The Rise of Russia
I would like to dedicate this blog to the reemergence of Russian power and Russo-Armenian relations
We are currently seeing a steady escalation of tensions across the globe. In my opinion, this has to do with the West's attempt to gain global domination before the Russian Federation and China become limiting factors for it. I believe that the political stresses we are currently experiencing will eventually come to a bloody climax within the near future; and all it will take is a single act to set it off. One of my primary intentions of starting this blog about Russia's emergence as a superpower was to inform the reader that the best chance for survival and prosperity for a nation like Armenia lies with closer relations with Moscow and not with Washington or Brussels. And the other reason for this blog is to inform the reader of relevant news developments concerning the Russian Federation because there is a virtual blackout in the USA on real/accurate news regarding it.
However, once one places all the major global hot spots like the Persian Gulf, Caucasus, Central Asia, Middle East, Balkans and South America under a geopolitical microscope one will find that the Russian factor figures prominently within them all. So, as the 'Clintonian' saying goes, albeit with a twist: it's all about Russia, stupid...
We should all thank God that Russia has risen from its ashes and is today seeking to reestablish itself as a global power. And this has come just in the nick of time, just when the evils of the West was beginning to manifest itself within various global theaters. Although the situation is still dangerous today, and will continue being so in the foreseeable future, just imagine the kind of geopolitical situation the world would have found itself in had Russia continued on the course that was artificially set up for it during the Yeltsin years. What would have become of the Caucasus, the Middle East, Central Asia, Persian Gulf, the Balkans?
Although Moscow has been very assertive as of late, in all honesty, I don't think Moscow is ready to directly take on the West as of yet. Their military hardware, although in an accelerated phase of modernization, is still very outdated and it's military infrastructure not yet prepared for a major global conflict. Their financial/economic situation, although awash in petrodollars, is still heavily dependent on the West and their vast holdings of natural resources still untapped. Taking the aforementioned into consideration, I believe that the West is attempting to take Russia's transitional phase as an opportunity to have its way with it - before Russia becomes truly untouchable.
Nevertheless, Russia is being pushed into a corner, there is a very good chance it will fight back sooner than later.
I am not kidding nor am I exaggerating when I say: the existence of a powerful Russian Federation imposing its will within various global theaters will eventually save Western civilization, the nation-state and apostolic Christianity from ultimate destruction.
However, once one places all the major global hot spots like the Persian Gulf, Caucasus, Central Asia, Middle East, Balkans and South America under a geopolitical microscope one will find that the Russian factor figures prominently within them all. So, as the 'Clintonian' saying goes, albeit with a twist: it's all about Russia, stupid...
We should all thank God that Russia has risen from its ashes and is today seeking to reestablish itself as a global power. And this has come just in the nick of time, just when the evils of the West was beginning to manifest itself within various global theaters. Although the situation is still dangerous today, and will continue being so in the foreseeable future, just imagine the kind of geopolitical situation the world would have found itself in had Russia continued on the course that was artificially set up for it during the Yeltsin years. What would have become of the Caucasus, the Middle East, Central Asia, Persian Gulf, the Balkans?
Although Moscow has been very assertive as of late, in all honesty, I don't think Moscow is ready to directly take on the West as of yet. Their military hardware, although in an accelerated phase of modernization, is still very outdated and it's military infrastructure not yet prepared for a major global conflict. Their financial/economic situation, although awash in petrodollars, is still heavily dependent on the West and their vast holdings of natural resources still untapped. Taking the aforementioned into consideration, I believe that the West is attempting to take Russia's transitional phase as an opportunity to have its way with it - before Russia becomes truly untouchable.
Nevertheless, Russia is being pushed into a corner, there is a very good chance it will fight back sooner than later.
I am not kidding nor am I exaggerating when I say: the existence of a powerful Russian Federation imposing its will within various global theaters will eventually save Western civilization, the nation-state and apostolic Christianity from ultimate destruction.
I believe we need to better assess the geopolitical picture emerging as a result of Russia's resurgence in recent years. The rise of Russian power is absolutely essential in that it is the only geopolitical force on earth today that can potentially play a fundamental role in curbing the spread of pan-Turkism, Zionism, Sunni Arab fundamentalism, the American empire and Western Globalism. A powerful Russia imposing its will on the world stage is also essential for the long-term survival of smaller more vulnerable nations such as Serbia, Armenia, Syria, Venezuela and Iran. Simply put, we need a powerful Russian Federation acting as a counterbalance to the combined geopolitical weight of the US and its regional allies.
