Americans are beginning to question the legitimacy of their governmental institutions like never before. Government corruption is being exposed like never before. Confidence in the country's political system, its so-called democratic process, is at an all-time low. Voter confidence in American officials are now at an all-time low. Confidence in the country's mainstream news organizations is at an all-time low. The demographics of the country is rapidly changing. Third World immigration continues. The economy has slowed down significantly in recent years. The national debt, at a staggering 20 trillion today, continues to grow rapidly. Natural disasters and the terrible toll they take on lives and property are on the increase. Imperial ambitions, including the wars they spawn, continue taking their toll. Mass killings continue taking their toll. The drug epidemic continues taking its toll. The country continues to be gripped by a culture of violence. Racial tensions and political divisions are on the increase. The last two presidential administration have been very divisive. As a result of all this, the country is fast losing its luster and its hype. American society is becoming politically polarized and divided along ethnic/racial lines. Freedoms, long taken for granted, are systematically diminishing. The middle class, long considered the backbone of the county, continues to shrink.
The racial tensions, the demographic changes, the economic downturn, the foreign policy setbacks, the natural disasters and Donald Trump's remarkable rise to power in the country, and the political turmoil it has caused in Washington DC, are all symptoms of the historic changes currently taking place. What the United States is experiencing today is unprecedented in its history. What has been happening in the country in recent times simply boils down to this: We are in the midst of a historic struggle between an old America that is in decline and a new America that is on the rise. All in all, Americans are getting poorer, dumber, older, sicker and darker. How did the country get to where it is today?
As long as the economy of the United States was growing at a high rate and the country was a global power led by a White ruling elite, and America's White majority could realistically pursue the "American dream", all seemed well on Main Street. As long as White America was in control at home, all of the country's troubles seemed solvable. As long as White America was in control abroad, the country's troubles seemed far away. But the world has been changing rapidly in recent decades; so has the United States. Income inequality in the United States today is the highest it has ever been. Economic growth in the country has been the lowest it has ever been, with little hope of a quick recovery. The American Dream has been turned into an American nightmare for tens-of-millions in the country. And as last year's presidential elections clearly revealed, the United States has evolved into two very distinct nations.
In one of these nations resides the country's mostly Republican, White, Christian (predominantly Protestant), Conservative, Baby Boomer, rural and native-born citizenry. These Americans are anti abortion and pro Second Amendment (pro-gun ownership). This erstwhile all-powerful demographic in the United States, which mainly lives in the flyover states in the country's heartland, has been gradually losing its traditional dominance in the country. In fact, this demographic has been quite literally dying in recent years. It was this demographic that put Donald Trump in the White House, because he was seen as their last hope.
In the other America resides a citizenry that is mostly Democrat, Liberal, Black, Hispanic, Jewish, millennial, atheist, immigrant and urban. These Americans are the proponents of globalism, liberalism, socialism, feminism, homosexuality, open-borders, free health care, free education, abortion rights and tight gun control. This demographic, relatively new to the country, is growing in numbers and has been feeling emboldened in recent years. This should come as no surprise because American society has in recent decades become increasingly liberal, increasingly feminist, increasingly homosexual, increasingly immigrant, increasingly non-White and increasingly non-Christian. It was this demographic that helped Hillary Clinton actually win the popular vote by three million votes. But because of the Electoral College (as well as Wikileaks and Project Veritas and Barack Obama's and Hillary Clinton's extreme unpopularity) the country's White/Conservative demographic won the presidential election.
A word about the Electoral College: Because the bulk of the voting constituency in the United States has historically been concentrated in the nation's more populated coastal states (today's Liberal, Black, Hispanic, Jewish, homosexual, immigrant, multicultural America) the Electoral College was designed by the country's founding fathers to give the nation's vast but sparsely populated rural states (today's White, Christian, Conservative America) a significant degree of political voice in Washington DC. Although a majority of Americans did not seem to want a Trump presidency, the system worked as intended and Donald Trump was elected. I predict there will be a fight in the coming years to do away with the Electoral College altogether.
So, if Donald Trump's presidency does indeed try to achieve some of its stated goals, namely tightening the country's southern border with Mexico and limiting immigration into the country, it may indeed be the last chance America has to preserve its European heritage. Needless to say, both sides of the ideological divide recognizes this, although one side thinks it's a lost cause. Nevertheless, this is the reason why Trump is loved by one side, hated by the other. And this essentially lies at the root cause of the deep fissures that are beginning to show throughout American society.
In my opinion, the situation we find the United States in today began taking shape when globalists (Marxists/Bolsheviks of our times) at some point penetrated the centers of power in the United States, forcing the country's Anglo-American imperialists (the country's traditional ruling establishment and its military industrial complex) to share power with them.
There was some understanding of who the country's imperialists were through Marine Corps General Smedely Butler's short book titled War is a Racket; Vice President Henry Wallace's 1944 article, The Danger of American Facism; President Eisenhower now famous farewell speech in 1961; and the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963. But the general public knew very little about the globalists at the time. We have only recently come to a better understanding of Globalists and their agendas around the world through a number of their political and financial manifestations, international organizations like United Nations, Council on Foreign Relations, International Monetary Fund and Bilderberg Group. We have only recently come to understand that the western world is indeed ruled by a powerful oligarchy that is imperialistic, globalistic and Masonic in character, and which in many cases is also a hereditary one.
In any case, at some point in the 20th century, most probably sometime between the first and second world wars, reigns of government in the United States began getting administered by two powerful forces: Anglo-American imperialists and international globalists. It was essentially a merger between North America's Dulles types and Europe's Soros types; better yet a merger between North America's Rockefellers and Europe's Rothschilds. The aforementioned two forces became America's new ruling oligarchy. At the time of their merger, these were already well established centers of power and wealth that wielded great amount of influence around the world. Dynastic families like the Rothschilds in particular had already been in business of nation building and nation breaking for a long time.
What ultimately united the two elite groups in the western world was their burning desire to more effectively control humanity and better preserve their acquired wealth and power. Needless to say, arrogance of hereditary power and wealth, or imperial hubris, played and continues to play a major psychological role in this equation.
The reader may find the following somewhat helpful in better understanding this topic as it reveals some insights into the power dynamics at play in Washington DC between Anglo-American imperialists and international globalists -
Historian Webster G. Tarpley on "The Ford Presidency":
“American neoconservatives: a history and overview” Jim Lobe:
Naturally, the war globalists were waging on American society was cultural and psychological, and one specifically designed to reshape American society. In other words, it was a major social engineering effort. Eventually, a cultural revolution of liberal ideals (with emphasis placed on personal freedoms) and a movement promoting racial integration gripped the country starting in the 1950s. Laws favoring the country's African-American population were passed. Schools throughout the country were integrated. And the country's all-powerful entertainment industry, cinema, theater, music and television in particular, began singing the praise of globalist tenets such as liberal democracy, feminism, homosexual rights, recreational sex, recreational drugs, interracialism, multiculturalism and open borders to third world immigration. These liberal concepts were promoted by the globalist social engineers as modernity and humanitarianism; the implication being that not adopting these new values would make one a backward bigot in a rapidly changing world. As such, the United States had become a target of a major social engineering agenda.
Simply put: A lot of money was allocated for all kinds of social agendas conjured up by a select group of influential people in secretive boardrooms across the western world, and put into effect by an arsenal of societal tools under their control.
Their agenda was pushed onto American society mainly by Hollywood films, theater productions, television and radio programming, masonic lodges, socialist organizations, news agencies, print media, popular music, professional sports, celebrities and of course the country's educational system. This is basically how they promoted and disseminated their globalist/neo-Marxist ideas on religion, sexuality, gender, governance, history, human rights, society, family relations, race relations, medicine, culture, immigration, food production, environment, consumerism, abortion, human origins, population control, public health, vaccinations, etc. A new reality and a new way of life was artificially being imposed on American society from above by forces that could not be seen.
Although it can be argued that the roots of globalism goes back to ancient Rome, globalism as we have it today had its genesis in the 19th century. Marxism after all was and continues to be a distinctly globalist/liberal ideology, and it was also used as a sociopolitical tool to destroy the Russian Empire. Forces behind globalism today are essentially the same as those that were behind the rise of Marxism over one hundred years ago. Although globalism existed as a concept in the West, the actual seeds of globalism was planted in western world itself only as a direct consequence of the two very destructive world wars the European continent suffered in the first half of the 20th century. A concerted effort to transform western society was made by globalists only after the world wars.
Being that wars are usually blamed on nationalism (which is an aggressive form of nation identity) and religious conviction (which is an aggressive form of cultural identity), both of which western society had in abundance, by imposing globalist/liberal values onto western society the globalist intent was essentially to prevent another calamity in their backyard, and also to more effectively control humanity and better protect their wealth and power.
It is also my opinion that the number of alpha males (aggressive, ambitious hunter types) a given society produces also has a significant bearing on the politics and social character of that nation. Historically, traditional/patriarchal Caucasian societies (as well as some Asian societies) have produced an abundance of alpha males. Therefore, besides the nationalism and religion noted above, male dominance, breeding (genetic mix) and folk culture (parental upbringing) are also seen as essential factors in determining the nature and character of a given society. Globalists therefore see traditional societies as societies that cannot be easily controlled and societies that are prone to war. Moreover, managing global population size is also a major determining factor in their calculations. There has been a global population explosion in recent decades. This, in their opinion, is putting great stress on global food production, energy production, waste management, disease control, public health and environmental preservation. Globalists see all this as serious long-term problems that need to be solved.
The desire to demasculinize ("soften") males (troublesome Caucasian males in particular), empower minorities in developed nations, transform traditional/patriarchal societies into liberal ones, dumb-down humanity, control society, manage the world's natural resources and lower the world's population may therefore be the motivation behind the globalist agenda to reshape the world through atheism, liberal democracies, genetic engineering, climate engineering, global warming paranoia, militarized police forces, dissemination of opioids, ecumenism, multiculturalism, encouragement of race mixing, gun control, abortion, contraception, open borders, feminism, homosexuality and gender ambiguity -
Cultural Marxism - The Corruption of America:
34 years ago, a KGB defector chillingly predicted modern America
Europe is finished. Nothing can save it now:
The Controlled Collapse of Europe – “Ordo Ab Chao”:
How the New World Order “Globalists” Are Dividing Americans:
Long ago it was therefore known that the easiest way to control any given society was to devoid it of traditional concepts and values. Their wish was to therefore mix races and nations, erase borders, kill religions and blur the lines of gender identity - of course all under an Anglo-American-Jewish supervision. Their ultimate intent is to create an easily controllable hybrid human society that is racially mixed, nationless, borderless, genderless, Godless and drug addicted; and also one that communicates in English, works for western corporations, consumes western products and trades in western currency. Liberal concepts were therefore weaponized and deliberately exported around the world under the guise of modernity and westernization.
Globalists promoted this massive, far reaching and comprehensive social engineering program essentially because it was their vision and creation. Western imperialists for their part promoted it essentially because they had come to appreciate the weaponized forms of liberalism as a powerful tool with which they could penetrate societies around the world. All in all, it was ultimately an effort by the two forces in control to control nations around the world to their preserve wealth, power and influence. The agenda to liberalize and globalize human society in the post-war years became so ubiquitous and so pervasive in the United States itself that it eventually became accepted and/or tolerated by virtually all echelons of power within the country.
As such, there developed a strategic convergence of interests between Anglo-American imperialists and international globalists. It was this convergence of interests, or merger if you will, that got western nations to where they are today. The aforementioned two forces had joined hands and they were not only remodeling nations around the world, they were also remodeling their own societies. By the 1980s, the United States had become the bastion of liberal ideals - coupled with imperial militarism. It was therefore inevitable that political liberalism would became weaponized and exported around the world at the tip of a sharp bayonet. We see this clearly in the agenda pursued by Uncle Sam in recent decades -
Council on Foreign Relations: Democracy-Promotion and U.S. NGOs:
NGOs: The Missionaries of Empire:
US spent $585 million on ‘promoting democracy’ worldwide in past year:
The National Endowment for Democracy, NGOs and the Imperial Uses:
However, the effort to thoroughly remake American society was not totally successful. While large segments of American society was indeed converted to liberalism, a sizable portion still, predominantly those living in the country's heartland, were able to resist what they saw as the virus of liberalism, homosexuality, abortion, interracialism, multiculturalism and open-borders. By the new millennia, White Americans had begun waking up to realize that the United States had changed drastically while they slept comfortably and that they were now on the fast path to actually becoming a minority in a country their forefathers had founded some 250 years ago. By the dawn of the new millennia, a situation was created in the country in which White America began feeling it was in danger and under assault.
This political reawakening among White Americans particularly in the country's heartland significantly heightened after Barack Obama's election in 2008 as the country's first negro president. A sort of enclave mentality and an awareness to preserve White heritage emerged in pockets throughout the United States in recent years. And in 2016, White America suddenly saw its survival in a Trump presidency -
It Was Cultural Anxiety That Drove White, Working-Class Voters to Trump:
How Trump Exposed America’s White Identity Crisis:
Pew Research Center: Behind Trump’s victory: Divisions by race, gender, education:
Does White America Fear Black Equality? The Economic Forces Behind Trump’s Win:
Two thirds of Trump voters viewed the election as Americas last chance:
How Trump Happened: Racism Against Barack Obama:
Charlottesville And The Rise Of White Identity Politics:
Virgil: Trump’s Nationalist Vision vs. the Gospel of Globalism:
The social engineering of the past fifty-plus years and political processes that were started some two years ago when President Trump first announced his presidential candidacy has turned the country into an ideological, political, cultural and racial battlefield once again. On this modern battlefield, old America, those trying to keep the country's White, Conservative, Christian heritage in-tact, is trying to resist the new America, those trying to transform the country into a liberal, racially diverse and multicultural melting-pot. If in the past new comers to the Unites States were expected to assimilate into the country's traditional White-Anglo-American-Protestant civilization, today, it may be the exact reverse: old America itself is being expected to melt into the country's multiracial, multicultural, multi-denominational melting-pot.
White America's survival is being threatened for the first time in the country's history. In a few decades, Whites in the United States will become a minority in the country their forefathers founded. The following articles, a small sampling of related articles, lies at the very heart of the political problems we are witnessing in the United States today. And this, in my opinion, is what is historically unprecedented in what is going on in the country -
Trump Can't Reverse the Decline of White Christian America:
Missing the WASPs:
Revising US history through WASP-tinted glasses:
Why Wasps are an endangered species in the US:
White Protestants, your monopoly is over:
Multiracial in America Proud, Diverse and Growing in Numbers:
Latino, black and Asian populations grow while white families have less children:
Working class white Americans are now dying in middle age at faster rates than minority groups:
The year White people will become a minority in America has been declared:
White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it:
I'm not in any way a fan of the country's WASPs. However, for the sake of objectivity and in an attempt to be intellectually honest, I am going restrain my personal biases towards them and refrain from passing moral judgments. The fact is, the United States, a country looked up to by much of the world for a very long time, was founded by the country's WASP ruling class. The country, a relatively humble republic with enlightened ideals at first (albeit backed by French Masonry), become a global superpower and a civilizational epicenter essentially because of them. Everything humanity loved (and hated) about the United States was a result of the country's WASP pedigree. When one puts aside their many sins, a simple fact stands out: The nation WASPs created and fought to expand became the political and cultural epicenter of the world, as well as its financial and economic locomotive. In essence, WASPs created the new Rome people around the world either envied or wanted to live in. At the very least, they need to be given full credit for that.
The WASP ruling class began losing their power when they become too complacent as a result of their 200-plus years of successes. Over two centuries of almost uninterrupted economic growth, with no natural predators on any of its two borders and protected by two massive oceans on its flanks, Americans discovered an abundant and carefree lifestyle. But a carefree life brings about complacency and arrogance. And complacency, as well as imperial hubris, is a destroyer of empires. Simply put: The good life helped make White America an easy target of social engineers. Today, WASPs are no longer in control in Washington DC and the country's WASP demographic is in a steep decline. In this historic battle between the old and new America, the new America has a distinct advantage because, as noted above, there has already been drastic cultural and demographic changes in the United States during the past 50-plus years.
In my opinion, a non-White America, which is as I pointed out is not too far away, will be a mere shadow of its former self. In my opinion, a non-White America will not be nearly as orderly, nearly as politically powerful, nearly as economically competitive or nearly as culturally vibrant or influential. The evolution of a new United States should be a concern for all of humanity because the United States today permeates all aspects of modern human society. How future cultural, political and economic changes in the United States will impact human civilization and global affairs will remain to be seen.
To sum it up: International globalists in tandem with Anglo-American imperialists have been attempting to create a hybrid human society where traditional family values is discarded, ethnocentrism/nationalism is rejected, borders are erased, and where men are more like women and women are more like men. In the process of this historic makeover, America got stolen. America got stolen while "White Americans" were too drunk, too high and too preoccupied with sex, television, shopping or baseball to notice it. And somewhere along the line, significant numbers of Whites in the United States became infected with a mental virus known as White Guilt. White guilt, which brings about self-hate, lies at the very core of why White Americans today are acting self-destructive. What else would make them vandalize their historic monuments in this manner?
Going forward, White America, as well as western Europe, will be paying a heavy price for its self-hate, atheism, liberalism, materialism, drug abuse, sexual perversions and political apathy. While on a personal level I would much prefer a White America over a non-White America, I cannot in all honest feel very bad for White America. After all, it was them, by their freewill that got themselves into the deadly quagmire they are in today. While social engineers of liberalism and globalism did indeed help pave the way of their demise, it was ultimately White Americans themselves that allowed it all to happen. They therefore have no one but themselves to blame. Increasing numbers of them are beginning to realize this, but it may be too late.
I want my fellow Armenians to finally wake-up and understand that the western world today is living off its past glory. I want my fellow Armenians to finally realize that long gone are the days of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Arthur Schopenhauer, Dante, Voltaire, Niccolo Machiavelli, Victor Hugo, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, William Shakespeare, Baron de Montesquieu, Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, Vasco de Gama, Eric the Red, Harald Hardrada, Charlemagne, Saint Louis the king of France, Richard the Lionheart, Claude Debussy, Antonio Lucio Vivaldi, Gioachino Rossini, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Sebastian Bach, Rembrandt, Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet, Jaque Louis David, Antoni Gaudí, Claude Nicolas Ledoux, Louis Le Vau, Filippo Brunelleschi, Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Leonardo Da Vinci, Giotto di Bondone, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Johannes Lepsius, Carl von Clausewitz, Otto von Bismark, Napoléon Bonaparte, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Charles de Gaulle, Joan of Arc, John Calvin, Martin Luther, Saint Hildegard of Bingen and Saint Francis of Assisi. I want my fellow Armenians to finally realize that long gone are the days of the Crusades, Renaissance, Reformation, Romanticism and Enlightenment. Classical western/European civilization is all but dead today. In 1790, world famous Irish philosopher and statesman Edmund Burke wrote in his "Reflections on the French Revolution" the following -
"The age of chivalry is gone. That of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded; and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever"Classical European civilization did indeed fall terminally ill as a result of the French Revolution. If I had to put an exact date of its demise, it would be 1815, the year Emperor Napoléon Bonaparte was defeated by a coalition of forces led by Britain. The French defeat at Waterloo essentially heralded the rise of the Anglo-American-Jewish era humanity is living in today. Consequently, today, Conchita Wurst and the Kardashians are perhaps the western world's most recognizable characters. In today's Europe, young Muslim immigrants are being taught how to have safe sex. In today's Europe, Muhammad is one of the most popular names given to male infants. In today's Europe, Pussy Riot is what women's freedom is all about. In today's Europe, mentally deranged individuals are celebrated as musicians. In today's Europe, being gay, lesbian and transgender is something to be publicly celebrated. In today's Europe, Christianity is dead. In today's Europe, the most powerful institutions are Anglo-American-Jewish owned banks and corporations. Today, western Europe and north America have become multi-ethnic theme parks who's glory days are in the past and who's future looks bleak.
I want Armenians to finally understand that the western world became wealthy and powerful, and the envy of people around the world, as a direct consequence of the western world's imperial pursuits (including major world wars, mass scale human exploitation and genocide); western society's marshal spirit; western people's devotion to the Christian church; western citizen's respect for the law; western society's artistic genius; and western world's scientific innovation. And now, the western world is dying because of its liberalism, atheism, multiculturalism, interracialism, social change, civil society, open borders, feminism, sex tourism, gay rights, etc.
I hope westernized Armenians will begin to realize what many eastern Europeans and a growing number of conservative Americans are beginning to understand, that the Russian nation is the only hope of salvation Christian and European civilization has today. More importantly, I hope Armenians of Armenia's "democracy" and "civic society" movements, many of whom are directly funded by George Soros, have been closely observing the utter corruption and criminality of those who have been encouraging them to foment revolution in their homeland.
I'd like to address another fundamentally important matter here: White America, or Europeans for that matter, still seems unable to fully understand who or what its main problem has been and continues being. White America's problem has never been Blacks or Hispanics (who are just as much a part of the American landscape as Whites) per se; it's not even Muslims, who are in fact the least of America's worries today. White America's main problem, it's main corrosive force, is organized Jewry or, as it is sometimes called, international Jewry.
I am not talking about the individual Shlomo on the street, I'm essentially talking about collective Jewry. I am not talking about the individual living cell, which can be good or bad as with any other cell, but the collection of living cells, the entire organ if you will, and the way it naturally functions. Similar to how Bolshevism was proliferated by organized Jewry in Germany and Russia a century ago, today's neo-Marxist movements - globalism and liberalism in the western world - are being led mostly by Jews. But that is not to say Jews don't also have great influence and control over conservative movements in the United States and Europe. More on organized Jewry later in this commentary.
I'd like to add here that historically European Whites have been genetically and culturally predisposed to blindly follow leaders, fully commit themselves to one ideological cause or another and love adventure. Genetically and culturally, European Whites in general are also innovative, orderly and they understand civic responsibility; but they are also somewhat violent, simpleminded and susceptible to sexual perversions and substance abuse. The manipulation and exploitation of these traits have helped the European elite in places like Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Britain, Sweden, Holland, Germany and Russia conquer the world during the past one thousand years. The United States itself became a global hegemon essentially because of its European (mostly Germanic) heritage. By altering and/or redirecting the traits, talents, convictions, ambitions, aggression, attention and energy of White Americans through a very carefully designed societal indoctrination, what the country's ruling elite was essentially doing was using the very nature of White Americans against White America.
Allow me to put it in another way: While in the past American Whites passionately, aggressively and often blindly pursued God, country and family - today large segments of the same demographic have been made to essentially pursue "sex, drugs and rock and roll". In other words, White Americans have been deliberately made to pursue things that are actually causing the decline of American (and western) civilization, and they are doing so just as passionately and just as aggressively as their grandfathers pursued values that led to America's rise as a global power. How else can one explain why Whites themselves today are vandalizing monuments to their forefathers?
Healthy societies understand that tearing down monuments is an act of barbarism. In this case, however, the barbarism in question is self-inflicted. Americans are vandalizing themselves. Americans are tearing themselves apart. What has been happening to American society during the past fifty-plus years is a classic example of mass-scale social engineering; the manipulation and exploitation of a people's genetic and cultural traits towards long-term political purposes. But, as I noted above, their efforts to thoroughly assimilate White America has not been a total success. Large segments of American society continue to cling on to traditional values, and an increasing number are also beginning to wake up politically. But, overall, White America today remains divided and weak, and the country will be paying the price as a result.
Americans, on both sides of the political divide are getting politically active. American society is becoming increasingly polarized and Americans are becoming increasingly rigid and intolerant in their political convictions. The government, as well as the so-called Deep State, seem equally divided. At times it feels like this Deep State is at war with itself. At times it feels like the entire country is at war with itself. At times it feels like government insiders are pulling the stings. At times it feels like President Trump is a hostage in the White House. This is all unprecedented.
Nevertheless, President Trump's rise to power in the United States has forever changed the nature and character of American culture and political discourse. President Trump's detractors are right in the sense that he is a very divisive character. Division being sown in American society today by the President Trump's appearance on the political stage will bare bad fruit for a very long time to come; and may even one day be the underlying reason for the country's collapse. One thing however is certain, Uncle Sam's image has been dealt a mortal blow. Events of the past few years has forever shattered the American empire's much prized fable and mystique; its semblance of invincibility and exceptionalism. There is no going back. The United States today is just another overgrown and utterly corrupt empire with serious internal and external troubles. All in all, it has been an amazing period in the country's history. The next four-to-eight years will no doubt be decisive for its future, as it promises be a period of uncertainty, societal divisions, political instability and economic troubles. The foreseeable future may therefore be pivotal, historic, unpredictable and dangerous.
I do not think the Trump camp expected things could be this bad. Every one of their initiatives has been under relentless and multi-directional assault from a number of fronts at home and abroad. They have obsessively gone after every single one of President Trump's policies. They have obsessively gone after every single one of President Trump's advisers. They are doing their best to ruin Russian-American relations. They are doing their best to raise racial tensions. They are doing their best to pressure President Trump into inaction. It has essentially been a struggle between old America and new America, as well as perhaps a struggle between globalists and nationalists. Through it all, the Trump administration's alleged ties to Russia has been at the forefront of the now historic political spectacle unraveling in the United States. The country's ruling elite have once again managed to convince the American street that Russia is their enemy. It's all being done to undermine the Trump presidency and preserve the status quo in Washington DC -
Scapegoating Russia to Justify Endless War:
The Mysterious Death of Seth Rich - One America News Network 26 Minute Documentary:
Republican Who Sought Clinton Emails Did Not Die of Natural Causes:
It's as if the country's entire political system went into panic and shock with the election of a man claiming to want to advance conservative and nationalistic policies in Washington DC. They have gone after President Trump relentlessly and mercilessly. This has some political observers asking -
Michel Chossudovsky: Will the Trump Presidency Prevail?:
Former Trump adviser Steven Bannon answered the question posed above in a recent interview: "The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over". In other words, the Deep State is winning the struggle in the White House. However, if we are to also believe that the Deep State is divided within itself (which is something I personally do believe in) then we may conclude that it's merely the side opposing the Trump presidency that is currently winning. In which case, the internal battle within the Deep State may not yet be over. In any case, in the bigger picture, it does not matter if President Trump is serving certain elements within the Deep State or is being attacked by the entire Deep State. Ultimately, what matters is that the American president today is for the most part a hostage of the country's political and financial establishment. As predicted, President Donald Trump and his backers never had a chance to be independent and even if they truly wanted, they will never be able to drain the so-called swamp.Does Trump Have Fortitude To Take On And Defeat Deep State?
As I have mentioned on many previous occasions, the American empire is too large, too wealthy, too powerful, too global, too multicultural and too set in its imperial ways to willingly change direction to any significant degree. Despite President Trump's stated wishes and the country's external luster and boasts of excellence and exceptionalism, the country is actually seriously ill. The United States is in a civilizational decline. The sociopolitical unrest we see in the country is merely a symptom of all this. The country's aliment is thus internal and could therefore one day prove terminal. Instead of seeking true cures for the country's many ailments, imperial officials continue seeking confrontations around the world. Instead of genuinely seeking ways to stop the country's decline, the system is now vandalizing itself. Russia, China, Iran or North Korea are not America's enemies. In my opinion, America should fear itself -
Rather Than Russia, America Should Fear Itself:
Special Ops general: The government is in 'unbelievable turmoil':
Here’s A List Of All The Monuments Liberals Want To Tear Down So Far:
Transgenderism and America's Civilization’s Decline:
America’s Civilizational Paralysis:
Ex-DEA agent: Opioid crisis fueled by drug industry and Congress:
The Dumbing Down of America – By Design:
Noam Chomsky: America is an empire in decline:
The Coming Financial Bubble: Why It May Be The Worst Of All:
Can American Democracy Survive Against Rising Political Corruption and Privatization?:
U.S. secessionist movements gather attention:
The “Elite” Coup against US President-Elect Trump?:
Divided States of America: 'US is multiple nations, good idea to break it up’:
10 ways America has come to resemble a banana republic:
Top Individual Contributors: All Federal Contributions:
“We are in a revolutionary moment”: Chris Hedges explains why an uprising is coming:
Paul Craig Roberts Asks "Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them?":
America's Civil War II:
The source of America's political polarization? It's us:
America’s opioid epidemic is worsening:
The Hidden Enemy: Psychiatry:
Mass Shootings in America Are Spreading Like a Disease:
Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMO's:
Fear American Complacency, Not China:
Nearly 1 in 5 Americans Suffers From Mental Illness Each Year:
“Intelligent people know that the empire is on the downhill”: Ray McGovern:
Are We Fiddling While Rome Burns?:
Nevertheless, one thing is for sure, the United States definitely seems to be the subject or victim of some major sociopolitical agenda.
After all, forces we do not see were behind other major world events such as the rise of the Anglo-American-Jewish world order, the fall of the Russian Empire, the rise and fall of Nazi Germany and the rise and fall of the Soviet Union. Such forces were also behind the economic rise of China; the creation of the European Union; the proliferation of liberalism in the western world; the advent of genetically modified foods; and the propagation of climate change awareness. Have these forces of global engineering fully turned their attention to the United States? Are there powerful special interests inside the United States trying to reshape the country? Is President Trump courageously fighting against these forces, or is he ultimately part of the agenda?
Although there have been dire predictions like civil unrest and major financial collapse or even total societal collapse for the United States in recent years, no one could predict the kind of internal political strife we are seeing today. All of a sudden, the United States, the oldest, the most powerful and the wealthiest "democracy" on earth is actually beginning to look like a very troubled Banana Republic. The country has transformed into a nation of diametrically opposed forces. For the first time in America history tens-of-thousands of Americans have taken to the streets on inauguration day of all days to angrily proclaim that they don't recognize their duly elected president. The hate expressed for the president has taken on forms never seen before. The Trump presidency has been under ruthless attacks by the mainstream news media. Organized groups with opposing views are emerging all around the country. Another economic collapse may be brewing. Political tensions, racial tensions and anti-Americanism are even emerging in professional sports. More recently, a movement to vandalize monuments and rewrite American history has also begun. American society is in a historic flux.
What happened on President Trump's inauguration day early in the year and what happened more recently in Charlottesville, Virginia suggests one thing: A lot of the tensions we are seeing is being orchestrated from somewhere above, and top level law enforcement officials may even be involved. It is increasingly becoming obvious that somebody, somewhere wants to see instability in the United States. There seems to be special interests, on both sides of the political fissure, seeking to aggravate the situation at hand.
There hasn't been this much political tension and infighting inside Washington DC since the Civil War 150 years ago. American society has not looked this divided since the 1960s. White America is clearly in decline. Non-White America is clearly on the rise. The violent demonstrations we are seeing organized against President Trump are specifically designed to stifle free speech and stoke racial tensions. President Trump's opposition also includes members of his own political party. What happened in Washington DC on the president's inauguration day and in Berkley College soon thereafter, and what happened in Charlottesville more recently, is the first time in fifty years that mass-scale politically motivated violence has gone public in the United States, and seems to be encouraged from above. Some of what is going on in the country is actually unprecedented in its 250 year old history.
Regarding Charlottesville, where the two protesting sides came armed and ready for combat, I'd like to point out to the reader that such types of violent demonstrations do not happen due to official oversight or mere chance. Such types of violence are almost always pre-planned and they almost always have behind-the-scenes support. Sometimes it's special interests working behind closed doors to foment violence, sometimes it's officials themselves, sometimes it's a combination of the two.
Law enforcement agencies, be it the FBI or local police, knew very well what was about to happen in Charlottesville on August 12 because clashes between the two opposing groups of protesters had actually started on the night before. If they really want to stop the Nazi-wannabees or neo-Bolshevik thugs calling themselves Antifa from rioting they could have easily arrested the ringleaders the night before. Or, as we have seen them do on countless previous occasions, officials could have deployed large numbers of riot police to violently quell any form of unrest. We have seen just how violent police forces can be in the United States. But on August 11 and 12, protesters from both sides were allowed to gather, armed for combat nonetheless, and nothing was done by law enforcement to stop violence and vandalism that followed. I'd like to remind the reader once more that the United State is a highly militarized police state and security services permeates all aspects of American life these days. Moreover, every political group in existence in the country today has government informants and/or is under constant government surveillance. I therefore refuse to believe that law enforcement officials were caught off guard. It was exceedingly obvious that the opposing groups in Charlottesville were essentially encouraged to clash by those who were there to stop them from doing so. The protesters and counter-protesters were therefore being manipulated into violence. In my opinion, this was done for the sole purpose of putting pressure on President Trump and making his support base look like a bunch of Nazis -
Media blames Charlottesville riot on Trump:
Charlottesville's violent clashes reminiscent of 1930s American Nazi rallies at MSG:
Prominent figures have made dire predictions about the country in recent years. These predictions of doom and gloom noticeably increased after Donald Trump won the presidency. And speaking of somebody, somewhere wanting unrest, the reader may recall that in 2012 George Soros predicted riots and turmoil for the United States. It should therefore not surprise anyone that the billionaire investor and social engineer in service of globalists is directly involved in the unrest taking place in the United States -
George Soros on the Coming U.S. Class War:
Soros-fronted orgs among groups calling for anti-Trump protests:
The Clintons and Soros Launch America’s Purple Revolution:
George Soros and Antifa - What is their endgame?:
“Ordo Ab Chao” George Soros’s Plan For America Exposed:
Soros' Ideology Exposed: A Post-Modern, Post-Family, Post-Border New World Order:
The secret financial network behind 'wizard' George Soros:
Organizations Funded By George Soros And His Open Society Foundations:
A case in point: Unless the following is a by-product of people's intuition or wishful thinking, it may very well be a clue that there were informed people preparing for the 2016 election fiasco in the United States. The following websites have been announcing Vladimir Putin's presidential run in the United States since 2013 -
Putin will run for president of the U.S. in 2016!:
Putin for U.S. President in 2016:
"A spirit of instability in government will cause [citizens] to lose confidence in public institutions. When citizens lose basic faith in their government, it leads to corrosive cynicism and the acceptance of conspiracy theories. Movements and individuals once considered fringe become mainstream, while previously responsible figures decamp to fever swamps. One result is that the informal and unwritten rules of political and human interaction, which are at the core of civilization, are undone. There is such a thing as democratic etiquette; when it is lost, the common assumptions that allow for compromise and progress erode. In short, chaotic leadership can inflict real trauma on political and civic culture". - Senior Fellow at Ethics and Public Policy center and served in three Republican administrations, Peter WehnerThe wisdom we read above was traditionally reserved, and jealously so, only for western nations. As the reader can see, westerners know all too well the crucial importance of political stability and the preservation of certain political and cultural myths for a nation's long-term health and progress. This is exactly why western powers have done their best to make sure such stability does not exist in nations that are not under their boot. They had until very recently successfully protected their political stability and the perception that all was well. Today, this is changing. Today, it is people in positions of power in the United States itself that are now deliberately trying to foment instability in the country. This is a drastic and unprecedented departure from the past, it is also a sign that a serious internal struggle is taking place. Amazingly, the chickens, as they say, are coming home to roost and Uncle Sam is finally getting a little taste of his own medicine.
After decades of subjecting nations around the world to sociopolitical unrest, the United States itself now seems to be the subject of a major sociopolitical makeover. All this is coming at a time of another serious economic/financial bubble. This makes the country specially vulnerable. With political and societal instability at an all-time high, the country may face a very serious ordeal when the economic/financial bubble inevitably bursts once again. All in all, the much touted system has finally lost its mystique and growing numbers of Americans are beginning to question their government and doubt themselves -
What the 1% Don't Want You to Know:
Americans are losing faith in democracy - and in each other:
Americans Don’t Trust Their Institutions Anymore:
How hackers eroded Americans' trust in democratic process:
From Trump to Brexit: Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World:
Speaking of the sun and the United States, was the recent solar eclipse more than just a natural phenomenon?
Are natural occurrences, like the solar eclipse, earthquakes, wildfires and hurricanes the region has been inflicted with recently foreboding signs from above? Students of esoterism may say yes. According to esoteric school of thought, all things that are ordained in higher realms have to come to pass on lower realms. There are powers at play around us that we mere mortals are simply incapable of fully understanding. The sources of these powers may be earthly or heavenly, or some combination of both. An unseen hand nevertheless often guides the course of history. Major world events are often foretold. Prophets, oracles, psychics, clairvoyants and mediums - of course the very few genuine ones that exist or have existed - are essentially those who have the gift to tap into or established some degree of connection with the supernatural world. Think of the physical world as a solid reflection or a biological interpretation of the spiritual world. Therefore, what we see in the natural world has its parallel or reflection in the supernatural world. And there indeed are those among us that have the ability or the gift to tap into the other side.
Natural phenomenon have for ages been seen as harbingers of change. And indeed, great turning points in history have often been foreshadowed by prophetic predictions and/or foreshadowed by rare celestial occurrences. Whether we realize it or not celestial signs do have meaning; they just need to be better understood. Such signs therefore can have bearing on our lives, whether we believe in them or not. Whether we believe it or not, we humans are often influenced or guided (or misguided for that matter) by forces and energies, both good and evil, we do not see or comprehend. This is especially true for major figures in history. Once every so often, usually during pivotal times, an individual as if suddenly comes out of obscurity and changes the entire course of world history in a short period of time. This does not happen by chance. In fact, nothing of importance in our universe or in the physical world we live in happens by mere chance.
If one hundred years ago a solar eclipse could have signaled the defeat of old world empires and the rise of the modern American era, could the same today be a sign of its downfall?
I asked the reader to therefore be open to spirituality and watch for signs, be they heavenly or earthy, as collapse is something all empire's suffer inevitably. History is a witness. History is in fact a graveyard for many once powerful civilizations. History and time are also circular. Therefore, if history seems to repeat itself, it's because it does. In other words, we have been here before, we have gone through all this before, albeit under different awarenesses and time periods. Make no mistake about it, the American empire, the reincarnation of ancient Rome, will fall one day. It's merely a matter of time. While we may still be very far from that day, we are currently traveling on a road that will eventually lead to that day.
There have been enormous tectonic shifts is global politics that have been seriously challenging the post-war's Anglo-American-Jewish world order. For over a decade now United States has been suffering setbacks both at home and abroad. There is cultural decay throughout the western world. From the very beginning, Donald Trump's appearance on the political stage in the United States had a feel of foreboding destiny. From day one, Donald Trump was an enigmatic character. Did higher powers (worldly or otherwise) facilitate his rise to power? Is there a greater task he is expected to full-fill? I do not and will never know the answers to such questions. But I do know for certain that major world events don't happen by chance. Therefore, in my opinion, the Trump presidency was meant to be, for better or for worst, and it may have been foreseen one hundred years ago.
A psychic or a clairvoyant can take the form of a peasant, a saint, a witch, a philosopher, a writer, an intellectual, an astrologer, etc. There have been many such examples throughout history. Of those, Saint John the Clairvoyant, Michel Nostradamus, George Orwell and Baba Vanga readily come to mind. I would like to point out that predictions made by such individuals may at times seem inaccurate or simply too fantastic. This is because in prophesy or in clairvoyance, messages or visions that come through can get altered or misinterpreted during the course of their transmission or translation. Therefore, more often than not, prophesy is realized more in the overall spirit of a foreseen event than in the actually letter or wording of the prediction itself. With that said, was a little known author in the late 19th century another example of what I am referring to? Did Ingersoll Lockwood predict the Trump presidency? Even the most cynical of minds may find the following eerily compelling -
Did an author from the 1800s predict the Trumps, Russia and America's downfall?:
‘Donald Trump will be the LAST president’ Prophecy claims eclipse marks COLLAPSE of the US:
Regardless of whether we like him or not, we must admit that Donald Trump is an enigmatic character and one of the most divisive presidents in American political history. Some of what's been happening in the United States actually reminds me of the Soviet Union's last years. Which brings up an inevitable question: Is the Trump administration struggling against the globalist agenda for the United States, or is it part of the said agenda?
In other words: Is Donald Trump America's version of Mikhail Gorbachev (i.e. tasked with downsizing or restructuring the American empire) or is he a selfless patriot independently (with help from elements within the Deep State) trying to save the United States from a similar fate that was met by the Soviet Union? Thus far, a case can be made for both arguments in my opinion, but time will ultimately answer this question.
American civilization is a reflection of Jewish character. Allow me to explain. No talk on western society or politics or economy or foreign policy would be complete without also addressing the near total control Jews have over the western world. Today, the western world has become a sociological test-tube for organized Jewry and the playground for the Jewish elite. Virtually all American politicians - both Democrat and Republican - eat from Jewish hands. Jewish money finances both sides of the political spectrum in the US. They do this to essentially have a firm footing in any given political discourse. Which is why I say: You may think you are on the left, you may think you are on the right, the reality of the matter however is that you are on 'their' side regardless of what side you think you are on. They have managed to infiltrate all layers of government in the United States and turn the country into their political vehicle and financial playground. The process was started individuals over one hundred years ago -
Who Stole America?:
There is power in numbers. The Jewish community is not as small as they would like non-Jews to believe. Because large numbers of Jews populate and control many important fields, both public and private, their influence over society is inevitable and can come about quite naturally. Moreover, because of their breeding, religious beliefs, parental upbringing and the traumatic experiences they have had in their history, Jews by nature have an affinity towards tribalism, self-preservation, wealth preservation, political activism, liberalism, feminism, atheism, socialism, internationalism, cosmopolitanism and sexual perversions. Needless to say, they also tend to be anti-Christian, anti-Muslim, anti-German, anti-Russian, as well as financially driven, professionally ambitious and ideologically motivated. So, when large numbers of them end up in positions of power, they quite naturally end up transposing their inner feelings, tastes and personal outlooks into their fields of expertise. And their professional fields range from Satanism to pharmaceuticals to finance. This is the real reason behind their far-reaching influence.
This is why virtually everything Americans (and by extension the global community) are exposed to today - be it the country's ideas on sex, religion and race, educational system, financial system, political system, legal system, stock market, cinema, television, radio, theater, professional sports, celebrities, pornography, fashion, pop music, political pundits, think tanks, news agencies, atheism, literature, science, medicine, psychology, etc. - gets to them filtered through a Jewish prism -
Jews In The American Media:
Six Jewish Companies Own 96% of the World’s Media :
In any case, regardless of how its done or why its done, the fact is American society continues to be manipulated and indoctrinated by Jews. The following is a case in point. A sharp witted Jew (who claims to be a Christian) produces a documentary mocking religion, but Christians and Christianity in particular -
Larry David Urinates on Painting of Jesus Christ:
Sarah Silverman says "I would kill Christ again":
Douglas Rushkoff: the thing that makes judaism dangerous: ttps://
This ownership of well-dressed whores in Washington gives racist/genocidal Jewish leaders like Ariel Sharon and Bibi Netanyahu the audacity or better yet the "chutzpah" to publicly claim "Jews control America" and arrogantly wag the finger at the American president - while standing in front of a standing ovation in the U.S. Congress nonetheless!
Being that Hillary Clinton was backed by the Jewish left, Donald Trump's camp embraced the Jewish right simply to have a realistic shot at the presidency. It worked. It worked essentially because tens-of-millions of disgruntled White, Christian conservatives concentrated mainly in the country's heartland (also known as the Heartland or Middle America) were fed-up with Obama/Clinton camp's Jewish-led left wing, ultra-liberal and globalist policies. Middle America was either too dumb to realize that Donald Trump was aligned with right wing conservative Jews... or they simply thought that embracing Zionist Jews posing as right wing conservatives was the better option for Donald Trump's "America first" agenda.
