Kardashian Sisters Draw Attention in Armenia's Capital
Nikol Pashinyan Song
Գասպարին բողոքի ակցիա իրականացրեց ընդդեմ Ռ. Քոչարյանի և ՌԴ-ի
Նիկոլի խաղը մինչև Կրեմլի մարագն է
Սորոսի գործակալական ցանցը Հայաստանում բացահայտված է.պետության զավթումը
Սորոսական Դանիել Իոաննիսյանն ԱՄՆ Կոնգրեսում
Խոստացել էի պատերազմի ժամանակ չխոսել, բայց արդեն ստիպում եք. Գուրգեն Եղիազարյան
Նիկոլը օր առաջ պիտի իշխանությունը հանձնի պրոռուսական ուժերին. Մենուա Հարությունյան
Ռոբերտ Քոչարյանի հանդիպումը իրավաբան գիտնականների, փաստաբանների և նախկին իրավապահների հետ
Ռոբերտ Քոչարյանի հանդիպումը՝ Արարատի մարզի բնակիչների հետ
Ռոբերտ Քոչարյանի հանդիպումը Երևանի երեք վարչական շրջանների «Հայաստան» դաշինքի ակտիվի հետ
Ամրապնդելով մեր բանակցային դիրքերը՝ հնարավոր է վերադարձնել գերիներին, Շուշին ու Հադրութը. Քոչարյան
Increasing amounts of Turkish and Pakistani fruits and vegetables appear in Armenian marketsNikol's New Armenia was a country that was seeing a sudden rise energy prices -
Nikol supports are the lowest of God's creatures. It's not a political or ideological matter, it's a matter of character, education, values. Only the lowest of the low can emotionally and/or mentally attach themselves to a street scoundrel like Nikol. And there are so many of them. A nation can survive its external enemies, but never its internal ones. I am desperately trying to find some hope. I am desperately searching for even a glimmer of light in our darkness. I do not know what the election result will be come June 20, but I know that at the height of the anti-government protests last December there were more Armenians shopping in Yerevan's two malls then on the streets protesting Nikol's blood-soaked regime. I should not have been surprised or upset because this is after all what "westernization", "democracy", "open society" and of course "people power" is all about. There is not a single nation on earth that rose to wealth or prominence as a result of democracy, yet there are countless examples of nations that fell into utter decay as a result of democracy and western style freedoms. None of this however mattered to Armenians. A significant portion of Armenian society today seems to enjoy swimming in their excrement. We need to save Armenia from the Armenian Street. We need someone like former president Robert Kocharyan to return to power.
«Եթե հանկարծ Սորոսը Արցախ մտնի, մենք մեր հացը կուտենք». Գուրգեն Եղիազարյան
Եթե իշխանությունը հանձնվի սորոսական Մասիս Մայիլյանին, դա կլինի Արցախի վերջը. Արամ Հարությունյան
Դանիել Իոաննիսյանին պետք է արգելել դիտորդություն իրականացնել Արցախում․ նա աջակցում է Սորոսի թեկնածու համարվող Մասիս Մայիլյանին
The gossip at the time was, Moscow had warned that if Armenia (which had already fallen to CIA/Soros financed individuals) allowed Soros-affiliated individuals to come to power in Stepanakert as well, Russia would pull its protective hand away from Artsakh and allow Baku to settle the matter militarily. Don't know if there is any truth to this gossip, but what ended-up happening last autumn was in-effect exactly in-line with it. For a long time before the war, patriots were warning Armenian society about the increase of anti-Russian, pro-Western and pro-Turkish activities inside Armenia. Some of us warned that Armenia was heading towards a disaster. Just days before the outbreak of the war, Menua Harutunyan warned that Turkey is preparing to help Azerbaijan attack Artsakh -
Հայաստանն այսօր կանգնած է Թուրքիայի հետ պատերազմի վտանգի առաջ. Մենուա Հարությունյան
Ըսի՝ ֆեյսբուքերը բանամ, տեսնիմ՝ ինչպիսի անձ է Փաշինյանը. Արամ Ա Կաթողիկոս
Armenia’s Velvet Revolution ignited imaginations. This documentary celebrates its triumph
Russia Proposes Armenia-Azerbaijan Commission To Demarcate Border Amid Incursion Dispute
1) When President Kocharyan assumed power in 2008, he was still young, still inexperience and, more importantly, an outsider in Armenia and in Yerevan's political scene. There was only so much he could do in a country he was not familiar with and among a population where he actually was not very liked. There was only so much he could do in a political landscape where Vazgen Sargsyan and Karen Demirjyan wielded the greatest amount of power and influence.
2) All the emphasis in Armenian politics throughout the time in question was placed on getting wealthy. The war had ended. There was no Azeri or Turkish threat. The only thought in people's minds at the time was to get rich quickly and live like westerners. President Kocharyan was plunged into that culture. I am not justifying his sins, I'm just explaining the culture/mindset of the time in Armenia, which still exists today. President Kocharyan was simply following a trend that was started after the collapse of the Soviet Union. It was also a trend observed throughout former Soviet space.
3) Moscow was not projecting power during President Kocharyan's time in office. Russia at the time was mostly busy with a number of serious internal problems, not the least of which was an Islamic uprising in the northern Caucasus. Kocharyan's presidency was at a time when the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance was at its very peak of power and influence. With Western powers running amok throughout the world at the time, President Kocharyan had a rational reason/excuse to pursue the multi-vectoral diplomatic approach that later came to be known as "complimentary politics".
Source: https://caspiannews.com/news-detail/armenias-ex-president-kocharyan-pledges-stronger-allegiance-to-moscow-on-russias-state-owned-tv-channel-2021-4-9-0/
Source: https://thearmenite.com/2021/04/the-time-for-protest-is-over/

All political parties must receive a minimum of five percent of the vote to enter parliament. All political alliances must receive a minimum of seven percent. This means as things stand ԼՀԿ and ՀԿ being under five percent, and Պատիվ Ունեմ being under seven percent, would not enter parliament.Parliamentary seats will be divided among parties and alliances that have cleared the necessary thresholds, based on the percentages of votes receives. Meaning as it stands (Scenario I), with Պատիվ Ունեմ and ԼՀԿ and ՀԿ not clearing the necessary thresholds, the ruling party would receive 57.3 percent of parliamentary seats, keeping control of the government (first graphic below). Moreover, even if only Պատիվ Ունեմ cleared the necessary threshold (Scenario II), the ruling party would likely still receive a majority of the vote needed to retain power. Finally, if all three of Պատիվ Ունեմ, ԼՀԿ, and ՀԿ get in (Scenario III), the ruling party will likely be able to form a coalition with Aram Sargsyan’s ՀԿ, and retain power).

If a party or coalition gets less than fifty-four percent, but more than fifty percent, they will be granted the additional seats needed to reach a fifty-four percent majority. (Please note the difference between a coalition and an alliance. A coalition is formed post-election between parties and alliances in order to form a ruling government. An example would be a coalition between the Հայաստան alliance, ԲՀԿ, and Պատիվ Ունեմ alliance. An alliance is formed pre-election, such as the Հայաստան alliance between ՀՅԴ, Robert Kocharyan, and ՎՀԿ or that of Պատիվ Ունեմ between ՀՀԿ and the Fatherland Party.) This rule would be important in Scenario II, where all the ruling party would need would be a majority.
If a ruling government is not formed within six days of the election, a runoff will be held between the top two parties, where the winner will receive the additional seats needed to reach fifty-four percent.
A ruling coalition can be formed by up to three parties or coalitions. Meaning in the scenario that both Պանիվ Ունեմ and ԼՀԿ clear the necessary thresholds, but ՀԿ doesn’t, even if ԼՀԿ genuinely wanted to end the current government by forming a coalition with the Հայաստան alliance, ԲՀԿ, and the Պատիվ Ունեմ alliance, it would not be possible. In such a scenario, if the ruling party has not received a majority, there will be a run-off election between the ruling party and the Հայաստան alliance.

Source: https://news.am/eng/news/648734.html
Despite Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s claims that “the loser is only he who thinks himself defeated,” the facts are there.
The peace deal as mentioned was brokered by Russia, and it was the least it could do to salvage a situation that was becoming more for Yerevan with each passing day. The entire situation is such:
- Back in 2018, the pro-Western coup took place in Armenia, which saw the government fall and Nikol Pashinyan, a Soros-funded ‘democratic’ activist back then, being released from prison and becoming the Prime Minister.
- In 2018, and continuing in the future, he proved one thing – he has no actual authority, as he had to join citizens’ protests to attempt and enforce his political plans, and they were ineffective in most areas.
- One area where they were quite effective, however, was spreading anti-Russian hysteria, and for two years Armenia’s main foreign and internal policy has been focused on distancing itself from Russia, which continues being its only real ally and the guarantor of the Armenian statehood.
In Nagorno-Karabakh, there was a sort of testing of the waters in 2016 when a more open conflict began, shortly and then ended. In 2018, when Armenia started distancing itself, willingly, from Russia, there were a few small-scale clashes. In July 2020, heavier clashes took place, likely as a way for Azerbaijan to see what Armenia would do and if Russia would flinch, at all. It didn’t. As a result of two years of anti-Russian policy, Azerbaijan ultimately began its offensive on September 27th, and approximately a month and a half later, the fighting ended with Baku as the victor, and Armenia’s Prime Minister Pashinyan looking for a scapegoat to blame for the disgrace.
Throughout the approximately 1.5 months of war, Armenia tried a very questionable bid at “multipolarity” looking to get help from any direction, all the while not attempting to restore any relations with Moscow. Essentially, no significant forces, equipment or hardware were actually deployed from Armenia to fight in Nagorno-Karabakh. Whatever forces were presented in the self-proclaimed Republic of Artsakh fought, with some limited support from “mainland Armenia.” As per official information, no regular Armenian troops from the armed forces entered Nagorno-Karabakh to fight. What was there instead of that? Livestreams of Nikol Pashinyan in Facebook and multiple PR statement claiming about victorious counter-attacks of Armenian forces. In comparison to actions of the Armenian prime minister, the Artsakh President even went to the frontline for a day or two to promote protecting the motherland. The lack of any concrete actions, as well as any adequate actions was covered by a very wide and loud media campaign, calling for other countries to recognize Artsakh as an independent country, hoping that it would happen, and for a while there was a minor hope from France (presented by Yerevan as the large victory of the ‘democratic government’). It didn’t happen, but also Armenia didn’t recognize Artsakh as independent and didn’t undertake any tangible actions at all, since “reunification” would be quite difficult, especially if the OSCE or UN Peacekeepers are present.
This all led to Armenia ultimately losing Nagorno-Karabakh, it was certain as soon as Azerbaijan’s forces, with some help from Turkey and a few thousand Syrian militants captured a vital road, and managed to encircle the Artsakh forces. Even the Artsakh president admitted that Shusha was actually lost on November 7th, or rather that it was inevitable for it to fall. News of Shusha falling came on November 9th. The peace deal, which was a “very, very difficult decision” as per Pashinyan is a fact, and he’s now struggling to find whom to blame. He’s blaming other officials, other countries for not recognizing Artsakh as an independent country, also the military for not doing enough. Armenians are blaming Russia for not stepping in and fighting their war for them, while less than 2 years earlier, banners with “Russia go home and never return” were commonplace.
The entire situation is such: Russian peacekeepers will preserve the situation right now. As long as the Russian military is there, the Armenians remaining in the area of the Russian presence in Nagorno-Karabakh are safe. However, in the event of the further deterioration of the Russian-Armenian relations these peacekeepers could be withdrawn. For example, in the event of Armenian attacks on Azerbaijani forces, it is unlikely that Russia decide to simply send troops and retake the region back for Armenia’s sake. On the other hand, Azerbaijan cannot capture the entire region as long as the Russians are there. Nonetheless, from the military and political point of view, Baku also made gains. The control of Shusha and the promised transport link between the mainland and Azerbaijan’s Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic through Armenia and under the supervision of Russian border guards are important achievements.
In short, what is the short-term result: It seems that the pro-Western government of Armenia intentionally
failed the war and lost the unrecognized territory that by the fact of
its existence undermined the pro-NATO, EU integration of Armenia.
Azerbaijan received its lost territories back, and it is quite
satisfied, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev even made fun of
Pashinyan, in his speech following the “victorious peace deal.”
Turkey strengthened its position in the Caucasus and the Turkic world, as a trustworthy ally that can help its own. Russia once again demonstrated that it is protector of the Armenians, and secured the existence of Armenia as the state, it guaranteed that no other losses were made, despite Armenia entirely failing to adequately handle the situation. And Russia didn’t specifically need to do it, since Moscow has a strong foothold much further south – in Syria, and the military base in Armenia as the factor of Russia’s “security perimeter” has no more strategic importance. Thanks to actions of the pro-Western, globalist, neo-liberal-oriented government, the Armenians have faced and will face even more hard times. There will be more chaos, disappointment in the government, blaming of the Russians, and depending on how successful the propaganda is, the blame could entirely be shifted on the “traitorous” Moscow and the older generation of leadership.
Once again, the history demonstrated that color revolutions, the seizure of power by supporters of NATO and the circle of globalists, generally, leads only to the chaos and the destruction of the statehood and widespread chaos. For example, when Pashinyan seized power in 2018, he was congratulated by another famous ‘democratic’ activist – the leader of the pro-Western/neo-liberal Russian opposition, Alexey Navalny. Fortunately for Russia, in the current conditions such persons as Pashinyan and Navalny have no chances to come to power in the country and lost some Russian territory to foreign forces.
“Pashinyan has been elected prime minister. I congratulate the Armenian people for preventing the usurpation of power in the same hands. Great achievement. I hope Armenia will succeed. Well, everyone in Russia will only be happy with the emergence of a successfully developing neighbor.”
Пашинян избран премьер-министром. Поздравляю армянский народ с тем, что они предотвратили узурпацию власти в одних руках. Грандиозное достижение. Надеюсь, у Армении всё получится. Ну а всем в России будет только хорошо от появления успешно развивающегося соседа.
— Alexey Navalny (@navalny) May 8, 2018
Below is what Pashinyan commented, following the signing, and he considered that, he really wasn’t to blame. He reportedly even left Armenia, because he can’t face responsibility for his failures.
“I was not the initiator of the truce,” he said, then who was?
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated that he made a decision to end the war in Karabakh under pressure from the country’s military leadership.
“The army said that we must stop, because we have certain problems, the prospects for solving them are not clear, and the resource has been exhausted. The military resource was not effective in everything. Those who fought on the frontline had no replacement … On the frontline there were people who had not been replaced for a month in a row,” Pashinyan said in his Facebook video speech.
The Prime Minister of Armenia specified that the ceasefire had not been signed earlier, because at the end of September it assumed the transfer of seven regions around Nagorno-Karabakh.
“And we could not take such a step, because we believed that we could all do so that we were not interested in ceasefire, but could impose it on the enemy. Unfortunately, this did not happen,” Pashinyan said.
The country had problems with the mobilization system, and civilians were not ready to fully participate in hostilities, the prime minister said. Pashinyan also pointed to a number of problems in the troops, in particular, about several dozen cases when the population of specific regions did not allow the military to redeploy troops, the low level of combat capability of the militias and cases of desertion. It is not known exactly where Pashinyan is now. Earlier there were rumors that he hastily left the country. At night, the protesters, dissatisfied with the surrender of Artsakh, broke into the government building and the prime minister’s residence. They smashed furniture and appliances, and took away some of the prime minister’s personal belongings. Meanwhile, Armenian President Armen Sarkisian claimed that he learned about the agreement on Karabakh from the media.
“Taking into account the deep concern of a large mass of people due to the current situation, I am immediately initiating political consultations in order to quickly agree on decisions arising from our agenda for protecting national interests,” the president said.
The head of Karabakh Arayik Harutyunyan said that the Armenian troops completely lost control over the city of Shusha on November 7. He added that history will appreciate the decision that was made yesterday, but they had to go for it.
“If the hostilities continued at the same pace, we would have lost all Artsakh in a matter of days. <..> There were no more resources to continue the struggle,” Harutyunyan said.
According to him, the fighting took place on the outskirts of Stepanakert, at a distance of two to three kilometers from the city.
“The drones inflicted heavy losses on the Karabakh Defense Army. The question is why the Armenian army did not create similar weapons,” Arayik Harutyunyan stated.
At the same time, it became known that the Secretary of the Security Council of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) Samvel Babayan announced the termination of his powers after the adoption of a joint statement of the Russian Federation, Azerbaijan and Armenia on a ceasefire.
“Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) is the center of the Armenian statehood, a symbol of the Armenians, and we were obliged to preserve the dignity of the Armenians. Realizing this, we have gone through all the stages of the Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict, sacrificing thousands of lives and suffering from hardships for the sake of this land, for the right to a dignified life on this land. Today, when the leaders of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Artsakh questioned the existence of the Armenians by one conspiratorial decision, and then made false statements about reality, the question arises – who authorized you in a democratic country without the consent of the people, without consultations, to surrender us,” Babayan wrote on your Facebook page.
It should be reminded that Armenia and Azerbaijan, with the mediation of Russia, agreed to end the war in Nagorno-Karabakh from midnight on November 10. After this news, mass disturbances began in Yerevan. Hundreds of protesters took to the streets of the city, shouting curses at the Prime Minister. On the eve of 17 opposition parties in Armenia demanded the voluntary resignation of Pashinyan. If the patriotic forces do not take power in Armenia and the globalist-controlled government led by Pashinyan or Pashinyan-like leader remains in power, the destruction of the Armenian statehood will continue in the coming years. At some moment, this process could become irreversible.
Source: https://southfront.org/treason-and-incompetence-how-soros-trained-armenian-government-lost-karabakh/
The is the Armenian language portion of the blog commentary I have been working on. I wanted to put this out as soon as possible to get the ball rolling, so to speak. The English language portion will be added soon. With the historic elections in Armenia less than two weeks away, I will primarily be discussing how important it is to bring back to power former president Robert Kocharyan, a pro-Russian politician who in the late 1990s saved Armenia and Artsakh from the clutches of Nikol's mentor, Levon Petrosyan.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, we are living in the age of "Democracy", the destructive deity of our times. So, let's see what happens on June 20th. If after all we have seen in the last three years Armenians decide to reelect Nikol, then all I can say is that Armenia is a lost cause. You can save a country from external enemies, however you will never be able to save a country from its destructive people. Armenians have been both a blessing and a curse for Armenia. Let's see which one of the two Armenians shows up this June 20th.
I have also been working on a separate commentary that is essentially a postmortem report on Artsakh. I will hopefully complete it sometime this summer. As always, I am looking forward to your comments both positive and negative, as well as abusive. As always, I have but one favor to ask of those who will be posting their opinion/thoughts or criticisms in the blog's comment section: Please read what I have written in full before you pass any judgements or accuse me of anything. And if you are going to accuse me of something, at least be kind enough to support your claims by specifically referring to my writing.
Arevordi, I thought that Karen Karapetyan would have been a good candidate to lead Armenia instead of Kocharyan. After looking up the amount of seats Kocharyan's new party has in the Parliament right now, I am curious as to how he would be able to seize a lot of seats from Pashinyan. Though given the disaster that was the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War, would it be safe to say that Armenia might need a nationalistic-minded technocracy to rebuild its institutions?
ReplyDeleteFrom what I could predict, Armenia could go the same route as Montenegro, and Pashinyan is reduced to Opposition Leader, with Kocharyan or some other random candidate becoming the new Prime Minister. Just a couple of months ago, Montenegro's elections resulted in the opposition group winning power, though their agenda remained the same: European integration, and keeping their NATO membership.
I think in the end, what Armenia really needs to do in terms of massive reforms, would have been to adopt a similar set of reforms to South Korea. It needs to rebuild its manufacturing capabilities and clean up its act, so to speak. Armenia would also have to attract new talent to help develop its technical abilities, as well as to gradually open its economy to foreign investment without a total takeover by hostile nations like Turkey. These suggestions might sound familiar, because this is also the same kind of thing that my country had to adopt, so that they could be more competitive economically.
Had this been normal times, Robert Kocharyan would NOT have been my first choice mainly because he comes with too much political baggage. A significant portion of Armenian society hates him. While the said hate is absurd/irrational, it nevertheless is there and it needs to be taken into account. Yes, Karen Karapetyan would have been a better leader during normal times. What we have today however are extraordinary times. Karen Karapetyan is a professional technocrat with a very calm, civil personality/demeanor. He will therefore have a lot of difficulties in today's climate. In times like this we need a cunning, strongman with a lot of military and political experience, a man that also has personal ties with the Russian elite. Today, that man is Robert Kocharyan.
DeletePS: Armenia is unfortunately a backward country that relies not on institutions to run it but individuals. That is why the personality, character or demeanor of an official is very important.
Even if Kocharyan could possibly come back to the presidency, is there a provision in the Armenian constitution that imposes term limits on how long a President or a Prime Minister would be allowed to govern? Because that might be an obstacle for Kocharyan to overcome in this case. Western politics in particular, had they continued to go on the same trajectory as they are now, will be dominated by TikTok personalities who will behave in such a manner that would make Pashinyan look like Justin Trudeau or even Joe Biden.
DeletePashinian must go , it is intolerable, treasonous , to maintain a ,nauseating leprous, funeral undertaker in the government leadership. This mangy dog is worse than Talaat; he could be Talaat reincarnated. At least Talaat was honest and frank in his blood soaked intention to wipe out the nation. This syphilitic echoleshek anasun, is disintegrating the nation with a smile. He must go ,one way or another he must be eliminated for political life in the country. The blame also redounds on the leaders of the previous administration. They allowed this animal, imbecile faggot, to operate freely in the political landscape, knowing unerringly of his treacherous and philo turk and antinational proclivities. God save us on the 20th of June, because Armenians will not save themselves. Anonym-Anon
ReplyDeleteWhat transpired during the past 3 years was a script written out beforehand fully in tune with the wider geopolitical (tactical/short term) interests of Moscow. There was no "color revolution" in 2018. Pashinyan in essence was brought to power to put on a circus show of political persecution against "the formers," brought Kocharyan back into the spotlight, and paved the way for his return to power. You can call him western-backed or Soros-funded all you want, but as a practical matter everything Nikol did without exception contributed to a strengthening of Russian influence over Armenia. Not greeting Putin at the airport, and placing the Russian flag upside down, etc.. are all part of the same circus show. If that was to ruin relations with Russia, I wonder what downing their planes, helicopters, murdering their troops and ambassador could lean to...
ReplyDeleteAre you suggesting that the NED, British Council, Soros and a large number of other European and North American organizations all worked to advance Russia's interests in Armenia as well, because they were for a long time behind Nikol and his team? Are you also suggesting that all the pro-Western, pro-Turkish and anti-Russian activists throughout Armenian society, Western funded NGOs, one of the largest US embassy in the world, American University of Armenia, Raffi Hovanissyan, Jirayr Libaridian, Vartan Oskanian, Richard Giragosian, Civilnet, Lragir, Hetq, Sasna Tsrer, Tigran Khzmlyan, Paruyr Hayrikyan, Levon Petrosyan, Stepan Grigoryan, Styopa Safaryan, Boris Muraddyan, Levon Shirinyan, Ararat Mirzoyan, Arman Babajanyan, Daniel Ionisyan, etc., etc., etc.) were all serving a secret, pro-Russian agenda as well, because they prepared Nikol Pashinyan's path to the country's leadership?! The large army of anti-Russian activists, officials and organizations throughout Armenian society, whom I have been warning about for the past 15 years, who were desperately trying break Armenia away from Russia, was just a show put on by the Kremlin?!
DeleteWow! What you are saying about Russians/Kremlin is really-really impressive!
If what you are saying is true, we seriously need to give everything up RIGHT NOW and let Russians take over. If the Kremlin was this masterful, this sophisticated and this amazingly manipulative, and we as a people were this naïve, this incompetent, this illiterate, this impotent, this cowardly and this self-destructive, then Russia deserves to take ALL of Armenia. If Russia wanted Armenia to be under its control SO BADLY that it carried-out one of the MOST successful, most sophisticated covert operations in human history, then Russia deserves ALL of Armenia AND Artsakh.
So, in other words, we lost, Ivan won. Good for him. He deserved it. He obviously is much better than us, he obviously loves Armenia much more than us.
That said, at the end of the day, all you morons have is paranoid speculation and wishful thinking. All you illiterate peasants can do is regurgitate lies and disinformation put out by agents of Western and Turkish influence inside Armenian society. It's people like you that brought the country to its current sad stat of existence. You people disgust me. I have more respect for a Turk or an Azeri than for your kind.
The "duck test" suggests Nikol is a Western, Turkish and/or Israeli agent who deliberately or clumsily maneuvered Armenia into a disastrous situation, and Russia jumped into the mess at the last minute to ensure its strong presence in Armenia and Artsakh. The Kremlin in 2018 knew the general direction Nikol's pro-Turkish/pro-Western government was heading. The Kremlin knew all about the secret meetings taking place between Nikol and his team and Azeris and Turks. The Kremlin therefore planned countermeasures and contingency plans. It used the opportunity to make its role/presence larger in the south Caucasus.
In other words, Moscow did not allow a crisis to go to waste. In other words, it allowed us the rope to hang us with. Today, if President Kocharyan is Moscow's man, Nikol is Moscow's hostage.
I can prove with documentation/article everything I stated. You can't prove your bullshit even if your life depended on it. But moron like you bring up an important question: If what you are suggesting is 100% accurate, namely that Nikol and company are deep-cover Russian agents, and Russia is collaborating with Turkey to take over Armenia, what do you morons suggest we do? Do we take up arms and begin an armed struggle against Azerbaijan, Turkey AND Russia. Isn't that the only logical conclusion to what you are suggesting?
If Russia and Turkey wanted Armenia divided between them, the only thing impotent morons like you can do is sit back and hope Russia takes the biggest piece.
One of the BIGGEST misconceptions among Armenians is that Russia/Russians control EVERYTHING in Armenia. Unfortunately, that is NOT the case. That idea is something Western and Turkish intelligence agencies planted inside our people's empty heads via their activists during the past 30 years. It was done to turn public sentiment in Armenia and in the Diaspora against Russia. The reality is, for the past 30 years Armenia was always one bad event from becoming a Western/Turkish controlled cesspool. The entire political field in the country was saturated/flooded with Western and Turkish agents. While Russians were smart enough to make sure they came to control the important sectors in the country (nuclear power plant, gas/oil distribution, arms supplies, etc.) via their "men" in the country (mainly through the "Karabakh clan" because Yerevan Armenians are mostly gypsy-like trashy people), Armenia's political field and society in general however was saturated/flooded by Western interests, agents and agendas.
DeleteAt worst, Russia can be blamed for not taking Armenia too seriously and therefore not investing enough effort in the country. Perhaps they, not being as wealthy, as developed or as sophisticated as Western powers, had to concentrate on more pressing issues in and around their vast country. I admit the Russian Bear does not have a soft touch, and maybe they shouldn't.
In any case, the past thirty years, and in particular the last three years, have shown that Armenians are NOT ready and NOT worthy for independence. Thank God that there is a Russia in the region to rely on. There would not be a single square foot of Armenia/Artsakh left had Russia not been involved in the region. Thank God Mother Russia is calling. Armenia will go back to her whether your kind like it or not, and it's going back under Russia with or without Nikol. If you have a problem with this, I suggest you go to Armenia and try to do something about it. If not, then shut the fuck up and assimilate as fast as you can in whatever shithole you live in and leave us real Armenians alone. What a bunch of impotent, imbeciles you are. Your kind deserved all the massacres they got...
I'm looking forward to reading the new blog entry. These are dangerous, yet hopeful times for Armenia. The return of President Kocharyan indeed has a sense of inevitability, as though God wills it. History repeats itself: President Kocharyan heroically led the liberation of Martakert, Martuni, and Shushi from a relatively short wartime azeri occupation while aliyev sr. was in charge in baku, and President Kocharyan heroically led the salvation of Armenia from LTP. His close relations with President Putin (God Bless and Protect that man) and the confidence and energy he is radiating leaves me no doubt that he will do the same for Hadrut, Shushi, and save Armenia from the traitorous terrorist pashinyan and his regime.
ReplyDeleteSo here are three pashinyan supporters doing what they do best: making asses of themselves and excuses for the traitor:
These 3 that 1) democracy places the fate of the nation into the hands of the stupidest peasants, and 2) a significant segment of Armenian society is self-destructive peasantry. Or more likely these are drug addicts and/or paid actors and/or "Armenians of partial or full jewish or islamic ancestry.
a few thoughts:
-The twitter user 301_ad is in my opinion not particularly smart (he supported the revolution because like the vast majority of Armos he is emotional and politically/socially undisciplined) but his heart is in the right place, he has a large following, and he is now broadcasting a strong anti pasho message, especially after the great effort he put into covering the war. Recently, he has apparently grown a pair of balls. I feel bad for him, I read the comments under his posts and he gets open death threats from pasho fanatics who point out that it would not be difficult to get to him in Yerevan. He once posted a picture of what he said was a bullet hole in his car. anyway, he does a great job posting clips of my step turanists refusing to call out or condemn turkish / azeri aggression against Armenia. I'd say generally it's a good sign that the tide is generally turning against the pashinyanists
-Kocharyan was never part of any party, the HHK was the majority party after the fall of the Armenian Pan-National Movement and back then it was led by Andranik Margaryan. Margaryan should have been the first Armenian PM to serve a full term (turnover, firings, and resignations were as rampant under LTP as they now are under pasho) but sadly Margaryan died of health issues. The HHK went to absolute shit when Andranik died and Serj took over. Incidentally Kocharyan mentioned Andranik recently as an example of a leader who lived in his Yerevan apartment and rubbed elbows with his neighbors, unlike the freaks in my step. I always thought Kocharyan would be a great leader for the ARF in Armenia; the two are are essentially united now. Under Kocharyan's leadership the ARF has a good opportunity to surge back into the Parliament. The ARF should have been the biggest party in Armenia, they were sabotaged by the turk LTP
-I don't see Bright Armenia or Prosperous Armenia returning to parliament, these are basically one-man parties and will go the way of Arthur Baghdasaryan's Orinants Yerkir, or the parties of Artashes Geghamyan and Vazgen Manukyan. Maybe Tsarukyan can buy enough vote to cross the 5% threshold, but these two parties were non-entities during the war and subsequent crisis
. my step should go the way of the H.H.Sh. or HAK.
-literally every single day aliyev's army is humiliating Armenia. I doubt outside of the urban scum in Yerevan and Gyumri pashinyan has any support.
