidency will most probabaly not usher in a period of fundamental changes in the way with which Washington does business. Will the American empire recalibrate/readjust its policies/agendas around the world? Probably yes. Will Washington abandon it's imperial pursuits and revert back to being a republic? Most probably not. Anyway, watch who Trump surrounds himself with. In other words, watch the kind of people he will be appointing to his cabinate. I'm already see some Zionist and Neocon types in his government. At this point, all that I can really hope for is the lessening of of tensions between the US and Russia and perhaps an end to the war in Syria, both of which, to answer your prior question, would be positive developments for Armenia.
DeleteIn the closing paragraph of my blog commentary titled "Donald Trump and the current state of American politics", I said the following:
Delete"In my opinion, the American empire is too large, too powerful, too corrupt and too set in its ways, and Trump is too little, too late. Trump will not change the system, the system will more likely change Trump. If Trump gets the Republican nomination and goes on to beat the witch or the socialist for the nation's presidency, he will only do so by coming to terms with the powers that be. There is no other way forward for him - unless he wants to risk his well being. In my opinion, Trump will not live to see the White House if he does not fully submit himself to the ruling elite or at the very least "cut a deal" with them. The last time the US had a populist leader that really wanted to change things for the better, he was murdered by his own. I am not suggesting that they may kill Trump. They won't go that route because it would be too obvious. Besides, assassinations of high officials by the deep state are reserved as a drastic last resort measure, a trump card (pardon the pun). But they do have other ways to ruin people's lives. In any case, Trump won't risk anything. He is simply not that type. As we have already seen, he has already been signalling his strong willingness to work with the country's Jewish establishment and the military industrial complex. That in itself is bad enough and nothing good can come out of it. Trump wants to be part of the ruling establishment, even if the ruling establishment does not trust him. But if it comes down to it, the ruling establishment will make a deal with him"
They didn't trust him at first -
DeleteThe Neocons vs. Donald Trump: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/13/opinion/sunday/the-neocons-vs-donald-trump.html
The Real Reason Neocons Are So Upset About Donald Trump: https://www.thenation.com/article/the-real-reason-neocons-are-so-upset-about-donald-trump/
Here’s why Trump’s foreign policy terrifies neocons: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/why-trumps-foreign-policy-really-scares-neocons/2016/06/09/86614ac6-2cac-11e6-9b37-42985f6a265c_story.html
He then began surrounding himself with "establishment men" and cutting deals with Zionists -
Trump Already Surrounding Himself With Establishment Men : http://www.ronpaullibertyreport.com/archives/trump-already-surrounding-himself-with-establishment-men
Donald Trump Held Briefing With Richard Haass, Head of Council on Foreign Relations: http://www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2016/03/03/donald-trump-held-briefing-with-richard-haass-head-of-council-on-foreign-relations/?_r=1
Now, he is taking resumes from them -
Trump Taking Résumés From Neocons: http://www.activistpost.com/2016/11/trump-taking-resumes-neocons.html
With Trump, a Major US Shift in Mideast: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/trump-major-us-shift-mideast-43460149
Zionists 4 Trump: https://www.facebook.com/Zionists4Trump/
Is Trump a Populist or a Pro-Zionist Spoiler?: https://americanfreepress.net/is-trump-a-populist-or-a-pro-zionist-spoiler/
Ron Paul: Trump Needs To Resist Neocons And Shadow Government Elites: http://www.infowars.com/ron-paul-trump-needs-to-resist-neocons-and-shadow-government-elites/
Ron Paul to Trump: Don’t Listen to Neocons: https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2016/11/11/ron-paul-to-trump-dont-listen-to-neocons/
DeleteNot sure I agree with your point that nothing good can come out of Trump working with the more realpolitik parts of the Jewish establishment or MIC. For example, the number of foreign bases might be cut in half and a more agreed upon Cold War with Iran could be agreed upon with Russia acting as an honest broker. Syria and Hezbollah would survive and gas and oil deals would be made. These types of things aren't perfect, but acceptable. You have to offer groups a tolerable way to change their path, or at least be able to divide them as opponents. This might be possible with the MIC, but impossible with the medical and pharma cartels. Any reasonable solution for the country requires putting them on a serious diet. Also, don't believe the personnel choices till they are real.
The forces that stand behind Donald Trump are the globlist elements who are intent on downsizing the American empire. They are the ones who used it to drive its global agenda, but the global tension is too high right now, and these people don't have the technological capacity yet for self-preservation in case those global tensions boil over into full meltdown for the global financial system, ecological disasters, and use of thermonuclear weapons.