This all affirms that Jews today are America's ruling elite. Therefore, regardless of what side you think you are on, you are on their side. In short, similar to how it was in pre-war Germany, the United States has become their cultural, financial and political epicenter. I don't think Jews have ever been as powerful or as influential as they are today. Their influence over western civilization (and thus the world) is so near complete that they have been quite candid about themselves in public -
Is America The Promised Land For Jews?:
USA: The Jewish promised land:
Don’t Confuse America With the Promised Land:
Promised Land, Golden Land: Why Jewish Survival Depends on Both Israel and America:
Douglas Rushkoff: "the thing that makes judaism dangerous":
Ariel Sharon: We, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it”:
Bill Maher says Jews run the USA:
Jews DO Control The Media:
Jews In The American Media:
An Empire of Their Own How the Jews Invented Hollywood:
Psychotherapy's Jewish Roots:
Jewish Extremists' Leader: Christians Are 'Blood Sucking Vampires' Who Should Be Expelled From Israel:
Jewishpress: Neo Nazis Publish List of ‘Donald Trump’s Jewish Cabal’:
Clinton campaign tally shows 5 top donors are Jewish:
7 Big-Bucks Jewish Donors Like Sheldon Adelson Lead Trump Inauguration Committee:
Meet the Jews in Donald Trump’s inner circle:
Trump is headed to the White House. Did we just elect our first Jewish president?:
The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history:
“American neoconservatives: a history and overview” Jim Lobe:
Before the Holocaust, Ottoman Jews supported the Armenian genocide’s ‘architect’:
Jerusalem Judge to Jews: Don't Spit On Christians:
In ‘Circus of Books,’ a nice Jewish couple finds success in gay porn:
Nathan Abrams on Jews in the American porn industry:
Why France celebrated a well-known pedophile:
Mossad Used Jeffrey Epstein to Blackmail Politicians, Former Israeli Spy Claims:
Henry Morgentaler, 90, Dies; Abortion Defender in Canada:
Israel admits forcibly injecting Ethiopian Jews with Depo-Provera:
Netanyahu aide says Boston bombing, 9/11 are good for Israel:
The Wall Street Journal: "Today's Jews are Khazars, Not the Ancient Israelites":
Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan reveals past as secret agent:
Harvey Weinstein’s Army of Israeli Spies:
Stain's Jews: We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish:,7340,L-3342999,00.html
IDF Sniper Admits On Instagram To Murdering 13 Gaza Children:
Israeli Professor: 'We Could Destroy All European Capitals':
NYT's Krugman Accuses Netanyahu of 'Wagging the Dog' Before Election:
Billionaire Sheldon Adelson: Trump likely to be 'best president for Israel ever':
Sarah Silverman says "I would kill Christ again":
"The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks":
Mocking Jesus on Israeli TV:
'McJesus' Art Exhibit:
Larry David Urinates on Painting of Jesus Christ:
Israeli Minister: "We always use the anti-Semitism trick or bring up the Holocaust":
Why we must always ‘use’ the Holocaust :
Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years:
Ralph Schoenman: The Hidden History of Zionism:
The Holocaust Industry - Interview with Norman Finkelstein:
Yes, just like their Anglo-American hosts, Jews, despite their power today, are also in decline. Just like a parasite that kills its host, very often it also kills itself. There is no doubt that eventually organized Jewry will lose its global influence. But, not anytime soon. Their Anglo-American host, the collective body they live in, remain, as of yet, very large, very wealthy and still very vulnerable to their manipulations. Unlike Russia in the late 19th century and Germany in the early 20th century, when Russians and Germans used nationalism and religion to rally resistance against organized Jewry, Anglo-Americans today are defenseless against organized Jewry. The western world has essentially been stripped of God, family and country; western society is too liberal and too diverse; levers of control in the western world remain firmly in Jewish hands. Therefore, the Anglo-American world will not be able to mount a resistance. Having already fallen ill, the Anglo-American host will eventually die. That may be the only way to kill or significantly weaken organized Jewry. Nevertheless, there will be a global backlash against Jews once more. Wiser ones among them are beginning to see the writing on the wall -
Israel's worst existential threat - and it is not a nuclear Iran:
Hawks soaring after Bannon's departure:
Why Bannon lost and the globalists won:
The Revolution Betrayed:
Clinton campaign tally shows 5 top donors are Jewish:
7 Big-Bucks Jewish Donors Like Sheldon Adelson Lead Trump Inauguration Committee:
Many of the country's most beloved conservative icons today, like Michael Weiner aka Michael Savage, Matt Drudge and Ben Shapiro, and liberal icons, like Bernie Sanders, Bill Maher Noam Chomsky, Christopher Hitchens and Amy Goodman are Jews. Well, so are many of the country's major political players, like Rahm Emanuel, Chuck Schumer, Frank Lautenberg, Al Franken, Adam Schiff, Joe Liberman, Paul Wolfowitz, Dianne Feinstein, Michele Bachmann and Debbie Wasserman Schultz. So are many of the country's senior diplomats, like Henry Kissinger, Madeleine Albright and Victoria Nuland. So are many the country's Supreme Court Justices, like Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. So are many of the country's most sought after political philosophers, experts and commentators, like Thomas Friedman, Charles Krauthammer, Daniel Pipes, John Bolton, Paul Krugman, George Friedman, Alan Dershowitz, Ben Stein, Leo Strauss, Robert Kagan, Irving Kristol, William Kristol and Michael Boot. So are many of the country's major political donors, like Sheldon Adelson, Tom Steyer, Haim Saban, Jay Pritzker, Carl Icahn, Donald Sussman, Lewis Eisenberg and George Soros. So are many of the country's most powerful lobbying organizations, like AIPAC, Hadassah, AJC, B'nai B'rith and ADL. So are many of the country most influential news hosts, like Larry King, Ted Koppel, Geraldo Rivera and Wolf Blitzer. So are many of the country's media moguls, like Gerald Levin, Steve Ross, Michael Eisner, Leslie Moonves, Rupert Murdoch, Bob Iger, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Michael Bloomberg and Mortimer Zuckerman. So are many of the country's businessmen, philanthropists and real estate moguls, like Charles Kushner, Eli Broad, Donald Bren, Leonard Stern, Richard LeFrak, Larry Silverstein Abraham Feinberg and Sam Zell. So are many of the country's most powerful bankers, economists, investors and financiers, like Jacob Rothschild, Lloyd Blankfein, Ben Shalom Bernanke, Benjamin M Friedman, and Janet Yellen. So are many of the country's Hollywood moguls, Arnon Milchan, Jonathan Glickman, Ari Emanuel, and Harvey Weinstein. So are many of the country's most successful film directors, like Steven Spielberg, Woody Allen and Stanley Kubrick. S0 are many of the country's best liked comedians, like David Letterman, Paul Reubens and Jon Stewart. So are the country's best liked singers, like Bob Dylan, Billy Joel and Barbara Streisand. So are many of the country's most beloved smut-peddlers, like Hugh Hefner, Al Goldstein, Lary Flint, Howard Stern and Jerry Springer. So are some of the country's most powerful IT moguls, like Mark Zuckerberg. So are some of the country's top satanists, like Anton LaVey and Malcolm Jarry. So are some of the country's best known pedophiles, like Jeffrey Epstein and James Levine. So are some of the country's best known homosexuals, like Masha Gessen. So are some of the country's most prolific abortionists, like Henry Morgentaler. So are some of the country's most powerful drug pushers, like Raymond Sackler. So are some of the country's best known Al-Qaeda terrorist, like Adam Gadahn. So are some of the country's top anti-Semites, like Benjamin H Friedman, Norman Finkelstein and Brother Nathanael Kapner. And so are some of the country's top "Armenologists", Peter Cowe and James Russel!
They are literally everywhere. It's virtually impossible to list all of them because there are simply too many of them in positions of power and influence and many of them do not publicly reveal their Jewish pedigree. Generally speaking, professional fields such as law, finance, government, medicine, psychiatry, social media, academia, political think tanks, marketing firms, news media and entertainment are run by Jews. It is essentially through such field and such individuals that Israel continues enjoying total impunity in the Middle East, and gets showered with billions of U.S. dollars annually with the full consent of Americans. Putting aside exceptions like Noam Chomsky and Stephen Cohen, whom I have great respect for, it is through these individuals that anti-Christian, anti-Muslim, anti-German and anti-Russian hysteria gets spread around the United States, as well as the rest of the world. It is through these individuals that many of the country's vital professional sectors have essentially become closed-circuit fields run exclusively by Jews. And non-Jews who find themselves in one of these Jewish-controlled fields of profession, psychologically attach themselves to all things Jewish to further their careers. In other words, individuals like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rudolph Giuliani, Ralph Peters, "Madonna", Stephen Colbert, Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino pander to the Jewish elite for fear of losing their fame and fortune. And those that don't are sure to suffer severe consequences. Some of the examples that have made it to the public's view are Marlon Brando, Mel Gibson, Helen Thomas, Valerie Plame, Kevin Myers and of course, the Vatican.
Jews today represent the American left (George Soros' neoliberal types), Jews represent the American right (Leon Strauss' neoconservative types). One side brings you imperial wars, along with "Judaeo-Christian" values, big business and American flags; the other side brings you imperial wars, along with abortions, feminism, multiculturalism, immigrants, welfare state and rainbow flags. The United States has become a showcase for Jews on the left and Jews on the right, and those in the middle getting screwed is the average American. So, regardless of what political side an American may choose to be on, he or she is actually choosing a side that is managed at the very top by American Jewry.
What we are witnessing lately is birth of a new political paradigm in the United States. Once upon a time "Anglos" exclusively and jealously ran the country. That is no longer the case today. America's elite WASP class has relinquished virtually all power to American-Jews and to an international elite (a network of powerful foreign entities in which Jews also play an influential role). American-Jews have achieved near total domination. A lot of the political tensions we are seeing in the United States today is to a great degree Jewish infighting. We can clearly see this unique dynamic in modern American politics play out when they sometimes air their dirty laundry, not only in the United States but also in Israel. When disagreements are sometimes observed between the United States and Israel, you can bet it's internal Jewish quarrel as well. At a fundamental level, this Jewish infighting can be characterized as left wing Jews fighting right wing Jews - with America's goyim stuck in the middle and trying to choose a side. Even they admit it: Jews are divided over President Trump -
Liberal, conservative Jews in U.S. increasingly divided over Trump:
Jared Kushner Reveals The Fissures In American Judaism:
Opposing Jewish Groups Face Off Over Donald Trump (video):
Ivanka Trump is happy to be Jewish:
So, when the time came last year for AIPAC to organize a show-of-force, all the Shabbos goyim enthusiastically lined-up and one-by-one they got on their knees and begged for mercy. This of course including then presidential candidate Donald Trump. In front of many thousands of influential Jews, they took turns in paying their homage. As the Jewish elite watched in glee, the goyim fought hard to outdo each other in proving their unconditional allegiance to Jews and the Zionist state. Interestingly, the only candidate that was not present at the AIPAC gathering was the only ethnic Jew in the bunch. Bernie Sanders obviously did not feel the need to pander to his kind. But in Trump's case, a majority of Jews were not impressed nor were they forgiving -Ted Cruz says: "If You Won't Stand With Israel, I Will Not Stand With You":
Senator Marco Rubio – Israel First, America Last:
Bernie Sanders Is Jewish, but he doesn’t like to talk about it:
Hillary Has Jewish Roots:
Donald Trump’s AIPAC Speech: “I Love Israel”:
AIPAC’s apology for Trump speech is unprecedented:
Jews have not only captured the nation's centers of power, they have also captured the American people's hearts and minds. Through the proliferation of Holocaust propaganda in recent decades, Jews have succeeded in convincing the naive goyim that it is a great sin to criticize Jews. Through empowering America's Blacks and other minorities, they have weakened America's Whites. Through the Protestant church, they have managed to convince the naive goyim that not unconditionally supporting Israel is an affront to God. Subsequently, the naive goy today wouldn't think twice about killing Muslims, Russians, Chinese, Koreans, Iranians, Arabs, Europeans or even Christians... but God forbid anyone criticizes God's chosen, the Jews. They have been so thorough with their manipulation and exploitation of American Evangelicals, that "Christian Zionism" today is actually a very significant force in American politics, even though a vast majority of Jews hate Christian Zionists -
To Appease Jews Pastor John Hagee Denies Jesus As Messiah:
Christians United For Israel:
More white evangelicals than American Jews say God gave Israel to the Jewish people:
Why Don’t Jews Like the Christians Who Like Them?:
Simply put: Jews stole White America while White Americans were too drunk, too high and too preoccupied with sex, television, shopping or baseball to notice it. Now White America will be paying the price. While I am predisposed to support "White America", after all the country looked up to by the world for so long was created by them, I cannot in all honest feel sorry for them, for they got themselves into the mess they are in today.
Consequently, Jews today represent all that is modern America - in all its gore and glory. Consequently, much of what the world hates and/or fears about America today - be it its warmongering in the Middle East, political meddling in Russia, societal decadence, culture of violence, multiculturalism, ultraliberalism, materialism, neoliberalism, sexual exploitation of women, substance abuse or its neoconservatism - can be traced to American Judaism. It's this Jewish nature and character - with its inherent hatred of Christians, Muslims, Europeans, Russians, Arabs and Persians - that will eventually destroy the United States. The United States is already in decline because subservient officials in Washington DC have been pursuing policies both at home and abroad that are beneficial to Jews and Israel but ultimately detrimental to the United State.
The Zionist factor leading U.S. to war
Washington DC's concerns about Russia, China or even North Korea is understandable. In the case of Russia and China, they are major powers and their governments have geostrategic ambitions that run directly counter to western ones. Moscow and Beijing therefore do pose long-term challenges and dangers to western powers. Washington DC's concerns about Iran however does not make any sense. Iran has never and will never pose any kind of threat to the United States or to Europe. Moreover, Iran is not and has never been a sponsor of terrorism. Lebanon's Hezbollah and the Gaza Strip's Hamas are paramilitary resistance groups, they are not terrorists. They are categorized as terror groups by western powers today solely because of Jewish influence, the Zionist factor, in the western world. In fact, the biggest sponsors of terrorism around the world have been western powers themselves, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Turkey and Israel.
The fundamental problem Uncle Sam has with Iran is that Tehran, at least theoretically, poses a long-term threat to the military superiority of the Zionist state. In other words, with the Sunni Arab world either in ruin or in the pockets of Anglo-American-Jews, Iran is the only real challenge Israel has in the Middle East. All the nasty anti-Iranian rhetoric and all the fear-mongering we have been hearing about Iran in recent years is brought to us by Zionist interests in the western world. The problem the US has with Iran is therefore, simply put, a Jewish matter. And as we have learned in recent years, Jewish matters in Washington DC get priority because the United States has been turned into a catalyst, a vehicle driving Jewish interests around the world.
President Trump's most recent televised speech, in which he announced plans to escalate the 16 year old war in Afghanistan, should not be looked at as a departure from his non-interventionist agenda he campaigned on nor as a new front against Pakistan. Although he refrained from mentioning the name Iran even once and instead chose to lambast Pakistan, President Trump's speech about Afghanistan should be looked at as an inherent part of his administration's long-term anti-Iranian agenda. President Trump's main foreign challenge continues to be Iran. Unless the lords of this world have decided to have another world war by inciting a major war on the Korean peninsula, tensions between the United States and North Korean is for the most part brinkmanship and a diversion; perhaps an attempt to create circumstances that would justify an American missile base in the region, in which case Uncle Sam may need a convenient imminent threat. As I said, if the lords of this world have not decided to create a major international conflict by goading North Korea into a war, as they with with Japan some 75 years ago, I firmly believe that the main foreign policy goal of the Trump administration continues to be the desire to roll-back Iranian advances in the Middle East and put an end to Tehran's nuclear program.
Iran is emerging as a major player in its region. Tehran is part of an emerging three-way alliance with Russia and China. Tehran's political, economic and cultural influence now stretches from western Afghanistan to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. I have spoken at length about this expanding "Iranian/Shiite Arc of influence". While we knew the extent of Iran's influences in places like Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen, we knew little about Iran's inroads in Afghanistan. Apparently, at least according to western sources, Tehran's influence in Afghanistan has reached critical levels. Three weeks before President Trump's speech about Afghanistan, the Sunday addition of the New York Times produced the following major article -
In Afghanistan, U.S. Exits, and Iran Comes In:
A Wall Street Journal commentary in 2013 had this to say about the topic -
"The risks of a jihadist victory in Damascus are real, at least in the short-term, but they are containable by Turkey and Israel. The far greater risk to Middle East stability and U.S. interests is a victorious arc of Iranian terror from the Gulf to the Mediterranean backed by nuclear weapons." - Wall Street Journal (May 6, 2013)The following quote, also from 2013, made by a high ranking Israeli minister -
“Israel’s main strategic threat is Iran. Not Syria, not Hamas. Therefore, strategically, Israel should examine things from the perspective of what harms Iran and what serves Israel’s agenda in confronting it. If Bashar remains in power, that would be a huge achievement for Iran. A weakened Assad [remaining in power] would be completely dependent on Iran. In my opinion that’s the worst thing that can happen to Israel... “Bashar Assad must not remain in power. Period. What will happen later? God only knows. The alternative, whereby [Assad falls and] Jihadists flock to Syria, is not good. We have no good options in Syria. But Assad remaining along with the Iranians is worse. His ouster would exert immense pressure on Iran.” - Sima Shine (June 23, 2013)The following quote was made Director of the Center of Middle East Studies, Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma’s College of international Studies -
"The map of 1919 which the British and French drew was wrong. [The new map of a partitioned Syria and Iraq] is the map that reflects the realities of sectarianism and is possibly more stable... [The state that ISIS has created stretching] from the edges of Baghdad all the way to Aleppo today is a Sunni state and it's already emerged. And what America is doing by bombing it is trying to destroy this state that is there and it is going to be a very hard thing to do... Accept reality, accept that state but try to get better rulers for it, not ISIS" - Joshua Landis (November, 2014)And this very recent commentary by one of the New York Times' best known columnist -
"This is a time for Trump to be Trump — utterly cynical and unpredictable. ISIS right now is the biggest threat to Iran, Hezbollah, Russia and pro-Shiite Iranian militias — because ISIS is a Sunni terrorist group that plays as dirty as Iran and Russia. Trump should want to defeat ISIS in Iraq. But in Syria? Not for free, not now. In Syria, Trump should let ISIS be Assad’s, Iran’s, Hezbollah’s and Russia’s headache — the same way we encouraged the mujahedeen fighters to bleed Russia in Afghanistan." - Thomas Friedman (April, 2017)The above quotes explains things quite well: Syria's Assad's government has to be defeated no matter what. What's painfully obvious here is that jihadists in Syria are really not much of a concern for western or Israeli officials. As I have been telling my readers for a very long time now, jihadists have never been a serious problem for them. A few dead westerners and some damaged property in western nations from time-to-time is a very small price to pay for exploiting a tool as effective and as powerful as Islamic extremism. The reader should therefore see how Moscow's deepening relationship with a nuclear weapons capable Iran as well as Russia's expanding military presence in Syria is of great concern for Jews; because it restricts Israel's military capability in the region. Simply put: A nuclear armed Iran is looked upon as an existential threat by many Zionist Jews and their supporters in the western world. Because Tehran has not yet produced nuclear weapons, they may be feeling that they have a window of opportunity. They also fear the window is shrinking with each passing day. This is the urgency they are facing. I want the reader to understand that Israel's main concern in the Middle East today is not Turkey, not Egypt, not Saudi Arabia, not Jordan, not Lebanon, not Syria, not Hamas, not Hezbollah, not ISIS, not Al-Qaeda, not Al-Nusra... but Iran.
In the not too distant past Sunni Islamic terror groups were looked upon as assets in the fight against the Soviet Union and Russia. Today, Sunni Islamic terror groups are looked upon as strategic assets primarily in the fight against Iran. The last thing Zionists and their backers in the Anglo-American world want to see taking shape in Israel's neighborhood is an Iranian "Shiite Arc" stretching from western Afghanistan to southern Lebanon. In this geostrategic calculus, not only Kurds are looked upon as allies but also Sunni Islamic terror groups such as ISIS and Al Qaeda. This is not a theory of mine; they have actually been quite unambiguous about it -
Israel’s Main Concern in Syria: Iran, not ISIS:
Why Is Trump Fighting ISIS in Syria?:
Accept reality, accept [the state ISIS created] but try to get better rulers for it:
Israel’s influence and the overall probability of a US war with Iran:
US opens 1st permanent military base in Israel as tensions with Iran rise:
‘Faced with Russians & Iranians 24/7’: Israel calls for US to be more active in Syria:
Why the Islamic State Isn’t in Any Rush to Attack Israel:
ISIS and Israel coexist on the Golan Heights:
ISIS fighters ‘attacked Israel Defense Forces unit, then apologised' claims former Israeli commander:
More Jews Have Joined Islamic State, French Official Says:
Netanyahu: Iran Must Leave Syria Or "We Will Act":
Netanyahu: Israel Fear Iranian Foothold in Syria:
The best way to help Israel deal with Iran's growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow Bashar Assad:
If only to deal a blow to the ayatollahs, Assad must go, says Israeli head of the Iran desk:
Ex-Mossad Chief Admits Israel In Alliance With Al-Qaeda:
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Says The U.S. Government Is Directly Funding ISIS And Al Qaeda!:
US watched ISIS rise in Syria and hoped to ‘manage’ it — Kerry on leaked tape:
US' Plan B? From Alleged Evacuation of Daesh to the Murder of Russian General:
U.S. Agreement With ISIS Let Thousands of Fighters Flee Raqqa: Report:
ISIS carries out attacks from US-controlled ‘black-hole’ area near Al-Tanf base – Russian MoD:
A New Strategy Against ISIS and al Qaeda:
ISIS, like the matador’s red cape, distracts from the truly mortal danger—a nuclear Iran chanting ‘Death to America’:
Israel fears 'Iranian crescent' in Middle East:
Netanyahu to meet Putin, says Iran seeks permanent foothold in Syria:
Trump's policy has focused on eliminating Islamic State. But Netanyahu had a bigger concern:
ISIS Declares War on Hamas, and Gaza Families Disown Sons in Sinai:
Iran Is Existential Threat to Israel: U.S. General:
Israel and Iran are heading for conflict over southern Syria:
Obama’s Iran deal only delayed a showdown. America and its allies should be using the time to prepare:
Syria's 'Army of Islam' Says It Wants No War With Israel:
Israel Sees Rising Threat From Iran After ISIS:
Israel worried about becoming neighbors with Iran amid ongoing Syrian war:
US backed Arab alliance would share intelligence with Israel, with the goal of countering Iran’s influence:
Trump should support an independent Kurdistan and stymie Iran’s march to the Mediterranean:
Creation Of Greater Kurdistan Will Contribute To Stability In Middle East – Former Deputy Chief of Israeli General Staff:
Israeli prime minister backs Kurdish independence in Iraq as a hedge against Iran:
In any case, a major war in the Middle East has been inevitable since 2006. It was the summer of 2006 when Lebanon's Iran-backed Hezbollah fought the mightiest military in the Middle East to a stalemate. It can be argued that the Hezbollah actually defeated the Israeli military. Israel's military high command has ever since been seeking an opportunity to destroy Hezbollah, as well as its backers in Damascus and Tehran.
I would also like to point out that Jewish lobbyists in the United States have also been targeting Armenia with disinformation -The Zionist Plan for the Middle East:
Why Israel needs to prepare America for the upcoming conflict in Syria:
The Third Lebanon War will be the Last Lebanon War:
Hezbollah: Israel’s Next War Will Be A Godawful Mess:
America’s Secret War in 134 Countries:
Imperial America and War:
The U.S. military is the imperial hammer that sees every problem as a nail:
Ukraine, Korea, Syria, Iran… Falsifying History is Uncle Sam’s Way to War:
The ‘Inevitable’ War Against Iran and The Decline Of US Hegemony:
Armenia Peddling for Russia in Washington:
The Russian Alliance the Media Isn't Talking About - And Why Americans Should Be Concerned:
Putin's Newest Satellite State:
How Armenia Has Become the Post-Soviet Region’s Model Dictatorship:
If You Love A Country, Set It Free: The Case For Cutting Aid To Armenia:
What’s Wrong with Armenia?:
Keep Armenia isolated, George Friedman:
Armenia sent Iran arms used to kill U.S. troops:
Iran looks to Armenia to skirt bank sanctions:
Western powers now fear that a fully developed Shiite Arc, especially one that possesses nuclear weapons and one that is backed by Russia and China, can forever disrupt the status quo in the region. Such a situation can significantly diminish Israel's long-standing military superiority in its backward neighborhood. Consider this: An Iranian zone of influence pressed tightly against Israel's borders, like in Lebanon and Syria for instance, will also diminish the Zionist state's nuclear deterrence. With a nuclear capable Iran pressed against its borders, Israel's nuclear stockpile is essentially worthless. Moreover, under such a scenario, Israeli military bases, airfields, naval ports, power stations, refineries, energy storage facilities, ammunition depots, as well as its Diamona nuclear reactor will come well within the range of a large number of combat aircraft, ballistic missiles and large caliber rockets in Iran's and Hezbollah's military arsenal. Iran's position therefore looks pretty good at this time -
Iranian Revolutionary Guards opposite Israeli troops on 1967 ceasefire line in Golan Heights as tensions mount:
Iran’s Surprisingly Strong Geopolitical Hand:
Hezbollah gaining strength from their involvement in Syria:
Iran Looks Dominant in Middle East’s Proxy War:
It should also be mentioned that the prospect of Iranian dominance in the Middle East also threatens some of the region's Sunni powers. Although Iran's and Turkey's relations are warm today, Ankara, an increasingly Sunni power that also has designs for the region in question, would ultimately prefer a contained Iran. But Ankara would not support a war against Iran. Therefore, the main problem Tehran faces in the Sunni world is not Turkey but the self-proclaimed leader of the Islamic world, Saudi Arabia. Riyadh has been and will continue being an integral part of the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance's effort to contain Iran. Which is why Saudi-backed terror organizations like ISIS and Al Nusra have never attacked Israel. When the so-called prince of Saudi Arabian recently announced that President Trump is a "true friend of Muslims" he was essentially saying, we've come to an agreement with the White House on how to solve the Iranian problem. Make no mistake about it: Saudi Arabia is actively preparing to "roll back Iran". It is already engaged in military operations against Iran through its regional proxies (i.e. Islamic extremists). Riyadh's fear of Iran is why Saudi Arabia is in the war in Yemen. And this is the reason why why Tel Aviv is establishing ties with "gulf monarchies". And this is why the western presstitues continue praising the filthy Islamic dictatorship responsible for spreading Islamic radicalism around the world -
Israel Is Strengthening Its Ties With The Gulf Monarchies:
Member of Saudi royal family reportedly makes secret trip to Israel for high-level talks:
"Explosive" Leaked Secret Israeli Cable Confirms Israeli-Saudi Coordination To Provoke War:
Obama administration arms sales offers to Saudi top $115 billion:
For Arab Gulf States, Israel Is Emerging as an Ally:
Saudi Arabia Is Changing:
Anglo-American-Jews began placing the foundations of a Kurdistan soon after their invasion of Iraq in 2003. The speed and volume with which westerners and Israelis moved into northern Iraq to set up a Kurdish quasi-state suggested that the move was planned well in advance. In my opinion, this was done because Ankara back then had already began plotting a course away from the political West and Iran's influence in the region was already on the rise. In other words, an Anglo-American-Jewish backed Kurdistani region in northern Iraq was the West's response to Ankara's and Tehran's belligerence. However, an independence referendum was not allowed to take place at the time because circumstances were not right and Anglo-American-Jews had not yet fully given up hope on the increasingly hostile and independently-minded leadership in Ankara. The creation of a Kurdistan was therefore being held back in reserve and treated as a tool to be used only as a last resort.
Needless to say, the wars in Iraq and Syria changed a lot of the calculus at play. With Ankara continuing to drift further and further away from their grasp and with Russia and Iran rapidly making great advances on the ground in Syria and Iraq, they were finally faced with a major geostrategic dilemma. Under these circumstances, they evidently saw the formation of a Kurdistan as their only hope and last resort, which is why they made their move. The foundations of an Anglo-American-Jewish backed Kurdish state was laid on September 25 -
'Yes' to Kurdistan: 92 Percent of Iraq's Kurds Voted for Independence:
Israel Endorsed Kurdish Independence. Saladin Would Have Been Proud:
Kurdistan, the New Israel?:
Creation Of Greater Kurdistan Will Contribute To Stability In Middle East - Former Deputy Chief of Israeli General Staff:
As already mentioned, the wars they started in Syria and Iraq have not gone fully according to their plan. Although the two secular Arab nations in question were essentially destroyed, which indeed was an essential part of their plan, what they ultimately failed in was allowing Russia and Iran to establish a powerful foothold in Syria and Iraq. Compounding their problems in the region has been Erdogan's Turkey. Their covert effort to incite a war between Turkey and Russia failed. Their covert effort to foment a revolution inside Turkey also failed. Ankara's keeps drifting further and further away from their grasp. With Kurdistan, they are therefore trying to create a strategic buffer against Turks, as well as Alawites, Arabs, Persians and Russians. From a Western/Israeli perspective, a Kurdistan will help keep Ankara contained and in unrest. And similar to what was envisioned with ISIS, a Kurdistan will also help keep the Iranian-backed Shiite Arc in check. In any case, regardless of players or reasons behind the creation of Kurdistan, its creation will most certainly cause serious long-term regional problems for Turkey (and to a lesser extent Iran) -
Turkey is on the brink of a chaotic battle for territory:
'Israeli flags won’t save you': Erdogan threatens Iraqi Kurds with famine over referendum:
'Kurdish referendum US plot to incite Iran, Turkey Kurds':
Hezbollah leader: US and Israel back on course to carve-up the region after failure of ISIS project:
Turkey and the West Clash, Pleasing Russia and Iran:
The more Ankara tries to be independent from the political West, the more it he be forced to deal with Russia (and to a lesser extent Iran). The more Ankara opens up to Moscow (and to a lesser extent Tehran), the more will Russians (and to a lesser extent Iranians) try to pull Turkey eastward. The more Turkey gets pulled eastward, the more pressure will Anglo-American-Jews apply on it and try to pull it westward. In the process, there is a good chance Turkey will fall apart. And now with a Kurdistan thrown in the already volatile mix, Turkey may at the very least suffer a major war. We are actually seeing this dynamic playing out right now. Turkey is heading towards a major war. This is why I have been cheering closer Russian-Turkish relations and this is why I don't mind seeing some form of a Kurdistan in Iraq and/or Syria.
Side note: The group known as "Government of Western Armenia" and today's "ASALA" (both of which seems to be operating under the auspices of French intelligence) are an elemental part of the Western agenda for the region. "Government of Western Armenia" representatives and "ASALA" operatives have been actively collaborating with Iraqi and Syrian Kurds since at least 2011. During the early stages of the war in Syria, the aforementioned were trying to establish an Armenian-Kurdish state in north-western Syria. The plan at the time fell through. The geostrategic game being played in the region by a multitude of players however is far from over. The old Middle East is dying a slow and agonizing death. A new Middle East is being born in blood and destruction. It's final look may not fully come into form for many years to come.
Uncle Sam's defects finally laid bare for all to see
While Middle America lived well, the corruption in Washington DC did not concern them, essentially because it did not directly affect them. Throughout much of the 20th century the many flaws of American democracy lay hidden behind the perception that something much worst existed overseas. For Americans, the existence of totalitarian powers such as Nazi Germany, Communist China and the Soviet Union confirmed this belief. As long as dictatorial regimes and communist governments existed around the world, the American political system enjoyed a feeling of supremacy and impunity. As long as there were backward peoples and bountiful lands to manipulate and exploit, their capitalism would continue to work. As long as parts of the world burned, the Anglo-American world felt secure inside their blissful isolation. As long as the United States was the biggest bully on the block, Americans felt exceptional. As long as Joe on Main Street had a steady job, a constant flow of weekend sports to watch on his HD television set and a cold six-pack of beer at his quick disposal, the political charade in the United States could continue indefinitely. I remember well; expectations were very high at the turn of the new century, a century they clearly taught was going to be theirs for the taking -
The Unipolar Moment (1990):
Toward a Neo-Reaganite Foreign Policy (1996):
The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (1997):
"Rebuilding America's Defenses" – A Summary Blueprint of the PNAC Plan for U.S. Global Hegemony (2000):
All the flaws of the Anglo-American-Jewish world order was kept away from the public's eye. Not only that, they had actually created the perception that the Western world, the United States in particular, was the world's gold standard pertaining to matters concerning finance, economy and governance. This myth has now been shattered. Perhaps forever. Unfortunately for Uncle Sam and his lemmings, times have changed. Americans on both sides of the political divide are slowly awakening. Proliferation of social media and alternative news sources is facilitating this political renaissance not only in the United States but around the world as well. Needless to say, westerners today they are singing an entirely different tune -The Globalization of Politics: American Foreign Policy for a New Century (2003):
America's Dominance Is Over -- By 2030, We'll Have A Handful Of Global Powers:
Is America Ready for a Multipolar World?:
What’s the future of American leadership in a multipolar world?:
The Liberal, Postwar ‘Order’ Is Dying—and That’s a Good Thing:
Chaos and order in a changing world:
Nevertheless, with the American empire's dirty laundry now fully exposed for all the world to see, Russians have been more than happy to show to the world that the United States is just another overgrown and utterly corrupt bureaucracy. After many years of suffering political meddling by the United States, Moscow is enthusiastically welcoming all the troubles in Washington DC. For Russians, it's been a classic case of we told you so. For Americans, it's been a classic case of bad Karma coming back to haunt them. Needless to say, all this has gotten a lot of attention in Russia. Russians, including President Vladimir Putin, have made some stinging comments about the political instability in the United States -
"I have already spoken to three US presidents. They come and go but politics stay the same at all times. Do you know why? Because of the powerful bureaucracy. When a person is elected, they may have some ideas. Then people with briefcases arrive, well dressed, wearing dark suites, just like mine, except for the red tie, since they wear black or dark blue ones. These people start to explain how things are done. And instantly, everything changes. This is what happens in every administration." - Vladimir Putin
Tucker Carlson Is Doing Something Extraordinary:
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Says The U.S. Government Is Directly Funding ISIS And Al Qaeda!:
If the Trump presidency can be given credit for anything, it is for revealing the many ugly blemishes that existed just below the polished surface of the United States. Thanks to President Trump's appearance on the political stage Americans are finally beginning to realize that there is no such thing as free speech (especially for the country's White, Christian and Conservative demographic). Millions of Americans are only now beginning to realize that there is no true democracy in the nation that is essentially ruled by an elite, two party system in the service of financial institutions. Millions of Americans are now beginning to realize that the nation's mainstream news media agencies, both right and left, are fully in the service of corporate interests with deep government ties. Millions of American are now beginning to realize that the country's powerful Special Interests are interested in things that are fundamentally against the core interests of the United States. Millions of American are now beginning to wake up and realize that while they were busy playing and having a good time their country was stolen from them.
Recent events leads me to believe that we may finally be seeing the preliminary stages of the forecasted implosion and/or downsizing of the American empire by forces that remain way beyond our comprehension. The process to remake the United States is perhaps being carried-out intentionally, or perhaps it's simply an inevitable consequence all empire's have suffered historically, or perhaps it's a combination of both. The process in question may yet take years or even tens-of-years to complete. But I do nevertheless believe it has started in earnest. The American economy is very vulnerable to another major collapse. American society is divided. American politics is in turmoil. The facade of American invincibility and exceptionalism is now forever broken. American propaganda and hype, which was the empire's greatest psychological weapon, has now all but dissipated.
Time will tell whether the problems in the United States this is being caused deliberately by powers beyond our comprehension. In other words, time will tell if the societal and political tensions we are witnessing in the United States is being orchestrated from above, or it had been once but has recently taken on a life of its own. It may simply be a condition which all empires have had to grapple with - destiny. It may simply be a more spiritual matter of karma. It may be a combination of all of the above; made-man and a by-product of unintended consequences, destiny and karma. Regardless, there clearly are interests in positions of power today that are trying to manipulate the political discourse in the United States and sow societal instability. The situation may yet get out of control. At which time, the country will risk facing a collapse. Time will tell. One thing however is certain, after over a century of living the high life, the United States has suddenly begun entering a period of uncertainty and instability. How long it will take and how will the country comes out in end of all this is anybody's guess at this time. The next four-to-eight years however promises to be very interesting to say the very least.
Autumn, 2017
That is kind of what Professor Peter Turchin says in a recent article posted to But the article isn’t a hindsight account of current affairs based on what has come to pass in recent months. Instead, it is a review of the work Turchin has published in recent years that predicted many of the types of social change we are currently experiencing. For instance, Turchin opened a brief 2010 article published in the journal Nature with the line, “The next decade is likely to be a period of growing instability in the United States and western Europe.”
Granted, that is a rather vague prediction, but England’s “Brexit” vote and the election of Donald Trump and the rise of the alt-right/neo-Nazi movement in the United States have unquestionably caused a higher-than-usual degree of social instability and unrest. And while the conflict in the Ukraine could be described as an Eastern European affair, it and the subsequent NATO realignment in the region have definitely caused some social anxiety in Western Europe. That’s not to mention the political challenges caused by tensions over immigration and the ongoing threat of terrorism (not to link the two causally) in the United States and Western Europe. Turchin did offer some specific indicators that lead him to believe we were headed for a period of social instability in his Nature article.
“In the United States, we have stagnating or declining real wages, a growing gap between rich and poor, overproduction of young graduates with advanced degrees, and exploding public debt,” Turchin wrote.
“These seemingly disparate social indicators are actually related to each other dynamically. They all experienced turning points during the 1970s. Historically, such developments have served as leading indicators of looming political instability.”If we didn’t know better, we’d say the parts about declining real wages, the gap between rich and poor and the growing number of college graduates (with the implication that they cannot find adequate jobs) all sound like they were torn straight from Bernie Sanders’ primary campaign stump speeches, except Turchin published them years prior. Turchin employees the study of Cliodynamics, which he describes as “a new ‘transdisciplinary discipline’ that treats history as just another science,” to predict social shifts in the United States. He began applying this approach to his research on social and political trends in the United States ten years ago. What I discovered alarmed me,” he admits in the article.
Turchin predicted that social instability would reach a peak in the 2020s in the United States, and he now says that the election of Donald Trump does nothing to change this trajectory and may even exacerbate it. What concerns him most is the threat of what is known as “elite overproduction.”
“[T]here is another important development that has been missed by most commentators: the key role of ‘elite overproduction’ in driving waves of political violence, both in historical societies and in our own,” Turchin says, referring to a previous article he wrote for Bloomberg titled “Blame Rich, Overeducated Elites as Our Society Frays.”
Turchin notes that between 1983 and 2010, the number of American households worth $10 million or more grew from 66,000 to 350,000. Because wealthy people tend to be more politically connected, this growing number of wealthy elites creates intensified competition among them for political and social dominance. “Elite overproduction generally leads to more intra-elite competition that gradually undermines the spirit of cooperation, which is followed by ideological polarization and fragmentation of the political class,” Turchin says.
“This happens because the more contenders there are, the more of them end up on the losing side. A large class of disgruntled elite-wannabes, often well-educated and highly capable, has been denied access to elite positions.”In other words, it won’t just be the economically underprivileged, the working class and the middle class who will increasingly feel frustrated in the coming years. There will also be a growing number of the 1 and 2 percent competing with each other and pulling the social and political levers that they have greater access to. This, in turn, could lead to increased levels of social unrest. Here’s to hoping Turchin is wrong, but it definitely feels like we are entering a phase of social instability.

America’s stability is increasingly an undercurrent in political discourse. Earlier this year, I began a conversation with Keith Mines about America’s turmoil. Mines has spent his career—in the U.S. Army Special Forces, the United Nations, and now the State Department—navigating civil wars in other countries, including Afghanistan, Colombia, El Salvador, Iraq, Somalia, and Sudan. He returned to Washington after sixteen years to find conditions that he had seen nurture conflict abroad now visible at home. It haunts him. In March, Mines was one of several national-security experts whom Foreign Policy asked to evaluate the risks of a second civil war—with percentages. Mines concluded that the United States faces a sixty-per-cent chance of civil war over the next ten to fifteen years. Other experts’ predictions ranged from five per cent to ninety-five per cent. The sobering consensus was thirty-five per cent. And that was five months before Charlottesville.
“We keep saying, ‘It can’t happen here,’ but then, holy smokes, it can,” Mines told me after we talked, on Sunday, about Charlottesville. The pattern of civil strife has evolved worldwide over the past sixty years. Today, few civil wars involve pitched battles from trenches along neat geographic front lines. Many are low-intensity conflicts with episodic violence in constantly moving locales. Mines’s definition of a civil war is large-scale violence that includes a rejection of traditional political authority and requires the National Guard to deal with it. On Saturday, McAuliffe put the National Guard on alert and declared a state of emergency.
Based on his experience in civil wars on three continents, Mines cited five conditions that support his prediction: entrenched national polarization, with no obvious meeting place for resolution; increasingly divisive press coverage and information flows; weakened institutions, notably Congress and the judiciary; a sellout or abandonment of responsibility by political leadership; and the legitimization of violence as the “in” way to either conduct discourse or solve disputes.
President Trump “modeled violence as a way to advance politically and validated bullying during and after the campaign,” Mines wrote in Foreign Policy. “Judging from recent events the left is now fully on board with this,” he continued, citing anarchists in anti-globalization riots as one of several flashpoints. “It is like 1859, everyone is mad about something and everyone has a gun.”
To test Mines’s conjecture, I reached out to five prominent Civil War historians this weekend. “When you look at the map of red and blue states and overlap on top of it the map of the Civil War—and who was allied with who in the Civil War—not much has changed,” Judith Giesberg, the editor of the Journal of the Civil War Era and a historian at Villanova University, told me. “We never agreed on the outcome of the Civil War and the direction the country should go in. The postwar amendments were highly contentious—especially the Fourteenth Amendment, which provides equal protection under the law—and they still are today. What does it mean to deliver voting rights to people of color? We still don’t know.”
She added, “Does that make us vulnerable to a repeat of the past? I don’t see a repeat of those specific circumstances. But that doesn’t mean we are not entering something similar in the way of a culture war. We are vulnerable to racism, tribalism, and conflicting visions of the way forward for our nation.”
Anxiety over deepening schisms and new conflict has an outlet in popular culture: in April, Amazon selected the dystopian novel “American War”—which centers on a second U.S. civil war—as one of its best books of the month. In a review in the Washington Post, Ron Charles wrote, “Across these scarred pages rages the clash that many of us are anxiously speculating about in the Trump era: a nation riven by irreconcilable ideologies, alienated by entrenched suspicions . . . both poignant and horrifying.” The Times book reviewer noted, “It’s a work of fiction. For the time being, anyway.” The book’s author, Omar El Akkad, was born in Egypt and covered the war in Afghanistan, the Arab Spring, and the Ferguson protest as a journalist for Canada’s Globe and Mail.
Before Charlottesville, David Blight, a Yale historian, was already planning a conference in November on “American Disunion, Then and Now.” “Parallels and analogies are always risky, but we do have weakened institutions and not just polarized parties but parties that are risking disintegration, which is what happened in the eighteen-fifties,” he told me. “Slavery tore apart, over fifteen years, both major political parties. It destroyed the Whig Party, which was replaced by the Republican Party, and divided the Democratic Party into northern and southern parts.”
“So,” he said, “watch the parties” as an indicator of America’s health.
In the eighteen-fifties, Blight told me, Americans were not good at foreseeing or absorbing the “shock of events,” including the Fugitive Slave Act, the Supreme Court’s Dred Scott decision, the John Brown raid, and even the Mexican-American War. “No one predicted them. They forced people to reposition themselves,” Blight said. “We’re going through one of those repositionings now. Trump’s election is one of them, and we’re still trying to figure it out. But it’s not new. It dates to Obama’s election. We thought that would lead culture in the other direction, but it didn’t,” he said. “There was a tremendous resistance from the right, then these episodes of police violence, and all these things [from the past] exploded again. It’s not only a racial polarization but a seizure about identity.”
Generally, Blight added, “We know we are at risk of civil war, or something like it, when an election, an enactment, an event, an action by government or people in high places, becomes utterly unacceptable to a party, a large group, a significant constituency.” The nation witnessed tectonic shifts on the eve of the Civil War, and during the civil-rights era, the unrest of the late nineteen-sixties and the Vietnam War, he said. “It did not happen with Bush v. Gore, in 2000, but perhaps we were close. It is not inconceivable that it could happen now.”
In a reversal of public opinion from the nineteen-sixties, Blight said, the weakening of political institutions today has led Americans to shift their views on which institutions are credible. “Who do we put our faith in today? Maybe, ironically, the F.B.I.,” he said. “With all these military men in the Trump Administration, that’s where we’re putting our hope for the use of reason. It’s not the President. It’s not Congress, which is utterly dysfunctional and run by men who spent decades dividing us in order to keep control, and not even the Supreme Court, because it’s been so politicized.”
In the wake of Charlottesville, the chorus of condemnation from politicians across the political spectrum has been encouraging, but it is not necessarily reassuring or an indicator about the future, Gregory Downs, a historian at the University of California at Davis, told me. During the Civil War, even Southern politicians who denounced or were wary of secession for years—including Jefferson Davis—ended up as leaders of the Confederacy. “If the source of conflict is deeply embedded in cultural or social forces, then politicians are not inherently able to restrain them with calls for reason,” Downs said. He called the noxious white supremacists and neo-Nazis the “messengers,” rather than the “architects,” of the Republic’s potential collapse. But, he warned, “We take our stability for granted.”
He dug out for me a quote from the journalist Murat Halstead’s book “The War Claims of the South,” published in 1867. “The lesson of the war that should never depart from us,” Halstead wrote, “is that the American people have no exemption from the ordinary fate of humankind. If we sin, we must suffer for our sins, like the Empires that are tottering and the Nations that have perished.”
Eric Foner, the Columbia University historian, won the Pulitzer Prize, in 2011, for his book “The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery.” Like the other scholars I spoke to, Foner is skeptical that any future conflict will resemble America’s last civil war. “Obviously, we have some pretty deep divisions along multiple lines—racial, ideological, rural versus urban,” he told me. “Whether they will lead to civil war, I doubt. We have strong gravitational forces that counteract what we’re seeing today.” He pointed out that “the spark in Charlottesville—taking down a statue of Robert E. Lee—doesn’t have to do with civil war. People are not debating the Civil War. They’re debating American society and race today.”Charlottesville was not the first protest by the so-called alt-right, nor will it be the last. Nine more rallies are planned for next weekend and others in September.
Soros doesn’t make small bets on anything. Beyond the markets, he has plowed billions of dollars of his own money into promoting political freedom in Eastern Europe and other causes. He bet against the Bush White House, becoming a hate magnet for the right that persists to this day. So, as Soros and the world’s movers once again converge on Davos, Switzerland, for the World Economic Forum this week, what is one of the world’s highest-stakes economic gamblers betting on now?
He’s not. For the first time in his 60-year career, Soros, now 81, admits he is not sure what to do. “It’s very hard to know how you can be right, given the damage that was done during the boom years,” Soros says. He won’t discuss his portfolio, lest anyone think he’s talking things down to make a buck. But people who know him well say he advocates making long-term stock picks with solid companies, avoiding gold—“the ultimate bubble”—and, mainly, holding cash.
He’s not even doing the one thing that you would expect from a man who knows a crippled currency when he sees one: shorting the euro, and perhaps even the U.S. dollar, to hell. Quite the reverse. He backs the beleaguered euro, publicly urging European leaders to do whatever it takes to ensure its survival. “The euro must survive because the alternative—a breakup—would cause a meltdown that Europe, the world, can’t afford.” He has bought about $2 billion in European bonds, mainly Italian, from MF Global Holdings Ltd., the securities firm run by former Goldman Sachs head Jon Corzine that filed for bankruptcy protection last October.
Has the great short seller gone soft? Well, yes. Sitting in his 33rd-floor corner office high above Seventh Avenue in New York, preparing for his trip to Davos, he is more concerned with surviving than staying rich. “At times like these, survival is the most important thing,” he says, peering through his owlish glasses and brushing wisps of gray hair off his forehead. He doesn’t just mean it’s time to protect your assets. He means it’s time to stave off disaster. As he sees it, the world faces one of the most dangerous periods of modern history—a period of “evil.” Europe is confronting a descent into chaos and conflict. In America he predicts riots on the streets that will lead to a brutal clampdown that will dramatically curtail civil liberties. The global economic system could even collapse altogether.
“I am not here to cheer you up. The situation is about as serious and difficult as I’ve experienced in my career,” Soros tells Newsweek. “We are facing an extremely difficult time, comparable in many ways to the 1930s, the Great Depression. We are facing now a general retrenchment in the developed world, which threatens to put us in a decade of more stagnation, or worse. The best-case scenario is a deflationary environment. The worst-case scenario is a collapse of the financial system.”
Soros’s warning is based as much on his own extraordinary personal history as on his gut instinct for market booms and busts. “I did survive a personally much more threatening situation, so it is emotional, as well as rational,” he acknowledges. Soros was just 13 when Nazi soldiers invaded and occupied his native Hungary in March 1944. In only eight weeks, almost half a million Hungarian Jews were deported, many to Auschwitz. He saw bodies of Jews, and the Christians who helped them, swinging from lampposts, their skulls crushed. He survived, thanks to his father, Tivadar, who managed to secure false identities for his family. Later, he watched as Russian forces ousted the Nazis and a new totalitarian ideology, communism, replaced fascism. As life got tougher during the postwar Soviet occupation, Soros managed to emigrate, first to London, then to New York.
Soros draws on his past to argue that the global economic crisis is as significant, and unpredictable, as the end of communism. “The collapse of the Soviet system was a pretty extraordinary event, and we are currently experiencing something similar in the developed world, without fully realizing what’s happening.” To Soros, the spectacular debunking of the credo of efficient markets—the notion that markets are rational and can regulate themselves to avert disaster—“is comparable to the collapse of Marxism as a political system. The prevailing interpretation has turned out to be very misleading. It assumes perfect knowledge, which is very far removed from reality. We need to move from the Age of Reason to the Age of Fallibility in order to have a proper understanding of the problems.”
