Fighting "corruption" and fighting for "democracy" in Armenia are dangerous diversions that are currently diverting our people's attention from more urgent geopolitical matters. Armenia's most pressing problems today are geopolitical and geographic. Yet, the political West would much rather have Armenia's politically illiterate and problematic peasantry to continue hopelessly chasing their tails in pursuit of the ever elusive fantasy known as "democracy"... and in doing so weaken the foundations of the Armenian state so that they can impose their geopolitical formulations upon the region. Fooling our politically illiterate sheeple into rising up and fighting against "corruption" in Armenia is a strategic part and parcel of the West's "Great Game" in the region. That is what they are placing their bests on. International levers
This does not mean that sociopolitical problems do not exist in Armenia. All nations on God's earth have pressing issues, some more than others. We must recognize that despite our best efforts, a tiny, landlocked, embattled, poor and a remote Caucasus nation coming out of a thousand years of Turkic/Islamic/Bolshevik occupation, Armenia is bound to have severe growing up pains.
Having effectively co-opted international levers during the past several decades, the political West is making the pursuit of sociopolitical matters in a country like Armenia very dangerous. Since they control virtually every single international organization in existence; since they control the world's leading news organizations; since they control much of the world's economy and finance; since they have effectively weaponized the notions of freedom and democracy; since they have imposed their language (and thus their mindset/culture) upon much of the world, they today have overwhelming amount of power over humanity.
In fact, the level of power they have over mankind due to the levers they control today is unprecedented in human history. At no time in history had a single political entity wielded so much power and influence.
Therefore, by making responsible Armenians exceedingly cautious about forcefully seeking genuine change in the fledgling country, fearing that such efforts can be hijacked by Western interests and turned against the republic, the change we want for Armenia is coming about very slowly. Thus, in the big picture, Armenia is in stagnation precisely due to Western politics. The only way the political climate in the Caucasus region will simmer down and begin its long road to recovery is through Pax Russica! And in order for Pax Russica to finally come into effect in the Caucasus, the West and its regional Turkic, Georgian and Islamist lackeys have to be defeated. I also predict that as soon as problems with Georgia are solved, Yerevan will be joining the Eurasian Union. Knowing that the Eurasian Union is still unrealistic for Armenia due to the situation in Georgia, Yerevan is playing it safe with Washington by publicly announcing that is not not interested in a membership.
Failed states are easier to control
Senior officials in Washington in conjunction with the Western alliance's propaganda organs have been actively propagating military intervention against Syria and Iran. Zionist leaders and Jewish-American pundits, supported by legions of their Shabaz goy in America, have been fervently beating the war drums. Some examples of their blatant warmongering are posted at the bottom of this commentary. Make no mistake about it, there is a massive and well-coordinated information war being carried-out against Damascus and Tehran. Despite Tehran's and Damascus' surprising resilience and the steadfast support they have been receiving from Russia and China, their enemies are out for blood and they are not showing signs of backing down. This situation is a clear indicator that the multi-national ( American/European/Jewish/Turkic/Sunni) agenda against Damascus and Tehran are indeed very serious and that they are in this for the long-term. Since Iran is a much tougher opponent, they are going after Syria first.
Similar to what occurred in Libya, having smelt blood, Western predators have begun to go after Damascus. The West and its regional allies realize that Syria is one of the strategic gates that can potentially lead to Iran. Military planners in the West know that Damascus' fall will ultimately weaken and isolate Tehran. Similar to what they did in Iraq and Libya, their aim is now to simply topple the Assad regime and turn Syria into a failed state, thereby taking them out of the game. They are attempting to bring Western style democracy to Syria and Iran because they realize that failed states are much easier to deal with than independent ones that don't want to cooperate.
A weaponized news mediaVirtually all of their political rhetoric, all of their news reports, all of their press conferences and all of their newspaper Op-Ed pieces are more-or-less calling for a military strike against Syria. At the front line of this vicious propaganda assault against Damascus are Western journalists and various subversive groups operating under the guise of "human rights". We are thus seeing in Syria various propaganda organs of the Western alliance meticulously attempting to hook the Western public onto yet another destructive war. Again, I want to reiterate that the news press in the United States has longed ceased reporting actual news; they are now busy creating news. In my opinion, it would be fully justified if Western journalists are categorized as combatants. Please watch the following by RT reports:
Mainscream Media: Iran hysteria stirring up in US:
'Media - West proxy to fuel Syria conflict':
Explosive Words: US media first to bomb Iran:
CIA & Western media's total fiasco in Syria:
CrossTalk: Turkish Hegemon?
US-backed Sunnis push Arab Spring to rule Muslim world:
Al-Qaeda agents worm into Syrian rebel army:
US backs Al-Qaeda to mutually destroy Syria:
Free Syrian Arms: US gives guns to Al-Qaeda protege:
There may be opportunities for Yerevan
В три раза больше:
I reiterate, these developments can prove very beneficial for Armenia. Are Armenian officials up to the task of recognizing and exploiting beneficial situations as they evolve?
Moscow-Yerevan-Tehran Axis?
Although Russia and Armenia are in a close alliance that is considered strategic in nature, the same cannot be said of the relationship that currently exists between Moscow and Tehran or Yerevan and Tehran. However, as tensions escalate in the region, Moscow, Yerevan and Tehran may eventually feel the need to form a trilateral alliance. If such an alliance forms, it will have been done out of necessity.
It must be pointed out that Kremlin officials are reluctantly supporting the regime in Tehran. It is no secret that Tehran has hegemonic intentions in the region. Iran has had political designs in the Caucasus and Central Asia, both seen by Moscow as its zones of influence. Unbeknownst to many, the government in Iran was involved in aiding Islamic movements that plagued the Caucasus and Central Asia throughout the 1990s. In an ideal world, Moscow would rather Iran not become a nuclear power. But sadly we don't live in an ideal world. We live in a world that is being turned into a battlefield. Therefore, Moscow feels forced to protect Tehran due to some serious long-term geostrategic considerations.
Simply put, although it distrusts it, Moscow nevertheless sees Tehran as a natural buffer against Western, Turkish and Arabic expansionism. Realizing that a much greater threat looms not too far away, Moscow may eventually be forced to seek a deeper alliance with Tehran. If that happens, Armenia will naturally be drawn into this alliance. The following is an interesting 2009 commentary about this topic by Brazil's Pepe Escobar -
Iran/Russia - a deadly embrace (Part 1):
Iran/Russia - a deadly embrace (Part 2):
Russia playing an increasingly visible role
As already pointed out, there may still be opportunities in all this for Yerevan. But whether or not Armenians have the political maturity or the strategic foresight to recognize and take advantage of such opportunities is altogether another question. Nonetheless, the Middle East is now a volatile powder-keg on the verge of exploding. Stuck in close proximity of this explosive mess, responsible military officials in Yerevan are rightfully sticking as close to Moscow as possible. As it has been for hundreds of years, after Armenians themselves, Russia is the only guarantor of Armenia's existence in the south Caucasus.
As the situation in the Middle East continues to escalate, Moscow and Yerevan are beginning to implement a series of measures to ensure they are safeguarded from any possible fallout. But the potential of a major war breaking out in the region is not the only worry in Yerevan and Moscow today. The threat that Armenia and Russia faces today is two-fold. As pointed out in earlier commentaries, through its many human assets and organizational levers, Washington has been carefully seeding the political landscape in Armenia and Russia for unrest. Having failed miserably in trying to foment unrest in Russia before, during and after President Putin's reelection, they may begin placing more emphasis on Armenia in the coming months.
Faced with the possibility of a major regional war and internal unrest, officials in Yerevan and Moscow need to have the courage and foresight to either shutdown or closely monitor the actions of various Western funded NGOs, independent journalists, rights campaigners and political activists within Armenia and Russia. Any Armenian in Armenia that currently is or has ever been connected to Western organizations need to be placed under surveillance by counter-terrorism units. Moscow has made a lot of headway in this regard in recent years; I now want to see Moscow assist Yerevan in doing the same in Armenia.
Armenia is vulnerable to Western meddling
Due to very low living standards, incompetent officials, high underemployment and a politically illiterate citizenry, Armenia is particularly a very vulnerable nation on the brink of a major political disaster. Armenia's political illiterates and Western mercenaries parading as independent journalists, rights activists and opposition politicians simply cannot be given the "democratic" freedom to undermine the Armenian statehood by their pursuits of a Grimm fairytale popularly known as around the world as "democracy". In other words, Yerevan cannot risk becoming the next victim of the Anglo-American-Zionist alliance and it's Turkic and Islamic friends. Armenia cannot risk becoming a failed state as a result of playing with the devil. Therefore, if official Yerevan has to take the initiative by breaking a few heads to ensure the safety of the embattled Armenian state and preserve its strategically crucial alliance with Moscow, then so be it.
In the turbulent times that lay ahead, the interior ministry in Armenia needs to keep a very close eye on Armenia's Western funded activists and Yerevan needs to keep as close to Moscow as possible.
Despite the reptilian talk we hear in Washington about a so-called "reset" in Western relations with Moscow, what we currently have in reality is the continuation of the Cold War between Moscow and the West. We are seeing tensions between Moscow and the West rise over important matters such as missile defense, NATO expansion, Western meddling in Russian domestic affairs, energy exploration in the Arctic, espionage, color revolutions, Georgia, Syria, Iran... In short, there has clearly been a bipolarization of relations between Moscow and the West is recent years. I call this new bout of competitive rivalry between East and West - Cold War II - and I essentially blame the West for bringing the world to this point.