DeleteSo Trump will not say anything about the FED because the Fed is a globalist not an Ameican elite element of control. And no one wants its sudden meltdown, not Russia and not China either. They want slow change, not a catastrophic collapse that could lead to global disaster.
Interestingly what Pyakin said is that the American empire is getting dissambled anyway. Under Clinton (and the clan behind her), it would be bloody. Under Trump (and the clan behind him), much less so.
Trump is backed by some very powerful forces, not some voices from middle America. He didn't knock off all his established republican rivals, while the media of the national elites was completely against him.
He didn't pull this "upset", while right on the election night CNN and all other national elite outlets were projecting a Clint 55 to 45 advantage.
You will be seeing changes in the world, and yes, there will be improved relations with Russia. And yes, the current elites of Poland, the Baltics, and Ukraine are not going to be winners from all this.
DeleteI admit, this is a very interesting conversation. But this is not a black and white issue. For instance: Are Globalists (neo-Bolsheviks/neo-Marxists) the same as the Global elite (i.e. Secret Societies)? Also, how are groups like the Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commision and Chatham House connected to all this? Are the aforementioned groups part of the Globalists movement or are they part of the Global elite, the Secret Societies? Or are they all links between each other? Also, who/what is the "shadow government" in the US? My point is that we the sheeple will never know for sure. We can therefore only theorize, speculate and guess. So, at the end of the day, your guess is as good as mine. That said, my gut feeling is that those who want to "downsize' the American empire are the Secret Socieities (the Global elite, old European money, groups like Freemasonry). The aforementioned should not be confused with Globalists like those behind the George Soroses of the world. What I am saying is that while the two have closely cooperated in the past, they don't seem to be the same.
Please look at my comments in their entirety. As I said, I am hopeful. But I am also ready to be disappointed. Yes, Donald Trump is a realist, he will therefore engage in realpolitik. After all, his ability to understand where power is centered in the US is the reason why he, a champion of Christianity supposedly, sold his daughter into Judaism. Realpolitik may make his administration come to terms with Russia and Bashar Assad, but his rhetoric about Iran has been very worrysome. So, the question is this: How far would a realist Trump be willing to push his agendas? But a better question would be this: Are Trump's agendas actually his or that of those who he surrounds himself with? Anyway, don't misunderstand me, I am happy Trump succeeded. All I am saying is that we should not be openly celebrating until we see concrete steps in the right direction.
Soros is a Pax Americana "globalist". The shadow groups you speak of are behind Trump. Their aim is to roll back the American empire.
DeleteTrumps interview on Syria
Various special interests have used "Pax Americana" to advance their agendas around the world for decades, but that does not mean they are, in the traditional sense of the word, pro-American. Neo-Marxist globalists like those behind George Soros and the global elite (old money/secret societies) do not have nationality nor do they recognize national boundries. When the time is right America would be looked as expendable and disposable for both of them. Regarding George Soros: It can be said that his global movement was also in the process of breaking down America through the spread of liberalism, interracialism, multiculturalism and socialism.
DeleteAnyway, at the end of the day, we don't know exactly who is behind Trump. Some of the "Secret Socieities" may be supporting him. Then again, his support may also be coming from an internal Anglo-American coup similar to the FSB led coup that put Vladimir Putin into power in Russian in the late 1990s. At the end of the day, none of us have enough informtion to about this topic. So, everything is mere speculation.
PS: Throughout his campaign Trump said many encouraging things regarding Syria and Russia, but he also said many discouraging things about Iran. Let's give him some time and see where he goes with all this. The first test will be in Syria. Let's see how he will handle the fall of Aleppo to Syrian, Iranian and Russian forces...
Which makes sense about Iran for the joe-shmoe. Since the American psychy since the 80s has been conditioned that Iran is enemy #1. But he realizes that as the years in the Syria mess has dragged on, the Syrian president and the Syrian Arab Army have actually gained a lot of popularity among "middle America". Russia then jumping in the fray boosted its popularity among the same group. While Iran being an "Islamic Republic", simply by being "Islamic" cannot gain that popularity. Nonetheless, indirectly, he also says positive things about Iran. Just go by that interview, the indication is that he isn't planning on messing with Iran with military threats.