Understanding, he says, is key. “Unrestrained competition can drive people into actions that they would otherwise regret. The tragedy of our current situation is the unintended consequence of imperfect understanding. A lot of the evil in the world is actually not intentional. A lot of people in the financial system did a lot of damage without intending to.” Still, Soros believes the West is struggling to cope with the consequences of evil in the financial world just as former Eastern bloc countries struggled with it politically. Is he really saying that the financial whizzes behind our economic meltdown were not just wrong, but evil? “That’s correct.” Take that, Lloyd Blankfein, the Goldman Sachs boss who told The Sunday Times of London at the height of the financial crisis that bankers “do God’s work.”
To many, the idea of Soros lecturing the world on “evil” is, well, rich. Here, after all, is an investor who proved—and profited hugely from—the now much-derided notion that the market, or in his case a single investor, is more powerful than sovereign governments. He broke the Bank of England, destroyed the Conservative Party’s reputation for economic competence, and reduced the value of the pound in British consumers’ pockets by one fifth in a single day. Soros the currency speculator has been condemned as “unnecessary
In the U.S., where the right still has not forgiven him for agitating against President George W. Bush and the “war on terror” after 9/11, which he described as “pernicious,” his prediction of riots on the streets—“it’s already started,” he says—will likely spark fresh criticism that Soros is a “far-left, radical bomb thrower,” as Bill O’Reilly once put it. Critics already allege he is stoking the fires by funding the Occupy movement through Adbusters, the Canadian provocateurs who sparked the movement. Not so, says Soros.
Soros’s fragrant personal life will also prompt many to pooh-pooh his moralizing. Last year, Adriana Ferreyr, his 28-year-old companion for many years, sued him in New York Supreme Court in Manhattan, alleging he reneged on two separate promises to buy her an apartment, causing her extreme emotional distress. Ferreyr, a former soap-opera star in Brazil, said Soros had given the apartment he had promised her to another girlfriend. She also claimed he assaulted her. Soros has dismissed Ferreyr’s claims as “frivolous and entirely without merit” and “riddled with false charges and obviously an attempt to extract money.”
Despite his baggage, the man who now views himself as a statesman-philanthropist is undeterred. Having profited from unregulated markets, he now wants to deliver us from them. Take Europe. He’s now convinced that “if you have a disorderly collapse of the euro, you have the danger of a revival of the political conflicts that have torn Europe apart over the centuries—an extreme form of nationalism, which manifests itself in xenophobia, the exclusion of foreigners and ethnic groups. In Hitler’s time, that was focused on the Jews. Today, you have that with the Gypsies, the Roma, which is a small minority, and also, of course, Muslim immigrants.”
It is “now more likely than not” that Greece will formally default in 2012, Soros will tell leaders in Davos this week. He will castigate European leaders who seem to know only how to “do enough to calm the situation, not to solve the problem.” If Germany’s Angela Merkel or France’s Nicolas Sarkozy nurses any lingering hopes of finding their salvation outside the continent, they are mistaken. “I took a recent trip to China, and China won’t come to Europe’s rescue,” Soros says. Despite all its woes, he nevertheless thinks the euro will—just barely—survive.
While Soros, whose new book, Financial Turmoil in Europe and the United States, will be published in early February, is currently focused on Europe, he’s quick to claim that economic and social divisions in the U.S. will deepen, too. He sympathizes with the Occupy movement, which articulates a widespread disillusionment with capitalism that he shares. People “have reason to be frustrated and angry” at the cost of rescuing the banking system, a cost largely borne by taxpayers rather than shareholders or bondholders.
Occupy Wall Street “is an inchoate, leaderless manifestation of protest,” but it will grow. It has “put on the agenda issues that the institutional left has failed to put on the agenda for a quarter of a century.” He reaches for analysis, produced by the political blog, that shows how the Occupy movement has pushed issues of unemployment up the agenda of major news organizations, including MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News. It reveals that in one week in July of last year the word “debt” was mentioned more than 7,000 times on major U.S. TV news networks. By October, mentions of the word “debt” had dropped to 398 over the course of a week, while “occupy” was mentioned 1,278 times, “Wall Street” 2,378 times, and “jobs” 2,738 times. You can’t keep a financier away from his metrics.
As anger rises, riots on the streets of American cities are inevitable. “Yes, yes, yes,” he says, almost gleefully. The response to the unrest could be more damaging than the violence itself. “It will be an excuse for cracking down and using strong-arm tactics to maintain law and order, which, carried to an extreme, could bring about a repressive political system, a society where individual liberty is much more constrained, which would be a break with the tradition of the United States.”
In spite of his warnings of political turmoil in the U.S., he has no plans to engage in politics directly. “I would prefer not to be involved in party politics. It’s only because I felt that the Bush administration was misleading the country that I became involved. I was very hopeful of a new beginning with Obama, and I’ve been somewhat disappointed. I remain a supporter of the Democratic Party, but I’m fully aware of their shortcomings.” Soros believes Obama still has a chance of winning this year’s election. “Obama might surprise the public. The main issue facing the electorate is whether the rich should be taxed more. It shouldn’t be a difficult argument for Obama to make.”
If there is a glimmer of hope for the world in 2012, Soros believes it lies in emerging markets. The democratic-reform movement that has spread across the Middle East, the rise of democracy and economic growth in Africa, even reform in Russia may yet drag the world out of the mire. “While the developed world is in a deep crisis, the future for the developing world is very positive. The aspiration of people for an open society is very inspiring. You have people in Africa lining up for many hours when they are given an opportunity to vote. Dictators have been overthrown. It is very encouraging for freedom and growth.”
Defeated Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton is not about to «go quietly into that good night». On the morning after her surprising and unanticipated defeat at the hands of Republican Party upstart Donald Trump, Mrs. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, entered the ball room of the art-deco New Yorker hotel in midtown Manhattan and were both adorned in purple attire. The press immediately noticed the color and asked what it represented. Clinton spokespeople claimed it was to represent the coming together of Democratic «Blue America» and Republican «Red America» into a united purple blend. This statement was a complete ruse as is known by citizens of countries targeted in the past by the vile political operations of international hedge fund tycoon George Soros.
The Clintons, who both have received millions of dollars in campaign contributions and Clinton Foundation donations from Soros, were, in fact, helping to launch Soros’s «Purple Revolution» in America. The Purple Revolution will resist all efforts by the Trump administration to push back against the globalist policies of the Clintons and soon-to-be ex-President Barack Obama. The Purple Revolution will also seek to make the Trump administration a short one through Soros-style street protests and political disruption.
It is doubtful that President Trump’s aides will advise the new president to carry out a diversionary criminal investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s private email servers and other issues related to the activities of the Clinton Foundation, especially when the nation faces so many other pressing issues, including jobs, immigration, and health care. However, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz said he will continue hearings in the Republican-controlled Congress on Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and Mrs. Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin. President Trump should not allow himself to be distracted by these efforts. Chaffetz was not one of Trump’s most loyal supporters.
America’s globalists and interventionists are already pushing the meme that because so many establishment and entrenched national security and military «experts» opposed Trump’s candidacy, Trump is «required» to call on them to join his administration because there are not enough such «experts» among Trump’s inner circle of advisers. Discredited neo-conservatives from George W. Bush’s White House, such as Iraq war co-conspirator Stephen Hadley, are being mentioned as someone Trump should have join his National Security Council and other senior positions. George H. W. Bush’s Secretary of State James Baker, a die-hard Bush loyalist, is also being proffered as a member of Trump’s White House team. There is absolutely no reason for Trump to seek the advice from old Republican fossils like Baker, Hadley, former Secretaries of State Rice and Powell, the lunatic former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, and others. There are plenty of Trump supporters who have a wealth of experience in foreign and national security matters, including those of African, Haitian, Hispanic, and Arab descent and who are not neocons, who can fill Trump’s senior- and middle-level positions.
Trump must distance himself from sudden well-wishing neocons, adventurists, militarists, and interventionists and not permit them to infest his administration. If Mrs. Clinton had won the presidency, an article on the incoming administration would have read as follows:
«Based on the militarism and foreign adventurism of her term as Secretary of State and her husband Bill Clinton’s two terms as president, the world is in store for major American military aggression on multiple fronts around the world. President-elect Hillary Clinton has made no secret of her desire to confront Russia militarily, diplomatically, and economically in the Middle East, on Russia’s very doorstep in eastern Europe, and even within the borders of the Russian Federation. Mrs. Clinton has dusted off the long-discredited ‘containment’ policy ushered into effect by Professor George F. Kennan in the aftermath of World War. Mrs. Clinton’s administration will likely promote the most strident neo-Cold Warriors of the Barack Obama administration, including Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, a personal favorite of Clinton».
President-elect Trump cannot afford to permit those who are in the same web as Nuland, Hadley, Bolton, and others to join his administration where they would metastasize like an aggressive form of cancer. These individuals would not carry out Trump’s policies but seek to continue to damage America’s relations with Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, and other nations.
Not only must Trump have to deal with Republican neocons trying to worm their way into his administration, but he must deal with the attempt by Soros to disrupt his presidency and the United States with a Purple Revolution
No sooner had Trump been declared the 45th president of the United States, Soros-funded political operations launched their activities to disrupt Trump during Obama’s lame-duck period and thereafter. The swiftness of the Purple Revolution is reminiscent of the speed at which protesters hit the streets of Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, in two Orange Revolutions sponsored by Soros, one in 2004 and the other, ten years later, in 2014.
As the Clintons were embracing purple in New York, street demonstrations, some violent, all coordinated by the Soros-funded and «Black Lives Matter», broke out in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Oakland, Nashville, Cleveland, Washington, Austin, Seattle, Philadelphia, Richmond, St. Paul, Kansas City, Omaha, San Francisco, and some 200 other cities across the United States.
The Soros-financed Russian singing group «Pussy Riot» released on YouTube an anti-Trump music video titled «Make America Great Again». The video went «viral» on the Internet. The video, which is profane and filled with violent acts, portrays a dystopian Trump presidency. Following the George Soros/Gene Sharp script to a tee, Pussy Riot member Nadya Tolokonnikova called for anti-Trump Americans to turn their anger into art, particularly music and visual art. The use of political graffiti is a popular Sharp tactic. The street protests and anti-Trump music and art were the first phase of Soros’s Purple Revolution in America.
President-elect Trump is facing a two-pronged attack by his opponents. One, led by entrenched neo-con bureaucrats, including former Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency director Michael Hayden, former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, and Bush family loyalists are seeking to call the shots on who Trump appoints to senior national security, intelligence, foreign policy, and defense positions in his administration. These neo-Cold Warriors are trying to convince Trump that he must maintain the Obama aggressiveness and militancy toward Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and other countries. The second front arrayed against Trump is from Soros-funded political groups and media. This second line of attack is a propaganda war, utilizing hundreds of anti-Trump newspapers, web sites, and broadcasters, that will seek to undermine public confidence in the Trump administration from its outset.
One of Trump’s political advertisements, released just prior to Election Day, stated that George Soros, Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen, and Goldman Sachs chief executive officer Lloyd Blankfein, are all part of «a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities». Soros and his minions immediately and ridiculously attacked the ad as «anti-Semitic». President Trump should be on guard against those who his campaign called out in the ad and their colleagues. Soros’s son, Alexander Soros, called on Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, and her husband Jared Kushner, to publicly disavow Trump. Soros’s tactics not only seek to split apart nations but also families. Trump must be on guard against the current and future machinations of George Soros, including his Purple Revolution.

As we reported to you over the weekend, the radical Left terror groups Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA are funded by George Soros. The image at the top of this article is an official ANTIFA protest banner. Any questions? In Virginia, they turned a white nationalist rally into a bloodbath by inciting violence and being the first to strike. 3 people died because of their actions, and now they want to take their show on the road.
KENTUCKY: Lexington, Ky., Mayor Jim Gray doesn’t have to watch footage of the violent protests in Charlottesville over the weekend to know how divisive Confederate monuments can be. At family reunions and holiday dinners his whole life, he has heard about his great-uncles fighting each other in the Civil War’s Battle of Shiloh. Two were on the Union’s side. One fought for the Confederacy. Now, the 63-year-old mayor, who is white, is bracing for more controversy — and potentially worse, given the unrest in Charlottesville — after he announced plans on Saturday to move two Confederate monuments from prominent places near a Lexington courthouse. source
SEATTLE: Police and protesters clashed during a right-wing rally and counter-demonstration in Seattle on Sunday, but there were no immediate reports of serious injuries. The dueling events came one day after a woman was killed and 19 other people were injured in a white nationalist protest and counter-protest in Virginia. Seattle police said in a statement that three men were arrested on suspicion of obstruction and assault. Confiscated weapons included ax handles, 2-by-4s and balloons containing an “unknown liquid substance,” the statement said. source
BALTIMORE: Baltimore City Councilman Brandon Scott is formally calling for all four of Baltimore’s Confederate-era monuments to be torn down. In a resolution being introduced Monday, Scott calls for “the immediate destruction of all Confederate Monuments in Baltimore.” In the resolution, he cites the white nationalist rally in Charlottesville over the weekend that left three dead. source
VIRGINIA: A Confederate heritage organization has asked the state for permission to gather Sept. 16 at Richmond’s Robert E. Lee monument. The rally would come roughly a month after Saturday’s white nationalist protest descended into violence in Charlottesville. The Department of General Services has received a request from Americans for Richmond Monument Preservation for a permit to hold an event at the Lee Monument on Monument Avenue, according to Dena Potter, an agency spokeswoman, who said the application is under review and has not been approved. source
The rabid Liberal Left in America is very, very violent, and have been making death threats against President Trump for quite sometime now. Please watch this video with caution, it is very graphic.

In recent years, there’s been a small genre of left-of-center journalism that, following President Obama’s lead, endeavors to prove that things on Planet Earth are not just going well, but have, in fact, never been better. This is an inherently subjective claim, of course; it requires that one buy into the idea of human progress, for one thing. But no matter how it was framed, there’s at least one celebrated leftist activist, author and journalist who’d disagree: Chris Hedges.
In fact, in his latest book, “Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt,” Hedges argues that the world is currently at a crisis point the likes of which we’ve never really seen. There are similarities between our time and the era of the 1848 revolutions throughout Europe — or the French Revolutionary era that preceded them — he says. But in many ways, climate change least among them, the stakes this time are much higher. According to Hedges, a revolution is coming; we just don’t yet know when, where, how — or on whose behalf. Recently, Salon spoke over the phone with Hedges to discuss his book, why he thinks our world is in for some massive disruptions, and why we need revolutionaries now more than ever. A transcript of our conversation which has been edited for clarity and length can be found below.
Do you think we are in a revolutionary era now? Or is it more something on the horizon?
It’s with us already, but with this caveat: it is what Gramsci calls interregnum, this period where the ideas that buttress the old ruling elite no longer hold sway, but we haven’t articulated something to take its place. That’s what that essay I quote by Alexander Berkman, “The Invisible Revolution,” talks about. He likens it to a pot that’s beginning to boil. So it’s already taking place, although it’s subterranean. And the facade of power — both the physical facade of power and the ideological facade of power — appears to remain intact. But it has less and less credibility.
There are all sorts of neutral indicators that show that. Low voter turnout, the fact that Congress has an approval rating of 7 percent, that polls continually reflect a kind of pessimism about where we are going, that many of the major systems that have been set in place — especially in terms of internal security — have no popularity at all. All of these are indicators that something is seriously wrong, that the government is no longer responding to the most basic concerns, needs, and rights of the citizenry. That is [true for the] left and right. But what’s going to take it’s place, that has not been articulated. Yes, we are in a revolutionary moment; but maybe it’s a better way to describe it as a revolutionary process.
Is there a revolutionary consciousness building in America?
Well, it is definitely building. But until there is an ideological framework that large numbers of people embrace to challenge the old ideological framework, nothing is going to happen. Some things can happen; you can have sporadic uprisings as you had in Ferguson or you had in Baltimore. But until they are infused with that kind of political vision, they are reactive, in essence.
So you have, every 28 hours, a person of color, usually a poor person of color, being killed with lethal force — and, of course, in most of these cases they are unarmed. So people march in the streets and people protest; and yet the killings don’t stop. Even when they are captured on video. I mean we have videos of people being murdered by the police and the police walk away. This is symptomatic of a state that is ossified and can no longer respond rationally to what is happening to the citizenry, because it exclusively serves the interest of corporate power.
We have, to quote John Ralston Saul, “undergone a corporate coup d’état in slow motion” and it’s over. The normal mechanisms by which we carry out incremental and piecemeal reform through liberal institutions no longer function. They have been seized by corporate power — including the press. That sets the stage for inevitable blowback, because these corporations have no internal constraints, and now they have no external constraints. So they will exploit, because, as Marx understood, that’s their nature, until exhaustion or collapse.
What do you think is the most likely way that the people will respond to living in these conditions?
That is the big unknown. When it will come is unknown. What is it that will trigger it is unknown. You could go back and look at past uprisings, some of which I covered — I covered all the revolutions in Eastern Europe; I covered the two Palestinian uprisings; I covered the street demonstrations that eventually brought down Slobodan Milosevic — and it’s usually something banal.
As a reporter, you know that it’s there; but you never know what will ignite it. So you have Lenin, six weeks before the revolution, in exile in Switzerland, getting up and saying, We who are old will never live to see the revolution. Even the purported leaders of the opposition never know when it’s coming. Nor do they know what will trigger it.
What kind of person engages in revolutionary activity? Is there a specific type?
There are different types, but they have certain characteristics in common. That’s why I quote theologian Reinhold Niebuhr when he talks about “sublime madness.” I think that sublime madness — James Baldwin writes it’s not so much that [revolutionaries] have a vision, it’s that they are possessed by it. I think that’s right. They are often difficult, eccentric personalities by nature, because they are stepping out front to confront a system of power [in a way that is] almost a kind of a form of suicide. But in moments of extremity, these rebels are absolutely key; and that you can’t pull off seismic change without them.
You’ve said that we don’t know where the change will come from, and that it could just as easily take a right-wing, reactionary form as a leftist one. Is there anything lefties can do to influence the outcome? Or is it out of anyone’s control?
There’s so many events as societies disintegrate that you can’t predict. They play such a large part in shaping how a society goes that there is a lot of it that is not in your control. For example, if you compare the breakdown of Yugoslavia with the breakdown of Czechoslovakia — and I covered both of those stories — Yugoslavia was actually the Eastern European country best-equipped to integrate itself into Europe. But Yugoslavia went bad. When the economy broke down and Yugoslavia was hit with horrific hyperinflation, it vomited up these terrifying figures in the same way that Weimar vomited up the Nazi party. Yugoslavia tore itself to pieces.
If things unravel [in the U.S.], our backlash may very well be a rightwing backlash — a very frightening rightwing backlash. We who care about populist movements [on the left] are very weak, because in the name of anti-communism these movements have been destroyed; we are almost trying to rebuild them from scratch. We don’t even have the language to describe the class warfare that is being unleashed upon us by this tiny, rapacious, oligarchic elite. But we on the left are very disorganized, unfocused, and without resources.
In terms of a left-wing populism having to build itself back up from scratch, do you see the broad coalition against the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as a hint of what that might look like? Or would you not go that far?
No, I would.
I think that if you look at what’s happened after Occupy, it’s either spawned or built alliances with a series of movements; whether it’s #BlackLivesMatter, whether it’s the Fight for $15 campaign, whether it’s challenging the TPP. I think they are all interconnected and, often times — at least when I’m with those activists — there is a political consciousness that I find quite mature.
Are you optimistic about the future?
I covered war for 20 years; we didn’t use terms like pessimist or optimist, because if you were overly optimistic, it could get you killed. You really tried to read the landscape as astutely as you could and then take calculated risks based on the reality around you, or at least on the reality insofar as you could interpret it. I kind of bring that mentality out of war zones.
If we are not brutal about diagnosing what we are up against, then all of our resistance is futile. If we think that voting for Hillary Clinton … is really going to make a difference, then I would argue we don’t understand corporate power and how it works. If you read the writings of anthropologists, there are studies about how civilizations break down; and we are certainly following that pattern. Unfortunately, there’s nothing within human nature to argue that we won’t go down the ways other civilizations have gone down. The difference is now, of course, that when we go down, the whole planet is going to go with us.
Yet you rebel not only for what you can achieve, but for who you become. In the end, those who rebel require faith — not a formal or necessarily Christian, Jewish or Muslim orthodoxy, but a faith that the good draws to it the good. That we are called to carry out the good insofar as we can determine what the good is; and then we let it go. The Buddhists call it karma, but faith is the belief that it goes somewhere. By standing up, you keep alive another narrative. It’s one of the ironic points of life. That, for me, is what provides hope; and if you are not there, there is no hope at all.

Trump has said that he doesn’t see any future in the conflict Washington has initiated with Russia, and Trump questions the point of NATO’s continuing existence. These peaceful attitudes make Trump into a “national security risk” according to Wolfowitz. What Wolfowitz means is that a peace candidate is a threat to Wolfowitz’s doctrine of US world hegemony. In the crazed mind of Wolfowitz and the neoconservatives, America is not safe unless it rules the world.
Hillary is a warmonger, perhaps the ultimate and last one if she becomes president, as the combination of her hubris and incompetence is likely to result in World War 3. On July 3, 2015, Hillary declared: “I want the Iranians to know that if I’m president, we will attack Iran. . . . we would be able to totally obliterate them.” The crazed Hillary went on from this to declare the President of Russia to be “the new Hitler.” Little doubt she thinks she can obliterate Russia also.
Hillary is the one who brought zionist neocon Victoria Nuland into the State Department to oversee the US coup in Ukraine in order to create more propaganda against Russia and force Washington’s European vassals to impose sanctions and place military bases on Russia’s borders, thus provoking a nuclear power and raising dangerous tensions. This fits in perfectly with Wolfowitz’s intention. As Wolfowitz is Hillary’s likely Secretary of Defense, the two together mean World War 3.
When the Soviet Union collapsed, Wolfowitz, then a high Pentagon official, penned the Wolfowitz doctrine. The doctrine states that the principal goal of US foreign policy is to prevent the rise of other countries that could serve as constraints on US unilateralism. This means Russia and China, The combination of Hillary with Wolfowitz should scare everyone in the entire world. The prospect of nuclear weapons being in such crazed hands as those of Hillary and Wolfowitz is the most alarming though imaginable.
The question is whether Hillary can be elected in the face of her violations of national security rules, for which she received a pass from corrupt Obama, and her heavily documented self-dealings that have produced a Clinton private fortune of $120 million and $1,600 million in their foundation. It is completely clear that the Clintons use public office for their private aggrandizement. Is this what Americans want? Two people who become even more rich as the world is led into nuclear war?
But with electronic voting machines, the question will not be decided by what Amerians want, but by how the electronic machines are programmed to report the vote. The US has already had elections in which the exit polls, always a reliable indicator of the winner prior to the appearance of electronic voting machines, indicated a different winner than the electronic voting machines produced. The secrecy of how the voting machines are programmed is protected by “proprietary software.” The machines have no paper trails, precluding vote recounts.
As both political establishments are fiercely opposed to Trump, how do you think the machines will be programmed? Indeed, the media is so opposed to Trump, the question is whether there will be exit polls and if there are, will they be misreported? Republican operatives, not Republican voters, are all in a huff over their allegations that Trump is costing the Republicans votes. How can this be when Republican voters chose Trump over other candidates? Aren’t the Republican operatives saying that they, instead of the voters, should choose the Republican candidate?
If so, they are just like the Democrats. Some years ago the Democrat establishment created “super delegates” who are not chosen by voters. Enough “super delegates” were created in order to give the Party establishment the ability to over-ride the voters choice of presidential candidate. That it was the Democrats—allegedly the party of the people—who first took the choice away from the people is astonishing. Much information indicates that Bernie Sanders actually won the Democratic presidential nomination but was denied it by vote fraud and “super delegates.”
This is politics in America—totally corrupt. Chris Hedges might be right: nothing can change without revolution. The demonization of Trump by the presstitutes is proof that Trump, despite his wealth, is regarded by the Oligarchs who comprise the One Percent as a threat to their agendas. The Oligarchs, not Trump, own or control the media. So the presstitute demonization of Trump is complete proof that he is the candidate to elect. The oligarchs who oppress us hate Trump, so the oppressed American people should support Trump.
The presstitute demonization of Trump did not work in the Republican primaries. Is it working in the presidential election? We don’t know, because the polls are reported by the presstitutes, not by Trump. If the demonization does not work, and the election has to be stolen from Trump by the electronic machines, the consequence will be to radicalize Americans, something long overdue. Perhaps the expectation of this development is the reason all federal agencies, even the post office and Social Security, have acquired arms and ammunition, and Cheney’s firm Halliburton was paid $385,000,000 to build detention centers in the US.
Those who control us are not going to give up their control without a world war. In the United States evil has seized power from the people, and evil will not give it back.
The fact that President Trump is still being attacked by the organized one-worlders would seem to be a mark in his favor. One of the latest hit pieces on him comes in Foreign Affairs, the journal of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and is entitled “Nationalism Makes for Bad Foreign Policy: What Trump Gets Wrong.” The author, Professor Ronald R. Krebs, avers that Trump’s nationalist vision “pictures a world that was once the United States’ sandbox, whose contents America could, and did, mold and remold at its pleasure. And it dreams that an America restored to its rightful greatness will inspire such respect again. Such nostalgia is not only wrong, it is also deeply dangerous.”
Aside from the fact that the Krebs/CFR attack piece presents a caricature of nationalism as blind chauvinism, it also provides cover for the fact that Trump has appointed a whole bevy of CFR globalists to his administration. And these Pratt House regulars are transforming Trump administration policies — both foreign and domestic — to bring them more into conformity with the one-world vision. As we have noted previously, the initial appointment of denizens from Goldman Sachs and the CFR to high posts in the new administration was a bad sign. As we write, the annual Bilderberg Meeting is beginning (June 1-4). This year’s venue for the secret meeting of world insiders is Chantilly, Virginia. As usual, the controlled “prestige press” is treating concerns about the gathering as “conspiracy theory.”
What informed Americans will find troubling is that President Trump is continuing the tradition of past administrations of sending representatives to participate in this globalist cabal. According to the official Bilderberg website, Trump administration participants will include Wilbur Ross, secretary of commerce; H.R. McMaster (CFR), national security advisor; and Nadia Schadlow (CFR), deputy assistant to the president, national security council.

For much of the 20th century, ideological discussions and debates have centered on liberal versus conservative, left versus right. No longer. The ideological divide of the 21st century is emerging as globalism versus nationalism. Since the end of World War II, global integration and technological progress have fueled a new world order centered on free trade, open borders and interdependent economies. Goods, capital and people should be able to move freely across borders, which is actually the meaning of globalization. But Greg Ip of the Wall Street Journal argues that globalism is a “mindset that globalization is natural and good, that global governance should expand as national sovereignty contracts.” The new nationalist surge has startled and shocked the advocates of globalism. This new nationalism is the vital center of Brexit and the election of Donald Trump.
In a recent essay, Greg Ip offers several salient observations about this new ideological struggle between globalism and nationalism. The new nationalists seek to reassert control over their own countries. Their targets are global structures such as the European Union, the World Trade Organization (WTO), NATO, the United Nations and the North American Free Trade Agreement. However, the new nationalists posit no credible plans for replacing the institutions of globalization they seek to tear down. The globalists have underestimated the collateral damage globalization has inflicted upon workers. They “placed too much weight on the strategic advantages of trade and dismissed too readily the value that many ordinary citizens still attach to national borders and cultural cohesion.”
Historically, Great Britain presided over the first era of globalization, from the mid-1800s through 1914. They advocated free trade and the gold standard. That era gave way to an extreme era of nationalism, which produced World War II. But after World War II, “the logic of globalism shifted beyond trade to grand strategy. By ceding modest amounts of sovereignty to international institutions, a country could make the world, and itself, far stronger by pursuing its own narrowly defined interests.” For these globalists, economic and geopolitical self-interest were inseparable. Hence, the 1957 Treaty of Rome led to the formation of the European Union of 28 nations. The assumption? Economic and political integration world make war unthinkable. For the next five decades, trade, industrialization and demographics produced a cycle of rising prosperity. By the 2000s, globalism appeared triumphant.
But, when Bill Clinton advocated for China joining the WTO, he predicted that this would “likely . . . have a profound impact on human rights and political liberty.” It did not! China met its WTO obligations but discriminated against foreign investors and products while maintaining an artificially cheap currency. “A wave of Chinese imports wiped out 2 million American jobs, with no equivalent boom in US jobs linked to exports to China.” Furthermore, China became even more repressive at home and antagonistic abroad. China was undermining the virtues of globalism.
As China and Germany amassed huge trade surpluses, cross border financing made financial regulation of global financial markets nearly impossible. In 2008, these global financial markets collapsed and produced the worst global financial crisis since the 1930s. This crisis rattled the globalists but did not curtail their passion for openness and trade. Hence, President Obama’s 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) aimed directly at challenging China’s dominance of Asia. However, with the election of Donald Trump the TPP is dead.
Ip correctly argues that the intense backlash against immigration (and globalism) is cultural, not fundamentally economic. The voters for Brexit and for Trump “were bothered less by competition from immigrants than by their perceived effect on the country’s linguistic, religious and cultural norms.” This is perhaps the most troubling aspect of this new nationalism—its penchant for xenophobia and for ethnic and religious exclusion. There are no good examples of this inclination from history. It can become ugly and lead to violence against minorities within a country. No sincere Christian should embrace radical xenophobia or exclusion. Indeed, the first era of globalization, which ended in 1914 with the outbreak of World War I, gave way to a long period of declining inequality and ruthless exclusion (witness Germany, Italy and Japan in the 1930s), in which “harmful countervailing forces played a bigger role than beneficial ones. History might repeat itself.”
In conclusion, those who have advocated for the ideology of globalism and worldwide economic integration seriously underestimated the risks and potential dangers that would result from large parts of society feeling as if they were left behind due to more open trade with open borders as the world’s economies integrated together. Those sentiments and real feelings explain why the Brexit vote was successful. Such developments also explain the emergence of Trump. Fundamentally, the ideology of nationalism is (temporarily?) providing a meaningful and energized alternative to the ideology of globalism. Will the alternative of nationalism survive? Will it thrive and permeate the other nations of Europe? There are four major elections being held in Europe during 2017. Each one of these elections could potentially result in victories by the nationalists in France, Italy, and the Netherlands, and even in Germany. If the nationalist forces all win in Europe, it could mean the death of the European Union. What exactly Donald Trump will do as he rides the wave of this intense new nationalism is anybody’s guess. But one thing is for certain right now: Globalism in the United States (and the world?) as a governing ideology is on hold. Is it dead? Only time will tell.

China and Germany have many similarities which may go unnoticed. Their partnership developed at the recent G-20 meeting appears to be strategic. They are both the economic anchors of their respective regions, Germany in the EU, China in Eastern Asia. Germany's penchant toward socialist justice championing statist programs is increasing. China shows off an outward appearance of flirting with capitalism and economic freedom, but is communist at its core. Both countries are swamps of collectivism: exactly what the globalists aspire to bring to all of humanity.
It makes sense that German Chancellor Angela Merkel advocates globalism as evidenced by her obsession with the ideal of multiculturalism in Germany. Although itself an ideology, multiculturalism doesn't make ideological distinctions. It is an attempt to render contradictory worldviews and borders obsolete. That's why Merkel has welcomed thousands of refugees to integrate into German society. She has been spearheading this agenda, along with the help of newly-elected Emmanuel Macron of France in the Franco-German alliance to save the European Union after it was backhanded by the forgotten and so-called "uneducated" rural men and women of Great Britain. In addition, if Germany became nationalist, it could bring a rebirth of national socialism (which precipitated two world wars of which Germany was on the losing end). Merkel does not want Germany to be perceived with any Nazi party affiliations.
China, on the other hand, is a little more complex. But if you understand Chinese history and interests, then it's obvious why China is in the globalist camp. By virtue of the Himalayas, China has historically been geographically separated from the world. Hence, Chinese civilization has governed itself for the majority of its history. China places its long-term interests above anything else and is perhaps the most nationalist country of all. Since globalism is in China's national interests, globalist integration for the Chinese economy is highest priority, disregarding any other interest. When China decided to include its currency in the global monetary system, they made it so their influence will be able to grow in global monetary affairs. The Yuan is now in the basket of currencies which makes up the IMF SDR one-world currency. However, China's highly leveraged ponzi system and perpetual social unrest forces it to move forward cautiously in integration. But globalism is the preferred course for President Xi Jinping and the communist Chinese.
Now that the globalist-in-chief, President Obama, is no longer in office, the two most powerful nationalists in the global stage are American President Donald J. Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Accordingly, the most inconvenient scenario for the globalists is detente between America and Russia. Following the G-20 gathering in Hamburg, Germany, President Donald J. Trump said:
People said, ‘Oh they shouldn’t get along.’ Well, who are the people that are saying that? I think we get along very, very well. We are a tremendously powerful nuclear power, and so are they. It doesn’t make sense not to have some kind of a relationship.If the White House has its way, Russian detente will be inevitable, thereby placing China as the odd man out. The globalists prefer a warmer relationship from the U.S. with China, not Russia. There is no denying that Putin has had his fair share of cold-blooded authoritarianism. But President Xi Jinping is the dictator of the world's foremost oppressive communist country, which also happens to have the world's largest population (1.4 billion).
Enter the domestic corporatist globalists, the establishment U.S. Congress. The Obama sanctions against Russia were a miserable failure. Russia continues to act autonomously in its nationalist interests. What has changed in Russia's action in Ukraine and Syria? Nothing. The U.S. Congress didn't get the memo: Economic sanctions don't work against Russia. European Union leaders are now coming to their senses and oppose the economic sanctions against Russia. President Donald J. Trump tweeted yesterday:
Our relationship with Russia is at an all-time & very dangerous low. You can thank Congress, the same people that can't even give us HCare!
The Russian sanctions have sparked a response from Moscow, which may become the worst outcome for the long-term livelihoods of everyday average Americans. But that is what the globalists prefer for a one-world government to be birthed. Which is the greater evil, autonomous Russia or a global one-world government with America losing sovereignty? President Donald J. Trump views an autonomous Russia as preferable over a one-world unelected elitist globalist government, which is against the best interests of the American people.
Thomas didn't mention any specific issues with the government. But his remarks came less than a month into the Trump administration and less than a day after Michael Flynn abruptly resigned as national security adviser over the fallout of his having discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador to the US before Trump took office. A New York Times report published Tuesday evening also said Trump campaign officials spoke with Russian intelligence officials often before the election, and a Times investigation into Trump's National Security Council revealed a chaotic decision-making process. From The Times:
"Three weeks into the Trump administration, council staff members get up in the morning, read President Trump's Twitter posts and struggle to make policy to fit them. Most are kept in the dark about what Mr. Trump tells foreign leaders in his phone calls. Some staff members have turned to encrypted communications to talk with their colleagues, after hearing that Mr. Trump's top advisers are considering an 'insider threat' program that could result in monitoring cellphones and emails for leaks."When asked later about his comments, Thomas told The Times: "As a commander, I'm concerned our government be as stable as possible." It's rather uncharacteristic for a top active-duty military officer to offer such public critiques, but it's not the first time. A military judge said earlier this week that Trump's campaign rhetoric about Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl on the campaign trail was "disturbing." Still, Thomas concluded that the Special Operations forces under his command — including Navy SEALs, Army Special Forces, and Marine Raiders — were "staying focused" despite the dysfunction in Washington.
This is a blatantly politicized "report" that is not supported by any evidence, nor is it supported by the other 16 intelligence agencies. The recent pronouncement by the C.I.A. that Russian hackers intervened in the U.S. presidential election doesn't pass the sniff test--on multiple levels. Let's consider the story on the most basic levels.
1. If the report is so "secret," why is it dominating the news flow?
2. Why was the "secret report" released now?
3. What actual forensic evidence is there of intervention? Were voting machines tampered with? Or is this "secret report" just another dose of fact-free "fake news" like The Washington Post's list of 200 "Russian propaganda" websites?
4. The report claims the entire U.S. intelligence community is in agreement on the "proof of Russian intervention on behalf of Trump" story, but then there's this:
"The C.I.A. presentation to senators about Russia’s intentions fell short of a formal U.S. assessment produced by all 17 intelligence agencies. A senior U.S. official said there were minor disagreements among intelligence officials about the agency’s assessment, in part because some questions remain unanswered."Given that the N.S.A. (National Security Agency) was so secret that its existence was denied for decades, do you really think the NSA is going to go public if it disagrees with the C.I.A.? Given the structure of the Deep State and the intelligence community, "minor disagreements" could well mean complete, total disavowal of the C.I.A.'s report. That this is the reality is suggested by the F.B.I.'s denunciation of the report's evidence-free, sweeping conclusion: FBI Disputes CIA's "Fuzzy And Ambiguous" Claims That Russia Sought To Influence Presidential Election
5. The supposed interventions clearly fall under the purview of the NSA. So why is the C.I.A. going public in what is clearly a politicized report intended to influence the public via massive, sustained coverage in the mainstream media?
6. Notice the double standard: so when the U.S. attempts to influence public opinion in other nations, it's OK, but when other nations pursue the same goal, it's not OK?
7. What are we to make of the sustained campaign to elevate "Russian hackers and propaganda" from signal noise to the deciding factor in the U.S. election?
8. Russian hacking and attempts to influence American public opinion are not new. The intelligence agencies tasked with protecting American cyberspace have long identified state-sponsored hacking from Russia and China as major threats. So why, all of a sudden, are we being told the Russians successfully influenced a U.S. election? What changed? What new capabilities did they develop?
9. And most importantly, what evidence is there that Russian efforts affected the election? Were digital fingerprints found on voting machine records? Were payments to American media employees uncovered? Shouldn't statements purported to be "fact" or the "truth" be substantiated beyond "trust us, an agency with a long history of failed intelligence, misinformation and illegal over-reach"?
10. Doesn't it raise alarms that such a momentous accusation is totally devoid of evidence? If you're going public with the conclusion, you have to go public with at least some of the evidence. Here's the media blitz and some skeptical response:
Longtime readers know I have proposed a major divide in the Deep State--the elements of the federal government which don't change regardless of who is in elected office. This includes the intelligence community, the Pentagon, the diplomatic and trade infrastructure, Research and Revelopment, and America's own organs of media "framing" and "placement."
Is the Deep State Fracturing into Disunity? (March 14, 2014)
More recently, I wondered if the more progressive elements of the Deep State recognized the dangers to U.S. security posed by the neocons and their candidate, Hillary Clinton, and had decided to undermine her candidacy: Could the Deep State Be Sabotaging Hillary? (August 8, 2016)
In other words, it's not the Russians who sabotaged Hillary--it's America's own Deep State that undermined her coronation. It wasn't a matter of personalities; it was much more profound than that. It was about the risks posed by the neocon strategies and policies, and just as importantly, the politicization of the intelligence network. And this is precisely what we discern in the C.I.A.'s unprecedented and quite frankly, absurd "secret report:" a blatantly politicized "report" that is not supported by any evidence, nor is it supported by the other 16 intelligence agencies. (Silence doesn't mean approval in this sphere.)

As the deep state plays out its plans to use the phony allegations of conspiracy with Russia to oust President Trump — as we explain in our new book Rogue Spooks — there are increasing signs that the deep state is taking over the Trump Administration and controlling what the president does and says. Chastened and battered by the worst press any president has ever had, is Trump pulling in his horns to get a break and serve out his term in peace?
The New York Times reports that General John Kelly, Priebus’ successor as Chief of Staff, is controlling access to the president more tightly than any of his predecessors since H.R. Haldeman policed the gate to the Oval Office under Nixon. Nobody goes in or out without Kelly’s permission. Nobody can send Trump a memo or even news clippings unless they go through Kelly. Reportedly, Kelly has even sought to limit access to the president by members of his family — Jared and Ivanka.
Moreover, his presidency has been marked in the past few months by policy announcements and positions totally at variance with those on which he campaigned. Foremost among these was his decision on July 17th to certify that Iran was in full compliance with the nuclear deal — a step the president must take every ninety days or the agreement will lapse. Having called the treaty “the worst deal ever,” his supine acceptance of Iran’s outrageous conduct is quite odd. At the time of his certification, he was at great pains to stress that he had acted contrary to his instincts but was persuaded that he had not adequately consulted with our allies who also signed the agreement.
Three months earlier, on April 12th, another Trump campaign plank was reduced to sawdust when the president reversed his campaign position and refused to certify China as a currency manipulator. During the campaign, he had based his charges that Beijing was playing dirty in trade on its manipulation of the currency to reduce the value of the yuan so that its goods and services would be cheaper in the U.S.. Now, he said China had improved and hinted that he was trimmings sails to win Beijing’s co-operation in disciplining North Korea. That’s working out real well isn’t it?
And then their was his prime time address to the country explaining the commitment of thousands of new troops to Afghanistan, again flouting his campaign positions. In each case, it sure looks like Trump has had his arm twisted by the deep state to do its bidding. Is he so gun shy and battered that he fears the negative press that would aimed at him should he fail to change his positions? Has the deep state forced on Trump the services of H.L McMaster who is using his power as National Security Advisor to fire people whose sin was that they followed the president’s positions, not McMaster’s?

These norms are no longer operative. During the election process, and in the run-up to the inauguration of US President-Elect Donald Trump, fundamental electoral institutions were challenged and coercive institutions were activated to disqualify the elected president and desperate overt public pronouncements threatened the entire electoral order. We will proceed by outlining the process that is used to undermine the constitutional order, including the electoral process and the transition to the inauguration of the elected president.
Regime Change in America
In recent times, elected officials in the US and their state security organizations have often intervened against independent foreign governments, which challenged Washington’s quest for global domination. This was especially true during the eight years of President Barack Obama’s administration where the violent ousting of presidents and prime ministers through US-engineered coups were routine - under an unofficial doctrine of ‘regime change’.
The violation of constitutional order and electoral norms of other countries has become enshrined in US policy. All US political, administrative and security structures are involved in this process. The policymakers would insist that there was a clear distinction between operating within constitutional norms at home and pursuing violent, illegal regime change operations abroad. Today the distinction between overseas and domestic norms has been obliterated by the state and quasi-official mass media. The US security apparatus is now active in manipulating the domestic democratic process of electing leaders and transitioning administrations.
The decisive shift to ‘regime change’ at home has been a continual process organized, orchestrated and implemented by elected and appointed officials within the Obama regime and by a multiplicity of political action organizations, which cross traditional ideological boundaries. Regime change has several components leading to the final solution: First and foremost, the political parties seek to delegitimize the election process and undermine the President-elect. The mass media play a major role demonizing President-Elect Trump with personal gossip, decades-old sex scandals and fabricated interviews and incidents.
Alongside the media blitz, leftist and rightist politicians have come together to question the legitimacy of the November 2016 election results. Even after a recount confirmed Trump’s victory, a massive propaganda campaign was launched to impeach the president-elect even before he takes office - by claiming Trump was an ‘enemy agent’. The Democratic Party and the motley collection of right-left anti-Trump militants sought to blackmail members of the Electoral College to change their vote in violation of their own mandate as state electors. This was unsuccessful, but unprecedented.
Their overt attack on US electoral norms then turned into a bizarre and virulent anti-Russia campaign designed to paint the elected president (a billionaire New York real estate developer and US celebrity icon) as a ‘tool of Moscow.’ The mass media and powerful elements within the CIA, Congress and Obama Administration insisted that Trump’s overtures toward peaceful, diplomatic relations with Russia were acts of treason.
The outgoing President Obama mobilized the entire leadership of the security state to fabricate ‘dodgy dossiers’ linking Donald Trump to the Russian President Vladimir Putin, insisting that Trump was a stooge or ‘vulnerable to KGB blackmail’. The CIA’s phony documents (arriving via a former British intelligence operative-now free lance ’security’ contractor) were passed around among the major corporate media who declined to publish the leaked gossip. Months of attempts to get the US media to ‘take the bite’ on the ’smelly’ dossier were unsuccessful. The semi-senile US Senator John McCain (’war-hero’ and hysterical Trump opponent) then volunteered to plop the reeking gossip back onto the lap of the CIA Director Brennan and demand the government ‘act on these vital revelations’!
Under scrutiny by serious researchers, the ‘CIA dossier’ was proven to be a total fabrication by way of a former ‘British official - now - in - hiding…!’ Undaunted, despite being totally discredited, the CIA leadership continued to attack the President-Elect. Trump likened the CIA’s ‘dirty pictures hatchet job’ to the thuggish behavior of the Nazis and clearly understood how the CIA leadership was involved in a domestic coup d’état.
CIA Director John Brennan, architect of numerous ‘regime changes’ overseas had brought his skills home - against the President-elect. For the first time in US history, a CIA director openly charged a President or President-elect with betraying the country and threatened the incoming Chief Executive. He coldly warned Trump to ‘just make sure he understands that the implications and impacts (of Trump’s policies) on the United States could be profound…” Clearly CIA Director Brennan has not only turned the CIA into a sinister, unaccountable power dictating policy to an elected US president, by taking on the tone of a Mafia Capo, he threatens the physical security of the incoming leader.
The priority aim is to deny Trump the presidency. He is too independent and a danger for several power centers within the ruling U.S. power circles. The selection of Tillerson as new Secretary of State only reinforces this (Prediction: Bolton will not get the Deputy position.) Tillerson is for profitable stability, not for regime change adventures. The institutional Trump enemies are:
The CIA which has become the Central Assassination Agency under the Bush and Obama administrations. Huge parts of its budgets depend on a continuation of the war on Syria and the drone assassination campaigns in Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere. Trump’s more isolationist policies would likely end these campaigns and the related budget troughs. The weapons industry which could lose its enormous sales to its major customers in the Persian Gulf should a President Trump reduce U.S. interference in the Middle East and elsewhere. The neoconservatives and Likudniks who want the U.S. as Israel’s weapon to strong arm the Middle East to the Zionists’ benefit. The general war hawks, military and “humanitarian interventionists” to whom any reduction of the U.S. role as primary power in the world is anathema to their believes.The current CIA director Brennan, a leading figure of the CIA torture program and Obama consigliere, is in the Clinton/anti-Trump camp. The former CIA heads Hayden and Panetta are public Clinton supporters as is torturer king and former CIA deputy director Michael Morell. It is thereby no wonder that the CIA is leading the anti-Russian campaign. Its task now is to implant the idea in the U.S. public that Russian intervention skewed the U.S. election towards Trump. The purpose is the delegitimization of the Trump victory in the eyes of the media and public but even more so in the eyes of the electors within the electoral college. The CIA is heavily supported by the same mainstream media that pushed for Clinton during the election. (These are, not by chance, also the same media that pushed the CIA’s earlier “Saddam’s Weapon of Mass Destruction” campaign.)