Having said that, however, I see the Russian Federation today acting more in the spirit of its Czarist ancestry rather than its Soviet legacy. Similar to how the Russian Empire played an organic role in global affairs throughout much of the 18th and 19th centuries, the Russian Federation today has evolved into becoming a major geopolitical factor on the global stage. Moscow is gradually becoming a pivotal factor in global affairs and this has not come a moment too soon.
April, 2012
'Israel leads needy Obama into Iran strike':
Back Homs: Rebels flee, French troops captured by army:
US Total War: 'Martial law at home, hawks over Iran':
CIA & Western media's total fiasco in Syria:
Pat Buchanan: 300 nukes in Israel yet Iran a threat?
CrossTalk: Iranoia:
Firestorm Forecast: 'Syria can set region ablaze':
Russia Is Ready to Use Military Power to Defend Iran and Syria:
Dozens dead as rebel bomb wave rips Syria's second city:
Empire: Targeting Iran:
CrossTalk: Syrian Series:
Lapdogs of War: Neo-conmen feed conflict hunger on Capitol Hill:
To bomb or not to bomb? US schizo over Iran attack:
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin charged Monday that the United States pursues its interests to the detriment of world security and served notice Russia would continue to oppose this if he returns to the Kremlin. At the same time, however, Putin stated that close and trusting relations between Moscow and Washington were of signal importance for the world in turbulent times and made clear Russia wanted such ties if based on mutual respect.
“I would not mention this topic if these games were not taking place right on Russia’s borders, if they had not undermined our security, if they did not work against stability in the world,” Putin wrote. “Our arguments are well known and I will not rehash them again. But unfortunately, they are not accepted by our Western partners.”
Russia has long said that the US missile plans pose a direct threat to Russia’s nuclear deterrent. The United States denies this and asserts the planned system is designed to thwart missiles launched by “rogue” states. The US-led NATO alliance, Putin said, had expanded to take in new members close to Russia, had overreached its authority in regulating international affairs and was establishing “facts on the ground” before the post-Cold War relationship between the bloc and Moscow could be worked out.
Putin said he agreed with those who argue that upholding human rights is the top obligation of sovereign states and said crimes against humanity should be punished by international courts. Arguing however that the need to protect human rights justified outside military intervention in sovereign states without UN approval resulted in deaths, violation of those same human rights and unpredictable consequences, Putin wrote. “Then we’re not talking about a noble cause but about elementary demagoguery,” he said.
The 59-year-old Russian leader expressed particular aversion to what he described as a concept of security among NATO members and particularly the United States which “fundamentally differs from ours.” ““The Americans are obsessed with the idea of ensuring their absolute invulnerability – a thing, I would point out, that is utopian and achievable neither from a technological nor a geopolitical standpoint. “And herein lies the problem. Absolute invulnerability for one means absolute vulnerability for all the others. It is impossible to agree with this perspective.”
Addressing the unrest in the Arab world, Putin said Russia would not permit a “Libyan scenario” to take place in Syria, where he said Moscow wanted to see an immediate halt in violence and a national dialogue to resolve the crisis. He defended the decision by Russia and China to veto a resolution earlier this month pushed by Washington and its European and Arab allies that Moscow said would have opened the door to foreign military intervention in Syria.
Russia in particular faced blistering criticism that “bordered on hysterical” from Western countries for its decision, Putin said, adding that Moscow strongly hoped the United States and others would not resort to force in Syria without UN approval. Referring more widely to the Arab Spring, Putin said that efforts backed by the United States and the West to bring about “democracy with the help of violent methods” were unpredictable and often led to precisely the opposite result.
“Certain forces, including religious extremists, are emerging who are trying to change the direction of development of these countries and the secular nature of their governments,” he said.
Putin noted the importance that social networks and mobile devices had played in uprisings in several Arab states last year and said “soft power” had been used by states to advance their foreign policy goals there without resorting to force. At the same time, he warned, “soft power” and new communication methods were used to provoke extremism, separatism, nationalism, to manipulate public opinion and “interfere directly in the internal affairs of sovereign states.”
As he has in the past, Putin criticized non-governmental organizations that he said operated in one country but were paid for by another with the tacit aim of pushing the latter’s foreign policy objectives. On Iran, Putin said Russia was “alarmed” by reports of possible preparations for a military strike to cripple Tehran’s nuclear activities, warning that if such a thing happened “it would have truly catastrophic consequences” on a massive scale.
He said the world should recognize Iran’s right to develop a civilian nuclear program, including enrichment of uranium, for energy production under close supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency. In addition to his direct criticism of US behavior on the world stage, Putin said some policymakers within the United States – notably in the US Congress – were unable to abandon Cold War-era stereotypes and phobias about Russia.
Despite some progress in bilateral Russian-American relations, outdated perceptions in the United States about Russia – along with what he called US “political engineering” in regions close to Russia – still had a negative impact on bilateral relations, he said. Putin recalled however that in a 2007 meeting with former US president George W. Bush he had proposed a solution to resolve differences over missile defense which he said would have dramatically improved bilateral ties.
Putin said Russia’s proposals then on missile defense, which would have paved the way to a “qualitatively new, close and alliance-like model for cooperation in many other sensitive areas” were still on the table. “In relations with the US, we would be ready to go really far and to reach a substantial breakthrough provided the Americans conduct themselves according to principles of equal and mutually-respectful partnership,” Putin said.
The Russian leader acknowledged that his country had had little success in establishing a more positive image for itself in the world and insisted that while he would defend his country’s interests Russia did not want to be isolated. “We are ready to get to work on mutually-profitable cooperation, toward open dialogue with all of our foreign partners. We are working to understand and take account of the interests of our partners. We ask them to respect ours.”
For interventionists in Congress to claim that the Libyan intervention "served us well" is absurd in the extreme--unless the "us" excludes entirely the Libyan people. Libya wasn't a model--it was a thoroughly illegal, totally dysfunctional catastrophe. The fact that anyone can still tout Libya as a success without it being as politically-damaging and obviously ludicrous as claiming Iraq as a success is a testament to the complete disengagement of the American people and U.S. media. Consider these facts:
What is now known is that while the death toll in Libya when Nato intervened was perhaps around 1,000-2,000 (judging by UN estimates), eight months later it is probably more than ten times that figure. Estimates of the numbers of dead over the last eight months – as Nato leaders vetoed ceasefires and negotiations – range from 10,000 up to 50,000. The National Transitional Council puts the losses at 30,000 dead and 50,000 wounded.But of course, much worse atrocities would have been committed had we not intervened, right? President Obama told Congress he was compelled to intervene (with what is now apparently his own personal army) because "we knew that if we waited one more day, Benghazi – a city nearly the size of Charlotte – could suffer a massacre that would have reverberated across the region and stained the conscience of the world." It seems clear from the context, as Foreign Policy's Stephen Walt noted at the time, that:
the president seems to have been convinced that Qaddafi was about to unleash genuine mass killings of perhaps as many as 100,000 people, in a city of roughly 650,000 (remember his pointed reference to Benghazi being nearly the size of Charlotte?).But as Walt pointed out separately:
Although everyone recognizes that Qaddafi is a brutal ruler, his forces did not conduct deliberate, large-scale massacres in any of the cities he has recaptured, and his violent threats to wreak vengeance on Benghazi were directed at those who continued to resist his rule, not at innocent bystanders.
But the lie that was Libya is even more clear when you look at how the mission actually operated. From day one, NATO forces ignored the UN mandate and began bombing Libyan forces on the ground. More egregiously still, NATO strikes targeted Qaddafi, his family (including his grandchildren), and generic government sites. The "no-fly zone" to protect civilians was simply a useful cover for regime change.
As the war dragged on, the U.S. more fully demonstrated just how much more they cared about regime change than protecting civilians. NATO began to redefine "military" targets--striking Qaddafi-loyal rescuers who came to help after NATO strikes, killing 47 civilians in Sirte (similar to drone strikes on Pakistani rescuers). In July, NATO bombed Libya State TV killing three journalists. Later that month, strikes against other government officials killed 15 civilians. Finally, in October, U.S. drone strikes hit Qaddafi's convoy as he attempted to escape the city of Sirte. Rebel forces then captured him, sodomized him repeatedly with a knife, executed him, and then danced around his corpse lifting his head repeatedly for camera shots, wildly shooting weapons into the air.
Furthermore, the Independent Civil Society Mission to Libya described how rebel forces were creating ghost towns by driving out Qaddafi supporters as a form of punishment. Human Rights Watch reported on mass graves in Qaddafi's final stronghold of Sirte where Qaddafi supporters were executed with their hands tied behind their backs. As many as 500 people may have been murdered in this way. That war crimes were committed once Sirte was taken is no surprise given the level of destruction both NATO and Libyan forces inflicted on the city. The two month siege completely decimated the city, as seen in the picture above. The city was then subsequently looted.
