Humanity is entering a new political era. The old political order is gradually giving way to a new one. The battlefields of Syria has become the place where a new world order is being born.
Anglo-American-Jews had a very grandiose agenda in Syria: Topple Bashar Assad's government; expel the Russian and Iranian presence from within Syria; put into power in Damascus a Sunni Islamist government; create an autonomous Kurdish region in the north; and secure vital energy transit routes and oil fields in the east. Basically, the plan was to ensure the primacy of Western powers, Israel and Saudi Arabia in the strategic Middle East. But the laws of unintended consequences and unpredictable repercussions that audaciously reckless actions more often than not bring to bear, have created a situation that is now giving Western policymakers nightmares today.
Russia has suddenly and quite amazingly become the main political player on the ground in Syria. Russia's unexpected military intervention back in the autumn of 2015 - at a vital time when Damascus had lost control over much of Syria and was on the verge of collapse - has severely damaged the Western agenda. Russian air power and special forces have helped Damascus liberate much of its lost territories and deal a crippling blow to Western-backed Islamist militants operating in the country. Moscow achieved this historic success with very limited military assets and relatively few lives lost. Moscow has thus returned to the Middle East in force and much to the chagrin of Western powers it is today by all accounts the main power-broker in the Levant. And according to John Kerry, the game changer in Syria -
Leaked audio: Kerry confirms US wanted ISIS to remove Syria's Assad but says Russians unfortunately changed the equation:
Official US Army Journal Concedes Russian Victory in Syria:
Russian Military Celebrates 'Victory' Over U.S. and West in Syria:
Moscow-based think tank director: Russia’s unexpected military victory in Syria:
On visit to Syria, Putin lauds victory over ISIS and announces withdrawals:
How Russia Became the Middle East’s New Power Broker:
U.S. abandoned role as global leader, Mideast power-broker:
How Putin Checkmated The US In Syria:
In an apparent first, Iran and Israel engage each other militarily:
The February 2018 Air War between Israel, Syria and Iran Was Brief and Violent:
Israel Downs Iranian Drone, Strikes Syria; Israeli F-16 Shot Down:
Did a Russian Missile Really Hit an Israeli F-35?:
Simply put: Ankara is using Moscow as a hedge, Moscow is using Ankara as a wedge. It's working out well.
In any case, Russians are playing their chess pieces brilliantly. Moscow is doing an amazing job of driving a wedge deep between Turkey and the United States, NATO's two largest members. Not responding in kind to the Turkish provocation/ambush of the Russian warplane two years ago has been paying off for Moscow in ways no one could have imagined at the time. What we have been seeing from Moscow in Syria is a brilliant display of Russian patience, diplomacy, discipline, marshal skills and strategic foresight. Russians are once again proving themselves to be the world's premiere grossmeisters of realpolitik. The best thing for Moscow, Tehran and Damascus to do at this point is to instigate, stand back and watch as Turks, Kurds and Anglo-American-Jews fight it out -
Trump's First War? Turkey Declares a Military Frontline Against America :
Will U.S. Fight Turkey? American Soldiers Will Not Leave City About to Be Attacked, Says Top General:
Syria’s War in 2018 Sees U.S. Allies Kill Each Other as Russia Struggles to Make Peace:
On Northern Syria Front Line, U.S. and Turkey Head Into Tense Face-off:
A war of America′s making:
In a nutshell: While Syria had descended into chaos, Syria's Kurds sought independence from Damascus despite Damascus', Moscow's and Tehran's expressed objections and warnings, and they did so by jumping into bed with those who are responsible for the Syrian tragedy. Kurds therefore deserve their fate.
Backstabbing Damascus thinking they will gain independence was one thing - that is realpolitik after all - thinking however that they will be helped by Western powers in times of dire need was a suicidal mistake. Similar suicidal mistakes have been made by many people, including us Armenians. Difference between Kurds and Armenians however is that we Armenians made that tragic mistake once, and that was one hundred years ago. Kurds have made this mistake continuously for many decades now. They will therefore continue paying a high price for their political illiteracy. What's more, even Westerners now more-or-less admit that Russia has defeated the Western agenda in Syria and that Russia is now the undisputed power-broker in the country. They may not come out and publicly say it, but even Westerners are now reluctantly admitting that all roads in the Middle East, Syria in particular, lead to Moscow. To their misfortune, and precisely because of their Anglo-American-Jewish fetish, it seems that Kurds were unable to recognize any of this. Again, it's ultimately their fault. Now, Russians, Iranians and Syrians will therefore sit back and watch as Turks and Kurds, both allies of Anglo-American-Jews, kill each other.
Regarding the question as to why Moscow (or Damascus or Tehran) is not reacting forcefully to Turkish military incursions against Kurds inside Syria, the answer is quite simple: Why should they? Why would Moscow want to risk its newly normalized relations with Ankara by directly supporting Syria's Kurds if Syria's Kurds - against the wishes of Russians, Syrians and Iranians - are maneuvering towards independence with the help of Anglo-American-Jews? Why would Moscow want to risk its newly normalized relations with Ankara knowing full well that Ankara could (as it had not too long ago) make matters in Syria much more difficult for Russians, Iranians and Syrians? Moscow will therefore seek to keep ties with Ankara cordial. Not wanting hostile relations with Ankara is also observed in Moscow's dealings with Tel Aviv.
In short: Moscow will not risk igniting a wider war, especially on behalf of Western-backed Kurds. From a Russian perspective, a prudent strategy vis-à-vis Syria would therefore entail helping create a situation in Syria where Turks, Kurds and Anglo-American-Jews instead find themselves opposed to each other and stuck in a quagmire. Getting the aforementioned into a serious three-way confrontation is fully in the interests of Moscow, Tehran and Damascus. It could therefore be said that Ankara was being encouraged by Moscow, Tehran and Damascus to do the dirty work of stamping-out Kurdish autonomy, at the same time not being allowed to be victorious. This is essentially why Damascus quietly began helping separatist Kurds soon after Turkish forces entered northern Syria. Simply put: It's conflict management and realpolitik.
So, the strategy Moscow, Tehran and Damascus are pursuing is becoming increasingly obvious: Distract Anglo-American-Jews, weaken the Kurds' independence bid, sow discord between Ankara and Washington and take the military initiative. And, if lucky, somewhere along the way perhaps the two largest NATO members will come to blows. Nevertheless, at this point, the last thing Moscow, Tehran or Damascus want is to get into a serious military confrontation with Western powers, Turkey or even Israel. They will therefore instead concentrate their efforts on conflict management and liberating as much of Syrian territory as possible west of the Euphrates River.
In any case, had Kurds been capable of at least a little amount of political wisdom and foresight, instead of seeking independence from Syria, with the help of Anglo-American-Jews nonetheless, they would have instead allied themselves to Syrians, Russians and Iranians and concentrated their collective effort on seeking independence in Kurdish populated territories in southeastern Turkey. Their political shortsightedness has therefore backfired on them once more. Once more they have become unwitting cannon fodder for regional powers. Moreover, from an Armenian perspective, let's never forget that those directly responsible for the Armenian genocide were Turks, Kurds and Jews. So, as far as I'm concerned, let them kill each other all they want. I would be more than happy to watch.
Nevertheless, what's happening in Syria and elsewhere today is ultimately a desperate fight for geopolitical hegemony - coming at a time when the political climate of the world (i.e. the post Second World War global order) is changing and nations such as Russia, China and Iran are gaining strength. Syria in particular has become a theater where the region's major powers are engaged in a desperate geopolitical tug-of-war.
During the early stages of the conflict in Syria this struggle was fought mainly via proxies. Moreover, the unrest was strictly confined to the borders of Syria. Gradually this changed. Today, all of the major powers in question - Russia, Iran, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Western powers - are in various degrees directly involved in the fighting on the ground, and the bloodshed has at times spilled over Syria's borders and into Turkey, Iraq and Lebanon. No one could have foreseen any of this when the unrest in Syria first began in 2011, although many observers at the time did warn about the dangerous nature of the conflict in Syria and the potential it had to draw regional powers into its fire. Syria today has evolved into a battlefield that is very unpredictable, very volatile and very complicated. Syria today is where various major powers are on the ground and desperately fighting to preserve their strategic interests. As such, Syria continues to be a very volatile powder keg, and the most likely trigger for the next world war.
Let's once more recall that the grand Western strategy behind the carnage in Syria was to weaken Syria's pro-Iranian and pro-Russian central government, expel Russian troops from the strategic port city of Tartus and finally stop Tehran's systematic westwardly march to the Mediterranean Sea.
Western allies with interests in Syria (i.e. Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar and Turkey) were of course recruited into this endeavor as well. The overall calculus behind the war in Syria is also why Yemen was attacked and continues to suffer tremendously to this day. In an interesting turn of events, however, Ankara stopped following the Western playbook due to serious complications between it and Washington, and it has been trying to go it alone. This is making the situation on the ground all the more volatile, unpredictable and complicated. In any case, as I have said before, if a greater regional war is not unintentionally triggered, ultimately, the fighting in Syria will inevitably become a stalemate. Although with Russian and Iranian support, Damascus has survived and has been able to liberate much it its territory from Anglo-American-Jewish-Saudi backed Islamist terror groups, there will not be any clear winners in Syria in the end.
Anti-Syrian interests were not able to defeat the government in Damascus and expel Russians, Iranians or the Hezbollah from inside Syria. One of the unintended consequences of their actions in Syria was in fact the significant increase of Russian, Iranian and Hezbollah presence and influence in the country. There is now a powerful Russian military presence in Syria and from the looks of it, it will be there for well into the foreseeable future. Syria however is for the most part destroyed, hundreds-of-thousands its citizens have been killed, millions hurt and millions displaced. What's more, geostrategically speaking, Tehran has thus far been unable to create a viable land link from Lebanon to Afghanistan. Finally, a Western military presence seems firmly entrenched in eastern Syria. I don't see Americans troops abandoning this region anytime soon. So, like I said, there will not be any clear winners or losers in Syria.
To summarize what has happened in Syria in recent years: In 2008, Moscow and Damascus began strengthening their long neglected ties, and there was serious talk about Moscow providing Damascus with sophisticated ballistic missiles. In 2010, a high ranking Russian General working for Russia's military intelligence was murdered during a working visit in Syria. By 2011, Anglo-American-Jews and their Turkish and Saudi Arabian allies had begun using the distraction brought upon by the so-called "Arab Spring" to begin sending Islamist terror groups into Syria. Their intent was to overthrow the secular government in Damascus. They wanted President Bashar Assad out of power because he had brought Syria much closer to Russia and Iran and because he remained steadfastly behind Lebanon's Hezbollah. This upset Anglo-American-Jews, as well as Saudis. The ensuing unrest in the country then quickly transformed itself into an uncontrollable inferno. Hundreds of thousands have died and millions more have been injured and made homeless since.
At some point, the Islamist terror groups that were being used to topple the Syrian government were to also be used by Western powers as an pretext/excuse to invade Syria. In other words, Anglo-American-Jews and their allies in the Middle East had meticulously created a compelling narrative; namely that Syria was being overrun by very dangerous Islamist terror groups which had to be stopped. This narrative, peddled to the Western public by propaganda organs such as CNN and BBC, set the stage for Syria's final collapse and its eventual invasion by "forces of freedom and democracy". Then, quite unexpectedly, Moscow essentially stole the narrative Western powers had painstakingly crafted in Syria, by militarily intervening to save the embattled government in Damascus from an inevitable collapse, the repercussions of which would have been nothing-less-than catastrophic for the country's majority Alawite, Christian and moderate /secular Sunni populations. For historical context, please revisit my previous blog commentaries about the war in Syria -
NATO plans campaigns in Libya and Syria to tighten noose around Iran - September, 2011:
West, Arab League and Turkey Supporting Armed Islamic Militants in Syria - December, 2011:
West, Arab League and Turkey Supporting Armed Islamic Militants in Syria - December, 2011:
CIA arms Islamic rebels, Syria downs Turkish warplane - June, 2012:
Middle Eastern geopolitics and the proxy war in Syria - May, 2013:
Syrian Conflict: A Brief Military Analysis - June, 2013:
Another Western War Crime In The Making - September, 2013:
Russia Steps Into World Leadership Role - September, 2013:
Driving a Sunni wedge in the Shiite Arc - June, 2014:
Russian victory in Novorossiya as a new chapter opens in Syria - September, 2014:
As Western powers use ISIS to rearrange the Middle East, Moscow preemptively moves military assets into Syria - September, 2015 :
With Russian forces entrenched in Syria, Moscow seeks to extend its defensive depth and political reach - October, 2015:
The Rise of Russia on the Warm Seas: A brief look at Russia's military in Syria - November, 2015:
Nevertheless, Syria, as we knew it, is dead. A new nation, or nations, is to eventually emerge from its ashes. All of the invested powers now on the ground in Syria are currently maneuvering for the best possible seat in the new house. In other words, the current phase of fighting is about who will get what after the final bomb explodes. It's essentially about the spoils of war. Regarding who will get what: Although much of Syria is now back under the control of the Russian and Iranian backed government in Damascus, the country's Kurdish populated regions in the north, areas adjacent the border with Jordan and territories east of the Euphrates River, where Islamist forces are now concentrated, seems to be where Anglo-American-Jews are claiming as their area of interest -
East of Euphrates, The Capture of Oil Fields in Syria. US Support to SDF Kurdish Forces:
Russia and US engage in 'military base race' in Syria:
U.S.-backed Syrian fighters say will not let government forces cross Euphrates:
Leave areas east of Euphrates, Khamenei aide tells US:
US to establish two military bases in eastern Syria as tensions with Turkey rise:
ISIS carries out attacks from US-controlled ‘black-hole’ area near Al-Tanf base – Russian MoD:
Russia Says U.S. Military Training ISIS To Return Under New Name and Take Over Syria:
U.S. Says It Notified Russia Before Massive Attack On Pro-Syria Forces:
What Does the Future of the Euphrates Spell for the Middle East?:
[ISIS] leader Baghdadi 'alive in Syria but injured and no longer in control':
This illegal American military presence in Syria serves a number of geostrategic roles. For one, it ensures that Syria will remain weak and fragmented. It acts as a geostrategic counterbalance, ensuring that Russians and Iranians do not get too powerful in Syria. With regards to Iran, the American military presence in eastern Syria also acts as a deterrence to the formation of the much feared Iranian "Arc". Moreover, the American military presence in eastern Syria secures control over vital energy transportation routes and oil fields; helps apply steady pressure on a belligerent Ankara; ensures that Islamist militants such as Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra Front and ISIS, or whatever else they are currently preparing in secret training bases in Syria and Jordan, remain a viable factor on the ground.
Washington was never serious about fighting Al-Qaeda or ISIS, the ones we are told are attacking Western countries. The American military presence in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan is specifically designed to keep Anglo-American-Jews in the region's geopolitical game. American forces will therefore continue acting as protectors of Islamic terror groups throughout the region to ensure an excuse for their military interventions. That American troops are directly aiding and abetting Islamist terror groups is now a well established fact, and a fact that more-and-more people around the world, including Americans, are beginning to better understand -
"Pro-Syrian militia was reportedly moving against an Islamic State sleeper cell when it was attacked by American led forces":
Russia Says U.S. Military Training ISIS To Return Under New Name and Take Over Syria:
US and Saudi Arabia arms significantly enhanced Isis’ military capabilities, report reveals:
Delivery of US Weapons and Ammunition to ISIS - Iraqi Commander:
US Helicopters Evacuate Over 20 ISIS Commanders From Deir Ezzor – Media:
'CIA created ISIS', says Julian Assange as Wikileaks releases 500k US cables:
US directly supports IS terrorists in Syria — Russian Defense Ministry:
Origins of the Islamic State: Who is Behind “Al Qaeda in Iraq”?:
US Policy Strategists Aware That ISIL Poses Threat to Russia, China, Iran:
US' Plan B? From Alleged Evacuation of Daesh to the Murder of Russian General:
U.S. Agreement With ISIS Let Thousands of Fighters Flee Raqqa: Report:
Leaked audio: Kerry confirms US wanted ISIS to remove Syria's Assad and says Russians unfortunately changed the equation:
Exclusive: 50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked:
The Phony War Against Islamic State:
Few U.S.-Trained Syrians Still Fight ISIS, Senators Are Told:
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Says The U.S. Government Is Directly Funding ISIS And Al Qaeda!:
The brutality of these incidents vividly remind us that the most shocking aspect of the Syrian tragedy has been the horrible crimes committed by Wahhabist and Salafist terrorist groups. Due to the proliferation of digital cameras and smartphones in recent years, the historic tragedy in Syria has unfortunately become the most widely recorded in history of war. Consequently, the global public has been made to face the unspeakable horrors taking place up-close; and sometimes in real time. The atrocities that Islamic terror groups were deliberately committing, recording and broadcasting via the worldwide web, such as gruesome public executions, was essentially designed to be as psychological warfare. It was indeed an effective method of shock and awe. The acts of brutality were meant to demoralize their opponents by striking fear into their hearts and minds. The acts were also meant to shock the global community at large. The brutality of Islamic terror groups has become a phenomenon during the past twenty somewhat years. The years since September 11, 2001 have in particular been characterized by a dramatic upsurge in public displays of brutality and terrorism around the world. The same time period has also seen the constant dissemination of frightening information about various terror groups that often times seem to form out of thin air. All in all, the Americans cattle has been convinced that such terror groups are coming after Americans because "they hate the American way of life". Not a single day goes by today without hearing about the horrors of Islamic terrorism and the danger it poses to the American/Western way of life. It's all by design -
Pentagon and CIA Want to Keep ISIS Tweeting: Exploiting Social Media to Keep the Endless War on Terror Alive:
10 Signs That ISIS is a Scripted Psyop:
If a generation ago people around the world were terrified of the prospects of a nuclear war, today it is Islamic terrorism. Terrorism today is by-far the single most frightening factor for many peoples around the world - so much so that terrorism has turned the American people in particular into slaves of Zionists, Western war planners and the military industrial complex. Needless to say, the topic of terrorism, Islamic terrorism in particular, is one of the most important subjects of our time. It is a terrible scourge that will be written about for many generations to come. That is why in my opinion this topic is one of the most important subject matter of our day. It should therefore be understood well.ISIS And 9/11 Are US Psyop Against US Citizens, Analyst:
The disturbing fact that Anglo-American-Jews have been encouraging and at times directly supporting Islamic terror groups around the world through their intelligence services as well as their proxies in nations like Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, Turkey and Pakistan is something that cannot be emphasized enough to the public. The disturbing fact that Western intelligence services are behind those groups or individuals that at times attack Western nations is something that cannot be overstated to the public.
I therefore want my current blog commentary to take another, more extensive look at the subject of Islamic terrorism and its intimate ties to Western intelligence. To help the reader better understand the subject matter, I have compiled a large number of news articles and analytical reports, many of them produced by Western sources, concerning Islamic terrorism and its unmistakable ties to Western powers. Staying true to this blog's traditional practice, I have featured these articles as a supplement to my blog commentary. Please note that the featured articles are a mere sampling, for there are literally thousands of them. I also need to point out that some of these articles are whitewash/coverup attempts by mainstream presstitues working for the deep state. I'm confident that the reader here will quickly figure out which one's I'm referring to. I therefore suggest reading these articles in between the lines. Nevertheless, even without my commentary, these articles, and the many more that exists throughout Cyberia, speak for themselves; and they tell us one thing: Western powers are behind all major Islamic terrorism incidents in the world today.
For centuries it has been recognized by peoples around the world that "all warfare is based on deception". It is true that deception is one of the best ways to defeat an enemy. Less recognized however is the following: The leadership of a country, especially one that espouses democratic values, must deceive not only its enemy but also its citizenry. In other words, a dictatorship can simply force its subjects to war. An ostensibly democratic system on the other hand has to fool its subjects into wanting a war. This is the smart way. Because history has taught us that when a government - be it a kingdom, a dictatorship or a democracy - wages war without the willing and enthusiastic support of its subjects, it can be a recipe for defeat. So, before imperial officials begin waging wars overseas, they first wage psychological war or psychological operations (psy-ops) on their populations.
In modern times, waging war by deception has become an exact science and a highly refined art form. High level state officials continue seeking more-and-more sophisticated ways to make their subjects want to fight enemies both real and imagined. Depending on what civilization or culture a particular nation or a group of people find themselves in - religion, nationalism, tribalism or psychological conditions such as fear - are the most effective tools for making a people desire war. And the catalyst upon which the aforementioned tools of coercion travel upon is a nation's education system, news agencies, radio programming, television programming and cinema and increasingly, the internet. These are the tools politicians use to prepare their citizenry for war against their global opponents/competitors.
For the elite of any ambitious political entity, having an enemy is very important because it helps governing bodies focus resources and rally the citizenry. After all, if all's well and the country is not threatened, how would they excuse the expenditure of a nation's fortune on arms procurement or military conquests of countries around the world? How would they explain the need to build and maintain hundreds of military bases around the world? How would they explain why troops have to kill and be killed in remote lands that Americans cannot even locate on a map let alone understand why they are fighting? If there was no imminent threat to the nation how would they, the leadership, question the citizenry's patriotism and stifle dissent? Without a very imminent threat facing the nation how would they explain tampering with the nation's political traditions and laws? None of what I am saying here is a new revelation. Nation-states have long recognized the need for external enemies to focus their subject's attention on, and to exploit as a pretext for war -

Through the persistent dissemination of deceptive news reporting, and at times false flag operations, they create crisis which they then exploit to create a war frenzy and curb privacy laws. They never let a serious (if fabricated) crisis go to waste. This is nothing new. This has in fact been the American way for war for a very long time now. With the notable exception of the Korean war, all of the wars the United States has fought in the past one hundred-plus years - Spanish-American war, First World War, Second World War, Vietnam, Granada, Panama, Iraq war 1, Serbia, Iraq war 2, Afghanistan, Syria - have been imperial wars that were started through lies and deception. Enemies were formed around the world. A crisis was thereafter created to strike fear into the people's hearts. The people's fear was then exploited. Imperials wars are then fought with the full support of the public. The nation's treasury is thus squandered and imperial objective are met (and sometimes not). All in all, it's the modern art of Western warfare, and lies, deception, fear-mongering and psychological operations are some of its primary components.
But there is still another important equation to solve. Creating a war frenzy in society by first creating a crisis and then using the crisis to exploit the people's fear is one thing. But the enemy in question has to still be defeated. So, the best way to solve this particular problem is to create your enemy yourself. These political philosophies lies at the very root of the Washington's phony "war on terrorism".
Having an enemy or two on the global stage is very important for an ambitious political system seeking imperial glory and spoils of war. But Washington faced a problem in this regard some twenty-five years ago. The problem was that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Anglo-American-Jewish political order stood alone at the top of the global food chain. The world was essentially theirs for the taking. But this was the problem: To take the prize hanging in front of them, they needed a persistently large military presence around the world and the large sums of money to finance it. But they did not have any serious enemies at the gate to scare the Western public into going along with their very long-term, overly ambitious and costly agenda. Yes, after Saddam Hussein was for the second time (the first time being the Iraq-Iran war of the 1980s) stupid enough to be goaded into a war he could not win in the early 1990s, Western powers used the historic opportunity to send large numbers of forces into the Middle East.
But, the problem was that Saddam Hussein simply did not scare the American people enough to give Washingtonians the carte blanche to expand America's military role in the region, which was eagerly being sought after the Soviet collapse.
In short, Western war planners needed a long-term scary threat to use as an excuse to expand their military presence in the Middle East and elsewhere and of course the funding with which to realize it all. Therefore, in the absence of serious enemies during the early post-Soviet period in the 1990s, and with a strong desire to deploy Western forces into the strategic theaters of operation around the world under the guise of "Rebuilding America's Defenses", what did Washington do? Well, it created for itself a brand new enemy and that enemy was political Islam, and it proved to be a rather easy animal to manipulate and exploit. Let's also recognize that the best enemy one can have is the one that you create yourself. Let's also recognize that Western collaboration with Muslim powers (e.g. Ottoman Empire and Saudi Arabia) and Islamic movements (Muslim Brotherhood) go back a very long time. But due to this blog commentary's limited scope I will primarily address Western ties to radical Islam starting from the 1980s, for that is when the collaboration in question flourished and began taking increasingly violent forms.
Political Islam - with its immense size and dispersion, its traditional ties to the Western world and its inherent radicalism and extremism - became a very effective and easily controlled tool at Western disposal essentially because the two power centers of Islam - Saudi Arabia and Pakistan - have been closely allied to Western powers for a very long time. The already established ties between Western powers, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan had deepened further in the 1980s during the war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Therefore, going as far back as the 1980s, Western intelligence began gaining valuable hands-on experience in recruiting Islamic radicals from around the world and using them in various theaters of operation. Afghanistan of the 1980s was therefore where Islamic terrorism as we know it today and its ties to Western powers was born. This was how Al Qaeda, the first Islamic bogeyman to frighten Western public with, came into being. The following by Michel Chosudovsky is a very comprehensive look at Al-Qaeda and Washington's phony "war on terrorism" -
Al Qaeda and the “War on Terrorism”:
And that is exactly what Anglo-American-Jews have done in recent decades with great success. Senior policymakers in the West have long recognized the potential for political exploitation that lay in Muslim nations around the world -
"For the first time in human history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive… The youth of the Third World are particularly restless and resentful. The demographic revolution they embody is thus a political time-bomb... Their physical energy and emotional frustration is just waiting to be triggered by a cause, or a faith, or a hatred" - Zbigniew BrzezinskiReading between the lines of what senior policymakers like Zbigniew Brzezinski have to say, it becomes increasingly clear that Western powers have long recognized that there exists the potential to exploit the "downtrodden" around the world and guide them towards political goals that serve the Western world's imperial agenda. Western policymakers have long understood that there are today tens-of-millions of young, poor, restless, unemployed and illiterate people around the world, and they are all yearning for some kind of change. The same is especially true about the Muslim world. Muslim street wants change. The change they are seeking however is fundamentally quite different from the change for example that poor south Americans are seeking.
Due to Western military interventions and the proliferation of Saudi Arabian and Pakistani funded Madrases around the world in recent decades, the change young Muslims are typically seeking today is rooted in Islamic radicalism and extremism. These Islamic schools are where radicalism is disseminated and where intelligence agencies do their harvesting. Consequently, headed by Saudi Arabia, political Islam today is a major force in the world.
Simply put: If the leadership of a nation wants its subjects to fight in faraway lands for causes they does not even fully understand, there are ways. If the leadership of a nation wants to create a terrorist force, there are ways for that as well. There are many millions of radicalized Muslims today yearning for Jihad. They are yearning to fight for what they have been conditioned by their societies and governments to believe are sacred Islamic causes in faraway places such as Chechnya, Dagestan, Serbia, Afghanistan, China, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, Artsakh, etc. These masses are essentially the dormant forces that intelligence agencies are in a position to manipulate. These masses are essentially the cannon fodder Western powers in conjunction with Saudi Arabian and Pakistani intelligence have been exploiting since the early 1980s. And, as already stated, recruiting people to carry-out acts of terrorism is easy, as the following quote from a book written by a former Soviet officer confesses -
"If it is relatively easy to recruit a man to act as a 'sleeper', what about recruiting a foreigner to act as a real terrorist, prepared to commit murder, use explosives and fire buildings? Surely that is much more difficult? The answer is that, surprisingly, it is not."- Viktor SuvorovThe above excerpt is about the Soviet Union's exploitation of radical movements around the world. However, in today's political climate, the information provided by this author can go a long way to helping the reader better understand how any intelligence service operates in general. Obviously, the author of the book had a very clear anti-Russian/anti-Soviet political agenda. We must however bare in mind that the dark nature of intelligence services is in no way exclusive to Russia or the Soviet Union. Western powers, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Pakistan in fact excel at procuring terror groups. Speaking of procurement, please note the following Al Jazaeera interview with a former FBI agent -
"Camp Bucca was a detention facility in southern Iraq. And Camp Bucca was a facility where anybody who was arrested because of activities against the coalition and against the Iraqi government, they used to take them and put them there in that detention facility. And there were a disproportionate number of people who were loyal to Saddam Hussein and the Baathist regime. Baathist and Islamists. So what happened is the Baathist and the Islamists met and we have a new brand of terrorism. We have new brand of terrorism that [is] half Saddam, half bin Laden. One of the detainees [in] Bucca is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. And if you look at the No. 1 tier type leaders, the tier one leadership of [ISIL], most of these individuals were Baathists who met each other and met al-Baghdadi in Bucca. So basically, the oil and the fire got to know each other in Bucca, and we have the new brand, explosive brand of terrorism is [ISIL]. It was rebranded with Baathists giving strategy to Islamic ideologues." - Ali Velshi's interview with Ali SoufanWe learn from the FBI agent that ISIS came into being under American supervision. Now, with all the above in mind, please take into close consideration the following words spoken by a veteran CIA agent, Graham Fuller -
“The policy of guiding the evolution of Islam and of helping them against our adversaries worked marvelously well in Afghanistan against [the Russians]. The same doctrines can still be used to destabilize what remains of Russian power, and especially to counter the Chinese influence in Central Asia.” - Graham FullerWe have seen four very revealing comments by four government insiders. Their words should be carefully pondered as they are interrelated. When it comes to the topic of Islamic terrorism, their words are self-evident. The following is more-or-less what we learn from these men: There is today virtually a limitless supply of human resources (i.e. patsies) around the world to manipulate and exploit. Recruiting individuals or groups of people to carry out acts of terrorism is quite easy. Islamist militant groups are at times formed under American supervision. Finally, and more importantly, we learn that Islamic terrorism today is being deliberately guided and used against the enemies of the West. In other words, Islamic terrorism is being nurtured by Western powers as a force to used against Russia, Iran, China and Arab nationalism -
US Policy Strategists Aware That ISIL Poses Threat to Russia, China, Iran:
We see this collaboration and collusion between Western powers and radical Islamist militants with the easy in which such militants freely travel from one hot spot to another via countries allied to Western powers. One day we are told a certain terror group is operating in Afghanistan, then we are told they moved to Iraq. One day we are told a terror group is operating in Pakistan, then we are told they are in Yemen. One day we are told a terror group is operating in Libya, they we are told they are fighting in Syria. They are in one place one day and in another place the next day. The same can be said about arms, some of which are modern variants, that show up in terrorist hands in various war zones. Someone is making these large movements of men and arms possible. Someone is funding these operations.
Those who are capable of funding and making such movements possible are regional powers allied to the West - i.e. Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Pakistan, Qatar, Turkey and Israel - and of course Western powers themselves. Western intelligence (American, British and French in particular) and Israel's Mossad are no doubt heavily involved with facilitating the movements of militants and arms into various war zones. Incidentally, some of the same players and methods are also involved in bringing narcotics from Central Asia into Europe and elsewhere. After all, Washington's favorite resource in Afghanistan is opium. And the CIA is still the world's number one narcotics trafficker. War zones like Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq and allied nations like Columbia, Albania and Pakistan are some of the main transfer points. Nevertheless, the active collaboration between Western powers and Islamist groups have only deepened in recent times. Until recently, little was know about this collaboration. It was all speculation by a handful of observers and "conspiracy theorists". Today however there is an overwhelming body of evidence documenting Western collusion with Islamic terror groups around the world. As a result, an increasing number of Westerners, including public officials in the United States, are beginning to address this matter -
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Says The U.S. Government Is Directly Funding ISIS And Al Qaeda!:
"Pro-Syrian militia was reportedly moving against an Islamic State sleeper cell when it was attacked by American led forces":
U.S. Helicopter Delivering Weapons to the Islamic State (ISIS), Shot Down by Iraqi “Popular Forces”:
US colluded with ISIS in Deir ez-Zor:
Leaked audio: Kerry confirms US wanted ISIS to remove Syria's Assad and says Russians unfortunately changed the equation:
ISIS Twitter Handles Traced To UK Government By Hackers:
Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels:
Dennis Kucinich: Why are we at war in Syria?:
There is now overwhelming evidence - circumstantial, demonstrative and direct - that point to Western collaboration and collusion with Islamic terrorists. There is a growing body of evidence showing that Western intelligence services have been involved in the creation of terror organizations like Al-Qaeda and ISIS. Islamic radicalism is a volatile yet a powerful tool Western powers have been utilizing against rivals such as Russia, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Serbia and China for many decades. In more recent years, Western powers have also used the existence of Islamic militancy as a convincing pretext for illegal military interventions in countries such as Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan and Syria - as well as a justification for the expenditure of trillions of dollars that such interventions require. The following political cartoon does a good job of summarizing the methods I have outlined above -Seymour Hersh: US Training Iranian Terrorists in Nevada:
The process of destruction pictured above is more-or-less what has taken place in places around the world - all in the name of securing energy transit route and oil fields; curbing Iranian and Russian influence in the region; and of course extending the life of artificially created nations such as Israel and Saudi Arabia. Having long ago frightened the Western public into compliance with periodic false flag attacks on Western soil, the presence of Islamist terror groups in various theaters of operation is now the main excuse or pretext Western imperialist powers use to illegally intervene in targeted countries. Such terrorist organizations are also used to scare the Western public from time-to-time, essentially to keep them pro military "defense" expenditures. In short: It's an imperial business based on deception, lies and of course the power of nightmares -
The Power Of Nightmares: Part 1 (2004):
U.S. spending on post-9/11 wars to reach $5.6 trillion by 2018:
The Ever-Growing List of ADMITTED False Flag Attacks:
From the perspective of Washingtonian reptiles, Russophobes in eastern Europe and Iranophobic Wahhabists/Salafists in the Middle East, essentially serve the exact same geostrategic purpose. Therefore, Ukrainian racists and Islamic terrorists are essential elements in the imperial calculus. Such assets help Western powers in their effort to reconfigure and redraw what they see as outdated borders, curb Russian and Iranian expansion and of course secure Anglo-American-Jewish primacy in the twenty first century.
Some time in the early 1980s, Western powers began understanding, and appreciating, the awesome potential that lay dormant in the still medieval world of Sunni Islam. Consequently, for about forty years now, "Al Qaeda" and "ISIS" type paramilitary forces have been acting as the Islamic military wing of the Western war machine around the world. For about forty years now, Western powers have been using their close ties in places such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, Pakistan and Turkey to procure Islamic terror cells, which they have then exploited for use against for the most part Russian and Iranian interests. As such, from the Balkans to China, from the Caucasus to the Maghreb, Sunni Islamic extremists have been advancing one Anglo-American-Jewish interest after another. It's all well documented. The following series of pictures tell the story of how Western intelligence began conspiring with Islamic radicals over thirty years ago and how it continues to this day -

As many of us know now, the Islamic terror group known as Al Qaeda was the offshoot of the above noted "gentlemen" seen seated with President Reagan in the White House. Then, we have this 1993 profile about Osama Bin Laden -
Throughout the 1990s, American officials took under their arms other groups of Islamic terrorists, this time in the Balkans. US envoy Richard Holbrooke seen below sitting next to a Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) militant. The KLA was designated as a terrorist organization before US officials took them off the terrorist list in 1998 -

Ever since the CIA made a military pact with Islamist radicals against the Soviet Union, the factor of militant Islam has been an important component of Western policy formulations throughout Eurasia. Seeing how successful they were against the Soviets in Afghanistan during the 1980s, Western powers have been utilizing Islamic extremists like Al-Qaeda in various theaters of operation around the world with increasing frequency in recent years. For several decades now Wahhabist and Salafist extremist groups have been acting as the Islamic military wing of the Anglo-American-Zionist war machine in various hot spots around the world. From the Caucasus to north Africa, from the Balkans to Central Asia, Islamic hordes have been advancing one Western interest after another.
By the early 1990s, the Soviet Union had collapsed. There was no longer a serious geopolitical threat facing the West. With the Soviets relegated to the pages of history, the West got ambitious. A very ambitious blue print for global domination was devised -
The Unipolar Moment (1990):
Toward a Neo-Reaganite Foreign Policy (1996):
The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (1997):
"Pro-Syrian militia was reportedly moving against an Islamic State sleeper cell when it was attacked by American led forces":
US and Saudi Arabia arms significantly enhanced Isis’ military capabilities, report reveals:
Al Qaeda does US dirty work in Libya:
White Helmets: Fraudsters Serving Western Spy Agencies:
The War on Yugoslavia, Kosovo “Self-Determination” and EU-NATO Support of KLA Terrorists:
"Democracy, Human Rights and Self-Determination for the Uyghur People in East Turkestan":
US “Partnership” with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and its Effect on Civil Society and Human Rights:
Why the U.A.E. is calling 2 American groups terrorists:
Fethullah Gulen Headquarters:
Uncle Sam has been the major force behind Sunni Islam around the world. Under the guise of the "Arab Spring", a Western-backed Islamist uprising was tried in Tunisia and Egypt. These however failed. A similar thing was done more recently in Turkey. It also failed. They will keep trying. Islamic radicalism is a powerful tool that will not be abandoned by Western powers anytime soon. I need to add something important here: Islamists that we sometimes hear about getting assassinated or blown-up by American drones are more-or-less those that refuse to play Washington's game. In other words, Islamist militants that get targeted by Washington and its allies are either splinter groups, groups that have sprung-up spontaneously and/or groups that are supported by rival political interests. Therefore, next time we hear about an Islamic militant getting killed (and if it's not fake news) let's be rest assured that he or she was either a rouge player, a double agent or one that was working for an opposing force. In other words, he or she did not serve Western interests.
"Camp Bucca was a detention facility in southern Iraq. And Camp Bucca was a facility where anybody who was arrested because of activities against the coalition and against the Iraqi government, they used to take them and put them there in that detention facility. And there were a disproportionate number of people who were loyal to Saddam Hussein and the Baathist regime. Baathist and Islamists. So what happened is the Baathist and the Islamists met and we have a new brand of terrorism. We have new brand of terrorism that [is] half Saddam, half bin Laden. One of the detainees [in] Bucca is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. And if you look at the No. 1 tier type leaders, the tier one leadership of [ISIL], most of these individuals were Baathists who met each other and met al-Baghdadi in Bucca. So basically, the oil and the fire got to know each other in Bucca, and we have the new brand, explosive brand of terrorism is [ISIL]. It was rebranded with Baathists giving strategy to Islamic ideologues." - Ali Velshi's interview with Ali SoufanEssentially, Sunni Arab Bathists and radical Islamists - the "oil and fire" - as Ali Soufan claims got to know each other under American supervision. As such, a hybrid militant force, which would later become variably known as ISIL, ISIS, Daesh and Islamic State, came into being while within American run detention camps. ISIS was created to defeat Bashar Assad's government and stop the unintended Iranification of Iraq (which was Washington's historic blunder in Iraq). Under the cover of President Obama's military pullout from Iraq, these militants were quietly released into various theaters of operation. And the rest is history. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's story is not unique at all. Many Islamic militants, like Osama Bin Laden and Omar al-Shishani, have had direct ties to Western intelligence. Actually, even Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini had extensive contacts with American intelligence. Throughout the 20th century even many secular Arab leaders (i.e. Saddam Hussein, Yasser Arafat, Hosni Mubarak, King Hussein and his son King Abdullah) had, and in the case of King Abdullah, continue to have ties to Western intelligence.
Regarding how ISIS was created in American prisoner camps: Washingtonians claim it was all a result of political indecisiveness and lack of oversight, a major mistake on their part that they supposedly regret to this day. In an effort to explain the release of Islamic militants back into society, government controlled mainstream news organizations and other voices of the political establishment in the West often tries to whitewash such events by passing them off as government "incompetence" or a "mistake". Pleading ignorance has often been one of Uncle Sam's best defenses. Needless to say, what Washingtonian reptiles claim and what reality suggests are two, often very different things. Basing my opinion upon years of observation as well as what can be deduced from reports that periodically appear in the Western news press, the following is most probably how the procurement process in question works:
ISIS, which as we know is a fusion of Bathists and Islamists, was created by Western (and most likely Saudi Arabian and Israeli) intelligence agencies inside American run prison camps. They were then let loose in Syria and Iraq to essentially curb Russia's and Iran's growing clout in the two countries. S0, if Western intelligence officials assess that a captive under their control can be useful for any one of their agendas around the world, they will set him or her free regardless of whether or not he or she harbors hostility towards Westerners. Like I have said before, for the geostrategic value that such militants bring to the table, they are willing to risk periodic blowback.
When insurgents, radicals or militants in places like Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan are placed into custody by US forces they get closely evaluated by military interrogators, psychiatrists and intelligence experts. Sometimes, such captives are assessed to be potentially useful to an agenda in a certain theater of operation. These captives are slowly prepared to serve that agenda. When the time is right they get released and are transported to their target areas. Some of these released captives, especially the most radical ones among them, tend to have deep rooted psychological problems and/or low intelligence. They may therefore not even fully understand the greater purpose of their release or existence. Others however, like the more educated or intelligent ones among them, willingly cooperate with their Western captors. What is their motivation? Most probably to advance the cause of Sunni Islam against Russian and Iranian influence in the Middle East and Central Asia - even if it means collaborating with Western powers. This is how Washington's Islamic allies come handy. Needless to say, Pakistani, Saudi Arabian, Jordanian, Qatari or Turkish support in helping Western intelligence agencies prepare such militants is fundamentally important.
The infamous Guantanamo Bay prison facility has had a revolving door and has long been suspected of being more than what meets the eye. Prisoner camps like "Gitmo" should very well have been shut-down a very long time ago but not because they treated prisoner inhumanely or outside of due process - but because such detainment camps have been ideal environments to covertly train terrorists. In fact, it is in the public record that "double agents" are being prepared there.
However, describing what they are doing in Guantanamo Bay as recruiting "double agents" is part of their deception. The infamous facility in question is where Western officials, most probably in conjunction with Saudi and Israeli intelligence agencies, most probably prepared their terrorists. It's their homegrown terrorists. There are in fact many reported cases of Islamic militants held captive within U.S. run prison facilities for many years suddenly being released without much of an explanation from Washington. Several such reports appear in this blog's articles section below.
Many of these individuals go on to carryout operations in places like Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Egypt, Iraq and Syria. They are sometimes joined by Western agents, usually CIA or special forces types. Westerners among Islamic extremist groups actually seem to be doing a significant amount of the logistical work that goes behind planning or executing combat or terror operations. Sometimes their activities, or their deaths, make it into mainstream news and are quickly covered up by the mainstream press. Sometimes, Western militaries even provide direct assistance to such Islamist militants. These also sometimes make it into mainstream news, which are then needless to say explained away by mainstream news agencies and government officials as mistakes and errors. In any case, that Western powers, in conjunction with allied governments in the region, are directly and indirectly assisting Islamist radicals in various theaters of war operations is a foregone conclusion. The following is a very poignant comment made by a Libyan official before Mummar Qadaffi was overthrown and murdered by Western backed and Al-Qaeda led insurgents in Libya -
"What we are facing now in this war is NATO led by al-Qaeda. The European and western officials are lying to their people when they say they are fighting terrorism. In fact they are fighting with terrorism against the Libyan nation and they are following al Qaeda's orders." - Libyan head of security services Abdullah Al-SnousiMoreover, as we saw on September 11, 2001, sometimes elements deep within Western intelligence agencies (which in my opinion can also be described as the deep state) utilizes their contacts in the Middle East to orchestrate attacks inside Western nations. When such attacks occur they are popularly known as "false flag" operations. In recent years, we have seen smaller but more frequent terrorist attacks in the United States as well as in France, Germany, Spain, Belgium and Britain. There are clear signs that many of these attacks, if not every single one of them, are false flag operations carried out by elements within the Western and/or Israeli intelligence agencies. There are also strong indicators that at least some of the televised Islamic bogeymen are actually Western/Israeli intelligence agents, and that some of their televised atrocities are in fact staged. The following are two American-Jews - Adam Gadahn (aka Adam Pearlman) and Yousef Al-Khattab - who supposedly converted to Islam and became outspoken advocates of "Al-Qaeda" -
Fake Al Qaeda Actors EXPOSED! Adam Gadahn and Yousef al-Khattab:
Al-Qaida Calls on U.S. Muslims to Attack America:
ISIS Beheadings of Journalists: CIA Admitted to Staging Fake Jihadist Videos in 2010:
There is no doubt that false flag attacks are being carried-out. The evidence for this mostly circumstantial and indirect but it's overwhelming nevertheless. We therefore see what they are doing. However, we can only speculate as to why they are doing it. As to the question of why it's being done, no one who is not connected to what's known as deep state would be able to answer that question in an unequivocally way. We the sheeple can only look at the bigger picture, study the available evidence and then speculate/theorize. With that said, in my speculation, such operations are meant to serve some long-term political purpose the details of which is yet unknown to the general public. Such terrorist operations also act as a weapon of psychological warfare. In other words, false flag attacks may be carried-out in Western nations to advance a particular political goal (guide political policy towards a certain direction) and keep the Western sheeple frightened and therefore politically compliant.Foley murder video 'may have been staged':
Moreover, false flags may be carried-out to force the hand of nonconforming or overly complacent Western politicians. It is important therefore to point out that the civilian leadership of a Western nation that is targeted by a false flag attack may or may not have any knowledge of who/what is truly behind such attacks. After all, we know that at least in the United States, president don't really rule the country, it is special interests that do.
Netanyahu aide says Boston bombing, 9/11 are good for Israel:
Art Student Spies: "We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem":
Netanyahu departs for anti-terror march in Paris:
"Rebuilding America's Defenses" – A Summary Blueprint of the PNAC Plan for U.S. Global Hegemony:
The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (1997):
As the reader can see, as soon as the Soviet Union was no longer a geopolitical factor in the world, Western policymakers began drawing-up ambitious plans which were essentially a blueprint for global conquest. Such plans however could only be realized if Western countries were attacked. This is where terrorism like what occurred on the morning of September 11, 2001 plays a big role. And this brings up the question of blowback and collateral damage. As we saw with the murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, the CIA-representative in Benghazi, Libya some several years ago, dealing with Islamic radicals is not always a neat job nor is it very predictable. Precisely due to its inherent volatility, dealing with Islamic radicals can sometimes backfire and there is a price to be paid. Moreover, as we saw with the attacks of September 11, 2001 revealed, the deep state in the Western world is willing to suffer collateral damage in order to advance its political agenda. Incidentally, at the time when CIA operative Ambassador Stevens was killed in Benghazi, he was busy funneling arms and Jihadi militants into Syria -The Globalization of Politics: American Foreign Policy for a New Century (2003):
CIA 'running arms smuggling team in Benghazi when consulate was attacked':
There was also the well known case of Khalil Abu Mulal al-Balawi, the Jordanian militant who killed seven CIA officials in Afghanistan -
Bomber who killed CIA operatives in Afghanistan was triple agent:
For senior policymakers in Washington, the geostrategic benefits brought upon by their support of such militants in certain areas of the world far outweighs the inherent risks involved with dealing with Al-Qaeda or Islamic State type movements. In the absence of true ideological movements in the world, radical Islam has been the spark to get things done around the world. Therefore, as far as Washingtonians are concerned, what's the big deal if some Americans get blown to bits once in a while - as long as the American empire remains a global hegemon?! As far as Washingtonians are concerned, what's the big deal if America is made to suffer some real-estate damage once in a while - if such a thing can be cleverly exploited towards long-term geostrategic agendas?! Aren't the terrible events of September 11, 2001 continuing to be used as a powerful excuse to advance a global agenda, which is essentially to remake the world in Washington's image... and of course curb civil rights in the United States and squander or steal trillions of dollars in the process?! Didn't Islamic State serve also this purpose, that is until Russia changed the equation by defeating them?
In a nutshell: They create a rabid animal to use against their enemies. Sometimes the rabid animal is used to carry-out false flag attacks in Western countries, which they then exploit to advance a political agenda. Once in a while, the rabid animal gets out of control and bites the hand that feeds it. In other words, there is blowback. At the end of the day, it's expected. It's a natural part of the game. When they occur, false flags and blowbacks are politically beneficial for Western powers as well as Israel. In fact, even blowback is ok because when such thing does occur it has an inherent value ingrained within it (i.e. psy-ops) that can also be exploited for even further political gain. In other words, to scare the citizenry. Speaking of psy-ops, CIA is not the only one involved in trying to scare the Western public. Israel's Mossad is just as active if at times not quite effective.
I should also add this: Islamists that we sometimes hear about getting assassinated or blown-up by American drones are more-or-less those that refuse to play Washington's game. In other words, Islamist militants that actually get targeted by Washington and its allies are either splinter groups, groups that have sprung-up spontaneously and/or groups that are supported by rival political interests. So, next time you hear about an Islamist getting killed (and if it's not fake news) be rest assured that he or she was a rouge player or a double agent that no longer served Western interests.
At the height of the Syrian war back in 2015 no one was expecting Russia to jump headlong into the Syrian inferno. But, it did. After a long aerial bombardment campaign by Russian forces, during which Iran began playing an increasing role on the ground, Islamic State was finally defeated. Is was not easy or quick but Moscow, in conjunction with Tehran, got the job done. From the West's perspective, Islamic State's life was not to end this way. Islamic State was created to carve a "Sunni Caliphate" in eastern Syria. This territory was to eventually fall under Western, Israeli, Saudi and Turkish oversight. As former Secretary of State John Kerry admitted, the Russian intervention in Syria changed the entire equation. Moscow stole the narrative Western powers had built for themselves. Islamic State's defeat in Syria or Iraq was not something Anglo-American-Jews were hoping. As a result, they are most probably redrawing their plans. They will do their best to hold on to at least some parts of Syria. They will most probably be forming new terror groups to help them get this done. Nevertheless, Islamic State's reign of terror in Syria is all but over. It's foot soldiers and leadership have been decimated under Russian bombings. The monstrous organization may finally put to rest by its creators and benefactors. But, let's take one more look at what Islamic State was designed to do.
The reader may recall that almost exactly two years before Moscow's military intervention in Syria, Russia had used political and military posturing to thwart an imminent Anglo-American-Jewish attack on Syria. The planned attack against Syria in September of 2013 was foiled at the last minute by Moscow. Washington's desire to attack Syria at the time was also met with an antiwar outcry throughout the United States. With the attack thwarted, many at the time hoped that the war's end was finally in sight. However, it was not to be - because Syria is simply too geostrategically important for Western powers and its allies. The objectives against Syria could therefore not be abandoned. Enter Islamic State. The emergence of Islamic State (also known as ISIS, ISIL and Daesh) in Syria quickly solved Washington's problem. Within a year after Washington's 2013 setback in Syria, Islamic State began making news headlines around the world for its brutality.
Throughout the mainstream news press in the Western world, the hype about Islamic State had become breathtakingly thorough. The global public was bombarded by horrific images of Islamic State atrocities on a persistent and consistent basis. Islamic State was presented as a threat not only to the Middle East but to the entire world. Therefore, Islamic State had to be fought. Western powers had to return to the Middle East to save it from monsters. And who in public would dare speak against what was perceived to be the West's valiant and humanitarian effort to fight bloodthirsty barbarians that go around blowing up historic monuments, beheading Westerners and genociding locals? Yet, unbeknownst to the public, at the very least, Islamic State could be stopped with just two phone calls to two close allies: One to Riyadh, one to Ankara. No such phone calls would be made. With the appearance of genocidal Islamic extremists in Syria and Iraq, Uncle Sam and friends were presented with an opportunity to curb Iran's growing influence in Syria and Iraq, and get the Anglo-American cattle to support the re-invasion of Iraq and military aggression against Bashar Assad's government.
Similar to what Western forces had done in Baghdad in 2003, Islamic State was meant to "shock and awe" its enemies on the ground into retreating without resisting. Islamic State was meant to literally slaughter its way into the people's consciousness and dwell in their darkest nightmares. Islamic State was meant to turn the typical antiwar pacifist in the Western world into a bloodthirsty warmonger. Basically, the American people were shocked into compliance, and Western powers and their allies were quite literally presented with a backdoor reentry into Syria. It was in my opinion an amazing feat of social engineering and mind control. And as the reader can see, the power of nightmares continues to work wonders for Western warmongers essentially because Western civilization today is devoid of ethics, spirituality, genuine patriotism, critical thinking and rationale. Fear is what seems to work best with Westerners: Scare the sheeple and then herd them towards where you want them to go. It is deception and conflict management at its ugliest.
Consequently, with the supposed need to fight Islamic State "headhunters" becoming a desperate rallying cry in the Western world, imperial warmongers in the Anglo-American-Jewish world conveniently resumed beating the drums of war against Syria once more; because in their convoluted and bloodstained world: Defeating the Islamic State will require attacks against the Assad regime. Nevertheless, similar to what Al-Qaeda was before its terror value for the American cattle expired several years ago (which is why they put the no longer scary Osama Bin Laden scarecrow to rest), groups like Islamic State became the new monster Western powers would save the world from. With the overused and now ineffective name "Al-Qaeda" no longer able to keep the American cattle awake at nights, new terror organizations like Islamic State, with their black flags and severed heads, would be the convenient excuse to continue Western crimes against humanity and keep the Middle East embroiled in bloody conflict for the foreseeable future.
Similar to what was done with Al-Qaeda back in 2001, when the attacks of September 11, 2001 was used to rally public support for long-term military engagements around the world, Islamic State 's brutality was meant to shock and awe and terrify the Anglo-American cattle into actually wanting their militaries to return to Iraq and carryout military operations inside Syria. For Anglo-American-Jews and their friends, Islamic State provided the perfect opportunity to undermine Iranian/Shiite influence by breaking up Syria and forcing the Shiite led Iraqi government to share power with Sunnis - as well as pull Western forces back in to the Middle East. They intended to use Islamic State to essentially dissect the Shiite Arc of influence in the region, and create a north-south Sunni axis between Turkey and Saudi Arabia.And in the case for Turks at the time, Islamic State was also a good opportunity to attack the Kurdish PKK.
Simply put: Islamic State was meant to give their so-called war on terror a whole new life. Islamic State's sudden emergence in 2014 rejuvenated the Western agenda against Syria after it had suffered a setback due to Russian meddling in 2013. Groups like Islamic State are the tools Western powers are using today to advance their imperial agenda not only in the Middle East but also in Africa, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Islamic terror groups are the scalpel Washington and friends are using to remake the Middle East.
Therefore, stopping Islamic State was not something Uncle Sam was particularly concerned about. Fighting Islamic State was never something Western powers were really interested in. And Western arms deliveries to Islamic State were not blunders or mishaps. Of course, they didn't want the public to know any of this. But the truth kept leaking out. We are living after all in an age of technology and information. Which is why perhaps an increasing number of Western observers are now readily willing to admit that terror groups like Islamic State and Al-Qaeda can actually be useful tools against nations like Russia, China and Iran.
It must also be emphasized that besides using Islamic militants to fight against Russians, Serbians, Chinese, Syrians, Iraqis, Yemenis and Iranians in the region, Western powers have also used Islamic movements in the Middle East to impede the growth of secular, nationalistic leaders. The Zionist state and the West have always feared independent, nationalistic pan-Arab leaders in the very strategic and oil rich region. This is essentially the reason why Mossadegh was overthrown in Iran; this is essentially the reason why Nasser was killed in Egypt; this is essentially the reason why Saddam was killed in Iraq; this is essentially the reason why Qaddafi was killed in Libya; and this is essentially the reason why they are currently trying to kill Assad in Syria.
Anglo-American-Jewish-Saudi interests have created such a terrible situation on the ground, particularly in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya, that many around the world have been calling for an immediate end to the bloodshed and the start of a new beginning, with new borders. The violence brought to the region has been so disturbing and on such a large scale that the Wall Street Journal, one of the main propaganda outlets of the Western political/financial order is curiously asking - "would new borders mean less conflict in the Middle East?" The insinuation is obvious: New borders in the Middle East will supposedly lessen future conflict. That is almost exactly what they were suggesting a century ago as they were arbitrarily creating the same borders they are currently attempting to destroy. The old format so hastily put together by the British and the French no longer seems to be serving its purpose. The redesigning of borders in the Middle East is more-or-less what they are seeking. This is why I say terror groups like Islamic State and Al-Qaeda have been used as surgical tools, scalpels, in this regard.
Therefore I ask my readers to disregard what they have heard on CNN and BBC and simply realize that Anglo-American-Jews actually prefer dealing with Islamic governments (Sunni Islamic governments in particular) rather than governments that are secular, independent and nationalistic. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise to anyone that Washington has been "training" Islamic political parties in Egypt; it should not come as a surprise to anyone that Washington has been encouraging/funding Islamic militants to carryout terrorist attacks in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Iran; it should not come as a surprise to anyone that the main promoters of Islamic fundamentalism around the world, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are some of Washington's closest allies; and it should not come as a surprise to anyone that Washington is actually encouraging the Islamization of Europe.
In a nutshell: What Anglo-American-Jews want to see in the Middle East is smaller and weaker nations with redrawn borders, and nations with Sunni Islamic (i.e. backward) governments that are opposed to Russia and Iran. Careful monitoring of Western news reports and analysis makes this fact quite obvious -
"What we are witnessing is the demise of the post-Ottoman order, the demise of the legitimate states... ISIS is a piece of that, and it is filling in a vacuum of the collapse of that order" - Francis Ricciardone, Former US Ambassador to Turkey and Egypt and a member of the Washington based think tank, Atlantic Council
"The map of 1919 which the British and French drew was wrong. [The new map of a partitioned Syria and Iraq] is the map that reflects the realities of sectarianism and is possibly more stable... [The state that ISIS has created stretching] from the edges of Baghdad all the way to Aleppo today is a Sunni state and it's already emerged. And what America is doing by bombing it is trying to destroy this state that is there and it is going to be a very hard thing to do... Accept reality, accept that state but try to get better rulers for it, not ISIS" - Joshua Landis, Director of the Center of Middle East Studies, Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma’s College of international Studies
"Khorasan is a region that encompasses much of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Iran. To ISIS [ISIL], Khorasan represents the first battleground of its end-of-days scenario. To regional powers, Khorasan represents the future of energy," Dr. Crosston noted in his article for New Eastern Outlook. War is not just politics but economics by another means. The Caspian region, or Khorasan, is now playing host to a Gordian knot of great power politics and economics. ISIS (ISIL) is a dialectical challenge for the United States, existing both as a US foreign policy failure in the present and presenting a unique strategic opportunity in the near future… I expect that as ISIS looks to Khorasan the US will look the other way," the professor suggested" - Dr. Matthew Crosston, Professor of Political Science, Director of the International Security and Intelligence Studies Program, and the Miller Chair at Bellevue University
“Israel’s main strategic threat is Iran. Not Syria, not Hamas. Therefore, strategically, Israel should examine things from the perspective of what harms Iran and what serves Israel’s agenda in confronting it. If Bashar remains in power, that would be a huge achievement for Iran. A weakened Assad [remaining in power] would be completely dependent on Iran. In my opinion that’s the worst thing that can happen to Israel... “Bashar Assad must not remain in power. Period. What will happen later? God only knows. The alternative, whereby [Assad falls and] Jihadists flock to Syria, is not good. We have no good options in Syria. But Assad remaining along with the Iranians is worse. His ouster would exert immense pressure on Iran” - Sima Shine, Times of Israel - June 23, 2013
"The risks of a jihadist victory in Damascus are real, at least in the short-term, but they are containable by Turkey and Israel. The far greater risk to Middle East stability and U.S. interests is a victorious arc of Iranian terror from the Gulf to the Mediterranean backed by nuclear weapons" - Wall Street Journal - May 6, 2013From reading the above, what becomes quite obvious is that "Jihadists" in Syria are really not much of a concern for the Anglo-American-Jewish global order. It also becomes quite obvious that borders in the Middle East will be changing in the coming years. It is very interesting that Professor Landis - "the top Syria scholar in the US" - suggested at the time that Washington wanted Turkey to act as the guarantor of the new Sunni state being formed in Syria by having Ankara put in place there a "good government" so that the United States can thereafter "pour money into [its] development". In any case, how drastic the changes and how cruel the bloodshed will be as a result will remain to be seen. I would like to point out here that Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Iran are not their only targets and their agenda to remake the Middle East is not new. A sinister plan for the entire region was first hatched three decades ago by an Zionist Jew named Oded Yinon. The following is his “Strategy for Israel in the 1980s” as summarized by Israel Shahak, a well known anti-Zionist activist -
"The plan operates on two essential premises. To survive, Israel must 1) become an imperial regional power, and 2) must effect the division of the whole area into small states by the dissolution of all existing Arab states. Small here will depend on the ethnic or sectarian composition of each state. Consequently, the Zionist hope is that sectarian-based states become Israel’s satellites and, ironically, its source of moral legitimation." - Oded YinonYemen has also become a victim of this anti-Iranian agenda. Tens-of-thousands of people have died in Yemen in recent years. More recently, a coalition of Western-backed powers are conducting a merciless aerial bombing of the country. Not much is being made of the terrible situation in Yemen in the Western press precisely because the Houthi rebels in Yemen are Shiites and the dictatorial government in Sanaa that was ousted by the Houthis is a Saudi-backed Sunni government. For Anglo-American-Jews and their friends in the Middle East, the real enemy in the Middle East is Iran and pan-Arab nationalism. Therefore, Sunni Islamist groups will always be looked at geopolitical assets.
A lot of what's happening in the Middle East is ultimately about Israel's (and Saudi Arabia's) survival. As the reader can see, plans to fragment the Middle East into smaller, weaker and more manageable states are in fact decades old. The masters of the plan in question were basically emboldened when one of their main strategic obstacles against their agenda, the Soviet Union, collapsed in 1991. Nevertheless, calls to smash Syria and other regional nations into smaller pieces could be heard well before the Western-backed Islamic uprisings known as "Arab Spring" began in 2011a. The following chilling words from another Zionist Jew was first published in 2010 in a book titled Beware of Small States: Lebanon, Battleground of the Middle East -
"The total disintegration of Lebanon into five regional, localized governments is the precedent for the entire Arab world... The dissolution of Syria, and later Iraq, into districts of ethnic and religious minorities following the example of Lebanon is Israel's main long-rage objective on the Eastern Front. The present military wreaking of these states is the short-range objective. Syria will disintegrate into several states along the lines of its ethnic and sectarian structure... As a result there will be a Shiite Alawi state, the district of Aleppo will be a Sunni state, and the district of Damascus another state which will be hostile to the northern one. The Druze-even those in Golan - should form a state in Huaran and in northern Jordan... The oil rich but very divided and internally strife-ridden Iraq is certainly a candidate to fit Israel's goal... Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation... will hasten the achievement of the supreme goal, namely breaking up Iraq into elements like Syria and Lebanon. There will be there states or more around the three major cities, Basra, Baghdad and Mosul, while Shiite areas in the south will separate from the Sunni north, which is mostly Kurdish...The entire Arabian Peninsula is a natural candidate for (dissolution)... Israel's policy in war or peace should be to bring about the elimination of Jordan..." - Beware of small states, David Hirst, p. 125-126As the reader can see, their intent has always been to divide and conquer. Therefore, ignore their public rhetoric and understand that Western officials do indeed want to see the Islamization (Sunni Islamization to be exact) and the fragmentation of states in the Middle East (i.e. smaller, weaker states). Why? Simply because, from an Anglo-American-Jewish perspective, Islamic societies are self-destructive/self-limiting. In other words, they are backward and therefore do not pose a long term threat to the Israel and the Western world. Additionally, Islamic states are easier to manipulate and exploit, essentially because the epicenter of Islam, Saudi Arabia, is closely allied to Western powers. We can therefore see why secular Arab nations in the region, especially those who espouse pan-Arabism or secular nationalism, have always been seen as long term threats. This is more-or-less why the secular governments of Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria and Iraq were attacked by Anglo-American-Jews. As the reader can see, claims that Western/Zionist policymakers have been conspiring against countries in the Middle East and elsewhere is not merely a "conspiracy theory". This Western/Zionist plan to remake the Middle East should bring to mind General Wesely Clark's confession and journalist Seymour Hersh's prediction -
About ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. I went downstairs just to say hello to some of the people on the Joint Staff who used to work for me, and one of the generals called me in. He said, “Sir, you’ve got to come in and talk to me a second.” I said, “Well, you’re too busy.” He said, “No, no.” He says, “We’ve made the decision we’re going to war with Iraq.” This was on or about the 20th of September. I said, “We’re going to war with Iraq? Why?” He said, “I don’t know.” He said, “I guess they don’t know what else to do.” So I said, “Well, did they find some information connecting Saddam to al-Qaeda?” He said, “No, no.” He says, “There’s nothing new that way. They just made the decision to go to war with Iraq.” He said, “I guess it’s like we don’t know what to do about terrorists, but we’ve got a good military and we can take down governments.” And he said, “I guess if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail.” So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, “Are we still going to war with Iraq?” And he said, “Oh, it’s worse than that.” He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, “I just got this down from upstairs” — meaning the Secretary of Defense’s office — “today.” And he said, “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.” - Wesley Clarke
"In the past few months, as the situation in Iraq has deteriorated, the Bush Administration, in both its public diplomacy and its covert operations, has significantly shifted its Middle East strategy. The ‘redirection,’ as some inside the White House have called the new strategy, has brought the United States closer to an open confrontation with Iran and, in parts of the region, propelled it into a widening sectarian conflict between Shiite and Sunni Muslims... The Saudi royal family has been, by turns, both a sponsor and a target of Sunni extremists, who object to the corruption and decadence among the family’s myriad princes. The princes are gambling that they will not be overthrown as long as they continue to support religious schools and charities linked to the extremists. The Administration’s new strategy is heavily dependent on this bargain... The policy shift has brought Saudi Arabia and Israel into a new strategic embrace, largely because both countries see Iran as an existential threat. They have been involved in direct talks, and the Saudis, who believe that greater stability in Israel and Palestine will give Iran less leverage in the region, have become more involved in Arab-Israeli negotiations" - Seymour HershWhile they normally use grants, opposition politicians, news media, civil rights activists, economic sanctions, financial blackmail and cultural invasion as a way of undermining or subduing nations that are not enslaved by them, the political West has in recent years resorted to remodeling the Middle East at the tip of a very sharp bayonet. Although Russia and Iran have been presenting serious political and military impediments for them, we are nevertheless in the midst of a forced remodeling of the Middle East. The old format/setup put together by England and France between the two world wars a century ago no longer seems suitable for them in the twenty-first century.
Consequently, Libya, Syria, Iraq and Yemen, as we knew them, are now dead. Their deaths will eventually spawn new births. All the political players on the ground (i.e. Western powers, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Russia and Iran) are now currently maneuvering to get a piece of the territorial prize once its ready. In other words: The fighting now is more or less about who will get what after the final bomb explodes. All the political players involved in the Syrian conflict are therefore currently maneuvering for the best possible seat in the new house that;s being built. It may take a few more years and a few more hundred thousand casualties, but a new Middle East is nevertheless in the process of being created. This all naturally brings us to the Zionist factor in the Anglo-American-Jewish imperial war machine, for no conversation about the Middle East is complete without first addressing Zionist Jews and the fortress state of Israel.
Zionist factor behind Islamic terrorism
Washingtonian concerns about Russia and China are understandable. After all, Russia and China are major powers and their governments indeed have geostrategic ambitions, some of which run directly counter to Western ones. Moscow and Beijing therefore do pose long-term challenges and dangers to Western powers. This is an understandable concern Westerners have. However, Washington's concerns about Iran (as well as Syria, Libya, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon's Hezbollah) does not make a lot of sense. Iran has never and will never pose any kind of threat to the United States or to Europe. Moreover, Iran is not and have never been sponsors of terrorism. What's more, Lebanon's Hezbollah is a paramilitary resistance group. However, Washington categorizes Iran and Hezbollah as sponsors of terrorism and a terrorist organization respectively solely because of the Jewish influence (i.e. the Zionist factor) in Washington.
Washington is religiously following the Zionist agenda propagated by men like Oded Yinon and David Hirst.
Consequently, the fundamental concern or problem Uncle Sam has with Iran is that Tehran together with Syria and Hezbollah, at least theoretically, can pose a long-term threat to the military superiority of the Zionist state. In other words, with the Sunni Arab world either in ruin (i.e. Iraq and Libya) or in the pockets of Anglo-American-Jews (i.e. Saudi Arabia and Jordan), Iran - not Islamic terrorism - is the only real military challenge Israel faces in the Middle East today. They have actually been quite vociferous about it -
A Wall Street Journal commentary in 2013 had this to say about the topic:
"The risks of a jihadist victory in Damascus are real, at least in the short-term, but they are containable by Turkey and Israel. The far greater risk to Middle East stability and U.S. interests is a victorious arc of Iranian terror from the Gulf to the Mediterranean backed by nuclear weapons." - Wall Street Journal (May 6, 2013)The following quote, also from 2013, made by a high ranking Israeli minister:
“Israel’s main strategic threat is Iran. Not Syria, not Hamas. Therefore, strategically, Israel should examine things from the perspective of what harms Iran and what serves Israel’s agenda in confronting it. If Bashar remains in power, that would be a huge achievement for Iran. A weakened Assad [remaining in power] would be completely dependent on Iran. In my opinion that’s the worst thing that can happen to Israel... “Bashar Assad must not remain in power. Period. What will happen later? God only knows. The alternative, whereby [Assad falls and] Jihadists flock to Syria, is not good. We have no good options in Syria. But Assad remaining along with the Iranians is worse. His ouster would exert immense pressure on Iran.” - Sima Shine (June 23, 2013)The following quote was made Director of the Center of Middle East Studies, Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma’s College of international Studies:
"The map of 1919 which the British and French drew was wrong. [The new map of a partitioned Syria and Iraq] is the map that reflects the realities of sectarianism and is possibly more stable... [The state that ISIS has created stretching] from the edges of Baghdad all the way to Aleppo today is a Sunni state and it's already emerged. And what America is doing by bombing it is trying to destroy this state that is there and it is going to be a very hard thing to do... Accept reality, accept that state but try to get better rulers for it, not ISIS" - Joshua Landis (November, 2014)And this very recent commentary by one of the New York Times' best known columnist -
"This is a time for Trump to be Trump — utterly cynical and unpredictable. ISIS right now is the biggest threat to Iran, Hezbollah, Russia and pro-Shiite Iranian militias — because ISIS is a Sunni terrorist group that plays as dirty as Iran and Russia. Trump should want to defeat ISIS in Iraq. But in Syria? Not for free, not now. In Syria, Trump should let ISIS be Assad’s, Iran’s, Hezbollah’s and Russia’s headache — the same way we encouraged the mujahedeen fighters to bleed Russia in Afghanistan." - Thomas Friedman (April, 2017)The above quotes by influential Jews explains things quite well: What's troublingly obvious here is that jihadists in Syria are not of any concern for Israeli officials, and that Tel Aviv wants to see the Bashar Assad government defeated at all cost. As I have been telling my readers for a very long time now, Jihadists have never been a real problem for Anglo-American-Jews. I want the reader to finally understand that Israel's main concern in the Middle East today is not Turkey, not Egypt, not Saudi Arabia, not Jordan, not Lebanon, not Syria, not Hamas, not Hezbollah, not ISIS, not Al-Qaeda, not Al-Nusra... but Iran.
A few dead Westerners or Jews here and there, and some damaged property in Western nations from time to time is a very small price to pay for exploiting a geostrategic tool as powerful as Islamic extremism.
Islamic State is the monster intentionally created by the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance with the help of their regional allies for one purpose: To remodel the Middle East. This is what we need to recognize about Sunni Islamic terror groups such as Islamic State and Al Qaeda. Simply put: The expansion of Iran's military right onto the borders of Israel threatens Tel Aviv's military superiority. And since Israel exists today thanks only to its military superiority over its backward neighbors, the rise of a powerful Iran in the Middle East threatens, at least theoretically, the Zionist state's very existence. Therefore, the last thing Zionists and their backers in the Anglo-American world want to see taking shape in Israel's neighborhood is an Iranian "Shiite Arc" stretching from western Afghanistan to southern Lebanon. This is essentially what's keeping Jews and their supporters in the Western world awake at nights. And this is the reason why Tel Aviv will enthusiastically support any Islamic terror group that sees Iran as an enemy -
Israel’s Main Concern in Syria: Iran, not ISIS:
Why Is Trump Fighting ISIS in Syria?:
Accept reality, accept [the state ISIS created] but try to get better rulers for it:
Israel’s influence and the overall probability of a US war with Iran:
US opens 1st permanent military base in Israel as tensions with Iran rise:
‘Faced with Russians and Iranians 24/7’: Israel calls for US to be more active in Syria:
Why the Islamic State Isn’t in Any Rush to Attack Israel:
ISIS and Israel coexist on the Golan Heights:
ISIS fighters ‘attacked Israel Defense Forces unit, then apologized' claims former Israeli commander:
More Jews Have Joined Islamic State, French Official Says:
Netanyahu: Iran Must Leave Syria Or "We Will Act":
Netanyahu: Israel Fear Iranian Foothold in Syria:
The best way to help Israel deal with Iran's growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow Bashar Assad:
If only to deal a blow to the ayatollahs, Assad must go, says Israeli head of the Iran desk:
Ex-Mossad Chief Admits Israel In Alliance With Al-Qaeda:
A New Strategy Against ISIS and al Qaeda:
ISIS, like the matador’s red cape, distracts from the truly mortal danger—a nuclear Iran chanting ‘Death to America’:
Israel fears 'Iranian crescent' in Middle East:
Netanyahu to meet Putin, says Iran seeks permanent foothold in Syria:
Trump's policy has focused on eliminating Islamic State. But Netanyahu had a bigger concern:
ISIS Declares War on Hamas, and Gaza Families Disown Sons in Sinai:
Iran Is Existential Threat to Israel: U.S. General:
Israel and Iran are heading for conflict over southern Syria:
Obama’s Iran deal only delayed a showdown. America and its allies should be using the time to prepare:
Iran, Deeply Embedded in Syria, Expands ‘Axis of Resistance’:
Why Is Israel in Alliance With Jabhat-Al-Nusra?:
Report: Israel treating al-Qaida fighters wounded in Syria civil war:
Syria's 'Army of Islam' Says It Wants No War With Israel:
Israel Sees Rising Threat From Iran After ISIS:
Israel worried about becoming neighbors with Iran amid ongoing Syrian war:
US backed Arab alliance would share intelligence with Israel, with the goal of countering Iran’s influence:
Trump should support an independent Kurdistan and stymie Iran’s march to the Mediterranean:
Creation Of Greater Kurdistan Will Contribute To Stability In Middle East – Former Deputy Chief of Israeli General Staff:
Israeli prime minister backs Kurdish independence in Iraq as a hedge against Iran:
What is happening in the Middle East is therefore first and foremost an anti-Russian agenda (i.e. Western) and anti-Iranian agenda (i.e. Jewish). Western powers and Tel Aviv are directly and indirectly responsible for the rise of Islamic terror groups like Islamic State. There is no longer any doubt that Western powers and Tel Aviv are actively helping the Islamic insurgency in Syria. There is no longer any doubt that Sunni Islamist groups in the region are serving an Anglo-American-Jewish agenda. The Zionist factor therefore plays prominently in the historic carnage we are seeing in the Middle East. In any case, the aforementioned geostrategic calculus is why Anglo-American-Jews will continue supporting Islamic terror groups. And when such groups are difficult to come by, they will simply call on their friends in the region to help them create such groups. Nevertheless, thanks to Anglo-American-Jewish factor in modern global affairs, the artificially created Islamic terror factor in the world will unfortunately remain a part of our daily lives for the foreseeable future. They will make sure of it.
Islamic terrorism and its FBI ringleaders
Although Americans are too distracted by entertainment, disinformation and/or simply trying to pay their ever-growing amount of bills at the end of every month to properly notice it, the United States has morphed into a massive and corrupt Orwellian police state. As we saw with Edward Snowden's revelations, the degree of control that Washington yields over the American public today is unprecedented, not only in American history but in the annals of world history. In fact, Washington and friends spy on the entire world. Knowing how closely and how zealously Uncle Sam monitors his subjects, knowing how ubiquitous Uncle Sam's surveillance programs are, I do not for one moment believe that there could exist elaborate terrorist plots in the United States without it being known to security officials. Therefore, recent acts of terrorism by Muslims inside the United States need to be assessed from within the context of the modern American police state.
Many already know that in their effort to uncover individuals or sleeper cells capable of carrying out acts of terrorism among the Islamic community, government security agencies actively monitor internet activity. Many already know that Muslim community centers, mosques and student groups are under constant government surveillance. Many already know that government informants and undercover agents are working inside the Muslim-American community throughout the United States. We all realize that Americans, Muslim-Americans in particular, are under constant surveillance by their government. What's not very well known however is that government informants and undercover agents inside the Muslim-American community have also been known to organize/orchestrate many of the terror plots they supposedly uncover. The "sting operations" we occasionally hear about are essentially operations of entrapment. In other words, they are government agents coaxing, inciting and seducing unsuspecting individuals into performing criminal acts, which they are then punished for in public show trials.
From what we can see in the public record, most, if not all, of the uncovered/busted Islamic terror plots in the United States are actually orchestrated by government agencies like the FBI and the CIA. Again, this is not a theory of mine. The following are relevant materials about this topic -
FBI Fake Terror Plot History: Judge Napolitano:
Did US know about Christmas day attempted terrorist attack?
Mainstream Media & FBI Push Fake Terror Attack Even After Their Patsy Refused to Do It:
How the FBI Seduces Suspected Muslim Terrorists into Extremism:
The Sting: How the FBI created a Terrorist:
The Informants:
The role of psychotropic drugs and mind control in terrorism
Amphetamines were made famous during the Second World War when German and Allied troops used them for their "performance enhancing" qualities. This class of drugs can make its user feel awake, energetic, strong, fearless and aggressive. It's the ideal drug for soldiers and apparently Islamic terrorists. There are other types of drugs as well. We now know for a fact that Islamic militants in Syria, suicide bombers in particular, regularly use similar substances to help them perform their Jihadi tasks and they are being supplied from abroad -
Saudi prince held over record Beirut airport drug bust:
The tiny pill fueling Syria’s war and turning fighters into superhuman soldiers:
'Super soldiers': The quest for the ultimate human killing machine:
Super Soldiers? Military Drug is Rage Among Students, Young Professionals:
I suspect many of the Jihadis that go on murderous rampages are under the influence of some form of mind altering medication. I suspect many of the American soldiers that periodically "snap" are also under the influence of drugs. Of these, Staff Sergeant Bailes readily comes to mind. The horrendous act he committed was most probably drug related. Was there much more to his story than we were told? Was Robert Bailes being experimented on with mind altering medication? What I am saying is not far-fetched nor is it sci-fi. I'm asking very valid questions. We know that psychotropic or psychedelic drugs have been worked on by psychiatrists and biochemists for many decades. The Nazis worked on them. The Soviet Union worked on them. Naturally, the successors of both the Nazis and the Soviet Union, Anglo-American-Jews have been working on them for a long time. For a long time the American government has performed all sorts of experiments with a wide variety of psychedelic drugs.
These drugs are constantly being improved and it is quite logical to assume that they are also being weaponized. The only question therefore is: How far has the development on mind altering drugs gone?
Now I want to take a brief look at the very strange shooting incident involving Esteban Santiago, an American soldier stationed in Alaska who is said to have spontaneously purchased an airline ticket to Fort Lauderdale, where he apparently shot to death five people in the airport. That's the official story. In other words, that is the cover up story. I am at a point now when anytime a major act of terrorism occurs, especially in Western nations, I immediately begin looking for anomalies; things that don't add up. Sure enough, the airport shooting incident involving Esteban Santiago quickly revealed the following three glaring anomalies:
First anomaly: At the time of the incident there initially were several police reports as well as several eyewitness accounts claiming that multiple gunmen were involved in the airport shooting. Law-enforcement officials later recanted the initial reports, saying they were errors. Valid reports of multiple shooters that are later recanted by officials has become a fairly common anomaly in recent terrorist attacks in the United States. A similar thing occurred in the San Bernardino Valley terrorist incident involving the Pakistani couple. Second anomaly: Before the terror incident at the airport took place, the Florida state government was preparing to begin discussions about "open carry" gun laws in Florida airports. Third anomaly: It was widely reported by news agencies that Esteban Santiago had previously complained to his superiors about hearing voices in his head. It was also reported that the terror suspect had previously gone to the FBI's regional office in Alaska to tell them that the U.S. government or the CIA was trying to get him to join ISIS.
The third anomaly noted above is what we need to take a closer look at for it clearly suggests the presence of some form of mind altering medication. So, was Esteban Santiago simply a homicidal lunatic who just happened to "snap" in Alaska and purchased a one way ticket to Florida to randomly kill people at the airport? Or was he a victim of some secretive, mind-control experiment? -
Airport Shooter Said He Was "Mind Controlled" By A U.S. Intelligence Agency:
Esteban Santiago's brother blames FBI for killings as Fort Lauderdale shooting suspect may face death penalty:
If Esteban Santiago was feeling homicidal or suicidal in Alaska, why did he not just do what he did where he was, like all the other mentally deranged people who do similar acts? Why did he instead purchase an airline ticket to Florida to carry out the killings there? If Esteban Santiago was just mentally ill, and we know that he had gone to the FBI to complain about hearing voices in his head, why was he allowed to remain on active duty and not taken in for mental health evaluation or treatment? Moreover, was this shooting incident and the debate on gun legislation that was said to be taking place at the time in the Florida state government merely a coincidence? Or is there more to the story than what we are being told? So, was Esteban Santiago a "Manchurian Candidate" and was what he did deliberately timed to help advance anti-gun laws in the United States? These are all very valid questions.Fort Lauderdale airport shooting comes amid Florida debate about allowing open carry in airports:
The use of mind altering drugs is becoming very prevalent throughout the United States. In fact, psychotropic drugs and their abuse have gone mainstream in the United States. And there is a clear correlation between drugs and the rapid and massive increase in suicides and homicides. In fact, all of the assailants in major mass shooting incidents in the United States have exhibited signs of being under the influence of drugs -
From Prozac to Parkland: Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass Shootings?:
America's Opioid Epidemic Is Now Deadlier Than Both World Wars, Combined:
Mass shootings and psychiatric drugs: the connection:
Dramatic Increase of Mass Shootings in America: The Role of Prescription Psychiatric Drugs?:
Yet, mainstream news press and government officials totally ignore these facts and instead concentrate their efforts on furthering anti-gun legislation. The increasing levels of random violence we are seeing in the United States may be for the most part a result of the adverse side-effects of mind altering drugs that an increasing number of Americans are being encouraged to take. I believe that at least some of them are related to mind control programs or experiments. Unbeknownst to us there may indeed be an army of Manchurian Candidates walking about among us.Every mass shooting over last 20 years has one thing in common... and it's not guns:
As we all know, science has made historic advances in recent decades. It is frightening in fact how far science has come in recent times. What we see in public or are told by officials is merely a fraction of what really exists in secretive government research centers around the world. Is it therefore really far-fetched to think that mind control or mind altering techniques have also come a very long way, especially in light of what we have been seeing in recent times? There is evidence for this -
Nevertheless, no discussion on mind altering medications and their use by government agencies would be complete without also taking a look at an old program called Mkultra. MKultra was a government program where extensive experiments were carried-out on mind altering drugs like LSD. American officials claim that the Mkultra program was ended and all records associated with it were destroyed. Well, call me a conspiracy theorist because I very strongly doubt it. I think the program or similar programs have been developing and advancing in secret laboratories. And, seeing the highly advanced state of science, it's frightening to think of how advanced they may have become in recent years. I think understanding government sponsored mind control/altering programs like Mkultra and others that we are not yet aware of is key to understanding some false flag operations and mass shootings that have taken place in the United States -US govt counterterrorism center accidentally releases ‘remote mind control’ documents - report:
Mind Control: The MK Ultra File:
Drug Linked to Sgt. Robert Bales Massacre:
'Stranger Things': The Secret CIA Programs That Inspired Hit Series:
Project Mkultra: One of the Most Shocking CIA Programs of All Time:
'Manchurian Candidate' Was No Mere Fiction:
The Real Story of JACOB’S LADDER: Government Drug Tests and “the Ladder”:
The following is more-or-less the official narrative we are expected to believe: Political Islam is attacking Western countries because they hate the Western way of life, in response Western powers and their allies are sending their militaries into Islamic hot spots around the world to root out evil terrorists. That's the official story. In other words, that is far from the actual truth. So, anytime a "terrorist" incident takes place anymore, especially in a Western country, I immediately/automatically begin looking for anomalies, telltale signs suggesting a false flag operation.
Anytime now a terrorist attack takes place on Western soil, I begin looking for unusual things such as incriminating passports being left behind; important people involved in the case unexpectedly committing suicide; government drills taking place about the same time as the terrorist incident; reliable reports that multiple shooters were involved in the attack that are later explained away or refuted by government officials. Et cetera, et cetera. All of the major terror attacks I have personally looked into in recent years have indeed exhibited a number of anomalies. In my opinion, and in the opinions of many around the world, most, if not all, of the terror attacks that have made news headlines around the world seem to have been orchestrated, to at least to some degree, by intelligence agencies, most probably Western and/or Israeli.
There are no terror groups or paramilitary militias in existence today, Islamic or otherwise, that are not supported by one power or another. Islamic terror organizations in particular have major state players behind them. They would not otherwise have been able to enjoy the constant financing, arms supplies and the ability of movement from one war zone to the next.
The world, especially Islamic societies in the Middle East, Central Asia and southeast Asia, is literally overflowing with millions young, angry, poor, unemployed, uneducated, violent and emotionally scarred and men and women that have the potential for becoming drug runners, arms smugglers, rebels, separatists or terrorists for one political interest or another. Due to their cultural backwardness and archaic mentalities, Islamic societies are easily manipulated and exploited, and there are virtually limitless supplies of men and women throughout the Islamic world waiting to be recruited by one warlord or another who works for one intelligence agency or another. There is virtually limitless supply of human resources around the world intelligence agencies can easily tap into. All it would take is a group of well-funded and well-trained undercover agents to indoctrinate, recruit, train and when need be deploy such individuals into various hot spots. Similarly, undercover agents with a briefcase full of money - or a crate full of Korans - can create an Islamic terror cell practically overnight. Often, such clandestine operations are coordinated with local intelligence agencies. Sometimes, however, they are also carried-out unilaterally.
Western powers have been very successfully exploiting Islamic terror groups for the past forty years. So much so that groups such as Al-Qaeda and Islamic State today are operating essentially as the covert Islamic military wing of Western powers. This naturally refers to such terror organizations' top leadership and not its limitless supply of dispensable foot-soldiers that blindly serve them thinking they are doing "Allah's" work on earth. Also, those Islamists we periodically hear about getting assassinated or blown-up by Washington's drones from time-to-time are more-or-less those that refuse to play the game. In other words, of the Islamic groups or individuals that are actually targeted by Washington and its allies, some may be splinter groups, some may be groups that have sprung-up spontaneously, some may be groups that are supported by rival political interests and some may be so-called "lone wolves".
By supporting the rise of Islamic radicalism in targeted regions of the world, the West is also planting within them the seeds of their eventual destruction. After all, when those socially primitive and politically dysfunctional Islamic powers get out of hand, as they tend to from time-to-time, they can simply be bombed into submission by their handlers with impunity. After all, the wholesale killing of Muslims in the Middle East today is not a major ethical dilemma for Western society. The Western sheeple has been systematically conditioned to think of Muslim nations as serious threats to their way of life and Muslims in general have been utterly dehumanized by Jewish-run Hollywood, television and mainstream news press in the United States. Muslim life today is therefore very cheep.
Nevertheless, during the past century, populations throughout the Middle East, Africa and Central Asia have been systematically radicalized as a direct consequence of Western policies and interventions, as well as Western support for Islamic movements in the region. Islamic nations allied to Western powers, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan in particular, have facilitated and amplified this radicalization by their funding of Madrasas around the world. Consequently, today, the Middle East stands on the verge of a radical Islamic makeover. And it is all occurring with the approval and help of Anglo-American-Jews. One does not need to be a rocket scientist to realize that with the help of their allies in the Middle East, Western powers have helped Islamic forces throughout the region at every pivotal turn. As we have seen in recent years, Western imperialists have also been using the guise of "democracy" and "civil society" as a meddling tool to encourage and empower separatists and radicals in targeted nations. In the Middle East, it is primarily Islamic groups that are assisted under such guises. Empowering Islamic groups in secular Arab nations was what the so-called "Arab Spring" was all about -
America’s Devil’s Game with Extremist Islam:
The Arab Spring: Made in the USA:
How the CIA Helped The Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrate the West:
[Washington] secretly backing Muslim Brotherhood:
Recent years have made it quite obvious that all the Wahhabist/Salafist groups we see throughout the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia are essentially serving as the Islamic wing of Western intelligence agencies. There is active coordination between Western forces and Islamic terror groups. This coordination has often taken place through the intelligence agencies of nations like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan and Pakistan. Western support for Islamic extremists in the Middle East and elsewhere has sought to solve two major geostrategic problems: Curbing the growth of Russian and Iranian influence and preventing the formation of pan-Arab nationalism. For powers like Saudi Arabia, acting as liaisons between Western intelligence and Islamic terror groups is therefore a good idea because Riyadh is also seriously concerned about the rise of Russian and Iranian power as well as secularism in the Middle East. Therefore there is a very clear and strong convergence of interests between Sunni Islam and Western powers. Similarly, Western support for Muslim peoples such as Turks, Tatars, Azeris, Chechens, Albanians, Kosovars, Bosnians, Afghans and Uighurs throughout Eurasia is designed to undermine the growth of Russian and Chinese influence.
Therefore, have no doubt, there is indeed a secret alliance between Western powers and Saudi Arabian backed Islamic terror groups. Therefore, the entire official story behind groups such as Al-Qaeda and Islamic State and the case for war against such groups (i.e. the so-called war on terror) is stuff only worthy of a tacky Hollywood movie. All in all, the Islamist uprisings and the bloodletting we have been witnessing in the region in recent years was designed many years ago. And it was done as a measure to ensure the long-term hegemony of the Anglo-American-Zionist global order -
Toward a Neo-Reaganite Foreign Policy (1996):
The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (1997):
"Rebuilding America's Defenses" – A Summary Blueprint of the PNAC Plan for U.S. Global Hegemony (2000):
The Globalization of Politics: American Foreign Policy for a New Century (2003):
Project For The New American Century (2011):
The agenda in Syria and Iraq is about partitioning them and forming a new Western-backed Sunni and Kurdish states as a counterbalance to growing Russian and Iranian power in the region. The existence of such states in Syria and Iraq can also effectively dissect the Iranian Arc. So, in a sense, terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and Islamic State is the monster their created and then set loose in Iraq and Syria to tear those countries apart. In the grand scheme of things, Al-Qaeda and Islamic State can therefore be looked at as the surgical scalpels that Western powers were using to give the Middle East a new Islamic look. They would have no doubt caged their monsters once their ultimate objective - to carve out a Sunni Islamic state between Damascus and Baghdad - was met. They had in fact come close to realizing this plan by the summer of 2015. A defacto "Islamic Caliphate" was established in Syria and Iraq and Western powers were preparing to put their monsters back into its cage and take control of the territory noted above. But, that was when Russia and Iran jumped into the Syrian inferno and basically "changed the equation".
In closing, I would like to reiterate that at some level, the false flag terrorist attacks that occur in Western countries is being made possible by elements within the Western intelligence community, most probably with outside support (e.g. Pakistani ISI, Israeli Mossad, Turkish MIT, Saudi Arabian GIP). Moreover, the historic bloodletting we see throughout the Middle East and adjacent regions today is primarily due to the toxic agendas pursued by Washington and friends. Uncle Sam is recklessly playing with fire essentially because it feels it is at a safe distance away from such hot zones. I would like to therefore remind the reader that as long as Anglo-American-Jews are not ravaged with destruction as a result of their agendas they keep pushing around the world, they will continue playing with fire.
Below this commentary is a sampling of news articles that have appeared in the news press in recent years. They all in varying degrees address Western ties to terrorism. There are in fact many thousands of such articles. However, due to personal time restrictions as well as blog constraints, I have featured only a sampling. I would like to remind the reader that some of these articles are attempts at deflecting blame and whitewashing Washington's role in Islamic terrorism. Therefore, reading in between-the-lines of some of these articles is absolutely essential. Nevertheless, whitewashed or not, misleading or not, deceptive or not, the troubling picture painted by these articles are self-explanatory and self-evident. And the final verdict is this: Islamic terrorism mainly serves the imperial interests (both foreign and domestic) of Anglo-American-Jews. Period.
Spring, 2018
1933 – Saudi Arabia grants oil exploration rights to the United States, and the two countries enter into a profit-sharing ownership of the Arabian-American Oil Company, which discovers the first commercial oil well in Saudi Arabia in 1938.
Feb. 18, 1943 – President Franklin D. Roosevelt declares the defense of Saudi Arabia of vital interest to the United States and makes the country eligible for Lend-Lease assistance.
1945 – The United States and Saudi Arabia sign an agreement that establishes an American military base in Dhahran, which houses American troops until April of 2003. The Saudis also give the United States permission to conduct a thorough survey of the Arabian Peninsula—which recommended establishing an air base.
Feb. 14, 1945 – Roosevelt meets with King Abdel Aziz ibn Saud, the first meeting of an American President with a Saudi monarch.
1951 – An accord between the two countries allows the United States to establish a permanent military training mission in Saudi Arabia.
1951 – The CIA sets up Radio Liberty to broadcast anti-communist programs around the world. In Central Asia, the station is used to incite local groups, many of them Islamic, against the Soviet Union.
1952 – The Saudi-American oil company, Aramco, pays for the printing of religious propaganda in Riyadh.
1952 – In Iran, the CIA offers money to Ayatollah Abol-Ghassem Kashani, who had formerly opposed foreign influences in Iran, to encourage Kashani to split from Mohammed Mossadeq’s National Front. Kashani was the mentor of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the future leader of the Islamic Revolution, who in the meantime would become a leader of the Devotees of Islam, an Iranian terrorist group.
Aug. 19, 1953 – The CIA and the British intelligence agency MI6 direct a coup against Iran’s democratically-elected prime minister, Mohammed Mossadeq and restore the pro-Western Shah to power. Mossadeq’s nationalization of Anglo-Persian Oil, along with his alliance with the Soviets, had threatened Western interests in Iran.
Sept. 1953 – President Dwight D. Eisenhower dines at the White House with Said Ramadan, a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, the popular Islamist group which since the late 1940s has been notorious for its extensive ties to fanatics, assassins, and terrorists in the Middle East.
Oct. 26, 1954– A member of a secret wing of the Muslim Brotherhood attempts to assassinate Gamal Abdel Nasser, the leader of a 1952 military coup against King Farouk. The group is officially banned in Egypt, forcing it underground.
June 23, 1956 – Nasser officially becomes President of Egypt. Nasser’s left-leaning ideology alarmed U.S. officials who worried that Egypt would be lost to Soviet control.
Jan. 1957 – The “Eisenhower Doctrine” is laid out in a speech to Congress. President Eisenhower declared that the United States would provide military and financial assistance in the Middle East to protect against Communist aggression in the region. Under the doctrine, Saudi Arabia became the primary beneficiary of American aid.
June, 1967 – The Six-Day War is fought between Israel and its Arab neighbors Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Israel’s victory leads most Arab nations to close their American embassies, leaving Saudi Arabia as the Arab world’s primary liaison with the United States.
1970s – Alongside the traditional Islamic fundamentalist movement, a more radical strain of Islam begins to develop in the Middle East, including: the Islamic Community in Egypt, and later the Egyptian Islamic Jihad led by Ayman al-Zawahiri; militant Shiite fundamentalism in Iran; and Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia.
Oct. 1970 – In Egypt, Nasser dies and is succeeded by Anwar Sadat, who promises that sharia will be implemented as the law of the land. Political Islam begins to emerge in Egypt, and an Islamic banking system is created, both of which would become essential in assisting militant, radical Islamic movements.
May 1971 – Sadat consolidates his power, purging government of Nasserites and freeing Muslim Brotherhood prisoners.
1972 – The CIA founds the Asia Foundation to fund leaders of the Afghan Islamist movement at Kabul University. Beneficiaries include Rabbani Sayyaf and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, two Afghans who would cultivate ties with Osama bin Laden. The two run a secret group that infiltrates the Afghan armed forces and will later lead jihad forces against the Soviet Union in the 1980s.
1972 – A secret military cell is created within the Organization of Muslim Youth, a student group in Afghanistan. The organization requests covert aid from the CIA for its anti-communist activities, including the killing of four “leftists.” Although the entreaty is denied, the CIA offers its sympathy to the OMY.
Jul. 17, 1973 – Afghanistan’s Soviet-friendly prime minister, Sardar Daoud, overthrows the Afghan royalty, establishes a democratic republic, and becomes President. The United States quickly begins funding Afghan dissidents and supporting the radical Islamic Party against Daoud.
Oct. 1973 – Israel fights and eventually wins the Yom Kippur War against Egypt, Syria after a surprise attack by the latter two nations. In response to U.S. support for Israel, OPEC reduces oil production. Oil prices will eventually quadruple, enriching the Saudi Arabian government, which uses the profits to foster Wahhabism in the 1970s and 1980s.
Sept. 1973 – The CIA partners with Iranian and Pakistani intelligence—the latter of which is loosely associated with fundamentalist Islamic Afghan groups—to run raids in Afghanistan and stage a failed coup against President Sardar Daoud. The effort is repeated in December of 1973 and June 1974.
1974 – In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood issues an official statement ordering members to support the economic reforms carried out by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, in partnership with the International Monetary Fund. Throughout the 1970s, at the behest of the United States, the IMF will require countries in the region to adopt a variety of pro-market reforms as a condition of receiving loans—reforms which will often help destabilize Middle Eastern politics and society.
1975 – A State Department analysis identifies members of the Muslim Brotherhood as leaders of an insurgency against Afghan President Sardar Daoud. After the rebellion failed, Brotherhood leaders, including Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and Sayyaf, flee to Pakistan and find support from ISI, the Pakistani Intelligence Service.
1975-76 – Under pressure from the United States, Pakistan, and Iran, Daoud begins purging and assassinating leftists and communists from the Afghan government.
1976 – The Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt (FIBE) is established to fund activities of the Muslim Brotherhood. In the 1970s, the Islamic banking system, funded by Saudi Arabia and often aided by western banks and governments, will spread throughout Egypt, becoming the financial backbone for militant Islamist groups. In 2001, US Department of Treasury will designate several of these Muslim banks “terrorist financiers.”
Nov. 19, 1977 – Egyptian President Anwar Sadat visits Jerusalem and begins negotiations with Israel that lead to the Camp David agreement between the two countries. Egypt also breaks its ties with the USSR, quickly becoming one of the United States’ foremost allies by 1980.
1978 – Israel backs the Islamic Association, a militant group led by Ahmed Yassin—later the spiritual leader of Hamas—as a bulwark against the Palestinian Liberation Organization. The United States turns a blind eye as Israel provides military training to terrorist groups.
1978-79 – The United States becomes fully aware that it was backing the Muslim Brotherhood by supporting various anti-communist organizations in Afghanistan. This knowledge was recorded by many State Department and embassy memos, including one from CENTO that directly warned that the Muslim Brotherhood was a rebellious threat to new regimes.
Late-1978 – Secretary of State Zbigniew Brzezinski presses his “arc of crisis” thesis, which argues that the United States can reassert its power in the Middle East by encouraging political Islam as a counter to Soviet and Arab nationalist movements.
Jan.-Feb. 1979 – Islamists, led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, overthrow the Shah and install a theocratic dictatorship in Iran. The Iranian Revolution is seen as a threat to American interests, not least by depriving the United States of one of its staunchest allies in the Middle East, but also threatened the Soviet Union by disrupting the economic alliance between the two countries and provoking irredentist forces near the Soviet border.
Jul. 3, 1979 – President Carter issues the first secret directive that formally authorizes the CIA give direct aid to the Afghan muhjadeen, opponents of the pro-Soviet Afghan regime. The Soviet invasion invades Afghanistan in December.
Nov. 1979 – Ayatollah Khomeini coordinates the forced seizure of the American Embassy in Tehran, precipitating the Iranian hostage crisis.
Jan. 23, 1980 – The Carter Doctrine states that the United States will use military force in the Persian Gulf to protect its interests if necessary, although at this time it is mostly an empty threat, since the US lacks sufficient forces in the region.
Jan. 1980 – Secretary of State Zbigniew Brzezinski visits Egypt to gather Arab support for the Afghan war. Within weeks Egyptian President Anwar Sadat mobilizes arms and recruits fighters from the Muslim Brotherhood, and allows the US to station its air force base in Egypt. U.S. Special Forces train Islamist militants in bomb making, sabotage, arson and guerilla warfare. Many of the Islamist Arab recruits, including Osama bin Laden, who were trained as fighters by Green Berets and Navy Seals for the Afghan War, would go on to form the backbone of Al-Qaeda.
Mar. 1980 – As a deterrent to the Soviet threat, Carter establishes RDF, a military force for rapid deployment into the Persian Gulf in a crisis. Regan later expands RDF into Centcom, the first peacetime joint headquarters for military combat operations, which later serves as the American base of operations in the 1990 Persian Gulf War, the 2001 war in Afghanistan, and the 2003 Iraq war.
Oct. 6, 1981 – Egyptian President Sadat is assassinated by radical Muslim fundamentalists who view the Camp David peace accord with Israel as a betrayal of Islam.
1984 – Osama bin Laden and Abdullah Assam—who was central to US recruit efforts for the Afghan War—together establish the Services Bureau (MAK), a nascent incarnation of Al-Qaeda in Pakistan that coordinated Islamist jihad-fighters to foreign wars. As American goals evolve from draining Soviet resources to winning the Afghan war, CIA funding to Afghan militants increases rapidly, which is matched, dollar for dollar, by funds from Saudi Arabia.
1987 – Hamas is founded, growing out of radical elements of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. U.S. intelligence reports show that the Israeli secret service is giving covert support to Hamas—as a counterpoint to Palestinian nationalism—but the US turns a blind eye.
1989 – The Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) is established in Algeria as a new political party, out of elements of the American-supported Islamist movement in the 1980s. FIS includes many Muslim Brotherhood members and Afghan fighters, among them Abdallad Anas, who joined the proto-Al Qaeda organization, MAK.
1992 – In Algeria, FIS wins the parliamentary elections in a landslide but is prevented from taking power by the ruling FLN party, which uses the military to arrest FIS leaders, precipitating a FIS terrorist campaign. This culminates in the Algerian civil war (which lasts until 1999), and provokes the United States to review of its policy towards political Islam.
Feb. 26, 1993 – Following the bombing of the New York World Trade Center, Omar Abdul Rahman, a co-founder of the Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt who helped the CIA recruit militants for the anti-communist crusade in the Afghanistan war, was convicted in 1995 involvement in conspiracy.
1994-1998 – The US maintains a cooperative relationship with the Taliban, who are increasingly dependent on Osama bin Laden’s financial support.
1996 – The Taliban provides refuge to Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan, after he is exiled from Sudan.
1997 and 1999 – Members of the Taliban vacation in Nebraska, where they visit Thomas Gouttierre, a CIA-funded propagandist who produces children’s textbooks stocked with Islamic fundamentalist and jihadist rhetoric for supposed State Department educational programs in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Aug. 7, 1998 – Islamic terrorist groups bomb the Kenyan and Tanzanian US embassies.
Oct. 12, 2000 – Islamic terrorist groups attacks the USS Cole off the coast of Yemen.
Sept. 11, 2001 – Al-Qaeda terrorists attack the World Trade Center and the Pentagon with suicide bombers.