DeleteSkhara, I get all that. But take a close look at the people around Donald Trump now. I'm seeing dangerous neocons that were around during the disasterous Bush II presidency. Ask yourself: Would you like to see the likes of John Bolton (an ardent Russophobe and a proponent of war with Iran) as the next Secretary of State - or in ANY position of political influence? Also, I'm not very comfortable with the likes of Netanyahu and others in Israel's hard right (including many in the US) being so happy about a Trump victory. Also, the propaganda organ known as "Breitbar" is in reality a Zionist publication. Stephen Bannon is a "Christan-Zionist" nutjob. Nothing good can come out of these kinds of people and it's these kinds of people that were behind the Trump campaign. I guess what I'm trying to say to you is that you should not let your hate towards one group of dangerous people blind you to another group of dangerous people. I remain cautiously optimistic about a Trump presedency... but I would not be suprised if it ends up being a remaking of Bush's neocons. At best, Trump's government may end up being the lesser of evils...
DeleteYes Arevordi, we'll see how it goes. That element of elites has a lot of power that Trump has to contend with, so to me its not so surprising.
DeleteIcidentally, if we look back to the rise of Putin, he was forced to work with people who were robbing the country blind and working for outside interests.
Yet Putin couldn't and still even can't get rid of them, and they are in Russia's central bank, in media, in military, in cabinets, in parliament and in economics. Yet those are the only cadres he has, all he can do is do his best to make these people work for the interests of Russia, no matter how much they don't want to.
Armenian traitors and idiots:
ReplyDeleteConference on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict kicks off in Baku
"The event is attended by famous Armenian human rights activist Vage Avetyan, Azerbaijani professor Kamil Salimov, political scientist Rasim Aghayev, head of the Intra-national Liberation Movement Organization Vahan Martirosyan, who asked for political asylum in Azerbaijan." --- a real basket of deplorables
Haytoug Magazine Accepting Submissions on Non-‘Traditional’ Armenian Identity
"The magazine is considering issues of race, class, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, age, faith, body image, and other aspects of identity." --- the GayRF went from collaborating with National Socialists in the 1930s to "we're here, we're queer, get used to it"
ps I hope as Trump drains that filthy swamp, funding for the raffi hovannisians of the world dry up. Maybe nuland will get the khodorkhovsky treatment...
As if the world is still reeling from the stunning victory of Donald Trump, we've got two more elections that I felt that I should bring up:
Moldova has elected a pro-Russian politician named Igor Dodon as its new leader, and Bulgaria has elected Rumen Radev, a guy that some Bulgarians feel that is a bit supportive of Vladimir Putin. Despite his strong military background, the new President elect is a wild card in the Balkan Game of Political Thrones since he's had an anti-migrant stance. The surprising thing is that Boyko Borisov had resigned once his preferred candidate lost the presidency, and it's the second time he resigned.
On the other note, with a pro-Russian Moldovan administration going to be installed in power by next year, it would be interesting how it would have an effect on nearby Ukraine. Transnistria will definitely remain the same or changed for the better.
Russia is becoming a major player in the world -
DeleteIn Expanding Russian Influence, Faith Combines With Firepower: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/14/world/europe/russia-orthodox-church.html?_r=0
Russia considers military bases in Vietnam and Cuba: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-military-bases-idUSKCN1270PN
Egypt Juggles Its Friendships as Russian Influence Surges: http://www.wsj.com/articles/egypt-juggles-its-friendships-as-russian-influence-surges-1476366166
There's plenty of untapped potential for Russia-Philippines economic ties: http://www.russia-direct.org/russian-media/theres-plenty-untapped-potential-russia-philippines-economic-ties
The Kremlin’s Influence in Hungary: https://dgap.org/en/think-tank/publications/dgapanalyse-compact/kremlins-influence-hungary
Russia has 'playbook' for covert influence in Eastern Europe: study: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-security-usa-idUSKCN12D13Q
Slavic Brotherhood 2016: Russian, Serbian & Belarusian troops hold anti-terrorist drills: https://www.rt.com/news/365480-russia-serbia-belarus-drills/
Montenegro's PM quits after suggesting Russia had role in election plot : https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/oct/25/montenegro-investigating-russia-alleged-election-coup-plot
That first jew york times article was so open in its vicious, elitist hatred for Russia, Christianity, and by extension all of classical western civilization. Every sentence had words and phrases specifically selected as a passive-agressive, faggoty attack against the glory of Russia and Christendom. Too bad for the jews that their mind control techniques are no longer as effective as in their heyday, now only senile baby boomers and an ever decreasing number of social radicals and naive/effeminate children (college students) still take the MSM seriously. An article of similar style attacking the evil Talmud would have gotten the authors investigated for "hate crimes." Too bad America's Evangelicals are so easily duped by the jew machine. Surely they must notice something as they see Christianity rising in Russia while they watch their own nation pioneering pedophilia and bathroom rights for perverts.
Deleteps Brother Jerriko has been posting great links lately, as always.
@[Trump] sold his daughter into Judaism.