Indiscriminate bombing throughout Libyan cities has displaced thousands of people in a massive humanitarian crisis that has been ignored by the West. Amnesty International reports:
While neighbouring countries, most notably Tunisia and Egypt, have received hundreds of thousands of third-country nationals fleeing Libya, member states of the European Union (EU) continued to enforce their border control policies and failed to guarantee safety for those escaping conflict. Since March, more than 1,500 fleeing men, women and children have perished at sea trying to cross the Mediterranean to Europe.Amnesty International has also reported on the makeshift prisons that were erected in "schools, football clubs, and apartments" that house thousands of alleged Qaddafi supporters and racial minorities erroneously believed to be Qaddafi mercenaries. These prisons are run by local councils and torture and beating are common. They write:
In one detention centre, Amnesty International delegates found a wooden stick and rope, and a rubber hose, of the kind that could have been used to beat detainees, including on the soles of their feet, a torture method known as falaqa. In another, they heard the sound of whipping and screams. Detainees are held without legal orders and, with rare exceptions, without any involvement of the General Prosecution, as the justice system remains paralysed.It has gotten so bad in post-Qaddafi Libya that Doctors Without Borders has stopped work in Libyan prisons in Misrata because prisoners "tortured and denied urgent medical care." Organization officials added that detainees were being tortured and treated, just so they could be tortured again. At least two inmates were tortured to death in this manner.
All the unlawful detention, torture, killings, mass graves, ghost towns, indiscriminate bombing, and other atrocities would have been one thing, but the fact that these events were enthusiastically backed indirectly by NATO and the CIA has exposed the U.S. humanitarian agenda as a complete fraud. Worse, even as the UN is reporting that the human rights violations are ongoing, the U.S. continues to back the new government blindly.
What the "Libyan model" shows is that not only are NATO governments not capable of intervening militarily to protect civilians, but that even if they were, they'd have no desire to.
Update: In May, eleven Libyan religious leaders were killed by U.S. missile strikes that hit a nearby "command and control" bunker (because the underground headquarters was a threat to "the Libyan civilian population.") Libyan Islamic leaders held a press conference after the attacks in which they "urged Muslims across the world to kill '1,000 people for each dead imam' across the world, namely in 'France, Italy, Denmark, Britain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.'" Interventions like these not only turn badly for the populations they affect--they ultimately turn badly for the intervening nation as well.
Update 2: Oil rich eastern Libya declared themselves "semi-autonomous" yesterday after years of neglect from the Tripoli government. The move could likely start a second civil war as National Transitional Council head Mustafa Abdel Jalil has rejected the move saying, "We are ready to deter them, even with force."
Press TV: You're a military man, what do you make of Russia's warning the West not to arm the opposition saying that armed groups will never be able to defeat the Syrian army even if it's 'armed to the teeth', which may cause slaughter for years?
Malouf: Foreign Minister Lavrov made that point saying that Russia would not vote in favor of the UN Security Council resolution and he's right. The resolution only addressed the Syrian government, it did not address the opposition or the arming of the opposition. Unfortunately, what's now occurring in Syria and even the threat to Iran by the Israelis is having a very serious effect on the Russians in terms of their own vital interests in the Middle East. So they see the crisis in Syria as a much larger problem regionally also for their own vital security interests. Their point is well taken that as long as you have outsiders aiding and abetting the opposition and arming them… When the opposition first started out they didn't have very much in terms of arms; now they have very exotic weapons. Where did they get those weapons? They had to come from the outside. You had Saudi Arabia arming and providing that kind of assistance; also to the Sunnis in the provinces in Iraq. The western-most provinces in Iraq now are being used as a springboard for the opposition to go in and wreak havoc on the government. The government of Syria has a right to defend itself; has a right to maintain law and order. And as long as you have opposition members shooting at them, the crisis is going to continue; the shooting is going to go on unabated and I think this actually plays into the hands of the insidious US plan to try to upset the regime. And the reason for that is that it is all aimed at trying to overthrow al-Assad and to divorce the Syrian government from any influence and relationship with Iran.
Unlike some Western leaders, Mr. Putin has viewed the events unfolding across the Middle East warily. His concerns have intensified in recent months because of the emergence of a sizeable protest movement in Russia opposed to his return to the presidency, which he is seeking in the election next month. Mr. Putin has blamed the United States, and in particular Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, for instigating the protests against him. In his remarks on Wednesday, Mr. Putin referred to the continued disorder in Libya and warned of the “horrible consequences of interference.”
“In the last decade, unfortunately, a cult of violence has come to the fore in international affairs, and this cannot but cause worry,” he said. “We cannot allow anything like this to come to our country.”
Syria is also on Mr. Putin’s mind. His country faces mounting international pressure to end its support of Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, and back an Arab League plan to halt the increasingly deadly conflict there. Moscow drew strong condemnation from Western and Arab governments for joining China in vetoing a United Nations Security Council resolution last weekend.
In the aftermath of the veto, Russia has been trying to broker a peace process of some kind between Mr. Assad’s government and opposition forces. The foreign minister, Sergei V. Lavrov, met with Mr. Assad in Damascus on Tuesday, and announced on Wednesday that Syria’s vice-president would seek to open talks with opposition forces in the country; he called on Western and Arab leaders to support Russia’s efforts.
“We consider this willingness to be an important factor to be taken into consideration, and hope that all who have some kind of influence over the opposition will urge them to begin such dialogue,” Mr. Lavrov said.
Russia’s president, Dmitri A. Medvedev, discussed the Syrian crisis with Turkey’s prime minister on Wednesday, saying Moscow supported continuing talks to end the conflict, including within the Security Council, as long as no country interfered with Syria’s sovereignty. According to a Kremlin statement, Mr. Medvedev said the latest draft of the Arab League-backed resolution “would not have allowed for an unbiased evaluation of the situation in Syria or have guaranteed that calls for an end to shooting and bloodshed were addressed to both sides in the conflict.”
“The resolution would not have enabled the search for a peaceful resolution to this crisis,” the Kremlin statement said. Few believe that Russia has enough clout with either Mr. Assad or the Syrian opposition to broker a deal that could halt the violence. But for Mr. Putin, that may not be as important as standing up to the West. “There is a sense that today the Western bloc, together with our Arab colleagues, have decided to play the role of empire of evil once ascribed to the Soviet Union by Ronald Regan,” said Yevgeny Y. Satanovsky, president of the Institute for Middle East and Israel Studies. “Someone must try to stop them.”
Coming so late in the game, the attempt at reconciliation is bound to fail. Syria’s civil war has de facto begun, and it will not end soon. America, Europe, Turkey and the Gulf states have already given Assad a thumbs down. But the Russian mediation might have had a chance if Lavrov and Fradkov had come to Damascus last summer, or even last fall, and kept coming in an exercise of shuttle diplomacy. Given Russia’s role as Syria’s traditional backer and arms supplier, Moscow might have been more successful as a peacemaker than Ankara. Today, Lavrov and Fradkov’s mission looks more like a face-saving gesture.
Dmitri Trenin, director of the Carnegie Moscow Center, is the author, most recently, of “Post-Imperium: A Eurasian Story.”
Seemingly undeterred by an international outcry, Moscow has worked frantically in recent weeks to preserve its relationship with the increasingly isolated government of Mr. Assad, even as the Syrian leader turns his guns on his own citizens, and the death toll mounts. Not only has it continued to arm Syria, but its veto with China of a United Nations Security Council resolution calling on Mr. Assad to resign provided the political cover for a more severe crackdown on rebel forces.
Russia has praised Mr. Assad’s call for a constitutional referendum, a step that the United States and other governments have dismissed as meaningless. On Thursday, Russia was one of just a dozen countries, among them China, Iran and North Korea, to vote against a General Assembly resolution urging Mr. Assad to step down. And many analysts say that without Russia’s backing, including a steady supply of weapons, food, medical supplies and other aid, the Assad government will crumble within a matter of months if not sooner.
It has done all this in the face of stinging international criticism, and so far it has shown no signs of backing down. While Moscow has a number of reasons to guard its relations with Damascus, the most concrete, many analysts say, is the longstanding arms sales to Syria. The chief spokesman for Rosoboronexport, the state-owned weapons trading company, said last week that absent any new directive from the Kremlin, business with the Assad government would continue as before.
“We understand the situation has become aggravated in Syria,” the spokesman, Vyacheslav N. Davidenko, said in an interview. “But since there are no international decisions, and there are no sanctions from the U.N. Security Council, and there are no other decisions, our cooperation with Syria — the military-technical cooperation — remains quite active and dynamic.”
Regional political events have played a part. The Arab Spring and the American-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have dissipated Russia’s once-powerful influence in the region, transforming the relationship into one of critical importance to Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin, who is running for president and wants to expand Russia’s role as a global powerbroker.
“Syria is kind of it in the Middle East at this point for Russia,” said Dmitry Gorenburg, a Russia expert with the Center for Naval Analyses, a federally financed research group based in Virginia. “That can go a long way toward explaining why Russia stuck with Assad for the last year.”
The Kremlin is also eager to send a stern message to the West about its distaste for interference in any country’s internal affairs — a point it reiterated in voting against the General Assembly resolution last week. Russia’s United Nations ambassador, Vitaly I. Churkin, said the resolution “reflects the alarming trend to try to isolate the Syrian leadership, to refuse any contacts with it, to impose a formula for political settlement from outside.”
Instead, Russian officials have called for both the Assad government and the opposition in Syria to agree to a cease-fire. And the Russian Foreign Ministry has praised the plans for a constitutional referendum. “Moscow sees this step as evidence that the Syrian leadership, despite the complicated security situation, is implementing the promises made to the people of realizing deep political and socioeconomic transformations,” the ministry said in a statement.
But if the talk from Russia is heavy on respecting Syria’s autonomy, and avoiding the chaos that has engulfed Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Egypt, arms exports have long anchored the relationship between Moscow and Damascus, including sales over the years of MIG fighter jets, attack helicopters and high-tech air defense systems. While the ouster and death of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi in Libya and the imposition of sanctions on Iran have sharply curtailed other formerly lucrative arms markets for Russia, Syria has increased its weapons purchases, including a deal late last year for Yak-130 light attack planes worth more than $550 million.