In early July, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the head of the jihadist terror group now known as the Islamic State—formerly the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS—preached on high in Mosul and declared himself the "Caliph Ibrahim" of a new fundamentalist Sunni state stretching from western and northern Iraq to northern Syria. This announcement came after months of fighting over territory and skirmishes with Iraqi forces, as ISIS invaded and captured dozens of Iraqi cities including Tikrit, Saddam Hussein's hometown.
In short order, Baghdadi has become Iraq's most prominent extremist leader. But for much of his adult life, Baghdadi did not have a reputations as a fiery, jihadist trailblazer. According to the Telegraph, members of his local mosque in Tobchi (a neighborhood in Baghdad) who knew him from around 1989 until 2004 (when he was between the ages of 18 and 33) considered Baghdadi a quiet, studious fellow and a talented soccer player. When the United States invaded Iraq in 2003, Baghdadi was earning a degree in Islamic studies in Baghdad.
But within a couple years of the US invasion, Baghdadi was a prisoner in Camp Bucca, the US-run detainment facility in Umm Qasr, Iraq. And a US compound commander stationed at that prison—and other military officials—have in recent weeks wondered whether Baghdadi's stint there radicalized him and put him on the path to taking over ISIS in 2010 and guiding the movement to its recent military victories.
The details of Baghdadi's time in Camp Bucca are murky. Some media reports note that he was held as a "civilian internee" at the prison for 10 months in 2004. Others report that he was captured by US forces in 2005 and spent four years at Camp Bucca. The reason why he was apprehended is not publicly known; he could have been arrested on a specific charge or as part of a large sweep of insurgents or insurgent supporters. (A confidential Red Cross report leaked in May 2004 suggested than around 90 percent of detainees of Iraqi origin were arrested "by mistake.") Army Colonel Kenneth King, the commanding US officer at Camp Bucca in 2009, recently told the Daily Beast that he distinctly remembered a man resembling Baghdadi: "He was a bad dude, but he wasn't the worst of the worst." King noted he was "not surprised" that such a radical figure emerged from the facility.
The problem with America’s “anti-ISIS coalition” is not a matter of poor planning or a lack of resources. It is not a matter of lacking leadership or military might. The problem with America’s “anti-ISIS coalition” is that it never existed in the first place. There is no US-led war on ISIS, and what’s worse, it appears that the US, through all of its allies, from across the Persian Gulf to Eastern Europe and even within Washington itself, are involved in feeding ISIS, not fighting it. Going from Syria itself, outward according to geographical proximity, we can trace ISIS’ support all the way back to Washington itself. And as we do, efforts like the “talks” in Vienna, and all the non-solutions proposed by the US and its allies, appear ever more absurd while the US itself is revealed not as a stabilizing force in a chaotic world, but rather the very source of that chaos.
In Syria
Within Syria itself, it is no secret that the US CIA is arming, training, funding and equipping militant groups, groups the US now claims Russia is bombing instead of “ISIS.” However, upon reading carefully any report out of newspapers in the US or its allies it becomes clear that these “rebels” always seem to be within arms reach of listed terrorist organizations, including Jabhat al Nusra. Al Nusra is literally Al Qaeda in Syria. Not only that, it is the terrorist organization from which ISIS allegedly split from. And while the US has tried to add in a layer of extra plausible deniability to its story by claiming Nusra and ISIS are at odds with one another, the fact is Nusra and ISIS still fight together on the same battlefield toward the same objectives. And while we’ll get to who is propping up these two terrorist groups beyond Syria’s borders, it should be noted that the US and European media itself has reported a steady flow of weapons and fighters out from its own backed “rebel” groups and into the ranks of Nusra and ISIS. Articles like Reuters’ “U.S.-trained Syrian rebels gave equipment to Nusra: U.S. military” give at least one explanation as to where ISIS is getting all of its brand new Toyota trucks from:
Syrian rebels trained by the United States gave some of their equipment to the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front in exchange for safe passage, a U.S. military spokesman said on Friday, the latest blow to a troubled U.S. effort to train local partners to fight Islamic State militants. The rebels surrendered six pick-up trucks and some ammunition, or about one-quarter of their issued equipment, to a suspected Nusra intermediary on Sept. 21-22 in exchange for safe passage, said Colonel Patrick Ryder, a spokesman for U.S. Central Command, in a statement. Before this, defections of up to 3,000 so-called “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) “rebels” had been reported, even by the London Guardian which claimed in its article “Free Syrian Army rebels defect to Islamist group Jabhat al-Nusra” that:
Abu Ahmed and others say the FSA has lost fighters to al-Nusra in Aleppo, Hama, Idlib and Deir al-Zor and the Damascus region. Ala’a al-Basha, commander of the Sayyida Aisha brigade, warned the FSA chief of staff, General Salim Idriss, about the issue last month. Basha said 3,000 FSA men have joined al-Nusra in the last few months, mainly because of a lack of weapons and ammunition. FSA fighters in the Banias area were threatening to leave because they did not have the firepower to stop the massacre in Bayda, he said. The FSA’s Ahrar al-Shimal brigade joined al-Nusra en masse while the Sufiyan al-Thawri brigade in Idlib lost 65 of its fighters to al-Nusra a few months ago for lack of weapons. According to one estimate the FSA has lost a quarter of all its fighters. Al-Nusra has members serving undercover with FSA units so they can spot potential recruits, according to Abu Hassan of the FSA’s al-Tawhid Lions brigade.
Taken together, it is clear to anyone that even at face value the US strategy of arming “moderate rebels” is a complete failure and that to continue proposing such a failed strategy is basically an admission that (in fact) the US seeks to put weapons and trained fighters directly into the ranks of Al Nusra and other hardcore terrorist groups.Of course, in reality, that was the plan all along. So even before our journey leaves Syria, we see how the US is feeding, not fighting terrorism, completely and intentionally.

U.S. President Barack Obama has labelled the jihadist juggernaut that calls itself the Islamic State a “cancer,” while his Defence Secretary, Chuck Hagel, has called it more dangerous than al-Qaeda ever was, claiming that its threat is “beyond anything we’ve seen.” No monster has ever been born on its own. So the question is: which forces helped create this new Frankenstein. The Islamic State is a brutal, medieval organisation whose members take pride in carrying out beheadings and flaunting the severed heads of their victims as trophies. This cannot obscure an underlying reality: the Islamic State represents a Sunni Islamist insurrection against non-Sunni rulers in disintegrating Syria and Iraq.
Indeed, the ongoing fragmentation of states along primordial lines in the arc between Israel and India is spawning de facto new entities or blocks, including Shiastan, Wahhabistan, Kurdistan, ISstan and Talibanstan. Other than Iran, Egypt and Turkey, most of the important nations from the Maghreb to Pakistan (an internally torn state that could shrink to Punjabistan or, simply, ISIstan) are modern western concoctions, with no roots in history or pre-existing identity.
The West and agendas
It is beyond dispute that the Islamic State militia — formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant — emerged from the Syrian civil war, which began indigenously as a localised revolt against state brutality under Syrian President Bashar al-Assad before being fuelled with externally supplied funds and weapons. From Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)-training centres in Turkey and Jordan, the rebels set up a Free Syrian Army (FSA), launching attacks on government forces, as a U.S.-backed information war demonised Mr. Assad and encouraged military officers and soldiers to switch sides.
But the members of the U.S.-led coalition were never on the same page because some allies had dual agendas. While the three spearheads of the anti-Assad crusade — the U.S., Britain and France — focussed on aiding the FSA, the radical Islamist sheikhdoms such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates as well as the Islamist-leaning government in Turkey channelled their weapons and funds to more overtly Islamist groups. This splintered the Syrian opposition, marginalising the FSA and paving the way for the Islamic State’s rise. The anti-Assad coalition indeed started off on the wrong foot by trying to speciously distinguish between “moderate” and “radical” jihadists. The line separating the two is just too blurred. Indeed, the term “moderate jihadists” is an oxymoron: Those waging jihad by the gun can never be moderate.

An extensive field investigation into the origins of Isis’ weaponry in Syria and Iraq has found that weapons supplied by the US and Saudi Arabia to the Syrian opposition often ended up in the jihadis’ hands, enhancing the “quantity and quality” of their armaments. While most weapons in Isis’ arsenal were captured from the Syrian and Iraqi armies, Conflict Armament Research (CAR)’s report, published on Thursday, found that the number of US and Saudi supplied weapons in Isis’ arsenal goes “far beyond those that would have been available through battle capture alone”. “Iraq and Syria have seen Isis forces use large numbers of weapons, supplied by states such as Saudi Arabia and the United States, against the various international anti-Isis coalitions that the two states support,” researchers found. The US and Saudi supplied weapons were all manufactured in EU countries, and Washington and Riyadh had broken contractual clauses prohibiting their transfer, CAR said.
Earlier this week, jihadists loyal to the "Islamic State" – a self-proclaimed Caliphate in eastern Syria and northern Iraq – ritually beheaded American journalist James Foley, their captive since last year. The gruesome film of the execution was posted online, of course; the IS has eagerly embraced social media as a way of preaching jihad, seeing no irony therein.
Empire’s Feral Friends
Foley’s executioner is reportedly British – a UK citizen, rather, who went to Syria to join the jihad. And why wouldn’t he? The British government has actually supported the Syrian "rebels" that ended up becoming ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Sham), along with the United States – sent them weapons, even. It was supposed to be a pretext for yet another evil little war, until it went off the rails last September. Now these jihadists – once advertised as "freedom fighters for democracy and human rights" – are beheading journalists, butchering Christian children, and putting people’s heads on spikes.
It isn’t the first time the Empire is in bed with murderers and terrorists: prominent Washington politicians have praised the "Kosovo Liberation Army" as fighting for "human rights and American values." In fact, one such politician – John McCain – has heaped praise on both the KLA and the ISIS. The KLA-run "Republic of Kosovo" has even helped the Empire "train" Syrian jihadists, back in 2012. Maybe that explains why so many Albanians (aka "Kosovars") are killing and dying in Syria and Iraq today.
Of course, the Imperial media claim the Albanians are "outraged" that one of theirs would behead people. Yet why would they be, when the KLA had no problem beheading Serbs or committing other atrocities in 1998-99? Jihadist beheadings were also common during the Bosnian War, but the media narrative of "Good Muslims" vs. "Evil Serbs" insisted on burying that inconvenient fact. The Empire continues to cover for the KLA even today.
Now Imperial officials are saying ISIS is a threat greater than Al-Qaeda, and arguing not just for a new invasion of Iraq, but also of Syria! It is a white-knight gambit: first one creates the problem, then rides in to "solve it", reaping applause and adulation. Except that it never actually works, and failure leaves countless corpses in its wake.


For days now, since their dramatic June 10 taking of Mosul, Western mainstream media have been filled with horror stories of the military conquests in Iraq of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, with the curious acronym ISIS. ISIS, as in the ancient Egyptian cult of the goddess of fertility and magic. The media picture being presented adds up less and less. Details leaking out suggest that ISIS and the major military ‘surge’ in Iraq - and less so in neighboring Syria - is being shaped and controlled out of Langley, Virginia, and other CIA and Pentagon outposts as the next stage in spreading chaos in the world’s second-largest oil state, Iraq, as well as weakening the recent Syrian stabilization efforts.
Strange facts
The very details of the ISIS military success in the key Iraqi oil center, Mosul, are suspect. According to well-informed Iraqi journalists, ISIS overran the strategic Mosul region, site of some of the world’s most prolific oilfields, with barely a shot fired in resistance. According to one report, residents of Tikrit reported remarkable displays of “soldiers handing over their weapons and uniforms peacefully to militants who ordinarily would have been expected to kill government soldiers on the spot.”
We are told that ISIS masked psychopaths captured “arms and ammunition from the fleeing security forces” - arms and ammunition supplied by the American government. The offensive coincides with a successful campaign by ISIS in eastern Syria. According to Iraqi journalists, Sunni tribal chiefs in the region had been convinced to side with ISIS against the Shiite Al-Maliki government in Baghdad. They were promised a better deal under ISIS Sunni Sharia than with Baghdad anti-Sunni rule.
According to the New York Times, the mastermind behind the ISIS military success is former Baath Party head and Saddam Hussein successor, General Ibrahim al-Douri. Douri is reportedly the head of the Iraqi rebel group Army of the Men of the Naqshbandi Order as well as the Supreme Command for Jihad and Liberation based on his longstanding positions of leadership in the Naqshbandi sect in Iraq.
In 2009, US ‘Iraqi surge’ General David Petraeus, at the time heading the US Central Command, claimed to reporters that Douri was in Syria. Iraqi parliamentarians claimed he was in Qatar. The curious fact is that despite being on the US most wanted list since 2003, Douri has miraculously managed to avoid capture and now to return with a vengeance to retake huge parts of Sunni Iraq. Luck or well-placed friends in Washington? The financial backing for ISIS jihadists reportedly also comes from three of the closest US allies in the Sunni world—Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
US passports?
Key members of ISIS it now emerges were trained by US CIA and Special Forces command at a secret camp in Jordan in 2012, according to informed Jordanian officials. The US, Turkish and Jordanian intelligence were running a training base for the Syrian rebels in the Jordanian town of Safawi in the country’s northern desert region, conveniently near the borders to both Syria and Iraq. Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the two Gulf monarchies most involved in funding the war against Syria’s Assad, financed the Jordan ISIS training.

As ISIS/ISIL cuts a swathe through the Middle East, retroactively transforming Osama Bin Laden into the highbrow arm of modern Islamic terrorism, we’ve quite naturally begun the game of deciding who to blame for its existen. In fact, Tony Blair showed admirable consistency in sticking to the doctrine of preemptive self-defense by firing off a statement that the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant had nothing to do with his policies in Iraq - the moment they made their big break into mainstream television. This back and forth over responsibility is really at the heart of the matter, but in a far deeper way than we usually get around to discussing.
After all, a good deal of Western foreign policy post-Cold War has revolved around NATO states voluntarily assuming responsibility for issues that were, strictly-speaking, not their responsibility. Someone needs to ‘police the world’, ‘bring the bad guys to book’, exercise their ‘R2P’ (‘responsibility to protect’ – yes, we have descended into text-speak) and ‘nation-build’. It looks good on paper. But if you really look at how this policy has played out on the ground, you will notice that far from nation-building, this voluntary ‘assumption of responsibility’ has instead sown a level of chaos and dissension that cannot plausibly be blamed purely on ‘mistakes’ or ‘unforeseeable circumstances’.
Instead, it seems to be the old divide and conquer strategy at work and we probably have keen minds like Richard Perle and Bill Kristol of the neo-conservative think tank Project for a New American Century (PNAC) to thank for this modern take on an old classic. We will return to the thoughtful documents penned and disseminated by PNAC shortly. But first, let’s try to figure out what is really going on beyond the rhetoric when it comes to our ‘responsibilities’ around the world.
Former U.S. Army trooper Eric Harroun fought with rebels in the world's most dangerous warzone, Syria, and was briefly jailed by his own government, accused of joining al Qaeda terrorists there. But in the end, Harroun died not on a battlefield or behind bars, but quietly in his father's house in Arizona this week, his family said. "With deep sorrow, we regret to inform you of our beloved Eric Harroun's death. He will be missed by his family, friends, and many people around the world his life has touched," the family said in a statement posted on his Facebook page Wednesday. His sister Sarah Harroun posted a comment that said he succumbed to an "accidental overdose," but an official cause of death has not been released.
Syrian state-run television reported Thursday that forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad killed three Westerners, including an American woman and a British citizen, who it claims were fighting with the rebels and were found with weapons. Syrian TV identified the woman, releasing what it claimed were images of her Michigan driver's license and U.S. passport. It also released what is said was the name and passport of a British citizen. It did not identify a third person who it claimed was a Westerner. The report said the three were ambushed in their car in the flashpoint province of Idlib in northwestern Syria, where government forces have been battling rebels for control. TV footage showed a bullet-riddled car and three bodies laid out. It also showed weapons, a computer, a hand-drawn map of a government military facility and a flag belonging to the al Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front.
Members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS, were trained in 2012 by U.S. instructors working at a secret base in Jordan, according to informed Jordanian officials.
The officials said dozens of ISIS members were trained at the time as part of covert aid to the insurgents targeting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Syria. The officials said the training was not meant to be used for any future campaign in Iraq. The Jordanian officials said all ISIS members who received U.S. training to fight in Syria were first vetted for any links to extremist groups like al-Qaida.
In February 2012, WND was first to report the U.S., Turkey and Jordan were running a training base for the Syrian rebels in the Jordanian town of Safawi in the country’s northern desert region. That report has since been corroborated by numerous other media accounts. Last March, the German weekly Der Spiegel reported Americans were training Syrian rebels in Jordan.
Quoting what it said were training participants and organizers, Der Spiegel reported it was not clear whether the Americans worked for private firms or were with the U.S. Army, but the magazine said some organizers wore uniforms. The training in Jordan reportedly focused on use of anti-tank weaponry. The German magazine reported some 200 men received the training over the previous three months amid U.S. plans to train a total of 1,200 members of the Free Syrian Army in two camps in the south and the east of Jordan.
Britain’s Guardian newspaper also reported last March that U.S. trainers were aiding Syrian rebels in Jordan along with British and French instructors. Reuters reported a spokesman for the U.S. Defense Department declined immediate comment on the German magazine’s report. The French foreign ministry and Britain’s foreign and defense ministries also would not comment to Reuters.
"Their criticism has focused on what they see as the administration's fixation on Assad's primary ally, Vladimir Putin. In their view, Obama is captive to Cold War thinking about Russia and China, and hasn't adjusted his stance on Syria to the fact both countries share Washington's anxiety about the spread of terrorism in and beyond Syria; like Washington, they believe that Islamic State must be stopped."
Hersh writes that a highly classified 2013 Defense Intelligence Agency/Joint Chiefs of Staff report on Syria forecast that the fall of the Assad regime would lead to "chaos" and possibly to Islamist extremists taking over Syria. Hersh reports that Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, director of the DIA between 2012 and 2014, told him that his agency sent a "constant stream" of warnings to the "civilian leadership" about the dire consequences of ousting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The DIA's reporting "got enormous pushback" from the Obama administration, Hersh quotes Flynn as saying. "I felt that they did not want to hear the truth."
Every computer and mobile phone logs onto the internet using an IP address, which is a type of identification number. The hacking collective showed Mirror Online details of the IP addresses used by a trio of separate digital jihadis to access Twitter accounts, which were then used to carry out online recruitment and propaganda campaigns. At first glance, the IP addresses seem to be based in Saudi Arabia, but upon further inspection using specialist tools they appeared to link back to the DWP.
"Don't you think that's strange?" one of the hackers asked Mirror Online. "We traced these accounts back to London, the home of the British intelligence services."
VandaSec's work has sparked wild rumours suggesting someone inside the DWP is running ISIS-supporting accounts, or they were created by intelligence services as a honeypot to trap wannabe jihadis. However, when Mirror Online traced the IP addresses obtained by VandaSec, we found they actually pointed to a series of unpublicised transactions between Britain and Saudi Arabia. We learned that the British government sold on a large number of IP addresses to two Saudi Arabian firms. After the sale completed in October of this year, they were used by extremists to spread their message of hate. Jamie Turner, an expert from a firm called PCA Predict, discovered a record of the sale of IP addresses, and found a large number were transferred to Saudi Arabia in October of this year.

Austrian intelligence officials have reportedly revealed that US government agencies are paying for the transport of migrants to Europe. On August 5th, 2015 Austrian magazine Infodirekt reported:
“It has come to our knowledge that US organisations are paying for the boats taking thousands of refugees to Europe. US organisations have created a co-financing scheme which provides for a considerable portion of the transportation costs. Not every refugee from North Africa has 11,000 Euro cash. Nobody is asking, where is the money coming from?”French government officials have also been caught selling life boats to refugees in Turkey. France’s France 2 Television station filmed French honorary pro-consul Françoise Olcay in Turkey in flagrante delicto.
When the official was asked if she was aware that her actions were illegal, she indicated that there were hundreds of Turkish officials involved. Many of the refugees/migrants arriving in Europe are being provided with false Syrian passports. Until the violence in Syria in 2011, Syrian passports were printed by French government printers. This fact strongly suggests French government involvement in the distribution of false Syrian passports. European governments are out-sourcing the management of the migrant crisis to private companies.
The aforementioned K-TV has also revealed that private multi-national project management companies such as ORS Services have been making millions of Euros from the plight of refugees. In 2014 ORS Services received 21 million Euros from the German government and has seen profits doubling since the refugee crisis. The Austrian newspaper Heute reported that ORS made 21 million euro this year alone from the migrant crisis.
Shareholder finance of ORS Services is managed by the private equity firm Equistone Partners Europe, an affiliate of the Rothschild-owned Barclays Bank, which is considered to be the most influential financial institutions in the world. German economist Wolfang Freisleben has described Barclays Bank as “Rothschilds slaughtership”. Barclays is the most important shareholder in both NM Rothschild bank and Lazard Brothers. Former director of Barclays Marcus Agius is married to a daughter of Edmond de Rothschild. Agius was also director of the British Broadcasting Corporation’s executive board and served in the Steering Committee of the secretive Bilderberg Group.
The money spent on these programs was minute compared with efforts led by the Pentagon. But as American officials and others look back at the uprisings of the Arab Spring, they are seeing that the United States’ democracy-building campaigns played a bigger role in fomenting protests than was previously known, with key leaders of the movements having been trained by the Americans in campaigning, organizing through new media tools and monitoring elections.
A number of the groups and individuals directly involved in the revolts and reforms sweeping the region, including the April 6 Youth Movement in Egypt, the Bahrain Center for Human Rights and grass-roots activists like Entsar Qadhi, a youth leader in Yemen, received training and financing from groups like the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute and Freedom House, a nonprofit human rights organization based in Washington, according to interviews in recent weeks and American diplomatic cables obtained by WikiLeaks.
The work of these groups often provoked tensions between the United States and many Middle Eastern leaders, who frequently complained that their leadership was being undermined, according to the cables. The Republican and Democratic institutes are loosely affiliated with the Republican and Democratic Parties. They were created by Congress and are financed through the National Endowment for Democracy, which was set up in 1983 to channel grants for promoting democracy in developing nations. The National Endowment receives about $100 million annually from Congress. Freedom House also gets the bulk of its money from the American government, mainly from the State Department. No one doubts that the Arab uprisings are home grown, rather than resulting from “foreign influence,” as alleged by some Middle Eastern leaders.
“We didn’t fund them to start protests, but we did help support their development of skills and networking,” said Stephen McInerney, executive director of the Project on Middle East Democracy, a Washington-based advocacy and research group. “That training did play a role in what ultimately happened, but it was their revolution. We didn’t start it.”
Some Egyptian youth leaders attended a 2008 technology meeting in New York, where they were taught to use social networking and mobile technologies to promote democracy. Among those sponsoring the meeting were Facebook, Google, MTV, Columbia Law School and the State Department. “We learned how to organize and build coalitions,” said Bashem Fathy, a founder of the youth movement that ultimately drove the Egyptian uprisings. Mr. Fathy, who attended training with Freedom House, said, “This certainly helped during the revolution.” Ms. Qadhi, the Yemeni youth activist, attended American training sessions in Yemen.

As American bombs rain down upon Libya on the premise that Qaddafi was brutalizing indigenous pro-democratic demonstrators, the accusing fingers of Libya, Iran, China, Syria, Belarus, and a growing number of other nations are pointing at Washington for funding and plotting regime change against their respective governments. Either in an act of absolute hubris or to spin emerging evidence that the US indeed has been funding and preparing the ground for the “Arab Spring” for years, New York Times has recently published “U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings.”
Essentially throwing these activists under the bus, New York Times exposes that the April 6 Youth Movement in Egypt, the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, and Entsar Qadhi of Yemen amongst others, received training and financing from the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute, and the Neo-Conservative lined Freedom House.
The New York Times goes on to explain that these organizations are in turn funded by the National Endowment for Democracy which receives 100 million USD from Congress while Freedom House receives most of its money from the US State Department. While the New York Times asserts “no one doubts that the Arab uprisings are home grown,” leaders of groups now admittedly funded and trained by the US are anything but “home grown.” The most prominent example is the April 6 Movement of Egypt led by Mohamed ElBaradei of the International Crisis Group. ElBaradei sitting along side George Soros, Kenneth Adelman, Wesley Clark, and Zbigniew Brzezinski, within a US foreign policy think-tank engenders a considerable amount of “doubt.”
As American bombs rain down upon Libya on the premise that Qaddafi was brutalizing indigenous pro-democratic demonstrators, the accusing fingers of Libya, Iran, China, Syria, Belarus, and a growing number of other nations are pointing at Washington for funding and plotting regime change against their respective governments. Either in an act of absolute hubris or to spin emerging evidence that the US indeed has been funding and preparing the ground for the “Arab Spring” for years, New York Times has recently published “U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings.”
Essentially throwing these activists under the bus, New York Times exposes that the April 6 Youth Movement in Egypt, the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, and Entsar Qadhi of Yemen amongst others, received training and financing from the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute, and the Neo-Conservative lined Freedom House.
The New York Times goes on to explain that these organizations are in turn funded by the National Endowment for Democracy which receives 100 million USD from Congress while Freedom House receives most of its money from the US State Department. While the New York Times asserts “no one doubts that the Arab uprisings are home grown,” leaders of groups now admittedly funded and trained by the US are anything but “home grown.” The most prominent example is the April 6 Movement of Egypt led by Mohamed ElBaradei of the International Crisis Group. ElBaradei sitting along side George Soros, Kenneth Adelman, Wesley Clark, and Zbigniew Brzezinski, within a US foreign policy think-tank engenders a considerable amount of “doubt.”
As American bombs rain down upon Libya on the premise that Qaddafi was brutalizing indigenous pro-democratic demonstrators, the accusing fingers of Libya, Iran, China, Syria, Belarus, and a growing number of other nations are pointing at Washington for funding and plotting regime change against their respective governments. Either in an act of absolute hubris or to spin emerging evidence that the US indeed has been funding and preparing the ground for the “Arab Spring” for years, New York Times has recently published “U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings.”
Essentially throwing these activists under the bus, New York Times exposes that the April 6 Youth Movement in Egypt, the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, and Entsar Qadhi of Yemen amongst others, received training and financing from the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute, and the Neo-Conservative lined Freedom House.
The New York Times goes on to explain that these organizations are in turn funded by the National Endowment for Democracy which receives 100 million USD from Congress while Freedom House receives most of its money from the US State Department. While the New York Times asserts “no one doubts that the Arab uprisings are home grown,” leaders of groups now admittedly funded and trained by the US are anything but “home grown.” The most prominent example is the April 6 Movement of Egypt led by Mohamed ElBaradei of the International Crisis Group. ElBaradei sitting along side George Soros, Kenneth Adelman, Wesley Clark, and Zbigniew Brzezinski, within a US foreign policy think-tank engenders a considerable amount of “doubt.”
As American bombs rain down upon Libya on the premise that Qaddafi was brutalizing indigenous pro-democratic demonstrators, the accusing fingers of Libya, Iran, China, Syria, Belarus, and a growing number of other nations are pointing at Washington for funding and plotting regime change against their respective governments. Either in an act of absolute hubris or to spin emerging evidence that the US indeed has been funding and preparing the ground for the “Arab Spring” for years, New York Times has recently published “U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings.”
Essentially throwing these activists under the bus, New York Times exposes that the April 6 Youth Movement in Egypt, the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, and Entsar Qadhi of Yemen amongst others, received training and financing from the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute, and the Neo-Conservative lined Freedom House.
U.S. assistance to Egypt is helping political parties of all ideologies prepare for the upcoming elections -- even Islamic parties that may have anti-Western agendas.
"We don't do party support. What we do is party training.... And we do it to whoever comes," William Taylor, the State Department's director of its new office for Middle East Transitions, said in a briefing with reporters today. "Sometimes, Islamist parties show up, sometimes they don't. But it has been provided on a nonpartisan basis, not to individual parties."
The programs, contracted through the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) and the International Republican Institute (IRI), include helping political parties in Egypt conduct polling, provide constituent services, and prepare for election season. NDI's chairwoman is former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. IRI's chairman is Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)
Taylor said that none of the U.S. funding that has gone to election preparation is coordinated or vetted through the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), which assumed power after the overthrow of former President Hosni Mubarak. "It absolutely does not go to the SCAF," he said, noting that the Egyptian military still receives billions in military aid from the United States.
Taylor, who just got back from a trip to Egypt and Tunisia, said that he left Egypt unworried about the SCAF holding on to power after the coming elections. "They wanted to make it very clear to this American sitting on the other side of the table that they didn't like the governing business," he said. "I do believe that they are uncomfortable governing. Some would say they're not doing a great job of it. "
The Czech government has approved a new project aimed at promoting Islam in public elementary and secondary schools across the country. The project—Muslims in the Eyes of Czech Schoolchildren—is being spearheaded by a Muslim advocacy group and is being financed by American taxpayers through a grant from the US Embassy in Prague. (The US State Department is also promoting Islam in other European countries.) The group says the Czech Ministry of Education has authorized it to organize lectures and seminars aimed at "teaching Czech schoolchildren about Islamic beliefs and practices" and at "fighting stereotypes and prejudices about Muslims." But critics—there are many—say the project's underlying objective is to convert non-Muslim children to Islam by bringing proselytizing messages into public schools under the guise of promoting multiculturalism and fighting "Islamophobia."
The group's website says the first phase of the project involves "analyzing the accuracy of the information about Islam in Czech textbooks on history, geography and social sciences, and mapping the level of teaching about Islam in Czech grammar schools and other secondary schools." The second phase of the project involves the implementation of a three-level program that will "acquaint both pupils and teachers with Islam and Muslims" and help them to develop better "critical reception skills" when analyzing supposedly Islamophobic information. According to the group's website:
"The first level acquaints the reader with the history of Islam, the basic religious concepts of tradition and contemporary issues such as family [Sharia] law, the veiling of women and Islamophobia." "The second level offers a deeper look at the issues and puts more emphasis on the involvement of the pupils.… Pupils will be divided into three groups within which they will study any of the following topics: the veiling of women, media coverage of Islam and Muslims in the Czech Republic. Each group will be led by an experienced tutor, who will acquaint students with the problems by means of prepared materials and subsequent debate." "The third level provides schools with artistically oriented projects or discussions with Muslims and professionals dealing with Islam. Artistic activities would involve making a film or taking photographs focused on a day in the life of a Muslim or art workshops and competitions focused on the possibility of integrating Muslims into Czech society."The group also organizes thematic lectures, workshops and debates for schools or groups of students, many of which are held at the Municipal Library in Prague—and which are more openly geared toward converting Czech youth to Islam. One such lecture entitled "Paths of Young Czech Women to Islam" answers questions such as: What makes a young Czech woman want to become a Muslim? It is the main motive always falling in love with a Muslim man or are there other reasons? How does one convert to Islam? How can new Muslims cope with non-Muslim relatives?

This article originally published by Global Research in 2005 sheds light on the nature of Al Qaeda, an intelligence construct used by Washington to destabilize and destroy sovereign countries, while sustaining the illusion of an outside enemy, which threatens the security of the Western World. In recent developments, the Obama administration has intimated that it will be supporting “moderate al Qaeda rebels” in Syria in its “counter-terrorism” campaign (i.e. bombing raids) allegedly against the ISIS, formerly known as al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). The state sponsor of Al Qaeda goes after Al Qaeda? The fact of the matter is that both Al Nusra and the Islamic State (ISIS) are supported by Washington and its allies. And in recent developments, Washington has asked Moscow not to bomb the Al Nusra Front, which is categorized as part of the moderate opposition. The article below describes the origins of Al Qaeda: The Base, by Pierre-Henry Bunel, a former agent for French military intelligence. Michel Chossudovsky, September 11, 2016
* * *
Shortly before his untimely death, former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook told the House of Commons that “Al Qaeda” is not really a terrorist group but a database of international mujaheddin and arms smugglers used by the CIA and Saudis to funnel guerrillas, arms, and money into Soviet-occupied Afghanistan. Courtesy of World Affairs, a journal based in New Delhi, WMR can bring you an important excerpt from an Apr.-Jun. 2004 article by Pierre-Henry Bunel, a former agent for French military intelligence.
“I first heard about Al-Qaida while I was attending the Command and Staff course in Jordan. I was a French officer at that time and the French Armed Forces had close contacts and cooperation with Jordan...[...]
“Two of my Jordanian colleagues were experts in computers. They were air defense officers. Using computer science slang, they introduced a series of jokes about students’ punishment.
“For example, when one of us was late at the bus stop to leave the Staff College, the two officers used to tell us: ‘You’ll be noted in ‘Q eidat il-Maaloomaat’ which meant ‘You’ll be logged in the information database.’ Meaning ‘You will receive a warning . . .’ If the case was more severe, they would used to talk about ‘Q eidat i-Taaleemaat.’ Meaning ‘the decision database.’ It meant ‘you will be punished.’ For the worst cases they used to speak of logging in ‘Al Qaida.’
“In the early 1980s the Islamic Bank for Development, which is located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, like the Permanent Secretariat of the Islamic Conference Organization, bought a new computerized system to cope with its accounting and communication requirements. At the time the system was more sophisticated than necessary for their actual needs.
“It was decided to use a part of the system’s memory to host the Islamic Conference’s database. It was possible for the countries attending to access the database by telephone: an Intranet, in modern language. The governments of the member-countries as well as some of their embassies in the world were connected to that network.
“[According to a Pakistani major] the database was divided into two parts, the information file where the participants in the meetings could pick up and send information they needed, and the decision file where the decisions made during the previous sessions were recorded and stored. In Arabic, the files were called, ‘Q eidat il-Maaloomaat’ and ‘Q eidat i-Taaleemaat.’ Those two files were kept in one file called in Arabic ‘Q eidat ilmu’ti’aat’ which is the exact translation of the English word database. But the Arabs commonly used the short word Al Qaida which is the Arabic word for “base.” The military air base of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is called ‘q eidat ‘riyadh al ‘askariya.’ Q eida means “a base” and “Al Qaida” means “the base.”
“In the mid-1980s, Al Qaida was a database located in computer and dedicated to the communications of the Islamic Conference’s secretariat.
“In the early 1990s, I was a military intelligence officer in the Headquarters of the French Rapid Action Force. Because of my skills in Arabic my job was also to translate a lot of faxes and letters seized or intercepted by our intelligence services . . . We often got intercepted material sent by Islamic networks operating from the UK or from Belgium.
“These documents contained directions sent to Islamic armed groups in Algeria or in France. The messages quoted the sources of statements to be exploited in the redaction of the tracts or leaflets, or to be introduced in video or tapes to be sent to the media. The most commonly quoted sources were the United Nations, the non-aligned countries, the UNHCR and . . . Al Qaida.
“Al Qaida remained the data base of the Islamic Conference. Not all member countries of the Islamic Conference are ‘rogue states’ and many Islamic groups could pick up information from the databases. It was but natural for Osama Bin Laden to be connected to this network. He is a member of an important family in the banking and business world.
“Because of the presence of ‘rogue states,’ it became easy for terrorist groups to use the email of the database. Hence, the email of Al Qaida was used, with some interface system, providing secrecy, for the families of the mujaheddin to keep links with their children undergoing training in Afghanistan, or in Libya or in the Beqaa valley, Lebanon. Or in action anywhere in the battlefields where the extremists sponsored by all the ‘rogue states’ used to fight. And the ‘rogue states’ included Saudi Arabia. When Osama bin Laden was an American agent in Afghanistan, the Al Qaida Intranet was a good communication system through coded or covert messages.
Al-Qaeda's inception was a 'joint product' of Washington and Riyadh's power games in the MENA region and Central Asia, Tony Cartalucci emphasizes; the terror group has been engaged in almost every conflict the US has sought to influence.
The recent conference held by the Syrian "moderate rebels" in Saudi Arabia has highlighted that the so-called opposition includes a number of al-Qaeda affiliates, for instance, Ahrar al-Sham and Jaysh al-Islam, designated by the US State Department as terrorist organizations in 2012, Bangkok-based geopolitical analyst Tony Cartalucci narrates. "Ahrar al-Sham and Jaysh al-Islam are part of the US and Saudi Arabia's wider shell game in which they train, fund, arm, and back al-Qaeda terrorists under a myriad of varying and constantly shifting aliases and front groups. The result has been al-Qaeda and ISIS' [Daesh's] otherwise inexplicable rise upon and domination of the battlefield, not to mention a large and steady stream of US-provided weaponry and vehicles 'falling into' al-Qaeda's hands," Tony Cartalucci points out in his recent article for New Eastern Outlook.
The geopolitical analyst regards al-Qaeda as a "joint product" of US-Saudi geopolitical ambitions. He calls attention to the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood — al-Qaeda's "parent" organization — bolstered its international activity after being expelled from Syria by President Hafez al-Assad. According to Cartalucci, Syria's branch of the Muslim Brotherhood was reorganized and sent to Afghanistan by the US and Saudi Arabia to fight a proxy war against the USSR in the 1980s. "Since then, the group has serendipitously found itself engaged on every battlefield and in every region the US has sought to influence, whether it was in the Balkans and Chechnya, across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), or even as far flung as Southeast Asia," Cartalucci underscores. The geopolitical analyst stresses that during the US occupation of Iraq al-Qaeda played a pivotal role in splitting the Iraqi resistance against the American invasion.[...]
Documents gathered by lawyers for the families of Sept. 11 victims provide new evidence of extensive financial support for Al Qaeda and other extremist groups by members of the Saudi royal family, but the material may never find its way into court because of legal and diplomatic obstacles. The case has put the Obama administration in the middle of a political and legal dispute, with the Justice Department siding with the Saudis in court last month in seeking to kill further legal action. Adding to the intrigue, classified American intelligence documents related to Saudi finances were leaked anonymously to lawyers for the families. The Justice Department had the lawyers’ copies destroyed and now wants to prevent a judge from even looking at the material.
The Saudis and their defenders in Washington have long denied links to terrorists, and they have mounted an aggressive and, so far, successful campaign to beat back the allegations in federal court based on a claim of sovereign immunity. Allegations of Saudi links to terrorism have been the subject of years of government investigations and furious debate. Critics have said that some members of the Saudi ruling class pay off terrorist groups in part to keep them from being more active in their own country. But the thousands of pages of previously undisclosed documents compiled by lawyers for the Sept. 11 families and their insurers represented an unusually detailed look at some of the evidence. Internal Treasury Department documents obtained by the lawyers under the Freedom of Information Act, for instance, said that a prominent Saudi charity, the International Islamic Relief Organization, heavily supported by members of the Saudi royal family, showed “support for terrorist organizations” at least through 2006.