The Democratic partisan and Harvard law Professor Lawrence Lessig is pushing the electors and offersthem free personal legal support. He says the electoral college vote is now close.
Could 37 Republican electors, put there by voters in their states to vote for Trump, be convinced to move from electing Trump to abstain or vote for someone else, Trump would miss the needed 270 votes. The whole election of the president would then by kicked up to the House of Representatives. Should the electors vote for Trump there is still a possibility that members of the House and the Senate could officially question that vote and cause delays or Congressional probes and legal challenges. Here are the detailed general proceedings and specifics for the electoral college as explained by the National Archives and Records Administration.
Though neoconservatives have no genuine support within the U.S. electorate they have a strong hold on significant parts of Congress and the relevant MSM commentariat. Many leading neoconservatives and war hawks like Robert Kagan, Max Boot and the Washington Post editorial board came out for Clinton during the campaign. Clinton even ran campaign advertisements with Republican Congress luminaries like Lindsay Graham, Sasse and Flake. The House and the Senate majority may well be on the anti-Trump side if push comes to shove. But whatever the outcome there surely would be intense legal challenges and I expect the case to go up to the Supreme Court. As an alternative to legal shenanigans Trump’s inauguration could be delayed by Obama’s order to the intelligence community to create a formal review of Russian intervention in the election by January 20. That is not by chance the official inauguration date! The selling point:
By ordering a “full review” of allegations of Russian into the 2016 election process, President Barack Obama is essentially asking the IC to make an analytical judgment about the validity of the election that will place Trump in the Oval Office.A “compromise” in Congress could be to wait for the Intelligence Community’s analysis and then discuss it before certifying Trump as president. That would end up with no result as National Intelligence Estimates are notoriously vague. Meanwhile the Vice President-elect would sit in as acting President:
If the President-elect fails to qualify before inauguration, Section 3 of the 20th Amendment states that the Vice President-elect will act as President until such a time as a President has qualified.If the congressional or legal process around the Trump election gets delayed, that may be a state for a long time. The ruling Washington blob or borg could well live with an acting President Pence while Trump would have no official say in any government business. (Could Clinton then become acting VP or qualify as the new president?)
The media intervention on the anti-Trump side is heavy. But first keep in mind that there is no public evidence, ZERO, that Russia indeed had anything to do with the DNC or Podesta or other leaks and the publication of emails by various outlets like Wikileaks. Craig Murray assures us that he knows that these were not hacks but insider leaks and that he knows the leaker(s). Indeed he now tells us that the emails were handed over to him during a visits in Washington. Former intelligence officials including the technically very knowledgeable former NSA official William Binney concur that the hacking story is false. All we have heard or seen so far are hearsay rumors and allegations of evidence. To me as experienced IT professional the case is technically laughable just as Murray explains here. If the claimed hacks occurred at all the alleged methods were so common that anybody could have done these. There is not even one claimed fact yet that is technically halfway acceptable as evidence that “Russia did it”.
But still the NYT runs a big package of pieces telling us that “Russia did it” based on the non-factual CIA rumors and unprofessional IT assertions by Crowdstrike, the self-promoting IT security company the DNC hired and paid. Before that the Washington Post published major claims of Russian interference by anonymous officials. NBC News now tops that with “intelligence officials” saying Putin himself ran the hacking campaign. Authors of the story are the long time insider hacks Bill Arkin and Ken Dilanian known for clearing his stories with the CIA before publishing. The next story will tells us that Vladimir Valdimirovich himself was punching the keyboard. Many news outlets and editorials follow these “leads”. Part of the scheme the Clinton campaign has worked out was explained by a former opposition research consultant to the Democratic National Council, the Ukrainian-American Alexandra (aka Andrea) Chalupa, in this thread:
Andrea Chalupa @AndreaChalupa Dec 111.) Electoral College meets Dec. 19. If Electors ignore #StateOfEmergency we’re in, & Trump gets elected, we can stop him Jan. 6 in CongressEditorials and op-eds in the major papers are pushing the scheme along. Just for example from a long list A.J. Dionne in the Washington Post:
2.) If any objections to Electoral College vote are made, they must be submitted in writing, signed by at least 1 House member & 1 Senator
3.) If objections are presented, House & Senate withdraw to their chambers to consider their merits under procedures set out in federal law.
The CIA’s finding that Russia actively intervened in our election to make Trump president is an excellent reason for the electors to consider whether they should exercise their independent power. At the very least, they should be briefed on what the CIA knows, and in particular on whether there is any evidence that Trump or his lieutenants were engaged with Russia during the campaign.The New York Times editorial laments about Trump ridiculing the CIA fairy tales it promotes. Many people who have voted for Trump would be disgusted and outraged if or when Trump will be denied his office. Many of them are armed and would protest. Violence is ensured should the coup succeed. Trump selected four former generals to joins his cabinet and staff. Should the troubles escalate we might be roughly in for a scenario as laid out in the 1992 military paper: The Origins of the American Military Coup of 2012 (pdf) by Charles J. Dunlap.

Trump appears to be in conflict with the bulk of the US intelligence community, and is actively seeking to restructure the government to minimize checks and balances, and thus consolidate his executive power. His White House chief strategist, Steve Bannon, has restructured the National Security Council, granting himself and Trump’s Chief of Staff Richard ‘Reince’ Priebus permanent seats on the NSC’s Principals’ Committee – opening the door to the White House politicization of the government’s highest national security body. Trump’s White House has purged almost the entire senior staff of the State Department, and tested the loyalty of the Department of Homeland Security with its new ‘Muslim ban’ order.
So what is going on? One approach to framing the Trump movement comes from Jordan Greenhall, who sees it as a conservative (“Red Religion”) Insurgency against the liberal (“Blue Church”) Globalist establishment (the “Deep State”). Greenhall suggests, essentially, that Trump is leading a nationalist coup against corporate neoliberal globalization using new tactics of “collective intelligence” by which to outsmart and outspeed his liberal establishment opponents. But at best this is an extremely partial picture. In reality, Trump has ushered in something far more dangerous:
The Trump regime is not operating outside the Deep State, but mobilizing elements within it to dominate and strengthen it for a new mission.
The Trump regime is not acting to overturn the establishment, but to consolidate it against a perceived crisis of a wider transnational Deep System. The Trump regime is not a conservative insurgency against the liberal establishment, but an act of ideologically constructing the current crisis as a conservative-liberal battleground, led by a particularly radicalized white nationalist faction of a global elite. The act is a direct product of a global systemic crisis, but is a short-sighted and ill-conceived reaction, pre-occupied with surface symptoms of that crisis. Unfortunately, those hoping to resist the Trump reaction also fail to understand the system dynamics of the crisis.
“The Federal Reserve’s policies of printing trillions of dollars back in ’08-09 have locked into place a serious financial crisis at some point in our future,” Paul stated. Going so far as to intimate the financial collapse will occur at least some time in the next two years Paul wrote, “It’s unavoidable, and even Donald Trump can’t stop it.”
Paul said Trump will be the patsy for the supposed impending financial ruin. Just like everyone blamed Obama for the financial collapse in 2009, this time, “Trump will unfairly get the blame,” the former Texas representative wrote. Paul bases his comments on reports he says he’s read which concludes that within the next 18-24 months, the collapse will happen. The former congressman further explained he’s still holding out hope for Trump to make changes which can help to protect America’s future, but pointed out some of Trump’s staff has direct connections to Wall Street. He’s also concerned Trump’s war against radical Islam is a war Trump cannot win because it’s a war against an ideology, much like America’s failed attempt at defeating communism.
Paul believes the former administration’s posturing and threatening of China was misguided and stated we’d be better of trading goods with China, and all of Asia, rather than trading threats. However, as te Free Thought Project pointed out, Trump is already carrying on this dangerous posture — and China is responding. Paul warns there’s going to be an acceleration of black ops operations by the CIA and Special Forces missions such as the joint special operations command (JSOC) which, as The Free Thought Project has reported, answers directly to the President of the United States.
Paul, who has never supported Trump is concerned about Trump’s ego, wondering if he’s going to act on his impulses to go after the ideology of radical Islam. Paul reminded his viewers that the way to create more jihadists is to keep on provoking the moderate Muslims into becoming radicalized by reacting to U.S. military actions overseas — the exact same thing Trump is doing right now. Paul praised President Obama’s actions to normalize relations with Cuba and he hopes that with all of the policy decisions the Trump administration is making, that Trump will maintain the policy Obama implemented with Cuba and continue to keep the negotiations open with our closest Southern Caribbean neighbor.
Paul noted that he thinks U.S. policy has created a “failed system” in the country. “All empires end and we’re the empire. It’s going to end and it’s going to be for economic reasons…we’re going to fail because we’re working within a failed system…this is a monetary problem…a spending problem…it’s going to be financial,” Paul emphatically claimed, once again stating the collapse of America is imminent. “We have something arriving worse than 2008, 2009, much worse…It was the fault of the Federal Reserve,” Paul said, adding, the Keynesian economic model contributed greatly to the first bubble burst. Paul said the left will blame Trump for it like the right did to Obama, but he says it’s bigger than the office of the president, and blames the federal reserve and the previous 17 years of governmental spending. If you think Ron Paul’s comments hold no water, think again. As the Free Thought Project reported last year, even the former chairmen of the Federal Reserve is predicting this crisis.
We are in very early days of a crisis which has got a way to go,” asserted Alan Greenspan to Bloomberg last year. “This is the worst period, I recall since I’ve been in public service. There’s nothing like it, including the crisis — remember October 19th, 1987, when the Dow went down by a record amount 23 percent? That I thought was the bottom of all potential problems. This has a corrosive effect that will not go away. I’d love to find something positive to say…..I don’t know how it’s going to resolve, but there’s going to be a crisis.” When the man who used to run the very central bank Ron Paul says is responsible for the collapse, also says there’s going to be a collapse — it’s time to pay attention.

The Next Bubble?
I believe a bubble is forming in U.S. stocks. Why? In an ideal world, stocks perform best when certain factors are present. For example, an expanding economy which boosts corporate profits, low interest rates, and especially, the lack of attractive investment alternatives. In the following paragraphs we’ll discuss the various options available to investors today and examine the relative appeal of each.
Cash Has Been Dethroned
There is an old saying, “Cash is king.” However, with interest rates near zero, I’d say cash’s reign is over, at least temporarily. Because of its paltry return, we can eliminate this as an attractive investment. Although safe from market fluctuations, cash is basically a temporary parking place for money waiting to be invested. Outside of the U.S., cash is paying next to nothing in most of the developed world, including the U.S., Europe, Japan, and others. In smaller, emerging countries, short-term savings rates are higher but have been falling. As short-term rates continue to decline in these countries, cash investments will become less appealing. This leaves bonds and stocks. We’ll examine bonds next.
Bonds Are For Getting Out of Jail
Bond returns are derived from two things: periodic coupon payments and the change in a bonds price. Bonds are also subject to interest rate fluctuations. In short, when interest rates rise, bond prices fall and vice versa. Because interest rates are already very low in the larger, developed countries, buying bonds in these nations has a poor risk profile. In other words, there is too much risk and too little potential reward. Why? Because when interest rates rise, bond prices will decline and investors will lose. The best time to buy bonds is when interest rates are high. If a bond is purchased when interest rates are high, because the investor’s periodic interest is tied to the bond’s annual coupon, the investor will receive a higher income stream. Today, with rates as low as they are, assuming the investor bought bonds after rates declined, bond holders are not receiving as much income as they did prior to 2008.
Interest rates are generally higher in smaller, emerging countries. This fact alone makes bonds from these locations more appealing. However, in these smaller countries, you have to be concerned about two things. The first issue is the credit rating of the country or issuer. This can be affected by the political climate in that country or region of the world. The second issue is the value of the U.S. dollar relative to the currency of the country where the issuer is domiciled. However, as previously mentioned, interest rates in these smaller, emerging economies are also trending lower. Once they reach a certain level, new bonds from these locations will have very little appeal. Thus far, we have ruled out cash. Bonds are a bit more attractive but that appeal may be fading fast. Now we’ll take a brief look at currencies.
The value of one currency is relative to the value of another. For example, if the U.S. dollar gains strength versus the Euro, it can be said that the dollar became stronger or the Euro weakened. Currency fluctuations can have a significant effect on investors. If a U.S. investor invests in a basket of European stocks and the stocks increase by 10% over the course of a year, if the Euro weakened by the same percentage, the U.S. investor would essentially break even. Not only do currency values impact investors, they are also an option for direct investing. Because this is slightly off the target of this article, we’ll dispense with a more detailed discussion. With that, let’s turn our attention to hard assets.
Hard Assets and Alternative Investments
Hard assets are tangible assets. This includes items such as real estate, commodities, and anything which can be touched. Let’s begin with real estate. U.S. home prices have been rising since hitting bottom in mid to late 2011. However, U.S. housing starts are lower, down to levels not seen since 1991. U.S. existing home sales are stronger than they were in mid 2010 (which was a bottom), but are still much lower than they were prior to the housing crisis. To be fair, the levels seen during the housing bubble were unsustainable. In Europe, the second largest economic block in the world, home prices have been trending sideways after peaking in early 2008. Next, we’ll look at commodities.
In general, commodity prices have been falling. After peaking in mid 2008, commodity prices fell sharply. They peaked again (albeit to a much lower level) in mid 2011. Since then, commodity prices have been trending lower which is a reflection of weak demand due to weak economic growth. There have been a few commodities that have had good performance for brief periods since then but, as a group, commodities have not been all that appealing. Now, let’s return to intangible investments, specifically, U.S. stocks and discuss why a bubble may be in the works.
Stocks: Best Investment by Default?
As mentioned, stocks tend to do well when two things are present. The first is a reasonably strong economy which boosts demand and increases corporate profits. The second is the absence of good alternatives. If there are very few good alternatives in which to invest, because money needs to be invested, more of it would flow into stocks which would tend to push their prices higher. Both of these conditions are present today. With fewer good options, stocks would be the recipient of excess capital and could become the preferred investment merely by default.
Quick Recap
With cash paying near zero and global interest rates trending lower (not so much in the U.S.) causing bonds to lose their appeal, the attractiveness of stocks has increased. Most of the larger, developed nations are in the throes of weak economic growth. Moreover, the smaller, emerging countries are not large enough to foster strong economic growth for an extended period on their own. That leaves the U.S., which is one of the few economic bright spots in the world today. To summarize, if the rest of the world’s economies continue to weaken and if global interest rates continue to fall and finally, if the U.S. economy continues to expand, U.S. stocks could continue to be the favored investment. This would result in excess inflows which would tend to push stock prices higher. These factors have the potential to create one of the greatest bubbles in modern times.

Mr. Trump’s action regarding the Paris accord has breathed new life into Calexit, the California secession movement. But secession sentiment has been building in various states for some time now. In spring 2016, 22 local Republican conventions in Texas expressed their support for a statewide referendum on whether or not Texas should leave the union. The powers-that-be in the party struck the resolution from the convention agenda, but it was still an impressive showing, and perhaps a harbinger of things to come. After all, Texas seceded from Mexico in 1835 and formed an independent republic. It was poorly governed and had a struggling economy, and was annexed by the United States in 1845. But the precedent was set and secession sentiment in Texas seems to be alive and well nearly 175 years later.
And then, of course, there’s the small matter of the Civil War, which was started by the North after 11 pro-slavery Southern states seceded and formed the Confederate States of America. The North may have won the war, but its consequences continue to play out in our national politics, with the South being the most conservative region on the country, a hotbed of secessionist sentiment.
Indeed, threats to secede from the United States are woven into our country’s history. Partisans have long argued that secession should be a constitutional right. The courts have disagreed and in 1869, in Texas v. White, the Supreme Court ruled unilateral secession unconstitutional. But that hasn’t stopped anyone.
During the Obama presidency, secession movements thrived from New Hampshire to Alaska — hatred of the federal government being their prime driver. Many millions of Americans believed the lie that Barack Obama wasn’t born in the United States and was therefore ineligible to serve as a president. Think about it: In spite of irrefutable evidence — including his birth certificate and a birth notice that ran in a Honolulu paper — these Americans refused to accept President Obama’s legitimacy. And there were many voices on the right who, at least tacitly, encouraged the lie. The sad truth is much of this rabid response was based on race. During the Obama years, there were literally thousands of dismaying social-media posts featuring the Obamas as apes. And Mr. Trump’s election has unleashed a similar — if not quite as stomach-turning as the racism directed at Mr. Obama — onslaught of venom from his opponents.
Not surprisingly, the secession fervor in the nation has moved from the right to the left. Cascadia, a wished-for nation made up of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, has many thousands of supporters. These are just the tip of the iceberg. Mr. Trump’s ongoing political and legal challenges regarding his campaign’s contacts with Russia are providing fuel for the fire. Our nation is dangerously divided these days. Each side sits in its own echo chamber, listening to its own views parroted back. We seem to have lost the ability to listen to each other, to understand that in politics, as indeed in most spheres of human endeavor, no one gets everything he or she wants. Compromise has become a dirty word — and that’s a very dangerous development.
It seems to me the desire to secede is the logical next step in a country as deeply at odds with itself as today’s America. What would happen if secessionist extremists (perhaps with Russia’s help — they seem awfully committed to destroying our democracy) took the next step and militarized their efforts? The premise is an intriguing, and perhaps not as far-fetched as it might seem. As red gets redder and blue bluer, are we headed toward the Divided States of America?
Admittedly, this encouraging development is hardly the dominant view. To the contrary, given the possibility that Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson or one of their ilk might become president, white supremacist ideology seems to be digging in harder than ever. I don’t take this lightly. Once upon a time I foolishly thought that there was no way that Ronald Reagan could get elected president. Lesson learned. Now is the time to start contingency planning for intensified resistance to mass deportations of immigrants, atrocities against Muslims and extreme danger to African Americans.
That said, it would be a mistake to focus only on the negative. Recently theNew York Times ran Gordon Davis’ op-ed What Woodrow Wilson Cost My Grandfather. It is still generating debate. (Gordon Davis and I are both “alumni” of the Northern Student Movement, a 1960s civil rights group.) Davis was writing in the context of the student-led protest at Princeton University over the veneration of its former president, Woodrow Wilson. The controversy stems from Wilson’s viciously racist speech and behavior particularly when he was president of the United States.
A subsequent Truthout article by Harvey Wasserman, “Princeton Students Are Right, Woodrow Wilson Was Way Worse Than You Think,” complements the critique. Most of the 776 comments on theNY Times article (as well as 1,600 more on a followup Times editorial) were the predictably negative responses usually heard regarding white racism. Many said some version of, “that was a long time ago when values were different.” Others took the tack that “nobody is perfect and the good things Woodrow Wilson did outweigh the bad of his racism, so let it rest.” But there was also a substantial undercurrent voiced by those who were open-minded enough to learn. Following are NY Times comments on the article:
Jim K. New York, NY 2 days ago: As a former Princeton professor, I applaud the students for raising this issue. It’s not about erasing history, but confronting it honestly. This beautiful column makes clear how Wilson’s policies, based on his deeply racist and white-supremacist views, destroyed the lives of thousands of black families. Why should we publicly venerate this person? Why should elitist Northern universities get to insist that we overlook this man’s systematic, consequential racism, while every Southern municipality and retail store is expected to rid itself of monuments and souvenirs of their racist politicians and soldiers. Let’s indeed, every American community, take stock of the deeply embedded racism that has been a part of our history (North and South), recognizing that a thoroughgoing accounting will involve reconfiguring our public and institutional spaces in many ways. Because that has yet to be done, and the younger generation of Black militants will, rightly, not be content until it is.
JPBarnett Santa Barbara 1 day ago: It’s sad that after having been through 12 years of grade school in CA and graduating from a UC, I just learned this about Wilson. It’s silly that I’m surprised I didn’t learn of his racism I suppose, but I’m glad I do now. My opinion is forever changed.
Even the New York Times conservative columnist David Brooks has acknowledged this development. “So much of the national conversation this year has concerned how to think about past racism and oppression, and the power of that past to shape present realities: the Confederate flag, Woodrow Wilson, the unmarked sights of the lynching grounds. Fortunately, many people have found the courage to tell the ugly truths about slavery, Jim Crow and current racism that were repressed by the wider culture.”
Admittedly, new information does not necessarily translate into social change. Cherished and deeply rooted beliefs are not easily surrendered. I often think of how long it took for the arguments of Copernicus and Galileo that the earth revolved around the sun, not the other way around, to be accepted. Ideas and habits are stubborn. Systems resist change. Powerful institutions have vested interests in preserving the status quo.
By way of example, a recurring concern of those responding to the Times’ Woodrow Wilson op-ed was, “Where will it all end? Will we have to destroy Mount Rushmore?” some asked. Maybe we should. Not just because it honors slave owners Jefferson and Washington, Mount Rushmore is also a powerful symbol of brutality and racism toward indigenous people.
As idigenous scholar Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz points out in her book, An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States, “The most prominent struggle has been the Lakota Sioux’s attempt to restore the Paha Sapa, or Black Hills, where the odious Mount Rushmore carvings have scarred the sacred site. Called the ‘Shrine of Democracy’ by the federal government, it is anything but that; rather it is a shrine of in-your-face illegal occupation and colonization.”
White racism distorts how we think about virtually everything, including history itself. No one will dismiss Bill O’Reilly’s goofy books about Jesus or Lincoln or Patton or Reagan as irrelevant because, “oh, that was a long time ago, it’s got nothing to do with me now.” As a general proposition people appreciate that we can discover in the present important things we didn’t previously know about the past. Not so when it comes to race in the USA. Not for some people anyway.
This matters a great deal. In many years of anti-racist work, I have discovered that whites who deny any connection to the racism of the past will also generally deny any connection to the racism of the present. “Please don’t tell me,” cry deniers of systemic white racism. One step removed is the view that we should “accept” the history but must take the good with the bad. This is sometimes known as the “warts and all” theory of history. A variation is the convenient idea that slavery was the “original sin.” Sin, of course, in the Western Christian point of view is inevitable and immutable.
This takes an especially pernicious twist when white racism deniers argue that there has always been slavery as though that itself somehow makes it justified. It’s not true that every society over all time has enslaved people. But even if it were true, the kind of slavery on which the U.S. was built is unlike any other that preceded it. It co-evolved with capitalism and it conflated slavery with “race”—plantation capitalism as the Rev. James Lawson calls it. CSU Fresno scholars Blain Roberts and Ethan J. Kytle put it this way recently in theNew York Times: “New research has gone further, exposing how American capitalism and democracy — once thought to be antithetical to slavery — emerged hand-in-hand with it.”
Hard as it may be for propaganda-conditioned whites to grasp, global race-based capitalism is not a system of the past with lingering effects. It is a living, breathing organism of the present. It is a unitary thing. It is therefore not a good thing with warts. It is one thing. The “good” things always comes packaged with the “bad” thing. The mechanics of how it often works has a name: grand bargains.
The mother of all grand bargains is the U.S. Constitution which accommodated slavery in several ways, including the notorious three-fifths clause. While the Constitution was by no means the first grand bargain, it solidified a pattern that continues to this day. The New Deal, as Ira Katznelson demonstrates in his book Fear Itself, was another grand bargain that combined “progressive’ achievements such as union rights and Social Security with reaffirming the power of Dixiecrats and the institutions of Jim Crow.
Katznelson is white. So am I. So are many others now writing and speaking honestly and openly about the enduring power of white racism. That is valuable because it strengthens the idea that whites can come to terms with reality, past and present, as opposed to the myths we are encouraged to believe. As we do so, another world does become possible. Of course white people can’t “save” the world. That mindset is the problem not the solution. But we can help. As Vietnam antiwar leader Rennie Davis points out, it is when we stop being invisible to each other that we start to become a movement.
This milestone signals the beginning of a transformation from the mostly white baby boom culture that dominated the nation during the last half of the twentieth century to the more globalized, multiracial country that the United States is becoming. Certainly in the past, the specter of a “minority white” nation instilled fear among some Americans, and to some extent it continues to do so today—fear of change, fear of losing privileged status, or fear of unwanted groups in their communities. These fears were especially evident during the decades following World War II, when immigration was low and phrases such as “invasion,” “blockbusting,” and “white flight” were commonly used in the context of black-white segregation.
Such fears are evident today in the public backlashes that sometimes occur against more permissive immigration and voter registration laws. Yet if demography is truly destiny, then these fears of a more racially diverse nation will almost certainly dissipate. In many communities, a broad spectrum of racial groups already is accepted by all, particularly among the highly diverse youth population.
Moreover, as my book Diversity Explosion: How New Racial Demographics are Remaking America illustrates, a growing diverse, globally connected minority population will be absolutely necessary to infuse the aging American labor force with vitality and to sustain populations in many parts of the country that are facing population declines. Rather than being feared, America’s new diversity—poised to reinvigorate the country at a time when other developed nations are facing advanced aging and population loss—can be celebrated.
The sweep of diversity that has just begun to affect the nation is the theme of my book, which draws from my examination of the most recent U.S. census, census projections and related sources. As a demographer who has followed U.S. population trends for decades, even I was surprised by the sheer scope of racial change that came to light with the 2010 census. The story that the data tell is not just more of the same. I am convinced that the United States is in the midst of a pivotal period ushering in extraordinary shifts in the nation’s racial demographic makeup. If planned for properly, these demographic changes will allow the country to face the future with growth and vitality as it reinvents the classic American melting pot for a new era.
In my experiences speaking publicly and answering press inquiries, I have seen the intensity of Americans’ questions and thoughts about issues surrounding race. After having absorbed these startling census results and their implications, I wanted to interpret and expound on the dramatic shifts that they illustrate so that a general audience of readers can appreciate their force, promise, and challenges. Key among these changes are:
— the rapid growth of “new minorities”: Hispanics, Asians, and increasingly multiracial populations.
During the next 40 years, each of these groups is expected to more than double (see chart below). New minorities have already become the major contributors to U.S. population gains. These new minorities—the products of recent immigration waves as well as the growing U.S.–born generations—contributed to more than three-quarters of the nation’s population growth in the last decade. That trend will accelerate in the future.
— the sharply diminished growth and rapid aging of America’s white population.
Due to white low immigration, reduced fertility and aging, the white population grew a tepid 1.2 percent in 2000–10. In roughly 10 years, the white population will begin a decline that will continue into the future. This decline will be most prominent among the younger populations. At the same time, the existing white population will age rapidly, as the large baby boom generation advances into seniorhood.
— black economic advances and migration reversals.
Now, more than a half-century after the civil rights movement began, a recognizable segment of blacks has entered the middle class while simultaneously reversing historic population shifts. The long-standing Great Migration of blacks out of the South has now turned into a wholesale evacuation from the North—to largely prosperous southern locales.
Blacks are abandoning cities for the suburbs, and black neighborhood segregation continues to decline. Although many blacks still suffer the effects of inequality and segregation is far from gone, the economic and residential environments for blacks have improved well beyond the highly discriminatory, ghettoized life that most experienced for much of the twentieth century.
— the shift toward a nation in which no racial group is the majority.
The shift toward “no majority” communities is already taking place as the constellation of racial minorities expands. In 2010, 22 of the nation’s 100 largest metropolitan areas were minority white, up from just 14 in 2000 and 5 in 1990. Sometime after 2040, there will be no racial majority in the country. This is hardly the America that large numbers of today’s older and middle-aged adults grew up with in their neighborhoods, workplaces and civic lives. One implication of these shifts will be larger multiracial populations as multiracial marriages become far more commonplace.
The “diversity explosion” the country is now experiencing will bring significant changes in the attitudes of individuals, the practices of institutions and the nature of American politics. Racial change has never been easy, and more often than not it has been fraught with fear and conflict. Yet for most of the nation’s history, nonwhite racial groups have been a small minority. Partly because of that, blacks and other racial minorities were historically subjected to blatant discrimination, whether through Jim Crow laws, the Asian Exclusion Act, or any of the many other measures that denied racial minorities access to jobs, education, housing, financial resources, and basic rights of civic participation.
What will be different going forward is the sheer size of the minority population in the United States. It is arriving “just in time” as the aging white population begins to decline, bringing with it needed manpower and brain power and taking up residence in otherwise stagnating city and suburban housing markets. Although whites are still considered the mainstream in the United States, that perception should eventually shift as more minority members assume positions of responsibility, exert more political clout, exercise their strength as consumers, and demonstrate their value in the labor force. As they become integral to the nation’s success, their concerns will be taken seriously.
They had a point. Until recently I would have been unlikely to use the term. Not because I didn’t believe some people harbored animosity towards whites, but because that was a fringe attitude removed from power, which represented little real threat. That is no longer the case. Progressive rhetoric on race has turned an ugly corner and the existence of “anti-white” attitudes can no longer be ignored. In the past year, all of the following headlines have appeared, in well-read publications:
The White Guy Problem
White Men Must be Stopped: The Very Future of Mankind Depends on It
I Don’t Know What To Do With Good White People
Ten Things White People Need To Stop Saying
Dear White People: Here’s a List of Things We’d Wish You’d Stop Doing
What is new is the direct indictment of white people as a race. This happened through a strange rhetorical transformation over the past few years. At first, “white men are our greatest threat” postings tended to be ironic, a way of putting the racist shoe on the other foot. They were meant to show that blaming an entire race for the harmful actions of a few individuals is senseless.
Then the tenor changed. What started as irony turned into an actual belief that white people, specifically white men, are more dangerous and immoral than any other people. Loosely backed up by historical inequities and disparities in mass shootings, this position has begun to take a serious foothold. Don’t Ask White People to Be More Tribal
Strikingly, this shift in rhetoric undermines what was once the core of anti-racist efforts. Treating people equally has given way to making all of us ambassadors for our race. This is a classic theme in critical race theory, that people of color carry a burden of representation that white people do not. But foisting the baggage of representation onto white people doesn’t solve that problem. It makes it worse. Treating people equally has given way to making all of us ambassadors for our race.
White people are being asked—or pushed—to take stock of their whiteness and identify with it more. This is a remarkably bad idea. The last thing our society needs is for white people to feel more tribal. The result of this tribalism will not be a catharsis of white identity, improving equality for non-whites. It will be resentment towards being the only tribe not given the special treatment bestowed by victimhood.
A big part of the reason white Americans have been willing to go along with policies that are prejudicial on their face, such as affirmative action, is that they do not view themselves as a tribe. Given the inequality of resources favoring whites in our society, it is a good thing that white people view themselves as the ones without an accent. Should that change, white privilege (whatever one views that to be) will not be eviscerated—it will be entrenched.
The Tipping Point of Whiteness
All of this comes at a time when the last immigrants from the great wave of white immigration from 1850-1920 have died off. In the past, most whites identified with their European ethnicity: Irish, Italian, German, etc. As white people gravitate away from such identities, many see themselves as a neutral, “non racial” population. The Left criticizes this refusal to see themselves as “white,” but it is far preferable to the alternative: an American white population that views itself as a special-interest group. The Left criticizes this refusal to see themselves as ‘white,’ but it is far preferable to the alternative.
The recurring, tired refrain that we should have a white history month if there is a black history month, or white student unions on campuses, is unintentionally being given new life by the Left. Celebrations or organizations of whiteness do not exist because we don’t need them. White people do not face the same kinds of systemic discrimination that people of color do. But progressives are doing a very good job of convincing white people that they do.
When parents of Virginia high school students complained about a white privilege video being shown to their kids, they rightfully noted that their kids were being singled out based on their race. The video featured a foot race in which people of color were burdened by impediments while the white people ran free. It was absolutely fair for them to interpret this as a message to their kids saying, “Your accomplishments are easier and less valuable than those of your peers of color.”
Many parents object to this method of teaching about race relations. While some white people, especially those in the academy and the arts, find the acceptance of privilege and its associated guilt liberating, many do not. Privilege theory is also not being offered as one of many ways to confront and consider racism; it is being offered as the central way. This was brilliantly explored in 2010 by the Midwestern Critical Whiteness Collective’s (MCWC’s) article in Harvard Education Review, “McIntosh as Synecdoche: How Teacher Education Focus on White Privilege Undermines Anti Racism.”
Privilege Theory Is the Wrong Track
The McIntosh in question is Peggy McIntosh, whose 1988 essay “Unpacking The Invisible Knapsack” formed the foundation of privilege theory. The essay is mostly a list of ways in which white people receive better treatment in society. The MCWC describes McIntosh’s theory as a synecdoche because it has come to define the totality of education’s anti-racism efforts. It is meant to be the magic pill that clarifies things and sets us on the right course once consumed. Many disadvantaged white students reject the notion of their grand privileges and resented the key confessional component of white privilege education.
They found that many disadvantaged white students reject the notion of their grand privileges and resented the key confessional component of white privilege education. One case study involved an education student named John, from a small, non-diverse town. In his final essay for the class John explained his reaction to McIntosh: “I got the feeling from it that it was more about trying to make white males feel guilty for things they most likely had no control over. Being a white male I got a little worked up about the whole list since I don’t feel like I have anything to apologize for.”
John rolled his eyes at privilege theory. However, his teacher reported that other ways of exploring racism and multiculturalism such as films on race relations and historical texts broadened John’s empathy towards non-white people. John was able to reject confession while still becoming a better anti-racist educator. This made John’s teacher wonder whether confessional white privilege is the universally beneficial educational tool it is made out to be. The collective found that it is not.
In its blunt conclusion, the collective writes: “McIntosh’s conception of white privilege has been at the center of anti-racist thought and action in teacher education. We argue, however, that McIntosh’s ideas simplify white racial identity in dangerous ways. We also demonstrate that white privilege pedagogy demands confession, but that confession is a dead end. Finally, we propose that white supremacy needs to replace white privilege as the central concern of our anti-racist efforts.”
Abetting White Supremacy
When privilege theory took root in the 1990s, society roundly condemned the outward expression of racist attitudes. This is why the focus shifted to the ways in which white people were racist without even knowing it. Importantly, all white people were guilty of this form of racism. The act of confessing privilege became the means through which white people discovered this hidden racism. The shift to the privilege model had an unintended consequence that is abetting white supremacy.
But, as the past year has shown us, good old-fashioned white supremacy was not gone; it was simply driven underground. Not only was white supremacy still extant, it was going more or less unaddressed. The shift to the privilege model had an unintended consequence that is abetting white supremacy.
One can teach against white supremacy by encouraging students to treat everyone as equal, or at least as individuals not defined in important ways by their race. Privilege theory does not allow for this approach. It demands that differences be front and center and that we always consider a person’s race in considering him. This focus on “valuing differences” over “the colorblind model” unlocked the door to the white supremacist revival that today’s anti-white rhetoric has kicked open.
White Grievance On the Rise
It surprises many people that an increasing number of white Americans over the past decade believe whites face more discrimination than blacks. Obviously this feeling is inconsistent with economic data. Many have argued that a white fear of losing the dominant economic place in society is behind this belief. But what if the discrimination that white people are feeling and expressing is not primarily economic in nature? He was upset at having to confess guilt for events he had no control over. Many whites feel this way.
This brings us back to John. What got him “worked up” about privilege theory was not that he’d have to compete for jobs with minorities. He was upset at having to confess guilt for events he had no control over. Many whites feel this way. Moreover, many resent the pedagogical transformations that their history and culture are undergoing. White historical figures once held in too high esteem have swung the other way into utter disrepute. Also, the histories of no other peoples are being held to these lofty standards.
Mohandas Gandhi’s racism, the Black Panthers’ vicious murders, and Santa Anna’s barbarism are understood within the context of their positive contributions. Increasingly, white Americans perceive that Columbus, Jefferson, Jackson, and many other core white historical figures are consistently brought down a peg in order to decentralize whiteness in history. This assault on their history has a deeper impact than many on the Left are aware of, or willing to admit.
Rise of the White Race Baiters
The combination of the confessional and universal aspects of white privilege and the reconstruction of white history has opened the door for white racial grievance-mongers. From 2014 to 2015, the number of active Klu Klux Klan chapters in the United States grew from 72 to 190, a massive increase for a group so closely associated with hatred. Along with these organized efforts, social media has given a dangerous new platform to white supremacists. One of the key components to the success of this racism is the almost-daily parade of silly micro-aggressions and triggers.
One of the key components to the success of this racism is the almost-daily parade of silly micro-aggressions and triggers, specifically on college campuses. Conservative media seize upon disputes over the cultural appropriation of taco night or banning hoopskirts as evidence that minority racial grievance has gotten unhinged.
In emerging white nationalist journals such as Radix, this constant drumbeat of attack against white insensitivity is viewed gravely. What results is a belief among a growing number of whites in the concepts of “white genocide” and “racial realism.”
Both “white genocide” and “racial realism” harken back to the worst elements of American racial history. The former reacts in horror to the races mixing sexually for fear of resulting offspring being impure. The latter pretends to take a cold, scientific look at demography to prove the superiority of the white race. Ideas of this ilk, until recently thought to be confined to a fringe dustbin, have taken on new life in our hyper-racialized society.
Young white men, reacting to social and educational constructs that paint them as the embodiment of historical evil, are fertile ground for white supremacists. They are very aware of the dichotomy between non-white culture, which must be valued at all times (even in the midst of terror attacks), and white culture, which must be criticized and devalued. They don’t like it.
Same Tactics, Different Sides
The result of these societal double standards is for many a desire to lash out against it. For every white college student who dutifully accepts his privilege, many more resent the idea and wish to fight it. The sharpest arrow in their quiver is to be offensive. In reducing all phenomena to a question of race, both the alt right and the progressive left ensure the dominance of racial resentment as the lynchpin of our society.
This desire to be offensive has given rise to the “alt right.” Supporters of this loosely assembled white nationalist movement understand a playful aspect to its use of slurs. But just as the Left shifted from using anti-white rhetoric as an ironic device to an actual indictment of white culture, so has the alt right come to believe much of its troubling rhetoric.
Do the alt right Twitter trolls really want Jews turned into lampshades, or believe blacks are apes? Many of their supporters say no, that such rhetoric is simply meant to shock the system. They feel oppressed by political correctness and they challenge it, in over-the-top, offensive ways.
If this seems familiar, it should. It is exactly the same approach taken by social justice warriors and purveyors of anti-white rhetoric. The shocking “White Men Are Bad” hot takes serve the same purpose. They are also meant to shock the system. Just as the alt right is willing to denigrate minorities to make plain what they view as racist speech codes, the Left is willing to denigrate straight, white men to make plain what they view as widespread systemic racism.
For both groups the central theme is identity. That theme quickly calcifies into attitudes too brittle to hold up serious discourse. In reducing all phenomena to a question of race, both the alt right and the progressive left ensure the dominance of racial resentment as the lynchpin of our society.
Let’s Find Another Way Forward
W.E.B. Du Bois was born just three years after the end of slavery, but was bullish on the prospects of equality, he writes in “The Souls of Black Folks.”
Work, culture, liberty,—all these we need, not singly but together, not successively but together, each growing and aiding each, and all striving toward that vaster ideal that swims before the Negro people, the ideal of human brotherhood, gained through the unifying ideal of Race; the ideal of fostering and developing the traits and talents of the Negro, not in opposition to or contempt for other races, but rather in large conformity to the greater ideals of the American Republic…
Modern progressives don’t talk about the “greater ideals of the American Republic.” Rather, those ideals have become suspect, empty words used to justify slavery and genocide. But for Du Bois, who was closer to slavery than any of us will ever be, this was not the case. The facile notion that some inherent evil of whiteness must be expunged is anathema to his entire vision of equality and reconciliation.
Put simply, our anti-racism efforts must be refocused away from guilt and confession and towards equality and eradicating irrational judgments based on race. Some on the Left will object, saying that racism is so systemic in society it must be purged before anyone can pretend to treat of others without taking race into account. Some on the Right will object, saying that everything from IQ tests to crime statistics prove something meaningful about the capabilities of individuals based on their race. Both of these perspectives must be rejected. In their place, we must return to the goal of treating people as individuals, not as representatives of their race.

2045. This is the year, the U.S. Census Bureau now projects, that whites will be in the minority. According to information released Wednesday, the non-Hispanic, native-born white population "will become less than 50% before 2040," Brookings Institution demographer William Frey told Al Jazeera America. "Overall, there is white decline and minority gain for most of the projection period. [...] The majority-minority tipping point date is 2044," meaning that by 2045 the white population will become the racial minority.
Two reasons these stats are not surprising: First, the U.S. birthrate has slowed significantly, with 3.5 million fewer people expected to be living in America by 2060 than originally projected. Meanwhile, immigration rates have risen. "From 2015 to 2060, the country will lose 23 million U.S.-born whites and gain 118 million racial and ethnic minorities and immigrants," Frey said. Second, as National Geographic detailed earlier this year, America is becoming more and more of a melting pot. While the Census Bureau is still figuring out how to accurately track race demographics in America, between 2000 and 2010 there was a 32% increase of people who check more than one race in the census survey.
The implications of this shift in demographics go far beyond skin tone, arguably contributing to the increased racial tensions across America, especially post-Ferguson. A 2014 study by Northwestern University psychologists showed that fear of becoming the minority actually made white people more socially conservative. As Mic has written previously, this fear and loathing — "fear at the prospect of having to actually consider one's race as not inhabiting the dominant position; loathing for having to realize that they live in a multiracial world, and that they have effectively become 'othered'" — helps support mistrust and perpetuate societal racial inequality. The Census Bureau's data is proof that we are becoming, in terms of demographics, more united and equal. What Americans do with that data remains to be seen.
Ingersoll Lockwood, an American political writer, lawyer and novelist, combined a unique mixture of science fiction and fantasy into his novels from the late 1800s. Two of his most popular works of literature were illustrated children’s stories, focusing on a peculiar fictional character whose name rings a bell in 2017: Baron Trump. Trump, an aristocratically wealthy young man living in Castle Trump, is the protagonist of Lockwood's first two fictional novels, The Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulgar and Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey. The little boy, who has an unending imagination and "a very active brain," is bored of the luxurious lifestyle he has grown so accustomed to. In a twist of fate, Trump visits Russia to embark on an extraordinary adventure that will shape the rest of his life. Lockwood's final novel arrived in 1896, titled The Last President.
There are some incredible connections to be made to the first family of the United States and Lockwood’s novels from the turn of the 19th century. For starters, the main character’s name is the same as President Donald Trump’s son, albeit spelt differently. Trump’s adventures begin in Russia, and are guided thanks to directions provided by "the master of all masters," a man named "Don." Before leaving for his voyage through the unknown, Trump is told of his family’s motto: "The pathway to glory is strewn with pitfalls and dangers." Illustrations from the novels depict Trump dressed in lavish, old-fashioned clothing and jewelry as he departs from Castle Trump and begins his voyage, heading to Russia to locate an entrance into alternate dimensions.
But by Lockwood’s third novel, The Last President, things become even more eerily linked to the present day. The story begins with a scene from a panicked New York City in early November, describing a "state of uproar" after the election of an enormously opposed outsider candidate. "The entire East Side is in a state of uproar," police officers shouted through the streets, warning city folk to stay indoors for the night. "Mobs of vast size are organizing under the lead of anarchists and socialists, and threaten to plunder and despoil the houses of the rich who have wronged and oppressed them for so many years." "The Fifth Avenue Hotel will be the first to feel the fury of the mob," the novel continues, citing an address in New York City where Trump Tower now stands. "Would the troops be in time to save it?"
Lockwood’s creations have resurfaced online in recent weeks on forums and Reddit, thanks to a number of 4chan users who shared images and conspiracy theories about the fantasy stories. Some claimed the Trump family possesses a time machine that has allowed them to remain powerful to this day. The Last President doesn’t follow the same fictional narrative of Lockwood’s previous novels, though the links to Trump are once again abundantly clear. The president’s hometown of New York City is fearing the collapse of the republic in this book, also titled 1900, immediately following the transition of presidential power. Some Americans begin forming a resistance, protesting what was seen as a corrupt and unethical election process.
A filmmaker and Trump supporter named Leigh Scott is now trying to crowdsource funding to create a fantasy feature film, saying he’s a "huge fan of trolling." "Even though I work in Hollywood, I actually support President Trump," Scott says in a promotional video for his project. "The book has tons of strange references to the modern day, but we can actually amp that up a bit and put in things that only we as Trump supporters and people who are on the internet all the time really understand and appreciate."

These breathless reports of “magnificence” represent a radical break with the historical literature on eclipses. For Shakespeare, an eclipse was a “stain on the sun that portended no good.” Milton compared the eerie light of the eclipsed sun to the tarnished glow of the fallen Lucifer. And these are relatively recent accounts. The eclipse myths of antiquity were more unsettling still.
It’s no surprise that eclipses used to trouble us. One behavior that distinguishes humans from animals is the considerable energy we devote to observing the sky. Some form of stargazing likely took hold among other species, especially the Neanderthals, who shared our upright-ape body plan, a natural advantage for looking at the sky. Several of our fellow creatures respond to the moon’s phases—and much else, I’m sure, given that our understanding of animal consciousness is so impoverished. But humans are a special case. We are obsessed with the sky, in part because we recognize its dangers.
Other creatures may fear thunder and lightning, but only a species with written records can remember the devastation that follows in an asteroid’s wake. And only humans feel philosophical dread when looking at the sky. Whether you’re gazing up at the blue, sunlit vault of noon, or peering through a telescope into a dark, galaxy-filled vista, the sky always conceals deeper recesses. It always confronts you with a vision of the unknown.You can imagine what it would suggest about your own fate, if you were to see the white-hot center of your sensory world vanish.
To ease this psychic pain, we have filled our skies with gods, including Sumer’s Anu, Greece’s Zeus, Rome’s Jupiter, and Hinduism’s Shiva. Even the God of the Hebrews behaved conspicuously like a sky god. In the Sinai desert, he assumed the Zeus-like form of clouds marbled by lightning. When he wanted to judge humanity, he emptied the sky onto the Earth, and when the cleansing deluge was complete, he stretched a rainbow from horizon to horizon, to signal a new covenant with the survivors. Sometimes, he even spoke from the sky, as when he thundered replies to Job “out of the storm.”
This is the first thing to understand about the prescientific experience of an eclipse: It happened against this unnerving backdrop, this existential realm where the gods displayed messages of great import, messages that could be read only by the highest and most learned priests. We get a clue as to how this singular message from the sky was received from our English word “eclipse,” a descendant of the Greek “ékleipsi,” which has, among its roots, a word meaning “abandonment,” that potent psychological state that animates the very worst of our childhood fears.
What could be more traumatic than the abandonment of the sun? This is the energy source that powers Earth’s photosynthetic food chains, the ball of fire that anchors and warms us as we twirl around in the cold cosmic void. The sun is the giver of life. It is also the giver of light, the ethereal stuff that illuminates the world, making it manifest to the mind. Philosophers have often likened sunlight to consciousness itself. In Plato’s cave, it is sunlight that awaits those who throw off their chains. And in Descartes’ dark forest of metaphysical confusion, enlightenment comes only when sunbeams break through the canopy.