From 2007 to 2010, the value of Russian arms deals with Syria more than doubled — to $4.7 billion from $2.1 billion — compared with 2003 to 2006, according to an annual report by Richard F. Grimmett, a veteran international security specialist at the Congressional Research Service in Washington. During the same period, the value of Russia’s weapons deals with Iran fell to $300 million from $2.1 billion.
In a sign of the intensifying diplomatic pressure on the Kremlin, Russian officials have visited Syria and called for a truce. And the deputy defense secretary, Anatoly Antonov, recently insisted that no Russian weapons were being used against the opposition forces in Syria — but he offered no basis for the assertion. Russian officials have forcefully pushed back against any suggestion of an arms embargo against Syria, which they say would handcuff Mr. Assad’s government while allowing the opposition to continue acquiring weapons.
While Mr. Davidenko, the spokesman for Russia’s weapons company, acknowledged the longstanding ties between Moscow and Damascus, he said that some analysts were exaggerating the importance of Syria as an arms customer, noting that India, now the world’s overall largest importer of weapons, had also become Russia’s biggest customer these days. Still, Mr. Davidenko conceded that Russia had lost billions of dollars
in potential arms business as a result of sanctions against Iran and the change of power in Libya. In Libya alone, he said, the new government has suspended about $4 billion in previously agreed-upon contracts.
The Libya experience weighed heavily in Russia’s Security Council veto. Mr. Putin, for one, was furious at the NATO-led airstrikes against Colonel Qaddafi after Russia and China agreed not to veto a resolution creating a no-fly zone over the nation. Russian officials said that they were also led to believe that existing arms agreements would be honored by the new Libyan government, but that so far that has not been the case. “All of that made them very dubious that anything the U.N. Security Council passes that makes mention of Assad stepping down could be used as carte blanche for folks interested in regime change,” Mr. Gorenburg, of the Center for Naval Analyses, said.
Russian domestic politics are also a concern, especially with the presidential election just two weeks away. More than two million Russians work for military-related businesses, and they represent a slice of the electorate that officials never want to malign. On Thursday, the government announced plans to spend about $100 billion through 2020 to modernize its military-industrial complex. Russia’s ties to Syria are old and deep. A Russian naval station at Tartus, in northern Syria, is its only military installation outside of former Soviet territories.
There are numerous other economic and cultural bonds, including the presence of Russian companies working in oil and natural gas in Syria, as well as a proposal for the state-owned nuclear energy company, Rosatom, to build a power plant there. Other Russian companies have interests in agriculture, irrigation and
telecommunications in Syria. Syria, however, has a checkered history when it comes to paying for its weapons. Mr. Assad arrived in Moscow for his first state visit in 2005, with his country owing Russia about $13.5 billion. Mr. Putin welcomed him warmly at a ceremony in St. George Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace. Their wives met for tea.
At the time, the two leaders signed a “joint declaration on friendship and cooperation,” and Russia agreed to write off nearly 75 percent of Syria’s unpaid bills. Many Syrian arms purchases are financed by loans, said Ruslan Aliev, an arms-trade specialist at the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, a Moscow research group. “They are old customers, but theyare very poor,” Mr. Aliev said of the Syrians. “They don’t have enough money — not like Saudi Arabia or United Arab Emirates.
Though there is as of yet no solid proof of any nation arming any rebel factions, the Turkish government has openly backed the Free Syrian Army (FSA), and is providing media access to its leadership through the Turkish Foreign Ministry. The FSA is made up of defectors from the Syrian military, led by Col. Riad al-Assad. Many of the defectors have made their way out of Syria with weapons taken from barracks, so it is unclear if they even need arms.
Still, while we can’t prove that arms are flowing yet, officials have given us reason to believe such aid may be forthcoming. Rep. Steve Chabot (R – OH), the head of the House subcommittee on the Middle East, is openly calling for armament of the rebels.
The statement went on to criticize the “ultimatums issued to only one side of the conflict,” while, at the same time, calling for “regime change” as a mandatory precondition for settling the unrest. The Russian deputies say they condemn military intervention in the affairs of foreign countries and the imposition of solutions from outside. "Russia will not support a single document that implies or allows such intervention without the UN Security Council's direct approval," the lawmakers said.Pushkov warned against using unsubstantiated “humanitarian reasons” for justifying military intervention in foreign countries, and turning the United Nations and the Security Council “into an ally for one side of a civil conflict."
These activities are advanced by the help of western media, Pushkov believes, which promote a particular set of 'facts' that are usually impossible to prove. He called for a bigger presence of Russian media in the international arena in order to create greater transparency in news coverage."This is a serious matter for our information policy," the deputy said. Russia has expressed alarm over the increasing tendency of foreign powers – notably NATO countries – to resolve internal conflicts in foreign countries through military force. The latest such intervention happened in Libya, which recently experienced a full-blown civil war.
Following the passage of a UN resolution on Libya that called for the protection of innocent civilians, NATO countries launched a massive aerial offensive that inflicted heavy casualties. Russia and other countries say NATO “overstepped its mandate” by apparently taking the side of the militant opposition. The NATO mission attracted further condemnation when video footage showed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi being taken alive by the National Liberation Army in Sirte, moments before being summarily executed by his captors.
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is battling al Qaeda-backed "terrorists" including at least 15,000 foreign fighters who will seize towns across Syria if government troops withdraw, a Russian diplomat said on Thursday. Russia is a staunch defender of Syria despite international condemnation of the crackdown by Assad's forces and evidence of human rights abuses against unarmed civilians.
Addressing a one-day humanitarian forum on Syria at the United Nations in Geneva, Russia's deputy ambassador Mikhail Lebedev said rebels had recently committed large-scale attacks against Syrian infrastructure, including schools and hospitals. "Rebel groups attack, kill, torture and intimidate the civilian population. The flow of all kind of terrorists from some neighboring countries is always increasing," Lebedev told the forum.
Asked by Reuters how many foreign fighters were believed to be in Syria, he said: "How many got in through illegal routes? The border there is not demarcated, not delimited, so nobody knows. But at least 15,000." On Thursday, Kofi Annan, the U.N.-Arab League envoy to Syria, said he would urge Assad and his foes to stop fighting and seek a political solution, drawing angry rebukes from dissidents.
Russia wants a ceasefire by all parties and an inclusive political dialogue. Lebedev told the U.N. meeting criticism of Assad was overdone. "We urge our partners not to yield to temptation to exaggerate things but to expedite a balanced and professional approach to delivering help to all segments of the Syrian population with no exception," he said. "Most of the militants are indeed directly or closely affiliated with al Qaeda."
Lebedev told Reuters the information about al Qaeda links in Syria was an "unambiguous fact" but declined to say if Russia would provide the U.N. with evidence to back its allegation Syrian rebels were committing torture. "All I know is that all the way through (the wars in the Russian region of) Chechnya nobody believed us when we said the Islamic underground, including terrorist organizations, was developing its operations on our soil," he said.
In an interview with SANA's correspondent in Moscow, Ivashov said that the west is also targeting Syria because of its position in the Arab world and its unique style of development that can serve as a role model of Arab people, noting that the international financial circles that organized the campaign against Syria don't want the Syrian model to succeed and continue its independent policy.
He pointed out that the third stage of the U.S. plan to destabilize Syria is taking place, and that this stage consists of carrying out sabotage and assassinations, causing bloodshed, and taking the situation from a political track to a combat track. Ivashov explained that the second stage consisted of inciting armed confrontations with the army and law-enforcement forces, while the first stage involved amassing funds and weapons, carrying out a strong media misdirection campaign, and organizing armed terrorist groups.
In this context, Ivashov criticized the intense media and psychological war waged by some mass media establishments and satellite channels against Syria to cause chaos, fear and panic. He also lauded the Syrian media which is confronting the media weapons and uncovering its lies and misdirection to the public opinion. Ivashov voiced confidence that Syria will emerge from this crisis stronger and more resilient due to the initiatives of President Bashar al-Assad, and that Syria will succeed in foiling the acts of terrorist and sabotage planned by the Mossad and western intelligence agencies.
He also condemned the acts of sabotage that targeted a passenger train between Aleppo and Damascus and an oil pipeline in Homs. On a relevant note, Ivashov pointed out that the U.S. organized a training course in a neighboring country for Syrian opposition, providing them with instructions and directions to carry out acts of terrorism and sabotage in Syria and exploit the just demands of some Syrians, adding that the Syrian leadership began finding solutions to these demands by issuing a number of legislations and reform laws.
Resisting Pressure and Foreign Interference the Only Way Out for Syria
In an article published recently in Serbia's Novi Standard newspaper, Ivashov said that resisting pressures and foreign interference is the only way for Syria to emerge from its current situation. Ivashov said that Syria works with a stable foreign and internal policy, and that President Bashar al-Assad's political strategy is based on tackling the issue of defense and security on the bases of national, social and political unity of Syrian society, creating an independent policy that doesn't appeal to the United States and its bid for controlling the world.
He pointed out that the U.S. uses all methods to fight the countries it labels as enemies, including revolutionary technology and military force, along with international organization, in addition to using the resources of countries under U.S. and NATO influence to form clandestine units of extremists and mercenaries to fight countries that attempt to follow and independent and free policies.
Ivashov said that mass media opposed to Syria try to pass criminal acts as protests, and that the arrests of gang members are repression of political rights and liberties, with the U.S. truing to push through with a Security Council resolution to impose a blockade on Syria. However, after the experience in Libya, Russia and China thwarted these attempts.
