It was increasingly clear for Kremlin officials that they needed to counter Western designs for the region by preemptively inserting combat troops and military hardware into Syria. Similar to how Russian paratroopers, despite direct threats by US General Wesley Clark, had rushed to secure a political role for Moscow in Kosovo, Serbia back in 1999, Russian troops needed to be ready to carryout a similar operation in Syria as well because like Serbia, Syria also holds geostrategic significance for Moscow. If Russian officials were forced to curtail their military response to the Western aggression against Serbia in 1999 due to Russia's sociopolitical situation back then, they today recognized that in Syria they were presented the opportunity to be proactive.
In other words: This is not the 1990s, a Western-backed alcoholic is not in power in the Kremlin and Russia's military is back. Itself now under persistent attack by Western powers, Russia has a lot of geostrategic interests at stake in Syria, not the least of which is power projection through its military assets stationed in the region. A resurgent Russia is seeking to extend its defensive depth and political reach and Syria and Novorossiya are perfect opportunities for the Kremlin in that regard. The Russian military had to therefore be on the ground and ready to protect Russian assets in Syria for the time when Western powers finally decided to make their move. At the very least, Alawite and Christian populated regions along Syria's Mediterranean coast, members of Assad's government and the Russian naval facility at the city of Tartus had to be placed under direct Russian protection. Such an action by Moscow would secure Russia's military and political presence in the Middle East for when the time comes for new borders to be drawn. It should also be stressed that such a move by Moscow would also prevent the near certain genocide of Alawites, Christians and secular Sunni Muslims in Syria by Western-backed Islamic extremists. Moreover, such an action by Moscow would also show the rest of the world that Russia is indeed a global superpower who's allies can truly rely on.
The Shi'ite Arc has been reinforced by the Russian Bear
Fearing that Western powers and their allies were poised for a renewed military offensive against Syria and seeing that Bashar Assad's Iranian-backed government had proven its worth after four years of successfully resisting the international onslaught against it, the Russian Bear seems to have found the political confidence - and was clever enough to usurp the anti-ISIS pretext Western powers had meticulously crafted for the past two years - to preempt Western powers and enter the fray in Syria to impact the outcome of the war. Almost exactly two years after Moscow successfully derailed the Western-led effort to carryout military strikes against Syrian forces, Kremlin grossmeisters have outmaneuvered Western powers once again, but this time quite a bit more audaciously. In early September, Israel's Mossad connected Debka File was among the first to report that Moscow had begun moving military hardware into Syria. For most of the month, Moscow was busy inconspicuously transporting significant amounts of military hardware to the embattled country. By late September, Moscow had several dozen front-line warplanes and an undisclosed number of modern main battle tanks and armored personal carriers ready for combat. Moving large number of weapons systems into Syria right under the noses of "coalition air forces" was a very bold move, and it seemed to have caught Western powers off-guard and thus unable to react in any meaningful way. Then, coming quite suddenly on the heels of President Putin's brilliant speech at the UN's annual assembly of world leaders, on September 30 the world woke to breaking news that Russian forces stationed in Syria had commenced tactical airstrikes. Western news agencies reported the following fascinating piece of information -
"The Russian three-star general, who was part of the newly formed intelligence cell with Iraq, Iran, and the Syrian government, arrived in Baghdad at 9 a.m. local time and informed U.S. officials that Russian strikes would be starting imminently—and that the U.S. should refrain from conducting strikes and move any personnel out. The only notice the U.S. received about his visit was a phone call one hour earlier"For the past twenty-five years I was resigned into thinking that such things only happen in Hollywood films. I must say it's been utterly surreal watching aerial camera footage of precision bomb strikes by Russian warplanes after decades of watching US forces do the same around the world, exclusively and with total impunity. Russian warplanes conducting airstrikes in the Middle East as Western powers, including the Zionist state, watch helplessly from the sidelines is an astounding first for the entire region. It's been very exciting to see top-of-the-line Russian weapons systems (the SU-34 is one beautiful warbird) and Russian military personnel in desert camouflage stationed in the Middle East. The geopolitical enormity of what Moscow has done in Syria cannot overstated and I believe its repercussions will be felt in the region for many years to come. Russia continues to outmaneuver its opponents. Russia continues to impress and inspire.
A new Middle East is being formed in front of our eyes. This newly forming political dynamic in the region also has the potential to have a positive impact on the lingering Palestinian question. Perhaps this is why Palestinian leader Hahmud Abbas was somewhat defiant in his recent speech at the UN's General Assembly and the crazy warmonger, Benjamin Netanyahu sounded somewhat conciliatory. With the Russian Bear back in the region, Israeli officials will gradually come to the sobering realization that they no longer enjoy total military supremacy in the region. And it is no surprise that Turks are also singing a different tune. What a difference a few years makes. What is happening is a historic milestone in global affairs and a drastic reversal of roles between Russia and the US. Quite amazingly, the Iranian Arc has been suddenly reinforced by the Russian Bear.
The fact that Moscow is stationing some of its most modern tanks and warplanes and has commenced combat air operations in Syria underscores the strategic importance the Kremlin is placing on Russia's role in the region and the strategic importance of Syria. It also signals one thing: For the foreseeable future, the Russian Bear will be a permanent fixture within the Syrian landscape and regional powers will have to take this reality on the ground into account when formulating their policies. Having been checked by Kremlin officials, Uncle Sam has been made to swallow its imperial pride and begin "deconflicting" talks with the Russian Bear - and accept the notion that Bashar Assad has to be negotiated with as well. The Assad government has thus been saved and a zone of Shi'ite influence, stretching from Lebanon to Iran (or what has remained of it after the carnage of the past several years) has thus been preserved. This has given Lebanon's Hezbollah, Syria's Alawites and Iraq's Shiites a new lease on life. I hope to see this extend to Yemen's Houthis as well. Nevertheless, I suspect the next phase of Russia's military operations in Syria will be the liberation of certain territories under occupation by Western-backed extremist forces. With Russia providing air support, the Syrian army, Hezbollah, Iran and Iraq will be playing a decisive role on the ground. Syrian President Bashar Assad has already begun to set the tone by stating the following in a televised interview: "The alliance between Russia, Syria, Iraq and Iran must succeed or else the whole region will be destroyed".
Make no mistake about it, this is the dawning of a new era. What is happening in the Middle East is a tectonic shift in geopolitics. If there is any truth to Israeli news sources, China is signalling its support of the Russian military intervention in Syria. While the Great Game in the region is no way near an end, but, as if overnight, the Middle East has been transformed and a new geopolitical landscape has clearly begun to form. As we watch President Putin's Russia make its moves in Syria, we are watching history in the making, and it's fascinating. The Russian Bear is on the prowl. Western powers are shocked and bewildered and Western propaganda outlets, as well as Western-funded "humanitarian" groups stationed in Syria are predictably enraged -
Secretary of Defense Ash Carter: Russian Airstrikes 'Pouring Gas on Fire' in Syria:
Putin Hits West’s Rebels Instead of ISIS:
At least 39 civilians killed in Russian air strikes, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says:
Russia Rejects 'Unfounded' Accusations Of Civilian Deaths In Syria Airstrikes:
Why Putin is doomed to fail in Syria:
Syria reveals the chaos of a world without American leadership:
Top American commander: Few U.S.-Trained Syrians Still Fight ISIS:
Exclusive: 50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked:
Billions From U.S. Fail to Sustain Foreign Forces:
The Phony War Against Islamic State:
Delivery of US Weapons and Ammunition to ISIS - Iraqi Commander:
With one swift move of its chess piece, the Russian Bear has effectively defanged Western powers, Turkey, Israel and Saudi Arabia. As if over night, the region's geopolitical climate has been altered quite drastically, once again by Russia's "little green men". There is a new dynamic at play throughout the Middle East now and Uncle Sam and its terrorists are not initiating it. In fact, right now, Western powers seem woefully impotent for there is nothing that they can do to turn the Russian tide. Needless to say, Americans will blame their poor House Negro in the White House for this historic setback, somehow forgetting that their favorite "war president" also stood down when the Russian Bear crushed Georgia's Western-backed military back in 2008.
A friendly reminder: US presidents do not make political policy, especially when it comes to foreign policy. Like all US presidents in recent history, President Obama is simply doing the bidding of the Pentagon, the CIA, the US State Department and a handful of powerful special interest groups in Washington. We need to look at the US presidency in this manner: What automobile sales directors are to automobile manufacturers, US presidents are to the special interests groups that run the American empire. US presidential elections are nothing but a two ring circus that takes place every four years. The only difference between "Democrat" and "Republican" officials is simply the style in which they pitch the same product.
Therefore, what is happening in Syria is not in any way President Obama's fault. Nevertheless, regardless of who is to blame for this US setback, it will now be Moscow calling the shots and initiating actions in Syria, as the US watches and contemplates what to do. It's a sudden and unexpected role reversal. And the irony in all this is that Western powers have been suddenly outmaneuvered by a nation that they were until recently claiming was isolated and on the verge of an economic collapse.
Many around the world today are amazed by Russia's audacity in Syria. Many around the world today are bewildered by the lack of a discernible response by the "greatest military" in the world. Many are thus asking why does Washington seem so helpless? As I stated above, Washington's problem in Syria has absolutely nothing to do with President Obama or the Democrat party. Simply put: The problem for Washington is that the US military today has met its match. The Russian military today is a formidable force, a force to be reckoned with. I want to bring the readers' attention to some very interesting comments President Putin made back in 2012 -
"We have more aces up our sleeve that would push our Western colleagues and partners to a more constructive dialogue than we have seen before. What do I mean why this? Just a few years ago, as I know, they used to speak of us among their fellow allies as follows: "Russia could tinker with its military as much as it wants, we are not the least interested in what's happening there. All they have is rusted-out junk." But this is not true. Today, it's a different game"Ever since Russia reportedly used a recently developed weapon to prevent the Western-led military aggression against Syria back in September, 2013, the military calculus in the Middle East seems to have changed. Western forces and the Zionist state today no longer enjoy military supremacy in the region and they can therefore no longer go on reckless military adventures. Russia has been developing cutting-edge weapons systems that can render US weapons obsolete. Some of these weapons are very likely stationed in Syria. This is perhaps why President Assad had been confident of a final victory. Therefore, take the above into consideration when reading the following comments recently made by President Obama in response to Hillary Clinton's criticism for his inaction in Syria -
“She was, obviously, my secretary of state. But I also think that there’s a difference between running for president and being president, and the decisions that are being made and the discussions that I’m having with the Joint Chiefs become much more specific and require, I think, a different kind of judgment. I think Hillary Clinton would be the first to say that when you’re sitting in the seat that I’m sitting in, in the Situation Room, things look a little bit different”What President Obama was essentially saying was this: Having assessed the situation at hand, high ranking military officials in Washington recognize that they have no military options available against what Russia is doing inside Syria. Therefore, the US will not respond in any way, even if Russian airstrikes are now targeting US-backed rebel strongholds, shadowing US operated drones and threatening NATO member Turkey. What I am essentially saying is that the US military today is outclassed by modern weapons being produced by Russia's military industrial complex -
Russian Plasma Weapon:
Russian systems of electromagnetic weapon:
Electromagnetic weapon of Russia:
Russian Fighter Jet Disables US Missle Destroyer Using Electronic Warfare Weapon:
New U.S. Stealth Jet Can’t Hide From Russian Radar:
Pentagon Worries That Russia Can Now Outshoot U.S. Stealth Jets:
Meet The Russian "Avtobaza" - Iran's Possible Drone Killer:
With Russia now firmly entrenched in Syria and with Iran gradually shedding its isolation, the aforementioned Shi'ite zone of influence cutting horizontally right through the Middle East has the strong potential to bring peace and balance to the region. As noted above, the losers in all this besides the arrogant and decadent West are their little monsters in the region called Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. The global community will now watch as Russia, Iran, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon's Hezbollah merge forces to combat ISIS and any other threat Syria and Iraq faces. The global community will now also watch how Western powers will not lift a finger to help in the anti-ISIS war effort.
Why should Western powers and its regional allies not be happy about Russia finally entering the fight against ISIS terrorist? Weren't Western powers warning us about the barbaric brutality of ISIS on a 24/7 basis for the past two years in an effort to convince us that ISIS was a danger not only for Syria and Iraq for the entire world? Now that Russians have entered the war in Syria, why aren't they being embraced by the US and its regional allies? With the Russian military now in the equation, one would think Western powers would seek ways to engage Moscow and work with it to defeat ISIS; that is if Western powers really saw ISIS as a threat.
All I see and hear from the Western news press now is how Moscow's military intervention in Syria will "backfire" against Russia and turn into another "Afghanistan". Is that what they only care about?! How much more obvious will the Jew-run news media in the Western world make it that they careless about combating terrorism? These bloodthirsty reptiles are not in the least bit interested in helping defeat terror groups that they created in the first place. What they instead really want to see now is Russians getting bloodied in combat. In my opinion, this is all a result of their centuries old bloodlust against the Russian nation. It is no surprise therefore that Russia's preemptive military move into Syria has become a pill they are having a very hard time swallowing essentially because Moscow has once again ruined their hegemonic plans. In their primordial anger, the alliance of evil now wants to see Russian blood spilled, as in Afghanistan, as in Chechnya. However, this is all wishful thinking on their part because they, due to their hate, are failing to take into consideration some very important political and military factors at play in Russia's role in Syria.
Foremost, the Soviet Union was in a steep decline in the 1980s and the Soviet military at the time was not prepared to fight a guerrilla type warfare in a very large, rugged and tribal nation, against an enemy that was directly and openly being supported by a conglomeration of nations, including the US. It was more-or-less the same situation for Moscow in the north Caucasus during the chaotic aftermath of the Soviet collapse during the 1990s. Needless to say, times have changed. Russia today is a resurgent power and military technology has come a long way since the 1980s. Moreover, fighting techniques against guerrilla forces have pretty much been perfected by the Russian military due to its experiences in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Dagestan and more recently in Novorossiya. Finally, it must be emphasized that Syria is not Afghanistan and Syrians are not Afghans. In Syria, Russians are stationed in friendly territory who's boundaries are clearly marked. Moreover, any fighting Russian forces will be doing there (primarily via its air force) it will be doing alongside very reliable Alawites, Christians, Shiites, secular Sunni Arabs, Hezbollah troops and Iranians. What Russia has in Syria is a real coalition of the willing. In other words, Russia is not in Syria to occupy the country against the people's wish. Russia is there to protect its regional allies against the Western, Turkish, Israeli and Saudi terror onslaught. In fact, Russians are viewed as saviors by pro-government Syrians. Obviously, Russians also do not think Syria is another Afghanistan -
Once more: Syria is not Afghanistan. Syrians are not Afghans. And Russia has Iran's full support. Kremlin officials have once more played their hand absolutely brilliantly. Some major changes are in the air as a result. And those that stand to lose the most in the geopolitical landscape that is currently being formed are Western powers, Israel and Turkey: Western powers, because they have lost their hegemony and thus their total grip over the region; Israel, because it had until very recently enjoyed complete and total military supremacy over it neighbors; And Turkey, because Erdogan has no friends, the Kurdish question is fully out of the box once again and Ankara may yet come to face future problems from its sizable Alawite population.Why Syria Is No Second Afghanistan for Russia:
With one brilliant move of the chess piece the Russian Bear has turned the old order in the Middle East on its head. Russia's role in the Middle East may yet come surpass that of the Soviet Union's. Moreover, Russia's presence in the region may come to be perceived by secular and moderate Sunni Muslims around the world as a positive development. The very recent mosque opening in Moscow, one of the largest in world, was a clear signal by the Kremlin that as its actions in the Middle East are not against Islam and that Russia, unlike Saudi Arabia, is in fact a friend of Islam.
On the grand chessboard of the Middle East Kremlin grossmeisters have dealt their Western opponents a sudden and debilitating blow. As if overnight, Moscow was able to assemble a significant military force in Syria thereby making itself an important part of the political equation for any future settlement. Russia now is fully part of the solution in Syria whether Western powers and their regional allies like it or not. Actions of the Russian Bear in Syria may prove decisive as it has drastically altered the political calculus of the entire region. Russian boots on the ground in Syria has altered the course of the war. In one fell swoop, Russia has not only deepened its defensive depth but also extended it political reach.
Western powers have long realized that one of the most effective ways to contain or weaken a nation that hold immense potential as Russia is to take away Russia's zones of influence. This essentially is the age old policy Western powers pursued against Russia as soon as they got their chance in 1991. Naturally, Ukraine was looked at as one of Russia's vulnerable spots. We see this expressed by one of the American empire's most senior and most Russophobic foreign policymakers -
"Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be an empire, but with Ukraine suborned and then subordinated, Russia automatically becomes an empire. But if Russia becomes an empire, it cannot be a democracy at the same time. We might add that an imperial Russia will be forced to abandon economic reform in favor of central planning" - Zbigniew Brzezinski, in a 1993 Foreign Affairs articleWestern designs against Russia in the Ukraine was not Zbigniew Brezenski's brilliant idea. Ukraine was looked at as a strategic prize by Uncle Sam as far back as the 1940s. Nevertheless, as soon as the Soviet Union fell apart, Western powers moved into Russian zones of influence despite their promises not to and despite strong Russian objections. Throughout the 1990s and the early 2000s, Western powers were busy conspiring against the Russian Federation in various theaters and manners. Former Soviet republics and Warsaw Pact nations such Poland, Hungary and Estonia were brought into NATO and the EU. Yugoslavia was broken up and Serbia, seen as the last pro-Russian bastion in south-east Europe, was attacked and mutilated. The Islamic uprising in Chechnya was covertly supported by Western powers and their Islamic allies in the region. Former Soviet client states in the Middle East were attacked. Inroads were made into the south Caucasus and Central Asia. And "missile defense shields" began setting up around Russia. Moscow watched helplessly as its space shrunk. But, the tide was beginning to change. In 2007 Moscow announced it was resuming strategic bomber patrols and revamping its military. When Western powers crossed the line in Georgia and Ukraine, in 2008 and 2013 respectively, the Russian Bear reacted forcefully.
After nearly three decades of setbacks, the Russian Bear has been on an offensive, diplomatically, economically, politically and militarily. In the past eight years alone, Moscow has expanded it's military presence westward and southward as it has reestablished itself in Armenia, Belarus, Chechnya, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Kazakhstan, Kirghistan, Tajikistan, Crimea, Novorossiya and more recently, Syria. Moscow is systematically reclaiming zones of influence it had lost as a result of the Soviet Union's collapse as well as creating new ones it never had during the Soviet period. Recent news that Russia is in the process of establishing a new military airbase in Belarus is also part of Moscow's greater geostrategic agenda. Nevertheless, when it comes to understanding Moscow's actions be it in Syria, be it in Ukraine, disregard every single explanation you have heard from every single expert, analyst or observer in the Western media and consider the following.
Foremost, Moscow is not trying to resurrect the Soviet Union or the Russian Empire. Yes, many of the ceremonial rituals adopted by the modern Russian state are inspired by Czarist Russia. Yes, Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed that the fall of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century. Let's recall that President Putin is also known to have said: Those who do not feel bad about the demise of the Soviet Union have no heart, those who want it back have no brains. Therefore, despite what you may hear on Fox News, BBC or CNN, Bolshevism is not returning to Moscow and the Russian nation does not have the appetite - or is stupid enough - to ever seek the resurrection of the Russian Empire.
This is not unique to Russia. Major powers seek to surround themselves with allied or, at the very least, neutral powers that do not pose an economic or militarily threat to them. For military planers in charge of securing national borders, securing something that is know as satellite states, defensive depth, forward defense, buffer zones or zones of influence are an essential part of a comprehensive national defense formula.
Western European powers have the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and allied buffer states in central and eastern Europe for their defensive depth. The United States has two natural barriers, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and two allied buffer states, Canada and Mexico for its security. On the other hand, Russia does not have the luxury of its peers in the Western world. Geographically the largest nation on earth, Russia does not have any natural barriers. Moreover, being that it occupies much of Eurasia and is therefore bounded by several political and cultural zones, Russia has been invaded many times by major powers throughout history. Centuries of warfare with major powers from around the world has left an indelible mark on the Russian spirit. Consequently, whether it's in central Europe, the Baltic, Scandinavia, the Arctic region, the Black Sea region, the Caucasus (north and south), central Asia, or the Far East, Russian officials are constantly on the watch. It's not an enviable responsibility, but it's amazing how successful Russians have been at protecting their land for the past several hundreds years.
Simply put: Without zones of influence and defensive depth, Russia is a very vulnerable nation and Russians know it. Unfortunately, so do Western powers, which is why we see them doing their best to push Russians out of Ukraine, Syria and the south Caucasus. This is nothing new for the West has been conspiring against Russia for centuries. And as to the question of why Western powers have always looked at Russia with fear, suspicion and/or disdain: Due to its size, location, natural wealth and its people's character, Western powers will instinctually looked at Russia as a natural enemy and they will do so regardless of how Russia behaves.
What Moscow has therefore been doing with its "near abroad" (i.e. former Soviet territory and with former Soviet client states) is something all nation-states do to protect themselves. As I noted above, this is especially the case with major nation-states like Russia who do not have natural barriers protecting them as well as nations that have been invaded continuously.
Russia's geography has for ages shaped Russian leaders, dictated political discourse in the country and given the Russian people their unique characteristics. In my opinion, Russia's legendary military prowess is a direct by-product of the Russian people's genetic makeup (a mix of Vikings, Iranic peoples and Central Asian), its folk culture and the harsh realities of Russia's geography and history. Russians have evolved to be warlike and patriotic for had they not been, they would have disappeared as a nation many centuries ago. Russia's statecraft, including its political and military apparatus, is thus a reflection of Russia's natural needs and the Russian people's ability to pursue it.
During the early post-Soviet years, Moscow begrudgingly tolerated Western inroads into former communist regions of eastern-Europe simply because it was in no shape or form to react in any meaningful way. Western policymakers, however, knew very well that Ukraine, Belarus, the Caucasus and Russia's military presence in Syria would be Moscow's red lines. Perhaps it was their imperial hubris that blinded them, perhaps it was their desperation, regardless of why they did what they did in Syria and the Ukraine, the Western world will now have a rude awakening for this is not 1853, this is not 1941 nor is this the 1990s. The Russian Bear has come out of its hibernation and it is hungry and angry and there is absolutely nothing Western powers can do to stop it.
We are reliving the 19th century
The current political dynamic between Russia and Western powers in Europe and in the Middle East are strikingly similar the rivalry that existed between the Russian Empire and the British Empire (and at times France) during the second half of the 19th century. The Russian Czars back then sought to act as a counterbalance to Western interests throughout much of Eurasia. This often placed Saint Petersburg and London into direct conflict. In fact, Russia fought a bitter war in the Crimean Peninsula between 1853 and 1856 against a very unusual alliance made up of British, French and Turkish troops. The reason for this united front against Russia can be read in the Encyclopedia Britannica -
"The war arose from the conflict of great powers in the Middle East and was more directly caused by Russian demands to exercise protection over the Orthodox subjects of the Ottoman sultan. Another major factor was the dispute between Russia and France over the privileges of the Russian Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches in the holy places in Palestine"Armenians need to take a moment to contemplate why this war was fought and who were the players involved. Decades long anti-Russian propaganda propagated within Armenian society society by Western interests have dulled Armenian senses. Armenians must recognize that Western support for Turks is the fundamental reason for much of the misery Turks have brought upon that part of the world. The reason why Armenians were driven out of their ancestral homeland; the reason why Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians were subjected to a genocide in Asia Minor; the reason why an aggressive Turkey still exists today, is the support Turks have been receiving from Western powers for the past two centuries. Not many Armenians know that during the early aftermath of the Second World War, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin had amassed a large invasion force on the Turkish border with Armenia. Stalin's primary objective was to rip up the Kars Treaty and invade Turkey because of Ankara's collaboration with Nazi Germany during the war -
"After World War II, the Soviet Union attempted to annul the Kars treaty and regain the Kars region and the adjoining region of Ardahan. On June 7, 1945, Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov told the Turkish ambassador to Moscow Selim Sarper that the regions should be returned to the Soviet Union, on behalf of the Georgian and Armenian republics. Turkey found itself in a difficult position: it wanted good relations with the Soviet Union, but at the same time they refused to give up the territories. Turkey itself was in no condition to fight a war with the Soviet Union, which had emerged as a superpower after the second world war. By the autumn of 1945, Soviet troops in the Caucasus were ordered to prepare for a possible invasion of Turkey. Prime Minister Winston Churchill objected to these territorial claims, while President Harry Truman initially felt that the matter should not concern other parties. With the onset of the Cold War, however, the United States came to see Turkey as usefully ally against Soviet expansion and began to support it financially and militarily. By 1948 the Soviet Union dropped its clams to Kars and the other regions"Had the Red Army invaded in the autumn of 1945 and Turks dared to resist, no one doubted that Red Army soldiers, many of whom were Armenians, would be washing their combat boots in the Mediterranean Sea quite literally within days of crossing the border. I had a distant relative who was a conscripted soldier in the assembled invasion force at the time. I recall him telling me that an actual date was set for the invasion. I also recall him telling me about the excitement he and his comrades felt the night before their scheduled invasion. He said they went to sleep knowing for sure that they would be crossing the Arax River and heading west early in the morning on the next day. But it never came to pass. Late that night, word came to the Red Army commanders in Armenia that the Soviet Union's invasion of Turkey has been cancelled. It was later learned that direct threats from Britain and the US had forced Moscow to back down. It was also rumored that the Soviet Union was threatened with an atomic strike. Many today say that one of the main reasons why the US did not hesitate to explode two atomic bombs over Japan was to scare the Soviet Union from getting too ambitious. Nevertheless, soon thereafter, Turkey was quickly was placed into NATO to protect it from the Russian Bear. The Incredible Turk needed to be preserved for it had a significant geostrategic role to play for Western powers. Western policymakers saw the barbaric Turk as a bulwark against Russia, Iran and the growth of secular, pan-Arab nationalism. I would go as far as saying that the Turks is also seen as an insurance against the growth of a union of Christian Orthodox nations in south eastern Europe (i.e Greece, Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Ukraine) because such a union also has the potential of merging with the Russian Bear.
Western powers are the ONLY reason why Turkey exists today. Had it not been for two centuries of Western meddling on behalf of Turks, Turkey may very well have been partitioned between Russia, Greece, Georgia and Armenia; there would not have been an Armenian Genocide; and the Middle East would most probably not have been in the horrible condition that it is in today.
It should also be said that the Russian Empire's role as a competitor and geopolitical counterbalance to Western powers throughout the 19th century was part of the reason why the Western elite sought to cause sociopolitical unrest inside the increasingly vulnerable empire via Marxists. Similar to how "Democracy" is spread around the world today, the Bolshevik movement was hatched in Western capitols and then exported to the Russian Empire for the sole purpose of destroying it. What's more, Armenians in particular need to be reminded that it was this Bolshevik revolution of 1917 that forced the Russian Czar to pull back its troops from deep within the Armenian Highlands. In fact, as late as 1917 Russian soldiers were holding a battlefront against Turks as far west as Trabizon, Bitlis and Mush and there was no Turkish army in sight. Turks succeed in emptying the Armenian Highlands of its native population only due to Western designs against the Russian Empire.
As the reader can see, even as far back as the early 19th century, Western powers were uniting with Islamic powers for the sole purpose of containing the Russian Bear. Ironically, the US was allied to the Russian Empire for much of the 19th century. Ironically, the imperial Russian navy saved the Union in 1863. The close friendship between the two powers at the time gradually dissipated as the Russian Empire began it's gradual decline during late 19th century and as the US was beginning to merge with the British Empire at around the same time. Today, the Russian Federation is playing the role of 19th century Russian Empire, the US is playing the role of 19th century Britain and France (with Britain and France playing supporting roles) and Saudi Arabia and Turkey are playing the role of the Ottoman Empire. Yes, we are indeed reliving the "Great Game" of 19th century. When John "Kohn" Kerry accused Russia of behaving like its the 19th, he, as usual, was only being half truthful for the US and its British, French and Islamic allies are also behaving very much like it's the 19th century.
The Russian Bear is preventing a genocide
In a world reeling under a uni-polar political paradigm that has served Western interests for well over twenty years now, Russia's rise as a superpower projecting its interests upon the global stage is a very, very welcome relief. The global community has long been brutalized under the boot of the Anglo-American-Zionist political order. The rise of Russia is thus providing the bipolarity in global politics that humanity desperately needs. I also hope to see one day nations such as China, India and Iran rise to global prominence as well. For now, however, we must realize that it's only the Russian Federation that is able - and willing - to stand up to the political West.
Russia today has the moral authority as more-and-more nations are beginning to see the US as the greatest threat to world peace. Russia and Iran are actually the only two foreign powers in Syria that are operating fully within the confines of international law.
Syria's fate was decided a very long time ago by Western, Israeli, Turkish and Saudi interests. Bashar Assad's enemies wanted to neuter Syria politically (as they had done with Iraq and as they would later do with Libya and Yemen) because Syria was backed by Iran and Russia and because Syria was a vital bloodline for Lebanon's Hezbollah. But Syria's enemies had a problem: Russia's military presence in the country. Thus, when Moscow began broadening its military ties with Damascus between 2008 and 2010, Syria's enemies panicked and went into action. In my opinion, the Syrian tragedy began little over five years ago when Russian General Yuri Ivanov, the GRU's second in command was mysteriously murdered while on an official trip to the country. The current Western, Turkish, Israeli and Saudi backed Islamic uprising began in Syria merely a year after General Ivanov's murder.
A little over two years ago, they used the false flag serin gas attacks to psychologically prepare the western sheeple for a full-scale war against Assad's government. They were on the verge of beginning an aerial bombardment campaign against Assad's military but Moscow managed to put a stop to it essentially at the last minute. Assad's enemies pulled back and began thinking of alternative ways to realize their agenda in the Levant: Enter ISIS; enter the refugee crisis in Europe. They had since meticulously crafted conditions in the region that are extremely dire, which they were using as an excuse to militarily intervene in Syria once more. Ultimately, Assad's enemies recognize that they are too deep in the bloody mess they created in Syria during the past four years to retreat. Pulling back now would mean total victory for Russia, Iran, Assad's Alawites and Lebanon's Hezbollah. They are therefore stuck in a situation where they have to push forward with their plan but now, with the Russian Bear in the equation, they have to alter their plans and curtail their their actions. Best case scenario in all this is what I suspect has already begun to take place behind closed doors: A negotiated peace settlement and the partitioning of Syria. In any case, territory in Syria has been secured for the region's Alawite, Christian and secular Sunni Arab populations. Here is the latest evidence to backup what I am saying -
But there is also a worst case scenario: With so many powers in such close proximity to each other, the unintentional start of a world war is very real. Even FM Sergei Lavrov recently raised this very serious concern. Nevertheless, it still remains to be seen how all this will play out in the Middle East as well as in eastern Europe in the coming months and years. There are too many potentially explosive and unpredictable variables at play, which makes accurate forecasts nearly impossible. Nevertheless, as I previously said: The Russian Bear will be in the Middle East for a long while and everything we see happening in the region today is in preparation of a new reality. It may take another few years and another few hundred thousand casualties, but the destruction that has been sown in the region is so severe that a new Middle East is all but inevitable. Syria, as we knew it, is all but dead. Since Bashar Assad's government proved resilient, Syria's Alawites have secured their existence and will likely have their state under the protection of its patrons, Russia and Iran.Besieged Syrians Await Evacuation Under Government-Rebel Deal:
For Armenians who have the spiritual depth and the intellectual capacity to see and understand what is happening, the moral of this story is essentially this: Had Moscow not had a vested interest in Syria, Western powers and their regional allies would have placed Syria under Wahhabist/Salafist Islamic rule and we would have had displeasure of seeing a genocide take place, with Armenians once again amongst the victims.
In a sense: The only thing stopping Muslim warlords from sexually molesting little Armenian boys in Armenia, as forces of "freedom and democracy" standby watching, is the Russian Bear.
The Russian Bear's presence in the Middle East is preventing a genocide. Exactly one hundred years ago the Russian Empire was similarly protecting Ottoman Armenians from assured annihilation. The protection worked quite well. As late as 1917, Russian troops were holding a battlefront against Turks as far west as Trabizon, Bitlis and Mush. The Western-financed Bolshevik revolution however forced Russians out of the region and the tragic result was the first genocide of the twentieth century. And as if that was not enough, what was left of historic Armenia in Turkey and Cilicia was simply abandoned by the victorious allies; namely the Britain, France and the US. If Bashar Assad's enemies ever get their way in Syria, we will no doubt witnessed the first genocide of the twenty-first century.
What Moscow has done in Syria is a historic milestone in global affairs and its repercussions will be felt for decades to come. While the Great Game in the region is no way near an end, as if overnight, the Middle East has been transformed and a new geopolitical landscape is being formed as we watch. We are watching history in the making and once again Russia is at the forefront. Therefore, let's all pray for the health and well being of the great Russian nation because Russia today is a rising global power and a bringer of sanity, ethics, structure and balance to global affairs. Russia today is the last front against Western globalism, American expansionism, Zionism, Islamic extremism and pan-Turkism. Russia today is the last hope for the preservation of the traditional nation-state, adherence to international law, conservative family values, apostolic Christianity and classical western civilization. I cannot imagine a world today without the existence of the Russian nation. The great leader of the Russian nation Vladimir Putin has been, and I say this quite literally, God sent. The role Russia is playing on earth today is that of a savior. Russia is in fact fighting evil. Russia's job is therefore sacred. President Putin is the man and Russia is the nation humanity needs to rally around if it is to defeat the evil emanating from the Anglo-American-Jewish world order. We can no longer tolerate the Anglo-American-Jewish world order.
President Putin echoed the sentiments of many millions of people around the world when he spoke the following words at the much anticipated address be gave at the UN: "we can no longer tolerate the current state of affairs in the world". The Russian president went on to give one of his finest speeches of his illustrious career. Even his enemies were clearly envious. President Putin was announcing to the world that the old order was no longer valid and that a new global order, a multipolar global order was forming with Russia in the lead.
October, 2015
A friend of ours quipped amid the Iraq debate of 2003 that the only thing Europeans dislike more than U.S. leadership is a world without it. Well, we are now living in such a world, and the result is the disorder and rising tide of war in the Middle East that even the Obama Administration can no longer dismiss. How do you like it? The epicenter of the chaos is the Syrian civil war now into its fifth year. President Obama justified his decision to steer clear of the conflict by pointing to a parade of horribles if the U.S. assisted the opposition to Bashar Assad. Every one of those horribles—and more—has come to pass in the wake of his retreat.
Syria has become a “geopolitical Chernobyl,” as former General David Petraeus recently put it. It was the breeding ground for Islamic State and is a new sanctuary for terrorism. It has nurtured a growing regional conflict between Shiite and Sunni Muslims, while unleashing the worst refugee crisis on Europe since World War II. And now it has become an arena for potential major power conflict as Vladimir Putin forms an alliance with Iran to make Russia the new Middle East power broker.
Mr. Putin unveiled his strategy this week with a disdain for a U.S. President unseen in a Russian leader since Nikita Khrushchev “beat the hell out of” John Kennedy, as JFK put it, at the Vienna summit in 1961. Mr. Putin coaxed Mr. Obama to grant him a private meeting, then told the world to rally behind his alternative coalition to fight Islamic State and prop up the Assad regime. It’s as if he set up Mr. Obama for humiliation. Now Russian planes are bombing in Syria—but not Islamic State targets. They are bombing the anti-Assad forces that the U.S. has haltingly supported. The U.S. has been caught unaware and nonplussed. The White House has been left to stammer in protest and send Secretary of State John Kerry to negotiate the terms of U.S. irrelevance.