-I don't think pashinyan will voluntarily give up power. I would not rule out the Army removing him if he tries his usual bullshit, "our" Nikol deserves to go out like Nicolae Ceaușescu
-I assume when Robert takes over, the POWs will be released immediately. Thus ends the short-lived azeri empire
Our old friend Mher Almasian continues his heroic work:
I firmly believe Robert is going to crush the paşinoğlu. What concerns me is that fucking weasel Serj trying to worm his way back into power. "I Have Honor" - yeah right! Serj's bitch wife "coincidentally" died on 20 November 2020, allegedly from COVID. Serj deserves to swing from the gallows next to paşinoğlu and arayik. I pray Robert deals with these lower life forms with an iron fist if (when) they try to weigh down Robert's heroic Armenian Salvation agenda by tacking on their petty turk/west-linked pecuniary interests.
Hope that Kocharyan wins we need his experience and statesmanship.On the other hand relying too much on Russia can be suicidal for Armenia. From Lenin to Stalin and now Putin Russia seems to see Armenians as nothing more than a bargaining chip. Plus countries under Russia never get any kind of prosperity nor any kind of sophistication. Neither in military not in civilian aspects. They simply become poor, fragile vassals. It is obvious that Pashinyan is not a prime class politician but we need to think about the causes which brought him to power. He is the conclusion of the 3 decades long failures of our statehood. I think we need to reevaluate and think deeply about our past mistakes and learn from them and need to build a more solid country.
ReplyDeleteArevordi, I think the site would be better if you didn't allow idiots to post. The above comment basically reads "it would be a bad thing if Armenia joined Russia to limit and manage the Islamist threat in the region that just nearly wiped out Artsakh." Stating that reliance on Russia is "suicidal" for Armenia is just a rephrasing of "I support turkish domination of the region." It's just as senseless as the other monkey who was posting about "there are no real Russians left" or some such nonsense, let these people crawl back to pornhub and stop wasting our time. On the question of Russia v. Turkey, there is no room to maneuver or compromise.
DeleteI read the comments the shills are posting. There is no more credibility left in the "at least we are a democracy and we have free press" argument, because after the corona lockdowns, the persecution of all opposition to his regime, the total surrender of Artsakh and chunks of Syunik and Gegharkunik to azeris, the unprecedented scale and quantity of lies stemming from pashinyan, the utter indifference to the pleas of the population for the military to protect border areas or the regime to demand the return of POWs, the outright mockery and hostility shown by pashinyan towards the people... These hysterical arguments are not selling.
There will always be like 10%-20% of the population that is sick, deranged, suicidal, etc. Ideally such people would be committed to mental institutions, but at the very least they can be marginalized and rendered harmless to society.
What they are now attempting to do is to lump all politicians together, with scripted comments along the lines of "I am against Pashinyan, and also Sargsyan and Kocharyan, they are all traitors." It is extremely easy to counter this, just post a quick reply of "lol Pashinyan lied and sold Artsakh to aliyev, you say that's as bad as some low level official during Kocharyan's govt demanding a $200 bribe." The keyboard warriors are essentially all paid agents, or outright Turk/Azeri/Anglo/Jew provocateurs pretending to be Armenian.
Sevan, Armenia has NO choice in the matter. Armenia has NO alternatives to Russia. Armenia is located in the south Caucasus. Armenia will therefore remain with Russia. And men like Kocharyan are the best candidates to see that through. Keep your fantasies about Armenia and misconceptions about Russia to yourself. The kind of thinking you are expressing has been toxic for Armenia during the past 30 years because it has distracted/discouraged Armenians from concentrating their efforts on gaining maximum benefit from their traditional ties to the Russian Federation. You are therefore actually part of the problem Armenia has. Once you are done with your American Dream, wake up and realize that Russia/Soviets turned a Turkic, Iranian and Islamic desert in the south Caucasus into a modern republic called Armenia, a nation with a highly advanced industrial sector and high culture. Had Ivan and Natasha not come down to the south Caucasus in the early 19th century, you today would be herding goats in eastern Turkey or making koobideh kabobs in northern Iran. You like suburbia, gay parades, manicured lawns and mega malls? Then please stay right where the hell you are. Armenia will stay with Russia. Thank you...
DeleteSarkis, I do not allow most of their posts. You should see some of the comments - batshit crazy people out there. Anyway, I sometimes allow their posts to basically showcase how politically-literate, self-destructive, emotionally-handicapped and short-sighted Armos can be...
I am not anti Russia. I was always pro Rus but they don't show any positive example so far. I see the progress the ones like Poland, Bulgaria and many others made. They were also Warsaw Pact. If we not even get security guarantees then for what iş Russia for? I don't see many besides us and most probably Serbs being too much pro Russia in this world. Turkey was also threatening Greeks till 3 months ago. U.S came. Deployed in 7 locations of Greece. Shares technology, increases Greek Air Force capacity. They lift them with all means.Now Turks try to get along with Greece and even kiss their backs. I see it clearly.
DeleteI expected a stupid response, and I got one!
DeleteForemost, the type of evolution, progress or development a country goes through is a by-product of that particular country's population's genetic/cultural makeup. In other words, Finland is the way it is because of Fins, the Congo is the way it is because of the Congolese, Japan is the way it is because of the Japanese, Armenia is the way it is because of Armenians, et cetera, et cetera. It's all genetic. Also, maybe you are not good with maps, but Bulgaria and Poland are in the middle of Europe and Armenia is still in the middle of the south Caucasus... unless you moved it overnight without telling us. Besides, I do not know where you are getting your information from, but Bulgaria is actually not doing well. There is a lot of unemployment, corruption and criminality in Bulgaria. Why? Because Bulgarians are genetically/culturally more eastern than western. Poland on the other hand is made up of mostly east Baltic and northern European peoples. Perhaps not as much as Germanic peoples, but Poles are also generally speaking patriotic, warlike, civic minded, community oriented, ideologically driven, religious and they are humble and calm in demeanor. Moreover, they do not have uncivilized enemies on their borders. Moreover, their country is on the water. Moreover, their country is bordered by Germany, a economic superpower...
And Armenians in Armenia, off-springs of mostly Anatolian and Middle Eastern peasants, petty merchants and gypsy-like people, are surrounded by what nations? Enough said.
Russians have been perennial losers? Really? Being a superpower for five hundreds years, conquering the largest land mass on earth, defeating massive empires for centuries and coming back from catastrophes even stronger than before means to you that Russians are losers?!?!?! Russia cannot be like America?! Really? GOD FORBID Russia became like America! Unlike America, Russia is surrounded by powerful enemies. Moreover, there 20 million Muslims living right within Russia itself. The moment Russia became like "American", the very next moment Russia would disappear. Is that what you are really wishing for? Besides, if you don't see that your beloved American is turning into a multicultural/multiethnic shithole because of modernity, progress, liberalism, etc., then you must be deaf, dumb and blind. I don't want Russian society to emulate western society. If Russia became a degenerate, multi-cultural theme park like America, it would disappear the very next day, along with Armenia. So, what a stupid-stupid-stupid comment from you.
Regarding your fantasy about Americans protecting Greece: Well, it's even a stupider comment than your previous one. It's so stupid, I can't even properly reply to it. It's obvious you are a clueless moron or just a bad provocateur/troll. It's also obvious that you are a Russophobe. For your sake, I hope you are a teenager. In any case, you have really said enough. I'm not interested in entertaining your sophomoric stupidities. You have nothing of value to add to the discourse here. So, please go hangout with your type in Facebook...
Yes do analysis. We need people like you even If you don't like me much.it is ok. Let motherland be secure I am not in a popularity constest anyways. I think you are somebody smart. Methodology is different. Hope Russia will bring good to Armenia.When almost nobody was following your site I was reading ıt and praising but end result we will see in the next 2 decades.I think Turkey and Azerbaijan will also have severe problems in longterm.
DeleteThank you Arevordi for all you do never stop what you do! Historic times we are living in. Everybody reading this should spread the word to elect Kocharyan. Send emails to everybody you know. You can make a difference. Screw everybody in the west we have stay close to Putin's Russia we have to rebuild our military. Kocharyan For President 2021!
ReplyDeleteStaying on the topic of No Russia in Caucasus = No Armenian in Caucasus, I have recently encountered a new, dangerous trend among anti-nikol Armenians who were former Russophiles, but have now started changing their stance into something along the following lines: "Russia is dead because it didn't protect Armenia, Russia is going to disintegrate in the next decades, Armenia has to look towards Iran-China or salvation, and also work with friendly countries like Greece and Cyprus and be a part of the "Anti-turkish" (not really) alliance". This kind of thinking is being spear-headed by the like of the Adekvad Group, and I am noticing people in my local and virtual entourage swallowing this BS:
This approach is looking appealing to a certain segment of people because 1) the Iran-China option is not pro-Western and 2) it gives the illusion that Armenia has "another option." Here are some of the replies I wrote to these types in private conversations:
"Artur has misunderstood the Russians, just like most Armenians. Russians always wanted the return of the 7 territories, because Russia wants all 3 Caucasus countries in its orbit. We misunderstood that and tried to go against it. Anyone who thinks that Iran-China or Europe will save Armenia is not living in reality.
Armenia's only choice, for better or worst, is Russia. That's the reality.
I am all for developing relations with Iran and China. But there is no "anti-Russian" Iran-China axis. They may not trust each other. But in the picture they have other geopolitical foes and will cooperate together for the foreseeable future.
China sees Armenia as a good trading partner and can develop ties, but they will not enter into a strategic alliance with Armenia the same way Russia has. China doesn't have that interest.
Iran needs Armenia's trade corridor just as much, but will not fight for Armenia if it's attacked.
"Lavrov's Russia" always wanted to put peacekeepers in Artsakh. We opposed it, including you my friend (aimed at the person I'm talking to). So did the Azeris. We shouldn't have opposed it in the first place. But we were stubborn and shortsighted." So they forced their way in but letting us go to suicide via Nikol.
We have no choice but Russia. Iran-China will not provide the same level of alliance. Things are only looking bad now to our eyes because they didn't take our side militarily. I'm all for relations with Iran and China. But they can't and won't substitute Russia.
As for Greece and Cyprus, they will not come to Armenia's aid and can't do much. They represent the EU's "anti-Turkish" side and are used to leverage/control Ankara in the Mediterranean.
It amazes me on how someone like you who supposedly understands geopolitics is now falling into this new made-up psyops. Russia has increased its global presence in the Caucasus, Middle East and North Africa, and yet you're saying Russia is dead. Calling Russia dead will not help. What must it take for you to finally understand that No Russia = No Armenia? You're simply disgruntled because you expected Russia to carpet-bomb Azerbaijan in-spite of Nikol.
No, Russia is on the rise, it will not go anywhere. In the unlikely event that it disintegrates, hope and pray that Armenia has become another Israel (good luck), because Iran and China won't come to our aid.
PS: At the end of the day if you do want more allies, start become a self-respecting nation and prove that you have something of value to contribute. You can't just rely on other countries being "anti-Turkish" to come save you."
You wrote an excellent reply to the idiots.
DeleteAnother fundamental element in the Russophobic disinformation/propaganda Western agents are putting out is that Russia "allowed" Turks into the south Caucasus and Russia is "abandoning" the south Caucasus along with Armenia to Turks. Why? They claim, because Russia now has more important bases in Syria and the Crimea...
This is all really-really crazy stuff. But Armenians, even the seemingly intelligent ones among us, are eating it all up, at least on a subconscious level. Does it really take a lot of intelligence to realize that Turks have been operating inside Azerbaijan since 1991? It was us that turned Artsakh in a magnet that pulled Turks further into the region. Had Russian forces been deployed in Artsakh, we would not have had the war, or the war would not have ended the way it did. Does it really take a lot of intelligence to realize that today Russia is more powerful in the south Caucasus (and in the Middle East and in the Black Sea region) than at any time during the past 30 years?
Technically or officially, Russia today has military bases in Armenia, Georgia and now in Azerbaijan. As you correctly pointed out, we did not want them in Artsakh - although we should have wanted them in Artsakh and we should have done everything possible to get them into Artsakh - they therefore forced their way into Artsakh.
All I can say is, good for them. Brilliant execution of realpolitik.
Our inability to properly assess, forecast, analyze, understand geopolitical matters is why I say we are a bunch of politically-illiterate, emotionally-handicapped, self-destructive and shortsighted peasants. We admire Jews, but we love to act like Arabs and Kurds. This is why instead of being players, we always get played.
That Russia will disintegrate, that Russia will fall into nationwide riots, that Putin is finished, etc., etc., are also disinformation or rather psyops being put out by the likes of CFR and British Council. Example, listen to Gary Kasparov's lectures/interviews about Russia/Putin. This kind of rhetoric is being picked up by the said organization's servants. You will see the same talking points when you listen to subversive groups like the Sasna Tsrer and Lragir, and individuals like Stepan Grigoryan, Arman Babajanyan, Levon Shirinyan, etc. You will even hear similar things among well-meaning but politically-illiterate and emotionally-handicapped "burjhamood" Dashnaks.
The people at Adekvat are good for the most part. But, they are still Armenian, they will therefore still have serious emotional limitations that will cloud their reasoning.
Anti-Russian psyops campaign is so prevalent in Armenian society that you can even hear it from pro-Russian individuals. One particular person I know in Yerevan is in a state of panic. He thinks Russia going to fall apart in the next few years and Armenia will be doomed as a result. He keeps asking me, "what are we going to do when that happens?!" Another example is political expert Armen Ayvazyan. As we all know, he is intelligent, patriotic and somewhat pro-Russian. I remember him giving an interview in the spring of 2020, where he predicted that Russia would begin suffering serious problems in October, 2020. His fear was that Russia may not be around to help Armenia. The strange/funny part was, when he was making his dire predictions regarding Russia it was America that was actually going up in flames from coast to coast. And the serious problem that came in October, came to Artsakh...
In any case, this is exactly what the Western psyops campaign is designed to do: Spread fear, despair, hopelessness and suspicion about Russia. They want you and I not to work on getting closer to Russia, so that they can have an easier time manipulating and exploiting the political situation in our homeland. It's that simple. And because Armenians are genetically predisposed to be politically-illiterate, self-destructive, emotionally-handicapped and shortsighted, they are succeeding in planting poisons in our people's minds. In any case, regardless of what Armenians or anybody else thinks, the long process of Pax Russica in the south Caucasus has finally started. There will naturally be some problems and complications along the way. And this is why we need an experienced, capable and pro-Russian government in Yerevan. This is why we need Kocharyan in power again. There is therefore a glimmer of hope in the end of the dark tunnel...
DeleteI admit I had my doubts in the past but what you say has generally been on point. Please continue writing Arevordi,you have my full support and I speak for others also.
ReplyDeleteImpressive work arevordi. Good to have you back in form.
ReplyDeleteBeen trying to convince my relatives to vote for Kocharyan but still a lot of zombies. People are not what they used to be. Lets see what happens in one week.
Pashinoglu openly discussing his pedophilia
Dear Arevordi,
ReplyDeleteFirst I want to say thank you for your service. I am happy your voice exists. Your style of political commentary has no parallel that I know. I used to get upset when you over criticized our people but that last few years I began understanding you better. Yes Kocharyan needs to take power but our problems is lot bigger than Kocharyan can cure. We are too naive arrogant proud materialistic. We need to improve ourselves. We need to improve our street. I am sure you agree. Communist ideology and later capitalism and liberalism destroyed Armenian society. We have to reeducate our people but first things first Kocharyan has to come to power.
The last and final section was added to the blog commentary. Please read it and if you approve of it, share this page with family and friends. This is a battle between good and evil, between life and death. We cannot allow Bel to defeat Hayk this time around. We need to get rid of Nikol's pro-Western and pro-Turkish regime. The last three years proved toxic for Armenia. The country needs to cleanse itself and start anew. Former president Robert Kocharyan is the only viable option we have today in that regard. Kocharyan needs to get elected on June 20th. If you are eligible to vote in the election, please vote for Kocharyan. If you are not, please encourage those who are to vote for Kocharyan. Please get the word out. Armenia's future is at stake. Vote Kocharyan!
ReplyDeleteԱռաջին օրվանից զգուշացնում էի Նիկոլի և նրա դեգեներատների մասին: Առաջին օրվանից զգուշացնում էի, որ երկիրը պատմական աղետի ճանապարհի վրա է: Լսող չկար: Ոչ ինչ, մեղքը և հինգ հազար հոգու արյուն ձեր խղճին է: Այս պահին, ինձ չի հետաքրքրում ով ում օգտին է քվեարկել 2018-ին: Հունիսի 20-ը Հայաստանի համար նոր սկիզբ կարող է լինել: Կարևորը դա է այսօր: Հունիսի 20-ին մենք հնարավորություն ենք ունենալու ձերբազատվելու անցյալ երեք տարվա Նիկոլ կոչված պատմական չարիքից: Այն ինչ որ որոշվելու է հունիսի 20-ին, ամենայն հավանականությամբ որոշելու է երկրի ապագան և ճակատագիրը: Մեզ «ժողովրդավարություն» և «բաց հասարակություն» պետք չի: Մեզ ավտորիտար առաջնորդ է պետք: Մեզ հայրենասեր թագավոր է պետք: Մի թողեք Բելը այս անգամ հաղտի Հայկին: Հետեւաբար, քվեարկեք մեր դասական տեսակի օգտին։ Քվեարկեք հայրենասերության օգտին: Քվեարկեք մեր պետականության օգտին: Քվեարկեք ռուս-հայկական բարեկամության օգտին: Քվեարկըք այս հունիսի 20-ին Ռոբերտ Քոչարյանի օգտին:
Hi Arevordi hope you are well,
ReplyDeleteI think the situation Armenia is in is a product of the bad hand we have been dealt as a country. Lack of resources , bad geopolitics and being the smallest and the weakest country in the region. I think Nikol has failed in many major tests like the Second Karabakh war and COVID-19. However my thoughts are if a war happened under Sargasyan would the result have been different? I mean the reason why the country is in the situation of having snap elections is because we lost the war. We lost the war because of technological gaps and manpower disadvantages. If we strip the question of the war down to military logic , it's very clear why we lost the war. Lack of air cover and a lack of an air force . The fall (Sept-Nov) was very painful because had the army been better equipped we would have had fewer losses. However I do fear what will happen if the Russian peacekeepers are forced out. I just hope Russia has the leverage to keep it's soldiers there and keep it a presence to buy us time . However the situation won't significantly improve in Artaskh even if Kocharyan comes to power , because to change the situation in our favour we need a more advantageuos military balance.
However , security is not the only issue on the cards , COVID and the economy are too. The Dram is not doing too well and there needs to be stabilization of the currency to avoid inflation . The unemployement is still very high . However economy and security to some degree are linked especially in the areas bordering Azerbaijan like the Sotk gold mine.
I am lost for words. There is no coming out of the shit pile Armenian stuck in. We have no one else to blame for this but our bosha selves. There are Armenians in Goris and Kapan who gave their votes to that inbred alcoholic. I am not stepping a foot in Armenia while turks rule.
Pashynian must hanged, and his gang of treason dogs castigated. Serge should also be arrested and charged for having permitted the hijacking of the government by the cancerous street dog, and also for allowing the constitutional order to be violated by mobsters and thuggish threats. violated the constitutional order. Clean the Augean stables , cleanse the polluted political climate. Anon
ReplyDeleteI was holding my tongue because I didnt want to jinx it. Cant believe it. Supporting Pashinoglu before 2018 ok I get it but supporting him now is just insanity. I really dont get it. What is wrong with our people?
ReplyDeleteCan't say I'm surprised. We deserve everything coming to us and then some. A people this suicidal does not deserve sympathy anymore. Going to be different from now on.
ReplyDeleteAs I mentioned the last time, the Gates of Hell are opened and ‘our’ people are rejoicing. Dear Arevordi - I advise you to start (if you have not done already) disengaging from Armenia and Armenians, spend the remaining years of your life with your friends and family. All our efforts were futile. Don’t rejoice in the few who say you’ve done them a service; as for me, you both saved and fucked up my life. Oh what I would have done to be ignorant! Stay well my friend.
ReplyDeleteI don't agree with you. I know you are angry. I am also very angry. Yes, things are bad. Yes, Nikol and his followers are repulsive. This is not where we wanted to see Armenia 30 years after independence. But none of this give us the right to disengage from the homeland, that is if we see ourselves as patriots and we still think of Armenia as our homeland. We have the country we have. It's not the country of our dreams but it's ours. We all have to do our part to make it better. It was never going to be an easy ride, not in a place like the south Caucasus, not with a people like Armenians. My advice is, take a break from all this but don't give up hope. Don't turn your back on Armenia. Things will eventually get better. Nikol will be ousted. Better political forces will come to power in Yerevan. Artsakh may recover Hadrut and Shushi and join the Russian Federation in some form. Armenia will stabilize again. Besides, I am pretty sure the country you live in is not doing much better politically or culturally. If however you no longer see Armenia as your homeland then there is nothing else to say I guess.
DeleteI did not understand that last part of your comment. Please explain.
It was meant to be sarcastic. You’ve opened the eyes of many here, and all these years we’ve learned a lot through our discussions about the true nature of our people, politics, etc.
DeleteIf we were ignorant we wouldn’t feel so destroyed - and would have pleasantly fulfilled our duties by waving the flag once a year on the 24th of April.
Reminds me of the (seemingly happy) Armenian man we met who just recently discovered there was such a region as Karabakh and that in the 90s we’d fought a war for it. As they say, Ignorance is Bliss.
Understood. Now, please rethink your patriotism and your commitment to your homeland. At an elemental level, the reason we are where we are today is because throughout our history good Armenians like yourself decided to abandon the homeland when things got difficult. If you see yourself as an Armenian and your homeland as Armenia, your main goal in life should not only be "to spend the remaining years of your life with your friends and family" and that, in a degenerate Western society.
DeleteLet me ask you a question: Do you know how you can tell who your real friends are? By those who rush to be next to you in times of need and not those who only show up in times of parties. Similarly, Armenia needs its real sons and daughters on dark days like this, not on days when everything is good and all you think about doing is showing off your designer clothing in Yerevan.
In any case, all is not lost. Today, Armenians from all sides of the political spectrum (including Nikol's team) sees Russia as the alpha and omega of Armenia. Unexpectedly, Kocharyan and his team is a major political force in the country today. Therefore, no, as bad as it all feels/seems, our efforts were not futile. Yes, we lost Artsakh. It did not have to be this way had we been a mature, farsighted people. But what is done, is done. We as a people proved we did not deserve Artsakh. At least its in safe hands with Russia. Going forward, there is light at the end of the tunnel. If the matter regarding the southern trade corridor is handled properly, Armenia and Russia and Iran stand to gain great benefits from it. We will have Pax Russica in the southern Caucasus sooner or later, one way or another.
Anyway, remember the great German philosophers words: That which does not kill, makes you stronger.
At the end of the day, the people got exactly what they wanted. They bear full responsibility for what comes ahead. My conscience is clear.
ReplyDeleteI said a few months ago I have no hope on the Armenian collective. Unfortunately, I was proven right.
The opposition did a mistake agreeing to snap elections. I even doubt this was a deal, but I have no proof.
Our kind must not give up however. Disengaging from Armenia and Armenians is exactly what our internal and external enemies want. Our struggle is long and eternal. It's time to re-evaluate our steps and move ahead. We have to be closer to Armenia more than ever. We have a lot of work to do. I recognize that many of you are in despair and apathy now and think that those words mean nothing. I'm merely expressing what I honestly think. Giving up is not the solution. It makes things worse.
Yes, the path we chose is not the easiest, nor is the most grateful one. But if we throw the towel now, we're completely doomed.
My tip to you: start educating yourself, live a healthy lifestyle and aspire to become the strongest version of yourself. Next, start influencing your friends, family and circle. It starts with those little things. Finally, find yourself some sort of a physical connection with Armenia, as difficult as it is.
The fight goes on...
Many Armenians know the name Mkhitar Sparapet. Mkhitar Sparapet was a great military leader that helped the great David Bek defeat Persian and Turkish forces in Zangezur and Artsakh during the early 18th century. Mkhitar Sparapet was one of the courageous individuals at the time that set the foundations of Armenian statehood. It was essentially because of men like him that the Russian Empire decided to invade the southern Caucasus, which eventually led to Armenia's resurrection. In a sense, modern Armenian history starts with Mkhitar Sparapet and David Bek. There was a well known Soviet era movie made about Mkhitar Sparapet. Excellent film.
ReplyDeleteHere is a link to it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd9t3a_itUU
Oddly enough, however, what many Armenians do not know about Mkhitar Sparapet is the circumstances of his death. Not even the said Soviet produced film dares to talk about it. So, let me tell you how our great military commander who set the foundations of modern Armenian statehood, died. In 1730, Armenian peasants from the village of Khndzoresk ambushed Mkhitar Sparapet while he was passing by the village and murdered him. They then cut off his head and took it to the Turkish Pasha in Tabriz as a peace offering. Why was a great military leader and a heroic man like Mkhitar Sparapet killed and treated this way? The motivation behind his killing was simple: Our peasants wanted a peaceful life under Turks, Tatars, Persian, etc, instead of fighting for independence, honor, dignity, patriotism, etc. In other words, there was too much hardship associated with what essentially mounted to nation-building at the time. According to legend, the murderers of Mkhitar Sparapet were executed for their crime by the order of the Turkish Pasha they were trying so hard to impress. The moral of this story is tow fold: A nation can survive its external enemies, but it can't survive its internal enemies. Armenians have always been Armenia's worst enemy.
Although I was quietly hoping for a Kocharyan surprise, I expected today's result ultimately because I know my people. There most probably was significant amount of fraud in the vote count that gave Nikol a large majority in the parliament. That said, I have no doubt that Nikol still got more votes than former president Robert Kocharyan. So, from now on, never underestimate our people's amazing ability to self-destruct. What we are seeing is at a minimum, a two thousand year old story that keeps repeating. The most surprising part is that we are surprised every time it repeats. Today, finally, I can in good conscious say we deserved every single death, every single maimed and every single town or village lost during the last war. In my opinion, the second Artsakh war did not end on November 9, 2020, it ended today, June 21, 2021. Today, we proudly authored yet another black page in our history.
DeleteHate and jealousy towards the "Karabakh Clan" and rejection of Artsakh as being part of Armenia were the main motivational factors contributing to Nikol's victory.
A majority of Armenia's voters are rejoicing today that they are swimming in their excrement simply because the Robert Kocharyan was defeated and NOT because they believe they will have better lives under Nikol. The ONLY thing that matters to the Armenian Street is that "Robik" and "Serjik" have been defeated. That's all! Things like Artsakh, Syunik, borders, security, defense, Turkish encroachment, Russia-Armenia relations, failing economy, rising prices, etc., are all of secondary importance to them. What matters is that the "Karabakh Clan" was defeated and the 30 year old headache known as Artsakh no longer exists. For these people, Artsakh is thankfully Russia's headache now.
As such, Nikol is now officially the god of Armenia's choban, gypsy-like, spineless degenerates. The Armenian Street murdered and beheaded Artsakh, and today it gifted Artsakh's severed head to Aliyev and Edrogan so that they may open their borders with Armenia so that our peasantry could buy more American cigarettes and German cars. This is exactly what a large percentage of Armenians wanted since 1994, and earlier. Anyway, let no one despair, at the end of the day, this is exactly what "democracy" and "people power" is all about.
To recap, the following are two main factors that led to Nikol's victory:
1) Generally speaking, the population in Armenia is uneducated and backward, and many also suffer from emotional/mental problems. Armenians do not understand or appreciate statehood because for the typical Armenian, homeland is where you make good money and live the good life.
2) A significant portion of Armenia's society never wanted anything to do with Artsakh. Not only that, significant portion of Armenian society saw Artsakh as the reason for all their misery going back 30 years.
This is a reality that I have been talking about for a very long time but no one wanted to listen. This anti-Artsakh sentiment among the population in Armenia was a huge factor in what has been happening in the country during the past three years. Nikol therefore saved Armenia from the Artsakh conundrum and now Nikol will open up Armenia for economic trade with Turkey and Azerbaijan. This in a nutshell is why Nikol continues to enjoy popularity.
From a geopolitical angle: This election was not a vote for or against Russia. Both sides, Nikol and former president Kocharyan are for closer ties to Russia. However, in the eyes of the Kremlin, both men are not created equal. While Kocharyan is Putin's friend, Nikol is Putin's hostage. Since the disastrous war, all major political parties have been competing over who can best kiss Ivan's ass. Therefore, Russia won regardless of who won the election.
DeleteWe could have put into power someone with close ties to Moscow in order to try to improve our situation both in Armenia and Artsakh. Imagine if we as a people had the collective maturity to put into power a team comprising of individuals like Robert Kocharyan, Karen Karapetyan, Ara Abrahamyan and Vazgen Manukyan. Of course not. That didn't even cross our minds. What we did instead is put into power a mentally unstable, pro-Turkish street activist who is now essentially a hostage to the Kremlin. We put into power Western financed activists that were only several years ago burning Russian flags in front of the Russian embassy in Yerevan - in a country nonetheless that is desperately dependent on Russia for survival. This is Armenian style politics.
Look at it this way: We had a good chance to stand next to Russia with Kocharyan, but we chose to lie under Russians with Nikol.
I don't think Russians have any problems with that. When a nation is determined to self-destruct there is nothing you can do but watch. As far as Moscow is concerned, as long as Armenia maintains its military alliance with Russia (which it will because it has no choice in the matter despite what some lunatics think), Moscow could careless about Armenia's internal/sociopolitical/cultural health, nor should it. Armenia is our responsibility. If we want to be "independent", it's our job to clean house and build a nation, not Russia's. If we want Russia to protect us militarily, and develop Armenia economically and directly get involved in Armenia's domestic politics, then what's the point of our independence?
Anyway, what happened today is not a doomsday situation.
Moscow will still maintain its strategic ties to Yerevan despite what it thinks about Nikol. Moscow will still protect Armenia (and what remains of Artsakh) from regional predators for pure, geostrategic reasons. However, the bad news is, with this government in power, Armenian interests with regards to Artsakh, the southern trade corridor, genocide compensation, etc., will not be taken seriously by Moscow or anyone else for that matter. After all, Nikol's regime is all about giving into the region's powers so that Armenia would be allowed to play with them. They never hid this from the public. As noted above, it could have been a different political dynamic had we cleaned house put into power a pro-Russian government. Obviously, that did not happen.
Going forward, Armenia will therefore follow orders from Ankara, Baku and Moscow.
The ONLY good thing that came out of this embarrassing election is that Robert Kocharyan now has a significant presence in Armenia's parliament. The man went from being a nobody in Armenia's political system to a major force. The man came out of Nikol's prison system and ran a very impressive campaign. Large number of the country's healthy citizenry responded positively. Consequently, Nikol no longer has the total control or the political mandate he previously held. The dynamic in Armenia's domestic politics has therefore changed for the better. That is the good news.