DeleteRight, look who's the happy buyer (it's all in the open, no secrets at all):
"Jared Corey Kushner (born January 10, 1981) is an American businessman, investor and political operative. He is principal owner of the real estate holding and development company Kushner Properties and Observer Media, publisher of the weekly New York Observer.
Kushner is the son of American real estate developer Charles Kushner and is married to Ivanka Trump, the daughter of President-elect of the United States Donald Trump. He was among the senior advisors of Trump's presidential campaign, and described as the architect of Trump's digital media campaign...
Kushner was raised in an Orthodox Jewish family in New Jersey. He graduated from the Frisch School, a private, coed yeshiva high school in Paramus, New Jersey, and from Harvard University in 2003 with an A.B. in Sociology. According to journalist Daniel Golden, Kushner and his brother Joshua were admitted after their father had made a $2.5 million donation to the university...
[Charles] Kushner was born on May 16, 1954 and grew up in Elizabeth, New Jersey, with his elder brother, Murray Kushner. His parents were Holocaust survivors who came to America from Poland in 1949. Kushner's father worked as a construction worker, builder and real estate investor...
[Charles} has been fined over half a million dollars for violating federal campaign contribution laws, pleaded guilty to/was convicted of 18 felony counts for various crimes, served time in federal prison, and was disbarred from the practice of law in three states...Before 2016, Kushner was a major donor to the Democratic Party...
Why the Kushners are described as 'City Real-Estate Royalty'? @http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303409004579564062138641266 (May 15, 2014 ).
"In August, the Kushners, who visit Israel regularly, plan to attend the dedication of the main Seryl and Charles Kushner Campus in central Jerusalem as a pre-bar mitzvah trip for their eldest grandson. (They will also visit Belarus, where Mr. Kushner's parents, both Holocaust survivors, lived.) So here you are.
Ever heard of Bernard Kouchner, the founder of Médecins Sans Frontières? Staunch Communist who became the Foreign Affairs Minister of Sarkozy, albeit 'Socialist"? I can but surmise and speculate, Berny was born in Avignon in 1939, presumably as the offspring of 'antifascist' fighters of the International Brigades which fought in the Spanish Civil War and refugees in Southern France.
What about the lovely Nadia Gray, nee "Kujnir into a Jewish family in Bucharest. Her father moved to Romania from Russia, her mother was from Akkerman (Bessarabia)". A less than reliable bio presets her as Nadia Kujnir-Herescu, when she actually was married first with a N. Goldenberg (later Herescu), a wealthy businessman from Chisinau, then to Constantin Cantacuzino, a Romanian aristocrat who was one of Romania's top fighter aces of the war. They were married from 1946 to his death in 1958. Her third husband was Manhattan attorney Herbert Silverman. They were married from 1967 to her death in 1994. She died in New York City". Huh!
Some people, who knew who Matei Socor was, knew also who was Clara Cușnir-Mihailovici (n.5 mai 1903 - d.1987) "historian of Bessarabian origin and Romanian Communist politician", Director of the Museum of the Communist Party and of the "Institutul de Studii Istorice și Social-Politice de pe lângă C.C. al P.C.R. (I.S.I.S.P.), much decorated!
So, I would rather take cover. As the Romanians said about any political change: 'Pleacă ai noștri, vin ai noștri' (Ours go, ours are coming).
Just to remind everyone what the situation with Christianity is in France:
DeleteFRANCE: 2800 Churches to be demolished, 1868 Neo-Gothic Église Saint-Jacques d'Abbeville, 2013: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8pXJWVszNM
"According to a report of the French senate, 2800 churches across the country, many of them centuries old, will be demolished as restoration costs exceed the cost of demolitions over the next years"
Let's call it a day: Secularism and everything else the (((French Revolution))) ushered in has failed. Science cannot replace religion, people just don't work that way. Computers can run on logic alone, humans need a spiritual and emotional purpose to maintain a society and reproduce. Christianity and Christianity alone fulfills this role in the west [note: here is something for the neopagans to enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0swv1R3qdQ]. France has been stripped of its religious foundation and had it replaced with science-based "race is just a social construct" multiculturalism and faggotry, thus France is now sterile and dying. France will either give in to Islam, or as we see with this new Russian Church, France will give in to Orthodox Christianity. Obviously the jew york times and their ilk have always preferred islam and the turks to Orthodox Christians.