The world is watching, aghast, yet we are now told by the same people who told us to stay out of Syria that Mr. Putin has fallen into his own quagmire. We doubt that’s how they see it in Moscow, Tehran or Damascus. For a limited deployment of 2,000 soldiers and some weapons, Mr. Putin is showing Russians their country has global influence again. He needn’t waste Russian blood because Hezbollah provides the cannon fodder. And he needn’t defeat Islamic State as long as he carves out an Alawite protectorate around Damascus and Syria’s coast. Mr. Assad needs Islamic State as an enemy for now because he can pose as the lesser evil. His goal—and the Kremlin’s—is to slowly win Western agreement that Mr. Assad is necessary for Syrian stability.
Mr. Putin is also showing that Russia is an ally to be trusted, in contrast to an America that abandoned Iraq in 2011 and won’t fight ISIS with conviction. His alliance with Iran gives him leverage throughout the Middle East, and his Syria play may even give him leverage with Europe over Ukraine sanctions. Perhaps he’ll offer to limit the barrel bombs that have sent refugees fleeing in return for Europe easing sanctions. Some quagmire. Mr. Obama could make Mr. Putin pay a price if he reversed his Middle East policy and revived American leadership. In Syria the U.S. could set up a no-fly zone to create a haven for refugees against Islamic State and Mr. Assad’s barrel bombs. He could say U.S. planes will fly wherever they want, and if one is attacked the U.S. will respond in kind.
In Iraq the U.S. could directly arm the Kurds. And the U.S. could rev up the campaign against Islamic State from more than 11 or so strike sorties a day. This would show a new commitment that might convince the Sunni Arabs that the U.S. is finally serious about defeating the caliphate. By now we know Mr. Obama will do none of this. He wants America out of the Middle East, so he will gradually find a way to accommodate Russia’s presence in the Middle East and Mr. Putin’s demands. U.S. allies in the region will get the message and make their accommodations with Russia and Iran. The next President will inherit a bigger terror threat and diminished U.S. influence, if not worse.
All of this ought to be an opportunity for the Republican presidential candidates to make the case against Mr. Obama’s policy of retreat. Instead Donald Trump says his policy would be to get along with Mr. Putin, somehow, and our Syria policy should be to let both sides kill each other. Never mind that this has been Mr. Obama’s policy for five years. After the 1961 Vienna Summit, Khrushchev famously concluded that Kennedy was weak and could be exploited. The Soviet leader followed by creating a crisis over Berlin and trying to send nuclear missiles to Cuba. The Obama Presidency has 16 months left. We haven’t seen the last American humiliation.
One day after launching a campaign of airstrikes in Syria, Russia announced that it was considering going into Iraq. A foreign ministry representative said Thursday that Russia would consider any request from Iraq to conduct anti-ISIS airstrikes in the country, and Iraqi President Haider al-Abadi told Western news outlets that Russian airstrikes were "a possibility" and that Iraq would "welcome it."
"Our message to the Russians — I met with Putin — please join this fight against Daesh," Abadi told PBS NewsHour, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Daesh, as well as the Islamic State, is another name for the ISIS militant group. "Daesh is a dangerous terrorist organization, not only against Iraq, against Syria, against the whole region, against the whole world. It is time that we all join the same forces to fight Daesh."
This escalation signifies a "fundamental shifting of the balance of power in the Middle East," Ali Khedery, the longest continuously serving American official in Iraq, told Business Insider in an interview. Khedery called the Russian strikes a "major world event" and compared the country's actions to the formation of the Axis alliance leading up to World War II. "Now, an alliance really is consolidating and formalizing," Khedery said. "There is now a Shia axis locked in combat across Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. I expect an expansion of the conflict in the months and years ahead. This has the potential to escalate into a regional war, a holy war, and global cold war."
The alliance Khedery speaks of is between Iran, Syria, Iraq, and the Tehran-backed Shia militant group Hezbollah. The group has already set up a coordination cell in Baghdad.
'A strategic enemy of the United States'
Russia started bombing targets in Syria on Wednesday, avoiding the strongholds of ISIS and instead going after areas held by other rebels who are fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, who the US has said must step aside if ISIS is to be defeated. Initially, Russia insisted that it was entering Syria to wipe out ISIS, but experts say it's now clear that Russia's prime concern is propping up the Assad regime against nationalist rebels and maintaining its influence in the region. Thursday's statements from Russia and Iraq come days after Iraq announced an intelligence-sharing agreement with Russia, Syria, and Iran.
"Russia seeks to lay the foundation for a long-term strategic presence in the Middle East," Khedery said. "I think it’s catastrophic ... To me, this is the latest and greatest sign that Iraq is actually, as a government, a strategic enemy of the United States. It is allied with our strategic enemies — Iran, Assad, Hezbollah, and now, Russia."
The news of possible Russian airstrikes in Syria comes as Iranian troops arrive in Syria to join Assad's forces and Hezbollah fighters for a ground offensive, Reuters reports. Sources told Reuters that the operation "would be aimed at recapturing territory lost by Assad's government to rebels." It's unclear what the US will do moving forward. Secretary of State John Kerry said Wednesday that the US had "grave concerns" about Russian strikes in Syria. And a US military official acknowledged that the strikes did "not correlate" with known ISIS positions, according to The Wall Street Journal.
Khedery predicts that Russia's escalation in the Middle East will continue as Putin seeks to project Russian power and fill "a vacuum left by US President Barack Obama in the wake of his perceived inability or unwillingness to defend American and allied interests in the region," he said.
If success means a more prosperous Russia with an array of client states, a solid domestic foundation for Putin’s regime, and Russia’s re-emergence as an attractive civilizational rival to the liberal democratic West (a recurring fantasy of Putinists), then there isn’t anything particularly impressive about the Russian leader’s record. Putin would probably trade all his territorial gains in Crimea and Donetsk for a Ukraine that was still securely in his diplomatic and economic orbit. He would clearly be better off if his one Middle Eastern client were not presently losing a civil war to ISIS and the Nusra Front. And he would presumably prefer that the Russian economy were not grimly stagnant and likely to remain so.
You can argue that he’s been playing a bad hand well, but his cards still look considerably worse than they did when oil prices were higher, or after his splendid little war with Georgia in 2008. And even his somewhat successful plays highlight the extent to which Russian power remains atrophied compared to its Cold War past. The front line of Russian aggression in Eastern Europe is territory that Moscow once ruled with ease, and even there Putin has to settle for stalemates. His Middle Eastern foray is inevitably limited; even after a major defense buildup, Russia is hardly positioned to lead a sweeping military campaign far from its own territory.
American hawks fear a repeat of Putin’s Crimea gambit in the Baltic states, which are certainly vulnerable to Russian mischief. But there, too, Putin would be playing for slivers of territory in his own backyard, while probably reaping domestic backlash and further weakening an already-weakened economic hand. A Russia that can’t control what happens in Kiev is not exactly poised to dominate Eastern Europe; Hungary 1956 or Czechoslovakia 1968 this is not.
But suppose we judge Putin’s maneuvers by a different standard: Not whether they’re delivering ever-greater-influence to Moscow, but whether they’re weakening the Pax Americana and the major institutions (NATO, the E.U.) of the post-Cold War West. On this metric, the Russian leader is having more success. His annexation of Crimea, for instance, saddled Moscow with all kinds of near-term and long-term problems. But it established a meaningful precedent regarding the limits of American and Western power, a kind of counterexample to the first gulf war, by proving that recognized borders can still be redrawn by military force.
His Syrian machinations, similarly, haven’t restored the Assad regime’s control of that unhappy country. But they have helped prove that America’s “Assad must go” line is just empty bluster, and that a regime can cross Washington’s red lines and endure. So too with the new bombing campaign: Without necessarily winning anything beyond Assad’s continued survival, it’s breaking NATO’s interventionist monopoly and giving the region’s powers someone new to play off against the West.
Putin’s gambits have also had second-order consequences for the fraying, fractious European project. His Ukrainian wars and Baltic saber-rattling have heightened none-too-buried tensions between Eastern Europeans and their German “partners.” His support, financial and diplomatic, for populist parties of the left and right (from Syriza to the National Front) has widened the cracks in the E.U. And now his Syrian intervention is likely to at least temporarily worsen the refugee crisis that’s dividing and disorienting the entire European continent.
To be clear: Putin is a Russian nationalist, not the leader of Spectre or the League of Shadows. He doesn’t want chaos for its own sake, and he no doubt believes that a weakened NATO, a divided E.U. and a crumbling Pax Americana are necessary preconditions for his own empire’s return to greatness. But that return seems far out of his reach, and what’s closer to his grasp is something more destructive — a wrecker’s legacy, not Peter the Great’s, in which his own people gain little from his efforts, but the world grows more unstable with every move he makes.
And yet.
Isn't there something totally jaw-dropping, gob-smacking, eyebrow-arching, ear twitchingly extraordinary - and not to mention, casual - about the way the Americans learnt about Russian plans? It began with a phone call from a Russian diplomat to his counterpart in Baghdad to say "we've got something interesting to tell you". Then a three-star Russian general leaves the Russian embassy compound and knocks on the door of the American one, and asks to see the US military attache. He tells the American military man that bombing starts in an hour, so you'd better get out of Syrian airspace now and move any assets you have off the ground. And 60 minutes later, the bombing started.
Wow. To say the Americans were blindsided by this unorthodox line of communication is to put it mildly. Having had their "clear the air" meeting on Monday night there was an anticipation that though there might be big policy differences, there would be a degree of co-ordination and openness. Just consider this - the risks of a US fighter plane running into a Russian one with unimaginable consequences has just ratcheted up. Are they going to take it on turns to bomb targets? One day it's the Americans and their allies, the next day it's the Russians. You don't need to be a military historian to know that that is not going to fly (so to speak).
And that is before we get to the strategic objectives.
Are the Russians trying to destroy IS/Isis/Isil/Daesh or are they trying to prop up President Assad? The Americans see the two as very different, the Russians less so. On the evidence of one day's bombing it looks to be very much the latter. The target of Russian ordnance has been in places where IS has no presence. In other words, other rebel groups - any rebel groups - opposed to President Assad are being targeted. And that raises another huge question. What if the Russians start hitting US backed and armed rebel groups? That is not going to end well. And who knows how many US special forces there might be on the ground helping those rebel groups? What if they find themselves coming under fire - do they call in US close air support to see off their Russian attackers?
The Americans clearly came away with the understanding after the Monday night tête-a-tête that they had an agreement on one thing - that IS needed to be attacked and destroyed, and disagreement on another - the role of President Assad in Syria's future political settlement. Well - and it is day one of Russian action - it looks like Russia is not distinguishing between different rebel groups. If these groups are against Assad, they could find themselves in the crosshairs of the Russian Air Force. Ashton Carter, the US defence secretary, says there is a danger that Russia is pouring gasoline onto the fire. He also insists there have been no big surprises in what the Russians have done today. Hmm. I don't think the Americans had the way today unfolded in their playbook.
Once again Vladimir Putin has seemingly outmanoeuvred the White House. A senior US diplomat said to me the other day that when Obama leaves office he will be roundly applauded for the way he negotiated and ultimately delivered a deal on Iran, but will be justifiably vilified for the vacillation and vagueness over his Syria policy. Putin, on the other hand, has been totally consistent. He wants to protect Russia's only deepwater port on the Eastern Mediterranean and will do what it takes to protect it. So now it looks like the US administration has a choice to make - is it going to risk confrontation with the Russians, or is it going to accept that Assad ain't going anywhere and is there for the long haul? Not easy choices.
The key argument of Obama's speech at the UN on Monday was "Choose co-operation over conflict. That is not weakness, that is strength." Doesn't seem to be Vladimir's modus operandi. The already intractable problem of Syria has just become a whole lot more complex - and a whole lot more dangerous.
That’s the only way to read Secretary of Defense Ash Carter’s call on Friday to Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu to explore what a Pentagon spokesman called “mechanisms for deconfliction” in Syria. In addition to the jets, Russia is sending T-90 tanks, howitzers, troop-transport and attack helicopters, a company of armed Marines, and further equipment to establish an air base near the coastal Syrian city of Latakia. Mr. Shoigu describes the build-up as “defensive in nature.”
Sure, as in Ukraine. Along with Iran, Russia is the Bashar Assad regime’s principal sponsor, providing weapons, diplomatic protection at the United Nations, and now direct military support. Mr. Putin sees an opportunity to rescue his client in Damascus, strengthen ties with Iran, establish a large military footprint along the eastern Mediterranean, further reduce U.S. influence, and create diplomatic leverage that he can use to ease Western sanctions imposed in response to his invasion of Ukraine. On present course he’ll accomplish all of the above.
A typical U.S. President would be angry and embarrassed. But Mr. Obama has gone from warning Russia that its intervention could “risk confrontation” with the U.S., to seeking face-to-face talks with Moscow in order to find “common ground,” as Secretary of State John Kerry said in London last week. There is a need to make sure U.S. jets don’t become targets of Russian anti-aircraft missiles, but Mr. Kerry is walking into another Putin snare. After failing at two previous attempts, the Secretary of State wants to restart peace talks in Geneva to reach a political settlement for the Syrian civil war—and this time he’s willing to be especially flexible about Mr. Assad’s grip on power.
“We’re not being doctrinaire about the specific date or time, we’re open,” he said, discussing the timetable for the Syrian dictator to step down. Mr. Assad, he added, would not have to leave “on day one or month one or whatever. There’s a process by which all the parties have to come together and reach an understanding of how this can best be achieved.”
That sounds like an Administration moving to reverse its demand for Mr. Assad’s ouster. It also coincides with the Administration’s admission that its feeble attempts to arm a credible opposition to the Assad regime have failed—a failure for which White House spokesman Josh Earnest had the ill grace to blame on critics of Mr. Obama’s Syria policy.
Mr. Kerry says the new focus is targeting Islamic State and hoping that the 50-year-old Mr. Assad will shuffle himself off-stage, perhaps to return to his former ophthalmology practice. What the Secretary didn’t explain is why Mr. Assad’s opponents would stop fighting when their central goal is to oust the dictator and crush his power base. Nor did he explain how the Obama Administration intends to foster a political settlement in Syria that would necessarily involve groups such as Islamic State, the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front, and the Iranian-backed Hezbollah.
The only hope the U.S. now has of a decent settlement in Syria is to create no-fly and no-drive zones, on the model of what the U.S. did in northern Iraq in the 1990s, with the explicit aim of protecting civilians and arming a credible militia to destroy Islamic State and the Assad regime. Syrians would fight for such a group if they were convinced the U.S. was committed to victory. That’s not going to happen while Mr. Obama is President, but it’s the right formula for the next one.
Meantime, Mr. Putin must be amazed at his luck in having Mr. Obama as President. Look for Russian negotiators to link talks over Syria to U.S. support for the government in Kiev, or military deployments in the Baltics, or enforcement of the nuclear agreement with Iran. Mr. Putin will keep stealing Mr. Obama’s lunch money as long as this weakest of Presidents lets him.
Regional Influence. Military intervention gives the Russians an opportunity to tighten relations with Iran, which shares Russia’s desire to prop up the Assad regime. Already Iran has military advisers and proxy forces — Hezbollah militia fighters from Lebanon — on the ground in Syria. Not that Putin is depending solely on Iran: Russia has played regional power broker for months in the run-up to the Syria deployment, hosting consultations in Moscow with leaders from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Israel, Palestine and Iran.
Hammering on the Islamic State. Putin genuinely wants to defeat the Islamic State. Russia says about 2,400 of its nationals are fighting with the IS; chances are, many of them are from Russia’s Caucasus region, which has a large Muslim population and hosts a number of separatist movements. Returning Russian fighters would pose a direct threat to Russia’s control in key parts of its southwest.
When in Doubt, Distract. Activism in Syria gives Putin a way to distract attention from Russia’s aggression in Ukraine. At the same time, it obliges the Western coalition opposing the Islamic State to work directly with Russia. At minimum, the U.S.-led coalition has to de-conflict military operations with Russia, but inevitably, that will begin to draw it into a cooperative relationship with Moscow. That will only muddy the waters when it comes to the West’s Ukraine grievances.
Although Russia’s broad objectives are clear, its precise plans in Syria are not. Its major fear is probably that the Assad regime will fall to some combination of extremists dominated by the Islamic State, thus depriving Moscow of its closest ally in the region. Faced with that fear, Russia could pursue one of two paths. Together with Iran, it could go all out to preserve Assad in power, concentrating its firepower on the Islamic State — and perhaps even on the more moderate rebels the West tends to favor.
Admittedly, there has long been a Russian military presence in Syria. When opposition forces overran a Syrian listening post in October last year, the images revealed that it was staffed by the Russian military. More recently, analysts have noted pictures and videos that seem to confirm the presence of Russian combat forces fighting in Syria. Russian military vehicles have been sighted, while Russian soldiers have posted images and comments on Russian social media sites like VKontakte and the California-based LiveJournal, detailing their service in the war-torn country. (Some of the best open-source analysis has been on Bellingcat’s website.)
It is very strange world we live in, one marked both by the “little green men” of Russia’s “hybrid” warfare who Moscow can disavow and by data ubiquity that allows analysts to mock those disavowals. Still, there has always been a question about how extensive Russia’s support for the Syrian regime has been the past four years. Are those even Russians inside the Moscow-supplied combat vehicles? Open-source analysts have been quite enterprising in suggesting the answer is yes, hearing snippets of Russian in between bursts from the vehicle’s gun. But the Russians claim any Slavic accents are merely those of a very small number of trainers or advisors. Nothing to see here; please move along.
That is now very hard to believe. On Sept. 4, the New York Times published an article suggesting that Russia had shipped prefabricated housing and a transportable air traffic control station to an airfield near Latakia. It was a great scoop, but I was pretty baffled that the New York Times didn’t bother to purchase a satellite image of the facility. Had they done so, they would have realized that they buried the lede. Drag the slider back and forth to compare a Google Earth image of the air base near Latakia with a recent satellite image of the same air base.
What is at stake is how to deal with a situation in which Vladimir Putin is going all-in on behalf of the Assad government while our policy is in tatters. Rogin reports that U.S. officials believe Russia will base combat aircraft at the site. That is easy to confirm from the satellite image. In recent weeks, construction crews have completed a taxiway that connects the runway to the construction area. That means aircraft shelters for Russian aircraft. The scale of the construction goes even further. A large area of ground has been cleared in many different parts of the air base. There are pallets and crates everywhere. Trucks are visible driving into the site. (We’ve annotated the image, but I highly recommend following @finriswolf on Twitter.) The image drives home the implication of all those flights and shipments heading to Syria: Russia is substantially expanding its involvement.
There is now little hope of establishing a no-fly zone over Syria, unless Washington wants to be in the business of shooting down Russian aircraft. From a broader perspective, U.S. efforts to arm the opposition to Assad mean fighting a proxy war with Moscow, either by trying to down the Russian planes or helping Syrian opposition forces kill Russian combat troops on the ground. That seems a much tougher task than fighting a proxy war with Iran and Hezbollah.
But beyond this narrow question of whether the United States wants to directly support combat operations against Russian forces in Syria, Moscow’s apparent commitment to Damascus raises fundamental questions about what U.S. strategy, if any, can succeed. I have long been opposed to collaborating with Assad. I don’t believe that he is committed to fighting the Islamic State; he only seems interested in attacking those opposition forces that threaten him directly. (In fact, by writing off parts of Syria to the Islamic State, he creates a second front for his opponents.) Nor do I believe he will ever command enough support to reestablish government control in Syria. If there is any hope of uniting Syrians, Assad must leave.
What Russia has done, however, is make it clear that it will not let Assad fall. He can’t win, but Russia won’t let him lose. That dooms Syria to what looks like endless war, as Assad fights to the last man. There are those who see Syria as a quagmire for Putin, a kind of matched pair to our own folly in Iraq; just as Washington collectively saw Afghanistan as payback for Vietnam. I am not so sanguine.
While Charlie Wilson’s war helped popularize the idea of bleeding Moscow, I don’t think that can be the basis of U.S. policy either. The moral cost is far too high. Aylan Kurdi, the 3-year-old boy whose corpse washed up on a Turkish beach, was fleeing Syria’s civil war, as are hundreds of thousands of the refugees now in Europe. More than half of Syria’s 17 million people have been displaced. Bleeding Moscow means bleeding these people. It may sound strategic in a Pentagon war room, but not when children’s bodies wash up on shore.
Columns are supposed to have a simple solution. An op-ed should have five paragraphs wrapped up in a neat little bow that explains how to fix the problem outlined in the first paragraph. One of my favorite professors (and FP colleague), Kori Schake, used to liken it to the answer in a beauty pageant. She was right, but for the life of me I can’t come up with one. It seems that, sometimes, the world’s pain can’t be solved in a few hundred words of sage advice.
So this column does not have a neat and tidy ending. And that is because I am not sure that it is now possible to save Syria. There is no path to resurrect a state that is failing, not so long as Putin has decided to do whatever it takes to preserve Assad’s awful regime and condemn Syria to endless conflict. We can, of course, make it difficult for Russia to resupply its forces in Syria. Already, some NATO allies, like Bulgaria and Turkey, have denied Russian aircraft over-flight rights. Iraq, too, appears to have turned back at least one aircraft.
And there is surely more we can do to shelter the millions of refugees now fleeing the conflict. Having helped create this mess with the invasion of Iraq and subsequent failure to stop the bloodshed in Syria, the United States and its European allies have an obligation to assist these people. This is especially true of those countries that were the loudest supporters of the invasion of Iraq. Coalition of the Still Willing, right? That includes you, Hungary.
As it stands today, United States policy in Syria insists that President Bashar al-Assad must go. But if the U.S. succeeds and the Assad government is scattered to the wind it raises the question: Who will defend the ethnic and religious minorities in Syria from the Islamic State, the al-Nusra Front, and all the other heavily armed homicidal maniacs that already control nearly half the country?
An orderly transfer of power in Syria would be terrific. But nothing taking place on the ground would suggest this outcome to be even a remote possibility at this time. The paucity of "moderate" elements among the rebels would seem to preclude a smooth political transition. The U.S. policy of "regime change" in Iraq and Libya unleashed long-term humanitarian catastrophes. The Assad government is the only game in town and if it falls prematurely Syria will probably end up looking a lot like Libya.
By portraying Russian actions in Syria as "aggression" and "interference" without acknowledging the far more significant role U.S. policy played over the past 12 years in creating the crisis, the American people are being led astray once again on the goals and consequences of U.S. military intervention in the Middle East.
Neo-conservatism and liberal interventionism form two equally bogus parts of a bifurcated worldview that hobbles clear-headed thinking among U.S. foreign policy elites. Even in the face of the nightmarish failures that have destroyed the lives of thousands of innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Ukraine, the neo-cons (such as Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland) and liberal interventionists (such as United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power) still cling to "regime change" as a viable policy.
Both schools of thought believe they can restore the United States' damaged credibility in the Middle East by vilifying Russian President Vladimir Putin and telling lurid tales of Assad's "barrel bombs" and human rights abuses. Both of them always assume the posture of taking the moral high ground. Yet they only choose to see "humanitarian disasters" when they fulfill some wider U.S. geostrategic objective.
We've been hit with a narrative that promotes U.S. power and influence but accepts zero responsibility for the consequences of its actions and those of its allies. Saudi Arabia is not only funneling arms and money to Sunni rebels in Syria and Iraq; it's using state-of-the-art American military technology in Yemen to blow to bits the Houthi and other Shia elements. The U.S. recently rewarded Saudi Arabia for its efforts with another billion-dollar arms deal. We also hear very little about the human rights abuses of the pro-U.S. government of Bahrain (where the U.S. Fifth Fleet is stationed) in repressing its own Shia population.
The Russians have called out the U.S. on its hypocrisy and the reaction has been fierce. Condemning the "former KGB man" Putin and his "despicable lies" and "aggression" flows freely from the mouths of politicians, government officials, and media commentators. Some members of Congress and Republican presidential candidates accuse Iran of "destabilizing" the Middle East. They ignore the fact that it was the United States that already set the place on fire. Gore Vidal used to like to compare George W. Bush to a little boy playfully skipping around the globe lighting matches and sparking wildfires without a care in the world.
The only lasting outcome of the Iraq war was to strengthen Iran's position in the region and so alarm America's Sunni allies they began arming some of the most bloodthirsty people on earth. Even on the U.S.'s own geopolitical terms the Iraq war was a grim flop. Bush, Cheney, Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell, and everyone else who supported the Iraq invasion of 2003 should bear some responsibility for birthing ISIL.
ISIL's high production-value snuff films, which indulge in every imaginable stereotype of the Islamic terrorist, along with its command of social media, have successfully fused together 21st Century technology with 7th Century ideology and customs. ISIL's belief system is frighteningly anachronistic, but so too is the worldview of U.S. policy elites.
Trapped in the bi-polar world of the Cold War, U.S. policymakers still insist on "NATO expansion" right up against the borders of the Russian Federation while accusing Putin of trying to remake the Soviet Union. In Ukraine, the Russian response to the U.S. policy of "regime change" and NATO expansion is consistent with what "realists" (including Henry Kissinger) would expect as a defensive posture any large power would assume when confronted on its borders. Scholars making this realist argument have come under attack.
U.S. officials and the press seldom concede the crimes of Ukraine's "Right Sector," which is loaded with neo-Nazis whose ultra-nationalist credentials translate into political influence in the Kiev government. But within the dominant American foreign policy paradigm the Ukrainian Right Sector disappears from view, while in Syria "moderates" are conjured up out of thin air. It's all an Orwellian dance where those in power erase history and replace it with useful myths.
"American exceptionalism" and the idea that after Iraq and Libya the U.S. can lecture Russia on the proper conduct of international affairs are part of this fantasy world. American State Department officials seem incapable of viewing the world through any other lens than their own.
Both Russian President Putin and Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter have cited the history of World War Two to point to the possibility of an alliance between the U.S. and Russia against ISIL (the same way they joined forces to defeat Nazi Germany). So "history" does sometimes creep into the discussion. Susan Butler's, Roosevelt and Stalin: Portrait of a Partnership (2015), shows there was no love between Josef Stalin and Franklin Roosevelt, but both leaders recognized that "realism" required an alliance against Germany. Why can't that same spirit of "realism" prevail today in U.S.-Russian relations with regard to the Middle East and Ukraine?
At a recent press luncheon, UN Ambassador Samantha Power responded to a question from Michael Gordon of the New York Times where she blamed Assad and his "barrel bombs" for the rise of ISIL in Syria and added that only by overthrowing Assad could ISIL be tamed. Gordon (of course) failed to ask the obvious follow up question: Who do you think will fill the power vacuum after Assad is gone?
It takes no insight, intellect, or skill to rail against Putin and demand that the U.S. "stand up" to Russia as Jonathan Alter, Howard Dean, and E.J. Dionne did recently on the "liberal" The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell Show on MSNBC. Penning defamatory op-eds about Putin and Assad has become a cottage industry and it's the easiest exercise in the world. All one needs to do is Google an old speech by Dick Cheney or George W. Bush condemning Saddam Hussein and switch out the name "Saddam" and insert the names "Putin" or "Assad." It's the same flatulent rhetoric from American pundits who still don't comprehend that the U.S. has lost the ability to cast moral judgment in international affairs.
The more difficult task is to chart out a rational path forward for a political settlement in Syria that doesn't end up sending another million war refugees fleeing into Europe. Russia keeps trying to explain to the United States that the most likely scenario that will play out if the U.S. achieves its goal of ejecting Assad before the Sunni terrorist groups are neutralized is that Syria will become another Libya. And given its geographical location, Syria could become a far more dangerous long-term problem because of the potential of triggering a wider war that might involve the bigger powers, not only by proxy but directly.
Just because the CIA trained and equipped rebel group (A) or (B) in Syria doesn't qualify them, ipso facto, as being the "good guys" - you'd think we would have learned that lesson from the 1980s when the CIA armed the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan against the Soviets and planted the seeds for Al Qaeda. How dare those Ruskies bomb the Sunni cutthroats and assassins that happen to be on the CIA's payroll this week!
The Pentagon admits that its $500 million effort to train "moderate" rebels in Syria has been an unhappy disaster, and has only outfitted about four or five individuals to be anti-Assad fighters at a cost of about $100 million per rebel. That's not a very good return on a taxpayer investment - in fact, it equals the entire amount of the annual federal subsidy for Planned Parenthood.
British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond believes defending Assad will strengthen the opposition: "We need the Russians to understand that in coming to defense of the regime to attack ISIL, what they will do is forge a single united front under ISIL leadership against the regime." But al-Nusra, ISIL, and the other terrorist groups in Syria (along with the thousands of foreign recruits) are well known to shuffle and reshuffle their alliances in any way that serves their immediate tactical objectives. It's unlikely that expelling Assad now would lead these groups to put down their weapons, stop blowing up antiquities and cutting off heads, and come to the bargaining table. The ahistorical reportage on the conflicts in Syria and Ukraine is summed up in the concluding paragraph of a recent New York Times article:
"Mr. Putin harbors both international and domestic reasons for interfering in Syria. On the international front, he wants to restore Russian influence as a global power and try to force an end to the diplomatic and financial isolation the West imposed after Moscow seized Crimea and supported separatists in southeastern Ukraine. He also wants to maintain control over Russia's naval station at Tartus, in Syria, its only remaining overseas military base outside the former Soviet Union." (NYT 10/1/15 p. A10)
The omissions are glaring. There's no mention of the U.S. invasion of Iraq that set off this clusterfuck in the first place, which ignited the bloodiest sectarian fighting in centuries, sent packing the Sunni technocratic class in Baghdad, and prepared the ground for the rise of ISIL. The characterization of Russian motives ignores the determined U.S. policy of "NATO expansion" in Eastern Europe and the role of the U.S. in the February 2014 coup that overthrew the elected president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych. Inconvenient truths that contradict the U.S. line are airbrushed out of the discourse. Those who still wonder how the American people could be so misled into thinking the Iraq war was a good idea should peruse the current media coverage of Syria and Ukraine for their answer.
In a September 27, 2015, front page article by Michael Gordon, (who's worth reading to deduce exactly what line the CIA wants to push on any given day), criticized the decision of the Russian government to share intelligence on ISIL with the governments of Iraq, Iran, and Syria. Given the reports that hundreds of new ISIL fighters are now flowing into Syria from Russia it would seem a prudent step to try to find out who these people are. Yet Gordon's stenography turns a pragmatic idea -- tracking ISIL terrorists -- into something suspicious. Sounding the alarm about terrorists has been the journalistic gold standard for people like Gordon for years, yet his official sources now lead him to turn a blind eye to the shared interests of the U.S. and Russia in combating ISIL.
Maybe the goal of U.S. policy all along has been to crush the Arab regimes that emerged in the 1960s and '70s (Saddam, Gadhafi, Assad) that built Oil Ministries and other barriers that impede free access to their resources? Maybe American foreign policy seeks to remove any obstacle that interferes with building a neo-liberal Utopia? And maybe the vitriol aimed at Russia is because Putin is exposing the ruse?
Even during the height of the Cold War American diplomats such as George Kennan could use their imaginations to try to put themselves in their adversary's place and view the world from the Russian perspective. One of the more notable examples of this ability to perceive the world from your opponent's standpoint comes from a leader who President Barack Obama, Ambassador Power, and Secretary of State John Kerry hold in high regard: President John F. Kennedy.
During the Cuban missile crisis Kennedy constantly tried to see the crisis from the viewpoint of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. He understood the Russian perspective, the need to "save face," and the pressures from hardliners within the Soviet government. He tried his best to empathize with his adversary even while taking militaristic steps to thwart him. Neither was he afraid of cutting deals and making concessions. In a sense, it was Kennedy's realism that saved the planet.
Since the Bush-Cheney years it seems that the ability of U.S. diplomats to put themselves in "the Other's" shoes has atrophied. We hear American commentators and officials lament Putin's control of Russian state media. Yet they don't acknowledge their own ideological blinders that a "free" media system imposes where many of the same people who brought us the Iraq war (neo-cons and liberal interventionists) are now manufacturing a faulty and dangerous "consensus" about what is to be done in Syria and Ukraine.
Netanyahu says he and Putin agreed on ways to avoid conflict between their forces in Syria. For years Israel has had a free hand to attack arms transfers to Hezbollah.
The first outlook generates calculating and cynical, but predictable policies. The second one paves the road to hell.Which geopolitical aims are pursued by Moscow in Syria?
Russia has only two allies in the Middle East - Iran and Syria. The Kremlin came to the conclusion that without the direct intervention of the Russians Assad’s regime would be doomed, because Hezbollah and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps would not withstand the onslaught of the Islamists for long. The fall of Assad’s regime would jeopardize the Iranian regime as well. Lebanon together with Hezbollah would not survive, and Shiite government in Iraq would be threatened by "jihadists". Moscow in that case would lose its influence in the Middle East completely – such a situation is unacceptable to the Kremlin.
Obama may cherish illusions that Iran's Ayatollahs will become US allies for as long as he wants them to, but in Tehran they even don’t try to conceal their contempt for him. Mullahs have friends already, and they sit not in Washington, but in Moscow. Both sides coordinate every step. Commander of the Quds Force general Qasem Soleimani visited Moscow twice - in August and in middle of September - where he met with Putin and the Minister of Defense Sergey Shoygu. On behalf of the Russians, continuous contacts between Tehran and Moscow are maintained by the Russian President's Special Representative in the Middle East and Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov.
They manipulate Obama, cynically obtaining American weapons and technology from him, but it is Russia that they consider the power capable of influencing events.The second key point is related to Islamist threat. Putin's calls to destroy ISIS are not just empty rhetoric. The defeat of Assad would be the triumph of "jihadists", and the flame of "Green revolution" under the banner of the Prophet would inevitably spread to Muslim regions of Russia - the Caucasus, Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. It can inflame the “soft underbelly” of Russia too – secular Muslim republics of Central Asia.
On September 15-17, presidents of five countries of The Collective Security Treaty Organization - Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan - held a summit on strategic security issues in Dushanbe. Dushanbe - the capital of Tajikistan - was chosen for a reason: it is an outpost of Russia on the border with Afghanistan. Besides the Taliban, it is being infiltrated now by ISIS agents as well, and Moscow is aware of this danger.
Putin assured the Tajik President Emomali Rahmon, that Russia will support him in any case, but it is impossible to stop ISIS while remaining entirely on the defensive, and Putin prefers an offensive campaign. Unlike the Europeans, Russia doesn’t accept returning "jihadists", who went to fight for the Caliphate - Russians prefer destroying them in Syria. One of the main aims of Russians in Syria will be Chechen militants, penetrating into Syria via Turkey. Russia intends to hunt them, and modern attack helicopters Mi-28NE called “Night Hunter” have already arrived in Latakia.
The third point – starting from the 18th century, the Russian Empire, and after it the Soviet Union, sought to increase its presence in the "South Seas" - the Mediterranean. It would turn Russia into a leading player in world politics, would let it go beyond the Eurasian steppes and dictate its own terms to the West. Over a number of years Putin has been counting on the development of the Russian Navy, which has become a strong force.
Russia's principal goal is preserving Syrian Latakia - its main base in the Mediterranean, and creating new bases. Obama's mediocre policy facilitates the rapprochement between the Kremlin and Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, and today the two countries are negotiating the construction of a naval base in Egypt. The Eastern Mediterranean becoming Russian – the aim that was unachievable in the face of such statesman-rivals as Palmerston, Disraeli, Churchill, Truman and Reagan, became ridiculously easy with Obama.
The fourth point - Russia wants to show to the whole world that it is a power that under no circumstances abandons its friends and allies to their fate. Putin didn’t betray Assad in his hour of need, and thus made it clear (for West especially) that “all roads lead to Rome”, i.e., to Moscow. It was a useful lesson – now all countries in the region apply for mediation not to Washington, Paris or London, but to the Kremlin. They manipulate Obama, cynically obtaining American weapons and technology from him, but it is Russia that they consider the power capable of influencing events.