This is not a mood to support. I understand all of yours frustration. I am also but I think regional peace will come for a while based on trade. Of course won't be eternal but yes this puzzle of events will lead to that way. Don't be so much demoralized. Kocharyan will be head of the opposition now. Politicians will come and go. We need a more instutionalized statehood so whoever comes will follow certain unwritten rules. We need to prosper now and not think about loss of the last war. Russians will manage Artsakh with the cooperation of local authorities. Let them manage. Turkey and Azerbaijan also won't stay like this forever. The winds of change which came to Armenia will also reach Azerbaijan one day. No people can eternally be deprived of rights in a country with oil and gas and just a family and its entourage benefiting from it. We have seen much worse times than this and we survived. We need to be smart and keep a low profile now. Work needs to be done behind the scenes. The only thing we can't afford now is too much internal polarization. Rest will be solved with time.
DeletePerhaps the Golden Calf is a big part of the problem. In the US, a large percentage of the public tolerated all kinds of bad things for decades as there was sufficient bread and circuses. The American Dream. In some parts of the world, it was a desire for a higher living standard that dominated the thoughts of the masses, not building a nation. Successful countries, such as China, had rising living standards, and thus relative stability. Even countries with great improvements, such as Thailand, have been on the edge of disaster because the rich and powerful have treated the north and northeast of the country in such a way that a large percentage of the population have supported the West's color revolution tactics. It is unrealistic to expect a country with as many problems as Armenia to avoid a color revolution. It would have required a serious investment of Moscow in building alternatives. The locals have simply not been up to the task. And you cannot really blame Moscow for not wanting the headache.
DeleteOne of the few positives in the situation is that alcoholics have to hit bottom to come to Jesus. Lose their job, family, friends, and health. Then they can change. A few more years of the current leadership, and more people will look into the mirror and decide they have to fix things and not look for outside saviors. But it is hard. Look at all the Americans still imagining that Trump is going to save them on a white horse.
Armenia needed a technocratic coalition government straight after the war. But Nikol held onto power and a snap election was the only choice. The problem with Armenia is that it has the wrong political and most importantly economic model. Because right now Armenia needs to recover . We lost a war , COVID hit Armenia hard , our economy is exhausted and our border is poorly protected and the demarcation line is unclear. Hence it is not the time for political games. Now is the time for stability and developement.
DeleteAll the major powers like Russia, U.S, EU and China congratulated Armenia on the election result. We will have several high ranking visits in the coming weeks. If we keep stability inside the country no major calamity can reach us. We have to favour Russia but also keep good ties to the West. After Covid trade will boom, we need to find ways to get more prosperity. We are a small country and not build for longterm war neither in population nor in ressources. We need to prosper and sophisticate.
DeleteOn Kocharyan I want to emphasize that I always admired him and saw him as somebody with charisma.He was always for me a hero and a handsome guy with knowledge and skills. If I was living in Armenia I would have voted for him. I remember how Turks or Azeris disliked him much and were doing anti propaganda about him in the 1990s. However my perception is not shared by most of the Hayasdansis that I met in my lifetime. Some saw him as a foreigner, some even showed dislike of Kocharyan and Artsakh people claiming that they brought poverty to the country while making themselves rich. Some were accusing him of ordering the killings of Vazgen Sargsyan, Karen Demirchyan in the parliament attack of 1999 etc. Maybe ıt would have been better If opposition had a fresh and younger candidate. Kocharyan needs to be in the parliament at this point. Dashinq came as 2nd and they will be the major opposition to Nikol. They need to show skills and check the government. They need to be active and win people's hearts and work for the sake of the homeland. My biggest fear is extreme polarization turned to violence. The political forces there may dislike eachother but there could still be topics they can talk and even agree. If that doesn't happen and we have chaos then I am fearing that Azeris and Turks will be full of joy. Many even wish that at this point so we will be busy with ourselves and they can impose more terms on us. We need to be smarter and unite in crucial matters.
Արցախի պատերազմը հունիսի 21-ին ավարտվեց: Մեր պատմական պարտությունը հունիսի 21-ին պաշտոնապես կնքվեց: Հունիսի 21-ին մենք լիովին արժանացանք մեր 5000 զոհերին և Արցախի կորուստին: Հունիսի 21-ին մենք այլևս չունենք իրավունքը որեվե այլ ժողովուրդի - լինի դա ռուս, ամերիկացի կամ թուրք - մեղադրելու մեր ողորմելի վիճակի համար: Հունիսի 21-ին մենք իրոք դարձանք մեր երկրի դժբախտության և ողբերգության տերերը: Հունիսի 21-ին մենք նաեւ տեսանք ինչ է իրականում նշանակում «ժողովրդավարություն/դեմոկրատիա»: Ժողովուրթին նախ հիմարացնել և այլասերել, հետո էլ նախիրի նման քշել մարդկանց ուր որ ուզեն: Կամ էլ̕՝ հասարակության ամենացածր խավին (ովքեր մեծ թիվ են կազմում ցանկացած երկրում) տալ քաղաքական ուժ և եռանդ, որից հետո նույնպես նախիրի նման քշեն նրանց ուր որ ուզեն: Ասում են, մեկ սերունդ է պետք որ ցանկացած երկիր զավթվի կամ ընկնի այս եղանակներով: Հենց դրա համար էլ Նիկոլին և իր դեգեներատներին 30 տարի տևեց (այսինքն մեկ սերունդ) մինչև իշխանության գլխին հասան, իհարկե ժողովրդի, այսինքն արդեն նախիր դարձածների կամքով: 1988-ին Նիկոլի նմանը երբեք չեր կարող ընդունվել ժողովրդի կողմից: Այդ ժամանակներին մարդիկ իրոք տարբեր էին: Հետխորհրդային Հայաստանում այսօր, Նիկոլի նման մի փողոցային սրիկան կարող է ժողովրդի աչքին աստված երեվա: Մի խոսքով՝ ազգի մակարդակը շատ է ընկել վերջին 30 տարիներին ու հունիսի 21-ի ընտրությունների արդյունքները ցույց տվեցին որ այդ անկումը շարունակվելու է:
ReplyDeleteԱյնուամենայնիվ՝ ամեն ինչ կորած չէ: Այսօր Ռուսաստանը մեծ դեր է խաղում Հայաստանում և տարածաշրջանում: Այսօր Քոչարյանը երկրում բավական մեծ քաղաքական ուժ է դարձել: Իսկապես անսպասելի իրադարձություն եր: Ընտրություններից ընդամենը մի ամիս առաջ գոյություն չուներ երկրի քաղաքականության մեջ: Ունեցավ կատարյալ ընտրարշավ: Մարդիկ արձագանքեցին: Երկրի պիտանի/առողջ քաղաքացիների շնորհիվ նա արդեն մեծ դեր ունի խաղալու երկրի քաղաքական կյանքում: Երեւում է ամեն ինչ կորած չէ...
We lost a war , COVID hit Armenia hard , our economy is exhausted and our border is poorly protected and the demarcation line is unclear, and the criminal traitor Nikol kaknoz is still in power, instead of dangling from a tight rope in the gallows. Tolerating criminal traitors in your bosom is outright nefarious and unacceptable, not keeping with the standards of a developed nation. A travelling circus studded with civil criminals ,thugs and larcenous thieves headed by a wild dog is running the country. We have become a geographical spot,malleable patty under the sway of turkey/azerbaijan. We are a nothing, as a nation, as a people, as a race. Our 3000 history pedigree ended on November 2020. Anon
ReplyDeleteԻշխանությունը կարող է դիմել նորանոր դավաճանական քայլերի, պետք է պայքարել դրա դեմ. Արմեն Այվազյան
I don't agree with everything Ayvazyan says, but nevertheless it is always a breath of fresh air listening to him.
I think he gives a little too much credit to the average Armenian people. But, on the other hand, I agree with him that it was mainly the political/intellectual elite's responsibility during these 30 years to educate Armenians and defend Armenia's national interests, which weren't done to their full potential.
I also agree with him that our issue was not only Nikol. Nikol was merely the stage 4 side-effect of our national illness.
I also agree that one of the potential reasons why half of the Armenian population doesn't support any politician (as we saw with the elections) is because they don't see a leader capable of truly defending Armenian national interests.
Regarding what he said about Russia, I think he is a little too paranoid into thinking Russia's aim is to shut down Armenian schools and turn us into an Abkhazia. I was hoping he would've mentioned on how Armenia failed to prove it can be a trustworthy of an ally...
PS: usually I like this young reporter's interviews, but he was very aggressive in this one and it was almost as if he was debating with Ayvazyan, rather than interviewing
Armen Ayvazyan has been going down hill recently. I think his time has passed. He no longer makes sense. He is becoming a waste of time. His rhetoric is too arrogant, too cocky, too proud and too nationalistic. He pretends he does not see the sad reality that is all around him. He is also drifting into Russophobia. Consider that he makes his living at least in part by soliciting money from patriotic diasporan types. He therefore has to play the "nationalist" role to maintain the money flow. I am sure that deep in his heart he knows that in a region where Russians, Turks, Iranians and Islamists dominate, Armenians are mice. Once he told me he did not want Armenia to open its orders with Turkey because he said: "don't you know our people, once we open our borders, they'll be saying look how wonderful (ոսկի տղերք) Turks are, Turks will take over everything".
DeleteSo, Armen knows very well how trashy the "Armenian Street" is. He therefore needs to stop his bullshit. The young reporter was most probably aware, or was made aware, of what I am saying about Armen. That is why he acted the way he did.
In any case, a process has started in Armenia that will make individuals like Armen irrelevant and even perhaps problematic. Whether Armen or any other "nationalist" likes it or not, Armenia is going back to Mother Russian. It's only a matter of time now. This will happen sooner than later. Nikol inadvertently started the process. Nikol, Levon's acolyte, thought he was being a brilliant leader by engaging with Turks, Azeris, Westerners and Russians in order to solve the Artsakh dispute according to the wishes of the "international community". In the process, we suffered a historic tragedy. Simply put: Moscow did not let a crisis to go to waste. Consequently, Armenia crossed the threshold and is now headed back to Mother Russia. Our nationalists can cry a river and it won't change a thing.
Before some idiot brings it up, no, Nikol is NOT a Russian agent. Stop listening to our professional Russophobes and the morons that follow them.
Just like how Saakashvili and Elchibey were not Russian agents, Nikol is not an Russian agent either. Just like how Saakashvili and Elchibey crossed the Kremlin's red line and ended up making Russia stronger, so did Nikol. Nikol is just a mentally ill, degenerate that was expertly exploited and manipulated by by Russians, as well as Westerners, Turks and Azeris. Nikol and company maneuvered Armenia in a position where it is now 1000% dependent on Russia for survival. In the process, Azeris also got a lot of what they wanted. In short: Everybody made out well, except our peasantry.
Political illiteracy has a high cost. We paid it. Considering how stupid and trashy Armenians are, it was fully deserved.
One more time: Kocharyan is Putin's friend. Nikol is Putin's hostage. The plan that Russia has in store for Armenia, perhaps its better that there is a hostage in power instead of a friend. In the next year or so, Armenia's Soviet era borders will be resurrected with some modifications. Also, Russians, Turks, Azeris and Iranians will try to create a trade route in southern Armenia. From Moscow's perspective, it's better that a mentally ill degenerate remains in power in Yerevan a bit longer.
Like I have been saying, God bless democracy!
We had a chance to willingly stand next to Russia with Kocharyan, we chose to lie under Russia instead. Russians have no problems with that. With Nikol still in power, Moscow will be forcing Yerevan to do unpleasant things, and they won't be using any Vaseline in the process either. This won't be the first time we are in this situation. I guess Armenians love to get screwed the hard way. It's got to be genetic...
If Armenia failed to be a trustworthy ally as some say then Russia has no allies. Knowing the world a bit I can say that besides Armenians and Serbs and we can add to that list Belarussians and pro Assad Alawites and Christians in Syria, Russians are among the top of disliked nations on earth. Let it be Slavs like Czechs, Croats, Polish or even Orthodox nations like Ukrainians or Georgians and even Greeks mistrust them now besides being the basics of Russia's spiritual and cultural roots. Circassians hate them most of Islam hates them. I don't think that Chechens praise them much in their hearts despite being under Kadyrov now. I can give dozens of other examples. Russia has little to offer in a global world. Even China has more or Japan or South Korea or Germany.
DeleteIf Russians don't want Armenians then let it be divorce with consent. Let them take Azeris and Turks if they can and they also mostly hate them.Would be glad to be with Americans.At least we can learn something from them. If Dollar flows to tiny Armenia standards will rise very quickly. Even Romania with a million gypsies has 10.000 USD per capita today.The protection Russia gives to Armenia can also be provided with the U.S. Turkey can do nothing if U.S shows a bit of teeth.Turks shot down Russian SU 24 plane and even killed their pilots with the sounds of Allahuakbar. Let me see how they shoot down something related to America if they can ever dare of course:) Americans have more tools to suffocate a country than Russians can only imagine.Russians could not even eliminate Saakashvili but we all remember Saddam who was the King of the Mid East when I was a kid.They can make a country doomed and hungry forever.One example is Venezuela with world's no 1 oil and huge gold reserves. People can not even find diapers for babies or funny little civilian stuff there. It is not Americans running after Russians but it is always the opposite.It is always Russians asking for more understanding from the West or America as we even see on RT or Sputnik etc.
Arevordi, I agree with your point about how Armenia would not have let this catastrophe happen 30 years ago. A nation of strong men are held accountable.
ReplyDeleteNikol, a self-professed child molestor, is the embodiment and fulfillment of western degeneracy.
One should question the role of traditional Diasporan organizations, like the AGBU, which continually pushes a feminist agenda in Armenia. Feminism, as it stands now, is code for LGBTQ, beta-men, and other abominations to the natural order of things
And to all Armenians out there that keep saying "things will be ok," and "trust the process," it is your lack of outrage that perpetuates Armenia's misery. It is that beta-male attitude that keeps nations moving forward.
Armenia elections give Pashinyan landslide win. Deeper ties with Russia promised
Pretty good discussion about Armenia by the Cyprus-based, political news site. The talk touches upon Nikol's transformation or rather metamorphosis from a Western financed anti-Russian activist to an official who is now diligently dancing to the every tune coming out of Moscow. They accurately conclude that Armenia has fallen totally dependent on Russia for survival as a result of Nikol's miscalculations during the last war and that President Putin prefers to see Nikol in power, at least for now, because Nikol's government has no choice but to agree to every Russian demand. Everyone should listen to this interview to get a good understand of Russian-style realpolitik as well as some advice to us politically-illiterate, short-sighted and emotionally-handicapped Armenians...
DeleteI tend to agree with Chansons. Trusting in the same process that brought us this disaster is pathetic. Nothing short of the "Gevork Chavush treatment" is what is required to reboot the system. To remind what that means, any traitor that was found collaborating with the Turks would be rounded up in their houses, together with all their descendants and they would be summarily executed as punishment. In our case, that starts with the grand-daddy of them all - LTP. He has tried his best to distance himself from nikol for political purposes but everyone knows nikol is his creation who achieved what he couldn't. The one eyed bastard who has been deeply embedded with british and turkish intellegence since the beginning of independence is also the creator of the the chasm that began in Armenian society between Hayastantsis and Karabaghtshis. And I believe he had a hand not only in the March 1 deaths, but also the October 27 massacre that left Armenian without a united patriotic political-military leadership. I don't believe the theory that the Russians did it. And to rub salt in the wound, the evil bastard also did his best to prevent Kocharyan from winning in these last elections too and is ultimately responsible for spreading the lies around Kocharyan in the last 20 years. There are at least 40-60 families in Armenia and abroad today that require the Gevork Chavush treatment including members of the current government.
ReplyDeleteIf you can take a people and degrade them in 1 generation then you can also build them in 1 or 2 generations too, however that won't happen if you have degenerates, LTP-ites and foreign funded NGOs which will counter you at every move.
I don't believe this new government will last 5 years and I don't think they even want to. Their intention is to finish off what LTP/nikol started then voluntarily leave to retire with their looted millions. Unfortunately for us, that will mean a banana-republic style puppet nation and severe loss of territory which will be enshrined in the geopolitical community with a document with the signature of the "legitimately elected" prime minister on it.
Regarding Serj, I believe he is a very intelligent and experienced politician, however I believe he played his part in all of this. He knew exactly who nikol was and with what intentions he was being brought to power and did nothing to stop it. The head of Armenia's National Security Services from 2016-2018 Georgi Kutoyan was found dead in his apartment with a bullet in his head shortly after nikol came to power in 2018. In his case I actually believe it was suicide because the man knew very well Armenia's fate in the coming years and was powerless to stop it. If the head of the NSS knew then for sure Serj must have known.
I have nothing but respect towards Kocharyan. His term in office was very productive for Armenia. LTP before him had taken a Soviet Armenian GDP of 30 billion dollars and turned it into an annual GDP worth only $300 million in less than 8 years. Widespread poverty, emigration of 1 million people and ecological disaster are LTP's trademark, and it seems also that of his Godchild nikol. Kocharyan spent 10 years repairing the damage and bringing the GDP back to $3billion a year and securing Armenia militarily and geopolitically. Serj is a big question mark for me, I haven't yet determined whether he falls into the Gevork Chavush group yet, but Arayik Harutunyan definitely makes the grade.
As you can tell Arevordi, I'm still fuming and can't come to terms with what has happened, and your story about Khndzoresk and Mkhitar Sparapet is what hurts the most.
Serj Sargsyan is definitely an enigma wrapped in a mystery, as the Churchillan saying goes. There is no doubt in my mind that he intentionally created the mess in 2018 to allow a scoundrel like Nikol come to power. I also think he and Tsarukyan were indirectly supporting Nikol's most recent election campaign. Why would they, knowing they had no chance to win, choose not to join forces with Kocharyan's team? Nikol is being preserved by the international community, which includes Russia, for two fundamental reasons: Reinstate Soviet era borders between Armenia and Azerbaijan and open up Armenia's south to trade. These are the two things Nikol will do before he is discarded into the garbage bin of history. Afterwards, someone like Kocharyan and/or Karapetyan will be brought to power. It's really sad where we are after 30 years of independence. It did not have to be this way. Had we played our chess pieces properly or correctly, we would still have all of Artsakh and perhaps Berdzor and Karvachar as well. Had we been a capable people, we would have been one of the region's players, instead of the one being played...
DeleteBravo Arevordi. When you analyze with your great mind you find the right answers. I also had doubts about the things you wrote. How is it possible that a 3rd Class journalist takes power so easily? Even in banana republics it can not happen.There is a wider plan and all are involved in it. You are analyzing Russian affairs. As even the child on the street knows, Russia is a huge intelligence service, military and security based state.Armenia is a hand size country and most probably one of the closest to Russia with Belarus among the former USSR sphere. Even Kazakhstan or Azerbaijan have complementary relations with the West.Where Artsakh locals Serzh and Robert said no I think Nikol said yes.They were not ready to make concessions and Nikol was alwasy for it. I can also not believe that Russia didn't learn from its experiences in Georgia or Ukraine and also allowed a colour revolution to take place in Armenia so easily.Nikol is the perfect scapegoat. You can even check the Russian press about the news on Nikol.They always use the ugliest photos of him.It is obvious that he is not Brad Pitt or Al Pacino in his 20s but ridiculing him and always portraying him with negative images is also a tactic. This is even against allied relations. I don't see them depicting other countries' officials like that alll the time.He just came for a goal and yes when his mission is over he will be put on a corner.Even the body language of him in a video before the war while having a tete a tete with Aliyev seems suspicious.Plus how did they have talks for 10 hours in Moscow to reach a ceasefire when the war was still going on? Ceasefire talks are mostly short. Could be max 30 let's say 45 minutes but not 10 hours.How did Shushi fall on the day of Azerbaijani Flag Day? Plus the famous Lady Gaga clip called 911 most probably was making allusion to November 9.
DeleteIf people knew Turkish or Azerbaijani language, I could send them material which are also on youtube so they would understand that we stood alone in the last war while Turks and Pakis openly backed Azeris. There are several no name graves of Azerbaijan's fallen soldiers. In fact they are not even Azerbaijani soldiers but they are the so called mercenaries. Personally it will be very difficult for me to forgive Russia. They never show good intentions on anything related to us. They can hold us from our balls now so we don't flee but this kind of behaviour so far makes Russia lose at the end. 20 years ago nobody would have said that Ukraine and Russia were 2 different entities. Tomorrow Kiev is also completely gone out of their orbit.The missing part is Ukraine's prosperity. If in the future that country becomes even half prosperous as Poland is so Russian theses will fall again into the garbage of history. It is obvious that we don't have ties with Russians like Turks and Azeris have and in longterm Turks and other forces will penetrate more into the Azerbaijani society. Azerbaijanis bought fighter planes from Pakistan. Turks also increase their military might there. Russians have a bunch of friends and they are kept as bargaining chips. They don't get much.Not even in defense they get quality stuff. Russia always gives coca cola can type tanks from its reserve and tries to get big, strategical assets of those countries. This is the major difference between U.S and Russia. U.S may also not be fair in many things and they don't have to be fair to countries like Iraq for example.Still when U.S enters an area at least they bring some kind of good quality contribution. I have seen the progress Turks made with my own eyes. We can check the current reality of former communist states like Romania as well.Americans bring higher standards including in the field of defense. Russia is in lack of lifting anybody. I am not saying this out of Russoobobia but they only bring fear and give you the impression that you are worth nothing. You may be as loyal as you are.It has no value for them at all. I know that they have good diplomacy and big intelligence services but even in Turks' faces and words I can see that the image of Russia being too mighty is broken to 1000 pieces. They are now selling their drones to the Baltic, Ukraine and even to Poland and Britain. Their drones are called as Russian air defense killers. If a mid size, less industrialized Turkey can create that impact on Russia's defense image we don't even need to think what more sophisticated powers would have done. The bear seems vulnerable in its strongest point which is military might. I don't see their cars,cellphones or refrigerators in European capitals anyways.
ReplyDeleteThere's no such thing as loyalty between nations, everyone knows that. There's only recognising where your interests lie with others and using diplomacy to extract maximum benefit. If our "leaders" haven't been capable or even willing then why blame others.
DeleteArto, I agree. Nobody forced Nikol onto us. We collectively embraced him as soon as he showed up. Our hate, pride, jealousy, materialism and emotional handicaps are debilitating. We are a deaf, dumb and blind people. Imagine if we had the wisdom in 2018 to reject Nikol when he first showed his ugly face. I know I did. Others here, like you, did as well. Why couldn't our people? There is only so much an international conspiracy can do to a people if a people does not fall for it. Moreover, even 30 years ago a significant segment of Armenian society was against our claims over Artsakh. Men like Levon Petrosyan in Armenia and Jirayr Libaridyan in the Diaspora were their representatives. Their numbers grew to a point where one of the main driving factors behind Nikol's "Velvet Revolution" was the rejection of not only the "Karabakh Clan" but also of Artsakh itself. Again, there is nothing Russians, Westerners or even Turks/Azeris could do to us, if we as a people did not want it to be done to us. It's that simple. We deserve Nikol, and we deserved our losses last year. Political illiteracy has a high cost...
DeleteRussia could be a rich and wonderful saint and it would not have helped Armenia much. A suicidal alcoholic cannot be helped. After this latest failed suicide attempt, many are still blaming Russia. Also, the issue of how other countries have fared under foreign influence is not a simple topic. Poland has benefited from German investment. Central America has been screwed by American influence for the most part. It depends upon geopolitics and a lot of factors. Germany has been allied with Turkey and Romania as part of an anti-Russian strategy, so there is that angle as well. But you have to play the cards you are dealt in life. Why piss on Iran's and Russia's boots and pretend it is raining? And, of course, maybe the only way to get a suicidal alcoholic to behave reasonably is to grab him balls with tremendous force. Nothing else seems to work. The last 25 years seem to be proof of that.
Sevan, sometimes you sound intelligent, other times you sound like an idiot. You are again sounding like an idiot. I suspect you have some emotional issues that is causing your cognitive dissonance. Yes, don't forgive Russians because they saved Artsakh and Armenia from being overrun by Azeris/Turks last autumn. Don't forgive Russians for being the ONLY nation on earth that was ready to help Armenia to any extent. Don't forgive Russians for being the ONLY reason why Armenia and Artsakh exists today.
DeleteFor the millionth time, Russians were NEVER obligated to help us in Artsakh. They were NEVER on our side with our occupation of the 7 regions surrounding the internationally recognized borders of Artsakh. We were always alone in Artsakh. We knew this from day one. We should have realized this and taken measures to remedy it. One effective measure would have been to bring Russian troops into the conflict zone. Another measure would have been to pull back from at least 5 of the 7 regions. Russians were telling us to do this for 25 years. We played games. We acted arrogant and maximalistic. We thought we could do things that even almighty Israel has not been allowed to do by the same international community. To make matters worst, a country that was almost totally dependent on Russia or survival put in power CIA/Soros financed professional Russophobes. When that happened, Moscow simply pulled its protective hand away from Artsakh, to teach us a lesson and in the process bring us to our knees in front of them and settle the Artsakh dispute for one and for all.
It was a brilliant execution of statecraft.
That said, Russia has done NOTHING to warrant claims that it has not been doing its duty to protect Armenia. As arrogant as we Armenians are, it's funny how we cry/beg for Russian help every time we screw up. In any case, had it not been for Russia there would be no Armenia and no Artsakh today. Is that not enough help for you, Sevan? Do you also want Russians to buy you and your family a round trip ticket to Disney Land to keep you happy?
Stop acting like a disgruntled child and say thank you to Mother Russia for saving our asses last November.
Regarding you idiotic claims that the US brings "high standards" to its allies: why did you so conveniently take Iraq and Afghanistan out of the discussion? For the US, Armenia is no different from Iraq or Afghanistan. But, let's have it your way and take Iraq and Afghanistan out of the calculus. So, tell me, what high standard has the US brought to the Philippines, to Mexico, to Columbia, to Puerto Rico, to the Dominican Republic, to pre-Chavez Venezuela, to pre-Castro Cuba, to south Vietnam, to Kurdistan, to Pakistan, to Haiti, to Egypt, to Kosovo or even to Greece? Nations like South Korea, Poland, Japan and Germany have high standards of living and vibrant economies ONLY because of their cultural/genetic traits, not because of American Coca Cola and gay parades.
Ukraine was always a nation divided. Western Ukrainians are mostly a mix of Polish, Hungarian, Romanian, Moldavians and Catholics. Eastern Ukrainians are mostly ethnic Russians. The problems there are not a new phenomenon. The internal divide in the country was simply exploited by the West in recent years. Russia again brilliantly exploited the crisis to its benefit. They made the best out of a terrible situation. As a result, Crimea is now again part of Russia and the Donbass has been turned into a Karabakh, and Ukraine is a shithole country living on Western handouts.
Attack drones are overrated. There are electronic systems that can easily neutralize them. Russia has them. So does Armenia, but they were not used in the last war.
Your last sentence tells me you are a very shallow person. You are also too disconnected with reality. I am not interested in what you have to say. You are a waste of time. I have already blocked your email address. I will not post your other comments. Please go back to facebook and mingle with your kind there...
I do agree that America "does a better job" with its allies than Russia in the sense that for the past seventy-plus years, any political force in any one of America's vassals that displayed an anti-American tendency was ruthlessly destroyed by assassinations and the worst kind of persecution. Most of this was carried out under the guise of "anti-communist, pro-democracy" activism back in the day. Actually you can look up Operation Gladio in Italy and Ergenekon in Turkey to get a glimpse of the false-flag terror tactics and massacres America/NATO employed to better manage its allies. We should be lucky if Russia adopts such a policy towards Armenia's anti-Russian political groups.
DeleteAdditionally America has high-IQ, productive nations as vassals, Russians are stuck with our gypsy-like, primitive idiots and with Central Asian Muslims. So yes, Germans, Japanese, Koreans, French, Italians, Spaniards are going to generally perform better than the people who gave us #ElectricYerevan and those horrendous mafia television dramas.
The thing is that Russia is not Armenia's whore: Armenia can't go around spreading its legs to westerners, Turks, and Jews/Israelis and then expect Russia to wait on us hand and foot. Who/what the fuck do we think we are? We declared independence in 1991, we opened up to westernization and to Turks, what does Russia owe Armenia other than to protect Armenia's internationally recognized borders - WHICH ACCORDING TO EVERY GOVERNMENT INDEPENDENT ARMENIA HAS HAD EXPLICITLY DOES NOT INCLUDE ARTSAKH.
Imagine for a second one of America's allies like Australia or South Korea saying "OK we are occupying this piece of land, we officially do not recognize the area we are occupying as independent or as our land and therefore we recognize that the land legally belongs to our neighbor... but you assholes in Washington better secure our occupation OR ELSE.. now excuse us as we do business with your geopolitical rivals and as we totally neglect our military." In this type of scenario I guess America would have the good sense to assassinate the leadership of that country, or push for a military coup or color revolution and arrests/prosecution of America's critics.
Seeing as how I looked at the question of how did the US brought their high standards to the Philippines, allow me to enlighten on this topic:
DeleteThe emerging rise of American imperialism occurred at the same time as the decline of the Spanish Empire. Americans wanted an open door policy towards China in terms of engaging in open trade, while seeking a need to acquire its own bases for its fleet. This is how they eventually annexed Hawaii, which is a US state to this day. The Philippines just happens to be sitting at a crucial strategic sea lane between Japan and what was then the Dutch East Indies and Australia. The decline of Spain also attracted Germany's attention, as they had purchased what was left of the Spanish East Indies after the US annexed the Philippines for $20,000,000. The generations of Filipinos who eventually grew to love the US came out of the policy of 'benevolent assimilation', and what you and Sevan talked about 'high standards' that the US brought to the Philippines, was actually in the area of education. Thousands of American teachers moved to the Philippines in order to work in various schools that the Americans built for Filipinos. Yes, there were also attempts at mass education of Filipinos during the Spanish colonial period, but it was haphazard at its best. (Although the oldest university in Asia was founded in 1611, called the University of Santo Tomas, which was a Catholic-run school, but only serving Spaniards and future Insulares). Before anyone goes full out anti-colonial here, let me tell you that had we fell under German control, we would have also experienced a similar genocide to the Hereros of German Southwest Africa (now Namibia) during an insurgency against the German Empire. Had we fell under Japanese control, they would have either tamed us like the Taiwanese Aborigines, or exploited us the same way they exploited Koreans. Also, Japan recognized the Philippines as American territory in exchange for the US recognizing Korea as a Japanese protectorate and later colony under the Taft-Katsura Agreement.
