Have no doubt, the appearance of the Russian Bear in Armenia's Republic Square sent out a powerful warning to Armenia's antagonists from Baku to Washington. Yet, unsurprisingly, those that did not seem to get the poignancy of the powerful message were some Armenians. Nevertheless, the impressive military parade was a very powerful moment in modern Armenian history and I am glad to have been alive to witness it.
I would like to point out that every single thing we saw paraded on September 21 is exactly what's been keeping Azeris and Turks on their side of the border for the past twenty years. After all is said and done, that is the ultimate purpose for maintaining a powerful military and for maintaining powerful friends. And a powerful friend is exactly what Armenia has in the Russian Federation. The Russian Bear likes Armenia and it needs a friendly Armenia to remain intact in the south Caucasus, a strategic region that has long been known as Russia's vulnerable southern gate. With its emotionally unstable and politically immature diaspora coupled with a minuscule state budget, Armenia would have been in no shape to compete militarily with any regional nation, let alone a Turkish/Israeli/American backed oil-rich Azerbaijan. Thus, Russia is helping Armenia maintain the balance of power against an aggressive nation that is much larger and much wealthier that it.
What Moscow is doing for Armenia has great historic significance. The crucial role Moscow plays in Armenia's defense cannot be overstated. After all the lofty talk and patriotic rhetoric, at the end of the day, Armenians, particularly diasporan Armenians, need to understand that Moscow is the Alpha and the Omega of Armenian statehood in the Caucasus.
Armenians also need to learn to stop complaining about this reality and start working towards extracting maximum benefit from it.
By providing Armenia powerful missile systems that gives it a deep strike capability, Moscow is in effect keeping the peace as well as the status quo in the region. As I have pointed out on many previous occasions, the status quo in the south Caucasus is in fact beneficial to Armenia. But military deterrence and indirect preservation of Artsakh's current borders is not the only thing Moscow is providing Armenia today. Observe some of the comments of their political expert's and officials regarding Armenia in recent years, they are also providing Armenia with powerful state-sanctioned psyops - in other words, pro-Armenian propaganda. For years the Russian press as well as Russian officials have been warning Baku not to get into any misadventures in the south Caucasus. As Baku intensifies its anti-Armenia war rhetoric, Moscow in turn intensifies its warnings to Baku. Moscow has warned Baku that it has much more to lose than to gain if it makes a Saakashvilian mistake. It would be foolish to think that the geopolitical lessons of the beating Georgia got in 2008 did not reverberate in Baku. It is also foolish to think that Aliyev's corrupt clan will risk their wealth and power by starting a major war with Armenia/Artsakh. Thus far, despite the periodic barking we hear from Baku, Azerbaijan has not dared to test the Bear-backed Armenian military.
Incidentally, when have political experts, news press or government officials in the United States been this supportive of Armenia? When has Washington publicly and in no ambiguous terms warned Baku against resuming hostilities? On the contrary, Washington-based entities in conjunction with Israel and Turkey have been training and arming Azeri troops. As a matter of fact, nothing would make Washington happier than if Armenia simply become a non-factor in the south Caucasus. Thank God, due to Russia Armenia is a major factor in the Caucasus. When our well-educated, well-dressed, well-fed but genocide-obsessed, self-hating and politically-ignorant compatriots in the United States wake up from their deep-sleep, they may actually come to the troubling realization that their favorite freedom and democracy loving officials in Washington pose a serious danger to the very existence of the Armenian state. If Washington is not actively encouraging Baku to resume major hostilities in Artsakh, it's simply because they are concerned about Baku suffering yet another major defeat at the hands of Bear-backed Armenia.
Nevertheless, one must be an utter fool to think that "grassroots" lobbying efforts in the United States can in fact change the American empire's policies towards the Caucasus, or any other place on earth. But then again, when it comes to politics we Armenians have a surplus of fools.