Arabic Sheikhs – the minister of foreign affairs of the UAE Abdullah Sultan Al Nahyan, Saudi ministers of defense and foreign affairs Salman Al Saud and Adel al-Dzhubeyra –have already visited Moscow and now it is Benjamin Netanyahu’s turn. Russia is not an ally of Israel, but for Netanyahu it is much easier to come to an understanding with Putin than with Obama, and the involvement of the Kremlin can prevent the worst-case scenario, such as the supply of S-300 and upgraded weapons to Hezbollah. It is curious to note that in numerous interviews to Russian media during a previous visit to Moscow, that Netanyahu emphasized excellent mutual understanding with Putin.
As far as I know, Moscow planned to offer a deal to Netanyahu: the participation of "Gazprom" in Leviathan gas field development on the northern border of Israel in exchange for curbing Iran and Hezbollah. Blackmail? Yes, to a certain degree, but at least it is much more explainable than the demands to return to “Auschwitz borders”[2] immediately.
Point number five. Russia assumes the mission of the protector of Christian minorities in the Middle East, in the same way that it protected the Eastern Orthodoxy in the 19th century, and Great Britain, represented by Lord Shaftesbury [3], protected Jews in Holy Land. From 2012, this role is played by the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society headed by Patriarch Kirill I of Moscow, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov and the Mayor of Moscow, Sergey Sobyanin. And eventually, all of these efforts coming out of Moscow are based on the deep, uncompromising belief in Russia’s rightness and its divine mission; and not without reason, nowadays, they emphasize the continuity from Bysantium in Russia.
What does the West set against Russia? It betrays its allies by encouraging their worst enemies. This is done senselessly, egregiously, in ways harmful to own strategic interests. The West betrayed Qaddafi, who successfully collaborated with Europeans and held back Islamic fundamentalism and hordes of migrants from Africa. It betrayed Hosni Mubarak, and then tried to push el-Sisi into a corner, hindering his war with terror – in the name of the Muslim Brotherhood that hates the West. It betrayed the former Yemeni President Abdullah Salah, who helped the US in the fight against al-Qaeda. It betrayed Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf monarchies in the name of the disastrous deal with Iran, a country which dreams of destroying the US and doesn’t conceal it.
Yes, it betrays – in dirty, cowardly and hypocritical fashion - Israel, its last stronghold in the Middle East, this in the name of the mythical "Palestinian people" that never existed. This "people" was the inspired invention of the KGB and the Arab League and turned out to be the "sacred cow" of postmodern culture. The US betrayed the friendly Kurds - in the name of "good relations" with the psychopath Erdogan, whose hatred of the West is no less than that of Ali Khamenei. It betrayed - in the name of political correctness - Christians of the Middle East inseparably connected to Christian civilization. While Russia is building its Empire, the West is concerned with self-destruction. This is a "suicidal syndrome" in the name of "progressive thinking" that killed both the progress and thinking. The result of this contest is predictable. History does not like idiots, and especially "useful idiots."
The writer is author of the soon to be published book "Agony of Hercules or a Farewell to Democracy (Notes of a Stranger).”
Several media reports over the last week have indicated a significant increase in the military aid that Russia is offering Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria, including even the use of air crews and Russian fighter jets – all as part of efforts by Russia to sustain that regime. Although the latest efforts are drawing some feeble criticism from the United States, it seems more like lip service as compared to the original American stance that demanded Assad's ouster.
After four-and-a-half years of vicious civil war and despite the heavy blows he has sustained, it seems that for now Assad – who cannot currently hope to regain control of more than half of the territory of Syria that he’s lost – can continue clinging to power, propped up by Russian and Iranian aid, as well as by the West’s focus on the struggle against the Islamic State, also called ISIS or ISIL.
Specifically, The New York Times reported over the weekend that Russia has sent a new delegation of military experts to Syria, with the intention of stationing 1,000 advisers in the port city of Latakia. This is thought to be a sign that construction is beginning on a Russian military base in the Alawite enclave, along the northern Syrian coast, which is under Assad’s control. The U.S. expressed concern over this report, and Secretary of State John Kerry warned his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, that this move could further escalate the Syrian civil war.
Last week, several media outlets including the Daily Beast website, basing themselves on sources within opposition forces in Syria, reported the appearance of new armored personnel carriers supplied by Russia, and possibly Russian soldiers, in areas in which the fighting is going on. In Israel, the daily Yedioth Ahronoth reported that Russian aircraft have been stationed in Syria and have recently been involved in combat there.
In June, “Haaretz” reported that Israel Defense Forces Military Intelligence estimates that, despite a string of defeats suffered by the Syrian army in the preceding months, Russia and Iran were determined to ensure the regime’s survival. According to that assessment, the two countries decided to transfer more weapons to Assad and to provide him with intelligence that will help his struggle against the multiple rebel militias that are trying to topple him.
The two countries operated separately in the past but recently, since the signing in Vienna of the nuclear accord between Iran and the six powers in early July, there are signs of new coordination between Moscow and Tehran.
Last month there were reports of a visit to Moscow by General Qasem Soleimani, the commander of the elite Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, who involved in helping the Assad regime, Hezbzollah and a host of terrorist and guerrilla groups in the Middle East. One can assume that this is further evidence of an attempt at increasing coordination between the two countries.
Moscow has supported Assad throughout the war. In the summer of 2013, at a critical juncture for the Syrian tyrant, when U.S. President Barack Obama was planning an aerial attack – in retaliation for the killing of more than 1,000 civilians near Damascus by the regime, which involved the use of chemical weapons – Russia initiated a last-minute agreement to destroy the regime’s chemical stockpiles in exchange for calling off the attack.
Over the last year, Obama and Western leaders have meanwhile softened their rhetoric against Assad in light of the rise of ISIS, and due to concerns that toppling Assad will allow a takeover of Damascus by extremist Sunni groups. That would likely lead to large-scale massacres of civilians belonging to sects loyal to the regime, mainly the Alawites.
The American-led military assault against ISIS in Iraq and Syria has indirectly helped Assad by weakening one of his major rivals, forcing it to spend time defending itself rather than continuing full-force attacks on the regime. Now that the Americans aren’t striving to topple him, and Russia and Iran are increasing their support, Assad has better chances of stabilizing his defense despite the heavy losses he’s sustained, the poor morale in the army, and the continuing erosion by rebels of territory controlled by the regime.
For Israel, which for several years has not really supported the downfall of the Assad regime, preferring the present situation with a weakened president controlling a “small Syria” (covering less than half of the country's original territory) – the new developments are not encouraging.
According to foreign media reports to which Jerusalem rarely responds, every few months the Israel Air Force attacks arms convoys carrying Syrian war materiel to Hezbollah in Lebanon. These attacks, attributed to Israel and designed to prevent the terror group from acquiring advanced weapons systems, rarely provoke a response, given the weakness of Syria’s air force and the relatively limited capabilities of that country's, and Hezbollah’s, air defense systems.
However, if Russia is dispatching its jet fighters and establishing a new military base in Syria, Israel will have to deal with new and different kinds of constraints, especially if the aircraft are equipped with Russian air-to-air missiles. In recent years there has been much talk in Israel about a campaign conducted between wars: i.e., a low-profile military and intelligence effort aimed at preventing the empowerment of terrorist groups in the area, and at reducing the risk of another war. The entry of Russia into the Syrian arena changes the rules of this game.
In the early 1970s, when Russia sent military advisers to Egypt and Syria, a new division was set up hastily in the Military Intelligence’s central intelligence-gathering unit (known as unit 8200). This unit eavesdropped on Russian activity in the region. Israel’s relations with Russia have improved since then, but increased Russian military presence in the region may demand that Israel’s military intelligence undertake more forceful efforts to deal with this development.
While the desperate flight of Syrians from their country's war was dominating news bulletins this summer, yet another diplomatic push to end the four-year-old conflict was quietly running into the sand. That largely unnoticed failure has reinforced the view amongst Syria experts that there is no solution in sight, with one of the biggest obstacles a seemingly unbridgeable international divide over President Bashar al-Assad's future. As a consequence, Syria looks set for ever greater fragmentation into a patchwork of territories, one of them the diminishing Damascus-based state where Assad appears confident of survival with backing from his Russian and Iranian allies.
While some Western officials say even Assad's allies now recognize he cannot win back and stabilize Syria, Moscow is setting out its case for supporting him in ever more forthright terms. Russia's foreign minister in recent days reiterated the Russian view that Assad is a legitimate leader, slammed the U.S. position to the contrary as "counterproductive", and likened the west's approach to Syria to its failures in Iraq and Libya. Russia meanwhile continues to supply Assad with weapons. A Syrian military official told Reuters there has recently been a "big shift" in Russian military support, including new weapons and training. Our ties are always developing but in these days a qualitative shift has happened. We call it a qualitative shift in Arabic, which means big,” the Syrian official said.
Such assertions are difficult to verify, but U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry expressed his concern over reports of increased Russian involvement in a telephone call with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Saturday. The New York Times said Russia had sent a military advance team to Syria, citing American intelligence analysts. Reflecting the logjam over Assad, some of the ideas being tabled for advancing a political process sidestep the question of his future altogether - at least for now, according to a diplomat tracking the conflict. Yet this remains the biggest single obstacle to breaking a diplomatic impasse around a war whose repercussions are being felt like never before in Europe, which faces a migration crisis fueled by Syrian refugees.
In turn, it is a big complication for efforts to fight the Islamic State group that has flourished in the bloodshed of a conflict that has killed a quarter of a million people and driven another 11 million from their homes. Despite a U.S.-led bombing campaign against the jihadist group, Islamic State (ISIS) still holds wide areas of Syria and is poised for further moves toward the big, Assad-controlled cities in the west: Islamic State already has a presence in the southern suburbs of Damascus. "I don't see a tremendous amount of change out of the Iranians or Russians. There is some talk of them being tired, but their positions are pretty firm," said Andrew Tabler, a Middle East specialist with the Washington Institute.
"They think that Assad's immediate departure would lead to a collapse of the regime. Washington also sees a rapid collapse of the regime as something that would be a boon for ISIS. They are in a conundrum: if Assad goes right away, it would help ISIS, but if he doesn't go at all, you have no hope of putting the pieces of Syria back together again," he said. "This recent outburst of diplomacy is because everyone was becoming concerned, and rightfully so. But the results of that process were remarkably poor. They seem to cement the earlier political positions of the region when it comes to Syria."
The recent flurry of diplomatic activity followed the conclusion of Iran's nuclear deal with world powers and included high-level meetings between states with a stake in the conflict, with Russia taking the lead.
Unlimited Support
Assad has wagered on the West rehabilitating him as a partner in the war against Islamic State. But while the priority for U.S. policy in Syria today is battling Islamic State, not unseating Assad, Washington has stuck by its position that he is part of the problem, saying his brutality has fueled extremism. The 49-year-old who assumed power 15 years ago upon the death of his father, Hafez al-Assad, has shown no appetite for negotiations despite losing more ground to rebels this year and admitting the Syrian army faces a manpower problem.
The military support from backers in Tehran and Moscow has allowed him to absorb the advances by insurgents who, while better equipped than before, still remain mostly defenseless against the Syrian government air strikes. "So far, there is no real political solution because of the unlimited support from Russia and Iran," said Bashar al-Zoubi, head of one of the biggest rebel groups fighting Assad in southern Syria, speaking to Reuters via Whatsapp from Syria. Assad, who describes all the groups fighting him as terrorists, has poured cold water on the idea of imminent political progress. In a recent interview, he said the war would only be near its end when states "conspiring against Syria" ceased doing so - a reference to Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
A steady flow of Iranian officials to Damascus has also underlined Tehran's support for an ally who has safeguarded its interests in the Levant in alliance with Lebanon's Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed group fighting alongside Assad in Syria. Since concluding its nuclear deal, Iran says it is trying to launch a new push to resolve the Syrian war. But there is no sign of Tehran giving ground on Assad.
No Alternative?
Moscow and Tehran's backing for Assad is underpinned by the fact they see no alternative who can guarantee their interests. While Assad may control a fifth or even less of Syria, they still see him as the cornerstone of what remains of the state, including the military and security forces which many Syria experts believe would fragment were he gone. Russia is pushing for the Syrian government to be included in international efforts to fight Islamic State. Saudi Arabia is one of the states to have rejected the idea. A senior Russian diplomatic source said: "Proposals by our partners for the change of regime in Damascus are illegitimate. They only say Assad must go - and then what? I don't think they have any idea."
"There used to be no terrorists in Iraq, the same in Libya. And now the Libyan state has fallen apart and the terrorists are roaming there." The new U.S. special envoy for Syria, Michael Ratney, gave the polar opposite view after his Aug. 28 visit to Moscow. "We are cognizant that Assad’s continued tenure fuels extremism and inflames tensions in the region. That is why a political transition is not only necessary for the good of the people of Syria, but an important part of the fight to defeat the extremists," a U.S. statement said.
Anadolu Agency/Getty ImagesSyrians gather at the Damascus district of Douma after barrel bombs dropped to residential areas from the warcraft by Syrian Airforces, killing a number of civilians, including women and children on Jan. 8, 2014. While insisting Assad must go, U.S. officials are not specific about when or how. That leaves open the possibility of a transition that begins with him still in office - an almost impossible sell to the rebels fighting him. In any case, Russia has rejected the idea of any pre negotiated exit for Assad. In comments closest in weeks to outlining what Moscow might see as an acceptable way forward on dealing with Assad, Russia said on Friday the Syrian president was ready to hold early parliamentary elections and share power with moderate opposition.
The U.N. mediator for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, has invited warring parties to take part in U.N.-led working groups to address matters including political and constitutional issues, and military and security issues. One of the big complications he faces is dealing with the vast number of rebel factions. While some are getting better organized on the political front, disunity in opposition ranks is still seen as a major challenge to the diplomatic track. A Western diplomat tracking the conflict said de Mistura's plan would be "very slow". "At the moment no one is talking about (Assad) departing or not."
According to German Economic News (September 1st, based on reports from ynetnews and others), Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has apparently decided to establish in Syria a military base with thousands of soldiers and sufficient air power to do in Syria what the Obama Administration won’t, which is to defeat ISIS and the other jihadists.
On the same day, washingtonsblog bannered, “Former CIA Boss and 4-Star General: U.S. Should Arm Al Qaeda,” and linked to several sources indicating that not only David Petraeus favors arming Al Qaeda, but much of the American establishment (who have sponsored Petraeus’s entire career) also does. The British aristocracy likewise does. In fact, that academic propaganda-piece, The Russia Challenge, discusses “the stark choices Western governments face in their policies towards Russia,” while it says nothing about “the stark choices” that Russia now faces in its policies toward the U.S. aristocracy, and toward Britain’s and other U.S-allied aristocracies.
That British academic propaganda-piece comes from Chatham House, otherwise called the Royal Institute of International Affairs, which, since early in the 20th Century, has been allied in the U.S. with the Rockefellers’ and Morgans’ Council on Foreign Relations, and, post-WWII, also with the Bilderberg group, and with the Rockefellers’ Trilateral Commission (which brought the Japanese aristocracy into the overall U.S.-led plan for global conquest).
However, there are additionally many other front-organizations for this operation, such as the Brookings Institution. Brookings has always championed American empire, and I reported even recently on a Brookings ‘study’ of this type, by headlining “Brookings Wants More Villages Firebombed in Ukraine’s ‘Anti Terrorist Operation’.”(It’s actually an operation against the residents of the part of Ukraine that had voted 90%+ for the Ukrainian leader whom the Obama Administration had just overthrown. The residents there had refused to accept Obama’s imposed regime.) The intended defeat of Russia is to come not only in the competition over oil and gas (such as between the Arabic oil potentates and Russia), but also by extending NATO right up to Russia’s borders, such as by installing next-door in Ukraine a rabidly anti-Russian government, via a coup in February 2014. (John Fitzgerald Kennedy didn’t like it when Nikita Khrushchev tried something similar against the United States in 1962. It was called “the Cuban Missile Crisis.”) The evidence is clear and overwhelming, though almost entirely absent in U.S. ‘news’ media, that America’s aristocracy place vastly higher priority upon defeating Russia than upon defeating Islamic jihad. (The implicit message to the families of America’s 9/11 victims is: “Just get lost.” But that subtle message from the aristocrats isn’t on America’s ‘news,’ either. Only their PR is.)
In fact, I provided essential background for this development, on August 16th, headlining “How & Why the U.S. Media Do Propaganda Against Russia.” This is a position by the U.S. “Establishment,” which is the entire network of think tanks and other fronts that are financed by the U.S. aristocracy (tax-free, moreover, to the aristocrats who finance these operations) so as to conquer Russia in order that the U.S. aristocracy will win unchallengeable global control, over every other nation’s aristocracy. I documented there that not only the Republican Party but the Obama-Clinton or “Establishment” wing of the Democratic Party, have been fully in agreement with Mitt Romney’s infamous 2012 statement against Russia, which Obama publicly condemned at the time, that, “this is, without question, our number one geopolitical foe”; and Obama’s very public attack against that statement helped him win the 2012 election, though Obama’s second Administration has actually been carrying out Romney’s policy there.
Obama has many cheerleaders in this global-conquest program, such as his advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, who is proud to have helped start today’s Islamic jihad movement in order to defeat the Soviet Union. After the Soviet Union ended, Brzezinski’s hatred of Russians drove him to continue on as if it hadn’t. The war against “communism” has turned out to have been just a cover-story for these aristocrats’ war for global control, somewhat like the war against Islamic jihadists later morphed into a war against the residents of Ukraine’s pro-Russian far-east. Brzezinski was born to Polish nobility, and he retains that hatred from his childhood, which is why he has been so useful to America’s aristocrats, in order to help make the defeat of Russia into a “bipartisan” issue, and not merely an issue for Romney and the great bulk of America’s aristocrats, who are Republicans.
Basically, what Putin is apparently doing here is to go beyond the theatrics of Western aristocracies, the aristocracies that are led by America’s, and finally now to lay down the gauntlet, in Syria, against Islamic jihad. As I have previously documented, Islamic jihad is financed virtually entirely by multimillion-dollar individual contributions not only by the Saudi royal family, but also by the royals of the other Arabic oil countries.
Without that constant flow of funds, the Sauds’ operation on their own side for global empire would collapse. Theirs is to be an Islamic global empire, much like America’s Dominionist Christions have (though far less successfully) aspired to creating a global Christian empire. Ever since 1945, the U.S. aristocracy and the Saudi royal family have been united together. Increasingly in the decades after the end of communism, the only thing that remains after the beast of “The Cold War” is the skeleton of expanding the American aristocracy’s empire, still married to the skeleton of the Sauds’ imperial ambitions. It could become an Earth-killing embrace: skeletons all-around and everywhere.
In one of the rare mainstream U.S. news reports about the unity between Arabic royals and the international Islamic jihad movement, America’s PBS “Frontline” documented that Islamic jihad is taught in schools that are financed by the Saudi royal family. If the current report in German Economic News is true, then America’s President Obama will need to reassess his entire foreign policy, which has — overtly now, during his second Administration (after he had successfully fooled the American public to think that he didn’t agree with Romney) — been virtually obsessed with defeating Russia.
The U.S. regime has even bragged about its ability to stir up fear against Russia around the world.
America’s alliance with the Islamic jihad movement seems now to be directly challenged by Putin. If Obama is to continue his effort to replace the secular Shiite Syrian regime by an Islamic Sunni regime (one that will be controlled by the Sauds, and/or by the Qatari royal family the Thanis), the U.S. will then face the prospect of war against Russia, much as Obama has already built in Ukraine via his 2014 coup there, which is still prohibited from being reported about in the West — except via a few independent authentic news media (the few that aren’t controlled by aristocrats), which few (such as you are now reading) are allowed because they have only small audiences. As with the samizdat literature during the former Soviet Union, the truth is thus marginalized in the now overwhelmingly fascist-controlled,U.S.-dominated, West.
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.
Russia called on Friday for Washington to restart direct military-to-military cooperation to avert "unintended incidents" near Syria, at a time when U.S. officials say Moscow is building up forces to protect President Bashar al-Assad's government. The United States is leading a campaign of air strikes against Islamic State fighters in Syrian air space, and a greater Russian presence would raise the prospect of the Cold War superpower foes encountering each other on the battlefield. Both Moscow and Washington say their enemy is Islamic State. But Russia supports the government of Assad, while the United States says his presence makes the situation worse.
In recent days, U.S. officials have described what they say is a buildup of Russian equipment and manpower. Lebanese sources have told Reuters that at least some Russian troops were now engaged in combat operations in support of Assad's government. Moscow has declined to comment on those reports. At a news conference, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Russia was sending equipment to help Assad fight Islamic State. Russian servicemen were in Syria, he said, primarily to help service that equipment and teach Syrian soldiers how to use it.
Russia was also conducting naval exercises in the eastern Mediterranean, he said, describing the drills as long-planned and staged in accordance with international law. Lavrov blamed Washington for cutting off direct military-to-military communications between Russia and NATO over the Ukraine crisis, saying such contacts were "important for the avoidance of undesired, unintended incidents".
"We are always in favor of military people talking to each other in a professional way. They understand each other very well," Lavrov said. "If, as (U.S. Secretary of State) John Kerry has said many times, the United States wants those channels frozen, then be our guest."
U.S. officials say they do not know what Moscow's intentions are in Syria. The reports of a Russian buildup come at a time when momentum has shifted against Assad's government in Syria's 4-year-old civil war, with Damascus suffering battlefield setbacks this year at the hands of an array of insurgent groups. Moscow, Assad's ally since the Cold War, maintains its only Mediterranean naval base at Tartous on the Syrian coast, a strategic objective. In recent months NATO-member Turkey has also raised the prospect of outside powers playing a greater role in Syria by proposing a "safe zone" near its border, kept free of both Islamic State and government troops.
The four-year-old multi-sided civil war in Syria has killed around 250,000 people and driven half of Syria's 23 million people from their homes. Some have traveled to European Union countries, creating a refugee crisis there. Differences over Assad's future have made it impossible for Moscow and the West to take joint action against Islamic State, even though they say the group, which rules a self-proclaimed caliphate on swathes of Syria and Iraq, is their common enemy. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said on Friday it was too early to judge what exactly Russia's motivations at present were in Syria, but that "adding war to war" would not help resolve the Syrian conflict. "If it's about defending the base in Tartous why not? But if it's to enter the conflict ...." he said, without finishing the thought.

The Putin treatment is reserved for countries in Russia’s “near neighborhood” that try to break out of Moscow’s orbit and deprive it of strategic assets held for decades. In such cases, unable to restore its past position, Russia tries to create a new situation in which it keeps a sword dangling above the head of the recalcitrant nation. Russia’s military intervenes directly and indirectly, always with help from a segment of the local population concerned. Russia starts by casting itself as protector of an ethnic, linguistic or religious minority that demands its military intervention against a central power vilified with labels such as “fascist” and “terrorist.” The first nation to experience the Putin treatment was Georgia in 2008, when Russian tanks moved in to save the Persian-speaking Ossetian minority and the Turkish-speaking Abkhazians from “the fascist regime” in Tbilisi.
Initially, Putin had feared that the US or the European Union might not let his war of conquest go unpunished. But nothing happened. President Obama talked of “reset” with Moscow, agreed to set up a joint committee to look into the matter and then allowed the whole thing to fade away. Tested in Georgia with success, the Putin treatment was next applied to Ukraine, where a pro-West regime was talking of joining the European Union and even NATO. Russia intervened in Crimea to “save” its Russian-speaking majority from oppression.
Facing no opposition, Putin simply annexed Crimea before giving the Donetsk area of eastern Ukraine the same treatment, this time with the help of “Russian volunteers” coming to help fellow Russian-speakers. In Ossetia, Putin gained control of key passages to Chechnya and upper Caucasus. In Abkhazia, he extended Russian presence on the Black Sea. In Crimea, he saved the Russian Navy’s largest base. In Donetsk he obtained a political pistol aimed at the temple of the government in Kiev. Pro-West Azerbaijan, meanwhile, is threatened after Putin helped Armenia snatch the enclave of Upper Qarabagh (Nagorno Karabakh) in Transcaucasia.
The Soviet Union had a military presence in Syria since 1971, when Hafez al-Assad, father of the present despot, signed a defense pact with Moscow. The pact gave Russia mooring rights in two of Syria’s ports, Latakia and Tartus on the Mediterranean. The older Assad, however, shied away from granting Russians permanent bases. Last year, Putin asked Bashar to let Russia build aero-naval assets on the Syrian coast to facilitate support for the regime in Damascus. Then still hopeful of surviving the civil war, Bashar managed to dodge the issue with help from his allies in Tehran.
Now, however, both Assad and the mullahs of Tehran know that they cannot fight this war much longer. Assad has publicly admitted he does not have enough men to keep the territory he still controls let alone recapture what he has lost amounting to 60% of the Syrian landmass. Reluctant to risk Iranian lives, the mullahs have sent Lebanese Hezbollah fighters and “volunteers” from Afghanistan and Pakistan to fight for Assad. But they, too, have suffered irreparable losses.
After weeks of talks between Assad and the Russians with the mullahs also engaged by both sides, it now seems that Russia has obtained what it wanted: the right to build permanent aero-naval bases on the Syrian coast. Recent satellite images show that massive construction work has already started. At the same time, Russia has won control of Bassel al-Assad airport, the second-largest in Syria, transforming it into a hub for its “air-bridge” operations spanning Iranian and Iraqi air spaces.
Russia is bringing in new aircraft and surface-to-surface missile ostensibly for transfer to Syrian forces but in reality under direct Russian control. According to estimates in the Iranian media, Russia now has some 20,000 military “technicians and advisors” in Syria. The stage is set for the full Putin treatment. Russia no doubt looks to the 1920s scheme under which Syria was divided into five segments, with France, then the colonial power, retaining direct control only of the area between the mountains west of Damascus and the Mediterranean coast. The French called that “la Syrie utile” (useful Syria) allowing the rest of the country, much of it thinly inhabited desert to morph into ungoverned territory.
Accounting for about 15% of territory, “Useful Syria” is now home to more than half of the population, partly thanks to influx of displaced people from other parts of the country. The strip between the coast and the mountains has the added advantage of being the principal base of the Alawite community to which Assad and his clan belong. Get ready for Russia to cast itself as the protector, not only of the Alawites but also of other minorities such as Turcoman, Armenians and, more interestingly for Moscow, Orthodox Christians who have fled Islamist terror groups such as ISIS. Russia has always seen itself as the “Third Rome” and the last standard-bearer of Christianity against both Catholic “deviation” and Islamist menace.
By controlling a new mini-state, as a “safe haven for minorities,” Russia could insist that if Syria returns to some normality it be reconstituted as a highly decentralized state. This is what Putin is also demanding in Georgia and Ukraine. The Syrian coast will become another Crimea, if not completely annexed, at least occupied. Unless stopped, the Putin treatment will not end in Syria. The two next candidates could be Moldova and Latvia, both of which have large Russian-speaking minorities.
On Friday, Russian fighter jets arrived in Syria. US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter responded by saying he had a “constructive conversation” with his Russian counterpart, who insisted the buildup was “defensive in nature.” Carter said discussions would continue. In other words, Russia will continue to carve a foothold on the Mediterranean. While President Obama practices a postmodern diplomacy of perceptions — in other words window-dressing — Putin perfects his pre-modern power play. Putin has arranged it so that no matter what happens in Syria, he wins — and we lose.
Russia has entered the new “1942” Ukraine – is just a distracting maneuver
One glance is enough to see that the so-called democracy primarily prevails in the territories, geographically protected from possible adversary. United States of America is geographically located on protected by oceans continent, they have no enemies there. The 70 million Indians who lived there before the coming of the Anglo-Saxon colonists, were successfully destroyed by these same colonists, driving the few survivors to reservations. Got fenced off from the small and geographically cropped Mexico to stop the impoverished population from seeping in. And that's it. There are no enemies. Can start a new life with a clean slate, with no interference. And they created it. The founding fathers of the USA were not as brilliant for giving birth to the principles laid down in the constitution of the most successful country, as the lucky ones whom no one challenged to implement these principles known since antiquity. Let us envy them.
If we look at Europe, it in essence is merely a huge peninsula of Eurasia, from the East bounded by Russia, which can be called a historical enemy only with a very big stretch. And then only to the extent that Europe, due to various kinds of selfish aspirations, will want to. What a good ground for democratic experiments. And once the main European players – Germany, France and England - were reconciled after the WWII, the kingdom of democracy reigned here.
And that's it! All other areas of the founding continent called Eurasia have no democracy in the American or European understanding and cannot have. Different cultures, different civilizations, their permanent collisions and interpenetration make such democracy impossible! And any educated person must understand it! But if he starts to repeat the song about democracy in Ukraine, a territory which has historically been a thoroughfare of the great migration of peoples, or in Syria, this center of the global “ethno-religious soup”, then you should know that before you is a rotten bastard executing an order for a very specific interest.
There can be no universal fundamental principles of state and social structure. The clash of civilizations is not a whim from Zhirinovsky, but an objective reality, from which there is no escape. And behind a demand to remove the main Syrian “dictator-villain” Assad, as earlier the Ukrainian monster-usurper, the offender of 'students' Yanukovych, and then to establish through “free and fair” elections democracy in a thoroughfare and “ethno-religious pot”, there is a quite specific tangible malicious calculation, cynically and despicably abusing this clash of civilizations.
I don't know exactly what will Vladimir Putin say in his speech at the session of the UN General Assembly, but I doubt he will dare to speak the truth. There are tactical considerations. There is a big geopolitical game, a struggle for world domination and global resources, and at the UN the major players will push their interests with all possible and impossible means under the guise of big words. The main intrigue is whether Europe has woken up, or will again follow in the footsteps of American politics.
No matter how persistent Russia is in insisting that it supports not the mere regime of the Syrian President Assad but rather its fight against the Islamic State, Washington won’t listen: the US media is abuzz with fearmongering over Russia’s military aid to Damascus, trying to guess what it could mean and what to do next.
The US seems to have absolutely no clue how to react to the Russian activity in Syria. While some of its media sources opt to resort to hysteria, such as Fox News, which claims Damascus will soon be occupied by the Russian army, others prefer to look at different options, and are trying to compile something resembling an action plan. The US-based financial agency Bloomberg has come up with two relatively adequate responses, and examines all the pros and cons for each one.
Others, however, seem to be so obsessed with the idea of toppling President Assad, that they are paying no attention to the IS threat; they will regard any cooperation with Moscow as a real failure.
“For many in the Obama administration, especially those who work on Syria, the idea of acquiescing to Russian participation in the fighting is akin to admitting that the drive to oust Assad has failed. Plus, they fear Russia will attack Syrian opposition groups that are fighting against Assad, using the war against the Islamic State as a cover.” However, the real fear for the aforementioned group is that “the US has no real leverage to fight back”. If “Obama decides not to accept the Russian air force presence in Syria”, the outlet elaborates, he will face another set of options. “The US could impose new sanctions on Russia, although the current punishments related to Ukraine have not changed Putin’s calculus, and there’s little chance the European countries would join in on a new round.”
“The US might warn Russia that its base is fair game for the opposition to attack, but that could spur Putin to double down on the deployment.”
“The US could try to stop the flow of Russian arms, but that would mean pressuring countries such as Iraq to stand up to Putin and Iran, which they might not agree to.”
“The White House’s concerns about escalating tensions with Russia inside Syria are legitimate, but cooperating with Russian forces on the ground or in the air would undermine whatever remaining credibility the US has with the Syrian opposition and the Gulf States that support it.”
“The US may not be able to stop Russia’s entry into fighting the Syrian civil war, but at a minimum America shouldn't be seen as colluding with Moscow. If that happens, the suspicion that Obama is actually working to preserve the Assad regime will have been confirmed.”
5 Messages Russia Is Sending to the World via Syria
Meanwhile, The National Interest, another US outlet, has come up with its own list of what Russia is trying to tell the world. First, it says, “the Kremlin is clearly signaling that it plans to take an active role in setting the agenda in the Middle East — and not to passively accept an American vision for how the future should unfold”. Second, “Putin is making it clear that he will not accept Washington's default position that the removal” of President Assad “is a path to greater long-term stability in the Middle East.” Third, “Russia is more confident of its position in Ukraine”, with “Moscow retaining most of the leverage.” Fourth, “the Kremlin enforces its red lines. Just as Moscow would not permit the Donbass separatists to face catastrophic defeat last summer in Ukraine, Russia has signaled that it will not sit by and allow Bashar Assad to be overthrown or removed by outside military action.”And, finally, fifth, “for Middle Eastern countries, like Egypt and Azerbaijan, that have opposed Russian policy in Syria, Putin's decision to up the ante may lead them to reassess whether the path to a viable settlement resides not in Washington, soon to be increasingly distracted by an election campaign, but through Moscow.”
"Russia ... has teamed up with Iran in an unprecedented attempt to protect the embattled regime of Bashar Assad from falling to rebel groups, including the Islamic State," Ynet reported.
Soleimani — a major general in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps and commander of the powerful Quds force — has reportedly sent hundreds of ground soldiers into Syria over the past few days. Meanwhile, Russian drones and fighter planes have been surveilling non-ISIS rebels in the country's north. Russian armored-personnel carriers with Russian-speaking troops have also apparently been involved in fighting, and Russia has set up an air-traffic-control tower and brought housing units for up to 1,000 personnel to Latakia in the country's west. Two tank-landing ships and additional aircraft have arrived, Reuters reported. "It's hard to forecast whether Russia's presence will decide the fate of Syria, but it will lengthen the fighting and bloodletting for at least another year because ISIS won't give up," the Israeli source told Ynet.
Iran, under Soleimani's purview, has long since taken over Assad's fight in crucial parts of Syria. In May, Soleimani traveled to Syria to "organize the entry of Iranian officials to supervise and aid" Iranian proxy forces in coastal Syria, according to Now Lebanon. One month later, a Free Syrian Army commander told the London-based Al-Quds al-Arabi that "the regime has handed over the operations room to Iranian officers and leadership." "Syrian officers, among them Alawites, have become secondary members, whose tasks can sometimes be reduced to handing out tea and coffee," he added.
Al Qaeda-linked rebels took full control of Idlib Province last week, which Iran-backed militias had failed to secure during a counterattack in June. Idlib borders Latakia and is the second province no longer under government control — along with ISIS-controlled Raqqa. Now it appears that Iran is upping the ante in coordination with Russia. "Assad has lost significant territory over the past months; Putin is not about to tolerate his ouster," geopolitical expert Ian Bremmer, president of Eurasia Group, told Business Insider in an email. Iran is not about to tolerate it, either. It is making "an effective play for regional hegemony," Michael Gerson of The Washington Post has written, and needs Assad to remain in power to maintain its bridge to Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Russia, too, has its own interests to look after: control over its naval base at Tartus is at stake, and along with it Putin's ability to project power into the Mediterranean. As a result, Russia's incursion into Syria has less to do with fighting ISIS and more to do with countering Western actions that have bolstered rebel forces in the north and threaten to weaken Assad further. "If the West succeeds in turning the tide of the war while Assad is vulnerable, the political outcomes in Syria are more likely to be dictated by the US," Bremmer said. "Which means Putin needs to bolster Assad now."
The leader of Lebanon Hezbollah terror group has welcomed what he described as Russia’s growing “combat presence” in Syria, saying it would have a significant impact on the war in the neighboring country. Moscow has denied that it is building up its presence in Syria to protect its long-time ally, Syrian President Bashar Assad, but says instead that it wants to help him fight the Islamic State group. Hassan Nasrallah said Friday that the deployment of Russian warplanes and precision missiles, as well as “resources with operating teams” was a “great development” that would influence the situation on the ground.