Yes, while America was brutal to us during their rule, they did impart the necessity of the rights of the individual, and many other things. Our government is in fact a simple copy and paste of the American political system. Keep in mind that our spirit of anti-communist hatred did come from the US, but without that hatred, we would not have rescued the White Russian refugees that were fleeing from the Chinese communists in 1949. That was one of the few rare achievements that we had ever accomplished, and only three years after we gained independence from the US.
There's my response to both your question and that of Sevan's, which is sorely needed, as I need to bring up the Filipino POV in this blog.
I have reposted my comment below after cleaning up the grammar:
DeleteThe entire situation with drones has become ridiculous. The overwhelming majority of articles I have seen more or less push the idea that the Armenian and Azeri militaries fought a war, and Azerbaijan crushed Armenia because Turkish and Israeli drones are a new wonder weapon that cannot be defeated and that rendered the Armenian military's Russian-made weapons obsolete. What actually happened was that the pashinyan regime stopped mobilization in mainland Armenia pretty much at the outset of the war, and left Artsakh's Armenians to their fate against the entirety of the Azeri military, backed by Turkey and Pakistan. In case you aren't aware, tiny Artsakh had a total population around 135,000, and nearly all of its weapons were hand-me-downs from mainland Armenia or equipment captured from the first Artsakh war (1970s and 1980s Soviet stock, mostly unmodernized.) Artsakh depended on Armenia for protection, yet when the war started Armenians had installed a regime in Yerevan that had spent decades promising to rid the world of the accursed "Karabakh Clan." Additionally, through regular corruption, incompetence, and treason, Armenia opted for cheap, outdated anti-aircraft used systems from Jordan, instead of stocking up on modern Russian air defense systems to counter the Azeri drone build up - the Azeri drone build up was not a secret, the entire world got a full preview in April 2016.
In short, Azeri drones were effective because the defense of Artsakh was left to the painfully under-equipped Artsakh Defense Army, and to hapless Armenian volunteers who the pashinyan regime knowingly sent off to die armed with rifles against advanced modern weapons, or to languish in Azeri prisons for months after the war with seemingly total indifference. Turkish drones are only effective when used on poorly equipped militias, and thanks to pashinyan and arayik's treason poorly equipped militias were all that Armenians had fighting in Artsakh.
Also, besides lying day in and day out for 44 days, pashinyan and arayik appear to have ordered the bulk of Artsakh Defense Forces to abandon everything from Hadrut north to Shushi, which is how Azeris managed to hike up there with very little resistance and capture the city with a few dozen or a few hundred soldiers. pashinyan rejected the Russian efforts to stop the war. arayik didn't sound the alarm until a few days before Shushi was handed over. Shushi was symbolically handed over on Azeri flag day. This was a total inside job -the worst treason in Armenia's millennia-long history- and had nothing to do with "invincible" drones.
And apparently while all this was going on, the Azeris approached Martuni from the rear but were pushed back by the Army, even though Martuni is significantly less defensible than Shushi, because apparently that was not part of the sale agreement.
The sad fact of the matter is that even if pashinyan's military had nuclear weapons, Shushi (along with Hadrut) would still have been handed over (read: sold) to Turks. Think about it, instead of promising to employ Iskander missiles if Azerbaijan advanced into the former NKAO's borders and/or shelled Stepanakert, pashinyan's regime promised that it would not target strategic Azeri infrastructure, and made bullshit threats that it would recognize Artsakh.
At the end of the day, had it not been for Russian intervention, pashinyan and co. would have done to all of Artsakh and most of Syunik the same thing that Ter-Petroyan and co. did to Armenia's Soviet-built factories: sold it off for scrap metal.
PS Did Yerevan offer Russia any support in Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Crimea, Syria, Novorossiya? When Turkish-backed Islamic militants attacked Armenian Kessab in Syria, there were demands in Artsakh to send some Defense Army forces to protect local Armenians; what the fuck did Serj Sargsyan and the then opposition do other than continue to play games and accept western money?
Sarkis, you have briefly and correctly explained why we lost the last war to Azerbaijan. One of these days, I will describe our loss in a detailed analysis.
DeleteNikol kepek , shan lagot of LTP, and their travelling partners in crime definitely deserve the kevork chavus treatment, without demur. As for Serge, he also has to pay and pay hard for his indifference, pusillanimity, indolence, for having capitulated to a street vagrant, cockaine sniffing looking scoundrel at the Mariot hotel; thus paving the way for the monstrous catastrophe upon the nation. He must be held accountable for looking at the other way when witnessing an on coming train wreck. We will never regain our lost spirit and dignity as a nation if we don't learn how to disembowel the traitors in our midst. Big ask if there are any Kevork chavus's around, or even Sogomon Teelirian's. Earthly sins, earthly errors, must be paid in the here and now , not in some other ,ambiguous, world. The nation was deveined, deracinated , morphed into a dispirited ,defeated laughing stock of the Caucasus.
ReplyDeleteAll the insults you use to me you can use them to your mother and father. I won't send anything anymore. You are a typical communist leftover hungry dog with no shame on anything. I can prove that I am Armenian. I even doubt that you are. You could be a Russian troll playing the röle of Armenian as there are many trolls on socia who appear as Armenians, Poles, Irish etc. The great Russians send their women here to do prostitution, or to other mid east countries. For 60 years U.S is with Turkey and I didn't see any Americans on the trottoirs of Turkey. Go to your Ivan daddy he gives you some ruble and you become happy. This is your quality. I have seen a lot.Kurds also had nothing before Americans came besides a mountain guerilla. Now Arbil is better than Baghdad is. You can only fool some with your comintern propaganda. Emotional, emotional. Your kind will even turn their ass If Russia also gives Gyumri too to Turks and you will say thank you again. Papa Lenin gifting Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians to Turks were also nothing. In every crucial moment they fuck us and we have to say thank you. Americans may also have bad examples. It is not easy to feed 200 million Mexico. You are worthless. You can put your site where ıt belongs. With Russia we will forever stay like this. They may not be communist anymore but still have the politics of Lenin and Kemal with Turkey. You were a waste of time cheka licker hyarjan.
ReplyDeleteDear all,
DeleteThis Sevan character just proved he is mentally ill. Please ignore him. I only posted this comment to show the depth of irrationality, emotional distress and cognitive dissonance many Armenians suffer from. Sevan is also living proof that many Armenians live in an alternative reality. In a nutshell, this type of stupidity and sickness is why Armenia is where it is in the world today. Unfortunately, there are many Sevans in the Armenian world today.
Just yesterday, they held a "webinar" to convince us Armenians that Russians have joined with Turks and Azeris to defeat Armenia. I watched some of it. Frankly, I was expecting a better performance by our professional Russophobes. This was just fucking embarrassing. The talk was basically centered around the idea that Russia is Armenia's biggest enemy and that we Armenians need to expel the Russian military from Armenia and begin engaging with Azeris and Georgians to form new alliances. Also, Armenia's defeat in the war was blamed on Russian arms supplies to Azerbaijan. However, no mention was made about Turkish and Israeli attack drones that actually tilted the military balance in Azerbaijan's favor. It's stuff like this that keeps our politically illiterate and emotionally handicapped sheeple in fantasy land and dissuades them from dealing with reality. Read the names of this event's sponsors to understand why we are where we are today. Therefore, never-ever be surprised with our failures and tragedies. This is the kind of mindless, self-destructive bullshit that continues to be fed to our sheeple and this is why our sheeple continues to suffer massacres. At some point, you just stop feeling bad...
A MASTER PLAN? Russo-Azeri Strategy for Armenian Pacification
Sponsors of the event
The sponsors are the following (basically an unholy alliance of the AGBU, freemasons, and bolsahyes [Im assuming the dummy above is one based on him saying he speaks and lives in turkey])
DeleteAGBU New England
Ararat-Eskijian Museum
Armenian Bar Association
Armenian Democratic Liberal Party-Ramgavars
Armenian Network of America-Greater NY
Daughters of Vartan-Sahaganoush Otyag
Justice Armenia
Knights of Vartan-Bakradouny Lodge
National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR)-Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Lecture Series on Contemporary Armenian Issues
St. Leon Armenian Church
In the french poem, Chansons de Roland, the Franks led by Charlemagne, route the Muslims. But, before they do that, they round up their traitors, namely Ganelon. They do this ultimately through Roland's sacrifice. Like Chansons de Roland, we have our traitors. But it is more than Pashinoglu. It is the mix of these above traitorous organizations. Ultimately, if we are to move on and progress as a nation, these traitorous organizations must be starved one way or another - the same way the Russians bombed the ISIS oil cartels and brought ISIS into submission. Judging by Sevans comments, people like him are easily fooled with a cell phone or other shiny objects (like a monkey). The hard part is execution. Will shame work? Social media? It is obvious that is more difficult to starve them out as this unholy alliance are geographically, and financially wealthy.
Who will be Roland?
Dear Arevordi,
DeleteI was never under any illusion about these US based organizations but this is just the height of irresponsibility. russians good or bad don't matter they right now hold armenia's fate in their hands. WTF are these people thinking? They want us lose all of armenia? Their anti russian propaganda is second rate BS. If russia united with turks and azeris against us like these people want us to believe there would be no armenia today. Let me tell you all now if russia united with our enemies the only thing we could do is beg them to allow us to join them.
PS Thank you for your service. I can imagine how difficult this is for you.
DeleteI don't know how you put up with this for so many years. How do you repeat the same things over and over again without losing it. God bless you. Don't stop doing what you do.
I am an older disporan and I confirm that this Sevan type dominates in our population. Bolshays are the enemy within. Lot of them suffer from Stockholm syndrome. Sure there are many good people in their community but thousands work as informants for Turkish government. Turkish spies infiltrate even our churches through them. When it comes to Armenian topics never trust a Bolsahay until they prove themselves to you and maybe not even then. I watched some of the panel discussion by Jew loving Naasr. It hit me hard for some reason. Maybe because it was too close to home because I know one of the guys on it. No matter how much money or education these people have like you always say peasant and merchant mentality dominates.
I had it no more sympathy we need to hit absolute rock bottom to wake up. Let Russians do with us what needs to be done. On a side note there is lot of talk about Nikol being a Russian spy. I think these people just don't want to believe we have disgusting traitors in our family.
Don't let the election result depress you Kocharyan will be president soon enough. Maybe it was better he did not get in this time. Things will get difficult down the road. Let those bad days have Pashinyans face on it also. Armenia is protected by Russia so let the people there suffer some more to pay for their sins. After all is done Kocharyan will step up to clean the mess.
When our personal "bizness" is more important than "nation keeping"...
ReplyDeleteWhen we care more about a Euro-vision win than an Artsakh win...
When we have more "Fedayi" fantasies than efforts to modernize our army...
When "Qaj Nazar" thinks he is "Sassountsi Davit"...
When we rub more with the distant West than the nearby Slav...
When having a "B.M.V." is more essential than having a T-72...
When we take more pride in having "Kim Kardashian" than A. Khatchatouryan, Marshal Baghramyan, Margarita Simonyan, A. Mikoyan etc...
When beating your local rivals is more important than defending against your foreign enemies...
When we prefer to have our children grow up on distant shores rather than their native land...
There is a saying: "Every nation deserves its leader"
We deserve Nikol.
Ինչո՞ւ են հայ-չինական հարաբերությունները տեղում դոփում՝ չնայած հնարավորություններին
ReplyDeleteRead more: https://armeniasputnik.am/radio/20210704/28167365/inchu-en-hay-chinakan-harabaerutyunner-texum-dopum-chnayac-hnaravorutyunnerin.html
Ի՞նչ կբերի Հայաստանին Չինաստանի մուտքը տարածաշրջան
I have been following Mher Sahakyan's works for a while now. We need more advisors like him. There is a lot to gain in increasing China's presence in Armenia, together with its strategic ally Russia, as well as Iran and other eastern countries.
But who am I saying this to, ասողին լսող է պէտք...
Paşinoglu complaining about Russia again. Wants to leave CSTO. At some point, the military needs to overthrow. The duty of the military is to the country, not any elected official
ReplyDeleteArmenian Officials Criticize CSTO Head
Armenia ‘Prepared’ For Closer Ties With U.S.
It is an enigma wrapped in a riddle on what is the secret of Putin putting up with the scabrous Pashin Talaat.It is also a riddle inside an enigma how the nation's patriots are putting up with this hybrid neanderthal. The dog has been given enough rope to hang himself, but somehow he survives. What needs to happen for this cancerous animal to disappear ? . One wonders in astonishment at how political mannequins dare present plans and programs for a future, when knowingly or unknowingly are hostage to a driver of the nation's funeral hearse. There is non plus ultra whilst the scabious dog keeps barking from the presidential chamber.
ReplyDeleteThere are many riddles and enigmas, but not when it comes to President Putin's view of Nikol. In a nutshell: Nikol recklessly and/or treacherously maneuvered Armenia into a dangerous corner where only Russia now can save it. That is exactly where the Kremlin wanted both Nikol and Armenia. Nikol is now therefore a compliant hostage to President Putin. The Kremlin will now use Nikol's Western leaning, democratically elected government to finally realize some of its old dreams: Settle the Artsakh dispute, deploy military units in Artsakh and Azerbaijan, increase its military footprint in Armenia, gain leverage over Baku, gain leverage over Tbilisi, gain leverage of Yerevan, resurrect Soviet-era borders between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and open Armenia's south for regional trade.
DeleteAs a result of Nikol's blunders and incompetence Russia is stronger in the south Caucasus today than at any time after the collapse of the Soviet Union. This in a nutshell is why our professional Russophobes are claiming that Nikol is a Russian agent.
Nikol is not a Russian agent. Nikol is simply our Elchibey and Saakashvili. And Nikol's so-called Velvet Revolution was a Maidan-like Color Revolution. Simply put: Russian officials exploited the opportunity presented to them by Western financed anti-Russian movements in Azerbaijan in 1992, Georgia in 2008, Ukraine in 2014 and Armenia in 2018. So, the dog survives because he has to serve his new master for a bit longer. Once Nikol's government has been thoroughly used by the Kremlin I am pretty sure that a pro-Russian government will eventually be brought into power. In any case, Armenia will survive. All in all, it has been a masterful execution of statecraft by Kremlin officials, and we have NO ONE to blame but ourselves. Watch the following by the Duran as it discusses the same topic -
Armenia elections give Pashinyan landslide win. Deeper ties with Russia promised
Arevordi, I remember when you were talking about how the west and russia needed to pull turkey in opposite directions in order to make it full of civil strife and civil war. The duran are discussing about that right now.
The more Russia pulls Turkey eastward, the more will the West (Anglo-American-Jews in particular) pull Turkey westward. Turkey therefore runs the risk of being torn apart. By pulling Ankara eastward, Moscow's primary intent may or may not be the destruction of Turkey per se. Moscow is primarily trying sow problems inside NATO and weaken Turkey (Turkey out of NATO will automatically an unstable and weaker nation). That said, I am sure that Kremlin officials most probably know that Turkey's destruction is one of the possible side-effects of what they are trying to do with Ankara. I am also sure they have a contingency plan just in case something like that happens. In any case, Turkey's system of government - economy and military - is too intimately tied with the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance. Turkey and the West will not be able to go through a clean divorce. The more Moscow entices Erdogan eastward, the more troubles will Turkey therefore have. On the down side of all this, however, is that the Russian project to drive a wedge between Turkey and the West will only live as long as Erdogan lives. The West's problem is with Erdogan, NOT Turkey. It's amazing that more Armenians do not understand this. As soon as Erdogan dies or gets overthrown, Turkey will go back to being the darling of the Western world. Russians know this very well. And this is why the Kremlin is not sparing any effort to sow problems between Turkey and the West. This is also why the Kremlin is giving Ankara a lot of lip service in the south Caucasus and in Syria. Russians know they have a very short window of opportunity...
DeleteSome people actually think Turkey is well positioned to dominate the region. Analysts like George Friedman are bullish on Turkey. Now my personal opinion is that Turkey has some advantages in the region like being able to mobilize large numbers of troops near conflict zones , NATO technology (this is double edged) , weaker or/and unstable neigbhours , a big population and a big economy. However Turkey has key weaknesses as well , economic weaknesses like the devaluation of the Lira , being too dependent on Western military parts. For example the Bayraktar TB2 drone is nearly composed of all Western parts. The Altay tanks never got off the ground and Turkey is very dependent on German submarines vs Greece. So Turkey's window is not too short and if the Russians aren't careful Turkey will up the ante further in Syria and Ukraine , and the Caucasus. I think the Russians currently are a bit on the ropes and on the defensive , Turkey advancing in the Caucasus , China advancing in Central Asia and the EU trying to push gov't change in Belarus. All challenging to Russia's sphere. So it's questionable how much Moscow can pull Ankara eastward.
DeleteI'm not trying to underestimate Turkey's capabilities. I am one of the few Armenians I know that actually acknowledges Turkey's military and economic capabilities and gives a lot of credit to Turkish diplomacy and politics. You, however, seem to have fallen for their disinformation, often put out by their Anglo-American-Jewish allies (e.g. George Friedman's wishful thinking). Don't believe the hype. Although quite capable, Turkey is also very vulnerable to internal and external dangers.
Russians are under no illusions regarding Turkey. I can't say the same about Armenians, who are under many illusions about Turkey. Russians know that Turkey's long-term survival is dependent on Ankara's ties to the Western world. That is part of the reason why Russians keep trying to pull Ankara eastward. It's not because they think they will succeed, it's because they know it will cause serious problems between Western powers and Ankara. Such problems will in-turn lessen the danger Turkey poses to Russian interests in the region. In other words, the Kremlin is trying to disarm Turks and advance Russian interests through diplomacy. No body in Moscow thinks Turkey will be an ally. In any case, despite what you think, Russia has managed to pull Turkey eastward enough to cause serious problems between Ankara and the West. In doing so, Moscow has also gained Ankara's cooperation in places like Syria and Azerbaijan.
You misunderstood by comment about Russia's "window of opportunity". That comment was about Erdogan's rule in Turkey. One more time: As soon as Erdogan dies or is ousted from power (could happen any day) Turkey will again become the darling of the Western world. The more Erdogan tries to become politically independent of the West and attempts to expand Turkish influence in the region, higher will the risks be for Ankara. Erdogan's political life is therefore the window of opportunity for Russia. Nevertheless, Turkey has an internal cancer (Kurds) that it will not be able to cure itself from. Turkish society is also very divided along the lines of liberalism and conservatism. And virtually all of Ankara's neighbors have serious problems with it. Something very bad will happen to the country within our lifetimes.
Regarding Russia being on the defensive: Russia was on the defensive throughout the region until 2008. Starting in 2008, Russia established significant military presences in Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia, Donbass in Ukraine, Crimea, Artsakh, Azerbaijan and of course Syria. Moreover, Russia will be expanding its military footprint in Armenia quite considerably in the coming months and years. You call all this defensive? Weird, to say the least. This is why I made the comment about you falling for their hype and disinformation.
I reiterate: Ankara has been advancing in the south Caucasus since 1991. Turkish advances in Azerbaijan (and Georgia) is therefore nothing new. In my opinion, Ankara's successes in the south Caucasus in the post-Soviet era is a consequence of Russia's absence from Artsakh. We Armenians aggravated the situation during the past 27 years by not allowing Russians to play a grater role in Artsakh. By doing so, we created a vacuum in the south Caucasus that Turks (and Israelis) gladly filled, ultimately to Armenia's detriment. Again, typical political illiteracy and cognitive dissonance at work in our society.
And when the shit hit the fan last autumn, as a result of Nikol's incompetence and/or treason, Moscow simply exploited/manipulated the situation on the ground. Moscow now has a military's presence inside Artsakh AND Azerbaijan. As a result, Moscow now has greater leverage not only over Armenia and Azerbaijan but also Georgia, Turkey and Iran. When Armenians get over their political illiteracy and emotional handicaps, they will soon realize that Russia has not been this politically influential and militarily strong in the south Caucasus since the collapse of the Soviet Union...
In regards to Russia's growing military presence my personal fear is that Azerbaijan will ask the peacekeepers to leave Artaskh or the Armenian controlled parts of Artaskh . Because as much new leverage Russia has , unless Russia can actually make Azerbaijan do what it wants to extend the presence of the Russian peacekeeping contingent then their influence there is a bit in trouble. That being said so is the Armenian presence in Artaskh. Because in no way the Armenian population will be allowed to live under Azeri rule and its Azeri rule without the peacekeepers.
DeleteAs for Turkey I did mention their vulnerabilites the fact that they are too dependent on Western technology for their military industry and Western investments for their economy , and many of their economic woes. As I said some analysts are more bullish on Turkey but no country is invulnerable. However Turkey's intensive diplomacy in Ukraine is hopefully being noticed in the Kremlin. Now I don't think the Ukrainians will overwhelm Russians with TB2s (becuase Russia has drones and an airforce of their own to actually close the skies) but Turkey is aggitating Ukraine against Russia.
As for us , I agree that the leadership of Armenia should have opened the door to more Russian influence in Artaskh. Because our interests and Russian interests actually align on the Artaskh issue.
ReplyDeleteYou are doing an excellent job. I always enjoy reading your intelligent commentaries. Off topic but did you read about the sudden US withdrawal from Afghanistan? After 20 years Americans just sneaked out of Afghanistan in the middle of the night without even saying goodbye to their Afghan allies. Aren't our russophobes telling us that Russia is in retreat?
A similar process was seen in Syria's Kurdish populated areas back in 2017. A similar process is also being seen in Iraq today. After 20 years, trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of casualties, including tens of thousands of US casualties, the mighty US military snuck out in the middle of the night without notifying their Afghan hosts. According to reports, they were at least polite enough to turn off the lights before they left. God bless America -
DeleteU.S. left airfield at night, didn't tell new Afghan commander
US troops left their key Afghanistan base at 3 a.m. without telling their allies, leaving 5,000 Taliban prisoners in their cells, reports say
The fall of Afghanistan is terrible to watch. That's no reason for the U.S. to stay.
The US’ haphazard withdrawal from Bagram Air Base shows it never had any clear plan in Afghanistan
Regarding our professional Russophobes: They have been trying to convince us that Russia is getting weaker and that it may soon collapse. They also say that Russians have asked Turks to take over the south Caucasus once they leave because later on, when Russia is stronger, it will be easier to evict Turks than Western powers. In case you are not familiar with their rhetoric, I am not making this stuff up. This is the kind of outlandish fairytales they are putting out and significant numbers of morons in our society are believing it. This kind of rhetoric is in fact so ubiquitous in Armenian society that it is beginning to having an affect on a wider range of people. Even men like Armen Ayvazyan has been parroting some aspects of this nonsense. Now, that the US is in obvious retreat, and Russia's military footprint is increasing throughout Eurasia, our professional Russophobes will just recalibrate or readjust their rhetoric as per CFR guidelines. And because significant numbers of Armenians are mentally ill and emotionally handicapped, our professional Russophobes will continue to have a sizable audience...
Just what are those professional Russophobes and their CFR overlords smoking when they came up with something like this? Now that the Taliban is slowly regaining power in Afghanistan, the US is merely using them as a spearhead aimed at Central Asia. I don't think Americans are cowards. They have the mindset of a gambler mixed in with a street thug.
ReplyDeleteWhat are your thoughts of the appointment of Vahan Badasyan as national security advisor in Artsakh soon after this threat to physically destroy pashinyan, and release from prision for those threats? Although no one can question his patriotism, what sense do you make of his appointment in a territory (Artsakh) that is under Russian protection, and where Russian is a second official language, given his past statements regarding Russia, and association to individuals from "the bever." This is some twisted politics! Nothing makes any sense.
I never liked the man. Something about him. In any case, this is indeed one of those mysteries. I don't see how Russian officials, who seem to be calling the shots in Artsakh since the war, would allow someone like him to play any role in Stepenakert... unless he was working for or collaborating with Russian intelligence all this time? If so, why would he expose himself now? Long story short: I don't know. The political scene in Armenia/Artsakh is too convoluted right now. There are a lot of things that don't make any sense...
DeleteArmenia was resurrected by Russia some two hundred years ago. Russian-Armenian relations have at times been less than ideal, but for the past two hundred years, including for the past 30 years, Russia's presence in the south Caucasus has been the ONLY geopolitical factor keeping Armenia alive in a Turkic/Islamic region like the south Caucasus. Because of Nikol's Western-financed government's incompetence and/or treason, which put Armenia and Artsakh on the verge of extinction last autumn, Armenia's disastrous stint with "independence" and "democracy" for the past 30 years is finally coming to an end. Just like how Elchibey ruined Azerbaijan in 1992, just like how Saakashvili ruined Georgia in 2008 and just like how Kiev's Maidan ruined Ukraine in 2014, Nikol's CIA and Soros financed government ruined Armenia in 2018. For the past thirty years we watched how Moscow reacted to Western advances in Russia's traditional spheres of influence. We therefore had the benefit of hindsight. You would think a country that is desperately depended on Russia for survival in an unforgiving place like the south Caucasus would take geopolitical matters seriously. Not so. Our empty pride, debilitating arrogance, divisive tribalism, Western fetish, political shortsightedness, cognitive dissonance and an array of emotional handicaps blinded us and led us astray. Since we Armenians proved incapable of learning lessons, we were thought a lesson we will not forget for a long time. Political illiteracy and shortsightedness has a high cost. We paid it. Now, whether we like it or not, and despite what our professional Russophobes say or do, Armenia's long overdue journey back to Mother Russia has finally begun. And it's about time. We will see it happen in the not so distant future. For now, President Putin's pathetic hostage in Yerevan will be made to do all the dirty work (i.e. settle the Artsakh dispute in accordance to the wishes of the international community, resurrect Soviet Armenia's borders with Azerbaijan and open Armenia's south to regional trade). After the aforementioned dirty work is done, Moscow will get rid of Nikol's regime and allow someone like Robert Kocharyan and/or Karen Karapetyan to take control. In other words, the Kremlin will not make Armenia's pro-Russian camp bring Armenia back under Russia, it will instead make the country's Western financed activists-turned-officials bring Armenia back under Russia. Brilliant and masterful execution of statecraft by the grossmeisters of geopolitics. Молодец! Understandably, Western powers are worried, which is why they are now dangling a whopping 3.1 billion dollar carrot in front of Armenians. The Western wish is that Armenians are materialistic whores with no sense of statehood, Armenians will therefore take the money and cause troubles for Moscow. Well, Armenians are materialistic whores indeed and Armenians do not understand or appreciate statehood, but thankfully Armenians are no longer in total control of Armenia -
ReplyDeleteEU Pledges $3.1 Billion Aid Package to Armenia
Kolerov: Acting premier Pashinyan is not ready to make historic decision for Armenia
Russians to be deployed "on Soviet-era borders"
Russia Says Current Border Standoff not Linked to Karabakh Conflict
Russia seeks to accelerate old Soviet state union
Փաշինյանը շատ ծանր դաս է ստացել․ հայ և ռուս փորձագետները վերլուծում են նրա մոսկովյան այցը
Ինչը կարող է փրկել Հայաստանին. Կուրղինյանը` ստեղծված իրավիճակի մասին. տեսանյութ
The greatest living leader tells it like it is, again:
ReplyDeleteModern Ukraine is invention of Soviet-era, Putin claims, saying new country was created ‘at expense’ of historical Russian lands
I'm happy to see our Russian friends meeting this era's incredibly complex challenges under real leadership.
It's painful and disheartening to think what Armenia could have been had we as a people been able / worthy of producing even quasi-competent leadership.
Please note the following key points from President Putin's statement:
-modern Ukraine is entirely the brainchild of the Soviet era. We know and remember that, to a large extent, it was created at the expense of historical Russia.
Had we produced a nation that was interested in Artsakh and national dignity, we'd be having a frank and open discussion paralleling the mutilation of Russia by Lenin and the Bolsheviks for the purpose of world revolution to the mutilation of Armenia for the purpose of appeasing the Turks/Ottomans, and not just in Artsakh but also Nakhichevan and Kars-Oltu-Ardahan which had been part of the Czarist Empire . . . instead we were comprehensively routed in the last war and betrayed by a traitorous regime that sabotaged the military, and our retards are still baying "yeah well unlike Turks and Azeris we have democracy and freedom, so really we're the big winners inthe region."
It will be interesting to examine how over the next decade, as the west recedes and declines further, how Russia will gradually maneuver the Ukraine back into a non-threatening / submissive position. Ukraine, like saakashvili's Georgia, elcibay's Azerbaijan, and pashinoglu's Armenia, after years under a pro-western "democratic" regime, will have to turn to Russia looted, exhausted, crime-riddled, bankrupt/indebted, territorially mutilated, and begging a return to good relations.
As much as I wish to agree, modern Ukraine is not the invention of the Soviet era, or there would not have been the existence of the Ukrainian People's Republic, or its predecessors:
On the other hand, the area where Putin was right was on the international recognition of Ukraine. The UNR started off as an autonomous entity within the Russian Republic before declaring its independence, while the ZNR broke off from Austria-Hungary.
I'm not sure if Ukrainians would be open to the idea of a rapprochement with Russia ever again, since the last couple of years Ukraine was riding high on its nationalistic fervor, though the economic prosperity they wanted never arrived. Of course, this quote by Ukrainian author Andrey Kurkov, sums up Ukraine's situation:
"Perhaps, if Ukraine did not have its western regions, with Lviv at the centre, it would be easy to turn the country into another Belarus. But Galichina (Halychyna) and Bukovina, which became part of Soviet Ukraine under the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, brought to the country a rebellious and free spirit."
I know Ukrainians are feverishly trying to recreate their history with help from their Anglo-American-Jewish and European friends. The same was attempted by the Nazis during the Second World War. In the big picture, it's bullshit.
DeleteThere was no such thing as a Ukrainian nation-state before the Soviet period. The nation of Ukraine, as we know it, is a Soviet creation. The same naturally applies to Belarus. There was never a nation-state called Belarus. Both Ukraine and Belarus were Russian provinces going back over two hundred years. Prior to the Russian Empire's annexation of the regions, territories that later became known as Ukraine and Belarus were under different principalities and kingdoms, both Slavic and non-Slavic. The region saw many devastating wars and its borders were constantly changing. The western regions of Ukraine for example was under Polish and Austrian rule at different times. Belarus was under Polish and Lithuanian rule at different times. Nevertheless, there was never a "Ukrainian" or "Belarusian" national identity. The region's violent history and very fluid borders are the fundamental problem at hand, and therefore the weakness that Russia's enemies are always trying to exploit.