Although our nation's Western operatives and self-destructive peasantry in the so-called opposition tried very hard to organize protests against Russia's participation in the military parade, only a handful of idiots actually showed up to demonstrate. But for a small and vulnerable nation like Armenia even a handful of idiots are still way too much. But the lack of public support did not stop protest organizers, men such as agent Richard Giragosian and some of Armenia's opposition press, from disseminating poisonous propaganda via the nation's free press. Please read the lies and the Russophobic hysteria of agent Richard Giragosian and an opposition newspaper known as Lragir. I have posted both articles at the bottom of this page. The shameless Lragir article titled "Tricolor Under Russian Boot" was also posted in agent Richard Giragosian's Facebook page.
Instead of feeling proud that a military contingent of an allied superpower was marching alongside Armenian troops on September 21 in honor of Armenia's independence, the staff working at Lragir are complaining that Armenia is "under the Russian boot"?!
Unbeknownst to these chobans perhaps, it has been the Russian contingent based in Armenia that has in effect kept Turkey on its side of the Arax river for the past twenty years. Does that qualify them for marching to commemorate Armenia's independence?! Moreover, the impressive weaponry we saw paraded in Armenia on the same day, many of which are amongst the finest in the world were not purchased by Armenia's tiny state-budget or by its big-talking-under-performing diaspora. Moscow has provided Armenia the modern weaponry in question at very reduced rates and sometimes - free of charge! But as you can see, some Armenians are looking at these things as being"under the Russian boot"! Chobans in Lragir are also complaining that Russia is "raping" Armenia, even though they do not provide any example or evidence of how Armenia has actually been raped by Russia. On the contrary, when these silly idiots disguised as journalists pull their heads out of their asses they may just realize that Russia has actually prevented the gang-raping of Armenia by Turks, Azeris, Georgians and Western oil/gas interests.
Sadly, some of our so-called "nationalists" these days vividly remind me of Քաջ Նազար.
As far as I'm concerned, one of the greatest sights I've seen in recent times was Russian and Armenian troops marching side-by-side in Armenia's Republic Square. While some Western mercenaries and self-destructive peasants in Armenia and in the diaspora somehow saw this as an insult to Armenia's independence, I saw it as a major insult to Western oil firms, Western military contractors, NATO, Turks, Azeris, Georgians and Islamic fanatics throughout in the region.
Why did Russians do it?
Was it in Moscow's interest to be seen as if they are taking sides in Armenia? Moscow could have easily turned down the invitation to participate in the military parade for the simple reason that it would have upset the sensitivities of regional powers with whom they have extensive economic dealings with. But they did not decline the offer to participate in Armenia's show-of-force, which leads me to believe that they were fully willing to send a loud-and-clear message that Moscow is in the south Caucasus to stay and is standing firmly behind Armenia despite the tens of billions of dollars of trade it has with Baku and Ankara. As I have said before, despite its very lucrative economic dealings with with Turkey and Azerbaijan, Moscow continues to recognize the Armenian Genocide, Moscow continues to arm Armenia and Moscow continues to show the world that it is in fact taking sides in the Caucasus. Other than silly Georgians, has anyone seen Turks or Azeris complain about this situation? Of course not. Why? Because they are terrified of the Bear. Russian officials are dealing from a position of strength in the south Caucasus and Turks are not going to challenge them.
What has Washington's excuse been for not recognizing the Armenian Genocide? What's Washington's excuse again for constantly collaborating with Armenia's regional enemies? What's Washington's excuse again to be constantly trying to undermine the Armenian state? Could the answer have something to do with energy exploitation? I certainly think so. Unlike Kremlin officials who know when to put aside the money factor when to comes to serious geopolitical calculations, money-minded Globalists whores that represent Washington these days would turn the world upside for a few dollars. It must be pointed out, however, that the Caucasus is thousands of miles away from Washington. Thus, it can be understood why Washington has been haphazard in its approach regarding the region. Nevertheless, this underscore the obvious fact that Washington can never be relied on in the region.