Nasrallah spoke on Hezbollah’s al-Manar TV. He said Russia had been talking with allies about an expanded alliance against the IS after US-led airstrikes failed to uproot the extremists. Russia has been building up its military presence at an air base in Syria, including fighter jets, tanks, helicopters, air defense missiles, personnel and other equipment. Russia is a traditional ally of Syria and has supported Assad, who has clung to power despite a US-led international effort to force him to step down. In an interview taped with CBS’ “60 Minutes” for broadcast Sunday, Russian President Vladimir Putin was asked if his country was “trying to save the Assad administration.”
Putin responded, “Well, you’re right.” He said any effort to destroy Assad’s government “will create a situation which you can witness now in the other countries of the region, … where all the state institutions are disintegrated.” The Russian leader added, “There is no other solution to the Syrian crisis than strengthening the effective government structures and rendering them help in fighting terrorism.” US Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Thursday that he would talk to his Russian counterpart again about Moscow’s military intentions in Syria, but cautioned that if the Russians insist on fighting the Islamic State without simultaneously pursuing a political solution to Syria’s civil war they will be “pouring gasoline” on the conflict.
In comments at the Pentagon, Carter said the Obama administration is concerned that Russia could use the warplanes and other military force it has recently assembled in Syria to attack the Islamic State or the moderate Syrian rebels who are fighting against the government of President Bashar Assad. Carter declined to say whether he believes the Russian buildup is intended to undertake airstrikes or other offensive military action. “We’re going to be talking to them about their intentions both on the political track and the military track,” Carter said.
Syrian activists said Friday a UN-backed truce deal had been reached for two key Syrian battleground areas that will see the transfer of thousands of Shiite and Sunni civilians and fighters from one area to another. The deal will end months of fighting between Sunni insurgents and pro-government forces, including fighters from Hezbollah, and the besieging of civilians. The controversial transfer will allow a group of Sunni insurgents operating under a coalition called Jaish al-Fatah,or Army of Conquest, and their families safe passage out of the Zabadani area, along the Lebanese border.
In exchange, 10,000 Shiites, civilians and wounded pro-government fighters from two villages in rebel-controlled northern Idlib province will be allowed to leave, said Abdullah al-Muhaysini, a Saudi militant cleric living in Syria. The Sunni insurgents will head from Zabadani to the rebel-controlled Idlib province, while the Shiites will settle in the government-controlled suburb of Damascus, the head of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. If implemented, the agreement would be another rare example of international diplomacy successfully brokering an end to fighting in specific areas in Syria. The UN previously brokered a cease-fire in 2014 to end over two years of siege on the central city of Homs.
But the deal would also underline concerns about forced demographic changes in the Syrian civil war, now in its fifth year, which has already displaced nearly half of Syria’s pre-war population. The opposition has accused Assad’s government of working with its allies, including Iran, on moving populations around to empty government-held areas of Sunnis. The insurgents against Assad are largely Sunnis, including foreign fighters from around the region and elsewhere who joined the war. Nasrallah said Iran played a key mediating role in the UN-brokered deal during negotiations held in Turkey, representing the Syrian government at the table. He said decisions were, however, made by the government.
Nasrallah said the deal will not force people to relocate but that civilians who want to leave Zabadani with the militants are free to do so if they want. He added that the deal allows for humanitarian supplies and goods to reach the two villages by road for those remaining behind. UN spokeswoman Jessy Chahine told The Associated Press on Friday that the UN facilitated contacts between the different parties but would not elaborate on details of the deal. The Observatory said the six-month truce deal would also include the release of rebel detainees. Turkey and Iran also sponsored the deal, it added.
Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari said Friday that he would like more U.S.-led coalition airstrikes against the Islamic State in Iraq. “The frequency of the air force campaign goes up and down, and I hope that it will get higher frequency in the future,” al-Jaafari said during a discussion at the Council on Foreign Relations. "The Iraqi military has been winning, which is a result of civil efforts, the Iraqi military efforts and the international coalition, which played a decisive role in supporting the Iraqi military," he said. "With the intertwining of these factors -- the Iraqi military and international coalition -- objectives could be achieved."
Al-Jaafari added that Iraq needs military assistance from the coalition, but it has not and is not asking for ground troops. “It is true that we do need equipment, training, intelligence, air force coverage. But we do not need ground troops or ground bases from this country or that country." Not included in the U.S.-led coalition against ISIS is Russia, which has recently escalated its military presence in Syria, where ISIS has its stronghold. American officials have said it isn’t clear what Russia’s intentions in the region are. Nevertheless, Defense Secretary Ash Carter has cautioned Russia that it could exacerbate the Syrian conflict.
“Regarding Russia playing a role in alleviating the crisis in Syria, we support all efforts to alleviate the crisis,” al-Jaafari said. Earlier this month, at least a dozen Russian planes flew over Iraq and Iran, delivering military equipment to Russia’s new air base in Syria. When asked why Iraq hasn’t closed its airspace to Russian planes, al-Jaafari gave a vague answer.
“We did not violate any of our commitments towards the international community,” he said. “When one of the countries requested to help us outside the coalition, we did not reject the offer but we made it a condition that they coordinate with the coalition because we have a moral commitment to the coalition.” He added, “I have no knowledge of any Russian experts being in Iraq to coordinate with the Iraqi forces."
Regarding Iraq’s policy towards Syrian President Bashar al Assad, who has killed thousands of his own civilians -- largely in areas held by rebels who oppose him, al-Jaafari said that Iraq has remained neutral because the people of Syria are “divided.” He compared this policy to Iraq’s handling of other divisive leaders in the region. “When the Tunisian people rejected President Ben Ali, we rejected him. And when the former Egyptian President Mubarak was rejected, we also rejected him. When the Libyan people rejected Gaddafi, we did the same.”
“But now Syria is divided,” he said. “Part is with the Syrian President Assad, and part is against him. So we stood neutral. Not with or against.”
Touching on the refugees from Syria, Iraq and other conflict zones flooding Europe, al-Jaafari asked the receiving nations to treat the refugees with respect. The refugees “are not failures," he said. "They did not flee their countries because of economic reasons. They have expertise. They have qualifications. They can be successful in different countries."
It was another sign that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia was moving ahead with a sharply different tack from that of the Obama administration in battling the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, by assembling a rival coalition that includes Iran and the Syrian government. The effort, which Mr. Putin is expected to underscore in his speech at the United Nations on Monday, not only puts Moscow in a position to give military support to Mr. Assad, its longtime ally in the Middle East, but could also enable the Kremlin to influence the choice of a successor if Mr. Assad were to eventually leave power.
Through it all, the United States and some of its allies have focused on expanding an airstrike campaign against ISIS in Syria and Iraq. But the latest Russian moves in Syria have raised important questions about the American relationship with another crucial ally against the Islamic State: Iraq. With about 3,500 American advisers, trainers and other military personnel in his country, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi of Iraq has cast himself as a vital member of the United States-led coalition to combat the Islamic State. However, the Shiite-dominated Iraqi government, which has long been anxious that ousting Mr. Assad might strengthen the Islamic State, has also quietly enabled the Russian military buildup in Syria. While Bulgaria closed its airspace to Russian transport planes headed to Syria at the request of the United States, Iraq has allowed the Russian flights in its airspace.
The developments of the past few days signaled a deepening military role for Moscow in Iraq in the midst of a Russian military building in neighboring Syria to prop up President Bashar al-Assad. Russian officials say “specialists” are on the ground in Syria to help train and equip the president’s forces. American officials were still trying to decipher Russia’s motives in Iraq and Syria—both of which have lost significant territory to Islamic State.





The Russian strikes were centered about the city of Homs, according to initial accounts in the local press and in social media. That’s significant, because Homs is not known to be an ISIS stronghold. "The northern countryside of Hama has no presence of ISIS at all and is under the control of the Free Syrian Army," Major Jamil al-Saleh of the Free Syrian Army told Reuters. The FSA has receieved U.S.-made anti-tank missiles; the CIA and Pentagon have been recruiting FSA soldiers as proxies against ISIS. “There is no Islamic State in this area,” another FSA commander told Reuters. “The Russians are applying great pressure on the revolution. This will strengthen terrorism, everyone will head toward extremism. Any support for Assad in this way is strengthening terrorism.”
U.S. defense official told AFP virtually the same thing. “We have not seen any strikes against ISIL, what we have seen is strikes against Syrian opposition.” The Local Coordination Committees of Syria, opposition-linked on-the-ground monitors of the conflict, estimate that 36 people were killed in Homs alone, one of three largely ISIS-free provinces Russia bombed today. RIA Novosti denied Russian air strikes on Homs and said reports of civilian causalities were "part of an information war." The Daily Beast’s David Axe notes that Russian surface-to-air missiles and at least four Su-30 fighter jets are designed to attack other air forces, namely the U.S.’s, not lightly armed ground forces like rebels or ISIS. The Russian defense ministry distributed video of today's airstrikes.
“This bypasses legitimate discussion,” a senior defense official told The Daily Beast. Indeed, just yesterday, the Pentagon said it had ordered staff and senior officials to begin such talks. U.S. officials believe fewer than 1,000 Russians have joined ISIS. Secretary of State John Kerry told the United Nations on Wednesday that the U.S. would not oppose Russian strikes if they were “genuinely” intended to target ISIS, and he maintained the call for Assad to go. Kerry said ISIS cannot be defeated as long as Assad is in power. American officials said they would not alter their activities in the region. And a spokesman for the military efforts against ISIS tweeted Wednesday morning that “US and coalition aircraft are currently conducting operations in Syria and Iraq.” But despite the friction between Moscow and Washington—or perhaps, because of it—multiple American officials quietly welcomed Russian involvement in the conflict. As one U.S. officia told The Daily Beast, Putin is stepping into a “quagmire.”
“If he wants to jump into that mess, good luck,” the official said, referencing that Russia had once before become bogged down fighting Islamic terrorism, in Afghanistan. Sen. John McCain bashed the Obama administration hours after strikes began, saying its “decisions” and “non-decisions” have welcomed Russia into the Middle East in a way “we haven’t seen since 1973.”
Russia admitted to the first incursion Saturday, but said it intruded "by mistake" and assured Ankara it wouldn't happen again, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said in a televised interview. However, a senior U.S. official said the Obama administration doesn't believe the Russian incursion was an accident, and officials are in urgent talks with allies about what to do. Neither country spoke about the second incident. The U.S. official wasn't authorized to publicly discuss sensitive military matters and spoke on condition of anonymity. In Madrid, U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Monday that Washington is conferring with Turkish leaders about the infringement.
The incident comes amid Turkish concerns over Russian airstrikes in Syria that have targeted some foreign-backed insurgents. Turkey and Russia also have conflicting positions on the Syrian government, with Russia backing President Bashar Assad and Turkey insisting on his ouster. Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said during an interview with Haber Turk television that NATO-member Turkey would enforce its rules of engagement if its airspace is violated. Those rules call for the treatment of any element approaching the Turkish border from Syria as an enemy.
"The Turkish armed forces have their orders," he said. "The necessary will be done even if it's a bird that violates Turkey's border ... Our rules of engagement are clear."
A Foreign Ministry statement said Monday that a Russian warplane entered Turkey's airspace near the town of Yayladagi, in Hatay province on Saturday. Two F-16 jets intercepted the Russian aircraft and forced it to fly back into the Syrian airspace. Also Monday, Turkey's military said a MIG-29 jet had harassed two Turkish F-16s for five minutes and 40 seconds on Sunday by locking its radar onto them. In a brief statement, the military said the incident occurred while 10 F-16s were patrolling the Turkish-Syrian border. The military said it didn't know which country the MIG-29 belonged to.
Turkey summoned the Russian ambassador and demanded that Russia avoid future infringements, the Foreign Ministry statement said. It warned that Russia would be held "responsible for any undesired incident," that may occur. The same message was also relayed to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov by telephone. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg expressed solidarity with Turkey and said the situation would be taken up at a meeting later on Monday. Davutoglu was also scheduled to chair a security meeting in Ankara in the evening.
"I call on Russia to fully respect NATO airspace and to avoid escalating tensions with the Alliance," Stoltenberg said. "I urge Russia to take the necessary steps to align its efforts with those of the international community in the fight against ISIL," he added, using an alternative acronym of the Islamic State group. Davutoglu told Haber Turk television that Russia assured Turkey that the airspace would not be violated again. "The information we got from Russia this morning is that it was an incident that occurred by mistake," he said. "They said they are respectful of Turkey's borders and that it would not happen again."
Last week, Turkey issued a joint statement with its allies involved in the U.S.-backed campaign against the Islamic State group asking Moscow to cease attacks on the Syrian opposition and to focus on fighting the IS. On Sunday, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the Russian airstrikes were unacceptable and a grave mistake that could alienate Moscow in the region. Russia says the airstrikes that began Wednesday are targeting the Islamic State group and al-Qaida's Syrian affiliate, but at least some of the strikes appear to have hit Western-backed rebel factions.
Some more (sometimes contradictory) details appeared on the Turkish media outlets: although the first reports said the aircraft (initially IDed as Mig-29 Fulcrums – a type flown by the Syrian Air Force and not deployed in theater by the RuAF) breached into the Turkish airspace for 5 miles, according to Ankara, the Russian Su-30SM multirole plane violated Tukey’s airspace by “only” some hundreds of meters and returned to Syria after it was intercepted by two F-16s from the Turkish Air Force out of 10 flying CAP (Combat Air Patrol) near the border.

Kadyrov also noted that Chechen special forces units were at a very high level of combat readiness and promised that “as soon as the terrorists in Syria understand that we are heading there they will very quickly get out,” adding that terrorists have little experience of real warfare. “We know them because we have destroyed them here, we have fought them. And they also know us,” the Chechen leader said. At the same time Kadyrov acknowledged that the fight against the IS threat must not be limited to power methods, but should also include education – the younger generation must be taught that extremist groups use the wrong interpretations of the Koran.
Earlier this month, the head of the Chechen republic reported that a charity foundation named after his late father was providing aid to Syrian refugees in Germany. Kadyrov wrote on his Instagram account that charity workers took almost 2,000 refugees for a holiday meal in the city of Kiel and that the foundation was providing German refugee camps with school furniture and equipment for children’s playgrounds. This week the Russian Air Force started to deliver surgical strikes on terrorist positions in Syria after the country’s upper house unanimously voted on Wednesday to endorse President Putin’s request to deploy the nation’s military abroad to fight terrorism. The head of the presidential administration, Sergey Ivanov, emphasized that Russia would not be involved in any ground operation - aid would only be in the form of airstrikes.
The two sources said the operation would be aimed at recapturing territory lost by President Bashar Assad's government to rebels. It points to an emerging military alliance between Russia and Assad's other main allies - Iran and Hezbollah - focused on recapturing areas of northwestern Syria that were seized by insurgents in rapid advances earlier this year. "The vanguard of Iranian ground forces began arriving in Syria: soldiers and officers specifically to participate in this battle. They are not advisors ... we mean hundreds with equipment and weapons. They will be followed by more," the second source said. Iraqis would also take part in the operation, the source said.
Thus far, direct Iranian military support for Assad has come mostly in the form of military advisors. Iran has also mobilized Shi'ite militia fighters, including Iraqis and some Afghans, to fight alongside Syrian government forces. Lebanon's Hezbollah, which is backed by Iran, has been fighting alongside the Syrian army since early in the conflict.
Russian offensive in Syria continues
Russian jets launched a second day of air strikes in Syria on Thursday, targeting areas held by an insurgent alliance that includes a group linked to Al-Qaida, but not the Islamic State militants Moscow said it had hit. Russia said it had launched eight air strikes with Sukhoi warplanes overnight, hitting four Islamic State targets. However, the areas where it said the strikes took place are not held by Islamic State. Al-Mayadeen, a pro-Damascus television channel, said jets carried out at least 30 strikes against an insurgent alliance known as the Army of Conquest. The alliance includes the Nusra Front, Al-Qaida's Syrian branch, but not Islamic State, which has declared a caliphate on swathes of Syria and Iraq.
The Army of Conquest has been advancing against government forces in northwestern Syria in recent months, and has support from regional countries that oppose both Assad and Islamic State. Russia's decision to join the war with air strikes on behalf of Assad is a major turning point in international involvement in the conflict. The United States is leading a separate alliance waging an air war against Islamic State fighters, which means the Cold War superpower foes are now engaged in air combat over the same country for the first time since World War Two.
They say they have the same Islamic State enemies. But they also have very different friends, and opposing views of how to resolve a 4-year-old civil war that has killed more than 250,000 people and driven more than 10 million from their homes. Washington and its allies oppose both Islamic State and Assad, believing he must leave power in any peace settlement. Moscow supports the Syrian president and believes his government should be the centerpiece of international efforts to fight extremist groups. Russia's first airstrikes in Syria, which Moscow said were aimed at Islamic State fighters, instead hit Free Syrian Army sites and killed dozens of civilians, an opposition Turkmen group said on Thursday.
Russian jets continued to bomb rebel positions for a second day in western Syria on Thursday. The bombardment marks a major escalation of the four-year conflict, where the United States and its coalition of Western allies and regional states have been flying missions for more than a year. Areas where ethnic Turkmens live in Homs and Hama came under attack on Wednesday, the Turkey-based Syrian Turkmen Assembly said in a statement. In the village of Telbiseh near Homs alone, 40 civilians, including Turkmens, were killed, it said.
The Turkmens, whose Syrian Turkmen Brigades armed wing is allied with the Free Syrian Army, say they have been targeted by both Assad's forces and Islamic State since the civil war began in 2011. "We strongly condemn Russia, which was not satisfied with its unlimited support of the murderous regime and now rains down bombs on the Syrian people, promising 'democracy'," the statement said. The Syrian Turkmen Assembly was set up in Gaziantep, Turkey, to unite factions of the Turkish-speaking ethnic group present in Syria and is backed by the Turkish government, which has been an outspoken critic of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Beginning with the Catherine the Great in the late 18th century, the Russians had framed their own conquests in religious terms: to reclaim Istanbul, once the center of Orthodox Christianity, and, as one of her favorite court poets put it, "advance through a Crusade" to the Holy Lands and "purify the river Jordan."

Damascus (AsiaNews) – US air strikes in Syria are window-dressing, and have little real effect on the militias of the Islamic state (IS), who are left free to act on the ground. Instead the Russian attacks in recent days have been effective, forcing jihadists to fall back towards the Iraqi desert. This is according to Msgr. Jacques Behnan Hindo, referring to testimonies of people living in areas of conflict theater. “Moscow’s intervention has been positive – said the prelate who leads the archieparchy Syrian Catholic Hassaké-Nisibis, – because they are really targeting Daesh [Arabic acronym for the IS/ISIS, Islamic State] and the militia are beginning to flee. They fled from the area in about 20 cars in a hurry in the direction of Iraq, leaving another 20 cars on site. A sign of a real retreat. “ The bishop of Hassaké-Nisibi lives under constant threat from IS: “I am less than three kilometers from the town – he says – a month ago their offensive was repelled and they folded around the city. In the past two weeks, thanks to the attacks of the Russians, they began to retreat. ” In contrast, Msgr. Hindo reserves rather harsh words for the United States, who are not bombing the positions of jihadi militias but the Syrian government. “It’s not about being for or against the government – he says – but people never believed in America’s attacks. Only the Kurds have really fought on the ground, but to hold their ground “and it is not plausible that they can, alone, solve the emergency. Besides the United States, France, Britain only speak of “attacking the Daesh, but do not speak of the Nusra Front and other Islamist militias linked to Al Qaeda. Indeed, there are extremist groups that have changed names to rebuild credibility, and these are not even mentioned. This is also a big problem. “ The prelate denounces Washington’s “ambiguity” seen in the American’s attitude during the seizure of hundreds of Christians originating in the villages of the valley of the river Khabur. ”On the night of Feb. 23, when Daesh attacked, the American planes – he says – flew over the area for a long time without intervening. Then for three days we saw no more jets, leaving the field open to the militants. This makes us think that in some way have been helped by the Americans and their ambiguous attitude”.
“It’s inconceivable that there will be a political solution with President Assad remaining in power,” said Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister, Adel al-Jubeir, in a meeting with journalists on Tuesday. He said Mr. Putin’s offer to other Middle East countries to join his coalition was a “non-starter.”

1) This risks bolstering the very forces Putin most wants to weaken: anti-Assad jihadists
Let's get one thing out of the way right now: Putin has represented his intervention as targeting ISIS, and Russia claimed its first airstrikes on Wednesday targeted the group, but the evidence very strongly suggests that Russia is in fact bombing non-ISIS opposition groups in Syria. That's not surprising: Putin is there to help Assad, and Assad's main enemies are the non-ISIS opposition groups. Those groups also happen to be fighting ISIS. So Putin is so far not bombing ISIS, but rather ISIS's enemies. Some of those opposition groups are moderate, including US-backed groups, and others are extremists, including the local al-Qaeda branch, Jabhat al-Nusra. Putin will likely bomb all of them. But it is the extremists who may ultimately stand to benefit.
Jihadist groups in Syria, including ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra, are competing against one another for ideological legitimacy. Whichever group can best position itself as representing Sunni jihadism, the thinking goes, will get more recruits and donations, and thus win more territory on the battlefield. If you are an extremist group looking to claim the mantle of global jihadism, then being able to position yourself as combating not just Assad but a foreign invader — and a Christian empire at that — is pretty attractive. In 1979, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan inspired a call to arms from across the Muslim world to fight the non-Muslim invaders. So did the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. This Russian intervention is much, much smaller, and the reaction will likely be smaller as well, but jihadist groups may still be able to exploit it.
2) Assad's war is still unwinnable. Putin is doubling down on a losing bet.
If Putin's goal is to prop up Bashar al-Assad, then contributing Russian airstrikes and attack helicopters (the latter of which are present in Syria but don't appear to have been used yet) will help Assad on the margins, but they won't change the fundamental calculus of the war. It is a war Assad cannot win; he can only stave off losing.
For one thing, this is likely to exacerbate outrage against Assad across the region, redoubling both the popular Syrian uprising and the wider jihadist movement. For another, the Putin-Assad coalition, joined by Iran and Hezbollah, is dominated by Shias and other non-Sunnis, which will deepen the sectarian dynamics of the war. Given that Assad represents a sectarian minority in Syria, the more sectarian the war becomes, the more impossible it becomes for him to win.
When Western leaders say that Assad has lost all legitimacy, that's not just rhetoric (even if they have little intention of doing much about it): Assad has lost the consent of Syria's Sunni Arab majority, not to mention ethnic Kurds and other groups, to accept his rule. Even if he could somehow defeat ISIS and all Syrian rebels — which would take a whole lot more than a couple dozen Russian aircraft — there's little reason to think that any number of atrocities will impose order in Syria.
So why is Putin doing this? As Vox's Amanda Taub has written, Syria is the sum of many of his greatest fears: fear of anarchy, fear of populist uprisings, fear of Western meddling, fear of any authoritarian regime's downfall, and fear of an ever-encroaching global chaos — all forces that Putin believes could one day be turned against him. What he's pursuing is not a brilliant, grand strategy of expanding Russian power, but rather a desperate effort to stave off these forces that so frighten him. This is why, as Andrew Roth writes at the Washington Post, Putin appears to have no actual strategy, no long-term plan, no endgame. He is acting out of fear and reactiveness. He does not hold a winning hand.
3) This will not rally the West behind Russia, but rather will isolate Russia further
A number of Russia watchers expected that Putin, this week at the United Nations, would try to use his Syria intervention as leverage with the West to get Russia readmitted into the ranks of respectable powers, from which it had been expelled over its invasion of Ukraine. And indeed, Putin this year gave his first UN General Assembly address since 2005 and made multiple requests for a meeting with President Obama, which he got. He used his UN address to lecture the West but also invite it into his grand coalition to fight ISIS.
But the US and other Western countries have not welcomed Putin's Syria adventure, and in fact have condemned it, casting him as part of the problem. They see that he is propping up Assad, who is the primary cause and driver of Syria's war, and they see that he claims to bomb ISIS but in fact bombs the rebel groups who fight ISIS (groups that also challenge Assad). The response from the Obama administration has generally been to accuse Russia, as Defense Secretary Ashton Carter put it, of "pouring gasoline on the fire." Carter added, "I think what they’re doing is going to backfire and is counterproductive." Not the words of a potential partner in Putin's "anti-Hitler coalition."
Russia is concerned about the abeyance in the construction of the “Turkish Stream” natural gas pipeline which will transport Russian natural gas to European markets through Turkey, running beneath the Black Sea and bypassing Ukraine. The two countries have not signed any official document on the Turkish Stream yet. Ankara expects Russia to grant a discount for natural gas prices before signing any document. Besides, the Turkish Stream project got stuck in the uncertain political environment after the June 7 elections in Turkey.
Moscow is also disturbed by Turkey’s interest in Crimean Tatars. Turkey does not officially recognize the annexation of Crimea by Russia. Actually, Turkey displayed a softer stance than expected in Moscow. Nevertheless, meetings and statements made in Turkey about Crimean Tatars are bothering Moscow. For instance, the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry announced the report about the current conditions of Crimean Tatars prepared by the Turkish delegation after a visit to Crimea on April 27-30 was “disappointing.”
Turkey’s Syria and Iraq policies are also criticized by Moscow from time to time. Lately Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev gave a statement to Egypt’s El-Ahram newspaper, saying, “Military operations by Turkish warplanes on [outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party] PKK positions in Iraq are suspicious in terms of legitimacy.”This statement was another indicator of this attitude. President Erdoğan said, “Russia’s statements were quite shocking for me. I have difficulty understanding that,” as a guest on Becky Anderson’s program “Connect the World” at CNN International. Those sentences were implying that Ankara feels uncomfortable with Moscow’s attitude.
Turkey faces two terrorist threats in the south: The PKK and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Turkey officially recognizes the PKK and ISIL as terrorist organizations but this is not the case for Russia. Russia officially recognizes ISIL as a terrorist organization, but the PKK has never been included in Russia’s official list of terrorist organizations. Russia is charging Turkey with going to extremes in its fight against the PKK but at the same time, it accuses Turkey of incompetency in its fight against ISIL. On the other hand, Turkey could not get the desired reaction from Russia about the PKK issue.
The most important problem is observed in the Syrian crisis. From the outset, the two countries adopted different approaches in the Syria issue, and they have not taken any step backward. Russia has supported the Syrian regime on every occasion while Turkey has stood against it. Russia is seeking for a solution with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad but Turkey wants an al-Assad-free way. U.S.-led coalition forces’ plans to launch a joint military operation on ISIL positions and to create a buffer zone have been a source of concern for Moscow. Russia believes the Libyan experience will be repeated in Syria and there is an effort to topple the al-Assad regime under the guise of fighting with ISIL. Turkey’s opening the İncirlik Airbase to U.S. warplanes has further escalated Moscow’s concerns. As a counterattack, Moscow has boosted its longstanding military relations with Syria.
To sum up, Turkish-Russian relations are passing through a tough time. Strengthening mutual ties that have been established in the last two decades and maintaining high-level dialogue will sustain the relations. The two countries have practically strategic relations in certain areas, but there are also some disagreeable points that are not clearly uttered. Both Turkey and Russia should review some policies in order to keep up the relations that have been put on the right track in the last two decades. However, this is not an easy task. The two countries seem like they are growing away from each other. That’s why President Erdoğan’s visit to Moscow on Sept. 23 will define the atmosphere in bilateral relations.
*Assoc. Prof. Fatih Özbay is a senior fellow at the Caspian Strategy Institute and professor at Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Despite agreeing to open Incirlik airbase to US aircraft in July, Turkey remains dissatisfied with the coalition’s singular focus on the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL). Ankara has indicated that its participation in the air-campaign is designed to create an ISIS-free zone between the Syrian town of Azaz and the Euphrates River. Ankara envisioned that the increased air traffic over Aleppo would result in the creation of a de facto air-exclusion zone. In doing so, the Syrian air force would face difficulty striking Turkish backed rebels, ultimately contributing to the regime’s expulsion from Syria’s largest city.
In other parts of Syria, Ankara has pursued a similar policy. During indirect discussions with Iran, for example, Ankara helped broker a ceasefire arrangement in the southern town of Zabadani between Jaysh al-Fateh and the Syrian regime/Hezbollah. The 25-point agreement provides for UN monitoring and a regime commitment to refrain from conducting air operations in the ceasefire areas. If the Zabadani agreement remains in place, Ankara will have created two de facto air-exclusion zones in rebel held areas in the north and south.
Jaysh al-Fateh includes numerous different rebel groups, including Syria’s al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al Nusra and the Salafi Ahrar al-Sham. The group also receives support from numerous other rebel groups that the US supports via aMilitary Operations Command office in Reyhanli. Jaysh al-Fateh has battled ISIS in northern Aleppo while also managing to expel the regime from Idlib and is now threatening the regime stronghold of Latakia.
The Russian strategy appears to have two aims: Bolster Assad’s military forces and strengthen the regime’s hand in any future negotiations to end the conflict. Ankara has an immediate interest in working with the United States to discern Russian intentions, particularly as they pertain to Idlib and in northern Aleppo. Beyond this, Ankara will resist the incorporation of Russia into air operations against ISIS. Turkey has also rejected any role for Assad in a future Syrian government, but has signaled that it will support the terms in the June 2012 Geneva Communiqué. Thus, in any potential transfer of power scenario, Assad could remain in power while the opposition and the government work to establish a transitional governing body.
While Russia’s deployment remains relatively limited, but the decision has an outsized effect on Turkey’s approach to the Syrian conflict. In response, Ankara may choose to deepen its support for the Syrian rebels to bolster the insurgency’s capacity to combat a better-equipped regime backed by Russian land and air forces. These dynamics suggest the hardening of battle lines in the Syrian civil war, which have increasingly begun to reflect the interests of the outside powers h elping to sustain both sides of the conflict.
"Turkey is shut out," Dr. Jonathan Schanzer, vice president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, said in an interview. "The Turks are struggling to understand the new rules of the game, much like the US and others backing the Syrian opposition in its various forms."
"The question now is whether Turkey would want to openly challenge Russia," Schanzer added. Since the Russians began their air campaign against the rebels on Wednesday, Turkey has expressed "serious concern" over the air strikes. On Friday, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu accused Russia of hitting the rebels to bolster the Assad regime. But Turkey's ability to condemn Russia for the way it has upended Ankara's plans in Syria is limited given Turkey's extensive economic relationship with Russia.
"Turkey finds itself in a very difficult position with the Russians," Aaron Stein, a nonresident fellow at the Atlantic Council, said in an interview. Russia's intervention on the side of Bashar Assad has further complicated Turkish president Recep Erdogan's desire to limit the territorial gains of the Kurdish YPG along the border. "If the Russians are able to maintain their current state of operations and they continue to strike targets along the Idlib-Latakia dividing line, that will ease the pressure off Assad," Stein said. "As a result, Turkey's instinct will be to increase support for the rebels. But Ankara will also have to consider the possibility that bolstering the rebels further might lead weapons to fall into the hands of the YPG," the military arm of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD).
In an interview with al-Monitor, Salih Muslim, the co-chair of the PYD, said that the Russian incursion into Syria has undermined Turkey's ability to intervene in any meaningful way — a welcomed development for the Kurds. "Turkey’s Syrian policy is totally bankrupt," Muslim said. "Two years ago I was talking to a Russian official and he asked me, 'What do the Kurds most fear?' 'Possible Turkish intervention,' I replied." Moreover, Muslim notes, Russia's intervention will the Turks' ability to impose a security zone in the north, which has long been opposed by the Kurds.
"The Russians will not meddle in the north," Muslim said. "But should Turkey attempt to intervene, then they will. Russia has a joint defense agreement with Syria. They will prevent Turkish intervention not to defend us [Kurds] but to defend Syria’s border."
Turkey's plans for a safe zone may be scuttled for now, but Ankara will likely compensate by doubling down on its support for anti-Assad rebel groups such as Jabhat al-Nusra and Ahrar al Sham as the situation escalates. "Ankara would be extremely concerned if the Russians took their campaign into Aleppo, because it opens up the possibility of another massive refugee flow into Turkey, which is already at its limits," Stein noted. There are more than one million Syrian refugees in Turkey, around 30% of whom live in 22 government-run camps near the Syrian-Turkish border.
In order to prevent another refugee surge, "there will be considerations of providing the rebels with surface-to-air missiles to blunt the efficacy of Russian air craft," he said. In any case, the Russian intervention will lead to a hardening of battle lines on all sides. "The Russian intervention could prompt new phase in this conflict that could make things even bloodier," Schanzer said. "We ignore that possibility at our peril."

- ‘Stop playing games with terrorists, join under UN against ISIS’...
- ‘Final solution to refugee crisis is recovery of Middle East’...
- ‘Ukraine’s territorial integrity cannot be ensured by arms’...
‘Stop playing games with terrorists, join under UN against ISIS’
Power vacuums in the Middle East or regions of North Africa have led to the emergence of lawless areas which immediately started to be filled with extremists and terrorists, Putin said. Islamic State militants (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), who gained a foothold in Iraq and Syria, are now seeking to dominate the whole of the Islamic world, he said.
Russia has been providing military-technical assistance to Iraq, Syria and other states who lead the fight against terrorism in the region, he noted. Putin proposed the joining of efforts and the creation of a broad international coalition against terrorism. He proposed discussions at the UNSC about a resolution aimed at coordinating forces to confront IS and other terrorist organizations, based on the principles of the UN Charter.
‘Final solution to refugee crisis is recovery of Middle East’
If a comprehensive strategy of political and economic stabilization of crisis-struck countries is developed, then there will be a hope of tackling the problem of the refugee crisis, Putin stated.“The flow of people who were forced to leave their homeland has literally flooded the neighboring countries and then Europe,” he said calling it a “new painful migration of peoples.” He stressed that the fundamental solution to the refugee crisis is rooted in restoring statehood where it has been destroyed, strengthening government institutions where they are weak and providing comprehensive assistance to the peoples’ countries of origin.
‘Ukraine’s territorial integrity cannot be ensured by arms’
Cold War thinking and the desire to explore new geopolitical areas are still present among some in the international community, said Putin. “First they continued their policy of expanding NATO,” he said. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, “they offered post-Soviet countries a false choice – either to be with the West or with the East. Sooner or later the logic of confrontation was bound to spark off a grave geopolitical crisis. This is exactly what happened in Ukraine where the discontent of the population with the current authorities was used and a military coup was orchestrated from the outside that triggered civil war as a result.” Putin once again called for the full implementation of the Minsk accords brokered by the Normandy Four in February. He said that the accords will guarantee Ukraine’s development “as a civilized state.”
“Ukraine’s territorial integrity cannot be ensured by threats and the force of arms. What is needed is the genuine consideration of the interests and rights of people in the Donbass region, [and] respect for their choice.”
Fact: No nation imposes its will more on other nations of all sizes than America, none more aggressively, recklessly, and ruthlessly.
Fact: None wages more direct and proxy wars. None more greatly threatens world peace and stability – none more intolerant of democracy anywhere at home and abroad, none more disdainful of rule of law principles, none more hated for its villainy. Obama revealed his rage for war, saying he’ll “never hesitate to protect my country or our allies, unilaterally and by force where necessary.”
Fact: America’s only enemies are ones it invents. Endless wars on humanity reflect longstanding bipartisan US policy. The so-called “threat of terrorism” he hypes often is entirely fabricated. It’s manufactured to serve US imperial interests. State terrorism alone matters – the greatest threat to world peace. Obama lied accusing Russia of “aggression” in Ukraine and annexing Crimea. He bears full responsibility for ousting a democratically elected government, installing Nazi-infested putschists to replace it, using them to wage war on their own people, ignoring the will of Crimeans and Donbass to embrace democracy, reject fascist rule. Obama: “(W)e want a strong Russia that’s invested in working with us to strengthen the international system as a whole.”