In any case, Ukraine and Belarus as independent nation-states are more artificial or "fake" than nations like Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. Although the nations of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan similarly never existed prior to the Soviet period, at least Azeris and Kazakhs are separate ethnicities with totally different languages and religion, whereas Ukrainians and Belarussians are for the most part eastern Slavic and Orthodox Christian, and therefore closely related to Russians.
There is a popular thinking among the more extreme Ukrainian nationalists that the modern Russian state “stole” the legacy of the Kievan Rus entity, and that the Muscovites have always been an ally of the Turco-Mongols of the Golden Horde. The same group that would have said “If only Nevsky had submitted to the Teutonic Knights, they’d be civilized much better”. The root of all this is traced to the Vatican’s hostility of Orthodox Russia. Kinda also explains the whole Miracle of Fatima and the Consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart.
DeleteYou can also count geography as a factor in why modern Ukraine and Belarus was easily conquered by Lithuania, and then Poland.
Very good interview. Ruben is amongst the most knowledgeable and reliable sources. He sounded the alarm bell well in advance of 9/27, warned of the transfer of the mercenaries months before, and warned of Turkeys role.
ReplyDeleteՄինչև 2023 թ․ Թուրքիան փորձելու է Սյունիքում նոր տարածքներ գրավել․Ռուբեն Սաֆրաստյան
Ruben Safrastyan is one of the more intelligent/rational minded political analysts in the country. That said, however, he is also somewhat weak and timid, and this interview proves it. He could have shut that bitch up with four short comments: 1) We knew Russia was never fully on our side regarding Artsakh. Artsakh was therefore Armenia's fight, and it was Armenia's Western-financed and pro-Turkish leadership that did not come to Artsakh's defense. Nevertheless, had Russia not stepped in when it did, what would have happened to Artsakh?... 2) Problems we see on Armenia's eastern borders today is related to the demarcation process of Armenia's border with Azerbaijan. Armenia has not had an internationally recognized border with Azerbaijan since the Soviet Union's collapse. Such a border has to be established now that the war has come to pass. And that is why the CSTO is not interested in starting a war with Azerbaijan over the matter... 3) Moscow is the only reason why Turkey has not "militarily intervened" in Armenia, like it has in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Cyprus and even Greece... 4) US abandoned Georgia, Ukraine, Kurds, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, what makes you think US wants to start a war with Russia by trying to replace Russian troops with US troops in Armenia?!?!?!
DeleteAfter saying the above, he should have called her a stupid whore and walked off the set...
New Round Of Clashes On Armenian-Azerbaijani Border. Casualties Reported
Azerbaijan’s Defense Chief Tells Commanders, Troops To Be Ready for New War
Yerevan Blasts Baku’s ‘Fake Territorial Demands’ from Armenia
To me it seems like azerbaijan is provoking on the borders to signal to Russia that they expect the terms of the November 10th agreement to be held to or else they will continue to create headaches all over the region. And I sort of do hope that's the case because then it may force Moscow to take a tougher stance against azerbaijan. Of course our side can muck that up by the usual bs we see from our elites, nikol being the worst example. Aside from democracy and universal suffrage which we both agree is a great way to manipulate the masses and manufacture consent, the bigger concern I have is where the heck are our military men? Are they this cowardly or devoted to the chain of command that they can't push back against clear violations by azerbaijani troops and our inept regime in Yerevan?
The one silver lining is that Moscow and its MoD seem to be calling the shots. But to what end exactly? Yes border demarcation and trade, but what else? Surely they want a viable Armenia as an ally no?
Baku began the latest breach of ceasefire while Aliyev was in Moscow holding meetings with Putin. Baku was doing the same thing during Sargsyan's time in power. More often than not, negotiations and meetings were met with problems on the border. It's political. It's meant to toughen/elevate Baku's negotiating position. At the end of the day, our military men are still Armenian - materialistic, shortsighted, selfish, ostentatious, mama's boys, money hungry, arrogant, gluttonous, politically illiterate, backward, etc. There is very few humble, intelligent, brave, principled and ideologically driven people in modern Armenian society. Our military is a reflection of this. In any case, we do not have enough genuine patriots to make a real difference.
DeleteMoscow is interested in the following: Armenia's subservience (since convincing Armenia to fully enter Russia's orbit proved elusive during the past 30 years); demarcating (resurrecting) Armenia's Soviet era borders with Azerbaijan, with some modifications; opening up Armenia's south to regional trade; establishing a long-term military presence in Artsakh; enticing Azerbaijan similarly into Russia's political, economic and military orbit; enticing Iran into closer cooperation and collaboration with Moscow; disarming and neutralizing Turkey without hostilities/violence.
Disregard what you are hearing elsewhere, what I outlived above is, fundamentally speaking, what Moscow wants to get done in the south Caucasus. The above is what Moscow has been trying to achieve in recent years. The above is what every action or inaction you see on the part of Moscow is related to. What I am telling you is what they want done, not what will happen. The next year or so is going to be a very interesting and dangerous chess game between Moscow, Ankara, Baku, Tehran and the West. Spectators of the said game will be Armenians and Georgians, because Armenians are Georgians are a worthless people with it comes to geopolitics and military matters.
Nikol's government is the tool the international community (including Russia) is using to bring Armenia into compliance and subservience. As I have been saying, Nikol will be made to do all the dirty work in the next year or so before Moscow replaces him with a pro-Russian leader. As I have also been saying, no more tears for our peasantry. This is a situation "we the people" got ourselves into. We saw on June 20th that Armenians love swimming in their excrement. Let Ivan and Natasha do with our peasantry as they please.
For what it's worth, here is Manukyan's take on the matter -
Armenia ex-PM Vazgen Manukyan: Azerbaijan's ultimate goal is to seize Syunik Province
Yes, good point. There a pattern of hostilities while negotiations are taking place in some faraway capital, usually Moscow. I will say this, I think the aliyev regime is azerbaijan and azerbaijan is the aliyev regime. That rat has proved to be more cunning than our idiots, but he is not Lee Kuan Yew. Meaning azerbaijan remains a one trick economic pony. They used their money to bribe their way into semi respectability. What happens when that runs out and/or ilham is gone? Here is an azerbaijani analyst writing about what I and you have mentioned. That yes aliyev and co came out on top this time but now they are between a rock and a hard place.
DeleteRussia, Turkey Compete to Entice Azerbaijan Into Their Geopolitical Plays
Maybe/likely what you say about our military is the problem and therefore there is no short-term solution to this mess. The base quality of people is pretty much an axiom at this point. With very few exceptions I don't care what ethnic group you are talking about. It's just our region is more chaotic than many or most other parts of the world so we experience the near extinction of our people fairly regularly. We survive, thrive for a bit, and then bam! Another calamity. That's the pattern for at least 1200 years.
A friend of mine, who is very patriotic and is working in Yerevan now, worries that allowing a corridor thru Syunik will spell the end of Armenia. He is involved with the Adekvad people so perhaps he is getting influenced by them. I tried to explain to him that trade and open borders is wanted by all the states in our region except georgia, and that even outside powers - to varying degrees - want open borders. That we will be able to reach Russia and Iran via azerbaijani territory in return. He seems to think that Syunik will sooner or later turn into a de facto turkish region if we have the corridor to connect occupied Nakhijevan with occupied Artsakh and azerbaijan proper. In essence he thinks Syunik will become another Adjara.
You keep on repeating these, please clarify??
Delete"Demarcating (resurrecting) Armenia's Soviet era borders with Azerbaijan"... What do you mean by this? As of the present, "Armenia's soviet era borders" are violated and occupied by Azerbaijan. Do you mean an Armenia without Artsakh? if so, are you implying you are onboard with the Turkish-Azeri objectives?
"opening up Armenia's south to regional trade"... Again, not sure what you mean. Armenia didn't blockade it's neighbors and "shut down" regional trade. (remember the 2009 protocols you were opposed to at the time?) Since when is giving up whatever degree of sovereignty over your own territory and placing it under the defacto administration of a foreign government's armed forces (forseeing to involve a Turkish role) considered "opening up to trade"?? (not to mention thereby cutting yourself off from the only reliable outlet to the outside world/lifeline) and becoming encircled by Turks by all 3 corners. "opening up to regional trade" is an interesting way of describing it... But Armenia's neighbor to the south, who on more than one occasion stated "Armenia's territorial integrity is Iran's red line," certainly isn't on board with that agenda.
What military? The military leadership are gone. The likes of Yuri Khachaturov and his son Georgi Khachaturov have been degraded and replaced over the last 3 years in Artsakh and Armenia. If I recall it was people on this blog calling Khachaturov a fat useless general 3 years ago now asking what happened to the military. Siunik is being set up for failure just like Artsakh was and there's 100% synchronised collusion between nikol and alyev, make no mistake of it.
DeleteՍյունիքն այսօր մեկ օրվա կեր է Ադրբեջանի համար. Վոլոդյա Հովհաննիսյան
Քոչարյանը հարցազրույց է տվել երեք հեռուստաընկերություններին
DeleteI agree with you about Aliyev. He is very cunning. He crafted very close relations with Russia, Europe, United States, Turkey and Israel. Yet, all his efforts will nevertheless prove short-lived if the family or strongman that takes over after Aliyev leaves power does not pursue a Russian vector. If Baku fails to go back under Russia, there will most probably be another war in Artsakh and we will most likely re-liberate what was lost last year. This in a nutshell is how geopolitics is played.
We Armenians are survivors, not thrivers.
That, "bam another calamity" as an excuse to political and nation-building failures is what nations like Russians, Germans, Iranians and even Turks could have used as an excuse, had they not created large, powerful empires. For many centuries, Russians in particular had it much-much tougher than any other people on earth, including us, yet they persevered and created the largest country on earth. Despite all sorts of calamities, some truly biblical/historic in nature, they have consistently been a superpower for centuries. Nevertheless, at the end of the day, the south Caucasus is a very complex and dangerous place. If Armenia's sons and daughters are not on the very top of their game, Armenia will not get far. We as a people need to either get our act in order, or we will continue living as beggars at the mercy of others. Thus far, we are proving to be incompetent strategists, terrible nation-builders - but very efficient beggars and victims...
Regarding your patriotic friend: He, as most Armenians alive today, seems a bit shortsighted, politically illiterate and emotionally handicapped. I am not in any way doubting his patriotism. Regarding Syunik: If all the regional powers (Russia, Iran, Turkey, Azerbaijan and even Israel, China and India) want Armenia to play game, then what choice do we Armenians really have in the matter? I really can't understand their kind of thinking. It's literally the house cat thinking he is a wild lion. Ultimately, it's suicidal. There is a very good American saying that applies here: "If you can't beat them, join them". We did not want to play the game regarding Artsakh, we were therefore forced to play it and it cost us much-much more in the end. Are we ready for another disaster because we AGAIN did not see the writing on the wall, regarding Syunik this time. This topic is yet another example of the cognitive dissonance and emotional handicap so many of our people suffer from...
We need to explore the "trade corridor/route" being proposed by regional powers. Many of us are looking at the matter from a very rigid, maximalistic and black and white perspective. If we are worried about Turkish takeover of Armenia's economy, then pass laws to curb Ankara's economic/financial potential. If we are worried about Azeri/Turkish military in Syunik, then make a deal with Russians and establish are large Russian-Armenian military presence in the region. There is no vision, no flexibility, no foresight, no pragmatism in Armenian thinking. We are proving more incompetent than Kurds and more self destructive than Arabs...
DeleteIntelligent people understand what I am saying. All intelligent folk I know are not happy about the situation Armenia is in today but they understand how it got here. They understand that we wasted 30 years on nonsense such as Western fairytales like "Democracy" and Western psy-ops like "Eurovision". They understand that we needed to concentrate our collective attention on Moscow and Tehran. They also understand that we are in a new world now, a world where we Armenians are helpless and at the mercy of the great powers. Intelligent people understand that Armenia is a weak and confused nation and that such nations are in no position to demand anything from anyone.
All the stupid questions you just asked have been fully explained in previous comments. Everything I have stated in this blog is self-explanatory. If you don't understand, it's because you suffer from cognitive dissonance, delusions of grandeur, psychological handicaps and you are politically illiterate. Your comments here do confirm this. In any case, like the American saying goes, "beggars cant be choosers". Political illiteracy has a high price. Losing wars also has a high price. Had you been part of a nation that had genuine patriotism, backbone and some foresight, we would not be having this conversation. Had you been part of a nation that did not tolerate Nikol's regime and the robber barons before it, we would not be having this conversation. It's amazing that a nation that can't even properly protect its borders has morons like you acting tough. In the big picture, people like you are a waste of time, as people like you brought us to where we are today. Now, it is what it is. Time to move forward with whatever agenda the region's powers have for us. Hopefully we'll be moving forward without dead-weight like you...
PS: I was never opposed to the protocols. My commentary on it can be found in this blog. I suggest you find it and read it...
so says the faceless coward...
DeleteSpeaking of "psychological handicaps," "intelligent people" can see very clearly that your world-view and the degrading manner in which you permit yourself to speak to others is ultimately a projection of your self-hatred and how you see yourself.
PS: you must have selective memory disorder on top of that severe case of NPD :-)
Here you go, stupid. Read what I thought about the protocols 12 years ago -
DeleteLooking at Armenian-Turkish Relations - Without the Paranoia, Obsessions or the Hysteria - October, 2009
Part 1:
ReplyDeleteFor the longest time, Europeans have known Armenians are foolish people, and our inner licentiousness cost us our homeland. We are a people best fooled by glitz and glamour. That we'd basically sell our homeland just to get a glimmer of attention from these things. Fame and attention are a hell of a drug combo.
"The Travels of Sir John Mandeville," written in the 1300s best depicts this characterization, where an Armenian king, was granted any wish by an fairy. Rather than the provide for his people, expand his kingdom, etc., the Armenian king desired to sleep with the fairy. The fairy, repulsed by the request, condemned Armenia to constant battle and decimation by its Muslim neighbors:
And from thence men go through Little Armenia. And in that country is an old castle that stands upon a rock; the which is clept the castle of the Sparrow-hawk, that is beyond the city of Layays beside the town of Pharsipee, that belongeth to the lordship of Cruk, that is a rich lord and a good Christian man; where men find a sparrow-hawk upon a perch right fair and right well made, and a fair lady of faerie that keepeth it. And who that will watch that sparrow-hawk seven days and seven nights, and, as some men say, three days and three nights, without company and without sleep, that fair lady shall give him, when he hath done, the first wish that he will wish of earthly things; and that hath been proved often-times.
And one time befell, that a King of Armenia, that was a worthy knight and doughty man, and a noble princes watched that hawk some time. And at the end of seven days and seven nights the lady came to him and bade him p. 99wish, for he had well deserved it. And he answered that he was great lord enough, and well in peace, and had enough of worldly riches; and therefore he would wish none other thing, but the body of that fair lady, to have it at his will. And she answered him, that he knew not what he asked, and said that he was a fool to desire that he might not have; for she said that he should not ask but earthly thing, for she was none earthly thing, but a ghostly thing. And the king said that he ne would ask none other thing. And the lady answered; “Sith that I may not withdraw you from your lewd corage, I shall give you without wishing, and to all them that shall come of you. Sir king! ye shall have war without peace, and always to the nine degree, ye shall be in subjection of your enemies, and ye shall be needy of all goods.” And never since, neither the King of Armenia nor the country were never in peace; ne they had never sith plenty of goods; and they have been sithen always under tribute of the Saracens.
Part 2
ReplyDeleteIgnoring the fact Armenians for the past 20 years have fawned over famous pornographic star, Kim Kardashian, like creating posthumous awards for her father who represented OJ Simpson, basically a guy who most likely murdered his ex-wife and another guy, just to get a chance to be beside her pornographic prowess (https://twitter.com/kimkardashian/status/610316098911612928), or taking pride in sending Europe our latest Eurovision sluts, Armenians elected a self-professed child rapist, Nikol Pasinyan (https://livenews.am/press/2021/115369/14/23/59/)
Nikol's memoirs talk about him raping little boys and making sure that he is the first to fuck them, to ensure that those little boys always remember him. Pedophile Pashinoglu also desired giving up Artsakh in his 2008 memoirs, desiring to give up Syunik in a 2001 article. The only thing Pedophoile Pashinoglu has defended are LGBTQ+ [the plus is for pedophilia] rights in Armenia. This coincides with his matters plans, under the OSF to introduce such abominations in order to basically weaken Armenia internally ()
Yet, we as a people continue to support Pedophile Pashinoglu en masse, at the expense of Artsakh, and potentially Syunik now. It's why we as a people keep chasing the glitz and glamor of the western world, rather than the logical fortifications that natural allies like Russia and Iran provide.
Great powers know this about Armenians, and constantly exploit this. Why do you think that the EU allocated $2.6 billion to Armenia, basically the day after Russia promised to secure Armenia's eastern front? That's why you have the Sevans (comments above) of the world preaching licentiousness, money and a street merchant mentality. We are to blame for all our losses. And now we are losing our homeland more and more because we accept moral degenerates like Kim Kardashian, Pedophile Pashinoglu, Cher, or promote immoral businessmen like Noubar Afeyan, the tzar of Amulsar and responsible for infertility among many women, because he's affiliated with Moderna, a company that never produced a viable pharmaceutical product before, but is now providing a potentially dangerous mRNA gene therapy that does not have any long-term success, and approved for emergency use only to fight a disease with 99.998% survival rate.
The solution is simple but difficult though, renounce these earthly desires. And salvation WILL be found. "And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." Matthew 19:24 [eye of the needle was a metaphor during Jesus' time where only horses for battle would ride through. A merchant who had a camel had lots of material wealth. The only way for such camel to pass through the eye of the needle would be to unload its possessions, and kneel through, metaphorically humbling themselves before God]
Well said, Chansons. Sometimes it does feel as if we are a cursed nation. We as a people have been unable to get our act in order since our conversion to Christianity. Not criticizing or lamenting our conversion. I'm just making an observation. The past 1700 years have not been pretty for us. But the problem actually goes back to Tigran the Great and his Greco-Roman fetish. In any case, Sir John Mandeville's story, which I had never heard of before, reminded me of another legend.
DeleteAccording to the writings of Zenob of Glak (a 4th century AD Assyrian or Armenian abbot), Gregory the Illuminator, who had recently famously converted the Armenian king to Christianity, ordered his troops to destroy a well known pagan temple (according to some, a Hindu temple) in the town of Kissaneh in the historic region of Taron. According to the legend, the said temple was known to Armenian Christians at the time as the "gates of hell" and a place where large numbers of demons dwelt. When the pagan priests guarding the temple resisted, Gregory the Illuminator is said to have ordered their killing. According to Zenob of Glak, who is said to have been an eyewitness to the incident, the demons that dwelt in the temple then being razed to the ground by Gregory the Illuminator's troops cried out - "though you drive us from here, there will be no rest for those who will dwell here".
If I am not mistaken, Gregory the Illuminator had the famous Monastery of Saint Karapet built on the spot where the pagan temple stood. For 1600 years Saint Karapet Monastery was the second most revered Christian site in Armenia after Etchmiadzin. It was finally destroyed by Turks and Kurds during the genocide...
In the following article, Eurasianet's Joshua Kucera makes an interesting point about problems on Armenia's borders with Azerbaijan in recent months: Baku is not recognizing Armenia's borders, because Armenia is refusing to recognize Azerbaijan's internationally recognized borders -
ReplyDeleteCross-border shooting escalates as Azerbaijan seeks formal agreement with Armenia
The implied suggestion is this: Armenia needs to give in to the international community's demands and recognize Azerbaijan's borders and Baku will thereafter reciprocate by recognizing Armenia's borders. This is the international community's prerequisite to normalizing relations. In other words, Armenia will have to officially recognize its defeat in Artsakh. If not, Armenia will continue facing serious problems on its eastern borders. This is exactly what we are seeing today. This is essentially what I mean when I say that the current problems on Armenia's borders are political, and that Baku is simply trying to strengthen its negotiating position. Nevertheless, we are seeing the international community - Western powers and Russia - trying to bring Armenia into submission.
Margaret Thatcher had it right when she said: "Those who stand in the middle of the road run the risk of getting runover". For the past 30 years, Armenia was proudly standing in the middle of the road with its so-called "complimentary politics". The risk to getting runover suddenly increased between the years 2008 and 2014. That was when Russia, as expected, began resurging and Western powers, as expected, began retreating from the south Caucasus. Because the Armenian attention was fixed on "Eurovision" and "Democracy", Armenia failed to develop closer ties to the Russian Federation. Consequently, when it came to Artsakh, Armenia was essentially left alone. Now, the entire world, including Western powers and Russia, is against Armenia's claims over Artsakh. The sooner we accept our well deserved defeat and make peace, the better it will be for Armenia. We actually do NOT have a choice anymore. It did NOT have to be this way, but there is a high price for politically illiteracy, and we have been paying it.
Eurasianet's articles are ubiquitous throughout Cyberia and they are always anti-Armenian and anti-Russian in nature. Who is behind Eurasianet? The following information was taken directly from their website: "Eurasianet is a tax-exempt organization based at Columbia University’s Harriman Institute, one of the leading centers in North America of scholarship on Eurasia. We are funded by Google, the Open Society Foundations, the UK's Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, the National Endowment for Democracy, Columbia University’s Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies and other grant-making institutions, and are advised by a board of trustees."
In other words, Eurasianet is funded by the CIA (i.e. NED) and Soros (i.e. Open Society). In other words, Eurasianet is financed by the same team that brought Nikol to power in Armenia. Yet, we still have idiots that say Nikol is a Russian agent. One more time: I will admit that Nikol may be a Russian agent IF Georgia's Saakashvili, Ukraine's Maidan, Azerbaijan's Elchibey, Oskanyan's Civilnet, George Soros' Open Society Foundation and the CIA's NED and Radio Liberty are also Russian projects...
And the following is yet another reason why Russians will continue keeping Armenia on its knees and begging. Despite the undisputed fact that Western powers are not genuinely interested in Armenia or Artsakh, we still have Western-financed mercenaries like Ara Papyan doing their best to cause problems for Armenia -
Could a ‘Biden Doctrine’ Contain Russia and Turkey?
I may be repeating thoughts already expressed, but...
ReplyDeleteIt's amusing to watch how Armenians are reacting these days, after everything that happened
1) We truly deserve everything that's coming. Nobody betrayed us, especially not Russia. We betrayed ourselves. We're our worst enemy. And yet we're thumping our chests. Reminds me of any cliché Arab-Israeli confrontation, where upon after every Israeli victory (no surprise there) the aforementioned Arab state/militia would proclaim "victory". 19th century Armenia writer Yervant Odian also best exemplifies this in his novel "Enker Panchuni" (a young socialist man who got educated in Europe and trying to spread socialism in his village in Western Armenia, proclaiming "moral victory" after his "comrade" got beaten up. I won't spoil the rest, but it's a very entertaining and eye opening read).
2) The western Diaspora is a graveyard. The majority have moved on with their lives, forgotten about Artsakh, as if nothing has happened. Armenian self-destructiveness, coupled with western societal conditioning, has done its irreversible damage. The high level of indifference says it all.
3) The Armenian 'state' no longer represents Armenian interests (it never 100% did since 1991). Russia has taken that role to an extent, with its own interests in mind. Good for them. For whatever reason, Russia believes the status of Artsakh is yet to be determined. It obviously has plans to keep Artsakh within its control.
4) Armenia could have avoided all this by taking the easy route: gradual shift towards Russia as of 2008 politically and economically. It decided to take the harder, rockier and bumpier road: gradual shift towards Russia by force. It has reached point that even Arabs, whom we like to make fun of, have turned out to be smarter than Armenians when it comes to geopolitics. Syria, Egypt and the Gulf States are the examples. Armenia will eventually change its geopolitical course. But again, it chose the longer, more difficult path. So be it. I hope once Armenia is fully within Russia's orbit, measures are taken to "reprogram" Armenians on the very long term. This vicious cycle has been going on for too long.
5) It's one thing when you read your people's history and get astonished from all the self-destructiveness that was done in the past. It's another thing when you witness it and live through it with your own eyes. No wonder why the likes of Father Komitas lost his mind after 1915. No wonder why the likes of Hovhanness Tumanyan, Garegin Njdeh, Hayk Asatryan, Shahan Natalie and the rest have all expressed similar thoughts as what rational Armenians express today.
PS as I was about to submit this comment, the headlines wrote how the Tunisians Army overthrew the government overnight... no "democratic elections", no "online coups"
Once more time: A majority of the Armenian population worldwide was either indifferent towards Artsakh or superficially in favor of it. A minority within the Armenian population was proactively pro-Artsakh, and another minority was proactively anti-Artsakh. The anti-Artsakh segment in our society basically earned the favor of the international community, who I call the lords of this world. And that is why the pro-Artsakh minority in our society was defeated. It was bound to happen because we are an incompetent people without nationalistic priorities. We got lucky with our win 30 years ago. Afterwards, however, we were unable to make our victory permanent. Simply put: We failed to understand that the keys to Artsakh's future was found in Moscow and not in "complimentary politics". Ultimately, 30 years ago we bit off more than we could swallow. We were unable to digest Artsakh. We did not deserve Artsakh. It's loss was inevitable...
DeleteWhile I agree that the majority of the Armenian population was/is indifferent towards/superficially in favor of not just Artsakh but in general Armenian issues, and while we all know that the governments and leaders are the reflections of the people, the "intellectual elites" if we can call them had 30 years to stir the course of our history for the better. When I say "elites" here I mean mainly our political elites, coupled with historians, analysts, economists etc. It turns out they failed or didn't really want to.
DeleteIn the case of recent events, while it's true that a majority of Armenians didn't go to the streets on November 9, the chunk of the people who did go out, battled through all difficulties, were all misled by the so-called opposition.
I don't care if it was Moscow's desire to do it that way. Moscow has won either way. It is our internal mess, and our oppositionists failed to have the guts to take out Pashinyan no matter the cost. Quite the opposite, those elections were a mistake because they legitimized Pashinyan's defeat. But they didn't care, for all they cared was to gain seats in parliament, it seems.
Vazgen Manukyan's name and reputation was exploited by the oppositionists. And I don't know why Kocharyan did what he did. What more could have the people done at that point? There was no other strong leader, and still isn't, to take out Nikol.
Perhaps eventually Nikol will go out of office after giving away everything to the Azeris (all of Artsakh, as well as the strategic Az. SSR enclaves) and eventually someone else will replace him. After the so-called peace deal, Azeris will continue to shoot on Armenian border guards without receiving retaliation, while humiliating our POWs in the process... until/if Armenia fully incorporates into Russia in the future. And if that happens, then so be it. This recent defeat will forever break the Armenian spirit, until again Armenians win another battle, but this time under the Russian banner...
Whether Armenia recognizes Azerbaijans international borders, it is a matter of insignificance in the geopolitical arena.If the vermin Pahsynian gets what he deserves,( this wild dog must be holding the record for the longest surviving bastard traitor the nation was endowed) the next one to come would not be able to salvage the situation. It is too late for that. Now there is a gigantic struggle to keep body and soul together in the remnant of what is left of Armenia. That is the crucible going forward. Azerbaijan does not need Armenia's recognition. Armenia has no weight in the international scale. . Her recognition for Azeria/Turkic borders is not worth the paper it is written on . She was defeated in the battle field, they wrenched Artsakh, and now they are trying to truncate her territory even further. There is a pincer movement together with Turkey ( Turkey is a two legged entity, Azerbaijan and turkey are one and the same) to asfixiate and weaken Armenia to the level of total and abject serfdom. For their part present day generation of Armenians don't seem to care an iota about the fateful consequences awaiting their national home. The Artsakh issue could only have been resolved by force of arms; and it was done so. If Armenians did not realize that at the time, it was unfortunate. Hindsight it is an exact science. Some finer brains would have discerned that the billions the turks were investing in armaments was not for showcase but that it would be put on use someday, and the target would the national home. Preparations and readiness for that day would have been the maximum and only priority of the leadership. Anon-Anonymous
ReplyDeleteHello, Arevordi.
ReplyDeleteI have been reading your blogs for long time and all of your prophecies and assumptions came true.
You are maybe a sole diasporian armo, who understands Armenian-Russian relations and its Dynamics on very high level, therefore I would like to ask you several questions if i can.
1. Which of Russian presidents were pursuing more pro-Armenian policy B. Yeltsin or V.V.Putin? Rumours r telling that during Yeltsin s Russia was supportive of Armenia and Pavel Grachev was a special friend of Armenian nation, but when Putin came to power it was reduced. Putin is de-facto Great strategists while Yeltsin have always been drunken.
2. As I noticed you are a big supporter of Eurasian ideology but as we can see Dugin is openly pursuing some kind of brotherhood with Turkic Nations? Did not Russians forget that Turkey was supporting Chechen rebels and other islamists who were beheading Russian soldiers and blowing buildings and metros in various Russian cities?
3. What is the future of Russian-Armenian relations in Caucasus and will Azerbaijan and Georgia return under Russian sphere of influence again? Be it tommrow, be it in decades?
4.Which Russian political parties can pursue Armenian interests in Kremlin and state duma with taking its National interests into account?
I m looking forward for your answers.
DeleteThank you for reaching out. I know you live in Europe. I am therefore glad you have been reading this blog.
1 The only thing Yeltsin was "pursuing" was a vodka bottle. That said, Russia's intelligence and military establishment during Yeltsin's time in power saw Armenia as a strategic foothold in a very volatile region of the world. The same has been true during Putin's time in power during the past 20-plus years. After all, President Putin is not an individual, he represents Russia's military and intelligence establishment. For all Russian governments, going back to the time of the Czars, Armenia has played a strategic role. What about Putin makes you say Russian-Armenian relations were reduced? During Yeltsin's time, Russia was on its knees and therefore somewhat soft. During the latter half of Putin's time in power, Russia has been resurgent and therefore somewhat aggressive. This does not mean that Yeltsin's Moscow was more Armenia friendly than Putin's Moscow. That said, problems between Moscow and Yerevan did rise when Nikol came to power in Armenia through the help of the NED (i.e. CIA) and Soros Foundation. Russians saw/see Nikol's rise to power in the same light as the Western financed Color Revolutions throughout Russian spheres of influence. This does not however mean that Russia is goign to abandon Armenia. If your question is about Moscow's reaction to the last war in Artsakh, Russia was never on our side regarding our claims over Artsakh. I have explained all this on numerous occasions recently. In early 1990s, Moscow began supporting Armenian Artsakh because Elchibey, a pro-Turkish and pro-Western activist came to power in Baku. In 2020, Moscow pulled its protective hand away from Artsakh because Nikol, a pro-Turkish and pro-Western activist came to power in Yerevan.