What Vladimir Putin and his supporters in the Kremlin managed to accomplish during the past several years was in my opinion one of history's most crucial turning points. I believe that Putin will someday be ranked amongst the world's greatest rulers. Interestingly, China, Iran, Venezuela, India, Syria, Belarus and Armenia have also begun to play vital roles within the strategic formulations of Moscow. Are we observing the development of a new unique geopolitical alliance between these nations? Perhaps, only time will tell. Nonetheless, although there are some issues to be resolved, Russo-Armenian relations in particular seem to be developing quite well.
Anti-Russian propaganda in the West has been so thorough, so successful, that ethnic Russians today are actually blamed for all the evils and excesses of Bolshevism/Communism. The reality of the matter is that Bolshevism was purely a Jewish led movement that first gained momentum in Western Europe and was later transferred to a vulnerable Russian Empire by the Western political/financial elite with the primary intention of destroying Czarist rule.
Vast majority of the Bolshevik leadership were of non-Russian decent. They were mostly Jews, many of whom were not even Russian born. Comparatively speaking, under Bolshevism the Russian nation suffered by-far the most. Russians lost their empire. Russia's political aristocracy lost their power and in most cases their lives as well. The great wealth of the Russian Empire was essentially looted by Bolsheviks and Western powers. The Russian Orthodox Church was utterly decimated, its holdings confiscated, its treasures stolen, its clergy massacred in the thousands. Russia's Czarist intelligencia and military leadership was totally decimated. Various Russian institutions were fully eradicated. Russia also lost territories under Bolshevik rule. Many millions are said to have died in Russia and in the Ukraine during the 1930s as a result of the Bolshevik revolution and the sociopolitical chaos that it brought.
Thus, blaming ethnic Russians for the evils brought upon by Bolshevism is similar to blaming the hapless rape victim for their plight.
By a stark contrast, despite all its evils, Bolshevism saved the Armenian nation from extinction at the hands of Turks and helped Armenians to eventually create a modern republic. The fact remains, had it not been for the Bolsheviks the Armenian nation could not have lasted very long in the blood soaked Caucasus region.
At the start of the First World War in 1914, Yerevan was a little dusty town who's population was predominantly Muslim (Azeri Turks and Persians). By the end of the First World War in 1918, most of the Muslims were gone but all of Armenia was by now a desolate wasteland with a population perhaps under one million, half of whom were starved and disease stricken genocide survivors. Therefore, it was natural and quite inevitable that the authorities in Armenia at the time realizing their hopeless situation would relinquished their rule to the lesser of the two evils knocking at the door in 1920. Under Bolshevism Armenians were able to eventually transform Yerevan from a little backward town into a modern metropolis. Of course Bolsheviks were also responsible for giving away historic Armenian lands to Turkey and Azerbaijan, but that's another story.
Relatively speaking, for a small nation like Armenia, numbering perhaps less than a million inhabitants at the time, Armenians had more representation within the Bolshevik leadership than ethnic Russians. The Soviet Union began to take on a 'Russian' flavor only as an unintended consequence of Stalin's political purges which primarily impacted the Jewish rank and file, and also as a result of the patriotic fervor brought upon ethnic Slavs by the onset of the Second World War.
I have been closely following Russia's comeback since Vladimir Putin rose to power in Y2K. During Russia's rapid rise out of Yeltsin's Western inspired hellhole, the Western news media all but ignored Russia, seldom would one find an article on Russia unless there was some major occurrence that warranted some coverage. This abruptly changed once Moscow decided it would have to kick-the-shit out of Washington's pathetic little street whore in Tbilisi in 2008. Ever since the August 2008 Russian-Georgian war, and especially after the onset of the economic crisis in the West, not a week passes without one of the major news media outlets in America featuring a negative news report on Russia. They are doing this simply to form/shape/condition/manipulate public opinion. Despite what they are trying to sell the sheeple via the controlled news press in the West, Russia today has the potential for becoming 'the' global leader of the 21st century. In my opinion, Moscow will manage to do this within the next several decades. The secret to their global success relies on four fundamental geostrategic factors noted below:
1) Military deterrence
2) Development of good relations with China
3) Protection and efficient utilization of their vast natural resources
4) Establishment of friendly buffer states
During the past several years all four factors mentioned above have been moving in a forward direction with great speed except for number 4. While the Caucasus and eastern Asia have been secured by Moscow by a series of diplomatic, economic and military actions, the establishment of Russia-friendly states in Central Asia and Eastern Europe, however, has proven to be a bit difficult; but not impossible. Ukraine in Europe and Kazakhstan in Central Asia play key roles in this equation and both nations are being worked on diligently by Moscow. The West knows this well. Thus, their panic, especially now that they are economically and militarily weakened. This is also the reason why the West is currently placing its emphasis and hopes on key Eastern European and Central Asian nations. Despite the global economic woes, we need to keep you eyes on Russia.