From an Armenian standpoint, the whole purpose of showcasing Russian troops in the parade was to inform our enemies that the Russian Bear is on Armenia's side. And despite explanations to the contrary the Russian Bear is indeed on Armenia's side! And it is the job of every patriotic Armenian to make sure the Russian Bear stays on our side, at least until we Armenians are able to handle our problems ourselves.
Despite all Russia has done for Armenia in recent years there are those that still complain about Russia's "bad treatment" of Armenia. What bad treatment?! Paying market value for Armenia's abandoned and dilapidated Soviet era infrastructure and developing them is the bad treatment? Where there any other major investors willing to spend hundreds of millions of dollars in Armenia? Why doesn't the diaspora supply Armenia's atomic power plant with nuclear fuel, revitalize its railroad system, construct its telecommunications network and provide it with benzine and natural gas? Besides, now that Russia has a stake in various Armenian industries, what are we afraid they will do, up-root them and take them back to Russia?!
This surreal situation never ceases to amaze me. Has the United States, Europe or the Armenian diaspora for that matter done a even a fraction of what Russia has done for Armenia during the past twenty years? While Washington essentially gets a free pass by our proud American-Armenians to train Azeri snipers that end-up killing Armenians in Artsakh, while various Western energy firms and military contractors collaborate with Turks and Azeris against Armenia, Russia cant even freely participate in commemorating Armenia's independence without our idiots protesting and yelling "rape"?!
What the %$@# is wrong with these people?!
Despite what our Western-led Russophobes want us Armenians to believe, Moscow has actually been treating Armenia with white-gloves and they fully deserved to participate in the parade! Actually, the only thing Moscow has not yet done is spoon feed Armenians; but that may also come one day. In the big picture, Moscow has not spared any effort in making sure Armenia stays unmolested in the Caucasus. Naturally, in the world of international relations, nothing is done simply for the sake of friendship. Kremlin officials know very well how crucial it is to keep Turks, Westerners, Iranians and Islamic fanatics out of the Caucasus. They also know that they will need to contain Georgia and Azerbaijan for the foreseeable future. Even going back to Czarist times Kremlin officials have realized that an Armenian presence in the Caucasus plays a fundamental role in curbing anti-Russian forces in the strategic region. As a result, the Armenian factor figures prominently in the Kremlin. Consequently, Russian officials will do virtually anything (including spill blood, Armenian or otherwise) to keep Armenia fully within their political orbit. Due to the great strategic importance of the Caucasus region Russian officials have been protecting Armenia as if it is Russia.
Despite what Washington's many Armenian whores want us to believe, this situation is a historic opportunity for Armenia. This is a kind opportunity our nation has not had in a thousand years. This opportunity can only be properly realized, however, if Armenians fully understand it, fully appreciate it and collectively work towards its exploitation.
Nevertheless, while the big-talking-under-performing Armenian diaspora perennially obsesses over silly matters such as genocide recognition in Washington - and now "fighting corruption" in Armenia - it is Moscow that has been helping Armenia maintain its crucially important military deterrence against a much larger and much wealthier foe. It is Moscow keeping Turkey away from the Caucasus. It is Moscow that is investing billions of dollars into Armenia's national infrastructure. It is Moscow that is keeping the lights on in Armenia.
There is a large scale and well organized anti-Russian psy-ops campaign going on within Armenia and in the diaspora. This decades old propaganda campaign is carried forward by numerous elements within Armenian society and its ultimate geostrategic goal is to drive Russians out of Armenia and out of the Caucasus.
The entire political "opposition" in Armenia, without exceptions, can be divided into four categories: Western mercenaries, simpletons/ignorants, criminals and psychologically unstable people (or a mix of all four). The whole opposition movement serves special interests in the West, either directly or indirectly. For instance, US agents Richard Giragosian and Paruyr Hayrikyan work directly for Washington. The criminal/traitor Levon Petrosian does the West's work indirectly. And men like lunatic/political simpleton Jirayr Sefilian does the West's work unwittingly. We all know that if the current Moscow-backed regime in Armenia collapses the only ones that will reap benefit from the ensuing situation is Western interests and Turks - not Armenian patriots. This is common knowledge in serious political circles. Therefore, it does not matter whether they are doing it directly or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly, because at the end of the day they are all serving a Western agenda in Armenia.