The Fiscal Times: Even in the U.S., Putin Is Crowned Winner in U.N. Showdown
“Vladimir Putin Steals Barack Obama’s Thunder on the World Stage,” read one headline. “Obama Has Turned Putin into the World’s Most Powerful Leader,” read another. “At the U.N., Putin Checkmates Obama on Ukraine, Syria, ISIS,” went one more.
"Russia yielded to no persuasions of stupid advisers concerning the Assad's surrender. It maintained unity with Assad, and that is the only guarantee to establish relationship with the US," Mezhuev noted. The expert added that there can be traced the methodology of Russian victory, which is not to surrender anybody and not to discard trumps in any case.
"It is clear that one should keep to hard, strong stance. Moreover, there could be observed predictability of the allies. Russia maintained its legal relations with everyone it wanted to and did not quarreled with any of the influential players in the region. It fell out neither with the Saudi Arabia, nor Israel, Turkey, Egypt. Such a diplomacy showed that Russia is the most compromise force. With China such an alliance is not possible. Putin showed manliness and persuasiveness, as proving his point of view," Boris Mezhuev told Pravda.Ru.
He also noted that the policy of pulling chestnuts out of the fire had failed. The main issue now is not to let the IS enlargement. An alternative coalition of former IS sponsors may wait in the wings, and launch a great war in the Middle East after the threat, i.e. the IS leaves. It was a striking lesson of multipolarity for the US, a lot of things will happen in America, and they will be amazed. It will be just another world, that will remind of the state of war, but specifically in this region. That is, peace is based on multipolar relations but not on the fact that "we have friends in the Saudi Arabia, and we listen only to them," the political scientist concluded.
Hiatt observes that despite rampant ISIS vandalism of historical sites, and one of the biggest refugee crises the world has ever seen, “the ‘Save Darfur’ signs have not given way to ‘Save Syria.'” This should not be a surprise. No one on the Left was going to launch a populist crusade to “raise awareness” about the plight of Syrians, Iraqis, Kurds, Assyrian Christians, and others victimized by what Obama dismissed as the “JV team” of terrorism. The media only assigns credibility—usually disproportionate credibility — to populist crusades originating on the Left. With those points out of the way, the rest of Hiatt’s critique is devastating. He slams Obama for trying to sell indecision and inaction as “smart power”:
He has argued, at times, that there was nothing the United States could do, belittling the Syrian opposition as “former doctors, farmers, pharmacists and so forth.” He has argued that we would only make things worse — “I am more mindful probably than most,” he told the New Republic in 2013, “of not only our incredible strengths and capabilities, but also our limitations.” He has implied that because we can’t solve every problem, maybe we shouldn’t solve any. “How do I weigh tens of thousands who’ve been killed in Syria versus the tens of thousands who are currently being killed in the Congo?” he asked (though at the time thousands were not being killed in Congo).Hiatt also calls President Obama out for his habit of taking little check-the-box actions to get the public off his back, when it became impossible to tout inaction as smart policy, intriguingly including the much-ballyhooed recent plans for a safe zone on the Turkish border as an example. He also mentions how the big Obama plans for a white-hat “moderate Syrian army” trained and equipped by the U.S. turned into fifty soldiers per year, without going into the ugly details of what al-Qaeda did to the first fifty guys the President sent into the meat grinder.
Hiatt also claims that “when Obama pulled all U.S. troops out of Iraq, critics worried there would be instability; none envisioned the emergence of a full-blown terrorist state.” That is not true. Republican critics were strident in warning that Obama’s talking-point-driven Iraqi pullout would lead to disaster. They did not see ISIS coming across the border in a handful of militarized pickup trucks and knocking over Mosul, but smarter men than President Obama—notably including his ultimate presidential rival in 2012, Mitt Romney — were yelling from the rooftops that Iraq was not ready to be trusted with its own security. Romney said in October 2011:
President Obama’s astonishing failure to secure an orderly transition in Iraq has unnecessarily put at risk the victories that were won through the blood and sacrifice of thousands of American men and women. The unavoidable question is whether this decision is the result of a naked political calculation or simply sheer ineptitude in negotiations with the Iraqi government.Most of the GOP presidential field followed suit, while Democrats mocked them for lacking faith in the towering genius of President Obama, and the media sided with the Democrats. It is sheer historical revisionism to suggest that critics of Obama’s pullout were muttering vaguely about how it might be a tad premature. They explicitly warned of disaster, and they were right. As for Syria, Hiatt notes that “critics” worried President Obama’s blustery threats to Bashar Assad “might prove empty.” (“Critics” in this sense means “everyone who knows anything at all about either Barack Obama or Bashar Assad.”)
Obama’s now-infamous comments about a chemical weapons red line were another example of the feckless “get off my back” approach Hiatt criticizes earlier in his piece. Obama never thought Assad would call his bluff and deploy WMD against his own people; he thought he was setting up an exceedingly unlikely precondition for action, to justify never taking action. He was pretending to be a tough-guy bully without any intention of lacing up his gloves and climbing into the ring. Assad, and his patrons in Russia and Iran, took Obama’s measure perfectly and used his empty threats as leverage to weaken American influence in the Middle East. Hiatt then returns to all things nobody could have envisioned:
Not just the savagery of chemical weapons and ‘barrel bombs,’ but also the Islamic State’s recruitment of thousands of foreign fighters, its spread from Libya to Afghanistan, the danger to the U.S. homeland that has alarmed U.S. intelligence officials, the refugees destabilizing Europe.It is notable that he studiously avoids mentioning Libya, a crucial piece of the migration puzzle, or the way President Obama played his cards during the “Arab Spring,” which the President completely and dangerously misinterpreted as a flowering of liberal democracy, rather than the replacement of icky semi-competent corrupt regimes with murderous Islamist fascists.
It’s a matter of established fact that the Turks — not the loveliest of regimes, to be sure, but a potent NATO ally — have been yelling about the dangers of the Syrian bloodbath and calling for the West to knock over Assad for years. This was, in part, because they had a close-up view of both the ISIS recruiting and outbound refugee problems. There have been huge Syrian refugee camps in Turkey for a long time. But taking Turkey’s advice would have involved President Obama going up against Iran, and the North Star of his foreign policy is his unshakable belief that Iran is the incipient regional hegemon the West can do business with, the only Muslim power with the capability and will to enforce order on the Middle East.
To be sure, there has never been much of an appetite in any quarter of either European or American politics for war in Syria, except for the Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) 41% -Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) 46% interventionist wing of the Republican Party. Some who might have rallied around a serious plan to take decisive action against Assad, al-Qaeda, and ISIS were not prepared to sign up for the usual desultory cruise-missile strikes, followed by Obama collecting applause from the media for “doing something about weapons of mass destruction.”
Russia must use " disproportionate force" to smash and erase from the face of the earth the cancerous growth of Isil and the Judeo American proxies. It can be done, Assad's assets and forces need to be upgraded and armed to the extent they would be capable to deal with the leftovers in the future. Primarily the knock out blow has to be delivered first, ruthlessly and successfully. The judeo American kabala is already crooning that this is Russias " new afghanistan" . This must not allowed to happen.
ReplyDeleteSeeing Russians bleed in a new Afghanistan is their wet dream. But, as I said in my commentary: Syria is not Afghanistan, Syrians are not Afghans. Moscow is more prepared today to do what it has to do in Syria than the Soviet Union was in Afghanistan during the 1980s. Also, we need to recognize that Russia is joined by powerful regional players like Alawites, Iran, Kurdish factions, Shiite Iraq and Lebanon's Hezbollah. I would go as far as saying Russia is in a better position in the Middle East today than the Soviet Union ever was.
ReplyDeleteThanks for a great commentary. I was thinking the other day why Russia didn't act earlier? why wait until the country is in ruins. Your are right on with your analysis that Putin has used the right time when the west has created the boogymen to act for their benefit but was preempted by Russia.
Very powerful words:
In a sense: The only thing stopping Muslim warlords from sexually molesting little Armenian boys in Armenia, as forces of "freedom and democracy" standby watching, is the the Russian Bear.
Thank you, TK. Yes, it's as if Moscow quietly allowed the West to create the pretext for military intervention in Syria, then all of a suddenly jumped in and stole the show. Brilliant move. Moscow saw that the invasion of Syria was imminent. Seeing that Assad government proved resilient and reliable, seeing that Iran, Hezbollah and Iraq are united in the effort to resist Western-backed Sunni extremism in the region, Moscow felt confident enough to enter the war. I think all this was meticulously planned between Moscow, Damascus and Tehran.
DeleteSyrian public opinion is on the side of Russia, I actually think that public opinion in all western meddled countries; Egypt, Iraq, Libya and Syria is on Russian side. Whereas american interference is seen as an occupation and chaos, Russian intervention is welcomed. West is trying to make similarities with USSR's afgan intervention but it has no value. Afgans were fighting for their homeland, there were thousands Russian troops in their country. In Syria the ones fighting against Assad are foreign mercenaries who will pack their bags once they feel the heat. I don't see this lasting too long, in few months this joint effort will clear most of Syria.
DeleteUS forces may end up packing their bags in Iraq too.
TK. I do not think the US presence in Syria or Iraq will disappear. At least not anytime soon. They are too deep in the mess. There is too much at stake in the region, not the least of which is the protection of the Zionist state and their Arab monarchies in along the Persian Gulf. I still think there is going to be a negotiation settlement in Syria and eventually in Iraq. All parties involved understand this. That is part of the reason why Moscow entered the fight: To make sure Assad's government survives and a new Alawite region is created after the fighting ends. First, however, they have to prop-up government forces by pushing back rebels from certain strategic areas. That is what the current airstrikes are accomplishing. Going forward, the struggle will be over who get what.
DeleteWith today's technologies and weapons, it is much easier to take out guerrillas or insurgents than in the past, at least if you are a powerful country. Thus, the decline of groups like the FARC. No jungle can help you hide nowadays. Similarly, insurgents in the desert are like sitting ducks, even if they put their valuable stuff underground somewhat. The somewhat strange angle of the war so far is that the insurgents have seemed to have better technology than the Syrian government. Perhaps the Russians simply couldn't trust the Syrian army. In any case, that problem seems to be moot.
Another issue is that many or most of the insurgents are in it for the money. Mercenary armies can collapse quickly, as there is no real authority or leverage over their families to keep them in line. So, it wouldn't be surprising if the insurgents practically collapsed after a month or two of constant bombing by the Russians.
Finally, what kind of negotiated settlement could Israel, Turkey, the US, and KSA agree to? And why would Syria, Iran, or Russia agree to bad terms? The US was willing to have a negotiated settlement in Vietnam in 1975, but had nothing to offer the other side at that point. If the West had wanted a negotiated settlement, they should have done that a year or three ago, not now. Now, at a minimum, Russia is going to turn the Syrian coast into their military zone, and basically get a role in the access of Iran and help for Hezbollah.
In other words, I tend to disagree with you. I think the Western actions of the last year or so have been in lieu of a negotiated settlement. It was an attempt to win, with a compromise goal of maximizing damage to Syria. Now Russia and Iran have called the bet - so we shall see who has better cards. Of course, somebody could raise the bet by intervening directly, but this would be WWIII time, and I doubt even Erdoghan is that reckless. With all respect, as these are just personal judgements.
@There is too much at stake in the region, not the least of which is the protection of the Zionist state and their Arab monarchies in along the Persian Gulf.
You hit the nail, as usual. My feeling is that the situation is going to settle soon because I believe the principal culprits in creating this mess have received stark warnings. The unusual silence of Israel in respect with that problem is no less than revealing. Bibzi had got it, he is not an idiot. Idiots like Sheldon, the AIPAC gang and the imbecilic "Christian-Zionists" are still to be silenced (which is not an easy matter). But I am sure they can feel that the wind is starting to blow from a different direction and they have to make some complicated maneuvers to catch it in their sails.
It is great to see President Putin finally toppling every single Western chessboard that the Judeo-Western cabal has set up. Constantly demonized last year, this is such a sudden turnaround. Now that Russia has finally did its part in Syria, there are a lot of unfinished business with Ukraine and possibly the Caucasus. Of course, the monopolarist monkeys would be whining about Russian intervention in Syria when they themselves have brought destruction to that country.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing that I must bring up: Putin is actually going to visit the Philippines as part of the APEC Summit this year. For me personally, this is entirely new. Normally we have western leaders visit the Philippines most of the time, and the fact that a Russian president is actually going to be in my country (even if it was just for APEC), this should present a new chapter in Russian relations with SE Asia.
To be honest, I would much prefer Russia as a suitable ally of the Philippines because not only are they a good replacement for those Yankee bastards, but it would also assure China that a pro-Russian Philippines won't have to act childishly like a spoilt brat whenever the Spratlys dispute flares up. However, even we have our own share of Russophobes and more tragically, the entire Filipino people are descended from those who were thoroughly brainwashed by the US colonial regime. So if I was the president of Armenia, I would be wary of agents who would allow US NGOs to allow 'benevolent assimilation' like actions to turn Armenians into "good, little, brown Americans". Heck, I would be wary of idiots shouting for democracy, freedom, the rule of law and the usual BS because they'd be swallowing American socio-political poison.
Finally, the fact that Iran allowed Russian planes to go through its airspace when Bulgaria closed its airspace shows the absolute disgraceful behavior of the Bulgarian leadership when Greece (despite under American blackmail) refused to close its airspace. The Iranians must be laughing all the way to the bank or elsewhere after they thumbed their noses at the Judeo-Western cabal.
Although they for obvious reasons do not like advertising it, Moscow and Tehran (you could also add Yerevan to the mix) are in a tight alliance. This alliance has recently been joined by Damascus and Baghdad, as well as Hezbollah and certain Kurdish factions.
Delete@ I would much prefer Russia as a suitable ally of the Philippines because not only are they a good replacement for those Yankee bastards
It happens that I do know Philipinos (one man in particular) in Australia who became staunch Orthodox under the Russian Church abroad. Phillipines is a Christian country after all and the fact that many people there discover Orthodoxy is a sign of their deep commitment for Christianity. I wouldn't tell you that there is a strong Russian Mission in the Philippines.
Oh, one other important aspect of the idea of trouble with a negotiated settlement. The kinds of settlement that the West has needed included things like separating Aleppo from Damascus or giving Northern Syria to the West/Turkey. If Damascus, Tehran, and Moscow could go along with those, a deal would certainly be possible, as those were big goals from the beginning of the war. And that is what we currently hear from people like Hollande with the idea that Russia should bomb ISIS, but not good terrorists. The good terrorists in their current locations mean the loss of Northern Syria and a big buffer zone near Israel and Jordan. Maybe the buffer zone could be negotiated, but the issue of Aleppo is so important that there is almost nothing to negotiate. I remember hearing a French military or DGSE guy saying at one point in the war that the war was lost if they couldn't keep Aleppo. Similarly, from a Turkish point of view, anything without a Sunni state or Turkish control/influence in the north is a failure, not a negotiated settlement.
I never knew why the Crimean war was fought. I never knew about the red army's plan to invade Turkey. Now I know. God damn the west.
ReplyDeleteFor every Armenian you find that is aware of these kinds of historical information, you will find at least 10 Armenians who say "Russia wants Armenia without Armenians". For every Armenian you find that is aware of these kinds of historical information, you will find at least 10 Armenians who say "Russians are worst than Turks". Let me remind you that perception is more powerful than reality. Let me also remind you that the West is the undisputed master of creating perception.
DeleteThis comment is the best comment I have seen in a while, because it underlines the value of Arevordi's work. Anonymous just "red-pilled" to the very dark realities of history and the truth about the series of intentional events by the west which allowed the Armenian Genocide to happen, and for the Turks to get away with their crimes and keep their stolen property and slaves.
DeleteAnonymous's reaction was the correct one: Anonymous had the courage and self-respect to accept the truth about the self-aggrandizing west, and Anonymous react with anger and condemnation of the west. A lesser individual who lacked a backbone, courage, self-respect, and a strong patriotic love of Armenia might have reacted by denial on behalf of the west, or by trying to rationalisze the west's actions and become an apologist to cover up the west's evil-doings against Armenia.
Arevordi is correct that the number of Armenians aware of the truth is much smaller than the number of Armenians who mindlessly parrot the falsehoods of "Russia wants Armenia without Armenians". But what our side lacks in quantity, our side makes up for in the quality of the individuals we have. So Anonymous, if you don't mind me giving you some advice, please help spread the truth to other Armenians, including people on various Armenian forums and individuals you may know in real life. It doesn't have to be emotional or belligerent, just put the facts out there and the message will spread itself.
Here are a few other key talking points:
-The greatest democracies, meaning the USA, Britain, Israel, and Turkey, are the main countries which deny the Armenian Genocide.
-Jews were very involved in the Young Turk movement which committed the Armenian Genocide, and Jewish organizations remain the main non-Turkish group which ACTIVELY works to deny the Armenian Genocide.
-The Bolsheviks who took power over Russia in 1918, and who pulled the Russian Army out of Western Armenia, and who later allowed the Turks to keep all of the territory that the Turks conquered, were almost entirely Jewish. Only during and after WW2 during the "Great Purges" did Stalin eliminate all of the old guard Jews in the Bolshevik leadership.
-NATO, specifically America and Britain, are the only reason Turkey still exists, and the reason Turkey has such an advanced and organized military. Turkey manufactures American F-16 jets with American permission and technology, and America even keeps nuclear weapons in Turkey in order to protect Turkey from being destroyed by Russia and Armenia. The US announced in 2014 that it will be modernizing its nukes in Turkey.
-Besides Crimea, the Bolsheviks, and the Red Army plans to invade Turkey in 1945, in 1993 NATO was prepared to look the other way as Turkey was about to invade Armenia. Russia and Russia alone stopped Turkey by literally threatening Turkey with World War 3.
These are just some of hundreds of talkng points highlighting the danger the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance poses for Armenia, and the paramount importance of Russia for Armenia.
DeleteI have tried in vain to educate ignorant Armenians by mentioning exactly the points you made but have only succeeded in getting myself angry at the insistence of all the usual bullshit points they make. What's sad is that people that I know haven't read a book in their lives are very confident of the arguments they keep claiming. We only have ourselves to blame. For example the Armenian community of Iran was considered strong and healthy but 30% of Iranian Armenian don't even know that a country called Armenia exists, and the other 70% will repeat the same "Armenia without Armenians" bullshit. This is not the product of a successful diaspora. It is the product of a very very bad history education and I entirely blame the leading diasporan organizations for that deliberate attempt at playing politics with the destiny of a nation. I can't blame the ignorant masses, they only vomit the poisons they have been fed for generations. I'm grateful to Arevordi for this blog but I'd like to see more of a centralized, concerted effort in re-education through the schooling systems, and via youtube, documentaries, books, more blogsites.. etc. I'd like to see the Armenian government through the diaspora ministry and some other leading figures take this more seriously.
This isn't accurate, Arevordi. Not sure what you're trying to pull here. Armenians by and large are overwhelmingly pro-Russian, and view Russians as fellow Orthodox Christian brothers in the midst of Iran, Turkey, and Islamic filth. Russian past dealings with such filth at our expense isn't something to turn a blind eye to, either. Let's call a spade a spade, and be a little sincere with ourselves here.
DeleteArto, Sarkis,
DeleteA major part of the blame goes to our brave "Cold War" warriors of the ARF. It was in the ARF's interest to spread anti-Soviet, anti-Russian, anti-Hayastan hysteria throughout the Diaspora during the entire Cold War. Let no one dare say otherwise for I know this firsthand. As a child, I was also anti-Soviet and anti-Russian, and I thought Soviet Armenia was a backward place that had to be liberated. I was lucky to eventually shed that nonsense. My first visit to Armenia in 1992 helped me start the "cleansing" process in that regard. Nevertheless, many Armenians today still think the same way. We today are therefore reaping the "benefits" of the toxic seeds Western powers sowed in our Diasporan community around the world via organizations like the ARF, AGBU, Armenian Assembly, etc. As a result, the Diaspora today is either totally Arabized or Americanized or Westernized - yet we still have great numbers of Diapasons who actually look down at Hayastantsis because they are "Russified". The logic escapes me.
While I grew up as an ARFer and I still hold their core ideology close to my heart, I today see the ARF as an organization who's time has long passed. We recently saw just how impotent and pathetic today's ARF is by their actions (or inactions) in Lebanon and Syria. The ARF has a historic opportunity today to help the region's Armenians migrate to Armenia. They failed to do it. In fact, not only did they not point the way to Armenia, they instead are still trying to convince Armenians in the region to remain. Why? Because they don't want to lose their positions in the community. Because they want the church in Antilias to remain packed on holidays. Ok, but what happened to the ARF's "nationalistic" ideology? The ARF also had the chance to organize an armed defense of Armenian populated areas of Syria. They failed miserably in this regard as well. If the ARF can't defend its neighborhoods in Syria and Lebanon, their traditional strongholds, what good are they anymore?
Anonymous (October 6, 2015 at 11:38 AM)
DeleteI suggest you first get really, really acquainted with a large number of Armenians from around the world before you you make that claim. You'd be surprised how many Armenians today will tell you "Russians are just as bad as Turks". You'd be surprised how many Armenians will tell you "Russians cant be trusted because they wanted Armenia without Armenians". You'd be surprised how many Armenians will tell you Russians are a "necessary evil". You'd be surprised how many Americanized, Arabized, Turkified Armenians look down at Hayastantsis for being "Russified". Finally, you'd be surprised how many ignoramuses in our communities think "Russians dealt with Turks at our expense ".
I suggest you learn your political history before you blurt out half-truths. You are talking about Bolsheviks, not Russians. You are talking about one hundreds years ago, not today. You are talking about a land that did not even legally belong to Armenia. Nevertheless, regardless of whether or not Bolsheviks gave lands (that belonged to the Russian Empire) to the Turks, the Bolsheviks were instrumental in making sure an Armenia survived in the south Caucasus and they were also the reason why we have a modern Armenian metropolis called Yerevan. Therefore, your are right in one regard: Let's call a spade a spade, and be a little sincere with ourselves here.
What's more, I never said most Armenian are anti-Russian. Most Armenians in Hayastan are very pro-Russian. And thank God for that because that is the only thing that has kept Armenia alive for the past two hundred years. I would even venture to guess that significant numbers of Armenians in the US, Middle East and Europe are also pro-Russian.
The point I was making was this: There are more anti-Russian Armenians than Armenians who know the region's history well. And you are a good example of what I am saying.
So, ask yourself: Did you know why the Crimean War was fought and who were the opposing sides. Did you know how many wars the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire fought? Did you know how today's Armenian began forming two hundreds years ago? Did you know about the Caucasus Campaign during the First World War? Did you know where Russian/Armenian front lines were in 1917? Did you know who were the Bolsheviks and what was their primary goal in Russia? Did you know that only as a result of Stalin's purges and the Second World War did communism in Russia get Russified? Did you know about the Red Army's plan to invade Turkey in 1945 and who it was that stopped them?
Moreon, AKA Arevordi:
DeleteI don't care what your ethnic kin from Syria or Lebanon or wherever you hail from think.
I'm a native Armenian from Armenia. And when I say Armenia, I mean the Republic of Armenia, not some sea to sea fantasy your Arabic Armenian ancestors wet dream about ever since the Turks fu#ed them dry and kicked them into the Syrian desert. To be more specific, I'm from Oshakan... you know, where Mesrop Mashots hails from?
Regarding the Russians, you must be a complete idiot to think the Russians give a flying F$$k about Armenians. The Russians care for Russians; and in most cases, they don't even care for that.
It didn't help the Republic of Armenia any when the Bolshevik Red Russian Army joined in with the Turks to attack Armenia during the 1st republic.
There was nothing pro-Armenia about the Russians giving Naxijevan and Artsakh to the Azeri Turks after sovietization.
It drained our meager resources when we had to account for Russian Bolsheviks while simultaneously dealing with Turks/so called "Azeris".
Moreon, Kars/Surmalu was internationaly recognized Armenian lands by the League of nations that Russians gave away to Turks. Moreon, Mount Ararat was eastern Armenia that never belong to Turkey. and for that, I say, if you are a representative of "Armenia", and Armenians are willing to turn a blind eye to that, then Armenians deserve to get butt fucked ...some more, that is
Moreon, in the event of out break of conflict, your moreon ass sitting in the USA is nothing going to do any fighting (aside from perhaps cyber fighting (watch out, you might catch a cyber virus)) Moreon, Moscow isn't going to send Russian soldiers to do the fighting.... Moreon, its going to be ARMENIANs from Armenian and Artsakh that will be doing the FIGHTING...
Thank you Mr. Oshakantsi for revealing to us all just how psychologically disturbed, politically ignorant and emotionally unstable Armenians can be. Bravo. You are exactly what I have been talking about. You and your lunatic friends like Hayrikian and Sefilian are the best argument one can make against democracy.
DeletePS: It funny how you bring up the village of "Oshakan... you know, where Mesrob Mashtots hails from"... as if you are trying to tell me you are somehow special because of where you were born? Well, I guess in a sense you are special... because you clearly are an asshole from Oshakan. LOL
This is exactly what I mean about getting angry trying to educate people. Sometimes you or me or one blogsite is not enough. There needs to be a large scale coordinated effort, if for nothing else then to silence the fools.
"Moreon". Fucking brilliant!
DeleteArto, it gets very, very frustrating repeating the same damn thing over-and-over again to every fucking "moreon" that comes here to get into a pissing contest with me. These assholes come here not because they want to learn something (arrogant idiots don't feel the need for learning) or discuss a particular topic with me (because arrogant idiots don't have an open mind for discussion), the come here because they know me and they are envious of me and they want to show me who's the boss, so to speak. In a sense, they have a fetish with me. They hate me, but they read everything I write. They learn things from me, but they will never give me credit for it. Once in a while, when my comments are too much for their egos or when they simply go over their heads, they can't resist and they post their nonsense. I normally delete most of the idiotic posts they make. But, sometimes, when I'm in a good mood or when their comments makes me laugh (like the one posted by the big talking "Moreon" from LA), I allow the post to keep things interesting. Anyway, I have come to the conclusion that a significant portion of Armenians (perhaps a majority) has to be ignored if you are trying to get anything done for the homeland. In other words, with the kind of traits we Armenians have (everyone is a general, everyone is a boss, everyone is a brilliant politician, everyone is a great patriot, everyone knows what they are talking about), nothing gets done. With the kind of traits we Armenians have, stuff like democracy will bring Armenia back under Turkic/Islamic rule in a heartbeat. We must learn to love Armenia despite how self-destructive and how psychologically disturbed many Armenians can be these days because at the end of the day, what matter is not Armenians but Armenia. Until we evolve as a people, we will need the Russian Bear on our side to make sure that Armenia survives. I know you disagree with what I'm saying so you don't have to say anything. All I am telling you is to keep observing and keep experiencing and we'll talk about this topic again in the future.
DeleteIgnore the troll he has a hard on for you and he is probably a "moreon" from "hyeclub".
DeleteYou should view comments like the recent anonymice as a good sign. You only catch flak when you are near the target. So don't get angered or depressed as that just gets some bonus points for the Hasbara professionals at their cubicles.
Well Russia has started to pressure turks. 2 incidents, one involving MIG29 (unidentified) having turkish F16s locked on radar for 5 min, another Seems like SU30 flew over turkish airspace. I guess Russia now is enforcing a no fly zone over Syria. Great news.
It's amazing what has been happening there recently. I don't believe the Russian aircraft strayed into Turkish territory by mistake, especially since it happened on more than one occasion. Do doubt what happened was a case of muscle flexing by Russia. Simply put: They are marking their territory and setting the rules of engagement. In other words: The Bear entered into Wolf country and urinated on the spot the Bear does not want the Wolf to cross. It's that simple. It should also be said that the Bear also urinated on NATO territory. If the unidentified aircraft that got a radar lock on the Turkish F-16s were indeed Mig-29s as they are reporting, than the Migs had to have been from the Syrian air force. Since this is the first such incident like this, it clearly suggests that the Syrian air force has been given the green light to get a bit cocky as well. Remember how Turks shot down a couple of Syrian helicopters that had strayed into Turkey my mistake? Let them now try that on Russia. Anyway, more on the matter from AP -
DeleteTurkey vows to protect borders after Russian jet incursions:
Is that a threat?
DeleteTurkish PM: Military to react if Russia violates Turkish border again
The Turkish "threat" was made only for domestic consumption. The reality is that Turks in Ankara shit their pants today. By venturing into Turkish airspace and locking on to Turkish F-16 fighters with their air-to-air missiles for nearly SIX minutes, Russia was not only giving the middle finger to Turkey but also to NATO. The following is another article raising the alarm about the incidents.
I disagree with the assertion that the American public are sheeple and don't know what's going on. Here is a comment I found that shows that many Americans think of their gov't policies:
ReplyDelete"Paul Statz · Oregon State University
Defense Secretaty Carter is only regurgitating what his boss, Obama, wants him to say. I don't even know what our own strategy in Syria is other than bomb ISIS and arm rebels. The US public is not kept up to date with our progress and victory goals. Obama never told the US public when this "war" is going to end. Four and a half years and we are still in the same quagmire. We havent even finished in Afganistan and that is over thirteen years old. Russia's strategy is to back their ally and wipe the slate clean of enemies. That includes Obama made enemies. Obama's 60 nation coalition is just not cutting it."
From Article:
US defence chief warns Russia has 'losing strategy' in Syria
First, the assertion that the military establishment is reluctantly doing or saying what the president wants, is not accurate. It's actually the other way around. With that said, there are indeed intelligent Americans. But in a nation that of 300 plus million people, the smart ones are a microscopic minority. Pointing out what smart Americans say to make a case about American intelligence is like sherry picking information to make a point. Take a close look around you, Americans are worst than sheeple for they are mindless zombies. I don't blame the American people per se because they are the by-product of a decades long societal engineering program they have been subjected to via film, television, music, print media and school curriculum. The blame for the downfall of American civilization goes to the political establishment in the country and the handful of special interests that they work for. These have irreversibly ruined that once great nation.
DeleteI also think that it is the other way around. US military, intelligence and security establishments are all neocon infested nests. US president has very little power to decide or change anything. US elections should be nominated for EMMY awards, it is one of the best theatricals you can see life.
DeleteTK, I agree but the empire's liberal interventionists are just as bad. For example: The Clintons, Barack Obama, Wesley Clark, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, etc., are not Neocons yet they are just as bad. I think we get too carried away with terminology. As far as I'm concerned, both of the parties in the US, the so-called left and the so-called right work for special interests. So one cannot be better than the other. With that said, there is a lot of decent people in the US military, especially within the junior officer ranks. Many military officers know exactly what's going on. However, they cannot voice their objections or concerns because the don't want to ruin their careers.
DeleteActually, they're 2 sides of the same coin. Nevertheless, while you might dispute whether its Obama calling the shots or not, it's indisputable that the political side is callings the shots, and the military side implementing it, not vica versa.
DeleteAnonymous (October 6, 2015 at 5:14 PM),
DeleteAs I mentioned in my comment to TK, the US military still has a great number of genuinely patriotic and intelligent officers who see what is happening in Washington and are deeply disturbed by it. But, there is also the other side of the coin: There is also a great number of senior military officers who work, directly or indirectly, for the military industrial complex and the political/financial establishment. These professional warmongers are the most influential of the two due to their connections. We see these officers on CNN, Fox and other propaganda outlets propagating war against Iran, war against Russia, war against China, war against Serbia, war against Libya, war against Venezuela, war against Syria, etc. It's this latter class of military officers that are a danger not only to the world but also to the US. The line between the military, the private sector and the government is very blurred in the US. Americans have been talking about this problem for decades -
`Revolving door' spins without close attention. Moves from Pentagon to private sector often go unrecorded (1988):
From Staffer to Contractor: Stopping the Pentagon's Revolving Door (2008):
From the Pentagon to the private sector (2010):
Pentagon not properly tracking ‘revolving door’ data, report says (2014):
The U.S. war machine and capitalist ‘democracy’:
Arevordi is right, the problem with America is not only with neocons. Zbigy Brzezinski, the evil genius polak running foreign policy in the us for the last fifty years is a good example. So no surprise he is pissed at what's going on in Syria. Read what he has to say: "Brzezinski: Obama should retaliate if Russia doesn't stop attacking U.S. assets"
DeleteRead more:
I wouldn't call Brzezinski a genius; he is an opportunist with absolutely no morals or long-term thinking whatsoever. And he doesn't mind being used by the jews. Does brzezinski seriously think that Poland has any sort of future in the EU in an Anglo-American-Zionist dominated world? It most certainly does not, it is doomed to become a multicultural theme park. And if it is necessary Poland will be reduced to a desolate wasteland, should Poland choose to make itself into a shield for Britain and America. Neither they, nor Germany or France, would lift a finger to help Poland out. Like one of Poland's officials recently pointed out, giving blowjobs to the USA is a stupid thing to base your national security on.
DeleteThe polacks have always ended up being the Anglo-American-Zionists favorite tool to stir up trouble, whether against the Third Reich or against Russia. Idiotic ultrantionalism, encouraged by the west, has always turned Poland into a pawn against continental European powers which threaten the dominance of the Anglo-American-zionists. Their stupid, jew-controlled Catholic religion doesn't help at all.
On a side note, brzezinski is seriously starting to resemble Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars:
If you are reading, Zoravar. I just saw this picture of a SU-34 said to be operating in Syria:
ReplyDeleteIs it fair to assume that the pods on the aircraft's wingtips are the electronic countermeasure known as "khbiny"?
Wingtip ECM pods are common on Sukhoi fighters. Typically it is the Khibiny on the S-34 and the Sorbitsya on the Su-30. These are powerful jammers designed to degrade the performance of enemy radars.
DeleteBy the way, the Russians brought with them the Karusha-4 Electronic Warfare System. Photographed next to the Lataqia airfield:
I'm looking forward to your assessment.
DeleteFrom the article posted above regarding the Russian confrontation with Turkish-made American F-16s:
ReplyDeleteFrom the article:
NATO Secretary General on violations of Turkish airspace by Russian combat aircraft, 5 OCT 2015
Check out that Norwegian cuckold complaining about Russia and rushing to Turkey's defense. Yet another worthless Scandinavian piece of shit. I cannot stress enough how happy it makes me knowing that Norway, Denmark, and Sweden are now overflowing with African and Muslim immigrants, and are fast becoming the rape capitals of the west. Stoltenberg's mother, sisters, wife, and daughters are getting everything they deserve from the precious Turks and Islamists that faggot Nordic "men" like Stoltenberg are so willing to defend. Call it God's work or call it the unforgiving laws of nature, either way these people are receiving punishment from higher powers for their sinfulness and decedance.
Countries can recover from natural disasters or from war and genocide. But countries which are spiritually dead inside, like the Scandinavian countries, cannot be saved. Good riddance! I have no qualms at all cheering the downfall of Turkey's NATO allies and enablers.
The only species lower that Scandinavians, it seems, are the spineless Armenian losers who try to spread the delusional idea that Armenians and Northern/Western Europeans are part of the same "family". What an insult it is to the Armenian race to try to connect it to these trashy and suicidal Nordic scum.
Well Scandinavia is fast becoming emasculated though, no thanks to the witch whose surname is Spectre, and whose words "and Jews will be resented because of our leading role" rings too true.
DeleteI would be stunned if by some sort of fluke chance Ukrainian entry into the EU is followed by the flooding of these very same Muslim and African immigrants into Kiev, Lviv and Poltava.
What do you guys think about Armenia-Azerbaijan? Increase number of ceasefire violations with large weapons?
ReplyDeleteI think the turks are behind it since they are butthurt over Syria so they are trying to destabilize the region and what better way than karabakh.......
Also interesting CSTO has said nothing about the recent use of large fire against Armenia? Could Moscow keeping quiet and pretending they don't care and letting Azeris do something stupid and then letting Armenia finish it off?