I firmly believe that Western civilization, traditional Christianity and geopolitical sanity on earth will have been preserved as a result of the sudden emergence of the Russian Federation as a superpower asserting itself in global politics. I also hope that the presence of a powerful Russia will somehow encourage the people of the United States to search for their lost credibility. Nonetheless, I dare the well informed reader to imagine the geopolitical state of Eurasia today without the Russian Federation. In my opinion, the Russian resurgence has been God sent and Putin is a modern day messiah.
This blog is intended to be a depository of news, political analysis and commentary pertaining to Russia and Eurasian geopolitics, as I see it. It can also serve as an alternative source for Eurasian news. The reader will find the chronologically organized materials here to be very useful in understanding and reconstructing political events that have occurred within the region in question during the past several years as well as understanding the greater context within which they have occurred. I will periodically update this blog with relevant new articles, video presentations and geopolitical essays. And when appropriate, I will make relevant commentaries.
What Vladimir Putin and his supporters in the Kremlin managed to accomplish during the past several years was in my opinion one of history's most crucial turning points. I believe that Putin will someday be ranked amongst the world's greatest rulers. Interestingly, China, Iran, Venezuela, India, Syria, Belarus and Armenia have also begun to play vital roles within the strategic formulations of Moscow. Are we observing the development of a new unique geopolitical alliance between these nations? Perhaps, only time will tell. Nonetheless, although there are some issues to be resolved, Russo-Armenian relations in particular seem to be developing quite well.
Anti-Russian propaganda in the West has been so thorough, so successful, that ethnic Russians today are actually blamed for all the evils and excesses of Bolshevism/Communism. The reality of the matter is that Bolshevism was purely a Jewish led movement that first gained momentum in Western Europe and was later transferred to a vulnerable Russian Empire by the Western political/financial elite with the primary intention of destroying Czarist rule.
Vast majority of the Bolshevik leadership were of non-Russian decent. They were mostly Jews, many of whom were not even Russian born. Comparatively speaking, under Bolshevism the Russian nation suffered by-far the most. Russians lost their empire. Russia's political aristocracy lost their power and in most cases their lives as well. The great wealth of the Russian Empire was essentially looted by Bolsheviks and Western powers. The Russian Orthodox Church was utterly decimated, its holdings confiscated, its treasures stolen, its clergy massacred in the thousands. Russia's Czarist intelligencia and military leadership was totally decimated. Various Russian institutions were fully eradicated. Russia also lost territories under Bolshevik rule. Many millions are said to have died in Russia and in the Ukraine during the 1930s as a result of the Bolshevik revolution and the sociopolitical chaos that it brought.
Thus, blaming ethnic Russians for the evils brought upon by Bolshevism is similar to blaming the hapless rape victim for their plight.
By a stark contrast, despite all its evils, Bolshevism saved the Armenian nation from extinction at the hands of Turks and helped Armenians to eventually create a modern republic. The fact remains, had it not been for the Bolsheviks the Armenian nation could not have lasted very long in the blood soaked Caucasus region.
At the start of the First World War in 1914, Yerevan was a little dusty town who's population was predominantly Muslim (Azeri Turks and Persians). By the end of the First World War in 1918, most of the Muslims were gone but all of Armenia was by now a desolate wasteland with a population perhaps under one million, half of whom were starved and disease stricken genocide survivors. Therefore, it was natural and quite inevitable that the authorities in Armenia at the time realizing their hopeless situation would relinquished their rule to the lesser of the two evils knocking at the door in 1920. Under Bolshevism Armenians were able to eventually transform Yerevan from a little backward town into a modern metropolis. Of course Bolsheviks were also responsible for giving away historic Armenian lands to Turkey and Azerbaijan, but that's another story.
Relatively speaking, for a small nation like Armenia, numbering perhaps less than a million inhabitants at the time, Armenians had more representation within the Bolshevik leadership than ethnic Russians. The Soviet Union began to take on a 'Russian' flavor only as an unintended consequence of Stalin's political purges which primarily impacted the Jewish rank and file, and also as a result of the patriotic fervor brought upon ethnic Slavs by the onset of the Second World War.