Washington's men like Paruyr Hayrikyan, Raffi Hovanissian, Levon Petrosian, Richard Giragosian, Vartan Oskanian and Jirayr Libaridian can talk on-and-on-and-on about the matter at hand not being about "Russia" per se but about Armenia's "independence" from Russia. But these well educated and politically experienced men must surly know that Armenia is not in any position to be "independent" in the Caucasus; which leads me to believe that these men are pursuing a specific political agenda in Armenia. And that agenda is clearly Washingtonian. Some of them may be doing it for self-serving reasons (financial or professional), some may be doing it for some twisted ideological conviction (hate for Russians), some may be doing it for both reasons. Regardless of their motivation, however, what matters is that at the end of the day Washington's men in Armenia are only interested in chasing Russians out of Armenia - naturally to have Western overlords to replace them.
But one thing that these men need to realize is that Russia won't be pushed out of the Caucasus; it didn't happen during the Czars, it didn't happen during the dark days of Bolshevism, it didn't happen during the Cold War, it didn't happen during chaotic years of the 1990s... it will not happen in a thousand years. Therefore, these men would do us all a big favor if they put aside their personal interests and simply learned to live with a Russian reality in the Caucasus. In other words, they need to embrace the Bear, for Armenia's sake.
On a hypothetical note: In my humble opinion, if Russia is somehow pushed out of the Caucasus, the whole damn place will turn into a Turkic/Islamic cesspool and a playground for Western energy interests practically overnight and then we can all kiss Armenia's ass goodbye. Thank God Moscow will hold on to the Caucasus even if it has to smash and break every single thing in its path to do so.
A massive resurgent superpower has staked an interest in Armenia's existence!
Had Armenians been politically competent and farsighted, they would have exploited this situation to its very end. Instead of complaining and fear-mongering about Russians, Armenians need to be seeking ways to derive maximum benefit from Armenia's unique relationship with Moscow. While some foolishly place hope on an utterly corrupt and evil government thousands of miles away, I, as an Armenian nationalist, choose to place hope on a massive superpower with whom we have lived for centuries, a massive superpower we happen to know very well, a massive superpower we have a powerful representation with, a massive superpower who's national interests actually coincides with that of Armenia's.
What more do we Armenians want in an ally?!
September, 2011
That servicemen of the Russian 102nd Military Base in Gyumri would also participate in the military parade had never been announced in advance. The Armenians therefore were stunned to see the Russians participating in the parade and Defense Minister Sejran Ogenesjan greeting them in Russian. Razmik Zograbjan, deputy of the parliamentary faction of the ruling Republican Party, said at the press conference afterwards that the Russians' participation in the parade had been a political gesture.
"We have a treaty with Russia regarding security of the Armenian state borders. There is nothing wrong therefore with the Russians taking part in the military parade." Journalists got the message. Deterioration of the relations with Azerbaijan is the talk of the day in Armenia. The Azerbaijani-Armenian negotiations came to a halt. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev missed the CIS summit and a meeting with his Armenian opposite number Serj Sargsjan in Dushanbe in early September. It is logical therefore that the Armenians used the Independence Day parade to remind Azerbaijan of their military might - and of its ally.
The Armenian opposition used social networks to organize a protest rally not long before the parade. Twelve (!) people turned up, headed by Levon Barsegjan of the journalistic club Asparez from Gyumri. The protesters wielded posters "Armenia is not Russia" and "No foreigners in our military parade".
Source: Novye Izvestia, No 170, September 22, 2011, p. 2
"We have common traditions, interpenetration of our cultures and civilization identity. I believe that even if some forces have a strong desire to quickly destroy these ties, they will fail," he said, adding that it is necessary to continue the existing traditions, to use all the resources and traditions to give a new impetus to cooperation.