I'm sorry about that': State Department official emailed RT's reporter a detailed statement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIaOH59ocvU
ReplyDeleteGayane Chickakyan is hereby awarded my Armenian of the Month Award. Also, I like how Russia produces normal Armenian women, while California produces whores like Cher, Kim Kardashian, and "Young Turks" co-host Ana Kasparyan. Seriously, I am now convinced that there is something toxic in the water in California that messes people up like this. As for the State Department and their spokemen, what a total joke. That was some straight-up "Fuck Russians" racism from Kirby. The fact that this low testosterone beta male was an Admiral in the US Navy pretty much confirms the stereotype of the Navy being a homosexual playpen. Can you imagine how troops commanded by someone like Kirby would fare against the Russians or the Chinese?
I'm sorry to say this, but I tend to find Ana Kasparyan and Anita Sarkeesian to be the worst kind of feminists I've seen on TV.
DeleteFor all their faults, at least the Turks haven't succumbed to the cuckhold culture of the West, and honestly? Does Turkey want to join a club that is turning into a continent full of emasculated beta males and overtly influential feminists in an alliance with leftists and Islamists? Given that the failed coup against Erdogan was possibly an Islamist one led and influenced by Gulen, I don't see any future for the Turks period.
Looking objectively at Kasparian,Cher,Kardshian and Gayane Chicckachian it becomes palpably obvious there is absoluletely no connection - racially speaking- the trio and Gayane. Cher and kardashian are of hybrid nature but idiosincratically identical with the turk lover Kasparian . As for Kirby, he is a merry ventriloquist puppet; a retired admiral ? hard to conceive him in the same rank and quality of a Doneitz, Hipper, or Halder. I always laughed at Kirby when answering questions, he looked and sounded like a pixilated retired Inn keeper, and a homo to boot.
DeleteThe Intellectual Yet Idiot: https://medium.com/@nntaleb/the-intellectual-yet-idiot-13211e2d0577#.i3izab270
ReplyDeleteSums things up well!
Fearing closer Trump ties with Putin, Latvia prepares for the worst: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/fearing-closer-trump-ties-with-putin-latvia-prepares-for-the-worst/2016/11/18/f22b3376-ab54-11e6-8f19-21a1c65d2043_story.html
ReplyDeleteI found the part about the defense ministry employees training to defend their building in case of a Russia invasion to be quite hilarious and pathetic!
These maps show how Russia has Europe spooked: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/11/23/these-maps-show-how-russia-has-europe-spooked/
Attempt to smuggle 5,000 M4 rifles to Azerbaijan foiled
Guess nationals of which "only democracy in the Middle East" and "our brothers who have also totally suffered a genocide" tribe were behind this attempt to give arms to the Azeri barbarians intended to be used against Armenia and Artsakh...
So Fidel Castro has died at age 90, after successfully keeping his beleaguered nation out of the hands of the imperialist hegemon a mere 90 miles away. I'm sure a basket of deplorables consisting of pro-Anglo-American-Zionist degenerates, pro-big business lobbyists, pro-homosexual activists (Castro kept faggotry more or less illegal), and the usual crowd of naive college simpletons will be out celebrating. They can join worthless failures and walking corpses from the Cold War Era like Pat Buchanan and George Will, along with the rest of the Neo-con clowns.
ReplyDeleteThe worst will be the Cuban-American community, which is composed of individuals who were deprived of their status as Head Oligarchs in the American-Jew Mafia run Cuba after Castro took over - these people are disgusting to me because they keep agitating for the US to militarily attack their homeland, or at the very least keep in place sanctions and other punitive measures designed to punish Cuba's peasantry. Cuban-Americans largely have no loyalty to their nation or race, they care about their own wealth and power, and want to burn the island and torture its people if they cannot restore their former position - and willingly whore themselves out as tools of Anglo-American-Jewish imperialism in the process. They are no better than the Arabs who go in front of western cameras and justify military aggression against their own homelands in the name of "democracy," or whores like the Heritage Party scum who call for the Europeans (PACE) to institute sanctions against Armenia.
The author Eric Striker usually posts thoughtful articles, attacking the Jew-globalist system while abstaining from falling into the Neocon-Libertarian nonsense about "the glorious system of capitalism and free markets which macht frei," I'm posting his article on Castro, which is remarkably fair and balanced, below. For us nationalists working with "less than ideal" nations, note Castro's accomplishments in Cuba:
Fidel Castro Passes Away at Age 90: http://www.dailystormer.com/fidel-castro-passes-away-at-age-90/
PS: As always with this website, avoid the comments section altogether...
A not so subtle threat from the Russian military (the “allies” better pay attention)
ReplyDeleteКомментарий Минобороны России по факту обстрела российского госпиталя в Алеппо: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub5azZPSXjE
I hope Russia bombs these animals worst than they did the Turkmens. Britainistan and Frankistan have no future anyway, and neither does El Mexico de Norte (formerly America.)