2 Again, if you read my work closely you would have seen that I address these matters regularly. Turkey is a NATO member with very close ties to the Western establishment. Turkey is a regional superpower. Turkey has a very large and powerful military. Turkey has a very large economy. And, more importantly, Turkey has ethnic/religious ties with tens-of-millions of Turkic peoples throughout the Middle East, Caucasus and Central Asia. Mindful of this, Russia is trying to establish good relations with Turkey. It does this through men like Alexander Dugin. Ultimately, Russia wants to sow problem inside NATO. It has succeeded to some degree. Russia wants to disarm and neutralize Turkey without violence or hostilities. It has succeeded to some degree. Russia wants to trade with an economic superpower like Turkey. It has succeeded to some degree. Russia also knows that its window of opportunity vis-a-vis its intentions regarding Turkey is Erdogan's regime. Russians know that as soon as Erdogan loses power, Turkey will go back to its founding parents - Anglo-American-Jews. Nevertheless, despite Russia's desire to bring Turkey closer to it, Russia continues to guard Armenia's border with Turkey and it continues to recognize the Armenian Genocide. It's important to note that genetically Russians are not an emotional people. As a result, Moscow is pragmatic and farsighted and therefore an excellent executor of realpolitik. Regardless of what Turks did to Russians yesterday and the day before, if Russians can use Turks for Russia's benefit today, they will try it. This rational, cold, calculating, pragmatic and realistic approach to politics is why Russia did not take the bait in 2015, when elements inside Turkey's military establishment tired to incite a war between Turkey and Russia. As a result, Russia today is the main geopolitical players in the Middle East.
3 Russia and Armenia do not have a choice in the matter. Both Russia and Armenia need each other. Naturally, we Armenians need Russia much more than they need us. At the end of the day, Russia can survive without us, we however can't survive with them. Nevertheless, and as I keep noting, Armenia remains a strategic foothold for Russia. I'm actually optimistic about Russian-Armenian relations. If we manage to get through the current phase (demarcating Armenia's borders with Azerbaijan, opening Armenia's south to regional trade, settling the Artsakh dispute for once and for all) without serious problems, I think better times will come for Armeia. Russia is interested in peace and cooperation in the south Caucasus under its terms (i.e. Pax Russica). Azerbaijan and Georgia will eventually return back to Mother Russia. They don't have a choice. Time wise I do not know when all this will happen, as there are many unpredictable factors at play. What Moscow needs to do is figure out how to weaken the Turkish and Shiite factors in Baku. It's doable. Azerbaijan is a lot more secular and pro-Russian than we Armenians think. Azerbaijan will fully fall into Russia's orbit, it's half way there already. Once that is done, Georgia will by-default fall into Russia orbit as well. I think this will happen in the next ten years or so, if the international community is able to avoid a world war three.
Delete4 Russia's political parties are expected to pursue Russia's interests, not Armenia's. Russia however is not a nation of "political parties". You are looking at Russia through Western eyes. Russia is instead a top heavy political system that is ultimately run by its military and intelligence services. I reiterate: Russia's military and intelligence agencies see Armenia as a strategic foothold in a strategic region. We Armenians never fully exploited this because our collective attention was always on the Western world. What we as a people needed to have done is develop deep ties with Russian think tanks (i.e. political institutions, analytical centers, senior policymakers, influential thinkers/activists like Dugin, etc); political, financial and military elite; and intelligence organizations. We had the overlapping interests and the human assets inside Russia to see this through. We also had the time - 30 years. Not only did we not pursue this route, we in fact did everything to upset Russia's political establishment. Nikol was in a sense the final Armenian insult for Moscow, and Russians used the opportunity to establish a military presence in Artsakh and Azerbaijan. That said, all ethnic Russian political forces will continue looking at Armenia as a strategic asset. This does not mean they will not at times give us a harsh lesson or two in good behavior...
On a sidenote, 2 recent videos have surfaced on the internet during the first Artsakh war. Ter-Petrosyan in Stepanakert:
ReplyDeleteԳաղտնի պայմանագիր Հայաստանի եւ Արցախի միջև Լևոն Տեր Պետրոսյան Ռոբերտ Քոչարյան
«Չի կարելի ծաղրել միջազգային հանրությանը». Լևոն Տեր-Պետրոսյան, Ստեփանակերտ, 1993թ.
Thank you. I had not seen these video clips before. It's as if Levon Petrosyan is giving an ultimatum to the Artsakh liberation camp; and he's doing so in 1993, at the height of our victory. And there is Kocharyan and Babayan sitting right next to him. It's a historic moment that was apparently lost to history until now. Everything he said for the past 30 years has come to pass. The man was not a seer or a prophet, he simply understood politics very well. I dislike Levon Petrosyan for the lawlessness and corruption he sowed in the country in the early 1990s. We are still suffering the consequences of what he started. Some claim it was a planned corruption of Armenian society, supposedly to weaken it from within and make the Artsakh dispute easier to settle. In hindsight, it makes sense. Nikol's rise to power can be seen as the climax/culmination of what Levon started in 1991. In any case, when it comes to Artsakh, I now find myself mostly in agreement with him. The difference between him and I is technical. While he wanted Armenians to totally give in to the wishes of the international community, I on the other hand thought by drawing Russians into Artsakh and agreeing to giving some of the territories back to Baku, we could have changed the geopolitical calculous, gain Russia's support and therefore keep the conflict frozen indefinitely.
DeleteInteresting many points Arevordi has talked about over the years:
ReplyDeleteMultipolar World - Russia's Primakov Doctrine in the Middle East
Yevgeny Primakov represents "old school" Russian imperialistic thought. Although for obvious reasons he sought to preserve as much of the Soviet Union's borders as possible - which drawn between the mid 1930s and the end of the second world war - he nevertheless was pro-Armenian in that he recognized that Armenians of Artsakh (which was part of Azerbaijan according to international law) needed some form of autonomy. He and Pavel Grachev supported Armenians during the first war in the early 1990s. In the big picture, Armenians won the first war not because of "Monte" or "Pavlik" but because of the kind of geostrategic thinking individuals like Primakov and Grachev promoted in the Kremlin at the time. The said support came after the Soviet Union officially dissolved in late 1991. That was when the Kremlin's geopolitical calculous essentially changed overnight. That was also when Elchibey - an anti-Russian, pro-Western and pan-Turkist activist - rose to power in Baku. With Western powers, pan-Turkists and Islamists threatening the south Caucasus, the Kremlin began actively helping the Armenian war effort in Artsakh. The events at Khojalu in early 1992 and the liberation of Shushi in the spring of 1992 were the turning points of the war. Despite our best efforts, we were losing the war prior to 1992. In any case, I am glad that Primakov and Grachev are not around to see what a trashy and self-destructive people we turned out to be in the post-Soviet period. Anyway, here is something to chew on -
DeleteFrom the Archives: In 1990s Russia Saw Kocharyan as Obstacle to Karabakh Deal
That was an interesting article Arevordi. It should now be clear that nothing happens in that region without Russia's green light. Serj Sarkisyan finally gave in to the global community's and Russia's demands by stepping aside and letting nikol come in. What no one was expecting was the extent to which that psychologically disturbed parasite, his money-hungry wife and their team of covert turkish agents would go in destroying what had been built in Armenia and Artsakh.
DeleteThe Russians wanted more military presence in the region and restoration of Soviet borders.
The Anglo-American-turkish-jewish axis wanted Russia out of the region and the turks in. Even though they are competing interests, they have one common denominator - the destruction of Armenia & Artsakh as we knew it. In other words no matter which side wins, we lose. The question should have been how to soften the blow and minimize damage. As it turns out, both sides have come to a compromise, both Russians AND Turks got in to the region and are playing a delicate balancing act but we as usual got fucked in the middle.
Kocharian and Sarkisyan held on for 20 years and prevented the big powers from using Artsakh as their battleground. If we had a society that was educated, patriotic and militaristic, and a leadership that was pragmatic, nation-loving and patriotic, we could have not only kept the status quo going but expanded further. I will always reserve a little bit of hatred towards Serj Sarkisyan for not spending his 10 years as president in preparing society and lobbying Russia instead of kissing Western ass and allowing Western NGOs to engineer our society into the nikol worshipping, Karabaghtsi-hating shit that we have today.
Arto, it all goes back to the inherent dangers of standing in the middle of the road, especially when you are small, poor and weak, and especially when you are located in a dangerous environment like the south Caucasus. We knew the keys to Artsakh was found in Moscow. We therefore needed to put ALL our eggs in the Russian basket, especially after 2008. We needed to do this to turn not only Armenia into an important Russian investment/asset but also Artsakh. We needed to work on pulling Russians into Artsakh as obsessively as we were pursuing genocide recognition in Washington. Zori Balayan had the foresight to warned us about all this in 2013 with his open letter to President Putin. He was attacked by left, right and center. Consequently, we paid the price for our political illiteracy. It did not have to be this way. Had we understood at least some basic tenants of geopolitics (i.e. how the international community does its best to dissuade small nations from redrawing internationally recognized borders) and therefore seriously engaged the Kremlin going back to the 1990s, we could have changed the geopolitical calculus on the ground for our benefit. We instead acted like our fairytale "hero", Qaj Nazar. We became the house cat that thought he was a wild lion. The pro-Artsakh segment in Armenian society was arrogant, emotional, boastful, maximalistic, shortsighted and politically illiterate. They told Russians - you just protect our borders with Turkey, we can handle Azerbaijan with no problems. They also told Russians - you are only good for us for security matters and the West is good us for all other matters. Yes, throughout the years, we sold to Russians many of our national infrastructure - things we could not operate ourselves anyway - but we also flooded Armenia with Western and Turkish agents and establishments. We then jubilantly put into power a Western-financed tabloid journalist that espoused anti-Artsakh feelings and pro-Turkish sentiments. By 2020, Armenia was a rudderless boat on a stormy sea with an incompetent and treasonous captain at the helm. And it was all approved of my our people, who gave Nikol's regime a stamp of approval on June 20th, 2021. On that date, we privatized (i.e. fully owned) our decline, tragedy and defeat.
DeleteArmenians have STILL not learned their lesson. Agents of Western and Turkish influence are still operating freely throughout Armenian society, and Moscow is using this as an excuse to further tighten the vice on Armenia.
I agree with you about Serj Sargysan. He played a fundamental role in the disaster we suffered. More recently, he participated in the latest elections independent of Robert Kocharyan, who was clearly gaining strength throughout Armenian society. In my opinion, Sargsyan did this to dilute/weaken the potential of the opposition and therefore ensure a Nikol victory. In hindsight, yes, Sargsyan proved more toxic than even Levon Petrosyan. Petrosyan was always upfront about matters concerning Artsakh. He had been telling us from day one that the international community would not allow us to redraw borders despite validity of our claims. In later years, he warned us that the international community had given Russia the responsibility of settling the Artsakh dispute in accordance with international law. So, at least Petrosyan was honest. Sargsyan was dishonest and he excelled in deceit, manipulation and playing political chess. Kocharyan, to his credit, thought he could hold on to Artsakh indefinably by playing delay tactics and moving closer to Russia. But there is only so much one man can do, especially in a country that rejected him from day one. Needless to say, March 1, 2008 forever tainted his legacy...
As for Nikol, he was simply the Western financed, mentally disturbed degenerate that the international community used to teach our gypsy-like peasantry a lesson or two in geopolitics. The thousands of lives lost, the billions of dollars wasted and the losses of Hadrut and Shushi are on Nikol and his George Soros funded kindergarten.
DeleteYes, all the Russians wanted was a military presence in the region and restoration of Soviet borders.
Where the said borders would exactly pass through was of secondary importance to the Kremlin. Moreover, restoration of Soviet borders did not mean that the internationally recognized borders of Nagorno Karabakh would go back to Azerbaijan. The international community, including Russia, was willing to give Armenians of Artsakh some form of autonomy - plus a land route to Armenia. The pro-Artsakh segment in Armenian society laughed at their proposals for three decades. Official Yerevan consequently tried to walk a tightrope (i.e. complimentary politics). And in all blew up in our faces.
Some words of advice: Every nation on earth, especially the largest and the most powerful ones, including the United States and Russia, have serious border issues. That is why the "international community" takes international law (that which they write to protect their holdings) very seriously. When it comes to the internationally recognized territorial integrity of nations, even superpowers do their best not not play around with it much. The US tried it twice in recent memory - Kosovo and North Kurdistan. There was a lot of uproar about it. Russia responded to US actions by changing the status of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and then Crimea. In both cases, the matter has remained unresolved. In Russia's case, it is still paying for it (i.e. sanctions and political pressure). Turkey, a regional superpower, has not been able to officially absorb northern Cyprus despite its best effort going back four decades. After over 50 years, Israel is still trying to annex the Golan Heights and the West Bank. Despite Donald Trump's foolish move to appease right-wing Jewry, the two territories in question are still not recognized by the international community as being part of Israel. Let's also recall that the international community convinced/forced Israel to move out of the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaz Strip and southern Lebanon.
The point is this: Even major powers find it very difficult to redraw borders - essentially because allowing nations to redraw maps for ANY reason can unleash yet another world war which can in-turn threaten the lords of this world. And we Armenians though WE could do it?! Because we were right and they were wrong?! Because it was "Stalin's fault"?! Because we were victims of a genocide and the international community had to appease us?! It's a result of political illiteracy, emotional handicaps, arrogance and cognitive dissonance if you ask me...
Something else to chew on -
Regime change efforts in Belarus have entered a stalemate. But Russia might be working towards an ‘Armenian solution’ for Minsk
Hearing about Lukashenko’s future up in the air, I can’t help but feel that the Belarusian opposition might be willing to serve their new overlords if it meant getting rid of Lukashenko forever. Although Belarus is still an authoritarian regime, the key opposition figures are already making plans to turn Belarus into another Rothschild-run estate with its carefully selected goons to run the country. At this point, Russia might as well give up on Europe if they continue to insist on going the Atlanticist route. However, that alone may jeopardize their grip on Kaliningrad Oblast, so for the time being, Russia still needs to pay attention to Europe.
DeleteObvious that Americans don't want smaller nations to redraw borders but what border issues does the US have?
Hawaii: The 50th state in the union was invaded and illegally occupied towards the end of the 19th century. Uncle Sam has since kept a close eye on independence/liberation movements...
DeleteTexas: Was once part of Mexico. It then became independent country for a short period of time. Texas has always been somewhat rebellious. The state has secessionist movements that Uncle Sam keeps an eye on...
Puerto Rico: The poor island nation is essentially a US colony. Some decades ago Puerto Rico had an active independence/liberation movement. It was squashed by Uncle Sam. Today, the country's population is mostly dumbed down. However, since there is always the potential for another independence movement, Uncle Sam continues to keep a close eye on the matter...
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba: The controversial US military base there is seen by Cubans as an occupying force...
Mexico: Parts of southern California, New Mexico and Texas were annexed by the US. Many Mexicans see the entire south-west of the US as theirs...
There are other problematic territories/possessions as well. If one day the US fell into disarray and Uncle Sam's power/influence weakened, the US will face a number of serious secessionist movements.
I still wish Mother Russia all the beauties and the wisdom of the world for the sake of its Byzantine-Eastern Roman roots. As a Bolsohay I can see from different angles. Armenians have various opinions about the Byzantines but mines are mostly positive. If we and the Greeks didn't clash our fate would have been different today. It is true that the Greeks enterred a period of chauvinism during the crisis period of that Empire but for the sake of the general good we could have been more accomodating and understanding so the dome over us doesn't collapse. It collapsed with its thousands years of greatness and Eastern Christianity became prey of different type of Muslim yokes and mostly vanished today.We still are under its shadow and it is still haunting us. The Byzantines died and its soul went to Russia. That's me and many wanted at least to believe. When a civilization dies out its impact stays for centuries.By objective terms It was the greatest civilization the world has seen. Many wanted to create cheaper copies of it after its fall. For a certain period Byzantines were revived in Romania. It also fell. Germans tried a new Western Roman Empire called the Holy Roman Empire. Even the United States' founding fathers admired ıt. Bigger structures are richer. Armenians also were better off in bigger structures and these were periods when their talents shined. When they remained by themselves these were periods of crisis. In empires we were like candles illuminating many. In smaller structures we were poor in all senses and depressed and traumatized. That is our legacy. In a symphony orchestra we were the violin or the cello. In smaller structures we are the duduk which spreads melancholy.
ReplyDeleteYou sound like a wimp. Your entire platform is about riding someone else's coattails. Nation building is a dirty job, where you have to eat shit, not just ice cream. This is something pampered bolsahyes will never understand, it is why they are the ultimate sell-outs.
DeleteCheck out the recent news. It's slowly coming into focus now. Russians are watching Armenia's border with Turkey, Azerbaijan and Iran. Under Nikol's watch Armenia became an unofficial region of the Russian Federation. Don't worry Arevordi not saying Nikol is a Russian agent. Like you have been saying Nikol fell into a trap. He thought he had secret plans with Turks what he found out Russians had even bigger plans for him. Putin wants Nikol in power so Kocharyan never had a chance and he knew it. I have no doubt Putin will get rid of Nikol after Moscow's work is finished.
ReplyDeletePashinyan Presses for Russian Troops Along Armenia-Azerbaijan Border
Russian border guards to be deployed in several more villages of Armenia’s Tavush Province
Russian armed forces to bring Armenian military to its level –analyst on reforms
Russia ambassador to Armenia visits border with Turkey (PHOTOS)
Russia Blames Azerbaijan for Breach of Karabakh Truce in Post-Ceasefire First
Armenia party leader: Russia is now bearer of principle of ‘not an inch of land’ in Artsakh
Looking back one can not fathom the idiocy of Armenian administrations in the politics of Artsakh. Who was the main beneficiary if Russian forces had been permitted to establish a presence in Artsakh to police the border with Azerbaijan ? With the Russian presence in the area the status quo would have been preserved and continued. Armenia was not capable of matching the level of arms expenditure of the Azeries; therefore it called for maximum vigilance and emergency politics on the part of Armenia. Armenia could have turned, and should have, Artsakh into an impregnable fortress if they had put their focus of attention and political efforts to it. But incomprehensibly did not. Now they have not lost Artsakh only, they may also see the loss of the Syunic region too. Armenia's territorial integrity is now being carved up; and regardless of the international community view on this- nothing congruent and effective can be expected from them aside from symbolic barking- its harsh reality can not be denied. It does not help heaping blame to X,Y, or Z. The blame lies entirely on the shoulders of our effeminate and self conceited leadership, culminating in the fatal choice of a lying political inept and treacherous bungler as commander in chief. Whatever happens from now on it is anyone's guess, but the future never looked more gloomy. Anon-Anon
ReplyDeleteEverything is usually 20/20 in hindsight. I have no doubt that a year ago you would have been just as narrowminded, shortsighted, maximalistic and "leave the Azeris to us" anybody else. Yes, Artsakh could have been turned into an impregnable fortress with Russian help. Armenians were too busy with Eurovision and café culture to get it done. The blame first and foremost is on the people. Governments are merely a reflection of the people they rule over. One more time: A majority of Armenians were indifferent towards Artsakh, and a significant minority were outright against it from day one. Significant numbers of Armenians, both in and out of the homeland, saw Artsakh as the main reason why Armenia has not developed properly and why Armenians have a very low standard of living.
DeleteIn the big picture, we did NOT deserve Artsakh. We are NOT a conquering people. We are NOT a warlike people. We are NOT a politically literate people. We are for the most part a conforming/compliant people who likes to sing and dance, and spend countless hours at cafes showing of expensive smartphones, wristwatches and of course American cigarettes.
Nevertheless, Armenia's territorial integrity is NOT in dispute. Zangezur is NOT in danger. The Kremlin (and to a lesser degree Tehran) would never allow Turks and/or Azeris to threaten Zangezur. Opening up Armenia's south for economic trade (which is something both Moscow and Tehran wants) does not equate to losing sovereignty. Armenians need to break out of their emotional handicaps, narrowmindedness and political illiteracy.
When will the blood sucking traitor reptilian of Pashynian hang? Energy sapping efforts is to hear and look at the face of this mangy rodent on news media making headlines with vapid and insipid statements. Armenians may be politically immature, supercilious, megalomaniacs, regressive mutants and other labeled injunctions heaped upon them; ample proof that these asseverations are valid is the mere fact that an infamous blood soaked (remember the 5000+ dead youths who were sent to be slaughtered in Artsakh) reptilian traitor is still tolerated and supported as president of the country, or whatever is left of geographical Armenia. This crypto turkish jackal must be the reincarnation of Talaat Pasha (for those who believe in reincarnation).
DeleteSaigon II
ReplyDelete"Live Updates: Afghan President Ghani 'Flees' Country as Taliban Fighters Ordered to Enter Kabul"
‘Manifestly not Saigon’? WATCH US helicopters evacuate Kabul embassy as Blinken defiantly rejects Vietnam pullout comparisons
Saigon II is exactly what we are seeing take place. We knew this day would come. And Afghans deserve it. The best thing that happened in Afghanistan's history was the Soviet Union's invasion in 1979. For the first time in Afghan history they had a chance to modernize and civilize. What they did was join the CIA to fight the Soviets. For 40-plus years Afghans have been kissing Uncle Sam's dirty ass. And now, they are paying for it. Good. Political illiteracy has a high cost.
DeletePS: It's amazing that Armenia's professional Russophobes are still insisting that Russia is in retreat and that Armenia needs to ally with Western powers.
The Taliban doesn't have a good record of human rights towards women and minorities though, and the fact that the American retreat from Afghanistan was just as rushed as the Fall of Saigon is an indication that the collapse of the American Empire might begin. The Soviet Union's collapse was partly due to their defeat in Afghanistan as well.
DeleteSome of the modernization policies that was introduced received a reactionary backlash from the mainly Muslim conservative factions of the country, which is why they joined the CIA in stopping the Soviet invasion.
What will happen with the potential collapse of the United States is that it might become bloodier than the old Soviet Union's collapse, and its second civil war might be bloodier than the current Ukrainian conflict. I kinda wished the civil war in the US would kick off, if only to actually get involved.
The fall of Vietnam was never this embarrassing:
DeleteDesperate Afghans fall to deaths from plane wheels after packing runway to flee Taliban
The US was 85-90% White, had a good manufacturing base, people still got believed in family, country, God, and the country actually powered on for several decades after Vietnam, even if the rot was there. Afghanistan is a humiliation, on par with pashinyan's war.
I generally don't like Muslims, but I don't see the Taliban as the worst evil that can hit Afghanistan. They are the conservative, traditional, religious power that naturally should govern Afghanistan. They have the support of the Afghan people, except for the small group of western-wannabe urbanites in Kabul. The Taliban don't tolerate homosexuality, opium, feminism, orhomosexuality, and they crack down on sick local customs like bacha bazi.. I don't think the Taliban have aspirations of a global Islamic empire, unlike the western-created entities Al-Qaeda or ISIS. I don't even think the Taliban have any real desire to fight outside of Afghanistan. They are already making diplomatic overtures to China.
It's interesting that the western media is now trying to sell a continuation of the war that was started as "revenge" for the September 11, 2001 incident under the pleas of "Afghan women will lose their freedom to whore around." Leave Afghanistant to the Afghans and they will sort it out. Same with Iraq, Syria, Libya and the other Muslim countries.
Historic/iconic images from Kabul airport. These video images will burn themselves into political memory. This much more tragic and embarrassing than what happened in Saigon in 1975. Nevertheless, this is exactly what imperial decline looks like - specifically from the perspective of natives that eagerly served their imperial overlords for many years. The ten year Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and its subsequent retreat from the country was incomparably more civilized and orderly. Soviets actually built infrastructure. Soviet actually educated civilians. Soviets actually built an Afghan military. When the Soviets left in 1989, they left orderly and they left with honor. And the Afghan government they left behind was competent and organized, which is why they managed to survive an onslaught by CIA-backed Islamists for several years after the Soviet departure.
DeleteOne thing to be mindful in all this is that Washington's Afghan withdrawal policy transcends the Democrat vs. Republican dynamic in US politics. What we are seeing has nothing to do with political parties or politicians. In a nutshell, Trump was told to start the pullout process by a ruling elite that sit above the heads of all presidents. And now, the same is making Biden finish the process. As to the question of why the US is retreating from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, there are several theories. One theory, it may be connected to the Globalist effort to downsize the American Empire. Another theory, it may connected to the repositioning of forces and resources in preparation for another war or invasion. Another theory, which in my opinion is the most plausible, the American Empire is in bad shape financially and politically, it therefore can no longer afford military adventures around the world.
So, after twenty years... after tens of billions of dollars... after thousands of lives lost... the mighty American empire has NOTHING to show for its effort in Afghanistan. In fact, the Taliban is more popular in Afghanistan today in 2021 than it was when Americans invaded in 2001. Despite what many idiots in our society think, Americans have fucked up every country they have invaded/occupied. The few countries that succeeded under American occupation (essentially Japan, Germany and Korea), succeeded despite Americans.
Regarding the Taliban: I am no fan, but I admire their resilience, persistence, steadfastness, warrior traits, religious zeal, ideological conviction and patience. They played the long game, and they won.
Tucker Carlson had a good show tonight
WATCH: Taliban fighters fire warning shots outside Kabul airport as crowds of Afghans try to enter facility
Afghan president fled Kabul with cars full of cash & was forced to abandon some loot on airport runway, Russian embassy claims
In pictures: The Taliban take over Afghanistan
History repeats. Afghans may be backward and all that but they are warriors to the fullest even today. One trillion dollars and more than 6 thousand dead was the cost to let the world see that the emperor has no clothes, this is so embarrassing it looks staged but we know its not. What will that fat POS Ara Papyan say now?
DeleteBritain's fourth Afghan war is a replay of the first infamous retreat 170 years ago
Afghans Fall from U.S. Military Plane After Clinging to Aircraft in Shocking Video
Taliban Seizes 'Enormous' Amount of Costly US Military Hardware Abandoned by Afghan Army: Report
How many Americans died, how much federal money was spent on Afghanistan war
Armenia could capitalize from all these developments by inviting them to Armenia. Even the Turks mostly dislike Americans due to Islam but most of Armenians won't and we are Christians.There won't be huge reactions by Armenians as signs of enmity towards them. We already have 2 million people in the U.S and they are mostly well integrated and represented in various spheres. Plus Armenia is small size with small population we won't need a trillion to make a step forward. With few billion Dollars the landscape in Armenia will drastically change and we would be thankful to the U.S and loyal till the end.Better for U.S to feed donkeys less and try to keep the ones who could contribute. Armenians are not a problem people. We would easily accomodate. We don't have millions of illiterate and butchering radicals either.We would have similar relations with them like the Greeks have and would welcome their greatness.After all U.S is the greatest country on earth and we are not ungrateful people. If Armenia gets better it will be a plus for humanity and another success story where the U.S brought good and development. President Woodrow Wilson aimed to have an independent Armenia including a coast to the Black Sea but unfortunately the U.S didn't have the leading position like it has today.After all the Muslims will mostly dislike them whatever they do or spread. Hope U.S has greater wisdom to build the world of the future. U.S has nothing to regret by leaving a primitive jungle like Afghanistan. Let Afghans regret it.If I was U.S I would go to welcoming nations instead of places run by feet and sweat odor cavemen. U.S is in Poland. Polish are happy to have them. They are in Greece, Greeks are also happy to have them.Zero problems for all sides in those places. Wish they came to Armenia too. Armenia could be a platform for Russian-American cooperation. What Russia has to get with the ones like Pakistan, Afghanistan, kakaistan etc. Nothing. Waste of energy and ressources. U.S is also the boss of the global economical system.If Afghanistan will need funds they will still need to kiss U.S boots. They can not use Dollars without U.S approval. If somebody even sends a single Dollar by transaction ıt will be seen by the U.S and they will act. All the global transactions are under U.S supervision.Especially the ones in Dollar. These are tools Russia will never have. Of course Russia is big but big for us. Not for Americans.
DeleteKarmir Xndzor,
DeleteI am glad you brought up that bloated asshole. Ara Papyan has been going around trying to convince our peasantry that Armenia needs to abandon Russia and ask for US protection. He claims, the US is ready to provide Armenia military assistance and economic help - if only Armenians ask. It's fucking insanity. It's so crazy I can't respond to it in a rational manner. Disgusting vermin like Papyan could care less about Armenia. People like him (and there are many of them) are so vile, so self-serving, so distorted and so happy with the handouts they are getting from Western institutions that they will say and do absolutely anything to further their agenda - despite how dangerous it is for Armenia. So, looking at the Afghanistan debacle, assholes like Papyan will simply reformulate their toxic rhetoric to appeal to the primitive instincts of our gypsy-like people. I see Papyan now saying to our sheeple: You see folks, America is so wonderful, so amazing that Afghans are literally dying to go there...
I would love to see anti-Russian and anti-Armenian activists like Ara Papyan and our mentally disturbed Turkish-Armenian friend "Sevan" (who won't stop posting stupid comments despite how often I delete them) falling off, or rather being thrown off, US airplanes in similar fashion.
'Greatest debacle that NATO has seen’: Biden stuns allies with Afghanistan mistakes expected of Trump
‘Russia is NOT the enemy’: After failure in Afghanistan, Czech president calls on NATO to focus on terrorism instead of Moscow
A Tale of Two Withdrawals: Why Soviet and US Pull-Outs From Afghanistan Were So Different
The Spoils of War: Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade
Are we certain that Sevan isn't in fact a turkish troll? I just can't take that last comment at face value. It is utterly childish and imbecilic.
DeleteI'm pretty sure Sevan is Turkish-Armenian. He sure acts like one. I delete most of what he tries to post without even reading it. Sometimes however his comments catch my eyes. A few weeks ago he was hoping that Turks would begin slaughtering Russians. I was not in a good mood, I just deleted it. I wish I posted it. In any case, Sevan is quite typical of Diasporan Armenians. I know other individuals who similarly hope to see Russians getting slaughtered by Turks. I know other individuals who claim Russians are worst than Turks. I know other individuals who claim Russians are blonde Turks. Just think about the toxic, irrational thought processes associated with such thinking. It's cognitive dissonance at its worst, and it's not very rare in Armenian society these days. Sevan is a typical Diasporan Armenian from Turkey. At heart, these people love and envy Turks. When they look in the mirror, they subconsciously see a Turk. Biologically and culturally this is normal as Turks are much more closely related to Armenians than Russians. They also lament having bad relations with Turks, and they mostly blame it on the Russian Czar. You can call is Stockholm Syndrome, treason, stupidity, insanity, self-hate, PTSD, etc. It does not matter what you call it. Sevan types exists in significant numbers throughout Armenian society. Turkish tolls and actual Turkish agents also exist in our society, but the naturally pro-Turkish element in Armenian society far outnumber them. This is why Turks, as well as Anglo-American-Jews, have always had a fertile ground to plant their toxic seeds...