He added that U.S. President Barack Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy are in a delicate situation, as they must go into elections after suffering one defeat after the other; first in Libya and now in Syria. Ivashov concluded by saying that Syrians must either resist western pressure or end up like Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq.
Armenia Ready to Provide Site for Russian Radar
On his return to Moscow, April 6, the Russian army let it be known that highly-advanced mobile S-400 surface-to-air missiles had been moved into Kaliningrad, the Baltic enclave bordered by Poland and Lithuania, its response to US plans for an anti-Iran missile shield system in Europe and the Middle East. In Yerevan, the Russian minister finalized a deal for the establishment of an advanced Russian radar station in the Armenian mountains to counter the US radar set up at the Turkish Kurecik air base, our sources disclose.
This is because President Barak Obama is advised by his campaign strategists that the way to the American voter’s heart in November is through burnishing his image as a “balanced and responsible” multinational diplomat, in contrast with his Republican rivals’ hawkish support of an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear program. In the case of Syria, the White House finds itself on the same side as the UN and the Kremlin.
They all share the common goal of obstructing Western and Arab military intervention in Syria at all costs.
Hundreds of Syrian protesters are still paying the price in blood - although its dimensions of the butchery are frequently exaggerate by the opposition. After brutalizing his population for thirteen months, Bashar Assad is more or less on top of the revolt in Syria’s main cities, excepting the Idlib province and one or two pockets in and around Homs. He used the extra days afforded him by Kofi Annan’s deadline for the ruthless purge of the last remnants of resistance in small towns and villages, cetain that Moscow, the UN secretary - and Washington, by default - would do nothing to stop him.
Should current circumstances shoot off in unforeseen directions – for instance, a Syrian government poison chemical or biological weapon attack causing hundreds of dead, over and above the 9,000 confirmed by UN figures – Obama might be forced to resort to limited military action, pulling in the Turkish army. This has not yet happened. That the Russians are not letting the grass grow under their feet, turning Middle East bushfires to their advantage and closing one American Middle East option after another, appears to be a minor consideration in Washington up until November.
Eyewitness reports mentioned over 300 vehicles including armored personnel carriers, Ural ferries, and armored command vehicles on the way to Dagestan. T-90 tanks and multiple rocket launcher systems were already moved to Dagestan from Chechnya. According to official explanations, "some forces of the Provisional Task Force will be moved from Chechnya to Dagestan and transformed into the Interior Ministry's Tactical Force." Dagestani Security Council Secretary Magomed Baachilov, however, called it "planned rotation".
Both explanations are lame, of course. Official explanation is invalidated by the simple fact that no Tactical Force ever needs so many heavy armored vehicles and Grad launchers. Baachilov's is plain rubbish on account of the scope of the so called rotation. The impression is that a major operation against the extremist underground is planned in Dagestan. Or else the federal center knows something that warrants deployment of an equivalent of two divisions... in addition to the 136th Brigade quartered in Buinaksk, Marines in Kaspiisk, and countless OMON units.
There is, however, a third hypothesis as well. "As matters stand, there are between 55,000 and 57,000 servicemen quartered in the republic... discounting local law enforcement agencies... It is rumored here that come summer Azerbaijan will make another go at Nagorno-Karabakh and try to reabsorb the runaway region. All this military might concentrated in Dagestan is meant as a warning to Baku, a message that Russia will stand by Armenia," said a source in Dagestani security structures.
Source: Argumenty Nedeli, No 11, March 22, 2012, p. 2
“It is hard to predict consequences [of military action] but they would obviously be very serious and negative,” he told a joint news conference. “It would affect the security of not only Armenia but also Azerbaijan given the fact that there are three times as many ethnic Azerbaijanis in Iran as in Azerbaijan.”
Reacting to the leaked UN Palmer Report on the 2010 flotilla fiasco, which found that Israel’s naval blockade of the Gaza Strip is legal and that the passengers aboard the "Mavi Marmara" were cruising for a bruising, Erdogan’s government has taken to issuing thuggish pronunciamentos. At issue is the fact that Israel refused to apologize to Turkey for killing nine Turkish nationals in the Mediterranean. Israel reckons that to do so would be an insult to the commandos who abseiled onto the "Mavi Marmara" only to be bludgeoned, stabbed, and shot.
Erdogan's Justice and Development Party (AKP) has tried to have it both ways on the flotilla. It banned its own members from participating in order to distance itself from what was obviously a blockade-running provocation. Yet ranking AKP members are on the board of IHH, the Turkish "charity" that organized the event.
Anatolian Chest-Poundings
And Erdogan's refusal to let the 2011 flotilla start out from Istanbul -- at the urging of Washington -- complicates the government's claims of having no control over a supposedly independent NGO. Needless to say, bilateral relations with Israel have gone from lousy to dire. “The eastern Mediterranean will no longer be a place where Israeli naval forces can freely exercise their bullying practices against civilian vessels,” one Turkish official said, promising a military escort for all future “aid” ships to Gaza -- assuming, that is, that these ships can outfox the savvy Israeli lawyers who made the sequel set-sail a busted flush.
From the sound of it, Turkey now wants to become the chief maritime bully. Part and parcel with its “more aggressive strategy” in the eastern Mediterranean is its attempt to stop Israel from mining its huge natural gas and oil fields, recent discoveries which some experts predict will make the Jewish state one of the largest -- and wealthiest -- energy exporters in the world. The threat by a NATO member to skirmish on the high seas with a major U.S. ally follows other Anatolian chest-poundings.
Earlier in the week, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, whose foreign policy vision used to be known as “no problems with the neighbors,” announced that Ankara would be expelling all Israeli Embassy officials above the rank of second secretary. Erdogan wants to visit Gaza in the coming days to increase “international attention” on Israel’s siege of the strip. This from the man who previously said that he doesn’t think Hamas is a terrorist group. Erdogan's visit is sure to impress upon Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas which party the AKP would like see ruling the Palestinian state the UN is about to recognize.
A Dirty Little Secret
Finally, Erdogan vowed to suspend all military relations and defense industry trade between Turkey and Israel. Years ago, this might have been significant. Yet here’s a dirty little secret: Greece, which diplomatically facilitated the second flotilla’s deep-sixing, is fast replacing Turkey as Israel’s favorite regional military partner.
Not only is flight distance between Israel and Greece the same as that between Israel and Iran, but the Hellenes have got S-300 antiaircraft missiles that the mullahs have been itching to buy from Russia in order to deter an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Joint Israeli-Greek military exercises are therefore seen as very valuable at the moment. The Israelis and Palestinians have had their share of Turkish strong-arming, but so have the Syrians.
Indeed, the reason that a Syrian National Council was hastily announced on Al-Jazeera late last month, following weeks of oppositionist wrangling and backbiting at a conference in Istanbul, is that a faction of Syrian youth activists had grown tired of seeing the AKP trying to make their revolution a Muslim Brotherhood-led affair. (What better way to minimize the Islamists than to propose a secular French sociologist chairman of a Syrian National Council, as a group of youth activists did last month?)
Erdogan did happy business with Bashar al-Assad while he could, but he now wants to make sure that any post-Assad state consists of loyal Sunni ideologues. That'd be one way to undercut Iran’s influence in the Middle East, and never mind that the people bleeding and dying in Syria are mostly apolitical kids who don’t trust neo-Ottoman power brokers any more than they do former regime apologists.
Turkish intelligence and the Muslim Brotherhood are also trying to co-opt the Syrian Free Army of rebel soldiers, according to Syrian sources. "They are the only ones connected to them," one opposition activist told me recently. "I'd rather the Syrian Free Army connect to the CIA. Tell your NATO friends that I extend them an open invitation to Syria."
Michael Weiss is the communications director of The Henry Jackson Society, a foreign policy think tank based in London. The views expressed in this commentary are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of RFE/RL
Secret documents released by WikiLeaks last April revealed that Israel had been using the former Soviet republic's soil over the past four years to spy on Iran. The document in the US Embassy in Baku, sent to Washington in January 2009, refers to a visit by the Azeri president's advisor for security and defense issues, Vahid Aliyev, to Israel. According to the WikiLeaks cable, the trip was aimed at signing a contract with Tel Aviv which allowed Israel to use Azerbaijan's soil for its spying activities against Iran. The US diplomatic cable further discloses an arms deal between the two sides.
According to the leaked cables, Azerbaijani authorities banned all anti-Israeli protest gatherings anywhere near Tel Aviv's Embassy in Baku during the Israeli offensive against the Gaza Strip at the turn of 2009. Prior to the leak, there were reports about the operations of Israeli spying cells on the Iranian-Azeri border under the cover of farming activities. Separatist groups and members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization are also freely operating within Azerbaijan's borders.
"Following the movements of the terrorists involved in (the) assassination of Iranian scientists in Azerbaijan and the facilities provided to them to go to Tel Aviv in collaboration with Mossad spy networks, Azeri Ambassador to Iran Javanshir Akhundov was summoned to the Foreign Ministry to hear the protest of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Azeri government," Tehran said in a statement.
According to the report, the Foreign Ministry's director general for the Commonwealth of Independent States and Caucasus delivered a letter of protest calling on the Azeri government to halt anti-Iran operations of "Mossad spy networks" in Azeri territory. Iran has frequently accused Israel of having a hand in the assassination of scientists such as Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, killed by a bomb in January. Iran's protest came on the heels of a London Times interview with a man claiming to be an Azerbaijan-based agent of Mossad who confirmed the Israeli intelligence agency has a base in the Caucasian country.