A member of the Armenian-Russian inter-parliamentary commission Hermine Naghdalian from the Republican Party of Armenia, stressed that over the 20 years of independence the two countries have managed to retain a sense of friendship and fraternity. She recalled Russian president Dmitry Medvedev’s state visit to Armenia, which was his first visit to the region, and the opening of a monument to Russian officers killed in the Russian-Turkish war, saying this testifies of the peoples’ attitude to bilateral cooperation.
According to her, political relations between the two countries are at a very high level, Armenia shares Russia's position on the issue of the CIS, the two countries have allied positions on the issues of collective security, especially that Armenia is the only member of the Collectives Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) in the region.
Source: http://www.arka.am/eng/politics/2011/09/15/27780.html
Source: http://news.am/eng/news/74993.html
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s head will roll if he unleashes war in Karabakh and then loses it, Russian political expert Mikhail Alexandrov told Armenian News - NEWS.am. The expert for the CIS Institute considers that escalation of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh is possible theoretically, but it will not lead to widespread fighting rather than limited local skirmishes, even with use of heavy machinery.
“Baku will not dare to unleash a blitzkrieg. If President Aliyev loses war, he would lose everything. He will be reminded of financial fraud, human rights, and opposition, including Islamic one which he has oppressed. One can dare to make such move if he is 100% confident in victory, while he lacks even 50%,” the expert said.
According to him, Azerbaijani President cannot be inspired by an example of Georgian counterpart, Mikheil Saakashvili, who ventured hoping that Russia would not intervene. “However, combat readiness of South Ossetia and Abkhazia cannot be compared with that of Armenia which will definitely intervene. So, Aliyev, unlike Saakashvili, has nothing to reckon on,” Alexandrov concluded.
Source: http://news.am/eng/news/6997
Source: http://news.am/eng/news/75045.html
"They also announced that the armament was updated with new heavy salvo complexes SMERCH and Hurricane. The latter can also seriously affect the regional balance of power. Production of unmanned aircrafts in Armenia is put on a firm basis, which is a strong incentive as it accurately directs the missile onto the enemy target," said Minasyan. According to him, the Azerbaijani side responds cautiously both to the parade and the presented arms. "For a long time, their argument was the distance war against Armenia, since they commanded better weaponry. Complexes Tocka and Scud restore the balance," summed up the expert.
Source: http://news.am/eng/news/74976.html
Source: http://news.am/eng/news/75089.html
Source: http://www.panarmenian.net/eng/news/79189/
During the recent years, Baku made a show of the armament it purchased and produced to frighten Armenia with the “might” of the Azeri army. However, it turned to be absolutely unprepared for demonstration of Armenian power. The drone downed by Artsakh armed forces with the help of Armenia-made device plunged Azerbaijan into unconcealed panic. Azerbaijan, which failed to win the Karabakh war even with foreign mercenaries fighting on its side, was embarrassed to see the Armenian soldiers.
Certainly, not all military hardware in Armenia’s possession was displayed at the military parade. As sociologist Aharon Adibekyan told a press conference on September 26, “even if we had an atomic bomb or S-400, we would not show them.”
Meanwhile, Baku assures to be informed of Armenia’s armament. A couple of days ago, Deputy Foreign Minister Araz Azimov said that “according to recent data, Armenia has received offensive armament, including missiles, antitank weapons, 78 thousand of Kalashnikov rifles, etc., from some neighbor countries. It becomes more and more difficult for the Azerbaijani leadership to tell tales about “unprofessional” Armenian army. Anyway, one thing is clear: the military parade in Yerevan will make Baku think whether it can risk a new war.
Source: http://www.panarmenian.net/eng/news/79196/
“Given Armenia’s membership in the CSTO, we can count on an appropriate response and the support of our allies in the organization, who have specific responsibilities to each other and the ability to react adequately to potential aggression,” Defense Minister Seyran Ohanian told a security conference in Yerevan.