Delete1) The US withdrawal was a poltical choice by the Biden administration. For one Americans do not care about Afghanistan and the war was becoming poltically unfeasible in the US.The fighting in Afghanistan will likely continue because Afghanistan has been in civil war for over 30 years and a lot of political issues are unresolved. Secondly Trump agreed the withdrawal based on two conditions 1) Taliban cuts ties with Al Qeada and 2) They negotiate in good faith to form a power sharing arrangemnet with different Afghan parties. The Taliban were not meeting their end of the bargain so the US did not need to honor the deal as the Taliban were not negotiating in good faith.
Delete2) Nation buidling failed. The "training" the Afghan army received was the wrong training. The Afghan army did not know how to handle US weapons properly in terms of their maintenance and logistics which is why their military machine broke down in a week . American weapons are hard to maintain and logistics are complex. The so called "300K well equipped Afghan Army" was merely a paper army. The number of troops were inflated American airpower and intelligence were helping the Afghan army keep parity but once the US withdrew the morale plummeted.
3) The US is not a reliable ally because the US public does not care about the rest of the World. That's why Russia is a better ally for Armenia. Because unlike the US , Russia is not on an isolated continent. Russia's very security depends on securing it's southern flank the North and South Caucasus. That's why Armenia is improtant to Russia and Russia is important to Armenia.
4) The Taliban are opposed by many ethnic and religious groups. The Shias and the other ethnic groups do not like the Taliban for the most part as they are Pashtuns. Taliban may have some support because the previous Afghan govt was corrupt but if the Taliban fail to govt the country effectively than the civil war will resume.
5) The Taliban survived because they had a lot of Pakistani support. The Taliban were resilient because they had a vast pool of Pashtun fighters they can draw from because 1) Pashtuns are the biggest ethnic group in Afghanistan and 2) there are millions of Pashtuns in Pakistan. Plus the ISI overtly and covertly supported and supports the Taliban for many reasons. There was alledged Iranian , Russian and Chinese support but I personally am skeptical of Iranian and Russian support. In other words the Taliban had deep wells of support both Internationally and amongst ethnic Pashtuns.
it is a dumb/moronic, servile , nation which keeps its traitors in power. Such nation can not survive as a sovereign state if it allows itself to become a petri dish, a nest of homegrown treasonous sub humans. It is high time we fold up our delusional independent nation condition and embrace the fact of an ethnic, a racial ,minority community in the RF. Maybe then we could extirpate the tribe of cancerous cells nursing in our bosoms'. anon anon
ReplyDeleteRussians troops are now guarding Armenia's borders with not only Turkey but also Azerbaijan... Russian troops today are Artsakh's last line-of-defense... Russia remains by-far impoverished Armenia's largest trading partner and investor... Russia remains impoverished Armenia's only affordable arms and energy provider... Russia is home to hundreds-of-thousands of desperate migrant workers from Armenia.... For all intents and purposes, Armenia today is a failed state. The country is not self-sustaining and it is not independent to any degree. Without Russia, Armenia would not even survive a single week in a place like the south Caucasus. Yet, for the past 30 years Armenians have done their best to distance themselves from Russia and embrace Western powers. That is why the tiny/poor country, which as mentioned is desperately dependent on Russia for survival, has been flooded by Western financed NGOs and activists. And that is why three years ago the reins of government were taken over by a NED (i.e. CIA), British Council and Open Society financed activists. All this has happened with the enthusiastic participation of our Gypsy-like people both in-and-out of the homeland. Consequently, Armenia today is hanging by a thin thread, ultimately because of the toxic fetish Armenians have with Americanization and Westernization. And the thread Armenia is hanging on for dear life today is held by none-other-than Russia.
ReplyDeleteSo, seeing that Russians are holding Armenia's life in their hands, what does our NED (i.e. CIA), British Council and Open Society financed government headed by Nikol decide to do? They naturally appoint Armen Mirzoyan - a professional Russophobe who only a few years ago was burning Russian flags in front of the Russian Embassy in Yerevan and seems to have longstanding ties to Turkish intelligence - to be the country's foreign minister. This character will therefore be representing Armenia on the international stage -
Armenia at last appoints new foreign minister
Seeing that Russians hold Armenia's life in their hands what do our dumbasses in the diasporan decide to do? They naturally decide to aggravate Russians even further with mindless/irrational nonsense such as this -
A Master Plan? Russo-Azeri Strategy for Armenian Pacification
Absolutely brilliant! All this fully explains why Armenia is where it is today. All this fully explains why Armenians have not gotten their act together in more than one thousand years. At this point, we Armenians are competing with Kurds and Afghans with our political illiteracy, hollow arrogance, cognitive dissonance, emotional handicaps and shortsightedness. Post Soviet Armenia is a failed-state and it's because of we Armenians. We must be one of the dumbest, most self-destructive animals in God's kingdom...
No more feeling bad for our backward peasantry... No more feeling bad about soldiers dying... No more feeling bad about Armenians living like sub-Saharan Africans... Not only are we Armenians not ready for independence, we don't deserve it either. Thank God the tiny piece of arid real-estate Armenians happen to be living on today (and that only because Russians decided to resurrect Armenia some two hundred years ago) is coveted by the Kremlin for geostrategic purposes. So, let Russians do with Armenia/Armenians as they please. And they are, and thank God for that -
DeleteLavrov calls on Russia vehicle carriers to consider Artsakh's transit potential
Tripartite Talks On Zengezur Corridor Resume
Russia Deploys More Troops on Armenian-Azeri Border
Russia Dismisses Aliyev’s Call To Stop Arming Armenia
Russia is strengthening in Armenia, and it doesn't care where the border will be for its troops
Zakharova: Russia is ready to support Armenia and Azerbaijan with demarcation of border
Agree with everything you said. During all my life if anyone would ask where I am from I would proudly say Armenia, now I say from Soviet union. Ashamed to say I am Armenian. I can imagine how you feel. You pretty much dedicated your life and put so much effort in educating. To see this must be devastating.
DeleteIt has indeed been emotionally devastating. It's been like watching a totally avoidable and predicable disaster take place in slow motion and knowing there is nothing you can do to stop it.
DeleteThe last three years in particular were a nightmare. The last three years have also shown that we are the authors of all the black pages in our history. However, there is hope for the future. That hope is not based on anything relating to Armenians, that hope is based solely on Russia's geopolitical intentions in the south Caucasus. The Kremlin is slowly/gradually laying the foundations for Pax Russica. Russia's position in Armenia and in the south Caucasus in general has not been this strong in over 30 years. Armenia can potentially play an important role not only as a Russian stronghold but also as an economic hub. This is why I think it would be a good idea to finally open up Armenia to regional trade, albeit with legal restrictions. Turning Armenia into a trade hub for a Russian-led economic system is what the Kremlin is trying to do. I see historic opportunities there, if approached intelligently and cautiously.
In any case, we Armenians are not ready nor do we deserve independence. The sooner Russia comes to control all of Armenia and Artsakh, the better it will be for us all. If Nikol will be that person that will get us there, then so be it...
Are we surprised that the country is in the shape that it is? Willful destruction of ancient natural heritage for a bunch of brainless bimbos to laugh at. Look at the apathetic bystanders and the upvotes it's getting on YouTube.
DeleteՔաղաքացին կոտրել է Հաղարծինի «Երազանքների ծառը
"Ararat Mirzoyan - Life in Karabakh normalizes thanks to Russian peacekeepers"
ReplyDeletePlease comment on the latest in afghanstan. 13 us forces killed isn't a small number. What's the stage being set for?
The Afghan ordeal looked staged from day one. The war was never meant to be won. Even before September 11, 2001 the US knew that the Taliban and Al Qaeda were essentially based in Pakistan, not Afghanistan. In fact, the entire world knew yet the US maintained very close relations with Islamabad throughout the time when US/Western forces were in Afghanistan supposedly fighting the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Thousands of Western lives and hundreds of billions of dollars was mysteriously wasted for reasons not yet understood. Perhaps it was done for an opportunity to steal Afghanistan's natural wealth (precious metals, minerals, opium)? The following are two articles from over 10 years ago discussing the enormous wealth hidden underneath Afghan soil and the multi-billion dollar opium trade that the CIA runs -
DeleteU.S. Identifies Vast Mineral Riches in Afghanistan
Opium and the CIA: Can the US Triumph in the Drug-Addicted War in Afghanistan?
It is important to note that the opium production Afghanistan is famous for flourished AFTER the US invaded the country. Perhaps the invasion of Afghanistan also had other, geopolitical motivations. In any case, the US was never serious about defeating the Taliban or any other "terrorist" group in Afghanistan. Therefore, the recent US withdrawal was just as mysterious as the US invasion and occupation of the country twenty years ago.
I can say a lot of things about the US government and its military, but being this disorganized, this self-destructive or this incompetent is not one of them. The political system in the US is evil, not stupid. Evil is never stupid. The empire's many "blunders" and "mistakes" around the world have been intentional. There is always reason behind the seemingly mindless bloodbath the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance creates in the world. The empire often seeks to break nations, not build them. It's ultimately done to stunt the growth/development of certain regions and cause dependence on the Western financial system.
In any case, I reiterate: The US is not this disorganized or this self-destructive or this incompetent. There may therefore be political or geopolitical games being played behind-the-scenes. Time will tell. A war against Iran is something we should be watching out for. China is another topic of concern. US troop withdrawals from Afghanistan - as well as Iraqi and Syria - may be an attempt to reposition military assets in preparation of a greater war somewhere else in the region. Time will show.
There are also other theories.
The global political/financial elite (i.e. lords of this world) may also be sabotaging the US from within to make it look bad on the world stage, perhaps as part of their agenda to downsize the American empire agenda... Or, the DNC may be doing this to sabotage President Biden administration in an effort to replace him with perhaps Harris and/or Pelosi at some point in the near future. There is clearly a well choreographed attack on President Biden and it's being carried-out not only by the so-called Right-wing news media but also by Left-wing news media... Or, someone may be trying to sabotage President Biden in an effort to pave the way for Trump's return...
President Biden may therefore be the dupe/patsy special interests in the US are using to reach some political goal. Like I said, everything about the withdrawal from Afghanistan - from the way Bagram airbase was abandoned... to stockpiles of ammunition and military hardware being abandoned... to poisoners being freed from jails... to the surreal show at the Kabul airport... to how US citizens are being left to their fate... to the negotiations/deals taking place between the US and the Taliban... to the entire timing of it all - looks very contrived and orchestrated...
Arevordi my friend,
DeleteI agree with you that the political system in the US is 'evil but not stupid'. Evil is not stupid, it is worse, it is 'too clever by half'. I might be clever by half myself, but my feeling is that Americans intended to leave Afghanistan in a state of chaos that would be a permanent sting in the Russians and Chinese backsides. Their overall intention is to derail the BRI, the Eurasian integration. And that because they are stuck into MacKinder/Brzezinski doctrines. They certainly know that they have no means to control the 'Heartland', and that's why they want to sabotage it, out of spite. It is somehow like the evicted tenants who wreak the house, shit on the floor and smear the walls with shit before leaving. But I take comfort from the fact that the Russians (and the Chinese) are demonstrably cleverer.
Welcome back. It's been a while since you commented. Being that we Armenians have been stuck in a nasty domestic dispute of sorts as of late, I understand your absence/silence.
DeleteNeedless to say, I agree with you that the American empire excels at sowing chaos in regions of the world it has been unable to conquer/subjugate. After 20 years and hundreds of billions of dollars, the US failed to subjugate Afghanistan. Despite the large scale corruption and criminality that goes on in Afghanistan, a majority of Afghans stayed true to its traditions and faith. Unlike us Armenians, Afghans did not surrender themselves en-masse to Western fairytales. In other words, Anglo-American-Jews were unable to corrupt Afghan society with their money and culture. Their religious fanaticism, medieval mindsets and cultural backwardness worked in their favor. Consequently, Western forces had no choice but to eventually and reluctantly retreat.
With all that said, however, why did the Western withdrawal have to done in such humiliating and self-destructive manner?
The entire ordeal reflected horribly on the US and its allies. I do not even for a moment believe that it was simply "mishandled" or it is all the fault of President Biden. US presidents are figureheads. There are a number of special interests and teams of experts (civilian and military) behind US presidents that call the shots. It was not Biden that ordered the Bagram air base to be abandoned in the middle of the night. It was not Biden that ordered the US military not to destroy significant amounts of military hardware being left behind. It was not Biden that decided to leave US citizens behind. I believe this withdrawal was purposefully bungled to make Biden and/or the US look bad on the world stage. Who is behind all this and what is their endgame remains to be seen.
PS: Although the US has established ties with the Taliban, so has Russia, China and Iran.
I'll just leave the following two links here, no need to post the title of the video as I don't want Arevordi getting դրոշակ-ed:
Granted that the interview took place early in the pandemic, the former GRU officer was a bit off on many things. His take sounded more like Russian psy-ops. He should not have tied any of this to Zionism. And the main victims of coronavirus experiment has been Western powers. In any case, thanks for the concern but back in April, 2020 I posted an entire blog commentary on the topic. Just adding to what you posted -
DeleteUS health experts hosted fictional coronavirus pandemic three months BEFORE the outbreak in China
Dr. Fauci Warned In 2017 Of ‘Surprise Outbreak’ During Trump Administration
Most of the work performed by our professional Russophobes in Armenian society is done in the Armenian language. It's natural, as their target is native Armenian society. English speaking Armenians are therefore often deprived of experiencing the joys of their Russophobic profession. The following is therefore a rare, English language look into the anti-Russian (and ultimately anti-Armenian) agenda taking place in Armenian society. Watch as two idiots try very hard to sound smart and act patriotic -
ReplyDeleteArmenia on its crossroads: the upcoming end of Russian presence in South Caucasus
I did watch the two idiots with a sense of deja-vu. I am referring of course to the same kind of comments on some Romanian sites. I am struck by the same lack of 'situational awareness' in regards to Russia and China. They make their 'analyses' without ever speaking of the SCO, CSTO, EEU. They can only talk about the weakness of Russia, power of 'democracy', 'values', impending fall of Belarus, you know... I tried to bring their attention that SCO, etc, exist and that they called actually the shots in Afghanistan! They regularly trash my comments.
DeleteNow, they may have an excuse. Romania is not 'aspiring' to become part of EU, NATO, it is already under their heel. It looks that everyone is compelled to compete who would make more pointed anti-Russian statements (always invoking history), more boorish remarks about ''Putinică'', 'care curînd (soon) va spăla putina' (I need to say that in Romanian 'putină' means a bucket where cheese is fermented, and the expression 'a spăla putina' - to clean the bucket) means to ignominiously flee when the police approaches).
They perhaps have the gut feeling that sooner or later NATO, EU, Soros' NGOs, LGBT crazies, etc. would have to pack and the smell of their 'concern' overwhelms their bluster.
Armenians are like problematic children who periodically need a spanking and told what to do for their own good. In the big picture, Armenians proved weak, divided, indecisive, shortsighted, disorganized, incompetent and self-destructive in politics, in diplomacy and in warfare - as always. In the big picture, Armenians also rejected Artsakh and proof of this is the popularity Nikol and his regime enjoys to this day. Nevertheless, now that the international community has put Armenia in its place so to speak, if we Armenians still want a normal country, we must swallow our empty pride, curb our debilitating emotions and allow Armenia to finally open up to its neighbors. There are no other options anymore. Let the traditional diaspora take care of genocide recognition. Let Russia take care of Nagorno Karabakh. Official Yerevan for its part needs to forge closer/deeper ties with the Kremlin so that it can safely open up to Turkey and Azerbaijan. If done right, Armenia will benefit greatly. And if Nikol is the one that will be made to do it, then so be it. But, like I said, we no longer have a choice. Anyway you look at it, the last 30 years were an utter failure. We turned a highly industrialized and educated nation with high culture into a third world, shit-hole practically overnight. Similarly, we turned a total victory in Artsakh into a total defeat. For all intents and purposes, Armenia today is a failed state and Armenians do not deserve Artsakh. And we have no one but our collective selves to blame it on. In a nutshell: our toxic fetish with the Western world got us to where we are today. A country that was almost totally dependent on Russia for survival thought it could play both sides of the geopolitical field. Both "Democracy" and "Complimentary Politics" proved disastrous - as predicted. Any intelligent person who truly/genuinely cared about Armenia's long-term health and safety would have realized all this by now. But there are very few rational minded and patriotic individuals in Armenian society today. What modern Armenian society has a surplus of is materialistic, shortsighted, emotional, irrational, uneducated and westernized peasants and merchants. The country will not survive another 30 years of this "independence" nonsense. We need a new course. The country needs a new beginning - but it has to be done under Russian supervision. Now that we Armenians once again proved incapable of governing ourselves, let Russians do with Armenia and Artsakh as they please. They deserve it. The following therefore is excellent news -
ReplyDeleteRussia says ready to facilitate Armenia-Turkey normalization
Russian government website uses “Nagorno Karabakh Republic” term
Hysteria brewing in Azerbaijan media: Russia MOD making purchases to send to ‘Nagorno-Karabakh Republic’
Official: Armenia ready for demarcation of borders with Azerbaijan
Zakharova: Russia Sees Need to Demarcate and Delineate Armenia-Azerbaijan Borders as Soon as Possible
Russian Military Specialists Visits Yerevan to Discuss Modernization of Armenia’s Armed Forces
Armenia-Iran-Russia format can be created on Goris-Kapan road issue
Pros and cons of a six-country Caucasus initiative
Opinion: Armenia and Turkey again try to normalise relations, and this time it may work
Azerbaijan-Russia relations sour over Karabakh disagreements
Արա Պապյանի նման գարշելի վարձկաններ մինչ այսօր հանրային հարթակ են տրվում որպեսզի հակա-ռուսական քարոզչություն տարածեն: Հիշեք որ հակա-ռուսական քարոզչություն մեր պարագայում հավասար է հակա-հայկական քարոզչության: Ամենա զարմանալին իմ համար այն է որ Պապյանի նման խաբեբա տականկներ ունեն համբավ եւ հարգանք մեր բարիս բուն իմաստով զիբիլ ժողովուրդի կողմից: Մինչեւ վերջ դիտեք -
ReplyDeleteԴեմ Դիմաց․ Ավետիք Իշխանյան VS Արա Պապյան
I don't know him personally but I think Ara Papyan's kaka is better than Lenin's mongrel face.Check Lenin's last years,you will see that the meron on his face increased with time=))) Most probably you also look ugly. Show your face a bit so we can understand. Easy to lie and cheat and insult on computer apparachik boy.Can you use them face to face? Of course not. This is a common feature like the ones like you.If they were not hiding at least we could appreciate their courage. They are only tough while anonymous. Did you also get a million medals on your chest like all Soviet losers got. This has been a main characteristic of Soviets. I have seen Soviet soldiers and functionaries with tons of medals on their chests. I was asking myself: '' What could these people have achieved to get so many medals?'' Did they conquer entire Europe? No. Zhukov having one or two medals would have been fine. At least he was the main commander who won important battles but look at old Soviet photos you will see thousands of figures like that. Full of medals on their left chests, full medals on their right chests till their belts. One would have been enough for some concrete achievement. Inflated and overrated heroism. I also got one. I bought years ago from a Russian who was begging in the streets of Istanbul when I was a kid. He could have been a former soldier. It was in the 1990s. During the 1990s you would see people like him in Istanbul Beyoğlu-Taksim centre trying to sell you something so they would buy something to eat.Ex Soviets, Bulgarians even Romanians. He looked like a noble person, was a bit shy,I felt sorry for him and bought it. I told him that I am Armenian. He said some Russian words mixed with Turkish and I left. The medal has even Lenin's kaka ugly face on it with communist symbols. At least Ara Papyan is not a bandit like Lenin was or a mass murdering psychopath like Stalin. I think we should be thankful to America for eliminating communists worldwide. They are only good in films or novels.
ReplyDeleteDude. You sound like a clown. Just go away. Are you even Armenian?
DeleteEfendi Sevan,
DeleteWhy are you so concerned how the author of the blog looks like? Do you judge men's fashion? Did you catch the fashion bug, becoming Kardashianized with western propaganda? Seriously, your thought process throughout this post has become incomprehensible. You seem to identify as turk, ignoring who perpetrated the genocide. It might be penis envy, visiting too many turkish baths? You're absolutely delusional, thinking that Americans will come to Armenia's aid while taking pleasure on any Russian weakness, when by just looking at a map even a mentally retarded kid could figure out that Armenia's only is through Russia. Expecting your intellect to rise to the level of a handicapped kid is insulting to the mentally retarded.
Efendi Sevan, it's time for you to come out of your turkish closet.
The high IQ Russians who always keep their noses too high still don't understand the effects of the last war in Artsakh. I still believe they greenlighted ıt. Still persist on it but what was the image they gave? A Russia trained, traditional ally of Russia got smashed by a Turkey backed force and Russia watched ıt on the sidelines. Their technology seemed weak and their tactics based on land forces and artillery were solved by a Nato trained 3rd party. Even the Iskandar that Russians claimed that ıt can not be targeted by air defense and which is also an icon of pride was shot down in the sky by the Israeli made Barak Defense system. Peoples who were sympathetic to Armenians like Serbs or Greeks watched ıt on the sidelines and what was the subliminal message they got? Relying only on Russia is costly and even in defense which is Russia's strongest point had a blow on its image. I am not saying that Russia is weak in that but still perception and image are very important. If a less industrialized, mid size Turkey can damage Russian defense what could U.S do to that many thought. Countries like Ukraine, Poland,the Baltic states began to order Turkish drones. Zibil Armenians or not that's the resume of it. I don't see any country closer than Armenia to Russia in this world. Serbia could be and after 1999 Artsakh War was their second disappointment. Russians are so much active on social media. Didn't they check what many Orthodox including Serbs typed in those days. Of course they may find some trolls in Serb costumes to claim that Soros was behind ıt etc. but even I saw many examples myself and all of them had fury against Russia for betraying Armenians. It will continue to have wider side effects in the future. Now Turkey's and Azerbaijan's self confidences are high. They even did exercise in Lachin, did special forces exercises with Pakistan too. As Asbarez states Azerbaijan decided to have Turkish military posts on its soil which will turn to bases in the future. They even did naval exercises in the Caspian, a place where Turkey has no coast to be able to claim any kind of rights. Some people here doubt about my Armenian identity. I can easily prove ıt. All my 4 generations are Armenians from both sides. We didn't intermarry in order to prevent assimilation. Even my Father's uncle's marriage to a Bolis Greek has been a difficult story. As a minority we have been too much conservative on that for generations. I don't deny that I am very much familiar with the Turkish mindset either. If you give a finger to them tomorrow they will ask for your arm and after tomorrow they will ask for the entire body. So they saw Russia was ready to merchandise, tomorrow something else will come up despite their current love affair. Lenin also sucked to them, we all know how ıt ended. They are sneakier than Russians can ever be.
DeleteThere is no shortage of "molorvadz" individuals, zombified imbeciles and 5th columnists amongst our compatriots. Unfortunately, their ranks have swollen since Nikol came to power. Ignore them and move on. There is still a sane world out there with more intelligent people.
DeleteFriends, don't waste your time feeding the troll. Just ignore him, let him go to reddit or faceberg where he can find plenty of support among "Armenians" of gypsy/Semitic/Muslim origin and Turks/Azeris/Jews with fake Armenian profiles.
DeleteA couple of days ago, I met one of those "zibil" Armenians who mentioned that he trusts only Ara Papyan, respects only Sasna Dzrer and believes that Armenia's only salvation is the U.S. of A. Today, I was invited to a large birthday gathering in an Armenian home where none of the people was remotely interested in Artsakh, Armenia and our nation... Saying that I was annoyed is an understatement. Having said that, it is comforting to still find a few places where you can meet sane, serious, intelligent and patriotic "Hayrenagitsner". This blog is one of them.
ReplyDeleteKeep it up Arevordi.
Ignore 5th column assholes in our midst and enjoy zapad 2021
The best moments of ZAPAD-21
Russian Military In Syria - When We Were At War
Cossacks - Dance with sabers || Cossack song
Crazy Training of Russian Special Forces - "With Live Ammunition"
Today, France was shown its proper place in the US-led Western alliance.
ReplyDeleteBy having its $40 Billion Australia deal for the purchase of advanced diesel-electric submarines cancelled and "substituted" with USA-UK made nuclear ones, the "vassal" status of France in the "US-UK-Australia" Anglo-Saxon world was confirmed. "Lap-dog" Macron can bitch and complain all he wants, his cries won't go far.
Gone are the days when Charles De-Gaulle ensured that the République qualified as a truly independent and sovereign state. How I wish the French rediscover their balls and re-assert themselves on the global stage... but I am afraid those balls are lost forever in the LGBTQWXZ world they are living in.
France has a glorious history dating back more than 1000 years. The country, populated mainly by Gauls/Celts, Normans, Germans and Latins/Romans, was the center of western/European civilization for much of the post-Roman period. The first blow to France came about by the Freemason-led revolution in 1789. The Freemason-infested "intelligencia" in French society that had initially inspired anti-British revolutionaries in the United States eventually turned their attention to the French aristocracy/royalty. The very bloody and destructive French revolution, which lasted some ten years, eventually spawned the even more bloody and destructive Bolshevik revolution little over one hundred years later. The final death blow to France however came with Napoleon Bonaparte's defeat in 1815. As I have pointed out on numerous occasions in the past, post-Napoleonic France gave rise to the Anglo-American-Jewish world order as we know it today. In any case, the last of the great French leaders was indeed Charles de Gaulle. All of them since his rule have been puppets of Anglo-American-Jews and Globalists to varying degrees. Therefore, the French (as well as the Germans, who last great leader was Otto Van Bismarck and arguably Adolph Hitler) deserve their civilizational decline and periodic humiliation at the hands of Anglo-American-Jews...
DeleteAs the vaccine passport agenda speeds up, and the feds increase the pressure in their demonic attempts to try and force the HEROIC VAXX REFUSERS to submit and take their Satanic poision, let's take a moment and recall that they have tried this all before (and keep in mind they will try again.) Below is a video on the 1970s Swine Flu artificial panic, and the botched vaxx of the era, same video in case the youtube one gets axed.
ReplyDelete60 Minutes Mike Wallace Exposes the 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Injuries
Remember It Happened Before But The News Was Not Propaganda Back Then
The United States was a different country back then. Special interests, including so-called big-pharma, did not yet have total control over Washington DC. Since we are on the topic: Ever since it was reported several months ago that the vaccination rate in Armenia was less than .5%, the country has been under an assault. Nikol's regime is doing its best to serve its Globalist masters. According to official statistics, the vaccination rate in Armenia today stands at around 10% (which obviously includes great numbers of false/fake vaccinations). In any case, great effort is being made through Nikol's regime to increase vaccination rates in the country. On October 1, all employers in Armenia (government and private sector) will require proof of vaccination, semi-monthly PCR test or medical exemption from their employees. The following are the voices of resistance -
DeleteԿորոնապատվաստման բլեֆը․ ի՞նչ անհեթեթ պայմաններ են դրվում մեր առաջ
Ովքե՞ր կարող են խուսափել ստիպողական պատվաստումից․ մանրամասնում է մասնագետը
Erdogan has stated that the Prime Minister of Georgia informed him that Pashinyan wants to meet him! At the same time Erdogan indirectly claims that the opening of the so called Zangezur corridor is a precondition for the meeting
ReplyDeletelink: https://twitter.com/L_Team10/status/1439541972860084227.
Opposition "Armenia" alliance cancels Robert Kocharyan's visit to Moscow due to court decision.
link: https://news.am/eng/news/663338.html
Jirair Sefilian calls for removal of Nikol Pashinyan.
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AX6Jhit43ow.
What does it mean? Does CIA/MI6 stage a new revolution in Armenia by inciting a rios and putting some of its loyal assets to power? I smell anything bad is about to happen in coming days, weeks and months.
Don't hold your breath. They are all in on it. Western powers gave up on the south Caucasus a very long time ago. All they will do is try to sow fear and cause unrest in laces like Baku, Tbilisi and Yerevan so that Russia is not 100% successful in the region. In any case, Nikol is being made to do the dirty work for the International Community (which includes all the major powers). Once he completes his task - i.e. officially recognize Azerbaijan's internationally recognized borders, finalize Artsakh's defeat and open up Armenia's south to international trade - he will be ousted. Nikol will largely succeed in his endeavors in my opinion because generally speaking Armenians are ignorant, backward, spineless, shortsighted, unprincipled and materialistic. What is my proof? The fact the Nikol still enjoy great popularity in the country, the fact that no one tried to assassinate him, the fact the vaccination rates in the country are rapidly increasing, the fact that increasing numbers of Armenians are arriving into the United States by crossing the Mexican border, the fact the average Armenian in Armenians is happily swimming in his/her excrement today...
DeleteI agree with you. But I think the vaccination rates increasing quickly is fake. Meaning, many people are buying certificates or bribing officials to put their names on the vaccinated list. That is not to say that people are not being pressured to get it, they are, largely via work and schools. But the true rate of vaccination remains very low.
I have not read about Armenians coming into the US via the the southern border. It is not shocking, but do you have a link you can share with us?
LG, I did mention in a previous comment that the official number for those who are supposedly vaccinated today (said to be 10%) includes great numbers of people who have falsified it. I personally know many people in Armenia who have faked it - and good for them! Regarding large numbers of Armo-trash crossing the Mexican border: I heard about it from someone I know in LA. It could be an exaggeration. I simply do not know. In any case, what really really pisses me off is that every one of the lowlifes that comes to the United States from Armenia illegally or legally could have very easily, very legally gone to Russia instead for honest work opportunities - and in doing so remain close to their homeland. All these lowlifes that are doing all they can to come to the United States today are doing so because they believe they will get free money once they get here. In other words, these are your typical dishonest, nationless and spineless gypsies...
DeleteAgree 1000%! Because they have to WORK in Russia. Russia is no welfare state like the US. I have a lot of relatives in Russia. They all have professions and they all WORK HARD for a living and all enjoying their lives. They visit Armenia all the time and help relatives its only 2 hours away. I cant stand Armenians coming to US for exact reason you pointed out. 1990s is one thing thats when my parents came to US because all soviet nations were in very bad shape. You could not live especially if you were honest person. My problem is with people today who will sell their mothers just for a chance to collect free money in LA and lease a BMW. Really disgusting people.