You can imagine what it would suggest about your own fate, were you to see the white-hot center of your sensory world vanish, with no promise that it would return. The sun is the most robust of all physical phenomena. Even today, our scientific end-times tales involve its death. In deep antiquity, a few minutes without the sun would have felt like an eternity, or like a stepping out of time altogether. It would have felt as though some dark new chaos had dawned. The ancient Ojibwe peoples of the American Midwest felt this distress acutely: They tried to reignite the blacked-out sun by firing flaming arrows into it.
The sun is not the kind of thing you expect to need rekindling. The sun is fearsome. It can burn you, blind you, drive you to thirst or even madness. It can kill you and bleach your bones where they lie. The ancients warned against even approaching the sun, as Phaethon and Icarus did to their peril. Their sun gods weren’t cuddly. They were disapproving fathers, or birds of prey. They wielded symbols of strength and domination, like the beams of light hurled to Earth’s surface by the sun god Ra, which Egypt’s sculptors reconceived as obelisks, monuments to power that have lost little of their potency across 4,000 years. One still towers over the capital of the world’s most powerful country. It looks a lot like those that were hauled out of Ancient Egypt to stand in the piazzas of Imperial Rome. And then there is that other symbol of power, the crown, a golden ring made to look like a sunburst adorning the sovereign’s head.
This close identification with the sun might explain why kings have long feared eclipses. A surprising number of popes and monarchs have died in their wake. Louis XIV, the “sun king” who so loved decadent gold decor that he chose the solar sphere as his emblem, died just after an eclipse hung in the skies above Paris. Some ancient rulers, including Alexander the Great, executed a substitute king after an eclipse, as a kind of sacrificial hedge.
Of all the stories about earthly kings being laid low after an eclipse, my favorite comes from the psychedelic end-times text of Christianity, the Book of Revelation. In a dream, John of Patmos watches as the seals on the book of judgment rip open, each triggering a fresh calamity. After the sixth seal is torn, the sun darkens, as though in eclipse, and nature begins shedding its fundamental features. Stars drop to the Earth like fruit falling from the boughs of a tree. The planet’s crust shakes with unprecedented violence, displacing whole mountain ranges and islands. And all the world’s kings, princes, generals, and the rich slink away to hide among the rocks thrown off by the geological mayhem, or in caves, like Peter Thiel in his New Zealand bunker.This is what gives eclipses their Dionysian edge, this sense that a vanishing sun could unleash something primal and violent.
Kings are right to fear the blotting out of the sun. If you stake your political legitimacy on divine right—on the idea that your dominion was written, by god, into the very laws of nature—you have a big problem when the natural order begins to unwind, right before your subjects’ eyes, in the most dramatic way possible, such that it cannot be denied by royal proclamation—or by tweet. This is what gives eclipses their Dionysian edge, this sense, drawn from our collective cultural memory, that back in the mists of prehistory, a vanishing sun could unleash something primal and violent.
These lurid associations survive in the ancient stories that tell us the sun was eaten during an eclipse. Written by people for whom the experience of being stalked as prey was more immediate, these myths describe the sun being devoured by a dark and starry jaguar, or by a bear, snake, or dragon. In Ancient India, the demon Rahu ate the sun, or rather, it was his decapitated head, which was removed from his body as punishment after he posed as a god in order to steal a sip of the elixir of immortality. The torso-less Rahu had no stomach for the eaten sun to descend into, and so the fiery ball re-appeared shortly after he gulped it down.
It took time for eclipses to be demythologized. To the naked eye, it isn’t obvious that the sun is obscured by the moon, which by cosmic coincidence, is 400 times smaller than the sun and also 400 times nearer to Earth, so that they cleanly overlap. Our oldest surviving eclipse records date back to the Chaldeans of Babylon, who were pressing them into clay tablets in 626 BCE, if not earlier. But the first written account of an eclipse prediction, with all the understanding that entails, didn’t happen—if it happened at all—until decades later, when the Greek philosopher Thales warned that the sun would soon go dark.
The natural philosophers of ancient Greece took inspiration from Thales. They devised a sophisticated cosmology of rotating celestial spheres, and multi-geared machines that represented the movements of these spheres, including the movements that brought the moon directly in front of the sun. The ingenuity of these machines would not be surpassed until Medieval clocks appeared more than 1,000 years later. And the celestial spheres would reign, more or less untouched, until Copernicus and Galileo dislodged the Earth from the center of the universe, and in doing so ushered in the Enlightenment.
In their disdain for Caesars of every kind, America’s founders conceived of themselves, and their political experiment, as the full flowering of the Enlightenment. They traced their intellectual heritage back to the Greeks. They made their capital city an open-air tribute to Athens. Their republic is an idea borrowed from Plato. Now, the “Great American Eclipse” is scheduled to darken this country’s skies at a strange hour of its history, when the occupant of its highest office expresses admiration for strongman-like kings, and sometimes acts as though he, too, would like to be king. He should heed the signs. An eclipse sometimes bodes ill for a king.
Science hasn’t completely defanged the eclipse, after all. A solar eclipse still makes the stock market drop, and some are preparing for this one as though it will bring Armageddon. Even in our literary accounts of eclipses, one still finds the odd apocalyptic aside. Annie Dillard, who wrote the most beautiful such account, compared the experience of seeing totality to a mushroom cloud.
But despite the cultural detritus of previous millennia, the primary emotion most of us now feel upon glimpsing an eclipse is wonder. In just the last century, astronomers have watched light from distant stars bend as it moved through the distorted space surrounding the eclipsed sun, and in doing so learned that space warps wherever there is a large mass, just as Einstein said. They have since searched out larger such masses, whose surrounding pockets of distortion magnify the cosmos beyond them, like natural telescopes, through which astronomers have peered to the far end of the observable universe.
Our robots have watched Phobos, the Martian moon, eclipse the sun from the red planet’s dusty surface. Phobos is too small to blot out the whole solar disc, but observatories are now looking for “exomoons” that circle planets in other star systems. And given that nature has manufactured untold numbers of these planets, it’s a safe bet that someday we’ll find one with a moon that’s just the right size to block its sun. Maybe we’ll even find members of another intelligent species who have also watched, in astonishment, as their local star vanished at mid-morning.
A solar eclipse still exerts a pull on the dark side of the human imagination, but it weakens with every century. No one need fear bloody revolution on August 21. But nor should anyone forget that some of us harbor no nostalgia for the age of superstition. Or the age of kings.
The autumn addition of my blog has been posted. Please look through the multitude of articles, videos and audios I painstakingly collected for this commentary. I would like to remind the reader again to please read what I have written before you decide to make a comment or pass judgement on what has been said. I would also like to remind those who peridocially post comments here not to clutter the comments section with unrelated topics. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThe following is a breakdown of the blog's contents I want the reader to visit -
DeleteAmericans are getting poorer, dumber, older, sicker and darker.
Merger between Western imperialists and international globalists is how the U.S. got to where it is today
White America's main problem, it's main corrosive force, is organized Jewry. I am not talking about the individual cell, which can be good or bad as with any other cell, but the collection of cells, the entire organ, and the way it naturally functions.
While in the past American Whites passionately, aggressively and often blindly pursued God, country and family - today large segments of the same demographic have been made to essentially pursue "sex, drugs and rock and roll".
While on a personal level I would much prefer a White America over a non-White America, I cannot in all honest feel very bad for White America. After all, it was them, by their freewill that got themselves into the deadly quagmire they are in today.
An individual without God, family and country (to which we have to now also add gender identity) is just an easily controlled, instinct driven animal in constant search for self-gratification.
On his reflections on the French Revolution, Edmund Burke said: The age of chivalry is gone. That of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded; and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever.
Powers that remain beyond our understanding seem to be the locomotive force behind recent events in the United States. After decades of subjecting nations around the world to unrest, the United States itself now seems to be at the center of attention and a victim of a major sociopolitical agenda.
Is Donald Trump America's version of Mikhail Gorbachev (i.e. tasked with downsizing or restructuring the American empire) or is he a selfless patriot independently (with help from elements within the Deep State) trying to save the United States from a similar fate that was met by the Soviet Union? An argument can be made for both.
All the Amschell Rothschilds, Jacob Schiffs and Edgar Speyers of this world would not be able to get Jews to be professionally driven and politically proactive or spearhead any movement had Jews, as a collective body, were not naturally inclined to do so. Because large numbers of Jews populate and control many important fields both public and private, their influence over society can come about quite naturally.
The United States has become a showcase for Jews on the left and Jews on the right, and those in the middle getting screwed is the average American. So, regardless of what political side an American may choose to be on, he or she is actually choosing a side that is managed at the very top by American Jewry.
The last thing Zionists and their backers in the Anglo-American world want to see taking shape in Israel's neighborhood is an Iranian-backed "Shiite Arc" stretching from western Afghanistan to southern Lebanon. In this geostrategic calculus, not only Kurds are looked upon as allies but also Sunni Islamic terror groups such as ISIS and Al Qaeda. This is not a theory of mine. They have actually been quite unambiguous about it.
Whether we believe it or not, we humans are often influenced or guided (or misguided for that matter) by forces and energies, both good and evil, we do not see or comprehend. This is especially true for major figures in history.
Once every so often, usually during pivotal times, an individual as if suddenly comes out of obscurity and changes the entire course of world history in a short period of time. This does not happen by chance. In fact, nothing of importance in our universe or in the physical world we live in happens by mere chance. Think of the physical world as a solid reflection or a biological interpretation of the spiritual world.
Did a little known author in the late 19th century predict the Trump presidency?
Interesting article Arevordi.
ReplyDeleteIn my humble opinion, the Genie is out of the bottle already...with a few more Genies waiting to come out too.
No mortal or immortal living on this planet can predict what the American social and political landscape will be like in 4 to 8 years. Very interesting times indeed.
Welcome back, Zoravar.
DeleteIf you noticed, the section titled "The Zionist Factor" briefly discusses the geopolitical situation in the Middle East. I'm very curious to know what you have to say about the military situation we currently have in the region.
@Merger between Imperialists and Globalists is how the U.S. got to where it is today
ReplyDeleteThat was the ultimate goal since the American-Franco (Masonic) 'Revolution' (well, since much earlier). And that meant to create the conditions for the total Jewish control of all fields of human endeavor urbi et orbi.
'Russian' Revolution was meant to be the next step, but the they couldn't kill enough Russians and Germans to prevent a reaction. It was more than they could chew at one time. There were still China, Japan to be dealt with. Hence the necessity of a new round of slaughters.
We are on the same page. This topic however is much larger and much more complex than our approach to it. What many people don't realize is that Globalism (as well as many other movements in modern history) is the social engineering project of European secret societies like Freemasonry or the Illuminati. In my writings however I don't dwell on it for a number of reasons.
DeleteThey have made the topic so murky with their psy-ops and proliferation of disinformation that all talk about Freemasonry today inevitably ends-up being a discussion about devil worship, human-reptilians, extraterrestrials and of course a cabal of conspiring Jews. This is more-or-less why people in general don't want to hear it. It is also essentially for these reasons that emphasizing Freemasonry in any serious discussion will only undermine the message and the messenger. So, I try doing it as little as possible.
I have no doubt that many, many prominent Jews are found within Freemasonry's secretive ranks, but Freemasonry is not a Jewish thing. And while they have strange rituals, it does not necessarily mean they worship the devil.
Freemasonry is most probably the offshoot of medieval France's Knights Templars; they take their spiritual inspiration from ancient cults (perhaps Mithraism); and its core membership is made up of European aristocracy (old money). Generally speaking, Freemasonry is an elitist club where the world's political, religious and financial elite gather and discuss global issues - much like what we do here in this blog. However, unlike us peasants, because the elite in question yields immense power and influence over mankind, what they discuss and what they want to get done can and often does have direct impact on the world in general and our lives in particular.
In a nutshell: Freemasonry is the country club, if you will, of European and North America political leaders (think American officials and European monarchy), religious leaders (think Vatican and Anglican Church) and financial leaders (think Rothschilds and Rockefellers) - and whoever else the aforementioned decides to bring into their club. Example: The number two religious leader in the Armenian Church, the Patriarch of Cilicia, is widely known to be a high ranking Freemanson. The American-Armenian organization known as the Knights of Vardan was founded by Armenian Freemasons.
Yes, Europe's secretive elite and Freemasonry (the French branch) played a role in the American war of independence against the British; the French revolution; the rise of Anglo-American-Jewish world order; the rise of Marxism; the Russian Revolution; the creation of the current financial paradigm; the creation of the United Nations; the American cultural revolution; the economic rise of China. Yes, Europe's secretive elite and Freemasonry is behind the more recent "Democratic", "Civil Society" and "Climate Awareness" movements we are seeing around the world today. And catch terms like Globalism, Westernization, Socialism, Marxism, Civil Society, Social Change, Modernity, Feminism, Human Rights, Gay rights, Global Warming, etc., are code words for the Masonic agenda of the Western world's political, religious and financial elite.
But, in the big picture, the problem is not Freemasonry per se, it's the Western ruling elite. More specifically, the problem we have is the world's Anglo-American-Jewish world order.
Arevordi, I don't want our Romanian friend to misunderstand what you said about the Armenia church. The religious leader that is said to be a 32 degree mason is Aram I of the Cilician See based in Lebanon. I want everyone to know that Aram I does NOT represent our national Church which is proudly based in Etchmiatsin Armenia. Just want to clarify that for those who don't know. Also the Cilician See is part of the worldwide ARF organization and the ARF organization is part of the worldwide Socialist organization. Take a look:
DeleteThank you for clarifying the matter, anonymous. You are right, I did not word that sentence properly. The number two man I was referring to was indeed Aram I. The Armenian Apostolic Church has two separate branches that are independent of each-other: One is located in Armenia and one is located in the Diaspora (in Lebanon). Aram I is the head of this Diaspora based branch. And yes, this church is more-or-less controlled by the ARF, and it is well known that the ARF (at least the Diaspora based one) is saturated by Western agents.
DeleteYou are right Arevordi. FM is such a murky thing because it was made to be thus. It was made like thus to bamboozle the sheeple and hide from its view the plain fact that the Anglo-American-Jewish 'elites' were behind it. FM was created in England after all at a precise date. What was before that is mainly folklore, although oblique references show that one of the most visible Jewish family from Provence, France, Barcelona, Aragon and Castile' Spain, the Benveniste of Narbonne, have been the treasurers and tax collectors of the Templars, for what they were known as the 'Benveniste de la Cavalleria'. They held the title of "Nasi" (prince in Hebrew), a name given to members of the House of David, in the Jewish communities (mainly Barcelona) and were prominent religious and secular leaders in the 11th to the 14th centuries.
DeleteExcerpt from Wikipedia:
"The first appearance of the name Benveniste was in the 11th century in southern France (Septimania, Provence of our time). The region was shaped by Charlemagne from the Frankish Kingdom of the Carolingian. The big Narbonne Jewish center was established, according to Jewish and Christian sources, by prominent Jews from Bagdad at the request of the Carolingian kings in the end of the first millennium AD. The Babylonian names of Makhir, Hasdai, Sheshet and Shealtiel are the names of chief rabbis and leaders - Nasi (considered by the Jewish tradition as descendents of king David) of the Jewish center. The Jewish families assisted the Christian administrations of the Kingdom of Aragon and the County of Barcelona as tax collectors and advisers. In 1150 Aragon and Barcelona were united by the marriage of their rulers. The Jewish families appear together with the name Benveniste in official and Jewish documents of Narbonne, Barcelona and Aragon from the 11th-13th century AD with the title Nasi added their names. They appear in the travel books of Benjamin of Tudela from the 12th century..."
To make a long story short suffices to say that the Benvenisti financed the kings and queens of Portugal, Spain, England, the Flanders, the popes in Rome and the Sultans in Turkey.
Their pretence to be the 'Nasi' suggests that they were the descendants of the Exilarchs (the chiefs of the Diaspora) of Babylonia.
And they are also known to have been great Kabbalists (Kabbalah is the real basis of the Masonic lore).
ReplyDeletePowerful stuff, great job again. I wish Americans could read this. Your suggestion that Trump may be doing to the US what Gorbachev did to the SU is very compelling. Very intersting times indeed. Also the book on Baron Trump is an amazing find!
Keep up the good work.
Thank you, Bostonian.
DeleteIs Trump being made to sow the seeds of America's destruction, or is he truly struggling against those who are trying to hurt the country? As I said, a case can be made for both arguments. In any case, only time will have the answers to today's questions.
Americans are devoid of intellectual and spiritual depth. Americans would not be able to properly understand or digest what's written here. Some will accuse me of begin a Nazi sympathizer; some will call me an antisemite; some will call me a racists; some will accuse me of being a KGB agent; some will accuse me of being a conspiracy theorist; some will accuse me of being anti-American; most however will simply not get it. I deal with Americans on a regular basis, I don't think I have ever met one that is not intellectually, psychologically, emotionally or spiritually damaged to some degree.
The book was actually brought to my attention by one of my children. I also thought it was an amazing find, so I just had to somehow incorporate it into the commentary.
Thought about asking my American friends to read this article but I decided against it coz the last thing I need right now is being reported to homeland security LOL Americans are dumb Arevordi, I know what Im talking about I was born and raised in California.
DeleteIt is amazing. Whichever way we angle the prism toward Mason's, Zionists, global ists, the greens, the leftists, internationalists, democracy, Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, etc, etc ; it all invariably , after all the sifting is done , ends up with what a humble man in the twenties revealed : "the awesome power of international Jewry". International Jewry is the hundred headed hydra, in whichever fashion one may elect to summ it up. They are everywhere, they have numberless front entities masquerading under anodyne ,harmless nicknames and multifarious disguises but ultimately leading to the central head. They all may imagine or think they work and operate independently and singularly for their own perceived interests, but blissfully unaware that those principles are beholden to the one and only power center , namely IJ. I am on the persuasion that IJ is a closed box, and more needs to be studied , penetrate through its hard shell and ferret out from its arcane and recondite recesses of intrigue, deceit and surreal reality the kernel and soul of the veracity of IJ . Cast a look around, events speak for themselves.
ReplyDeleteI don’t want to get into semantics, but the effect Jews have on society has more to do with their genetic traits (breeding, environmental conditioning, genetic memory, etc) and cultural traits (religion, family structure, upbringing, etc) than anything else. As I said in the body of my commentary: There does not necessarily have to be some secret Sanhedrin directing world Jewry from behind-the-scenes. Yes, organized Jewry does operate from behind-the-scenes and yes they do conspire. But that alone does not explain the profound level of their influence throughout the western world. I believe it is Jewish nature, in its collective form, that actually lies behind their success. In other words: All the Amschell Rothschilds, Jacob Schiffs and Edgar Speyers of this world would not be able to get Jews, as a collective body, to be professionally driven, politically active or spearhead any kind of movement were Jews not naturally inclined/predisposed to do so. In other words, Jewish traits, both cultural and genetic, created the Rothschilds, the Shiffs and the Speyers and not the other way around, and it is these traits that keeps them at the forefront of western civilization.
DeleteOne of their greatest strengths and deceptions has been their ability to portray themselves as a small and vulnerable ethnic group. Wanting the goyim to think of them in that way is one of their most effective defense (or offense) mechanisms. I have no doubt their numbers around the world are in the tens of millions. I am willing to bet there are well over ten million of them in the United States alone.
Dramatic and bizarre developments are going on in Spain. Suddenly this Catalonian secessionist movement is gaining the upper hand and is threatening to tear Spain asunder. Clinically speaking Catalonian separatism ( if it goes through) will not only deal a lethal blow to Spain's body integrity buy it is also the prelude for the decomposing carcass of the EU to be confined to the dustbin of history. It is inconceivable a Spain without Catalonia, and a Catalonia without Spain. But there we are. How this unfolding drama can affect Armenia, in respect of Artsakh - although the two scenarios differ substantially - the one has been and is Armenian land and territory; whereas Catalonia was always a region in the Spanish kingdom. Many Spanish municipalities and states have acknowledged and recognized the independence of Artsakh ( a good number of this municipalities being in the predominantly Basque and Galician regions.). It is a quirk of irony that the Basques struggled with brute force and violence for decades to break away from Spain, and in the end acquiesced to a peaceful transition of an autonomous region within Spain; in contrast to the Catalonians who are demanding independence through the perfidious and spurious merry go around weekend ballot box. It will be difficult for Spain to manage this situation; but should the central government ( there is no real government in Spain- but a gang of usurious bandit disguised under the banner of squalid socialist, rapacious democrats, philosemites , pro israeli marranos , and globalists pawns) cede Catalonia to the irredentists, a domino effect will ripple through Spain's nervous system. Next , the Basques might be clamouring for a split, and then possibly followed by the Galicians. But most important of it all is the complete somnambulism of the Spanish race ( in Generalisimo Franco's days, they spoke of the " raza espaniola" spanish race) splitting hairs over petty squabbles whilst their country is being deluged by tidal waves of invading hordes from North Africa , subsaharan Africa and Asia. Their country is being subtly and slowly being overrun.
ReplyDeleteI haven't been closely following the situation in Spain. But, in my opinion, Madrid fully deserves the difficult challenges it is facing today. No one forced them to join the EU; no one forced them to join NATO; no one forced them to kiss the feet of Anglo-American-Jews for IMF/WB financing. They could have instead pursued Gibraltar. At the very least, they could have remained neutral. They didn't because Spain's ruling elite (including their royalty) is an inherent part of the globalist/Masonic establishment. As soon as Franco's rule ended, they handed Spain over to them. They had developed a backbone during Franco's rule. Today, Spain is just another nation under globalist control. During Franco's rule, Spain hosted former Wehrmacht and Waffen SS members. Today, Spain hosts gay festivals -
DeleteSpain 1975:
Spain 2015:
Spain has fallen hard from the era that created a huge overseas empire. While I used to harbor anti-Spanish sentiments, I gradually accepted the fact that if Spain hadn't colonized the lands of what became the Philippines, it would have either turned into an extension of the Malay Muslim civilization or another backwater Chinese province.
DeleteI wholly oppose the Catalan separatist movement because Spain became what it is due to the dynastic marriages between King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella who ruled Aragon and Castillo respectively.
Freemasons also played a role in the final breakup of Spain's remaining colonies, due to them being the majority of the Philippine independence movement. You could say that it was because of their role that the Philippines had its first taste of independence, only to fall under US control.
It is interesting that the country is still called 'Republika ng Pilipinas' and the people Filipino and there doesn't seem to be any sign that the name would be discarded in favor of Tagalogia or some other nativist contrivance.
DeleteThere was a Tagalog Republic a while ago, but because there are a lot of non-Tagalog living in the Philippines, we couldn't use the name Tagalog Republic. Even here, we also have adopted Spain's tactic of centralized government.
DeleteI guess that because of the diverse peoples that live in countries made as a result of European colonialism, I guesss that this is where another branch of the Alt-Right movement could be made. A collection of tribes can be unified into one coherent nation, as it could have in Latin America, successfully done in Africa and was successful in Malaysia and Indonesia. However, the Philippines is an example of a colonial settler state created badly, and too many regional and tribal identities remain alive.
Catalonia has declared her independence and the government has anulled it. There will never be a civil war within Spain on account of the catsalonian issue.
DeleteIn the end they may agree the way Checks and slovaks did. If it is allowed to go through. the EU will get an extra member captive hostage nation.Another point of entry for the millions of transharans negros invading Europe as poor refugees. It is like splitting hairs. However, I doubt if Spain will be without catalonia, and or viceversa. In the ME, in the syrian scenario the zionist felons do not want to release their talons around Bashars country. Now this tillerson says Bashar´s days are numbered and he must go. The ones that must go are himself, the pompous sonorous wall street lackey ,and the terrorist USA zionist brigands roaming the Syrian countryside in alliance with their pet creation the Syrian army and the hapless kurdish rag tag army. The syrian scenario is far from over, the war might be almost over, but the Zionist will not relent without a major blow up. They are very studiously priming their pet project of the SA, USA intervention, and the kurds to carve the oil rich tracts of eastern syria and create an erzat rump portion of anarchy within Syria. They may ultimately fail, but in the process they will drag the conflict, bloodshed and chaos for another 5 or 7 years. In the process they might succeed in tripping Iran becoming nore engrossed and thus expanding the hellish Dante´s inferno of more war and intenecine massacres. The zionist supremacists, the master race ( the Germans were never the Herren volk, zionist were and are) will sit back comfortably in Haifa and Tel Aviv and watch proceedings on their Tv´s. There is a game plan, the details and nuances of the plan are not know to a few, although one can theorize what the plan is. War for the sake of war by the industrial war complex and never ending war for all zionized and non zionized slave nations.
Excellent job arevordi. You put incredible amount of info in your post. I didnt read all of it yet but content looks really rich. I totally agree with zoravar the genie is out of the bottle. Its like the country is really sick I dont remember america being this dysfunctional. Its been like this everywhere large numbers of jews lived. The 100 year old book about baron trump is really weird, the 2014 announcing Putin's 2016 presidential run very interesting also.
ReplyDeleteHey guys, in the past weeks some things are going on Syria. Recently US forces and Russian forces actually got into a shooting war in Syria. Of course those events are not being reported in the media as such.
ReplyDeleteHere is what happened. A Russian MP outpost was attacked by a large force of "moderate rebels" (Al-Nusra led), somewhere in the vicinity of Idlib. They were surrounded and cut-off for a time. The move failed as the Russians responded with massive firepower support, ultimately broke the blockade and claimed to have killed 800+ attackers.
But that's not all, after this battle a Russian submarine fired cruise missiles from the Mediterranean at a base that was known to them to host the US special/forces intelligence who coordinated this attack.
What was the aim? The aim was to capture alive and take hostage the MPs. The part of the "established order" of the American elite, wanted to increase their weight and influence in Syria and for that they needed hostages. Basically, their "moderate terrorists" have Russians and now Americans can bargain for their influence in Syria by being a mediator to releasing the hostages.
After the failed attack, and an unknown number of dead american special ops/intelligence from an attack that they didn't think the Russians would make, the US forces organized their revenge via a targeted killing of a Russian officer in Der Ez Zor if I'm not mistaken. The official version is that he was killed by mortar fire. Further detail shows that those mortars were guided and targeted.
In response to this, the Russians launched a massive air-launched cruise missile attacks against several bases that are known to them to host US special forces.
Following on this, at a political talk show Maria Zakharova from the Russian foreign ministry made a series of statements. Her statements were basically an address directly to the globalist elites that they better negotiate and cooperate with Russia if they don't want this world to end in a military catastrophe. Basically, she pointed to the events in Syria and said: "We (Russia) are playing by the rules, they (Americans) are not playing by the rules, if this continues we are awaiting a global catastrophe."
Welcome back, Skhara. It's been a while since you have been here.
DeleteThank you for the information. I was hoping someone would shed some light on recent events in Syria. When Moscow launched its cruise-missile attacks on "rebel bases" around the same it was also threatening harsher actions and publicly complaining that Americans were responsible for the Russian general's death, it became obvious that a lot more was going on behind the scenes. Regarding American causalities resulting from the Russian cruise missile attack, if there were, it would never be made public. In any case, the only language the globalist elite and Anglo-American-Jews understand is that of mutually assured destruction. The only way they will take a step back is if they are somehow made to believe that their actions in a particular theater of operation can hurt them at home.
In any case, can I ask where you got your information from? Was it Russian language media? The only thing I had seen about what you are talking bout was the following article from Sputnik. But I didn't know what to make of it since the article seemed to be primarily citing Saker -
US' Plan B? From Alleged Evacuation of Daesh to the Murder of Russian General:
the fact that Isis or whatever those terrorist armies would like to call themselves are in helter skelter retreat does not limit their power , under amerian-jewish auspices, to hit back hard. They still are in control of key areas in the oil field sector, which they are apparently contesting with the kurds,SDF and the jew americans. We need to wait until the SAA makes its appearance in that scenario, then we can see the kurdish phantom forces and SDF to either lay down the fight or run. They will most likely run, the question is where. Possibly back to Iraq. Iraq is still occupied american jew territory. A great deal of bloodshed is in store before the americans put tails between their legs and in vietcong style beat a retreat. One has to wait for the next chapter of the israeli-american wrought catastrophes in the region; all at the behest of gaining " security" for the chosenites.
DeleteThey are sounding the alarm about Turkey. The following are articles that caught my attention -
DeleteTurkey and the West Clash, Pleasing Russia and Iran:
Ties between Turkey and America are near breaking point:
Iran, Turkey, and Russia Aren’t Natural Friends. It’s Up to the U.S. to Keep It That Way:
Imperialist vs Globalists? Personally I don't know where the line that separates them is. While I can clearly see WHAT's being done, it's difficult to wrap one's head around WHY. The ease with which powerful nations are created out of thin air, then disposed of is a testament to the genius that came out of the social engineering studies at the Rand institute.
To recall that in 1995, China's GDP was $115 Billion. In 2015, the same country's GDP stood at $11.3 Trillion. That wasn't creation of wealth out of thin air, it was the deliberate transfer of wealth and technical knowledge that the US middle class had taken generations to develop. Again the question I ask is WHY? Is is purely an ideological extension of global marxism?
The same China they have created will one day destroy the country that sacrificed it's middle class and industrial power to help create it. Now the US military is terrified of this growing threat as a result. To who's benefit was this done? If a globalist agenda then how would empowering a staunchly nationalist empire support that agenda?
Sometimes I feel that there are too many competing interest battling it out. Sometimes their interests align, but more often than not they don't. The result is the social, political and economic carcass that the Western world has become. Corporate, globalist, imperialist, nationalist, zionist/neocon,..... Everyone wants their share and the cyclic pump and dump of both the local economy, local culture and nations at large seems to be the prevailing MO.
In line with the namesake of this blog, I see Russia as the only true independent nation on earth that thus far is reserving the right to pursue independent policy if it chooses to and actually has the material and human resource to do so. This makes her the only obstacle to complete global domination of the current western elites. However Russia does have an Achilles heal that has been successfully exploited a few times before. That's the scary part.
I know your question about the line between Globalists and Imperialists is for the most part a rhetorical one. Just to clarify what I'm saying:
DeleteThe Imperialists I'm referring to in this blog are primarily Anglo-Americans, whereas Globalists can be American, British, Jewish, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swiss, German, Italian or even South African, Japanese or Indian. Yes, they are both imperialists by definition but the Anglo-American one is (or rather was) more ethnocentric than the other. In any case, sometime in the 20th century the Anglo-American imperialists merged with Globalist imperialists. This is where we are today.
You make an important observation: Some of us are capable of seeing what they are doing, but we can only make educated speculations as to 'why" they are doing what they are doing. This question has given rise to thousands of books, articles and bloggers - but this has also given the Globalist/Imperialist elite a protective smokescreen (the ambiguity) within which they operate.
Example: We see them (senior level diplomats like CFR types) talk about the strategic importance of engaging with China and propping up its economy. And we also see that this is sacrificing America's middle class. We therefore conclude a number of things: 1) They want Beijing to be dependent on the West to prevent it from entering into a full alliance with Russia. Such a thing would be a geostrategic disaster for the West. They therefore seek to engage with Beijing even if doing so hurts Americans. 2) They may be trying to downsize the US because it has overgrown to a point where the country has become a black hole for global resources. 3) They may be building up China simply to derive better profits for their international mega-corporations, or to collapse China's economy one day when the time is right (like they periodically do to the US).
Example: We see them promoting feminism, homosexuality, planned parenthood (abortions), Genetically Modified Foods and climate awareness. We also hear them complain/warn about the size of world's population. Some of us therefore conclude that they are trying to lower the world's population, control food production and industry.
Example: We see them promoting multiculturalism, interracialism and atheism. We also see them complaining about wars that nationalism and religious fervor causes around the world. We therefore conclude that they want to engineer a world in which national and religious identity is weak and they, the Globalists, are at the center of people's lives, and are the only ones that can wage war when they need to.
Example: We see them fearmongering about Russia. We see them plotting Russia's downfall. We see them inciting wars on Russia's borders. We see them doing all they can to hurt Russia. We see all this and we conclude that it must be because: Russia is the world's largest nation which also has virtually limitless amounts of natural resources; Russia is the world's most politically and economically independent nation-state; Russia has begun championing the anti-Globalist concept of God, family and country; and to top it all off, Russia has a very powerful nuclear armed military, which makes it unbeatable.
In any case, you are also correct in your assumption that there are "many competing interests battling it out". None of the elite we talk about - be it Jews, Globalist, Anglo-Americans, Freemasons - are a monolith. They have internal power struggles and ideological clashes like any group, any family. It's natural, they are human after all.
Your last point about Russia being the only independent power on earth is why Russia has been feared and hated by Western powers for centuries, and also why they fear and hate Vladimir Putin's Russia today.
Not a fan of nazis but this video makes a good point: Europe - Time to say Goodbye:
DeleteThis is why they hate Putin Putin Putin LOL
I had a look at the video time to say good bye. Without a doubt the Germany shown in the video no longer lives, instead it has been morphed into a repugnable miasma, a filthy melting pot, an unapetizing racial stew. It could be said Germany reached her historical apogee of grandeur and pre eminence with the nationalist socialist government of that singular man. This is the price of losing a war, invasion, conquest, enslavement by the odious chosen race. A look at Greece today compares well like a clone of Germany, invaded by Africans, Asians, Muslims, the flotsam of the planet (who would have thought that Islam would return to re colonize, re occupy Greece after 400 years of ottoman slavery. A people who loses her historical memory ceases to live. All thanks to the machinations of the Judaic democracratic diktats.
DeleteIt is not a secret that I espouse National Socialism and I am sympathetic towards Nazi Germany - minus their crimes against humanity in Slavic lands. That said, it can truely be said that Europe died with the death of Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany was the European's or western civilization's last effort to save itself from a deadly infestation, but the effort failed miserably due to one major, fundamental Nazi mistake: Nazi leadership's brotherly feelings towards the Anglo-Americans and their irrational hate towards Slavic peoples. Ultimately, it was Hitler's naive hope/desire to convince the British and Americans to join his crusade against the Bolshevic East that led to his demise. The Anglo-American and European elite (including the Jews in the bunch) were playing Hitler all along. They first financed him and encouraged him. When he got too powerful and thus out of control, they quickly turned against him. For a moment it looked like Hitler's powerful war machine could finish the job in western Europe, but he more or less ordered them to stand down. The German military intentionally allowed the British and French to escape at Dunkirk. The German military intentionally didn't finish the job of bombing Britain into compliance. The German military intentionally didn't invade Switzerland. Hitler intentionally allowed his Western enemies to live and regroup, as he foolishly turned his attention towards the Soviet Union. Getting Germans and Russians to fight was exactly what his Anglo-American enemies wanted. Due to their racism and ideological fanaticism, Germany turned its back on the West and pressed into Slavic lands, basically giving Anglo-American-Jews the opportunity to prepare Germany's final demise. Even as late as April/May 1945, German military officers were asking with their Anglo-American counterparts to join them in their historic fight in the East. Nazis proved ideologically fanatical and fanatically naive to the end.
DeleteHad Hitler stopped after annexing Austria and German parts of Czechoslovakia, Poland and France, and concentrated his efforts to militarily defeat Britain, which his military could have easily done, we would be living in a totally different world today. In a nutshell: Nazi Germany's racism and fanaticism, against Aryan Slavs of all people, eventually destroyed Germany and thereby Europe. The following is an interesting article about Hitler's Anglo-American fetish that led to his demise -
Hitler Didn't Want World War - Illuminati Created and Manipulated Hitler:
And here we see spiritual Nazis reduced to the status of street hooligans and manipulated and pitted against Muslim imigrants that are imported into their country by their globalist elite -
DeleteGermany: Riots Against Islamist Salafists:
Hitler's hope of bringing the Anglo-Saxons into his side was a major mistake, but the heart of the German National Socialist ideology was aimed at pan-Germanic cultural unity, and thus would naturally be hostile to Slavs. We should remember that the Anglo-Americans are also of Germanic stock, albeit heavily mixed with Celtic and Romance genes.
DeleteHowever, the early supporters of the NSDAP also included the White Russian leaders who were enamoured by the idea of a new Russo-German alliance with starting the overthrow of both the Soviet and Weimar governments, and replacing it with a pair of far-right regimes. You can say that the potential value of National Socialism died with the failed Munich putsch, with the death of Max Erwin Von Scheubner-Richter.
AH crusade against bolchevism was to decapitate the head of international jewry ensconced in Moscow. Was he mistaken in thinking that the International Hydra's main head resided in Moscow ? If that was his thinking; he was off target. International jewry home base was- as it is today- in the Anglo saxon sphere; its odoriferous tentacles spreading into Bolchevik territory too. . One speaks of the great British Empire where the sun never set. Bollocks; International jewry had the British empire , and the Americans, under its heel. The british, although admirable in character and integrity as a race- perfidious albion- were a front cover, spearhead and cannon fodder for IJ. Now can someone tell us that AH was not aware of this ? I find it difficult to digest it. There is something that does not coagulate . Hence AH goose ( his struggle against IJ) was cooked even before he prepared the bird to go into an oven. It is an enigmatic mystery. IJ won in the end , and today the world at large ots enjoying its poisonous fruit.
DeleteFanatical nationalists that they were, Nazis had an understandable/rational fear of Bolshevism and communism. Ultimately, it was this fear that the Anglo-American-Jewish West was able to exploit and manipulate for its benefit. The benefit being: Get Eurasia's largest powers, Germany and the Soviet Union, to fight in order to weaken and devastate both. As usual, the plan was only partially successful, as the Soviet Union grew stronger as a result of the war. The Soviet Union was finally defeated in 1991. In my opinion, World War Two started in 1936 and ended in 1991.
DeleteIn a nuttshell: Nazis were encouraged by elements in the West (including the royal family in Britain) go to war against the communist East, and that is what Hitler and company were more than happy to do. And they were hoping that the West would eventually join them. I suspect many secrets about this subject died with Rudolf Hess (who was most probably murdered in prison in 1987). In any case, Germany basically failed to see that the real danger that it and the rest of Europe faced resided in Washington, New York, London and Zürich and that communism in Russia was only its symptom.
Hindsight is always 20/20. Back in the 1930s I suspect many including Nazis didn't know much about the international elite. This is basically why Berlin did not deal a death blow to Britain or Switzerland during the early stages of the war and was constantly hoping to draw Americans to its side. Needless to say, the best thing that happend to international Jewry was the so-called Holocaust.
"Jews today represent the American left (George Soros' neoliberal types), Jews represent the American right (Leon Strauss' neoconservative types). One side brings you imperial wars, along with "Judaeo-Christian" values, big business and American flags; the other side brings you imperial wars, along with abortions, feminism, multiculturalism, immigrants, welfare state and rainbow flags. The United States has become a showcase for Jews on the left and Jews on the right, and those in the middle getting screwed is the average American. So, regardless of what political side an American may choose to be on, he or she is actually choosing a side that is managed at the very top by American Jewry."
ReplyDeleteQuoted for truth! Your observations about Jews on the left and Jews on the right is brilliant. They have always played both sides in every conflict. It's natural for them that's how they survived for thousands of years. But let's not throw all of them under the bus, there are also many up standing Jews. Anyway keep up the good work.
Thank you for the compliment, Raffi.
DeleteAs I say in my commentary, I am not talking about the average Shlomo on the street. I am instead talking about the collective-organized nature of the Jewish people. I have great respect for men like Noam Chomsky, Israel Shahak, Seymour Hersh, Professor Stephen Cohen, Norman Finkelstein, Mordechai Vanunu, Oliver Stone, as well as Vladimir Zhirinovsky. The individual can truly be a wonderful and upstanding person - but it's the collective of individuals that give a particular nation its unique characteristics.
This topic is essentially about an interesting political category that I call bio-politics.
Think of it this way: What the cell is to an organism the individual is to the nation. You can have good cells and bad cells in a particular organ, but it's the "collective' of cells (an organism's complete biochemical structure) that gives the organism its look, its quality, its functions, its traits, its characteristics, etc. Similarly, in the human ecosystem, we can have good people and bad people in a particular nation, but it's the collective of individuals that gives a particular nation its look, its quality, its activities, its traits, its characteristics, etc.
When it comes to Jews, I am merely an observer and a researcher. You can therefore call me a Jewologist.
That said, I do see Jews as a corrosive force in the human ecology. I therefore do see them as an enemy. But, I dont have hate in me towards them, nor for that matter towards any other group of people (including Turks/Azeris). I am not even what they call an anti-Semite. If anything, I have a degree of envy towards them because of their proven abilities. I think there is a lot we Armenians can learn from them.
When I at times call them parasites I don't mean it as an ethnic slur. When I say parasite I mean it in the purely ecological and biological sense of the word.
Allow me to explain: Within the human ecosystem, different nations (the unique collective of individual cells I reffered to above) play different roles. Some therefore are predators, some are workers, some are scavengers, some are grazers, and some inevitably are parasites. If we can say that Caucasians (Eurasian Whites) have traditionally played the role of predators on earth, we can also say that Jews have and continue playing the role of parasites.
Again, I don't mean any of this as a ethnic slur.
Jews actually play the role of highly specialized parasites. They seek out the most powerful predators in the ecosystem and they make a good living off of them. From an ecological or bio-political point of view, this perhaps helps in curbing the overgrowth of powerful predators in the human ecosystem. Nevertheless, once firmly embeded in the host, the parasite takes on some of the host's characteristics and the host takes on some of the parasite's. For a while it's a symbiotic relationship, but in time the host falls ill due to its infestation.
So, once the infected Anglo-American host falls terminally ill, it will be very difficult for Jews to find another host as fatty and as pliable. With the decline of the West and the rise of the East, I think Jews will eventually go into another decline/hibernation, as they have tended to do from time to time - that is until the next convenient host appears in the human ecosystem.
Anyway, this is how I see the world. Again, although I see Jews as corrosive force on earth, I do not hate them. As my readers know, I reserve much harsher criticism for my kind. I see the modern Armenian as having been reduced to playing the role of nomadic scavengers in the human ecosystem. Ultimately, Armenia is the way it is (with the good and the bad) because of the collective nature of Armenians.
Russia is providing a loan to Armenia for the purchase of weapons, 100$M. I trust they use this loan to upgrade the armed forces with superior technology. Another young soldier died of Azeri sniper fire on the front lines. It is perturbing to the extreme; we seem to suffer casualties on a regular monthly basis. One death is a death too many for Armenian forces.
ReplyDeleteRussian loans or credits (which Armenia uses to purchase modern weapons systems at domestic prices) need to be looked at in conjunction with all free military hardware, technology and training Armenia receives more-or-less in secret. Russia is helping an impoverished, landlocked and blockaded Armenia maintain military parity with an oil rich Azerbaijan that has been on a military spending spree in recent years. And by covering Armenia's border with Turkey, Moscow is allowing Yerevan to concentrate all its effort on protecting Armenia's and Artsakh's borders with Azerbaijan.
DeleteRegarding the border skirmishes, think of it this way, maybe it will help: It's a war.
If you want to make better sense of the deaths on the border, think of what's happening as a war that needs to be fought to preserve Artsakh independence and Armenia's security. Because Baku cannot wage a full scale war against Armenia (because it fears repercussions from Moscow and Tehran) it is engaging in a war of attrition on the border instead. Their tactic is "death by a thousands cuts". The four day war in April 2016 was also part of this strategy. They are hoping to demoralize Armenians, perhaps even foment an internal revolt or a revolution. Therefore, every time we despair and panic or attack our government, Baku wins. As I said, just think of the deadly border skirmishes as a war to make better sense of the lives lost. It is also important to note that the fighting is also giving our military very valuable lessons and combat experience. Our country is located in the south Caucasus. Having a combat experienced military is essential. And there is nothing like a limited war to hone your military's combat skills. Remember that between 1994 and 2014 our military was sitting idle. I'm glad our complacent military got a big slap on the face in April 2016. Now, they are taking matters more seriously and they are getting their act in order.
To gain or maintain the sacred right to having a nation-state you must readily be willing to sacrifice the lives of your young men. It's been this way since the dawn of history. Small nations like us don't get a free pass. Let's remember Thomas Jefferson's famous quote: The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants". This applies to all nations regardless of size. Don't lament our deaths on the border, be proud of our fighters. The men on the borders are war heroes and they are gaining for our military very valuable combat experience.
In all honesty, I rather have this kind of a war than a full scale war.
We keep hearing about Armenian casualties, but we barely hear about azeri casualties. There are always rumors from people in Yerevan that for every Armenian casualty the Armenians retaliate strongly, yet we do not hear about this. Why is it so? If it's true, is it because the Armenian Government doesn't want to appear as "aggressive"?
DeleteThis brings me to my other point... how much work is being done in terms of psychological warfare against Azerbaijan?
Both sides engage in disinformation. Both sides lie. I don't believe everything our side says, needless to say I don't believe anything their side says. Are our forces retaliating? Yes, they are. Are our force retaliating as forcefully as they can? No, they are not. Are Azeris suffering casualties? Yes, they are. Are the numbers as high as what our side claims? No, they are not. Are they as low as the Azeri side claim? No, they are not. This is all normal as truth is the first casualty in any war. In any case, Yerevan is doing its best to show the world that Armenia is not the aggressor and that its only concern is to protect the region's Armenian population. Yerevan is also doing its best to avoid a major war because such a war can reel back any progress the country has made during the past 25 years and risk igniting an even bigger regional war. Baku does not want a major war either. Faced with such conditions, both sides are strategizing. Baku wants Armenia to bleed slowly, hoping this will incite domestic unrest and force Yerevan to give in to Azeri demands during negotiations. Yerevan wants to simply hold the line and wait for the storm to pass, hoping this will cause an internal palace coup in Baku and perhaps force Azeris to give up on Artsakh. Baku thinks times is on its side. Yerevan thinks time is on its side. And this is what I think: As long as we don't have a full scale war on our hands, I am ok with what's going on. I don't know what you are exactly asking about psychological warfare.
DeleteWhat I am asking is if Armenians are considering targeting the Azeri population with psychological warfare. For example, during the Four-day war, Razminfo started publishing news in Azerbaijani about Azeri casualties (regardless of their accuracy), news that were not given to the Azeri public by their country's media outlets. This obviously had its effect on demoralizing a portion of the Azeri population and turn them against their government.
DeleteBasically, what I am asking is if Yerevan is doing to Baku what Baku is doing to Yerevan (with their skirmishes on the border), and to what extent?! I see us lacking in this department.