A flashpoint of the Caucasus, the Nagorno-Karabakh region is a constituent part of Azerbaijan occupied by Armenia since the end of 1994. While internationally recognized as Azerbaijani territory, the enclave has declared itself an independent republic but is administered as a de facto part of Armenia. Azerbaijan has repeatedly threatened to use force to win back Karabakh if peace negotiations do not yield satisfactory results, while Yerevan has warned of large-scale retaliation if Baku launches any military action.
Nikolai Bordyuzha, the general secretary of the CSTO – whose members are Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan – told the conference that the organization opposed any attempts to resolve the Karabakh conflict by force. Moscow is Yerevan’s main economic and military partner, and the Armenian parliament last month ratified a deal to allow Russia to maintain a military base in the country until 2044.
Source: http://www.caspianweekly.org/en/center-for-energy-research/3876-armenia-expects-russian-support-in-karabakh-war.htm
A Russian political analyst warned today that the United States and its allies in Europe plan to accelerate their efforts to make Armenia accept a Nagorno-Karabakh conflict resolution option that would benefit the rival Azerbaijan. Speaking at a news conference at Novosti Armenia international press center in Yerevan, Mikhail Alexandrov, an expert in the Caucasus from the Moscow-based CIS Institute, quoted U.S. Secretary of State , Hillary Clinton as saying during a February meeting with Azerbaijani foreign minister Elmar Mamadyarov that ‘time has come to move forward in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.’
He said although such statements are being made on a regular basis by western diplomats, Clinton’s remarks, viewed against the backdrop of other related developments, suggest that the West is gearing up to pressure Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia into making concessions. As a related sign he refereed to a Nagorno-Karabakh ad hoc commission established by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe despite Armenia’s protests to step up diplomatic pressure on Armenian authorities because it is hard to do so in the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group format, in which Russian cochairman would block any anti-Armenian move.
Another indication of the plan, according to him, is the appointment of a former U.S. cochairman in the Minsk Group, Mathew Bryza as ambassador to Azerbaijan. He then claimed that the outgoing U.S. ambassador to Armenia, Marie Yovanovitch, is famous as a specialist in “orange” revolutions. The Russian political analyst claimed also that that the United States relies on opposition forces in Armenia, which are ready to make concessions in the Karabakh issue, which exert pressure on the authorities through anti-government demonstrations.
Alexandrov said the United States is interested in a soonest solution of the conflict but under Azerbaijani scenario and this is why the pressure on Armenia is very likely to mount both from inside and outside. ‘The United States has a plan to build a military-political corridor stretching from the Black Sea coast to Caspian region and ties to drag Azerbaijan in that process. But the official Baku realizes that a rapprochement with Washington would spoil its relations with Moscow and Iran, but it will not deny the proposal if gets in return Nagorno-Karabakh,’ he said.
Nagorno-Karabakh, populated overwhelmingly by ethnic Armenians, broke away from Azerbaijan following a three-year war that left some 30,000 dead. A Russia-brokered ceasefire ended the hostilities in 1994, but peace has remained fragile since then. The current Minsk Group-mediated negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan have not brought a peace agreement yet. The latest peace plan of the international mediators calls for the Armenian withdrawal from some of the territories held by the Karabakh military, the return of displaced people, security guarantees for Karabakh and its Armenian population and the possibility of a future referendum to decide the area’s final legal status.
Source: http://www.arka.am/eng/karabakh/2011/05/23/25979.html
Defense official: we should be ready for war
“Under the given circumstances we consider it proper to view the situation from security perspectives, supposing that active hostilities can be launched any minute and, thus, be on stand-by, rather than just guessing whether a new war might break out in Karabakh. In this context it is important to stress another no-less important factor – the cooperation between the armies of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh are on the highest level,” said Tonoyan.In the same interview Tonoyan confirmed the long speculated news that an Armenian-Russian joint workshop would be operating in the region to provide technical assistance and repair armored units and anti-aircraft defense technologies, as well as a variety of Russian-production helicopters and vehicles manufactured by Uralian Auto-Motor Plant (UAZ).