The fatal moment predicted by Prince Bandar may now have come for many Shia, with Saudi Arabia playing an important role in bringing it about by supporting the anti-Shia jihad in Iraq and Syria. Since the capture of Mosul by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis) on 10 June, Shia women and children have been killed in villages south of Kirkuk, and Shia air force cadets machine-gunned and buried in mass graves near Tikrit.
In Mosul, Shia shrines and mosques have been blown up, and in the nearby Shia Turkoman city of Tal Afar 4,000 houses have been taken over by Isis fighters as "spoils of war". Simply to be identified as Shia or a related sect, such as the Alawites, in Sunni rebel-held parts of Iraq and Syria today, has become as dangerous as being a Jew was in Nazi-controlled parts of Europe in 1940.
There is no doubt about the accuracy of the quote by Prince Bandar, secretary-general of the Saudi National Security Council from 2005 and head of General Intelligence between 2012 and 2014, the crucial two years when al-Qa'ida-type jihadis took over the Sunni-armed opposition in Iraq and Syria. Speaking at the Royal United Services Institute last week, Dearlove, who headed MI6 from 1999 to 2004, emphasised the significance of Prince Bandar's words, saying that they constituted "a chilling comment that I remember very well indeed".
He does not doubt that substantial and sustained funding from private donors in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, to which the authorities may have turned a blind eye, has played a central role in the Isis surge into Sunni areas of Iraq. He said: "Such things simply do not happen spontaneously." This sounds realistic since the tribal and communal leadership in Sunni majority provinces is much beholden to Saudi and Gulf paymasters, and would be unlikely to cooperate with Isis without their consent.
US military aid is channelled to Al Qaeda as well as to ISIS-Daesh.
The US has also used the illegal weapons market to channel vast amounts of weapons and military hardware to the Syrian “rebels”. In March 2017, the US military came to the rescue of ISIS-Daesh commanders who were being evacuated out of Iraq and Syria in US military helicopters. According to the Arabic language al-Hadath news website:
“several US military helicopters landed on kilometer 10 of Deir Ezzur-Hasaka road and evacuated a number of ISIL commanders from the region. … After the helicopter landed, several US marines took 10 ISIL commanders on board and left the region,” …“Abu Dajane Fransawi has most likely been among the top ISIL commanders taken away by the US marines, …ISIL’s man in charge of the terrorist group’s financial affairs in Forat (Euphrates) oilfield.” (quoted by FNA)
Similar rescue operations of ISIS-Daesh Commanders were conducted in Iraq.
Manchester, London
With regard to the Manchester and London terror attacks, this relationship between the ISIS and its Western State sponsors (including the intelligence services of the British government) cannot be ignored. The blowback thesis is a red herring. The sponsors of ISIS are now heralded as the victims of ISIS, an absurd proposition. Those who are funded and supported by Western intelligence services are now said to be fighting back. The ISIS has a certain degree of independence in relation to its State sponsors. That is the nature of what is called an “intelligence asset”. But an “intelligence asset” is always on the radar of the intelligence services. The British government has supported several Al Qaeda affiliated entities including the Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) which was linked to the Manchester bombings. It is worth noting that the release of the Hillary Clinton email archive as well as leaked Pentagon documents confirm that the US and its allies are supportive of ISIS, which according to European press reports, are the alleged architects of the Brussels, Berlin and Manchester terror attacks. Moreover, a 7-page Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) document dated August of 2012, points to US complicity in supporting the creation of an Islamic State. (Excerpt below)
Michel Chossudovsky, March 17, 2017, June 5, 2017
But Who is behind the Islamic State Project?
In a bitter irony, until recently the rebels of the Islamic State, formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) were heralded as Syria’s “opposition freedom fighters” committed to “restoring democracy” and unseating the secular government of Bashar al Assad. And who was behind the jihadist insurgency in Syria?
In other words, the Islamic State (IS) is a creation of US intelligence with the support of Britain’s MI6, Israel’s Mossad, Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Saudi Arabia’s General Intelligence Presidency (GIP), Ri’āsat Al-Istikhbārāt Al-’Āmah ( رئاسة الاستخبارات العامة). Moreover, according to Israeli intelligence sources (Debka) NATO in liaison with the Turkish High Command has been involved in the recruitment of jihadist mercenaries from the outset of the Syrian crisis in March 2011.
In relation to the Syrian insurgency, the Islamic State fighters together with the Al Qaeda affiliated jihadist forces of the Al Nusrah Front are the foot soldiers of the Western military alliance. They are covertly supported by US-NATO-Israel. Their mandate is to wage a terrorist insurgency against the government of Bashar al-Assad. The atrocities committed by Islamic State fighters in Iraq are similar to those committed in Syria. As a result of media disinformation, Western public opinion is unaware that the Islamic State terrorists have from the very outset been supported by the United States and its allies. The killings of innocent civilians by the Islamic State terrorists in Iraq are used to create a pretext and a justification for US military intervention on humanitarian grounds. The bombing raids ordered by Obama, however, are not intended to eliminate the Islamic State, which constitutes a US “intelligence asset”.
“Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar,” John McCain told CNN’s Candy Crowley in January 2014. “Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar, and for our Qatari friends,” the senator said once again a month later, at the Munich Security Conference. McCain was praising Prince Bandar bin Sultan, then the head of Saudi Arabia’s intelligence services and a former ambassador to the United States, for supporting forces fighting Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria. McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham had previously met with Bandar to encourage the Saudis to arm Syrian rebel forces.
But shortly after McCain’s Munich comments, Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah relieved Bandar of his Syrian covert-action portfolio, which was then transferred to Saudi Interior Minister Prince Mohammed bin Nayef. By mid-April, just two weeks after President Obama met with King Abdullah on March 28, Bandar had also been removed from his position as head of Saudi intelligence—according to official government statements, at “his own request.” Sources close to the royal court told me that, in fact, the king fired Bandar over his handling of the kingdom’s Syria policy and other simmering tensions, after initially refusing to accept Bandar’s offers to resign. (Bandar retains his title as secretary-general of the king’s National Security Council.)
The Free Syrian Army (FSA), the “moderate” armed opposition in the country, receives a lot of attention. But two of the most successful factions fighting Assad’s forces are Islamist extremist groups: Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the latter of which is now amassing territory in Iraq and threatening to further destabilize the entire region. And that success is in part due to the support they have received from two Persian Gulf countries: Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Qatar’s military and economic largesse has made its way to Jabhat al-Nusra, to the point that a senior Qatari official told me he can identify al-Nusra commanders by the blocks they control in various Syrian cities. But ISIS is another matter. As one senior Qatari official stated, “ISIS has been a Saudi project.”
The US uses the Islamic State insurgency as a tool in Afghanistan, aimed at destabilizing the whole region, the former Afghan president told RT, urging the international community to convince the US that it needs to actually fight terrorism. No action was taken against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorists despite their atrocious acts being well known “since the arrival of Daesh [an Arabic acronym for IS] on the Afghan scene,” former President Hamid Karzai said. He then mentioned reports of “unmarked foreign helicopters” providing support to the terrorists.
“From the two years onwards to today, every day the local people, the local elders, government officials, media and others began to report that unmarked helicopters, unmarked foreign helicopters, would go in and support extremists in all parts of the country,” the former president told RT on the sidelines of the Valdai Forum in Sochi, Russia. “There’s a lot of evidence, unfortunately, that shows that these extremist forces are supplied from the foreign bases within Afghanistan,” Karzai said. “The question is, ‘Why? For what reason?’ And if it is continuing, if it doesn’t stop, of course the conclusion is they are being used as a tool.” This tool is used by the US to pursue larger regional goals, according to Karzai.
“The support to Daesh in Afghanistan is not definitely meant for the purposes in Afghanistan. The US has already established itself in Afghanistan. It doesn’t need to have a reason to establish itself there. It must be for objectives beyond Afghanistan, to cause trouble in the region,” Karzai said. While Afghanistan welcomes the US to provide help in the fight against terrorism, using the country as a puppet in a bigger regional game is unacceptable, the former president said. “Afghanistan should not suffer for your larger, bigger objectives. Afghanistan should not be used against our neighbors or the major powers in our neighborhood,” he stressed, adding that the international community and regional powers should talk the US into seeing sense and help to restore the international cooperation against terrorism in the country. “Otherwise things will [get] out of hand in Afghanistan and there will be troubles for all of us, including for the US,” Karzai concluded.

A former contractor for a UK-based public relations firm says that the Pentagon paid more than half a billion dollars for the production and dissemination of fake Al-Qaeda videos that portrayed the insurgent group in a negative light. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism reported that the PR firm, Bell Pottinger, worked alongside top US military officials at Camp Victory in Baghdad at the height of the Iraq War. The agency was tasked with crafting TV segments in the style of unbiased Arabic news reports, videos of Al-Qaeda bombings that appeared to be filmed by insurgents, and anti-insurgent commercials – and those who watched the videos could be tracked by US forces. The report of Bell Pottinger’s involvement in the video hearkens back to more than 10 years ago, when the Washington-based PR firm Lincoln Group was revealed to have produced print news stories and placed them in Iraqi newspapers. According to the Los Angeles Times, who obtained the 2005 documents, the stories were intended to tout the US-led efforts in Iraq and denounce insurgent groups.
Bell Pottinger was first tasked by the interim Iraqi government in 2004 to promote democratic elections. They received $540m between May 2007 and December 2011, but could have earned as much as $120m from the US in 2006. Lord Tim Bell, a former Bell Pottinger chairman, confirmed the existence of the contract with the Sunday Times. The Pentagon also confirmed that the agency was contracted under the Information Operations Task Force, but insisted that all material distributed was “truthful”. However, former video editor Martin Wells, who worked on the IOTF contract with Bell Pottinger, said they were given very specific instructions on how to produce the fake Al-Qaeda propaganda films.

I declare humanity too intuitive to buy into this psychological operation and hopefully I’m right. So while the core TV-watching, mainstream media-believing community drinks the government Kool Aid, let us get started by pointing out several glaring observations regarding the ISIS psyop. Glancing ahead, the ISIS kids have knowledge of things that require you to have education, modern technical skills, a little bit of decency, structure, conformity to societal norms and somewhat transparent connection to the outside world. What are these things and what are some of the surreal oddities surrounding ISIS? Let’s examine:
Incredibly, despite being savages that only want to kill for apparently no specific burning reason other than that fact that you are not ISIS, ISIS has at least some kind of production department that can skillfully provide what could be considered Hollywood-style editing (of supposed beheading videos) with multiple camera angles, consistent daylight on their subjects and proper daylight mode video exposure. They clearly have the skills for setting up multiple cameras and using those precise angles for their production department. In order to put out these supposed beheading videos, they also had to make sure that the sounds were just right and that there was no shaking of the camera.
Someone then had to take the various video angles and properly edit the footage so as to make it look professional. The editor, apparently a man of class and decency, then is careful not to show any actual action and blood. Savage killers who are ALSO respectful and classy about being too disturbing with their videos. Instead they courteously (but sloppily) cut from the early hand action of their British-sounding supposed lead man, to the post beheading amazingly clean shot of a head sitting on a corpse with the classic Photoshop drop shadows. In Hollywood style, reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock films, the editor essentially leaves the action to the viewer’s imagination. Even though this beheading movie created by ISIS is not being submitted for any film festivals, they carefully comply with techniques that would make this film fully acceptable into almost any gore film festival.
To those who want to point out to viewers the amazing lack of blood during those first critical throat slices of James Foley’s neck, sorry, exposing this lack of blood is in itself apparently too grotesque by YouTube standards and should you post such a video it will be conveniently removed.
Like the editing software, the ISIS production team shows off their skills in Photoshop image editing software, which often requires an extended learning period, resources, and practice. Despite a few imperfections, the ISIS production department seems to know how to cut and splice out sections of images to produce the desired effect of disconnecting a head from the body. Even if obtaining and using the software is believable, let’s remember we’re talking about savage “terrorists” that are supposedly inhumane. In other words, these are clinically, factually documented psychopaths and not your average person according to government legend. Let’s keep this in mind (psychopaths) when speaking about ISIS.
According to U.S. “intelligence sources” mouthpieces, ISIS has all the above including social media capabilities. Amazingly, these covered-face killers have unraveled the secret of how to outsmart every world power including the U.S. Empire with regard to every form of communication. They have stomped out the U.S. military, NSA, CIA, NATO, U.N. and the intelligence of Israel, U.K. and every other nation that surrounds them. You may think it’s not every day that a small group of young face-covered kids can outsmart the world, but this could be attributed to pure luck if you believe in the ISIS psyop. Just to be able to say that you’ve outsmarted the U.S. Empire 13 years after they accelerated their plans to rule the world outlined in The Project for the New American Century document titled “Rebuilding America’s Defenses.” According to the ISIS psyop, that accomplishment alone is worthy of historic recognition.
Here’s a group of young kids with covered faces who maintain Internet accounts without any past due balances, they have wide open social media accounts (Facebook? YouTube? Twitter?) that are also apparently well maintained. They must understand and be properly following the rules of these social media accounts. But wait, if they have social media accounts doesn’t that mean that the social media providers are terrorists too? Unless these geniuses called ISIS are also fooling them as well. I suppose this would be realistic according to the government narrative since ISIS has apparently outsmarted everyone else.
Okay, forget social media, how is ISIS able to log on to the Internet? Do they have their own ISIS hackers?? Who do they pay their Internet bill with? Without Internet aren’t they lost? No social media and no way of knowing what is going on right? I doubt they have analog TV in their convoys? Doesn’t this present a communication problem? ISIS again quietly has overcome this problem in a flawless and mysterious manner.
Amazingly this group of geniuses who have outsmarted the entire global intelligence community seem to have all the capabilities to put the U.S. Empire’s CIA and their globalist partner Israel’s Mossad to shame. ISIS has put on a clinic and has officially handed the U.S. and Israel their butts in the intelligence department. They not only formed right below their noses, they did it quickly, they figured out unanimously what their mission would be and all agreed on it. Football teams and all sports team for that matter throughout the world could learn from ISIS. ISIS apparently is teaching the world how a team works together. Imagine, the CIA’s mainstream media would have us believe that ISIS is powerful and high in numbers. Really? How would you get that many people to agree on anything? Every NCAA coach would learn a lot from ISIS. Here’s a group of young face-covered men who actually agree on everything. They even all agree not to attack Israel for no reason at all.
How quickly ISIS rose to power and fame and how they operate in such unity should strike everyone as very odd, yet the ISIS psyop narrative continues without missing a beat in regards to these technicalities and finer points. Any way we slice it, the ISIS psyop narratives has a group of kids with hidden faces who have revolutionized the concept of the “intelligence” operation. They solved the CIA Mossad and NSA problems and now are laughing at the global intelligence community. They did this at a time, by the way, even as uncharged innocent prisoners sit in George W Bush’s Guantanamo illegal prison for life. Can you imagine what is going on in the minds of the men in Guantanamo hearing about ISIS?
Have you noticed that no one knows who ISIS is? What are their names? Why not snag up one or two of them and let the identities come out? No, not ONE member of ISIS is capturable or identified to the world. It’s like they never existed. Not one wife, sister, brother, father, cousin, nephew, aunt, or uncle is speaking out. Apparently they never lived anywhere and never told their friends that they were going to join ISIS. Not one of the has a girlfriend or a spouse that would have spoken by now. No one has come out testifying that ISIS tried recruiting them. Oddly, we haven’t even heard of an angry former girlfriend speaking out about the initial call, no girlfriend activation system review, the recruiting effort or anything whatsoever. But without a powerful recruiting effort how did they recruit? Somehow they got around this one too. No one knows how. They simply came into being. Let that sink in.

“The agency actually did make a video purporting to show Osama bin Laden and his cronies sitting around a campfire swigging bottles of liquor and savoring their conquests with boys, one of the former CIA officers recalled, chuckling at the memory,” the article states. “The actors were drawn from ‘some of us darker-skinned employees.’”
Other CIA officials admitted to planning several fake videos featuring former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, one of which would depict the leader engaged in sexual acts with a teenage boy. “It would look like it was taken by a hidden camera,” said one of the former officials. “Very grainy, like it was a secret videotaping of a sex session.” According to one official, the video ideas were eventually scrapped due to the CIA officers, who spent their careers in Latin America and East Asia, not understanding “the cultural nuances of the region.”
“Saddam playing with boys would have no resonance in the Middle East — nobody cares,” a third former CIA official said. “Trying to mount such a campaign would show a total misunderstanding of the target. We always mistake our own taboos as universal when, in fact, they are just our taboos.”
The article does however admit that one specific psyop was successfully implemented, linking to a document from the Rand Corporation that explains the program. “According to histories of the 2003 invasion, the single most effective ‘information warfare’ project, which originated in the Pentagon, was to send faxes and e-mails to Iraqi unit commanders as the fighting began, telling them their situation was hopeless, to round up their tanks, artillery and men, and go home,” the article states. “Many did.” While the aforementioned videos were never released, the much looked over admission of such psychological operations raises questions in light of the recent ISIS beheading videos.
Only days after Infowars’ questioned several discrepancies in the James Foley beheading video, top British forensic experts concluded that the video was likely staged using “camera trickery and slick post-production techniques.” “After enhancements, the knife can be seen to be drawn across the upper neck at least six times, with no blood evidence to the point the picture fades to black,” an analyst said.”I think it has been staged. My feeling is that the execution may have happened after the camera was stopped.” Given the brutality seen in many of ISIS’ grainy, low quality cell phone videos from Iraq and Syria, many have also begun questioning why the “beheading” video’s hide the actual beheading while also exhibiting more advanced editing techniques and high definition cameras.
The Pentagon and U.S. intelligence agencies exploit social media to keep the endless war on terror alive. Earlier this month we learned DARPA, the Pentagon’s research lab, has funded an array of social media studies, including analyses on various social and political memes, celebrities and disinformation.
“The project list includes a study of how activists with the Occupy movement used Twitter as well as a range of research on tracking internet memes and some about understanding how influence behavior (liking, following, retweeting) happens on a range of popular social media platforms like Pinterest, Twitter, Kickstarter, Digg and Reddit,” RT reported. The Pentagon studies paralleled an experiment by Facebook controlling emotions by manipulating news feeds. Facebook has connections to the CIA and the Pentagon.
“Shortly before the Facebook controversy erupted, Darpa published a lengthy list of the projects funded under its Social Media in Strategic Communication (SMISC) program, including links to actual papers and abstracts,”write Ben Quinn and James Ball for The Guardian.
ISIS Exploits Social Media
IS, the Islamic State, formerly ISIS, has used social media as an effective propaganda tool. “The extremist group battling the Iraqi government, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, may practice a seventh-century version of fundamentalist Islam, but it has demonstrated modern sophistication when it comes to using social media, particularly Twitter and other sites like WordPress and Tumblr,” The New York Times reported in June. The United States is not trying to diminish the social media reach of IS despite the fact this would logically be near the top of its to-do list in combating the rapidly expanding terrorist caliphate.
“U.S. intelligence prefers for these accounts to stay up, rather than come down,” an anonymous employee at a major social media company told Mashable. "American intelligence officials are monitoring the ISIL accounts, trying to glean information about the deadly group and its strengths, tactics and networks.” “Social media ‘is one of the many sources’ American analysts monitor when ‘assessing the fluid ISIL situation,’ a U.S. intelligence official told Mashable on condition of anonymity.”

David Williams did not have an easy life. He moved to Newburgh, a gritty, impoverished town on the banks of the Hudson an hour or so north of New York, at just 10 years old. For a young, black American boy with a father in jail, trouble was everywhere. Williams also made bad choices. He ended up going to jail for dealing drugs. When he came out in 2007 he tried to go straight, but money was tight and his brother, Lord, needed cash for a liver transplant. Life is hard in Newburgh if you are poor, have a drug rap and need cash quickly.
His aunt, Alicia McWilliams, was honest about the tough streets her nephew was dealing with. "Newburgh is a hard place," she said. So it was perhaps no surprise that in May, 2009, David Williams was arrested again and hit with a 25-year jail sentence. But it was not for drugs offences. Or any other common crime. Instead Williams and three other struggling local men beset by drug, criminal and mental health issues were convicted of an Islamic terrorist plot to blow up Jewish synagogues and shoot down military jets with missiles.
Even more shocking was that the organisation, money, weapons and motivation for this plot did not come from real Islamic terrorists. It came from the FBI, and an informant paid to pose as a terrorist mastermind paying big bucks for help in carrying out an attack. For McWilliams, her own government had actually cajoled and paid her beloved nephew into being a terrorist, created a fake plot and then jailed him for it. "I feel like I am in the Twilight Zone," she told the Guardian.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation employs upwards of 15,000 undercover agents today, ten times what they had on the roster back in 1975. If you think that’s a few spies too many — spies earning as much as $100,000 per assignment — one doesn’t have to go too deep into their track record to see their accomplishments. Those agents are responsible for an overwhelming amount of terrorist stings that have stopped major domestic catastrophes in the vein of 9/11 from happening on American soil.
Another thing those agents are responsible for, however, is plotting those very schemes. The FBI has in recent years used trained informants not just to snitch on suspected terrorists, but to set them up from the get-go. A recent report put together by Mother Jones and the Investigative Reporting Program at the University of California-Berkley analyses some striking statistics about the role of FBI informants in terrorism cases that the Bureau has targeted in the decade since the September 11 attacks.
The report reveals that the FBI regularly infiltrates communities where they suspect terrorist-minded individuals to be engaging with others. Regardless of their intentions, agents are sent in to converse within the community, find suspects that could potentially carry out “lone wolf” attacks and then, more or less, encourage them to do so. By providing weaponry, funds and a plan, FBI-directed agents will encourage otherwise-unwilling participants to plot out terrorist attacks, only to bust them before any events fully materialize.
Additionally, one former high-level FBI officials speaking to Mother Jones says that, for every informant officially employed by the bureau, up to three unofficial agents are working undercover. The FBI has used those informants to set-up and thus shut-down several of the more high profile would-be attacks in recent years. The report reveals that the Washington DC Metro bombing plot, the New York City subway plot, the attempt to blow up Chicago’s Sears Tower and dozens more were all orchestrated by FBI agents. In fact, reads the report, only three of the more well-known terror plots of the last decade weren’t orchestrated by FBI-involved agents.
Sheriff Ken Mascara of Florida’s St. Lucie County told the Vero Beach Press Journal that after Mateen threatened a courthouse deputy in 2013 by claiming he could order Al Qaeda operatives to kill his family, the FBI dispatched an informant to “lure Omar into some kind of act… and Omar did not bite.” The significance of this cannot be understated. “Informants” in this context, according to FBI affidavits regarding similar counterterrorism investigations, refers to individuals posing as members of terrorist organizations who approach suspects, coerce them into planning and preparing for terrorist attacks, before finally aiding the FBI in the suspect’s arrest before the attack is finally carried out.
Among the activities these informants carry out includes providing and training suspects in the use of real explosives, providing suspects with arsenals of weapons precisely like those used in the recent shooting in Orlando Florida, and encouraging suspects to adopt “radical ideology” over the course of the investigation. Suspects are given the false impression that they are working on behalf of terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda or the self-proclaimed “Islamic State,” often cultivating delusions of grandeur among otherwise mentally ill suspects.
Considering the disturbing activities conducted by FBI informants during these “investigations,” the FBI appears obligated to tell the American public just what their “informants” were doing with Florida shooting suspect Omar Mateen in the 10 months they were “investigating” him beginning in 2013. Did they also walk Mateen through planned attacks he ultimately backed out of? Did he eventually change his mind again after the FBI’s investigation was allegedly closed?

“FBI thwarts alleged plan to carry out terrorist attack in San Francisco on Christmas,” the Washington Post reported, claiming that the agency was able to prevent “a possible terrorist attack at San Francisco’s Pier 39 after arresting a man who told undercover agents he wanted to carry out an Islamic State-inspired suicide bombing at the popular tourist destination on Christmas Day.”
The New York Post joined in with the headline “FBI thwarts ISIS-inspired Christmas terror attack on San Francisco,” and the claim that the suspect was “former US Marine sharpshooter” Everitt Aaron Jameson, 26, who was discharged from the military for fraudulent enlistment, and now works as a tow truck driver. The Department of Justice released a statement confirming that Jameson has been arrested for “attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization.” If convicted, he faces up to 20 years in prison and $250,000 in fines.
According to court documents, Jameson had several online interactions with a confidential source in which he expressed support for the October 31, 2017, terrorist attack in New York City and offered his services for ‘the cause.’ In subsequent communications with an undercover agent, Jameson referred to his training in the U.S. military and noted he had been trained for combat and war. Jameson later met with another undercover agent whom he believed to be associated with the senior leadership of the foreign terrorist organization, ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, also known as ISIL). During his interactions with this undercover agent, Jameson offered to carry out violent acts and to provide financial support for the terrorist organization.”
Now, the question is—how did FBI agents find Jameson, and did he actually pose a threat of carrying out a terrorist attack? The Los Angeles Times reported that Jameson began studying Islam one year ago, after he became “depressed and even suicidal over losing custody of his children.” However, his family insisted that he did not have violent tendencies, and had never mentioned anything about becoming involved with the Islamic State. “He just ain’t no terrorist, no way,” Jameson’s father said. “He would never hurt people. Not ever. It’s just unbelievable. That’s not who he is.”
The criminal complaint filed against Jameson claimed that he first caught the agency’s attention when a “credible FBI Confidential Human Source” flagged his Facebook account as suspicious on Sept. 19, for “Liking” and “Loving” posts that were “pro-ISIS and pro-terrorism.”
To provide an example of the types of posts Jameson was ‘Liking’ and ‘Loving’ during this time period, the CHS reported to the FBI that Jameson “loved” a post on November 29, 2017 that is an image of Santa Claus standing in New York with a box of dynamite. The text of the post reads, ‘ISIS post image of Santa with dynamite threatening attack on New York.’ The Propaganda poster shows Santa Claus standing on a roof next to a box of dynamite looking out over a crowd of shoppers with the words ‘We meet at Christmas in New York… soon.’ Under this post, Jameson selected the ‘Like’ option and then selected the “Heart” option to signify that he ‘Loved’ the post.”
Defense attorneys say an alleged plot to bomb New York synagogues was hatched and directed by a federal informant. Lawyers for four men from Newburgh have filed a motion to dismiss the terror indictment against them. They said the informant badgered the defendants until they got involved in the plot. They said the informant chose the targets, supplied fake bombs for the synagogues and a fake missile to shoot down planes. The motion said he also offered to pay the defendants, who attorneys alleged weren't inclined toward any crime until the informant began recruiting them.
"The government well knew that their case had been a government-inspired creation from day one and that the defendants had not been independently seeking weapons or targets," the motion said.Federal court spokesman Herb Hadad said the government would file its response next month. The four men, who were arrested last May, face up to life in prison if convicted. They have been previously identified as James Cromitie, 55, David Williams, 28, Onta Williams, 32, and Laguerre Payen, 27, all of Newburgh in upstate New York, where authorities were conducting raids at their homes, sources said.
Authorities have said they had the plotters under surveillance since June of 2008 and there was "no chance" the alleged scheme could succeed. They credited the work of a long time informant with keeping tabs on the group. The FBI has said the Muslim suspects were angry and full of hate for America. According to the criminal complaint, Cromitie said "I hate those f-ing Jewish bastards." He bragged that it would be a "piece of cake" to bomb a Jewish Center in Riverdale, according to the complaint. He said his father lives in Afghanistan and he was upset about U.S. military presence there. "The fact that this type of hatred exists means that we all have to be vigilant all of the time," city councilman Jeffrey Dinowitz said Thursday.

Cornell’s mother, Angela Carmen, said her son is a good person, interested in wrestling but also a homebody. “I just love my son. I’ll do anything in the world for him, and I’ll be right by his side,” she said. The FBI first noticed Cornell several months ago, after an informant notified the agency that Cornell was allegedly voicing support for violent “jihad” on Twitter accounts under the alias, “Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah,” according to charging documents. In addition, Cornell allegedly posted statements, videos and other content expressing support for ISIS – the terrorist group also known as ISIL – that is wreaking havoc in Iraq and Syria. He later met an informant in Cincinnati over two days in October, and then another two days in November. During the last meeting, Cornell told an FBI informant that members of Congress were enemies and he wanted to launch an attack on the U.S. Capitol in Washington, according to charging documents. John Cornell Sr. says there’s no way his son could have thought up a terror plot on his own.
“He told me he had went to a mosque and now I know, in hindsight I know, he was meeting with an FBI agent,” he told ABC News. “And they were taking him somewhere, and they were filling his head with a lot of this garbage.”

In 2015, seeing reports about the Islamic State on cable news, Suarez became intrigued by the terrorist group, he explained to an FBI informant. He was 23 years old at the time and still living in Key West. He was slender and fit, with tattoos covering his chest, stomach, and arms. He wore his brown hair cropped close to his scalp, and a goatee covered the bottom of his chin.
Suarez began to identify as Muslim and gave himself an Arabic name: Almlak Alaswd, which translates to “dark angel.” He said he wanted to be part of ISIS, but he knew little about the group or its rival organizations. He thought Osama bin Laden had founded ISIS, and he admitted to an FBI informant that he didn’t know what Hamas was or how the group was different from ISIS.
Suarez created a Facebook profile and began posting ISIS propaganda and videos. He seemed to be searching for ISIS members in his ignorant attempt to become one. Facebook had already taken down four of Suarez’s previous profiles for improper content; each time, Suarez just created a new one and continued to post ISIS material. His online activity attracted the FBI’s attention, and an agent in Miami asked a rookie informant named Mohammed Skaik to help determine if Suarez might be a threat.
A U.S. military officer in the inactive reserves, Skaik was born in the Middle East and moved to the U.S. at age 16. He was fluent in Arabic, his first language, and he spoke English with a flawless American accent. When the FBI recruited Skaik in late 2014, he was a research assistant at a Florida medical school, and he had ambitions to study to be a doctor. The FBI offered what was essentially a part-time gig posing online as a man sympathetic to and interested in ISIS.
Following FBI instructions, Skaik sent Suarez a Facebook friend request. “Hey, brother, can you add me, please?” Skaik wrote. “I have something extremely important to communicate to you.” Suarez accepted the friend request. On his profile, Suarez said he lived in Miami. Skaik was just north in West Palm Beach, so not knowing that Suarez was actually in Key West, the informant assumed he and Suarez were practically neighbors.
The latest media driven shooting attack said to have taken place in San Bernardino, California over a week ago now – and still there’s a growing list of details that don’t add up.
After a week of whitewashed reports, a media scripted ransacking of the alleged ‘shooters’ home (tampering with a potential crime scene) and eyewitness accounts that contradict the official narrative, we also learn that in the very room where 14 people were reportedly killed (along with 21 injured) during a deadly shooting attack at the Inland Regional Center, there was an “active-shooter” training drill involving some of the victims almost a year before the attack. Here’s what doesn’t add up…
New information emerged casually in the mainstream media, prompting critics of such sensationalized events to have even more reason to question the validity of the official story surrounding this latest ‘mass shooting’ incident. In our previous articles on this subject, we pointed out multiple markers which clearly indicate ‘active shooter’ armed rehearsal drills held at and around the Inland Regional Center location. Here’s another – another unbelievable development discussed recently by the LA Times:
“About a year ago, employees of San Bernardino County’s Environmental Health Services division underwent an “active-shooter training.”One must consider that statistically speaking, the chances of a real shooting event taking place in the exact same room where a multi-agency ‘active shooter’ drill took place approximately one year ago – has to be close to zero. Furthermore, this strange and unlikely coincidence should highlight the suspicious nature of the shooting event itself. More than any other entity, the mainstream media are playing the central role in managing the official version of events in San Bernardino… ‘DESTROYING EVIDENCE’ – Why would authorities allow members of the press and victims families to trample into a potential crime scene?
“It was held at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino — in the very same room that would one day be a site of bloodshed and horror.”
“It was not clear if gunman Syed Rizwan Farook, an environmental health specialist for the county, attended the earlier training, but some of the victims of Wednesday’s mass shooting were likely to have participated, said a county spokeswoman.”
Official Story Under Fire
As 21WIRE previously reported when this story first broke:
“THREE shooters are said to have opened fire with ‘long guns’ [AR15 model rifle] inside a conference venue, in the Inland Regional Center, a government-run disabled services office complex, located in San Bernardino. Police gave chase to suspects and claim that 3 assailants were masked (therefore could not be ID’d at the scene), heavily armed and possibly wearing body armor.”In fact, authorities did apprehend a third suspect but that aspect of the case, has seemingly gone down the memory hole, as has the very detailed eye-witness testimony from Sally Abdelmageed, (an Inland Regional Center employee) in a CBS interview with Scott Pelley, which clearly states that there were three white men in tactical gear dressed in black involved in the shooting event. Abdelmageed’s account, echoed that of Juan Hernandez, who was interviewed shortly after the shooting incident by a local NBC affiliate, where it was described that “three white men in military fatigues,” had fled the scene in black Chevy Impala or SUV.
On December 25 the United States authorities arrested a 23-year-old Nigerian Farouk Umar Abdul Mutallab aboard a Delta Airline flight from Amsterdam that landed in Detroit. News reports emanating from the U.S. indicate that it was an attempted terrorist attack that resulted in the fire and that Abdul Mutallab was either connected with Al-Qaida or sympathetic to its aims.
However, this incident raises a number of serious questions about the character of the attack. First of all why was Abdul Mutallab granted a multiple-entry visa into the United States in June 2008? In November, his father, Alhaji Umaru Abdul Mutallab, 70, a prominent and wealthy Nigerian banker who recently retired as Chairman of the First Bank Plc of Nigeria, warned the American embassy in Nigeria about concerns related to his son’s behaviour. The senior Mutallab also served as Minister of Economic Development and Reconstruction during the mid-1970s in the Federal Nigerian Government that was under military rule at the time.
Consequently, why was Farouk Umar Abdul Mutallab allowed to maintain his U.S. visa status and board a plane bound for the United States? There have been reports that he had spent time in the United Arab Emirates and Yemen and implying that this may indicate a connection with Al-Qaida. However, there has been no specific evidence that he has links with Islamic organizations including Al-Qaida.

Airport shooter admits he was ‘mind controlled’ by intelligence agency, eyewitness claims there were at least three other “sleepers,” shooters, with high-powered rifles shooting into crowd. Eyewitness: “There was like at least three people in there still shooting” after the first guy was caught.
Demoted and discharged Alaska National Guard private first class and alleged killer of 5 people at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, Esteban Santiago, 26, may have been mind controlled or mentally ill, according to FBI officials. Santiago, who was arrested in January and waiting to stand trial in March on criminal charges, recently showed up to an F.B.I. office in Anchorage unannounced seeking help.
Santiago told the F.B.I. he thought he was being mind controlled, possibly by the U.S. government or the C.I.A. and admitted hearing voices, which Santiago said told him to study “extremist materials on the Internet,” the New York Times reports. Despite the fact that Santiago himself, his girlfriend, and even co-workers warned authorities of his experiences the F.B.I. failed to detain him before his travels to Florida. “Records show Santiago had three driver’s licenses from Alaska, New York and Puerto Rico,” along with his military I.D., which were all on his person during Friday’s shooting, as reported by a local ABC news affiliate.
Just like a Manchurian candidate, Santiago “walked to the baggage claim area, where witnesses said he pulled the trigger and appeared to be aiming at victims’ heads. Witnesses said Santiago didn’t say a word. He shot his weapon until he ran out of ammunition. He threw the gun down and laid spread-eagle on the ground until a Broward Sheriffs’ Office deputy came up to him.”
“presented himself at a Catalan police station in Ripoll to deny having any involvement in this afternoon’s attack. He claims his ID was stolen and used by the terrorists to rent one of the vans used for the attack. Local sources, confirmed by the town’s mayor, Jordi Munell, have said that the young man, who lives in Ripoll, attended the police station to deny any involvement in the events” (Daily Express, August 17, 2017)The report below suggests that the passport discovered in the van provided a lead to “the Alcanar house where bombs were being prepared”. Allegedly the passport was found in the van used for the attack in “an accidental explosion that took place on Thursday morning in the town of Tarraconense. This finding allowed linking the terrorist attack in Barcelona with a wounded in the Alcanar accident”.

A high-ranking judicial police chief in Limoges committed suicide last Wednesday hours after being asked to file a report on the Charlie Hebdo killings, it has emerged. Helric Fredou, 45, the deputy director of the regional judicial police in Limoges turned his gun on himself last Wednesday night, hours after Cherif and Said Kouachi killed 12 people in an Islamist rampage, including two policemen. He had been tasked with investigating the family of one of the victims, but died before handing in the report. He had reportedly interviewed families of Charlie Hebdo victims in the hours after the attack. It is not known if his decision to commit suicide has any link to the Charlie Hebdo killings.
"We are all stunned. He was someone who was very humane and close to people," said Pascal Cayla of the Alliance union. Colleagues said Mr Fredou had been deeply affected by the suicide of the number three of the Limoges judicial police in 2013 after he discovered the body. His colleague had left a note citing "personal reasons". Since the twin attacks last week that rocked France and left 17 people dead, there has been an outpouring of support for the country's police force, which polls regularly suggest has a poor image among many French. There were banners reading "We love the police" at Sunday's huge march in Paris and cities around France

In any unsolved crime the first question asked is who benefits by motive with an actual means to execute the crime? In all of these tragic false flag events the global elite benefits in multiple ways. And it most definitely has the means by issuing marching orders to its owned and operated national governments, its favorite being the militaristic, brutal American Empire. The elite’s agenda to polarize and destabilize the world politically and militarily manifests through the US foreign policy of regime change, nonstop war through divide and conquer methodology (i.e., Shiites vs. Sunnis, Euro-nationals vs. foreign migrants, Christians vs. Muslims, light skins vs. dark skins) and economic austerity through unpayable high interest from predatory IMF bank loans to debtor nations from both the developing and developed world. Through global theft and destruction, the ruling elite reigns supreme in absolute power.
For decades after World War II US-NATO-Western European allies conspired and perpetrated state sponsored terrorism murdering their own citizens through a protracted series of Gladio operations originally designed to falsely accuse Communist groups in Italy. Spanning over thirty years with violent incidents throughout Europe and Turkey, Gladio-like false flag operations never stopped. Gladio at home took the form of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff’s Operation Northwoods that JFK abruptly halted, partially resulting in his own self-undoing, killing the diabolical military plot of murdering innocent US citizens in Miami and Washington DC in order to blame and start a war against Cuba. The US especially but numerous governments have regularly engaged in false flag operations killing their own to trigger wars, shape public opinion, conceal and divert attention away from citizens ever catching on to the dirty lowdown truth.
The Friday the 13th Paris massacres were highly organized, committed by heavily armed, closely monitored terrorist professionals unleashed onto an unsuspecting, culturally diverse group of young Paris victims. The coordinated attacks seem to carry all the earmarks as state of the art false flag terrorism having had lots of previous practice, most notably the Paris Charlie Hebdo edition. But the growing anomalies stacking up once again turn out to be no different from its predecessors.

Akhmed Chatayev is blamed for planning the deadly attack in Turkey, and an official says he was on the government payroll before returning to jihad. Sometimes the world of terror and counterterror is amazingly small. The day after at least 43 people were killed and more than 235 injured in a terrorist attack on Istanbul’s international airport, Turkish officials announced the arrest of the alleged mastermind behind the attack: Akhmed Chatayev, an ethnic Chechen from Russia who, in the past, had traveled extensively in Ukraine, Austria and Georgia.
Here in the Black Sea port of Odessa, in Ukraine, Police Chief Gen. Giorgi Lortkipanidze knows all about Chatayev. The general used to be the deputy interior minister in Georgia, and for a while, he says, had Chatayev on the government payroll. “A few years ago I recruited Chatayev, who was a good informer and negotiator between us and Islamist underground of the Northern Caucasus; with his help we prevented several terrorist attacks on Georgia,” Gen. Lortkipanidze told The Daily Beast in an exclusive interview on Friday.
For more than a year, Lortkipanidze said, he was pleased with his “recruiter and informant,“ Chatayev. “But then he turned against us and we arrested him. In August of 2012, a group of radical militants was going to cross [into Russia] from Georgia and Chatayev said he was Muslim, he could not abandon his brothers“ by informing on them, Lortkipanidze said. In Odessa, the day before we talked, Lortkipanidze had deployed an significant number of security personnel to “prevent any destabilization” there during protests to demand the return of public court hearings. Tires burned and sirens wailed. Dozens of buff young men in body armor lined up along the neoclassical white columns of the city hall. Lortkipanidze said he suspected that there were terrorists carrying illegal weapons in the crowd of protesters. Shows of force are only one of the methods he has learned to use over the years. On Sept. 8, 2012, the general commanded the Georgian counter-terrorist division that arrested Chatayev. But by then, the Chechen had learned how to game the system.
The alleged mastermind of the Istanbul massacre was a Russian citizen who had applied for refugee status in Austria. There, for several years, Chatayev was a representative in Europe for Doku Umarov, the leader of the Caucasus Emirate terrorist organization, according to the general. Russia tried for years to extradite Chatayev. In 2010 he was briefly under arrest in Ukraine but neither Ukraine nor Georgia—long hostile to Russia’s secret services—would give him back to his home country. International human rights defenders insisted that the Chatayev, a veteran of the Chechen wars, was protected by the Geneva Convention. It was one thing to grab a terrorist and another to keep him behind the bars, the general said, “especially when politics get involved.”
Ilya Rogachev, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry's Department for New Challenges and Threats, has said that Chechen militants fighting with the Islamic State (IS) group in Syria are not Russian citizens but Kists from Georgia's Pankisi Gorge. In an interview with the Ekho Moskvy radio station on January 16, parts of which were transcribed by other Russian media outlets, Rogachev blamed Georgia for the phenomenon of Chechen militants in Syria. The Russian Foreign Ministry official said that Georgian Kists -- ethnic Chechens from the Pankisi Gorge -- were "among the most prominent warlords who have already proved themselves in IS." Rogachev did not name these warlords but said they were "trained in Georgia, probably by Georgian specialists, who in turn were taught by the Americans."
These comments -- perhaps surprisingly -- echo reports in Western news outlets, which have placed Georgia's Pankisi Gorge under an intense media spotlight, mostly because of the sudden rise to notice of IS's military emir in Syria, Umar al-Shishani, who is from the Pankisi Gorge. While Umar al-Shishani was a conscript in the Georgian Army, some news reports have emphasized that he was possibly trained by officers who may have been trained by Americans. The Foreign Ministry official echoed Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov when he said that there were "not as many North Caucasians with Russian passports in IS as it is acceptable to imagine." Rogachev said that there were "Chechens from other countries, including those who received asylum abroad" fighting with IS in Syria and Iraq. In November, Chechnya's Kadyrov lashed out at the West over what he said was a deliberate attempt to portray Chechens as terrorists in Syria. Kadyrov said that the "overwhelming majority" of Chechens in Syria were "residents of Western countries who were born there or who left 20 years ago."

After a car bombing in southeastern Iran killed 11 Revolutionary Guard members in 2007, a C.I.A. officer noticed something surprising in the agency’s files: an intelligence report, filed ahead of the bombing, that had warned that something big was about to happen in Iran. Though the report had provided few specifics, the C.I.A. officer realized it meant that the United States had known in advance that a Sunni terrorist group called Jundallah was planning an operation inside Shiite-dominated Iran, two former American officials familiar with the matter recalled. Just as surprising was the source of the report. It had originated in Newark, with a detective for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
The Port Authority police are responsible for patrolling bridges and tunnels and issuing airport parking tickets. But the detective, a hard-charging and occasionally brusque former ironworker named Thomas McHale, was also a member of an F.B.I. counterterrorism task force. He had traveled to Afghanistan and Pakistan and developed informants inside Jundallah’s leadership, who then came under the joint supervision of the F.B.I. and C.I.A.
Reading the report, the C.I.A. officer became increasingly concerned. Agency lawyers he consulted concluded that using Islamic militants to gather intelligence — and obtaining information about attacks ahead of time — could suggest tacit American support for terrorism. Without specific approval from the president, the lawyers said, that could represent an unauthorized covert action program. The C.I.A. ended its involvement with Mr. McHale’s informants.
Despite the C.I.A.’s concerns, American officials continued to obtain intelligence from inside Jundallah, first through the F.B.I., and then the Pentagon. Contacts with informants did not end when Jundallah’s attacks led to the deaths of Iranian civilians, or when the State Department designated it a terrorist organization. Senior Justice Department and F.B.I. lawyers at the time say they never reviewed the matter and were unaware of the C.I.A. concerns. And so the relationship persisted, even as American officials repeatedly denied any connection to the group.
The unusual origins and the long-running nature of the United States’s relationship with Jundallah are emblematic of the vast expansion of intelligence operations since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. With counterterrorism a national priority, new players — the F.B.I., the Pentagon, contractors and local task forces — have all entered the spy business. The result is a sometimes-muddled system in which agencies often operate independently and with little oversight.
“Every agency wants to be involved in counterterrorism and intelligence now,” said Representative Rush Holt, a New Jersey Democrat who sat on the House Intelligence Committee and said he did not recall being briefed on the Jundallah matter. “We have these Joint Terrorism Task Forces everywhere, and there’s so many of these antiterrorism thrusts in our bureaucracy. There’s so much more going on.”
The C.I.A., the F.B.I., the Pentagon and the office of the director of National Intelligence all declined to comment for this article. But more than half a dozen current and former officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss it, confirmed both American involvement with Jundallah and the way it evolved. Several current officials who discussed the operation played down its significance, attributing it to lapses in oversight, rather than a formal effort to ally with a terrorist group.
At the center of the operation was Mr. McHale. Those who know him paint a contradictory picture — someone whose skill in developing sources was highly regarded by the F.B.I. but who bristled at the restrictions of bureaucracy and whose dealings with Jundallah were conducted largely “off book.” Mr. McHale, 53 and now retired from the Port Authority, refused to comment. A high-school graduate from Jersey City, Mr. McHale became a law enforcement celebrity after 9/11, helping to rescue survivors and recover victims at ground zero, and playing himself in Oliver Stone’s movie, “World Trade Center,” in which Nicolas Cage starred as a Port Authority police officer.
His work on Newark’s Joint Terrorism Task Force took him to Afghanistan and Pakistan, where he helped capture leaders of Al Qaeda alongside F.B.I. and C.I.A. colleagues. He received the Port Authority’s Medal of Honor for bravery in 2006. “If there’s a new Greatest Generation, then McHale would certainly define it,” The New York Post wrote in a 2011 profile. But friends say he could be brash and opinionated, the kind of guy who, if he thought your email was stupid, would immediately say so — and copy your boss on the reply for good measure.
“Tommy is not without opinions, and he is generally happy to share them with his colleagues and bosses,” said Don Borelli, a retired F.B.I. counterterrorism supervisor who worked with Mr. McHale in Pakistan but was not involved in the Jundallah matter. “As you can imagine, this has ruffled some feathers, especially at the F.B.I. But when it hits the fan, Tommy is the guy you want on your team working the case.”
Mr. McHale was at home in the fast-paced culture that seemed particularly frenetic after Sept. 11, 2001, when decisions were made and executed on the fly in response to seemingly omnipresent terrorist threats. And after 9/11, information about the Middle East was at a premium. As it happened, Mr. McHale had a source, an informant who had been on the F.B.I. payroll since about 1996, officials said. The informant lived in the New York area, according to three former officials, but had friends and family in Baluchistan, a sprawling region covering parts of Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The informant introduced Mr. McHale to these overseas connections, which included members of the Rigi family, the namesake of a powerful Baluch tribe based in southeastern Iran.
The arrangement was promising enough that after 9/11 the informant became a joint F.B.I. and C.I.A. asset, meaning he was supervised by both agencies simultaneously, with Mr. McHale as the point person, officials said. Southeastern Iran, where the Rigis are based, is the country’s poorest region, a sparse, lawless area where water is scarce and life expectancy is low. The Baluch people, who are mostly Sunni, have long faced oppression at the hands of the Shiite government. Security forces have demolished homes. Sunni leaders have been shot dead in the streets.
Against that backdrop, a charismatic young member of the Rigi family, Abdolmalek Rigi, founded Jundallah — the soldiers of God — to fight the Iranian government in 2003. Its leadership drew heavily from the Rigis. The United States would later estimate that Jundallah attracted 500 to 2,000 members, making it about the size of Al Qaeda’s branch in Yemen. But in its early years, the group received little attention in Washington. And Mr. McHale’s relationship with the group did not raise concerns, former officials say. In part, they say, that was because the United States did not yet consider Jundallah a terrorist organization and it had stated no intention to attack the West. But they say it was also because one of the government’s leading experts on Baluchistan, and the one most likely to spot the potential problem, was Mr. McHale himself.
Brazen Attacks
Over time, Jundallah grew more brazen. In 2005, its operatives ambushed President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s motorcade, failing to kill him. The group was also blamed for a rapid series of attacks, including a massacre at a checkpoint in 2006. The following year, Jundallah carried out the car bombing on a bus full of Revolutionary Guard members. The extent of the intelligence provided by Mr. McHale’s informant and his overseas network of contacts could not be determined. But Baluchistan serves as a hub for militant groups and smugglers who move drugs, weapons and kidnapping victims across the porous borders of Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Some Baluch fighters share ideological ties with the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the admitted mastermind of 9/11, is an ethnic Baluch. Over the years, information from Mr. McHale’s sources filled huge intelligence files, three officials said.
It is not illegal for government agents to use criminals or terrorists as sources. Developing informants inside Al Qaeda has been a C.I.A. preoccupation since 9/11. But the goal has always been to use those informants to help dismantle Al Qaeda itself. In the case of Jundallah, the objective was to obtain information, former officials said, not to combat the group or stop its attacks. Current and former officials say the American government never directed or approved any Jundallah operations. And they say there was never a case when the United States was told the timing and target of a terrorist attack yet took no action to prevent it.
Documents show Raymond Davis, an American who killed two Pakistanis in Lahore in January, had links with CIA's espionage and sabotage plans in the Asian country. “The documents, photographs and the evidence that has come out from Davis' sofa almost confirms his links with Taliban terrorism…the attacks on ISI and the security establishment as well as the drone attacks,” Pakistani defense analyst and security consultant Zaid Hamid said in an interview with Press TV's US Desk on Saturday.
Hamid added that there is evidence confirming Davis has been a US undercover operative in Pakistan. “With this kind of evidence the issue is not just the assassination of those two boys on the streets of Lahore but it is an indication of a much larger network of CIA espionage and sabotage inside Pakistan,” he said. Earlier, US President Barack Obama urged Pakistan to free the US official saying he enjoys diplomatic immunity under the Vienna Convention.
However, under public pressure, Lahore High Court adjourned a decision on whether Davis had diplomatic immunity. The court gave the foreign ministry more time to answer on whether full diplomatic status was held by Davis, who has been remanded in custody since his arrest following the incident on January 27. Pakistani police have pressed charges of espionage against Davis, saying he is an employee of the notorious US security firm Xe/Blackwater, working in Pakistan under the cover of the so-called war on terror.
An American man was found hanged in a jail cell on Sunday in a police station near the banks of the Suez Canal. The man, identified by the U.S. state department as 66-year-old James Lunn, had apparently committed suicide. He had been arrested on August 29 for breaking the curfew put in place amid the violent unrest that followed the military's ousting of President Mohammed Morsi in early July. The American embassy in Cairo confirmed the death to ABC News, saying he died of "apparent suicide." The State Department also issued confirmation of the death today, and said that his family has been contacted. Egypt officials had identified Lunn as a retired U.S. Army officer, but the U.S. State Department said Sunday that he was not a veteran.
Lunn was found after breakfast was served in the Ismailia police station, hung from the bathroom door of his prison cell, Egypt's public prosecutor said. A black belt wrapped around his neck was attached with string to both his shoes, which were tangled up on the other side of the door, according to the prosecutor. The statement said that blood was seen coming from his nose and that he had already died when they found him. His body was then sent to the morgue at the main hospital in the city for an autopsy. Egypt's public prosecutor has now ordered an official investigation into the death. Lunn had been living alone in a town called Sheikh Zuwayed in the northeast of the Sinai Peninsula, Egyptian state news agency MENA reported at the time of his arrest. He was reportedly on his way to the Palestinian Gaza Strip when he was arrested for breaking the 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. curfew.
Lunn had been arrested for breaking curfew in the Sheikh Zuweyid area, where a terrorist operation was carried out targeting a police station with a car bomb, according to a statement from the prosecutor's office. Authorities found him in possession of an Egyptian map and an electronic device that's currently being examined. A consular team from the embassy had visited him at the jail last week but the embassy declined to say what Lunn was doing in the Sinai, the most violent part of the country. Since Morsi was deposed, the already lawless Sinai has grown increasingly bloody. The ouster was followed by a military and police crackdown and there have been almost daily attacks against security targets by Islamic militants. On Friday, three soldiers and one policeman were killed when a suicide bomber drove a car bomb into a checkpoint.
Astana, Kazakhstan - Following the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, I received documents marked "SECRET" from the files of the FBI's Washington field office. The information in those files will make you sick. Click through to get a free download of the film Bush Family Fortunes, which contains the fascinating background to this story.
When the bombs went off at the Boston Marathon, I grabbed those FBI files – and a plane for Kazakhstan, bullying cameraman Rocco D into joining me. [Rocco, no fool, won't let me print his full name.] After we landed, word came that two Kazakh teens, friends of the bombers, had been arrested by Boston police and charged with hiding evidence of the bombers' guilt. Here in Astana, Kazakhstan's capital, televisions everywhere run endless loops of the bombs going off at the Boston Marathon, the screams, the blood, the victims... and the questions.
And first question: How do a couple of wholesome Call-of-Duty-playing American kids get the idea they should murder and mangle their neighbors to avenge the Muslims of Chechnya—whom the victims probably couldn't find on a map? The second question: How did America's trillion-dollar intelligence apparatchiks wave off warnings from Russia about one of the bomber's connections to the Chechen militants?
An American jihadist who set up the terrorist training camp where the leader of the 2005 London suicide bombers learned how to manufacture explosives, has been quietly released after serving only four and a half years of a possible 70-year sentence, a Guardian investigation has learned.
The unreported sentencing of Mohammed Junaid Babar to "time served" because of what a New York judge described as "exceptional co-operation" that began even before his arrest has raised questions over whether Babar was a US informer at the time he was helping to train the ringleader of the 7 July tube and bus bombings. Lawyers representing the families of victims and survivors of the attacks have compared the lenient treatment of Babar to the controversial release of the Lockerbie bomber, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi.
Babar was imprisoned in 2004 – although final sentencing was deferred – after pleading guilty in a New York court to five counts of terrorism. He set up the training camp in Pakistan where Mohammad Sidique Khan and several other British terrorists learned about bomb-making and how to use combat weapons. Babar admitted to being a dangerous terrorist who consorted with some of the highest-ranking members of al-Qaida, providing senior members with money and equipment, running weapons, and planning two attempts to assassinate the former president of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf.
But in a deal with prosecutors for the US attorney's office, Babar agreed to plead guilty and become a government supergrass in return for a drastically reduced sentence. The Guardian has obtained a court document which shows that on 10 December last year – six years after his initial arrest and subsequent guilty plea – he was sentenced to "time served" and charged $500 (£310) by the court in a "special assessment" fee. The document also reveals that Babar had by then spent just over four years in some form of prison and more than two years free on bail.
Graham Foulkes, a magistrate whose 22-year-old son David was killed by Khan at Edgware Road underground station in 2005, said: "People get four and a half years for burglary. They can get more for some road traffic offences. So for an international terrorist who's directly linked to the death of my son and dozens and dozens of people to get that sentence is just outrageous." Fifty-two people were killed and 784 injured on 7 July 2005 when four suicide bombers detonated rucksacks filled with explosives and nails on London's transport system in the morning rush hour.
The lawyer representing the families of the dead and survivors, Clifford Tibber of the law firm Anthony Gold, said they would be devastated to learn that Babar had served only a small proportion of his possible sentence. "Babar admitted setting up and funding training camps attended by the 7/7 bombers," Tibber said. "When the British government released Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber who received a life sentence, on compassionate grounds after eight years the Americans were furious. Imagine how the bereaved and the survivors will feel about [Babar's] paltry sentence."
The following Reuters report raises some disturbing questions. Why were undercover British “soldiers” wearing traditional Arab headscarves firing at Iraqi police? The incident took place just prior to a major religious event in Basra. The report suggests that the police thought the British soldiers looked “suspicious”. What was the nature of their mission? Occupation forces are supposesd to be collaborating with Iraqi authorities. Why did Britsh Forces have to storm the prison using tanks and armoured vehicles to liberate the British undercover agents?
“British forces used up to 10 tanks ” supported by helicopters ” to smash through the walls of the jail and free the two British servicemen.”
Was there concern that the British “soldiers” who were being held by the Iraqi National Guard would be obliged to reveal the nature and objective of their undercover mission? A report of Al Jazeera TV, which preceeded the raid on the prison, suggests that the British undercover soldiers were driving a booby trapped car loaded with ammunition. The Al Jazeera report (see below) also suggests that the riots directed against British military presence were motivated because the British undercover soldiers were planning to explode the booby trapped car in the centre of Basra:
[Anchorman Al-Habib al-Ghuraybi] We have with us on the telephone from Baghdad Fattah al-Shaykh, member of the Iraqi National Assembly. What are the details of and the facts surrounding this incident? [Al-Shaykh] In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate. There have been continuous provocative acts since the day before yesterday by the British forces against the peaceful sons of Basra. There have been indiscriminate arrests, the most recent of which was the arrest of Shaykh Ahmad al-Farqusi and two Basra citizens on the pretext that they had carried out terrorist operations to kill US soldiers. This is a baseless claim. This was confirmed to us by [name indistinct] the second secretary at the British Embassy in Baghdad, when we met with him a short while ago. He said that there is evidence on this. We say: You should come up with this evidence or forget about this issue. If you really want to look for truth, then we should resort to the Iraqi justice away from the British provocations against the sons of Basra, particularly what happened today when the sons of Basra caught two non-Iraqis, who seem to be Britons and were in a car of the Cressida type. It was a booby-trapped car laden with ammunition and was meant to explode in the centre of the city of Basra in the popular market. However, the sons of the city of Basra arrested them. They [the two non-Iraqis] then fired at the people there and killed some of them. The two arrested persons are now at the Intelligence Department in Basra, and they were held by the National Guard force, but the British occupation forces are still surrounding this department in an attempt to absolve them of the crime. [Al-Ghuraybi] Thank you Fattah al-Shaykh, member of the National Assembly and deputy for Basra. Text of report by Qatari Al-Jazeera satellite TV on 19 September.
General Hamid Gul, the former head of the Pakistani ISI, told CNN yesterday that both the Mumbai attacks and 9/11 were “inside jobs,” much to the chagrin of host and CFR luminary Fareed Zakaria, who told viewers that Gul’s opinions were “absolutely wrong and thoroughly discredited”. “When you look at the full spectrum of possibilities, who could have done it, then one knows that Samjhauta Express was a similar case, in which Pakistan ISI was accused. But it turned out that it was the militant Hindus themselves who had killed 68 passengers in that train, and that it was an inside job,” said Gul.
“Now Colonel Srikant Purohit, who is a serving army officer, he has been caught in this particular case. And the whole thing has turned around.” “So, obviously, there is an inside job.”
The revelation that Mukhtar Ahmed, a “counterinsurgency police officer who may have been on an undercover mission” working for Indian authorities was arrested for illegally buying mobile phone cards used by the Mumbai gunmen, allied with the numerous intelligence warnings proving that the method, arrival and targets of attack were all known well in advance, proves Gul right in his assertion that the terrorists could not have achieved such carnage without help from people on the inside. Asked by Zakaria, “What is your hunch as to who did – who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks?,” Gul responded, “Well, I have been on record, and I said it is the Zionists or the neocons. They have done it. It was an inside job.” “And they wanted to go on the world conquerors. They were looking upon it as an opportunity window, when the Muslim world was lying prostrate. Russia was nowhere in sight. China was still not an economic giant that is has turned out to be.”
Less than a year before terrorists killed at least 163 people in Mumbai, India, a young Moroccan woman went to American authorities in Pakistan to warn them that she believed her husband, David C. Headley, was plotting an attack. It was not the first time American law enforcement authorities were warned about Mr. Headley, a longtime informer in Pakistan for the United States Drug Enforcement Administration whose roots in Pakistan and the United States allowed him to move easily in both worlds. Two years earlier, in 2005, an American woman who was also married to the 50-year-old Mr. Headley told federal investigators in New York that she believed he was a member of the militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba created and sponsored by Pakistan’s powerful intelligence agency.
American authorities sent David C. Headley, a small-time drug dealer and sometime informant, to work for them in Pakistan months after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, despite a warning that he sympathized with radical Islamic groups, according to court records and interviews. Not long after Mr. Headley arrived there, he began training with terrorists, eventually playing a key role in the 2008 attacks that left 164 people dead in Mumbai.
The October 2001 warning was dismissed, the authorities said, as the ire of a jilted girlfriend and for lack of proof. Less than a month later, those concerns did not come up when a federal court in New York granted Mr. Headley an early release from probation so that he could be sent to work for the United States Drug Enforcement Administration in Pakistan. It is unclear what Mr. Headley was supposed to do in Pakistan for the Americans. “All I knew was the D.E.A. wanted him in Pakistan as fast as possible because they said they were close to making some big cases,” said Luis Caso, Mr. Headley’s former probation officer.
On Sunday, while President Obama was visiting India, he briefed Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the status of his administration’s investigation of Mr. Headley, including the failure to act on repeated warnings that he might be a terrorist. A senior United States official said the inquiry has concluded that while the government received warnings, it did not have strong enough evidence at the time to act on them. “Had the United States government sufficiently established he was engaged in plotting a terrorist attack in India, the information would have most assuredly been transferred promptly to the Indian government,” the official said in a statement to The New York Times. The statement did not make clear whether any American agencies would be held accountable.
In recent weeks, United States government officials have begun to acknowledge that Mr. Headley’s path from American informant to transnational terrorist illustrates the breakdowns and miscommunications that have bedeviled them since the Sept. 11 attacks. Warnings about his radicalism were apparently not shared with the drug agency that made use of his ties in Pakistan. The director of national intelligence, James R. Clapper Jr., began an investigation into Mr. Headley’s government connections after reports last month that two of the former drug dealer’s ex-wives had gone to American authorities between 2005 and 2008, before the Mumbai attacks, to say they feared he was plotting with terrorists. Combined with the earlier warning from the former girlfriend, three of the women in Mr. Headley’s life reported his ties to terrorists, only to have those warnings dismissed.
An examination of Mr. Headley’s story shows that his government ties ran far deeper and longer than previously known. One senior American official knowledgeable about the case said he believed that Mr. Headley was a D.E.A. informant until at least 2003, meaning that he was talking to American agencies even as he was learning to deal with explosives and small arms in terrorist training camps. The review raises new questions about why the Americans missed warning signs that a valued informant was becoming an important figure in radical Islamic groups, and whether some officials chose to look the other way rather than believe the complaints about him. The October 2001 warning from the girlfriend was first reported Friday by ProPublica, the independent investigative news operation, and published in The Washington Post.
Fuller details of how the government handled the matter were provided to The Times by officials who did not want to be quoted discussing a continuing inquiry. They disclosed that the F.B.I. actually talked to Mr. Headley about the girlfriend, and he told them she was unreliable. They said that while he seemed to have a philosophical affinity for some groups, there was no evidence that he was plotting against the United States. Also influencing the handling of the case, they said, was that he had been a longtime informant. The Indian government has been outspoken in its concerns that the United States overlooked repeated warnings about Mr. Headley’s terrorist activities because of his links to both American law enforcement as well as to officials in Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate — a key ally of the United States in the fight against terrorism.
Bruce O. Riedel, a terrorism expert at the Brookings Institution and a former C.I.A. officer, said the Indians were right to ask, “ ‘Why weren’t alarms screaming?’ ”Mr. Headley, 50, born in the United States to a Pakistani diplomat and Philadelphia socialite, has pleaded guilty in connection with the Mumbai plot and a thwarted attack against a Danish newspaper that published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. As he has many times before, he is cooperating with the authorities, this time hoping to avoid the death penalty. Officials of the D.E.A., which has a long history with Mr. Headley, declined to discuss their relationship with him. The C.I.A. and the F.B.I. said that Mr. Headley had never worked with them. Privately, the agencies point fingers at each other.
Lebanese investigators say he has confessed to a career of espionage spectacular in its scope and longevity, a real-life John le Carré novel. Many intelligence agents are said to operate in the civil chaos of Lebanon, but Mr. Jarrah’s arrest has shed a rare light onto a world of spying and subversion that usually persists in secret. Mr. Jarrah’s first wife maintains that he was tortured, and is innocent; requests to interview him were denied. From his home in this Bekaa Valley village, Mr. Jarrah, 50, traveled often to Syria and to south Lebanon, where he photographed roads and convoys that might have been used to transport weapons to Hezbollah, the Shiite militant group, investigators say. He spoke with his handlers by satellite phone, receiving “dead drops” of money, cameras and listening devices. Occasionally, on the pretext of a business trip, he traveled to Belgium and Italy, received an Israeli passport, and flew to Israel, where he was debriefed at length, investigators say.
At the start of the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah, Israeli officials called Mr. Jarrah to reassure him that his village would be spared and that he should stay at home, investigators said. He was finally arrested last July by Hezbollah, which now has perhaps the most powerful intelligence apparatus in this country. It handed him to the Lebanese military — along with his brother Yusuf, who is accused of helping him spy — and he awaits trial by a military court. Several current and former military officials agreed to provide details about his case on condition of anonymity, saying they were not authorized to discuss it before the trial began. Their accounts tallied with details provided by Mr. Jarrah’s relatives and former colleagues.
It is not the family’s first brush with notoriety. One of Mr. Jarrah’s cousins, Ziad al-Jarrah, was among the 19 hijackers who carried out the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, though the men were 20 years apart in age and do not appear to have known each other well.
In the days of hysteria immediately following the Boston bombing, an unlikely media darling emerged. Ruslan Tsarni, the alleged bombers’ uncle, known to the press as “Uncle Ruslan,” gained notoriety for the ferocity with which he denounced his own nephews and their alleged Islamic radicalism. It isn’t hard to see why the press focused so closely on “Uncle Ruslan.” He said precisely what the so-called “authorities” wanted to hear about the suspects in precisely the way they wanted to hear it. Compare this to the coverage of the boys’ mother in the mainstream media. After revealing the FBI’s connection to the Tsarnaev brothers—causing the Bureau to reluctantly confirm that they had investigated Tamerlan in the past—she has been alternatively smeared and dismissed by those same media outlets which have refused to delve into the FBI connection.
But even more interesting than the sudden popularity of “Uncle Ruslan” is his background and ties to other organizations. In an official SEC filing from 2005 it was revealed that Ruslan Tsarni had worked as a consultant for USAID, ostensibly an independent federal agency which is little more than an adjunct of the US State Department and is a known front for deep cover CIA agents in various geostrategic corners of the globe. At the same time in the mid-1990s, Tsarni incorporated a company called the “Congress of Chechen International Organizations” which recently unearthed documents show was providing material support to Chechen terrorists, including Sheikh Fathi, who, according to US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, was a “military commander in the violent jihadist movement in Chechnya” and a “preacher of violent jihad.”
As investigative reporter Daniel Hopsicker has demonstrated, the address for the Congress of Chechen International Organizations just happened to be the home address of Graham E. Fuller, formerly Vice Chairman of the Reagan-era CIA’s National Intelligence Council. The relationship between Ruslan and this former top CIA official was not a loose one. Tsarni married Fuller’s daughter in the mid-1990s and lived in Fuller’s home for some time, basing his terror-supporting operation under Fuller’s own roof. Fuller himself has an interesting background that includes his two decade stint with the Central Intelligence Agency. During that time he served as National Intelligence Officer for Near East and South Asia. One of his most notorious acts during that time was penning a memo that, according to the New York Times, later became the basis for the Iran-Contra scandal.
In addition, Fuller has long made the argument that Islam is a potentially useful geopolitical tool for the United States to manipulate for their own ends. He has been quoted as saying, “The policy of guiding the evolution of Islam and of helping them against our adversaries worked marvelously well in Afghanistan against [the Russians]. The same doctrines can still be used to destabilize what remains of Russian power, and especially to counter the Chinese influence in Central Asia.”
On April 26 Russia’s main national TV station, Rossiya 1, featured President Vladimir Putin in a documentary to the Russian people on the events of the recent period including the annexation of Crimea, the US coup d’etat in Ukraine, and the general state of relations with the United States and the EU. His words were frank. And in the middle of his remarks the Russian former KGB chief dropped a political bombshell that was known by Russian intelligence two decades ago.
Putin stated bluntly that in his view the West would only be content in having a Russia weak, suffering and begging from the West, something clearly the Russian character is not disposed to. Then a short way into his remarks, the Russian President stated for the first time publicly something that Russian intelligence has known for almost two decades but kept silent until now, most probably in hopes of an era of better normalized Russia-US relations.
Putin stated that the terror in Chechnya and in the Russian Caucasus in the early 1990’s was actively backed by the CIA and western Intelligence services to deliberately weaken Russia. He noted that the Russian FSB foreign intelligence had documentation of the US covert role without giving details.
What Putin, an intelligence professional of the highest order, only hinted at in his remarks, I have documented in detail from non-Russian sources. The report has enormous implications to reveal to the world the long-standing hidden agenda of influential circles in Washington to destroy Russia as a functioning sovereign state, an agenda which includes the neo-nazi coup d’etat in Ukraine and severe financial sanction warfare against Moscow. The following is drawn on my book, “The Lost Hegemon” to be published soon…
CIA’s Chechen Wars
Not long after the CIA and Saudi Intelligence-financed Mujahideen had devastated Afghanistan at the end of the 1980’s, forcing the exit of the Soviet Army in 1989, and the dissolution of the Soviet Union itself some months later, the CIA began to look at possible places in the collapsing Soviet Union where their trained “Afghan Arabs” could be redeployed to further destabilize Russian influence over the post-Soviet Eurasian space.
They were called Afghan Arabs because they had been recruited from ultraconservative Wahhabite Sunni Muslims from Saudi Arabia, the Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and elsewhere in the Arab world where the ultra-strict Wahhabite Islam was practiced. They were brought to Afghanistan in the early 1980’s by a Saudi CIA recruit who had been sent to Afghanistan named Osama bin Laden.
With the former Soviet Union in total chaos and disarray, George H.W. Bush’s Administration decided to “kick ‘em when they’re down,” a sad error. Washington redeployed their Afghan veteran terrorists to bring chaos and destabilize all of Central Asia, even into the Russian Federation itself, then in a deep and traumatic crisis during the economic collapse of the Yeltsin era.
In the early 1990s, Dick Cheney’s company, Halliburton, had surveyed the offshore oil potentials of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and the entire Caspian Sea Basin. They estimated the region to be “another Saudi Arabia” worth several trillion dollars on today’s market. The US and UK were determined to keep that oil bonanza from Russian control by all means. The first target of Washington was to stage a coup in Azerbaijan against elected president Abulfaz Elchibey to install a President more friendly to a US-controlled Baku–Tbilisi–Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline, “the world’s most political pipeline,” bringing Baku oil from Azerbaijan through Georgia to Turkey and the Mediterranean.
At that time, the only existing oil pipeline from Baku was a Soviet era Russian pipeline that ran through the Chechen capital, Grozny, taking Baku oil north via Russia’s Dagestan province, and across Chechenya to the Black Sea Russian port of Novorossiysk. The pipeline was the only competition and major obstacle to the very costly alternative route of Washington and the British and US oil majors.
President Bush Sr. gave his old friends at CIA the mandate to destroy that Russian Chechen pipeline and create such chaos in the Caucasus that no Western or Russian company would consider using the Grozny Russian oil pipeline.
Graham E. Fuller, an old colleague of Bush and former Deputy Director of the CIA National Council on Intelligence had been a key architect of the CIA Mujahideen strategy. Fuller described the CIA strategy in the Caucasus in the early 1990s: “The policy of guiding the evolution of Islam and of helping them against our adversaries worked marvelously well in Afghanistan against the Red Army. The same doctrines can still be used to destabilize what remains of Russian power.”6
The CIA used a dirty tricks veteran, General Richard Secord, for the operation. Secord created a CIA front company, MEGA Oil. Secord had been convicted in the 1980s for his central role in the CIA’s Iran-Contra illegal arms and drugs operations.
In 1991 Secord, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, landed in Baku and set up the CIA front company, MEGA Oil. He was a veteran of the CIA covert opium operations in Laos during the Vietnam War. In Azerbaijan, he setup an airline to secretly fly hundreds of bin Laden’s al-Qaeda Mujahideen from Afghanistan into Azerbaijan. By 1993, MEGA Oil had recruited and armed 2,000 Mujahideen, converting Baku into a base for Caucasus-wide Mujahideen terrorist operations.
General Secord’s covert Mujahideen operation in the Caucasus initiated the military coup that toppled elected president Abulfaz Elchibey that year and installed Heydar Aliyev, a more pliable US puppet. A secret Turkish intelligence report leaked to the Sunday Times of London confirmed that “two petrol giants, BP and Amoco, British and American respectively, which together form the AIOC (Azerbaijan International Oil Consortium), are behind the coup d’état.”
Saudi Intelligence head, Turki al-Faisal, arranged that his agent, Osama bin Laden, whom he had sent to Afghanistan at the start of the Afghan war in the early 1980s, would use his Afghan organization Maktab al-Khidamat (MAK) to recruit “Afghan Arabs” for what was rapidly becoming a global Jihad. Bin Laden’s mercenaries were used as shock troops by the Pentagon and CIA to coordinate and support Muslim offensives not only Azerbaijan but also in Chechnya and, later, Bosnia.
Bin Laden brought in another Saudi, Ibn al-Khattab, to become Commander, or Emir of Jihadist Mujahideen in Chechnya (sic!) together with Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev. No matter that Ibn al-Khattab was a Saudi Arab who spoke barely a word of Chechen, let alone, Russian. He knew what Russian soldiers looked like and how to kill them.
Chechnya then was traditionally a predominantly Sufi society, a mild apolitical branch of Islam. Yet the increasing infiltration of the well-financed and well-trained US-sponsored Mujahideen terrorists preaching Jihad or Holy War against Russians transformed the initially reformist Chechen resistance movement. They spread al-Qaeda’s hardline Islamist ideology across the Caucasus. Under Secord’s guidance, Mujahideen terrorist operations had also quickly extended into neighboring Dagestan and Chechnya, turning Baku into a shipping point for Afghan heroin to the Chechen mafia.
From the mid-1990s, bin Laden paid Chechen guerrilla leaders Shamil Basayev and Omar ibn al-Khattab the handsome sum of several million dollars per month, a King’s fortune in economically desolate Chechnya in the 1990s, enabling them to sideline the moderate Chechen majority.21 US intelligence remained deeply involved in the Chechen conflict until the end of the 1990s. According to Yossef Bodansky, then Director of the US Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, Washington was actively involved in “yet another anti-Russian jihad, seeking to support and empower the most virulent anti-Western Islamist forces.” Bodansky revealed the entire CIA Caucasus strategy in detail in his report, stating that US Government officials participated in,
“a formal meeting in Azerbaijan in December 1999 in which specific programs for the training and equipping of Mujahideen from the Caucasus, Central/South Asia and the Arab world were discussed and agreed upon, culminating in Washington’s tacit encouragement of both Muslim allies (mainly Turkey, Jordan and Saudi Arabia) and US ‘private security companies’. . . to assist the Chechens and their Islamist allies to surge in the spring of 2000 and sustain the ensuing Jihad for a long time…Islamist Jihad in the Caucasus as a way to deprive Russia of a viable pipeline route through spiraling violence and terrorism.”The most intense phase of the Chechen wars wound down in 2000 only after heavy Russian military action defeated the Islamists. It was a pyrrhic victory, costing a massive toll in human life and destruction of entire cities. The exact death toll from the CIA-instigated Chechen conflict is unknown. Unofficial estimates ranged from 25,000 to 50,000 dead or missing, mostly civilians. Russian casualties were near 11,000 according to the Committee of Soldiers’ Mothers. The Anglo-American oil majors and the CIA’s operatives were happy. They had what they wanted: their Baku–Tbilisi–Ceyhan oil pipeline, bypassing Russia’s Grozny pipeline. The Chechen Jihadists, under the Islamic command of Shamil Basayev, continued guerrilla attacks in and outside Chechnya. The CIA had refocused into the Caucasus.
Basayev’s Saudi Connection
Basayev was a key part of the CIA’s Global Jihad. In 1992, he met Saudi terrorist Ibn al-Khattag in Azerbaijan. From Azerbaijan, Ibn al-Khattab brought Basayev to Afghanistan to meet al-Khattab’s ally, fellow-Saudi Osama bin Laden. Ibn al-Khattab’s role was to recruit Chechen Muslims willing to wage Jihad against Russian forces in Chechnya on behalf of the covert CIA strategy of destabilizing post-Soviet Russia and securing British-US control over Caspian energy.
Once back in Chechnya, Basayev and al-Khattab created the International Islamic Brigade (IIB) with Saudi Intelligence money, approved by the CIA and coordinated through the liaison of Saudi Washington Ambassador and Bush family intimate Prince Bandar bin Sultan. Bandar, Saudi Washington Ambassador for more than two decades, was so intimate with the Bush family that George W. Bush referred to the playboy Saudi Ambassador as “Bandar Bush,” a kind of honorary family member.
Basayev and al-Khattab imported fighters from the Saudi fanatical Wahhabite strain of Sunni Islam into Chechnya. Ibn al-Khattab commanded what were called the “Arab Mujahideen in Chechnya,” his own private army of Arabs, Turks, and other foreign fighters. He was also commissioned to set up paramilitary training camps in the Caucasus Mountains of Chechnya that trained Chechens and Muslims from the North Caucasian Russian republics and from Central Asia.
The Saudi and CIA-financed Islamic International Brigade was responsible not only for terror in Chechnya. They carried out the October 2002 Moscow Dubrovka Theatre hostage seizure and the gruesome September 2004 Beslan school massacre. In 2010, the UN Security Council published the following report on al-Khattab and Basayev’s International Islamic Brigade:
Islamic International Brigade (IIB) was listed on 4 March 2003. . . as being associated with Al-Qaida, Usama bin Laden or the Taliban for “participating in the financing, planning, facilitating, preparing or perpetrating of acts or activities by, in conjunction with, under the name of, on behalf or in support of” Al-Qaida. . . The Islamic International Brigade (IIB) was founded and led by Shamil Salmanovich Basayev (deceased) and is linked to the Riyadus-Salikhin Reconnaissance and Sabotage Battalion of Chechen Martyrs (RSRSBCM). . . and the Special Purpose Islamic Regiment (SPIR). . .
One of the many unexplained (at least not officially) anomalies of the persons claimed to have carried out the Boston Marathon bombings is the presence of key CIA figure in the direct family of the accused brothers. Ruslan Tsarnaev, the outspoken uncle of the brothers was married to Samantha A. Fuller until 2004. Samantha’s father is Graham Fuller, the senior CIA person who was the architect the Afghan Islamic fundamentalist Mujahideen war against the Soviets. He is also involved in creating a global jihad network, presumably acting on behalf of CIA interests.
Ruslan Tsarnaev, who changed his name to Ruslan Tsarni, lives in a posh Washington DC suburb of Bethesda Maryland. He has worked in the past for companies tied to Dick Cheney’s Halliburton as well as a “consultant” in Kazakhstan with the State Department’s USAID which has been identified as a CIA front.[1]
Take it all in: The two brothers, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, accused though never proven in a court of law to have been responsible for the Boston Marathon bombings, had an uncle, the same uncle who agreed to bury the remains of the one dead brother. This uncle was married to the daughter of Graham Fuller, one of the most important CIA architects of using Islamic Jihadists/terrorists against the USSR during the Cold War and after, throughout Central Asia, including Chechnya and Kazakhstan. Coincidence?
The Fuller CIA Link
The discovery of the connection between a very senior CIA official, Graham Fuller, to the uncle of the accused Boston bombers was more than a bit embarrassing for Fuller. He took what for a professional CIA agent was an extraordinary step of issuing a public denial. In an exclusive interview on what reportedly is a CIA-linked website, “Back Channel—Al-Monitor,” Fuller hurriedly denounced media links of his CIA connection to the bombers’ uncle: “…possible connections between Ruslan and the Agency through me are absurd.” [2] Fuller then went on to admit, “Samantha was married to Ruslan Tsarnaev (Tsarni) for 3-4 years…They also lived in our house in [Maryland] for a year or so…” [3]
Fuller went on to claim Ruslan was “homesick” for Chechnya, and that his English was “shaky,” yet after the Boston bombings, a very English-fluent Ruslan gave a press conference from his posh Maryland home denouncing his nephews.
The central question is who is Graham Fuller? The answer turns out to be that he was one of the most instrumental people inside the CIA during the 1980’s who convinced CIA Director Bill Casey and the Reagan Administration to recruit fundamentalist Muslim Salafists or Jihadists from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and elsewhere, train them in techniques of guerilla insurgency and send them against the Soviet-occupied Afghanistan. They were called Mujahideen.[4] One of the more famous of those Mujahideen was a young Saudi from a very wealthy family named Osama bin Laden.
I almost choked on my coffee listening to neoconservative Rudy Giuliani pompously claim on national TV that he was surprised about any Chechens being responsible for the Boston Marathon bombings because he’s never seen any indication that Chechen extremists harbored animosity toward the U.S.; Guiliani thought they were only focused on Russia. Giuliani knows full well how the Chechen “terrorists” proved useful to the U.S. in keeping pressure on the Russians, much as the Afghan mujahedeen were used in the anti-Soviet war in Afghanistan from 1980 to 1989. In fact, many neocons signed up as Chechnya’s “friends,” including former CIA Director James Woolsey.
For instance, see this 2004 article in the UK Guardian, entitled, “The Chechens’ American friends: The Washington neocons’ commitment to the war on terror evaporates in Chechnya, whose cause they have made their own.” Author John Laughland wrote: “the leading group which pleads the Chechen cause is the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya (ACPC). The list of the self-styled ‘distinguished Americans’ who are its members is a roll call of the most prominent neoconservatives who so enthusiastically support the ‘war on terror.’
“They include Richard Perle, the notorious Pentagon adviser; Elliott Abrams of Iran-Contra fame; Kenneth Adelman, the former US ambassador to the UN who egged on the invasion of Iraq by predicting it would be ‘a cakewalk’; Midge Decter, biographer of Donald Rumsfeld and a director of the rightwing Heritage Foundation; Frank Gaffney of the militarist Centre for Security Policy; Bruce Jackson, former US military intelligence officer and one-time vice-president of Lockheed Martin, now president of the US Committee on Nato; Michael Ledeen of the American Enterprise Institute, a former admirer of Italian fascism and now a leading proponent of regime change in Iran; and R. James Woolsey, the former CIA director who is one of the leading cheerleaders behind George Bush’s plans to re-model the Muslim world along pro-US lines.”
The U.S. media has been reporting that during this six month time frame Tsarnaev was being radicalized by Dagestan radical imam “Abu Dudzhan,” killed in a fight with Russian security last year. However, in documents leaked by the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs’s Counterintelligence Department, Tsarnaev is pinpointed as being in Tbilisi taking part in “seminars” organized by the Caucasus Fund, founded during the Georgian-South Ossetian war of 2008, a war started when Georgian troops invaded the pro-Russian Republic of South Ossetia during the Beijing Olympics. Georgia was supported by the United States and Israel, including U.S. Special Forces advisers. The Georgian intelligence documents indicate Tsarnaev attended the Jamestown seminars in Tbilisi.
Tsarnaev also visited Dagestan in 2011. On December 16, 2011, WMR reported on the CIA’s and George Soros’s operations in Georgia that funded the Caucasus Fund, the Jamestown Foundation, and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) activities. It should also be noted that Tsarnaev’s Maryland-based uncle, Ruslan Tsarni (name changed from Tsarnaev) was also contracted to USAID.
“The money from USAID for Russian dissidents is being funneled through the Georgian Ministry of Education. The Georgian Minister of Education Dmitry Shashkin also attended the Tbilisi ceremony (a World AIDS Day ceremony also attended by U.S. ambassador to Georgia John Bass and Georgia First Lady Sandra Roloefs, the Dutch wife of Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili), which provided cover for the covert aid program to the Russian dissidents. USAID money was used to fund scholarships in Georgia for exiled Chechen “students” who were being trained as CIA agenst to interface with Chechen guerrilla forces and the Caucasus Emirate terrorists of Doku Umarov.
The latest documents from Wikileaks shows growing concern among U. S. officials over Fethullah Gulen’s attempts to create a New Islamic World and the “braining washing of students” that takes place at his charter schools within the United States and throughout the Muslim world. The cable that speaks of the “brain-washing” was written in 2009 by James Jeffrey, the U. S. Ambassador to Turkey.
In the cable, Mr. Jeffrey describes Gülen as a “political phenomena” in Turkey even when he resides “in exile” within a mountain fortress in Pennsylvania. He says the Gülen movement has gained control of Turkey’s government and dictates Turkish policy which has become increasing anti-Israeli and anti-American. It points out that the leaders of the Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkinma or AKP) who now govern Turkey, including Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President Abdullah Gul, appear to serve as Gulen’s puppets.
Other newly released cables state that Gulen’s disciples now direct the country’s 200,000 strong police force - - a force that remains in conflict with the military, which sees the group as an enemy. In recent months, Turkish military leaders, and other critics of the AKP, have been arrested in the dead of night and whisked off to detention cells. According to NurettinVeren, who served as Fethullah Gulen’s right-hand man “There are imam security directors; imams wearing police uniforms. Many police commissioners get their orders from imams.”
“It is not possible to confirm the Turkish police are under the control of the Gülen community members, but we have not met anybody who denies it,” one cable said.
The most dangerous Islamist on planet earth
Gulen has been labeled “the most dangerous Islamist on planet earth,” although he has failed to attract the attention of U. S. counter-terrorism experts and the national media. Gülen is a student and follower of Sheikh Sa’id-i Kurdi (1878-1960), also known as Sa’id-i Nursi, the founder of the Islamist Nur (light) movement. After Turkey’s war of independence, Kurdi demanded, in an address to the new parliament, that the new republic be based on Islamic principles. Kurdi turned against Atatürk and his reforms and against the new modern, secular, Western republic and Gulen has followed his militant mentor’s example. Hailed as an outstanding educator by Graham Fuller and other CIA officials, the reclusive Gulen is semi-literate and lacks a high school diploma. In 1999, he was driven from his native Turkey because of his attempts to overthrow the secular Turkish government.