The man, identified in the article as "Shimon," told the British paper that there were dozens of Israeli Mossad agents working out of the base. "(Baku) is ground zero for intelligence work," he said. "Our presence here is quiet, but substantial. We have increased our presence in the past year, and it gets us very close to Iran. This is a wonderfully porous country." Arastun Orujlu, a former Azeri counter-intelligence officer and director of the Baku East-West Research Center compared the area to "Norway during WWI or Casablanca during WW2 — it is at the centre of the espionage world."
Orujlu believes that there are "only a few Mossad agents working there… but they operate in a more effective way," than the Iranian intelligence agents, who he said number in the thousands. "The Iranians act in the open, they want everyone to know that they are here. The Israelis are more subtle, like the Americans. But in the end everyone knows they are here too."
Azerbaijan Makes Massive Israeli Weapons Purchase - But Not Because of Iran
Israeli defense officials Sunday confirmed $1.6 billion in deals to sell drones as well as anti-aircraft and missile-defense systems to Azerbaijan, bringing sophisticated Israeli technology to the doorstep of archenemy Iran. The sales by state-run Israel Aerospace Industries come at a delicate time. Israel has been laboring hard to form diplomatic alliances in a region that seems to be growing increasingly hostile to the Jewish state. Its most pressing concern is Iran's nuclear program, and Israeli leaders have hinted broadly they would be prepared to attack Iranian nuclear facilities if they see no other way to keep Iran from building bombs... As Iran's nuclear showdown with the West deepens, the Islamic Republic sees the Azeri frontier as a weak point, even though both countries are mostly Shiite Muslim.
Through its close relations with Israel, Azerbaijan gets a level of access to the quality weapon systems it needs to develop its army that it can not obtain from the U.S. and Europe due to various legal limitations, nor from its ex-Soviet suppliers, Belarus and Ukraine. Where other Western nations are reluctant to sell ground combat systems to the Azerbaijanis for fear of encouraging Azerbaijan to resort to war to regain NK and the occupied territories, Israel is free to make substantial arms sales and benefits greatly from deals with its well-heeled client. In September 2008 ) again in a little-publicized affair ) the GOAJ signed an extensive agreement with the Israeli Defense Ministry providing for three Israeli companies to provide mortars, ammunition, rocket artillery and radio equipment. The company "Soltam" got the contract to provide mortars and ammunition, "Tadiran Communications" will provide radio gear, and Israeli Military Industries will provide the rockets. IMI sells a range of rocket artillery and accessories ranging from upgrade kits for Soviet vintage BM-21 &Grad8 122mm systems, guidance packages for 122mm-300mm rockets and launch vehicles for up to 300mm rockets. It was not clear what exactly the Azerbaijanis bought, as the deal was simply described as being worth "hundreds of millions of dollars." Azerbaijan already operates IMI's 122mm "Lynx" multiple-launch rocket system, which it mounts on a KAMAZ 63502 heavy truck.

Russia warned Israel on Wednesday that attacking Iran would be a disastrous and played down the failure of a U.N. nuclear agency mission to Tehran, saying there is still a chance for new talks over the Iranian atomic program. Russia warned Israel on Wednesday that attacking Iran would be a disastrous and played down the failure of a U.N. nuclear agency mission to Tehran, saying there is still a chance for new talks over the Iranian atomic program. "Of course any possible military scenario against Iran will be catastrophic for the region and for the whole system of international relations," Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov told a news conference.
It was one of Russia's starkest warnings against resorting to force, an option Israel and the United States have not ruled out if they conclude that diplomacy and increasing sanctions will not stop Iran from developing a nuclear bomb. "I hope Israel understands all these consequences ... and they should also consider the consequences of such action for themselves," Gatilov said. "I hope a realistic approach will prevail, along with a sensible assessment."
Russia, China as well as many allies of the United States are concerned that any military action against Iran could engulf the Middle East in wider war, which would send oil prices rocketing at a time of global economic troubles. Iran has threatened to retaliate for any attack, or even if it feels endangered, by closing the Strait of Hormuz, the conduit for Gulf oil exports crucial to the global economy, and hitting Israel and U.S. interests in the Middle East.
Tehran has refused to stop sensitive nuclear work such as uranium enrichment despite four rounds of U.N. sanctions and a slew of additional measures imposed by the United States and the European Union, which fear Tehran is seeking nuclear weapons. The Islamic Republic says its efforts to produce nuclear fuel are solely for electricity generation.
The failure of two days of talks between Iran and senior International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) officials, who were refused access to a military site where they believe Iran tested explosives of use in nuclear weapons, dimmed the chances of Western powers agreeing to renew broader negotiations with Iran. A warning from Iran's clerical supreme leader on Wednesday, hours after the Tehran talks concluded, that no obstacle would derail Iran's nuclear course added to tensions.
Gatilov suggested that Iran should be more cooperative but there is more room for diplomacy. He said Iran's discussions with Russia, China, the United States, Britain, France and Germany, frozen for a year, could still be revived. "Iran and IAEA should boost their dialogue in order to rule out the ... possibility of the existence of military dimensions in the Iranian nuclear program. We hope that this dialogue will be continued," he said. "I think we still have opportunity to continue diplomatic efforts, to renew the six-nation talks."
Russia, which built Iran's first nuclear power plant, has often stressed the need for talks and that too much coercive pressure on Iran is counterproductive, a stance that has prompted concerns Moscow has helped Tehran play for time. Last week, Russia said global powers must be serious about proposing solutions Iran might accept, warning that Tehran's desire for compromise was waning as it moved closer to being technically capable of building atomic weapons.
According to a Russian newspaper, the ethnic Armenian population in the region wants to separate from Georgia and declare its independence. The paper names Georgia’s efforts to join NATO as the major reason for their complaint, as when Georgia is granted membership it will "automatically" become a major Turkish ally, which is supposedly unacceptable to the Armenian population in Javakheti. This is the opinion of Agas Aramyan, the leader of an organization called Javakhk Diaspora in Russia, but not necessarily that of the people living in the region itself.
So far, such provocative statements had been ignored by the Georgian leadership. But on Monday, Deputy Foreign Minister Nino Kalandadze deigned to comment, saying that ethnic conflicts in Georgia are in the interests of the Russian Federation. She also mentioned that Armenia successfully cooperates with NATO. But the idea of separatism is still promoted by certain forces supported by the Kremlin, which is actively trying to implement this project.
Officially, Yerevan is taking a wise policy. The government there has not made any anti-Georgian statements; on the contrary, it is trying to develop good neighbourly relations between the two states. This position is shared by the Georgian side as well, as these countries are fated to be neighbours forever – thus it is in our mutual interest to preserve good relations.
According to Itar-Tassy, Russia and the Republic of Abkhazia are in the a national consultation to establish military bases, and soon to sign a formal agreement. The Republic of Abkhazia report quoted presidential spokesman Kulisidi Yang’s words, “Last year, Abkhazia and Russia signed a” friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance agreement ‘, according to this agreement, the two being set up two military bases in Abkhazia to conduct consultations, according to the current situation of the talks in the next few months will be reached in the Abkhazia region of Bohm Bor Gudauta Chomsky and the establishment of the Russian Air Force base in the establishment of the Russian naval base in Ochamchira agreement currently being conducted on a number of technical issues final consultation. “Kulisidi Yang said, the main naval base Ochamchira Russian Black Sea Fleet deployment forces, the Air Force base area than Gudauta naval base early in use. According to Russian sources, Russia hopes to deploy in Abkhazia, including the Su-27 fighters, Su-25 bombers and military transport aircraft, including 20 aircraft.
Itar-Tassy reported that during the Soviet era, Soviet Air Force fighters, bombers and transport aircraft have deployed in the Bohm Bor Sharansky airport. According to the agreement signed between the two countries in 2008, will be built up in Abkhazia and 3,700 in the Russian Air Force bases. Bohm Bor Chomsky airport is the Black Sea coastal areas important military objectives is the largest military airfield outside the Caucasus. Russian Air Force deployed in the cluster do not need here costs too much, because there have the necessary ground support facilities. Bohm Bor Chomsky airport runway length of aircraft movements is 4 km, has to accept all types of fighters and military transport aircraft capacity. According to reports, the Russian military bases in Abkhazia, Georgia has aroused anxiety.

Over 400 modern ground- and sea-based ICBMs, 8 ballistic missile submarines, about 20 general purpose attack submarines, over 50 surface ships and some 100 military-purpose spacecraft, over 600 modern aircraft, including fifth-generation fighters, more than a thousand helicopters, 28 regimental sets of S-400 surface-to-air missile systems, 38 division sets of Vityaz air defense systems, 10 brigade sets of Iskander-M tactical missile systems, more than 2,300 modern tanks, some 2,000 self-propelled artillery systems and guns, and more than 17,000 military vehicles. These are the figures of the massive rearmament program announced by Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin in an article published on February 20 by state-owned newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
The second secret base in the Urals is an underground command and control center located at the Kosvinsky Mountain, about 850 miles east of Moscow. The site hosts the Russian Strategic Rocket Forces alternate command post, a deep underground command post for the general staff built to compensate for the vulnerability of older command posts in the Moscow region. The facility, finished in early 1996, was designed to resist US earth-penetrating warheads and is the Russian version of the American Cheyenne Mountain Complex.
"When some say that our red line is a 'nuclear weapon,' it suggests that anything short of a working bomb is acceptable. This is exactly the wrong message to send."