I expected that the rodent's demise would have happened by now. But I was off target and exuberantly wrong in that kind of denouement. I expected the mongrel Nikol would have received his deserved reward at the hands of an aggrieved parent, sibling or relation of a dead son, blood relative, brother , at the front. The flea ridden mongoose looking Nikol dispatched the flower of our youth to be decimated at the frontlines, with the assurance they would not return. I expected justice would be meted out at one of his visits to Yerablur, by the valor and courage of a parent thirsting for revenge. What is it that this bastard of a thousand harlots is doing to carry such a wave of popularity even at its lowest point of abject humiliation ?. He must be doing something right for the excrement polluted populace ???. Where , and why he still carries the support he does ? The pestiferous traitor mongrel loses a war, sends thousands to their certain death, and is feted like a winner instead of being defenestration the very second he vomited the word capitulation. Is this filthy cesspit rat Nikol real or something of a paranormal phenomenom.??? . Annon,
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy reading Pietro Shakarian's articles when they appear in various Armenian platforms. He is very intelligent, rational and pragmatic. Perhaps that is why he is not very well known in Armenian society. The following is an interview Shakarian gave to Vartan Oskanyan's CIA-funded Civilnet in Yerevan. The topic of discussion is Armenia's Soviet legacy. Shakarian does a pretty good job of shedding light on the topic. However, he does not try to explain reasons behind Joseph Stalin's bloody crackdown in the 1930s. In a nutshell: the so-called Stalinian Pogroms was a result of an internal war taking place inside the Soviet Union between Russian imperialists like Joseph Stalin and Marxist-Internationalists like Leon Trotsky. Moreover, he does not give Joseph Stalin and Anastas Mikoyan credit for actually establishing an Armenian republic in 1936. Shakarian could have mentioned these things but for some reason he chose not to. I suspect he may be harboring some Marxist sentiments, or perhaps he does not want to upset his CIA-financed hosts. In any case, seeing the pathetic and sad state of the Armenian republic some thirty years after its so-called independence from the Soviet Union, many of us Armenian patriots have now finally come to the sobering realization that Soviet Armenia was a real, viable and progressive nation we all could - or rather should - have been proud of. The topic discussed in the following interview is something a vast majority of Armenians, even pro-Russian ones among us, have difficulty properly understanding and assessing. Therefore, please ignore Civilnet's emasculated host with a funny/annoying accent and simply listen to Pietro Shakarian to learn something about a very familiar topic for us Armenians which is also oddly enough something that is very little understood by us Armenians -
ReplyDeleteUnderstanding the legacy of the Soviet past in modern Armenia
Despite its flaws, both real and perceived, Soviet Armenia was a real, viable nation we all could be proud of. The nation at the time was developing technologically. The nation's infrastructure was operating efficiently. The population was growing. The national culture was flowering. The citizenry was highly educated. Everyone had a job or a profession. Everyone had an opportunity for higher education or technical training. Everyone, including the lowest in society, had a dignified life. More importantly, nobody worried about a Turkish invasion. People of the republic instead put their God-given talents to good use. And that is precisely why Armenia's Russian and Soviet periods gave us countless world renowned artists, writers, scientists, academicians, sportsmen, statemen and military leaders. After 30 years of independence - not to mention Westernization, Democracy and Capitalism - Armenia has turned into a third world, shithole populated mainly by gypsy-like peasantry, wannabe liberal degenerates, petty criminals and bloodsucking merchants.
DeleteAs I keep saying, Armenia's Russian/Soviet period gave us Aram Khachatryan, Armenia's so-called independence period gave us Super Sako. Real Armenians - those with at least some self-respect, dignity and a genuine/selfless sense of patriotism - are a small minority in a tiny nation today.
Let's not fool ourselves, Armenia today is a failed state. National institutions and infrastructure are barely functioning. A majority of nation's citizenry is apathetic towards the country. Mental and physical health problems abound throughout the country. Large percentage of people, including children, are undereducated and undernourished. Abortions (mainly of female fetuses) are still used as common contraceptives. Unemployment and underemployment continues to remain high. Cost of living continues to increase. Crimes is increasing. Highways and roads have become graveyards for motorists and pedestrians alike. A majority of people in the country are quietly happy that they have finally gotten rid of the Artsakh problem. A mentally unstable, degenerate like Nikol - who ultimately is responsible for massacring 5000-plus Armenian soldiers and the loss of Artsakh - still enjoys great popularity. Large numbers of people continue abandoning their homeland in large numbers. More than half of the nation's population would leave the country today if they had the means. The county does not even have enough able-bodied men to protect itself from regional predators. The country's borders are therefore protected by Russians, not Armenians. Moreover, all of the nation's institutions and infrastructure - from the police force to roads to hospitals to farming to universities - is financed from abroad.
As you can see, our so-called independent Armenia cannot protect itself nor can it provide for itself, and its population is getting smaller, sicker, dumber and more gypsy-like with each passing year. The country will not last another 30 years like this. If in the next couple of years Nikol's regime is not ousted and Armenia does not go back under Mother Russia, the damage created in the country during the past 30 years will simply be irreparable...
Very well said and summarized Arevordi.
DeleteAllow me to add that during those Communist times, Soviet Armenia took out more from the "Soviet pot" than it put in. The same applies to all the other Soviet Republics with the exception of Soviet Russia. Basically, Soviet Russia was feeding all the others.
With the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was the Russians who really became independent as they no longer had to support, feed and protect the others Republics who either became totalitarian regimes controlled by despots (Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan etc.) or lost a third of their population and/or land (The Baltic states, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova and Armenia).
We were given a chance for a Free and Independent (Azad yev Angakh) nation in 1991 and we blew it. We freely and independently became a failed state with little sovereignty. Unless we re-educate and re-orient a big chunk of our population who have lost their compass, I am afraid this downward spiral will continue.
On the thirtieth anniversary of the tragic collapse of the Soviet Union, let's take look at what we lost -
DeleteNational Anthem of Soviet Armenia
Armenia becomes a Soviet republic in 1936 at the height of "Stalinian Purges"
СССР. Империя наоборот. Армения | History Lab
Soviet Monuments in Armenia
Tour Armenia’s Enduring Soviet-Era Architecture
Armenia: The Silicon Valley of the Soviet Union
Tsitsernakaberd Gwenocide Memorial Complex was Opened during Soviet times
Soviet Scientist Reports Successful Tests in Using Laser Light Beams for Telephoning
The only nuclear power plant in the south Caucasus
Mergelyan Institute: The Legacy of The Soviet Silicon Valley
Byurakan Observatory
The particle accelerator of the Yerevan Physics Institute
First Atom Bomb in USSR Created in Armenia
Citizens of Soviet Armenia Permitted a Laid-Back Life Style
Soviet Armenia (A Visit to the Homeland)
«Ձմեռ է Հայաստանում» 1967թ / It's winter in Armenia (1967)
The Sounds of Soviet Armenia
Tatul Altunyan song-dance Ensemble
Ararat 1973
Dear Arevordi,
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think about the coming liberation of Idlib by joint Russian-Syrian forces?
As we know TAF has sent its reinforcment and mercenaries to Idlib for protecting Jihadists. Erdogan and Putin will meet in few days.
I do not exclude the possibility of knocking Russian plane down or any other bloody provocation against Russian forces in Syria.
I m curious what d be Russia s reaction now...
When Russia and Turkey brokered a ceasefire last year our idiots began panicking and our professional Russophobes naturally went into action. They were saying, Russia is making deals behind Assad's back. I was saying, Russia is merely buying time for the Syrian army to recuperate and reorganize, and at the same time develop political/diplomatic leverage over Ankara. I don't know if the final clash for Idlib will start soon but it's bound to happen eventually. Russia, Syria and Iran will not allow Turkey to remain in Syria indefinitely. It's not going to happen. That said, how they will encourage or force Turkey out of the said territory is altogether another question. From Ankara's perspective, Syria's northern regions have become vitally strategic. Ankara sees them as buffer zones against Kurds, as well as safe havens for the region's pro-Turkish Turkmen population.
DeleteDislodging Turkish troops from Idlib will therefore be very difficult. Moscow, as well as Damascus and Tehran, therefore need to be very careful.
Syria is a very complicated theater of war. Several major powers - Russia, Iran, Turkey, United States, Europe and Israel - are on the ground in various degrees/capacities and they are in competition with each other. None of them however want to get sucked into a larger, regional war. But such a risk remains. Moscow is playing a very delicate, very nuanced, very risky and a very complicated game. Moscow wants to maintain good ties with a NATO giant like Turkey but it also wants to curb Turkish appetite in places like Libya, Syria and the south Caucasus. Similarly, Moscow wants to maintain good ties with a global powers like United States, western Europe and Israel, at the same time seeking to control/manage their actions in Lebanon, Syria and Iran.
Russians are playing a very complicated, very sophisticated game of conflict management. Moreover, lets be mindful that Russian forces in Syria are very exposed. They are surrounded by enemies who are within striking distance. So, again, Moscow is forced to be very careful.
These are political nuances that morons in our society (i.e. 90-plus percentage of our people) are incapable of understanding. To the average Armo, politics is like a domestic dispute or a street fight. So, no wonder Armenia is where it is today.
That being said, I do not think Erdoghan's Ankara will deliberately target the Russian military in Syria. Despite what our professional Russophobes want us to think, what happened back in late 2015, when a Russian warplane was shot down by the Turkish air force, was most likely a sabotage attempt by elements inside the Turkish government. Special interests inside Ankara tried to incite a war between Russia and Turkey. Moscow did not take the bait. It instead punished Turkey indirectly, eventually forcing Erdogan to publicly apologize. The same special interests then tried to do a military coup de'tat in 2016. Again, it proved unsuccessful. The said efforts forced Erdogan even closer to Russia. Erdogan will not do anything to deliberately damage its important ties to Moscow. Moscow understands this. Moscow is therefore doing its best to keep Turkey on friendly terms - as it slowly/gradually pushes its agenda forward in Syria (and Artsakh). Erdogan's Turkey is therefore stuck between a rock and a hard place, so to speak. Its neo-Ottoman dreams are not materializing. It is "friends" with a nation, Russia, that is in fact its natural competitor/enemy and it has problems with its natural friends, Anglo-American-Jews.
Despite all the political/diplomatic shows and theatrics, Russia and Turkey are geopolitical opponents and competitors, and will remain so for well into the foreseeable future.
Ahead of Erdogan-Putin meeting, Idlib quagmire is a fresh test
Russia escalates strikes in northwest Syria, Turkey sends reinforcements ahead of summit
U.S., Russia failing to fulfill responsibilities in Syria - Turkish Defence Minister
24 Syrian Militants Killed Or Wounded In New Wave Of Russian Airstrikes On Turkish-Occupied Afrin (Photos, Video)
Turkish Forces Shelled Syrian Army Post In Northeastern Syria (Videos)
Loitering Munition Hit Militant Vehicle In Greater Idlib Following New Wave Of Russian Airstrikes (Videos, Photos)
Russian Warplanes Continue To Hammer Greater Idlib As Tensions Rise With Turkey (Video, Photos)
In related news -
Kremlin says NATO expansion in Ukraine is a 'red line' for Putin
Russia Reaffirms ‘Commitment To Armenia’s Security’
ReplyDeleteFirstly, you inglorious bastardo...I am not commenting to debate with you. Just gonna hold a crystal clear mirror in your face so you realize that you are a monkey. Oerang oetang for example can have equal IQ to humans, more than some humans, definately above average sub-Saharan Africans but they are still a fucking monkey nonetheless. I used to be a convinced follower of yours disregarding my gutt feeling that you and your ilk work for the Russian special services, or serve the Russian interest at least first and foremost. Followed you for 10 years, did not comment once. What do you have to say about your death bent claim repeting a certain Russian general that Armenia is more important to Russia than Israel is to America? Is there anything that the "northern drunks" can do wrong in your eyes you chekist hijo de puta? You wasted 20 years of your life and work trying to orient the western diaspora towards Russia by patronizing us, instead of using your knowledge and devotion to serve the Mother ARMENIA you faceless coward. You failed your mission. The diaspora does not give a shit about Russia, will never do. We do like Russian pussy though and they love us more if that that's a comfort. I will burn down all your work with simply a single fact and make you sit on a bottle and enjoy it. 200 years under the Russian empire and we lost 90% of our God given natural habitat. This a an undeniable fact. You and your patrons who pay you in cash in your mom in natura know this well. Thats why your propaganda machine is working tireslessly to convince us that we are defective as a people and everything we have is our fault, and you are innocent as can be. I say you because you represent Russia with your illusions, not Armenia. Every time we needed them the most, they left us to come back again to kick us where we lay bleeding on the ground. And they always have a good excuse. Not even the Georgians do that. You like remembering us of our traitors all the way back 1500 years ago, Mkhitar Sparapet, Toros of Edessa and so on. You never made a reference to the Soviet Armenian snitches who snitched on their fellow Armenians ending up in the gulags by tens of thousands. No need to elaborate, those were traitors for the sake of Russia which is excuseable right? Watch the movie Karot 1990,its on youtube. You will see yourself in it... not in the character of Araqel papi though. Furthermore you are a hypocrical Christian. You traded your sick lamb for someone else's healty wolf. That makes you a son of a whore. I hate to break it to you, Russia is not a Christian state either, not by constitution or by practise of Christianty by Russians. So what classical European civilization and apostolic Christianty are you talking about? From all the Slavs the Russian are the most Godless, using Orthodoxy only for politics. Like the Turks do Islam. Anyway, before you I shit you out in the "outhouse" I will enclose in Armenian. If you are an Armenian you will understand me and you will feel me. If you are not ask one to translate it for you. Qunem ccox lavt, azg u takov, horov morov, mec u poqrov, sax u sakkacov bozis txa. Dont be a worm by deleting my comment. Its for the greater good of mother Armenia. The readers will get an alternative view to and develop a natural immunity against your garbage. Putting your eggs in one basket is never a good thing. De klirs kbrnes u ktrnes depi yerazankerit khasnes gandon aparat. ����
I guess after 10 years you finally ran out of your pills. It's okay. Others here need to at times see this kind of vitriol to better appreciate and better understand my work. Therefore you, my mentally disturbed and morally depraved compatriot, are living proof that we are living in a fallen world where everything is twisted and stained beyond recognition. Despite what you think, you are not an Armenian patriot or a nationalist. What you are is simply a lowlife lunatic with deep seated insecurities and emotional problems. So, when I say a great number of Armenians suffer from cognitive dissonance, empty arrogance, overwhelming jealousy, emotional handicaps and political illiteracy, I am essentially taking about you. Deep in your heart you know it. You are angry with me essentially because you see within yourself all the flaws I have been pointing out and criticizing for over ten years now. Deep in your twisted mind you see yourself as the embodiment/manifestation of all the toxic traits I have been criticizing. You therefore finally broke. And because you are too cowardly and dishonest to attack yourself, you are trying to attack the person who made you discover who/what you are really are. You hate yourself more than you hate me. Trust me on that. What a disgusting and twisted world your little warped mind lives in. Try to get some professional help, not for yourself but your family, if you happen to have one. Sadly, there are many lowlife lunatics like you in our society today. Your problems could very well be due to inbreeding. It could be genocide related PTSD passed down through the family. It could also be due to domestic abuse; perhaps an alcoholic father, a prostitute mother, a closet homosexual? Who knows. Nevertheless, it's lowlifes like you - on the left and on the right of the political/ideological spectrum - are the reason why Armenia has been turned into a shithole country begging for mercy and handouts.
DeleteI am diasporan. I also read your blog. Sometimes I comment. I am more pro Russian today than I was in the past. So please disregard the troll. He sounds like a sewer rat just let him live with himself. Who in their right minds would say Armenia shrunk 90% since Russia arrived in the Caucasus? When Russians came down to the Caucasus there was NO ARMENIA there was as a minority Armenian population living as second class citizens in Turkey and Iran. Russian generals claim that Armenia is more important than Israel is spot on. That is why we have Armenia today. The sewer rat is obviously trying to provacate so ignore him like I said.
DeletePutting our eggs in multiple baskets is how we got here you POS. How dare you blame Russians for the genocide. Are you even Armenian who even talks like this? Before Russians came to south caucasus there was no Armenia. Your shitty family is alive because of Russia. What ungrateful POS you are you son of a whore. Russians dont like our leaders but Armenia is very important to Russia. Armenia cant survive without Russia. Any logical person who understands history and can read a map understands this. Difference between us and Jews is Jews know how to work their friendships Armenians know how to talk shit and show off.
Arevordi, you will appreciate these comments by our Russian and Iranian friends
Government controlled news agencies in Iran are reporting that Nikol's government is part of a Western, Turkish, Azerbaijani and Israeli effort to undermine Iranian and Russian interests in the southern Caucasus. And we still have mentally disturbed idiots claiming that Nikol is working for President Putin. One more time: Nikol is President Putin's HOSTAGE. The Kremlin took advantage of our impotent and incompetent pro-Western and pro-Turkish government in Armenia to take control over Artsakh and increase its military presence in the south Caucasus. It's really that simple. And now, even official news agencies in Iran are calling Nikol a Western/Turkish/Israeli agent working against the interests of Iran and Russia. Bravo Armenia! Bravo Armenians! You continue amazing the world with your self-destructive stupidity for two thousand years -
Delete"An opinion piece published in Kayhan, a newspaper associated with Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, warned against an alleged "invisible alliance" between the US, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Israel, saying that it could have a "major impact" on Iran's and Russia's political weight in the region."
Newspaper In Tehran Sniffs Azeri-Turkish-US-Israeli Plot Against Iran
Strategic mistakes of Azerbaijan republic and Armenia
Moscow’s Rebuke of Aliyev’s Threats
Azerbaijan Increasingly Critical of Russia’s Peacekeeping Mission in Karabakh
Pashinoglu today said armenia will never involve in anti iranian conspiracy. He is probably worried about iranian news reports about him so he had to say something. Dont kill the messenger my friend just wanted to share it with you.
Delete"Armenia will never be involved in a conspiracy against Iran, PM says"
PS dont let bozi tegherk interfere with your work. hang in there brother
I actually believe nikol the rat when it comes to Iran. If you all recall John Bolton visited our region 2 or 3 years ago and was trying to convince the three Caucasian states to go along with the American sanctions regime against Iran. None of them took the offer, including the pashinyan regime, which essentially told bolton to take a hike - in very polite and servile terms. Moreover, the regime in Yerevan is too busy dealing with internal issues, and the on-going Moscow led negotiations with baku. They do not have the bandwidth to participate in any anti Iranian actions.
DeleteI don't forsee a war between Iran and azerbaijan/turkey. Most likely both ankara and baku will get calls from Moscow telling them to cool it, and Tehran has made its red lines very clear already. Best case scenario for us is that the regime in baku keeps drinking their own kool-aid and does make a stupid foreign policy decision that leads to war or Iranian efforts to stoke internal strife inside azerbaijan. It is well known that Iranian and pro-Iranian cells are active in azerbaijan. And it is also true that aliyev is stuck between a rock and a hard-place - that is stuck between ankara and Moscow.
DeleteI think you are looking at this matter in black and white terms. Give some thought to the grey areas. In other words let's be a little flexible with our assessments and reasoning.
Let's start with the person. Nikol is a scoundrel, a degenerate, a deceiver and he clearly has emotional problems/instability. Moreover, he is not very intelligent or experienced or even patriotic. Anything is therefore possible with him. Individuals like Nikol are easily manipulated and exploited. That is after all why he was put into power. That said, I am not claiming that Nikol is definitely or directly conspiring against Iran. I have no way of proving such a proposition or accusation. But I would not rely on his words either if I were you. I would not even consider the relatively good nature of Armenia's relationship with Iran to assume that Nikol is not engaged in any conspiracy against Iran. You don't know what happened behind closed doors when John Bolton was in Yerevan. You don't know what's really in Nikol's heart/mind. That Nikol's Armenia has thus far not openly gone against Iran may not have anything to do with Nikol himself and everything to do with Russian and Armenian - perhaps even Iranian - intelligence operatives making sure Nikol did not say or do something stupid vis-a-vis Iran.
What I am saying is that Armenia's ties with Iran is larger than Nikol's personal ambitions. Even if Nikol wanted to conspire against Iran, he would not be able to get all of the country's political, military, special services and financial players on board with his plan. Moreover, Russian intelligence, which we all know is very powerful in the country, would not allow it. These are things that get leaders killed/assassinated. Nikol, the street scoundrel, knows this well.
In any case, knowing who is behind them and knowing the kind of people they are, it is very plausible that Nikol and company are to some degree and/or manner, perhaps indirectly, are cooperating/collaborating with Iran's (and Russia's) enemies. They would never admit it for obvious reasons. Moreover, government controlled news agencies in Iran would not publicly accuse Armenia of such a conspiracy had there not been some truth behind it.
I don't think you are giving enough importance to Iran's unusual and quite harsh criticism of Armenia. Consider the saying, where there is smoke there is fire.
In my opinion, it is very likely that Nikol and company may be conspiring against Iran, at least unwittingly. On a conscious level, perhaps they don't intend to work against Iranian interests but their ties to the Anglo-American-Jewish world and the pro-Turkish agenda they are pushing in Armenia is certainly putting them in the anti-Iran camp. People running the show in Armenia today are a bunch of second rate amateurs. Nikol and his "officials" are easily manipulated and easily exploited. Russians are doing it. Turks are doing it. Westerners are doing it. Israelis are doing it. And that, in a nutshell, is why we lost Artsakh and why Armenia today is a failed state.
Lastly, the war in question is not between Iran and Azerbaijan/Turkey but between Iran and Anglo-American-Jews. Western powers and Israel have been pushing Ankara and Baku to put pressure on Tehran. Needless to say they are doing the same with Yerevan. But, again, the biggest surprise in all this was Iran publicly claiming that Yerevan is conspiring against Tehran. Such things don't happen by mistake...
Bravo Arevordi the real president of Armenia Kocharyan basically said the same
Nikol is a thoroughbred born red blooded traitor. Nikol's is the ultimate perfection in treachery, the epitome in a monumental multifaceted moulding of a master traitor that Armenia has bestowed to the world and to her race. I dare to find a name in the pages of history that can challenge Nikol for the number 1, unassailable title of supreme blood soaked traitor. That Nikol is a pro western/ pro israeli cog in the geopolitical political/power wheel it's an understatement; it is a euphemistic description for this abominable luciferian critter and his scripted agenda for Armenia . I also don't understand when they claim that russia salvaged Artsakh ?. They salvaged and rescued, thank god, Stepanakert and environs; but the real Artsakh is no more, gone with the wind, what remains is Stepanakert ,surrounded by turks and enveloped by azerbaijan. Russia has a military presence, but does it control Artsakh ? They should, and could have established that military presence decades ago. Myopic and shortsighted political goons, political dilettantes, failed to seize to historic opportunity that was in front of them at the end of the Artsakh war in 1994. The grand question remains unanswered , hanging like a sword of Damocles , why is Nikol- mother of all traitors- still on the track field ???. Have we become a hub, a breeding ground for home grown traitors, that we fail to recognize them when we encounter them ??. When punishment can be meted out to this ill gotten emetic treasonous canker ?
ReplyDeleteIs there an idiot alive today that still thinks Turks/Azeris have not erased Armenia from the world map because they fear the "mighty" Armenian Diaspora or rather Western powers, who are in-effect their strategic allies? Well, there actually are many such idiots. We periodically see them posting their nonsense in this blog as well. Nevertheless, the reality of the matter is that there has been an Armenia for the past two hundred years solely because of Russia. Armenia lives not because of Armenians (after all most Armenians happily live outside of Armenia) but because of the region's Russian factor. Had we as a people understood this reality at a deep level during the past 30 years and, yes, put all our limited number of eggs in the Russian basket so to speak, instead of wasting it all around the world like we proudly did, Armenia would not be where it is today. Despite the fact that Armenia is a failed state and Armenians are dysfunctional people, Russia continues ensuring Armenia's survival today in a very unforgiving Turkic/Islamic region of the world. Russians may dislike Armenian politicians, as they should, but there has never been any doubt about the Kremlin's geostrategic attachment/commitment to Armenia. Those who understand Russian geopolitics understand that the following is a red line to Turks and a not so subtle hint to us self-destructive Armenians that reuniting with Mother Russia will prove beneficial for Armenia once again -
ReplyDeleteRussia should annex parts of eastern Turkey, RT editor-in-chief says
Russia will defend the borders of Armenia like its own - Andrey Klimov
Russian peacemakers are the only guarantor of status quo in Nagorno-Karabakh
Russian government website uses “Nagorno Karabakh Republic” term
Russia wants reactions from Armenia, Georgia over "3+3" regional platform
Moscow’s Rebuke of Aliyev’s Threats
Russian Military Specialists Visits Yerevan to Discuss Modernization of Armenia’s Armed Forces
Good job Arevordi. Have you seen this by our Indian friends?
Delete"Recently, in a subtle but severe message to Turkey, the editor-in-chief of the Russian state TV channel RT said Russia should annex eastern Turkey's Mount Ağrı (Ararat) and Kars province. According to the Daily Sabah, Simonyan's controversial comments followed similar remarks by Russian politician and leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who claimed that a "special" tsar-like regime was necessary to secure Armenia. Watch the video to know more."
ReplyDeleteArevordi this is old, from 2020 but it sounds pretty like you talking about geopolitics. We armenians don't understand anything so we are like we are today. I hope the return to mother Russia will come very soon, if not the decline will go on and on. Regards, Martín
A balanced, nuanced, well composed and intelligently written article. However, don't expect Armenians to understand any of it. The modern Armenian has a very narrow world view and a lot of psychological damage. The modern Armenian mindset is loaded with bluster, arrogance, maximalism, emotionality, rigidity, materialism, insecurity, jealousy, tribalism, etc. For the typical Armenian today, politics is like a street fight, a domestic dispute or "who's got the biggest dick" contest. Armenians dream about being like Jews but when it comes down to it, they act like Arabs and Kurds. And this in the big picture is why Armenia today is a failed state and why the Armenian diaspora is a toxic graveyard...
Delete"The good thing is Aliyev does not understand that he’s being used by US & Israel against Iran just like Saakashvili was used against Russia back in 2008. We all know what happened to Georgia back then. Hopefully the same will happen to Baku Republic."
ReplyDelete-What i understand by this quotte is that Caucasus is on the verge of giant military confrontation between Zionist proxy Azerbaijan and its brother country Turkey against Iran and Armenia. In fact, what we witnessed in Artsakh was just catalyzer and starter to new episode of unstability and volatility in S. Caucasus. Be4 any confrontation i think there will be regime change in both Baku and Yerevan. For Baku, Aliyev does not fit for a confrontation against Iran, Armenia and maybe Russia so the pan-turkist elements will come to power, unless Russia steps in and helps Aliyev to stay in power. For Yerevan, Prikol Lapshinyan will be put in difficult position where he will choose between Moscow and West, so he will resign and let external forces to decide about the fate of Yerevan. In my opinion, there will be battle between pro-western candidate (Aram Sargsyan/Bever/Paruyr Hayrikyan) vs pro-russian candidate (Robert Kocharyan). If Kocharyan gets elected we can secure Syunik and maybe regains part of Artsakh. If pro-western candidate gets elected we may loss Syunik and eastern part of Gegharkyunik to Azerbaijan. That is my personal prediction.
As i know Arevordi predictions came true unfortunately.
I would like to hear your response about my prediction and the new geopolitical reality in S. Caucasus.
One did not need to be a genius or a psychic to predict Nikol's agenda vis-a-vis Artsakh. Nikol and his spiritual father, Levon, had been quite open about their views regarding Artsakh. So, when Nikol was brought into power by a well orchestrated and Western funded color revolution - and Moscow remained silent - it was obvious that Artsakh would be sacrificed. The writing therefore was on the wall. In any case, I take no comfort or pride in predicting what happened. I wish I was wrong. That said, what's happening today is all together another story. What's happening today is too convoluted, too complicated and too fluid to try to forecast or predict anything. Anything can happen. Everything you said is therefore possible/plausible. An Anglo-American-Jewish led war against Iran is needless to say highly probably. Armenia losing Syunik to Turks, however, is much less probable. Such a thing may trigger a third world war involving Russia. Ignore the nonsense being relentlessly spewed by our professional Russophobes. Russia will NOT allow Turks/Azeris to threaten Syunik/Zangezur unless Russia itself was in dire straits. This should make you wonder why many of our "nationalist" Russophobes want to see Russia fall. Russia falls, Armenia will be no more. It's that simple.
DeleteDo Russians want to resurrect/reinstate the Soviet era borders in the south Caucasus? Yes, they certainly do. Will they allow anyone, especially Turks, to threaten Armenia's or even Artsakh's existence? No fucking way! Externally, Russians have our back. Our domestic situation however is our responsibility, and we as a people have failed miserably in that regard.
PS: Where is that quote from?
Dear reader,
New blog commentaries will henceforth be posted on an irregular basis. The comment board however will continue to be moderated on a regular basis. You are therefore welcome to post your comments and ideas.
I have come to see the Russian nation as the last front on earth against the scourges of Westernization, Americanization, Globalism, Zionism, Islamic extremism and pan-Turkism. I have also come to see Russia as the last hope humanity has for the preservation of classical western/European civilization, ethnic cultures, Apostolic Christianity and the concept of traditional nation-state. Needless to say, an alliance with Russia is Armenia's only hope for survival in a dangerous place like the south Caucasus. These sobering realizations compelled me to create this blog in 2010. This blog quickly became one of the very few voices in the vastness of Cyberia that dared to preach about the dangers of Globalism and the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance, and the only voice emphasizing the crucial importance of Armenia's close ties to the Russian nation. Today, no man and no political party is capable of driving a wedge between Armenia and Russia. Anglo-American-Jewish and Turkish agenda in Armenia will not succeed. I feel satisfied knowing that at least on a subatomic level I have had a hand in this outcome.
To limit clutter in the comments section, I kindly ask all participants of this blog to please keep comments coherent and strictly relevant to the featured topic of discussion. Moreover, please realize that when there are several "anonymous" visitors posting comments simultaneously, it becomes very confusing (not to mention annoying) trying to figure out who is who and who said what. Therefore, if you are here to engage in conversation, make an observation, express an idea or simply insult me, I ask you to at least use a moniker to identify yourself. Moreover, please appreciate the fact that I have put an enormous amount of information into this blog. In my opinion, most of my blog commentaries and articles, some going back ten-plus years, are in varying degrees relevant to this day and will remain so for a long time to come. Commentaries and articles found in this blog can therefore be revisited by longtime readers and new comers alike. I therefore ask the reader to treat this blog as a historical record and a depository of important information relating to Eurasian geopolitics, Russian-Armenian relations and humanity's historic fight against the evils of Globalism and Westernization.
Thank you as always for reading.