Image: An already widely distributed photo showing the contractor-types on the bottom left, just left of where the bomb was placed and detonated. The men are wearing matching, unmarked uniforms, large black bags, and appear to be waiting, separately, and "behind" the rest of the crowd. In the upper left corner, a wooden structure forming one half of a temporary photography "bridge" over the finish line can be seen and serves as a useful reference when establishing the contractor-types' position in other photos.
What appear to be private contractors, wearing unmarked, matching uniforms and operating an unmarked SUV affixed with communication equipment near the finish line of the Boston Marathon shortly after the bomb blasts - can be seen beforehand, standing and waiting just meters away from where the first bomb was detonated. The contractor-types had moved away from the bomb's location before it detonated, and could be seen just across the street using communication equipment and waiting for similar dressed and equipped individuals to show up after the blasts.
The men, numbering between 6-8 then begin tearing up the skirting around temporary bleachers erected for the event, opposite the explosion, before taping it off. Then, what appears to be an FBI bomb squad truck pulls up directly behind the contractor-types' SUV, with a woman clearly wearing the letters F.B.I. on her tactical vest emerging and speaking with the contractor-types. Together they disappear from the scene, leaving their vehicles behind.
These men were unidentified, professional contractors apparently augmenting public servants at the Boston Marathon, present before and after the bomb blasts in the direct vicinity of the incident. After the blasts, whether it was their intended function or not, they appeared to be searching for something under the bleachers before being joined by what appears to be the FBI bomb squad. The FBI and the city of Boston has so far categorically failed to provide any information on these highly suspicious individuals.

The Globe and Mail, in its report, "Canada joins U.S. in alleging al-Qaeda has operatives based in Iran," states:
"To many, it came as a surprise that the RCMP is alleging that two terror suspects arrested in Canada on Monday were supported by al-Qaeda operatives in Iran. The Sunni-based al-Qaeda and Shia Iran belong to different branches of Islam that have been at odds historically. But in recent years U.S. officials have formally alleged that Iran has allowed al-Qaeda members to operate out of its territory."Both at face value and upon deeper examination, this assertion is utterly absurd, divorced from reality, and indicative of the absolute contempt within which the Western establishment holds the global public. In reality, the West, the US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel in particular, have propped up and perpetuated Al Qaeda for the very purpose of either undermining or overthrowing the governments of Iran, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Algeria, Libya, Russia, Malaysia, Indonesia, and beyond. Regarding Iran in particular, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh in his 2007 New Yorker piece titled, "The Redirection: Is the Administration’s new policy benefiting our enemies in the war on terrorism?" would state:
To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has coöperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.In a follow up, Hersh in his 2008 New Yorker piece titled, "Preparing the Battlefield: The Bush Administration steps up its secret moves against Iran," spelled out a damning indictment of US involvement in bolstering, arming, and funding terror organizations, not linked to, but described as actually being Al Qaeda. Of American support for Al Qaeda the report states (emphasis added):
The Administration may have been willing to rely on dissident organizations in Iran even when there was reason to believe that the groups had operated against American interests in the past. The use of Baluchi elements, for example, is problematic, Robert Baer, a former C.I.A. clandestine officer who worked for nearly two decades in South Asia and the Middle East, told me. “The Baluchis are Sunni fundamentalists who hate the regime in Tehran, but you can also describe them as Al Qaeda,” Baer told me. “These are guys who cut off the heads of nonbelievers—in this case, it’s Shiite Iranians. The irony is that we’re once again working with Sunni fundamentalists, just as we did in Afghanistan in the nineteen-eighties.” Ramzi Yousef, who was convicted for his role in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who is considered one of the leading planners of the September 11th attacks, are Baluchi Sunni fundamentalists.The report would continue by stating (emphasis added):
One of the most active and violent anti-regime groups in Iran today is the Jundallah, also known as the Iranian People’s Resistance Movement, which describes itself as a resistance force fighting for the rights of Sunnis in Iran. “This is a vicious Salafi organization whose followers attended the same madrassas as the Taliban and Pakistani extremists,” Nasr told me. “They are suspected of having links to Al Qaeda and they are also thought to be tied to the drug culture.” The Jundallah took responsibility for the bombing of a busload of Revolutionary Guard soldiers in February, 2007. At least eleven Guard members were killed. According to Baer and to press reports, the Jundallah is among the groups in Iran that are benefitting from U.S. support.The manifestation of this insidious conspiracy can be seen playing out across Syria in which US-backed terrorists openly operating under the flag of Al Qaeda are locked in a catastrophic sectarian bloodbath with the Syrian people and the Syrian state's closest ally, Iran. The conflict in Syria exposes that the machinations revealed back in 2007-2008 by Hersh, are still being carried out in earnest today.
An extremist Muslim cleric, Abu Qatada, once known as late Osama bin Laden’s aide, has been released from a British jail, Western and Arab media reported on Tuesday. Qatada, who fled to Britain in 1993, was released on bail from the Long Lartin high-security prison in central England late on Monday, Al Arabiya said.
According to the BBC, the British government said that Qatada, a Jordanian of Palestinian origin, was a threat to UK national security. The European Court on Human Rights however ruled not to extradite the cleric to Jordan where he received a life sentence in absentia in 1999 for plotting terrorist attacks as he may be subjected to torture. A spokeswoman for the British Home Office told AFP that Britain “was united” in getting Qatada deported. “This government will exhaust all avenues open to get Qatada on a plane. If we do so, we will continue to negotiate with the Jordanians to see what assurances we can be given about the evidence used against Qatada in their court,” AFP quoted the spokeswoman as saying.
Anwar Al-Awlaki may be the first American on the CIA's kill or capture list, but he was also a lunch guest of military brass at the Pentagon within months of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, Fox News has learned. Documents exclusively obtained by Fox News, including an FBI interview conducted after the Fort Hood shooting in November 2009, state that Awlaki was taken to the Pentagon as part of the military’s outreach to the Muslim community in the immediate aftermath of the attacks.
The incident was flagged by a current Defense Department employee who came forward and told investigators she helped arrange the meeting after she saw Awlaki speak in Alexandria, Va. The employee "attended this talk and while she arrived late she recalls being impressed by this imam. He condemned Al Qaeda and the terrorist attacks. During his talk he was 'harassed' by members of the audience and suffered it well," reads one document.
According to the documents, obtained as part of an ongoing investigation by the specials unit "Fox News Reporting," there was a push within the Defense Department to reach out to the Muslim community. "At that period in time, the secretary of the Army (redacted) was eager to have a presentation from a moderate Muslim." In addition, Awlaki "was considered to be an 'up and coming' member of the Islamic community. After her vetting, Aulaqi (Awlaki) was invited to and attended a luncheon at the Pentagon in the secretary of the Army's Office of Government Counsel."
The Balkans is the latest arena where the West is trying to circumcise any attempt of Russia to regainits influence. This anti-Serbian resolution and initiative is the part of the broader strategy and the latest Western attempt to demonize Serbs and delegitimize pro-Russian Republic of Srpska (Serbian part of Bosnia) in an effort to forcefully centralize Bosnia and give the driving seat to Bosnian Muslims. So, the West is working to portray the Bosnian Serb republic in Bosnia as a “genocidal entity/creation”, further weakening the already weak Serbian position in the Balkans and by proxy strengthening the Albanian regime in Kosovo and pushing Montenegro towards NATO membership.
Going back to the Srebrenica case, this is a Srebrenica fact sheet one can rarely see in biased western MSM reports: It has been recorded that more that 3,200 Serbian women, children, elderly, men and prisoners of war were massacred in Serbian villages around Srebrenica between 1992 and 1995 by soldiers on the Bosnian Muslim side based in Srebrenica. Muslim forces under Naser Oric “engaged in attacks during Orthodox (Christian) holidays and destroyed villages, massacring all the inhabitants. This created a degree of hatred that was quite extraordinary in the region.” This was the first of many Srebrenica massacres by Muslims that are ignored by the West up to this day. Before the Srebrenica Massacre: Genocide Jihad In the Balkans!
The number of 8,000 Muslim victims in Srebrenica is inflated. Most of “7,000 Muslim men and boys” allegedly murdered were soldiers of the localy-formed 28th division of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina under Naser Oric. They died both as soldiers and as war prisoners, they were killed in combat and others as revenge for Bosnian Serb victims. In all 5,500 Muslim soldiers fought under Naser Oric.
Most of them were killed when after the fall of the Muslim-controlled Srebrenica enclave they refused to surrender, but instead performed a desperate fighting withdrawal over Serbian controlled territories. Along the way they were shelled and ambushed by Serb foces in what was uneven combat but was not a massacre of civilians.
Edward S. Herman, a Professor Emeritus at the University of Pennsylvania and the author of “The Srebrenica Massacre: Evidence, Context and Politics” characterized “Srebrenica genocide” as a gigantic political fraud and a myth built by West. Thanks to anti-Serbian propaganda one can only hear stories about genocide, the “biggest massacre after Holocaust”, “8,000 innocent muslim men and boys” etc. Fortunately, many western citizens no longer take Western mainstream media propaganda for granted as they did in 90’s and they are new alternative media which are breaking the monopoly of the western mainstream media.
Former chief NSA analyst: “Most of the Muslims killed in Srebrenica were soldiers who refused to surrender.”Unlike the Bosnian Muslim forces, the Bosnian Serb forces didn’t kill any of Srebrenica women, children and older people but instead bused them out to the main territory controlled by the Bosnian Muslim forces. During the debate in the UN Security council neo-con and US ambassador to the UN Samantha Power whined: ‘What’s next? Holocaust denial?’ In this way, Mrs. Power insulted the victims of Holocaust comparing a hoax civilian massacre in Srebrenica with the Nazi genocide against Jews and Slavs in WW2.
More importantly, according to many prominent anti-terror experts, Bosnia was the “guidebook” for Al-Qaeda. Bosnia was where Al-Qaeda was forged in the fires of Islamic jihad. In Against All Enemies: Inside America’s War on Terror (NY: Free Press, 2004), Richard A. Clarke, who was the anti-terror czar in the George W. Bush Administration, a security and counter-terrorism advisor to three U.S. Presidents, wrote:
“What we saw unfold in Bosnia was a guidebook to the Bin Laden network, though we didn’t recognize it as such at the time. Beginning in 1992, Arabs who had been former Afghan mujahedeen began to arrive. With them came the arrangers, the money men, logisticians, and ‘charities.’ They arranged front companies and banking networks. As they had done in Afghanistan, the Arabs created their own brigade, allegedly part of the Bosnian army but operating on its own. The muj, as they came to be known, were fierce fighters against the better-armed Serbs. They engaged in ghastly torture, murder, and mutilation that seemed excessive even by Balkan standards.”
The funding and recruitment of the mujahedeen to Bosnia was organized by Bin Laden and the Al-Qaeda network: “Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic decided to take aid where he could… Better yet, al Qaeda sent men, trained, tough fighters. European and U.S. intelligence services began to trace the funding and support of the muj to bin Laden in Sudan, and to facilities that had already been established by the muj in Western Europe itself.”
The Afghan-Arab mujahedeen force in Bosnia was engaged in an “al Qaeda jihad”: “Although Western intelligence agencies never labeled the muj activity in Bosnia an al Qaeda jihad, it is now clear that is exactly what it was.” Clarke noted that “[m]any of the names that we first encountered in Bosnia showed up later in other roles, working for al Qaeda.” These included:
1) Abu al-Makki, who was seen in the December, 2001 video standing next to bin Laden “as al Qaeda’s leader extolled the September 11 attacks”;
2) Abu al-Haili, who was arrested in Morocco in 2002 for planning to attack U.S. ships;
3) Ali al-Shamrani, who was arrested by Saudi police for attacking the U.S. military aid mission in 1995;
4) Khalil Deek, arrested in 1999 for planning attacks against U.S. installations in Jordan;
5) Fateh Kamel, part of the Millennium Plot cell in Canada;
6) Khalid Almihdhar, 9/11 hijacker fought in Bosnia; and,
7) Nawaf Alhazmi, 9/11 hijacker fought in the Bosnian civil war.
Bosnian Muslim President Alija Izetbegovic, lower right, meeting with Al-Qaeda linked Arab-Afghan mujahedeen in Bosnia. One of the hijackers of the second attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, possessed a Bosnian passport. Senior Al-Qaeda leader Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was granted Bosnian citizenship in November, 1995. He is allegedly the mastermind and planner of the 9/11 terrorist attacks against the U.S. Mohammed was born in Kuwait to a family from the Baluchi region of Pakistan. He went to Bosnia in September, 1995. He went in the guise of a Muslim “humanitarian aid worker” for an Islamic charity front organization called Egyptian Relief, a front for the radical Muslim Brotherhood of Cairo.

Every Friday, just yards from a statue of Bill Clinton with arm aloft in a cheery wave, hundreds of young bearded men make a show of kneeling to pray on the sidewalk outside an improvised mosque in a former furniture store. The mosque is one of scores built here with Saudi government money and blamed for spreading Wahhabism — the conservative ideology dominant in Saudi Arabia — in the 17 years since an American-led intervention wrested tiny Kosovo from Serbian oppression. Since then — much of that time under the watch of American officials — Saudi money and influence have transformed this once-tolerant Muslim society at the hem of Europe into a font of Islamic extremism and a pipeline for jihadists.
Kosovo now finds itself, like the rest of Europe, fending off the threat of radical Islam. Over the last two years, the police have identified 314 Kosovars — including two suicide bombers, 44 women and 28 children — who have gone abroad to join the Islamic State, the highest number per capita in Europe. They were radicalized and recruited, Kosovo investigators say, by a corps of extremist clerics and secretive associations funded by Saudi Arabia and other conservative Arab gulf states using an obscure, labyrinthine network of donations from charities, private individuals and government ministries.
“They promoted political Islam,” said Fatos Makolli, the director of Kosovo’s counterterrorism police. “They spent a lot of money to promote it through different programs mainly with young, vulnerable people, and they brought in a lot of Wahhabi and Salafi literature. They brought these people closer to radical political Islam, which resulted in their radicalization.”
After two years of investigations, the police have charged 67 people, arrested 14 imams and shut down 19 Muslim organizations for acting against the Constitution, inciting hatred and recruiting for terrorism. The most recent sentences, which included a 10-year prison term, were handed down on Friday. It is a stunning turnabout for a land of 1.8 million people that not long ago was among the most pro-American Muslim societies in the world. Americans were welcomed as liberators after leading months of NATO bombing in 1999 that spawned an independent Kosovo.

WikiLeaks cables, independent analysts and reporters have all identified supporters of Islamist causes among the opposition to Col Gaddafi's regime, particularly in the towns of Benghazi and Dernah. An al-Qaeda leader of Libyan origin, Abu Yahya al-Libi, released a statement backing the insurrection a week ago, while Yusuf Qaradawi, the Qatar-based, Muslim Brotherhood-linked theologian issued a fatwa authorising Col Gaddafi's military entourage to assassinate him.
But they also agree that the leading roles in the revolution are played by a similar cross-section of society as that in Egypt next door – liberals, nationalists, those with personal experience of regime brutality and Islamists who subscribe to democratic principles. The WikiLeaks cables, initially revealed by The Daily Telegraph and dating from 2008, identified Dernah in particular as a breeding ground for fighters in a number of causes, including Afghanistan and Iraq.
"The unemployed, disfranchised young men of eastern Libya have nothing to lose and are therefore willing to sacrifice themselves for something greater than themselves by engaging in extremism in the name of religion," the cables quoted a Dernah businessman as saying. Col Gaddafi has pinpointed the rebels in Dernah as being led by an al-Qaeda cell that has declared the town an Islamic emirate. The regime also casts blame on hundreds of members of the Libyan Islamist Fighting Group released since the group renounced violence two years ago.
The Central Intelligence Agency of the United States recruited over 1,500 men from Mazar-e-Sharif for fighting against the Qaddafi forces in Libya. Sources told The Nation: “Most of the men have been recruited from Afghanistan. They are Uzbeks, Persians and Hazaras. According to the footage, these men attired in Uzbek-style of shalwar and Hazara-Uzbek Kurta were found fighting in Libyan cities.”
When Al-Jazeera reporter pointed it he was disallowed by the ‘rebels ‘to capture images. Sources in Quetta said: “Some Uzbeks and Hazaras from Afghanistan were arrested in Balochistan for illegally traveling into Pakistan en route to Libya through Iran. Aljazeera’s report gave credence to this story. More than 60 Afghans, mainly children and teenagers, have been found dead after suffocating inside a shipping container in southwestern Pakistan in an apparent human smuggling attempt.
More than 100 illegal immigrants were discovered 20km from the border town of Quetta last week inside the container, which had been locked from the outside. Aljazeera having dubious record gave human touch to this story as most of the men who intruded inside Pakistan from Afghanistan were recruits for Libyan Rebels’ Force. The sources said: “The CIA funded Libyan Rebels with cash and weapons.” In a report the New York Mayor’s TV Channel Bloomberg said, “Leaders of the Libyan rebels’ Transitional National Council flew to Istanbul seeking legitimacy and money. They will leave with the official recognition of the US and 31 other nations. As for the cash, they will have to wait.
The Western media has played a central role in obfuscating the nature of foreign interference in Syria including outside support to armed insurgents. In chorus they have described recent events in Syria as a "peaceful protest movement" directed against the government of Bashar Al Assad. Recent developments in Syria point to a full-fledged armed insurgency, integrated by Islamist "freedom fighters", supported, trained and equipped by NATO and Turkey's High Command. According to Israeli intelligence sources:
NATO headquarters in Brussels and the Turkish high command are meanwhile drawing up plans for their first military step in Syria, which is to arm the rebels with weapons for combating the tanks and helicopters spearheading the Assad regime's crackdown on dissent. Instead of repeating the Libyan model of air strikes, NATO strategists are thinking more in terms of pouring large quantities of anti-tank and anti-air rockets, mortars and heavy machine guns into the protest centers for beating back the government armored forces. (DEBKAfile, NATO to give rebels anti-tank weapons, August 14, 2011)
1. The United States' motives are suspect. The “humanitarian” concern expressed by the American government has not taken long to evaporate. The claim that Col. Muammar Gadhafi was “slaughtering his own people” cannot be substantiated by any independent evidence, and no “journalists” are even asking for evidence. The White House's policy advisor and Israeli lobby official Dennis Ross claimed that “up to 100,000 people could be massacred, and everyone would blame us for it.” Ross has produced no proof of a massacre—and Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Admiral Mike Mullen both confirmed, “We've seen no confirmation whatsoever.” Russian military has been monitoring the unrest via satellite from the very beginning, and they say that the claimed “slaughter” is imaginary. CIA √
2. The world media have shown a shocking lack of curiosity. Just as with the U.S. debacle in Iraq and Afghanistan, the New York Times leads a coordinated campaign of propaganda, rumor-mongering, and the demonization of Muammar Gadhafi. Some articles appear to be written in advance and closely follow the prescription of the Washington consulting firm Wirthlin Group, which determined that “the message most likely to motivate public support for war on Iraq was the perception of Saddam Hussein as an evil madman who even committed atrocities against his own people and had to be stopped.” The major media's appetite for this “killing-his-own-people” line is textbook CIA propaganda and belies the fact that they are at this very hour operating from a swank hotel that is under Gadhafi's total control in Tripoli. Even though they continue to spread unsubstantiated “rapes” and “cluster bombings,” and “fears of massacres,” and child-targeting, these “journalists” don't appear to be frightened for their lives. CIA √
3. The “rebels” are Al-Qaeda. When Col. Gadhafi first claimed that the rebels were members of Al-Qaeda, no one believed him. But according to a 2007 report from the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point titled “Al-Qa'ida's Foreign Fighters In Iraq,” eastern Libya—the very center of the current uprising—is a well-known Al-Qaeda stronghold. The same people the U.S. is fighting three wars to destroy are the “rebels” the U.S. is protecting, supplying, training, and attempting to install into power in Libya. And if the West Point military analysts knew this to be true in 2007, why did they not bomb those Al-Qaeda strongholds in the way they are bombing Gadhafi's forces now? CIA √
4. Rebel “leaders” are CIA agents. The “rebel” leader, a man named Khalifa Hifter, left the Libyan government and set up his own militia financed by the CIA. He then spent two decades living within minutes of CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, where, according to Rep. Dennis Kucinich, he had no apparent source of income. Shortly after the 2011 “protests” began, the CIA airlifted him into Benghazi and told the press to start calling him the “leader” of the rebels. CIA √
5. The Libyan uprising is not “spontaneous.”The incident that allegedly spurred the Libyan “rebellion” was the arrest of an activist lawyer on February 15, 2011. This ignited a wave of protests that spilled over onto the Internet and other media. But an unusually large number of YOUTUBE videos and TWITTER messages have emerged that are suspiciously similar and seem to be a product of the Pentagon's recently uncovered project to develop software that allows it to secretly manipulate social media sites to influence Internet conversations and spread propaganda. These suspicious “free Libya” sites all claim to be homegrown, but YOUTUBE and other social media sites cannot be accessed by Internet users in Libya. The “revolution” websites are all in English even though the language of Libya is Arabic, with English rarely spoken and only in the big cities. Despite their dubious origins, professional media groups like CNN, BBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox News, and Al Jazeera have amplified these anonymous and uncorroborated video postings as legitimate news sources. And some of the “spontaneous” websites are clearly fraudulent. One that calls itself “LIBYAN REVOLUTIONARY CENTRAL” ( was created on February 14—A DAY BEFORE the original protest. And the website is registered in Ohio as a non-profit organization with a 501c3 tax exempt ID number! CIA √
6a. Whites are desperate for Libyan oil. America and Europe are dependent on the type of oil that is only found in Libya. It is a very high quality “sweet” oil with low sulfur content. Europe's refineries cannot process other types of high sulfur oil, so when Gadhafi recently suggested he could find better customers for Libyan oil in India, China, and Russia, it made Europe desperate for an immediate Libyan “uprising.” CIA √
6b. New oil infrastructure already in place. Only days after the “spontaneous” protests the “rebels,” who were mostly seen in grainy cell phone videos chanting slogans and waving banners, had organized themselves into a sophisticated corporate entity and announced their formation and launching of the “Libyan Oil Company” to supervise oil production for all of Libya, and their creation of the “Central Bank of Benghazi” as a monetary authority. The French government instantaneously recognized these new business entities formed by “the rebels” even though it was still publicly wondering who the rebel leaders were. CIA √
7. CIA history in Libya. The CIA has a LONG documented history of attempts to overthrow Col. Gadhafi. At least four major CIA operations, some in partnership with the Israeli Mossad, have been conducted since 1972. Gadhafi's use of oil revenues to organize and uplift Africa from its colonial destruction is EXACTLY the opposite of America's foreign policy, which has always sought to strip Africa of its raw resources to enrich the multinational corporations. Col. Gadhafi has invested billions of dollars in projects to help emerging African countries become independent. He has worked to establish a “United States of Africa”—an effort to unite Africa to finally overcome the damage caused by centuries of European colonialism. It was Gadhafi who drove the African Union's efforts toward a single African Parliament, a single currency, and a single army. The CIA has no other function than to stop this kind of Black unity and progress. CIA √
8. Libyan invasion planned prior to 9/11. In a 2007 filmed interview, 4-star United States Army Gen. Wesley Clark discussed a Pentagon memo under Donald Rumsfeld that, in his words, “describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.” CIA √
9. The U.S. companies in Libya are invisible. Many U.S. corporations that have been, are now, and will continue to do business in Libya are UNDER NO PRESSURE to leave or “give back” their profits, or alter their business activity with Gadhafi's so-called “murderous regime.” Curiously, they have achieved a status different from that of The Hon. Min. Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, which also had a business relationship with Libya—but for comparatively infinitesimal sums. The U.S. companies in Libya whose Libyan business arrangements have yet to be questioned are many, and include: Chevron Oil Conoco Phillips Hess Corporation Marathon Oil Corporation Occidental Petroleum Sheraton Hotels Exxon Mobil Dow Chemical Halliburton Raytheon Motorola Four Seasons Hotels Shell OilUnited Gulf Construction Valmont, and White and Case Marriott Hotels Intercontinental Hotels
In reality, the CIA works for the multinational corporations to tenaciously protect their world interests. CIA√
10. Rape is charged. A distraught, English-speaking, Arab woman fortuitously finds her way from days of gang rape by Gadhafi's soldiers into the only hotel in Tripoli where foreign journalists are encamped (apparently dropped off by her tormentors) where she reports of her ordeal to the gathered media who immediately, unquestioningly, broadcast the brutal crime to the world as proven fact. She claimed that she was detained at a checkpoint, tied up, abused, then led away to be gang raped—all whilst her assailants were defending Tripoli against a Western bombing campaign. “They defecated and urinated on me and tied me up,” she said, her face streaming with tears. “They violated my honor, look at what the Gadhafi militiamen did to me.”
Everybody who heard this woman's claims—except 100 percent of the Western media—immediately remembered October 1990, when a sobbing 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl gave unsworn testimony in a Congressional hearing chaired by Zionist congressman Thomas Lantos in which she described what she saw in a Kuwaiti hospital with her own eyes: “While I was there, I saw the Iraqi soldiers come into the hospital with guns, and go into the room where … babies were in incubators. They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators, and left the babies on the cold floor to die.”
The girl was actually the daughter of a Kuwaiti ambassador, and had been coached by the public relations firm Hill and Knowlton to give false testimony. Three months passed between the hearing and the start of the first Gulf War during which the fabricated incubator story was repeated over and over again by seven U.S. senators and ten times by President G.H.W. Bush himself. It was recited as fact in congressional testimony, on TV and radio talk shows like Nightline, and at the UN Security Council. It is cited as the single most persuasive reason that the American public backed the first Iraq War. None of those involved with the hoax have ever faced legal reprisals. CIA √
The number ten is arbitrary, and does not represent the full extent of possibly the most brazen CIA overthrow attempt in their long and murderous history. That which drives the entire Western industrial infrastructure—petroleum oil—is the only thing on the minds of the charlatan leaders of the West, and the world watches in horrified awe as each blunder they make is exposed to the light in almost real time. The poor Libyan people and their revolutionary African champion Muammar Gadhafi are under severe assault by the very same people who only yesterday assured him he was their partner and friend. It is a 6,000-year-old history of tricks and deceptions that The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us about, and it has now run its course and is bringing a well-deserved demise to Western rule.

In an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, Mr al-Hasidi admitted that he had recruited "around 25" men from the Derna area in eastern Libya to fight against coalition troops in Iraq. Some of them, he said, are "today are on the front lines in Adjabiya". Mr al-Hasidi insisted his fighters "are patriots and good Muslims, not terrorists," but added that the "members of al-Qaeda are also good Muslims and are fighting against the invader".
His revelations came even as Idriss Deby Itno, Chad's president, said al-Qaeda had managed to pillage military arsenals in the Libyan rebel zone and acquired arms, "including surface-to-air missiles, which were then smuggled into their sanctuaries".
Mr al-Hasidi admitted he had earlier fought against "the foreign invasion" in Afghanistan, before being "captured in 2002 in Peshwar, in Pakistan". He was later handed over to the US, and then held in Libya before being released in 2008. US and British government sources said Mr al-Hasidi was a member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, or LIFG, which killed dozens of Libyan troops in guerrilla attacks around Derna and Benghazi in 1995 and 1996.
Even though the LIFG is not part of the al-Qaeda organisation, the United States military's West Point academy has said the two share an "increasingly co-operative relationship". In 2007, documents captured by allied forces from the town of Sinjar, showed LIFG emmbers made up the second-largest cohort of foreign fighters in Iraq, after Saudi Arabia.
For more than five years, Abu Sufian Ibrahim Ahmed Hamuda bin Qumu was a prisoner at the Guantánamo Bay prison, judged “a probable member of Al Qaeda” by the analysts there. They concluded in a newly disclosed 2005 assessment that his release would represent a “medium to high risk, as he is likely to pose a threat to the U.S., its interests and allies.” Today, Mr. Qumu, 51, is a notable figure in the Libyan rebels’ fight to oust Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, reportedly a leader of a ragtag band of fighters known as the Darnah Brigade for his birthplace, this shabby port town of 100,000 people in northeast Libya. The former enemy and prisoner of the United States is now an ally of sorts, a remarkable turnabout resulting from shifting American policies rather than any obvious change in Mr. Qumu.
He was a tank driver in the Libyan Army in the 1980s, when the Central Intelligence Agency was spending billions to support religious militants trying to drive Soviet troops out of Afghanistan. Mr. Qumu moved to Afghanistan in the early 1990s, just as Osama bin Laden and other former mujahedeen were violently turning against their former benefactor, the United States. He was captured in Pakistan after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, accused of being a member of the militant Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, and sent to Guantánamo — in part because of information provided by Colonel Qaddafi’s government.
“The Libyan Government considers detainee a ‘dangerous man with no qualms about committing terrorist acts,’ ” says the classified 2005 assessment, evidently quoting Libyan intelligence findings, which was obtained by The New York Times. “ ‘He was known as one of the extremist commanders of the Afghan Arabs,’ ” the Libyan information continues, referring to Arab fighters who remained in Afghanistan after the anti-Soviet jihad.
When that Guantánamo assessment was written, the United States was working closely with Colonel Qaddafi’s intelligence service against terrorism. Now, the United States is a leader of the international coalition trying to oust Colonel Qaddafi — and is backing with air power the rebels, including Mr. Qumu. The classified Guantánamo assessment of Mr. Qumu claims that he suffered from “a non-specific personality disorder” and recounted — again citing the Libyan government as its source — a history of drug addiction and drug dealing and accusations of murder and armed assault.
In 1993, the document asserts, Mr. Qumu escaped from a Libyan prison, fled to Egypt and went on to Afghanistan, training at a camp run by Mr. bin Laden. At Guantánamo, Mr. Qumu denied knowledge of terrorist activities. He said he feared being returned to Libya, where he faced criminal charges, and asked to go to some other country where “You (the United States) can watch me,” according to a hearing summary. Nonetheless, in 2007, he was sent from Guantánamo to Libya and released the next year in an amnesty for militants.
Abdel-Hakim Belhaj is an emerging hero of the Libyan uprising, the man who led the Tripoli Brigade that swept into the capital and captured the fortified compound that was Moammar Gadhafi's seat of power. He's also the former leader of an Islamic militant group who says he was tortured by CIA agents at a secret prison. Belhaj, the rebels' commander in Tripoli, said Friday that the U.S. wrongly lumped him in with terrorists after Sept. 11, but that he holds no grudge.
He said he shares the West's goal of a free Libya. "We call and hope for a civil country that is ruled by the law which we were not allowed to enjoy under Gadhafi," he told The Associated Press. "The identity of the country will be left up to the people to choose."
He was not always so inclusive. In a 1996 statement he wrote as leader of the now-dissolved Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, Belhaj wrote a statement vowing to fight "all the deviant groups that call for democracy or fight for the sake of it." Though Belhaj and many others who resisted Gadhafi for decades considered their fight an Islamic cause, both secular and religious Libyans took part in the uprising that led to Gadhafi's downfall. Secular Libyans and the West are hoping Belhaj's actions match what he told the Libyan people minutes after arriving at Gadhafi's Bab al-Aziziya compound Aug. 23.
Western-backed rebel leader, Jamal Maarouf, has admitted that the fighting against Al-Qaeda was “not our problem” and that his group is battling alongside the terrorist organization. Maarouf told The Independent that his group, the Syrian Revolutionary Front (SRF), carries out joint operations with Jabhat Al-Nusra – the official Al-Qaeda branch in Syria.
“It’s clear that I’m not fighting against Al-Qaeda. This is a problem outside of Syria’s border, so it’s not our problem. I don’t have a problem with anyone who fights against the regime inside Syria,” Maarouf said to the media outlet. The SRF leader even provided examples of the ways his group was helping Al-Qaeda. “If the people who support us tell us to send weapons to another group, we send them. They asked us a month ago to send weapons to Yabroud so we sent a lot of weapons there. When they ask us to do this, we do it.”
Maarouf’s brigades were previously viewed as moderate among rebel forces that are more and more dominated by radical militants. Plus, the SRF was allegedly receiving significant aid from the US and other Western allies to battle the extremist forces. However, Maarouf denies getting strong support from the US, saying there was a one-time $250,000 payment for salaries and benefits of a shared operations room in Jordan to fight the Southern Front.
An al-Qaida operative accused of bombing two Christian churches and a luxury hotel in Pakistan in 2002 was at the same time working for British intelligence, according to secret files on detainees who were shipped to the US military's Guantánamo Bay prison camp.
Adil Hadi al Jazairi Bin Hamlili, an Algerian citizen described as a "facilitator, courier, kidnapper, and assassin for al-Qaida", was detained in Pakistan in 2003 and later sent to Guantánamo Bay. But according to Hamlili's Guantánamo "assessment" file, one of 759 individual dossiers obtained by the Guardian, US interrogators were convinced that he was simultaneously acting as an informer for British and Canadian intelligence.
After his capture in June 2003 Hamlili was transferred to Bagram detention centre, north of Kabul, where he underwent numerous "custodial interviews" with CIA personnel. They found him "to have withheld important information from the Canadian Secret Intelligence Service and British Secret Intelligence Service … and to be a threat to US and allied personnel in Afghanistan and Pakistan". The Guardian and the New York Times published a series of reports based on the leaked cache of documents which exposed the flimsy grounds on which many detainees were transferred to the camp and portrayed a system focused overwhelmingly on extracting intelligence from prisoners. A further series of reports based on the files reveal:
• A single star informer at the base won his freedom by incriminating at least 123 other prisoners there. The US military source described Mohammed Basardah as an "invaluable" source who had shown "exceptional co-operation", but lawyers for other inmates claim his evidence is unreliable. • US interrogators frequently clashed over the handling of detainees, with members of the Joint Task Force Guantánamo (JTF GTMO) in several cases overruling recommendations by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) that prisoners should be released. CITF investigators also disapproved of methods adopted by the JTF's military interrogators. • New light on how Osama bin Laden escaped from Tora Bora as American and British special forces closed in on his mountain refuge in December 2001, including intelligence claiming that a local Pakistani warlord provided fighters to guide him to safety in the north-east of Afghanistan.The Obama administration on Monday condemned the release of documents which it claimed had been "obtained illegally by WikiLeaks". The Pentagon's press secretary, Geoff Morrell, said in many cases the documents, so-called Detainee Assessment Briefs, had been superseded by the decisions of a taskforce established by President Barack Obama in 2009. "Any given DAB illegally obtained and released by WikiLeaks may or may not represent the current view of a given detainee," he said.
According to the files, Hamlili told his American interrogators at Bagram that he had been running a carpet business from Peshawar, exporting as far afield as Dubai following the 9/11 attacks. But his CIA captors knew the Algerian had been an informant for MI6 and Canada's Secret Intelligence Service for over three years – and suspected he had been double-crossing handlers. According to US intelligence the two spy agencies recruited Hamlili as a "humint" – human intelligence – source in December 2000 "because of his connections to members of various al-Qaida linked terrorist groups that operated in Afghanistan and Pakistan".

Pulitzer-prize winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh – who broke the stories of the Mai Lai massacre in Vietnam and the Iraq prison torture scandals, which rightfully disgraced the Nixon and Bush administrations’ war-fighting tactics – reported last week:
In January, the Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on the assault by a local militia in September 2012 on the American consulate and a nearby undercover CIA facility in Benghazi, which resulted in the death of the US ambassador, Christopher Stevens, and three others. The report’s criticism of the State Department for not providing adequate security at the consulate, and of the intelligence community for not alerting the US military to the presence of a CIA outpost in the area, received front-page coverage and revived animosities in Washington, with Republicans accusing Obama and Hillary Clinton of a cover-up.That’s the part you’ve heard about: failure to protect the personnel at the embassy. But then Hersh breaks the deeper story wide open:
A highly classified annex to the report, not made public, described a secret agreement reached in early 2012 between the Obama and Erdoğan administrations. It pertained to the rat line. By the terms of the agreement, funding came from Turkey, as well as Saudi Arabia and Qatar; the CIA, with the support of MI6, was responsible for getting arms from Gaddafi’s arsenals into Syria. A number of front companies were set up in Libya, some under the cover of Australian entities. Retired American soldiers, who didn’t always know who was really employing them, were hired to manage procurement and shipping. The operation was run by David Petraeus, the CIA director who would soon resign when it became known he was having an affair with his biographer. (A spokesperson for Petraeus denied the operation ever took place.)The operation had not been disclosed at the time it was set up to the congressional intelligence committees and the congressional leadership, as required by law since the 1970s. The involvement of MI6 enabled the CIA to evade the law by classifying the mission as a liaison operation. The former intelligence official explained that for years there has been a recognised exception in the law that permits the CIA not to report liaison activity to Congress, which would otherwise be owed a finding. (All proposed CIA covert operations must be described in a written document, known as a ‘finding’, submitted to the senior leadership of Congress for approval.) Distribution of the annex was limited to the staff aides who wrote the report and to the eight ranking members of Congress – the Democratic and Republican leaders of the House and Senate, and the Democratic and Republicans leaders on the House and Senate intelligence committees. This hardly constituted a genuine attempt at oversight: the eight leaders are not known to gather together to raise questions or discuss the secret information they receive. The annex didn’t tell the whole story of what happened in Benghazi before the attack, nor did it explain why the American consulate was attacked. ‘The consulate’s only mission was to provide cover for the moving of arms,’ the former intelligence official, who has read the annex, said. ‘It had no real political role.’
Hersh isn’t the first to report on this major scandal. We’ve extensively documented that the bigger story behind the murder of ambassador Chris Stevens at the Benghazi embassy in Libya is that the embassy was the center of U.S. efforts to arm jihadis in Syria who are trying to topple the Syrian government. We’ve also noted that this is not a partisan issue … both parties greenlighted regime change in Syria years ago, and both parties have tried to cover up what was really going on in Benghazi. Last August, CNN touched on the weapons smuggling aspect of Benghazi. The Wall Street Journal, Telegraph and other sources confirm that the US consulate in Benghazi wasmainly being used for a secret CIA operation. They say that the State Department presence in Benghazi “provided diplomatic cover” for the previously hidden CIA mission. WND alleges that it was not a real consulate. And former CIA officer Philip Giraldiconfirms:
The October al-Qaida video shows a light-skinned man handing out food to families displaced by famine in Somalia. But the masked man is not Somali, or even African — he’s a Wisconsin native who grew up in San Diego. A handful of young Muslims from the U.S. are taking high-visibility propaganda and operational roles inside an al-Qaida-linked insurgent force in Somalia known as al-Shabab. While most are from Minnesota, which has the largest Somali population in the nation, al-Shabab members include a Californian and an Alabaman with no ancestral ties to Somalia.