Mr. Casey, a Democrat, is a senator from Pennsylvania. Mr. Graham, a Republican, is a senator from South Carolina. Mr. Lieberman, an independent, is a senator from Connecticut.
Let's just look at the numbers. The external debt and exports. If the external debt of less than 100% of exports, this stable economy, and if more than 150% - it is extremely unstable. $ 10.5 billion - the external debt of Georgia, and exports - $ 1.5 billion. This is a seven hundred percent. Here's economy and reform.
The number of prisoners compared to 2004 increased by 500%. Georgia ranks second in the world after the United States in the number of inmates per capita (and first in Europe). The number of acquittals in Georgia - 0.084. And in Austria - 27.5, and the average across Europe - 20%. Here you have freedom and democracy.
From such a "democratic development" of Georgia, where unemployment exceeds 50%, with a population of 4.5 million people, has left 1, 5 million. Which, incidentally, in the ground and contain their relatives remaining in Georgia. A Russian journalists who come to the Republic at the invitation of people from the team Saakashvili, show well-developed propaganda show.
In October, Georgia will hold parliamentary elections. Getting ready for them, the opposition tries to unite again. Does it have a chance at it?
Need to ask two simple questions - who combines the opposition? And the second question - who conducts these elections? Americans hold elections, and they are united opposition. 2012 will not be very comfortable for the U.S. - there will be presidential elections, and they will not have a real opportunity to pay great attention to Georgia. So is hard cleansing of the Georgian political arena. For there was not a political player, uncontrollable U.S. is not directly controlled from there.
This sweep began a year ago, when Okruashvili and Burjanadze, have been used in the events of May 26. It was a successful operation to discredit the radical opposition, which was attended by Saakashvili security services. Which of the opposition leaders played a scheduled game, and who was just used, I leave without comment. After that, when the leaders of the radical opposition discredited participation in the failed so-called "Popular uprising" was the turn of the second stage of the operation. It was necessary to fill the vacuum his players to distract people from the protest.
We had hoped to instill in the people - when everything is already lost faith in the fact that you can win Saakashvili, suddenly appears Bidzina Ivanishvili. This is a purely American project. And the fact that Saakashvili calls it pro, can only be explained by the fact that he considers himself an American favorite, and just can not admit that someone else is their puppet.
There is no fundamental difference Ivanishvili of Saakashvili?
Ivanishvili himself admits that he gave money to Saakashvili's revolution in 2003. And now says that several years salary paid by the Georgian officials - while in Georgia, everyone thought that this grant from the Soros Foundation. Total Ivanishvili for several years, donated $ 150 million a year - and for salaries and for charity. And the money is distributed Saakashvili - and officials, and the construction of sports facilities, which he himself had opened, and even to help Buba Kikabidze and other elite intellectuals.
This contribution has actually been paid by Ivanishvili to maintain its fixed assets in the United States. It is clear that he did so "upon request" of the American authorities. And now it's time for Ivanishvili emerge from the shadows into the scene. He now serves as bait for the opposition. States that topple Saakashvili, but peaceful, constitutional, via elections. He categorically rejects any street protests. And when asked - but what if you lose? - He replies that in this case, no street protest will not be. Further - he buys the elite opposition to that before the end of 2012 no one went out. In fact, he pays them money so they do not go outside. This is his goal.
That is, the opposition can not win the parliamentary elections?
In an ideal option for the opposition, and with an honest count, it scores 40%, and Saakashvili - 60%. After that Ivanishvili declares that it is necessary to prepare well for the presidential elections in 2013 - and then win Saakashvili. Thus, the invented version, which allows for two more years to deceive the people. Performed a combination of having two years to tie all the forces of the Georgian opposition, in fact, eliminate it. The main objective Ivanishvili - omission of the opposition.
And how Ivanishvili able to collect all the opposition forces under him? One is money you do not?
Ivanishvili said that whoever is not with him, the enemy. That there are only two poles, he and Saakashvili, and that no third force is impossible. And who in this part of his coalition of "Georgia Dream"? The Republican Party, "Our Georgia - Free Democrats" Irakli Alasania, and conservatives. In 2004 they were Saakashvili, and Davitashvili was generally the first number in the list of Saakashvili's United National Movement.
That is, all those people who have been placed by the Americans in 2004, is now shared by two parties - one to Saakashvili, the other to Ivanishvili. And the next parliamentary list 2012 will be identical to the list of National Movement of Saakashvili in 2004.
The main task - to clean up all the opposition camp, to dissolve all of the two poles, to play a counter-opposition. To no one left at all, based on national values, the strategic vision for the future of Georgia, including the relationship with Russia. On the other hand, it is a good reference point to understand - some of those who have gone from Saakashvili, and who is not committed to Ivanishvili, are politicians, which is no longer rely Americans.
Who is left out of these two poles?
From the well-known politicians are Burjanadze. And in this case, her advantage. But now it is actually pushed to the sidelines. She was formerly the American team, but, apparently, had lost confidence due to frequent visits to Moscow and the May 26 event, where she unwittingly helped to discredit the real protest movement.
What gives Americans such polarization?
First, the illusion of a democratic election, and secondly, the political field cleanup and removal from the political process of all whom they did not believe her. They are absolutely pro-American political elite. And more important for them to win - in anticipation of complex events in the region to obtain a political team that focuses only on the United States, as well as breathing in the back of Saakashvili. Thus, Saakashvili, and so fulfilling all the wishes of the U.S., it becomes more manageable.
And most importantly - in the event of military confrontation in the region, both teams will be on the American positions. Ivanishvili already stated that he supported Georgia's participation in all NATO operations in Afghanistan, NATO says no alternative. Signal Americans give very clear - in Georgia, you might be opposition Saakashvili, but can not be a member of the opposition the United States.
Could occur in these conditions is a real third force?
Because Ivanishvili not able to fully carry out its mandated functions, and credibility are gradually falling, the opportunity for the emergence of a third force. Who is going exactly as it is not clear, but this force will be the one who will have the resources. Realizing that such power may suddenly appear, the government decided to secure itself to occupy this niche. Now authorities are trying to emulate a third force, creating an allegedly pro-Russian group in a party of Christian Democrats. A party that was once artificially created from the presenters and held in the parliament. Moreover, it has been established with the approval of the American ambassador.
Currently scheduled Union of Christian Democrats and the youth movement of the Union of Georgians in Russia, headed by Khubutia Saakashvili absolutely controlled structure. Allegedly, the two organizations traditionalist, Christian, and therefore they should be together. To the people thought it was a coalition focused on national interests - and in fact this snag. If the situation will get worse, then this "third force" will begin to unwind to the fullest.
From the Ivanishvili no attempts to improve relations with Russia?
Were on his side timid attempts to say something about the need for dialogue with Russia, that must be negotiated, but it quickly broke off. In addition, he has a personal interest - he wants to preserve the remains of their capital in Russia. Now he promises to sell his property in Russia - and it is estimated at $ 1.5 billion, a quarter of his fortune - and send the money to the polls. The entire political market of Georgia is estimated at $ 50 million, so it looks like he's just going by this sauce to evacuate the rest of their capital in Russia to the West.
Of course, there are some figures in the Russian government to help Ivanishvili - those who represent her pro-American liberal part. Generally, in Georgia there is a direct military propaganda. A year ago it was still possible to speak about the need for dialogue with Russia, but now it is tantamount to betrayal of the motherland. And to the naked eye can already see that Saakashvili is preparing for war.
In which war, to strike on Iran?
No one doubts that the attack on Iran would be. The question is when and in what form, who will take part. What happened recently in the world - Tunisia, Egypt, the war in Libya, preparing to strike on Syria is an attack on Iran - is a logical target. Why is this done? Already well-looked through Turkey's role in these processes. The U.S. is no longer the situation in the eastern hemisphere, as in the past 20 years. Impact and ideological crisis (America's image has plummeted in recent years), and the economic crisis. U.S. direct rule in the eastern hemisphere is no longer possible, and the Americans go to the construction of a new world.
The U.S. currently has three problems - the rise of China, the increase of nationalist sentiment and the failure of multiculturalism in the European Union (and, consequently, less accountability EU USA), and the strengthening of Russia.
Russian model in 2012 - is already an independent state, which will carry out a completely independent foreign policy that is seen as planned establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union. In today's world it is very difficult to play off a future as a Eurasian Union with the European Union and with China. Future enhancement of three of these political and economic structures that would not be at odds with each other, is disastrous for the Americans.
Therefore, the U.S., it seems, begin to create yet another global player, which will be a counterweight to all three centers. This is the creation of a neo-Ottoman Empire. And attacks on other Muslim countries - Egypt, Libya and Syria - have only one purpose: to severely weaken this country and to drive them to the new neo-Ottoman alliance, where the leading role will be in Turkey as a strategic military partner of the United States. The structure of this American design to enter and Central Asia.
Appears and the two islands, which are not included in this alliance - Israel and Armenia. Jewish and Armenian lobbies in the U.S. will serve as a guarantee of their safety, and these countries will be a lever of influence on the union. Given the fact that in the new Ottoman Empire would be located more than half the world's oil and gas resources, the potential of such an alliance is very impressive. This project will certainly be involved, and Georgia - the only Christian country, linking the Muslim and Turkic-speaking countries. So Georgia's role is already defined.
How soon do you think Iran will start the campaign?
Everyone knows that the operation against Iran will not be limited to a local war, as happened in Iraq, and will affect everyone. Israel urges a strike, but some of the U.S. establishment wants to delay this moment.