I have not done any reasearch on this but from what I can see there are some Armenia-based Turkish/Azeri language websites and radio broadcasts that presents news from an Armenian perspective. But I don't know how effective they are. Do Azeris even care what we have to say? I guess the only people in Azerbaijan that may be willing to listen to what we have to say and be influenced by it are the country's ethnic minorities. In any case, free and open societies like the one we have in Armenia tend to be more vulnerable to the kind of psy-ops you are talking about than tightly controlled societies like Azerbaijan. I don't see Azeris taking to the streets to protest Baku's ties with a Moscow that has been arming Armenia to the tune of billions of dollars. I don't see Azeri families taking to the streets to protest the mistreatment of their soldiers in the military. I don't see foreign funded Azeri activists taking to the streets protesting the severe corruption in the Azeri government. I don't see Azeri political parties taking to the streets to protest their government's inability to take back Artsakh despite the many billions of dollars spent on modern weapons systems. I don't see armed uprisings in Azerbaijan. What I only see is Armenians taking to the streets to protest every single thing they don't like in the country. What I only see is Armenians taking up arms against their government. This is basically how we Armenians (and Greeks) lost Asia Minor to Turks and other barbarians.
DeleteThis brings up a good question, what's better civilization or being barbarians? Barbarians won because they were violent, don't play by the rules and had nothing to lose. Armenians and Greeks lost because they were paying the price for civilization.
DeleteIt is a lamentable, non ending dirge to recall how Armenian and the Greeks were scooped out of Asia minor by the turkish barbarian hordes. We console and lick our wounds by remembering how brazen and stark betrayal doomed our fate. For Armenian it was a double blow when compounded with the cataclysmic events in ancestral Armenia and in the first republic. Maybe more ignominious was the Greek retreat from Asia minor. One can never come out of the bemused state at witnessing how the European powers allowed the barbarian turks to retain Constantinople and the Bosporus. A different chapter in history could have been written if not for the demonic jewish bolshevik take over of Russia. But that is past, and the mournful dirge continues even among the survivors and descendants of the the victims and losers. Thousand year Hellenic history gets wiped out in a matter of months. Three thousand year old race gets uprooted and severed from their ancestral lands in a matter and space of months. It is impossible to forget, but it is encouraging and spirited that Armenian memories are much stronger, and virile than Greek ones. As long as one has and retains the memory , a nation does live. Armenia lives today thanks to her memory. As far as Artsakh is concerned, sooner or later there will be a full scale war; it is unavoidable. The question is whether it will be a long drawn out war, or a swift ,short and conclusive war. How many outbound nations will participate, Iran, Georgia, Russia, Kazakhstan etc; Turkey will be a participant, if not the main instigator of the war. Armenia needs more territory. Artsakh needs a larger and broader cordon sanitaire against the barbarous Asiatics of eastern turkey (Azeris). Armenia can not stay asleep for one minute, nor complacent in drawing out the status quo; one day the status quo will lead to the next phase over turko-Azeri belligerence. Can Azeris continue as a "pluralistic democracy" and retain statehood ?; or their pluralism would translate in their eventual dismemberment as an established country. Hopefully the government/military has all these calculations registered in their intelligence databases , and multiple iterations are juggled around to fit different scenarios of possible outcomes. When the status quo breaks down, Armenia and Artsakh must enlarge their land mass. This is easier said than done, but geopolitics in the region is ever changing, and right now they are in a state of flux . Historical opportunities must be seized to prevent for aggravated lamentations on territory losses, and nationhood, to coalesce into mournful dirges.
DeleteReading that Russian MOD. Shoigu is visiting Israel and having had meetings with the thug Lieberman and Netanoo, has been served warnings about potential Iranian bases in Syria. According to press, both Israeli gangsters hammered the point home that Israel will not tolerate the establishment of Iranian bases in Syria. What is the significance of Shoigu visit to Israel ? How are the Israelis supposed to prevent Iranian bases on Syrian soil, ? By bombing, but isn't they Syrian air space protected by the network of aerial iron curtain ? It has become clear that might is right and the strong will prevail. It makes one think that even the Russians have to pay obeisance to the gangsters in Jerusalem. Every potential American or Eu political figure aspiring to the top positions have perforce take a trip to Jerusalem and bang their skull against the wall of torments, and be kosher certified to return and assume their assigned roles. Now we have Russians, also traveling to that nest of deceitful rogues to "discuss" the war against terror, the Syrian war, and Mid East Arab concerns. It is ironic the statement released that Shoigu discussed the war on terror with the two grandest kosher terrorists on the planet. It is like the head cockerel of a hencoop having discussions with the chief fox on how to stop fox raids against chicken coops.
ReplyDeleteGood article summarizing main points. Nothing groundbreaking, and I'd prefer he focus on the fact that the Russophobia which defines the western establishment goes far beyond Brennan and Obama, but overall informative. Doesn't include the word "jew" or any variant even once though, which is a massive shortcoming.
ReplyDeleteJohn Brennan’s Police State USA
There is a great hullabaloo blaring through the tongues of political analysts about tha asiciation agreement with the EU. A torrent of verbosity about the deal, but nothing is clear about he conditions, provisions which Armenia needs to deliver. Cryptic sentences about "reforms" "justice" and other oms and isms are bandied about but nothing is clears out the meaning of the array of cryptic phrases. In particular, and it is galling, is guiragosians penned articles. This man is a weird bird. The word articulate is missing from his wordsmith armory. He delves and dives in a sesquipedalian fashion with long and elaborate sentences which leaves the reader wondering what is he trying to say. The bottom line is that the asiciation agreement is super good for Armenia ? It is not clear what this goodness is all about, and less so the provisions liberally sprinkled with so called "reforms, reforms" which Armenia is expected to meet. In exchange of what ?. The reforms in the provisions can only be translated in alignment with EU social, political, economical , demographic, policies. A ruinous recipe of legislative intrusion. aaa
ReplyDeleteGenerally speaking, throughout history, Armenians have been Armenia's worst enemy. I can characterize Armenians as Asians who think they are Europeans. This inability to properly understand who we are as a people is why generally speaking Armenians act Asian/Middle Eastern but strive to live like westerners. At a fundamental level, this is what causes the sociopolitical and cultural anomalies we witness in Armenian society. And, as I have always said, Armenia (as it exists today) is too small for the Armenian ego. The Armenian ego needs a large and bountiful land (populated by simpleminded people) to feel comfortable in.
DeleteThat said, as long as Yerevan can resist the importation of Globalist/Western agendas (i.e. homosexual propaganda, interracialism, multiculturalism, atheism, Anglo-American-Jewish worship, etc), EU ties can help Armenia become a south Caucasian trade hub between Europe and Russia and Iran. Moscow officials would not mind this as it would give them backdoor ties with European nations. In any case, don't expect our culturally backward and money-hungry Armenian officials to make right long-term choices when it comes to Armenia, but sleep well knowing that Russians are constantly watching over their shoulders...
Finally, Richard Giragosian is an American agent (most probably CIA). He was brought to Armenia with the help of Raffi Hovanissian, another American agent working in Armenia. Giragosian's main goal in Armenia (like the rest of the country's Western funded political opposition) is to help sever Russian-Armenian ties. He also seems interested in paving the way for better Turkish-Armenian relations -
Adnan Oktar's live discussion on A9 TV with Richard Giragosian,...:
Here is more info on Giragosian for those who don't know -
Forget the Kardashians, meet the real whores of the Armenian-American society, the Hovannisians!:
I feel an automatic revulsion for Mr. Guiragossian. He is not Armenian, he is only half armenian, mother or father. Totally infected with the international globalist virus. A toad in the service of the international satans, and very antiarmenian. If half of his parents hail from turkey, it is no surprising he'll be a tracheros turcophile. Neither do have any sympathy for the malignant tumor of Hoavanesian . A failed lawyer in his LA cesspool, an opportunist who sees Armenia as fertile ground for his limitless personal ambitions. These men are not patriots caring for Armenia . these are opportunistic atheist with, unfortunately, ian ending surnames. A disgrace and dishonor to Armenia.
DeleteI think this documentry(which came out recently)is very relevant:
ReplyDeleteThe Weight of Chains 2
Also the original is also informative:
@ Arevordi,
ReplyDeleteYour take on intentional Jewry should be essential reading for every gentile in America. It's thorough hard hitting yet not rabidly racist. All in all excellent job. The only problem I have with it is your call to kill the "Anglo American host" to defeat Jews. Why don't we just focus on defeating them alone? I also wanna tell you to please remain anonymous as best as you can because the last thing you or your readers want is to end up on some agency's watch list.
Keep up the good work and good luck.
Thank you for reading. Regarding the Anglo-American host, let's agree to disagree. I'm afraid the host in question is beyond salvaging at this point. The Anglo-American world has become the Golem or Frankenstein's monster. The monster has to die. Period. There is no way to seperate Anglos, Americans and Jews from each other anymore. Jews in fact represent the Anglo-American world. As I said in the body of the commentary, in the past Russia and Germany were able to rid themselves of the parasitic infestation (albeit at a great cost) thanks to their racial, ideological, cultural and spiritual composition. The Anglo-American West today is all but devoid of race, ideology, culture and spirituality. Jews today have full spectrum dominance over the Anglo-American West. The Anglo-American West is therefore vulnerable, defenseless and sick, and slated to die. In my humble opinion. But, I hope I'm wrong.
DeletePS: It's foolish to think that one can remain anonymous in the time period we are living in, especially in a surveillance state like the West. But, I totally understand why people are afraid to express their thoughts or do so only in anonymity. That said, nothing I say in this blog can be interpreted as being illegal. I'm not anti-western. I simply want the West to go back to its traditional/classical roots. I'm not anti-American. I simply want the United States to stop its imperial/globalist agenda (that which is slowly killing it) and go back to its founding roots. I'm not even anti-Jewish. I see the average Shlomo as cannon fodder for the Jewish elite.
DeleteNot arguing with you. I just think more Americans are waking up everyday. There are millions of good people in the states and they are becoming politically aware everyday. I agree America is seriously damaged but don't agree it's hopeless or dying. In time the tide will turn against Jews. You even admit Jews are already acting self destructive. I don't think they will enjoy their fruits for long.
I'm not arguing with you either. Regardless of how many Americans may be waking up today, all levers of American society continue being controlled by Jews and Globalists, and a majority of Americans are politically illiterate and decadent and they will remain so. As I said before, you cannot separate the three main components of the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance. If Jews are to be defeated, the Anglo-Americans have to be defeated, and vice-versa. At this point I don't think one can live without the other. The other thing you are not taking into serious account is the dire demographic situation in the country. Again, brought about in part by American Jewry and in part by WASPs. A non-White America (which it will surely be by the middle of this century) will be a mere shadow of its former self. The only thing that can save the country is an internal military revolt or a full fledged civil war. However, I don't think it will happen, simply because no military officer in the armed services will risk his retirement benefits, America is too tightly controlled and Americans in general are too preoccupied with facebook, computer games, porno, sports, television and drugs. America is a civilization in decline. Like all other empires before it, it is destined to fall, if not for no other reason than bad karma (i.e. millions of souls it has murdered, maimed, impoverished and made homeless around the world) coming back to haunt it. In my opinion, the country is too far gone to be saved.
DeleteRelated to this subject matter is a documentary which actually reminds me of your current blog. You probably seen this
DeleteCULTURAL MARXISM - The Corruption of America:
While the destruction of the Anglo-American bloc might be the best in the short term, it would have a huge geopolitical effect in the long run as nations that often are allied with them would suddenly be forced to confront the reality of a world without the Anglo-Americans. For Eastern Europe in particular, if nations like Poland don't want to make peace with Russia, then they have the option of forming the Second Intermarium project, named after Marshal Pilsudski's attempts at making a Poland-centric bloc that acted as a barrier between Germany and the former USSR. If I had to guess as to what kind of post-Anglo-American world would it look like, here is what I would suggest:
DeleteWestern Europe: France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Andorra, San Marino, Monaco and Ireland. The United Kingdom itself would have to break apart in order to balance everything out, although a United Kingdom that remained united would be a useful counterweight to Germany.
Eastern Europe: Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Moldova, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Macedonia and Greece.
Eurasia: Toughie, as even Russia, China and India have separate spheres of influence as well. A reunified Korea could revert to being a Chinese vassal, given that various Korean dynasties have always been vassals of Chinese dynasties.
Africa: Whole continent with the project originally proposed by Gaddafi.
Americas: A unified Latin America, from Mexico to Argentina. In the event of the collapse of the Anglo-American world, Mexico would be entitled to regain the lands it lost to the US in the Mexican-American War.
Asia-Pacific: ASEAN in an alliance with a resurgent Japan, Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Island territories once owned by the US would either go to Japan or the Philippines (the US controlled islands in the Central Pacific were once ruled by Spain as part of the Spanish East Indies).
Technically speaking, it would be much more prudent for minor nations like Poland, Japan and Latin America to pull their weight.
In other news, the victory of Shinzo Abe in the snap election this year might pave the way for the remilitarization of Japan's military. As you all know, Japan's Article 9 forbids the formation of a formal military, so repealing it would allow the Japanese state to once again have a regular military. Such a move might become a major game changer in the Asia-Pacific region.
Excellent commentary, Arevordi. An absolute must read for every "American" & westerner. Should be basic/common knowledge for all Armenians by now..
ReplyDeleteSharing some links:
Russia bans the screening of an anti-Armenian Azerbaijani propaganda movie
Serbia receives 6 MIG-29 fighter jets from Russia
White Christians are dying out - Putin (sensationalist title from Inessa S, he barely scratches the surface)
Texas withholds hurricane relief unless residents sign pledge to Israel (LOL)
finally, for laughs Syrian Civil War explained with “Russian Dolls”
*reminder* readers of the blog who active on social media, please support Kevork Almassian -
Delete^ Syrians express their gratitude to the Armenians
^ Iraqi lawmakers outlaw Israeli flags, ‘Zionist’ symbols
^ What is really wrong with Russia Today and Sputnik?
Both RT and sputnik are under constant attack, also Iran's Press Tv. Their live feeds are compromised and you can no longer watch them because of the disruption here in the U.S.A.
"United States is entering a period of uncertainty and instability" is a bit of an understatement. The world has never seen corruption on that scale that it exists in the west. Western corruption cannot even be classified as traditional "corruption" which is more or less greed manifested as dishonesty, for example the kind of corruption you'd expect from a quasi-gypsy Armenian peasant-turned-businessman cheating on his taxes and spending laundered money on a gaudy Mercedes. Western corruption is just moral and spiritual degradation with a contempt for life, and hatred for anything that historically would have been considered decent.
ReplyDeleteFather who lost his son to opioid abuse speaks out
And that's just one tiny, yet still gigantic, aspect of how screwed the west is. You could fill up an encycloperia on signs of the fall of the west, pretty much every single value, every single aspect of the western way of life is just wrong. Just for fun, contrast the following two headlines:
UK Objects to UN Saying “Pregnant Women” Because It Excludes Trannies – Feminists Rage
Tajikistan Hunts Down Faggots and Registers Them in a Database
I've said it before and it bears repeating: I'd feel more comfortable in a room full of Chechens or Tajiks than I would in a room full of current-day Europeans or Americans.
Speaking of the opioid epidemic in the US, it's basically the American Dream of a single Jewish family -
DeleteThe OxyContin Clan: The $14 Billion Newcomer to Forbes 2015 List of Richest U.S. Families:
The Secretive Family Making Billions From the Opioid Crisis:
Who is to blame for the opioid epidemic?:
How Some of the World’s Biggest Art Patrons Contributed to the Opioid Crisis:
Irony without borders, the opiod King ? Or opiod epidemic run or controlled by ...?.....?.. A Jew of course. My late father use to say , wherever there is muck and kak you shall find the proverbial jxx. That can from a figurative to a literal translation ran wherever there is money and power three lies a jxx. The question must need asked Where is these race/clan not in control ?
DeleteVictor Orban mentioned in his speech the dark hidden powers behind the population replacement programs of oceanic invasion of Europe by third world. Orban falls short by not revealing who the dark power is made up of or are. The scrofulous Soros invests 1.5 bn into the open society foundation ( wrecking nation states and bastardizing or mongrelizing it's races and people) The whole western word has come to pay homage to the jxx and worship them. This has not happen by happenstance. Whenever there is trouble, social or political, the barometer is measured according at how it affects jxx. It is frightful. Wherever we are, the goy trembles, yes trembles when jxx speaks. It should be the other way. The other day even Putin made reference to the golem in an interview. It was about the Ukraine, and the erection of the statue of one of its national figures. Putin made remarks about this character an mentioned,That in his time , they started killing jxx. Why ? Did not they kill gypsies, Hungarians, even their own Ukrainians, Romanian ? Why make mention of a few jxx who, were terrorists by any standards, happened to disappear, even run away or emigrate. The same story , propaganda line a la Ilya ehrenburg, transpired in Argentina during the military government battling a Marxists take over he government. 30000 disappeared, the myth of the 30000, the majority of these vanished souls were jxx. Lies, repeated ad infinitum, eventually becomes credible. Does anyone ever heard of the Salonica jxx when the Germans entered Greece in ww2. The urban legend is they were hauled into auchwitz, maidanek or some mythical death camp and never returned. Another monumental lie, who the Greeks themselves like to pander. The jxx schools, synagogues are still there, and all those jxx who allegedly died in killings camps, were back in full force after the war, and their descendants carry on barking the same fable. When in Athens, take a bus tour at the foot of the parthenon of the city. What would you think it would be the highlight of the tour , Socrates imprisonment cave ? Diogenes spot when he dismissed Alexander of obstructing his vision of the sun ? The spot where the Greek soldier hurled himself to death from the top of the caryatides rather the bring the flag down in 1941, No No. The highlight of the tour will be the two jxx synagogues one in front of each other, built in ottoman times. That is what the unwary tourist will take back as the enlightenment of his tour. There is an Armenian church around the corner, built in 1902, but it is not a landmark worth mentioning.
ReplyDelete^ Hundreds of Turkey-backed Chinese Terrorists Arrive in Syria to Fight Syrian Army
Militant-affiliated websites reported on Friday that hundreds of Chinese terrorists trained by the Turkish intelligence officers have arrived in Northern Hama after intensifying clashes between the Syrian Army and Al-Nusra Front (Tahrir al-Sham Hay’at or the Levant Liberation Board).
The websites reported that hundreds of militants of al-Sini (Chinese) al-Turkistani terrorist group have deployed in Northern Hama...
Syria will continue to be flooded until her borders are finally closed off from Turkey in the north & Jordan in the south
A New War in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Beyond on the Way
'Sources across the Middle East are reeling with the resignation of Lebanon’s Prime Minister Hariri. Harari’s resignation, ordered by Saudi Arabia and, by our estimation Israel as well, signals a new phase of wars as the “ISIS experiment” draws to a close.'
The US and Russia have been informed that Israel will continue with its operations in Syria, says Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
good comment I came across on a last month's Morris108 video:
DeleteLouis Adams 3 weeks ago
Russia has a cordial relationship with Israel. They get advanced American weaponry from Israel. Israel leeches technology and weaponry from the West especially US and sell the weapons to Russia, China and everyone else. The systematic theft of western technology under TALPIOT OPERATION has turned Israel into a technology and arsenal juggernaut. The Russian get advanced US arms by getting in bed with Israel. Let us not forget that the largest ethno_linguistic group in Israel are the slavic Jews with strong ties to Russia. Also Russia has leverage over the US administration since TRUMP is in bed with the Russian Jewish mafia.Go figure
Armenians outside the fatherland are only “half” Armenian. - Hayk Nazaryan
Excellent piece written by a friend.
@ Sarkis
do you know him? Your sense of 'dark humor' reminds me a lot of his posts that I would used to read.
It's unfortunate there was only 1 of him on FB and social media, versus the waves and waves of indoctrinated morons sharing and spreading their values/virus and toxic culture harming filth.
I share a similar outlook to Nazarian, about Armenians outside the fatherland. Although there are large exceptions, but in general terms, majority wise, Nazarian is correct in his judgement. There is worldview and massive indoctrination, deracination, by the western nations when it comes to race-identity. Armenians growing up in such a milieu have a mighty challenge to preserve their roots, language, culture, history etc.
DeleteHayk Nazaryan is one of us. I have seen him write his views on various social media. In my opinion, he is a true Armenian patriot. More importantly, he has a good understanding of our history and our region's geopolitical situation. Not only that, he is also anti-West, anti-Globaist, Jew-aware and pro-Russia. Simply put, he, unlike a vast majority of his American-Armenian kin, has somehow resisted American brainwashing. He is a true Armenian patriot and part of what I call our nation's golden core. Here is another article about him -
DeleteAmerican born "extreme" Armenian who returned to Armenia:
Thanks for the articles. Hayk is an exemplary Armenian. I specially liked his views on the Holohoax.
DeleteThat is good to hear/know that this blog is aware of him.
DeleteFor anyone interested, this is/was his youtube channel account:
War may break out in Lebanon it seems
Israel To “Suffer Substantial Casualties” In Case Of Confrontation With Hezbollah – Russia’s Ambassador In Lebanon
Personally, I don't know what to really believe anymore. I still think Yauhudi Wahhabia will be the sacrificial lamb, how else does Eretz Yizrael acquire all the 'promised land' that include large chunks of the salafist kingdom.. I can only repeat this: Lebanon, Syria, & Iraq must remain united and ignore artificial British borders, meaning cross freely to work as a unit in response to any Western (and gulf states) attacks. Or else they have no chance. Let's see how the Lebanese army responds, or will they be sitting on the sidelines again like back in the summer of 06. It's extremely important that Arabs & muslims worldwide don't fall for the bs sunni-shia divide. Unfortunately, Iran plays a major role in this Islamic theocracy nonsense. That's why I believe Brandon O'Connell (just recently prisoned in NZ) when he says that something's really not right with Iran.
"ask Iran why they fought me for three weeks solid not to mention Israel and Operation Talpiot - - - the 40 year plan for Israel to dominate the worlds high technology sector and spy on everyone.
Also, ask iran why they were so terrified to talk about Jewish racial and religious supremacism as the foundation of the israeli state? Ask Iran why they are petrified to upset their local Jews....while Palestinians die because Orthodox Judaism is the foundation of the Israeli state." - Brendon O'Connell 7 months ago
Personally I don't believe war will break out, not now . The chosen/master race must first muster a new coalition or creations al isis, alkaida, al nusra, al bostani et al. The pieces on the chessboard have to be realigned.The chosen race is not going to take any risks, short of an irrevocable guarantee, tackling Iran on their own. Someone else must do the bloodletting and dying for them. America and the EU will be goaded and pushed all the time to send their sons to the death for the glory of Eretz Israel; but at the moment there are is a shortage of " someonelse's" , particularly since the virtual demnise of the slafists and caliphatists. The arab-jews of Ibn Saud are not going to fight, they might become cannon fodder, but they are useless and degenerates, libidinous harem keepers wallowing on immense reserves of oil. The relentless arm of zion will keep creating crisis, conflict, spurious divisions, and jokeying for positions where arab slaughters arab and they are left unharmed. The mid east and the arabian cartography is what it is,. Hundred years ago maps and borderlines were drawn by Sykes-Picot. Nothing has changed ever since, except for the creation of the holy state , beside internal feuds, bloodshed, internal wars.
ReplyDeleteGood news, Arevordi was right all along...
Alarming indeed, although I need to put my two cents here.
DeleteWhile it is understood that there is a danger to the combat effectiveness of the military from accepting people with mental problems, this very kind of problem is the only thing stopping me from having to personally enlist and serve my country (in this case, Canada). I feel that only by serving in the military would allow me to gain new confidence needed to advance deeper into the world, but my condition prevents me from doing so and it's depressing. What is worse is that I am no longer qualified to serve the Philippine Army as I would have reached the maximum age limit there (18-27 years old max there)
I love this comment:
DeleteIf Bipolar during a manic phase, they will march till they drop and be unstoppable. Not to mention they are comfortable in both the North and South Pole.
What about Schizophrenics and multiple personalities. For every one recruit added there is a potential of 2 or more in the battlefield and some may be invisible.
-----Obama logic.
comment I came across regarding the 1997 Robert DeNiro 'Wag the Dog' film
ReplyDeleteMason Gilbert 2 years ago
What's even more amazing: this movie was itself a psy-op by the Hollyweird Jews to fuck Clinton twice as hard with the whole Lewinsky thing. The movie was released 9 January 1998. Simultaneously Linda Tripp was busy wiring the Lewinsky Bomb hand in hand with the Secret Service, now suddenly become the "adultery police." The real motive: Clinton had ignored orders from his bosses, the Jews, to escalate in Iraq, so now he WOULD obey or get politically "assassinated." The neocons--Wolfowitz, Rummy, etc.--sent Clinton a letter two weeks later commanding him to use his State of the Union speech to announce his intention to "do something decisive" about Iraq (regime change). He again ignored them, so sure enough they detonated the Lewinsky Bomb a week later. Throughout the rest of 1998, it just kept being this ridiculous overblown media blitz. I mean, OF COURSE presidents fuck women other than the ones they're married to. Who fucking cares? Hilary obviously didn't, so why should I? Shit, she was probably right there slurping Monica's pussy at the same time. Anyway, the whole thing just kept being this idiotic circus until ... December, when sure enough Clinton caved by launching Operation Desert Fox, and--sure enough--the whole Lewinsky thing just magically evaporated overnight. The entire sequence was an utterly terrifying demonstration of their media power, and this movie was the most terrifying part. They had the whole thing planned out months in advance, even getting the Hollyweird jew trash to engineer advance cynical public perception of Slick Willie's every predictable move! I think only the Washington elite caught it at the time. It was a repeat of Watergate and the JFK assassination: the Jews taking down a president, literally or politically, for getting carried away and hallucinating that he really does have all that power.
source: MUST WATCH - How To Make A Fake News Broadcast
Again more talks on Nkr now in Vienna between jet setter nalbandian and mamedyrov. What an utter waste of energy. Nalbandian was recently in Israel. One wonders what are the Israelis after. Some say Armenia would be used as a conduit, intermediary conduit between Israel and Iran. Now zakharova enters the Nkr fray, it is too important for Russia to ignore. She says we are dealing with people's whom Russia that have shared life for centuries. Shared wars , massacres , oppression, deprivation , genocide ,and seizure of lands for centuries.
ReplyDeleteThe Saker: Russia's Military Superiority and Response to NATO-Pentagon
Published on Nov 15, 2017
Former military intelligence officer The Saker gives an update on the New Cold War and explains how Russia has developed a superior military capability to NATO-Pentagon and how they are geopolitically positioning themselves in preparation for a war.
What is going on with the Eu association conundrum . I read a lot about the agreement coming into effect or about to be signed. Little or nothing is said about what is Armenia going to benefit out of this agreement. The Eu wil not sign you in unless you accept the conditions imposed by said agreement. Abstract, gaseous humanism and humanitarian balderdash spiced up with human rights and pornocratic dogmas ( sorry I meant democratic) are prescriptions that vassals or stupid states are supposed to accept unwaveringly. All what I hear, forgive my crass ignorance, is that there would be a visa liberalization. ? Is this a benefit ? F xxx visa liberalization, only fools and wandering gypsies would be seeking visa free travel. Who wants to travel to that multiracial Mecca, multiracial medina of the xxi century, anyway. We don't want the ZIo UN to come and say we need to become diverse in order to align with the globalist dogma and religion. All of us need to understand what benefits or curse this EU association agreement will confer to the Armenian nation. They can destroy Armenia at the drop of a hat.
ReplyDeleteArevordi, you are very quiet lately hope alls well. This should interest readers here. Are Georgians finally seeing the light?
ReplyDeleteArto jan, thank you for the concern. Remember that you can also email me. Regarding my silence/inactivity: You may recall that a couple of months ago I was asked a similar question. I had wrote the following to explain where I am with this blog -
DeleteUnlike what some people think I am not a KGB agent, nor do I have a Russian lover, nor do I get any kind of assistance from anyone. Recent years (the Putin era to be exact) has made me somewhat of a Russophile. Ultimately, however, I'm pro-Russian because I'm pro-Armenian. Fundamentally, I'm an Armenian nationalist. But, my nationalism is rooted in political pragmatism, a deep understanding of the world we live in, a deep understanding of Armenians and strategic foresight. It's more than obvious to me that Armenia cannot survive in the south Caucasus without Russia. This is why I have always said Armenia's independence from Russia will only result in its dependence on Turkey. This is why I have always said Armenia's existence as a nation-state in a Turkic/Islamic region like the south Caucasus is only made possible by a strong Russian presence inside Armenia. Moreover, I have always promoted deeper, more effective Armenian lobbying efforts in Moscow. We have been unable to work towards this goal because we lack national unity, foresight and political sophistication - and our collective attention is always placed on the Western world. Moreover, political power travels on the coattails of cultural influence. Therefore, for the foreseeable future, Globalism and Westernization will be the single greatest enemy of the Armenian people.
It is also very obvious to me that powerful interests embedded deep within our society are actively trying to drive a wedge between Armenia and Russia. This agenda, essentially a desire to strip Armenia of its Russian protection, has been in operation since the early Soviet period. Many Armenians continue serving this agenda today. Some do so professionally, some do so idiotically. I see the agenda to drive a wedge between Yerevan and Moscow as an existential threat to Armenian statehood, and I see Armenians behind this agenda as traitors to Armenia. I'm therefore not your typical "nationalist" in this regard. In fact, I now see our so-called nationalists as a bigger threat to the health and well being of Armenia than our Western-funded agents of sociopolitical change.
The last fifteen years or so has also helped me recognize Russia as the last front against Westernization, Globalism, American expansionism, Zionism, Islamic extremism and pan-Turkism. I believe Russia is the last hope we have for western civilization, apostolic Christianity, the traditional family and the traditional nation-state.
All of the above essentially compelled me to create this blog in 2010. This blog became the only voice in the vastness of cyberia that dared to preach about the strategic importance of Armenia remaining within the Russian orbit, as well as the importance of rejecting Western inroads inside Armenia. From about 2010 to 2015 I did monthly, at times weekly, commentaries about Russian-Armenian relations and Eurasian geopolitics. It was very difficult for me because I am self-employed and I have a family. I don't know how I did it but I was somehow able to do it. The time I put into this blog came at the expense of work, family and personal life. But a powerful voice/feeling inside urged me to keep going, and I did. When Armenia joined the EEU and further integrated into Russia's military structures a couple of years ago, I finally felt a deep sense of relaxation, as if a very heavy burden was lifted off my back. And when Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan reemerged in Armenian politics, I felt as if my personal mission was accomplished. I also felt vindicated. I therefore felt I could take a step back. I needed the rest. Going forward, I only plan on posting seasonal commentaries but I will keep moderating the comments section on a daily basis.
Thank you for reading.
Regarding Georgia: By late summer 2008, when Russian troops were deep inside Georgian territory and NATO was no where in sight, it became obvious that Tbilisi would have no choice but to eventually establish better relations with Russia. And it will; it's only a mater of time. Fundamentals of geopolitics - or realpolitik - dictates that Georgia will eventually be brought back into the Russian orbit. I have been saying this for many years.
DeleteTo sum it up:
DeleteI feel I have lived to see what I desired for many years; the institutionalization of Russian-Armenian alliance. Moreover, I feel more confident now that Armenians are collectively recognizing the strategic importance of Armenia's ties with Russia. What's more, I feel satisfied knowing that, at least on a subatomic level, I had a hand in the outcome. That said, none of this means there are no problems in Russian-Armenian relations. All relationships have problems; Armenia's relationship with Russia is no exception. But, at least now such problems can be worked on internally between Moscow and Yerevan. In any case, I feel a strong sense of mission accomplished. I therefore no longer have the internal urge to continue as in the past. In other words, the motivational force that had propelled me in previous years has been gradually dissipating. I feel that this blog has lived to see the realization of its stated goal.
I have put an enormous amount of information into this blog. In my opinion, most of my blog commentaries going back ten-plus years are in varying degrees relevant to this day. They therefore can be revisited by longtime readers and new comers alike. Going forward, I don't want to write merely for the sake of writing. Also, I don't want to say anything if I have nothing to say. I fee like I have said everything I needed to say. Henceforth, I will post seasonal commentaries about topics I find important. I will however moderate the blog's comments section on a regular basis; ultimately because I'm interested in what readers of this blog have to say and also because it's through readers here that I am at times made aware of interesting developments.
Remember that you can contact me via email.
Arevordi, I know what your saying we talked about this before. All I want to say is dont stop completely what your doing your emails are something I look forward to.
DeleteArevordi, dont stop what your doing cuz the fight isnt over. You know when the cat is away the mouse will play. Es mukin nayi shat es havanelu iran. asa ete uzum es inchvor ban grem ir sayti vra.
Delete«Մեր համայնքում ակտիվ գործում են КГБ ու ФСБ-ի գործակալներ․․․»Անդրանիկ Դովլաթյան:
Կներես, բայց տեսանյութը նոր սկսեցի նայել, չեմ կարող դադարեցնել ծիծաղս...
DeleteThe Syrian theater of operations is becoming pregnant with innumerable imponderables. False news are emitted from the Zionist bloc; the latest spurious line is the threat of Israel destroying all Iranian assets if forces friendly to the SAA approach a 45 km red line in the Golan heights. Tough blustering. The USA has, according to Wall Street media, close to 4000 troops on the ground. Allegedly helping the SDF and fighting ISIs. But Isis and SDF are Zionist inventions/creations. The crown prince of SArabia is on a war footing. He has been enlisted in the ranks of the Zionist to do the dirty menial stuff for them. SArabia assets, wealth, and other financial resources are all residing in Zionist owned and run Banks. Bin salmon is a captive to his interests based on his personal wealth resident in the hands of Zion. If he does not tow the line, he could be demoted or his wealth confiscated. In the meanwhile talks with Israel and Nalbandian continue, and the European link signed.
ReplyDeleteSaudi Arabia, the self-proclaimed leader of the Islamic world and the number one exporter of Islamic terrorism, sees Iran's recent political and military expansion in the Middle East (i.e. the Shiite Arc stretching from western Afghanistan to southern Lebanon) as its number one regional competitor and threat. Therefore, Saudi Arabia's national interests fall fully inline with that of the Anglo-American-Jewish West. This historic alignment of geostrategic interests between the West and Prophet Mohammad's homeland is the reason why Riyadh is going along with the Anglo-American-Jewish agenda against Iran. It isn't because Saudi Arabian officials fear Jewish bankers. The point I am making is this: Saudi Arabia and Israel are in fact natural allies. Any Western agenda against Iran will therefore naturally include Saudi Arabia and its allies.
DeleteThat said, it was predicted that because the war in Syria did not go as planned, as Russia and Iran are now the two main power-brokers in the country, the Anglo-American-Jewish-Saudi will place focus on Lebanon; more particularity on Lebanon's Hezbollah. Needles to say, Hezbollah is a strategically important link in the Shiite Arc and its poses a significant threat to Israel's military superiority in the region. The recent political spectacle involving Saad Hariri is directly related to the agenda being devised against Hezbollah. With the Syrian war now in its last phase, a new war front may open up in Lebanon sometime in the near future. Since 2006 Israel has been seeking revenge for the military humiliation it suffered at the hands of Hezbollah fighters. Another major war in Lebanon is inevitable. Israel would have already attacked Hezbollah had the war in Syria gone their way. In the war against Hezbollah, Israel and Saudi Arabia may be involved directly and on the same side. Related articles -
Russia Is Roaring Back to the Middle East While America Is Asleep:
The Middle East Is Nearing an Explosion:
Jared Kushner, Mohammed bin Salman, and Benjamin Netanyahu Are Up to Something:
With Saudi princes dead, arrested, King Fahd's grandson flees kingdom to... Iran:
Would Anyone Profit From a New War in the Middle East?:
Israel Says It Wants to Work With Saudi Arabia to Defeat Iran:
Even with the Saudis cheering, war with Hezbollah would spell disaster:
Hezbollah chief to be assassination target in future war: Israeli army:
PS: There is nothing wrong with Yerevan talking to Tel Aviv. If you are genuinely worried about Armenia's well being, you should worry about Yerevan-EU talks or closer Yerevan-Washington relations, as they pose a much greater risk to the country. In the big picture, the state of Israel is simply the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance's pet project. Moreover, the Anglo-American world's left, including men like George Soros, are more of a liability for the nation of Israel than an asset. Israel may yet one day get abandonded by the same Anglo-American-Jewish alliance.
DeleteI read the comments of Russia's Siluanov saying that if " Russia's gold reserves and accounts offshore were seized or confiscated " it would be tantamount to a " financial war". Do we understand the Russia keeps its gold reserve in western Jewish offshore banks ? I can not comment on this; it is what I have read. Take your assets out of the jewish ring of financial entrapment. Declare autarky. Sovereignty can nor be achieved if your nest eggs are resting in jewish banks.
ReplyDeleteBy putting money in western banks Russians are making themselves important in western eyes. If Russians pulled totally out of western financial system it would make Russia more isolated not less.
DeleteRussian athletes allowed to compete under International athletes banner, they will represent themselves, not Russia. The Olympic athletic circuses are the epitome of decadency and the omega of corrupted institutions. An international body ( a chosenite body) . All international organizations and institutions are chosenite creations, managed and dominated by their tribesmen). It looks like the mammon effigy of chosenite manufacture; The Trump; is about to recognize Jrusalem as the holy land's capital. Well, it is not surprising. The president Netanui always recalcitrant, truculent and a monument to aberrant arrogance says , following bombing sorties by his air force near Damascus, that HE will not allow the establishment of Iranian assets, bases or footholds in Syria, and HE will not permit the Iranians to have nuclear assets either. Netanui is the voice of Zion, the clarion voice of the chosenites. The law, universal law, and worldly law, must go forth from Zion. When the chosenite speaks, the goy trembles. That is how things are. Another idiot on the lose is Erdogan ( count your blessings Hayastan) who bellows threatening, blustering challenges to Jewmerika. Erdogan says, Turkey can not be made to kneel and will not kneel before anyone in the world, and Jewmerika better understand this. Erdogan threatens to cut diplomatic ties with the chosenites, if Jewamerika recognizes jersalem as the capital. Who cares what Erdogan intends doing with his diplomatic catamites. Chapter one of the war in Syria has come to its end; but other chapters are being written and they will unfold in due course. It is a big question mark the diplomatic overtures between the tribesmen and Hayastan ( if we read the media reports) . Nothing good can come if the tribe gets involved in the country through the diplomatic disguise. The tribe's interest are driven by ulterior motives to serve their own interests only. What possible interest can the tribe have with Hayastan ( already there are direct flights; I wonder what kind of passengers are on this flights ?) to be interested in establishing diplomatic embassies ? On the other hand this Nalbandian is prepared to embrace every tom, dick and harry as long as there is an official exchange of embassies. I wonder if he will go after Papua New Guinea next.
ReplyDeleteWashington long ago stopped serving the interests of the United States. Trump's decision over Jerusalem makes absolutely no sense, unless one is a rabid Zionist hellbent on chaos and destruction. Thus far it seems mostly symbolic, as the actual move has been delayed. Even if it is merely symbolic, it still does not make any sense for it has the potential to sour Anglo-American-Jewish relations with Saudi Arabia, especially at a time like this when they are getting ready for an eventual confrontation with Iran and Hezbollah. What Trump did actually benefits Tehran's strategy. Could Zionists and their backers in the West be this irrational, this arrogant and this maximalistic, or is there something we are missing in all this? Is there a sound geopolitical reasoning behind this that we are not aware of? Perhaps they see their window of opportunity shrinking and they feel they have to make such a move now? If so, why? It can hurt them in their stuggle against Iran.
DeleteAt face value, unless we are not aware of something, Trump's announcement was strategically illadvised, and it was pushed by American Zionists, including America's Bible Belt morons. In any case, all this goes to show you just how much power Jews have in the United States on both sides of the political spectrum. This may also be showing us just how shortseighted and reckless some of them have become in recent times. We are also seeing a split inside organized Jewry. Even oldtime Israeli war criminals like Ehud Barak are noticably upset with the descision -
Ehud Barak: We Must Save Israel From Its Government:
Ehud Barak, Israeli Hawk and No Friend of Iran, Urges Trump to Keep Nuclear Deal:
And this from Sputnik -
Forget Russia, Israel Actual Foreign Power Collaborating With Team Trump:
Well in this case Trump isn't an effective geopolitical chess player. With his mindset like a typical businessman, Trump only cares about the potential political profits generating from recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's eternal capital. Hopefully the Greek and Armenian Patriarchates of Jerusalem wouldn't be affected by the potential blowback as a result of this act.
DeleteWhat Trump's real power base consists of in this case would be influential right-wing Jewry, Christian Zionists within the Evangelical movement, and American national conservatives fed up with establishment-aligned RINOs. This would be as shocking as Ukraine recognizing the Volhynia Massacre committed against Poles, or Russia recognizing the Holodomor.
If Brzezinski was still alive by now, he'd throw a fit a Trump for derailing his plan to surround Russia with hostile enemies by fucking with Syria and Iran. I wouldn't be surprised if the neo-cons decide that one day being a supporter of Palestine makes you a Kremlin stooge because you hate and oppose Zionism.
Arevordi I can not agree more with the version that there could be some something of which we are not aware. Nevertheless, looking at the situation objectively it is difficult to gauge what the arabs can do in practical terms. The Arabs are very very weak, socially, materially, militarily, etc. One always hears of 'day of rage, day of anger, and other type of days of lamentations'. The pattern until now has been an outburst of Arab anger, bluster, clamor, which typically lasts for weeks , maybe months, with large number of palestinian victims, either dead or wounded, and after the initial fury is spent things are back to the way they were.
DeleteThe move has nothing to do with appeasing Trump's base, which is what mainstream pundits are claiming. The American cattle's wishes and desires have absolutely no impact on serious geopolitical moves such as this. There has got to be a greater geopolitical motive behind the move. Yet, geopolitically speaking, the move is so irrational I am having trouble wrapping my mind around. Putting aside for a moment the notion that Americans and Jews have become self-destructive as a result of imperial hubris; perhaps they have made some sort of a deal with the Palestinian leadership and Riyadh (with whom they are in constant communication) - and with this announcement may be trying to bait Iran and/or Hezbollah? Could it be part of the plan to instigate a major regional war with Iran and/or Hezbollah?
DeletePS: It was obvious there would be no major backlash against Trump's announcement. Sunni Arab nations, Palestinians in particular, have not been as weak and as disunited as they are now. Every time Palestinians act up now, and an Israeli is killed here and there, the noose around their necks get tighter. The Gaza Strip and the West Bank are massive concentration camps and on occasion a shooting gallery where the Israeli military practices live fire exercises.
I have heard some of Nasralla's speeches ( how true is it he has a remote Armenian long in his genealogy ?) . They are interesting speeches, with a lot of substance and devoid of the thrills and frills of braggadocio -- typical of today's ventriloquists cum world leaders. But like arevordi avers , this move could be about raising the bar, raising the bait for anti Zionist enemies in the region to swallow it and thus unleashing a chain reaction of further killings and mayhem in the region. The Americans don't appear to be taken their forces out of Syria. It means only one thing, they intend staying and expanding. The Americans still have forces stationed in Iraq. There are already a formidable network of earthworks , in the kingdom of Jordan ( a puppet Zionist King) on the borders with Syria- irak. The Americans will require a major blow ( Beirut 1983) to their assets in the region if they are ever to be nudged to star exiting from the occupying territories. Nasralla's is calling for a third intifada. I don't know if it can achieve anything more , in practical terms, that what the previous one did, except for more Palestinian martyrs . The ratio of dead and wounded is appalling, for every 1000 martyrs on the Palestinians , you only get a few wounded on the Israeli side. This is not a conflict, but a shooting gallery. It is eye opening, and ominous to hear when Nasralla's says don't be surprise if one day one wakes up and finds the Al Aksa mosque demolished. He epitomizes the cause and questions if there could be a Palestinian cause without Jerusalem.
DeleteHistoric -
DeleteInternational airspace: Military jets escort Putin on surprise visit to Khmeimim Air Base:
Syria: Putin meets Assad at Russian military base in surprise visit to Syria:
Syria: Putin thanks Russian Air Force for their service during visit to Khmeimim base:
Al Quds , the Arabs have been shafted once again. They don't seem to learn their lessons, since the despicable Balfour declaration to the marionette interplay with Faisal the hashemite pretenders and the Ibn Saud clan to be kings of Arabia under perfidious British promises. The last thing about Al quds is not what happened, but rather when it was going to happen . Trump is a Zionist paladin, a man growing up and nurturing himself from the oozing effluence of the largest jew cesspool of New York could not have been expected to behave any different then the most avowed Zionist rotweiler. For Trump to behave any different is tantamount to expect a wolf to behave like a sheep dog. Trump has conned most of the american patriot ethnics ( whites) by proclaiming America First pronunciamentos. No one can accuse Trump of perfidy, deceit, or lying. America is Greater Judea. America first=Israel first. Poor Arabs they will never learn.They showed disunity in the days of the sykes-picot accord. Ibn Saud was the greatest arab chieftain , good for Saud Arabai, but a great traitor to the arab cause. That contemporary Arab lives under the legacy of the Faisal-Ibn Saud treasonous actions to the Arab cause, and Arab nationalism. The Arabs, like the rest of nations are utter slaves under the barbarous heel of the judaic tribe. The only thing to be perplexed is that although living under international judaic slavery, they are blissfully unaware aware of it.
DeleteI think something fishy is going on behind the scenes. The move by Trump was not strongly reacted to by palestinians and arabs.
DeleteI agree, Arto. The reaction to Trump's announcement over Jerusalem was very half-assed, so to speak. There must be more to this matter than meets the eye. Americans, Israelis, Saudis and Palestinians have been holding many meetings lately. Jerusalem must have been discussed in these meetings. Had Riyadh or the Palestinian authority truly been against the announcement, I think the reaction from the Arab street would have been much more pronounced. Thus far, the leadership of Saudi Arabia, Palestine and Egypt (I'm not even going to mention the British colony of Jordan) have taken all this quite calmly. The question is, why?
DeleteThe Arabs are not strong enough to pose or mount a challenge against the superior Israeli power and military might. Therefore the most they can do is have grand scale meetings, under the banner of Islamic world wide unity, issue hyperbolic declarations ( the gates of hell will open--- that is exactly what Saddam Hussein shouted over the rooftops before the American launched their aggression against Iraq in 1991) and utter defensive warnings. Yes, they may perhaps start a 3rd Intifada, which will ultimately end like the previous 2. But beyond that they can not do more. This story is another chapter in the continuation of their 1948 defeat. The Israelis, or the Jewish power grid , do not only have the power in their hands but they also know how to use it. Sultan Erdogan pleases everyone's ears by uttering empty threats, an armchair Saladin. Erdogan is a masterful politician, but is no Saladin.
DeleteI respectfully disagree. The Sunni Arab world could have easily made a much louder noise if they wanted to. On the face of it, Trump's announcement was a big slap in the face for Riyadh. Why would he do that at a time like this? I still think Anglo-American-Jews are too smart for that. They need Riyadh against Tehran. I still think there is some sort of deal being worked on between America, Israel and Saudi Arabia. Pay close attention to news organizations in the US. the The young king of camels in Riyadh is being heralded as the greatest thing in the Middle East since humus. I would not be surprised if he suddenly steps into the limelight and valiantly "negotiates" a deal announcing East Jerusalem as the future capital of Palestine. And then, all of them - Anglos, Americans, Jews and Saudis - will hold hands and mount their war chariots and with great expectations ride east to ward off Iranian heretics.