With one MEK supporter already tapped to be a Cabinet secretary (Elaine Chao at Transportation); several others, including John Bolton and Fran Townsend, still in discussion for senior jobs in a Trump administration; and a fourth, Newt Gingrich, taking the self-described role of “chief planner,” the character of the MEK and, by extension, its well-paid supporters matters.
Let’s start with the revisionist history. Torricelli, a former congressman and senator and for many years the MEK’s lawyer, denounces my assertions about the group’s violent past as outrageous and contends that he “has seen no evidence to support the assertion Benjamin makes that it took part in terrorist activities against Iranians or Americans.”
But there’s plenty of evidence out there. For decades, and based on U.S. intelligence, the United States government has blamed the MEK for killing three U.S. Army colonels and three U.S. contractors, bombing the facilities of numerous U.S. companies and killing innocent Iranians. Multiple administrations have rejected efforts by the MEK and its surrogates to claim that any bad acts were the result of what Torricelli calls “a Marxist group” that briefly ran the MEK while other leaders, who later rejected this cabal, were in prison.
A Pakistani tribal militant group responsible for a series of deadly guerrilla raids inside Iran has been secretly encouraged and advised by American officials since 2005, U.S. and Pakistani intelligence sources tell ABC News.
The group, called Jundullah, is made up of members of the Baluchi tribe and operates out of the Baluchistan province in Pakistan, just across the border from Iran. It has taken responsibility for the deaths and kidnappings of more than a dozen Iranian soldiers and officials. U.S. officials say the U.S. relationship with Jundullah is arranged so that the U.S. provides no funding to the group, which would require an official presidential order or "finding" as well as congressional oversight.
Tribal sources tell ABC News that money for Jundullah is funneled to its youthful leader, Abd el Malik Regi, through Iranian exiles who have connections with European and Gulf states. Jundullah has produced its own videos showing Iranian soldiers and border guards it says it has captured and brought back to Pakistan. The leader, Regi, claims to have personally executed some of the Iranians. "He used to fight with the Taliban. He's part drug smuggler, part Taliban, part Sunni activist," said Alexis Debat, a senior fellow on counterterrorism at the Nixon Center and an ABC News consultant who recently met with Pakistani officials and tribal members.
"Regi is essentially commanding a force of several hundred guerrilla fighters that stage attacks across the border into Iran on Iranian military officers, Iranian intelligence officers, kidnapping them, executing them on camera," Debat said.
A former detainee at Guantanamo Bay has become the Taliban's chief operations officer in southern Afghanistan. The former detainee, Abdullah Ghulam Rasoul, was captured in Afghanistan in December of 2001 and transferred to Afghanistan six years later in December of 2007. His internment serial number (ISN) at Guantanamo was 8, a comparatively low number indicating that he was most likely one of the first detainees transferred from Afghanistan to Guantanamo after the facility was opened in 2002.
Rasoul currently operates in southern Afghanistan using the nom de guerre Mullah Abdullah Zakir, according to an account by the Associated Press. The AP cites "Pentagon and intelligence officials" as saying that Mullah Abdullah Zakir is "in charge of operations against U.S. and Afghan forces in southern Afghanistan." One anonymous intelligence official cited by the AP says Rasoul's "stated mission is to counter the U.S. troop surge" that began earlier this year in Afghanistan.
The Times (UK) has confirmed the AP's story and provided additional details. The Times reported that Rasoul is "responsible for increasingly sophisticated explosives attacks on British soldiers in Afghanistan" and is currently operating out of the Taliban stronghold in Quetta, Pakistan. Prior to his detention at Guantanamo, he was a "high-ranking military commander close to the Taliban's supreme leader, Mullah Omar."
"In the time of the Taliban government he was the commander of Taleban forces in Takhar province," a Taliban official told The Times. "He was one of Mullah Omar's deputies."
During his time at Guantanamo, the Department of Defense and other branches of the U.S. government thought that Rasoul was a committed jihadist. A memorandum prepared for Rasoul's first administrative review board (ARB) reads: "[Rasoul] stated that he felt it would be fine to wage Jihad against Americans, Jews, or Israelis if they were invading his country." Moreover, Rasoul "advised the he was called to fight Jihad in approximately 1997; he then went to Kabul to join the Taliban."
Rasoul was wounded, treated, and eventually rejoined the Taliban in September of 2001, according to U.S. government documents. "In approximately September of 2001," the administrative review board memo reads, "[Rasoul] went to Konduz to join up with his Taliban comrades to fight the Northern Alliance." He was given a "Kalishnikov rifle by the Taliban" and traveled to Konduz to fight the Northern Alliance. Rasoul was then "captured while riding in a car with a Taliban [l]eader named Mohammad."
In light of reports that former Guantanamo Bay detainee Sufyan bin Qumu was involved in the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, National Review presents the current list of those who upon release from Guantanamo have returned to terrorism. Sufyan bin Qumu was released in 2007 to Libyan custody. The Libyans let him go in 2008 in an amnesty for former militants. According to intelligence sources, he was directly involved in the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.
Ibrahim Shafir Sen was released from Guantanamo in November 2003 to Turkey. He was arrested in January 2008 and charged with leading an active al-Qaeda cell.
Ibrahim Bin Shakaran and Mohammed bin Ahmad Mizouz were transferred to Morocco in July 2004. They were convicted in 2007 of recruiting Moroccans for al-Qaeda in Iran.
Abdullah Mahsud was released in Afghanistan in 2004. He was involved in the kidnapping of two Chinese engineers in October 2004, and directed the suicide bombing against an Islamabad hotel that killed 31 people. Mahsud killed himself in July 2007 to avoid capture by Pakistani forces. #more#
Ruslan Anatolivich Odishev was sent to Russian in 2004. He took part in several terrorist attacks in the Caucuses before he was killed in a shootout with Russia’s Federal Security Service.
Ravil Shafeyavich Gumarov and Timur Ravilich Ishmurat were released in Russia in March 2004. They were convicted in 2006 of a bombing of a gas line.
Mohammed Ismail was released in 2004 and recaptured that same year in a Taliban attack on U.S. forces in Kandahar.
Maulvi Abdul Ghaffar was returned to Afghanistan in 2002. He became the regional Taliban commander in Uruzan and Helmand. He was killed in a raid by Afghan security forces while planning an attack on Afghan police.
Yousef Muhammed Yaaqoub was released in 2003 and became a Taliban commander in southern Afghanistan. He led the massive jailbreak from Kandahar’s prison, and was killed in 2004 fighting U.S. forces.
Mohammed Nayim Farouq rejoined anti-coalition forces in Afghanistan following his release in 2003.
Abdul Rahman Noor was released in July 2003, and has since been identified as the deputy defense minister of the Taliban.
Abdallah Salih al-Ajmi was sent to Kuwait in 2005 and became a suicide bomber in Mosul, Iraq, in April 2008. The attack killed seven people.
Abu Sufyan al-Azdi al-Shiri and Mazin Salih Musaid al-Alawi al-Awfi were returned to Saudi Arabia in 2007. On January 24, 2008, they announced their leadership within al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.
Abdullah Kafkas was repatriated to Russia in 2004. He is suspected of involvement in the 2005 Nalchik attack in which over 100 people were killed in southern Russia.
Almasm Rabilavich Sharipov was returned to Russia in 2004. Sharipov is suspected of associating with the terrorist group Hezb-e-Tahrir.
Isa Khan was released in Pakistan in 2004. In 2010, he was arrested in Pakistan for rejoining the Taliban.
Abdullah Majid al-Naimi was repatriated to Bahrain in 2005. He was arrested in October 2008 and had rejoined al-Qaeda.
Saad Madhi Saad al Azmi was returned to Kuwait in 2005. He is suspected of also rejoining al-Qaeda.
Majid Abdullah Lahiq al Joudi was repatriated to Saudi Arabia in 2007. He has been confirmed as a facilitator of terrorism since his release.
Humud Dakhil Humud Said al-Jadan was returned to Saudi Arabia in 2007. He is suspected of associating with known terrorists since his release.
Abd al Hadi Abdallah Ibrahim al Sharikh was repatriated to Saudi Arabia in 2007. He is currently on Saudi Arabia’s most-wanted list for suspected terrorists.
Zahir Shah was released in Afghanistan in 2007. He has been confirmed as returning to terrorism.
Abdullah Gulam Rasoul was also released in Afghanistan in 2007. He is now a leader in the Taliban, and led the major Taliban offensive against coalition forces in 2009. Abdullah Gulam Rasoul reportedly became the second-in-command of the Taliban in 2010.
Haji Sahib Rohullah Wakil was returned to Afghanistan in 2008. He is suspected of rejoining anti-coalition forces.
A few hundred yards from the administrative offices of the Guantanamo Bay prison, hidden behind a ridge covered in thick scrub and cactus, sits a closely held secret. A dirt road winds its way to a clearing where eight small cottages sit in two rows of four. They have long been abandoned. The special detachment of Marines that once provided security is gone. But in the early years after 9/11, these cottages were part of a covert CIA program. Its secrecy has outlasted black prisons, waterboarding and rendition.
In these buildings, CIA officers turned terrorists into double agents and sent them home. It was a risky gamble. If it worked, their agents might help the CIA find terrorist leaders to kill with drones. But officials knew there was a chance that some prisoners might quickly spurn their deal and kill Americans.
For the CIA, that was an acceptable risk in a dangerous business. For the American public, which was never told, it was one of the many secret trade-offs the government made on its behalf. At the same time the government used the threat of terrorism to justify imprisoning people indefinitely, it was releasing dangerous people from prison to work for the CIA. Nearly a dozen current and former U.S officials described aspects of the program to The Associated Press. All spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the secret program, even though it ended in about 2006.
The program and the handful of men who passed through these cottages had various official CIA codenames. But those who were aware of the cluster of cottages knew it best by its sobriquet: Penny Lane. It was a nod to the classic Beatles song and a riff on the CIA's other secret facility at Guantanamo Bay, a prison known as Strawberry Fields.
Some of the men who passed through Penny Lane helped the CIA find and kill many top al-Qaida operatives, current and former U.S. officials said. Others stopped providing useful information and the CIA lost touch with them.When prisoners began streaming into the prison on the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in January 2002, the CIA recognized it as an unprecedented opportunity to identify sources. That year, 632 detainees arrived at the island. The following year 117 more arrived.
"Of course that would be an objective," said Emile Nakhleh, a former top CIA analyst who spent time in 2002 assessing detainees but who did not discuss Penny Lane. "It's the job of intelligence to recruit sources."
By early 2003, Penny Lane was open for business. Candidates were ushered from the confines of prison to Penny Lane's relative hominess, officials said. The cottages had private kitchens, showers and televisions. Each had a small patio. Some prisoners asked for and received pornography. One official said the biggest luxury in each cottage was the bed, not a military-issued cot but a real bed with a mattress. The cottages were designed to feel more like hotel rooms than prison cells, and some CIA officials jokingly referred to them collectively as the Marriott.
"ISIL is a tool at the hands of the United States. They tell the Europeans that if we (the Americans) do not intervene, ISIL will cause you harm," he said, adding that Iran and Russia are the prime targets of the ISIL. They launched their first terror attack against us just a few days back in Chechnya," he said, stressing that the ISIL ideology has got nothing to do with the Islam practiced in Iran and some other Muslim countries in the Middle East region.
Prokhanov said the United States and Israel are one and the same when it comes to supporting a terror organization like the ISIL. The ISIL terrorist group, which controls large areas of Syria and Iraq, have been committing heinous crimes against people of both Arab states. On the issue of Western sanctions against Moscow over the Ukraine crisis, Prokhanov said President Putin is not going to give in to pressure. He said sanctions will only make Russians more resilient.
U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the Obama administration knows of the assassination campaign but has no direct involvement. However, there has been a big money push by many influential people in Washington to get MEK removed from the State Department’s terrorist list, presumably to make them eligible for U.S. funding.
The Iranians have made these allegations of Israeli terrorist attacks carried out by MEK for quite a while, but only now does it have confirmation from U.S. officials. Mohammad Javad Larijani, a senior aide to Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in a recent interview with NBC News claimed they knew Israel was funding MEK, sharing intelligence, and training them inside Israel in the use of motorcycles and bombs. The Iranians say much of their intelligence on this matter has come from interrogations with an MEK member that carried out one of the assassination attempts. The MEK has denied these allegations, issuing a statement calling them “absolutely false.”
The 2007 revelation by ABC News that the Bush Administration was covertly backing the Jundallah terrorist organization in an effort to convince them to launch attacks on Iran was no small embarrassment for the administration, and a considerable source of tension with the Shi’ite world as the militants attacked mosques and killed large numbers of civilians.
The Syrian government is claiming the Israelis “coordinated” their attack with the rebels, but this seems problematic – and is largely irrelevant. Yes, a rebel spokesman “blessed” the Israeli strike, but I rather doubt there’s ongoing communication between the rebel leadership and Tel Aviv. It’s simply not necessary: after all, their goals in the region are complementary, if not identical. The Sunni extremists who comprise Al Qaeda have been in the front lines in the battle against Bashar al-Assad, and are also bitterly hostile to the mullahs of Tehran, whom they consider heretics: Israel, for its part, has launched its own holy war against Iran for quite different reasons, and is eager to take out Assad: regardless of motives their goals do coincide. Both want chaos in Syria – the Israelis, in order to eliminate a longstanding thorn in their side, and the jihadists because they thrive in failed states, like Lebanon.
Why would the Israelis aid a “rebel” army made up almost exclusively of hardened jihadists who supposedly hate Israel and want to see its non-Arab inhabitants driven into the sea? For the same reason they initially nurtured Hamas – because they believe it serves their long range purposes. The reason the Israelis granted official legal status to the group that eventually morphed into one of the Jewish state’s most implacable enemies was simple: to divide the Palestinian resistance, and therefore weaken it. At the time, Fatah, the largest component of the secular Palestinian Liberation Organization, was the most effective opposition to the Israeli occupation. The Israelis thought aiding an Islamist competitor would achieve certain desired ends: the decline of the PLO’s influence, the alienation of Arab governments from the Palestinian cause, and the marginalization of that cause in Western eyes. All three goals have since been achieved.
The Israelis are assisting the Syrian jihadists for similar reasons: because it fits in rather neatly with their long-range goals. For a look at those goals, all you have to do is peruse a 1996 document prepared for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by leading neoconservatives, proposing a radical new Israeli “defense” strategy. Reading “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm” is like reading a timeline of events in the Middle East for the past ten years. As I wrote in October of 2003, on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the Yom Kippur War – a day when Israel bombed alleged “terrorist camps” in Syria:
“The paper, co-authored by Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser, portrayed Syria as the main enemy of Israel, but maintained the road to Damascus had to first pass through Baghdad: “‘Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq – an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right – as a means of foiling Syria’s regional ambitions. Jordan has challenged Syria’s regional ambitions recently by suggesting the restoration of the Hashemites in Iraq.’”
Well, we didn’t get the Hashemites – but Maliki will do. Or, rather, near complete chaos will suffice, as the religious civil war wracking the Muslim world takes another potential enemy out of contention. Now that Iraq lies bleeding by the wayside, King Bibi is speeding down that “Clean Break” highway, eager to turn two more regional rivals into roadkill. As I have written before, Syria is our Spain – a proxy war prefiguring a much larger conflict, with the US, Israel, Turkey, Jordan, and Al Qaeda (in the guise of the “Al Nusra Front”) versus the Syrian Ba’athists, Hezbollah, and – standing behind them – Iran.
Israel’s role in this is key. It isn’t just Israeli jets providing air cover for the jihadists in Syria: the Israel lobby has been going full tilt in a push to drag the US into the conflict. And they don’t care how they do it. The other day, in a debate on intervention in Syria on NPR, a representative of WINEP, the “educational” arm of AIPAC, accused anti-interventionist Joshua Landis of “dual loyalty” because his wife is an Alawite! Of course, the Israel lobby isn’t guilty of dual loyalty – their one and only loyalty is to the state of Israel, nothing dual about it.
The “chemical weapons” hoax topped the long list of similar scams set up by the Syrian rebels and their Western supporters in its brazen effrontery: not since the “Niger uranium” papers have we seen such a downright sloppy scheme to lie us into war. Samples taken from rebel sources tested positive for sarin – and the administration was supposed to accept that at face value? Back to the drawing board, and the same old question: how do we drag a reluctant US President into an open military confrontation with Iran?
Only a few years ago it would’ve been hard to believe the Americans weren’t clued in beforehand that Israeli jets would soon be pounding Damascus. However, given the relations between this administration and the Netanyahu government, one is hardly shocked to learn it came as a surprise. The War Party is playing its trump card – and we’ll see if the President has anything up his sleeve to beat it. In an effort to stay out of a major mess that could get far messier, the White House is up against not only the Israel lobby, the McCain brigade, and powerful members of his own party, he’s also swimming against the foreign policy current that dominated the previous administration – and also his own.
It's September 11 all over again - eight years on. The George W Bush administration is out. The "global war on terror" is still on, renamed "overseas contingency operations" by the Barack Obama administration. Obama's "new strategy" - a war escalation - is in play in AfPak. Osama bin Laden may be dead or not. "Al-Qaeda" remains a catch-all ghost entity. September 11 - the neo-cons' "new Pearl Harbor" - remains the darkest jigsaw puzzle of the young 21st century. It's useless to expect US corporate media and the ruling elites' political operatives to call for a true, in-depth investigation into the attacks on the US on September 11, 2001. Whitewash has been the norm. But even establishment highlight Dr Zbig "Grand Chessboard" Brzezinski, a former national security advisor, has admitted to the US Senate that the post-9/11 "war on terror" is a "mythical historical narrative".
The following questions, some multi-part - and most totally ignored by the 9/11 Commission - are just the tip of the immense 9/11 iceberg. A hat tip goes to the indefatigable work of;; architects and engineers for 9/11 truth; the Italian documentary Zero: an investigation into 9/11; and Asia Times Online readers' e-mails. None of these questions has been convincingly answered - according to the official narrative. It's up to US civil society to keep up the pressure. Eight years after the fact, one fundamental conclusion is imperative. The official narrative edifice of 9/11 is simply not acceptable.
Fifty questions
1) How come dead or not dead Osama bin Laden has not been formally indicted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as responsible for 9/11? Is it because the US government - as acknowledged by the FBI itself - has not produced a single conclusive piece of evidence?
2) How could all the alleged 19 razor-blade box cutter-equipped Muslim perpetrators have been identified in less than 72 hours - without even a crime scene investigation?
3) How come none of the 19's names appeared on the passenger lists released the same day by both United Airlines and American Airlines?
4) How come eight names on the "original" FBI list happened to be found alive and living in different countries?
5) Why would pious jihadi Mohammed Atta leave a how-to-fly video manual, a uniform and his last will inside his bag knowing he was on a suicide mission?
6) Why did Mohammed Atta study flight simulation at Opa Locka, a hub of no less than six US Navy training bases?
7) How could Mohammed Atta's passport have been magically found buried among the Word Trade Center (WTC)'s debris when not a single flight recorder was found?
8) Who is in the possession of the "disappeared" eight indestructible black boxes on those four flights?
9) Considering multiple international red alerts about a possible terrorist attack inside the US - including former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice's infamous August 6, 2001, memo - how come four hijacked planes deviating from their computerized flight paths and disappearing from radar are allowed to fly around US airspace for more than an hour and a half - not to mention disabling all the elaborate Pentagon's defense systems in the process?
10) Why the secretary of the US Air Force James Roche did not try to intercept both planes hitting the WTC (only seven minutes away from McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey) as well as the Pentagon (only 10 minutes away from McGuire)? Roche had no less than 75 minutes to respond to the plane hitting the Pentagon.
11) Why did George W Bush continue to recite "My Pet Goat" in his Florida school and was not instantly absconded by the secret service?
12) How could Bush have seen the first plane crashing on WTC live - as he admitted? Did he have previous knowledge - or is he psychic?
13) Bush said that he and Andrew Card initially thought the first hit on the WTC was an accident with a small plane. How is that possible when the FAA as well as NORAD already knew this was about a hijacked plane?
14) What are the odds of transponders in four different planes be turned off almost simultaneously, in the same geographical area, very close to the nation's seat of power in Washington, and no one scrambles to contact the Pentagon or the media?
15) Could defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld explain why initial media reports said that there were no fighter jets available at Andrews Air Force Base and then change the reports that there were, but not on high alert?
16) Why was the DC Air National Guard in Washington AWOL on 9/11?
17) Why did combat jet fighters of the 305th Air Wing, McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey not intercept the second hijacked plane hitting the WTC, when they could have done it within seven minutes?
18) Why did none of the combat jet fighters of the 459th Aircraft Squadron at Andrews Air Force Base intercept the plane that hit the Pentagon, only 16 kilometers away? And since we're at it, why the Pentagon did not release the full video of the hit?
19) A number of very experienced airline pilots - including US ally Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, a former fighter jet pilot - revealed that, well, only crack pilots could have performed such complex maneuvers on the hijacked jets, while others insisted they could only have been accomplished by remote control. Is it remotely believable that the hijackers were up to the task?
20) How come a substantial number of witnesses did swear seeing and hearing multiple explosions in both towers of the WTC?
21) How come a substantial number of reputed architects and engineers are adamant that the official narrative simply does not explain the largest structural collapse in recorded history (the Twin Towers) as well as the collapse of WTC building 7, which was not even hit by a jet?
22) According to Frank de Martini, WTC's construction manager, "We designed the building to resist the impact of one or more jetliners." The second plane nearly missed tower 1; most of the fuel burned in an explosion outside the tower. Yet this tower collapsed first, long before tower 2 that was "perforated" by the first hit. Jet fuel burned up fast - and by far did not reach the 2000-degree heat necessary to hurt the six tubular steel columns in the center of the tower - designed specifically to keep the towers from collapsing even if hit by a Boeing 707. A Boeing 707 used to carry more fuel than the Boeing 757 and Boeing 767 that actually hit the towers.
23) Why did Mayor Rudolph Giuliani instantly authorized the shipment of WTC rubble to China and India for recycling?
24) Why was metallic debris found no less than 13 kilometers from the crash site of the plane that went down in Pennsylvania? Was the plane in fact shot down - under vice president Dick Cheney's orders?
25) The Pipelineistan question. What did US ambassador Wendy Chamberlain talk about over the phone on October 10, 2001, with the oil minister of Pakistan? Was it to tell him that the 1990s-planned Unocal gas pipeline project, TAP (Turkmenistan/Afghanistan/ Pakistan), abandoned because of Taliban demands on transit fees, was now back in business? (Two months later, an agreement to build the pipeline was signed between the leaders of the three countries).
26) What is former Unocal lobbyist and former Bush pet Afghan Zalmay Khalilzad up to in Afghanistan?
27) How come former Pakistani foreign minister Niaz Niak said in mid-July 2001 that the US had already decided to strike against Osama bin Laden and the Taliban by October? The topic was discussed secretly at the July Group of Eight summit in Genoa, Italy, according to Pakistani diplomats.
28) How come US ambassador to Yemen Barbara Bodine told FBI agent John O'Neill in July 2001 to stop investigating al-Qaeda's financial operations - with O'Neill instantly moved to a security job at the WTC, where he died on 9/11?
29) Considering the very intimate relationship between the Taliban and Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), and the ISI and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), is Bin Laden alive, dead or still a valuable asset of the ISI, the CIA or both?
30) Was Bin Laden admitted at the American hospital in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates on July 4, 2001, after flying from Quetta, Pakistan, and staying for treatment until July 11?
31) Did the Bin Laden group build the caves of Tora Bora in close cooperation with the CIA during the 1980s' anti-Soviet jihad?
32) How come General Tommy Franks knew for sure that Bin Laden was hiding in Tora Bora in late November 2001?
33) Why did president Bill Clinton abort a hit on Bin Laden in October 1999? Why did then-Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf abort a covert ops in the same date? And why did Musharraf do the same thing again in August 2001?
34) Why did George W Bush dissolve the Bin Laden Task Force nine months before 9/11?
35) How come the (fake) Bin Laden home video - in which he "confesses" to being the perpetrator of 9/11 - released by the US on December 13, 2001, was found only two weeks after it was produced (on November 9); was it really found in Jalalabad (considering Northern Alliance and US troops had not even arrived there at the time); by whom; and how come the Pentagon was forced to release a new translation after the first (botched) one?
36) Why was ISI chief Lieutenant General Mahmud Ahmad abruptly "retired" on October 8, 2001, the day the US started bombing Afghanistan?
37) What was Ahmad up to in Washington exactly on the week of 9/11 (he arrived on September 4)? On the morning of 9/11, Ahmad was having breakfast on Capitol Hill with Bob Graham and Porter Goss, both later part of the 9/11 Commission, which simply refused to investigate two of its members. Ahmad had breakfast with Richard Armitage of the State Department on September 12 and 13 (when Pakistan negotiated its "cooperation" with the "war on terror") and met all the CIA and Pentagon top brass. On September 13, Musharraf announced he would send Ahmad to Afghanistan to demand to the Taliban the extradition of Bin Laden.
38) Who inside the ISI transferred US$100,000 to Mohammed Atta in the summer of 2001 - under orders of Ahmad himself, as Indian intelligence insists? Was it really ISI asset Omar Sheikh, Bin Laden's information technology specialist who later organized the slaying of American journalist Daniel Pearl in Karachi? So was the ISI directly linked to 9/11?
39) Did the FBI investigate the two shady characters who met Mohammed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi in Harry's Bar at the Helmsley Hotel in New York City on September 8, 2001?
40) What did director of Asian affairs at the State Department Christina Rocca and the Taliban ambassador to Pakistan Abdul Salam Zaeef discuss in their meeting in Islamabad in August 2001?
41) Did Washington know in advance that an "al-Qaeda" connection would kill Afghan nationalist commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, aka "The Lion of the Panjshir", only two days before 9/11? Massoud was fighting the Taliban and al-Qaeda - helped by Russia and Iran. According to the Northern Alliance, Massoud was killed by an ISI-Taliban-al Qaeda axis. If still alive, he would never have allowed the US to rig a loya jirga (grand council) in Afghanistan and install a puppet, former CIA asset Hamid Karzai, as leader of the country.
42) Why did it take no less than four months before the name of Ramzi Binalshibh surfaced in the 9/11 context, considering the Yemeni was a roommate of Mohammed Atta in his apartment cell in Hamburg?
43) Is pathetic shoe-bomber Richard Reid an ISI asset?
44) Did then-Russian president Vladimir Putin and Russian intelligence tell the CIA in 2001 that 25 terrorist pilots had been training for suicide missions?
45) When did the head of German intelligence, August Hanning, tell the CIA that terrorists were "planning to hijack commercial aircraft?"
46) When did Egyptian President Mubarak tell the CIA about an attack on the US with an "airplane stuffed with explosives?"
47) When did Israel's Mossad director Efraim Halevy tell the CIA about a possible attack on the US by "200 terrorists?"
48) Were the Taliban aware of the warning by a Bush administration official as early as February 2001 - "Either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs?"
49) Has Northrop-Grumman used Global Hawk technology - which allows to remotely control unmanned planes - in the war in Afghanistan since October 2001? Did it install Global Hawk in a commercial plane? Is Global Hawk available at all for commercial planes?
50) Would Cheney stand up and volunteer the detailed timeline of what he was really up to during the whole day on 9/11?
One of the main objectives of war propaganda is to “fabricate an enemy”. The “outside enemy” personified by Osama bin Laden is “threatening America”. Pre-emptive war directed against “Islamic terrorists” is required to defend the Homeland. Realities are turned upside down. America is under attack.
In the wake of 9/11, the creation of this “outside enemy” has served to obfuscate the real economic and strategic objectives behind the war in the Middle East and Central Asia. Waged on the grounds of self-defense, the pre-emptive war is upheld as a “just war” with a humanitarian mandate. As anti-war sentiment grows and the political legitimacy the Bush Administration falters, doubts regarding the existence of this illusive “outside enemy” must be dispelled.
Counter-terrorism and war propaganda are intertwined. The propaganda apparatus feeds disinformation into the news chain. The terror warnings must appear to be “genuine”. The objective is to present the terror groups as “enemies of America.” Ironically, Al Qaeda –the “outside enemy of America” as well as the alleged architect of the 9/11 attacks– is a creation of the CIA.
From the outset of the Soviet-Afghan war in the early 1980s, the US intelligence apparatus has supported the formation of the “Islamic brigades”. Propaganda purports to erase the history of Al Qaeda, drown the truth and “kill the evidence” on how this “outside enemy” was fabricated and transformed into “Enemy Number One”.
The US intelligence apparatus has created it own terrorist organizations. And at the same time, it creates its own terrorist warnings concerning the terrorist organizations which it has itself created. Meanwhile, a cohesive multibillion dollar counterterrorism program “to go after” these terrorist organizations has been put in place.
Portrayed in stylized fashion by the Western media, Osama bin Laden, supported by his various henchmen, constitutes America’s post-Cold war bogeyman, who “threatens Western democracy”. The alleged threat of “Islamic terrorists”, permeates the entire US national security doctrine. Its purpose is to justify wars of aggression in the Middle East, while establishing within America, the contours of the Homeland Security State.
Historical Background
What are the historical origins of Al Qaeda? Who is Osama bin Laden? The alleged mastermind behind the 9/11 terrorists attacks, Saudi-born Osama bin Laden, was recruited during the Soviet-Afghan war, “ironically under the auspices of the CIA, to fight Soviet invaders”.(Hugh Davies, “`Informers’ point the finger at bin Laden; Washington on alert for suicide bombers.” The Daily Telegraph, London, 24 August 1998). In 1979 the largest covert operation in the history of the CIA was launched in Afghanistan:
“With the active encouragement of the CIA and Pakistan’s ISI, who wanted to turn the Afghan Jihad into a global war waged by all Muslim states against the Soviet Union, some 35,000 Muslim radicals from 40 Islamic countries joined Afghanistan’s fight between 1982 and 1992. Tens of thousands more came to study in Pakistani madrasahs. Eventually, more than 100,000 foreign Muslim radicals were directly influenced by the Afghan jihad.” (Ahmed Rashid, “The Taliban: Exporting Extremism”, Foreign Affairs, November-December 1999).This project of the US intelligence apparatus was conducted with the active support of Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), which was entrusted in channelling covert military aid to the Islamic brigades and financing, in liason with the CIA, the madrassahs and Mujahideen training camps. U.S. government support to the Mujahideen was presented to world public opinion as a “necessary response” to the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in support of the pro-Communist government of Babrak Kamal.
The world’s mass media have recently publicized the case of Susan Lindauer, a former CIA operative who was arrested under the Patriot Act after she attempted to testify about 9-11 and U.S. Government foreknowledge and involvement in the attacks of 9-11-2001. The U.S. Government sent 5 FBI agents to her home and arrested her and then attempted to administer psychotropic drugs to her and hold her without trial or hearing.
Since 9-11 the mass media, in particular in the U.S. has almost never publicized the plights of the thousands of voices who have had evidence which runs contrary to the official version of 9-11. The voices which have come out against the official narrative of 9-11 have included structural engineers, respected scientists, military personnel, professors, eyewitnesses, reporters, bloggers and countless in what can be loosely termed the 9-11 truth movement.
For the most part anyone who has had anything to say against the official narrative, no matter how well-founded or researched or provable, has been marginalized, ignored, threatened or even disappeared. Why the mass media is finally running with the story of a CIA operative who was arrested on false grounds is a little odd at this late date but it has thrown the cover up of the events of 9-11 back on the front page.
According to various data and open source intelligence there were perhaps upwards of 9,000 people secretly arrested, detained or disappeared after 9-11 bring the toll on human lives and the number of those affected adversely by the events into the tens of thousands. This does not include those killed maimed or affected by the wars in Iraq and in Afghanistan and in the entire “War on Terror”. Some say the events of 9-11 were planned as a catalyst for the entire post 9-11 environment and the War on Terror paradigm, with its accompanying global militarization and the spread of the surveillance state, as well as what has been effectively a war on Islam.
Susan Lindauer claims that the events of 9-11 were planned by Mossad, something that has been echoed by others, claiming that the events of 9-11 allowed for the planned disintegration of Israel’s enemies in the Middle East and the guaranteed U.S. military presence in the region. For the U.S. this has allowed them to effectively take control of the resources in the oil rich region one country after the other and served as a pretext for the military takeover of the world.
For many years the timeline of the events leading up to and subsequent to 9-11 have been one of the most clear and unarguable pieces of evidence pointing to something terribly wrong with the official U.S. narrative, coupled with scientific evidence and the controlled demolition of building 7, an event which Larry Silverstein himself admitted to ordering in an interview on the record. Some of the key events related to 9-11 that have been documented and proven are as follows:
1. August 1997 FEMA's Emergency Response to Terrorism handbook depicts the World Trade center in crosshairs.
2. In 1999 NORAD conducted hijacking exercises where planes were flown into the Pentagon and the World Trade Center.
3. June 2000 DOJ releases a terrorism manual with the World Trade Center in crosshairs again.
4. September 2000 the Project for a New American Century releases a report called Rebuilding America's Defenses in which they state that without an event such as a new Pearl Harbor the process of transformation is likely to be a long one.
5. October 24, 2000 the Pentagon conducts the first in a series of training exercises called MASCAL the pretext of which is a passenger airliner, a Boeing 757, crashing into the Pentagon. Charles Burlingame an ex Navy F-4 pilot who worked in the Pentagon participated in the exercise before retiring to take a job with American Airlines, less than a year later the American Airlines plane, a Boeing 757, that he was the Captain of supposedly crashed into the Pentagon.
6. April 2001 NORAD plans an exercise in which a plane is flown into the Pentagon but it is rejected as too unrealistic.
7. June 2001 new instructions are implemented to deal with intervention in the case of a hijacking, part of it reads: " For all non-immediate responses the DOD must get permission directly from the SOD. Donald Rumsfeld. Attorney General John Ashcroft begins flying only on charter jets due to a threat assessment by the FBI.
8. July 4, 2001 Osama Bin Laden receives medical help at the American Hospital in Dubai. While he is there he is visited by the local chief of the CIA.
9. July 24, 2001 Larry A Silverstein signs a 3.2 billion dollar 99 year lease on the entire World Trade Center complex, this was six weeks before 9-11, part of the lease included a 3.5 billion dollar insurance policy that specifically covered acts of terrorism.
10. September 6, 2001 suspicious trading of American Airlines stock takes place. Bomb sniffing dogs were pulled off the World Trade Center and security guards were pulled of the twelve hour shifts that they had been working.
11. September 7, 2001 More excessive trading of American Airline stock involving PUT options which means that people were betting that the stock would fall.
12. September 10, 2001 more of the same. Newsweek reported that a number of top Pentagon officials cancelled their flight plans for the next morning. Willie Brown the Mayor of San Francisco receives a phone call from Condi Rice warning him not to fly the next day. In Pakistan at a military hospital all of the urologists are replaced by a special team in order to host Osama Bin Laden, who was well cared for and looked after.
13. September 11, 2001 with most of the intercept aircraft on training exercises in Canada and in the far North or sent far from Washington and New York on training exercises, there were only 14 aircraft left to guard the entire United States.
Experts said it could not have flown at those speeds without going into a high speed stall and that at such high Gs the plane would have just fallen out of the sky. All of the experienced air traffic controllers who watched the plane that was supposed to be flight 77 maneuvering and turning believed that it was a military fighter plane. All of the lights poles that flight 77 was supposed to have sheered of seemed to have just popped out of the ground, under normal circumstances they would have ripped the wings right off of the planes. If you look at the photos and listen to the eyewitness accounts it is clear that a commercial airliner did not hit the pentagon the damage was consistent with a missile strike.
Although the plane was supposed to have melted upon impact all of the bodies on board were identified by the same forensic laboratory that identified the non casualties in Pennsylvania. You get the idea. The only piece of wreckage was part of a J3-8D turbojet engine from a US Air force A-3 Sky Warrior. The few A-3s left are stored by Ratheon in Van Nuys California. A diffuser case was also found not belonging to a 757. Through analysis it is clear that a missile such as a Tomahawk was used to create the damage.
9:59 The South Tower collapses in about ten seconds, 29 minutes later the North Tower collapses in about ten seconds as well. 5:20 World Trade Center 7, a 47 story office building 300 feet away from the World Trade Center collapses in under 6 seconds into a neat little pile, while all of the buildings surrounding it were undamaged. These are the first three building in history to collapse because of a fire. The buildings came down in almost free fall speed, witnesses, video-tapes and expert testimony make it clear the World Trade Center was demolished using controlled explosions that had been placed in the buildings in strategic locations earlier and then detonated in order to cause the buildings to collapse, some witnesses reported up to six simultaneous explosions concurrent with the six support structures of the buildings.10:00 Cleveland Hopkins Airport was evacuated amidst fears that a hijacked plane was about to land. 10:06 Flight 93 was supposedly headed for the White House and crashed into a field in Pennsylvania witnesses said there was nothing to be seen at the crash scene and nothing that resembled an airline crash. The debris that was found was able to be carried away by hand in several plastic bags. 10:10 The sixty nine people on flight 1989, the first plane that landed in Cleveland, were evacuated to the FAA HQ in two hours and twenty minutes and later released. 10:45 The two hundred people on board flight 93 were evacuated to a special NASA building in under thirty minutes and never heard from again. 11:43 Cleveland WCPO a local television station in Cincinnati Ohio reported that two planes landed at Cleveland Hopkins Airport due to a bomb threat, United identified the plane as flight 93.
October 12, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld, in an interview with Parade Magazine, mentions a missile that damaged the World Trade Center even though officially one was never mentioned. Bin Laden's original statement: "The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every attack. I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons. I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders' rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations."
April 10, 2003 Chicago O'Hare: flight 93 is spotted its tail number N591UA is spotted on flight 1111. According to the FAA N612UA the Pentagon plane and N591UA, the Pennsylvania plane, are still valid numbers. 9 of the 19 hijackers are still alive and well. Silverstein demanded 7.2 billion dollars from his insurers. Received 2.2b. There is suspicion that some people had advance knowledge of the time of the crashes in order to move out amounts exceeding $100 million. $160 billion dollars in gold vanished but only $200 million was found in an empty ten wheeled truck with an empty escort of cars which had been abandoned just before the south tower.
With the current PRISM and other revelations, will people begin to question? The truth is so disturbing that the average person does not want to accept it, but the truth is something that can not be hidden forever and when the truth does finally come out it will shake the world, or perhaps it may be too late. Susan Lindauer, the former CIA operative, knows that Bush and Cheney had advanced knowledge of 9-11 and the world is now beginning to listen, perhaps this one clue will be enough to begin to bring down the house of cards.
Anthrax Suspect Dies in Apparent Suicide
A top government scientist who helped the FBI analyze samples from the 2001 anthrax attacks has died in Maryland from an apparent suicide, just as the Justice Department was about to file criminal charges against him for the attacks, the Los Angeles Times has learned.
Bruce Ivins, 62, who for the past 18 years worked at the government's elite biodefense research laboratories at Fort Detrick, Md., had been informed of his impending prosecution, said people familiar with Ivins, his death and with the FBI investigation. Ivins, whose name had not been disclosed publicly as a suspect in the case, had played a central role in research to improve anthrax vaccines by preparing anthrax formulations used in experiments on animals. Regarded as a skilled microbiologist, Ivins also had helped the FBI analyze the powdery material recovered from one of the anthrax-tainted envelopes sent to a U.S. senator's office in Washington, D.C.
Ivins died Tuesday at Frederick Memorial Hospital after having ingested a massive dose of prescription Tylenol mixed with codeine, said a friend and colleague who declined to be identified out of concern, he said, that he would be harassed by the FBI. The death - without any mention of suicide - was announced to Ivins' colleagues at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) in an e-mail. "People here are pretty shook up about it," said Caree Vander Linden, a spokeswoman for USAMRIID, who said she was not at liberty to discuss details surrounding the death. The anthrax mailings killed five people, crippled national mail service, shut down a Senate office building and spread fear of terrorism in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks. The extraordinary turn of events came after the government's payment in June of a settlement valued at $5.82 million to a former government scientist, Steven Hatfill, who was long targeted as the FBI's chief suspect despite a lack of any evidence that he had ever possessed anthrax.
Soon after the government's settlement with Hatfill was announced June 27, Ivins began showing signs of serious strain. One of his longtime colleagues told the Times that Ivins, who was being treated for depression, indicated to a therapist that he was considering suicide. Soon thereafter, family members and local police officers escorted Ivins away from USAMRIID, where his access to sensitive areas was curtailed, the colleague said. Ivins was committed to a facility in Frederick for treatment of his depression. July 24, he was released from the facility. The scientist faced forced retirement, planned for September, said his longtime colleague, who described Ivins as emotionally fractured by the federal scrutiny. A spokeswoman for the FBI, Debra Weierman, said Thursday that the bureau would not comment regarding the death of Ivins. Last week, however, FBI Director Mueller told CNN that, "in some sense, there have been breakthroughs" in the case.

Provided herewith are the introductory sections of this important report on the Death of Dr. David Kelly. Read complete report here. Dr David Kelly was a British scientist, who worked as a weapons inspector for the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM). He was renowned for his expertise in his field; over the course of his career, he developed an intricate understanding of Iraq’s weapons programmes. Thus, the government and secret services regularly sought his advice.(49)
On March 19th 2003, five countries, including the UK and US, invaded Iraq. The basis for this war had been laid out in two dossiers (Section 3), published in the preceding months, to which Kelly had contributed. However, when he began to raise concerns about the integrity of these documents, he would find himself caught in a political storm. Four months later, Kelly was dead. The official verdict was suicide; a decision that many believe is flawed. Twelve years later, many questions remain unanswered, and the search for the truth continues.
There are many aspects to the case, and these cannot be considered in isolation. The complexity demands an appreciation for how the evidence interacts within the wider context surrounding the key event. Therefore, this report will address the events chronologically, regularly analysing how they may have contributed to the death of David Kelly. The report will then draw upon this essential information to outline the main theories and their relevance within the underlying context.
A decorated ex-clandestine operative for the Pentagon offers new revelations about the role the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) played in the shut-down of the military's notorious Able Danger program, alleged to have identified five of the 9/11 hijackers inside America more than a year before the attacks. Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer joins a growing list of government officials accusing former CIA director George Tenet of misleading federal bodies and sharing some degree of blame for the attacks. Shaffer also adds to a picture emerging of the CIA's Bin Laden unit as having actively prevented other areas of intelligence, law enforcement and defense from properly carrying out their counterterrorism functions in the run-up to September 2001.

Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga, who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio, has told Italy’s oldest and most widely read newspaper that the 9-11 terrorist attacks were run by the CIA and Mossad, and that this was common knowledge among global intelligence agencies. In what translates awkwardly into English, Cossiga told the newspaper Corriere della Sera: “All the [intelligence services] of America and Europe…know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part … in Iraq [and] Afghanistan.”
Cossiga was elected president of the Italian Senate in July 1983 before winning a landslide election to become president of the country in 1985, and he remained until 1992. Cossiga’s tendency to be outspoken upset the Italian political establishment, and he was forced to resign after revealing the existence of, and his part in setting up, Operation Gladio. This was a rogue intelligence network under NATO auspices that carried out bombings across Europe in the 1960s, 1970s and ’80s. Gladio’s specialty was to carry out what they termed “false flag” operations—terror attacks that were blamed on their domestic and geopolitical opposition.
Israeli Espionage - Part 1 of 4:
Israeli Espionage - Part 2 of 4:
Israeli Espionage - Part 3 of 4:
Israeli Espionage - Part 4 of 4:
Over the years, American taxpayers have been required to send Israel more than four times what the US spent to go to the moon. What Israel has done in return was to set up government subsidized telecommunications companies which operate here in the United States. One of these companies is Amdocs, which provides billing and directory assistance for 90% of the phone companies in the USA. Amdocs' main computer center for billing is actually in Israel and allows those with access to do what intelligence agencies call "traffic analysis"; a picture of someone's activities based on a pattern of who they are calling and when. Another Israeli telecom company is Comverse Infosys, which subcontracts the installation of the automatic tapping equipment now built into every phone system in America.
Comverse maintains its own connections to all this phone tapping equipment, insisting that it is for maintenance purposes only. However, Converse has been named as the most likely source for leaked information regarding telephone calls by law enforcement that derailed several investigations into not only espionage, but drug running as well. Yet another Israeli telecom company is Odigo, which provides the core message passing system for all the "Instant Message" services. Two hours before the attacks on the World Trade Towers, Odigo employees received a warning. Odigo has an office 2 blocks from the former location of the World Trade Towers. Let us be clear here. There is nothing benign about Israel spying on the United States. When Jonathan Pollard stole our nuclear secrets (which your taxes paid to develop) and sent them to Israel, Israel did not hesitate to trade those secrets to the USSR in exchange for increased emigration quotas.
The implication of these facts is that the billions of our tax dollars sent to Israel (while women and children sleep in America's alleys and eat out of trash bins) have bought and paid for a monstrous phone tracking and phone tapping system that can eavesdrop on almost any phone call in America. Even the White House phones were open to such tapping by listening in on the other end outside the White House itself. This actually happened. The Ken Starr report on Whitewater describes how Bill Clinton informed Monica Lewinsky that their phone sex conversations had been recorded. At the same time, Clinton ordered the FBI to cease the hunt for an Israeli mole known to be operating inside the White House itself! So here we have a foreign nation able to listen in on most phones at will, using taps that cannot be found because they are built into the phone system itself, and willing to use the information gleaned from those calls to blackmail Americans into any desired course of action. This may well be what Ariel Sharon meant when he stated that the Jewish people control America.
That the information gleaned from these phone taps is being used to coerce the behavior of key individuals in the US Government and media is illustrated by the manner in which the government and the media have handled this scandal of the largest spy ring ever uncovered inside the United States, and of phone taps on all of our phones. They are downplaying it. Actually, burying it is a better word. Fox News, alone of all the media, actually ran the story as a four part broadcast, and put the story up on its web site. Then, without explanation, Fox News erased the story from their web site and have never mentioned it again. CNN followed by "Orwellizing" their report of the two hour advance warning of the WTC attacks sent to Odigo employees. But far more telling is the admission made by a US Official in part one of the Fox News report that hard evidence existed linking the events of 9/11 not to Arab Muslims, but to some of the more than 200 Israeli spies arrested both before and after 9/11, but that this evidence had been CLASSIFIED...

At 3:56 p.m., twenty-five minutes after the issuance of the FBI BOLO, officers with the East Rutherford Police Department stopped the commercial moving van through a trace on the plates. According to the police report, Officer Scott DeCarlo and Sgt. Dennis Rivelli approached the stopped van, demanding that the driver exit the vehicle. The driver, 23-year-old Sivan Kurzberg, refused and "was asked several more times [but] appeared to be fumbling with a black leather fanny pouch type of bag". With guns drawn, the police then "physically removed" Kurzberg, while four other men x- two more men had apparently joined the group since the morning x- were also removed from the van, handcuffed, placed on the grass median and read their Miranda rights.
They had not been told the reasons for their arrest. Yet, according to DeCarlo's report, "this officer was told without question by the driver [Sivan Kurzberg],'We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem.'"
Another of the five Israelis, again without prompting, told Officer DeCarlo x- falsely x- that "we were on the West Side Highway in New York City during the incident". From inside the vehicle the officers, who were quickly joined by agents from the FBI, retrieved multiple passports and $4,700 in cash stuffed in a sock. According to New Jersey's Bergen Record, which on September 12 reported the arrest of the five Israelis, an investigator high up in the Bergen County law enforcement hierarchy stated that officers had also discovered in the vehicle "maps of the city with certain places highlighted. It looked like they're hooked in with this", the source told the Record, referring to the 9/11 attacks. "It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park."
The five men were indeed Israeli citizens. They claimed to be in the country working as movers for Urban Moving Systems Inc., which maintained a warehouse and office in Weehawken, New Jersey. They were held for 71 days in a federal detention center in Brooklyn, New York, during which time they were repeatedly interrogated by FBI and CIA counterterrorism teams, who referred to the men as the "high-fivers" for their celebratory behavior on the New Jersey waterfront. Some were placed in solitary confinement for at least forty days; some were given as many as seven liedetector tests. One of the Israelis, Paul Kurzberg, brother of Sivan, refused to take a lie-detector test for ten weeks. Then he failed it.
Meanwhile, two days after the men were picked up, the owner of Urban Moving Systems, Dominik Suter, a 31- year-old Israeli national, abandoned his business and fled the United States for Israel. Suter's departure was abrupt, leaving behind coffee cups, sandwiches, cell phones and computers strewn on office tables and thousands of dollars of goods in storage. Suter was later placed on the same FBI suspect list as 9/11 lead hijacker Mohammed Atta and other hijackers and suspected al-Qaeda sympathizers, suggesting that U.S. authorities felt Suter may have known something about the attacks. The suspicion, as the investigation unfolded, was that the men working for Urban Moving Systems were spies. Who exactly was handling them, and who or what they were targeting, was as yet uncertain.
It was New York's venerable Jewish weekly The Forward that broke this story in the spring of 2002, after months of footwork. The Forward reported that the FBI had finally concluded that at least two of the men were agents working for the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, and that Urban Moving Systems, the ostensible employer of the five Israelis, was a front operation. Two former CIA officers confirmed this to me, noting that movers' vans are a common intelligence cover. The Forward also noted that the Israeli government itself admitted that the men were spies. A "former high-ranking American intelligence official", who said he was "regularly briefed on the investigation by two separate law enforcement officials", told reporter Marc Perelman that after American authorities confronted Jerusalem at the end of 2001, the Israeli government "acknowledged the operation and apologized for not coordinating it with Washington". Today, Perelman stands by his reporting. I asked him if his sources in the Mossad denied the story. "Nobody stopped talking to me", he said.
In June 2002, ABC News' 20/20 followed up with its own investigation into the matter, coming to the same conclusion as The Forward. Vincent Cannistraro, former chief of operations for counterterrorism with the CIA, told 20/20 that some of the names of the five men appeared as hits in searches of an FBI national intelligence database. Cannistraro told me that the question that most troubled FBI agents in the weeks and months after 9/11 was whether the Israelis had arrived at the site of their "celebration" with foreknowledge of the attack to come. From the beginning, "the FBI investigation operated on the premise that the Israelis had foreknowledge", according to Cannistraro. A second former CIA counterterrorism officer who closely followed the case, but who spoke on condition of anonymity, told me that investigators were pursuing two theories. "One story was that [the Israelis] appeared at Liberty State Park very quickly after the first plane hit. The other was that they were at the park location already". Either way, investigators wanted to know exactly what the men were expecting when they got there.
Before such issues had been fully explored, however, the investigation was shut down. Following what ABC News reported were "high-level negotiations between Israeli and U.S. government officials", a settlement was reached in the case of the five Urban Moving Systems suspects. Intense political pressure apparently had been brought to bear. The reputable Israeli daily Ha'aretz reported that by the last week of October 2001, some six weeks after the men had been detained, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and two unidentified "prominent New York congressmen" were lobbying heavily for their release. According to a source at ABC News close to the 20/20 report, high-profile criminal lawyer Alan Dershowitz also stepped in as a negotiator on behalf of the men to smooth out differences with the U.S. government. (Dershowitz declined to comment for this article.) And so, at the end of November 2001, for reasons that only noted they had been working in the country illegally as movers, in violation of their visas, the men were flown home to Israel.
Today, the crucial questions raised by this matter remain unanswered. There is sufficient reason x- from news reports, statements by former intelligence officials, an array of circumstantial evidence, and the reported acknowledgment by the Israeli government -x to believe that in the months before 9/11, Israel was running an active spy network inside the United States, with Muslim extremists as the target. Given Israel's concerns about Islamic terrorism as well as its long history of spying on U.S. soil, this does not come entirely as a shock. What's incendiary is the idea -x supported, though not proven, by several pieces of evidence x- that the Israelis did learn something about 9/11 in advance but failed to share all of what they knew with American officials. The questions are disturbing enough to warrant a Congressional investigation. Yet none of this information found its way into Congress's joint committee report on the attacks, and it was not even tangentially referenced in the nearly 600 pages of the 9/11 Commission's final report. Nor would a single major media outlet track the revelations of The Forward and ABC News to investigate further. "There weren't even stories saying it was bullshit", says The Forward's Perelman. "Honestly, I was surprised". Instead, the story disappeared into the welter of anti-Israel 9/11 conspiracy theories.
It's no small boon to the U.S. government that the story of 9/11-related Israeli espionage has been thus relegated: the story doesn't fit in the clean lines of the official narrative of the attacks. It brings up concerns not only about Israel's obligation not to spy inside the borders of the United States, its major benefactor, but about its possible failure to have provided the U.S. adequate warning of an impending devastating attack on American soil. Furthermore, the available evidence undermines the carefully cultivated image of sanctity that defines the U.S.- Israel relationship. These are all factors that help explain the story's disappearance, and they are compelling reasons to revisit it now.
Torpedoing the FBI Probe
All five future hijackers of American Airlines Flight 77, which rammed the Pentagon, maintained addresses or were active within a six-mile radius of towns associated with the Israelis employed at Urban Moving Systems. Hudson and Bergen counties, the areas where the Israelis were allegedly conducting surveillance, were a central staging ground for the hijackers of Flight 77 and their fellow al-Qaeda operatives. Mohammed Atta maintained a mail-drop address and visited friends in northern New Jersey; his contacts there included Hani Hanjour, the suicide pilot for Flight 77, and Majed Moqed, one of the strongmen who backed Hanjour in the seizing of the plane. Could the Israelis, with or without knowledge of the terrorists' plans, have been tracking the men who were soon to hijack Flight 77?
In public statements, both the Israeli government and the FBI have denied that the Urban Moving Systems men were involved in an intelligence operation in the United States. "No evidence recovered suggested any of these Israelis had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attack, and these Israelis are not suspected of working for Mossad", FBI spokesman Jim Margolin told me. (The Israeli embassy did not respond to questions for this article.) According to the source at ABC News, FBI investigators chafed at the denials from their higher-ups. "There is a lot of frustration inside the bureau about this case", the source told me. "They feel the higher echelons torpedoed the investigation into the Israeli New Jersey cell. Leads were not fully investigated". Among those lost leads was the figure of Dominik Suter, whom the U.S. authorities apparently never attempted to contact. Intelligence expert and author James Bamford told me there was similar frustration within the CIA: "People I've talked to at the CIA were outraged at what was going on. They thought it was outrageous that there hadn't been a real investigation, that the facts were hanging out there without any conclusion."
However, what was "absolutely certain", according to Vincent Cannistraro, was that the five Israelis formed part of a surveillance network in the New York- New Jersey area. The network's purpose was to track radical Islamic extremists and/or supporters of militant Palestinian groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CFR Put War Plans in a 1997 Book -- It is "A Blueprint for World Dictatorship," Says a Former German Defense and NATO Official Who Warned of Global Domination in 1984, in an Exclusive Interview With FTW.
These are the very first words in the book, "Ever since the continents started interacting politically, some five hundred years ago, Eurasia has been the center of world power." -- p. xiii. Eurasia is all of the territory east of Germany and Poland, stretching all the way through Russia and China to the Pacific Ocean. It includes the Middle East and most of the Indian subcontinent. The key to controlling Eurasia, says Brzezinski, is controlling the Central Asian Republics. And the key to controlling the Central Asian republics is Uzbekistan. Thus, it comes as no surprise that Uzbekistan was forcefully mentioned by President George W. Bush in his address to a joint session of Congress just days after the attacks of September 11 as the very first place that the U.S. military would be deployed.
As FTW has documented in previous stories, major deployments of U.S. and British forces had taken place before the attacks. And the U.S. Army and the CIA had been active in Uzbekistan for several years. There is now evidence that what the world is witnessing is a cold and calculated war plan -- at least four years in the making -- and that, from reading Brzezinski's own words about Pearl Harbor, the World Trade Center attacks were just the trigger needed to set the final conquest in motion.
FTW, November 7, 2001, 1200 PST -- There's a quote often attributed to Allen Dulles after it was noted that the final 1964 report of the Warren Commission on the assassination of JFK contained dramatic inconsistencies. Those inconsistencies, in effect, disproved the Commission's own final conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone on November 22, 1963. Dulles, a career spy, Wall Street lawyer, the CIA director whom JFK had fired after the 1961 Bay of Pigs fiasco -- and the Warren Commission member who took charge of the investigation and final report -- is reported to have said, "The American people don't read."
Some Americans do read. So do Europeans and Asians and Africans and Latin Americans.
World events since the attacks of September 11, 2001 have not only been predicted, but also planned, orchestrated and -- as their architects would like to believe -- controlled. The current Central Asian war is not a response to terrorism, nor is it a reaction to Islamic fundamentalism. It is in fact, in the words of one of the most powerful men on the planet, the beginning of a final conflict before total world domination by the United States leads to the dissolution of all national governments. This, says Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member and former Carter National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, will lead to nation states being incorporated into a new world order, controlled solely by economic interests as dictated by banks, corporations and ruling elites concerned with the maintenance (by manipulation and war) of their power. As a means of intimidation for the unenlightened reader who happens upon this frightening plan -- the plan of the CFR -- Brzezinski offers the alternative of a world in chaos unless the U.S. controls the planet by whatever means are necessary and likely to succeed.
This position is corroborated by Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, Ph.D. a former German defense ministry official and advisor to former NATO Secretary General Manfred Werner. On November 6, he told FTW, "The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the CFR, The Trilateral Commission ( founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller -- and the Bliderberger Group, have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens."
Brzezinski's own words -- laid against the current official line that the United States is waging a war to end terrorism -- are self-incriminating. In an ongoing series of articles, FTW has consistently established that the U.S. government had foreknowledge of the World Trade Center attacks and chose not to stop them because it needed to secure public approval for a war that is now in progress. It is a war, as described by Vice President Dick Cheney, "that may not end in our lifetimes." What that means is that it will not end until all armed groups, anywhere in the world, which possess the political, economic or military ability to resist the imposition of this dictatorship, have been destroyed.
These are the "terrorists" the U.S. now fights in Afghanistan and plans to soon fight all over the globe. Before exposing Brzezinski (and those he represents) with his own words, or hearing more from Dr. Koeppl, it is worthwhile to take a look at Brzezinski's background. According to his resume Brzezinski, holding a 1953 Ph.D. from Harvard, lists the following achievements:
Counselor, Center for Strategic and International Studies Professor of American Foreign Policy, Johns Hopkins University National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter (1977-81), Trustee and founder of the Trilateral Commission, International advisor of several major US/Global corporations, Associate of Henry Kissinger Under Ronald Reagan, member of NSC-Defense Department Commission on Integrated Long-Term Strategy Under Ronald Reagan, member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, Past member, Board of Directors, The Council on Foreign Relations 1988, Co-chairman of the Bush National Security Advisory Task Force.Brzezinski is also a past attendee and presenter at several conferences of the Bliderberger group -- a non-partisan affiliation of the wealthiest and most powerful families and corporations on the planet.
The Grand Chessboard
Brzezinski sets the tone for his strategy by describing Russia and China as the two most important countries -- almost but not quite superpowers - whose interests that might threaten the U.S. in Central Asia. Of the two, Brzezinski considers Russia to be the more serious threat. Both nations border Central Asia. In a lesser context he describes the Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Iran and Kazakhstan as essential "lesser" nations that must be managed by the U.S. as buffers or counterweights to Russian and Chinese moves to control the oil, gas and minerals of the Central Asian Republics (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan).

As the current international situation shows, terrorism emerges where contradiction aggravate, where there is a change of social relations or a change of regime, where there is political, economic or social instability, where there is moral decadence, where cynicism and nihilism triumph, where vice is legalized and where crime spreads. It is globalization what creates the conditions for the emergence of these extremely dangerous phenomena. It is in this context that the new world geo-strategic map is being designed, that the resources of the planet are being re-distributed, that borders are disappearing, that international law is being torn into pieces, that cultural identities are being erased, that spiritual life becomes impoverished...
The analysis of the essence of the globalization process, the military and political doctrines of the United States and other countries, shows that terrorism contributes to a world dominance and the submissiveness of states to a global oligarchy. This means that terrorism is not something independent of world politics but simply an instrument, a means to install a unipolar world with a sole world headquarters, a pretext to erase national borders and to establish the rule of a new world elite. It is precisely this elite that constitutes the key element of world terrorism, its ideologist and its “godfather”. The main target of the world elite is the historical, cultural, traditional and natural reality; the existing system of relations among states; the world national and state order of human civilization and national identity.
Today’s international terrorism is a phenomenon that combines the use of terror by state and non-state political structures as a means to attain their political objectives through people’s intimidation, psychological and social destabilization, the elimination of resistance inside power organizations and the creation of appropriate conditions for the manipulation of the countries’ policies and the behavior of people. Terrorism is the weapon used in a new type of war. At the same time, international terrorism, in complicity with the media, becomes the manager of global processes. It is precisely the symbiosis between media and terror, which allows modifying international politics and the exiting reality.
In this context, if we analyze what happened on September 11, 2001, in the United States, we can arrive at the following conclusions: 1. The organizers of those attacks were the political and business circles interested in destabilizing the world order and who had the means necessary to finance the operation. The political conception of this action matured there where tensions emerged in the administration of financial and other types of resources. We have to look for the reasons of the attacks in the coincidence of interests of the big capital at global and transnational levels, in the circles that were not satisfied with the rhythm of the globalization process or its direction. Unlike traditional wars, whose conception is determined by generals and politicians, the oligarchs and politicians submitted to the former were the ones who did it this time.
2. Only secret services and their current chiefs – or those retired but still having influence inside the state organizations – have the ability to plan, organize and conduct an operation of such magnitude. Generally, secret services create, finance and control extremist organizations. Without the support of secret services, these organizations cannot exist – let alone carry out operations of such magnitude inside countries so well protected. Planning and carrying out an operation on this scale is extremely complex.
3. Osama bin Laden and “Al Qaeda” cannot be the organizers nor the performers of the September 11 attacks. They do not have the necessary organization, resources or leaders. Thus, a team of professionals had to be created and the Arab kamikazes are just extras to mask the operation. The September 11 operation modified the course of events in the world in the direction chosen by transnational mafias and international oligarchs; that is, those who hope to control the planet’s natural resources, the world information network and the financial flows. This operation also favored the US economic and political elite that also seeks world dominance. The use of the term “international terrorism” has the following goals:










Because Islamic terrorism has unfortunately become such a big part of our lives in recent years and because we the sheeple have so little understanding of what it really is, I felt I had to devote an entire blog commentary to comprehensively address Islamic terrorism and its very intimate ties to Western powers. Make no mistake about it, for several decades now Wahhabist/Salafist terror groups have been advancing one Western agenda after another throughout the world - and their main targets have been secular Arab nationalism and of course Russian and Iranian interests. In any case, I would say more important than my commentary about Western ties to Islamic terrorism are the articles I have compiled about it. Therefore, please feel free to skip what I have to say and just take into close consideration all the evidence that has been hidden in plain sight.
ReplyDeleteOf course the "muslim terrorism' was created and abetted by the Anglo-Jewish cabal.
ReplyDeleteBut much earlier. Leaving aside the birth of the Muslim Brotherhood, assisted by the midwife MI6, we come to the 50s.
"As US-backed strongmen around North Africa and the Middle East are being toppled or shaken by popular protests, Washington is grappling with a crucial foreign-policy issue: how to deal with the powerful but opaque Muslim Brotherhood...
If this discussion evokes a sense of déjà vu, this is because over the past sixty years we have had it many times before, with almost identical outcomes. Since the 1950s, the United States has secretly struck up alliances with the Brotherhood or its offshoots on issues as diverse as fighting communism and calming tensions among European Muslims...
In 1953, the year before the Brotherhood was outlawed by Nasser, a covert US propaganda program headed by the US Information Agency brought over three dozen Islamic scholars and civic leaders mostly from Muslim countries for what officially was an academic conference at Princeton University. The real reason behind the meeting was an effort to impress the visitors with America’s spiritual and moral strength, since it was thought that they could influence Muslims’ popular opinion better than their ossified rulers. The ultimate goal was to promote an anti-Communist agenda in these newly independent countries, many of which had Muslim majorities...
One of the leaders, according to Eisenhower’s appointment book, was “The Honorable Saeed Ramahdan, Delegate of the Muslim Brothers.”* The person in question (in more standard romanization, Said Ramadan), was the son-in-law of the Brotherhood’s founder and at the time widely described as the group’s “foreign minister.” (He was also the father of the controversial Swiss scholar of Islam, Tariq Ramadan.)
Eisenhower officials knew what they were doing. In the battle against communism, they figured that religion was a force that US could make use of—the Soviet Union was atheist, while the United States supported religious freedom. Central Intelligence Agency analyses of Said Ramadan were quite blunt, calling him a “Phalangist” and a “fascist interested in the grouping of individuals for power.” But the White House went ahead and invited him anyway".
"It’s no exaggeration to say that Ramadan is the ideological grandfather of Osama bin Laden. But Ramadan, the Muslim Brotherhood, and their Islamist allies might never have been able to plant the seeds that sprouted into Al Qaeda had they not been treated as U.S. allies during the Cold War and had they not received both overt and covert support from Washington; Ramadan himself, documents suggest, was recruited as an asset by the CIA".
There is no need to remind that the Judaized 'West' sided openly of secretly with Islam against their Christian brothers since its birth.
Western alliance with the Islamic world isn't entirely a 20th century phenomenon. I could cite examples of other instances where a Western nation has allied with a Muslim power. For instance, the origin of the Franco-Ottoman alliance lay with Francis I's pleas to Suleiman the Magnificent to intervene in his plight while under Hapsburg captivity. The Venetian Republic had a thriving relationship with the Turks too, mainly economic but there were also conflicts between those two powers as well. Most importantly, the Crimean War was a huge event in which most of Western Europe backed the Ottomans against Russia.
ReplyDeleteHowever, even Orthodox Christendom had to make deals with Muslim powers that took control over large Orthodox populations, especially in the Balkans under Ottoman rule, as well as Russian statelets under the Muslim Tatar control. Even the Cossack Hetmanate had Crimean Tatars as allies against Poland-Lithuania.
It all comes down to Orthodox Christendom and to a lesser extent, Shia Islam as the enemies of an unlikely partnership of Western Catholic-Protestant bloc and the Sunni Muslim faction.
It also reminded me of one article that was posted in this blog a while ago, where it was necessary to "Keep Moscow at bay....... in Kosovo". Technically, the only thing that Western intelligence would conclude is that an Orthodox controlled Balkans would menace not only the Western world, but the Islamic world (Russian power projectory and all other stuff), and even the Vatican. I have said this already, but I will say this again: Western powers support the genocides of Orthodox Christians in order to deprive Russia of a reason to intervene in areas where there is an Orthodox presence. In the event that NATO invades Russia, what is stopping them from turning a blind eye or even joining in the whole "Russians to the knives!" mania? Of course, who ultimately benefits from the extinction of Russia as a civilization than the very same beings who swore revenge on the Russian state for destroying their chance at a one world government in 1815.....
I want to thank Romanian Anonymous and Jerriko Magpantay for adding historic depth to this blog commentary. Please post whatever relevant materials you have about this subject matter in this comments section. Although I wanted this blog commentary to concentrate on recent times, I fully recognize that Western interests (Vatican, French, Swedish, German, Anglo, American, Jewish) have been collaborating with Muslim powers against Christian Orthodoxy for many centuries. The Vatican essentially ordered that sacking for Byzantium during the crusades. The massive cannons that Ottoman Turks later used to bring down the walls of Byzantium were proudly made in Germany. The Crimean war was a war where the English, French deliberately joined Ottoman Turks to stop the Russian Empire from expanding into Christian Orthodox regions of the Balkans and Asia Minor. Historically, Islam has been a very useful tool against Russia and more recently it has been used against Iran.
ReplyDeleteI think you mean Sunni Islam, as Sunni Salafism is also used as a weapon against Shia Iran. However, the boogeyman of Sunni extremism has also led to an unusual collaboration between Orthodox Russia and Shia Iran, so it's still a form of Christian-Muslim collaboration.
DeleteOf course I meant to say Sunni Islam. Similar to how 90% of Jews in the world today are Ashkenazi, 90% of Muslims in the world today are Sunni. I guess I subconsciously look at Iran/Shiites as something unique and somewhat non-Islamic.
DeleteRussian-Iranian relations have been slowly developing for about two decades now. There however remains a significant/noticeable level of distrust between the two. The two have grown closer to each other out of geopolitical necessity. I hope it continues as both nations Russia and Iran are spiritually connected.
You are right, the relationship between Russia and Iran can also be described as collaboration between Christians and Muslims. Fascinating times we are living in.
If I had to describe that kind of relationship between Russia and Iran, Russia would be the 'husband' of Iran, and in turn Iran would be the 'wife'. However, Russia's other potential proverbial wife would be Armenia, albeit a reluctant proverbial wife. It's like how America and Israel are like a geopolitical married couple, with Israel being the strong wife and America as the beta cuck who is whipped.
DeleteI don't think Russian-Iranian relations are that develped yet. Russian-Iranian alliance is still at an arms-length. Iran can theoretically live without Russia. It would however be very difficult and dangerous for Tehran. Moreover, Armenia is not reluctantly in a relationship with Russia. The vast majority of Armenians in Armenia (and I would even venture to guess a majority of Armenians in the diaspora) are very pro-Russia. The small minority that isn't is however louder. Uncle Sam always has his whores, as few as they may be, always in our face and always making noise. They therefore seem more numerous and more powerful than they really are. It's a matter of percpetion. But your take on American-Israeli relations is spot on...
DeleteThank you Arevordi for your appreciation of my modest contributions. I touched this subject many times. I can't but refer those interested to my past comments.
DeleteI want just to remind that there were the Armenian chroniclers contemporary with the birth and the beginning of Islam's rampage, who described the birth of the historical collusion of Jews and Muslims against Christians.
In other news, Trump has sacked Tillerson:
I don't know why Tillerson would be sacked so fast, seeing as he is a bit decent, and he's replaced by Mike Pompey from the CIA. Is Pompeo a part of the establishment or Tillerson?
Here's hoping that Trump doesn't make a fatal gamble like, I don't know, sack Mad Dog Mattis. I'd be disappointed if he did.
I haven't even had a chance to read Arevordi's commentary yet, but I did read RomAn's and Jerricko's very informative comments. I saw this a few days ago, and it is on target:
ReplyDeleteVIDEO: 100,000’s of Chinese ready to join Turkey to fight YPG – community leader
As everyone has already stated, Islamic-Turkic peoples are the west's greatest allies: large in numbers, stupid and easily controlled, easily radicalized. Basically a horde of orcs that can be directed against whatever enemy the western-jewish alliance has targeted for destruction. Thankfully the days of Orthodox Christians -the heirs of the Byzantine Empire and through that the heirs of high European and Near Eastern civilization itself- being prostrate in the face of western-backed Muslim hoards are dead and never coming back. In an unanticipated turn of events, western culture has been pushed so far into the realm of the unnatural (pushing trannyism and bestiality and the wholesale importation of tens of millions of African and Muslim men) that large numbers of the ordinary, unsophisticated citizenry of Orthodox Christian nations, who in the past had a certain fetish for all things western, are turning away in absolute disgust.
ps Arevordi I accidentally posted a copy of this comment to the previous blog entry.
There's a continuous chain of Turkic people from Xin Jiang in China through to Turkey. The ONLY nation that prevents this chain from being unbroken is little Armenia. Can anyone else see the strategic significance of this? Without Armenia, Iran would break into two with the northern half becoming a Turkic-Azerbaijani state.
DeleteI know we lack real leaders with strategic foresight but what about China? What sort of trouble will be caused to China by the East Turkistan movement if Turkey had direct access to the border of China? It's not only Russia's underbelly that would be affected. I'm a little surprised how China has taken a back seat in geopolitical affairs, letting Russia and Iran do all the heavy lifting. They won't even fund a railway between Iran and Georgia via Armenia because it's not profitable enough, despite the fact that it would help strengthen Armenia's geopolitical position and have a counter-balancing effect to this Turkic chain which will only get stronger after their one belt one road initiative is implemented. I suppose the business of China will always remain business unless provoked, but then they may run to Russia for that help too.
You make some good points. I don't think Beijing fully understands the gravity of the danger. They are too preoccupied with "growing" their economy and they are indeed expecting Russia and Iran to do the heavy lifting in places like Middle East and Central Asia. Part of the blame rests on us Armeniasn as well. If China is too preoccupied with growing their economy, Armenia is too preoccupied with kissing Western ass. If the effort official Yerevan puts in trying to etablish good relations with Western powers was instead put on establishing good relations with China, Iran and India for example, Armenia would be much better off. Our Western fetish (as well as the westernized Armenian Diaspora in north America and Europe) is ultimately what's behind "complimentary politics" and the reason we are not fully developing our ties with Russia, Iran, China and India.
DeleteChina has its hands full with SE Asia to worry about Armenia and the Pan-Turkic temptation, plus Shit Korea and its talks with Real Korea. However, if I was Xi Jinping, I would be more worried about Japan than the US or potential wildcard Philippines.
DeleteJerriko, you are right, China does indeed have more important more immediate concerns and issues to deal with right in and around its neighborhood. However, China is also wealthy enough, powerful enough and politically experienced enough to understand that it also needs to be a little bit more proactive in Turkic/Islamic regions of Eurasia. Speaking of the Uyghur (Turkish/Islamic) threat to China, that which has an official representation in Washington DC -
DeleteTurkish supported terrorists directly threaten China:
ReplyDeleteHave you previously heard of this Andranik Dovlatyan character? Is the guy just sick in the head, or some foreign agent? Any thoughts?
I have already seen this. I was only recently made aware of this moron's existence. Regarding your question: One has to be sick in the head and/or have very low character to work for Western powers. This moron may or may not be directly working for Uncle Sam. He may just be posturing to look important in the community (think Armenian ego). There is no doubt however that he is indeed sick in the head. Everything he says and the way he says it suggests mental illness. In any case, I wrote this about him a couple of months ago in the comments section of my previous blog commentary -
DeleteSpeaking of West coast Armenians, Captain Americas, Russophobes and "praise Jesus" types, you guys need to watch to following if you have not yet done so. Այս տարօրինակը մեր ազգի բնորոշ/տիպիկ էշ-քունողներից է: Այդ Հայի տեսակը/կերպարը որ այս ապուշը հպարտությամբ ներկայացնում է, հարյուրավոր տարիներ եղել է մեր երկրի անեծքը -
«Մեր համայնքում ակտիվ գործում են КГБ ու ФСБ-ի գործակալներ․․․»Անդրանիկ Դովլաթյան:
PS: It's these kinds of strange animals that Uncle Sam keeps in reserve to use at opportune times. This moron is therefore essentially no different than all the Islamic terrorists that are sheltered by Western powers.
Thanks. I just found his "recognition by our people of Jerusalem as Israel's indivisible capital" to be questionable. Also odd was his attacks on the ARF as a turco-bolshevik "masonic" organization.
DeleteEither nosferatu, or a deformed Jeff Bezos.
DeleteI don't know of a single person apart from this blog where this clown has any relevance. If Armenian authorities and the church don't want this lunatic causing problems, let them take a cue from Duterte and crack down on western agents and western cults. The church especially should audit its priests, dismiss the worthless ones who care more about riding around in a Mercedes G-class than about taking care of the community, and denounce heathens as enemies of our people.
ReplyDeleteEuropeans are truly the lowliest, most disgusting form of life in existence. The filthiest, stupidest Negro or Mestizo, Arab or Southeast Asian is infinitely preferable to English, French, Germans, or any of the other white-skinned trash. Even worms and cockroaches at least serve a useful, if disgusting, purpose in nature by digesting decaying matter and reintroducing it into the soil. Europeans though refuse to protect what little children they have from being drugged, raped, groomed, and whored by Pakistanis.
DeleteThank God their women refuse to have children at all, or if they have children its a mongrel. I've said this before and I will say it again: in the grand scheme of things the destruction of these former colonial shithole nations serves the greater good. All Europeans are good for is promoting every form of degeneracy abroad, attacking Russia, and propping up Jews, Turks, and Islamist extremists. The world will be better when they are gone, or reduced enough that they won't pose a threat to civilization anymore.
Any Armenian who looks up to westerners is a traitor or an idiot. Any Armenian "nationalist" who makes excuses for the behavior of European and White American faggots ("they are golden, its all the Jews making them do it") is stuck in the failed 1930s and deserves to have the shit beaten out of him.
Anyway, I think Russia has just about reached the point where she concludes that there is no point in further trying to improve its relations with Europe in hopes that Europe will break from America. You see, unlike respectable Turks, Europeans are totally without backbone or balls. Just a month ago Russia supplied the Anglo scum with emergency gas when they were in a bind. Time is on Russia's side, the west within a generation will be unsalvageable.
ReplyDeleteYou are as always doing a great job with your analysis. Just a few years ago I was one of those in the dark. Syria helped me wake up from my sleep. There is no doubt in my mind anymore that Americans and Jews are behind Islamic State.
This breaking news is significant to your blog post.
I wonder who the ammunition was going to.
Regarding the helicopter incident, another good question should be: Who shot it down? Was it retribution for the Russian warplane's demise? Interestingly, the downing of the American helicopter and the deaths of seven soldiers, who most likely special operations members, has gotten less airtime than the doomed Russian warplane.
DeleteSpeaking of waking up, you should have woken up with Iraq, 2003. I am not being aloof. I only fully woke up with Serbia, 1999. Many Armenians, including many Armenian officials remain asleep. This is a serious problem.
DeleteAnd this is why I am going to rant a bit.
One must foretell an enemy before it gets near his neighborhood. A nation must fight its enemy far away from its borders. We are so fixated on Turks/Azeris that we are not seeing a greater danger. Western powers are an enemy of not only Russians and Iranians, but also Armenians and the entire non-Anglo-American-Jewish world. If Western powers ever got their way in the region not only the Middle East but the entire Caucasus would quickly and violently turn into a Turkic/Islamic cesspool overnight. Anyone that does not understand this is a fool. We should have seen this existential danger at the very least back in the 1990s when Anglo-American-Jews started the Turkic/Islamic insurgency in the Caucasus against Russia. Had Russia been defeated in the 1990s and the Caucasus wrestled away from Moscow's control, forget about Artsakh, there would not have been even an Armenia today.
Men like you and I have woken up since, but many Armenians, including our so-called leaders, remain fast asleep.
Western-backed activists, politicians, philanthropists, civil rights advocates, educators and an army of organizations are running rampant throughout Armenia today essentially because official Yerevan wants to show Moscow that it has options - even though Moscow knows that in reality Armenia has no real options. Our continuing flirtations with Western powers - which we call "Complimentary Politics" - is empowering Western interests inside Armenia and allowing them to set deeper roots. What Yerevan is therefore doing is reactionary, shortsighted and dangerous. Western money and goods (which many Armenians are willing to sell their mothers for) and the influence of the westernized Diaspora are also playing big roles in Yerevan's ill devised policy of appeasement.
Complimentary politics is in fact causing the political and economic stagnation of Armenia because it is making both Russia and the US distrustful/dissatisfied with Yerevan. Because of Yerevan's Complimentary Politics not only is Armenia not fully exploiting its ties to Russia but also to Iran, China and India. After Russia, we are fixated on the West. This is no good.
Complimentary politics is supposedly designed to be a hedge against Russia - in case - Russians turn on Armenians. First of all, for Armenia the West can never be a real hedge against Russia. Who in their right minds think Western powers will ever come to Armenia's help/rescue for any reason? If Armenians were not getting ready to abandon the Russian orbit, Russia would never turn against Armenia. In fact, after Armenians, Russians are the ONLY nation on earth that are willing to spill blood for Armenia. As I have been saying recently, look at what Russians are doing in Syria and imagine what they would do for Armenia. Moreover, for Russian politicians, Russia's borders start with Armenia's borders.
On the other hand, the existence of Armenia is of no real significance to the West.
In fact, it would be better for Anglo-American-Jews if an Armenia did not exist in the first place. Moreover, there is nothing in Armenia, other than perhaps a small amount of natural resources like gold, that Western powers are really interested in obtaining. In other words, the Western world is not interested in Armenian products, but former Soviet space most definitely is. Knowing all this, how could Western powers ever be envisioned as a hedge against Russia? Why not put our collective emphasis and resources, which are already limited, on deepening and strengthening our ties with Russia, Iran, China, India, etc?
I guess all this shows that we Armenians are by nature (i.e. genetic profile) incapable of political foresight. Collectively, as a people, we are reactionary and we live only for today.
London to seize wealthy Russians’ assets in Britain
Inexplicable move, really. The Russian government has been trying to repatriate the wealth that Russian oligarchs have stashed in the west for over 18 years now. The Kremlin alone could never have "motivated" a repatriation of wealth like this move or the "sanctions list" the Trump administration released a month or so ago.
Seriously, I don't understand what is happening here. Is western policy now formulated by actual autists who are incapable of anticipating the outcomes of their moves past the immediate and apparent?
Imperial hubris brings about irrational behavior. It's inevitable. This was why Rome, the West's ancient predecessor, fell into decline. It has happened throughout history, and it has happened all around the world. There is no reason why this would not happen to Anglo-American-Jews, who as we know have been sitting on top of the world since Napoleon's defeat some two hundred-plus years ago. When a political order begins thinking that it is the alpha and omega of this world (and sometimes beyond), it effectively stops questioning, assessing and analyzing its actions. In a nutshell, Western powers think they have the God-given mandate to lecture the world, and punish those who do not listen. All this in-turn makes their actions/policies/agendas become more-and-more irrational and counterproductive. All in all, it's all about the Western world's civilizational decline I keep speaking about.
DeleteThe West's irrational behavior may also be due to the possibility that someone/somewhere is agitating for a world war for one reason or another. There is also the possibility that the financial/political/royal elite in the greater Western world (i.e. European secret societies), or perhaps elements within them, want to see the downsizing of Anglo-American-Jews. All the "psychic forecasts" are the Russia will be a great power in the future. Perhaps this is what's behind the rise of nations like Russia and China. In any case, as I have said in the past, we see what's going on, we see what they are doing, but we can only speculate/theorize as to why they are doing it. All in all, we are living in very interesting and dangerous times.
I understand Arevordi, and I agree. Even though when making mistakes of this calibre, I have to imagine "the end is near."
DeleteRelevant video from Black Pigeon Speaks. Nothing new for anyone familiar with this blog, but still well made and informative for normies and/or dumbshit Armenians who still haven't grasped that the west is dying... Although to be honest I suspect that a majority of Armenians actually understands this quite well, they just don't have low-rated call-in shows on AMGA or Glendale Public Access Television.
DeletePeak Decadence: The WEST & The Fate of EMPIRE
Seriously, apart from the nobodies that comment on seldom visited Armenian forums, I don't think the western agenda has serious support inside Armenia - I wouldn't gypsy-like Armenian peasants looking to defraud the US government out of $$$ as supporters of the western agenda. The case might have been different in a hypotethical timeline in which Russia never recovered from the collapse of the Soviet Union, but thankfully that is not what happened. The DEMOCRACY NOW(!) activists on English-language Armenian forums are a small minority composed of faggots and crypto-kikes. Seriously, read the thread below from a low-rated Armenian forum populated with "Armenians" that want to turn Armenia into a cross between Islamic-terrorist Molenbeek district of Brussels and the uber-homosexual Castro District of San Francisco.
Click on the names of the Jewish "Armenians" and see their comments. These are the same faggots you come across on HyeClub, Asbarez, the Armenian Weekly and whatnot. These people are as "Armenian" as rotting Turkish-Jew corpse who was known as Edward Tashji, the irrelevent old fucks at Policy Forum Armenia, that Jeff Bezos mutant lookalike, Paruyr "<3 that Jew pussy" Hayrikyan, and the rest.
The poisoning could easily be the work of Brits themselves but look at how sophmoric London is with this:
DeleteBecause the poisoned Russian traitor is a Jew the Brits wanted Israel to say something but Israelis acted more mature.
Pretty good article by the Saker
ReplyDeleteWhen Dealing with a Bear, Hubris Is Suicidal
I hated the weakness and cowardly nature of the character Winston Smith in George Orwell's 1984, but I really enjoyed the political ideologies presented in the book, especially the parts describing the Emmanuel Goldstein character's ideology and "book within a book" titled The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism. The analysis of how a society can be made to accept ridiculous nonsense that they know to be false, aka doublethink, is an interesting way to look at modern western society. I suppose Orwell was criticizing authoritarianism, particularly Stalinism more than anything else; interesting how western doublethink has produced the worst individuals as well as collective society that history has ever seen.
Somewhat related to this commentary, it is worthy to point out the incompetence of Arab states, especially in warfare. Time and again we see how many Arab states in the Middle East are being easily manipulated and exploited by the Americans/Europeans, as well as Turks and to a lesser extent Iranians. It simply is a fact that some nations are politically more awake, morally more patriotic, and militarily more disciplined than others... not in the case of the Arab Middle East
ReplyDeleteWhy Arabs Lose Wars
I am no military expert, but since the April war I have learned that the success on the battlefield lies more in discipline and strategy than with "patriotism" and "courage". Of course morale is very important, but you can be as brave as you want, that is not going to save you if you do not have proper training and follow certain procedures/maneuvers in combat. What's worrying to me is that the Armenian Army somewhat succeeded in April 2016 not because of our "զինվորի ոգի", but because of our opponent's own similar problems in its army.
If you look into historical battles where the outnumbered/outgunned side comes out victorious, you find that most of the victories are results of proper strategy and tactics on the ground, very little to do with "warlike spirit". Of course, morale was exploited greatly by the generals. Yet the success lied in those commanders' careful planning and improvisation on the battlefield, combined with proper training and discipline of the troops.
I will leave this comment with an example not very well-known. In September 1826, the 2000 strong Russian army, led by Artsakh-born Valerian Madatov, defeated the 10 000 strong Persian army in Shamkor. Madatov tricked the Persians by charging at the enemy head on, while commanding the supply convoy to make dust in the back, thus tricking the enemy that the Russians are there in large numbers. As a result, the Persian army's ranks fell into disarray, retreated and suffered heavy casualties.
Certainly the General Rostom Madatyan "the Russian Murat", was a learned man, besides being a much decorated soldier . The stratagem he applied was known from ancient books of "Strategemata" like the one of Polyaenus, dedicated to the two emperors Marcus Aurelius (161–180 AD) and Verus (161–169 AD), while they were engaged in the Parthian war (162–165 AD), about 163 AD.
DeleteE.g. "The Scythians, when they were about to go into battle against the Triballi, ordered their farmers and horse-keepers, as soon as they saw them engaged in fighting the enemy, to show themselves at a distance with as great a number of horses as they could collect. The Triballi on a distant view of such a number of men and horses, and the dust they raised, supposed them to be a fresh body of Scythians advancing to the assistance of their countrymen; and so they took fright, and fled away" (Book 7, 44).
Telling biography:
"Prince Valerian Grigoryevich Madatov was born Rostom Madatyan in 1782 in Avetaranots, a village of the historical Varanda county of the Karabakh Khanate (nowadays Nagorno-Karabakh), in a minor Armenian noble family as a melik (prince). At the age of 15 he left Karabakh for St. Petersburg with another senior nobleman to seek support from Catherine the Great in their efforts to abolish Muslim control of the region".
He distinguished himself in the Russo-Turkish War of 1806-1812, which took place mostly in Valachia (a Valachian militia seconded the Russian army against the Turks)and Caucasus.
Ռազմիկ Արտաշես,
DeleteI agree with the narration of the video you posted word-for-word.
Generally speaking an army that is structured on omnipotent officers and slave-like soldiers (e.g. Arabs, Africans, south Americans, south Asian, south east Asians, etc) will never in the long-term succeed in warfare or even nation-building. Such armies may win a battle here and there but they will eventually fail in the long-term. Similarly, an army based on guerilla warfare tactics (paramilitary forces like Fedayis), where small, loosely organized groups of fighters do their thing, will also in the long-term not prove successful in warfare. However, an army that is professional, disciplined, aggressive, well organized, well structured, well trained, well fed, well equipped, self-confident, believes in its righteousness and sees its profession as an art form that is always evolving, will always come on top in the end.
An army needs to function like a fine-tuned machine where each member, regardless of rank, is respected and is tasked with an important role.
For the last two thousand years, the ONLY civilizations that have been able to produce the latter form of army have been Europeans (Germanic and Slavic peoples in particular) and Asians (Turks, Mongols, Chinese, Japanese). Historically, Europeans and Asians have been the only people that have excelled in warfare. In my opinion, it all boils down to genes and folk culture (i.e. breeding).
Europeans and Asians are intelligent, warlike, disciplined and they have a tendency to blindly follow their leaders. This is a recipe for success on the battlefield and the reason why Europeans and Asians make good soldiers. Historically, Arabs have been disorganized, disorderly, lazy, not very intelligent and cowardly. They had some military successes in the middle ages when they were collectively gripped by religious fervor with the emergence of Islam. But, overall, Arabs have only excelled in being subjects of this or that major power. This is why Israelis, who are mostly of Eurasian extraction, have been able to defeat Arabs time-and-again during the past one hundred years. Times however may yet change, as Iran is changing this calculus. Thus far, however, Israel has no competition, as least in the Arab world.
While we Armenians may not be like Arabs, turst me, we are also not like Europeans or Asians either. Don't tell anyone but I am not really impressed by our "boys" in the military. There is a severe lack of dicipline in our military today and this is the number one reason behind the high number of deaths in our military. I know I am going to get called Putin's whore or a KGB agent or worst for this. In any case, in my honest opinion, we Armenians simply don't make good soldiers. We are lucky that Azeris make even worst soldiers. We are lucky we are fighting in mountainous terrain on native soil. We are lucky to have Russia on our side.
As Matadov, Melikov, Baghramyan and Babadzanyan show, we Armenians by nature make better commanders. Unfortunately, however, you can't have an army of commanders. We need soldiers. We need soldiers who are disciplined, physically fit, intelligent and humble. I say humble because only a humble man, one that does not think he is born to be served by others, can properly accept and carry-out orders givien to him. Armenians dont like to work hard and they dont liek to be told what to do - be it at home, in the military or at the work place.
I don't think we were like this in ancient times. Ancient Armenians were actually known for their warlike traits and military prowess. After the collapse of Armenian civilization one thousand years ago - which saw the total eradication of our world famous warrior aristocracy - we as a people fell into a steep decline. A thousand years ago Armenia went from from a warrior/noble society to a peasant/merchant society. We have not since been able to produce good soldiers. Artsakh Armenians are exceptional, perhaps because they were not totally subjugated during the past one thousand years.
The typical Armenian male today is more ready to protect the "sexual honor" of his mother or sister than actually protecting Mother Armenia's honor. Couple of years ago I had a conversation similar to this with an Artsakh war veteran a who is still very active in such circles. During one conversation, he looked at me streight in the eyes and with a serious voice more-or-less said: Armenia's territorial integrity starts from our women's vaginas... I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. Sadly, he is not an exception. This type of backward Kurdish/Islamic/Afghan mentality is widespread throughout Armenia. This kind of backwardness is the reason why Armenia will remain a second rate military (when compared to real militaries). This kind of backwardness is the reason why Armenia will go through very severe growing pains for a very long time. My message to those who are very proud of Armenia's military might today is that they should every night light a candle and say a prayer to President Putin.
DeleteIndeed, I agree 100% with your statement. Armenian males have other priorities nowadays, especially materialistic and fake concepts about their females' "honor".
As for how we were in the past, all Armenian Kingdoms had a warrior aristocracy. Armenian forces had a revered cavalry, and a decent infantry. There are countless periods and events where the Armenian army brilliantly displayed its prowess on the battlefield against various enemies (Romans, Persians, Parthians, Arabs, Byzantines, Seljuks...). Even Alexander the Great's general could not subjugate Armenia. There was a well-organized aristocracy, the army was led by great generals such as Mushegh Mamikonian, Vahram Pahlavuni and Smbat Sparapet. We have at least 2 sources, one from the 5th century and one from the 12th century, where the Armenian soldiers followed a code of honor.
But since the fall of Sis in 1375, our psyche has greatly changed.
Before our collapse, we had great warriors and generals, but very few strong leaders/kings, and very few leaders with diplomatic skills. Usually those kings who had farsightedness and vision for the country had, at some point in their lives, lived abroad in foreign empires (Tigran the Great in Parthia, Pap Tagavor in Rome, Ashot Yerkat in the Arab caliphate), thus having a different outlook to state-building. After their deaths, however, weaker leaders came and returned the country back to the previous state...
By the way, this lack of "soldier mentality" in our people does not only relate to the military, but also to day-to-day life. Many Armenians think they are the smartest, most intelligent and sophisticated beings on the planet. Because they are all professors, PhDs, and generals...
Ռազմիկ Արտաշես,
DeleteThis is really a major topic of discussion. The comments section here will really do it no justice.
Historically, to be successful in warfare, having a good infantry - one that consistently performs its task well and does not run away in face of the enemy - is also fundamentally important. Like I said, generals/commanders are nothing if they don't have obedient and smart foot soldiers who know their professions well. Historically, western Europeans and Eurasian plains people (Germans, French, Poles, Russians, Mongols, Turks, Persians, etc) have been the only peoples on earth that have able to field very good foot soldiers.
Armenians in Armenia are a rough/tough and somewhat culturally backward mountain people who until Russians came into the neighborhood were mostly lowly peasants. A nation who's genetic/cultural extraction is mountain peasants can excel in some aspects of warfare (namely guerrilla warfare) but they will never be able to field an effective infantry. At best, if we Armenians really try, we can be like Chechens. Consider the Chechens. They are really brave/tough fighters. They can do a lot of damage to an enemy this is much larger than them in size. But, in the long run, they burn out, they are self-limiting. This is why Chechens, despite their martial prowess, have never been able to expand beyond their territory and become a major power. It's because of their genetic makeup and folk culture.
To me, a skinny, nerdy, zit-faced Germanic or Slavic teenager has more war-fighting potential in his genes and folk culture than a rough/tough Caucasian male who would not think twice about cutting someone's throat. Look at a typical Russian male today, then look at a typical Chechen male. The Chechen male will almost always be look and act tougher and more aggressive than the Russian male. But, for hundreds of years Chechen "warriors" have been the subjects of "alcoholic" Russians. Yes, Chechens will once-in-a-while exploit internal Russian unrest/weakness and score some successes. But, sooner-or-later, the Russian will come back and simply smash everything in its way. Why is this? The answer is: Genetics and culture.
Empires or major powers are built on much more than rough/though fighters that like dancing with swords.
I think in antiquity we Armenians were more like Chechens of today than ancient Persians or Romans. Actually, some Armenians historians claim ancient Chechens are derived, at least in part, from ancient Armenians. But that's another topic of discussion. In any case, our ancient ancestors, who were renowned for their martial skills (namely the cavalry like you mentioned) were nevertheless almost always subjects of Persia and/or Rome. Armenia's periods of independence always came about when Persia or Rome was weak or distracted.
That said, our ancient warrior-aristocracy (the dynastic families some of whom were hundreds of years old) were the very core of Armenian civilization. Yes, they were more powerful than our kings. Whether that was a good thing or a bad thing can be debated. This is however also typical of mountain peoples. Nevertheless, our nobility, for better or for worst, had been able to establish an enduring institutional system in political and military affairs. This had sustained Armenia already for over a thousand years at the time. The eradication of Armenia's nobility by Byzantines and Seljuks by the 11th century gradually began bringing out the worst in our people.
As far as I'm concerned, Armenian civilization stopped in the mid 11th century. I look at Cilician Armenia as a special case. To me, its Armenian but not Armenia. It's like Armenian refugees in Lebanon establishing independence. In any case, Cilician Armenia survived for around two hundreds years because of the unexpected arrival of Franco-German Crusaders. And Cilician Armenia fell as a result of Crusader defeat.
If you ask me, the royal city of Ani is symbolic of the end of Armenian civilization -
DeleteThe Empire the World Forgot:
Usually mountain people are self-limiting. It is people of the plains who expand and create empires (Russians, Turks, Europeans), in search of natural borders/barriers. Historic Armenia and Armenians are the exact opposite. I strongly believe that geography defines peoples' and nations' various traits.
DeleteSince we have had natural borders in forms of mountains and rivers, we naturally did not become expansionist for the greater part of our history, for we felt safe and protected by the natural terrain. Furthermore, our natural borders are also what separated us from each other and gave rise to this warrior aristocracy. Hence, we became a tribal nation. We are still a tribal nation today, minus the "warrior genes". Back then, at the very least we were somewhat autonomous and proud enough to stand up for ourselves even under foreign rule. Now, we just beg and cry...
But then again, for most of our history our story has been about survival, of the small against the giant, of the few vs the many (even our legendary progenitor's story, Hayk and Bel, is the same, as is our Daredevils of Sassoon national epic). For most of our history, we have survived, but not always prospered and thrived.
I can go on and on, but this will open door to many many more topics, so I will restrain myself...
I agree 100%. Geography (and climate) plays a major factor in the genetic and cultural development (or breeding) of a people. For over a thousand years we have been in a "survival mode". Under the circumstances we were forced to live in, it's understandable. Nevertheless, the survival mindset seems to have become ingrained in our collective psyche. This is why 50% of Armenians would abandon Armenia if the price was right. This is also why we as a people are politically shortsighted and reactionary. Then again, our survival mindset is also the reason why a great majority of Armenians remain steadfastly pro-Russian. In any case, the concept of nation-state (that we have a nation/homeland to which we are personally responsible for) and the ability to think and plan in the long-term (what do we need to do today to ensure our growth/property in the future?) is still foreign to the collective Armenian mind today. And all this is getting in the way of nation-building. With all that said, I think in a few generations - if Armenia survives the region's geopolitical tumult, which as an ally of Russia it should - the flaws we are talking about will gradually begin disappearing. While we will never be like plains people, we can, however, at least theoretically, be like the Swiss -
DeleteDie Mayrhofner - Schei-wi-dei-wi-du:
DeleteTechnically, the veteran who told you that Armenia's territorial integrity starts from our women's vaginas has a point.
Just look at the state of the modern western woman. Absolute trash.
I assume the man in question had something else in mind than what I do but his words taken as they are shouldn't be scoffed at.
DeleteThis is another one of those topics/conversations that this blog's comments section will not do any justice. I know where you are going with your comment, and to some degree I would agree with you. But, trust me, the veteran in question is your typical Armenian male with your typical Afghan/Muslim/Kurd mentality. He was actually talking about why Armenian women need to be controlled. According to his narrow/primitive understanding of the world, if Armenian women begin living independently and God forbid begin exploring their (God given) sexuality, Armenia will lose its sovereignty. In his dark-little world, independent women equaled collapse of Armenian sovereignty. LOL
This kind of mindset is just fucking stupid. It's just primitive/backward nonsense. I have more respect for Armenian women (e.g. Margarita Simonyan) than for Armenian men. If anything, it's Armenian men that need to control their penises. It's Armenian men that need to stop running to whorehouses. If Armenian men were sexually mature and looked at sexuality in a normal manner, they would begin having healthier sexual lives with their wives. This in turn would lessen their urge to run off to whorehouses.
I would say most Armenian men in Armenia are married to wives that were picked for them by their parents. I see very little genuine love or affection, sexual or otherwise, between married couples in Armenia. It's almost always a cold relationship as in between that of a master and slave. It's utterly embarrassing for me as a Armenian nationalist and a Christian to see this.
Armenia is a backward society today and its growing pains more severe as a result ultimately because of the low quality of its men. And when you take into account the genocide of female fetuses going on throughout Armenia, you'll soon realize that Armenian society today also has some very horrific/satanic aspects to it. All this tells me that Armenian males are still living in isolated mountain tops. All this tells me that Armenian males are not spiritually/psychologically healthy creatures. Recognize that backward mentality and backward behavior vis-a-vis family, society, politics, nation building, etc., go hand in hand. And also recognize that in the big picture all this effects the health and development of our nation.
Yes, the veteran I referred to was most probably a brave fighter (just as are Afghans, Kurds, Chechens and many, many other tribal societies around the world) but he is also a very ignorant man and not a viable citizen for nation-building - just like Afghans, Kurds, Chechens and many, many other tribal societies around the world. For example, his idea of a good life is to have an unlimited supply of cigarette "slims" and drive an American Jeep.
This conversation is therefore ultimately about cultural refinement and personal enlightenment, that which a majority of Armenian males today severely lack. In any case, what I'm ultimately seeking in life for myself, and what I want Armenians to be seeking for Armenia is "humility", "wisdom", "balance" and "moderation". I don't want Armenians to be decadent and perverted like Westerners. But I also don't want Armenians to be backward, primitive and self-limiting like Middle Easterners and Central Asians. Besides, why does it have to be one extreme or the other? Why can't there be a middle road?
The civilizational/cultural reason why Russians, Americans, Europeans and Jews have been sitting on top of the world for hundreds of years, and generally speaking fight their wars on enemy territory, is ultimately because they have broader priorities, they are free thinkers and they don't create primitive societal rules to box themselves in. Perhaps a little more sexuality is healthy for a society.
I always say, the western world needs less sex, the Eastern world needs more sex.
I can't even begin to tell you how many Armenians I know that look down at Russians because according to their narrow/primitive world view, Ivan is a "drunk" and Natasha is a "whore". I sometimes tell these people, idiots, have you looked at Armenia and Russia lately? I sometimes tell them how dare you - as children of those who have been systematically slaughtered for the last one thousands years, as children of a nation that has been systematically shrinking for the last one thousand years - look down at a nation that has been a superpower for the last one thousand years, not to mention a nation that has also kept Armenia alive for the past two hundred years? I sometimes tell these people, I wish Armenian men were as alcoholic as Russian men and Armenian women were as slutty as Russian women - if that meant Armenia would rule over a vast territory stretching from Europe to the Pacific Ocean.
DeleteI can say similar things about the French, Germans and British peoples. To be honest, even Turks are not as closed minded and backward as us Armenians regarding this subject matter. Now, do you see how utterly stupid the notion of "our borders start with our women's vaginas" is?
For the last one thousand years Armenia has been so weak and so small that if we were to apply the veteran's formula - namely that our nation's borders or strength starts with how well we control our women's vaginas - we would be left with one troubling conclusion: That Armenian women must be the biggest whores in the world.
Do you see how stupid this conversation is?
This conversation is ultimately about priorities, misplaced in this case, and the overall heath and development of our nation. This conversation is therefore much-much more important than our people's genitals. Just take a close look at all the sexually archaic societies in the Middle East and Central Asia and elsewhere to see that cultural and societal rigidity causes serious stagnation and decline. Ask yourself, would you live in such a society? From what I see, you are willingly living in a sexually liberal society. No? Well, maybe there is something to a sexually liberal society that attracts people? Perhaps sexually less rigid societies develop/live better? Of course by saying sexually liberal, in the context that I am using it, does not mean sexually decadent or sexually multicultural. Let me remind you that Nazi Germany was a sexually liberal society. So has been Russia. What we see going on in North America and Western Europe on the other hand is a politically driven agenda. This agenda is behind Western style ultra-liberalism, homosexuality, Feminism, Globalism, etc. This is essentially why the Western form of sexuality is destructive. Therefore, it's not the sex that is the problem, it's the politicization of sex, sexuality, gender, etc.
But, like I said earlier, why does it have to be one or the other? Why does it have to be either Western style perversions or Eastern style primitive behavior? Can't there be a middle road? We, as individuals, must always be seeking wisdom, balance and moderation in life. And we men in particular must understand that women are also God's creation, the role they play in society is equally important - and they are not meant to be our property to do as we wish just because we happen to have a penis...
I agree there should be a middle of the road approach to sexuality, if possible, though if we have to only go one extreme or the other I would have to choose the Eastern approach.
DeleteThe western woman is a disgrace to femininity and partially the cause of the collapse of the west. Giving women the vote 100 years ago was a mistake.
I think you are giving too much credit to females in general and Armenian females specifically. This does NOT mean that I disagree with you regarding the sorry state of many Armenian men. Anyway, since this topic is outside the scope of the current post and essentially deals with the ordering of society rather than geopolitics, it is probably best to leave it be for now.
LG, yet you and millions-upon-millions of others like you choose to live in the sexually liberal extreme. Go figure...
DeleteWestern women, in general, are indeed a disgrace not only to femininity but also to humanity and civilization in general. That said, what a silly comment you made about giving women the right to vote. Really LG?! Really? Wow... It's now official, you and Sarkis are this blog's resident Talibans.
Besides, do votes, let alone women's votes, really matter in Western politics? You really think women were behind the feminism or homosexuality agenda put forth the ruling elite in the West. News flash: Western women today are also victims of Western-style social engineering and brainwashing. By the way, I know it's trivial, but did you know that Armenia gave women the right to vote before the United States did?
In any case, I am not giving women in Armenia too much credit. They are, in general, a step or two up on the evolutionary ladder compared to the men there. Of course that is not to imply that all women in Armenia are good and all men are assholes. Unfortunately, many Armenian families raise their daughters to be either docile servants to abusive men or slutty gold-diggers.
Women are our mothers, sisters, daughters, girlfriends, lovers and wives. A women's estrogen acts as a buffering agent to a man's testosterone, in essence bringing about hormonal balance. Women and men compliment each other. Man is nothing without a women and a women is nothing without a man. A women's body is one of God's greatest creations. I really don't understand where all this hate is coming from. Even if many women today are slutty. Why does that bother you so much? It's simple: Find a woman that is not. There are many, even in the Western world, but especially in Armenia. If you are not able to find one, don't blame it on womankind. I really hope you and Sarkis come around with time.
Anyway, you are right about this subject matter not being suitable for this blog. Therefore, if you want to continue torturing me please feel free to email me. I would be more than happy to play Dr. Phil :)
Congratulations to President Putin. And thank you for giving us six more years of hope.
ReplyDeletePutin leads Russian elections with 95% of votes counted:
Mainstream news media in the Western world is having a very difficult time explaining things. On one hand, they have no choice but to admit that President Putin's approval ratings are sometimes over 80%. On the other hand, they want us to believe that President Putin did not actually win 75% of the votes today. If the man is liked by around 80% of Russians, what is so surprising about him winning 75% of the votes?!
In any case, if you want to see how patriotic and warlike Russians are, take a close look at their final election results. Around 75% went to Putin and around 15% went to Communists and Vladimir Zhirinovsky. That means 90% of Russian citizens (around 20% of whom are not even ethnic Russians) are patriots and hardliners. That means at least 90% of Russians today are telling the almighty West to go and f@#& themselves.
Russians Remain Confident in Putin’s Global Leadership:
Why Many Young Russians See a Hero in Putin :
What Makes Putin So Popular at Home? His Reputation Abroad:
Better Off Than Their Parents: Why Russia’s Youth Are Backing Putin :
How to understand Putin’s jaw-droppingly high approval ratings:
My tribute to President Vladimir Putin:
PS: I have no doubt that the poisoning of the traitor who worked for British intelligence and the murder of a criminal oligarch living in Britian were both carried-out by Russian agents. This was the Bear taunting the West, and doing some early spring cleaning along the way. The hits could have also been carried-out to force London's hand. Moscow may actually want to see Washington and London crackdown on wealthy Russians living in the West. Let's recall that there is a powerful faction in Russia that is actively seeking to sever ties with Western powers and develop ties with eastern powers instead. In any case, knowing Russians well, I have no doubt these two hits on British soil (regardless of whether or not it was a Russian job) gave President Putin a significant boost in his ratings just days before the presidential elections.
Margarita Simonyan on why Russians are done with the west.
DeleteWhy we don’t respect the West anymore (MUST READ!):
Very well said by our Margarita. The imperial hubris of the Western world has in a sense radicalized Russians. Thanks to Western shortsightedness, a nuclear superpower is becoming increasingly nationalistic, self-reliant and is beginning to look eastward. This is much needed as Russia today is the world's only bulwark against Westernization and Globalism, not to mention Islamic extremism, Zionism and pan-Turkism. Thanks to the Russian nation and its great leader humanity has regained hope once again.
I be been reading a lot of articles like this one. Everybody in the alternative or the pro Russia media are getting too nervous about the possibility of the US bombing Syria again and forcing Putin to retaliate or not. In both cases the results will be and could be really dangerous for the middle East and the rest of the world
I have the feeling something really bad is coming. It's totally intuitive but is very consecutive with your thoughts and writings because is a very stupid hubris arrogant and irrational behavior but in this stage very probable for the Anglo American Elite don't you think?
Otherwise about the complimentary politics we can see some of that with Putin and the oligarchs like Duguin and many others nationalists are claiming. So you think Putin is going for them in this new 6 years administration?
Is he going for the 4th and 5th columns?
And finally how would it be for Armenia without complimentary politics? With Yervanduni politics with Russia in behalf of Persia? Should we putting troops in Syria? In the battle for Aleppo where we can claim more than Thrkey to be there. Shouldn't we be fighting there side by side with the Russians? Am I being armenially maximalist? Jeje
It's all by now. I have more
The number of celestial signs (including strange sightings of unidentified flying objects) have increased in recent times. Historically, celestial signs have been precursors to important historic events such as major wars. There is also an unprecedented increase in tensions between Western powers and China/North Korea. There is also an unprecedented increase in tensions between Russia and Anglo-American-Jews. There is also an unprecedented increase in tensions between Iran and Anglo-American-Jewish-Saudis. There is also an unprecedented increase in tensions between Turkey and Anglo-American-Jews. The wars in Syria, Yemen and Ukraine have not gone too well for Anglo-American-Jews. Russia is doing a lot of muscle flexing lately. Western forces are doing a lot of muscle flexing lately. Iran is doing a lot of muscle flexing lately. Saudi Arabia is doing a lot of muscle flexing lately. Israel is doing a lot of muscle flexing lately. Turkey is doing a lot of muscle flexing lately. There is a lot of political desperation and uneasiness in power centers around the world. It seems like everybody is warning and threatening everybody. The Syrian cauldron continues to boil. Anglo-American-Jews and their regional friends seem adamant about not accepting the entrenchment of Russian and Iranian interests in Syria. The volatility in the region is simply pout, unprecedented. All this leads me to believe that a major war is indeed on the horizon. I hope it can still be averted. RT just announced President Putin and President Trump will be meeting. If true, I hope the two sides are able to reach a deal. If the two sides will not compromise, and a war is inevitable, then I hope they will agree to at least contain it in the Middle East. Times like this I sleep better knowing that Russian forces are stationed in Armenia.
DeletePS: Armenia's armed forces are not large enough or capable enough to be in Syria in any significant way at this time. Besides, official Yerevan simply cannot afford it, as it has its hands full on Armenia's eastern and western borders.
DeleteAs someone who follows mid east developments, please give us your analysis on what the capture of Afrin by Jurks really means? How does this affect us? Are there other dimensions to it than simply that Jurks are having military successes?
DeleteI discuss what you are referring to in the first part of my blog commentary. Please use a moniker/handle when you post comments here.
So my question is this. What could a not complimentary politics for Yerevan looks like then? What would be different for Armenia in this times if Serge had been reading this blog and understand the idea beyond?
DeleteFour Days to Declare a Cold War:
If it's right then Trump is going to stop another push from the deep state. But still I'm not able to figure out if Trump is on their hands or not. Let's pray he is making a guerrilla war with them. Maybe he's not so stupid as the mainstream media wants us to think
Arevordi I understand the "mercantile" and "peasant" mentality that is in Armenians today because of the eradication of the nobility. I however disagree with you on lowering the "warrior" spirit of Armenians to the point you are doing. You talk about the Chechens and how we Armenians can best like them. In Artsakh the Chechens were defeated by Armenians, and their commander I think its Basaiev is quoted saying how if he had those Armenian men that whooped him in Artsakh, that he would fight the Russians with more ease and success. I will post a video its in Armenian and there are many more like this about the soldiers and commanders during the April war in 2016. This particular video caught my attention because it is talking about a 23 year old commander and his outlook on the war and his relationship with his soldiers and what they went through during that attack in early April. This new generation of Armenians who were born in an independent Armenia have the "warrior" spirit well awake in them. Please all those that understand Armenian watch the video its very entertaining and comforting knowing that the new generation in Armenia are the sons of Hayk Argishti and Tigran, and not mercantile spirited peasants.
DeleteՆվիրյալները. Մերուժան Ստեփանյան:
DeleteFirst, welcome back. It's been a while since you commented on this board.
I was telling another reader recently that this topic is something I simply cannot discuss with any patriotic Armenian without starting a fight. As soon as I say something to the effect of "Armenians are not a fighting people" I get shouted down. I get called unpatriotic and of course a KGB agent trying to demoralize Armenians
Let's understand that patriotism is an emotion. Patriotism also lives in a world of its own. So, patriotism and reality don't necessarily always see eye to eye. Patriotism sees only what it wants to see. It's the same all around the world.
You are a patriot. And I have great respect for you for that. But your patriotism is why you are misinterpreting what I said. Your patriotism is also why you are seeing traits in our people that simply do not exist today.
I'm also a patriot. But, I approach this subject matter very unemotionally and without any preconceived notions. When I look at history, politics, warfare, etc. I look at them not as an Armenian patriot but as an outside observer. Therefore, my take on these types of topic are purely analytical and often self-critical. So, please don't come here if you want to see me write feel-good fluff. Fluff is essential for the masses but that's just not what I do.
Now, a number of things about the Chechens in question: They were, relatively speaking, small in numbers. More importantly, they were hired mercenaries for Baku. Mercenaries don't like risking their lives, especially for causes they don't care about. The Chechens therefore did not have the kind of motivation to fight against Armenians (who were desperately fighting for survival on their native lands) as they had against Russians in their native lands. Ultimately, the failure of Chechen and Afghan mercenaries in Azerbaijan's war effort proves that tribal "warriors" are not good fighters when they are operating away from their native lands. This also applies to us Armenians. Push comes to shove, we will fight to protect our lands. But we will never fight in a faraway land for any political or economic cause. Fighting enthusiastically in faraway lands for none existential causes is mastered ONLY by Europeans. This is why almost all major empires have been European. Genetically and culturally, Armenians are not an imperialistic people.
Artsakh Armenians are an exception in the greater Armenian world. Outside of Artskah, and some rural parts of Armenia, the vast majority of our 10 million people today are materialistic cowards. For us Armenians, the war in Artsakh was a desperate struggle for survival. We knew we could not retreat. We had the memory of the genocide vividly in our heads. We were also lucky to have started the war in a place like Artsakh and at a time when our people was truly united. Ultimately, however, we only began winning the war when Moscow got its act together in 1992 and began supplying our troops with modern weaponry.
Despite how much we want to believe otherwise, Armenians, as a collective nation, are not a fighting people. We are more of a singing and dancing people. Unfortunately.
Again, I am not impressed with the quality of our soldiers. They seem mostly physically/emotionally unfit. Most of the deaths we have been seeing in our armed forces (including those soldiers that get shot by Azeri snipers) is a direct consequence of infighting and general indiscipline like drinking on the frontlines. I am not saying there aren't any good servicemen. I see a lot of soldiers, usually young officers, who look athletic and carry themselves very professionally. However, most of the older officers and regular soldiers I see do not look or act like soldiers.
I still cant get a photo taken during the April war out of y mind. It was of an artillery soldier unloading shell crates with a cigarette dangling from his mouth. In an another time and another place, that soldier would have been shot by his officer.
Like I said, I have concerns about the discipline and the combat preparedness of our soldiers. If you were impressed with the way our soldiers fought during the April battles,that's fine, so was I. But let's also realize that everyday millions of young men around the world are fighting for their countries just as hard if not much harder. So, why were we so surprised and so happy that they fought well? It's as if we were expecting them not to. This says something about the peculiar psychology behind all this. No? Also realize that our troops are deployed in mountainous territory and they are in defensive positions. If they were not able to repel the Azeri attacks during the spring of 2016 (which was NOT a full scale attack to begin with and Azeris did not use a single new weapons system they had recently purchased from Russia) then what good would our soldiers be at all?
DeleteI ask you to seriously think about how more-and-more of the newer generation of Armenians today are looking to the Western world for influences. At this pace, in a couple of more generations, Armenians will be speaking better English than Russian. Look at Armenian television, it's most American-style nonsense. This, in a country that is almost totally dependent on Russia for survival. Allow me to once more remind you that political influence (Western political agendas in this case) travels on the coattails of cultural influence (i.e. Western cars, music, movies, television programming, clothing, food, as well as the English language). This is what the new generation of Armenians are growing up with. Please recognize the long-term dangers of this.
So, I am not going blindly praise and bestow upon them wonderful attributes just because they were born in a free and independent Armenia and just because some of them fought well in battles against Azeris. I am instead going to wait and see how they turn-out and where all this "complimentary politics" bullshit leads. I admit I am being a little pessimistic. I guess its because instead of being disappointed I rather be pleasantly surprised.
I think we are giving our young people, including our soldiers, too much credit. I fear this is causing a false sense of security. And that's very dangerous. I already hear many Armenians say things like: "Our boys fought like lions"; "next time we will drive deep into Azerbaijan"; "we can take on any enemy if we are united"; "if we are united we won't need them backstabbing Russians anymore"...
In geopolitics, this kind of mentality is a formula for disaster. As a pragmatic and realistic patriot, and one that wants to preserve Armenia's existence in a nasty place like the south Caucasus, I cannot engage in this kind of Choban mentality. Our military needs a LOT of work before we can honestly say it is a truly professional institution.
Finally, I did say that with time our situation will improve. I believe that in time we will go from our current singing-dancing-peasant-merchant mentality to a more serious nation-building and nation-protecting mentality. Time and circumstances may help us revive some of the more positive aspects of our national traits that have been dormant for so long. As more and more of our trash will leave the country (hopefully to "LOS") those that truly love our land and are willing to fight for it will stay and produce new generations of Armenians with a new mentality that truly understands and appreciates its homeland.
PS: I regularly watch Նվիրյալները: I have great love and respect for Tsvetana Paskaleva.
Ayrudzi jan (nice name btw),
DeleteI am also not impressed by the new generation (which I'm a part of). Whenever I visit Yerevan, it is as if there is a role reversal. Many of my friends there try to act more western than me. I even had to call some of them out for trying to talk to me in English all the time (which is NOT my native language). Since then, I've recycled my friends there, but the point I want to make is that you shouldn't be too optimistic about the new Armenian generation. In a few decades, we are going to have a lot of issues with all those living the western dream.
What Arevordi says is right. Nowadays it is "cooler" to speak in English than in Russian. I had a debate with a PhD-level student on this, who claimed that "everybody speaks English and Russian is now useless". This goes to show that academic intellect has little to do with being a pragmatic patriot and understanding our situation and place in this world.
Now, however, that is not to say there are no bright minds and patriots in our generation. There are. But it is the "cool kids" who are talked about more. Don't believe me? Just turn on Armenian TV and try watching any type of «սերիալ» without finding anything non-Western influenced (only a few good productions exist). It's either western-style sitcoms with effeminate men and masculine women on one hand, or mafioso-style dramas with chalaghaj-belly-gun-toting-white-BMW-driving "tough" guys in action.
DeleteIf President Sargsyan was regularly reading this blog he would hopefully have understood that Yerevan's "complimentary politics" (which is essentially the importing into Armenia of Western influences to offset the leverage Russia has over Armenia) is seeding Armenia will cancerous cells that will eventually metastasize.
As I told Ayrudzi, precisely because of Yerevan's "complimentary politics" more-and-more Western activists and agents (mostly Diasporan Armenians and non-Armenian employees of various Western NGOs) are pouring into Armenia and more-and-more of Armenia's newer generation is looking to the Western world for guidance and influence. At this pace, in a couple of more generations Armenians will be speaking much better English than Russian. The younger generation in Armenians today already writes almost exclusively in Latin characters. Armenian television today is comprised of mostly American style nonsense full of dysfunctional families, slutty women, criminal men and of course a whole lot of Afro-American style singing and dancing.
All this, in a country that is almost totally dependent on Russia for survival.
Therefore, reading this blog Paron Sargsyan would have hopefully understood that political influence (Western political agendas in this case) travels on the coattails of cultural influence (i.e. Western cars, music, movies, television programming, clothing, food, as well as the English language). And that Western influence, which is gradually seeping deeper and deeper into Armenia, is toxic for developing nations.
I want President Sargsyan to understand that Armenia is a small and poor nation. It has limited resources. It's limited resources have to therefore be better spent.
Since we all understand/agree that Western nations will NEVER come to Armenia's aid in times of need and since Armenia produces NOTHING that Western nations actually want or need, instead of wasting our time and resources in Western capitals to offset Russian influence over Armenia (and in the process embezzle Western financial grants), we should do all we can to further deepen and strengthen our ties not only to Russia and Iran but also with country's China and India.
In other words, I would like to see official Yerevan end its "complementary politics" bullshit that has gotten Armenia nothing but economic stagnation and sociopolitical unrest during the past 25 years. In other words, official Yerevan needs to stop wasting time in Washington and Brussels and start concentrating all our nation's already limited resources in places like Moscow, Tehran and Beijing.
Moreover, it's also high time we stop all contacts with NATO. Other than the opportunity to embezzle some money, our ties with NATO is providing our military with absolutely no benefits. In fact, our ties to NATO runs the serious risk of Western intelligence agencies recruiting Armenian military officers. Needless to say, our ties to NATO also runs the risk of making Armenia's only ally in the world, Moscow, suspicious of Armenia.
Reading this blog, Paron Sargsyan would hopefully understand that official Yerevan's desire to establish close ties with Western powers is getting in the way of Armenia fully developing/deepening its ties with Russia and Iran and seek other opportunities elsewhere.
As I was saying: Patriotism or nationalism is a mindset and it lives in a world of its own. While patriotism can play an essentially role for a nation's survival especially in times of war, it can as the following shows also be the reason for a nation's death in times of peace -
The above mental fart for the lack of a better term proves beyond any doubt that patriotism can be quite self-destructive if left unchecked. And the funniest part of the above fart produced by those who "temporarily laid down their arms to continue the rebellion"(LOL) is that it was written by those who are either in jail or in hiding. At the end of the day let's recognize that these "patriots" were playing with the very life of our republic. In any other nation they would have gotten the death penalty for high treason. But, this is Armenia, these Western-back traitors will therefore only get a slap on the wrist and many Armenians will continue seeing them as heroes...
Reading about the invasive intrusions from the West( the Rotting West) into Armenia makes my hair stand up. I don't know why the Russians are allowing this; could it be they are also grappling with this kind of sickness inside Russia too ? Going down this road Armenia will ultimately self destruct. Russia must wield the big stick, without any carrots, and stamp its signature on the delusional pesky Armenian fifth columnist back into line or eliminate it completely. Complimentary politics with western powers that seek your racial destruction is downright suicidal. I read they are cozying up to the EU more and more, the next thing we'll have jewish pornocracy and massive non white invasion ( disguised as refugees) for exchange of travel free visa's to the shengen cesspool of degeneracy and debauchery.
DeleteArevordi thank you for the response. I do agree with you whole heartedly. Maybe I'm more optimistic in the younger generation, or like you said you would want to be positively surprised than be disappointed. I understand that mindset as well. I also think that our army needs to be more professional, and that being a good soldier is one that follows orders and conducts his duties like a professional. I just see the younger generation (minus the ones who are infatuated with the west) moving in that positive direction. There is a lot of work still ahead though.
DeleteAyrudzi, thank you for taking all this like a true patriot and an intellectual. Always remember that true/genuine patriotism is about making sure your nation is militarily powerful, politically pragmatic, economically dynamic, culturally healthy and constantly developing in a positive direction in cooperation and collaboration with regional nations. We, as individuals or as a people, can't develop properly if we are constantly patting ourselves on the shoulder for being such a wonderful people.
DeleteWe as a people have problems. To name a few of the more unpleasantly apparent flaws: օտարամոլություն, jealousy, materialism, maximalism, pride, arrogance, laziness, self-righteous, tribalism, misogyny, lawlessness, impatience, shortsightedness, political ignorance, uncontrollable emotions and, and perhaps most importantly, the inability to see our authorities as our legitimate superiors. Had Armenia today been under foreign rule and had our president who is referred to as "Serjik" been a Russian, Turkish or an Iranian, he would be revered as a great ruler and the Armenian masses would be quietly minding their business.
The flaws I just outlined is getting in the way of political stability, economic growth and nation-building. I always say: A damage that is one thousand years old cannot be fixed in a few short years. From a historical context, 25 years is an eye-blink. An independent Armenia needs a few more generations to begin improving. In the meanwhile, we need to recognize that cold analysis, a healthy awareness of our environment, self-education, self-reflection, self-criticism are crucially important for our personal and national development.
I agree with you that younger generations of Armenians don't have the older generation's psychological baggage. Compared to older generations, our youth do seem to be freethinkers and they do seem to understand that they are an organic part of a nation-state. That said, while they may be slowly/gradually moving away from the peasant/merchant mindset, they are still very stuck in the singing-dancing to Afro-American music mindset. Also, as improved as they seem to be, they nevertheless do not compare to the aggressively patriotic youth that exists in places like Russia, Poland, Albania, Ukraine, Iran and Turkey. But, like I said, this all may improve in a few more generations.
Finally we will not be able to develop properly as a people if Armenia continues being a depository of Western trash culture. If Yerevan allows American/Western pop culture to continue spreading its toxicity throughout our country, don't expect anything positive from future generations. We need to do what Russians are systematically doing: Shutdown all Western funded NGOs; stop the activities of dangerous entities like USAID, the British Council, National Endowment for Democracy and IMF; and chase out, arrest or kill any Armenian that is advancing a Western agenda in Armenia.
Hi Arevordi,
ReplyDeleteHope you are doing well. Everyday I reach the conclusion that the war in Syria is going to end in a stalemate. Yes , Russia did help Assad recapture very strategic areas , now Assad will recapture the entire Eastern Ghouta suburb of Damascus. However , large parts of the country are out of his control yes he has most of it but the resource rich , agricultural areas are out of his control. Now mix that with the recent Turkish success of literally occupying and setting up outposts in Idlib which stopped the governments offensive last month (Jan/Feb 2018). There are two hostile armies on Syrian soil and Assad will need to somehow force them out but I don't see how that will happen without a shooting war. That being said Assad will stay at least until 2021 and the parts controlled by the Syrian government will have some veneer of stability but inflation will be rampant on items like food , housing so militarily it will be stable but socially and economically it wont.
Welcome back to you as well, Mardig. I agree with everything you said. For several years now I have been saying that the Syrian conflict will eventually become a stalemate, after which the country will be broken up. I even talk about this subject in the first part of my blog commentary.
DeleteMost probably, the major powers involved in the conflict are already discussing the manner in which the country will be partitioned. From the looks of it, Damascus will be able to regain control most of the territories west of the Euphrates River with the help of Russia and Iran. Territories east of the river will remain under American/Western control. This area will also be where most of the Islamic terror organizations will be stationed. Southern areas long Israel's and Jordan's border will be contested by Israel. Norther areas along Turkish border with also be contested by Turkey. This is why I say Turkey and Israel are the wildcards in this conflict. The tragic war may be in the final stages, but it is still far from being over.
Syria today is a thoroughly and utterly broken nation. It will require an immense wealth of money to rebuild the country. Since Damascus is hopelessly bankrupt, Syrians will look to Moscow and Tehran to pickup the bill. I just don't see Russia or Iran pumping into Damascus the kind of money needed to rebuild the nation. Personally, I think whatever financial resources that does enter Damascus will be used to rearm the military and perhaps buildup Alawite parts of the country along the western coast. I think Damascus will allow the desert to reclaim a lot of the destroyed Sunni regions in the eastern parts of the country. These areas may be used as a buffer zone of sorts. In any case, at the very least it will take a few generations before Damascus regains economic and political stability.
It's so sad that Anglo-American-Jews have managed to destroy yet another historic country in the Middle East, of course one that also happens to be one of the few remaining secular ones in the region...
The war in Syria has a question mark hanging in the air. Unlikely that will end in a stalemate; but it will remain in stalemate mode, or incandescent status quo ,until A) the American jewish forces are routed from Syrian land , or B) Russia,Iran and Syria are neutralized. The denouement of the Syrian conflict may take a decade or less. In any case the present situation favors the Jewish american axis. If things remain as they are, the Jew-American axis have got what they want. A truncated Syria, a recalcitrant Turkey, the proxy terrorist groups under the American umbrella east of the Euphrates. Peace for Israel can be obtained if all their neighbors are on a funeral pyre; busy destroying each other whilst leaving the jewish state unharmed and unmolested. In the ME the cardinal pivot and dynamics is the Jewish state and their interests. Whatever happens in the ME, it will be defined by the mantra of what is good for the jews; then it is good for all. That is how thing are right now as we speak. On another note aside, there was a great deal of enthusiasm and hope for Trump, the puppet, to make America great again. Curiously , no one ever bothered to ask the Trump to spell out the criterion of becoming great again. America becoming great again will posit on the premise of the empowerment ,strengthening and expansion of its armed forces; a condition which inexorably will lead into more wars, forceful interventions in other nation's affairs, regime change, and bombing anyone who disagrees with America becoming great again. Trump has now virtually surrounded himself by war dogs; the jew Bolton, a criminal par de sus, and Pompeo another warmonger. Whether they go to war or not it is not a matter of conjecture, but of timing. We are presently riveted by the Syrian theater of war. The jewish American agenda for the world is multifaceted and multi pronged. Wait until the embers of fire are stoked in the Ukraine, in the Aegean, and in other, yet unveiled theaters of action-war.
DeleteMany Armenians I know (even our Russophiles among them) look down at Russians because, according to their narrow/primitive world view, Ivan is an "alcoholic" and Natasha is a "whore".
ReplyDeleteI sometimes tell these backward people: Idiots, have you looked at Armenia and Russia lately?
I sometimes tell these people: Idiots, how dare you - as children of those who have been systematically slaughtered for the last one thousands years and as children of a nation that has consequently been systematically shrinking for the last one thousand years - look down at a nation that has defeated empire-after-empire from the east, from the west and from the south for the last one thousand years to be the massive superpower that it is today, not to mention a nation that has also kept Armenia alive for the past two hundred years?!?!?!
I sometimes tell these people: I wish gypsy-like Armenians were as alcoholic or as slutty as Russians - if that meant Armenia would rule over a vast territory stretching from Europe to the Pacific Ocean.
In my humble opinion, and as an Armenian patriot, I say we as a people have SOOOOOOOO MUCH to learn from "alcoholic" Ivan and "whore" Natasha. Seriously, people, I suggest that we put aside our empty pride and arrogance - as well as our urge to sing and dance to Turco-Arabic and Afro-American music, as well as our Kurdo-Afghan urge to act as passport control officers with our women's vaginas - and pay close attention to how Russians run their country. Maybe, just maybe, we'll finally learn something about nation-building and nation-protecting.
Forget Russia's nuclear arsenal. The following is the real reason why the Russian nation will NOT be defeated by ANY enemy. The following is also why Russians must do everything in their power to resists the corrosive and destructive influences of Westernization and Globalism -
Patriotic Youth Army Takes Russian Kids Back to the Future:
Putin's tiny army: Russian child soldiers trained in battle tactics, weapons and hand-to-hand combat to 'repel any enemy of the Motherland':
The Cossacks Are Back. May the Hills Tremble.:
The Return of the Cossacks: Russia's Warrior Clan Wants Its Old Country Back:,8599,2088949,00.html
New York Times: At Expense of All Others, Putin Picks a Church:
In Expanding Russian Influence, Faith Combines With Firepower:
Why Many Young Russians See a Hero in Putin :
What Makes Putin So Popular at Home? His Reputation Abroad:
Soccer-Russian hooligans see themselves as Kremlin foot soldiers:
Russian hooligans were savage and organized, say England fans:
INSANE Russian Counter Terror Confidence Drill:
I think that every country has negative stereotypes but personally every Russian person I've met is very impressive professionally from having a couple of Russian profs in my school to having a Russian coworker at my job. Statistically Russians are very well educated a higher percentage of their workforce have university degree . Higher than the US and the EU .
DeleteAs for Russia's record in nation building they have lost wars however they lost wars to stiffer opposition like a newly industrialized Japan , an alliance between the UK , France and the Ottomans . However on the flipside they defeated stronger countries like Sweden who actually used to be an imperial power . Had Russians not won that war they would not have had access to the Baltic sea .Russia was an imperial country however like Germany (to a certain degree) and Austria they were not a colonial power .
Russia obviously is not perfect just like any other county but in the 2000s they slowly resurged they revamped their whole military . Financially they seemed to weather low oil prices relatively well they paid down their debt during this period. Austerity obviously played a role but it's impressive how they managed to keep their society stable when their main resource is so devalued since 2014.
O'keffe was on crosstalk incase anyone missed it -
ReplyDeleteCrossTalk: Iraq - 15 Years On
ReplyDeleteFirst off excellent job on your exposé. Your take on this subject and the reference materials are very compelling. I don't think many thinkers today believe any of the crap they are being told by politicians or MSM and that includes Islamic terrorism. But your comment about ASALA is a little bewildering. Would you care to explain what you meant?
Sorry for the late reply. I am not getting into how I know all this but here is what I know:
DeleteThe organization/group called the Government of Western Armenia is founded by former ASALA members and is based in France. Back around 2011-2012, its head member/president, who resides with his family in southern France, was traveling in and out of Iraq and Syria to hold meetings with Kurdish separatists there. From what I recall, the route he was taking was Turkey. Obviously, one or more of the regional powers involved in the Syrian conflict was making these trips possible. Nevertheless, his plan was to establish a "Kurd-Armenian" state on territories of historic Kilikia (northwestern Syria). This astonishing move was not being coordinated with Armenian government, or even with any Diasporan Armenian organizations. This French-Armenian former ASALA member and head of the "Government of Western Armenia" was under the impression that the defeat of Bashar Assad's government was a foregone conclusion. Therefore, he was, with outside help, collaborating with Syrian and Iraqi Kurds with the sole intent of creating a Western backed Kurdo-Armenian state in Syrian territory.
This individual expresses lot of warm feeling toward Kurds, who he would call his brothers in arms. He also claimed there were hundreds of thousands of Kurds of Armenian ancestry that would form the basis of his newly created state. When asked why he was not collaborating or at the very least informing Armenian authorities of his actions, he would say he did not think the republic of Armenia in the south Caucasus is the homeland of Western Armenians because the people there are Russified and the government is working for Russians. The newly created Kurdo-Armenian homeland would have a new flag (the "Government of Western Armenia" also has a different flag) and it would not have anything to do with the republic of Armenia. It will be the real homeland of Western Armenians. Moreover, this individual had a particular hatred for the ARF. There is a lot of radicalism coming out of the French-Armenian community. That the French government is behind it is all too obvious.
French-Armenian activists Schanth Vosgueritchian (barred from entering Armenia for his threats against the Armenian government) and Alec Yenikomshian (the blind former ASALA member) are also connected to the above noted France-based organization as well as other radical groups like "Armenian Renaissance" and "Founding Parliament". In fact, as many of us know, Alec Yenikomshian was a very involved member of "Founding Parliament". He was arrested for his involvement with the extremists in the summer of 2016 when they stormed the police compound in Yerevan during which three Armenian policemen died. If you recall, Alec Yenikomshian was quickly released after the said events, most probably because of his Paris connections. Founding Parliament seems to have a lot of connections with the French-Armenian community.
A lot of radical Armenians seem to be residing in France. This danger is compounded by the simple fact that Armenians love all things French above all things and there is open traffic between the two nations. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, France was picked by Western powers to mentor/lead Armenia, most probably due to its sizable Armenian population. Similarly, Britain was given Azerbaijan and Germany was given Georgia. France has been tasked to be friendly towards Armenia. This is essentially why relations between Yerevan and Paris are very warm and why Paris has been giving Armenia a lot of lip service in recent years. France is meant to be in Armenia the soft face of Western powers.
To summarize: Individuals known to have had ties to "international terrorism" are being allowed to operate freely in France. Not only that, they have also set up a "Government of Western Armenia" and they have been, at least as late as 2012, trying to establish a Kurdo-Armenian state in northwestern Syria. The "Government of Western Armenia"s multiple trips into northern Syria and Iraq to hold meetings with Kurdish separatists were being made possible most probably by France. His route, as the route of most anti-Assad separatists and militants at the time, seems to have been through Turkey. Finally, this "Government of Western Armenia" as well as the new Kurdo-Armenian state its members were trying to create in Syria would have no ties to the Armenian state or other Diasporan organizations. This disconnect with the greater Armenian world was not a clever political move to provide the government of Armenia a measure of deniability, it was simply because the leadership of the Government of Western Armenia have a deep disdain for Armenians of Armenia and also because they are anti-Russian.
DeleteNow, some background information on the ASALA:
DeleteMonte Melkonian was an activist who's activities ranged from Iran to Kurdistan to Lebanon (where he is said to have joined ASALA) to Europe. The ease with which he got around various global hot spots strongly suggests he was not acting alone. He therefore had to have had the support of one or more intelligence agencies operating in the region. We see the invisible hand guiding/helping him in the early 1980s when he was arrested for ASALA related terrorist activities but was quickly released by French authorities and sent to Lebanon. While in Lebanon, Melkonian's influence in ASALA begins rising rapidly. Soon thereafter, ASALA splits into two factions, one headed by the upstart Melkonian and the other by Hagop Hagopian, the legendary founding leader of ASALA who was thought to have ties to the KGB. Hagopian blamed Melkonian for ASALA's split. Soon thereafter, one of Hagopian's assistants is killed. Hagopian again blamed Melkonian for the killing of his assistant and in retaliation, he has two of Melkonian's comrades killed. In 1988, Hagop Hagopian is assassinated. Rumors circulate that Melkonian was behind the assassination. After the long internal struggle inside ASALA, only Melkonian's ASALA faction survives by the late 1980s.