In the U.S., many are interested in how to exit as the winner of Iran at the time of the presidential elections in autumn 2012. And if you start a conflict now, after three or four months all will become clear that the consequences of catastrophic, and about any victory, and not a speech. The illusion will shatter and you will see that this is not the Iranian conflict, that war is spreading.
But Israel is in a hurry because he's afraid to lose time. Today there was a favorable international environment for him - against Iran set up and the U.S., and EU countries. It is possible that Israel in fact, fears that Iran will produce nuclear weapons, which he still does. March 5 meeting with Netanyahu, Obama, and, apparently, a strike on Iran would be moved closer to the end of the year.
It should be noted also that the March 6 Saakashvili paid a state visit to Baku. He had a desire to negotiate a political-military cooperation with Azerbaijan and Baku to use the political platform for anti-Russian statements. But it is emphatically not allowed to do so. The only thing he left - an agreement on cooperation of statistical services. As is evident, from the adventurous Baku denies plans lined up by Saakashvili and his hosts.
Both the visit had been planned taking into account what will happen on March 4 in Russia. As you can see the Russian elections, showing the stability of the country, slowed down reckless plans. But the fact that the conflict is approaching, and is seen by the actions of other countries in the region. Realizing that the war is becoming more likely, they take certain steps to ensure their safety.
What makes this situation, Georgia?
Saakashvili's recent visit to Washington, found that Obama has demonstrated its support for Georgia, thus beating the Republican accusations that he supports "democratic regimes" established during the last administration. It was announced as a free-trade and arms transfers. It is, in particular, and on the supply of Patriot systems in Georgia. For whose defense is this done? For Georgia? Or for the upcoming war with Iran?
The fact that Iran is very uncomfortable - in terms of possible U.S. attacks. In the Persian Gulf are building up forces, but Iran has good coastal defense, a good navy is not as weak as it used to air defense. Although they did not receive the C-300 from Russia, but they have their own systems 300 C. Therefore, a convenient platform for ground operations, the Americans need to look around Iran.
Iraq has become a zone of instability for the U.S., and can not be used for the operation against Iran, especially given the Iraqi Shiite majority. The same is true of Pakistan and Afghanistan, where all will soon have to leave urgently. Turkey is clearly not risk becoming a base for U.S. operations.
It remains to Transcaucasia. For Armenia, Iran, along with Georgia, is the main exit to the outside world. Why do Armenians isolated from Iran if it will lead to the actual isolation of Armenia? Not to mention the fact that Armenia - an ally of Russia, part of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, and is located in Gyumri, the Russian military base.
Azerbaijan is playing a serious game with Israel - only Israeli arms supplies to the planned $ 1.6 billion. But on the whole, Azerbaijan has now become a field of struggle between the Israeli and Iranian intelligence. And the day he participated in anti-Iranian operations are very risky, especially given that Iran's Azeri community is huge. If Azerbaijan decides to become a base for U.S. operations, it can be deadly for him.
It remains to Georgia. That she can become a major partner, the northern base for the United States. Therefore, the transfer of the Georgian Army Patriot systems can work to cover and protect U.S. bases that can be located in Georgia.
Where these databases can be located? After all, they need to deploy a sufficiently long training ..
Let's look at what is now being repaired in Georgia. First of all, the infrastructure, which will be useful for troop transport - roads, bridges, airfields. There is an urgent repair and construction of airports. And all airports in Georgia belong to the Turks - that is, the runways have NATO membership. There is a separate program for the construction of American hospitals. They built a fairly large amount, but such a number of hospitals with 20 beds for Georgia completely unprofitable. Even so in the little Georgia can deliver any patient for one hour to the hospital. But this is explained in the event that it will be military hospitals ...
Georgia is a future field of battle. Today, all countries calculate the possible actions of competitors.
Honestly, I hear both sides of the story and simply cannot believe any one of them. Both media(Russian and Western) are, in my opinion, delivering the news in the way they like to show.
ReplyDeleteWhat you write about Armenia on the geopolitical point of view sounds correct, however there is this article by an analyst named Igor Muradyan that puts me in a confused situation. Could you please clarify me what is right and what is wrong?
This is the article:
Two things: One, Policy Forum Armenia is a Washington-based subversive organization tasked with fomenting political unrest inside Armenia. Two, Igor Muradyan writes for an "opposition" newspaper in Armenia known as Lragir. Lragir is a fanatically anti-Russian propaganda organ tasked with spreading poisonous rhetoric inside Armenia. Therefore, the worthless piece of document you referred to is as good as toilet paper for me. What's going on in that region of the world is very clear; I can't imagine what could be confusing you. If you have a specific question don't hesitate to ask.
ReplyDeletePS: Answers to any question you may have regarding Eurasian geopolitics, Russian-Armenian relations or the political West is found in this blog. Please spend some time and read some of my older posts.
In fact, I do have a specific question.
ReplyDeleteIf Pax Russicana is established, do you think that Armenia would have to make concessions regarding the Karabakh conflict?
Very good question! I'd like to hear an answer from our resident Russophile.
ReplyDeleteAlso, a comment that I would like to make. There is a 100% Armenian populated village in Lebanon, named Anjar. The people there are the descendants of the Heroic Battle of Musa Dagh. I had the chance to visit it last summer, and was very impressed. The children from early are taught an Armenian nationalism that I had not seen anywhere else. from Childhood, the parents teach them the importance of having guns and protecting the country. It would be nice if Armenia would adopt this policy in educating children at a very young age to learn the importance of the defense of the country, since lately many of them are trying to flee the conscription.
ReplyDeleteThat's actually a very good question; very thought provoking. I have addressed this topic elsewhere in this blog. The short answer to your question is - yes. As a part of a genuine/comprehensive peace deal brokered by Moscow, Baku will be made to recognize Artsakh's independence (or reunification with Armenia) and Yerevan will most probably be made to pullback from certain territories outside of Artsakh proper. I consider regions of Karvachar and Berdzor as part of Artsakh proper. But there are a lot of variables that come into play here. Next day or two I will post a lengthier answer.
ReplyDeleteAbout nationalism: It comes in very handy in wartime or in the diaspora to help preserve one's identity... but it could also cause a lot of problems/volatility during peace time.
ReplyDeleteNazis overbit due to their unbridled nationalism. Their nationalistic fervor was at first responsible for their quick rise and their nationalistic fervor was also responsible for picking fights with everyone at the same time... American nationalism (also known as American exceptionalism)has turned the United States into a monster around the world in recent decades... Saakashvili's Georgia almost committed suicide due to their uncontrolled nationalism in 2008. Nationalism blinded Georgians to the risk of rising up against the Russian Bear...
Nationalism can be a very positive/constructive force; it can help in rallying one's population against a specific danger or threat.But it can also be very destructive; and it can make a cat think that it's a lion. Therefore, nationalism needs to be managed/moderated by authorities. In other words, populations need to be administered nationalism in controlled doses.
Having said that, authorities in Armenia are not doing enough in promoting even moderate levels of nationalism within the population in the republic. There is in fact a deficit of nationalism in Armenia.
Will be looking forward to hear it
ReplyDeleteI apologize for the late reply. I was away for a few days. Then I got caught-up with writing my newest commentary. I hope the anticipation wasn't' too much especially since what I am about to say is no bombshell.
ReplyDeleteAs I said, the short answer to your question is - yes.
As a part of a genuine/comprehensive peace deal brokered by Moscow, Baku will be made to recognize Artsakh's independence (or reunification with Armenia) and Yerevan will most probably be made to pullback from certain territories outside of Artsakh proper. I consider regions of Karvachar and Berdzor as part of Artsakh proper. It's ultimately up to us Armenians to make sure Russians understand this as well.
Having said that, I do not foresee any peace deals; at least not in the near future. The following are some of the variables.
If Baku tries to take advantage of a Western/Zionist war against Iran and initiates another war against Armenia and Armenia wins it with Russian help, then chances are that Armenia will keep all the territories in question - if not much more (I'm actually hoping for a land connection between Armenia and Russia via north-western Azerbaijan).
Moreover, when Moscow finally fixes Georgia's problem, what we will have in effect is not peace per se but Russian dominance in the south Caucasus. Abkhazia and South Ossetia will not be placed under Georgian rule again (at least not in our lifetimes). Therefore, anti-Russian sentiments will continue running high in Georgia long after their problem gets fixed by Moscow. Consequently, Armenia will continue acting as the region's most important nation for Moscow as well as a platform from upon which Moscow will continue projecting its power. With regards to Azerbaijan: Artsakh crisis or no Artsakh crisis, Moscow has always and will always distrust Baku. In fact, since the war of 2008, Baku has essentially been Moscow's hostage. Moscow knows that with a little pressure it can have Baku do more-or-less whatever it wants; and Artsakh has been the battle axe hanging over Azerbaijan's neck.
Therefore, if Moscow can and will get its way with Georgia and Azerbaijan, why would Moscow want to weaken its only insurance policy in the region, its only real ally, especially if this ally is in fact a very reliable hedge against Azeris and Georgians? I believe Russian officials recognize Armenia's worth in the geopolitics of the region much more than us Armenians. There are opportunities in this for us Armenians but we need political maturity to see it and take advantage of it.
As I said, the only way for Moscow to truly pressure Armenian into making concessions is if the region is thoroughly pacified through Pax Russicana and Azerbaijan genuinely becomes interested in making peace with Armenia. In the meanwhile, however, the status quo in Artsakh (which serves in our advantage) is enabling Moscow to secure Armenia's alliance and Baku's subservience. I don't see this changing anytime soon.