The "gates of hell" nonsense we always hear from Arabs is merely for their domestic audience. The funny part is, after being used a million times for many decades by dozens of Arab entities, the Arab street is still impressed by such talk.
PS: I have always been very impressed by Erdoghan's political acumen and patriotism. He is a great leader for Turks; easily the greatest since Ataturk.
@The young king of camels in Riyadh... valiantly "negotiates" a deal announcing East Jerusalem as the future capital of Palestine
DeleteI am only half joking. Would the estranged 'children of Abraham' suddenly rediscover their common ancestry (like the Armenian chroniclers of the rise of Islam informed us that it happened in their time) and declare the Dome of the Rock (built on the spot where the temple of 'Sulayman' once stood) the 'Third Temple'? Would the king of the camels have the revelation that the 'Foundation Stone' is the stone where the common papa of Israelites and Ishmaelites (Abraham) was about to sacrifice Isaac, where the Ark of the Covenant stood and that's why Mahomed went to heavens from there?
And then the reconciled cousins would go together to destroy the hordes of Gogmagog (Russia and Iran), the Philistines and the 'Crusaders'!
I was on a brief visit to Greece. There was an announcement about Nalbandian visiting the country. During my brief sojourn, the turk Erdowan was in Greece and he gave the Greeks a veritable tongue lashing, he pretty much humiliated them, and there was not a single government minister capable of answering him; there was nothing diplomatic about his rabid attack on the country. What is perplexing is the situation of the Golden Dawn in the Greek political landscape and in parliament. The Golden Dawn identifies the enemies of Greece as the zionists; in parliament when they start hurling these accusations of Zionists, the chamber filled with government cohortsu hastily vacate their seats; the microphones are shut off, and no transcription is allowed. Is there any other party in any parliament anywhere in the western world where Zionists and fellow travelers (they are unambiguously named) are identified and categorized as the enemy and the evil?. The former PM Samaras (very friendly to Armenians) was labeled a Zionist tool and a toad, who in 1989 legislated the opening of the floodgates for the Albanian invasion of Greece and the subsequent demographic dystopia of Greece. Another homogenous nation state that lies prostrate,emasculated and impotent.
DeletePut aside what you have learned in Western textbooks and understand that Greeks, as a nation, have always been self-destructive. In fact, most people don't realize this but Greeks, as a people, didn't even have a nation-state until the 19th century. Throughout much of their history (especially during the Byzantine period) they have also been rabidly anti-Armenian; essentially because we rejected membership in their church, and gave them quite a few beatings when they tried to force us. On a private/personal level, I think we as a nation should have given into their demands and adopted their version of Orthodoxy, similar to what Russians, Serbians, Bulgarians, Georgians and others did. We may not have had a Turkey today had we. But all that is in the past. Simply put: Collectively, on a national level, Greeks are very similar to Georgians. We therefore can enjoy their company, their music, their dance, their food, their tourist destinations... but we simply can't place much hope on them nor can we really trust them. So, let's not allow our common hatred/fear of Turks and some cultural/genetic similarities between our peoples cloud our judgement. Other than a good time in Greece, don't expect much from Greeks.
That said, I don't blame Greece's political/financial elite one bit for acting like cowards in front of Turks or Anglo-American-Jews. The Greek leadership must surely know that Greece is totally in the hands of Western powers and thus totally vulnerable. The Greek leadership must also surely know that Turkey is much more powerful, economically and militarily, then Greece. In fact, a totally bankrupt Greece is economically quite dependent on Turkey today. The Greek leadership must therefore realize that they are utterly powerless when it comes to Turks, Jews and Westerners. Their vulnerability has gotten much worst in recent years as Greece today essentially lives on Western handouts as well as trade with Turkey. The Greek leadership therefore enthusiastically kisses Anglo-American-Jewish-Turco asses every chance they get. It's their only way of survival. We Armenians have been able to resist Greece's fate, and much-much worst, because of Armenia's historic ties with the Russian Bear.
Speaking of Russians: Orthodox Greeks, as a nation, especially their national church, actually looks down on Orthodox Russians. In a nuttshell: Greek arrogance, materialism, laziness and cowardice - coupled with their love affair with the Anglo-American world - got them to where they are today. As I said, other than a good time in Greece, don't expect much from Greeks.
Once upon a time, the Greeks themselves sought Russian help in regaining their independence from Ottoman Turkey. This was how the Orlov Revolt came to be, which was an attempt at building an early Greek state. However, distrust between the Greeks and Russians led to the failure of the Orlov Revolt, and subsequently, the Greeks would look to Britain and France for help. It also helped the Greeks that during the Greek War of Independence, Britain and France were far more favorable of Greek nationalism than say, Serbian or Bulgarian nationalism. After all, the West had associated Greece with Plato, the birth of democracy, and the epic play of Homer. Catherine II's "Greek Plan" was also an attempt at bringing back the Byzantine Empire, and in fact, she envisioned her grandson the Grand Duke Constantine (the very same man who played a pivotal role in the Decembrist Revolt) becoming the first emperor of the restored Byzantine Empire. The United States might also look favorably at Greece due to its role in giving birth to democracy. (Remember, Americans were die hard fans of the original concept of democracy, but the present version is rather corrupt).
DeleteWe can never know why Tsarist Russia in the 1770s and beyond thought that helping Greeks regain their independence and restoring the Byzantine Empire would be beneficial when in fact they (Russians) should have helped the Bulgarians instead. Unlike the Greeks, both the Russians and Bulgarians are Slavic nations that were once connected the Byzantium and had once fought against them (though both nations also fought against each other). I've always thought that the gateway to Serbia and the Adriatic should go to Bulgaria, and I've always stood by this theory. The main problem is that Bulgaria, like Greece, is a NATO member state. Most of the Balkans are indirectly turned into vassals of Turkey, even if vassalage wasn't that official.
The "Greek Project" envisioned the creation of 'Kingdom of Dacia' uniting all the provinces inhabited by the Orthodox Romanians: Valahia, Moldova. The King of this realm was to be Potemkin, the real mastermind of the plan. Initially the plan had the support of Josef II, but as Austria had her own eyes on the Romanian Principalities and feared that the Orthodox Romanian population of Transylvania would eventually join the new kingdom, he secretly declared that 'he would spend the last money and the last man to hinder this project'. In actual fact all European powers opposed the plan. They wanted to preserve the Ottoman Empire as a bulwark against Russia.
DeleteNot sure if this has got to do with events around Eurasia, but this is a huge game changer:
Iran joining the EuU. Let that sink in. The first non-former SSR joining the EuU and the only one that shares a border with Armenia. The economic ramifications will be huge, as there could be plenty of opportunity for north-south trade between Russia and Iran.
They have been talking about this for a few years now. I am glad to see that it is getting closer to reality. But, this is politics, anything can therefore still go wrong. I'll celebrate when it becomes official. That said, if it becomes official, it will be a great watershed moment in the region's history. It will be a great boost for Russia, Iran and Armenia - three natural allies. There is immense potential, yet unrealized, in this trilateral partnership.
DeleteThese types of developments are steady steps towards an eventual Pax Russica. But there will be hurdles along the way. The closer the region gets to Pax Russica; the closer Moscow and Yerevan get to settling the dispute over Artsakh; the closer we get to expelling Western interests altogether from the south Caucasus; the more desperate Uncle Sam and his Armenian minions will get, as we saw with last year's bloody coup attempt by "Sasna Dzrer". Speaking of Uncle Sam's and his Armenian minions, we seem to have discovered yet another one -
U.S. Citizen Accused Of Plotting Terror Attacks In Armenia:
DeleteI'm the original poster in that thread. I assumed everyone on Reddit was a cuckold faggot, but I was wrong. Turns out only 99% of people are cuckold faggots.
Hello Arevordi,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your blog. I learn a lot from from reading many of your posts and other posts confirm what I already believe. I discovered your blog while 'Yandexing' Bolsheviks and jews. I live in the US, and am a white, bible reading christian. My plan is to leave the usa and move to Russia upon retirement. Not sure if I will renounce or not but that is still many years away. Thanks again for all posts past, present and future.
DeleteI know how you feel. I was raised in the US but I no longer recognize the country. Simply put: American civilization is in decline.
I am curious to know what your opinion is about the blog's current commentary.
In any case, thank you for reading and thank you for the compliment.
Good luck in all your endeavors, and Merry Christmas!
Hello Arevordi,
DeleteI want to say that I agree with everything regarding your blog's current commentary. Absolutely one of your best posts. That is a lot of work that you did in writing and preparing that post - thank you!
So much of what motivates my day to day activities, work and studies revolves around everything that you talked about in the current commentary. My goal is to leave the USA and move to Russia around 2037. Naturally a lot of preparation, financial and otherwise is required to just pick up and leave a country that you were born in. Considering how bad things are in the USA, I am amazed that more white men (in America) don't see what you and I see. I think back to the 1980's and it seemed that a similar situation was brewing in South Africa. First, sexual perversion and gay marriage became acceptable (the first in the African continent,I believe). Then whites were divided on the upcoming black rule. Some South African whites voiced support for the coming black rule and others packed up and left. Also, I am confused at how many white American men I deal with on a daily basis, who are young enough and will probably live to see black and hispanic rule in the US, and are completely indifferent about the situation. They spend hours of their time watching their favorite black football players and listening to rap music.
Anyway I will continue to live a frugal life, study the Russian language (with the help of my teacher in Moscow) and read your blog. Your latest post about the United States entering a period of uncertainty and instability is absolute gold! I agree 100% with everything that was said in that post. There are so many links that I have yet to check out. I will be enjoying all of the information for weeks to come.
Regards and Merry Christmas,
Hello again and thank you again.
DeleteDo you therefore agree with me that America's WASP demographic along with its White Evangelicals are ultimately responsible for the condition the country is in today?
In any case, you made a very good point about celebrity worship in the US. Generations of Americans have been growing up worshiping black athetes and Jewish entertainers. This is one of the fundamental/elemental causes behind America's civilizational decline.
Regarding Russia: Life there is very different from what you have been used to in the United States. Russia is still for the most part an - old world country - with its good and bad aspects. So, before you think about making drastic changes in your life you may want to visit the country on a regular basis to see if you can get acclimatized to its human ecosystem; that is if you have not yet done so.
Hello Arevordi,
DeleteThank you for the advice about Russia. I hope to visit Russia several times over the next 20 years. My concern is if I really like it, do I renounce? Or live there and keep my US citizenship? I don't think the US government will be happy either way. I am concerned that they will take my retirement or make the Exit Tax unbearably high for white christians, therefore keeping me a slave to the pro-black, Zionist US govt. If I live in Russia and keep my US citizenship and make money I will be taxed twice. The US govt. and Eritrea are the only countries in the world that tax people based on citizenship. If you are unfamiliar with citizenship based taxation which is only done only by the USA and Eritrea, here are some links:
About WASPs and evangelicals being ultimately responsible for the USA's condition, it depends how you look at it. I think they certainly could have prevented it they way the founders of the country prevented it. The founders were conquerers. American WASPs today are effeminate. I believe WASPs and evangelicals in the US are apostate. I saw it as a child in the late 60's and early 70's with my parents. My parents were some of the first to abandon christianity. Those who believe aren't much different than the unbelievers. Churches today embrace homosexuality and have made God's house a house of merchandise. American Christians, generally speaking, have embraced diversity, which is an abomination to God. A believer or Christian should have a certain amount of separation in their morals and beliefs. I don't see that in the USA. Many people in the US, whether christian or non christian are in synch. It is why I want to separate. There are other issues not related to christianity but just decency in general. I take public transportation 5 days a week. Every week I see young black men with their asses hanging out of their pants in public. It is disgusting and not sanitary. Also, same people listening to loud disgusting rap music with no headphones. I know there will be compromises in Russia but I am determined to make it work. I am weary of seeing these young men with their asses hanging and their loud "music". Very rude and disgusting. Russian cannot be worse than that.
Anyway, thanks for your great post on the USA and allowing me to give my thoughts on the downfall of the empire. No problem with "American Anonymus". By the way are you in the US? If yes, do you visit Armenia often?
Happy New Year
@ American Anonymous
DeleteI thought maybe sharing this Morris interview would help out with your case
^ An American citizen lived in Crimea since 2006 now becoming a Russian citizen and relinquishing his US citizenship.
Greetings and happy new year.
DeleteYes, WASPs were conquerors. On a political and economic level, I admire America's WASPs for what they accomplished in the 19th and the early part of 20th century. They, as a collective body, put America on the map and turned it into a civilizational power the likes of which the world had not seen since Roman times. However, I also have to criticize WASPs because they, as a collective body, are also responsible for America's decline. As I always say, WASPs put America on the map and they are now taking it off the map. It was the WASP elite that essentially turned-over the country's control panel to organized Jewry, who in-turn turned the country into a catalyst of globalism (i.e. neomarxist and neoconservative agendas). America's political system, both Democrat and Republican, have become the bloody spear with which globalism is now spread around the world. This all began in the post war years, the 50s and 60s to be exact. This is also when America's downfall as a civilizational power began. Through television, theater, cinema, schools and print media (all having fallen under Jewish influence) began encouraging and exalting the benefits of multiculturalism, interracialism, atheism, holocaust worship, Afro-American pop culture, celebrity worship, psychedelic drugs, materialism, mega-corporations, and of course exporting "democracy" to the far corners of the world. This is essentially why Americans today no longer resemble Americans you and I grew up knowing. In other words, America was subjected to sociological experiments. Consequently, Americans today have been socially engineered to be different from their ancestors. I am afraid the damage to American society is so deep that the country will never recover.
Regarding Russia: You don't need to renounce your American citizenship, although an increasing number of Americans are doing so every year, many, as you surmised, because of the IRS's far-reaching tentacles. Ultimately, it's a decision you will have to make at some later point in your life. Time and prayers will guide you in this regard. In any case, once you learn the Russian language you should not have any problems there. In fact, being that you are an American and you are in their country because of sociopolitical reasons, chances are you will be treated like a rock star, so to speak. When there you should be careful about interacting with American expats as many of them may be "connected". Anyway, despite all of Russia's flaws (due to reasons we are all aware of, the country is not as developed as western ones), it nevertheless is and will continue being the last hope for western/European civilization, the white race, apostolic Christianity and the traditional family. Also, Russia is the world's only truly independent nation. A vast land stretching from Europe to the Pacific - much of it pristine, much of it full of all kinds of natural resources, much of it arable - is protected by a powerful, nuclear armed military and a national fighting spirit unrivaled anywhere. Actually, Russia today reminds me of America during its rise to global prominence.
As for myself: For now, I split my time between the US and Armenia. Ultimately, I hope to live the rest of my life in Armenia. I love America. I gave it the best years of my life. That said, I no longer recognize the country. Moreover, I genuinely fear the direction it's heading. America was built on three powerful pillars: God, family, country. This is essentially what made it great. But these foundational pillars have been undermined in recent decades by globalist social engineers. America today is devoid of God, family, country; and more recently gender identity. The country is becoming a multiculturall/multiracial zoo and Americans, collectively, are becoming like zombies. I therefore can't see a future for myself in America. The fact that you and I are having this discussion is symbolic of the country's sad place in history. Anyway, I greatly enjoy conversing with intelligent people such as yourself. I wish you all the best. Good luck and take care.
DeleteOne positive aspect of Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as israel's capital is the increase in anti-jew sentiment across the west, particularly in western Europe.
If muslims in general, and arabs in particular, were not incompetent, they would have beat the israelis many years ago. Now all they do are random acts of violence directed against cucky whites in europe and n. america, and make half assed (verbal) threats against israel.
I agree, LG. At least as far as the consequences are concerned, Trump's announcement on Jerusalem could be interpreted as an anti-Jew move. We should analyze this issue the way Jews analyze every issue: "is it good for the Jews?":
Delete-The announcement came as the ruling Netanyahu regime is facing a domestic backlash and decently-sized protests over corruption, neopotism, stagnation, international condemnation from the pussies in Europe, and scandals involving his wife abusing staff and living the high-life on state funds. Hilariously, his son Yair Netanyahu responded to PM Netanyahu's critics by posting the following meme depicting Israeli opposition leaders in Alt-Right style Jew caricatures controlled by GeorgeSoros (
There is infighting between various Jew factions, and it has the potential to get very vicious, very fast. Jews are not operating at peak efficiency. Trump just "gave them what they were asking for" and let them deal with the fallout.
-The announcement came within days of the Russian and Syrian governments announcing that ISIS had been defeated and destroyed in Syria, with just a few pockets and diehards left to be cleared out. Israel's plans for the future heavily depended on ISIS ousting the Assad government and turning Syria into a failed, partitioned state. Instead, the war ended with a strategic victory for Iran and Shia Islam. The Persians have come close to reestablishing the first Persian Empire since the Safavids.
-In the wake of the defeat of ISIS, the Saudis and the Israelis were quite publicly announcing that they had formed an alliance to fight Iran. Trump basically took the idiot Arab population by the hand and focused their attention on the fact that Israel has occupied Jerusalem and all of Palestine for seventy years... Of course Arabs are genetic garbage to begin with, compounded by thousands of inbreeding, incubated in an absolutely backwards religion and society, so there is no hope for them.
Still, for a brief moment over a billion Muslims all around the world, including in the West, were screaming "Death to Israel" in unison.
-In case anyone needed proof, Trump demonstrated to the whole world that America is not an honest broker, and cannot be trusted to mediate between Israel and the Arabs.
-Trump also demonstrated once again that the US is Israel's whore, and discredited the US by publicly humiliating America in front of its allies, particularly in Europe. And
-Trump accelerated the clash of civilizations as the millions of Arab and Islamic colonizers in the west predictably reacted by resorting to domestic terrorism. Every time a random haji runs pedestrians over with a truck or goes on a shooting spree or blows something up, it bolsters Trump's "muslim ban" agenda.
Like most other American and Jewish policies, Germany may end up paying most of the cost.
European impotence and irrelevence was once again highlighted. EU leaders must be confused as to who ranks higher on the victimhood totem pole: oppressed brown Muslim people or "white" Jews aka the eternal victims?
-Trump put all elected officials on blast, as every single one of these prostitutes have repeated "Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish people" mantra for years. Be careful what you ask for: even Feinstein and co had to condemn Trump's announcement because it objectively does not benefit Jews in any way.
-The Arabs themselves proved that they deserve everything the Jews are doing to them. The Jews for decades have described Arab reactions to Zionist moves as "like drugged cockroaches."
The so called "antisemitic wave in the west" it is just crocodrile tears. The jews , masters at lachrimose dirges , keep beating the hollow drum of antisemitism. The West is totally indoctrinated in the judaic dogma and ideology. They are more jews than jews themselves. The west is Judaic imprint, the problem is that they don't know it. 70 years of non stop brainwashing have made western man a lobotomized creep. The only bursts of "antisemitism" are simply knee jerk reaction of the large muslim communities ( which they should not be there in the first place; pray hard for another Queen Isabel and Fernando king of Aragon to deal with insidious megalomaniacs alien fungus in the corresponding manner) pullulating the European landscape. The hallucinatory warning of antisemitism it compares to the sting of a mosquitoe on an elephant. The arabs, are weak, divided and truncated. When I was in Egypt, an egyptiam member of the government admonished me to be cognizant of the fact that " we are not arabs, we are egyptian". To hell with Palestinians. What is an egytpian ? The Arabs can do no more than protest, vociferate, and scream; that is the sum total of their efforts and strength, which ill matches their alleged material resources. The power of the tribe is all pervading and overwhelming. Western nations have simply morphed into Judaic clones. When a German MP makes a pronouncement that "any attack, physical or verbal against the tribe is an attack against us all", you need not wonder anymore. German as a nation state of teuronic knights has been thrown into the dustbin of history,spiritually emasculated and materially subjugated. The same fate has engulfed england (a USA colony and offshore base), France, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Greece et al. Barring a miracle or providential intervention ,from the almighty ,no power on earth can rescue them from their comatose condition.
Delete@70 years of non stop brainwashing
DeleteThe process of Europe's judaization is much longer than that and it infected the populace to such a degree that it became almost 'genetic'.
Excerpt from the blog -
DeleteJust like their Anglo-American hosts, Jews, despite their power today, are also in decline. Just like a parasite that kills its host, very often it also kills itself. There is no doubt that eventually organized Jewry will lose its global influence. But, not anytime soon. Their Anglo-American host, the collective body they live in, remain, as of yet, very large, very wealthy and still very vulnerable to their manipulations. Unlike Russia in the late 19th century and Germany in the early 20th century, when Russians and Germans used nationalism and religion to rally resistance against organized Jewry, Anglo-Americans today are defenseless against organized Jewry. The western world has essentially been stripped of God, family and country; western society is too liberal and too diverse; levers of control in the western world remain firmly in Jewish hands. Therefore, the Anglo-American world will not be able to mount a resistance. Having already fallen ill, the Anglo-American host will eventually die. That may be the only way to kill or significantly weaken organized Jewry. Nevertheless, there will be a global backlash against Jews once more. Wiser ones among them are beginning to see the writing on the wall -
Israel's worst existential threat - and it is not a nuclear Iran:
But, for now and for some time to come, Jews in the United States will remain the country's sole elite. Washington DC will remain the playing field on which left wing Jews (liberal globalists) and right wing Jews (conservative Zionists) fight to settle their ideological differences.
A few days ago I was at a local coffee shop drinking a cup of coffee and reading the day's newspaper. Two elderly men were seated at a table next to mine. Because of their close proximity, I could hear their conversation very clearly. It soon became apparent to me that one of the men was Jewish and the other was a White American Christian (probably of Irish ancestry). They were passionately discussing politics in AMerica. It was nothing worth mentioning. At one point, however, the attention of their conversation turned to the Middle East. It was then that something interesting happened. It was also in my opinion something quite symbolic of American society today.
DeleteThe Jewish man began bad mouthing Israel, Netanyahu and President Trump. He emphatically stated: Israel has no business in Jerusalem!
At that point, the White American Christian interjected, saying: Jerusalem belongs to Jews, adding, it's the Jewish homeland according to the bible(!), his voice sounding as if he expected the Jewish man he was conversing with to know this already.
The Jewish man asked the White American Christian: Do Christians have a homeland? Does religion have a homeland? No, it does not!
The Jewish man said: I have a daughter, she is well educated, does well and she is gay. She went to Israel with some friends [I don't recall when], she came back horrified. She said I have never seen hate like what I saw among Jews towards Palestinians. The Jewish man added: My daughter also said Palestinians are treated worst than animals.
He went on to say Jewish settlers have no business in the West Bank. And then he said something to the effect of, the settlers are extremists and criminals.
Once again, the White American Christian interjected saying something more-or-less along the line of: But Muslims hate Jews more; Arabs will kill Jews every chance they get; Jews have to protect themselves, Israel belongs to Jews; etc.
At that point the Jewish man cut him off saying: Believe me, I am a Jew I know more about the Middle East than you.
The two men argued over Palestine like this for a good 15 minutes. Through it all, the Jew, an intelligent, outspoken liberal who hated Netanyahu's regime, was protecting Palestinian rights. And the White American Christian was more-or-less regurgitating, word for word, what he most propably has heard on television in recent years. What happened on September 11, 2001 was a Zionist revolution. In any case, the discussion between the two men was very symbolic of our times and, for me, quite entertaining to say the least.
Although there are exceptions, as a collective group, Americans are beyond hope. America's liberal majority is too culturally/racial mixed, too God-less, too decadent, too materialistic, too selfish, too self-hating, too self-destructive. America's dwindling Conservative, White, Christian demographic is too stupid and in many cases much more Zionistic than your typical American-Jew. America is kaput. Due to its immense size and wealth its final demise may yet be a long time away, but it's certainly heading towards that direction...
As a result of the last presidential elections in the United States, America's hype - its cleverly polished surface that had dazzled humanity for generations - has forever been tarnished. Donald Trump's rise to power has revealed America's rotting core. The humanitarian mask behind which imperial officials in Washington comfortably operated for decades has finally come off. Today, the United States is just another declining imperial power to be feared. American civilization, a light on to the world for generations, is dying. Perhaps knowingly, perhaps unknowingly, Donald Trump has put America's decline into a higher gear. That is why I liken him to Mikhail Gorbachev.
DeleteSounds like that worthless Irish asshole is a regular Hannity viewer, along with Mark Stein, Mark Levine, and other filth from America's cuckservative scene. I bet if he has children, they are drugged out losers and race-mixing whores, but he couldn't be bothered to stick up for them like he does for Israel. I bet he believes that everything bad about the US is a conspiracy led by Obama and that European Nazi George Soros.
DeleteRight before the 2016 election I got into a debate with a stereotype boomer "Christian" lifelong-Republican type. He was defending the Iraq War, and was incredulous when I pointed out that Saddam was not an Islamist . The concept of militant Islam like Al-Qaeda versus secular/socialist Muslims like Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi was beyond his understanding, let alone the uncomfortable fact that THE LAND OF FREEDOM has been support the former for decades. I got tired of his nonsense and just point blank asked him "would you want your sons dying in a pointless war fought solely for the benefit of Israel?" He immediately answered "yes, if he chose to fight I'd support him." A few minutes earlier when I rebutted his "Iraq was for national security" argument, he had resorted to "well if we hadn't gone in, our economy would have tanked worse." I was almost left breathless by what I witnessed.
America and Americans are absolutely beyond hope. Put aside the barbaric immorality of justifying wars of aggression against countries you know nothing about, and the cowardliness of using airplanes and missiles against primitive Arabs, and just focus on the fact that America's well-fed "patriots" basically hate their own children and would gladly sacrifice them to Moloch.
Frankly, looking at the pathetic state of Americans like the guy I described above, and realizing that they are the majority, I commend the Jews. It is only natural that the strong dominate the weak. The lowliest low-IQ minorities have more common sense than your average American.
Merry Christmas.
ReplyDeleteThe following was written in 1949 by Vermont Royster of the Wall Street Journal (from a time in the paper's life when Jews in the organization were still keeping a low profile). In any case, I wanted to share it with you because I found it inspiring -
When Saul of Tarsus set out on his journey to Damascus the whole of the known world lay in bondage. There was one state, and it was Rome. There was one master for it all, and he was Tiberius Caesar. Everywhere there was civil order, for the arm of the Roman law was long. Everywhere there was stability, in government and in society, for the centurions saw that it was so.
But everywhere there was something else, too. There was oppression — for those who were not the friends of Tiberius Caesar. There was the tax gatherer to take the grain from the fields and the flax from the spindle to feed the legions or to fill the hungry treasury from which divine Caesar gave largess to the people. There was the impressor to find recruits for the circuses. There were executioners to quiet those whom the Emperor proscribed. What was a man for but to serve Caesar?
There was the persecution of men who dared think differently, who heard strange voices or read strange manuscripts. There was enslavement of men whose tribes came not from Rome, disdain for those who did not have the familiar visage. And most of all, there was everywhere a contempt for human life. What, to the strong, was one man more or less in a crowded world? Then, of a sudden, there was a light in the world, and a man from Galilee saying, Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s.
And the voice from Galilee, which would defy Caesar, offered a new Kingdom in which each man could walk upright and bow to none but his God. Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. And he sent this gospel of the Kingdom of Man into the uttermost ends of the earth. So the light came into the world and the men who lived in darkness were afraid, and they tried to lower a curtain so that man would still believe salvation lay with the leaders. But it came to pass for a while in divers places that the truth did set man free, although the men of darkness were offended and they tried to put out the light. The voice said, Haste ye. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness come upon you, for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth.
Along the road to Damascus the light shone brightly. But afterward Paul of Tarsus, too, was sore afraid. He feared that other Caesars, other prophets, might one day persuade men that man was nothing save a servant unto them, that men might yield up their birthright from God for pottage and walk no more in freedom.
Then might it come to pass that darkness would settle again over the lands and there would be a burning of books and men would think only of what they should eat and what they should wear, and would give heed only to new Caesars and to false prophets. Then might it come to pass that men would not look upward to see even a winter’s star in the East, and once more, there would be no light at all in the darkness. And so Paul, the apostle of the Son of Man, spoke to his brethren, the Galatians, the words he would have us remember afterward in each of the years of his Lord:
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
Of course I would write the above a bit different. Let's put aside what Christ meant to an imperial power like Rome (today's United States) and recognize that he also came to heal the sick. What nation in the annals of human history has been persistently sick? This is why Christ was born among Jews.
DeleteUltimately a sick person would eventually be consumed and die from its affliction. Permanence it's ephimerous. But this truism does not seem to apply to the chosen race. Perpetually, persistently sick they - the chosen- seem to grow stronger- eternally stronger? - with the disease they carry unto themselves and make contagion unto others.
DeleteYou are looking at the matter too narrowly. They are ill in the spiritual sense, not the physical. Nevertheless, even in the physical sense they do indeed go through cycles of death and resurrection; like a parasite or a mold spore that falls dormant for long periods of time only to rejuvenate and flourish again when environmental conditions are right. We just happen to be living in a time period when they have been blooming in a vigorous way as the result of a particularly favorable Anglo-American environment. Humanity entered its current Anglo-American-Jewish period with the defeat of Napoleon in 1815. So, we have been living in a world shaped for the last two hundred years by an Anglo-American-Jewish trinity. With Anglo-American acquiescence in recent years, Jewish component of the trinity has grown very pronounced. But, have no doubt, Jews will once again fall into hibernation. The quicker Anglo-Americans lose power/influence around the world the sooner this will happen...
DeleteRussian comedians appear to prank Nikki Haley into commenting on fictional country
This incompetent street-shitter is involved in several sexual scandals in her career as a politician. She literally whored her way into a top diplomatic position, shamelessly and disgustingly dressing in miniskirts and boots at official events. One of Trump's shittiest appointments. The fact that America's "conservatives" elected someone like this as governor of South Carolina just goes to show how despicable they are.
But there is a silver lining, Russians are having fun trolling these losers left and right.
"WHITE LEFT" : China's New Internet INSULT - Bugmen BTFO
The youtube personality BlackPigeonSpeaks is probably the most useful of the Alt-Lite, the most hardcore you can get without actually directly naming the Jew. Actually in one of his videos he did address the problem of the Jews cooking the books regarding the number of holocaust victims (pun intended), which is the only reason I take him quasi-seriously (video here: Despite his shortcomings, especially his misguided belief that the Anglosphere and Japan have a bright future despite their current predicaments, his videos are well-produced, his points well-articulated, and he reaches hundreds of thousands of young people. Kind of like Daily Stormer.
The high-IQ Orientals in Japan, China, and Korea must surely understand and appreciate that if their main competitors for global dominance, the former colonial powers of Europe, are destroyed then basically the future belongs to them and Russia. Something tells me the Asians aren't stupid enough to ever embrace the suidicalism that the west has embraced.
Empire of Dust - China in Africa
Using Solar Power As A Political Tool In Armenia
The would-be Saakashvilis in Armenia got BLOWN THE FUCK OUT trying to protest the government over elections, protest over military service, protest over environmental concerns, protest over women's rights (lol,) protest over electricity rate price hikes and public transport price hikes, and basically every other societal issue that they tried to hijack. Now they are grasping at straws. I'm sure the Russians are shaking in their boots at the thought of Armenia using solar cells to "establish independence" from Russia... Although if Armenians can somehow weaponize solar cells into credible WMDs to keep the Turks and Azeris at bay, I guess I would support such a development.
Seriously though there seems to be a push for this "Solar Energy Macht Frei" argument. The KGB may be forced to do the unthinkable and start assassinating engineers on the streets of Yerevan.
Armenia looks to solar energy to move out of Russia's shadow
It's kind of ironic that people who are the first to scream "NO MEANS NO" just won't quit buggering the Armenian nation to adopt an anti-Russia stance. Are the only people left in the west that still believe that a western puppet regime can be installed in Armenia so disconnected from reality that they fail to realize that any advance in solar power that Armenians may make would:
1) be made or further developed in cooperation with state-controlled Russian companies
2) be targeted for export primarily to Russia and fellow Eurasian Union nations where Armenia has existing business connections, established trade networks, and favorable trade deals
Armenia creates first solar car with a dream to establish production
So the Iran protests. Obviously Plan B now that ISIS has been crushed, Russia and Iran have permanent bases in Syria, and the Kurds fell to pieces after Iraq moved to reestablish order in "Kurdistan." The US has always dreamt of inciting an Azeri/Turkic uprising in Iran, where Azeris may number ten to twenty million, and constitute a solid majority in the northern regions of the country - the so-called South Azerbaijan option. Here we see once again that Muslim Turkic people are a favorite way for the west to destabilize an enemy country, as they have tried to do with Uighur in western China, Plan Kavkaz in the North Caucasus, and various other places. If Syria and Iraq had had larger Turkic/Turkmen populations, they would have been cheered on and utilized in Washington's past wars... While I don't want to see Iran or the wider region destabilized because it is bad for Armenia, I wouldn't mind seeing an attempt to play the "Southern Azerbaijan" card usher in a brutal crackdown by Iran. Israel is known to operate military facilities in Azerbaijan in its campaign against Iran, and if Iran feels increased pressure then it may decide to take steps to deal with Baku.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the protesters, I don't know if it is comforting or depressing to know that all nations have their suicidal idiots who are ready to take to the streets over trivial issues. Does the average Iranian, a supposedly smart and crafty race, take notice that the same neocons who have spent decades calling for a Persian genocide now all of a sudden support this wonderful, totally grassroots peaceful protest with absolutely no hints of foreign meddling?
It's going to be fun watching the absolutely worthless Iranian community here hold support rallies for the "democracy movement" back home. What is their actual argument, "we have total faggotry and interracial relationships here in the west, we want the same for our people in the old country?" I could understand the Jews from Iran pushing that shit, but the actual Persians showing their support are a disgrace. It actually proves once again that Armenia is better off if most of the ever-protesting Armenians in Los Angeles never actually return to Armenia. The US is a toxic breeding ground when it comes to diaspora communities cheering on the destruction of their homelands, whether Armenians, Persians, Cubans, Venezuelans, or even Russians who follow (((Masha Gessen))). It's really a bizarre spectacle, attention whores, weak and degenerate men, people who understand nothing of history or politics or geopolitics, and a mindless herd of cattle who can't explain why they are protesting beyond the usual meaningless (((buzzwords))) like freedom, democracy, secularism, human rights and other nonsense.
Anyway, I hope Iran exercises extreme prejudice in dealing with protesters - I think good and upstanding people around the world have had enough of seeing college idiots rioting with the support of the globalist elites.
I think Iran wouldn't hesitate to show some lethal force on these protestors. The real question is, would someone like Linda Sarsour (left wing poster girl) march in solidarity with Iranian women who want to take their hijabs off?
DeleteWith that being said, I think 2018 will bring in some interesting changes. The Russian elections would be something worth watching.
Jerriko, any state can easily resort to lethal force to deal with rioters. The problem that states like Iran and Armenia face is that lots of the citizenry, especially young people, are not totally unjustified in being upset about the economic hardships they are facing. There is no easy way for any government to shoot protesters and not have it look terrible, not have it produce martyrs, and not create outrage in sections of the citizenry which otherwise would not support protests... until the lunatics join in and start destroying property and shooting each other, at which point if you don't act you risk being ousted like Yanukovitch. The west has made genuine attempts are grassroots activism and normal political discourse in developing countries into an existential danger. The world is now such that protesting over utility or public price hikes, or airing any other grievance now risks leading your country down the path to becoming a western client state.
DeleteWho gives a shit about linda sarsour? Western shitheads have given her relevance either because are degenerate leftists weaklings who want a bitch in a hijab to perform some femdom on them, or they are low-testosterone cuckservatives who don't even have the balls to tell a bitch in a hijab to shut her mouth and get back to the kitchen. She is a distraction for the low-capability masses to argue over.
The leftist humanitarian interventionists, the neocons, and the alt-lite (not to be confused with the actual Alt-Right) are promoting the Iran revolution as some glorious feminist uprising, they mention sarsour. Needless to say, feminism and "women's rights" are a battering ram that Jews and westerners use to totally destroy their enemies. If the Iranians give in and let their women take off the hijab, they are merely a generation or two away from their country becoming as trashy as Germany or Sweden.
I hope everyone had a good New Year's Eve. The last few years have been historic, and it doesn't look like things are going to slow down. Although Russia and Armenia have not suffered any major setbacks in the past couple of years, the situation remains tense all around our region, and the world in general. Novorossiya, North Korea, Syria, Iraq, and Iran could heat up and chaos could engulf the region without too much effort. The Trump administrations rapprochement attempt with Russia, whatever they were ever worth, seems to have gone the way of the infamous Reset Button ("you got it wrong.") Some sort of major conflict in the Middle East seems unavoidable, although unlike America's recent adventures in Iraq and Libya, this time the west and its regional minions are facing competent enemies in the Shiites, who are backed by three nuclear-capable powers (Russia, China, North Korea.) Let's see what happens.
ReplyDeletethought you might enjoy this rant by Brandon Martinez:
DeleteThe cuckservatives are alt-lite civic nationalists who promote mainstream social conservative positions. They counter-signal hard against the excesses of leftism and liberalism – like third wave feminism, social justice warriors and mass immigration – but push a civic nationalist platform that focuses on economic and “freedom” arguments, opposes only illegal immigration, and seeks to “integrate” non-white immigrants instead of repatriating them back to their countries of origin. So, in the cucks’ view, so long as Mohammed bin Abdalala renounces Islam, anti-Zionism and starts nightclubbing, he’s a welcome member of “Western civ.”
The cuckservatives disavow the genuine far-right, white nationalists and “anti-Semites.” Cuckservatives like Milo Yiannopoulos, Gavin McInnes, Lauren Southern, Paul Joseph Watson, Ben Shapiro and Mike Cernovich talk vaguely in defense of “Western civilization,” but only the version of it in which Jewish elites are still dominant. They seek to maintain the status quo of Jewish supremacy in the banking, media and politics of the West, glorifying a “Judeo-Christian” culture in which white Christians worship the state of Israel and give Jews all of their money by buying useless consumer goods. The cucks openly disavow and eschew ethnic nationalism for whites for the reason that the Jews who pay them would be excluded from power.
The cucks work diligently to censer any discussion about Jewish influence, putting all of the blame for our woes on generic leftists and liberals, as well as a special focus on the negatives of Islam. Many of these cucks work for explicitly Jewish-owned media companies, like the Rebel and Breitbart, which have editorial policies forbidding explicit criticism of Jews and Israel. The Rebel’s founder, Ezra Levant, is effectively a Jewish activist for Israel within Canada whose mission has been to usurp conservative, Christian and libertarian Canadians to vote for the Zionist-owned Conservative Party.'
.. Johnny Gat on youtube has done a great job woodshedding these traitors. Unfortunately, his audience and views #s are not even a tenth of some of these channels which he exposes. Here's his description in his 'about':
Controlled Opposition Faith Goldy, Pamella Gellar, Sebastian Gorka (Breitbart), Styxhexenhammer666, Black Pigeon Speaks, Gary Franchi (Next News Network), Gad Saad, Dave Rubin, Mark Dice, Ann Coulter, Laura Loomer, Michael Savage, George Webb, Lionel Nation, Britain First, EDL, Paul Begley, Steven Crowder, Lisa Haven, Peter Sweden, Stefan Molyneux
Moscow, Tehran to Fight ‘Turkification of Azerbaijan’
Paul Goble is sounding the alarm that Russia and Iran are not happy that the regime in Baku is inviting Ankara into the South Caucasus, and serving as a regional base for Turkish, NATO, and Israeli interests. Russia and Iran are also against the Baku regime's policy of forcibly turkifying Azerbaiajn's indigenous minorities, namely Talysh and Lezgins.
Quote from Ismail Shabanov, an ethnic Talysh who serves on the Russian Presidential Council on International Relations:
-Azerbaijani state ideology is now based on a shameless “chauvinism,” one that blames Armenians for all of Baku’s own failures and seeks to suppress all minorities-
Furthermore, Azerbaijan in December 2017 became the first former-Soviet nation to reject a Russian-appointed ambassador on grounds that the ambassador was "pro-Armenian":
Also agent Goble complains about anti-Azeri actions by the Russian side in the article below, including liquidating the "All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress" under Russia's foreign agents law:
Russian Overreach Calls Into Question Baku’s Balanced Foreign Policy
Goble concludes that "Moscow intends to interfere in Azerbaijan’s domestic affairs even more directly than in the past. And this interference may come either via its embassy or, more likely (as has been true earlier), via Armenian actions."
Of course our Russophobes and western-funded "experts," -Captain Americas and EUrophiles as Arevordi accurately calls them- will still tell us that Russia wants "Armenia without Armenians." Though I don't think anyone is listening to them anymore.
The Russian Orthodox Tsar will be feared even by the antichrist himself. Prophecy Elder Lawrence
Thank you, մար. I actually had in mind to find this prophecy. Speaking of prophecies, the following article is an esoterical/biblical view from Israel. It's interesting that the author of the article alludes that the biblical anti-Christ is the United States. Please note that this article was written when Russia annexed Crimea. Now, with Russia in Syria, this article takes on a whole new relevance -
DeletePutin=Gog, Crimea=Magog, the apocalypse is here and the Messiah is coming
DeleteNot only Christian fans of Armageddon are buzzing: According to one rabbi, the Vilna Gaon himself predicted that when the Russians take Crimea, the steps of the Messiah will be heard.
The Allard Pierson archeological museum in Amsterdam is in a bind. Since February 7, it has exhibited “The Crimea, Gold and secrets from the Black Sea,” which it originally billed as “Spectacular archeological finds from the Ukraine.” Now it doesn’t know whether to return the precious gold artifacts to Russia or to Ukraine or to just stay out of it and hold on to the exhibition for the time being.
The reason this report caught my eye is that most of the “Gold and secrets” of Crimea come from the Scythians. Originally from what is today southern Iran, the Scythians were a horse riding tribe that inhabited much of today’s Georgia, Armenia and the southern parts of Ukraine and Russia for close to 1300 years, from the 7th century BC to the 4th century AD. The northern coast of the Black Sea was absolutely Scythian.
And what’s so special about the Scythians? Well, it turns out that Josephus Flavius, the turncoat Jewish historian who chronicled the Masada saga, had an interesting theory about the Scythians and the lands in which they lived. He concluded that their land was the Magog, as in Gog and Magog, as in the war of Gog and Magog, as in the biblical prelude to the End of Days.
Which is one of the many reasons why recent events in the Ukraine have created a buzz among legions of apocalypse-anticipating true believers. This could be the real thing, they tell themselves, the big time, the major leagues, not the end of the beginning, to quote Winston Churchill in reverse, but the beginning of the end. And it is Vladimir Putin, aka Gog, aka King of the North, who has set things in motion.
You only have to read Ezekiel chapters 38-39, the widely accepted handbook and screenplay for the upcoming decimation. According to traditional translations of verse 2 of Chapter 38, Gog is the “chief prince of Meshech and Tuval”, ancient kingdoms also near the Black Sea. But the term used for “chief prince” in Hebrew is “nesi rosh” (as in נשיא ראש משך ותבל): Nesi could also mean “ruler” or “president”, and some scholars believe that “rosh” is not an adjective, at all, but a noun denoting the name of yet another nation that will enter the fray. So Gog is the prince of Rosh, or the President of Rosh, or, with a little bit of help, the President of Russia.
“Therefore, mortal, prophesy, and say to Gog: Thus says the Lord God: On that day when my people Israel are living securely, you will rouse yourself and come from your place out of the remotest parts of the north, you and many peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great horde, a mighty army;”.
And who will ride with Gog? Why Persia, of course, as specified in verse 5. And possibly Syria, though it hardly seems capable these days. And why will they all gang up on Israel? The Internet site “RemantReport explains: 1. To acquire more territory (Ezekiel 38:8). 2. To plunder Israel's wealth (38:12). (Israel’s newly-discovered vast reserves of natural in the Mediterranean, of course, CS). 3. To destroy the Jews (38:11, 16). And 4. To challenge the authority of the Antichrist who will temporarily be Israel's ally due to a treaty mentioned in Daniel 9:27 “That ruler will have a firm agreement with many people for seven years.”
Of course, if Gog is Putin, then we all know who the natural candidate for the Antichrist is. But let’s put that aside for now. In any case, there is a nuclear confrontation (“I will start a fire in the land of Magog and along all the seacoasts where people live undisturbed, and everyone will know that I am the Lord) and then a massive seven-month cleanup and a mass burial, somewhere in Jordan, it seems.
DeleteIf you’re a Christian, the fun is just beginning: An army of “200 million” men will come from the East, according the Book of Revelations, and there’s only one country that can raise such an army. Then, in quick succession but in a sequence that is disputed by scholars, the End Times really get going: Armageddon, Desolation, Tribulation, Rapture, Redemption, the Second Coming - the works.
Jews, by the way, make do with just the war of Gog and Magog, after which messianic days are here and “swords are beaten into ploughshares” etc. Nonetheless, Christians aren’t the only ones who are getting excited about the standoff in Eastern Europe. According to a report catching fire over the weekend in the haredi press in Israel, the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Shternbuch told his disciples this week that the times of the Messiah are upon us. And who is the source for his amazing analysis? None other than one of the top Jewish sages of all time, the Vilna Gaon himself, the Gra, “the genius of Vilnius”, the famously harsh critic of Hasidic Judaism.
According to said Shternbuch, he is privy to a closely guarded secret handed down from the 18th Century Vilna Gaon through generations of revered rabbis: “When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, you should know that the times of the Messiah have started, that his steps are being heard. And when you hear that the Russians have reached the city of Constantinople (today’s Istanbul), you should put on your Shabbat clothes and don’t take them off, because it means that the Messiah is about to come any minute.”
I don’t know if Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan knows about Russian designs on Istanbul, but if I were you, I would take your Shabbat clothes to the cleaners, just in case. Finally, from The husband tells the wife, "The Rabbi said that soon we will no longer suffer from the Cossacks, the Messiah is about to come and take us all to Israel." The wife thinks for a while and says, "Tell the Messiah to leave us alone. Let him take the Cossacks to Israel!"
Arevordi, I wouldn't be so optimistic about the whole Gog and Magog thing. It sounded too much like how Christian Zionists would boast that Israel will destroy Russia because they're God's Chosen people and all that rubbish. However, the whole notion of Israel being an ally of the Antichrist would have been something that the same Christian Zionists would balk at.
DeleteIf I were to make a guess as to who would be the Antichrist, that's easy: the head of the Rothschild family (I mean the entire branches of the Rothschild family, not just the British, French or Austrian ones), or more precisely, Jacob Rothschild.