Also sometime in the 1980s, ASALA is approached by "one of four major European powers" and given this proposition: "If you stop conducting your terrorist operations on our soil we will provide you assistance". After some deliberation, ASALA leadership accepts the offer. Fast forward to today. ASALA members freely operate in France, where they have also set up the "Government of Western Armenia". It is therefore obvious that "one of the four major European powers" that proposed assistance to ASALA iwas France. This also seems to have been about when ASALA began breaking its ties with Soviet intelligence.
For the objective reader, Monte Melkonins life and deeds reads very similar to the life and deeds of Western-backed Islamic militants we see operating throughout the same region today.
It was very likely that Melkonian was directly working for Western intelligence when he joined ASALA. It is also very likely that Melkonian was serving Western intelligence to the very last day of his life in Nagorno Karabakh. Why do I say this? Because besides his involvement in the breaking-up of ASALA, and the assassination of Hagop Hagopian, he also seems to have been part of the international effort to break-apart the Soviet Union by fanning the flames of ethnic conflict within Soviet borders. In other words, Nagorno Karabakh. It was the French government that sent Melkonian to Armenia to help Armenia's war effort in Artsakh. Why? As I said, to hasten the break-up of the Soviet Union. As they say, hindseight is 20/20.
When the Soviet Union opened up in the late 1980s, Armenians working for Western intelligence poured into Armenia to stir nationalistic sentiments. This was done to hasten/facilitate the break-up of the Soviet Union. Men like Igor Murdyan and Monte Melkonian and a number of ARF agents worked on this agenda. From an Armenian perspective, it was for the liberation of the Armenian people. From the Western perspective, it was for the destruction of the Soviet Union. In the late 1980s, Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh) had taken center stage because that was where the borders of the Soviet Union would be made to change for the first time. We see the same processes at play in the Middle East today.
We need to better contextualize Monte Melkonian's presence in Artsakh. In my opinion, in the big/global picture, Melkonian was no different than all the brave Islamist fighters fighting for the liberation of their people with the help of Western powers today. In my opinion, Monte was just another cog in the imperial war machine. And he was most probably eliminated by the same when their goal was reached... perhaps because he had finally found Armenian nationalism towards the end of this life.
DeleteAre you talking about Armenag Aprahamian?
Regardless of everything Monte is a national hero. Maybe he did have a change of heart maybe you are reading too much into it. The Soviet Union was going to fall no matter what Monte did. At least he was in Karabakh at the the right time to make sure we did not suffer another genocide. Everything else about him is of secondary importance.
Happy Easter to all HROR readers.
Regarding ALASA I am not going to name names. Regarding Monte, I agree. Despite who he could have been and why he may have been sent to Armenia, he is nevertheless one of our liberation struggle heroes. That said, I want all of our icons of society to be placed in a proper context and looked at in a proper light. What's more if yo ask me, men like Ohanyan, Balasanyan and Ter-Ghukasyan are no less heroic or pivotal to the war's outcome.
DeleteSeeing as the anglo-american-zionist empire is hell bent on breaking ties with Russia, even triggering war, I thought it may be worthwhile to re-visit an often debated point. Should Russia have incorporated the de facto republics of the Donbas along with other eastern Ukrainian provinces in 2014/15?
I'm glad you brought this up. The author's entire premise is flawed and I would add, suspicious. Yes, while many Russophiles were hoping for Kiev's collapse, no serious analyst/observer (including among Russophiles) thought it would. Everyone knew that the Western world was behind the uprising in Kiev. The West would therefore not allow the newly installed Kiev government to collapse.
DeleteRegarding why Moscow is not being more aggressive around the world: Moscow has no choice but to tread very carefully in the world today. As powerful as it is, Moscow is still not nearly as powerful (economically, culturally, financially, militaritly, demographically, politically, etc) as the combined weight of the Western world. Therefore, every time Moscow has to act beyond its borders (i.e. Georgia, Ukraine and Syria) is has to do so very calculatively and very cautiously. I think senior policymakers in Moscow understand all too well the grave mistakes made by men like Napoleon and Hitler, not to mention the Soviet Union. This is essentially why Russian troops did not march into Tbilisi in 2008. That is why Russian troops did not march into Kiev in 2014 (Crimea was the main prize Moscow was seeking). This is why Russians did not respond to the Turkish ambush of a Russian warplane by going to war against Turkey. That is why Russian forces in Syria are currently not trying to shoot down American, Turkish or Israeli warplanes violating Syrian airspace.
As Anglo-American-Jews go around setting fires aroung the world, Moscow is methodically, cleaverly, diligently and cautiously trying to make the most of very bad sitiations as they arise. Due to reasons x, y and z Russians are forced to play a very cautious/careful game of chess, whereas Western powers continue playing an arrogant/reckless game of poker.
Ultimatly, this is the takeaway: Those pundits who pass themselves off as pro-Russian - and they want to see Moscow act more aggressive - may very well be part of a Western-backed psy-ops campaign trying to draw Russia into a major war that Moscow does not want or need. They are doing all they can to set fires around Russia. They are deliberately raising tensions between Russia and its neighbors. And some of them are also encouraging Russia to react forcefully. It's a recipe for disaster. Moscow knows this.
They did the same thing with Nazi Germany, and Hitler and company fell for it. They supported the rise of Nazis at first. They deliberately looked the other way as Berlin built up its military might. They appeased Hitler every step of the way when he annexed German populated lands next to Germany. They encouraged his paranoia and hate towards communism, the Soviet Union and Slavic peoples. Hitler thought he had Western powers on his side. Or at the very least not against him. [Even as late as 1945 his senior officers were pleading with Anglo-Americans to joing them on their campaign against the Soviet Union]. Hitler therefore took the bait and started a war that was meant from the start to pit two of Eurasia's biggest powers, Germany and the Soviet Union, against eachother. The rest is history.
Politics is a science and an art form. And war, which one of the manifestations of politics, is hell. As I always say, politics is not a street fight or a family dispute. In politics, you don't fight just because your enemy is taunting you or wants you to fight. When it comes to war, you fight it at as a last resort and you fight it at a time and place of your choosing - and not that of the enemy's. Moscow will do everything in its power not to start a major war as that is what Western powers seem to be seeking. As I said, I am suspicious of those who want Moscow to be very aggressive. Such people may actually be part of a cleaver anti-Russian psy-ops campaign. At the very least, such people are politically ignorant and do not have a healthy understanding of war or history.
I agree with you. The situation in 2014 following the coup in Kiev was very fluid and there were many pitfalls. The information we had then and have now is only a pittance compared to what the Kremlin and her enemies in various Western capitals have. With that said, I do think it is unacceptable, if true, to leave behind Ukrainian officials in Crimea who may be loyal to Kiev. What does it mean for Russia to expel Ukrainian Russophiles to Ukraine? How is this a net positive? That problem was the one that I was not aware of and think is wrong, again if it is true. Russia needs all the support she can get.
DeleteIt is obvious that the NATO mob want to goad Russia into any sort of 'aggression'.
DeleteFirst and foremost because this meme is the reason for the existence of NATO. By not obliging, Russia puts in question that very reason and exposes the lies. They won't be able to maintain credibility for too long if their lies are repeatedly proven false. And I am sure that they certainly know that they have to deal with insane people, who believe that one can make the same mistakes all over again, but expect different results. Dealing with mad people is a science and art. Practitioners of that art know that you obtain better results in placating furious madmen in crisis by getting along with them , than putting them straightaway in straitjacket.
Secondly, Russia has no real interest in a war, that's should go without saying. Her declared constant policy is to sorting out any conflict by arbitration.
Thirdly, she applies Napoleon's advise: 'Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself'.
Those who want Russia to be more aggressive are definitely manipulated. They are generally moronic left-overs of the Communist era, who accuse the 'traitor Putin' (secretly allied with the Zionists) for not pursuing the remake of USSR as the avant-garde of the 'Revolution', get rid of the Jews, reintroduce (that only thing would indicate that they are the resonance chambers for the almost unique message of the 'West'- Putin wants to remake the Soviet Union, but is Hitler at the same time!).
Arevordi, any commentary would be appreciated on this:
ReplyDeleteDidn't know about this. But I'm not surprised. These types of operations happen from time-to-time. Sometimes they are made public, sometimes they are not. Sometimes they go our way, sometimes it does not. When Georgia attacked South Ossetia back in the summer of 2008, Azerbaijan was getting ready to carry-out a similar attack against Artsakh. Armenian forces (perhaps with a green light from Moscow) carried-out a preemptive attack on the Azeris on more than one location, liberating significant amount of territories. From what I remember it was around August 12 and something like 70 square kilometers was liberated from Azeri control. Not a single word was said about these military operations by Yerevan or Baku. Baku did not retaliate at the time because of Moscow and how bad the war against South Ossetia had quickly gotten for Georgia. I have discussed all this in detail in previous blog commentaries. In any case, all this goes to show you that a lot of times things happen without the public's knowledge. Now, with all that said, there is in my opinion yet another important aspect to this. Don't forget that it's election season in Armenia. Therefore, by making this information public, Armenian authorities are trying to look authoritative. That is essentially why a Republican Party member released this information to the news media now and that is also why the article makes a not so subtle reference to the "insignificant" amount of territory Armenians lost in Artsakh during the four day war in April of 2016.
ReplyDeleteAnother relevant article to add to your collection.
Interestingly, there have been three other news items in recent days that seem to be part of the puzzle that is Islamic terrorism and false flags.
DeleteWas this going to be another mass shooting incident where the assailant (a unsuspecting patsy that would later be killed) had amassed a large weapons arsenal in his hotel room, before something went wrong with the plans execution? -
Texas man facing Tewksbury weapons charges said he was on classified government mission :
Why is it that all "Islamic terrorists" that have committed criminal acts in the United States and Western Europe have been on the government's so-called "radar" and have been closely associated with a government informants, in this case the father who was also organizing terror attacks in Pakistan? -
Pulse nightclub gunman's father was secret FBI informant :
Was this a case of how government agencies send unsuspecting Westerners into the mouths of monsters they have created in order to use their sad plight as psy-ops? Besides, what was he doing in Islamic rebel held areas of Syria in 2012? -
Journalist Says Comey and Mueller’s FBI Betrayed Him After Al-Qaeda Kidnapping:
ReplyDeletePlease see this little The way she talks reminds of my NPD co-morbid with BPD ex, and she's clearly a cluster B disordered individual/ Anter axchik.
Anyhow, look at what a hero the media makes of her, truly disgusting:
“Hraparak” expresses its admiration with “audacious” women like Khachatrian who differ from others with their “revolutionary views.” “They are the kind of individuals who change the quality of the society, set the agenda and not retreat in the face of masculine aggression,” writes the paper. “Each of them tries to change something in their area of activity and improve our country and our life. It is thanks to them that our country will renew and establishment itself and move forward. A new mentality introduced by them and new generations brought up by them will solve problems facing our country. Do not interfere with them. Do not stand in their way.”
“Aravot” reacts to allegations by a 19-year-old Armenian woman, Asya Khachatrian, that police in Nagorno-Karabakh harassed and ill-treated her earlier this year because of her appearance unusual for Karabakh. “A person has the right to decide how to dress and dye their hair, when to start having sex and with whom,” writes the paper. It says that a lack of a civic consciousness is the reason why many Armenians tolerate violations of this right by the police or non-state actors.
Since Sarkis and I have been designated the official Taliban faction of our little comments board here, please leave it to us to deal with this thot.
DeleteWhite sharia now!
DeleteThis is not a news item. Let's please not waste our time on these types of non-issues, unless we want to be a part of Uncle Sam's anti-Armenia information war. Besides, all we know about what happened with this activist are her words, nothing else. Naturally, Armenia's Western-backed opposition propaganda outlets will be all over this story, as they never waste an opportunity to spread poison about Armenia. And then they wonder why 50% of Armenians want out. In any case, if I had to guess, I would say this clearly emotionally/mentally ill girl is an activist (working for some Western NGO) who was sent to live in Stepenakert essentially to stir shit. I just watched a number of her interviews. She seems well prepared for her role.
Reminder: There is a not so little army of Armenians working for Western/Globalist interests these days. Some of these activists are working as cyber-activists (you see large numbers of them in various Armenian forums spreading anti-government and anti-Russian propaganda on a 24/7 basis) and some of these activists are being sent to live in Armenia - like I said, essentially to stir shit in society.
As I warned over a year ago in the aftermath the four day war, a lot of them are trying to appeal to the nationalistic sentiments of Armenians in an attempt to convince Armenians that Russia is an enemy. You can pick-out these "nationalist" activists when you hear them saying things like - "if we Armenians only unite, we would not need Russia" or "Russians are taking over Armenia" or "I am not against Russia, I am just for Armenia" or "Russia will one day betray Armenia to appease Turks and Azeris" or "Russians are just as bad as Turks" or "it's very important for Armenia to maintain close ties with the West to show Russia is has options". And others, like this female activist, are trying to appeal to the sentiments of impressionable young people in Armenia who love all things Western/American, and are therefore vulnerable to political manipulation and exploitation.
In any case, this activist most probably tried to stir shit in Stepenakert, and she got slapped down for it. It's that simple. Official Yerevan may have willingly/deliberately turned Armenia into a Western whorehouse (to balance out "Russian influence" of course) but Artsakh is a war zone and the crap Western activists get away with in Yerevan or Armenia in general does not fly in Artsakh. In any case, this girl is yet another example of how Western powers exploit exploitable human resources in targeted countries. So, the real problem, as I see it, is not this girl's hair color or her tattoos or her smoking or even her sexuality, but her overall low character and how she is allowing herself to be used by Western powers. In case people want to make silly correlations: There are many independent/liberal women in Armenia that having nothing to do with Western agendas in the country, and there are many "traditional women" in Armenia that fully serve Western agendas.
In any case, it would be wrong to associate this girl with independence or liberalism. There is nothing independent or liberal about her. She is just a trashy street slut and she is a slave to her deep-rooted psychological/emotional problems. Now, with all this said, I'll leave it to our resident Talibans, LG and Sarkis, to burn her at the stake or simply bury her up to her neck in sand and stone her to death.
Armenia's government willingly/deliberately imports Western influences (e.g. Western financed NGOs, USAID, IMF, NED, Monsanto, British Counsil, American pop culture as well as capitalism, materialism, individualism, etc) into Armenia essentially to show the world how modern, how open and how Western friendly it is. In doing so, however, it also brings into the country a not so little army of Western activists and spies (e.g. Raffi Hovanissian, Vartan Oskanian, Richard Giragosian, Larisa Minasyan, Paruyr Hayrikian, Levon Barseghyan, Edik Baghdasaryan, Zaruhi Postanjyan, David Sanasaryan, Alec Yenikomshian, Igor Muradyan, Ara Papyan, etc). In the big picture, this is all a direct consequence of Yerevan's "complimentary politics" bullshit that has all but laid waste to Armenian culture/society during the past 25-plus years and made the country sociopolitically unstable. We vividly see the culturally destructive process noted above in action with the following links to several Western-style shows that are shown throughout Armenia. We see our tattooed heroine in the link immediately below -
DeleteՏարբերվողները. Ասյա Խաչատրյան:
Տարբերվողները. Կիռա Շվառց:
Full House:
Kargin Serial (knock-off of two and a half men):
Karmir Blur:
One of the fundamental reasons why so many Armenians around the world happily welcomed the collapse of the Soviet Union in the late 1980s was because we thought we would finally be able to develop/advance Armenian culture free of Soviet influences. Well, it did not workout as we expected. Why? Essentially because "the Soviet" was quickly and deliberately replaced by something much worst - "the Western". Armenian culture today is at a very low point. There are no notable artists, scientists, composers, directors, sculptors, writers, poets or intellectuals among the post-Soviet generation in Armenia. Everything in Armenia today revolves around "biznes", and of course singing and dancing to Kurdo-Turkish and Afro-American music. It is now becoming increasingly and troublingly obvious that the Soviet period in Armenia's history was indeed one of its golden periods.
Soviet Armenia gave us Aram Khachaturyan -
Aram Khachaturian - Waltz from "Masquerade":
"Independent" Armenia gave us Aram Asatryan -
Aram Asatryan - Lusnyak Gishernere:
I reiterate: The importation of Western influences into Armenia is essentially the "seeding of Armenia with cancerous seeds". If Russia today controls the very head of Armenia, the West is slowly/gradually coming to control the rest of the body. Because we Armenians (which naturally includes our so-called political leaders) are politically ignorant and therefore politically shortsighted, this destructive process will be allowed to continue indefinitely. And it's toxic affects will be better felt in the future.
A sad misfortune , but an exegesis as close to reality as it can be. The pro- pornocrats ( westerners) in Armenian society are a dangerous factor, and totally unnecessary. If Russian influence is on the wane- hopefully not- it can also be attributed to similar conditions being experienced in Russia itself.There are very strong pro western undercurrents in Russia proper, at the political, social, cultural levels. However in the Armenian case it is an unforgivable sin to provide safe harbor for this treacherous cancerous ideology,:decadent, degenerate western subculture. Only a fool, or political quasimodo can contemplate the survival of Armenia as a nation state, a homeland for the Armenian race, outside the Russian orbit. If some political circles ( like the pseudo nationalists- they are not nationalists but anarchists and undescribable vermin) think that by Armenia copying up to the EU; West; America, is sending messages to Russia about " there are options" they are delusional to the tenth degree. They don't have any options, in fact. It is worrisome and of utmost concern that the incumbent government appears to be ignorant of this.I could be wrong. But the horizon does not look promising if Armenia tries to become another cog in the degenerate and decaying subculture of Americanism and contemporary EU, in exchange from the Russian orbit. Should the RF abandon their military bases in Armenia ( highly unlikely since the Russian pivot in the southern Caucasus hinges on their commanding position in this area) it would make Armenia's survival unviable. And no degenerate western forces will rush into assistance. There is a need for a revolutionary government along nationalist thinking and culture , as opposed to the present cosmopolitan , internationalist,leanings . There are stupid things in the pipeline. They are considering " selling" residency permits for a mere 50K EU . It is a program that is rampant in the poorer EU vassal states, it lures a prospective immigrant to buy an apartment or make a deposit in a financial institutions and voila they get residency permits and a road to citizenship. Needless to say, 99% of the participants are from Asia and Africa.
DeleteIt has long been recognized that political influence travels upon the coattails of cultural influence. This is why Western culture - e.g. music, cinema, television and radio programming, literature, philanthropy, fast foods, religious cults, language, money and products - is being actively promoted around the world.
DeleteThink of it this way: If we want to speak their languages, live in their lands, study in their schools, watch their movies, listen to their music, wear their clothes, eat their food, buy their products, trade in their currency... how can we ever think of them as our enemy and protect ourselves accordingly?
Therefore, they don't need armies to invade countries because Anglo-American-Jewish pop culture and Westernization/Globalization in general appeals to the basic/primitive/animalistic instincts of humans. The "people" will therefore demand a Western life style. We clearly see this process in Armenia: Most Armenians look to Russia for protection, but most of them also look to the West for life styles choices. The thinking is: We'll ally ourselves politically/militarily to Russia, but we'll also allow Western organizations to operate inside Armenia and we'll turn everything into English to attract tourists (even though a vast majority of tourists in Armenia are from Russia). This creates a fertile landscape for Western sociopolitical agendas. We are seeing its results throughout the country.
The Western life style is more-or-less about having fun, breaking with traditional values and "exploring yourself". As they say, it's all about "sex, drugs and rock&roll". It's also about individualism, consumerism, materialism, interracialism, multiculturalism, ecumenism, atheism, feminism, homosexuality, American pop culture, Western products, Western financial system, open borders, fast food, drugs, capitalism, socialism, democracy and empowering fringe groups in society. These are the various side-effects of Westernization and/or Globalization. It's about a world where no borders exist; where there are no ethnic, racial or religious demarcation lines; and where everyone speaks English, consumes Western products and trades in Western money.
As I said, the Western life style appeals to the primitive/animal instinct of human beings. It also appeals to the angry/marginalized minorities in societies (be it ethnic, religious, economic or sexual). These are in fact empowered by a multitude of Western organizations and activists. Nevertheless, Westernization/Globalization is without doubt the most powerful movement in the world since Christianity or Hellenism. I would say its even more powerful.
Because of all these underlying factors, perhaps the only two countries on earth where the Western life style has not made a major impact is North Korea and Cuba. And that's only because Cuba has been under an American embargo and the North Korean leadership is constantly doing all it can to stop an American cultural invasion. I am not going to bring up fundamentalist Muslim nations like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Afghanistan because while they have been able to resit Western pop culture, they have been nonetheless turned into the playground of Anglo-American-Jews. So, with very few exceptions, the Anglo-American-Jewish system and its Western life style has effectively taken over the world. The process started with Naploeon's defeat.
Regarding Russia: Western cultural influences (and the political agendas that travel behind cultural influences) invaded the Russian nation in full force in the late 1980s and throughout the 1990s -
DeleteQueue to first McDonalds in Moscow in 1990:
But, Vladimir Putin's FSB-backed rise to power in 2000 proved to be a God sent. Consequently, the degree of the Western cultural invasion in Russia (i.e. how much damage it has done to Russian society) is relatively low when compared to places like France, Ukraine, Czechia, Greece, Germany, Sweden and Baltic states. Relatively speaking, Russians remain steadfastly nationalistic, independent minded, traditionalist, racially/culturally chauvinistic and increasingly religious. Moreover, English as a language has made very little headway in Russia. Compared to other nations around the word, Russians have a lot more self-pride and backbone when it comes to their nation and culture.
Needless to say, the Western aggression against Russia has helped greatly in waking up the Russian street. Moreover, Moscow has for its part been smart enough to promote Russian nationalism, embrace the Russian Orthodox Church and shutdown all Western organizations that partake in political activism or Western propaganda. In this regard, compared to Armenians, Russians are much-much better off.
I'm going to be honest with you, I just found this blog. However, I've known your other blog about the Armenian Highlands and I have to give you some appreciation for it. You exposed me to the truth of Armenia, its people and history. You were the first person that I found who was saying what was always hidden. I've known that blog for years, and I thought you just fell off the face of the Earth. However, I'm happy that you still post now on here. I'll definitely be up to date with things going on in here. But I really just want to know, why'd you stop posting on the Armenian Highland blog? And, would you ever start posting on there again? Anyway, I'm just happy to know you're alive and I'll probably talk about geopolitics in here later, but I really wanted to say this.
ReplyDeleteExcellent blog post Arevordi, been quietly lurking in the background reading your entries, keep it up! With regards to this Artsakh sloot, western influence in our Fatherland, and some other points, will post soon. Great commentary so far BTW, I’m surprised we have not had any social justice warriors or surprised anonymous asswipes jump in and badger Arevordi for this entry yet!
ReplyDeleteWelcome back, Sassounci Davit. It's been a while since you commented here. But it's good knowing that you have been lurking around in the background. Regarding our social justice warriors: They periodically stop by here to hurl insults at me. According to them: I am either a KGB agent, Putin's gay lover or a "tinfoil hat" wearing "conspiracy theorist". If I see they have nothing intelligent to say I just delete their nonsense. But they have been coming around less frequently recently. Maybe it's because I stopped during monthly commentaries, maybe it's because they gave up on "putting me in my place", maybe its because my anthill (my blog) poses no threat to their mountain (their presence in social media). In any case, I am looking forward to your comments as I have always enjoyed reading them.
DeleteI guess I'm also one of the lurkers here. But you're partially at fault because when you write about a topic you put so much out and cover so many angles that it leaves me with nothing to say. All I can do is agree or disagree. Also please don't take this the wrong way but I feel uncomfortable being associated with anything that is pro-Russian or anti-Western these days. I find myself not able to speak my mind in society or at the work place. Big Brother watching is no longer story in an old book. It's very real. The country has changed a lot. So I guess the content here scares away a lot of people. It's a shame but this is the world we live in today.
The tools of communications, air waves, press, tv, etc, are all in the hands of the enemy. The infiltration is total in all levels of society. The prevalent ideology - religion- is what it's nouveau package can name is :cultural Marxism. Names are memes and billboards with some announcements. They used to be called leftists, but today designations of leftists or rightists is totally meaningless. Uniform thinking emanating from basic learning to high academia is driven by this powerful force. Academia shapes - indoctrinates- every generation's thinking, beliefs, life styles. It is like a mammoth assembly line of clone thinking of the prevalent religion, globalism, universalism, internationalism,Judaism. All political, social, cultural, and every other field of human endeavor will start from a basic foundation of uniform thinking and mind sets, the established orthodoxy, molded and malleable by the spiritual and material cosmos of judaica with its disguises of globalism, egalitarianism,and the other ism's created or invented in their academic laboratories. Key words, slogans, memes have all been marshaled and weaponized to impress and impact the thinking of the race of the light unto nations. The resistant agains it is spiritual and instinctive which flowers and crystalyses in a few minorities which constitute anti orthodox uniformity. Few brains can discern what the grand scenario is and even fewer have the power to express it. In Germany eg, concepts and ideas are motivated by leading institutions to take children away from antisemitism parents. This is not only egregiously ridiculous, but outright pre potency , signaling the power and force sweeping the world of uniform thinking. Ideas are manufactured , articulated and implemented in academic centers and the marketed by the means of communication and diffusion. There are very strict do and dont's. Paradigm shifts in thinking are nipped in the bud. The resistance to the prevailing world vision is centered among a minority of educated groups, bereft of a power base from which to awaken and enlighten the benighted majority produce coming out from the religiously dogmatic assembly lines. Modern times are vacuous, insipid, ugly with uniform thinking. Thanks to the nternet, the possibility of free expression and intellectual thinking out of the tightly box and contrary to established orthodoxy finds its refuge . We find a refuge, a solidarity of awareness, it need to find how to weaponize contrarian words, slogans, and their widespread diffusion. To express contrarian worldview earns one the calumny, opprobrium and ostracism from a living space. As an example, a political discussion, art, cultural, social can have a significant idea, or message put forward by an articulate and expressive speaker or representation in a half hour dissertation can be nullifified and discredited by single weaponized words like " antisemite, nazi, intolerant, secret agent provocateur, racist,homophobe, kgb agent, Russophile, " to name a few. The list is endless. One single weaponize word, or phrase, crumbles and founders an entire edifice of ideas, thinking, concepts, perceptions and contrarian intellectualism/activism born from different fountains than the present totalitarian, uniform, orthodoxy.
ReplyDeleteThe russo -turkish rapproachement poses vital question to our nation. It is not believed that a russo-friendship ( far fetched to speak about an alliance) can be an enduring one. Besides the filthy turks are still a Nato member. But the reality and facts on the ground speak differently. The litmus test is far, how deep, and for how long this rapproachement and flirting can go on for. In a hypothetical East-West confrontation where will the turks stand ? Will there be a challenge to Armenian security and sovereignty ? Not so, as long as the Russian military bases are stationed firm. On the other side any aggressive moves by Azeri-Turks against Artsakh will naturally find overt support and participation by the filthy turks - regarless whther they stand east or west-. With hindsight, the status quo ( current status) of Artsakh was the wrong one for our nation. Artsakh survival could be dramatically jeopardized by the original ill decision to delay or reject the anchluss of the territory to Armenia, at the end of the war in 1994. The territory should have been annexed to the motherland; no one would have recognized it; just like the independence of Artsakh is not recognized by anyone , save by Ossetia and Abhkazia and Armenia. But Artsakh is hanging in the ether, her status challenged, subject to endless -pointless-negotiations about further negotiations and fuelling the megalomaniac ambitions of the turks by not only threatening its existence but also by making egregious claims to Armenia proper. Anyway, with hindisght everthing can be reduced to almost an exact science. It is very much like saying the Americans beat Imperial Japan in the battle of Midway were it not for the childish miscalculations of Yamamoto and Kagane. Against this background a future war of aggression against Artsakh, and by default against Armenia, by the two turk nations is inevitable. The question remains who in that critical time would be backing us. Complimentary politics is going to do zero for us. Unless potential partners have something to gain from Armenia, they will flee like squirming maggots the moment danger threaten us. I don't see neither China, nor India ( the darling of some misguided and delusional armenian politicians and thinkers) to be of any genuine value the moment the s hits the fan. There is only and only Russia to rely on; and now with the Russo -turkey interlude even this premise seems to come under scrutiny. I have not mentioned Iran, because they are going to be the target in any future confrontation and their survival could also be at stake. When we are attacked, we are on our own. We must not feel intimidated by the situation-even Georgians will swoop down on us ( I am told that Georgia is a virtual Turko-israli colony ?) We better believe and internalize this fact,and be seriously prepared for the eventuality. I am not a military man, nor do I read about statistics on military hardware by the warring sides. I think I understand that in the 1991-94 struggle we ultimately prevailed thanks to the backing of Russia. The scenario in 2018 is vastly different with this bizarre closeness between the RF and the odious turks , and the territory of Artsakh floating in a non recognized ocean of enemies and would be enemies.
DeleteArevordi, i guess this article from izrahell is indirectly related to this your current blog commentary! LOL
ReplyDelete"Orgies, Blackmail and anti-Semitism: Inside the Islamic Cult Whose Leader Is Embraced by Israeli Figures"
Very good find, and very timely. Thank you. I would say this article is VERY related to the subject matter of my current blog post. I guess this is also a good time as any to remind people of American Agent Richard Giragosian who, with the help of Raffi Hovanissian, has been given a platform in Armenia to publicly promote an Anglo-American-Jewish agenda -
DeleteAdnan Oktar's live discussion on A9 TV with Richard Giragosian, director of the Armenian think tank RSC (13 December 2014):
These people (i.e. Anglo-American-Jews, Turks and a multitude of Armenians in the service of the aforementioned) would like nothing more than to drive a wedge between Armenia and Russia and make Armenia enter into a close relationship with Turkey without any genocide related preconditions. This is because the aforementioned know as well as any that Armenia's "independence" from Russia will automatically, by default, translate into Armenia's dependence on Turkey. At the end of the day, anyone that supports official Yerevan's "complimentary politics" (i.e. anyone that supports the officially sanctioned presence of Western interests in Armenia) is directly/indirectly supporting the kind of freak show we see above...
Is this a backdoor to war with Russia? Trade wars inevitably lead to real wars...
ReplyDeleteChina urges US businesses to oppose new tariffs on Chinese goods:
Rivero "John Bolton Appointment Shows That Donald Trump Is Assembling A War Cabinet.":
The situation in Syria is becoming an opereta. This Trump, tweets insane ramblings and calls Assad an " animal" and warns of a heavy price to be paid by Assad and its allies. This is tantamount to a declaration of war. Next a missile attack to the largest military air base in Syria follows. The RF Mod, states the attack was carried out by 2x Israely war planes. Where are the so called Syrian air defences; it seems they responded by downing 5 out of the eight missiles launched, but 3 of them got through and the 2x warplanes flew back to their bases. The American-Israeli are lurching toward brazen provocation and hoping for a retaliation which will trigger untold consequences. The random attacks by Israely forces against Syria will not stop, regardless of Russian army forces stationed in the country. The visits of the criminal Netanuy to Russia has ensured a free passport to bombard Syrian territory and forces, but avoid bringing harm to Russian assets.These attacks and forays can be stopped if the perpetrator has to pay a price, a "heavy" price. One would have figured out, by now , that the Syrian overall defenses would have created a capability to neutralize and thwart enemy attacks ; but it does not appear so. Where are those much vaunted s300's. Syria will not be carved up. Syrian lands east of the Euphrates , present trends prevailing, will end up under military occupation by America if the SAA army and its allies fail to control the expansion of the American military forces in the area. Ultimately the war dog in the region ,the Israel, has to be contained and punished; but how do you do that when American-Israeli foreign policy are un-distinguishable and one and the same.
ReplyDeleteI have already spoken about this subject matter on multiple previous occasions. Therefore, I don't understand why it keeps coming up.
DeleteMilitarily, short of going to war against Israel, it's impossible for Syria or Russia or Iran to stop all Israeli attacks on targets inside Syria. They are using stand-off weapons systems, firing them from over Lebanese and Jordanian air space. It's inevitable that some of these attacks will penetrate even the best air defense systems. What important to understand here is that those backing the Syrian government DO NOT WANT a wider regional war. Israel (and Turkey) knows this. This is why Tel Aviv (and Ankara) keeps hitting targets of opportunity in Syria as they become available.
That some of Syria's territories will be held by Anglo-American-Jews indefinitely is a foregone conclusion. Not only Russia but Syria and Iran realize this and have more-or-less accepted this outcome. The problem therefore is not who controls what east of the Euphrates. The main problem is that Syria's enemies want Bashar Assad and his government out of power west of the Euphrates as well. This is where Russia and Iran have drawn their red lines.
All in all, the situation in Syria is extremely volatile and extremely complex. Alliances seem to be changing from city to city. For example: Russia and Turkey are somewhat on the same page in some part of northern Syria, but they are on opposing side of the conflict in all other parts of Syria. Similarly, Iran and Turkey seem to be cooperating in some parts of Syria and opposing each other in others parts of Syria. The same can be said about the complex.murky web of alliances between Americans, Europeans, Saudis, Turks, Jordanians, Kurds and Israelis. We are at a situation where a single incident can trigger a major international conflict. Anglo-American-Jews are acting as if they want to see this happen. But I know beyond any doubt that Moscow, Tehran and Damascus don't.
So, in a sense, Syria's enemies do indeed have the upper hand simply because they are desperate and are willing to risk more.
Americans, Israelis, Saudi Arabians and Turks are getting increasingly desperate over the situation in Syria. Pressure is building. If some of this pressure is not let off through negotiations/diplomacy, we will face a massive explosion in the near future.
We don't exactly know what President Trump wants to do. I am not even sure he knows what he wants to do. Nevertheless, what Trump wants to do or what he does not want to do is of no real value, since he is not the one ultimately calling the shots in Washington. The recent fake chemical weapons attack in Syria (which Russia warned several weeks ago was coming) was specifically designed to make President Trump change his mind about supposedly wanting to scale back the American presence in Syria. Just a few days ago Trump signaled his wanted to draw some of the troops out of Syria. All of a sudden, we are told of another gas attacks. Trump is now being expected to act in a forceful way. Someone/somewhere is still trying very hard to pull the US deeper into the Syrian cauldron. Make no mistake about it, Trump is under immense pressure by the American deep state, organized Jewry and Saudi Arabia.
Let's also recall that Trump was essentially put into power by the Sheldon Adelsons and John Boltons in the US. He therefore has no choice but to serve them now. If he does not, he risks not only his life but that of his family members. I more-or-less said all this about Trump even before he was elected.
The psychopath Trump imagines he is sitting in front of a play station, pushing buttons. He is certified as insane. A jew boy larger ,more brazen and more jewish than "natural jews". To have grown in NYC, or rather JYC, and become a real estate tycoon he would have had to outjew all the jews in the citadel of jewish power. His latest rant is that missiles, new and smart are " coming". It is clear this is an attempt at putting Russia's new weapons and defensive shield over Syria to the test. I hope the killer maniac comes to his senses or is brought back to his senses. Not so; he is surrounded by a coterie of warmongers and war criminals to be. They should all end up in the Hague. The UN is finito; it is a charlatan's speakers chamber , where every body talks, slanders, and trade insults over each other. Russia and her allies should leave that den of inequity and create an alternate body.
DeleteTo his credit, Trump is clearly not calling the shots in Washington. The Anglo-American-Jewish war camp is clearly in charge. With his "tough" rhetoric, he is also appease those who are accusing him of being too soft on Russia. Simply put, Trump is a puppet and he is under immense pressure from all sides.
DeleteNow, what really worries me is that Russians are dangerously exposed in Syria. Russian forces deployed there have absolutely no defensive depth, they are very few in numbers and they are concentrated in three general locations. In a sense, they are in the middle of a boiling cauldron, surrounded by powerful enemies. Theoretically, Russian forces in Syria (and Iranian) can be wiped out in a single, massive surprise missile strike. In such close proximity situations, none of the S-300s or S-400s would be very effective. In a massive missile strike coming from different directions, enough explosives get through defenses to do massive damage. On the other hand, also theoretically, Russian naval assets in the Mediterranean Sea can sink every single Western/Israel warship in a similar fashion. But, I highly doubt it will come down to all this because I believe Anglo-American-Jews are not as crazy as they appear to be acting. I want to believe their theoretic is mostly bluster and psy-ops.
With that said, however, with so many opposing forces maneuvering and posturing in such close proximity, anything can happen. Moreover, the seriousness with which Israelis are taking Iran's growing presence in Syria is adding another very volatile layer to an already very explosive situation. As a result of all this, the situation in the region is extreme dangerous. I hope Russians and Americans are negotiating behind close doors. At worst, I hope they decide to allow the arrogant West to carry out a limited, symbolic (i.e. face saving) missile strike on some second rate airfield or army base and simply be done with it, as they did last year.
Except any face saving measure will only buy but a little more time before the next false flag or other attempt to bully Russia into submission. The fact of the matter is the the west is in terminal decline and the elites do not want to face the music.
DeleteEven after Russia announced that it has weapons which are unmatched by any world power, we still have so called experts and pundits claiming that Russia is a 2nd tier power or can not stand up to the combined might of nato. It is all rubbish but it seems that western elite are high of their own supply. Or to put it in other words - they have gone full retard!
I wonder what the people here and Arevordi think of this:
ReplyDeleteNew President Sarkisian sworn in, Armenia becomes parliamentary republic :
What are your guys take on this?
Yulia Skripal discharged from Salisbury hospital (VIDEO):
The khazar kike(Ill let you guess who it is} cant even present a case against assad. Very interesting show as always with crosstalk.
CrossTalk on Syria: Path to War:
Recent news items that have caught my attention -
ReplyDelete'Everywhere you go, chaos is left behind' – Russia’s UN envoy to US over 'chem attack' in Syria:
WATCH: Experts Warn Assad is Not to Blame for Latest Chemical Attack:
Circle of Absurdity: Killing the Islamists We Create:
Just When You Thought Trump’s Cabinet Couldn’t Get Any More Dangerous:
Trump: Is He Stupid or Dangerously Crazy?:
Iran-Israel Conflict Escalates in Shadow of Syrian Civil War:®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
U.S. Navy Destroyer Armed With Tomahawks Arrives Off Syrian Coast, "Harassed" By Russian Warplanes:
Russia Denies Reports About Blocking Signals From US Drones in Syria:
Russian Spy Anna Chapman Says Moscow Should Sink Brand New British Aircraft Carriers:
How Russia has hinted it could react to US strikes in Syria: ANALYSIS:
Kremlin aide: Russia’s centuries-long romance with West over:
Russophobia in the New Cold War:
Petro-Yuan Is The Newest Weapon For The China-Russia-Iran Anti-USD Alliance:
Armenia Is An Isolated Backwater Dump Because It Hitched Its Wagon To Moscow:
Possible sanctions for the Russia-Armenia-Iran axis:
They certainly have the mouths to bark loud, but don't have the teeth to bite hard.
ReplyDeleteIf the West wanted to deliver an immediate strike on Syria, they could count on just one US Navy destroyer and perhaps one submarine...That's all. They have nothing else in the area within striking range.
Of course, the USA, Britain and France could send in warplanes by using in-flight refueling and by making use of Cypriots bases... But wait, the wild card is the Russian assets in Syria. The Western Politicians and Generals don't want their planes and pilots to possibly face the Russian S-400s and Sukhoi Su-35 fighters. They will use only stand-off cruise missiles.
At the moment, the West can launch only an unconsequential limited strike (like the one they did on the Shaaariat airbase last year).
If they want to inflict more serious damage, they will have to wait till they get more assets (ships and submarines) into the region.
In the meanwhile, East Ghouta is now entirely liberated by the Syrian Army.
It's always good to have you here, Zoravar. Actually, I was impatiently waiting to hear what you have to say about what has been transpiring. So, my question is: Do you have a wider, more comprehensive assessment about the military situation in the region today? I guess what I'm asking you is if you are thinking about producing another article for this blog?
DeleteFood for thought.
ReplyDeleteListening to Russian Experts (Short Report About the Mood on Russian Prime Time TV):
Very interesting, LG. What Saker has to say is more-or-less inline with what I have also noticed in Russian media. I totally agree that Anglo-American-Jews are arrogant and that they are not taking Russia seriously. I also agree that the only way to change this attitude of theirs is if the West is somehow made to suffer dire consequences/repercussions as a result of their reckless actions. In other words, just like how in the summer of 2008 and spring of 2014 the Russian Bear lashed out, the Russian Bear has to lash out once again. Perhaps more violently this time, if only to drive a point.
DeleteWhile totally understandable, Moscow nevertheless is moving around its chess pieces very cautiously. Moscow is being too reserved. Anglo-American-Jews are interpreting this as weakness and/or indecisiveness. This is why they are acting like Cowboys on Prozac. The West needs to get slapped down somehow. If this is not done, they will continue playing with fire and in the process seriously threaten the life of nations around the world.
Personally, if I was in charge in Moscow, I would get on an international podium and loudly announce to the entire world that Russian personnel and military assets are stationed in all major Syrian military installations and that Russia will not tolerate any form of attack on such locations by anyone. Thereafter, if Western powers ignore such warnings and launch a large missile attack, and there are Russian causalities, I would retaliate militarily against U.S. forces stationed in Syria and I would begin shooting down US and Israel warplanes operating over Syria and Lebanon.
This of course is a nightmare scenario, and also why someone like me would never be in change of anything. But, a major conflagration is what Anglo-American-Jews seem to be working on. In which case, better be ready. Moscow does not desire a wider war but it has to be ready to fight one. Ultimately, Anglo-American-Jews have to be made to understand that this is not a Hollywood movie and that Syria is not their studio set. They also have to be made to understand that if push comes to shove American, British, French or Israeli warships could be resting at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea in very short order.
For added perspective, the following are excerpts from an article appearing in today's Wall Street Journal -
DeleteSignificant American attack on Assad regime could sweep aside understandings between Netanyahu and Moscow.
Israel’s skillful balancing act between superpowers is becoming too hard to sustain.
Since U.S.-Russian relations started to fray following the 2014 annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula, with sanctions, diplomatic expulsions and consulate closures, Israel has worked hard not to become entangled in this confrontation.
It seemed to work until now. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu maintained Israel’s strategic alliance with the U.S. while reaching crucial understandings with a resurgent Russia that has become a dominant force in his country’s backyard.
Russian President Vladimir Putin looked the other way as Israel repeatedly attacked Iranian and regime military installations in Syria. Russia also delivered on its tacit pledge to prevent the deployment of Iranian forces and their proxies in the vicinity of the Israeli-held Golan Heights.
In exchange, Israel took a much softer line on Russia than most Western countries. Those steps ranged from declining to support a U.S.-backed United Nations resolution on Crimea in 2014 to deciding not to expel Russian diplomats when over two dozen Western countries did so in response to the use of a nerve agent against a former Russian spy in the U.K. last month.
All of this is changing now that President Donald Trump (and, likely, France) is readying major strikes against the Syrian regime to punish it for its alleged use of lethal chemical weapons in the rebel-held Douma area northeast of Damascus. With Moscow warning of grave consequences if these strikes go ahead, Israel’s bilateral understandings with the Kremlin risk being swept away by a much broader clash.
“The current friendly relations between Russia and Israel are a deviation from the norm,” said Maxim Suchkov, a Middle East expert at the Russian International Affairs Council, a state think tank. “The current escalation over Syria can shuffle all the cards, including the Russian-Israeli ties.”
Up until now, Mr. Netanyahu’s diplomacy resulted in Russia tolerating Israel’s military activity in Syria against Iran and Iranian proxies, within well-defined limits and using a coordination mechanism to prevent mishaps.
“There are a lot of agreements and understandings. As long as Russia has no Russians hurt in Israeli actions and Israel doesn’t threaten the stability of the Assad regime, tactical deconfliction and leadership interactions make it easier,” said reserve Brig. Gen. Assaf Orion, who served until 2015 as head of strategic planning in Israel’s General Staff.
That equation, however, would change fundamentally should U.S. (and French) military action pose a material threat to the Syrian regime’s stability—and endanger Moscow’s hard-won sway in Syria.
“Netanyahu’s many visits to Moscow were great, and I am sure that his personal relations with Putin are very warm and close,” said Ksenia Svetlova, a Russian-born Israeli lawmaker. “But that doesn’t change the fact that Russia has its own ironclad interests in Syria, and that those interests are incompatible with ours.”
Source: Israel Caught in U.S.-Russia Rift Over Syria:
I agree, Russia does not want to start a war. Moreover, not when it seems that the other side is intent on some sort of escalation even war. Fighting wars on the terms that one's enemy wants is a poor idea, hence why we are seeing a cautious approach from Moscow. If a war does start better it not be at a time and place of the combined west's choosing.
DeleteOne can not help but be bothered by the sheer amount of hypocrisy, lies, and disinformation that the officials of major western states are spewing.
I wish we had some sanity in our own Homeland but seeing the lack of vision from officials in Yerevan, and now the news that Serj will likely serve as PM is vexatious to say the least.
With so much more important stuff going on in the region, I didn't really want to get into discussing Armenian politics or Serj Sargsyan. In a nutshell: Serj Sargsyan and the entire political landscape in Armenia is an accurate reflection of how low the collective quality of our people is today. Therefore, I suggest you don't waste too much time on fretting about Armenian politics or Serj Sargsyan. It is what it is and it won't change in any significant way for a couple of more generations. An entire generation - those who are middle aged today - has to die out before things begin to improve a little. As I say, the Armenian is Armenia's worst enemy. Just find comfort in knowing that the country is slowly (painstaking slowly) developing and improving. Also find comfort in knowing that Russia has got Armenia by the throat and by the balls so to speak. I don't know about you but I sleep betting knowing that Armenia is totally dependent on Russia for survival. Had it been up to us Armenians - had it been up to subhumans in Yerevan or the Diaspora to be exact - Armenia would have disappeared from the map once again.
DeleteI was almost certain Serj Sargsyan would be stepping down to play a role behind the scenes. So, I don't know what happened. I really wanted to see a Karen Karapetyan and Armen Sargsyan team. On an optimistic note, however, we still have a Karen Karapetyan and Armenian Sargsyan team, albeit with the addition of Serj Sargsyan and his chobans-in-Armani suits. I don't know, maybe it is better for a "smoother transition", whatever that means. Moreover, Moscow did signal they wanted to see Serj Sargsyan remain in power. In other words, they did not pressure Yerevan to put Karen Karapetyan into power. Maybe they know something we don't? In any case, Karen Karapetyan is still slated to be in power in the future. It's just that I wanted to see this happen sooner than later. Also on the brighter side, the Western backed opposition in the country is now all but dead. Despite the "complimentary politics" bullshit, Russian clout continues to grow in Armenia. I therefore expect to see the further deepening of Russian-Armenian relations in the coming years. I also expect to see the country's overall socioeconomic situation improving as well.
Speaking of American Imperial Hubris -
DeleteA Tale of American Hubris: Or Five Lessons in the History of American Defeat:
I understand what you mean. I like the close relationship Armenia enjoys with Russia as well, though I think we are not making full use of these ties. Also, being fully dependent on any nation is not ideal. One would think that we would begin a dialogue of how to move away from full dependency. Yet we seem to take Russia for granted or we flirt with the west as if that's a workable alternative.
DeleteAs for the western filth being cleansed, yes most true. But with Serj's likely return to power as PM we are about to see mass protests and who knows how far that may lead us.
What Price for Collapse of the Empire?:
DeleteThe Road to World War III:
LG, under these circumstances - i.e. with China being too far away and Iran too embattled - I am glad Russia has Armenia by the throat and the balls. I know this is hard for any self-respecting Armenian to admit, but we Armenians today cannot be trusted full ownership of Armenia simply because we are too inexperienced in politics (as a result of one thousand years of being stateless) and our collective mindset is too backward (as a result of genetic breeding and culture). One wrong move in a place like the south Caucasus and you'll have another one thousand years of hibernation. We came close to that with the infamous Goble Plan some 20 years ago. So, while Armenia develops as a nation-state and Armenians evolve as a people, I sleep well knowing Moscow is watching over Yerevan's shoulders...
DeleteI really wanted to see President Serj Sargsyan go. But, since he seems to want to stay, I have no choice but to repeat what I have often said about him: He is the lesser of evils in the country. What's more, I feel somewhat hopeful/encouraged because we now have Karen Karapetyan and Armen Sargsyan in the picture as well. In my book, this is an evolution in a positive direction. What the "people' want or what the "people" will do is really of no significance. You say they will vote with their feet? Well, I say I am convinced Armenia needs to shed a few hundred thousand more of its hungry/unemployed/undereducated/lazy/problematic citizens before the country stabilizes.
Don't forget, in the late 1980s, Soviet Armenia had a population of 3.5 million (including a significant number of Azeris). Moreover, most Armenian cities, towns and villages were built by the Soviets to essentially support the Soviet system/economy. With the Soviet Union gone and Armenia reduced to a heap of rubble by the early 1990s - as a result of the devastating earthquake, the war in Artsakh, the double blockade of the country and the catastrophic change of political/economic system that brought capitalistic chobans into power - there was no chance in hell that an "independent" Armenia (without its Soviet network or unhindered access to the world abroad) could support the same number of citizens. Sadly and unfortunately, but it is my opinion that Armenia today, as it exists in the south Caucasus in the post Soviet period, is barely capable of supporting 1.5 to 2 million citizens. Anything above that number is in my opinion cannon fodder for Western interests. The protesters you see in Yerevan today are essentially this surplus of mouths that Armenia would do well to shed.
It is short sighted to claim that shedding more people will cause the situation in Armenia to stabilize. Bad government and idiots in power will continue to take their toll whether there is 4 million or 400k people. You say we need time to grow, how many generations? Do we have that time? And will world events let us develop organically? Our problem isn't genetics it is a lack of a unifying philosophy and dimwitted officials.
DeleteIt's not shortsighted, it's realistic sighted. Even if Armenia's leaders were enlightened men of high stature, Armenia would still not be able to support the number of citizens it had during the late Soviet era. I reiterate: Pre-Soviet Armenia had one small city, Alexandropol (Gyumri), and one small town, Yerevan. The rest of Armenia was sprinkled with tiny backward/medieval villages, most of who's peasantry were non-Armenian.
DeleteArmenians need to fully acknowledge/recognize that a vast majority of what we see in Armenia today was put there by the Soviets for the sole purpose of materially and intellectually supporting the Soviet system. All of Armenia's factories and research facilities were fully incorporated into the Soviet network for the sole purpose of feeding the massive Soviet machine. During the 1970s and 1980s, a previously agrarian Armenia was gradually becoming a major hub for Soviet technology/industry. And Armenia's population was growing rapidly to compensate for this new need in the country. In a strong sense, Armenia's 3.5 million citizens in the late 1980s was the direct outcome/byproduct of Soviet central planning and was done solely for the purpose of supporting the greater Soviet system.
Do you understand any of this?
Now, try to understand this: With the Soviet system fully gone practically overnight, the internal networks/markets that Armenian products fed disappeared overnight as well. Immediately, you had 3.5 million unemployed and penniless people. Immediately, virtually all of the Soviet built factories and facilities were looted and torn down by our money-grubbing peasants.
Add to all this the devastating earthquake of 1988, the Levon Petrosian regime, the war of liberation in Artsakh, the ensuing double blockade by Azerbaijan and Turkey, the problems with Georgia and Iran and geopolitical tensions throughout the region.
Armenia was forced to start rebuilding from zero without accessible markets, without an intelligentsia, without functioning factories and, worst of all, in a nasty/turbulent place like the south Caucasus. So, my friend, NO CHANCE IN HELL that Armenia today would be able to support the population it had during the Soviet era - in both quantity or quality. So, had our choban leaders been highly refined men of honor, they would still be unable to properly placate, employ, feed, educate, etc., 3.5 million ambitious/materialistic/impatient/pessimistic/restless/lawless people under south Caucasian conditions.
I reiterate: Armenia's natural capacity today is somewhere between 1.5 to 2 million people.
Also, you will one day come to the sobering realization that genetics and culture (both are interrelated) and things like disunity and dimwittedness go hand in hand.
Your question however about whether or not world events will allow us to develop is very appropriate. That's the main worry/problem. And that's why I keep cheering Russian advances. That is why I want to see Pax Russica in the south Caucasus. In a nutshell: The stronger Russia is, the safer will the south Caucasus be. The stronger Russia is, the less Turkic and less Islamic the south Caucasus will be. Only in a safe/secure environment can anything develop.
The agrarian nature of Armenia 100 years ago is well known. Same is true of most countries in the world, and other states that share similarities to Armenia in E. Europe. These states also lost their populations to out migration and lower birthrates once communism began to fall in the late 80s. I have Baltic states in mind, but several in Balkans fit the bill too. And none of these states had a genocide, earthquake or potential 2 front war to consider.
DeletePeople in general leave for brighter pastures or where they can materially enrich themselves relative to what their current situation is in their home country.
After the fall of the USSR it was indeed difficult to take care of 3.5 million people. However, I think with today's set up it may work. We would need to destroy all monopolies in Armenia though, and with the current dimwits in office that is not going to happen. We would also need to fully integrate with EEU, and stop complimentary politics nonsense. Again, not going to happen with the current dimwits. How did you come up with 1.5 million as the natural capacity? It seems rather arbitrary. Also, since Armenia is still in a war, and demographics is destiny, do you not think it will be difficult to protect our borders when our pool of potential soldiers is cut back so much?
I mostly agree with you. But, try not to compare Armenia to any other country. Armenia is truly unique in that Armenia is: Landlocked; blockaded from the east and the wast; has problematic neighbors to its north and south; is in state of war, surrounded by Turkic/Islamic enemies; located in a very remote and complicated geopolitical zone; and populated by very emotional, ambitious, materialistic, troublesome and politically illiterate people.
DeleteArmenia, the way it exists today, cannot enjoy Soviet level of demographics, development and of course security.
So, how did I come up with the figure 1.5 to 2 million? Well, I admit it's not scientific by any stretch of the imagination. But consider the following:
We currently have about 2.5 million citizens in the country. Right? Well, at least several hundred thousand of these are sitting idle for one reason or another. The reasons for this are the following: Collapse of the Soviet Union, earthquake, on going war, on going blockade, on going geopolitical tub of war, on going political incompetence, mafia, criminals, oligarchs, etc.
Due to its above mentioned post-Soviet problems Armenia today is simply incapable of providing all its citizens with proper care and attention.
Let's stop day dreaming about what the government should be doing. The reality we face is that there are at least several hundred thousand citizens in Armenia that not productive. These just sit around and spew poison. And when the opportunity arises, a significant portion of these partake in subversive sociopolitical agendas of the West. In other words, we have at least several hundred thousand citizen that can potentially become canon-fodder for Western and/or Turkic powers.
The reality is that for reasons x, y and z our incompetent/criminal leadership cannot, at least in the near future, embrace these people and turn them into productive citizens.
The need for able bodied men to protect the nation is my main concern. This is the dilemma I have. There will be no quick fixes.
Perhaps we can drop the "complimentary politics" bullshit and better use our alliance with Russia and our good relations with Iran to protect Armenia militarily while, as you said, do a good in-house cleaning (e.g. break up monopolies, punish embezzlement and graft, jail mafia heads, etc). But this brings up another matter: Armenians are by nature a monopolistic people. You get rid of one monopolist or oligarch and there will be a very long line of wannabe monopolists and oligarchs eagerly waiting to take over. This is why I say Capitalism very dangerous for a country like Armenia. Those in on the top love Capitalism. Those on the bottom wish they were on the top.
Post Soviet Armenia is in fact the very embodiment of everything that's wrong with Capitalism.
Breaking up monopolies, fighting corruption and properly growing the economy will therefore be a VERY difficult thing to do in a place like Armenia. And, as you can clearly see, there is absolutely NO ONE in the so-called "political opposition" that is better for Armenia in ANY way.
In any case, let's not get into sky is falling rhetoric. Despite its many problems, thanks to this ties with Russia, Armenia is militarily secure and is slowly moving forward. I agree that this progress is too slow and very bumpy. But, it is what it is. Keep saying to your self, things could be much worst. Keep reminding yourself, we Armenians are not a northern European people.
So, while we slowly/painfully move forward, what do we do with the several hundred thousand unemployed, undereducated, underfed and restless citizens who spit on the country by day and dream of leaving the country at night? Unfortunately, these need to get out the country before things truly stabilize and the population begins to grow naturally once again.
I see your point. With that said, I am not buying into any deterministic or pessimistic scenarios. Yet, I want to see Serj leave public office. He can continue to have influence behind the scenes but his time is up. He was a mediocre president, slightly better than Robert - that isn't saying much by the way. And even if we assume the Kremlin is ok with Serj staying in power longer this doesn't mean it is the best or wisest choice available to them or us. If Serj stays in power, I am willing to bet that his son in laws or the sons of Robert are being groomed to take power. In that case what is the point of having a democratic government even if it is only for show? Optics/perceptions matter now more so than before, and Serj remaining in power behind the scenes will give less ammunition for the west to use against Russia and official Yerevan. Serj staying on as PM is more likely to play into the machinations of the west.
DeleteBoth sides of the political divide in Yerevan are acting like third world primitives. Law enforcement bodies do not look like they know what they are doing, demonstrators do not look like they know what they want.
DeleteNikol Pashinyan is just another Levon era opportunist and smut-peddler. Large numbers of Armenia's citizens however like him because he has a sharp wit and he says what they like to hear. In American parlance, Nikol is your typical fast talking used car salesman. To reveal to you the level of his intellect, his political idol is none other than Nelson Mandela.
But, at a certain level, I am glad the demonstrations are happening. Serj Sargsyan deserves it. Serj should have been smart enough to just stepped the fuck down. By signalling he wants to remain in power he is not doing himself any good, he is not doing the country any good. As you know, I really wanted to see Karen Karapetyan in power. That is actually why Karen was brought back into Armenia's political landscape by Moscow. He was to be next in line. Something must have happened along the way.
With all that said, I really don't think Serj wanting to stay in power is a simple matter of greed, or anything else related to money or power. I say this because we all know that he could still maintain enough power and influence from behind the scenes. Also consider the obvious fact that he is not young. I am sure he and his family would rather enjoy the wealth they have accumulated during the past 25 years without all this headache which is fraught with dangers. Therefore, by staying in power he is not doing himself or his family any good.
So, why do it? This leads me to believe there has to be another political calculus behind all this. Time will tell. Let's keep watching what happens.
At the end of the day, these protests and the prospect of Serj Sargsyan staying in power as PM has the potential of doing three things:1) Make governing bodies a bit more attentive of the people's basic needs. 2) Make Moscow take a more hands-on role in Armenia. 3) Become another convenient excuse for many of the more worthless/unproductive citizens to leave the country.
So, in my opinion, the long-term outcome of these events could therefore be somewhat positive. All in all, however, these are just growing pains in the south Caucasus. Ultimately, what I don't want for Armenia is "democracy" or Capitalism or the further Westernization of Armenian society. What I want for Armenia is stability, full integration in the EEU and forward progress, even if slow. If Serj Sargsyan and company (Karen Karapetyan and Armen Sargsyan) are the ones to get all this done, and they can in my opinion, then so be it.
Pashinian making ludicrous declarations about starting a "velvet revolution". Another maniac on the loose. They should take this irresponsible lout out of the streets as soon as possible before his throng of rowdies become a flood of protesting vandals. Who has given them the idea that by mass protests they can subvert the political processes ?.
DeleteThe following story is a vivid example of how political power travels on the coattails of cultural influence -
ReplyDeleteAmerican Corners in Armenia celebrate National Library Week with Reading Marathon:
Notice the description of book being promoted: “A Wrinkle in Time tells the story of a young girl who does not fit into her conformist society and who struggles against the overwhelming pressure to be just like everyone else." It's part of their neo-marxist/globalist social engineering agenda. And notice how happy/honored the primitive natives (i.e. Armenians) are with the honorable ambassador's selfless effort to introduce to them the magic of Western civilization.
In any case, this is why "American corners" in Armenia - be it the American University of Armenia or the American Embassy itself, as well as all British and French entities - are carcinogenic toxins for developing nations like Armenia. But, as long as we Armenians are making a few dollars in the process or getting the opportunity to work for Western organizations or live in Western nations as a result, anything goes in Armenia...
Haley says: US 'locked and loaded' to strike Syria again if there's another chemical attack:
ReplyDeleteWhen top level officials begin using idioms/slang in official exchanges, you know something is not right. That something is the decline of American civilization, and why Uncle Sam is in my opinion beginning to resemble a cowardly Cowboy on Prozac.
In any case, all this nonsense begs the question: Are chemical weapons that have been supposedly used in Syria much worst than conventional weapons that are most definitely being used on a regular basis throughout Syria? In other words: According to this logic, you can kill and maim hundreds of thousands of people by bombs, bullets and rockets and it's merely a war... but if you dare kill a few people by chemical weapons it's a global outrage?! Something is not right. And on top of all this, what do they do to discourage the use of chemical weapons, they attack suspected chemical storage facilities?! Something is not right.
And that's because this is all a show.
This is probably how it went down: A third party player (intelligence agencies of either US, Britain, France, Israel, Turkey, Jordan or Saudi Arabia) was seeking to draw President Trump into a wider war in Syria. They therefore staged the chemical attack on civilians to basically force President Trump's hand knowing that he has no choice but to respond. Because President Trump and company have promoted themselves as strong on military matters (e.g. constantly criticizing President Obama for doing nothing when the "red line' was supposedly crossed in 2013) and because President Trump is constantly being attacked for his soft approach on Russia (and is constantly being accused of being scared of Putin) he had no choice but to respond militarily; but he did so in a very theatrical manner: Full of sound and fury signifying nothing.
Let's throw out any hopes, however little, we had about his presidency. President Trump is a hostage to the deep state. He has no choice but to follow the dictates of those that really run the American empire.
The best case scenario in Syria would have been for the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance and their French lemming to take a step back and sit at the negotiations table with Syria, Iran and Russia. The next best scenario would have been for a limited/symbolic (face saving) attack to take place. Knowing the imperial arrogance of Western powers, we pretty much knew that the stepping back and negotiating was not a realistic hope. Knowing how rabid the Western alliance is, we feared a serious escalation in the conflict, perhaps even a clash between Russians and Westerners. Well, I am happy that the next best scenario took place. The illegal attack on Syria last night was limited in scope and intensity. Actually, the strike as not much different from what they did last year. All night long, military and civilian officials were signaling that the strike was not meant to carryout a regime change. In other words, they were not directed against Bashar Assad or his government. All night long, they were also signaling that the strike was not directed against Iran or Russia. All nigh long, they were signalling that they made sure to avoid getting entangled with Russians. From what we thus far know, a lot of the incoming missiles were shot down by Syrian forces and only several facilities suspected of being associated with "chemical weapons" were hit. These were probably empty structures. Syrians, Iranians ad Russians had plenty of warning to get out of the way. Russia and Iran did not try to stop the attack, presumably to allow the unholy trinity to go through with this symbolic gesture and just be done with it. Russians and Iranians know that the arrogant monster could not be made to hold back. The arrogant monster had to show the world that it is still a hegemon.
With all that said, we are once again back to where we were before all this started. What happens next time when Western powers, Israel, Saudi Arabia or Turkey decide to carry out yet another false flag attack? What is it going to take to finally convince the American cattle that they are begin fed dangerous lies. In any case, if the following preliminary reports from South Front are accurate, militarily speaking, this latest strike on Syria may have been even less destructive than the previous one a year ago. Also, while apparently no Russian surface to air missiles were fired, Russian electronic warfare units may have been involved in bringing down so many of the attacking missiles -
DeleteDecisive Failure Of US Forces:
Russian Military Provides List Of Targets, Details Of ‘Repelled’ US-led Strike On Syria. Trump Says It Was ‘Perfect’:
Syrian Air Force, Air Defense Forces Lost No Assets In US-led Strike (Photos, Videos):
Ladies & Gentlemen,
DeleteWe just witnessed the most choreographed and least deadly strike in history.
I am also not impressed with the attack there was no shock and awe. But how can we know the real damaged caused by the attack. How do we know for sure how many missiles were fired and how many were shot down. From what I see its just one sides word against the others. This maybe was a weak attack but dont count out evil trinity they are increasing forces in the area. Maybe something bigger is being planned.
This is a good snapshot of the politics behind the missile strikes.
DeleteWhy Russia did not respond to the US strikes on Syria:
It goes back to what Arevordi was saying about Americans and Russians negotiating a settlement that would make Russians get out of the way and allow the West to carryout a symbolic strike. So the "Cowboys on Prozac" LOL announced what they want to hit and waited until everyone got out of the way. They did a lot of bluster but when the time came they did a limited hit that resulted in very little damage. This way everyone is happy and a major disaster is avoided one more time. So in this sense I think Trump did well. I think he is still doing his best to resist warmongers in the deep state. If Hitlery was the Prez we would have a bigger disaster in Syria today no doubt. But like you said we are back to square one. Sooner or later whoever did the false flag chemical attack will be at it again.
According to a few media outlets, trump wanted to conduct a larger airstrike and even engage the Russians. But Mattis and Dunford changed his mind. If this is true then we are just another false flag away from a confrontation with Russia.
DeleteWhat are the sources? How credible are they? They could be putting out disinformation/psy-ops to show the anti-Trump camp that the president is tough on Russia. I agree with Կարմիր խնձոր that Trump did his best not to get into a confrontation with Russians, Iranian or Syrians.
DeleteTake it for what it is worth.
RT and Sputnik are reporting that Syrian air defense units have thwarted a missile attack (most probably Israeli) on a Syrian air force base tonight -
DeleteSyrian Air Defenses Target Missiles Over Homs, Damascus - Syrian TV:
Syrian air defenses respond to missiles over Homs province – state media :
On a related note, South Front just released this -
Syrian Forces Launched 112 Surface-To-Air Missiles To Repel US-led Strike – Russian Military:
According to this report, relatively speaking, Buk and Pantsir systems performed the best. The S-200, a venerated relic of the Cold War, scored no hits.
Honestly these days I read up on news and it all seems so surreal, you just wonder where will all this BS end? My ultimate conclusion has for the last several years been that it’s all about Russia. Controlling 1/8 if the world’s land mass is no fucking joke in an ever population increasing globe. These cocksuckers (ie west) want what they can’t really have without a nuclear holocaust, namely, that big fucking hunk of Russian real estate. That is the only part of the “great game” that is left, everything else has been conquered, the ruskis hold the final prize. All these other motherfuckers (g20) are chess pieces...the big issue however is the juggernaut engine called the USA had its vital components hijacked by Jews while WASPS slept at the wheel of the monstrosity their forefathers bled for 200 years ago. The sleeper awoke for WWII but after Germany’s defeat control has meticulously been wrestled away from the very WASPS that liberated the parasites from annillation. Now the parasite Jew is at the helm of this juggernaut and is trying to use theological guidance to reshape the Middle East to fit the parasites’ needs from their own cultural/religious standpoint. Of course from a capitalistic point of view, the parasite can’t help but also try for a huge prize, namely Mother Russia and the WASPS seem all to happy to come along for the rise driven by their ingrained animosity towards Russians.
ReplyDeleteYes, you hit the nail right on the head. I have been saying it's all about Russia for well over ten years. In the 1990s, the war criminal Madeline Albright was reported to have said, it's unfair for one country to have so much land. Western powers - Anglo-Americans, Germans, French, Swedes, Poles, Vatican, etc - have coveted Russian lands for centuries. Add to this the typical disdain Westerners feel toward Easterners and you'll get the cultural/political mindset we have in Western power centers today. So, yes, it's about Russia. It's always been. A vast, resource rich and fertile landmass stretching from Europe to the Pacific Ocean, and protected by a powerful nuclear armed military, Russia is a formidable foe. Moreover, Russia's geographic position makes it ideal to politically/economically/militarily impact Europe, Middle East, Caucasus, Central Asia and the Far East. It's foes know that Russia has the potential to be a global hegemon. In my opinion, Russia would have been a global hegemon had Russians been a bit more disciplined and Westerners been a little less aggressive. This geostrategic show or play between East and West will continue until one side totally collapses. So, I don't see the show/play ending. We know from history that these types of civilizational or geostrategic rivalries - north versus south, east versus west - can last many hundred of years before they burn out. In the meanwhile, for the sake of classical European civilization, for the sake of Apostolic Christianity, for the sake of the traditional nation-state, for the sake of Armenia, let's all root for Russia as it is the world's last front against Westernization, Globalism, Islamic extremism, Zionism and pan-Turkism.
DeleteLet me also say that it is my deepest wish that Recep Tayip Erdogan has a long life and stays at the helm of Turkey until his idiocy leads to that nation’s dismemberment. From Ottoman slap threats against superpowers to accusing infants of “deep state terrorism” this imbecile makes Armenia’s Chobans seem like master statesmen. Nevermind him turning Turkey into a flip flopping whore that takes it in the ass by Russia and before even being done with the reach around, proceeds to accept a bukkake from the USA. In a span of 1 week, I’ve seen this clown shake hands with Rouhani and Putin then subsequently praise the Syria missile strike by the West. I know Turks have a rep of being wily politically and playing the fence but this asswipe definitely is not on the right track. The Lira lost 10% value against other major currencies in less than 2 weeks because of the uncertainties this imbecile has created in his country.
ReplyDeleteAgree 100%. Erdoghan is our friend; so is Aliyev by the way. The more Russia pulls Turkey eastward, the more will Western powers pull westward. Turkey runs the risk of being torn apart in the process. Regarding Aliyev: He is all talk, no action. He will not risk losing his wealth and power for Artsakh. This does not mean Baku will not continue engaging in a war of attrition to put pressure on Yerevan and demoralize Armenians.
DeleteSarkissian’s bid for maintaining power through Premiership was a huge mistake, IF his decision was not forced on him then he may very well have taken his first step towards demise and a dead end due his political greed. It seems obvious that the smart move would have been to appease the sheeple and run things from behind a curtain a la Wizard of Oz rather than make himself such a hated political target. If the decision was thrust onto him my thoughts are either Russia deemed it needed, maybe Karen Karapetyan for some reason was not ready yet? Another notion that came to mind was, what if Sargisyan’s own Chobans thrust it onto him? In theory, it’s plausible that with his political career ending as head of state, the dozens of Chobans that enjoyed business monopolies and impunity in exchange for votes would also suffer? Perhaps they felt if they went down they would take him with them and as such he stepped up to the plate to appease his fellow Chobans and avoid an internal mutiny? I’m reminded of The Godfather Part III when Michel Corleone actually wants to legitimize himself and leave the mob but at the meeting even after making all the other mobsters rich and announcing his exit they said to him “but Michael we want to continue to work with YOU”. Maybe Sargisyan spent the last 10 years making his Choban infested bed and now realizes he has no choice but to sleep it?
ReplyDeleteVery plausible. Serj did indeed do his best look and act legitimate, especially after 2012. He however also did his best to maintain close ties with the nation's very powerful Chobans in Armani suits, which include two of his brothers. He did this to ensure his position as the head of the country, as the Chobans in question would bring him the votes during elections. Due to Western propaganda and psy-ops, which is constantly telling us how Armenians hate their oligarchs, Armenians tend to grossly underestimate just how much support and popularity the country's oligarchs actually enjoy among the masses. Make no mistake about it, Armenia is populated by oligarchs and those who wish they were oligarchs. Armenia's oligarchs deliver. And Serj Sargsyan knows this well.
DeleteSo, he basically maintained/preserved his power during the past 10 years through appeasement; appeasement towards oligarchs; appeasement towards the political opposition; appeasement towards Russia; appeasement towards the West; etc. It was through appeasement that he was able to maintain power. Relatively speaking, his rule via appeasement maintained stability and the status quo. Serj Sargsyan's presidency was somewhat of an improvement over the Kocharyan presidency, and the Kocharyan presidency was somewhat of an improvement over the Petrosian presidency. There was therefore political evolution. Moreover, and more importantly, Armenia officially entered into the Russian orbit during Serj Sarsgyan's rule. But, through it all, the country stagnated economically and politically, and Western interests continued to set deep roots because of official Yerevan's "complimentary politics" bullshit.
So, overall, Serj Sargsyan's government was somewhat of an improvement over previous governments. Overall, he was also a mediocre ruler mainly because of his appeasement approach in my opinion.
In any case, I'm convinced his decision to become PM was not based on purely a personal level such as greed or anything like that. There is indeed another calculus behind it. What you bring up may very well be part of the explanation. It is easy to see why the nation's powerful Chobans, which include his brothers as I said, will not have wanted a Karen Karapetyan and Armen Sargsyan government. This may be why they want to make sure Serj Sargsayan stays in the mix. My thing is, he could have stayed in the mix from the background.
As for Moscow, well for Russians it's always damned if you do, damned if you don't. When Moscow gets too involved in Armenia's domestic matters, our peasantry around the world cries out "Russia is taking over Armenia"!!! When Moscow stands back and gives Armenians operational room, our peasantry gets self-destructive.
DeleteLook at this quote:
"Justifying his desire to continue leading the after 10 years as president, Sarkisian said that even if he were not elected as prime minister, his input would be such that he would be “running the country from behind the scenes.” That would mean dodging responsibility for government policies, he claimed."
What the heck does that mean? Now he cares what people would think and say? Now he is honorable and wants full responsibility, the buck stops with him?
I believe that if Armenians don't put an end to Armenia's life, sometime in the future Serj Sargsyan will be looked at as one of our most important presidents. He did after all bring Armenia out of Levon Petrosyan's darkness. Armenia officially entered into Russia's orbit and Armenia's military made great strides under his watch. Moreover, we now have Karen Karapetyan and Armen Sargsyan in the political picture. There is no argument that today's Armenia is significantly better than Petrosyan's and Kocharyan's Armenia. This is evolution. Like him or not, we have to admit this all happened under Serj Sargsyan's watch. So, let's give the man credit where credit is due.
DeleteAnd, in case anybody has not figured it out, I couldn't give a rat's ass about what the "people" want or think.
Objective, honest and cold analysis of Serj Sargsyan's rule clearly shows his administration to be an improvement over previous governments. But, again, in my humble opinion, he should still have stepped down, if only for esthetic reasons. But, for a number of reasons we have not yet fully deciphered, he did not. We therefore simply need to accept it. At the very least, we should acknowledge the obvious fact that the country is indeed moving forward (albeit slowly), and simply be content with that.
Yes, I was also impatiently waiting for Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan. Sadly, it did not happen. Let's move on. Find solace in knowing that at least Karen Karapeyan will remain politically involved. Armen Sargsyan's return to politics is not a bad sign either.
Therefore, if Armenia's Western financed and inspired opportunists in the so-called political opposition and their multitude of utterly ignorant, overly emotional and dangerously self-destructive peasantry makes the sociopolitical situation worst in the country, I really hope to see a repeat of March 1, but on a grander scale. One way or another, the Western sponsored circus and freak show we keep seeing in the streets of Yerevan from time-to-time need to finally be put to an end.
At the end of the day, if we Armenians (rulers and subjects, native and diasporan) prove incapable of governing ourselves in an efficient and non-destructive manner, I rather have Ivan and Natasha come in and run the show for us. I have no doubt they would do a better job. We as a people are simply not mature or developed enough and the south Caucasus is simply not safe or civilized enough for the kind of "democratic" self-mutilation and self-flagellation we continue seeing in Armenia for the past 25-plus years.