DeleteThe Turkish and the Western factor is clearly there. It's very plausible that they may want to cause unrest in Russia's vulnerable underbelly to deflect Moscow's attention from Ukraine and Syria. There are also other possibilities. I personally think that the periodic Azeri attacks are carried-out for domestic consumption and to put pressure on Yerevan. The Baku regime realizes that Armenia has many internal problems. It thinks that if it can put pressure on the Armenian government and make it look weak, it may face more domestic pressure. The Baku regime is also desperate due to decrease in oil revenues and the lack of friends on the international scene. Baku is also therefore trying to keep the Azeri street preoccupied with the "Armenian threat" and justify the billions of dollars wasted on weapons they don't need. Anyway, I am confident there will not be a war. That is not what Baku wants, that is not what Armenia wants, that is not what Russia wants. A lot of noise has been raised by our idiots (i.e. nationalist chobans and Western-led opposition activists) about the attacks being a conspiracy/pretext to bring Russian peacekeepers into the region. I very much doubt it simply because it suggests that Baku wants Russian peacekeepers to come and stand between them and us, since Baku is the party initiating the hostilities. This makes no sense to me because for the past twenty years Baku recognizes that the only thing standing in the way of them and their objective in Artskah is Russia. To suggest that they would now simply want Russians to come in between the two sides makes no sense, unless they have given up on Artsakh and they want a face saving way out, which is also a possibility. With that said, I am confident that Moscow would want to place troops in the region someday. And if one day Russians do place peacekeepers between us and the Azeris, I would have absolutely no problem with it - of course as long as the demarcation lines don't change. In my opinion, Russian peacekeepers on the border between Artsakh and Azerbaijan means only one thing: The border will remain unchanged and the cross-border shootings will stop.
PS: Armenia does not need CSTO to protect it from cross-border skirmishes. If Armenia needs the CSTO to help it respond to what Azeris are doing on the border, then Armenians don't deserve statehood. Russians are protecting the Turkish border, I think we should act like a normal nation and protect ourselves against Azeris. Anyway, the CSTO did condemn the Azeri shelling of Armenian villages and stated that Armenia's military is more than capable of protecting Armenia's borders. At the same time, take into consideration that Moscow cannot come across too harsh with Baku simply because - Moscow wants to incorporate Baku into CSTO and the EEU as well someday. It is very delicate geopolitical balancing act Moscow is playing. But security wise Armenia has nothing to worry about. The following is the Radio Liberty's article about Nikolay Bordyuzha's comments recently -
CSTO Chief Deplores Azeri Shelling Of Armenian Villages:
DeleteNot pretending to know, but my guess is that Ankara is way too preoccupied with trying to save the skins of their MIT guys inside Syria. And the war on Kurds/PKK. And all the internal intrigues that might lead to the fall of Erdoghan and/or the Muslim Brotherhood crowd.
Baku has the reasons that Arevordi mentioned.
My personal opinion is that Moscow wants a stronger Armenia, and would not mind seeing different borders, but does not want to deal with it till the Syrian situation is under control. Putin seems to have a good sense of timing, and the time is not yet right for Armenia to get involved in anything serious. Just imagine how things might look in a month or two: Erdoghan may try to hold on after a bad election result: the Russians will own the Syrian coast; the Iranians and Hezbollah will clean up through Aleppo; half of ISIS will run to Iraq or elsewhere; and the Kurdish issue will be more and more troubling for Ankara. Baku will be in a relatively isolated position, and Yerevan will have friends in Moscow and Tehran. This seems like the best position Armenia has had since independence. A rising Russia and Iran, with a troubled Turkey and Azerbaijan. By the way, if God grants Armenia some good opportunities over the next few years, let us hope that psychologically troubled individuals don't mess it up.
ReplyDeleteI TOTALLY agree with you that Putin jumped in the last minute and hijacked the west's anti-ISIL narrative and is now using it to his advantage. I hope Russia beat them to it again and puts a no fly zone over Syria at least over the western half.
Arto jan, I agree. It was a brilliant move by Moscow. They waited for the right moment and then, just when Syria's enemies were preparing to escalate the crisis, Moscow preemptively jumped in. But they first made sure that Iran, Iraq and the Hezbollah was on board as well. A stunning move. A game changer for the entire region. Who now can talk against Russia's actions in Syria without sounding like a total idiot or a hypocrite? Yes, the narrative was hijacked by Moscow, and now Moscow is writing the rest of the story -
Delete'We don’t want Syria to be terrorist black hole, let us deal with ISIS'–Russia's Foreign Ministry:
Washington Times proves Armenia's aggression in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
kikes proving, once again, that they deserve every iota of hatred directed at them.
Partial anti-Armenianism by jews list
ReplyDelete-abraham foxman (anti-defamation league of b'nai b'rith)
-brenda schaffer (israeli scholar, past president of american political acience association, former research director of the Caspian studies program at harvard's kennedy school of government, current faculty at the israeli university of haifa in the school of political science, and a visiting professor at the azerbaijan diplomatic academy and at georgetown university in washington, d.c.)
-shimon peres (president and former prime minister of israel)
-guenter lewy (professor emeritus at the university of massachusetts amherst)
-bernard lewis (cleveland e. dodge professor emeritus of near eastern studies at princeton university)
-bruce fein (attorney, worked for the turkish coalition of America, the american enterprise institute and the heritage foundation, the assembly of turkish american associations court case against Mourad Topalian in 2001, the lawyer of fellow jew guenter lewy against the southern poverty law center regarding the Armenian Genocide, lawyer of u.s. house of representatives member jean schmidt against David Krikorian, lawyer for the turkish coalition of america against University of Minnesota, of the Ron Paul's presidential campaign leaders and a huge influence on Ron Paul despite Ron Paul's supposed "anti-interventionist" foreign policy)
-david saltzman (turkish coalition of america, works with bruce fein in their anti-Armenian activity)
-george friedman (founder of stratfor, advocate of "keep Armenia isolated")
-rivka cohen (israeli ambassador to Armenia and georgia, openly and officially denied the Armenian Genocide while in Armenia)
-vladimir socor (political analyst of east european affairs for the jamestown foundation and its eurasia daily monitor propaganda bullhorn, prominent Armenian Genocide denier, prominent supporter of the lie that Artsakh belongs to azerbaijan, psychotic Russophobe - interestingly Socor also has some Armenian ancestry in addition to his jew heritage, a stark example of the dangers of interracialism )
-michael rubin (current resident scholar at the american enterprise institute and a senior lecturer at the naval postgraduate school, has lectured in history at yale university, hebrew university, and Johns Hopkins University, heavily involved in the war and destruction against Iraq)
-stephen blank (a senior fellow and resident Russia "expert" at the american foreign policy council, previously worked as a professor at the strategic studies institute of the u.s. army war college at carlisle barracks, pennsylvania)
-richard weitzor (a senior fellow and director of the center for political-military analysis at hudson institute and an expert at wikistrat, previously from 2002 to 2004 was a consultant for the center for strategic and international studies, the defense science board, and d.f.i. international, inc., also has held positions with the center for strategic studies, the belfer center for science and international affairs at harvard university's kennedy school of government, and the u.s. department of defense.)
-denis jaffe (anti-Armenian journalist)
-guy billauer (anti-Armenian attorney)
-stephen schwartz (anti-Armenian, anti-Russian, anti-Serbian, advocate for turco-islamist extremism)
-madeline albright (former u.s. secretary of state, active Armenian Genocide denier, butcher of Orthodox Chrsitian Serbs in Serbia, founder of an illegitimate turkic-islamic state in Serbian Kosovo, on record as say half a million dead Iraqi civilians was "worth it" to put pressure on Saddam Hussein)
-william cohen (former u.s. secretary of defense, active Armenian Genocide denier, war criminal responsible for millions of deaths and casualties all around the world including Serbia and Iraq)
-norma zager (paid propagandist for azerbaijan masquerading as a "journalist", published anti-Armenian and anti-Artsakh crap in papers like the Washington Times)
I am glad you made this list, we need to add and keep record of all those a-holes. Thanks
DeleteArevordi, are you by any chance familiar with another Armenian blogger named Mike Lokian? I believe he made a blog, answering the question as to why Jews hate Armenians:
It could also be because of economic competition in the past between Jews and Armenians that the hatred among them has grown stronger. Moreover, since the Jews hated Orthodox Christianity (because it's the only church that they haven't been able to subvert), their hatred towards Orthodox Christians are unparalleled, and even more vicious than Catholic, Muslim or Protestant anti-Orthodox sentiment.
I don't know who that person is. I have a totally different take on Jews: Hebrews originated in the Armenian Highlands. Genetically, ancient Jews were derived from ancient Armenian stock. Although time and circumstance developed many fundamental differences between us (religion, language, geography, etc), there still are some core similarities (family oriented, business oriented, driven, talented, intelligent, shrewd, creative, competitive, clannish, etc.). Because Armenians and Jews have lived within the same geopolitical sphere for thousands of years - Persian Empire, Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, Russian Empire, Soviet Union - the two have a long, shared history between them. Through this shared experience comes the competition, the distrust and therefore the disdain. Because they are wealthier and much more organized (not to mention racist) than us Armenians, they have been much more successful is pushing their agenda in places where they have lived. In short: Jews sense competition in Armenians. I think their problem with us is instinctual in nature.
DeleteTK, this list I made is actually really inadaqute. There are hundreds of examples of jewish organizations and individuals that are actively working to deny the Armenian Genocide - not just say "now is not the time to bring this up" or "leave it to historians, but actually claim that the Turks are completely innocent. Other than Turks, and a handful of paid off Americans and Europeans, no other race goes out of their way to hurt Armenia like that.
DeleteAnd jews are equally hard at work trying to destroy Armenia and Artsakh in other ways too. I always point out that I don't hate the jews because of their silly, hate-filled religion, I don't hate the jews because of their big noses or cheapness, I don't hate the jews because they control the western media, and I don't hate the jews because they are dominating Germany and the rest of the west. I hate them because of all of the hateful, racist, anti-Armenian evil that they engage in and propagate. Jews deserve to be hated and insulted.
And we don't have the resources to study and divide "good jews" from "bad jews". Fuck them all. If they had any common sense, they'd police themselves and discourage the "bad jews" from attacking us Armenians. But they do not restrain eachother, because deep down they all know they can exist as jews only as a whole community. So to hell with all of them.
Superman Putin uses plasma weapon to save the universe!
ReplyDeleteYou make a excellent propagandist for Russian thugs.
(Part 1 of 2):
ReplyDeletePlease note that the linked article below was faithfully republished by the degenerate dashnak cuckolds at Asbarez. Dashnaks are sick scumbags who seem to really get a sick thrill from enabling and watching foreigners insult their motherland, hence the term "cuckold" is appropriate to describe dashnaks. The original source of this article is Anglo-American-Zionist funded, an absolutely filthy organization which employs the like of Vladimir Socor, a Armenian-Jewish mutt from Romania who specializes in denying the Armenian Genocide. The article itself tries to stir up hysteria by quoting some western-created and western-controlled NGO whose traitorous Armenian agents are angry to see the Armenian Church and the rest of the Armenian Nation getting back on their feet. They also quote a disgruntled, unemployed villager whose words I am sure they twisted - more of their media mind-control tricks... Stalin had the right idea on how to deal with traitors like these NGO scum: send them packing to labor camps in the Kolyma region where they will be too busy to cause problems.
Faith and philanthropy? Behind Armenia’s church-building boom
This is excellent news! It is a sure sign that the ancient Armenian nation is finally getting back on the proper path of development when we see our much-attacked National Church experiencing a revitalization. When we see the Armenian military, the Armenian Church, and other Armenian national institutions started to pick themselves up, we can start looking at the future with cautious optimism; sooner or later Armenian culture, literature, theatre, music, cities, political structures, etc. will also find themselves on this upward path. It is no secret that those forces which wish to wipe Armenia off the map never fail to bomb, bulldoze, or outright steal Armenian Churches, as we regularly see with the Turks, Azeris, and Georgians. This is because the Armenian Church is a fundamental pillar of the Armenian identity... On a side note, to give credit where credit is due, Islamic Iran refrains from damaging its remaining Armenian churches because 1) Iranians have their own rich culture and don't need to fear or be jealous of Armenians, and 2) Armenians in Iran are all Iranophiles and pose zero danger to real Iranians.
Seeing the Armenian Church growing again is a magnificent "fuck you" to the jewish and western athiest agenda that was imposed on Armenia (and Russia) by the old guard judeo-Bolshevik scum. How fitting that the Armenian Church is experiencing its own resurrection, while the likes of Yagoda Zinoviev, Uritsky, Kamanev, Sverdlov, Sokolinov, and Trosky are nothing more than rotting corpses in history's dustbin... Ironically, what the judeo-liberals failed to accomplish in the Orthodox Christian nations of the east, they have instead succeeded establishing in the soulless, spiritually dead western nations.
(Part 2 of 2):
ReplyDeleteA strong National Church is one of the absolute best antidotes to the social and spiritual toxins emanating from the west, including materialism, homosexuality, interracialism, greed, degeneracy, abortions, feminism, and other suicidal tendencies [Arevordi included a very good list of those signs of death at the end of this current blog entry]. Please note that the European countries which we are witnessing commit mass suicide today also have the lowest religious rates, and the highest rates of atheism. This is not a coincidence. Atheism is promoted as allegedly "freeing people from ancient superstitions", yet the Europeans who gave up religion only replaced it with a blind faith in the Anglo-American-Zionist controlled media and science (science meaning academics and scientists), which are all bought-and-paid-for, and which have been instrumental in promoting great lies like "homosexuality is anything other than a mental disease " or "GMO foods are completely safe and only backwards conspiracy theorists are afraid of them because they hate science and progress". Atheist Europeans are the ones most likely to intentionally die childless, to openly welcome "gay rights", and to cheer as their pathetic countries are rapidly Africanized and Arabized. These are the psuedointelligent, English-speaking Eurofags that look down on "autocratic" Russia and condemn the fact that the Russian Church supports the Holy War to rid Syria of western-funded extremist Islamic militants, and the fact that the Russian Church encourages large families and is successfully lowering the number of abortions in Russia. The very same Eurofags engage in extreme Holocaustianity, and generally piss their panties whenever they are in the presence of the newly imported Muslims which will be replacing them.
Here I'd also like to note that if the Armenian Church was in decline, the only result would be that more Armenians turned to various western-backed cults. We don't need that shit in Armenia. If it were up to me, even the "accepted" minority churches like Catholics and Protestants in Armenia would be shut down and their adherents deported or sent to labor camps. And don't bother arguing that Christianity is "foreign" to Armenia, because Armenian Christianity has been thoroughly Armenianized in the past 1700 years. Those "neopaganist" clowns are as screwed up mentally as the atheists.
Ps The liberals, semi-jews, and wannabe-jews in the Armenian diaspora must be shaking with anger, or at the very least shaking their heads in a condescending way at the Haysastantsis. Either way, fuck them. Odd how despise the small number of new churches in Armenia, but are oddly silent as thousands of minarets are erected in their sacred EU. These people view Orthodox Christianity with extremist hatred because they know that Orthodox Christianity doesn't tolerate they homo decadence.
Good article:
ReplyDeleteThe american-judeo kabala must be flattened and routed if any semblance of stability is to returned to the region. The existence and perpetuation of the bandit state, which is the sole raison d'etre of the Americo-Juden Kabala , can only be accomplished in a state of endless turmoil, war, killings and bombings. In all the mayhem taking place in the ME, the bandit state remains impervious and insulated from bombs, collateral damage, or other war related repercussions that may befall adjacent s countries close to the fire. Let's hope that Russia wipes Isisl and Americo-juden proxy gangster terrorists off the face of the earth.
ReplyDeleteSurely this is just flexing muscle?
ReplyDelete4 Russian warships launch 26 missiles against ISIS from Caspian sea
Russians have been beefing up their military since 2007/2008. If you go back to my blog posts from 2007 and forward, you will find a lot of articles about this. Their armed forces have made great strides in recent years. The difference between the Russian force that entered Georgia back in 2008 and the Russian force than entered Crimea in 2014 is like the difference between night and day. The Russian Bear was in deep hibernation during the 1990s. The Russian Bear abruptly woke up in 2008 and was therefore a bit sluggish. Crimea and Syria are proof that the Russian Bear is awake, hungry and angry and therefore on the prowl. Syria is the perfect place to put Russia's newly developed weapons systems (some of it the finest in the world) and knowledge to good use. Limited wars, as the one in Syria, are the perfect place to fine-tune your weapons and develop crucial experience. Western militaries have been doing this since 1991. It's Russia's turn now.
DeleteThe cruise missiles were fired from the Caspian Sea and they traverses the Shiite Arc on their way to destroy Western-backed terrorist targets. Russia has destroyed more ISIS targets in one week than Western "coalition forces" have been able to in one year (because taking out ISIS was not what they were there for). And all this right under Western noses. What a historic time period we are living in. It still feels surreal, as if a dream.
VIDEO: Russian warships strike ISIS positions in Syria:
Cruise missile attack from Caspian sea - Russian Navy fires on ISIS:
The Latest: US aircraft rerouted over Syria, avoids Russians:
Closer look at Russian fighter jets bombing ISIS (EXCLUSIVE):
Mi-24 gunships guard Russia's anti-ISIS ops hub:
Arevordi, speaking of the "shiite arc" you will find this article interesting
ReplyDeleteI am glad the concept of an Iranian or Shiite arc is gaining notice within the general public because it will help people better understand the geostrategic reasoning behind those who are going after nations like Iran, Iraq, Syria and the Hezbollah. The following are several recent articles that are more-or-less about the Russian backed Iranian Arc -
DeleteIraqi Shiite Politicians Call for Russian Airstrikes on Islamic State:
Iran lobbied for Russian campaign in Syria , officials say:
Popularity of 'Putin the Shiite' sky high in Iraq:
Good links:
ReplyDeleteClub Orlov: The World's Silliest Empire
Brother Nathanael: The Future Belongs To Russia
Filmed by the jihadist themselves. Results of a Russian strike.
ReplyDeleteDestroyed terrorist armor and heavy weapons.
Russia’s New Mega-Missile Stuns the Globe
DeleteToday's headlines
ReplyDeleteSyria extends major offensive to retake territory in west:
Syria army in 'vast offensive' backed by Russian strikes:
Russia’s Missiles: A Major New Weapon in Syria Conflict:
Russian Tanks, Iranian-trained Militias Headed to Syria :
Over 1,000 Militants Surrender To Syrian Army In Last 24 Hours:
Manned Russian jets are stalking US Predator drones in Syria:
Iraqi Shiite Politicians Call for Russian Airstrikes on Islamic State:
Iran lobbied for Russian campaign in Syria , officials say:
Popularity of 'Putin the Shiite' sky high in Iraq:
Didn't this Wesley Clark threaten to start a world war with Russia back when he was commander?
Clark didn't threaten Russia with a world war. He ordered a British general who was subordinate to him to use force against Russian paratroops that had suddenly occupied Pristina airport but the Brit refused saying I am not going to start a world war for you. In case you are interested, more on the incident -
DeleteIncident at Pristina airport:
Speaking of crazy American generals, this Jack Keane guy is getting a lot of air time -
DeleteRet. Army General: Putin Launched a Proxy War; ‘How Can The United States Stand By And Do Nothing?
Very daring low level strike by Russian flown Mi-24 gunship helicopters covering a Syrian Army advance. These pilots have balls made of steel. Never saw Syrian helicopter pilots fly like this.
So, they 'are' providing close air support. Balls of steel, I agree, but the last thing Moscow needs right now is a downed aircraft or captured Russian pilots.
DeleteReading wesley clark's article only reminded me how much I hate this country. What a self-righteous prick. I especially enjoyed his crying about "Iran's hegemonic aspirations against Saudi Arabia and Turkey". Cry me a fucking river. Arevordi was so correct when he identified washington as an anti-Armenian viper's den.
ReplyDeleteAny thoughts on this strategy for Russia to deal with southeastern Europe and gaining leverage over the EU? It may be time for Russia to get more active, particularly as so many others have serious problems these days, whether the EU, Turkey, or Saudi Arabia.
Things are changing rapidly, more rapidly than I could have imagined. Russia's move into Syria and the West's inability to respond to it in any tangible way (thus far) is an astounding milestone in modern politics and a historic turn of events in the Middle East. From Europe to the Middle East to the Pacific Ocean, major geopolitical shifts are taking place. The old order is being challenged by upstarts. Consequently, we stand on the verge of a major global conflagration. After the proverbial shit hits the fan a new world order will be born. How bad the conflagration will be or what the resulting world will look like is anyone's guess at this time. With that said, what we know for sure is that the old order is in the process of dying as I write this. But, like I said, it's too early to make accurate predictions. Russia, however, clearly has designs towards eastern and south-eastern Europe, which have historically been part of its defensive depth and zone of influence. Of course, Russia's enemies (US, Britain, EU and Turkey) also have designs for the region. Although the West is clearly in decline, it still holds a lot of power and influence. Russia's move back into the eastern Europe (e.g. Belarus and Ukraine) and the Balkans (e.g. Serbia and Macedonia) will therefore be systematic and gradual. As Western influence gradually retreats in in the region, Russia is the only power in the region that can - and will - fill the political vacuum. Regional nations realize this prospect. Consequently, pro-Russian - or at the very least, Russia friendly - voices are growing in Europe, including within Germany, known to be Europe's main power -
DeleteEU turn: 'European policies must not be dictated by Washington':
Although Germany is still occupied by the Anglo-American-Jewish world order, it is nonetheless doing its best to exercise a semblance political independence. I have no doubt Berlin wants to break free from the West but find itself unable to do so because of the great influence Western powers still have inside Germany as a result of seventy years of occupation. But I have no doubt that Berlin sees Russia not as a threat but as a potential trade partner and a political friend. Moreover, I have no doubt whatsoever that the recent scandal involving Volkswagen was initiated by the US as a measure to put pressure on Germany. I bring up Germany because Berlin is pivotal to what Moscow can and cannot do in eastern Europe. This is why I hope that sober minds in Berlin come to the realization that Russia is not an enemy but a potential friend. In this regard, Moscow has done its best to keep relations between Russia and Germany healthy.
Germany has definitely been Moscow's key to things over the last twenty years. The trouble is that Germany is not merely occupied by the US, it has had a lot of its key businesses and banks bought by the US or Britain at cheap prices after the wars. The actual business Germany does with Russia is still not nearly what it could be, and the idea of a pivot to Eurasia has practical issues, such as Turkey. Many see Turkey in a similar vein as Germany, just of lesser importance. Russia has wanted to woo Ankara away from the West, but this has been hard to do. And that brings up the topic of that article, which is that perhaps Russia should try to be more aggressive about playing on the weaknesses of their opponents. As an example, if the Syrian campaign goes well, Russia and Iran will be able to help the Kurds and possibly even those in Hatay. We know that the Kremlin prefers honey over vinegar to get its way, but the world is full of people like Erdoghan. Some Eurasianists see the possibility of luring Turkey out of NATO, such as this article:
In any case, one can make the argument that the Kremlin has tried to be somewhat nice in places like the Ukraine or with Turkey, even though both of those countries are full of folks who would disagree. It seems to me that too many carrots and too few sticks were used. Turkey will be a much better "friend" with Abkhazia, the Crimea, and the Syrian Coast full of Russian military equipment.
In what mounted to be a major embarrassment for Uncle Sam, the "deconflicting" meeting US officials were said to have with their Russian counterparts in Russia last week was secretly video recorded and made public by the Russians. Couple of days ago I saw Wolf Blitzer of CNN briefly reporting on this, but I have not been able to find a single article or news report about it in any mainstream news outlet. Apparently, Washington considers what Russian officials did a major insult and an embarrassment. The following is the only thing I could find -
ReplyDeleteHumiliating! Russians relentlessly troll Obama admin as Kremlin releases secret video to mock US:
Haven't been able to find the entire Al Jazeera interview in which NYU professor Stephen Cohen made Al Jazeera's Velshi look like a bumbling idiot. The following snippet is all I have been able to find. It's unfortunate, albeit understandable, that Al Jazeera would cut out most of the most embarrassing parts -
Ali Velshi challenges Stephen Cohen, who says America needs Russia too much to challenge Kremlin’s human rights record:
Not all Brits are bad
ReplyDeleteSyria - Sense and Compassion
Ankara's feeble answer to Russia's incursion into Turkish/NATO territory last week -
ReplyDeleteTurkish Military Aircraft Wander Into Armenian Airspace:
Arevordi, they knew better than to try that on the Syrian border where they get shot down immediately, that's why they tried this in a non-hostility zone. This show you now turks operate and this also shows you how important it is to have Russian boots on the ground in Armenia as you always say. Maybe after this warning the next time they try this they will get shot down. Great news, Fascist Turkey is falling apart nearly, one hundred dead:
DeleteMaybe Zoravar can answer this: In the context of what's going on in Syria and Iraq what does this news mean?:
Any thoughts on who was behind the Ankara bombing and why?
While I have no way of knowing, I personally think that the bombing was carried-out by someone trying to destabilize the already volatile country. There are a number of suspects in that regard. Needless to say, a nation as aggressive and as belligerent as Turkey will have many enemies. Geopolitically speaking, Erdogan's Turkey has in recent years maneuvered itself into a very bad corner: Turkey has become a safe haven for all kinds of Islamic terror groups; Turkey has antagonized the Russian Bear; Turkey has antagonized Iran; Turkey's Armenian border remains shut; Turkey's Iraqi border is in a state of war; Turkey's Syrian border is in a state of war; Turkey has rekindled its Kurdish problem; Turkey's left wing (Marxists and socialists) are growing in number and influence; Turkey has persistently upset its Western and Israeli allies. Turkey today has serious internal and external problems. Speaking of its internal problems, Kurds are not the only long-term problem Turkey has. Turkey's relatively large Alawite population, who's stronghold is the strategic city of Hatay, and who until the start of the Syrian conflict were very quite, is beginning to stir. The Assad government's unexpected resilience and the unexpected introduction of Iranian and Russian forces into the region does not bode well for Ankara. Western setbacks in the region is not an encouraging sign for Ankara either. For all its bluster, Turkey today is one unexpected incident away from imploding.
DeleteThe old political order is gradually falling apart. Things are beginning to change at a steady pace. Suddenly, anything now seems possible. There was never any doubt that Turkey (like Israel, like Azerbaijan) would have sooner-or-later fall apart. Well, perhaps it may happen sooner-than-later. And when Turkey does one day fall into utter chaos, this time regional powers have to make sure that the country will be broken up and partitioned between Russia, Armenia, Greece, Iran, Kurdistan and Alawistan. Turks may retain the region around Ankara as their homeland. Nevertheless, an Asia Minor without the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance's monster called Turkey will automatically enter Russia's orbit. With NATO member Turkey out of the way, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Georgia will naturally seek closer ties with Russia. An Asia Minor without Turkey will also be a death blow for Islamic extremism throughout the region. An Asia Minor without Turkey will also be a death blow for Western, Israeli and Saudi interests. An Asia Minor without Turkey will see the rise of a neo-Byzantine political order headed by Moscow. A neo-Byzantium, a Russian-led arc of Christian Orthodox nations stretching form Greece to Armenia is something I have been dreaming about for many years -
DeleteUnion of Orthodox Nations (2007):
It is also worth mentioning that Hatay is the location of the Patriarchate of Antioch, so the collapse of Turkey could also see the revival of the Orthodox Church in that area, along with the Alawites who would be natural allies. The Alevis would also be stirring due to centuries of persecution as well.
DeleteA Union of Orthodox Nations as a neo-Byzantine 'federation' would no doubt be a frightening spectre for the Catholic-Protestant world, and I can imagine assholes like John Hag-ee screaming about 'anti-Semitic Orthodox nations aiming to conquer Jerusalem from the Jewish people' once that happens. The prospect of such a federation is exactly why you also had an article posted called "Keeping Moscow at Bay - In Kosovo."
Perhaps you should write an article on the possible scenarios for Turkey. A possible limiting factor on regional powers working on a plan is that only Russia and Iran seem to have strategic thinking. I find it hard to believe Greece, Cyprus, Syria, Armenia, and Georgia are actually contemplating future scenarios very well. They will just behave opportunistically, such as Greece going to Istanbul or something. I suspect Armenia would just do what Russia said, which is probably for the best.
DeleteBy the way, how would Russia get part of Turkey? Where?
Davotoglou's zero problem with neighbors lies in tatters. The fire now has caught the turk's houses. The tsunami of pseudo refugees, petty gangsters, rapists, and the all male brigade ( fit for military service) together with the flotsam from Afghanistan,Pakistan and bengladesh hitting the shores and heart of Europe should be hoarded and kept in harness in Turkey. Lamentably the jewess Merkel is opening Germany's borders to these criminals, and wants the spread of the invasion plague to be distributed throughout Europe. They should be boxed in inside Turkey ; after all that is the start point of their nefarious and luciferian invasion. Jewess Merkel will do the jewish bidding naturally, which aligns symmetrically with the beastly turkish interests. With 4 to 6 million boxed in pseudo refugees, and the peripatetic barefoot invasion armada from Afro -Asia installed in Turkey could very well be a recipe for that country's disappearance from the face of the earth. Merkel is a schizophrenetic insane politician, cast in the same mould as the other catamites and faggots leaders of European governments. Erdogan is a megalomaniac tool of the Anglo-Israelis. Russia will have to use devastating force and political cunning if it is to bring about the fall of the Anglo-Israelis stranglehold on the ME. As for the Turks, they should be made to migrate back to Asia, whence they burst forth to the west.
DeleteDue to their size, political foresight, military capabilities and well rooted national institutions, Russia and Iran are destined to be the leaders in the region. That's just how it will be. Other regional powers will have to pick an "orbit". People like Armenians, Greeks, Cypriots and Georgians have never been known for political sophistication or planning ahead. Such nations are by nature reactionary and they, as you said, seek opportunity. With that said, with Russia being a powerful presence in the region and with Western interests in decline, peoples like Armenians, Greeks, Cypriots, Bulgarians, Georgians, Arab Christians, etc, will naturally gravitate towards Russia.
When I envisioned Russia getting a part of Turkey, I was primarily thinking about the Sea of Marmara (the Bosporus and the Dardanelles).
DeleteBack in the late 1980s, when no one knew how the Soviet decline would play out, there was fear in Washington that a "Neo-Byzantium" would rise from the ashes of Soviet Union. Their fear was that nations with a Christian Orthodox ancestry (Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, Armenia and Georgia) would unite and form a new political/economic/military pact to replace the old Soviet pact. They feared that such a union, if formed, would also turn into a powerful lure for nations like Greece and Cyprus. It was therefore inevitable that Western powers would seek to undermine Russia and sow unrest in nations that had the potential of entering such a pact with Russia.
Turkey is naturally decaying from the inside. Both the West and Russia will either have to agree on its split, or Turkey will be kept artificially alive by the West, though rotting from the inside, for as long as possible. The Turks are the only foreign invaders in history to conquer our country/region, and to never leave. It's time to put this curse to past; turkey's time has long come.
DeleteThe territory of Turkish Thrace could end up as a part of Russia, but wouldn't the Greeks also want to regain Constantinople as well? Or the Bulgarians for that matter?
DeleteThis neo-Byzantine 'federation' as a new supranational entity would sound good on paper, but the main problem is that the West (with their ancient hatred towards Orthodoxy) would naturally want to undermine that project. Moreover, if the Orthodox alliance had wanted, they could also include Lebanon and Palestine as well (despite having Muslim populations there, but Lebanon has a good sized Christian community, and Jerusalem not only hosts a Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, but there is also the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem. It also explains well why Greek and Armenian priests would brawl in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.)
The ancestral homelands of the Turks are in the areas of Central Asia though, and that region is also under Russian influence as well. However, Turkmenistan could be a good place to resettle the Turks expelled from Turkish Thrace.
Arevordi started this thread on the topic of Liberating Western Armenia nearly ten years ago. The posts made by the user "Armenian" (Arevordi) are still very much worth reading. Be warned though, since the forum is HyeClub, there are several trolls, west-worshippers, Russophobes, self-hating so-called Armenians, and several mentally-disturbed Armenian cucks spouting bullshit about "Armenian-Turkish brotherhood".
DeleteLiberation of Western Armenia
Funny how suddenly these rats are kissing the bear's ass:
Arevordi, I'm not religious but from your mouth to god's ear. Turkey will be broken up into pieces sooner than we think. A Neo-Byzantium? Sounds to me like a new golden period.
I'd like to take a moment and congratulate Arevordi on the fact that this blog recently had its one millionth visitor. Excellent work Arevordi, you are a self-made one man army fighting the good fight against a very large number of western psy-ops and zionist hasbarats, and their self-hating Armenian lackeys. Keep up the good work. Apart from the focus on Armenian issues, the recent coverage and discussion of the geopolitics and Russian involvement in Syria on this blog really deserves more coverage in the wider alternative news media. You are a primr example of what the jewish NYT propagandist thomas friedman would call "a super-empowered individual".
ReplyDeleteI'd also like to point out that years ago Arevordi predicted that as the American empire would begin its inevitable decline towards the end of Obama's reign, the Anglo-American-Zionist elite would turn on Obama (their house negro) and blame all of their failures on him. That is exactly what we are seeing take place in the controlled media today. The narrative seems to be that "Putin is taking over the Middle East because Obama is hesitant and noncommittal". We all know that this is code for "Obama refuses to act on the agenda that the neocons/jews have been pushing in the Middle East", or simply "Obama hasn't started as many wars as we have ordered him to, so we're going to attack him".
And some people here want to believe that Americans have recently begun "waking up". Sorry to ruin the party, but that just is not happening. Most Americans, judging from the hundreds of comments I have read on various, very diverse news sources are merely blaming Obama for the political west's failed operation to use terrorists to destroy Syria, rather than pointing out the inherent evil of the political west and zionism itself. I have not seen any real evidence that any new people are realizing that their Anglo-American-Zionist elites have been destroying the world since at least the 1913 Federal Reserve Act and the federal income tax. In fact, a lot of these people just want to lash out at Obama either because they are disenfranchised racists, or because they are cuckservatives (aka Republicans) and are unable to think outside of the established two-party paradigm. When Arevordi calls the American elections a two-ring circus, and TK points out that the whole performance deserves Emmy awards, they are not kidding... A lot of these Americans who are now loudly complaining about Obama probably miss the era of heightened American aggression that we saw under the bloodthirsty, illiterate war criminal George W. Bush. I guess seven years is enough time for dumbed-down Americans to forget the damage "strong American leadership" by the Bush neocon crime organization caused to the world, including to American itself, except of course for the war profiteering top elites who made a fortune from the genocidal Bush Wars. As always, selfish and self-aggrandizing "exceptional" Americans are only outraged when their own standard of living is threatened. I believe that the system/jews will easily exploit this misdirected American anger and turn it into an excuse to promote even more dangerous US aggression in the future.
DeleteOne could make the case that your scenario of Americans' anger being directed into stupid wars has already happened. By many accounts, US wages peaked around 1975, and it has been downhill from there. The bubbles and plunder have kept the game going, but the core is rotten.
As for what percentage are awake, I would say it is significantly higher, if you mean people paying attention to what those like Alex Jones or his equivalent on the Left say. However, these are controlled sources that skip important aspects and direct people in questionable ways. But what country has a populace that cares about their elite stealing from other groups? How many people in China care if their leaders bribe some dictator in Africa in order to steal more? The big difference at the moment is that the US has a military machine that enables it to use more brutal methods than bribery. If Ankara had the military of the US, what would that part of the world look like? So the thing that is needed is a balance of power. That way, neighboring countries or powers can keep some sort of limit to abuse.
Still, if Armenians are waiting for Americans to wake up, then they are dreaming. It might happen if the US suffered tremendously, perhaps the way Germany did in 1946.