I have been closely following Russia's comeback since Vladimir Putin rose to power in Y2K. During Russia's rapid rise out of Yeltsin's Western inspired hellhole, the Western news media all but ignored Russia, seldom would one find an article on Russia unless there was some major occurrence that warranted some coverage. This abruptly changed once Moscow decided it would have to kick-the-shit out of Washington's pathetic little street whore in Tbilisi in 2008. Ever since the August 2008 Russian-Georgian war, and especially after the onset of the economic crisis in the West, not a week passes without one of the major news media outlets in America featuring a negative news report on Russia. They are doing this simply to form/shape/condition/manipulate public opinion. Despite what they are trying to sell the sheeple via the controlled news press in the West, Russia today has the potential for becoming 'the' global leader of the 21st century. In my opinion, Moscow will manage to do this within the next several decades. The secret to their global success relies on four fundamental geostrategic factors noted below:
1) Military deterrence
2) Development of good relations with China
3) Protection and efficient utilization of their vast natural resources
4) Establishment of friendly buffer states
During the past several years all four factors mentioned above have been moving in a forward direction with great speed except for number 4. While the Caucasus and eastern Asia have been secured by Moscow by a series of diplomatic, economic and military actions, the establishment of Russia-friendly states in Central Asia and Eastern Europe, however, has proven to be a bit difficult; but not impossible. Ukraine in Europe and Kazakhstan in Central Asia play key roles in this equation and both nations are being worked on diligently by Moscow. The West knows this well. Thus, their panic, especially now that they are economically and militarily weakened. This is also the reason why the West is currently placing its emphasis and hopes on key Eastern European and Central Asian nations. Despite the global economic woes, we need to keep you eyes on Russia.
I firmly believe that Western civilization, traditional Christianity and geopolitical sanity on earth will have been preserved as a result of the sudden emergence of the Russian Federation as a superpower asserting itself in global politics. I also hope that the presence of a powerful Russia will somehow encourage the people of the United States to search for their lost credibility. Nonetheless, I dare the well informed reader to imagine the geopolitical state of Eurasia today without the Russian Federation. In my opinion, the Russian resurgence has been God sent and Putin is a modern day messiah.
This blog is intended to be a depository of news, political analysis and commentary pertaining to Russia and Eurasian geopolitics, as I see it. It can also serve as an alternative source for Eurasian news. The reader will find the chronologically organized materials here to be very useful in understanding and reconstructing political events that have occurred within the region in question during the past several years as well as understanding the greater context within which they have occurred. I will periodically update this blog with relevant new articles, video presentations and geopolitical essays. And when appropriate, I will make relevant commentaries.
Arevordi, 2007
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Dear reader,
New blog commentaries will henceforth be posted on an irregular basis. The comment board however will continue to be moderated on a regular basis. You are therefore welcome to post your comments and ideas.
I have come to see the Russian nation as the last front on earth against the scourges of Westernization, Americanization, Globalism, Zionism, Islamic extremism and pan-Turkism. I have also come to see Russia as the last hope humanity has for the preservation of classical western/European civilization, ethnic cultures, Apostolic Christianity and the concept of traditional nation-state. Needless to say, an alliance with Russia is Armenia's only hope for survival in a dangerous place like the south Caucasus. These sobering realizations compelled me to create this blog in 2010. This blog quickly became one of the very few voices in the vastness of Cyberia that dared to preach about the dangers of Globalism and the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance, and the only voice emphasizing the crucial importance of Armenia's close ties to the Russian nation. Today, no man and no political party is capable of driving a wedge between Armenia and Russia. Anglo-American-Jewish and Turkish agenda in Armenia will not succeed. I feel satisfied knowing that at least on a subatomic level I have had a hand in this outcome.
To limit clutter in the comments section, I kindly ask all participants of this blog to please keep comments coherent and strictly relevant to the featured topic of discussion. Moreover, please realize that when there are several "anonymous" visitors posting comments simultaneously, it becomes very confusing (not to mention annoying) trying to figure out who is who and who said what. Therefore, if you are here to engage in conversation, make an observation, express an idea or simply insult me, I ask you to at least use a moniker to identify yourself. Moreover, please appreciate the fact that I have put an enormous amount of information into this blog. In my opinion, most of my blog commentaries and articles, some going back ten-plus years, are in varying degrees relevant to this day and will remain so for a long time to come. Commentaries and articles found in this blog can therefore be revisited by longtime readers and new comers alike. I therefore ask the reader to treat this blog as a historical record and a depository of important information relating to Eurasian geopolitics, Russian-Armenian relations and humanity's historic fight against the evils of Globalism and Westernization.
Thank you as always for reading.