He also stated that Armenia is planning to sell its domestically manufactured unmanned aircrafts as well as other military-industrial products. “For several years now our research institutes and military-industrial entities have been developing various kinds of unmanned aircrafts, among them the most outstanding being the Krunk-25 model. All such aircrafts are successfully used for reconnaissance and information collection, and we believe that our production would be compatible in the international market,” stressed Tonoyan.
For the first time Armenia demonstrated its drones during the September 21 military parade devoted to the 20th anniversary of Armenia’s independence.
Source: http://armenianow.com/news/32060/armenian_defence_minsitry_tonoyan
Armenia and Russia to establish joint military enterprises
In his words, first of all that refers to armored equipments, anti-air defense, helicopters and UAZ all terrain vehicles. An already existing enterprise, KAMAZ-Armenia, will be in charge of the renovation of the garage of trucks belonging to the Defense Ministry, as well as for the services delievered there. Further, he said that currently Armenia and Russia are discussing the possibilities of merging some Armenian companies with the Russo-Belarusian financial-industrial group Oboronitelnie Sistemi (Defensive Systems).
Speaking about cooperation in military sphere between Armenia and Russia, Tonoyan said the two countries are not simply partners. “We have a lot of partners. Armenia and Russia share allied relations. Armenia hosts Russia’s 102nd military base which is part of the joint Armenian and Russian military unit,” said he. Tonoyan further spoke about the importance of joint planning implemented with Russia, and the fact that the Armenian and Russian air defense and anti-air defense forces conduct joint military service.
Among other things, Tonoyan mentioned the fact that Armenian servicemen obtain military education in Russian institutions. In 2011 alone 55 Armenian officers were sent for training to Russia, he added. “Another important circumstance is the military-technical cooperation. The Armenian army is almost exclusively armed only with military Soviet or Russian equipment,” said Davit Tonoyan.
Source: http://www.tert.am/en/news/2011/09/28/davittonoyan/
German Ambassador to Armenia Hans-Yokhen Schmit participated in the International Peace day in Yerevan today. According to him Armenian military march devoted to the 20th anniversary of Armenian Independence showed that Armenia has technologies and if anybody wants to launch war Armenian state will give an appropriate response. Mr. Ambassador noted that the showed technique showed Armenians are able to develop the existing types of weapon and Armenian soldiers have showed they are able to use weapon. German diplomat noted it was pleasure for him to attend Armenian military parade and the concert in the evening.
Putin: Armenia-Russia ties aim to provide stability in South Caucasus
Source: http://www.panarmenian.net/eng/news/78723/
Armenia do not have much to celebrate about 20 years after independence, Regional Studies Center Director and political analyst Richard Giragosian said during a press conference on Monday, News.am reported. According to Giragosian, today Armenia has emigration, the earthquake aftermath is not eliminated, and the country does not have a stable economic system. "We should not base ourselves on our former success and joy, but rather on the present-day activities of our government and army," Giragosian noted. As shortcomings, Giragosian also emphasized the absence of political reforms and democracy. As per the analyst, corruption is a serious problem in the country, and the Armenian government is unable to find effective mechanisms. Giragosian also expressed astonishment for the presence of a Russian military base in Armenia, saying: "Armenia is one of those unique-if not, the only-countries which has a foreign military base in its territory but receives no payment in return."
Source: http://en.trend.az/regions/scaucasus/armenia/1933847.html

Source: http://www.lragir.am/engsrc/comments23413.html
I really like your website BTW I am a diaspora Armenian who has lived most of his life in USA. I wholeheartedly agree with your point of view. I also think there are many diaspora Armenians who understand what's going on.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading my blog. Regarding Armenians, I wish I was as optimistic as you. I do not see many Armenians these days that truly understand what's going on in the world. There is a severe lack of understanding when it comes to matters pertaining to geopolitics. That is one of the main reasons why I have created this blog.