Thank you, Sarkis. This blog went public so to speak in October, 2010. Prior to that, I was using this blog as a personal depository for my thoughts and interesting articles I would come across in the internet. Anyway, since its inception five years ago, the blog has gotten one million viewers. A mediocre performance, at best. Therefore, please don't compare my lowly anthill to their massive mountain range. With that said, intelligent and more importantly - pragmatic - individuals such as yourself gives me hope that a better future lies ahead and inspires me to keep going.
DeleteI am glad that you have been able to maintain your sanity in this cesspool. Keep fine tuning your critical thinking abilities, continue controlling your Armenian emotions and always look at things in the big picture and in their appropriate context.
Regarding your comments about the American public: I couldn't agree more. The reason why the imperial elite appointed Obama to the presidency was because of how disastrous the Neocon-led Bush years were. Now, its the House Negro's fault. Goes to show you that in any given society, the masses - the sheeple - are hopeless and useless, and can be very destructive.
Thank you for reading. Thank you for participating.
DeleteI'm afraid you are right. Individuals like Alex Jones are setup by the deep state to act as a controlled opposition and serve as a lighting rod (i.e. luring extremists to come out in the open). Anti-government websites such as the one Alex Jones runs are full of government informants/operatives on the inside and they are under 24/7 watch from the outside. Sometimes these websites incite people into aggressive behavior, which in turn security agencies are all too happy to exploit by cracking down on anti-government circles. Simply put: Such websites the are the Fed's eyes are ears inside North America's libertarian, anti-federal government movement. Whether or not all those who run such sites are actually aware of what they are doing is another topic for discussion.
Congrats Arevordi
Delete1 million visitors is a big number considering the blog is touching Russian Armenian matters. God bless you for all the time and work you put into educating the Armenian to be true Armenian. Thank you.
Thank you as well, TK. I think I would have had more visitors had you been a little more active in this blog.
ReplyDeleteI drafted the following response re: Sweden for Jerriko a few days ago. This is the quote we are talking about ( :
ReplyDeleteThis may be surprising to hear from me, but I don't blame Barbara Lerner Spectre one bit for what is happening in the Nordic countries. Truth be told it is quite obvious that westerners, especially Scandinavians, the English, and the Dutch, have always had a very strong degenerate streak within them. In the past Christianity and other social inhibitions merely covered this up. The jews merely removed these inhibitions; no jew ever forced these Eurofag men to engage in mass homosexuality and cuckoldry, and no jew ever forced these Eurotrash women behave like absolute self-hating sluts and childless feminist whores. As far as I am concerned, the Scandinavians lack the basic sense needed to survive. I suspect that the only reason they have made it so far due to the cold, isolated location of their countries but those days are long gone thanks to technology and the global reach of the Anglo-American-jewish elite.
Seriously, if a little old lady like Spectre, who is a frail coward, can cause so much damage to your nation, then your nation does not deserve to survive. Simple as that. Could you ever imagine something like Spectre being taken seriously in any other region of the world, or being able to cause so much irreparable national damage with a few statements or founding some activist organization? Would that ever happen in a country with a population that showed some semblance of self-respect, sanity, and masculinity? In the Philippines or in Armenia -- Of course not, what a joke! At least Spectre would be ignored, at best it'd be silenced. But not so with the Scandinavians, they are too busy inventing "genderless preschools" and engaging in all sorts of faggotry, and actually rejoicing in the fact that they engage in these types of behavior!! This is the end result for a nation of soulless, spiritually dead, cowardly scum.
Think of it another way: if a jew walked into your house or your father's house and suggested that homosexuality and interracialism were "necessary for your family to survive into the future", what would the reaction be? Normal and spiritually healthy folks would kick that jew out. But the reactions of the Scandinavians, as a whole, as "gee, you know, I've always *wanted* to be gay or spread my legs to Africans and Muslims, and now that you've mentioned it, I have the courage to do it.
Anyway, fuck Sweden in particular. White Nationalists and some worthless Armenian cucks worship them as some mystical Nordic superrace, but the evidence definitively proves otherwise. Those assholes have always tried to destroy Russia, invading it on several occasions in the past four centuries with an intent to annihilate Russia. They are always ready to take up the cause of Islamic extremism against Russia in the North Caucasus. They are now getting what they deserve. The old phrase "sleep with dogs, wake up with flees" applies to Sweden and their Muslim mercenaries/conquerers. Even today, despite having been castrated physically and militarily, Sweden-based organizations go out of their way to spite Russia, as the most recent Nobel Prize awards testify:
You're right, Sarkis. However, the Philippines does have its own way of engaging in self-destructive, totally irresponsible behavior without frail witches like Spectre to intervene. But it seems that Western and Northern Europe have grown so wealthy that they've become too soft. Perhaps the reason why Russia is still a powerful nation is because they constantly face so much challenges, and if Armenia had the right leadership and a population that didn't act like children, they'd outdo even the Scandinavians.
DeleteAs far as I'm concerned, Scandinavia is basically a neo-Trotskyite paradise. Their governments are Marxist in everything but not in name. Of course, this video would also demonstrate how Sweden has become a social experiment paradise as well. Of course, Russia should be laughing at the way Sweden has been reduced to "North Korea of the Arctic", but that would be an insult to Best Korea by comparing an emasculated shell of a country like Sweden to them.
A quote from one of the articles Arevordi posted lamenting that Obama has not been more aggressive in Syria:
ReplyDelete---Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) noted that the Pentagon has confirmed U.S. aircraft operating over Syria have been diverted to avoid Russian planes.
“Can you recall a time in which any American troop has been told to change his action to avoid an enemy?” Cotton asked Keane.---
Hey senator, how about on June 8, 1967 when America's "ally" Israel deliberately bombed the USS Liberty? As the attack was in progress, military jets from other US ships stationed in the Mediterranean took off on a mission to rescue the Liberty. US president Lyndon B. Johnson and secretary of war robert mcnamara ordered that these rescue jets be recalled immediately upon finding out that the attack was by israel, because johnson didn't want to "embarrass our ally". I believe that remains the only time when a US rescue mission has been called off. Worthless Bible Belt cuckservative.
Politicians in a democratic system by themselves are bad enough, but these john hagee Bible nuts are truly human garbage. Brother Nathaneal is right when he called hagee, on multiple occasions, a "stupid ass", although I personally think donkeys are superior in every way to hagee.
Russia is long overdue for bringing the self-righteous Baltic states back in line.
ReplyDeleteCouncil of Europe concerned about human rights violations in Estonia
"Moderate" rapists and genocidal rebels. Thanks jewmerica, you'll get your I'm sure.
Syrian Al-Qaeda Militants Call for Ethnic Cleansing After Losing Ground
"In 2014, al-Nusra and moderate factions of the Free Syrian Army ethnically cleansed the Armenian population of the town of Kessab in Syria's Latakia province. The moderate fighters also looted and burned Armenian homes, stores and churches while raping elderly women who were unable to flee the town, according to reports at the time.
The United States has also bombed al-Nusra positions in recent months after inventing a separate name for it, the "Khorasan Group," apparently to avoid associating it with the group allied to portions of the Free Syrian Army. Al-Nusra's head al-Golani has denied the "Khorasan Group's" existence."
The MH-17 ‘Report’
A good quote from the latest article by Paul Craig Roberts:
"The reason that the West has no future is that the West has no media, only propagandists for government and corporate agendas and apologists for their crimes. Every day the bought-and-paid-for-media sustains The Matrix that makes Western peoples politically impotent.
The Western media has no independence. An editor of a major German newspaper has written a book, a best-seller published in Germany, in which he states that not only he himself served the CIA as a reliable purveyor of Washington’s lies, but that every significant journalist in Europe does so also.
Obviously, his book has not been translated and published in America.
NPR, like all of Western media, has lost its integrity. NPR claims to be reader-supported. In fact, it is supported by corporations. Pay attention to the ads: “NPR is supported by xyz corporation working to sell you this or that product or service.”
The George W. Bush regime destroyed NPR by appointing two Repuplican female ideologues to oversee NPR’s public function. The two Republicans succeeded in making job security, not reporting integrity, the motive of NPR journalists."
Finally. I don't know how he did it but a friend of mine just found Stephen Cohen's interview with Ali Velshi, in its entirety. Speaking of Western journalism (in this case, as executed by Qatar's Al Jazeera), behold the depth to which they have gone -
ReplyDeleteRussia Scholar Stephen Cohen Exposes Absurdity/Bias of media on Russia - Al Jazeera America:
My favorite part, although there were many good candidates, was when Velshi tried to glorify the Rape of Russia (aka "privatization") of the 1990s. Way to prove that you don't know what the hell you're talking about Velshi. . Despite Velshi's best efforts to derail Cohen, Cohen outperformed Velshi by a very wide margin on all accounts.
DeleteSeriously, Velshi is such a beta male cuck. He is a perfect representative of the western media establishment. That high-pitched, feminine-like rapid way he talks is so irritating, it's like listening to a teenage girl. Come to think of it, Veshi's entire argument style - making an irrelevant point and repeating it over and over - is exactly the way a bitchy slut argues... It's about as sickening as the Twitter tirades that the Swedish cuck, Carl Bildt, occasionally unleashes against the leaders of real countries like Armenia and Russia.
Kudos to Professor Cohen for schooling Veshi.
(Part 1 of 2):
ReplyDeleteEuropean Court Issues Contentious Ruling On Perincek Case
Last night, without being aware that the highest court in the EU would issue this ruling today, I was actually reflecting on the situation in Europe. We have stated here many times that in the coming years the EU will be an unlivable hell overflowing with Turks, other Muslims, and Blacks. I've written many times that I would never have believed until a just a few years ago that a tiny, impoverished, and blockaded semi-warzone like Armenia actually had a much better future than almighty Europe - the continent which has ruled the world for the last several centuries. I believe one of the Artos wrote that Armenia could realistically expect some recent Armenian emigrants in EU countries to pack up and return to Armenia as places like France turn into multiracial toilets... These predictions were made before this summer when, without any real resistance, Europe opened its legs to millions of "refugees" in a system designed to replace Europe's natives, and utterly trash whatever is left of Europe's gene pool. I stand by my assertions: to hell with Europe, they have been and remain Turkey's primary enablers from the Crimean War to the Cold War to the current era of American imperialism in the Middle East. The decline of Europe serves Armenian interests, and so does the decline of the jewmerica. Anyone who is not able to acknowledge this most simplest of facts is a spineless weakling. Anyone who is not able to acknowledge this most simplest of facts is not a nationalist. Armenians need to understand the concept of "Armenia Above All", no matter how awestruck they may be by Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, or any of those other nations of faggots. Armenians need to understand the concept of "My Country, Right or Wrong" when it comes to pursuing strategic Armenian interests, even those which contradict European values and interests such as fighting multiculturalism and homosexuality in Armenia, or liberating Armenian territory from Europe's precious allies Turkey and Azerbaijan... Instead so far we have the pathetic situation where a large number of beta Armenian losers - who in reality are self-hating and ashamed of being Armenian - are constantly putting their heads down in shame because the war criminals of America and Europe say mean things about Armenia, such as "Armenia is not a democracy" and "Armenia is Russia's vassal". Europe and America are working to destroy Armenia though every means imaginable, but most diasporan Armenians are too busy complaining about dirty toilets and a lack of "gay pride" in Armenia. This is absolutely pathetic and unacceptable.
(Part 2 of 2):
ReplyDeleteSo with the above in mind, I welcome the decision of the EU court which basically tells Armenians to shove the Armenian Genocide up their collective ass. Bravo Europe, well done! Seriously, Armenians deserve every insult Europe give them. We Armenians now have a good record of nearly a quarter-century where Armenians have been literally begging the various DEMOCRACIES of the world to just please recognize the Armenian Genocide, and time and again these officials of these democracies - who are essentially vile reptiles wearing expensive suits and scurrying about in fancy historic building with a facade of respectability, have in a very businesslike manner told the Armenians to go fuck themselves. The brightest beacon for democracy in the world - Jewmerica - did exactly that on countless occasions. The old world democracy of Britain is even more openly and virulently anti-Armenian (via the Genocide and other issues) than Jemerica - in a way I commend the British for being a bit more honest in their loyalty to Turkey and Azerbaijan than Jewmerica. Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, and its government and people are as anti-Armenian as the British. Even though the Armenians are in denial, Turkey is also a democracy - as Richard Hovannisian informs they are more democratic that Armenia - and I don't really think I need to explain democratic Turkey's policies or intentions with Armenia.
Simply put, a large part of the Armenian people need to pull their heads out of their asses. All of those pro-EU protestors need to stop and think hard about the fact that they worship the only political system which inevitably denies the Armenian Genocide. All of the pro-EU and pro-NATO activists like Paruhi Hayrikyan need to be arrested for treason. All of the EU and US NGOs need to be shut down and their members subjected to interrogation, and if need be arrest.
When Russia takes any action that is perceived as anti-Armenian ( there are immediate protests by certain Armenians. When the US and EU tell the Armenians that their Genocide is bullshit and not important like the fake jewish hollowcost, most Armenians go on pretending they did not notice that they just got bitch-slapped. The most pathetic of the Armenians, usually ones with college degrees from western institutions, will try to make excuses and rationalize the decisions which are handed down from the corrupt courts of the west. Some will even lash out against the Armenian state and say embarrassing and self-hating lies like "The Armenian lobby could be stronger if only Armenians contributed more money and voted more", or "why should the west defend a backwards Russian oblast like Armenia" {even though the west has no problem defending a backwards Russian oblast like Chechnya} and my favorite "how can we expect Europe to take Armenia seriously when Armenia is not a democracy {Note: take a second to realize the irony and retardedness of arguing that a democracy is not liable for its unethical conduct because the subject it was dealing with was not a democracy.... I guess such logic is useful for excusing colonialism and the dozens of countries America has invaded in the past 70 years.}
Sadly we all know events like these will not change the prevailing Armenian mentality. The wrong idea that democracy is a panacea will still dominate the thinking of overwhelming majority of Armenians. EU integration (aka subjugation) for Armenia will still be looked at as some mystical end goal for Armenia {if this is the case, Armenians might as well learn the basic Muslim prayers and some basic Turkish, because that is the direction Europe has chosen}. And every time there is some minor domestic issue in Armenia, a bunch of self-righteous scum and closeted faggots will show up with EU flags. As if we needed any more proof that democracy is national suicide.
Frankly speaking, I have to agree with your sentiment there. I am relishing with great, sadistic pleasure at the sight of the entire EU bloc crumbling down faster than an anthill during a typhoon, especially Spain, for which I held in contempt for bringing their filth called Roman Catholicism to the Philippines, though the alternative would have been far worse (like Islam engulfing the entire archipelago). The Netherlands also deserved a bit of the great pain coming to them for playing a minor role in letting the Jews insert themselves into the Western financial system in the mid 1600s (they did shelter them from the rampaging Spaniards and Portuguese though), but my most abject hatred for some part of Europe should go to the Vatican, as they are wholly responsible for destroying Christian unity by forcefully insisting that they have the right to lead the other churches when the other four patriarchates insist on keeping the unity of the Church as a collective leadership.
DeleteThere is one type of solution for an ailing nation like Armenia, and it should be authoritarianism. Barring that, if there are more emasculated Armenians calling for national self-destruction, could the country itself be saved by a military junta?
The decision of the ech has to be read in its proper context and perspective. What was the kepek peri check trying to prove ? What was the Armenian side trying to counter ? The Turkish side is claiming a victory, so is the Armenian side. We can not have two winners. The decision is highly contentious and open to controversial interpretations. The question to be elucidated is what was being litigated ? Freedom of speech ? Genocide ( Armenian) denial ? Has freedom of speech has limitations ? Certainly it has , if one eulogized national socialism the sumner awaits you, if you dare as much as cast doubt on the hollowsaust, the torture chamber awaits you. It appears that denial of Armenian genocide does not transcend the limits of freedom of speech. From that particular legal angle, kept oglu Princek has scored his points. On the focal point of historicity of acknowledging the Armenian genocide , the court found on its favor. Princek should have been dealt a legal blow and punished, but the criteria to unravel is what was the basis of the court case in the first place. Both sides appear to have walked out satisfied with the decision . The court denied peri neck his demands for legal costs, sending him out of pocket for his bravura as a useless provocateur. I would like to see if this flea infested kepek dares to make his vile pronouncements again.
ReplyDeleteThe Europeans ruled that while it is a crime for even a neutral historian to question the minutest details of the jewish hollowhoax, it is totally acceptable for a turkish ultranationalist to outright deny the Armenian Genocide in the most provocative way. What the fuck aspect of the above makes you think that this was anything other than a big "Fuck Armenia" by Europe?
DeletePeople like you are always ready to deny or whitewash every single anti-Armenian action taken by Europe. The reason for this is because you are not a nationalist, you are in fact an internationalist looking to kiss European ass because to people like you the Armenian identity means nothing unless you are able to latch it on to a wider identity like European/Aryan/White. That is absolutely pathetic and disgusting. You might as well make excuses for the French gifting Cilicia to Turkey or for Britain and America propping an otherwise-finished Turkey up as a regional power {let me guess, it's the "juden" right?}.
Excellent! While the propagandists at the US state department are busy printing their idiotic "religious freedom around the world" bullshit which is designed to intimidate smaller countries and wipe out state Christianity in what is left of Europe, Armenia is slowly restoring the role that the Armenian Church has always played in Armenian society. As I've said before, it is not by chance that all of Armenia's external enemies (Turks, Azeris, Big Jew, the US, the EU, and even the old Bolsheviks of the early twentieth century) are always very hard at work trying to destroy the Armenian Church as a main focus in their overall agenda to wipe out the Armenian nation.
ReplyDeleteThese two institutions from the article below - the Armenian Church and the Armenian military - are both pillars of the Armenian nation. Contrary to what our decadent liberals and pacifists may want to believe, the truth is that a strong Armenia is impossible without these foundational elements. Over the coming decades I would really like to see both of these institutions play a greater social and cultural role through instilling more discipline, patriotism, and morals ("God wants you to fight for Armenia, and to produce a large family to carry Armenia into the future"). The military and demographic security of Armenia are priorities that the military and Church should focus on.
Հայկական բանակում ծառայող հոգեւորականներն աշխատավարձ կստանան
12:56, 15.10.2015
Թեմա: Հասարակություն
Հայաստանի կառավարությունն այսօր՝ հոկտեմբերի 15-ին, հաստատել է ՀՀ Զինված ուժերում ծառայություն իրականացնող հոգեւորականներին աշխատավարձ վճարելու կարգը:
Բացի այդ, ֆինանսական փոխհատուցում կտրվի այն հոգեւորականներին, որոնք վարձով են ապրում: Մեկ ամսվա ընթացքում Հայաստանի ՊՆ-ն Ամենայն Հայոց կաթողիկոս Գարեգին Բ-ի հետ կհաստատեն բանակում հոգեւոր ծառայության անցնելու կանոնակարգը:
Նշենք, որ աշխատավարձի չափը կկազմի 125-300 հազար դրամ՝ կախված Հայ եկեղեցու սպասավորի հոգեւոր կոչումից եւ ընտանիքի անդամների թվից:
Gullible Armenians deserve every drop of spit they get on their faces by their beloved Westerners. As Armenians look up to Western powers for guidance, the Western world looks up to Turkey as a deterrence - against Armenia's allies, Russia and Iran. For Westerners, when it comes to matters regarding Turkey, it's always business as usual. Western powers reward Turkey for its criminal behavior, even when Turkey's behavior hurts the Western world. That is how strategically important Turkey is for Western powers and this is what gullible Armenians have always failed to understand. As you can see, as Russia prevents another genocide in the Middle East, Western powers are empowering a genocidal nation in the Middle East -
ReplyDelete€3bn, visa deal & EU access talks if Turkey stops refugee flow to Europe:
Europe court: Denying 'Armenian Genocide' not a crime:
----Denying the armenian genocide is not a crime, therefore the court case is a loss for the nation---. We need to demand ample clarification from the legal representation of the Armenian government, as well as the legal team of Clooney -Robertson to expand and elucidate the basis of their claiming a victory, and in particular the reasoning of the Armenian government's legal team concluding that armenian demands had been met by the judgement. ------We need a legal macro-micro view, as to why these people think it is a "victory" . The adverse verdict is nothing new for Armenians, their numerous court cases on the genocide issue have almost always ended in a bottomless void . However those upholding a contrary view on the present case , need to present their reasons cogently and transparently to the enquiring public. The question remains, regardless of the yellow press anti armenian comments, what was the aim of the litigation, and why there are sections ( legal representatives) in our government that think of the verdict as a victory. As for the West, or the EU to change course on their pro turkish stance the nation known as Turkey today needs to be wiped off the face of the earth. Turkey is too integrated inside the web of EU fabric, and it is a USA bulwark in the region against Russia . Just like Armenia belongs into the Russian orbit of interests, ( in spite of all the camorra and burrhahoo of some sectors within Armenia and the diaspora against Russia, deep down instinctively ,the Armenian subconsciously knows very well that falling outside of Russia's orbit spells national suicide) the Turks are an integral part of the Anglo-Jewish axis. So anyone hoping , other than paying lip service, for USA-Jewish antiarmenian posture to change it is a forlorn hope in todays geopolitical configuration. The whole of Europe lies prostate under the heel of the USA-jewish occupation. Europe is a Jewish colony. Europe lost the war, became enslaved by the jews and has remain so for the last 70 years.
DeleteWell said, Anonymous.
DeleteAlthough nothing surprises me about Armenians anymore, I was still somewhat surprised at how well the recent decision by "ECHR" was taken by Armenians in Armenia and in the Diaspora. How pathetic have we become as a people? A Western "Human Rights" court has just ruled against Armenians (because the West wants to appease their genocidal allies in Ankara) yet many of our political pundits are somehow seeing it as a victory!?!?!? What a warped, delusional people we have become. What an upside-down turned world we are living in. I wonder: What if a Russian court made this ruling, would our morons still be heralding it as a victory or proclaiming it as yet another sign that Russia wants Armenia without Armenians?
This is just another case of Armenians getting screwed by Westerners and Armenians are saying thank you in response - essentially because those screwing Armenians are "enlightened" Westerners. From an Armenian perspective, when it comes to Western crimes against Armenians, there has to be a silver-lining somewhere.
Regarding the "instinct" that makes Armenians pro-Russian: In time, even instincts can get dulled and eventually altered. After decades of propagating anti-Russian propaganda throughout Armenian society (primarily by Armenians working for Western powers), increasing numbers of Armenians today, even in the homeland, are being turned into Russophobes. The following video is an excellent example of how two Armenians (one, a Diaspora working for the CIA and the other, a native Armenian who claims to be a historian) are spreading Western propaganda in its ugliest -
Delete«Արցախյան պատերազմի ժամանակ ԱՄՆ-ն կանխեց Թուրքիաի ներխուժումը Հայաստան». ԱԱԾ նախկին ղեկավար:
Those who do not understand Armenian: After being prodded by the Diasporan CIA operative, the native pseudo-historian makes two outrageous claims:
1) It was the West - not Russia - that stopped Turkey from invading Armenia in 1993
2) The Russian military's presence in Armenia is destabilizing factor for the entire region.
How much more idiotic and/or suicidal can people get? Dangerous bullshit like this is what's being spewed by treasonous filth in the Diaspora and in the Homeland on a persistent basis and yet these people continue being given platforms/venues to do their work. This is the kind of toxic propaganda that the Armenian sheeple has been exposed to on a regular basis. Stuff like this leaves a psychological mark even on intelligent people. Consequently, we are seeing less-and-less of the "instinct" that keeps Armenians close to Russia and more-and-more of the psychosis that makes Armenians see Russia as an enemy. In fact, according to many Armenians I have met, Russians are worst than Turks.
Armenians are Armenia's worst enemy.
On a related note: We all know that the economic/financial warfare being waged against Russia by Western powers is also meant to punish nations that are seeking closer integration with Russia. With the Russian Ruble doing poorly now as a result of the Western onslaught against it, nations like Armenia (allied to Russia but who's heart nonetheless with the West) are suffering. So, instead of planning serious measures to lessen Armenia's exposure to the Western financial system in order to lessen the suffering and the risk, increasing numbers of Armenians, including officials, have instead begun complaining that the Russian-led EEU is a total failure - even though the EEU has barely started and there still are some wrinkles to be ironed out.
DeleteIt seems that an Armenian's only concern today is how full his or her stomach is for today.
I knew that the Western sanctions against Russia would turn many Armenians against the EEU simply because I know the typical Armenian mindset, which is that of a petty merchant or worst, a street prostitute. I therefore was not surprised when I came across a recent poll that showed just over 50 percent of Armenians today favor EEU integration -
Kyrgyzstan has highest level of public support for Eurasian integration:
This low number for Armenia can easily go down below 50% if Western powers manage to keep the situation in the region tense for a few more years. Like I said, I am not surprised at the relatively low percentage because I have spoke to several dozen, random people in Yerevan about the prospects of Armenia's EEU integration. I wasn't really surprised that most of them were either very unsure about the EEU or were totally against it. What surprised me instead was the reasons behind why they did not want EEU membership for Armenia.
Most of those who were against EEU integration were against it simply because they did not like the idea of purchasing Western products like "avtos" at higher prices due to the imposition of EEU customs tax or worried about not being able to easily travel to Western counties. In other words, their concern was not about the nation's well being or its future; their concern was not about the strategic course the nation should take; their concern was not about the nation's security in the south Caucasus. Their main concern was only about them and their families, about their shallow, narrow and materialistic needs and expectations. They were only concerned about was how much their beloved Western products were going to cost them and how much more difficult or expensive it would be to travel to their beloved Western countries.
When I would say to these people: Why don't you instead purchase Russian made cars? They would look at me as if I was a total idiot. Yeah, I admit that I am a total idiot for thinking that the modern Armenian male can live without his Jeep or BMW.
A people that cannot see passed their egos or their physical needs do not deserve statehood. A nation that cannot plan strategically and for the long term is a nation that will fall part sooner than later. A government that does not have a clear political direction - and the will to pursue it - will not mount to being anything more than a pathetic beggar looking for a handout from anyone that happens to be passing by.
Individually, Armenians can be brilliant, talented, wise, insightful, industrious, reliable, etc. Collectively, one would have to travel to the remotest desert town in Arabia or the deepest jungle in Africa to find a tribe of people as ignorant, as problematic or as dysfunctional as Armenians.
Perhaps it is time to do a piece on the media scene in Armenia. Most people believe the BS they see on TV. It is up to Russia or rational Armenians to counter this BS, as well as getting rid of much of the NGO swamp. So it is not simply a matter of indifference to national issues, it is that they don't think it matters whether Armenia goes with Europe or Russia. Foolish, but everybody know advertising is important and works wonders. For some strange reason, the Kremlin has consistently avoided the soft power war, which seems hard to fathom. They probably couldn't realistically win, but they could go from getting crushed everywhere all the time to only losing by a little bit.
DeleteAnd I disagree on one point. Many Ukrainians are more dysfunctional. They thought and perhaps still think that the West has prosperity fairies who are waiting to help them. So they are delusional as well.
DeleteI am linking you to Jason Whitlock's recent article.
The problems you outline are analogous to what Whitlock articulates. We live in a culture of "groupthink." Our cripsters are the large armenian organizations, that blacklist anyone with an idea against the mainstream or w/o money. We Armenians are becoming more money-oriented and atheistic. We lost our identity. The issue now is, what do you do? Moses had the desert.
The UK Inquiry into Westminster child-abuse has been hit by a "technical glitch" which has permanently deleted testimonies of child abuse victims.
While we are talking about European court cases... This is one of the uber-democratic powers which is always condemning Armenia for alleged "corruption", and especially corruption within the police and within the judicial system. It also happens to be Turkey's second most important ally behind the United States - fitting that all of these genocidal countries are filled with psychotic pedophiles. And Britain also happens to be a nation at the forefront of the Armenian Genocide denial movement as well as efforts at stealing or erasing Armenian culture via their plundering museum institution. The lessons here are 1) Armenians who advocate for "democracy" are idiots; 2) Armenians who cite British reports condemning internal Armenian affairs are tools and traitors, including all those who work in British funded NGOs; and 3) Anglo-Saxons deserve the negative reputation they have.
On a side note, not to sound like a jerk, but I think it is only fair that English children are being subjected to this type of sexual abuse in light of all of the evils their parents, grandparents, and so on have committed against Armenia and others. I won't be shedding any tears.
Pedophilia, homosexuality and incest (not to mention drug abuse and alcoholism) are very common in Anglo society.
DeleteRegarding your proposition: When you control the information spigot, you can get away with murder, quite literally. There have been a number of government sanctioned crimes (including political assassinations) in Britain and in the US in recent years but they get absolutely no news coverage. The Western news press is reserved as a weapon to target nations that are not inside Western pockets or under the Western boot. As you said, an Armenian that takes Western "reports", "ratings" or "rankings" seriously is either an idiot or a traitor.
Ликвидация азербайджанских аскеров (Liquidation of Azerbaijani Scum)
To be honest, basing my opinion what can be seen in the video (I watched it several times at different speeds) I don't think any one of the two shots taken can be considered confirmed kills. In my opinion, both may very well have been misses. Moreover, I really hope the voice in the video was not that of the sharpshooter's. What's going on there is not a street fight, a bar brawl or a domestic dispute. What we need are - professionals - on the front lines, not a bunch of emotional braggarts. From the look of it, the video was prepared for domestic consumption.
DeleteI believe the voice is that of Arshak Zakaryan, who has a youtube page where he posts videos visiting soldiers on frontline duty. He does not hold back his words on camera, but then again he is not a serviceman. I think he does a pretty good job of raising morale, and presenting the soldiers in a more casual, "good job bro, to hell with the turks" manner.
DeleteI thought it was an unusual video to post when I first saw it too, actually. I agree that it is difficult to determine what, if any, damage occurred; although one of the two Azeris fired at grabs his side and goes down awkwardly after the shot is heard.
Again, I'm only basing my opinion on what I can see: None of the two shots can be considered confirmed hits - unless there is other evidence to suggest that the Azeris in question were hit. It's not really clear if the first soldier brings his arms down to his side when going down. Even if he did, it could very well have been his arm's instinctual reaction when ducking to get out of the shooter's line-of-sight. Had he been hit by a bullet (especially by the type that is normally employed by long range sharpshooters) his body would have been jolted or knocked to one side.
DeletePS: Arshak Zakaryan is a very respectable man and a genuine patriot. He is playing a very important role on the front lines. Anyway, glad to know that the voice in the video was his and not that of the sharpshooter's. I don't care for bravado. What I want to see from our military is professionalism.
Amazing video showing Russian helicopters flying low over a city
Amazing courage. Amazing footage. But there is no way of knowing if the pilots are Russians or Syrians. Nevertheless, flights like this is the terror factor these Russian made helicopter gunships bring to the battlefield. Imagine, fire spewing beasts circling overhead hungrily looking for prey. The Hind 24 is armored and thus very difficult to shoot down. But manpads can bring it down. And that's my main concern. The last thing we want to see is Russian pilots falling in the hands of Western-backed terrorists. Anyway, you will never see cowardly Western forces attempting anything like this.
DeleteThanks for the reply. Never seen Syrians flying like that, no doubt they're Russians. I'm am sure you've seen this footage, it's totally mind boggling how courageous these pilots are.
DeleteYes, I have seen that one. Those pilots are amazing warriors. And yes, they most probably are Russians. There is a certain adventurous, risk taking gene that is traditionally prevalent in Europeans such as Slavs and Germanic peoples. Nevertheless, this goes to show you that what Russians do in real life, Americans only do in Hollywood movies. Ironically, the only sector of US society that has a knack for war fighting is the country's southern and mid-western gun toting, christian off-springs of European settlers - the same group of people Washingtonians are trying hard today to mongrelize, demasculinize, castrate and neuter. Anyway, take away their technology (and nuclear weapons) and Western troops, particularly Anglo-Americans, are a bunch of sissies. If military topics interest you, the following link is to an article by this blog's resident military analyst, Zoravar. In my introductory comments, I have a section called "The Western military is a paper tiger" -
DeleteExclusive report: The East-West Balance and the Strategic Importance of Crimea - (April, 2014):
In no way do I want to belittle the human suffering taking place in the country, but the recording of the battles taking place there is a milestone in war coverage, mostly thanks to Russian reporters embedded with the Syrian army. I have never seen war coverage with so much substance as well as artistic style. Some of the materials Russian combat videographers are producing look like they belong in cinema, while others look like a computer game. Two amazing examples of what I am talking about -
DeleteMUST-SEE Drone footage shows fierce clashes between Syrian Army & US-backed islamic terrorists:
8 Tank missions with GoPro's™ from Daraya Syria ♦ subtitles:
And the also have begun to master the standard style coverage Western news agencies perfected in recent years. Example -
Exclusive: Close up of gen 4++ fighter jet SU-30SM in Syria:
Western backed "allah akbar" yelling psychos have done their part as well. They have provided a unique perspective on the war with a proliferation of video materials they have flooded into the internet. Some examples -
HD Syrian Air Force Death From Above Airstrikes And Barrel Bombs Collection In Syria:
Russian MI-24 Hind Helicopters In Action Over Syria:
Compilation of Over 100 ATGM Shots In Syria:
Really awesome stuff Arevordi, check out another rendering of the drone video with Crystal Method music:
Delete"Mine flies straight into the camera. The offensive by Syrian army on positions of terrorists (at 1:58 min)"
More evidence that the west intends, one way or another, to separate Armenia from Russia:
ReplyDeleteArmenia Urges NATO to Investigate Turkey’s Violation of Armenian Airspace
More evidence that if Armenia is ever forced to defend itself from Turkey without Russian assistance, Armenia will be powerless and the west will not lift a finger to help, or even issue a condemnation of turkish aggression - no matter how much Armenia contributes to NATO occupation (aka "peacekeeping") missions around the world:
NATO Report Blames Russia for Karabakh Conflict
Russia regards expansion of Amari airbase in Estonia as provocative step
These dumbass Estonian losers are bullshitting when they claim they need to expand their air bases for alleged "growing NATO Air Force needs". In fact, the only thing Estonia needs to expand right now are the rape centers and maternity wards in their hospitals because Africans and Muslims are about to begin "enriching" Estonia's whores... which is exactly what these scumbag baltic nations deserve for shoving their heads so far up the EU's ass.
ReplyDeleteOccuring right now...
Does any believe that Turkey is the last domino to fall in the reshaping of the ME? or is that too important a chess piece to risk and will be protected at all costs by the West?
ReplyDeletePlease read what's being posted here before you ask questions or make comments. This topic has been discuss in this blog on many previous occasions. The short answer to your question: Turkey is a buffer against Arabs, Iranians and Russians. Turkey is therefore too valuable - geostrategically - for the West and it will not be abandoned. The problems you sometimes see between Western powers and Turkey have to do with Erdogan's administration, not with Turkey per se. With that said, Turkey may very well be one of the dominos to fall in the region because the fire started by Western powers is slowly going out of their control and taking a life of its own.
DeleteNATO Rings Alarm Over Russia’s Might in Mediterranean
The Anglo bandits are crying because the Big Bad Russkies are back and better than ever in the Mediterranean. The nerve of these subhuman Anglo scum to claim that Russia is a "permanent, disruptive presence south of the Bosphorus", they are merely projecting onto Russia what NATO itself is guilty of. And speaking of the Bosphorus, it would not be occupied without a genocidal Islamic power like Turkey without the assistance of the English... I've said it before and I will say it again, England deserves the slow, multiracial, Islamic death that it is suffering.
Key quotes:
"Russia has not had any sizeable presence in the Mediterranean since the end of the Cold War. And a lack of investment until recently in its decaying Black Sea fleet, based in Crimea, had led many strategic military planners to overlook the entire theatre as a possible source of concern when it came to Moscow..... He especially noted what he referred to as “Moscow’s permanent, disruptive presence south of the Bosphorus”..... “This is really a fundamental shift in Russian posture that will be long lasting.”