God help us.
For added perspective, the following is Andrew Korybko's (the American moron who thinks he is a political analyst) take on the situation in Armenia -
The Yerevan Protests Might End Armenia’s Unconvincing “Balancing” Act between Russia and the West:
The following is your typical George Soros take on the situation -
In Praise of the New Prime Minister: Serzh Sargsyan’s Achievements:
Feeling Yerevan’s pulse: the new media talking about Armenia’s blind spots :
And the following is more or less what Uncle Sam is thinking -
Armenia: Protests Follow Ex-President's Appointment as Prime Minister:
Armenian Protest Leader Has Long Track Record Of Defiance, Civil Disobedience:
Serj should have stood down i'm so upset, now there is the clear and present danger of mercenary snipers taking down protesters and cops like they did before in ukraine and iran
DeleteOligarchs rule! Color revolution, “velvet revolution”! We all know where that comes from..... The people, well, all they want to do is eat and drink and be like the “west”, 1) without working for it and 2) without fighting ALL their enemies, including the Turks. It’s got to change otherwise we will be what we are or WORSE!!
DeleteLongtime, calm down. Having Serj Sargsyan as Prime Minister is not the end of the world. Karen Karapetyan is still playing an important role in government. There has to be a rational explanation behind why this happened. I don't believe it's greed, megalomania or delusion. There just has to be a political reason. We spoke about the oligarch factor. We didn't speak about the Russian factor. Yes, Karen Karapetyan is Moscow's man. But it could also be that Moscow, for reasons it only knows, wants Serj to remain on top. Perhaps it's related to Artsakh. Perhaps they want to see create conditions that will make Armenia more dependent on Russia. I don't know. I'm speculating. Nevertheless, there has to be a political reason behind Serj Sargsyan's decision to stay in power. We'll eventually figured it out. Give it time.
DeleteRegarding snipers: Armenia is a small country where everyone knows everyone. There is no room for armed mercenaries in the country. I hope.
There is one more thing I want to point out. Putting aside all the reasons why he should have stepped down, we must admit nevertheless that Serj Sargsyan brilliantly maneuvered himself into power. His government may have given the "Sasna Dzrer" gang the proverbial noose it later used to hang them with, thereby effectively eliminating that group from posing an internal threat. Armenia recently became a parliamentary system, where the Parliament elects the Prime Minister (which in my opinion is a much better format than the pseudo-direct democracy bullshit we have had in the country), legally and by the will of the country's citizens. Now, the man was legally/constitutionally elected by the Parliament. The man masterfully regained power without breaking a single law. So, what are the demonstrators demonstrating against?
The only failing I can find in Serj and his government is that his administration was not more authoritarian and more disciplined when it got to dealing with malcontents, insidious traitors, malingerers and trouble makers in the pay of foreign agents. Otherwise the man is an excellent representative of Armenia. Do not seek perfection; because it does not exist. Suffice it to take one look at the opposition caricatures and that alone enhances Serj's stature. Who in his right frame of mind- sane and healthy- would countenanced being represented or have the country run by the pseudo intellectual hooligans like Raffi, Pashinian, and others of the same ilk. This gangster of Pashinian should go on stage and deploy his acting skills in a theater. He is an insalubrious political character and I fear there is a lot more in abundance of the soggy material this man is made of. The following he has garnered has got more to do with ill adapted citizenry; unhappy with Serj and his govt. It is more of the protest vote that spills over into the streets, rather than the uncharismatic pull of this rabble rouser of Pashinian.
DeleteThe failing you mentioned is directly related to Yerevan's Complimentary Politics. For the past 27 years, and even more so during the past 10 years, Western organizations, agencies, politicians, educators, political "experts", businessmen, philanthropists and activists have been pouring into Armenia with the full blessings of Serj Sarsgyan's government. Armenia today is drowning in American pop culture. Yet, our idiots continue complaining about the dangers of "Russification". Armenia is slowly turning into a Western whorehouse. Yet, Armenians are worried about "Russian occupation".
DeleteArmenians are self-destructive morons. Trust me on this.
Nevertheless, Serj Sargsyan's government is at least partially responsible for the political mess Armenia is in today. He, like Qadaffi, thought that by playing nice with the West he would derive benefits. As the American saying goes, the chickens are now coming home to roost. So, let him deal with it now.
We as a people desperately need to put this Democracy nonsense to sleep for good.
Democracy does NOT exist. Democracy does NOT work. Democracy, as promoted by Western powers, is essentially designed to do two things: Either suck nations into Western/Globalist occupation (after which the occupied country is depleted of all resources and the population is subjected to indoctrination) or keep such countries perpetually troubled every few years during election time.
I reiterate: Democracy means one of two things for all developing nations on earth today, SUBJUGATION by Anglo-American-Jews or perpetual sociopolitical UNREST every few years.
If our fucking idiots (our people) ever woke up to realize any of this, the nightmare we keep reliving over-and-over again for the past 27 years would end overnight.
We need to get away from the utterly stupid, destructive and irrational notion that Democracy is good or that Democracy exists. Had we as a people been resigned to the belief that by nature politicians are corrupt and governments are dictatorial - which is and has always been the case around the world since the beginning of time - we would have none of this freak show on the streets of Yerevan, and Armenia would be developing and evolving naturally.
Example: Before this latest sociopolitical diarrhea to afflict it, Armenia's economy was growing, tourism was growing, construction activity was growing, investments were growing, the military was modernizing at a rapid pace, the quality of our politicians were gradually improving, etc. I don't know how the current mess will end, but after the clean up we will see that Armenia has definitely suffered a discernible degree of setback.
Was the "people's will" worth it? Did our "progressive youth" do the right thing? Are the disgusting filth we see in the streets our true patriots?
As long as Armenians are under the impression that Democracy exists and that it's a good thing, and Armenians continue looking at the West world for inspiration, Armenia will continue flirting with its demise.
The protests are not just about democracy. It is mostly related to the fact that people are tired of Serj, and they are upset that he is on record saying that he will not continue on as PM if Armenia becomes a parliamentary republic, yet he has now gone back on his word and hasn't provided a clear cut rationale.
DeleteAnd Armenia will not abandon democracy before Russia. When we see Russia return to autocratic or aristocratic rule then and only then can we talk about Armenia doing something similar.
We will see many tourists in Armenia this year because it is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the First Republic. Only if, God forbid, the protests turn violent will the investments and tourists decrease.
I disagree, LG. At a basic/fundamental level it's all about Democracy, and it's also all about Russia. I am not talking about the snot-nosed romantic teenagers and 20-somethings acting like "cool" revolutionaries on the streets. I am talking about their ring leaders, opportunistic filth like Nikol Pashinyan, Zaruhi Postanjyan, David Sanasaryan, Paruyr Hayrikyan, Ara Papyans and a multitude of provocateurs and instigators like Armenia's Western financed NGOs and news media. It's all about Democracy, "will of the people" and it's all about Russia, "when will Armenia be freed of Russian dominance".
DeleteI reiterate: With the exceptions of Iceland and perhaps Switzerland, Democracy does NOT exist anywhere on earth. With the exception of Iceland and perhaps Switzerland, Democracy will NOT work, especially with a people like Armenians. Democracy as promoted by Western powers is essentially designed to do two things: Either suck nations into Western/Globalist occupation (after which the occupied country is depleted of all resources and the population is subjected to social engineering/indoctrination) or keep such countries perpetually troubled and at war with itself every few years during election time.
Democracy means one of two things for all developing nations on earth today: SUBJUGATION by Anglo-American-Jews or perpetual sociopolitical UNREST every few years. It's that simple.
If "Serjik" was not their target, "Gazprom's Karenchik" would have been their target. I admit however that Serj is a much easier target to pick on than Karen. In any case, if one set of problems disappeared in Armenia, they would simply find another set of problems to concentrate their efforts on. The problem is not the flaws that exist in the country as all country's have many serious flaws. The problem is the political agenda constantly being pushed by Western interests in countries targeted with subjugation or destruction. "Democracy" activists, like their Bolshevik counterparts one hundred years ago, are constantly searching for flaws and problems to manipulate and exploit.
So, what you see going on in Yerevan is way beyond "Serjik" at this point.
Regarding your other point: Maybe you have not been watching too closely but Russia moved away from Democracy as preached by the West back in 2000. Since 2000 Russia has been a top heavy, nationalistic and a semi-authoritarian two party system. Since 2000, 90%-plus of the electoral votes have been registered by Putin's United Russia Party and the Russian Communist Party. I am glad to say that Armenia has also finally moved away from Democracy as preached by the West. The newly adopted Parliamentary system is more of a top heavy, elitist system. It allows the "street" some say in the political process but leave major decision making to the main political players.
The chances of violence will increase the longer the freak show in Yerevan lasts.
PS: I hope Serj Sargsyan staying in power is meant to serve a higher political purpose. I am wondering if it's all related to Artsakh. If the dispute is to be settled in the next few years with concession from both sides, and there is widespread unrest in Yerevan as a result, Moscow would not want its man Karen Karapetyan to be the fall guy. Of course I'm speculating. But difficult times are ahead in the region. Moscow may be trying to keep its assets in the country unblemished and intact for future use.
FYI Please read the comments.
DeleteWill Armenia Be The Next Victim Of Western-Backed Regime Change?:
I don't promote democracy so no need to even talk about its flaws. Democracy pushes the mediocre and the conniving to the forefront. It is an easy system to hijack, case in point, the American political system that allows lobbying, which is essentially financial and political bribery made legal.
DeleteRussia is a one man show at this point and that is their biggest weakness. Who will come after Putin. With that said, they still hold elections and still define themselves as a democratic federation. Even if elections are just for show, the fact is we still have very many states putting on shows to appease the West. Such as the various autocratic states in Central Asia. What I was referring to in my previous comment was that there should be an effort to get away from the pretense of democracy as well, not just de facto getting away. I would love to see a right wing monarchical regime established in Russia and Armenia. The ruler(s) to be chosen from a small class of aristocrats based on merit, not lineage. At this point it is wishful thinking but alas a man can dream :)
I still endorse political evolution over revolution; my worry though is that we are running out of time to evolve and we have sub-par men manning the important positions of power and influence in our country. While I am thankful Armenia has an alliance with Russia, I don't want to rely on that as a full proof insurance policy because history has shown us that is short-sighted. If we want positive change we must have a dialogue and official Yerevan must listen to wise and prudential counsel- I do not know if they are but I would bet not. Riding roughshod over legitimate concerns is not always going to work and can blow up in their faces. This is also my worry because if they mess up we will all have to pay the price one way or another.
DeleteAt this point, Democracy has evolved into a belief system, and a strong one at that. It strongly resembles Catholicism: Just accept Democracy and you will save yourselves. Democracy even has its Vatican - Washington DC. And a multitude of martyrs around the world. Democracy has become what Catholicism/Christianity was a thousand years ago. All the "progressive" European kingdoms at the time were gradually adopting the region, but were doing so mostly for political reasons. That reason why to establish good relations with the Vatican. Today, Democracy is adopted to establish good relations with the West. Moreover, the Vatican, West of its time, was pushing its version of God and Christianity on third world savages, the non-Christian world, essentially to control/exploit them. When the "savages" refused their beliefe/political system, they were persecuted and subjected to wave after wave of missionaries, the political activists of their time.
What I am getting at is this: Nations that refuse Democracy today are equal to nations that reject God a thousand years ago. No government today wants to be seen as having rejected God so to speak. They therefore accept Democracy, but do so superficially, just like Christian kings did a thousand years ago. This situation - nations around the world accepting Democracy at various degrees of sincerity - is what we have in much of the world today. Yes, I agree that we need to stop the game and create our own set of political/religious belief system.
I also share your dream. But I also look at our history and our people's spiritual/intellectual state. I don't know how it will be in the future but today our people, collectively, is spiritually and intellectually dead. Constitutional monarchy or national socialism are most preferable forms of government in my opinion. One may be more suitable for a people than the other. Russia's political system today resembles National Socialism, but I definitely see Russians going the monarchy route one day. I may be wrong but I don't see Armenians embracing monarchy, especially one that is home grown. I don't think it's in our culture or psyche. If you to see Armenians really freak out and take to the streets pissed off, tell them they have an Armenian king.
In any case, we both strongly agree that Armenia is not being administered properly by its leadership. What's more, I don't know about you, I don't have much faith in the younger generation. However, I wish to be proven wrong in this regard.
Maybe a monarchy will work in Armenia, maybe it will not work. Regardless a new system of government must be initiated. Ideally one based on principles of Divine Law, aristocracy, merit, and patriotism.
DeleteI still believe in the concept of a golden core, and I suspect our post Soviet generation may have more members who fit the bill than those born prior to 1988-.
DeleteThe kind of government/political system you are looking for takes generations if not centuries to evolve. We need stability and peace in order to evolve/produce a government that is based on divine law, aristocracy, merit and patriotism. How do you envision gaining this long term peace and stability in a place like the South Caucasus?
The only way is Pax Russica. Period.
Regarding our golden core: The Soviet soviet system in fact excelled at producing members for our golden core, albeit minus the religious/spiritual factor you speak of. The vast majority of the greatest Armenians of modern times, those Armenians who facilitated the creation and development of a modern nation-state, were born in Russia/Soviet Union. Adontz, Hambartsumyan, Khachaturyan, Baghramyan, Babajanyan, Shiraz, Kochar, Saryan, Sevak, Isahakyan, Mikoyan... There are too many to name. This golden core no longer exists because of the manner in which the Soviet Union collapse. The sudden and total fall of the Soviet Union utterly decimated Armenia's very robust intelligentsia and cultural representatives and quickly elevated the country's filthy scum to the top.
Post-Soviet Armenia was where you could find the purest forms of Capitalism. This is why/how Armenia was reduced to its present state, not because of "Soviet mentalities" as our Western financed activists constantly claim.
In any case, our mostly backward/choban pre-1988 generation is indeed incapable of staring what you are looking for, but our post-1988 Kim Kardashian/Eurovision/Super Sako generation is also incapable of starting what you are looking for. Armenia's culture is in a state of coma today. The post-Soviet generation has not been able to produce anything of value, unless you think signing in the style of American Blues or Rap is culturally valuable for Armenia. Westernization is slowly eroding the country's very soul. Armenian television is mimicking American television. Armenian radio is always playing American music. Yerevan is slowly turning into a English speaking city. Yet, most Armenians today continue fearing the "Russification" of Armenia. In a few more decades of American movies, music and television programming, not to mention an English language internet where feminism, homosexuality and multiculturalism is actively being promoted, there wont be any room in Armenia's rotten core for any kind of gold.
DeleteWith respect, I am hearing many negatives from you and no solutions. You place way too much emphasis on the Soviet period, and too much on Russia taking care of Armenia's problems. But Russia has a multitude of its own issues it needs to address. Hence why there is a sizable minority of elite Russians who want to cut ties with West, become an autarky, and look after their own affairs.
I do not possess a magic path to enlightened statehood; I wish I did but I do not. However, as I wrote earlier, in order to at least begin a new path one must bring these issues to light and have a discussion where we can openly share our ideas, debate them, and form a working consensus of sorts. Constantly harping on how bad things are or how this or that country may or may not help or harm us is not productive in the grand scheme of things.
I agree that Armenia must remain close to Russia. I agree that the anglo-american-zionist world order has its sights set on Russia and bringing Moscow down. I agree that official Yerevan is too lenient with western influence both political and socio-cultural. I agree that we have many degenerates amongst our people - both pre and post Soviet generations. I agree that a large chunk of our Diaspora is not doing its part. I agree that the USSR for better or worse provided Armenians a stable environment to grow in multiple ways. I agree that the Caucasus and Near East in general is a hostile place. I agree that Armenians lack experience with statehood. I agree that Armenians tend to have a merchant mentality instead of an aristocratic and warrior mentality. You get my point.
What I do not agree with you on is what appears to be an overly pessimistic attitude toward attempting radical change for the better. Again, I do not have the answers but I think only focusing on negatives is demoralizing and self defeating. It will lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy. This is why I keep emphasizing the need to start a dialogue whenever and wherever one can to address the problems and come up with pragmatic and viable solutions. No one man has all the answers but collectively we may come up with sound strategies.
For what it's worth, here is an article from Alexander Dugin's think tank -
DeleteThe revolution began in Armenia: Soros sends greetings to Putin:
DeleteI admit I am pessimistic. That does not mean what I say is incorrect. I guess the problem lies in the way I say things. I realize my style upsets people. But let's deal with the reality of our situation and not my style of writing. I simply see a lot of negative things in Armenian society today. The rampant materialism, the corruption, the Westernization, the egos, the jealousy, the dishonesty, the tribalism, the abortions, the misogyny, the political illiteracy, the irresponsible behavior, the lack of real patriotism, the lack of foresight, etc. At the same time, I sadly see very few positive things in our society today. I write about what worries me. I keep telling people who don't like my style, I don't do fluff. If fluff or feel good rhetoric is what you are looking for, read anyone of the numerous mainstream crap produced these days. Feel good rhetoric is not my thing. I do critical analysis. I emphasis our flaws, because I know the Armenian ego left on its own will never admit to any fault. But, I also suggest solutions. I guess you don't care for them.
I say shut down Western NGOs. I say shut down all Western funded media outlets. I say we need to curb Armenia's exposure to Western/American culture. I say many of Armenia's problems are rooted in its culture and genetic mix. I say we always need to be constructive in our criticisms of our homeland. I say we need to get away from our survival mode in our thinking. I say the Diaspora can potentially be a serious problem for Armenia. I say we as a people need humility. I say we need to reexamine history and derive lessons from it. I say we need better lobbying efforts in Russia, Iran, China. I say we are wasting time in Western capitols. I say our region needs Pax Russica. I say our Democratizers and Westernizers are dangerous/cancerous threats to our homeland. I say we as a people need to develop critical thinking and objective analysis. I say we need to look at politics as a science and an art form and not as a domestic dispute or a street fight. I say we need to be patient, objective and rational when it comes to Armenia's growing pains. I say Armenians need to learn how to be pragmatic nationalists. I say Armenians need soul-searching and self-evaluation.
These are all solutions. What else would you like me to do? I also don't have a magic wand?
But, you're right, I am a pessimistic person. I have confessed this before. Looking back, I guess became a permanent pessimist on March 1, 2008. In hindsight, what happened almost exactly ten years ago was one of my political awakenings in life. And it was a rude awakening. Prior to that I was your typical patriot. Then, I suddenly saw tens-of-thousands of animals ransacking Yerevan for a criminal that had utterly raped and pillaged Armenia for much of the 1990s. I was truly in shock. How could a people be so destructive, so stupid, I asked myself. Petrosyan's color revolution 10 years ago woke me up, and forever changed my perception about our people. Afterwards, all the black pages in Armenia history books began making sense to me. All the other sociopolitical problems that have followed since, and what we see today, have only reinforced my feelings.
My pessimism is derived from our people's persistent self-destructive behavior, political illiteracy and civic irresponsibility. My pessimism is also derived from the extensive dealings I have had with all kinds of Armenians.
Regarding my thoughts about the Soviet period: Think of it as me playing devil's advocate. There were many positive and negative aspects to the Soviet system. Unfortunately, Armenians mindlessly trashed the positives with the negatives and then replaced the Soviet void with Westernization, which is worst. Regarding Russia: When you fully understand that Armenia is kaput without Russia, when you comprehend that we have a lot to learn from Russians, you'll realize that I'm not putting too much emphasis on Russia.
Regarding your comment about "radical changes": We don't need radical changes. We need natural/organic sociopolitical evolution. I keep reminding people that Armenia is located in the South Caucasus and not in Scandinavia. I keep reminding people our neighbors are not Swedes, Norwegians, Icelanders, Fins or Danes, but Turks, Azeris, Georgians, Kurds and Iranians. While we are wasting time thinking about "radical changes" our enemies are multiplying like rabbit. On a fundamental level, this attitude you are expressing - thinking it's the end of the world just because someone you dislike has become your nation's king once again - is the reason why there is a Turkey in Asia Minor. This is not a personal attack on you. We Armenians (and Greeks) have been like this for hundreds, if not thousands of years. What you see in the streets of Yerevan today, while the streets of Baku always seem peaceful, is the reason why I say we Armenians don't have what it takes to become a large powerful nation. Our Turkic/Muslim neighbors for the most part accept their fate as God's will. We Armenians on the other hand are constantly fighting our fate. Armenians will not be satisfied even if Christ himself became Prime Minister.
DeleteIn any case, I fully understand that my style of writing and my thoughts makes Armenians uncomfortable. And that's exactly my intent. Think of it as reverse psychology that forces people (at least the intelligent ones) to look at themselves in the mirror and do some soul searching. So, go right ahead, disagree with me. You can even hate me if you want. I don't want friends or compliments. What I want is for patriotic/intelligent Armenians like yourself to simply listen to what I am saying and think. I am not here to do fluff. I am here to make Armenians feel uncomfortable. I am here to make Armenians realize that they have flaws they need to work on. If you have intellectual depth (i.e. wisdom) you will sooner or later come to the conclusion that when it comes to these topics, I am right on all accounts.
Moreover, when 99% of what you hear in society is the exact opposite of what I say here, you should not be too concerned with what I'm saying here but rather be seriously worried about what you are hearing elsewhere. For now, you don't have to agree with any of what I'm saying. Just keep observing...
Since I am getting complaints about being too pessimistic, I am going to tweak my pessimism a bit and try to sound a little more optimistic. So, here it goes:
DeleteArmenian politics may not be for the faint of heart. But I want to once more remind my reader the words of the great German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche: “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.”
At the end of the day, we know that these demonstrations will not deal a blow to the Republican/Hanrapetakan Party or dethrone Prime Minister Serj Sargsyan. We know that Levon's Petrosyan's mini-me, Nikol Pashinyan, is a nobody. Most Armenians know this. Armenians may dislike Serj but they surely don't trust Nikol. We also know that are no forces on the country's political sidelines today that can topple the Armenian government.
So, let there be protests!
As long as these demonstrations are peaceful, public order is kept and Russophobia is not part of the public discourse, let the people vent. Let them express their frustrations. And let the government fear the people somewhat. As long as geopolitics is not dragged into these demonstrations and Armenia's security is not threatened, these demonstrations can prove beneficial.
So, as long as these demonstrations do not threaten Armenia's security or public order (i.e. kill Armenia) they may prove beneficial (i.e. make Armenia stronger). As long as these demonstrations do not threaten Armenia's security or public order, they should be looked at as part of our nation's natural yet difficult and sometimes painful growing process...
The demonstarations are peaceful, they are far from resembling rebellious mobs. I have seen huskies, on a leash , with papers signs around their collars, wondering at the attention they were drawing form the crowds walking the streets. To me, a tourist, the impression I gathered is that the crowds, largely made up by students, are having fun. Most likely their parents are working in Russia and sending money to them to pursue their studies. There is a carnavalesque atmosphere to these sporadic rallies, the downside is they are blocking streets and roads, plus the festive air and mood could be fertile ground for agents provocateurs to cause mayhem.There is a question as to what could happen on Tuesday, when millions are going to pour onto the streets in commemoration of April 24th. These sewer rat of nikol has been now taken into detention. His meeting with Serj at the Mariott lasted only a few minutes. Nikol is definitely not alone. He he is the fall guy, or the horse for the parade, there are others behind him backing and spurring the protests and rallies. Besides creating traffic jams and disturbing the peace this so called opposition does not have a program for government. Their only visible program is that Serj should resign, and that is all. The government should extend their net and grab the heads of these troublesome group and exile them. Don't let them remain in The country. The philosemite Levon, should also be ensnared in the netting and packed to his spiritual home in Israel.
DeleteThe country's naive/hormonal/ignorant youth is being manipulated/exploited by our very own Pied Piper, Pashinyan and company. They were not able to get older crowds out to the streets during the past ten years, they are now concentrating their efforts on the country's "amazing young generation". We are truly living in historic times.
DeleteThis is high drama -
Серж Саргсян напугал новым 1 марта, занервничал и резко ушел с переговоров с Николом Пашиняном. ПРЯМОЙ ЭФИР :
Հրապարակը՝ Նիկոլ Փաշինյանի ու Սերժ Սարգսյանի հանդիպումից հետո:
Served with Armenian style surrealism -
Ծերունին մնաց ոստիկանական փշալարերի մեջ:
I see the same negative things you have pointed out. And some of those things you were the first to point out. So I am giving credit where credit is due. But you are giving too much credit to Serj. He has not been a good leader. And it isn't because of his foresight that Armenia has moved closer to Russia. I also think you underestimate the low quality and unprofessional character of many within the ruling party and apparatus. Moreover, it is because of the rpa that we have all the western outlets running in the country. It is because of the rpa that we have complimentary politics. It is because of the rpa that our military was not better prepared for the events of April 2016. To give you a small but powerful example, we still have not solved the problem of azerbaijani snipers and high caliber machine guns shooting at villagers in Tavush marz nor shooting at passing vehicles on the highway that runs through Tavush near the border with azerbaijan going towards Georgia.
DeleteI also disagree that Serj is staying in power because others have asked him to. It is more likely that he has let the 20 plus years of high level positions and power he has held for the past decade to go to his head. His effeminate behavior at the bs press conference with nikol more or less gives that away.
This situation is unfortunate for no other reason than because our ruling elite sucks and the vast majority of the opposition sucks as much or more. But I won't support lesser of two evils, Serj. Not that I was ever a supporter but at least before I was willing to explain why he is needed. Now there is no point. The main implied he is the only one who is smart enough to lead the country. And he has not given a good reason why he should stay, why he broke his vow. I wish the best for Armenia and her people and will work with/support those who are patriots and men of good character. Everyone else will have to be judged case by case. Again though, we have very low caliber leadership and I do not think we have time to wait for them to evolve. Hard times are coming for all.
"My pessimism is derived from our people's persistent self-destructive behavior, political illiteracy and civic irresponsibility. My pessimism is also derived from the extensive dealings I have had with all kinds of Armenians."
You can replace people with 'our government's' and your statement would be just as accurate. It is because of the self-destructive, politically illiterate/short-sighted, and irresponsible behavior of the ruling elite that we have this situation. But then we get back to the old adage of 'people deserve the governments that they have'
And my comment about Russia is that we can not rely on them to solve all our problems. Nor should you give too much credit to Serj and the rpa for closer Armenian-Russian ties. It is more so because Moscow forced his hand rather than some intelligent decision taken by Serj and co. The blame for the (continued) infiltration of Armenia by various western agents of all kinds, and the spread of toxic western -isms can be laid at the feet of Serj and the rpa.
Կարեն Կարապետյանը բոլորին սթափության և զգոնության կոչ է անում:
Night and day difference between this man and Serj.
LG, you don't need to argue with me about Serj Sargsyan. I play devil's advocate with him as well, simply because - ONLY - because there had not been anyone else in Armenia's political landscape that I thought could do a better job than him and his team. If you are a reader of this blog, then you should know that I have been criticizing this administration's foolish "complimentary politics" which has been turning Armenia into a whorehouse for Anglo-American-Jewish interests. Only a couple of days ago I wrote, the chickens are now coming home to roost. I also wrote he deserves all this.
DeleteThe bullshit we see in Armenia - bad governing, dangerous opposition - is the outcome of his shortsighted appeasement politics. The lack of Armenian lobbying in strategic places like Moscow, Tehran and Beijing is primarily due to Yerevan's complimentary politics, its desire not to lose Western support. This has only served to stagnate and languished Armenia at the same time saturate Armenia will all sorts of Western mercenaries.
Karen Karapetyan is clearly the ONLY man in the political landscape today that I respect and I trust. However, for reasons not yet known, he being kept out of the game. We'll eventually figure out why. I hope there is an end game with his involvement. Nevertheless, for now, Serj is the man. With Karen's absence - and the presence of treasonous filth like Nikol Pashinyan, Raffi Hovanisssian, Vartan Oskanian, David Sanasaryan, Zaruhi Postanjyan, Paruyr Hayrikyan, etc. - Serj continues being is the lesser evil in Armenia's politics.
I say this with a heavy heart because I am by nature pro-state (regardless of who is on top), but if I knew beyond any doubt that Karen Karapetyan would rise to power in the country if Serj was toppled, I would be on the front lines of the demonstrations. However, when it comes to things like revolutions or coups, things can get very unpredictable and can easily spiral out of control. This movement has thus far had two distinct flavors: Soros sponsored Color revolution and Levon Petrosyan backed power grap. Hence, my reservations, my caution, my advise to stay with the devil we know.
In any case, I believe you are being taken by the moment's excitement and emotions. Don't let it zombify you. Keep a cool head. Once more: This is no time for radical changes, when you don't know exactly what the outcome will be like. Once more: We are located int he South Caucasus and not in Scandinavia. Once more: Despite bad leadership, Armenia has nevertheless been slowly improving/progressing. We don't need to set the country back ten years just because we dislike a particular leader, and we specially don't need to do so for smut-peddlers like Nikol...
Sure lets wait and see what happens. I pray that no Armenian is injured or killed. And of course I am in no way call for a revolution. Though a military coup may be interesting though I don't know enough about our generals to be gung-ho about this option either.
DeleteIf I knew that Serj would take these protests as a sign that he needs to make fundamental changes and work on a plan to clearly outline what he intends to achieve and how, then I would be supportive to a degree. A more robust perceptions management operation is sorely needed by the government, but even here, in the art of bs, they can't do a decent job.
Except for Karen, I do not see another serious and long term replacement for Serj. Maybe Kocharyan will come back! Now that would be something, though he is also not a popular figure. Do you want the job?
Arevordi, around 350,000 people have left Armenia in the last 10 years since Serj has been in power. In a population of 3 million that is alot. Those are soldiers, doctors, workers , tax payers... People will not leave Armenia if they felt protected and their rights upheld. Its not a Russian factor or the West, the Armenian citizen feels unprotected and disrespected in his own country. There are a few who the laws do not apply to and they treat the rest of the people like shit. I think we over think things sometimes trying to connect to bigger world conspiracies .
DeleteI just heard on RT that Serj has resigned. The crowds outside the Mariott have thickened, the party spirit goes on. The road blocking continues, it is difficult to work or move in a mood of normalcy. Who is going to succeed Serj? His toppling is unconstitutional. The Velvet Revolution propagated by the opposition seems to be gaining traction. The opposition has tasted a victory, and has set a dangerous precedent in which election results can be disregarded and in the name of the people political rogues can assume the mantle of power through mob rallies. It is not a good omen the rise of this beisbol cap wearing, back packing, Harlem type of scarecrow; it is a discredit to the nation. . As for the crowds, what can one say, high spirited fun loving crowds with better nothing to do than pour out onto the streets.
DeleteWe have had 25+ years of various political officials doing as they please, particularly those who held power. So to claim that the opposition is setting a bad precedent, well this was already a precedent. Again, Serj made a promise not to become the pm, he went back on his word and did NOT give a credible reason. This was the snowflake that landed on the mountainside and caused an avalanche of sorts. Of course we may see opposition cretins and some forces from the west attempt to further their ends but we will cross that bridge if we get there. For now I hope to see a government led by Karepetyan, and a more professional and patriotic political elite.
For me the big elephant in the room that totally blew my mind was the GayRF. My God, how far they have fallen. I used to view them growing up as these nationalistic heroes and hyernaser individuals, the last 10 to 15 years however have been a disaster for them. They were sternly anti Serj and around the time and before the protocols and asbarez has spent the last 10 years criticizing the Republican Party. But I think they quickly realized every election since the early 90s they keep losing ground in parliament so they went with the old “if you can’t beat them, join them” adage. They used this same tactic in the USA with the Jews. After realizing the power brandished by the tribe of parasites in the USA with Genocide efforts falling on def ears, they decided to suck dick and join the ultra liberalist movement of Jews in exchange for some leeway with AG recognition. Effectively they have sold their souls and the nationalistic essence if Dashaknstyoon for scraps from the table from Serj in Armenia and Jews in the US. Not to mention the way they have begun corrupting Diaspora youth ARF and Non ARF alike, more in that later...
ReplyDeleteI have watched a documentary called "The Case Against Libertarian Socialist Rants" by Love, Life and Anarchy, and in one segment of the documentary, the author refers to Hoppe's book, Democracy: The God That Failed, as a good example of how democracies were only a small step away from communism. In it, a lot of the video explained the origins of the Spanish
ReplyDeleteCivil War, and why a good amount of The Spanish population had essentially embraced fascism in response to the actions of the Spanish leftist revolutionaries. Francisco Franco didn't want to radically change Spain, he just wanted to bring it back to its Christian roots, but had the backing of the Spanish Falange movement.
Honestly speaking, if I was the President of Armenia, Russia or any other ex-Soviet republic and I wanted to build a society that would be hard to destroy by the Anglo-American-Jewish trio, I would take an example from Franco himself.
Good points Jerriko, but we do not have competent leaders sadly.
DeleteI would actually recommend to most of the commentators here to read "Democracy: The God That Failed". I haven't read it myself, so I will have to locate the book at the nearest library in my residence.
DeleteJust my opinion though, Armenia could really use a Pinochet like figure to straighten up the country, hammer out the NGOs and give helicopter rides to the subversives.
Today I woke up to learn that one of Levon Petrosian's smut-peddlers has succeeded in ousting Serj Sargsyan. This morning I was reminded again of the saying, the people deserve the governments they have. Nevertheless, a part of me is happy. There was no bloodshed. Seeing just how hated and despised he was, Serj Sargsyan had the wisdom to step down. Now, perhaps Karen Karapetyan can rise to power. Mass hysteria has transformed into mass euphoria. Needless to say, a part of me is also very worried. The fundamental question is this: The "people" got what it wanted, but what happens next? This is why it's not a good idea to break something before you get a better replacement. You can't break something, and then "hope" for something better to come. So, will unsavory characters and Western-financed agents (which we know saturate the Armenian landscape today) be able to grab power? Also, what kind of a precedence does this set: Every time 51%-plus of the people dislike their leader, they will disregard the nation's constitution and take to the streets to oust him or her from power? The reality of the matter is that Armenia stands today on the cusp of a perennial freak show and circus.
ReplyDeleteRegarding super-power politics: I have no doubt Russian and American operatives (as well as French, British, Turkish and most probably Azeri and Israeli) are very busy behind the scenes. Let's see who has more assets in place to push their agenda forward. Now Armenia has effectively become a test tube for regional powers once again. Let's see how comes up with the best concoction. So, don't fool yourselves. This show is not over. While euphoria and hope fills the air, the danger the country faced has not passed. The next few months or years will therefore be critical. Did we really need this at this time? Time will tell. We all need to pray for the best.
Revolutions/coups are dangerous and should be avoided at all cost because of two fundamental reasons: 1) The use of deadly violence by either side, which then spirals out of control and the nation descends into chaos. 2) The presence of foreign agents waiting on the political sidelines to manipulate/exploit and grab power. I am glad we were able to avoid bloodshed. But will we be equally lucky with what comes next? Who will come to power next? If Nikol types rise to power, I have no doubt the country will be worst off in the long run. If Nikol types are in power, once the current euphoria dissipates and reality inevitability sets in, the "people" will find out that their plight is no better or may even be worst than before. But, for now, the people got what they wanted. So, the people deserve whatever the future will bring them, both good and bad.
Now that the opposition finally got a taste of victory, they will want to go all the way in and demand the resignation of the entire HHK cabinet. Such rhetoric is already being heard on Republic Square.
Delete"Every time 51%-plus of the people dislike their leader, they will disregard the nation's laws and its constitution and take to the streets to oust him from power? Armenia stands on the cusp of a perennial freak show and circus." I agree. Sargsyan is the second leader after Ter-Petrosyan to resign. A big part of the blame goes to Sargsyan, he shouldn't have become PM in the first place, and all of this would have been avoided.
Now, interesting times are ahead. Will the opposition go all the way in? Will the HHK cave in? Will HHK and Opposition come to an agreement? God knows. The fact is, however, that there is euphoria in the streets, and people are in a state where they believe they actually rule the country now.
Side note: the fact that 50 unarmed soldiers, along with their colonel, joined the protesters, must be the most alarming thing we have seen so far in Armenia. the army must NOT be politicized and/or divided. People have TOO MUCH freedom in Armenia.
Let's wait and see what happens in the coming days and weeks. Interesting times indeed.
I (mostly) agree with the above.
DeleteApparently, the Russian FM office sent a note saying that the Russian Federation is always with Armenia!
It is phantasmagoria, the slogans shouted don't make sense, it is the mobocracy being cleverly manipulated by NGO', western agents and provocateur operatives. Slogans like "Azad,hangagh Hayastan " don't rhyme nor ring a bell today, those slogans were 19th century slogans. And other silly sing songs, meaningless and clueless,filled the open air from Opera to the Republic square. Watching the aimless crowds (to their credit impeccably behaved, though utterly naive and misguided) in a drunken stupor of euphoria carrying on as if they were high in some hallucinogenic drugs. They will wake up in a week or two and realize they have been had. It will be too late. Does anybody remember yanukovitch. A color revolution booted him out, Serg has buckled and dropped before a velvet color revolution, and retreated before an insidious rabble rouser and demagogue. Do you know what the mob is thinking ? They think that the rogue ruffian pashinian is going to become the one to fill serge's shoes, and following the day after tomorrow wages and salaries will treble, work and employment will abound and a dream utopia will descend upon the land. There are also those who are thinking to renounce artsakh and live happily ever after. They will soon come to their senses, brusquely and brutally when the realization dawns upon them that nothing has changed and aside from a different figurehead their condition continues as before. Let's hope that Karapetyan assumes power and he brings hope and fulfillment, but he must not make serge's mistakes which were tolerating an incipient nest of vipers to proliferate and bloom in the bosom of parliament. Root out the the anti national forces, root out all western NGO's ( Jewish operatives). In 2011 when the wave of regime change liquidated lybia and threatened to lap onto syria's shores, Bashar al Assad delivered a belligerent speech in the Syrian parliament " the Arab Spring stops here, it does not go beyond, it will be stopped by Syrians". Assad was heavily criticized by the West For his challenge to the unstoppable whirlwind of the Arab Spring. The rest is history , Assad and Syria are triumphant, after a heinous and bloody war, but triumphant they are. In contrast yankuvitch, was barked out by the voices of the dissidents, and "the people" against his legally and constitutionally elected government. Serge's ignominious departure, might seem a sensible choice in the circumstances, particularly when the Western operatives and NGO's are gloating on the easy victory of heir color revolution. It makes a mockery of democracy , the constitution, electoral sovereignty and the rule of law if governments can be hold to ransom to the variegated whims of political mendacious sans culottes . Armenia is now a volatile powder keg. Which way will the balance tilt, and who will grab power , the western, Jewish ngo's , international groups, Russophobic groups ( for the last 20 years the west has saturated the youth, through academia, education, and social, with the perception that Armenian woes are a product of her close relationship with Russia, and the she will be better off siding with the Eu and being absorbed by Jewish america) or the forces of national interests first and the deepening of the ties with Russia. The powder keg should also worry the Russians, you don't let wild street dogs loiter in your back garden , and the time must come when the hard iron fist is slammed down.
DeleteOne huge plus for me this morning was the death nail the ARF received with Serj’s resignation, the one thing I hate more than western whores is flip flopping faggots. They lost total credibility for the long term, maybe now Aram Rustamyan can peddle his ass for a janitorial position.
DeleteSerj whether under his own cognition and desire or under instruction bit off more than he can chew. KK should have been allowed to simply make the smooth transition as the new premier. It’s still not clear to me why things happened like this and why he did what he did, I guess Geopolitics IS the least understood topic after all Arevordi!
Sassounci, it's actually somewhat funny what happened to the ARF. During much of Serj Sargsyan's rule they tried to show the people that they were a real opposition by keeping themselves staying out of the playing field. Recently, seeing that they were marginalizing themselves, they decided to come back into play - only to have Serj drop out. Now, they are even more marginalized. The single digit votes they kept getting during the past 25-plus years will drop further after all this.
DeleteThe people in large masses who are politically illiterate make a great supply of political cannon fodder. It's almost like the general public in Armenia has been conditioned to think "feelings over logic", eerily similar to Western college students who are now infesting all universities.
DeleteIn other news, we have a latest van of peace attack in Toronto:
Some of the people that I talked to on Facebook thought that this guy came from the Middle East and was a Muslim convert, but seeing his name made me a bit skeptical.
DeleteSo the flip flopping dipshits do it AGAIN, surprise surprise, they hit the ejector seat button with the Republican Party. I guess this is the extent of how reliable they have become, when the shit hits the fan, they go running. I hope Nikol washed his cock, I have a feeling there will be a few ARFer lips wrapped around it soon. How pathetic they have become.
There is also somewhat of a surreal or supernatural feel to all this. It's as if we have been here before. It's as if ancient spectres are haunting us. It's as if the spirits of our failed ancestors are rising from their graves and leading us into yet another unknown. History is repeating. We are self-mutilating and predators in our neighborhood are smelling blood. We are once again opening the gates of our city to allow the enemy in. We are once again ready to tear to pieces our old prince and ask someone we don't even know to rule over us. We are once again getting ready to cut off the head of our sparapet, so that we may live in peace. The peasants are out in force, and they are ready to burn down their village to save it from phantoms both real and perceived. Collective hysteria has gripped the masses, and the moment has taken on a life of its own. It all seems/feels preordained by forces beyond our comprehension. So be it. I am just glad there was no widespread destruction and bloodshed.
ReplyDeleteOnce more, I am very thankful that Serj Sargsyan had the clarity of vision or wisdom to refrain from using violence, especially with genocide commemorations upon us. Once more, I want to warn that "radical changes" will not make things better. At this point, we just need to be happy that Serj Sargsyan voluntarily stepped down, and put someone like Karen Karapetyan into power. And be quick about it.
In any case, I have no doubt that in a few more years, maybe a few more elections, we'll have this political freak show and street circus repeat itself, regardless of who/what is in control. I say this because the South Caucasus is not a place very conducive to normalcy, stability, prosperity and/or safety. I also say this because we Armenians, collectively, are a restless, impatient and an emotional people, and a people who is never satisfied with their situation.
When I read in the news reports today that active duty soldiers had abandoned their base with their commander and joined the demonstrations, I have to say I was profoundly ashamed of my nationality. Although I was not surprised that something like this could happen, I was deeply embarrassed nonetheless. In civilized countries, soldiers and policemen are expected to functions like machines. They are trained/expected to perform tasks at the behest of the state, regardless of who is at the top. No questions asked. The function of military men is to carry-out orders from their commander in chief, regardless of whether or not they agree with it. At worst, a soldier and/or police officer can refuse to fire on his countryman, if given such an order. But to abandon their bases and join demonstrators just because they don't like their leader?! What the fuck were they thinking? What kind of a people are we? What's next, each political player in the country will have its own loyal group of soldiers? Maybe soldiers will also refuse to fight wars if they think the war is not to their liking. What happened to law and order? Now that we set this troubling precedence, every few years we can overthrow an unpopular leader (for Armenians there will always be ample reasons to dislike their leaders) with the help of elements in the military. Maybe different units in the military can fight each other next time as well. Why not?
DeleteWe had this kind of political mindset and military culture almost exactly one thousand years ago. Our Naxaras (chiefs of various powerful clans, the oligarchs of their time) were so busy fighting each other with their personal armies that they did not notice the Seljuk storm gathering on the horizon.
At a fundamental level, what we saw today in Armenia is the reason why we did not have a homeland for eight hundred years. It was two hundred years ago when Russians arrived on the scene and helped the region's dispersed Armenian peasantry gather in the South Caucasus and resurrect a new Armenia. Now, left on our own, we are doing the reverse. We are once again laying the foundations of Armenia's death. The scariest/saddest/funniest part is virtually everyone is euphoric. The nation had a collective orgasm today because they ousted a duly elected leader because they were tired of him.
As far as I'm concerned, it's official: We are no better than west African tribes, albeit without the cannibalism and the bushmeat, thus far. Well, maybe I am being too harsh. Maybe we instead most closely resemble Middle Eastern Arabs. Nevertheless, what we definitely don't resemble is a civilized people that knows what it's doing and where it wants to go. All in all, today was actually another one of those sad days in Armenia history. Other than a handful of my readers, NO ONE else understands any of what I am saying. Perhaps in a hundred years from now, if Armenia has not been wiped off the map because of Democracy or Complimentary Politics, some historians will look back and ask, what the fuck were they thinking?
While at a certain level I'm also happy that Serj Sargsyan has moved on, and done so peacefully, what happened in Armenia today is very dangerous on many levels. What we are seeing in Armenia today can only prove good in the very short term. Today's greatest achievement may only be that it allowed the "people" to feel happy and for a day.
I want to remind the reader that while I thought Serj Sargsyan was better than his two predecessors, and he certainly was, I was not a great fan of his. When it came to him I simply played devil's advocate. I did so because there was no one else in Armenia's political landscape I thought could do a better job than his team. Therefore, I saw him as the lesser of all evils in the country. I saw him as the devil we know.
DeleteThat said, I had also been critical of his administration, especially his short sighted and foolish "complimentary politics". His desire to keep Western powers happy with him has been turning Armenia into a cheep whorehouse for Anglo-American-Jewish interests. So, in an sense, he himself planted the seeds of his demise. The chickens as they say finally come home to roost. His attempt to appease the West by allowing all sorts of Western financed NGOs saturate the Armenian landscape backfired on him. He deserved his humiliation.
All the bullshit we see in Armenia today - in particular bad governance, oligarchs gone wild and dangerous political opposition - is the outcome of Serj Sargsyan's shortsighted appeasement policy. He used appeasement as a survival tool. Consequently, Armenia stagnated. Consequently, he was ousted.
In any case, now that we are here, if serious leaders backed by Moscow do not step up and take control over this political freak show and street circus we are seeing in Yerevan, Armenia will be in very serious jeopardy in the future. If the current political hysteria/euphoria is allowed to transpose and manifest itself in the country's politics, at the very least we will lose major parts of Artsakh and suffer tremendous losses in life and material in the process. If the clowns that are now prancing around victorious are able to somehow hurt Armenia's alliance with Russia, Armenia will be on the brink of a catastrophe. I have always said, when Turks and/or Azeris invade Armenia, not a single one of our Democatizers or Westernzers will be seen on the battlefield, and our "wonderful youth" who excel in holding English language placards denouncing their leaders will become sex slaves of Turkish military officers.
With this mindset and culture reigning in the streets - namely that "the people will now decide what is right and what is not" and that "the people united cannot be defeated" - the country will find itself in a very serious predicament in the not too distant future. And I will find no pleasure in saying I told you so. At this pace, every few years or so we Armenians will face the risk of losing our homeland to regional predators because our "people" are now finally convinced that Democracy exists and that it works.
Other than a few people who read this blog, I find no one, I mean absolutely NO ONE is even remotely capable of understanding any of this. The mass hysteria and mass euphoria has overtaken the people. It's truly eerie.
Following are some article that caught my attention today:
DeleteWestern-Backed Regime Change Looms As Armenia PM Resigns Following Mass Protests:
Protests in Armenia Unlikely to Change the Country’s Foreign Policy:
Armenia's velvet revolution: Sold:
Pashinyan: Reaction of Russian Foreign Ministry representative is important :
Armenians deliver a blow to Putin’s political model:
Putin’s tactics at play in Armenia:
Arevordi jan,
DeleteI just read your latest commentary. Your references are invaluable to old eyes like mine. I agree TOTALLY with what you think of this whole thing, at the moment. The “Velvet Revolution” thing he says is not connected to the globalists.
We shall see.
It is too soon to claim the things you, Arevordi, are claiming. So lets relax and see how the next few days and weeks plays out. There are a few key positives:
Delete1) no bloodshed
2) no anti or pro foreign agenda
3) unpopular and shitty leader replaced
4) potential restitution to the state and people of ill gotten gains from oligarchs
5) support from the Kremlin
6) chance to get fresh faces that are not beholden to current shit elite
7) potential normal business environment
These are just some that I thought of. Yes, one can make a potential list of negatives. But again, I see your recent writings on this issue as alarmist, deterministic, and overly pessimistic. If I did not know any better I would say you were gaslighting. Though I am not actually accusing you of this. The fact is neither you nor anyone else can predict the outcome. So lets sit back and watch. Or if you want to really be able to talk about this issue, have some skin in the game, perhaps you would feel and think differently.
And I would like to reiterate that the decision Serj made, to stay on as PM, was idiotic. It is his fault that the country has stagnated, and it was his decision to remain in power even though he said he would not and people really disliked him. Why he chose to become PM when he could have remained the head of the rpa and run things from the shadows is beyond me, but even Moscow told him they don't have his back.
Also, your comment on military involvement is both right and wrong. It is right that the military should remain non political when the civilian leadership has a legitimate mandate to rule and isn't pissing away the states future. But is is wrong to claim only backwards states have politically active militaries. Some of the greatest leaders in history were military men who saw the shit the civilian leadership were up to, the destruction poor leadership was wrecking on the state or kingdom and decided to act in order to avert total disaster. It would have been a mark of primitive behavior if our army had been called out to the streets and shot at our people. Surely you do not think this is sophisticated and wise behavior? You may not wish to admit it but the people were in the right and Serj and co were in the wrong. It really is that simple. No need to read into these things too much. Not everything is super complex or a conspiracy of this or that great power. Sometimes the little guy decides he has had enough and is able to muster the strength to do something at long last.
Anyway, thank you for your good work here! I just hope to see you return to cautious optimism instead of borderline fatalism. I will leave you with your own words, I hope you reflect on them. "As long as these demonstrations do not threaten Armenia's security or public order, they should be looked at as part of our nation's natural yet difficult and sometimes painful growing process..."
Sometimes Armenian Protests Are Just Armenian Protests: Not every post-Soviet revolution is about the geopolitics of Russia:
I think at this point there is too much momentum behind Pashinyan to expect him to go anywhere any time soon, with this victory he has ascended in the people’s eyes and with Armenians, that’s a powerful place to be. A good scenario I am hoping for (emphasis on “hoping”) is Pashinyan to resume his role in Parliament, albeit with a venerated status with Karapetyan as PM AND with Karapetyan having the foresight to understand that it’s time to spring clean the chobans in Armani suits from Parliament and establish a real Russophyllic party with members that are of Karapetyan’s level In both class and intelligence. I’m also hoping for the time being KK and Pashinyan can find a middle ground to agree on without resistance from Pashinyan and for Pashinyan to be able to separate his desire to oust Serj from any desire to severe Armenia from Russia.
DeleteI was thinking if this circus wasn't something planned. Let's analyze this. First, Russia and the rest of the axis resistance Iran etc. have learned a lot about color revolutions. Second, they've been working on antidotes because we are not anymore in 2011 or 2014. Third, what is best antidote that giving the naive common people what they want without giving up to the West. It's obvious that Serzh could remain in the background to pull strings. Finally, now Karen Karapetian has all the space needed to move in a good reformative way with time and good expectations. The Kremlin can deploy new ways of soft power. Maybe this opposition guy was working with them and that's why he avoided all the violence and didn't leave some other opposition leaders to take advantage like when they didn't let Zaruhi to talk. If it's this way, the future couldn't be better. It means they have found a new formula. The S-400 for the color revolutions. Moscow also learned from their own experience in 2012. Now we must wait and see. I m being too Armenially optimistic but give it a try!
DeleteDear LG and Aryudzi,
DeleteYou guys are young and emotional. Whether you want to accept what I am saying or not, I say to you that at least subconsciously you have been influenced by the anti-Armenian state propaganda you have been exposed to most of your lives both in Cyberia and at home. It's obvious that you didn't understand much of what I have been saying during the last few days. Your heightened emotions and preconceived notions are blinding you to the reality we are in today. As for me, I am more upset and disappointed than emotional.
Think of it this way: You broke something very essentially to your life without first having ready a suitable replacement for it. It's like quitting a well paying job without having another one to waiting for you. At a personal level, it's no big deal, you'll survive. At a national level, it's extremely dangerous. Revolutions and coups are dangerous because they are unpredictable and they can cause dire repercussions. For Island nations or nations without neighboring predators it's no big deal, they'll survive. But for a nation like Armenia, revolutions/coups can pose a existential threat to the nation.
With your attitudes, you just become part of the ignorant masses. The ignorant masses today are blindly repeating the grave mistakes of your ancestors. It's could very well be genetic memory. And turst me, none of what I am saying here is "gaslighitng" or any other silly term like that.
Mark my words, the long-term ramifications of the current political mindset/culture could prove detrimental to the wellbeign of the Armenian state if the mess we created is not cleaned up soon by competent forces. If feels/looks like Armenia is turning into a Banana Republic. With the rise of this mindset and culture, we'll have a coup every few elections.
I suggest you disregard silly articles produced by silly journalists. The unlawful coup that took place was indeed a Color Revolution in that all the ring leaders on the ground, without exception, were connected to Western interests in varying degrees. Nikol can say he is not anti-Russian all day long. That does not change the fact most of the people surrounding him are Russophobes and criminals from the 1990s. Moreover, all the Western NGOs, companies, activists, agents and spies in the country are now feeling embolden and empowered, and the stupid masses got to taste blood. The masses are now drunk with the Bolshevik concept of "people power". Next time they try to pull off something like this, and the leadership resists, there may be rivers of blood on the streets.
Talking about what Serj should have done or what he could have done to avoid all this is now irrelevant. Talking about Serj's failings as a leader is now as pointless as talking about yesterday's weather.
That said, under Serj the country was politically stable and slowly improving. Although I personally disliked him for a number of reasons I have talked about very numerous occasions, I had nevertheless the objectivity/wisdom to see him as an agent of stability and sociopolitical evolution.
My warning is this: If serious people backed by Moscow do not step in and take control of the situation in Yerevan, Armenia faces irreparable damage. Also know that if serious people backed by Moscow step in to take control of the created mess, expect your "non-Western" backed revolutionaries to take to the streets again. And it might get ugly this time around. We may have gotten luck yesterday. It may not be the case tomorrow.
As they say in Wall Street, past performances do not guarantee future results.
It was silly of you to tell me that I overthink things, when you guys are doing the exact opposite. I rather overthink than underthink. Saying Serj has to go because Armenia is losing population is severely underthinking the matter. Saying Serj had to go because he does not deserve serving a third term is severely underthinking the matter. yes, I may be overthinking things, but you guys are simply latching on, most probably subconsciously, to narratives written for you by the enemies of your country.
DeleteIn any case, all of what I have been saying in recent days goes beyond Serj, beyond Nikol, even beyond Globalists, Russia and the West. What I am talking about is philosophical, historical and civilizational. I am talking about the setting of bad POLITICAL PRECEDENCE. I am warning about what the nation's internal politics could be like in future because of the kind of seeds being sown today.
You don't brake something that is essential to your nation's life (i.e. the political system) and then hope something good comes to replace it. That's fucking insane!
This conversation is therefore about mindset, culture, wisdom and civic responsibility.
I am not defending Serj, I am warning you about the dangers of Democracy and the dangers of accepting unlawful and unconstitutional acts just because you don't like a particular reader, even if the leader in question is corrupt. I am not merely criticizing the "people", I am simply warning you about the dangers of having the stupid masses (i.e. "the people") be convinced of its righteousness in all things. I am not merely attacking the Western-backed political opposition in the country, I am only defending the sacred concept of our nation-state and our national institutions such as the Church and the seat of power.
There HAS TO BE reverence towards state institutions REGARDLESS of how flawed they are thought to be. There has to be RESPECT for the premiership of the country regardless of how flawed the person occupying it is thought to be. This is how our Turkish neighbors became an empire. This is how Europeans produced so many empires. Never in the annals of history did an empire or a powerful nation rose out of a Democracy.
Democracy - mob rule as we saw in Armenia - is a dead end road. Democracy, as prescribed by Western powers, which is what we saw in Armenia, is fundamentally designed to either subjugate nations and put them under Anglo-American-Jewish suzerainty or turn nations politically and economically unstable.
I want Armenians like you to somehow learn to respect the state and its institutions of power without conditions, unless of course there is high treason taking place. To me, high treason is kicking the Russian military out of Armenia. To me, high treason is giving Artsakh proper to the Azeris. To me, high treason is trying to get Armenia to join the EU. Serj Sargsyan's government was extremely flawed but it was not treasonous.
If none of this makes any sense to you, it's because of the genetic memory I spoke about above.
Also, don't fool yourselves into thinking that anti-Artsakhtsi animosity had nothing to do with all this. You may want to play dumb, deaf or blind, but a significant portion of Armenians, especially in Yerevan, hate Artsakhtsis more than they hate Azeris or Turks.
Again, Armenians are like troubled children. Most of the black pages in our history is due to this fact. We are excellent survivors and we are only capable of thriving in countries built by others. We are a proud people but we are not genuinely a patriotic people. These are all genetic and cultural traits and these are also the fundamental reasons why we have not had a country to be proud of in the post-Urartu period.
DeleteAgain, we trashed the Armenian constitution and figuratively (and it could have been literally if given the chance) beheaded our leader simply because we didn't like the man. We are a self-destructive people. The active duty soldiers you saw in the coup marching against their commander-in-chief because they didn't like him should worry you very-very much.
This is a very dangerous road to be on. Like I said, this is not about Serj or Nikol or Putin or George Soros, this is about the political stability and the long-term health and wellbeing of our state.
In my opinion, you and 90%-plus of Armenians basically screwed up again. But knowing Armenian traits, you will now do your best to find ways/explanations/excuses to justify your decision to trash the Armenian constitution and topple your leader without know what the next step will be.
I agree that yesterday was orgasmic. Yesterday you all ejaculated. I hope you enjoyed it, because the coming days, months or years may very well bring you erectile dysfunction.
Again, the problems I see is very long-term and one that is cultural and civilizational. What happened yesterday - trashing the country's constitution because we don't like our leader and the military and police abandoning their posts to join protesters because they don't like their leader, and doing all this in the name of smut-peddlers associated with those who raped and pillaged the country in the 1990s - has set a very bad precedence.
Also, the belief that power now rests in the hands of the people can prove suicidal for a problematic people like our people and in a problematical place like the South Caucasus.
From the looks of it, we may eventually have this conversation in a few years when Armenians led by another group of scoundrels will sack yet another one of our unpopular leaders. It may be a vicious cycle that will go on and on until one day regional predators will simply step in put an end to our internal troubles.
If you think Armenians will be happy with any future government or that it will be easy to have a normal nation in a place like the South Caucasus, you are sadly mistaken.
Finally, LG, you are either misunderstanding me or you are simply misrepresenting what I am saying. I almost always qualify by pessimistic assessment of the situation we are in with a whole bunch of IFs. I am not being deterministic or fatalistic when I say IF serious men backed by Moscow don't step in and take control over the situation, the country will eventually face serious problems. I am not being deterministic or fatalistic when I say IF this coup ends up hurting Russian-Armenian ties, Armenia will hurt badly. There are always a bunch of IFs in my pessimism. If the IF happen then we are in trouble. IF they don't happen then we are on the path of sociopolitical evolution. Simply put: I am warning the reader of things that could go wrong. The things that could go right does not worry me.
DeleteIn any case, until something genuinely good comes out of all this, we Armenians are in worst shape now then we were the day before yesterday.
With Serj we knew what to expect. He was the Devil we knew. Nikol and company is the Devil we don't know. With Serj in power, we knew the basic direction we were heading. With Nikol, it's all a mystery. Under Serj, the country was slowly improving. The stability of his government was beginning to attach tourists and investments. The economy was growing.
Now, the stupid masses led by scoundrels threw it all out of the window because of their hate, jealousy, tribalism and stupidity. Nikol and his team garbage collectors are the last people on earth that will be able to end corruption, defend Artsakh and reverse the outflow of people from Armenia. Once again, IF Moscow does not step in behind-the-scenes and fixes this mess we created, call me whatever the fuck you guys want, but I am telling you that your homeland is in serious trouble.
PS: From day one I was wondering if any of this had anything to do with Artskah. My paranoia is getting the best of me now. So, I'm going to put on my tinfoil hat and get into a conspiracy mode. I'm beginning to wondering if Serj's departure from power was pre-planned. I found the now famous/historic meeting between Serj and Nikol very strange, especially with the way Serj threatened Nikol and then stormed out of the room, and stepped down from power merely two days later saying he was wrong Nikol was right. It felt orchestrated. It was unlike Serj. The entire exchange between the two looked and felt scripted/orchestrated. I am now wondering if this all has anything do with Artsakh. My main fear is this, and I hope it's just me overthinking things: Perhaps internal troubles are being orchestrated in Armenia to make the country's political position weaker for the day when major hostilities begin in Artsakh. Perhaps Armenia's new ruling administration will finally agree to concessions? Don't worry, it's just me overthinking things...
Lets agree to disagree. I can see that you are stuck in your ways.
DeleteI have never been an advocate of people power nor democracy nor any variety of liberalism for that matter. But I have said that we, the world collectively, are due for a cataclysmal event, and in Armenia we had/have shit leadership that was trying to please all sides of the geopolitical coin. Meanwhile the anger of the people was not being properly addressed. Now we have what you see. Maybe some long term good will come of this, maybe not, but lets wait and see before we paint the whole thing as a definite negative.
As for Artsakh, well we saw how poor our front line defenses were in April of 2016. And who do we assign the blame for that? Ultimately with the rpa and its leader, Serj. Also this notion that in the past 10 years there were major improvements is overstating things. Again there is not a single major achievement of the past 10 years that one can unequivocally say was the result of wise leadership on the part of Serj. He was a defensive and reactionary leader. The vast majority of the rpa and other parties is populated by dimwits and chobans. I wish you had interacted with members of parliament or even with people from the Armenian embassy either in US or elsewhere. Leaves a lot, a lot to be desired.
As for the genetic component, we carry within us very ancient genes by human standards, and within which we still have warrior and priestly genes. Perhaps this component will arise and come to the forefront much sooner than you appear to think.
One thing I will agree with you on is that the people will not be happy with the makeup of the new government. In all likelihood it will be some mixed soup of former rpa, non-affliated types, yelk, dodi gago's party, and others. And since cultural corruption is still an issue, since we have had over 25 years of institutionalized corruption it will be hard to wipe it away in one go without a man who has dictatorial powers, prudential judgement, and political foresight. In other words we still need an Armenian version of Putin. The events of the past few weeks may well lay the eventual opening for such a man to arise but it is way too soon to speak of such things. Anyway lets see what happens!
The denouement of Serj contest and staged interview in front of reporters, with pashinian , was of politically managed manufacture. The best outcome of the protests is that there was no violence, unruliness, and disorderly behavior from the massive crowds. We shall see what will come next. Whatever happens the authorities , whoever they may be, need to begin thinking and organizing the closer engagement and activity with Russia. They also need to start disengaging from flirtatious opportunistic rapport with the West. In summary, the outcome of last two weeks events should serve the incoming government in shaping foreign policy in more intelligent ways, as importantly as dealing with internal anti national ( western leaning ) grouping and elements. This whoring with the Eu, where its most notable points are " visa free travel" and forceful " reforms" in line with Eu policies, must be stopped dead on its tracks. We not need the Madame Morigiany lecturing Armenians on how to run and administer the country and to accelerate "reforms" ( of unspecified nature). The Eu is in process of dissolution, self abolishing itself, nothing of good import can come from there.
DeleteMany of Armenia's problems are systemic and geopolitical and probably can't be solved by one person . Personally I am not very familiar with Armenia's political scene but the opposition nor the government look like rosy figures. Foreign policy wise I personally doubt that Armenia's foreign policy will move in an overly anti-Russian direction (I may be wrong ). Russia may have too much leverage over Armenia in terms of trade , investment,security or energy. My main concern is what the Azeris are thinking now . Apparently they are accumulating forces on the border. Hopefully the Armenian government remains stable enough as to not give the Azeris openings as it is Spring and Summer is around the corner so the season is ideal for fighting .
DeleteHave to agree with Arevordi 100% on this one. If nothing else, this will be a great case study on how kissing western ass and accepting the Trojan horse will backfire. Serzh Sarkisyan only has himself to blame.
DeleteThe dream team with K. Karapetyan and A. Sarkisyan are now in play but Pashinyan, drunk on his recent victory refuses to stop until he is PM. Karapetyan calling for snap elections. If our people actually vote for Yelk (Pashanyan, Bostanjyan etc) to replace Karapetyan, I'll change my fucking name and chose a different nationality to become.
That disgusting, foreign controlled and treacherous asshole has capitalized on the peoples collective anger/frustration to foment a coup. Armenia was seriously mismanaged in the last 25 years but things were beginning to change for the better. Security ties to Russia had strengthened, fresh educated and successful people were brought in from outside and given key govt positions, the military industry had began to develop. There was serious economic and political transformation taking place for the first time in 25 years but our ignorant people led by this opportunistic prick had to stop progress dead in it's tracks. I'm sorry I don't normally use this kind of language here but I'm a little outraged at what has happened. Sarkisyan wanted to be closer to the west, he got a nice taste of western medicine.
Possible scenarios
1. Snap elections increase Yelk proportion in parliament but current leadership remains in power
2. Yelk becomes majority and Nik-hole manages to become PM
3. Snap elections don't take place and the protests continue as demanded by the asshole until the economy and nation's reputation is damaged further and the Azeris attack.
4. The protests continue but fizzle out on their own because people get tired of them and return to their lives.
If scenario 3, then I hope there's someone in the military with enough balls to take control of the situation finally.
Arevordi this is big a lose lose situation we got on our hands. I was talking to family in Yerevan they said Serj and Karen is staying in the political picture so the show is not over yet.
DeleteBtw LG is a standup guy but dont pay too much attention to Ayrudzi he is one of them morons from Hye Club. Let me know if you want me to post anything there.
Here is my 2cents worth....
DeleteSerzh was taken out by Russia and never got supported during these protests so he bailed having no Russian support.
I think Russia wants to settle the matter in Artsakh via concessions and Serzh never gave agreed...we have this lunatic Nikol who has no experience and Russia probably recruited him so they can force Nikol to go and hand over some areas... Another thing could be is....internal is being weakend to help azeris liberate some areas and be done with it. What is strange is Russia MFA first said 'Russia is with the people of Armenia' in other words Republicans are done. This is all just what i think.
Either nikol has big Russian or other suppport...or he just got lucky with the protest turn out in numbers and it worked..... I actually don't want Karen Karapetyan or Nikol they are both garbage...I wouldn't mind Serj minus...all the criminals around him...take all these thieves and dogs around Serj away i would take him over anyone in Armenia right now.
The protests, road blocks, barricades are not over despite serj's resignation. I was traveling to Tiflis, but when I got to Alaverdi, boom... I could not proceed any further because they had blocked the only road in and out of the town. Before Alaverdi, I stopped briefly in Vanadzor and there I saw te storm brewing. About 200, mainly young and students ,had congregated in the main square, and more columns of protesting ( or celebrating) youths were approaching the main body of the disgruntled young boys and girls. Needless to say I was stuck in Alaverdi for the good part of 7 hours, while learning that other blockades had taken place in Aparan, and other vicinities before the Georgian border. I am now returning to Yerevan, where the crowds in Mariott square have swelled into the thousands x2. This rat faced pashinian is simply demanding to grab power and be named pm. His first call was for Serj to resign, now not satiated with his first demand fulfilled he is demanding the post of pm, and the ousting of the Rp. This is akin to the infamous "pronunciamentos" of Xix century Spain. One striking feature of these protests is the friendliness, camaraderie and Bon vivant of the crowds. But things can get nasty, there will become a point where the crowds will suffer "demonstration fatigue", the ruffian anasun of pashinian will grow frustrated if he does not get his way, the govt. might react differently from up till now and send the gendarmerie to disperse the crowds and clear the blockades. This rabble rouser and his coterie of crooked bandits should have been removed from the streets from day one. Sever the head from the body. The govt. acted with pusillanimity , diffident, and "democratically" tolerant , and now that Serj a la Pontus Pilate washes his hands and walks away, a price is exacted from both sides. Who will blink this time ? . As for artsakh, I can't comment, other than knowing the toughness of the Armenian will thwart the Turks attempt to assault the enclave, with Russian covert support of course. And it is high time that any new govt. coming in place should and must proceed with an integration of the territory. The Turks have vowed they will not tolerate 2 Armenian states in the region. Their problem can be solved by unifying artsak to Armenia, and the Turks 2 Armenian states, becomes one.
DeleteI agree with Arevordi and Gev. NKR can be in serious danger because of this situation. New political instability is gripping the country. It doesnt matter if whats happening is orchestrated from above because it may endup hurting NKR just because of infighting which naturally makes it weak. Weak Armenia means weak NKR. Not a Serge fan but nothing good can come out of this. We need to hope for the best and hope the mess Serge and Nikol created to be cleaned up soon.
DeleteI am now driving back from Alaverdi, cancelled Tiflis drive. But ! Alas , I have been blocked in stepanavan. After 3 hours I succeeded to break the blockade during throug the grass off the main road and squeezing past between an open space onto the main road. But next I was stopped at Bozum, 150 schoolchildren dancing Kochary, happy , smiling faces of exuberant clean cut Armenian youth, the future of the country and shouting Nicole varchapet, Hayastan, Hayastan , very festive atmosphere, and the policemen around enjoying the show. Fortunately the children, students got exhausted under the grilling sun after 2 hours of stomping the ground, and dispersed vowing to return at 4 o'clock and the blockade was lifted. The next blockade was at Aparan, again I was lucky and managed to carve an opening among all the blockading cars and made it back to Yerevan.
DeleteNalbandian is in Moscow having talks with Lavrov. Nicol has marshaled his thousands in Mariott square. Karapetyan is holding firm, Nicol is not in a negotiating mood. The crowd buoyant and merry making . In Vernisage I saw a long table with guests smoking narguile, and having a great time " protesting or celebrating or having fun ?" . There is nothing the police can do, because the behavior of the crowd is impeccable in its behavior . It is a credit to the Armenian race to show this kind of political maturity ( excluding some politicians). Where else have you seen thousands and thousands converge in a a square, blockading roads, barricading streets, and not a single glass is broken , not a single drunkard to be seen anywhere , ? Nowhere, nowhere in this filthy democratic cesspool of a planet earth, except in Armenia.
Gev, very plausible. I don't know if you noticed but I have been suggesting this for the last few days.
DeleteBoth Yerevan and Baku are being expected (most probably by Moscow) to make peace through concessions, however painful it may be. It's no secret that Moscow is very serious about settling this festering dispute. I think it's becoming an increasingly urgent matter for the Kremlin. Why? Because settling this 30 year old dispute is key to finally pacifying the troubled South Caucasus, maintaining firm control over Yerevan and Baku, forcing Georgia back under Russia and giving the EEU a boost.
None of the opposing sides in question however were ready for any kind of concession. Therefore, to settle the dispute over Artsakh one or two of the sides needed to be weakened somewhat. The weakening I am referring to is internal/political. Couple of years ago Baku was due for some internal unrest. It didn't materialize. Azeris, being less prone to wanting "freedom" and "the good life" and much less hateful towards their state than we Armenians, did not take the bait. Moreover, official Baku was smart enough to close some Western propaganda outlets, cozy up to Moscow and crack down on "civil society" activists. So, Azerbaijan remained firmly dictatorial, and did its best to make sure it did not give Moscow any reasons to conspire against it.
Consequently, Azerbaijan stayed peaceful and politically stable, and its military keeps growing due to its petrodollars. Consequently, their position regarding Artsakh remained militeristic and unwavering.
Under Serj Sargsyan, Official Yerevan was also to a great degree steadfast regarding Artsakh. Despite Official Yerevan's diplomatic double talk, on the ground it remained quite hardlined. I believe the short war back in 2016 may have been some kind of a test/trial run. If you recall, it came a day or to after Kerry, Sargsyan and Aliyev met in Washington. I think all sides - Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and West - were in on it. In any case, the Armenian side showed that despite all its flaws it was capable of defending itself properly. Under Serj, it was obvious there were not going to be any major concessions in Artsakh. The dispute had therefore been at an impasse. This week however may eventually prove to have been a turning point.
Until last week, both sides were equally steadfast, equally stubborn, equally uncommitted to major concessions. Today, Baku is stable and knows exactly what it wants. Today, the picture in Yerevan however looks very murky - thanks to that wonderful thing called Democracy.
Due to a lack of political foresight and strategic thinking (i.e. thinking it can offset Moscow's political weight via closer relations with Western powers) we had a regime change in Yerevan. Today, Yerevan is politically weak and its future looks unpredictable. We now have a group of people in power that have a very bad track record on Artsakh. Nikol and gang are the last people on earth to place emphasis on defending Artsakh. Despite their carefully calibrated rhetoric on the matter, there is an unmistakable underlying anti-Artsakhtsi sentiment throughout that entire gang. Mostly among themselves, and sometimes in public as well, they blame most of Armenia's problems on Artsakh and Artsakhtsis. These people can potentially agree to major concessions. Trust me on this.
By having political uncertainty and infighting in Yerevan, when major hostilities begin in Artsakh, which is only a matter of time, Armenia will be much less inclined to be hardlined.
None of this however means that Nikol has to be Moscow's man or even that he is in on the plan noted above. Simply put: Nikol is opportunistic filth with a sharp wit and a fast mouth. Open doors for him, give him the opportunity and he'll do his thing. It's in his nature/character. No need to recruit him one way or another. Nikol today is the very manifestation of the low quality of our people. Serj on the other hand may be part of the plan.
The more I look at the meeting between Serj and Nikol, and Serj's resignation as Prime Minister a day or two later, the more I think that all the high drama we are seeing in Yerevan is being orchestrated by someone from above. That someone is Russia and/or Western powers. I hope I am wrong, but if Karen Karapetyan is kept out of the political mess we have in Armenia today (in other words he does not get the nation's premiership) and Nikol or someone like him becomes Prime Minister, we can expect resumption of major hostilities in Artsakh. In any case, this is only a theory. As some here say, this is my paranoia talking.
DeleteThat said, even this theory is indeed true, none of it is yet set in stone. The fluid political situation in Yerevan can yet take many more twists and turns. But, the major takeaway from all this mess is the following: The relative stability Yerevan enjoyed in the past under the Republican Party (which was crucial for Artsakh in my opinion) has now been finally shattered. All of a sudden, the political instability in Armenia risks making it the weak side during negotiations.
And all this thanks to Democracy and our self-destructive people who don't like laws or working, but yearns for designer clothing, American cigarettes and German cars. Ten years ago, I was convinced that collectively Armenians were are self-destructive peasants. Ten years later, I am convinced we Armenians deserve all the back pages in our history.