Speaking of Gog & Magog, Russia, China, Israel.. The bell tower boy Brandon O. recently released from prison in NZ, now back in Malaysia with a brand new video concerning the above players
DeleteIs Netanyahu The Most Powerful Man In The World? The Talpiot Program is the key to Israel's world wide success.
Timing Gog-Magog: When will Ezekiel 38-39 be fulfilled?:
DeleteI ve been curious about this prophecy and what I find more interesting in this is when everyone try to know which modern nations are each one. You can always find Togormah like Turkey and/or Armenia. It's not contradictory because in somehow we share blood and on those ancient times all of modern Turkey was Armenia or Roman/Greece so we can make all this Bible and greek prophecies are going in the same path. The most outstanding is thinking about Armenia and Turkey now on the same side of that prophecy fighting the chosen ones. But who knows. This is one but there are many others similars:
Magog = Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan (and possibly Afghanistan)
Rosh = Russia
Meshech + Tubal + Gomer + Beth-togarmah = Turkey (and possibly Azerbaijan, Armenia)
Persia = Iran
Ethiopia = Sudan
Put = Libya (and possibly Algeria, Tunisia)
Noticeably absent from this list of Middle Eastern nations are those surrounding modern-day Israel, such as Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Gaza, the Arab nations and Iraq. Ezekiel 38:13 describes these nations as just observing, for many of them originate as “Sheba and Dedan [Arab nations] and the merchants of Tarshish and all her villages.” Why these nations are not also actively involved in the Gog-Magog Battle is open to speculation, but a Psalm 83 scenario where Israel has subjugated their surrounding neighbors previous to the Gog-Magog invasion so that they are finally in the peaceful situation Ezekiel describes (Ezek. 38:11) is the most likely possibility. What's your opinion folks?
Feliz Navidad! Սուրբ ծնունդ
what do you guys think of the protests in Iran?
ReplyDeleteOne word: ZOG
DeleteThey will try anything to downfall the Iranian regime.
ZOG (i.e. America's Zionist occupied government) may or may not be involved; it most probably is. But, ultimately, what's going on in Iran is the fault of officials in Tehran. They are too rigid and too archaic in their ways. All they need to do is end their ban on things like drinking and their chador/burka/hijab nonsense and allow their citizenry (a majority of whom are young) to live a little. While Westerners treat women like whores, Easterners (Islam to be precise) treat women like cheep possessions. Both are equally wrong. Both are equally disgusting. Knowing that Iran has many enemies, both inside the country and out, Iranian officials need to be a little more pragmatic and farsighted in their approach to their country's domestic affairs. They are experienced enough and sophisticated enough to do so. In other words, they would do well to put an end to stupid things like their "morality" police.
DeleteWe Need to Talk About the Iran Protests - corbettreport Published on Jan 5, 2018
I agree with Arevordi that the Islamic Republic will need to eventually cave in to some of the 'progressive' and 'liberal' demands of the disgruntled & naïve youth. There's too much perversion & porn being pumped out of the candy colored 'Western world' for even the most 'oppressive' and 'backward' nations/societies to suppress.
My main concern is directed at those who are upset with Iran's foreign policies and involvement in Iraq/Syria/Lebanon within Iran. Reminds me of the fools in Lebanon who protested Hezb. involvement in Syria back in 2013. It's like "how stupid can you be?, clearly you guys are next on the list after your neighbors succumb"
It's sad/strange when you think about how in a nation (United States) of perhaps a 100 million leftist/hippies/homos/liberals how there are no uproars and riots of the Empire's foreign POLICE-Y and involvement in nation wrecking all across the globe.
DeleteDon't buy too much into what Western propaganda organs are saying about the protests. I suspect the unrest in Iran has very little to do with Tehran's involvement in Syria. Of course Iran's and Syria's enemies in Washington, Tel Aviv, London and Riyadh would want to portray it that way. Also, Americans are too dumbed down and too entertained to protest in ways other peoples do around the world. But, have no doubt, that day is also coming. There may not be violent protests against Uncle Sam's foreign policies but there will eventually be serious economic unrest and race riots. Regarding ignorant/naive/impulsive youth around the world, I want to remind readers here of what Zbigniew Brzezinski had to say about them some years ago (just before the Arab Spring ) -
The Global Political Awakening
For the first time in human history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive... The resulting global political activism is generating a surge in the quest for personal dignity, cultural respect and economic opportunity in a world painfully scarred by memories of centuries-long alien colonial or imperial domination... The worldwide yearning for human dignity is the central challenge inherent in the phenomenon of global political awakening... That awakening is socially massive and politically radicalizing... The nearly universal access to radio, television and increasingly the Internet is creating a community of shared perceptions and envy that can be galvanized and channeled by demagogic political or religious passions. These energies transcend sovereign borders and pose a challenge both to existing states as well as to the existing global hierarchy, on top of which America still perches... The youth of the Third World are particularly restless and resentful. The demographic revolution they embody is thus a political time-bomb, as well...
Their potential revolutionary spearhead is likely to emerge from among the scores of millions of students concentrated in the often intellectually dubious "tertiary level" educational institutions of developing countries. Depending on the definition of the tertiary educational level, there are currently worldwide between 80 and 130 million "college" students. Typically originating from the socially insecure lower middle class and inflamed by a sense of social outrage, these millions of students are revolutionaries-in-waiting, already semi-mobilized in large congregations, connected by the Internet and pre-positioned for a replay on a larger scale of what transpired years earlier in Mexico City or in Tiananmen Square. Their physical energy and emotional frustration is just waiting to be triggered by a cause, or a faith, or a hatred...
[The] major world powers, new and old, also face a novel reality: while the lethality of their military might is greater than ever, their capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historic low. To put it bluntly: in earlier times, it was easier to control one million people than to physically kill one million people; today, it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people.
Exclusively for Syriana Analysis, Marwa Osman comments on the recent developments in Iran. Published on Jan 6, 2018
This was good detailing regarding the uprising in Iran.
Yemeni army, allies killed nearly 400 Saudi soldiers, 894 mercenaries in 2017: Report
I am genuinely curious what the real number of losses of (((the kingdom))) are. There's pretty much no legitimate source available of which I've come across.
451 soldiers (Saudi) killed - according to Wikipedia. But it's been in the 400s nearly 2 years now, I've been checking once a season since it started in Spring of 2015.
I admit it's almost impossible to tell since there have been so many mercs involved, majority from gulf puppet states, along with alciada & IS affiliates
Houthi fighters killed 399 Saudi soldiers and 1,894 fighters loyal to Saudi-backed President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi in 2017, according to a report released by the Houthis media wing on January 3.
Once again we commemorate the birth of Christ, the Son of God. As the Jewish king Herod sought the newly born infant Christ to kill him, three Zoroastrian Priests (known as Moger in Armenian and Magi in English) from the east (according to Armenian tradition from Armenia) were searching for Christ to instead worship him. "We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him".
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to all my Orthodox brothers and sisters around the world.
с Рождеством Христовым
Քրիստոս Ծնաւ եւ Յայտնեցաւ
Have a blessed feast of nativity on the day of theophany of our Lord Jesus Christ, dear Arevordi & to all participants and readers of the blog
^ Arabic Orthodox Chant
Քրիստոս ծնավ և հայտնեցավ, ձեզ և մեզ մեծ ավետիս
DeleteMerry Christmas everybody
President Putin attend the Orthodox Christmas service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior Jan 6,
Putin: It is impossible to imagine Russia without Christianity
"Trump's Failed Coup in Iran"
ReplyDeleteWritten by Eric Margolis
Saturday January 6, 2018
Listen to the state-"guided" US media this past week and you’d believe a series of spontaneous anti-government protests broke out across Iran. The protests, according to President Donald Trump and his Israeli allies, were caused by "anger over Iran’s spending billions on wars in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon and helping the Palestinian movement Hamas." Trump tweeted that Iranians were finally rising up against what he called their hated, brutal regime.
Talk about manufactured news. Most Iranians were elated and proud of their nation’s role in thwarting US plans to occupy much of Syria and overthrow the government of President Bashar al-Assad. By contrast, the other side in this long proxy war – the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Britain – was smarting with defeat and seeking ways to exact revenge on the hateful trio, Syria, Iran and Russia.
Interestingly, the so-called news of protests over Iran’s military spending did not apparently originate in Iran but rather in Washington which spread it far and wide to our state-guided media. This was clumsy, but the US and Israel were so eager to get this piece of made-up good news out that they forget the basics of propaganda management: wait for the event before you proclaim it.
What in fact was going on in Iran where more than 21 demonstrators have died violent deaths? As a very long-time Iran watcher allow me to explain.
Restive minority groups in Iran’s Kurdish, Azeri and Sunni Arab regions, most far from the big cities, have been demonstrating and protesting severe economic problems. Iran is a big, resource-rich nation of 80 million people that should be booming. But it has been under economic siege warfare by the US and its allies ever since a popular uprising in 1979 overthrew the US-British backed monarchy that was raping the nation and keeping it a vassal of the western powers.
Iran’s new Islamic Republic was deemed a dire threat to Western and Israeli strategic and military interests (think Saudi Arabia). The very idea that the Islamic Republic would follow the tenets of Islam and share oil wealth with the needy was anathema to London and Washington. Israel’s intelligence agency, Mossad, ran Iran’s dreaded, brutal secret police, Savak. The crooked royal family looted the nation and stored their swag in California.
The West’s first act was to induce Saddam Hussein’s Iraq to invade Iran, in Sept 1980. The West (including the Gulf Arabs) armed, financed and supplied Iraq. As I discovered in Baghdad, Britain and the US supplied Iraq with poison gas and germ warfare toxins. After eight years, 250,000 Iraqis were killed and nearly one million Iranians died.
Ever since the Islamic Revolution, the US, Britain, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Arabs have been trying to overthrow the Tehran government and mount a counter-revolution. CIA and Britain’s MI6 has ample practice: in 1953, the CIA and MI6 mounted an elaborate operation to overthrow Iran’s democratically-elected leader, Mohammed Mossadegh who sought to nationalize Iran’s British-owned oil company. Mobs of specially trained anti-Mossadegh plotters poured into Tehran’s streets. Bombs went off. Army commanders were suborned, lavish bribes handed out.
Read the rest here:
Thank you for posting this article, Raffi. That the Iranian protests had nothing to do with Tehran's foreign policy is exactly the point I made previously. Again, I want to remind everyone not to believe anything put out by Western (or any other) news media. Everything mainstream Western propaganda organs put out is politically motivated/formulated spin. It's basiclly meant to shape thoughts and condition minds. By the way, if I recall correctly, in one of his previous articles, the author of the article Eric Margolis referred to my blog. He therefore may be one of my readers. In any case, I am glad Iranian officials are coming to their senses. Western power lies primarily in the cultural influence they have over nations around the world. Simply put: Stop trading in their currency; stop watching their movies; stop speaking their language, watch them fall apart. It's easier said than done but the following are good first steps in that direction -
DeleteBehind Korea, Iran & Russia Tensions: The Lurking Financial War:
Iran bans English in primary schools after calls to end Western ‘cultural invasion’:
NGOs Banned Completely from Russia:
If the story of Iran joining the Eurasian Union is true, then perhaps the Iranian government should actually authorize the teaching of the Russian language in Iranian schools to help the Iranians with integration into the Russian bloc. I get the feeling that in this century Russia and Iran would act like a newly married couple, or is it Russia and Armenia that would act like a married couple.
DeleteThe Iranian spark was orchestrated by commonly known foreign agents operating on the ground in Iran. Was there any threat of a major upheaval ?. This could have been a dress rehearsal for a future attempt at a maidan look alike scenario. Iranian intelligence must be in the know of the number of foreign run and funded subversive cells in the country. The Jewish American organs of communication took the opportunity to spin their propaganda machinery in the hope of a chimera. It does not seem remotely probable that the Iranian republic may become undone. The mullahs are too smart for the insidious undermining campaign for the Jews and western forces. This is the bane and the albatross for the American Jewish empire. They will not cease in their efforts to continue the war by other means , after all they are following their own agenda. The situation is charged with dangers, any instability in Iran, revolts, chaos will be unfavorable to Armenia. In Armenia too we have the similar western funded and ideologically prone subversive cells. In the geopolitical perspective we are in a stage of undeclared war. Almost every country in the region is in one way or another involved. Russian, Iranians, Arabs , are losing lives and soldiers in this situation. Armenia is losing young boys on the front line wit Azeris with monotonous regularity. Admittedly it is not a grand conflagration in progress but a low level state of war nevertheless.
DeleteSo what does a period of turmoil mean for Armenia? What are the opportunities and risks? Is there a scenario where Tehran and Moscow would back Yerevan in confronting Baku? One question in this game: Do you think time is on Yerevan's side? The use of a Turkic nationalism in Baku can't be winning friends in Moscow.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back, Eurasian.
DeleteYou are posing vague questions.
Regarding time: Depending on how one looks at it, time may or may not be on Yerevan's side. Demographically and economically speaking, the country is hurting. The post-Soviet condition of the region has been severely bad for the small, poor, landlocked and blockaded country. The longer the region's "Great Game" lasts the worst it will be for Armenia. However, the longer the political process over Artsakh takes the better it will be for Armenia.
Generally speaking, Armenia stands to benefit if Russia remains on the political/military/economic course it is currently on. Armenia stands to benefit if Russian-Western relations are good. Armenia can benefit if Russian-Western relations are bad. Armenia stands to benefit if Russia-Turkish relations are bad. Armenia can benefit if Russian-Turkish relations are good. Regarding Georgia: Armenia can only benefit if Tblisi renters Moscow's orbit. I believe this will eventually happen.
Regarding Iran: No doubt Armenia will be impacted if Iran gets drawn into a major war or if there is major uprising inside the country. If contained or managed properly by Tehran, Iranian problems can benefit Armenia. In other words, if problems Iran faces is not so serious that the country faces destruction, Armenia can benefit. How? For one, such situation may force Tehran to get even closer to Russia/Armenia or even China. Two, such a situation may drive a few thousand (or tens of thousands) of Iranian-Armenians (most of whom are relatively well off) into Armenia. A very bad scenario for Armenia would be the Iraqification of Iran or a total military defeat of Iran by the Anglo-American-Jewish-Saudi alliance. Such a thing would be a historic disaster not only for Iran but also for Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Armenia and Russia. That said, short of a nuclear strike against Iran, I simply don't see how Tehran can be defeated in that way.
Regarding Turkish-Azeri relations: It goes without saying that Moscow (and Tehran) will be very unhappy with closer Ankara-Baku (or Western-Baku) relations. Recently US operative Paul Goble put out this interesting article:
Moscow, Tehran to Fight ‘Turkification of Azerbaijan’:
The epicenter of the world, Eurasia, has been turned into a volatile powder keg. There are several serious fires already burning. We may be one spark away from a major international crisis. As long as Russia remains standing, Armenia (you can also add a bunch of other countries) does not face a serious threat. In any case, I foresee a protracted global conflict over who will have political/economic/military rights in the 21th century. What we have been seeing in recent years is various power centers (Western, Russian, Chinese, Iranian, Turkish, Israeli, Saudi, etc) maneuvering for the best possible position. This all has the real potential to bring Russia, Armenia, Iran (and China) closer. I also foresee the weakening of Western powers, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. In fact, the aforementioned have already been weakened to various degrees.
Swamp Watch: Big oil and big government
What the hell is going on at Fox News, how did they let this through? That was a halfway decent report. It would have been perfect if he mentioned that that Iraq War under Bush, and the war of terror against Syria, and subversion attempts in the former Central Asia were to significant degrees driven by a desire to control energy and energy pipelines.
My guess is that this guy gets canned from Fox soon, maybe he can get a job at RT.
Don't be too surprised, Sarkis. From time-to-time some of the mainstream news organizations and investigative journalists in the West do a very good job of exposing the true nature/character of their political/economic system. Off the top of my head -
DeleteBBC: The Power of Nightmares:
Fox: Israel's connecting to 9/11:
Fox: Fake Terror History: Judge Napolitano:
Fox: Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard on Meeting Assad:
Showtime: The Putin Interviews by Oliver Stone:
CNN: Elian Gonzalez:
NPR: Dulles Brothers:
Untold History of the United States:
Woody Harrelson: Ethos:
Seymour Hersch casts doubt on reported Syrian gas attack:
At times mainstream organizations do put out very damning information about the U.S. There may be several reasons as to why, and none of them is in my opinion by mistake. It's not by mistake because: These types of productions by mainstream organizations are reviewed by a multilayered management (which include people with government connections) before they are released to the public. So, it has to be done for a reason. We therefore have to theorize as to why.
DeleteTheory number one: These news agencies want intelligent people (the few that remain) to see them as legitimate and professional. The management of these news organizations must be seeing that through the global internet Americans have access to accurate yet damning information about the U.S. being put out by people around the world (particularly by Europeans, Russians, Iranians and Chinese) and they don't want to look like cheep propaganda outlets always towing Uncle Sam's agenda. What's more, they must surely realize that a vast majority of Americans would not fully understand or properly process the provided information.
That said, I know that somewhere in back of their minds most Americans (perhaps subconsciously) realize how criminally corrupt their government is and that the U.S. is behind some very bad things that happen around the world. So, these mainstream news agencies are not really putting out anything that the sheeple does not already know. Many Americans I know more-or-less tell me: "We gotta do what we gotta do to stay on top". So, as long as Americans are made to think they are "Number One" and they think they are well taken care of by the system (24/7 entertainment, malls everywhere, affordable consumer goods, abundant food, high paying job sectors, cheep gas/electricity, welfare, unemployment benefits, etc) they are willing to look the other way as their government goes on rampages around the world. This in a sense is similar to how Armenian immigrants to the U.S. make excuses for Uncle Sam's crimes against humanity (in many cases even in countries of their origin) simply because they are living what they believe to be a comfortable life. So, the thinking is more-or-less this: I don't care what Uncle Sam is doing over there as long as I am doing well over here. The thinking can also be boil down to: I don't even care what Uncle Sam is doing in the U.S. as long as it does not effect me personally. Unlike a tiny/poor country like Armenia, where when the president sneezes everyone in the country comes down with a cold, the U.S. is so large and so wealthy that serious wrong doing by Uncle Sam even in the U.S. itself is often not directly felt by a majority of Americans. So, there is also a matter of perception here.
Theory number two (we have discussed this here before): The global elite (fill in the blank) for some reason may be seeking to downsize the American empire. Perhaps the U.S. has gotten too fat in their opinion. They may be right. There is 325,000,000-plus people living relatively well. The amount of food that Americans waste is enough to feed the entire world. The amount of energy and consumer goods that Americans require to maintain their lifestyles is putting an immense burden on natural resources around the world. So, I do believe that the U.S. has gotten too big for its own good and for the good of the world. I do therefore think that the global elite may be seeking to downsize/weaken the U.S. I believe they want to do this through Globalism, Socialism, Atheism, Liberalism, multiculturalism, climate change, GMOs, service sector economy, open borders, low paying jobs, etc. This is why the elite in question also seems to be encouraging and even funding anti-American propaganda within the United States itself. This is why some of the most damning films/documentaries about the U.S. is often put out by prominent Americans, both on the left and the right. I think Donald Trump may be knowingly or unknowingly serving this agenda. This is why I suspect him to be America's Mikhail Gorbachev.
I was actually thinking of that goofball Glenn Beck doing a show about the Federal Reserve and the Jewish bankers when I found that clip. They canned him like a tuna.
DeleteGlenn Beck Exposes the Private Fed; Gets Fired by Fox
Sarkis jan, I did think of Glenn Beck but I didn't include him in the list because what he did may have simply been a matter of "kamikaze journalism". Meaning, for some reason he spoke his mind without clearing his material with management knowing full well that he would be fired. The examples I posted, including the one you posted about Steve Hilton, were clearly approved by their respective top management.
DeletePutin slams drone attack on Russian base in Syria as provocation
Those are pretty strong words, a public declaration from President Putin that the Russian base in Syria was essentially directly attacked by a "technologically advanced state" other than Turkey or Iran. The only possible states are the US, the UK, or their mid east clients Israel and Saudi Arabia, and arguably also the Ukraine. I don't think any of the old continental European powers -despite being massive pussies- are interested in getting into a conflict with Russia. And I doubt that even the Russophobes in Poland and the Baltics think getting involved with jihadi headchoppers would be a good idea.
Whoever is behind this, I believe Russia and Iran need to take steps to eliminate hostile powers from their sphere of influence. Armenia and Artsakh's position in the South Caucasus as allies of Russia and Iran will now start bearing even more fruit as Armenia becomes even more strategically important, even Turkey will be forced to play nice. Armenia's western-backed opposition is now castrated, a sideshow to keep various troublemakers busy.
Georgia and Azerbaijan need to be brought into line. Azerbaijan specifically planned its future around serving as an Israeli base in the region to act as a check against Iranian power and influence, also hoping to score advanced kike weapons to use against Armenia in the process. That plan is no longer viable, and there will be even less tolerance in Moscow and Tehran for escalations in the South Caucasus. I want to see Azerbaijan get checkmated on the geopolitical chessboard.
a little long, but a good read - 'Messianism and Imperialism'
Three very popular IT upstarts have died under mysterious circumstances in recent years. The projects they worked on, some of which was inspired by Wikileaks, was being touted as one the greatest threats facing Mark Zuckerberg's CIA-backed Facebook. So, when Ilya Zhitomirskiy a brilliant young IT activist suddenly ended up dead several years ago I felt it was suspicious. Soon thereafter, Aaron Swartz died, another brilliant young IT activist. This time I felt it was highly suspicious. And now, James Dolan, yet another brilliant young IT activist has been found dead. There is clearly a pattern now. In all three cases officials have claimed that the men had committed suicide. It is more likely that they were - suicided. The lives of these promising young geniuses who had courageously stood-up against the surveillance state of the entrenched system have been cut short. Which begs the question: Is this how the regime in Washington DC promote some individuals (i.e. Zuckerberg and Gates) and demote others? When people like Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates willingly serve the elite's corporate, imperialist and globalist agenda, they are propelled to great heights. On the other hand, when individuals get in their way, they somehow end up dead. Therefore, we may be able to add James Dolan to a morbid list that also includes Ilya Zhitomirskiy, Aaron Swartz, Seth Rich, Keith Ratliff, John Noveske, Deborah Palfrey, Michael Connell, Bruce Lvins, Frank Olsen, Udo Ulfkotte, David Kelly, John P. Wheeler III, Paul Wellstone, Vince Foster and others...
ReplyDeleteWikiLeaks-Inspired Developer Behind Game-Changing “SecureDrop” Found Dead:
Ilya Zhitomirskiy Dies at 22; Co-Founded Social Network:
Aaron Swartz, 1986-2013: a computer hacker who is now a political martyr:
Since we are on the topic of intelligence agencies, controlled news media and assassinations of problamatic individuals who expose government corruption, I want to remind the reader of Udo Ulfkotte's work and his untimely death almost exactly one year ago -
DeleteDr.Udo Ulfkotte: World Class Journalist Spills the Beans, Admits Mainstream Media is Completely Fake:
English Translation of Udo Ulfkotte’s “Bought Journalists” Suppressed?:
Reporter Udo Ulfkotte, Who Exposed Governments Creating Fake News War Propaganda, Found Dead :
German Journalist Who Blew Whistle on CIA Media Control Drops Dead at 56:
In a related development, one of the most serious issues which has been driving IT security experts crazy since 2006 is the Intel Management Engine. The Central Processing Unit ("CPU") is like the "brains" of any computing device. Almost the entire desktop and laptop market is dominated by Intel and AMD running x86-64 CPUs, save for some specialty machines that very few large businesses may use. Beginning in 2006, Intel redesigned its CPUs to embed within every CPU a smaller, separate CPU called the Management Engine ("ME.") The ME is always running and has full access to all of the which the CPU processes, as well as full access to all of the hardware. The end user and operating system have practically no control over the ME. In other words the ME is a "computer within a computer" that has full access to everything the "main computer" that the user uses does. Intel refuses to provide any tools to disable or even monitor the ME. The ME firmware (code that runs hardware) was written in an undocumented, closed source instruction set. Needless to say, it is physically impossible for an end user to open up the CPU and modify any components because of how microscopic and intricate the designs are. On top of that, all CPUs are designed such that every 30 minutes the system checks to verify that ME is still running, and if ME is not detected then the computer does a hard reboot, without any way for the user to disable this... Basically, they really don't want you turning the ME off.
DeleteSecurity experts have pointed out that ME is, under the best scenario, a very poor design that creates a huge security risk. In fact there are known ME exploits in the wild. More likely though, ME is a massive government-ordered backdoor placed into every single computer in the market. This is brilliant in its own way, because there is no alternative to the two American corporations which create CPUs (Intel and AMD) and you cannot have a computer without a CPU. While some argue that ME has uses in the corporate world where companies might issue thousands of computers to their employees which need to be remotely controlled or monitored, ME being forced onto users without an option to disable and security measures to cripple any computers where ME is somehow disabled is a situation that even the dreaded Stassi and KGB could only have dreamt of .
To add to the damning evidence, Intel's only market competitor AMD announced that it would include a similar scheme in its computers. At first AMD was very willing to work with open source software developers to allow its embedded sub-CPU to be audited and disabled, then AMD abruptly halted all talks and installed its own blackbox in all its CPUs from 2012 onward.
Despite the ME scheme being a program of THE LAND OF THE FREE, leave it to a bunch of filthy drunkard RUSSIAN HACKERS to finally break into ME and discover a hidden kill switch that Intel had built in which disables the ME at the request of the US government - the government uses computers too, after all, and of course the government is above the citizenry and gets privacy rights. Intel confirmed to the Russian hackers that it installed a kill switch at the request of some undisclosed clients. Odd Intel ignored its own customers for decades. The Russian hackers were from a group called Positive Technologies:
Another Belgium-based Slavic security expert Igor Skochinsky (probably Russian) discovered how to overwrite most of the ME firmware directly from the BIOS chip on the motherboard while leaving the parts of the firmware required to boot your computer and pass the 30 minute reboot cycle tests. The programmer Nicola Corna set up a tool for advanced users to run on their computer's firmware, thus crippling the ME:
I suspect not even 1 of of every 100 people would be able to make use of these tools.
I wonder how much of this is saber rattling?
ReplyDeleteKurdish forces ready to take on Erdogan's invading army in northern Syria
Russia denounces US provoking war between Kurds and Turks in Syria's Afrin
BREAKING: Erdogan says Turkish military can start fighting Kurdish forces in Syria "at any moment"
The Geopolitics of Idlib - The offensive of Idlib explained by Kevork Almassian
The US’ Kurd Project: Iranian intelligence has declassified data on 14 American bases in Syria
'At the very end of last year on the 31st of December, the Pentagon once again acted out an intrigue around its military bases in Syria. US defense minister James Mattis warned, that any attack on US bases would be repelled and the attackers would be punished.
The media agencies ‘Russia Today’ and ‘Sputnik’ proved the existence of 10 American military bases in the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic. However, Iranian intelligence agencies have provided more detailed data, which suggests that there are 14 American bases in Syria, of which 12 are located in the north of the country and 2 in the south. What is more, Turkish media outlets have reported about the existence of 13 US arms depots in Kurd territories, which are located in close proximity to American bases.'
So I've been pointing out that despite the nonstop, western-promoted, doom-and-gloom, "the sky is falling" nonsense about Armenia, Armenia is actually a very safe country with low levels of violent crime. In Armenia if a tourist gets lost in some remote part of the country the local villagers will take him or her in and, at worst, force feed that tourist a large amount of food (հիւրասիրութիւն) before directing him back to Yerevan.
ReplyDeleteIn most other countries tourists risk kidnapping and rape if they venture outside of the strictly defined tourist areas. In Europe you risk random Islamist attacks, gang rapes, and grooming gangs drugging and raping underage children - although to be fair when the punishment for such crimes consists of community service, I really can't blame the conquering rapists. And I probably don't have to tell you what happens if you're unfortunate enough to find yourself in a Black or Hispanic neighborhood in any American city, which are statistically among the most violent in the world. All of the tough-talking Captain Amerikas in Glendale would shit their panties if you transported them a mere 10-15 miles and forced them by themselves at night into the streets of Downtown LA or East LA or other diverse neighborhoods: that's freedom and democracy you can literally taste.
But of course pointing facts out or attempting to use rational, pragmatic arguments to other Armenians is an exercise in futility when done by patriots. When the same Washingtonian imperial regime which denies the Armenian Genocide takes notice of the fact that Armenia is safe, however, then Armenians automatically blow their load. What a shameful display, a race of losers desperately seeking a pat on the head from a government that -to frame it in the nicest way- wants to subjugate Armenia and preventing it from "causing problems" for its regional minion which it affectionately dubs THE INCREDIBLE TURK. Absolutely disgusting.
Armenia among Safest Countries for American Travel in New State Department Ranking
Now let's watch these same people advocate radical policies destined to turn Armenia into another Libya, Ukraine or Syria.
These Pacific American Armenians make me cringe. Since you shared a personal experience you had in a convo with some typical indoctrinated American couple weeks back, allow me to share mine with an Armenian 'business' woman I had recently:
DeleteSo real quick, she's a mother of 2, in her mid 40s and a staunch Christian. References our Lord in nearly every other sentence. So it began as small talk, since I had not seen her in over a year and asked how her children are doing. She mentioned her daughter is about to go to the 10th grade I believe & I commented back 'those are difficult years, age to be a parent'. She began praising her daughter's work ethic proudly & how she's nothing like the sevs and lobees in her class & that she's already engaging in her soon to be profession: hair & makeup -_- & how daddy is setting up shop for a new line of business, so she'll get experience in the business world at an early age. All fine & dandy, didn't know what to comment back really so I just asked 'any future plans of ever returning to the Fatherland?' lol. I thought I would pick her brain a bit. She immediately said no, and how our leaders in Yerevan are 'satanas'.. followed by her saying things are looking better here & praised Trump. I reminded her that HE DID illegally strike Syria under an obvious false pretense, which she responded to 'lav aretz' & reminded me that those musurmans are savages. I had to respond by reminding her that the most savage kind are best friends of the US (ie KSA & Turkey, at least up until recently) to which she answered' it's just business' .. Again, I reminded her that the so called musurman nations that have been destroyed by us were NOT ISLAMIST, instead secular (Lebanon, Syria, Iraq) all nations with large Armenian diasporas who lived upper class. Anyways, trying to keep it short.. She then said 'but have you noticed now with Trump, we can say Merry Christmas again?' .. basically she was dumping all the blame of the degenerate downward spiral of the US on the previous president/administration. Esh. So then I briefly covered Iran, reminding her how our churches stand their, whereas in America's allies they would have been demolished. Basically she wouldn't respond directly to any fact presented. She starting talking about the typical 'end times' & soon to be 1 world order which I responded to that the catalyst is obviously America! And she would just say simple short stuff like 'what will be, will be, it's in God's hands'
Obviously, this didn't end without some Russia bashing. She lived there during the 80s decade (she's one of those Rusaxos hayer) & said how much hate there is towards Armenians. Again, I asked her if Armenians as a whole had a choice (keeping it extremely basic & simple) live in a multicultural degenerate sodomy supporting sewer which destroys Armenian friendly nations & is extremely hostile towards Armenia's 2 key allies in the region (Russia & Iran) or *at face value, assuming it's not theater* an Orthodox Christian Russia who has returned towards YOUR Jesus & puts bans on porneekutsyun, defends your homeland with Russian lives at the moment, & prevented ancient Syria from turning into a Libya.. which should Armenians choose?.. again, no real response or direct answer. I know it's a disappointing end to this story, but I swear, it was just going nowhere & I did try to keep it short since I was at her office/workplace & didn't want to be rude (plus she has cameras recording)
DeleteNo Armenians here have intentions of returning, especially in the bulk which would lead to new jobs & opportunities. Everyone just bashes it, calls it a mafia & jobless state. They rather expose their children to enforced mercury injections, fluoridated fluids, transgender studies & everyday heavy metals being sprayed over your heads in return for driving a luxury sedan & a 2-3 bedroom condo with a widescreen tv to watch dancing with the gyots.
This may not sit well with some readers, but bottom line is this: Fuck Armenians who plan to START families (in these dangerous times) in the US, without any considerations/objectives of eventually returning home, at least minimum to Russia for a start. Because God knows they are doing NOTHING to improve the communities which they reside in. Americana in Glendale is the monumental example of Armenian retardation & selling out
& lastly, responding to your 'Captain Amerikas in Glendale' comment: Armenians won't even bother hanging out in Eagle Rock or Atwater Village (not to mention living/moving to).. the only reason they feel any comfort is because of large chunks of Armenian communities created (Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena, Frenso, LV etc) They would not socially survive anywhere else. My friend's older sister & husband even moved back from Portland to Glendale after living there 4 to 5 years, eventually coming to their senses that it's no atmosphere to raise their kids (and this coming from two mid 30 year old LIBERAL Armenians)
DeleteSpitaks are terrible neighbors. Meratz marteek. One day they say hello with a smile, the next morning walk on by with their heads down. They won't dial 911 if you fell and broke your neck, but they will if the volume on your tv is a little loud & you have guests. I've had multiple spitak neighbors in the past, and they are like zombies
Speaking of West coast Armenians, Capitan Americas, Russophobes and "praise Jesus" types, you guys need to watch to following if you have not yet done so. Այս տարօրինակը մեր ազգի բնորոշ/տիպիկ էշ-քունողներից է: Այդ Հայի տեսակը/կերպարը որ այս ապուշը հպարտությամբ ներկայացնում է, հարյուրավոր տարիներ եղել է մեր երկրի անեծքը -
Delete«Մեր համայնքում ակտիվ գործում են КГБ ու ФСБ-ի գործակալներ․․․»Անդրանիկ Դովլաթյան:
A side related question: is it actually safe for foreigners to actually live in Armenia though? Because right now I wanted to examine my options for getting the hell out of the indebted and terrifyingly politically correct atmosphere that Canada has become. As a non-European, my choices are pretty much limited.
DeleteHow are the daily expenses like in Armenia, BTW?
DeleteLast summer I saw Filipino women all over Yerevan. There has been a relatively large influx of them recently. Rumors suggest wealthy Armenians in the country are developing a taste for Filipino servants and caretakers because they are harder working and less nosy than their Armenian counterparts. One of Armenia's top chess grandmasters, Levon Aronian, recently married a Filipino.
Armenia is a poor, developing nation with many internal and external problems. But, when it comes to violent crime Armenia is indeed one of the safest countries in the world. This is very unusual because poor countries tend to have high crime rates. That said, the biggest problem or danger one faces in Armenia is unruly automobile drivers and being swindled or cheated out of money. However, if you have a good head on your shoulders none of that should be a problem. That said, those who have lived among westerners or in developed countries all their lives will most probably have a difficult time adjusting to the Armenian environment.
Regarding cost of living: Prices for local things like food, medicine, entertainment, rent and transportation is quite low. Prices for imported things like western clothing, cars, furniture and appliances are relatively high. Overall, people with a little source of income and a good profession can have a high standard of living in Armenia.
I think that the Armenian authorities are marketing the entire country as a 'must-visit' for those who want to know more about the first Christian nation in the world.
Another thing too is that Filipinos working in the Middle East often have to leave the country of their employment in order to renew their work visas, and since it would be too costly to go back home, Armenia has emerged as a surprisingly good place to have a rest and wait.
There's even a small Filipino hostel for OFWs who are staying there. I also recall saying that my aunt and her sister also visited Armenia as well, so I need to ask her more about her journey there. They were actually in the Middle East when they decide to go to Armenia to visit.
The visible numbe of Asians in the str. Of Erevan has to do with the visa renewals from Asians working in the gulf states. These workers need to renew their visas ever six months or so, by leaving the country and then returning with renewed visa. Whereas before the workers had to take a journey to Teheran, they now can renew their visas in the Erevan.
Delete@ Jerriko
DeleteI would suggest you try Malaysia, Russia, & Kazakhstan if you are looking to escape Canada & still 'fit in'. Brendon O'Connell lives in Malaysia & has a lot of positive things to say about it
Geography Now! Kazakhstan
Brendon O'Connell Interview - Malaysia & New Zealand
.. @ Arevordi
that was a difficult to sit through
Anonymous, I know what you are saying but that's only one part of the story. You can actually see Filipino women and Bangladeshi men working in Yerevan. From the Armenian employer's perspective the excuse/rumor is, they make better workers than the natives. In other words, they don't demand/expect a lot of money, they are willing to do dirty/hard work, they are not nosy and they don't complain.
DeleteOver the last few years, Armenia and Georgia have become major tourist destinations for Filipinos (and Indians) who live and work in the Gulf countries. The reasons for the popularity are:
Delete- Filipinos and Indians don't need a visa for Armenia. They can get one upon arrival at the airport.
- The flight cost from Dubai or Doha is not high.
- Expenses (hotel, food, trips etc.) in Armenia are affordable too.
Yes, as you all stated, there are Filipinos who go there for a work visa change/renewal and there are of course some who live and work there. But there are many tourists too.
Mar, thanks for sharing but man reading that made me angry. Anyone who has spent a lot of time with (white) Americans knows that Americans are a sick, retarded, damaged people - maybe mixing every single type of European genetics, and then throwing in Indio and African genetics was a bad idea. They will either be ultraliberal nutjobs who will encourage their own kids to be trannys and fight for the right of ten-year-olds to cut off their own genitals, or they will be bloodthirsty, dumb-as-shit neocon stooges. Sadly Armenians who live here almost inevitably adopt these positions. My friends was telling me of some retarded Armenian bitch he met at Pepperdine University a few years back, she and her cuckold Armenian husband were planning to adopt a fucking Ethiopian baby because reasons (such trendy, many progressive,) apparently they abandoned the plan after he accidentally knocked her up - although I wonder if he didn't put on a dress and stand in the corner and watched while some Black dude did the dirty work with his wife. And of course there was the morbidly obese Armenian dude at my gym who would come in with a "I'M WITH HER" shirt during the election. These people are absolutely sick.
DeleteSome general points:
-Armenians who bitch about Armenia's leaders being "corrupt" or "satanas" are basically just trying to convince themselves and anyone who is willing to listen the same story over and over, because if they repeat it enough times they know they will eventually believe their own lies. These people need to justify the fact that deep down they just don't want to give up the easy life in the diaspora and move back to Armenia and engage in the actual, hard work of nation-building, so blame it on the Armos and/or Russkies. This is specially true among nationalists. Here's an analogy: actively portraying yourself as a nationalist is similar to actively portraying yourself as a badass tough guy. There are certain tropes and stereotypes that nationalists fall into (for example he mentions his nation every chance he gets) just like there are certain behaviors tough guys fall into (like responding to everything with the threat of "I'll beat the shit out of you, bro")... Talk is very cheap of course, actions speak louder than words. If an actual, dangerous badass challenges a pretend tough guy, and the pretend tough guy responds not by fighting but by deescalating the situation, it only proves that he is in fact a pussy and not confident that he can actually winning any fight, ie not a badass or tough in any sense. It doesn't matter how many times he tells himself and/or others "it was smarter not to fight" or "I didn't want to deal with the cops" or whatever other excuse, it doesn't cover up the fact that he is simply a bitch. Similarly, if a pretend nationalist who can very easily get a plane ticket and a visa and move to his national homeland just refuses to do so, it proves that he is just a rootless cosmopolitan, a gypsylike wandering merchant a pretending to be nationalist, ie a straight-up bitch. Plain and simple.
Why Is Putin "Allowing" Israel to Bomb Syria?
ReplyDeleteThe Saker • January 18, 2018
I agree with Saker. Moscow has more than enough on its hands in the region right now. The last thing it needs is antagonizing Israel. For some reason, those who hate Jews or Israel also treat them as if they were some small/weak nation. Israel/Jews are a superpower today, and they are treated as such by other superpowers. Antagonizing Tel Aviv or getting into a direct confrontation with Israel would be a very stupid thing for Moscow to do at this stage. Of course the reverse is also true. That is why Russians and Israelis are maintaining cordial relations and staying out of each others way in the Middle East.
DeleteUltimately, Moscow is in Syria for long-term geostrategic reasons that serves its national interests.
Moscow wanted to preserve its military/political presence and influence in the strategic Levant. Moscow wanted to defeat Wahabist/Salafist fanatics nearing its zone of influence (i.e. Caucasus, Central Asia). Moscow wanted to became a major global factor that Western powers could no longer ignore. So, Moscow set out to accomplish the above stated objectives by militarily intervening in Syria and doing its best to preserve the existence of a Russia-friendly Syria run by Alawites and secular Sunni Arabs. It has been a success thus far. This is why Russia is in Syria. Russia is not in Syria to start hostilities with Israel. Even losing one of its warplanes to a Turkish ambush a couple of years ago did not deter Moscow from its strategic objective in Syria.
Russia has done more for Syria than all the other nations of the world combined. Let Iran, Lebanon or even Syrians themselves do something about the Israeli strikes. I also suspect that the Israeli air force is getting assistence from Jordan (e.g. allowing Israeli warplanes use Jordanian airspace) as well as an army of informant/spies embedded in Lebanon and Syria itself. Nevertheless, there is also the real possibility that Moscow and Tel Aviv have reached some kind of an understanding/agreement which may include limiting or curbing Iranian presence in Syria or Lebanon. Someone like Saker will never admit to something like this.
There is also a technical/military angle to this matter. Perhaps Zoravar can explain better, but from what I have seen, Israeli air strikes in Syria have originated either from the air space over south-eastern Lebanon (which, distence wise, is very near Damascus and its surrounding districts) or from areas or "aerial corridors" in Syria, where there is no anti-aircraft coverage by Russian forces.
At the end of the day, let's realize that Moscow has a immensely difficult and dangerous task on its hands in Syria. Think of it, as if overnight, Moscow placed itself right in the middle of a very nasty geopolitical power stuggle during the height of hostilities. Russian forces in Syria have since performed remarkably well. Yet, Russian forces in Syria also remain literally surrounded by powerful enemies. If a major war breaks out these forces will be very vulnerable to attack. Knowing all this, Moscow will do its best to establish good relations with Turks and Israelis, while it pushes ahead with its strategic agenda. While both Turks and Israelis are periodically carrying-out attacks inside Syria, Moscow is continuing to stay on its course. As long as the Damascus remains standing, Moscow will have won the fight. And this in turn will have served Iranian and Hezbollah interests. The last thing Moscow, Damascus or even Tehran want at this point is to get into a war with Israel or Turkey.
Moscow will therefore do its best to be a moderating factor. Moscow will therefore remain very cautious/calculating every step of the way - knowing that one wrong decision, one bad move can be disasterous. So, people need to curb their emotions and their hate and not expect Moscow to act like a reckless cowboy. Like I have always said, politics is a sciance and a form of art - not a family dispute or a street fight. People (Armenians in particular) need to learn to think rationally.
I agree with both your assessments. Even Lebanon & Iraq (immediate Arab neighbors fighting a common enemy) have not openly taken a stand of defending Bashar & Syria. As an Armenian, I would also like to remind us that it was not until couple years back that Syria officially recognized the Genocide, which let us be honest, was mostly a PR move against a foe Turkey & due to so many native Armenians fighting on the side of the Syrian government. But just as recently as of 2010, Bashar was still giving Erdogan hugs during meets.
DeleteAlthough, I also believe that it is inaction, as opposed to one's actions, which leads to karma. Meaning, it's standing idly by while witnessing others' suffering that bring the same sort of suffering to your own doorstep. Remember Bashar laughing & smiling during Gaddafi's 2007 speech during an Arab meet where he warns that today they go after Saddam, tomorrow it will be you & I they will try to topple. I believe the majority of the Arab/Islamic nations' suffering in recent decades is due to lack of response for the half a century of suffering imposed on the Palestinian peoples.
The same can be said for Armenians. Although I was preteen, I do remember the 1999 Yugoslav war quite clearly, & have not a single memory of any adult Armenians bringing up what is being done to the Serbs in any conversations.
Toxic Air in Planes, The Hague Srebrenica, Bitcoin, Our Origins, Kharma - Willem Felderhof
DeleteThe majority of Israeli airstrikes on Syrian territory are not airstrikes... They are using mostly surface-surface tactical missiles.
In the few instances when actual aircraft were used for hitting the Iranians/Syrians/Hezbollah targets, the Israeli aircraft launched their missiles from Israeli or Lebanese airspace.
As you mentioned, the Russians do not interfere with the Israeli missions just like the Israelis don't interfere with the Russian strikes.
It is up to the Syrians to defend their airspace. Until recently they have been very ineffective at it. However, late last year they managed to shoot down a couple of the Israeli surface-surface missiles (probably with BUK-M2 or Pantsir air defence assets) and managed to engage (without shooting it down) an Israeli F-35 over Lebanon with an antiquated S-200 (SA-5).
People tend to forget (if they ever knew) that the Russians have a foot in the very heart of Jerusalem. The so-called 'Russian compound', built between 1860-1864 by the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society to serve the large volume of Russian pilgrims to the Holy City, purchased in the 1960s, save for the Church of the Holy Trinity and another building by the state of Israel and returned to Russia recently (the Sergei Courtyard).
DeleteZoravar and Arevordi,
DeleteThere was the strange case of the Israeli Air Force F-35 stealth aircraft that was damaged, which Tel Aviv attributed to a collision with two storks. Aircraft striking birds is a possibility, and storks are relatively large birds (up to 5 ft. long and 20 lb.), but you know the saying about no coincidences where the stakes are too high, as is the case of the northwestern corner of the Middle East. Were those storks actually S-200s?
2 storks hit F-35, sending stealth jet to garage
More on Bird Strikes:
Israel apparently has 83 F-15, 224 F-16, and 9 F-35 aircraft of various models. I wonder how they would react if they lost an airplane or two to an Iranian missile. The sudden risk of losing expensive aircraft and resource-intensive pilots who require years of training might seriously force Israel to rein in its current mad dog aggressor policy. The IDF already took a blow in morale in 2006, if the IAF is no longer unchallenged in the skies the Jews would really find themselves in a bind.
Also, check out the list of modern aircraft delivered to the Russian Air Force, they have received a serious boost in inventory starting in 2012.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you make of President Serzh Sargsyan's decision to promote Ambassador Armen Sargsyan as a presidential candidate?
Here is what the "refugee"-invader situation has turned the Greek island of Lesbos into. This island once sheltered Armenians and Greeks who survived the genocides inflicted by the Turks.
Several areas in mainland Greece is just as bad. NATO and the EU have turned the country into a transit camp and squatting ground. The Turks have effectively marched a new Army of Islam into the country with millions of military aged males.... It is good, however, that our Greek friends have their priorities straight.
Huge protest in Greece over use of ‘Macedonia’ in name dispute
I'm trying to think up an analogy, the best I could come up with would be Armenians holding protests over traditional Armenian orthography (spelling) versus the Soviet reformed orthography that is used today during a "hot phase" or skirmish at the Line of Contact between Armenia and Azerbaijan.