These are a bit old, but still interesting clips.
ReplyDeleteHillary Clinton : We created Al-Qaeda
Hillary Clinton: 'We Created al-Qaeda'
God bless this man one of the greatest leaders of all time
ReplyDeletePutin's approval rating hits new historic high of almost 90%
A little bit of historical context: Look at the difference time makes in political relations -
ReplyDeleteHow The Russian Navy Saved The Union In The Civil War:
Interesting, very interesting how the Russian Admiral gave a command to protect San Francisco. Later they gave Alaska to USA, i imagine there was no trust issue between Russia and USA those times, they were allies.
DeletePutin's speech at Valdai today, short but to the point.
Putin said that partitioning Syria would be totally unacceptable, and lead to long wars. Or so the reports from Valdai say.
ReplyDeleteI doubt he would make such a direct statement if he thought the result was going to be a partitioned Syria.
Foremost, the term "partitioning" does not necessarily mean independence or statehood. Moscow (and Tehran) would not want to see the creation of an independent Sunni nation (especially one that is backed by Western powers, Saudi Arabia and Turkey) wedged between Syria and Iraq. Having the upper hand now due to Russia's military intervention in Syria, President Putin is trying to set the agenda by setting the bar high, so to speak. Ultimately, definitions and terms such as "partition" or "unity" or "autonomy" have yet to be defined in the context of a post-war Syria. All of us including, Russian officials, realize that provincial Sunnies who have bore the brunt of the civil war and Alawites who came very close to being subjected to a genocide will not want to live together, perhaps ever again. At the same time, as noted above, Moscow does not want to see the Sunni wedge in the Shiite Arc becoming an independent.state. In my opinion, Moscow will therefore push forward the idea of some sort of a confederacy (similar to what Moscow has been proposing for south-eastern Ukraine). Moscow may perhaps propose "partitioning" Syria into several "semi-autonomous" districts (Alawite, Sunni and Kurdish) with a multi-ethnic central government based in Damascus. How Syria's enemies will react to such a proposals remains to be seen. Nevertheless, the old Syria is dead. A new Syria will eventually be born but it will be a very difficult and drawn-out process that may last many, many years before it bears fruit. In the new Syrian state, Alawestan will no doubt be the most developed and thus politically viable - because much of the rest of the country has been utterly destroyed.
DeleteOK, I had interpreted partition to mean separate entities of at least as strong a nature as northern Iraq has been lately, but more on the side of what we saw in neocon white papers. A confederation like Switzerland is certainly reasonable, and might even be part of the point of Putin's pushing for armed groups to join in the political process. That would allow the Kurds to get their own autonomous region and provide political cover to the process. Turkey is probably unhappy about this. A Syrian Kurdish canton with its own militia sounds like the last thing they want.
Just curious about something. As we know the Russians must have been preparing for this offensive for a long time. A few months back if you remember the patriot missiles on turkey's southern border were mysteriously removed and I'm sure it happened under the umbrella of Russia's military buildup in West Syria. The question is why. Was Nato afraid that they would accidently shoot down a Russian plane and cause a major incident, or were they embarrassed to let the world know how useless their patriot system was against the Russian radio electronics warefare technology? If anyone has any possible answers I'd love to hear.
ReplyDeleteAlso, a nice article which I found listed on the website:
Good question, Arto. I personally believe the Western pullback was part of their "deconflicting" strategy and their deconflicting strategy is most probably 0based on their realization that there are quite literally powerless against Russian forces. The West has ceded initiative in Syria and is pulling back militarily because it does not want to get into a situation where Russian forces make them look like the paper tigers that they are. Western powers have been defeated on the battlefield and they are embarrassed, that is why mainstream news media did not report about these recent incidents involving the US Predator drones -
DeleteTwo armed US Predator drones crash in Iraq, Turkey:
Two US operated Predator drones, one patrolling on the border with Syria and the other over Iraq were brought down last week within a couple of days of each other. Western officials and Western media has been silent about the incidents. I personally believe Russian forces brought them down to bring US officials to the "deconflicting" table. It's a new era not only in the Middle East but also in warfare. The more technologically advanced a military is, the more vulnerable it becomes to electronic countermeasures.
Sargsian lauds new approachment with the EU. What is the boast all about ?.
ReplyDeleteThe Eu gulag is the last place Armenia wants to be.
Because official Yerevan is a reactionary entity that is devoid of long term strategic planning and political foresight, President Sargsyan is giving lip service to appease Western officials (so that they refrain from putting pressure on him) and his West-leaning population (so that they refrain from attempting a color revolution). Despite what you want to believe, a significant number of Armenians, perhaps a majority, have their hearts and minds in the Western world. Generally speaking, Armenians in Armenia view Russia as a "necessary evil" and a growing number think Russians are no better than Turks. Therefore, we have something called "complimentary politics" in Yerevan - the belief that Armenia should not put all its eggs in one basket (i.e. not be fully part of one political orbit). This is why Moscow does not trust Yerevan. This is why the West does not trust Yerevan. This is why Yerevan today is a ship adrift. All the while I have been saying that Armenia has in reality only one basket - Russia. Armenia fully belongs in Russia's orbit. All the while I have been saying that we should learn from Jews and work collectively to derive the most out of our relationship with the Bear. It's not happening because Armenians seem doomed to repeat the mistakes of their self-destructive forefathers.
DeleteIn the case of Armenia, landlocked, resource poor, and tiny, and sandwiched between two genocidal neighbors, we can see why, like it or not, they stay close to Moscow.
DeleteBut you can you please explain to me why other neighbors/ex soviet block countries (Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, and even Georgia (who in the past has also suffered dearly by the Turks), willing and at all costs orient towards the West?
Does the mere fact that we are surrounded by Genocidal maniacs who would love nothing more than wipe out any trace of us, and us having no choice but to turn to Moscow, automatically make Moscow a saint?
Please, enlighten us...
I think you can pretty much "enlighten" yourself because this isn't rocket science. Just remember that no two nations are alike and 20th century circumstances have created the political world we live in today. In a nutshell: The relationship between Poland and Russia is similar to the relationship between Turkey and Russia, they are regional competitors and Catholic Poland, like Muslim Turkey, has been used by Western powers (The Vatican in the past) as a buffer or a sword against Russia. The problem with Ukraine is rooted in western Ukrainians who see themselves as being non-Russian and also because of the events of holdomor, which is seen by Ukrainians as an attempt by Moscow to eradicate them. The Georgian problem with Russia basically has to do with the support Moscow has given South Ossetians and Abkhazians since the early 1990s. This is similar to the problem Azeris have with Russia because of Russian support for Armenia. With that said, many in the world today want to orient themselves with the "developed" West, or at the very least have good relations with the West, essentially because the West is where the money is. The West controls the global commodities trade, the West has been for a long time the epicenter for bushiness, finance and banking. The West is also where one can stimulate their materialistic-physical-animalistic instincts and free themselves from the burdens of traditions, morality, conservatism, nationalism, etc.
DeleteAnyway, none of this has any bearing on us Armenians. Armenia is Armenia and Armenia has been shaped by Armenian circumstances. More importantly, Armenia is a tiny, poor, remote, landlocked and blockaded nation in a very, very volatile neighborhood. In other words, our neighbors are not Greeks, Italians or Germans. Stop looking at what others are doing and concentrate on what you need to do.
PS: One does not need to be a "saint" to do work that is sacred in nature. Merely by pursing its geostrategic interests, the Bear has made the existence of Armenians, and now Syrians, possible against all odds. I agree that had Armenia not been surrounded by "genocidal maniacs" we would not need the Russian Bear. But what is the point you are trying to make? Contemplating what Armenia would be like if it was not for Turks and Azeris is like saying: If my aunt had a dick she would be my uncle. With that said, had regional peoples had good relations with us, we today would very closely resemble Turks, Kurds and Arabs.
The Fate of Children in the Amerian Police State
Anyone who thinks the US has a long-term future as a leading global power is either an idiot, or a coward afraid of facing reality. The absolute last thing that Armenia needs is an evil empire like the political west - which is literally corrupt to the maximum in every possible way - to dictate the direction of Armenia's future development. The article above summarizes democracy and capitalism at its purest. And don't let any "rule of law advocates" bullshit you, all of the institutionalized corruption which exists in the US was accomplished in perfect harmony with the law, due to the incredible levels of corruption within the American jew-dicial system. In fact, the law is a manmade thing and easily subject to any sort of interpretation - the Armenian Genocide was carried out legally as far as the law of the Ottoman Empire was concerned. The bottom line is that anything Washington touches, it ruins. Armenia is really much, much better off without any western "development programs". Case in point:
U.S. Ambassador Hopes Support Will Enhance Transparency in Armenia’s Justice System
Given that Washington treats its own citizenry like prison slaves, is anyone really surprised that Washington condones genocides committed by its partners (Britain, France, Turkey, and Israel) or actively participates in genocides itself (Kosovo, Iraq, Libya, Serbia), and hundreds of smaller scale massacres committed on every continent? President Putin and the Resurrection of Russia have been a Godsend, it had been long overdue for a real power to tell Washington "we can no longer tolerate the state of affairs in the world". The world needed to hear it... Getting back to Paul Craig Robert's article on the prison-state conditions being formed inside America, it is not surprising that we see on various uncensored comment sections from different online news sources random Americans themselves praising Russia's anti-terrorist operations in Syria, and Americans begging for Russia to expand the anti-terrorist operation to target terrorists in Washington and Tel Aviv.
Key quote from the article:
"This profit-driven system of incarceration has also given rise to a growth in juvenile prisons and financial incentives for jailing young people. Indeed, young people have become easy targets for the private prison industry, which profits from criminalizing childish behavior and jailing young people. For instance, two Pennsylvania judges made headlines when it was revealed that they had been conspiring with two businessmen in a $2.6 million “kids for cash” scandal that resulted in more than 2500 children being found guilty and jailed in for-profit private prisons."
Hayk Demoyan accuses some Armenian officials of being turkish agents:
Russian GRU in Damascus with Zaslon spetsnaz units.
Map of Allepo soon to be surrounded.
Armenia and Russia to set up joint air defense system
ReplyDeleteor so the news says. Is this a big change?
It is a "big change" essentially because Armenian airspace will be given the same protection that Russian airspace receives.
DeleteLast time we rejoiced when we saw some positive propaganda from Armenia:
But for every positive propaganda piece, there are countless videos made that are simply toxic and demoralizing.
In this one, the Government is openly represented as a thief:
While it may be understood that people can be unhappy with their government, something very normal in every "democratic" society, what is being done here is to make people HATE and DESPISE the existence of Armenian Statehood, albeit subconsciously. Yet another reason why democracy cannot work in Armenia.
In this second piece, the reader will basically lose all hope. Although in the ending the caption says "we will fight for our rights", the average Armenian in Armenia has already made its mind. This piece will only encourage him to leave the country:
We rejoiced last time because "positive propaganda" in Armenia is a very, very rare occurrence. When it comes to Armenia, Armenians love complaining and dwelling in negativity. So much so, it may be genetic. Alarmingly, the toxicity we see being spread about Armenia today is being spread by those claiming to be "nationalists" (i.e. those who claim to want the best for the nation).
DeleteBut ask yourself: How are these "nationalists" any different from traitor Vahan Martirosyan? They both sound 'exactly' the same. One is doing its damage from Baku, one is doing its damage from Yerevan.
Collectively, Armenians are a problematic people. Collectively, Armenians do not comprehension the meaning or the importance of statehood. The traits we have that enable us to succeed in foreign lands (i.e. competitive, clever, materialistic, individualistic, shrewd, jealous, tribal, egotistic, etc) are the same traits that keeps us from progressing in our homeland. Individually, Armenians can be brilliant, talented, wise, insightful, industrious, reliable, etc. Collectively, one would have to travel to the remotest desert town in Arabia or the deepest jungle in Africa to find a tribe of people as ignorant, as problematic or as dysfunctional as Armenians.
I personally believe that we as a people are not yet ready for independence. A people that cannot see past their egos or their personal needs do not deserve statehood.
If God forbid Russia suffered a serious setback again as it did back in 1917 and Russian troops had to pull out of the south Caucasus; Armenia would disappear from the map once again and our big talking "nationalists", especially the ones that reside in the Diaspora, would be no where in sight.
Many years ago I would despise Armenians who in my opinion were not nationalistic enough. Today, I find myself beginning to despise our "nationalists". In fact, I don't know what's worst: Self-hating Armenians or self-destructive nationalists? With the way we are as a people today, that thing called Democracy would quite literally be suicidal for Armenia. We therefore need a different strategy. Until we evolve as a people, we will need the Russian Bear on our side to make sure that Armenia survives. Until we are able to stand up on our feet, we need to use all our resources to extract as much benefit as we can from Russia. The Kremlin is the key to Armenia's successes - and failures - but our idiots are busy kissing asses in Washington.
DeleteSos Sargsyan was a very decent man and a genuine patriot. Even he however failed to realize that Soviet Armenia was the closest Armenia would come to the Armenia of his dreams. He also failed to realize that all of Armenia's many flaws today can be traced to the manner in which the Soviet Union collapsed. The Soviet Union should not have collapsed, it should have evolved (China is a good example). Part of one's maturity and wisdom is the ability to look into the mirror and see yourself for who you really are. Want to see the true nature of Armenians, unique traits that have helped us succeed in foreign lands but traits that have also made it difficult for Armenians to build and maintain a nation? Watch the segment in the video starting at 11:36.
Piece of shit. Russia allows so called Syrian refugees across the country to get to Norway. It wont be long before government officials let them stay Russians are just cowardly girly boys like the rest. Tough guys yeah f off cretins on this site
DeleteI've been getting many requests from readers that I start publishing also in English.
ReplyDeleteHere is the English version of my first official post. Feedback is appreciated:
DeleteAppreciate your effort to put that in English.
What you are describing may be seen in other facets of life. Take chess, for example. Have you ever noticed that it is impossible to defeat a healthy opponent? Or that some players use time pressure as an addiction to explain away their losses? They actually can somewhat convince themselves that they didn't "really" lose because it was time pressure that defeated them, not their opponent.
So these are simply psychological excuses to make us feel better. Like children.
What is needed is a good coach to help us get over our weak points. Continuing with the example of chess, one may find rook endings boring, and this can lead to the vicious cycle of not playing them well. Tough. You have to study them if you want to get to a tolerable level. Similarly, Armenians need more "old coaches" to try to help people get out of their childish fantasies about how Armenia's fate wasn't largely decided by Armenians.
The first step to dealing with a problem is to admit that one has a problem. Do you see any signs that this is happening? Realistically, half of the people of all countries are not really capable of overcoming emotional baggage, so perhaps the more important question is whether there is an increase in awareness within the 30% that can appreciate the need for studying the past with a practical eye for application today. This is who you should focus on, not video game addicts or TV junkies.
As an outsider, I see many big chances for Armenia in the coming years. Iran and Russia are likely to do well, and Turkey and Azerbaijan are likely to have serious problems. And the West, which has backed Turkey, is in serious decline. What more do you want? Erdoghan may turn out to have been a major figure in helping Armenia. He is even crazy enough to have backed the Uighur radicals in Western China. Truly suicidal. It is, however, up to Armenians to make the deals or take the actions that will lead to a stronger or more prosperous Armenia. Whatever you do, don't listen to the Armenians in Los Angeles. They seemed totally useless.
Why would anybody listen to the Armenians of Los Angeles or any other diasporan community for that matter? Even the ARF, with all its world-wide assets, bears little influence within the Republic itself.
DeleteThank you for reading.
The point that I am trying to make is that Armenians lack the "good coach[es] to help us get over our weak point[s]".
"half of the people of all countries are not really capable of overcoming emotional baggage", sure, but for a nation of only 7-8 million people, half is already too much. Armenia cannot afford that. And yes, while you're right in that we should first work on the 30% that is smart enough and literate enough to absorb these "new" concepts, this is not an easy job when you're starting from zero. That's where we are today. We are re-learning everything about statehood and its values, after 1000 years. It is a tedious task to recondition the mind of a nation that has been subjugated to slavery for such a long time.
The main point of the commentary you read, as well as of the other posts in Armenian, is simply this: We know what is the problem, and we know what needs to be done, but it is time talk about the "how-to"-s and start preparing long-term strategies to fix our nation for once and for all.
Regarding your remarks on the geopolitical predictions you made, I only have this to ask: Will Armenians be ready when opportunity arises? Or will they return home once again with a wet paper ladle (
As for Los Angeles Armenians, do not worry, I do not live there.
DeleteI agree with your points, but think that the perfect is the enemy of the good. You need good strategies, not perfect ones. Trying to improve the thinking of those infatuated with the Kardashians may be a waste of one's time and money. So, for the half of the public who are fairly hopeless, just try to get them exposed to alternative ideas and get rid of Western NGOs, or at least force them to do things like describe their funding and have them register as foreign agents.
One speculative idea is to create a manifesto or two. Perhaps one for the masses and one for the more educated. This would force you to put in concrete terms that which you and similar folks think is required. So, for example, perhaps a diplomatic department within a university in Armenia is required. Hire retired diplomats from Russia and other relevant countries to teach. If Armenia has to rely on corrupt friends of the president as diplomats, you have a problem.
So, again just speculating, you could have something like:
An Armenian National Manifesto for an Intellectual Elite
1-Build a Diplomatic Corp based on the Russian model
2-Establish a national debate on long-term national goals (don't say it, but this means issues like Javakheti or Nakhicevan). It would include breaking the geographical blockade to some extent. Gas, oil, and energy grids would be important. In political English, it might be something like "From Geographical Isolation and Blockade to the Crossroads of the Caucasus".
3-Evaluate whether moving to a more Swiss-style system would be a good idea. Actually, I have no idea about the constitutional changes being proposed currently. Are they bad?
4-Establish guaranteed low-interest loans to go to university for the top 20% of high-school students.
An Armenian Manifesto for the Masses
1-Not so sure about this, but it was very successful in Japan. Is there something that is anti-oligarch that would help?
In Japan, the first non-US-puppet administration came to power seven years ago or so largely with the use of a campaign manifesto. It pledged things like changing spending from concrete to people and offering good tax credits for families with children. The American media and political assets have relentlessly attacked even the idea of manifestos ever since. Not the specifics, just the concept. It motivated a lot of people and gave them hope that things could be better. Having the political candidates from that party constantly push these ten points or so forced the others to say "no, I don't care about child credits or pensions, all I care about is more dams." Of course, at the end of the day, the new government was smashed by the US through the usual combination of blackmail and violence, but it was quite an achievement to get elected in the first place.
As for the iron ladle, that is a good story. Thanks for sharing it. The regular folks here can give their opinions, but most of the old Soviet bloc seems oriented towards prostitution above everything else. All about the short-term money. So my bet would be that Yerevan would sell the ladle.
The problem with Armenia is that its an immature nation. Sure we have an ancient history but we are people is immature for the modern world. Arevordi some times brings it up, nations like Armenia didnt have a chance to "evolve naturally". Thats why we have problems. We need time basically, its normal.
Delete@Eurasian, Are you Armenian?
I agree with Arto... I agree with Razmik... I agree with Eruasian... With that said, the things you guys pointed out is only half the story. I believe pedigree - genetic makeup - has an enormous impact on how any given nation behaves.
DeleteWe Armenians need to put aside our fantasies and realize that we are NOT the same people that lived in the Armenian Highlands two thousand years ago. Armenian civilization has been in decline ever since the Bagratid royal dynasty came to power in the 9th century. The Bagratids (said to be in part derived from Jews) were unable or unwilling to secure the nation's political future. When the Bagratids failed to either make an alliance with Byzantine Greeks in the west or Seljuks in the east, Armenia fell apart. Instead of making political deals - or even leading the population to war in the name of preserving the Armenian kingdom - Bagratids abandoned their homeland en-masse. Of course Byzantine Greeks were guilty of conspiring against Armenia. Those who know me know that I am no fan of Byzantine Greeks. But if Armenians, who were the lesser power in the region, had any political wisdom or foresight they would have done everything possible to make an alliance with Greeks - even if that meant adopting Greek Orthodoxy. Ultimately, Bagratids proved too rigid and incompetent. Bagratids did not engage in diplomacy nor did they fight. What they instead did was pack-up and leave when Seljuks showed up force in the 11th century.
11th century saw the first mass exodus of Armenians. Hundreds of thousands Armenians headed to Europe and elsewhere. And what was left behind in Armenia was the lowly/pathetic peasantry and petty merchants: Two kinds of Armenians we are very familiar with today. It does not matter how much education and/or money an Armenian has, inside the modern Armenian dwells either a peasant or a petty merchant. If any of you think pedigree has no bearing on how a nation behaves, you have a lot to learn about humanity. All civilizations and empires have fallen because of demographic (i.e. genetic) changes.
So, the Armenian problem is two fold: Lack of political experience due to one thousand years of being stateless and a flawed pedigree due to circumstances of the last one thousand years.
Like Arto said: We need time. I would only add that we need a lot of time to evolve as a people and develop as a nation. Due to the way we are as a people and due to the south Caucasus region's less than ideal circumstances, it won't be easy. In fact, it's going to be a very long, rough road ahead of us. In the meanwhile, finding a way to secure Armenia's political future is the strategic problem we all face. A close alliance with Russia is the only way we can solve that problem.
DeleteI agree with you in theory. But like Arto and Arevordi are saying, we need to start from scratch, and re-learn everything we used to know while un-learning what we've known for the last thousand years. Writing Manifestos is one thing, implementing them is another. And don't think the Government will one day wake up and get to work. This needs collective effort. It starts from you, the individual, it continues with your family, your close inner circle, and so on and so forth. It's also a number's game. A significant number of your population (Armenian and Diasporan) should be literate and organized enough in order to have an influence. And like I said, we know what we're going to do, everybody does. It's time to start forming plans on how to implement them, such as the manifesto idea you gave. The situation looks tough and disheartening, but we have no choice but to push forward as much as possible. Also, congruence is key. We are not going to only talk, we have to lead by example, such as a father to his son.
Actually yes, pedigree has a lot to do here. Bagratunis cut their ties with the homeland. They also were poor governors, for there was Bagratid Armenia and 4 smaller Armenian kingdoms. The mass exodus that happened was the main gap that created the modern Armenian, because those who left were nobility and intellectuals. As you know already, the noble class of Artsakh and Syuniq remained only, and unsurprisingly, it is figures from these regions that have played a crucial role in re-establishing the foundations of Armenian statehood.
I always say the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia is not something to be very proud of. Those who went there eventually vanished, and many of them were nobles and had all of these values and codes. But I'll leave that for another commentary.
Razmik, I praise you for your genuine patriotism, intellect, wisdom and selfless honesty. You are truly a unique individual. And I thank you for your effort in trying to educate our compatriots.
DeleteWe have spoken about Artsakhtis before: They are the most accurate modern representation of what Armenians were like in antiquity. No wonder therefore that a vast majority of our most capable military leaders in modern times hail from the region. As I have said in the past, Armenia did not save Artsakh, Artsakh saved Armenia.
Cilician Armenians have a fascinating history. But they did what they did on foreign soil and they were able to do what they did only due to the appearance of European Crusaders in the region beginning in 1097 AD. The Cilician nobility most probably began abandoning the kingdom when the European Crusaders were finally defeated in 1290. By 1375 I suspect very few of the said nobility actually remained in the kingdom. Whatever nobility that had remained was drastically reduced in stature by their Muslim conquerors. In other words, after 1375, even members of the nobility had to marry peasantry. Therefore, you cannot make the case that Cilician aristocracy continued. By the way, I am Cilician by ancestry.
Anyway, do you want to read a typical Armenian story, in which Armenians murder their unpopular leader in favor of a total foreigner? Please read:
DeleteNo, I am not Armenian. I am interested in geopolitics and find the area near the Caucasus to be particularly complex. My limited experiences with Armenians comes from those I met in Los Angeles and a couple from the chess world. So please forgive me for any inappropriate suggestions or such. They come from ignorance.
Arevordi, Razmik, et al.,
Sure, peasants and merchants are basically materialistic and short-term oriented. But just think about the destruction that has occurred in other countries. Say, Russia, Germany, and Japan. The best got wiped out. What have they been left with?
A bigger problem may be that there is not a national culture that has the idea of solving problems. Actually, there may be another problem for your consideration: Are Armenians good at working in groups? The Japanese are great, whereas the Chinese are mediocre in my view. On the other hand, the Chinese make better entrepreneurs. Where do Armenians stand? Some of the big-picture discussions here really require a significant number of people to work together for one higher purpose.
My suspicion is that Armenia could have half-way accomplished a goal or two if they had been worked on over the last fifteen years. Here is a suggestion for you: Some group should offer a 1,000 euro prize to the best student paper that describes a vision of how to get Armenia to a prosperous future. No partisan politics or free money from the EU allowed. The idea is to get a national debate going about ideas for things like transportation, energy usage and grids, and improving agriculture. My suspicion is that Armenia is failing on the things that require longer-term thinking. If the money came from a "decent" rich person, the winning paper might even be arranged to favor someone who was presentable for TV or what have you. The point is to avoid partisan politics or simply begging for EU/Russian money. Even better would be if the prize were annual, so that it would build up over time. Call it the equivalent of the Armenian Good Future Nobel Prize. This would encourage teachers to discuss such things in classrooms.
Armenian Good Future Nobel Prize
DeleteA 1,000 Euro prize will be offered to the best student paper that describes a vision of how to get Armenia to a prosperous future.
Eurasian, all this time I though you were Armenian.
DeleteAnonymous, are you Eurasian, please id yourself.
@The Bagratids (said to be in part derived from Jews)
DeleteIt is a very seductive suggestion. Even if their Jewish origin, "has been largely discounted by modern scholarship" (which IMHO would rather confirm the traditional view), wouldn't a strong Jewish influence account for the sliding of the Armenian Church into the troubled waters of "anti-Calcedonianism" and impeded, as you point out, the natural alliance with the Romans?
This article states that there is ongoing negotiations for Iranian gas to be exported via Armenia and Georgia with Gasprom's participation. That's a great news, Armenia needs to become a transit country.
Serbian PM met with Medvedev and the article says they are negotiating a major military deal, where Russia will completely revamp Serbian military. This means Serbia is not planing to join Nato and looks for Russia to provide it's security.
"Turkey next failed state"
Ishallah LOL
Don't pay too much attention to this David Goldman fool. He thinks that every country in the world is a failed state demographically and spiritually except that shining example of perfection, the beacon of democracy and humanity - Israel.
Armenianow article, any thoughts considering just the facts and not the source?
Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan is visiting neighboring Georgia today, October 30. The visit was announced only the day before, giving rise to assumptions that some transformations are being prepared in the region.
These views strengthened even more after the release of an official report on the visit that said that “new prospects for promoting the Armenian-Georgian agenda will be outlined.”
The new prospects, apparently, are being outlined in the gas sector. Georgia is conducting active negotiations with Russia’s gas giant Gazprom on the purchase of more natural gas. Currently, Georgia receives from Gazprom about 3 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually, 2 billion cubic meters are transited to Armenia and part of it is taken as a fee for the transit and another small part is used for commercial purposes. Georgia receives the bulk of its gas from Azerbaijan.
Many in Tbilisi do not understand why Georgia needs Russian gas if Azerbaijan can fully meet its demands. However, apparently, the initiative belongs to Russia, which wants through Georgia and Armenia to sell natural gas to Iran.
Iran has one of the largest gas reserves in the world, but, as Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak explained – Russia and Iran agree on swap gas supplies. In other words, Iran buys Russian gas at the border with Armenia for its northern regions, and due to this in the south it sells its gas as Russian. Thus, Russia hopes to bring its gas to the Persian Gulf.
Economists estimate the benefits from such a project as minimal, however, in the political sense, Russia gains control of the Armenian-Georgian transit of Iranian gas and does not allow Europe to receive Iranian gas through the Armenian-Georgian transit.
This project was rather negatively perceived in Georgia, which may economically, however, benefit from it. However, the Georgian opposition is strongly against building relations with Gazprom, which is often called the “Russian occupation tool”.
President Sargsyan’s visit to Tbilisi, however, may be evidence that Russia has managed to convince Armenia and Georgia. In fact, the essence of the project is to block the transit of Iranian gas to Europe, which, apparently, will have to find other ways, again bypassing Armenia and Georgia. While there might be some economic benefits for Armenia from the Russian-Iranian project, politically Yerevan again risks to lose by becoming a partner of Russia in an anti-Western project.
This article does not make sense to me. Gas swap between Iran and Russia is not a practical or profitable idea at all. I think the deal is for eventual Iranian gas supply to southern european countries via Armenia and Georgia. If Gasprom can make money without using Russian gas why not? By allowing Iranian gas to go to southern europe under Gasprom's pipeline control Russia is not losing much. Iran and Russia may have agreed that Iran will get access to southern european market and Russia to Pakistan and India.
DeleteNot pretending to know anything, but Russia obviously wants/needs to be able to create a gas grid so that sales to Europe can be redirected to Asia or sales to, say, Turkey can be directed to Europe. This deal with Iran might be part of that. Or, as T.K. said, it could be a regional deal between Russia and Iran.
Russian-Iranian collaboration has been deepening in recent years. I hope this development is one of its by-products. And I am happy that Yerevan is acting as a hub between the budding north-south axis. All that needs to be done now is to clean house in Tbilisi. Once Tbilisi is healed of its ailment, the Great Game in the south Caucasus will end and nation-building will begin. Tbilisi is therefore key to the region's peace and stability. With Tbilisi back in the Russian orbit, the political apparatus in Baku will simply fall apart.
DeleteYerevan does not lose at all. Today ,Yerevan has to align herself with Russia. Yerevan can not act on her own and change direction in political course. Her affairs, for better or worse, are entwined with Russia.
ReplyDeleteThe downing of the Russian airliner in Egypt today revealed two things: If it is proven that Islamic terrorists did indeed down the aircraft, it is yet another proof that Islamic terrorism is being controlled (directly or indirectly) by Western powers, Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Ask yourselves: If a group like Al Qaeda or ISIS had the capability to bring down airliners and if there really was a Western-led war against Islamic terrorism, wouldn't you think that such terror groups would have attacked a Western, Israeli, Turkish or Saudi airliners by now? The other thing this tragedy revealed is just how much contempt Western powers have towards Russians. After watching how extensively Western news media covered the two Malaysian airliner incidents, I am shocked at how little coverage the downed Russian airliner is getting...
ReplyDelete"All is fair in love and war." The West will use radical Islam, Turkish nationalism, terrorism, or even just bribes to get what it wants, which is total domination. How would showing a Russian plane crash on Western TV help the West gain total domination?
DeleteThis is easy to understand. What is hard to understand is naive souls in places like the Ukraine or Armenia who can't comprehend the obvious.
Only RT got the coverage on the downed Russian airliner. However, with ISIS actually claiming responsibility, Putin has more than enough justification to show no mercy towards these disgusting jihadists. Like I've always emphasized, the greatest enemies of Orthodox Christian civilization were always Catholics, Protestants, Sunni Muslims and Jews of all stripes. One could also say that Western powers also have a lot of contempt towards Shia Muslims, as demonstrated by the US's refusal to apologize for downing an Iranian airliner, as these same enemies of Orthodox Christianity are also enemies of the Shia Muslim civilization. In conclusion, I could also foresee a huge alliance between the Orthodox Christian and Shia Muslim civilizations deepening, with Armenia acting as the middle man and China as the bankroller. Here's a quote from Bush Sr., and a good example of classic American contempt:
Delete"I will never apologize for the United States — I don't care what the facts are... I'm not an apologize-for-America kind of guy."
Even though Russian gov has been saying it is not a terrorist attack many experts think it could have been a small bomb inside a baggage compartment that could have started a fire and caused disintegration of the plane. I tend to believe this for now until we get more data. The west has all the motives to plan something like this, it will serve them well. try to scare Russians, try to create public discontent against Russian involvement in Syrian war. I even have a feeling this may not be the last one, they may try to repeat this. Sad and outraged especially after reading some comments from ukrainians about the plane crush. some are celebrating. Fucking scumbags and morons.
DeleteEducating the naive souls (the self-destructive peasantry) and combating the paid mercenaries (the petty merchant class) in Armenian society was and continues to be the primary motivation/inspiration behind what I do. Ten years ago it got to a point when I had to speak my mind, if only to release some steam. I did so via articles I would write for various local Armenian news papers under pseudonyms and participation in various internet discussion boards. Five years ago I understood that I had to start a blog dedicated to this very important topic, if only to feed my urge. I think I have had some positive impact on the Anglophone Armenian community.
Which brings up a point I would like to make, because many of my readers are misreading my comments about Armenians.
I may single out Armenians for criticism primarily because my primary concern is Armenians and not anybody else. When it comes to criticizing Armenians, I look at what I do as tough love, reverse psychology and shock therapy. I want Armenians to wake-up from their stupor. I want Armenians to take a close look at themselves in the mirror. I want Armenians to understand that politics, geopolitics in particular, is not a domestic dispute or a street fight.
With that said, I fully recognize that even with all our many serious faults, we Armenians are no way near as bad as most of humanity. With a few exceptions on earth, most of humanity is pathetic and much, much more so than us Armenians.
The main Armenian problem today is blinding arrogance (where everybody thinks they know everything), uncontrollable emotions (when everything is taken on a personal level and nothing is either forgiven or forgotten), ostentatious materialism (when a person's worth is judged by how much money or material possessions he has) and self-destructive jealousy (when other people's success becomes profoundly upsetting). If left on their own, these traits can be self-defeating, as they are now. However, if channeled properly, these traits can prove useful for the Armenian state.
If I had a magic wand, I would eradicate all our negative traits at once. But I am a realist and I understand that we have to work we with the hand that history and circumstances have dealt us. Armenian society therefore needs social engineering: Starting from home and kindergarten and ending in university. Television media is also very important in this regard.
Finally, and I know I will get a lot of flak for saying this: We Armenians need fresh blood in our gene pool. By this I mean, it would be very health for Armenians in Armenia to take increasing number of spouses from compatible peoples. [This does not apply to the Diaspora] By saying compatible people I do not have Greeks, Georgians or Italians in mind, although that would not be bad either. What I mean is Europeans, Slavs and Germanic peoples in particular.
Not only Armenians have the problems of blinding arrogance, uncontrollable emotions, and many other bad traits you listed above, but other nations have the same kind of tendency as well. At least the Armenian government doesn't declare any foreign visitor (whether it was a foreign national or an Armenian living overseas) as persona non grata if they said something critical about Armenia.
DeleteSpeaking of fresh blood in our gene pool
The Japanese are the Germans of the Far East. Although I would not consider them "compatible" for Armenians due to vast racial differences, I do however recognize that we Armenians can learn a lot from them. Nonetheless, I am happy for the couple, but I hope they raise Armenian children. With that said, the secret to improving our gene pool is importing fresh blood - not exporting brides.
DeleteUntil recently I hadn't heard of this huge discovery of gas in Georgia. This would explain Gazprom's involvement in Georgia and the attempt to tie the Iranian, Russian and newly found Georgian gas into one network operated and controlled by Gazprom. Kind of like an OPEC for gas which would lock the west out and control the flow and price of energy for Europe. If successful it may also force Azerbaijan into Russia's orbit.
I hadn't either. If this is accurate, this is a very major development. This could also result in Moscow putting even greater pressure on Tbilisi to bring them back within the Russian orbit. Because of Georgia's problems with Russia in recent years, Baku has been able to resist the Russian Bear. However, with Tbilisi back within the Russian orbit, Baku will have no choice but to surrender to the Bear. And at that point, Artsakh's current borders will become official. Baku is a hostage to regional circumstances and its life is hanging by a thread.
DeleteThis is a good link about the jewish role in the Armenian genocide: